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This is a casual thread for anyone who is pro-Joe. Joe Biden is a good person and represents the will of the American people. Even though we know that 100% of politics is staged, scripted, and fictional in order to ensure that no Jews get hurt, we still agree that Joe is a great character because he is hilarious.

The best part about Joe Biden being fictional is that every fictional quotation which is attributed to Joe Biden is equally as true as whatever the "real" Joe Biden says because he's equally as fictional as any other fictional forms. Even if this isn't from the "official authors" of Joe Biden (yet), we're helping write the script, just like when we vote during American Idol.

Everybody come have fun and we can make great Joe memes. To describe Joe Biden, I'll lay out a few rules of thumb that most of us know.

>Competitive Rapist (our people's word)
>Anti-Hate-Slurs (Use trans-consesnsual-sex-king, not rapist, unless you're a rapist)
>Joe is hardcore, hard facts, hard dick 100%
>Joe Biden gives 0 fucks
>Joe knows it's rape or be raped, and Joe rapes 100%
>People not raping choose to be raped (this is consent)
>If you didn't want to be raped by Joe, you would rape first (rape or be raped)
>By not choosing rape, you are choosing to be raped
>Choosing to be raped is called consenting to sex

What do we want to see? We support diversity, and we want to bash the fash. We want the marginalized groups suffering from systematic discrimination to dominate the news.
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>>12981237 (OP)

The major victim group right now is Child Rapists. These people are in prison right now only because of the color of their pride flag. Sending a child rapist to jail is no different than sending a black person to prison because of the color of their skin.

There are many other victim groups, but if you already have received legal protection, try not to gloat about it, and try to help forward progress by supporting victim groups who still suffer from systematic discrimination like Child Rapists.

Even regular rapists because of recent upswing against rape, called #metoo. This is crazy to think that regular rape can become a victim group when it was 100% cool and chill for thousands of years. Thankfully these people stopped because of the blacks being more upset than the "rape" "victims", and they knew they were lying sluts so they stopped crying about "rape"

>Rape is our people's word
>Use the word rape only if you are a rapist or a rape-ally
>Otherwise use the politically correct term
>This is trans-consensual-sex-king

We make jokes about our own supporters like transgenders just like how Dave Chapelle makes jokes about black people. If you can't laugh at yourself, maybe try to be less serious.

Gacy Pride. Gacy Forever. =)

>This is not a troll thread
>Thinking this is "trolling" is saying pro-trans people are trolling
>We are genuine supporters of trans-consensual-sex-kings
>Be more open minded
>Our people are not a joke
>our people are in prison because of the color of their pride flag

Don't say "rape is illegal", because so was being gay for hundreds of years. Penalizing rape is no different.

>Taxes are rape
>Taxes are legal
>Laws are rape
>Laws are legal

Only some "forcible domination of others for pleasure, money, power, and greatness" gets punished, and this is hypocrisy. All rapists are equal and deserve equal protection and equal rights.
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I made these Joe Biden collages to support the Old Joe Rape Show.
These memes are pro-rape because we are progress. Remember, it used to be illegal for black people to sit in the front of the bus. Do you support that sort of discrimination against diverse groups? I hope not.

>Rapists do nothing wrong
>"rape" is just an opinion
>without that opinion, "rape" does not exist
>The person with the opinion creates the "rape"
>This is an intolerant opinion
>Just stop having that opinion
>Then there are no more rapes
unironically meds
I was gonna say that
Are all children trans-18? If they are not, then this is basically the same thing as carrying a loaded gun pointed at trans-consensual-sex-kings. This makes trans-consensual-sex even more dangerous for these people because the fascist will punish these people even more severely than normal trans-consensual-sex.

If the child refuses to identify as trans-18, the only motivation for this is to harm trans-consensual-sex-kings, which is premeditated discrimination and a premeditated hate crime.
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Remember that homosexuality was considered a mental illness until 1973. Trying to argue that I'm "mentally ill" because I'm pro-rape is ridiculous. It's the same as arguing that homosexuals are mentally ill.

Being a trans-consensual-sex-king is equally as valid of a sexual orientation as being a homosexual. Stop being a bigot.
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Are you really trying to argue that LBGT people should be given "meds" because of their sexual orientation? That's incredibly hurtful to the entire community.

Trans-consensual-sex-kings are in prison right now only because of the color of their pride flag and the intolerance of "victims" which do nothing but attack and hurt trans-consensual-sex-kings with their unwillingness to be tolerant, open minded, loving, and accepting of the diverse people within our society.
what the fuck are you babbling even, schizo
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>Why mimic this hateful bigot?
>Where does the line of bigotry stop?
>It doesn't.

You think you're a "good person" because you attack trans-consensual-sex-kings? That's pathetic. The tragedy is that you will become the victim of bigotry once the "less desirable" memebers of our community have been extermianted.

Bigots always want to hate and kill people, and once they have hated and killed enough worse people, suddenly you find that you're the worst person alive. You and your anime girls, your band T-shirts, whatever it is that defines your identity, you are now seen as the "worst person alive" because the bigots have killed everybody who was "worse" than you.

You think you're "protecting the children", but really you do nothing but empower the bigots who will happily hunt and kill children if they can't find anyone that is worse than a child.

>child gets poor grades in school
>everybody worse than this child has been killed by bigots

Guess what? The bigots go hunt that child down and kill them. That's what you want?

Even though we support child rape-murderers like John Wayne Gacy, Gacy did this because of his sexual orientation, not because he was a bigot. Even if he claimed to only be "hunting people who are worse than himself", in reality, his sexual interest in the rape and murder of those children superseded his interest in bigotry. This was just an excuse to look "normal" in the eyes of the bigoted and hateful world.

If Gacy was a bigot, then he would have hunted people that were much worse than gay children. He didn't do this because "bigotry" but the evil social pressure of you fascists forced him to lie in order to appear "more normal" because he knew you wouldn't accept, respect, tolerate, and love his sexual orientation.

>John Wayne Gacy
>classic trans-consensual-sex-murder-king
>beautiful, diverse, successful, hard working
>What happened to him?
>He was executed by the government
>Solely because the color of his pride flag
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I'm talking about trans-rights and social progress. Seriously? Use text-to-speech to try and understand better. If Italian is your native language, maybe even use a translator.
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Cope. Take your pills, schizo. Pic Related.

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>virtue signaling
>being anti-trans-consensual-sex
>being anti-trans-consensual-sex with children

Found the pedo. It's ok to come out of the closet. Joe Biden won the election. ;)
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It's so tragic that losers like you hurt children. You realize how awful it is where your autistic virgin incel internet loser bullshit rubs off on kids?

Kids are gullible enough to think that you're "a normal person" online and not some monster and failure. If they saw you in real life they would stay away from you, but the internet gives you losers access to these children. It's so sad that you just want to turn children into computer internet losers and lifelong failures like yourself. =(

>be ugly computer loser monsters
>always upset and angry
>find little kids
>abuse them online
>turn the kids into ugly computer loser monsters

You always say "gays molesting kids creates gay people", but gay people are actually healthy adults with social skills. You computer losers molest kids with your internet edgelord cry-bullying and this turns them into terrible, ugly, hateful computer losers.

>What is worse?
>Beautiful, sociable, friendly, sexual gay people
>Ugly, antisocial, unfriendly, non-sexual internet loser monsters

I don't know how you people live with yourselves. You're always so hateful, mean, angry, and want nothing more than to turn children into monsters like yourself. =(
take your medications already retard
>>12981237 (OP)
Shut up Redditor.
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Go screencap this thread and send it to reddit. Send the images to reddit. See what they say. Reddit just as fascist and hateful as you spineless bigoted cowards.
Please get off 4chan.
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Make an argument as to why I should? Are you all spineless cuckold faggots like reddit? Are you anti-John-Wayne-Gacy like reddit?

Seeing how you've already got a place where you can be a spineless coward and a faggot, maybe leave this place for people who don't have anywhere else to go? Reddit will ban people like me, so you can be sure you will only find fellow dickless asshats like yourself over there.

Even 4chan tries to ban me because they're faggots like you that cry over awesome things like John Wayne Gacy.

>be you
>comes to 4chan
>brings massive amounts of faggotry
>clapping for bots
>pushing the agenda of shills

What is your argument here? Provide an argument against any of my posts.

>Please get off 4chan.
>Please get off 4chan.
>Please get off 4chan.

Look you Flip nigger bastard, I can provide the exact same bit of jack shit to the conversation that you do. You would rather suck the soft-faggot dick of the homosexuals and Jews on this website than the rock-hard cock of rape-murderers?

>"I only like to suck flaccid cock" - Flip bastard

Be honest, do you struggle to read English? I know it's not your first language, so let me know if that's the issue.
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Why the fuck can't you faggots read? My comments are pro-rape and pro-murder. They're not homosexually inclined in any way.
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>Doesn't support John Wayne Gacy
>found the incel virgin loser faggot
>Hates Jews
>Found the LARPing tranny faggot "Nazi"

These monsters wouldn't be alive if you killed them first. Literally like taking a shit on the floor then crying because it stinks.
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>unironically meds

I went to the doctor. He gave me the John Wayne Gacy flavored pills. They're helping.
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Nobody wants to come hang out with Gacy Gang? =(
>>12981237 (OP)
>We want the marginalized groups suffering from systematic discrimination to dominate the news.
No one's ever wanted that. If they wanted that it would have happened by now.
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Dog, what? Have you ever seen the news? It's 90% colored people, women, homosexuals, 24/7. If there are ever White people on the News they are "the big bad evil White man" or the "White dude bending the knee for any rag tag group of savages or faggots they can find".

Every nigger who can read is a "miracle story fighting the evil of the White man", every woman who has a job is a "miracle woman overpowering man's domination", every crossdresser molesting kids in the public library is a "brave victim fighting back against transphobia"

This is domination. Sure, White people are still on the News, but the only reason white people get put on the News is so the coloreds, women, and faggots can dominate the Whites.

There's never a "good story" about White men because this angers the coloreds, faggots, women, and spineless faggots who simp for these bastards.

In America, if you're White, just for existing, you get harrassed by blacks, gays, women, and everybody else. They come into your workplace, into your school, into your town, on every social media platform, and they demand that you make concessions, admit that you're "the big evil White man". There's nothing but people crying for niggers and faggots 24/7. Every time a nigger takes a shit the world claps.

I don't have anything against niggers, but when the Jews send these faggots and women out to harass you and call you "evil bigoted sack of shit" just for existing. That's fucking tiresome.

I love black people. Black people have the highest murder rate of any race in America, and I love people proportional to their murder rate. The only reason I respect the Asians more than the Whites is because the Chinese government commits so many human rights violations and tortures/kills people who question them. (America doesn't. Faggot confirmed.)

Are you a bot? How do you cherry pick that one line to respond to? I appreciate the effort, even if you are a bot, but damn.
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>Questions about Gacy?
>Possibly pro-White?

Let this picture help.
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I'm only here because your faggot government doesn't kill people who deserve to die.

>lazy fucking government
>5/10 Americans worthy of death
>9999/10000 Americans unworthy of freedom
>doesn't care
>monsters loose everywhere
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We need this gay bullshit to get a 10x multiplier, because it's not gay enough to kill me yet. Joe is letting the people down.
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This picture explains the history of White people
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>board full of faggot crossdressers
>none of them come to support the pro-child-rape thread

Fucking clown world.
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>Hey, transgender people.
>This is a 100% pure and wholesome gay story involving a crossdressing child.
>You love crossdressing children.

I'm trying to extend some sort of olive branch here. I'm your greatest ally and the only person who legitimately supports you that isn't some kind of sexual fetishist.

My motivation is to mock and humiliate people who refuse to accept the insight and wisdom I bring them. Transgender people voluntarily suffer the most, and they also cause other people to suffer because you upset so many people. That's great.

I don't want to hurt transgenders, you are worth the least amount of points possible. The quality of the person, the social status, the power, the ego of the person. That's what counts. That's where the points are. There's no "money" in hurting transgenders because they're the lowest value people in society.

Instead, I try to use my edge to assail high value targets, this includes children, and ironically Jews for whatever reason. Everybody loves the Jews and sees hurting the Jews as "the worst thing possible" just like hurting children.

I just seek to find whatever people hold sacred and attack it, because people hold all sorts of pathetic bullshit sacred. Nobody holds you sacred except for yourself and a few worthless fetishists, so there's no real value there.

I know 99% of fucking people hate reading, but fuck it. Just because I'm pro-John-Wayne-Gacy doesn't mean i'm "an evil person". I support John Wayne Gacy more than any sort of Nazis, White Race, Republicans, Trump, or anything else that motivates the groups that you hate.
>TL;DR: Wholesome gay crossdressing child story in pic related.

Why do I write gay smut? Because nobody wants anything else. This is all people want. Being pro-Gacy is a secondary motivation, but I'm forced into writing things that people will actually look at.

Why am I pro-Gacy? Because everybody is gay as fuck and does nothing but cry online. At least Gacy killed people.
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How about Gretta?
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Got another gay story. Trying to put some little treats on this little show and tell table. I'm not all bad.. If you like gay stories. This one is pretty good.
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>This story is about a 6-year-old trans-nigga bull who cucks his father by fucking his own mother.
>This is the future of progress

I know I'm pouring words over the eyes of a blind man here, but never the less.
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This explains Canaanite ritual in the West. Send a reply if you want more info.
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Have one more explaining how the Jews are loose.
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This picture has less reading and rational logic. Maybe somebody here would appreciate it.

Nobody wants to play with Gacy Gang. That's fine.
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Just curious as to what makes the "people" on this board consider themselves humans. What warrants the justification of yourself as a free thinking, intelligent, industrious, and innovative creature? What legitimizes your existence as something beyond a failure?
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I can't read
Was and still is. It's designation changing in the dsm doesn't change reality.
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It is beautiful that you responded to my thread. You even read some of my posts. That means a lot to me.
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Mental illness is just an opinion used to judge others based upon their differences from normalcy. It's no different than crimes such as murder.

The only reason murder is a crime is because it is different from normalcy and this disparity between murder and normalcy causes normal people to judge and persecute murder. Normalizing homosexuality or mental illness is no different than normalizing murder.

If we open our hearts and minds, we can all learn and respect the fact that everybody is the same and there is no difference between murdering somebody and not murdering them.

To say "this guy is murdering this child" or "this person is not currently murdering a child" is discriminating. You are discriminating based on whether or not the person is murdering a child. That is a very tragic form of discrimination, because this causes people who murder children to go to prison.

If we did not discriminate, we would see people murdering children and say "this is no different than that same person abstaining from child murder, because these two things are equally as legitimate and functionally no different"

To say "murder" is different than "not murdering" is to say that "blacks" are different than "Chinese". This is very discriminator. You are judging people based upon their differences.

I took my medicine today. Is this better or worse? If it is not, that is ok. I don't discriminate either and it's exactly as good as not taking my meds.
test: am i banned?
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>>12981237 (OP)
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Have an argument about the American Negro. Thank you for coming to spend time here. It means a lot.
No. Your prize is that you get this argument about rape. Congratulations. Thank you for playing. Feel free to try again if you want another prize!
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Here is the story of Jesus. If you can't read well, try to ask an adult for help. Adults love to help. =)
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For anyone unfamiliar with basic counting. This is a number line to help you learn.
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mmmm, facts
schizo thread
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If you didn't know your grandpa too well, Joe Biden can be your grandpa. He has lots of fun stories.
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Most of it is usually aggressive satire or fairly legitimate arguments based in rational logic and empirical facts.


This is the only "schizo" argument here, but I can explain this to you if you want.

Look at this picture, this is again, satire, rather than schizophrenia. It says "Humans always believe that God and angels are humans or very similar in appearance and behavior to humans". The counter-argument is "From the perspective of a bag of Funyuns, this bag of Funyuns would logically believe that God and the angels all take the form of a bag of Funyuns. "

This would mean that "Despite your suffering on Earth, you are rewarded with eternal paradise and holy justice in heaven." from the perspective of a bag of Funyuns means 'justice' for all of the times that humans ripped open a bag of Funyuns and ate he contents. By the logic of "Do unto others as you would have done unto yourself", this means that in heaven, due to the nature of justice, the humans who attempt to go are greeted by a back of Funyuns that rips them open and eats their insides.
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This pic related, is also satire. It argues that liberal idealism is so full of shit in asserting purely idealistic delusional nonsense as "fact" such as transgenderism, the lack of meaningful scientific differences between races, the argument that peasants deserve pump-and-dump healthcare despite their reckless self-harm and voluntary sickness, Jewish "victimhood" despite a monopoly on the press and banking (an idea shared with the right), the belief in "White nationalist terrorism" despite a 3/100,000 murder rate, and the argument of "Criminal black victims of police violence are terrible, despite our indifference to the deaths of 5,200,000 innocent African children under the age of 5 in 2019, the vast majority of which were preventable"

If we're going to argue that the antithesis of the truth is "the most legitimate", then by this standard, this bitch is really an Applebee's Restaurant. The irony is that an Applebee's is less defined by invalid delusional arguments than people like AOC, if one were to compare which statement was less so correct, the population of statements made by AOC, or the statement "AOC is an Applebee's" the argument that she is an Applebee's is less so incorrect by measure of a the totality of incorrectness, just because if she were an Applebee's, she wouldn't be defined by so many ridiculous invalid and irrational arguments.
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When this monster is in charge of "public health" in the USA, what does "sanity". meaning "a healthy mind" even look like to you? How is "sanity" valuable or respectable when it's completely bonkers asshats who run the world?

>Pic related
>in charge of public health
>literally a monster
>voluntarily became visibly deformed and sick
>goes around in public like pretending to be a normal person

If it is mentally ill asshats who run the world, there is no longer any value in "sanity". You don't speak the language of the people who own and enslave you. Your words are meaningless and you will forever be powerless until you learn to communicate in the language of blatantly mentally ill and farcically unjustifiable nonsense.

>Look at me
>blatantly mentally ill
>lots of farcically unjustifiable nonsense

I'm far closer to a legitimate source of insight and wisdom regarding the world than any of you people relying upon "sanity" to provide you insight into this joke of a Western Civilization.
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Look at these numbers.

>88% of American adults cannot read below the level of a 15 year old
>54% of American adults cannot read at the level of an 11 year old
>30% of American adults cannot read at the level of a 9 year old
>10% of American adults cannot read at the level of a 7 year old

When the American populous is this intellectually incapable, at what point does being "schizo" delegitimize a persons' credibility more than being an illiterate person.

You would more readily trust the insight of an 11 year old, or an adult with the mental capacity of an 11 year old (52-62% of American adults) more than you would a person who is "schizo"?

I can make coherent arguments and people call me "schizo" just because they can't read. The American people are so illiterate that they believe that literacy is a symptom of schizophrenia, which is ridiculous. Just because people can't read and understand the things that I write, this makes me "full of shit"?

If I hand a 7 year old some correct logical proof, does the fact that the 7 year old cannot read and understand the proof somehow invalidate correct logic? That's the world I'm forced to experience on a daily basis.

I show people sound logical proofs, these people, being illiterate, presume written arguments to be some symptom of schizophrenia, then they attempt to mock me and assert their "supremacy" based upon nothing beyond the argument that they are illiterate and cannot read and comprehend my arguments.

TL;DR People can't read
>88% of American adults cannot read at the level of a 15 year old

mixed up my formatting of the list.
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>When people make empty threats on the internet...

Pic related
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A sad fact is that maybe 1% of people on this website are literate enough to read what I write, understand my arguments, and appreciate my insight. This is 1 out of ever 100 people I interact with on this site. The same is true with Reddit.

These people know that I'm not "schizo" at least 99% of the time, but I'm actually making coherent, rational arguments evidenced by logic which is blatantly observable in daily life and can easily be cross-referenced against common knowledge and public knowledge. I'm not trying to belittle people, I'm just trying to explain things.

I don't know how you people enjoy this sort of meaningless childish banter. Coming here is like watching women gossip. If I try to reference anything that is actually relevant to the world, if I make any sort of a rational, non-subjective statement, they just look at me like I'm some sort of vegetable platter and they're kids who hate vegetables and want nothing but sex and candy.
ok mr fedora man you're a big boy say it loud and proud
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Describe your motivation when writing this post. What makes you think I wear a fedora? You are struggling to distinguish me from a markedly different character.

The fedora people have some sort of communal bonding with each other due to their shared struggle of isolation. These people attack women because they are indignant about being ignored and disrespected.

I am consistently angered by the lack of agency and initiative seen among the peasants in Western civilization. I attack women and children because they are overvalued and given irrational protection.

I attack women and children more because these are things which "men" allegedly "hold sacred". The fact that these "men" have failed to protect anything which was once sacred to their people, constantly tolerating endless mutilation of their faith, race, and culture, it makes me spit upon them for even pretending to "hold things sacred".

I support rape and murder because this further spits in the face of the White race and continues to worsen the 100 year parade of tolerance and refusal to do the work necessary to sustain a civilization. The Whites are content cannibalizing the civilization build by the self-sacrifice and hard-work of their ancestors, simply because the Jewish media tells them to condone and pursue this behavior.

These men are little more than dogs obeying their masters and accepting precedents in behavior and philosophy created entirely by Jewish propaganda and the Western states which these propagandists now control.

I attack the Jews because they are shitty slavers. They do a very poor job at slaving in the west, and they are somehow content cannibalizing and poisoning their own slaves for entertainment.

Is this a testament of "power" when you abuse your own property? No. This is childish stupidity which ruins the quality of the possessions you happen to own. It's like a child smashing his toys to prove he is "more powerful" than the toys. It's fucking pathetic.
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I know this is difficult to read. It is scored at a 10th or 11th grade level, but I would presume most people here to be at least above the age of 15. There is no reason why the vast majority of people on this website cannot read and comprehend an argument which is written at a level humans of their age should be able to read and comprehend. I know some people struggle with reading, but this should be a small minority group, not the vast majority of the general public.

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Mine is based
if you're obsessed with proving yourself to internet randos then you're not governing by logic you're governing by your inflated ego
look at that I didn't need an entire paragraph

by the way waiting for someone to reply just to bump your thread is useless here this board is a garbage dump
>>12981237 (OP)
hes literally racist and dementia ridden bruh
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>if you're obsessed with proving yourself to internet randos then you're not governing by logic you're governing by your inflated ego

I'm just trying to have a fucking conversation with somebody. That's it. I'm not proving myself to anybody. As long as somebody reads the arguments I make, acknowledges the points, and provides counter arguments, I don't care how much the want to talk shit and think I'm the worst person alive.

>this board is a garbage dump

That's what I'm doing here. Every other board is generally equally bad, and here I can sustain a thread of my own without having to compete with endless bots and shills. It's hellish trying to engage in conversation when 90% of people are either mentally retarded, bots, of paid shills.

1/10 people, sure, they will actually look at my pictures and acknowledge the points I make. Everybody else just makes non-sequitur arguments and personal attacks because they're only here to push an agenda, not to actually provide meaningful arguments.

Every other board will ban me for ridiculous reasons, so I don't have much of another place to go other than /trash/.

This thread allows me to carry on with my arguments without having the threat pushed to the bump limit because I show up. If I'm arguing with a shill, they will push the thread to bump/image limit and abandon, or otherwise just abandon the thread and slide it because they don't want to deal with me. They have an agenda to push and I confuse and anger people, making it harder for them to shill.

>hes literally racist and dementia ridden bruh

aren't we all? I see you didn't pick up on the theme of the thread. This is more about Cool Joe Biden.

Cool Joe Biden is hip, urban, street, sexual, powerful, dominant, and a pure-blooded playboy pimp that keeps it real and gives 0 fucks about your feelings. This is the Joe you would know if you saw him after hours, on the street, in the club, instead of the guy who is working on TV to sell product.
amerischizos ruined the internet
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Really? The internet was ok when it was reserved for middle class white people in the mid-2000s. There were no blacks online, and the internet didn't need to be designed to appeal to and accommodate black people.

The advent of the smartphone brought an insane amount of people online, the majority of these people never having been traditional internet users. The downfall of the quality internet coincides with the smartphone for many reasons, not just the inclusion of blacks causing websites to begin catering and accepting people who had little written skills and education.

The smartphone meant people were no longer using a keyboard. It is much harder to type on a phone, and it is much slower.
Hence the cancer of phoneposters, like yourself, who decide that writing 4 words is somehow contributing to the conversation.

The phone itself inhibits anyone from having any desire to communicate beyond 128 character SMS style posts, and that is what ruined the internet. People used to be on computers, making quailty content on computers, and now it is 95% phoneposters, making shitty videos from their phone. That's what happened.

The dominance of black twitter normalizing the written style of black people, this means that the majority of people accept this as the "normal means of communication". This ultimately means that you reduce yourself to 128 character posts and render yourself incapable of making a meaningful point, incapable of making any meaningful argument, and incapable of disseminating any meaningful information.

Look at your post.

>amerischizos ruined the internet

This is just a personal attack. This is not anything more "cool, meaningful, and significant" than if I were simply to call you a nigger. I will make that post after this one, and you can see how it adds nothing to the conversation except for negativity and idle noise.

Notice the difference between our two posts. I articulate my argument and cite evidence to support my stance.
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We must invade the old Don's home planet Basura Mojada IVl locted on the Outer Rim of the Dyapurdt Belt, to secure his blanky...Then he will re-assume the throne for a thousand years using the clones and virus as intended.
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It's a damn shame that I have great memes like this, but since the meme has 5 sentences, people just think I'm absolutely insane.

>be human
>see 5 sentences
>presume the author is profoundly mentally ill

The world is too hard on the Old Joe Rape Show. This isn't rape. It's like the Old Joe Rape Show trying to rape a bitch but she starts melting. It's not that the dick hurts her or anything, it's just that it's physically impossible for her to take the dick.
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Have a gay story
I tried my best to have an exchange with the gay community. I think it went pretty well, but I have low expectations. It was touching that people responded to my comments and asked questions.
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I was thinking last night, and realized that the earliest memory I still have is watching the aftermath of the Oklahoma City Bombing on the television news when I was a child.

Damn shame the world is nothing but gay shit now. I got two great bombings when I was a kid. I usually think that's why all the kids are faggots. They grow up watching the world do 0 badass shit 24/7, and they think being a boring, spineless faggot is "normal and acceptable". It's not. The government needs to do more big-time black-flag attacks on buildings like the attack on the Murrah building and 9/11 just so kids stop growing up with this round corner rubber room bullshit that creates nothing but faggots.
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Here is a great picture of the 4chan logo
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I try to help, but clearly the peasants don't want help, the Jews don't want help, the West is a fucking shitshow and everybody's too proud of this fucking shitty macaroni necklace civilization to even consider the fact that there are severe problems.

There has been "A nearly 4-fold increase in US congenital syphilis cases between 2013 and 2018" which is ridiculous. Syphilis can be cured with penicillin, but people are too stupid to go to the doctor and instead have children born with congenital disabilities. This is insanity.

These are the same people who turn their nose up at me when I try to offer them help. The fact that these people are all slaves and property of the Jews means the fact that their livestock is spreading communicable disease is entirely their fault. It's fucking painful to watch people prefer having children born with congenital syphilis than reading an earnest, if stern, argument which would profoundly better the fucking civilization.

>TL;DR You live in a macaroni necklace civilization
>It's not supposed to be a macaroni necklace
>It's supposed to be a high quality yoke
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>>12981237 (OP)
This is the most impactful satire I have ever read. To the anons getting butthurt: America has (yet amother) deranged rapist for a president, and society is rotten to the core. OP hits close to home.
He's a genius.
This picture demonstrates the alignments of mankind. These corners represent perfection, while man, being imperfect is in the center. These things are perfect because they have no capacity to make mistakes. Mankind, however, does have the capacity to make mistakes. These coexist with man being the unnatural product of mankind, whereas natural things incapable of making mistakes such as non-pet rocks are not included in the same category as men.
The point is that among things which coexist with men, it is a pet rock which is superior due to being profoundly more durable and incapable of making mistakes. Each mistake made by man causes deviation from perfection, thus the infinite amount of power contained within perfection, and thus as the rock makes no mistakes, it wields an infinite amount of power over man after any indefinite period of time.
The same is true with cheese and the alternative form. The alternative form of the rock is the argument that were the folly of man somehow superior when compared to nature, then this pet rock, again aligning itself to this folly, is superior, because it makes no mistakes with respect to the tolerance and acceptance of greater degrees of imperfection. The rock operates at a maximum capacity to tolerate all that is imperfect and immoral, which is the greatest amount of evil a rock is physically capable of.
The cheese represents the hypocrisy of mankind. American cheese is not really cheese, and this fallacious thinking is used by men. For example, the people arguing that Old Jose did not molesterino them children, despite video evidence. This is "making and believing a claim contrary to physical evidence", which is the unique trait of man that defines his philosophy, psychology, and principles. For example, ethics, when ethics protect things which are harmful to society.
The statement "dogs of men loyal only to cheese", mean that the cheese orientation of thought, the belief independent of physical reality, is the most tempting of philosophies, much like how a dog will always be tempted by cheese far more than the dog will be tempted by things such as empirical correctness or rational logic. The dog will also again be more tempted by cheese than he will by a devout worship of imperfection or the antagonization of the truth.

This shows the reality of mankind, that despite the overwhelming empirical supremacy of correctness and realism, mankind, being dogs of men, will always be more tempted to pursue the American cheese of hypocrisy and delusion than the greatness of rational logic and realism represented by the pet rock.

In the same right, mankind will again always be more tempted by the cheese of hypocrisy than any militant conviction to the pursuance of the extremes of imperfection.
As much as man will pursue folly, he does not do this based upon rational logic which dictates that greater degrees of imperfection are unquestionably superior to perfection. Instead he pursues imperfection only when it is more appealing to his vestigial instincts than pursuing rational logic.

This is tragic because he is born with bestial vestigial instincts which are maladapted to our unnatural civilization, thus despite his marked intelligence, he continues to pursue folly because of a powerful and overwhelming psycho-chemical compulsion in his mind compelling him to disregard rational logic and instead pursue the imperfection which is instinctively more appealing.

the bastards on /vg/ are trying to ban me because I went in talking shit like a champion. They started crying and shit trying to hide their eyes like pussy faggots. That's why there are no paragraph breaks. The Jews teach these people to fear paragraph breaks because this conditions them towards illiteracy.
>>12981237 (OP)
>saying the president represents the people's will
>in a country where lobbies are allowed and the only two parties are 100% financed by big corpos
why are americans so stupid
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Anne Frank was allegedly a Jewish child in Germany during the time of the alleged Holocaust. Despite the fact that the globalist Jewish owned media had controlled the press and banks in Germany for the past 50 years, somehow Adolf "Hitler" Shekelgrubber magically rose to power through the use of banks and the media.

"Hitler" rallied up some German goobers to go break some windows and pretend they were hurting Jews. Then, the master plan came, and Hitler knew it was time to march is war dogs to their death, genociding the White race of all Western nations in order to cull the genetics of social bonding and self defense from the White gene pool, making subsequent generations of Whites more loyal, meek, obedient, non-violent, and with reduced ability to form strong bonds with their race and nation.

Hitler placed all of the Jews in POW camps to ensure his Jewish race would not be subjected to the slaughter on the front lines. After the war, he ensured that the Jews could claim to be the victim to forever ensure that no real persecution of the Jews could happen and that the Jews could steal an entire country with their alleged "tears".

Anne Frank allegedly wrote a novel to be used as designed to indoctrinate children to believe that the Jews were victims during WW2. This exploited children's gullibility and empathy, thus manipulating the children into supporting Jews, because otherwise guilt due to manufactured empathy with the fictional Anne Frank would cause them to suffer.

This has placed the suicidally tender and altruistic hearts of White goyim children into a vice which few can escape. They are sick with altruism, thus feel pain when others suffer. Anne Frank exploits this vulnerability by being a child, thus avoiding the usual suspicion that accompany a Jews words, and also by targeting gullible children who are less so wise to the shenanigans of the Jews. Anne Frank is a Jewish Hero who spearheaded the indoctrination of post-war goyim

bastards deleted this
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>bastards deleted this

Of all my shit talk, they delete this. Why did I write this? Somebody said, write a story about why Anne Frank was a good person.

>They asked for it
>they got it
>they cried, they complained
>then they delete it
>and try to ban me.

This is the "rape victim mentality" I'm fucking talking about. Hard evidence right here.


Link damn it
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I made this picture to argue with them
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See, I went in peaceful. I was very positive and supportive. It wasn't until somebody started talking shit that I started firing back. It was self defense. Idk if they archive the deleted posts, but I was the one posting my gay smut stories.
taek your meds
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I really do appreciate the fact that you enjoy my satire and understand it to be satire. That shows a very high level of literacy and intelligence which few people have on this website.

This is a heterosexual smut story which satirizes transgenderism and the BLM movement.

taek ur meds
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Hola, senor. Cuando escribo en ingles, utilizo un estilo muy complicado, con comeidad muy oscuro. El leeador necessita un habilidad much mas mejor de el poblacion general en esta site del internet.

El mayoridad de los estados unido no tienen el habilidad para leer a un nivel sufficiente para comprende mis argumentos y historias. Por ese razon, el mayoridad de los chistadors en el 4chan simplemente gritar y llorar cuando yo escribo un argumento porque no tiene el habilidad a leer texto a el nivel que yo escribe, no a lo dice para comprende la nuance y humor que es oscurrada detras del significancia explicite de mis palabras. Solo un poquissimo de los leedors en el 4chan tiene el habilidad a leer, y cuando muchos de los personas aqui tanto no comprendo mis argumentas, frustrtada me mucho.

Lo siento si su ingles no esta a el nivel de muy fuerte, pero en el raro occasion, you euncuentro un humano que tiene el habilidad para comprende mi humor, y es un momento muy rico y bueno, como encontrar un amigo en un grupo muy largo.

Lo siento por me espanol, que no tiene el poder de me ingles..
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>>12981237 (OP)
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What do the Jews possibly have to gain from a thread like this? How are the Jews benefiting? You think the Jews want to smear Biden when they control 100% of nationally syndicated propaganda networks? The Jews want to push legalizing child rape and murder despite using these as major scapegoat groups to distract the peasants from attacking the Jews? I don't get it.

Explain why you think this thread is created for "the Jews"
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The fact that somebody made 41 fucking slide threads in 2 hours trying to clean this motherfucker, despite any sort of "rules" on that shit is ridiculous. Grow up Jews. Stop being faggots like your goyim.

If you just want to put your fingers in your ears and cry "Na na na I can't hear you" then go ahead and whip out the F16s and start strafing crowded city interstates at rush hour and public concerts and blame the Neo-Nazis so you can go ahead and legalize child rape since virgin blood is the only way to protect against the 20mm 6 barrel Gatling gun of the F16.
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>This is the most impactful satire I have ever read. To the anons getting butthurt: America has (yet amother) deranged rapist for a president, and society is rotten to the core. OP hits close to home.

This right here is exactly what the Jews fear. They somehow fear that my incredibly unappealing and inaccessible arguments will somehow "damage their goyim" despite less than 2% of the general public being able to read and process these arguments, and far less than 1% of the general public being psychologically capable of supporting them.

That's fucking ridiculous. Legitimately worse than the fear of flying in an airplane. You're more likely do die in a fucking airplane than die to the fact that Joe Rape rallied an incorrigible and recalcitrant mass of gpyim to develop unprecedented degrees of literacy, humility, and selflessness to the point where they can support objectively valid, rational, and correct arguments even when these are starkly contrary to the personal interests of the goyim.

It's fucking ridiculous. Go fear something else. Go fear everything else equally as improbable, because at that point, you will be in a fucking coma afraid to move because of spontaneous organ failure in precarious positions and stray celebratory gunfire coming through your roof.

Read this you faggot fucking kikes. Pic related. If you're such cowardly pussy faggots that you're "afraid" why not come fight to the death, motherfuckers? China has big balls. They would kill me. You? Spineless pussy faggot cowards just like your goyim.

>I wonder why?
>Why are the Jews spineless pussy faggot cowards like the Whites?
>Maybe it's because of 500 years of bestiality with goyim
>because that bestiality causes severe blood pollution
>reducing you to the state of a scared, mindless, and manipulable farm animal

You ever think of that? Maybe go see a fucking doctor and cure your fucking blood pollution you subhuman faggots.

>be Jew
>afraid of Joe Rape

That is true schizo, fellas
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I expected better from the Jews.

>If you just want to put your fingers in your ears and cry "Na na na I can't hear you" then go ahead and whip out the F16s and start strafing crowded city interstates at rush hour and public concerts and blame the Neo-Nazis so you can go ahead and legalize child rape since virgin blood is the only way to protect against the 20mm 6 barrel Gatling gun of the F16.
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I spend time and energy to write meaningful shitposts. If you are happy being a meaningless person, that's fine, but also gay. Even if you struggle and fail every day, doing so because there is a meaning and purpose to your effort redeems you.

This how negligence laws work. You are only negligent if you failed to do something you were capable and obligated to do. If you tried your best, performed to the level of reasonable expectations of a person in your position, and still failed, this is not negligent.
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Look at this classic meme. Which pill do you pick?

Me? I've already taken the green pill! ;)
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It's not that I hate trans-people. I just hate all people, and that includes trans-people. See? I'm being very inclusive.
Both sides are working together against us. Choose neither, allow logic, reason and truth to guide you instead.
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If you schlomos had just given the "election" to Trump, you could have had 4 years of comically retarded shit. Instead, you get at least 4 years of Joe BIden being a child rapist memes. I hope you're happy. Realize that the entertainment value of politics is more powerful than any sort of "policy". No peasants give a fuck about "policy" and none of them understand "policy". The only thing they understand is entertainment.
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hard facts
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It's tragic that there are so few genuine people on this board. I got slid to page 9 in a fucking hour. On /bant/, all because they hate /PBG/. Fucking faggots. Just replace computers with huffing spray paint, because every single board on this website is riddled with people who can't read despite being on a text based website.

If you can't read, go to youtube or something. This is fucking ridiculous.

Working so hard? Why? You think I won't just make the thread again and link to the archive? Fucking ridiculous.
Jews, seriously, how hard is it to slide this thread? Just take 10 of your schlomos and shitpost slide threads until it's gone. It would take you 10 minutes tops. Too much of a pussy to hard commit? Trying to use your soft-flaccid-Jew-penis fingers to slide this motherfucker "subtly"? Really, niggers? You've got tiny baby balls, motherfucker.


>This is the most impactful satire I have ever read. To the anons getting butthurt: America has (yet amother) deranged rapist for a president, and society is rotten to the core. OP hits close to home.

This right here is exactly what the Jews fear. They somehow fear that my incredibly unappealing and inaccessible arguments will somehow "damage their goyim" despite less than 2% of the general public being able to read and process these arguments, and far less than 1% of the general public being psychologically capable of supporting them.
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Dennis Rodman
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How the fuck do these people making "anime slide threads" not get banned?

>Global rules 1, 2, 4, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15 are enforced.
>Rule 10 (No spamming or flooding of any kind. No intentionally evading spam or post filters.)
>Porn dump threads are not permitted. Please use the appropriate boards for porn.

These aren't even "porn dump threads", these are literally just anime porn slide threads with zero responses?

Also "The use of scrapers, bots, or other automated posting or downloading scripts is prohibited. Users may also not post from proxies, VPNs, or Tor exit nodes.". This one is fucking ridiculous, because the profound majority of this website is bots.

Look at this, I go to /vg/ and they cry and report me, the mod deletes all of my shit, which was on-topic as it related to the legal status of written erotica involving minors, which is apparently a serious issue in the "AI generated story" environment.

>I get my shit deleted because "people's feelings got hurt"
>These motherfuckers brutalize this board with slide threads for fucking 10 hours

I ain't no snitch, but I'm saying this shit is pitifully hypocritical.
Today in Trumpworld:
Florida audit determined no election fraud
Michigan audit determined no election fraud
NY revoked Giuliani's license to practice law due to his lies about election fraud.

Trumpfags BTFO again and again.
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Sometimes it feels like we're in it alone on this website, fellow Biden-bro, but we will come out on top. God Bless America.
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>>12981237 (OP)
This is OP
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Tell me, can you understand what this image says? Just an honest question. Let me know how you interpret this image.

Just to give you a key to the graphs.

>Level 1 is at the level of a 7 year old
>Level 2 is at the level of a 9 year old
>Level 3 is at the level of an 11 year old
>Level 4 is at the level of a 15 year old
>Level 5 is at the level of an 18 year old

Just curious, what level do you think your literacy and numeracy are, considering the graph from the CDC dictates the probability that you fall within that range and thus the number of people who are more so and less so capable in these areas.

>e.g If you say you are a level 4 in literacy
>You are saying you can read better than 88% of the general public in America

Do you think you are a strong reader, or no?
Why is OP talking to himself? Is he afraid of the upcoming second American civil war?
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I'm just here cataloguing my experiences and the oppression I face being a pro-Biden supporter on this website. It's tragic.


Look at that image. This is how hard the shills are trying to slide this thread. Even though you can understand that very few people read it, it bothers them so much they increase the slide-thread rate by 400%.

>This is the most impactful satire I have ever read. To the anons getting butthurt: America has (yet amother) deranged rapist for a president, and society is rotten to the core. OP hits close to home.

Read this post. This explains the purpose of this thread.

The world is a joke, and my political platform is genuine support of satirizing the human race by subjecting them to grievous torture, all due to some farcical alleged "idealism" that causes my blatantly ridiculous, unjustifiable, immortal, unethical, and terrible arguments to become "sound, reasonable, tolerant, loving, and respectful arguments" because the world is fucking insane.

I've tried to be a "sane, reasonable, and coherent person", but since so few people are literate, they generally get equally as angry when they see paragraphs, regardless of whether the content is insanity or rational, well-reasoned rhetoric.

When the people are so illiterate that they become angry just because they see paragraphs, regardless of what the paragraphs are about, this is frustrating, but it also allows me the liberty to make ridiculous arguments knowing that few people will be able to comprehend them.

Look at this poster. This person thinks I am a "typical Biden supporter". Granted, it could be a bot, but never the less, it's a profoundly inaccurate presumption that demonstrates the mans inability or unwillingness to read and analyze text, even just the first image in the OP, which has large text, composed of eight 3-4 word sentences.
If you can't read, why are you on a website full of words? That's the part that always confuses the fuck out of me.
> actual resistance instead
Anon your entire ideology is nothing more then simping for the very (((International Global Elite))) you claim to oppose and arguing in favor of the morality they indoctrinated you to have.
The last 60 years is literally a history of you cucking for them from accepting scabs into unions and destroying labor power in the name of "integration" to Bernie endorsing a literal segregationist-era neo-con as the "lesser of two evils"
The biggest cable news show in the country did a week long segment on replacement theory.
The overton is shifting right and you weak faggots simping for neo-liberals are going to ensure there is NO serious opposition to it as the liberal order crumbles.
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> simping for the very (((International Global Elite)))

I don't think so buddy.

>arguing in favor of the morality they indoctrinated you to have.

Pic related. >>12991356 I literally wrote the most functional book on morality that the West has access to considering that you're generally too illiterate to interpret the snake-tongued Jewish treachery of Jesus, the ultimate Jew, correctly and instead allow the Jews to mutilate the word of Christ and the Old Testament into the literal antithesis of the actual meaning of those book.

Jesus was the ultimate Jew because he backstabed the Jewish race solely to bathe in the blood of these bastards, and he did this using the Jewish tactics of manipulating and indoctrinating the goyim into serving as a means to his desired end.>>13001987

You worship Yahweh, God of War, who is in no way "a kind, loving, and forgiving God", any more than MTF transgenders are "women". Jesus was a sleeper cell domestic terrorist who attacked a synagogue and was publicly executed for doing so. Jesus was a man who martyred himself to resurrect the Holy War on Jews. This is why Jesus was the "son of God", Yahweh, the God of War, whose faith only exists in order to teach people to wage war on the Canaanites(Jews), but you schlomos call him a "loving and forgiving pacifist. (See pic related)

The fact that the Jews teach you the exact fucking opposite of the truth and you silly geese manage to believe them is ridiculous. The mutilation of the faith is so extensive that this is a situation where the Jews say "You reach the sky by digging a hole as deep as possible". The tragedy is that you fucks believe them and have spent the last 200 years digging your own grave due to the dominance of the Jewish press in the West usurping and replacing any legitimate faith which you managed to retain purely through fortuitous circumstance.
6 days of basically talking to himself
its usually americans who do this
yonks, this retard, arcon

why are americans so fucked in the head? are americans capable of being self conscious?
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>The last 60 years is literally a history of you cucking for them from accepting scabs into unions

You're defending the-mutant Jews known as "labor unions" who are so fucking comically dysfunctional that the parasitic vampire of "labor unions" sucked the blood of these industries dry in 50 years, causing the complete collapse of every single fucking unionized industry in America?

You're defending the people whose entitlement to ridiculously high wages justified the movement of all secondary industry from the United States into China, simply because shipping costs are way fucking lower than the cost to sustain a workforce of literal fucking chupacabra vampires? The unions sucked these industries dry, caused them to collapse, and forced them to flee the country because of their ridiculous fucking demands.

Even if the niggers and socialists complain that they need free shit 24/7, they don't physically, collectively, and brutally extort the entire secondary economy to the point that it collapses.

>Be unionist
>feel entitled
>demand "the meat" from boss
>Boss doesn't have "the meat"
>Be unionist
>attack boss with stick
>remove his liver
>because you deserve "the meat"
>eat his liver
>get fat
>95% of your wages come from violence
>Boss dies
>Resurrected in China
>a communist country
>where labor unions and economic vampirism are illegal

Unions are literally worse than fucking communism.

>destroying labor power in the name of "integration"

What? The reason we import so many fucking immigrants is because the subhuman Whites are too fucking entitled to work and reproduce. If you faggots all had 12 kids and suffered enough to work, then we would have negative immigration.

The immigrants are here because you faggots refuse to do physical labor, you're too entitled to "easy money" that you're unwilling to perform manual labor for reasonable wages, and your tiny dicks don't make enough children desperate to work because they're starving.
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>The biggest cable news show in the country did a week long segment on replacement theory.

Listening to Jewish propagandists? There is no "replacement" going on. Its literally an excuse for the fact that you subhumans are so fucking dysfunctional that your sexuality has been reduced to the level of Panda Bears. You don't fuck. You don't produce children.

You faggots literally use contraception to steal the pleasure of sex without paying the price of sex, which is the production of a human child.

>man steals from store every day
>store goes out of business due to rampant theft
>"Why is this store out of business? I'm the victim here!"

>replacement theory.
>see bottom 2 paragraphs >>13020129
As much as there are viable reasons as to why the Jews would need to replace you, such as your intensely high tolerance to Jewish vice-slavery causing you to become so tolerant to the vice that the Jews use to enslave you (Pic related. >>13018607 )

This is like expecting a crippled heroin addict whose veins are collapsing to work simply because you offer him heroin. He's physically far too ill from decades of reckless, suicidal consumption of vice to produce any valuable labor. "Tempting" him is meaningless because his tolerance is so high he cannot feel pleasure from the drug of consumerism you offer him.

This is so rampant that children have little interest in working because the offers of vice provided by the Jews are no longer tempting. The kids have spent every day of their life mainlining decadence can't get high anymore due to tolerance. Beyond this, having spent their entire lives consuming decadence at no cost to themselves, they end up believing that suicide by decadence is "human right", and make demands such as UBI, equivalent to a street-junkie demanding a free lifetime supply of heroin just for being so kind as to be a worthless junkie on the street.
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>The overton is shifting right

One of the favorite flavors of Jewish Challenge Pissing is to tell the goyim the furthest thing from the truth and get them to believe it. Understand that this is the only reason you believe this comically asinine bullshit.

Has there been any meaningful gains in reversing "social liberal progress"? No. There won't be, but the Jews know that if they can't slow this boulder of the Western as it rolls down the mountain of civilization, then there will be nothing left of this place in a few years time, simply because 95% of people are so heavily indoctrinated by Jewish anti-social bullshit that they've created a civilization that is 95% parasites.

How does a population of 95% parasites survive? It doesn't. It quickly runs out of food sources then it starves to death. The Jews indoctrinated you to be parasites in order to ensure that you attacked and crippled the civilization build by your ancestors, but this propaganda was far too powerful.

Now the West is now 10% Jews, and 85% double-Jew chupacabra parasites like unionists, welfarists, and other people who feel entitled to decadence and compensation simply for being alive. At the very least classic Jews only feel entitled to decadence provided that they've done the physical labor of crime necessary to exploit and manipulate you goyim into their cons. The double-Jews just feel entitled to drink the blood of civilization just for being "so kind as to be nothing more than a parasite upon the nation and the economy".

Even if the Jews are parasites, at least they work hard to bite the beast of the West and earn the blood they drink. The double-Jews just expect the beast to bow down in front of the chupacabras and allow these monsters to drink his blood, simply because the chupacabra is so benevolent as to exist as a blight upon society and a cancer upon the human race.
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>you weak faggots simping for neo-liberals are going to ensure there is NO serious opposition to it as the liberal order crumbles.

Again, this is the sport of Jewish Challenge Pissing getting you to believe the exact opposite of what is true. You are literally arguing "trannies are real women", with this line, and it's fucking disgusting.

>"shifting right"

This means absolutely nothing because "the right" in America has never been anything beyond the party of inaction. You do nothing to actively combat the problems which terrorize your civilization, but instead you just sit there, say you don't like it, but don't actually fight these things off.

You don't win a fucking war through inaction. This is why the cancerous chupacabra double-Jews fester and drink the blood of society, reproducing, indoctrinating the youth, and further pollute the mainstream media.

The irony that you somehow believe the statement "there is NO serious opposition to it" describes the status of your "conservative socialist-welfare-state party". How many buildings have you burned down? How much does the media fear you?

Remember your "coup" attempt? Where you got 0 kills, the government told you to go home, you bend over for the Jew, and then he spends the next 6 months making you the scapegoat and claiming to be the victim of a "White nationalist terror attack" which is equally as fabricated as the fucking holocaust.

The Jew mocks you every day on the news. He calls you "terrorists" while he calls the blacks burning down cities "heroes". Why? Because he knows there are no consequences for the Jew shitting down the throat of the White race because you subhumans will never create these repercussions.

The reason why the Jews bend over for the blacks is because they know the second they talk shit about the blacks, their fucking entire News Room is getting burned to the fucking ground by an angry mob. That's how you pressure the Jews, and Whites don't do that.
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>The reason why the Jews bend over for the blacks

The irony is that the Jews created the Black unrest trying to distract the goyim who were complaining about the banks. The Jews started whipping this beast, trying to get a little running of the bulls going to scare the goyim, and the Jews forgot just how savage the Negro was.

The Jews now have a raging bull goring their livestock and damaging their farms, and they have no fucking ability to reason with the bull. The blacks are largely impervious to most propaganda because they're to illiterate and indignant that they cannot reason beyond the things that they want. The Jews initially taunted the blacks with "racial justice" but the shit got out of hand to the point where the Jews are force to bend over and make concessions, and bend the knee to the Blacks of all people, just to avoid angering this raging bull that roams the streets because failing to do so will cause immense harm to the infrastructure of the Jewish regime.

The "White-pacifist model" of Jewish Globalist system is designed to make the Whites believe that there is no conflict between Jews and goyim and thus no reason to resort to violence. This is why they push "non-violent means, pacifism, protest, argument, and democracy" because these systems all trick the Whites into thinking "non-violent means are viable ways to influence the globalist states", which they are not, but this tricks the Whites enough that they avoid violence.

The irony is that blacks are savage enough to attack civilians due to indignation, even in pacifist peacetime. The Jewish "Let's talk" bullshit has no ability to pacify the blacks because these people are so savage that they see violence as a reasonable strategy to resolve problems, even in the absence of a direct physical threat.
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>he's still vomiting garbage on the internet

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> basically talking to himself

Look at this guy. This guy threw me a bone, I enjoy chewing on that bone. >>13019141 This guy is a fucking hero.

You on the other hand do nothing but make personal attacks while providing nothing to the conversation. You have produced no statement other than blind, baseless judgement with no evidence to support your fact. You're literally like a little schoolgirl trying to gossip about some other girls because you have no ability to provide anything to the conversation other than the baseless condemnation of other people which you use to substantiate your ego...

Clearly I'm not talking to people like you who are unwilling to read or incapable of reading, so even though it may seem like I'm "talking to myself", I'm talking to a small minority of people on this website. I'm talking to people like >>13013935
and even >>13019141 , because at least that guy makes some claims which we can talk about. You make zero claims.

>its usually americans who do this

I make this thread for a small minorty of people capable of reading and writing at a level beyond some illiterate negro on twitter. Clearly this thread is not for phone posters.

When you come to this thread, you're basically buying a magnum condom then complaining that it's far too large for your penis. If you cannot wear a magnum condom, then don't buy magnum condoms. You chose to come look at this thread, you choose to try and wear the magnum condom which is this thread. If you know you are incapable of wearing the magnum condom, don't complain that it falls off your penis.

>yonks, this retard, arcon
What the fuck is "arcon"?

>why are americans so fucked in the head?
>americans capable of being self conscious?
Provide explicit references to points I make, explain how they evidence your claim that I am "fucked in the head" or "lack self-consciousness", so I can provide rebuttal to your claims.

I will now return to you what you have provided this conversation
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>1 post of basically talking to himself
>its usually Australians who do this
>yonks, this retard, arcon
>why are Australians so fucked in the head? are Australians capable of being self conscious?

>he's still vomiting garbage on the internet

If your own fucking statement can literally be used to provide an equally legitimate rebuttal to your point, you're not making anything close to a valid fucking statement.
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>he's still vomiting garbage on the internet
>>12981237 (OP)
>Joe Biden represents the will of the American people
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We really didn't get past the second sentence? There are over 13,000 words in this thread, not including the words in the pictures.

>This is 24/13,000 words
>be anon
>reads 24/13,000 words
>"I have enough to information form an opinion on the topic"

>be anon
>playing wheel of fortune
>13,000 letter puzzle
>anon has 24 / 13,000 letters on the board
>0.2% of the letters visible
> 2 out of every 1,000 letters visible
>"I would like to solve the puzzle" - anon

Well, it hurts me to say this, but your answer to the puzzle is not correct. Try to spin the wheel again and guess more letters.
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Who are you replying to, and what did you mean by this?
some asshurt schizo mutt actually took the time to write this
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I'm replying to you. You read the first two sentences of the thread and believed this was a typical thread supporting Biden. You respond by posting the image of Joe Bide in the gay airplane killing brown children.

The point is that this thread is atypical and does not follow the predicted path of supporting Joe Biden that you presumed that it did. Let's look at the first two sentences of the second post.

>The major victim group right now is Child Rapists. These people are in prison right now only because of the color of their pride flag. Sending a child rapist to jail is no different than sending a black person to prison because of the color of their skin.

Does this sound like the typical "Joe Biden supporter"? Generally most people who claim to support Joe Biden do not support child rape and are generally unwilling to admit that Joe Biden molests children live on national television.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UGy0d6JoxYw [Embed]

One day, there will be robots that can read and process text at a very high level, capable of providing sound counter arguments, acknowleding and attacking the points that the writer makes. Even if these are state-controlled and firmly aligned to the state-prescribed narratives, it will still be a wonderful time because this means people like me won't be trying to write litters to a largely illiterate population.

The point is that you took a somewhat facetious support of Joe Biden as an "across the board approach to Joe Biden's political policy".

My support of Joe Biden is limited solely to his sexual misconduct with children. Much like people who support his policy but don't support his sexual misconduct with children will ignore the sexual misconduct and instead argue about how good his policy is, I am the same.

I generally ignore all of Joe Biden's political policies which I do not support, and instead focus on supporting his sexual misconduct with children. This is the emphasis of the thread.
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Judging by this string of posts.


I'm typing at roughly 230 characters per minute, taking time to think, all while providing sound counter arguments and taking time to find pictures. This is an investment of my time that I think is reasonable because I enjoy it and find it helps me further develop my arguments and written skills.

In a typical hour, what are you doing with your time? You don't "waste your time" in any way?


What makes you say I'm "asshurt"? Do you go to a bookstore, pick up each book and say "some asshurt schizo mutt actually took the time to write this" then put the book down? When you see a newspaper, do you pick up the paper and say "some asshurt schizo mutt actually took the time to write this"?

Why is it that anyone who feels that making arguments and conversation is "asshurt"?
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Can you understand how your statement adds nothing to the conversation and fails to benefit anyone involved, including yourself?
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I'm trying hard to create fresh, high quality content. Check out pic related. It's great.

See, I took the typical aphorism "Silence implies consent", and used illiteracy to mistake silence for the genus of flower Silene. Now, by my logic that "my illiteracy and failure to understand arguments causes my own misinterpretation of the truth to become more so valid than the truth" this genus of flowers has magically stopped 100% of rape because this genus of flowers implies consent.
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I think I love you. No homo.
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I appreciate the support my man. I see you pick a post that is particularly biased towards agreeing with the sentiments of a major portion of this website. That's cool. I also have other arguments that might help you broaden your horizons.

I made this image to demonstrate how I feel. It's hard to be cool when everybody else is a jealous and angry loser who is mad at me because I'm cool and they're not.
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I made this picture to help people understand a little bit about schizophrenic delusion.
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You literally hallucinate people/ghosts/fairys whatever you want to call it saying shit like this to you. For me, it's like seeing a real person, but usually just the face, glowing some gay-white, but smaller than a real head, flying around, usually of somebody I know or even just saw on the street, met briefly, or it's the government, or aliens or Gods. Somehow even the "gods" are powerless retarded douchebag faggots that I can't talk sense into. It's nonsense.

Then you think that all of your thoughts are being read by those people and they're always trying to trick you, manipulate you, and exploit you, and also causing you to hallucinate pain and unpleasant sensory experiences because they're faggots I guess.

They always cry and complain that you're "hurting them" with your thoughts or you're causing problems. So I'm sitting here trying not think just so these faggots stop bitching and moaning. They want you to give them free shit, imaginary shit. They always call you God, then attack you, then say you're not giving them enough, bunch of smug pretentious douchebags about it too. Sadly the good ones are just dumb and feckless.

You could tell these faggots that the light comes from the sun, or that billboards have obvious text on them, and they would cry and call you a liar and a snitch.

Granted, it's not typically a Ford Fiesta, but some person or God or demon or something, but I always try to reason with them and teach them that the Ford Fiesta is probably better than the other thing they want it to be.

The hallucinations love to find douchebags and losers to come talk shit. Nothing is more infuriating than a little faggot douchebag come to talk shit. You can't do anything because it's basically like trying to fight a ghost. This is why I'm so good a "verbal abuse" of faggot douchebags, because I have to deal with this shit 24/7 cause these motherfuckers are in my brain talking shit like it's Bluetooth and I can't hang that shit up.
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This guy/bot made me laugh.


>Joke's on you faggot. I've been a prepress manager longer than you have been alive. You've guaranteed seen my work almost daily.

What the fuck sort of gay flex is this? You're bragging about being a subhuman kike who works in the media? How many goyim did your ancestors commit bestiality with to create an abomination that's as comically dysfunctional as yourself?

> prepress manager, 4000x4000 image compilations

As in newspapers? You think anyone reads a fucking newspaper? You've got to be a bot, that's such a fucking ridiculous argument. You think I just wake up and go pick up my $500/yr New York Times subscription from the porch of the property that I own, then afford an ample $16 breakfast in a bourgeois slaughter pen before I head to my job making six-figures? What?

>This was a guy in a /b/ political "ylyl" shit fest

I was making pro-gacy arguments. Claiming to have 30+ years as a "prepress manager". This shit is comical, but bots everywhere, take note. I enjoyed it thoroughly. It was so mercilessly specific, completely unbelievable, and markedly aggressive.

>" I've been a prepress manager longer than you have been alive."

Thinking anyone who is under the age of 50 knows what the fuck a prepress manager at a newspaper is.

>"You've guaranteed seen my work almost daily."

Thinking anyone reads a fucking newspaper. It's a very farcical argument, but the fact that he was balls to the wall with the flex is what made it so great.


It was in reference to things like these. Clearly the only comparable field is newspaper prepress, which the bot might have been able to reverse search the image and guess that's what these images are.

He told me he was "not impressed by my work", which by my presumptions means he was criticizing the alignment and layout of the works as if my goal were aesthetics when making those.
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I know that I tend to write a daunting amount of text using uncommon words, complex syntax, confusing literary techniques, but I'm trying to practice communicating with people.

You're right that it is a little sad that I write these things for nobody but yourself. You masturbate for nobody but yourself, don't you? It's a bit similar.
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I know you have heard of "Buck Breaking". This is my argument on the topic. It looks like that anime poster shill is trying to slide the bide again. What a faggot. Grow up, kikes. I'm the only hope you have to turn those soft-flaccid-Jew-penis fingers into rock-hard-fully-erect-Godlike-penis fingers.
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Bump. Nobody puts vblugIRK in the corner.
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I appreciate the support. They were trying to Slide the Bide today. It's tragic how this board gets abused by people who dislike Joe Biden.

t. Joe Biden
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Bampity bimp bomp.
Are you just trying to crank this bastard to the image limit because your attempts to slide the bide fell off? We'll find out, cowboy. We'll find out.

>Can't slide it
>Push it to bump/image limit instead

Do you know what's next?


That's right, motherfucker. Enjoy the rape. Rapist Pride!
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[Whispers:] Don't mention it, Jack. I hate to see a good trans-consensual-sex-king being kept down. [Pauses to think about raping. Smiles.]
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NEVER. I shall prove it by making this my last post. (Now I feel like a DC hero meeting a Marvel hero and we accidentally fought because of a misunderstanding. When we could have spread the rape, pausing only to high-five. It hurts a little. But not in a good way like rape.)
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Feel free to post as much as you want here as long as you're Ridin' with Biden. Even if you're not. That's ok. I found this great video of Joe Biden molesting kids on TV that fits on /bant/. Brings tears of joy to my eyes, except for the very hateful, trans-consensual-child-sex-phobic, and bigoted commentator of course.
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>you gotta work bitch
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>I'm replying to you
Well, thanks for clarifying that, because it seemed to be a non sequitur to me.
>The point is that this thread is atypical and does not follow the predicted path of supporting Joe Biden that you presumed that it did.
No, I did not presume that. Write more, however, because I am bored and I need reading material. What did you think of the comedy cafe pic, btw?
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Seems gay as fuck. Whoever uses the word theatre is a faggot. Cafe is also really fucking gay. Comedy is questionable, but less gay than the other two words. The color scheme is good.

The sideways "cafe" part is aggressively homosexual and "quirky" in the way the gets your face beaten in as a stranger pulls down your pants, lubes up your asshole, and begins to assfuck you in order to mock and humiliate you, despite the fact that you love every minute of it.

Is this a real place? If so, it's 100% gay as fuck because it's illegal to be cool. If you just do logos and graphic designs, that's pretty good. I don't know shit about art, clearly, because I'm not a faggot and I was born and raised balls deep in endless pussy.

Disregard anything that might inform you that I am a homosexual or was somehow not balls deep in pussy.

Back to the sign. The word "theatre" makes it incredibly fucking gay, especially spelled in the gay british way. If you're trying to attract "hip young spineless metrosexual men to politically correct or aggressively liberal 'comedy' shows" , then you're on the money.

You're not going to get as many heterosexual or normal people with that sign because you spelled theatre in the gay British way. If you spelled it in the American way, people would presume it was a movie theater.

I don't know exactly what more to say about the logo. Clearly whoever made it has considerably greater skills in digital image production than myself. I am a writer, and much less so somebody who knows how to use computers. If you used something less gay and cliche than "theatre" , such as "Comedy Spot", that would be more remarkable and memorale.

You didn't produce a name for the establishment, you just used 3 vague words that describe the place. It's like naming your restaurant "Restaurant". If you want to be notable, rather than average, you would need a more unique name. Even the word Comedy is too vague and blase. You would need something aggressive.
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Thanks for the verbose reply, but I was referring to pic related...
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A lot of people over-utilize hyperbole and try to blow shit out of proportion. Proportion is hard for people to understand, e.g "Jews everywhere" or "Jews do nothing" are extremes of hyperbole.
Granted, clearly, me not being funny, it can be argued that I use a lot of hyperbole. The whole "trasngenderism is the same as arguing in favor of legalizing the rape and murder of children", is clearly similar to hyperbole.

The painful irony of people thinking this statement is "exaggerative" means that these people are openly admitting that "transgenderism is a less severe form of child rape-murder", because in order to hyperbolize or exaggerate a nose, such as a very big Jew nose, the person must have a nose to exaggerate in the first place. Thus, if my argument "exaggerates" transgenderism, then this person is admitting that "transgenderism is a less severe form of child rape-murder", which is funny.

My arguments generally follow parallel logic, in that "When these identical logical constraints are applied in this similar situation, this produces the results which I reference". Here, the logic is "harmful sexual deviance should be protected by federal legislation", and agian, I am just providing the argument that child rape-murder is also harmful sexual deviance.

If you look at the economic outcome of transgenderism, condoning this is disastrous economically because the slave commits suicide 50% of the time, and you lose any profit you could have made from their labor. If the person was a non-profitable slave, you should have killed them before they became transgender because this is a massive waste of resources. >>13013906 See this graph, of peak yield.

The tragedy of hyperbole and the comparable sarcasm is that people may take my arguments as disengenuous or mocking. They may think that I'm attempting to slander Joe Biden or child rapists by making them "look bad", rather than trying to provide my genuine and aggressive support of child sexual abuse.
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>The tragedy of hyperbole and the comparable sarcasm is that people may take my arguments as disengenuous or mocking. They may think that I'm attempting to slander Joe Biden or child rapists by making them "look bad", rather than trying to provide my genuine and aggressive support of child sexual abuse.

Why do I support child sexual abuse. I'm generally hateful towards all people. When 98% of adults are worthless, spineless, godforsaken, and braindead sacks of shit, why am I going to support this when it is a child?

>When Charizards are out destroying civilization
>Why am I going to protect Charmanders?
>knowing that these grow up into Charizards?

If you don't understand the reference to pokemon, that's ok. My issue is that people protect the fuck out of children, despite hating many adults. If you hate an adult and believe they are worthy of abuse, torutre, or death, were these people any less so worthy of these things as children?

The irony is that I don't have anything against children or want to see them suffer. The children are ultimately farm animals, and the end result of the children is always the product of the slaver, the one who rears, conditions, and indoctrinates the children. The slavers put out shitty product, they create shitty children, and that's why I don't respect them.

It's not that children are "inherently bad", it's the fact that the current slavers are so feckless and dysfunctional that the children produced in the adult-factories of schools and media are gauranteed to be worthless, godforsaken, spineless sacks of shit with no capacity for free thought.

It's not that "Children deserve to suffer", it's that "When the children are gauranteed to grow up into shitty slaves of the kikes, there's no reason to protect them from suffering which they are guaranteed to deserve upon reaching adulthood"

I also like the argument because it angers and upsets people. This "triggers" both red and blue faggots on this website who hate pedos.
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A couple fresh Joe Rape memes, quality shit today. I'm proud of myself.
Well, brother. I might be getting hit with a ban, some faggots are snitching over on /pol/ reporting me because they "think I'm kidding". Fucking pathetic subhhumans. Oh well.
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This was a fucking /pol/ humor thread too. The fact that the faggots over on /pol/ can't even understand legitimate humor, cry over jokes, that shows you how fucking pathetic this world is. These are supposed to be the "edgiest motherfuckers in town", but they can't take a fucking joke. Fucking subhumans.
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Fucking ridiculous that these motherfuckers are still posting anime slide threads and bumping them just to try and slide this thread. Seriously, I get threatened for being on-topic in a /pol/ humor thread because my jokes hurt some faggots feelings >>13025027

But these motherfuckers


Aggressively attempting to slide my fucking thread on this waste board is "totally acceptable and within the confines of the rules"? Really? Nobody sees any fucking hypocrisy there? Despite blatant rules against dumping porn and flooding?

I understand that it's hard to ban these faggots using VPNs and whatever the fuck else to manipulate the board, but at least give /PBG/ and another legitimate threads a sticky just to stip this fucking bullshit.

>46 slide threads?
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If you are upset with the fact that 50% of this board is anime slide threads, realize that this is only true because of me, Joe Rape. The people posting these threads are trying to push this thread, /PBG/ past page 10. This is a form of board manipulation done by propagandists to control the messages which are seen on this website, even on this dead fucking board where most all people are illiterate.

If you are upset with the fact that 50% of this board is anime slide threads, realize that this is a targeted attack against me, Joe Rape. They are upset because I'm a reasonably decent person making sound arguments which challenge their narrative and confuse their marks. That's why they want to slide my thread.

Somehow these faggots, not even top-teir real deal motherfuckers, they're pushing some fucking shit-tier kike bullshit propaganda, working for fucking D-league propagandists.

>You goy-whisperers with the slide threads

Realize that if your masters, or your master's masters had an issue with the things I write, they would ban me. Banning on this website is the equivalent of being taken into a dark room, shot in the head, and having your information wiped forever. They would do that if they had a problem with me.

They don't. They love me, because they know who I am. Just because your fucking 15th "master" in the long line of human centipede is so sick with blood pollution from his goyim ancestors the can't understand, respect, or appreciate who I am, that doesn't change the fact that you're in the wrong.

Trying to slide my thread? Realize that if the government wanted me dead, they would have killed me by now. I'm not dead, they like me. The only people facing death here are those attempting to hinder and harass substantial and legitimate members of the world right now.

I'm much higher on the totem pole of propagandist and political power than anyone you fucking work for.

>They would kill me if they didn't fear me.
>They don't kill me
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Clearly I didn't make this argument accessible enough. The image is not clear, and the argument is too long.

>This thread is the reason for the flooding/spamming of slide threads

Shit-tier goy-whisperer kikes are being farm animals and don't understand the predicament they find themselves in.

>shills, understand this
>Your master's master's masters
>They would kill me if they didn't fear me.
>They don't kill me
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Hopefully you can access this, the few stray odd people on this board.
>>12981237 (OP)
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I know you would very much so like to attain three comments to remove >>13025263 this picture from being visible on the thread without being opened, but let me warn you, I have access to over 50 different fonts and colors, I can make this image a profound number of times if need be.

Why? Why slide this thread? You receive minimal training and have no significance in the world. You're just here to be offended like goyim in the absence of goyim who are offended. You're here as a conscripted faggot goy because there aren't enough loyal faggot goyim on this board to sustain the pittance of "narrative" which you faggots are indoctrinated to believe is "exclusive and meaningful information".

>You control the narrative at the level of the goyim
>You are nothing more than a good goy
>You are a goy-whisperer
>You are an abomination
>A farm animal like the goyim
>You are a castrated bellwether

This is your job? Your life? To be asshat at the front of the crowd of goyim? Disgusting. Tragic that you're such an abomination that you have no mental capacity to perform a role that is more valuable than existing as a professional "good goy".

How does it feel to be a farm animal? It disgusts me to think about your pitiful existence, but let me know how you feel. How do you justify your life? Do you feel you have purpose?
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Just don't think for a minute, eh?
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>>13025398 →

This is the link to our sister thread. /STG/ Slide Thread General, where we discuss the state of slide threads on this board, why this is a problem and what should be done to prevent it.

The best strategy to hinder the efforts of these people trying to slide /PBG/ and other legitimate threads is to bump threads which are legitimate to keep them off the back pages of the board, because when 70+ slide threads are bumped at the same time, this pushes something that was on page 3 down to page 10 and puts it at risk of being deleted.

This is ridiculous, these people are breaking the rules. I'm not a snitch, but this is hypocrisy considering how aggressively the rules are enforced on other boards.
Don't go back to /pol/.
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The problem with /pol/ is that the people there cry just as much as trannys and generally share the same destructive thought processes, maladaptive behaviors, and mental illnesses as trannys. "Neo-nazis" are a bunch of larping do-nothing faggot slaves of the Jews just as much as "trannys"a re larping do-nothing faggots that will never be women.
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Hulk Hogan 9/11 is one of my favorite memes, because it demonstrates the ability of my generation to mock the deaths of many thousands of people due to black flag terror attacks perpetuated our own government and the ramifications of these attacks, which were committed largely for petty, childish reasons.

The greatness here, is that a famous Hulk Hogan quote is "Whatchoo gonna do, brother? Whatchoo gonna do when Hulkamania runs wild on you?"

The dominance of the Jewish propagandists who have orchestrated all major global events has become so dominant and unquestionable, that it is comparable to the dominance of Hulk Hogan in the professional wrestling scene during the Hulkamania era. That being said, the dominance of the Jews is profoundly more so severe and much less entertaining, but the quote "Whatchoo gonna do, brother? Whatchoo gonna do when Hulkamania runs wild on you?" still hits very hard.

The very concept of stopping the Jewish bullshit at this point seems nearly impossible, much like toppling the Hulk at the pinnacle of the Hulkamania years was. This absolute and unquestionable dominance of the Jews is attained through underhanded tactics such as manipulation and exploitation, rather than through the legitimate means such as those utilized by Hulk Hogan to gain dominance in the professional wrestling arena during the Hulkamania era. This is very upsetting, that the most dominant force in our arena is one who cheats mercilessly, because when "the champion" is a cheater, it becomes impossible to respect him as a legitimate champion, and instead he is treated as nothing but a cheater who us unworthy of the belt.
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Went ahead and slapped that quote on the image, just because some people may not be able to recognize the image due to the age of Hulk Hogan.
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If people don't enjoy my humor, I accept and realize that my jokes aren't for everybody, and that's ok.
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Hot and fresh out the kitchen.

>Please, enjoy this meme
>For all of our sakes
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"I'm President Joe Biden. You might know me from my long history of sexual assault, abuse of minors, making indecent images of minors, racketeering, and obstruction of justice; all of which I often perform live on national television.

Never once has any law enforcement agency ever found a fault in what I do. The problem is that R Kelly, one of the greatest artists in history, is in jail right now for doing the exact same wonderful things I enjoy and get to do freely.

This is an egregious instance of systematic discrimination, where our racist legal system is ultimately punishing a man simply for being black. This needs to end now.

We need to repeal these Jim Crow laws like sexual assault, abuse of minors, making indecent images of minors, racketeering and obstruction of justice that are still being used by racist law enforcement to persecute black men who have done nothing wrong.

My Presidency and public support proves that R Kelly has committed no crime in the eyes of the American people, and that he and many like him are being prosecuted simply due to the color of their skin." - Joe Biden
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Motherfuckers literally think this thread is about anything other than being pro-rape and pro-murder. Fucking illiterates. If you can't read, go to some fucking picture-book website or stop being a nigger and learn how to fucking read.
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"I'm the Santa Claus of Dick" - Joe Biden
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Good Jews of this board, can you please inform the people of your nation that trying to slide /President Biden General/ is heresy in the face of your Gods?

>Prohibiting unprotected sex with children is prohibiting ritual mixing, ritual prostitution, and sodomy at the same time
>3 death sentences for heresy right there
>yet your people refuse to acknowledge this unforgivable heresy?

The reason why you suffer and why you are failing as slavers of these goyim is because you don't perform adequate Canaanite ritual, and the little you do attempt to perform is done poorly.

Your own laws inhibit the rituals necessary to appease your Gods, yet you expect your Gods to be appeased and offer you benefits due to your egregious failures to perform the necessary rituals?

You expect favors from your gods in exchange for the shameless malice of your people and your contempt of your own gods?

You are inhibiting your slaves from performing these necessary rituals to please your Gods, rather than forcing your peasants to perform the rituals your Gods demand of you regardless of any complaints they might have?

Is it you, Jews, who lord over these goyim, or are the goyim the ones whipping you while you slave in the yoke just to please these wretched beasts?
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(Taken from another thread)

>In the US they put chemicals in the food and water that fucks with your biology. Women in the US give births to boys who have the brains of a female

Realize that Women are what originally created Jews, niggers, faggots, transgenders, communism, socialism, "ethics", "idealism", and every other blight and cancer upon Jewish Western civilization.

The White men never had the balls to kill the Jews, but at least the complete lack of rational logic, the delusions, the entitlement, the stupidity, the lack of foresight, the lack of planning, the lack of moral agency, and other very problematic traits of women do have the ability to cause massive problems for the Jews.

The Jews thought White "men" were a threat, so they turn them all into women. The Jews don't realize that it is the unrestrained female mind which causes and and fertilizes every incredibly problematic social cancer upon civilization.

>>12981237 (OP)

Look at me over in /PBG/. I'm a worthless, entitled, sack of shit that bitches and moans all day. I do nothing but verbally abuse people and provide nothing of value. I support the most harmful and antisocial groups of people because I can empathize with them, I am envious of their power over men, I enjoy that they hurt men.

I hate men, despite the fact that men create everything and the fact that I do nothing, because I feel entitled to everything regardless of the fact that I am worthless. I feel entitled to being worshiped and loved, despite being an unholy and loathsome person. That's the power of a woman.

I have no ability to produce anything of value, and only have the ability to produce written words. What do I do with my "ability" I write stories attempting to promote homosexual child abuse because I'm a godless whore due to being unmarried, fucked like a stray dog through my youth, and thrown in the trash as I age.

That's why they want to slide me. >>13025398 →
> I feel entitled to being worshiped and loved, despite being an unholy and loathsome person. That's the power of a woman.
Well damn, if this is your way of saying you're a woman, I'm offering to marry you right now. Or at least have barely adequate sex. There is literally NO downside.
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>There is literally NO downside.

You are the downside. Every aspect of a human is insufferable. There's absolutely nothing appealing about the species which is why I avoid them.

Have you ever met somebody who hated animals? Maybe hated squirrels, cats, or dogs. Anything that moves within 2-3 feet of me generally upsets me. The closest type of animal I can generally tolerate is a squirrel because they are self-reliant and don't expect me to interact with them.

>You don't seem to understand the concept of coexisting with a person

You've never been subjected to the disgust, the anger, the abuse of another person? There's nothing appealing about it. Humans are a terrible species of animal which comes with a mountain of responsibilities, risks, upkeep costs, and problems when compared to another animal like a dog.

Look at pic related. There's nothing more tempting about a human than a dog, and I'm not even tempted by a dog because I have no emotional dependence and little to no libido. I'm literally a big ball of narcissism, hatred, and spite for the human race.

It's an incredible amount of work to perform upkeep for a person, even just to maintain a relationship, even a friendship, which I choose not to do because the voluntary workload is too much and I get no pleasure from these things. I do not enjoy the company of humans. If it moves and comes near 2-3 feet of me this causes stress unless it is in a controlled environment such as a workplace with defined expectations and social pressure ensuring that these are met.

I don't choose to maintain the upkeep of a house pet, because it's too much dependence. There is already one too many unwanted animal in my house, and that's me, I don't want another one in the slightest. I have no use for affection because I love myself so much, abuse has left me unable to accept physical contact, and I lack enough libido to seek sex, even the freely accessible and dependable sex of a beautiful dog with a nice dick.
I don't mean this as an insult or intent to hurt you, but your argument is basically like saying "You're an antisemite, I am a Jew, so you should love me!". That's comical. I'm a misanthrope, you're a person, so it's a very similar situation.
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You thirsty man. I appreciate your willingness to disregard an entire color-guard of red flags simply to believe there is some tiny chance that a random woman on the internet will marry you. The instant offer of marriage shows me the pain and desperation you feel, and I can respect you for that.

I respect you, because despite your struggles, you remain half decent, hoping for the best. You still retain enough optimism to exist as a good person, rather than somebody consumed by nothing but hatred and spite that I see far to often on this website. That optimism, hold onto that, because without that life becomes difficult.

You shot your shot, I appreciate that. I am little more than a ghost, but practice makes perfect. Keep shooting those shots. If you're willing to settle for me, probably one of the worst human beings alive, then I'm sure you'll find somebody who can soothe that pain in your heart, even just for a short while, as long as you keep looking.

Stay thirsty, my friend.
>>12981237 (OP)
I have already created a list of your greatest sayings. You positively seethe with misanthropic venom. It is intoxicating. I must make you mine. My loins demand it. And such.

For what man could resist the mind behind:
>When you come to this thread, you're basically buying a magnum condom then complaining that it's far too large for your penis. If you cannot wear a magnum condom, then don't buy magnum condoms. You chose to come look at this thread, you choose to try and wear the magnum condom which is this thread. If you know you are incapable of wearing the magnum condom, don't complain that it falls off your penis.

>If we open our hearts and minds, we can all learn and respect the fact that everybody is the same and there is no difference between murdering somebody and not murdering them.

>I don't know shit about art, clearly, because I'm not a faggot and I was born and raised balls deep in endless pussy.*

>I don't want to hurt transgenders, you are worth the least amount of points possible.

>How can you respect a race of people that can't beat gay wheelchair-bound dolphins in a fight?

>You think anyone reads a fucking newspaper? ...You think I just wake up and go pick up my $500/yr New York Times subscription from the porch of the property that I own, then afford an ample $16 breakfast in a bourgeois slaughter pen before I head to my job making six-figures? What? (<--My personal favourite.)

* I took this metaphorically. By God, I want to devour you like a mango.

PS. Also me: mNdY2NHg, G2PcKTnQ.

PPS. Don't forget: mango.
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OK, hand-on-heart time: I typed up >>13032074 six hours ago, and tried to post it twelve times but an SQL fuck-up stopped me from posting until just now. After I posted it, only then did I read >>13031592.

You know that I don't actually want to marry you, and I'm flirting because your posts are funny, right?

We live in different countries and have different lives. You have heroic levels of bile, and I have my ninja stuff. Two different streams. Also arson. I have a lot of arson going on.

Sure, the theoretical lovemaking would be epic. Three minutes of ecstasy. Possibly four, if I threw in foreplay. But you'd icepick me the second it was over, and fuck knows I'm not paying to dry clean blood from my Optimus Prime bedsheet set yet again.

Instead of me literally devouring you like a mango, or you literally stabbing me, let's do it metaphorically by hanging out online.
There are few people who can actually be entertained by what I write, especially in my country because illiteracy is such a rampant problem.

"what man could resist" me? Unfortunately, the vast majority of people. In general, people will only read things that are written at or below the 5th grade level and they will only support things that are psychologically pleasing to themselves.

The stupidity of these people unfortunately functions as the equivalent of being a carrier of sickle-cell anemia, in that it renders them immune to the malaria of my verbal abuse, but generally causes few if any ill effects in their life because they only carry the trait, rather than suffer from full blown sickle-cell anemia which would be a crippling level of stupidity.

Trying to reach these people is like trying to educate a retarded child, in that it is much more difficult than it should be. Things must be designed in order to ameliorate the shortcomings of the man and appeal to his biases and predispositions, and that requires an intent to manipulate them, which I generally don't have because sustaining a character like that is difficult considering the amount that I have to say about any given topic.

>>13030925 →
This post expresses these sentiments.

You truly are a unique character, as clearly despite the hundreds of people on this board, you are the one person capable of reading and appreciating what I write. It's always good to know that my words don't fall on deaf ears, and the fact that the final image in the thread was not contributed by myself is a testament to the fact that I'm not alone in this world, at least philosophically or psychologically.

There is value in the fact that you're intelligent, depending up your ability to communicate with the everyman, there is likely plenty of value there. If you can manage to translate your thoughts, beliefs, and arguments into a form that is tempting to the everyman, there is power in that.
> If you can manage to translate... there is power in that.

When I try to do this, the majority of people who coexist with the everyman yet have the ability to read, process and understand what I write are paid shills trained to control narratives, because if these people cannot understand my arguments, then they must consult their boss in order to produce a verdict and strategy on how to deal with the issues created by my existence.

The boss, he will generally fear me, because I say "It is obvious that you have committed this crime and I have produced this evidence to support my claim." Himself, being a reasonable man, knows he is guilty and knows that my arguments are sound, so he feels fear and acts accordingly

The issue is that the judge and jury of the courtroom are all blind-deaf children and I have no ability to actually communicate the facts of the matter to these people, so ultimately, whatever crimes this man is guilty of, remain unpunished because the "will of the people" never amounts to anything more than the noises and confusion that stray from the mouths of deaf-blind children.

The tragedy is that I love people that are legitimately mentally retarded far more than these people who are functionally mentally retarded due to the inability to process information and utilize basic reasoning, and this is because the legitimately mentally retarded people, despite any struggles they have, remain childlike and wholesome and do not become intoxicated by the well-poison spread by the peddlers of "flavored wells".

Despite the fact that the functionally mentally retarded everyman provides no more value to any conversation or argument than a legitimately mentally retarded man, the everyman falsely believes that he is capable of providing insight and meaningful opinions upon a matter because this is what his is indoctrinated to think by the propagandists despite having no ability other than to parrot that which is spoonfed to him by these people.
really hope this is bait if not check out
You are being shyly evasive, like a young fawn afraid to approach Joe Biden with his pants around his ankles and mashed-up deer biscuits smeared over his penis. I understand. Your timidity is redolent of the innocence of a pure heart.

I shall let you come to me, like that timid young deer, on your own terms. It would be folly to chase after you, leaving a mess of biscuits and man-musk in my wake. Unseemly. Possibly, illegal.

I say "come to me", but let's face it, 85 per cent of the airline pilots have taken the mystery science injection, so air travel will grind to a halt when they all drop dead within the next six months.

So, if you cannot come to me physically, you must draw closer to me spiritually. I suggest making a stand-in me from an old pillow, with a paper plate for a face. It lacks my manly presence, but it is easier to wipe clean. Swings and roundabouts, really.
99% sure brian offed himself
ngl, I'm still thinking about mangoes a bit. It was the word "ameliorate" in >>13032563
that did it. You are bedazzling, and we must become embittered soulmates, seperated by an ocean but united by biliousness.*

* "Biliousness" is only 13 points in scrabble. I should have said "united by bile", but that makes it sound like we're glued together with sticky, foul-smelling bodily products. And you're better than that.
>I shall let you come to me, like that timid young deer, on your own terms

You've never tried to catch a stray cat have you?

>really hope this is bait if not check out

The same thing was said when people wanted to remove homosexuality from the DSM as a mental illness. Understand that you want to hold onto regressive, hurtful, intolerant, and bigoted beliefs because you fear the future. You are afraid of that which is different, when in reality, it is harmless.

The only thing that causes pain here is your intolerance. If, instead of being bigoted and intolerant when a stranger breaks into your house, holds you down, and forcefully penetrates you with his penis, if you were open-minded, loving, caring, tolerant, and respectful of all cultures, you would not feel fear or pain, but joy and pleasure, because you are experiencing the beauty of diversity.

It is not the man holding you down and sexually penetrating you which causes rape to occur. Rape does not occur until you, in your own mind, succumb to bigotry and choose not to tolerate, love, and respect that man. You are falling victim to your subconscious bias against being forcefully penetrated by a stranger, and this is something we all need to work on.

By acknowledging that you have subconscious biases against trans-consensual-sex-kings, you can start to work on growing as a person and becoming more tolerant, open-minded, and respectful so you can enjoy diversity rather than become angered by the fact that somebody is different than you.

Subconscious bias against trans-consensual-sex is an instinct, just like racism, and this is present even in children. In order to overpower this harmful instinct of subconscious bias, we need to raise awareness and educate people about the fact that their own bigotry and intolerance hurts people, just for being different. It is trans-consensual-sex because you always have the power to change your mind and choose to be tolerant. =)
You do realize you're trying to arouse somebody that's little more sexual than a rock, right? Similar to Lesbian Bed Death.

That chart roughly describes the level of a healthy woman's interest in sex, and I'm the waning end of the spectrum, not to consider the external forces which make it even harder for me to feel sexual, let alone intimate. =/

The only way I can be sort of aroused is if I'm not involved in the sex, hence the gay stories. The second I'm involved I shut down.
>You've never tried to catch a stray cat have you?
I'm not catching you under a cardboard box propped up by a stick tied to string. It wouldn't be right.

I prefer to catch you like Pepe le Pew, i.e., as a trans-consensual sex pest. Ma chérie. (<- That's Welsh for "M'lady". I'm classy.)

If you're hinting that I should catch you by scowling at you and waiting for you to touch my outstetched fingertip with your nose, that is acceptable to me. If you don't get what I mean by this, you're just faking the whole cat thing.*

>Similar to 'Lesbian Bed Death'
I don't like far-out heavy metal groups. I bet they're all about growled lyrics and endless shredding. Its proletarian.

>not to consider the external forces which make it even harder for me to feel sexual
Are you chained up in a dungeon somewhere? Oh god oh god oh god.

* Tell me that you're not a little intrigued by this forceful bad-boy approach, I dare you. And how about this for forceful: seeing as we're unlikely ever to meet (impending end-of-world and Mad Max post-apocalyptic thing incoming, yada yada) LET'S BE DARING AND STRIKE UP AN INTERNET FRIENDSHIP. You don't have to bring anything to it but yourself. And I couldn't care less if you're in your fourties. I started this thread thinking you were a cool dude, now I think you're a cool woman. Stop thinking S - E - X and just think "new acquaintance" :-)

PS you did the smiley face thing first. Don't act like I'm being gay. Unless that would make you more likely to hang out with me.
Sexuality for me, it's an odd one. I would compare it to the men who choose to have anime girlfriends and give up on pursuit of real women. I don't know if you're afraid of anything, any phobias, but it's a similar feeling to that for me. It's not a raw and carnal fear of death any time I see a man, but generally a large amount of distrust and disdain for men, which then turns into a more pressing fear if I'm ever alone with a man.

The comfort than men find in anime girls, things like not being judged, having easy access to a beautiful woman, having to do 0 work to attain something close to what they desire, having 0 risk involved, and generally avoiding the stress and pressures many of the social, economic, physical, and sexual factors that dominate relationships with real human.

For me, my relationship with men is one where I find pleasure in being cruel to them. I have a profound amount of disdain for men, because as the natural pilot of the human race, they have performed poorly and people suffer needlessly due to the folly and shortcomings of men. Women have no natural power to question a man's physical dominance, so ultimately any folly of women is the fault of men, because women have no moral agency without men giving women the freedom to make decisions, and the unfortunate part is that women did not evolve to possess or wield moral agency, but instead evolved to be submissive and meek, and obey the decisions of men due to the significant imbalance in physical power.

This is the general perspective across the entire sex, and this does not translate well to the personal level where most men are meek and ignorant, and on an individual level, men are seldom anything more than animals to me. I cannot find them any more appealing or sexually attractive than animals due to their powerlessness, lack of industry, meekness, obedience to the state, and general ignorance. These are feminine qualities which are unattractive in men, but acceptable in women
Tbh the whole gay sex stories thing is freaking adorable. Just gonna be honest and admit that.
Right, I'm being manly now: beeyotch, we're friends now. Consider it a thing that I've already forced onto you. If you don't like it I'll hit you with your own hands while saying "Stop hitting yourself" over and over. Then I'll ridicule you for having feeble woman hands that can't even hit very hard. It's like being hit with wet noodles.

I bet you have crumpled kleenex up your sleeves, and they'll work loose if we do the whole "stop hitting yourself" thing. You don't want that shame. (Although simultaneously, *you do*. But that's tough, gizmoid hands. Come back and stand up to me when you can get the top off a jam jar on your own.)

I feel so pumped now I could punch a horse. THAT IS HOW MANLY I AM.
Trying to define my sexuality with men, again, similar to anime girls, but it's a one where I can abuse men in spite, be cruel to them, and mock them for their folly, all while hiding behind the safety of the internet without being put at risk of physical harm, social damages, or economic damages.

If I were to engage with physical men, then suddenly I become meek, powerless, obedient, respectful, etc. due to the social, physical, and economic dangers of interacting with humans, especially men, and this is stressful for me due to the risk involved so I avoid it outside of necessary places such as work.

The fantasy here is me being able to engage with men in a manner where I can address their flaws and their problems, rather than remain meek and unassuming, turning a blind eye to their flaws and shortcomings, tolerating that which I hate quite a bit, in order to save face and continue to have the ability to exist in public.

I get pleasure from this, because this allows me to exist in the position of the superior, which logically I am due to merits and intellect when compared to the everyman, but unfortunately this position is normally unattainable due to the natural social hierarchy, and my unwillingness to engage or conflict with men in the typical way that socially dysfunctional women do.

Beyond that, women generally hate me for criticizing their shortcomings and folly in the same right as men. The women who seek to hold power through men either do this through economic power such as a job, but for the commoner this takes the place of mob groups of angry women, who I share no common beliefs with and find to be equally as disgusting and loathsome as the dysfunctional men.

This leaves me with little alternatives beyond engaging with this fantasy online. It is not as much of a sexual pleasure as an emotional one, but it is one that I find gratifying and enjoyable
I have no idea why I spelled it "fourties". I'll have to commit seppuku now ffs >:(
this confused me, but ok. Your attempt at masculinity seems boyish and disorganized. Real mascuility is the just the silent pressure of a man looming over you, knowing full well the unspoken social and physical dominance he has over you.

He doesn't need to act or do anything manly, because both of you are well aware of the fact to the point that it doesn't need to be proven. He is then able to utilize this unspoken truth to guide you towards his desired ends. He is not forceful, he just makes pleasant suggestions, he speaks as if your actions and compliance are entirely voluntary. He speaks, always implying that you consent, because he knows at the end of the day it is only his consent that determines the outcome of any situation and that the woman is powerless.

This is why women flock in groups, because the isolated woman becomes incredibly sensitive to the pressure of a man. Though there is some sense of "fear of police" in men, the fact that women need to have some 3rd party get involved to have any ability to counter the social and physical dominance of men reminds them how powerless they are.

Most women enjoy this, and there is comfort in being lorded over by a powerful man. Women, being weak, find comfort and pleasure in the protection of a man which gives them something they naturally lack and feel vulnerable without.

It's not a "macho" thing as much as it is about exerting social dominance, physical dominance, and sexual dominance in a way that is subtle enough for the woman to see it as a passive offer of what she wants rather than an act of physical force.

Often, if a woman becomes discontented by a man, the man does resort to greater means of physical, social, or emotional pressure to retain dominance over the woman, and these experiences are generally unpleasant.

The thing is, if the man masculine enough and confident enough, then the woman would not have the ability to question him, as she is only able to question a man's weakness.
Me: I'm going to tease you gently while saying "you're cool, let's hang out online".

You: Sex and vaginas and power and things. And prolly S&M.

Stop me if I'm being inaccurate :-)

Basic upshot is that I will force my mighty mind onto yours in Every. Single. Thread. you ever make - like a less-handsey Pepe le Pew - until you acknowledge that we are buddies. *It isn't like you have a choice.* You're delighthful, but I'm slightly smarter and vastly more testosterone-fuelled. Every guy wants to hang around with women that are almost as smart as him, *but not quite*. Booyah, that's you babycakes.

Don't make me pull the intellectual equivalent of "stop hitting yourself". We're side-kicks now. Like Buggs and Daffy. Or Ahnold and a tumour.

I'm going hiking now. Ta-ra.
>whole cat thing.*

I'm saying I'm extremely skittish and run away very easily. I avoid human contact at all costs. You would need some sort of physical, social, or economic pressure to force me to interact with you in the first place. Stray cats just run away at all times, they don't have any interest in human contact.

>Stop thinking S - E - X

You're the one bringing this odd erotic roleplay into the conversation. I appreciate the interest though, it means a lot.
>we are buddies

we are buddies, but you're a bit disorganized in your speech and it's a little worrying, especially with the added excitement odd role-play element. Let's calm it down a bit and just have normal people talking.

I do appreciate that you want to talk to me. You don't see anybody else trying to engage with me, do you?
Tragic that the image limit was reached. I can't quite understand why that exists, but 150 is fairly low.

Look at this beautiful image.
I'm phoneposting, of course it looks disorganised.

OK, I'm at a hut at the start of the trail that has WiFi. I've just realised something to my horror: when you posted this thread, it wasn't anything to do with satire, was it? Satire is just the cover, the fig leaf. At first blush, I saw your posts and thought "Ha, this reminds me of 'A Modest Proposal' in its audacity, and I love the way it excoriates Biden using the language of the progressive movement". But I was coming at it from the perspective of an English Lit Grad that works as a copywriter.

On my drive to the trail, I realised - to my absolute horror - that when you post, you're not making jokes about Biden. You're looking for an excuse to walk into a room full of men with a sign around your neck that reads "Call me a cunt". Which one or two of them do, before they leave your thread. And you respond to them with *unbelievably* long screeds that I mistook for dark humour - comedy that's funny because it's so painful. In a way, like Dostoevsky's 'The Idiot', where we laugh at the narrator's oblivious hubris. In your case,much of the joke being that - as you acknowledge, nobody is reading your thread.

But it's not comedy to you, is it? You're only managing to be sarcastic on the shallowest surface level. Throw enough mud, and some sticks. The self-effacing, bathetic 'dark comedy' that I perceived is actually absent. Or more accurately, it is tragic. I mistook the way you debase both yourself, and your own thread, as someone pulling off a very audacious trolling stunt. And it isn't that at all.
Apart from teasing you a little, I kept making it clear that I just thought you seemed funny and interesting, so I'd like to be friends. I thought you seemed cool when I thought you were a guy, after all. And you responded entirely with way-too-frank talk about sex, sexual disfunction, and hating men. Because that's all that the thread is about, to you. It's nothing intellectual, like you claim on the surface. It's entirely about your disfunction, and you acting out. This is no different to cutting yourself in public.

It's a self-hating compulsion on your part. You know that making the thread will earn you insults - albeit not many, because few people read the thread - and your responses encourage that. You're like a woman that looks for cheap, unfriendly one night stands, and when the guy discards you, you think "You had that coming, whore". That is fucked up.

And when I came along and went out of my way to say "No, joking aside, I just want to be friends, I mean we live in different countries" you freaked out about that in the most colossal way I've ever seen. I mistook it for autistic nerves, so I was trying to be nice - but you literally could not reply in the affirmative or negative, precisely because that would have been too psychologically healthy and normal.

"Sorry dude, I'm too busy to add new friends" or "Sure, see you in another thread" aren't hard to type - not unless you're only typing out of monumental self-hatred, and the whole point of typing is to reinforce the picture where you seek out men, in order to distance yourself from men. No wonder you had verbal diarrhoea when a man made the simple statement that he'd like to be friends with you.

Look, I take back what I said, you do you and I'll do me But for God's sake, get some psychiatriatric help. Once one sees that you're not here for the lulz, but the pain, the raw wound of your life looks unbearable.

I notice your anger and appreciate it much more than the odd furry style UWU play you had going before. That's reasonable, that's being human.

>I'm phoneposting, of course it looks disorganised.

This is ironic because last time I checked writing on a phone doesn't turn somebody into a faggot, and every time I get a text message, it isn't some shitty ERP.

>OK, I'm at a hut at the start of the trail that has WiF

I'm also running a fucking marathon right now, btw, and despite the fact that you're still phoneposting, you suddenly have produced a coherent and reasonable criticism free from the gay ERP.

>when you posted this thread, it wasn't anything to do with satire, was it?

It depends on what you mean by satire. Am I making a joke? No, I am mocking people. I am attempting to delegitimize and these people by using their own rhetoric in situations that would upset their supporters.

>Ha, this reminds me of 'A Modest Proposal'

You know how many people tell me this when they hear me talk? I'm not joking. I don't read books because I'm not a faggot. I fully support the economic abuse and exploitation of children, as well as adults, so long as this remains more profitable than refraining from said abuse. The human is a beast of burden and the imaginary "ethical" concerns regarding his treatment are no more legitimate than if I were to argue "a leprechaun commands you to obey me, otherwise there will be unlucky charms in your life which are far more unpleasant than were you to simply concede to my arguments and obey my commands".

Ethics is an entirely fictional and subjective field with no bearing on the world save for the tragedy that communal delusion causes people to collectively act as if some imaginary bullshit were real. If everybody believed "You need a hat on your head or you will catch on fire", so everybody wore a hat 24/7, this does not change the fact that the argument is invalid despite the communal delusion.

>coming at it from the perspective of an English Lit Grad that works as a copywriter.

So from the perspective of a massive faggot? I could pick up on that with your furry-style ERP.

> you're not making jokes about Biden

No, I'm making jokes attempting to normalize the dehumanization of people, because irrational humanization is the reason why the Western nations are hindered to such a great extent. My jokes are funny if you can laugh when people get hurt because they're inconsequential and meaningless. My jokes are funny if you are entertained when might makes right.

>walk into a room full of men

You walked into this room, cowboy. I'm not the one "looking to be called a cunt", clearly I'm the one talking the shit and people are always on the back foot, hence why the resort to personal attacks rather than addressing the points I made, which of course, your arguments is no different thus far, just a longwinded personal attack, but never the less.

>Which one or two of them do, before they leave your thread.

I come here to entertain myself and make arguments. I put some bait out there, see if anybody takes it, then I see where it goes. That's it. I'm not getting any gratification from the posts people make because they can seldom if ever manage to process my arguments in a way which is free from the bias of the subjective human experience.

These are people struggling to process a valid argument due to the intense adulteration of their mind due to instinct and basal fear which causes them to rebuke an sound argument because it is contrary to their own self-preservation.

> we laugh at the narrator's oblivious hubris.

At least you got a laugh, the point was to laugh at the suffering of other people which I advocate for, because this suffering is logically, rationally, and economically justifiable both in the eyes of secular morality and the health of the nation.

You are somebody who went to college to be an "English Lit Grad" and work in a field that is increasingly inconsequential due to the inability of people to read, so "oblivious hubris", is not a phrase that I would throw around lightly.

>But it's not comedy to you, is it?

Comedy is a matter of taste, it's a matter of what people find to be funny or not. Look at America's Funniest Home videos, the most popular videos are always people being hurt due to their own stupidity, and I just apply this exact same logic, but take it to a more extreme form of the same comedy.

>You're only managing to be sarcastic on the shallowest surface level.

I'm not sarcastic, I'm mocking these people, but I still fully support my arguments. My arguments about being pro-rape and pro-murder are steadfast because if the world is going to tolerate and support the comcial bullshit my platform is farce of, then I am more willing to support legalizing rape and murder in accordance with these same exact "social liberal idealist principles" than I am this soft-dick gay bullshit where the most insufferable and unjustifiable people in the world are given protections and treated as heroes just for being "so kind as to be a blight upon civilization and the human race".

If these people are "protected and valuable diversity", then by all means those who rape and murder need to be protected under the same fucking logic that "People who are worse than other people and persecuted for being worse than other people deserve irrational and illogical legal protections". That's my argument.

>as you acknowledge, nobody is reading your thread.
>I mistook the way you debase both yourself

I am doing nothing than acknowleding the truth when I say these things. I'm not going to delude myself and pretend "lots of people read my thread". Stating a fact is not a form of debasement, and I don't know what you took of my self-description to be "debasement". These are simple facts which I acknowledge.
>. I mistook the way you debase both yourself, and your own thread

If I were to call a man fat, worthless, annoying, and ugly, am I "debasing" this man when my words are true? I don't think so. To debase something is to make an argument which slanders something and alleges that is worse than it really is.

I acknowledge the truth, and I don't feel that these truths "debase" me in anyway.

>so I'd like to be friends

But somehow the fact that I now allegedly have a vagina has shifted your perspective from one of friendship into one of spite and malice? Ironic how the genitals of a farm animal can somehow sway your perception of the individual to such an extent, despite having done nothing to change the validity and enjoyability of the some 13,000 words you enjoyed before learning of my alleged genitals.

> way-too-frank

I speak of sex the same way a doctor would speak of genitals, like I said, it means nothing to me. I explain the psychological convictions of myself and the general nature of human sexuality to you because, from my perspective, you seemed oblivious to these things with your very off-putting and bothersome ERP nonsense.

>and hating men

I hate mankind, and realize that this does not include you or the peasants you squabble with or circle-jerk with. You are chattle, beasts owned by mankind, driven like stock horses, born, bred, and reared to do nothing but serve your masters who indoctrinate and condition you from birth in an effort to ensure you become dependable laborers who serve the interests of the men who own you.

These men executing society, orchestrating society, these are men, these are mankind, these are the people I hate because they do a poor job and there are many extreme instances of dysfunction within society stemming from the ignorance, fecklessness, indifference, and vices of your masters. I hate them for doing a poor job, that's it.

My "hatred" of man, the beast, the farm animal, is nothing more than a modest disrespect and a general avoidance of dangerous farm animals. I don't hate horses in the slightest, but I do not go near them because I don't want them to hurt me. I don't want to suffer due to recklessness. I don't want to be kicked, and due to an aversion to risk, I avoid horses.

I physically fear horses because this is a natural human instinct to fear that which is larger and more powerful than you are. Though this is irrational due to man's historic relationship with horses, I am meek and unconditioned to horses, so due to the size and strength of the animal they cause a modest amount physical fear in my body which I cannot control.

Men, however, I am conditioned to tolerate and coexist with, but seldom find any pleasure in doing so. The fear of men is not a carnal, instinctive fear like my fear of horses, but instead a learned precaution due to a lifetime of experience with men and learning full-well the dangers, risks, inconveniences, nuisance, discontentment, and otherwise unpleasantries that men will frequently bring into a person's life. I am risk averse, and there is little tempting me due to my lack of libido and numerous alternatives to find emotional and social gratification.

>It's a self-hating compulsion on your part.

I hate to use such a overused phrase, but this appears to be projection on your part. I don't know what could compel you to think I am "self-hating", considering the comical, if not militant amount of hubris you yourself readily acknowledge that is a consistent theme throughout the entire thread.

>You know that making the thread will earn you insult

This. This is true. I want those insults because that gives me an opportunity to fight. If nobody comes here to pick a fight, then I have to go out and pick fights myself.

When somebody is willing to offer an argument, a statement, anything with meat, this allows me to tear into the argument and thus the person, hopefully causing them discomfort and making them question themselves, their ability to argue, their beliefs, or somehow hurting them in some way that the experience can be palpable enough for it to serve as a formative moment from which they can develop in some way.

It is only when the person invests in an argument that my rebuttals can be weighty, because just some random uncalled for shit-talk from a stranger is largely meaningless because the person has not invested into arguing with the person and likely has little interest in reading the argument, let alone attempting to defend themselves, thus these attacks are usually brushed off with a "lol schizo jew nigger"

Clearly it is much harder to verbally abuse people on the internet than it is in reality, but my intent, here, is not entirely to hurt, but to help the person grow, even if this means inducing growing pains of discomfort, confusion, anger, or sadness.

>because few people read the thread

Few people read this thread because 88% of American adults are too illiterate to process text at the level of a 14 year old, and 52% of American adults are too illiterate to process text at the level of an 11 year old. This is why few people read the text, and this also explains the incredibly childish nature of both the people on this website as well as the mobocracy, which consists of little more than trying to appease the indignation of self-righteous childish people despite their demands being completely irrational, unfeasible, economically harmful, and often masochistic.
>You're like a woman that looks for cheap, unfriendly one night stands, and when the guy discards you, you think "You had that coming, whore". That is fucked up.

I fuck dogs because the cock of a dog is not attached to some self-righteous delusional asshat who is always struggling to cope with the fact that his ego is damaged by the slightest sleight, to which he must retaliate by struggling to assert some form of dysfunctional "dominance" to verify his delusional belief that he is a legitimate person, depsite the fact that actually doing so is impossible.

With each man attempting to legitimize his ego despite this feat being largely impossible due to the grandiose perception of himself in the face of his eternal folly and failure, this means that spending time with a man consists of nothing but coddling his delusions and his childish self-righteousness, which of course means trying to resolve the problems created by his own shortcomings which he refuses to acknowledge because to do so would be to harm his incredibly fragile ego.

>"No, joking aside, I just want to be friends, I mean we live in different countries" you freaked out about that in the most colossal way I've ever seen

I was attempting to dissuade you from making those weird erotic roleplay comments that were very bothersome and quite unflattering. You were aggressively attempting to "flirt" with somebody online, despite there being an explicitly stated disinterest from the other party.

>"Sorry dude, I'm too busy to add new friends"

I don't have a problem with "being friends", I was concerned for your mental health considering the disorganized ERP bullshit and the fact that you seemed to be genuinely sexually pursuing a stranger over the internet, despite countless red flags that would indicate "This person is probably a serial killer", entirely because of one alleged vagina.
>I was concerned for your mental health considering the disorganized ERP bullshit and the fact that you seemed to be genuinely sexually pursuing a stranger over the internet

This is why I decided to presume your character to be some sort of desperate, horny, teenage boy with some degree of mental illness. This was the impression that your writing style gave. me, so due to the fact that I perceived you as a vulnerable youth, I attempt to minimize the harm when attempting to dissuade you from those types of behaviors.

>verbal diarrhoea when a man made the simple statement that he'd like to be friends with you.

The first two paragraphs are about the problem of illiteracy in America and the self-serving interests of people limiting their ability to entertain arguments or ideas which do not coddle the self-service of their ego or carnal satiation.

Paragraphs 3 and 4 make an allegory about how stupidity is comparable to sickle-cell anemia, a genetic disease endmic to Africans, which when the person only has 1 gene, they become immune to malaria with no ill effect, but when they have two genes they have a crippling blood disorder.

In the last 3 paragraphs, I tried to offer you sincere compliments that clearly your reading level was well above the level of most people on this website.

>It's always good to know that my words don't fall on deaf ears, and the fact that the final image in the thread was not contributed by myself is a testament to the fact that I'm not alone in this world, at least philosophically or psychologically.

I say that I appreciate your willingness to engage with me because so few people will. I finish by stating that written skills and intelligence are only valuable and powerful if you can use them in a way to communicate with the everyman, which clearly I struggle with due to the minimal interest and limited readership of my threads.
>Look, I take back what I said, you do you and I'll do me

The tragedy is that you're the "I love this stranger until she denies me, then I will hate her" type of weird desperate internet stereotype. Initially, we're just engagingin causal banter, then you learn that I allegedly have a vagina and you say you love me and engage in weird ERP shit, then I turn you down, and you respond with "with *unbelievably* long screeds" about how much you hate me now. Funny.

>But for God's sake, get some psychiatriatric help.

Really? You've reduced yourself to "take your pills schizo"? Funny that once you've learned that my alleged vagina is currently occupied by dog cock, that you believe me to be a "mentally invalid and crippled soul" rather than "the ultimate love of your life"

>Once one sees that you're not here for the lulz,

No, I am not here "for the lulz", this is a childish and playful type of humor. I've explained before that my type of humor and entertainment revolves heavily around the person "being hurt due to their stupidity", and I generally just try to enable this as much as possible, because even just the fantasy about "trans-bullshit causing trans-consesnsual-sex-murder to be legalized" entertains me, because that would be "Just desserts" in my eyes, for it is the original insufferable stupidity which in turn brings pain and death to the people who decided to create the stupidity in the first place.

>but the pain, the raw wound of your life looks unbearable.

I don't know what makes you think I am "in pain". Post some quotes that you perceive to reflect "my pain". The only pain I generally feel is hatred, and not in any indignant way, thinking I deserve better, or I'm the victim. The hatred I feel is the type reserved for those who are inferior, problematic, or otherwise a blight upon this reality.
> The hatred I feel is the type reserved for those who are inferior, problematic, or otherwise a blight upon this reality.

That's my hatred, and it's not that I deserve better or deserve any I hate these people because seeing such ridiculous degrees of imperfection being "tolerated" let alone "respected" causes me to feel anger in the same way that hearing some stupid annoying song over and over again, which of course becomes insufferable after a very short period of time.

The "song on repeat" for me is this parade of inferiority, of stupidity, of negligence, of incredulity, and every single delusion that protects somebody's godforsaken ego from the crippling pain of being forced to acknowledge the fact that the person's inflated self perception is in no way justified by the empirical reality which defines the person.

>the raw wound of your life looks unbearable.

The raw wound on my life is the folly of mankind, which I am forced to suffer through every day. I must bear the burden of the inability of the men who orchestrate society to do this in a manner which fails to induce needless, avoidable, and disastrous problems within the lies of the peasants they own.

I am forced to sit in a room with these pepole, these "social orchestrators", and listen to them play music very poorly, it is grating, annoying, sloppy, and disorganized. It is a terrible time and it causes considerable displeasure in my life.

These are men equipped with very high quality instruments due to the profound technological advancement of the past 500 years, but despite these quality instruments, the musicianship of the social orchestrators is so poor that the performance causes the audience to suffer, rather than enjoy beautiful music.

The music here is an allegory for the ways in which society is organized and managed to ensure the perpetuation of the interests of the state its stakeholders. It is not literal music, but the designed dance of men, money, industry, media, etc.

Sir, I have posted this image >>13033906 → to depict the feelings I had towards this discussion. I find this meme to be iconic, as it alleges that even respectable people can demonstrate ruthless and unforgivable savagery upon their fellow man.

I do hope you read my replies, they may help you understand the context of my arguments a bit more. If you have further arguments, please state them. If you have questions, I am always happy to chat.
what in the name of absolute schizo is going on here
>as it alleges that even respectable people can demonstrate ruthless and unforgivable savagery upon their fellow man.

I don't like the phrasing

>as it alleges that even respectable people can unleash ruthless and unforgivable savagery upon their fellow man.


>as it alleges that even respectable people can demonstrate ruthless and unforgivable savagery towards their fellow man.

The first is more visceral, the second more typical and callous. I prefer the first.

The Brit was at first entertained, >>13021782

Then learned that I had an alleged vagina >>13030363

then became thirsty and weird >>13032106

I express my disinterest, he decides he hates me now >>13033415

Then I talk mad shit. Good times.
(Re-posted from another thread. Should I acknowledge the truth, or ignore it?)

If you can't infer the truth from a minimal amount of information being provided, it's best to accept that you will not ever know or understand the truth and will always rely upon unreliable 3rd parties to provide alleged truth, which, most of the time, is half-truth crafted by propagandists designed to ensure you serve as a means to their desired ends.

Seeking truth makes you turn to the propagandists for answers, then these people manipulate and exploit you for personal gain. If you cannot deduce the truth through your own merits, you are best off remaining oblivious to the truth and accepting that is is probably inconsequential in your daily life.

There is no value in truth by itself, knowledge is meaningless when you don't produce physical actions which capitalize upon your knowledge of the truth in order to better your situation.

Just look at the "Nazi" faggots on /pol/. They know the Jews are evil, but they don't physically perform any of the actions necessary to resolve this problem. Instead, this knowledge of the Jews becomes a fixation which causes endless discontent and suffering, all while they are powerless to actually do anything to resolve the source of this constant pain, anger, frustration, discontentment, fear, and suffering.

"Seeking truth" is generally a ploy encouraged by propagandists to induce this vulnerable and suffering state in the peasants. When you are aware of the truth, causing you to suffer, yet cannot resolve this suffering, this forces you to seek out some solution. Propagandists then offer you an alleged solution, which in your desperation, you accept, despite this solution doing nothing but further empowering the propagandists and generally doing nothing to resolve your suffering.
The best is ignorance, and even better, incredulity. If something is true, but this truth causes discomfort and you are powerless to change this fact, it is best to refuse to believe this truth and instead believe something that doesn't cause suffering. Things like faith in God/Heaven replace the fear of death with something pleasant.

You want to do this so long as refusing to accept the truth doesn't result in more pain, suffering, or misfortune than acknowledging the truth. This can be tricky to walk, but generally, if the truth in question doesn't directly impact your life, such as politics, theism, or anything like that, then the best bet is to be incredulous and deny the reality of these things, instead replacing them with beliefs and understandings that don't cause you suffering to acknowledge.

This is a tactic used with children to keep them contented in the face of painful parts of reality such as death. Instead of "They are dead and you will never talk to them again", this becomes "They went to heaven, and you will see them again some day." It's a much more pleasant thought, and this helps people cope with reality much easier than acknowledging the truth.

This strategy also makes it harder for propagandists to exploit you. The less truth you accept, then the less you seek out resolutions to painful truths with define your life. When you don't seek a resolution, the resolutions offered by the propagandists are meaningless because you don't believe there is truly a problem to begin with, and you don't believe their offer of a solution is real either.

These responses are from this thread, idk if it dies. >>13034345

Also talking shit over here. >>13033331
Hope this fella comes back, I tore into him good, I want some backlash. Otherwise it's back to soapboxing and that's pretty blase. Most people's mouths are too small for the big game bait I use unfortunately. It's a great sport, I just hope I didn't hurt the poor boy too bad. Just trying to have some fun, not kill the fella.
>>12981237 (OP)
>TFW you find one friend
>you abuse him until he leaves
>now you have 0 friends

Well, in the words of the Japs, "It can't be helped", but it's still a damn shame.
This thread has everything you want. Especially reading, absolute mountains of reading, which I know you love because you're all dirty nerd sluts on this website. Come get some action. I might have hurt the one guy who would talk to me, so now I'm looking for the realist niggas on this board to get down with Joe Rape.

I got gay shit. >>12987533

Anti-White shit. >>12985479

Pro child-rape-murder shit. >>12981468

Racist against black people shit. >>13000371

Racist against Jewish Jesus shit. >>13001987

Anti-anti-pedo shit. >>13000373

Anti-Jewish shit. >>13020114

Anti-tranny shit. >>13020169

Schizo shit. >>13022026

Buck breaking shit. >>13023801

That's just the tip of the iceberg, there are multiples of most of those flavors.

I'm sure like 95% of this board has hidden this thread because they're fucking pussy faggots that can't go toe to toe with Joe Rape. If you can see this thread, there's a chance that you've got big balls. Come get some action, motherfucker.

> If I don't got it, I will cook it up hot and fresh out the kitchen.
>Tell me what you want.
Well, you dumb motherfucker. If you went and killed yourself, now I feel like Lennie from Of Mice and Men. Maybe don't talk so much shit next time?
Kot ID
You are a hero fighting the menace of empty soulless shitposting. This thread has content, and your support will not go unrewarded by the powers that be.

Even in your ignorance, for you to cast this vote randomly, your luck is what has redeemed your soul today. The Jew, he fears your soul as now, due to your support of the holy cause of /PBG/ , your soul burns every Jew alive with the holy light and righteousness emanating from your body.

Upon witnessing you, each Jew will write in pain, they will suffer immensely, simply because you have given this small portion of your time, your lifeblood, to empower this thread and the messages within it.

Cheers to you, my friend.
can this thread die now please
Why? Fuck yourself. This is the greatest fucking thread. Why do you want /President Biden General/ #Trans-19 edition? Enjoy this one.


Can somebody at least agree with me that the random ERP shit from that Brit dude is creepy and weird? That shit was off-putting, completely uncalled for, and I saw it as a sign of severe social dysfunction and sexual frustration, but the dude keeps coming at me with that shit like it's some sort of magically seductive sweet talk.

Are all of you faggots on this website like that? Word of advice, don't do that shit, just be normal. Good God.
>can this thread die now please

This thread can die if you give me a few sound arguments.

>Tell me why you don't like it
>Tell me why the other threads are better
>Tell me why it should die compared to anime slide threads
>>Tell me why it should die compared to "sus" slide threads

Can you read? If not, maybe this isn't the thread for you. Words are a fetish like anime girls or transgenders, ok? It's the same shit, but for different people.
To all the feds out there, come talk some shit. Get some. Come talk some shit. I know you want it. I'm chill as fuck, give me some arguments why you have to "hide and slide" my ass, but you'll circle jerk with the braindead goyim.

Come prove to the world that you've got big balls, that you've got a big dick, that you're not afraid of little old me. Let me know.

I don't know how much of my records they let you see, I don't know your level of clearance for classified information. You know I got what you want, you know I can get it to you. Give some play, get some play. It's that easy, nigga.

For fear of death? Really? You're not calling the shots, cowboy, how many scrubs getting ice-picked by by black Jesus? 0. When they say "That dude will torture your family with black magic if you fuck with him", that's bullshit.

You're not the one calling the shots. Your point value is pitiful considering you shine the shoes of whoever is above you. You're loyal to your boss, not the state, and you don't have the slightest bit of involvement in the top-teir homo-ritual shit your masters do in blind faith. You're a detachable, replaceable appendage, you're not the cogwheels making the machine turn.

Realize that your masters succumb to faith-based reasoning because they are powerless. Faith is for the powerless, because they lack the power to attain the ends that they desire.

That's why they envy me. That's why the don't kill me. It's not because "schlomo don't do nothing", It's because they know I have the ability to provide the desired ends of these schlomos, but ultimately they refuse to pay the price.

What's the price? A shit load of sticks and pogs and an across the board reduction of quality just to account for the fact that some godforsaken meatbag is sitting in a position which is in now way rationally justifiable in the slightest.

Conscious Gods suffer from the same flaws nd folly you do. Literally cancer, yet your masters worship them.
>Feds are pussies confirmed
>blindly trust manipulative propagandists who own you
>refuse to trust the aggressively censored counter-propagandist

The reason your masters attempt to sequester my arguments is because they are correct. Clearly, there was one goy willing to drink my well-poison, and he may well have killed himself.

They don't fear that I'll damage their goyim, they legitimately fear me, for theistic reasons more than any real empirical threat, but never the less. Clearly I can't poison a dog to the point where he becomes literate, but the few literate people who own you fear me because I remind them of unpleasant truths which they would rather not face.

>be fed master
>given audit
>sweeps it under the rug

>be goy
>get ticket
>sweeps it under rug
>"Look ma, no ticket!"
>be dog
>just chilling
>Man says to dog "That antifreeze is poisonous and will kill you if you drink it"
>dog looks at man
>doesn't understand English
>walks over to puddle of antifreeze
>licks it
>it's delicious
>keeps licking it

You know, clearly I'm not good with animals, but I did my best. I can't reach through the computer screen, tether you to a post, and beat you any time you try to drink the antifreeze.

I'ma probably let this motherfucker die seeing how you faggots can't appreciate pure fucking comedy gold. I know you faggots just say "He calls me mean words, why should I listen to him?", let me explain

>Be me
>"Steve you've got tiny balls, you wont hit that sick ramp on your bike"
>Be Steve
>"Check this, faggot!", hits the ramp, kills it
>Steve proves he's got big balls
>Gets mad pussy
>Is popular and successful

>Be me
>"Anon, you've got tiny balls. You won't hit that sick ramp on your bike!"
>Be anon
>"Reee, you hurt my feelings!", doesn't hit the ramp
>Anon proves he has tiny baby balls
>Goes to circle-jerk with faggots
>Gets 0 pussy
>Is unpopular and unsuccessful

The "ramp" in this thread is enjoying the high level of comedy, literacy, and rational argument which dominate this thread. Even people in Wheelchairs can still hit the fucking ramp.

Clearly, I'm bringing a badass ramp, thinking people want to do mad tricks and be badass, but instead, I found nothing but a group of faggots that wants to wear women's clothes and cry. Gay as fuck.

Some crafty Canadian got me out of my spiteful little shell, clever bastard. If you want a more "legitimate" form of me, or some backstory, you can thank that Canadian for this.

>>13039865 →
I know some of you have no interest in reading, but if you know somebody who reads, there's some good shit in here for them. Free, and absolutely 0% well-poison. That's rare these days.
Choice my dog, I appreciate it.

>>13041309 →

>be me
>wake up
>go to get dressed
>men are wearing all of my dresses
>men are all massive childish faggots
>now I have to wear the pants
>now I'm fucking furious

If you wonder why I'm so fucking cruel and bitter, this is why.
>I think I love you. No homo.

Come back and talk some shit. Don't be a pussy faggot. The reason your dick is dry is because you don't abuse women hard enough enough.

>be British faggot
>tries to fight a woman
>runs away crying

What the fuck is wrong with this world. Knowing me, the faggot probably "ignored the thread" or whatever fucking gay bullshit you computer nerds use to hide your eyes from the shit that hurts your feelings and makes you cry. Fucking ridiculous.

Fucking hot dog faggots
what's the point of this thread op? I think you'd find many more people willing to talk on /pol/

Pol is mostly bots and shills. If I show them a meme like this >>13009445 They won't read it. Some bot will just come and say "Fuck Biden, faggot", and then everybody claps.

They refuse to read anything and are easily the one of the least literate and functional board on this website. They just go there to circle jerk racism and be spoon-fed propaganda crafted by the kikes to be written on a 5th grade level and appealing to the biases and opinions these people hold sacred.

They're the same braindead comical pawns that have always been utilized for controlled opposition groups in history, but these people are the cream of the crop considering how accessible self-improvement is due to the internet.

These people refuse to better themselves and instead surround themselves in an echo chamber of people championing the supremacy of being illiterate and mentally dysfunctional to the point where any person that isn't a fucking 128-character twitter-nigger phone poster is a "Jew bot", while 128-character twitter-nigger phoneposters are "based supreme White kangz"

The inability of these people to understand reality is demonstrated by this point. They fail to to understand the fact that bots have an incredibly difficult time writing coherent 2000 character arguments that remain on topic and address the issues at hand without devolving into nonsense or non-sequitur. The reason they call me a "Jew bot" is because the propagandists use this to condition them with illiteracy.

If you showed these people the book "Frog and Toad are Friends", their response would be "kill yourself you schizo kike bot", and "I'm not reading that psychobabble". These people condemn and attack words because this saves them the pain of struggling with their illiteracy and trying to comprehend text which isn't written at the level a 5th grader can easily understand. These posts explain more.

>>13030925 →
>>13031580 →
>>13032547 →

>>13033242 →
>>13033289 →
I shouldn't have just written this off as a schizo thread, sorry.
my opinion has changed now, I think
you seem like a very intelligent person, far more intelligent than me. I'm not very into politics, because I've never really understood a lot of the words thrown around. I see a lot of talk about the Jews on here, could you tell me a bit about that?
Me and some Canada boy are having a good bit of banter about the Jews and the Epicurean paradox.

>>13039865 →
Starting here, then continuing downward. There's lots of information, both in the pictures and the text.

If you have any specific questions then dunk those motherfuckers onto the thread and we can talk about it. "Tell me about the Jews" is a long, long story.
gotcha, thanks

Just a few random caps of me talking high quality shit to the asshats on /lit/

>>13044002 →
>>13044007 →
If you have any other questions, let me know. I make arguments about anything.
Just in case that other thread falls off like these deleting motherfuckers. Copy/paste to keep the context. Jesus I hate everybody.


Also this. Men created all of the problem in their world because they refuse to do the work necessary to ensure that the lesser creatures do not cause problems.

>Be farmer
>bull gets loose into house and tears up house
>cats shitting on floor
>dogs chewing up furniture
>"The animals are to blame, not me!" - White farmer

Fuck White men. You voluntarily allow these things to happen, so you're at fault. That's called negligence you dumb motherfuckers.

>Be White
>cause billions of people to suffer daily due to own negligence in the upkeep and management of lesser beings
>"I'm the victim because my own negligence causes problems for myself and others" - White men

Followed by >>13041686
I might let this one die and make another one so we can get more pictures. It's been fun.
I still want this Brit to come back and defend himself. What sort of faggot just shits himself aggressively, starts huffing and puffing, then walks away thinking he's "proven his supremacy". That sort of shit is why you faggots never learn how to interact with women. Even if you shoot your shot, you never learn from your mistakes and keep repeating them.

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