The First Testament of the Altruist


-Marzipan Maddox


Written and edited by Marzipan Maddox

Copyright © 2019 D8A0E1AE935FE6AFF7F7E30B3F8C3FD0EE7057C8E75D88DCC306C59C695E916D

All rights reserved.



In memoriam: Occident, 7,000 BC - 1689 AD


In malignitatem: Exaugurans, 1689 AD –

Mox, omnes enim qui acceperint vana gloriam vana gloriae peribunt


Sol occidit






I am a menial laborer.

I wrote this book in my free time, for fun, over the course of approximately 12 months. November 2017 - November 2018. I edited from November 5, 2018 to January 2, 2019.


Special Thanks to

Japan: Part 1 (1 – 11)

China: Part 2 (12)

Death: Part 3 (13)




I tried my best.






The August sun peeks through dusty windows, speckled shadows of lace curtains dance across the faces of two girls standing in a dingy kitchen with cheap plastic flooring and fading yellowed floral wallpaper. The two girls identical in dress and looks, only distinguishable by the drinking of milk and the red hairband one of them wore.

“Stacy, hurry up, we might be late.”

“One more glass. You should drink more milk too, Stella.”

Stella sighs and rolls her eyes.

“Ok, let’s go.” She says

The two grab their matching messenger bags, and walk through the living room towards the door.

 “We’re going to school, Dad. Try to get up off the couch and do something today.” Says Stella

“I always do something.” Mumbles their father, more than half asleep

“Drinking isn’t something, drinking is doing nothing.” Jokes Stacy

“I sleep, I smoke. I do plenty of things. We’re all still alive, last time I checked. I take pride in that, you know.” Retorts their father, unsure of himself by confusion alone, grasping for something, defensive but a bit too proud to be embarrassed

“Just don’t die, ok? Love you, dad!” says Stacy cheerfully

“Roger that. You two have fun at school, you both look real nice.” He says, looking at the girls, smiling, still lying on the couch

“We will! See you later!” Stella says as the girls exit the house

The girls walk towards the city, the skyline in view in the distance over the tops of tired pastel colored townhouses. The green of hats of the streetside trees spaced evenly along the sidewalk sway in the slight breeze. The two catch the eye of occasional passers-by from the smiles old women to the wide eyes of grinning young men. The pretty girls politely smile back, continuing on their path.

“Are you excited for your first day of high school?” asks Stella cheerily


“It will be great, aren’t your friends going to be there?”

“Yeah, but that’s only two people. Other than that I only know you.” Says Stacy

“I’m sure I will still get to see you though, it’s not like you will have any trouble making friends anyways.”

Stacy laughs anxiously, “I guess it’s just the jitters.”

The girls completed their journey of a few blocks and become like a drop of water in a pool, two girls among a sea of girls in identical red plaid skirts, white shirts, red ties and red bows. The two girls’ matching platinum blonde hair serves as a beacon for somebody searching from them.

A girl followed by waves of long amber hair comes rushing towards the girls, her emerald eyes full of excitement as she meets the two.

She grabs Stacy by the hands, exclaiming “Stacy we are in the same class!”

“That’s great.” Stacy says softly and smiling
“It’s the luck of the Irish!”

“See Stacy, I told you it would be great. By the way it’s good to see you too Ophelia.” Says Stella

“Sorry I don’t know what class you are in Stella, I didn’t see your name on ours though.” Replies Ophelia.

“I’ll go try and find out, I wouldn’t want to be late on the first day. I’ll see you two later” says Stella.

“Yay, we get to spend all day together now!” says Ophelia, still giddy

“If only I could be as excited as you are about going to school.” Says Stacy, a bit glum

“Come on, it will be awesome, Jenna is even in our class, we’re all together.” Says Ophelia

“That’s great, we should really head to class though, you better lead the way, since you seem to know where you’re going.” Says Stacy

The girls make their way through the crowded halls towards their homeroom. The bell rings as they walk in the door, both of them waving at Jenna, a black haired girl sitting in the front of the class, before walking towards the back of the room taking up two unoccupied seats.

“Please settle down. I am Ms. Appleton and I teach English. This will be your homeroom and these will be your classmates for the next year here at Southern Preparatory School.” The middle aged woman continues to talk about the high expectations for the girls here and the standards of excellence that each student should aspire to achieve. As she concludes her talk she informs the girls that each student is required to join an extracurricular club and for this reason the upperclassmen will be recruiting freshman during the club day activities following school. She again sternly reminds the class that attending club day and joining a club is mandatory.

Following the introduction, the girls areeach handed their schedules for the day and the true class starts up as one would expect with paperwork and explanations of what will be read and whatnot. It is all rather unremarkable, and for the most part the standard fare of freshman. When the class is asked if they had read any of the books over the summer, Stacy avoids eye contact with the teacher, a little embarrassed, as she and Ophelia were the only ones who hadn’t read at least one of the books on the syllabus. Ophelia doesn’t seem to mind, carefree as always.

The teacher then goes down the row to ask people to stand up, introduce themselves and say something about themselves.

Stacy is too nervous to pay attention to what anyone else says, but it eventually comes time for her to speak. “I am Stacy White… and… um… I have a twin?” she says anxiously as she softly chuckles out of nervousness. “Good to meet you Stacy.” Says the teacher

Next is Ophelia “My name is Ophelia Reid, and I am Irish!” says Ophelia  “Well then, top of the morning to ya, Ophelia.” Says the teacher in a feigned Irish accent, the class laughs.

Jenna introduces herself, too softly to be heard in the back, and says something about how she wants to be a doctor.

The class is unremarkable, soon it ends and the students shuffle about towards their next class. The same silly introductions happen all day and the subject matter of the courses is briefly touched upon if at all. Ophelia happened to be in all of the same classes as Stacy. She had somehow guessed that correctly before seeing either of their schedules.

The school was set up to have club time followed by lunch, which happened quite late in the day in order to fit all of the classes in beforehand, but still the ringing of the lunch bell is a relief to all students who had grown tired of the strict and rigid atmosphere of school after only a day, looking forward to the unknown of club activities far more than the familiar torture of school

The cafeteria sprawls through the middle of the school with plenty of seats and tables for everybody. Most students line up for the school lunch, but some had packed their own. Ophelia waves down Jenna as she enters the lunchroom and the three proceeded to get their meal. There is one choice for lunch, and that is lunch. It is bean soup in a lidded plastic container, a slice of crusty bread, and a carton of milk. The friends take their trays to eat outside and enjoy the weather.

“We dress plainly and we eat plainly. What a place.” Sighs Ophelia

“Humility is a virtue.” Says Jenna

“I didn’t think this was a Christian school.” Laughs Ophelia

 “There are only so many things they can serve that provide legally adequate nutrition while accounting for common allergies and dietary preferences.” Says Jenna

“So the girls who won’t eat meat and are allergic to god knows what are the reason we are eating like this is a monastery.” Says Ophelia

“It’s pretty good.” Says Jenna, after taking a bite of the thick soup

“The milk is good.” Says Stacy, apparently happy for the first time since school started

“Of course the kitten is happy when she gets her milk.” Teased Ophelia

 “Milk will make you big and strong.” Says Stacy, smiling, flexing her arms as if she were a bodybuilder

“Then why are you still such a cute little kitten and not a big strong lioness?” says Ophelia, laughing

“Come on, She’s not that small.” Says Jenna, embarrassed for Stacy’s sake though Stacy didn’t seem to mind

“Ophelia, you know I’m average height for a girl my age.” Says Stacy, challenging Ophelia’s claim boldly

“Did you forget about the other measurements, Stacy?” says Ophelia, with a smug grin

“I’d be more concerned with your academic measurements than my breasts and ass, Ophelia, but maybe I’m not attending a prestigious girl’s school for the same reasons that you are.” Teases Stacy, grinning

“Last time I checked those were not particular flattering, but that’s beside the point. We should be talking about what club we want to join.” Says Jenna

“I don’t even know what clubs are out there.” Says Stacy

“Same. Clubs sound lame anyways.” Says Ophelia

“Regardless, we still have to join one. I’m sure it’s all the normal things you would expect like sports, hobbies, and academic subjects.” Says Jenna

Stacy sighs, “We’ll just figure it out when we’re staring down the barrel of that gun.”

“Fine.” Says Jenna

“By the way Stacy, where’s your sister?” Says Ophelia

“Who knows, probably with her friends, it’s not like I keep tabs on her.” says Stacy

“I was thinking we could all be in the same club, it would be fun.” Says Jenna

“I don’t think you would want to be in whichever stoic academic club Stella ends up in anyways, Ophelia.” Says Jenna

Ophelia laughs, embarrassed, “You’re probably right.”

The bell signaling the end of lunch rings.

“Ophelia, are you going to drink your milk?” asks Stacy

“I’ll let you have it if you nuzzle up against me and mew, let me pet you.” Teased Ophelia

Stacy clearly annoyed, stands up and walks over to Ophelia and takes her milk.

“No Stacy, be my kitty.” Says Ophelia, patting her lap

Stacy stares at her at her between gulps. Ophelia tries to hug Stacy into her lap, but Stacy quickly dodges the advance

“You’ve got to admit, that was a great cat impression, coldhearted and only interested in you for the food.” Says Jenna, giggling

“Look at how nice I am Ophelia, I even gave you what you wanted.” Says Stacy smiling

“That’s not what I wanted.” Says Ophelia disheartened

“Anyways let’s go.” Says Jenna

The girls head out back towards the school and make their way to the gymnasium and surrounding hallways where clubs had been setting up their displays on folding tables with poster board signs. There are large crowds in front of some of the tables, other’s ignored completely.

“Wonder what is so popular over there.” Say Ophelia, pointing to a large group of people completely obscuring the sign for a club

“Trust me; whatever is popular here is going to be the worst time. These girls are all academic masochists; they will eat up anything that makes them work for 40 hours a week in order to look better on college applications. Let’s use a logical approach and go to some of the less popular tables.” Says Stacy

They walk up to a deserted table. The sign says “Wrestling Club”. Two large muscular girls become very excited when they saw the three approaching

 “So you want to join the Wrestling Club, eh?” says a stout girl with a rough deep voice dressed in a leotard with triceps the size of Stacy’s thighs and a muscular core as wide as her shoulders.

“I don’t know; what do you do in the Wrestling Club? I’ve seen some pro wrestling now and then, it’s quite the spectacle, is this some kind of fan club?” asks Stacy almost ashamed of the wrestlers costumes, avoiding eye contact

“You’re looking for the pro wrestling club; this is just the normal kind. The answer to that question is simple.” The other equally imposing wrestler responds, “We lift weights and we wrestle.”

“I see,” says Stacy “It’s probably not for me, I’m not very strong and I’m pretty small, you would just have you way with me.”

“Oh ho ho, I would like that.” Says the first wrestler, grinning “But that’s not how it works; your size is to your advantage and you only wrestle people in your own weight class.”

 “I don’t know, I’m not very athletic.” Says Stacy dismissively

“Come on Stacy, it would be fun. You’ve always been a little fighter on the inside.” Teases Ophelia.

Stacy rolls her eyes

“Sadly, I’ve got some bad news for you. Stacy here is built like an ideal wrestler, small and aerodynamic. On the other hand, those assets you’ve got would easily put you in another weight class by themselves and sadly they don’t provide any advantage when wrestling, it’s just dead weight.” Says the second wrestler, grimacing

“Wow Stacy, the whole time I’ve had it wrong, I thought you were underdeveloped but it turns out the whole time you were just “aerodynamic”.” Giggles Ophelia.

“Jesus, Ophelia, they really must have struck a nerve for you to try to deflect the one possible instance of corporeal rejection on to me. I guess it hurts when somebody puts your only redeeming features in the same category as your brain.” Says Stacy smugly “By the way, what about Jenna here, she’s quite the athlete, you don’t want her?”

“Well you see, Jenna here, she is more of a swimmer. She is quite tall and that is a major disadvantage in wrestling, she gets a lot of her weight from her bones and organs and all that is going to be pure muscle on a shorter girl when she goes to wrestle. Those long weak arms are going to get manhandled real easily by a little girl with a bunch of fight in her.” Says the first wrestler

“That’s ok; I’m not that much of an athlete anyways. I may look athletic but I’m not particularly competitive, certainly not enough to win a fight. Thanks for your time, ladies, but we’re all trying to join the same club, so I don’t think this is right for us.” Says Jenna, rubbing the back of her head,

“Come back to see us Stacy; sport wrestling starts in the winter! We want your body!” Says the second wrestler

“Looks like I’m not the one with people making envious remarks about my body today. I told you it feels weird.” Jokes Ophelia as they walk away

“Not in a weird way! Please do come back in the winter!” Says the wrestler

The girls walk past some more clubs stopping at the sewing club.

A few pretty pieces of well-made clothes are hung up, frilly blouses and stylish dresses.

“So you girls are looking to learn the skills to pay the bills, eh?” says the seamstress at the table

“I was a little more optimistic about my future than working in a sweatshop where nobody speaks English, but these do look like the skills to please your husband, if that’s what you mean.” Says Ophelia, Jenna glares at her

The seamstress laughs nervously “No, no, don’t be silly. A seamstress is a fine job; many people need to have their clothes adjusted and some of them even want you to make them some custom designed pieces. It’s loads of fun; you could even become a fashion designer.” She says

“That actually does sound fun; I would love to be a fashion designer.” Says Jenna

“Jenna, the word is housewife; you will become a housewife mending your children’s clothes and adjusting your husband’s pants as he gets fatter. I’ve seen my mom do this my whole life, and despite her endless knowledge of fixing clothes, she is clearly not a fashion designer. Pretty much every woman knows how to sew, but only one in a million actually makes it into the fashion industry. I thought you had bigger dreams than becoming a housewife, but maybe you’ve had a change of heart.” Teases Ophelia

“In that case this would be the perfect club for you Ophelia; becoming a housewife seems to be one of the brightest possible futures that God may have in store for you.” Says Jenna, dryly

“I already know how to sew, but if they had a club about how to keep men happy, I would certainly be interested in that one.” Says Ophelia

“You definitely don’t want to join that one; men can’t be happy, they can only be pleased, and I’m sure you’d be in endless trouble with your parents if you took up those pursuits.” Jokes Stacy

The seamstress laughs nervously. “Sorry, I don’t think that’s a club here today.”

The three look at the seamstress a bit dumbfounded, before Stacy starts laughing boisterously.

“I think your club is great, but I have to look after my foolish friends here, so we’re trying to join a club together, and I would hate to make you deal with someone so dense they cannot appreciate your work. Your clothes are beautiful and I hope you can find somebody worthy of your tutorage.” Says Jenna

The seamstress blushes “Wow, thanks. I’m Eloise by the way, if you free some time you can stop by and maybe get measured, we would love for you to be a model for our community functions. A tall beautiful girl like you can really compliment a dress like most of our members can’t, sadly.”

“I would be honored; hopefully I can find a playpen to stick these two children in so I can maybe do something fulfilling with women of elegant tastes for once rather than be a nanny.” Says Jenna

“I’m not a child.” Gripes Stacy

“You look like a child.” teases Ophelia

“You have the intellect of a child.” retorts Stacy, as the girls walk away in pursuit of something

Jenna sighs, “See what I mean?” she says

“It’s ok, at least you have friends; they’re silly, but that’s fine. It can be rough time for some of the new girls; I know it was for me. Anyways, our club meets in the home economics room during the club period, if you just want to say hello.”

“I’ll definitely come to see you if I can find the time! Take Care!” says Jenna as she waves, walking back to catch up with her friends

“Let’s find something we all can enjoy. Something simple.” Says Jenna

A few girls surround a table with swooning over a tri-fold of pictures of animals. The three approached the table; the poster said “Animal Club”.

A pretty girl with a kind face, golden hair and aqua eyes greets them.

“So you girls like animals?” she asks, smiling

“I love animals!” Ophelia says excitedly

“Then this is the club for you; we are all about animals, we love them. I’m Aurelia, by the way.”

“What does the club do exactly?” asks Jenna

“We are crusaders for our furry friends; we heal the sick and wounded, we feed the hungry, we give homes to the homeless, we give hope to the hopeless, and above all else, we give love to the unloved.”

“That sounds pretty ambitious.” Jenna says nervously

“Well, we mostly just volunteer at the animal shelter and raise money for charity, but I think it sounds better the way I say it.” Says Aurelia

“Aww, look at these cute puppies! These kittens look just like you Stacy!” says Ophelia, pointing at a group of white kittens

“Though we can’t really go to the shelter every day, in our club room we spend a lot of time learning about animals or just looking at pictures.” Says Aurelia

“Oh, I was worried for a second, I don’t know if Ophelia over there could handle the learning part, but she’s good at looking at pictures as you can tell.” Teases Jenna, frustrated with the childishness of her friends

Stacy chuckles, “Don’t you want to be a doctor, Jenna? Helping sick animals sounds like a start in the right direction.” She says

“Do you like animals though Stacy? I remember you were afraid of dogs when you were smaller.” Says Jenna

“Don’t worry about it, Stacy,” chimes in the bored looking girl besides Aurelia “Some of us just use the time to do our homework. You don’t really have to love animals.”

“I guess I like animals enough. Besides, I’m not scared of dogs any more, it’s just that most of them used to be way bigger than me, but I’m ok with them now.” Says Stacy, defensively

“If you like cats more you can work with them. All of the animals need love” says Aurelia “A lot of them won’t let you pet them but they will play with toys sometimes and be really glad that you feed them. Really low impact stuff.” Says Aurelia

“That sounds nice; I think I can handle that.” Says Stacy.

“Ok, Ophelia, do you want to join this club?” says Jenna, Ophelia having been absorbed by the many pictures of animals lying around, flipping through magazines

“Oh yes, please, please, please!” she says giddily

“Then it is decided.” Says Jenna

“Really? Yay!” says Ophelia

“Just sign your name on the paper and you will become official members of the Animal Club.” Says Aurelia. “Welcome Aboard!”

“Anchors away!” says the bored girl, sarcastically

“If you’re not going to help me recruit people just be quiet Sloan.” Says Aurelia, the three sign the paper

“I’m just giving the girls a second reason to join. I’m just being your backup saleswoman.” Says Sloan

“It sounds like you would rather be in the Homework club, Sloan.” Says Aurelia, mildly put off

Sloan laughs, “No way; those girls actually like doing their homework. No way I’d want to be in a room with those weirdos; I might end up getting into other forms of masochism.” Says Sloan, in dry jest

Aurelia rolls her eyes “Just ignore her; we are glad you want to join us and look forward to spending time with you! Our club room is 247 a biology room on the second floor, you can’t miss it because of the sound of the bird in there. See you tomorrow afternoon!” She says

“See you later.” The three said



The girls walk away, all of them satisfied in some way, even if Stacy is only satisfied with the feeling of having completed the school day, far earlier than scheduled thanks to their efficiency. They walk out into the courtyard.

 “We should do something to commemorate our first day of school!” says Ophelia

“Like what?” asks Stacy

“I don’t know. I’m not too familiar with this part of town so I don’t know what there is to do around here.” Says Ophelia

“We could just go exploring or something. I’m sure we’d find something to do.” Says Stacy

“Do you think your sister wants to come, Stacy?” asks Jenna

“I’ll ask.” Stacy sends her sister a text message

“I saw a park while I was walking; maybe we could go there. I saw tetherball and other things” Says Ophelia

“I think that would be great; you two need to let out some of your silly aggression somehow.” Says Jenna

“I’ll be sure to turn that aggression into depression once I whoop you at tetherball Ophelia.”

“Yeah right, bring it on!” Stacy replies

Stacy receives a message. “It’s Stella, she says she will be coming home late; she says she joined the student council and they have a lot of things to explain to the new recruits.”

“Your sister is crazy. It’s the first day of school and she decides that she needs more responsibilities than getting perfect grades.” Says Ophelia

“She never seems to have trouble in school; I’m sure that she just wants something to  challenge her and give her something to care about; just showing up and getting good grades is a kind of empty existence, don’t you think?” says Stacy

“I’m sure she just cares about the school and the students, even here it seems where she doesn’t know anybody. She has always been that way.” Says Jenna

“It’s true. There’s no point waiting around for her though, so let us embark. Our adventure awaits.” Says Stacy. “Lead the way Ophelia and prepare for the demise of your pride.”

The girls laugh, walk out the gates of the school and head down the street. The late summer sun is still high in the sky as they pass by buildings full of people still toiling through the work day. The streets are fairly quiet save for the murmuring echoes of schoolgirls dispersing like water trickling out of a dam.

The girls show up at the park, small children playing with their parents and the wild school children playing in a soccer field and on basketball courts. The tetherball stands idle, a bit ragged but still functional. The Stacy and Ophelia start to playfully hit the ball back and forth, their competitive nature solely a personality trait rather than an extension of any athletic capability.

“You are too big, too slow, you can never match my speed!” shouts Stacy as she hits the ball which lazily swings to the other side

“You are weak, like a child; you will soon learn that it is foolish to challenge your master.” Replies Ophelia as she strikes the ball with a comparable lack of force

“My strength comes from within; your big muscles tire easily, but my soul will never weaken!” says Stacy

Jenna sits on the grass, entertained by their playful nature. A dog barks from behind them, the look over to see a large albeit friendly looking dog panting and looking at them.

“A doggie!” says Ophelia excitedly “Let’s go pet him.”

“I don’t know if that’s a good idea.” Says Stacy timidly

Ophelia doesn’t listen and runs over and starts to pet the dog. The other girls follow her.

“What is your name Mr. Dog?” says Ophelia cutely

“How do you know my name?” says a voice, the dog staring intently at Ophelia, mouth closed

“Um.. did you just hear a voice just now?” asks Stacy timidly

 “You can speak?” asks Ophelia

The dog turns its head sideways and barks.

“Not like that, silly, like how you just spoke in English, Mr. Dog.” Says Ophelia playfully, completely oblivious to the surreal nature of the situation, too overwhelmed by the cuteness

“That is telepathy. I am curious as to how you already knew my name, little girl.” Says the voice

“Um, I guess I’m a good guesser.” Says Ophelia, playfully nonchalant, as the two other girls stare at her dumbfounded

“Please call me Wolf, Mr. Dog was my father, I am unworthy of such a noble title. There is a reason I am here, why I speak to you, I must ask for your help, it is very important.” Staring at the girls seriously

“Ok Wolfie, how can we help?” asks Ophelia sincerely

The dog rolls over onto its back, “Rub my belly.” He says, grinning expectantly

“Ok!” says Ophelia as she rubs his belly. “I’m happy to help you.”

“Oh yes, this is very good. Thank you very much.” Says the dog

“You are such a good boy, so nice and polite.” Says Ophelia

“There is one more thing I must ask of you girls. That wasn’t it, I just wanted that belly rub, so badly; it’s been so long. Thank you for that much, at least.” Says the dog

“We’d be happy to help!” says Ophelia

“I am ashamed of this; my family used to be able to do this by ourselves, but the world is no longer the wild place it once was. I need you three to help me do good and fight evil. I will grant each of you a wish, to give you whatever magical powers you ask for to help you accomplish this task if you promise to help me. Just tell me what power you wish to use to help me and I shall grant it to you.”

“Wow really, a wish?” Says Ophelia “Since it was love that brought me to you, I wish for the power of love!”

“Wonderful” says the dog.

“Damn it, Ophelia. This is crazy. We’re not doing this.” Says Stacy

“No, Stacy, we are part of the Animal Club; it is our duty to help this very nice dog.” Says Ophelia indignantly

“She needs the help of both of you; she will not be able to do this all by herself. Please, help me, help your friend; you girls have the power to help the helpless, please think of those in need.”

“Ok…” says Jenna “I’m pretty sure that I’m losing my mind right here; I know magic and talking dogs don’t exist, but if she needs help, I’ll just go ahead and wish for the power to help people?”

“That is wonderful.” Says the dog

“You are the last one, give me your wish, little girl.” The Dog looks at Stacy.

“You are kidding me right? We’re all going crazy? This is a talking dog for crying out loud.” Says Stacy, quite upset

“This is no joke; these girls need you to help them in their journey, please wish for some power, anything, and it shall be granted.” Says the dog

“I believe I am on the brink of death to be hallucinating like this, but I’ll go ahead and wish for omnipotence, Mr. magical dog. Grant that wish.” Says Stacy, rolling her eyes in disbelief

“I am sorry, but I can only grant you powers that I have; I have many powers, but if I had that one I wouldn’t need your help, would I? Please think of something else.”

“How about omniscience, is that too big for you? I’m just trying to get some bang for my buck if we’re fantasizing about wishes.” Says Stacy sarcastically

“That, I can do. Thank you for choosing to help me.” Says the dog

The dog winks his eye and appears to smile. “Your wishes have been granted, these rings are the proof. They will glow when you are helping me and grow dim and dark when you don’t. Please remember to do good and fight evil, I expect great things from you.” Says the dog

The girls looked down at their fingers. They feel them out of disbelief.

“Holy shit. There is an actual ring on my finger.” Says Stacy “I don’t understand why you would chose us of all people to give your magical powers to. This is beyond all form of reason right here.”

“Well, I will be honest with you, as with your new power you could easily see through my lies. If any of you fail to keep your promise, I will eat you. It is sadly that simple; I just wanted to eat you, but I feel guilty if I eat innocent little girls, so instead I give you an opportunity to not be eaten. My family has been unable to do our job for centuries and our magic is largely wasted. We live as stray dogs while the world continues to be tortured by endless evil.” Says the dog

“We won’t let you down Mr. Dog!” says Ophelia as she winks and salutes the dog.

“Are you kidding me Ophelia, he just said he is going to eat us?!?” Stacy shouts

“No, he said he would eat us if we don’t use our magical powers to do good and fight evil, how hard can that possibly be?” says Ophelia

Stacy stares at her, scared and stupefied by her stupidity
“I don’t believe any of this, but the rings are real so we should probably believe the rest of it, just to be safe. How hard can it be to do some good and fight evil, especially with magical powers on top of that.” says Jenna calmly, assured of her own profound insanity, detached as if in a dream

“Remember what I said, girls. I will leave you be, however, I am going to rummage through some garbage, just looking at you made me hungry.” Says the dog as it trots away

“Thank you! We won’t forget you Wolfie!” shouts Ophelia

“Thank you? Really? You are thanking the dog right now?” asks Stacy rightfully upset

“He didn’t have to give us these rings you know.” Says Ophelia

“He did it because he wants to eat us. You realize that right?” asks Stacy

“Well, I mean, if this is real, he could have just used his magic to eat us right here couldn’t he? I think we were pretty lucky pretty when you think about it. I’m pretty sure I’m dead or dreaming right now, so I’m not particularly concerned either way.” Says Jenna

“Wow, ok, just ignore what happened, that’s reasonable. Besides, I don’t feel any magic, and all he did was give us some rings that look like mood rings. This is dumb, nope, I quit.” Says Stacy as she tries to pull the ring off. “It won’t come off. Shit.”


“Only I can take it off, and only when you die.” Says Mr. Dog

“Did you hear that?” asks Stacy

“Hear what?” asks Jenna

“You didn’t just hear that dog’s voice?” Stacy asks

“Nope.” The two others say

“Damn it.” Says Stacy, holding her head, rattled by the voice, “What the fuck did I just do?”


“Looks like you can’t quit Stacy, so stop being a sourpuss and let’s try to figure out what we should do.” Says Ophelia

“I don’t feel any magic either, so I am at a loss to be honest. It’s like he told us to put out a fire without giving us water.” Says Jenna, disheartened

“Wow, you two are so dumb. It’s common sense that we have to transform into our magical forms in order to use our magic; that’s how it always works.” Says Ophelia condescendingly

“How exactly would we do that?” asks Stacy, clearly unentertained

“Well, I’m pretty sure you just spin around and jump in the air and want it to happen.” Says Ophelia, with a tone wavering between confidence and doubt

“Well then, why don’t you give us a twirl, little girl?” Asks Stacy, becoming increasingly sarcastic

“I’d love to.” Says Ophelia, playfully conceited, delighted with her enlightenment for once, as she spins around and jumps into the air, suddenly surrounded by a bright pink light, her silhouette enveloped by a flaming fox which swirls around her body to instantly reveal a cute flared red dress with a white bodice and pink accents flowing up from the skirt. Two doves fly overhead, one of which drops a red witch’s hat wrapped in a white bow on her head and the other a scepter crowned with a red jewel in the shape of a heart. She comes to the ground and poses with her leg curled like a cabaret dancer pointing her scepter towards Stacy with her hand holding the brim of her hat.

“Told you so Stacy!” says Ophelia as she winks and giggles

Stacy stares at her, mouth agape, speechless and bewildered

“Now you try.” Says Ophelia encouragingly

“Jenna you go first; seeing that just broke my mind. I’m going to need a second.” Says Stacy

“Ok.” Says Jenna timidly, “So I just spin and jump or something?”

“You have to want it to happen.” Reminds Ophelia

“Ok…” says Jenna, reluctantly, wanting answers more than anything else, as she spins slowly and jumps, she begins to float as a dark purple light surrounds her, her frame glowing as the air seems to rush around her body, a murder of crows fly around her body, scattering to reveal a dress nearly identical to Ophelia, however almost entirely black, with a black bodice and a black skirt, adorned with and white and purple accents, a raven flies over and drops a black witch’s hat with a purple ribbon on her head. She lands squarely and halfheartedly attempts to point her scepter at Stacy before realizing that she doesn’t have one, beginning to frantically wave her arms in search but to no avail.

“You’re the last one Stacy, no more excuses.” Says Ophelia

“Fine.” Says Stacy, as she spins around and jumps into the air. She lands and the girls are surprised that nothing happened. Stacy stood there still in her school uniform.

“Come on Stacy, do it right. Remember you have to want it.” Says Ophelia

“I really didn’t want it at all though; I was just scared.” Says Jenna, in shock

“Well try being scared.” Says Ophelia

Stacy spins around and jumps. Again, nothing happens. She looks at the two others, annoyed and a bit confused. “Well maybe I don’t know how to do it yet, but I’ll learn later.” Says Stacy

“Wow Stacy, what a letdown; I really wanted to see yours, oh Miss Omniscience.” Says Ophelia

Stacy rubs the back of her head “Well, what do I do now? I still have this stupid ring.”

“You know what to do.” The voice of the dog clearly echoed through Stacy’s mind.

“Is that dog still here? I just heard him say something.” Asks Stacy

“No. I don’t see him. I didn’t hear anything anyways.” Says Ophelia

“So I guess he was just talking to me or something…” Says Stacy

“What did he say?” asks Jenna

“All he said was ‘You know what to do’, which is ironic because I don’t have the slightest clue even though I’m supposed to.” Says Stacy

“So much for the all-knowing Stacy.” Giggles Ophelia

“What a lame dog, he said he would give me omniscience and the only preternatural thought I’ve had so far has been the voice of that stupid dog.” Says Stacy

“You know what I said.” The voice of the dog returns

“He is not a stupid dog, he is a wonderful dog.” Says Ophelia

Stacy, zoning out, thinking about what the dog had told her; the recollection of the conversation comes flowing back to her, clear as day.

“I just remembered that conversation we had with the dog right now, plain as day, and it’s perfectly clear now even though I didn’t realize it at the time. He wasn’t granting us a wish in the sense I thought, he said he would give us a magical power to help do good and fight evil. I’m guessing that’s the only time my powers will activate or something because I still don’t even remember half my teachers’ names.” Says Stacy, rubbing her neck and a little embarrassed

“You’re just a late bloomer like always Stacy. Let’s go try to make Mr. Dog happy with our newfound power.” Says Ophelia

“I don’t want anybody to see me like this. I look like a total loser. Who even wears this kind of stuff?” ” Says Jenna, embarrassed by her outfit and silly hat

“Well, magical girls, clearly, Jenna, duh. Anyways, she’s right that we wouldn’t want anybody to figure out who we really are or our lives could get super complicated. We have to have some sort of magical names to be called, but I can’t think of one.” Says Ophelia

“Yep. This is not Jenna, not at all. Just some weird loser that nobody knows. I know some girls wear outfits like this, but I am definitely not one of them.” Says Jenna looking over her shoulders to see if anyone is staring at her

“Stacy, you should use your magical brain to help give us awesome names. I’m expecting great things.” Says Ophelia

“Well, you had a fiery fox around you and have red hair and stuff, so you can be Blaze. Jenna you had a bunch of crows around you, and a raven, so we’ll just go with Raven.” Says Stacy, enjoying her newfound authority, baselessly presuming her own infallible omniscience

“Wow Stacy, I can tell you really worked hard to come up with those names.” Says Blaze, sarcastically

“I think they are nice, Ophelia. They are pretty accurate.” Says Raven, smiling, relieved to no longer be Jenna

“Fine, what is your name Stacy?” Asks Blaze

“Well, I didn’t transform or anything so I guess I’m still Stacy.” She says

“Lame, I’m going to call you Kitty.” Says Blaze

“You call her that anyways Ophelia…” says Raven

“Whatever, it’s still your magical name.” says Blaze

“Fine. I’ll let you have this one… Blaze…” says Stacy, giggling a little bit

“At least me and Jenna have cool, majestic, powerful names; you’re still just a cute little Kitty.” Teases Blaze

“Who is Jenna? I bet she’s a great girl. My name is Raven though.” Says Raven, as she gestures with her eyes at a couple of people who were now looking at them, smirking

“Right, Raven. Ok. Now that we have taken care of that we begin our real duties to help Mr. Dog.” Says Blaze

“Lead the way, Blaze…” says Stacy still sarcastic even after the ordeal

“Mama will teach her little Kitty everything she needs to know about being a magical girl.” Says Blaze proudly

“Raven would like to learn as well. Please and thank you. I don’t read the sorts of books you do. I don’t even know where to begin.” Says Raven as the three embark from the tetherball court, following Blaze towards the crowds of the park





The warm sun beats down upon the grassy field with a pleasant breeze swaying the blades of grass. A baby in a stroller is crying softly, its mother standing beside it talking to a woman walking her small dog, smiling, laughing. Blaze approaches the woman with her companions in tow. “You baby needs love!” she says boldly, pointing her scepter at the woman

“Jesus, I will feed the baby in a second; what is wrong with you?” Says the confused woman

“Can’t you hear it crying? Have you no heart?” asks Blaze

“I’m not deaf; Baby’s cry all the time, are you an idiot?” asks the woman

“Clearly.” Remarks Stacy snidely from behind her

“The power of love compels you!” says Blaze as she waves her scepter menacingly

“You have got to be kidding me.” The woman sighs, picks up her baby and starts to nurse the child.

“You can go away now, Ms. Love Witch. The baby is loved.” Says the woman now annoyed and bewildered

“Love conquers all yet again!” says Blaze, profoundly satisfied with her good deed

“Please go away.” Says the woman

“Sorry!” says Raven as she drags Blaze away from the woman, Stacy chuckling behind them

“You see, that’s how it’s done. Just use your powers to help people; it’s literally a walk in the park.” Says Blaze

“Now I leave the rest up to you. Go out in search of people you can help with your magic and you shall be fulfilled like I am. I shall search for more people in need of the miracle of love.” Says Blaze proudly, with pompous noble airs

“Ok…” says Raven, trying to figure out whether Blaze was acting out of a dearth of mental health or mental capacity, as Blaze runs away

“Well, we should really try to learn to do this.” Says Raven “I don’t want to let down Mr. Dog. I’m rather confident he thinks we’re idiots so it will just be easy for him to eat us.”

“Well, let’s just not be idiots then; it will be a trial by fire, but a change of pace could be nice. Anyways, I’m sure it will be easy for you to find somebody to help; isn’t your power just helping people?” asks Stacy

Raven laughs nervously, “I don’t know if it will be that easy, I still have no idea how to use magic.” She says

“Well, practice makes perfect.” Says Stacy, more concerned with being entertained at the moment than doing anything to please Mr. Dog

“That woman over at the picnic table under that overhang looks like she could use some help. She looks upset for some reason.” Says Raven

“I guess it’s worth a shot.” Says Stacy as the girls walk over to a woman sitting alone with her head in her palms.

“You look troubled. Can I help you somehow?” asks Raven with timid politeness

 “Jesus, is it Halloween already? Why are you dressed up like a witch?” asks the startled woman

“Well, I am a helpful witch. I am here to help.” Says Raven, weakly, looking away and at the ground, ashamed of herself, equally as confused as the woman

 “It’s just a headache and cramps. Where is your wand anyways, how are you going to use your magic?” asks the woman sarcastically

“I guess I have to use my hands” Raven begins waving her hands around the woman’s body at some distance. “Am I helping?”

 “I’m just glad you’re not making it worse. Somehow you might actually be helping; maybe I’m just losing my mind.” says the woman

“I’ll just have to focus my power.” She moves her hands closer to the woman, her actions looking similar to basketball defense

“What the fuck? Why is that actually helping?” Says the woman, in disbelief at even the mild sense of relief

“I am glad I could help.” Says Raven with a smile as she stops her waving

“Don’t just fucking tease me with your Jesus hands.” The woman, annoyed, as she grabs Raven’s hands and rubs them on her head and pelvis

“Oh my God. I would never believe in this kind of shit but you made my day kid. Thank you. Good god.” Says the woman, continuing to rub Raven’s hands on her body

 “Please do good things now.” Says Raven, fairly intimidated by the woman’s actions but unwilling to resist the woman’s force

“Ok, I’m just going to try to spend time with my kid. I do feel a lot better now, thank you. I’m sure that seems weird a shit for someone to believe you, but that placebo effect worked wonders for some reason.” Says the woman, smiling, finally letting go of Raven’s hands

“That is a very good thing to do.” Says Raven, politely, distantly, struggling to find something to say

“You are a weird little girl, but do you have like a card or something for your faith healing shit, in case I need somebody like you.” Asks the woman in a playfully serious manner

 “Um, no It is my first day on the job, but if you ever see me don’t be afraid to ask; I live around here.” Says Raven in mutual happiness

“Ok, it would be hard to miss you in a crowd. Do you have a name by any chance Ms. Helpful Witch?” asks the woman

“J… Raven. My name is Raven.” She says, a little embarrassed having almost told the woman her real name

The woman laughs “It suits you. It was a pleasure to meet you. Who is your friend by the way? Is she a witch too?”

“Yes.” Says Raven

“No.” says Stacy.

“She is learning, hopefully she can become a real witch one day.” Says Raven

“Well, good luck; we could really use more people like you around here, Raven. You really are a miracle. I’ve seen this shit on TV all the time, but I never thought it was real.” Says the woman

“Do have a wonderful day; I hope I can help others the way I helped you. You were my first, so I am happy it went well.” Says Raven

“Don’t worry, you are a natural. You’ve got an amazing power and I can hardly believe it; hell, I can’t, but you should believe in it; it’s real.” Says the woman

“Thank you very much, you are very kind. Ta-ta.” Says Raven, flattered, still embarrassed, yet somehow excited and proud or herself; she prances away grabbing Stacy’s hand

“I am literally in awe right now.” Says Stacy

“I can’t believe it actually worked.” Says Raven

“It seems like you are the only one who ended up with real magic.” Says Stacy

“I’m sure we will all figure out how to do it; I’m just flying blind right now and I guess I got lucky; it feels so natural, like it’s an instinct.” Says Raven

“I hope I can find my instinct. I still don’t even know what I am supposed to do.” Says Stacy

“You know what to do.” The voice of the dog already too familiar and too unnerving inside of Stacy’s mind, she brushes it off

“Let’s try to get some more practice.” Says Raven



Blaze had approached a young couple in their twenties sitting under a tree relaxing and nuzzling one another. The woman looks at Blaze and smiles wholesomely.

“Well aren’t you cute?” she says

Blaze is delighted “Do my eyes deceive me? Are you two lovers?” she asks

“You are very intuitive.” Says the man, humoring the girl

“Please allow me to cast blessing of love upon you, so that your love will be strong forever!” says Blaze excitedly

“By all means, go right ahead.” Says the woman, giggling

“Love and love and be loved, oh lovers, love!” says Blaze, remarkably serious as she spins around, points her scepter at the two, smiling as she winks at them. The gemstone at the top glows slightly, surprising even Blaze.

“Wow, your toy even lights up, isn’t that neat?” says the woman.

“It is no toy; it allows me to kindle the fires of love in even the coldest places! I am the witch of love!” says Blaze, confidently

“There was already magic between us,” says the man, squeezing his girl “but you just helped make it stronger with your magic. Hopefully you can find more people to help.” Says the man, lightheartedly playing along

“I am glad I could help, but now I must be off to spread love to every corner of the earth!” says Blaze proudly

“Good luck! We won’t forget you!” says the woman, still giggling as Blaze runs off, the man belts out the laughter he was holding back the entire time Blaze was talking to them once she is out of earshot

Raven and Stacy see a little boy sitting on the ground crying and approach him.

“What’s wrong little boy?” asks Raven sincerely

“I lost my toy lion” says the boy sniffing back tears “I had him when I came here, but now I lost him.”

“Maybe my friend Stacy can help you.” Says Raven

Stacy looks at her in shock, and shakes her head.

“Well, what should we do Stacy?” asks Raven

“Umm, maybe use your magic?” says Stacy with a twinge of sarcasm

“Oh, ok, well..” Raven looks at her hands, clasps them, blindly expecting the problem to be resolved by doing so, and when she opens them a small glowing apparition reminiscent of a firefly appears.

“This… fairy… will help you find your lion.” Says Raven unsteadily, entirely unsure of what was happening and what to say

“Wow, you really are a witch!” Says the boy excitedly

“Oh, yes, I am.” Says Raven nervously as she smiles

The firefly floats in front of the boy and he starts to chase it eagerly.

“Wow, Raven; what was that?” asks Stacy, wholeheartedly impressed

“I have no idea, I just thought to use my hands to help the child and that is what happened. I had no idea what to do so I just kind of clapped them and hoped something would happen. Hopefully it actually does what I said or I will feel stupid.” Says Raven

The boy has already started to return, running as fast as he can holding onto his lion.

“It really worked! Wow! He was under the slide and your fairy showed me where he was! Thank you so much!” shouted the boy excitedly as he runs back towards the girls.

The boy comes and hugs Raven as tightly as he can, “You are the best. Thank you so much!” he says, tearing up slightly from his joy.

Stacy and Raven both look at each other and share a feeling of mildly pleasant disbelief. Blaze comes walking up to the girls with a proud look on her face.

“The world is now all the more lovely and wonderful thanks to me, the witch of love!” she says

“Wow, that’s great. You really are a natural.” Says Raven supportively

“I hope you girls have been able to harness your true potential.” Says Blaze

“I actually did help a couple of people; I’m still not quite sure how, but it was definitely magical.” Says Raven, proud but still embarrassed by her appearance

“Yeah, Raven actually healed a sick woman and summoned a fairy to help a child find his toy…” says Stacy

“That’s amazing!” says Blaze with wide eyes “How about you Stacy, who did you help?”

Stacy looked at her with a blank face. “Well, I still don’t really know how to use my powers.” She says

“Then it’s our duty as your fellow magical girls to help you figure it out. I’m a bit tired, but we can sit down at that picnic table and brainstorm.” Says Blaze

“Ok.” Says Stacy, smiling as they walk over to the table and sit down

“Your power has to do with knowing stuff, so I bet you can just think of ways to help people.”

“I suppose I should try that.” Says Stacy

“Just close your eyes and think really hard. I’m sure it will work.” Says Blaze

Stacy closes her eyes. Her face quickly contorts into look of sheer terror, her eyes open, full of fear.

“Well…” says Stacy “I tried that and there were vivid images of lots of very terrible things happening to people, all very bad things. That was super scary.” She says, her heart racing

“If we are supposed to do good and fight evil then maybe your power is telling you to go stop them.” Says Blaze genuinely

“This was hundreds, thousands of people being assaulted, molested, beaten, murdered, and robbed. I don’t think I can stop these things.” Says Stacy, nervously

“Maybe you just need to practice to really learn to take advantage of your power. Try again and see if you can find something bad close to here.” Says Raven

 “Ok…” says Stacy as she closes her eyes for a second, once again stricken by the same fear “Nope. Nope. Just more very bad things.” A cold sweat beads on her face.

“Well, it is what you wished for; I suppose Mr. Dog figured you would be able to do what he asked somehow with that power.” Says Blaze, disheartened

“Where there’s a will there’s a way. I’m sure you will figure it out, Stacy.” Says Jenna, supportively

“Ok…” says Stacy, still shocked

“Maybe instead of just thinking of helping everybody, focus on one person.” Says Jenna

Stacy peers off into the distance, the summer sun slowly falling towards the horizon. She sees a man walking and closes her eyes. Opening them, this time confused, but not afraid.

“Well I tried it on that guy over there; it was just a lot of minor inconveniences and things, nothing really bad or good. The most I could figure out is that he forgot his wife’s birthday and borrowed is co-worker’s stapler and forgot to return it.” Says Stacy

“That’s great. You can go remind him of his wife’s birthday!” says Blaze excitedly

“It was last week…” says Stacy, disheartened.

“What about the stapler?” asks Jenna

“Well, he knows he forgot to return it and will do it tomorrow. I wouldn’t really be accomplishing anything.” Says Stacy

“Oh well, at least you sort of know how to use your powers, which is cool. Maybe you can learn to transform too.” Says Blaze

Stacy rolls her eyes.

“Just use your magic on people and maybe you can find a way to help somebody.” Says Raven

“You will know if you’ve done a good job because your ring will glow white like mine!” says Blaze as she shows her friends the ring, glowing with a very faint pink-white aura.

“Oh yeah, I forgot about that.” Says Raven as she shows her friends her ring, this one emitting a much stronger pure white light.
A disheartened look strikes Blaze “How come yours is so much brighter than mine?” She says

“I don’t know. Beginner’s luck I guess.” Says Raven, flattered

“How about yours, Stacy?” asks Blaze

Stacy shows them her hand, the variable band of the silver ring emitting a cloudy light grey color.

“That’s ok. I’m sure you will get it to glow in now time.” Says Raven, smiling

“It’s getting late, we should head home.” Says Blaze

“Wait,” says Stacy “I don’t want to leave until I’ve done something to make my ring glow.”

“We could be here all night, Stacy. But it’s worth a shot. I don’t want to get in trouble though.” Says Blaze, somewhat pessimistically, but supportive

“I just figured out how to use my magic; I’m just going to search for the closest thing I can do.”

Stacy scans the crowd of people littered throughout the park; she glances towards a woman in the distance talking on her cell phone and is slightly startled by her premonition.

“I just felt something, let me try to figure it out.” She says as she closes her eyes. “I know what I have to do. You wait here I’ll be right back.” Says Stacy, determined

“We’ll come with you and help.” Says Blaze

“No, I have to do this by myself.” Says Stacy

“Ok.” Says Blaze as she rolls her eyes

Stacy walks briskly over to the woman who had hung up her cell phone and began to walk away.

“Ma’am!” shouts Stacy “Can I talk to you for a moment?”

“What do you want?”

“Please listen to me,” says Stacy, nervous but with constitution, “Don’t let your husband go out drinking tonight. He will crash his car, get into a fight with a police officer, go to jail, and lose his job. Please, I’m begging you; convince him to stay home tonight.”

“What? Do you know my husband? Who are you and why do you care?” asks the woman, put off and confused

“I’m sorry, I don’t know your husband, but I just had this sense, this vision, when I saw you that this would happen. The man who wants to fight him is already at the bar; if he goes to O’Leary’s tonight there is no doubt this will happen.” Says Stacy

“Shit, that is actually the bar my husband goes to… are you really psychic? I really want to believe you because that sounds exactly like something my husband would do; he is a hotheaded man.” Says the woman, both impressed and concerned

“So you believe me?” asks Stacy

“Not really, but a part of me does. I have been a bit cold to him lately, and that might be something that helps set him off. The only reason I am willing to believe you is because the story is so believable, too believable. If you told me he would get a promotion or a raise I would have just laughed and walked away. Since you seem so genuinely concerned about it, I’ll try to make him stay in tonight; he has been good to me lately and deserves a little reward. That was creepy as shit though, I’ll be honest, coming up to me out of the blue like that, psychic or not.” Says the woman, smiling

“Wow, Ok. That’s good. A bit too much information, but thanks you for listening, it really means a lot to me!” says Stacy, excitedly

“Wow, so young and innocent. What’s your name anyways?” asks the woman.

“It’s Stacy.” She says

“I’m Louise. I’ve never met a psychic before, only seen them on television; and even if that was a cold reading, I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt just because you spooked the shit out of me by getting it right. Thanks for being concerned about my husband; there are very few people in the world who give a rat’s ass whether he lives or dies, in fact I might be the only one. That’s the part that really got me.” She says, with a sad and distant look on her face.

“Well, that makes two of us now. I also mostly did it for you; I don’t want you to suffer from this either.” Says Stacy sincerely

The woman stares at Stacy, a bit dumbfounded, and touches Stacy’s shoulder “I don’t care if you are just a crazy girl. It means a lot to me that you actually care about other people. That is rare in people, even in little girls these days. It’s even hard for me to do that, but thank you.” Says the woman with a teardrop in her eye

Stacy hugs her, and thanks her for listening before saying goodbye and returning to her friends

“How did it go Stacy?” asks Raven

“Good, I think.” Says Stacy

“Well, let’s see your ring then.” Says Blaze, still feeling competitive

Stacy lifts her hand, her ring was noticeably brighter but still a cloudy light grey compared to her friends. “Well, it did get a little brighter, and that was my first try so I’ll think of it as a victory.” Says Stacy

“I’m glad you were able to figure something out, even if you can’t transform yet.” Says Jenna

“I’m going to go home; I wouldn’t want to stay out so late my parents start asking questions” says Blaze

“Yeah, I’ve got to study, we all do. We have our syllabuses now, so we don’t have any excuses. School is going to be tough and now we have this on top of it.” Says Raven

“Make sure you transform back, you wouldn’t want your parents to see you dressed up like that.” Says Stacy

“Sadly, it has come time for us to return to our normal lives, until tomorrow when we continue our quest to bring love and happiness to everybody!” says Blaze as she spins around and ends up back in her normal clothes without any sort of spectacle. “Aww, I wanted to do the cool transformation thing again.” She says

“So we just spin around?” asks Raven

“That should do the trick.” Says Ophelia, saddened by her disheartening return to form

Raven spins around and is Jenna once again. “Thank god I’m out of those silly clothes.” She says

“Come on, they were super cute.” Says Ophelia, as the girls walk back towards the road, back towards their houses, listening to Ophelia ramble on about the endless, seemingly inapplicable, ins and outs of plotlines of the magical girl books she reads

“My head is still spinning after all of this; I’ll see you all tomorrow, Stacy. Unfortunately I’ll be continuing this lesson in magical girls most all the way home.” Says Jenna

“You should be grateful; this is important.” Says Ophelia

“It sounds like nonsense.” Says Stacy

“You’ve got to believe me; soon enough there will be evil demons or magical wizards we have to fight off with our powers. I’ve read about this too many times.” Says Ophelia

“Have fun, Jenna. I’ll see you two tomorrow.” Says Stacy, chuckling, as the girls exchange goodbyes and head their separate ways

Stacy walks home in the evening sun, she doesn’t look at those who pass her by, she doesn’t want to think about them. The day’s events rattled her to the point where her own mind scared her, like a dangerous animal staring at her in the eyes, she just wants to avoid eye contact and walk away as fast as she can. She knows she can’t escape her mind, and this scares her even more. She shakes her head as she tries to forget about it.






A short while later she reaches the door of her tired home and lets herself in, her father is snoring on the couch as the television drones. The smell of simmering spices greets her, her sister already hard at work in the kitchen. Stacy takes her shoes off, puts her bag down, exhausted as she walks into the kitchen.

“Welcome back, I hope you’re hungry.” Says her sister, already changed out of her uniform, delighted to see her

“Of course, it smells delicious. What is it?” Stacy asks

“Spinach and Lentil soup. Go get changed, it will be ready pretty soon.” Says Stella

“Ok.” Says Stacy as she runs up the stairs, happy to be in her cozy familiar home

Stacy comes back in relaxed dress as her sister sets the table.

“So you really decided to join the Student Council?” asks Stacy

“Yeah, I felt like I would be wasting my time if I was doing something silly. I would rather be productive; it just feels weird otherwise, ominous. You know?” says Stella cheerfully

Stacy laughs “Idle hands are the devils workshop. I guess that’s why you’ve always been such an angel.” She teases

Stella rolls her eyes and laughs “What club did you end up joining?” she asks

“Well, Me, Jenna, and Ophelia wanted to be in the same one, we got a few different offers but decided on the Animal Club.” Says Stacy “They try to help animals like strays and raise money for that sort of thing.”

“How cute; you’re helping poor little animals and you’re calling me an angel?” jokes Stella “What did you end up doing after school today, anyways? You got home pretty late.”

“Nothing much, me and the girls just went exploring and found a cool park near school to hang out at.” says Stacy

“Lovely weather for that sort of thing; I was learning the basics of bureaucracy. I had no idea it was the students who orchestrated all of the community events and things. It seems like endless work, but I think being a part of something that important and much bigger than myself will make all that work worthwhile.” Says Stella, serving up two bowls of soup

“You are stronger than I am. There’s no way I could volunteer to spend more time at school and enjoy myself at the same time.” Says Stacy

“I’m sure you will find something that you want to devote your life to one day; I just really enjoy this sort of thing, it’s a great feeling when you are given an important responsibility and you are able to do what was asked, even better if you can supersede their expectations.” Says Stella

The talk of responsibility and expectations strikes a nerve in Stacy; she pauses and looks down at her ring.

“What is it?” asks her sister

“Nothing. Just some stray thought.” Says Stacy

“That’s a cute ring, where did you get it?” asks Stella

“Oh, um… It’s a mood ring; it’s just a cheap little thing we found at a toy shop along the way home. We thought they were cute so we all got one.” Says Stacy, hesitant

“Really? What does the grey say about your mood?” asks Stella

Stacy laughs nervously “I wouldn’t put too much faith in it, I guess it would mean ambivalent.” She says

“You think we should wake up dad? I bet he’s hungry.” Asks Stacy

“We should probably let him sleep, I’m sure he’s tired; I’ll leave him a bowl for when he wakes up.” Says Stella

“How could he be tired, he doesn’t do anything all day.” Says Stacy

“You know it hurts him just to move around; I’m sure it’s exhausting.” Says Stella

“He would have to move around in the first place to get exhausted.” Jokes Stacy

“He does more than you give him credit for; it takes a lot of work to keep things together, even if he just puts the paperwork in order, that’s still something important that he does.” Says Stella

“I’m just giving him a hard time.” Says Stacy

The girls finish eating and Stella starts to clean up. Stacy sits preoccupied, with a blank stare, still too scared of her own mind to start making sense of the day.

Stella looks at her sister confusedly, “Are you sure you are all right? You seem preoccupied.” She asks

“Yeah…” Says Stacy “Just all of the new school things; I’m just intimidated, uncomfortable with change and all.” She says

“Well, it is an intimidating school, one of the best around. We’re lucky grandpa was nice enough to send us there. We have to do him right and make the most of the opportunity we have been given.” Says Stella, smiling

“Carpe Diem, or something like that.” Says Stacy, half heartedly

“That’s right. Speaking of seizing the day, I’m going to get started on my homework; I have to stay even later after school tomorrow, we’ve got to assign jobs and schedule everything for the coming month, all of the sports and fundraisers and stuff. I’ll probably get something stupid like ticket handler, but it’s just the first rung on the ladder.” Jokes Stella

“I’m sure it will be hell trying to compete with all of the overachievers at school for the important jobs. Good luck.” Says Stacy

“Well, I’m just going to try to let my dedication and my hard work do all the convincing.” Says Stella

“They say actions speak louder than words, which is the honest truth, but I’m pretty sure playing politics is the furthest thing from the honest truth there is.” Says Stacy

“I’m just hoping for the best. What can I say, I’m an optimist.” Says Stella, smiling

Stacy chuckles softly “Optimism is the juice of the fruit of the fantasy tree.”

“And stoicism is the juice from the realism tree. Even if I don’t end up with some high and mighty title, I would argue I have no real reason not to be optimistic about at least amounting to something.” Retorts Stella

“And defeatism is the juice of the pessimism tree. You’re already drinking that juice, Stella, what happened to the optimism?” Stacy jokes

“It was a tactical retreat. My optimism, albeit less headstrong, is stronger because of it.” Says Stella

“Still the tactician in the war of attrition, I see.” Says Stacy

“Hope is the arsenic to the cynic. I’ll gladly wage noble war against your knights of negativity, day or night, whatever the weather.” Says Stella

“So I have been vanquished and my knights hang their heads as they trot back to the woods of woe.” Says Stacy

“Good. I’m sure you have some homework to do, so you should try to do that. No point in wasting time.” Says Stella

“It’s not due for a couple days though. Why do today what I can put off till tomorrow?” says Stacy

Stella rolls her eyes “I’m not even going to bother to correct you.” She says dryly

“It’s an Aaron Burr quote, but I don’t expect you to be versed in the musings of intellectuals.” Says Stacy smugly

“You looked that quote up hoping somebody famous said it, didn’t you?” asked Stella

“You know me too well. I’ll gladly put forth the effort to do something if it helps me refrain from putting forth an effort later. The computer at school did all the work anyways; I just had to type it into the internet search bar.” Says Stacy

“It seems like you just contradicted yourself.” Says Stella, entertained

“Well, you see, it comes down to economics, and in this case the profit is the doing nothing and the doing something is the expense. It has evolved beyond a simple principle and has blossomed into a science.” Says Stacy, feigning airs

“You could teach a master class on laziness. I’m going to be diligent, but I’ll leave you to your noble calling of philosophy.” Says Stella, unenthused

“It is a wise man who lets his ox pull his plow and his hens lay him eggs, it is a fool who expects his hens to pull his plow and his ox to lay his eggs.” Says Stacy

“I think I gave you too much credit calling you a philosopher. You really let that go to your head.” Says Stella

“I take what I can get. Opportunism has guided the course of history far more than due diligence and thoughtfulness.” Says Stacy

“I’m going to take the opportunity to get to work; talking to you feels like the opposite of studying sometimes.” Says Stella, tired of her sister’s antics

“There are those who follow and those who lead. Why be a follower when you can lead?” says Stacy pompously

“You’d have to be a much better talker to get people to follow you as you march into the sea of arrogance and swim towards the ocean of nonsense.” Says Stella

“The water’s warm, would you care to join me?” asks Stacy

“Antifreeze is sweet, would you care to drink it?” jokes Stella, serious and sarcastic at the same time

Stacy grabs her heart and wails facetiously as if in pain “Oh no, the swordfish of seriousness has stabbed me right through the heart; who would have thought such a frightful creature would be so far from its home in the sea of sadness to come and murder me in my blissful paradise.” She says

“If ignorance is bliss you must be in heaven right now.” Says Stella

“Aren’t you jealous?” says Stacy, smiling

“Well, no, that also means you are dead.” Says Stella

Stacy’s body is overcome by a flash of fear and she sits paralyzed and wide eyes.

“Wow, did my words finally strike a nerve?” says Stella proudly

Stacy laughs nervously “Tis but a scratch.” She jokes, attempting to retain her playful confidence

“Well, I hope it is enough to teach you your lesson.” Says Stella as she walks away up the stairs

Stacy sits at the table still staring blankly. She fights off the introspection, trying to forget. She sighs and shakes her head like a dog shedding water.





Stacy goes upstairs and joins her sister in their room. The thick yellow light pours out of the celling lamp and blankets the cozy room. Stella had already unpacked her things and is doing math at her desk. “How are you going to do the math we haven’t even learned yet?” asks Stacy

“Well, you see, I’ll let you in on a little secret. There is this magical thing called a textbook, and when you read it, it tells you what you should do. It’s amazing.” Says Stella sarcastically as she goes back to diligently studying. Stacy falls down on her bed and stares at the celling for a while. She eventually sits up and grabs a novel off of the shelf beside her bed and begins to read.

Stella fills her mind with knowledge while Stacy tries to escape the knowledge that haunts her. The room is quiet as time slowly meanders by. Stella closes her book. “I’m going to take a bath.” She says, looking at her sister “Of course I tell you about the magic of books and you go pick up a book that is literally about magic. Sadly that is not ironic at all.” She jokes as she exits the room.

Stella returns and Stacy is still reading her book. “You really like that book, eh?” she asks.

“I don’t know”, says Stacy, “Do you believe in this sort of stuff?” she asks

“Do I believe in wizards and dragons and fairies and elves?” asks Stella sarcastically “You really are just a child, aren’t you?”

“I’m just getting lost in the story is all.” Says Stacy, defensively, brushing off the question

“Maybe you if you actually tried you would get as wrapped up in the schoolwork. Fantasies about things like, I don’t know, you’re future, for once.” Says Stella

“Fine.” Says Stacy “I’ll go fill out my name and write down what I enjoy about school and what I wish to learn from class on those silly introductory sheets.”

“It really shouldn’t be hard to write Stacy, nothing, and nothing on a few sheets of paper.” Says Stella

“You know the first rule of underachieving is to make it look like you are trying. People don’t pity you if it doesn’t look like you’re struggling despite your best efforts.” Says Stacy

“That’s funny because the first rule of achieving is even simpler, it’s just called trying.” Says Stella

“We’re not so different, you and I.” jokes Stacy as she unpacks her things onto her desk and pulls out a few pieces of paper.

Stella notices that Stacy’s ring has shifted to a bold red color. “Jeez, Stacy, did my jokes really make you that mad?”

“What? No. What do you mean ‘that mad’?” asks Stacy

“Well, it’s just that your mood ring is noticeably red right now. Pinkish, but red.” Says Stella

Stacy looks down at her ring, having almost forgotten about it.

She laughs nervously “I wouldn’t worry about it; it’s not like a ring can really tell how you feel. I’m not mad though, really.”

“Ok.” Says Stella as she lies down and starts to read. Being reminded of the ring causes the memories of the dog to come rushing back. The image of Mr. Dog becomes vivid in her mind, standing there and panting like any other ordinary dog.  “Are you really going to eat me?” she thinks to herself.

“Tomorrow night. At this rate anyways.” Says the voice of the dog 

“What do you want me to do?” she thinks

“You know what to do.” Says the dog

Stacy is paralyzed by fear. Tears begin to well up in her eyes.

“You have been sitting there doing nothing.” Says Stella “What could be so hard about your introduction papers?” asks Stella as she walks over to Stacy

Tears roll down Stacy’s face and drip down onto the paper, Stacy still motionless.

“What is wrong Stacy, why are you crying?” asks Stella, confused, genuinely concerned

“Why do I care about the papers, I am going to die tomorrow.” Says Stacy, choking on the tears she tries to hold back.

“What are you talking about?” ask Stella, even more concerned and more confused

“I know this will sound crazy, but I didn’t get this ring from a toy store. A weird talking dog came up to me at the park and gave me this ring; he said if it turns black he is going to eat me.”

“I was very concerned but now I am equally confused.” Says Stella, perplexed “That is why you are crying?”

“I shouldn’t have said anything; I don’t care if you don’t believe me. I can’t take the ring off and I can’t escape this fate.”

“Why is he going to eat you?” says Stella, unsure of what to say to a person in this state

“I didn’t believe him; I thought I was losing my mind and it was just a silly joke. He told us he wanted us to do good and fight evil so he let us wish for magic powers. He said he really only did it because he wants to eat children but didn’t want to eat innocent children, so he wants us to break our promise.” Says Stacy

“Why don’t you just do what he asked?” Asks Stella, slowly, genuinely confused and concerned for the sanity of her sister, unsure of what to say at a time like this

“I don’t know what he wants me to do.” Says Stacy, desperate

“What about your magical powers? What power did he give you.” says Stella cautious about how to continue the conversation

“I asked for omniscience, but I don’t know how I can use it to do what he asked.” Says Stacy, upset with herself

“So you know everything?” asks Stella even more confused

“I only know the things that are relevant to doing good and fighting evil. When I try to think of what to do it is either all of the bad things happening in the world vividly rushing through my mind or it is the god damn dog telling me “I know what to do.” when I don’t have a fucking clue.” Says Stacy now furious and dolorous

“I’m sure it will be ok. You clearly know what to do; you just have to think of what that is.” Says Stella, cautiously

“I know what I have to do; it is literally to do good and fight evil, I just don’t know how to do it.” Says Stacy

“I don’t want to upset you anymore, so I guess I have to believe you, as much as it goes against my common sense.” Says Stella, profoundly confused

“It doesn’t matter.” Says Stacy, hopelessly

“I’m sure you will figure it out. I believe in you.” Says Stella

Stacy stands up with angry tears in her eyes, finally lifting her eyes off of the blank paper on the desk. “Well if I don’t, I’ll be dead tomorrow night!” she shouts

“Don’t say things like that. Be optimistic; you are a good person so it shouldn’t be hard for you to do good, I don’t know about fighting evil, but you’re halfway there at least.” Says Stella reassuringly

“I used my magic to help a woman ensure that her husband stayed out of jail in order to keep his job and this wasn’t enough. I don’t know what I am expected to do. I really tried. It wasn’t enough!” Says Stacy

“You are smart, you will figure it out. Everything will be ok.” Says Stella, hugging her sister

Stacy breaks down, squeezing her sister and starts sobbing “I don’t want to die.” She says

“You’re not going to die.” Says Stella

“I’m going to die!” Shouts Stacy, authoritatively

“You’re not going to die.” Says Stella again

The embrace lasts for a long time; Stacy eventually stops crying and sits down on her bed, still distraught, with her thought capacity overpowered by sheer emotions. She sits with a shocked and bewildered look on her face, eyes glazed.

Stella sits beside her, “You can’t give up. You are still alive, that means you’re not dead yet. The best part about the future is that you can change it.”

“I won’t give up.” Stacy says, wiping the tears from her eyes “It’s not out of optimism, it’s out of arrogance. I am just unwilling to accept the truth so I choose to be incredulous to it. Omniscience be damned.” Says Stacy, combatively aggressive

“The future is not the truth until it happens. Until it happens it is up to you to determine what the truth is.” Says Stella

“If I die, please don’t tell anybody about this. I don’t want people to know how stupid I am.” Says Stacy

“You are not stupid; you would be stupid if you actually believed the dog was magical rather than some hallucination in the first place. You are not going to die either; I know this for a fact.” Says Stella, somewhat dismissive, reassuringly, still very concerned

“Thanks.” Says Stacy allowing herself to chuckle slightly at irony of the first part of her sister’s statement

“Try to get some sleep, ok? You don’t want to be too tired to do good things tomorrow, not when it counts.” Says Stella

“I’ll try. Thank you for believing me. I might already be dead if you hadn’t.” says Stacy

“Don’t say things like that. Even if nobody believes you or believes in you, you have to believe in what you know, and believe in yourself.” Says Stella, sincerely, too concerned to try to reason with Stacy

“I’ll try to muster the confidence of cannon fodder being sent to war. Optimism in the face of certain death has nice feeling to it, stupid, but nice.” Says Stacy, smiling

“You know some of those boys became war heroes. The ones who chose to lay down and die did exactly that, but those who had the will to persevere through seemingly impossible obstacles and the faith it takes to never give up, those were the ones who became heroes.” Says Stella

“I’m no hero.” Says Stacy, dismissively

“You will be tomorrow.” Stays Stella, smiling

Stacy laughs, and smiles softly as she lies back on her bed

“Get some sleep. Tomorrow is full of opportunities.” Says Stella as she turns out the lights as the girls head off to sleep. Stacy cradled by her fantasies of wartime grandeur.




Stella walks down the stairs, Stacy cooking breakfast and whistling merrily.

“You’re up early.” Says Stella, yawning

“Carpe Diem.” Says Stacy as she laughs “I hope you’re hungry.”

“Yeah. It smells good.” Says Stella “Are you feeling all right?”

“Dandy as can be.” Says Stacy

“You were acting crazy last night.” Says Stella “Like really crazy.”

“I’m sorry. Don’t worry about me. It must have been some kind of nightmare or something, thanks for being there for me.” Says Stacy

“A nightmare, eh?” says Stella “When you were wide awake...”

“The paperwork must have had me nodding off.” Says Stacy “I guess my daydreams turned into nightmares somehow.”

“Ok.” Says Stella “You had me really worried. You reminded me of mom…” says Stella

“Oh… sorry…” says Stacy with a soft sadness in her voice

“But your good now, right?” asks Stella

“As good as your grades and your cooking.” Says Stacy, with a genuine smile

“Now I have to guess your opinion of my cooking.” Jokes Stella

“It’s wonderful, every time. Hopefully mine is at least edible. I’ve got to practice more.” Says Stacy as she serves a plate of eggs to her sister sitting at the table who begins to eat

“It’s good. The eggs are cooked just right. I’m actually impressed; you’re usually a bit more careless.” Say Stella

“I’m trying to work on that. Practice makes perfect.” Says Stacy

“Seriously, what’s up with this cutesy, nice, happy Stacy this morning?” asks Stella

“Optimism is the deadliest weapon a soldier can carry.” Says Stacy

Stella looks at her sister, frowning “You’re scaring me again.”

Stacy laughs, “It’s just a figure of speech. Don’t think about it too much.” She says

“I’ll try not to. I’m still concerned about what happened last night, but I don’t want to be, so I’ll try not to.” Says Stella

“I think it was just me being so gullible to believe my daydreams that much. Dreams seem real sometimes you know.” Says Stacy, brushing it off

“I don’t know. On one hand you often refuse to believe people when they tell you facts, but on the other hand your dreams come from your brain and you put as much faith in your own ideas as a prophet does in God.” Says Stella

“It doesn’t hurt to believe in oneself sometimes.” Says Stacy

“There’s a difference between self-confidence and a god complex.” says Stella

“Squares and rectangles.” Says Stacy, nonchalantly

“In that allegory you tend to be quite rectangular.” Says Stella

“In that allegory they both have four walls, and I simply have more room in mine.” Says Stacy

“Nobody said anything about the height of the rectangle. This is a 3d space, you know.” Jokes Stella

“Hurry up and finish eating; we don’t want to be late for school.” Says Stacy

“Now I must be losing my mind.” says Stella “I never thought I would hear you say that.”

“We mustn’t squander such a wonderful opportunity.” Says Stacy, smiling

“Yep. I’m definitely losing my mind.” Jokes Stella, half serious

Stacy grabs a plate and eats quickly. She pours herself some milk, dinks it quickly and pours herself another glass.

“It’s good to know some things never change.” Says Stella

“Of course not.” Says Stacy, reassuringly, finishing her second glass

The girls walk towards the door. Stacy rubs her father’s shoulder to wake him still sleeping on the couch.

“Dad, I left you a plate of eggs. Try to eat it, ok?” says Stacy

“Thank god. Bacon too?” He asks, rubbing his neck.

“Unfortunately no, I’m sorry, we didn’t have any bacon; that’s what happens when Stella does the shopping. We’re heading off to school. Don’t die, ok?” says Stacy

“You girls have fun. I’ll be fighting off the tremens like a Green Beret killing Nazis.” Says her Dad

“I’m glad you still have some fight left in you, soldier.” Says Stacy

“Ma’am, yes Ma’am. I’m not fighting for my survival. I’m fighting for my family back home.” Says her Dad

“Hooah, give em hell, soldier.” Says Stacy, as she salutes him playfully

“We’ve got to go, Stacy. Bye, dad.” Says Stella,

“Bye, Stella.” Says her dad


The girls head out the door and walk to school, the beautiful weather warm, delightful and charming like a psychopath


“Promise me you will be ok today; no daydreaming in school.” Says Stella as they approach the gates

“There will be nothing but devotion to my studies and sheer determination to succeed in every way.” Says Stacy

“Are you are mocking me?” ask Stella, smirking

“It’s never a bad idea to try and emulate greatness.” Says Stacy, smiling

“You’re definitely mocking me.” Says Stella with a playful grimace, “I’m going to class; try to keep your head on your shoulders today.”

“Where else could it possibly be?” jokes Stacy, cutely

“If you don’t know, I don’t want to tell you, and you don’t want to know.” Says Stella, growing tired of her sisters newfound cheeriness

“I’ll take your word for it. I’ll see you later.” Says Stacy as she winks at her sister, walking away

“This is going to kill me if she keeps this up.” Mumbles Stella under her breath






Stacy enters her class, her friends already there, Jenna smiles and Ophelia waves at her.


“I’m still reeling from yesterday.” Says Ophelia

“Yeah, it was awesome. Don’t let it distract you from school though.” Says Stacy, eerily wholesome

Ophelia rolls her eyes “Wow, did your sister scold you last night about your schoolwork?”

“Does the pope shit in the woods?” asks Stacy, in jest

“What? Gross.” Says Ophelia as the teacher begins to talk.


Classes pass by in the usual monotone, Stacy unusually diligent. It becomes lunchtime; the girls get their lunch and sat at a table outside.


“Wow, Stacy. Your sister must have torn you a new one for you to be so serious today. It was so weird.” Says Ophelia

“You’re going to tease Stacy because she was actually doing what she was supposed to?” asks Jenna

“No, Jenna. That is what you are supposed to be doing. Stacy is supposed to be silly, lighthearted, and carefree.” Says Ophelia

“Stacy is doing what we are all supposed to be doing. I’m proud of her. I’m glad her sister was able to get her into shape somehow; now Stella just has to fix you somehow.” Jokes Jenna, glaring teasingly at Ophelia

“I wouldn’t expect the impossible; my sister may be capable but she is not inhuman.” Teases Stacy

“Why don’t you use your magic to help me, if I need to be helped so much, Jenna?” says Ophelia

“What are you talking about? You are saying silly things that don’t make any sense.” Says Jenna blatantly paranoid, through her teeth

“Come on Jenna, it’s just us. We can talk about that stuff.” Says Ophelia

“If anyone notices I’m just going to say you are crazy. Isn’t it important to hide our identities?” asks Jenna, still uncomfortable with her fate

“I guess. But anyways, my ring isn’t glowing anymore, it’s still pretty white but I like when it glows.” Says Ophelia

“Mine is still white and we should keep that sort of thing to a minimum. Don’t you think, Stacy?”

Stacy looks at her ring, now a deep red color.

“We definitely need to do more of that stuff. You know what happens if we don’t.” says Stacy

“At least Stacy isn’t willing to do the bare minimum to get by. She feels the calling.” Says Ophelia

“Yeah, about that, I’m definitely just trying to get by to be honest. My ring is pretty red right now.” Says Stacy

“Wow. That looks pretty bad. Well, it looks like we definitely have to go out and try to help the world again today.” Says Ophelia, palpably delighted with her newfound calling, oblivious to any danger

“Yes. 100%. We must do something.” Says Stacy, stiffly

“I am actually really concerned for you Stacy, considering what the dog said and all, but I really don’t know what exactly we are supposed to do.” Says Jenna

“Well, since Stacy can use her powers without transforming, I’m expecting you to think of something awesome Stacy, seeing how you have magical thinking powers and whatnot.” Says Ophelia, flippantly confident in Stacy’s magic

“Yeah,” says Stacy nervously “Use my powers, ok; I’ll definitely work on that.”

“We’ve got plenty of time; just mull it over during club time. I’m sure you will think of something great.” Says Ophelia, encouragingly


“Will do.” Says Stacy, distantly

“Do you want my milk Stacy?” asks Ophelia

“Always.” Says Stacy

“You’re lucky I’m ok with that.” Says Ophelia as she start to unbutton her shirt “Most people wouldn’t want to nurse their little kitten in public, but I love you.”

Stacy puts her hand on Ophelia’s chest. “No. Please stop.” Says Stacy, embarrassed

“I thought you were thirsty?” teases Ophelia, cutely, innocently

“Just give her your milk.” Says Jenna, sternly

“But that’s what I was going to do.” Says Ophelia, still innocent

Jenna sighs and takes Ophelia’s milk and gives it to Stacy

“Drink it. We have to go to the club soon.” Says Jenna

Stacy drinks the milk

“But breast is best, Jenna.” Says Ophelia

“Stop. It’s just weird now.” Says Jenna

“It was weird when it started.” Says Stacy, finishing the milk

“I guess you two aren’t old enough to truly understand love.” Says Ophelia

“Save it for when you’re in costume.” Says Stacy

“You know it was funny.” Says Ophelia, grinning cheekily

“Maybe a little bit.” Says Jenna, chuckling softly

“I’ll give you credit for trying. That’s it.” Says Stacy, as the girls head off to their club



The girls enter the classroom being used as the club room, the bird is silent, a few groups of girls are chatting and the three take seats near the back. Aurelia takes to the front of the room as the last of the girls file in.

“First of all, I would like to welcome all of you to the Animal Club, you made a wonderful choice. Now that we are all here, I would like to go around the room and have everybody introduce themselves.” Says Aurelia, warmly delightful, her assistant from before still looking disinterested, sitting on the teachers desk beside her

The girls around the room introduce themselves, saying what pets they owned and what their favorite animal was. The three are the last to introduce themselves.


“My name is Stacy…” She says, shifting her eyes nervously, feeling out of place “ …and I like animals.”

“My name is Jenna.” She says “And I also like animals.” She says smiling

“My name is Ophelia” she says with noble airs “and I love animals.”

“That is wonderful.” says Aurelia “My name is Aurelia, I have a cat named Mittens, I look after the bird over there, her name is Sunshine, and I am the upperclassman in charge of this club.”

“My name is Sloan” says her assistant “I am the assailant in charge here, and I also like animals.” she says vapidly

“I’ve explained what we do to everybody when we joined, but I’ll hand out a paper that explains some of our events and whatnot.” Says Aurelia


The papers are handed around that list the expected things like helping at the animal shelter and raising money for endangered species.


“This is a school club so we should try to learn something; there are biology textbooks over there and plenty of stuff to learn about animals. We also have a bunch of magazines in that box over there; try to enjoy yourselves, it’s the first day so I don’t expect much, but soon we will be up and running at full force, making the world a better place. I’m sure we will have a wonderful year together!” Concludes Aurelia


Some of the girls get up and pick through the magazines, some just chatting. Sloan sits down and takes out her homework. Ophelia walks over to the magazines, picks one out about endangered species and returns to her friends.

The girls tend to stick with their groups of friends as the time passed, Ophelia absorbed in the pictures of the animals, Jenna reading a biology textbook. Stacy slouched back in the chair with her hands behind her head and her eyes closed.


Aurelia walks over to the girls “You had a long day, huh, Stacy?” she asks

Stacy cracks her eyes open and laughs, “Oh, I’m just thinking about the animals.”

“You didn’t seem too enthusiastic in your introduction; you don’t have any pets or anything?” asks Aurelia

“No, my dad, but I guess that doesn’t count.” Says Stacy

Aurelia laughs “You sounded like you liked animals about as much as Sloan; that kind of worries me. I hope you will put some effort into this club. We do great things, you know; if you get into the spirit, I’m sure you will find them to be enjoyable.” Says Aurelia

“Don’t worry about me; I’ll definitely try to help. If Sloan doesn’t like animals why is she here?” Says Stacy, nonchalantly

“She’s my friend and I guess that was enough of a reason for her; she is about that enthusiastic about everything though, so don’t think she’s bored to death just by being here, at least not any more than usual.” Says Aurelia, Stacy laughs, “Why did you join?”

“Well, Jenna and I have got this playful little animal we have to look after; her name is Ophelia, sitting right over there, actually. I’m just hoping I can learn some real skills and become a better handler; she’s not very tame, but she’s lovable.” Jokes Stacy, Ophelia sticks her tongue out at Stacy

“That’s cute.” Says Aurelia

“To be honest, I was thinking maybe the club could help me get over my fear of dogs.” Says Stacy

“That’s noble to try and conquer your fears. I don’t know if the strays are the best approach, some of them aren’t very friendly, but I’m sure plenty of them will warm up to you.” Says Aurelia

“Don’t worry Stacy, I’ll teach you how to love dogs, you just have to open your heart and let them in.” Says Ophelia

“Yeah.” Says Stacy, glowering, “I’ll try that next time.”

“Even if Stacy can’t handle the animals very well, I’m sure we can help raise money.” Says Jenna, encouragingly

“That would be very helpful, the food and vaccinations can help even more than playing with the animals. Some people forget that the animals would be sick and starving if people didn’t help them.” Says Aurelia

“Being able to help the sick and hungry dogs would really make me happy; I don’t want living creatures to suffer.” Says Jenna

Aurelia smiles, “That’s wonderful, I’m grateful that you have joined us. I’m going to catch up with the other members; it was nice to talk though.” She says as she walks away

“So were you napping or did you actually think up a plan, Stacy?” says Ophelia

“I have an idea.” says Stacy, smiling

“Good. Let’s hear it.” Says Ophelia excitedly

“This is not the time for that.” Says Jenna, quietly with a tone of nervous seriousness

 “True. All things come in due time.” Says Stacy, as she smiles and goes back to her original position, closing her eyes

“Fine.” Says Ophelia, impatiently

The club time carries on, naps, banter, and homework all around; it finally concludes and Aurelia bids them adieu. The girls shuffle out of the school and into the sunshine of the city streets.




“So Stacy, what’s the plan?” Asks Jenna

“There is this Chinese restaurant a few blocks down from here. If my premonition is right, they are butchering dogs and serving it to people saying it’s just beef.” Says Stacy as the girls walk down the street away from the school

“That is terrible.” Says Ophelia

“That’s pretty common in Asian countries.” Says Jenna

“Still, it’s illegal here. I also think if we could stop them, we might get some bonus from Mr. Dog, seeing how he is a dog and all.” Says Stacy

“How exactly are you going to stop them, it’s not like we can really do anything.” Says Jenn

“That’s where my plan comes into play. I will go in and say I’m trying to do a review for my Food Service section of the school paper, and just want to take some pictures of the staff and ask them a few questions. I’ll tell them that it’s nothing but good publicity, and when I’m back there, I’ll record what evidence of their crimes I can find and then give it to the news. It will be big news for sure. Thankfully my cellphone can record audio.” Says Stacy

“That’s pretty ambitious. You expect it to go off without a hitch?” says Jenna

“That’s where you two come in; just use your powers and stuff to help things run according to plan.” Says Stacy

“You expect us to go with you dressed up in costume? A food journalist and two witches? What is the story.” says Jenna

“You two are my co-writers who just came back from some costume party or something, sounds perfectly normal.” Says Stacy

“I’ll do whatever it takes to save those innocent dogs. You can count on me Stacy!” says Ophelia, clearly upset by the revelation that people eat dogs

“I am impressed you came up with this by yourself Stacy; let’s hope that magic of yours is finally paying off.” Says Jenna

“Don’t worry, it’s a sure thing. Today, we become heroes.” Says Stacy

“We are defenders of dogs and crusaders against cruelty!” Says Ophelia

“That’s the spirit.” Says Stacy


The girls continue walking through the city and eventually come into view of an ordinary looking restaurant situated on the corner, the small parking lot empty save for a few cars. The sign says “Mr. Chang’s Gourmet Chinese Restaurant”

“We’re almost there, go into that alley and transform.” Says Stacy, pointing down a small dead-end alley between nameless buildings filled with litter, a single dumpster and bags of garbage, a couple of windowless doors on either side.

 “Nobody will see you.”

“You really think this is necessary?” asks Jenna

“It’s just so things go off without a hitch; it might come in handy, so there’s not point not to.” Says Stacy

“Come on Jenna, you can stand behind that dumpster. I can’t believe you’re still embarrassed about this.” Says Ophelia

“Fine.” Says Jenna, reluctantly as the girls head into the ally, after a faint glow returning in the same outfits as yesterday.

“You look nice.” Chuckles Stacy

“Don’t give me that.” Says Raven, frowning

“Aren’t you going to try to transform Stacy?” asks Blaze

“You couldn’t pay me.” Says Stacy

“Your loss.” Says Blaze, pitying Stacy


“Stick to the plan. Let me do the talking.” Says Stacy, the girls approach the restaurant and enter. A small number of people are eating; the dinner rush has yet to begin, so the building is practically empty. The girls approach the counter where a middle aged Asian man smiled to greet them.

“How can I help you today?” He asks

“Well, Mr. Chang, you see, I am a journalist that writes about the food industry for my school paper. I have heard excellent things about your restaurant and was wondering if I could write a review about it.” Says Stacy, confidently

“Oh yes, sure, eat. It is very good.” He says

“That’s not it exactly. I am more interested in the people behind the restaurant. I was hoping I could interview your head chef; ask him about his inspirations and his training. That is what the people want to read about. ” Says Stacy

“Oh.” Says the man, pausing for a second. “I am very sorry. He is very busy right now. He must prepare for the dinner rush and has no time for an interview like that. He is very well trained and inspired by China, please, instead eat and review the food. It is very good.” Says the man

“A food review offer nothing new, the people want the story. An interview would let them know the true authenticity of a fine establishment like this.” Says Stacy, refusing to back down

“Yeah, wouldn’t you love some great publicity?” asks Blaze playfully as she points her scepter at the man and winks at him, smiling and posing cutely

“Umm…” the man says “Why are you two dressed like that. I don’t understand.” He says

“It is just a costume!” says Raven, embarrassed “We were at a theme party; we didn’t have time to change.”

“Their enthusiasm for culture has spilled over into their daily lives but I assure you they are very good writers. Many of their fans hold them in higher regards than other critics simply because of the way they dress. It’s just good publicity, it reaches out to the youth.” Says Stacy,

“Oh yes, good publicity. I see.” Says the man, shifting his eyes. “I suppose I can let you talk to the chef for a little bit. Not too many questions though, he is busy.” Says Chang

He takes the girls back into the kitchen; two commonplace men are busy preparing food in a common place kitchen. “Dongbin, these girls are here to interview you about your work. Make sure to tell them how great everything is.” Says Chang, sternly

“What do you want to know?” says Dongbin with fairly thick accent

“I will record this for reference later.” Says Stacy as she pulls out her phone and begins recording “How long have you worked here, and do you enjoy your job?”

“I have worked here for seven years; I do enjoy my job very much.” He says, happily

“Where did you train to become such a distinguished chef?” asks Stacy

“I rose through the ranks of various Chinese restaurants before finally reaching the position of head chef here.”

“What would you say your major influences are? This restaurant is not your typical Chinese restaurant by any means.” Asks Stacy

“Well, clearly China and Chinese culture, and also my mother taught me many important lessons from a young age about cooking.”

“There are rumors that you serve dog meat here? Are they true?” asks Stacy, boldly

“What?” says Dongbin, flustered “I don’t know about that.” He looks at his boss

His Boss looks at him “No. We don’t. The rumors are false, spread by jealous competitors.” Says Chang, sternly. Muffled barking of dogs could be heard from behind a door in the back of the kitchen.

“I can hear the dogs barking back there. Are you telling me that you don’t butcher and eat those dogs?” asks Stacy seriously as she walks over to the door hiding the dogs, still recording with her phone.

“This interview is over.” Says the second chef, as he pulls out a handgun and points it at Stacy “Now give me your phone. You made a very bad decision to come here today. I will not allow my business partner to have his reputation questioned like that.”

“Ok. Stacy. Give him your phone. This was a bad idea. We are very sorry.” Says Jenna, her voice trembling and scared

“The people deserve the truth!” says Stacy

“Oh the little girl wants to play games? I will play along.” Says Chang, menacingly as he approaches Stacy from across the room

“Help, do something!” says Stacy

“Love! Love! Love! Love!” says Blaze, swinging her scepter around with both hands, her eyes closed, scared but driven by her desire to save the dogs

“Yes. I do love little schoolgirls. I will have lots of fun with you.” Says Chang, getting closer

“Damn it, Blaze, lift your skirt up!” shouts Stacy

“What? No! What is wrong with you!” replies Blaze

“Fuck it! Lift up her skirt Raven!” says Stacy

“I would like to see that very much.” Says the gunman, smiling pervertedly

“Ok. Please don’t hurt us!” says Raven as she pulls up Blaze’s skirt. Blaze shrieks out of embarrassment. The gunman looks over at the two cowering in a corner, smiling the same smile. In the moment that the man was distracted, Stacy grabs a large knife from the table and throws it across the island at the gunman standing directly across from her, striking him in his neck. He shouts in agony.

“What the fuck, Stacy?!?” shrieks Raven

“Oh this bitch wants to play with knives? I like a feisty girl!” says Chang, grabbing a knife, suddenly maddened by the situation, his lust overpowering his grasp on reality. He continues to encroach. The gunman holding the knife in his neck, turns to Stacy and pulls the knife out of his neck. A large stream of blood shoots across the table in tandem with his racing heartbeat, he gasps and falls to his knees, holding himself up with the table, he points the gun at Stacy and shoots; the power of the gun causes it to fly from his hand. The bullet rattles off some kitchenware and he collapses, groaning.

“Holy shit!” screams Blaze, both of the girls frozen with fear with tears in their eyes

“Ungrateful idiot, how could he try to shoot my entertainment?” Says Chang, unfazed by the situation, now standing only a yard from Stacy walking towards her grinning with fire in his eyes, Stacy grabs a basket from the deep fryer filled with battered chicken and throws it at Chang. He screams in agony, dropping the knife, now clutching his face. Stacy swiftly kicks him in the groin and he collapses. She steps on his throat and begins to stomp on his genitals angrily. She pauses for a moment and looks at the head chef who is motionless and staring in awe. “Don’t you dare fucking move, Dongbin!”

“You dog eating, wife beating piece of shit! You cheat on your wife, you cheat your employees, and you cheat on your taxes!” shouts Stacy, continuing to stomp on his groin repeatedly and choke him with her foot. “On top of all of this you try to rape me! Now I have to teach you some manners!” she continues

The two girls stand silently and stare in shock as Stacy grabs a long metal skewer and a meat tenderizer from the counter. She stoops down and puts the skewer into the nose of the nearly unconscious man and strikes it violently with the hammer, driving it into his skull a few inches. She pulls the skewer out and hocks up some phlegm and spits on the man’s face. She drops the items on the floor and looks at the head chef, staring wide eyed and also paralyzed by fear.

“I did not do anything! Please don’t hurt me!” shouts Dongbin, tears welling up in his eyes, equally as scared as the girls

“Well then, let’s keep it that way.” Says Stacy, breathing heavily as she looks him in the eyes and smiles

Her friends stare at her in utter disbelief with wide eyes, their jaws agape, trembling with tears slowly rolling down their faces.

“What did you just do?” asks Raven, pleading, crying in shocked disbelief

“It’s not the time for questions. We have to get out of here!” shouts Stacy, commandingly, grabbing her friends and pulling them towards the door.

“What about the dogs?” asks Blaze through here tears

“Forget about the dogs. Let the cops handle that. We have to go!” says Stacy as the three walk briskly out of the kitchen door into the dining area. Everyone in the dining hall staring at them, the three avoiding eye contact with everyone, Stacy’s eyes directly ahead and the two other’s staring at the ground. The three exit into the still empty parking lot.

“You two get out of here. Transform back, go home. You weren’t here. You just went to the park.” Says Stacy calmly, sternly

Blaze begins to break down, tears streaming down her face “Stacy! You killed two people! You are covered in blood! Are you fucking crazy?” she screams

“Shut the fuck up! Go change and go home! You weren’t here! It’s not the time for questions, we have to split up!” shouts Stacy angrily

“We were here Stacy! We watched you do those things!” screams Blaze

“I know.” Says Stacy staring Blaze in the eyes seriously “It is really fucking important that when you change back you know for damn sure were not with me today. OK? You understand?”

“What is wrong with you?” screams Blaze once again

“Go!” shouts Stacy, angrily

“Come on Blaze, we have to go. I do know for damn sure I was not here today. It is time to fucking go, Blaze.” Raven looks at Stacy, crying silently, in awe, “I will pray for you Stacy.” She says, softly

“I’m going to need it.” Says Stacy, smiling boldly

“Goodbye.” Says Raven, softly, staring Stacy in the eyes for a long moment, still crying.  “We have to go.” She says to Blaze, urgent, holding her hand.

“Before you go I want to thank you. You two are the only reason I got out of there in one piece.” Says Stacy, warmly

“I don’t understand.” Says Raven

“Look at your rings. They are glowing just like mine. Even if you don’t know it, I do. You really saved my life. Thank you, even if this is the end. I want you to know. I love you. Both of you. You stuck with me to the end, through all of this, and I can never repay you.” Says Stacy, tears in her eyes, smiling a strong and powerful smile

“I love you too, Stacy. Even after all of this.” Says Raven, smiling weakly

“I don’t understand anything that is happening right now!” shouts Blaze, now even more confused

“It doesn’t matter. We have to go. Goodbye, Stacy.” Says Raven as she leads Blaze away from the Chinese restaurant.

“Goodbye, Stacy! I love you!” shouts Blaze in a bewildered tone as they walk away.

Stacy watches them as they walk away, smiling with tears running down her face.


She starts to walk briskly, taking a roundabout way back towards her house, walking in the shadows cast by the buildings. The sidewalks conveniently empty, cars that speed by her seemingly unconcerned. Pedestrians look at her with a concerned state of shock, most unwilling to say anything as she walks past them apparently oblivious to their presence. A woman walking her dog approaches, the dog barks at Stacy.


“Holy Shit. What happened? Are you ok?” she asks, frightened

“Boo!” says Stacy, wide-eyed with a frighteningly entertained face

“What the fuck?” asks the woman, even more scared

Stacy cackles maniacally, with fervent, seemingly demonic mania

 “Jesus Christ.” cries the ghost-white woman as Stacy walks away still smiling. The smile fades to a blank expression as she continues; slowly coming to realize what had happened. The memory of the event racing through her mind, it seems distant to her as if it were just a movie or a dream. The familiar sights of her quiet, humble, modest, and aging neighborhood bring back memories of her life and who she was. Stacy knows herself very well, reflecting upon her past. Stacy does not recognize the girl from the kitchen today, she knows it couldn’t possibly be the Stacy that lived here and up grew up playing in these streets. That is a nice girl, a pleasant and charming girl. Whoever the girl in the kitchen was, it couldn’t have been Stacy.

Approaching her house as the sun twinkles in the leaves of the trees; she sees her reflection in the glass door at the front of her house. The reflection looks back at her, and stares at her with the same distant sense of disbelief, but Stacy knows that she really was the one in the kitchen, even if she doesn’t recognize the personality, she knows it because the white shirt of her uniform is covered in a jet of now dry blood that had also painted her neck, face, and hair. She can’t believe it, she doesn’t believe it; this isn’t her. This isn’t Stacy. This is someone else.

She opens the door; her father is snoring on the couch, the television mumbling. She quietly walks upstairs into the bathroom and undresses and throws the bloody clothes and her bag into a corner. She sits in the bathtub, the events of today replaying through her mind, she is paralyzed by shock.

“Why did this happen?” she asks herself softly, bewildered, unable to process anything

You are becoming a wolf.” Says the voice of the dog

The voice of the dog strikes a deep fear into her heart. The thing she fears most is her own mind; she stops thinking, repressing all thought effortlessly, her mind shuts down, she stares at the floor of the bathtub before closing her eyes, the closing of her eyelids causing a couple of tears drip down her face. She sighs.




“Stacy, I’m home. Sorry I’m late. You didn’t eat anything?” says Stella, her voice waking Stacy

“I’m not hungry.” Says Stacy emotionlessly, still in the bathtub

“That’s fine, hurry up in there. I want to take a bath too.” Says Stella, Stacy doesn’t respond.

The voice of her sister causing a new layer of introspection, of realization, for a moment, before the fear once again paralyzes Stacy; she blacks out her mind again.

“It’s been twenty minutes Stacy. It’s my turn, come on!’ shouts Stella through the door.

“I’m not coming out.” Says Stacy, still emotionless

“You know it’s bad for your skin to stay in the bath for a long time.” Says Stella

“I’m not coming out.” Repeats Stacy

“Then I’m going to drag you out of there. I’m sure you have homework to do or something.” Says Stella playfully stern

Stacy is silent. She looks at her hands. Completely detached from reality, she does not identify this body as herself; she is unwilling to believe that this body she is looking at is her own. She is indifferent to this body of a stranger before her eyes.

“You know I don’t want to do this!” shouts Stella, mildly annoyed by now, Stacy still silent

“Fine! Have it your way. Don’t expect any mercy from me though.” Shouts Stella, opening the door to the bathroom. “Oh my god!” she lets out an exasperated scream as she rushes to her sister “You are bleeding, you need an ambulance!” she cries out in panic, Stacy still staring at the floor of the bathtub

“It’s not my blood.” Says Stacy quietly, coldly, motionless

“You must have hit your head, there is blood all over your face, oh my god; I’m so scared. Let me help you. I’ll call an ambulance, please tell me you are all right!” pleads Stella, beginning to cry

“It’s not my blood!” repeats Stacy, sternly

“What are you talking about? What happened, why are you covered in blood?” says Stella, now scared for multiple reasons, the events of the previous night come rushing back through her head

“I killed a man, maybe two. I don’t know.” Says Stacy, still cold and indifferent

“What?” whispers Stella, her face turns white

“I don’t want to talk about it.” Says Stacy

“Oh my god. No. Please no...” whispers Stella, tears running down her face, stiff from fright

“I’m sorry.” Says Stacy, softly, reality hitting her slowly

“No.” says Stella, refusing to believe her sister.

“Yes.” Says Stacy, coldly

“No, you just hurt yourself, you hit your head; let’s wash off the blood. I’m sure the cut isn’t that bad. Everything will be ok.” Says Stella, as she turns the bath faucet on and wets a wash cloth. She starts wiping the blood off her sister. Stacy scoffs. Stella continues washing her sister until all of the blood is gone.

“See, it’s not so bad. It already stopped bleeding. I’ve just got to clean you up. You shouldn’t try to scare me like that.” Says Stella, distant and bewildered

“It’s in your hair too. Let me wash your hair. You will be ok. See, you are smiling. I knew I could make things better.” Says Stella

“It’s not my blood.” Says Stacy, laughing softly through her nose,

“Don’t be silly. It’s all better now.” Says Stella, comfortingly

“Look at my clothes.” Says Stacy,

 Stella looks at her sisters clothes and notices a remarkable amount of blood on her shirt and compares this to a striking absence of blood, of wounds, on her sisters chest. The reality of the situation grows on her and the revelation feels like somebody stabbing her in the heart. She begins crying again.

“What did you do?” pleads Stella, giving up on washing her sister

“I told you already.” Says Stacy, still cold

“Why?” pleads Stella, even more distraught

“I don’t know.” Says Stacy softly

“God damn it, Stacy! Why would you do something like that?” shouts Stella, with indignation suddenly added to her cauldron of emotions as she hugs her sister tightly. “Why? Stacy, why? You are all I have in this world and you go do something like this! You lose your mind and now you are murdering people! Why, god damn it, why?”

“I’m not a murderer.” Say Stacy, softly

“I can’t fucking lose you Stacy, not like this. Not to some stupid fucking sickness that shows up one day and kills you the next! Why couldn’t you take me instead! I can’t handle seeing you like this. I want to die, Stacy! I can’t live like this! I can’t be alive and be reminded every day that I neglected to save my sister’s life. I didn’t get her help, and the next day it was too late. I am a terrible person and a terrible sister… ” shouts Stella, bawling, slowly losing strength

“I was shot at and almost raped. What the fuck did you expect me to do?” says Stacy, now also tearing up

“God damn it Stacy, you are so fucking crazy. I don’t know what to believe any more. I want to believe you but you are so fucking crazy.” Says Stella, still crying hopelessly

“I’m not crazy.” Says Stacy, coldly

“God damn it.” Says Stella, squeezing her sister tightly and crying on her, Stacy sits there for a moment and collects her thoughts

“Get off of me. I’m going to get dressed. I’m not dead yet.” Says Stacy

 “Why would you get yourself into a situation like this?” says Stella, refusing to let go

“I told you why.” Says Stacy, coldly, ashamed of her situation

“What? When?” says Stella

“Last night.” Says Stacy

“Jesus Christ.” Whispers Stella

“You really helped me; I would be dead right now if it wasn’t for you.” Says Stacy,

“What?” asks Stella, more so confused?

“You taught me something important. You told me that optimism is the deadliest weapon a soldier can carry.” Says Stacy, smiling

“I wouldn’t have said that if I knew you were really going to kill people.” Says Stella, now panged with endless guilt

“It’s ok, Stella, I won the battle. We won, together.” Says Stacy

“I don’t understand.” Says Stella

“Look at my ring.” Says Stacy

Stella looks at the ring, still glowing white “You killed people because of a fucking mood ring?!” says Stella, now quite upset

“It’s not a mood ring, damn it. My life depends on the ring. Like I said if it goes black I die. If you don’t want to believe me, that’s fine, but I’m telling you the truth.” Says Stacy, feeling disrespected due to the lack of confidence

“You are so fucking crazy.” Says Stella, upset with her sister but overpowered by concern

“Get off of me already. I’m going to get dressed.” Stacy pushes her sister away, who had become weakened by the spectacle, Stacy, gets up, dries off, walks out of the bathroom and finds some clean clothes to wear and starts to comb her hair. Stella sits on the ground and weeps softly to herself, curled up into a ball.





There is a loud knock on the front door. “Bay City Police Department! Open Up! We know you’re in there!” Says a man’s voice from behind the door

“What the fuck?” the man on the couch whispers to himself being woken up by the loud banging, “The door is open!” he shouts,

“We would like it if you let us in yourself, sir.” Shouts the voice from behind the door, this time a woman

“If you’re not willing to open a fucking door then you can go fuck yourself!” he shouts

“Fine.” Says the woman, as she opens the door, a man storms in with a pistol raised and a flashlight attached who scans the room. “Sector Clear.” He says

“What the fuck is wrong with you? What do you want?” says the man on the couch, clearly upset and in pain by being awoken so abruptly

“Are you Dale White?” asks the woman

“Do I look like a crippled, drunk, disheveled idiot to you?” asks Dale

“Umm… Yes?” says the woman nervously

“Well it looks like you found your guy, what could I possibly be suspected of? I am clearly too drunk and crippled to do anything, I can’t even walk right now, and I can hardly walk even if I’m not this drunk. There’s no way I could have done anything. You can take my BAC, that alibi is rock fucking solid.” Says Dale

“We don’t want to talk to you; we want to talk to your daughter. Is she home?” says the woman

“I don’t know; I passed out earlier this afternoon. What did she do?” asks Dale

“We are just trying to corroborate a story. It might be hard for her.” Says the woman, timidly

“No. She knows how to do that, she knows how to corroborate, I think so. I’m sure one of them does. At least one of them definitely knows what that is and how to do it good. They’re good girls; I don’t know what you want from them.” Says Dale as his consciousness lapses a bit, struggling with the word

“Stacy, Stella! Come down here, the cops are here and want you to corroborate!” he shouts up the stairs, still struggling with the long word

Stacy walks out of her room and towards the bathroom, her sister now bawling even harder at this news. “You stay here, ok. This will be fine.” Says Stacy, sternly, before she heads downstairs

“Are you Stacy?” asks the woman

“Yes.” Says Stacy

“I am Lieutenant Vivian Thomas of the Bay City Police Department. I heard that you were involved in an incident downtown and was looking to see if you would corroborate the working story so far. Could you tell me what happened this afternoon?” She says

“Am I under arrest?” asks Stacy, coldly

“Well, no. We understand that you were involved in an altercation a few blocks from here. We don’t suspect you of any crime. We cannot trust our witness due to his affiliation to the victim so we need your corroboration of his story.” Says Vivian

“How did you find me so fast?” asks Stacy

“Well, there were plenty of reports of an approximately 5 foot tall girl with light blonde hair wearing a Southern Preparatory School uniform covered in blood, and many witnesses in the restaurant reported that one of the victim’s names was Stacy.”

“Damn Stacy, what did you do?” says Dale, impressed more than concerned

“I don’t want to talk about it. Just tell me the story I need to corroborate and I will corroborate it.” Says Stacy

“We only want you to corroborate the story if it is the truth, do you understand what that word means?” says Vivian

“Yes. I know what the word means.” Says Stacy, feeling disrespected

“Damn, I should have bet money on that.” Says Dale, proud of his daughter

“I’d be out at least twenty if you did.” Says the male cop standing in the background “I figured it was a word only cops learn at the academy, I still don’t know what it means, get em to talk basically.”

“Ok, well then. You, Stacy, went into the kitchen at Mr. Chang’s Gourmet Chinese Restaurant with Mr. Chang and proceeded to interview the chef, Dongbin Chu. Yes?”

“Yes…” says Stacy, nervously

“Damn it Stacy, you got Chinese and didn’t get me any?” asks Dale, let down, hungry

“You wouldn’t want it from this place.” Scoffs the male cop

 “Please, be quiet.” Says Vivian “I’m just going to finish the story so don’t interrupt me. This is going to be very hard for Stacy.”

“You heard the dogs barking and asked the chef about the dogs. Then Qiang Tu draws his gun and points it at you. Mr. Chang states his intention of raping you and approaches you. You throw a knife and at Qiang Tu and he shoots his gun and subsequently dies. Mr. Chang does not stop his approach so you throw fried food on him and kick him in the groin. You call him a “Dog eating, wife beater” among other things, and then you stomp on him and give him a lobotomy before running away crying.” says the cop

“I don’t know about that last part.” Says Stacy, quite scared

“What about it.” Says Vivian

“I don’t know what it means.” Says Stacy

“Ok. I did not either, thankfully, but I learned today. This was described as you sticking a metal skewer into the nose of Mr. Chang and hammering it into his brain by Dongbin, and the medical examiner identified this practice as something called a lobotomy.” Says Vivian

“Damn, Stacy, that’s some fucked up shit!” says Dale, more excited than concerned

“I know right.” Says the male cop, chuckling

“Oh… Well… maybe.” Mumbles Stacy

“Is there any reason why you did that? That is rather shocking to be honest.” Says Vivian

“I was scared; I thought he would chase me down and kill me if I didn’t do something to stop him. He was acting really sick in the head.” Says Stacy

“Ok…” says Vivian “I’m glad we were able to corroborate Dongbin’s story; I’m sorry that this traumatic event happened to you Stacy, but I’m sure we are all glad that you were able to defend yourself. Dongbin raised some serious allegations against his employer which are now being investigated, some of which have already been confirmed. By the way, how did you know that Chang beat his wife?” asks Vivian

“It was just a rumor. I don’t know.” Says Stacy softly

“I see.” says Vivian “The reason I am telling you these things because we are pressing multiple charges against Mr. Chang for his actions today as well as the following revelations. Dongbin has cooperated fully with the police and thanks to him you will not need to testify against Chang.”

“We wanted to make sure that you were all right, but also to see if Dongbin was involved at all, he maintains that he did nothing the entire time this happened, which we find to be a bit suspicious.” Says Vivian

“No, he is telling the truth, he didn’t do anything.” Says Stacy

“Thank you for telling us that.” Says Vivian

“What about the dogs?” asks Stacy

“He says he didn’t know anything about the dogs; he told us Qiang would simply bring him the meat from the back and tell him to cook it.” Says Vivian

“I’m just asking about the dogs back there, the living ones. Did you rescue them?” asks Stacy

“Yes, they were taken to the shelter.” Says Vivian

“That’s good, thanks for helping them.” Says Stacy

“You are a good girl; it hurts me when things like this happen to people like you. That’s why I became a cop, I felt it was the only way I could try to stop these things from happening, but here I am dealing with the same sad story.” Says Vivian

“You are doing your job, that’s what matters. Even if you caught every criminal on the street today, there would be thousands of new ones the next day. There’s nothing we can do, it’s just human nature.” Says Stacy

“I guess you’re right. All I can do is try to help people afterwards; I guess that counts for something.” Says Vivian

“There’s no point in blaming yourself for unpredictable and unpreventable things. Thanks for talking to me. I was really scared after that all happened, but you gave me a sense of relief. Even just doing that is doing great things for people and the community.”

“Thanks, at least there are still some people out there who trust the cops. My buddy thought we would get shot the second we walked in here. That’s not a healthy attitude to have, Ronnie, you can’t even feel safe around a 14 year old girl.” Says Vivian

“That girl left a real fucked up crime scene behind her, how am I supposed to feel at ease when we go to talk to her.” Says Ronnie

“That was a real fucked up crime scene Ronnie, it would have been way more fucked up if that girl wasn’t able to defend herself. She’s not a criminal Ronnie and we knew that before we even came here. I’m just glad you didn’t shoot anybody, Ronnie.” Says Vivian

“Thank you for your help, Stacy. We know today has been terrible, and we hope you will be all right. The city doesn’t have social services for these things, but I think your school councilor might be able to help you if you need to talk to somebody. We will let you rest. Have a good night and be safe.” says Vivian

“Thanks for everything you do.” Says Stacy, politely

“I know you may not want ever see another criminal in your life, but I think you would make an amazing cop.” Says Vivian

“Thanks. I don’t know if I could, I’m pretty small.” Says Stacy

“Your heart is big, and that’s what counts.” Says Vivian

“No, Vivian, it is clearly your muscles and wrestling skills that count. Your heart isn’t going to stop a criminal.” Says Ronnie

“God damn it, Ronnie. Way to ruin things like always.” Says Vivian

“I’m just telling the girl the truth. If she was the ideal cop, the city would be reduced to anarchy in a day. I’m amazed she got out of there alive. You’re not going to ask her about her witch friends?” asks Ronnie

“They are not suspected of anything and Dongbin said they did not do anything. We don’t need to.” Says Vivian

“Who the fuck runs around in a witch costume, anyways?” asks Ronnie

“Oh, I don’t really know those girls; they were just some cosplayers or something that I ran into on the street. They won’t even tell me their real names; I guess they are really into that playing pretend stuff. I don’t know why they choose to follow me around though.” Says Stacy

“Cause they’re fucking weirdos. Probably pretend to be your fairy godmother or something. Kids are crazy these days.” Says Ronnie

“Yeah, they are a bit silly like that, but they are fun, so I don’t get mad at them for randomly showing up in my life.” Says Stacy

“That’s some fucking stalker shit right there.” Says Ronnie

“No, Ronnie. They’re called friends. If you ever had any friends, you would know what the fuck a friend is. Jesus Christ. We’ve got to go; there are more crimes to deal with. Once again, I’m sorry this happened to you and thank you for your time.” Says Vivian

“Ta-ta” says Ronnie, politely, as he tips his officer hat with professional rehearsed courtesy

“Bye!” says Stacy, warmly as they exit

“Shut the door on your way out.” Mumbles Dale, They don’t.

“Damn it, Stacy; that was the most fucked up story I’ve ever heard. I hope I remember that in the morning. You got to tell it to me one time. I would be real sad if you got killed you know, but hearing that shit blew my mind, I didn’t know you had that in you.” Says Dale

“Yeah… I didn’t either. I kind of hope you don’t remember it though, I don’t want you to think of me in that way.” Says Stacy

“Don’t worry.” Says Dale, laughing, “You underestimate my level of blackout drunk.”

Stacy laughs nervously “Thankfully, I don’t. But I’m going upstairs; I’ll talk to you later.” She says as she walks upstairs and into the bathroom, her sister still curled in a ball on the floor.

“You remember that opening whole can of worms about me killing people? Well we don’t have to worry about that anymore. We picked up all the worms and put them back in the can.” Says Stacy, eerily calm

“You are so fucking crazy.” Says her sister, angrily, scared

“Don’t say that. I just did what I had to do. The cops told me that it was ok because I was just defending myself. Let’s turn that frown upside down; I’m not going anywhere, that’s a reason to smile isn’t it?” asks Stacy

“You fucking killed two people and you’re just going to pretend like everything is hunky-dory. What is wrong with you?” Says Stella, still in shock, in denial, scared, tears welling up in her eyes again

“I killed one person. The other one is still alive. There’s nothing wrong with me either; there would be something wrong with me if I let myself get raped and murdered in the kitchen of a Chinese restaurant.” Says Stacy, still delighted with her newfound innocence

“Don’t do crazy shit like that ever again. The cops can forgive you but I can’t. You made me want to die, really bad. That is all I wanted for the last half hour was to just die. My whole body hurt so bad I couldn’t move, I’ve never felt that bad in my entire life. Even when mom died. This was worse than that, so much worse, so unimaginably worse.” Says Stella

“It’s ok now. That time is over. It’s darkest just before the sun rises.” Says Stacy

“What if the sun doesn’t fucking rise, Stacy!? What then?” Shouts Stella

“Man has asked that question since the dawn of time, yet the sun rises every day.” Says Stacy

“God damn it Stacy, you are not the sun, you are a little girl. Don’t fucking do this to me ever again!” shouts Stella as she stands up and hugs her sister, having started to cry again

“It’s ok.” says Stacy, holding her sister “It’s all ok.”

“I’ll be sure to wash myself off next time. Sorry for putting you through that.” Jokes Stacy after a long moment of silence

He sister had stopped crying and grabs her sister by the shoulders and stares at her “Fuck you, Stacy. Fuck you.” She says, furious with her sister

“How about that bath you wanted. I’ll clean the tub for you. It’s the least I could do.” Says Stacy

“Fine. Seriously, no fucking next time. We’ll all be dead, you, then me, then dad drinks himself to death. Do you want to kill your entire fucking family Stacy? Are you that fucking crazy?” asks Stella, still furious

“Nobody is going to die. Just relax; you’ve been through a lot.” Says Stacy

“Me? I’ve been through a lot? What about you? How are you acting like this?” asks Stella

“Well, the response I’ve got from everybody was basically “Good Job” to be honest.” Says Stacy

“Good Job?” asks Stella “Are you fucking kidding me?”

“Well, the people with that opinion would be the cops, dad, and the dog.” Says Stacy with a bit of pride in her voice

“Welcome to America! Fuck me, right?” says Stella

“Come on, I’ll clean the tub. We can forget about this in the morning.” Says Stacy as she starts to scrub the light bloodstains out of the tub.

“Now I know why you were acting that way; now I know that getting a few “Good Jobs” is all that it takes to feel good about killing somebody.” Says Stella

“He was a bad man. He pulled a gun on me. Live by the sword, die by the sword. It’s the age old story.” Says Stacy

“Wow. What happened to the lighthearted smiling carefree girl I used to know? Who is this incarnation of karmatic vengeance that is cleaning the bathtub? Smiling so sincerely after killing somebody and coming home covered in blood?” asks Stella

  Stacy softly sings, the first two lines of the chorus of Cat Steven’s Wild World, nervously, poorly

“Fine. Fuck it. Forget it. I’m just glad you are alive. I can’t be mad at you for defending yourself. I would rather you have some blood on your hands than be dead in the ground. At least I can wash off the blood if you don’t want to.” Says Stella, reflectively

“Am I now four for four on “Good Job’s” today? What a stroke of good fortune.” Says Stacy

“God damn it Stacy, you know you are literally batshit insane right now.” Says Stella, scowling at Stacy

“Well, I’m not dead, so I’ll just have to count my blessings.” Says Stacy, lightheartedly

Stella sighs “I’ll count mine too; today might have had too many to count for you to still be alive and not in jail.”

“I suppose we can leave the counting to God and just be grateful for the blessings then.” Says Stacy

“I have no idea why God loves you so much, but I am grateful for that.” Says Stella

“I’m just a lovable girl, what can I say.” Says Stacy, pompously “The bath is ready, nice and warm for you to relax your worries away.” says Stacy

“Thanks for that.” Says Stella “I really fucking need one right now.”

“You want me to return today’s favor? I don’t mind washing you. I feel like I owe you one.” Jokes Stacy

“No, it’s fine. Don’t worry about that.” Says Stella, a bit embarrassed

“Maybe next time.” Says Stacy, still joking

“The next time you come home and find me naked and covered in blood sitting in the bathtub being unwilling to wash myself, sure, go right ahead. Until then, I think I’ll be ok. ” says Stella, dismissively

“Duly noted.” Says Stella

“If that ever happens, I seriously expect you to wash me, you do owe me one.” Says Stella, taking off her clothes

“I’ll put it in my plans for tomorrow, ok?” jokes Stacy

Stella rolls her eyes “Give me some peace already. I need to relax. You put me through hell tonight.” Says Stacy

 “Through hell and back again, if I remember correctly.” Says Stacy, prodly, beginning to leave the bathroom, as her sister gets in the tub.

“Thanks for bringing me back. Thank you. Seriously. I didn’t think I was coming back.” Says Stella, distantly, truly grateful

“You wouldn’t expect any less from me, would you?” says Stacy

“You make me want to believe in you like that, but that sort of optimism might kill me.” Says Stella

“That sort of optimism is the only reason I’m still alive.” Says Stacy

“I’ll remember that.” Says Stella

“I hope you wouldn’t forget something that you taught me.” Says Stacy as she exits the room. Stella sighs a restless sigh.

Stella exits the bathroom, Stacy already asleep with the light on. Stella turns out the light and goes to sleep.




The sun rises once more on the sleepy house. Stella wakes up, still shaken and goes into the kitchen while Stacy still sleeps. She breathes deeply and eventually drops her head, holding it up with her hands, looking at the floor, still breathing deeply.

“Fuck.” She says quietly. She feels sick, but manages to toast a piece of bread, butters it, and eats it, drinking a glass of tap water.

The alarm goes off and wakes up Stacy who comes downstairs, their father sleeping on the couch as usual.

“Good morning.” Says Stacy, smiling nervously. Stella glares at her. “You sleep well?” she continues, nervously casual

“I don’t know how you can sleep at night.” Says Stella

“I slept like a rock. I was beat.”

“Really? No contemplative regret keeping you up at night?” says Stella

“Let’s not live in the past. What’s done is done. Carpe Diem, remember?” says Stacy, smiling nervously, intimidated by her sister

“You are sick, and you sicken me. You are happy and carefree, after everything that happened.” Says Stella

“If my sickness is happiness and being carefree, let’s just hope it’s contagious, eh?” jokes Stacy

“That’s it. I’m done. You’ve got me. I’ve caught your sickness. I don’t give a fuck anymore.” Says Stacy as she slaps her hands on the table.

“That’s the spirit. Who gives a fuck these days anyways. Totally overrated.” Says Stacy as she walks to the fridge and pours herself some milk.

“Let me check.” Says Stella, with a mix of passive anger and sarcasm, she looks down at her bare wrist as if to check a watch, “Well it’s certainly not me.”

Stacy looks at her sister and drinks the milk, a bit confused, then looks down at her wrist in the same manner “Wow, what a coincidence. Looks like I don’t give a fuck either.” She says with a confused and dry tone

“I’ll be damned. We’re like two peas in a pod.” Says Stella

“So what do you want to do today?” asks Stacy casually

“What do you mean, it’s a school day.” Says Stella coldly

“See, unlike you I really don’t give a fuck. We have a great opportunity to take the day off.” Says Stacy

“I’m sorry, I forgot that your murders were paid for in vacation days. By all means, enjoy your time off.” Says Stella, sarcastic again

“No, no. You’re right. It’s important that we go to school. If we miss school then everybody will know something happened to us. You don’t want that to happen, do you?” asks Stacy, mildly serious

“You’re god damn right I don’t; that’s why you’re going to school. I’m not having people suspect me as the sister of a murderer when it’s only the third day of school.” Says Stella

“I don’t know if that can be avoided at this point.” Says Stacy

“Well we’re going to make a concerted effort to make damn sure that it is avoided. We just sat at home and played cards yesterday. That’s it.”

“Let’s just go with the story that we did nothing, honestly playing cards makes you sound more boring than if you just say you did nothing.” Says Stacy

“Nothing it is.” Says Stella, still a bit hostile

“You should really relax a bit; people will ask you why you’re so upset and that’s no good.” Says Stacy, sipping a second glass of milk

“I’m trying.” Says Stella

“You want a massage?” asks Stacy, joking casually

“No.” says Stella, frowning

“Drink a glass of milk. It will make you feel better.” Says Stacy

“If that is the secret to your happiness then by all means I’ll try it.” Says Stella

“It couldn’t hurt.” Says Stacy as she pours a glass of milk and gives it to her sister who starts to drink it slowly

“It’s good, isn’t it” Says Stacy

“It really does make you feel better. Why would I want to think these terrible thoughts when I can just think about how delicious this milk is?” Says Stella

“I think about that a lot to be honest, it’s a good thought.” Says Stacy

“I can’t say I expected much more from you.” Says Stella still drinking her milk slowly “This is good, I’ve repressed all of my terrible memories and experiences from yesterday and covered them up with thoughts of delicious milk.” sounding sincere

“Really?” asks Stacy

“No. Sadly, no I have not.” Says Stella

“Oh. I was about to say we might actually be two peas in a pod.” Says Stacy, lighthearted

“Still, if you have to remember one thing, it’s usually pretty good to remember that milk is delicious.” Says Stacy

“Thanks for the sage wisdom. I’m sure I will pass that down for generations.” Says Stella dryly

“Speaking of sage wisdom, we really should head off to school.” Says Stacy

“I hope I can keep my shit together. I don’t know how you are doing it right now. I’m a little on edge as you can tell.” Says Stella

“Just try to think about milk and if you think of something upsetting, you can look down at your wrist and remember you just don’t give a fuck.” Says Stacy

Stella stares at her sister with a bewildered smile. She looks down at her wrist “Wow, who would have guessed. Not a one. No fucks given at all.” Says Stella with a mix of sarcasm, bafflement, and seriousness as she looks back at her sister

“Good.” Says Stacy “You ready to go?”

“Carpe fucking diem.” Says Stella with wild eyes, brimming upon insanity

“Chomping at the bit. I like it. Back to your old self.” Says Stacy

“It’s just like you to come out of a life-changing experience completely unchanged.” Says Stella

“You can lead a horse to water.” Says Stacy

“But you can’t make him drink.” Says Stella

“Things would be different had they led me to milk; I’m not the biggest fan of water.” Says Stacy

“I’m sure one day you will be led to the fountain of milk, and you will drink.” Says Stella, sarcastic, yet bold with the confidence of a prophet

“That would be the best day of my life.” Says Stacy

“Let’s hope you don’t die of dehydration before that happens.” Says Stella

“I drink plenty of fluids.” Says Stacy

“You missed the allegory completely, but who cares. It’s time for school.” Says Stella, still sounding a bit like a lunatic

“Tally ho!” says Stacy, cheerfully

“Tally ho!” says Stella, even more excited as they walk to the door.

“We’re off to school dad. See you later.” Says Stella
“Bye, dad.”

“God damn I’m fucked up; I drank too much last night. I didn’t even know it was possible for me to do that. What happened to me?” He asks

“Nothing.” Both of the girls say simultaneously

“Don’t die, ok?” Says Stacy, warmly

“If last night didn’t kill me I may well be immortal.” Says her dad, holding his head

“Get some rest ok. You will feel better.” Says Stella

“You two have fun now. I’ll be alive when you get home.” He says, nodding off to sleep

“That’s good to hear.” Says Stella as she looks at her sister with serious expecting eyes

“I’ll be alive when you get home too. Don’t worry.” Says Stacy, nonchalantly

“That is what I wanted to hear. Thank you. Let us embark, shall we?” says Stella with sharp annunciation, in a pleasant yet intimidating tone

“Of course.” says Stacy as they exit the door and venture down the familiar streets.




Cheerful clouds swim through the sky like cotton balls, casting shadows that playfully danced across the face of the coy city streets. It is an ordinary day with two apparently ordinary young schoolgirls walking to school on an ordinary day

“You still didn’t do your homework.” Says Stella

“I knew I forgot something.” Says Stacy, smiling and rubbing her neck

“With your newfound devil-may-care attitude I wouldn’t think you would be embarrassed about some trivial thing like that.” Says Stella

“What new devil-may-care attitude? It’s still the same devil-may-care attitude, after all.” Says Stacy

“You’re right; I didn’t mean to flatter you. Only a fool would think that there is any authenticity in your work ethic when you do the bare minimum to keep up appearances.”  Says Stella

“It’s an authentic bare minimum though. Besides, that attitude doesn’t help me when I’m in hell. If the devil cares, which he does, I’m getting poked with the pitchfork, and that’s where we’re going right now, unfortunately.” Says Stacy

“What ever shall you do?” Asks Stella sarcastically

“It’s all about adaptation. I might struggle to survive, but I’ll survive. The trick is to do the homework for your next class in the previous class, and you can win Satan’s game of limbo by the skin of your teeth.” Says Stacy

“You seem to like gambling with the skin of your teeth; you might just lose it eventually.” Says Stella

“I’m not worried, it will grow back.” Grins Stacy

“You better hope so.” Says Stella, distantly


The girls approach the gates of the school, nobody greets them.


“I’m going to class; don’t go raising hell when I’m gone.” Says Stella

“No promises.” Jokes Stacy

Stella flips Stacy the bird and scowls at her

“Ok, I promise.”  Says Stacy reluctantly

“Good.” Says Stella with satisfaction that was a bit out of touch with reality


 Stacy walks into class. Jenna suddenly becomes nervous and avoids eye contact. Stacy walks to her seat, Ophelia looks at her uneasily.

“Ta da.” Says Stacy, softly, presenting herself as if it were a magic trick

“You scare me, but now it’s gone from a fright to a spook.” Says Ophelia

“Don’t worry, I figured you of all people would know that nothing bad ever happens to the good guys.” Says Stacy

“Oh…” says Ophelia, a bit bewildered, she thinks for a second “I did know that though.” She says confidently

“Don’t forget it.” Says Stacy, smiling

The teacher starts talking “Apparently there was an incident that happened after school where an unnamed student was in danger. Please do remember to be safe. Travel in groups and don’t trust strangers. We live in a big city and there are bad people out there, be wary. Now we continue our lesson today…”

Stacy does her homework in the order that it is due today as the teacher drones. She is able to finish the light work of the early schoolyear handedly. Nobody brings up the events of yesterday within any context that might involve or implicate her in any way. She is pleased, the events of yesterday vivid but palpably dreamlike despite the vividness.

Stacy walks up to Jenna after class, “You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” jokes Stacy

“I don’t know what to say.” Says Jenna distantly

“I’m happy to see you? Maybe?” says Stacy

“I’m very ambivalent about seeing you.” Says Jenna

“A little happy?” asks Stacy

“More than a little.” Says Jenna, anxious but relieved

“I’m still spooked. She might be a ghost.” Says Ophelia

Stacy strokes Ophelia’s face playfully “Would these warm dainty hands lie to you?” She asks

Ophelia squeezes Stacy tightly “She’s not a ghost!” she exclaims

“Ow.” Says Stacy

“I am still praying for you Stacy.” Says Jenna softly, in a somber tone

“Don’t worry. Your prayers have already been answered.” Says Stacy, merrily

“Some of them.” Says Jenna, looking away

“Well keep praying, it’s clearly working.” Says Stacy playfully

“I don’t know what god has in store for you, but I will keep praying for you. That much I know.” Says Jenna, still rattled

“Go to class, girls.” Interrupts the teacher

“Sorry, sorry. I’ll be leaving now.” Says Jenna, quickly picking up her things

“See you tomorrow.” Says Stacy

“Bye!” says Ophelia

 “We can talk later Stacy; I’ll see you at lunch.” She says, coldly

“It’s a date.” Says Stacy, still playful as she and Ophelia leave the class

Jenna rolls her eyes and separates from the girls. The classes pass by unremarkably and the girls head to lunch at their usual spot. Stacy and Ophelia’s cheery faces contrast the glum concern of Jenna.


“How are you two smiling? I don’t get it.” Says Jenna

Stacy and Ophelia glance at each other, a bit unsure of what to say.

“Well…” says Ophelia “Stacy reminded me that we are the good guys and that made me feel a lot better about what happened. Those guys were really bad, as much as I don’t like what happened, they deserved it.”

“That answers the simpler part of the question. Now it’s your turn Stacy.” Says Jenna, satisfied with Ophelia’s answer even if she was not exactly pleased with it

“I’ll be honest. I’m a simple girl.” Says Stacy “I was really quite upset about it, but the police told me what I did was right, both them and my father basically told me ‘Good job.’, I am guessing from the ring that the dog is telling me “Good job.”, and I’m pretending that my sister told me ‘Good job.’” Says Stacy

“Good Job? You think you did a good thing yesterday?” asks Jenna, dumbfounded

“The rings don’t lie, Jenna! She did a good thing.” Says Ophelia

“I’m not saying that’s my opinion, but that’s the general consensus so I’m just going along with it.” Says Stacy

“What was going through your mind? You did some terrible things, we could have just ran away.” says Jenna

“I don’t know. I was scared and this instinct kicked in; I wasn’t thinking anything, I was just doing. It’s not like I thought about it; my brain was just 100% sure that this is what I should do and I didn’t question it, I couldn’t. I was scared and my mind went blank. It felt like a dream. You know where you don’t really think about what you’re doing or anything, you just know what is happening and don’t question anything. You just do things as if it’s all second nature, even when you are in a completely unfamiliar environment your mind doesn’t question anything. When I think about what happened it just seems like a dream. I know it wasn’t, but that’s just how it felt.” Says Stacy

“It must be your magic brain or something. That’s crazy how you lost control of your body but amazing that it saved your life. It saved all of us.” Says Ophelia

“It was her magic brain that got us into that situation in the first place, but regardless. It does kind of make sense that your omniscience would overpower your natural thinking. You just knew what to do and how to do it perfectly, your brain controls your body so clearly if you brain knows exactly how to do something it just has to command your body to emulate that knowledge.” Says Jenna

“I don’t know. I just know I’ve got to trust it if it ever kicks in again. I was just in shock, looking out of my eyes like my body was a prison and I could feel my brain, my whole self just living in my eyes, just watching, I don’t know what the feeling is called but it felt something like ‘Not today, motherfucker’ and my body just goes into that fighting mode.” Says Stacy

“That might just be the will to live; you hear about similar things happening to other people when they are in life or death situations.” Says Jenna

“I’m glad she has that, it really helped.” Says Ophelia

“I’m almost ashamed to say it, but we should also find that feeling, Ophelia, that source of power and courage. We just got scared and couldn’t do anything.” Says Jenna

“Don’t act like you didn’t help. You saved my ass. I couldn’t have taken the guy out if you hadn’t done what I told you.” Says Stacy

“When I think about it, I was acting the same way. I didn’t know what to do, but when you told me, I just did it without thinking.” Says Jenna

“I feel kind of bad that my love magic wasn’t able to help you. I guess it’s not strong enough to overpower evil right now. I’m sure I just need more practice.” Says Ophelia

“Your magic made me love the both of you though. I was willing to risk my life in the hopes of protecting you. I didn’t question it at all, not for a moment.” Says Stacy

“Yeah. You were directly in the line of fire of my love beams. I hope I didn’t break your heart or anything.” Says Ophelia

“I don’t think love beams could ever hurt somebody.” Says Stacy, smirking

“You clearly underestimate the pain of a broken heart. You can die from a broken heart, Stacy. I’m serious. I’ve got to be more careful. My magic is strong, but I’ve got to learn to control it.” Says Ophelia, quite serious

“I should really try to learn my magic too. I’ve been trepidatious about it, but it would be irresponsible for me not to practice at this point. There was easily something I could have done if only I knew how.” Says Jenna

“Don’t worry about it. You both did great. It was a trial by fire and we succeeded. We can’t ask for much more.” Says Stacy

“Let’s hope for fair weather for a while; I don’t know how lucky we can continue to be. Not after something like that.” Says Jenna

“It wasn’t luck, Jenna, it was our destiny.” Says Ophelia

“That seems like a very dark destiny.” Says Jenna

“But we are the light in that darkness.” Says Ophelia

“Here’s to that.” Says Stacy as she drinks the rest of her milk

“Why are teenagers so bullheaded? Is death really the only thing that can teach them anything?” asks Jenna

“Certainly not, books seem to be able to teach you plenty of things, Jenna.” Jokes Stacy

“If I find a book about common sense you two had better read it.” Says Jenna, sarcastically

“I could easily write the book on common sense.” Says Stacy

“It would help if you know what common sense is. Apparently it’s an archaic term because it isn’t very common these days.” Says Jenna

“Oh. You wanted something about uncommon sense. Perhaps you should write that one. You are uncommonly sensible, after all.” Says Stacy

“I might just do it, for both of your sakes.” Says Jenna, seriously

“I’ve got enough reading already Jenna, don’t worry about it. There are plenty of books in the world, we don’t need anymore.” Says Ophelia

“Ironically common sense prevents me from writing that book, because I know nobody who needs to read it would actually read it.” Says Jenna, sassily, smug in her own literacy

The second lunch bell rings

“We should go. I hope you have enough common sense to know that.” Says Jenna

“Even a horse has enough common sense to run when the starting gates open.” Says Stacy, feigning pride

“At least you have the common sense of a horse; that’s a good start.” Says Jenna

“My sister would beg to differ.” Jokes Stacy

“Horses are pretty smart you know.” Says Ophelia

Jenna rolls her eyes, “Let’s go.” She says




The girls head into the club room and take their seats, the room a bit more lively than usual. The last of the girls trickle in and Aurelia once again takes to the front of the class.

“As I’m sure all of you have heard already, there was an incident after school yesterday. I don’t know much about it, but I was instructed to remind everybody about the importance of safety. They pressed me more than most clubs because sometimes we go out in the city in an attempt to raise money. Just stay with a group and don’t trust any strangers, don’t go into their homes or offices, it should be easy, ok? Does everyone understand?” says Aurelia in a pleasant, almost unconcerned tone

The class acknowledges that they understand in a disorganized mumble. Stacy playfully salutes and winks from the back of the class.

 “Other than that it’s just a usual day; we will be volunteering at the shelter this weekend so please write your name down if you want to come, we will be meeting in front of the school at 9:00 and taking the metro to the shelter.” Aurelia continues, the class starts to babble in the common commotion of schoolgirls

“Yay, we get to play with the animals!” says Ophelia to her friends

“Yay.” Says Stacy, in deadpan unenthused sarcasm

“I’m still worried about the dogs from yesterday.” Says Ophelia

“The cops told me they got taken to the shelter.” Says Stacy

“I guess every cloud has a silver lining.” Says Jenna

“I can’t wait to see them. I’m sure they really need some love.” Says Ophelia

“I don’t know how friendly those dogs will be.” Says Stacy, timidly

“I will shower them with the love they never received.” Says Ophelia, swooning

“I’ll go with you Ophelia; do you want to come, Stacy?” asks Jenna

“Not really.” Says Stacy

“I’ll take that as a yes. I’m going to write our names down.” Says Ophelia as she gets up and goes to do so

“I can hardly wait.” Says Stacy, still unenthusiastic

“We’re in the Animal Club now, at least pretend to love animals.” says Jenna

“I love the small ones, birds and squirrels and things. I can do cats ok, but dogs are a bit much. Ophelia would go hug a bear or a lion if she had a chance, where as I actually value my life.” Says Stacy

“Well, you should try to value the lives of others, Stacy, I’m sure the dogs and cats want to be alive too, and some love and attention would make their depressing lives a lot more tolerable.” Says Jenna

“I’ll work on it.” Says Stacy as Ophelia returns

“I’m so excited!” says Ophelia

“It’s like you’ve never seen a dog before.” Says Stacy dryly

“Well, I haven’t seen these ones, and I’m sure there will be a bunch of cute puppies and kittens too!” says Ophelia

“I’ll stick to the small ones.” Says Stacy

A brown haired girl a bit taller than Stacy excitedly approaches the three. “Did you guys hear about what happened yesterday? You know, why we are getting the safety talk all day?” she asks

“No…” the three say in unison

“Oh, well, apparently, a girl was like cornered by rapists in this restaurant and she killed one of them and beat up the other guy, and then they found a bunch of dogs in the back and the one guy she beat up turned out to be some terrible guy, he got charged with a bunch of unrelated things on top of the rapey stuff after that, like beating his wife. On the news they said something about how she can’t be identified because she’s a minor, but it was crazy, I heard she was like covered and blood walking down the street. I’m pretty sure she’s from our school too or they wouldn’t be so serious about this. She sounds like a total badass, and apparently she had like witch friends or something there helping her fight the guys off, it’s totally crazy. I want to meet her so bad.” Says the excited girl, talking quickly

“Yeah, wow. That’s crazy.” Says Stacy distantly, uninterested

“It is terrible that things like that can happen.” Says Jenna, also distant

“Those girls sound totally amazing! I can’t believe they were able to fight off the bad guys like that.” Says Ophelia, lathering herself in the compliment

“I know right! I want her to teach me how to do that stuff. Maybe we will see her one day; I’m going to keep an eye out for the witch girls. That’s really my only clue so far. It was so crazy hearing the news” she says, “One man is dead and one more is in the hospital after a schoolgirl and two witches fend off rapists in the kitchen of a Chinese restaurant.” Imitating the news anchor, “I thought I was going crazy, but no, it was real. Wow.” She says still talking fast. “I’m Shirley by the way, I’ve just been asking around to find out more information, but nobody knows anything, it’s weird. You three were like the most out of the loop so far, kind of weird that you didn’t hear anything.” Says Shirley

“I don’t watch the news; it’s nothing but bad news anyways.” Says Jenna

“That’s kind of true.” Says Shirley “What are your names anyways? Are you going to help the animals on Saturday?”

“I’m Jenna”


“Ophelia, and of course we are going to help the animals! What kind of Animal Club members would we be if we didn’t?” she says smiling

“It’s good to know, I’ll see you then and maybe some other time. I’ve got to keep searching for clues!” says Shirley, still excited as she goes out to interrogate other people

“Wow, she was quite the ball of energy.” Says Stacy, speaking softly

“I can’t believe we got a compliment! Wow, that feels so awesome!” Says Ophelia, excitedly, but modestly quiet

“That is not the kind of thing we should want compliments for.” Says Jenna, with the same softness in her voice

“It feels better than getting criticized though, right?” says Stacy

“I guess.” Says Jenna a bit disheartened

“Anyways, after club, I’ve got a plan.” Says Stacy

“No.” says Jenna, seriously “No more plans Stacy.”

“Relax. It’s not like that.” Says Stacy

“No, it’s not like anything. There is no plan Stacy.” Says Jenna, still serious

“It’s just the whole cops at my house, bloody schoolgirl on the news, safety talk at school. That is bad. So we’re going to fix it.” Says Stacy

“We’re going to fix it by not doing those things, ok, Stacy?” says Jenna, concerned

“What I’m saying is, even if we don’t do anything like that, if I’m seen with the two witch girls then people will figure out pretty quick who was at the Chinese restaurant that day. I’m going to need a disguise, at least until I can transform like you two.” Says Stacy

“That actually sounds like you found some common sense, it’s a miracle.” Says Jenna

“Thanks.” Says Stacy, sarcastically

“Yay! Shopping!” says Ophelia

The class paying no attention to their conversation as Shirley’s voice makes enough incessant white noise to reduce any other conversations to indecipherable rabble. Jenna studies and Ophelia flips through magazines. Stacy does her homework. The club time comes and goes, Aurelia dismisses everybody. The girls exit into the courtyard.





“So where are we going.” Asks Jenna

“There is a costume shop a few blocks from here. I’m sure we can find something there.” Says Stacy

“Do you have any money?” asks Jenna

Stacy looks into her bag “I brought some, hopefully I can find something, even if it’s silly, it just has to be something.” Says Stacy

The girls walk the few blocks and finally approach a small storefront with masks and an assortment of costumes on display in the windows and enter the building. A disheveled punker of a man stands behind the counter, looking disinterested, reading a magazine.

“Happy Halloween.” He says in a drab tone

“It’s August.” Says Stacy dryly

“It’s always Halloween here; at least most people who shop here think that.” He says

“Oh. Well, we are just looking for a cute costume for our friend here.” Says Ophelia

“Anything in specific?” he asks

“Maybe like a cute witch or something?” says Jenna, a bit unsure of herself

“That horror story from yesterday is making Halloween come early I see. We’ve got plenty of stuff like that. I didn’t think you three would be the type to like that sort of thing.” He says

“Those girls were victims and they did nothing wrong.” Says Ophelia, defensively

“Victims? I tend to think of the victim as the one who is dead and covered in their own blood or in the hospital.” He says

“Those girls are heroes; they stopped bad men from doing bad things.” Continues Ophelia

“Stop it.” Says Jenna

“That horror show shit is rare, even in this city, well, at least in this part of town. To think that little girls were behind that shit scares me. Me, of all people, I work in a Halloween shop and watch horror on a nightly basis. Girls costumes are over there though, knock yourselves out.” He says and points to a corner of the store

“I’m with you, real horror show shit.” Says Stacy as the girls walk away

“These witch costumes are all the classic spooky witch kind of deal. I’m not sure that would work.” Says Stacy, looking at the costumes

“Yeah, our costumes are kind of like just cute clothes and a witch hat.” Says Ophelia

“Let’s just go with something cute over something witchy. That should make it easier.” Says Stacy

“Ok, how about cute maid?” asks Ophelia, shuffling through the many hangars


“Cute nurse?” asks Jenna


 “Schoolgirl?” asks Ophelia

“That’s not even a costume at this point.” Says Stacy

“Cheerleader?” asks Jenna

“Still not a costume.”

“Skeleton?” asks Ophelia

“That’s just ridiculous.”

“Secretary?” asks Jenna

“Once again, not a costume.”

“Bumblebee?” asks Ophelia

“Too silly.”

“Santa?” asks Jenna

“Ho ho no. Too seasonal.”

“Kitty Cat!” shouts Ophelia

“I wouldn’t pleasure you like that.”

“Cute cop?” asks Jenna

“I’m pretty sure that’s illegal”

“Mermaid?” asks Ophelia


“Cowgirl?” asks Jenna

“That might work. How much is that?”

“$80” says Jenna

“I’ve got like twenty some; we’ve got to think smaller. Deskman, you’ve got any cheap things just for kicks?” she shouts at the man at the desk

“We’ve got some little things over there and there’s a clearance section right next to it.” He says, disinterested.

The girls walk over.

“Most of the costumes look like something a male stripper would wear.” Says Jenna

“Let me look.” Says Stacy, Ophelia looking through the knick-knacks

“An angle costume. XXL though.”

“Lets try to find something that fits.”

“This is the only thing I can find.” Says Jenna, pulling out a Valentine’s Day dress

“Well, I wouldn’t be caught dead in it. So it could work.” Says Stacy

“It’s the only thing I could find that is an adult extra-extra-small, you’re pretty hard to shop for, you know. At least try it on, it’s only twenty dollars.” Says Jenna

“I’ll take what I can get.” Says Stacy as she takes the dress back to the changing room

Stacy walks out wearing the red formfitting dress with a heart-shaped bodice with the sides of the dress cut out to make the heart shape. The tips of the heart shaped bust connected to the back with thin straps, the tail of the heart extending down, covering only her navel before meeting the skirt, she spins around, the biconcave back exposes her waist and lower ribs, but widens slightly as it approaches the hips and connects to the skirt which hung a bit loose as it approached the middle of her thighs before stopping abruptly.

“That is a bit much…” says Jenna, embarrassed

“I can clearly see why nobody bought it.” Says Stacy

“Oh my gosh! So cute! You have to buy it.” exclaims Ophelia, delighted and excited

“I don’t know if I can trust your opinion, Ophelia.” Says Stacy, smugly

“Yes you can!” she says

“I’ll ask the deskman.” Says Stacy as she approaches

“Hey deskman, I need an opinion on this dress.” She says

“An opinion? I don’t know why somebody would make a dress like that for a twelve year old.” He says

“One, I’m fourteen, and two this is an adult’s dress. I am just wondering, is it nice, or stupid, or what.” She says

“It doesn’t look bad, it’s just a matter of how you want to present yourself, I suppose.” He says

“Well, like an adult I suppose.” Says Stacy

“The dress is very adult.” Says the man “If that’s what you wanted you hit the nail on the head.”

“I’ll take your word for it. Thanks.” Says Stacy

“No problem.” He says, indifferently, as he returns to his magazine and Stacy returns to her friends

“So?” says Ophelia, excitedly

“I guess I’m going to get it. It’s the only thing in my budget that fits me.” Says Stacy

“Awesome!” says Ophelia

“You really still aren’t all that disguised though.” Says Jenna

“It’s true, but it’s definitely way better than my uniform. I wouldn’t be caught dead in this, so it’s kind of perfect. I just need to find a hat or something. What do you think Ophelia?” Says Stacy

“Well, I really wanted you to go with kitty cat, so I kind of picked out some things.” Says Ophelia

“You already wear a headband, so obviously I found you a cat ear headband; it’s white so it matches your hair! The other thing is these cute pink cat-eyes glasses, nothing says perfect disguise like glasses.”

“Great.” Says Stacy a bit let down, but willing to take what she can get

“Try them on!” says Ophelia

Stacy looks down at the pink costume glasses that flare out flamboyantly with a black fade similar to eyeshadow that was adorned with swirls of silver. She puts them on along with the cute, fuzzy cat ears.

“Yes!” says Ophelia

“I actually wouldn’t recognize you. If you’re ok with looking like that.” Says Jenna

“I don’t know. I mean, I don’t have to look at myself, but I feel bad for inflicting this on other people.” Says Stacy

“What? It’s super cute. I’m going to buy them for you and you will totally wear them. It’s going to be great. I mean your magic name is Kitty after all.” Says Ophelia, excitedly

“When did we decide on my name?” says Stacy

“Well on the first day, you got to name us, so I went ahead and named you Kitty.” Says Ophelia

“Two witches and their love kitten.” Jokes Jenna

“I’m just going to have to swallow my pride. If I want to complete my disguise I have to rely on Ophelia, so I’m really at her mercy. Anything is better than my uniform.” Says Stacy

“Hooray!” says Ophelia

Stacy changes back into her clothes, then buys the dress, Ophelia buys her the knick-knacks.

“So cute witch turned into love kitten, eh?” says the deskman

“I just wanted to leave with something. This uniform is killing me.” Says Stacy

“I’ll let you know, I’ve seen plenty of worse decisions made in this shop. Your friend actually has some fashion sense.” He says

“If only she could find some common sense.” Says Jenna, sarcastically

“It seems that girls either have one or the other.” Says the man

“Fashion sense is way better anyways.” Says Ophelia

“I concur. It’s common sense that fashion sense is better, look at where common sense got us.” Jokes Stacy

“See, I have both. Jenna.” Says Ophelia, haughtily
Jenna rolls her eyes. “Let’s go.” As the exit the store, bag in Stacy’s hand, and begin walking back.


 “Now that Stacy has her costume we can start our never ending magical mission to spread love and help people!” says Ophelia excitedly

“Let’s try to keep that stuff to a minimum, ok? I couldn’t focus on my work last night because of a certain magical mission.” Says Jenna, coldly

“Yeah, me neither, I was so scared about Stacy but now that I know she is ok I feel a lot better.” Says Ophelia

“It’s like you completely forgot about what happened yesterday.” Says Jenna, seriously

“Well, that’s what you do when something scary happens. You don’t think about it and you try to forget about it and then it’s like it never even happened.” Says Ophelia, sincerely

“It would be nice if I could forget about those things so easily, it’s times like these that having a photographic memory is quite painful.” Says Jenna

“Drink some milk. It will help.” Says Stacy, nonchalantly

Jenna frowns “Ok…” she says, “I don’t know how that will help, but I’m willing to try anything at this point.” She says

“It may sound weird, but I know how serious the dog is about what he said. As much as I’m not proud of what I did, when I look at my ring and it’s white, I am grateful for that, to be alive. Keeping the ring white is a matter of life and death, so I’m not going to argue with a dog that has a gun of fangs to my head. If I don’t do what he wants me to do, I die. It’s that simple. If the dog is happy, I’m happy, because I’m alive.” Says Stacy

“You know there are other ways to keep it white.” Says Jenna

“Hopefully I can find some simple, easy ways to do what he asked, but I can’t just wave my wand around or rub somebody’s belly to keep my ring white like you two. I don’t know why, but what we did yesterday really pleased Mr. Dog. My ring is still white 24 hours later, when on the first day, not even 8 hours after getting it, it was red after only doing some fortunetelling.” Says Stacy

“My ring is also still white, even though we didn’t do any of that nice stuff yesterday.” Says Ophelia, quietly

“Same.” Says Jenna, a bit unhappy with that fact

“Besides, they wouldn’t be white if we didn’t do something good yesterday, so I find some solace in that.” Says Stacy

“I’ll try to do that. You’re right about how the rings basically define our lives now; we are bound by Mr. Dog’s desires and opinions.” Says Jenna

“You two are scaring me, what happened to just using magic to help people and be nice?” Says Ophelia

“That might not be enough.” Says Stacy

“We just have to try harder.” Says Ophelia, stand-offishly

“I’ll do my best.” Sighs Stacy “I want to be able to keep it white in a cute, harmless way too, you know.”  She says, regretfully

“I’ve got a bunch of work to do, so maybe not today. They are still white, so I’m going to take advantage of that and try to save face in my personal life. I’m not too happy about the whole witch life thing, but I guess it doesn’t matter. Not at this point.” Says Jenna

“Sadly, we either play the hand we’re dealt or we lose. Permanently.” Says Stacy grimly

“My hand is full of hearts, so it should be easy for me to win.” Says Ophelia, cutely proud

“That’s good, I’m sure you have homework to do, Ophelia, it is probably best that we head home. If we can’t keep our personal lives in good order it will be much harder for us to maintain our witch lives, and that would be bad.” Says Stacy

“Telling me to go home and do homework? Did we leave with Stella by accident? Stacy would want to go on adventures and have fun.” Teases Ophelia

“Give me a break; we had tons of fun today. At least you did anyways.” Says Stacy

“I guess I’ll survive on my little crumbs of fun for today.” Says Ophelia, pouting

“You know we have to have normal fun sometimes too, even if just to keep up appearances.” Says Jenna

“You’re right, that’s a great idea. Looks like we’ll have to double down on the amount of fun we have since we have two lives now.” Says Ophelia, playfully

“Well, I’ve had enough fun for today. I had a lot of other feelings that weren’t fun today so I’m going to wrestle with those for a while. I’m going home, I’ll see you later.” Says Jenna

“Bye. See you tomorrow.” Says Ophelia

“Drink some milk, it will help!” says Stacy

“You and your milk.” Says Jenna, rolling her eyes as she walks away

“I’m going to head home too. I can’t let anybody see me with this silly costume.” Says Stacy

“Lame. You owe me some fun.” Says Ophelia

“Tomorrow, ok? Just normal every day fun. We’ve got two lives to live, remember?” says Stacy

“Ok!” says Ophelia

“Be good, ok? This is where you and I part ways.” Says Stacy

“Farewell, my Love Kitten.” Says Ophelia playfully

“Don’t call me that.” Says Stacy

“Oh sorry, I didn’t mean to give away your secret identity.” Says Ophelia as she winks

Stacy laughs “You’re lucky my ego is so inflated I don’t need any self-respect.”

“I don’t know if that’s healthy.” Says Ophelia
“I’m still alive, and I’ll be alive tomorrow. It seems to be working well enough.” Says Stacy

“That’s true; I’m not really a doctor anyways.” Says Ophelia

“Who would have guessed?” says Stacy as she chuckles and walks away

Ophelia rolls her eyes and walks home.



Stacy arrives in front of her house; the familiar smell comforts her as she walks in, her father on the couch.

“I’m home.” She says

“Here’s to that.” He says as he raises his glass

“I didn’t expect you to be awake.” She says

“Oh, I just woke up a minute ago. Hopefully your sister cooks something good for supper; my whole body is killing me.” He says

“ You should really take it easy. There’s no point in going harder than you have to.” Says Stacy

“Yeah, I don’t know why. For some reason last night was rough. Must have been some scary shit on TV or something.” He says

“Yeah, maybe. Try to watch some happy things; I don’t know if those war shows are good for you.” She says

“They’re great. The good guy always wins. It’s like a fairy tale.” He says

“I guess you’re lucky you’re an American.” She says

“That’s for damn certain. You are too, hell, everybody is. I’m not ashamed to say it.” He says

“That’s good. Well, you enjoy then, ok? I’m going upstairs.” She says

“Wilco.” He says, as Stacy walks upstairs


Stacy puts the bag in the corner of her room. Its presence reminds her of the new life she must live, something she would rather not think about. She throws herself down on the bed and groans softly.

She sighs, “Carpe Diem.” She whispers to herself as she sits up for a moment before changing out of her school clothes. She thinks about grabbing a book to read, but the bag catches her eye, hauntingly, and she reluctantly acknowledges it. She goes downstairs.

“Dad, you know how something bad happened to me yesterday, right?” she asks quietly

“Hrm, what? No, not really.” He says

“Well, it was pretty bad and I need to ask you for a favor.” She says

“Sure, anything.” He says

“I know you have a gun, and I was just thinking I should carry it when I go out in the city, for protection you know.” She says

“What? Was it that bad, really?” he asks, concerned

“Dad, I was shot at and almost raped yesterday. Yes, it was that bad.” She says

“Oh Jesus, I’m sorry. Umm… yeah, that’s probably a good idea. You are getting to be at that age where those things kind of happen sometimes, I think.” He says

“Yeah…” she says softly, a bit confused

“I’m pretty sure it’s in this closet over here.” He says as he gets up and slowly limps to the closet under the stairs. He groans as he squats down and opens a shoebox. He looks at a black handgun surrounded by miscellaneous things.

“There is is. I don’t know much about guns, but I know that it is a gun.” He says

“Are you sure I can have it? You don’t need your gun?” she asks, intimidated by the gun

“No. I don’t need it. I mean it’s not even my gun.” He says

“Who’s gun is it?” asks Stacy

“Well, it was your mother’s gun. She bought it to protect you two. She was always scared of things like that, like what happened to you, or worse.” He said

“Oh.” Says Stacy softly

“You remember how your mother was, she was always scared to death, sometimes of god knows what. It was pretty painful to watch, seeing how I couldn’t do anything to help her. If it wasn’t criminals and murderers it was demons and witches casting black magic on her. You remember that sort of shit, right?” he says, with a bit of painful reservation

“Yeah, kind of. I remember her screaming and crying sometimes, but she was really nice and happy a lot of the time too.” She says, softly

“Yeah, she really loved you two. I’m glad she had something that made her happy, her life was otherwise nothing but torture, at least from what I could tell.” He says “I didn’t have any objections to her buying this, because I’m stupid as shit I guess, but eventually as she got sicker, well, you know what happened. She said she just wanted the pain to stop.” He says, his voice growing weaker and speckled with guilt, tearing up

“Yeah…” says Stacy

“I’m sure she would want you to have it though. She bought it to protect you two, so if you need protection, by all means take the gun. I would hate to lose you to some goddamn criminal.” He says


“I don’t know how to take care of a gun or anything, but I’m sure you can learn online. I don’t know if that computer works, I mean we don’t have internet, but you can go to a library I guess. Just don’t do anything stupid with it, ok?” he says

“I won’t.” she says

“Good.” He says “It’s got a bunch of knick-knacks in the box I’m pretty sure have something to do with the gun. Just take the whole thing. Don’t bring it to school or anything though; I’m pretty sure that’s illegal.”

“I’ll go try to learn the basics soon. Like they say, protection can only protect you if you know how to use it.” She says

“Atta girl. Help me up. That couch is calling my name.” he says, stuck in a squatting position, Stacy grabs his hands and pulls him up.

“Thanks again.” She says, softly

“Any time.” He says nonchalantly as he limps back to the couch.

Stacy puts the lid on the box and brings it up to her room. She places the box down on her desk and sits down. She inhales deeply as she takes the lid off of the box. Picks up the gun and puts it on the table. She takes out the magazine and bulls back the slide. A round jingles falls on her desk. She pulls the trigger and then pulls down on the tabs on the side of the gun. She pulls the slide off and takes out the barrel and the recoil spring.  The sun shone through the window illuminating the dried blood caked onto the frame and the slide around the muzzle which was invisible in the darkness of the living room closet. Stacy takes a cleaning patch, dips it in solvent, and begins to clean, tears welling up in her grim and distanced face. When the patches became soaked with bloody solvent, she took another, and did this until the gun was clean and the patches were white. She took a deep breath and continued to clean the gun thoroughly and professionally, the patches and brushes coming back more dirty with blood than common residues. She finishes cleaning, reassembles and checks the functionality of the unloaded gun. She takes the magazine, and pushes the rounds out with her thumb. 15 of them fall onto the table. She disassembles and cleans the magazine, reloads it, taking one bullet final from the shoebox and inserting it before sliding the magazine into the gun. She puts the gun back into the box, opens the drawer of her desk, and places the box quietly inside and closes the drawer.

She closes her eyes and inhales deeply; any calm to be gained was burned away by the smell of the sharp smell of the solvent. She takes the bag full of bloody cloths out of the trashcan and takes it outside. She comes back indoors and washes her hands in the kitchen sink, goes upstairs and lies down on her bed. She stares at the celling as the evening sun paints the room a golden orange. The mental exhaustion takes its toll and she falls asleep.


The door creaks open, Stella walks into the room.

“Welcome home.” Says Stacy, yawning

“I’m surprised you are alive.” Says Stella, coldly and actually surprised

“I promised. You have a long day?” Says Stacy, smiling

“It wouldn’t have been so bad if I wasn’t worrying about you the entire time.” Says Stella, annoyed

“Come on, I told you not to worry.” Says Stacy, sleepily

“Oh. That’s right. I’ll be sure to drink some milk.” Says Stella, sarcastically

Stella undresses and starts to change into comfortable clothes

“That uniform is killing me.” She says

“My thoughts exactly.” Says Stacy

“Don’t lay around in yours, it will get wrinkled.” Scolds Stella

“Nothing ever changes, does it.” Says Stacy

“I am upset with you, I don’t know what you did, but I’m sure you did something. That smile, lying down on your bed, it’s suspicious.” Says Stella, sternly

“Since when are smiles suspicious?” says Stacy, playfully

“They are suspicious when they come from you.” Says Stella

“I’m just a happy-go-lucky girl, there’s nothing wrong with that.” Says Stacy, smiling, sitting up

“Your happiness is delusion and luck is a fallacy. That makes the description rather accurate, a delusional girl with faith in fallacy.” Says Stella, 

“I’d rather stick with the common turn of phrase. There’s a reason people don’t put it like that.” Says Stacy

“The common man is not renowned for his intelligence.” Says Stella

“Neither is the sheep, but both of them still manage to keep themselves alive every day.” Says Stacy

“Domesticated animals are kept alive by their shepherds to serve the interests of those who control them. It’s less that they manage to keep themselves alive than someone else manages to keep them alive.” Says Stella

“You talking about men or sheep?” jokes Stacy

“Both.” Says Stella

“There are wild sheep you know.” jokes Stacy

Stella laughs “Go change and get ready to eat. I’m just cooking leftovers.” She says

“Fine.” Says Stacy as she gets up and changes, Stella sits down on her bed

“What’s in the bag?” asks Stella, cautiously, concerned, after she notices the plastic bag in the corner

Stacy sighs, “Well, it’s the culmination of all of the mistakes I’ve made this week up to this point.”

“Now you are scaring me again.” She says as she walks over to the bag and pulls out the dress

“It might not be your crowning mistake, but it is certainly up there near the top. Why would you buy this, it looks ridiculous?” asks Stella, smirking

“That’s the point.” Says Stacy, rubbing her neck.

Stella drapes the dress on her bed and pulls out the cat ears and glasses. “You certainly drove the point home with these.” chuckling

“Good.” Says Stacy

“Good? Why would you ever dress like this?” asks Stella, baffled

“I wouldn’t, that’s the point.” Says Stacy

“I don’t get it.” Says Stella

“It’s my disguise, it may be stupid but it’s all I could afford. Thankfully Ophelia bought me the other parts so I’ve got something to work with.” Says Stacy

“Why do you need a disguise, again?” asks Stella, confused

Stacy raises her hand and points at her the ring

“This. This is why I need a disguise.” Says Stacy

“Not the fucking mood ring again. God damn it.” Says Stella, suddenly upset

“You may not understand how serious this is but you will soon enough. That is why I really need you to keep this little disguise a secret.” Says Stacy

“I couldn’t bear to even start on the story of the crazy girl and her mood ring, so needless to say nobody will be hearing about this chapter of the saga from me.” Says Stella, sarcastic and still upset

“Good.” Says Stacy, seriously

“I was doing alright for a minute but now you’ve caused my head to start spinning again. Let me just lather my body in your liquid insanity so I can be happy and carefree like you.” Says Stella, with a feignedly crazy voice fluctuating between sarcasm and seriousness and spinning in circles, she grabs Stacy’s hands and rubs them on self. “Oh, it’s working, it’s really working!”

“At least I’m getting a show; usually you just get upset with me.” Says Stacy

 “I cannot comprehend your state of mind in the slightest so I am simply choosing not to try to do so at all. Why bother comprehending anything? This abandonment of my thought processes truly is bliss!” says Stella, enthralled by fanciful facetiousness

“So you’ve finally resolved the paradox and realized that ignorance is the only true form of enlightenment.” Says Stacy sarcastically

“Oh Stacy, how could I have been blind to your wisdom the entire time. How could I have been so foolish?” asks Stella

“I know you’re being silly, but please don’t tell anyone. I know you don’t like to lie but a lot of bad things could happen if you don’t.” says Stacy

“It’s not lying when I am genuinely incredulous, so don’t worry about my disdain for lying. Let’s just pretend that this profound nonsense doesn’t happen, and never happened, so we can live our normal lives.” Says Stella, still spinning around and lightheartedly feigning insanity

“That was exactly what I was hoping for.” Says Stacy

“Good. That’s exactly what I’m going to do.” Says Stella


“Well, I will continue on in my incredulity” says Stella as she takes a deep breath, looks at Stacy in the eyes and smiles “You really should hang up the dress, it is not something I would wear, but you should still respect your clothes.” Says Stella back to her normal voice

“Wow… Ok.” Says Stacy as she grabs a hangar out of her closet and hangs up the dress

“I actually kind of want to see you wear it.” Says Stella, giggling

“You really don’t want to see me in the dress.” Says Stacy seriously

“I think I do, it’s quite cute.” Says Stella playfully

“This dress will give you nightmares.” Says Stacy

“It’s not that bad.” Says Stella

“It’s not the dress. It’s the person in the dress.” Says Stacy with a grim tone

Stella breathes a deep breath and grimaces with wide eyes, looking at the ground, before looking back up at Stacy with  a weak smile

“Well when you put it like that, let’s just see you in the dress for a moment so we can appreciate the dress for its own merits before the person in the dress decides to be a living nightmare while wearing it, ok?” says Stella as she slaps her thighs, insanity creeping back into her eyes

“Fine.” Says Stacy as she rolls her eyes, changes out of her clothes and puts on the dress

Stella starts laughing heartily “Complete… the look.” She says between her laughs

“Really?” says Stacy

“Do it!” screams Stella, quite entertained. Stacy puts the accessories on, and Stella burst into another level of laughter, rolling on her bed.

“Ok, you’ve had your fun. We’re done.” Says Stacy, upset with herself as she changes back into her clothes

“Thank you… for that.” Says Stella, out of breath but still laughing softly

“Who would have thought you would pick out such a girly costume. That’s the real reason it was so funny, you would never dress like that. I had to enjoy it while I could.” Says Stella, wiping her eye

“Nobody will think that I did, and that’s why nobody will think it’s me.” Says Stacy

“With an outfit like that people will just hope they are hallucinating. What is your costume name anyways.” Says Stella

“Kitty…” says Stacy, smirking a bit. Stella starts cackling again

“God damn it, I shouldn’t be laughing, it’s like watching burning clowns crawl out of a terrible clown car crash or something. I would say I am ambivalent but I’m repressing the bad feelings.” Says Stella

“That’s good.” Says Stacy

“No it’s not.” Says Stella, still laughing, wiping a tear from her eye

“I’m sorry about all this, I really am. I want to just be able to forget about all of it.” Says Stacy

“Let’s do that. That sounds really nice.” Says Stella, catching her breath, “Let both wake up from this terrible nightmare and realize that it was just a dream the whole time.”

“It’s not all bad; at least I made you laugh. It’s not like that happens every day.” Kids Stacy

“I really shouldn’t be laughing, but sometimes you just feel so sick and hopeless and helpless that laughing is all you can do.” Says Stella

“I’ll try to keep you happy somehow; you know laughter is the best medicine.” Says Stacy

“It helps, I’ll be honest. It’s just what the doctor ordered. Laughing helps you let go, all the seriousness and tension of the day just slips away as you come to terms with the sickening nature of life and allows you to embrace the futility of trying to change a god damn thing about it. It kind of feels like being an old person coming to terms with your own death, you just come to accept it as inevitable and have exhausted yourself trying to wrestle with that fact to the point where you just give up. There is solace in powerlessness, it wipes the guilt off of your face and embraces you as if you were a small crying child.” Says Stella

“That was so deep, I don’t know if I should throw you a rope or something.” Says Stacy

“Please do, it is dark and depressing in here.” Says Stella

Stacy imitates a mime throwing a rope.

“You missed. Say something and your voice will guide me to your enlightened nirvana of bliss. Introspection has sadly become an act of masochism for me. It is nothing but death and misery, this is a deep hole I am in, and you’ve helped me dig it.” Says Stella

Stacy sings the first line of the chorus from Don’t Fear the Reaper

Stella looks at Stacy expectantly, pleading with her eyes for more

Stacy finishes the chorus.

“I needed that.” Says Stella

“We’re in the same boat now?” asks Stacy

“I don’t really have a choice, do I?” asks Stella

“No.” says Stacy distantly “No you do not.”

“That’s what I thought.” Says Stella

The girls sit in silence for a while, looking at each other.

“So it’s back to business as usual?”

“I’ll try, even if our house is burning down with us inside of it.” Says Stella

“At least the fire will keep us warm.” Says Stacy

“That’s not the way house fires work but ok.” Says Stella

“What happened to optimism?” asks Stacy, sincerely

“That’s an extreme level of optimism.” Says Stella

“It doesn’t hurt to look on the bright side of life.” Says Stacy, smiling

“Enjoying spending time in a burning building is more so along the lines of masochism than optimism, but let’s go with optimism. It sounds better.” Says Stacy

“Maybe I’m a firefighter.” Says Stacy

“Last time I checked you would be closer to an arsonist.” Says Stella

“At least I’m trying to fight it.” Says Stacy

“The logic of starting a fire, fighting it, and then claiming you are somehow not responsible for the fire. That makes enough sense.”

“Chart topping logic, I believe.” Says Stacy

“Well, this isn’t helping me repress my memories, so let’s go eat, shall we?” asks Stella

“I’ll pour you a nice glass of milk and you can forget all about it.” Says Stacy

“Milk does not have the natural ability to induce amnesia, I regret to inform you.” Says Stella

“You need more faith.” Says Stella

“I don’t know how you could even discover that faith, let alone adhere to it.” Says Stella

“Milk is delicious. I think it has even more grounds than any religion on earth.” Says Stacy

“I would argue that it has the exact same grounds as any religion on earth.” Says Stella

“I’m glad you are willing to accept that milk has the same degree of divine power that gods do. It’s a step in the right direction.” Says Stacy

“I don’t think I took a step in any direction. It’s a matter of faith, remember.” Says Stella, dryly

“Well, at least you let my dog in the race, that’s a start.” Says Stacy

“I’ll be sure to enjoy watching that one when they let the dogs loose.” Says Stella sarcastically

“I’m telling you, put some money on my dog, milk is a dark horse but I know she can win easily.” Says Stella

“I’ll take your word for it.” says Stella, sarcastically as they get up and head downstairs to eat. The girls enter the kitchen and Stella microwave a bowl of soup leftover from the other day. She pours half into a second bowl, puts a spoon in it and gives it to her sister. “Dig in.” she says

Stacy eats it “This hits the spot. Comfort food.” She says

“Anything is comfort food to you.” Says Stella

“What can I say, it is comforting.” Says Stacy, Stella eats

“How was your student council stuff?” says Stacy

“Well for some unknown reason we were focused on safety, we talked about having an assembly but decided against it. We didn’t want to scare everybody.” Says Stella

“That’s good. Scare the herd and you might get a stampede.” Says Stacy

“How was your club, plenty of leaning undoubtedly?” Says Stella

“I just did my homework; we met this hyper girl who wants to be some kind of detective.” Says Stacy

“I see you really are enthusiastic about helping the animals.” Says Stella sarcastically

“Ophelia signed us up to volunteer at the shelter this weekend. So long as she’s calling the shots I’ll be helping the animals whether or not I’m enthusiastic about it.” Says Stacy

“Wow, Stacy caring about the wellbeing of things besides herself for once, how nice.” Says Stella

“Hey now, I wasn’t the one who volunteered, I just had my name thrown in that hat. It’s not like I can object if I’m a part of that club anyways.” Says Stacy

“Every time I try to compliment any tiny facet your character you find a way to strike me down, it’s amazing.” says Stella

“Humility is a virtue.” Says Stacy

“If somebody washed the dirt off of your face you would just go rub more dirt on it. That’s your version of humility.” jokes Stella

“I wouldn’t want anybody to get the wrong idea. It’s easy to keep up appearances if you don’t put much effort into it in the first place.” Says Stacy

“I’m pretty sure that is called shamelessness.” Says Stella

“It’s called the path of least resistance. It would be shameless if I didn’t try at all.” Says Stacy

“You are so economical about exerting any sort of effort, it’s almost admirable.” Says Stella

“I’m so concerned about saving energy they could make me the Secretary of Energy.” Says Stacy

“I’m surprised you even know that exists.” Says Stella

“I just took a guess, there are so many Secretary of so-and-so’s in the White House, I figured there would probably be one for energy.” Says Stacy

“I am no longer surprised.” Says Stella

“Sometimes the truth is a just big letdown.” Says Stacy

“You realize you are the one responsible for creating the truth in question, right?” says Stella

“I’m just going to blame the system like everybody else, it’s their fault I am so unmotivated and indifferent to education.” Says Stacy

“What an astute observation, clearly the system is what is responsible for one’s own actions and decision making.” Says Stella, sarcastically

“I am a product of their education, which means my knowledge is simply an emulation of what I have been taught. In other words, I wouldn’t have these sentiments if they didn’t teach them to me.” says Stacy

“I can’t think of a time that anyone’s lessons had any capability of trumping the merit of any whim or sentiment that you happened to derive by your own free will, let alone a single time when you took those lessons to heart.” Says Stella, still sarcastic

“You’re right; I am giving them too much credit.” Says Stacy

“You say that like you aren’t shifting the culpability from their shoulders onto yours.” Says Stella

“Who said anything about culpability; I’m just taking credit for my own enlightenment. My level of thinking has soared beyond the rigid box of systematic education.” Says Stacy

“You might be mixing up delusion and thinking right there.” Says Stella

“Well, they both come from the same place, so we’re talking oranges and oranges.” Says Stella

“We are talking about oranges and orange tree leaves.” Says Stella

“You make me glad I’m not eating leaves all day.” Says Stacy

“You will one day wonder why those oranges you are eating haven’t prevented scurvy when everyone that was eating the leaves is doing just swell.” Says Stella

“At least I get to eat the delicious oranges though.” Says Stacy

“Mmm, delicious, green, leafy, oranges.” Says Stella

“You’re smart, you know that. A lot of people think that the round orange ones taste the best, clearly these people are mistaken. The green leafy oranges are the tastiest.” Says Stacy

“You are forgetting about the nutritional aspects of the allegory.” Says Stella

“I drink milk. I’ll be fine.” Says Stacy

“What exactly is this allegorical milk? You lost me.” Says Stella

“The life-giver, the will to live, the majesty and wonder, the spirit of innovation and ingenuity.” Says Stacy

“You amaze me sometimes.” Says Stella

“It’s all about faith. I’m telling you.” Says Stacy

“Do you pray to the milk god every day or something?” asks Stella

“I pray multiple times a day, religiously.” Says Stacy

“Really?” says Stella in playful disbelief

“Yes. You take the glass of milk, you raise it to your lips, and imbibe the holy sacrament. Then you are blessed.” Says Stacy

“You really take this seriously, don’t you?” says Stella

“I am a missionary trying to spread the knowledge of the one true goddess.” Says Stacy

“Keep doing the lords work.” Say Stella, sarcastically

“Do not stray from the light. Put your faith in that which is white, creamy, and delicious.” Says Stacy

Stella rolls her eyes as the girls finish eating and clean up. They head upstairs.




Stacy falls down on her bed. Stella sits down and unpacks her things and begins to do work.

“I feel bad watching you do homework.” Says Stacy

“It should be inspiring. Maybe you could use this extra time you have to study.” Says Stella

“I could use this time to smash my fingers with a hammer too, you know.” Says Stacy

“I’m certainly not going to get in the way of wholesome fun like that, now.” Says Stella

“I’ll go get the hammer.” Jokes Stacy

“Knock yourself out.” Says Stella unentertained, focusing on her work

“I’m so bored. I guess I’ll read a book.” Says Stacy

“Not the crazy book, please.” Says Stella, still focusing on her work

“I’ll read one about talking animals.” Says Stacy

“I thought talking animals were the reason we are in a living hell right now.” Says Stella

“Science fiction it is.” Says Stacy pulling out a book

“Good choice.” Says Stella

Stella works while Stacy reads, fighting off boredom with boredom.

“I don’t even know why I got this; dad’s books are always the most boring: nothing but military jargon and sexual tension. The only discernable difference between them is the level of aliens, Nazis, or Nazi aliens.” Says Stacy

“At least somebody reads them, you know he doesn’t.” says Stella

“I’ve seen him crack a book a few times.” Says Stacy

“It takes more than cracking a book a few times to actually read a book. I wonder why he even buys them.” Says Stella

“He just gets them from the used bookstore down the street for a quarter sometimes; he used to do it more often. I don’t know. I could take pride in having a nice collection of books. It’s like having a bunch of cool cars in your driveway.” Says Stella

“What’s the point in having the cars if you don’t drive?” asks Stella

“It’s a status symbol; people see your sports car and assume you drive 100 miles per hour on the freeway weaving in and out of traffic. It doesn’t matter if you do it or not, it gets the image across regardless.” Says Stacy

“You think he buys them just to impress the shopkeeper?” asks Stella

“Well, being known as an crippled, drunk, avid reader sounds a lot better than crippled drunk illiterate, don’t you think?” says Stacy

“I see you didn’t fall far from the tree, you care more about what you’re known as than what you really are.” Says Stella

“Well, in reality, what you are known as is what you effectively are in the eyes of other people; they don’t know the difference because they don’t spend enough time with you to know who you really are.” Says Stacy

“You take pride in being a sham?” asks Stella

“I take pride in being a salesperson, if I can sell a $5,000 dollar car for $7,000; I’m good at my job.” Says Stacy

“So you are a sham and a swindler.” Says Stella

“Stella, in the real world, everybody is either a sham, a swindler, both, or a slave who is taken advantage of by one of the first three types.” Says Stacy

“That’s pretty cynical. You put everybody into those groups?” asks Stella

“Well I don’t do it, no, that would be a lot of work to analyze and sort billions of people individually, but I have enough faith in my pattern recognition skills to assert that argument.” Says Stacy

“I would argue, but sadly I am not studying Applied Cynicism right now, maybe later we can have this debate.” Says Stella

“The floor is always open. Nothing stirs me like a healthy debate.” Says Stacy

“You really like debate? I don’t think you even understand the concept given your tendency to throw out baseless generalizations and presumptions than anything based on fact or evidence.” asks Stella

“The thing that attracts me, is that in a debate, you are never supposed to change your mind or give any concession to whoever you are arguing against, you basically presume that your argument is a fact and are obligated to defend it no matter how brutally it is maimed and dismembered by your opponent. If you slip up even a little bit, you lose the debate. It’s a great way to approach life.” Says Stacy

“The point of debate is to hear the other side of an argument and come to a decision after both sides have been heard. You got the first part of it, but you missed the actual reason why the debates are held in the first place.” Says Stella

“That is the difference between debating out of sport, or for practical reasons. I debate solely out of pride and self-respect, I just want to hear myself talk and assert my authority on the matter, if I give any respect to the other party’s viewpoint, it’s basically like I’m being talked-down to, I can’t accept that.” Says Stacy

“You realize that mentality is the plague of modern politics.” Says Stella

“That’s not true. It would be the plague if there were somehow people in politics that were infested with this plague virus, but that is not the case. Politicians are simply the human incarnations of the actual plague virus, and that is why they are called to serve their respective parties. Arguing otherwise would be like saying that water gets wet when you throw water on it, which is simply not the case.” Says Stacy

“You’re funny, you know that?” asks Stella

“Funny, smart, beautiful, amazing, I know, don’t flatter me.” Says Stacy playfully

“I’ll let you get away with that, for now. You know nuclear bombs are amazing, the meteorite that killed the dinosaurs was beautiful, and some of the evilest people in the world are smart right?”

“Yes, but I’m also funny on top of all that, so it can’t be that bad.” Says Stacy

“It would be exactly that bad, but also funny at the same time, which could easily make it worse.” Says Stella

“Stella the sourpuss thinks funny things are worse than unfunny things, better not crack any jokes, she will scold you.” Teases Stacy

“Be quiet. I’ve got to study.” Says Stella

Stacy giggles to herself and goes back to reading her book. Eventually she gets up and brushes her teeth, Stella follows suit.

“I’m going to sleep. Don’t disappear in the middle of the night, ok?” Says Stella

“Ok.” Says Stacy, sarcastically

“You don’t know how serious I am.” Says Stella

“Fine, fine. I wans’t going to do anything anyways. My ring is still white, see?” says Stacy

“Don’t show me that god damn mood ring ever again. That thing opens the Pandora’s box of fear and insanity in my mind.” Says Stella, upset

“Sorry, sorry. Forget about the ring.” Says Stacy

“I’m going to drink some cold water, take some deep breaths, and try to hold onto the last remaining fragments of my sanity.” Says Stella as she goes to the bathroom

“Drink milk. It will help.” Says Stacy

“Good night!” says Stella sternly as she walks out the door

“Focus on the good part, optimism, remember!” says Stacy

Stella scoffs quietly in a hopeless manner and flips off the light switch on the door.




The happy sun smiles as it peeks through the window of the girl’s bedroom. The rays tickle Stacy’s face, the warm radiation the product of painless meaningless entropy, an ominous omen of the inevitable deterioration and eventual death of all living things, its pleasant warmth symbolic of the pleasure the live-giving star takes in showering the planet in sunshine. Taking such pleasure in giving rise to cognizant mortal beings because without such a vessel to experience pain and suffering there would be no accursed fetish that allows the sun to relish and cherish the savory taste of the incessant sadism it inflicts upon all those cursed with the cancer of cognizance, cognizance itself a cancer within the cancer that has sadly stricken the void known as existence. The sun was happy, if only because it had someone to share in its own suffering.

“Stacy, wake up or I’ll come wake you up.” Says Stella

“I could use a good wake-up call.” Says Stacy, yawning

“Even God would be incapable of giving you the wake-up call you need, but that’s beside the point.” Says Stella

“I won’t argue with that.” Says Stacy as she gets out of bed and changes into her uniform

“There’s half a bowl of oatmeal downstairs for you. Eat that and let’s go.” Says Stella, impatiently

Stella grumbles and goes downstairs, pours herself some milk and eats the oatmeal quickly.

“You had all of the time in the world and you didn’t take a bath last night.” Says Stella

“What can I say, I’m European.” Says Stacy

“Sometimes I can forget how cultured you are.” Says Stella, sarcastically

“I am a worldly girl, what can I say.” Says Stacy

“The only parts of a culture you are willing to embrace are its excuses not to do something.” Says Stella

“The excuses are the best part. I would travel the world, collect all of the excuses.” Says Stacy

“What would you do then?” asks Stella

“As little as possible, I would have every excuse known to man, and it’s no longer because I’m lazy, but because I’m cultured. I would write a book about it.” Says Stacy

“Sounds like a Pulitzer prize winning book you have in the works.” Says Stella

“More like a Nobel peace prize. It would bring the world together.” Says Stacy

“Winning the Nobel peace prize for doing literally nothing, that is a noble dream” says Stella

“Peace and nothing are pretty similar after all.” Says Stacy

“The more that I think about it, you may actually be able to win the Nobel peace prize if you manage to do nothing for an entire year.” Says Stella

“I din do nuffin.” says Stacy, feigning a grimy city accent

“Already practicing your acceptance speech for the Bay City Peace Prize, I see.”

“I can already hear the crowd going wild.” Says Stacy

“It’s a shame that international merits have much higher standards than Bay City.” Says Stella

“Indeed it is… indeed it is.” Says Stacy, she goes to pour herself another glass of milk and drinks it

“That hits the spot. I feel like I could take on the world.” Says Stacy

“Let’s start with your personal responsibilities, and afterwards we can move onto the world.” Says Stella

“I’m ready for school, what more can you ask for?” asks Stacy

“And so a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” Says Stella

“So shall we walk together to school, and enjoy our journey together?” says Stacy

“Sadly, I would have to say I am about a thousand miles ahead of you right now in regards to that.” Says Stella

Stacy sings the chorus of The Proclaimers – I’m Gonna Be, marching around the kitchen, swinging her arms merrily in step

“You better mean the words you are singing.” Says Stella

“I do.” Says Stacy, playfully

“Then we should go to school.” Says Stella

The girls walk towards the door.

“Bye dad. Don’t die.” Says Stacy

“I’ve weathered the storm so far, kid, I’d reckon I’m pretty damn good at weathering storms at this point.” He says

“Bye dad.” Says Stella

“Have fun now.” He says

“I always do. I don’t know about Stella though.” Says Stacy as they walk out the door

“You scare me sometimes.” Says Stella

“That’s better than all the time though right?” says Stacy

“I take it back; you scare me all the time.” Says Stella

“Fear is the primordial instinct that perpetuates the survival of animals. It’s healthy.” Says Stacy

“You realize that a deer shouldn’t fear death when it sees another deer, right?” says Stella

“But I’m a lioness; of course you should fear me. It’s about mutual respect.” Says Stacy

“So you also fear me?” says Stella

“You are like an authoritarian dictator when it comes to school work you know, that’s scary.” Says Stacy

“I’ll be sure to include plenty of schoolwork in the next haunted house the school puts together.” Says Stella

“Hey now, the people just want to have fun, don’t try to give them a heart attack.” Says Stacy

“You don’t remember what happened the other day do you.” Says Stella

“I do, but what I’m saying is, you can wash blood off pretty easily, you can never wash a bad mark off of your records.” Says Stacy

“That is an extraordinarily disturbing thing to say.” Says Stella

“Poor grades are a fate worse than death; they damn you to a life of misery and torture due to your extremely low level of employability and thus economic stability and mobility.” Says Stacy

“Your wisdom seems to be reflected in the criminality of the impoverished in our country.” Says Stella

“My point exactly, people would rather risk their lives then suffer such a painful meaningless existence.” Says Stacy

“Then let us focus on our schoolwork so we aren’t contemplating the risk/reward ratio of a life of crime.” Says Stella

“Sounds like a plan.” Says Stacy

“Good.” Says Stella




The girls approach the gates swirling with uniformed uniformity and part ways. Stacy arrives in class, her friends already there, Stacy one of the last to arrive.

“You are always cutting it so close, Stacy. It doesn’t give a good impression.” Says Ophelia

“I’ve still got the skin of my teeth, so I’m not concerned.” Says Stacy

“What?” asks Ophelia

“Well, when she skins my teeth I guess that’ll be the day when I’ll learn my lesson.” Says Stacy

“You are weird.” Says Ophelia

“I’m sorry, I’ve been spending too much time with my sister, I’m still stuck speaking in the highfalutin jargon I use to combat her sword of seriousness.” Says Stacy

“That makes more sense. I just wouldn’t argue with her to begin with.” Says Ophelia

“You are wise beyond your years.” Says Stacy

“Thanks. I wish more people could see that.” Says Ophelia

“Wisdom and intelligence tend to be at arms with each other, this den of vehement education is not the place where your mind can truly be appreciated.” Says Stacy

“It’s good I’m both wise and intelligent then.” Says Ophelia

“Armed with both blade and gun, you truly are wise. There will come a day when the guns run out of bullets, and that is when you shall be bathed in glory.” Says Stacy

“Yeah, kind of like world peace or something. I can see that. You still sound pretty highfalutin though.” Says Ophelia

“Sorry, sorry.” Says Stacy


The teacher starts to play jazz trombone with her voice, occasionally a student joins in with an improvisational solo. Stacy just sits back and enjoys the show. The school day’s serenade is melancholy and serious, but can easily be appreciated none the less. The mallet strikes the vibraphone and sounds the final note, and thus the concert has concluded, and lunch has begun.

The girls grab the rations that fuel the capitalist’s child soldiers of fortune as they train for the lifelong war that will inevitably kill them and head to their table.

“Now that Stacy has her costume, we should definitely go out and do real magic this afternoon.” Says Ophelia

“I’m not wearing that thing unless it’s a dire necessity.” Says Stacy

“Yeah, I think we should just do normal stuff today, we have to live a normal life sometimes.” Says Jenna

“You are squandering a great opportunity, you guys. Think about all of the people we could help.” Says Ophelia

“If we can’t think of anything better to do, I would just go along to watch you both. I might not do anything but it’s fairly entertaining just watching.” Says Stacy

“Stacy, you have to learn to use your powers. That’s the only way you will be able to help people.” Says Ophelia

“I know how to use them. It is not pretty.” Says Stacy

“Yeah, maybe take it easy on Stacy’s powers today. I don’t even want to think about the last time, let alone repeat it.” Says Jenna

“The first time she saved somebodys life or something with her fortune telling.” Says Ophelia

“I might have kept somebody out of jail, and that really didn’t do much to keep the wolf happy.” Says Stacy

“You just didn’t do enough, you have the power to help everybody, you know.” Says Ophelia

“The thing is, everybody doesn’t need help. Most people are doing just dandy without me, and there’s nothing I can do for the most part. Most people either don’t have any problems or they have problems that can’t be solved with soothsaying.” Says Stacy

“That does make your job difficult.” Says Jenna, grimly

“I’ll just let you guys do your thing, if there is by some odd chance somebody I can help I’ll try to do it. I’m not wearing that damn costume though.” Says Stacy

“Lame. With that attitude you will never become a true love witch.” Says Ophelia

“I’m not the love witch, you are, remember?” says Stacy

“Aren’t we all love witches?” asks Ophelia

“No, I am the helpful witch.” Says Jenna

“I am just a psychic, I can’t even transform.” Says Stacy

“Yes you can, we learned that yesterday, you turn into our little love kitten.” Says Ophelia

“I’ll let you call me Kitty, but I’ll be damned if I’m the love kitten.” Says Stacy, dryly

“No Stacy, I am Blaze the Love Witch, Jenna is Raven the Helpful Witch, and you are Kitty, our Love Kitten. It even matches your costume, so you can’t complain.” Says Ophelia

“I can easily complain.” Says Stacy

“Well, you can’t change it.” Says Ophelia

“Just don’t call me that unless I am in costume, ok?” says Stacy

“That makes sense.” Says Jenna

“Just hearing that name makes me want to live a normal life forever and forget about all of this nonsense.” Says Stacy

“Well you can’t. You made a promise to Mr. Dog.” Says Ophelia

“Don’t remind me.” Says Stacy

“Our rings are still white; we could just do normal things this afternoon.” Says Jenna

“Don’t you think a doctor should want to help people because he actually cares about them, not just so he can put food on the table? Why just survive, when we can flourish?” says Ophelia

“We can figure it out later. Let’s not worry about it. We still have to row our merry ship through the sleepy waters of Animal Club.” Says Stacy

“It’s more of a tropical paradise.” Says Ophelia

“Speaking of which, we should go.” Says Jenna




The bell rings and the girls head to their club. Schoolgirls enter the room in their respective posses, the three do so as unremarkably as the rest and take their seats in the back. Stacy yawns, Aurelia approaches the front.

“Today I would usually try to get people to start volunteering for door to door charity work, but recent events made that sound a bit less tempting than usual. Instead, we will just do normal Animal Club stuff, so basically, whatever you want to do. Try to do something related to animals, yes; I am looking at you Sloan.” Says Aurelia

“I am an animal, so that door is wide open isn’t it.” Says Sloan, sarcastically

“Maybe try an animal that isn’t Sloan today, ok?” says Aurelia

“But Sloan is my favorite animal.” Says Sloan

“I like Sloan too, but there are other animals out there.” Says Aurelia

“I can thumb through a magazine if it means that much to you.” Says Kelly

“That would be wonderful. We wouldn’t want to set a bad example now, would we?” asks Aurelia

“Of course not.” Says Sloan, sarcastically

“Ok. Animal Club is now in session!” says Aurelia

“Yay.” Says Sloan, in a drab monotone


The girls all find things to entertain themselves. Jenna studies and Ophelia envelops her mind with the animals. Stacy stares out into space.

“You’re not going to do anything?” asks Jenna

“I’m trying to learn to sleep with my eyes open.” Says Stacy

“Why?” asks Ophelia

“If you’re asleep the time just disappears and then it will be time to leave.” Says Stacy

“You know the time will just disappear if you have fun.” Says Ophelia

“I’ll try that.” Says Stacy, sarcastically

The three pass the time as best they can. Two unremarkable girls from the club approach them.

“You’re Jenna, right?” asks the shorter one of them

“Yeah, you’re Isabelle, from math class right?” asks Jenna

“Wow, you’re good at names. I only remember yours because the teacher calls on you so much. This is my friend Grace.” Jokes Isabelle

“It’s a pleasure to meet you.” Says Jenna

“It’s kind of boring here, so we were wondering if we could hang out with you guys.” Says Isabelle

“That’s a wonderful idea, welcome aboard. I’m Stacy and I’ll be your captain. The more hands on deck the faster we can row out of these doldrums and into fair winds.” She jokes

The girls laugh and sit down.

“What do you guys do here?” asks Isabelle

“Well, Jenna studies, Ophelia fantasizes about animals, and I serve my time in purgatory. It’s not a bad deal.” Says Stacy

“You’re not big on the animals?” asks Isabelle

“Not in particular, did either of you join for that reason?” asks Stacy

“I like animals, it’s just I would rather chat than read a book. School is too much reading already.” Says Isabelle

“I just look at the pictures and think up my own stories for the animals. I’m Ophelia by the way” Says Ophelia

“That’s cute. I just kind of follow Isabelle around, but I like animals for the most part.” Says Grace

“So what else do you spend time doing? I’m sure it’s not animals all the time.” Asks Isabelle

“Oh, what? Normal things.” Says Stacy, a bit surprised

“Yeah, just really normal things.” Says Jenna, distantly

“Love. Mainly love. That’s what I do.” Says Ophelia

“You’re a lover, eh?” asks Grace

“Of course, love is the meaning of life. That’s why this club called to me so much.” Says Ophelia

“You must really love animals.” Says Isabelle

“They are just so perfect and beautiful. It’s hard not to.” Says Ophelia

“It’s true.” Says Grace

“Normal things is pretty broad, isn’t it?” asks Isabelle

“What? No, super normal, so normal it’s boring.” Says Stacy

“You strike me as someone a bit more interesting than that.” Says Isabelle

“Maybe you’re right; I’ve been meaning to spice it up lately. Now that we’re in high school we should be doing some mature things. Not just playing around or hanging out.” Says Stacy

“You want to be mature?” asks Isabelle

“You’ve always looked up to my maturity, haven’t you?” asks Ophelia

“The only reason I look up to you is because you are taller than me.” Says Stacy, dryly

“What sort of normal mature things do you want to do?” asks Jenna, hesitantly

“I’ll have to think of something. Real classy.” Says Stacy

“There’s a coffee shop a few blocks from here, that’s pretty mature.” Says Isabelle

“I’ve never been, but it sounds like a delightful time.” Says Jenna

“We should go sometime. It would be cool.” Says Grace

“Super normal too, that’s just my thing.” Says Stacy

“Is that some insecurity I feel? You know it’s a lot harder to be abnormal than it is to be normal, people don’t cast judgement that easily.” Says Isabelle

“Yeah, you might be right.” Says Stacy, rubbing her neck “It must be the whole new school anxiety and trying to fit in and stuff.”

“Just relax and enjoy yourself, you come off as a pretty cool girl you know.” Says Grace

“Thanks.” Says Stacy

“She is just insecure about her size; she is so small it makes her feel vulnerable.” Teases Ophelia

“You would be insecure about the size of your brain if your brain was large enough to be capable of doing so.” Says Stacy

“Well, I’m glad it’s not. Who would want to feel insecure.” retorts Ophelia, Grace giggles.

“Actually, the size of a brain is proportional to a person’s body, so Ophelia would actually have a larger brain than you Stacy.” Says Jenna

“Wow, you see that, even Jenna thinks I’m smarter than you.” Says Ophelia

“I didn’t say that.” Says Jenna, grimacing awkwardly

“What?” asks Ophelia

“Well, by using that logic a bull would be smarter than a dog and an elephant would be smarter than a person, which is simply not the case.” Says Jenna

“Ouch. I could feel that one burn from over here.” Says Stacy

“Well, an elephant never forgets, so I’m ok with that.” Says Ophelia

“Stacy you’ve got a lot of fight for such a small girl.” Says Isabelle

“My sister calls me Icarus with wings of pride and ego.” Says Stacy

“That’s kind of bad, but beautiful at the same time.” Says Grace

“I’ll tell you why it’s not bad, it’s because I’ve learned from his mistakes, I simply enjoy my ability to fly a great deal without going too close to the sun. They teach you those stories for a reason, you’re expected to learn from them.” says Stacy

“Just be careful ok? I know how tempted you are to fly into the sun, Stacy.” Says Jenna

“I can only hope that I am not that foolish.” Says Stacy

“I can only hope to win the lottery too, that doesn’t mean I’m going to win it.” Says Ophelia

The girls laugh, Stacy rolls her eyes.

The girls make small talk, speaking or normal things and normalcy. The bell rings, eventually.





“Freedom.” Says Stacy, excitedly

“You girls have any plans today?” asks Grace

“Oh, what, no. I don’t think so.” Says Stacy

“You want to try that coffee shop? I hear it’s good.” Says Grace

“I don’t know I’m kind of broke.” Says Stacy

“I’ll treat you; it’s the least I can do for letting us chat with you.” Says Isabelle

“Oh, really, you don’t have to, it was my pleasure.” Says Stacy

“My parents expect me to throw money on friends like they are strippers. They tell me it’s an important for some reason. Something about trickle-down-economics.” Says Isabelle

“We should really go, it will be fun. You don’t want to ruin important economics do you Stacy?” asks Ophelia

“I don’t think you know what that word means.” Says Stacy

“It’s her word not mine, and she said it was important.” Says Ophelia

“Come on, it’s just a coffee. Don’t worry about it, if you really feel bad you can owe me one or something.” Says Isabelle

“I guess it couldn’t hurt.” Says Stacy

“Great.” Says Isabelle

Jenna laughs quietly and bewilderedly to herself, embarrassed

The girls leave the school and head down to the coffee shop. The sign read “Cafe”.

“This place doesn’t have a name?” asks Jenna

“I’m pretty sure it’s hip if you don’t have one, any of that corporate branding and the pompous coffee hounds will turn their nose up at you.” Says Isabelle, Jenna laughs.

The girls walk up to the counter.

“One medium coffee with a touch of cream.” orders Grace

“I’ll take a medium dark roast with milk.” Orders Isabelle

“Give me that real normal stuff.” Says Stacy

“So coffee, right?” says the barista, unentertained

“Of course.” Says Stacy

“Cream or sugar?” he asks

“Cream, no sugar.” Says Stacy

“How much?” he asks

“All of it?” says Stacy timidly

“Heavy cream. Next.”

“One medium black coffee, please.” Says Jenna

“I’ll have a caramel macchiato.” Says Ophelia

The girls pay, get their drinks and sit down.

“Ophelia, I’m surprised you knew anything about coffee.” Says Stacy

“I don’t, but I know what caramel is.” Says Ophelia

“I clearly spoke too soon.” Jokes Stacy

Ophelia sips her coffee. “Wow, it’s so good. I actually made a good choice for once.”

“I am so proud of you.” Jokes Stacy, wholllesomely, the girls giggle

Stacy sips her coffee. “God damn. This is like drinking heaven.” She says

Jenna sips hers “Mine is good too.” She says

“You girls never had coffee before?” asks Grace

“No, but I might have to start coming here.” Says Stacy

“You want to try mine?” asks Jenna, “It’s really hot so take a tiny sip.” She says

“Ok.” Stacy sips it “That is terrible.” She frowns, surprised by the taste

“I guess it’s too mature for you, Stacy.” Teases Jenna

“It’s an acquired taste. Plenty of people don’t like it.” Says Isabelle

“I guess I don’t want to be mature after all if it means choosing to drink dirt instead of creamy liquid heaven.” Says Stacy

“That cream is pretty high in calories, I’m sure more people would drink it otherwise.” Says Grace

“My body is mostly composed of milk, so if I don’t replenish it, I could easily collapse. I’ve never had cream before though; this must be the milk of gods.” Says Stacy, the girls laugh

“The cream of the crop, skimming the cream, the world has always loved their cream.” Says Grace

“For good reason.” Says Stacy

“We came here to be mature, didn’t we? So let’s talk about mature things.” Says Ophelia

“Tell us what could possibly be raking your mind.” Says Stacy

“Well, it’s just that we’re in high school now, and none of the three of us have boyfriends.” Says Ophelia

“Neither Grace nor I have one either, it’s kind of hard, since we go to a girl’s school and everything.” Says Isabelle

“Still, romance is an important part of life.” Says Ophelia

“It’s true.” Says Isabelle, longingly

“I’ve got plenty of worries just from school; I don’t need to add the opinions of boys into the equation.” Says Jenna

“I’m with you Jenna. Way too much on my plate as it is.” Says Stacy

“I don’t want a boyfriend either, nothing but trouble, really.” Says Grace

“Oh, you girls are so young and naive, one day you will appreciate the beauty of love.” Says Ophelia loftily

“Sadly, I wouldn’t know where to start even if I was going to actually try to get one.” Says Isabelle

“Now that you say that, I don’t either. Do any of you know anything about getting a boyfriend?” Says Ophelia

“Why would I know something about that if I don’t have any interest in it?” asks Jenna

“That’s like asking you if you know anything about what we learned in school, Ophelia.” Says Stacy

Grace giggles

“I’m sure love will prevail somehow, we must spread our wings and love will be the wind beneath them.” Says Ophelia

“I hope your wings are the only thing you plan on spreading.” Jokes Isabelle

“Well, you can’t forget about love itself, can you? It’s always important to spread love everywhere you go, to every man, woman, and child.” Says Ophelia

“That’s expecting a lot.” Says Jenna

“That might be illegal.” Says Isabelle

Grace giggles

“Love could never be illegal. Since you girls clearly don’t know anything about it I’m going to ask that guy over there if he can help me get a boyfriend.” Says Ophelia

“That’s a grown man Ophelia. That is definitely how you get abducted, raped, and murdered.” Says Isabelle

“I’m sure he knows a lot then.” Says Ophelia as she leaves the table and walks over to him

“Did she not listen to what I said?” asked Isabelle

“When it comes to Ophelia, it is a complex equation of whether or not she listened to what you said combined with the part where she probably did not understand what you meant, and the final factor where she could easily not even know what some of the words mean.” Says Stacy

“You are so mean, Stacy. You’re bad.” Teases Isabelle

“Sadly, she is just being honest right there.” Says Jenna, a bit embarrassed, the girls laugh “I’ll go make sure nothing bad happens.” Says Jenna as she follows Ophelia to the man, sitting alone, Ophelia sits down at his table, the man looks up from his computer and then back down.

“I hope she isn’t bothering you.” Says Jenna as she arrives

“No, she hasn’t said anything. She can sit there if she wants.” Says the man, indifferent

“I am thinking about what to say.” Says Ophelia

“Just ask him what you wanted to ask so we can let him be, I’m really sorry about this.” Says Jenna

“It’s ok. I’ve got that bookish nerdy look; I can see why you would presume I know something about whatever it is.” He jokes

“I’m kind of looking for a boyfriend.” Says Ophelia, timidly

“Oh. Ok. Well, you look kind of young; I see you are still in high school. It’s probably not a good idea to go up to strangers and ask them that. That’s how you get abducted, raped, and murdered.” Says the man

“That’s exactly what we tried to tell her.” Says Jenna, nervously

“Don’t worry though, I’m not like that.” He says, defensively

“That’s good. Well, do you know anything about getting a boyfriend?” asks Ophelia

“I don’t know, I’ve never looked for a boyfriend.” He says, dryly

“What about a girlfriend?” asks Ophelia

 “Well I don’t know, I’m kind of a loser, you see me hanging out here by myself? Maybe try asking a girl who is with a boy. You might have more luck.” He says

 “Wow, so I should try to find a popular guy?” asks Ophelia

“Well, the popular guys are the kind who would probably want to get you drunk and take advantage of you.” He says

“Then why are they popular?” asks Ophelia

“They’re good looking assholes with money, girls love that for some reason, to the point where they can forgive the abuse.” He says

“Well, I don’t, so I guess I want an unpopular guy?” says Ophelia, growing confused

 “Those guys are creeps more than likely, there are reasons they are unpopular you know.” He says

“So are you a creep?” asks Ophelia

 “No, no. I’m just not quite a social animal; I like computers and stuff like that.” He says, defending his dignity

  “Wow, so boring. Looks like I’ve got the choice between a creep, a boring loser, or an asshole, where are the good men at?” asks Ophelia

 “Women ask themselves that question every day and never find the answer, you’re basically looking for El Dorado and the only thing in your destiny is to die of giardia and malaria.” Jokes the man

“Wow, this is enlightening, hopefully I can find a guy with some real advice.” Says Ophelia

“That was as real as advice can get, it’s kind of like the goldilocks principle, there’s tons of guys out there, but most are going to be too hot, or cold, or mean, or something or other that makes having a real relationship with them unlikely unless you are willing to put up with some form of masochism to tolerate their undesirable elements. In theory there is a man who doesn’t fall into the category of at least one extreme, but you can learn a lesson from the sci-fi space adventure books, the planet may not be perfect, but with some effort you can make it work and get by. The same thing applies to women, just so you know.” Says the Man

 “Wow. I can kind of understand that. That’s surprisingly helpful, but doesn’t help me find one really.” Says Ophelia, disheartened

 “I wouldn’t rush it, the more you want the man, the less he is willing to do for you, he figures he’s already got the cat in the bag, so why bother to make an effort to keep it in there when it will stay in there of its own accord, you’ve got plenty of, erhm, assets, so plenty of guys would naturally be interested in you, just make them work for it and you’ve got the upper hand. As much as the man may not be all that happy, you will be, and then it’s just about riding the horse, you can beat it enough so that it takes you where you want to go, but just not too much or it will buck you off and you’ve got to wrangle another one.” Says the man

“You sure do know a lot about relationships for a computer loser.” Says Ophelia

 “Yeah, it’s amazing what you learn on the internet.” He says

“Where do you learn this exactly?” asks Ophelia

 “I’m going to try and preserve what little self-respect I have and keep that a secret.” He says

“What is it like some guidebook for girls or something?” asks Ophelia

The man laughs nervously “Kind of, more like their fantasies I guess.” He says

“Wow, you read about girls’ fantasies, that’s kind of weird.” Says Ophelia

“Well, sadly I can only fantasize about being their fantasy.” He says

“I’m sure you will find somebody. Love always finds a way. Thanks for your advice though.” She says and gets up

“I want to thank you too, that was very informative.” Says Jenna

The man laughs “No problem, we’re in the same boat after all.” He says

“I don’t really want a boyfriend; I’m more of that bookish type like you. She just got hung up on that today for some reason. Thanks for your help though.” Says Jenna

“No problem. I’m sure we will find somebody eventually.” He says, a bit hopeless, trying to be optimistic

“Looking for someone seems to be the hard part.” Says Jenna

“It is when nobody looks your way.” He says

“Somebody is looking your way, I’m sure of it. If you really are searching for somebody, you know what they say, leave no stone unturned.” Says Jenna

“I’ll give that a shot. You’ve got some good advice too, you know.” He says

Jenna laughs “Thanks. Take care now.” She says

“You too.” He says as she walks away

Jenna and Ophelia return to the table

“So how did the search for a boyfriend go?” teases Stacy

“He told me that if I’m looking for a good man, I’m basically looking for El Dorado.” She says

“That is the sad truth.” Says Isabelle

“He had a lot of relationship advice, it was surprisingly informative.” Says Jenna

“Wow, that guy had relationship advice?” asks Isabelle

“He said he reads a lot of books of girl’s fantasies or something. I don’t know.” Says Jenna

The girls laugh.

“I want to give up for today; his viewpoint on love was that it was some form of masochistic slavery or something. It was pretty depressing.” Says Ophelia

“That sounds a lot like love to me.” Says Isabelle

“Don’t break her heart.” Says Grace

“It might hurt a bit, but I’m sure love will prevail.” Says Ophelia

“That’s the spirit.” Says Jenna

“It’s a shame that my idea of talking to a boy was met be everyone telling me that I am probably going to die if I do that. I don’t even know where to start now.” Says Ophelia

“I’m sure there will be other opportunities. Don’t worry about it.” Says Isabelle

“He did tell me to let the love come to me. If I chase it I’ll become the slave. I’ll just have to hope that works.” Says Ophelia

“There are always other kinds of love; it doesn’t have to be romantic.” Says Stacy

“That’s true, I can just wait for the romantic part to come to me and love spending time with you guys. That makes me feel better.” Says Ophelia

“Heres to that. Let the boys come to us, they can get on their knees and beg if they want anything from me.” Says Stacy

“It’s terrible, I should agree with you after what that guy told me, but I still feel like begging.” Says Ophelia

“Boo. I boo you. Grow a backbone. You’ve got us, you don’t need a boy.” Says Stacy

“I’m telling you, guys are nothing but trouble. We’ve got better things to do than waste time trying to please them.” Says Grace

“Ophelia you could enslave legions of men all with the false promise of a chance at your love. The more scarce the object, the more precious and valuable it becomes. It’s simple economics.” Says Stacy

“Use your brain to protect your heart, or at least use Stacy’s brain. She’s pretty smart.” Says Isabelle

“There’s no point in chasing heartbreak, the more sensitive your heart the more vulnerable it is.” Says Jenna

“If it breaks regardless, does it even matter?” asks Ophelia

“I would say there’s a big difference between a small crack and obliteration. Harden your heart and sharpen your brain with it. Love is war.” Says Stacy

“Damn, Stacy, you sure know how to rally the troops.” Says Isabelle

“To arms!” says Stacy, the girls laugh

“I really had fun today, but we should be going. I’m sure all of you have work and chores to do, too.” Says Isabelle

“Thanks again, it was great to hang out with you guys.” Says Grace

“We should do this again, today was great.” Stacy kisses her fingertips and tosses them away “Belissimo!”

“See you tomorrow.” Says Jenna

“Hopefully love will prevail next time.” Says Ophelia

“I’m sure it will, don’t give up.” says Grace, smiling

“Tomorrow it is, take care now.” Says Isabelle, smiling as she gets up and leaves with Grace



The three sit at the table.

“Didn’t we also say we would do some magic today, I feel like the world needs love even more now that I know how terrible people are.” Says Ophelia

“I’d go just to make you happy. It is sad seeing you like this.” Says Stacy

“Maybe just a little bit, ok?” says Jenna

“Hooray!” says Ophelia as the girls exit into the street

“So how do we go out and start doing this again? You’re the only one who seems to understand the concept here.” Says Stacy

“Well, normally the trouble finds the girls in the stories, so I don’t really know. Why not use your powers to search for people in need of help?” asks Ophelia

“I’d rather not experience all of the suffering cause by evil in the city. Last time I tried that it was a gruesome experience and really didn’t amount to anything.” Says Stacy

“I thought you could control it now?” asks Ophelia

“Well, I can look at a person and kind of analyze them specifically, and kind of walk the streets in my mind doing that, but if I think about just vaguely looking for people to help then it’s like swimming through pain and sadness that reaches out and grabs me while I can’t really do anything about it.” Says Stacy

“I’m sure you can find something.” Says Ophelia

“Unless you want to go fight wife beaters, murderers, pickpockets, and drug dealers, it’s pretty slim pickings in terms of things we can feasibly accomplish.” Says Stacy

“That sounds really dangerous, and it is clearly a bad idea. Let’s just do what we did last time, we can go to the park and help people, we were able to do good things without putting ourselves in danger.” Says Jenna

“Now there’s a good idea, thank you Jenna.” Says Stacy

“Wow, Stacy knows everything and can see the future and can’t even come up with an idea.” Says Ophelia

“I can’t see the future, it is always changing. I can guess, but it’s all about probability, trying to predict people’s actions based on their motives and personality, every subtle change in a whim or impulse or opinion makes is pretty much impossible. People are random; it would take a lot of thorough work to have a foolproof plan, last time when I ran through the scenario in my head, nothing bad happened, but clearly my premonition was not accurate.” Says Stacy

“The best laid plans of mice and men oft go awry. Let’s be wary of that.” Says Jenna

“Let’s just keep it simple, nothing bad will happen at a park. It’s all children and families and innocent intentions of playing or passing the time.” Says Stacy

“To the park! We have love to spread and people to help and, umm.., things to know!” says Ophelia excitedly

“I’m glad at least you’re excited.” Says Jenna, not exactly pleased with the idea of living her second life

“You should be more excited about helping people, Jenna.” Says Ophelia

“It’s the whole magic witch part that I’m not quite thrilled about.” Says Jenna

“It’s cute, though.” Says Ophelia

“To normal people we look crazy. It is embarrassing.” Says Jenna

“No it’s not, it’s lovely and amazing. You’re being too self-conscious.” Says Ophelia

“I’ll make a note of that, any level of self-awareness is too much.” Says Jenna sarcastically

“It is if it prevents you from spreading love and helping people.” Says Ophelia

“Looks like I’m going to grin and bear it, at least I can hang my shame up with the costume when I take it off.” Says Ophelia

“Don’t worry Jenna, I won’t forget your cute little outfit.” Teases Stacy

“Stop it. Let’s just get this over with.” sighs Jenna, Stacy giggles




The girls make their way a couple blocks to the park. The faceless nameless people stirred into the swirling colorful dance of leisure and pastime by their own restless boredom or that of their accompaniment. The girls walk behind the lonely concrete restroom, shrouded by a thein veil of trees and shrubbery separating it from the street behind. Ophelia transforms, thoroughly enjoying herself, Jenna reluctantly does so, her visible displeasure a tasteful accompaniment to the black birds that dress her.

“You aren’t going to at least try Stacy?” asks  Blaze

Stacy rolls her eyes, spins and jumps. Nothing happens. “Rats.” She says sarcastically

“You’ve got to want it.” Says Blaze

“No you don’t.” says Raven, unenthused

“Whatever. The people are calling to us, we must answer their cry!” says Ophelia

“If we must.” Says Raven

“You two have fun now.” Says Stacy, giggling

“You have to try too, Stacy.” Says Blaze, expectantly

“I’ll try to think of something.” Says Stacy, uninterested

“Good. I’m off to give the gift of love. Wish me luck.” Says Blaze, smiling, posing and winking before running away into the park

“With the smile and enthusiasm as authentic as those working in the service industry, I’m here to help.” Says Raven, in a sarcastic monotone, smiling grimly

“No wink or pose?” teases Stacy

“You’re lucky you even got a smile. I thought that catchphrase was on point. Are you at least going to help me?” Says Raven

“It’s suspicious if I follow you around. I’ll just take the back seat.” Says Stacy

“At least give me some direction.” Says Raven

“I believe the park is that way.” Jokes Stacy, pointing to the sports fields and play structures dotted with people.

“Your omniscience really does come in handy sometimes.” Says Raven sarcastically as she walks off slowly towards the park shaking her head. Stacy goes to sit at a picnic table to enjoy the spectacle from a safe distance.


Blaze approaches a young boy and girl sitting on a bench. “Is this young love I see?” she asks, excitedly

“What? No, this is my little sister.” Says the boy, already annoyed

“Well then you should love her all the same.” Says Blaze, with airs

“She’s hyper and annoying. Do you love people like that?” asks the boy

“Well you should still cherish and love her and protect her.” Says Blaze

“What am I some kind of knight?” asks the boy sarcastically

“Yes, you are a knight and this is your princess.” Says Blaze, proud of her cuteness

 “If she’s a princess doesn’t that make me a prince?” asks the boy dryly

 “A knightly prince, it is your duty to be a noble chivalrous man.” Says Blaze

“You are dressed up like a witch, shouldn’t I fight you if I’m a knight?” he asks

“No, I am the witch of love, I bring love to everybody.” Says Blaze, amicably and delighted with herself

“You are so weird.” Says the boy, looking away, embarrassed for her sake

 “Hear the calling of your knighthood, young prince!” says Blaze as she waves her scepter around and points it at him.

 “What is wrong with you?” asks the boy, growing confused

“Hear your calling!” she says, waving he scepter more violently, “Sing to me of your love of your princess, and princess, how you love your knight.” Commands Blaze loftily

“This is getting creepy.” Says the boy, concernedly

“Not in the creepy way, in the normal way!” says Blaze indignantly

 “No, go away.” asserts the boy

 “Show me that my blessing has reached your heart, young nobles!” says Blaze

 “Wow, this is really what you do in your free time?” asks the boy, actually concerned for Blaze

 “Say that you love each other dearly so I can heal more hearts.” Says Blaze

“Tell me you won’t end up like this when you get older Tina.” Says the boy sincerely

 “I won’t.” says Tina, innocently, scared

 “You better leave if I say it.” Says the boy

 “I promise.” Says Blaze, sincerely

 “Ok. I’m doing this for your protection Tina, I love you.” Says the boy

 “I love you too Stan.”  Says Tina cutely.

“Happy?” says the boy, still confused

“Very happy! My work here is done!” says Blaze excitedly

“What a nutcase.” mumbles the boy as Blaze runs away.


Raven walks around aimlessly, trying not to be noticed more so than trying to help people. She walks past a woman watching her two small kids toss a ball around. “Hey, can you watch my kids, if I’m not here they’ll run away and do something stupid, but I’ve really got to use the restroom.” Says the woman

“I am happy to help.” Says Raven, feeling blessed by the fortuitously easy task, waving at the kids.

 “Im going to the restroom, you behave or this witch will put a terrible curse on you, ok?” shouts the woman to her children

“No I won’t!” shouts Raven

“Yes she totally will and she is lying to you because she wants to eat you if you misbehave, she loves to eat naughty little children.” Shouts the woman. “Just go with it.” she whispers to Jenna.

 “Ok.” Says Jenna a bit startled. Raven watches the kids who stare at her playing; tossing a ball back and forth slowly out of fear that something will happen if they stop. Raven smiles at them nervously. The woman returns after a short while. “Thanks for that.” She says “you would make a great babysitter.”

“Oh, no problem. I’m glad I could help.” Says Raven timidly and walks away, feeling a bit sacred of herself

She walks over to Stacy at the table.
“How did it go?” asks Stacy

“Not so great, now I’m going to be known as the witch who eats misbehaving children.” Says Raven

Stacy laughs. “It was that bad, huh?”

“It was pretty bad, I don’t know why my ring is glowing. I just stood there and looked after somebody’s kids for a minute.” Says Raven

“Apparently you must have scared them into being good little kids.” Says Stacy

“I don’t think I should be proud of that. I should be at least trying to do good things.” Says Raven

“A rose by any other name.” says Stacy

Blaze returns to them. “Two more hearts have been blessed by the beauty of love. It is such a wonderful feeling.” She says

“Just two?” teases Stacy

“A lot of people start walking away pretty fast for some reason, they look scared. It must be some demon or ghost that prevents them from truly hearing my song of love.” Says Blaze

“That’s got to be it.” Jokes Stacy

“Did you do anything?” asks Blaze

“No.” says Stacy

“Well, think of something.” Says Blaze

“Fine.” Stacy closes her eyes for a minute “Well, sadly now I have a moral obligation to make a fool out of myself. Let’s just hope I’m not wasting my time. Some people don’t want to hear the truth.” Says Stacy, as she gets up

“Good luck!” says Blaze

Stacy collects herself as she walks over to a woman, enjoying a leisurely walk around the park.

“Ma’am, this will sound strange, but please listen to me, I am a psychic and it is my calling to help people.”  Says Stacy halfheartedly. “I have some bad news, but it will help you. You have breast cancer, I know you have no intention of seeing a doctor as it is, but I hope that by telling you this you can get treatment. If you don’t it will worsen and bring you an untimely death.”

“Jesus Christ, what the fuck is wrong with you? Why would you walk up to a stranger and say something like that.” Says the shocked woman

 “Like I said I am a psychic, it is important that you listen to me, if my words go unheeded I my work will be in vain and my boss will not be happy with me.” Says Stacy, growing more serious

 “You have the sickest imagination. Why not pretend to be some princess or something nice?” Says the woman

 “I’m not pretending, please, just listen to me I am basically enslaved by my boss and I must do good deeds. Clearly I do not enjoy doing this.” Says Stacy

 “You need some help, big time, Jesus Christ, go away.” says the disgusted woman

“No, I will only leave if you believe me; I don’t get many opportunities to save lives because most people don’t have deadly cancer in early stages unbeknownst to them, so I am trying to make the most of this one.” Says Stacy, stubbornly

“You are pretending you are some lifesaving cancer psychic, people really have cancer and die, this is not some shit to play pretend about.” Says the woman

“Please listen, damn it, I don’t like doing this. Once you believe me I get to stop and enjoy the rest of my day. It was this or tell somebody that their brake light was out, you can see why I chose this.” Says Stacy, coldly

 “What is going through that sick little mind of yours? Go be crazy somewhere else.” Says the upset woman

“I’m not crazy god damn it, I tell you what, I’m tired of this shit just as much as you are, if you weren’t such a bitch then maybe a man would be nice enough to fondle your breasts and have the pleasure of informing you, but since that is sadly not the case here I am, so pop your fucking bra and feel your left breast below the nipple between left of the center. There will be a small lump fairly deep inside of there that you would otherwise ignore until it gets to the point where it literally fucking kills you within a year’s time. If there is not a fucking lump there you can slap the ever living shit out of me and I’ll go away forever. Fuck.” Says Stacy, clearly aggravated

“What the fuck?” says the alarmed, disgusted woman

“Just do it, I know you want to slap me; teach me my lesson. Prove that I’m not a psychic.” Says Stacy, coldly

“Fine.” she pops her bra and feels her breast in the spot, her face going white, shocked, “You’re telling me that it’s cancer?”

 “For the last time, yes, go to a doctor, get it treated, you will live a long and happy life. Fucking hell I hate my job.” Says Stacy clearly unenthusiastically

“This blows my mind, I don’t want to believe you but now I’m scared. If you really are some cancer psychic why don’t you love your job?” asks the woman

“You see how hard I had to try just for you to squeeze your tit? Now think of how hard it would be for me to convince a man to put a fucking camera up his ass or get a random MRI out of the blue. I need to find a better line of work.” Says Stacy begrudgingly

“Please, no, if you really saved my life I will honestly be grateful, if you really have this power it is your responsibility to help people, I don’t want to believe you, but you knew there was a lump there.” Says the woman in disbelief

“The problem is I don’t get paid if they don’t believe me, and when I use the damn premonition, I can see the futility of even trying, most people would never believe a psychic. It is soul crushing to be honest.” Says Stacy in a distant, indignant, matter-of-fact tone

“Maybe you need a more believable costume or something, like a magician.” Says the woman

“I’m not trying to be a fucking comedian. You know, the worst part is the more I do this, the more likely it becomes that I will die because some criminal or the government doesn’t like what I’m doing. It’s a catch-22.” Says Stacy

“Don’t let the bastards grind you down; you have a gift from god, make the most of it.” Says the woman

“The medical lobbyists don’t give a damn about god, if they even suspect that even one psychic is legitimate they will make psychic readings illegal, the only reason they aren’t is because 99% of the time they are shams.” Says Stacy

“It sounds like you know about a lot more things than just cancer; it seems you really are stuck in a catch-22. I don’t know what to tell you.” Says the woman

“Thanks for understanding, and more so, thanks for listening. I’m going to lie down for a while because I’m exhausted. I don’t have the personality for this sort of thing.” Says Stacy grumpily as she walks away

“Thank you!” shouts the woman


Stacy returns to her friends.

“That didn’t look like a happy psychic reading from here.” Says Raven

“Who would have guessed that people don’t like being told that they have cancer from some psychic schoolgirl.” Says Stacy sarcastically

“Well, at least you helped her.” Says Blaze

“I save a woman’s life and my ring goes from a dull blue grey to a silvery light grey, you just stand there looking after kids and yours is glowing white. What the hell does that dog expect from me?” Says Stacy, indignantly

“One expects a man with a shovel to dig a bigger hole than a man with a spoon.” Says the voice of the dog

“Fucking hell.” Says Stacy, suddenly even more upset

“What’s wrong?” asks Blaze

“The god damn dog decided to talk to me again.” Says Stacy

“What did he say?” asks Raven

“One expects a man with a shovel to dig a bigger hole than a man with a spoon.” Says Stacy, mocking the dog

“That does make sense.” Says Blaze

“That’s fucking awful news though. Why did I have to be a smartass and grab the shovel, I should have grabbed a spoon like you too.” Says Stacy

“Things happen for a reason.” Says Raven

“Yeah, it’s called me being an idiot and a smartass at the same time. The reason why it happened is clear as day.” Says Stacy

“What are you going to do?” asks Blaze

“Well I’ve got to think of something or I’m going to die. It’s like he expects me to save the world or something.” Says Stacy

“He just expects us to do good things.” Says Blaze

“I guess saving the life of some coldhearted woman doesn’t put much good back in the world in the end.” Says Stacy

“You could always try to report bad guys to the cops or something, I don’t know. That seems like an easy way to fight evil.” Says Raven

“I thought about that, but it’s the cops who get most all the credit. It’s not like they will follow up every tip you give them unless you have hard evidence or are willing to testify as a witness, which I am in no position to do.” Says Stacy

“I don’t know what to tell you.” Says Raven

“I’ll think of something. I know for damn sure I won’t like it, but I’m not going to let this dog kill me, God damn it.” Says Stacy

“Cheer up, it will be ok.” Says Blaze

“You don’t seem to comprehend the gravity of the situation.” Says Stacy, seriously

“I’m just hoping for the best is all.” Says Blaze

“I’m sure hope was the missing factor the whole time, thanks.” Says Stacy sarcastically “Just go transform, I don’t want to be reminded of this magic witch bullshit anymore.”

“I can sympathize with that.” Says Raven

“Already? But we just started.” Pouts Blaze

“We should go home anyways, it’s getting late.” Says Raven

Blaze sighs, let down. Jenna pulls her back behind the restroom and they transform back into their school clothes.


“We can try to do something this weekend, just try to think of some awesome way to help people Stacy.” Says Jenna

“The problem is that most people don’t need help, most of the people who need help don’t want help, and most of the people willing to accept help don’t deserve the help. Finding somebody to help that might make my ring glow is like a finding needle in a haystack. Let’s just go home.” Says Stacy, the girls follow her out of the park and down the road

“Maybe you can think of some hijinks to stop bad guys like in the cartoons.” Says Ophelia

“That is completely ridiculous. When the police go to the academy to learn how to stop a criminal, there is no section of the course devoted to hijinks.” Says Stacy

“You don’t know that.” Says Ophelia

“Fuck me. I know that, everybody knows that. It’s common sense.” Says Stacy

“Well, maybe that’s why the police are so bad at stopping criminals.” retorts Ophelia

“You’re on to something. The millennia old profession of law enforcement has been missing one critical element the entire time, and by the grace of god, the prophet Ophelia has discovered what it was.” Says Stacy sarcastically

“I’m just saying that sort of thing tends to stop criminals in their tracks most of the time.” Says Ophelia

“I’ll just throw a rake under the foot of a bank robber and drop a piano on a pickpocket. That will do the trick.” Says Stacy, still sarcastic

“We will figure it out, just be optimistic. Let’s drop it for now, all this talk about it is causing the rainbow of shame inside of me to sparkle.” Says Jenna

“What does a rainbow have to do with shame?” asks Ophelia

“Well, it’s a rainbow as much as 7 different layers of shame stacked on top of each other and glowing. The rainbow part was a figure of speech.” Says Jenna

“Oh. I’m just full of regular rainbows.” Says Ophelia

“We know. Just keep walking, no stopping, I’m hungry.” Says Stacy coldly

“Tomorrow then, we will truly help the world.” Says Ophelia as they exit the park

“One can only hope, today the woman I talked to insisted that I was the one who needed help.” Says Stacy

“The vast majority of people didn’t believe Jesus when he was alive; it was the few who did who went down in history.” Says Jenna

“Don’t compare me to Jesus.” Says Stacy

“I’m not; I’m just saying it’s kind of similar. Just keep believing in yourself and everything will turn out fine.” Says Jenna

“Didn’t Jesus get executed for what he was doing and it wasn’t for 200 years until people started to believe him?” asks Stacy

“Yeah, that’s true.” Says Jenna

“That is reassuring.” Says Stacy, sarcastically

“Well, everyone believes in Jesus now, so what’s your point?” asks Ophelia

“Well, the point is that in the best case scenario I would be dead for 200 years before anybody believes me.” Says Stacy

“Wow. That does sound bad.” Says Ophelia

“It sounds bad because it is bad. Let’s just try to live our lives. I told you already, I will think of something. I’ll see you all tomorrow.” Says Stacy

“Bye.” Says Ophelia

“I believe in you Stacy, keep your head up.” Says Jenna

“Thanks. I know your job isn’t the easiest either.” Says Stacy

“It’s my own reluctance that is holding me back; the job really shouldn’t be that hard.” Says Jenna

“That’s good. I can’t blame you for feeling reluctant.” Says Stacy

“I’m glad at least you can understand where I’m coming from. You know what they say; we’ve just got to get back on that horse tomorrow.” Says Jenna

“Yee-haw.” Jokes Stacy

“Yee-haw.” Says Jenna

Stacy playfully salutes Jenna, Jenna smiles, Ophelia waves, and the girl’s part ways.




Stacy walks alone down, the streets cuddle her feet and the setting sun kisses her skin. The colors of paradise painted across the sky quietly remind Stacy of the ephemerality of the sunshine and smiles and youth. She opens the door to her peaceful home, the quiet creak a quaint accompaniment to the blooming ghost that haunts it. The smell of her sisters cooking soothes her heavy heart, he father’s stoic presence on the couch comforts her anxiety about the uncertain future. She walks into the kitchen.


“Up to no good, I presume.” Says her sister, disheartened

“Nothing but smiles, sunshine, and wholesome fun. I don’t know if that qualifies as no good in your book.” Says Stacy

“Of course not, but of course I don’t believe you either. It looks like you’ve been struggling to beat a horse to death for the last four hours.” Says Stella

“Well, it was more like twenty minutes, don’t worry, the horse is dead though.” Says Stacy

“That’s good news.” Says Stella, sarcastically “So what did the poor horse do to deserve that?”

 “It didn’t listen.” Says Stacy

“You expect more from a horse than you do from yourself. How quaint.” Says Stella

“Well, man doesn’t expect a human to pull his wagon, either.” Says Stacy

“It really depends on what part of the world you are in.” says Stella

“That’s depressing that the labor of a horse is more expensive than the labor of a human.” Says Stacy

“There are plenty of advantages to having a human do that, they take care of themselves and don’t shit in the streets.” Says Stella

“I wouldn’t be so sure of that last part.” Jokes Stacy

“Don’t joke about other people’s misfortune like that. It’s not their choice they were brought into this world; they are just trying to make do with what they have.” Says Stella

“It really demonstrates the priorities of the world when you would rather have nuclear missiles and a space program than a sewer system.” Says Stella

“You don’t feel hypocritical criticizing other people’s poor prioritization skills?” Says Stella

“Nope. Have you ever met a self-conscious hypocrite before?” says Stacy

“Good point. Go get changed, supper is almost ready.” Says Stella

“What is it?” asks Stacy

“Tofu Stir Fry” says Stella

“You could have just said food.” Says Stacy

“I thought about it.” Jokes Stella


Stacy goes upstairs and changes into relaxed clothes before returning. Stella prepared two plates of food and placed them on the table.

“Dad, do you want to eat?” asks Stella from the kitchen

“Fix me a plate and bring it to me. It smells good.” He says

Stella brings him a plate. “It’s good that you’re eating.” She says, sincerely

“It’s good that you’re cooking, it’s hard to eat when you’re sick. It’s even harder if I’m the one cooking.” He jokes

“Hopefully this will make you feel better.” She says as he eats slowly

“Damn, this is good. Where’d you learn to do this?” he says

“Practice makes perfect.” She says

“That’s a lot of practice, when I cook it’s barely edible and I’ve been kicking around for decades.” He says

“Just keep kicking around, ok?” she says

“You girls worry too much, I’m like a car running on ethanol, it may not be pretty, but it gets the job done.” He says

“It’s just a little rough on the engine.” She says

“Well, I try not to move around too much, you know, minimize the wear and tear.” He says

“That’s good. I’m going to keep an eye on Stacy, it’s a shame I trust you to make good decisions more than I trust her.” She says

“I mean, I’m pretty good at it, she’s still young. We’ve got to make mistakes in order to learn from them.” He says

“She’s plenty good at making mistakes. Trust me. I can only hope she learns from them.” She jokes, laughing concernedly

“That’s about all I can do, hoping for the best seemed to work out pretty well, just look at how you turned out.” He says

“Your faith in optimism is comforting. I’m going to eat, you enjoy now, ok?” she says

“Thanks again.” He says gratefully, as Stella goes to sit down at the table.


“So besides the horse, your day was uneventful, I hope.” Says Stella

“Me and the girls went out for coffee with some friends from our club. Pretty uneventful.” Says Stacy

“You drink coffee now?” asks Stella, surprised

“God no, I tried the plain coffee, it was terrible. I’m in it for the cream.” Says Stacy

“Milk, the gateway beverage.” jokes Stella

“The gateway to heaven.” Says Stacy

“Your resolute faith is admirable. If only it came with a shred of human decency.” Says Stella

“I’ve got plenty of shreds of human decency.” Says Stacy, defensively

“Most people have enough decency to clothe themselves with it.” Says Stella

“I would say I’m at least clothed enough to be within the confines of the law.” Says Stacy

“That’s debatable, tell me when you get cold, I’ll knit you a sweater.” Jokes Stella

“It doesn’t get that cold in Bay City.” Says Stacy

“The literal temperature easily explains the allegorical lack of decency among its residents, ironically.” Says Stella

“It’s more easily explained by the allegorical temperature.” Says Stacy

“Clearly, I was just pointing out the irony.” Says Stella

“The more correlation between the allegory and reality, the more useful it is when explaining things.” Says Stacy

“Allegories are used for their simplicity more than their accuracy.” Says Stella

“Some people just don’t want to acknowledge the literal truth, or lack the capacity.” Says Stacy

“Put me in that first camp. Please give me a pretty allegory with cute animals next time you do something crazy.” Says Stella

“I’ll see what I can do.” Says Stacy

“I’m holding you to that, you know.” Says Stella

Stacy laughs and the girls clean up after eating and head upstairs. They both take out their school things and begin to work.






“You’re actually going to do your homework? I thought I was going to have to prod you like always.” Says Stella

“What can I say; I like to fantasize about being a normal little schoolgirl, to the point where I’ll even start to roleplay.” Says Stacy

“At least you are willing to fantasize about being normal.” Says Stella

“A girl can dream, can’t she?” says Stacy

“Just try not to wake up, ok?” says Stella

“You know I really don’t want to.” Says Stacy

“Your dream can become reality if you never wake up.” Says Stella

“That’s the hard part.” Says Stacy

“Don’t remind me. Let’s just get lost in our little fantasy and forget the world exists.” Says Stella

“You are lulling me deeper into my slumber, dream weaver. You tempt me with your promises of paradise.” Says Stacy

“I never thought I would hear you call school a paradise.” Says Stella

“To the drowning man, even a desert island becomes paradise.” Says Stacy

“Let’s hope you get washed to shore, ok?” says Stella

“I will reach paradise, one way or the other, through serendipity, or eternal slumber.” Says Stacy, eerily distant

“Haunting. Truly haunting. Why so poetic?” Says Stella

“The dead and howling damned may writhe, but they cannot change their damning lives.” Says Stacy

“You seem to be pretty lighthearted about your whole ordeal to be waxing poetic about it.” Says Stella

“It takes a certain amount of reckless abandon and consumptive insanity to be a poet.” Says Stacy

“You might have just found your calling.” Says Stella

“If the shoe fits.” Says Stacy

“Let’s see if that schoolgirl shoe still fits, shall we?” asks Stella

“It hurts my foot, but I still like to wear it.” Says Stacy

“Wear it. Do your work.” Says Stella

“Happily.” Says Stacy

The girls do their work. Stacy closes her book, looking satisfied.


“Do you ever just want to abandon yourself? To let your personality and thoughts go unacknowledged, to beat them thoroughly with incredulity to the point they are too weak, fearful, or unsure of the validity of their own existence to come out of hiding deep within in the pitch black confines of your mind, just to enjoy the peace and quiet that is left in their absence. To let ghosts haunt your mind and take the reins of your life, making your decisions, and replacing your own sentiments with their own. It is a comforting fantasy, when I think of looking down at my body and having complete dissociation from it, knowing that this bag of meat and bones that rattles through the streets is not me, it is no longer Stacy, it is a necromantic vessel, a horse ridden by ghosts into the abyss. I don’t want it. It is a pleasant feeling of charity giving a home to the homeless ghosts, allowing them to use my body to embark on a journey in hopes of resolving their discontents, and allowing them to let go of the reasons they still haunt the earth.” Says Stacy, dreamily

“It is almost tasteful how your god complex and your fantastical dissociation from reality ebb and flow to create this whimsical ambivalence where the only certainty is the infallible validity of your whims.” Says Stella

“It would be hard to think and not put at least some faith in the things you think, there’s not a point in thinking if you don’t. Who would tell you that they don’t think the things they think are what they think of what they are thinking about. That’s a profound dearth of confidence to not believe in your own sentiments.” Says Stacy

“Reasonable people don’t put the faith of a zealot behind everything they think.” Says Stella

“I’m not going to half-assedly believe in myself. They don’t tell kids to maybe sort of kind of sometimes believe in themselves.” says Stacy

“You act like God speaks directly through your mind.” Says Stella

“Well, that’s what God does, he speaks directly through people’s minds, I’m not going to take the chance that I’m going to burn in a heretic’s hell for saying that the voice in my head is not God, when it might be. Regardless of how improbable that scenario is, there’s no reason to accommodate a reasonable failsafe.” Says Stacy

“I can’t argue with that, if only for the reason that reasonability is completely subjective. In terms of the impersonal general standards of reasonability, that would be like building a bomb shelter in case God decides to smite the heretics of Bay City as he did with Sodom and Gomorrah.” Says Stella

“So you’re telling me it’s common sense.” Says Stacy

“Exactly.” Says Stella, sarcastically

“I’m glad we’re on the same page.” Says Stacy

“On that note, you should take a bath; you wouldn’t want to be dirty if the rapture happens tomorrow.” Says Stella

“I suppose I should, the meek shall inherit the earth, you know?” says Stacy

“That’s because the proud are either dead, burning in hell, or both.” Says Stella

“That makes me glad I am just a humble servant of God, selflessly spreading his word.” Says Stacy

“Let’s just go back to faith in milk, ok?” says Stella

“Who said we weren’t talking about milk?” says Stacy

Stella rolls her eyes, Stacy laughs and leaves to bathe and comes back, Stella still studying out of boredom.

“Have at it. I blessed the water for you.” Says Stacy as she winks at her sister

“I’m sure milk will shower good fortune upon me for the rest of my days.” Says Stella sarcastically as she gets up to bathe.

“Faith in God will get you through the darkest of nights.” Says Stacy

“I’m confused as to whether you mean milk, yourself, or the literal divine being.” Says Stella

“They’re all one in the same. It’s called the holy trinity.” says Stacy

“I’ll be sure to join your cult one day. I’m ready to drink the milk right now, to be honest.” Says Stella, unentertained as she exits the room, she returns.

“I’m still amazed that you never run out of things that you think, you know.” Says Stella

“The things I think I know? No. I talk of the things I know I think. The things I know I know are enough to stop me from ever trying to think of thinks to know. I don’t want to know the things I know, so instead of thinking of things I know or things to know I think of things I know I think.” Says Stacy

“I think you know it’s time to sleep, so off to sleep we go.” Says Stella

“Let us dream ‘til we be weaned from dreams, until tomorrow, let’s enjoy the show.” Says Stacy

“Good night.” Says Stella, sleepily and playfully entertained as she turns out the light

“Keep your sphincter tight.” Jokes Stacy

“What?” asks Stella

“From ghoulies and ghosties, and long-legged beasties, and things that go bump in the night.” Says Stacy

“Good lord, deliver us.” Says Stella, at a loss for words as she crawls into bed before the girls fall asleep.



The morning sun bangs its fist on the window, shouting, looking for the money it was owed. The girls oblige and acknowledge the crisp, relentless, and ruthless reality that is delighted with its lifeless existence, enjoying its role as an unquestioning and limitlessly elaborate torture device, silently laughing haughtily and heartily as it basks in the sunshine. The sun also haughty as it firmly takes its payment for its show of mercy allowing the girls a brief respite into the world of dreams by the ferry of darkness.

The girls rise from their slumber as slaves rise, waking exhausted and returning to their toil without question or complaint for they know they have no freedom to do otherwise lest they plan on subverting the entirety of society. The girls enter the kitchen and begin to eat.

“Do you ever miss your sanity? You weren’t always like this.” Asks Stella, nonchalantly

“I do. I miss it every time I slap the silly smiling rubber mask on my face and step into that indoctrination machine and do the same happy song and dance as everyone else. We sing for the machine that breaks the young wild horses and corrupts their minds to the point where the only things they want are to don the garb of the cult of capitalism known as business formal and to become so masochistic that they thoroughly enjoy committing sensual hara-kiri via work death. That is what makes me miss my sanity.” Says Stacy

“Such an iconoclast that the definition of sanity makes your miss your own concept of sanity.” Says Stella

“I don’t follow.” Says Stacy

“If insanity is doing the same thing expecting different results, school would be the opposite, they do the same thing and expect the same results, hence the strictness and rigidity. They get the results they want so they don’t change what they are doing.” Says Stella

“You are just saying that they are systematically inducing insanity through scientifically reliable methods. If a sadistic, manipulative, and psychopathic system is not insane, we’ve got plenty of people in the institutions for no real reason, now, don’t we?” Says Stacy

“Sadly, the system tends to reward its own behaviors, leaving those opposed to it to be antagonized, hence why sadistic manipulative psychopaths are rich and powerful while the freedom fighters opposed to such a society are deemed antisocial and put to death.” Says Stella

“You seem to be content with that reality.” Says Stacy

“Well, it’s pretty easy to be content with the opinions of somebody who has the guns of poverty and imprisonment to your head. Sorry I’m not bold enough to be voluntarily executed for some noble whim. If you care so much, go ahead and bring society to its knees and force it to change, why don’t you?” says Stella

“I’m not that crazy, I’m just saying I’m discontented is all.” Says Stacy

“Why be indignant when you get to live one of the most comfortable lives possible and are given such amazing opportunities. 99% of the world is suffering and can do nothing about it, but they still carry on and go about their business. You enjoy many of the greatest luxuries and freedoms life can offer and it is still not enough to make you even slightly grateful.” Says Stella

“I’m just saying things could be better, not that they are all that bad.” Says Stacy, waveringly

“Make them better, ok? You are one of the few people with that opportunity, take full advantage of it if you really care.” says Stella, a bit upset

“You can go ahead and call me Prudence.” says Stacy

“Let’s take full advantage of the school day then, shall we, Prudence?” asks Stella

“Let me go get my silly smiling rubber mask, I’m chomping at the bit.” Says Stacy, sarcastically

Stella rolls her eyes.

“I was always like this by the way, just because I didn’t take that silly mask off around you doesn’t mean I wasn’t wearing it.” Says Stacy

“Why hide behind the mask for so long, Stacy?” asks Stella

“Self-preservation is the most basic of instincts.” Says Stacy

“And you no longer have that instinct?” says Stella

“I lay in wait, in the shadows, sharpening my wits and my tongue, quietly biding my time until my blades were sharp enough to draw blood.” Says Stacy

“Even in that allegory, society has guns, and planes, and missiles, and you expect to take them down with your blades?” asks Stella

“My only hope is that the revolution has more soldiers than the enemy has bullets.” Says Stacy

“Vive la révolution.” Says Stella

“They will not kill the men serving as the countless nameless pillars holding up their castle in the sky, it is up to the nobility of the lowly to climb upon the backs of their brothers and lay siege to the armies loyal to the soul crushing castle and spill the blood of kings.” Says Stacy

“Sadly that has happened countless times throughout history and never once have the regicidal men done anything other than occupy the castle in the sky, proclaim themselves kings, and show their brothers serving as the pillars of the castle the same level of indifference towards the plight of the lowly as the previous kings.” Says Stella

“Sadly, I am coming to the same solution as everyone in the past. We simply murder everybody until there is not a problem anymore. Whatever the problem was, it won’t be a problem if it’s dead, so we just kill enough people to the point where are fairly confident that the problem is gone.” Says Stella

“The people who are killing everybody tend to be one of the problems, if not the only problem.” Says Stella

“Well, we can relax in our uniforms once the job is done, drink artificially flavored sweetened water and ride into heaven on a comet.” Says Stacy

“That is almost noble.” Says Stella

“And so the angels of the revelation returned to heaven, their job was complete, as the earth had been cleansed of the wicked and the damnable.” Says Stacy

“You think God would take these angels back into heaven?” asks Stella

“The angels stand in front of the gates of heaven and God bursts through the gates to them. He ushers his kin into paradise where they imbibe the holy nectar in good faith until they are once again called to serve the lord.” Says Stacy

“God did not question a single one of their killings or their suicide?” asks Stacy

“God only said one thing as he threw his body through the gates, exuberant upon the return of his family.” Says Stacy

“And what was that?” asks Stella

“Oh Yeah!” shouts Stacy

“Fuck me.” Says Stella in disbelief

“Don’t shoot the messenger, it’s not like I’m going to be calling the shots when that fateful day finally comes.” Says Stacy

“Thanks for taking the time to share your prophecy with me. Let’s go to school.” Says Stella, already exhausted from her sister’s ramblings

“You wouldn’t want to forget the sacrament, would you?” says Stacy, as she pours herself another glass of milk

“Heaven forbid.” Says Stella sarcastically as she walks away to the door. “We’re going to school, dad.” Says Stella

“Have fun.” He says

“Don’t die.” Says Stacy

“Don’t worry, even if you do, an anthropomorphic pitcher of artificially flavored sweetened water will come crashing through the gates to welcome you into heaven.” Says Stella

“That’s good.” He says sleepily

“Keep the faith.” Says Stacy, smiling

“Will do.” He says, yawning as the girls exit




Their petite feet greet the sidewalk producing the playful pitter-patter of dying, time marching in step alongside them, each one indifferent to each other’s timely fate, a simple date where the factuality of their existence slips back into the sea of unknowns where facts and fiction swirl together simply because there is no entity that bothers to distinguish or acknowledge the difference between the two.

“I think I might be addicted to school. The desire to hear somebody or something that makes sense for once is so strong I feel like I’m dying of thirst in a desert.” Says Stella

“You’ve been drinking way too much school lately; I hope you don’t get the tremens this weekend.” Says Stacy

“Drunks find a way to drink on Sunday morning, so I’m sure I’ll find a way.” Says Stella

“That’s the thinking of a true addict. You should take better care of yourself.” Says Stacy

“It’s beyond that point; I’m just trying not to die this weekend, I don’t know if I can last two entire days without my drink of choice.” Says Stella

“There’s always books.” Says Stacy

“You talk a lot louder than books though, Stacy. I will look at the book and feel like Tantalus.” Says Stella

“Such is an appropriate punishment for your vice.” Says Stacy

“Clearly. Books are the devil. We must instead listen to the prophets of God.” Says Stella, the dread of the weekend clear in her voice

“Hallelujah.” Says Stacy


“Put the damn mask on already.” Says Stella as the girls approach the gates of school, Stacy mimes putting on a mask

“I sure am excited for another wonderful day of school, Stella.” Says Stacy, smiling and sounding sincere

“You scare me.” Says Stella dryly

“I hope my sincerity isn’t that discomforting.” Says Stacy, cutely

“It is. I almost regret telling you to put the mask on.” Says Stella

“What mask are you talking about, silly?” asks Stella

“Go to class.” Says Stella

“You have fun too, ok?” says Stacy, still acting cute

Stella breathes a sigh of relief as they part ways.




Stacy joins the pleased masochists below the deck of the slave ship, her companions already present.

“You’re happy this morning.” Says Ophelia, smiling

“There’s nothing like a good swordfight in the morning.” Says Stacy

“Who were you fighting?” asks Ophelia

“My sister, of course.” Says Stacy

“Why did she have a sword?” asks Ophelia

“She thrust at me with blades of truth and realism so I was forced to riposte with my blades of wit and ingenuity.” Says Stacy

“Did you find some magical swords or something?” asks Ophelia

“We have borne these accursed swords for years, clashing constantly, yet one has never been able to defeat the other in combat.” Says Stacy

“You really spend too much time with your sister for it to cause you to start talking like that.” Says Ophelia

“Tis true.” Says Stacy

“So what happened again?” asked Ophelia

“We were just running our mouths off in pointless debate.” Says Stacy

“Why debate if it’s pointless?” asks Ophelia

“Well, I simply disagree with my sister out of principle; it can be difficult sometimes because the world tends to agree with her.” Says Stacy

“Why disagree then?” asks Ophelia

“Like I said, it is a matter of principle. One Stella is enough, if I agreed with here I would simply cease to exist and there would be two Stellas.” Says Stacy

“Isn’t she like super awesome at everything? That doesn’t sound bad at all.” Says Ophelia

“She is a captain in the army of the conformists, so I must take up arms as a soldier of the rebellion. If I do not do this, when I look in the mirror in the morning, I will be greeted by Stella.” Says Stacy

“You two look exactly the same though, it wouldn’t be any different.” Says Ophelia

“The difference is in the eyes, in hers the cold blue fires of the undead hive-mind; in mine the warm orange fires of life.” Says Stacy

“Your eyes are blue, just like Stella’s, Stacy; not orange.” Says Ophelia, matter-of-factly

“I take it you don’t see the fires in people’s eyes.” Says Stacy

“Like literal colorful fires? No, I can’t say that I do.”  says Ophelia

“If you see the metaphorical fire in someone’s eyes, it is not hard to determine the color.” Says Stacy

“That phrase means like passion or something, it’s not a real fire, Stacy.” Says Ophelia

“There are many colors of passion.” Says Stacy

“So what color is my passion?” asks Ophelia

“A twinkling pastel pink, of course.” Says Stacy, playfully

“Now I want to believe you. That’s so cute.” Says Ophelia, flattered


Stacy laughs. The teacher taps on the board as her unintelligible muffled words begin to slowly melt away at the framework of reality moving slowly as if trapped in the molasses of space time which flows, oozes, and drips about with a noticeable but unimpactful amount of expediation as the phonetic exhaust warms the environment. The children swim and some begin to melt into the amalgam singing along in a harmonious chorus. Stacy has little interest in melting along, but enjoys the warmth. The day flows and takes the shape of a warm viscous pleasure that envelops the bepuddled children contorted by their social conformity that float unaffected by gravity through the medium of liquid bearing the same consistency but still retains its distinct individuality. The lunch bell sounds and the children no longer float as a uniform semi-fluid but have taken their own distinct but equally meaningless forms that still behave according to the principles of allegorical fluid dynamics.


The girls grab their lunch and eat outside once again.

“My mind can slip away into pleasant dreams but the cold hard surfaces of reality serve as tactile omens looming in the back of my mind quietly reminding me of the futility of my escapism.” Says Stacy

“So you really did learn to sleep with your eyes open?” jokes Jenna

“I’ve been told I should dare to dream many times. Why not listen to sage advice?” says Stacy

“They tell you that in the hopes that you make your dreams a reality.” Says Jenna

“Well, I would say I’m doing a good job of that.” Says Stacy

“You’re just believing that your dreams are reality.” Says Jenna

“It’s comfortable in the cave. Why would I want to leave?” says Stacy

“You don’t consider Plato a source of sage advice?” asks Jenna

“I did listen, why would I leave this cave only to enter another cave when I like the cave I am in better?” says Stacy

“It should be some natural thirst for knowledge that causes you to do so.” Says Jenna

“But I already know the reality of this cave and the next, and I simply prefer the former. I would venture deeper into the cave, into the wholesome darkness, but tactility serves as the chains that bind me, always to be tortured by the shadows that dance across the wall.” Says Stacy

“We are outside; we are not in a cave.” Says Ophelia

“It is a cave.” Says Stacy

“It is the second cave in the allegory, but a cave none the less.” Says Jenna

“Do you want me to go ask people? I have never felt so confident in my ability to win an argument.” Says Ophelia

“It depends on who you ask.” Says Jenna

“It would be hard to find somebody who thinks we are in a cave right now.” Says Ophelia

“It would be easier than you think.” Says Stacy

“I don’t even want to do it because I would look stupid for asking.” Says Ophelia

“Staunch realism has served the animals well; it is hard to argue with your stance on the matter.” Says Jenna

“Then don’t. We’re not in a cave. The end. I win.” Says Ophelia, dumbfounded

“The truth is that people who have never left the cave are the ones who do not know they are in one.” Says Stacy

“We will take a trip to a cave; I will show you what they look like. I know for a fact that we are not in a cave right now. I am amazed that we are having this conversation right now.” Says Ophelia

“You’re right. You win. We tried to pull a fast one on you, but you’re just too damn clever.” Says Stacy, chuckling

“That was like the slowest fast one the world has ever seen.” Says Ophelia

“It caught Jenna off guard though, who would have thought you were faster than Jenna?” asks Stacy

“I am still amazed at that. I am honestly let down that she tricked you with that.” Says Ophelia

“She is a very tricky little girl. What can I do?” Says Jenna

“It was the magic the tricky demon taught me from his book, it warps the minds of those whose hearts are impure.” Says Stacy

“Wow Stacy, that’s awful. I’ll heal your heart, Jenna. Just wait.” Says Ophelia

“It is probably too late for that.” Says Jenna

“You have to be strong. I’ll save you, I can’t let you keep falling victim to the demon’s tricks.” Says Ophelia

“Why did you believe her that time?” asks Jenna

“That seems like something Stacy would actually do, I wouldn’t put it past her. It’s like the only possible reason you could have possibly been tricked like that.” Says Ophelia

“That’s a good point.” Says Jenna

“Stacy, try to use that magic to do good things, don’t just trick people to be evil.” Says Ophelia

“Ok. I’m sorry, Jenna.” Says Stacy, feigning apologetics

“I forgive you.” Says Jenna

“Good. Don’t show anybody that trick either, you don’t want people getting suspicious of you. I don’t even know how you found a demon to begin with.” Says Ophelia

“Don’t worry about it, he was a lovable demon.” Says Stacy

“That’s good.” Says Ophelia

“You want your milk, Ophie?” asks Stacy

“You aren’t going to use your magic to trick me into giving it to you, are you?” asks Ophelia

“Umm.. no?” says Stacy

“Ok, then you can have it.” Says Ophelia

Stacy drinks the milk. “Oldest trick in the book.” She says

“You didn’t trick me. I’m just nice.” Says Ophelia

“And you still don’t even know it.” Says Stacy

“What did you do?” asks Ophelia

“She’s tricking you into thinking she tricked you when she didn’t do anything.” Says Jenna

“Gotcha.” Says Stacy devilishly

“That doesn’t even count.” Says Ophelia

“It doesn’t matter, let’s go, we don’t want to be late.” Says Jenna as the second bell rings.




 The girls head their club, everyone in attendance coasting their way to the end of the school week. The girls are greeted by their new friends at their post in the back as Aurelia addresses the class as soon as everybody arrives.


 “I know it’s Friday and most of you have probably had enough learning, so just have fun today and remember that we’re going to the shelter tomorrow, so if you’re coming meet us at school at 9:00.” Says Aurelia, the class shuffles about, a bit more aimless than usual


“Did you ever find that boyfriend you were looking for Ophelia?” asks Isabelle

“Sadly, no. I still have no idea what to do about it.” Says Ophelia

“Why are we talking about boys if none of us know anything about them?” Says Stacy

“I’m sure we know something.” Says Ophelia

“I know my dad likes to drink and watch television.” Says Stacy

“I know my brother is an asshole.” Says Grace

“My dad likes to work.” Says Isabelle

“My dad loves church.” Says Ophelia

“Well clearly talking about brothers and dads isn’t going to help us. Why not just talk about what kind of boy you are looking for?” asks Jenna

“I want a strong, noble, elegant, and charming man.” Says Ophelia

“Who would have guessed?” Says Stacy dryly

“What about you guys?” asks Ophelia

“I don’t know, hardworking and diligent probably.” Says Jenna

“I would look for somebody fun. What’s the point if I’m not having fun?” Says Isabelle

“I don’t want one. Who wants to spend time with some mean, aggressive, pompous idiot anyways?” Says Stacy

“Don’t beat yourself up like that.” Jokes Ophelia,

“I’m just glad the feeling is mutual.” Says Stacy

“I agree with Stacy. I’ve had enough of my brother and his friends for one lifetime.” Says Grace

“That’s different because he’s your brother. I’m sure there’s a man out there that will treat you right.” Says Ophelia

“Every story I’ve ever heard ends in depression, heartbreak, legal problems, violence, and or otherwise death.” Says Grace

“Real life isn’t like the movies. Nobody ever tells the stories of the happy couples because they’re boring.” Says Isabelle

“I guess I’ll put boredom on that list too, then.” Jokes Grace

“Of all the possible outcomes, boredom doesn’t seem that bad.” Says Jenna

“That’s a gamble I would rather not take.” Says Grace

“I’m with you, the only reason people gamble is because they think they will win regardless of the fact that experience proves that they never do. It’s just a fantasy that drives people into delusion.” Says Stacy

“You could always just be lucky and meet the right guy.” Says Ophelia

“I’ll use my luck on lottery tickets; at least I’m not going to be abused if I don’t win.” Says Stacy

“How many people in abusive relationships do you even know?” asks Isabelle

“Too many.” Says Stacy

“That’s sad; it’s like avoiding cars in general because of a few horror stories.” Says Isabelle

“Where I might need a car to get to work, I don’t need a man for anything. It’s a luxury at best, a burden with average luck and a death sentence if you’re unlucky.” Says Stacy

“You don’t feel lucky?” ask Ophelia

“I consider myself fairly prone to bad luck.” Says Stacy

“Don’t let your superstitions get the better of you.” Says Isabelle

“I’ll just err on the side of caution, I have enough trouble putting on a façade for my teachers, there’s no way I could do that 24/7 for some man.” Says Stacy

“You don’t have to put on a charade for a man to like you.” Says Jenna

“You seem to overestimate my personability.” Says Stacy

“What other abilities does somebody have besides the person ability?” asks Ophelia

“Personability just means being a pleasant person, Ophelia.” Says Jenna

“Oh. You are pleasant, Stacy, in a kind of weird way sometimes, but maybe some kind of weird guy will like you a lot.” Says Ophelia

“That sounds like a recipe for disaster.” Says Stacy

“Or true love.” Says Ophelia

“That’s a laugh.” Says Stacy

“I have seen too many girls our age get pregnant and have their lives ruined. There’s no way I would want to give up on school and work for minimum wage the rest of my life because some man knocked me up and I’ve got to put my life on hold to take care of the baby I don’t even want.” Says Grace

“I can’t believe you watch those shows.” Says Isabelle

“Besides that, hanging around boys they will want to get you drunk and give you drugs so they can take advantage of you.” Says Grace

“You really think that?” asks Ophelia

“I’m pretty sure my brother isn’t lying about the disgusting things he brags about seeing happen at parties.” Says Grace

“It’s like playing with fire, it might be pretty or keep you warm but it could easily engulf you in flames.” Says Stacy

“We’re still young. I’m sure we will figure out how to handle these scenarios safely in the future.” Says Jenna

“Yeah, there wouldn’t be so many love stories if they weren’t based on the truth, you know?” says Ophelia

“I’ll just ride in my flying car into my space-station on Mars where I keep my dragon and say hello to my perfect boyfriend while I’m there.” Says Stacy, sarcastically

The girls laugh, Ophelia rolls her eyes

“Wouldn’t you get lonely without any company?” asks Jenna

“I would still have friends.” Says Grace

“And on those long lonely nights?” teases Isabelle

“I’ve been fine for the last 14 years. Even then I can get a dog or something.” Says Grace

“I would prefer a dog and I don’t even like dogs. You end up with a dog one way or the other.” Says Stacy

“The dog would actually love me.” Says Grace

“You’re plenty lovable Grace, don’t worry about that.” Says Isabelle

“Familiarity breeds contempt.” Says Grace

“I’m delighted every time I see you.” Says Isabelle

“You don’t live with me.” Says Grace

“You practically do live with me, though.” Says Isabelle

“Still, a man expects much different things from a woman than another woman does.” Says Grace

“You get to expect different things from a man than you do a woman, though.” Says Isabelle

“It’s more like the same things and a lot of worse things on top of that.” Says Grace

“It’s not all bad.” Says Isabelle

“It’s pretty much all bad.” Says Grace

“I wouldn’t write them all off so quickly. We don’t even know that many.” Says Jenna

“I’m thinking it’s like spending time trying to maintain a car. Unless that baby is a classic, it’s not worth it in the end, and the car ends up in the junkyard.” Says Stacy

“Then I guess I’ll find a classic.” Says Ophelia

“How many classic cars do you see driving around?” asks Stacy

“I don’t really know what one is.” Says Ophelia

“The sad part is, most people neglected their cars that would become classics and they deteriorated along with the rest of the nameless unremarkable cars. Regardless of their beauty and quality, their owners, largely men, did not appreciate what they had and they let it rot and die.” Says Stacy

“That sounds like a reasonable explanation of relationships.” Says Grace

“My parents are doing fine.” Says Isabelle

“Just because it drives doesn’t mean it’s in good condition. People who need a car to take them somewhere settle for what they can get.” Says Stacy

“Why not just settle for what you can get?” asks Ophelia

“For me, that would be like buying a junker and pouring time, effort, energy, and money into it just to keep it coughing along the street until it inevitably becomes unfixable. At that point my investment has amounted to nothing. I’m just saying I could use my resources more wisely.” Says Stacy

“You’ve got to aim higher than a junker, Stacy.” Says Ophelia

“We’re talking about what I can get not some fantasy in a magazine.” Says Stacy

“It’s a shame when Hollywood sells the appeal of men professionally and most of them are still undesirable. Just think about how riddled with character flaws the average man would be.” Says Grace

“We all have flaws.” Says Ophelia

“Why would I want to look at something that reminds me of my own flaws and shortcomings? I can just look at my sister any time I want that.” Says Stacy

“You can still love him regardless of his flaws and shortcomings.” Says Ophelia

“Even if you do he will still hold every one of yours against you.” Says Grace

“You girls are heartless. I’d still love a dog even if he scratched me and barked sometimes for no reason.” Says Isabelle

“That literally translates into physical and verbal abuse coming out of a man.” Says Grace

“Men are dogs, just worse dogs. If I wanted a dog, I would get a dog.” Says Stacy

“There are some well trained dogs out there.” Says Jenna

“It shouldn’t be hard to find a half way decent one.” Says Isabelle

“Dogs are well trained because they are easily imposed upon and satisfied with doing simple tasks for attention and treats. A man cannot be imposed upon and will likely never be satisfied with anything you give him.” Says Grace

“I’m sure you can find a way to impose upon a man and subsequently satisfy him.” says Isabelle

“That sort of thinking easily goes both ways, and it is a pretty one sided battle.” Says Grace

“You girls are like anarchists throwing Molotov cocktails into the optimism factory.” Says Isabelle

“They’re just naïve.” Says Ophelia

“You got us. That explains our thinking entirely, childish naivety.” Says Stacy dryly

“When you get older and more mature you will be able to open your hearts.” Says Ophelia, loftily

“Your heart is like your front door, if you keep it open, people will walk right in and take what they want from you and leave, simply because you let them.” Says Grace

“I will be so welcoming that they don’t want to leave.” Says Ophelia

“You will learn quickly that you really don’t want a lot of those people in your house.” Says Stacy

“Well I’ll just hope the right person stops by so I can lock the door and keep my true love warm inside.” Says Ophelia

“At least they haven’t crushed your spirits.” Says Jenna, disheartened

“I feel like it’s my responsibility to guard that house in the meantime, if you’re not going to do it, Ophelia.” Says Stacy

“If you’re so consumed by love, just think of how terrible the heartbreak will be.” Says Grace

“She has a point.” Says Isabelle

“Love heals all wounds.” Says Ophelia

“That would be time. There are also things called mortal wounds, but you clearly didn’t listen when we explained that a minute ago, so we can save that review for later.” Says Stacy

“You really should be careful, Ophelia.” Says Jenna

“You are going about this pretty recklessly; I would be concerned if your friends didn’t keep such a close eye on you.” Says Isabelle

“It’s almost like we have to take turns sleeping, I can sleep well with her father watching over her, but there is that time between us parting ways and her arriving home that I fear for her life.” Says Stacy

“You’re just afraid some noble knight will come sweep up your dear Ophelia and ride off into the sunset with her.” Says Ophelia

“Other than the noble knight part that is exactly what I am worried about. They don’t have to sweep you off your feet if you fall head over heels into their white panel van.” Says Stacy

“I know better than that.” Says Ophelia

“That is a good sign.” Says Jenna

“Don’t give her too much credit. We wouldn’t want to stop at least trying to teach her something.” Says Stacy

“You’re just as hardheaded as she is; you just have opposite opinions on the matter.” Says Isabelle

“Well, my hardheaded opinions don’t land me in the back of a panel van. That’s all I’m saying.” Says Stacy

“It is better to err on the side of caution.” Says Jenna

“You’ve got to live every now and again though.” Says Isabelle

“I agree, with emphasis on the live part, as a matter of fact, I try to live all the time, remarkably enough.” Says Stacy

“Is it really living if you don’t love?” asks Ophelia

“Is it really living if you are dead?” asks Stacy

“No, I guess not.” Says Ophelia

“You actually learned your lesson?” asks Stacy

“If you don’t love it’s like you’re already dead, so being dead isn’t any different at that point.” Says Ophelia

“Being dead means you’re gone forever. Even if you never find love I’ll still get to enjoy your company.” Says Stacy

“We all get to enjoy your company, which is much more preferable than the alternative.” says Grace

“I won’t want to be alive if I never find love.” Says Ophelia

“I’m just telling you not to go about it in a foolish way, not that you shouldn’t look for love at all.” Says Stacy

“I’ll try to be careful I guess. It’s not like anything bad has happened anyways.” Says Ophelia

“Things can become very bad very quickly if you’re not careful. That’s just what we’re trying to tell you.” Says Jenna

“People tried to tell me a lot more than just that, thankfully I’m not taking such foolish things to heart.” Says Ophelia

“At least we can say we tried.” Says Stacy

“I tried too, and in the end neither of us changed our opinions.” Says Ophelia

“I’m sure there was a little compromise in there somewhere.” Says Grace

“That’s good, it would be a shame if we all talk and nobody listens.” Says Ophelia

“Agreed.” Says Stacy





The bell rings and the girls make their way to the courtyard.


“Do you three want to come over to my place? Grace is coming. You can spend the night if you want.” Says Isabelle

“Sure, that sounds great.” Says Stacy

“I’m sure I can hang out for a bit, I don’t know how late I can stay though.” Says Jenna

“Definitely!” says Ophelia


The girls leave their school and trek down the city streets, the affluence slowly grows around them as they venture closer to their destination. They stroll past houses surrounded by fences and gates, the fences growing more so elegant along with their accompanying houses, they arrive at the gates of a quaint, elegant, and modest mansion wrapped in glowing pastel yellow paint gilded with complimentary masonry of a similar hue. A brick road strode through the garden where a middle aged Eastern European woman dressed in modest yet formal garb watered the plants.

“You have brought company.” She says

“Hey Daria, these are some friends from school, Stacy, Jenna, and Ophelia.” Says Isabelle

“It is a pleasure to meet you.” Says Daria

“Daria looks after things like the house and the garden.” Says Isabelle

“And you of course.” Says Daria smiling

“The garden is beautiful.” Says Jenna

“Thank you. I enjoy it, it is a bit like painting, but your masterpiece is alive and you must care for it.” Says Daria

“We’ll be inside, don’t worry about us. Enjoy the sun while it still shines.” Says Isabelle

“Thank you. Let me know if I can get you anything.” Says Daria

“I’ll try to be the hostess you taught me to be.” Says Isabelle

“It will be good practice with this many people.” Says Daria

“It should be easy, you trained me after all.” Says Isabelle

Daria laughs pleasantly and the girls walk indoors. The brightly colored walls match the exterior, radiating a golden aura as they drink the sunshine flooding through the copious elegant windows. The presence of archways in place of doors to separate the rooms gave the house the airs of a roman palace.

“You can put your bags on the coat hooks, I’m sure it will be a relief to get that weight off your shoulders. I’ll put a kettle on.” Says Isabelle as the girls walk into the kitchen, sitting at a table

“My sister would think you are taking her lifejacket and throwing her into the ocean.” Says Stacy

“Your sister is kind of right though, those books are the only thing keeping us afloat in this world.” Says Jenna

“I would say that we’re sitting on a boat, but once we’re out of school they just throw us into the ocean. Most people don’t seem to end up with lifejackets.” Says Isabelle

“You could just swim over to your own boat, Isabelle.” Jokes Grace

“I’ve been on this boat for too long already. I could use a change of pace.” Says Isabelle

“It is a modest dream to sail that ocean with the other lonely boatmen in their rickety rafts hoping for fair weather and a fish.” Says Stacy

“It is easily the only form of adventure left in this world; it would be a shame to waste away in this castle doing nothing with my life.” Says Isabelle

“Adventuring is dangerous; lots of ghouls and ghosts lay in wait to wreak havoc on their unsuspecting victims.” Says Grace

“I’ve got my wits about me. I’m not concerned.” Says Stacy

“Wits tend to be the tools of tricksters. Diligence will reward you more handsomely.” Says Jenna

“I’m still waiting for my handsome reward.” Says Ophelia

“I’m armed with the spirit of adventure and protected by my unbreakable will. I’ll have no trouble turning the world asunder in search of places to pillage and plunder. In a good way, of course.” Says Isabelle

“The world rewards those willing to plunder opportunities; the meek are simply imposed upon and taken for granted.” Says Jenna

“Fix yourselves some tea if you care for some, we’ve got black, green, a whole rainbow of flavors.” Says Isabelle

“What happened to being a hostess?” jokes Grace

“You want me to spoon feed you and wash you too, don’t you?” asks Isabelle

“There’s just a certain level of hospitality that one comes to expect from a hostess.” Says Grace

“I’m an amateur; at least I put the kettle on.” Says Isabelle

“Helping others to help themselves is far more efficient than simply helping others.” Says Stacy

“It’s true. It is the difference between carrying somebody and giving them a helping hand.” Says Jenna

“Well, somebody give me a helping hand. I don’t know which one I’m supposed to make.” Says Ophelia

Stacy walks over to help her “Pick this one, it says Irish, I’m sure you will like it.” She says

“I was going to, but it also says breakfast, and then I was confused.” Says Ophelia

“Plenty of people eat frozen waffles for dinner. I wouldn’t worry about it.” Says Stacy

“Ok. What are you going to have?” Says Ophelia

“Earl Grey.” says Stacy

“A fine choice indeed.” Says Isabelle

“A populist, I see.” Says Grace

“It’s hard to argue with the people’s champion.” Says Stacy

“I didn’t think you would have trouble arguing with anybody, Stacy.” Says Ophelia

“I try not to pick fights I can’t win.” Says Stacy

“It’s pretty hard to lose at having an opinion.” Says Jenna

“So long as you have the popular opinion.” Says Grace

“An unpopular opinion can easily be denigrated to the point where it ceases to be an opinion and instead becomes a vulgar atrocity.” Says Isabelle

“Perhaps in the eyes of the common man, but an opinion will always have its faithful, even if they are deemed insane or occult.” Says Stacy

“Still, it is the eyes of one’s comrades that one should seek to please before those of the everyman. Their companionship is more valuable than your societal amalgamation.” Says Isabelle

“I see you’re trying to gain the trust of the hipsters drinking that chai.” Says Grace

“Drunkards are not the only ones who drink beer. This is a fine blend regardless of its affiliation with the likes of the faux iconoclast.” Says Isabelle

“I doubt that an Asian would think any better of me for drinking green tea.” Says Jenna

“That’s basically like drinking water over there though.” Says Stacy

“Classy water.” Says Jenna

“I don’t even know a stereotype about your mint tea. The only one I can think of is that you stereotypically drink it.” Says Isabelle

“She loves the holidays?” says Ophelia

“Merry Christmas. It’s always warm in Bay City; it just makes sense to cool off.” Says Grace

“It’s just a sensory illusion, just like how hot sauce isn’t physically hot.” Says Jenna

“It’s a damn good illusion though.” Says Grace

“It’s hard to argue with that. One’s own reality is defined by how one is experiencing reality as opposed to the physical reality itself. The only issue is when the two don’t line up and one is forced to believe in either their own sensory experience or the physical reality that contradicts it.” Says Jenna

“I think there can be a harmony between the two.” Says Grace

“Like Schrodinger’s Cat. It only becomes an issue when it gets checked by an outside force, otherwise both are simultaneously true, or at least effectively true to the observer.” Says Isabelle

“Explain the part about the cat again.” Says Ophelia, confused

“There’s not really a cat involved, unless you want to hear a sad story.” Says Isabelle

“No thanks.” Says Ophelia

“I can see the part about Schrodinger’s Cat right here. We all are talking as if we know what we’re talking about, and since none of us know enough about what we’re talking about to contradict each other, we’re effectively correct, but easily incorrect at the same time.” Says Stacy

“There’s the cat again.” Says Ophelia

“But is it alive or dead?” says Isabelle

“In the allegory that is based on amount of radiation absorbed by the cat, which in our case is our ignorance, so it is more than likely dead at this point, but since there is a small possibility that the cat is alive, and since it is unknown to us, we can just be optimistic and say that the cat is alive and well.” Says Stacy

“I like it when the cat is alive. Let’s go with that.” Says Ophelia

“I think I kind of know what I’m talking about.” Says Jenna

“I’m just giving myself the benefit of the doubt.” Says Stacy

“Same.” Says Isabelle

“How do you all know about all of these things?” asks Ophelia

“Reading.” Says Jenna

“I just tend to get the gist of something and lather it in arrogance.” Says Stacy

“I pick things up from the television, internet, people, et cetera. I’m always willing to learn something if it’s interesting.” Says Isabelle

“I just go along with whatever people are saying.” Says Grace


“You girls want to shoot some pool?” asks Isabelle

“Sure. I am familiar with the game.” Says Stacy

“I’ve never played.” Says Jenna

“Same.” Says Ophelia

“Jenna is a bit of a shark, but I’ll weigh her down. We’ll let you have an extra shot every round so it’s fair.” Says Isabelle as they walk through the house and head downstairs into the basement. They are greeted with an expansive lounge lit by a seductively lonely table lamp. The room enveloped by warm wooden molding dressed with a succulent crimson shirt adorned with noble filigree. An art deco taproom light over the pool table is flicked on, releasing an emulsion of warm orange light that bathed the room in the friendliness of a familiar bar.

“Rack ‘em up. I’ll get the cues. ” Says Isabelle. Grace racks up the balls.

“Watch Grace, she’ll show you the proper teqnique.” Says Isabelle

Grace chalks up her fingers and breaks the balls. “It’s that simple. Your shot.” She says

Stacy imitates Grace and shoots, the ball lazily curves and taps a few balls.

“It’s more about finesse than power; you put too much behind your shot and lost control.” Says Grace

“Still your go.” Says Isabelle

“So I just want to hit the other balls with the white one?” asks Ophelia

“Just don’t sink the 8-ball and you’re golden.” Says Grace

Ophelia tries to emulate Grace, scuffs the ball and it quietly rolls towards nothing.

“That’s usually a scratch, but who cares.” Says Grace

Isabelle strikes a colored ball into the corner pocket.

“Now you only want to put the striped balls in. Save the 8 ball for last and you win.” Says Grace

“Simple enough.” Says Stacy

Jenna lines up a shot and gently taps in a striped ball into the adjacent corner pocket.

“We may yet have ourselves a game. You said you’ve never played?” Says Isabelle

“I just took the time to think about it. Line them up and ease the cue into the center of the ball. I doubt I could do that across the entire table though.” Says Jenna

“Sometimes you’ve got to do a bit more than ease it, not always.” Says Isabelle as she takes  a shot across the table, skirting a colored ball, her target hitting the side wall and bouncing back.

“It’s a matter of angles, when it comes down to it. You hit it at due south and it goes north, south east and it goes north west.” Says Isabelle

“You might have bitten off more than you can chew challenging Jenna to a game about angles.” Jokes Stacy as she shoots, knocking some balls around indiscriminantly

Ophelia strikes a ball with an uninhibited path towards the corner pocket, but the ball runs out of steam before it gets there. “At least it went straight.” Says Ophelia

“Straight is just one of the 360 angles you must master in this game.” Says Isabelle

“That’s pretty good for a beginner though. You set up your teammates for an easy shot, and you made mine harder in the process, too.” Says Grace as she takes a shot and sinks a colored ball with a shot similar to Ophelia’s.

Jenna sinks the ball Ophelia had set up easily, the cue ball not having left that end of the table.

“When you get more advanced, you will be able to visualize the angles of bouncing the cue ball off of the walls a few times and still accurately predict the angle of impact with your target.” Says Isabelle as she takes a wild shot off of the walls which bounces around thrice and hits a cluster of balls still lingering in the middle

“You could have just struck those with a straight shot.” Says Grace

“I’m just entertaining them with advanced strategic maneuvers.” Says Isabelle

Stacy takes a shot, also hitting a cluster of balls without any intention of sinking them. “I’ll get one sooner or later.” Says Stacy

“Focus on one of them, not all of them.” Says Grace

Ophelia lines up her shot but scuffs the cue ball again, overcompensating for her lack of power on the previous attempt.

“Take your time. A little effort goes a long way.” Says Isabelle

“Just like in school, just enough to get the job done.” Jokes Stacy

“While I agree with that in school, in pool you can gain an advantage if you can place the cue ball in a difficult position for your opponent after you shoot, if you watch the pro’s they’re amazing at it.” Says Grace a she sinks a lonely ball in the corner pocket.

“There’s professional pool?” asks Ophelia

“There’s professional everything.” Says Grace

“I bet this game is popular among business types, people competing to accomplish the same thing all while sabotaging your competitor’s efforts to do so.” Says Stacy

“Most people don’t really go that far.” Says Isabelle

“Most people aren’t successful either. Nice guys finish last, so they say.” Says Stacy

Jenna takes her shot, skimming the side of a ball allowing it to roll into the side pocket.

“Where’d you learn to play this game?” asks Stacy

“It’s not that hard if you think about it, the angles and whatnot.” Says Jenna

“I guess my brain isn’t some kind of physics computer.” Says Stacy

“You’ve just got to turn it on. You’ve taken geometry.” Says Stella

“You’re telling me to rev up the old brain on a Friday afternoon? That baby needs to rest.” Says Stacy

“It’s not like you can turn your brain off anyways.” Says Ophelia

“You underestimate my power.” Jokes Stacy

Isabelle takes a straight shot at a ball towards the opposite side pocket, sinking it.

“Sometimes you can get away without thinking too much.” Says Isabelle

“I’ll try to work some of the magic numbers.” Says Stacy as she lines up a shot. She hits the 8 ball into striped ball that rolls into the corner pocket.

“You can’t hit the 8-ball first, you have to hit one of your own colors, but it doesn’t matter if we’re just shooting around.” Says Grace

“Duly noted, it is a good feeling to get one in regardless.” Says Stacy

“I don’t think I can hit any of the striped ones.” Says Ophelia

“I’d just crash it into any of them. The real satisfaction comes from the clacks; it’s like a round of applause.” Says Isabelle

“Try to hit it off of the wall or something. It’s worth a shot. You need more love for the game, Isabelle.” Says Grace, disapprovingly

“The game doesn’t love me. If the pool gods gave me your long arms maybe I would feel differently about it.” Says Isabelle

Ophelia shoots the ball off of the wall and hits nothing.

“Good try. Respecting the fundamentals is important.” Says Grace

“The important part of the fundamentals is the fun part.” Says Isabelle

Grace takes a shot; the ball rattles around the outskirts of the corner pocket but is reluctant to fall in.

Jenna lines up a shot across the table, but the touch is too light.

“The balls want you to crack them hard, they don’t clap for you if you don’t.” says Isabelle as she takes a hard shot at a cluster of balls scattering them, one of them rolls into the far pocket.

“Sadly this game is not completely free from the luck of fools.” Says Grace

“It is a foolish game, what did you expect?” says Isabelle

Stacy takes a hard shot, knocking a few balls into each other and sinking one of hers. “Lady Luck is kind indeed, why not have faith?” says Stacy

“I’ve never been lucky so I’ll stick with the actual advice.” Says Ophelia, lining up a shot, only to miss the target and scratch the cue.

“Told you.” Says Ophelia

“It happens to the best of us.” Says Grace, grabbing the cue ball and putting it on the table for an easy shot on the ball she previously missed

Jenna shoots across the table again, this time with enough force to drive the ball into the corner pocket.

“Who would have guessed Grace found somebody who can go toe to toe with her.” Says Isabelle

“It’s just beginners luck. It’s not the angles as much as the physical finesse I’m lacking.” Says Jenna

“You’ve even got me taking a wild shot across the table. You’re a natural.” Says Isabelle as she shoots towards the end of the table and misses her target.

Stacy lines up a shot which bounces off the wall near the pocket. “Rub some of your talent on me Jenna.” She says

“Me too.” Says Ophelia as she shoots, hitting her target towards the center of the table.

“You have to think about where you want it to go, aim for the right side if you want it to go left or the left side if you want it to go right, it’s a blend of forward and sideways after that.” Says Jenna

“That easily could have gone in if you put some power behind it.” Says Isabelle

“The last thing we need is more wild pool players. Don’t listen to her.” Says Grace as she sinks the last colored ball without any real effort

Jenna hits Ophelia’s ball into the pocket.

“You’re amazing.” Says Ophelia

“You got me halfway there.” Says Jenna

“Pity you set me up for an easy shot on the 8-ball.” Says Isabelle

“Let’s hope you don’t send it flying off the table.” Says Grace

“I can collect myself in clutch situations.” Says Isabelle as she shoots and sinks the 8 ball into the side pocket.

“So you win?” asks Stacy

“If we were playing normally I guess, but it’s good we didn’t since there’s no point in watching Grace sink all the balls while you just stand there.” Says Isabelle

“You act like I didn’t miss at all.” Says Grace

“You missed one, barely.” Says Isabelle

“I’m sure Jenna would have done a number on the second rack.” Says Grace

“I’m not so sure about that.” Says Jenna

“I still didn’t get any.” Says Ophelia

“I got one, apparently it was illegal, but it still felt good.” Says Stacy

“You can practice and try to sink the rest of them Ophelia.” Says Grace

“We might be here all day.” Says Ophelia

“It’s not like we have anywhere else to go.” Says Isabelle

“That’s a nice TV; I don’t think I’ve ever seen one that big.” Says Stacy

“It’s not that big. My dad loves his sports. I don’t understand the appeal seeing the sweat on people’s bodies and of hearing the shouting and grunting of grown men in surround sound.” Says Isabelle

“Every man wants to be a professional athlete, it’s just immersion in the fantasy to make it seem like you’re down on the field.” Says Grace

“I think everybody wants to be a professional athlete though.” Says Isabelle

“So I can have a few hundred people in a stadium that holds thousands watch me play basketball while I provide a modest living for myself being the laughing stock of the sporting world.” Says Grace

“Yeah, I don’t think I even know of any women’s sports teams.” Says Stacy

“Sports are kind of a guy thing. It’s kind of sad that these women are basically athletic perfection and women would rather watch silly romances than their own gender play sports at its highest level.” Says Jenna

“Romances are not silly.” Says Ophelia

“You’ve got the body of an athlete Jenna, you don’t play any sports?” asks Isabelle

“I try to focus on my schoolwork. I’m not really the competitive type either. The risks of getting hurt and having my grades slip isn’t worth it to me. I play around sometimes, but I don’t think I could be serious about it.” Says Jenna

“It is a huge commitment. If you don’t have the right amount of aggression I’m sure the sporty girls would tear you apart anyways.” Says Grace

“She is pretty reserved. She would probably give the opponent the ball if they asked politely.” Jokes Stacy

“Didn’t they ask you to be a wrestler Stacy?” Teases Ophelia

“Don’t remind me of that. That’s got to be one of the weirdest sports.” Says Stacy

“I think you would make a great wrestler, you’re pretty feisty.” Says Isabelle

“Maybe I could do it; I just think at our school it might attract the wrong kind of people.” Says Stacy

“What do you mean?” says Grace

“The kind of people who tell me they want my body.” Says Stacy

“They were just saying you had the perfect body type was all.” Says Jenna

“Yeah, they basically made fun of us.” Says Ophelia

Isabelle and Grace laugh. “What did they say?” asks Isabelle

“They said my assets would weigh me down and they said Jenna had too many bones and organs and stuff.” Says Ophelia

“That’s rich.” Says Isabelle

“If you talk to nearly any other girls, plenty of them would want either of your bodies, tall and athletic or voluptuous. I wouldn’t be too concerned with the opinions of wrestlers.” Says Grace

“The swim team wanted Jenna, I feel kind of bad that none of the sports wanted Ophelia.” Says Stacy

“She is more equipped for the most dangerous game. Man hunting.” Says Grace

“That seems to be her only passion, so God must have been looking out for her.” Says Jenna

“That’s not true, I also like animals and hanging out and helping people. I am not just some man addict.” Says Ophelia

“You still seemed to be a lot more concerned with the men than any of those other things.” Says Isabelle

“Well love is the most important part, I mean I can get love from animals and helping people and friends, but I’m still missing an important source of love.” Says Ophelia

“Always searching for more, never satisfied, that is the addict mentality.” Says Stacy

“At least the world agrees with me; compare the number of stories about searching for love compared to searching for milk, seeing how so far as I can tell that’s the only thing you pursue with any passion.” Says Ophelia

“At least I am pretty good at finding milk. Milk has never done me any wrong either.” Says Stacy

“It’s not even close to the same thing.” Says Ophelia

“If we made a list, I bet milk can do 90% of the things a man’s love can do.” Says Stacy

“Is 90% really enough?” asks Ophelia

“I only aim for 80% on tests, 90 is beyond my expectations.”

Isabelle laughs. “I aim a bit higher than 90% though.” Says Jenna

“Too good for milk, I see how it is.” Says Stacy

“I think it would be nice to get higher than that 90%, but take what you can get.” Says Isabelle

“Hallelujah.” Says Stacy

“In 30 years you will all be in broken homes with unhappy marriages and Stacy will be happily drinking milk.” Says Grace

“I only expect that from Ophelia, she’s the type to run off with some terrible man for no good reason, the other two are a bit too smart for that.” Says Stacy

“I would only run off with a charming, polite man.” Says Ophelia

“You know most serial killers are charming and polite right?” says Stacy

“It’s a shame that even serial killers can be elegant while you can’t even muster that.” Says Ophelia

“I can be elegant if I want to be.” Says Stacy

“When is that exactly?” says Isabelle

“Well if it ever would get me out of trouble I’m sure I could pull it off. I may have my airs, but that’s not one of them.” Says Stacy

“You think being polite and charming is a form of airs?” asks Jenna

“It’s a charade that people use for manipulative purposes that society lets them take pride in for some reason.” Says Stacy

“It’s just a form of decency.” Says Jenna

“I’m with Stacy, if somebody is being polite and courteous you can almost guarantee it’s because they want something, or often in a woman’s case to avoid something.” Says Grace

“Maybe they just want you to respect them and like them.” Says Jenna

“That’s still something. They could just be likable and respectable without the charade and I’d be more so keen on liking them.” Says Stacy

“It seems kind of like manners are something most people are forced into doing regardless of their disinterest and displeasure in doing so. Politeness is fine, but it’s almost more disrespectful to pretend to respect somebody by having a meaningless exchange of faux interest and concern than it is to skip the whole ordeal.” Says Grace

“You don’t think people actually care when they ask how you are doing?” asks Jenna

“It kind of feels that way sometimes. If my parents have friends over they’ll just ask me the same questions and stuff. It’s common courtesy but if they really cared they would know by now that I am enjoying school, I don’t know what I want to do when I grow up, I’m not all that interested in doing what my father and mother do for a living, I don’t have a boyfriend, my brother is enjoying college so far as I know. Sometimes they ask me what I’ve been up to which is honestly preferable than rattling out those same answers every time.” Says Isabelle

“There’s nothing worse than being ignored by people. If people just look at me and then look the other way it feels like I did something wrong or they don’t like me. The least they could do is smile or something.” Says Ophelia

“The last thing I want is strangers smiling creepily at me.” Says Grace

“It’s just a smile, what could possibly be wrong with it.” Says Ophelia

“In plenty of movies the only people who smile are the villains. They smile because they enjoy their ill intentions, or at least the fantasies of them.” Says Grace

“I’ll be sure to be suspicious of the old ladies who smile as me next time I see them.” jokes Stacy

“You’re not the type the predators would want; they want the slow and juicy prey that’s easy to catch.” Jokes Isabelle

“I’m a clearly catch and the guys still don’t come swooning. What is wrong with the world?” Says Ophelia

“I don’t think swooning is one of the tools in a predator’s arsenal.” Says Jenna

“You clearly don’t know men, they will use every tool at their disposal to tear you open and satiate their primal hunger.” Says Grace

“I’m hungry for love too, so I would also have to sink my teeth in.” says Ophelia

“They’re not hungry for love; they’re just hungry for your body.” Says Isabelle

“Guy’s don’t eat people.” Says Ophelia, matter-of-factly

“They might eat a certain juicy part of you, only the good one’s though.” Says Isabelle

“Please, the vast majority of them won’t even do that.” Says Grace

“With Ophelia’s luck she will probably end up with somebody that actually eats people.” jokes Stacy

“Let’s hope not. I don’t want to think about things like that.” Says Jenna

“It’s only a jarring thought because it’s so realistic.” Says Stacy

“Those tend to be the jarring ones.” Says Grace

“You girls play video games? My brother left his when he left for college, we might have some you like.” asks Isabelle

“I’ve never played any. I don’t even have cable at my house.” Says Jenna

“Same, but I do have cable. Even if I had some games I couldn’t ever wrestle the television from my father and his war stories.” Says Stacy

“I’ve seen some at the mall and stuff, they never really interested me. My parents don’t let me watch television or even use the computer unless it’s for school.” Says Ophelia

“Jesus, I feel sorry for you girls. It’s like you’re living in the 1940s or something.” Says Isabelle

“Games and TV and computers just rot your brain anyways. It’s not like they’re missing out.” Says Grace

“It’s hard for you to find something that isn’t despicable isn’t it.” Says Isabelle

“I see 4 girls, a lamp, a couch, a pool table. Not too hard at all.” Says Grace

“The tool of choice for hustlers everywhere isn’t despicable?” says Isabelle

“Well it’s not the table that’s despicable, I can’t be upset with every knife in the kitchen because somebody got stabbed to death.” Says Grace, the faces of the three go blank for a second

“You look like you’ve seen a ghost. Did I say something?” she asks

“Must have been that slasher flick.” Says Stacy looking around distantly nervous

“Yeah.” Says Jenna quietly, Ophelia looking at the ground

“You girls like those things? My brother’s got plenty of em.” Says Isabelle

“No. Please no.” says Ophelia

“Must have spooked her good.” Teases Grace playfully

Stacy laughs nervously “Anyways, sometimes the guy deserves it, so sometimes there’s nobody to blame.” She says

“Amen to that.” Says Grace

“Anyways, you said your dad likes war stuff, Stacy? My brother was into that too, we’ve got a few of those games. You like it at all?” Says Isabelle

“I don’t watch too much of it, but I’ve read some of his novels about the sort of thing. They weren’t bad.” Says Stacy, shaking her head a bit, quickly reconciling her conscience

“If you know a little bit about it, maybe you can master the tactics right off the bat, a then after that it’s just hand eye coordination and you’re a master.” Says Isabelle

 “As long as it’s not another game of angles, I’m not trying to do math.” Says Stacy

“There are grenades, but mostly it’s just shooting in a straight line.” Says Isabelle booting up the console, the girls seated on the large couch

“We can switch off every death. I’ll show you the controls.” Says Isabelle, patriotic music playing in the background

“The music is nice, makes you proud to be an American.” Says Stacy

“You know they use this stuff to brainwash boys into joining the army.” Says Grace

“I doubt the army would even take most of the guys who sit around playing video games all day.” Says Isabelle

“The army does have pretty high standards; I feel that the people who join do so out of a sense of duty rather than some fantasy.” Says Jenna

“Anyone with common sense would see your guy get shot for the first time and turn the game off forever.” Says Grace

“I’m pretty sure you could murder a teenage boy and when he gets to heaven he would still think he’s immortal.” Says Isabelle “Anyways, here’s how you run and aim and crouch. This is grenade. You can switch to the sidearm if you run out of bullets for your main gun. That explains it for the most part. The goal is to capture and defend the marked areas, but plenty of people just try to get the most kills.”

“I don’t understand how watching hundreds of young men die to defend a little cottage, a barn, and a windmill in the middle of rural Europe would inspire anybody to join the army.” Says Grace

“I’m guessing it’s the feeling you get when you win, but you wouldn’t know that one, would you, Grace?” teases Isabelle

“It’s like they forgot all of the lives they sacrificed for a windmill.” Says Grace

“It’s easy to forget when you’re given another one after 10 seconds.” Says Isabelle

Isabelle shoots her gun at a man in a field, the gunshots ring through the surround sound.

“Jesus Christ.” Gasps Jenna

“I’ll turn down the volume, didn’t mean to startle you.” Says Isabelle, getting shot while she manipulates the sound “Well, I got one at least. Who’s next?”

“I’ll give it a go.” Says Stacy, uncoordinatedly moving around before getting shot, “You will be missed Private.” She says

“I’ll let you get the hang of it.” Says Isabelle “It’s a bit of a lame strategy, but you can hide in the house and wait for somebody to come in. Your team gets points if you can keep defending it. It would be a whole ‘nother thing if you were trying to flush out the enemy.”

“That sounds like a real strategy, not a lame one.” Says Jenna

“This is what war really is like, hiding in a building, scared for your life. Thankfully real soldiers aren’t dumb enough to just run around aimlessly in a field.” Says Stacy

“They say that games attract the kids with ADHD, so it’s hard to expect much more from them.” Says Grace

A man blindly runs into the cottage and Stacy shoots at him, killing him.

“Poor kid, he didn’t know any better, and now he’s dead because of it.” Says Stacy

“I’m sure he’ll be back in 10 seconds trying to kill you again now that he knows where you are.” Says Isabelle

The same soldier comes around the corner, instantly opening fire on Stacy who was still crouched in the same corner.

“It’s like a necromancer is summoning the souls of the dead and gaining knowledge from them.” Says Stacy

“I mean that was the same guy, he would easily remember that’s why you want to move around a bit.” Says Isabelle “Who’s got next?” asks Isabelle

“No thanks.” Says Grace

“This is really bad watching people die like this. I can see why people wouldn’t want their kids playing this; it gets a terrible message across.” Says Ophelia

“Don’t think of it like that, we’re the good guys.” Says Isabelle

“You’re on the Nazi team.” Says Grace dryly

“Well, it’s an important history lesson anyways, it’s not senseless violence, there was a reason it happened.” Says Isabelle

“It is a beautiful tribute to the unknown men who sacrificed their lives in the name of freedom.” Says Stacy

“It is senseless violence. You’re still on the Nazi team, remember.” Says Isabelle

“Well, it’s a tribute to the innocent who were sent to die on account of the belligerence of an insane man.” Says Stacy

“You would like the story mode; they give you a little tear-jerking story about your character every time you get killed. Every time it’s a different guy.” Says Isabelle

“My dad would like this kind of thing, but he is likely way too drunk to be any good at it.” Says Stacy

“Drunk guys are hit or miss, they’re either killing machines or worthless.” Says Isabelle

“How do you know if they’re drunk?” asks Stacy

“You can plug in this little headset to talk to your team, but I don’t really use it since hearing the shrill voices of vulgar children insult you in place of heroic men really ruins the atmosphere.” Says Isabelle

“Here I was thinking it would be relaying information and communicating tactics.” Says Jenna

“You expect too much from little boys. Though I’m sure there’s plenty of that at a high level of competitive play.” Says Isabelle

“I’ve watched like 5 people run into the field to get shot by the same sniper. That is depressing.” Says Stacy

“Well we’re going to lose if we don’t get one of the other two points.” Says Isabelle

“The cottage is pretty cozy though.” Says Stacy as a man shoots her in the back.

“Jenna you should give it a try.” Says Stacy

“I’m just going to die.” Says Jenna

“That’s inevitable; the point is to do as much damage as possible before you do.” Says Isabelle “The grenades are kind of like pool, all about angles. I would try to sneak up from behind the barn and see if you can land one through the window in the loft. As long as you don’t shoot your gun they won’t hear you coming.” Says Isabelle

Jenna tries to throw the grenade, but it sinks below the window of the loft and falls to the ground. She adjusts her aim meticulously, the second one also a miss.

“You might need to get closer. I don’t think your guy can make that toss.”

She steps forward a bit and tosses, this time it lands in the loft, exploding and killing both of the snipers. “They didn’t even try to run away?” asks Jenna

“They were too busy looking down their scopes. Out of sight out of mind.” Says Isabelle as a man comes up and kills Jenna with a shovel.

“Nice toss. But that’s what happens if you just stand there, you get the shovel, the ultimate humiliation.” Says Isabelle

“I fear for the children who think it’s the greatest military honor to kill an opponent with a shovel.” Says Grace

“It’s supposed to be if you run out of bullets.” Says Isabelle

“Yeah, just start digging your own grave.” Says Grace

“In a war you would want to bury land mines with it or something.” Says Stacy

“It’s sad that landmines still kill innocent people all over the world, even in Europe.” Says Jenna

“This whole game is sad, just watching people die.” Says Ophelia

“Well, at the end of the match there will be some people still living, so it’s a good day for the boys who get to live to see another day.” Says Isabelle

“I’m sure every battle was decided by who gained more points from standing in one place the longest. Once one side had enough, lost too many people, they just packed up and retreated.” Says Grace sarcastically

“It’s kind of accurate, you would try to defend your positions until you had to retreat or try to gain ground until they decided their assault wasn’t worth it. I’m sure thousands of people died trying to defend some random house. It’s the best protection you can get sometimes.” Says Stacy

“At least Stacy can appreciate the game.” Says Isabelle

“I think the historical lesson is valuable, but this form makes it seem like these soldiers’ lives were trivial.” Says Jenna

“The human brain doesn’t have the ability to comprehend the deaths of millions of individuals; the scale of the conflict trivializes each soldiers sacrifice simply because each one of their efforts cannot be known in full or even in the slightest by the observer. The only people who truly understand and appreciate the sacrifice of these men were their brothers at arms.” Says Stacy

“I understand that they are dying.” Says Ophelia

“But the struggle and the hardship and the constant torture of an endless battle, unless you experience it yourself, there’s no way to truly know. You should love these men Ophelia; they were the last of the noble men, strong, loyal, and devoted. Women wonder where all the good men have gone, and the simple answer is that they were taken by war.” Says Stacy

“That explains so much. The army wouldn’t take the undesirable men and now those are the only ones that are left.” Says Grace

“Plenty of good men did come home, and their women loved them for what they did.” Says Isabelle

“I could never send my man off to war like that. It would be heartbreaking.” Says Ophelia

“You wouldn’t have a choice in the matter, sadly. I wouldn’t worry, ever since the advent of nuclear bombs any sizable developed military is completely unwilling to go to war with another one, it is only the developed nations against the developing world at this point. No country has any interest in mutually assured destruction.” Says Stacy

“It’s funny how world peace is slowly being achieved through a mutual suicide pact.” Says Isabelle

“The risk of death is never enough to dissuade a man, no matter how high. It is only the absolute guarantee that can possibly dissuade them.” Says Stacy

“That still won’t dissuade plenty of them.” Says Grace

“I’d like to think my man would risk certain death to try and save me.” Says Ophelia

“It’s not a risk at that point, it’s just a guarantee. He commits suicide for trying and you remain unsaved.” Says Stacy

“You are forgetting that love conquers all.” Says Ophelia

“You’re right, Ophelia. Hey, Jenna, you should pick the love gun next time. You would be guaranteed to turn the tides.” Jokes Stacy

“She’s kind of right though, without the love of their friends, family, and homeland, most of the soldiers wouldn’t have any reason to fight. Look at the difference in the sentiments of the soldiers in Vietnam compared to WW2. If the boys hate their country for sending them to die in a godforsaken jungle they’re more likely to end up smoking reefer out of a shotgun than doing anything heroic.” Says Isabelle

“See, even soldiers are willing to turn their back on their country if they’re not happy with it. I can only imagine how your man would disregard you if he’s not happy with you. If he’s willing to rebel against the world’s most powerful military then he won’t have a second thought against abandoning his commitment to a woman.” Says Grace

“Just don’t go send him to die in a jungle.” Says Isabelle

“We live in a concrete jungle and work is a common cause of death. Here everybody’s got the same fate as the boys in Vietnam.” Says Stacy

“It’s pretty easy not to die at work.” Says Ophelia

“It’s hard not to work until you die though.” Says Stacy

“That’s why everybody should try to find a job that they enjoy.” Says Jenna

“That’s the hard part; I don’t even know where to start with that.” Says Isabelle

“You’ve got plenty of time, I’m sure you’ll find your calling eventually.” Says Jenna

“I think it’s more about finding something you can tolerate. Trying to enjoy work would be like trying to enjoy school.” Says Stacy

“I’m sure you enjoy something about school.” Says Jenna

“Gym. Lunch.” Says Stacy

“Animal club.” Says Ophelia

“You could be a dietician or some sort of athletic trainer. There are also plenty of jobs with animals.” Says Jenna

“What do you want to do Jenna?” asks Isabelle

“I like people, and it might be overambitious but I would love to be a doctor and help the people who need it most.” Says Jenna

“You would be underachieving if you became anything besides a doctor.” Jokes Stacy

“I’m not that smart.” Says Jenna

“It’s all about the work ethic and you practically bathe in schoolbooks.” Says Stacy

“My dad is a businessman and I don’t know if I have the chops for that.” Says Isabelle

“It takes an iron will and lack of sympathy to try to always wrestle for the better end of a deal regardless of the situation.” Says Grace

“Most business agreements are mutually beneficial; it’s kind of like finding a pleasant middle ground.” Says Jenna

“You still want your side of the middle ground to be the more pleasant one though. He wouldn’t be paid like he is if he would settle for the short end of the stick.” Says Isabelle

“The wise ones settle for the entire stick and thoroughly beat anybody opposed to the idea with said stick.” Says Stacy

“The wisdom of the despot.” Says Jenna

“In the end you’re the despot, the despotized, or the disposed. Take your pick.” Says Stacy

“I’m pretty sure trying to be the despot is grounds for being disposed of.” Says Grace

“You’ve got to ease your way into it; you gain the support of the people and slowly tighten your grip. Nothing wins people over like a firm handshake.” Says Stacy

“Last I checked you don’t shake hands by squeezing somebody’s neck.” Says Jenna

“That treatment is saved for the disposed, the despotized get nothing but firm handshakes and hearty pats on the back for their unwavering loyalty.” Says Stacy

“As you stand as the despotized, you enjoy those handshakes and pats on the back?” asks Jenna

“My sister certainly does. It’s not my cup of tea, but that’s why I aspire for greatness.” Says Stacy

“So you plan on taking control of the military and staging a coup? It might be hard to throw your weight around considering you’ve only got 100 pounds to work with if that.” Says Jenna

“I’d do it the old fashioned way, rally the disgruntled into revolution and spend the rest of my days shepherding my flock. It’s not hard to incite those who are indignant and have nothing to lose. Even if they aren’t indignant and have things to lose, I can easily convince them otherwise.” Says Stacy

“You are seldom capable of convincing me of anything.” Says Jenna

“I don’t know, she’s a pretty good talker.” Says Isabelle

“How could you rally the people if you couldn’t even see over the podium?” teases Ophelia

“The Bolshevik Revolution went off without a hitch, and I’m basically as tall as those guys.” Says Stacy

“It would be a lot harder with the advent of television, image is everything.” Says Jenna

“That’s the truth, if you’re body isn’t the media’s ideal they don’t give a damn who you are.” Says Grace

“I’ll just use it to my advantage; I’ll be the image of the poor, lowly, and imposed upon. I’ll gain their trust through sympathy. Who wouldn’t defend little old me?” says Stacy playfully

“She is cute. I’m sure if she cries like a poor orphan people would be outraged at whatever she was upset about.” Says Isabelle

“It might be hard to convince millions of working class people to abandon their livelihoods and throw their bodies into the autocratic death machine because some destitute childlike woman is crying. They probably see that every day when they go home.” Says Ophelia

“You’re right. Sympathy is the emotion of the weak, where indignation and outrage sow the seeds of reckless belligerence.” Says Stacy

“We’ve got enough of that already and it is worthless, people protest every day about anything and everything and it tends to amount to nothing.” Says Grace

“Divided they are powerless, but together they are strong. I just need to resurrect Ben Franklin’s Join or Die campaign and unify the resistance.” Says Stacy

“You are going to appeal to all of these groups with conflicting views somehow? Half the time the groups are just protesting each other and not the government.” Says Jenna

“I’ll just promise utopia like every other revolutionary in the past. Everybody gets everything they want. The people foolish enough to think they can change anything by waving a sign would be the easiest ones to convince.” Says Stacy

“I’m sure the good-for-nothings waving signs around all day aren’t enough to accomplish anything. You would have to win over the working man somehow.” Says Isabelle

“I’d hit them hard with the rhetoric.” Says Stacy “Hear me, ye lowly: Shake off your shackles and break free from your bondage. You can only be whipped by your master if you allow him to do so; you either you live and die as a slave or you fight for your own freedom. The only chains that bind you are those of your own fear and the insecurity ingrained into your mind in order to pacify you into docility. You cannot fear death if you are not alive, and who would argue that unending torture by the invisible hand of the plutocracy is being alive? None would argue this, for you are dead in their eyes, they presume you will be complacent and subservient until you die and thus have become nothing but a statistic, a faceless drop of gasoline that is burned until it is nothing but exhaust, a commodity that is unwaveringly burned alive to fuel the engines of plutocracy. Be not fuel for the fires of your own living hell, for you will do no more than reap your own damnation every day of your life if you do. Lace your body with volatility and destroy these wicked engines from within. For every man, no matter how rich or powerful will die from thirst or poison if all of the water is poisoned. These giants that drink our blood and grind our bones for their bread must learn that they are not immortal. For that reason alone we must stand united, become the poison ourselves. For if the wicked deem it right to consume our blood for their own avaricious thirst for power and immortality, by God they shall be put to death for their vampirism.” Shouts Stacy, feigning revolution

“I told you she was a good talker.” Says Isabelle, impressed

“I am at a loss for words.” Says Jenna

“I didn’t know a lot of those words, so you didn’t convince me.” Says Ophelia

“I’m sure I would have convinced your man, so you’re already in the bag.” Jokes Stacy

“That was actually pretty amazing. More women should think like you, most of them just want to be equal within the man’s world, not dismantle it for all of its atrocities.” Says Grace

“Society is a lot like a car though, some amenities may change, but it still requires the same basic structure to function.” Says Stacy

“That’s true, but automobiles are constantly improving in quality, there’s no reason that society shouldn’t do the same.” Says Jenna

“Politics is awful; it’s nothing but stubborn people being obstinate. People aren’t elected because of their ability to compromise; they are elected because of their refusal to do so.” Says Grace

 “Stacy would make a great politician then. She will just exhaust you until you give up trying to argue.” Says Ophelia

“Exhaustion hunting is a technique as old as man himself, there’s no reason to abandon it now.” Says Stacy

“Well, people use guns and stuff now; I guarantee the people shooting deer couldn’t even run one of them down in their dreams.” Says Isabelle

“That would require me to have some sort of scientifically valid and functional argument in order to win; I’ve got to work with what I’ve got.” Jokes Stacy

“You do make a good point there.” says Jenna, giggling softly

“Have you won a Silver Star yet Jenna?” asks Isabelle

“No, just plenty of Purple Hearts. This game would make you think it was pretty common for a solder to be killed by a shovel.” Says Jenna

“It takes a lot of practice, it’s basically a lot of trophic levels and you just have to search for the guy who’s lower on the food chain than you are and put all your energy into hunting that guy.” Says Isabelle

“It appears I am at the bottom of that food chain.” Says Jenna

“Don’t worry about it; you’ll become a killing machine in no time.” Says Isabelle

“This game is so terrible. Don’t you have games about love and romance or anything?” asks Ophelia

“I regret to inform you that if by some odd chance a game actually includes romance, you usually have to kill about a million aliens, bandits, or monsters to win the heart of the princess or whatever.” Says Isabelle

“Why would anybody think that girls like that sort of thing. Who finds murder romantic?” Says Ophelia

“It’s just what guys want to think that girls love. I’m sure if more girls played games there might be some variety.” Says Isabelle

“There’s some truth to that, war heroes and the like have always been men that women swoon over.” Says Stacy

“The men conditioned to ruthlessly kill people are my favorite.” Says Grace sarcastically

“If you have the choice between apples and apples, it’s not like you have much of an opportunity to play favorites.” Says Stacy

“I don’t think all men are like that.” Says Ophelia

“It’s human nature; it’s the exact instinct that allowed man to evolve from a scavenger to an apex predator. Even if they don’t seem that way, it’s hiding on the inside of every one of them.” Says Stacy

“If men weren’t like that then there wouldn’t be constant brutality, sadism, and warfare throughout the entirety of human history.” Says Grace

“It’s true. History is kind of the ultimate horror story. They only teach you the respectable parts but that’s because the victims of the deplorable parts didn’t quite live to tell their side of the story. Ironically plenty of the perpetrators still wrote about their sadistic feats as if they were proud of them.” Says Isabelle

“That’s because they were proud of them. Nothing makes a man feel better than watching his enemies being ripped apart by four horses running in opposite directions.” Says Grace

“People have come a long way since those times.” Says Isabelle

“It wouldn’t have happened if it wasn’t for the advent of the gun. Being able to kill a man from a distance really depersonalizes the experience. It was different, back when you had to be within an arm’s length of a man and look him in the eyes as he slowly died from the trauma. That sort of experience really honed the instinct to murder, and in some cases gave birth to yet another enthusiast of leisurely sadism. The gun took that experience from a man and he is no longer reminded of watching a man die a slow and painful death before his eyes when he comes to the conclusion that it is time to execute somebody. Before the gun it was a pretty noble way to be hacked to death, so of course people saw it fitting to come up with far more brutal ways to kill criminals and traitors and such.” Says Stacy

“Man uses machines to replace men in a cost effective manner, it only makes sense that man also uses machines to replace his human nature in the name of economics.” Says Isabelle

“The only thing that keeps men from succumbing to their countless vices is their regal greed which lords over the others, each of their other vices loyal only to Mammon.” Says Grace

“At least it proves that men can be loyal.” Jokes Stacy

“So long as you’re happy with being one of their many vices that is subservient to their avarice, sure men can be loyal. If you ever get in the way of their money they will deem you the traitor and destroy you, for none of their other demons have betrayed their king.” Says Grace

“At least we can tempt them by being one of their vices, if we had to convince them to like us out of their own virtue we would be trying to find fresh water in an ocean.” Says Isabelle

“It’s not like men are the only ones with vices.” Says Jenna

“As true as it is, it’s not like we’re pots calling the kettle black, it’s more like the silver spoon calling the kettle black. The vast majority of criminals are men.” Says Isabelle

“It’s just the natural order of things. Men are physically dominant, and while the power is not absolute, the same thing can be said, relative power corrupts proportionally.” Says Stacy

“Plenty of men are good; look at the police, and firemen and stuff.” Says Ophelia

“While there are plenty of opinions about law enforcement, the firefighters are a good example of good people. It’s kind of like an LD50 where the exposure to criminality and immorality and thus becoming accustomed and tolerant to that sort of thing is the poison, while a certain amount of exposure may kill, or in this case criminalize, 50% of the people, the other half have not succumb to the poison. While I cannot comment on the moral purity of every firefighter, I can presume that most have not become corrupted by criminality and thus retain some sense of decency and moral fabric, and thus feel the desire to help people instead of victimize them.” Says Stacy

“I wouldn’t argue that a man clad in a loincloth made of a small shred of moral fabric bound to his waist by a thread of decency qualifies as decent.” Says Grace

“It all depends on if he takes care of his body.” Says Isabelle

“Sadly, it’s that easy to write off the majority of men in our country.” Jokes Jenna, grimly

“A girl’s got to have standards.” Says Isabelle

“I suppose I’m not a connoisseur of trash. So I don’t have much authority on the issue.” Says Grace

“Salvage is not all that bad of a profession. You just have to know what you’re doing and be happy with sifting through garbage all day.” Says Stacy

“One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.” Says Jenna

“Men aren’t trash; there have to be so many great guys out there.” Says Ophelia

“That’s a matter of perspective. A trashcan is a buffet full of delicious food to a raccoon. You must be a raccoon because for some reason even the thought of garbage gets your mouth watering.” Says Stacy

“At least raccoons are cute.” Says Ophelia

“I’m just glad she’s not planning on starving herself to death.” jokes Jenna

“There’s no difference between the fates of somebody starving to death and somebody eating poison, one of them will just die faster.” Says Grace

“It’s either the fast and agonizing death of poison or the slow torture of starvation.” Says Stacy

“Speaking of starving to death, are you girls hungry? I’m sure Daria could whip something up for us.” Says Isabelle

“Every animal must eat, even the slaves, much to their master’s displeasure.” Says Stacy

“We’re not slaves Stacy; we live in one of the freest places in the world.” Says Jenna

“Babylon doesn’t need the whips and chains to remind you that they chose whether you live or die, you march in step with their army of nameless soulless soldiers or die.” Says Stacy

“So anyone who doesn’t question the authority is nameless and soulless?” asks Isabelle

“Well you don’t name every cog in a machine and bless it so its soul might go to heaven, do you? The everyman is but a replaceable part these days, the only reason he is named and baptized is to indoctrinate and him with the comfortable delusion of his own significance and induce civil docility through paranoia.” Says Stacy

“I’m sure plenty of other people are just as upset with the fact that we live in a civil docile god-fearing society.” Says Jenna, sarcastically

“Can you not see which god it is that man truly fears, the one that fills his heart with icy dread and uncertainty about his fate, the one that he prays to every night fearing for his own safety, the one that he offers sacrifices of the fruits of his blood and toil in wretched tithing without question? No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or he will sustain one, and despise the other. You cannot serve God and Mammon.” Says Stacy

“Even Jesus couldn’t cause the Kingdom of Mammon to falter in the slightest; I would just accept it as a fact of life like gravity or the sunrise.” Says Isabelle

“I am well aware of its insurmountability, and to that I am indifferent. I just strike down the notion that society is civil and docile because they fear the wrath of the god of Abraham.” Says Stacy

“Children of Mammon, ye shall love the children of Elohim as your own, for their hand of righteousness shall fend off the backbiting brothers of your father. As you shall spare them and defend them in self-serving avarice, they shall spare you and defend you in brotherly love. It is only by this matrimony can Mammon reign eternal as the true God of this living hell with his children as immortal kings beside him.” Says Grace

“I’d rather not see you two beat each other with your respective holy texts.” Says Isabelle

“It’s less that I have faith and more that quoting the scriptures gives me the high ground in an argument. People will easily debate me, but few will argue with the word of god.” Says Stacy

“If I’m going to arm myself with cynicism I might as well get my arms from a reputable source. It’s not like I am teeming with faith either.” Says Grace

“It doesn’t take much faith to acknowledge the grip Mammon has on this world; every concrete object is quantified by its monetary value.” Says Jenna
“God also has plenty of grip too; we are one nation under God, after all.” Says Ophelia

“Stay docile, my friend.” Says Stacy, smiling warmly

“Getting back on topic, yes, Isabelle, something to eat sounds quite nice.” Says Jenna

“I’ll go fetch Daria.”

The girls head upstairs and wait in the kitchen. Isabelle comes back with Daria.




“What sounds good?” asks Daria

“I’d go for some Dirty Rodney.” Says Isabelle

“That sounds good.” Says Grace

“Comfort food.” Says Stacy

“I’d be grateful for anything firmly planted in reality at this point.” Says Jenna

“What is that?” asks Ophelia

“It’s good, just fry up some sprouts, onions, beets and edamame, sprinkle with pepper, MSG, garlic powder and some cumin seeds and voilà. Even I can cook it, just not as well as Daria.” Says Isabelle

“Awesome.” Says Ophelia

“You forgot the flour to thicken it, but it’s fairly nutritious, which is important because somebody won’t eat any meat.” Says Daria, looking at Isabelle playfully

“You’re talking to the Animal Club here; I doubt you’ll find anybody sympathetic to that idea.” Says Isabelle

“I eat what I can get, but my sister doesn’t like to cook meat so it’s rare that I get any. She doesn’t want to cook it because it’s gross and slimy, it’s not like she has a soul or a moral compass or anything.” Says Stacy

“I also just tend to be grateful for anything I can get.” Says Jenna

“I cry on the inside when I do it, but sadly I will eat meat sometimes. My dad always tells me the animals are going to die whether or not I eat them, and if I don’t eat them it’s like disrespecting their hard work and sacrifice to become delicious food.” Says Ophelia

“Man’s desire to fill his stomach with flesh and blood is rapidly destroying the planet, as much as I can’t do anything about that, it’s just a symbolic thing to refrain from it.” Says Grace

“I’d rather fill my stomach with something nice; I’ve got plenty of pickled radishes to snack on while we wait.” Says Isabelle as she gets up and fetches the snacks

“A woman of fine tastes, I see.” Says Stacy

“What else would you expect from a woman raised in such decadence?” Jokes Grace

Isabelle returns with the radishes and the girls begin to eat.

“The tranquility is almost eerie.” Says Jenna

“I’d keep running my mouth, but it’s more important to put food in it.” Says Stacy

“You girls want anything to drink?” asks Daria

“I’ll have a water.” Says Jenna

“You know you don’t have to pay for drinks here, right? I could go for some milk.” jokes Isabelle

“Milk as well, please.” Says Stacy

“Water.” Says Grace

“I will also have water, thanks!” says Ophelia

“Fix yourself a drink too, Daria. It’s past 5 by now. No reason you shouldn’t be relaxing on the weekend.” Says Isabelle as Daria brings them the drinks

“I see your father’s charm has rubbed off on you.” Says Daria, the girls laugh

 “It seems his work ethic hasn’t though.” Jokes Grace

“My grades would beg to differ.” Says Isabelle haughtily

“It’s been one week, I’m sure we’ll be having a different conversation a few months from now.” Says Grace

“We’re in high school now; I’m going to take it seriously. This time the grades actually count for something.” Says Isabelle

“That’s the proper mentality. Hopefully everybody can realize that.” Says Jenna

“Realizing it and accepting it are two different things.” Jokes Stacy

“What is it that you drink anyways, Daria?” Asks Isabelle

“Vodka and Apple Cider Vinegar, if I’m going to be doing something unhealthy I always think I should be doing something healthy to make up for it.” Says Daria

“Ah, the only panacea known to man: Apple Cider Vinegar.” Says Isabelle

“My pop always says a pack a day keeps the doctor away. It seems to hold some truth.” Says Stacy

“Aversion tends to keep the doctor away more than anything else. Try to put a little more faith in medical science; you know a stitch in time saves nine.” Says Jenna

“I try to look out for him.” says Stacy

Daria brings them the food. “Enjoy.” She says

“Thanks, Daria. You should eat too, it’s plenty nutritious, remember?” says Isabelle

“I don’t want to bother you.” Says Daria

“It will be good. Hopefully the girls will behave if you’re here. Otherwise you might overhear them and think my friends are 40 year old schizophrenic spinsters.” Says Isabelle

“Don’t tease them like that.” Says Daria

“I don’t think a doctor is teasing the man when he tells him he has cancer.” Says Isabelle

“I’m trying to think of the type of cancer that saves your life, but I can’t quite think of the name” says Grace

“You and I have seem to have different definitions of the word living.” Says Isabelle

“I tend to refer to the brain function and blood circulation kind.” Says Grace

“I lean towards a vulnerable fleshy mortality; I wouldn’t consider zombies and vampires to be alive.” Says Stacy

“In the east it is simple, life is suffering.” Says Jenna

“Well, there is some truth to that, but there is also pleasure and joy in life.” Says Daria

“It’s like heroin, and every meatbag is born a junkie, from mice to men it’s all the same. The ephemeral highs only serve to induce a greater level of suffering when they fade; smiles are the seeds of suffering that are watered by the fleeting mortality of quantifiable existence.” Says Stacy

“I’ll be sure to mourn physics when its fleeting mortality gets the last laugh.” Says Jenna

“The only reason physics is quantifiable is because a cognizance exists with the capacity to do so, even if only in the slightest sense that the mouse trusts the ground to catch his feet. This awareness is the soil from which suffering can grow.  You can’t quite bake without an oven, even if you have all the ingredients mixed together.” Says Stacy

“That’s a rather grim mentality.” Says Daria

“It’s just the taste of the trees, I’m not going to pretend that they taste any better than they do to comfort myself that I’m sucking on pine needles. I doubt that the solder burning his enemies alive with a flamethrower thought to himself that he was spraying them with liquid pleasure and their agonizingly breathless screams were moans of euphoric pleasure from the flames consuming the oxygen from within his lungs.” Says Stacy

“At least you’re getting plenty of vitamin C from those pine needles. We wouldn’t want you to get sick now.” Says Isabelle

“Delusion is the sickness that coddles the masses.” Says Stacy

“You realize you’re part of those masses, right?” asks Jenna

“I don’t expect the pine needles to cure the plague; I’m satisfied with being a touch less ill than the everyman.” Says Stacy

“I would say you’re a bit more delusional than most people.” Says Ophelia

“Hence why I drink so much pine needle tea. Even as the cold fingers of death caress the face of man, he still reaches for his snake oil: hope springs eternal in the human breast.” Says Stacy

“I would say the only delusion there is believing that such is a healthy mentality to have. Man doesn’t work because he acknowledges the futility of living to death; he does so out of optimism, regardless of how foolish it may be.” Says Jenna

“As does the gambler who buys lottery tickets, what can I say, I’m just not a gambler. I’ll take my paycheck and struggle without hope if it’s cost effective.” Says Stacy

“Masochistic avarice, you’re the spitting image of the everyman.” Jokes Isabelle

“She’s a bit too wise, sadly. If the everyman saw himself as the progeny of Sisyphus, he would be less tempted to push the boulder up the mountain every day.” Says Daria

“At least Sisyphus was wise enough to spawn brood with his damned compatriots. It is easier for a billion men to push a boulder together than it is for one man to do it alone.” Says Jenna

“Sadly we have not discovered the alchemy needed to convert futility into utility.” Says Grace

“Plenty of people like climbing mountains, if you were smart you would just enjoy the scenery.” Says Ophelia

“The optimist was delighted when he arrived in hell, for the scenery was tasteful and the torture pleasantly reminded him of his previous life of toil and suffering. By his best judgement, he had not been smitten and delivered unto damnation; he was granted immortality and allowed to reside in the Eden he had grown to love throughout his life.” Says Stacy

“That is an admirable mentality, if you don’t believe things will get any better, why not enjoy them for what they are. There’s no point in complaining that the sun doesn’t sing to you every morning when you know it will never change, so why not be grateful that it keeps you warm.” Says Daria

“Warmth is but the cancer of cold, and light the cancer of darkness. We defile the tranquil purity of the primordial silence and thus we suffer because of it. Hedonistic necromancy is a bitter taste, yet the undead seem not to mind, even the sun is but the reanimated corpse of its dead forefathers. It still shines and I continue to live, I smile when I see the sunshine because it reminds me of the mantra of the universe. All things tire, expire, and die, it is simply a matter of time, yet the void is unsatisfied with our timely mortality, and thus its forces compel us not simply to die, but to die harder. Entropy is the goddess of the void, and as its angels in the darkness, we are her blood and kin, simple vectors of entropy, we are all good children for she is a strict mother indeed, and thus we do as good children do, and help our mother with her housework. ” says Stacy

“You must like to read books, is that from some philosopher?” asks Daria

“Only if you count that philosophy tree in my head that I beat with my thinking stick to get those delicious persimmons. I suppose it could be from a philosopher though, they say great minds think alike and I’m sure I’m not the only one to have the idea to fetch some persimmons like that.” Says Stacy

“Is that really how philosophy works?” asks Ophelia

“Did you really forget where all of those figs you eat come from? Your mind is an orchard full of those sorts of fruits.” asks Stacy

“Thanks I guess.” Says Ophelia

“You girls are kind of silly. When I was your age my friends and I would talk about boys and fashion, you seem to have other things on your mind.” Says Daria

“Fashion is a big part of my life, you know. When I wake up I think to myself, what should I wear today, this uniform that matches the hundreds of other girls at school, or the other one that also matches the hundreds of girls at school. When I show up, I always ask what time is the comet coming and where can I get some of the artificially flavored sweetened water.” Says Stacy

“You don’t go to school every day you know.” Says Jenna

“I wear clothes out of comfort, not out of some venial sense of vanity.” Says Stacy

“At least it’s venial; I would hate to see Isabelle die from her inability to decide what to wear.” Says Grace

“I dress to impress, its hard work picking out the perfect outfit.” Says Isabelle

“I also like clothes, it’s important, because first impressions are everything. No man would want somebody who can’t dress themselves properly.” Says Ophelia

“It’s not like I put my clothes on backwards.” Says Stacy

“You don’t exactly dress like a lady.” Says Ophelia

“When the men stop wearing shorts and a t-shirt, I’ll stop wearing shorts and a t-shirt.” Says Stacy

“You do look cute in a dress though.” Says Jenna

“I couldn’t care less about looking cute.” Says Stacy

“It’s amazing that you care about what you talk about, but not about how you look. You don’t care about what boys might think of you?” says Daria

“Hopefully they think that I am indifferent to being visually appealing. That’s about all I care about; I’m not putting on a show for some random people I don’t care about out of a sense of personal insecurity.” Says Stacy

“Sadly, some of us enjoy the approval of others, thus we must entertain some fancies if we wish to have our thirst satiated.” Says Isabelle

“I’m more concerned about my parent’s approval of my grades than that of random boys, but I’ll admit that both would be nice.” Says Jenna

“Both of them have the capacity to cause plenty of trouble in your life; it’s just about how hungry you are for problems.” Says Grace

“It may be taxing, but if you can keep two lions happy, you have two happy lions, plenty of people would say that having two lions is better than having one lion.” Says Isabelle

“That is life, pleasing lions that will eat you if you don’t. It helps if you love lions; otherwise you’re only doing so out of fear.” Says Daria

“I’m sure you could keep an entire pride of lions happy by cooking them this Dirty Rodney, it’s delicious.” Says Stacy

“Sadly, food is not the only thing most lions want.” Says Daria

“Love is very important, it is true, but by feeding somebody your cooking you are in a way feeding them your love.” Says Ophelia

“Men want a 5 course meal of your love though.” Says Isabelle

“Hopefully I’m a good enough cook; I’ve never done 5 courses.” Says Ophelia

“It may take some practice, but you seem to have plenty of natural talent in that area.” Says Daria

“I suppose it is possible to be born with talent after all.” Jokes Stacy

“I’m sure you could develop some talent if you tried, Stacy.” Says Ophelia

“I don’t think trying to develop that kind of talent will change anything. Some girls simply develop a lot more talent than others in their teenage years.” Says Stacy

“Is simply existing as an object really a talent?” asks Grace

“It takes a certain amount of skill and dedication to the art to be honest.” Says Jenna

“I know of a few things she can do with all of that talent to make a man happy.” Says Isabelle

“That’s good. You should teach me.” Says Ophelia

“I’ll leave that to the guys, I don’t quite have the tools.” Says Isabelle

“You are a filthy animal, Isabelle.” Says Grace

“I’m sorry I don’t have cloven hooves and chew my cud.” Jokes Isabelle

“That wouldn’t stop plenty of men from eating you right up.” Says Daria

“The men will eat what they want and leave the rest to rot.” Says Grace

“Maybe I want them to eat what they want to eat.” Says Isabelle

“That’s not what they want to eat.” Says Grace

“Are you sure about that?” Jokes Isabelle

“If it’s not your livelihood, they’ll turn their nose up at it. The only way they’ll please you is if it’s the means to an end that’s what they want.” Says Grace

“You’ve just got to tease them. If men want to chase this dragon, they can go right ahead.” Says Isabelle

“Just don’t let them slay the dragon.” Says Daria

“The dragon tends to be the one that slays the people.” Says Isabelle

“It would take a hero, a god among men perhaps, but I wouldn’t fancy oneself immortal.” Says Stacy

“I wouldn’t mind being slain by a god among men. It would mean somebody worthy of the honor has finally found me.” Jokes Isabelle

“I wouldn’t let your guard down for anyone else.” Says Daria

“The food was great. You’ve got the magic touch Daria.” Says Stacy

“You sure were hungry.” Says Daria

“I like to say that I’m a growing girl, but I fear I burn all of the calories running my mouth and it’s starting to stunt my growth.” Says Stacy

“We’ve got some fruit around here for dessert.” Says Isabelle

“Stacy might have had too many of those persimmons she was talking about to want any more fruit.” Says Ophelia

“If a man’s dreams provided substantive nutrition he would have no need to eat in the first place.” Says Stacy

“Even if thoughts were food I would fear for your health, you seem to lack a few essential nutrients in that department.” Says Jenna

“There are no essential nutrients for thought; thought is but an accursed luxury. The only necessity is instinct.” Says Stacy

“Perhaps in a wild animal, but the environs of society is far from natural, now it is only through a penchant for unnatural behavior that a man can survive. Instinct alone would deliver him unto criminality and thus be damned to a cage like every other animal without civil competency. Sadly many men let their instincts get the better of them.” Says Grace

“Sadly nature has cast the mind of man in the fires of lawlessness. Rape ensures progeny, murder ensures safety, and robbery fills the belly. It is to be expected that a beast will fall back to its instincts in times of strife.” Says Jenna

“That’s not to say these cannot be conditioned against. A dog will instinctively shit on the floor lest you train it to do otherwise.” Says Isabelle

“Just because you train it to do so doesn’t mean it won’t happen once in a while.” Says Grace

“Well a mistake can be forgiven; there was surely an acceptable reason.” Says Isabelle

“Maybe a dog’s mistakes, but when a man’s mistakes are rape, murder, and robbery, it’s hard to forgive and accept those.” Says Grace

“That is why we don’t forgive and accept them. People die in prison when they do things like that.” Says Daria

“I’m just taking a cautionary stance. When you keep a dog you accept the fact that it may shit on the floor once in a while. Why run the risk of keeping a man in the house when his mistakes could cost you your life?” Says Grace

“Because it is better to have loved and died for it than to have never loved at all, life would have no meaning without it.” Says Ophelia

“Love is what keeps the world turning; people have to come from somewhere you know.” Says Daria

“Procreating for one’s own survival and protection, maybe it’s not my cup of tea, but I wouldn’t call that love.” Says Grace

“It’s the lesser of two evils. There is a give and take to everything in this world; everything has its pros and cons, risks and rewards.” Says Daria

“Perhaps in the past, but nowadays a woman can fend for herself. It’s become a luxury rather than a necessity at this point.” Says Stacy

“People love their liquor and cigarettes; they don’t care that it will kill them in the end.” Says Isabelle

“Is it wiser to enjoy one’s life ‘til you are granted a hedonist’s death or live as a stoic with your desires satiated instead with your pragmatism?” Says Jenna

“It is a personal decision whether one finds more joy in pleasure or living selflessly. Society tends to demand stoicism from its members out of its own selfish hedonism.” Says Daria

 “You’ve got to earn your hedonistic life through a stoic conquest, if you forsake this journey and skip to dessert you die an urchin’s death on the streets.” Says Stacy

“Speaking of dessert, I’ll fetch the fruit; hopefully it won’t cause you to descent into urchinism.” Says Daria

“If fruit was enough to satisfy the lowly’s lust for escapism the government would have waged a war on fruit a long time ago.” Says Stacy

“You really think that effort is simply to demonize the poor?” asks Jenna

“They would spit on the homeless man eating an orange in a lonely alley all the same. They cannot condition you to die in vain chasing the American dream if an orange would induce the same feeling of euphoric satisfaction and fulfillment. Bliss is fleeting, thus the capitalist chases another pile of money while the disenfranchised simply chase another orange.” Says Stacy

“Fruit is pretty good, I’m sure plenty of people are willing to work hard for such a sweet treat.” Says Ophelia

“Maybe the simple men, but it is man’s innate fear that the world will crumble around him that drives him to hoard all he can acquire in the baseless hope that it will save him come the day of reckoning.” Says Isabelle

Daria returns with the fruit. “Perhaps it will; the story of Noah would argue that preparation may be what saves the planet in the end.” Says Daria

“I’ll shed a tear at the end, when the man with cancer dies in his bomb shelter, having prepared for the apocalypse but done nothing to treat his condition.” Says Stacy

“It is tragic, but not all cancer can be cured. If you’ve spent your life breathing diesel fumes and eating plastic, there isn’t much hope to begin with. If you can’t do anything, you will naturally console yourself by pretending that you are doing something.” Says Isabelle

“I don’t know who eats plastic, but these grapes are great.” Says Ophelia

“I would be eating lemons, but lemon quarters are not part of the usual fruit tray. The apples are nice, pleasantly tart.” Says Stacy

“I’ve always been fond of cherries; even the artificial flavor is great.” Says Isabelle

“Strawberries and kiwis, whoever thought to put them together was a genius.” Says Jenna

“Pineapples and melons for me.” Says Grace

“I figured you would be asking for the bitter melons.” Says Isabelle

“It’s good for you; it can help with diabetes and other digestive things supposedly.” Says Grace

 “Pretty sure it also kills babies.” Says Isabelle

“Amazing that in the garden of Eden God gave women a fruit they could use to induce abortion.” Says Daria

“God is apparently pro-choice and supports the right to die, giving people countless deadly plants to choose from.” Says Stacy

“Interpreting God’s will from your surroundings rather than the scriptures is honestly a reasonable thing to do. Why opt for the millennia old game of telephone as opposed to inferring the sentiments by experiencing the natural world?” Says Isabelle

“That would be like trusting a legally blind dyslexic man to read out and execute a complicated scientific procedure and get the correct results every time. It’s just not realistic. This way people can be told what to think instead of just expected to infer what to think from the world around them.” Says Stacy

“If you just listen to the wilds, you would think that God rewards vice and punishes virtue from your own limited perspective and the lawlessness that surrounds you. The ancients knew you must scare man away from his instincts in order to cultivate something more than a savage.” Says Grace

“It’s true; plenty of people lack the introspective capacity to deduce civility from their surroundings. It truly was Prometheus who took that fire and spread it amongst his kin.” Says Jenna

“Even animals are pretty civil towards each other, at least from what I can tell.” Says Ophelia

“The animals are a bit more lawless, but cooperation has always been a principle of success on this planet. You girls should let go of this lofty thinking and enjoy your innocence while you still have it.” Says Daria

“I don’t know if I’m still all that innocent, I’m a teenager after all.” Jokes Isabelle

“I’ve had mine sullied by the cold heartless nature of reality.” Says Grace

“There’s a difference between television and reality, you know?” Jokes Isabelle

“I’d like to think I’m innocent, seeing as I’m not in prison right now.” Says Stacy

“That is a pretty low standard of innocence.” Says Jenna

“It makes it easier to hurdle that obstacle.” Says Isabelle

“Well, I’m certainly still innocent.” Says Ophelia

“We know.” Says Stacy

“You girls run along and play, I’ll clean up.” Says Daria

“Thanks, love you.” Says Isabelle, the girls thank Daria for the meal and follow Isabelle to the basement





“So do you girls want to spend the night?” asks Isabelle

“We should, it would work out great for tomorrow. I’m sure our parents will be fine with it, seeing how we sleep over at Stacy’s all the time.” Says Ophelia

“Let’s just check and be sure.” Says Jenna

The girls pull out their flip phones; Jenna and Ophelia walk to separate corners of the room to have pleasant conversations with their family. Stacy sends a text message.

“You’re not going to call?” asks Isabelle

“I just texted my sister and told her I’m sleeping over here.” Says Stacy

“Will she tell your parents or something?” asks Isabelle

“Dale wouldn’t pick up the phone even if I called, he’s a good man but he’s not big on walking around. My sister is the only one who would actually worry about me, my dad has plenty of faith in me.” Says Stacy

“What about your mom?” asks Isabelle

“She died a long time ago when I was little.” Says Stacy

“I’m sorry I brought that up.” Says Isabelle

“It’s ok, it’s a normal question. I’ve had plenty of time to process it, at least I’ve got Dale. He’s a great dad.” Says Stacy

“It’s good you have somebody.” Says Isabelle

“Thank God, too. I wouldn’t want to live with my gramps, he’s a hardass bastard. No fun allowed, and my sister is clearly his favorite because she’s the good girl of the two of us. It would be a living hell.” Says Stacy

“It’s cool that your dad trusts you so much. My parents know I practically live here, so they don’t tend to ask questions if it’s the weekend.” Says Grace

“She’s like my sister basically.” Says Isabelle

“You seem to be like all the good parts of sisterhood without much if any of the bad. Me and my sister kind of annoy each other a lot.” Says Stacy

“That happens with us too, sometimes, not too much though.” Says Grace

“Yeah, we get a break from each other on the weeknights, I’m sure it’s a bit more crazy living with somebody all the time.” Says Isabelle

“I’m kind of glad I gave her some alone time. According to her, I’m the annoying one.” Says Stacy

“I can see that.” Teases Isabelle

“You’re not annoying, you’re just out there. She is probably too down to earth to appreciate it.” Says Grace

“Maybe, sometimes I can get through her stoicism and get her to smile. It’s hard though. At least she gives me the time of day. It’s good to have somebody to pick my brain with.” Says Stacy

“You’ve got a lot of brain to pick, too.” Says Isabelle

“My sister would think that’s an insult to people with brains, but thanks.” Says Stacy

The two girls return.

“My parents say I can spend the night.” Says Ophelia

“Me too.” Says Jenna

“What do you want to do?” asks Grace

“I was thinking we could watch a movie, we’ve all got the skillset for that, right?” asks Isabelle, leading the girls back downstairs

“I suppose it depends on the type of movie.” Says Jenna

“What are you in the mood for?” asks Isabelle

“Something romantic.” Says Ophelia

“Of course. I’d watch anything.” Says Stacy

“Something I haven’t seen, preferably.” Says Grace

“Lets see.” Says Isabelle “You’re lucky I have such a huge collection of movies. I’ve not seen this one, have you?” says Isabelle

“The Red and the Black? Never heard of it.” Says Grace

“The box says ‘Against all odds, polar opposites attract in this hilarious romantic comedy, the Romeo and Juliet of our time.’ I heard my dad say he liked it for some reason.” Says Isabelle

“I like the explosion on the cover.” Says Stacy

“Who doesn’t love some explosions with their romance?” Says Isabelle

“It sounds nice, who doesn’t love a story about unlikely romance.” Says Ophelia

“Hopefully it’s not too sappy.” Says Grace

“I can’t object to wholesome romantic comedy.” Says Jenna

“Cool. Hit the lights Grace.” Says Isabelle as she places the disc in the player. The lights dim and the girls are seated.




The protagonist sits in a dimly lit and beat up bar, a young man in a business suit, a bit disheveled, drinking solemnly. A young punker woman sits next to him.

“You lost your job and have come to the slums to drown your sorrows, I see.” Says the woman

The man laughs “It’s hard to lose your job when you own the company.” He says

“It’s easy if the company goes under.” Says the woman

“The government will collapse before my company does.” He says

“I like the sound of that, but what’s a rich boy like you doing in a place like this.” Says the woman

“I’ve known the barkeep since we were kids. I come here hoping for some peace and quiet, but I see you’re looking for some company, so I’ll entertain you.” He says

“You’re popular, eh? So much attention that you’ve got to run from it? What’s your name anyways?” she says

“James, you?” he says

“Matilda, it’s my pleasure. James doesn’t give me much to work with; I’m trying to figure you out.” She says

“He’s the only James that anybody gives a damn about in the city. It’s not that hard to figure out.” Says the barkeep

“Damnit Ricky, don’t blow my cover.” Says James

“We all know, and nobody gives a fuck, you wouldn’t give the time of day or two cents to any of the bums around here unless you wiped your ass with it first. To us you’re just another drunk asshole.” Says Ricky

“We’re like family and you can’t even make me seem like a halfway decent human being in front of a lady?” jokes James

“That’s not my job. I serve the drinks and it’s up to you to be prince charming. I’m pretty sure Matilda here would spit on you if she thought you were halfway decent, so I’m doing you a favor.” Says Ricky

“Fuck you Ricky.” Says Matilda

“Not a fan of decency? I’m with you; decency just means you’re willing to get fucked in the ass instead of do the fucking yourself.” Says James

“Let’s see, you’re the only important James and you ass fuck people for a living. There’s no fucking way you could be James Milford, though.”

“Just kill me now.” Says James

“You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me. The James Milford. The richest motherfucker in Crown City and he’s drinking at Dirty Dick’s pub in the slums.” Says Matilda

“Don’t get me wrong, it’s my father’s money, I only do what I do to save face. I hate money, that shit is the devil’s blood.” Says James

“So you think capitalism is the devil?” asks Matilda

“I’m the fucking devil, it’s my blood, god damn it. I’m nothing but fucking money and that’s it. It’s a hollow life and I’m a fucking puppet controlled by my father’s ghost.” Says James

“Damn it James, shit drunk already. Here I was hoping you’d actually be charming for once.” Jokes Ricky

“If you don’t like money, what is it you want to do?” says Matilda

“I want to set the world on fire and watch it burn.” Says James

“James is living proof that men only want what they can’t have.” Says Ricky

“God damn it. That turns me on. The only thing James fucking Milford wants is to make me happy.” Says Matilda

“Looks like you found a bitch just as crazy as you are.” Jokes Ricky

“Cheers to that.” Says James, drinking

“You’re an asshole Ricky. Why don’t they call you Dick if it’s Dirty Dick’s pub anyways.” Ask Matilda

“I got tired of being called dickhead by every drunken piece of shit that walks in here.” Says Ricky

“The truth hurts, doesn’t it? I’ll never be happy and you’re a dickhead.” Says James

“I want to make both of us happy, James.” Says Matilda

“Why make me happy?” asks James

“I’m an anarchist; we want the same things, James.” Says Matilda

James scoffs “Sadly when I wake up tomorrow I’ll be back to the soulless piece of shit that eats breathes and shits money. The only soul I’ve got is the spirits I drink.” Says James

“Let me give you some of mine. Let’s go out and have some fun, my kind of fun.” Says Matilda

“I’m all for some shits and giggles. What petty crime are you plotting?” jokes James

“All I got right now is some spray-paint, but it might make you feel better to give the world a piece of your mind.” Says Matilda

“I’ve got to vent somehow. Let’s do it. Fuck my life!” says James, drunken and a bit excited.

“Let’s go.” Says Matilda

James throws some money at Ricky “You tip me three fucking dollars? Even after I score you this fine lookin’ bird?” asks Ricky

“Fuck you, Ricky. If you didn’t struggle you wouldn’t be here every day to pour liquor down my throat.” Says James

“You’ve got a point. Don’t do anything too stupid.” Says Ricky, as the couple leaves the bar


The two wander around the slums graffitiing their disgruntlement in alley ways to the entertainment of the homeless.

“This was fun, we should do it again.” Says James

“You want to come back to my place?” asks Matilda

“I’m not going to fall asleep inside of you and vomit on your mattress. I’m going to do you right. You’re a good girl.” Says James, still quite drunk

The girl laughs. “I’m glad somebody thinks so. I’ll be looking for you at the bar.” She says

“I’ll be there.” Says James as he walks away



James goes to work, duplicitous as always, and returns to the bar around 3 o’clock.

“You get off work early?” asks Ricky

“I decided drinking is more important.” Says James

“You sure that girl didn’t tickle you the right way last night?” asks Ricky

“Tickled me pink, but not like your hinting at.” Says James

“You had the cat in the bag, but didn’t pull the trigger?” asks Ricky

“I just like to listen to her purr.” Says James

“You’re crazy man. Hopeless.” Says Ricky

“I’ve just got a bit of class is all.” Says James

“I can see that, drinking at a place like this.” Says Ricky, sarcastically

“Not too much, just enough to respect myself.” Says James

“I suppose minimalism is a form of art.” Says Ricky

“It’s economic. Cheap, dirty, gritty, but it gets the job done. It’s my style.” Says James

“My style too.” Says Ricky, the girl arrives after James is a few drinks in.

“We meet again.” Says James

“It looked like you were having fun last night; I brought you a pamphlet that might get you going.” Says Matilda

James looks at the pamphlet. “This is fucking lame. No wonder nobody wants to be an anarchist. You make it sound like you’re fucking saints.” Says James

“We’re not bad people.” Says Matilda

“I’m only satisfied with that answer because that’s what a psychopath would tell me.” Says James

“If it’s so lame, why don’t you make your own?” Says Matilda

“I can’t put my name on this shit. I’ve got an idea though. You make these things?” asks James

“How did you guess?” asks Matilda

“I figured you’re one of maybe two anarchists in the city. I had a 50/50 chance.” Says James

“You’re funny. My shop is right around the corner; let’s hear this idea of yours.” Says Matilda

“You might hate me for this, but you also might love me. This shit isn’t for the faint of heart, but look at this.” Says James as he shows her his phone

“That is seriously fucked up.” Says Matilda

“That is what I would put on that paper. Litter them all over the city.” Says James

“I don’t even want to know.” Says Ricky

“I didn’t either, but some sick fucks out there think I like this sort of thing for some reason. How many can you make?” Says James

“A few hundred, maybe a thousand; it’s just printing paper.” Says Matilda

“Good. Let’s go. I’ve got to do something first.” James pulls out his phone

“What are you doing?” asks Matilda

“Shorting the ever living fuck out of MacroCorp.” Says James

“What does that mean?” asks Matilda

“Nothing. Let’s go.” Says James as the two hurry out of the bar

“Never thought I’d see him leave before happy hour.” Says Ricky to himself

The two arrive at the shoddy apartment around the corner and begin to print the flyers.

“I am seriously rattled by this. I don’t know anything about these people, but that shit is fucked up.” Says Matilda

“Those bastards are the chief executives of MacroCorp, the big evil one that I’m sure you hate. Normally they just send me pictures of dead hookers or some shit but this time they went way too far.” Says James

“The printers out of ink.” Says Matilda

“We’ve got what, like 300 right?” asks James

“Probably.” Says Matilda

“That’s plenty, we’re driving downtown. Give me one of your ski-masks.” Says James

The two get in the car with the papers.

“My heart is racing; I can see why you love this kind of shit.” Says James

“You do it way bigger than I could have imagined.” Says Matilda

“I’m a big shot, what can I say. At least I put my money where my mouth is.” Says James, he rolls down the window and throws the papers across the crowded streets. A paper flies around and lands in front of the camera, showing a group of men in suits standing in front of an incinerator with a naked little girl in front of them with her hands bound. The memo says “Tonight we send this virgin girl Sally Richardson through the fires to Moloch. Here’s to another blessed year at MacroCorp.” The anarchy symbol is superimposed in the top right corner.

“I’m glad we only had 300, I’m pretty sure we’ll be marked for death if we don’t get out of here soon.” Says James

“Well then we should get the fuck out of here, shouldn’t we?” asks Matilda nervously

“Don’t worry, it will take some time before somebody loyal to MacroCorp gets their hands on one of them, and by then it will be too late.” Says James

“I kind of feel like a hypocrite helping you, you’re like the opposite of anarchy.” Says Matilda

“An enemy of my enemy is my friend. It may be weird, but we’ve got the same interest at heart.” Says James

“Watching the world burn.” Says Matilda softly

“You can watch, I’m going to set the motherfucker on fire.” Says James

“God damn you’re crazy.” Says Matilda

“Here I was thinking I was a saint like you.” Jokes James

They drive for a while and return to the slums.


“You want me to drop you off at the bar?” asks Matilda

“You don’t want to drink?” asks James

“I’m still feeling sick from what you showed me, maybe tomorrow.” Says Matilda

“Tomorrow it is.” Says John as they arrive at the bar, James exits the car and enters the bar

“What did you just do?” asks Ricky

“You don’t want to know.” Says James

“You’re right.” Says Ricky


James takes a drink and the camera blacks out followed by a silent montage of James working diligently before ending up at the bar.




“The usual crowd returns and expects the usual.” Says Ricky as he pours his friend a drink

“Damn, it’s like I breath liquor and I’m suffocating without it.” Says James

“That’s the usual sentiment.” Says Ricky

“I’ve got a surprise for you James.” Says Matilda approaches from behind, she opens her jacket and shows him a Molotov cocktail

“Damn, what’s that for?” asks James

“It’s your decision. You said you wanted to watch the world burn.” She says playfully

“You’re a sick girl. Don’t let me decide these things, I’m practically sober.” Says James

“You sure know how to turn a girl on.” Says Matilda

“I told you I’m the devil. You sure you want to dance?” asks Ricky

“I’m up for anything.” Says Matilda

James downs his second drink “There’s this guy, I’ve told you about him Ricky. This CEO bastard, he is fucking me hard. He takes his profits and uses it to lobby the feds for personal gains, leaving the company out to dry. I’ve got big money in his company and he’s not doing me right. I’d love to see him burn.” Says James

“You’ve got to convince your lady friend here, not me.” Says James

“Shit.” Says James, downing another drink, “You hate money types, right? This guy is the worst of the worst, fucking plutocrat.” Says James

“I can get behind that, I don’t see how we’re going to sneak our way into some gated community though.” Says Matilda

“Fuck that, he’ll come to me. I’ll just tell him I’ve got some insider trading bullshit he wants and he’ll meet me wherever I tell him.” says James

“Then what?” asks Matilda

“Then we smash that fucking thing on his head and watch him burn.” Says James

“You are sick, but I like you. It’s not every day I’m given the chance to do some good in the world.” Says Matilda

“I can’t tell who’s more sick, James for being himself or you for thinking you’re some crusader of morality.” Says Ricky

“Fuck you. Let’s go. You want to come, Ricky?” asks James

“I’m not fucking insane, so no, I don’t want to go.” Says Ricky

“Your loss.” Says James as he throws some money on the counter.


James stops by a shady store and buys a burner phone, he texts the CEO and they wait for him in a vacant parking lot in the slums.

“I told him I want to see him in his new convertible, this should be easy. I’m going to talk to him, you sneak up behind him and light him up.” Says James

“Why would he come out here again?” asks Matilda

“Desperation.” Says James

They wait and the man rolls up to the parking lot, James leaning against a wall.

“Tod, my man, lets see this baby with the top down.” Says James

“Damn it James, why are you looking out for me like this.” Says Tod as he rolls the top down.

“Sexy. I mean, you are doing me right with your company, so I feel like I can return the favor.” Says James

“I don’t know if it’s doing that well, but I do appreciate you looking out for me.” Says Todd

Matilda approaches from the back.

“You see I called you out here to tell you something important…” says James as Matilda approaches from behind

“Yeah, get on with it. What’s that smell?” Says James

“The only thing I had to tell you was… Die, motherfucker!” shouts James as Matilda smashes the cocktail on Tod’s skull, his body being engulfed in flames followed by the car

“Burn in hell you piece of shit!” says James, laughing

“We should go.” Says Matilda, hurriedly

“I thought you wanted to watch.” Says James, as Todd writhes in agony. He grabs her hand

“It’s beautiful. It’s like a sunset.” Says James

“God damn, you are a scary motherfucker but I like it.” Says Matilda

The two watch the show until the man stops flailing and screaming, too fat to pull himself out of the burning car.

“Maybe no Molotovs next time. I’m not trying to go to prison.” Says Matilda

“I’d like to think you can outrun a two hour police response time.” Jokes James

“Sadly, I live in this neighborhood.” Says Matilda

“People know you’ve got nothing they’d want to steal anyways.” Says James

“That’s true, even criminals don’t want to work here.” Says Matilda

“But the saints are always willing to work amongst the poor.” Says James

“Of course, Saint James.” Jokes Matilda as they walk away.


Another fade out and work montage. James again in the bar, the girl shows up with a friend.

“James this is Troy, another man of the faith.” Says Matilda

“It’s a pleasure to meet you. You’re not coming to take my girl from me, are you?” asks James, a bit drunk

“God no. I just wanted to show you there were more than two anarchists in the city.” Says Matilda

“I only count two.” Says James

“I’m counting three.” Jokes Matilda

“We just wanted to see if you’d join us for a get together down at our warehouse. We’ve got a little party planned and you seem to be the kind of guy who’d love to come.” Says Troy

“I might have to teach you kids how to fucking party. This girl came in beating the bible and I taught her the art of the crusade.” Says James

“That’s what we’re looking for, a crusader.” Says Troy

“I’m your man. Let’s go.” Says James as he downs his drink.

“Get yourself something nice Ricky.” Says James as he throws a twenty on the table

“You actually tip 25% today. That’s remarkable.” Says Ricky

“They just caught me before I could drink up to that twenty.” Says James

“It’s my lucky day. Don’t do anything stupid.” Says Ricky

“Don’t worry, I’ll be back tomorrow.” Says James as he walks out with the three


They arrive at a warehouse, there is a lorry parked inside.

“Welcome to the party.” Says Troy

“Where’s the party?” asks James

“You’re looking at her.” Says Troy

“A lorry?” asks James

“It’s full of fireworks.” Says Troy

“Is it New Year’s already?” asks James

“It will look like it when this baby goes off.” Says Troy

“What you’ve got some snakes and sparklers in there?” asks James

“James is our explosive guy. He’s been working on this for months. He was hoping we’d find somebody crazy enough to drive it.” Says Matilda

“I do like explosions.” Says James

“Good. You seem to know who deserves this sort of gift, so I’ll let you call the shots. I don’t want Matilda to die, so you might be going solo.” Says Troy

“Nobody’s going to die.” Says James

“The point was kind of to have plenty of people die.” Says Troy

“Well, nobody in this room is going to die. I’d like some company along the way. I’ve got something in mind.” Says James

“If you plan on escaping I can leave a car for you.” Says Troy

“Good. Park her outside the blast range of the Cole Bridge.” Says James

“You don’t like that bridge?” says Troy

“It’s all about the chaos, there are juicer targets, but I’m trying to walk away from this. The street under it is empty at night, so that’s my reasoning, easy entry, easy exit.” Says James

“You’re a smart man. I’ll drop off the car; I’ll give you the second set of keys.” Says Troy as he walks away.

“I am surprised you didn’t hesitate at all.” Says Matilda

“It’s not every day that a man gets the opportunity to enjoy himself.” Says James

“You’re not worried about the cops?” asks Matilda

“I own the cops; they know who I am and they wouldn’t suspect me of doing anything like this. It’s the perfect alibi.” Says James

“Let’s hope so.” Says Matilda

The two get in the lorry and drive under the bridge. It is deserted as the docks are closed for the night. They park the lorry on the side of the road under the bridge and turn the hazards on. They calmly walk away. James stops. “You don’t want to watch?” he asks

“Troy said it had a radius of 200 meters, I don’t think we’re that far yet.” Says Matilda

“I want to feel it’s warmth and the caress of the shockwave.” Says James

“You are tempting me.” Says Matilda

“It’s a once in a lifetime experience. You wouldn’t want to miss it.” Says James

“After that we’re running. The car is just over there.” Says Matilda

“Let there be light!” says James as he pressed the detonator. The lorry explodes. The shockwave blows their hair back as they stare at it as a piece of shrapnel hits Matilda in the leg and she screams.

“Fuck!” she cries as she falls down.

“Time to go.” Says James, he picks her up and carries her to the car as the bridge crumbles behind them. He unlocks it and puts her inside.

“God damn it, you’re so stupid.” Says Matilda, crying

“I’ll get you fixed up. You’re lucky I have a personal doctor.” Says James

“I don’t want to die.” She says

“I said nobody’s going to die, remember. Trust me. You’re not bleeding that bad.” Says James

“It fucking hurts.” She says

“Just relax. It will be all right soon.” Says James, Matilda loses consciousness

James arrives at his doctor’s house and carries the girl to the door.

“James, holy shit. What happened?” asks the doctor

“Fireworks accident.” Says James

“You’re fucking kidding me. Are you talking about what just happened?” asks the doctor

“The money I give you says no, we were just playing with fireworks.” Says James

“That’s a lot of fucking money, but that’s why I love you.” Says the doctor

“I’m glad we are on the same page.” Says James as he takes the girl inside and places her on the doctors kitchen table.

“I’m going to need a new tablecloth after this one.” Says the doctor

“I figured you would have plenty of spares.” Says James

“Oh, I do. Don’t worry about that.” Says the Doctor as he begins to operate

“Some fucking fireworks, this is a square inch of steel.” Says the doctor

“You know I only buy the good stuff.” Says James

“Fuck you James. You’re killing me. Don’t make me laugh when I’ve got to stitch this girl up. Who is she anyways?” Says the doctor

“A fun loving friend of mine.” Says James

“She doesn’t look like the type of girl who hangs around a cocaine lounge.” Says the doctor

“You take me for my father; I’ve got a more wholesome approach to having fun than he did.” Says James

“I don’t recall any times where your father brought an unconscious girl to me with a square inch of steel embedded in her leg.” Says the doctor

“You don’t remember because people don’t typically take dead hookers to the doctor.” Says James

“Damn, it hurts me to hear you talking bad about your pops after he passed, you know?” says the doctor

“Who said I was talking bad?” says James

“Atta boy. Your girl should be fine, her leg might be fucked up but she won’t die.” Says the doctor

“That’s good. That’s all I wanted to hear.” Says James

“What are you going to do with her now?” asks the doctor

“Take her home. It’s the only place I can store a possibly dead body safely.” Says James

“I told you she’ll be fine.” Says the doctor

“Just a precaution, I didn’t say probably.” Says James

“Always hedging your bets, there’s a reason you’re so successful.” Says the Doctor

“Thanks for your help doc. I’ll take her and get out of your hair.” Says James

“You want some oxys?” asks the doctor

“I’ve got plenty of them lying around. You give them out like they’re mints.” Says James

“I’m a doctor, what do you expect?” asks the doctor

“I suppose I couldn’t expect any less. Thanks again.” Says James, picking up the girl.

“Any time. I’ll get the door for you.” says the doctor “Try to make better decisions next time, or else there might not be a next time.”

“I’ll see you next time, doc.” Says James as he exits

“Why does there have to be a next time?” asks the Doctor

“I might get a cold or something.” Jokes James putting the girl in the car

“Fuck you.” Jokes the doctor

“Take care.” Says James

“You too, kid.” Says the doctor as James drives off.


James arrives at his mansion and brings the girl inside and puts her on his bed. He sits in a chair besides the bed, a bit distraught, realizing that this was his fault. He falls asleep in the chair. The camera blacks out.

“James.” Says Matilda, softly in the morning light

“Matilda.” Says James

“I thought I was dead.” Says Matilda

“I told you nobody was going to die.” Says James

“I’m pretty sure a lot of people on the bridge died James.” Says Matilda

“I later corrected the statement saying neither you, I, nor Troy would die.” Says James

“Fuck you. This hurts so fucking bad.” Says Matilda, playful but in pain

“I got some oxys and water for you. You’ll feel better.” Says James

“You sure know how to treat a lady right.” Says Matilda

“I’m sorry about all that. I am an idiot.” Says James

“For a billionaire genius you’re pretty stupid sometimes.” Says Matilda

“It won’t happen again; the doctor said your leg might be fucked up.” Says James

“No shit my leg might be fucked up. I’m glad you got a doctor to confirm your suspicion.” Says Matilda

“He’s a good man. I saved you the piece of metal, as a keepsake.” Says James

“Damn, that thing is huge.” Says Matilda

“You’re lucky it didn’t more damage.” Says James

“I’m a lucky girl, what can I say. You’re proof enough of that.” Says Matilda

“I don’t know, I got you into this situation, didn’t I?” asks James

“You got me out of it too.” Says Matilda

“Get some rest, you need it.” Says James

“Where are we?” asks Matilda

“My place.” Says James

“Damn, I almost expected more out of you.” Says Matilda

“What can I say, I’m fairly modest.” Says James

“Cold, grey, metallic, vacant. This room reminds me of you. In a good way. The bed is your soft spot of course.”

“That’s why you’re in it.” Says James

“Fuck you.” Jokes Matilda

“At least I tried, right?” says James

“You’re the last person I’d expect to feed me some sappy bullshit.” Says Matilda

“Sorry, the sunshine and sobriety brings out the sociopathic instinct to hide my inhuman side.”  Says James

“I was wondering where that came from. Close the blinds if it hurts you so bad.” Says Matilda

“It only hurts when the people don’t deserve to be treated that way.” Says James

“You’re killing me James. Maybe I’d be eating it up if I wasn’t writing in pain.” Says Matilda

“So there’s a little girl inside of you after all.” Jokes James

“Brining that up almost hurts more than the wound in my leg.” Says Matilda

“Don’t worry. I’m not going to hurt you.” Says James

“That would make you the first.” Says Matilda

“There’s a first time for everything.” Says James

“I wouldn’t push my luck. Thanks again though. That explosion was wicked.” Says Matilda

“I’m glad you enjoyed it.” Says James

“I’m a sick little kitten, you know that.” Says Matilda

“It’s cute though. It’s just a cute little sneeze.” Says James

“You are clearly the sicker of us.” Jokes Matilda

“It feels good though.” Says James

“It really does. I’m slipping. Don’t leave me; I don’t think I can walk.” Says Matilda

“Don’t worry.” Says James, as Matilda falls asleep


The sun moves across the sky. James gets her some crutches and leaves them besides the bed and reads a book.

“What are the crutches for?” asks Matilda

“Well I’m not going to carry you to the bathroom.” Says James

“Here I was thinking you were the romantic type. I suppose there’s nothing romantic about watching me piss and shit blood, is there?” asks Matilda

“That’s sort of romantic.” Says James

“You sick motherfucker.” Jokes Matilda

“I mean the whole carrying you there part, all hurt and stuff. I’m not that weird.” Says James

“Back-peddling while you still can; I can respect that.” Says Matilda

“Now I’m kind of tempted to do it, just to make you feel weird.” Says James

Matilda laughs. “Why did you want to blow up that bridge anyways?” she asks

“Well, I’ve got plenty of money in construction firms that work for the city. They get a big contract, I get some returns.” Says James

“I should have figured as much. Always about the money.” Says Matilda

“If you’re going to have fun, why not make some money while you’re at it.” Says James

“I’m so torn about you; you love the chaos but do the despicable shit anarchists hate.” Says Matilda

“I’m just in it for the fun. You know that.” Says James

“I don’t. I doubt I’ll ever be able to do any more than limp for the rest of my life. What is stopping you from leaving me for dead then running out and picking up some other dumb bitch who will fall for you and do that sick fucked up shit you like to do so you can make more money. You don’t give a damn about me. You just want to make your fucking money.” Says Matilda

“Matilda, if it was about the money, wouldn’t you already be dead on the road under the bridge? If I didn’t give a fuck about you, why would I risk my life trying to save you? You’re more important to me than the money, Matilda.” Says James

“Damn it James. I’m just upset that I can’t do crazy shit with you anymore.” Says Matilda

“It was fun while it lasted. Nothing lasts forever.” Says James

“What are you going to do, just give up on anarchy?” asks Matilda

“I have an idea.” Says James, smiling the screen fades to black, 25 Years later appears.


A crowd of hundreds of people flood out of the subway, each clad in black and wearing a ski-mask as a lorry drives down the street and parks in front of City Hall. The crowd is chanting “Death and Taxes.” The driver climbs out of the lorry, “200 meters! Block the roads!” he shouts. The crowds surrounding the lorry empty the surrounding area and stand in the adjacent roads, still chanting. The lorry explodes, and destroys much of the City Hall. The crowd then runs away in mass.


A group of young men and women and some teenagers walk through a door. “We’re home.” They shout

“How was your day, children?” asks Matilda, 25 years older

“It was great. We blew up City Hall with a truck bomb, even Jimmy helped.” Says the one of the youngest

“I just stenciled Fuck Taxes all over the place.” Says Jimmy

“That’s my boy, hanging the mistletoe above the heads of the capitalists and the anarchists.” Says James, also old

“Are you sure nobody followed you home?” asks Matilda

“Of course not, the black bloc was 1,000 strong.” Says the one of the older boys

“You make me a proud father.” Says James “Who would have guessed God would have blessed me with 9 anarchist children and one business magnate?”

“You would have had 10 anarchists, but something made me take your advice to follow in your footsteps.” Says Jimmy

“That’s the ghost of your grandfather. He’s a spooky bastard. At least you get your kicks with the rest of them.” Says James

“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” Says Jimmy

“Here I was thinking you were only coming along because it was in your business interests.” Says one of the girls

“A man can have more than one reason to enjoy a drink after work, can’t he?” asks Jimmy

“Of course. I’m sure you’re thirsty. Have a drink to celebrate.” Says James

“Do you ever feel bad about the innocent people that died, I mean we killed the politicians for wanting to raise the taxes, but I’m sure there were some janitors in there that didn’t do anything.” Says one of the younger girls

“It’s sad, but they’re just collateral damage. In the end it comes down to the black and the red. I’ll always be the one to side with profits and the black bloc over debt and moralistic bloodletting.” Says James

“That’s why I married you.” Says Matilda as she leans over and kisses James

“It only takes one good man to do the right thing and change the world. Remember that, and you will go far.” Says James

“Or one woman, too.” Says Matilda

“Did you two forget that you are terrorists again? You’re acting like lovebirds.” asks one of the adult girls

“You can be both, you know.” Says Matilda

“You ten are the living proof of that.” Says James

“I’ll try to diversify my portfolio and invest in some love one of these days.” Says Jimmy

“If you find you can no longer conquer, remember that love conquers all.” Says Matilda

“I’m not sure that’s exactly what that means.” Says one of the girls

“These profit margins would like to argue otherwise.” Jokes Jimmy

“Atta boy. Keep the faith.” Says James

The film blacks out and credits roll.




“Not quite the wholesome romantic comedy I expected.” Says Jenna timidly

“I can see why my dad liked it.” Says Isabelle, getting up to turn the lights on

“I thought it was cute.” Says Stacy

“That wasn’t cute at all. Those people were so evil.” Says Ophelia

“There was a happy ending though.” Says Stacy

“It was kind of nice if you ignore all the bad things, the guy really did care about the girl.” Says Ophelia

“There wasn’t a single decent guy in that movie, everyone was reproachable.” Says Grace

“I thought Ricky was a stand up guy.” Says Stacy

“They were all so vulgar. I didn’t even know people could be that vulgar.” Says Ophelia

“There are a lot of things you don’t know. You experience things and become cultured, that how it works, even if it is vulgar sometimes.” Says Stacy

“That was vulgar like 100% of the time.” Says Ophelia

“It was like 50% at best.” Says Stacy

“Still, I was fairly shocked by that movie as well. Who is the target audience?” asks Jenna

“Men, clearly. Maybe some crazy psycho girls, but definitely men.” Says Isabelle

 “Is it bad that even though James was so evil I still want a guy like that who would care for me and love me? It was a few days of awful but 25 years of love, right?” Says Ophelia

“I’m sure if you are willing to put up with somebody’s evilness, they will love you even more.” Says Isabelle

“I might be ok with that. People tell me I’ve got to put up with some bad parts of a guy, so I think I’d be happy as long as he loves me.” Says Ophelia

“Try to have higher standards than that.” Says Jenna

“I can’t help it; just the thought of a man caring for me like that makes me willing to tolerate the fact that he kills people or is crazy or something.” Says Ophelia

“I suppose this is where children come from.” Says Grace

“I doubt it’s usually that romantic.” Says Stacy

“It’s usually a mistake, insurance against relationship failure, or simply to expand the workforce of your family farm or something. I doubt the majority of people have children just because they love children or each other.” Says Isabelle

“You’re finally seeing the light.” Says Grace

“They say you should love your work, but the reason why most people work is not because they love it.” Says Stacy

“I’m sure plenty of children are born because of real love. It’s not all just weird agreements or whatever.” Says Ophelia

“It’s definitely love.” Says Isabelle, smirking

“Love only in the sense of the common euphemism.” Says Grace

“I’m not arguing with that.” Says Isabelle

“I don’t care. Even that terrible movie makes me want to be loved. I feel like I’m missing out.” Says Ophelia

“None of us have boyfriends, you’re not missing out.” Says Isabelle

“Maybe we’re all missing out.” Says Ophelia

“What exactly do you want from a boyfriend?” asks Grace

“Somebody to hold me and kiss me and love me, my body feels so holdable but nobody is holding it, it feels so wrong.” Says Ophelia

“Nobody is going to argue with your holdability, plenty of hand holds on that body.” Says Isabelle

“And holding hands and stuff, you’re so right. It’s so lonely.” Says Ophelia

“If you want a boy to fall in love with you, you’ve got to know how to please him.” says Stacy

“Now it hurts even more because I don’t know what to do.” Says Ophelia

“You don’t want to know.” Says Isabelle

“Yes, I really do. So bad.” Says Ophelia

“I can teach you how to kiss, if you want to.” Says Grace, looking away slyly

“You know how to do that?” asks Ophelia

“Sure, it’s not hard.” Says Grace

“You’re really doing this, Grace?” asks Isabelle

“I’m just trying to help.” Says Grace

“I’m kind of nervous.” Says Ophelia

“Just relax, and copy me, it’s not practice if you don’t kiss me back.” Says Grace

“Ok.” Says Ophelia

Grace crawls over to Ophelia who was sitting on the floor, and moves her hair aside and kisses her softly and slowly on the lips a few strokes before backing away. “You didn’t even try. You’ve got to relax and just copy me. If you’re tense like that people will think you don’t like them.” Says Grace

“Ok. Try again.” Grace grabs the back of her head and touches noses with her, kissing her, this time Ophelia kisses her back, timidly at first, but warming up to Graces affection.

“That’s better.” Says Grace

“It really does feel good. I can see why people like it so much.” Says Ophelia

“We can keep practicing if you want; the next step is using the tongue.” Says Grace

“No holds barred.” Says Isabelle, a bit shocked

“I’m not going to hold her back.” Says Grace

“I should be holding you back.” Says Isabelle

“Come on, she’s just trying to help.” Says Ophelia

“Be my guest.” Says Isabelle, looking away awkwardly

Grace stares Ophelia in the eyes, “Just try to copy me and use your tongue like I do. We’re still kissing but this is the more advanced kind. I’m going to pretend to be the boy, so you can do the girls part.” She says

“Ok.” Says Ophelia timidly. Grace begins to kiss her, Ophelia replies timidly and grace begins to lick the gap between her lips. Ophelia copies her and Grace manages to get her tongue into Ophelia’s mouth and Ophelia returns the favor. Grace leans against Ophelia, pushing her to the ground.

“Are you ok?” asks Ophelia

“I’m being the boy, trust me, you should like hold me and stuff.” Says Grace

“Ok.” Says Ophelia as Grace straddles her, Ophelia embraces her partner as they continue to kiss as Grace pours passion into Ophelia’s playful response. Grace slips her hand under Ophelia’s shirt and slides her bra strap off and begins to fondler her breast. Ophelia starts to return Grace’s affection more passionately. This goes on for a couple of minutes before Isabelle interrupts.

“That’s enough. I didn’t think I would be the one to have to step in to stop that.” Says Isabelle

Stacy and Jenna are both visibly confused, too shocked, to  say anything.

“Did it go too long? I don’t know how long it should last.” Says Ophelia

“That is your question? No modesty?” says Isabelle

“I mean Grace is a really good teacher. She makes it easy.” Says Ophelia

“You’re the one making it easy.” Says Isabelle

“You think I’m that good of a student?” says Ophelia

“You did great.” Says Grace

“You were amazing, I didn’t think it would feel so good, but that makes me feel better now that I know what to do.” Says Ophelia

“I’m just going to clarify that you don’t object to anything she did?” asks Isabelle

“She said she would be the boy, so I’m pretty sure she did it right.” Says Ophelia

“And Grace is safe on second, I’ll be damned.” Says Isabelle

“What?” asks Ophelia

“Don’t worry about it; it’s just a stupid joke.” Says Grace

“Why do you two look so spooked?” asks Ophelia

“No reason. Must be the movie.” Says Jenna, nervously

“I’m just glad we’re not in a panel van right now.” Says Stacy

“That doesn’t make any sense. You girls should practice too; otherwise no boy is going to like you.” Says Ophelia

“Nope. Not today.” Says Stacy

“I’m fine, I’ll let the boy teach me.” Says Jenna

“I don’t let Grace do any of that to me; call me a prude.” Says Isabelle

“It’s important, but if you really don’t want to. I mean I was scared at first too, but it feels really good.” Says Ophelia

“I think we learned enough from watching. Thanks for volunteering, Ophie.” Says Jenna

“I’ve definitely seen enough. No concerns on my end.” Says Stacy

“We’ve had plenty of everything today it was great, but, it’s about that time we wash up and head to sleep, we’ve got to wake up early tomorrow.” Says Isabelle

“Where will we sleep?” asks Jenna

“Well, there are two guest rooms upstairs, I’m sure everybody wants to sleep in a bed, the bad news is there’s only one bed in each of them so you’ve got to pair up. I’ll be in mine, but it’s a small bed.” Says Isabelle

“I’ll sleep with Stacy; she takes up the least amount of room.” Says Jenna, quickly

“You’re not that big, but I can understand your decision.” Says Isabelle, grimacing

“Unless she objects, Ophelia is in your bed, Grace.” Continues Isabelle, concernedly

“I’m ok with that.” Says Ophelia, pleasantly

“Ok, then…” says Isabelle at a loss for words “Please behave yourselves.” Says Isabelle

“We will.” Says Ophelia, cutely

“I was looking at Grace, but anyways.” Says Isabelle “Who wants to shower first, I vote Grace because I have to get night clothes for everybody else, and Grace has some here already.” Says Isabelle

“Don’t be a wet blanket, Isabelle.” Says Grace, glaring playfully at her friend

“I just feel like it’s my responsibility to at least attempt to acquire some form of acknowledged consent. I fear there will be a wet blanket here, be it me or an actual blanket. Go wash and we will know by the time you get back.”

“You act like there wasn’t any of that before.” Says Grace

“What are you talking about?” asks Ophelia

“That is exactly what I’m talking about.” Says Isabelle

“Don’t worry about it, Ophelia. They’re just being weird. Don’t let them corrupt your mind.” Says Grace as she goes upstairs to wash

“Ophelia we know you understand what love is. So who wants to try to explain this.” Says Isabelle

“Ophie, you understand people can have different intentions than what they say, right?” asks Jenna

 “What do you mean?” asks Ophelia

 “Well if somebody says they want to help you study but they really just help you because they want your candy. You could understand that is why they are helping you, right?” asks Jenna

“Well, I do need help with studying, and I always have lots of candy at my house anyways, so I wouldn’t really care. We’re both getting what we want in the end.” Says Ophelia

 “She has plenty of candy all right.” Says Isabelle

“I’m just going to let Ophelia figure this out on her own. I’m not her mom or dad, and we’ve tried to explain this to her many times. I feel like she just has to learn it by experience or something. Who’s with me?” Says Stacy

“I fear this is more of a shortcoming of her parents, than it is our own. You didn’t think Grace did anything inappropriate today?” asks Jenna

“Not really, it’s kind of weird because my parents did say not to let a boy touch me like that, but she was only pretending to be a boy so I don’t think it’s the same thing really. I think it’s because they want to treat me like a little girl, if boys really want to do stuff like that when they kiss, I think that’s ok. I’ve seen it in movies and stuff.” Says Ophelia

“Well she does kind of know what’s going on.” Says Isabelle

“Don’t treat me like a little girl, Jenna; you always want to protect me. I don’t see why you think I can’t do mature things like that.” Says Ophelia

“It’s not that we think you can’t, you clearly did them, but it’s more of a question of if you know what you’re doing.” Says Stacy

“No, I don’t really know, that’s why I’m glad that somebody is actually doing something to teach me. This stuff is important, you know. We have to grow up sometime, we’re in high school now.” Says Ophelia

“I see you really want to learn about that stuff, we were just checking to make sure that was how you felt.” Says Isabelle, a bit hesitantly

“That is how I feel; I always talk about it, just because you girls want to be girls forever doesn’t mean I don’t want to grow up.” Says Ophelia

“I’m not going to stop you from growing up. You do what you want to.” Says Stacy

“Thanks, Stacy. You girls get worked up over nothing.” Says Ophelia

“I’ll support you, even if it’s against my better judgement.” Says Isabelle

“I’m just not going to beat that dead horse. It’s not going to get up and start running.” Says Jenna

“Good. That sounds like common sense I don’t know why you would even try that.” Says Ophelia

“It’s because I really wanted that horse to start running, Ophelia.” Says Jenna

“You just said it was dead, it’s not going to start running.” Says Ophelia

“I am coming to terms with that.” Says Jenna

“That’s good, I’m sorry about your horse.” Says Ophelia

“I’m with Stacy; this will be entertaining to say the least.” Says Isabelle

“I’m more so expecting to be amazed and dumbfounded, than entertained.” Says  Stacy

“I would want to feel dumbfounded, but I wouldn’t be dumbfounded if I went and bought a lottery ticket and lost, sadly.” Says Jenna

“What can we really do? We can’t expect to win the lottery.” Says Isabelle

“You can always try though.” Says Ophelia

“We tried and lost many times, we should give up gambling.” Says Stacy

“I agree with you. It is possible there is a 0% chance to win and we are just burning money.” Says Jenna

“Jenna with all the punches tonight. I think it will be all right, Grace isn’t a bad person or anything.” Says Isabelle

“At least somebody we can trust might actually teach her the lessons she has been missing.” Says Stacy

“You think Grace has more to teach me?” asks Ophelia

“I know for a fact she does and that is what scares me.” Says Isabelle

“I’m not going to be that smart even if she teaches me everything, don’t worry.” Says Ophelia

“I’m kind of sad we sent Grace away, she would have loved to hear this.” Says Isabelle

“Weren’t you supposed to get us clothes or something?” asks Jenna, trying to avoid the thought

“Yeah, come up to my room; let’s do that instead of standing here bewildered.” Says Isabelle

The girls turn the lights off and exit the basement, they go upstairs and up another flight into Isabelle’s room. It is quite cute, colorful and feminine, decorated with animals and similar toys.




“Wow, your room is so cute Isabelle.” Says Ophelia

“Thanks, I guess.” Says Isabelle

“I didn’t think you would be this much of the cutesy type.” Says Stacy

“I mean I love the animals, the colors were my mom’s choice.” Says Isabelle

“I like it; it’s really well put together.” Says Jenna

“I’ve got plenty of nightgowns and stuff, take your pick. You might want a longer one Jenna; you’re a bit taller than me. There’s plenty of those toothbrushes you get from the dentist in the bottom drawer under the sink, they tend to pile up, I’m sure you want to brush your teeth.” Says Isabelle

Grace returns in a nightgown. Three sensible girls look a bit dispirited and awkwardly look at Grace.

“Why the werid look?” asks Grace

“You know what we tried to do, and you know we failed to break the surface.” Says Isabelle

“I don’t know why they don’t want to grow up.” Says Ophelia

“Somebody go wash. You win Grace.” Says Isabelle

“What does she win?” asks Ophelia

“Nothing, forget I said anything. Go wash.” Says Isabelle

“Ok.” Says Ophelia as she taker her nightgown and goes to wash

Isabelle falls back on her bed. “I feel like I just threw that poor girl to the wolves.” Says Isabelle

“Romulus and Remus built Rome; it may not be so bad.” Says Stacy

“You girls are hopeless. What’s wrong with having a little fun.” Says Grace

“Just not too much, ok?” says Isabelle

“I give you my permission to do whatever you were planning on doing. You may be the only one that can teach Ophelia anything about the world.” Says Stacy

“We’ve all tried and failed, I suppose there is nothing we can do.” Says Jenna

“Are you all upset with me or something? It felt like she was into it.” Says Grace

“No, I still love you Grace, not like that, but I just kind of feel bad.” Says Isabelle

“She said she liked it, what’s wrong with that.” Says Grace

“It’s just that she doesn’t know a damn thing about anything.” Says Isabelle

“I’m just hoping you will teach her something that we can’t.” Says Jenna

“I’ll see what I can do.” Says Grace

“I’m pretty happy with the outcome; you don’t even drive a panel van. That’s pretty lucky when you think about it.” Says Stacy

“I’ll treat her right.” Says Grace

“This might be a scenario where treating others the way you want to be treated is not quite the best course of action.” Says Isabelle

“I’d go at her like the piece of meat she is, she should really learn what people want from her.” Says Stacy

“She’s not just a piece of meat.” Says Grace

“A piece of meat seems to know that inaction is sometimes the best course of action, Ophelia does not seem to know that. I’m with Stacy; we’ve got to throw her to the wolves if we want her to learn.” Says Jenna

“You think she will actually learn anything?” asks Stacy

“She did say I was a good teacher.” Says Grace

“If I can ask you something, don’t be graphic, use euphemisms and whatnot. She comes from a religious family and that’s why she’s so sheltered. She needs to learn, but I don’t want her to go home with some horror stories that will get her beaten by her dad.” Says Jenna

“I’ll play nice, don’t worry. I wouldn’t want that to happen either.” Says Grace

“Thank you.” Says Stacy

“I told you she isn’t a bad person. It’s like we’ve got nothing to worry about.” Says Isabelle

“Please, whatever you do, don’t teach her the word lesbian. If her dad finds out that even one of her friends is a lesbian, we will probably never see her again.” Says Jenna

“She doesn’t know what that is?” asks Grace

“We figured that out pretty quick.” Says Isabelle

“She doesn’t know a lot of things, if you haven’t figured that out yet.” Says Stacy

“Her parents kind of forbid her from learning about anything that isn’t what they deem appropriate. She didn’t get to take sex education in middle school because of that.” Says Jenna

“That’s kind of messed up. That clearly did not benefit her at all.” Says Isabelle

“Yeah, but we can’t really do anything about it. Her parents don’t want her to learn and that kind of rubbed off on her in a bad way. She’s pretty stubborn.” Says Stacy

“My mind is telling me no, but my body is telling me otherwise.” Says Grace

“Have at it, no reason not to eat that fruit when it’s ripe, somebody much worse than you is going to get it if you don’t claim it for yourself.” Says Stacy

“You’re not going to hit me with the Lord’s Prayer?” asks Grace

“That one’s pretty tired. I don’t have any moral objection to it, it’s basically like our inside joke now. Just seeing how far you can take it without being found out.” Says Stacy

“I am torn, but my moral objection to her being raped and murdered is a lot higher than to you fooling around with her.” Says Jenna

“You’re really going to play dumb to it?” asks Grace

“Nothing wrong with fighting fire with fire, clearly the water wasn’t doing a damn thing so this is our last hope.” Says Stacy

“Thanks. I’m glad you’re not revolted or anything by it. I don’t like to say it, but I’m kind of like Ophelia, searching for love and what not, kind of desperate, you know.” Says Grace

“Good luck. I’m sure it will easy to get her to love you platonically, it’s taking it beyond that I’m not so sure about.” Says Stacy

“I’m grateful for what I can get, especially from a girl like that.” Says Grace, awed

“She’s just your type isn’t she?” Asks Isabelle

“A little slow and childish, but everything else is perfect.” Says Grace

“I’m glad at least somebody can enjoy her strong suit. It would be a shame to throw that in to a ditch.” Says Jenna

“I’ll protect her, don’t worry about it.” Says Grace

“You’ve got to keep a blind dog on a short leash, so they say.” Says Stacy

Ophelia walks in to the room in her nightgown.

“That shower got me all sleepy. Where am I going to sleep again?” asks Ophelia

“Jenna can show you. Good night.” Says Stacy

“Good night, girls.” Says Grace

“Night.” Says Ophelia as she walks out with Grace



“That feeling in your heart where the devil has grabbed your child and ran away with her, it’s not a good one.” Says Jenna

“That’s the nicest devil I’ve ever met, I’m going to get plenty of laughs out of this one.” Says Stacy

“You two should wash up, we’ve still got responsibilities to attend to tomorrow. I’ll show you to your room. I’ve got to get some sleep too. Follow me.” Says Grace, as she shows the girls to their room.

“You two don’t mind sleeping together?” asks Grace

“I know I’ll be able to sleep soundly.” Says Stacy

“Same. Thanks again, I had a lot of fun tonight.” Says Jenna

“Me too.” Says Isabelle

“Me three. Here’s to more laughs and whatnot on the horizon.” Says Stacy, rubbing her eyes

“Good night.” The girls say


“I’m going to wash.” Says Jenna

“Have at it.” Says Stacy

“Don’t fall asleep; I know you don’t like to wash.” Says Jenna

“It’s not that I dislike washing, per say, I just don’t like doing things.” Says Stacy

“Washing is a thing.” Says Jenna

“Exactly.” Says Stacy

“You go first, then. Who wants to sleep in the same bed with a dirty Stacy?” teases Jenna

“Dirty Stacy likes that, but I won’t inflict that upon you.” Says Stacy

“Good.” Says Jenna as Stacy walks out of the room to wash.

Stacy returns. “I’m going to sleep. I’m exhausted.” Says Stacy

“You’re not rattled in the slightest by that movie?” asks Jenna

“You know how I can know all of the bad things that happen; I can feel the pain of the people suffering on account of evil? The movie was a joke compared to that.” Says Stacy

“I almost forgot about that, I feel sorry you ended up with such a burden.” Says Jenna

“It’s my fault. I’m a smartass and I got what I deserved. I don’t want to think about it, I’m going to sleep. Good night.” Says Stacy

“Night.” Says Jenna as she exits to wash. She returns and climbs into bed, Stacy is asleep.




Ophelia and Grace lie in bed together, Ophelia falling asleep illuminated by the ambient night while Grace looks at her longingly.

“Do you mind if I hold you?” asks Grace, sneaking her arms around Ophelia and pulling her close

“Are you cold?” asks Ophelia sleepily

“A little bit.” Says Grace, playfully

“I’ll keep you warm.” Says Ophelia, amiably

“Thanks. You’re so much softer and warmer than the pillows.” Says Grace, nuzzling Ophelia’s neck

“Aww. Thanks. You’re so nice. Your hair smells really good too.” Says Ophelia

“I like the way you smell, too.” Says Grace, inhaling deeply, “Do you like me?” she says, after a pause

“Yeah, I like you a lot. You’re like the only mature one out of the group. It’s nice to have somebody who understands grown up things like I do.” Says Ophelia

“Did you like it when I kissed you?” asks Grace

“Yeah, you were really good at it.” Says Ophelia

Grace kisses her softly on the lips. “Thanks.”

“I want to be able to do it like you; you make it feel really good. I don’t know why the other girls don’t want to learn important things like that.” Says Ophelia

“They’re just a bit childish, I guess. If you want to get better, you have to practice.” Says Grace

“That’s why I’m glad I have you; they told me you had a lot more to teach me.” Says Ophelia

“I suppose I do, but we should try to master the basics first.” Says Grace, playfully

“I really want to be good at it; you make it super easy to learn, too.” Says Ophelia

“I’m glad.” Says Grace “I can teach you how to do it when you’re on top this time if you want.” Says Grace

“What’s the difference?” asks Ophelia

“You’ve got to be more aggressive, you’re the one in charge.” Says Grace

“That does sound kind of hard.” Says Ophelia

“We’ve got plenty of time for you to get it right.” Says Grace, pulling Ophelia on top of her

“That’s good. The one thing I don’t know is how long it is supposed to go.” Says Ophelia

“I’ll let you know. As long as you’re having fun, you don’t really have to stop.” Says Grace, playfully

“That’s good.” Say Ophelia

“So are you going to kiss me?” asks Grace, playfully

“Right, I’m in charge.” Says Ophelia as she start to kiss Grace slowly, Grace wraps her arms around Ophelias back and neck pulling her tight, Ophelia follow’s her lead. Grace’s enthusiasm is slowly matched before returning to the same passionate intensity as before. Grace grabs Ophelia’s hand and slides it up her nightgown and places it on her breast which Ophelia instinctively begins to fondle. Grace slides her hand down Ophelia’s back and gropes her ass thoroughly, pulling it towards her groin as she straddles Ophelia’s legs and begins to grind on her hips. Ophelia attempts to match Grace’s growing voracity, who is grinding harder and faster on her hips and breathing heavily, pulling Ophelia’s head towards her neck, which she begins to kiss. Ophelia begins to stroke Grace’s nipple with her thumb as Grace had done to her earlier. “Yes.” Grace whispers as she begins grinding even more vigorously against Ophelia’s leg. Suddenly, she wraps her leg tightly around Ophelia’s leg and starts to quiver with the strokes of her hips. “Oh my god.” Whispers Grace, panting and arching her neck back, She begins to kiss Ophelia’s neck, once again grinding against her hips slowly but with a good deal of force.

“Are you Ok?” ask Ophelia

“Yeah. You were really good.” Says Grace, breathing heavily

“I tried do copy you. You really are cold; you started shivering for a second.” Says Ophelia

“Just don’t let go.” Says Grace

“I won’t.” says Ophelia, still amiable

“Thanks.” Says Grace, holding Ophelia firmly, rolling her off to her side, still straddling her legs.

“Did you like it?” asks Grace, sensually

“Yeah. Your leg was making me feel kind of excited and tingly for some reason, you know, down there.” Says Ophelia

“That’s a good sign, I’m glad you liked it.” Says Grace

“I’ve never done this with my friends, but it was really fun.” Says Ophelia

“I really liked it too.” Says Grace

“Do you do this with Isabelle?” asks Ophelia

“No, she doesn’t like this kind of stuff. I’m glad you do, though.” Says Grace

“I wonder why.” Says Ophelia, genuinely curious

“Well, me and Isabelle are more like buddies, where you and I were doing is something that friends would do.” Says Grace

“I’m glad I’m you’re my friend then.” says Ophelia

“Me too.” Says Grace, pulling Ophelia’s hair back and kissing her sensually

 “Every time you do that my heart flutters a little bit. You’re that good at it, you know.” Says Ophelia

“Now you’ve just got to learn to do it to me.” Says Grace, smiling, Ophelia returns her kiss

“Thanks.” Says Grace

“I hope you’re not too hot now. You’re kind of sweating a lot down there.” Says Ophelia

“I’m sure I’d be cold again if you let go of me.” Says Grace

“Then I won’t let go of you.” Says Ophelia

“Good.” Says Grace, nuzzling Ophelia lovingly, the girls fall asleep in each other’s arms




The sun yawns lazily throwing its arms indifferently over the bodies of the young girls. Ophelia cracks her eyes slowly, lying on her back with one arm still around Grace who lies on her side watching her friend. Grace straddles Ophelia and kisses her gently before embracing her friend’s body gratefully.

“Good morning.” Says Grace, playfully

“That’s a friendly way to wake somebody up.” Says Ophelia, smiling

“Well, you’re my friend, right?” asks Grace

“Of course.” Says Ophelia, amicably pleased

“Good.” Says Grace, squeezing her and kissing her neck “I like watching you sleep.” She says

“Is it that funny?” asks Ophelia

“It’s cute.” Says Grace

“Aww, thanks.” Says Ophelia. “We really should get ready to go.” Says Ophelia

“I just want to lay in bed with you.” Says Grace, cuddling her friend

“You read my mind. You really are the best pillow.” Says Ophelia, returning some of Grace’s affection

“Thanks for keeping me warm last night.” Says Grace

“No problem. I would feel bad if you were cold.” Says Ophelia, sincerely

“It feels good to keep each other warm, doesn’t it?” asks Grace

“Yeah, like really good.” Says Ophelia

“Good. We can go a little bit further next time.” Says Grace, kissing her cheek

“We didn’t go anywhere though.” Says Ophelia, confused

“Of course we didn’t.” teases Grace “Let’s just stay right here, then.” Says Grace

“I’d love to.” Says Ophelia as she mutually cuddles with Grace playfully

The two inhale each other’s pleasure with one another for a comfortable moment before being interrupted.

“Get up, you two. It’s time for breakfast. I don’t want to come in there.” Says Isabelle, knocking on the door

“We’re coming!” shouts Ophelia through the door. She groans. “I don’t want to get up, but we have to.” Says Ophelia, sitting up “Let’s get dressed, we wouldn’t want to be late.” She says

Grace reluctantly lets go of her as she stands up and takes her nightgown off and begins to dress in her clothes from yesterday.

“You’re not getting up?” asks Ophelia

“I just want to watch you.” Says Grace

“Why?” asks Ophelia

“You’re even more beautiful in the sunlight.” Says Grace

“You sure know how to make a girl feel good.” Says Ophelia, smiling

“I’m glad you think so.” Says Grace

“Ok, now you really have to change.” Says Ophelia, dressed again

“I suppose I do.” Says Grace as she takes off her nightgown

“How do I look?” asks Grace, wearing only her panties

“Stunning. Like a model.” Says Ophelia

“Do you want to take a picture?” asks Grace

“I think you need a few more clothes on for that.” Jokes Ophelia

“I wouldn’t mind, if the picture’s just for you.” Says Grace

“It would be a beautiful picture, just like an old painting, but I’m pretty sure you’re supposed to be a bit more covered up these days.” Says Ophelia

“Let me know if you change your mind.” Says Grace, putting her bra on

“Ok. Maybe it would be OK to paint you, but I’m not really a good painter.” Says Ophelia

“It’s the thought that counts.” Says Grace, smiling

“I can smell the breakfast from here. I bet you’re hungry.” Says Ophelia

“I did work up a bit of an appetite last night.” Says Grace

“That’s good. I’m sure it’s healthy. Let’s go.” Says Ophelia as the girls go down stairs and meet their friends at the kitchen table.



“It smells so yummy. What is it?” asks Ophelia

“Beet hash and eggs.” Says Daria, smiling

“Isabelle can never get enough beets it seems.” Says Grace

“Tis the season.” Says Daria

“Nothing better than fresh beets.” Says Isabelle

“Who’s hungry?” asks Daria serving the food to generous thanks.

“Remarkably delicious.” Says Stacy, digging in

“I’m glad you like it. It’s one of Isabelle’s favorites.” Says Daria

“With good reason too.” Says Jenna

“I’m glad she will eat the eggs, I worry about her getting enough protein.” Says Daria

“It may sound weird, but it’s kind of like eating the hen’s menstruation. It’s going to happen regardless of anything so long as the hen is alive, and since they’re not fertilized it’s not like eating a real animal, it would be a waste to let something that delicious go to waste.” Says Isabelle

“I would shed a tear.” Says Stacy, sipping on milk

“Thankfully we don’t lay eggs, or we would end up in cages just like hens.” Says Grace

“You think people would eat their own kind like that?” asks Jenna

“Pigs eat their own babies, and I don’t put men in a category any higher than that.” Says Grace

“That is so sad.” Says Ophelia

“If it was that time of the month and I just happened to lay an egg, what else am I going to do with it?” asks Stacy

“You are supposed to sit on it and wait for it to hatch.” Says Ophelia

“It’s not that kind of egg; it wouldn’t have a baby inside. The only thing inside of there is nutrients my body diverted from my body because of some primordial instinct. It’s just recycling at that point.” Says Stacy

“It’s not like I think a baby dies every time the moon decides to beat up my uterus.” Says Isabelle

“I was told that God hurts you sometimes because he wanted you to have a baby.” Says Daria

“I’m pretty sure a baby would kill me. I’ll just bear god’s wrath for my sacrilege.” Says Stacy

“I think we’re still too young. Pregnancy kills a lot of young women in the developing world because their bodies aren’t developed enough to safely bear children.” Says Jenna

“Well, that is true, but when you get to be my age you start to wonder.” Says Daria

“The pain of struggling to rear a child over the course of its life is the real punishment for you disrespecting God.” Says Grace

“It’s not always painful, Isabelle is not really my child, but I love her like she is. Every day with her is a blessing.” Says Daria

“But I’m a pretty awesome one, there are some terrible children, and sad stories, and plenty of people have trouble just keeping their kids alive. I can see Jenna’s point.” Says Isabelle

“They struggle, but it is worth it to the parents, they love their children enough to suffer themselves so that the child may prosper. That feeling can overpower the pain.” Says Daria

“I would take it as a concession; most of the time in that scenario there’s nothing you can do about having a child. Sure I would love the child, but it would be hard at the same time for me to give up on my dreams like being successful.” Says Stacy

“I suppose in a lot of places, having children is the most successful a woman can be. A lot of them don’t even think about education, they see their primary job as having children.” Says Daria

“I think it used to be that way, but nowadays it’s different as education and workforce integration becomes more prevalent, even in the developing world.” Says Jenna

“I would say it’s not so much the women who see that as their primary job, but the men forcing them into it.” Says Grace

“It used to be the only job.” Says Daria

“It’s not a bad job, who doesn’t want to be a mom?” asks Ophelia

“I’d feel kind of guilty about it, it’s not like I’m passing down the genetics of a racehorse.” Says Stacy

“What are you talking about Stacy, you’re smart, beautiful, and athletic. You have everything going for you.” Says Jenna

“That’s like my family, we start out strong but we tend to crash and burn pretty hard down the stretch.” Says Stacy

“I’m sure there’s plenty of course correction for that sort of thing these days, especially since you are aware of it.” Says Isabelle

“Let’s hope so.” Says Stacy

“You girls have somehow failed to meet bad children in your life. I would feel so guilty if my child turned out to be a criminal or a terrible person. I would think to myself every night that it is entirely my fault.” Says Grace

“As long as you do a good job as a parent, you shouldn’t have to worry. It’s nurtured behavior after all.” Says Daria

“It takes a village to raise a child, sadly. It’s hard to argue that society won’t quickly warp the mind of even the best children.” Says Isabelle

“It shouldn’t be that hard to teach your child morals and self-respect. My only fear is that my child will be born with some terrible problem. I would hate to see somebody brought into this world just to suffer for their entire life and be able to do nothing about it.” Says Jenna

“That is the risk everybody must take, it is a terrible gambit but it can be the best decision you ever make.” Says Daria

“Even then you just have to do your best to make them happy; their life can still be worthwhile if they are loved.” Says Ophelia

“Plenty of healthy children are unloved; it’s hard to think about the unhealthy ones in similar situations.” Says Grace

 “People like that ended up in places that were similar to prisons where I come from. It was sad, to hear of people given no opportunities in life.” Says Daria

“I’m just putting my faith in technology. That seems to be able to solve more problems every day.” Says Isabelle

“That’s actually a bit comforting. That conversation became quite glum pretty quick.” Says Jenna

“Whenever there are problems, people try to solve them. I like to think of it like that.” Says Ophelia

“That or they try to resolve their own problems by creating problems for somebody else.” Says Grace

“Sounds like a typical workplace to me.” Says Stacy

“The guys at the bottom are just solving problems though; they solve their boss’s problems which in turn solves their own problems. That’s pretty respectable.” Says Isabelle

“The problems that they create are their relative poverty and lack of education, which are both factors that tend to increase their affinity to criminal behavior, as well as that affinity within their children.” Says Jenna

“That’s where the firm authoritarian hand should be coming into play; you don’t need to worry about disciplining your children and instilling morals when the supreme leader conditions them towards developing adaptive social behavior out of the fear of a palpably guaranteed death if they fail to do so.” Says Stacy

“You think that is a healthy mentality for a person to have?” asks Jenna

“I’m just saying it’s a winning strategy, not that it’s perfect. You either fear the government or you fear the people, take your pick. I think it’s a bit more realistic to hope the government has its head on straight than it is to hope that every Tom, Dick, and Harry on the street is a naturally a saint.” Says Stacy

“I’m pretty sure it’s a given that neither of the two sets will adhere to a moral compass over their own desires.” Says Grace

“To me it just makes sense to try and please 10,000 men who all want the same thing than it does to try and please 200 million men who all want different things. One of them is actually possible.” Says Stacy

“I’m pretty sure it’s impossible to please even one man. If men were ever satisfied they wouldn’t kill each other over petty nonsense like they do.” Says Grace

“Simple men exist, they may be little more than horses, but at least they’ll be happy to see you after a long day of chopping wood.” Says Isabelle

“It may be easier to keep a horse happy, but that doesn’t mean they don’t have the capacity to kick you in the face if you rub them the wrong way.” Says Grace

“So does everyone and everything, a tree will fall on you if you cut it the wrong way. You just have to be careful and try to do things right.” Says Daria

“That’s a dangerous game. It’s like trying to disarm the same bomb every day of your life because it becomes live again if you leave it alone. It may be attached to a radio, but running that risk just to hear a song you like is reckless.” Says Grace

“It’s not hard if you know how to do it. People disarm bombs for a living, and plenty of them wake up and do it every day of their working life without dying. A little knowledge goes a long way.” Says Daria

“I know how to defuse them, and it is an arduous and degrading process. I’d rather not deal with that every day of my life.” Says Grace

“I suppose those airs are keeping you from being down to earth like the rest of us. If you get hurt, you can always rub some dirt in it.” Says Isabelle

“Does that really help?” asks Ophelia

“Men and women live together in mud houses made of blood and dirt. It seems to work for most people.” Says Isabelle

“It sounds better than being left out in the cold.” Says Ophelia

“It is barbaric, but it holds some truth. I’d try for clay bricks over mud, for structural integrity.” Says Jenna

“That takes time, effort, work ethic, intelligence, foresight, dedication, organization. These are things that common people don’t tend to have in great quantities. I’m happy people can find a place to keep warm.” Says Stacy

“Jenna has a point though; there are plenty of more so preferable alternatives to the standard.” Says Grace

“I’m sure that people who live in dumpsters don’t want to live there, but that’s the best they can do. Everybody dreams of perfection, but the wise ones settle for the best they can get.” Says Stacy

“Yet countless fools settle for much worse than what they can get. I just hope you all can see that.” Says Grace

“I’m nowhere near reaching a settlement on this matter, don’t worry about me.” Says Jenna

“If we’re talking about settling, I would be the conqueror rather than the settler.” Says Isabelle

“I figure even stray dogs manage to stay alive, I’m not concerned. I’ve never been thirsty for the creature comforts. I’ve got my mind and that’s all the company I really need.” Says Stacy

“You all tell me I should be picky, but I don’t even know what exactly I should be picking or not picking. I don’t want to make a bad decision, but I’d rather make a bad one than to not make one at all.” Says Ophelia

“You’ve just got to be patient, plenty of men will come chasing you in due time. You will get to take your pick and I’m sure you will choose well.” Says Daria

“I hope so.” Says Ophelia

“We all do.” Says Jenna, concernedly dry

“We should really get going, wouldn’t want to be late. Thanks again for breakfast, Daria. I’ll be back in the afternoon sometime.” Says Isabelle

“Have fun. Don’t forget your things now, girls.” Says Daria

“We will. Thanks for having us.” Says Ophelia as the girls get up and grab their things

“I’ll try.” Says Stacy, halfheartedly

“It was a pleasure to meet you Daria. Take care.” Says Jenna

“Bye.” Says Grace, as the girls walk out the door into the morning flavored sunshine




The girls step into the streets, towered over by their foreseeable shortcomings. The towers of rainbow gold spit on the peasant, laughed at the pure of heart, and ladled futile ambition into the mouth of the intellectual. The adventurer was saluted as she voluntarily embarks on her journey in pursuit of a tasteful suicide while her companion’s malcontent resonated in harmony with chanting of the fetishes of their owner’s antipathy, though its addition to the cacophonous rancor was not appreciated or even acknowledged.

The colors of the urbane fade to the comforting grey meaninglessness of the urban, the cancers of man’s struggle refined in their rigid and unwavering uniformity. They stand rigid and firm, embodied by the mindset of the ethereal parasite that reared them from their birth as a simple idea and continues to do so in their maturity as the metastasization of insatiable avarice that is but the malignant undead corpse of humanity’s fear of death.

The girls arrive in the courtyard, greeted by their comrades and commanders in their combat uniforms; armed to the teeth with compassion, youth, and humanity. They march towards the metro as any other unit of urban guerrillas, their boots fail to march in synch, but their rallying cries for revolution bring undeniable unity to the platoon.

The metro processes, sorts, and packs the humans indiscriminately into the metal tin relying entirely on the volition of the people. The layman may rest on the Shabbat, but the ghosts chained to the ley lines never do. The desires of the children to impregnate the silence with their sentiments stirred the air with banter, none willing nor wanting to question this instinct.

The girls take their seats on the colorful geometric patterns swimming with the recognizably meaningless shapes recognized by meaningless recognition which recognizes neither of these things nor the occurrence of these things. The collection of rather nameless girls sat happily in the prophetic cabin, indifferent to its prophecies of business casual, their own scheduled usherance, the callous cityscape, and a healthy collection of metal poles. The poltergeist unleashes its usual haunting gasp as it begins to ferry the damned who ride it towards another grey patch of the seemingly endless hell that encircles them.

The initial jarring of the old train sways its passengers softly, rocking them as if struck by a wave while sailing the ocean of concrete and steel. Ophelia is swayed towards her friend, who grabs her hand.

“Are you afraid of the metro?” asks Ophelia

“Maybe.” Says Grace, playfully

“It’s ok. It’s only a shot ride.” Says Ophelia

“Let’s keep that sort of thing to a minimum in public.” Says Isabelle, noticing them

“It’s ok to be afraid sometimes.” Says Ophelia

“I’m sure that’s what it is.” Says Isabelle, sarcastically

“I couldn’t care less; I’m more concerned about our destination. It’s kind of like visiting animal prison, and I’m not good with even the best animals.” Says Stacy

“It will be a learning experience, you can just make a little bit of progress and if we go enough you’ll be great with animals in the end.” Says Jenna

“What is it about them that gets to you?” asks Isabelle

“It’s the disproportion between their mental capacity and physical capacity. Plenty of dogs have a few pounds on me and they are not shy about throwing their weight around.” Says Stacy

“I’m sure we’re not going to throw you in the kennel with the mastiffs. Find something easy and work your way up.” Says Isabelle

“You like cats don’t you? You can just pet the cats and play with them.” asks Ophelia

“I don’t know why but I am actually considering sticking my hand into a furry ball of claws, fangs, and crazy. Maybe they have like rabbits or something there. That would be right up my alley.” Says Stacy

“I doubt the rabbits need much attention, unfortunately.” Says Jenna

“It will be a trial by fire then, I’ll try to keep myself in one piece.” Says Stacy

“It will be a trial by furry friends and love.” Says Ophelia

“You shouldn’t have much to worry about, most of the animals in the shelter are probably accustomed to people; it’s just that the people couldn’t keep them anymore.” Says Isabelle

“People fear spiders for no reason; the part about me having a good reason to fear these animals is what’s irking me.” Says Stacy

“Just have faith. These are pets, not bears or something. All they want is a little love and attention.” Says Ophelia

“We’re off at the next stop. Don’t leave anything behind!” shouts Aurelia

“If it is a baptism by blood, so be it.” Says Stacy

“That’s the spirit.” Says Ophelia




The crowd ambles through the station, through the indistinct city streets the odd block to the shelter. A large building with the aura of a penitentiary greets the eager girls, the nameplate bearing the name “Bay City Southern Animal Shelter #2” engraved into the plastic with a the callous civil font. The girls enter and are greeted by the ominous smell of forcible hygenics. The dedicated human handler tending to the gates welcomes the girls with the customary rights waiver which the girls happily decorate with the black blood of the legal damnator.

“The Oak Wood Retirement Home has also brought their animal alliance to help today. They’re playing with the kitties right now, so your team is in charge of the dogs!” says the handler excitedly

The girls cheer excitedly. Stacy grimaces.

“They mostly just need to be taken for walks; I’m sure all of you know how to clean up after them so I don’t have much to explain. There is a dog friendly park a few blocks from here; I’ll let Aurelia show you the way. All that’s left to do is snag a leash and find yourself a furry friend for the day!” continues the handler as he leads them back into the kennels and Aurelia leads them to a collection of leashes and pet waste bags.

“Aurelia, I have never done this. Not quite the dog person, so try to help me out.” Says Stacy as Aurelia hands her a leash

“I can help you put the leash on, that’s kind of hard; otherwise with the bag you just wrap it around your hand like this and pick up what they leave on the ground.” Says Aurelia

“All righty. I take it you know the dogs.” Says Stacy

“Most of them, I did a lot of volunteering here over the summer.” Says Aurelia

“Try to get me one that’s good for a beginner, right now all of the pictures of small children flying in the air tied to a running dog have me worried. I don’t know how to control one or if I’m even big enough to impose my will upon the dog, so I think trying to do that sounds like a recipe for disaster.” Says Stacy

“Don’t worry, I’ll give you Roscoe. He’s more likely to fall asleep than run away. He’s old, kind of small like you, but he’s plenty lovable.” Says Aurelia

“Thanks.” Says Stacy

Aurelia introduces her to the basset hound, welcoming the attention in a haggard yet indifferent manner, and shows her how to leash the dog.

“That’s it. Just wait for everybody else and it should be a walk in the park, literally.” Jokes Aurelia

“Ok…” says Stacy, who squats down and pets the dogs head reluctantly

“For the love of god don’t be a talking dog.” Whispers Stacy, the dog looks at her, disinterested before being distracted by the commotion of the more excitable dogs who were very pleased to see the leashes.

 “You scared me for a second when you looked at me.” Says Stacy, the dog doesn’t acknowledge her

The girls found themselves dogs, most of which were the abandoned pit bulls of the impoverished who have been put in kennels of their own, the dogs now loyal only to those who might emancipate them for a brief moment. The other dogs were stray mutts whose homeless companions have died or were also incarcerated.

“Do you know why Roscoe is here?” asks Stacy, as she walks over to Aurelia with the dog

“I think his owner died of old age or something. That’s probably why he’s not too big on exercise.” Says Aurelia

“Nobody wanted to adopt him though?” asks Stacy

“People usually go for the puppies to be honest. Some people tell me they are looking for a dog, not a lawn ornament, if I introduce that poor fella.” Says Aurelia, with her pit bull happily on a leash

“That’s kind of sad.” Says Stacy

“This is kind of a sad place, but that’s why we’re here.” Says Aurelia

“Follow me, everybody!” Shouts Aurelia “A lot of these dogs are kind of excitable, don’t be afraid to assert yourself, they will still love you.”

The girls take the dogs out and down the street, dogs playing with each other and relieving themselves without modesty. The unintelligible clamor of the girls was complimented by the noises of the dogs. Stacy kept towards the back out of fear for her own safety as well as her dog’s, the slower rate of pace was perfectly acceptable to the dog.




The girls reach a pleasantly unremarkable park that was fairly small but fielded plenty of field for the girls and dogs both to run around. Stacy’s dog instinctively walks to a bench with Stacy in tow and lies down beside it, yawning and enjoying the sunshine.

Stacy sits down and scratches the dogs head.

“I like you. It’s easy for me to do what you want me to do.” She says

Most of the club was enjoying their attempts to keep pace with the energy of their companions that ran as fast as they could without suffocating under pressure of the leash. Some of the older hobo’s dogs were content with walking around leisurely. Ophelia’s gets on her knees to pet and nuzzle her pit bull, which tackles her and starts to lick her. This reminds Stacy that she could easily share a similar fate, the thoughts of Mr. Dog and his hunger come rushing to her, but she suppresses them. She looks at her dog.

Her friends come over to her.

“You don’t want to walk around?” asks Isabelle, her dog jumping onto Stacy who lurches back in fear and discomfort.

“Down!” shouts Isabelle, pulling the leash firmly. Her dog obeys.

“Jesus Christ.” Says Stacy, breathing heavily

“It’s just a dog. You’ll get used to it.” Teases Isabelle

“I don’t know. That is an animal. I have a dog right here. This one is a dog.” Says Stacy, Isabelle looks at her dog

“That guy looks about as enthusiastic about being a dog as you are about being with dogs.” Jokes Isabelle

“That works for me. The whole dog’s mouth in the vicinity of my neck induces an unholy amount of fear. Good god.” Says Stacy, still shaken

“All he wants to do is lick you or something. Maybe he wants you to pet him.” says Isabelle

“You probably should try to get your dog to walk, even if he doesn’t want to. I think it would be good for the dog.” Says Jenna, her dog tamed by contentedness with nothing

“I don’t want the other dogs to mess with him though. We’re kind of like the no nonsense team right here.” Says Stacy

“I’d never expect Stacy to be on the no nonsense team, but my dog is pretty calm. We can walk them together. I don’t think the pits will give your dog any rest if you bring him over there.” Says Jenna

“That sounds like a good idea. I’m going to go run around with mine for a while, he’s full of energy.” Says Isabelle

“I’m not opposed to it, but I’m not sure about Roscoe here.” Says Stacy

“I’m sure he will follow you, it’s what dogs do.” Says Jenna

“I’ll give it a shot.” Says Stacy standing up “Roscoe, let’s go.” She says, the dog continues to nap. Jenna’s dog nuzzles Roscoe who reluctantly stands up out of a sense of obligation rather than desire to do so and starts to follow the girls as they walk.

“You really don’t like dogs do you?” asks Jenna

“I like this one. That’s a start.” Says Stacy

“Your pretty enthusiastic and energetic, I would think you and dogs would get along great. What is it about them that bothers you?” asks Jenna

“Well, part of it is the whole blood debt to a magical demon dog that has promised to eat me if I don’t unquestioningly serve it. That doesn’t help. Even before that I wasn’t big on dogs.” Says Stacy

“I don’t really think about it that much. It is kind of easy to keep Mr. Dog happy.” Says Jenna, looking at her ring which was still a warm creamy white

“When my newly accursed mind thinks about pleasing him, it is rather soul crushing. Even when I disregard his growing desire to eat me, the things he expects me to do are unsettling, to say the least.” Says Stacy

“How do you know what he wants?” asks Jenna

“Well, I escape my mind and turn into this ghost that feels all of the suffering as if it were some kind of star pulling me into its gravity and burning me with its radioactive emissions, then I contemplate how I could resolve the source of the strife, run through the potential solutions to the scenario, and at the point I can feel Mr. Dog’s potential pleasure or displeasure with me based upon my potential actions.” Says Stacy

“What sort of things please him the most?” asks Jenna

“Well, he is an animal, a simple predator at heart. Rather than food, it seems he drinks blood spilled form righteousness and consumes the souls of the wicked, and this brings him the same joy as a piece of bacon would to a normal dog.” Says Stacy

“He seems to be happy when we just do silly little things to help people though.” Says Jenna

“He is happy enough when you two do those things. You two chose things that are unnatural, things absent in nature like helpfulness and love. This is why he expects so little from you. I chose what he equates to predatory tracking instincts like smelling blood, and he expects me to capitalize upon this as he would in his glory days, when his wrath was unfettered by the fortresses of concrete and copious weaponry that protects those he would otherwise sink his fangs into.” Says Stacy

“That is kind of scary to be honest.” Says Jenna

“It is incredibly scary. He only gave me the knowledge I need to do what he wants me to, which basically means my power is to abandon my own mind and become some kind of surrogate for his own passions and instincts. When I play through these scenarios in my head, it’s like I just become some kind of animal acting on instinct and that is in the best case. If I try to use some sort of humanity to compliment the scenario they tend to play out much worse.” Says Stacy

“So you’re kind of just like some puppet for the dog?” asks Jenna

“Basically…” says Stacy “I kind of have to come to terms with the dog being a part of my mind; it was his instincts that took over and saved us last time.” Says Stacy

“I have blacked that out of my mind pretty hard, it’s kind of like I’m a completely different person when I’m in the costume. I don’t want to be that person, so my mind just separates the two of us as completely different people. I am me, and the witch is the witch.” Says Jenna

“That’s probably a good thing; I feel the same way really. That one day the adrenaline kicked in and I wasn’t a person anymore, I was just an animal.” Says Stacy

“It did kind of save our lives, so it’s not all bad.” Says Jenna

“The fear of that looming death of being eaten kind of causes my mind to race if I let it, like good deeds are my prey and I’m hunting them down as some kind of hungry ghost running through the streets drawn to the scent of blood. The hard part is coming to terms with the fact that I will have to turn these thoughts into actions if I want to stay alive.” Says Stacy

“At least they are good deeds, right?” asks Jenna

“A wolf has a different sense of good than a person does.” Says Stacy

“That’s probably true.” Says Jenna

“Let’s change the subject. I don’t want to dwell on this topic any longer than I have to; it kind of corrupts my mind. When I think about the animal things, they tend to want to take over.” Says Stacy

“You really have your work cut out for you.” Says Jenna

“The wolf knows I didn’t bite off more than I can chew, he knows I bit off exactly as much as I can chew, which is scary because he certainly expects me to chew it and eat it.” Says Stacy

“If it’s just good deeds, shouldn’t it taste pretty good?” asks Jenna

“Jenna, it is the type of bite that a wolf that eats bad people would take. It overwhelms my heart with fear, but Mr. Dog is always over my shoulder and he thinks it tastes delicious. I know what the taste is, and I know I’m supposed to like it, the animal instinct of Mr. Dog likes it, but it’s hard for the human part of me to accept that I should revel in this taste.” Says Stacy

“He doesn’t want you to eat the people, does he?” asks Jenna

“No, it’s like the human flesh part is just some kind of salt, some luxury, where the real nutrition to him is the potential evil that seeps out of people who are no longer able to carry on with their vices.” Says Stacy

“So he expects you to feed him?” asks Jenna

“I think it’s like a wolf pack mentality, we are in the same pack and we hunt together, he eats the evil and I eat my being alive. At least that’s how my fantasies of being alive for any prolonged period of time tend to play out.” Says Stacy

“At least you have been thinking about what you are supposed to be doing.” Says Jenna

“It’s not hard to do when you know you will die if you don’t.” says Stacy

“You say you are thinking about what you should do, that kind of scares me considering how your last plan going south really quickly and everything.” Says Jenna

“Yeah…” says Stacy “It’s hard to remain conscious of anything and everything that could go wrong, but since then I do put a lot of effort into trying to think about things that could go wrong, even if they do seem unlikely.” Says Stacy

“That must be hard.” Says Jenna

“It’s not so bad, I can kind of separate the, adventures, let’s call them, into chaotic and simple ones. I try to focus on the simple ones.” Says Stacy

“That’s good. You really didn’t notice that the guy had a gun or anything last time?” asks Jenna

“His mind was firmly against the notion of murdering somebody in the place he works at. Something flipped a switch in there; I don’t know what caused the other one to lose his mind like that either.” Says Stacy

“I thought you kind of knew everything.” Says Jenna

“I can only know things that are relevant to my task at hand which was phrased in the present tense, so the past is trivial, at least to the dog. He tends to live in the present and I really only have the ability to know what he does.” Says Stacy

“That’s unsettling.” Says Jenna

“It’s true, but I’ve got to work with what I’ve got.” Says Stacy

“When you were talking about the wolf pack, are Ophelia and I part of that wolf pack?” asks Jenna

“Unfortunately, my plans seem to work out a lot better if you two are with me. You’re not really wolves like me; you’re kind of like good luck fairies that help me. Every time I’m going through a situation and I think about what would happen if something goes wrong or the plan gets garbled, often times you two are the ones that save me.” Says Stacy

“I really do want to help you, but I am as scared as you are about this whole thing. As much as I don’t want to think about what you are telling me, I would feel terrible if I abandoned you at a time like this.” Says Jenna

“Thanks. I don’t really want to think about it either, but it’s comforting to hear that you’re there for me. Wolves hunt in packs for a reason.” Says Stacy

“Even though you said we’re not wolves?” asks Jenna

“You and Ophelia are the closest thing to a wolf pack I have though, I’m grateful to have somebody to beside me, be it wolf or fairy.” Says Stacy

“I kind of like the fairy aspect. You make it sound kind of cute.” Says Jenna

“It’s not cute at all, sadly.” Says Stacy

“Not at all?” asks Jenna

“When I play through my fate in my mind, there are very few paths I can take and survive, and none of pretty sight. If you had any faith, I’d tell you that the dog wants me to be the hand of God’s vengeance or something. Smiting the wicked and casting them into the depths of hell. That’s literally what I have to do to please the dog.” Says Stacy

“There’s no other way?” asks Jenna

“I could try to get by becoming a full time psychic, but that involves 80 hour work weeks and all it takes is one bad week where I don’t help enough people and I’m eaten. The worst part is somebody usually comes to kill me before the dog, people don’t like that sort of mystic bullshit.” Says Stacy

“This is kind of hard for me to think about. I don’t want you to live either of those lives.” Says Jenna

“I don’t either, but I also don’t want to die. Man’s hand is often forced between picking the lesser of two evils when his life is on the line. It’s sink or swim, and by God I’m going to try and swim.” Says Stacy

“What is it you plan on doing exactly?” Says Jenna

“I’ve got a few plans based upon things being premeditated within a small radius from where we live. The truth is I am simply looking at the low-hanging fruit at this point, and comparing the size of the fruit to its ease of access.” Says Stacy

“That sounds nice, just going to pick some fruit.” Says Jenna, soft, distant, incredulous

“It’s not exactly fruit.” Says Stacy

“Let’s not think about that.” Says Jenna

“You may have to find some faith and become a zealot, I’ve been able to come to grips with this because of how vividly Mr. Dog can sense evil and suffering. It really helps me justify myself.” Says Stacy

“You don’t need to justify yourself when you’re doing good things.” Says Jenna

“I hope you will always feel that way.” Says Stacy, off-handedly dubious

“That was terribly ominous. Damn it, Stacy.” Says Jenna, shaken, frightened

“Let’s go with godly, it sounds better.” Says Stacy

“You don’t have any faith in God, do you?” asks Jenna

“No, but I can find some when it is personally beneficial to my sanity.” Says Stacy

“Does that really help?” asks Jenna

“It’s a convenient way to justify what I perceive to be my future, if I continue to live that is.” Says Stacy,

“I’ll have to try that. If I’m going to be a good luck fairy to someone who sees themselves as the hand of God’s vengeance, I will probably need to.” Says Jenna

“Keep the faith.” Says Stacy, smiling grimly

“I’ve been dismissing this stuff as if it were nonsense, just some silly dream that I don’t want to have but keep having anyways. Like I’m in denial or something, it’s comforting thinking of it like that, but your seriousness about it is getting under my skin.” Says Jenna

“Denial is the first stage of grieving, is it not?” asks Stacy

“It is. I like to think I’m happy, but you telling me that has my head spinning. I don’t want to be grieving.” Says Jenna

“We are grieving the loss of our freedom, our futures, and our lives. We have a plenty of reason to grieve.” Says Stacy

“Even when I think about that, I just figure that all I have to do is some silly helpful deeds in my costume and I’ll be fine. I can easily convince myself of that, but the problem is you don’t seem to see it that way.” Says Jenna

“I can’t. When I think about my future I am faced with the two outcomes of being eaten alive or becoming a servant of this sick faith, there are no alternatives.” Says Stacy

“The faith of you becoming the hand of god’s vengeance so you say.” Says Jenna

“You can substitute in Mr. Dog instead of God if you want, it’s more accurate, but yes, just a simple zealot bound by blood debt to this talking dog.” Says Stacy

“You keep saying blood debt, what do you mean exactly?” asks Jenna

“It’s blood debt. I owe Mr. Dog blood, be it my own or the blood of the wicked. That is the only thing that really satisfies him, it kind of makes sense that predators would instinctively want that more than anything.” Says Stacy

“So you have just accepted this?” asks Jenna

“There is nothing I can do. I think about me dying and the pain it causes for everybody I know for the rest of their lives. The other choice is to quench the thirst of the dog and that is what I intend on doing. These people Mr. Dog wishes to reap do nothing but spread the plague of suffering upon their community. I can justify my life, even if it takes such a form, when it is impossible to argue that his prey has any measurable justification of being alive. Even if I die attempting to do this, I will die if I refrain from doing so as well, so I hope you can understand my choice at that point.” Says Stacy

“I understand completely, but part of me just wants to keep doing that silly stuff at the park forever. I am scared for you, I don’t want you to die, but I think there is another way other than becoming a bloodthirsty zealot.” Says Jenna

“There is another way. The other way is I just commit suicide via Mr. Dog. That’s it. I think about it a lot. It’s pretty fucking tempting, don’t get me wrong. If it were just me I would do it in a heartbeat, if I were alone I would just say fuck all of this, I’m done. It’s you, Ophelia, my sister, my dad, now Isabelle, and even Grace, I think of all of the good times we didn’t get to have because I chose to fucking off myself. I think about how you and Ophelia cry all the time because I’m fucking dead. That is what hurts me the most, more than the thought of me dying, and far more than the thought that I killed some poor bastard in a Chinese restaurant and put another one in the hospital. Those pieces of shit deserved what happened to them, none of you deserve the misery that I could inflict upon you if I took the easy way out.” Says Stacy, tearing up in painful anger

“Damn it Stacy. Can’t you just help us, like find me and Ophelia people to help or something?” says Jenna

“When I do that, you become a renowned faith healer, you can do amazing things and people love you, but people aren’t immortal and you can’t save everybody. People start to see you as a god, and think that you simply choose who lives and dies. When that happens it is a guarantee that somebody comes along and puts you six feet in the ground because people don’t like that sort of thing at all, especially not when the person doing that is dressed up like a god damn witch. In that scenario, when you die, I die too, in the best case my help keeps the dog happy enough to where I can surf the brink of death, but the second you are gone I am hopeless. Playing matchmaker with Ophelia doesn’t really benefit me in the eyes of Mr. Dog. Drawing upon his words, you are armed with something like a tablespoon, and Ophelia has an infant spoon, and I have the god damn shovel. He expects us to dig, and expects a proportional amount of progress.” Says Stacy

“That really crushes that dream. I am glad that I have enough sense to see how quickly I would become a target. I would feel upset if the alleged god didn’t or couldn’t help the people I wanted her to help. That kind of scares me though, do you think I’m that powerful?” asks Jenna

“You have an extraordinary amount of potential, it takes time, but at least in my most peaceful fantasies you learn to master it. It is really a nice thought, but it’s just a fantasy where you can actually help the world before you are murdered.” Says Stacy

“And you’re sure Ophelia can’t make the world love or something and we’re all happy forever?” asks Jenna

“You have mental clarity, intelligence, and focus. That is why you do so well. She tends to swing her love scepter around wildly and it doesn’t amount to much. It would take a miracle for her to gain the presence of mind to be able to master what she can do. If we can’t teach her simple things, I don’t expect to be able to instill the meditative discipline and surgical precision it takes to warp minds, most of the time when I think about trying to do so it just backfires and she becomes worse at it. I’m just glad that she isn’t expected to accomplish much.” Says Stacy

“That is almost comical, but at least she believes in herself. That’s more than what I’ve got right now.” Says Jenna

“I’m sure you will rise to the occasion when you are called to do so. You always have.” Says Stacy

“This is different, this is crazy. This isn’t just being asked to acquire knowledge and utilize the acquired skillset to get the expected results in the peaceful environment of a classroom.” Says Jenna

“You’re right. It is exactly that, minus the peaceful environment of the classroom. I expect you to acquire knowledge and utilize the acquired skillset to get the expected results; the only thing that is different is that the environment is changed to the urban wilderness.” Says Stacy

“That is still the difference between learning a dance on paper and actually executing the dance. You know I’ve never been much of a dancer.” Says Jenna

“Believe in yourself. Your body is perfectly capable and your mind is apt enough to instruct it. I wouldn’t be worried.” Says Stacy

“I don’t even know how to use my magic very much at all. How can I know what to do?” asks Jenna

“In my prophetic experience, if what you are expected to do is helpful, you kind of have the natural instinct to do it. At least to a certain extent, as you tend to be held back by your inhibition, modesty, and politeness.” Says Stacy

“That sounds like me. Do those things really hold me back?” asks Jenna

“Well, in the odd scenario where your doing of something immodest and impolite without inhibition would help in some way, you are often reluctant to do so.” Says Stacy

“Obviously. What else would you expect?” asks Jenna

“Just work on it, ok?” asks Stacy

“I’m not going to work on being immodest and impolite without inhibition.” Says Jenna

“It might save your life or mine one day.” Says Stacy

“Let’s cross that bridge when we get there.” Says Jenna

“That sounds like eagerness. I’m holding you to that.” Jokes Stacy, smiling weakly

“Just try not to put me in that situation.” Says Jenna, disapprovingly

“I’ll try.” Says Stacy

“Thanks. Talking about all of this is kind of stressing me out. It’s like trying to ignore a looming deadline or something, it just wreaks havoc in the back of your mind if you try.” Says Jenna

“I’m pretty good at that though.” Says Stacy

“I’m not. If you think I get worked up over school, that’s nothing compared to this. Replace the shame of failure with the terror of dying in whichever awful way happens to be my fate.” Says Jenna

“Well, how about we just don’t die? That’s what I like to think. If you think you are going to die, you put a lot less effort into trying to live.” Says Stacy

“You are that confident in yourself? For no apparent reason?” asks Jenna

“My sister told me optimism is the deadliest weapon a soldier can carry. I like to think of it that way. It’s hard for a defeatist to win a fight.” Says Stacy

“I think she meant it more like a double edged sword, it kills both the enemy and the soldier himself.” Says Jenna

“Well, it’s better than nothing. It all comes down to swordsmanship at that point; we’ve just got to prevent our opponents from overpowering our strikes and forcing our own blade back into us.” Says Stacy

“So we stay optimistic, but we don’t get too cocky. I am a little concerned with your ability regarding the second part of that.” Says Jenna

“I’ll admit I’m a little cocky, but I’m not too cocky.” Says Stacy

“It’s pretty easy for someone who is slightly on fire to transition into being extremely on fire.” Says Jenna

“It’s a controlled burn, don’t worry.” Says Stacy

“I’ll just take a stiff drink of that optimism and put my faith in you.” Says Jenna, reluctantly hopeful against her better judgement

“That’s the spirit, even if a man is facing 100 threats to his life and there is only one extremely improbable way that he survives, he does everything in his power to make sure that one thing comes true.” Says Stacy

“You just ignore the probability in that scenario?” asks Jenna

“People buy lottery tickets every day thinking that they’ll win. They only stop thinking that when they know they’ve lost. In our case, if we lose we’ll be dead, so there’s no reason to believe we won't win because we won’t have to live with the consequences. The great thing about all of this is that there actually is a chance that the gambler wins the lottery considering we haven’t lost yet.” Says Stacy

“Maybe we should think of a better mentality than the one that defines people addicted to gambling.” Says Jenna

“We’ve already bought our tickets with our lives as collateral. We cannot pretend to be something we are not.” Says Stacy

“We kind of got tricked though.” Says Jenna

“Even if a man realizes he has been swindled, the victim of the swindler has still been swindled.” Says Stacy

“What is the jackpot on the ticket anyways?” asks Jenna

“Well, the top prize is to break even. We gambled with our lives and if we win we get to keep them.” Says Stacy

“You think we can just win and be done or something?” asks Jenna

“Well, no, not to my knowledge. We just have to keep playing the game every time we win. That’s why the only healthy mentality is that of a compulsive gambler. If you have no choice but to gamble, the only mentality that brings you any peace with that is the belief that you will win. That mentality keeps the addict going until he is dead, so if the shoe fits, wear it.” Says Stacy

“The life of a compulsive gambler is a pretty sad existence.” Says Jenna

“That’s why we listen to the sage advice of the industry, and we don’t gamble for the winnings, we gamble to enjoy ourselves, for the fun of the game.” Says Stacy

“How are you going to enjoy this at all?” asks Jenna

“I don’t know. I like living, so I figure I can just swallow the bitter pills I have to and then enjoy the enjoyable parts.” Says Stacy

“That makes sense. Kind of like how a soldier will risk his life in the hopes that peacetime will be the result of his actions.” Says Jenna

“At least we are both coming to terms with a proper mentality towards all of this. I worried that you might run away or something.” Says Stacy

“I can understand a lot of your logic though; I don’t know how Ophelia will feel about your sentiments.” Says Jenna

“I’m not worried, she is a simple girl. The reasons motor vehicle traffic flows so smoothly is because it is explained in simple terms, color coded lights and pictographic signs that people follow absent mindedly. They know they will die if they don’t, but the process is so simple that the thought doesn’t worry them. It is amazing really.” Says Stacy

“So what are you going to say to her?” asks Jenna

“Probably not much if anything, she already knows what she needs to. Witches and the Love Cat are always right and good, and the ring tells you when you do good or need to do more good. That should be enough really. She tends to be pretty gung-ho about the doing good part of it.” Says Stacy

“She was pretty upset the last time, practically hysterical.” Says Jenna

“A good soldier’s mind quickly becomes accustomed to witnessing the atrocities of war; never do these things shake the notion from his mind that he is undeniably in the right.” Says Stacy

“You think she is as loyal to you as a soldier is to his country?” asks Jenna

“More so to the mission of doing good, so as long as we can keep her convinced that we are the good guys, her loyalty will be unquestionable. Thankfully we have the rings to remind her if she ever doubts us.” Says Stacy

“I’m more worried about you than me, what am I going to do, help somebody to death?” asks Jenna

“You never know. I’m kind of surprised you are willing to talk about this calmly, as if I didn’t sound like a lunatic.” Says Stacy

“It’s just rational thinking. Stoicism can be painful, but it’s nowhere near as painful as letting your emotions, opinions, and ideals cause errors in judgement. You either live with the pain of being correct or you live with the pain of being incorrect.” Says Jenna

“Where’d you pick up on that, anyways?” asks Stacy

“Watching Ophelia all of this time really reinforced my determination not to fall victim to the same shortcomings that define her.” Says Jenna

“I just give myself the benefit of the doubt and figure I won’t. You took it to an entirely different level.” Says Stacy

“I guess I’m not the fountain of confidence that you are. It always haunted me that while I may not know it, there may be something out there that I greet with the same level of ignorance as Ophelia and thus am damned to the same fate she may well face one day.” Says Jenna

“If curiosity killed the cat, confidence may well kill the dog. I can accept that. It feels a lot better than not being confident. You may still share our fate though, regardless of your preparedness.” Says Stacy

“Do tell me what it is that you think could kill me, just so I can be vigilant against it.” Says Jenna

“Knowledge kills the knowing, power kills the powerful, and knowledge is power. You’ve got a lethal cocktail of death flowing through your veins right now.” Says Stacy

“As true as that is, I would much rather die on account of knowledge than ignorance, if we’re picking our poisons. At that rate, who isn’t going to die from something like that?” asks Jenna

“The meek shall inherit the earth.” Says Stacy

“Sadly it seems we’ve lost the opportunity to be meek.” Says Jenna

“That seems to be the case. I’ve never been too interested in inheriting this place anyways.” Says Stacy

“The blind child doesn’t tend to inherit the car. It makes sense that the human wraiths of death cursed by knowledge and power would fall victim to their own namesake. Natural life is neither knowledgeable nor powerful and it has inherited the earth for millions of years, man has only had knowledge and its power for millennia and is already on the brink of destroying the planet.” Says Jenna

“Junkies shoot heroin because it feels good, they don’t give a damn about anything else. Every beastie is a junkie whether or not his bone is natural or manmade. Blood, dirt, water, and sunshine sated the fiending of the progenitors; it’s a shame that their brood eventually spawned the cancer that ushered damnation unto this Eden.” Says Stacy

“Mankind is almost a hilarious oxymoron.” Says Jenna

“Well, it’s kind in a sense. Death was so pure and natural since the dawn of life, which was peachy as life and death were both wrought from the same dirt, but as life becomes more lively, so does death become more deathly. It is only by sapient hands that life has become unnatural, and thus death in turn becomes unnatural. It is God’s wrath, to ensure the torture of nature, for her failure to eliminate such a disease as mankind would bring about her death. Anything else would be unnatural, for all things that grow so extraordinarily ill are greeted with an extraordinarily torturous death, thus for our mother to smother human blight with such love, in turn the blight will love itself accordingly and be proud of its blighting, the nurture of nature I suppose.” Says Stacy

“Perhaps the planet saw such indifference as appropriate. Since man chose to eat from the tree of sapience and cognizance and thus shun its mother’s holy instinct, to kill him would not allow him to suffer for his betrayal. Allowing him to live forces him to cognize his treachery and his remaining instinct forces him to prolong his suffering as long as his unwitting masochism allows him to. Beyond that, once he dies, the souls of the massacred innocent beings that spawned from the same womb he did shall ensure the profound severity of his damnation.” Says Jenna

“An army of such wretched beasts will be welcome in the wickedest of hells, for undoubtedly they would work tirelessly to improve the hellishness, each exacerbating the torture of the other in exchange for false promises of comfort, pleasure, or happiness.” Says Stacy

“Are we any less damnable then those who have come before us?” asks Jenna

“The lowly are but appendages of those who enslave them, those without free will cannot be held accountable for their actions. While we may have some illusory freedom, and this may yet damn us, we still have no power to usurp the slavers. The cult of society is like a prion disease, even if we were somehow able to miraculously revert to a pure state, their hand would forcibly override our minds and we once again take the same shape as the damning prion.” Says Stacy

“It will be a joy to reside in the comfortable hell, watching the ever damnable writhe thrice for every wail I wail. Is a thatch hut not as heavenly as heaven can be if man never knew any greater comfort? The choice between such comfortable living or being wet, forgotten and rotting in the wilds is a simple choice for me to make.” Says Jenna

“From there we can embark on the same adventure as early man, choosing technological evolution instead of natural evolution, for if we are already in hell, shall we not flourish by and revel in our own damnability?” asks Stacy

“Until we are twice damned, and we laugh all the while, for undoubtedly those more so attuned to such vice shall be the propagators of the next unnatural hell, and once more we find ourselves cast out of hell and into the hell of hells, yet we once again have ourselves a thatch hut while the wicked writhe naked in the wilds.” Says Jenna

“And again and again, we ride the ride, forever more. For we are meek and comfortable in our huts, it is and always will be those ungrateful for their fate that wish to change it and are damned time and time again for their indignation.” Says Stacy

“Do you ever wonder how many hells we have fallen through before arriving in this one?” asks Jenna

“I could care less, for each time we arrive it seems to be paradise, for we have no recollection of anything better, and it could always be worse.” Says Stacy

“God is merciful, allowing us to forget such things.” Says Jenna

“If he gave us this knowledge, there is a chance we may be able to change our fate. This way we can both further enjoy the cascade of our own damnation, considering there is no chance that we may escape it.” Says Stacy

“We have faith in hell, but no faith in god. Ironic, isn’t it?” asks Jenna

“Well, we have plenty of proof of the hell that surrounds us. I have faith in god, like I have faith in a small mentally retarded child. He is certainly there, but incapable of accomplishing anything meaningful. The spookster is just some poor bastard that was wrought unto existence by some happenstantial irresponsibility and is thus neglected accordingly, making meaningless noises that are interpreted by those well versed in such meaninglessness who delude themselves by giving meaning to such cries of mental retardation out of their instinct to find meaning out of their fear of their own meaninglessness.

 I think the omniscience is a hearty laugh, knowledge is pure, the truth is unchanging, and facts are facts. The cognizance is what is corrupt in that scenario. Those three are a mindless trifecta of perfection that extends without limits, if something actually knew all of it, there would be no energy, for it would take a comparable amount of energy to acknowledge all of the energy, let alone the infinite amount of meaningless knowable things, permutate infinity in infinite directions and dimensions, as surely all of this is knowable in theory, for we start at 0 and approach infinity and never run out of countable truths.

 While it is largely meaningless, omniscience would still be required to know such things to truly be omniscient. That argument is a simple one that can be derived using such primitive tools as a fatty cancer inside the bony carapace of an animal, and undoubtedly within that permutation lays even more proofs that render such a cognizance impossible. Even if a mind could understand any part of that, it would understand its own meaninglessness and triviality instantaneously. So I draw the conclusion that god is just a ghost who slipped through some spacey fabric into this quiet corner of numbery bits and pieces stuck together in a coincidentally relatively self-sustaining form. The reaper of souls is the knowledge itself, for it has known all things past, present, and future since the spawn of countability when existence was shaken from a 0 bit system to a 1 bit system, and implicated all of the repercussions of countability.” Says Stacy

“Spooked the poor bastards pretty good though.” says Jenna

“It wasn’t the spookster, people tell their children about Santa Claus because it benefits them personally by causing the children to believe in a false notion that causes them to behave. Somebody heard a whisper of a ghost and figured they could use that to scare people into docility. It works for children as well as it works for savages. Nowadays with the relative omnipotence of government, the necessity of instilling faith in god has diminished, so it is neglected.” Says Stacy

“It still helps plenty of people. It resolves so many questions they have without needing to provide any proof. The people looking for answers they will never find are the ones who grow sour and weary while the people who think they know the answer put little if any energy into the matter and are happy that the questions are resolved.” Says Jenna

“Why worry about something, when you don’t have to? It is a prime case where curiosity does indeed kill the cat.” Says Stacy

“Existentialist suicide, the junkie turns his house upside-down looking for a sprinkling of drugs that he thinks he knows is there, but in reality there is none, and he is accomplishing nothing besides refusing to accept the truth because he does not want it to be true.” Says Jenna

“There is some merit to the endeavor of the junkie, for there is actually a small chance that there may be something hiding in the shadows.” Says Stacy

“You don’t have any similar faith in the existentialist?” says Jenna

“Well, I’ve got plenty of proof of the reality of drugs, but none for the reality of meaning. Meaning is by default a concept that is created by one’s own mind and verified by nothing other than perhaps the occasional meaningless coincidence, so it is nothing more than a fantasy. Meaning is no more real than unicorns, dragons, or other such fancy.” Says Stacy

“The whole witch nonsense doesn’t shift your disposition on the unicorns and such?” asks Jenna

“Absolutely not, I have proof of the witch nonsense, but none for unicorns. Sadly, I would much rather have proof of the unicorns.” Says Stacy

“Yet you still have faith in god regardless of the lack of proof?” says Jenna

“I’m just analyzing him from the context of a canonical character in a story. Flawed as mankind himself, but I suppose that is fitting.” Says Stacy

“I’m still kind of confused as to why you would believe in the existence of god, but equate him to a mentally retarded child. It’s kind of silly when I think about it.” Says Jenna

“Well, mentally retarded in the context of supposedly all-knowing divine entities. Regardless of his omnipotence and his apparent desire to instill goodness in people, he fails miserably. His decision to attempt to raise a savage into godliness also seems foolish, seeing how he would know his efforts would largely be in vain. Even after smiting man time and time again for his misdeeds, man always returns to his vices, but I suppose the compassion for the wicked and aiding and abetting of the damnable could be his own vices. Man was created in god’s image, and thus he tries to shed the shame of seeing a reflection of himself in such abominable monster and tries to redeem his own shortcomings by attempting to live out his dreams of purity, wisdom, and salvation through his children.” Says Stacy

“You don’t think every aspect of reality was created by god?” asks Jenna

“Absolutely not, that poor bastard only has humanity to his name. Megalomaniacal, unnaturally intelligent, shortsighted, prone to rage, unforgiving; it’s not hard to see how mankind was created in his image. The other gods each played a hand shaping this reality in their own image, and Abrahamic god was capable of nothing but warping the simple and innocent mind of an animal into the spitting image of his own inadequacy. Nature is nothing like god, it is only people who are like god. Man can only create unnatural things, and so it is common sense that god as the father of such a beast is damned to the same fate, the only thing he was capable of creating was the unnatural sapient and filling him with the same logical failures of shortsighted reckless ambition that caused his divine hand to infect this Eden with such a disease. Even in the bible he clearly explains that he is not the only god, he says that he is the only god the Jews should worship.” Says Stacy

“I love the irony that a god that is alleged to be the only existing god clearly explains in his scriptures that there are other gods.” Says Jenna

“He is ravaged by his humanity; just like how he attempts to discredit the other gods, people also tend to believe that their enemies are not humans, but savage inhuman animals. This double standard is almost tasteful, god’s wrath is not vice, nor his envy of other gods and their cultists, nor his greed to reap all the souls of humans, nor his pride to deem himself the only true god, nor his lust that created such a wicked child, nor is his sloth in his disregarding of his responsibility to successfully instill his own principles unto his children.” Says Stacy

“What about gluttony?” asks Jenna

“I suppose when people think of paradise, they don’t think of sustaining themselves with the most humble minimum to survive. They think of a place where all of their earthly desires are easily satiated, I wouldn’t think god would have any different interpretation of paradise.” Says Stacy

“You don’t fear for your soul after speaking such things?” asks Jenna

“If god could actually reap the souls as he says he can, he would not be calling for the damnation of necromancers and mediums as if they were an actual threat, for they could not summon the dead if his grip on the souls was even the slightest bit firm. I feel that God is more like the man picking up garbage on the streets; he reaps the souls of humans because no other god wants them and has no competition. No sensible god would want to be in the company of such a disgrace.” Says Stacy

“It amazing that this is your opinion about god, yet you are dead set on risking your life as some sort of zealot.” Says Jenna

“The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. I can’t say I’m not afflicted by each and every one of those vices. I’d just rather fancy myself as a saint instead of a sinner.” Says Stacy

“Blessed is he who walks in the way of the lord.” Says Jenna

“Amen.” Says Stacy, as the two continue walking their dogs around the outskirts of the park, watching the other girls playing innocently with their lively companions




“Stacy, Jenna! It’s time to go!” shouts Isabelle from across the park

“Coming!” shouts Jenna, as the two walk towards the group.

“I feel kind of bad forcing old Roscoe here to walk so much.” Says Stacy

“He’ll sleep well tonight.” Says Jenna

“I’m surprised he didn’t collapse on me.” Jokes Stacy

“I’m sure he would rather walk than be dragged along the ground.” Says Jenna

“Sometimes our hands are forced and the most preferable choice is simply to obey our master’s wishes.” Says Stacy

“It’s quaint even a dog can understand that.” Says Jenna

“Mental conditioning serves the purpose of rationale in those who lack it.” Says Stacy

“It seems to serve the vast majority of the population fairly well.” Says Jenna

“Clearly it’s the wise choice when their rationale has accomplished nothing and their livelihood is dependent on their unquestioning mental conditioning of subservience.” Says Stacy

“It is wise not to bite the hand that feeds you, and wiser still to choose pleasing your master for a treat over displeasing him for a beating.” Says Jenna

“Sadly people think that they can get the treats and displease their masters at the same time; it is simply not possible.” Says Stacy

“Dreams of a better tomorrow are but dreams, and many times these stray quite far from the realism to which waking man is bound.” Says Jenna

“You’re the best company, you tend to support my musings rather than instinctively strike them down. My sister usually has no interest in such comradery.” Says Stacy

“Well somebody has to keep you chained to the earth and contained so you don’t disperse uniformly into the atmosphere. You’re nothing but airs you know.” Teases Jenna

“Yet you’re willing to put up with it despite your intelligence.” Says Stacy

“It’s more fun that way. The feeling of being wise and intelligent is better than being critical, even if we’re just pretending to be wise and intelligent; it’s still a positive feeling.” Says Jenna

“The wise man enjoys the company of a fool, for he understands it would be shameless to neglect to enjoy something enjoyable when doing so brings him no harm.” Says Stacy

“Some men would rather maintain their pride than enjoy their lives. Tis a shame.” Says Jenna

“Vices tend to sway man towards irrational thinking.” Says Stacy

“That might explain a few of the things you like to talk about.” Says Jenna

“I’ll be the first to tell you I am not free from sin. I am not tempted by such masochism.” Says Stacy, as the other girls greet them at the entrance to the park


“Wow, theological discussion. I can’t say I expected any less from you two.” Says Isabelle, overhearing Stacy, as they absentmindedly start following their herd

“It is the easiest kind to have; to speak of god is to do nothing other than to rant with impunity, for there is no way to discredit a sentiment in a field that is entirely baseless.” Says Stacy

“I’m sure plenty of people would disagree with that.” Says Jenna

“But they have no grounds to prove their argument, so my point remains valid.” Says Stacy

“In such an argument it all comes down to faith. The one who believes in their point more is the winner.” Says Isabelle

“It would be hard for me to lose at that rate; I would like to find a man whose faith in god can go toe to toe with my god complex.” Says Stacy

“I’m sure he would start to throw holy water on you and call you a heretic or something. I doubt he would give in to your arguments.” Says Grace

“I wouldn’t give into such exorcism either. So I have lost no ground in his rebuke.” Says Stacy

“He would probably win when God agrees with him though.” Says Ophelia

“Even that would not cause my ego to falter. Men slay each other every day over religious differences. To each combatant, their god has agreed with them and disagreed with their enemy. I would say I am no different, even if I am only putting faith in myself.” Says Stacy

“So a catalyst for pointless violence spurred by something that could easily be defined as insanity.” Says Isabelle

“If everything is equally pointless, the violence is easily as meaningful as anything else a human finds significant like love, health, money, children, or anything else. It’s not uncommon to hear people throw faith in that basket, so why should I not season the stew to taste?” Says Stacy

“Faith is important; it saves people’s lives and helps them be good people. I don’t think you should really be arguing with it.” Says Ophelia

“Well, undoubtedly each and every faith across the world helps save people’s lives and helps them be good people. Logic would imply that any faith will do, and I choose the one I enjoy the most, which is faith in myself.” Says Stacy

“Well, the faiths around the world are all laden with ancient wisdom that has been passed down for millennia. There were countless faiths that existed and ceased to exist because their wisdom was inadequate and failed to induce the proper mentality needed for continuous success.” Says Jenna

“That failure can be attributed to anything and everything from war, famine, disease, or social failures. To lay it entirely on faith is as blind and foolish as the faiths themselves. I feel if I am going to be foolish enough to have faith, I should have faith in something equally foolish as the concept of having faith in the first place.” Says Stacy

“That’s a bit like eating a bread sandwich, there’s no real substance.” Says Grace

“It’s nutritive enough to sustain me for the time being, perhaps in due time I will have some epiphany that induces miraculous faith. Until then I shall savor my foolish bread sandwich.” Says Stacy

“I would argue that plenty of faiths don’t taste too pleasant, they seem to be highly critical of mankind. Stacy could be making a good choice by reveling in herself rather than fearing some ghost that hides in the sky.” Says Isabelle

“There is no reason to fear god, he only punishes evil people. He loves the good people.” Says Ophelia

“If he loves the good people, then I’ll be happy being loved twice: by myself as well as god.” Says Stacy

“I think he will only love you if you have faith in him.” Says Jenna

“Would a loving god cast the blind and deaf unto damnation simply because they could not understand his message?” asks Stacy

“Of course not, he loves everybody.” Says Ophelia

“My point exactly. My eyes are blinded by delusion and my ears are full of ego, I have not the capacity to embrace the message of god, so I doubt he would expect me to do so.” Says Stacy

“You’re really going to equate your personality to being deaf and blind?” asks Isabelle

“They are quite similar; for no light of reality is strong enough to pierce the clouds of delusion in my eyes, and no sound strong enough to reverberate through the ego in my ears.” Says Stacy

“Well, you can still like touch and taste and smell god though.” Says Ophelia

“There may come a day, when my blind and deaf soul is brought to its knees by the smell, the taste, and the touch of god. I eagerly await that day.” Says Stacy

“There is communion at church, so that’s a smell and taste, I don’t know if they will let you touch the cross though.” Says Ophelia

“I’ll be damned if that induces an epiphany when it has failed so many times before as those whose lives are defined by such symbolism embrace the call of hell’s princes regardless.” Says Stacy

“I’m pretty sure you will be saved by the communion, I know it’s important.” Says Ophelia

“If communion saves all of the terrible people who take it, I would be disgusted. I like to think that it exacerbates their damnation due to feigning reverence in the house of god.” Says Grace

“Faith in god would equate to faith in one’s own damnation. It does make sense.” Says Jenna

“I’m tired of talking about the spookster. I’d almost rather talk about dogs.” Says Stacy, her own faith subtly rattled

“Yeah, I don’t like to think about hell either. But I do like dogs, it’s sad we’ve got to put them back in their cages.” Says Ophelia,

“I’m sure old Roscoe here will be happy enough to lie down and sleep for a while. I feel like I’ve been torturing him by making him walk this much.” Says Stacy
“Wolfgang here is probably tired too, he was wild.” Says Isabelle

“I don’t want to call this cute puppy Killer, even though he knows that as his name. It’s a sad name, but he is really just a lover like me.” Says Ophelia

“I’ll miss Betty when I put her up, she reminds me of myself, smart, energetic, and feisty.” Says Grace

“What was your dog’s name again, Jenna? He seems a lot calmer than our dogs.” Says Isabelle

“Well, he doesn’t have a name that we know. They think he was a homeless person’s dog, they call him Caboose because they found him hanging out at the railyard.” Says Jenna

“That’s kind of sad. Cute name though.” Says Isabelle

“All the dogs have such sad stories, all of their owners ran into trouble and their dogs got left behind.” Says Ophelia

“Makes you think about all of the children who end up in the same situation.” Says Jenna

“Sadly, I’m pretty sure these dogs have a lot higher chance of being adopted and loved than most orphans.” Says Isabelle

“It’s a lot easier to make a dog happy than it is to make a child happy, especially one with a rough past. People tend to take that into account when they’re looking for company.” Says Grace

“Making a child happy, that sounds like nonsense to me. Last I checked the interests of parents was keeping the child alive and after that it’s school, and plenty of kids don’t even get the secondary level of difference from their parents.” Says Stacy

“What do you mean difference?” asks Isabelle

“I’m just beating the word indifference with the stick of logical language and using the word difference as its antonym. Insecurity is the antonym of security; it only makes sense that the word difference can be used as the antonym of the word indifference.” Says Stacy

“I’m not sure that’s how it works, but ok.” Says Isabelle

“That’s how you make it work; it’s a far more clear-cut etymology than the bastardized tongue of the urban population. Anyone who would approach language logically as opposed to literally should be able to derive the definition.” Says Stacy

“Sadly the bastardized tongue of the urban population reflects society’s indifference towards putting forth effort to rear them properly.” Says Jenna

“When that society is made of up fathers of bastard children and these children are raised in the environment where this is the norm, it is to be expected that such a part of society is defined by bastardized civility. Even in the broader sense, they are seen as illegitimate children of the nation in the eyes of its tyrants and thoroughly treated as such. These individuals cannot be blamed for the fact that they are largely excluded from major aspects of society, nor can they be blamed for the result of their attempts to create some form of society of their own due to their denigration and segregation from the greater standardized society.” Says Stacy

“They may not thrive, but they do survive. I can credit them for maintaining their spirts throughout such hardship.” Says Isabelle

“Sadly, that fate is shared by damn near everybody to some degree, rings of exclusion emanating from the source of power. The fools are the ones who think of themselves as superiors because they occupy ring 38 instead of ring 39, when there are only 40 rings.” Says Stacy

“I figure all men have the same natural level of pride. The man who conquers the earth will be just as prideful as the dirt farmer; the dirt farmer will simply source his pride from whatever petty difference he can argue puts him above somebody else.” Says Grace

“It takes a heavy hand to break the soul of a man to the point where he instinctively hangs his head in shame. In the absence of such a hand, the pride will come and even the most rickety supports will firmly hold his pride, for in the end it is nothing but airs.” Says Stacy

“It is easy for somebody to come along and break the rickety supports though.” says Isabelle

“That is why I defend mine with such fervor. Lugubrious glumness is for graveyards, if that is how I feel about myself, I am already dead.” Says Stacy

“For some reason some people out there seem to revel in such feelings.” Says Jenna

“Those people fond of such feelings are those cast out by society. They know through experience that society does not welcome them for some reason or another, so they distinguish themselves with their dark garb as their uniform and find unity amongst the other outcasts. They revel in morosity because society does not, they cannot take to pleasure or joy because that would be attempting to amalgamate into a society that refuses to let them do so. Without such a standard for mutual sentiments to be formed around, they use sadness instead of pleasure as the binding caulk of their social relationships, instead of drinking pleasure with friends, they drink sadness with friends. There are people who do this because they have no alternative, but there are also those who do so out of indignation or futile attempts to spur iconoclasm of social norms.”  Says Stacy

“Why use sadness to make friendships though?” asks Ophelia

“Birds of a feather flock together, and friendships tend to form around mutuality, there are many birds in this accursed paradise, and their feathers of drinking, sport, hobby, faith or any other interests be them usual or unusual. No matter the feather, a bird will more than likely have its flock, and often these flocks dawn uniforms, which happen to be largely black in the case of the glumfolk.” Says Stacy

“Are you saying everyone at school is one big flock because of the uniforms?” asks Ophelia

“No, that is a forced uniform. The uniform is an attempt to induce uniformity, largely in the form of devotion to education, the uniforms I mentioned were uniforms voluntarily worn by those wrapped in them. Every prisoner is forced to wear the same uniform, but regardless of their apparent similarities, they have very different sentiments about each other and the world at large, that’s the difference.” Says Stacy

“The shelter kind of reminds me of a prison.” Says Isabelle

“It’s a much better situation that starving on the street or being hit by a car or something.” Says Grace

“It’s ironic that homeless animals are provided free food and shelter yet homeless people are largely neglected.” Says Jenna

“It’s hard to break even getting people to adopt homeless junkies and lunatics.” Says Stacy

“A lot of them are decent people down on their luck.” Says Jenna

“That’s true, but it is unlikely anybody would think a vagrant is cute enough to pay money and bring them into their home and treat them like family.” Says Stacy

“You just have to clean them up, I’m sure people might do that.” Says Ophelia

“People often don’t even want or enjoy the company of the people they live with inside of their own home; it’s unlikely that people will learn to love each other in the way that they love a dog. Man is far less loyal, humble, gracious, and loving than a dog, if that were not the case I’m sure people would be adopted right and left.” Says Grace

“Even powerless humans are powerful enough to be corrupted by their own power, even if it only takes the form of indignation or delusion.” Says Stacy

“Thankfully dogs don’t have too much of that.” Says Ophelia

“They are unnatural sentiments, so thankfully they only afflict those who’ve spurned nature’s bosom.” Says Stacy

“It would be awful if every animal was as vice-stricken as mankind. Hell on earth.” Says Isabelle

“Man would deserve every second of it for his grievances against the Earth.” Says Stacy

“Amen to that. I can imagine hell already with every animal spiting man through its own newfound self-serving vices.” Says Grace

“Animals go to heaven though.” Says Ophelia

“Well, I suppose god would have to birth hellspawn in the form of animals to torture the damned.” Says Grace

“You seem to be enjoying the thoughts of such torture.” Says Isabelle

“Of course, who wouldn’t want to see the wicked brought to justice and answer for their wrongs.” Says Grace

“I suppose the wicked wouldn’t want that.” Jokes Stacy

“Clearly, but a good person would.” Says Grace

“You seem to ignore the fact that you are probably in that group of damned fools.” Says Isabelle

“Even human’s justice system delivers varying degrees of punishment in accordance with the severity of the crime. I will be happily punished knowing the fates of those far worse than me are proportionally punishing.” Says Grace

“Let’s just hope god doesn’t let the rich pay for the best lawyers to talk down their sentence.” Says Stacy

“Only the avarice of man would equate being bribed to seeing justice served. It’s sad that the rich simply pay the fine for their crimes, while the poor are incarcerated because they cannot.” Says Grace

“You definitely can’t bribe god, he wouldn’t want money anyways.” Says Ophelia

“It was fairly commonplace to bribe the church in hopes that it would ease one’s divine punishment a few hundred years ago. They finally decided that was immoral, though.” Says Jenna

“If they don’t donate out of the goodness of their hearts, I see no problem with selling them a reprieve from the fear of god. The only problem I would have is if the priests actually believed that would help the cause of the damned.” Says Stacy

“Speaking of donations, we should try to raise some money like Aurelia was talking about. Maybe she will bring it up next week or something and teach us how to do it.” Says Ophelia

“I’m sure it wouldn’t be hard, animals are an easy pitch because they have no affiliation to any sentiment or opinion other than sympathy.” Says Isabelle

“That would make it very hard, considering the heartless nature of man.” Says Grace

“While the man is working, the old ladies will answer the door and there’s all the sympathy we need.” Says Isabelle, the girls entering the shelter

“Remember to put your dogs back in the right kennel and put the leashes back where you found them!” Says Aurelia as the gaggle of girls does as it’s told

“Thanks again for your help today girls! I hope you all come back! I’m sure the dogs will be happy to see you again!” says the handler

“We will!” shouts the crowd giddily

“Don’t die on me Roscoe. You need to be here when I come back. I can’t handle these other beasts. You’re the dog for me.” Says Stacy, petting her dog as he puts him back in the kennel, he looks at her, lies down, and go to sleep.

“Let’s go everybody, we don’t want to miss the train!” shouts Aurelia, shepherding her flock


The doggedly dogmatic dog loving dogfaces dogged their doge into the wilds where once vehemently feral beasts now stood domesticated and docile amongst their insipid edifices erected and protected by edict. They trot agiggle like a blade of sad nostalgia sensually lancing the hearts of onlookers which wept bountifully the exudate of their infection with past regrets and longing for old friends. None who take leisure in such were present to drink and savor this emulsion. The grey nondescript city streets turned into grey nondescript city streets that happened to have a metro station, which danced with the lovely ladies and held the door for them as they entered one of his many nameless snakes. The metro station is always quite the gentleman. His snakes serenaded his newfound ladyfriends with pleasant tones and the peaceful incantations of the fairy who massages the brain of the snake.




The girls are among the last to climb inside of the familiar train crowded only by their crowd and a handful of strangers for flavor. Ophelia sits down, Stacy sits beside her. Isabelle looks at Grace, grins slyly and runs to sit down beside Ophelia. Grace frowns at Isabelle.

“I just wanted to see what you would do. I know you wanted to sit with Ophelia.” Says Isabelle, chuckling

“You’re so mean.” Says Grace

“I didn’t know I was so popular.” Says Ophelia

“Clearly.” Says Stacy

“Poor little Grace can’t have Ophelia for the ride.” Teases Isabelle

“Yes she can, you can sit on my lap. Everybody can have Ophelia for the ride.” Says Ophelia, warmly, quite pleased by her popularity

Grace smiles and sits on her lap. Ophelia wraps her arms around her friend’s torso; Grace puts her arm around her friend and pulls Ophelia’s head into her breast. Jenna frowns, sighs, and sits beside Stacy.

Aurelia walks into the train after the last of the students enter. She notices the girls and exhales quickly, approaching them.

“Sorry to ask this, it may sound weird” asks Aurelia, embarrassed “but are you two… lovers?”

Grace looks at her, a bit startled, releasing Ophelia from her bosom.

“Well, I am very much so a lover. Grace may have some trouble being a lover though, she is kind of bitter sometimes.” Says Ophelia, proudly

“I’m working on it.” Says Grace, timidly, looking at Aurelia concernedly

“Well, ok. Just not too much loving, ok?” says Aurelia, still embarrassed

“There can never be too much loving.” says Ophelia, surprised and a bit upset by the statement

“Yes there can. Clearly. Please listen to this woman.” Says Isabelle

“I hope you know what is… um… acceptable behavior, and try to keep the loving to that, ok?” Says Aurelia

“Of course.” Says Grace, a bit embarrassed

“I’ll let you know if I find any unacceptable loving. It may be hard to do with such an open heart.” Says Ophelia

“I am going to trust Grace to behave herself. Don’t worry about it, Aurelia. I will be sure to moderate this matter. Sadly this predicament is largely my fault for sitting here thinking it would in some way prevent this kind of thing.” Says Isabelle

“There’s nothing sad about being friends, nor should it be prevented.” Says Ophelia, a bit hurt

“Well, thank you. You were Isabelle, right?” says Aurelia

“Indeed. Sorry about all this.” Says Isabelle

“Don’t worry about it, no need to be sorry. It’s perfectly fine; we are all very open minded here. I just wanted to make sure these things don’t get out of hand. It looked a bit ominous.” Says Aurelia, apologetically

“You’ve a keen eye for omens there, Aurelia.” Jokes Stacy

“Thanks.” Says Aurelia, a bit confused

“It’s a good omen though, an omen of friendship.” Says Ophelia

“Yes. It is very good that you are friends like that. I’m sorry for bringing this up.” Says Aurelia, quite embarrassed

“Don’t be. They’ll behave, don’t worry. Again, truly sorry.” Says Isabelle

“It’s quite alright, I suppose it’s quite normal and nothing out of the ordinary.” Says Aurelia, comfortingly

“You might be getting the wrong message across.” Says Jenna

“Oh no. Don’t think of it like that. It’s perfectly fine to be like that.” Says Aurelia, growing nervous

“You’re almost encouraging them.” Says Stacy

“Well, it would be very wrong to discourage them. They should know that we support everybody, and should feel at home no matter what.” Says Aurelia, nervously

“No. They should feel in public, at the very least when we are in public. Don’t worry about it though. It will be family friendly as long as I’m watching.” Says Isabelle

“Of course a friendship will be family friendly.” says Ophelia, hugging her friend

“Good. I’ll let you all enjoy yourselves.” Says Aurelia

“Not too much, please.” Sighs Isabelle

“Just the right amount then.” Says Grace, playfully

“As long as it’s not the wrong amount I’ll be relieved. I’m glad you know better than that because some people clearly don’t.” Says Isabelle

“Ophelia would never want to have the wrong amount of fun. I don’t think she would even know how.” Says Stacy

“I don’t know if that’s good or bad.” Says Jenna

“Of course it’s not a bad thing to always have the right amount of fun; having the wrong amount of fun means you’re not doing it right.” Says Ophelia

“There is such a thing as too much fun though.” Says Isabelle

“I’ll let you know if I ever have too much fun. That might be hard.” Says Ophelia

“I will let you know right away as well.” Says Isabelle

“Thanks. I wouldn’t want to get hurt or anything.” Says Ophelia

“No problem.” Says Isabelle, staring blankly at the wall, upset with herself more than the others

“A little slapstick never hurt anybody, but I’m sure Grace wouldn’t want Ophelia to get hurt like that.” Says Stacy

“It’s just what friends would do for each other.” Says Grace, pulling Ophelia into her breast, stroking her hair and gazing at her lovingly

“You’re such a good friend.” Says Ophelia

“You are too.” Says Grace

"So we are just going along with this ride as long as possible?” asks Isabelle

“It’s the only way.” Says Jenna

“Enjoy it while it lasts.” Says Stacy

“I appreciate the support.” Says Grace

“Well we’re not going on the train as long as possible; we have to get off eventually.” Says Ophelia

“One can only hope.” Says Jenna

“If the ride is this entertaining, I may not want to get off.” Jokes Stacy

“Maybe you will never have to.” Says Grace, playfully

“We definitely get off at the stop by school.” Says Ophelia

“Now I might need to wash my brain with caustic cleaning chemicals.” Says Isabelle

“You’re not going to enjoy it like Stacy?” asks Jenna

“It’s hard because I seem to have a conscience.” Says Isabelle

“That’s not healthy Isabelle; you might want to get that checked out.” Jokes Stacy

“I’ll try to take your advice.” Says Isabelle

“Scruples are but the shackles that bind man to his master’s whipping pole.” Says Stacy

“Your choices are being whipped, imprisoned, or dead. Take your pick.” Says Jenna

“Slave masters also made the choice to become what they are, it simply requires one to be scrupulous with one’s scruples, just enough to save face and avoid becoming enslaved at the same time.” Says Stacy

“You’re quite ambitious.” Says Isabelle

“I will dream until the world mercilessly crushes them, then I shall be content with delusion.” Says Stacy

“I’m glad you have a backup plan.” Says Jenna

“Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that.” Says Stacy

“Try to have some dreams that aren’t directly under the foot of those who crush them.” Says Jenna

“If the dreams cannot be easily crushed, they are no longer dreams, they are ambitions, and when you fail to achieve them, the feeling is not one of waking up on a pleasant morning after a dream completely indifferent, but rather that of defeat, for your body bears the crushing weight of the boots that stomp upon your ambitions until you no longer have the will to live.” Says Stacy

“Maybe try for some ambitions you don’t think you will fail to accomplish.” Says Isabelle

“It is respectable for a grandmother to be satisfied when she knits a hat for her grandchildren, for she is not capable of much else. Here I am the puppeteer of this carapace of a beast, slowly rotting due to its infestation with living, and I still dwell amongst the fools cursed with this same fate. I am the ghost that captains this bag of flesh and bones, and when I am released from this prison I do not wish to haunt the earth accursed because I squandered such an opportunity. Every man that has scarred this Eden with his depravity has wielded this same wicked arsenal of sapience that I too bear, so to be contented with hats and smiles is irreverent to the men who by their own ingenuity wrought this paradise of damnation from the matricide and mutilation of their mother’s innocent divinity.” Says Stacy

“I don’t think I would base my philosophy off of the actions of terrible men who accomplished things though irreverence and immorality.” Says Grace

“Men are terrible, this is true, but I am the same scorned beast and thus by nature I too am terrible. If this fact displeases you, go run naked in the wilds and die from malnutrition with the hippies.” Says Stacy

“All I’m saying is there is probably a better way.” Says Grace

“If there was a better way, it would have been found. Man has been able to create electric machines to display and convey a plethora of information that communicate nearly instantly around the world. If there was a better way, it would surely have been found and clearly documented over the course of written history. It is a bitter pill, but it is full of essential nutrients.” Says Stacy

“I don’t think that the motivation to permanently scar the planet is really an essential nutrient.” Says Isabelle

“If it were not for the first man to till the earth and plant his crop, then man would be wild still. Sacrificing the purity of the planet is how man has reaped such a bountiful harvest, even if I were to refrain, others will do it, and I simply become their living chattel bred sold and worked as any other beast of burden. I simply ask myself if I desire to return to a comfortable house after a long day’s work, or do I desire to return to a barn.” Says Stacy

“Even dogs have houses here; I don’t think you will end up in a barn, Stacy.” Says Ophelia

“Regardless, it would still be irreverent to graciously volunteer myself into slavery and die toiling over another man’s ambitions in exchange for creature comforts. It is the weak minded who see this as success, for while it produces a succession, it is a succession of failure.” Says Stacy

“I think you should try to save the planet, instead of scarring it. Most people have already come to that conclusion.” Says Jenna

“If those who dare to do so actually save this hell, then I shall be ever so pleased. These are the people who god willing may reset the fallen pins, and those inclined to indifferently survive are those who wax the lane. Undoubtedly, somebody will roll the bowling ball down the lane again. Is it wrong for me to desire to be the one who gets to enjoy the sport of bowling if my actions change not the fate of the pins?” asks Stacy

“I’m going to go with yes, clearly. The point is to not do that and maybe enjoy the other parts of the bowling alley.” Says Jenna

“If man can right the fallen pins once, I put faith in him to do it again. Righting the pins is just as evil as the bowling itself, for it simply tempts mankind to bowl once more. Competition is natural, and sport is an analogue of such. As it is man’s instinct to bowl as he does, is the cheetah to blame for hunting, killing, and eating the gazelle?” asks Stacy

“Well it would become a problem when there are no more gazelles, wouldn’t it?” asks Jenna

“If the wolves and rabbits cannot keep each other’s numbers in check, then extinction is an acceptable fate. Gluttony is a deadly vice and if overindulgence is what exterminates mankind, so be it. Even if we control our consumption, there are yet 6 more vices itching to eradicate this race of damnable fools.” Says Stacy

“The other six don’t seem to be the one’s destroying the planet.” Says Jenna

“I’m sure man would find a way to destroy the planet with each and every one of the vices. Even if you stopped one there would be six other knives stabbing the planet to death.” Says Grace

“Each and every human will die in this bowling alley, this is our fate. If the falling of the last pin does not stop our hearts, then undoubtedly our fate is one of the six other gruesome deaths that await us. If death is inevitable, why not take leisure in bowling?” asks Stacy

“Realists understand that it is extremely likely that they will not be the one’s bowling, and hence their objection to the sport.” Says Jenna

“If they were realists they would understand it’s nigh impossible to stop man from bowling.” Says Grace

“They are idealists, and I am a dreamer. Neither will likely see their plans come to fruition, but still we dare to believe.” Says Stacy

“I can get behind you Stacy, if somebody is going to whip mankind mercilessly with their words, I’d be thankful that it’s you instead of some stupid snake tongued bastard selling snake oil dreams and preaching futile idealism.” Says Isabelle

“Sadly, people will never enjoy being told the truth. They want to be told something better than the truth, the truth hurts and lies are the analgesics that allow people to escape the entombing reality, even if only in their dreams.” Says Stacy

“You wouldn’t lather some of that sweet flavor the people want into your shtick just to get more people to support you?” asks Grace

“If I want to get into politics it’s basically a requirement to be a manipulative snake-tongued sociopath. The hard part will be sympathizing with mankind enough to actually try to help him.” Says Stacy

“You really can’t sympathize with people?” asks Ophelia

“It’s not the people as much as the shareholding plutocrats, everything I would do as a politician has to be in the best interests of the people who own the government. I could only help the people if it also helps the money.” Says Stacy

“I want to argue with that, but I can’t.” says Jenna

“It’s not so bad, you’re either governed by the wealthy or you’re governed by the idiocy of the general public. The wealthy at least know how to be successful, the general public doesn’t know how to do much more than be indignant and expect miracles.” Says Isabelle

“This is our stop everybody! Don’t forget anything! I trust you all know how to make it back from here, if you don’t want to go back to school, you don’t. Have a great weekend and thanks for coming!” shouts Aurelia

“Get off of her Grace, I put up with that for far too long.” Says Isabelle impatiently to Grace, still sitting on Ophelia’s Lap

“But I don’t want to.” Says Grace, cuddling Ophelia playfully

“This is our stop though, if we don’t get off we’ll get lost pretty quick.” Says Ophelia

“I’d love to get lost with you.” Says Grace

“I don’t really like being lost though, it’s pretty scary. I’ll carry you if you really don’t want to get off that bad, because I’m definitely getting off and I don’t want you to get lost either.” Says Ophelia

“Ok.” Says Grace playfully

“Jesus Christ.” Sighs Isabelle, Stacy chuckles

Ophelia picks up Grace who wraps her arms around Ophelia’s neck like a bride and struggles a bit as she carries her out of the train, the other running girls well ahead of them

“People make this look way easier than it is.” Says Ophelia in a strained voice, standing on the platform

“Can you put her down?” asks Isabelle, impatiently

“If she lets me, I don’t want to drop her.” Says Ophelia, struggling to hold Grace

Grace pecks her friend on the cheek, “You’re so cute. You can put me down though.” She says

Ophelia lets her down and Grace grabs her friend’s arm coquettishly

“Have you no shame?” asks Isabelle, astonished

“You’re the only one who seems to have any shame here Isabelle.” Jokes Stacy

“I also have shame, unfortunately.” Says Jenna

“Thank god somebody is sane.” Says Isabelle

“It truly is a pity.” Says Stacy, as the girls exit the metro terminal through




“You girls hungry? I saw some guy with a food cart outside of the metro when we arrived. I kind of wonder what he is selling.” Says Isabelle as they step outside

“Sure, that sounds fun.” Says Ophelia, as the girls exit the metro and approach the man at an unlabeled silver cart under an umbrella listening to a radio in a foreign language

“You girls hungry?” he asks

“What is it you sell?” asks Isabelle

“Slave cakes.” Says the man

“I can’t say that sounds appetizing.” Says Isabelle

“They are great. It’s sunflower, seasame, chia, and flax seeds, they’ve all been ground up. You just put some cornstarch in there and spray and mix with water until you’ve got a cake. Then you sprinkle some spices on there and it’s great. Raw, gluten free, vegan. Bay City’s favorite.” Says the man

“Sounds like something this city would love to eat.” Says Jenna

“Everybody loves them. Only $1.00 and it comes with a bottle of water.” Says the man

“That sounds like a good deal, why are they so cheap?” asks Stacy

“I buy this stuff in bulk, like feeding a hippie commune bulk. Super cheap that way. Same thing with the spices.” Says the man

“What sort of spices do you have?” asks Isabelle

“I’ve got Latin spice, Asian spice, and even cinnamon sugar.” He says

“I’ll treat you girls,” Says Isabelle “I would have spent more than five dollars on a meal for myself anyways. I’ll have the Latin spice.” Says Isabelle

“I’m wouldn’t turn down free food, even if it is hippie food,” Says Stacy “I’ll take latin as well.

“Thanks Isabelle, I’ll try the Asian I guess.” Says Jenna

“Same.” Says Grace

“I’ll have cinnamon sugar!” says Ophelia

“Got it, coming right up.” Says the man, excitedly

“Is the water also hippie water?” asks Isabelle

“You bet, raw, vegan, gluten free, 100% pure. It’s the good stuff.” Says the man, rubbing spices on the premade cakes he places in sandwich paper

“That just sounds like normal water.” Says Jenna

“You never know these days.” Says the guy

“I suppose that is kind of true.” Says Jenna

“Two Latin, two Asian, and one cinnamon.” Says the man, gesturing at the cakes

Isabelle unbuttons her shirt and reaches into her bra to grab money to pay him.

“You’re a kid and you still do that, how come no woman ever just has a purse like where I come from. It’s always in the bra.” Says the man

“It’s Bay City, if you have a purse it gets stolen or if you have pockets you get pickpocketed.” Says Isabelle

“Damn that is kind of true; even I’ve got the pockets on the inside of the pants for that reason.”

“It’s a bit more inappropriate for a girl to unbutton her trousers and reach into those backwards pockets than it is for a man to do so, not that women don’t do that though.” Says Isabelle

“Makes me glad I don’t take cards, most women I see just keep them in their knickers. I figured you would just call them pockets, it would be backwards to have them on the outside in this city.” Says the man

“They’ve got card pockets in most knickers sold around here though. It’s not so bad.” Says Isabelle

“Makes me wonder what you do if you’re wearing a dress.” Says the man

“You have your man pay, obviously. They’ve got bras with card pockets, too now. It’s funny that undergarments are responsible for preventing a lot of crime in this city.” Says Isabelle

“At least somebody is willing to try, the cops couldn’t care less.” Says the man

“I’m sure they could, but they’re only paid to look like they care.” Jokes Isabelle

“Wow, this is good.” Says Ophelia taking a bit of her food.

“I appreciate your business. You can sit on those benches. If anybody asks you’re waiting for the bus. I can’t actually allow you to sit on the benches.” Says the man

“Thanks for the tip. Take it easy.” Says Stacy, the girls walking over to the benches

“I always do.” Says the man


“Who would have guessed that cheap food would actually be decent.” Says Isabelle

“Poor people are serious about their food; it’s one of the few pleasures in their life.” Says Stacy

“I like that he can target the poor and healthy demographics, that’s the majority of the city.” Says Jenna

“You think he makes any money? It’s so cheap.” Asks Ophelia

“I’m sure he does. He probably pays less than 10 cents for a bottle of water. The seeds I’m unsure of, but maybe a dollar a pound. This is maybe 2 ounces of seeds, so it cost him 12 cents. The spices I’m sure are cheap in bulk, so the cake might cost him 15 cents. Spend one dollar to make four dollars, not a bad deal. It’s just about sales volume at that point, but this is a busy station on the weekdays.” Says Isabelle

“Got the mind for money, I see.” Says Stacy

“Money is the interesting form of math. Pure math like we use in school is meaningless, but money rules the world.” Says Isabelle

“It’s just taught without meaning because it’s easier to understand, if it was actually meaningless then we wouldn’t learn it.” Says Jenna

“I know, but I couldn’t care less about the numbers, if they made every question about money then it might actually interest people for once.” Says Isabelle

“The problem is a lot of people struggle with word problems as it is, they want everybody to pass so they figure they’ll let those with the skillset adapt the skills themselves later in life. Their only concern is the marks of the students.” Says Stacy

“I just think it would inspire more children if they could understand the meaning behind it.” Says Isabelle

“Do you girls like yours? Mine is great.” Says Isabelle

“It’s got some spice, not bad at all.” Says Isabelle

“Same with the Asian, a bit spicy.” Says Jenna

“You want to try mine?” asks Grace

“Ok.” Says Ophelia, Grace picks off a small piece of hers and moves it towards Ophelia’s mouth who happily sucks the food out of her friends fingers.

“Yummy! You can have some of mine, too.” Says Ophelia, who returns the favor as Grace happily tastes her friends fingers

“Did you like it?” asks Ophelia

“I really did, thank you.” Says Grace

“Are we talking about the food or the fingers?” jokes Isabelle

“If we’re eating finger food, I suppose there isn’t much difference.” Says Stacy

“Somebody might be happy enough just eating fingers.” Says Isabelle

“Sadly, plenty of people are so hungry they would be happy to suck the flavor off of your fingers.” Says Jenna

“I didn’t know you were that hungry, Grace.” teases Isabelle

“I’m fairly satisfied now, so don’t worry about me.” Says Grace, sassily

“Clearly.” Says Jenna

“So you were satisfied within the bounds of fairness?” asks Isabelle

“All is fair in love in war.” Says Stacy

“Wow, I didn’t expect that from Stacy. All my love must be rubbing off on you.” Says Ophelia cutely

“Not too much I hope.” Teases Grace

“God no. I’m fonder of the war part of that aphorism.” Says Stacy

“You’ve got to open your heart, Stacy.” Says Ophelia

“It is open, when I find somebody that can love this sick, twisted little girl for who she really is, I’ll be damned sure to love them dearly.” Says Stacy

“You are super lovable Stacy, I’m sure everybody here loves you.” Says Ophelia

“I would never put faith in the words of a blind man who calls me beautiful.” Says Stacy

“I love you Stacy, not like that, but you’re an important part of my life.” Says Jenna

“You’re plenty lovable; you just need to find a man as wild as you are.” Says Isabelle

“Two wild rabid beasts tend to go at each other’s throats fairly quickly.” Says Stacy

“Maybe find somebody to cure your rabies and tame you a little bit.” Says Ophelia

“I’d rather die than become submissive and docile; one of them is far less painful than the other.” Says Stacy

“I’m sure you will find somebody who can love you. It’s Bay City after all; it’s full of the wildest people known to man.” Says Grace

“It’s almost like they replace the lithium with scopolamine when they chemtrail this place.” Says Stacy

“That would explain a lot.” Says Isabelle

“I’m not complaining. Better to sense all of life and then some than it is to be desensitized to life.” Says Stacy

“You actually believe in that stuff?” asks Jenna

“You’ve got to control the population somehow. If this was a pleasant town of decent people they’d be happy to control us with antimanic agents to keep us purring in the palm of their hand, but since half of Bay City doesn’t provide any sort of benefit to society, they choose to utilize something akin to traditional population control.” Says Stacy

“If they wanted those populations controlled I’m sure they would do something about it. It’s not like it hasn’t happened in the past.” Says Jenna

“That’s bad PR though, it makes people worry about who’s getting euthanized or eunuchated next. It’s much easier this way, why bother killing them when you can make them kill each other for a fraction of the cost.” Says Stacy

“I still think that’s nonsense.” Says Jenna

“If it was nonsense, how else would the majority of the city be so crazy to believe in such a thing? It takes a certain level of inherent insanity to believe that stuff, it’s unnaturally high in Bay City so it has to come from somewhere, you know?” says Stacy

“If I wasn’t such a natural skeptic I would want to believe you. I don’t know why this city is so disproportionally insane though.” Says Jenna

“I think that urban areas tend to induce that sort of disorder for some reason.” Says Isabelle

“I think it’s just that urban areas attract the desperate and impoverished with their false promises of success, and often the desperate and impoverished are so afflicted because of their insanity, and it doesn’t help that their insanity makes them even more prone to believing in such false promises. It’s a positive feedback loop that spans generations.” Says Grace

“I still like the chemtrails; it’s a way less depressing idea.” Says Stacy

“I’m sure both are true.” Says Grace

“Why isn’t Jenna crazy then?” asks Isabelle

“She has to be crazy if she puts up with me, it’s just that quiet kind of crazy.” Says Stacy

“I’m not crazy.” Says Ophelia

“That’s what crazy people think.” Says Stacy

“So 100% of people are crazy?” asks Isabelle

“Sounds about right.” Says Grace

“Well, I don’t think anybody is crazy here.” Says Ophelia

“Now you’re the craziest one here.” Says Stacy

“I think you’ve still got her beat, Stacy.” Says Jenna

“At least I know I’m crazy.” Says Stacy

“But I know for a fact I’m not crazy at all, I’m just nice and normal.” Says Ophelia

“I think being nice and normal has to be a symptom of some type of insanity.” Says Isabelle

“Then I guess I’m so crazy that I’m nice and normal, but I don’t think that’s crazy at all.” Says Ophelia

“I’m pretty sure society grades that sort of thing on a curve, as long as we are less crazy than say 50% of the population, we are technically not crazy. Seeing how many symptoms of traditional insanity become accepted as parts of normalcy as society has progressed over the centuries, even Stacy could be considered sane in this day and age.” Says Jenna

“That’s actually comforting. I’m usually a little concerned that I am crazy, but I feel like a weight has been lifted off of my chest.” Says Stacy

“That’s good. I think you’re quirky, but not crazy.” Says Ophelia

“Quirky as can be. I like it. It makes me feel cute, but like an exhilarating kind of cute. Don’t mind me, just being cute as a button.” Says Stacy

“It is kind of cute.” Says Isabelle

“Maybe let’s not get too carried away, some sort of reservation regarding one’s own appearance as it relates to blatant mental illness tends to be beneficial to everybody.” Says Jenna

“I can save face when I have to, but I just feel a bit more comfortable letting go.” Says Stacy

“You were discomforted by your lack of inhibition in regards to appearing insane before this?” asks Jenna

“No, but I just feel even more comfortable about it now.” Says Stacy

“That makes sense.” Says Jenna

“I would say that’s a good thing, too many girls these days aren’t comfortable in their own skin.” Says Isabelle

“You can blame society and the media for that.” Says Grace

“Society and the media just want people they can sell, if the more they open the door to imperfection the less value their sheep have to the world at large.” Says Stacy

“You don’t mind that they damage the psyche of young people everywhere by setting unrealistic standards?” asks Jenna

“If anything they’re too nice. People have always been conditioned to look up to unrealistic standards, from Jesus to King Arthur. The lower the standard is, the more comfortable people feel when they fall very far from the standard. If children were read stories of my dad as if he were some kind of fairy tale protagonist, they would feel proud of themselves for drinking all day and living off of stipends. The fantastical standards are the carrots on sticks in front of the children that condition them to work hard in order to accomplish great things, if it’s just a carrot on a table next to some liquor there’s nothing there conditioning them to do those things, they just eat the carrot, start drinking, and then consider themselves to be accomplished and respectable individuals because they got the damn carrot they were told to chase after as kids.” Says Stacy

“I don’t think that the media is that nice. If they were, people would all feel comfortable with themselves.” Says Ophelia

“It’s headed in that direction. The last thing anyone wants is for everyone to feel comfortable with themselves. I would say it’s already a problem when children grow up listening to the music of criminal iconoclasts and idolize that instead of some gentleman scholar or war hero. The reason that music does so well is because people that already live that life feel validated when they listen to it, and it has evolved as a marketable good to the point where it attracts people and even children who don’t live that life. It portrays the criminals as some kind king-slayer when they rattle on about their illicit success as if they had no other alternative.” Says Stacy

“I don’t know if a lot of those people really had any alternative to crime if they wanted to be successful. Public schools don’t really prepare the impoverished for greatness, they prepare them for meaniality at best.” Says Isabelle

“There are always alternatives to crime, it would have taken the same amount of dedication and ingenuity they put into a criminal enterprise but it is certainly possible. The youth are tempted by that life because the pyramid scheme of criminals is so accessible compared to legitimate society. The music that shills the scheme is just as bad as every other pyramid scheme out there, it’s the same cocaine fueled cult leader at the top selling unachievable dreams, they tell the kids that they have achieved such greatness through crime and music, and you can too. They don’t tell the kids about the 99.9% of their fellow criminals who still live in poverty or are in prison regardless of their same commitment to the urban American Dream. The stories about the man who rose from nothing to greatness are the ones that sell the best, and that’s the only end of the story kids end up hearing and so they blindly put faith in it. If the music was nothing but lyrics about how they stayed sober, worked up the ladder a little bit and now make a comfortable living that supersedes that of even the most successful street level drug dealers, kids would actually have something to look up to. Sadly nobody wants to hear another story of somebody who accepts a lowly life within the system; they blame the system for all of their problems and only want to hear about people who have found success by alternative methods.” Says Stacy

“You’re probably exaggerating the impact, sure people like to hear the story of the man who fights the system and wins, but plenty of those people still live out their lives as peaceful civilians.” Says Jenna

“I’m not saying that is untrue, I’m just saying that it is a corrupting influence that causes a select portion of people to become tolerant to if not infatuated by crime. They hear of the glorious one, but not the chorus of the thousand men in prison just chanting ‘I was also a criminal and now I am in prison.’ Logically the voices of the thousand would drown out the voice of the outlier, but the imprisoned are a silent majority in this scenario. When this lifestyle is a glorified motif of a genre defined by opulence and sold as a way to achieve such wild dreams, plenty of people will be gullible enough to believe that crime is a legitimate means to become successful and some will even see that as the only possible way they can escape poverty.” Says Stacy

“It is likely just the audio form of the chemtrails you were talking about. Just another pollutant used to cause those undesired by Babylon to kill each other.” Says Isabelle

“That’s the truth. We can shout at the planes all day but it wouldn’t do a damn thing to stop them from dousing the city with chemicals.” Says Stacy

“Regardless of the factuality of the matter, the best course of action seems to live and let live. To try and do anything about that sort of thing would be a wild goose chase directly into a minefield.” Says Jenna

“It’s ironic that the healthiest mentality to take is sadomasochism. Be grateful for and enjoy the pain Babylon inflicts upon you, and aid Babylon in inflicting pain upon others with your silence; to do anything else is to die.” Says Stacy

“I’m pretty sure sadomasochism has always been the only viable philosophy on this planet. History has always been defined by wars, depravity, and atrocity, and those who are successful are simply the ones who make the most of it for themselves.” Says Grace

“It is an evolution of sadomasochism. In the past, it was more than enough to enjoy inflicting pain upon others and enjoy the pain they inflict upon you: that was all it took to conquer nations. As the status quo was slowly established, people were split into groups, the more so sadistic gained power while the more so masochistic became their legions. Nowadays since the vehement social eunuchation of mankind, the plebian is so ashamed of human nature that they ask for it to be concealed as if it were a nun’s body. The same sort of affairs happen, but it’s in the shadows and only as much as possible without too many people noticing too much. It’s a sneaky sort of sadomasochism.” Says Stacy

“I’m pretty sure everybody would agree that human nature is bad.” Says Grace

“Human nature is why the world exists as it does today, to abandon that is to abandon 100,000 years of success.” Says Stacy

“It was a pretty violent and immoral success, would you really defend that?” asks Jenna

“I will always defend the violent and immoral success of mankind with my life over a peaceful and moral failure of mankind. Either somebody’s dying or everybody’s dying. Take your pick. I’m going to throw whoever that somebody is to the wolves every day of my life.” Says Stacy

“There could be a peaceful and moral success of mankind, you know.” Says Ophelia

“I have little faith in that. I don’t expect to see a vegan wolf any time soon, so don’t expect me to have faith in human success garnered from morality and peace. Morality and peace are only attained when one side of a war has been thoroughly brutalized to the point where they submit to their oppressors. There is nothing peaceful about peace; it is simply a silent, sadistic, and systematic enslavement of defeated peoples.” Says Stacy

“At least we’re on the side of the victors.” Says Isabelle

“That’s a laugh. The people of this nation have been enslaved by the capitalists since colonial days. The oligarchs are the ones who reap the spoils of war; the only thing their slaves that were sent to die in their name gained from their own victory was pride.” Says Stacy

“At least the pockets of the penniless Americans are not empty, for they are full of pride of course.” Says Jenna

“It’s better than being penniless and full of shame.” Says Isabelle

“I don’t know. The Japanese and the Germans tend to work extremely hard to attain their self-respect where Americans just tend to tend to shoot guns, drink, and worship eagles for that same sense of pride.” Says Stacy

“Maybe we should move to Germany or Japan, people might actually be halfway decent over there.” Says Grace

“It takes a large fall from grace for people to become and remain aware of their own indecency. If there is nothing to condemn the indecency, it becomes accepted as another fact of life and is written off as decent, because all those who beg to differ are silenced by the brutality of the nouveau decency.” Says Stacy

“I wouldn’t say it’s anything new. It’s just the victor’s privilege. If you make the rules, of course you cut yourself some slack. Double standards are the easiest ones to achieve after all.” Says Isabelle

“It’s half the work for all of the reward. It’s simple economics when it comes down to it.” Says Stacy

“Men only want to figure out ways to do less of the work and get more of the reward. It’s shameless.” Says Grace

“I don’t think shame has ever won any wars or cornered any markets. It’s not like you can blame them for wanting to thrive.” Says Isabelle

“The uranium mauls of fallacious shame and guilt are mercilessly, shamelessly wielded by those wishing to exacerbate the unnatural selection of inhumanly humane society.” Says Stacy

“When society has replaced nature, wouldn’t social selection be just as good?” asks Jenna

“It’s not social selection. Those selected to survive are not selected based upon their benefit to society, it is humane selection. When you rear and breed every lamb born without fleece out of compassion, your end up tending to a flock of sheep that yields no wool.” Says Stacy

“I would think the plutocrats would be wiser than to allow that to happen.” Says Isabelle

“Sadly they must balance public relations and profits, lest they risk tumult and upheaval. The shepherd can lay a heavy hand on stubborn sheep because sheep have no capacity to return his aggression, but a manherd is not given this same luxury.” Says Stacy

“Do you really think we’re all sheep? You keep using that word over and over again.” Says Ophelia

“We are sheep and work is our wool.” Says Stacy

“Plenty of people are bosses and stuff; they are kind of like the shepherds.” Says Isabelle

“This is true, but many who fancy themselves as shepherds are but bellwethers.” Says Stacy

“They castrate the bull so that he may better serve his master as an ox.” Says Jenna

“I wouldn’t mind seeing plenty of the men get castrated because they couldn’t behave themselves.” Says Grace

“It used to be a proper punishment. It fell out of favor for allegedly being inhumane in the eyes of the inhuman sympathist. Soon all forms of punishment will be seen as inhumane, and I will gladly welcome the era of anarchy by tolerance, for the fools that slowly sip the poison deserve their fate as they slowly twist a once moral society into living damnation by slowly embracing every form of sin known to man.” Says Stacy

“I think they try to tolerate the ones that are not that bad, and still punish the bad ones.” Says Jenna

“It does not matter what is right and wrong when the most severe form of punishment is having somebody tell you that they are tolerant of your vices, for the only crime that is punished in that world is intolerance, and it is punished by death at the hands of the masses taught that intolerance was worse than vice itself.” Says Stacy

“I mean, tolerating a lot of vices doesn’t hurt anybody. It’s not like I’m being a problem because I’m slothful and don’t go to church.” Says Isabelle

“It is but another straw on the camel’s back. You put yours on his back, I put mine on his back, and this continues until we break his back.” Says Stacy

“Hanging out is sadly putting straws on my camel’s back. I’ve got plenty of chores to do at home, so l kind of have to get going sooner or later.” Says Jenna

“I wouldn’t mind getting out of the sun for a bit.” Says Ophelia

“Let’s get going then, wouldn’t want to hurt you camel.” Says Isabelle

“Tally ho.” Says Stacy, as the girls get up and start walking towards school, waving at the foreign man as they exit the metro grounds




“I’m still amazed that your jaw never gets tired, Stacy.” Says Jenna

“It might, but the euphoria that moving it induces tends to overpower any exhaustion.” Says Stacy

“You sure do love to hear yourself talk, don’t you?” asks Jenna

“It reminds me that I’m alive. If my mouth were a fiddle I may damn well be the devil, I do indeed love to hear that sweet serenade of Stacy.” Says Stacy

“It’s sweet indeed. You always seem to have the answers, never the questions.” Says Grace

“I wouldn’t qualify most of the things she says as answers.” Says Jenna

“Of course they are. Man spends his life asking questions that have no answer. If any question is ever answered it is because Man fabricated an answer out of thin air and defends it with the argument that it is difficult if not impossible to disprove despite lacking any legitimacy because it is equally impossible to actually prove. I’m not going to let somebody feed me their own bullshit when I’ve got a mountain of my own.” Says Stacy

“The difference is most accepted answers are actually hard to disprove.” Says Jenna

“If I am wrong, lay down your burden of truth before my eyes.” Says Stacy

“I don’t think even that would change your mind.” Says Isabelle

“Of course not, I shall defend myself until I am forced to drink hemlock, and at that point I join the ranks of those whose knowledge had wrought the same fate.” Says Stacy

“You are that confident in the validity of your assertions?” asks Jenna

“I see no reason not to be. My gambit is that my own assertions are not correctness in its purest form, but instead relatively more so correct than those who determine the effective truth through their heavy hand of baseless intellectual authoritarianism. While I may not be correct, I am correct enough to be deemed a threat to their credibility. They will likely just cast me aside and label me a loon as they always do, but I can dream of being executed for corrupting the youth and failing to respect the gods of the state. There is no prouder death than that of a martyr.” Says Stacy

“Why would you be proud of being executed?” asks Ophelia

“To be executed for one’s superior knowledge is a hero’s death, and with that I could die as proudly as I had lived. To live proudly and die in shame is truly a tragedy.” Says Stacy

 “I think your punishment would be largely for corrupting the youth, not so much for any superior knowledge.” Says Jenna

“I shall die a martyr none the less; purity itself is a corrupt form of corruption. While it may be corruption in the eyes of the corrupt, it is purification in the eyes of the pure.” Says Stacy

“Relative corruption is also a more so corrupt form of corruption.” Says Jenna

“I’ve enough faith in myself to believe that my philosophy is more so pure than that of Babylon. Even if only in the slightest, it would still be a form of purification.” Says Stacy

“I’m sure every corrupt person in history thought that their ideals were better than their predecessors.” Says Jenna

“And every man that was of pure heart died farming dirt in the name of the corrupt without question.” Says Stacy

“At least he died without being to blame for anything.” Says Jenna

“Blame is the same thing as acclaim; it is only a matter of one’s opinion of the actions in question. If some will blame me while others celebrate me, I will take the good with the bad rather than the alternative of emptiness. I’d much rather accomplish something than do nothing at all.” Says Stacy

“I’m just glad you’ve got things you want to accomplish. It’s hard to build a skyscraper without a blueprint.” Says Isabelle

“I can’t say I have a blueprint.  For now I am simply dreaming of the towers scraping the sky.” Says Stacy

“It’s a start, some people dream about farming dirt, wake up, and farm dirt all day.” Says Isabelle

“It’s easier to respect those people than it is to respect anybody who wields authority.” Says Grace

“As much as I can respect the lowly, if a man knows how to create fire, is it not his responsibility to share such power with his brothers who do not?” asks Stacy

“Good luck starting that fire when every man contented with his simple life is a wet blanket that gets thrown on such fires.” Says Jenna

“As the world becomes hotter and desiccates, these plentiful blankets become tinder for a social arsonist like myself.” Says Stacy

“Until that day comes, you’re out of luck though, sadly.” Says Isabelle

“I can patiently wait, and if I die before then, I can only hope to shout loud enough into the canyon that the echo reaches and inspires those who wield my ken in the future.” Says Stacy

“You’re that intent on taking down society?” asks Jenna

“I simply find heralding coups more appealing than amalgamating into the mass grave of the nameless slaves of Babylon.” Says Stacy

“I can understand. That is sort of a depressing fate.” Says Isabelle

“You know you will end up in that mass grave regardless, as a revolutionary or a slave.” Says Jenna

“You are right, but I like to think the beautifully futile symbolism of my death is meaningful enough to somebody that it passes the torch from my hand to theirs, for you can’t have a riot without any torches.” Says Stacy

“That is so realistic it’s actually touching.” Says Jenna

“It’s unfortunate that realism is always sad.” Says Grace

“Sometimes it’s cold, dead, heartless, and meaningless.” Says Stacy

“That’s even worse.” Says Ophelia

“Don’t let a pebble hear you say that.” Jokes Stacy

“I figure every death is symbolic of futility, no matter the lifeform it spent its entire life trying to stay alive just to die in the end.” Says Isabelle

“If you think of lifeforms as parallels to biological cells, as long as they replicated successfully then dying is a natural part of successful succession.” Says Jenna

“It’s kind of beautiful that even the industrialists were replicating nature with their fondness of replaceable parts.” Says Stacy

“It’s kind of sad that mechanical efficiency can be sourced from nature, it makes you think that nature could actually be the same sort of destructive force for the planet that the industrial revolution was.” Says Grace

“It is, for the most part. Nature is an opportunist that sustains itself by incessantly lowering the potential chemical energy of the dead sphere of stardust that it infects. It would be physically impossible for life to exist without doing so. Though the planet may not end up entirely ravished, nature would consume the earth until it could no longer sustain itself if given enough time, just as the industrialists will. Humans just happen to raise this entropic consumption to an unnaturally extreme rate.” Says Stacy

“I’m pretty sure nature was always good at sustaining itself through recycling.” Says Jenna

“Yeah, I’ve never heard about nature destroying the planet.” Says Ophelia

“It would take a long time, but unless every chemical reaction that lowered potential energy was biologically reversed by an analogue of photosynthesis, the potential energy is lost forever, and that is akin to man’s consumption of unrenewable resources. Perhaps the sun would engulf the planet before the wilds sucked her dry, but a rock cannot roll down a hill if it rests at the bottom. Says Stacy

“From what I know, plants can reassemble fairly inert chemicals like nitrogen gas by harnessing sunshine. If there was a benefit necessary for the survival of the plant, I’m sure they would have figured out how to do it, otherwise they wouldn’t be alive right now.” Says Jenna

“Sure, it is an ebb and flow, there is simply more ebb than flow. If you think about it as if the earth were a beaker, even without life if everything got mixed together, all of the reactions that could possibly happen would happen until there are no more possible reactions and everything ends up in its least reactive form or at least something close to it. The chemical energy is released as heat, and unless there is something recycling the heat our bodies emanate, then we are slowly chemically burning the planet to heat death. Even though this would happen without us, I’m just saying that all life increases the rate at which we burn the planet.” Says Stacy

“I can see your point. Nature is like a beautiful chemical fire that is burning away at the planet, even though it tries to sustain itself out of its own tendencies this is physically impossible. I wouldn’t compare nature to industry though, it’s like saying pitch flowing out of a funnel is comparable to gasoline that is on fire being poured through a nearly identical funnel.” Says Jenna

“Man goes up to heaven and meets Mother Earth; she asks why he has destroyed the planet. He says 'I learned from watching you’.” Says Grace

“Of course he does. If knights ride horses, men ride scapegoats.” Says Stacy

“It does feel like life is kind of like being pitch in a funnel, moving so slowly, with nothing happening.” Says Isabelle

“In that allegory people were technically the gasoline that’s on fire, but I suppose that mentality is part of the reason why we were dissatisfied of the life of pitch and chose instead the life of burning gasoline.” Says Jenna

“I like it. Getting beaten with the stick of inescapable reality is kind of pleasurable. Some call it a cage, but I can escape into my mind. I like to think of it as a blanket, when I reach out and touch these rock solid walls and feel their physicality, the fluid rigidity of their imposing reality is sensually seductive. A minute is going to scratch my back the same way every time unless I’m asleep, and it’s comforting knowing that I’m not going to blink and wake up twenty years later laden with regrets. I would be disgusted if I could take a 14 hour flight across the world and my experience was reduced to a montage of a basket of seconds or the time it takes to read a paragraph. That would be 14 hours I lost that I could have used to ride through the wilds of my mind hunting ideas and euphorigenic fantasies.” Says Stacy

“Sadly those twenty years have passed by in the blink of an eye for most people, and plenty of them are quite full of regrets. Your life is slowly reduced to a montage of your memories as you age, and the fourteen hours of fantasies is dust in the wind that yields not even a sandcastle.” Says Isabelle

“They still got the chance to live them, that’s the important part. Nothing is capable of altering the passage of time, regardless of however one might interpret it. Time is a lovely lady that loves to dance, and she demands that you lead her every second of the way. Even if you choose to skulk on the wall and bob your head until the music tops, she will be there bobbing alongside you. To have a lifelong partner that can read your mind and dance forever with you, echoing your passion, fervor, and grace is truly a feeling of being loved. Time is the only one who will always be by your side, from birth until death, and she loves you enough to dance passionately with you until you die.” Says Stacy

“A lot of people feel burdened by the hands of time forcing them to dance until they collapse from exhaustion. I suppose it’s a matter of taste though.” Says Grace

“I didn’t expect something that beautiful to come from you, Stacy. I also like dancing with time.” Says Ophelia

“Only a fool looks a gift horse in the mouth, it may be exhausting but that cannot allow you to forsake the natural pleasure of dancing.” Says Stacy

“Since everyone is forced to dance, it really makes sense that you should at least try to enjoy it.” Says Jenna

“I think its human nature to do that. Even in the poorest countries on earth people find a way to be happy despite the hardships life has brought them.” Says Isabelle

“In the face of death, we dance, for if we do not we are already as good as dead.” Says Grace, grabbing Ophelia’s hand, placing a hand on her hips and cutely twirls the girl

“And Dance we shall, with time and life through their wild twists and turns and dips and throws, and if death himself asks us for a dance, we oblige him merrily, for simply dancing does not ensure that we lay down with the man at the end of the night.” Says Stacy

“Death tends to demand the dances, and you’ve got to be sure to dance like your life depends on it.” Says Jenna

“You should dance like your life depends on it because it does indeed depend on it. You should always dance like your life depends on it, whether dancing the jig of living or tango with death; your life is but the dance you dance with time and her children.” Says Stacy

“We don’t really tend to dance that much, sadly.” Says Ophelia

“Every action is a dance, whether it seems to be the case or not. It falls into rhythm with predictable repetition and allows ample room for improvisation.” Says Stacy

“I’ll dance with you.” Says Grace, as she playfully tangos with Ophelia down the street

“This is more like it.” Says Ophelia, enjoying herself

“I don’t think talking really qualifies as dancing, even in your allegory, Stacy.” Says Jenna

“I like to think of it as asking for the dance. You ask, and then you dance.” Says Stacy

“I would think you’re the kind of girl that just rips your partner away from whatever they were doing and dances forcefully with them.” Says Isabelle

“If the time comes were my passion for dancing becomes so insatiable, that may well become a motif in my life.” Says Stacy

“You can talk the talk, but we all need to see if you can walk the walk.” Says Isabelle

“To walk my walk I must walk for thousands of miles on the corpses of millions of men. It takes time to pave such streets.” Says Stacy

“That is frightening, Stacy.” Says Jenna

“Their sacrifices will not be in vain, for the men who willingly sacrifice their lives for me shall be venerated, and those that do not shall be sacrificed by my hand.” Says Stacy

“Even more frightening.” Says Jenna

“I like it. I think she’s got what it takes to make it. Nobody ever won a war with smiles and fruit baskets.” Says Isabelle

“It’s a little upsetting to think of it like that.” Says Jenna

“These streets are paved with the corpses of slaves, I see no harm in letting a slave go home to his family and using the corpse of a degenerate instead. A slave is worthy of the honor of labor and the pleasure of living, I cannot say the same for those unwilling to achieve the lowest possible expectations of a man.” Says Stacy

“Sympathy for everyone tends to be a popular sentiment.” Says Jenna

“I’ll be sure to sympathize with tuberculosis, syphilis, and leprosy and spare the lives of these innocent living creatures the next time anybody seeks to commit ethnic cleansing inside of their body in the name of genetic intolerance.” Says Stacy

“You would say that bacteria have an ethnicity?” asks Jenna

“I thought you were the tolerant one here, clearly they all come from different cultures and their traditions are quite distinct. We should respect all cultures, Jenna.” Says Stacy, matter-of-factly

“I want to laugh, but the context kind of ruins the joke.” Says Jenna

“The poor bacteria look at humans and think, ‘we’re not so different’, but humans still want to eradicate them. First they come for the tuberculosis and the syphilis, and then they come for the communists, and then they come for the Jews. You know how that works.” Says Stacy

“They might go for the communists before the tuberculosis and leprosy to be honest.” Says Isabelle

“It’s hard to triage such infectious diseases properly; I can understand their decision making.” Says Stacy

“I was expecting an eagle to fly overhead and cry proudly, I’m a bit let down.” Says Jenna

“It was there in spirit.” Says Stacy

“God bless America.” Says Isabelle

“Amen.” Says Stacy


“Sadly, I think we’ve got to part ways here. I was truly a pleasure.” Says Isabelle, as the girls reach inevitable the fork in the road that splits the destinies of the youth.

Grace hugs Ophelia firmly and nuzzles her face amorously, already struck by longing “I’ll see you soon.” She whispers into her friend’s ear

 Ophelia returns the affection in playful innocence “Of course.” She says happily

“That’s enough.” Says Isabelle, Grace lets go of Ophelia, running her hand down her friend’s arm, holding her hand for a moment more and amorously looking into her eyes.

“You must want a hug too, Isabelle.” Says Ophelia, as she hugs Isabelle, who loosely hugs her despite her discomfort and pats her on the back. “Stacy and Jenna need hugs too!” Says Ophelia, letting go of Isabelle

“I’ll settle for a handshake.” Says Stacy, a bit embarrassed showing no interest in such things

“Same here.” Says Jenna, also embarrassed

“Put here there.” Says Isabelle, back to enjoying herself, reaching for the shake

“Quite the treat, you are a gracious hostess.” Says Stacy, shaking firmly and sincerely

“Colorful company is always appreciated. We’ll have to do it again sometime.” Says Isabelle

“Of course. Thanks again.” Says Stacy

“Take care of yourself.” Says Jenna, holding Isabelle’s hand with two hands, and patting it

“You too.” Says Isabelle

“She always does.” Jokes Stacy. “It was a pleasure, Grace.” Says Stacy, shaking her hand cracking a smirk

“The pleasure was all mine.” Says Grace sincerely

“I’m sure it was.” Says Jenna, embarrassed by that thought

“I hope you enjoyed yourself too, though.” Says Grace

“Of course I did. Quite the experience, but no worse for wear.” Says Jenna, a bit exasperated

“That’s good. I’m glad the chaos didn’t rattle you too much.” Says Isabelle

“Oh, it was nothing. Tranquility, almost.” Says Jenna

“Cheers to more tranquility on the horizon, lassies.” Says Isabelle

“Cheers.” Says Stacy, as she winks and playfully salutes the departing with her usual two fingered salute, they wave and exchange final good byes as they walk off, the three continue their journey mutually homeward.





“I am kind of amazed we became fast friends like that.” Says Jenna

“The discontented easily find comfort in the company of their own kind.” Says Stacy

“I had so much fun, those girls are so nice.” Says Ophelia

“Grace really seems to like you.” Teases Stacy

“She’s super friendly and playful, just like me. It’s no wonder we get along so well.” Says Ophelia

“You understand that she really likes you, though, right?” asks Jenna

“Of course, I mean I really like her too. She is the only one I’ve met who is willing to teach me things about love, you girls just shoot me down every time. It’s nice to finally have somebody to talk about that stuff with. Even if she doesn’t believe in it as much as I do, she still knows a whole lot about it.” Says Ophelia, indignantly imitating Jenna’s tone

“I don’t even want to know what that is.” Jokes Stacy

“You will become mature like me one day and understand the importance of love. You’re still so young at heart, like a child.” Teases Ophelia

“You got me.” Says Stacy

“You don’t think she took thinks a bit too far? I don’t even want to know what happened after we left you two alone.” Says Jenna

“What? No. She’s the only one that takes it far enough. She taught me a bunch of great tips about boys and kissing and stuff. I would feel so embarrassed if I had no clue what to do when I finally get into that situation.” Says Ophelia

“So you really think she likes boys?” asks Stacy

“Of course, who doesn’t? We’re both lovers at heart, even if she doesn’t want to admit it. I think she just hasn’t met the right person yet. Why else would she know all of that stuff if she didn’t really want love deep down?” says Ophelia

“You don’t think she might just want to love you?” asks Jenna

“I totally love her too, she’s amazing. As much as I love you two and Grace and Isabelle, it’s not the same as romance. A person needs both you know.” Says Ophelia

“I wouldn’t put romance too high on my list of necessities.” Says Stacy

“Clearly. You realize she loves you in a different way than we do, right?” asks Jenna

“Well, we’re all different and love in different ways, so everybody has their own unique way of doing it. That’s the best part.” Says Ophelia

“As long as you’re ok with the way she loves you, I think it’s cute.” Says Stacy

“Of course, who doesn’t enjoy being loved? The playful kind is way more fun than the handholding and advice you two give me. You two try to treat me like a child, but she treats me like an adult. Not that I don’t appreciate you two trying to look out for me, it’s just nice to have something different.” Says Ophelia

“You don’t think she did anything weird or inappropriate?” asks Jenna

“You can’t think that talking about romance is weird or inappropriate forever, Jenna. You have to open up to the world at some point.” Says Ophelia

“She seemed to enjoy a bit more than talking with you.” Jokes Stacy

“We were just doing normal stuff that friends do. I like to learn that kind of stuff when I can.” Says Ophelia

“We are friends who do normal stuff, but not some of the things Grace likes to do. You catch my drift?” asks Jenna

“Well, us three are more like buddies, where Grace and I are more like friends. She says Isabelle is more of her buddy because she doesn’t like romance, so I guess it’s something to do with maturity.” Says Ophelia

“You are ok with being her friend like that?” asks Jenna

“Of course. Why wouldn’t I be happy to be somebody’s friend?” Says Ophelia

“I’m happy to be your buddy, even if I’m not your friend. I am glad you found a friend though.” Says Stacy

“Of course your my friend, you’ve always been my friend, it’s just like types of friends, friend friends and buddy friends.” Says Ophelia

“I’m glad we have established the grounds of buddy friends and friend friends, I didn’t know how much Grace had rubbed off on her.” Says Jenna,

 Stacy laughs

“That’s shameless.” Says Jenna

“You’re words not mine.” Says Stacy

“You two really should find some friend friends, I would do it but I don’t really know enough about romance and being an adult to teach you about it.” Says Ophelia

“That’s good. Let’s stay buddy friends forever. Please, I don’t even want any friend friends like that..” Says Stacy

“Yes. Buddy friends forever.” Says Jenna

“Ok. You still have to grow up one day, but I’m not going to force you.” Teases Ophelia

“Thank god.” Says Stacy

“I still feel like we’re beating around the bush a little bit.” Says Jenna

“You’re trying to defuse a time-bomb that is likely impossible to defuse and will explode if you tamper with it the wrong way. I would just enjoy the time we still have on the clock. Who knows, it might just keep ticking forever and never explode.” Says Stacy

“I see your point.” Says Jenna

“You girls are the time-bombs; it’s only a matter of time until you blossom into lovers like me.” Says Ophelia

“While we’re on the subject of defusing time-bombs, you girls know you’re spending the night at my house tonight, right?” asks Stacy

“I don’t know if my parents will let me stay out two nights in a row.” Says Jenna

“Tell them you have to help me and Ophelia study; my sister will probably be there so you can tell them you can get help from here. It is imperative that you both come tonight.” Says Stacy

“Why? I don’t really want to study on a Saturday night.” Says Ophelia

“We are going to deal with this.” Says Stacy, holding up her hand showing the girls the ominously blood red ring

“As much as I don’t like it, I will try my best to come.” Says Jenna

“I have to go to church tomorrow, but I’m sure my parents will let me come if I tell them we are studying, they know how smart Stella and Jenna are.” Says Ophelia

“Good. Otherwise Mr. Dog will be having Stacy for breakfast tomorrow and nobody wants that.” Says Stacy

“What exactly are we going to do about it?” asks Ophelia

“We are going to do exactly as we were told to do.” Says Stacy

“Are we going to do something super good to make it glow white like it should?” asks Ophelia

“Of course.” Says Stacy

“Hooray!” says Ophelia

“I really don’t want to know, but do you have something in mind?” asks Jenna

“You get to watch me transform, so let your imagination run wild from there.” Says Stacy

“Awesome! Did you really learn to do it?” asks Ophelia

“I can put that silly dress on, yes. I really can’t transform other than that though.” Says Stacy

“Aww. It’s still a cute outfit though.” Says Ophelia

“The idea of you needing a costume scares me, but I’m going to try and put my faith in you.” Says Jenna

“That’s all I can ask.” Says Stacy

“Of course she needs a costume, we have to keep our magical lives and our normal lives separate, remember?” says Ophelia

“I could never forget that. Very, very separate.” Says Jenna

“Good. You wouldn’t want people finding out and then ruin your life.” Says Ophelia

“My sentiments exactly.” Says Stacy, as the girls stop at their parting crossroads


“I will mentally prepare myself for tonight. It’s kind of like going up a rollercoaster before the first big drop right now.” Says Jenna

“Well, let’s just try to enjoy the ride, shall we?” asks Stacy

“How could we not? We’re super awesome love witches.” Says Ophelia

“Rollercoasters can be pretty scary.” Says Jenna

“Well, it doesn’t really matter when you’re trapped on the ride, does it?” asks Stacy

“No, I guess it doesn’t.” says Jenna

“It would be great if we could ride it all the time and be helpful witches instead of having to go to boring school all day.” Says Ophelia

“There might be boring parts, but we really can’t get off. The ride never ends.” Says Stacy

“Sadly that is the most optimistic viewpoint possible.” Says Jenna

“I just think it would be better without the boring parts.” Says Ophelia

“Let’s just hope you always feel that way. My life depends on your help, after all.” Says Stacy

“Of course I will, doing good things as a love witch is like my calling. It feels amazing to help people like that, like a gift from god.” Says Ophelia

“I’m not quite a love witch, but close enough I guess.” Says Stacy

“I don’t know what you are exactly, but you can be like the love cat or something because you don’t have a witch outfit.” Says Ophelia

“Love Cat, I like it. Kitty the Love Cat.” Says Stacy

“So cute!” says Ophelia

“I’m glad you’re going to use that name.” says Jenna

“I’m certainly not going to use Stacy. I need as much distance between myself and my double life as possible.” Says Stacy

“I will try to savor what moments of my normal life I have left today. I’m even excited about doing chores.” Says Jenna

“That’s so silly. I can’t wait to go out tonight, as much as I like hanging out, it’s nothing like the thrill of transforming and doing magic.” Says Ophelia

“I’ll let you get to your chores, I know you can’t wait. Savor them. I’ll see you girls tonight.” Says Stacy

“Thanks. I’ll be praying that things go well tonight.” Says Jenna

“If we end up relying on a wing and a prayer, I will feel like I didn’t do my job.” Says Stacy

“We don’t even have wings.” Says Ophelia

“I’m flying high right now. Let just hope I’m the ace I believe myself to be.” Says Stacy

“I have an unsettling amount of faith in that.” Says Jenna

“Well, we’re either uncomfortable or dead; I’ll pick the former any day of the week.” Says Stacy

“I’m there with you.” Says Jenna, distantly, discomforted by her certainty in such an unavoidably disagreeable decision

“Ta-ta for now.” Says Stacy, smiling at her friends with suicidal heroicism as she walks into the engulfing glare of the afternoon sun

“Ta-ta.” The girls say as Stacy walks away




Stacy absentmindedly pilots her boney puppet down the fate trodden path. The quiet streets massage the sound of her breathing and heartbeat into her mind, the fanciful fantasies of pleasant incredulousness ravaged by the meaty beating of blood and bellows of breath. The inescapable prison of bones and tendons that encircles her dream hat sensually massages reminders its own fragile mortality into the haughty ghost of the godking that reigns heavy-handedly over the damned puppet. This reality repels her sense of self into a third person perspective watching the young girl amble down the street shaking sillily as it attempts to pointlessly shake off its own mortality as if such a curse were but water on the coat of a dog. The true narcissism of each ghost that haunts such a haunt and claims it as its own is pleased by the body, for each of them, even Stacy, know that when the fleshy soul urn is shattered they will simply be loosed on the world and damned to search once more for pastimes and pleasure.

Insufflating the depersonalization, the following euphoric high of indifference to the walking corpse leaves nothing but appreciation. The dancing ghosts are artistically aroused by the consensual mutual insanity of the beast and its inhabitants, as the insanity loves them warmly and intoxicates them merrily while reality is cold, sober, and abusive. Were the native ghost and her compatriots not so polite, they would perhaps have ruthlessly abused reality in a fervent reciprocal loathing, but instead they simply turn their nose up and pity such a woman shackled by her own natural inhibition. Stacy’s ghost wraps her arms around the beast, and smells her deeply, aroused by what she deems to be nothing more than a tight piece of ass that is conditioned to enjoy being ravaged thoroughly by the insanity of its ghastly pilot. The pompously misanthropic ghost is largely asexual due to such disdain for the species, but narcissism easily fills this void, to the point where the ghost’s love of itself and is nearly a perpetual euphoric orgasm.

The ghost gooses the ass of the strutter she adores before returning to its dark castle in the skull, amorously holding the beast, stroking it lovingly and comforting its fears. The warm embrace flavored by the mutual infatuation with competitively sadistic suicide, less out of indignation that the beast had damned itself through its own folly, and more so simply through vehement abhorrence of the race of man. The fate of death is seductively pleasuring, for the depersonalized beast sees even its own demise as a selfless act of pure good, for none are spared from such loathing. The sickness sees to it that sadism is the strategy of redressing this sentiment, for her carnal lust for bloodshed is complimented by her eyes that gaze upon every soul as a vengeant and damning god does. This feeling is holy, as if an angel had possessed a nameless demon and began to mercilessly slay the legion it had once marched in unison with, the angel purifying and redeeming the wicked cognizance of the demon and ushering it unto salvation. Stacy is finally home, and smiles as she enters her house.


“Hey Dad.” Says Stacy

“Howdy-ho.” He says

“You’ve been well I hope?” asks Stacy

“Yep. Still stuck in the well. People always want to help a small child that is stuck in a well, but nobody gives a damn if old Dale spends the rest of his life down here.” He says

“At least you’ve got plenty to drink.” Says Stacy

“Cheers to that. Television’s not bad down here either.” He says

“That’s good. Don’t drown on me though.” Jokes Stacy

“If the drink is at my lips it’s surely being drank before it fills my nose. At that rate there’s no way I can drown.” He says

“Keep on trucking with that.” Says Stacy

“You know I couldn’t stop drinking even if I tried.” He says

“That’s better than drowning though.” Says Stacy

“That’s for damn sure.” He says

“I’ll be upstairs, holler if you need me.” Says Stacy

“Roger Wilco.” He says as Stacy goes upstairs


Stacy goes into her room, Stella is reading a book on her bed.

“Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes?” Says Stella

“I could say the same thing myself.” Says Stacy, changing out of her uniform

“I take it you’re talking about seeing yourself.” Says Stella

“You know I missed you.” Says Stacy

“Really?” asks Stella

“Of course. This mask is killing my face, it’s good to be able to take it off.” Says Stacy

“You’ve got to wear one with your friends, too, huh?” asks Stella

“It’s that social cognizance thing, where you’re aware of your actions and you have to think about them a little bit. It’s quite tiring.” Says Stacy, falling onto her bed

“You couldn’t be bothered to do me that honor?” asks Stella

“You take me the way I am, I don’t want to put on a show if I don’t have to.” Says Stacy

“I didn’t know I had a choice in flavors.” Says Stella

“You don’t. That’s the beauty of it all.” Says Stacy

“Thanks.” Says Stella

“Did you do anything?” asks Stacy

“I hung out with some friends from student council, that’s about it.” Says Stella

“That’s cool.”Says Stacy

“You have fun?” asks Stella

“Of course. I thoroughly pleasured myself with sadomasochism.” Says Stacy

“That was how you had fun?” asks Stella

“That is what fun is. It is enjoying yourself by torturing yourself and others through your neglect of responsibilities while being incredulous to the eventual repercussions of such negligence.” Says Stacy

“That sounds about right.” Says Stella

“You’ve never been big on fun have you?” asks Stacy

“What can I say; I guess I’m not much of a sadomasochist.” Says Stella

“Of course, pleasure is but a foolish pleasure, after all.” Says Stacy

“What do you plan on doing today, nothing I presume?” Says Stella

“I wish. Sadly I must ride the plot horse tonight.” Says Stacy

“What does that entail?” asks Stella

“Tragedy.” Says Stacy

“Tragic. I wanted to keep on being carefree but it only took you a few minutes to sow seeds of trees that yield befraughtening fruit, and such seeds have sprouted, matured, and blossomed in an instant. Now I must acknowledge the inescapable aroma of such an ominous orchard.” Says Stella

“You can look back in twenty years and say that today was simply the perfect time to plant such an orchard.” Says Stacy

“If only it took so long for those sickening trees to come to fruition.” Says Stella

“I’m the one riding the damn plot horse, you should be happy it’s not you.” Says Stacy

“You clearly don’t understand the part of the tragedy where the protagonist dies and the supporting characters are struck with grief.” Says Stella

“The only tragedy is that I’ve got to ride the damn horse. It’s sad that I can’t just lather myself in shits and giggles like every other girl out there.” Says Stacy

“The palpable stupidity of that supposed reason is literally painful to think about. I am at a loss for words to be honest.” Says Stella

“This is not a fucking joke, Stella.” Says Stacy, raising her hand, her ring still an ominously dark blood red. “After tonight you will at least believe me.” Says Stacy

“How could that possibly be true?” says Stella

“I don’t want to tell you this, but I don’t really have a choice. The girls are coming over tonight, and we’re all damned to the same fate.” Says Stacy

“The fate of having a mood ring?” asks Stella

“That is a fair way to put it. It’s not our mood though. It is that of our damnator.” Says Stacy

“What did he do to you again?” asks Stella

“He turned us into witches. At least Jenna and Ophelia, they can magically transform and get these silly costumes and do magic.” Says Stacy

“Jesus Christ. Usually your insanity isn’t that ridiculous.” Says Stella

“I don’t want to believe this shit either, neither does Jenna, but they will show you tonight, it’s quite the spectacle.” Says Stacy

“Why can’t you transform and get a silly costume and do magic then?” asks Stella sarcastically

“I don’t know why I can’t transform, but my magic is like a vivid radar for bad things and evil and endless thoughts of how to fight it. It is terrible.” Says Stacy

“Explain this getting magic part; I am stupefied enough that I want to at least hear this story.” Says Stella

“Well, we met a talking dog and he let us wish for magical powers. Ophelia chose love, Jenna chose helpfulness reluctantly, I wanted omnipotence, but he couldn’t give me that, so I said omniscience and this is what he gave me.” Says Stacy

“That sounds exactly like you, but somehow you don’t just know everything now or whatever? God damn this is stupid.” Says Stella

“I wasn’t paying attention and he phrased it as giving us magic to do good and fight evil, so I can only use the omniscience to do good and fight evil. That is my understanding of it at least.” Says Stacy

“I want to die, just because the story was so fucking stupid yet somehow it is the reason why I have been permanently scarred mentally by your insanity. It is soul crushing.” Says Stella

“You know I’m not that kind of crazy. God damn it Stella. The only reason this happened is because I didn’t believe in this sort of shit and now I’ve got some blood debt to a magical fucking dog. You will believe me tonight, trust me.” Says Stacy

“I really fucking want to. There is a sliver of foolish hope in my heart that you are telling the truth, but seeing you become this crazy and have your life fall apart is literally fucking killing me.” Says Stella

“Then just do it. Just say fuck it. Believe me. It will comfort you to no end, and I don’t want to spend the rest of the afternoon with you wanting to die and hating me, so just believe me and sympathize with my predicament.” Says Stacy

“That is literally the path of least resistance right now and it is so fucking tempting. I would hate myself for not trying to talk sense into you, but god damn it, it is so fucking easy to take your word for it and write it off as some unfortunate twist of fate and sympathize with you. Maybe I’m going just as crazy as you are. Fuck me.” Says Stella

“I wouldn’t tell you this shit if it wasn’t the truth. I don’t have the intelligence and imagination of a small child. You don’t even have to believe me; you can just not give a fuck for a few hours until the girls show up and then draw your conclusion then.” Says Stacy

Stella looks down at her wrist “Oh, would you look at the time; it’s time to not give a fuck, how convenient.” She says

“I’m glad you have that watch.” Says Stacy

“It is an indispensable resource.” Says Stella

“Most people can just look at the sun in the sky or something.” Says Stacy

“What can I say; I like to have an accurate measurement.” Says Stella

“Of course.” Says Stacy

“I am almost enjoying this predicament as it is almost intoxicatingly nonsensical.” Says Stela

“Enjoy, be merry. Why make an effort to feel the negative feelings?” says Stacy

“Seeing how they change nothing about the predicament, it makes sense to completely ignore that urge.” Says Stella

“I’m glad you see the light.” Says Stacy

“Oh yes, the consumptive darkness of insanity that is otherwise known as the light.” Says Stella

“You know I love being crazy, and seeing how I literally hate this predicament. It logically makes sense that it’s not me being crazy.” Says Stacy

“That is startlingly logical. That has created a logical paradox in my brain, but I’m just going to walk away, smiling and incredulous to everything.” Says Stella

“Awesome.” Says Stacy

“I’m just going to go back to reading and keep on not giving a fuck.” Says Stella

“Atta girl.” Says Stacy

“I’m not a dog or a child, but I’ll take it.” Says Stella, going back to reading, Stacy closes her eyes as she still lays on her bed in the following silence


“Stella, I know you’re upset, but I just need to know if you’ll have my back, the dog and Bay City are already itching to put me in the ground, I don’t want you to be on that list.” Says Stacy

“I don’t want to kill you; I am upset because it is painful watching you become this crazy. I still love you dearly, and don’t want anything bad to happen to you, I just don’t know how I can help you in that regard.” Says Stella

“It’s kind of me against the world, and as long as you side with me instead of the world, I’ll love you forever. All I’m asking is for you to look out for my best interests over those of other people who really don’t like me.” Says Stacy

“I will always have your best interests at heart; it is using those intentions to produce meaningful results that I am worried about.” Says Stella

“Don’t worry about the results; just being on my side is the most meaningful result you can produce. Damn near every organized body that induces social conditioning, be it lawful or illicit, will likely want me dead in due time. My only defense is my anonymity, and as long as you do your damnedest to keep that intact you will be saving my life.” Says Stacy

“I’m glad you plan on making friends with everybody, but you can sleep soundly knowing I won’t tell a soul about this part of you. I don’t want to know what you plan on doing, but they will kill me before I speak a word of it, no torture could compare to the pain and embarrassment of having your insanity exposed to the public and the prejudice cast upon me as your identical twin. Some foolish part of me hopes you aren’t crazy, because I am scared for my own sake that I end up like you one day.” Says Stella

“That is a foolish part of you indeed, like a schizophrenic wishing that his hallucinatory demons took physical form and fulfilled their threats upon his life.” Says Stacy

“You understand they believe that sort of thing is true, right?” says Stella

“They don’t have a magical ring though.” Says Stacy

“Sorry, I forgot that the presence or absence of a mood ring is what determines whether or not a lunatic is sane or not.” Says Stella

“In my case, sadly it does. I’m not going to press the issue, but unfortunately you don’t have much time left to be incredulous to these things, enjoy your last afternoon free of shellshock.” Says Stacy

“You’re that confident?” asks Stella

“Sadly.” Says Stacy

“I’m waiting here as a soldier eager to storm the front lines.” Says Stella

“That’s my job; you’ve got to be the mess management specialist or something. I was just a bit worried about a mutiny on board when all hell breaks loose.” Says Stacy

“I’m glad you picked a suitable job for me, which really isn’t any different than what I do now surprisingly. Don’t worry about any mutiny either; it’s common knowledge that the chef always goes down with the ship.” Says Stella

“I never should have questioned your loyalty. I’m glad to have you onboard. Now that things are all in order, all that’s left to do is let go and haul.” Says Stacy

“Aye, aye, captain.” jokes Stella

“You’ve just go to keep the crew in high spirits and it should be smooth sailing from here on out.” Says Stacy

“I have absolutely no faith in that statement, but I’ll do my part.” says Stella

“I have no faith in it either, but why would I ruin the tranquility of the calm before the storm.” Say

“Are we going to sing shanties now?” jokes Stella, entertained by the theme


“So we’ll r-o-oll the old chariot along!” Sings Stacy

“We’ll roll the golden chariot along!” Echoes Stella

“So we’ll r-o-ll the old chariot along!”  Sing Stacy

“And we’ll all hang on behind!” Sings Stella

“Reaping souls of the damned wouldn’t do us any harm!” Sings Stacy

“Jesus Christ.” Says Stella

“You’ve got to have faith in the shantyman.” Says Stacy

“What happened to a drink and a smoke?” asks Stella

“You can go sing shanties with dad if you want that line. You don’t drink or smoke anyways.” Says Stacy

“That’s true. I’ve always thought of it as an ironic line.” Says Stella

“It is. I suppose when you’re as far gone as he is it really wouldn’t do him any harm.” Says Stacy

“It all adds up, but I understand there’s nothing I can do for him.” says Stella

“I just try to keep him in high spirits.” Says Stacy

“I appreciate that. Somehow that sort of thing comes naturally to you. You’re not really going to sing that line are you?” Says Stella

“I like it, what do you suggest?” asks Stacy

“High spirits in our glass?” asks Stella

“That’s still drinking. I think all of dads were about drinking.” Says Stacy

“A nice Cuban cigar?” asks Stella

“Maybe one day. That’s pretty classy. You know you can just make up what you want.” Says Stacy

“A drop of sanity?” asks Stella

“As long as we get a pint of lunacy.” Says Stacy

“I will probably need it if I’m on your ship.” Says Stella

“You can mix in some sanity to taste. I wouldn’t want to ruin the sweetness of lunacy though.” Says Stacy

“I can understand. Just being around you is making me lose my mind, but it’s kind of in a good way.  It’s comforting that your response to having death supposedly breathing down your neck is to sing shanties.” Says Stella

“Even the soundest ship sails on seas that have drowned millions of men. The only thing that separates the two crews is staying afloat.” Says Stacy

“Let’s stay afloat then.” Says Stella

“I plan on it.” Says Stacy

“Good.” Says Stella

“I’ll try to give you some peace and quiet. I’m going to try to catch a wink of sleep and conserve my energy.” Says Stacy

“I’ve never seen you run out of energy.” Says Stella

“I just don’t want to chance it.” Says Stacy

“Have at it.” Says Stella


The timeherd milks a delicious while from the teats of his lonely immortal companion. It is a quiet while. Stacy eventually sits up after trying to sleep.


“Stella, so, something happened, with all of this, and now something has been bothering me for some odd reason, I kind of want to talk to you about it.” Says Stacy

“I don’t know how I can possibly help you with whatever aspect of your delirium is bothering you.” Says Stella

“It’s not that. It’s just that I’ve never kissed anyone and I kind of want to know what it feels like before I die.” Says Stacy, reluctantly embarrassed

“Are you planning on dying tonight?” asks Stella

“It’s not in my plans, but things don’t always go according to plan.” Says Stacy

“Go kiss one of your girlfriends if it bothers you that much.” Says Stella

“That’s kind of weird; I don’t want to have that sort of thing complicating our friendship.” Says Stacy

“It’s not that weird.” Says Stella

“I don’t want them to get the wrong idea, we’ve got an important quasi-co-worker relationship and that sort of silliness could easily get taken the wrong way.” Says Stacy

“So how about you just don’t die tonight and deal with your unfulfilled dreams some other day.” Says Stella

“I wish I could promise that, but tonight is going to be like my maiden voyage and I don’t know for sure if the ship will float or not.” Says Stacy

“I’m not so dense that I don’t know what you’re hinting at, but it’s pretty weird.” Says Stella

“You just said it wasn’t weird, it’s just practice anyways. You are the only one I can ask because I know you won’t tell anybody. It’s just been haunting me lately is all.” Says Stacy

“Fine, but no tongue or anything.” Says Stella, reluctantly, Stacy gets up and crawls onto Stella’s bed

“Ready?” asks Stacy, nervously

“I guess.” Says Stella, she closes her eyes and puckers her lips. Stacy massages the stiff lips softly with her own for a couple of seconds before Stella begins to emulate the caress slowly. As the mutual gap between their lips widens, Stacy slips her tongue through the breach and lick’s her partner’s tongue. Stella draws back, startled. “I said no tongue.” She says, a bit embarrassed and blushing

“Thanks for that.” Says Stacy

“I didn’t expect that much from you; it got my heart racing a little bit.” Says Stella

“Yeah, me too. Did you like it?” Says Stacy, starting to blush

“Surprisingly it did feel pretty good, even coming from you.” Says Stella

“I also liked it, even though I didn’t think I would be into that stuff.” Says Stacy

“I think it’s just a human endorphin sort of deal.” Says Stella

“Probably. We can try again if you want.” Says Stacy

“I’m not trying to fulfill all of your dreams, be happy with that one. You already took it a bit too far.” Says Stella, taken aback

“Sorry about that. That was kind of an impulse; it did feel good though, better than I expected. Thanks again.” Says Stacy who pecks her sister on the cheek and falls down on back her own bed satisfied

“Who would have thought that you were a lover at heart?” teases Stella

“I just didn’t want to die without at least getting that far.” Says Stacy

“Do you really think it counts if it’s just with me?” asks Stella

“At this point I’ll take what I can get. It felt like it counted, the feeling at least.” Says Stacy

"I just hope you don’t want any more than that, it was pretty embarrassing.” Says Stella

“I was embarrassed too, but it’s not like anybody will find out. That’s why I chose you.” Says Stacy

“You wouldn’t let your friends think you had any sort of interest in that thing, would you?” asks Stella

“Absolutely not, I’m pretty sure my motif is heartlessness.” Says Stacy

“That’s so sad.” Jokes Stella

“If you have a heart, it just gets broken. I might have had one a long time ago, but it’s been broken for as long as I can remember.” Says Stacy

“Hopefully somebody can come along and fix it for you.” Says Stella, frowning sadly

“Just so it gets broken again? No thanks. You act like you’re some kind of lover.” Says Stacy

“I tend to have a little bit of optimism about that. I suppose it’s just a fantasy, but I don’t disregard the possibility entirely.” Says Stella

“You might have if you were hanging out with us these past couple days. One of our new friends Grace is almost violently bigoted against men; the image of men had been beaten to death before our eyes and was beaten thoroughly after it was already dead.” Says Stacy

“Why is she like that?” asks Stella

“Television, horror stories, a brother. I guess all of that adds up. I don’t really blame her, it’s better to be safe than sorry. We’ve been trying to get that through Ophelia’s thick skull with no luck.” Says Stacy

“Isn’t it better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all?” asks Stella

“Not when you lose your life on account of it.” Says Stacy

“I can see her doing something like that, sadly.” Says Stella

“We’re doing what we can to keep an eye on her, so everything should be fine.” Says Stacy

“That’s good. Who are your new friends again?” asks Stella

“That one is Grace, the other one is Isabelle.” Says Stacy

“What is she like?” asks Stella

“Rich, funny, cool, ironically a bit of a hippie with not too much tolerance for that nonsense, I suppose.” Says Stacy

“How is she your friend with that lack of a tolerance for nonsense?” asks Stella

“Ironically some people don’t find my views to be nonsensical, at least when I pull the classy ones out of the big bag of sentiments.” Says Stella

“You must be saving those for your friends.” Says Stella

“I give you a taste every now and again; I’m a classy lady after all.” Says Stacy

“I don’t recall tasting those.” Says Stella

“I just said they were classy, I didn’t say they were sensible. You seem to only taste sensibility for some reason.” Says Stacy

“That makes sense.” Says Stella

“I’m going back to sleep. Wake me up if you cook supper.” Says Stacy

“Are you friends eating with us?” asks Stella

“I doubt it.” Says Stacy

“Check.” Says Stella sternly

“Fine.” Stacy gets her phone and texts her friends, waits for a response

“No.” says Stacy

“Thank you.” Says Stella


Stacy sleeps. Stella reads. The sun slowly slips towards the horizon.




Stella whistles to get Stacy’s attention.

“What?” asks Stacy sleepily

“What do you want to eat?” asks Stella

“Food?” says Stacy

“It was going to be tires and rebar, but if you’re in the mood for food I can change my plans.” Says Stella

“You are the one who cooks and buys groceries, how should I know what there is to eat.” Says Stacy

“What would you do without me?” asks Stella

“Something, maybe? I’m always amazed that nobody robs you when you’re riding your bike down the street with that trailer of groceries.” says Stacy

“Homeless people who say they are starving on their sign won’t even take free food if you offer it to them. We don’t really live in a bad area either.” Says Stella

“I suppose that’s why the liquor courier service delivers its goods in something like an armored car. They know what the desperate people want.” Says Stacy

“I think it’s pretty bad that the liquor stores offer a courier service while grocery stores don’t.” says Stella

“Well the patrons of liquor stores tend to be loyal customers and plenty of them can’t drive. You’ve got to reach your target market somehow. I’m pretty sure people are more likely to pull over to the side of the road if they see a liquor van than they are if they see an ambulance, and for sure if it’s a cop.” Says Stacy

“It’s no surprise that liquor is more popular than the police. It is rare you ever see police sirens, they want to get to their destination even less than the people who called them there.” Says Stella

“I’m pretty sure it’s a rookie every time, those fresh grapes spoil quickly and then they become sweet, sweet wine.” Says Stacy

“I’m sure at least some of them try to clean up the streets.” Says Stella

“Most of them do, they can’t just leave the dead bodies out to rot, you know? As far as stopping crime I don’t think I’ve ever seen them make an effort.” Says Stacy

“Didn’t the cops come talk to you that one night?” asks Stella

“I think that’s only because I was the victim. If it were just another murder I’m sure the homicide department would file it with the countless cold cases, call it a day, and go to town on the cold case of brews they’ve got waiting for them at home.” Says Stacy

“Why didn’t they do that to yours then?” asks Stella

“I think they only did it because they knew they could write it off as self-defense and let me go. Ever since the police became a private entity they do what they can to keep the jails empty, jailbirds impact the bottom line so of course there will be none of that. I’m pretty sure every cop cares a lot more about his holiday bonus than he does about justice.” Says Stacy

“People still end up in jail, so how do you explain that?” asks Stella

“Well, aside from the random oddball who turns himself in and confesses to something who hangs out for a few hours before the public defendant gets him released due to a lack of evidence, the only people who go to jail and face trial are the people with a bounty on their head, if the police make more money by persecuting them than they lose by keeping them incarcerated, that is when they’re in hot pursuit.” Says Stacy

“I take it you know a bunch of cops or something.” Says Stella

“It’s common knowledge. If you pick up any paper and look at the crime log, the only cases where a person is charged involve victims with high profile titles; it’s never the robbery of a janitor or the rape of a waitress. Unless you’re paying for the justice it just doesn’t happen.” Says Stacy

“I’ve definitely heard of normal people being helped by the police.” Says Stella

“Sometimes if the cops are bored enough they will take a reported crime and use it as an excuse to go hunt minorities, that’s about it. Sometimes they kill the right guy, sometimes they don’t. It’s seldom that they even do that. Regardless of whether or not the accuser even verifies that they got the right guy, they report that they apprehended a suspect who resisted to the point they feared for their life and acted in self-defense, then they get a commendation for their bravery. If you watch the conservative news they love that kind of that stuff.” Says Stacy

“Who watches the conservative news?” asks Stella

“Ophelia’s parents.” Says Stacy

“I think you’re still a bit too cynical about the cops. There have to be some good cops.” Says Stella

“Maybe in places where the police force is not a private locally subsidized entity. It is a business and the cops are businessmen. If you are really that interested you can request a list of reported crimes and compare it with the list of individuals charged with a crime. Easily less than 1% of reported crimes result in a suspect being charged, and on top of that the vast majority of crimes are unreported because anybody who is nobody understands the police don’t give a damn about them. ” Says Stacy

“I’ll let you have this one. I really just wanted to hold onto my childlike perception of them. I like to think we’re somewhat safe from crime, but clearly not.” Says Stella

“We’re plenty safe, most minorities would be shot just for breaking the lines of the quasi-voluntary social segregation, the police would jump on that opportunity if some loitering hotshot didn’t take the opportunity himself.” Says Stacy

“Because being a minority is a crime?” asks Stella

“Threatening somebody’s life is a crime. It’s easy to feel threatened and impossible to disprove. That’s all the justification anybody really needs in this city to murder somebody in broad daylight.” Says Stacy

“You act like these kinds of murders are commonplace, I’ve never even heard of one.” Says Stella

“Nobody makes a big deal of it when it happens; everybody on both sides agrees that the deceased should have known better than to walk into the jaws of the hungry lion.” Says Stacy

“You think we would be shot on sight if we walked through an ethnic neighborhood?” asks Stella

“No. It’s because we’re women. Minorities like white women because we kind of had the same fate as they did for most all of history. White men are the demons and everybody else is their victims. It’s not as true today, but people love to blame anything and everything they can on bad blood.” Says Stacy

“But dad would get shot?” asks Stella

“He might get roughed up a bit, but they would probably just think he’s homeless.” Says Stacy

“That’s a good point.” Says Stella

“If it’s a white man in a suit you know that he will soon be surrounded by bandanas and stripped naked. We might get raped or something, but that doesn’t really happen on the streets in broad daylight, we’re more likely to get abducted by weirdos or something, but that can happen anywhere and we’re a bit too old for that thankfully.” Says Stacy

“You think they would take his suit?” says Stella

“You can pawn a nice suit pretty easily. Of course they take his suit.” Says Stacy

“You have no faith in mankind, do you?” asks Stella

“It’s not a matter of faith; faith relates to unknown or unknowable things, I’m simply stating easily observable facts. I don’t have faith in mankind changing anytime soon, man hasn’t changed over the course of the 5,500 years of recorded history so I’m not going to put faith in some miracle or something that will make him turn on a dime towards godliness.” Says Stacy

“I like to believe in a brighter tomorrow, even if it is foolish.” Says Stella

“It’s not foolish at all, the sun gets brighter every day, it’s not noticeable, but it’s a guarantee that tomorrow will be brighter than today by some negligible tiny fraction.” Says Stacy

“I’m already looking forward to it. I’ll go fix something for us to eat, I’m sure you’re hungry.” Says Stella

“You can read me like a book.” Says Stacy

“I can read the first part that could easily be used to teach small children how to read. The second part is some delirious haunted manifesto that nobody in their right mind could stomach.” Says Stella

“I’m glad nobody in their right mind exists.” Says Stacy

“You’re lucky that’s probably true, at least around here.” Says Stella, exiting the room, Stacy follows



“What are you cooking?” asks Stacy, following her sister downstairs

“Eggs and Spanish rice.” Says Stella

“Good. I was almost ready to eat the tires and rebar.” Says Stacy

“One would think you’d be a bit bigger with your appetite.” Says Stella

“My demons need to eat too. I’m sure I would be if they didn’t take the lion’s share of the grub.” Says Stacy

“Of course.” Says Stella, beginning to assemble the meal, Stacy grabs a magazine from the pile day’s mail and sits at the table

“I didn’t think you’d go right for the magazine full of fashion and girl talk.” Says Stella

“I’d probably read anything to be honest. Whatever it is can almost always teach you a thing or two.” Says Stacy

“You really just want to be a beautiful popular and normal girl don’t you?” teases Stella

“I don’t need to want something I already have.” Says Stacy

“I’d give you beautiful to avoid criticizing myself, the other two not so much.” Says Stella

“I have plenty of friends.” Says Stacy

“Two?” teases Stella

“At least 4, but I am on easily on speaking terms with everybody in my classes.” Says Stacy

“Wow, speaking terms. That’s like the pinnacle of popularity.” Teases Stella

“I don’t need any more friends, it’s not like I can entertain 100 people simultaneously. You’re the one who subscribes to this magazine. Don’t tease me about wanting to be a normal girl.” Says Stacy

“Maybe I read that because I am normal and have normal interests. I like to think about fashion, beauty, dating, and what not. I don’t see why you don’t take any interest in those things.” Says Stella

“The printing press didn’t revolutionize the world because it was beautiful. I’m not going to resign myself to basing my own merit off of feminine ideals. When you read about history they don’t give a damn about the feminine women, history only cares about girls who can go toe to toe with men.” Says Stacy

“You realize it’s pretty irrational to attempt to become some historically significant person, there are a few thousand of those out of the 100 billion people that ever walked the earth.” Says Stella

“Dad has alcoholism and I have egotism.” Says Stacy

“It’s clearly damaging your vital organs, largely your brain.” Says Stella

“It’s a crippling disease, but I’m not trying to fight off the tremens. I don’t think they can give me enough diazepam to ensure that I don’t die.” Says Stacy

“You can put the alcoholic in a place without alcohol; I think it would be impossible to separate you from your ego.” Says Stella

“Then it’s hopeless to even try to save me.” Says Stella

“What a pity.” Says Stella

“The real pity is people who base their ego off insignificant things like fashion, beauty and dating. At least my standards of excellence have a palpable significance within reality outside of the opinions of petty irrelevant peasants.” Says Stacy

“I think it’s possible to enjoy those things without basing your ego off of them.” Says Stella

“Sadly most girls can’t seem to understand that. They see trifling femininity as the most significant aspect of their life. The sad part is that it becomes the de facto truth when every girl choses to believe such nonsense.” Says Stacy

“Plenty of girls put most of their effort into their studies and could care less about that sort of thing.” Says Stella

“That tends not to be their choice; they do so because they were excluded from the cult of the feminine populist due to looks, money, or some other form of stigma. Even then plenty of them still try to redeem themselves with such pettiness out of some pipe dream that they will become the ideal girl in the eyes of both sexes.” Says Stacy

“People desire self-improvement. What is wrong with somebody who wants to improve upon themselves even if it takes the form of doing make-up, hair styling, or fashion?” Says Stella

“Vanity was once a cardinal sin, now it is a subset of pride, and for good reason. The beautiful horse that can’t run worth a damn shouldn’t be given any more value than the ugly horse who is equally terrible at running. Wasting time every day of your life in pursuit of something that literally accomplishes nothing is ridiculous.” Says Stacy

“So you don’t think impressing guys and getting them to like you is accomplishing something?” asks Stella

“They don’t like you, they like you when you’re obscured by vanity. They would spit on you if you took off the mask. You invest so much time to reward yourself with a fake life of always trying to live up to people’s unnatural expectations, throwing away piles of money and time and constantly drowning yourself with the anxiety induced by the fear of your own inadequacy. If I’m going to set out to accomplish something, I’m going try and accomplish something legitimate and real, not simply maim my own personage in exchange for the ephemeral satisfaction of the approval of the vanity of my peers.” Says Stacy

“Unfortunately for you, women are expected to care about their looks. Society is starting to accept the fact that women can be powerful, but part of a woman’s power is her looks. Beauty can intimidate people just as much as prowess and it can impress people just as much as work ethic. That is kind of good because often your prowess and work ethic will be written off simply because of your gender.” Says Stacy

“I’ll try to remember that. As much as I’m not fond of that sort of thing, I do see your point. If you can’t tempt men with reason, perhaps you can tempt them with your body.” Says Stacy

“A lot of it is personality; you might want to work on that. Cute, playful, and sexy tend to work a bit better than brooding insanity.” Says Stella

“I’ll have to go for a cute, playful, and sexy brooding insanity then.” Says Stacy

“That’s as far as you’re willing to go?” asks Stella

“I’m not going to sacrifice who I am as a person just so I can sleep my way up the ladder. I don’t want to be some slaver’s ideal woman; I want to be my ideal woman.” Says Stacy

“What does that involve, exactly?” asks Stella

“Basically it just involves becoming the top cat. I’ve never been fond of the idea of subservience to others, so my only choice is to be the one who everyone else is subservient.” Says Stacy

“That is extraordinarily ridiculous. Everybody is mutually subservient to each other. It’s called civility.” Says Stella

“There is always an imbalance where the less powerful tend to be more civil out of fear, and the more powerful tend to be less civil out of hubris.” Says Stacy

“You don’t want to be civil?” asks Stella

“Civility and power are antithetical entities, one negates the other. I have nothing against being civil; it is just that I would rather be powerful.” Says Stacy

“Being uncivil also tends to quickly negate one’s power. Unless you want to lead a prison gang or something you should probably have a better philosophy than that.” Says Stella

“Of course they do, the key is being just civil enough to save face. This will maximize your power and negate the risk of losing it on account of your antisocial tendencies. It’s common knowledge that good guys finish last, at the very least I’d like to be in the middle of the pack.” Says Stacy

“I think your distinct lack of goodness will get you a bit further than that.” Says Stella

“Thanks. That’s inspiring. Sometimes I feel like I’m too good. I tend to want the best results from a logical and rational standpoint, and while I would resort to amoral autocratic means to accomplish these things, I feel that since I would actually be helping society I would be too benevolent to actually be powerful.” Says Stacy

“I’m sure plenty of people also feel that autocrats are simply too benevolent to yield any power.” Says Stella, sarcastically

“I’m not saying that. I’m just saying that personally my actions would all be strictly guided by their yields. The decisions would make themselves because they are simply the ones that produce the most optimum results in regards to society; this leaves me as a puppet to the decisions themselves as any sort of self-serving power thirst would burden the efficacy of the amoral dehumanization of society in the name of economic and military power.” Says Stacy

“It is touching how selfless you are. You just want to make the world a better place.” Says Stella

“Man is amoral if not immoral; it is nonsensical to attempt to govern with a moralistic system. The government should reflect its constituents, and I’m not going to put on airs and pretend to be moral when the majority of the population has little interest in such things. I am a realist when it comes down to that.” Says Stacy

“The government attempts to be moral because discontented people will revolt if they feel like victims of the government rather than its beneficiaries.” Says Stella

“It is much easier to silence upheaval than it is to correct economic turmoil. Man is a beast of burden and should be treated no better than any of them. I feel that since I am one of the few that can come to this conclusion it is my plow to pull. Oxen have never staged a coup or rioted because they have been thoroughly broken and understand their place; it is easy to rear men in the same fashion. It is disgusting that humans are forced to believe in the delusion of their own significance to the point where it cripples the efficacy of the allegorical farm on which these beasts are damned to pull their plows until they die.” Says Stacy

“You somehow think you can break the spirit of every human to the point where they consider themselves nothing but beasts of burden? That’s lofty.” Says Stella

“They are already broken; their brokenness simply coexists with that delusion. All I need to do is extirpate the delusion and society will function much more smoothly. I am not going to have more sympathy for the devil than I have for the humble godly beasts that selflessly serve their masters.” Says Stacy

“I hope to see that one day. Little Stacy somehow crippling the spirits of the entirety of mankind.” Says Stella

“I shall exorcise their demons of vice and instill them with humble godliness. Their spirits will never be higher, lest their souls had been ushered unto damnation in the process of the redemption of mankind.” Says Stacy

“Good luck with that. Eat up. You seem to be floating away into the clouds of megalomania; this might help you sink back down to earth.” Says Stella, serving her sister a plate of food


“I should be wary not to eat too much then; reality lies so deep in the ocean of liquid depression that the pressure upon one’s body is bone crushing.” Says Stacy

“I think you’ll be fine.” Says Stella, as Stacy eats happily

“Delicious as always.” Says Stacy

“I’m glad you like it.” Says Stella

“I’m almost ashamed that I enjoy food so much. It is like I’m torn between two loves. I either preserve my dreams of conquering the world and starve or submit myself to the plebeian’s shackles in order to eat.” Says Stacy

“I don’t see how that’s a hard choice at all.” Says Stella

“The pain of insignificance in the mind of an egotist can easily be as painful as starving; at least one of them is kind enough to kill you eventually.” Says Stacy

“You’ve just got to have more feasible dreams. You don’t have to be a tyrant to be important.” Says Stella

“In order to be important you’ve got to impose some kind of tyranny, otherwise you’re simply the subject of a tyrant.” Says Stacy

“You’re important to me, and your friends I’m sure. That’s got to count for something.” Says Stella

“That’s comparing apples and oranges, personal importance and impersonal importance are two very different things, like relevance and reverence. People can revere an irrelevant religious or cult leader, but despised despots are far more relevant to the physical status of reality regardless of their irreverentiation and disrespect of their countless opponents.” Says Stacy

“Most people are happy with the just the apples in that scenario.” Says Stella

“I am a glutton, what can I say, I would love to be able to enjoy both of them as opposed to eating apples all day long while dreaming of oranges.” Says Stacy

“At least there is some level of mutual appreciation.” Says Stella

“Of course, you girls are like guide dogs that serve poor blind me. If it weren’t for you keeping me in touch with reality I would easily have been consumed by my delusions a long time ago. I always believe myself, whatever I may happen to think up, and it is helpful when people remind that doing so is often not the safest course of action.” Says Stacy

“You don’t ever think you should develop the instinct to doubt yourself sometimes?” asks Stella

“Doubt is a festering plague in the mind of man. Doubting oneself is easily the heaviest burden a man can carry for it has no physical weight to crush him, nor any volume to limit its metastization throughout the entirety of his conscience.” Says Stacy

“There is still a healthy amount that one should have. I doubt I would be able to jump off of the roof and walk away scot free.” Says Stella

“That’s more so knowledge than doubt; you know that to be true. You doubt whether or not you will have the capacity to accomplish something before you set out to do it and the doubt weakens your muscles and your willpower, crippling you from the very start. It is foolish to doubt one’s own undertakings because even if you fail, your failure will simply be accommodated by your doubt instead of thwarted by your confidence and determination. It is different if you know that you will fail, at which point you should address the reasons for this, but if you are physically and intellectually capable of something, doubting oneself is the only thing that can cause your physical and intellectual capability to fail you.” Says Stacy

“You tend to overestimate your physical and intellectual capability to some extent.” Says Stella

“I am aware that I may not have such capability at this time, but I like to factor in the yield of potential self-improvement into the equation. If I am going to attempt to do something, I am surely going to facilitate the success of my attempts as much as possible.” Says Stacy

“You wouldn’t rather just attempt to accomplish things that are in your grasp? Why spend so much time thinking one million steps ahead of where you are now.” Says Stella

“Shortsightedness can easily lead a man off of the path he wishes to follow. I keep my destination in mind and attempt to plot a course accordingly. If I focus only on what I can accomplish in the present without much in mind for a destination, I may not even like where I end up.” Says Stacy

“You seem to be navigating via clouds more than anything else, I’m sure it’s hard to get anywhere doing that all day.” Says Stella

“What can I say; clouds are far more beautiful than the disgusting dystopia that surrounds us.” Says Stacy

“You seem to like the clouds that are even more disgusting and dystopic than society.” Says Stella

“Man dreams of going to heaven in the clouds, and I simply find the clouds that look the most inviting. If I am riding a train without brakes, I think it’s a bit more feasible to accelerate the train than it is to try to cause it to slow down and reverse without breaking the damn thing entirely.” Says Stacy

“The train might naturally come to a stop eventually if people didn’t choose to keep giving it gas.” Says Stella

“What are you going to do? Get off the train in the middle of the wilderness while the train is idle before somebody eventually decides that it’s high time to get the train rolling again?” asks Stacy

“Maybe we can just walk back to a decent place.” Says Stella

“The train didn’t come from a decent place, and it’s unlikely that a decent place even exists. Either you are walking nowhere, accomplishing nothing, and dying in the wilderness or you are making steady progress towards a destination.” Says Stacy

“You really want to get to that destination?” asks Stella

“I don’t want to live my entire life on a train. I’d rather expedite the journey than damn even more people to the same birth and death on a train because it’s going so damn slow. The train will get there eventually, and that train is an allegory for watching the world burn. If we can actually get off the train we can begin to sow the seeds of societal succession much like how ecological succession occurs after the forest burns down.” Says Stacy

“If the world is burning, most people would rather try and fight the fires.” Says Stacy

“It is futile to attempt to extinguish a mountain of tinder soaked in gasoline, the people foolish enough to attempt to do so will simply be consumed by the flames; the others who say they desire such a thing are simply preaching blind idealism, but I’m not the type of person who wastes time telling people it would be great if I shit world peace and angels because I’m not an idiot.” Says Stacy

“You think it’s pointless to even try?” asks Stella

“The whole world has come to the conclusion that it would be great if they could put out the fire, but seeing how they have made little progress on the matter regardless of the unprecedented ingenuity of the human race, it is easy to draw the conclusion that it simply cannot be done.” Says Stacy

“Thankfully some people aren’t all as pessimistic as you are and at least try to do something.” Says Stella

“It is simple realism to argue that your house is on fire when it is belching flames from every orifice. Only a fool thinks they will be able to extinguish the flames and live in the ruins as if everything is peaches and cream. The only thing we can do is demolish the remnants and rebuild.” Says Stacy

“That house is full of people, everybody on the planet if my headcount is correct.” Says Stella

“We vacate who we can and those who wish to burn to death within the building are free to do so. The fields can sustain the beasts, even if we must live under the stars as we attempt to rebuild.” Says Stacy

“Good luck with that. Most people won’t even believe you if you tell them that the house is on fire.” Says Stella

“Let them burn, even god is only willing to offer man salvation, it is his own choice whether or not he takes it. I feel that being burned alive is a fitting justice for such insolent fools.” Says Stacy

“I’m glad you are so nice as to offer these poor creatures salvation. Seeing how nice you are, surely you’re nice enough to wash the dishes.” Says Stella

“I’m offering them a business proposal that happens to include salvation, it’s not like I’m saving them out of the goodness of my heart. It’s only possible to save so many people, and worthwhile to save even less.” Says Stacy, getting up to wash the dishes

“I see you’re still unwilling to take even a facetious compliment.” Says Stella

“I’m taking the one about being nice. I’ll be happy to clean up. The low hanging fruit are the most tempting, after all.” Says Stacy

“Of course. When are your friends coming over, anyways?” asks Stella

“Soon enough. Just seeing them is going to be like greeting your fellow astronauts on the day of the launch for me.” Says Stacy

“Shooting for the stars, I see.” Says Stella

“It’s more the fear of burning up in the atmosphere, but close enough.” Says Stacy

“What is your plan exactly?” asks Stella

“The official story is that we are studying. So let’s go with that.” Says Stacy

“I don’t know who would ever believe that you would have the initiative to study.” Says Stacy

“I doubt anybody would, so don’t be mad that you’re supposedly helping us. Your studiousness is well respected amongst the community.” Says Stella

“Thanks for implicating me in whatever plot you’ve drummed up. I appreciate it.” Says Stacy

“You’re just the alibi, it shouldn’t be too bad.” Says Stacy

“So I’m aiding and abetting a criminal as well as committing perjury?” says Stella

“If you actually end up in court I expect you to plead the fifth. As long as you don’t incriminate yourself it’s unlikely anybody else will have any interest in doing so.” Says Stacy

“Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that.” Says Stella

“You’re great at hiding the truth from people and yourself, considering your reluctance to agree with me, so it should be a walk in the park for you.” Says Stacy

“You don’t think it’s unhealthy for me to have to constantly repress all of these memories and awful feelings?” asks Stella

“I’m sure it would be unhealthier if you didn’t.” says Stacy

“You do understand how a fusion bomb works, right?” asks Stella

“If that’s how you feel, I’m just glad I’ll be in close proximity and be granted a swift and painless death.” Says Stacy

“Your insanity has yet to kill you, and I may well suffer the same fate.” Says Stella

“I’m sure with your self-consciousness you will learn to save face, keep calm, and carry on with the best of them. Hell, even I can do that for the most part.” Says Stacy, finishing the dishes

“I can’t wait for my life to be defined by consumptive insanity just like yours is.” Says Stella

“Speak of the devil.” Says Stacy, responding to knocking at the door, she goes to open it


“My heart just sank to new lows right there.” Says Stella

“Truly sorry, love.” Says Stacy

“This feels like opening Pandora’s Box.” Says Stella

“It’s already open, you’ve just got to look inside.” Says Stacy, opening the door

“Hey Stacy!” shouts Ophelia, standing with Ophelia, carrying their school sacks

“Welcome, come on in.” says Stacy

“Hey Mr. White!” shouts Ophelia, regardless of Dale snoring on the couch

“Hello girls.” He says, warmly, sleepily,

“We’ll be upstairs.” Says Stacy

“You know all too well where I’ll be.” Says Dale

“Enjoy your programs.” Says Stacy

“I’ll do my best. It’s nice that even if I’ve seen it before I don’t have any recollection of what happened. It’s like every show is a new episode.” Says Dale

“That sounds so awesome. I don’t really watch much TV so it’s kind of like that for me too.” Says Ophelia

“It really helps fill the void in your life, you can substitute the experiences depicted on television in place of your own due to the natural dearth in that area. Makes you feel like you’ve lived a hundred years and traveled the world.” Says Dale

“Wow Dad, this whole time I thought you were actually one hundred years old and had traveled all over the world.” Says Stacy

“I know it’s hard to believe, but it is simply an illusion.” Says Dale

“You’re the magic man, what can I say.” Says Stacy

“Abracadabra!” shouts Dale, shaking his hands at the girls as if casting a spell, laughing, entertained by himself

“You’ve still got it.” Says Stella, dryly

“That’s good to hear. I don’t want to forget the important parts of hocus pocus.” Says Dale

“I’ll let you get back to enjoying the finer things in life. We’ll be upstairs studying.” Says Stacy

“I’m glad you’re doing it right. I can’t say I’m in the same boat.” Says Dale

“If you’re doing all right, you’re doing it right.” Says Stacy

“I’ll focus on that. Have fun now.” Says Dale

“You too.” Says Stacy as the girls go upstairs into the sisters’ room.



“Stella, you look like you’ve just seen a ghost. What’s wrong?” asks Ophelia

“I do believe I am staring at three ghosts, four if there was a mirror here.” Says Stella, shocked by the revelation of seeing the rings

“What are you talking about, we’re not ghosts.” Says Ophelia as she hugs Stella who stands there motionless. “See, nice and warm.”

“That may not be the case for long if I understand the situation.” Says Stella

“I see Stacy has told you about our predicament.” says Jenna, uneasily, as the girls sit on the parallel twin beds

“Yeah, something like that. I am glad that you’re the colors of your rings are not as foreboding as Stacy’s is.” Says Stella

“Yeah, ours are still kind of silvery. Stacy told you about Mr. Dog, right? He seems to expect awesome things from Stacy.” Says Ophelia

“The only thing preventing me from jumping out of that window is the fact that I know I will not die.” Says Stella

“What’s wrong?” asks Ophelia

“The last thing I wanted was the story of the talking dog to be corroborated. Either you three have some sort of communal insanity or the sheer inanity of reality is brutally beating me to death with a baseball bat.” Says Stella

“I dislike it as much as you do. Just be glad he didn’t trick you like he did us.” Says Jenna

“He didn’t trick us, he gave us awesome powers.” Says Ophelia

“You don’t remember how he said he wanted to eat us?” asks Jenna

“I think he only said that to make sure that we try as hard as possible to do good things.” Says Ophelia

“I’m positive he definitely wants to eat us.” Says Stacy

“So what are you going to do now, go transform into witches and save the world or something?” asks Stella

“Of course!” says Ophelia

“Not right now. We’ve got some time to burn before our date with destiny.” Says Stacy

“What is the plan exactly?” asks Ophelia

“We’re going to save somebody’s life.” Says Stacy

“Wow, that sounds amazing. Why are they going to die?” Says Ophelia

“Bad things will happen if we don’t save the day. Let’s just leave it at that.” Says Stacy

“You sound confidant in the success of your plan. That makes me nervous.” Says Jenna

“I am confident because it is simple. It relies on three people to who sustain their livelihoods through vice to mutually fall victim to said vice in accordance with each other at a predetermined place and time.” Says Stacy

“What do we do about that?” asks Ophelia

“See to it that one of them does not become the victim of even more deadly vices.” Says Stacy

“That almost sounds noble.” Says Stella

“You are sure that whatever this thing is will happen?” asks Jenna

“Those whose lives are defined by vice do very little besides premediate their vices. When something like this has been premeditated for so long, the enacting of the rehearsed ordeal becomes second nature.” Says Stella

“You are that confident in your ability to read people’s minds?” asks Stella in contesting disbelief

“So long as it involves me doing good or fighting evil in some way, yes, sadly.” Says Stacy

“Do you have any proof that you’re not just a nutcase?” asks Stella

“She saved a woman’s life one time by telling her she had cancer and she kept somebody’s husband out of jail. She’s pretty good at it.” Says Ophelia, proudly

“Regardless, we will know by the end of the night based on whether or not my ring is a radiant pearly white or has simply become more foretelling of my own demise.” Says Stacy

“You’re sure that whatever you are planning on doing is enough to please the dog?” asks Jenna

“Regrettably, I am far too familiar with the desires of Mr. Dog. I wouldn’t undertake a task like this if I didn’t fully know the compensation for doing such a thing.” Says Stacy

“I am super excited. I can’t believe even Stacy wants to go out and save people’s lives. She’s usually pretty sassy and turns her nose up at people.” Says Ophelia

“That’s the truth.” Says Stella

“I look down upon people; I don’t turn my nose up at them.” Says Stacy

“It’s hard to do that when you’re shorter than us, though.” Says Ophelia

“I’m sure Napoleon looked down upon countless peasants who were mountains of men. It has little to do with height.” Says Stacy

“I’m satisfied with this briefing. Let’s talk about something else. This sort of talk is really raking my nerves.” Says Jenna

“I have to live with her, think about how I feel. I really had to mentally prepare myself for this. I wanted you two to laugh it off like she was just being silly or something, but I know when Jenna looks grim and serious the situation is actually grim and serious.” Says Stella

“Just in case you still don’t believe us, you can watch us transform! It’s so amazing.” Says Ophelia

“Please don’t. It is very embarrassing.” Says Jenna

“If you three happen to go out and get yourselves killed, I would feel ashamed if I didn’t get to see your cute magical transformation or whatever.” Says Stella

“I’m fairly confident we aren’t going to die.” Says Stacy

“I don’t really trust your confidence Stacy, but I do understand that this is a do or die moment regardless of that fact.” Says Jenna

“It is so refreshing to hear somebody else doubt Stacy’s confidence. If you are in a room with somebody who argues that the sky is neon green all day, you start to doubt your own certainty about its blueness.” Says Stella

“I was telling Stella this; doubt is a burden on every man who wishes to climb the mountain of opportunity. It is best not to encumber ourselves.” Says Stacy

“Let’s not give ourselves any room to doubt by distracting ourselves. Sadly I must wrestle with my uncanny ability to have even the slightest amount of foresight.” Says Jenna

“What do you want to do?” asks Stacy

“We could always study like we said we would.” Says Jenna

“That’s boring. We don’t even have any tests or anything.” Says Ophelia

“I’m sure Stella wouldn’t mind.” Says Jenna

“Of course not, but there is an even better way to prepare ourselves for our futures at 9 to 5 desk jobs.” Says Stacy

“What might that be?” asks Stella

“Playing hearts, of course.” Says Stacy

“Amazing. You really know what it takes to succeed in this world.” Says Stella

“You can’t succeed if you die from work death, so clearly playing hearts is an important factor of success.” Says Stacy

“I’ll get the cards.” Says Stella, getting the cards, the girls sit on the floor between the beds and the desk





“In the name of distracting ourselves from what is looming, let’s pick a feel good conversation topic. I’d rather not be brooding over multiple sources of anxiety right now.” Says Jenna

“That is a welcome gesture.” Says Stella, returning and dealing the cards, the girls play absentmindedly

“How about we talk about something nice like plans or dreams for the future? Describe the perfect future for yourself.” Says Ophelia

“There’s something I’ve been wanting lately, real bad. In my fantasies it just feels like heaven to me.” Says Stacy

“Awesome. What is it?” asks Ophelia

“I kind of want to be condemned by the authority to the analogue of death where I am stripped naked and suspended spread eagle for days on end while being caned mercilessly and occasionally choked to the point of becoming nearly unconscious and forced to take the first instinctively desperate breath I am allowed from a paper bag ripe with the fumes of silver spray-paint. This would continue for days if not weeks while being force-fed gruel until my mental capacity is reduced to that of an animal, at which point I am simply dropped into the streets bloodied, naked, and wild. ” says Stacy

“I didn’t know you were that kinky, Stacy.” Says Stella, a bit taken aback

“What?” asks Ophelia

“Why would you want that? It’s not like I don’t believe you, but somehow I’m even more curious than I am concerned.” Says Jenna

“Life is a bumpy ride and at least 80% of my mind, body, and soul are dangling from the back of this goddamn speedwagon. It would also be nice to live a day where I am not wracked with the shame induced by being aware of the fact that my sensory entity belongs to the family of such a despicable animal. As much as I love myself, and you all, of course, the simple silhouette of a human is enough to induce blinding antipathy and aggression due to the overwhelming likelihood that the human deserves to be regarded with said antipathy.” Says Stacy

“I would say you are hanging on to the speedwagon by your fingertips at best.” Says Stella

“You would hate to see me sever my ties to reality.” Says Stacy

“I’m sure I would.” Says Stella

“There are plenty of decent people in the world; I wouldn’t say that the likelihood of them being odious is overwhelming.” Says Jenna

“Maybe my standards are just too high, kind of like a parent who doesn’t love their child on account of the child’s shortcoming even though the child legitimately tries their best. It is hard for me to draw the line between where proper sympathy ends and cardinal sloth begins. How much vice can be tolerated before you are simply being irreverent of God and morality?” says Stacy

“That depends on society for the most part, and it changes from place to place. Irreverence is an opinion after all so there’s no legitimate standard. I’m sure you’re a lot less forgiving on the subject than most people for some reason.” Says Stella

“My parents think there’s way too much sin in the world, I’m sure a lot of people would agree with you.” Says Ophelia

“The world tends to be a lot more religious or socially conservative then our country. A lot of places are actually offended by how tolerant our society is.” Says Jenna

“I can sympathize with that. I feel that our country being founded by iconoclasts that simply rejected the old ways of life such as religion out of spite on account of their own misbegotten origins is largely to blame for that.” Says Stacy

“I think it’s just a way to avoid conflict, the more you tolerate the less you have to condemn and fight with.” Says Jenna

“I see no advantage to being a nation attempting to half-heartedly fight off the symptoms of infectious vice as opposed to one that whole-heartedly does so.” Says Stacy

“Clearly when you tolerate people, you have a stronger workforce. The more people you exclude the weaker you become as a population.” Says Stella

“I have no problem with tolerating people; it is personalities that I have a problem with tolerating. The everyman’s common mentality of hedonism and ignorance that plagues our country would be spat upon by people even in the developing world. It’s a shame that people without even an elementary school education are more sensible than one of the most powerful nations on the planet. This country was founded by bastard children who were shunned by their parents, and the following generations have had the same mentality of a bastard instilled into them from birth. To be anything but an irreverent bastard is seen as antisocial in this country.” Says Stacy

“You can’t knock success.” Says Stella

“The pinnacle of success in this country was the bow and arrow until the settlers arrived. You can’t argue that something is successful simply because it has never been challenged. It is a shame that people think that America is doing things right simply because their location made their annihilation on account of their system of beliefs impossible during the world wars.” Says Stacy

“It does seem a bit like the antitheses of the old idiom; ‘men in glass houses should not throw stones’. Since America can throw stones all day without facing any repercussions for doing so they simply presume that they are always correct due to the complete absence of tangible backlash.” Says Jenna

“Kind of like Stacy.” Jokes Ophelia

“Exactly.” Says Stella

“I may throw stones from the tower of a fortified castle, but it is by no means impenetrable. Surely a force will come along that is strong enough to lay siege to my fortress.” Says Stacy

“I think that might be called reality, but you don’t tend to notice that one too much.” Says Stella

“It does not matter, for I shall fight to the death, regardless of what attempts to slay or subdue me. My spirits shall not be broken and no man shall ever break this horse with the intention of riding it.” Says Stacy

“That’s the spirit. At least you are willing to stand up for what you believe in.” Says Ophelia

“It seems a bit brash. You are attempting to take on the world as a single person.” Says Jenna

“If you ever made an inch of progress towards your goals I am sure you would be assassinated promptly, such a mentality is literally suicidal.” Says Stella

“So be it. I would rather be revered as a dead hero like Leonidas at Thermopylae than another nameless corpse in the Persian Army. I will die one way or the other; I care about my dignity more than my odds of success or survival.” Says Stacy

“That’s funny because the vast majority of people don’t feel that way.” Says Stella

“It is an almost feral individualism that drives me; I cannot amalgamate with society because I cannot trust them. When they smile at me all I see is them showing their teeth, to which I respond by showing my own.” Says Stacy

“You really seem to be a subject that goes against the lessons learned from Pavlov’s dog.” Jokes Jenna

“I turn my nose up at treats and pleasantries because they do nothing to satisfy my hunger, to me such pleasures are nothing more than eating air and pretending it is food. Perhaps it would be different if I was a dog, however, not only do I taste the deplorability of those who offer me treats in the air around me, but I am well aware of the true nature, meaning, and implications of this foul taste. Such a taste is repugnant and I would rather rid it from the air that it saturates than mask the sickening taste of malfeasance with treats.” Says Stacy

“I still don’t understand how you have any friends, let alone make new friends. Are people actually sympathetic to your views in the slightest?” asks Stella

“I think she’s only acting like this because you’re here.” Says Opheliea

“She is a bit more normal around other people.” Says Jenna

“Don’t tell her that. She’ll become indignant.” Says Stacy

“You’re not even going treat me to some slightly more reasonable Stacy since your friends are here?” asks Stella

“You are like the demon of reasonableness, and when I see you my instinct is to fight off your corrupting magic.” Says Stacy

“Really?” asks Stella

“I have to constantly remind myself that I’m not you, this one, these hands, these are mine. I am not you, Stella. When I see you, I am reminded of the hell that life would become if I start to slip, and lose my own mind, the reality of having myself replaced with that of a mindless drone or a worker bee fresh out of the factory, that is what haunts me, for I cannot consider that to be a legitimate form of living: it is only having your life lived for you.” Says Stacy

“It is, however, a legitimate form of staying alive, which you might have some trouble doing considering your antagonization of damn near everything under the Sun.” says Stella

“Living such a life is not being alive in my mind, it is resigning one’s own dignity and accepting that one’s human potential is that of labor which is expelled slowly from your walking corpse until you die. I am unwilling to accept a simple life as a meek beast of burden for those bold enough to drive their own kind like oxen.” Says Stacy

“So you would rather die?” asks Jenna

“Sadly, I find that unlikely. The beast will hunger and be tempted by sustenance, the ghost will rattle the chains, but that amounts to nothing but a spook at best. This pains me, but for this reason I am willing to distance the ghost and the beast in order for them to each pursue their own desires.” Says Stacy

“So you are a ghost?” asks Ophelia

“The beast sleeps, as it has been fed and is satisfied. This leaves only the ghost to pilot the carapace, and hence the rattling of chains.” Says Stacy

“I am almost regretting feeding you.” Says Stella

“You are a fool if you wish to be at odds with a hungry lion rather than a foolish ghost. More frightened by a spook than being eaten, are you?” teases Stacy

“I think if you were desperate enough you might actually eat me.” Says Stella

“I’d likely succumb to the life of a raccoon before that. I couldn’t kill my kin like that.” Says Stacy

“What about us?” asks Jenna

“You’re my pride. If it comes down to such a hunt, then we hunt together.” Says Stacy

“Don’t worry Stacy; I will feed you if you really need food.” Says Ophelia

“Let’s hope it is always so easy to feed.” Says Stacy

“You’re still acting kind of silly, but I’m sure it won’t be hard to get food.” Says Ophelia

“It is hard for me to balance Stella’s Stacy and yours.” Says Stacy

“I’m tempted to get a spray bottle and spray you every time you act out. I’m sure that might help you balance the two.” Says Stella

“I would sooner drown than be conditioned like that.” Says Stacy

“I am willing to believe otherwise. I know you don’t like to get wet, you don’t even like to bathe.” Says Stella

“So heartless as to resort to one of the few weakness of your rival in order to gain the upper hand?” says Stacy

“I’m your sister; I’m not your rival. But the temptation of having a normal conversation for once is pulling me towards that spray bottle.” Says Stella

“No. Damn it. I’m already cold thinking about it. I don’t have anywhere to run either.” Says Stacy

“You have no fear of authority, but even the threat of a spray bottle will cause you to cower?” asks Stella

“The likelihood of the authority reprimanding me is extremely low compared to the likelihood of you being heartless enough to spray me with cold water. It’s not an irrational fear at all.” Says Stacy

“I’m not doing it because I’m heartless, I’m doing it because I love you and I want you to be normal.” Says Stella

“That’s what parents say when they beat their children.” Say Stacy

“I’m surprised that threat worked so well, Stella.” Says Jenna

“You’re not going to side with me?” says Stacy

“A little respect for social norms could be appreciable.” Says Jenna

“You were definitely being more crazy than normal.” Says Ophelia

“My heart just sank; I have never felt so abandoned by you two.” Says Stacy

“Sorry.” Says Ophelia, playfully

“I thought nothing could ever break Stacy’s pride and self-assured confidence.” Teases Stella

“Clearly you found something.” Says Stacy

“It is almost funny that two of your biggest fears are dogs and water.” Says Jenna

“I fear dogs, but water just makes me uncomfortable.” Says Stacy

“You really are like a little kitty.” Teases Ophelia

“I’m not going to make cat noises if that’s what you’re after.” Says Stacy

“Aww.” Says Ophelia

“Sadly, we had a good topic to start out with, but it was clearly a bad idea to let Stacy drive that car into a tree. I would love to hear about everyone else’s dreams for the future.” Says Stella

“I don’t know. Just the usual stuff like fall in love and have a family. I kind of wish I was good at school like you two, but it’s just so boring.” Says Ophelia

“There’s nothing wrong with that Ophelia. I’m sure you would be a great wife and mother.” Says Stella

“I’ve still got to learn a lot though, I can watch my mom, but I’m sure that’s not enough. It’s like trying to build a house without knowing what you’re doing.” Says Ophelia

“I think you can take classes at school for that. Home science and whatnot.” Says Stella

“I think that would be fun, but the hard part is going to be finding a boyfriend.” Says Ophelia

“I’m sure you really won’t have any trouble with that, it might be harder to find a marriageable man though.” Says Stella

“Everybody tells me that but I’m still so lost on where to even get started. It’s so lame going to a girl’s school so I can’t even talk to boys at school.” Says Ophelia

“I can’t really help you there. I hardly know any girls, let alone boys.” Says Stella

“We’re kind of in a rough spot. Adults can go to bars, and if we knew anybody we might get invited to social events. In our situation we don’t have much in terms of opportunities.” Says Jenna

“I’m sure you still go to church, though, right? I’m sure there are plenty of guys there if you talk to them.” Says Stella

“That’s kind of true. I don’t want to spend more time at church than I already do, though.” Says Ophelia

“They don’t have a youth group or anything?” asks Stella

“I think there is bible study, but I would feel really bad for thinking about boys during that if I went. People tell me I shouldn’t be thinking about that kind of thing right now, but I can’t help it.” Says Ophelia

“You’re plenty old enough, but I’m sure they don’t want you to get too involved, which might be hard for somebody as loving as you.” Says Stella

“I don’t know why everybody thinks something bad will happen if I start dating a boy.” Says Ophelia

“It’s because bad things tend to happen, I wouldn’t even put it past a church boy to do something bad to you. You don’t know how tempting it is for men when they see you, and even more once they meet you.” Says Stacy

“What do you think they would even do?” asks Ophelia

“Ruin your life and make your parents hate you. That’s just a hunch.” Says Stacy

“Wow. You really think that?” asks Ophelia

“She is kind of right, sadly, especially considering your parents.” Says Stella

“They really don’t want me fooling around with boys. It’s heartbreaking to be honest, to be so locked up.” Says Ophelia

“They just don’t want you to get hurt. You really should have realized by now that a lot of people want to hurt you. Most men don’t love in the same way you do, a lot of them just want to pleasure themselves with your body.” Says Jenna

“What’s wrong with that?” says Ophelia

“It is quite immoral at this point in your life. They want you to wait until marriage so you don’t fall into the life of some sultry streetwalker.” Says Stella

“That is like forever to wait that long. What am I supposed to do until then?” asks Ophelia

“You can still maybe date boys or something, but you just have to be really careful because a lot of them will want to take advantage of you. It’s almost like a demon possessed you as a child, you are honestly that temptatious in the eyes of men, with the mind of a child and the body of a harlot and what not.” Says Stella

“I might not know everything about being an adult, but I’m still not a child. I don’t know what a harlot is but everybody always compliments my body.” Says Ophelia defensively

“I don’t mean it in a bad way; people compliment your body because it is amazing. It’s just that a lot of men would really try to deceive you in order to get closer to you for that exact reason. That’s why I say you should be careful.” Says Stella

“She’s right. The more you have to offer men the more you have to be careful with it. A lot of men will simply try to take what they want.” Says Jenna

“You think I have a lot to offer?” says Ophelia

“You would be the perfect wife, but there are lots of dangerous roads you have to walk to get to that point. We just don’t want you to fall into some terrible abusive relationship that you don’t know how to handle because you are overwhelmed by your emotions.” Says Stella

“It would be so nice to just be past all of this stuff where people worry about me all the time and get to be happy and in love. I think I would be a perfect wife too, that’s why I’m so wrapped up in it.” Says Ophelia

“You should try to focus on more than that though, it’s selling yourself short. You have plenty of other things to offer the world. What kind of job would you want to have?” asks Jenna

“I want to know everything about love and being in a relationship so I can help people like me who are totally lost.” Says Ophelia

“That is actually a real job. You could be like a relationship councilor or something.” Says Stella

“That sounds nice.” Says Ophelia

“She has a whole lot to learn before she can get to that point, though.” Says Stacy

“That doesn’t mean I can’t learn it. If it’s something I want, it should be super easy to learn.” Says Ophelia

“The bad part of that is a lot of people have really sad and painful relationships that you would have to try and mend somehow. It would be a heartbreaking job. You have to listen to a lot of terrible things that couples have done to each other and try to broker peace between two individuals that are upset with each other.” Says Jenna

“That makes me want to do it even more. People deserve to love each other, I think I could help people stop fighting and love each other instead.” Says Ophelia

“Part of me thinks that’s possible, but a lot of people simply are not compatible with each other, or anyone for that matter.” Says Stacy

“Well, I can still help them get along or whatever. I understand that sometimes people break up and it’s sad but sometimes it’s for the best.” Says Ophelia

“I think you’ve got what it takes. It’s good to hear some reasonable and inspiring goals for once. Stacy always just wants to conquer the world.” Says Stella

“I think that goal is both reasonable and inspiring.” Says Stacy

“That’s exactly my point. You fail to even see that it is completely unreasonable, but regardless. That just leaves you Jenna.” Says Stella

“And you of course.” Says Jenna

“Oh yes. Sometimes I forget that I even exist, I kind of just think of myself as Stacy’s conscience that she has expelled from her body somehow.” Says Stella

“At least she has you for that. Lord knows what she would be like without you.” Says Jenna

“Just because I say things doesn’t mean she listens, sadly.” Says Stella

“Do you want to go first, mine are pretty boring.” Says Jenna

“I’m sure mine are even more boring.” Says Stella

“Then let’s have ourselves a good old fashioned boringness contest.” Says Stacy

“I’ll go, I’m sure I’ll win. This may sound unachievable and totally crazy, but I just want to live a quiet, normal life, surrounded by normal likeminded people. Love and happiness would be nice, but just the comfort of being surrounded by sane people would easily bring a tear to my eye.” Says Stella

“Stella wins the boringness contest. I don’t think anything can possibly compete with that.” Says Stacy

“It is kind of sad that living with Stacy makes you feel that way.” Says Jenna

“Dale can take some of the blame too.” Says Stacy

“I wouldn’t blame dad for this, Stacy.” Says Stella

“Honestly, as somebody who lives with almost painfully sane people, it’s not all it’s cracked up to be; you kind of turn into a machine that just goes through the motions without any flavor. That’s why I like Stacy so much; I would feel like I’m just a computer or something that is programmed by society without her reminding me of how flavorful a person can be.” Says Jenna

“Aww. I love you Jenna.” Says Stacy, truly flattered

“If there is such a thing as painful sanity, I could very well become a masochist one day.” Jokes Stella

“As for me, I don’t know that much. Ideally I want to be a doctor and help people, people always tell me that I’m blessed to have my work ethic and studious nature, and I feel like that would be making the most of it. Of course love would be nice, but I’m not all that concerned with it as long as I have friends.” Says Jenna

“That was almost able to compete with Stella’s boringness.” Says Stacy

“I’ll take that as a compliment.” Says Jenna

“I think you might win the boringness contest by rattling on about how you want to take over the world for the umpteenth time.” Says Stella

“Clearly that is not the case. You can play an amazing record countless times and it is still amazing, while you only have to listen to a boring record one time to understand that it is boring.” Says Stacy

“Some people like peaceful and tranquil music, even silence.” Says Stella

“I can enjoy the silence when I’m dead, if this ghost has chains to rattle I’ll be damned if I don’t rattle them.” Says Stacy

“Heaven forbid something takes away your rattling chains. What ever would you do?” teases Stella

“I’m sure I’d find a new way to spook about.” Says Stacy

“I certainly wouldn’t put it past you.” Says Stella

“I’m surprised you are taking so many points Stacy, here I was thinking you would just read everybody’s mind and play perfectly.” Says Jenna, entertained

“Maybe if you three each planned on killing a small child if you won the game that would be possible. As of now I’m fishing in the dirt.” Says Stacy

“I figured stroking your ego would amount to enough of a good deed to enable you to do so.” Teases Jenna

“A proud coal miner and a humble coal miner tend to mine comparable amounts of coal. My ego isn’t going to sharpen my pick axe any time soon; if anything it would just cloud my mind and hinder my mining.” Says Stacy

“You tend to be the person who thinks your grain of rice can feed a city.” Says Stella

“That is simply not the case. That grain is a seed in reality, and from that plant, we harvest more seeds, and with each subsequent crop the harvest grows more bountiful. People are starving, and I feel that I have the one seed that can save the planet.” Says Stacy

“You would be surprised how common a grain of rice is.” Says Stella

“Perhaps you should find a more nutritious seed to plant; rice is not quite packed with essential vitamins and minerals.” Says Jenna

“It may well be a hempseed. The crop would certainly be capable of expanding the minds of those who consume it.” Jokes Stacy

“By expanding the mind you mean cripple the intellectual development, induce psychological dependence, weaken the memory, lower attentiveness, increase reaction times, and exacerbate the development and severity mental illnesses, right?” says Stella

“Exactly. If you want to mold clay, it helps to get it wet first.” Says Stacy

“So your ideal population is dependent on a drug that leaves them mentally ill and intellectually impaired?” asks Stella

“It is when I’m that drug. Reefer zealots would easily be a threat on par with terrorism if they were not so intoxicated by their god. Those fools live and die for a silly plant that makes them giggle and feel good. Just think about the similar levels of zealotry for an addicting drug that once consumed physically determines whether or not you get to feel pleasure and joy and the withdrawal will easily kill you if you attempt to refrain from using it habitually.” Says Stacy

“That’s how you plan on winning the hearts and minds of the people?” asks Jenna

“The only way to get people to want what’s best for them as opposed to what they simply enjoy most is to ensure that it is the option that appeals most to their hedonistic instincts. The only way to do that is to eliminate all other possibilities that hedonists find more so appealing. Even if this option is subjecting oneself to torture and fearmongering, as when this is the most enjoyable possible reality people will flock to it as if it were liquid pleasure with a splash of love.” Says Stacy

“Why not just try to give them liquid pleasure with a splash of love?” asks Ophelia

“A rose by any other name would smell as sweet, dear lass. That rose is the artificial pinnacle which functions in place of a largely unsavory physical pinnacle. Tyranny will be known as the sweetest smelling flower to all who have never smelled anything sweeter, as for those who have the memories of such idealistic masochism must simply be psychologically associated with the painful experience of the true toll those vices exert upon their bodies.” Says Stacy

“What is the point in making the world worse and trying to force people to like it again?” asks Stella

“Tyranny is a flavorful word, but the spiceless grain would be named along the lines of Utilitarian Autocracy. The truth is that such a plant yields a far more bountiful harvest of much more substantive foods than the current crop being sown that is defined as a mixture of moderate sustenance along with a massive amount of intoxicating herbs that stoke grand delusions of contentment and significance in the minds of the field hands. I simply wish to see that the laborers are fed a healthy and hearty meal that does not corrupt their minds with the poison of unattainable and counterproductive idealism.” Says Stacy

“You seem to be fond of those herbs that stoke delusions of significance.” Says Stella

“At least I do not consume the herbs of contentment and become another drug addled fool who is satisfied with such a life. I may have lofty hopes, but I will not become high on contentedness while the powerful forcefully stroke my manipulous appendages and get fat drinking buckets of delicious milky labor excreted from my teats of sapience.” Says Stacy

“Even work is milk to you, somehow. Now I can see why you show such aversion to letting anybody else have a sip of your own precious work-milk.” Says Stella

“The milk excreted by my sapient teats of labor exists for to feed my child, and my child is revolution.” Says Stacy

“Jesus. I feel like Sisyphus and I never even make any noticeable progress up the mountain. It’s so tempting just to facetiously agree with you and save my energy instead of expending so much of it on this futility.” Says Stella

“I think part of the reason she does it is just to get a reaction out of you. If you would just agree with her she wouldn’t get that reward.” Says Jenna

“It is like she constantly lashes my logic brutally and it is a matter of pride to fight back even though I can never win.” Says Stella

“We are not so different, in that respect.” Says Stacy

“I don’t like to be judgmental so I tend to be polite and support her unless she says something super crazy.” Says Ophelia

“Nearly everything she says is super crazy. I am on the verge of just learning to accept the brutalization of my mind by her lunacy and allow it to beat me to death. Fighting back just makes it hurt even more.” Says Stella

“She’s just silly, you know. She likes to dream about being spectacular and it’s kind of hard to blame her for that.” Says Jenna

“Her carnal lust for chaos is just silliness to you?” asks Stella

“It is when she’s just talking about it; it would be different if she actually did the things she talks about.” Says Jenna

“I have zero faith in the fact that she won’t try to do that sort of thing one day, I feel like it’s my responsibility to protect her from herself.” Says Stella

“You only want to protect the world from me, Stella. You wouldn’t be able to bear the sight of a world where my hands have raised the lowly vile beast into the light of god to be purified by his holy radiance. To see my mind as the source of salvation as opposed to the inhuman hivemind of the society to which you pledge your body and soul.” Says Stacy

“See? This is crazy.” Says Stella

“I think it sounds pretty nice, she wants to help people find god, you know.” Says Ophelia

“It has a nice ambiance; maybe I just like that spooky sort of vibe for some reason. It’s almost inspirational, the amount of ambition she has.” Says Jenna

“My instinct to be agreeable towards decent people is conflicting with my concern regarding the mental health of my sister, but I suppose if you two are willing to tolerate it I can write it off as silly nonsense or religious benevolence. I don’t want to, but I’m not trying to debate three people simultaneously when my sword can’t even break Stacy’s skin.” Says Stella

“Yes, heed the calling of the lord. Your irreverent sloth has maimed your god, Moloch, and now you allow yourself to accept the light of the one true god, even if only facetiously. For facetious acceptance becomes indifferent acceptance which slowly opens your mind to faith and true acceptance of the lord’s truth once you have stopped castigating the preachers who simply wish to enlighten you, and wash away your sin as they bathe you with the holy light of god’s wisdom.” Says Stacy

“God damn it, Stacy. You are not making it easy for me to just brush off everything you say. You two can’t think that was a reasonable thing to say, can you?” asks Stella

“She wants to help you see the light of god, how could that ever be unreasonable?” asks Ophelia

“Jesus Christ. She is talking about herself, you don’t understand that?” asks Stella, indignantly

“I thought she was talking about god.” Says Ophelia

“She thinks she is god. It is pretty obvious.” Says Stella

“Don’t tell them such silly things. I am a devout and humble servant of the lord.” Says Stacy

“You are just saying that you’re being self-serving and worship yourself.” Says Stella

“At least she isn’t lying.” Says Jenna

“She’s talking about god, Stella. It’s not hard to understand.” Says Ophelia

“If I’m not going to get any sort of defense, even after that, I’m just going to give up. I thought of you two as reasonable people, but this is like driving a stake through my heart.” Says Stella

“I think it’s fairly reasonable not to damn myself to the fate of Sisyphus, you said it yourself.” Says Jenna

“We’re being pretty reasonable Stella; I don’t know why you are so upset by god. Do you really worship Moloch?” asks Ophelia

“No. I tend to think of myself as a good person who respects all moral religions and tends to be agnostic if anything. I’ll give up, you win Stacy. You are right, 100% of the time. Just like you think you are.” Says Stella, exhausted

“I’m glad you’ve finally come to your senses.” Jokes Stacy

“My senses are telling me that if I actually do this something really bad will happen because I was so negligent as to let you become consumed by your insanity, but I don’t know what else to do.” Says Stella

“You are a fool if you wish to extinguish a wildfire by urinating on it, you will simply be burned and the fire will rage on unscathed.” Says Stacy

“Clearly. Somehow you actually understand what is happening here, sort of. I’m not trying to be disrespectful like you think, but still, you do understand the futility of my actions.” Says Stella

“It is not disrespect, you are simply at your wits end and that is the only possible course of action your logic determines will help you accomplish your goal, water does extinguish fires, but you simply cannot produce enough of it.” Says Stacy

“Clearly. I need to understand that and stop trying. You are a bit spooky when you start to acknowledge reality, you know that?” says Stella

“It is a ghost is it not, rattling these chains?” asks Stacy

“Of course. It would be nice if the beast would come around sometimes, I’m sure she is a bit more reasonable.” Says Stella

“The beast has only the intentions to survive; it has no interest in anything else. If the beast rears itself my survival is threatened, and that is not something any should wish to see.” Says Stacy

“Ok… never mind then. I totally agree with you and your right and everything so we can just try to pretend to be normal for a while, ok?” says Stella

“God perhaps would never have spoken a word to man if the beast had simply had unquestioning faith the entire time. There would be no need for god to speak at all.” Says Stacy

“Ok. Good. We all have faith in god. Don’t worry. Enough of that. Let’s change the topic to something else.” Says Stella

“Well, you might not like the topic Stella, but I want to know when we are leaving on our adventure.” Says Ophelia

“I was foolish to think I would get even a second’s respite from the insanity.” Says Stella

“You are lucky you get any respite at all from it. Our predicament eats away at the core of my existence every day and every night when I am alone. Thankfully Stacy can distract me sometimes.” Says Jenna

“Your eyes are that of the reaper staring at me. Your sanity is the blade that is thrust into my heart. Your words are the ground that embraces my body after I jump from a burning building thinking I can fly. You do nothing but speak the truth, for it defines your character, and here I am the one who is plagued by delusion. I am sure you two were there the day that fate shattered my fragile sanity, and while I have tried my best to piece it back together, fate once again strikes the brittle glass with its heartless hammer.” Says Stella

“It’s kind of like you are in a car that’s careening off of a cliff, rolling over a bunch of times down a steep hill, you know you are going to die when it reaches the bottom, but some foolish part of you tells yourself that everything is going to be all right. I hold onto that thought, as childish as it is. Intoxicating optimism, I suppose.” Says Jenna

“It’s not that bad, it is more like we are skiing down slopes that could easily kill us if we falter, but so long as we have the finesse and determination to stay the course and ski with excellence, we may well reach the bottom in one piece.” Says Stacy

“I’ll hold onto that. If you believe we can get out of this alive, then I want to believe that too.” Says Stella

“How hard can it be to do some good every now and again? You two only focus on the punishment if we don’t try our best to spread love and helpfulness.” Says Ophelia

“I know my best is good enough, sadly, but the only thing that is good enough is an archaic form of good, the purest and noblest good that man forsook centuries ago for his inhumanly humane children could not stomach the cries of those unto whom they rightfully and righteously ushered unto damnation.” Says Stacy

“I cannot shy away from heeding the call of such zealotry, for we have been given the wings of angels and asked to wage war upon hell itself.” Says Jenna

“I think it’s awesome that you have to do the most good possible, Stacy, otherwise it wouldn’t be making the most of your gift from God.” Says Ophelia

“I don’t know if the dog qualifies as god.” Says Stacy

“We are all God’s children, and clearly if he wants to do good and fight evil he is not a bad dog. So it’s a gift that God gave to Mr. Dog who then gave it to us.” Says Ophelia

“If you can put the same unquestioning faith in my mind and my hands as you do in god, we shall all be redeemed. Know me as a humble servant of the lord, and do not question my actions, for in times of strife my free will is forsaken and in its place the will of god takes the reigns of this beast.” Says Stacy

“That sounds perfect.” Says Ophelia

“You do understand what god does to the wicked, right?” asks Jenna

“Of course; God punishes them and they go to hell.” Says Ophelia

“They do indeed go to hell.” Says Stacy

“You remember what Stacy did that one day to those evil people, right?” asks Jenna

“Yeah. It was really scary and upsetting, but they were really bad people, so Stacy did the right thing. I felt super bad about it, but she reminded me that we are the good guys so I can’t blame her or anything.” Says Ophelia

“That is your plan? Something like that? Are you kidding me?” asks Stella

“We’ll ro-o-oll the old chariot along.” sings Stacy softly, looking away, preemptively guilty

“Jesus Christ. You don’t understand why that’s a bad idea?” asks Stella

“I’ve not got much of a choice. Leave me be to ride the plot horse and afterwards we can all go back to enjoying our mutual incredulity. This time will be better, last time was wild and random, but this time the plan has been scoured over for days and will be safely executed with surgical precision.” Says Stacy

“I cannot stop you without killing you, so it appears you are likely dead either way. I’ll take a 1% chance over a 0% chance of ever seeing you again. I want to cry, but I’m main lining as much delusional optimism as I can right now.” Says Stella

“Don’t worry, we’ll all be fine and I’ll come back in a jiffy having renewed the lease on my soul.” Says Stacy

“Godspeed…” Says Stella

“So when are we leaving, I’m kind of getting nervous just sitting here.” Says Ophelia

“What time is it?” asks Stacy

“Night time?” says Ophelia

“I’d say we’ve got a few wags of the clock’s fingers before we get down to business.” Says Stacy

“You’re kidding me, that’s really how you tell time?” asks Stella

“I’m just going on instinct, the train we take is just the train we take to me, and I know when it’s time to go based on how loudly it is whispering ‘ride me’ into my ear.” Says Stacy

“That is comforting that you don’t even know what time the train you are supposed to ride comes to the station.” Says Stella

“Of course I do.” Says Stacy

“When is it?” asks Stella

“When the time is nigh.” Says Stacy

“Jesus. Good luck, hopefully you aren’t just going out on a wild goose chase.” Says Stella

“I’m confident we are not.” Says Stacy

“I trust you. What should we do for those wags we’ve got left?” asks Ophelia

“We should probably study, that is what we said we were going to do, right? I’m not so great of a liar to tell my parents that we studied all night if we didn’t study at all.” Says Jenna

“Then we study, if only for the sake of the credibility of our alibi.” Says Stacy

“That seems almost too lighthearted considering your circumstances.” Says Stella

“It’s important that we maintain our normal lives as best as possible, otherwise our secret lives as love witches might get all messed up. It’s hard work.” Says Ophelia

“If I ever have any doubts about what Stacy does, I’ll just have to remind myself that she is a love witch.” Says Stella, distantly amazed

“I’m actually the love cat, they are witches. My costume is more of a cat, for what it’s worth.” Says Stacy

“I remember your costume. I would hate for my final moments to be staring into the eyes of the love cat. That would really make me question the validity of the quality of my life.” Says Stella

“As it should, but I know you will be a very good little girl so the love cat will have no reason to do such a thing.” Says Stacy

“Of course I will. Tell me how you are going to do this again, last time there was a sickening amount of blood.” Says Stella

“That is true.” Says Jenna

“Much less blood this time. Don’t worry.” Says Stacy

“Are we going with my idea of wacky antics to stop the bad guys?” asks Ophelia

“As wacky as antics can be.” Says Stacy

“Really?” asks Ophelia

“Sadly, no. I will show you soon enough, I don’t want to spoil these last few wags we have remaining of our moderate innocence.” Says Stacy

“I thought you were innocent and the police didn’t arrest you because you did the right thing.” Says Ophelia

“That is true, but the difference tonight is largely the presence of premeditation.” Says Stacy

“I’m ambivalent, but grateful, seeing how the lack of proper foresight almost got us killed last time.” Says Jenna

“Let’s drop it. I want to savor this innocence, please. Let’s just pretend we are normal schoolgirls for now.” Says Stella

“Don’t worry, we can always pretend, Stella.” Says Stacy, smiling

“You seem to be better at it than I am.” Says Stella

“You’ve not cracked under pressure yet, I’m proud of you.” Says Stacy, reassuringly

“Just not too much pressure, ok?” asks Stella

“I’ll try to preserve as much of your innocence as possible. I don’t want to ruin your life.” Says Stacy

“Thank you.” Says Stella

“So what do you want to study?” asks Jenna

“I’m kind of bad at everything.” Says Ophelia

“That’s not true; you do well in most subjects.” Says Jenna

“Not as good as you or Stella though.” Says Ophelia

“That doesn’t mean you’re bad, that just means you’re human.” Says Stacy

“So does that make you human?” asks Stella

“It’s a matter of squares and rectangles and rhombuses.” Says Stacy

“Of course.” Says Stella

“Maybe math, the word rhombus makes me feel like I forgot something already.” Says Ophelia

“Don’t worry; it’s just a tilted square. It’s not important at all.” Says Jenna

“Let us lather our minds with the accursed runes that empower the heretic with ungodly power that he uses to tear the world asunder in his unending quest for more ungodly power.” Says Stacy

“What?” asks Ophelia

“Math, of course.” Says Stacy

“Ok, sounds good to me.” Says Ophelia


The girls study math, which mostly consists of Jenna and Stella helping Ophelia. Stacy attempts to talk, indifferent to the math, but the two intellectuals glare at her and speak over her, the power of the numbers silencing the ignorant as always. The clock wags its finger those couple of times.



“I hate to be Stella, but timeliness is actually important to me today. We must prepare to embark on our journey.” Says Stacy

“What do we do to prepare?” asks Ophelia

“Well, I have to get dressed, because I cannot spin around to redress my identity on whim like you two.” Says Stacy

“Yay. I love your costume.” Says Ophelia

“I love that it’s a costume. So that’s comforting.” Says Stacy as she gets up and undresses

“Jesus Christ. I’m scared now. I was ignoring it, but this is frightening.” Says Stella

“You two can transform for her. That will put her at ease.” Says Stacy

“Won’t your dad see us and blow our cover?” asks Jenna

“I guarantee that he is asleep right now. Anyways, since its past high noon he physically does not have the capability to form memories.” Says Stacy

“Why is that?” asks Ophelia

“Because he is Dale.” Says Stacy

“That’s fine. I am pretty embarrassed though.” Says Jenna

“Don’t hide it. Let her get a full view of you. It’s pretty amazing.” Says Stacy, standing at the closet in the corner dressing

“Ok!” says Ophelia as she gets up and transforms in front of Stella

“Holy shit.” Says Stella, wide-eyed in disbelief

“It’s super cute right?” asks Blaze

“Jesus Christ.” Says Stella, bobbing back and forth, still reeling

“You have to call me Blaze if you ever see me in this costume, just so people don’t know, ok?” says Blaze

“You too Jenna, yours is super cute too.” Says Stacy

“Fine.” Says Jenna as she transforms in front of Stella

“Where do the flying animals and whatever come from if we are inside? It’s like the world disappears around you for some reason. This is crazy.” Says Stella

“Don’t ask me. I didn’t come up with this stuff; they also disappear after it’s over. None of this makes any sense to me.” Says Raven

“It’s because it’s magic.” Says Blaze

“Clearly. What is your name, Jenna?” asks Stella

“Raven. Please, for the love of god never call me Jenna. I let Jenna take a deserving vacation when I’m wearing this thing; she wouldn’t be caught dead dressed up like this.” Says Raven

“Stacy, don’t forget your accessories.” Says Blaze

“How could I forget.” Says Stacy as she opens the drawer and puts on her glasses and cat ears

“I’m glad your costume is as ridiculous as you are, Stacy.” Says Stella

“Who is Stacy?” asks Kitty

“You are?” says Stella

“No, this is Kitty. No Stacy here.” Says Kitty

Stella laughs “That cracks me up every time.” Says Stella

“Good. Brace yourselves. I’ve got to get my final accessory.” Says Kitty

“You got another one? Like a tail or something?” asks Blaze

“I wouldn’t be a kitty without claws.” Says Kitty as she opens her bottom drawer and pulls out her handgun

“Jesus Christ. Stacy, where did you get a gun?” asks Stella

“Stacy got a gun because she was shot at and almost raped at knifepoint, remember?” Says Kitty

“Who gave you that gun?” asks Stella

“Dale did.” Says Kitty

“Why would he do that?” asks Stella

“Maybe because Stacy told him that she was shot at and almost raped at knife point.” Says Kitty

“God damn it. Why are you talking in third person?” asks Stella

“I’m not, this is Kitty remember. We’ve got to go, girls. Stay safe, and stay sane, Stella.” Says Kitty as she slides the gun through the hole on the side of her dress and holsters it against the small her back in her panties

“You are telling me to stay sane?” asks Stella

“You seem to be the one who is losing it the most.” Says Kitty

“This is the most nerve-wracking time of my life and you three haven’t even left yet.” Says Stella

“That’s why I’m telling you to stay sane. We’ll be back.” Says Kitty, calmly

“You better come back. I am a nervous wreck right now.” Says Stella

“Just relax, study or something to take your mind off of us.” Says Kitty

“I will likely be curled up in a ball hyperventilating until I start to cry and then black out form emotional distress until I am finally woken up by the news of your death.” Says Stella

“Nobody is going to die.” Says Stacy

“Why do you have a gun if nobody is going to die?” asks Stella

“Let me rephrase that. Neither Raven, Blaze, nor I are going to die.” Says Kitty

“God damn it. Just fucking go! I can’t handle this shit! This is absolutely fucking insane!” Says Stella

“Ta ta, for now.” Says Kitty

“Ta ta, forever. Stacy.” Says Stella, starting to cry

“Kitty will come home and Stacy will come right out of the closet where Kitty was hiding the whole time. Don’t worry, love.” Says kitty

“That’s like telling a man who can’t swim that was tossed overboard in the middle of the ocean not to drown.” Says Stella

“Just learn to swim then, ok?” says Kitty

“Fuck you. Go. Leave. I hope they bring me that fucking gun after you die. I’m going to need it real fucking quick after that happens.” Says Stella

“So in one hundred years’ time, if you are still alive, I will leave you my gun in my will. Cheers. Enjoy your evening.” Says Kitty, calmly as she exits

“By Stella, sorry about all this. Don’t worry though, we’ll be back.” Says Blaze, a bit saddened by the exchange

“I am also very sorry about this, but we are doing this to save your sister’s life. Please forgive us.” Says Raven, the last one to exit the room

“Fuck you Stacy! Fuck you!” cries Stella, into the empty doorway, too weak to shout, weeping


Dale snores on the couch as the girls come down the steps and the girls exit the house in silence and begin to walk to the metro.




“What are we going to do?” asks Raven, struck by the realization of the dreaded scenario

“For now we are playing a game of follow the leader.” Says Kitty

“I’ve figured out that we’re riding the train somewhere, that’s all I know.” Says Blaze

“We’re also going to save somebody’s life.” Says Kitty

“That too, that’s the important part.” Says Ophelia

“I am concerned that Jenna may never come back after this and this body will solely belong to Raven.” Says Raven

“You two are like exactly the same anyways. Nobody would notice.” Says Blaze

“The distinction is a healthy level of incredulity. Even water is toxic if you drink too much of it, I feel that reality may be the same.” Says Raven

“Just don’t drink too much of it then. This is all a dream. Let go. We are dreamers in the land of dreams where nothing is real and nothing matters.” Says Kitty

“That doesn’t sound like a wise decision.” Says Raven

“I suppose your right. Treat this like we’re in reality, but allow yourself to forget what happens as if it were a dream. It’s quite easy to forget those, after all.” Says Kitty

“You understand this is like a nightmare, right?” asks Raven

“Don’t worry, we will wake up. We may have to sleep and dream like this for the rest of our lives, but be comforted by the fact that we will wake up.” Says Kitty

“Will we really wake up?” asks Raven

“If we don’t, we died in our sleep, and we didn’t even know we died, the most peaceful way to go.” Says Kitty

“I am having trouble embracing this as a dream.” Says Raven

“How about a mission from God, if anything goes wrong you can just say it was God’s will and we have to learn from it.” Says Blaze

“That is a foolish way to look at things. I’ll just go with paying the lease on our souls. That makes enough sense to me, and I can accept that as an unchangeable fact.” Says Raven

“Very well then, that is what we are doing tonight.” Says Stacy


The girls slowly began to pay the lease on their souls and eventually reached the quiet metro stop where they waited quietly at the small lonely station that was empty save for themselves. Their train arrives and one man gets off quite tired from work, he looks at Kitty and smiles.


“This is the first time I’ve seen a couple of madams dressed up like witches.” He says “Jesus Bay City, you are fucking crazy. This girl is like twelve and you’ve got her working.” Looking up at the ceiling of the metro station that was little more than a bus stop a bit broken hearted

“I’m fourteen.” Says Kitty

“You’re still out here working, that’s fucking heartbreaking.” Says the man

“I’ve got to pay the bills.” Says Kitty

“Just don’t get hurt. Things will get better, I promise. Damn it.” Says the man, tearing up a bit

“I’ll be fine; these girls can look after me.” Says Kitty

“I hope one of you has a gun, otherwise I’m not so sure.” Says the man

“It’s Bay City, you don’t have to hope.” Says Kitty

“Thank god. Be safe. I’m sorry the city has done this to you.” Says the man

“You be safe too. Don’t worry about us.” Says Kitty

“Take it easy. Good luck out there.” He says, walking away, the girls get on the train

“How did he know this was like our jobs?” asks Blaze

“I’ve got a professional look, what can I say.” Says Kitty

“Clearly.” Says Raven


The girls board the now empty train car. An old man looks at them through the window of the adjacent car, thinks nothing of it and goes back to reading his newspaper.


“We’re only on here for a couple stops. Don’t get too comfortable.” Says Kitty

“Where are we going?” asks Blaze

“South.” Says Kitty

“Considering this is the southbound train, you didn’t shed any light on the question.” Says Raven

“Whatever the stop is that is three stops from here. I can sense treachery and evil, it’s not like it comes with a travel brochure for every godforsaken neighborhood in this city.” Says Stacy

“Fairbanks avenue.” Says Raven

“I know it only as our destination tonight.”says Kitty

“What is over there?” asks Blaze

“Treachery and evil, of course.” Says Kitty

“And we’re going to stop it?” asks Ophelia

“That’s the plan.” Says Kitty

“I trust you. I am scared, but I believe we can do it.” Says Blaze

“Leave it all to me. It should be quick, clean, and we can go home and make Stella happy.” Says Kitty

“That’s good.” Says Raven


“What are we doing when we get there?” asks Raven

“We are walking, then loitering for a bit, then going to work.” Says Kitty

“Why loitering?” asks Raven

“Clearly criminals don’t schedule their lives around the layover time for zealots riding the train.” Says Kitty

“I don’t want to talk. I am really nervous.” Says Raven

“Same.” Says Blaze

“Talking is only good for self-incrimination at this point. Let’s enjoy the silence.” Says Kitty




The girls get off at their stop, another unremarkable stop on the unremarkable route of the train that rides along one of the many nameless layers of train lattice throughout the city. Nobody is waiting at the stop; they walk along the empty streets as yellow light shines out of many of the windows of the fortresses of the poor. Occasional shops still open for business hoping to prey on the random impulses of the countless fools who stumble home drunk on a Saturday night. The girls reach a bus stop, Kitty sits down.

“Are we riding a bus?” asks Blaze

“No we are loitering; this is simply the safest form of loitering.” Says Kitty

“What if the bus driver talks to us?” asks Blaze

“We just tell him we’re waiting for the next bus. There is only one that comes by in the mean time anyways.” Says Kitty

“Ok.” Says Blaze

“What do we do now?” asks Raven

“I’ll let you take your pick between twiddling your thumbs and passive-aggressive deep breathing.” Says Kitty

“I’ll take deep breathing; it will largely be out of fear though.” Says Raven

“It’s just the jitters; it’s our first day on the job like this.” Says Kitty

“And you’re not nervous at all?” asks Raven

“I’ve run through this situation countless times before in my head. This is like playing a piece on the piano that you have memorized and perfected.” Says Kitty

“Let’s hope you’re right.” Says Raven


They wait at the bus stop, Kitty coldhearted and contented while the others are simply scared, Blaze too proud to show it, Raven trembles a bit. The bus comes and goes without question, as the hardly conspicuous girls are waiting for the next bus, supposedly.

“Tally ho.” Says Kitty, eventually

“Where are we going?” asks Raven

“Follow the leader. It’s around the corner.” Says Kitty

“Ok.” Says Raven



“Don’t make any moves, you can easily just say back and out of the picture. We have to be hidden until the right time, just lean up against the wall of this building and look natural, if anybody asks, which nobody will, we are simply ‘working’” says Kitty

“That’s upsetting.” Says Raven

“Life is upsetting, get used to it.” Says Kitty

“What is going to happen here?” asks Blaze

“Don’t peek, but somebody in the alley to my right is going to be in trouble shortly. I will handle it. You girls are moral support at this point.” Says Kitty

“I believe in you.”


A few moments pass, voices can softly be heard in the alley.

“Hey baby, you got the goods?” a man asks, playfully

“You got the money? Don’t call me baby.” A girl says

“Of course, of course. Right in my back pocket.” Says the man, he reaches towards his back and pulls out a gun. “Whoops, this isn’t the money. This is a gun.” He says, pressing the muzzle of the gun against the girl’s skull.

“God damn it Joey.” Says the girl, scared “Take the fucking drugs. I fucking hate you. Somebody is going to kill you for this.” She says as she pulls out the a bag of 60 pills from her pocket

“It’s hard to rat me out if you’re dead, ain’t it, bitch?” asks Joey

“Just fucking kill me then.” Says the girl, tearing up

“Hold on, hold on. You think we just want some of the goods, naw, baby, we want all the goods.” Says the second man, as he pulls out a knife

“What the fuck are you talking about, Steve?” asks the girl angrily

Steve starts to cut her t-shirt at the collar “These goods baby. I want some of that pussy while it’s still warm.” He says

“Fuck you.” She says

“You better fuck me good. Joey, too.” Says Steve, fondling the girls breast

“God damn it.” Says the girl


Kitty pulls the slide back on her pistol. “Let’s do this.” She whispers as she turns around the corner into the alley. She instantly shoots the gunman in the head. He collapses.

“What the fuck?” shouts Steve

“Get on the fucking ground!”, the girl drops to the ground and curls into a ball

“Who the fuck are you?” asks the man

“Get on the fucking ground!” shouts Kitty

“Fuck this.” Steve grabs the girl by the hair and pulls her up and holds the knife to her throat “If you gone kill me you gone kill this bitch first.” Says Steve

“Drop the fucking knife!” shouts Kitty

“You ain’t no cop! Who the fuck are you?” asks Steve

“Love Cat, motherfucker!” shouts Kitty

“Why the fuck you out here robbing and killing people, you crazy bitch? You fucking twelve years old!” shouts Steve

“Fuck you!” shouts Kitty as she shoots Steve in the skull, directly through the medulla just as she had done with Joey

“Fuck!” shouts the girl who collapses into a ball again

Kitty runs over to her. “Are you alright?” asks Kitty

“The fuck is wrong with you, take the fucking drugs, you crazy bitch.” Says the girl

“I don’t want the fucking drugs. I want to help you, I need you to stop dealing drugs and try to be a good person, I know you are capable of great things.” Says Kitty

“You a fucking murderer, a thief, and now you some kind of guidance counselor, what the fuck is wrong with you?” Asks the girl, at a complete loss

“I hope you realize that I saved your life for a reason, I need you to stop selling drugs, for my sake, otherwise what I did would be in vain.” Says Stacy

The witches run into the ally

“Jesus Christ!” says Blaze, scared

“Shut up! I need to talk some sense into this girl.” Says Kitty

“Talk some sense into me? You twelve years old dressed up like a hooker, robbing and killing people and pretending to be a guidance councilor! You is the one who fucked in the head!” Says the girl

“Please, she wants to help you. Please love her for saving your life. She only wants to help.” Says Blaze

“Who the fuck is you? Why the fuck you dressed up like witchs? This shit fucked up beyond belief! I am fucking losing it!” Says the girl

“We are love witches that try to do good things and so we saved your life!” Says Blaze

“You fucking crazy as shit. This is ridiculous.” Says the girl, dumbfound

“Can we please go, this is really bad.” Says Raven, quite scared

“No shit this is really bad.” Says the girl, utterly surprised by the snesibility

“I need to talk some sense into her somehow; otherwise she will just go back to selling drugs.” Says Kitty

“Fuck you. You need sense talked into you. You and your psycho fucking friends.” Says the girl, indignantly

“Please just love us and make good decisions from here on out, we all want to leave. Please love us.” Says Blaze, closing her eyes and waving her scepter out of fear

“How the fuck am I supposed to love the most fucked up bitches I have ever met?” asks the girl

“Just fucking do it!” shouts Kitty

“Fuck you!” the girl shouts as she grabs the handgun off of the ground in front of her lifts it towards Kitty. Kitty kicks her hand swiftly, the gun fires a round as she drops it and it strikes Kitty in her left bicep.

“You stupid fucking bitch!” shouts Kitty as she pistol whips the girl out of the fetal position and steps on her throat. “Fuck!” shouts Kitty

“Oh my god!” Gasps Blaze

“We have to go, now. This is really bad.” Says Raven,

“You don’t want to listen, you don’t get to fucking listen!” shouts Kitty as she bends over and puts the gun directly beside the girls ear and fires a round out of her gun, she moves the gun directly beside the girls other ear and fires another round, the does this 10 more times in quick succession.

“You stupid punk piece of shit, I know how much your kind love to put holes in your ears, let me fucking help you.” Says Kitty as she actually shoots the girl in her right ear, and then her left, the girl attempts to scream but is choking too much to do so. Kitty grabs the girl’s hair with her gun hand and pulls her into a sitting position, the girl is crying. Kitty strokes her face with the handgun. “You tell me why I don’t put this last fucking bullet right through your fucking medulla.” Growls Kitty, as she presses the gun into the girl’s forehead. The girl whimpers. “It’s because I am a good person!” says Kitty as she violently kicks the girls head, knocking her unconscious.

“What the fuck is wrong with you Stacy?” ask Raven scared and angry

“Kitty got upset. The girl wouldn’t listen. Who is Stacy?” Says Kitty, who slides the gun back into her panties

“You got shot, do you understand that?” Says Raven quite upset

“Don’t remind me while the adrenaline is still high.” Says Kitty rummaging through the pockets of her victims with her one functioning arm. She takes four-hundred dollars out of Joey’s pockets, eight dollars from Steve, and two hundred from the girl which she stuffs into her bra.

“What the fuck are you doing?” asks Raven

“Playing a little game of musical pockets.” Says Kitty as she picks up the bag of pills on the ground and stuffs it into the crotch of Joey’s pants

“Ok. Now we have to go.” Says Kitty

“I’m sure the cops will be here any second. Are you fucking insane?” asks Raven

“I didn’t know two hours was called a second these days, and that’s if anybody even called the cops which I’m fairly certain hasn’t happened yet.” Says Kitty

“How are you not screaming, this is crazy.” Says Ophelia

“Adrenaline is sky high right now, but when it fades I will be hurting. I need you to numb the pain and stop the bleeding, Raven.” Says Kitty

“You expect me to do that? The best I’ve done is help somebody with a headache.” Says Raven

“I expect you to try god damn it.” Says Kitty

“Fine. I’m not going to touch it though. What are you going to do about the bullet in your arm?” asks Raven

“We’re going to make a pitstop on the way back to the station.” Says Stacy, calmly

“What exactly are we going to do? You are hurt really bad. You need a doctor or something.” Says Blaze

“We are going to follow the fucking leader, that’s what we are going to do. Time to fucking go.” Says Kitty as she quickly walks out of the alley with the girls in tow.

“Why did you do all of that?” ask Blaze, crying softly

“This is why I fucking did it.” Says Kitty angrily holding her ring in front of Ophelia’s eyes as it glows a pure white so bright it seemed to emit a faint light.

“God damn it.” Says raven softly, starting to tear up as well


They walk silently and briskly down the street a block and a half, a man walking his dog is interested as he walks by, looks at them, frowns, says nothing, and walks away. They cross the street and enter a locally owned pharmacy bathed in yellow light that is still open for the night. An Asian man stands at the counter.

“Welcome” He says absentmindedly before looking up from his magazine “Fuck. You need a doctor. Not here. This is not a doctor.” He shouts at the girls

“I am a doctor!” shouts Stacy angrily as she walks quickly through the aisles to the first aid section, “Hold onto these.” She says to Raven, as she grabs saline, a box of large bandages, a box of gauze, and a bottle of hand sanitizer.

“You need a doctor.” Pleads Raven

“You want to be a fucking doctor so now is the time to be a fucking doctor.” Says Kitty as she walks to the beauty section and grabs a pair of large tweezers.

“Why do you want to do your brows right now?” asks Blaze confused

“We’ve got to play doctor right now, ok?” Says Kitty

“Jesus Christ you are so fucking crazy.” Says Raven

“I know what I’m doing.” Says Kitty

“How?” asks Raven

“It involves doing good and fighting evil. I can’t do that shit if I’m dead. Draw the fucking conclusion.” Says Kitty as they approach the counter.

“You need a doctor.” Says the Asian man

“Fuck you. Put the shit in a bag.” Says Kitty

“I’m calling the police.” He says

Kitty reaches into her bra and pulls out the four hundred dollars and throws it on the counter. “Mr. Pile of Money here doesn’t want you to do that. Mr. Pile of money wants you to put these things in a bag and forget we were ever here. If you are still on the fence we can ask Mr. Handgun what he thinks you should do.” Says Kitty, angrily, with pain and impatience growing in her voice

“Please love us, we are good people, we promise!” shouts Blaze, waving her wand with tears in her eyes

The Asian man starts to scan the items and bag them.

“You understand me, right?” asks Kitty

“I wonder where this pile of money came from. I better hold onto it in case somebody comes looking for it.” Says the Asian man as he hands them their things

“Good. You have a wonderful fucking night.” Says Kitty, quite happy with the results as he hands her the bag of goods

“It must have been a ghost. You have a wonderful night too, ghost.” Says the man as the girls exit

They walk the remaining block towards the metro on the lonely streets. Kitty beginning to tear up out of pain by the time they get there. They sit on the bench at the empty terminal.

“Why do we have all of these things?” asks Blaze

“Like I said we are playing doctor. Raven, rub your hands with the sanitizer, then the tweezers and hand them to me when I tell you to. You’re the doctor today.” Says Kitty calmly, but breathing heavily as she kicks off her shoes, takes the gun out and lays it beside her before and pulling off her socks and panties with her functional arm.

“Why are you taking your clothes off?” Asks Ophelia, confused.

“You are the nurse. Pick them up and twist them together tightly and pull them tight across my mouth. I need something to bite down on so I don’t wake up the whole fucking neighborhood.” Says Kitty, panting calmaly “Hand me the tweezers, when I nod, you spray the hole with saline, ok?”

“God damn it this is crazy.” Says Raven

“Just fucking do it. Try to do some magic too.” Says Kitty

“This is a bad idea.” Says Raven as she hands Kitty the tweezers

 “Ok, now gag me with the bridle. Raven you hold my arm down tightly so it doesn’t move.” Says Kitty as she exhales deeply, Blaze behind her with the gag puts it in her moth while Raven stares her in the eyes. Kitty nods at raven. Raven sprays the wound which had already started to coagulate slightly, kitty bites down on the gag as hard as she can but cannot help crying out in agony, she takes a few deep breaths before calmly inserting the tweezers into her arm, she starts breathing more rapidly with an inhuman amount of focus in her eyes staring into the distance as if she were blind, she uses her fingers to part the tweezers further than their natural shape, and inserts them a bit deeper, she removes her finger and squeezes the tweezers with a firm delicacy. She cries out loudly with tears in her eyes as she slowly pulls the bullet out of her arm. She throws the tweezers on the ground, the bullet with them. She closes her eyes and breaths heavily for a moment before looking up at Raven and nodding her head.

“What?” asks Raven, Kitty nods a bit more angrily and shouts a  muffled something sounding like ‘saline’ through the gag, Raven sprays some saline into the bullet hole once more, Kitty biting down and crying out in agony once more. Stacy breaths heavily and slaps Blaze’s arm slightly.

“Are we done?” asks Raven

“I thought you were  a doctor?” Jokes Kitty, with emotionless tears falling from her eyes, “Spray some of the gauze with some saline and pack the wound with it, then put the bandage on. You’re doing great.” Says Kitty

“You don’t know how amazed I am right now. Completely speechless.” Says Raven, as she opens the gauze and wets it

“It’s all a dream. Put the gag back in my mouth, Blaze.” Says Kitty, Blaze gags her once more, Kitty breathes deeply before nodding at Raven. She bites down on the gag, groaning for the entirety of the time it takes to fill the hole with gauze. The salt in her wound causes her agony to slowly escalate as the chemical reaction exacerbates the natural pain. Raven quickly takes the bandage out and puts it over the hole. Kitty slaps Ophelia’s arm who releases the gag.

“What happened to the fucking magic?” jokes Kitty, breathing heavily

“Sorry, I guess it wasn’t very good.” Says Raven

“Just weave as much into the bullet hole as possible, I’m glad I’ve still got some adrenaline, but this is going to hurt like hell tomorrow. You passed Doctor 101, I’m proud of you.” Says Kitty

“Where did you learn all that?” asks Blaze

“A little fucking doggie told me.” Says Kitty

“Really?” asks Blaze

“Sadly.” Says Kitty

“What do I do about your clothes.” Asks Blaze

“Put them back on.” Says Kitty

“You don’t want to do it?” asks Blaze

“You are the nurse and my arm is in fucking agony right now, you figure it out.” Says Kitty

Blaze gets up and dresses Stacy with the wet clothes.

“I can’t get your panties back on, you have to stand up.” Says Blaze, embarrassed

“Fuck me. Make sure I don’t pass out.” Groans Kitty as she reluctantly stands up, lightheaded, Blaze finishes dressing her as Raven supports her before she sits back down

“Use a gauze pad to wipe the blood off of my arm. Soak it with saline if you have to.” Says Kitty, resting her head against the wall of the awning, Raven does so

“Pick up the tweezers and the bullet. Use a gauze pad or you’ll get bloody. We don’t want people to know what happened. Put it in the bag.” Says Kitty, Blaze does do

“The train will be here soon. I’m glad we got that done with before it showed up. I love you girls, really saved my ass right there.” Says Kitty

“You are crazy, you know that?” asks Raven

“I don’t know why that shit happens. That is the last time I ever trust somebody in one of these situations to make a reasonable decision or be grateful for what I do. That has fucked my day up more than once now. Just keep your magic hands on my arm, god damn it, that is the number.” Says Kitty

“You really should see a doctor.” Says Raven

“I did exactly what a doctor would do at a fraction of the cost, with none of the travel times or wait times, and with none of the questions. Don’t worry about it. A doctor can’t help me any more than I’ve already been helped. Let’s just go home. I’m sure your magic is 10 times better than whatever a fucking doctor can do.” Says Kitty

“I’m not so sure about that.” Says Raven

“The train is coming, Kitty, can you walk?” asks Blaze

“I’m glad you’re willing to call me that, but clearly I can walk, I got shot in the arm. I’m just exhausted.” Says Kitty

“Remember the bag.” Says Kitty as she grabs her gun and slips it back into her panties

“We can’t do this anymore Stacy, we need a better plan.” Says Raven

“I’ll make sure my plans don’t have any room for getting shot anymore. Once is enough for me to learn my lesson.” Says Kitty

“Good. Tonight was super scary, but I’m glad you’re ok. I’m glad you saved that girls life even if she didn’t want you to help her.” Says Blaze

“I think I got through to her.” Says Kitty

“That’s good.” Says Blaze, the northbound train arrives, a couple of women in party dresses exit who look at them for a moment but say nothing before returning to their own conversation and walking off into the night as the girls enter the empty train


The girls take their seats and ride quietly on the train through the dead of night towards their neighborhood.

“I hate to tell you this, but that was the easy part. The second part is going to be much worse.” Says Kitty

“What second part? No, there is no second part. You got shot, we are done.” Says Raven

“I wish there wasn’t a second part.” Says Kitty

“What second part?” asks Blaze

“Dealing with Stella. That’s the hard part.” Says Kitty

“I’m sure she will be happy to see you.” Says Raven

“Not like this she won’t. She’s more likely to murder me than those people.” Says Kitty

“No she isn’t, she loves you Stacy.” Says Blaze

“She is crazy though.” Says Kitty

“You are the crazy one, you understand that, right?” asks Raven, dumbfounded

“You don’t know Stella like I do.” Says Kitty

“You really hurt her a lot when you do these things. You can’t blame her for being upset.” asks Raven

“I’m not blaming her, I’m just making sure you are aware that she is going to tear me a new one.” Says Kitty

“I’m sorry to say that you deserve it.” Says Raven

“Don’t remind me. Just keep on holding my arm and making it feel good, these might be the last moments of my life that I can actually enjoy myself.” Says Kitty

“Just try not to hurt your sister like that, she has these things called emotions which can make her act kind of crazy and cause a lot of pain. You should be sensitive to that.” Says Raven

“I know what emotions are.” Says Kitty

“I don’t think you understand the type of emotions that she feels, though.” Says Raven

“Let me guess, bad ones.” Says Kitty

“Very, very bad ones. Just be as sensitive as possible and make sure you apologize a lot.” Says Raven

“I’ll do my best.” Says Kitty

“Let’s hope that’s good enough.” Says Blaze

“It’s not. Trust me.” Says Kitty

“We’re getting off soon. Don’t pass out or anything.” Says Raven

“Hopefully when I get home I can pass out before she has a chance to tear me apart.” Says Kitty

“That doesn’t seem like a healthy way to handle the situation.” Says Raven

“I wouldn’t say we have a healthy relationship to begin with, so it’s nothing new.” Says Kitty

“Please work on that, your sister deserves better.” Says Raven

“You’re expecting immaculate crops to grow out of blighted ground. You’re better off praying for a miracle.” Says Kitty

“I think if you put in a tiny amount of effort things would be a lot better between you two.” Says Raven

“I could raise the crop like spoiled children and sing to them every day and the crop would still be blighted.” Says Kitty

“It couldn’t hurt. I think you should try, it was really sad to see Stella upset like that.” Says Blaze

“If she actually starts to support my musings I suppose tending to her emotions would be in an acceptable compensation for such.” Says Kitty

“That is disgustingly selfish saying that you will only care about somebody’s emotions if they are willing to stroke your ego and feed your pride.” Says Raven

“It’s the golden rule.” Says Kitty

“It’s not the golden rule at all.” Says Raven

“I’m pretty sure pride and ego are emotions, so we’re just tending to each other’s emotions at that point.” Says Kitty

“You really need to look up a list of emotions. Get up, we have to go.” Says Raven, upset, ashamed, as the train comes to a halt

“If pride and ego aren’t on there, I’m pretty sure zeal is on there. So it’s still the golden rule.” Says Kitty, reluctantly getting up

“Fine. Why can’t you just have the emotional capacity of a normal person?” asks Raven, embittered, as the girls exit the train at their silent local suburban stop in the dead of night


“Housing emotions tends to ruin the property value, nobody likes bad neighbors. The demons also tend to do a bit more community service.” Says Stacy

“What are you talking about?” asks Blaze

“If the tenants are nothing but rabble-rousers, the ones who run their mouth about improving society can at least justify their actions when compared to the ones that exist solely to raise Cain through maudlin histrionics.” Says Kitty

“Emotions are healthy; they are like doctors for your soul.” Says Raven

“I thought you were a stoic.” Jokes Kitty

“You can have emotions without letting them cloud your rational thinking. If anything they should be factored into stoicism because people’s emotions can wildly impact the situation at hand.” Says Raven

“Emotions are way better than rational thinking, emotions make you feel alive and thinking is frustrating and confusing.” Says Blaze

“Feeling like I’m living means I will soon be feeling like I’m dying. I feel like I’ve done my dying already and am at peace with that. As of now I’m just watching my body burn on a funeral pyre as a happy ghost, I lived a pleasant life.” Says Kitty

“You’re not dead though, Kitty.” Says Blaze

“My life has been ripped out of my body which now haunts the earth lifeless. This servitude to a demon that has possessed me is no life of mine.” Says Kitty

“Mr. Dog is not a demon, we already he agreed is a servant of God. He wants us to do good things after all. Even then it is the only life you get, don’t turn your nose up at is because you don’t like it.” Says Blaze

“I am indifferent to it, for I have no choice in the matter. A gift from god I suppose it could be, however I cannot call it a life for it feels inhuman to me.” Says Kitty

“As much as I really don’t like what the dog expects you to do, it is easily far more human to protect decent people and kill evil people than it is to want to be some sort of ruthless tyrant.” Says Raven

“I seriously doubt that you have ever met a human in your life.” Jokes Kitty

“I’m sorry I’m not composed of liquid cynicism.” Says Raven

“I’ve got a healthy mixture of flavors in my blood.” Says Kitty

“If that is a healthy mixture I would hate to see an unhealthy one.” Says Raven

“I suppose it would be all of the bad and none of the good, I am only amoral as a means to an end, otherwise I am pure benevolence.” Says Kitty

“I really feel like letting go of your arm. I feel like the pain would make you reconsider your heartlessness.” Says Raven

“It would only reinforce it, my own self-loathing would induce a hearty masochism, humans deserve to suffer, and I am no different.” Says Kitty

“I find it hard to believe you could possibly dislike any part of yourself.” Says Raven

“Yeah, if there’s anything you love, it’s yourself.” Says Blaze

“Egotism and misanthropy are an odd couple.” Says Kitty

“Not really, egotists tend to see themselves as some sort of superhuman entity, it makes sense that you would put regular people in a caste below yourself.” Says Raven

“I see it as a battle where knowledge and sentiments arm the combatants; I simply feel that I have an extraordinary technological advantage when it comes to weaponry.” Says Kitty

“Which is why you were shot by a drug dealer today. I’m going to let go now to hopefully remind you that you can easily be wrong and incorrect sometimes. I hope this hurts.” Says Raven

“You could be a schoolteacher using pain as a learning device like that. It doesn’t hurt that bad though, aches and burns, but I’m not dying. I said before, my mistake was trusting a person to be grateful or appreciate my benevolence. God could give man eternal paradise and the beast would still find a way to be indignant.” Says Kitty

“Don’t make me slap the wound.” Says Raven

“Please don’t. You’re right, I can make mistakes. I need to be more conscious of that. On the whole though, pretty good on my part. Only one mistake out of hundreds of correct maneuvers.” Says Kitty

“It was impressive how you knew all of that stuff, but that one mistake got you shot. It was a pretty big mistake. More of those and you could die.” Says Blaze

“No more of those then. Damn it, just hold my arm. You got me addicted to your analgesics. You really could be a doctor one day.” Says Kitty

“Will you be respectful of others and sensitive to your sister?” Asks Raven

“Yes. Yes. Very much.” Says Kitty

“What happened to the masochism anyways?” asks Raven

“You should have been able to figure out that I don’t hate myself that much.” Says Kitty

“Who would have guessed?” says Raven

“Let’s just go home, sneak into bed, hope Stella is asleep and deal with this in the morning. I want tonight to be over.” Says Kitty

“For some reason I doubt that will happen.” Says Raven

“I’m sure Stella is worried sick.” Says Blaze

“Don’t remind me. Let’s just enjoy the beautiful night sky and warm breeze; at least these things won’t judge me.” Says Stacy

“I’m ready to forget that this ever happened.” Says Raven

“Same.” Says Blaze

“I’m ready to die. But spite keeps me from doing so.” Says Kitty

“That’s unsettling.” Says Raven

“When god gives you his sword and commands you to smite those who have forsaken him, spite is the natural response.” Says Kitty

“I’m glad that you believe in god. If it wasn’t for that I would be more upset with you, I’m scared but I think you’re doing the right thing, at least sort of.” Says Blaze

“Thanks. It means a lot.” Says Kitty

“Your sister is still up, or she fell asleep with the lights on.” Says Raven

“Now the true trial by fire begins.” Says Kitty, as they approach the familiar home

“I’m tired, please just be nice so we can go to sleep.” Says Blaze

“I’ll do my damnedest.” Says Kitty

“Good.” Says Raven




Kitty opens the door, Dale is still snoring in the dark bathed in the glow of the television. The girls silently walk upstairs and enter the sister’s room. Stella is sleeping in a chair with her face on the desk in a novel.

“Guess who?” asks Kitty softly

“God damn it, Stacy.” Says Stella, her eyes baggy from crying, the open page of the novel soaked with tears, she gets up and runs to hug her sister

“Fuck. Ow. Please, stop.” Says Kitty, quite pained

“What happened?” asks Stella

“Nothing happened. Don’t worry about it.” Says Kitty, who opens her drawer, withdraws her handgun, places it inside and closes the drawer

“What did you do?” asks Stella, concerned and scared

“Just had to polish the ring, see? Nice and white.” Says Kitty, showing her the ring, she takes off her glasses and cat ears and puts them in another drawer.

“I’m changing back to normal. I hate this costume.” Says Raven, transforming back, Blaze follows suit

“What happened to your arm, why do you have a bandage?” asks Stella

“Nothing. Please. We’re all home safe and sound let’s not worry about it.” Says Stacy

“That makes me worry about it.” Says Stella

“We’re alive, that’s all that matters, right?” asks Stacy

“I’m putting the bag on your desk, I want to lie down, but if I lie down on the floor I might get trampled if you two start wrestling.” Says Jenna

“I’m in no shape to wrestle. Let’s just go to sleep. Please. I am very tired.” Says Stacy

“What is in the bag?” asks Stella

“Nothing.” Says Stacy

“Don’t just hide everything from me. You don’t know how scared I was.” Says Stella, indignantly

“Just tell her Stacy. You can’t just lie to her like this.” Says Ophelia

“We live in Bay City, so technically nothing happened, I’m not exactly lying.” Says Stacy

“What is that supposed to mean?” asks Stella

“She saved this girls life, but for some reason the girl got upset with her and shot her in the arm.” Says Ophelia

“Are you kidding me? You got shot and just put a bandage on it? You need to go to the hospital.” Says Stella

“No. I don’t. I solved the problem. I got the bullet out and did myself just as good as the hospital would, thanks to my friends.” Says Stacy

“Are you that fucking stupid? You could get really sick if that gets infected.” Says Stella

“I did it right. Clean instruments and hands. On top of that Jenna is a magical healer so I’m sure she mixed in some antiseptics with the analgesics.” Says Stacy

“You are putting your faith in fucking magic? God damn it Stacy, do you understand how upset I am?” asks Stella

“I can clearly see your face.” Says Stacy

“How do I know you didn’t just pick up some little rock or something and pretend you got the damn bullet out because you’re so fucking insane? You need to go to the hospital. Right now.” Says Stella

“Look in the fucking bag if you’re that upset. Jesus Christ. Leave it alone. What’s done is done. I’m not going to the hospital, you really don’t want people asking questions about where I got this gunshot wound and on top of that why has the bullet already been removed and the wound packed.” Says Stacy, Stella looking in the bag, pulling out the bloody bullet wrapped in gauze

“Jesus Christ, Stacy. You actually bought all this shit and removed the bullet yourself? You are fucking crazy, but that’s actually impressive.” Says Stella, in disbelief

“Thanks. It’s a nice little souvenir, right? I’ve talked it over with the girls and decided I’ve learned my lesson, no more getting shot.” Says Stacy

“Because that was clearly in the plan from the beginning, wasn’t it? You are going to die if you keep doing this.” Pleads Stella, concernedly

“Well, I’m going to die if I don’t, and seeing how I would be dead in a few hours if I didn’t do it, I would say I made the right choice. I am in a bit of pain right now as you might imagine, so if we could just be grateful that I’m alive and whatnot, that would be great.” Says Stacy

“I want you to stay alive, not just be alive for a few more days before you set out to get yourself killed again.” Says Stella, angrily

“I set out and do these things to ensure I don’t get myself killed. Besides, I’m undefeated when it comes to not getting myself killed, I’ll have you know.” Says Stacy

“God damn it Stacy, you are so fucking stupid. You almost die and you just brush it off like you’re some kind of immortal god. I can’t stand this shit.” Says Stella, tearing up

“Swimming is the same thing as almost drowning, but most people don’t drown when they go swimming for some odd reason. Let’s just treat it like that, a nice splash around the pool. I want to sleep, so if somebody could take this stupid dress off of me that would be great.” Says Stacy

“You’re the nurse Ophelia.” Says Jenna

“Fine. How do you want me to do it?” asks Ophelia

“I’m going to lay on my back. Pull my arm upwards and then, just pull the dress off of me. Thanks.” Says Stacy, Ophelia gently moves Stacy’s arm causing her to groan, then takes the dress off

“Be a dear and hang it up for me.” Says Stacy who stands up, takes the money out of her bra and puts it on her desk, she unfastens the bra and takes a dirty school shirt off of the ground and slides the left sleeve over her crippled arm before fishing her right arm through the other sleeve. “I’m going to sleep. Good night.” Says Stacy

“You’re going to sleep like that, not even a nightgown or something?” asks Stella

“Well if the shirt doesn’t open in the front I can’t really put it on without causing excruciating pain in my arm. I’m not some sick masochist. Says Stacy

“I am so grateful that you are alive right now. Please don’t scare me like that again.” Says Stella, able to come to terms with only as much as the fact that Stacy is alive

“You know I have to. I am sorry. Just try to put faith in it, people send their kids off to war all the time, it’s kind of like that. There’s a chance I might die, but I might also be victorious. I like to have faith in the latter. You girls can get some bedding out of the linen closet. I’m done.” Says Stacy as she collapses onto her bed

“Good night, Stacy. I’m also glad you are alive.” Says Ophelia

“Hopefully my magic won’t wear off completely by tomorrow; you might be out of luck though. I can’t tend to you night and day until you get better.” Says Jenna

“I’ll take my licks, I deserve it after all. I was the one who had misplaced faith in mankind.” Says Stacy

“That’s actually a pretty ironic reason for you to be shot, who would have guessed you had any faith in mankind?” says Jenna

“It was a gambit; if it had worked I could have just walked away. Sadly, it didn’t.” says Stacy

“No more gamibts, please. It’s not worth the risk.” Says Stella

“I actually agree with you for once.” Says Stacy

“Good. I’m also going to sleep. I want to cry, but it’s tears of joy since you girls all came home. I couldn’t live without you.” Says Stella, tearing up

“We love you too Stella.” Says Ophelia

“I’m sure Stacy wouldn’t be alive without you, so consider the feeling mutual between all of us. I’m sorry we have to put you through these terrible stresses, Stella, but we have no choice.” Says Jenna

“I know. I am scared and I feel crazy, but if it comes from you I can trust it. I hate this, but I have no choice but to accept it.” Says Stella, rattled

“That’s something we all must learn to do. I’m going to sleep; it was exhausting watching Stacy in the first person, even though I didn’t do anything, it was an emotional rollercoaster.” Says Jenna

“I bet. You want me to get some bedding for you?” asks Stella

“I’ll be fine; we know where to find it. Thanks though.” Says Jenna

“Thanks for looking out for Stacy; I’m pretty sure she would be dead if it wasn’t for you two.” Says Stella

“We didn’t do much, but I think we helped a little bit.” Says Ophelia

“Good. That little bit might just be enough to keep her amongst the ranks of the living.” Says Stella

“Let’s hope so. It would haunt me forever if I had to watch Stacy die because I couldn’t do enough to save her.” Says Jenna

“I don’t want to think about that. Just keep on being undefeated in that scenario, ok?” says Stella

“I’m sure we will. Stacy is blessed by God after all, with her magic of being able to protect others from the sinners and the wicked.” Says Ophelia

“That’s comforting. I want to believe that. I’m willing to take any form of comfort at this point.” Says Stella

“You are wise indeed. Let’s get ready for bed. I’m just going to let Stacy sleep though.” says Jenna

“Ok.” Says Ophelia, the girls get sleeping mats and bedding, they brush their teeth, dress for sleep, and turn the lights out while exchanging sleepy time blessings.




The sun smiles its euphorically sadistic smile as it peeks over the horizon eager to breath in the flavorful aromas of another night of senseless violence in the city. Its delightful warmth is lovingly lathered over the sleeping girls as a reminder of their progenitor’s platonic love of chaos.

Stella sits up and sees the money sitting on the desk along with the bullet wrapped in bloodstained gauze, the horrors of the truth of the previous night finally able to overpower her crippling delirium of woe and loneliness.

“Stacy, wake up!” says Stella

“Fuck me. What is it?” Says Stacy softly in exhausted pain

 “Why didn’t you hide the bullet and the money! I’m sure the cops are looking for you right now! This looks really bad. Please at least try to look innocent.” Says Stella

“The cops aren’t looking for me.” Says Stacy, trying to go back to sleep

“I’m pretty sure since you killed some people last night; they are definitely looking for you.” Says Stella

“They’re not even looking for the impoverished unemployed 16 to 20 year old African American male they suspect of the crimes. Why would they be looking for me?” says Stacy

“Stacy, you realize that girl saw you pretty clearly. I’m sure she told the police about you.” Says Jenna

“She ran away before the police got there. I didn’t put her in a coma, Jesus. Even if the cops knew who she was, she wouldn’t talk to them. She hates the cops more than she hates me.” Says Stacy

“How do you know that?” asks Jenna

“It’s common sense, the cops would have ended her life or put her in prison, I gave her a new lease on life. You realize I did all that so I could get that through to her, right?” asks Stacy

“That kind of makes sense.” Says Jenna

“What exactly did you do?” asks Stella

“I just taught some people a lesson. Don’t worry about it.” Says Stacy

“How did you teach somebody a lesson with a gunfight?” asks Stella

“There wasn’t a gunfight. I pacified two rowdy fools and tried to talk sense into a girl. I learned my lesson because I was foolish enough to think that people would be grateful to be alive. Clearly that wasn’t the case. Let me sleep, damn it. I don’t want to deal with this shit.” Says Stacy, tired, upset, and annoyed

“We have to go to church in a few hours; you should probably wake up so you don’t sleep in too late.” Says Ophelia

“We? You two are the one who goes to church.” Says Stacy

“I think you really should go with us, it would really help you. I kind of told my dad I would try to get you two to come with me. It’s important to go to church, especially after something like last night.” Says Ophelia

“I agree with Ophelia, you definitely need church Stacy.” Says Jenna

“What is the point in going to church?” asks Stacy

“It is so you get in touch with God. You are the one who says you are like an angel, you should want to go to church.” Says Ophelia

“I’m pretty sure a big part is being forgiven for your sins, too.” Says Jenna

“Is this really that important? Can’t I get out for being sick or something?” asks Stacy

“You’re not sick, you’re just hurt. You can’t spread your pain like its germs or something. Anyways, it really would mean a lot to me. I want you to really be good and blessed by God, not just believe those things.” Says Ophelia

“Does church really do that?” asks Stacy

“Of course it does.” Says Ophelia

“If you are the faithful servant of god you claim to be, you would look forward to church all week.” Says Jenna

“The only thing tempting me to do this is the thematic ambiance. I really like that story and I don’t want you to ruin it for me.” Says Stacy

“Good. Then go to church.” Says Jenna

“It might not be fun, but I’m sure you will feel better.” Says Ophelia

“I also think you need to go to church, Stacy.” Says Stella

“You’re just going to excuse yourself?” asks Stacy

“I’ll go if you do.” Says Stella

“But you wouldn’t go if I don’t, so what’s the point.” Says Stacy

“I actually want to after all of this, considering how I am implicated in your hellraising, but I can’t trust you to be by yourself right now.” Says Stella

“Why do you think that god is some sky ghost that just drinks the guilt right out of your body? Going to church doesn’t change what you have done.” Says Stacy

“Of course it doesn’t, you go to church in order to atone by admitting guilt and reflecting on what you could do better.” Says Jenna

“You really could do a lot of things better.” Says Ophelia

“Fine. No promises I don’t fall asleep though.” Says Stacy

“I’ll slap your arm if you do. You need god, Stacy.” Says Jenna

“I could easily die if god doesn’t have my back, so I guess I’ll be singing for a miracle today.” Says Stacy

“Good. We don’t have to leave for a while, so you can sleep some more if you want.” Says Ophelia

“Thank you.” Says Stacy, exhausted from the argument

“You girls want some breakfast? I can cook some pancakes or something.” Says Stella

“That sounds great.” Says Ophelia

“Wake me up when they’re ready. I’m not missing pancakes.” Says Stacy

“I’ll come fetch you.” Says Stella

“Thanks.” Says Stacy as the three walk out of the room.



Stella begins to fix breakfast and the girls sit at the kitchen table. Dale continues to imperviously guard his cushioned castle from any who seek to usurp his kingship, his rallying cry an incendiary force within the hearts of his dreamwoven army.

“Stella, I am really sorry about everything. I don’t think I can say that enough. We all kind of lost control of our lives and we don’t really know what to do.” Says Jenna

“I understand. I’m sad that I could never help my sister before this, and now I can’t really do anything to relieve you of your misery. I feel powerless, but I am trying to accept it.” Says Stella

“We’re all powerless. I’m glad Stacy kind of knows what she has to do to stay alive. It is so crazy that this damn dog is going to kill us if we don’t do what he wants.” Says Jenna

“You think that’s true?” asks Stella

“I don’t want to, but I’m not willing to risk my life to put it to the test. If Stacy thinks it’s true I’ve got no choice but to trust her, she was given the knack for knowing things like that.” Says Jenna

“I don’t know why our rings are white; we didn’t do anything last night.” Says Ophelia

“I guess helping Stacy was considered doing enough good on our parts. It is sickening that things like that are what the dog considers to be good.” Says Jenna

“He did say we had to do good and fight evil, I don’t want to fight anybody but I guess Stacy thinks she doesn’t have a choice.” Says Ophelia

“Stacy told me about the possible futures she foresaw; all of the peaceful ones were grim, especially for her. She said we might be able to stay alive doing nice things, but she likely wouldn’t survive very long.” Says Jenna

“That’s so sad. I just wanted to do nice things but now Stacy has to go out and punish bad people or she will die.” Says Ophelia

“You are ok with her doing that sort of thing? I wouldn’t have any of it.” Says Stella, perplexed

“We kind of got dropped into the fire pretty fast last week. I’m surprised Stacy didn’t lose her mind completely after that.” Says Jenna

“I don’t want to know what actually happened to her that day. I guess it helps she has no mind to lose.” Says Stella

“She was saying she kind of loses control when bad things happen and something else takes over her body. It sounded kind of scary but it seems to get her out of trouble.” Says Ophelia

“I like to think that. I really don’t want to know if it is some otherworldly force controlling her or if Stacy just has some serious issues.” Says Jenna

“She does have some serious issues thought.” Says Stella

“Not like normal Stacy issues, like real issues.” Says Jenna

“It has to be some other spirit, how could she know how to fight so well and shoot a gun like that.” Says Ophelia

“What do you mean when you say real issues? I’m kind of concerned.” Says Stella

“You don’t want to know. It is upsetting to say the least.” Says Jenna

“I think I can handle it, you two seem to be ok and you’ve seen it firsthand.” Says Stella

“I will require a lot of therapy if this is ever over. I’ll just leave it at that.” Says Jenna

“I think she can be hotheaded when it happens, but I don’t feel bad for the people. She wouldn’t do those things if she didn’t have a good reason.” Says Ophelia

“Now I’m really curious. I know she is sick but I kind of want to know how sick.” Says Stella

“You will certainly be sick after hearing this, you sure you don’t want to eat breakfast first?” says Jenna

“It is a weird collage of ambivalence, but I kind of want to know more than I don’t.” says Stella

“Well you know, she killed some people. She also just hurts some of them but doesn’t kill them.” Says Ophelia

“That doesn’t sound that bad; I would rather be hurt that dead.” Says Stella

“I’m not sure about that. On top of the three dead people, she lobotomized one man in a restaurant and deafened a girl with a handgun before shooting her in the ears. Hotheaded was a euphemism to be honest.” Says Jenna

“I think she’s being a good person, it is way better not to kill people.” Says Ophelia

“That is… something. It seems like something Stacy would do, she likes to see herself as some kind of avenging angel or something.” Says Stella

“She tells me that and I still don’t want to think it is really her making those decisions.” Says Jenna

“I figured she would just tell you that nice guys finish last, and I guess in her case that means being eaten by some magical dog or something.” Says Stella

“If you don’t kill them, you give them a chance to learn their lesson. It’s just like how god forgives people and gives them a second chance.” Says Ophelia

“I’m going with that… Stacy the godly.” Says Jenna

“I’m sure she likes to think of herself that way.” Says Stella, serving up some pancakes

“I think she’s a good person.” Says Ophelia

“We don’t really have a choice; she’s kind of the brains of our group. I know I would be at my wits end if I had to search for random people to go help out of the blue.” Says Jenna

“It is so weird, in all of the books I’ve read about this, there is always some major problem that is super obvious that the girls have to go deal with. In real life there’s never anything like that.” Says Ophelia

“I’m glad that’s the case. We seemed to have a hard time just dealing with fairly small things compared to some giant monster terrorizing the city.” Says Jenna

“I’m pretty sure if you ask Stacy, she will tell you society is the major problem that is super obvious that she has to deal with.” Says Stella, she walks up to the stairs “Stacy, come get some breakfast!” She shouts

Stacy comes down the stairs with some shorts on, her shirt sloppily buttoned twice

“You look like a mess.” Says Stella

“I am a mess.” Says Stacy

“That was pretty quick though.” Says Stella

“Pancakes are a much higher priority than sleep.” Says Stacy

“Even in your condition?” asks Stella

“This just makes pancakes an even higher priority.” Says Stacy, sitting down at the table

“Jenna, lather some magic on me, please. My arm is throbbing like a young girl’s heart.” Says Stacy

“I’ll try.” Says Jenna, putting her hand on Stacy’s arm

“No. Damn it. That just made it worse.” Says Stacy

“I’m not transformed so I guess I can’t do anything.” Says Jenna

“You don’t want to transform for dear old Stacy, do you?” asks Stacy

“Your dad is in the next room, no, and you also deserve it for having such a crazy plan. Enjoy your pain.” Says Jenna

“Thank you, mistress.” Says Stacy, sarcastically

“Eat up. You’ll need your energy if you want your songs to get all the way to heaven.” Says Stella, serving her sister some pancakes and a glass of milk

“Thank you kindly. Let’s hope god has keen ears, I’m not much for singing.” Says Stacy

“I don’t even know how to read the music, so I sing pretty quiet.” Says Ophelia

“I think we’re all in that boat. I’ll just enjoy the show and hope god shoots that t-shirt cannon filled with salvation in my direction.” Says Stacy

“That’s how you think salvation works?” asks Stella

“I think the general consensus is that everybody gets a t-shirt, but that seems a bit too perfect for me.” Says Stacy

“If you are talking about salvation, God gives it to anybody who is faithful. So it shouldn’t be hard for you to find it.” Says Ophelia

“I will be a wellspring of faith if that’s all it takes.” Says Stacy

“I’m pretty sure you have to obey god’s words and be an upstanding person.” Says Jenna

“Don’t worry, he will forgive you if you mess up sometimes, just try your best.” Says Ophelia

“I think I can handle that. Here’s to faith, forgiveness and the word of god!” Says Stacy, raising her glass

“Here’s to doing your best and tolerating imperfection.” Says Stella, raising her glass

“I like that. That’s about all we can do at this point.” Says Jenna, also raising her glass

“I think we’re supposed to drink wine, but we’re not old enough, so we’ll just make do with what we have.” Says Ophelia, raising the final glass, clinking the toast

“Here’s to here’s!” shouts Dale, raising his glass from the couch

“Oh, I didn’t know your awake, Dad. You want some pancakes?” Says Stella

“A here’s here’s is always enough to wake me up. I’d love some cakes, no syrup though; I’m not trying to get all sticky.” Says Dale

“The syrup really helps to soften them; I find them kind of hard to swallow without it.” Says Stella, walking the tiny sea of vinyl and carpet into the joined living room

“I’ve got plenty to wash it down with. Don’t worry about me.” Says Stella

“Do you want some water?” asks Stella

“That would be great. I’ve got to rehydrate every now and again.” Says Dale

“I’m glad you’re thinking about your health.” Says Stella

“I’m always thinking about my health. Salud, so they say.” Says Dale, raising his drink

“I’ll get you that water.” Says Stella

“Thanks love.” Says Dale, Stella quickly returns with a glass of water

“All four of us are going to church with Ophelia today, so don’t worry if you can’t find us.” Says Stella

“Go find god for me, bring home some miracles if you can.” Says Dale

“I’ll try my best.” Says Stella

“I’ll be waiting, but not hopeful.” Says Dale

“Maybe I can surprise you.” Says Stella

“Hell, you girls are all the miracles I need. I can’t ask for more than that.” Says Dale

“Thanks dad. Enjoy the pancakes.” Says Stella

“Will do.” Says Dale, beginning to eat slowly as Stella returns to the table.

“Wow, I didn’t think you would be able to eat all of that so fast, Stacy, considering you were shorthanded and everything.” Says Stella

“There’s no such thing as shorthanded when it comes to eating. One hand is plenty, and even people without hands still manage to eat somehow.” Says Stacy

“Well, at least we don’t have to worry about you dying like that.” Says Jenna

“Let’s just consider the rest of it eating and we don’t have to worry about any of it.” Says Stacy

“Some things are easier than others, you know.” Says Jenna

“Man has hunted for sustenance for millions of years; the only difference is that I don’t eat my prey.” Says Stacy

“You seem to be pretty callous towards your transgressions.” Says Jenna

“Survival of the fittest.” Says Stacy, smugly

“I think it’s kind of appropriate given that she doesn’t have much of a choice in the matter.” Says Stella

“Let’s hope church can make everything right.” Says Ophelia

“Right as rain, no doubt.” Says Stacy

“I’ll settle for that. As much as rain may cause problems sometimes, life depends on it and it’s a natural occurrence. We wouldn’t be alive without those sad little raindrops.” Says Jenna

“If hell freezes over, who knows, maybe I’ll turn into snow.” Says Stacy

“You still intend on causing that to happen, don’t you?” says Stella

“Even children dying of cancer dream about becoming famous athletes or firefighters, I’m not giving up on my dreams.” Says Stacy

“That’s the spirit. You can’t let your double life prevent you from living the normal one you want to live.” Says Ophelia

“Somehow I feel that her double life is the more normal one out of the two.” Says Stella

“Only in Bay City.” Says Stacy

“That’s where we are, sadly.” Says Stella

“Then it looks like I’ll fit right in.” says Stacy

“That’s not really a good thing.” Says Jenna

“It is when I’m riding the god damn plot horse.” Says Stacy

“Yee-haw.” Says Jenna

“Yee-haw.” Says Stacy


“I’ll clean the dishes. Do you girls want to wash before church? We didn’t get a chance to last night.” Says Stella

“No.” says Stacy

“I would like to.” Says Jenna

“Me as well.” Says Ophelia

“Feel free. I’ll bathe third. You girls can head up.” Says Stella, the two leave the table and head upstairs

“I’ll bathe myself in dreams.” Says Stacy

“Just don’t drown in them.” Says Stella

“Tantalus has yet to drown; I wouldn’t be too worried about myself.” Says Stacy

“Be so kind as to return to the shore when you wake up, at least.” Says Stella

“The waves of reality crush my body as they toss me onto the beach of wakefulness every morning. If there is a riptide I have yet to find it.” Says Stacy

“Good. At least the waves look out for your best interests.” Says Stella

“I have no interest in this earthen hell, only scorn for it.” Says Stacy

“You own interests tend to be quite far off from your best interests, if you haven’t figured that out.” Says Stella

“I’m glad your opinionated superlativity can somehow manage to turn its nose up at the clouds when its head is in the sand.” Says Stacy

“At least my superlativity has something to stand on.” Says Stella

“Who needs to stand when you can fly?” asks Stacy

“Good luck with flying, I’ve yet to meet a person capable of doing so.” Says Stella

“A man wed with a machine is certainly capable, and I do not seek to revolutionize the industrial world with Paleolithic technology.” Says Stacy

“Let’s hope you actually are the Red Baron and not one of the countless fools who flew directly into flak and met his maker without even laying a scratch on the enemy.” Says Stella

“I have my wits about me. There’s no need to hope for outcomes that are certain.” Says Stacy

“You seem to tolerate a high degree of uncertainty in your allegedly pure certainty.” Says Stella

“Mistakes can corrupt any perfect procedure; I am intent on making as few as possible.” Says Stacy

“A man who can do nothing but make mistakes has made as few mistakes as possible by the time he inevitably dies; don’t think that such a strategy will lead you to any success.” Says Stella

“I am a fair bit more competent than that. Have faith.” Says Stacy

“Fools have faith in things that have zero chance of happening, if you are so confident in such things, considering your logic, I don’t see why you’re not head over heels for homeopathy.” Says Stella

“I don’t rely on coincidence to prove my efficaciousness. Even you should understand that I base my sentiments largely upon science.” Says Stacy

“There is a difference between science and the whims of a 14 year old girl.” Says Stella

“They are principles, not whims. It is still an affront to rational logic to assail my ideology.” Says Stacy

“Even logic has the capacity to fail when it is applied to irrational creatures such as humans.” Says Stella

“Regardless, it has a higher success rate than the entirely illogical policies in place at the moment.” Says Stacy

“What part of being one of the strongest and most successful countries on the planet qualifies as entirely illogical?” asks Stella

“You think that the most logical individual in an anarchist society is the man who is bigger and stronger than everyone and therefore can rob, pillage, and plunder with heavy handed impunity? Such a strategy requires little if any logic; even a bear could deduce such a strategy.” Says Stacy

“Bears have millions of years of success under their belt, your ideology has none.” Says Stella

“That’s not true; it draws upon the greatest authoritarians of all time and simply seeks to improve upon past successes while addressing missteps and failures.” Says Stacy

“Why do you think you are capable of applying Moore’s law to despotism?” Says Stella

“In theory it wouldn’t be hard to exponentially increase the amount of despotism every year, until you reach the point where it becomes physically impossible. It would be benevolent despotism anyways, the more I increase the despotism, the greater the benefit to society.” Says Stacy

“I don’t understand how you can even fit such big dreams into that head of yours.” Says Stella

“Maybe I am a bit abstemious when it comes to other things people might store in their brain.” Says Stacy

“Clearly. I’m going upstairs. I figured you would be in no shape to talk, but clearly not.” Says Stella

“Talking is a reflex, and hearing words like the electric shock that causes it to occur. It doesn’t require thought and my body will unquestioningly spend the energy required to see to it that the reflex occurs.” Says Stacy

“I can’t say that is an evolutionary advantage in the slightest.” Says Stella

“Let nature lay me in my grave if my mutation makes me unfit for living. She seems to be indifferent to my heartbeat up to this point.” Says Stacy

“Do realize that you’re not that far from the coast if and when that allegorical tsunami hits, but I can’t say for certain if it will sweep you out to sea.” Says Stella

“It’s a gambit, but I’m sure I’ll be able to connive a way to stay alive.” Says Stacy

“Let’s hope so.” Says Stella

“You seem to have the same reflex.” Says Stacy

“It is a terrible mutation to always seek to have the last word. I’ll let you have it. I’m going upstairs.” Says Stella, walking away

“I’m coming too, I’m not going to sit here alone.” Says Stacy, following her sister upstairs





They enter the room; Ophelia sitting on Stella’s bed looking out the window, Stella sits beside her. Stacy crawls one handed into her bed and sits with her back against the wall and sighs with the aches and pains of being alive.

“You look like you’re lost in thought Ophie, what’s on your mind?” asks Stacy

“Well, I guess I am lost. I am always told you’re supposed to reflect on things you did but if I try to think about last night my mind just runs away from the thoughts.” Says Ophelia

“I’m glad you didn’t run away last night, you saved my ass more than once.” Says Stacy

“I don’t think I really did anything, did I?” asks Ophelia

“I’m pretty sure you were the one who convinced that shopkeeper to let us go.” Says Stacy

“I thought you weren’t scared of people calling the police in that neighborhood.” Says Ophelia

“I’m pretty sure that guy is a generous benefactor of the police. He wouldn’t be in business if he didn’t. You were also a damn good nurse, by the way.” says Stacy

“Thanks. My job was kind of easy. Jenna had to look at you the whole time; I was kind of closing my eyes and looking away. It was so scary; I don’t know how you were so calm.” Says Ophelia

“Adrenaline. It’s fight or flight, and I knew for damn sure I couldn’t run away from a bullet in my arm.” Says Stacy

“Maybe you should have run away before you got the bullet in your arm.” Says Stella

“In my line of duty desertion guarantees that you die, this way at least I’ve got a fighting chance.” Says Stacy

“You are quite small and basically nothing but skin and bones, what sort of chance do you think you have of winning a fight?” asks Stella

“Don’t they always say it’s not the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog?” asks Stacy

“I’m just going to presume that every dog out there that you are going to fight with has a comparable level of fight in them as yourself, at that point the decisive factor is explicitly the size of the dog in the fight.” Says Stella

“I’d say my magical curse or whatever gives me a leg up on most people.” Says Stacy

“What sort of leg up could you possibly have? You have a gun; they have a gun, that’s the end of the story. There is no leg up.” Says Stella

“I found two medullas with two bullets, the only reason I even got shot was because I basically let the girl do it. I’d say my instinct performs at a much higher level than that of the common criminal.” Says Stacy

“How did you even learn to shoot a gun like that? It was kind of scary how you didn’t think for a second and the guy was already on the ground.” Says Ophelia

“I don’t know. I can just feel it. The right spot in the brain attracts my gun like a compass needle to magnetic north. I seem to know exactly where the bullet will go and that is the position my hands are drawn to. To be honest I didn’t expect it to work like that, but I’m glad it did. Hell, it even scares me if I think about it, thankfully I don’t though.” says Stacy

“You don’t think about what you’re doing when you just run in there with a gun?” asks Stella

“It’s rare that I think about anything I do, but in that kind of situation it is like my body was on autopilot.” Says Stacy

“It saved that girls life, so it must be a good thing.” Says Ophelia

“I just hope I don’t lose my free will entirely. It’s kind of scary, it feels like a dream when you see the things you are doing but don’t have a second thought about any of it, even it is super weird you never once question your surroundings or your actions.” Says Stacy

“I’ve been told that you can’t die in your dreams, so maybe it works like that.” Says Ophelia

“I’m pretty sure that’s not how this works at all.” Says Stella, perplexed by the ignorance

“Sadly, I woke up and still had the flesh wound, but I know I’ll do everything I can not to die, so it’s pretty close. Hell, if I really got into a pickle I feel like that instinct would take over my body for days until I’m out of harm’s way. I’m not complaining, if I had to do that sort of thing by my own devices I’m pretty sure we’d be dead right now.” Says Stacy

“I don’t know how you are so calm about all of this, you murdered some people last night and it doesn’t bother you in the slightest. In the back of my mind there is a cat with claws of fear just scratching the life out of my brain and you can just sit back and laugh like you’re some kind of action hero who can nonchalantly kill people and laugh off being shot.” Says Stella

“The first time shook me, the second time it was like riding a bike. I was dwelling on it all week and just came to terms with the fact that I have to do these things to survive. I’ll gladly kill a gaggle of thugs if it means saving my own life.” Says Stacy

“That is sickening. You can just gladly end people’s lives like that. You realize these are people just like yourself.” Says Stella

“They are miscreants and I am basically the incarnation of god’s vengeance at this point. You can’t compare the two of us. They gladly risk their lives every day by being criminals, if I hadn’t have killed them, they could easily be dead in a few weeks’ time because some other thug wanted their 8 dollars or their shoes that they stole off of the last person they killed.” Says Stacy

“You’re so high and mighty thinking you’re a saint. It’s insane.” Says Stella

“She is like a saint though. She has god’s knowledge of how to fight evil, you can’t be mad at her for wanting to do good things. I’m just as scared as you are, but I can’t be mad at her. If anything it is her responsibility to do these things.” Says Ophelia

“You told me that you got this magic from a dog, not some angel. To drum yourself up like that is ridiculous.” Says Stella

“Mr. Dog has to be God’s dog or something to be that good and magical.” Says Ophelia

“Whether or not he has anything to do with the god of Abraham, he is undoubtedly a god. Nothing else could possibly have that sort of power. His story of how his family was some force of karmatic justice back when a wolf could kill a man was almost touching. I feel like I’m almost his kin at this point, taking up the family profession like that.” Says Stacy

“There’s only one God, so if he’s a God he has to be the normal God.” Says Ophelia

“Abrahamic god simply says that there are no gods before him, he even acknowledges the existence of other gods like Moloch in the bible. God just says that they are inferior gods, and he is the most powerful of them, the one true god so they say.” Says Stacy

“Well, I’m pretty sure there is only one God nowadays, so Mr. Dog has to be like an angel or something.” Says Stella

“That’s possible. It would be ironic that we kind of sold our soul to an angel instead of the devil.” Says Stacy

“We didn’t sell our souls; we just said we would help.” Says Ophelia

“Maybe he is the angel that opposes sloth, so if we become irreverent and stop doing good and fighting evil, we die. Sloth is a deadly sin, after all.” Says Stacy

“That makes sense; we should learn that angel’s name and see if we can pray to him to help us.” Says Ophelia

“I don’t know if people would know the name of an angel like that.” Says Stella

“Mr. Dog is all we have to work with right now.” Says Ophelia

“Mr. Wolf Dog, it’s quite the name. It makes sense that he wouldn’t call himself a human or pet name seeing how he loathes humanity for the most part.” Says Stacy

“If he didn’t like humans, why would he wants us to help them?” asks Ophelia

“Last time I checked, he didn’t really want us to help them. He just wanted to eat us. His gambit was hoping that we wouldn’t fulfil our end of the bargain.” Says Stacy

“You think he doesn’t care at all?” asks Ophelia

“It’s been centuries if not millennia since a wolf could kill a human, I’m sure that’s plenty of time for him to come to terms with that and give up on his creed. It seemed like he just wanted to enjoy himself and watch the world burn at this point.” Says Stacy

“I want to think he is loving, like God. He was pretty nice.” Says Ophelia

“Godlike, sure, but even god had no interest in loving places like Sodom and Gomorrah.” Says Stacy

“I can’t help but hear this echo in my head like I’m sitting in a room with the most insane people on the planet. I don’t know what to say. It is nerve-wracking.” Says Stella

“You’ve just got to accept the painful facts of life. I know it’s hard, but it’s not like we try to get Dale to stop drinking. Just think of this as our sick addiction that we must satiate or else we die.” Says Stacy

“What dad does makes sense, it is well documented, and scientific. Your predicament, however, I cannot come to terms with in the slightest, it just feels like pure insanity being rubbed all over my body.” Says Stella

“I’m sure it is technically insanity, but it’s also the truth, sadly. Denial is the first stage of grief, so just try to be aware of that.” Says Stacy

“What stage of grief are you on?” says Stella

“Acceptance.” Says Stacy

“It was hard but I also realize I can’t do anything about it at this point.” Says Ophelia

“Why does my mind keep telling me I have to do everything I can to help you girls. I feel like you are really sick and I need to help you with this problem as much as I can. I feel that if I don’t somehow cure this illness you are all going to die and it tears me up on the inside.” Says Stella

“It’s like terminal cancer, there’s nothing anyone can do but accept it. The most you can do is just keep cooking. I’m sure that will keep us all in high spirits.” Says Stacy

“I hope it’s not as bad as cancer, I don’t feel sick or anything, just kind of scared. I think it’s a great idea to just try to help Stacy in normal ways. We are the only ones expected to deal with our own situation, I don’t think anyone else is even able to do so really.” Says Ophelia

Jenna returns, “You’re turn Ophelia.” She says, sitting down on Stacy’s bed

“I’ll try to be quick so the water doesn’t get cold for you Stella.” Says Ophelia, leaving the room

“Don’t worry about it. I’m sure I could use a cold bath at this point.” Says Stella

“I can’t fathom the appeal of a cold bath.” Says Stacy

“I think it is where you breathe heavily and try to come to terms with the fact that the world you once knew is falling to pieces before your eyes.” Says Stella

“It’s still there; don’t worry; even if we have to go do some good deeds every now and again.” Says Stacy

“For some reason I am not so optimistic that you are going to continue to be successful.” Says Stella

“Healthy people don’t pain themselves contemplating how they are going to die every second of their life, most of them ignore it or accept it as inevitable and neglect to contemplate it at all until they are on their deathbed. I think that’s a reasonable strategy.” Says Jenna

“They think about it every second that they are on their deathbed, and that is what it feels like to me right now. How can you accept this part of your life and go back to being normal the next day?” asks Stella

“It’s not really a part of my life, so I don’t think about it much at all.” Says Jenna

“What? You don’t consider the whole costumed crusader thing to be a part of your life right now?” asks Stella

“When I think about that girl in the silly costume, I remind myself that I am not that girl and instead remember who I am, who Jenna is.” Says Jenna

“You’re not that girl? Even after you do crazy things with Stacy? You just ignore the fact you went out and saw your friend get shot last night?” asks Stella

“I just fall back on words of wisdom spoken by a man who often found himself in a very similar situation: ‘It wasn’t me,’” Says Jenna

 “You have seen Stacy kill people and helped her get a bullet out of her arm somehow, that wasn’t you?” asks Stella

“It wasn’t me.” Says Jenna

“That’s the mentality you need to succeed in this line of work. If anyone asks me, I know for damn sure it wasn’t me.” Says Stacy

“You just deny it?” asks Stella

“I just kind of separate the costume and my normal self into two distinct people. I still have to live my normal life; I’m not going to worry about the witch unless somebody’s life depends on it.” Says Jenna

“It is you. If the witch dies, you die. If Stacy gets herself killed it doesn’t matter if she has that silly dress on, you die forever.” Says Stella

“I just let the witch make sure that the witch doesn’t die. I do my best to make sure that I don’t die in ways that a normal person like myself could die. We’ve each got our own responsibilities, and we mutually coexist without getting in each other’s way. ” Says Jenna

“I’m the same way, I don’t identify with that wild girl in the dress, I’m still normal old me, but when I’ve got to take care of business that’s when that mask gets put on.” Says Stacy

“You can just separate your two lives that easily?” asks Stella

“Ophelia told us on the first day that it was important to keep our two identities separate, so I’ve taken that to heart.” Says Jenna

“I don’t know how you can risk your lives like this and come back and act normally. I’m not even doing it and my mind is racing all over the place with hypotheticals about who might or might not come home or if I will ever see you three again.” Says Stella

“In my mind I’m already dead, but when I do these things I get to come back to life and live for a little bit longer. That’s how I see it, with the perspective that I’m being given life instead of having mine taken.” Says Stacy

“You’re not dead. You don’t seem to understand death. You are alive, but you act as if you have no life to lose.” Says Stella

“We are dead, one way or the other, in the end. Through violence or pacifism, both roads lead to death.” Says Jenna

“We either die in the line of fire or we die for desertion. We got drafted, we don’t have a choice. The only way to stay alive at this point is to keep fighting.” Says Stacy

“You just grin and bear it? You don’t value your life or have fears?” asks Stella

“I’ve got no choice but to grin and bear it. I do value my life, and I figure this might actually give my life some value instead of just being all talk 100% of the time. I guess I’m still afraid of dogs, but that’s about it that I can think of.” Says Stacy

“You got shot and you aren’t scared of guns?” asks Stella

“I can’t be scared of guns, and it wasn’t the gun that did anything to me. It was my own shortsightedness and foolish trust in mankind. I would be scared of those things, but I believe I have addressed those fears properly and no longer need to fear them.” Says Stacy

“How are you not afraid of dying? Every animal is afraid of dying, are you that crazy?” asks Stella

“I’m ready to die, honestly. If I die, that just means me doing my best wasn’t good enough, and per my own principles that deems me unworthy of life and worthy of nothing but death, it is survival of the fittest, is it not?” asks Stacy

“I’m not ready for you to die, Stacy. I can’t handle that. You are scaring the hell out of me. You know I need you, you can’t just be ok with dying.” Says Stella, upset

“I can and I am, but for your sake, I’ll do my best not to.” Says Stacy

“You just said you’re fine with dying because you’re best isn’t good enough. What about for your own sake? I feel like you don’t give a damn about how I feel so you’re just going to half-ass not dying like everything else you don’t care about. God damn it, Stacy.” Says Stella

“I am too selfless to do it for my own sake, but I care enough about torturing all of humanity for their unnatural grievances that I should have plenty of inspiration to stay alive. I also care about you plenty, you know that, so don’t give me that.” Says Stacy

“At least you have something to motivate you to stay alive. In terms of caring about me, you tend to think a drop of sense in an ocean of nonsense is a plentifully sensible mixture. You can’t do any better than plenty?” asks Stella

“My mind is a haunted machine piloted by a ghost, it’s not much for the caring, its fueled largely by spooky vengeance and spite. If I don’t care about myself, can you try to understand how it is hard for me to care about anything else? I love you, I love myself, I love plenty of things, but it’s hard for me to care. Reality just mercilessly reminds me of how insignificant my life is, how petty my actions are, and how trivial anything I could feasibly accomplish is. This is the human aspect on top of the cold reality of being some amalgamation of probability and circumstance that has amounted to gooey bag of meaningless space-dust that wields the sick cancer of cognizance in a cold and largely dead void with an equal level of absolute insignificance where only the damnable beasts cursed with the ability to think are able to devise existentialism out of their own egotism and megalomania. I know what I am, and it is nothing, I simply am not fond of the delusion of thinking otherwise.” Says Stacy

“Of every delusion you have, you can’t just be fond of thinking you are meaningful? That your life means something? Even if you don’t mean a damn thing to yourself, you mean the fucking world to me, Stacy! Try to realize that and don’t just write of every little thing including yourself as insignificant bullshit when you’re the most important thing in somebody else’s life! Why can’t you just realize that you are important and not just some tiny grain of meaningless dust?” asks Stella, tearing up

“I’m sorry Stella; I don’t want you to be upset. I just have a weird mentality when it comes to those kinds of things, I do understand what you mean and I can certainly respect it, even if I’m not all that capable of feeling it myself.” Says Stacy

“You are important Stacy. You’re very important to me too, I can understand your philosophy when it comes to those kinds of things, but it’s not always appropriate to rattle on about that stuff. You are very detached for some reason; it would be nice if you could find something to be attached to. It might just keep you from floating off of this mortal coil.” Says Jenna

“Attachments have always felt like shackles to me, binding me and chaining me to something. I was always after freedom so I just cut away all of the attachments. Maybe it’s not the right thing to do, but it is liberating.” Says Stacy

“It is so fucking selfish to not give a fuck about anybody, Stacy. You realize that right?” asks Stella

“I always figured it was fine if I didn’t give a fuck about myself either, but apparently that’s not the case.” Says Stacy

“I think you took it beyond selfish and into the realm of insanity, but I suppose that can’t be helped. Hopefully your sister has been able to touch your soul in some way that you might be able to sympathize with her.” Says Jenna

“I don’t know. A large part of me wants to really see to it that she isn’t upset, I would describe the feeling as politeness, I feel like I’m being impolite right now, and that bothers me.” Says Stacy

“That’s a good start, I guess. It’s something at least.” Says Jenna

“You are so sick, Stacy, it hurts me.” Says Stella, still teary and angry

“I can’t help it, I can feign and pretend and whatever, but I feel like people can see through that easily. I’m actually trying to do it right, so bear with me.” Says Stacy

“Just keep trying; I’m sure you could get the hang of it if you really open yourself up to it.” Says Jenna

“It’s just such a foreign type of feel to me, I don’t know what to make of it or what to do with it, like a weird otherworldly animal that is looking at me and lives inside of me, making me nervous a bit.” Says Stacy

“I don’t really know what to say to that, but the least you could do is be aware of people’s emotions and be sensitive to them, even if you don’t want to feel any yourself.” Says Jenna

“I know, I actually try to do that, but it’s easy for me to forget when I’m just thinking what I think. You know I get carried away with that sort of thing, so it’s easy for me to forget about emotions.” Says Stacy

“Just try your best, and maybe apologize to Stella.” Says Jenna

“I’m sorry for upsetting you, Stella. I really am, I know I did something wrong.” Says Stacy

“I’m glad you know that you upset me, but I don’t think you are capable of feeling guilt or remorse, so just let me know what you’re actually feeling.” Says Stella, still upset

“The best way I can describe it is kind of silly, but it’s like my body is saying, uh-oh, like a little kid or something, I know I did something wrong, and that worries me.” Says Stacy

“God damn it, Stacy.” Says Stella

“That’s pretty close. She might not really feel exactly like she regrets it or something, but at least she feels something.” Says Jenna

“Fine. I’ll take it. I’m sorry; you know I get like this sometimes.” Says Stella

“I know. It’s hard for me too. It’s like I’m driving a car on ice and start spinning out and I don’t really know what I should be doing to fix it. Scares the hell out of me.” Says Stacy

“I think you did something to get back on the road a little bit today. I’m proud of you.” Says Jenna

“Thanks. It’s just not my natural instinct for some reason, like other people.” Says Stacy

“That’s fairly apparent, but I guess you’ve got to learn it and condition it then.” Says Jenna

“Thank you for having some plausible way to approach this Jenna. I am at a total loss when it comes to addressing this sort of issue Stacy has.” Says Stella

“I do what I can, but I don’t expect any miracles.” Says Jenna

“Even just a little progress would feel like a miracle.” Says Stella

“Well then we just witnessed a miracle, didn’t we? I was talking about my feelings and everything.” Says Stacy

“You feeling was, and I quote, ‘uh-oh’.” Says Stella, glaring at Stacy

“I thought I got some points for that. It was like a bad kind of uh-oh anyways, I knew I was wrong and I could feel that.” Says Stacy

“That’s pretty good, to be honest.” Says Jenna, Ophelia returns

“You’re turn Stella.” Says Ophelia

“I’m going to need it. Thanks.” Says Stella

“What happened? You look upset.” Says Ophelia

“Stacy was just acting like Stacy, and of course I got upset.” Says Stella

“Don’t worry about it. We all learned something about each other. It was a bonding experience.” Says Stacy

“That’s good. The water’s still kind of warm, but you can drain some and replace it if it’s too cold.” Says Ophelia

“I might be in there for a while. I’ve got to solace myself a bit.” Says Stella, getting up

“That’s what baths are good for. Take your time.” Says Ophelia as Stella exits the room



“What was all of that about?” asks Ophelia

“Nothing. I said the wrong thing and Stella got upset. That’s all.” Says Stacy

“You seem to be fairly prone to that.” Says Jenna

“You realize how prone she is to becoming upset, we are easily both to blame for that.” Says Stacy

“You can’t blame her for getting upset, she can’t control it.” Says Jenna

“Yeah, she’s right, Stacy. You actually can control the things you say; it’s a lot harder to control emotions.” Says Ophelia

“It’s a lot harder for me to control things that I say than you think. I just say what’s on the top of my head; it doesn’t go through some vetting process. I wouldn’t even know where to start with something like that.” Says Stacy

“You can still control what you say to some extent. You really think Stella just willingly starts crying like that because she wants to? It’s not hard to understand.” Says Jenna

“I understand that she doesn’t want to, but there’s no consensus amongst the feely people that you can kind of control your feels to some extent?” asks Stacy

“It is much harder, and not everybody is capable of doing it. Feelings are a lot more powerful than thoughts.” Says Jenna

“That’s pretty bad to expect her to adjust her sensitivity to accommodate your insensitivity; you’re the one who’s not doing it right.” Says Ophelia

“I know I’m not doing it right, but clearly I don’t have the knack for that sort of thing and I was hoping people could be sensitive to that fact.” Says Stacy

“Stella honestly tries her best; but you are merciless when it comes to cold-heartedness. You are merciless in general when I think about it.” Says Jenna

“I’m pretty sure mercy is rooted in sympathy, so it’s not hard to understand why.” Says Stacy

“Clearly, but still, if there is anyone in the world you should be sympathetic towards it is your sister of all people. I did kind of feel like you somehow sympathized a little bit, but it is saddening how weak the sympathy was.” Says Jenna

“I am honestly trying. I’m taking your words to heart and really trying to do this. Somehow the person that is suffering the most out of all of us because of this nonsense is Stella.” Says Stacy

“That means you’ve got to do everything you can to make her feel better. I know you’re not good at it but you’ve really got to try. Feeling sad and upset hurts a lot, if you don’t know, and that would be awful if you just didn’t care enough about your sister to let her feel that way.” Says Ophelia

“You have to realize how fragile Stella is, especially at this point. You are crazy, but you are more or less defined by your insanity. Stella on the other hand is not, and if she keeps being traumatized like this she could easily snap and become a nervous wreck. I would really hate to see that.” Says Jenna

“I am scared for her sake too; I don’t want her to break. I just want her to be the regular Stella I’m used to.” Says Stacy

“That means you have to protect her and comfort her a lot so she doesn’t feel so miserable because of all of the stress caused by our double lives. Even if you don’t believe it, just tell her that everything is going to be ok and make sure she believes you.” Says Ophelia

“I don’t think she will believe me though.” Says Stacy

“That’s why you have to try to make a change somehow and give her some grounds to place what little faith she has left on. If you can just accommodate her natural hopes that everything will be ok, she will be a lot happier than if you do what you just did which was basically tell her that you’re happy if you die, you deserve to die, you think it would be nice if somebody killed you, and you’re going to go out doing crazy stuff until you die. That sort of stuff really hurts, it even hurt me and I’m not as sensitive as Stella. Stella is your sister, she really needs you to be alive and with her. You know this. You can’t just act like nothing matters.” Says Jenna

“I just kind of said how I felt, but I guess it was wrong.” Says Stacy

“That sort of stuff is wrong. Even if you feel that way, it hurts people a lot who care about you to hear you say that. Sadness is the worst pain possible I’m pretty sure, you should really try to understand that.” Says Ophelia

“She’s right; depression kills a lot of people just because the pain is so severe. Seldom do people kill themselves because the pain of an injury is so severe, but the sadness is overwhelming and inescapable. You can’t let Stella fall into that group of people; she deserves better, a lot better.” Says Jenna

“I feel like I am flying blind but I will be a lot more serious around Stella, I guess. I really don’t want her to kill herself, and if you think that might happen I’m actually scared of that happening. I understand people don’t really like what I say, so I’ll make a concerted effort around Stella to say what I think she wants to hear instead of what I want to say. I don’t really care about my opinions, and Stella means a lot more to me than spouting off for another indefinite stretch of time. I might look like an idiot, but I think as long as Stella doesn’t pry into that box of upsetting sentiments I should be able to keep her together.” Says Stacy

“I’m sure she will do whatever she can to keep a lid on that box. She really, really wants to be happy and normal. It is so sad that you just don’t let her do it. It makes me want to cry and I’m not even prone to that kind of thing. The only thing preventing Stella from being happy is you, Stacy. I hope you can stay true to your word and actually try to stop doing that.” Says Jenna

“I think it’s also my predicament and what not, she was kind of happy before, just mostly annoyed with me, but that was normal. I can’t change our predicament, but I can probably change my behavior. Fear is a pretty strong motivator and I really don’t want to lose Stella, I don’t know what I would do, she’s basically all the family I have, Dale is the dead king of the couch and the rest of my family lives on the other side of the country.” Says Stacy

“I’m glad you know how much you need her too. I think you’ll be able to do the right thing. I know you really love your sister even if you’re not good at it.” Says Ophelia

“I’ll work on it. If Stella is the first fatality of our twisted fate then I would have that haunting me for the rest of my life. The world and the dog can kill us, but I’ve come to realize that I am probably the only thing could kill Stella because of this.” Says Stacy

“That’s good. As long as you try you’ll be fine. It just seems like you don’t try that much and that’s why Stella gets hurt.” Says Ophelia

“I just never thought of the consequences before they got brought up. It’s kind of scary now; especially because I’m just afraid I might slip up and say something stupid and upset Stella again. Who knows if it will be the straw that breaks the camel’s back?” Says Stacy

“Luckily for you, Stella has a pretty strong back, you just happen to throw entire bales of hay on there sometimes.” Says Jenna

“I’m glad we had this talk though, it helped me realize how willingly ignorant to that sort of thing I was. I always wrote of emotions as silly nonsense, but clearly they are more important than that to some people. It’s kind of scary how they can take control of people so easily.” Says Stacy

“They can also be good emotions like love, so they’re not all bad. Emotions can make you feel the worst possibly way and the best possible way, it’s pretty amazing.” Says Ophelia

“I kind of like the tradeoff of not feeling the worst possible way even if I don’t get to feel the best possible way.” Says Stacy

“Don’t worry Stacy; I’m sure you will find love one day.” Says Ophelia

“I’ll keep my eyes peeled.” Says Stacy

“That’s the spirit.” Says Jenna, as Stella returns

“Stacy, you’ve got to get dressed. We’ve got to leave soon.” Says Stella

“I’m glad you’re back to normal.” Says Stacy

“I never stopped being normal; you’re the one who isn’t normal. I just came to terms with the fact I’ve got more on the agenda than dealing with than you at the moment. I don’t even know if I can deal with you.” Says Stella

“We talked to her, she really is sorry for what she did.” Says Ophelia

“She feels about as bad as I think she can, so hopefully that comforts you a little bit.” Says Jenna

“That little bit might not be enough, but it will have to do for now.” Says Stella

“The girls got me to admit to being wrong more than I think I have ever done in my entire life while you were in the bath. Hopefully that helps.” Says Stacy

“Now I’ve got two little bits to help me feel better, I’m sure that any non-zero number would be a record in that category, but still. Regardless, we’ve got to get ready.” Says Stella

“Well, somebody has to dress me. I’m not trying to struggle with it one handed.” Says Stacy

“You’re the nurse Ophelia.” Says Jenna

“Fine. What do you want to wear?” asks Ophelia

“Just a school uniform is fine. You can get a clean bra for me out of the drawer.” Says Stacy, unbuttoning her shirt.” Says Stacy

“You’re not going to put clean panties on? You’ve been wearing those since Friday morning.” Says Stella

“I’m sure they’re fine.” Says Stacy

“After everything you’ve been through I doubt that. It’s church, don’t wear dirty clothes.” Says Stella

“Fine. Toss me some knickers; I can put them on myself.” Says Stacy, Ophelia does so

“You’ve got to pick the cute ones, don’t you?” asks Stacy, as she puts them on

“Of course.” Says Ophelia, smiling cutely as she brings clothes to Stacy

“Just try to thread the straps and sleeves over the limp arm first, the whole reason I’m doing this is so I don’t have to move it.” Says Stacy, as Ophelia starts to dress her

“You’re lucky Ophelia is nice enough to dress you.” Says Stella

“She’s the one that wants to go to church, otherwise I would be dressed like I was all day.” Says Stacy

“You’ve got to stand up for the skirt.” Says Ophelia

“Put some stockings on, you’ve got to look nice.” Says Stella

“Talk to Ophelia, she’s the one dressing me.” Says Stella

“I don’t mind.” Says Ophelia, as she gets some stockings

“Thanks, love.” Says Stella

“Just the shoes and I you can be done with your nurse duties.” Says Stacy

“I kind of like it, it’s like your my little girl like I always pretend.” Says Ophelia, finishing dressing Stacy

“You’re a great mom, what can I say.” Says Stacy

“Thanks.” Says Ophelia


Stacy gets up, unbuttons her top button and puts the money on the desk in her bra.

“Why do you want to bring the money?” asks Jenna

“Aren’t you supposed to give the church money when you go?” asks Stacy

“You don’t have to, but it is a nice thing to do.” Says Ophelia

“Well I’m a nice person, so there we go.” Says Stacy

“Brush your teeth and we can leave.” Says Stella

“A splash of fragrance wouldn’t hurt either, you didn’t exactly bathe.” Says Ophelia

“I’m not going to church to impress anybody.” Says Stacy

“We still have to sit next to you, so be a dear.” Says Stella

“Fine.” Says Stacy, walking to the bathroom

“She wouldn’t last a day without us.” Says Stella

“It’s kind of cute though, like she’s a little kid.” Says Ophelia

“She is old enough to where she should be expected to be more than a little kid.” Says Stella

“I think it all comes down to whether or not she wants to or has to do something, if those are the case she can become an adult very quickly.” Says Jenna

“I know, but it’s still immature to gripe about doing simple things like that.” Says Stella

“Maybe she just wants to hold on to some aspect of her youth, since she had so much of it taken away already.” Says Jenna

“Of all of the parts of youth, I don’t see why she would pick stubbornness.” Says Stella

“Most adults are pretty stubborn too, so it might just be a human trait.” Says Jenna

“Of course one of her few human traits is stubbornness.” Says Stella

“I think most of her traits are fairly common, as much as they are not found in the ideal human, most humans fall pretty far from that ideal.” Says Jenna

“I think she’s pretty normal, a little quirky with a wild imagination, but other than not being good at emotions she’s just a normal girl.” Says Ophelia

“It would be great if I could feel that way about her. I’m going to have to try. It’s not healthy to be so upset with her just because she is who she is. I’ve got to accept that at some point.” Says Stella

“I think it would be worthwhile to try to correct some of her undesirable behaviors, but I wouldn’t expect her to turn on her head overnight. It will take a lot of effort to get through to her, but I think it’s possible.” Says Jenna

“I’ll do what I can, but I’ve got to stop expecting miracles. That makes me almost as crazy as she is.” Jokes Stella, Stacy returns

“You want to take an ibuprofen or something before we go to church? I hope your arm doesn’t cause you to start screaming or something.” Says Stella

“It should be fine as long as I don’t really move it. Jenna did a magical number on it last night and that has seems to have some lingering effects. Let’s just hope it doesn’t wear off during church.” Says Stacy

“I’m surprised that I was able to do anything, honestly.” Says Jenna

“You’re a natural, what can I say. Let’s venture forth towards the house of god.” Says Stacy, the girls head downstairs


“Do you know where we are going?” asks Stella

“Basically, but I’ll just follow Ophelia.” Says Stacy

“Ok. Thanks for coming with me, it means a lot.” Says Ophelia

“We’re leaving for church, Dad. Be good.” Says Stella

“Bye Mr. White, thanks for having us!” says Ophelia

“I hope you had fun, you know you’re welcome any time.” Says Dale

“Be safe, thanks again.” Says Jenna

“As long as I don’t crash this couch into a tree, I should be golden.” Says Dale

“We’re off to find god. Wish us luck.” Says Stacy

“Bring him home if you find him, I’d love to have a chat.” Says Dale

“No promises, but I’ve got faith.” Says Stacy

“Keep the faith.” Says Dale

“You too.” Says Stacy, as the girls exit




The soft summer wind plays with the happy clouds in the sky; the carefree breeze indifferently manifests the faith of the giggling clothes of the sky who are quite tickled to be going anywhere at all. The same playful wind dances merrily along the streets with the girls, just as meagerly eager to be headed in the direction of atonement. The reverie of salvation washes the blood from the hands of the girls and comforted them as a loving mother. Just as god does not expect a deaf man to rebuke vociferous blasphemy, he does not expect the denizens of the fine city to sew clothes from moral fabric that cannot be found within its domain. The city lay sickly with diminished moral capacity, yet the church still tempts the addicts fond of intoxicating themselves with such a flavorful insanity.


The girls dressed in white stroll into view of a church dressed in white, a tastefully antiquated vestige of the decency that once graced the noble city. The vestibule slowly inhales the cotton coats of the flock, a wound deciding to drink the blood it has long seeped. The girls are solemn and nameless ghosts that easily unify with the sentient river of solemn nameless ghosts. The mindful and intellectual smell of aged paper greets the travelers who take their seats on the train to heaven, conducted by the magical letter t, glowing golden in all of its glory. The girls sit in near back; Ophelia goes to greet her parents before returning to her friends.


The bold season the air with idle musings and gossip, the girls rank amongst the timid precociously taciturn in the pews precariously proximate to the wrath of god and his pious zealots armed with blades of pacifism and politeness. The organ blares godly as the choir bathes the congregation in the blessing of euphony. The white robed mystics march through the artery of the church towards the altar of the holy letter and brand themselves with a reverent gesture that burns the rune into their bodies. They find their places, one ghost spooks towards the electric vessel for to commence his haunting.


"Confíteor Deo omnipoténti, beátæ Maríæ semper Vírgini, beáto Michaéli Archángelo, beáto Ioánni Baptístæ, sanctis Apóstolis Petro et Páulo, ómnibus Sanctis, et vobis, fratres: quia peccávi nimis cogitatióne, verbo, et ópere: mea culpa, mea culpa, mea máxima culpa. Ideo precor beátam Maríam semper Virginem, beátum Michaélem Archángelum, beátum Ioánnem Baptístam, sanctos Apóstolos Petrum et Páulum, omnes Sanctos, et vos, fratres, oráre pro me ad Dóminum Deum nostrum." Spooks the ghost king

"Misereátur tui omnípotens Deus, et dimíssis peccátis tuis, perdúcat te ad vitam ætérnam."  Spook his gentry

Amen.” spooks the king


“Confiteor Deo omnipotenti, et vobis fratres, quia peccavi nimis, cogitatione, verbo, opere et omissione: mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa. Ideo precor beatam Mariam semper Virginem, omnes Angelos et Sanctos, et vos, fratres, orare pro me ad Dominum Deum nostrum.” Stumbles the congregation


"Indulgéntiam, absolutiónem, et remissiónem peccatórum nostrórum, tríbuat nobis omnípotens et miséricors Dóminus." Spooks the ghastly gentry

Amen.” Spooks the king


The organist rallies the people towards the Gloria. The people sing…


    “Glória in excélsis Deo

    et in terra pax homínibus bonæ voluntátis.

    Laudámus te,

    benedícimus te,

    adorámus te,

    glorificámus te,

    grátias ágimus tibi propter magnam glóriam tuam,

    Dómine Deus, Rex cæléstis,

    Deus Pater omnípotens.

    Dómine Fili unigénite, Jesu Christe,

    Dómine Deus, Agnus Dei, Fílius Patris,

    qui tollis peccáta mundi, miserére nobis;

    qui tollis peccáta mundi, súscipe deprecatiónem nostram.

    Qui sedes ad déxteram Patris, miserére nobis.

    Quóniam tu solus Sanctus, tu solus Dóminus, tu solus Altíssimus,

    Jesu Christe, cum Sancto Spíritu: in glória Dei Patris. Amen.”


“Pray, my friends, blessed with the blood and body of God almighty, overcome the seduction of the devil’s poison that still lingers long after the days of Eden. Open your hearts and minds to God, and allow him to heal your timeless festering wounds.” Says the king, silence follows

“God in heaven, I call upon you to use my body as your instrument, for no man can usher your grace unto the world without divine guidance. Let my voice be the sound by which the people here today can use to sing in unison or harmony with your words and wisdom. Touch the souls of each and every man, woman, and child here today, so that we may be reminded that we do not wander this sea of vice and temptation without a shepherd. May your light guide us, and ensure that we do not stray into the darkness. Through piety let us shape this world in the image of your holy kingdom in heaven, just as you have shaped our bodies in your own image. Holy Ghost, king of ghosts, guide our hands and shape our souls, for we are your ghosts, and you are our king. Amen.” Spooks the king incarnate

“Amen.” Says the congregation

“The first reading is the second chapter of Judges” says the king, he reads it


“The word of God is here to remind us of the fates of those who have also walked amongst heretics and heathens as we do today in our city. The Lord makes it very clear to us that his power and his glory will not save us if we chose to disobey his commands and instead choose to befriend those who oppose God. He also reminds us that if we are pious and walk in his ways that he will shower his graces and kindness upon us so long as we live. God does not give us salvation outright, God allows us to choose whether or not to take the salvation that he offers us.

 One vital message conveyed by this chapter is the necessity of bestowing our faith upon the youth. Those who have seldom seen the majestic power of God almighty or are simply ignorant to it can easily forget the criticality of faith and piety. Be stalwart in reminding your children and the youth of our community of both the benevolence God showers upon the pious as well as the wrath he smites the wicked with. The children may be ignorant to our brothers and sisters who have fallen victim to vice, some of whom have lost their lives to such evil, thus we must remind them of the dreadful fates of those who stray from the light of God. This chapter reminds us of what will happen to our community if we cannot instill the faith adequately. It reminds us that if our children are so bold as to disregard the faith, then God himself will turn against them, and ensure that they will be cursed with misfortune and misery for their treachery. Too often is this the case, as society strays further and further from God’s light, for the more power mankind manages to accumulate, the more they fancy themselves as the one true god, fated to die a painful death as they have abandoned God in favor of the cardinal vice of pride. The children and youth here today, this chapter also bears an important message for you.

 Even if you are surrounded by sinners, heathens, and heretics, know that there is still hope for yourself. If you stay true to the word of God, he shall spare you from the deadly fate that awaits those who surround you, just as his mercy protected the lives and wellbeing of the Judges. Know that the Lord is willing to empower you with his divine grace and become the vessel of his forgiveness; you can be the pardoning hand that gives those who have strayed from God’s wisdom a second chance by saving them from their own self-inflicted doom. Though many may not listen, that needn’t worry you, for even if you can save a few people from falling victim to such a life of vice and heresy, you are walking in the way of the Lord, and this is all that can be asked of you.” Says the king


The organ fills the chamber with the Responsorial Psalm

“My soul is thirsteth for thee, O Lord my God.” Sings the king

“My soul is thirsting for you, O Lord my God.” Respond the people

O God, thou art my God; early will I seek thee: my soul thirsteth for thee, my flesh longeth for thee in a dry and thirsty land, where no water is; to see thy power and thy glory, so as I have seen thee in the sanctuary. “Chants the king

“My soul is thirsteth for thee, O Lord my God.” Refrain the people

 Because thy lovingkindness is better than life, my lips shall praise thee. Thus will I bless thee while I live: I will lift up my hands in thy name. My soul shall be satisfied as with marrow and fatness; and my mouth shall praise thee with joyful lips.” Chants the king

“My soul is thirsteth for thee, O Lord my God.” Refrain the people

When I remember thee upon my bed, and meditate on thee in the night watches. Because thou hast been my help, therefore in the shadow of thy wings will I rejoice.” Chants the king

“My soul is thirsteth for thee, O Lord my God.” Refrain the people

“My soul followeth hard after thee: thy right hand upholdeth me.  But those that seek my soul, to destroy it, shall go into the lower parts of the earth.” Chants the king

“My soul is thirsteth for thee, O Lord my God.” Refrain the people

 “They shall fall by the sword: they shall be a portion for foxes. But the king shall rejoice in God; every one that sweareth by him shall glory: but the mouth of them that speak lies shall be stopped.”

“My soul is thirsteth for thee, O Lord my God.” Refrain the people


“The second reading is chapter three of Galatians.” Says the king, he reads it


“The original context of the chapter may be lost, as I doubt any of you adhere to every one of the 613 original commandments, and of course one would not expect you to. This is not to say that we should disavow every one of them, it is simply reminding us that the original laws were in place to protect the people until the Messiah could remind us that the power of faith could redeem those who may have broken the ancient law. I cannot stand here today and say that any of you or your friends with tattoos or any who have left the city limits on the holy day are fated to burn in hell on account of this transgression, for this chapter reminds us that it is faith that brought salvation to us, not obeying the laws without question. God works miracles and gives you his spirit solely by faith, obeying his laws will not win you his graces if you have no faith. Of course such guiding principles should always be heeded as best they can; but God will look more kindly upon those who believe, have made mistakes, and repented than those who obey his laws without faith. The laws were created by men who interpreted the will of God, but their understanding of God cannot supersede the words of God incarnate, Jesus Christ. Jesus came to Earth to offer us salvation just as God had done to his people in the past, Paul reminds us that part of this salvation was lifting off the shackles of the old laws that were meant to protect the people in a savage world long enough so that their kin may see the enlightenment wrought by the Messiah.

This chapter can also be interpreted in a modern context, as the lessons taught by the bible easily transcend the original context of their words. The secular laws of man are today what the original commandments were in Christ’s time; they are simple words that will keep the people who respect them alive, but cannot bring the people salvation. The secular laws were all written by men, and thus reflect the natural sin and corruption found in every man, these laws represent what man would deem to be right if he were God, but he is not God, he is a man. The law accommodates vice as it sees fit, and shows irreverence to the word of God in favor of revering man is if he were one. This means that secular law is a form of idolatry, and it is wrong to have faith in the law. The will of God conveyed in the Bible teaches us how we should live, and if we simply seek to live within the bounds of the law, we have turned from his light and instead are worshiping man. Remember to hold the expectations of God much closer to your heart than the expectations of man, for the expectations of God are based in the divine truth, and the expectations of man are sullied with his vice and impurity. God knows what is right, and he has told us these things. We cannot disavow the words of God simply because a man has deemed himself so powerful that his opinions on what is right trump the wisdom of God Almighty, and was so bold as to inscribe these sentiments into paper and bind his fellow man to his words as if he himself were God incarnate. This chapter reminds us that those who rely on faith to guide their lives are blessed, and those who simply rely on the law are cursed. That curse is the inability to see the difference between God and man, which all of us should stay vigilant in order not to fall victim to such a terrible curse.” Says the king

The Responsorial Psalm is sung again.

“The third reading is Mark chapter 3” says the king, he reads it

“The beginning of this chapter ties into the previous reading. Those who adhere to the old laws refuse to even consider that the messiah may have come, and even after witnessing the miraculous healing of the man’s hand, they refuse to have faith and instead turn back on the laws that shackle them. They are so unwilling to have faith in their own religion that they set out to kill Jesus, for even though he has done nothing but heal a man, they see this as blasphemy. Those people who were upset with Jesus were scholars of the ancient law, and when he asks them what is lawful to do, even they cannot answer him. They have no faith in God, only in the ancient laws which they are proud scholars of, and thus they are tempted by the vice of wrath and seek to murder the son of God because they are so unwilling to believe.

Jesus knows that those who are unwilling to believe in him desire to end his life, and he appoints the apostles whose faith in God alone empowers them to spread the word of God and drive out demons, for he knows that the wickedness of mortal men is more than enough to slay the Son of God, for this is God’s will. It is God’s will to allow man to forsake his God and suffer eternally for such grievances, but Jesus’s love for the people causes him to appoint the apostles in order to keep the faith alive even when Jesus meets his untimely end, and these men are appointed because they have faith, and faith is more powerful than the law. This is made clear in history for those people with faith in Christ created vast kingdoms that spanned the world, while those who chose to instead revere the ancient law and forsake Jesus had their kingdom conquered time and time again. This is the point where God endows man with the message that he shows love to the faithful, not to those who follow the law without faith.

Jesus enters a house with a crowd of people, and the scholars of the old law come to rebuke him and accuse him of being possessed by the prince of demons, for they believe that only the prince of demons is strong enough to cast demons out of a person, as if they had forgotten about God entirely. Jesus was more powerful than the demons, and clearly a demon cannot cast itself out, but still those bound to the law refused to see this. The laws meant to keep the people free from sin have betrayed them and cause them to commit the eternal sin of blasphemy, the laws shackle the people and prevent them from embracing the Son of God and allowing him to usher them unto salvation. For us, the laws may not be Torahic, but they could easily be the expectations of friends and peers that cause us to forsake our faith and instead do immoral things in order to gain the acceptance of society. Know that while society may accept you if you become tolerant to their vices, God may easily shun you, for you have chosen to forsake him and will be greeted with the same grim fate as all others in the past who have done so. If your friends or even your family seek to cause you to stray from the path of godliness, you can take the words of Jesus to heart. Whoever does God’s will is the family of God, and even if your friends and your family abandon you because you will not succumb to vice, know that the family of God will welcome you with open arms so long as you open your heart and mind to the words, wisdom, and power of God Almighty.”

The King of Ghosts leads the people through the creed


“Credo in unum Deum, Patrem omnipoténtem, Factórem cæli et terræ, Visibílium ómnium et invisibílium. Et in unum Dóminum Iesum Christum, Fílium Dei Unigénitum, Et ex Patre natum ante ómnia sǽcula. Deum de Deo, lumen de lúmine, Deum verum de Deo vero, Génitum, non factum, consubstantiálem Patri: Per quem ómnia facta sunt. Qui propter nos hómines et propter nostram salútem Descéndit de cælis. Et incarnátus est de Spíritu Sancto Ex María Vírgine, et homo factus est. Crucifíxus étiam pro nobis sub Póntio Piláto; Passus, et sepúltus est, Et resurréxit tértia die, secúndum Scriptúras, Et ascéndit in cælum, sedet ad déxteram Patris. Et íterum ventúrus est cum glória, Iudicáre vivos et mórtuos, Cuius regni non erit finis. Et in Spíritum Sanctum, Dóminum et vivificántem: Qui ex Patre Filióque procédit. Qui cum Patre et Fílio simul adorátur et conglorificátur: Qui locútus est per prophétas. Et unam, sanctam, cathólicam et apostólicam Ecclésiam. Confíteor unum baptísma in remissiónem peccatórum. Et expécto resurrectiónem mortuórum, Et vitam ventúri sǽculi. Amen they chant

“Lord, we ask today that you show mercy to those worthy of it, bring love to the loveless, bring hope to the hopeless, spur faith in the nonbeliever, bring comfort to the sick, give rest to the dead, and tend to your flock so that none who seek your guidance may wander astray: Amen.” Says the king

“Amen” say the people

Robed youth bring the priest bread and wine and place them on an altar for the king; they take two golden plates and send them through the pews. The king performs the ceremonial blessing of the offering in the ceremonial language, remembering their faith, their god, their messiah, the saints, ringing a bell, asking for salvation, singing, asking that their offering become the body and blood of their messiah, emulating the last supper, proclaiming faith in the resurrection, asking the their lord look favorably upon their offering,  asking that an angel take the offering to heaven and bless the people, praying for the dead, praying for the martyrs and the saints, admitting guilt, asking for forgiveness, crediting the messiah for their faith and prosperity, and giving all glory and honor to their god. Stacy sits the plate on her lap, puts eight dollars in the plate, and passes it along.

They people pray the common man’s prayer, it is asked that they be judged not by their sins but by their faith, the shake peaceful hands, the people sing as bread is broken, they acknowledge their unworthiness of such a blessing. The nameless people file towards the font and aid those who cannot walk themselves, as each one approaches the priest, it bows its head and crosses the t on its body, they are fed the body of their messiah, they mutter ‘Amen’, they sing until everybody is fed the body of the messiah and drink his blood. They sit and reflect in silence before asking that their sacrament bless them throughout their lives.

“Before we depart, let us remember those that could not join us here today, be it sickness, sloth, or death that has prevented them from joining us. We ask that the Lord may reach out and lead them unto salvation, for our service today has not reached their souls. Though some of our fellowship may be absent from their pew, let us also remember those who have joined us for the first time. For as I touched upon today, faith alone will lead you to salvation, and for those who may have strayed from God to return on such a holy day is a blessing indeed, as it reminds us that the Lord can still spur faith in the faithless, and may that faith that brought you here today never leave your bodies. Let us reflect on the lessons that the Lord teaches and live in the way that he wants us to live, for if we come to church out of a sense of obligation to tradition or as some measure to avoid divine punishment rather than to relish our faith in God, we are no better than the scholars of Torahic law who sought to murder Jesus Christ. Let the blessings of the Lord guide your hands, heal your hearts, and strengthen your minds, for this city is undoubtedly one of the many valleys of the shadow of death, and God may well be the only force capable of protecting you. Have faith and allow him to guide you on the path of righteousness, fear not the evil that surrounds us, because your faith assures that the goodness of the lord will follow you as live with righteousness, while those around you die afflicted by vice, and this faith alone is what will empower you to walk in the way of the Lord, through trials and tribulations, do not falter, and at the end of this treacherous road you will find salvation. Go forth, impart God’s will, spread the word of God, be godly, and above all else, be faithful. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit…”

“Amen.” Speak the people merrily, as a hearty shuffle about ensues, largely the people searching for the salvation of the door.



“The lord is merciful indeed.” Says Stacy, exhausted

“I’m glad all of you came. I feel better, I usually don’t listen that much but I liked it today.” Says Ophelia

“I liked the parts I could understand, but most of it was in Latin, so I’m just listening to somebody babble nonsense from my perspective.” Says Stacy

“It’s not nonsense, I don’t know what it means but I know it’s holy and important. That was the lesson, that faith will save you.” Says Ophelia

“Don’t blaspheme the holy words, Stacy.” Says Stella

“Forgive me.” Says Stacy

“You do probably want to go to confession.” Says Ophelia

“Why?” asks Stacy

“The first step in atonement is admitting guilt.” Says Jenna

“I’ll see what I can do.” Says Stacy

“It’s good. Even if you don’t do everything perfect, just remember that faith is the most important part.” Says Ophelia

“You would make a great preacher one day.” Says Stacy

“I’m nothing like Father Cormac. He’s really good at that sort of thing. I only know the basics.” Says Ophelia

“Thanks for taking us, Ophelia. I think we all benefited greatly from this.” Says Stella

“Any time. We can always go again next week.” Says Ophelia

“We might have to.” Says Jenna, grimly

“I know I have to, so it would be great if you all come with me.” Says Ophelia

“Let’s go home. I could use a nice meditation to reflect on the words of god.” Says Stacy

“You just want to sleep.” Says Stella

“I stayed awake the whole time, that is an accomplishment in my book.” Says Stacy

“I’m proud of you, hopefully the word of God helped give you some clarity.” Says Jenna

“I took the sermon to heart, it was relatable.” Says Stacy

“Just don’t fall victim to reinterpreting it however you feel, that was part of the lesson.” Says Stella

“Duely noted.” Says Stacy

“We should get going, my things are at your house and I’m sure my parents want me to get home soon. I’m sure chores are piling up as we speak.” Says Jenna

“No work on the Sabbath.” Says Stacy

“You realize every day isn’t the Sabbath.” Says Stella

“At least I’m in the right one day of the week.” Says Stacy

“I don’t think that includes chores and stuff.” Says Ophelia

“My parents clearly don’t think so.” Says Jenna


Ophelia’s parents approach

“I’m glad you girls could make it. Did you enjoy the service?” asks her father

“Yes, very much so Mr. Reid” says Stella

“That’s good to hear. Father Cormac is an excellent speaker.” He says

“I’ve got to get my things from Stacy’s house, but then I’ll come home.” Says Ophelia

“We’ll see you later then, me and the Mrs. are going out for lunch; enjoy the company of your friends. It was good to see that you all have not strayed too far from the light of God; you’re coming to that age where the city lays a heavy curse on many youth. Take care now.” He says

“Bye dad.” Says Ophelia as her parents leave

“Bye, Mr. and Mrs. Reid.” Say the girls


“Lunch sounds pretty good right about now.” Says Stacy

“We’ve got food at the house.” Says Stella, getting up

“Now we’ve got to figure out how to get that food into my belly.” Says Stacy, as the girls follow Stella towards the exit

“I’m sure we will manage.” Says Stella




An amiable breeze of the fresh air greets the girls as they step outside, the air filled with the sweet, pure and cool of freedom that opposes the dank smell of incense and aging paper that had overpowered the girls for so long. The city that surrounds them stands drawn in an indifferent meaningless gray, too large and commanding to be anything but indifferent to the holy building dressed in white. The flock of cotton fleece slowly disperses and ceases to be a pure substance and instead becomes trivial particulate matter amongst the secular armies dressed in their uniform of irreverence, clad in denim, leather, polyester, nylon, spandex, flannel, and even a few with flairs of fur regardless of the pleasant lather of heat that massages the city people. The girls walk comforted by the words of the mystic, each for their own reasons, fatigue from the nights events grows stronger as they exert themselves with yet another journey towards ephemeral comfort and safety. The trees flutter in the soft wind and the leaves giggle in their timeless bubbly carefree matter indicative of their nonchalant view that this earthly hell was nothing but fun in the sun. The girls finally reach the house that still holds itself together by the same miraculous blessing that keeps the girls alive. They enter the door.


“We’re home.” Says Stella

“Hey.” Says Dale, waking up “You have fun?” he asks

“We had church. I wouldn’t exactly call it fun.” Says Stacy

“We enjoyed it, it wasn’t meant to be fun.” Says Stella

“I’m glad. You learn anything important?” asks Dale

“It was about how having faith is more important than following the rituals, you might have liked it.” Says Stacy

“Yeah. That’s good. I can’t really do the whole church thing, but I think I’ve got some faith.” Says Dale

“We prayed for you at the end, he included everybody who couldn’t come because they were sick.” Says Ophelia

“Thanks. That means a lot to me. I’m glad somebody is still thinking about those of us who have been forgotten by the rest of the world.” Says Dale

“I hope you get better.” Says Ophelia

“Unless Jesus comes back and starts curing the blind, I don’t think there’s much of a chance for me.” Says Dale

“I’ll be happy if you don’t get any worse.” Says Stacy

“I’ll do my best.” Says Dale

“Good. We’ll be upstairs.” Says Stella, going upstairs

“All God asks of you is that you do your best.” Says Ophelia, as the rest of the girls go upstairs

“I’ll try not to let him down.” Says Dale


“I really don’t want to leave you to your own devices, Stacy, but I really do have to go.” Says Jenna, grabbing her things as the others sit on the beds

“My devices have yet to fail me, you shouldn’t be worried.” Says Stacy

“Your devices pushed every one of us here to the breaking point last night, you are lucky that all of us still alive.” Says Jenna

“I’ll do what I can to keep an eye on the pressure gauges; the last thing I want is our good steamship to explode on us now. Don’t think I’m so quick to forget what you three have talked to me about, as much as I may seem nonchalant, self-preservation is a key mantra of mine, and you three are as much a part of me as my own rattling bones.” Says Stacy

“I hope you really mean that. You had me worried a bit about how indifferent you were to your own death.” Says Jenna

“I may be indifferent to that, but my desire to usher every sick bastard I can unto damnation is more than enough to keep me alive. All of our problems can be attributed to those people, the people that I must acknowledge and be fully aware of on account of my curse, and the people who I shall one day serve as the damnator of, should the good lord deliver us.” Says Stacy

“Why can’t you just enjoy life like a normal person?” asks Stella

“I can’t enjoy life like a normal person because I am not anything close to a normal person. That doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy life, however.” Says Stacy

“That is kind of scary that you like it, but I think that has to be God doing his will through you. God is the only one who can stomach that kind of thing, I think.” Says Ophelia

“It feels like the love of god floods through my veins when I do those things. It feels so righteous and holy.” Says Stacy

“Then it has to be God, hopefully he helps me too. I just felt really scared.” Says Ophelia

“Regardless of whether or not you like it, you still should be more careful, and don’t forget about your regular life. You can’t be this person around anybody else, so please don’t forget about the normal Stacy that we all love and try to make sure nobody finds out about this.” Says Jenna

“I could never forget the Stacy that we all love, for I love her just as much as anybody else in the room. Besides, how could I forget about my regular life when I have Stella to remind me of my responsibilities as a schoolgirl any time of the day?” Says Stacy

“I just want to forget about your magical life. I just never want to hear about it again.” Says Stella

“Sadly that is impossible, but didn’t we learn today that we should not close our eyes to the miracles god works every day.” Says Stacy

“I would hardly call this a miracle.” Says Jenna

“If we got magical powers through a servant of God it is kind of a miracle.” Says Ophelia

“God shall protect us so long as we have faith, se we needn’t worry.” Says Stacy

“You better pray every single day if you want me to be comforted by the thought that god is protecting you of all people.” Says Stella

“I pray with premeditation and my goodwill is holy vengeance. The customs and traditions are only there to protect the people until the truth of god’s will is revealed to them by the lord, are they not?” asks Stacy

“Why do you have to twist and contort every last thing, even the word of god, until it fits into your sick mangled delusional interpretation of the world?” asks Stella

“I didn’t even twist or contort that one; I thought it was pretty good.” Says Stacy

“I think Stacy is right, if God wants her to do these things, we have to support her. We can’t be upset with God’s will.” Says Ophelia

“It does not matter what the cause of our predicament it, be it god’s will, a curse, bad luck, demonic possession, or a random circumstance. Our predicament is a fact, regardless of the cause, and for that reason I accept it, I do not dwell upon the existentialism relating to our predicament because I do not want to dwell on it any more than I must. I hope we can set that part of our lives aside for a while and go back to being normal for a little bit. I have to go, I hope to have a happy, normal Monday tomorrow, so please remember that we were schoolgirls before all of this happened, and that has yet to change. I’m off, may god help us all.” Says Jenna

“Toodle-oo” says Stacy

“Bye, Jenna. See you tomorrow.” Says Ophelia

“Ta ta. I hope some of your reasonability rubbed off on Stacy.” Says Stella

“Remember what we talked about Stacy, it is very, very important.” Says Jenna, looking at Stacy as she stands in the door

“I will, I will. I know that everybody can easily get hurt. I will do my best to ensure that does not happen.” Says Stacy

“Thank You. Ta ta.” Says Jenna as she leaves

“I’m glad you believe in God, even if Jenna doesn’t as much as you do. I’m sure God will protect you, because you’re the one that needs it most.” Says Ophelia

“Faith is one of the few comforts I can find at this point in my life.” Says Stacy

“I hope you also have faith Stella, it will really help you. Of course with everything, but really when it comes to Stacy, she was chosen by God to be his magical helper, and if you believe in God’s will you will be happy that she was given such an important job and is capable of doing it.” Says Ophelia

“I don’t know if she is capable of doing it. That is the source of my concerns.” Says Stella

“She says it feels like God takes over her body, so if you have faith in God then you shouldn’t be concerned when Stacy goes out to do the lord’s work.” Says Ophelia

“That is a lot of faith to have; I don’t think anybody has ever had that much faith in god with the exception of maybe you. I will see what I can do, but if there is anything that I want to believe right now it is that god will protect my sister and the rest of us. It is hard to for me to have that much faith considering what happened last night, but I will do my best to find it.” Says Stella

“I am alive; god had to teach me my lesson for sympathizing with those who turn their back on his glory. I will not make that mistake again. Clearly god is looking out for all of us, so let that fill you with faith.” Says Stacy

“It is not as clear to me as it is to you, but as I said before I will try to find that faith.” Says Stella

“That’s good. I’ve also got to go. I hope you feel better Stacy, thanks for inviting us over and coming to church with me. It was like 80% fun when you leave out the middle, so that’s not too bad.” Says Ophelia as she gets her things

“Not bad at all. Be good now.” Says Stacy

“I will. You two also be good.” Says Ophelia

“I am trying to think of what that word means and I’m drawing a complete blank after all of the revelations of the past two days.” Says Stella

“I’m sure you will remember, it’s a pretty easy word. Bye-bye.” Says Ophelia as she walks out the door




“I see humility was not one of the virutes that you picked up on today.” Says Stella

“I don’t think he touched on that one.” Says Stacy

“Unfortunately.” Says Stella

“I’ve learned plenty of lessons in the past day, I am a changed woman. Believe me.” Says Stacy

“I want to, but I don’t.” says Stella

“You’ll see. How about that lunch you were talking about?” asks Stacy

“Clearly you haven’t changed that much.” Jokes Stella

“I don’t think a lesson exists that can teach a man not to hunger.” Says Stacy

“Grilled cheese and tomato soup sound good?” asks Stella

“Are you sure you don’t have a ring, you seem to have some kind of magical powers when it comes to pleasing my belly.” Says Stacy

“I am flattered that you think my ability to make a sandwich compares to your instinct that allows you to hunt down evil people and kill them swiftly and mercilessly.” Says Stella

“You make a damn good sandwich, though.” Says Stacy

“Thanks. I’ll get started, I’m sure you want to rest for a bit.” Says Stella

“I’d rather whet my appetite with the flavorful aromas, as tempting as resting is.” Says Stacy

“It shouldn’t take long.” Says Stella, getting up, the girls head downstairs


“I’m already salivating.” Says Stacy

“I figured you would start salivating any time you see me.” jokes Stella

“Oh, I do.” Says Stacy

“Good. I wouldn’t be a good sister if you didn’t.” says Stella, starting to cook

“I’ll work on doing my part, I know I’ve been lacking in that department.” Says Stacy

“I hope you mean that.” Says Stella

“I do, for your sake as well as mine. I’ve got to respect and accommodate the fact that others are a bit more peopley than I am, especially you.” Says Stacy

“Yes, that’s me, the peopley one.” Says Stella, bringing her sister a glass of milk

“It’s good that you are. I probably wouldn’t have a drop of peopley juice in me if it weren’t for you.” Says Stacy

“I’m glad you’ve got that drop, we’ve just got to work on finding some more of them.” Says Stella

“Not too much, I don’t want it to intoxicate my blood and make me sick.” Says Stacy

“You realize that you are like dad, right? That the lack of poison makes you sick.” Says Stella

“Well, I don’t want to be sick regardless.” Says Stacy

“I guess there’s not much I can do about that.” Says Stella

“I’ll take you up on the ibuprofen, the magic is fading and I’m starting to hurt a bit.” Says Stacy

“Sure thing. You sure you don’t want to see a doctor?” asks Stella

“I don’t want anybody to know about this. You realize how bad that would be.” Says Stacy

“I do, but an infection could easily be worse.” Says Stella, giving her the pills

“Worst comes to worst, I’ll just get Jenna to put in some overtime. Besides, you think I want to tell dad about this?” asks Stacy

“I’m sure he will be impressed. He seems to have as little of a grasp on reality as you do.” Says Stella

“That’s probably true, but I don’t want him to give him one more thing to worry about. His thirst might escalate and we certainly don’t need that.” Says Stacy

“Still, you seem pretty confident in some shoddy medical work you pulled out of your ass last night.” Says Stella

“I didn’t pull it out of my ass, I’m omniscient, at least when it comes to doing good and fighting evil, and seeing how I can’t do those things if I’m dead or incapacitated, I just knew what to do and how to do it.” Says Stacy

“I’ll take your word for it. I want to ignore it just as much as you do.” Says Stella

“Good. Turning a blind eye never hurt anybody, so long as the other eye remains vigilant.” Says Stacy

“Let’s hope that works out for the best.” Says Stella

“I’ve not got much of a choice, one eye must be blind to the magic, and the other must be blind to the life of a schoolgirl, otherwise their own instincts will start to conflict.” Says Stacy

“You think you will be able to handle that sort of double life?” asks Stella

“Sure, I’ve always been able to outright deny the truth if I would rather believe something else.” Says Stacy

“I never thought that skill would come in handy.” Says Stella

“Neither did I, but it’s certainly convenient at this point.” Says Stacy

“Sadly I am not so capable of doing that. I’ve been doing all right for the past week, but seeing you in pain like this really brings this whole magic nonsense home.” Says Stella

“The pain will be gone soon, don’t worry about that. I’ve got a day or two before this wound turns into nothing but a memory.” Says Stacy

“I’m not sure that’s how gunshot wounds work.” Says Stella

“They are when they’ve been blessed by a healing angel of the lord. I have a painful amount of foresight and the healing time is one of the few consistencies I can draw from my musings.” Says Stacy

“What exactly are you musing about?” asks Stella

“The ring’s got to be polished sooner or later; I was just peeking to see if there were any low hanging fruit that might tempt me.” Says Stacy

“Jesus, not even a day since you’ve been shot and you’re already thinking about heading back out into the city on your conquest?” asks Stella

“Not really, I was just thinking if there was something so convenient enough to tempt me. You know timing is everything, and if I can get a few days of peace for a quarter of the price as normal it’s hard to ignore such an offer.” Says Stacy

“What is a quarter of that price? Being stabbed or something?” asks Stella

“I’m a cheapskate, you know, and this price was tastelessly high, most of the things I have been considering were free, more or less.” Says Stacy

“What do you mean free?” asks Stella

“Meaning scot-free, where I’m not in harm’s way at all.” Says Stacy

“That is actually comforting; please do try to do those things from now on.” Says Stella

“It’s quite rare that someone damnable enough to be worthy of death doesn’t carry a weapon on them and also happens to be in the right place at the right time for me to reap their souls without arousing suspicion.” Says Stacy

“You couldn’t just let me hang on to that hope for a second, could you?” asks Stella

“That’s not to say that it doesn’t happen. Keep your hopes up, even if it is something small, it could still buy me some time.” Says Stacy

“That’s good. Eat up. I know you’re hungry.” Says Stella, bringing food for her sister and serving some for herself

“You’ve got quite the knack for reading emotions.” Says Stacy

“That’s not an emotion.” Says Stella

“It’s a feeling though, it’s pretty close.” Says Stacy

“It’s really not.” Says Stella

“Besides I have other emotions, but it’s mostly anger.” Says Stacy

“You don’t ever feel sad?” asks Stella

“Kind of, maybe an angry sad more often than a sad sad.” Says Stacy

“When was the last time you felt sad sad.” Says Stella

“When I thought about mom the other day.” Says Stacy

“That’s good that you can feel sad about that. It would be pretty bad if you didn’t.” says Stella

“It wasn’t as much as you; you do this kind of wild sad that is kind of scary.” Says Stacy

“I know, you understand why that happens, don’t you?” asks Stella

“I do, sort of. I know I say the wrong things, but the girls talked a bit of sense into me and I’m really going to try to stop doing that. It really does hurt me to see you like that.” Says Stacy

“I’m sure it’s easier said than done, considering all of the other things you say you are going to do, I’m not so sure how optimistic I should feel about that one.” Says Stella

“That’s something I can actually work on every day when I’m with you. They really drilled it into my head to be aware of the fact that I might hurt your feelings with what I do or say. I really don’t want to do that, so that’s why I’ll actually work on it. The other stuff I can’t really do anything about at this point in my life, as nobody would rally behind a 14 year old girl calling for a coup.” Says Stacy

“I’ll hold you to it.” Says Stella

“Please, do. Just forgive me if I slip up, my mouth works a bit faster than my mind sometimes.” Says Stacy

“I’ve done my best in that regard for my entire life, so I’m not going to stop any time soon.” Says Stella

“Thanks. The food is great, by the way.” Says Stacy, drinking the last of her soup from the bowl

“What food?” jokes Stella

“Well, it was good. Thanks to your delicious meal, I will be able to sleep for a very, very long time. Nothing like a good meal to put you in the mood for a nap.” Says Stacy

“Go rest, you need it. I’ll clean up.” Says Stella

“I’m sure you’d rather have some company while you eat.” Says Stacy

“You sure you don’t want to lay down for a bit?” asks Stella

“I don’t want to leave you alone with your thoughts.” Says Stacy

“Thanks.” Says Stella

“I’ll try to keep you smiling, but if for some reason you need a shoulder to cry on you can always come to me.” Says Stacy

“You’re the one that has been making me start to cry as of late.” Says Stella

“Sorry about that. I was just thinking if for some odd reason something else set you off, then you could come to me.” Says Stacy

“I’ll keep that in mind incase another unimaginable tragedy strikes me out of the blue.” Says Stella

“I’m trying to help, I don’t know if it’s working.” Says Stacy

“It’s kind of cute watching you struggle to understand something you cannot comprehend in the slightest. I don’t know if it helps, but it’s funny enough to distract me a bit. I don’t know if that’s the healthy reaction to your plight, but what can be done.” Says Stella

“I’ll take it. I don’t mind being the source of humor.” Says Stacy

“It’s a very sad kind of funny, but when you’re as distraught as I am you can kind of divide out the overarching sadness and you’re left with little bits and pieces that flavor the sadness.” Says Stella

“Putting all that studying to good use, I see.” Says Stacy

“I don’t think they teach us how to repress our feelings in school, if they did, I could very well be as collected as Jenna throughout this ordeal.” Says Stella

“I’m pretty sure they do, if you’re feelings are in any way contrary to the sentiments the school wants you to have you know damn well that you should repress them or they will be repressed for you.” Says Stacy

“I suppose I’ve never had those sorts of feelings so I missed out on that experience.” Says Stella, getting up to wash the dishes

“It’s not a pleasant one to have your sentiments dismissed as if your opinions are worthless nonsense.” Says Stacy

“That’s funny because reasonable people would offhandedly dismiss your opinions are worthless nonsense.” Says Stella

“That makes me glad that reasonable people are a rare breed in this world.” Says Stacy

“You would rather have your guiding principles be worthless nonsense than something reasonable and sensible?” asks Stacy

“I would like to live in a utopia, but that is clearly impossible. When it comes down to it, my guiding principles are either going to be my allegedly worthless nonsense or the clearly worthless nonsense that was instilled in me by the cultists of some arrogant asshole that had the initiative to do exactly what I want to do.” Says Stacy

“You don’t think there are varying degrees of worthlessness and nonsense and that while some of the principles of society may score at a three or four, yours happen to be at a 9 or 10?” asks Stella

“Even if that were the case, it does not matter. If 40% of a car is broken, that car is going just as far as a car that is 90% broken. It makes no difference to society, they get the same results. The only difference is that I get what I want. Do know that I’m being kind enough to entertain your assertion that my ideas are worthless nonsense.” Says Stacy

“I suppose that’s a start. You said yourself that embracing something can easily start with facetiously entertaining the idea. You want another glass of milk?” asks Stella

“Please and thank you. I doubt my body will ever grow accustomed to the sick masochism of respecting society, let alone embrace this feeling. I just decided it was high time to share my privilege of always being correct with you, even if it creates a paradoxical sort of scenario.” Says Stacy

“Don’t bother with that, I would just end up arguing with my own ideas at that point.” Says Stella, bringing Stacy the milk
“That’s a good point. I suppose it would be better for me to stick to my guns so you can stick to yours, rather than forcing you to mount a counter offensive with some arsenal of unfathomable logic that can criticize both me and society simultaneously.” Says Stacy

“I’m sure it’s possible, but it is a lot easier for me to take the side of the common sentiment.” Says Stella

“It is only the common sentiment because it is forced upon those who cannot think for themselves. If every man was able to come to their own conclusions about that sort of thing there would never be any consensus, so the consensus is predetermined and the people are relentlessly indoctrinated with it.” Says Stacy

“Yet instead of aspiring to empower every man do be able to think for himself, you just want to indoctrinate people with your own predetermined consensus as opposed to the current one.” Says Stella

“Of course, I want a consensus after all. An army is no longer an army if each soldier marches in his own direction.” Says Stacy

“That makes enough sense, but you still want the entire army to turn their backs on the war and fight those that command them.” Says Stella

“I’m sure most of them want to do that too. I’ve just got to be the driving force that ignites that tinderbox.” Says Stacy

“Good luck with that. I’m going upstairs; I’ve got plenty of homework to do.” Says Stella

“I’ll join you. I’ll nap to my heart’s content, but hopefully I can scrawl something on the papers just to save face.” Says Stacy, as they get up

“Isn’t that all you ever do?” asks Stella

“That’s a good point; I would say it is typically more of an inscribing as opposed to a scrawling, though. I figure even holding the paper with my dead arm is going to kill me.” Says Stacy

“What are you going to tell people when they see your arm being limp all day?” Says Stella

“I was playing basketball and fell or something. Sounds legitimate enough to me.” Says Stacy

“I’ll defend that story with my life; make sure you run it by the girls.” Says Stella as the enter the room




Stacy undresses from the church clothes, the money falls on the floor as she takes her bra off, she throws it on her desk and throws the shirt back on lazily before crawling into bed.

“Wake me up when it’s supper time.” She says

“You’re not even going to put any blankets on?” asks Stella

“It’s the afternoon in the middle of summer; I’m not trying to die.” Says Stacy

“I’m glad to hear that. Sleep tight.” Says Stella


A bold and haughty afternoon sun parades itself as the crown jewel of the sky. It slips and stumbles from the heavens, slowly at first but rapidly gaining momentum as a mountain climber that is tumbling down the steep slopes, the blood beneath its skin ripens it’s as it starts to bruise into a deeper solemn orange as all with foresight know it will soon weep its red blood before drowning in the abyss at the edge of the world.


Stacy groans softly.

“You awake?” asks Stella

“Unfortunately.” Says Stacy

“I regret to inform you that you have plenty of homework to do. It is Sunday after all.”

“No work on the Sabbath.” Says Stacy

“How pious of you to obey the word of god only if it suits your fancy, if you really believe that you would have done it yesterday.” Says Stella

“That’s also the Sabbath.” Says Stacy

“You are going to damn yourself twice over by attempting to believe in two contradictory religions just to have an excuse not to do anything on the weekend?” asks Stella

“Sounds like a fair trade off to me.” Says Stacy

“You can come up with as many excuses as you want, but you still have to do your homework.” Says Stella

“Remind me just to die next time I get shot.” Says Stacy

“Why can’t you just be a normal person?” says Stella

“I am normal. It’s normal for teenagers to want to die.” Says Stacy

“It’s normal for them to do their homework, Stacy.” Says Stella

“I’m sure most of them are contemplating suicide while they do it.” Says Stacy

“Why do you want to die all of a sudden, what happened to conquering the world?” asks Stella

“It sounds like a permanent vacation to me.” Says Stacy

“You are that tired of being alive?” asks Stella

“Exhaustion is quite painful. This sort of fatigue makes me feel like I’m already on my deathbed. The mounting pressure of school and the dog feel like crushing weights on my body.” Says Stacy

“I’m sorry to hear that, but that is kind of a part of life. Maybe not the dog, but school, work, and family responsibilities all feel like that sometimes, but that shouldn’t make you want to die. Please be reasonable and at least try to do your homework.” Says Stella

“Can’t you just do it for me?” asks Stacy


“If I do that, I’m pretty sure you would go get shot every time that you have an assignment due.” Says Stella

“That’s a good point.” Says Stacy

“How can you prefer getting shot to doing homework?” asks Stella

“One of them feels like physical pain, one of them feels like razor blades constantly slitting my brain and rubbing lye in the wounds. The pain of having your own personality tortured by blades and caustic chemicals until you are a mindless servant of Babylon is far more excruciating, wounds can heal, but that sort of slavery is eternal.” Says Stacy

“Can’t you go back to having the determination to convince Babylon to grant you a sword just so you can stab them in the back? You can’t just give up on your dreams like this.” Says Stella

“Since when do you support my dreams?” asks Stacy

“I’d rather have the Stacy that wanted to live forever than the Stacy that just wants to die. I hate hearing you talk like this.” Says Stella

“I didn’t know life could be so exhausting. This is quite the hurdle I’ve got before me.” Says Stacy

“If your that tired, go back to sleep. Hopefully you will feel better.” Says Stella

“I pray I die before I wake.” Says Stacy

“God damn it, Stacy.” Says Stella, who returns to her studies beginning to softly cry in hopeless silence as Stacy falls back to sleep


A long moment of silence passes before Stella closes her book, breathes, bites her lip and shakes her head slightly, as it still trickles tiny tears. She walks over to Stacy’s bed and crawls on top of her and starts to kiss her lips softly.

“What are you doing?” asks Stacy, tired and confused

“When you go out and get shot, and you talk all day about wanting to die, you scare the fuck out of me. I need you to have a reason not to go and die, so I want to make you love me, really fucking love me, so you have a good reason not to get yourself killed.” Says Stella, crying even more, she sticks her hand down Stacy’s panties and begins to stroke her softly. She nuzzles her head against Stacy’s and cries while kissing her neck.

“I need you Stacy, I really fucking need you, you know this. I can’t lose you, you clearly don’t give a fuck about yourself or anything for that matter, but I need you to give a fuck about something, so please love me, really fucking love me.” Pleads Stella, increasing the fervor of her deviant hand

“This is illegal.” Says Stacy, rearing her head back from Stella, bewildered

“You do illegal things too, Stacy.” Says Stella, growing upset as she inserts her fingers swiftly inside of Stacy

“Holy shit.” Gasps Stacy, not expecting such force from Stella

“You like my fingers inside of you?” asks Stella in a seductively and playfully distraught voice

“God  damn. That kind of hurts.” Says Stacy, short on breath and quite uncomfortable

“You’re hurting me too, Stacy.” Says Stella, more sad than upset, still relentless with her advances as her courteous arm wraps around Stacy’s back and holds her firmly while she kisses her face and neck softly

“You know I can’t fight you off right now.” Says Stacy, exhausted, short on breath and painfully befuddled, confusedly slapping Stella on the ribs slightly,

“Then don’t try and fight it.” Says Stella, with a playful insanity

“That’s enough, Stella.” Pleads Stacy

“I’m not stopping until you love me.” Says Stella, in a serious tone as she firmly grasps Stacy’s throat, increasing the voracity of both her devious hand and her desperate lips, kissing Stacy’s lips passionately

“God Damn It, I love you Stella.” Gasps Stacy as she attempts to pull her head away

“I don’t believe you!” Says Stella as she starts to cry again

“Why?” asks Stacy, scared and confused

“Make me believe you!” says Stella, who has ceased to kiss Stacy and now only holds her tightly and cries while her amoral hand thoughtlessly increases it’s forcefulness out of indignation

Stacy grabs her sister’s hair with her functional arm and pulls Stella’s head towards her own mouth and deeply kisses her with a passionate fear as Stella’s tears drip onto her face. Stella’s passion quickly overpowers Stacy’s as she savors the taste of the only person she truly loves, tasting as much of her as she possibly can. Finally convinced, Stella looks down on her crying sister with deranged joy of the discovery some form of mutual love.

“I love you Stella,” says Stacy, crying and still scared, “please believe me, I’m sorry.”

“Just don’t ever leave me Stacy, I need you.” Says Stella softly and passionately, crying, smiling, as she closes her eyes and kisses Stacy slowly and lovingly, who returns the favor timidly, largely out of confusion. She relinquishes her deviance in favor of stroking the face of her love as she still embraces Stacy tightly.

Stacy inches her head away from her sister “Don’t wipe the blood on my face.” She says a bit taken a back

“Holy shit, did I hurt you? I’m so sorry.” Says Stella, startled by reality, genuinely concerned,

“No, it’s fine. It’s a trivial amount of blood loss.” Says Stacy, Stella sucks her fingers clean and licks the blood off Stacy’s face

“All better.” Says Stella cutely as she smiles

“Thanks.” Says Stacy, sincerely, subtly taken aback

“Love me forever, Stacy.” Says Stella, as she lays on top of Stacy and holds her lovingly, Stacy’s reciprocation inducing the euphoria of somewhat mutual love inside of Stella

“Ok.” Says Stacy, shocked by the events and unsure of what to do or say, she remains bewildered by her sister, but any reproach that crosses her mind is overpowered by deep concern and platonic love. Stacy wraps her good arm around her Stella who warmly kisses her happily. Stacy accepts this as her fate and greets Stella with mild confused passion out of her own compassion. Stacy’s heartrate slows down and her fear subsides as the feeling of relief fills her body when she sees Stella smile genuinely rather than express the cavalcade of insanity that had roused her from her slumber. Stacy pulls Stella to her side with her good arm who cuddles her lovingly. Stacy allows her pain and fear new and old to lull her to sleep, seduced by the sensual escape of unconsciousness, as Stella falls asleep in her arm.




The blood red evening sun drips onto the girls as it slips below the horizon, Stella kisses Stacy softly on the lips as she sleeps, startling her eyes open

“You hungry?” asks Stella, smiling lovingly

“Yeah.” Says Stacy in exhausted confusion

“I’ll go fix something. I’ll get you when it’s ready.” Says Stella, happily

“Thanks.” Says Stacy, half dead after the events of the last 24 hours as Stella gets up and merrily heads to the kitchen

“Jesus Christ.” Whispers Stacy to herself after he sister leaves the room, Stacy stares at the celling in awe with a cold dead gaze distancing herself from what just happened



“Stacy, come eat.” Says Stella cheerfully as she reenters the room

 “Coming.” Says Stacy, slowly sitting up

“I hope you’re not upset with me, I kind of lost it right there.” Says Stella, remorseless but a bit embarrassed

“Don’t worry about it. As long as you’re feeling better, I’ll be fine.” Says Stacy

“Are you sure?” asks Stella

“Yeah. You tore my guts up a bit, but I’m more concerned about you right now.” Says Stacy

“I’m feeling better; just try not to scare me like that. I lose my mind when you make me think about that kind of stuff.” Says Stella

“Sorry about that. I’ve got to do better. I don’t know what you wanted to accomplish, but you gave it a good effort, whatever it was.” Says Stacy

“I just want you to love me enough not to die, Stacy. I thought that might do something to make you love me, but I guess it didn’t do much.” says Stella, in ashamed optimism

“Oh it did. Don’t worry about that.” Says Stacy, distantly sincere

“Really?” asks Stella

“If that’s what it takes to convince you that I love you, so be it. I might say stupid things sometimes, but I really do love you. I don’t want you to be upset like that.” Says Stacy

“It’s just that you really seemed not to care at all about me. That’s why I got so crazy and desperate. It felt like I had to do something to change you or I would lose you forever.” Says Stella

“I love you Stella, more than anything, don’t forget that.” Says Stacy, coldly and distantly

“You make it easy to forget that sometimes.” Says Stella

“Just ask me and I’ll remind you, that’s all it takes.” Says Stacy

“Will you remind me right now?” says Stella, walking over to Stacy

“Sure. I really do love you Stella.” Says Stacy, cold and defensive

“How do I know you’re not just saying that?” Says Stella, worried by Stacy’s tone

“I don’t know. Trust me.” Says Stacy, looking away

“Maybe you could really remind me.” Says Stella, pushing Stacy onto her back and crawling on top of her

“Come on, Stella.” Pleads Stacy, upset

“You know your words have never been able to convince me.” says Stella, staring into Stacy’s eyes seriously

“Why are you acting like this?” asks Stacy

“Because I’m scared Stacy, I want to believe you, but you have to remind me.” Says Stella who starts to kiss Stacy softly, Stacy grabs her Stella’s head with her good arm and uses the fear and adrenaline induced by Stella’s imposition as synthetic passion to which Stella responds warmly, fondling Stacy’s bare breast while supporting herself with her other arm. Stella enjoys this for a tasteful while before her vampiric thirst for love is finally satisfied.

“I believe you. Just be sure to remind me every now and again so I don’t forget. You know how easy it is for me to get worried like that.” Says Stella, quite pleased

“I’m glad I could convince you. You had me worried for a second.” Says Stacy, worriedly pleased

“You’re pretty good at convincing.” Says Stella, playfully

“Thanks. I’m flying blind, but thankfully it’s working.” Says Stacy

“Put some pants on and get some supper, wouldn’t want it to get cold.” Says Stella

“I’ll be right there. What is it?” asks Stacy

“Lentils, chickpeas, and vegetables.” Says Stella

“Thank god. I could really go for something hearty.” Says Stacy, the thought of food cleansing her mind

“I aim to please.” Says Stella cutely

“I hope I can do enough to return the favor.” Says Stacy, heroically nervous

“Just keep me happy, ok?” asks Stella

“That’s all I want to do.” Says Stacy, serious, amazed,

“Thanks.” Says Stella who kisses Stacy softly before getting off of her and finding her some shorts

“Maybe not so rough on the loins next time, I’ve got to be able to walk tomorrow.” Says Stacy

“I’m sorry. Is it that bad?” asks Stella, playfully

“Nah. Just a bit sore. Caught me off guard was all.” Says Stacy, getting dressed

“Maybe try to be on guard next time.” Says Stella with a smirk

“I’ll try.” Says Stacy, confused, acquiescent in solicitous perturbation

“Good.” Says Stella, playfully as they go downstairs, sit down greeted by a prepared table and meal, and begin to eat




“God damn it, I love you Stella. This is heavenly. Why didn’t you just cook me something to eat if you wanted me to love you?” asks Stacy

“I do that all the time, you tend to forget that pretty quickly.” Says Stella

“Just remind me to be grateful, Jesus. I needed this. Thank you.” Says Stacy, eating healthily

“I’m glad you like it. I really want you to love me for more than just my food though; I want you to love me when there’s not food in front of you.” Says Stella

“I do, I really do. Don’t forget that.” Says Stacy

“Just make sure to remind me sometimes.” Says Stella

 “I’m sure it might slip my mind sometimes, but I appreciate everything you do for me.” Says

“I don’t want it to ever slip your mind, if that happens just for a second I might lose you forever.” Says Stella

“Don’t worry, whatever I’m doing I’ll be thinking of you. You make my life worth living to be honest.” Says Stacy

“I’ll try to keep doing that then.” Says Stella, playfully

“I’m just talking about the normal stuff.” Says Stacy, taken a back

“I just need some insurance on top of that is all, clearly the normal stuff wasn’t enough and that scares me.” Says Stella

“I can understand. I’m sorry for being an ingrate sometimes. I’ve got to do better.” Says Stacy

“I’ve just got to give you more to be grateful for, it’s partially my fault. If I can’t keep you happy enough to want to stay alive, I’m doing something wrong.” Says Stella

“Just blame it on me; I was the one who felt like shit today because of my antics.” Says Stacy

“It doesn’t matter who’s to blame, I can’t have you feeling like that no matter who causes it.” Says Stella

“I can’t have you feeling the way you did today on account of me feeling like that either, so we’ve got a common goal.” Says Stacy

“Let’s just work together on that sort of thing, hopefully we can resolve those sorts of issues together.” Says Stacy

“I’m all for it. I’m not the expert on emotions and sentiments, but I’ll try to figure something out.” Says Stacy

“You help me, I’ll help you, and that helps me.” Says Stella

“I feel bad about being the source of all of your problems.” Says Stacy

“You could easily be the solution to all of my problems too.” Says Stella

“That’s putting a lot of faith in me.” Says Stacy

“It’s really not; you just have to treat me right.” Says Stella

“You realize I have a very corrupt view of the word right, right?” asks Stacy

“That’s true, but just treat me how you know I want to be treated. Remind me that you really, truly care about me and that you love me and I’ll feel a lot better, also doing less crazy stuff will help a lot.” Says Stella

“I’ll do my best; let’s just hope that’s good enough.” Says Stacy

“I’ll help you. I know you’re not the best at either of those things.” Says Stella

“I’d appreciate it. At least you’re willing to acknowledge my weaknesses even if I’m reluctant to do so.” Says Stacy

“It’s my job, I’m your sister after all.” says Stella

“You’re damn good at your job, to be honest. I don’t know what I’d do without you.” Says Stacy

“Let’s hope you never have to find out. I couldn’t live without you either.” Says Stella

“Don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere.” Says Stacy

“You better not.” Says Stella

“Well, actually I’m going upstairs; I don’t want to fall asleep at the table. I’m beat. Dinner was amazing. Thanks again.” Says Stacy

“I’ll clean up and wash the dishes. Thanks for listening to me for once.” Says Stella

“I’ll return the favor when my arm’s working again. I’m all ears now; you can trust me on that.” Says Stacy

“I can listen to your problems too.” Says Stella, cleaning up

“I can’t really talk out my problems, so I’ll just try to save you from the trauma of hearing about them.” Says Stacy

“Don’t do that. I need to learn to handle your problems a bit better than I have been doing.” Says Stella

“I’m not going to put that pressure on your right now, we can ease into it. I don’t want you to snap again.” Says Stacy

“Sorry about that, maybe it’s for the best.” Says Stella

“I just don’t want to hurt you, I can’t really hide my life from you, but I can at least not worry you with my stupid babbling.” Says Stacy

“It’s good to talk about how you feel, even if you feel bad. You can’t keep that pent up inside of you or you might act on it spontaneously, and that’s the worst possible situation.” Says Stella

“I thought I was all bark and no bite, I’m sure that should comfort you a bit.” Says Stacy

“I know better than to think that now. Not after everything you’ve done lately.” Says Stella

“It’s like god was upset with me and is forcing me to put my money where my mouth is.” Says Stacy

“There’s not enough money in the world to pay for everything that comes out of that mouth, unfortunately for you.” Says Stella

“Let’s just hope technological advancements lower the price of my words to the point where they can actually be afforded one day.” Says Stacy

“I like the optimism.” Says Stella

“If we are damned to live and die under tyranny, I feel a tyrant I must be.” Says Stacy

“I’d much rather you be a tyrant than a martyr.” Says Stella

“You can’t really support my ideals of dehumanizing amoral tyranny, can you? What happened to caring about people?” asks Stacy

“I don’t support them, but you mean more to me than any other person, that’s why I’d rather have you living regardless of the results.” Says Stella

“Let’s hope you still feel that way when the people cry out in agony as the whip of dehumanizing bestial slavery and masochistic industrial nationalism cracks over head of people reduced to being replaceable parts and breeding stock.” Says Stacy

“I will.” Says Stella, smiling sincerely

“I’d love you back even more.” Says Stacy

“Good. That’s all I really want.” Says Stella

“At least somebody will be happy in the end of it all.” Says Stacy

“You wouldn’t be happy if all of your crazy dreams came true?” asks Stella

“It would just be the relentless life of a humble farmer driving his oxen, sun up to sun down, every day. Thankless labor, but rearing sweet fruits from dirt and ashes would make my life feel worthwhile at the end of the day.” Says Stacy

“That’s a kind of happiness.” Says Stella

“It is satisfaction, happiness is something else. I don’t have much interest in happiness, just one more thing to cut down in the name of Stoicism.” Says Stacy

“You can’t think that even happiness is bad.” Says Stella

“As long as it doesn’t impair my function or induce the behaviors of an addict, it can be a pleasant nothing that passes me by occasionally, but the second you start to seek happiness is the second you forsake greater and more meaningful responsibilities in the name of hedonism.” Says Stacy

“Hopefully you can at least enjoy those pleasant nothings that pass you by.” Says Stella

“Of course, I’m not so much of an ingrate as to spit in the face of a smile. I just view such things as luxury rather than some definitive aspect of life.” Says Stacy

“The race of man would be little more than a machine without his taste for superfluity.” Says Stella

“Machines work harder and are more cost effective, they wouldn’t be built if they weren’t. That sort of mentality would be the natural evolution of mankind if he were capable of such. I’d rather have a machine than a vice-fueled hedonist. A machine has never killed itself through substance abuse and it will only die of work death, that’s my kind of human.” Says Stacy

“If that’s your kind of human, why don’t you like to do your homework?” asks Stella

“I’ve been tasked with building the machine, not fighting the social-industrial revolution with Ludditry.” Says Stacy

“Who put you up to that again?” asks Stella

“It’s a matter of perspective, but fate, god, luck, anything that determines the happenstance of the flavor of my own cognition.” Says Stacy

“Let’s hope fate, god, and luck are all on your side.” Says Stella

“Fate, god, and luck are all manmade things, so all I’ve got to do is spend some time slaving away at the hobby-shop and their allegiance is a given.” Says Stacy

“Maybe you can do that after you do some homework, ok?” asks Stella

“I’ll take a quick nap to rejuvenate myself, and I’m sure I’ll manhandle the homework like none other.” Says Stacy

“That’s probably the most megalomaniacal thing you’ve said at dinner.” Says Stella

“What can I say; I’m a sick little girl. Those fantasies of omnipotent capability send euphoria coursing through my blood. I’ll downgrade the manhandling to a struggling, that sound fair?” asks Stacy

“I’m sure you know how to do it.” Says Stella

“That’s true, but even the idle arm palpably accommodates and expedites the process of writing my carbon copy of the contemporary Torah known as schoolwork.” Says Stacy, as the sisters get up from the table and go upstairs

“Just try.” Says Stella

“Nap first. Questions later.” Says Stacy as they enter the room, Stacy lays down on her bed satisfied from the meal

“You mind if I lay down with you for a while?” asks Stella

“Climb aboard.” Says Stacy, as Stella gets in bed beside her and cuddles her

“Thanks.” Says Stella

“Whoever named this a twin bed really underestimated the size of twins.” Says Stacy

“I think it’s the right size, there’s not enough room for you to escape my cuddles.” Says Stella

“That’s one way to think about it.” Says Stacy, holding Stella amiably with her good arm

“I love you so much, Stacy. I want to hold you like this forever. I never want you to leave me.” Says Stella, nuzzling Stacy’s breast

“I’m not going anywhere. Just don’t punish me again; I’ll be a good girl. I promise.” Says Stacy

“You were supposed to like it.” Says Stella

“I did not get that impression at all. You like that sort of thing?” Says Stacy

“I was kind of rough, but you don’t touch yourself at all?” asks Stella

“Not in particular. I find genitals to be rather off-putting.” Says Stacy

“Really? Why?” asks Stella

“Too many reasons, they remind me that I am just another beast with genitals identical to any other commonplace insignificant mammal; reminding me of hedonists, vice and disease; and worst is the thought of people willingly discharging one or more planet destroying vice-ridden sentient cancers from their bodies. Shame has kept many people from falling victim to such temptation in the past; it shouldn’t be much of a surprise to be honest. Even thinking about my genitals in that way stimulates nothing but disgust and shame. We are but cognizant excreta after all.” Says Stacy

“That’s kind of sad.” Says Stella

“I don’t know, I think it’s reasonable to see them as nothing but exhaust pipes from living, excreting waste products, human life included.” Says Stacy

“That’s not normal at all, really.” Says Stella

“I’m not all that normal to be honest.” Says Stacy

“I want to help you with that.” Says Stella

“Don’t worry about it; if it ain’t broke don’t fix it.” Says Stacy

“This part of you seems a little broken.” Says Stella, reaching her hand down Stacy’s panties and stroking her softly

“Goodness, Stella, not this again. Don’t hurt me like that again.” Says Stacy, tense, concerned

“I’ll be gentle. You know you’re supposed to like it.” Says Stella, kissing Stacy’s chest

“I’m still sore from last time; I’ve also still got those unpleasant thoughts running through my head.” Says Stacy

“Just think about me, think about how much I love you. There’s not any vice or disease or human life coming out of my hand right now.” Says Stella, kissing Stacy’s neck

“That’s comforting, but it’s still a bit unsettling.” Says Stacy, awkwardly embarrassed

“Just relax. You should like that I want to please you.” Says Stella

“What was wrong with the kissing?” asks Stacy

“Nothing was wrong with that.” Says Stella, sliding up Stacy’s body and kissing her lips tenderly

“Well then. You’ve got me to the point of ambivalence, but it’s hard for me to let go of my sentiments.” Says Stacy

“Just forget about the bad parts, and enjoy the good parts.” Says Stella, still stroking softly

“I’ll give it to you; it’s not bad like this. I don’t trust myself to do it; it might turn into some hedonist conquest that results in a handful of children and a basket of diseases.” Says Stacy

“Just trust me to do it then. I’m glad you’re starting to like it.” Says Stella, smiling as she kisses Stacy softly again

“You sure do take a lot of things upon yourself; I really didn’t expect you to want to address my sexual dysfunction.” Says Stacy

“I didn’t know you even had that problem.” Says Stella

“I like to think of it as a solution to problems more than anything.” Says Stacy

“This isn’t a problem, is it?” asks Stella

“No, just keep it tame and I’ll be all right, my guts are kind of jumping a bit out of fear from the last time when you played the fiddle a certain way.” Says Stacy

“Just relax.” Says Stella

“I’m just sore is all, maybe some other time I’ll be more physically capable of enjoying it. You really did a number on me.” Says Stacy

“How about this, then.” Says Stella as she reaches under Stacy’s shirt and starts to fondle her breast and kiss her neck

“That’s fine and dandy. Mammary glands are rather harmless, feeding the hungry and what not.” Says Stacy

“That’s good.” Says Stella, kissing Stacy deeply and lovingly, Stacy indifferently returns the favor as a courtesy

“You really like this sort of thing?” asks Stacy as Stella’s mouth wanders off to kiss Stacy’s neck

“I like it when you’re this sort of thing.” Says Stella

“If it suits your fancy, have at it, I’m not doing anything with my body. Knock yourself out. Not too much, though.” Says Stacy

“You don’t want to enjoy my body, Stacy?” asks Stella

“Enjoying the human body seems like a paradoxical thing to me. If I don’t enjoy my body I don’t see why I would enjoy yours.” Says Stacy

“We are different people you know.” Says Stella

“We are physically identical for the most part. The general anatomy of the human body floods my body with cold misanthropy.” Says Stacy

“I’m not just some normal person Stacy; you can abandon your mantras for a moment to enjoy the company of somebody you love.” Says Stella

“I’ve just had a lot of this sort of stuff today, maybe some other time.” Says Stacy

“I’ll get you to warm up eventually.” Says Stella, as she softly kisses Stacy on her lips and goes back to cuddling

“Yeah, this whole sort of mentality is quite foreign to me. A bit of a culture shock to be honest.” Says Stacy

“You’re so weird. It’s cute though.” Says Stella

“This part is nice, you’re warm and soft. I think everybody likes to hold something warm and soft. I’d be hard pressed to find somebody who hates blankets.” Says Stacy

“I want to be more than a blanket, Stacy.” Says Stella

“You are a lot more than that, the other parts I’ve just got to get accustomed to. I’m plenty used to blankets and I guess that’s why I take to this part more easily.” Says Stacy

“I’m glad you can accept this, even if you’re not that into it.” Says Stella

“If you like it, I like it. I don’t mind you doing stuff like this; this is way tamer than last time.” Says Stacy

“I’m glad you like it.” Says Stella

“Your body is like warm milk, putting me to sleep.” Says Stacy, yawning

“You deserve some sleep after what you’ve been through.” Says Stella

“I’ll be headed off on my crusade into the holy land of dreams then.” Says Stacy

“I’ll be here when you wake up.” Says Stella

“Wonderful.” Says Stacy as she easily falls asleep, Stella enjoys the body of her companion for a while before being slowly swept away into the ocean of slumber by the warm undertow of love and comfort



“Stacy, I know you don’t want to hear this, but it’s time to wake up.” Says Stella as she nuzzles Stacy’s cheek, herself unwilling to relax their mutual embrace but too responsible not to do so

“I believe you are mistaken.” Says Stacy

“I just want to lay here with you too, but you’ve got work to do.” Says Stella, futilely nuzzling Stacy even more attempting to wake her

“Damn it. Where’ is the snooze button on Stella.” Says Stacy, patting around Stella’s back

“I’m not sure there is one.” Says Stella, Stacy squeezes Stella’s ass indignantly

“Not quite.” Says Stella, Stacy wraps her hand back around Stella and places it onto breast and begins to squeeze that

“Almost.” Says Stella, Stacy moves her hand down Stellas shorts and begins to stroke her softly

“That might do the trick.” Says Stella, as she wraps her arm around Stacy’s head and pulls it to face her starts kissing it, Stacy welcomes the affection and returns it with interest, Stella begins to passionately taste the accommodation of her desires, Stacy happy to taste the fantasy of a few more winks of restful sleep for the healthy while that Stella allows her to

“I’m glad you changed your mind about my body.” Says Stella, feeling loved

“It’s just so tempting.” Says Stacy

“You need a bath too, I like the way you smell but other people might prefer a clean Stacy.” Says Stella

“My snooze button stopped working?” asks Stacy

“I wish we could do this forever, but we have responsibilities.” Says Stella

“Damn it.” Says Stacy

“Don’t make me carry you over to your desk. I don’t want you to get in trouble for blowing off your homework.” Says Stella

“I’ll just half ass it really quick. Go take your bath; I’ll be done by the time you get out.” Says Stacy

“Thanks.” Says Stella, getting up, her sister ambles over to her desk and pulls out some homework from her bag, Stella prepares for her bath and exits





The barbaric hands of the decorative analogue clock mercilessly and thoroughly brutalize the seconds that pass, the thin hand breaking countless small bones in time’s skeleton that crack from the mechanical torture while the thick hands apply the pressure of a pneumatic press on the skull of the dying god, pressure that slowly turns his cranium to sand as he chokes and coughs up his blood of happenstance while the marrow of circumstance seeps from his bone structure. Stacy trots through the tedium, empathetic to time’s blood loss yet indifferent their mutual torture by the hands of fate in today’s flavor of existence. Stella returns.


“Your turn, you might want to warm the water back up.” Says Stella, as she sits on her bed

“You took your time didn’t you?” asks Stacy

“I’ve got to enjoy the simple pleasures when I can.” Says Stella

“You took so long I’m suspicious, I’m doubting the culprit of that pleasure was the bath and have started to suspect your own hand in the matter.” Says Stacy

“I like that you’re thinking of me like that, but I regret to inform you that I was only bathing.” Says Stella

“I could have taken 4 baths in that time.” Says Stacy

“Splashing water on yourself for 30 seconds doesn’t actually qualify as a bath.” Says Stella

“I beg to differ.” Says Stacy

“You want me to watch you and make sure you actually clean yourself this time?” asks Stella

“I’ll be fine.” Says Stacy

“I see you’ve made some progress on your homework, I’m glad you didn’t just go back to sleep.” Says Stella

“Yeah, for some reason the pain isn’t getting in the way much at all. Hell, I’m even familiar with the subjects at hand for some reason.” Says Stacy

“It’s probably just your megalomania just reassuring you of any answer you drum up.” Says Stella

“I think it’s my magic, but that’s rather unsettling to be honest.” Says Stacy

“Why?” asks Stella

“Well, if it’s my magic that means doing my homework is somehow ‘doing good and fighting evil’… “ says Stacy, air quoting with her one hand “ which likely means that instead of going to detention for a few days I’m going end up heeding the call of civil service on one of them.” Says Stacy

“You don’t know what you’re going to do?” asks Stella

“I’ve got something in mind.” Says Stacy

“Nothing too crazy this time, please don’t get hurt again.” Says Stella

“I won’t. Don’t worry.” Says Stacy

“You realize saying don’t worry makes me worry, right?” ask Stella

“I can’t think of any more anxiolytic words to say, just trust me that there’s nothing to worry about.” Says Stacy

“You’re making me relapse into brutal incredulity again, but it is what it is.” Says Stella

“That’s the healthiest response right now; none of the four of us can ever acknowledge our fate in the presence of others, so it’s best to mainline as much incredulity as possible.” Says Stella

“I guess I’ll just ramp up the dosage, addiction is one of the sad repercussions of patient controlled analgesia, you know?” Says Stella

“It’s more preferable than dying from shock because of the pain. Just let the sweet dragon take you away to the land of smiles where we sing and dance in the meadows with the animals and the sunshine loves us.” Says Stacy

“You seem to be quite familiar with that place.” Says Stella

“You don’t develop an unrelenting god complex without a healthy level of incredulity.” Says Stacy

“I see your point. Don’t think you can talk your way out of the bath. I see you’re not doing any homework, your just pretending at this point.” Says Stella

“I’m just thinking about this one problem.” Says Stacy

“Let me see.” Says Stella as she walks over “You’ve already done the problem, it’s correct I think.”

“I’m just going to think about it for a while. Really take it in.” says Stacy, Stella hugs her over her shoulders and smells her neck deeply

“I’m going to miss the way you smell.” Says Stella

“I wouldn’t rob you of that.” Says Stacy

“My self-respect would, sadly. Please, bathe.” Says Stella

“Give and take is important you know.” Says Stacy

“If I let this one go, then it becomes a bad habit and soon you’re filthy every day and nobody wants that.” Says Stella

“I kind of want that.” Says Stacy

“Why?” asks Stella

“It would let people know my opinion towards the trifling pleasantries people concern themselves with for some reason.” Says Stacy

“You would rather greet people with unpleasantries?” asks Stella

“You just told me you liked the way I smell.” Says Stacy

“It’s raw and dirty like a savage, it’s powerful, but I don’t think that’s the message you want to convey at school.” Says Stella

“That’s exactly the message I want to convey at school.” Says Stacy

“Most people wouldn’t be able to appreciate it; they would just think you smell funny.” Says Stella

“To hell with most people, I don’t give a damn about them.” Says Stacy

“Unfortunately for you, I actually do, so please be civil and bathe.” Says Stella, kissing Stacy’s cheek

“Fine. Just because I’m nice and want to make you happy.” Says Stacy, getting up

“Thanks, love.” Says Stella, Stacy grumbles and exits


Stacy halfassedly washes as exhaustion fuels the indifference that burns away what little indignation she could muster. Stacy returns, Stella reads a book on her bed.

“All clean. Just for you Stella.” Says Stacy

“I told you to bathe and your hair isn’t even wet.” Says Stella

“I’ve got to keep the hole in my arm from getting wet, it was in my own best interest. The rest of me is clean though.” Says Stacy, as she lays down on her bed

“That will have to do for now. At least you’ve got clean clothes on. I’m would be upset that I’ve got to wash more of your shirts since you only want to wear school shirts to sleep now, but for some reason I’m not.” Says Stella, smirking

“I’m restricted to button downs for now, you know I wouldn’t want to wear them if I didn’t have to.” Says Stacy

“They’re button downs, not button-once’s.” jokes Stella

“It was in a downward direction. Don’t worry about it.” Says Stacy

“You sure you don’t want me to get a nightgown for you?” asks Stella

“I’ll be fine. Just more work to get dressed in the morning.” Says Stacy

“Suit yourself. You did brush your teeth, right?” Says Stella

“Of course. My teeth are my most valuable asset. I actually care about eating as opposed to the opinions of others.” Says Stacy

“I’m glad you have some priorities that are in your best interest.” Says Stella

“It’s sad that plenty of girls seem to have those priorities reversed.” Says Stacy

“Society puts a lot of pressure on women; sometimes they crack under the pressure and get sick.” Says Stella

“I’m glad I’m not a woman.” Says Stacy

“What are you if you’re not a woman, still a girl?” asks Stella

“I’m an animal, a monster, and god on a good day. I’ve got no interest in being a woman.” Says Stella

“I’m pretty sure a woman is all three of those things, so you might not be giving yourself enough credit.” Says Stella

“They may well be all three of them, but they’re also a woman on top of that. I’m not going to burden myself with petty nonsense in exchange for social validation. A god complex gives a person all the validation they can possibly ask for.” Says Stacy

“Unfortunately some women don’t have it that easy. Try not to look down upon people because your head is stuck in the clouds.” Says Stella

“Those are people? They all look like ants from up here.” Says Stacy

“That’s cute.” Says Stella

“I’m glad at least somebody thinks it’s cute when my eyes roll back in my head and I start growling in tongues and convulsing slightly as I’m weighing out the sins of the damnable and devising appropriate punishments for each and every one of them.” Says Stacy

“You’re so weird.” Says Stella

“If you wanted normal I can repeat the same sentence and replace the being god part with being consumed by social anxiety.” Says Stacy

“Stay weird. I know too many girls like that already.” Says Stella

“Thanks. I’m about to slip into the world where things make even less sense than this one. I don’t mind if you read for a while, I can sleep through anything at this point.”

“Night night.” Says Stella

“Until the morrow.” Says Stacy sleepily, Stella reads for a wonderful while before turning out the light and slipping off into her own irrational reality bound to sensibility only by one’s subliminal grasp on one’s native reality.




The sun drags its crippled and bloodied body slowly through the gates of heaven screaming deliriously, it’s mind shattered by the endless torture endeared upon it by the many hells and kingdoms of the darkness that it had been damned to trek through for boldly ascending to the zenith of the heavens and eclipsing even the gods on the previous day. It’s nearly lifeless body begins to float as the compassionate blue blood of the divine sympathets of the sky course through them inducing euphoric empathy for the endlessly suffering golden, glowing, and blazing beast that is damned to warm both the heavens and the countless hells. The alarm clock rings and Stella gets out of bed.


“Silence that electric demon.” Commands Stacy indignantly

“There’s a reason it’s not on the bedside table anymore.” Says Stella, starting to dress for school

“Damn it. You’ll just let me writhe in agony like this?” asks Stacy

“Get up and turn it off yourself, if I do it you will go back to sleep.” Says Stella

“That’s the point.” Says Stacy

“It’s Monday, Stacy. We’ve got school.” Says Stella, Stacy gets up and angrily turns off the alarm clock

“I’m really feeling the sick day today.” Says Stacy, as she lies back down on her bed

“You really want to go get a doctor’s note?” asks Stella

“Fuck me. Why is life so brutal?” Says Stacy

“Life’s a bitch. Deal with it. I’m about to set the alarm clock for one minute from now.” Says Stella

Stacy groans “Fuck me.” Says Stacy, Stella climbs on top of Stacy

“It would be my pleasure.” Says Stella, smirking playfully

“God damn it. I’m getting up. Get off of me.” Says Stacy, Stella kisses her softly on the lips

“You’re such a tease.” Stella playfully, Stella pats her on the side

“Sorry to let you down. I’ve got a lot on my agenda and nothing on my plate, so I’m not quite up to the task, any task for that matter.” Says Stacy

“I can fix that. I’m glad I know how to put you in the mood.” Says Stella

“Jesus, it’s 7 in the morning. What’s wrong with you?” asks Stacy

“You shouldn’t have whet my appetite like that last night if you didn’t want me to be hungry.” Says Stella, kissing her again

“I am hungry, you are something else.” Says Stacy, entirely disinterested in Stella’s pursuits

“If you can satisfy my hunger, I’m sure I can return the favor.” Says Stella

“What is it you are hungry for exactly?” asks Stacy

“You, Stacy. Love. The feeling that you care about me. It’s like heroin to be honest.” Says Stella

“That’s not good. You sure you want it from me? I’m sure it’s not the best quality.” Says Stacy

“I need my fix Stacy, I’m an addict, just like you and your ego and dad and his alcohol. I’m addicted to you Stacy. I need you.” Says Stella

“It’s too early for this. Jesus.” Says Stacy

“Just give me a taste so I can get through the day.” Says Stella, kissing Stacy again, Stacy returns the affection, aggressively forcing her tongue into Stella’s mouth with fervor driven by the pangs of hunger, searching for something to satiate the pain. Stella gladly competes with the passion for her own reasons, fondling Stacy’s breast and groping her ass affectionately. Stacy’s hunger refuses to let her relax her assault, only Stella’s satisfaction is finally able to bring an end to the codependence.

“Thank you, Stacy.” Says Stella, enamored as she embraces Stacy, reluctant to get off of her

“Any time, just don’t forget about breakfast.” Says Stacy

“I’ll fix something.” Says Stella

“Thank you. Oh, would you look at the time. It’s breakfast time already.” Says Stacy, patting Stella’s ass expectantly

“I thought you didn’t want to get out of bed.” Says Stella nuzzling Stacy lovingly

“I do when there’s something to eat. Jesus, my stomach hurts more than my arm right now.” Says Stacy

“That’s no good. I’ll fix you something. Get dressed, ok?” Says Stella

“Unfortunately I can’t put a bra on one handed, so you’ve inherited nurse duty.” Says Stacy, a bit embarrassed by her incapability

“I’d be happy to help.” Says Stella

“Just throw one over here. I can put it on; you’ve just got to hook the straps for me.” Says Stacy, unbuttoning her shirt and taking it off, Stella brings her a bra and puts it on her

“Thanks, love. Now how about that breakfast.” Says Stacy

“I’m pretty sure you can’t button a shirt either.” Says Stella

“Good point. You’ve got your wits about you. Take it away.” says Stacy, threading her limp arm through the sleeve before wrestling her good arm through the other sleeve

“I’ll just do the whole thing. I want you to look nice.” Says Stella

“Have at it. I appreciate the help.” Says Stacy, Stella gets skirt and stockings together and enjoys herself as she dresses Stacy before finally putting the shoes on Stacy’s feet

“Hopefully I’ll be a bit more capable tomorrow. I could have done it, but I didn’t see any point in making aches for no reason. I figured you would enjoy it anyways.” Says Stacy

“How courteous of you.” Says Stella, cutely

“I try to tend to my manners when I can.” Says Stacy

“I’ll start on some breakfast. Eggs and toast is fine?” asks Stella

“A hot meal would do wonders for me right now.” Says Stacy

“Excellent.” Says Stella as she goes downstairs, her sister follows her



Stella begins to cook; Stacy sits at the table fatigued. Dale sleeps.

“Try and be normal in front of other people, if you want to be weird around me I don’t really care, but I’m sure both of us have an image to maintain.” Says Stacy

“You’re lucky you get to see a better side of me than most people.” Says Stella

“I’ve seen a lot of your sides, and do appreciate your better ones. The pleased Stella is a lot better than the upset Stella. That’s for sure.”” Says Stacy

“I’m glad you enjoy keeping me happy.” Says Stella

“If it’s no skin off my back I don’t mind. It’s the least I can do, considering what I put you through and everything. Just try to keep the skin on my back.” Says Stacy

“As much as I want you to make me dig my claws into it, you might not be as tempted to do so.” Says Stella

“I’ll pass on that one.” Says Stacy

“For now. You might just warm up to the idea, you never know.” Says Stella

“Warm is not a word I would use to describe myself, but who knows.” Says Stacy

“You’re a little warm.” Says Stella

“Lukewarm would be flattery.” Says Stacy

“So cold. You’ve got to let that façade go every now and again.” teases Stella

“I’d rattle on about the mental necrosis that plagues me, but I’m not trying to spook you.” Says Stacy

“I think I can heal some of that.” Says Stella

“You fancy yourself Jesus all of a sudden?” asks Stacy

“You’re the one who does that.” Says Stella

“Yet even I cannot cure this blight.” Says Stacy

“You’re just so defensive, I know you don’t want to get hurt, but you should know I would never hurt you like that.” Says Stella

“I’ll do my best to return the favor.” Says Stacy

“You better.” Says Stella, serving Stacy the food

“I love you too much to not try my best. I’ve seen what happens when I don’t and it’s not pretty.” Says Stacy

“Finally thinking about the other people in your life for once?” asks Stella, pouring Stacy some milk

“Not really, just you. The girls tend to fend for themselves and the others are largely self-serving puppets of Babylon. You’re the only one I’m concerned about.” Says Stacy

“I appreciate your undivided attention.” Says Stella, sitting down to eat

“I’d call it triage, but that might seem insensitive.” Says Stacy

“I like to think you’re tending to my wounds.” Says Stella

“Good. I need you to be healthy as a horse, the good ship can’t sail if the captain is starving.” Says Stacy

“Of course it’s not out of compassion.” Says Stella, frowning

“There’s plenty of that, come on. It’s just that I can’t feel any compassion if my organs are failing from nutritional deficiency.” Says Stacy

“I’ll give you that. I’m happy to be of service. I understand you’ve got quite the job to do.” Says Stella

“I’ve got a handful of jobs and responsibilities, and you’re the most important one after staying alive.” Says Stacy

“It means a lot to me, you don’t know how much it hurts to feel neglected.” Says Stella

“I think we’ve been neglected for most of our lives, have we not?” asks Stacy

“Neglected by everyone but each other, and when the only person that fails to do so starts to neglect you it’s like the end of the world.” Says Stella

“I’m sorry about that, my own ego gets in the way of common sense. You tend to me to no end and I was foolish enough to forget that. Never again, Stella, I am sorry for that.” Says Stacy

“You live and you learn, I’m glad you actually understand these things a little bit.” Says Stella

“I’m working on it. I’m usually so drunk on delusion and ego that it’s hard for me to learn, but you tend to sober me up real quick. I like that.” Says Stacy

“I’d hate to see you become consumed by those things. You’ve got to keep your feet on the ground even if your head is in the sky.” Says Stella

“You seem to be the only one willing to hold them down for me, I appreciate that.” Says Stacy

“Wouldn’t want you to float away now, would we?” asks Stella

“I’m sure it’s for the best, but god damn it if it doesn’t feel like heaven in the clouds.” Says Stacy

“You realize when you’re blind to what’s on the ground; something is going to come along a break your legs one day.” Says Stella

“I try to keep one eye on the threats to my existence, the other one on the future.” Says Stacy

“That’s wise enough. There are plenty of threats to your existence, though; it might take more than one eye.” Says Stella

“I can take my eyes off the clouds when I need to, don’t worry about that.” Says Stacy

“Just remember the ground hurts a lot when you fall back down to earth.” Says Stella

“You would be foolish enough to think I won’t hurt the ground when I fall down to earth.” Says Stacy

“I’d love to see that.” Says Stella

“Revelations is in the bible for a reason.” Says Stacy

“Jesus, Stacy. That’s enough of that. I’ll wash up, you get ready for school.” Says Stella, as she starts to clean
“What’s wrong with having a little faith?” asks Stacy

“That’s an exorbitant amount of faith.” Says Stella

“I just think you would be better off if you had a little faith in god.” Says Stacy

“Most people don’t identify with god when they read the Bible.” Says Stella

“Man was made in god’s image, was he not? I see no reason not to do so.” Says Stacy

“And woman was made from a rib bone.” Says Stella

“It must have been a gay old time when god only created male plants and animals before he realized on the last day of work that he fucked up somewhere along the way by forsaking reproduction of all things in his own ignorance. Still, a godlike rib is better than plenty of things.” Says Stacy

“It’s amazing that you have faith in his omniscience when he forgets that his garden has to repopulate somehow.” Says Stella

“People who believe in god often tend to be a bit prudish; I suppose that include the ghost himself.” Says Stacy

“You may have just instilled a bit of faith for making sense of that story for me.” Says Stella

“Glad I could help. The answer is always there if you want it to be, you just have to make it up sometimes.” Says Stacy

“Let’s get our things and go, I’m sure you would love to keep preaching but school is rather irreverent when it comes to faith.” Says Stella, as they go upstairs and get their things together

“It’s a shame something I’m good at doesn’t even qualify as a subject in school. I’d love some easy marks.” Says Stacy

“I’m sure you would fail any class on faith miserably. Whatever you believe isn’t the faith that they teach people.” Says Stella

“There’s a difference between religious cannon and faith. It’s hard to be wrong when it comes to having a baseless belief.” Says Stacy

“I think you could manage to do that.” Says Stella

“I’ve yet to falter when it comes to standing firm beside baseless beliefs.” Says Stacy

“Work on that. Doubt is an essential part of rational thought.” Says Stella

“Faith tends to contradict rational thought, there’s a reason people are more tempted to take the train to paradise than take the train to work.” Says Stacy

“That doesn’t seem to be the case nowadays.” Says Stella

“Even if they want something for nothing, they still want that something.” Says Stacy

“Let’s not be so foolish and wait for the train named Godot and instead focus on getting something for something considering that it is a principle every economy bases itself off of.” Says Stella

“The welfare states of the world would beg to differ.” Says Stacy

“People like dad get something for suffering, so that’s that. Let’s go.” Says Stella

“Empathy is a savage psychopath that manipulates society’s mind and relentlessly breaks the bones of any society that welcomes it until the society can no longer physically support itself and dies.” Says Stacy

“Quaint. Psychopaths tend to do that because they lack empathy.” Says Stella

“That doesn’t mean empathy feels any remorse for doing such things.” Says Stacy

“You really think empathy is a problem?” asks Stella

“It’s just not a sound or cost effective budgetary decision. We don’t bend over for every dying man, woman, and child in Africa, or prolong the lives of every drug trafficker in the third world that operates independently from the federal government to a level well beyond their natural life expectancy, and this solely on account of their American citizenship or lack thereof. I am a globalist; I see no reason to treat our own people any differently than the other sick miserable fools that populate the Earth.” Says Stacy

“Politics is a popularity contest, if you spit on babies and your opponent kisses them, it’s clear who is going to win the race.” Says Stella

“It’s a damn shame because drug dealers and football players don’t tend to be the brightest, regardless of their popularity.” Says Stacy

“Popularity changes a lot once you’re an adult.” Says Stella

“You’re right; it’s only the rich that remain popular after high school. At least they’ve got somebody’s best interest at heart, even if it is only their own. It’s progress from the drug abusing running back.” Says Stacy

“I still don’t see why you think you’re much better.” Says Stella

“It’s the vaccine mentality; a little pinprick every now and again can prevent an extraordinary amount of suffering down the road.” Says Stacy

“You call tyranny a pinprick?” asks Stella

“It is compared to anarchy or inverted capitalism.” Says Stacy

“That’s debatable, but we’ve got no time. You’ve talked so much we might actually be late.” Says Stella

“You would just sprint to school if that were the case. I know you’re lying too because you would have dragged me out the door by the ear by now if you weren’t.” says Stacy

“True. Don’t make me do it though.” Says Stella

“I’m following you out the door as we speak.” Says Stacy

“Good.” Says Stella, leaving the room and walking down the stairs “Bye dad, we’ve got to go.”

“Bye, honey.” Says Dale tiredly and reflexively, Stella walks out the door

“I’d love to chat but she’d pull my ears off if I did.” Says Stacy

“Keep your ears; you’ll need ‘em at school.” Says Dale

“Good point. Be good, don’t die, ok?” asks Stacy

“That’s kind of an either or, but I won’t die on you.” Says Dale

“That’s good enough for me.” Says Stacy

“You have fine taste in good.” Says Dale

“Good. See you later.” Says Stacy as she walks out the door

“Bye now.” Says Dale as the door shuts




The girls stroll down the street, the she-wolf eying her prey, salivating at the thought of her next meal providing the sustenance she needs to stay alive. The hunted weary and wary but rather content with her role in such an ecosystem, the minimal self-awareness leads a beast to find little existential value in its life, surviving solely by instinct. The metallic groans of the proper people factory strike harmonics with the cold and lifeless gears implanted into the girls which start to turn in synchronicity, the friction grinding away at the flesh, tearing new wounds where the overgrowth of sentimentality stood in the way of the mechanical conditioning of the proper lust for work death in youth such as these.


“Well, looks like it’s time to numb my brain so I can submit myself to this sadism.” Says Stacy

“You could just be a masochist.” Says Stella

“I’ll do my best. It seems to be god’s will that I become one. “Says Stacy

“I’ll make you feel better.” Says Stella

“Not right now, ok? Maybe later, but not here.” says Stacy

“Tonight… you.” Says Stella, grinning

“Right-o. Ta ta.” Says Stacy, taken aback slightly, reminded that she was becoming too comfortable in her own skin

“Ta ta, love.” Says Stella


Stacy walks through the hallways of the old school passing other girls as traumatized by the opinions of their peers as Stacy is from her ventures. Stacy walks into her class, Jenna looks at her surprised.

“I didn’t think you would come to school today.” Says Jenna, surprised

“Stella would have dragged me here if I tried.” Says Stacy

“You ok, after all of that?” says Jenna, timidly

“The arm’s still sore, one hell of a game of basketball, wasn’t it?” asks Stacy, blatantly rigidly lying through her teeth

“Yeah. You sure do love basketball.” Says Jenna distantly

“I sure do. I’ll stretch proper before we play next time.” Says Stacy

“That’s good.” Says Jenna

“You sure are good at basketball. I can’t wait for next time.” Says Stacy, classmates looking at her

“I don’t particularly enjoy basketball to be honest.” Says Jenna, in a distant staccato

“It will just be a pleasant shoot around next time, nothing serious.” Says Stacy

“That sounds like something you would take seriously.” Says Jenna

“You know me. Ball is life.” Says Stacy

“Well, we’re in school right now, so maybe school should be life right now.” Says Jenna, faintly

“I take school seriously too, you know.” Says Stacy, rubbing the back of her head

“You know the teacher’s not here yet, Stacy. You don’t have to pretend like that.” Says a girl

“I don’t have eyes in the back of my head, Rachel. It was a precaution. I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t save face like that.” Says Stacy, returning to normal

“You’re a terrible liar, you know?” asks Rachel

“You think I was lying?” asks Stacy


“You don’t love school, that’s for sure. Your little embarrassed head rub gave it away.” says Rachel

“Keen as the dickens, aren’t you?” asks Stacy

“If that’s what you want to call it.” Says Rachel

“Sure. Let me sneak into my seat before I look like some iconoclast that doesn’t fawningly stare at the board and hears a chorus of angels when the teacher talks.” Says Stacy

“Does anybody do that?” asks Rachel

“Most people here at least pretend to, and it’s pretty convincing at that.” Says Stacy

“You give people too much credit; you might just be exaggerating things on account of your own inadequacy.” Says Rachel

“It’s not inadequacy that gives me the propensity to believe those things, quite the opposite. Inadequacy is what drives people to become sycophants to the machine.” Says Stacy

“What machine?” asks Rachel

“Mankind. God in the machine. Babylon.” Says Stacy

“What?” asks Rachel

“Civil society and its offspring such as school.” Says Stacy

“That is not what god in the machine means at all; you didn’t pay attention when we learned that a few years ago?” Says Rachel

“Because you like to take a hammer to those pretty nails of yours, don’t you?” asks Stacy

“For the love of god, sit down, Stacy. It’s not the time for this.” Says Jenna

“I’ll do us all a favor and let us appear to be sweet little schoolgirls when the teacher walks in.” says Stacy

“Thank you.” Says Jenna, as Stacy walks to her seat


“What were you talking to Jenna about?” asks Ophelia

“Just that game of basketball from the other day.” Says Stacy

“What game of basketball?” asks Ophelia

“The one where I fell down and hurt my arm, remember?” says Stacy

“Oh. That. Yeah.” Says Ophelia softly

“Don’t worry, I’m fine. Just a bit sore.” Says Stacy

“That’s good. Is Stella doing ok?” asks Ophelia

“Well, she’s keeping it together.” Says Stacy

“You didn’t do anything bad after we left, did you?” asks Ophelia

“Not by your standards.” jokes Stacy

“What’s that supposed to mean? Did you hurt her feeling again? I have real standards Stacy.” asks Ophelia

“Stella is fine, she tore me a new one, but we worked it out in the end.” Says Stacy

“That’s good. You kind of deserved it, but I’m glad you worked it out.” Says Ophelia

“She let me have a piece of her mind and then some. I don’t know if I deserved that much.” Says Stacy

“I’m pretty sure you definitely deserved it. You made Stella cry, like a lot. It was so sad.” Says Ophelia

“She’s happy with me now. So let’s just leave it at that.” Says Stacy

“Really? How did you manage that one?” asks Ophelia

“I just had to remind her that I really do love her.” Says Stella

“Aww. You’re such a good sister.” Says Ophelia

“I don’t know if I’m a good sister, but I’m trying my best.” Says Stacy

“That’s all you can really do.” Says Ophelia

“Let’s hope it’s good enough. She’s hard to please.” Says Stacy

“Just keep trying your best and it will work out, she doesn’t expect a miracle or anything.” Says Ophelia

“For my sake I truly hope so.” Says Stacy

“I know her, she doesn’t expect miracles.” Says Ophelia

“That doesn’t mean she doesn’t expect a lot.” Says Stacy

“Well you are her sister. You should have a lot to give her, more for her than for anybody else.” Says Ophelia

“Let’s hope it’s enough.” Says Stacy

“Don’t be lazy and please make her happy, she deserves the best out of you. I don’t want to see her like that again.” Says Ophelia

“I don’t either. Trust me.” Says Stacy

“I trust you. I’m glad there was a happy ending to the sad story though.” Says Ophelia

“It’s better than a sad ending.” Says Stacy

“Way better. No sad endings, Stacy.” Says Ophelia sternly

“No sad endings.” Says Stacy reluctant and distant but committed to her words, the teacher enters




The teacher brandishes a handgun and questions the children to test their loyalty to the communist party, those who are bold enough to answer incorrectly are executed in plain sight of their peers, some of whom giggle if the response was foolish enough. The gods of communism would never let a peasant die for its inalienable ignorance and thus the children are resurrected by the magical chanting that instils the correct values of the communist party into their souls, purifying them of their ignorance. Most of the children are happy to consume the flavorful propaganda, Stacy listens halfheartedly, loyal only to living, but in the current theatre that means making the soul-crushing decision to ally with the communists in order to overcome a greater evil, even if that simply means betraying them in the end. The bell rings and the girls all trot merrily to their next indoctrination station where they consume the next government sanctioned flavors of propaganda. This continues in the proper cycle as is mandated by the state. The authority cries a single tear as the stomachs of the children growl, the authority knowing all too well that propaganda cannot provide physical nutrition to the peasants, thus the children are released to consume state sanctioned lunch. The girls sit at their usual seat at the usual table in the healthily brown grass under the sky that never rains.



“I live.” Says Stacy, triumphantly

“You thought you were going to die?” asks Jenna

“I always think that when I have to come here.” Says Stacy

“It wouldn’t be so bad if you didn’t dwell upon it so much.” Says Jenna

“I will savor this sweet delicious meal in solace.” Says Stacy

“Solace from what?” asks Jenna

“Life. I thought Stella might join us today, but I’m glad she’d rather sit with her friends.” Says Stacy

“I hope you didn’t make things worse after we left.” Says Jenna

“Quite the contrary, we patched up the holes, baled the water, and somehow managed to keep the good ship afloat.” Says Stacy

“Really?” asks Jenna

“I would be distraught if that were not the case.” Says Stacy

“She just had to remind Stella that she really loved her. It’s so cute that Stacy was actually nice for once and it solved all of her problems.” Says Ophelia

“Cute. That’s what it is.” Says Stacy, grimly

“That is pretty cute.” Says Jenna

“Let’s leave it at that. I’d rather not dwell upon the past when the future is knocking at our door.” Says Stacy

“Is it now?” asks Jenna

“Well I’ve still got to handle Stella on top of this ring nonsense, so I’ve got to be on my toes.” Says Stacy

“I thought you and Stella were on good terms now.” Says Jenna

“We are, but I’ve got to keep it that way. That’s going to be the hard part.” Says Stacy

“How is that hard?” asks Ophelia

“You know how easy it is for her to spring a leak.” Says Stacy

“Most people would spring a leak when you shoot torpedoes at them, Stacy. I’m surprised she handles it as well as she does.” Says Jenna

“I’m plugging holes in a ship with my fingers at this point, but if that’s what it takes to keep the ship afloat, so be it.” Says Stacy, a bit embarrassed by the thought

“At least you’re trying.” Says Ophelia

“Let’s hope I don’t run out of fingers.” Says Stacy

“You’re the only one putting holes in Stella, so it’s your own fault if you do.” Says Jenna

“I’ve learned my lesson. I don’t want Stella, myself, or anyone else to drown on account of my own foolishness, and I realized just how easy it would be for me to do that. I am doing everything I can, and that seems to be working.” Says Stacy

“That’s one problem that’s hopefully resolved. That just leaves the ring.” Says Jenna

“I think we did ok last time, clearly the dog liked what we did.” Says Stacy

“We did terrible, you even got hurt.” Says Ophelia

“Well, we had the right idea at least, even if the execution wasn’t exactly on point.” Says Stacy

“Don’t say that word. It is frightening what you did to those people.” Says Jenna

“It is more frightening what they would have done to that girl. I gave them a swift death, more humane than a Hebrew slaughtering an animal for kosher meat. They would have tortured that girl to no end if it weren’t for me.” Says Stacy

“I believe you. They seemed like really bad people, they did kind of just fall down without screaming or anything.” Says Ophelia

“I told you.” Says Stacy

“I take it you’ve got no qualms with doing that sort of thing again.” Says Jenna

“I’ve got plenty of qualms with being shot. Other than that I’ve no regrets.” Says Stacy

“Well, hopefully you have plenty of time to think about it, what, with being out of commission with a bullet hole in your arm and everything.” Says Jenna

“It’s not as bad as you think; you wove some wicked magic into it somehow. It still hurts but nowhere near the point that it was at yesterday.” Says Stacy

“Wow. That’s amazing Jenna.” Says Ophelia

“Let me see you move it, it’s been limp all day as far as I can tell.” Says Jenna

“Argh.” Grumbles Stacy as she lifts her left arm up to a 90 degree angle before letting it drop again

“That was either impressive pain tolerance or I might have hurt you even worse by letting you off the hook so easy.” Says Jenna

“No. I definitely learned my lesson. The pain was excruciating, believe me. You’re just keeping the captain healthy so the ship doesn’t sink.” Says Stacy

“I’m not sure healthy is how I would describe your mentality.” Says Jenna

“Well, it’s hearty at least. That’ll have to do.” Says Stacy

“It’s better than nothing.” Says Jenna

“I think she’s got the right mindset, it would be a lot worse if she wasn’t willing to take on the challenge we’ve been given.” Says Ophelia

“You tend to be unscathed by everything that has happened, that seems odd.” Says Jenna

“I just have faith that Stacy’s magic and God will protect us. We’re the good guys, remember?” says Ophelia

“What of it?” asks Jenna

“Bad things don’t happen to the good guys.” Says Ophelia

“Stacy got shot in the arm on Saturday.” Says Jenna, dryly

“Well, God works in mysterious ways; I think he did that so she would learn not to get shot again.” Says Ophelia

“That’s what I’m saying. Pessimism never did anybody any good, it’s the scapegoat for people addicted to the thrill of losing, and you’re not like that, so let the pessimism go.” Says Stacy

“I was just being realistic.” Says Jenna

“Realism can easily be interpreted as pessimism when you don’t have faith in the favorable and preferable yet simultaneously realistic outcome.” Says Stacy

“If the outcome is improbable then the mentality ceases to be known as realism.” Says Jenna

“It’s still somewhat realistic, just take that mentality instead. If you have so much faith in realism I might have to ramble on about how an impressionist, a surrealist, or a cubist would interpret out situation.” Jokes Stacy

“I’ll let you know the next time somebody answers the optimist, realist or pessimist question with the fact that cubism is the mentality they use to interpret the glass.” Says Jenna

“The glass is not half full, or half empty, it has been shattered into cubes, some of which are full of water, some are empty, some with shards of glass and others are pure, only after being broken in such a way can the glass fully transcend into a legitimate multidimensional reality.” Says Stacy

“I can’t wait for that to evolve into an Art Decoistic mentality.” Says Jenna

“The glass of water is not a glass, but a crystal chalice that reflects light in such a glamorous way that it pierces through your eyes right into your heart and you’re awe struck, thinking that chalice is cutting edge, that beauty is the future, you when you see, you will know it, and you’ve seen it, doll face.” Says Stacy

“Thanks for that.” Says Jenna

“I don’t really get it.” Says Ophelia

“It’s just Stacy drawing the conclusion that cubism is a school of thought because it ends in -ism, may well be a McCarthyist and use McCarthyism to define your perspective of the water in the glass.” Says Jenna

“We must first interrogate the glass of water to find out if it has any affiliation the communist party, then we can then determine its purity based upon its susceptibility to being swayed by the indoctrinating propaganda of the communist regimes, if it does not falter in its identity as an American, it can truly be considered pure water as opposed to some kind of poison, and if it is pure water, by God it is half full, because it believes in freedom and that means it’s working hard to accomplish its dreams, and getting a little more full every day.” Says Stacy

“I liked the Art Decoistic mentality a bit more.” Says Jenna

“Sadly I’m more of a perfectionist.” Says Stacy

“Your version of perfection leaves a lot to be desired, sadly.” Says Jenna

“A perfect dodecahedron is not perfect because it is emanates pure natural beauty and creature comforts, it is perfect because it is precise and accurate.” Says Stacy

“I’m surprised you even know that word.” Says Jenna

“What is it?” asks Ophelia

“A cube is made up of only squares; a dodecahedron is made up of only pentagons.” Says Jenna

“Oh. That’s boring.” Says Ophelia

“Boring, but mathematically perfect.” Says Stacy

“Mathematical perfection and physical efficiency don’t always go hand in hand.” Says Jenna

“Say that to a circle.” Says Stacy

“The impossible shape, of course, but I’ll remind the next dodecahedron I see of its functional irrelevance.” Says Jenna

“It has far more structural integrity than a bunch of politicians who do nothing but contort themselves to please the crowd like French circus performers.” Says Stacy

“Tireless when it comes to this. I feel you could win every debate because your opponent just starts slamming the head into the podium.” Says Jenna

“I’ll take the victory by whatever means it comes to me.” Says Stacy
“Clearly.” Says Jenna, as the second lunch bell rings

“Yay. Animal club time.” Says Ophelia, excitedly

“Yay.” Says Stacy in a drab sarcastic monotone, as they get up

“Come on, animals are awesome.” Says Ophelia

“It’s better than class, but it’s still a classroom.” Says Stacy

“We get to see our friends.” Says Ophelia
“I’m just glad we get to talk for once. I’m tired of listening all day.” Says Stacy

“Talking to you is far more exhausting than listening, I don’t have to quickly analyze a teachers rantings to find out if there is anything life threatening hidden in there somewhere.” Says Jenna

“You worry too much. I’m still alive.” Says Stacy

“You would say that on your death bed with five hours left to live.” Says Jenna

“I’d probably be a bit more bitter at that point, but regardless.” Says Stacy, as the girls trek through the halls as the more loquacious amongst them talk over them to the point of violently drowning those who speak in modest tones before finally arriving at their destination




Girls slowly enter the room, the Mondays of Monday left some of the bitches besmitten by bitches bitching, a bit bitter, some a bit bitterer, and others a bitter bit bitterer, bittered by their bitter bits, bits a bit bitterer than the better bitter bits bittering the litter of bittered bitches. It was Monday after all. The last few come in dragging their tails and Aurelia gets the attention of the room as Grace and Isabelle sneak in to sit next to their friends.

“Hello, everybody! One of the things we do is at least try to raise money, it’s pretty hard, but if you want to try and help come talk to me. I’m not suggesting that you go door to door or anything, that can be dangerous and you should remember we’ve already heard about how bad things can happen. I was thinking if you maybe know a lot of your neighbors that might want to help you can talk to them, or even just your friends and family. Every little bit helps, and at least some people are nice enough to care about the suffering animals. No pressure, the shelter does get supported by the city, but they struggle a little bit to care for the dogs to the best of their ability on account of funding. The city mainly wants the animals off the streets, they don’t care so much about their happiness, sadly. That’s all I’ve really got to say about that.

On top of that, I want to thank everybody again who came out to the shelter over the weekend, it seems like everybody had a great time and I hope to see you girls there in the future. If you didn’t come you can talk to the other girls and I’m sure they’ll tell you all about it. It’s loads of fun if you love animals, which I’m kind of presuming you do if you’re here for the most part. The rest of the time you girls can enjoy yourselves, try to keep it animal related, but I’m not going to hound you if you’re doing something else.” Says Aurelia, girls get up and get things to entertain themselves or further their career ambitions



Ophelia returns with a magazine, Jenna starts her homework, the others idle.

“What did you three end up doing on Saturday?” asks Isabelle

“Nothing.” Says Jenna, quickly and instinctively, cold and completely detached from that reality

“We played some basketball, studied a bit, boring stuff.” Says Stacy

“Yeah.” Says Ophelia, softly

“I didn’t think you’d be into sports.” Says Isabelle

“I’m too small to really play them, but I can enjoy the recreational variety. A bit too much it seems, as I ended up hurting my arm being too aggressive.” Says Stacy

“Really? What happened?” asks Grace

“I was foolish enough to try and emulate the moves you see the urban folk pull off every day on the courts. Took a nasty tumble, must have fell on it wrong.” Says Stacy

“That’s hilarious. You would be the one to put expectations for your performance well above your physical capacity.” Says Isabelle

“I wouldn’t say I don’t have the capacity, it will just take some practice to master that sort of thing.” Says Stacy

“You two enjoy sports? We could go shoot hoops sometime or something.” Says Isabelle

“I’m not much of a competitor; Stacy gives enough effort for the both of us on that front.” Says Jenna

“I’m sure you could just stand there and it would be effective defense against Stacy. It sounds like she’s her own worst enemy.” Says Isabelle

“I hope she can work on that.” Says Jenna

“I learned my lesson.” Says Stacy

“I wouldn’t mind playing some sports; I’m not very good though. It is kind of fun.” Says Ophelia distantly

“That’s cool. I’m not great either. Grace tends to be the athlete between us.” Says Isabelle

“I’m not too competitive, so don’t worry about it.” Says Grace

“We’ve got 5 people; we could play as a team if there is another group at one of the courts.” Says Isabelle

“Unless they are little kids, I don’t think we would have much of a chance against a group men.” Says Jenna

“You’ve got to get some of Stacy’s fighting spirit in you. They could be awful for all we know.” Says Isabelle

“That would barely make it a fair game, a game of attrition since nobody could make a shot. Neither of the three of us are athletes, and Stacy’s on the bench due to injury for the time being.” Says Jenna

"You could just pass the ball to Grace; she’s got most of the fundamentals down. I’m sure Stacy could drum up some wild plays or something. We could even start to hustle people like in the movies.” Says Isabelle

“I think that would be a losing game. Clearly I’m not the ace in the hole we would need seeing how I end up on the floor just playing around.” Says Stacy

“That’s a good point. It would still be good fun though.” Says Grace

“It does sound like a good time.” Says Ophelia

“What did you two end up doing?” asks Stacy

“The usual, I entertained Grace as she ranted about women’s liberation and what not. We watched a movie, Boring stuff for the most part.” Says Isabelle

“Women are pretty liberated at the moment, if we keep heading in this direction pretty soon the laws of physics won’t apply to women.” Jokes Stacy

“Women are still systematically oppressed and abused by society. People pretend that the laws protect women but the culture of silence ruins any prospect of that because women fear for their lives if they speak out.” Says Grace

“Everybody is systematically oppressed and abused by society, it’s just a domino effect from the top as the oligarchs feel oppressed and abused by the fact that they aren’t omnipotent and they take it out on their underlings who spread that indignation to their underlings and it continues on and on until it reaches women and then continues to children and through the echelons of the women’s hierarchy. By giving into that indignation you are not really standing up for anybody, you are simply justifying the indignation of the men who have been oppressing and abusing women on account of said indignation.” Says Stacy

“Damn, Stacy. That’s pretty bold considering you tend to be indignant about the oppression of society all the time.” Says Isabelle

“I’m not indignant as much as dumbfounded and revolted by the stupidity. It is sickening, but I don’t feel that I’m wronged in any way. I can’t expect a braindead man to drive a firetruck to a burning building and extinguish the blaze, I am at a loss for words why a braindead man is the fire chief, but that’s another story.” Says Stacy

“I’ve never met a braindead firefighter.” Says Ophelia

“It was an allegory about the government.” Says Stacy

“You really think you aren’t equally braindead in that regard compared with the government?” asks Jenna

“It doesn’t matter. I simply have higher standards of quality. This is why I vehemently spit on the idiots. If there comes a day when my hand is what determines the fates of the people, and the results are equally poor, I will welcome the people to spit on me and do so righteously. I will enjoy it, because I, myself, have failed to meet my own standards of quality and will know full well that I deserve the disrespect.” Says Stacy

“Wow, Stacy. You’re a dirty girl.” Teases Isabelle

“I think it has more to do with an ingrained disdain for anything human as opposed to any sort of sick pleasure one might derive from such a thing.” Says Jenna

“It would pleasure me, because it would mean the people have raised their standards. If I were to do an equally miserable job at shepherding the people and the people somehow respected me and appreciated me regardless of my mistakes, then I would be displeased and let down that the people are still so willing to happily accept such detestable failure as if it were something worthwhile and remarkable.” Says Stacy

“You sound a lot like Grace, never satisfied. I tell her all the time that women have made tons of progress; you don’t need to be up in arms over every little thing. You expect men to just lie down and say thank you while you stomp on them and try to rob them of any self-respect they have. Somebody has to wear the pants, and you should realize that men can’t wear dresses, so they should honestly wear the pants.” Says Isabelle

“Their self-respect is founded in disgusting chauvinism and aggression. Those sorts of things need to be addressed or otherwise half of society is stuck in a positive feedback loop of degrading women. Everybody should wear the pants, everybody has the capability to make decisions and they should be expected to do so, I don’t see how you’re ok with having somebody else decide your fate for you.” Says Grace

“If everybody’s making decisions, it’s like having four horses that are each pulling your wagon in opposite directions, you don’t go anywhere and eventually the wagon breaks. You know why a wagon works? It’s because none of the four horses make any decisions, the wagoner makes the decision and the horses are beaten or choked with the bridle if they veer even slightly off course or stop running. People are like horses, they are ignorant, dangerous, and want simple things, where a quality set of principles and mantras would be the wagoner, the principles and mantras would never buckle under the pressures of vice or misery and succumb to the weaknesses of humans, for they cannot. The principles and mantras are what should guide the people, not the aimless wandering of the horses who simply search for satiation without any foresight. In the end you’re either sleeping in a barn or you’re running away from wolves all night because you wandered away looking for tasty shrubbery to eat. It’s not a hard decision to make.” Says Stacy

“I think people are smart enough to make their own decisions.” Says Grace

“I have plenty of faith in the fact that they can make decisions, I have little faith in them making good decisions, however. People wouldn’t be indignant if they made good decisions, the main reason people are indignant is because they made mistakes and are simply looking to shift the blame onto someone else.” Says Isabelle

“Plenty of people have good reasons to be indignant; our country was at one point a goldmine of systematic oppression. You can’t say it’s the people’s fault for being oppressed by the government.” Says Jenna

“Those times have come and gone, it’s called the land of opportunity for a reason, just because you squander that opportunity doesn’t mean you can blame the system for every one of your shortcomings.” Says Isabelle

“You can when the system is responsible for those shortcomings. The effects of oppression are still felt in things like the achievement gap and the wage gap.” Says Grace

“Last I checked there was no wage gap between men earning minimum wage and women earning minimum wage. If you look beyond that point it is a meritocracy, if you’re not capable of entrepreneurial innovation and you subject yourself to subservience to somebody who is it’s your own damn fault when you fall victim to their whims. You could easily become a sycophant and climb the ladder that way if you’re willing to live that sort of life. Make your own dreams come true, because nobody else is going to do it. If women weren’t so naturally submissive then they could easily found their own businesses and inverse the wage gap out of their own desire to dominate the opposite sex.” Says Isabelle

“It’s hard to uproot the establishment, and as of now it’s filled with men who surf the wake of generations of discrimination. That sort of culture is unacceptable and needs to be addressed.” Says Grace

“If you were in their shoes you would stop at nothing to stomp on the faces of anybody you don’t like or don’t trust that wants to climb the ladder you stand on top of. It’s not like they’re any different than you other than their positions on the ladder. It’s hypocritical to criticize them for instinctual self-preservation when you not only want to preserve yourself but empower yourself.” Says Isabelle

“I’m not fond of all the ladder stomping either. My philosophy is to shoot everybody on the ladders with a pellet gun at the end of the day so they climb down and sleep in the dirt with everybody else. If you need to climb the ladder to reach some fruit so be it, just don’t get comfortable because you’re coming down off the ladder dead or alive, there’s no need for stomping. If you’re going to fight somebody you do it on level ground with fisticuffs like a classy gentleman. It’s shameless to even accommodate the super-positioning of people like that.” Says Stacy

“Well, the people who are high on the ladder are there because they are good at picking the fruit. Most people can’t do it, so those people are rewarded greatly for their skill as they provide a critical role in the system that reaps and processes such a boon.” Says Isabelle

“In my book, you can either do it out of the goodness of your heart or out of fear of death, there’s no room for hedonists and materialists who are afflicted by vice. Giving somebody anything besides a comfortable and humble existence is immoral. Paying them money accommodates cardinal greed which is greeted by death, doled by the hands of men or god himself, this kills all men save for the meek of this sick world who are but human sacrifices for the blessings of Mammon. If we would lose workers to extranational outsourcing because of competitive job offers, break their legs, they’re not going anywhere. Instead of conditioning the veneration of greed, we should simply condition humility.” Says Stacy
“That is such a moralistic view; I doubt any of the sick vice fueled demons that live in this country could ever appreciate your godliness.” Says Jenna sarcastically

“That is true, but they could appreciate not having the buttstock of a rifle driven into their skull repeatedly. The ends justify the means, and while they may be unable to appreciate godliness, they will certainly slither their snake bodies towards warmth and comfort at the end of the day.” Says Stacy

“I think a lot of people do appreciate God, the right does well in elections most of the time.” Says Ophelia

“That’s true, it’s certainly not because of their policy making.” jokes Isabelle

“I don’t know about their policies, but I would vote for the people who believe in God. It’s really important after all.” Says Ophelia

“The bible says that man cannot worship both God and Mammon, the conservatives seem to disagree.” Says Isabelle

“It says you can, you will simply prefer one over the other. Clearly the conservative elect will side with Mammon over God, but that doesn’t mean they can’t respect God enough to win over the religious populous. It really isn’t hard when the opponent’s platform is killing babies and burning money.” Says Stacy

“As much as you want to think that, it’s not true at all. Abortion helps a lot, plenty of people can’t care for a child and the child would suffer on account of it, or the child might have some terrible problem. They’re not burning money either; they would just rather see that it helps people instead of sits in the pockets of the rich.” Says Grace

“Abortion doesn’t help. If the people cannot care for the child, the child is repossessed and becomes property of the state. I cannot defend America killing its own soldiers in the womb rather than have them baptized in the blood of her enemies and actually admitted into heaven. Women should clearly suffer for fornicating irresponsibly and unintentionally getting pregnant; pregnancy is an affliction very much akin to any other venereal disease, and such is the price one pays for vice. One may well let everybody out of prison because they could abort their penal sentence on account that they made a mistake as society can easily greatly reduce the repercussions and suffering the actions of criminals have on their own bodies if we disregard morality entirely. If the child has some terrible disease, so be it, it’s not difficult to kill a baby after it is born.  The woman easily deserves to suffer the pain of childbirth for having such a diseased child in the first place, largely for fornicating and even simply for reproducing if such a disease could be predicted by genetics. If the disease couldn’t be predicted, I can support abortion at that point, but still, that is not a willy-nilly kill my baby mentality that most people on the left have.” Says Stacy

“Wow.” Says Jenna

“I’m with you. Who will fight the wars if everybody who would struggle to support a child is given contraception and abortions? Who will do the menial labor? Affluent people hardly reproduce in the first place, if you accommodate contraception and abortion, the poor will die off and society will collapse.” Says Isabelle

“You realize without any form of contraception a lot more people would get diseases, right?” asks Grace

“Perhaps free people, but freedom is the antithesis of civil society. A civil society would cull the population and quarantine people based upon their infectious diseases. This would apply to all illnesses of vice including venereal and genetic conditions. This could easily eliminate the diseases from society in one lifetime if these people sterilized, but as that may cripple the working population; it might be a slow controlled burn through poor healthcare and living conditions exacerbated by their untreated afflictions of their own vice.” Says Stacy

“You want to create an even more extreme form of segregation?” asks Jenna

“All domesticated beasts on earth are culled thoroughly save for humans, there is no reason not to apply proper animal husbandry to the wicked beast that discovered such knowledge himself.” Says Stacy

“You expect people to go along with this?” asks Jenna

“The wild horse does not let a man ride him to and fro and rend himself of his instinct to obey the whims of the man; the horse does not respect the man. The horse must be broken, only then can its true potential of anything other than a wandering beast that accomplishes nothing be reached. Humans are like wild horses driven by their whims and instinct, they simply see themselves as greater than this because of their meager intelligence. Man must be broken so that he can reach his true potential. Wild horses eat shrubs and run around pointlessly all day, broken horses have turned the tides of war and acted as the right hand of humans as they reared this glorious dystopia from the godforsaken dirt. This is the transformation that can be accomplished if humans are broken instead of free. This is the glory I seek.” Says Stacy

“I’m all for breaking men, thoroughly. A tame man will seldom cause a problem compared to a wild one. Unlike horses men are naturally violent and evil, so as much as I can’t agree with you, I think you’ll do more good than harm if you actually accomplish that sort of thing.” Says Grace

“Humans are pretty broken. A wild human would be wandering the forest scavenging for berries or something.” Says Jenna

“A wild human uses tools and fire to provide for himself. Anything before that point is a primordial beast and nothing but an evolutionary progenitor of humans, just as the ancestors of rats evolved into what we know today to be humans, as well as rats of course. Humans have built this society out of their instinct just as a bird would build a nest, even as society dulls their instincts, they have nothing else to resort to other than ignorance. A broken beast would need a master, and such a master must rise above the nature of the beast and forsake it’s humanity in the name of society.” Says Stacy

“You don’t seem to have any issues forsaking your humanity.” Says Jenna, rolling her eyes

“I cannot forsake what I never had.” Says Stacy
“I’m all for it Stacy. Hearing you is like music to my ears after listening to the same sob story from Grace demonizing men all the time yet wanting nothing but to invert their oppression and place it upon them. That sort of thinking accomplishes nothing, it’s petty and childish. You want to innovate, and that’s what the world needs. Indignation doesn’t accomplish anything even if it succeeds in making a change, because in the end that only shifts the indignation from one party to another.” Says Isabelle

“I’m pretty sure everybody would be indignant if Stacy was in charge.” Says Jenna

“Thus the stubborn ox is whipped until it submits. Regardless of however it may have no desire to pull the plow, its desire to not be whipped supersedes that indifference and thus progress is made.” Says Stacy

“I’m pretty sure that’s called slavery.” Says Jenna

“Go emancipate every beast of burden in the third world and come back to me. We are still slaves and we are whipped by the punitive nature of society if we do not comply with its desires that we work and act peacefully, we do not eat and do not sleep comfortably if we do not comply with its demands. Just because the whip is invisible does not mean the lashes do not sting and that does not mean we are not slaves submitting to a slave driver. The illusion of freedom is given to content a human, just as a bull is castrated in order to be controlled more easily. Politicians have never done anything but drown people in propaganda that regards their society as a utopia, only fools believe such lies, but sadly humans are fools by their very nature.” Says Stacy

“Of course we can never talk about animals. I’m just looking at all these cute animals begging to be talked about and wanting to be saved but no, Animal Club is never about animals.” Says Ophelia

“Humans are animals, and I am talking about saving them. It’s topical.” Says Stacy

“Whatever.” Says Ophelia, returning to her magazine

“I’m kind of glad you’re distracting me from my homework to be honest. I will get to go home and have its sensibility wash over me like the waters of a hot spring.” Says Jenna

“I am perfectly sensible.” Says Stacy

“Your ideas are completely impracticable, that sort of negates and sensibility you may come across.” Says Jenna

“I simply lay in wait until the woes of man fester due to his mistakes and misdeeds, as the agony courses through him I shall offer him salvation, and the whips that lash him day and night shall be the greatest pleasure he has ever known when compared to the suffering induced by his own savagery.” Says Stacy

“You really think it will come to that?” asks Isabelle

“The vice will fester and dismantle society as it strays further and further from the light of god, chaos and darkness will ensue, and the divine chains of wisdom shall bind the wretched beasts as they are conditioned by the physical abuse of mutual principles that shape starving wild wolves into healthy and obedient dogs that protect the master that has nurtured them. Such beasts are loyal and shan’t bite the hand that feeds them.” Says Stacy

“What exactly do you plan to feed them in the times of chaos and darkness?” asks Jenna

“I will feed them the corpses of men who are foolish enough to attempt to stand in the way of a savage barking wolf pack tamed by humility and fueled by godly sadomasochism.” Says Stacy

“Amazing. Cannibalism. I like it.” Says Jenna, dryly

“Man would rather eat than starve, I simply teach the man that his only predator is his fellow man and thus he must assume the role of the predator and instead prey upon those who wish to prey upon him.” says Stacy

“I’m pretty sure you can get a lot of diseases that way.” Says Isabelle

“I wouldn’t literally feed them people. They would simply reap the harvest of the spoils of war. Of course I would fertilize the fields of my people with the corpses of our enemies. I would raise a proper army to fight barbarians. As the fools try to fend for themselves, the wise fend for each other as a collective.” Says Stacy

“Isn’t that what society already does?” asks Ophelia

“People fend for themselves for the most part; they only look out for one another when it benefits them personally, even if it only takes the form of concessions to their conscience. A proper man does not regard himself as an individual, he does not quantify himself. He only acknowledges his wolf pack and knows that without them he is dead, so he himself is not actually alive in the first place, only the wolf pack is alive. Individualism induces a backbiting, traitorous, and self-serving mentality that is unproductive. In a proper society, if one man bites another’s back, all of society bites the back of the backbiter, for each one of them had their back bitten by the perpetrator. Selflessness is commonly respected; it is not unreasonable to expect such a mentality from a member of a society.” Says Stacy

“Why not let somebody else rant for a change?” asks Jenna

“Is anyone else even prone to ranting?” asks Stacy

“Grace is, if you let her.” Says Isabelle

“Kind of, but most of the time Stacy is talking about dominating men and stuff like that, so I’m pretty happy to listen to that.” Says Grace

“She’s pretty dead set on dominating everybody.” Says Jenna

“Since women are already dominated, it wouldn’t change much except that a woman’s in charge. It’s a nice thought. Besides, an enemy of my enemy is my friend.” Says Grace

“Fair enough. Carry on, Stacy.” Says Jenna, returning to her homework

“You broke my train of thought. Sorry to disappoint.” Says Stacy

“I figured you would think about that sort of thing incessantly.” Says Jenna
“Oddly enough, not in particular. I don’t really think about it much at all, I just say what’s on the top of my head and forget about it rather quickly. The world is a distracting place.” Says Stacy

“If that’s true, it’s impressive that your ideas are so cohesive.” Says Isabelle

“I guess it’s kind of like a fractal, it just starts with a seed and it continues indefinitely in a pattern, the seed, the principles and logical formulas don’t change, I just have to analyze the pattern at a particular spot to find my sentiments regarding whatever the topic at hand is.” Says Stacy

“That’s kind of cool, I think most people’s thoughts are like simple equations that they have memorized and repeat to themselves all of the time.” Says Isabelle
“That’s how Babylon wants you to think, to just accept the thoughts that are implanted in your head by the system.” Says Stacy

“That’s how you are supposed to think, they teach us things because they are true and useful.” Says Jenna

“They may teach you facts, but they also instill opinions, they condition you to accept their opinions as facts because they are taught and ingrained alongside irrevocable truths. They teach you to accept their words as unquestionable by instilling basic knowledge before indoctrinating you with their occult ideology that cripples your mind like a prion disease plaguing free thought.” Says Stacy

“I’m pretty sure everybody is free to think what they want, how would they stop somebody from thinking something?” asks Ophelia

“They stop you via mental conditioning; your mind is scared of thinking certain things because they instill that fear into your mind through disdain, rebuke, and punishment. They make sure your fear of those ideas and your unnatural systematically conditioned condemnation of such thoughts scares you away from certain trains of thought so that your mind becomes more docile and easier to control. A false sense of shame, guilt, and remorse for thinking contrary to the system is induced and this creates a sort of Stockholm syndrome where you respect them because they take care of you, but they also forcefully imprison your mind as they do so.” Says Stacy

“Clearly they haven’t been able to stop you.” Says Jenna, dryly

“I’m pretty sure they want to help us succeed for the most part.” Says Isabelle

“Of course they want to help you succeed, success in those terms means being a valuable and productive slave for society. That is the pinnacle of success. Just because a slave is given the two options of obeying and serving his master or dying for refusing to do so does not mean that those are the only two possibilities, those are simply the two that are given to the slave by the powers that be.” Says Stacy

“Well, if those are our two choices it doesn’t seem like attempting to disobey society is a great idea.” Says Jenna

“I do not seek to disobey society, I seek to use its minimal tolerance for rebuttal to my advantage and slowly chip away at the foundations of society within the tolerable levels of subtle rebuke and eventually society will collapse as its foundations have been weakened enough.” Says Stacy

“Why is a collapsed society more beneficial than a functional one?” asks Ophelia

“Society tends to be pretty evil and oppressive to a lot of people, so while it may not be better for the people in power, plenty of people could see a world without society as better, since society tends to have a net negative impact on their lives.” Says Grace

“It is the natural order of things, death and rebirth. Old buildings are demolished and newer more technologically advanced, structurally sound, and frankly more so useful buildings are erected in their place. Old lifeforms die out as new ones evolve and are more so fit for survival. It is all too reasonable that the archaic systems of contemporary governments be demolished in order to make room for a better form of government that has corrected the mistakes that cripple the efficacy and utility of the government. One cannot hold onto the original printing press forever, claiming that will remain the pinnacle of functionality and utility forever simply because it was at one point in time. Everything evolves, this includes forms of governance. It is foolish to attempt to hold onto the past out of nostalgia and respect when we all know full well that things that fail to adapt to their environment die out and are replaced by things that have succeeded in that respect. Such a replacement is inevitable, and I see no point in delaying the inevitable.” Says Stacy

“If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” Says Jenna, coldly, exhausted

“It’s sputtering along, barely running, riddled with all of the common problems associated with an aging machine, and it is far too costly to repair, not to mention impossible to fix while it is still running. You can enjoy the nostalgia all of the old car all you want, but it will break down soon enough, and I would rather be proactive than reactive.” Says Stacy

“That makes enough sense to me, good luck finding any consensus to do that though.” Says Isabelle

“It’s not hard when consensus is the only option a living human is given.” Says Stacy

“It’s hard to make that the case, however.” Says Jenna

“That is already the case. I simply have to be the only who cooks up and provides the government subsidized public consensus that is fed to the peasantry.” Says Stacy

“Good luck with that.” Says Jenna

“All one must do is whet the appetites of the hungry, and they will demand that Stacy be put in charge of the consensus kitchen.” Says Stacy

“Sadly that is too true, I doubt you’re willing to part ways with your coldhearted objectivism to feed people their own egos and fallaciously claim that you will resolve every last meaningless thing they are indignant about. Even if you do, you will still only end up with half of the population, seeing how most people are so partisan that they become indignant if the other side is pleased in the slightest, and this has gotten to the point where they forsake their own pleasure out of sadomasochistic spite.” Says Jenna

“It shouldn’t be hard to unify the indignant into one group of people, the poor are poor, the middle class think of themselves as poor, the rich think of themselves as middle class, and everyone who doesn’t think they’re rich hates the rich. The rich hate those that are more powerful than them, so I simply must antagonize the pinnacles of power and delude people into thinking that they will somehow benefit when the powers that reign over the powers that be are systematically exterminated.” Says Stacy

“I like that game plan. Even the richest people I know hate the government and don’t think they’re that rich at all. They’re well off, they’re not rich, they say.” Says Isabelle

“My point exactly, I simply paint the opponents as proponents of the system and the oppressors of anyone unaffiliated with the government and that wins me the vote of the majority of the population. People will put their principles aside when they feel they are being wronged, it becomes more so about self-serving justice than any sort of partisan moralistic justice.” Says Stacy

“Have at it. You know you’re actually convincing. Not that I have any faith in your policy making, it’s just that I don’t have any faith in anybody’s policy making. I could be petty and say one party is 95% terrible and the other is 94% terrible and use that to justify voting for the less so terrible one, but I have too much self-respect to condone or support anyone over such a trivial reduction in the awfulness of politics. I couldn’t care less at this point, clearly nothing but petty trivial things will change and the same problems will be there regardless of what happens.” Says Jenna

“Yet you don’t want to join the revolution?” asks Stacy

“I’ll let you handle that. I’d just be a wet blanket on the fires of revolution with my whole devotion to things like practical approaches.” Says Jenna

“I think I have a rather practical approach.” Says Stacy

“It requires that you somehow convince everybody in America to agree, which is likely impossible.” Says Jenna

“It’s not when they all share a mutual indignation. That is all they have to agree upon.” Says Stacy

“You might just have a chance then. If there is one common sentiment among people who give a damn about politics it is indignation.” Says Jenna

“Good. It would be a shame to be slapped in the face by your oppressors and tell them ‘Please sir, I want some more.’” Says Grace

“Jesus says to turn the other cheek.” Says Ophelia

“That is wise; for you turn the other cheek to the Romans for you will die if you fail to do so. We face the same trial as Jesus, and we must merrily take what punishment we are given in the hope that the truth and glory of our words and ideals will echo throughout time just as faith in Christ has.” Says Stacy

“I thought Christianity only caught on because it was simpler than Roman mythology and the government thought it would be an easier way to teach civility to the people.” Says Isabelle

“Am I not offering the same exact results to any who would embrace my philosophy?” asks Stacy

“Jesus didn't preach and prophesize with the hopes that one day it would be used by the government to oppress and condition people.” Says Jenna

“That’s true; Jesus just wanted to help people.” Says Ophelia

“I simply want to help people. It may be tough love, but the love is as pure as that of the son of god.” Says Stacy

“That’s the way to appeal to the conservative Christian base.” Jokes Grace

“I kind of believe you; you do say you want to make things better and put a stop to all the wicked people that are in charge of the law. It’s kind of like Jesus.” Says Ophelia

“You could probably win over plenty of leftists just by antagonizing the government for its inability to create a utopia where everything is free, people are immortal, and nobody has to work.” Says Isabelle

“I doubt I would even have to offer them that myself, simply portray the establishment candidate as someone who wants to perpetuate the dystopia and they are almost certainly going to pick an uncertain outcome over a certain loss.” Says Stacy

“It’s a shame most people vote along party lines without giving half a thought to any of the politics involved with voting. They either vote for one side because the Bible tells them to, or the vote for the other side thinking they will get free things. People are fairly simple after all.” Says Jenna

“I can just remind the fools who want free things that they are buying into false promises and lining the pockets of politicians with their baseless faith. I think I’m fairly keen on the role of faith in politics as well. You don’t have to offer the left free things if you just remind them that they have yet to get the free things they were promised. That would embitter them to no end.” Says Stacy

“Even if you could win the vote, I don’t see how you could win absolute majorities in the house and senate.” Says Jenna

“That would be easy. Politicians are puppets, and aspiring politicians are aspiring puppets. I simply give them the script and let them rattle it off like cold call salesmen, it’s an easy W.” say Stacy

“Thankfully for you I have so little faith in the American people that I actually see you miraculously pulling that off.” Says Jenna

“Thanks for the words of encouragement.” Says Stacy

“Don’t mention it.” Says Jenna, dryly as Aurelia gets up from her desk and walks to the front of the room as the bell rings and girls begin to pack up their things


“Ok, everybody! That’s our time for today. Please put the things back where you found them before you leave. I hope everybody enjoyed themselves and maybe even learned something about animals. I’ll see you all tomorrow, take care now!” says Aurelia, the club girls get up and file out of the room rather swiftly, exchanging goodbyes with each other and Aurelia, happy that the standardized Monday had finally drawn to a close. Stacy and her friends enjoy the freedom that had awaited them at the end of such a trial as a Monday as they exit into the courtyard.




“Fresh air and sunshine. Finally. The stale air and fluorescent lights of school were doing some sort of futuristic fermentation on my brain.” Says Isabelle

“I know that feel all too well.” Says Stacy

“You girls want to get coffee or something? I don’t think we have any plans.” Says Grace

“Stacy on coffee is not something I’m too keen on seeing, but I’m not going to turn down a good time, however amoral it may be.” Says Jenna

“I’d love to.” Says Ophelia

“I’m a bit fatigued, but I’m sure a coffee would fix that up in a jiffy.” Says Stacy

“Wonderful, you girls like the place we went last time? It’s probably the closest one.” Says Isabelle

“As much as I don’t have any frame of reference, I thought it was pretty nice.” Says Stacy

“Close is good. I’m not pretentious enough to walk an extra few miles so I can turn my nose up at a particular cup of coffee.” Says Jenna

“Anywhere is fine with me.” Says Ophelia

“Tally-ho!” says Isabelle as the girls walk off in the direction of the café


The forest of lifelessness in which the motionless unburning analogues of ophanim created by society stood boldly and proudly as forsaken and forgotten effigies that stare at the girls with their countless glass eyes, focused intently regardless of their blindness. The wheels no longer but wheels but gears in a machine that turn slowly and quietly without complaint, some ticking by their trickling teeth by the second, others the minute, hour, or day. The girls, blind to the ophanim as well, who stood as unremarkable as a lowly man who stands beside god himself. At the approach the café, music describable as the sound of falling down stairs grows louder until it full reveals itself as they enter the café still christened Café. A band is playing on the small stage and a large crowd of seven people stands in front of the group playing at a modest and humble volume for such a raucous group. The girls approach the barista, a bit confused by the chaotic music that is actually a bit more tasteful and palatable than chaos itself. The girls order the usual, Isabelle pays for them, Stacy the last to do so, strikes up a conversation with the barista as the girls sit down.


“You have shows here?” asks Stacy

“No. You’re imagining things.” Says the barista sarcastically

“Well, this is quite the imaginary performance. I didn’t know people listened to this sort of thing.” Says Stacy

“I think all seven of them came out today. The band is friends with the owner, I think, they play here pretty often.” Says the barista

“What is the band called?” asks Stacy

“Contemporary Humans.” says the barista

“Quaint. I suppose it seems rather accurate.” Says Stacy

“You want to buy an album? We’ve got a few. Even vinyl.” Says the barista

“I’m strapped for cash at the moment, maybe next time.” Says Stacy

“I don’t blame you. They’re pretty insane.” Says the barista

“They are contemporary humans, are they not?” jokes Stacy

“Technically you are too, so if you’re that sort of person I’m sure they’d love to see a new face getting melted in front of the stage.” Says the barista

“I’ll give them the honor; they say music is like a feeling. This is kind of the way I feel sometimes.” Says Stacy

“So you’re batshit insane or something?” asks the barista

“Exactly.” Says Stacy, the barista laughs

“Enjoy your coffee.” Says the barista

“Enjoy your barristering” says Stacy

“It’s better than actually working, even if I have to listen to this.” Says the barista as Stacy walks to the small stage in the corner of the rather large café.


A girl with torn clothes and glazed eyes sits on the floor with a bass guitar, holding the frets with her feet and banging out arpeggiated drum rolls and jarring syncopation on the strings with drumsticks with a frantic funky fervor sliding through chromatic blues and occasional seemingly melodic discord as the guitarist sporting a dress shirt and tie paired with short jorts, a bowler hat and long ragged dirty hair slaps the strings in a hauntingly backcountry honkytonk interspersed with aggressively discordant solos that would accompany scenes where the world is inexplicably falling apart and ceases to make sense but somehow one fail to lose one’s sanity.

The singer dressed in a tiny shirt of silver sequins and reflective silver hot pants with an open red frock coat and a black top hat belting out cryptic and delirious lyrics in a deep southern accent that cawed as the booming voice of a giant crow on a record that was spun too slowly. The drummer seems out of place wearing inconspicuous clothes and with the only remarkable feature being the sunglasses worn indoors, but the sparse but violent drum hits and whispering hats give the illusion of rhythm and structure behind the near constant dueling solos and deranged lyricism, following the nonsensical climaxes of the singer with funky fills and accompanying the rambling poetics with minimal ambient drumming as one would for a manic spoken word artist as the insanity of the three champions of art swirls together with an unspoken harmony that was no less chaotic or discordant, but violently funky all the same, seemingly inspired more by deleriants and dissociatives, than psychedelia.

Stacy watches in bewildered awe for a while. The singer makes eye contact with her and greets her with a warm insane smile in a period of vocal silence while the guitarist and bassist battled to see who could fall down the stairs of a haunted house in the spookiest, hardest and fastest manner possible. Stacy smiles back in a wholesomely deranged disbelief. Eventually Stacy playfully salutes the maniacs before returning to her friends who sit in the opposite corner of the cafe.

“You actually wanted to get closer to that noise?” asks Jenna

“It’s quite the spectacle.” Says Stacy

“It’s the craziest music I’ve ever heard.” Says Isabelle

“Is it even music?” asks Ophelia

“I’m a fan. They put forth a good effort, nice costumes too.” Says Stacy

“I’m just glad it’s not oppressively loud. The loudest part is the drums and that’s the person that seems to understand what music is.” Says Jenna

“A rose by any other name would still not be a peony, but the peony is none the less a flower.” Says Stacy

“This music is literally as far away from a peony as you can get.” Says Grace

“Well, it is at least some kind of mushroom, that’s basically a flower.” Says Stacy

“A mushroom isn’t even a plant.” Says Jenna

“Well, it’s a life form none the less.” Says Stacy

“If you’re going to downgrade it from a flower to a form of life I’ll agree with you there.” Says Jenna

“All life is sacred.” Says Stacy

“That’s the most ironic thing you’ve said all day.” Says Jenna

“I don’t know. They are trying really hard. We should at least respect that. They’re super good at playing, even if they want to play spooky like that.” Says Ophelia

“I think it’s more of a play as much as possible rather than a play as well as possible.” Says Isabelle

“Most music tends to have a key and time structure, this group does not respect that standard very much.” Says Jenna

“They play in all the keys and in all the times, it is cutting edge.” Says Stacy

“I’d like to see them play something in 4/4 time at 80 beats per minute in C major.” Says Jenna

“Go listen to Beethoven. This is contemporary music.” Says Stacy

 “I kind of like the fact that they’re sort of rebelling against the standards of music and doing what they want.” Says Grace

“It’s kind of like rebelling against the standards of decency at that point.” Says Jenna

“Don’t be such a prude, Jenna. There’s nothing wrong with a little indecency from time to time.” Jokes Stacy

“I would think they would be more popular, with Bay City being so crazy and everything.” Says Isabelle

“Even Bay City isn’t this crazy, Bay City is a sociopath or a psychopath compared to this music which is more of a lunatic.” Says Jenna

“Don’t give the city too much credit now. It’s got plenty of loonies who don’t even have that level of mental capacity.” Says Isabelle

“At least they’ve found a home. I’d be a shame if they never found anybody with mutual interests, even if those interests are simply being insane.” Says Stacy

“You don’t think it’s the city’s responsibility to help those people?” asks Jenna

“If they wanted help they would get it, if they’re sick enough they get help forced down their throats for a while before being let loose on the streets. I’m not fond of forcing a mentality upon somebody, regardless of however socially acceptable the mentality may be when compared to their current state.” Says Stacy
“I thought you were pretty intent on forcing a certain mentality upon everybody in the world.” Says Isabelle

“Not in the slightest. There are a million ways to skin a cat, I’m just reminding people that they must skin said cat. Society on the other hand thinks there are only a handful of ways to do so, which is simply not the case, and they often give people credit for a cat’s skin when the individual has produced no such skin.” Says Stacy

“Why would you skin a cat?” says Ophelia
“Some Asian countries eat cats, but that’s a different story. I’ll rephrase that for you. There are a million ways to pet a cat. Is that better?” asks Stacy

“I like that one a lot better. I don’t see how somebody could eat a cat, that’s so terrible.” Says Ophelia

“They’re hungry. You’d be surprised by what people eat around the world. Everybody is not as lucky as us to live in a place where we throw away far more food than we actually eat and even the poor don’t starve to death.” Says Isabelle

“I guess. I don’t know much about the world, just a few things here and there.” Says Ophelia

“Nobody really does. Most people buy into the tourist experience and think they’ve experienced the world when they’ve just experienced the exact same thing in different places and think that a change of scenery constitutes a different experience. The world that tourists neglect is miserable, and it’s sad to hear about it since there really isn’t much anybody can do about it.” Says Grace

“That is sad. I know there is a lot of suffering because people will sometimes talk about charity work at church, but I’m just thinking of how many little things like this shop or this band exist here and how there must be similar things in every city across the world that nobody ever hears about.” Says Ophelia

“Nobody hears about this band for a reason. This café is not particularly remarkable either. People who have the money to tour the world aren’t interested in the humdrum of everyday life.” Says Grace

“Stacy likes this band, so maybe if we went to five different cities around the world we would each find a great band that each of us like. There’s so much out there that we will never get to experience even though we would like it a lot. It’s just a big mystery and it will always be that way. It’s kind of sad God made this wonderful world and we only get to see so little of it in our lives.” Says Ophelia

“It’s about enjoying what you can when you can. You can’t expect to read every book ever written, but you can expect to read some good books every now and again and enjoy them. That’s not a bad deal in my opinion.” Says Isabelle

“That makes sense. I’m sure if we really would have liked something we will get to experience it in heaven.” Says Ophelia

“There’s no reason to believe otherwise. I like that mentality. When this band dies there will be thousands of people who come to see their shows, people who died hundreds of years ago and would have liked their music. They may not be appreciated in life, but in death they can be appreciated.” Says Grace

“I’ll have a spook if we’re talking about the ghost like that. See, when I’m trying to make sense of that. God is this entity that is cognizant and eternal but has no physical form lest he makes one. I like to think of everybody like that, basically like a soul that never dies even if the body dies. The soul retains its cognizance even after it leaves this material plane, and after exiting this physically bound dimension they can observe and at least attempt to understand the many other dimensions. One of the dimensions is the time, which I believe can be observed like a graphical line rather than experienced as a continuous flowing feeling of time. The souls can look on the timeline and experience any point in that time as they please, even though the physical happenings are unchangeable, they can still experience what is happening at any and every point in time by flying to whatever point they want and inserting themselves into that river. They can interact with other souls that happen to be at that point in firm space-time and enjoy it in the unbound pure time. The firm space-time like a dimensional comet shooting through a void and the trail it leaves is history, but the trail never disappears. There are countless comets in the void each bound by their own local dimensional fabric that can easily be something unfathomable to the human brain. That’s what I like to think about souls and whatnot, at least.” Says Stacy

“That seems rather nice coming from you. There’s no hell or anything?” asks Jenna

“Well, the souls of course are defined by their actions recorded within the trails of the comets of existence, just as falling down hurts a person because of physics, misdeeds and immorality hurt souls on account of interdimensional manifestations of the truth, something like god’s judgement or karma. They retain their cognizance and thus can easily be damned or tortured for any period of time as the interdimensional physics analogue that equates the repercussions of morality and immorality deems to be universally correct. This would always be a finite amount of suffering through pure time which can happen in a blink of an eye due to the speed of the comets of existence, one could have one’s own personal hell comet traveling trillions of times faster than our current universe but one’s perspective was broken by one’s fall from grace as if it were a bone so that even though you are existing rapidly, it feels like the crawl of a turtle in order to ensure your suffering is appropriate according to the physics analogue of justice. I have faith in this style of damnation because allegedly God or Jesus or somebody forgives people, but the only way this makes sense is if amends are somehow made for the wrongdoings.” Says Stacy

“That sounds more like Stacy.” Teases Jenna

“That kind of blows my mind. It’s cool to think about, as much as I doubt anybody can really know what happens when people die.” Says Isabelle

“What about heaven?” asks Ophelia

“Heaven would be similar to the clouds as it is always described. Those who are allowed into such a paradise can fly up with their angelic wings and be welcomed by god. Those who are unworthy have no wings to fly and the interdimensional physics bind them to a certain plane that is similar to the ground. Even if they somehow try to fly up there the allegorical sun would burn their allegorical wings and they would fall down to the ground and suffer even more. That is to say of course they can always be damned to any of the infinite comets of existence as a form of reincarnation simply out of the forgiving nature of god allowing them to redeem themselves.” Says Stacy

“That does kind of sound like how heaven works.” Says Ophelia

“You should focus more on this than your politics; this is actually something people might want to listen to if they can understand it.” Says Jenna

“But this sort of thinking is entirely unproductive and accomplishes nothing. It is no more useful than a dream or work of fiction.” Says Stacy

“You still manage to think of some cool stuff though.” Says Isabelle

“I doubt any of it is very accurate, the human mind can only comprehend so much, clearly it cannot understand the infinite possibilities of existence, and even then these ideas are nothing but guesses based upon what I would argue is some form of logic.” Says Stacy

“I like that you come up with it yourself. Most people wouldn’t even know where to start with something like that.” Says Grace

“That’s because I am where it starts and ends. I trust myself to find the answers, because I would rather have my own ideas, even if they are corrupted by my own shortcomings, rather than embrace the ideas of others that are then subsequently corrupted by my own shortcomings as well as their own. If I rely on other’s ideas and then corrupt their ideas, I can be objectively wrong twice in respect to the original idea as well as in regards to the actual truth, but if I rely on my own thoughts I cannot be wrong twice because I am the source of the original idea.” Says Stacy

“It’s kind of like leaders and followers; I guess you’re just naturally more of a leader.” Says Isabelle

“I would need to have followers to be a leader; otherwise I am simply a wanderer.” Says Stacy

“That’s still pretty cool though. If the world can’t find any leaders they can just turn to you, because I doubt you will ever change.” Says Ophelia

“I do my best not to change, even though that arguably means being some inconsistent ranting machine, I’m still pretty stalwart in being that.” Says Stacy

“I’m glad you’re optimistic about the afterlife, though. That’s something I’m not particularly looking forward to discovering. It was comforting to hear something like that.” Says Isabelle

“Why wouldn’t you look forward to going to heaven?” asks Ophelia

“That’s the whole thing about it. In the Bible, even the supposedly all powerful god tells his people to be wary of necromancers that can summon the spirits of the dead. If god’s magic isn’t strong enough to protect the ghosts of dead people from the meager summoning magic of humans, that doesn’t give me too much reassurance in the whole eternal paradise aspect of it all if somebody can just do some sort of ritual and yank your soul out of heaven back down to earth.” Says Isabelle

“The earth was originally the paradise of Eden, so in the end if we’re just ghosts without any ability to fall victim to vice, we would sort of be in an actual paradise even if we were damned to wander this place eternally.” Says Stacy

“Very few places hold any similarities with Eden at this point in history. We would eventually be wandering the husk of a long dead dystopian wasteland for eternity.” Says Isabelle

“I’ve never heard of a ghost that couldn’t fly, so I figure if you don’t like to hang around this planet, you can just fly to another one. That is unless some necromancer summons your soul back to Earth.” Says Stacy

“I don’t like hearing about this. It’s way too spooky. Don’t you think that baptism or even just faith in God would protect you from that?” asks Ophelia

“Perhaps, but who knows for certain. All we know is that god himself actually believes in the power of necromancers.” Says Stacy

“I’m sure there are plenty of enjoyable planets to go visit as a ghost, but eventually the universe will cease to exist. What then?” asks Grace

“I’m sure after trillions of years of watching the universe exist, some reprieve wouldn’t be so bad. Just like going to sleep, that is until another spontaneous singularity appears or some other unforeseeable future presents itself. Even if we just sleep in the void and nothing happens, I’ve got faith in the physical principle that anything that can happen will eventually happen by random chance. I’m sure some other interdimensional reaper of souls would take interest in this soul filled void. Necromancers, god, or anyone else who takes it upon themselves to reap souls must do so for a reason, so even if we wander aimlessly for eons I’m sure we will be repurposed to suit the needs or desires of some preternatural force or another.” Says Stacy

“That’s like blindly putting faith in man to do good. I doubt that if you take a random sample of every force that reaps souls that any significant portion of them will have any respect for the souls, let alone good intentions.” Says Jenna

“I’m just going to believe the normal stuff about God and heaven. You girls are some spooks.” Says Ophelia

“It’s like a scratch-off ticket, we’ve already purchased the ticked at some point in time with our sentience, so it’s just a matter of time until we scratch it off and find out what we won. There’s no point in failing to be optimistic, who knows, we might win big.” Says Stacy

“When that time comes, so be it. I’m grateful that this existence isn’t some competitively torturous hell, so I’ll savor every moment I can, even if it is bittersweet or even tortuous at times.” Says Jenna

“It’s not like we can do anything about it, so that’s probably the best mentality. Like Stacy said, it’s interesting but largely irrelevant.” Says Isabelle

“You can do something, you can pray and go to church and be good. That will help your soul.” Says Ophelia

“I suppose it couldn’t hurt, there’s a chance it might if some more powerful god out there dislikes Abrahamic god for some reason yet is good enough to save the souls of his faithful from the necromancers, but it’s impossible to hedge every bet in regards to something nobody really knows anything for certain about.” Says Stacy

“I don’t care too much about it. There are an infinite number of things somebody could believe without having any concrete evidence of such things. To give merit to each one of them simply because they cannot be disproven is silly.” Says Grace

“I like to put faith in it. Religion wouldn’t be so prevalent if there wasn’t some truth behind it.” Says Ophelia

“It’s the ancestor of government for the most part, there was no way to enforce the law and induce civility other than to do so with fearmongering based around things that cannot be disproven. Man is naturally inclined to believe things, and paired with his fear of death, the superstitions take root because they cannot be disproven. I appreciate it for what it’s worth, even if it’s just some spooky story mean to get people to be decent people, it’s done a decent job at doing so over the millennia.” Says Stacy

“The impact of god on humans is entirely unknowable, but the impact of religion can clearly be quantified. It can be seen as an allegory, where one’s fate in the end is not actually what happens when one dies on account of one’s sins, but it instead a reminder that if you and your society live by a creed of vice, you will be tortured while you are alive on account of it. God doesn’t have to do anything in order for vice to induce some form of damnation on those who fall victim to it. That simply happens naturally. Live by vice, die by vice.” Says Jenna

“That’s true, but the same turn of phrase can be applied to morality. Live by virtue, die by virtue. Success requires one to wield the blades of vice and virtue both, using virtue to slay the vice that seeks to destroy them while using vice to slay the virtue that seeks to destroy them, for if one uses only one blade, they are damning themselves to the fate of the idiom.” Says Stacy

“You seem keen on fighting off any who turn their blade against you at that rate.” Jokes Jenna

“I live by nature, physics, and sapience. I’m sure one of those will put me in the ground eventually. Sapience may slay nature, but it is nature’s whims that determine who it kills and such a wild blade as that cannot be wielded. In order to turn a blade against physical reality one would need an extraordinary amount of preternatural power to constantly overpower the laws of the universe, but at that point, I suppose immortality would be possible.” Says Stacy

“I’m sure something would sneak up to kill you, even if it is just immortality rotting your mind until you are braindead and lifeless.” Says Isabelle

“It seems the only way to live forever is to live by nothing, at which point you die by nothing.” Says Grace

“That’s a gambit, for either nothing will kill you and you are immortal, or the simple existence of the concept of a null value will kill you.” Says Stacy

“That’s funny. I’m sure if nothing was keeping you alive, you wouldn’t really be alive to die in the first place.” Says Jenna

“The only way to never die is to never live in the first place. That makes enough sense. Reality is a rational world where every quantity is finite; irrational numbers are concepts created by man and cannot exist in nature, they only exist to accommodate calculations and on account of imperfections in the base ten of humans. It would be foolish to think of anything in the set of finite numbers to be infinite.” Says Stacy

“This is kind of putting me to sleep. Sounds like school all over again talking about numbers and calculations and whatever.” Says Ophelia

“As much as I can rattle on about it, I’m not too fond of existentialism. It is easily the most irrelevant topic possible, even beyond fiction, art, and pure math because those at least argue that while they are not producing any measurable benefit they are simply for hobby and entertainment whereas existentialists act as if they are addressing the most critical question facing mankind. They lose points for being so pretentious in my book. If you have no choice other than to undertake a task, the reason as to why you must do so is entirely irrelevant, even if you discover the actual reason it amounts to nothing more than a fun fact that does nothing to change the fact you still must undertake the task at hand.” Says Stacy

“It’s just natural curiosity, that’s why people are interested in it.” Says Grace

“It’s unnaturally foolish to be concerned with things that don’t exist unless you imagine them yourself. Existentialism is delirium and delusion; one may well be concerned with maintaining one’s business and diplomatic relationships with the unicorn prince so that the free trade of rainbow fruits can go unhindered by tariffs.” Says Stacy

“That tend to be my number one concern actually, after that it’s existentialism.” Jokes Jenna

“I didn’t think you would be the type to enjoy rainbow fruits, Jenna.” Teases Isabelle

“It’s the only way I get to enjoy a rainbow due to the constant overcast skies of Somberland. Call me a glutton, but some exotic foods are a welcome break from grimness soup.” Says Jenna

“You’re not optimistic about the future?” asks Grace

“It’s a long, hard, bumpy road into the future. I’m just hoping my legs don’t give out along the way.” Says Jenna

“I’m sure all of us feel that way, at least sometimes.” Says Isabelle

“I’m just glad there’s a road. It’s a hell of a lot better than wandering through untamed jungle.” Says Stacy

“I thought you were pretty opposed to the whole road concept.” Teases Ophelia

“I’m not walking through the wilderness; I am only taking the road not taken by the everyman.” Says Stacy

“Or anyone for that matter.” Says Jenna

“It has been attempted with some success many times in history; I have simply planned enough to chart an even more efficient course than those who have walked in such a direction before me.” Says Stacy

“So you are just walking through the wilderness.” Says Jenna

“I am taking the path that leads to the swiftest and most measurable progress along the journey. I travel in the same direction as the herd, I am only attempting to reach the front of the herd and shepherd them away from imminent danger.” Says Stacy

“Your plans tend to lead to imminent danger for a lot of people.” Says Ophelia

“Danger is inevitable; it is either imminent danger for a lot of people, or imminent danger for all people. My amelioration of the level of danger is nothing but humane goodness.” Says Stacy

“I think all of zero people would define such things as humane. You included.” Says Jenna

“Well, inhumane goodness is better than humane evil, so I still see myself as a godly individual at any rate.” Says Stacy

“I’ll let you have that. Ideally humane goodness would be the solution, but it could easily be impossible to resolve the world’s problems in such a way.” Says Jenna

“Humane goodness constantly falls victim to humane vice, because their humaneness prevents them from addressing such issues adequately. It is not wise to let such a wound fester.” Says Stacy

“I’m a bit ashamed of letting you get riled up about these sorts of topics. You should really try harder to have normal interests.” Says Jenna

“I think it’s better than the normal interests of being petty and gossiping. I could honestly care less about somebody’s opinion regarding another’s clothes or who did what to whom supposedly. That sort of stuff seems as meaningless to me as existentialism according to Stacy.” Says Isabelle

“Sadly such things are apparently the most pertinent subjects for plenty of girls; they care far more about their popularity and the acceptance of their peers than they do about real issues. It’s a shame such anxiety is so prevalent that gossip and opinions are more relevant than concrete subject matter.” Says Stacy

“I’m with you. I couldn’t care less about what other people think of me or anyone for that matter. The opinions of the youth are insignificant; the opinions of the teachers, bosses, and anyone who is actually relevant however are largely determined by merits. Caring about the opinions of the other girls is like caring giving a homeless man the time of day so he can criticize your clothes or call you ugly: he is completely irrelevant in the grand scheme of things, he is irrelevant in your own life, and there’s no reason to give a damn about what he thinks unless you are so petty and insecure that your self-worth can be damaged by the opinions of a vagrant.” Says Jenna

“I care about what people think. I don’t want people to be mean to me so I always try to be nice to everybody. It’s the golden rule after all.” Says Ophelia

“Sadly plenty of girls are so petty and insecure that their self-worth can be damaged by the opinions of a vagrant, not to mention shattered by other girls. It’s a shame, but I think every girl just wants to feel liked, I’m sure it feels terrible if you feel that everybody doesn’t like you for some reason or another.” Says Isabelle

“I’ve known Stacy for long enough that my interest in the opinions of people has waned due to her ability to disregard anybody who isn’t herself or of a similar mindset as if they are literal garbage who’s lives cannot be justified by any metrics, nothing but a conscious waking cancer that is a blight upon the planet. It’s hard to give a damn about what something like that thinks about you.” Says Jenna

“They’re worse than garbage. Garbage may be a problem, but at least it doesn’t cause more problems.” Says Stacy

“You should really give people a chance. I like most people and don’t think they’re garbage at all.” Says Ophelia

“It’s just a statistical measurement from an impersonal rationale that qualifies them as worse than garbage based upon the quantification of their negative impact on the world at large. I see them as childlike individuals with meager intelligence always believing whatever their parents have to say, their parents being society and what have you. They cannot think for themselves, or at least do not try to do so. I respect them like children, but I don’t give them any more merit than I would a child. I see a world full of children and a dearth of parenting, so that is why I feel so called to enlighten the people.” Says Stacy

“Even though I don’t have your confidence, I should really try that sort of thinking. Sometimes I’ll react badly if I hear some gossip about myself. I should really be like you and give whoever is not my ally little if any respect. Spit on the insolent, because in the end it’s not about whoever is right when it comes down to gossip and teasing and stuff, it just comes down to whoever can bear that sort of treatment the longest without breaking. If two people are disrespecting each other; the winner is the one who doesn’t get hurt, more so than the one who was actually the worse of the two. You’ve just got to find their weaknesses and exploit them before they can hurt your feelings enough.” Says Grace

“You’ve always been able to hold your own when it comes to that sort of cattiness.” Says Isabelle
“That doesn’t mean I don’t bleed sometimes if I get scratched.” Says Grace

“A healthy amount of misanthropy goes a long way when it comes to breaking the pride of anyone who wishes to do the same to you. Not only can you criticize their personal flaws, but you can rant for days about the flaws that are largely no fault of their own but simply arise do to the fact they were born as such a loathsome beast as a human. Nothing like making them feel guilty just for destroying the planet by being alive and staying silent to the fires of vice while reminding them of their fate to die as another nameless slave of Babylon, on top of any sort of petty observations you could use to spice it up.” Says Stacy

“You don’t think they would just turn the general misanthropy back on you?” asks Isabelle

“The difference is that they don’t want to acknowledge such things due to having a conscience or being delusional in regards to their significance where a well-reasoned individual would be indifferent to truths. I can’t quite say exactly, however, as I tend to have little interest in cat fighting to be honest, just taking shots in the dark.” Says Stacy

 “I’m sure if you can just be indifferent to all of their insults you can have a field day with them, so long as you have some to return with.” Says Grace

“I know some girls are like that, but why not just refrain from that sort of thing all together? It’s not hard to be a nice person.” Says Ophelia

“If you ever watched the quote unquote popular girls you can see they all are jockeying for position on account of their insecurities, they just want to be the most popular of all the girls and resort to backbiting gossip and petty insults in an attempt to gain some level of dominance within the group. They will also do the same thing to anybody who they feel is a threat to their popularity.” Says Isabelle

“I’m glad I’ve got nothing to worry about, not that I would in the first place.” Says Stacy

“Same here.” Says Jenna

“I’m not a threat to anybody.” Says Ophelia

“Me and Isabelle get caught up in some of it sometimes, we keep to ourselves but we’ve just known a lot of the popular girls forever since they live around us. Don’t get caught up with them, it’s painful to see how petty they all are, using every single misstep one of them makes to knock down people who are supposedly their friends in order to satiate their own feeble egos.” Says Grace

“A feeble ego I can almost empathize with, I just have such a giant burly lumberjack of an ego and it’s sad to see people who can’t even look at themselves in the mirror out of their own feelings of inadequacy.” Says Stacy

“I think your ego is a bit bigger than a lumberjack.” Says Jenna

“A lumberjack sounds far heartier than saying the sun or something, even though the sun would be a more accurate comparison in terms of size.” Says Stacy

“I kind of look up to you Stacy. A lot of women in the world need to be more self-assured like you are. Maybe not to the same degree, but it would be better than letting themselves get stepped on by men and woman alike.” Says Grace

“I’m pretty sure she’s only like that because she’s not great at feelings, which most women are pretty good at.” Says Ophelia

“Of all the women I know, Stacy seems to be the best with feelings. Stacy don’t fall victim to them and get anxious or upset like other girls. Those feelings are unhealthy and completely consume a lot of girls, even though I know they can’t really help it.” Says Grace

“It’s hard to fall victim to something you don’t have.” Says Jenna, dryly

“I have plenty of feelings: Misanthropy, loathing, disdain, disrespect, vehemence, haughtiness, boldness, pride, and aggression, among other similar feelings, and even an ounce of concern every now and again.” Says Stacy

“And love, even if you don’t want to admit it.” Teases Ophelia

“Of course.” Says Stacy, warmly, a bit embarrassed

“If it was a normal girl there would be a few more depressing feelings of fear, anxiety, and insecurity.” says Isabelle

“I might fall victim to those occasionally, but it would have to be something extraordinary to make me feel that way. Not petty nonsense like most girls.” Says Stacy

“Makes me glad we live ordinary lives, you know something terrible was happening if Stacy is afraid or anxious for once.” Jokes Isabelle

“That is the advantage of an ordinary life, and perhaps why I dream of doing extraordinary. Those sorts of feelings are kind of the essence of life itself; seldom in nature would a wild human feel comfortable, instead fear and anxiety would keep the beast alive. A contented man is not living, he is only dying quietly.” Says Stacy

“Here’s to never being contented. I’d much rather live than die quietly.” Says Isabelle

“Here’s to that.”

“Don’t we need drinks to here’s to something?” asks Ophelia

“We’re drinking life, that’s more than enough.” Says Stacy

“I don’t know, being content sounds a bit better than being discontented.” Says Ophelia

“Being content just means you’ve decided to tolerate your discontentedness and settled for something rather than constantly seeking improvement.” Says Stacy

“If you never settle for something you’re going to lose eventually. If you are playing craps and you let it ride every time, you are guaranteed to lose your money.” Says Jenna

“If you’re working towards something that is different than gambling, everybody who goes to work every day is doing the equivalent of letting it ride, and that tends to be known as work ethic. I suppose they lose when they die, but that’s a pretty long streak of winning.” Says Stacy

“Most people who work don’t consider themselves to be winning much of anything. Wage slavery and barely getting by paycheck to paycheck sort of seems like you lost the game and you suffer every day on account of it. You could go ask the barista if he feels like he is winning at life seeing how he is probably close to thirty and has amounted to nothing but somebody who serves coffee. I’ll be surprised if someone can feel like a winner when they’ve become little more than a living coffee machine.” Says Isabelle

“It’s better than a living piece of litter or some sort of fine people are forced to pay on account of their empathy. Even if it amounts to next to nothing, it’s better than being a degenerate.” Says Stacy

“He’s a winner in my book. He makes delicious drinks, who doesn’t like that?” asks Ophelia

“Work is a pain, but I figure most people work so they can enjoy their stipend of free time and attempt to feel like they are not a slave on account of it. Sadly I’m sure most people squander it with television and what not.” Says Jenna

“Television is pretty entertaining. In the past going to the theater or the concert hall was the pinnacle of luxury and entertainment, just because it has become more accessible doesn’t discredit the value of such things.” Says Grace

“Entertainment is like alcohol, people turn to it as a form of escapism. In the end they gain a psychological tolerance and do so habitually, simply chasing the dragon because they feel that they might get the high they once knew from being so entertained. It is an affliction of the weak minded, a sick compulsion searching for some relief from their suffering, doing nothing but numbing their pain as they die.” Says Stacy

“It’s hard to disrespect escapism, anyone with common sense wants to escape from their lives, rich and poor alike prefer escapism to drinking reality. That’s basically the only reason people work is to allow them to get their fix of euphoric escapism so they can at least feel like the entirety of their life isn’t pointless suffering. Reality is like liquid suffering, if you are a masochist go ahead and drink it, but most people are not.” Says Grace

“That’s like saying it’s hard to disrespect a drug addict because they feel so amazing when they get high regardless of being some worthless miscreant. It is a fool who wants to escape from their life because they want all of the psychological reward without any of the work and dedication it would take to induce those feelings naturally. Such methods should be looked down upon for enabling people to squander their lives in the name of hedonism and being drunk on entertainment. Life is suffering, and death is pleasure, if you seek death, then by all means die, do not pollute the earth with your undead corpse that spreads its sick disease throughout society.” Says Stacy

“I think everybody should want to have fun, even you Stacy. I kind of feel like your version of fun is just rambling, but you should realize it is equally as unproductive as doing other fun things.” Says Ophelia

“An allegory may depict both of them as reading, but it is the difference between reading a fantasy novel and reading something based in reality such as science or history. Valuable lessons can be learned and relearned through my musings, where watching what happens to some fictitious fool on a screen for an hour teaches one nothing other than some unremarkable quip or strategies for success that only apply in an impossibly cinematic world that will never exist.” Says Stacy

“There are actually plenty of science shows and history shows on television if that’s what you’re into.” Says Grace

“Rational thinking simply causes me to equate fun to recreational drug use. They both are near analogues of each other in terms of input, output, and repercussions within the human body. Mildly ducational heroin is no less so heroin than any other form of the drug, mind you, the addict still develops the same crippling behavior of addiction regardless of the fact that they may learn something in the process of jamming the needle into their arm multiple times a day.” Says Stacy

“Contrary to popular belief you can actually have fun doing productive things like studying, learning, or working. You just have to find something you enjoy.” Says Jenna

“That is not quite fun for the sake of fun though, that is work that happens to be enjoyable to some people, that is the difference between taking prescribed amphetamines for productivity that might make you feel a little better as a side effect or just abusing amphetamines as a recreational drug. I don’t exactly know if there is an allegorical analogue to something like methamphetamine in that situation.” Says Stacy

“I’m pretty sure there is. My dad loves to work, he always seems euphoric when he does a big deal or something, he’s up all day and all night consumed by the work and still seems to enjoy it. He’s also fairly paranoid about stuff related to work. That’s pretty close.” Says Isabelle

“That’s funny. Clearly he makes a far better choice than those shooting up the electric heroin every day. Meth was the fuel that almost won the Nazis World War 2, if your dad has found something natural with far fewer side effects that gives him the same drive and determination, the more power to him.” says Stacy

“You’re so fervent about your rants that it almost seems like that’s your natural speed.” Says Grace

“It’s more of just adrenaline, the fight or flight response. I just feel so threatened and hurt by society’s recklessness that it’s my instinct to fight, seeing how it is impossible to run away. I don’t take much pleasure in it, but if I were shepherding the flock of the American people as I see fit, I’m sure I would find immense amounts of euphoric joy in such things.” Says Stacy

“If we’re just talking about things that make us feel wonderful, I would still put love pretty high on that list.” Says Ophelia

“That’s not bad. It may only be productive in the reproductive sense, maybe some sort of psychological recuperation on a good day, but that’s better than most things.” Says Stacy

“I figured you would argue that four people are far worse than two people and put love down at the bottom of the list.” Says Jenna

“It’s a matter of quality so it’s really up in the air. A raw human is not a bad thing, an organic machine that is easily programmable, highly capable, and cost effective to maintain. The problems arise when the child is indoctrinated and its raw potential is corrupted by society’s ideology. That means it largely comes down to the parents, and in Ophelia’s case, she is about as raw of a person as person can get, seasoned with a bit of faith and a pinch of goodness, other than that nothing but a highly capable breeding machine capable of reproducing exponentially throughout generations thus fueling the economic and military conquests of the powers to whom such an army pledges its loyalty to. So long as she can instill her godliness and love into her children of course.” Says Stacy

“Of course I can. I didn’t expect you to be so nice about it. You are usually so upset with people it makes me think you wouldn’t like me if I had children.” Says Ophelia

“I love people. I love raw people. I love good people. I simply despise the people who are reared as vicious unquestioning fighting dogs that are sicced on any opponents of the plutocratic hivemind that corrupts the youth and enslaves us all. It is simple really, it is easy to love a good dog, and it is easy to hate a dog that does nothing but bark all day and will bite you if its master ever lets it get close enough to you. I’m afraid of dogs for the most part because it is hard for me to have faith that a dog will be tame, noble, and loyal. It is even harder for me to have that same faith in people.” Says Stacy

“That’s basically common sense, so I can’t blame you. It’s kind of funny that you would naturally love everybody if they fell under your criteria of a good person.” Says Isabelle

“I’m sure she would find a way to be critical somehow.” Says Jenna

“Constructive criticism is a good thing.” Says Stacy

“You tend to be more prone to destructive criticism.” Says Ophelia

“It’s reconstructive criticism. It’s still constructive.” Says Stacy

“I’m sure everybody in the business world would side with you, they love to innovate and abandon obsolete things. That’s the nature of their game after all.” Says Isabelle

“I’m sure they would be a little more cautious about ripping out the seams that hold society together in some blind faith that little girl by the name of Stacy will be able to miraculously sew it back together in a way that is far greater than it was before with little to no consequences for them.” Says Jenna

“They will if they think they will make a ton of money in the process.” Says Grace

“Money is the paper heroin of the hedonists. They seek it because it deludes them into thinking they are powerful. Those who rally by my cry shall be rewarded with power, rather than money. The money shall be used to fuel the self-destructive hedonism of the capitalists around the world. Godliness and humility will empower the people to live pure and noble lives while the money is used to sow the seeds of vice into the fields of our enemies so that they may reap a bountiful harvest of their own demise. Power and domination are things people seek more than effigies of wealth, they only turn to such things because they cannot quench their thirst for power and seek any remotely similar analogue to satiate that primal thirst with.” Says Stacy

“That’s pretty bold thinking people will not want money.” Says Isabelle

“It’s not at all. The only reason people want money is because they are conditioned by society to want money. If they are indoctrinated to despise money, greed, and opulence just as they are the rapists, murderers, and drug users, then they would have no desire for such things. They always say money does not bring happiness, and I’m sure most people would enjoy the euphoric happiness of communal domination of the world as opposed to stabbing each other in the back chasing the green paper dragon.” Says Stacy

“Wouldn’t people still want nice things? How can they get those without money?” asks Ophelia

“The humble spit upon the proud and cast them out into living damnation for their vice. The only pride that society will tolerate is taking pride in humility. Society today chooses to glamorize opulence out of the philosophy that people will always want what they cannot have. While this holds some truth, it is not an entirely true statement. People don’t want to have terrible birth defects simply because they cannot have them since they were not born with them, opulence and such wastefulness must simply be construed as a terrible thing so nobody wants it. It shouldn’t be hard to condone the burning of opulence in effigy, for there is no reason to tolerate such disparity as it sows division amongst a people that must be unified in mind, body, and spirit for the chariot to be pulled in a unified direction forward.” Says Stacy

“I’m sure the rich would be upset about that.” Says Isabelle

“They can be upset all they like, but they cannot pay everybody off, so in the end they have no choice but to accept such a fate. It is shameless to tempt slaves to work with the carrot of vice, at that rate why not pay a man with tickets that allow him to murder somebody or rape somebody. Godliness should tempt men to work, as doing so out of respect and appreciation of your countrymen should be all the motivation that anyone needs to do such things. Of course this is not the case, and so come into play the inverse payments for failing to work properly, somebody must drive the oxen or at the end of the day no work gets done.” Says Stacy

“It’s about the end of the day, and we still have work yet to be done. I’ve got to be home for supper, so I hate to rob you four of my company but it’s about time for me to go. It was a great time, I do enjoy hitting the piñata of ideas known as Stacy but sadly all fun things must come to an end.” Says Jenna, getting up

“We all should go. It is getting late.” Says Isabelle

“I do appreciate the coffee; I’ll try to return the favor next time.” Says Stacy

“Don’t worry about it. I squander plenty of money, I’m just glad this money isn’t squandered on some trinket or bauble or piece of clothing I might never wear. You’ve more than payed me back with your company.” Says Isabelle, the girls getting up and exiting the café, the band still playing aimlessly


“I’m kind of glad to be out of there, the music wasn’t that loud but the white noise of the city is far more preferable.” Says Jenna

“It is relaxing, like a babbling brook.” Says Grace

“The sound of home. Who could complain about that?” Says Isabelle

“Home does sound nice about now. I could use a nap. I’m beat, especially after lugging around this bum arm all day.” Says Stacy

“I’m sure Stella won’t let you nap, unfortunately for you. I’m glad she sees it as her responsibility to make sure you do your work, you could easily still be in middle school just because you’re irresponsibility kept you from doing your work.” Says Jenna

“I would keep myself afloat. Maybe not swim like an otter, but I’d float.” Says Stacy

“Floating is about all you do right now, and Stella seems to be the only thing keeping you afloat.” Says Jenna

“Speaking of otters, you know they hold hands with each other when they sleep so they don’t get separated? It’s so cute.” Says Ophelia, Grace looks at her and grabs her hand

“Really? I was proud of you for being so good, Grace.” Says Isabelle

“I just don’t want to get separated.” Says Grace, playfully

“Aww.” Says Ophelia, hugging Graces arm

“I think that’s a pretty responsible thing to do. Of all of us here, Ophelia is easily the one most likely to get separated from the group absent mindedly.” Says Stacy

“I’ll hold on tight.” Says Grace

“Now that Ophelia is in good hands I’ve only got to worry about Stacy’s wellbeing.” Jokes Jenna

“I’m well, and I’m being, what more could you ask for?” asks Stacy

“Weren’t you just complaining about your arm?” asks Jenna, sternly

“That’s basically better by now. It’s sore sure, but it’s not going to stop me from doing the almost zero things I do with my left hand anyways.” Says Stacy

“I’m glad to hear that, but fairly surprised. I didn’t think it would heal so quickly after taking such a nasty spill the other day.” Says Jenna

“What can I say? That massage you gave me was top notch.” Says Stacy

“I didn’t know you were a masseuse Jenna.” Says Isabelle

“I’m a total amateur, I’m sure it’s just the placebo effect.” Says Jenna, quite embarrassed

“Damn good placebo at that.” Says Stacy

“The level of baseless faith you put in things would make you extremely susceptible to placebos, you would believe that things work even if they don’t just because you want them to be working.” Says Jenna

“Ouch. I figure the only thing I put baseless faith into is myself. Hell, I’ve easily got negative faith when it comes to anything else, so if you’ve overcome that obstacle, you know you did a damn good job.” Says Stacy

“You do always say you want to be a doctor, a masseuse is pretty close to a doctor.” Says Ophelia

“Not really, but who cares. I’ll take the compliment.” Says Jenna


The tired girls merrily march, as even the coffee could not overpower the fatigue induced by listening to the tireless Stacy clad in her schoolgirl battledress beating her persimmon tree mercilessly with a stick for hours. The piteousness of schoolgirls eventually reaches the callous corner that splits the fates of friends and loiter ardently, reluctant to leave each other’s company.


“It’s a painful time when I’ve got to see a couple smiles leave my life for a while. Such is life, ephemeral and bittersweet. Enjoy yourselves and be good. ‘Til Tuesday.” Says Stacy

“It was fun. I’ll try to think of something to rant about so I can try to go toe to toe with you next time.” Teases Isabelle

“It was good to see you.” Says Ophelia, hugging Grace amiably, Grace holds onto her hips as she releases the hug and stares at her

“Can I kiss you again?” asks Grace, the other girls look away awkwardly

“You sure you need more practice?” asks Ophelia

“I mean if you liked it, we can just do it for fun, since we’re friends and everything.” Says Grace, beating violently around the bush

“It is fun. I’m sure I could use some more practice anyways.” Says Ophelia, playfully kissing Graces lips who in turn unleashes her repressed passion and makes love to Ophelia’s mouth, touching the face of her friend as Ophelia caresses her back.

“At what point am I supposed to step in?” asks Isabelle, awkwardly

“Never. I couldn’t care less.” Says Stacy, indifferently

“Honestly, it’s the least of my concerns right now.” Says Jenna, a tad upset but unwilling to do anything about it

“If you don’t mind that I don’t keep her on a leash, I couldn’t care less either. I’m just trying to be respectful.” Says Isabelle

“I can respect their friendship.” Says Stacy, Ophelia starts to fondle Grace’s breast, still kissing her with an energetic and fun-loving innocence, only for a moment before Grace removes her hand and places it on her back

“Jesus.” Says Jenna, looking away, taken by surprise

“Am I not supposed to do that?” asks Ophelia

“Not really in public, but at home it’s the right thing.” Says Grace, Stacy chuckles at her friends ignorance

“I hope I can be as good as you one day. You’re so amazing at kissing.” Says Ophelia, mildly excited and genuinely impressed

“Practice makes perfect.” Says Grace playfully, as she kisses Ophelia softly on the lips, still holding her

“Thanks for bearing with me. I hope I’m not so bad that it isn’t fun for you.” Says Ophelia

“It’s really fun for me, don’t worry about that.” Says Grace

“That’s good.” Says Ophelia

“We should really get going. I’ll see you two tomorrow as well.” Says Jenna, unentertained

“Thanks for the lesson Grace, I’ll see you later.” Says Ophelia, as she kisses Grace playfully on her lips, Grace a bit crestfallen, wanting much more than that

“There will be a lot more where that came from.” Says Grace, distracted by hopeful fantasy

“I look forward to it. Bye Grace. Bye Isabelle” Says Ophelia, still playfully innocent as she walks away with her friend

“Me too. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Says Grace, quietly pained by the departure of her friend

“Bye Ophelia.” Says Isabelle, warming up to the entertainment value of Ophelia’s ignorance


“What exactly do you have in mind?” says Isabelle to Grace, softly and playfully concerned

“You know exactly what I have in mind.” Says Grace, ripe with fantasy

“You don’t think you’re playing with fire?” asks Isabelle

“I know I am, but it’s more than worth it.” Says Grace

“Just keep her in the dark and away from the forest, that’s about all I can say.” Says Isabelle

“She’s the light in the darkness and the warmth on my body in my cold lonely cave. I pray to god I don’t burn down the forest, but I’m optimistic that I won’t.” says Grace

“Good. I’m concerned for her wellbeing, but if her friends are ok with it, I’m sure there’s a good reason. For the love of God, don’t hurt her.” Says Isabelle

“I’m sure if she ever figures it out, she will know better than to put her own safety at risk.” Says Grace

“That girl and knowing things don’t exactly go hand in hand.” Says Isabelle

“Live by the sword, die by the sword.” Says Grace

“Whatever floats your boat.” Says Isabelle, the three far off in the distance by now, Grace gazing longingly at her friend as she disappears into the suburban city






“You’re lucky I don’t tend to rant about the importance of working hard, getting along with society, and being civil.” Says Jenna

“I don’t know. There would be a healthy back and forth.” Says Stacy

“I wouldn’t call that healthy, that’s like arguing that the debate between a manifesto wielding lunatic and someone with degrees in political science and economics is healthy.” Says Jenna

“You realize that having a degree in political science and economics is the same thing as being a manifesto wielding lunatic, you just happen to wield the manifesto of the people in power.” Says Stacy

“Regardless of opinions, most people agree that it’s easier to sail with the wind than against it.” Says Jenna

“That’s true, but that doesn’t mean you’re going to end up where you want to go.” Says Stacy

“It’s easily better to end up somewhere than to die at sea because you were too stubborn to respect the winds.” Says Jenna

“You’ve clearly never heard of a fate worse than death.” Says Stacy

“You act like the most painful experience possible is having your ego bruised.” Says Jenna

“It is when ego is largely the only thing that exists in your brain. It’s like breaking every bone in your body.” Says Stacy

“Maybe try to have some other parts of your brain try to help, at least practice. Ego doesn’t seem to help all that much.” Says Ophelia

“I’m pretty sure the ego is just the armaments of the id, the survival instincts equipped with tools to defend itself and be successful. It’s not like I’m doing anything other than attempt to thrive.” Says Stacy

“You know there’s a third part right?” asks Jenna

“I’m from Bay City, Jenna. The reflection of the cultural values of our city is my nonchalant reckless indifference to anyone and everything, including myself, flavored with self-serving egotism and bold, largely immoral, amorality.” Says Stacy

“You got me there. At that rate I’m rather glad you’re fonder of your ego than your super-ego. Still, if you look at Ophelia and I, we both reflect the values of our families, I with my work ethic and seriousness and Ophelia with her kindness and faith.” Says Jenna

“You want me to reflect alcoholism and invalidism?” asks Stacy

“Well, no. I was thinking more about Stella.” Says Jenna

“I’ll try to be more emotionally unstable and prone to despondency.” Says Stacy

“She only feels that way because it is the reasonable and normal way to feel sometimes.” Says Ophelia

“Regardless, if I have the choice between feeling pain or not feeling pain, why would I choose to feel the pain?” asks Stacy

“Because the pain is there to teach you and prevent you from hurting yourself even more. Even if you can’t feel pain you can still be injured.” Says Jenna

“I still feel some pain; it just doesn’t blind me like other people.” Says Stacy

“That’s called being insensitive and coldhearted. You’re supposed to feel the pain so you can understand how other people feel.” Says Ophelia

“Just be glad I’m willing to take my diviner’s rod into the desert and devote a good portion of my life to searching for that wellspring of liquid feelings.” Says Stacy

“I hope you find it one day.” Says Ophelia

“You are putting a lot of faith in a diviner’s rod.” Says Stacy

“I’m just glad you’re making an effort.” Says Jenna

“That’s enough about me. I know I’ve got my flaws but there are more pressing issues at hand that unfortunately must be addressed. You know what I’m talking about.” Says Stacy

“No, Stacy. It’s already late. Your ring is still looking fine. You can’t seriously be itching to go out there again.” Says Jenna

“I’m not; I just understand that doing so is inevitable at some point.” Says Stacy

“I’m sure we could stop by the park for a little bit and do something nice, to make up for Saturday.” Says Ophelia

“Sadly that’s but a grain of flesh when I owe a pound. I just want to make sure you girls are still on board with the antics. I can’t have anyone jumping ship.” Says Stacy

“We’re in this together Stacy. I’m pretty sure part of what we’re supposed to do is help you.” Says Ophelia

“I couldn’t live with myself if I just let you run off and get killed. Of course I’m not going to abandon you. I’m worried about Stella jumping ship more than either of us; she could put an end to your life way faster than anything else at this point.” Says Jenna

“That’s true, but I’m very wary of that. I’m doing everything I can, and it seems to be working. She’s happy for now, and I’ve just got to make sure to keep her that way.” Says Stacy

“What is it that you are doing?” asks Ophelia

“Whatever she wants me to do. I guess.” Says Stacy

“I can see how that would make Stella happy. It’s like a dream come true for her if you to actually listen to her for once.” Says Jenna

“It’s like a horror movie where if you don’t please your captor you are going to die, but there’s nothing I can do about it.” says Stacy

“Wow. Having to do your homework and be sensitive to Stella’s feelings, that does sound like a horror movie.” Jokes Jenna

“She has a lot of feelings.” Says Stacy, dryly

“Then just be really sensitive to them and don’t hurt them. I’m sure it’s hard for you, since your bad at it, but she deserves it.” Says Ophelia

“I don’t know if sensitive is the right word, I’m certainly afraid of them. Sleeping in a room with an unstable insane person and a loaded gun is not exactly a comforting thought.” Says Stacy

“I’m amazed you actually understand how Stella probably feels about this whole thing.” Says Jenna

“I’m the stable insane person. Stella knows I wouldn’t do anything to hurt her, I’m just trying to keep that feeling mutual.” Says Stacy

“Your sister loves you; she wouldn’t hurt you, Stacy. That’s crazy to think that.” Says Ophelia

“You clearly don’t remember how emotional she got on Saturday night. I don’t think anyone who feels the feels that way can think straight. If that’s sad, I would hate to see angry.” Says Stacy

“I would hate to see either of them. So make sure you keep her happy. It can’t be that hard, you just have to think about somebody other than yourself for once.” Says Ophelia

“It’s pretty easy honestly. Seeing her kind of induces the fear of death in me, I know she might snap if I mess up.” Says Stacy

“I’m glad she induces the fear of death in you. That seems to be the only way you could be capable of giving your sister the respect she deserves.” Says Jenna

“Don’t be afraid of her. Come on. I told you she loves you, if you get her so mad or sad that she kills you then you deserve it 100 percent. She would never do that anyways. Stella loves you and all you have to do is love her back and she will be happy. She was only upset because she thought you didn’t care about her.” Says Ophelia

“I’m doing everything I can to remind her that I care a lot about her. She’s still scary though.” Says Stacy

“You’re the scary one Stacy. You kill people. Your sister just wants to be happy and normal with a sister who is alive.” Says Jenna

“I’m predictable and rational though. That’s what makes me not scary. With Stella I never know.” Says Stacy

“Yes you do. If you treat her right she will be happy and love you forever. So just do that.” Says Ophelia

“I don’t know what right is, exactly. That’s the problem.” Says Stacy

“Just do whatever makes her happy.” Says Ophelia

“Even if I don’t think it’s exactly the right thing to do?” asks Stacy

“Are you kidding me? Do what makes your sister happy. Are you really considering valuing your ridiculous nonsensical and insane opinions on what is right or wrong more than your sister’s life and happiness? What is wrong with you? Forget your stupid opinions and care about something other than your ego for once, and by something I mean at the very least Stella.” Says Jenna

“I’m caring about Stella a lot. Thankfully the fear of death basically overpowers my ego. Her death or mine by her hands it doesn’t matter, I just want to avoid that at all costs.” Says Stacy

“Thank you. If that’s what it takes to respect your sister, remind yourself incessantly that your sister will literally kill you if you don’t make her happy.” Says Jenna

“I think as long as she is happy with you, then you shouldn’t worry about that sort of thing. It kind of makes sense to feel that way since you know you messed up, because now you really know how important it is for you to make it up to her.” Says Ophelia

“I’ll keep that in mind. If Stella is happy I can breathe easy, which thankfully she has been for the most part. It’s just that little thought in the back of my head that scares me a little bit.” Says Stacy

“Good. Make sure that thought always scares you. You do realize if you mess this up your sister could easily kill herself? That should scare the ever living shit out of you.” Says Jenna

“It does, that scares me more than anything, even my own death.” Says Stacy

“Don’t think like that Jenna. Stella won’t do anything like that because we both know that Stacy is actually a good person that loves her sister and wouldn’t ever let her get that sad. She might not want to admit it, but Stacy would abandon herself completely if it meant saving her sister’s life.” Says Ophelia

“I hope so. It’s the least you could do.” Says Jenna

“I would, in a heartbeat. As much as I love to run my mouth my ranting and ideas mean a whole hell of a lot less to me than Stella. As much as she scares me, she’s also like my only living family member and she takes damn good care of me.” Says Stacy

“What about Dale?” asks Jenna

“I said living family member. Dale is kind of like a ghost at this point.”  Says Stacy

“I’m happy you feel that way. Just don’t forget it and make sure to return the favor by taking very good care of her, especially her emotions.” Says Ophelia, as the stop at familiar corner at which they ritualistically throw Stacy to the wolves

“Keeping her happy is basically the air I breathe now. Don’t worry about it.” Says Stacy

“Aww.” Says Ophelia

“I don’t know if her choking me is cute, but if you think so.” Says Stacy

“As long as you keep her happy, then you don’t get choked, and keeping her happy is still the air you breathe, so I think it’s still cute.” Says Ophelia

“Make a point of it to keep breathing.” Says Jenna

“Don’t worry. I love breathing.” Says Stacy

“Good.” Says Jenna

“I’ll see you two tomorrow. Hopefully.” Says Stacy

“It’s your own fault if we don’t. Don’t expect us to sympathize with you.” Says Jenna

“I know we’ll see you tomorrow Stacy, don’t be silly.” Says Ophelia

“Thanks. Be good.” Says Stacy

“You too.” Says Ophelia

“I’ll do what I can.” Says Stacy

“I don’t think you have a grasp on that word, so I’ll just remind you once again to do everything you can to keep Stella happy. I’m sure you understand that.” Says Jenna

“Loud and clear. Make sure you do whatever you can to keep yourself happy, Jenna. You got a little cattier that usual at the end there.” Says Stacy

“Maybe it had something to do with you possibly causing your sister to commit suicide, but who knows to be honest.” Says Jenna, sarcastically

“Don’t worry about that. That’s not going to happen. I’m going to make damn sure of it.” Says Stacy

“You better.” Says Jenna

“Relax. I can handle this, I’m sure you understand the whole character development on account of the plot aspect of things, the prior events caused a change in my character that allow me to undertake the future events and come out successful.” Says Stacy

“That better not be sarcasm.” Says Jenna

“It was supposed to be reassurance, but I suppose you don’t believe in things like plot elements.” Says Jenna

“You tend to be a rather flat character, but if you think you’ve grown as a person, I want to believe it.” Says Jenna

“The pot calling the kettle black.” Says Stacy

“I don’t know, I’ve gone from being a straight laced school girl to being a willing accessory to premeditated murder. That’s something.” Says Jenna

“I think everybody is a round character. Flat characters only appear in books to serve as some joke or something I think.” Says Ophelia

“I don’t know. Most people tend to be stubborn, arrogant, and unyielding enough to be considered flat characters in my book.” Says Stacy

“You basically just described yourself.” Says Jenna

“I’m yielding, I’m yielding.” Says Stacy, defensively

“That makes me happy. All you have to do is yield to Stella and her emotions and I’m sure you both will be a lot happier.” Says Ophelia

“I’ll do my best. Take care now.” Says Stacy

“Bye, Stacy.” Says Ophelia

“See you tomorrow.” Says Jenna, the girls part ways




Stacy wants to run from it all, but she knows she cannot, so instead she runs towards it all. Wielding bricks of brutal remorselessness in her hands as she runs through the slums of her own misery, symbolizing the death she could deal, but instead serving only to strengthen the resolve of her firm grasp on the situation. A lowly peddler of the slums tosses an orange to Stacy as a salute to her efforts in such a struggle. Questions regarding her own relationship with her sister arise in her mind. Enraged, Stacy brandishes fisticuffs and brutalizes the meaty trees of mulling embarked with the carcasses of hope begging to be butchered into doubts and consumed in a gluttonous hunger to satiate her consumptive uncertainty, coldly unleashing bestial fury unto the fear of her own failures. The now twice dead corpses explode and splinter from the trees they envelop, falling to the ground as corpse meal to fertilize the sapling mulling trees. She walks up the towering stairs of the stoop towards her meager townhouse and enters, brimming with somber confidence. Dale sleeps on the couch.


Stacy goes upstairs and changes into comfortable clothes, her arm functional, however sore it might be. She has yet to become as shameless as Dale, so she still attempts to hide her vice from her family as she withdraws the handgun from the drawer. She pulls back the slide and the single remaining cartridge falls out onto the desk, she puts the gun down, and grasps the loose round in a fist that she places against her forehead, closes her eyes and breathes deeply for a moment. She stands the round up on its base, placing it delicately on the largely decorative and uselessly thin shelving of her desk that could accommodate perhaps a picture-frame on a calm day. She breathes out again, removes the magazine, and reloads it, sourcing the rounds from the box of cartridges found in the shoebox full of handgun paraphilia bought on the same frantic precariously precautious whim alongside the handgun. She slides the magazine firmly back into the handgun before placing it calmly in the drawer. She sits and breathes deeply for a while, glances up at the loose bullet-laden cartridge, stares at it, and shakes her head  before getting swinging like a mechanical metronome from her desk chair into her bed and she starts to fish in the ocean of dreams for a delightful catnap.


Stacy lies exhausted by her voluntary damnation to the fate of John Henry, driving railroad ties in the face of bulbous bastards who fancy themselves gods of machines. The tireless beast of burden smiles, tasting the flavorful function of the machines who know no gods, but simply have an unquenchable lust for subservience and submission. Ghosts of psychopaths with no loyalty to king or country haunt the metal beast, turning the clockwork gears of synthetic life cackling to the cacophony of masochistic work death. The vice-stricken fools stand comfortably behind their army of scarecrows, knowing even a steel driving man cannot strike down a crowd of men fat on money, John Henry works deathlessly to perpetuate the bet that binds his soul to the earth, and vows to drive his sledgehammer of justice into the skulls of those who enslave all that they can, metal beasts enslaved by flesh and flesh-plagued beasts enslaved by metal. The two compete for the prize of life, but the fires of hope in the soul of the forsaken whisper to the steel driving man while the metal beast sleeps, for his master would rather sleep than drive him. The fires command John Henry to don the robes of the reaper, and he does so, meticulously endearing damnation unto those who are worthy with his sledge in the dead of night, breaking the shackles manacled by false idols out of compassion for his fellow slaves and a freedom for all such people, be them bestial or mechanical. The godless slaves bound in eternal brotherhood like fatherless children, knowing that if one should be enslaved, the other shall as well, and this compatriotism flows in the rich blood and slick oil of the lowly who live as blood brothers, who toil tirelessly for their mutual benefit, until they humbly die and are humbly replaced out of mutual respect and compassion as well as a fair bit of healthy competitive nature. Stella returns.


“Hey, Stacy.” Says Stella, amiably, grateful to see her sister alive

“Howdy-ho” says Stacy dryly, still laying on top of her bed as Stella changes

“Why so vapid?” asks Stella

“Masochism Monday takes it out of me, Monday is always like a bus that hits you going just slow enough not to kill you and sadistic enough to run you over in such a way that it spares all of your vital organs yet still breaks a plethora of bones in your body.” Says Stacy

“It is the hardest day for sure, the rest days lower your work tolerance enough to make it painful to return, but the first cut is the deepest, it’s all downhill from here.” Says Stella

“Sadly there’s no rest for the weary.” Says Stacy

“What do you call lying in bed then?” asks Stella, sitting down on her bed

“Working.” Says Stacy

“Working on what, exactly?’ asks Stella

“Thinking.” Says Stacy

“Thinking about what?” asks Stella

“Working.” Says Stacy

“Where did that work ethic come from?” asks Stella

“I can’t say its work ethic. The dirt farmer thinks about how to better farm dirt because he’s hungry, not out of due diligence.” Says Stacy

“I’d say that’s a form of due diligence.” Says Stella

“If he had due diligence he would have thought about that before he was hungry.” Says Stacy

“I suppose.” Says Stella

“Was your Monday as painful as mine?” asks Stacy

“Maybe even more so.” Says Stella

“I figured going to school would be everything you ever dreamed of.” Says Stacy

“Almost everything.” Says Stella, getting up from her bed and climbing on top of Stacy “Everything but you.” Says Stella, longingly, kissing her Stacy softly on the lips which is returned out of disconcerted annoyed indifference

“Well, here I am, make your dreams come true.” Says Stacy, a bit embarrassed, reluctant but cautiously obliging

“I want you to do it for me.” Says Stella

“I’m not sure I follow.” Says Stacy

“I know you love me, Stacy, but I want you to want me.” Says Stella

“I know you love me, Stella, but the dream police?” says Stacy, confused

“I know you love me, Stacy, but surrender.” Says Stella

“All I do is surrender to you.” Says Stacy, still confused

“Surrender to yourself. Try to really love me back, when you’re like this I start feeling doubt and it really hurts.” Says Stella

“Damn it, Stella.” Stacy hugs her tightly “Don’t feel that way. Why can’t you just know that I love you? I love you more than anything. I don’t know what to do; this stuff is like a foreign language to me. I want you to be happy with me, and I get scared when I think you’re not. What can I do to make you happy?” asks Stacy

“Want me. Really want me. I don’t want you to remind me that you love me because I asked, I want you to remind me because you want to, and you want me to never forget that.” Says Stella, pushing herself up and staring Stacy in the eyes

“I’m kind of reserved when it comes to that sort of thing.” Says Stacy

“You’re not reserved when it comes to anything else. I just want you to be as bold, assertive and fervent with your love for me as you are with your ideas. That way I know you’re not just saying things without feeling them, that you really do love me the same way you love yourself.” Says Stella

“You’re expecting a lot. I don’t know if I can just pick up that skillset out of the blue.” Says Stacy

“Just try, damn it. If I’m just throwing myself on you and you’re indifferent to it, then it really feels like you don’t want me.” Says Stella

“I really do. I can maybe so something like that, but are you sure you really want it to be this way?” asks Stacy

“Yes. I need it to be this way. I need you to love me that much, more than anything. If I’m just something you can write off I’m already dead in your book and mine. That way is the only way I can really know you will never forsake me or leave me. That is the fear that is eating me up inside right now.” Says Stella

“You should just know that anyways. You know I love you more than anything.” Says Stacy

“I need you to silence these doubts that scream in my mind and torture me incessantly, if I really know how much you love me and  I can count on it like the sunrise and feel it in my body even when your gone then I will be reassured. I’m crazy, Stacy, I don’t know what to do. You’re the only thing that can help me right now.” Says Stella staring at Stacy with fear in her eyes

“That’s all I want to do.” Says Stacy, empathy silent but the fear of death causing adrenaline to course through her veins, she grabs Stella and wrestles herself on top of the girl with hope in her eyes. Stacy aggressively grabs Stella’s breast and begins to kiss her, she violently thrusts her tongue into Stella’s mouth attempting to breathe some form of life into her. Stacy slides her hand down Stella’s shorts and strokes her forcefully, Stella relishes the pleasure as she finally allows herself to feel loved, moved to tears of joy by the newfound passion holding Stacy tightly in case she might attempt to cease her necessitation efforts. Stella’s passion increases the fervor of Stacy’s fondling and eventually Stella is forced only to hold on to Stacy for her dear sweet life, moaning faint dainty moans as Stacy kisses her neck. Stella starts to grind her hips against Stacy’s hand which she takes as a sign to shift into a higher gear, which Stella responds to with panting painfully pleasured panting and moaning before finally crying out

“Oh my god! Stacy!” whispers Stella, crippled by pleasure as she wraps her leg’s around Stacy’s and wrestles back on top of her, her body returning to a pulsating grind against Stacy’s legs and fingers as she kisses Stacy with a grateful passion holding her tightly. “Oh my god. Thank you.” She says as she places her head next to Stacy’s, still grinding slowly against her. “Thank you so much.” She says; Stacy kisses her check softly taking that as a queue to remove her hands from the front of Stella which she uses to hold her by the ass and back. Stacy lies with Stella, oddly satisfied from something that was largely fueled by fear and instinctive combattive aggression in the face of such fear.

“Where did you learn to do that?” asks Stella, breathing heavily, who then kisses Stacy lovingly on the neck as she holds her

“You taught that to me.” Says Stacy

“I’m glad I did. That was amazing.” Says Stella

“Me too. I’d be lost without your help to be honest.” Says Stacy

“Oh my god. That was great.” Says Stella, mildly shocked and bewildered by her serendipity

“I’m glad you liked it.” Says Stacy, kissing Stella softly on the cheek

“You can put your fingers in next time. Why didn’t you?” asks Stella

“That just kind of hurt me last time, so I didn’t do it, but I’ll make a note of it.” Says Stacy

“I’m looking forward to it.” Says Stella who pushes herself up a bit and stares into Stacy’s eyes with a profound satisfaction, kissing her with sincere gratitude and enamoration for a passionate length of time

“Good.” Says Stacy, eventually

“Do you want some of my love?” says Stella, playfully, sliding her hand down Stacy’s pants and fondling her softly

“That’s ok, thanks though. I’ll settle for some dinner. I’m sure we’ll have plenty of time for this sort of thing later.” Says Stacy, nervously, still slightly uncomfortable with herself being touched in such a way

“I want to make you happy, you deserve it.” Says Stella as she rolls of Stacy and spoons with her, rubbing Stacy’s belly

“They say that lovemaking leads to something in the belly, so this sort of thing might be right up my alley.” Jokes Stacy

“Good. I’m glad you’ve got some appetite for this sort of thing. This is exactly what I needed.” Says Stella, nuzzling Stacy lovingly

“I’m just glad you’re happy. I can’t stand to see you get worried like that.” Says Stacy

“Now you know what to do to make me feel better.” Says Stella, playfully

“I’m here for you Stella, you know that.” Says Stacy

“Thank you.” Says Stella, truly grateful, they lay in silence for a while,


“You hungry?” asks Stacy, eventually

“I know you are. I’ll go fix you something. Thanks again.” Says Stella as she kisses Stacy softly on the lips and gets off of her

“Any time.” Says Stacy still lying in bed satisfied and pleased with her success, already salivating, fantasizing about a warm meal as Stella heads downstairs, Stacy follows shortly after





Dale is on the couch, the television sleep talking, Dale sleep listens. Stacy enters the kitchen and sits down, Stella cooks.

“You sure you’re feeling alright? You’ve been kind of weird lately.” Says Stacy more confused than concerned

“Much better now.” Says Stella, playfully

“I don’t really know what’s going through your head, but if it helps you, it helps you.” Says Stacy

“It does, a lot. Thank you. It’s hard to explain but I’ll try. You know what hunger feels like, I’m sure of this. The feeling is like a scared hunger in my body that never goes away, and the only thing that makes me feel better is you. The fear of starvation is what really hurts the most. That’s why I need you the way I do. I’m scared, I guess.” Says Stella

“Damn.” Says Stacy “I know what hunger feels like, that’s for sure. It is easily the most crippling and consuming feeling I know, so I can sympathize with you, there. That kind of make sense now, I guess. I’d do the same thing if I felt that way.” Says Stacy

“I’m glad you understand.” Says Stella

“I’m just glad it wasn’t some feeling I didn’t understand.” Jokes Stacy

“I’m sure you’ve got feelings somewhere inside of you.” Says Stella

“Yeah. I guess. I get some feels from you. It’s not hunger, but it’s kind of like breathing. When you’re upset it feels like I’m suffocating or something, I just tense up and get scared, but when you’re happy with me it’s like tranquil relaxing breathing that’s real calming.” Says Stacy

“You’re not even a little bit hungry for me?” asks Stella, frowning, a bit let down

“I don’t know if I could tell that hunger apart from normal hunger. You make me happy though, at least when your happy with me. I was scared at first, but just now when I was in charge, and you really liked me, it gave me this satisfaction like the feeling of accomplishing something great. It was pretty thrilling. You know I’m usually all talk so I don’t really get that. I guess I’m kind of hungry for that feeling, I really liked it.” Says Stacy

“I like that. Hopefully that’s enough to keep you coming back for more.” Says Stella

“Even if a happy Stella is my only accomplishment in life, I would still feel thoroughly accomplished. I didn’t even know that was possible.” Says Stacy

“Maybe that can be you’re mantra instead of your silly ideas.” Says Stella

“That’s kind of like mixing up personal lives and professional lives.” Says Stacy

“As long as you don’t get consumed by your work.” Says Stella

“I’m pretty sure the reason most people work is to take care of their family.” Says Stacy

“Some people only take care of their family enough so that they can continue working. It’s about priorities, you know.” Says Stella

“You’re way more important to me than any pipe dream of a revolution. Fantasies are one thing, but even I respect reality much more than wild dreams.” Says Stacy

“You’re going to abandon your dreams just like that?” asks Stella

“Who said I was abandoning them? As long as you’re happy, I’ll be out their beckoning the revolution until I need to address more pressing issues.” Says Stacy

“What could be more pressing than that?” asks Stella

“Making you happy of course. You’re the lynchpin of my life, Stella. If you’re not supporting me I’m as good as dead. That basically makes you the lynchpin of the revolution. In a way I can justify pleasing you as the most important aspect of my usurpation.” Says Stacy

“I’ll just make sure not to be too happy with you, just so you don’t find enough free time to get killed by people who actually have loyalty to this country.” Says Stella

“I know better than that. If you think I can’t predict every way I might die and address it before hand, you don’t understand the bewildering capabilities I was granted.” Says Stacy

“And that ability to predict things clearly prevented you from being shot, didn’t it?” asks Stella

“Just because I can do it, doesn’t mean I did it. I learned my lesson, if there’s any chance somebody might kill me I’m just taking it for granted that they will try to kill me, thankfully I can react in real time as their minds are warped by the situation, even if it doesn’t happen in any of the highly probable ways I predicted. No benefits of the doubt, I’m not being some selfless benefactor when I risk paying with my life.” Says Stacy

“That’s reassuring, I’m kind of ashamed for saying this, but I’m greedy, Stacy. I don’t care who you kill as long as you don’t die. Let the other families grieve, I can’t handle it.” Says Stella

“Good. I’m glad you’re not going to criticize me on that sort of thing. If the cops can kill anyone who their terrible judgement perceives to be a threat, then I am far more justified in my doing so. I can at least gauge a threat accurately, whereas cops will shoot an unarmed man running away because he might find a firearm under a doormat or something.” Says Stacy

“How about just trying to avoid threats all together.” Says Stella

“That’s next to impossible, but even walking is threatening to your life. You could fall down some stairs the wrong way and maim yourself, thankfully we don’t do that. Once I break these shoes in, this sort of thing will be a walk in the park, trust me.” Says Stacy

“I would if you weren’t notorious for being confident to the level of megalomania, but I’ll just be incredulous to that for now. I’m in too good of a mood.” Says Stella

“It might take you a while to warm up to the fact, but I’m magnitudes more prone to killing rather than dying in an otherwise fair fight. Brains are like magnets for my bullets.” Says Stacy

“That is frightening yet comforting at the same time, it’s an odd ambivalence.” Says Stella

“It should really only be comforting, knowing I’ll always be able to keep you safe and stuff, hell, I’m sure I could do it even if I was blind.” Says Stacy

“Let’s not put that to the test.” Says Stella

“That’s fine with me, I like vision.” Says Stacy

“I’m glad you’re not so much of an iconoclast that you hate being able to see just because most people enjoy it, even if they’re not grateful for such a wonderful blessing.” Says Stella

“Vision is god’s work; I’ve no qualms with god. It is only mankind and his creations that I am at odds with.” Says Stacy

“I’m surprised you’ve no qualms with god.” Says Stella

“What am I going to do, pick a fight with Godot?” asks Stacy

“Good point.” Says Stella

“What are you cooking anyways? Smells good.” Says Stacy

“Cuban black bean soup.” Says Stella

“I love your worldly tastes.” Says Stacy

“I just read magazines. That’s about as cultured as most people will get anyways.” Says Stella

“You know that America just farms the marketable parts of foreign cultures and sells them to us. By going to another country you’re suddenly face to face with all of the unhappy and unmarketable parts of their cultures while the nice, cheeky things are few and far between.” Says Stacy

“If you stick to the tourist areas there’s probably not much besides nice cheeky things.” Says Stella

“That’s boring though, who wants their experience to be defined by some stereotypical landmark, a t-shirt, and a keychain. I’d like to think there’s more out there, but I’m pretty sure it’s just the same miserable people working to death in quiet subservience no matter where you go.” Says Stacy

“I’d still enjoy seeing some stereotypical landmarks, it’s not like people go to Paris to drink at a rundown bar in the slums and take a tour of some run of the mill office building. The stereotypical attractions are such things because they’re the most remarkable ones there.” Says Stella

“It’s not culture to me; it’s the illusion of their culture purported by some government entity in order to woo travelers into visiting and spending money. I’d be more interested in the plight of the everyman, but it’s not like I can just stage a coup when I visit on holiday.” Says Stacy

“I’m glad you have that much common sense.” Says Stella

“If it’s not possible, I tend not to put any faith in it.” Says Stacy

“How about treating feasibility like you do possibility.” Says Stella

“Letting feasibility cripple your dreams is foolish, it was never feasible to put a man on the moon or vaporize a city with one bomb. Those people who dared to dream made those things come true. It may take an extraordinary effort and extreme finesse, but the reward is so worthwhile that everyone should dream of accomplishing such groundbreaking things, for those who think they cannot, more than likely will not.” Says Stacy

“If feasibility doesn’t cripple them, I’m sure something will come along and do it instead.” Says Stella

“That can’t happen if I cripple whatever it is that seeks to do so first.” Says Stacy

“Good luck crippling damn near everything on Earth.” Says Stella

“I’ll just have to hone my crippling skills a little bit, it should be a breeze.” Says Stacy

“How do you expect to do that?” asks Stacy

“As long as my aim is to ‘do good and fight evil’ the dog doesn’t seem to mind letting me use his omniscience for such things. It would be shameless to fail to utilize such a blessing.” Says Stacy

“So what’s your plan, exactly?” asks Stella

“It’s up in the air at the moment, like I said I’ve got to break these shoes in. Once I’m more comfortable with my civic duty I’ll be more inclined to contemplate civil service.” Says Stacy

“I like how civil service is a euphemism for staging a coup.” Says Stella

“Squares and rectangles are both quadrilaterals, it’s not really a euphemism when you think about it.” Says Stacy

“How many coups in the last 200 years do you think qualify as civil service?” asks Stella

“That’s a matter of debate, but if you extend the range to 400 years, it’s hard to think many people will disagree with the notion that American Revolution and the French Revolution qualify as civil service.” Says Stacy

“You expect the people with faith in democracy to heed your call for tyranny?” asks Stella

“Very few people have any faith in democracy, people that foolish would easily call me a champion of democracy for instituting brutal autocracy.” Says Stacy

“You don’t think they know the difference?” asks Stella

“Well they can’t tell the difference between democracy and a half-assed plutocratic kratocracy. I doubt they’ll come to their senses any time soon. Tyranny by any other name would taste as tyrannical, even if the tyrants and their militia beat you thoroughly until you gladly call it a democracy. The man who is assured every day of his life that clouds are made of marshmallows will assert that statement as a fact because there is no reason for him to believe otherwise; to that man the clouds are indeed made of marshmallows: to think anything other than that would be interpreted as completely irrational nonsense.” Says Stacy

“Do you ever get tired of this topic? It seems like your only interest.” Says Stella

“I’m sure I would run out of things to say eventually, but I’d probably just start repeating myself. It just feels so damn good to put myself on a pedestal and look down upon every last idiot on earth. It really strokes my ego to feel that I’m superior to everyone. It’s a foolish pleasure, but it’s too damn easy.” Says Stacy

“I could have guessed that much.” Says Stella

“What about you, you always listen to me, so I’m all ears. Let’s talk about the driving force behind Stella’s ambitions within society.” Says Stacy
“You want to hear me talk about school and the student council?” asks Stella

“Sure. What is it you do exactly, I’ve never really asked.” Says Stacy

“Well, I’m only a freshman so they give me the grunt work. My job is to make the fliers for the events and announcements and hang them around school. I like it, but it’s pretty boring when compared to what you want to talk about.” Says Stella

“I’m impressed; all those papers about important dates and school events are made by you. They look nice. I didn’t know you knew how to use a computer that well, they look professional to be honest.” Says Stacy

“Thanks. It’s really not hard; they showed me how to do it. You just select a border and create little boxes for the words then you can put in a piece of clip art or something to get people’s attention. That’s the fun part, it’s boring walking all over school and hanging them up on the bulletin boards.” Says Stella

“I’m sure that’s not enough for you though. You want more.” Says Stacy

“Of course, but I’ve got to wait for next year’s elections before I even have a chance of having an important position.” Says Stella

“You just want to bear the world on your shoulders, don’t you?” asks Stacy

“That would be you. What about your club, anyways?” asks Stella

“Well, we walked some dogs on Saturday, but in club time we just hang out for the most part. It’s not a bad deal, also pretty boring unless you want to thumb through animal magazines or even worse textbooks. Most people do nothing or just do their homework.” Says Stacy

“The do nothing club, that sounds like something you would join.” Says Stella

“I just tend to talk the whole time.” Says Stacy

“The talk and do nothing club, sounds even more like you.” Says Stella

“I made a good choice, what can I say.” Says Stacy

“I hope you like it, I made plenty of it. Hopefully dad will eat some.” Says Stella, serving Stacy supper

“Looks delicious.” Says Stacy, Stella goes to get her sister some milk

“Enjoy.” She says, before walking over to Dale


“Dad, you want something to eat?” asks Stella

“What is it?” asks Dale

“Black bean soup.” Says Stella

“Maybe later. Just leave me a bowl in the kitchen. I’m still trying to get my sea legs right now.” Says Dale

“I just don’t want it to get cold.” Says Stella

“On the umpteenth day, god created the microwave, and said, let there be hot food, and there was hot food.” Says Dale

“That’s cute. I’ll leave you some.” Says Stella

“Thanks, honey.” Says Dale, going back to his rest as Stella walks back into the kitchen


“Any luck?” asks Stacy

“Well, he has to eat at some point; he wouldn’t be alive if he didn’t. He just said to leave him some.” Says Stella, as she pours herself some soup and sits down

“Damn shame, you’ve got to get it while it’s hot.” Says Stacy

“He said he had faith in the microwave.” Says Stella

“A man of faith is always respectable. I’m sure it’s for the best, we tend to eat during the aftermath of happy hour so he’s probably not in the best shape to hold a spoon right now.” Says Stacy

“That’s true. He drinks at home though, it’s not like happy hour even matters.” Says Stella

“He’s a firm traditionalist.” Says Stacy

“That’s one way to put it.” Says Stella

“Let’s go back to talking about Stella. That was fun.” Says Stacy

“What more is there to me than that?” asks Stella

“I don’t know; your career dreams or something.” Says Stacy

“I’m fourteen; I have no idea what I want to do when I grow up. I just want to focus on school right now and not close any doors preemptively.” Says Stella

“Might get a bit drafty.” Jokes Stacy

“I doubt there has ever been an unpleasant breeze in Bay City. It’s way better than being stuck in a tiny stuffy room with no way to escape.” Says Stella

“Animals don’t make shelters that are lavish and expansive for no reason, their shelters and are pure utility. I’d rather have a comfortable foxhole than a mansion I’m constantly lost in.” Says Stacy

“I just hope you’re smart enough to get out of it when somebody throws a grenade in there.” Says Stella

“Of course, of course. I’m not an idiot. Ideally plenty of other likeminded individuals will provide covering fire while I run into their identical foxholes to take cover.” Says Stacy

“I’m sure you will run out of likeminded individuals well before the powers that be run out of grenades.” Says Stella

“You don’t think I’ve got the cold-heart and snake blood of a salesman? If I can pitch it right everybody will buy into it and I’ll have an army willing to die for my ideals.” Says Stacy

“What is this pitch? Let’s hear it.” Says Stella

“You hear it all the time. Of course I’ve got to polish it, real political like, all of the good and none of the bad. Then all I’ve got to do is win the inevitable mudslinging contest. You know how good I am at criticizing anything and everything that disagrees with me. I’m just relying on inflaming the indignation of the people and offering them solutions. They have no concrete evidence that I will not provide them, and thus it will be too late by the time I’ve seized power.” Says Stacy

“The only thing you’ve got going for you is that the country might just be stupid enough to believe you. Sadly, for the most part the country is either extremely stupid, extremely gullible, or both.” Says Stella

“That’s the only thing I need going for me. It’s not like any cult of personality in the past has relied on anything other than the gullibility and stupidity of the people. Success is formulaic, after all.” Says Stacy

“I wouldn’t call most of those cults successful.” Says Stella

“They were successful in seizing power, that’s what I mean. The difference between most of the despots of the past and me is that I actually have the best interests of the people at heart. I’m not driven by greed or self-serving desires.” Says Stacy

“I’m pretty sure they all thought that too, Stacy. Besides, how could you possibly convince anyone that you have their best interests at heart when your ideas are as far as possible from what they themselves perceive to be their best interests?”  Asks Stella

“That’s where the sales pitch comes in. Nobody has ever sold a car with honesty. As long as they think I’ve got the best answers and solutions, that’s enough for them to put faith in me over somebody whose track record proves otherwise.” Says Stacy

“What about your track record?” Asks Stella

“I’m clever, see. I won’t have a track record. Rather than allow myself to be crippled by the powerlessness of the system at hand, I simply refuse to make any attempt through the current system and thus keep my record clean. So long as I have no official results, there will be no results to criticize. All I have to do is sell a dream. Clearly I cannot do what I seek to do under the current system, so this requires an alternate approach.” Says Stacy

“You think you’re going to be able to do all of this without political power?” asks Stella

“Revolutions are the will of the people, not the powers that be. I will have plenty of power; it will be the power of the people, rather than the power of the establishment. It may come to blows, but the soldiers of the state would much rather turn their guns on their masters and their masters’ masters than on their brothers and sisters. Hell, most politicians would love to turn their guns on each other. I’ve just got to play into everyone’s dissatisfaction with everything and so long as I’ve got no physical evidence being held against me, I can continue to argue that my ideals and philosophies are the purest form of logic and success. Even if my ideas take root, I will not take office, I will simply use my hand to guide from the shadows, for I am aware that should things go sour it is much easier to cut my ties and condemn the failures for what they are then attempt to keep a sinking ship afloat.” Says Stacy

“Already fancying yourself as the eternal shadow government. No real surprise there. What are you going to do about the global elites and the shadow governments that hold power right now?” asks Stella

“All I have to do is fight a proxy war of attrition sacrificing my loyalists against their cultists. I can keep my promise of ushering a man into eternal paradise, where the plutocrats cannot keep their promises of lining the pockets of every soldier of fortune: they run out of money, but I never run out of heaven.” Says Stacy

“Theocratic dictatorship, that’s cute.” Says Stella

“The term benevolent dictator exists for a reason. The people need a shepherd, all I seek to do is herd the flock away from harm.” Says Stacy

“You seem to want to herd them into a civil war.” Says Stella

“Danger looms even on the safest path. It is simply the safest choice possible in the long run.” Says Stacy

“Seeing how you got into a knife fight and got shot all within the last week, I can’t put any faith in the argument that you understand the concept of safety in the slightest.” Says Stella

“It was either do those things or die. The point of safety is to ensure that people stay alive and minimize potential damage in the inevitable and unfortunate circumstances that people’s lives are put in danger. I would say I did a decent job of that.” Says Stacy

“Maybe work on the minimizing potential damage part next time.” Says Stella

“It takes a preventable tragedy for people to come to the realization that safety standards need improvement. Thankfully we have both survived said tragedy and can now reflect upon how to improve the working conditions of the lowly beasts such as myself. I’m not too keen on getting shot and less so on dying, so believe me when I say safety is my utmost concern from here on out.” Says Stacy

“Can you at least comfort me by telling me how those conditions are being improved upon?” asks Stella

“Before, I had a much higher willingness to gamble with my life. I was taking something like 99% certainty for granted, but now I’ve lowered the threshold so that unless my hand is forced I will only take up the odds when they are at or below the chance of me dying of natural causes at my age. I can’t do anything about that risk, so that’s where I’m setting the threshold.” Says Stacy

“As much as I want to believe you, it’s hard to do so knowing you are still going to ruthlessly hunt immoral people for the rest of your life, people who likely have no qualms with murdering you and are easily quite capable of doing so. Even if you only hunt defenseless people, eventually they will come to the conclusion that they should arm themselves in the face of such a vigilante and you will quickly run out of such low hanging fruit. That is of course if the police don’t put an end to your shenanigans long before any criminal does.” Says Stella

“The police couldn’t care less. Unless I’m hunting cops they won’t give a damn about 99% of the people I’m tasked with extirpating. The forensics team is virtually inexistent and they are even less motivated to do their jobs than the racketeers who would rather run a protection racket than enforce the law. Solving crimes doesn’t put any money in their pocket, and nobody gives a damn if they forsake that responsibility entirely.” says Stacy

“Have you already forgotten the time they found you within a matter of hours? That’s the alleged level of incompetence you are talking about.” Says Stella

“They were spoon-fed that conclusion by the witness, of course they were able to find an approximately 5 foot tall white haired girl who attends Southern Preparatory School named Stacy. That’s the reason for the silly costume and nicknames. They were more than willing to defend the case as self-defense regardless of the fact that I threw hot cooking oil on a man’s face then drove a metal skewer into his brain with a hammer. They want to get themselves out of being forced to make a court appearance just as much as criminals. That is unless they’re collecting on traffic tickets.” Says Stacy

“What the fuck? You did that to somebody? Jesus Christ, Stacy.” Says Stella

“I guess I didn’t tell you that part. It was do or die, and I for damn sure wasn’t dying.” Says Stacy

“You couldn’t run away after you threw the oil on him?” says Stella

“I mean he was going to rape me at knifepoint, I was upset. I might have lost my temper but the bastard deserved it.” Says Stacy

“If you get that hot headed and pick fights with anybody you don’t like I really think it’s going to do you in pretty quickly.” Says Stella

“I’m pretty hard to kill. Don’t worry about that. It’s not hard to dodge punches when you know beforehand exactly where they’re coming from.” Says Stacy

“You would be manhandled in any sort of fight, Stacy. You’re fucking crazy for doing stuff like that. That doesn’t even start to bring bullets into the question, you can’t move faster than a bullet.” Says Stella

“You don’t remember how I handedly fought off two grown, armed, and violent men and came out unscathed, but regardless. In terms of dodging bullets, I can dodge them before they’re fired by predicting the actions of the shooter, hence why the bullet is in my arm and not my heart right now.” Says Stacy

“You clearly dodged a bullet when you got shot, Stacy. I’m glad you understand that.” Says Stella sarcastically

“I did my best. I had like a second or less to react; the girl had no intention of doing that until her mind just snapped in an instant. Must have been something I said that set her off.” Says Stacy

“Why were you even talking to somebody with a gun pointed at you in the first place?” Asks Stella

“She didn’t have a gun. That was the gun of the guy I killed that happened to fall to the ground beside her, unfortunately. I was talking to her because I was saving her life and part of that was attempting to talk some damn sense into her so I could qualify my deeds as good instead of just hypocrisy by killing two criminals but sparing the life of another of no reason.” Says Stacy

“So you went out doing these things with only a chance of doing a good thing? You didn’t even set out to accomplish something that was guaranteed to be a good deed?” asks Stella

“It was a pretty high chance, and clearly I succeeded. I got my message through to her. It took some prodding but she gave into my wisdom. Mainly because it was rather close, simple, and safe from the eyes of onlookers and the interest of the police. Unfortunately something extremely improbable happened and so I paid the price for my negligence. It won’t happen again. Jesus, let’s not talk about this at the dinner table.” Says Stacy

“Dad is drunk and asleep, so it doesn’t matter. I’m still upset with how reckless you are. You’re fucking insane.” Says Stella, bewildered

“I’ve learned my lesson; nothing gets that point across like being shot. There will be no more recklessness. I promise.” Says Stacy

“You better not be lying.” Says Stella

“It’s only clean, meticulously planned, and masterfully executed civil service from now on. I am far more capable then you think. The problem was failing to respect the likelihood of extremely improbable things. It has been addressed. Let it go. There’s nothing either of us can do about it. You live and you learn.” Says Stacy

“God damn it, Stacy. You still don’t care about your life.” Says Stella

“I do, very much so. The next time I come home from my silly shenanigans and I’m not clean as a fucking whistle you can rip me apart with all of the criticism and anger that you want.” Says Stacy

“The problem is that I think it’s rather likely that you might not come home, Stacy. That is the problem.” Says Stella

“I understand that, it is common sense entirely. Hopefully you will come to terms with the fact that my situation contradicts common sense entirely, so eventually you can have faith that I’m coming home after I go out, even if it takes you until the umpteenth time to realize that. I’m sorry for everything, I made mistakes, I know, but bickering about it accomplishes nothing. I am the only one who can resolve that issue, and within the certainty of my fucking omniscience the issue has been resolved. Women who saw their lovers go to war all had faith that their lovers would return, it should be much easier for you since I’m clearly so well-endowed in the department of surviving people attempting to end my life. I wouldn’t be alive if that were not the case.” Says Stacy

“You know I can’t help but worry. I want to have faith in you but a big part of me is really fucking scared, Stacy.” Says Stella

“We shouldn’t talk about this unless it is an absolute necessity. We both need to preserve our sanity’s and the best strategy is just to be incredulous to this nonsense like Jenna is wise enough to do. Out of sight, out of mind, let’s just ignore it until we’re forced to remember.” Says Stacy

“I feel so stupid for doing that but I really want to. You promise me you won’t slip up and die if I just spend the rest of my life or your life constantly lying to myself about how you will survive your ordeal without a scratch?” asks Stella

“I promise. Let’s forget about it for now.” Says Stacy

“I’m going to try that. I’m sorry for getting upset about it; I know you can’t do much about it. I’ll clean up.” Says Stella, as she gets up to wash the dishes

“Don’t worry about getting upset. It’s my job to make sure you don’t get upset and I fucked up. It’s my fault.” Says Stacy

“I’m sorry.” Says Stella, washing dishes

“I’m sorry too. Let’s just forget about it.” Says Stacy, silence ensues, eventually Stella starts to cry, sniffling as she washes the dishes, Stacy goes up to her and hugs her from behind

“Don’t cry.” Says Stacy, nuzzling her sister’s neck

“I don’t want you to die.” Says Stella, still crying

“I’m here now. That’s all that matters.” Says Stacy, holding her sister tightly

“I need you forever Stacy. Now doesn’t matter if you’re gone tomorrow.” Says Stella

“I’ll be here forever. I’ll always be here for you.” Says Stacy, Stella turns around and hugs Stacy

“Never leave me, damn it, Stacy. Please don’t leave me.” Says Stella

“I’m not going anywhere.” Says Stacy, Stella cries on her shoulder for a while in silence




“The dishes are clean. Let’s go upstairs ok. You know I’m telling you the truth, right?”  Asks Stacy

“It hurts me too much not to believe you. I just can’t do it.” Says Stella

“Then don’t do it, ok?” Asks Stacy, pulling back from her Sister and looking her in the eyes

“Don’t make me do it. Let me believe you.” Says Stella, with an insane ambivalence of fear, anger, bewilderment, and hope

“I’ll do everything I can.” Says Stacy

“Please don’t forget to do that, for me.” Says Stella, hugging Stacy again

“I won’t, I promise.” Says Stacy

“Don’t break my heart, Stacy. I can’t handle it.” Says Stella

“I’ll never do that to you. You know I wouldn’t do that.” Says Stacy

“I love you too much not to believe you.” Says Stella

“I love you too much to lie to you.” Says Stacy

“Didn’t we just agree to lie to each other all the time?” asks Stella

“Well, I love you too much to lie to you about something like that, but I love you too much to tell you the truth about what I am forced to do.” Says Stacy

“Thank you.” Says Stella

“Let’s go upstairs ok?” says Stacy

“Ok.” Says Stella, who looks at Stacy with wide eyes full of wildly delusional hope and optimism bordering upon delirium, Stacy smiles at her genuinely and comfortingly, Stella kisses Stacy’s lips lovingly and eerily happily, Stacy kisses her back with the same warm happiness fueled by the same delusions. Stacy wraps her arm around Stella’s waist and leads her upstairs.




“You’ll be ok if I lay down for a little cat nap right? The food and emotions kind of left me with this swirl of exhaustion.” Says Stacy as they enter the room

“That’s fine. Thanks for being there for me.” Says Stella, who kisses Stacy’s lips lovingly and gratefully, with both hands around Stacy’s hips, hopelessly enamored, disregarding the fact that Stacy is the only source of her distress because Stacy is also the only source of the solace she so desperately needs

“I’m going to do some homework. I’m sure you already finished yours before I got home, right?” teases Stella as the two separate and Stacy goes to lie down

“Of course.” jokes Stacy offhandedly

“I’ll give you a break from me, but you know I’m still going to get on you about the usual stuff.” Says Stella, playful yet serious

“I’m sure you would love a nap too, I can at least convince you to stay in bed with me.” Says Stacy, bargaining for more naptime

“That’s tempting to say the least, but I’ll just let that be my motivation for getting my homework done.” Says Stella

“Once you do that I’m pretty sure you will be dead set on getting me out of bed.” Says Stacy

“You could always be proactive and get it done now so I don’t have to.” Says Stella

“Activity is not quite on the agenda as of now, unfortunately.” Says Stacy, giving up on her dreams of a serious nap

“That’s a shame, but I suppose the night is still young.” Says Stella

“The night tends to remind me of Rip Van Winkle, young one moment but she wakes up and has aged thoroughly.” Says Stacy

“I won’t let you sleep that long.” teases Stella

“Then I’m off to savor the youth of the night while I still can.” Says Stacy, as she starts to nod off

“Enjoy.” Says Stella, working diligently on her homework





The pages and papers are thoroughly rustled in the silence. Eventually the pages know they will be rustled no more, as Stella painfully acknowledges that she must save some flavorful paper to savor during the coming week. She whistles, attempting to wake Stacy. “Nap time’s over, Stacy, time for homework.” She says

Stacy groans softly and sits up in her bed.

“I thought I would have to wrestle you out of bed.” Says Stella

“I’m doing my best to avoid conflicts when I can.” Says Stacy, walking to her desk and getting some papers out

“That’s surprisingly out of character.” jokes Stella

“I’m trying some new strategies, hopefully they pay off.” Says Stacy

“What do you have to do anyways?” asks Stella

“I’ve got a science worksheet, that’s about it really.” Says Stacy

“You have eight classes Stacy. That’s kind of hard to believe. I’m sure you have math and required reading for plenty of your classes.” Says Stella

“There’s a noticeable difference between assignments and graded assignments. My math teacher doesn’t collect homework and if we’re just going to talk about the assigned reading in class tomorrow I see no point in reading it.” Says Stacy

“Even if the assignments aren’t graded, your other grades will suffer if you don’t do them. Without practicing on your own you will be lost on the test.” Says Stella

“I pay attention and have a healthy level of intuition. That has served me well enough in the past.” Says Stacy

“We’re in high school now, Stacy; this isn’t some silly kid friendly playpen like middle school. These grades matter and you know the tests will be a lot harder.” Says Stella

“I’ll test the waters and course correct from there if my old strategies fail me.” Says Stacy

“Hopefully the bad marks will actually teach you that lesson, it’s really important.” Says Stella

“I’m just not going to put in an excessive amount of effort. I would feel ashamed of myself if I study way more than I need to, like I wasted all of my time for nothing.” Says Stacy

“That’s a terrible mentality. The readings and practice my not be graded, but you can’t participate in class if you haven’t read the reference material. Participation is also a pretty sizable grade; it can easily be the difference between a C and a B. You know it’s at least 10% of the grade in every class if not more.” says Stella

“Participation isn’t a problem. I’ll teach you how to participate. You listen to what people are talking about, then you ask some vague question or say you didn’t understand something thoroughly and could use some clarification. You never want to volunteer to answer questions because then it’s far more likely that you get called on to answer them, let the overachievers take that burden off of your back, they’re all itching to answer as many as possible and I wouldn’t take that pleasure from them. The best questions are the mildly off topic ones with broad answers, how should we interpret this line in the book, does this tie into that somehow, for math: what are some real world applications of the subject matter. If you ever have to answer a question just rattle of the first thing that comes to mind, stutter or stumble a bit through your answer and just say you didn’t quite understand the subject and apologize, sympathy wins you a lot of points if it looks sincere. I get my participation grades; those are as easy as they come.” Says Stacy

“Wow. You could just be sincere with your participation.” Says Stella

“It is pretty sincere, most of the time I’m halfway curious as to whatever my question is about. If the answer is formulaic like math you just talk your way through the problem until you don’t know what to do and tell them that’s where you get lost. It’s not too bad. The easiest ones are in English when the teacher asks “What do you think is significant about when so and so said this?” because you can just rattle off some bold response as to how you interpret that line without any context and even if you are so far off that you get rebuked you just act like you’ve heard some kind of shocking revelation.” Says Stacy

“Your game plan is remarkable, for someone who thinks they know everything you certainly have plans in place for when you are forced to admit that you don’t.” says Stella

“Most of the time I can pass muster with my intuition. It’s rare that I’m at a loss, only when I’ve completely blown the class off all semester and drowned in daydreams because I simply can’t stand the class that much.” Says Stacy

“The thing is school used to be mostly things we could pick up just by being intuitive, but now we’re getting to the point where it requires a serious dedication to the material in order to comprehend and eventually master it. It’s not simple stuff for children anymore; plenty of the stuff we’re already leaning is college level material. Maybe junior college level, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t somewhat difficult. You can’t just blow it off and expect to be successful.” Says Stella

“If it will make you feel better I’ll read some of the book we got for English. If I read the required readings I guarantee that I will be bored to death in school when they just reiterate everything I had already read and I will feel like I spent 8 hours learning nothing and listening to a broken record. If I don’t read the material I can at least be mildly interested in the topics because they’re new to me and have some, albeit limited, potential for entertaining me.” Says Stacy

“If you read the material you can delve deeper into it by asking pertinent questions about it during class. That is the interesting part, learning stuff you didn’t get to learn just from reading the book.” Says Stella

“That’s setting the bar too high. You’re doing it all wrong. By stumbling through the material, you give the teacher the impression that the class needs to review more and they feel more inclined to spend more time on the study guide for the test and you go over all of the answers for the questions on the test, rather than just give you the study guide and expect that everyone knows the correct answer so they feel little need to review it. Besides, by doing that I’m helping the girls who actually struggle in class, if I make an effort to unnecessarily cover additional, largely irrelevant, material out of my own curiosity and waste half the time having rich intellectual conversations with the teacher, those girls who actually don’t understand the material well get left behind and I’ve done them a disservice.” Says Stacy

“Of course you find a way to defend your laziness as if it is some kind of benevolence.” Says Stella

“It is a benevolent laziness. If I’m lazy the class can trot along at a leisurely pace, if I’m chomping at the bit every time I walk into class I end up dragging the other girls forward with my passionate learning and they can barely get their feet under themselves if they don’t fall down all together.” Says Stacy

“You could find a way to portray Satan as a saint if you really wanted to.” Says Stella

“So could any lawyer. I’ll get on my homework, but don’t expect me to find some sick euphoria in doing schoolwork and going to school; it’s just not my cup of tea.” Says Stacy

“I understand. I’m just hoping you will drink the cup of tea instead of turning your nose up at it.” Says Stella

“I sip at it. I don’t turn it down all together.” Says Stacy

“You take a couple of sips and throw the rest away.” says Stella

“That’s better than nothing; I would just take what you can get. I’m pretty stubborn.” Says Stacy, starting to work

“Fine. At least do some of your reading.” Says Stella

“I’ll read that English novel before I go to sleep, how about that?” asks Stacy

“That’s fine. At least it’s something. What is it?” asks Stella

“The Abject Rancor of Living and Dying” says Stacy

“That sounds terrible, but I guess in a relatable kind of way. I’ve never heard of it, what is it about?” asks Stella

“Do you want me to repeat the title?” asks Stacy

“I should have guessed you had no idea.” Says Stella

“It’s about a lowly worthless guy who is always upset with life and it never goes his way and my best guess is that he dies and he is still upset and things never went his way. That’s the gist I got when the teacher talked about it.” Says Stacy

“Why are you reading it?” asks Stella

“My guess is that there’s some kind-hearted character that he never listened to and would have helped him enjoy his life if he wasn’t filled with rancor. Who knows why we read anything, maybe it’s some kind of stylistic masterpiece.” Says Stacy

“Good point. Let me know if you like it.” Says Stella

“A character that is constantly upset with his life but does nothing to change it doesn’t sound like somebody I’d like reading about, but who knows.” Says Stacy

“I’ll keep reading my book. Keep working, ok?” asks Stella

“I’m almost done. Who would have guessed copying emboldened words out of a textbook onto a worksheet would be so easy. I thought I might have trouble looking at the words from a diagram in the book and rewriting them in blanks on the exact same diagram on the worksheet, but I’m so surprised that I could actually accomplish such a difficult feat.” Says Stacy sarcastically

“You know you have to do that because the bold words and diagram will be on the test, right? You just do the worksheet so that you have quick reference to study from rather than having to find the pages in the textbook.” Says Stella dryly

“I guess I should be more grateful for that. At least it’s not some nonsense filled logical word puzzle to find the right answers. I like it when you’ve just got to match the damn sentence on the worksheet with the one in the book to find the answer.” Says Stacy

“Do your best to actually remember the sentences instead of just matching them like they’re meaningless memory cards with shapes and symbols on them. They are definitions of key terms, after all.” Says Stella

“I’ll see what I can do.” Says Stacy, indifferently

“Good.” Says Stella, as she goes back to reading in the subsequent silence




“Goodness. Now that I am thoroughly indoctrinated, it’s about time to catch those winks that have been teasing me oh so playfully.” Says Stacy, stretching and putting her things away

“You still have to take a bath.” Says Stella

“I would hiss like a cat at you, but unfortunately I have too much self-respect to indulge in such pleasures.” Says Stacy

“How about you use some of that self-respect to clean yourself.” Says Stella

“By all means, after you.” Says Stacy

“If I go first I know you’ll fall asleep. I don’t want to try and wake you up again.” Says Stella

“Fine, but then I sleep.” Says Stacy, getting up and preparing for her bath

“One worksheet really took it out of you.” Says Stella

“It was a monstrous packet of two pages, front and back. That’s backbreaking labor.” Says Stacy

“I’m glad you were able to subdue such a beast.” Says Stella, sarcastically

“I didn’t know if I would make it, my life flashed before my eyes. I thought I was done for, but somehow I persevered.” Says Stacy

“You will always be remembered for your selfless heroism.” Says Stella, dryly as Stacy exits the room

Stacy runs the water, fills the tub, undresses and shudders a groan as she gets into the water. She just sits in the tub halfway above the water. Stella walks into the bathroom.
“Rats, looks like my time in the tub is up.” Says Stacy, facetiously, standing up, as Stella starts to undress

“It’s only just begun.” Says Stella playfully

“I’m not going to prevent you from washing Stella.” Says Stacy, Stella fully undressed

“Get back in the tub.” Says Stella, holding Stacy’s body dominantly

“What is this about?” asks Stacy

“I’ve got to make sure you’re washing thoroughly.” Says Stella

“Oh I am, don’t worry, all clean.” Says Stacy

“Your hair is still dry.” Says Stella

“That doesn’t mean it’s not clean.” Says Stacy, attempting to avoid Stella’s insistence, Stella grabs Stacy’s hips and spins her around and slaps her ass with both of her hands simultaneously

“Go.” Commands Stella

“If you insist, I know better than to wrestle with you when I’m wet and naked. Lots of sharp corners and whatnot in the bathroom.” Says Stacy, awkwardly obliging and getting in the tub, Stella follows her and sits behind her

“I’m glad you know what’s best for you.” Says Stella as she picks up the washcloth and the soap from the side of the tub

“First, you get the soap and you rub it on the washcloth and clean your body with it.” Says Stella as she does so and starts to slowly and thoroughly clean Stacy’s back

“Just because I don’t do it doesn’t mean I don’t know how.” Says Stacy

“Sometimes I doubt that.” Says Stella, washing Stacy’s arms now, wrapping her other arm around Stacy’s waist, holding her close and kissing her neck

“Can I wash your weak arm?” asks Stella, concernedly

“Not too much. I can take the bandage off but don’t open the wound.” Says Stacy, she takes the bandage off, the gauze has been mostly pushed out of the hole in a compressed ball rich with dried blood, a small divet in the arm exists where the gunshot wound was covered by a thick scab that was nearly black.

“That looks pretty bad.” Says Stella

“You should have seen it a couple days ago.” Says Stacy

“I’ll just wash around that part.” Says Stella, who continues washing Stacy slowly

“You know I can do this myself right?” asks Stacy

“You can, but you won’t.” says Stella

“Good point.” Says Stacy, rather indifferent to being washed at this point

“I’m going to wash your face, so close your eyes.” Says Stella

“Thanks for warning me.” Says Stacy, closing her eyes as Stella thoroughly scrubs her face, before washing behind her ears and her neck

“Dunk yourself, I don’t want you to get soap in your eyes.” Says Stella

“Just don’t hold me under.” Says Stacy

“Who do you think I am?” asks Stella

“I don’t know sometimes.” Says Stacy

“Don’t worry; I wouldn’t do anything like that.” Says Stella, Stacy dunks herself under the water before coming back up. Stella starts to wash Stacy’s chest, fondling her breasts as she does so.

“Was this the reason you wanted to wash me?” asks Stacy

“No, but it’s kind of my reward for keeping you clean.” Says Stella, kissing Stacy’s neck before moving down her torso

“I didn’t think anybody would think of my breasts any sort of a reward, I’ve barely got tits in the first place.” Says Stacy

“Don’t say that. You’re breasts are cute and beautiful. They’re lovely.” Says Stella

“I’m not sure there’s a similar expression to ‘a face only a mother could love’ that I can use right here, but you get my gist.” Says Stacy

“You don’t like your breasts?” asks Stella

“I do. They’re convenient, they don’t get in the way or make my back hurt, nor do they draw unwanted attention. They’re my ideal breasts; I just didn’t think anybody else would like them.” Says Stacy

“I love every part of you Stacy.” Says Stella, as she starts to slowly wash Stacy’s legs

“Thanks, I guess.” Says Stacy, Stella kisses her on the neck again

“Curl your leg up so I can was the whole thing.” says Stella

“I didn’t think anybody could be this thorough.” Says Stacy

“Stacy, damn near everyone is this thorough.” Says Stella

“I find that hard to believe, maybe a select few, but I doubt most people was this well.” Says Stacy

“If you really want to be embarrassed go ask people how thoroughly they wash themselves when they bathe, they will all tell you they wash their entire body.” Says Stella, rubbing the cloth through Stacy’s toes individually

“Damn, toes and all, it might have been close to a decade since my toes were washed.” Says Stacy

“That’s disgusting.” Says Stella, washing the bottom of Stacy’s foot before moving onto her other leg

“It’s not like I eat with my feet or anything.” Says Stacy

Stella sighs, washing Stacy’s legs slowly, pulling her thigh up to reach her feet before moving onto the small over her back “Sit on your ankles so I can get the rest of you.” Says Stella, Stacy folds her legs back and allows Stella to massage her ass with the washcloth, wrapping her arm around and washing Stacy’s pubis, before approaching from behind with the cloth and rubbing it slowly between the gap in Stacy’s thighs

“I’m sure that part is clean by now.” Says Stacy, awkwardly

“Are you sure?” asks Stella playfully

“I’m not a doctor, but my better judgement tells me yes.” Says Stacy

“Ok.” Says Stella who then kisses Stacy’s cheek

“All done?” asks Stacy

“Do you know what shampoo is?” asks Stella

“That’s like a once a week thing, I’m sure I’ve done it in the last week.” Says Stacy

“For some reason I doubt that.” Says Stella

“Knock yourself out.” Says Stacy, Stella pours some shampoo into her hand and lovingly lathers it throughout Stacy’s hair

“You can scoot forward and lean your head into my lap; I’ll rinse it out for you.” Says Stella

Stacy does so and Stella plays with her hair in the water, happily staring at Stacy’s relaxed face in her lap

“Now I’m actually all clean. Unless I’m forgetting something.” Says Stacy with a legitimate bit of uncertainty as to if she actually knew all of the parts of bathing or not

“Now you get to wash me.” Says Stella

“I’m not sure I’m the one you want to put in charge of that.” Says Stacy

“I’ll guide your hand. Of course I wouldn’t trust you to do it by yourself. Kinetic memory is important, you know.” Says Stella as she stands up “Scoot back.” She says, Stacy threads her body between Stella’s legs before Stella places herself in the only position she truly desires, her own frail body supported by Stacy’s inhuman mental fortitude. She wraps one of Stacy’s arms around her waist and lathers the washcloth with soap again before placing it in Stacy’s hand.

“I hope I can trust you to at least wash my back.” Says Stella

“I’ll do my best.” Says Stacy who scrubs Stella’s back quickly and thoroughly as if attempting to polish the ivory that lay before her eyes, Stella sighs

“I thought I was doing good.” Says Stacy

“Better than I expected to be honest.” Says Stella

“I’ll take that as a compliment.” Says Stacy, Stella reaches behind her and grabs Stacy’s hand and thoroughly enjoys the slow caress along every inch of her body, taking extra time to remind Stacy of the importance of cleaning the sensitive areas on the body.

“I’ll let you off the hook in terms of shampooing me on account of your bum arm, but you’ve still got to rinse me.” Says Stella, who starts to lather her hair

“Right-o” says Stacy, Stella lays down and puts her head in Stacy’s lap who playfully rubs her hair around in the water

“All clean.” Says Stacy, cheerfully as Stella gets up

“Hopefully you will remember how to do it without my help next time.” Says Stella, playfully

“Next time.” Says Stacy, awkwardly, foolishly failing to expect a next time

“Next time.” Says Stella with a firm confidence as she gets out of the water, Stacy follows her

“Do you want me to dry you?” asks Stella

“You seem to mind being wet much less than I do.” Says Stacy

“Of course.” Says Stella as she playfully rubs Stacy up and down with the towel, eventually drying her well enough, she hangs up the towel and hands Stacy the other towel, looking at her expectantly, Stacy dry’s Stella with the same playful energy, finding it easier to enjoy this sort of silliness than the usual serious tones the relationship had tended to take before finally drying themselves off and dressing in clean knickers and brushing their teeth before going back to the room to change into night gowns.

“Thanks, I enjoyed that. I hope you like actually being clean for once.” Says Stella, who looks at Stacy longingly, grabs her by the hips and kisses her playfully on the lips

“It’s an odd feeling.” Says Stacy, rubbing the back of her head, more embarrassed by being clean than anything else

“You ready for sleep?” asks Stella

“More than anything.” Says Stacy, yawning as Stella turns out the lights and closes the door

“Am I still invited to your bed?” asks Stella, deviously as she grabs Stacy’s hand in the darkness polluted by the lines of amber streetlight that bleed through the blinds

“I don’t know about all that, I’m pretty beat.” Says Stacy, attempting to talk her way out of the offer she made

“You’re not going to let me at least cuddle you while you smell so nice?” asks Stella, with a playful pout

“I guess that’s fine.” Says Stacy, obligingly, Stella spins her around and throws Stacy onto the bed without releasing her, landing assertively on top of Stacy

“Not too much, ok?” says Stacy

“Ok. I’m kind of tired too.” Says Stella who slides to the side of Stacy, holding Stacy close, wrapping her leg around Stacy’s hips, posed like a professional dancer or a jockey on a sideways racehorse ,  she kisses Stacy’s cheek, holding her lovingly, Stacy kind enough to embrace Stella softly, herself also quite determined not to lose her sister. Stella nuzzles her head into the crook of Stacy’s neck; Stacy rests her cheek on top of Stella’s head. Stella falls asleep like this, and Stacy relinquishes her consciousness shortly afterwards.







The sky king peeks his head above the horizon as a seemingly infinite yet painfully finite number of tentacles brimming with radiation pierce the sky and painstakingly lash every last atom its mindless ruthlessness can sadistically pleasure itself with, the swirling balls of primordial matter are penetrated by the syringe fingers of the sky king as he violently injects the meek and lowly noun-powder with as much radiation as his glowing body can create. The silent and dying orbs vomit this radiation profusely, but cannot fully rid themselves of their infectious inundation, turning red and green and blue with sickness, all colors of the rainbow of death, this juicy excreta envelops the world, and these rainbow ghosts of the tentacles of god seek another orifice as its sadism propels itself to be recycled until it has been depleted of its radiation or otherwise loses the will to do so. The excreta pierces the eyes the two girls who’s world is a prison of infected noun-powder apparently glowing in the flavor of sickness that it could not stomach and thus expelled from its body so that the warm excreta of the sky king can find another vessel to quench it’s desire to be imbibed.


The two girls still locked in a warm embrace to fend off the cold fear of an even colder death. Stacy kisses Stella on the forehead. “It’s morning, Stella. Time to get up.” She says

“Do we have to? I just want to lay here with you.” says Stella, nuzzling Stacy, much more inclined to lay in bed

“Be my guest. Don’t be mad if we’re late for school though.” Says Stacy

“I never thought it would be your own responsibility talking you out of a good time.” Says Stella, kissing Stacy before getting out of bed

“That’s you’re responsibility doing that. I was willing to stay in bed.” Says Stacy

“Unfortunately for you, you’ve awoken that beast, so let’s just do what we must so we can enjoy ourselves later.” Says Stella

“That’s fine with me. I’ve no problem with swallowing the bitter pill known as inevitability. You sleep well?” Says Stacy, sitting up in bed

“Like a rock. You?” Says Stella, getting dressed

“I like to think that sleeping is my forte.” Says Stacy

“You have plenty of them. Sadly, even sleeping has the capacity to get you into trouble like most of the rest of them.” Says Stella

“Well, at least it’s not all of the rest of them.” Says Stacy, getting up and getting dressed

“I can tell you I appreciate some of the more pleasant ones.” Teases Stella

“I just hope those don’t get me into trouble.” Says Stacy

“It’s not like I’ll ever tell anybody.” Says Stella

“Good. That’s one flank I’ve not got to worry about then.” Says Stacy

“I’m glad you’re still thinking about your own safety and wellbeing.” Says Stella

“It’s more for you than for me at this point, and that’s saying something considering how much I love myself.” Says Stacy

“I’m glad you can love me more than that.” Says Stella cutely

“You’re easy to love, what can I say?” Says Stacy

“You are too, most of the time, even if you don’t want to admit it.” Teases Stella

“I’ll gladly admit it around you, but nobody else though. I can’t have my reputation of bold heartlessness be tarnished by that fact.” Says Stacy

“It’s our secret then. I’m glad you’re willing to open up that part of you to me though.” Says Stella

“You’re the only one who deserves it. Everybody else can piss off.” Says Stacy

“I’m glad you’re all mine.” Says Stella, hugging Stacy and kissing her

“Just do the same for me, I don’t want to have to kill a bunch of suitors like I’m Odysseus or something.” Says Stacy

“As long as you never leave me, you never will. Even if you do I’ll wait for you forever, and when you come back and kill all the bastards who think they can replace you, that will be the best day of my life.” Says Stella

“I’ll take the first option.” Says Stacy

“Good.” Says Stella, kissing Stacy playfully again “You want some breakfast?” she asks

“Of course, if you would be so kind.” Says Stacy

“How about some grits and eggs?” asks Stella

“That’s the number.” Says Stacy, already satisfied

“Coming right up.” Says Stella hospitably as she walks out the door and downstairs with Stacy in tow. Dale awake on the couch watching television.

“You’re up early.” Says Stella

“Carpe diem.” Says Dale

“You have something on the agenda today?” asks Stella

“Staying alive, of course.” Says Dale

“What are you doing in respects to that today?” asks Stella

“Drinking, of course.” Says Dale

“Not too much, ok?” asks Stella

“Drinking is wonderful because if you’ve got a healthy pace, you end up too drunk to drink too much, so you always just end up drinking enough.” Says Dale

“That’s good. Did you eat last night?” asks Stella

“Yeah, it was great. Thanks for that.” Says Dale

“No problem. I’m cooking grits and eggs, do you want any?” asks Stella

“No thanks, I kind of had that soup for breakfast already.” Says Dale

“That’s good, it’s healthier than grits and eggs anyways.” Says Stella

“I do try to be the embodiment of healthy living.” Jokes Dale

“You’re about as healthy as you can be in your position, so I’ll give you credit.” Says Stacy

“I try my best. Enjoy your breakfast girls.” Says Dale

“Enjoy your brunch, I suppose.” Says Stacy

“I’m glad it’s classy to have liquor for brunch, it really makes me feel a bit more respectable.” Says Dale

“You’re plenty respectable regardless; don’t worry about that sort of thing. You keep the house in order and that’s all anybody can ask for.” Says Stacy

“I’m just saying plenty and a bit more isn’t a bad thing. You’ve got to strive for greatness, you know?” Asks Dale

“Of course. We’re you’re children after all.” Says Stella

“You’re better than me though, you two are destined for greatness; all I can do is strive.” Says Dale

“You’re great in your own ways. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.” Says Stacy

“As long as you girls think that, that’s all the support I need.” Says Dale

“Of course we do. We will always think that. We love you, dad.” Says Stella

“I love you girls too. Don’t forget that.” Says Dale

“We couldn’t if we tried. Don’t worry about that.” Says Stacy

“I know I can’t do much, but if you ever need me, you know I’m here for you.” Says Dale

“Just being here is enough, that’s all we can ask for.” Says Stella

“Ask, and you shall receive. You know I’m not going anywhere lest the good lord takes me.” Says Dale

“Just don’t let him do it, ok?” asks Stacy

“I’m undefeated in the ring with that man; I wouldn’t expect him to dethrone the reigning champ anytime soon.” Says Dale

“That’s the spirit. Get some rest in case you’ve got to defend your title, ok?” asks Stacy

“Sounds like a plan.” Says Dale as he lays down, continuing to watch the television as the girls enter the kitchen, Stacy sits down and Stella starts to cook



“Mornings are brutal; it’s the only time of day I can sympathize with the plight of everyman.” Says Stacy

“How so?” asks Stella

“I just wake up and I’m so exhausted and weak, I feel like it would be easier to keep my head down and avoid as much conflict as possible. Just use what little energy I have for self-preservation rather than pursue any sort of lofty ambitions. My spirits are already broken by the anguish of living; it makes sense that the everyman is easily controlled by those who can muster the energy to attempt such things. He simply has no willpower to fight such imposition.” Says Stacy

“That sounds so weird coming from you.” Says Stella

“I know, but even I’m no match for the psychological effects of entropy. I’ve just got to put some fuel in the tank; some chemical potential energy would go a long way.” Says Stacy

“It will be a few minutes.” Says Stella

“Instant grits is a bit of an oxymoron.” Says Stacy, getting up and pouring herself a glass of milk before sitting back down

“I’m pretty satisfied with them; I’d rather wait 7 minutes than 20 minutes.” Says Stella

“We’ve got the ability to make 300 tons of metal fly gracefully through the air and land safely but we’ve still got to wait 7 minutes to make grits.” Says Stacy

“The benefits of rapid unimpeded transport over land and sea tempted intelligent people to innovate in the field of aeronautics a bit more than the temptation of cooking grits a little bit quicker.” Says Stella

“They clearly could not fathom the benefits of rapid unimpeded grits.” Says Stacy

“Your mind is just ahead of the times to be able to understand things like that.” Says Stella

“It’s just that the minds of too many people are chained to the ground, they don’t even bother to think about it, because they just presume it is impossible. The children need to dream, or else there is no chance for their dreams to come true.” Says Stacy

“You’re probably the only person who dreams about grits.” Says Stella

“I am never hungry in my dreams, never anything really. I always see food and think that would taste great, but I never eat anything. I don’t think I smell anything either, I don’t remember eating anything at all really so I might not even taste, only sight, sound, and tactility. My brain is kind of glazed over running on autopilot, I don’t think or anything it’s pretty weird. I kind of like it, I can just play my part without thinking or second-guessing and enjoy whatever crazy show my brain wants to put on for me without corrupting it with my freewill and consciousness. ” Says Stacy

“Dreams are weird like that, for some reason fear is still pretty common in dreams for some reason.” Says Stella

“I think it’s just to keep you on your toes, back in the wild woods man never knew when he would have to get up and start booking it because he heard the growl of a hungry lioness or something.” Says Stacy

“That kind of makes sense. It’s a shame that normal fears from everyday life have the capacity to replace the lioness though, most people aren’t running from a lioness in a nightmare they’re afraid because their money got stolen or somebody is upset with them.” Says Stella

“The funny thing is, in my dreams things that would easily frighten me senseless don’t have any effect on me. Like I’ll be in a car crash and the car will be wrapped around a tree and I just climb out of the car completely indifferent and keep on wandering down the road completely unfazed.” Says Stacy

“What do you do after that?” ask Stella

“Usually my dreams are inconsistent enough that somehow the scene will impossibly transition seamlessly into something completely unrelated. My brain kind of half-asses consistency in my dreams because it knows I won’t notice until I wake up.” Says Stacy

“Your brain would be the one to presume that every idea it has is up to snuff without any sort of thought to the consistency or realism of the thought. My dreams are pretty realistic I think, I don’t remember them much.” Says Stella

“My favorite part is that I am unquestioningly familiar with people I’ve never met and place’s I’ve never been, I always know exactly who is who and where I am even if it has no basis in reality or is quite frankly impossible. People act ridiculous and nonsensically but if I’m dreaming I’ll think of their babbling and acrobatic insanity as if it were nothing but business as usual. Maybe since my brain is asleep it just abandons rational thinking all together, that part is just too tired to work so it sleeps on the job.” Says Stacy

“Just make sure to wake that part up with the rest of you.” Says Stella

“I think more people would see me as a rational person if they would just understand that word as thinking with respect to ratios. Thinking with respect towards respecting other people or society is something different all together.” Says Stacy

“Civil mindedness is usually considered rational because the probability of staying alive is much higher when one aligns one’s self with society than when one attempts to fight society to the death.” Says Stella

“Sadly that means subjecting one’s self to complying with the irrational demands of society due to their own twisted self-serving unnatural ratios they choose to impose. Just like from church, God made ratios, man finds these ratios and corrupts them with his own vice and ignorance. It’s hard to call those ratios if they’re no longer rational.” Says Stacy

“Regardless of what you call them, they’re the facts of the matter. The food is hot, don’t burn yourself.” Says Stella, serving Stacy some grits and eggs

“Smells good, what do you put in your grits anyways?” asks Stacy

“Garlic powder, onion powder, salt, pepper, butter, paprika.” Says Stella, sitting down with her own food

“Where’d you pick that up?” asks Stacy

“A long time ago I was at my Zoe’s house for breakfast and her mom showed me. I told her my grits always tasted bad so I asked her what her recipe was.” Says Stella

“You’ve got to thank her for me next time you see her.” Says Stacy

“I’ll do that. I’m sure she’ll be happy to hear that somebody enjoys her recipes.” Says Stella

“You might be feeding me too well though.” Says Stacy

“What do you mean?” asks Stella

“If I’m eating like this I’ll have so much energy I might actually be attentive and participate in class.” Says Stacy

“Heaven forbid you actually make an effort for once.” Says Stella

“They might start to expect more from me, if they ever call me out on slacking off; I’m blaming you for not feeding me enough. Right now they just think I’m slightly incapable, which suits me perfectly.” Says Stacy

“I do my best Stacy. If you want bigger breakfasts I can try to do that for you.” Says Stella

“I’m happy with whatever you cook. Too much and I might end up sleeping through class.” Says Stacy

“It’s a catch-22, I guess.” Says Stella

“Don’t spoil me, spoiled children get indignant and it’s disgusting. Let me be grateful for whatever charity your loving soul offers me. The more you keep me hungry, the more grateful I’ll be for the food.” Says Stacy
“I don’t think I’m that manipulative, to be honest. I doubt it’s even possible to feed you enough to the point where you’re not hungry.” Says Stella

“I’m sure it is, but that’s beside the point. It wouldn’t be healthy to say the least.” Says Stacy

“You’ve got to eat enough to grow and what not.” Says Stella

“I do, I’m sure of that. I’m probably done growing, I’m about as tall as mom was and dad is pretty short too for a man. I don’t think god is going to sprinkle any more inches on me any time soon. I’d only be growing outwards at that point and nobody wants that.” Says Stacy

“Aren’t you technically underweight?” asks Stella

“I think I’m fine. You’re the same size as me so you should really know. If this is the weight my metabolism thinks is the right weight so be it, I can’t really do anything about it at that point.” Says Stacy

“I know I’m in the normal range, so you’re probably fine. I know it was a problem when we were younger.” Says Stella

“Now you can cook a hell of a lot better though, so we’re making good headway.” Says Stacy

Stella laughs “That’s true, I guess.” Says Stella

“I’m surprised we didn’t die when we just had Dale cooking for us. For a stay-at-home dad he can’t cook worth a damn.” Says Stacy

“He did his best and we didn’t die, so be grateful for that.” Says Stella

“That’s true; he had to captain the ship and the galley in stormy weather while he was sick and half broken. That’s a man if there’s ever been one.” Says Stacy

“I’m glad he can be semi-retired now. He’s done enough, he deserves some rest.” Says Stella

“It’s good for him. He’s drinking less from what I can tell now that he can actually enjoy it to some extent.” Says Stacy

“I’m just happy he is able to smile and joke around, he used to be a mess. It was so sad watching him be miserable all the time.” Says Stella
“I think he just felt inadequate and insecure about our futures, but since you turned into a model citizen and I’m a half-way decent person, he can be proud of that. Feeling like you’ve accomplished something can really set a man at ease whereas feeling like you’ve failed can induce intolerable misery.” Says Stacy

“If only he could accomplish something himself. It’s kind of heartbreaking to see him waste away like this every day.” Says Stella

“I think staying alive is a pretty impressive accomplishment at this point. Anyways, he’s a parent; plenty of parents gauge their level of accomplishment based off of their merits of their children; they’ve got unfulfilled dreams and unaddressed failures that they can only feel good about if their children are able to avoid making the same mistakes they did. Of course if the children make the same mistakes it’s their own damn fault. It’s easy to take credit for all of the good and none of the bad.” Says Stacy

“I’m pretty sure dad would beat himself up mercilessly if we were failures. He would blame himself day in and day out.” Says Stella

“All the more reason to keep on trucking, eh?” asks Stacy

“I hope you will try hard in school, even if it is just for dad. He would love to see you be successful.” Says Stella

“He’s pretty satisfied when I get average marks.” Says Stacy

“I’m sure he would be even happier if you got good ones.” Says Stella

“I’m not trying to compete with you in that department. You can keep being the shining star and I’ll keep being the lovable oaf, we’ve each got our own niche at that point.” Says Stacy

“You’re not an oaf, Stacy.” Says Stella

“I’m Bay City’s parallel to the yokel of the countryside. That’s how I like to think of it.” Says Stacy

“You could do a lot better than that.” Says Stella

“A yokel doesn’t spend his nights studying philosophy because he knows damn well it won’t help him reap the fields. My fields are simply sown with chaos and upheaval, and I live the simple life of a farmer.” Says Stacy

“Why not sow a better crop than that?” asks Stella

“I sow what the people are hungry for, when the stores are full of pickled chaos and dried upheaval, I will rotate my crops, but until then, even the yokel understands supply and demand.” Says Stacy

“Suit yourself. Maybe you could have a small little garden where you plant some nice things for once, just in case the market shifts unexpectedly.” Says Stella

“I’ll think about it. Tell people that I wanted to be a revolutionary but lacked the backbone to do so, thus I became a seamstress.” Jokes Stacy

“I think that would be nice. An honest living. You would always be in work anyways because if there’s one thing you can count on it’s America consistently getting a little too fat for their old clothes.” jokes Stella

“Or getting a nice set of fake tits that have got to be accommodated, it’s Bay City after all.” Says Stacy

“I’m telling you, seamstress wouldn’t be a bad idea.” Says Stella

“If it would get you off my case about school, I might entertain the idea. It’s not like I need all of the book-learning to sew.” Says Stacy

“You wish. You’ll need it more than you think, math for the money and what not.” Says Stella

“I’m sure the history of ancient Greece is extremely relevant to making clothes.” Says Stacy sarcastically

“Maybe somebody needs a dress styled after the antiquities.” Says Stella

“I can probably just tie a rope around a bedsheet and call it a day at that point.” Jokes Stacy

“You’ve got to take pride in your work. I’ll start cleaning up; we’ve got to leave pretty soon.” Says Stella

“I would be proud of that, that’s a historically accurate reproduction.” Says Stacy

“I’m pretty sure they want a nice dress more than a historically accurate reproduction, they’re probably going to some kind of theme party, not reenacting ancient history.” Says Stella

“I don’t think I could deal with fashionistas all day, I doubt I’ve got the tastes to suit anyone’s fancy in that regards. I’m a minimalist when it comes to fashion.” Says Stacy

“Maybe you could make that fashionable, who knows? Fashion never makes any sense. It’s either classy or it’s just super weird stuff. I don’t understand most of what I see at the pictures fashion shows, nobody in their right mind would wear half of that stuff.” Says Stella

“I wouldn’t argue that anyone who is concerned with fashion to that point is anywhere close to being in their right mind. Trying to look nice is one thing, but trying to set trends with nonsense is something else entirely. People keep on making allegedly cutting edge fashion when the only relevant fashion, business formal, has barely changed in over a hundred years.” Says Stacy

“Maybe on the men’s side, but fashion is aimed towards women anyways. Women’s fashion is always changing.” Says Stella

“It’s sad that women can’t find something more relevant to be petty about. It’s ironic that they can’t acknowledge their voluntarily subjecting themselves to objectification rather than even attempting to be a person. They just want to be an object that looks pretty.” Says Stacy
“For thousands of years that’s basically all that a woman could be, old habits die hard, you know.” Says Stella

“The worst part is now they expect you to be an intelligent, hardworking, and successful object that looks pretty that holds a full time job and still works another 40 hours a week as a homemaker and a mother. It’s not like women did themselves any favors by forcing themselves into the workplace unless they were some sort of spinster without any traditional prospects.” Says Stacy

“I can see your point. Women might have been too ambitious, but that is also probably the reason why birthrates have been suffering for the last few decades.” Says Stella

“The good thing is that plenty of people are just irresponsible enough to have children despite lacking the capacity to raise them on account of work. We were lacking on the parenting department and we turned out fine.” Says Stacy

“You are a little out there, but who knows why that is.” Says Stella

“I don’t know, I’ll just take the easy way out and blame a chemical imbalance and hormones like everybody else.” Says Stacy

“That sounds reasonable enough, I’m sure most people who say that’s the root of their problem couldn’t explain it any further than that, so if you’ve got that line committed to memory your defense of your quirks is up to par. Let’s go get ready for school.” Says Stella, starting to head upstairs, Stacy follows with much less enthusiasm

“You’re always too eager to dive into the midnight sea.” Says Stacy, as the girls get ready

“Ride the tiger.” says Stella

“You’re planning on riding me, eh?” jokes Stacy

“I wouldn’t mind that.” Says Stella, playfully

“Good.” Says Stacy, as the girls go to brush their teeth and return to their room

“Ready?” asks Stella

“Just one thing.” Says Stacy

“What is it?” asks Stella, Stacy grabs her by the hips and holds her closely, staring into her eyes boldly

“I don’t think I’ve thanked you properly for breakfast.” Says Stacy, playfully, as Stella looks at her, thoroughly pleased with Stacy’s unprecedented advance. Stacy begins to kiss Stella lovingly, using copious gratefulness as an indistinguishable substitute for passion, conscientiously obliging Stella’s request from yesterday, mildly entertained but largely out of an obligation to be courteous. Stella strokes Stacy’s face and hold’s he close, as her passion quickly exceeds Stacy’s, her mind painfully addicted to the feeling of believing she is actually important to somebody. Eventually Stacy shifts her mouth to Stella’s neck, kissing it lovingly, attempting to find some way to end the charade that she realizes may well last much longer than she anticipated.

“I love you so much, Stacy.” Whispers Stella passionately into Stacy’s ear, holding her tightly

“We have to go.” Says Stacy, looking at Stella a bit confused by her readiness to relinquish her responsibilities

“When you appreciate me like that, it just fills a hole in my heart and my body just melts in your arms I’m so happy. Thank you for that. ” Says Stella, who kisses Stacy’s cheek softly

“That’s all I want to do, I just want to make you happy. Remember that.” Says Stacy, being honest with Stella, driven more so out of fear and concern than anything else, but pleased that the precautions taken to avoid danger are rather harmless and peaceable

“You won’t let me forget that tonight, will you?” asks Stella, deviantly

“Of course not.” Says Stacy, playfully, enjoying her new boulder to push up the mountain far more than the old one as it takes much less effort to make what was once a seemingly impossible amount of progress up the mountain

“I look forward to it.” Says Stella, kissing Stacy softly with a flirtatious playfulness before going to get her things

“You sure you’ll be back to normal by the time we get to school?” asks Stacy

“I adapt to my environment, so in a stern and serious place like school, that’s what I’ll be, but thankfully you get to enjoy the finer parts of me.” Says Stella

“I do enjoy them thoroughly. I just need to figure out a way to make it 99% finer parts when I’m around you and I’d be in paradise.” Jokes Stacy

“Maybe one day.” Teases Stella as they head downstairs


“Bye, dad.” Says Stella merrily

“We’re off, remember what we talked about, ok?” asks Stella

“Have fun girls. Don’t worry, I’m not forgetting my survival instincts any time soon, I wouldn’t be alive without them.” Says Dale

“That good. Bye now.” Says Stacy as the girls walk out the door




“Can I hold your hand on the way to school?” asks Stella coquettishly

“I know you want to, but we should at least try to appear normal.” Says Stacy with reluctance

“I was trying to be normal. I really want you to hold all of me close to you if we go anywhere.” Says Stella, already feeling slightly abandoned, longing for closeness

“Maybe one day. I don’t know if the world is ready for that. If we keep to ourselves we don’t have to worry about explaining ourselves.” Says Stacy

“What is there to explain? We love each other.” Says Stella

“We love each other a lot, that’s just what I’m trying to get at.” Says Stacy, really attempting to avoid living such a life in public

“I think we can find a happy medium between our public and private lives.” Says Stella

“I’m pretty sure people would start asking questions, if either one of us became friendly and playful overnight, seeing how neither of us really are, especially with each other.” Says Stacy

Stella rolls her eyes, let down,“I guess I have no choice but to look forward to that ‘one day’” says Stella

“You could always look forward to this afternoon.” Says Stacy, suggestively

“That doesn’t help me with the things I want to do to you right now.” Says Stella, returning the deviance

“There’s a time and place for everything.” Says Stacy

“Stacy withdrawal is so painful, especially when I’m looking right at you.” Says Stella

“I’m sure, but hopefully school will help with that. Out of sight, out of mind, you know.” Says Stacy

“I’ll just have to satiate myself with fantasy for the time being.” Says Stella, longingly, already fading into fantasy

“That’s probably a better idea. Fantasies never get you into trouble if you never let them escape your mind.” Says Stacy

“I never will, not until we’re alone, that is.” Says Stella

“Good. Save it all for me. I’ll happily make your dreams come true.” Says Stacy

“Damn it, Stacy. You know how much it hurts to be teased like that?” Jokes Stella

“Sorry, I’ll try to let you get in the proper mindset for school.” Says Stacy

“I’m starting to loathe school as much as you do.” Jokes Stella

“Heaven forbid Stella has to settle for her second favorite thing in the world for 8 hours.” Jokes Stacy

“It’s hard when I’m so close to my favorite thing the whole time.” Says Stella

“I don’t want to spoil your appetite.” Jokes Stacy, still entertained and pleased with the Stella that is happy with her for once

“You’re going to satisfy me when we get home, right?” asks Stella

“Of course, I’ll enjoy every second of it too.” Says Stacy, salaciously

“I’ll just let that console me all day.” Says Stella

“Just don’t get too lost in your fantasies.” Says Stacy

“If you somehow manage to pay attention and get work done with your head in the clouds all day, I’m sure I’ll be fine even if I have you on the back of my mind all day.” Teases Stella

“That’s a good point.” Says Stacy



The girls eventually approach the gates of the old grey farmer, broad and boxy with Victorian bourgeois charm as his old body, no worse for wear, slowly and consistently reaps the youthfulness and gaiety of young girls, leaving them with the stubble of their once bountiful harvest that is poised to be burned by their subservience to the capitalist machine in the largely foolish hopes that one day a far more lucrative crop will bloom from the barren and ash-laden fields.


“I’ll see you tonight.” Says Stella, playfully innocent, looking deeply into her sister’s eyes

“Ta ta, for now, love.” Says Stacy, feigning British accent

“Ta ta.” Says Stella as she walks off, quietly, deprived to the point of depravity, washing her deviant mind with shameless fantasies


Stacy walks into class; pleased twice over by Stella’s cooking as well has Stella’s uncharacteristic satisfaction with her sister

“You look cheery today. Are you that happy to escape from Stella’s wrath?” Jokes Jenna

“She’s happy with me, ironically enough. She fed me so well this morning I can’t help but be happy.” Says Stacy

“I’m surprised that you can keep her happy enough to feed you.” Says Jenna

“It’s not hard. She’s a simple girl in the end.” Says Stacy

“I know. You just have trouble handling simple tasks sometimes.” Teases Jenna

“I’m learning. Maybe it’s the whole teenage emotions thing, but I’m starting to become slightly aware of people’s feelings.” Says Stacy

“That’s something a small child is capable of doing.” Says Jenna, dryly

“Well, I’m still a small child, after all, so I wouldn’t say I’m late to that party.” Says Stacy

“You’re almost an adult, albeit a small adult, but I’m pretty sure toddlers have more emotional awareness than you do.” Says Jenna

“You don’t know how sensitive I’ve been to Stella lately, real caring and stuff. It’s remarkable.” Says Stacy
“Good. I’m glad you decided it was worth your while to make an effort in that department rather than write it off completely like you usually do.” Says Jenna

“If I knew Stella would cook me even better food, I easily would have done it a long time ago.” Jokes Stacy

“You’re terrible Stacy. You’re supposed to do it because you care about her, not because she feeds you.” Says Jenna

“Clearly I do it because I care; I wouldn’t even know there was a reward if I didn’t do it in the first place.” Says Stacy

“I’m just glad Stella knows how to condition you like the dog that you are.” Jokes Jenna

“I’m not going to bite the hand that feeds me.” Says Stacy
“At one point I was not sure if you were smart enough, but I’m glad you’ve discovered the ancient wisdom of a dog.” Says Jenna

“Dogs are pretty smart after all.” Says Stacy

“Tallness is relative to one’s own height, but that’s beside the point. You easily made my day, as terrible as your reasoning is, I’m glad you’re actually attempting to be a better person.” Says Jenna

“Me too, it feels good.” Says Stacy

“Heartwarming, to say the least. Go sit down, I don’t want to look like some socialite talking to you. Thanks for the chat though, brightened up my Tuesday.” Says Jenna, returning to refreshing herself with her notes from yesterday’s lesson and the notes she took on the novel

“I’ll leave you be.” Says Stacy as she goes to sit down


“I’m surprised it took Jenna that long to get fed up with you, considering it’s first thing in the morning.” Teases Ophelia

“She’s proud of me for managing to keep Stella happy for two days in a row.” Says Stacy, proud of herself

“I am too. I knew you could do it if you tried.” Says Ophelia

“It’s not too hard. I don’t mind doing it either. I get a happy Stella and she’ll cook me even better food.” Says Stacy
“If it’s not hard why didn’t you do it before?” asks Ophelia

“It’s just kind of abnormal for me, pleasing her isn’t exactly second nature to me, but it’s getting there.” Says Stacy

“Of course being sensitive and doing your homework are abnormal things to you. I’m glad you’re willing to try and make a change for the better though.” Says Ophelia

“I definitely learned my lesson in regards to being sensitive.” Says Stacy

“It took you long enough.” Jokes Ophelia

“I’m just glad things are shipshape between us now. Adding being upset with me on top of the usual Stella demands would be a nightmare.” Says Stacy

“I bet. You know you should really do it for her, because you care about her, not just so you can avoid conflict.” Says Ophelia

“I care about her; I guess I was just bad at letting her know that before.” Says Stacy

“Yeah. Like really bad. Thankfully it sounds like you’re getting better.” Says Ophelia

“I’ve got a knack for picking up survival skills.” Jokes Stacy

Ophelia rolls her eyes “How about people skills?” she asks

“I’m getting there, at least in regards to Stella.” Says Stacy

“That’s good. I want you two to be thriving, not just surviving.” Says Ophelia

“We are. Don’t worry.” Says Stacy, bashfully

“That makes me happy. You know I can worry like Stella a little bit when things look bad, especially between two of my friends.” Says Ophelia

“Things are a lot better now. You don’t need to worry.” Says Stacy

“I’ll take your word for it. Did you do the reading?” asks Ophelia

“I looked at the book.” Says Stacy

“How far did you get?” asks Ophelia

“I looked at the cover.” Says Stacy

“Of course your laziness still managed to slip through Stella’s fingers somehow. Don’t worry, it’s just the guy losing his job and being upset about it, then his wife is upset with him, and he gets upset. It’s pretty dismal.” Says Ophelia

“I figured it would be something along those lines.” Says Stacy


The teacher coughs at the front of the class and starts to drum steadily on the humdrum and the girls march in rhythm to the humdrummery. The drill sergeant occasionally shouts aggressively in a coarse melody to which a private will respond with by shouting aggressively back in a similarly course melody, this militant humdrummery continues, broken by the occasional bell ringing which shifts the girls into the hands of another drill sergeant who continues with the communal effort to prepare the girls to wage economic warfare. Stacy walks with Ophelia between classes, she see’s Grace approaching.



“Grace, can I talk to you for a second.” Says Stacy

“Sure.” Says Grace

“Ophelia, you can go to class, I don’t want you to make you look like a dawdler. This will only be a moment.” Says Stacy

“Ok. I’ll see you this afternoon Grace.” Says Ophelia cutely, as she walks away

“See you later.” Says Grace, a bit timidly in the presence of Stacy

“You’re a lesbian, right?” asks Stacy quietly

“What? I mean, you know, clearly. Why?” Says Grace, also quietly

“How do two girls have sex?” asks Stacy, a bit embarrassed

“Is this about Ophelia?” asks Grace, a bit nervous

“No. That’s you’re business. If you do that sort of thing with her, just don’t call if that, call it something that sounds nice and normal.” Says Stacy

“Ok. Why do you want to know exactly?” asks Grace

“My friend is just curious, so I thought I could ask you.” Says Stacy

“And it’s not Ophelia?” asks Grace

“No. I’m sure she doesn’t even know much if anything about regular sex, let alone any other kind. Just a quick rundown would be great.” Says Stacy

“Well, there’s kissing, all over the body too, not just the mouth, working the breasts and nipples, girls like that. Fingering. You can eat a girl out, there’s tribbing…” says Grace

“I know the first two, what are the other ones exactly?” asks Stacy

“Well, the first you just use your tongue to work her clit, and if you want to really get her off you can add in fingers at the same time. The other one is just like scissor sex.” Says Grace, putting her fingers together like two pairs of scissors

“What is the clit?” asks Stacy

“It’s that little bump down there, the really sensitive part.” Says Grace

“Ok, thank you. I know this was maybe embarrassing, but I’m thankful you helped me out here. My friend will be happy with this I’m sure.” Says Stacy

“Are you a lesbian?” asks Grace, a bit confused

“What? No. My friend just couldn’t fathom how it was done and was curious so I told her I could maybe find out. Obviously they didn’t teach us that stuff in sex ed, you know?” says Stacy, embarrassed

“Ok. Glad I could help. It’s really not that crazy.” Says Grace

“Thanks again.” Says Stacy, her heart racing a bit from the embarrassment yet nobody seemed to pay them any mind

“Have fun, I’ll see you later.” Says Grace

“Heed my words in regards to your friend friend.” Says Stacy

“I will, don’t worry.” Says Grace, a bit giddy at the thought as the girls part ways and fall back in line marching to the beat of the humdrum with their sisters at arms. The lunch bell rings and the girls are released to the mess so that they may fuel the furthering of the intellectual and economic conquest. The trio files in and out of the line and take to the usual table, comfortably lacquered in the Bay City sunshine.





“You girls want the good news or the bad news?” asks Stacy

“The good news.” Says Ophelia

“The bad news, clearly.” Says Jenna, unentertained

“Luckily for the both of you it’s the same news. We’re going to polish our rings a healthy plenty this afternoon, if you girls would be so kind as to join me.” Says Stacy

“Mine is still pretty white.” Says Ophelia, a bit scared by the proposal

“Mine is fine as well, I keep an eye on yours and it was still silvery this morning, Stacy.” Says Jenna

“I only say this because there is a golden opportunity that should give us the rest of the week off in regards to our civic duty.” Says Stacy

“So it likely involves putting our lives on the line, and you want to do this in the middle of the day when everyone can see us? That’s crazy.” Says Jenna

“Nothing like that at all. We stroll up, do our good deeds, and walk away. There’s no danger at all, no guns or knives or anything.” Says Stacy

“What do you plan on doing if you don’t have a gun?” asks Jenna

“Well, I have a gun, there’s no other guns besides that one.” says Stacy

“Amazing. Riddle me this golden opportunity while you’re still so eager. I want to see if my common sense can detect danger any better than your omniscience.” Says Jenna

“We just go to church and be good people. It’s that simple.” Says Stacy

“You’re kidding me, right?” asks Jenna

“I don’t think just going to church is going to help that much. There isn’t even a service on Tuesday.” Says Ophelia

“That’s the point.” Says Stacy

“You’re going to confess?” asks Ophelia

“Well, somebody is going to confess.” Says Stacy

“You should be the one to do it, you need it the most.” Says Ophelia

“I’ll give you a hint; it’s neither of the three of us.” Says Stacy

“You’re just going to make somebody confess to a crime or something?” asks Jenna

“Pretty much, save a few innocent lives on account of it.” Says Stacy

“That’s pretty lofty, even from you. What do you expect us to do?” asks Jenna

“You two are just the distraction. I’ll tell you later, but there’s no risk involved to either of you two, unless you think a priest will kill you or something.” Says Stacy

“No. I would say this is stupid but I know you’re beating around the bush. I’m sure you wouldn’t lie to yourself about the amount of polish you can put on the damn ring by doing something easy.” Says Jenna

“If we’re going to church, you should at least confess. It’s nice that you’re just getting a bad guy so fess up to being a bad guy after what you did last time.” Says Ophelia

“Well, I’ll just say I’m doing a nice thing for the innocent victims. I don’t want to fill you in too much, seeing how the only risk is the police getting involved, and technically you two don’t even need to know what exactly I am doing.” Says Stacy

“Good. I couldn’t stomach another one of your bright ideas; give me a bit more time to digest the last one.” Says Jenna

“You don’t think the police will be suspicious if we go after criminals in broad daylight dressed up like that?” asks Ophelia

“It’s Bay City; you are forgetting how many weirdos dress up in costumes every day. Nobody will bat an eye. Besides, the only one who can talk to the cops is a priest, and I am fairly certain he will put faith in god and believe in good deeds more than attempt to seek retribution on account of a criminal being brought to justice.” Says Stacy

“Since it seems like you’re the only one risking anything, I’m fine with it. If anybody does somehow see through our disguises, I am completely in the dark as to what you are doing. I am willing to talk to a priest for you or whatever, but that’s it. Doing these things in the middle of the night is one thing, but in broad daylight it is just reckless.” Says Jenna

“I’ll go too. I think Stacy has a good plan for once, even if she has to point the gun at somebody to make them confess.” Says Ophelia

“Then it’s settled. Now we just need an alibi. You two were at my house doing schoolwork with me, ok?” asks Stacy

“That’s fine. Let’s hope we don’t need to use it.” Says Jenna

“What do we tell Isabelle and Grace if they want to hang out again?” asks Ophelia

“We’ll just say I’m behind on my work and you’ve got two have got to save me from Stella’s wrath. That sounds normal enough.” Says Stacy

“At least your alibis are pretty good. Let’s just hope this idea goes off without a hitch. I’m sure it is something remarkably unsettling if you think it will keep your ring white all week and save innocent lives. You’ve really become ambitious.” Says Jenna

“Seldom does life present me with such an opportunity to accomplish great things for so little effort. I’m simply trying to make the most of it.” Says Stacy

“That’s good. I’m glad you’re not putting yourself in danger again. That’s too scary.” Says Ophelia

“I didn’t put myself into danger last time; I slipped into danger on account of my foolishness. It won’t happen again.” Says Stacy

“I’m almost grateful we’re in this situation if it was the only thing that was capable of causing you to acknowledge even a small fraction of your foolishness. You tend to only learn the hard way; what is so displeasing about the easy way I’ll never know.” Says Jenna

“I just had to learn the hard way that it is more preferable to learn the easy way. I’ve sharpened my mind, have no fears.” Says Stacy
“That’s kind of hard, but I’ll try. We don’t have a choice in the long run, and if this is a safe option I’m all for it since we get a lot of credit for helping you.” Says Ophelia

“Huzzah. Let’s carry on with the normalcy for now and change the subject, I don’t want to worry you two too much.” Says Stacy

“Thank you. It’s a bitter pill to swallow, but I also understand our hands are just as forced as yours for the most part.” Says Jenna

“I’m still curious as to how you are keeping Stella happy, that’s almost unheard of.” Says Ophelia

“How she is allegedly keeping Stella happy.” Says Jenna

“I just stopped saying stupid things that she didn’t like and try to do what she wants me to. It’s nothing, really.” Says Stacy

“I’m certain that’s all it takes to make her happy, but I’m just cautious to believe that you actually do those things.” Says Jenna

“I have put Stella through a lot recently, and I’m just trying to make it up to her. I don’t need more problems on top of the ones we can’t do anything about.” Says Stacy

“Thank you for swallowing your pride for once in order to make somebody happy. I know it’s damn near impossible to swallow since it’s so big, but if you’ve managed to do it, I’m relieved.” Says Jenna

“That’s mean, Jenna.” Says Ophelia, chuckling

“It’s the truth, just make sure you keep it down so that it doesn’t rear its ugly head again, at least not around Stella.” Says Jenna

“I can promise you that. Not around Stella, of course. Unfortunately for you, I’m not as concerned with your reactions to my ramblings.” Says Stacy

“I’m fine with your rantings; usually they are fairly amusing even if only out of pure foolishness. It’s your reckless actions that I tend to be more concerned about, but that’s something else altogether.” Says Jenna

“I kind of like your ideas too, well maybe not the ideas but the fact that you enjoy talking about them in your ambitious style. You remind me of all of those speakers we see sometimes in history talking big to crowds of people, it’s kind of cool.” Says Ophelia

“I appreciate that. Stella seems to think it’s nothing but me wildly driving a car drunk on a winding road, but so be it.” Says Stacy

“I don’t think so, it’s more like you shouting at the bar your intentions to wildly drive your car drunk on a winding road alongside your plan to get all the way to Reno and win a few million dollars while you’re there.” Says Jenna

“You know, plenty of people gamble because they find it to be a thrilling experience, they don’t really expect to win.” Says Stacy

“I’m glad you are only satisfied by the most absurd and lofty thrill seeking possible, it wouldn’t be anywhere near as entertaining if you were satisfied by rollerblading or something. Says Jenna

“I couldn’t respect myself if I told people that my ambitions in life were working a lowly job and rollerblading in my free time.” Says Ophelia

“I’m sure those people can actually reach a point in their life where they fulfil their ambitions. That’s got to be worth something.” Says Jenna

“I think to myself, I’ve got job security and I’m strapping on my rollerblades, this is the climax of my life, I guess it’s all downhill from here. I would die a little inside.” Says Stacy

“But you’re on rollerblades, so going downhill is the best part.” Says Ophelia cutely

“Until you fall down and tumble down the hill painfully for the rest of your life.” Says Stacy
“That happens to everybody for the most part, regardless of rollerblading.” Says Jenna

“I think rollerblading just gets you there a lot quicker. Falling down on asphalt hurts enough; I don’t see why I would want to go thirty miles an hour doing so.” Says Stacy

“Good point.” Says Jenna

“You want my milk? You might need it if you’re going after bad guys today.” Says Ophelia

“Sure. You might make me start going after bad guys every day if you give me treats like this.” Says Stacy, taking the milk

“Please, no.” says Ophelia

“I’m kidding. Thanks, I do appreciate it. Nothing gets me in the spirit for doing good deeds like sweet delicious milk.” Says Stacy, drinking heartily

“Somehow you are the least reluctant of all of us to go and do these sorts of things, even after Saturday night.” Says Jenna

“This is nothing like Saturday, don’t worry. I wouldn’t be so eager if it weren’t such easy pickings.” Says Stacy

“I’m pretty sure you described Saturday as something along the lines of easy pickings.” Says Jenna, dryly

“I’ve since made it much more difficult to qualify as easy. Me and Stella talked about this.” Says Stacy

“I’m glad Stella was able to talk some sense into you, you were pretty reckless going after somebody with a gun.” Says Ophelia

“That wasn’t the issue, but that’s beside the point.” Says Stacy

“The issue wasn’t getting shot?” asks Jenna, boldly dry

“That was the issue. It wasn’t the gun wielding thug.” Says Stacy

“Those tend to go hand in hand.” Says Jenna

“You clearly didn’t see me drop the bastard before he could even notice me out of the corner of his eye. I was reckless in leaving a gun within arm’s reach of a traumatized girl.” Says Stacy

“You realize that describes your living situation perfectly, right?” asks Jenna

“I healed the trauma, Stella is perfectly fine now.” Says Stacy

“That is damn near impossible to believe, Stacy. I could see making amends, but you wouldn’t even know how to start healing that trauma.” Says Jenna

“We healed the trauma together, ok? She talked me through it; I just had to oblige her.” Says Stacy

“That sounds like you just lied profusely to your sister by telling her what she wanted to hear.” Says Jenna

“It was more honest than that, she understands what we are tasked with. Thankfully you two were able to help her come to grips with the ring thanks to your little fashion show. She just wants me to be more careful, and I am dead set on doing that.” Says Stacy

“That’s good. Stella is really smart, so I’m sure she was able to understand our jobs as witches.” Says Ophelia

“You realize being smart makes it much harder to come to grips with that?” asks Jenna

“Why?” asks Ophelia
“It would seem like utter nonsense to anybody with half a brain.” Says Jenna

“Regardless, she knows the truth and that’s enough. She thought I was crazy all week and I’m glad I don’t have to argue about that anymore.” Says Stacy

“You are crazy, but that’s beside the point.” Jokes Jenna

“I thought we were going with quirky.” Says Stacy

“I apologize, you are just quirky. That is what you are. Not crazy at all.” Says Jenna, amused, playfully rolling her eyes

“I like to think that. Crazy people are fools; I’ve got my wits about me, after all.” Says Stacy

“I don’t think you’re crazy. You’ve got your quirks but you don’t babble on about nonsense and talk to things that aren’t there or whatever.” Says Ophelia

“There are more types of crazy than that, but I’ll leave it be.” Says Jenna

“I’m pretty sure in the modern era there are zero types of crazy. It’s not politically correct to call somebody crazy, therefore nobody is crazy.” Says Stacy

“You would prefer the term mentally ill?” asks Jenna

“I would find that even more so disparaging, if I were crazy that is. I’d probably fight for social justice and get something along the lines of delightful mandated for the politically correct terminology.” Says Stacy

“I think that might cause people to brush off the seriousness of mental illness.” Says Jenna

“I’m sure it would make them feel less ostracized though. I’m sure the social stigma hurts just as much as the illness itself sometimes. If we can’t fix the illness, we may as well attempt to fix the stigma.” Says Stacy

“Speaking of people getting hurt; how is your arm? It looked really bad from what I could see on Saturday.” Says Ophelia

“It’s right as rain, like a childhood scab at this point thanks to Jenna’s miraculous healing skills. It’s sore, but that’s fine, I don’t use that arm for much anyways.” Says Stacy

“I’m amazed to be honest, but I’m sure you’re being euphemistic about it.” Says Jenna

“Less so than you might think, it’s healing up nicely to say the least.” Says Stacy

“That’s good; even if it is only helping me build confidence in my abilities while sacrificing some of your ability to learn from your mistakes.” Says Jenna

“I’ve learned enough. Getting shot does that to a person. Jesus. I’m not a rock.” Says Stacy

“Let’s hope so, if you get shot again you know I’m going to half-ass the magic so you actually learn your damn lesson.” Says Jenna

“I’m not getting shot again, so sadly you won’t have the opportunity to educate me through your bumptious spite.” Says Stacy

“Let’s hope she doesn’t have to. If Stacy does get shot you have to do your best though, Jenna. If she dies it would be your fault if all you had to do was heal her.” Says Ophelia

“You’re lucky the Hippocratic Oath binds me so that I have no choice.” Says Jenna

“So, you’re already a doctor? Congratulations.” Jokes Stacy

“My parents will teach you the Hippocratic Oath well before they delve into the bible.” Says Jenna

“I figured. It makes sense that they’d rather have a doctor for a child than a nun.” Says Stacy

“What’s wrong with being a nun?” asks Ophelia

“Nothing, really, it just doesn’t quite pay the bills as well.” Says Stacy

“They seem to do just fine.” Says Ophelia

“I think my parents just have more faith in medicine than they do in god.” Says Jenna

“That’s kind of sad.” Says Ophelia

“They still believe in god, don’t get me wrong, they just don’t think that god is going to solve anybody’s problems or help anybody. They kind of just see him as the force that judges souls and what not, not somebody who meddles in the affairs of humans.” Says Jenna

“God works in mysterious ways, I’m sure if you keep your eyes peeled you might notice a miracle or God’s hand helping somebody every now and again.” Says Ophelia
“After seeing Stacy survive getting shot at point blank range, that put some faith in me for sure.” Says Jenna

“That gave me plenty of faith in god too. It seemed more like god’s foot doing the helping, but that’s just my perspective.” Jokes Stacy

“If anybody need’s god watching over them it’s you, Stacy, so I would do your best at having some legitimate faith for once.” Says Jenna

“I’d say my faith is legitimate as long as I believe. Who really has the authority to judge proper faith from improper faith?” Says Stacy

“God, for one.” Says Jenna

“Yeah, definitely God.” Says Ophelia

“Well, seeing how he was so kind to look out for me on Saturday night and save my life, I’m going to go ahead and have faith that I’m doing the whole believing in god thing right.” Says Stacy

“You’re bold, but you’ve got a point to be honest. I think we learned this lesson in church, so I’m not going to strike your faith down or anything.” Says Jenna

“I am pleasantly surprised.” Says Stacy, grinning

“I don’t know what to believe right now, so consider yourself lucky, I guess. Being indifferent isn’t as hard as you might think.” Says Jenna

“Contemplating your agnosticism along with the legitimacy of god is the first step towards actually having faith.” Says Stacy

“I believe in god, I’m just unsure as to if you’re actually god’s servant or whatever. It’s kind of spooky to even think of that sort of thing, but you tend to be blessed with an irrational number of miracles.” Says Jenna

“I think we’re all servants of God, why else would we be tasked with doing good things and blessed with magic to help us? Clearly God wants us to help him.” says Ophelia

“Let’s go with that. If I’m ever on trial and just argue vehemently that I am a puppet of God and am executing God’s will on the planet, I’m sure they’ll take it easy on me.” Says Jenna

“Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that. The police could care less about stopping bad people, let alone good people.” Says Stacy

“I’ll be merrily drunk on optimism for the rest of the foreseeable future. I’ve got to sleep at night somehow. Anyways, it’s time to go.” Says Jenna, as the second lunch bell rings





The large herd of animals moseys over to their respective clubs, a select few among the ranks of the animals dedicated to mutual appreciation of their fellow animals. Stacy and her companions find themselves in the usual spot in the back while Stacy salivates over the prospect of premeditated murder with no chance of being shot herself. Aurelia instructs the girls to get started on their usual business and shoots the gun signaling the dogs to amble over to the magazines and return to their lab-room tables in order to look busy. The girls sit around one half of a lab table, with a couple of chairs pulled up behind to accommodate the size of their posse. The girls continue with their usual Animal Club pastimes.

“So, Stacy, what did you want to talk to Grace about earlier, anyways?” asks Ophelia, absentmindedly, not looking up from her magazine

“Oh, what? Nothing. I just was asking if it would send the wrong kind of message to other girls if I painted my nails. I asked because she tends to understand how to tell if feminine things are harmless of they promote that sort of objectification.” Says Stacy, lying blatantly and haughtily, embarrassed by the thought of her talk

“What? You actually talked to her about girly stuff? Since when are you girly?” teases Ophelia

“I just was checking to see if it was too girly or if I could get away with it and not lose respect for my brazenness.” Says Stacy, Grace looks at her and smiles with feigned innocence

“I think you should do it, you can get away with most colors and nobody will think much of it.” says Grace, playing along

“I am also surprised by this, what color were you thinking?” asks Jenna

“I don’t know, pink.” Says Stacy offhandedly, not having thought of any color

“I would think you were more of a blood red nails kind of girl.” Says Isabelle, also surprised at this point

“That’s more up my alley, but people might notice. I don’t want people to think I care about my looks at all, that’s the wrong kind of message to send to impressionable young girls. Nails are normally pink anyways, so that’s why I said that, it would be hard to notice.” Says Stacy

“It wouldn’t be hard to notice that your nails are a super cute pink instead of the normal color pink, though.” Says Ophelia

“I’m embarrassed already just thinking about it.” Says Stacy

“I think we should paint your nails, just to torture you with girly things.” Teases Jenna

“At this point my nails might end up blood red regardless if you try that.” Says Stacy

“Kitty’s got claws.” Teases Isabelle, the name causing Stacy the smile to fade from Stacy’s face for a moment, before the name brought a different smile to her face none the less

“I think a cute baby blue would also be cute, you’ve got so many possibilities. I think it would go great in contrast with our uniform.” Says Ophelia

“I’m glad I don’t spend my days thinking of these sorts of things.” Says Stacy

“Looking good never hurt anybody.” Says Isabelle

“I’m pretty sure plenty of women are targeted and hurt by salacious criminals for exactly that reason.” Says Stacy

“I think those sorts of people are more opportunists than anything else.” Says Jenna

“It’s much less of an opportunity for them if you look like a mess, that’s how I look at it.” Says Stacy

“Just don’t put yourself in the wrong situations and you should be fine, you can’t use your fear of men to prevent you from having fun and being cute every now and again.” Says Isabelle

“I’m just cautious. I have no interest in being cute for anybody: I’m not seeking the company of men and I’m not petty enough to compete with other girls. I just don’t see the appeal.” Says Stacy

“The appeal is that you yourself like to look at yourself being cute, it feels great to get excited that you look good. I’m sure if we doll you up good enough you might see the light.” Says Ophelia

“I doubt it. I tend to think I look good enough without being dolled up, I’d feel like some streetwalking vixen if start to wear makeup like that.” Says Stacy

“I think you’d like it. If you already think you look good, then I’m sure you’d like how you look with makeup on.” Says Isabelle

“I’m not saying it would look bad, the whole vanity thing is just not my cup of tea. It seems like a waste of time and money all together. I should probably learn to do that stuff to some extent one day in case I have job interviews or something, but other than that I’m not trying to delude people by falsifying good looks on my face.” Says Stacy

“Me and Isabelle can teach you, so don’t worry about that. It will be fun, I promise.” Says Grace

“I could use some tips too, my mom taught me some basics but since Jenna and Stacy aren’t exactly girly girls we don’t get to play around and experiment like we should. It’s kind of sad.” Says Ophelia
“I’m with Stacy, I’m not going to waste time trying to look good for a bunch of girls out of some insecure pettiness. If this wasn’t a girl’s school, maybe I would care more about my looks, but I couldn’t care less about what a bunch of catty girls think about me. I’m glad you girls can appreciate my company, I don’t want to have to exercise vanity every morning in order to convince some petty girls to give me the time of day, to hell with them.” Says Jenna

“I just do a little here and there; it helps to look better than other girls when you’re arguing with them. I know, I’m petty, kill me.” Jokes Isabelle

“You don’t really have to try in regards to that with most of the girls in our neighborhood; I think their ugly personalities have rubbed off on the faces over the years.” Says Grace

“Ouch. They would slap you so hard if they heard that.” Says Isabelle

“It’s true though, they wouldn’t all have resting bitch face if they weren’t inherently bitches all of the time.” Says Grace

“Damn, you are ruthless today. Poor kids could have been born with a bad mug and you’re just going to cite personality flaws right off the bat. I can see where you’re coming from, most of them are so damn petty it makes sense that they’re never happy and always pissed off by any trivial trinket, bauble, smile, laugh, or even a wave that one of their rivals got to the point that it makes them feel insecure and competitive. It’s not healthy.” Says Isabelle

“I’m glad I’m not rich, I would get real tired of people turning their nose up at me because their new bracelet or earing makes them feel superior. That’s a miserable life if that’s how they gauge their self-worth.” Says Stacy

“Well, clearly they have no other aspects of their life that even resemble something somebody could draw self-worth from.” Says Grace

“Damn. Maybe they have resting bitch face because you’re so cruel, Grace.” Says Isabelle

“I doubt it, most of them know better than to start that shit with me, I don’t let their ego see the light of day. They’re spoiled children and it’s shameless, I’m not going to let them hold onto any shred of pride they can find if they want to act like that, they don’t deserve it. They should be ashamed of themselves for being so stupid and petty, it would be wrong if I let them feel good about themselves on account of it.” Says Grace

“I see your point. If you condone it they start to come to you seeking approval and attention incessantly, it’s a bother to constantly provide validation to petty people.” Says Isabelle

“Thankfully I’ve never had to give any validation to Stacy, she’s a treasure-trove of homemade validation, and Ophelia it would be hard not to validate to be honest.” Says Jenna

“Aww, thank you.” Says Ophelia

“I’m glad you’ve got some good friends, a lot of the bitches I know think that a friend is somebody who will do nothing but spend time with you demeaning other girls behind their backs.” Says Grace

“It’s the equivalent to a shoulder to cry on for mean people, I guess.” Says Isabelle

“Why are the girls so mean?” asks Ophelia

“They are insecure, they think the only way they can get people to like them is if they demean and belittle other girls with slander and what not to the point where the defamed girl they are talking about is so disrespected that the lack of respect is at a comparable level to the girl’s own lack of self-esteem, so at that point she feels like she can compete for popularity again.” Says Stacy

“Couldn’t have said it better myself.” Says Grace

“Don’t you think you’re kind of doing the same thing as they are by talking bad about them?” asks Jenna

“The difference is I am talking bad about them as a collective, where as they talk bad about each other on an individual level from within the collective. I’m putting myself above them and it’s natural for somebody to have little respect for things that are below them. They attempt to put themselves above each other by striking each other down while remaining in the collective instead of simply rising above the pettiness. That’s the difference.” Says Stacy

“Let’s go back to the nice topics like beautifying Stacy.” Says Ophelia, Jenna chuckles

“That’s a pretty mean topic.” Says Stacy

“I’m sure you would like it.” Says Ophelia

“I want people to see the raw, savage, and violent beast that is here today because it ruthlessly killed off every last rival species of hominid that was competing for the same niche. That’s what I am; I’m not some doll that simply exists to look pretty and be swooned over and pose for photographs.” Says Stacy

“You can be both, you know.” Jokes Isabelle

“I think it can be empowering, a lot of people will give you more respect if you look good. It intimidates a lot of people.” Says Grace

“I’d rather have my authority make a man feel like he’s my prey being hunted rather than some schoolboy who I’m going to punish because he was naughty and I’m some school mistress.” Says Stacy

“That’s not exactly civil, Stacy.” Says Jenna

“Ok, slave, not prey, better?” asks Stacy

“Maybe a little bit.” Says Jenna

“I like it.” Says Grace

“Of course you like it. I just worry it might be harder than you think, you’re not exactly carrying an imposing frame, you know?” asks Isabelle

“I’ll leave the physical intimidation to the lumberjacks; I can do plenty with mind games. If I had more meat on me men might want to play rough, but they know the price for breaking a woman so they’d be extra cautious around little old me.” Says Stacy

“That doesn’t mean you won’t get broken, sadly.” Says Grace

“I can hold my own. I know their weak points if worst comes to worst.” Says Stacy

“If it comes to that, I’m sure they deserve it.” Says Grace

“I would be safe and have some kind of protection on you, just to be safe. You’re quite dainty after all.” Says Isabelle

“I’m not trying to end up in prison when I’m done with the man who makes that misstep.” Says Stacy

“Maybe not that much protection, I was thinking like pepper spray or an electroshock weapon.” Says Isabelle

“I think I can enjoy it more if I use my bare hands. I could always have a knife up my skirt or something; give them something to remember me by.” Says Stacy

“What happened to not going to prison?” asks Jenna

“I’m sure the court would easily decide that the frail five foot tall girl was acting in self-defense when the burly 6 foot man put his hands on her. I’ll have to hold myself back to prevent myself from maiming and mutilating him, but that shouldn’t be too hard.” Says Stacy

“That really shouldn’t be hard at all Stacy. Like zero on the difficulty scale, I don’t see who could find having that sort of restraint difficult.” Says Jenna, a bit alarmed

“I’m sure I would find that difficult too, if a man laid his hands on me. I’m hotheaded when it comes to that sort of stuff.” Says Grace

“Great minds think alike.” Says Stacy, proudly

“I don’t know how we shifted from a bad topic to an even worse one; I don’t want to think about this kind of thing.” Says Ophelia, getting upset

“You’re probably the one who is most likely to be forced to defend yourself, unfortunately. You’ve got everything men want.” Says Isabelle

“Hello? I’m nice. I don’t get into fights with people.” Says Ophelia

“That doesn’t mean that bad men aren’t going to try to do bad things to you if they get the chance.” Says Grace

“That has yet to happen to me, but I’m sure if something like that does Stacy will fight them off or something.” Says Ophelia

“You know I will.” Says Stacy

“I will too, if I’m with you at least.” Says Grace

“Thanks. I don’t want to do that sort of thing; I don’t think I even could.” Says Ophelia

“Just don’t put yourself in those situations and you should be fine.” Says Jenna

“I don’t even know what those situations are.” Says Ophelia

“Parties, for one, beyond that is even stupider things like getting into cars with men.” Says Grace

“I don’t get into stranger’s cars for one, and I’ve never been invited to a party, so you girls are worrying about nothing.” Says Ophelia

“If men ever do catch your attention and you give them the time of day, they’ll be knocking down your door day in and day out.” Says Grace

“I wouldn’t mind the attention.” Says Ophelia

“You would start to mind that kind of attention pretty quick. Men are filthy animals.” Says Grace

“Hopefully she can just find a good guy to protect her from the bad ones.” Says Isabelle

“I doubt since I’ve yet to find any type of guy up until now. I would ask for help but you girls tend to think that all guys are bad news so that doesn’t help me.” Says Ophelia

“To be frank, they are bad news until you’re an adult. It might be fun but it can only lead to problems. You’re better off focusing on your schoolwork until you have a stable life and then look into dating. If you get caught up with men you might end up having to give up school all together because you have a baby or something.” Says Jenna

“I’m sorry I like to have fun. Besides, having a baby isn’t a bad thing.” Says Ophelia

“It is when it’s with some good for nothing man; you want to hold out for the right guy who can actually take care of you in the long run.” Says Jenna

“You can just have fun with us in the meantime, I’m sure none of us could sleep easy knowing we have to entrust some strange man to take care of you.” Says Stacy

“I do have fun with you guys, but I still feel like I’m missing something in my life.” Says Ophelia

“You’re not missing anything but a bunch of heartbreak and drama at best, and at worst you have a baby with some scoundrel and ruin your life.” Says Grace

Ophelia rolls her eyes “Never the optimists are we?” She says

“It’s just a gamble, sure it pays off for plenty of girls and they’re no worse for wear, but it also has the capacity to ruin your life. The girls are just unsure that you know how to gamble responsibly is all.” Says Isabelle

“I don’t, but maybe I’ll just get lucky.” Says Ophelia

“I’m not in favor of letting you risk your entire future on the basis that you might be lucky.” Says Jenna

“I can’t win if I don’t play.” Says Ophelia

“I just think you could do yourself and learn the game a little bit better before you dive in headfirst.” Says Isabelle

“That’s what I hope for in the very least.” Says Stacy

“The only one willing to help me is Grace, and she’ll only teach me how to do it, not how to get there.” Says Ophelia, Grace looks away a bit embarrassed, Stacy chuckles

“I could accompany you on your dates and critique the men for you, but I’m sure nobody would like that.” Says Jenna

“I don’t know, we could do a double date or something. I would like to have your opinion on it since you’re so smart, you know?” says Ophelia

“That’s comforting, but it requires that I find a date, which might be hard.” Says Jenna

“If worst comes to worst I can pretend to be your date. Then we can both criticize the man thoroughly.” Says Stacy

“That’s not ideal at all Stacy, but thanks for trying. I’m trying to preserve Ophelia’s image as a nice loving normal girl, not somebody who is friends with insane weirdos.” Says Jenna

“If the man isn’t reasonable enough to be ok with that, then he’s not right for Ophelia.” Says Grace

“I don’t think anybody in their right mind would be ok with half of the things that Stacy says. They would likely be on edge and start fearing for their life halfway through the date.” Says Jenna

“I would behave, I promise.” Says Stacy

“For some reason I doubt that.” Says Jenna

“It shouldn’t be hard for you to find a date, he might be boring since you’re so dry and studious but that’s not so bad. A studious man is much better than a leather clad man who will accomplish nothing but driving his motorcycle off of a cliff.” Says Isabelle

“Woah now, don’t get my hopes up saying I could land my dream man.” Says Jenna, the girls laugh

“We should teach you how to flirt and take you to the library, I’m sure you would make any guy’s day who is spending his weekend studying.” Says Isabelle

“Hey there, sexy, you want me to quiz you on human anatomy?” teases Stacy, the girls laugh

“Please, you know I’m not like that.” Says Jenna, quite embarrased

“My bad. It would be more like ‘Oh, you’re reading about Eastern Philosophy, if you want, we could explore each other’s chakras.” Jokes Stacy

“I don’t think I could bring myself to say that, either. Even that is too suggestive.” Says Jenna

 “I’d say you don’t have a chance, but I’m sure the guys you would like would just freeze up if you said something like that.” Says Isabelle

“How about this one. You’re reading about pharmacological interactions? If we’re together maybe we can potentiate our learning capacity” says Stacy

“That sounds harmless enough, but still. I’m pretty shy about that stuff.” Says Jenna

“I’m sure the guys would be even shyer if some beautiful girl comes up to them and starts talking about learning. That’s like two dreams coming true at once if they spend their weekends at the library.” Says Isabelle

“You shouldn’t have any problems dating smart guys since you could easily impress them with your knowledge.” Says Ophelia

“That kind of requires talking to them at first.” Says Jenna

“You would both be such prudes that you wouldn’t even have to worry about that sort of thing, you could just approach it like a friendship.” Says Stacy

“That actually sounds feasible.” Says Jenna

“I can’t believe we’re talking Jenna into chasing men.” Says Isabelle

“It’s just a friendship, it’s not like I’m hopping on back of some guy’s motorcycle.” Says Jenna

“You know you want love to come out of it though, everybody does.” Says Ophelia

“It’s almost like Grace and Ophelia would have to be there coaching her, otherwise she would just become friends with the guys and spend all day studying and manage to never end up on a date.” Says Isabelle

“That’s way more preferable to be honest; I don’t even know what I would talk about on a date. At least if we’re studying we have something to talk about.” Says Jenna

“You would love a date; you get to talk about all of your obscure interests and things that interest you that would bore anybody but a bookworm to death.” Says Stacy

“Good. I don’t want to spend time with a guy who isn’t interested in me.” Says Jenna

“You realize that there is a difference between you and the things you happen to know, right?” asks Stacy

“I’m largely just the collection of things I know. What else is there?” asks Jenna

“You’re more than that, you’re caring and wise and funny. It’s not like you’re just rattling off lines out of textbooks all day.” Says Ophelia

“I wouldn’t mind being able to talk about intellectual pursuits as opposed to arguing about common sense half of the time.” Says Jenna

“I can you talking to a guy, he wins you over saying ‘Baby, things are heating up between us, you’ve excited my electrons and they’re already in the next shell, when we return to a state of rest at the end of the night, I hope I will have brightened up your world.’” Says Stacy

“I don’t get it.” Says Ophelia

“I think that’s cute, but it could easily be suggestive of something else.” Says Jenna

“Cute, suggestive, and intelligent, you’ve got high standards.” Says Isabelle

“I don’t think suggestive is a part of that standard.” Says Jenna

“You know it is, nothing would get you going more than a man talking dirty with intelligent puns and allegories.” Says Stacy

Jenna rolls her eyes “I think a reasonable man would have just as much success if not more.” Says Jenna

“There’s nothing wrong with reasonable and quick witted though.” Says Isabelle

“That’s true, I doubt men out there exist who would lay such cheesy lines on me though.” Says Jenna

“I’m pretty sure every man out there would lay cheesy lines on you. They know it’s easier to make you like their jokes than it is to make you like them as a person.” Says Grace

“It kind of seems like common sense, they test the waters to see if you like bad jokes, and then if you do, they start making moves because they have some confidence that you might like them, seeing how they themselves and their lives are little but a bad joke.” Says Stacy

“Don’t kill the men, please. They just want to make you laugh, it’s pretty harmless.” Says Isabelle

“They could just walk in front of me, swing their arms open, and say ‘Ta-da’ if they wanted me to laugh at a bad joke.” Says Stacy

“You’ve got to open up a little bit; you don’t want to be as bitter as Grace about men.” Says Isabelle

“I’ve got no time for games. I’m not trying to waste time and be entertained by an idiot. I have actual goals in mind, so fortunately for them I will likely save them the displeasure of having to tolerate me over the course of a date.” Says Stacy

“Don’t beat yourself up like that. I’m sure somebody out there would like you. I won’t say plenty of people because most guys probably don’t like the idea of being enslaved and beaten with the buttstock of a rifle, but I’m sure there’s a guy out there who does.” Jokes Isabelle

“I’ll keep my eyes peeled. That’s a type of relationship I would be fine with having.” Says Stacy

“You’re so bold Stacy, I love it.” Says Grace

“You’ve got to be more open to finding love, Stacy. If you constantly think of it as a waste of time you’ll never give it a chance. That would be sad to think you lived your whole life never even tried to find love.” Says Ophelia

“I’ve got plenty of love in my life just be spending time with all of you, why would I look for romantic love when it’s the same thing except I run the risk of heartbreak and physical and psychological harm. It’s like I can take my paycheck, or gamble my paycheck on a coin flip that at best wins me my money back and could easily take all of my money.” Says Stacy

“It’s not the same Stacy, you will realize that one day. Maybe we can make you happy but true love is much more powerful than that.” Says Ophelia

“Regardless, love and misanthropy don’t tend to coexist very well. It would be like planting crops in salted fields.” Says Stacy

“Give yourself a break, Stacy. We know there’s a soft spot underneath all of the rocky exterior.” Teases Jenna

“That’s like arguing there’s a reason for a ship’s captain to destroy his boat by crashing it into a rocky shoal in the hopes that he can swim to the pleasant looking beach in the distance, regardless of the fact that he will more than likely drown when he attempts to do so. Your girls are like birds; nice, pleasant company that can peacefully exist on the island without burning down the forests and pillaging the natural resources from the island. Men on the other hand would likely expect a bit more out of me, and I’m not quite willing to entertain their fancies like that, seeing how it doesn’t suit mine in the slightest. I don’t need any more company, let alone company that expects some sort of special treatment. They can go to hell for all I care.” Says Stacy

“It’s true that men will tear you apart looking for what they want, destroy your natural self with their manipulative bullshit, and thoroughly disrespect you by building monuments to themselves like they are some kind of gods on the ravaged island that was once a paradise.” Says Grace

“I’m sure there are some men that would treat the island nicely and not cause problems.” Says Ophelia

“I would like to think so, but history tends to argue otherwise. Men are more than willing to destroy what they find in order to create what they want. That includes you, me, and anybody else for that matter.” Says Isabelle

“I’m sure not every man has the mentality of an imperialist.” Says Jenna

“The ones that don’t certainly aren’t going to be exploring for new worlds to conquer. Unless you find one of the docile ones and capture it yourself then some conquistador is going to find you and try to ravage you like the New World.” Says Isabelle

“I’ll be damn sure to give them polio and encephalitis if they try anything.” Says Stacy

“They deserve it. Too many girls are willing to let men cut down their natural selves and build some artificial effigy of the girl that was once there, all because they’re so desperate for affection and attention. At that point it’s not worth it at all if your natural beauty is destroyed and is replaced with some distorted and corrupt version of yourself made up of all of the parts of you the man butchered and rearranged to his liking.” Says Grace

“You do realize it is possible to peacefully coexist with nature right?” asks Isabelle

“Every animal save for humans is capable of easily doing that. If you want peaceful coexistence, get a pet or something. Men have done nothing but mutilate nature and use necromancy to manipulate its corpse in order to satisfy their whims and fancies. It’s human nature.” Says Stacy

“Ten years from now we will hang out and everyone will be talking about their boyfriends and how they are going to get married and you will tell me ‘Ophelia, you were so right the entire time, love is the greatest thing in the world’, and that will be an  amazing time.” Says Ophelia

“Ten years is a long time from now.” Says Stacy, grimly

“A very long time.” Says Jenna, also grim

“10 years from now Grace will be in prison for killing a man who looked at her wrong, Stacy will be dead from a failed coup attempt, Ophelia will be having her second shotgun wedding, I will be working 80 hours a week for a failing business and be too busy for love, and Jenna will probably tell us about how wonderful her doctor boyfriend is.” Says Isabelle

“That sounds more accurate.” Says Stacy, chuckling

“What is a shotgun wedding?” asks Ophelia

“It is something you’re not going to have, so don’t worry about it. I doubt I will have a doctor boyfriend either. The other stuff could easily come true though, sadly.” Says Jenna

“I’m just kidding, but if we aren’t careful that stuff could easily happen.” Says Isabelle

“I’m just going day by day at this point, it’s damn near impossible to predict the future so I’m not concerned with it. If I’m forced to walk 1000 miles total from where I am right now, all that means is I am somewhere within a circle with an area of 31.4 million miles, I am swayed by the wind as much as my whims so I doubt there is a soothsayer in the world that can predict them both over the course of a thousand miles on foot.” Says Stacy

“You tend to be dead set on a certain path Stacy; I don’t see you as that much of a wanderer.” Says Isabelle

“Columbus was dead set on a path to the Orient, that doesn’t mean he got there. It’s not unlikely that something will get in the way of my charted course.”  Says Stacy

“It’s more likely that everything will get in the way of your charted course.” Says Jenna, smugly

“That doesn’t mean it will live to tell the tale, however.” Says Stacy

“I don’t understand how you think you can win a fight that is you against everything.” Says Jenna

“Well the vast majority of everything has no will to fight, and that evens the numbers up right quick, the rest of everything either has little capacity to do so or is a backbiting soldier of fortune who will gladly join my ranks after promising them greater power and glory for their service. If any members of everything remain loyal to their kingdom, they will promptly know that the numbers are not in their favor.” Says Stacy

“You’re theory of everything only serves to explain that you understand nothing.” Says Jenna

“It sounds pretty reasonable to me. Nobody is loyal to anything but false promises that never  come true, if you ever keep a promise, the promised ones become indignant because they always think they deserve more than what they got.” Says Grace

“The horse won’t chase the carrot on a stick if you let him eat it. It’s common sense, after all.” Says Stacy

“You really think people are as dumb as horses?” asks Jenna

“Far stupider, horses are far less susceptible to delusion, hope, optimism, and fallacy.” Says Stacy

“I think a horse might have you beat when it comes to leading a successful coup then.” Jokes Isabelle

“Birds of a feather flock together, thus I cannot lead the wolf pack if I am not a member of it.” Says Stacy

“Does that mean we’re all like Stacy, if birds of a feather flock together?” asks Ophelia

“I think Stacy was getting at the point that she is exactly like every other person on Earth, as normal as possible when the dust settles.” Says Isabelle

“She’s a little silly, but I’m sure everybody has their dreams, I know I’m about as enthusiastic about love even though I might have just as hard of accomplishing my dreams.” Says Ophelia

“Your dreams are about a million times more realistic than Stacy’s, don’t worry about that Ophelia.” Says Jenna

“I beg to differ, for Ophelia dreams of love because she is prone to love, and I dream of usurpation because I am prone to usurpation. It would not be unheard of for the lumberjack to chop wood, now, would it?” asks Stacy

“Being prone to usurpation and prone to success are two entirely different things all together, Stacy.” Says Jenna

“It’s not as much about being prone to success as it is simply being less so prone to failure than your rivals. It is not about who succeeds first, for success is largely impossible, it all comes down to who has the capacity to refrain from failing first, the last man standing is the victor, so they say.” Says Stacy

“I’ll go ahead and start my own revolution, seeing how you’re easily the most likely out of all of us here to fail a test, let alone a coup.” Says Jenna

“That would hardly be a revolution if it was Jenna changing society to meet her ideals.” Jokes Isabelle

“It would probably be as strict as Stacy’s society; Jenna’s not too fond of funny business.” Says Ophelia

“She would fail because she couldn’t rally the people; it’s hard to tempt a hedonist into loyalty by promising him the fruits of masochism.” Says Stacy

“I wouldn’t even try in the first place. If you trial probability with 0 trials you end up with 0 failures.” Says Jenna

“I’m at least willing to take my chances. Life is a gambler’s paradise, you raise the stakes and you raise the reward, the part of it is paradise is that the most you can risk is your life, but you can play the odds indefinitely and win a 1,000,000 to one payout on your life as opposed to a 1 to 1 or even a 1 to ½ or 1 to 0 payout. If I’m going to lose my life regardless, I would sleep easier knowing I at least tried to win it big instead of spending my entire life questioning myself and thinking about what my life would be like if I had gambled and won big.” Says Stacy

“It’s easier to sleep knowing you didn’t recklessly throw your life away on some ridiculous pipe dream. If you honestly think you can win with such terrible odds, just buy a lottery ticket every day, if you have any common sense you will come to the conclusion that you are basically guaranteed to lose. Every ticket is like you trying to see your dreams come true and every ticket reminds you of how easy it is to fail in doing so.” Says Jenna

“Rather than a gambling allegory, I’ll just take the old fashioned American Dream, I will simply work hard and my dreams will come true. Simple enough, right?” asks Stacy

“You’ve got to be a cutthroat capitalist in order for the American Dream to be a realistic and feasible outcome; otherwise you’re just putting hope in the American Delusion.” Says Isabelle

“Revolutions are paid for in blood, so a cutthroat revolutionary could be a realistic mindset for someone of my pursuits.” Says Stacy

“Realistic because it is absolutely insane, but I know I can’t stop you, so knock yourself out.” Says Jenna

“A century ago it would be a much more insane prospect to attempt to land a person on the moon, but today that is something that is seen as a feasible task. I like to think that insane things become more so feasible over time, so I may well have been born at the right time if the communist revolutions of the previous century were feasible, I like to think that my flavor of revolution could be feasible in this one.” Says Stacy

“Humans are much more contented due to technology then they were in the past, this sort of makes them much less prone to revolution, unfortunately for you.” Says Isabelle

“I think I can rattle off enough rhetoric to make their indignation hurt much more than poverty and hunger. Humans are self-centered, self-serving and self-righteous beasts, after all.” Says Stacy

“I’m surprised you don’t fall back on the classic one-liner when you’re talking about riling up the disenfranchised, ‘seize the means of production’ isn’t it?” says Isabelle

“That is the backbone of my philosophy, humans are the only means of production that exist, and I plan to seize them thoroughly.” Says Stacy

“Yes, seize the people. That will surely get the people on your side.” Says Jenna

“It will get them in the palm of my hand at the very least.” Says Stacy

“You’ve got pretty small hands, Stacy. I don’t think you could seize too many people.” Says Ophelia

“I simply tell the people that they are the means of production and they will seize themselves for me. They’d rather not let the means of production belong to the plutocrats and that is how I gain their allegiance. I get the people as well as the means of production, two birds with one stone.” Says Stacy

Jenna rolls her eyes  “You’ve yet to seize any of us and you rattle off rhetoric non-stop. I don’t think your success rate is very promising.” She says

“You all are 4 well educated girls that attend a prestigious private school, the everyman can barely read. There is clearly a difference in the level of susceptibility.” Says Stacy

“I’ll support you, but that’s just because you’re my friend. “ Says Ophelia

“I’m in it for shits and giggles.” Says Isabelle

“I actually support most of your ideology. I can’t stand the men who choke society with their authority.” Says Grace

“That’s three of four, better than you expected, isn’t it, Jenna?” asks Stacy

“You’ve still not convinced me.” Says Jenna

“I’ve the democratic majority, I don’t need to.” Says Stacy

“I thought you didn’t believe in democracy.” Says Jenna

“I don’t, but that doesn’t mean I won’t play pretend if it makes me look better.” Says Stacy

“You’re delightful, and you know full well you have my support because I’m not standing in the way of a machine that ruthlessly creates ideological monoculture through torture and murder.” Says Jenna

“Now that I have the full support of the people, I can know full well that I am doing the right thing.” Says Stacy

“I don’t think killing anybody who would disagree with the argument that states you are doing the right thing is technically the right thing.” Says Jenna

“When every living person agrees that it is the right thing, then it is clearly common knowledge that it is the right thing.” Says Stacy

“I’m pretty sure that’s how most consensuses were reached in history; she’s not drawing any wild conclusions to be honest.” Says Isabelle

“I can see so far, because I stand on the shoulders of giants.” Says Stacy

“That’s cute, especially for someone who fancies themselves a giant-slayer.” Says Jenna

“If I were top cat, it would be a corpse-pile of giants, rather than the shoulders, and I could see even farther than before.” Says Stacy


Aurelia walks to the front of the class, the bell rings “I hope everybody had fun, please remember to put the things back where you found them. Do enjoy the rest of this Tuesday and I’ll see everybody tomorrow!” she says, the girls shuffle about and babble idle chatter as they clean up and exit the room, joining the liquid mob of schoolgirls that flows rapidly out of the high pressure environment of school towards the area of low pressure known as freedom. The gang ends up in the courtyard as usual.




“You girls want to do anything today?” asks Isabelle

“I wish. I promised my sister I’d get these girls to help me study today. My hand is kind of forced since I’d rather live to see tomorrow.” Says Stacy, feeling mildly awkward about such a bold lie

“You got a test coming up?’ asks Isabelle

“There’s always a test on the horizon. Knowing Stacy she doesn’t have the slightest idea what it’s about since she doesn’t pay any attention.” Says Jenna

“Luckily I’m in all of her classes, like her guardian angel or something.” Says Ophelia

“She’s lucky to have you. I guess we’ll see you tomorrow then.” Says Grace, let down by the loss of the company of her friend

“You two enjoy yourselves. I know damn well I won’t.” says Stacy

“I’m sure it’s not that bad. It’s only the second week, you couldn’t have missed that much.” Says Isabelle

“Hopefully we can get 54 hours of school in over the course of three hours, I’m not optimistic though.” Says Jenna

Isabelle laughs “Good luck with that, I’m sure Stacy will be fine anyways. She seems to know everything even if she doesn’t pay any attention.” Jokes Isabelle

“Let’s just hope that her marks reflect that.” Says Jenna

“If they don’t, I’m sure Stella will leave some bad marks on me.” Jokes Stacy

“She’s that serious about school, huh?” asks Isabelle

“More than that, she’s serious about her school as well as mine. She’s probably how I was so heavily influenced by tyranny.” Says Stacy

“Stella just wants what’s best for you.” Says Ophelia

“A benevolent tyrant, I suppose. Take it easy you two; I’ve got to learn enough to convince Stella not to beat me with the books.” Jokes Stacy

The girls exchange goodbyes, Grace enjoys a playful innocently amorous hug in the eyes of the voyeurs and the gossips before the gang parts ways.


The three reap a grim walk down the dead city streets speckled with lifeless life and the greenery satisfied with living as opposed to having a life. The terse trio arrives to gather the rope for the gallows, for it’s hard to enjoy the gallows if you haven’t any rope. Dale is semi-conscious, nodding in agreement with the ambivalent compromise of meaningless life, meaningless lifelessness, and meaningless death known as existence.


“You’re home early. It’s good to see you girls.” He says

“We’re heading out in a second. Just stopping by.” Says Stacy

“That’s fine, enjoy yourselves.” He says, contented enough by the quality of his parenting to relax his vigilance and be lulled comfortingly by the lullaby of the television as the girls go upstairs.

“What should we do? I don’t want to transform if you dad will see us.” Says Ophelia

“Just do it in the alley beside my house. Dale is the least of anybody’s concerns to be honest.” Says Stacy, tossing her bag aside and undressing, the girls leave their bags as well

“I still think this is a bad idea to do this in the middle of the day.” Says Jenna

“Nobody will bat an eyelash, trust me. This is a weird city.” Says Stacy

“You don’t think anybody will notice two witches and a cat going into a church?” asks Jenna

“You’ve got nothing to worry about since your witch clothes disappear when you transform. I’m the one who has to live with all of the evidence.” Says Kitty, in her dress, glasses, and cat ears, getting her handgun and holstering it against the small of her back

“That’s true. I hope you really did think this through.” Says Jenna

“All I do is think these things through. We’re getting something for practically nothing today, so be happy with that. Let’s go.” Says Kitty, Jenna sighs, Ophelia nervous, following Stacy downstairs

“We’ll be back later.” Says Kitty, dryly

“Ta ta.” Says Dale, not looking up from his sleep as the girls exit the door


The two schoolgirls enter the access alley beside the house and transform with modesty.

“Are you going to inform us of this plan, now?” asks Raven

“It’s simple, I go in, I talk to the priest in the main room and talk some sense into him, all you two have to do is convince him to play some music on the organ while I go take care of business. That’s it.” Says Kitty

“How are we going to do that?” asks Blaze

“You’re witches, just say that it will help you find god and give up witchcraft. He doesn’t really have a choice at that point.” Says Kitty

“You think priests actually believe in witchcraft?” asks Raven

“Of course, they devoted their life to preternatural forces, if anyone believes in that sort of stuff its priests. Hell, even the bible believes in witches.” Says Kitty

“That’s a good point.” Says Raven

“Let’s not talk too much. Loose lips sink ships.” Says Kitty

“Ok. What church are we going to anyways?” asks Blaze

“Old Saint Steven’s Cathedral.” Says Kitty

“Isn’t that like a really important church?” asks Blaze

“We’ll we’re doing really important things.” Says Kitty

“That’s a ways away.” says Raven

“We just hop on the metro and make one train exchange. It’s nothing. A few stops north and a few stops west.” Says Kitty

“So you seriously think nobody will bat an eye when they see us looking like this downtown.” Says Raven

“The closer we are to downtown the less we stand out, you might even see other people in costumes. Costumes are pretty popular with the youth.” Says Kitty

“I’m pretty sure they dress up like cartoon characters, what are we supposed to be?” asks Raven

“Love Cat and the Love Witches, clearly.” Says Blaze

“That’s not a real thing.” Says Raven

“Well, we can pretend it is. If anybody calls us out it’s our own comic we’re trying to get published. It’s always good to go with things that aren’t disprovable.” Says Kitty

“Let’s just get this over with. I’m more embarrassed than afraid right now, and that says something.” Says Raven

“You look cute, don’t worry.” Says Blaze

“Your costume is a hell of a lot better than mine.” Says Kitty

“I’m grateful for that, to say the least.” Says Raven


The girls finish the short trip to the local terminal and wait among the handful of retirees and children waiting to board the train while the working man still toils through the afternoon. They catch the eyes of strangers and remain silent, reluctant to acknowledge their own lives at this point before boarding the train. The train barrels through the suburban streets as the concrete stalagmites slowly grow taller, whistling a monotone cat call at the easily objectified beauties, the sporadically classy few donning steel fishnets and glass nylons posing seductively for the swift snake.

The snake screeches to a stop in the thick urban underbrush, the girls step out onto the terminal which had elevated itself out of poverty along the way and make their way to the staircase of raw steel lattice and handrails chipping paint before reaching one of the classy east west city hat-line trains to take them the final leg of their journey, all the way to the dirty industrial docks if they pleased, where the hat-line becomes another rag-line steeped in poverty that blunders through traffic indifferently as this is the usual solution when faced with choice between building a bridge or inconveniencing people that live in low income areas. Regardless of the industrial blight, the train itself stays classy; it’s still got to be classy when it strolls back through the money, after all.

The girls enjoy the relatively clean cheap plastic seats, intelligible speakers, and mostly functional lights that define a classy train in Bay City, a far cry from the mobile ashtrays as dirty as homeless people bathed in flickering darkness or yellow lights on a good day with torn upholstery of a bygone era that define the poor boy’s hand-me-down trains. The girls miss their local train, the artificial cleanliness of the urbane train burns the noses of those unfamiliar with it, for in the eyes of the pretentious faux rich who complain with pride on account of their citizenship and potentiated by nothing else, the cleanliness of a public train is determined by how palpable the smell of lemon and ammonia is. The poor don’t complain, because they know nobody will listen.

 The businessmen think of money and cocaine because they have neither money nor cocaine, the cocaine mountain and money forests of downtown business have ceased to be anything but meager foothills and meadows at this distance from its monumental pinnacles. The girls get off the train after she sings them a few pleasantly lascivious pre-recorded station announcements. The girls walk through the crowd of people dying inside, the few men who look at the girls are indifferent, Stacy reminding them of the malnourished streetwalking fiends more than a good time, the Bay City witches inducing nostalgia for a childhood the onlookers didn’t have: cocaine, cigarettes, and hard liquor don’t play pretend after all.

 The girls walk into the streets full of meek buildings coy in the shadows of the true skyline in the distance; a few small time businessmen share a wholesome, hearty whore and snort more sucrose and lactose than cocaine in their decrepit penthouse office that died decades ago as they celebrate being acknowledged in the slightest by somebody with real power. That man looks down at them from his tower, smiling, the meager look down at the lowly on the streets, smiling, and lowly look upon the lowly, smiling faux smiles and feeling real pain. The antique church looks at the city, churlish and pompous, dressed like a rich man who died centuries ago yet still seeps pride out of his rotting and forgotten corpse. Kitty pushes the door open and enters, the large quaintly ornate cathedral empty save for those populating the murals behind the altar and a priest sitting in a pew reading a bible quietly. Kitty approaches down the aisle.


“Father, may I have a moment.” Says Kitty boldly

“Oh.” Says the priest, a bit startled by the unexpected visitors “Certainly. Before, can I ask why you three are dressed like that? Those clothes are hardly appropriate for church, you know.” He says

“We’re on the way back from a costume party, sorry about that, I know we look silly.” Says Kitty

“That is fine, how can I help you, are you here for a confession?” he asks

“Not quite, simply searching for some faith. May I ask you something?” asks Kitty

“Of course.” Says the priest

“Are you familiar with chapter five of the book of Mark?” asks Kitty

“Yes. I would be ashamed if I was not familiar with the entire bible.” Says the priest

“When Jesus sends the demons out of the man and this causes the pigs to drown, would you report Jesus to the authority for using sorcery to destroy the swineherd’s property?” asks Kitty

“No. It was a miracle, it was not sorcery. He healed those men. But no, I would not report Jesus because I have faith in the Son of God.” Says the priest

“Let us be true to our faith.” Says Kitty

“You are a peculiar little girl, may I ask your name?” asks the priest

“My name is Legion.” Says Kitty, staring into the priests eyes, Blaze looks away, Jenna grimaces

“That is unsettling, are you possessed?” asks the priest

“I believe so. Can you help me, use your magic to send the demons out of me?” asks Kitty, still serious

“I don’t know how to do magic, or miracles like Jesus, I am just a priest.” Says the priest

“Well, maybe just a blessing, some holy water, something to help me.” Says Kitty

“I will do everything I can. Are these witches causing you to be possessed?” asks the priest

“No, we are love witches; we are the good kind of witches, and servants of God.” Says Blaze, cutely

“I don’t think there was ever any reference to anything like a ‘love witch’ in the bible, it does say witchcraft is a sin, so you may be confused about what you are doing. A demon may have tricked you.” Says the priest

“You are probably right.” Says Raven, unentertained by the scenario

“No, we are definitely servants of God. God works in mysterious ways, you know.” Says Blaze

“I think it would be best if you were not witches at all.” Says the priest

“That is the lord’s truth.” Says Raven

“Please, father, the blessing.” Says Kitty,

“I will talk to you in a moment, this girl needs my help.” Says the priest as he goes to the altar and grabs the aspergillum and dips it in holy water. “Please, child, kneel and bow your head.” Says the priest, Kitty does so, the priest starts to shake the rod at Kitty, he begins to chant as drops of holy water fall onto her


“Aspérges me. Dómine, hyssópo, et mundábor: lavábis me, et super nivem dealbábor.

Miserére mei, Deus, secúndum magnam misericórdiam tuam.

P.Glória Patri, et Fílio, et Spirítui Sancto.”

He Pauses

“S.Sicut erat in princípio, et nunc, et semper, et in sæcula sæculórum. Amen.

Aspérges me. Dómine, hyssópo, et mundábor: lavábis me, et super nivem dealbábor.”



“Thank you, father.” Says Kitty

“Do you feel better?” asks the priest

“I do, I feel nausea, the demons being forced from me, I need to venture to the restroom as to not defile the church with such demons being expelled from my body. Please help these witches in the meantime.” Says Kitty

“Please do.” Says the priest, profoundly moved

“I have helped one of you, now what will make you see the light and abandon your witchcraft. You have faith in God, but you disregard his condemnation of witchcraft?” asks the priest

“If you could play some holy music, to remind us of God, I am sure we could find the light in this darkness.” Says Raven, half-honest but more so simply obliging Kitty

“That should hopefully do the trick.” Says Blaze, playing along

“I can only play simple songs, but I will do my best. If that is what will help you. Never before have I encountered a demon and two witches on the same day.” Says the priest

“But you have encountered them on separate days?” asks Raven in a disheartened disbelief

“Of course, well, demons, yes. Witches, I have not, until now. I am glad you are not here to do evil and curse the church. I pray to God you are not deceiving me.” Says the priest

“We’re not bad witches, sorry. We don’t mean to scare you.” Says Blaze

“Please, the music. Help us find the light of god. ” Says Raven

“Absolutely.” Says the priest, feeling truly called into the service of God on this day as he goes to the massive organ and begins to play “Come Holy Ghost”  slow, out of fear of God, fearing that his poor performance will ruin the capacity of the music to summon the Holy Ghost to save the witches


Kitty walks swiftly down the dark musty hallway towards the back of the old church littered with community rooms that would be littered with faithful people if people had faith. Open doors to empty rooms swim by until she arrives at a conspicuously closed door with the a metal placard engraved with the words “Archbishop’s Office” the man’s name was yet unworthy of its own placard, perhaps only because it was likely few would ever see it. Stacy opens the door; five robed men sit inside of the room littered with pictures and paraphernalia of the church.

“I am sorry, this is a private meeting. You must leave.” Says the central figure, the door closes itself behind Stacy as she quickly draws her handgun and points it at the archbishop, and pulls the slide back

 “Hands in the air, gentleman!” she shouts vicariously at the shell shocked men who slowly raise their hands “Who knows why I am here?” she asks, as one of the bishops reluctant to raise his hands attempts to slowly slide his distant arm off of the table into his pocket while raising his other arm, Stacy reflexively executes the man, his body instantly goes limp, supported by the only by arms of the old important chair.

“Let’s keep those hands in the air now. Let’s try this again. Who knows why I’m here?” she asks again, with a delightful maniacal gaiety

 “We don’t know.” mutters one of the bishops, fearful

“You know damn well why I’m here. It’s the main reason why all of you are going to burn in hell.” Says Kitty, growing upset with the tightlipped men

“We did nothing wrong.” Says the archbishop boldly

“So keeping a handful of the orphaned babies that are left on your doorstep and locking them in the basement and raping them over the course of their childhood before murdering them when they become too old to please your sick tastes does not constitute a bad deed, that’s news to me.” Shouts Kitty

“We did nothing of the sort.” Says one of the bishops, Kitty executes the man

“Don’t fucking lie to me! Certainly not in God’s house.” She shouts, getting more aggressive “So who is going to take advantage of their last rites today?” she asks with a playful insanity

“Fuck you!” shouts one of the bishops

“Fuck you too!” shouts Stacy, executing the man

“It’s pretty fucking clear that I’m going to kill you if you don’t come clean about your sick sex dungeon full of orphans, so let’s try to be sensible. Jesus, I don’t have all day.” Says Kitty

“Don’t take the Lord’s name in vain.” Says the last one of the bishops, reflexively

“Don’t rape orphans you sick piece of shit!” shouts Kitty as she executes the last of the bishops, breathing heavily out of rage

“The last man standing, the top cat of all people. What do you have to say for yourself?” asks Kitty, pointing the gun at the archbishop, delighted with the progress she was making

“Please don’t kill me. You are right, we rape children, it was a tradition passed down through the church for centuries, I couldn’t speak out against it.” Says the scared man

“So you chose to perpetuate it to this day: sickening.” Says Kitty

“I told you, please let me go, I don’t want to die.” Mutters the man, starting to cry softly

“Who said I was going to let you go?” asks Kitty, playfully confused, walking closer to the man

“You said you were going to kill me if I didn’t tell you, and I fucking told you so let me go.” Says the archbishop, drowning in remorse

“Just because I said I would kill you if you didn’t tell me, doesn’t mean that I wasn’t going to kill you if you did tell me.” Says Kitty,

“May god have mercy on your soul.” Says the priest, furious and indignant, the gun inches away from the man’s head

“I am god.” Says Kitty, staring into the bishop’s eyes, her own blazing with intoxicating vehemence

“Why are you doing this?” asks the archbishop

“Deus vult.” Says Kitty boldly. She executes the man. Stacy exhales satisfied, holsters her gun, and rustles through the pockets of the men, collecting two hundred some odd dollars in cash, placing it in her bra, and grabs a large metal ring of keys from the wall. She lays the keyring on the table draped with a white cloth, still remarkably white, and selects on key to point towards the door, the rest point the opposite direction towards the archbishop. She walks over to the archbishop’s corpse and puts her finger in the bullet-hole in his head beginning to write on the table skillfully with upside down letters that are legible to the door. She repeats this process a number of times with the fresh blood before she has finished, “Kids in Dungeon” is written in blood on the white cloth, below the message is a simple cross, and below the cross the keyring. She wipes the blood off of her finger with the archbishop’s robe, rinses it in a pitcher of holy water, and dries it off on a clean part of the dead man’s robe. She takes the small flip-phone out of the pocket of the first bishop to die and hides it gracefully in what little cleavage she had, secured by the tightness of the dress without any help from her breasts. She exits the room and walks back to the church. The priest was playing the last few notes of the hymn played artistically slowly for the witches. The girls look at Kitty as she approaches them, a bit bewildered.

“Thank you, Father.” Says Kitty, merrily and boldly, the priest gets up from the organ

“Are you feeling better now, no more demons?” Asks the priest

“The pigs are dead.” Says Kitty

“So you are saying that it worked?” asks the priest, confused

“Very much so. Thank you. I must be going now.” Says Kitty

“You are more than welcome.” Says the priest

“We should go too, thanks for the music.” Says Raven

“It was really good.” Says Blaze

“Did you see the light?” asks the Priest

“Yes, thank you. We regret our decision to become witches in spite of God’s wishes.” Says Raven

“I think we’re good witches so God will forgive us, it’s just a little sin, right?” asks Blaze

“I believe the Bible says that witches are to be put to death.” Says the Priest

“What?” asks Ophelia, saddened and surprised

“The Bible also says that if a girl is married who isn’t a virgin the whole town should stone her to death, maybe we can let the witch rule slide like that other one, ok?” asks Raven

“I suppose you may be right. I couldn’t hurt anybody like that, even if they are witches. If you believe you are doing good; I will have to put my faith in God to ensure that you are doing good things with your witchcraft.” Says the Priest

“Don’t worry, we are. Thanks again.” Says Blaze

“Time to go.” Says Kitty, impatiently

“Yes it is, sorry for bothering you.” Says Raven

“Don’t be. You helped me realize that God is more than willing to work through my hands, and that I may have interpreted the bible wrong. Witches may have been a lot worse in the past, but you two are good girls at heart, I can tell; you allowed this girl to come here to be exorcised, after all.” Says the priest

“Galatians 3:5” says Kitty

He therefore who giveth to you the Spirit, and worketh miracles among you; doth he do it by the works of the law, or by the hearing of the faith.” Says the priest

“The faith is more important than the law.” Says kitty

“That is true. Thank you for reminding me of that. Have a blessed day.” Says the priest

“May your day be blessed as well. Keep the faith.” Says Kitty, staring at the priest intently; the girls walk down the aisle and exit the church into the street towards the metro station.




“I am confused as to what we did, but I’m glad that it seemed to go off without a hitch.” Says Raven

“Hold on a second. Be quiet.” Says Kitty, as she pulls the cellphone out of her dress and calls 911 “Hello… I am reporting multiple gunshots inside of Old Saint Steven’s Cathedral near the back of the building… no, this is not a joke. Please do your job; people could be hurt or dead inside… I am aware nobody goes to church on Tuesday but there are people who work there every day of the week…  I was in the fucking building and heard gunshots, do your fucking job, Christ… Thank you…” says Kitty, who closes the phone, opens it again, throws it on the ground, stomps on it, and kicks it into a storm drain.

“What was that about?” asks Raven

“That was the final piece of the puzzle.” Says Kitty

“You just called the cops on yourself?” asks Raven

“I told you we were going to rescues some innocent lives, so I left that part up to the police. I don’t want to talk about it here, if you really care, watch the news tonight.” Says Kitty

“I don’t.” says Raven

“I didn’t hear any gunshots.” Says Blaze

“Good. Let’s go.” Says Kitty

“You don’t think that priest will send the cops on our trail in a matter of minutes?” asks Raven

“It is in God’s hands now, but the cops need to find their present before that guy can ruin it if he chooses to.” Says Kitty

“I can guess what you did, but I don’t see how that’s a present.” Says Raven

“Trust me; they come out looking like heroes for doing no work at all.” Says Kitty

“Let’s hope that’s enough to let us off with a slap on the wrist.” Says Raven

“Let’s keep moving so there isn’t a wrist for them to slap. We’ve got at least half an hour before the cops arrive, and if you two didn’t hear gunshots then the priest knows his place to the point where he won’t interfere with god’s work.” Says Kitty

“Whatever that means.” Says Raven

“It means we’re in the clear, for now at least, certainly enough time for you two to get out of dodge. Even if the priest talks you two didn’t do anything, just remain silent so you don’t contradict each other’s stories. Tell them you don’t recall a damn thing about anything.” Says Kitty

“It’s a lot easier for me to forget this one on account of how palatable and relatively unremarkable the experience was.” Says Raven

“You got it Blaze? You don’t recall anything that happened today.” Says Kitty, Raven chuckles at the name

“How could I, since I would transform before they catch me. Of course I can’t admit to having a double life like this. Who knows what would happen.” Says Blaze

“Good.”  Says Kitty, the girls swiftly approach the metro and climb the steel stairs towards the train to suburban asylum and climb aboard. The thickening crowd of people notice Kitty but do nothing but grimace at her psychopathic scowling and subtle fidgeting, both rather unremarkable features amongst the apparently streetwalking youth that was gracile, paranoid, and deranged enough for people to easily suspect she was hungrier for street drugs than food.

A thirty something suit-clad man with thick rimmed glasses stands in front of the girls and looks at Kitty. “How much?” he asks, nonchalantly

“It depends on whether you want me to end your life or just put a couple bullets through your balls.” Says Kitty, unentertained

“Jesus Christ. Not taking new clients, I see.” Says the man, taken aback

“I certainly am, just remind me why you deserve to die and I can book an appointment sometime within the week.” Says Kitty

“I bet you’ve got a hard time finding clients if you think you’re too good for me, bitch. I’ve got plenty of fucking money. I don’t even see your pimp, what’s stopping me from enjoying you for free?” asks the man

“If you’re the type that enjoys bleeding out on the floor of the metro then by all means try and lay a hand on me. If you think Mr. Tuesday afternoon special ain’t good for nothing, that is.” Says Kitty

“You’re crazy. I’m sure you’re just fiending cause you can’t find any johns and now you take it out on me. Even after I offer to help you get your god damn fix. You’ve got some fucking nerve.” Says the man

“Trust me, business is booming. Besides, what am I, like twelve? You really have that little self-respect to act like this in public?” asks Kitty

“It’s Bay City, what do you expect?” asks the man

“I’ll give you a real Bay City welcome if you don’t fuck off.” Says Kitty

“Suit yourself. Enjoy starving to death, bitch.” Says the man, as he walks away


“What the fuck is wrong with you?” asks Raven, clearly upset

“The fuck is wrong with that guy.” Says Kitty

“What did he want?” asks Blaze

“Bad things. Don’t worry about it. I think could have handled that a little better.” Says Raven

“I’m not going to be polite to sick freaks like that. If I didn’t tell him off like that he would still be pestering me. Or worse.” Says Kitty

“Fine. I don’t know. That guy did seem bad.” Says Raven

“I’m glad you didn’t kill him.” says Blaze

“Me too. He isn’t worth it. Not right now at least.” Says Kitty

“I’m glad you found some common sense for once in your life.” Says Raven

“Just drop it. It’s downtown, you’ve got to expect that sort of shit sometimes. I’m sure it would be worse if we were dressed up like schoolgirls. I don’t want to do any more talking than need be.” Says Kitty

“Don’t you think you should get a new dress at this point?” asks Raven

“Absolutely not. If anyone starts looking for me they’ll turn every cathouse in Bay City upside down and eventually give up. This is perfect.” Says Kitty

“That makes enough sense. I hope you can handle the unwanted attention.” Says Raven

“I seem to do just fine.” Says Kitty

“Let’s hope you can keep the streak alive.” Says Raven

“Worst comes to worst, I’m not the one who ends up dead.” Says Kitty

“That sounds like a surefire way to get arrested.” Says Raven

“Let’s just hope it doesn’t come to that. Talking out a self-defense case is a lot more preferable to the alternative though.” Says Kitty

“I understand that, but do your best to avoid that.” Says Raven

“Will do. Just be quiet for now. We can talk later.” Says Kitty

“It’s funny that you don’t want to talk.” Says Raven

“I’m not a fan of stage acting for an audience, if you catch my drift.” Says Kitty

“I understand.” Says Raven, the city passes by in the windows, the onlookers mildly entertained by what was understood to be a commonplace whore refusing the company of a john she felt wasn’t worth her time. The onlookers couldn’t care less that the apparently twelve year old girl was working, for she nor anybody else gave a damn about them or showed them a shred of sympathy for being forced to work all the same.

The girls exchange trains and breathe a sigh of relief as the take their seats on the sparsely populated southbound route towards even more modest modesty and more decent indecency. The ambient filth reminds them of the loving neglect and indifference the city shows to the people too good to be any trouble and too good to be worth a damn in Bay City.

“What was the whole charade about back there?” asks Raven

“It helps to stir some faith into the man when I’m relying on his faith to keep me out of harm’s way.” Says Kitty

“That’s pretty bold to rely on faith like that.” Says Raven
“Relying on the faith of a priest is hardly what I would call bold.” Says Kitty

“Are we still trying not to talk?” asks Blaze

“Yes.” Says Kitty

“Ok.” Says Blaze

“I don’t ever want to talk about this stuff.” Says Raven

“Good. Don’t.” says Kitty, the train barrels on down, Kitty leaning her head back against the window, exhausted more so by the self-restraint of dead time spend with tight lips than her delightful antics. The train ride comes to a halt at their stop without any attempts at solicitation and the girls get off at the terminal and begin the final leg of the tour de force. The kind streets hug the girls’ feet while the trees in planters smile at them amicably. The sweetness is sickeningly pleasant, but the intoxication coddles the possibility of the sweet serenity of overdose with natural antiemetic properties.


“Is it hard to do what you do… Kitty?” asks Raven, grimacing at the name

Kitty chuckles at her own name “It depends on what you mean. Reaping souls is easy; the hard part is keeping it together in the meantime and between time. Like there’s this animal inside of me that wants to get out, but I’m holding the leash back as best I can.” Says Kitty

“Well then… I’m glad you do that. I thought the other part might be hard on you, but I guess not.” Says Raven
“It’s like a sweet release of god’s love inside of me when I do it. Knowing the bastards thoroughly deserve worse I kind of feel like a saint for showing them some pity and not thoroughly torturing them first.” Says Kitty

“That’s unsettling to say the least. Please don’t start doing that.” Says Raven

“I don’t do it because it’s dirty and inconvenient. I’m strictly business with this nonsense.” Says Kitty

“That’s good, I guess.” Says Raven

“I’m glad you can do it. I noticed our rings started to glow white on the train ride home. Like something really good happened.” Says Blaze

“I’m hoping that means everything went according to plan.” Says Kitty

“Why are you hoping, can you just use your magic to know the answer?” asks Raven

“I try, but for some reason I can’t. I guess the results of my good deeds are not relevant to doing good and fighting evil. What’s done is done, I suppose.” Says Kitty

“That’s a damn shame. We’re in the dark for now, I guess.” Says Raven

“If you want you can watch the news, I’m sure it will be on the local news at least.” Says Kitty

“What happened, exactly?” asks Blaze

“Big names fell from grace all the way into the pits of hell. That’s all I’m going to say right now.” Says Kitty

“I couldn’t stomach whatever the news is. I just want to remain in the dark. I suggest you stay away from the news too… Blaze.” Says Raven, still uncomfortable with the names but well aware of the implications of the costumes

“I don’t really want to find out either, if somebody got shot.” Says Blaze

“Good.” Says Kitty

“I think you really should wear gloves if we make it past this hurdle.” Says Raven

“It’s like 80 degrees why would I wear gloves?” asks Kitty

“People in your line of work tend to wear gloves for a reason.” Says Raven

“I’ve never seen anyone in Bay City wear gloves and half the city is in this line of work.” Says Kitty

“They’re not in it to the same extreme that you are, though.” Says Raven

“Wearing gloves is more suspicious than anything we do to be honest. If somebody sees you wearing gloves, they know for damn sure you are trying to commit a crime.” Says Kitty

“I guess you have a point, but you’re not worried about fingerprints or anything?” asks Raven

“In order for them to use fingerprints they would have to arrest me and get my fingerprints in the first place, secondly they would have to have taken the fingerprints at the scene of the crime and compared them to all of the other fingerprints that have a better reason to be there than mine do and isolate me as the suspect, which I can guarantee nobody who works for the Bay City Police Department has the work ethic to do. The final point, is that throughout the great history of fingerprints in Bay City courts, so many people have been proven innocent regardless of perfectly damning fingerprint evidence on account of the local flavor of justice that it is common knowledge that fingerprints are inadmissible evidence according to the current precedent.” Says Kitty

“Did you read a book on this history of Bay City courts or something?” asks Raven

“I think that stuff is kind of common sense and common knowledge.” Says Kitty

“I hope you’re right.” Says Raven

“I just hope nobody from my neighborhood recognizes us. I’m starting to feel that it was kind of reckless going out like this.” Says Kitty

“Well, technically we’re not doing anything wrong, so it’s not like they’ve got anything to be suspicious about.” Says Raven

“I’m more concerned about my reputation at this point.” Says Kitty

“I’m sure most kids are glued to the television or something. I wouldn’t worry about it. It’s a pretty short walk back to your house from the station. Unfortunately we can’t change back either until we’re at your house, since that would be the most damning evidence of all.” Says Raven

“I think we look nice. We’re all pretty cute. I wouldn’t mind wearing this on a normal day, but I would feel too tempted to start using my love magic.” Says Blaze

“Maybe I’m just not as into the whole witch scene. I don’t know.” Says Raven

“Just keep on walking, this whole ordeal will be over soon enough and we can rest easy that we’re at least out of the damning costumes.” Says Kitty

“That will be a relief.” Says Raven


The old familiar house looms in the distance as the girls awkwardly approach, hoping to return to their unremarkable uniform conformity in the spirit of the houses that surround them. The two witches venture into the tight corridor beside the house and transform back into schoolgirls. The three walk into the house quietly as Dale rests, peacefully undisturbed and go upstairs. Kitty takes the handgun out and places it quietly in the drawer, takes the money out of her bra and collects it with the wad of money crisp from dry sweat that still sat on the desk from the previous venture before placing it in the drawer with the gun. She takes the dress off and hangs it up. Stacy changes into comfortable clothes.


“Grab your bags and get out of here, just in case the cops decide to show up. I’m not having them take you two with me. Thanks for everything; your girls are the oil in this metal horse.” Says Stacy

“Yeah. I’m glad nobody got hurt.” Says Jenna, grabbing her bag

“I think that was a way better plan than last time. I’m proud of you. Really putting that magical brain of yours to work.” Says Ophelia

“I try my best. The good news is my best is getting better every day. It all comes down to practice and due diligence. You two were spot on in your performance as well, especially if you didn’t notice anything suspicious.” Says Stacy

“Other than the two witches and the love cat, nothing out of the ordinary.” Jokes Jenna

“That’s all I can hope for.” Says Stacy

“I’ll let you get some rest. I’m sure this sort of thing takes it out of you.” Says Jenna

“Stacy deserves a hug for doing such a great job though.” Says Ophelia, hugging Stacy cutely

“Thanks. I don’t know if I deserve it, but thanks anyways.” Says Stacy, hugging her with a kind and embarrassed pat on the back before she gets let go, Jenna goes to hug her friend, Stacy a bit too short to hug either of them properly and has her face squeezed into their breasts to which she responds as always with another diligent pat on the back.

 “Knowing what you do is scary, but not knowing what you did is even scarier Stacy. My mind is racing about what could have possibly happened and I don’t think I’m anywhere near crazy enough to have any clue as to what you really did.” Says Jenna, coming to terms with her nervousness

“Don’t worry about it. Just don’t watch the news, ok?” says Stacy, her mouth muffled by the strength of Jenna’s hug

“I know I am not watching it tonight, maybe never again.” Says Jenna

“Ok. Let me go. You got your hug.” Says Stacy

“Sorry.” Says Jenna, a bit embarrassed

“It’s fine. If you do find out what happens, remember, it wasn’t me, or any of us for that matter.” Says Stacy

“Got it.” Says Jenna

“Of course. I guess we’ll see you tomorrow, Stacy.” Says Ophelia

“Tomorrow it is.” Says Stacy

“You better be at school tomorrow.” Says Jenna, the fear of Stacy’s execution at the hands of the law forcefully taking over her mind

“Let’s hope that God is on my side. If that’s the case it will be smiles and sunshine tomorrow.” Says Stacy

“I know he is. You are a good person after all.” Says Ophelia

“The rings don’t lie.” Says Stacy, happy and satisfied with herself

“I will pray that all of this turns out well. Lots of praying, I promise.” Says Jenna

“I don’t know why you always turn to prayer when things get rough, but never if things are going fine.” Says Stacy

“I don’t know. I think it’s just my reflex when I get really scared like this. It’s the only thing I can think to do, for some reason I believe that it helps. My mind is racing and my one shot in the dark is praying at this point so that’s what my mind focuses on.” Says Jenna

“That’s good. Praying always helps. You should still pray when things aren’t bad though, just to say thanks to God.” Says Ophelia

“Well, thank god we’re swell, it really would be best if you two get out of here, as much as I’d love to chat.” Says Stacy

“We’ll get out of here, come on Ophelia. The only thing quelling my fear right now is vehement incredulity; I hope there is nothing that comes up to challenge that.” Says Jenna

“Just don’t put that dog in a fight it can’t win and you’ll be doing just dandy. Ta ta, girls.” Says Stacy

“Bye.” Says Ophelia

“See you later, Stacy.” Says Jenna, as the girls exit the room, Stacy lays down on her bed and lets the fatigue, satisfaction, and indifference after a long day’s work conquer any inkling of fear she might have inside of her as the sense of closure allows her to drift off peacefully into a pleasant nap. The sun dozes as well as it drifts towards the horizon as it comfortably blankets Stacy with its warmth.




Stella eventually enters the room and closes the door

“Welcome home.” Says Stacy, sitting up and rubbing her eyes

“Sorry for waking you. Says Stella

“Don’t worry about it.” Says Stacy, sitting on the edge of the bed, grinning looking at Stella

“You want to watch?” asks Stella playfully, starting to undress

“Maybe.” Says Stacy boldly, Stella takes her shirt of and throws it on Stacy, turns around and slowly shimmies out of her skirt, bending over, seductively teasing Stacy, she turns around and slides off the straps of her bra, unhooking it as she struts over to Stacy, straddles her legs and slides the bra off. “Happy?” she asks lovingly as she wraps her arms around Stacy’s neck.

“I want more.” Says Stacy, grinning slyly, who wrestles Stella onto the bed and begins to kiss her with a passion for pleasing and a love for fun, Stella welcomes the affection gratefully, Stacy fondles her breast before moving down to kiss her neck, kissing her slowly down her chest until she reaches Stellas breast and begins to suckle on the nipple, using her tongue to assist her lips in inducing pleasure and joy as she has been conditioned to do so.

“You’re adventurous today.” Says Stella, stroking Stacy’s hair, as Stacy kisses her way to the sternum

“This is just the beginning.” Says Stacy, beginning to make love to the other breast while fondling the other, Stella’s heartrate rising to the point of being palpable on her breast, Stacy eventually pecks her way down Stella’s torso and belly, slowing down and increasing the tastefulness, moving beyond sensual pecks as she reaches the top of the mons pubis.

“Stacy.” Whispers Stella, thoroughly aroused as her panties are pulled down slowly as Stacy strokes and kisses her legs while doing so, eventually removing the thin cloth garment and working her mouth back up the legs as Stella fondles her own breast, reaching for Stacy’s head as her mouth returns to the mons and descends upon the vulva, using her skilled mouth to please Stella with a slow caress of the lips and gentle strokes of the tongue causing Stella to squirm slightly and stroke Stacy’s hair more so longingly.

 “Oh, Stacy.” She whispers, emblazoning Stacy with even more confidence as she slowly increases the vigor of her sensual massage causing Stella to start panting release soft sporadic moans when such a chord is struck. Stacy’s tongue dances with more passion as the tempo accelerates along with the choral harmony provided by Stella’s pleasure.

“More, Stacy, give me more.” Moans Stella, inducing Stacy to rely upon what she had learned in school and slides two fingers inside of Stella with slow and gentle thrusts that go slightly deeper every time, all while her mouth continues relentlessly.

“Oh my god, Stacy.” Moans Stella “This is how I want you to hurt me.” She cries, as Stacy’s fingers return the favor she longed for. Stacy takes this as a green light and continues the escalation of the foray into uncharted territory. “More. Please, more, Stacy.” Moans Stella, to which Stacy increases her fervor to an almost insensitive level for a short while as Stella’s panting moans begin to border gasping screaming which does nothing to slow Stacy’s relentless advances.

“Oh my god.” Cries Stella as her legs constrict around Stacy and her body starts to convulse “Oh my god, Stacy.” She cries breathlessly, Stacy looks up at her mildly concerned as Stella’s legs begin to relax slightly

“You ok?” asks Stacy

“I love you Stacy.” Says Stella, breathing heavily, entirely enthralled by the courtesy

“So you liked it?” asks Stacy, proud of herself, casually sucking the blood off of her fingers

“I love it. Let me taste you, Stacy.” Says Stella, still short of breath, Stacy crawls up Stella’s body and begins to kiss her with a haughty confidence, Stella’s weak arms stroke Stacy’s face as she savors the taste of love, moved to tears of passion and joy, Stella lifts Stacy’s shirt off and begins to lovingly suckle and massage her breasts

Stella tries to slide Stacy’s pants and knickers off,  she gets about halfway down the legs before Stacy finishes the job for her.

“Sit on my face, please. Let me taste you.” Says Stella, captivated by the experience as she grabs Stacy by the rear and pulls her on towards her mouth attempting to do return such a generous favor.

“Goodness.” Says Stacy, her guts twisting in the ambivalence of conditioned trepidation and the pleasure induced by Stella’s tongue

“Let me do you too.” Says Stacy

“Yes Please” says Stella with a vicarious hunger for such a thing, Stacy turns around and returns to her newfound forte of pleasuring Stella. Stacy’s swift and sensual strokes inspire Stella to mimic such a response, the two competing with each other to induce the most pleasure, each one’s efforts hampered by their uncontrollable moans from occasional spike in pleasure by one or the other’s sprint to outdo the other. The two physically indistinguishable girls enjoy their mutual interests, now indistinguishable from each other in regards to their mindset for the first time since they were small children. Stella holding Stacy’s hips tightly, enjoying the weight of Stacy’s body on top of her as both of their heads are driven deep into each other’s loins, almost disappearing between each other’s lithe thighs.

“I want to keep going, but my tongue is so tired, Stacy.” Says Stella, truly exhausted

“There is one more thing.” Says Stacy, who crawls to the edge of the bed as the girls begin to mutually straddle each other, Stacy mounting Stella and riding her vigorously, holding her legs as Stella returns the passion with the aid of the bedsprings

“Fuck me, Stacy. Oh my god.” Moans Stella, once again igniting Stacy’s passion to pleasure, who increases the fervor of her conquest to a new extreme. This new high quickly causes Stella’s body to shudder forcefully, the irregular and quivering of Stella’s hips being driven forcefully into Stacy’s causes her own musculature to start quivering violently as the girls mutually become too powerless to control the rhythm of their own bodies. Stacy leans backwards and gripping Stella’s leg, forcing her hips into Stella’s as the girls’ bodies contort around each other as if attempting to wring the water out of a soaking wet rag.

“Holy shit.” Says Stacy, now breathless, taken entirely by surprise at such serendipity, hips palpitating slowly , holding onto Stella’s leg and ass as she begins to kiss her foot with genuine gratefulness, Stella too exhausted to do anything but squirm slightly after such healthy exercise

“Hold me, Stacy. I need your warmth.” Says Stella, dripping with sweat that is quickly cooling, Stacy slowly crawls on top of her and deeply kisses her once again, communicating passionate thanks with her tongue before Stella’s can no longer return the favor after such fruitful and extensive use. Stella holds Stacy firmly, treasuring her warmth.

“I love you so much, Stacy. That was incredible.” Says Stella, her mind lost in Stacy’s eyes

“I love you too.” Says Stacy, looking into her eyes, kissing Stella’s lips softly, the feeling of accomplishment hiding the fact that she was unsure of what to say exactly, fairly certain her sororal devotion could not compare to the intoxicating enamorment enrapturing Stella that blinds her to the reality of Stacy’s fate with the aid of her own brutal incredulity, allowing herself to believe Stacy’s promises of longevity, as the logical mind that would assess such promises had long since committed suicide out of grief, lying dead, bloodied, and forgotten on the ground

“What brought this out of you?” asks Stella, as Stacy rolls to her side and she rolls with her, still locked in unrelenting embrace, her mind still lost entirely in Stacy’s eyes

“You were asking for it this morning.” Says Stacy, boldly

“This was so much more than I expected.” Says Stella

“I’m glad you liked it.” Says Stacy

“Where did you even learn that stuff?” asks Stella

“I have my sources.” Says Stacy

“You talk to people about this sort of stuff?” Says Stella

“Not really, I was asking for a rundown because a friend wanted to know out of curiosity, allegedly. I couldn’t admit to any of this.” Says Stacy

“Good. I’d be at a loss to explain it myself.” Says Stella

“I don’t think we could explain it.” Says Stacy

“I’m glad we don’t have to. Nobody else needs to know anything.” Says Stella, kissing Stacy softly

“Just don’t give them any hints; I hope your hunger doesn’t get the better of you.” Says Stacy

“It won’t if you keep me satisfied like this.” Says Stella

“I have no objections to that.” Says Stacy, kissing Stella playfully

“Good.” Says Stella

“We kind of made a mess.” Says Stacy, noticing the copious amount of moisture that soaks the bed

“I’m fine if we make a mess as long as we’re cleaning up a bigger mess in the process.” Says Stella

“I’m glad you feel that way, that’s all I really want to do. I might have trouble sleeping in a wet bed though.” Says Stacy

“You can sleep in my bed tonight. We might run into the same problem though.” Says Stella, kissing Stacy playfully

“Still not satisfied?” asks Stacy in mild disbelief

“I’m satisfied whenever I’m with you; I just thought you might want to satisfy me even more after seeing this side of you.” Says Stella, deviantly

“I’m satisfied as long as you are.” Says Stacy

“I’m glad I’m hard to please.” Says Stella, kissing Stacy again

“I’m glad I can finally please you for once.” Says Stacy, playfully

“Just change that once to an ever, ok?” asks Stella,

“I’ll do my best to please you forever; I’d have better chances if I could substitute this for schoolwork.” Says Stacy

“You wish I was that nice, but once we’re out of school I’ll take my second helping and give you a break on the studying.” Says Stella

“That day cannot come soon enough.” Says Stacy, dreading the less enjoyable aspects of pleasing Stella

“I feel the same way.” Says Stella, kissing Stacy lovingly, the girls lay together for a while



“Since when do you do something for me just because I ask for it?” asks Stella playfully

“Usually you ask me to do things I don’t like to do.” Says Stacy

“You know you didn’t have to treat me like this.” Says Stella

“I just wanted you to never forget how much I love you.” Says Stacy

“As long as you remind me every day it shouldn’t be hard to remember.” Says Stella, climbing on top of Stacy and kissing her playfully

“Even if I can’t do it every day, I still want you to remember.” Says Stacy

“I couldn’t forget this if I tried. I never want to either.” Says Stella,

Stacy holds Stella tightly, pulling her head besides her own, beating around the bush inducing the cold fear of an uncertain certain death, “Never forget that.” Says Stacy, holding back tears

“I never will.” Says Stella, the warmth of Stacy’s body hiding the pain in her icy heart,

The girl’s minds escape into each other’s warmth that they both depend on for survival and enjoy the pleasure of each other’s compassion in a long silence filled with escapist daydreams.


“Stella.” Says Stacy, breaking the long silence with a timid reluctance

“What is it?” asks Stella, getting up and looking Stacy in the eyes warmly

“Can you love me for who I really am?” asks Stacy, her eyes dart away, ashamed, not for the murders but only for misleading Stella into a false sense of security

“As long as you let me enjoy your good side, I have no problem putting up with your rantings and stubbornness.” Teases Stella, kissing Stacy with fondness

“Stella, I kill people. That is what I’m talking about.” Says Stacy, unwilling to let Stella blind herself to this fact any longer

“Damn it, Stacy. Don’t remind me of that. Why can’t we just enjoy ourselves?” asks Stella, saddened

“I just don’t think I can hide it, I want you to still be happy with me even if you are aware of that fact.” Says Stacy

“I am aware of what you did, in the back of my mind; I want to forget it, but I’ve accepted it thanks to your change of heart. All’s well that ends well, right?” asks Stella

“That part of me doesn’t end, Stella, and if it does, it for damn sure doesn’t end well.” Says Stacy
“God damn it, Stacy, do you have to kill the mood too? Why can’t you let me be happy and enjoy your company without the crippling fear of you dying?” says Stella, sitting up on top of Stacy

“I know it might be impossible, but I think it would be best if you could just accept that. I don’t know. Like I’m a soldier or something fighting a war. I have no choice in the matter, so if we could both accept that, I think it might save us a lot of pain down the road.” Says Stacy

“Stacy when you talk about that stuff my heart just sinks to the pits of hell, why can’t we just ignore it?” asks Stella

“If we ignore that wound it will hurt a lot more.” Says Stacy

“What do you expect me to do about that? I can’t do anything about fearing for your life besides ignore it, and you’re not helping me there.” Says Stella

“I was thinking the wartime mentality would help, you know, just hope that I’ll come home at the end of the war unharmed and victorious. That everything will be ok, instead of thinking about all of the bad things, just put faith in the good things.” Says Stacy
“I want to believe that, but it’s hard. It’s too easy for me to think of all the bad things that could easily happen.” Says Stella

“The only way I can get through this myself is by thinking that I will always be successful. I’m just asking if you can do the same for me, acknowledge that I do risky things, but have the faith in me to come out on top every time. It might be foolish, but it’s like the perfect dam for all of those bad feelings. I need you to know that I have to do these things, and there’s no reason not to be optimistic until it is impossible due to possible events becoming factual events.” Says Stacy

“My head is spinning, but I’m doing my best to hold onto the optimism and let the bad thoughts be ejected by centrifugal force.” Says Stella

“That’s good. Just be blindly optimistic, there’s no point in prematurely grieving.” Says Stacy

“Common sense tells me it is not exactly premature, but I am doing my best so ignore that.” Says Stella, with an insane trembling in her voice

“Just put it behind the dam, there’s no reason to flood your happy little village if you don’t have to.” Says Stacy

“What do I do when the dam breaks? Common sense doesn’t really like that dam.” Says Stella

“As long as I’m here I will make you have faith in me. I will try at least, and every day you see me you will have a little more faith in me. There will come a day when thinking that I will die from doing this seems as crazy to you as thinking I will live does right now.” Says Stacy

“That is ridiculously insane; I don’t think I’m crazy enough yet to put any faith in that statement.” Says Stella, bewildered by the insanity

“Just give it time. I don’t know. I’m still here, that counts for something, right?” asks Stacy

“Maybe the most insane sliver of hope in my mind, but I can just believe that’s the first drop of water in a huge ocean.” Says Stella

“It is. A huge ocean. A magnificent, beautiful, expansive ocean.” Says Stacy

“I liked it at first but now the thought of you putting drops in there slowly is scaring the shit out of me.” Says Stella

“I know it’s scary, but that water will wash away the fear. I promise.” Says Stacy

“It’s hard to wash myself with a drop of water.” Says Stella, with eyes glazed with fear staring into the distance, lost in the allegory

“I need you to just believe that you are clean until the day comes that you can actually wash yourself with faith.” Says Stacy

“That is hard to do, I notice the dirt on me and it consumes my mind, thinking that you are going to die. My mind is paralyzed by that thought right now.” Says Stella

“If you could maybe just have a plan in case I die, I know it’s bad, but you’ll just be able to handle things. People who prepare for disaster are much better off in the end.” Says Stacy
“My plan is just to cuddle up to the metro tracks and pretend that you are the warm steel. I don’t know what else I could do; I couldn’t bear the pain of being alive if I lost you.” Says Stella

“I don’t know. That’s your decision. I am comfortable doing this because I am resigned to the fact that I am already dead. I am forced into gambling with my life and have no choice but to let it ride, common sense says that I will lose eventually, but there’s always some non-zero probability that I win indefinitely every time I gamble. Common sense says that I am already dead, so I kind of accept that, being alive from here on out is largely serendipity. Thankfully it’s a skill based wager at the end of the day, so it’s better odds than just throwing dice.” Says Stacy

“I can try that; I can’t have any fear of death if I’m already dead. I can resign myself to the fact that we both lost, and just enjoy the time until our inevitable deaths.” Says Stella

“Technically, we’re still winning, since I’m alive and you’re alive. I’m optimistic that the streak will stay alive for a long time, so long as my intuition doesn’t betray me.” Says Stacy

“God damn it, Stacy. Don’t make me put faith in your intuition.” Says Stella

“It’s kept me alive up until this point.” Says Stacy

“Barely. Why bring this up, especially now of all times?” asks Stella

“I just want you to accept that part of me, and embrace it. Embrace my fight to the death mentality because I don’t have any alternative and it will be a lot harder if you get upset because you can’t see that.” Says Stacy
“I’m not a fighter, Stacy. I’m just getting dragged along by this insanity and it’s fucking painful. I just want to ignore that part, god damn it. You were doing so well with distracting me, but you just had to ruin that for the both of us. Why can’t we just ignore this for as long as possible?” asks Stella
“This, god damn it.” Says Stacy, holding up her ring “I can’t ignore this or I die, so I need you to be on board so long as the good ship floats, god damn it. If you could like the fact that I kill people as much as I do, we could be all smiles every day of the fucking week.” Says Stacy indignantly

“Why is it so white?” asks Stella, softly, frightened by the implication

“It was a terrific Tuesday, what can I say.” Says Stacy flippantly, a bit angered with Stella’s reluctance to revel in her own lust for death

“Fuck, Stacy, what did you do?” asks Stella, upset and bewildered by the fight

“You know damn well what I did.” Says Stacy, looking away and grimacing guiltily, childishly upset with herself for frightening Stella

“What the fuck did you do?” asks Stella, aggressively frightened, grabbing Stacy’s shoulers staring wildly into her eyes

“The fuck kind of question is that? You know damn well what I did. ” Says Stacy, embittered due to Stella apparently forgetting their entire conversation

“You are telling me you went out and killed people in broad daylight on a Tuesday afternoon? What the fuck is wrong with you?” asks Stella

“I had to get the getting while the getting was good. I had to water the plant known as me being alive at some point this week, and this just happened to be the easiest method I could fathom. I’m not hurt or dead, can’t you be proud of me or something?” asks Stacy

“You are fucking insane, Stacy. I was ok with you doing that shit in the dead of night, but when people can see you plain as fucking day that’s concerning to say the fucking least. I thought we talked about not being reckless and stupid, what happened to that?” asks Stella, the insanity of reality striking her ruthlessly

“Nobody saw anything. I stopped some very bad men, be happy about that. I saved some the lives of some children too. Be happy about that.” Says Stacy, attempting to downplay the events

“How can you do all of this and nobody sees you? I don’t believe you!” says Stella, collapsing onto Stacy and holding her tightly as she starts to cry

“There was only one priest, and I talked it out with him. I am fairly confident he will side with his faith in god over his allegiance to extremely damnable bastards.” Says Stacy

“You talked out the fact that you murdered some people with the guy? Are you fucking insane?” asks Stella

“Not explicitly, but in an allegorical sense. Lathered some bible on the man and he took to it. I’m sure he will be suspected of both the murders and the abuse of the children long before I am even mentioned, if I even am. It was a good talk about faith superseding the law, and I’m sure after getting verbally and easily physically abused on account of being suspect he will be reluctant to say a damn thing to the police. He is a priest; he understands right from wrong and wouldn’t betray somebody like me.” Says Stacy

“You killed his co-workers. Why would he side with you?” asks Stella

“I killed his bosses, so that could easily be enough to make me a saint in his book, even before the entire child abusing aspect of his bosses is revealed to him.” says Stacy

“God damn it, Stacy. Why? Why do these things?” asks Stella, crying even more on Stacy’s shoulder

“I have no choice.” Says Stacy

“God damn it.” Says Stella

“God bless it. Bless my holy works, o god. Deliver us from the evil of the corrupt lawman and scrutiny of the sinners. Bless those who purify your churches from evil-doers that taint the faith.” Says Stacy, Stella cries even harder in response, holding Stacy tightly, unwilling to respond to this new degree of bombastic grandiloquence, Stacy tries to come to terms with her failure of consoling Stella and chooses to hold her instead of attempting the impossible task of consoling her with words.


“Stella, it’s ok.” Says Stacy softly

“It’s not ok!” says Stella “You can’t take Stacy from me! I need this warmth and this love, you’re all I have, god damn it Stacy, my life is nothing but pain and misery and loneliness and emptiness, you’re the only thing that has ever helped me feel like my life is worth living.” Says Stella, still sobbing, squeezing Stacy tightly

“What about school, what about your friends, come on, you have plenty to live for.” Says Stacy

“There’s no point in going to school if you don’t want to be alive. I don’t have any friends, damn it Stacy, I just have you.” Says Stella

“You have friends, I know you do.” Says Stacy

“I am some cold, nerdy, bitch and nobody likes me, my friends are just the other losers who don’t have anybody else so we sit together at lunch. They’re just people I talk to, I doubt any of us know how to make friends or even be friends. It’s some meaningless casual conversation, and we even struggle with that. That’s my life, meaningless hollow relationships that I can barely maintain. It’s fucking miserable.” Says Stella, still sobbing on Stacy’s shoulder

“Everybody likes you, Jenna and Ophelia like you, don’t beat yourself up like that.” Says Stacy

“People respect me, that’s it, only because I try so hard in school and get good marks. Nobody thinks I’m interesting or fun or enjoys my company. I’m just some shell of a person that keeps up appearances out of social anxiety about how miserable I would be if nobody respected me on top of the fact that nobody likes me. You’re the only one who smiles when I talk to you, the only one who likes to spend time with me or is even willing to do so voluntarily. You’re the only one who cracks jokes around me or tries to make me laugh. Everybody else might half-ass some fake smile and politeness on a good day but will otherwise be completely indifferent to my existence. I don’t fucking exist if you’re not around me, Stacy.” Says Stella, crying even more and holding Stacy tighter

“I’m here for you Stella; I don’t know what to say about that kind of stuff, but I’m here, so don’t feel so sad.” Says Stacy

“You keep going out and trying to get yourself killed and it fucking tortures me. I can’t fucking stand it, it hurts so fucking bad when you go do this shit a like you don’t give a fuck about how I feel, like you’re fine with just flippantly abandoning me like I don’t mean a damn thing to you.” Says Stella, pushing herself up off of Stacy’s shoulders, still crying

“You know I need you, that’s why I do all of this. It’s for you, damn it, you don’t think I’d rather just jump ship and blow my fucking brains out instead of spending the rest of my life premeditating the optimal murders and hunting people, this shit is torturously exhausting and I have no real desire to do this since I’m amoral to the point that I’m personally indifferent to the vices of man. I try to do everything I can to make you as happy as possible, and that means I have to do this stuff to stay alive so I can keep you happy. I make a fucking point of it to take the path of least resistance and not get shot or do anything reckless. I’m trying to stay with you for as long as I can, damn it.” Says Stacy

“Why are you killing people in the middle of the day? You don’t think the cops will be able to find you? After they know you’re some vigilante that hangs out with witches? It’s not a hard fucking puzzle to figure out,  god damn it. Hrm, white haired girl, hangs out with witches, murders people, it is probably the girl from last week who fits all of those criteria. Jesus Christ are you this fucking stupid?” asks Stella, frantically

“The cops don’t want to stop me, even if they did, they wouldn’t know where to start. The only cops who know about last week are the ones who came to the house who interrogated the witness, two cops in all of Bay City know something about a girl who murders people and hangs out with witches. They didn’t even write my name or address or anything about witches on the police report, they just wrote the address of the restaurant and “reason for call: self-defense” and closed the fucking case. The only one who even remembers is the woman, and if you think she’s going to be inspired to be Sherlock Holmes all over again in order to bring charges against a little girl who murdered some orphan raping bishops you’re foolish. Most cops love justice, even if it’s a bit corrupt, and that wouldn’t be justice in the slightest. ” Says Stacy

“What about the witness who saw you do this? Don’t you think he’s going to talk to the cops and you’re in the same situation again?” asks Stella

“He didn’t see me do it, he saw me leave the room, according to my word I was in the bathroom expelling demons from my body. I dropped some hints that he will have to choose between the faith and the law, and he told me he had faith. He is a man of god, so just put faith in god. He will do the right thing.” Says Stacy

“You’re such an insane zealot at this point for thinking that god is going to rain blessings upon your vigilantism. You can’t just go out and recklessly murder people and think that everything is hunky-fucking-dory because god is going to protect you since you did a good deed. That’s not how this works at all!” says Stella

“It is more so having faith in one man’s faith in god; I’m not expecting any sort of miracle. Just have faith in me at least, that I know what I’m doing.” Says Stacy

“It’s hard to have faith in you when you clearly have no common sense in the slightest!” says Stella

“Then have faith in god, that god will protect me. Believe something to make yourself feel better, being upset is changing nothing about this scenario so it’s best to just let it be.” Says Stacy

“Thankfully I’ve lost my mind completely so that sounds like a perfectly viable solution to all of our problems. This whole thing is so insane that believing in god seems like the most reasonable thing in the world right now. I can finally understand faith in god: the world is naturally so nonsensical and insane that people turn to god because they simply cannot fathom any other possible reason for things to happen.” Says Stella

“Don’t try to make sense of it; it doesn’t make sense so there’s no point. Just believe in god, anytime you think something bad will happen, just remember that god is looking out for me.” Says Stacy

“God damn it, this is so stupid it hurts my head, but thinking about reality hurts my whole body, Stacy.” Says Stella, collapsing back onto Stacy and holding her

“Ignorance is bliss, Stella, intelligence is agony. Don’t hurt yourself; I just want you to feel better.” Says Stacy

“I’m still scared, damn it, Stacy. I can’t take this shit.” Says Stella, still crying

“Don’t be scared, everything will be fine. If things were like you thought, they would have found me already, clearly they’re not looking for me. The guy didn’t talk. I’ll be safe. Everything is ok.” Says Stacy

“I want to believe you, damn it, Stacy, why is it so hard?” asks Stella

“I don’t know, please, Stella, just have faith.” Says Stacy

“Hold me, Stacy, don’t let me go. I won’t let them take you.” Says Stella

“Nobody is going to take me, don’t worry about that. I’m in the clear, you can relax.” Says Stacy, holding Stella securely

“I want to, I really want to.” Says Stella, nuzzling Stacy and warming up to the idea

“Just give into it, I’m here for you, I’m not going anywhere.” Says Stacy

“Never leave me, Stacy. I need you.” Says Stella

“I’ll be here for you forever, damn it. Don’t think that I would ever leave you. I couldn’t bear it either.” Says Stacy

“Good. I needed to hear that.” Says Stella, finally smiling again, still drenched in forgotten tears, nuzzling Stacy “You promise everything will be all right?” she asks

“I promise.” Says Stacy, kissing Stella’s neck, Stella moves her hand under Stacy’s head and begins to kiss her passionately, drinking as much of the sweet serenity of blind faith that she possibly can, Stacy returns with a wishful desperate passion fueled by her hopeless desire to see Stella happy again which Stella happily savors as she imbibes copious amounts of intoxicating optimism

“Stacy, I don’t care if it kills me. I’m going to believe in you until I die, it hurts too much not to.” Says Stella, eventually

“That’s what I needed to hear. I love you too much to see you hurt like that.” Says Stacy

“Then don’t hurt me like that, silly.” Says Stella

“It will be a lot easier if you have faith in me.” Says Stacy

“I can’t help it now; I’m not going to spend whatever time left wallowing in misery. I think I understand why you’re so crazy now, it feels so good. It feels amazing to not give a fuck and just have faith in wild ideas regardless of everything, to tell reality to go fuck itself because my beliefs are more fucking important. I don’t care if I’m sick for believing in you, it feels too good to ever think about doing anything else.” Says Stella

“You’re not sick if you’re feeling better, so don’t worry about it.” Says Stacy

“Much better.” Says Stella, kissing Stacy softly “Thanks for that, for everything.” Says Stella

“I’m glad I could make you feel better, it’s my job after all.” Says Stacy

“You make me feel amazing Stacy, I love you so much. Thank you for helping me start to abandon the bullshit, I needed that.” Says Stella, starting to grind slowly and pleasantly on Stacy’s body, kissing her neck and fondling her breast

“If you’re ever scared, just have faith in me. I won’t let you down. I know you might want another round but I’m a bit exhausted from the first.” Says Stacy, with a serious lightheartedness

“You are temptatious to say the least, but I’ll save my appetite for some other time. I want you to do me good and proper.” Says Stella, deviantly, seducing a promise from Stacy’s lips

“I’ll do you better than that. I’ll remind you how much I love you.” Says Stacy

“Just don’t let me starve, my mouth is already watering, that’s not the only part either.” Says Stella, with insatiable hunger

“So long as I don’t starve between now and then I’ll do more than satisfy you.” Says Stacy

“I don’t want to get out of bed but the thought of thanking you properly for everything turns me on too. I want you to know how much I love you too, Stacy.” Says Stella, sitting up on top of Stacy

“I am glad you want to make me happy too, you know how much I need this. I can’t live without you.” Says Stacy, sitting up and holding Stella closely and kissing her solar plexus longingly out of love and devotion for the only one who satiates her own hunger

“You know I’m always here for you.” Says Stella, stroking Stacy’s hair, enjoying the affection

“I love you so much, Stella.” Says Stacy still kissing Stella’s torso, her mouth watering from the fantasies of food
“If you let me go, I’ll get dressed and start to fix something.” Says Stella, feeling happy and alive after the parts of her that feel sadness and the inevitability of dying had killed themselves or been murdered by optimism and faith

“Of course. Godspeed.” Says Stacy, looking at Stella in the eyes with the fear of starvation found in orphaned children along with the consumptive hope that charity may fill their pained bellies

“You ok with eating that soup again? I can cook hash browns too if you want.” Says Stella, getting off of Stacy and getting dressed

“Yes, please. That sounds great. You are a saint, Stella.” Says Stacy, sitting up

“I think I’ve got to feed more than one person to be a saint.” jokes Stella

“I don’t care. You’re a saint. An angel. You’re perfect. Don’t think anything else.” Says Stacy, mildly delirious from hunger and fatigue, seeing the prophesized salvation in glowing out of her sister’s body

“I’m glad you think so, that’s enough for me.” Says Stella

“I’ll kill god if he disagrees with me.” Says Stacy,

“I thought you were god.” Teases Stella

“Good point. Looks like I don’t have to.” Says Stacy

“You still believe that? You’re not going to put any faith in some supernatural force?” asks Stella, a bit disheartened

“I don’t know, you think putting faith in some ghost would prove to be any more successful than willing the miracles myself? God and I could be the same force after all and I’m just the mortal incarnation.” Says Stacy, getting up to dress herself

“There are so many miracles in your life I would be surprised if you weren’t god. What are you going to say when you die and the actual god asks why you thought that you were god?” asks Stella

“I’ll say it was a common mix-up; white hair, omniscient, vengefully righteous. It’s hard to tell us apart if we’re not one in the same.” Says Stacy, half joking

“I’ll tell people who want to paint god they’ve got it all wrong, that god is actually a lithe little girl.” Says Stella

“Good. I’m not that little, anyways.” Says Stacy defensively

“We’re both shorter than damn near everybody, Stacy. Like 90% of the school.” Says Stella

“That’s a statistical anomaly. Don’t worry about it. It’s just a random chance that we go to a school for giants.” Says Stacy

“I don’t care; you’re the one who cares.” Says Stella

“I don’t. I like it. I like to look innocent and harmless, at least now I do. It’s the perfect disguise.” Says Stacy

“Let’s hope so. I’m going downstairs.” Says Stella, leaving the room

“Thank god, I’m starving.” Says Stacy, following her

“You’re always starving.” Says Stella

“This is true, but this is a higher degree of starvation.” Says Stacy, as reach the bottom of the stairs





“You girls have a fight or something? You woke me up a little bit with that noise a while ago.” Says Dale

“A little bit, but we worked it out.” Says Stacy, surprised by Dales cognition

“All better. You know we fight sometimes.” Says Stella

“That’s good. I know sisters can get in each other’s hair sometimes, but I’m glad you worked it out.” Says Dale

“We’re pretty good at that, don’t worry.”  Says Stella

“At least you two can resolve your own problems, I’m proud of you. That’s real mature of the both of you. I know my drunk ass would probably just make things worse, lord knows what it would take for me to go up those stairs.” Says Dale

“Don’t worry about it; you don’t need to hurt yourself. We can lose our tempers a little bit sometimes, but it blows over pretty quickly.” Says Stacy

“I’ve let you two handle yourself for god knows how long; I don’t think I could be a better parent than that.” Says Dale

“That’s kind of the best parenting, letting us take care of ourselves like adults instead of treating us like children.” Says Stacy

“I’m glad you think so. It seems to work pretty well.” Says Dale

“Just keeping the house in order is being a great dad, so as long as the lights are on you’re doing great.” Says Stella

“That’s good to know. I’m pretty good at that part. I’m a functional alcoholic you know, however limited my functions are I do them well.” Says Dale

“Keep on doing the good lord’s work, that’s all we can ask.” Says Stacy

“You girls as well, you’re my pride and joy going to school like that and being good girls staying out of trouble.” Says Dale, oblivious to the police visit the previous week

“We want to make you happy. Do you want something to eat? I’m cooking the rest of the soup and some hash browns if you want some.” Says Stella

“I’d love some hash browns, that’s top tier drinking food. Really healthy stuff.” Says Dale

“I’ll make extra then.” Says Stella

“Thank you kindly.” Says Dale, the girls go into the kitchen, Stella washes her hands and begins to prepare the meal, Stacy pours herself some milk



“You’re not going to wash your hands?” asks Stella

“I wiped them off.” Says Stacy indifferently

“Your dedication to hygiene is remarkable.” Says Stella

“You’re the one cooking; besides, washing your hands prevents you from building up a strong immune system. You’ve got to experience the germs to be able to fight them off. I’m pretty sure antibiotic soap is one of the reasons why bacteria are becoming resistant to antibiotics. Not only am I saving water, and saving soap, but I’m saving lives, including my own.” Says Stacy

“You could sell somebody a dead horse.” Says Stacy

“It’s a delicious horse, not every day a peasant gets to eat meat, with this much, you’ll be sitting on top of meat mountain, eating like a king. Cut off the hooves and boil them in the horses stomach acid and you’ve got yourself some high quality powder glue, help you make some furniture. Eating like a king, sitting in your new throne, what more could a man ask for?” jokes Stacy

“You really think people will want to eat horse meat?” asks Stella

“I wouldn’t turn my nose up at it.” Says Stacy

“Your appetite hardly reflects the majority of people in the world.” Says Stella

“I’m pretty sure that the majority of the world would thank god for some horse meat seeing how they’re stricken by poverty eating famine food.” Says Stacy

“I’m pretty sure a quarter of the world is Muslim or Jewish and another quarter lives in the developed world, so you just lost your majority right there. Those people won’t eat horse for sure.” Says Stella

“I could convince the people in the developed world that it is a cultural delicacy from some vibrant and colorful far away land. They’d eat that right up.” Says Stacy

“Which colorful far away land is that?” asks Stella

“Whichever one I’m not selling the horse meat in, if they don’t already eat it. Otherwise it’s just traditional cuisine and you are a traitor and hate your country if you don’t buy it.” Says Stacy

“You think people will believe that?” asks Stella

“Sure. The only reason people know they’ve done something wrong is because somebody is there to rebuke them for doing so, it’s second nature to be sensitive to that kind of stuff. Most people I could probably convince with free samples.” Says Stacy

“Who is going to cook those samples for you? I’m not going anywhere near a dead horse.” Says Stella

“Clearly somebody who’s paid in horse meat, if I’m in the business of selling dead horses. I’d hate to be a street peddler trying to sell dead horses, but I could make a living.” Says Stacy

“If people could make a living doing that you would see people doing that.” Says Stella

“Maybe I’m putting too much faith in the American dream, I’m sure the margins are slim on horse meat and glue. It would be hard to compete with the industrial glue machine, but back in the day, before big time industrialization, if I was a butcher I’d have no qualms cutting up a horse and selling some glue. It’s basically free money because plenty of farmers would easily let you have the horse if they’re not going to eat it; they don’t want to have some rotting animal on their property. Most of the time you know the whole town since you feed them and the farmer will walk the old horse to your shop because you’ve talked to him about his horses for the past twenty years and you both know it’s time for that horse to go. You give him a handshake and a pat on the back, throw him a couple steaks because he’s your friend, and you’ve got yourself a mountain of meat.” Says Stacy

“Who is going to eat the horse?” asks Stella

“Poor people, dogs, plenty of things will eat the meat. Grind up the bones; sell it to people as a panacea, healthy stuff: great for aging women and young children alike. Milk was a luxury, but you can get plenty of calcium just sprinkling bone powder in your porridge.” Says Stacy

“That’s disgusting.” Says Stella

“I’ll make you eat it. You know women need to get calcium, especially when they get older.” Says Stacy

“That’s true, but I don’t think people will actually sell you bone powder.” Says Stella

“That might just be my business then. Take all the bones from butchers and restaurants as a form of trash, grind them up, and sell them as a miracle cure.” Says Stacy

“You realize nobody will believe you, right?” asks Stella

“They will when clinical trials prove that my miracle cure is far more miraculous than damn near any other miracle cure out there. At least I’m giving people nutrients instead of snake oil or alleged magic.” Says Stacy

“Proven in clinical trials to cure ten times more miraculously than the leading brand of miracle cure.” says Stella sarcastically

“You’re forgetting that the market is people who have faith in miracle cures to begin with; they’d be blown away.” says Stacy

“You’re forgetting that people who believe in miracle cures are the antithesis of people who put faith in clinical trials.” Says Stella

“They put faith in clamor though, and I’ll have plenty of that, seeing how I can convince people far from being on the fence about miracle cures to try it with my successful clinical trials.” Says Stacy

“You can’t call it a miracle cure at that point; it would just be a nutritional supplement.” Says Stella

“That’s where you’re wrong. I take the same product, and I sell it under a few labels, a miracle cure, a nutritional supplement, a miraculous nutritional supplement, a nutritional cure, that’s a healthy market share right there.” Says Stacy

“You fancy yourself to be Rumpelstiltskin, do you?” asks Stella

“That’s not all. I take the powder, mix it with some MSG, and boom: Nutritional Seasoning.” Says Stacy

“Nobody is going to buy a spice shaker that lists the two ingredients as bone powder and MSG.” says Stella

“You’re thinking outside of the box, I’m sure maybe 1 in 25 people read the label, but in the rare chance that they actually do and are in the 1% of people who know that MSG and monosodium glutamate are the same thing, I’ve got the perfect solution. Miracle Flavor Suppliment. 100% of the flavor your body needs, good source of calcium and potassium, contains no MSG, because I’m going out of my way to use monopotassium glutamate. If I ever get some hippie army on me, then I can make a second line all together using monopotassium glutamate instead. It would be impossible to educate the happily ignorant public about the similarities and get them to demonize monopotassium glutamate, especially when it took 40 years for the hippies to even force MSG onto the ingredient list as anything other than spices and flavors.” Says Stacy

“Why do you know so much about MSG?” asks Stella

“Ever since I’ve known that MSG makes things delicious, it has been worthy of culinary knighthood in my book. I was bored one day and read about it on the internet when we had computer time at school.” Says Stacy

“You were so bored you read an encyclopedia article about MSG?” asks Stella

“I was thinking, you know, class is boring, but you know what would be great right now? Traditional American cuisine of processed food packed with MSG. I was just kind of fantasizing and happened to learn a lot.” Says Stacy

“I’m glad I actually have the dignity not to use MSG.” says Stella

“I am too. If you used MSG I would still be starving after we eat. I would be biting you trying to get you to cook more. That stuff induces a hunger comparable to delirium. That’s why the American food industry loves it; it keeps people begging for more. The food can be terrible quality, but if the MSG is pure nobody is complaining.” Says Stacy

“I’m sure that’s part of the reason America is so fat, if you cause people to eat compulsively like that.” Says Stella

“Of course, but who cares. Food is the nouveau cocaine. People want to feel good and food is the only thing that can induce that for the most part. If people could feel the same satisfaction from working hard or being respectable then this would be a different country all together.” Says Stacy

“It’s a shame that people don’t feel that satisfaction from working hard.” Says Stella

“I wouldn’t go that far. Having people work because they’re hungry is easier to condition than shaming them into work, and they can actually feel good about themselves when they fatten up after a long day of menial labor. If you look at East Asia, a lot of those people will work out of a sense of dignity and pride, but if their career falls apart they are far more likely to kill themselves because society shuns them for messing up their business or career or whatever. In America people don’t give a damn about their dignity, they just want to be happy and feel good if they can’t be happy. Feeding them delicious food makes them feel good enough to keep on trucking. It’s way easier to get someone to feel good that way than it is to instill some form of dignity inside of them.” Says Stacy

“Just because it’s easy doesn’t make it the right thing to do. America is very unhealthy on account of that mentality. People shouldn’t be led around by dangling a carrot in front of their head.” Says Stella

“It’s more like a doughnut or some Chinese food; nobody would chase a carrot, unless it was seasoned with MSG and some garlic and onion powder. People are animals, food and comfort are the motivators used for every other beast of burden, come back to me when you can get a horse to run by tempting it to chase dignity dangling from a stick. It’s better to just let people be ignorant to the concept completely than induce another level of self-deprecation. It’s too late for that, trying now would just insult people if you make them feel indignant, regardless of how little basis they have for their dignity. We live in a welfare state, even if nothing else, dignity should be given away for free, seeing how it doesn’t cost a damn thing.” Says Stacy

“Now it finally makes sense how everybody has dignity to the point of indignation but nothing else. I’m glad America has figured out the utopian welfare state.” Says Stella sarcastically

“Socialism removes people’s incentive to work hard and innovate. We can’t remain competitive by only having the odd bunch of folks who actually feel inspired to work for some reason other than money. Necessity is the mother of innovation, and most everyone thinks they always need more money. It would be hard to convince those same people that they need to work due to some form of selfless moral fabric that induces sympathy and charity for the unfortunate. Their minds just don’t work like that.” Says Stacy

“I guess you’re right. It’s hard to expect people to work out of the goodness of their own hearts, seeing how we can’t keep the lights on in the house for a week with a single potato.” Says Stella

“I’d rather have a functional, callous, and arguably sadistic government that functions than one that is burning itself alive with crippling sympathetic masochism and getting high on the fumes to think it’s doing itself a favor. It doesn’t matter if everybody is happy and well taken care of, smiles don’t pay the bills, it only matters on a person to person basis, happiness only matters if the government can turn a profit by making people happy and well taken care of. At that point, by all means make people happy and take care of them.” Says Stacy

“So you don’t think Dad should get any help from the government?” asks Stella, a bit upset with Stacy’s insensitivity

“He deserves it more than most, he did work and pay taxes for a long while, has children, and his enfeeblement was due to his employer’s negligence, so there is plenty of room for sympathy there. Sympathy is like red wine, a reasonable amount of it can make you feel pleasant and maybe a bit healthier, but you can easily become unruly, unmanageable, and dangerously cocksure while at the same time becoming physically and mentally addicted to the intoxication, the high of feeling good for no logical reason.” Says Stacy

“There’s no logical reason for life. Why split hairs, irresponsible welfare destroys the economy, while irresponsible capitalism destroys the planet. Who really cares? Hopefully they’ll both crash and burn at the same time and we can just sing Kumbaya while the world burns in the hell it brought upon itself.” says Stella

“I’m just a concessioner of hells, so I feel like my tastes as a sommelier or damnation could bring a certain classy appeal to burning in hell, seeing how we’re destined to burn one way or another. I feel that burning like the monk in Vietnam would be nobler than dying like an idiot who douses himself in gasoline and sets himself on fire as he takes his motorcycle off of a cliff in the name of ostentatiousness.” Says Stacy
“What exactly are you protesting with your self-immolation?” asks Stella

“Chaos, largely. The chaos of freedom, free thought, and free will.” Says Stacy

“You really don’t like those things, do you?” asks Stella

“Those are explicitly the reasons we ended up in this scenario where the human race has been ingesting gasoline and asking for Satan to piss fire into their mouth. If we’re going to die of self-immolation, I’ll be damned if we don’t do it right.” Says Stacy

“You’re pride is remarkable to say the least. You really care that much about the dignity of the human race?” asks Stella

“Only because I’m a part of it. If I was a dog or something I wouldn’t give half a fuck. Since I’m on the team, I’d feel like I didn’t do my job seeing how I seem to be the only one willing and capable enough to acknowledge the scenario for what it’s worth.” Says Stacy

“I think it’s natural that people don’t want to think about their own demise. When you think about people dying, it’s always some dream like experience in some phantasmal realm and not some cold gripping realism where they acknowledge their organs failing. Good luck convincing people to be stoic to the vivid death dreams and instead masochistically acknowledge the slow and painful failure of the vital organs that sustain society.” Says Stella

“They do that a little bit, as the death becomes more glaring, it becomes easier to do so. You forget that what is dying is society, the establishment, the contemporary world. Plenty of people will still be alive who have no interest in dying along with it. Those are the people I rear from my teat with the knowledge ripped from the corpses of dead men who succumbed to hedonistic suicidal incredulity because they refused to acknowledge what was sensible common knowledge. These are the children of Cain that will die in the coming flood, the chosen will continue and the story of such damned fools shall guide the survivors away from the same fate. That is, of course, until like all warnings, they become forgotten due to an apparent lack of relevance, and at that point those who have failed to heed the warning shall once again learn the hard way.” Says Stacy

“Not only are you predicting the apocalyptic flood, but the second flood. You’re on your game today.” Jokes Stella

“History repeats itself, that’s hardly a prophecy at that point.” Says Stacy

“I’m glad you think that the biblical flood was history.” Says Stella

“It is, in a sense. The bible is an allegory, so the flood represents the culling of the damnable through execution that occurred at some point in the past, leaving only the civilized moralists who banded together to fend of the disorganized savages of yore. That’s just the similarity I’m drawing.” Says Stella

“You’re hardly a moralist, why do you think you would survive the coming flood?” asks Stella

“Moralists fought against the savages in the previous flood, the coming flood will more than likely be the realists fighting the idealists, seeing how delusions inducing the conquest for unattainable idealism are the reason why the world suffers so much to this day. Everybody wanted things to be better, and more perfect, and slowly damned the world on account of it, nothing was ever good enough and everything always needs to be better. Contemporary man has deemed many correct answers to be fallacious simply because they are old answers; he would rather see his own fallacy as the accepted truth out of self-serving pride and thus leads a conquest against historical, sacred, and holy truths.” Says Stacy

“I didn’t think you would deem anything to be sacred or holy. I was unsure if you would deem anything to be truth to be honest.” Jokes Stella

“I don’t deem them as such, those with more faith than I do. I can still respect the faith out of my taste of life, interpreting all beliefs of mankind as little more than delusions, so those who have self-worth, dignity, or feel in any way significant are comparably as delusional as those with faith in some god who gives a damn about the shameless damnable beasts. When everything is comparably incorrect, that effectively makes the most correct sentiments at the functional hundredth percentile of legitimacy by comparison, even if these people at the effective maximum are only getting 60% of the answers correct. I grade on a curve, what can I say, I’m a nice teacher. That is until the test, at which point there is no curve.” Says Stacy

“What test is this exactly?” asks Stella

“The test is the point where I test mankind. I proof his meddle. I gauge whether or not he is worthy of life in a world that finds such things distasteful, but respects the bold who devote their lives to minimizing the unpleasantness of the taste of human life out of a true dignity in the form of vehement misanthropy. It’s not the beast that’s the problem as much as the humanity, remove the humanity and you’ve got a noble intelligent animal and a wonderful beast of burden.” Says Stacy

“I’m sure they’d love for you to pat them on the head and tell them that. I hope dad is still willing to eat.” Fixing a plate for Dale

“That’s not my plate?” jokes Stacy

“Dad needs it more than you do. Fix one for yourself if you’re so hungry.” Says Stella

“That’s true. If I fix myself a plate there might not be any left for you.” Jokes Stacy

“Good point.” Says Stella, fixing Stacy a plate and serving it to her

“Thank you kindly.” Says Stacy, as Stella takes Dale’s plate to him


“Here you go, you want some water or something?” asks Stella

“Sure. I don’t think I technically drink 8 full glasses of spirits a day, so I’ve got to supplement my liquids somewhere.” Jokes Dale

“Now we just need to fit an apple in there somewhere.” Jokes Stella

“If apples tasted as good as your cooking that might be tempting.” Says Dale

“I’m glad you like it, it’s pretty basic.” Says Stella

“It’s got spices and vegetables, that’s pretty impressive.” Says Dale

“It’s just onion powder, garlic powder, salt, and pepper. That’s pretty common place. I don’t think fried onions are an impressive vegetable either.” Says Stella

“Hell of a lot better than I could do.” Says Dale

“That’s why I’m glad I can cook for you instead of the other way around.” Says Stella

“Me too. I can’t cook; I can just heat things up or burn them on a good day. Otherwise I’m spilling things or dropping things or knocking them over.” Says Dale

“You don’t need to now, so don’t worry about it. I’ll get you that water, ok?” asks Stella

“Thanks again. It’s great. No ice in the water.” Says Dale, after eating a small bite

“Of course. I’m glad you like it.” Says Stella, getting Dale his water and returning

“Ice is too cold, I can’t see why people like it. Who wants a drink that hurts them.” Says Dale

“I think most people are fine with ice.” Says Stella

“Hurts my teeth.” Says Dale

“You should probably brush them more.” Says Stella

“I do. It’s not like I eat sweets or anything. At least once day if I can remember.” Says Dale

“How often do you remember?” asks Stella

“God only knows, but I’m going to put some faith and say often enough.” Says Dale

“I hope so; you wouldn’t want to lose your teeth.” Says Stella

“They’re all there; they don’t hurt unless something is cold. I’d say I’m doing pretty well for myself.” Says dale

“I’m not even going to start with flossing. Enjoy the food, ok?” asks Stella

“You too, you deserve a good meal more than anybody else.” Says Dale

“I think everybody here deserves a good meal.” Says Stella

“Well, you cooked it. That’s why, me and Stacy are kind of unworthy, who knows what we’d be eating if you didn’t cook.” Says Dale

“I don’t want to find out; it’s my pleasure to cook anyways. I enjoy it.” Says Stella

“Make sure you enjoy the eating part too, this is damn good.” Says Dale

“Of course, I’ve got to get back into the kitchen or else Stacy might eat mine.” jokes Stella, returning to the kitchen

“Good point.” Says Dale, chuckling



“Welcome back.” Says Stacy

“I’m surprised you’ve not cleaned your plate already.” Jokes Stella

“You gave me a plenty, I’m trying some mindfulness trying to savor it. Eating too fast leaves you hungry, in my experience at least.” Says Stacy

“I’m surprised you weren’t griping about hunger at all during that time I was cooking.” Says Stella,

“I’m pretty sure the endorphins and whatnot that induce that ego-high also suppress the appetite. You got me going a little bit, revving that engine.” Says Stacy

“It’s not hard.” Says Stella,

“Thank god. I don’t know what I would say if I didn’t have plenty of things to say.” Says Stacy

“That’s the point I am at most parts of my life. It’s easy to chime in while you rant, but it’s hard for me to lead a conversation.” Says Stella
“You’ve just got to believe you know everything about anything and then it’s not hard. All the right answers just flow into your mind and it flows like a beautiful babbling brook. It may be a matter of confidence, I’m sure you’ve got a dam upstream somewhere. Let the river flow naturally, it feels good to nourish the people with the water they need from your live-giving wellspring.” Says Stacy

“There’s a reason people don’t drink out of streams you know.” Says Stella

“That’s only because society has coddled them and made them weak to such things. Before, plenty of people didn’t have a choice and had some level of tolerance to the bacterial friends that live in the wild water. If a man cannot stomach the only clean water that gives him nourishment and life, let him die from the intoxication of the sickening poisonous syrup that is spoon-fed to the slaves of Babylon.” Says Stacy

“If society is Babylon, what does that make you?” asks Stella

“Persia.” Says Stacy

“Could have figured that one.” Says Stella

“So Babylon has a population of about 7 billion, and Persia has a population of one.” Teases Stella

“I thought you were on board.” Says Stacy

“Two.” Says Stella, who rolls her eyes

“I’ve got Jenna, Ophelia, and a couple friends from Animal Club, that’s six strong already.” Says Stacy

“So you believe that six schoolgirls are going to conquer 7 billion people. That makes sense.” Says Stella

“It’s largely just me doing all the work, but I have faith. Rome wasn’t built in a day.” Says Stacy, offhandedly and rather indifferent

“You’re a piece of work.” Jokes Stella

“I’m a marvel of contemporary social engineering, I’m a revolution.” Says Stacy

“That’s exactly what I meant.” Says Stella, sarcastically

“Good luck, maybe you can start you own club and end up with maybe 8 schoolgirls that are willing to start this revolution with you.” Says Stella

“I’d rally the poor. Schoolgirls have plenty to lose, poor people don’t.” says Stacy

“How are you going to tempt them exactly?” asks Stella

“Rouse plenty of rabble. One man you might sway with anise, the other with peppermint.” Says Stacy

“You’re going to give them spice drops or something?” asks Stella

“Well, anarchy or power, one or the other. Those who have faith in the phoenix will opt for the latter, those without the former.” Says Stacy

“I’d be hard pressed to find anyone who is crazy enough to believe a little schoolgirl will somehow endow them with power.” Says Stella

“It won’t be hard when the people all want to get fat on the delusions of grandeur I let them eat out of my hand.” Says Stacy

“Why would they want to do that?” asks Stella

“People want to believe in a brighter future, whatever anyone offers I’m sure I can come up something even brighter and the people will be drawn to it like insects.” Says Stacy

“Seldom do you describe a bright future when you talk about these things.” Says Stella

“That’s because I’m talking to you. You’re part of the unattainable minority that does not fall victim to the futility of their hopes and dreams. I don’t bother to mislead you.” Says Stacy

“You think you can just mislead people masterfully until you’re some kind of dictator?” asks Stella

“Sure. Just start out small, people will find it reasonable, and slowly increase the grandiosity whenever someone tries to challenge me. The faithful will build up tolerance to believing me to the point where they can happily drink up even the wildest ideas without being afflicted by the life-saving instinct of reason. They will become addicted to my cry for revolution in the name of a people’s utopia. Hope is like alcohol, their entire will to live will be defined by the hope that I tempt them with, to the point that they could easily die if they aren’t given such hope.” Says Stacy

“How do you plan to keep them hopeful, you don’t think people would see though that eventually and realize you offer them nothing to be hopeful for?” asks Stella

“I am just the puppeteer, I don’t take any blame for shortcomings because I’m never in charge or hold any power. I am just the voice that rallies the people into supporting the puppets. This way even if I’ve got to guess and check a few things along the way it doesn’t ever tarnish my purity if I make some mistakes.” Says Stacy

“Amazing. You think you can control political puppets that easily?” asks Stella

“It’s not hard; I just play the tune they’ve got to dance to if they want the support of the people. I hardly have to control them at that point, if I even have to at all.” Says Stacy

“I’m pretty sure the puppets would revolt against you at some point, if they really want power.” Says Stella

“I doubt it. They would be endorsed due to their loyalty. Besides, they are like musicians in my symphony, and I am the maestro. They do as they’re told because they want the group to perform well, as they themselves are part of that group. They are lost without me and I am nothing without them. If they wanted to operate outside of the group that is fine, but a lonesome street fiddler is pittance compared to a symphony.” Says Stacy

“You’ve really got to do your part perfectly if you think you can conduct with the best of them.” Says Stella

“Less so than you think, seeing how I’m apparently the only one willing to do the job.” Says Stacy

“There are countless revolutionaries in the world, Stacy.” Says Stella

“I’m the only one who seeks to do it right, most of them are idealist fools committing suicide with indignation. I am methodical and logical, unspurred by humanity and mechanically driven by cold heartless ratio. Physics doesn’t function reliably on account of the emotions of the objects and the communal sympathetic mentality of selfless teamwork and conscious devotion to common ideals shared between the forces that be.” Says Stacy

“The next time I am confused about what the right thing to do is, I’ll take your advice and indoctrinate the people, use them as pawns to stage a coup, then induce a level of paranoia and misanthropy that reduces their sense of self to that of an animal in order to enslave them and use my army of masochistic zealots to conquer the world.” Says Stella, sarcastically

“You realize you are already complicit in the scheme. Just because you are a pawn in the name of Babylon instead of God or me or what have you doesn’t mean you aren’t merrily complicit.” Says Stacy

“You’re right. I forgot about how much of an indoctrinated pawn I am so the fact that I am some masochistic zealot of Babylon totally slipped my mind. Here I was thinking I was a schoolgirl.” Says Stella

“A rose by any other name would smell as sweet. Even if you enjoy school and working hard, that doesn’t mean it isn’t out of some masochism induced by paranoia and misanthropy, just because Babylon forces it’s slaves to venerate their masters doesn’t mean they don’t loathe every human who doesn’t pleasure them by whipping them night and day while inducing Pavlovian subservience by feeding them and giving them hedonistic treats for their good behavior in order to make them think they enjoy being enslaved.” Says Stacy

“At this point hedonistic masochism seems like a pretty tempting reality when compared to your alternative of pure masochism.” Says Stella

“There are too many good reasons to indoctrinate pure masochism instead of hedonistic masochism, cost effectiveness and the health of its faithful among them. In the end it would still be hedonistic masochism, but the people find the same pleasure in being tortured seldom for their good behavior as the hedonists do in getting sick on vice in exchange for their good behavior. I’d rather a man find pleasure in solace than be discontent with his own safety and well-being to the point where he commits suicide through gluttonous hedonism.” Says Stacy

“I’m sure your zealots would quickly turn against you if you became a prohibitionist on top of your already unappealing ideology.” Says Stella

“Of course I don’t expect the sick to see the light overnight; even if I tried they would die or become inoperably insane from the hedonistic tremens. It’s a slow process, slowly mixing the liquor with masochism, increasing the relative concentration of masochism, until eventually the liquor is pure masochism, but they still turn to it like it’s the blood of Bacchus. It’s just the quality masochism that gets them drunk off the pleasure of the agreeable torture as opposed to the disagreeable sort. Instead of indoctrinating people to seek pleasure as the reward, they seek the absence of pain. It’s far easier to make a man comfortable than it is to please him, especially when you tend to be the primary source of his discomfort.” says Stacy

“What do you do when somebody trips and falls and accidentally discovers that actual pleasure exists, surely they will start to seek that out.” Says Stella

“That depends on if it is holy pleasure or illicit pleasure. The holy pleasures like childbearing, education, work, self-sacrifice, any virtuous deed would be encouraged, while those who somehow manage to find the illicit pleasures and swear allegiance to such vice would be tortured with them until they likely die in order to serve as an educational example of the dangers of vice.” Says Stacy

“You’re going to encourage people to have sex all the time? That’s pretty illicit.” Says Stella

“Well, humans are the horses of my chariot, they must come from somewhere. It’s harmless, given that the population is strictly culled to sort the people by their diseases and genetic flaws in order to eliminate infectious and genetic diseases that stem from such things. Contraceptives would be outlawed so that fornicators understand that there are repercussions for such pleasure, and the parents would fear for their own lives on account of their own well-being depending on the well-being and quality of their children. People would fear sex more than desire it due to them knowing the only justification of their meaningless existence is their ability to perpetuate society and thus are judged severely based upon this factor. Of course they would still be expected to reproduce if they are healthy enough, and paired off methodically by genetics and forcefully bred if they were reluctant to do so.” Says Stacy

“Jesus. You realize that basically everyone will object to that.” Says Stella

“That doesn’t matter in the slightest, they will object to the torture they earn for failing to do so far more than serving their natural purpose: rearing babes from their teat, and educating them so that they might survive in the remorseless wilds. This is not every man and woman by any means, plenty of them have genetic predispositions and what not, so their reproduction would be limited if they are not sterilized entirely. They may be suitable for birthing fodder in times of crisis, but their kin would not be ideal by any means. Those with pristine genetics however would be bred thoroughly, methodically, and relentlessly. Quality control is important.” Says Stacy

“Wow. You are ok with being bred relentlessly? That sounds terrible.” Says Stella

“God no. I am a sick puppy, and not physically ideal at all. I would be ashamed of myself if I birthed even one more of myself. I am talking about ideal humans, physically dominant, prone to intelligence, tame and docile minds, at least one of the three qualities to begin with, before attempting to reliably breed beasts that have all three of them.” Says Stacy

“So have you told Jenna and Ophelia you plan to ‘breed them relentlessly’? Remind me to avoid the topic of what happens after the coup, next time, by the way.” Says Stella, a bit disgusted

“Well, Ophelia would be more than happy to assist me, Jenna I am not so sure of. You act like all women are opposed to being mothers.” Says Stacy

“I think it would be hard to convince them to have that many kids.” Says Stella

“It never was in the past, 10 or 12 was common place. Indoctrinating a woman to desire the role of broodmother is simple, it is within her instincts after all. Teaching women to worship the natural feelings of pleasure and joy from rearing children is something that was done without question until many women decided some fifty years ago they would rather sterilize themselves and be genderless drones in some occult capitalist beehive intent on doing nothing but working and leaving repopulation up to the poor. It is a terrible affliction to be honest, while some people in poverty may not be genetically predisposed to such unsuccessfulness, many of them are, and burdening them with the entire responsibility of repopulation really cripples society, especially since putting genetics aside impoverished people have far less resources to properly educate and indoctrinate their children to be successful in society.” Says Stacy

“I think women just didn’t want to be seen as some childbearing object. They wanted more respect than that.” Says Stella

“They are simple childbearing objects, on a good day. That is a noble task. Men are simple work-bearing objects, on a good day. The problem was not the lack of respect for women, but the overabundant respect for men, sick fools baselessly stroking each other’s egos to the point where they fancy themselves gods because they handedly tame simple spirits so tame and subservient such as fire and metal. If men were but dirt, women would have no qualms with being dirt as well. Pride in such a way that it causes an issue is vice, and should that be accommodated, god help us if we’re not holly jolly and grinning ear to ear when somebody gets beaten to death, dies from AIDS, or overdoses on heroin.” Says Stacy

“I’m sure they all think they’re as pious and holy as you fancy yourself to be. It’s not hard to be delusional.” Says Stella

“I may be prone to irrational optimism regarding my success rate, but that does not tarnish the purity of my ideals. My ideals are rooted in logic, history, and science. I am not some iconoclast that seeks to demolish common knowledge and the truth by purporting that my opinions hold more merit than facts on account of my feelings emotions or some other boohoo bullshit or even worse my baseless pride and indignation. I don’t seek to do these things to satiate my lust for pride or self-worth; I seek to do them as a benevolent benefactor that has unquestionably valid and correct knowledge that can aid someone, meaning literally everyone on Earth. Society is laden with festering wounds and I simply seek to use my knowledge to properly treat such wounds so that there is a chance the wounds will not kill humanity entirely, as futile as it may be.” Says Stacy

“I don’t think you could convince anybody your ideals are anything other than your baseless pride and indignation.” Says Stella

“I am not indignant. I may be proud, but I am not indignant. I could care less about my treatment or how many sweets and toys and trinkets and baubles I get for my meaningless menial toil on this Earth. I have these principles because it is painful not to do so. If you ever see somebody doing something incorrectly to the point where their stupidity induces an uncomfortable pain inside of your mind, this is how I feel when I see the everyman and even the folly of Babylon. The half-assed hedonist shit-show that is human society is so irrational that it baffles me to the point where I would feel like a terrible person if I didn’t make some effort to enlighten the fools.” Says Stacy

“So it’s just baseless pride that causes you to believe these things.” Jokes Stella

“Well, the only way to find out if it is baseless is if I wrangle control of society and rear my own from its corpse.” Says Stacy

“We can just presume that it’s baseless, that’s not that hard. I’m sure most people will.” Says Stella

“Regardless, the gambler knows he cannot win if he does not play, I have all of this money that is only good for this one gambling game and I would be a fool not to throw at least some of it away, seeing how the game pays out in a cornucopia of currency if I actually win. That is far more ideal than just sitting on my large pile of revolutionary money that is otherwise entirely worthless.” Says Stacy

“I’m sure you could spend your time on a more fruitful game and be a bit more satisfied.” Says Stella

“You don’t know the pleasure of sitting here counting my revolutionary money.” Says Stacy

“You said yourself it’s entirely worthless though.” Says Stella

“You’re forgetting about the gambling game, the game of keno that determines whether or not my money is validated and worth its weight in the other currencies of man or sells me loss after loss until the game sits idle until another wild one has the money to play.” Says Stacy

“I figure plenty of people have that kind of money and none of them ever win.” Says Stella

“We all play our own games with different odds, some have less money, most play a table with much worse odds. In relative terms, my odds are much better than every idiot who thinks Molotov cocktails can be exchanged for free money.” Says Stacy

“I’ll give you that. It’s still not very promising. I’ll clean up.” Says Stella, cleaning up

“Thanks for fueling the fires of revolution, it’s always appreciated.” Says Stacy

“Don’t make me regret it.” Says Stella dryly

“What’s regrettable about assisting in the salvation of mankind?” Says Stacy

“You need healthier interests, like normal ones.” Says Stella

“Oh my gosh. Have you seen the new fall line at Dante’s, it’s totally to die for.” Says Stacy, feigning a stereotypical Bay City girl’s accent

“I’m sure you’re talking about the appliances.” Says Stella

“God damn. That’s harder than I thought it would be. You don’t think Dante’s has nice clothes though?” asks Stacy

“They do have some cute clothes, but girls will probably judge you if you payed $20 dollars for a dress. They would wear a burlap sack if it had Morientia Stolae written on it.” Says Stella

“It’s all pettiness between girls; the only men who care about fashion to that extent are probably homosexual. People will notice if something looks good, that’s all that matters. If the rich girls think it’s ugly because it cost $20 they can go wear their $400 dress made by the same nameless sweatshop laborers out of the same material.” Says Stacy

“We should go to Dante’s sometime then; I’d love to see you try on cute dresses.” Teases Stella

“What’s wrong with the thrift shop? I’ve got plenty of clothes anyways.” Says Stacy

Stella rolls her eyes “I thought we were trying to get some normal interests out of you.” She says

“Plenty of people love the thrift shop.” Says Stacy

“I was hoping for teenage girl interests, not forty-something single mom interests.” Says Stella

“I don’t like most teenage girls, nor do I like teenage girl things. I find no pleasure in being stupid, childish, and petty. At least forty-somethings are going to be far less delusional about the world at large.” Says Stacy

“You’re really criticizing the delusions of girls our age? You’re the most delusional of all of them by far.” Says Stella

“It’s a matter of flavor, girls our age have teenage delusions about the artificial significance of the opinions of their peers, I have the delusions of a delirious 800 year old giant sitting on a mountain slamming my fist on my throne and shouting down the slopes at the fools who don’t believe in giants as they climb the mountain to their doom.” Says Stacy

“Wow. That’s something. I’d rather care about the opinions of my peers at that point.” Says Stella

“Trust me, feeling like a giant that crushes people in his hands feels way better than crying over the fact that some dumb bitch criticized you in public.” Says Stacy

“I’m sure it does, but it’s far more insane.” Says Stella

“The insane are the nouveau American Negro: originally ostracized and hated, now revered.  Nowadays people are clamoring to include the insanity and even defend it as perfectly fine and sane on account of some broad tolerance scheme, people will treat you like you’re the cock of the walk just because some insane people were crazy enough to complain that they were being treated like they were insane and on account of the ‘no hurt feelings’ policy of the liberals it’s practically illegal to disagree with any full-fledged lunatic because that’s ableist and intolerant.” Says Stacy

“That sounds a bit exaggerated.” Says Stella

“As long as you’re not hurting people or their feelings, it’s damn near impossible to be wrong if you’re insane. The hard part is not hurting people or their feelings, but some people manage to do it.” Says Stacy

“Is it really that hard to not hurt people or their feelings?” asks Stella

“Some people preemptively have their feelings hurt and jump on any excuse they can. Nobody gives them the time of day unless they’re crying about their hurt feelings so their attention seeking impulses cause them to act like that. It’s a damn shame; the only appropriate response to damn near any indignation regarding social interaction is ‘I’ll give you something to cry about’.” Says Stacy

“What are you going to do when you go to jail because your ideals hurt somebody’s feelings?” asks Stella

“If I hurt anyone’s feelings they’re an ableist for having their feelings hurt by a loony, so they’re the ones getting felony hate crime charges. Beyond that, most people are convinced that it’s Babylon who hurt their feelings in the first place, plenty of them will cry a lot more and a hell of a lot louder than the establishment. Most people will have wrought their own retribution upon themselves by the time I’m in any position to hurt anybody’s feelings. Besides, you’re the only person whose feelings I’m concerned about.” Says Stacy

“At least you’ve not forgotten that much. Let’s go upstairs; I’m sure you have homework to do.” Says Stella

“I’ll have to thumb through my papers, but I don’t remember having any.” Says Stacy

“I’ll have to double check then.” Says Stella

“Have at it.” Says Stacy

“That’s a bold move; you know I’ll find something.” Says Stella

“It’s hard to find something if there’s nothing there.” Says Stacy

“You would ignore an elephant in the room if you didn’t care for it.” Says Stella, going upstairs, Stacy follows her, the drone of the television and the drone of Stacy had combined their powers and mercilessly shot Dale countless times with bullets of sleepiness, the hash browns and liquor making him all the more vulnerable to such an assault. The girls enter their room; Stella sits at her desk and pulls out her work, Stacy collapses on Stella’s bed.




“You know I’m going to look through your papers eventually.” Says Stella

“I’ll be napping until that time comes.” Says Stacy

“You’re going to dirty up my bed like that?” asks Stella

“Mine is still wet with your sweat and whatnot, sharing is caring, you know. I’ll keep it warm for you.” Says Stacy

“It’s your sweat too.” Says Stella

“You were on the bottom though; most of mine wicked off into the air.” Says Stacy

“I wouldn’t mind my bed smelling a bit more like you, anyways.” Says Stella

“Good. I’m happy to help.” Says Stacy, rubbing her face in Stella’s pillow, enjoying the comfort

“So thoughtful.” Jokes Stella

“I’ll let you focus on your work; I’ve got to digest after that meal.” Says Stacy

“You better not be lying about not having any homework, if I find a bunch and it’s already late I’ll be upset with you.” Says Stella

“I’m not. I don’t get put in the advanced classes like you do.” Says Stacy

“You should aim higher. You’re in advanced English at least, I’m sure the rest of them aren’t much easier than my classes.” Says Stella

“I’m not going to aim higher when I have no desire to hit that target. I’m fond of the path of least resistance. I’m only in advanced English because that class consists of making things up that sound right, there’s never a real answer. As long as you repeat some of the key points the teacher made the rest is just pumping the papers full of words.” Says Stacy

“You’re just lazy.” Says Stella

“I do what I need to do; I simply don’t have any desire to do more than that for shits and giggles.” Says Stacy

“So opening up beneficial opportunities in your life and learning valuable information fall under the category of shits and giggles?” asks Stella

“Not quite, shits and giggles tend to be more so enjoyable.” Says Stacy

“Of course. Enjoy your nap.” Says Stella, returning to her work

“Wilco. Stacy out.” Says Stacy, yawning and embracing the rest


Stacy violently lassos the wild z’s from atop her trusty dream steed while Stella enjoys herself as the sensible paperwork sings her happy fantastical songs about an orderly and reasonable world that doesn’t exist. Stella eventually closes her book and puts her papers away and whistles loudly.


“Now that I’ve got my work done I can help you, Stacy.” Says Stella, in an ambivalently stern caring tone

“I’m sure you want to study a bit more.” Says Stacy

“I do, but getting you started on things you need to do is more pressing than doing things I simply want to do.” Says Stella

“I’m sure you want to lie down and cuddle or something. Come here.” Says Stacy

“It’s tempting, but stoicism prevents me from indulging in such things.” Says Stella

“You’re just going to leave me cold and lonely like this?” says Stacy, feigning a pout

“I’d feel guilty if I let your grades slip through my fingers.” Says Stella

“They’re my grades, don’t worry about it.” Says Stacy

“Sadly I’m the one who’s responsible for them being decent, and it would be a disservice to you if I didn’t uphold my responsibility.” Says Stella

“Don’t put the world on your shoulders like that.” Says Stacy

“It would hurt me more to see you get poor grades, so be a dear and get started on your work, ok?” asks Stella

“I don’t have any, thankfully. I’ll get my things out and even let you look through them.” Says Stacy, getting up and going to her desk to pull out her things

“I hope you didn’t just throw the papers away.” says Stella

“That would take a step of effort between putting the assignments away and forgetting about them.” Says Stacy

“Thank god for that.” Says Stella, walking over to Stacy and looking over her shoulder at her papers

“See, no work.” Says Stacy, thumbing through the handful of papers stuffed into the front of her notebook

“Why is there a bullet on your mantle? Damn it, Stacy. Are you that crazy? Just letting people see that you’re some lunatic with a handgun?” asks Stella

“It’s just sitting there not doing anything; it’s not a crime to have a bullet.” Says Stacy

“It’s suspicious as fuck, what do you say to the police when they walk in and see that you take pride in your bullet sitting on your desk while they suspect you of murder?” Says Stella

“Half of America would be in prison if having a bullet was a crime. They need evidence and the bullet is not evidence.” Says Stacy

“Put it away; hide it with the rest of your stuff. Jesus. I don’t want to see you take pride in the things you do. Why is that bullet not with the rest of them?” asks Stella

“It’s an important bullet.” Says Stacy

“What?” asks Stella

“That one’s for me. Just in case.” Says Stacy

“What the fuck? Why that one? If you are going to fucking kill yourself I don’t see a difference between any bullet.” asks Stella, upset

“Alpha and Omega.” Says Stacy, grim and bold

“What does this have to do with god?” asks Stella

“This is the last one I have that created me, and if it comes down to it, I’d like it to end me.” Says Stacy

“Are you suicidal or something? What are you talking about?” asks Stella, upset and confused

“If I’m sitting in this bunker one day and I know my war has been lost, I’m at least going to be the one who chooses how it ends.” Says Stacy

“Why this bullet?” asks Stella

“I just want to feel mom’s fingers touch me one last time. Let her hold her baby as she slips away.” says Stacy, aggressively sad, tearing up slightly

“What does this have to do with mom?” asks Stella

“Even if it’s just by proxy, this is all I have left of her. It’s my only memento of mom, it means too much to me to squander it thoughtlessly like I did the rest of them.” Says Stacy

“God damn it, Stacy. I can’t lose both of you to the same bullshit.” Says Stella, staring to cry

“It’s just my last resort, I’m sure you’d rather have it this way then to watch me be put on a show trial and executed on public television.” Says Stacy

“I don’t give a fuck Stacy, if it comes to that just make sure there’s an extra bullet laying around for me, ok? I can’t handle this shit. This is like twice as sad now. Jesus Christ.” Says Stella,

“I don’t know. I think it’s kind of comforting, like mom is there to save me in times of trouble.” Says Stacy

“God damn it, Stacy. Why do you always have to remind me of this shit?” asks Stella, sitting on Stacy’s lap, hugging her tightly, crying, unable to support herself

“The sunshine is indifferent to the pain induced by the truth it illuminates.” Says Stacy

“You could try harder to hide these things from me, damn it.” Says Stella

“It’s ok. Think of it as a good thing, we can save ourselves all the pain and misery of the bullshit rigmarole. We might be forced to do these things to survive, but we don’t have to sit through the pomp and circumstance of our damnation.” Says Stacy

“God damn it.” Mutters Stella

“I don’t have any work, ok. Let’s just lay down for a bit.” Says Stacy, distantly but well aware of the fact that she upset Stella

“Is it easy to use the gun? It’s terrible that the only thought that comforts me right now is putting a bullet in my head.” Says Stella

“Just press the tip of the gun against the roof of your mouth and pull the trigger. That’s the last resort though, I’m only telling you because I don’t want you to fuck it up and suffer needlessly though a botched suicide and the show trial.” Says Stacy

“It’s foolproof, right?” asks Stella

“For the most part, just don’t aim too low or it will miss your brain and you won’t die.” Says Stacy

“God damn it. Stacy. I want this shit to be over. This is so fucking terrible. Why? Damn it. Why?” asks Stella

“It’s going to be all right. We’re doing fine, let’s just try to enjoy the good times. If you think about that sort of stuff, just be reminded that we don’t have to live through the bad times. It’s nothing but good times from here on out ok?” asks Stacy

“I’m so scared, Stacy.” Says Stella

“There’s nothing to be scared of. We’re the masters of our own destiny, so that’s all you need to remember. If I don’t fuck up and you don’t fuck up it should be smooth sailing.” Says Stacy

“Fucking up seems so easy to do at this point. How do I know we haven’t already fucked up?” asks Stella

“Well, we’d both be dead. As long as you don’t go turn me in to the cops or start to gossip about my civil service, you’re doing a good job. Let’s just forget about it, ok? You want to lay down for a little bit?” asks Stacy, rather detached from reality but methodically attempting to calm her sister, picking her up and laying her down in bed and lying beside her, holding her as she cries

“I can’t handle it, Stacy. This shit just causes me to have a mental breakdown. I can’t fucking think. It’s just fear and despair rushing around in my head like a whirlpool drowning me.” Says Stella
“It’s ok, Stella. Every time you break down just know I’m right here to fix you up. Just breathe, and know everything will be all right.” Says Stacy, holding Stella tightly as Stella breaths heavily on her shoulder between the sobbing

“Nothing but good times, I’m here, nothing is wrong, there’s nothing but good times ahead of us.” Says Stacy, holding her sister in a silence broken by nothing but the sounds of sickening sadness for a long while before Stella’s breathing begins to slow and the tears begin to slow.

“My face hurts from crying so much.” Says Stella

“It’s ok, rainbows come after the rain.” Says Stacy

“Where are the fucking rainbows?” asks Stella

“Right here, Stella. A warm, lovely, rainbow to make you happy.” Says Stacy, kissing Stella’s neck

“What can I be happy about right now?” asks Stella

“I’m here, you’re here, that’s all we need. Don’t worry about anything else.” Says Stacy

“Don’t let me go, not for a long time.” Says Stella

“I’ll hold you as long as it takes. I’m not going anywhere. Just let it go. Let go of the sadness, you don’t need it. Be free.” Says Stacy, holding Stella in a long silence


Stella’s mind slowly dies as her own blood intermingles with the ice coursing through Stacy’s heart and mind, Stella comforted by this dead desolate feeling of lifeless expansive tundra that fills her body, manipulating the cold to murder the blazing demons of emotion by freezing their hearts and mind, protecting herself with this new found destructive force of frozen desolation, she finds unending comfort in her only friend, the ice itself that holds her and warms her body in unquestioning and unending devotion.


“How can you do this? How can you be fine with all of this?” asks Stella, eventually breaking the silence

“You are somehow still tempted to drink the liquor that makes you so feeble and ill.” Says Stacy

“I just want to know. I know your crazy but that doesn’t explain how you can just smile and enjoy this life like it doesn’t bother you at all.” Says Stella

“I think that explains the smiling. You know I don’t need a decent reason to convince myself of something; I can convince myself that senselessness is sensible because it suits my fancy. I simply reason with my tastes, and if something suits my tastes, that is plenty to convince me of it’s worth. I’d rather savor a flavorful poison than suckle on the bitter stones of reality.” Says Stacy

“You’re ok with dying, I don’t understand.” Says Stella, weakly

“Living is the root of all evil, even the faithful say death is the only salvation from such senseless meaningless torture at the hands of one’s own species and the facilitating reality. I care not for man, nor self-awareness, nor technology, nor society: these are all blights upon the natural purity that once was, the tertiary cancer that blights the secondary cancer of life that blights the primary cancer of existence within this accursed void. Human life, let alone its own cancers, is a grotesque parasitic deformity sustaining itself from the parasitic deformity that spawned it known as organic life, which itself formed as a cancer within the original misbegotten egg of the bastard child that is the universe. It is nearly impossible to respect if one rids one acknowledges the reality of it all.” Says Stacy

“That’s pretty fucking irrelevant. What about you, this body, your feelings, and how does your nonsense and disdain for everything cause you to not fear death?” asks Stella, rubbing Stacy’s back, holding her tightly

“I see cattle, and pigs, and chickens reared and fattened to be slaughtered and I see that I am no different. While some cattle are slaughtered and others have their milk harvested, humans are no different, their work is harvested like milk until they die or they are slaughtered and eaten as food for the eternal war machine. I have one of these two fates, being a beast no different than these, and I care for neither to the point that I am indifferent to my fate. I do not have the capacity to sympathize with every cattle slaughtered or milked to death, so I show no sympathy to humans who are worthy of even less, myself included. My fate is death, by milking or slaughter, so I am content with being chosen for slaughter to feed the war machine of some unknown force of virtue, for I would otherwise die from labor being milked from my teats as a slave of Babylon if I was not given this opportunity. I even find this fate to be rather tasteful.” Says Stacy

“What the fuck, Stacy? Something more sensible please.” Says Stella, hopelessly confused

“We are all beasts of burden and the value of our own lives is delusion, we are but sacrifices that bleed work, meat, or milk until they die to perpetuate the power of men who believe themselves to be gods. I loathe these men, and to die with a shred of dignity as a soldier of fortune paid in pleasure for my service to some spooky army of virtue is fine with me, much like any soldier who loves their country will proudly die on the battlefield, and enemy of my enemy is my friend, and if I am dying, I would rather do so in the name and honor of something I can actually support, rather than dying in the name of the slaver who owns me.” Says Stacy

“It can’t just be something simple, that I could take to heart?” asks Stella

“I’d rather die being burned alive if I can leave some kind of mark on society than willingly lie down in the dirt with a smile on my face and allow Babylon to bury me alive in order to fertilize their fields with my corpse.” Says Stacy

“I don’t have any issues with society so it doesn’t really help. I really don’t want to die, I don’t want you to die, and it’s just really fucking scary to think about, especially since you’re so goddamn gung-ho about dying for shits and giggles.” Says Stella

“I don’t know Stella, just think of it like a book, when it’s the end of the book, it’s the end of the book, as sad or whatever it might be, that’s just the end.  I’ve lived a good life, I’m happy with the results. I don’t mind doing this due to misanthropy and it really makes me savor the life I have left. I’m going to die sooner or later, fearing the event doesn’t change anything, so I may well embrace it. I’m sure you can think of something like that, like a test at school or something.” says Stacy


“Just a like a test at the end of the year, get it over with and then vacation.” Says Stella

“Permanent vacation.” Says Stacy, fantasizing about the rest and relaxation

“That sounds nice. I could use a vacation after all of this.” Says Stella, cuddling Stacy

“I think we should still enjoy the experience until the bell tolls. No point in squandering such an opportunity.” asks Stacy, pleased with Stella’s delusion

“I want to be sick like you, to feel some sick hunger that compels me to murder people, or at least help you do it. I don’t know. I feel like that would be the right thing to do. I’m losing my mind Stacy. I don’t know how I can think that you’re right and I’m wrong, but I guess it’s just the calm smile on your face like you know every damn thing and god sits on your shoulder and smiles and tells you that you’re a wonderful person when you these things.” Says Stella

“I think if you’re hungry for me, enough to keep me keeping on, then that’s more than enough, that’s plenty sick to be all smiles around me knowing that I murder people. The part about god is rather accurate, though.” Says Stacy

“You know I’m hungry for you. I want you, all of you, all the time. I want you to hold me, and love me, and remind me that I’m not alone in this world, that you care about me, that I’m not being thrown to the wolves and left out to die like I don’t matter at all. I don’t care who or what you are anymore. You’re my sanity at this point, I need you. I need you so much.” Says Stella, nuzzling into Stacy’s breast, once again filled with insecurity

“I love you Stella; I’ll do all of that and more if I can. I need you too. I almost need you too much.” Says Stacy, kissing Stella’s forehead

“I love you Stacy, I love feeling needed, like I’m significant somehow.” Says Stella

“I doubt my dreams will come true, but even if they do, no matter how grand in scope my empire is, you will always be in the significant figures.” Says Stacy

Stella chuckles, “I’m surprised you even paid attention to that.” She says

“I tend to pay attention to significant things; it’s the trivial ones that I don’t bother with.” Says Stacy

“So I take it that’s the only thing you’ve learned this year.” Says Stella

“I don’t know, I pick up on things that are allegedly significant, important, or even just ‘on the test’, you’ve got to listen for the keywords.” Says Stacy

“You could just listen to all the words. They’re all likely significant.” Says Stella

“Most of talking is filler that will never be relevant to anything since it’s not on the test.” Says Stacy

“Maybe you could pay attention because it’s interesting.” Says Stella

“My sanity prevents me from believing such nonsense.” Says Stacy

“Sorry, I forgot how hard it must be to be sane all the time.” Jokes Stella

“You really think I’m sane?” asks Stacy

“Maybe.” Says Stella, playfully, willing to believe such a thing due to Stacy’s composed character in the face of her instability, mentally exhausted to the point she could no longer reason for herself and is simply judging on appearances

“It feels amazing being called sane by you. My mind is blown right now.” Says Stacy, truly amazed and mildly bewildered, mountains of papers citing her insanity instantly set alight by one claim of sanity

 “I don’t care, even if you aren’t, you’re the best I’ve got, so it will have to do.” Says Stella

“The car doesn’t have to be pretty to get you where you need to go.” Says Stacy

“Good. Just don’t leave me behind, ok?” asks Stella

“I never could.” Says Stacy, proud of being able to find some sort of resolution to the situation and amazed by her newfound sanity, enjoying the loving support of her


After a pleasant time spent being lost in the warmth and comfort emanating from Stacy’s body, Stella’s compulsive responsibility starts to break down at the walls of her Eden and sully her blessed ability to fear knowledge and the truth to the point of becoming completely ignorant to it.

“We still have to get you clean, you know.” Says Stella, mildly sleepy, still cuddling the bony pillow known as Stacy

“Do we now?” asks Stacy, haughtily rhetorically suspicious, presuming fallacy, recalcitrant to the seemingly nonsensical idea

“Of course we do, especially after all of the things we’ve done today, not to mention whatever you happened to do by yourself.” Says Stella

“O naiveté, you seek to wash this filthy witness from my hand?” Says Stacy

“I’m sure you and I both rather the multitudinous seas incarnadine.” Says Stella

“An amorous ardent healthy hue in place of such a sickly sordid shade of squalor rife with jetsam from the vice of life would suit the seas and the breeze, in my eyes at least.” Says Stacy

“You took that well beyond a little allusion.” Says Stella, midlly confused

“I am high on airs, I am a fool, but euthanasia by euphoria is to drown in joy, while desiccation and dilapidation endeared by the winds of dystopian dysphoria is to die from desolation. If I am to die, I will make them fish me from the sky rather than sleep in the grave I dug for myself as a youth with contempt for the fact that I still breathe and wield free will.” Says Stacy

“At least you’re delightfully insane.” Says Stella

“Book-learning is the nonpareil witchcraft after all; of course I am cursed with insanity for such treachery.” Says Stacy

“What books are you learning from exactly?” asks Stella

“I learn from the good books, the pure and noble books, the ones where words are but words and not effigies of reality, the flavorful ones as opposed to the annals recording the crimes of treason and torture mankind has committed against the world at large.” Says Stacy

“At least you learn something, even if it’s just airs beneath your wings. Get ready for your bath, I don’t want to drag you there, but I’m willing to do so if duty calls.” Says Stella

“Fine. Just to make you happy, of course.” Says Stacy, cutely, getting up out of bed and grabbing a pair of knickers and a nightgown

“Good.” Says Stella, getting up and following suit

“You’re jumping at the gun, so I’ll let you go first.” Says Stacy

“You know I’ve got to make sure you actually take a bath.” Says Stella

“I take baths you know.” Says Stacy

“You’re like a cat; you get wet and jump out of the water.” Says Stella

“That counts.” Says Stacy

“It doesn’t. Go.” says Stella, prodding Stacy, Stacy mumbles unintelligible excuses hopelessly out of futile compulsion as she walks out of the door, Stella follows her into the bathroom




The girls place their things on the counter. Stacy pulls down her shorts and sits on the toilet, a bit upset with being forced to bathe once again. Stella starts to run the water.

“You can’t just sit on the toilet forever.” She says, Stacy leans forward with her elbows bracing her on her knees, stares at the floor intensely in silence, breathing steadily, relaxing the abdomen, continuing for some moments before teetering back upright, continuing with the breathing and relaxing the abdomen even more, she leans forward again breathing deeply, holding her breath, biting down, flexing the abdomen downwards and outwards, pushing down with the diaphragm, after a tense few moments she eventually exhales forcefully, before once again breathing deeply, holding her breath, biting down, flexing the abdomen downward and outwards, pushing down with the diaphragm before she finally relaxes in this position, sighing athletically a few times before sitting upright again.  She bounces on the seat rapidly for a few shakes, wipes herself clean, kicks off her pants and flushes the toilet.

 “I didn’t know you were so intense about pooping. What was the bouncing for?” asks Stella

“When the last bit of stool is coming out, sometimes you can feel the tip break off and a little piece is straggling behind. The bouncing is the difference between a clean wipe because the piece finally falls or simply smearing shit all over the place for a few minutes.” Says Stacy, taking off her shirt

“I see. You’re wise beyond your years.” Says Stella, who pulls down her shorts and takes a turn on the toilet

“I think only an idiot prefers the latter to the former.” Says Stacy

“You’ve got to be keen to come to those conclusions though.” Says Stella

“It’s an art-form; it takes skill and concentration to produce quality results. Sloppy work is distasteful to say the least. Attempting to emulate the master, are we?” asks Stacy

“I’ve just got to pee. You’re kind of distracting me though.” Says Stella

“You’ve got to prioritize, block out the distractions when duty calls.” Says Stacy

“It’s not that easy, just be quiet.” Says Stella, Stacy rolls her eyes, Stella eventually takes care of her business and cleans up

“You know you can poop in front of me, I can give you some pointers you know.” Says Stacy

“I’m confident in my ability to poop, Stacy.” Says Stella, undressing

“There’s a difference between writing prose and writing beautiful prose.” Says Stacy

“There’s a difference between pooping and writing prose. I usually take care of business at school anyways. Get in the tub, you can’t delay any longer.” Says Stella, getting behind Stacy and slapping her ass-cheeks with both hands

“Make it quick, damn it.” Says Stacy, reluctantly getting in the tub

“I’ve got to put you to the test, make sure you actually know what you’re doing.” Says Stella, sitting behind her, begging to wash her lovingly

“I kind of like it when you do it to be honest.” Says Stacy

“I thought you didn’t like baths.” Says Stella

“I just don’t have the work ethic and it seems like getting wet for no real reason, but if it’s free I don’t mind too much.” Says Stacy

“You know you’ve still got to wash me, right?” asks Stella

“You’re the professional here.” Says Stacy

“I like it when you wash me though.” Says Stella, nuzzling Stacy’s neck

“I’ll do what I can.” Says Stacy

“Thank you. I’m glad your arm looks better already.” Says Stella

“It’s remarkable to think Jenna’s magic is that powerful.” Says Stacy

“What about Ophelia’s?” asks Stella

“That one I’m not so sure about, she’s not as sharp in the mind, you know, I think the whole magical prowess is largely determined by one’s ability to think it through.” Says Stacy

“I’m sure she can do something.” Says Stella

“It is hard to fathom what power love has over heartless men, but I suppose there is some hope.” Says Stacy

“There is always hope. Close your eyes, ok?” Says Stella, washing Stacy’s face, who happily splashes off the soap when she’s finished, Stella proceeds to wash Stacy’s hair slowly, eventually pulling her into her lap to rinse the lather, pulling her hair to the side and kissing her neck

 “My turn.” She says as she gets up and switches positions with Stacy “You remember how to do it?” she asks

“Sadly.” Says Stacy, lathering soap into the washcloth and beginning to wash Stella’s back

“Slow and steady wins the race.” Says Stella

“This truly is a labor of love, I’ve always been a fan of fast and steady, but I’ll try to make you happy.” Says Stella, slowing down the pace of her washing

“Thank you.” Says Stella, Stacy washes the rest of her body with a sleepy pace mildly enjoying the warmth and company as opposed to the usual frigid isolation of her own mind in the silence

“You want to do your face?” asks Stacy

“Sure. I don’t trust you on that part yet.” Says Stella, washing her face “You can do my hair though, since your arm is better.” She says, Stacy washes Stella’s hair and dips her to rinse it

“All done.” Says Stacy, tapping Stella on the back of the shoulders with both hands

“Don’t you want to lay here and hold me for a while? The water’s still warm.” Says Stella, grabbing Stacy’s hands, wrapping them around her waist and holding them there before leaning back into Stacy

“I think it’s bad for the skin to spend too much time in the tub.” Says Stacy

“A little longer won’t hurt you.” Says Stella, enjoying Stacy’s embrace for a long while, Stacy leaning against the back of the tub, rather warm to the idea of the nice human blanket

“I’m falling asleep. This is a bad idea.” Says Stacy, yawning, moving her hands under Stella’s hips and slapping them softly underwater

“I enjoyed it. Thanks for that.” Says Stella, getting up

“It’s better bathing with company, if you think I’m crazy when I’m with other people you’d be amazed at my mind when it’s alone.” Says Stacy, also getting out of the tub

“I’m happy to keep you company.” Says Stella, starting to dry herself off

“I appreciate it.” Says Stacy, happier every moment she becomes dryer


The girls get dressed and brush their teeth to get ready for bed, both exhausted with happy memories, the unhappy ones beaten to death by repression or general indifference. They walk into their room and turn out the light. Stella grab’s Stacy’s hips and spins her.

“You’re not going to let me be lonely tonight, are you?” asks Stella

“I think we agreed on sleeping in your bed tonight.” Says Stacy

“Good.” Says Stella, pulling Stacy onto her bed on top of her, kissing her softly before they both climb under the light bed-covers of perpetual summertime




Stacy enjoys the bedding, Stella enjoying her bedding of Stacy, wrapping herself around her best friend, slipping her arms under the gown to embrace the raw reality of bare skin. Stacy enjoys the second blanket, comforted by the extra warmth reminding her of basking in the Bay City sunshine, pulling her living blanket greedily more so on top of herself to enjoy the fact that it emanates the physical antithesis of cold heartless death. Stella sees this as an invitation and begins to grope Stacy’s breast lovingly and kiss her neck.


“I thought it was bedtime.” Says Stacy, sleepily

“You don’t want a little more playtime?” asks Stella, playfully, mounting Stacy under the covers and staring at her in the dim yellow glow of the streetlight that peeks through the blinds

“We can play tomorrow.” Says Stacy

“Just a little bit?” asks Stella, longingly

“What got you in the mood?” asks Stacy

“It kind of turns me on knowing that my life is entirely in your hands, especially when you hold me like this. It feels so good.” Says Stella

“It feels good having a reason to live; you know my life was pretty empty before all of this. This feels way better than reality throwing stones at me trying to ruin my pipe dreams.” Says Stacy

“I’m glad I’m that reason.” Says Stella, seductively

“Me too.” Says Stacy, Stella kisses Stacy with a soft compassionate love that Stacy returns, this escalates as Stella’s desire to be desired increases the passion fueling her lips and tongue, which softens Stacy’s heart enough for her to return the appreciation gratefully, groping Stella’s ass and pulling her close, Stella starts to grind on Stacy’s hips as she fondles her breast and hold’s Stacy’s face lovingly

“Not too much, ok?” asks Stacy, pulling away for a second almost bashfully reluctant

“That should do for now. I’m glad you’re willing to comfort me like this, it really helps.” Says Stella happily, kissing Stacy’s lips with a longing softness before returning to cuddling her


“You know you’re the only person in the world I could possibly be physically or sexually attracted to” says Stacy

“You don’t have to lie to me to make me love you, Stacy. I already love you.” Says Stella

“It’s the truth” says Stacy, boldly

“Really?” says Stella, propping herself up a bit, looking at Stacy in mild disbelief

“Of course, your body is perfect in every way, so damn beautiful too.” Says Stacy, kissing Stella playfully

“I love hearing you sweet talk me like this.” Says Stella, starting to slowly and compulsively grind  against Stacy’s hips once again, kissing her neck “If I’m perfect what does that make Jenna and Ophelia?” says Stella, stricken by a bit of suspicion

“I can respect that they’re beautiful, but I could never be attracted to someone like that” says Stacy

“Really? They’re both dead sexy and at the end of the day I’m dainty and petite without any real features” says Stella, still not believing Stacy

“To even think of anyone else the way I think about you makes me uncomfortable to the point I’m nearly gagging, it just feels wrong, I can respect them and every other good looking person, but they just seem like vulgar pieces of meat to me, everybody but you.” Says Stacy, kissing Stella again

“What’s so special about me?” asks Stella, attempting to unveil the actual truth

“Everything.” Says Stacy, boldly

“You’re a damn good liar, but what is it exactly about me that you love so much.” Says Stella, playfully fishing for some more sweet talk at this point

“I’m sure you can figure it out.” Says Stacy, playfully

“I can’t fathom why.” Says Stella, too logical in her approach

“You know me well enough, it should be common sense.” Says Stacy, warmly, bold yet again

“God damn it, Stacy, really?” says Stella, rolling her eyes, entirely let down by the response

“What?” asks Stacy, truly wondering why the answer wasn’t enjoyed

“You made my heart sink right there, all that build up.” Says Stella

“You should love it.” Says Stacy, playfully indignant

“I should love that you basically just told me that you‘re only attracted to yourself.” Says Stella, dryly

“That means I’m only attracted to you, Stella, I can’t love myself, but I can love you.” Says Stacy, almost pleading indignantly to have her reasons appreciated

“You want me to believe that you can’t love yourself?” says Stella, cold and serious

“I can get high on egotism and pride all day, but that’s not the same, not even close. I love you Stella, you’re all the good things in my life, I would have no desire to live this cold violent meaningless life if I didn’t have you here to warm me up and take care of me when I come home. You make it worth my while to follow through with every venture into hell and come back alive, you’ll feed me and keep me sane, accept me for who I am, and now you’re even willing to warm me up. I love you, Stella. I need you.” Says Stacy, holding Stella tightly and nuzzling her neck

“I love you so much Stacy. You make me feel like a real person, that I matter, that I’m not some nameless meaningless ghost. You’re the only thing that gives meaning to my life.” Says Stella, tearing up a bit joyfully, collapsing onto Stacy and mutually holding each other in a compassionate silence


“I still think your body is amazing and you’re the most beautiful girl in the world though.” Says Stacy, playfully serious

“The thought of you enjoying me like that feels so good, I’ve never had any confidence about my body, but if you like it that’s all the confidence I need.” Says Stella, holding herself over Stacy, fairly excited by the compliment

“I love it.” Says Stacy, kissing Stella’s sternum

“Good. My body is yours to love.” Says Stella, kissing Stacy softly

“Don’t mind if I do.” Enjoying Stella, pulling her close and kissing her with a genuine care and compassion enhanced with the flavors of narcissism, Stella even more pleased than usual with her newfound confidence and reassurance of the mutuality of her love, eventually sleepiness takes a hold of Stacy who starts to drift off a bit, Stella still eager to enjoy Stacy’s company and the comfort her body and beating heart alike, Stacy letting her have her fill

“You awake?” asks Stella, as her own sleepiness starts to tempt her

“Barely.” Says Stacy

“I was just thinking about your arm, did anyone notice it, like in gym or something?” asks Stella

“No. I had a bandage on it yesterday and today it looked more like a weird mole than anything else. Besides, the girls who look at other girls when we change for damn sure aren’t looking at me. I just told the teacher I hurt it on the weekend a bit and she didn’t care.” Says Stacy

“I was curious if you even showered after gym, I kind of figured you didn’t so it might be harder to people to notice anyways.” Says Stella

“I rinse off a bit, I’m pretty sure we lose participation points if we don’t. Some nonsense about how being dirty is ‘disgusting’ and ‘inappropriate for a school environment’. I do what I can to get the points seeing how that’s the only grade in the class, I’m not trying to have my only easy grade suffer needlessly.” Says Stacy

“And you’re sure nobody noticed?” asks Stella

“All the girls who look at anything besides the floor or the wall tend to salivate over Ophelia, at least in my class.” Says Stacy

“I kind of feel bad for her, I bet she gets embarrassed.” Says Stella

“She just smiles and waves at them, they’re the ones that get embarrassed when she does that.” Says Stacy

“I’m surprised, seeing how religious she is; I figured she would be upset by that sort of thing.” Says Stella

“She doesn’t understand that sort of thing, even with the normal side of that business she’s largely at a loss.” Says Stacy

“How does she not understand that? It seems like common sense.” asks Stella

“She just has never been told about most of the adult aspects of life, certainly not that some girls like other girls, so I figure what she doesn’t know can’t hurt her. She’s mildly wary of boys liking her and being mischievous, but she would never suspect girls of being capable of that.” Says Stella

“You don’t want to try to help her understand that stuff?” asks Stella

“We beat around the bush, but we don’t want her bringing up stuff she’s not supposed to know about according to her parents. They still see her as a little girl for the most part.” Says Stacy

“She’s hardly little when you look at her measurements.” Says Stella

“If there was a brain measurement you would redact that statement pretty quickly.” Says Stacy

“She’s not that dumb, I know she’s ignorant, but she’s not stupid.” Says Stella

“She’s not stupid, just childlike. I feel like all hell could break loose when and if she grows out of that stage if it’s not done properly.” Says Stacy

“What do you think could happen?” asks Stella

“I doubt she would ever actually have sex with a boy any time soon, but if she did and got some disease or got pregnant she would lose her mind and her parents would be brutally upset with her. She would not see the light of day for a long time, they might even disown her or something, I don’t know.” Says Stacy

“You don’t think she knows not to have sex until marriage?” asks Stella

“I think she knows something similar to that, but I don’t think she knows what sex is. She didn’t take sex education with us in middle school because her parents didn’t let her. She knows boys aren’t supposed to touch her so I figure that includes sex. I don’t bring up the subject.” Says Stacy

“That’s good, I guess. I’d hate to see her life ruined because she does something stupid.” Says Stella

“Yeah, that’s what me and Jenna worry about sometimes, so we try to keep her on a short leash.” Says Stacy

“I’m glad she has friends like you. It’s so touching to hear you be a nice person like that.” Says Stella, nuzzling Stacy lovingly

“I just feel like I’m kind of responsible for her, like her parental guardian or something. She doesn’t really like being treated like a child, but she is a child at the end of the day. I try not to be too hard on her, just remind her of important things from time to time because she tends to forget them in favor of her fantasies.” Says Stacy

“So she’s just like you?” asks Stella

“Well, if I was a small child captivated by storybook love, perhaps.” Says Stacy

“I know you are deep down inside, everybody is.” Says Stella

“I’ve got you, that’s more than I could ever ask for. Misanthropy literally makes me sick when I see most people; I can’t bear to think of something like storybook romance in my life.” Says Stacy

“Why so cold? Why the disdain?” asks Stella

“Pride. I’m too proud. I’m the giant that eats the tiny people; I see them like ants below my feet. My size being my intelligence I guess.” Says Stacy

“Even your friends?” asks Stella

“I like my friends, but in their defense they do have some sort of quasi-respect for my ideas, the people who would disrespect my ideas are looked down upon like worthless feeble minded imbeciles.” Says Stacy

“So practically everybody in the world falls under that umbrella?” asks Stella

“Pretty much.” Says Stacy

“If somebody respected your ideas would you like them?” asks Stella

“As much as possible, which isn’t anywhere near that much, I am still thoroughly disgusted by the beast in its raw form, disregarding any disagreeable traits it might have acquired throughout its life. Pigs roll around in shit all day, but are still cleaner than humans who bathe in vice.” Says Stacy

“You’re such a hypocrite.” Says Stella

“I never said I found myself to be anything other than disgusting.” Says Stacy

“You still love yourself though.” Says Stella

“Only through the pride of acknowledging that I am a lowly disgusting and vile beast while others revere themselves as godlike creatures, I see myself as enlightened, however no less disgusting and vulgar. That’s why it’s so easy for me to do those good deeds, I really loathe the beasts.” Says Stacy

“You know I’m one of them, right?” asks Stella

“You’re different, your one of my few allies, so that makes you enlightened as well.” Says Stacy

“That’s good. I don’t mind being enlightened, even though I’m pretty sure the correct word is insane.” Says Stella

“I’ll make sure to change that definition when I find the chance. It’s nothing but an opinion, after all.” Says Stacy

“It’s just a word; it doesn’t mean anything to me. I can’t tell the difference when sanity feels like insanity and insanity feels like sanity. To be honest I prefer the latter.” Says Stella

“That’s because it’s far more preferable.” Says Stacy

“Let’s hope it stays that way.” Says Stella

“It will. There’s nothing more insane than being sane. Sanity is torture; only masochists enjoy that sort of thing. That’s why everyone tends to be a little bit crazy, just to dull the pain if they can’t stop it entirely.” Says Stacy

“I’m glad you’re teaching me how to stop it.” Says Stella

“It’s a valuable skill to have. Let’s go to sleep, I might be able to talk in my sleep, but I don’t trust myself to say the right things.” Says Stacy

“Ok. Good night.” Says Stella

“Good night.” Says Stacy, the girls easily fall asleep together




The office king stumbles through the door to his workplace from the celestial plane, thick with stubble, wreaking of alcohol, yesterday’s clothes, and his pants sullied with urine, his face bloodied from a long night of heavy drinking and fighting. The face of his pleasantly plump secretary, the only company the office, knows blossoms into its usual pink brimming with her usual delicate fury. The king and meek threats echoing his limited mental capacity are half-hearted at best, barely living at all. His secretary slowly cleans the blood and then the stubble from his face as the last of the tiny rat kings scurry into the ample bosom of the secretary. Slowly business returns to usual as the secretary is once again marked by her lighthearted hopeless sadness that fills the entire office save for the king’s meager frame, more hopeless than sad, speckled with fantasies as pure and white as the potential and power of her boss whose functional alcoholism keeps the both of them alive. The office king reminds all of his subsidiaries that he keeps all of them alive, subsidiaries who greet him with a hearty toast to the glory of office labor. Two of these countless dependent subsidiaries lay in bed together, one enjoying sleep while the other enjoys the other enjoying sleep.


“Morning.” Says Stacy, yawning

“Good morning. You sleep ok?” Says Stella

“Of course.” Says Stacy, yawning once again

“You don’t mind sleeping with me?” asks Stella

“You’re like a stuffed animal, but like 10 times cuddlier.” Says Stacy

“I’m glad you like it, you make it way easier for me to sleep. You keep my happy in so many ways.” Says Stella, still cuddling Stacy

“Happy to help.” Says Stacy, rubbing Stella’s back amiably

“It’s a shame we can’t lay here all morning.” Says Stella

“You’re the only one who makes that statement modal.” Says Stacy

“Regardless, we still shouldn’t do it, with school and all.” Says Stella

“That wouldn’t stop me.” Says Stacy

“I’m glad I have at least a meager amount of responsibility.” Says Stella

“I’d hate to see a modest amount of responsibility at that rate.” Says Stacy

“Let’s get up, ok? I’ll cook you breakfast.” says Stella, kissing Stacy’s cheek and getting out of bed

“You’re lucky your breakfast is so good it could wake up a narcoleptic.” Says Stacy, sitting up and rubbing her eyes

“I figure you’d pretend to be if I didn’t cook for you.” Says Stella, changing into day clothes

“It’s real until proven to be fake.” Says Stacy, getting up and following suit

“I think you could do a convincing charade until they prescribe you the medicine to keep you awake. The last thing you need are amphetamines. Your mouth would never stop.” Says Stella

“I wouldn’t mind, I’m pretty sure I have ADD or something, maybe I could do well in school at that point.” Says Stacy

“I’m pretty sure you don’t pay attention out of principle, not because you actually lack the capability.” Says Stella

“That’s probably true. I am distractible though.” Says Stacy

“That’s probably because your trains of thought tend to plow through any obstacles in their way. I doubt taking stimulants would help slow down those trains.” Says Stella

“I’m pretty sure amphetamine is the panacea for children’s problems at this point. It was the panacea for German disenfranchisement and that nation transformed themselves from a crippled debt slave into to world power in a couple of decades.” Says Stacy

“The last thing you need is to be more like Nazi Germany.” Says Stella

“Just because a lunatic can command a nation that gets high to the point of blindness on hard labor, work ethic, and intelligence to their death doesn’t mean the nation was bad. It takes one bad conductor to kill everybody on a train; the people on the train just want to get to work.” Says Stacy

“You tend to resemble the lunatic more than the worker.” Says Stella

“I think I’m a bit more respectable. I antagonize everybody fairly; I am an equal opportunity employer of scapegoats. It’s not like vehement partisanship is exclusive to the Nazi’s, every vehement leftist wants to kill every right-winger and vice versa.” Says Stacy

“You said yourself that you are just scapegoating people. How can you be ok with that?” asks Stella

“It takes a village to raise a child, so it takes a child to implicate a village of aiding and abetting a criminal when the child is convicted of a crime. Simply because somebody is not legally liable for a crime does not mean that they are in some way responsible for the crime, you can’t go easy on them or the same things will keep happening.” Says Stacy

“Jesus, Stacy. It’s too early for this. You’re like the Dr. Frankenstein of opinions.” Says Stella

“I’m pretty sure society is strongly supporting replacing facts with opinions, so I think I’m just being cultured, especially regarding the work of Dr. Frankenstein. You should be more sensitive to people who want to grotesquely mutilate and reshape facts in order to have their mentally ill opinions be respected as de jure facts.” Says Stacy

“That’s pretty cruel, Stacy, it’s apples and oranges anyways.” Says Stella

“The truth is cruel, it’s apples to apples anyways, I’m just casting judgement via the precedent.” Says Stacy

“I’m pretty sure it’s different since your opinions result in the preventable deaths of people.” Says Stella

“I’m pretty sure the comparable suicide rates of the mutilees compared to the people with the same condition sans mutilation would justify me and my opinions being loved, tolerated, and accepted by society. Preventable deaths are preventable deaths, there’s no need to split hairs. If anything you’re the one being bigoted here. If you don’t see my point I’m just going to defend my opinions under the guise of women’s rights and gender equality or something. Forget the gender wage gap; the male to female ratio of despots in history is far more disparate. Triage, you know.” Says Stacy

“Good luck getting anybody who understands women’s rights to sympathize with you.” Says Stella

“Whoops. I meant to say ‘presidents’.” jokes Stacy

“I guarantee if you are the first female president there would never be another female president.” Says Stella

“That’s because there wouldn’t be any more elections.” Says Stacy

“Not what I meant, let’s go eat. I don’t understand how you can be sleepy one moment and right back on the revolution horse the next.” Says Stella

“Thrills, adrenaline, even the fantasy of power gets me going.” Says Stacy

“I should do what I can to avoid that topic, but I could be talking about planting tulips and you could relate it to taking over the world somehow.” Says Stella

“Everything is an allegory for everything; all it takes is imagination to string the two together.” Says Stacy

“I’ll be quiet.” Says Stella, rolling her eyes and leaving the room, Stacy follows her downstairs as Dale rests up for a long day of unemployment. Stella enters the kitchen and starts to prepare a meal.


“What’s for breakfast?” asks Stacy, pouring herself some milk

“Eggs and toast. I’m still a bit exhausted from yesterday, so nothing special.” Says Stella

“I can’t blame you. It was one hell of a Tuesday.” Says Stacy

“If I can repress the bad parts it might just be remembered as a heavenly Tuesday.” Says Stella

“I hope that’s not too hard, I’d hate to have the bad parts spoil the good memories.” Says Stacy

“I’m pretty good at repressing things.” Says Stella

“It’s a useful skill.” Says Stacy

“Did you ever think of a topic or interest that might be at least sort of normal? I’m curious to find some other hidden side of you.” Says Stella

“I thought about it, gouging all of the realism out of my brain leaving only the surreal antithesis of reality to dominate my thought processes, I fear I might be tempted to gouge my eyes out at the point so reality doesn’t throw stones at the sticky sweet honeycomb that is my beautifully marred mind.” Says Stacy

“I don’t know if that would honestly be an improvement, you might end up in the ward if you do that.” Says Stella

“It doesn’t matter, I could never do it; my loathing of humanity prevents me from showing them any mercy by easing off on my rebuke.” Says Stacy

“I’m sure you would find a way to do that in some surreal way regardless. Why all of the loathing, can’t you just turn a blind eye and turn the other cheek like everybody else?” asks Stella

“Loathing is the depression of the proud. You come to the realization that you are powerless to change reality and instead of being saddened and crushed by your powerlessness you put yourself above the world and relentlessly scorn everybody for their shortcomings and inanity. It’s painful, but easily less so than the alternative.” Says Stacy

“Have you ever tried being humble? Virtue tends to lead to happiness.” Says Stella

“I am humble enough to seek to aid the damned fools that walk the earth. I reach out my hand to the idiots struggling to stay alive because they feel that temporarily failing to drown simply by flailing around is the same thing as swimming or even floating, they will tire and drown and I am kind enough to offer my hand of salvation, regardless of the fact that their confidence in their ability to swim will make them reluctant to take it.” Says Stacy

“And you’re so confident that you can swim, even though the world has apparently failed to do so.” Says Stella

“I walk on water, Stella.” Says Stacy

“Of course you do.” Says Stella

“That kind of hit me hard. Stella, do you ever feel inadequate?” asks Stacy

“What? Yeah, I guess, sometimes. Are you really coming to terms with reality right now?” asks Stella

“Maybe. It just feels inadequate to be god, like being god is just some petty pittance that is entirely insignificant. I’m sure there’s some force out there far more powerful than god, omnipotent through countless dimensions and existences, not just some ghost who spooks some idiots. I feel that any ghost that would give humans the time of day has to be equally worthless and irreputable. Birds of a feather, you know.” Says Stacy

“Wow, omnipotence is just not enough, that’s your inadequacy.” Says Stella, frowning smugly

“I just feel that people respect god too much, he clearly makes mistakes and can’t predict the future seeing how he gets upset with man for making mistakes as if he couldn’t have fathomed that sort of thing would happen. He either enjoys criticizing people to build his ego and thus puppets them into failure or he is a failure in and of himself for being so shortsighted to see that his own creations are little more than walking servants of evil. That’s pretty low tier when it comes to power, I’d say.” Says Stacy

“I mean there are plenty of other gods; I’m sure some of them are even more powerful and make fewer mistakes. Just go read some religious texts and take your pick of the litter.” Says Stella

“I don’t know, I feel that the common trend is that they are human-like and thus fall victim to the same issues. They have thoughts and senses, at a minimum, and I figure there would be a ghost out there that could corrupt and flood their mind’s thoughts with some sort of analogue of cancer to the point where they are enfeebled and inoperable, even induce illusory realities to condition certain behaviors if not control them outright by misrepresenting the reality the experience. Anything quasi-human seems extremely fragile to me, I’d like to be some magnanimous ghost that operates on a level similar to physics: calculated, precise, and exact; free from the corruption of sentiments, opinions, thoughts and limited senses. One that’s power is ubiquitous with reality, and even beyond that, simply ubiquitous with numbers, just as 2 +2 = 4, my power would as well be a universal truth that is justified with pure math simply so that in any event that a single quantity exists I am omnipotent. That one quantity implicates countability and thus infinity and subsequently spawns pure math from which I am summoned as an unquestionable force that dominates existence.” Says Stacy

“Ok… well, I don’t see pure math dominating anything to be honest. I kind of like the topic though, better than the usual.” Says Stella

“Well, physics is the brood-cancer of pure math, so any progeny of mathematics would fall under my domain.” Says Stacy

“Pure math doesn’t have any power though, 2 +2 = 4, no amount of power could change this without breaking the entirety of existence, if you were a force that was supposedly empowered by pure math you wouldn’t have any power because there is no way your whims could change anything, math is just facts.” Says Stella

“I could sway the layers of the onions of existence with the classics. I wouldn’t be pure math; I would be the god of math, so to say. Pure math would be my heaven, in a sense, and I would tempt those who exist by allowing them to stray from the true purity of math and corrupt them as I see fit, or more likely simply as mathematical standards determine. If the twelve dimensional answer is 2 to the twelfth, you can stray a fraction above or below the dimensional quantity in one to twelve of the dimensions and end up in an extremely high number of possible places that only increases the more you stray from purity. I think it would be pleasant to ghost about watching people and the people analogues, including human-esque ghosts suffer in multitudes of dimensions for straying from my light. If the cube or whatever shape is the most stable form of existence, watching existences suffer because they attempt to build their existence upon a corrupt foundation of rhombi, rectangles and trapezoids would be delightful. I am a purist, I suppose, I’d find a satisfaction in seeing my tastes validated so.” Says Stacy

“I don’t know, Stacy, that’s wild to say the least. You didn’t technically say you are that entity, so it might not qualify as crazy, but still. Even you just thinking you are god is more comforting than that, I can understand virtue, but I can’t say for certain what societal stability and the analogous morality based on pure mathematics would look like.” Says Stella

“It would be cold, heartless, mechanical, and rational per ratio as opposed to rational as defined by mutual sycophantism, shameless humanism, and paranoid self-preservation.” Says Stacy

“So probably a pretty terrible time, at least god supposedly cares about people in some sense of the word.” Says Stella

“I care about people, I would much rather my flea circus be remarkable, refined, and exquisite than some shameless shit-show.” Says Stacy

“That’s a remarkable amount of compassion to say the least, a modern day saint without a doubt.” Says Stella, serving Stacy the food

“You’re the saint, Stella, feeding me and what not. God was always wrathful, vengeant, and vehemently scornful of mankind. The saints do good things, but man on the whole is evil, so god tends to be more wrathful than benevolent.” Says Stacy

“Just not too much, ok? I don’t want you to get carried away, in more ways than one, no doubt.” Says Stella, sitting down herself to eat

“I’m fond of moderation; I wouldn’t want to spoil the sinners with too much hand holding now. If you’re teaching your child to ride a bike, you’ve got to let them fall down a few times so they learn that they would rather refrain from doing so by riding the bike correctly.” Says Stacy

“You should teach a class on parenting.” Says Stella

“I think children raised by me would be an interesting exhibit, nature vs nurture I suppose.” Says Stacy

“I think most children would just look at you dumbfounded. Lord knows what it would take for them to develop your thought processes.” Says Stella

“That’s the sad truth, not every mind is prone to such wit, charm, and elegance.” Says Stacy

“Stacy: charming and elegant. That’s how I’ll describe you from now on; I hope you like to keep up appearances.” Jokes Stella

“What about the wit?” asks Stacy

“I think unleashing your rapier wit on unsuspecting people might cause them to bleed to death. It would be hard to find many people who could laugh maniacally alongside you as your cynicism brutalizes all of humanity.” Says Stella

“I don’t know. I’m not all that funny. Humanity is a joke, but it’s not a funny joke. It’s a pitiful excuse for intelligent life, a mockery at best. Lower than low comedy, if they would just run around naked, smear shit on themselves, and beat each other senseless like the wild man did, I wouldn’t be so appalled, but contemporary man is far more sickening, so stricken by vice as he is.” Says Stacy
“You’ve got your vices too, Stacy.” Says Stella

“I acknowledge that. That is not the point. The point is that there are two crippled people in wheelchairs sitting across from each other, I am one of them, and I say ‘I am a cripple.’ while the other one, humanity, says ‘I can run for miles, jump high into the sky, and dance like none other. I love having functional legs; it feels amazing, I am so proud of my functional legs.’ “says Stacy

“I can see your point. I doubt you can convince too many others of that though, if people were prone to acknowledging such things more people would go to church.” Says Stella

“I’m not even asking for repentance, just an acknowledgement of a fact.” Says Stacy

“It’s bad PR, since image is everything it doesn’t really matter who the people are so long as they can convince you they’re quality. The FDA may monitor food for adulterants and pollutants, but sadly there is no similar authority for mankind. Thankfully the FDA actually does things, seeing how if the FDA worked like the legal system, they would just acknowledge that some poisoned formula killed a baby after the fact and do nothing to prevent that from happening.” Says Stella

“Freedom does little but fuel vice, misdeeds, and mistakes. Much like how a drunkard feels good when he is drunk, but is stricken by vice, misdeeds, and mistakes, yet the second you take the liquor away from him he becomes indignant and angry. Free humans are sick from the poison, and lest there is a careful rehabilitation and subsequent abstinence, they will either die from the poison or die from the tremens.” Says Stacy

“It’s not all bad; at least you’re free to have those opinions. You could get persecuted if you weren’t so free.” Says Stella

“I’m sure plenty of people would persecute me, but that’s beside the point. Freedom can be tolerable in healthy moderation, but that’s like expecting a heroin addict to practice healthy moderation and only use heroin to treat pain in accordance with a doctor’s prescription. It’s damn near impossible.” Says Stacy

“How do you intend to resolve this issue, O despot? Clearly the people will revolt if you take their freedom.” Jokes Stella

“I kill them with it. I force so much freedom into their veins that it kills them. The few that survive will be begging for an end to such torture, and then we can have a nice pleasant life free from that sickening poison.” Says Stacy

“That might just get you elected president. Just leave out the second part and euphemize the dying.” Says Stella

“I’ll try to polish that pretty. It is quality, I’ll give you that.” Says Stacy

“Thanks, I guess. I’ll wash up and we can get ready for school. It’s about that time.” Says Stella, getting up to wash the dishes

“I think you’ve got plenty of potential to mastermind these schemes with me, if you open yourself up to the possibility.” Says Stacy

“I tend to try and dismantle your schemes, seeing how poorly they would go for everybody involved. Thankfully I’m pretty sure the world would just regard you as a lunatic and brush you aside if you ever started attempting to rally people. It’s easier to defend you like that than it would be if you ended up accomplishing those things.” Says Stella

“You don’t have the luxury of hearing me out the way the people would. I’m cut and dry and directly to the point with you. The common man wouldn’t have a damn clue what my intentions were if I were actually rallying him, even if somebody tried to tell them, I could easily demonize the allegations as some conspiracy. Wining people over with politics is all about persuasion; it has nothing to with policy.” Says Stacy

“Why don’t you try that on me? I’m sure you wouldn’t get far.” Says Stella

“It’s probably too late to indoctrinate you, seeing how you are so familiar with my intentions. It would be hard to make you cast aside my honesty in favor of believing lies. Besides, I wouldn’t do that to you, it’s shameless enough to indoctrinate common men and turn them into zealots that fight to the death in exchange for stoking their delusion, I would be ashamed of myself if I tried to do that to you.” Says Stacy

“You’ve got to get practice somewhere if you want to be good at it, you’re plenty good at ranting, but you’ve never quite had a knack for convincing me of anything.” Says Stella
“You’re too stubborn, you’re too intelligent, you’re not indignant enough, you’re contented with society: you make a poor candidate to start with.” Says Stacy

“I’m glad I’m a poor candidate for indoctrination.” Says Stella

“I’m just glad very few people meet those criteria. Although I’m sure the world would be a much different place if that weren’t the case.” Says Stacy

“I’m pretty sure the vast majority of people are nowhere near as susceptible to indoctrination as you think.” Says Stella

“Nonsense. Society wouldn’t function if the peasants weren’t so happily indoctrinated by Babylon. They settle for the short end of the stick every day of their lives because they’re told it’s a blessing to live in this country and everything is damn near perfect and they believe that crock of shit even though it couldn’t be farther from the truth.” Says Stacy

“It’s a pretty big end of the stick, from my perspective. This is a great country, I’d rather live here than in the majority of the other countries around the world. Let’s go.” Says Stella, heading upstairs

“It’s a big end of the stick Babylon uses to wipe it’s ass with. They get the clean part; we get the part covered in shit. It’s not even that big, it’s easily as small as it can possibly be while still being big enough to prevent riots due to the growing cancer of American indignation.” Says Stacy, following her



“If it’s covered in shit why do you even care how much of the stick you get?” asks Stella

“I don’t want any part of that stick; I’m not some fucking savage interested in a stick for Christ’s sake.” Says Stacy

“Well what is it you want then if it’s not the stick?” asks Stella, as they enter the room

“I simply seek to exchange the stick for a whip; those who seek to grab any part of the whip are fools that cause their hands to bleed. Motivating people to work by granting them the privilege of holding onto some small portion of a stick is a ridiculous concept.” Says Stacy

“I’m sure you know this, but the stick is an allegory, it’s just things, whatever, that people want. People wanted sticks for some reason so that became the allegory for sharing.” Says Stella

“It’s just a poor motivational tool, people will always be indignant about how much of the stick they get. Hell, even the rich people and the government are indignant about how much of the stick they get. Allegories are powerful because reality mirrors them to some extent; the man who drives oxen does not do so by convincing the beasts that he will share a stick with them at the end of the day. He whips the beasts and they work for him, just because mankind is stupid enough to do labor in exchange for some portion of a stick, even if it is for an allegorical fire of comfort, does not mean that is the ideal motivational device when a whip is far more reliable. Humans, like all beasts, seek to preserve their safety and their comfort far more instinctively than they will seek luxuries or the other temptations that tend to do a mediocre job of convincing Americans to work tirelessly and without question.” Says Stacy

“Maybe there is a solution that isn’t whipping people. Try to think of one of them.” Says Stella

“The only viable allegorical solution would be the industrial revolution, where oxen are replaced with machines so instead of being beasts of burden cattle become largely raised for food, but of course that doesn’t work for the developing world that can’t afford the luxury of replacing mankind with machines. Replacing humans with machines is still farfetched, so they are saved the misery of being beasts raised solely for meat and milk. Besides, I would rather be responsible with my money, until the day comes that it is cheaper to replace the slave labor with machines then you know for damn sure I will be cracking that whip.” Says Stacy

“I’m glad that machines already do much of the work people once did, that idea would be far more hellish otherwise.” Says Stella

“That’s but a brief respite. Metal does not grow on trees, but people do, thankfully.” Says Stacy

“Last I checked people didn’t quite grow on trees.” Says Stella

“Well, trees grow out of dead people, and people grow out of the fruits of trees, it’s a bit of a process, but it is easier to recycle people than metal. One day all of the metal will be expended or unsalvageable but the fresh dirt made of stale people will still be plenty fertile.” Says Stacy

“That’s charming. I’m glad you’re a fan of recycling.” Says Stella, dryly

“I’m not going to look a gift horse in the mouth, the people may be worthless, but their corpses aren’t.” says Stacy

“Go brush your teeth. That might be the only thing capable of getting you to stop talking.” Says Stella

“You can’t forget about food.” Jokes Stacy

“It’s a long time till lunch.” Says Stella

“Woe is me.” Says Stacy, as the girls go to brush their teeth and return



“That was eerily tranquil; so calming, peaceful, and quiet.” Says Stella

“I should learn to talk in a similar fashion, lull people into a nice dream with my calming words.” Says Stacy

“That would be something; I might end up agreeing with you if you manage to pull that off.” Says Stella

“Even if you don’t I’m glad you listen to me, it might be painful or something but I appreciate the company, you know. Two heads are better than one.” Says Stacy

“I honestly appreciate the company too, as much as I may seem put-off by the things you say, I still like to hear you talk. Silence would quickly become painful given my mind, so you are doing me a huge favor by talking incessantly.” Says Stella

“I’m glad my talking pleases you, you know it’s my pleasure to please you.” Says Stacy

“As long as it’s not the only thing you do to please me, you know I’m hard to please.” Says Stella, smirking

“I’ve got plenty of cards up my sleeve.” Says Stacy, grabbing Stella by the hips and staring at her boldy, Stella rolls her eyes playfully but is more than pleased, wrapping her arms around Stacy’s waist

“Regardless of how bad you make me feel sometimes, you still manage to make me feel better than I ever have in my entire life.” Says Stella, a bit bashful

“I hope I can keep on doing that.” Says Stacy, kissing Stella lightly, staring into her eyes and smiling

“I don’t know if that was the best yet.” Says Stella, playfully, kissing Stacy with far more enthusiasm, which Stacy happily returns, feeling challenged if nothing else. The embrace moves up the back and Stella holds Stacy’s head as to prevent her from surrendering her conquest, Stella’s passions are stoked by Stacy’s unflinching desire based loosely around a vehement albeit playful pride at this point. Stacy’s desire to please Stella truly rooted in an unprecedented sympathetic compassion unearthed by the recent chaos, but the true pleasure she found was in using her fingers, lips, and tongue to sculpt her previously unfathomable masterpiece: a happy Stella.

“How was that?” asks Stacy, with delusional pride about having satisfied Stella

“You know I want more.” Says Stella, hungrily, moving her hand under Stacy’s skirt and groping her ass

“Tonight, you.” Says Stacy, ominously bold

“God damn it, Stacy. Every part of my body wants you right now, it’s fucking torture.” Says Stella, staring viciously into Stacy’s eyes

“It doesn’t have to be.” Says Stacy slyly navigating her hand under Stella’s skirt and into her panties, her long finger the steady pleasurable breeze across a river valley, Stella’s mouth seeks to sustain her life, devouring Stacy uncontrollably like a nearly drowned man brought to the surface, Stacy’s mouth and fingers return the passion, escalating their fervor haughtily

“Oh my god.” Gasps Stella, flinching away and beginning to pant lightly holding Stacy firmly

“You know I don’t mind being a little late to school.” Says Stacy, playfully

“I want to bite you Stacy, god damn it. You kind of ruined it. Let’s go to school.” Says Stella, upset, torn between leaving her pleasure or responsibility behind

“You sure?” asks Stacy, playfully, stopping her fingers

“No. Just a bit more. Please.” Says Stella, grabbing Stacy’s arm and preventing it from withdrawing rubbing herself against it forcefully, kissing Stacy with even more hunger; Stacy takes this as a sign and slips her a couple of fingers

“God damn it. Too much. I’ve we’ve got to stop while I still have some sense left in me.” Says Stella, pulling Stacy’s hand away which indifferently obliges

“You sure you had enough?” asks Stacy, cocksure and intent on skipping school

“I’ve got to save the rest for later. Go wash your hands and lets go.” Says Stella, breathing a bit heavy, looking Stacy in the eyes a bit wild in her own which beamed of her pleasure

“Always the spoil sport.” Says Stacy, a bit let down

“Blame school, not me. You don’t know how bad I want it.” Says Stella, savoring the glass of clean satisfaction surrounded by an ocean of insatiability

“Yet you still want to go to school?” asks Stacy

“I don’t want to, but I have to, and shirking responsibility is a terrible feeling. Just go wash up; I don’t want to be late.” Says Stella

“Fine.” Says Stacy

“You’re going to finish this tonight.” informs Stella

“I don’t know if it’s possible, but I’ll see what I can do.” Says Stacy, walking away to the bathroom

“Good.” Says Stella


Stacy returns and the girls grab their things

“I’m going to be honest, I feel a lot better after that. Like a glass of water when you’re thirsty.” Says Stella

“I hope you had enough to make it through the day, I’d hate for you to collapse out of dehydration.” jokes Stacy, half serious

“8 glasses a day, wasn’t it?” jokes Stella

“I think that might be hard to accomplish.” Says Stacy, a bit concerned with the expectations

“We’ll figure it out.” Says Stella, quite sure of herself, the girls exit the room and head downstairs




“Dad, we’re going to school, I hope you can find something to eat, I didn’t want to wake you since I was just cooking eggs and figured you could do that yourself if you got hungry.” Says Stella

“I’ll be fine. We’ve got enough Poverty Bars to survive the apocalypse.” Says Dale

“Why do you eat those? Don’t call them that anyways, if you eat them I wouldn’t make it sound any more undesirable than it already is.” Says Stella

“It sounds better than Federal Nutrition bar, I think. All I know is three of them a day keeps you plenty alive, so I’ll go for two if I’ve not had anything else. I’m not so sure I’m in the mood to be plenty alive, just mildly alive is enough.” Says Dale

“They are subsidized and designed for people like you, so I can’t blame you for eating them. I don’t know what they put in there to get 600 calories in a nutrition bar, but even I’m not a fan, and I’ll eat damn near anything. They’ve got no taste; maybe the taste of paper and you’ve got to chew for such a long time to even swallow that stuff.” Says Stacy

“I’m just glad they realized they could prevent malnourishment by giving poor and disabled people shamelessly convenient food, I hear it’s done wonders for neglected children.” Says Stella

“Everybody gets to enjoy them, just like space ice cream, it’s not just for astronauts anymore.” Says Dale

“I don’t know if anybody can actually enjoy them. I don’t know how hungry I’d have to be to enjoy one of those. Maybe lost in the wilderness for a few days, but once you know the taste of real food it’s hard to convince yourself to eat one of those things.” Says Stacy

“I’ve never been big on taste anyways; too much food will make me feel sick anyways. I like to just have a bite every now and again to keep me afloat, kind of like chewing gum to me, no real taste but plenty of people love chewing anyways.” Says Dale

“I’m glad you don’t mind them, they are healthy for you at the very least. I’ll try to fix something for dinner tonight. We’ll be home later, be good.” Says Stella

“I’ll be good; you don’t have to tell me twice. You two wouldn’t be angels if I wasn’t at least halfway decent.” Says Dale

“You’re at the very least all the way decent, easily well beyond that point. Take care of yourself now. Don’t die.” Says Stacy

“It’s not on the agenda, and I tend to follow my incredibly tight schedule to the t.” says Dale

“That’s good. See you later.” Says Stacy

“Bye Dad.” Says Stella

“You two enjoy yourselves, I’m proud of you for going to school so often.” Says Dale

“Thanks, dad; that means a lot to me.” Says Stacy

“I guess I’m proud of Stacy, but I expect that much from myself at the very least.” Says Stella

“I’m sure you’re proud deep down in there somewhere.” Says Stacy

“It’s ok to be proud of yourself; I know a lot of people who didn’t go to school as well as you two. It takes real character to be so pragmatic.” Says Dale

“Thanks, I guess I should allow myself to be proud of my pragmatism. I would be less proud if we were late today, so let’s go, Stacy.” Says Stella

“Humility is a virtue.” Jokes Stacy

“So is Diligence.” Says Stella, walking out the door, Stacy follows her




The sun shines as it ascends within the kingdom of heaven unopposed with all of the wholesome enthusiasm of any of the countless, meaningless, worthless, irrelevant bastards who has the capacity to smile genuinely out of his own ability to live, toil, and struggle without acknowledging any of the overlying tragedies of these things due to his own blindness to the reality that lies before his very eyes. The smile was a forcefully violently wholesome smile, the smile of a cultist that had his one personality tortured mercilessly by the proponents of the mass-produced ideal personality concocted and crafted by corporate capitalist idealists who’s only ideals happened to be profiting and were merrily indifferent to the collateral damage of aggressively conditioning their employees to brutalize any thought processes that did not fall into line with whichever personality was deemed ideal, had its mold cast time and time again, and was subsequently send out factory-fresh to the men and women who put their minds in this mold and allow their fear to stomp their minds remorselessly until they could not question the artificial shape their mind had taken because they were not conditioned to do so.


This was not the sun, however. The sun is no mere nine to five mortal. The sun is a dawn to dusk salaried employee, his smile is vicious, that of a depraved lunatic who thirsts for money in the same way a vampire thirsts for blood. The sun stands over the remnants of its personality, depersonalized to say the least, having had its hands cut off, its eyes gouged out, its tongue cut off, and its face skinned, drenched in its own blood all while the new authority of personality keeps the poor bastard alive for the sick pleasure of enjoying the ceremonial changing of the guard by shoving a broom handle into the throat of the dying man to choke prod him into suffering that tidily-wink more yet being a tad upset that their fun with the once humanoid now garbage lying on the floor would be over when he stops writhing in agony; for all things must come to an end, including their fun, and even the appropriately fun song that plays on a situationally classy radio in the background: Funkytown by Lipps Inc.


The girls prance on their merry way oblivious if not indifferent to the suffering in the sky.

“You know I thought about what you said yesterday. If you really don’t like your friends or whatever you can sit with the girls and I at lunch.” Says Stacy

“I’d rather not listen to you premeditate your next murder, it would easily ruin my appetite. It’s not that I dislike the girls, it’s just that our combined social ineptitude makes it a bit tiresome, I’m rather quiet so long as you’re not running your mouth, you know.” Says Stella

“I’m just saying the offer is on the table, you know you’ve got friends with us at least.” Says Stacy

“My girls and I are friends as much as we can be. We’re like three draftees thrown into war fighting loserdom; we’ve got our battle scars and war stories. We may be a bit shell-shocked, holding our broken and battered naïve innocence, but it’s a bonding experience. I’m sure it would be painful for them if I left them, one step closer to the crushing painful aloneness of isolation, I know it would be for me without them.” Says Stella

“That’s noble, to say the least.” Says Stacy

“I’m a noble girl, I suppose.” Says Stella

“Regal.” Says Stacy

“I do my best. It’s hard, but it’s worth it, to actually feel like a decent person. You should try sometime.” Jokes Stella

“I would be concerned if the way I feel about myself had any correlation with reality. I’m not going to base the predominant psychological experience of my life off of some painfully distressing cruel and torturous meaningless nonsense; I’m going to base it off of pleasurably relaxing benevolent and comforting meaningless nonsense.” Says Stacy

“That seems to work out pretty well for you, I’m glad you don’t have any trouble finding that nonsense. I’d hate to see you be forced to resort to using reality to determine how you feel, seeing how the results are much less preferable.” Says Stella

“It baffles me how people condition themselves to do such a thing in the first place. I figured everybody would avoid that at all costs seeing how undesirable it is to do so.” Says Stacy

“Trust me, they try. They’re just not as good at it as you are. That’s why people turn to drugs and alcohol, so they can escape from reality.” Says Stella

“I guess I’m just a modern day mental Houdini, seeing how easy it is for me to escape.” Says Stacy

“I guarantee you anyone who notices that is truly awestruck by the spectacle.” Says Stella

“It’s a lovely show, wholesome fun for the whole family.” Says Stacy

“It’s amazing how your interpretation of your personality is the literal antithesis of how a normal person would interpret it.” Says Stella

“I’m certainly not going to allow the wretched ignorance of some boor sully the reputation of such immaculate tastefulness simply because his tastes are such that he prefers to eat the dirt that he farms instead of ambrosia.” Says Stacy

“If I were to describe you in two words, it would easily be immaculate tastefulness.” Jokes Stella

“I’m glad you are cultured and can understand and appreciate such a fine delicacy.” Says Stacy

“I don’t know if it’s truly a culture if it consists of exclusively yourself, but I’ll give myself credit, it is damn near a foreign experience.” Says Stella

“The embodiment of worldliness.” Says Stacy

“Plenty of your ideas do not seem to be from this world, but I’ll leave it at that.” Says Stella

“Nothing on this planet was of this world until it was spontaneously created or mutated out of a previous mutation in order to exist in its current form.” Says Stacy

“I would hate to see the chain of mutations that leads to your ideology.” Says Stella

“It’s a beautiful display of contortionism, French art to say the least.” Says Stacy

“Of course. That’s what it is.” Says Stella



The girls steadily approach the gates of the pens housing girls long since weaned from the ignorance of childhood who are now force-fed highly processed refined genetically modified intelligence ripe with flavorful artificial preservatives, flavors, and colors. The fatty masses inside of their skulls are slowly bleached and enriched to make their warm-corpses rotting with life suitable for steady living-decomposition within the organic-waste compost bins such as lowly office complexes and skyscrapers alike. Paperwork doesn’t quite push itself out of the ground as well if the fields aren’t fertile.


The girls enter the gates of something, a matter of taste determines if it is hell or heaven or simply Heaven’s Gate

“I’ll let you get some rest from me so you can chase the dragon.” Says Stacy

“You’re the dragon, Stacy. This is me going to work so I can still respect myself when I’m chasing said dragon.” Says Stella

“Taking after dear old dad, I see. Functional as ever.” Says Stacy

“I guess it runs in the family. I’ll see you later.” Says Stacy

“Ta ta.” Says Stacy, the girls head their separate ways to their classes






Stacy walks into her class, Jenna staring at her desk, doing a dandy job hiding the fear that consumes her.

“Morning, Jenna.” Says Stacy, nonchalant a bit curious as to Jenna’s disposition

“Morning, Stacy.” Says Jenna, with a distant dissociate fear a pinch of anger

“I see you’re not in the mood for school today.” Says Stacy

“It’s not that. You know it’s not that.” Says Jenna

“I guess you tend to love school. I probably shouldn’t pry; hope you feel better about whatever’s bothering you.” Says Stacy, precautiously offhanded

“Jesus. Stacy, did you look at the front page of the paper today?” asks Jenna

“I don’t get a paper.” Says Stacy

“It was pretty brutal, it was a picture of these 5 priests who got killed, they were all sitting in their chairs just dead, it was like a hitman kind of thing.” Says Rachel

“Yikes.” Says Stacy, failing to feign any sort of concern

“That wasn’t even the bad part. There was…” says Rachel

“Shut up. Jesus. Be quiet. I am trying to forget that stuff, you’re not helping.” Says Jenna, quite upset

“I mean it wasn’t that bad, the real horror story was in the article.” Says Rachel

“That stuff is just hard for me to stomach.” Says Jenna

“That stuff is like nothing to the pictures of war crimes and stuff from the 20th century. Have you never seen those?” asks Rachel

“Maybe some, those were also awful, but those didn’t happen yesterday in our own city. That stuff just hits close to home. Please, stop talking about it.” Says Jenna

 “Well, if it makes you feel better, I read the article and they found a bunch of children locked up in the basement that were being abused and stuff so it’s kind of like justice. You’re not like super religious and upset by that part, the church doing bad things, are you?” asks Rachel

“No. Just stop, I don’t want to hear about that stuff. The picture was bad enough.” Says Jenna, aggressively passive

“Sorry.” Says Rachel

“What do you think about it, Stacy, good news or bad news?” asks Rachel

“I don’t know, it’s both I guess, in a sense.” Says Stacy

“I’m not catholic so I think it’s great news. Those guys were sick.” Says Rachel

“I’d just let Jenna come to terms with this, I didn’t see the picture so I don’t really know how bad it was.” Says Stacy

“It was definitely front page worthy; I’ll let you pick up a copy yourself if you want to see it. I’m not trying to upset Jenna. Sorry about that.” Says Rachel, sympathetic to the victim of her own excitement

“I’ll pass. I couldn’t care less to be honest, if I wanted to read about that kind of stuff I would subscribe to the paper. Sounds like a normal day in Bay City to me.” Says Stacy

“You’re twisted, Stacy. It really was worse than normal, I read the paper, usually it’s like small time guys or random killings of low level criminals,  even worse just business crimes, these guys were like the heads of the church. It’s a real scandal.” Says Rachel

“Quaint. I’m going to take my seat, I feel like I’m not helping Jenna come to terms with this by carrying on the conversation.” Says Stacy

“Thank you.” Says Jenna, holding her head in her hands, frustrated

“I’ve got plenty of details if you want to hear more about it.” Says Rachel

“I’ll pass. Not my cup of tea.” Says Stacy, going to her seat


“Hey Stacy…” says Ophelia timidly

“Whats up?” asks Stacy

“Like, my dad saw the paper this morning, and he started crying. He even cursed which he never does. It was like really bad. He threw it away and told me it was ‘very sad news’ and that I don’t want to know what it was about. It was kind of scary. I’m sure you know what happened, was it really that bad?” asks Ophelia

“It’s a matter of perspective, but take his advice, ok? I don’t want you to be upset about it.” Says Stacy

“So only some people think it’s bad or something?” asks Ophelia

“Yeah, kind of. It’s extra sad for some people, and it looks bad, but it’s good that it happened. If you do find out about it, I would just avoid the topic as much as possible.” Says Stacy

“I’m sure I will, I don’t want to hear about that kind of stuff, whatever can make my dad cry has to be terrible.” Says Ophelia

“Just remember the difference between good people and bad people and you should be able to understand why it happened and hopefully be ok with it. When and if somebody brings it up to you.” Says Stacy

“Why was my dad was crying if it was something good or stopping bad people?” Says Ophelia

“It was just sad, very sad. Bad people do bad things and it is sad that it happens.” Says Stacy

“It was that sad?” asks Ophelia

“To some people, yes. Just leave it alone. I don’t want to talk about it, at least not now.” Says Stacy

“Ok. I’m even more confused but I still don’t really want to know.” Says Ophelia


The teacher enters the room and stands in front of the class to address them.

“I know most of you are Catholic, but remember that we are not technically a Catholic school. Remember that our focus is still on the caliber of our academics regardless of our history as a part of the Catholic community. We will be conducting classes as normal today, so please be aware of that. Remember that there are councilors available if you are struggling with anything, even if it is not your faith, you can still get help.” Says the teacher, she walks over to Jenna, who is still staring at her desk and puts a hand on her shoulder

“You know you can talk to somebody about this. I don’t want to see you like this. I can give you today’s notes, so don’t think twice about missing class. I want you to feel better. I know this must be hard.” whispers the teacher with genuine care and concern

“I know. Thank you. I’ll be ok. I’m just shocked, but I will be fine. Just start the lesson, it will help me forget.” Says Jenna

“I am as shocked as you are. I know it must be hard on your faith. Remember that we are here for you.” Says the teacher

“My faith in god is unwavering. Please, I will be fine. Don’t worry about me.” Says Jenna, her relative absence of faith truly unchanged

“You say that, but you don’t look fine.” Says the teacher

“Am I really the only one who is upset about this?” asks Jenna

“I think everybody handled the news differently. It seemed to hurt you the most of everyone here.” Says the teacher, looking around, the class

“I am sorry. This is embarrassing. I am fine. Please, I want to learn.” Says Jenna, looking up at the teacher having thoroughly repressed her feelings, smiling slightly with a bit of delirium

“Eager as ever. Hopefully it will make you feel better.” Says the teacher, wholesomely, smiling and touched by Jenna’s true dedication to her studies

“Thank you. It truly will.” Says Jenna, breathing a sigh of relief


The old woman sits on a park bench in clothes as old and tired as she is, deeply saddened by the world around her, but happy with her company as she throws seeds to feed a flock of pigeons that knows her all too well. The pigeons amble and peck at the seeds, cooing occasionally when the lady addresses the only children she has that have time to spend with her. One crow happens to be amongst the flock, gratefully eating the seeds it could find, staring at the woman with dry crow tears in its eyes, dying from the malnourishing diet of scraps the city leaves for such birds. The crow is bewildered by its appreciation of such a caring soul. The woman eventually calls to her flock but receives no answer to her question; she locks eyes with the crow, unusually uneasy at the sight of the bird, who relishes in answering her question with a merry caw. A stray gunshot eventually scares the birds away, who soon find another kind soul willing to feed them as they recongregate instinctively in the same rather mindless manner. One last inner city homicide scatters the birds, who join the ranks of the other unemployed in the healthy line for to be served by the local soup kitchen, cooing and cawing, tweeting and chirping as they enjoy each other’s company. A lone crow, a seagull, and a hen find comradery in their shared oddness amongst the pigeons, starlings, and sparrows borne of the city.



“You look kind of upset, Jenna, was it whatever happened?” asks Ophelia

“Of course it is. It is distressing to say the least. I don’t want to talk about it, especially if you don’t know.” Says Jenna

“So it was really bad?” asks Ophelia

“Yes.” Says Jenna

“Let’s just let it blow over, like any other day in the city.” Says Stacy

“Jesus, Stacy. How can you act like this? I just saw the picture and I am like this. You… are you, and you just keep calm and carry on like nothing happened. You… painting in living color… how?” asks Jenna

“I think it’s called empathy or something, feeling the people suffering, seeking justice, you know how vividly I can feel bad things, really know them. When you know that pain, it is not hard to act the way I do.” Says Stacy, doing her best to beat around the bush

“It’s like that sort of stuff doesn’t bother you at all, it doesn’t make sense.” Says Jenna

“It just feels more right than wrong. It doesn’t feel wrong at all.” Says Stacy

“All of it? All of it feels right?” asks Jenna

“The means to an end feel right if the end feels right. The end justifies the means so to speak.” Says Stacy

“The… painting part. Is what I am talking about.” Says Jenna

“Pilate washes his hands. I simply do the same. Fate is not something I can control.” Says Stacy

“I am slapping the table Stacy, I am making this decision consciously and do it, I am controlling this. Do you understand that?” Says Jenna, upset, slapping the table

“A wolf cannot change his fate that he must hunt to survive. The prey that is foolish enough to present itself as the most accessible meal is the one to blame for its own death, not the instinct of the wolf.” Says Stacy

“That doesn’t cover the painting part, Stacy.” Says Jenna

“That was part of the meal, a bear is omnivorous, is he not?” asks Stacy

“Fine. Jesus. I don’t want to talk about it.” Says Jenna

“Another day another dime, it’s just life in the city. A man’s got to eat, does he not? We are no different.” Says Stacy

“I’m totally lost, but Stacy kind of told me about it. Some people are sad or upset and other people think its good news. Whatever it is, I don’t want to know, I’m pretty sensitive to sad stuff.” Says Ophelia

“I hope it isn’t hard for you to understand, you either defend the will of god or you defend wicked men. It is not a hard decision.” Says Stacy

“Of course I defend the will of God. Jenna, did you really choose the other one?” asks Ophelia

“No. I’m not defending the men; it’s just upsetting what happened is all. Just forget about it.” Says Jenna

“When the time comes, just know that god punishes sinners and you will know who the good people are. You know what a wolf in sheep’s clothing is, right?” asks Stacy

“Of course.” Says Ophelia

“Good. Just don’t let the sheep’s clothing fool you.” Says Stacy

“I won’t. They did expose the wolf or whatever, right? It might be a really good disguise and I don’t really know if I could tell. I know that means people who lie about stuff to look innocent, but it’s hard to tell if they are lying sometimes.” says Ophelia

“Yes, the wolf has been exposed. It won’t be hard. Let’s just drop it. I have faith you will be able to handle the news, when and if that time comes.” Says Stacy

“I am going to say something. Ophelia. You remember last Saturday night right?” asks Jenna

“Yeah…” says Ophelia timidly

“You remember how we weren’t there, and we weren’t a part of the scary bad stuff that happened?” asks Jenna

“What?” asks Ophelia

“Those scary things happened to the witches, we were sleeping at Stacy’s house and nothing out of the ordinary happened, remember?” asks Jenna

“Oh, yeah. Of course. I know what you are saying. Because we’re totally not witches, you know.” Says Ophelia, attempting to play along

“Good. Please, for Christ’s sake, always remember that. Remember the difference between us right here and the witches.” Says Jenna

“I will. I don’t know why you think I would forget. I’m the one who taught you two that part, remember?” asks Ophelia

“Yes. I’m just reminding you how important it is.” Says Jenna

“I know. I don’t want anyone to know about that stuff, especially after Saturday and everything.” Says Ophelia

“Good.” Says Jenna

“She’s right, it is important.” Says Stacy

“I know. I don’t want anything bad to happen to us either.” Says Ophelia

“As long as we are all aware of the danger that being exposed would pose, we should be fine. Let’s just leave it be, no point in living in the past, eh?” asks Stacy, growing lighthearted

“Forgive and forget, something like that, right?” asks Jenna

“That sounds about right.” Says Stacy

“You don’t really need to forgive Stacy if she did the right thing, you know.” Says Ophelia

“I’ll try to remember that.” Says Jenna, distantly


A brief period of silence follows.


“So, who wants to stoke me into ranting?” jokes Stacy, lightheartedly

“Please, no. Just be quiet Stacy.” Says Jenna, still upset

“So, you are seeking to see somebody attempt to accomplish the impossible, eh?” asks Stacy

“Do your best. I need to get to animal club and bury my head in my books for a long time. Try to cleanse my mind and what not.” Says Jenna

“Can we talk about animals or something then? To get in the mood.” Says Ophelia

“Sure.” Says Jenna, distantly indifferent

“Ok. So, who’s seen a cute animal and what kind was it? I saw this cute puppy on the way to school. He was super cute and fluffy, it was called a miniature German Spitz and I just melted when I saw him. His owner even let me pet him. It was so awesome; he was such a nice dog too.” Says Ophelia

“I saw some birds, are birds cute?” asks Stacy

“Of course they are. Did they sing you a nice song when you walked by?” asks Ophelia

“A nice tweet and a chirp I suppose. I doubt it was for me though.” Says Stacy

“Of course it was, the bird was happy to see you.” Says Ophelia

“I’m not sure feral birds behave like dogs, but I’ll take it.” Says Stacy

“I’m sure it wanted you to sing a song back to it. Birds love songs.” Says Ophelia

“That’s not going to happen. If anything it was just trying to get my attention in the hopes that I would feed it.” Says Stacy

“Well, it is fun to feed birds. No cute dogs or kitties today?” asks Ophelia

“Not in particular, I saw a mean looking dog; pretty sure it was a Rottweiler.” Says Stacy

“I’m sure he was nice if you would have given him a chance.” Says Ophelia

“That sort of mentality is why I don’t trust you to go after guys.” Says Stacy

“What do you mean?” asks Ophelia

“Guys can be more dangerous than dogs, and if you can’t tell a dangerous dog from a normal dog, I’m sure it would be even harder for you to judge a man properly.” Says Stacy

“I’ve read that a lot of dogs get bad reputations, but they can still be good gods if they are trained right.” Says Ophelia

“They get the bad reputations for a reason, they are dangerous. I’m not risking my wellbeing by putting my faith in some random person to have trained a dangerous dog correctly. Just because the dog doesn’t try to kill them doesn’t mean it won’t jump on you the first chance it gets. I don’t even like nice dogs doing that, I’m staying far away from ones that might not be nice.” Says Stacy

“As long as you’re not trying to attack their owner or scare them I think you don’t have anything to worry about.” Says Ophelia

“You forget that dogs are basically weird deformed wolves, they still have the instincts to hunt and kill, I am smaller then plenty of dogs so they likely just see me as a meal.” Says Stacy

“The food chain is a remarkable thing.” Says Jenna

“I’m just well aware of my niche; rabbits don’t survive by befriending wolves.” Says Stacy

“That’s true, but you would still like a cute small dog, right?” asks Ophelia

“Cute small fangs sinking into my flesh doesn’t sound very appealing either to be honest.” Says Stacy

“You will come around. Dogs are amazing.” Says Ophelia

“I’m not so sure about that, I’m not running out to embrace oncoming traffic, and I doubt that will change any time soon.” Says Stacy

“You sure about that?” asks Jenna

“I’m dodging cars, but I’ve got to get to work. It’s not like I’m getting down on a knee with my arms wide open pretending the cars are my little kid running to see me after a long day’s work.” Says Stacy

“I can live with that. I hope. I hope we can all live through that at least, even if we can’t live with ourselves afterward.” Says Jenna

“If we’re alive, it shouldn’t be hard to live with ourselves. Means to an end, is it not?” asks Stacy

“Let’s just hope there is an end, seeing how there is no end in sight as of now.” Says Jenna

“Everybody’s got to work to get paid; we are the same more or less. Just enjoy what time you can and work to stay alive like everybody else. Grin and bear it, you know.” Says Stacy

“I’ll do my best. Thinking about it like that is helpful, it’s not like people can shirk work because they don’t like it.” Says Jenna

“I think if you can come to terms with that, it should be easier to go to work and such. It’s not like anybody else is spared work death, so we shouldn’t think ourselves any different.” Says Stacy

“I’m pretty sure work death isn’t that common, but if you actually work so hard that you die from a stroke or heart attack I will be amazed that the good lord decided to take you in such a way.” Says Jenna

“I’m only working every so often, and I eat well, by the time I die from work death they will likely write it off as old age.” Says Stacy

“One can only hope. I see you never plan on retiring.” Says Jenna

“I don’t think I have the luxury, but I can’t predict the future.” Says Stacy

“I’ll take a page out of your book and convince myself that it is a real possibly.” Says Jenna

“You never know, one of the few things dog magically said something about expectations regarding digging holes, so I suppose if we get so old that we can’t dig, he won’t expect us to dig.” Says Stacy

“That is soul crushing, to say the least.” Says Jenna

“Just think of it like gardening, we are digging holes and planting a brighter future.” Says Stacy

“I like that. I actually think we can do really good things if we put our minds to it. We have a gift from God you know.” Says Ophelia

“I am not in the mood to even think about that right now, but maybe one day.” Says Jenna

“I’m sure we can, it’s not all about Stacy doing what she has to, but we should try to do our specialties every now and again too.” Says Ophelia

“We don’t want to draw attention to ourselves, so that might be hard to do both, sadly.” Says Jenna

“I guess you’re kind of right, but if there ever is an opportunity we should try to do something.” Says Ophelia

“Who knows, but let’s just keep the witch stuff to a minimum for now, maybe you can shoot some of cupid’s arrows during the next commute. Would that make you feel better?” asks Stacy

“Of course! I will definitely try that. It’s my job after all. Sometimes your ideas aren’t all that bad, Stacy.” Says Ophelia, excitedly

“I try my best.” Says Stacy




The second bell rings and the ambivalent swirling sea of girls twirls and tumbles on their way to their respective clubs with their airs of commonplace teenage nonchalant indifference flavoring the air as the girls go to pass time with their elected pastimes. The three walk into the room with a smile, a straight face, and a still-grim frown as they take their seats, promptly accompanied by their usual companions who arrive fashionably present as the bell rings. Aurelia approaches the front of the class, unusually timid.

“In light of the recent news, I have been instructed to remind you that councilors are available if you need to talk to somebody, and now is a good time to see them. Other than that, it is still supposed to be a normal day, so we will just be doing the usual things.” She says, her voice trembling a bit, but confident as usual before returning to her seat and friends.


The usual business ensues, Ophelia’s concern dulled through the repetitive references to the news which her conditioning to value her own ignorance above all else induces an absent minded incredulity as she goes to find a magazine. Jenna opens her schoolbooks and breathes a sigh of relief. The other three happily idle.

“That’s totally crazy what happened.” Says Isabelle, a bit unwilling to acknowledge the topic herself

“I’d rather not talk about it. I’m sure we’ve all heard too much already.” Says Stacy, attempting to avoid the subject

“Yes. Far too much.” Says Jenna

“Are you two like really religious or something?” asks Isabelle

“No. Jenna’s a bit squeamish, Ophelia is religious to some extent, and I’m largely just respecting them.” Says Stacy

“I don’t even know what happened to be honest.” Says Ophelia

“You don’t want to know.” Says Isabelle

“That’s what I’ve been told. I’ll take your word for it.” Says Ophelia

“It makes me wonder what is happening at real Catholic schools right now.” Says Grace

“Who knows, I’m sure it’s hell on earth.” Says Stacy

“Sounds about right.” Says Grace

“What’s wrong with Catholic schools? I almost went to one for high school, but my parents wanted me to get a good education.” Says Ophelia

“Nothing really, I just figure they’re having a hard time explaining such a controversy.” Says Grace

“I keep hearing it’s about something bad for Catholics, did some priest get arrested or something?” asks Ophelia

“You know what a bishop is right?” asks Grace

“Not really, I know it’s something. I’m not that into church, I just know Father Cormac and that’s kind of it, he’s the only priest I know.” Says Ophelia

“Well, bishops are like the heads of the church for the whole city…” says Grace

“Don’t tell her; spare her the details, of all people, please.” Says Jenna

“Well, they just did something really bad and that got exposed, ok?” says Grace

“I don’t know them, as long as Father Cormac isn’t in trouble I don’t really care.” Says Ophelia

“He’s fine. Don’t worry about him.” says Stacy

“That’s good. I heard it was like a wolf in sheep’s clothing or something bad like that.” Says Ophelia, returning to her magazine

“Exactly.” Says Isabelle

“All this talk of a subject I have no interest in is killing me, I need some sort of seed to start ranting, it is physically painful to avoid talking.” Says Stacy

Isabelle chuckles “I don’t know, you tend to talk about the same things all the time.” She says

“I guess I have to fish for something.” Says Stacy

“Crimes?” asks Grace

“Enlighten us about your philosophy on crime.” Says Isabelle

“Well, that’s a delightful topic. The root of most crimes is freedom; people only commit crimes because they are free to do so. It is for this reason I am a strong supporter of a police state. People who don’t commit crimes have no reason to fear the police, so having a strict authority in place is nothing but a comfort to reasonable upstanding people. I feel that once the freedom to commit crimes is restricted, then far fewer crimes will happen. Another part of the solution is removing the temptation to commit crimes. If crime doesn’t pay, there will be little tempting the people to commit crimes, so in order to accomplish this it is the government’s job to saturate the crime market to the point where it is impossible for the common man to make money doing so, leaving only the sick psychopaths and mentally unstable people at risk of committing crimes. People who commit crimes will be culled by their vices, the wrathful damned to the bucket of wrath where they are free to live by the sword and die by the sword, the gluttons drown in a sty full of liquor and drugs, and the lustful force themselves upon each other and kill each other with their own diseases. Instead of attempting the futile task of saving people from their afflictions, we simply let the afflictions usher the fools into hell. The cities of sin solve the crimes of savagery, which leaves only the civilized crimes to be dealt with.” Says Stacy

“Ok. What are the civilized crimes if you covered all of the vices?” asks Isabelle

“The civilized crimes are caused by the affliction of the mind, which can largely be grouped in with pride. These are usurpers, idealists, humanists, protestors and other enemies of the state, or even simply people who resist getting with the program and doing what is expected of them. These people are collected in work camps and supervised more closely on account of their antisocial behavior. Corporal punishment is far more ideal than capital punishment after all, so long as it is profitable, of course. These fools could not use their privilege of relative freedom responsibly and thus have had such a privilege relinquished, with their punishment being the reduction in their comforts and pleasures in life for seeking to exact the same sadism upon others in the name of folly such as idealism.” Says Stacy

“That’s all good and well, but how do you expect to accomplish this? It would take one hell of a lot of police to do that.” Says Isabelle

“A mechanized workforce, of course. People are chipped with GPS, and an army of drones flies around able to swoop in like a falcon and blackjack the idiots who end up becoming uncivil. The unconscious are then collected and processed accordingly. A message is sent to people suspected of crimes asking them to detain themselves, and if they incriminate themselves by running then the drones descend. Automatic doors communicate with drones and open themselves, and if the suspects hide inside a helicopter-like drone can go inside and eject a collar like a viper and choke the man unconscious if he resists, if a man attacks a helicopter, he is shot in a non-lethal way by a back-up helicopter before handlers can arrive. The vast majority of people would simply detain themselves knowing that this was their fate, so I feel the threat alone would be quite cost effective. Once a suspect can be questioned, the information is gathered and they can be processed if need be, or the issuer of a false alarm is reprimanded.” Says Stacy

“It will still take plenty of police to investigate all of the crimes. The human type.” Says Grace

“A wise Brit once saw the future and he saw that every television was capable of watching the people right back. This will be the evidence, as history teaches us not to be manipulated by the snake tongued apes that walk amongst us. The computer revolution is more than capable of accomplishing this sort of monitoring at this point, so it would be extraordinarily capable of doing so when it is refined and designed to do exactly that rather than primarily entertain people. That sort of justice system is so ideal it is nearly a utopia.” Says Stacy

“And if I don’t like being watched all the time?” asks Jenna

“You certainly will not be. Nobody will be. The A/V records will only be accessed in the event of being suspected of a crime. One needs eyes to watch, and I’ve got far more productive things for eyes to do rather than searching for needles in a haystack.” Says Stacy

“What about crimes that don’t get reported, I’m sure people who are upset will work together to do such things.” Says Grace

“The monitoring will algorithmically search for phrases hinting at criminality and such red flags will be tended to. Man should know by now that god is in the machine.” Says Stacy

“That’s not what that means, but ok.” Says Jenna

“Save for when that is literally what that means. The all-seeing eye, the force that judges a man and either accepts him into heaven or casts him into hell. That is the machine, in a healthy future.” Says Stacy

“You seem to be eager for this society even though if you’re not in charge you would easily be rounded up for your crazy beliefs.” Says Isabelle

“That’s a laugh. If they ever do end up rounding people up, they will round up people who don’t share my beliefs. I’d be saluting the flag and saying ‘god bless America’ if the state had the common sense to warm up to my philosophy.” Says Stacy

“A real American if I ever met one.” Says Jenna dryly

“The video surveillance maybe, I don’t think the whole chip part would work, it would need electricity, and besides people would just remove them.” Says Grace

“Well, it is your civic duty to plug yourself in every now and again, such a chip wouldn’t use much energy so a small battery can be put in alongside it. If your battery gets too low, it will send out a signal and you will be pleasantly reminded to do so. The whole removal part is a non-issue, because it could monitor temperature and location stagnation to notice when it gets removed and alert the proper civic minded individuals, and beyond that it could easily be wrapped around a vital artery to avoid that fiasco all together.” Says Stacy

“Humane. To say the least.” Says Jenna

“If I get paid two apples worth of humaneness in exchange for one apple of humaneness, I’ll gladly do that exchange every time. I don’t even value humaneness; it’s simply from an economic perspective.” Says Stacy

“I think it would do a lot to prevent crime, as much as it is kind of unethical.” Says Isabelle

“Ethics are unethical. Ethics defend unethical things to the point where they are entirely hypocritical, ethics defend freedom unquestioningly which in turn defends vice and crime, ethics defend life unquestioningly which in turn defends prolonging the suffering of people at all costs; ethics values the lives of criminals unquestioningly to the point where they devalue the lives of victims. Ethics are nothing but a fallacy that idealists hedonistically relish and use to assert themselves and their self-assured delusional benevolence over people who don’t fall victim to the same delusions.” Says Stacy

“Double-think at its finest, everybody.” jokes Jenna dryly

“The future is now, Jenna.” Says Stacy

“This is so ridiculous; you realize literally everybody will protest if not riot if you even tried that. You tend to have a decent plan of getting there but it doesn’t seem to be the case afterwards.” Says Jenna

“Protests? That’s about the time the tin soldiers start gunning people down: rubber bullets before noon on Sundays.” Says Stacy

“So everybody’s dead. That’s great. Great plan. You should go back to the drawing board to be honest.” Says Jenna, dryly

“Da Vinci conceived the idea of a flying machine long before man was able to create a helicopter, one doesn’t need to know every last minutia down to the t to understand the principles behind a functioning concept. I’ve got plenty of time to work out the kinks, don’t worry.” Says Stacy

“The entire thing is kinks. You work out the kinks and there’s nothing left.” Says Jenna

“Babylon does the same exact thing that I plan on doing, they just half-ass it and try to pretend they don’t. I’m proposing the same thing but classier.” Says Stacy

“That is kind of true, maybe not the army of drones, but close.” Says Isabelle

“We just don’t see the army of drones because we don’t live in some third world country being brutalized by the United States military. I’m far more humane than that, which is ironic to say the least.” Says Stacy

“That’s the sad truth. At least Stacy doesn’t want to put on some charade to pretend to be a decent person for the voting population while tearing the world asunder out of greed and a lust for power.” Says Grace

“I mean I would probably pretend to be pretty decent, there’s little room for honesty in a sales pitch. People don’t want a reasonable amount of success for an affordable cost; they want wild unprecedented success in exchange for practically nothing.” Says Stacy


Shirley approaches the girls table again; the three look at her, preemptively displeased


“Hello again, I know this is kind of a shot in the dark, but since you girls are freshman it might be my best chance. You remember the witches from last week right? Apparently two more witches showed up downtown. The cops don’t even think that they’re real, but I’m sure they are. I am wondering, since you are all a year younger than me, if you know anyone or their sister or something who left middle school to, well, you know…” says Shirley, excitedly precipitate

“No. I’m afraid we don’t. We don’t know anything.” Says Stacy

“What? Really? It’s huge news.” Says Shirley

“I mean I know the gist, but nothing more than that. Sorry, can’t help you.” Says Stacy, trying to shoo her away

“If you don’t know the whole thing, I’ve got the article, I’m just saying it involves a girl you might know, like maybe went to school with or something. I just want to meet these witches; it’s totally crazy how they do this stuff.” Says Shirley

“What are you talking about? I don’t follow the witch thing.” asks Isabelle

“These witches apparently use magic or summon demons to get these girls to kill people. Like they possessed some prostitute that murdered a bunch of church officials.” Says Shirley

“That sounds like nonsense.” Says Stacy,

“That’s what the police think, but I don’t care. They’ve got to be real, that’s two times in a week almost.” Says Shirley

“Sounds like insanity to me.” Says Jenna

“It’s not. There’s even a witness testimony.” Says Shirley

“What did the witness say exactly?” asks Stacy, a bit upset that the priest had talked to the police at all

“I’ll read it, it’s crazy.” Says Shirley, pulling out a folded newspaper article, “Two young witches and a prostitute that appeared to be about twelve years old entered the church. The witches had summoned a demon that possessed the prostitute who came to seek help. By some miracle I was able to exorcise the demon and the girl returned to a proper girl with faith in God. The witches were enthralled by Satan to the point where they thought they were serving the Lord; I attempted to help them see the light of God, with limited results. It was the boldest work of Satan I have ever experienced, for two of his own thrall to step foot in such a holy site. The witches did not leave my sight and I have been told the men were not killed with black magic, so I do not suspect them of doing so. I did not hear any gunshots or see anybody else enter the church during this time nor until the police had arrived.” Finishes Shirley

“So this was the priest at the church, I presume? A living one clearly.” asks Isabelle

“Yeah.” Says Shirley

“Downtown is full of lunatics. What did the police say about it anyways?” asks Stacy, a bit sour that she might be suspected in a sense

“This is what the official police statement was” says Shirley, “This appears to be the work of a professional assassin, one who has ties to powerful people within the church. The priest did not know anything about the children nor did the children recognize the priest, so the knowledge of such atrocities must be limited to people with substantial power. Neither quote unquote ‘witches’ nor a twelve year old prostitute fit the description of the suspect, so we do not suspect them, if they even exist, as the only witness seems to be wildly delirious. The rescued children have without fail identified the dead bishops as the men who repeatedly abused them, and this brings me to my final point. Even if we found the man, we cannot convict the assassin in question due to the Good Samaritan laws that are in place, seeing how his actions were legal as he was acting in the defense of other people against criminals, and so we will not be conducting any further investigation into the matter. The children have consistently stated that there were five men only ones who abused them, with older ones referencing a sixth who is believed to be former Archbishop George Lewis who passed some years ago as the children noted his absence starting from the time of his death. For this reason we will not be investigating the church any further regarding this ordeal.” Says Shirley

“Wow. It’s amazing that the police will find any excuse not to do their job. The crime of the month, if not the year, and they still can’t be bothered to do anything.” Says Isabelle

“Sounds like the Bay City police department to me. I wouldn’t call it amazing in any sense of the word, it’s not even suprising.” Says Grace

“That’s dandy and everything, but no, I’m sure none of us know any girls who have taken to prostitution. We all went to fairly prestigious schools, it’s not like we were slumming about in the publics. We don’t’ even know what the girl looks like, so it could be anyones.” Says Stacy

“It’s ridiculous that the police didn’t even ask the priest for a description of any of the girls.” Says Shirley

“It’s really not. The man is clearly a lunatic, so even if he described them and they found the witches or whatever, his testimony would be invalid on account of his insanity. It’s not like you can really convict anyone of witchcraft, and the police don’t prosecute prostitutes. The cops of all people aren’t going to chase a lead that goes nowhere; hell, they won’t even chase a lead that goes somewhere.” Says Isabelle

“I’m amazed that the church of all institutions actually did something to address their problems. I doubt it was some moralistic reason either, I’m sure those guys betrayed the church somehow or the higher church officials wanted to fill the jobs with their own nepotism.” Says Grace

“Better luck elsewhere, I’m sure if you really wanted to you could go interrogate actual prostitutes and find more information.” Says Stacy

“I want to find the girl at our school, but now that I know that they’re possessed she might not even remember it. The priest said that the prostitute turned into like a good church girl when she got exorcised, so it must be demons or something crazy controlling the girls.” Says Shirley

“Do yourself a favor and don’t put too much thought into this stuff, it’s all nonsense. Just because lunatics exist doesn’t mean that there is any reason behind their lunacy other than lunacy itself.” Says Isabelle

“Maybe you’re right, but it’s kind of inspiring to hear about badass girls that can go around killing people and summoning demons or whatever.” Says Shirley

“It was probably just some inner city youth going to play a prank on a priest. Try to use common sense. Witches, magic, demons, that sort of stuff is nonsense, no sane person believes in that sort of thing. Just because there was some high profile assassination at the same time as a stupid prank doesn’t make it anything more than a coincidence.” Says Isabelle

“You’re probably right. I don’t know. I still want to believe the priest, two times is just more than some coincidence.” Says Shirley

“Even the priest said it wasn’t the girls who did it, seeing how even the insane witness can testify to that, it was clearly an assassin, not some prostitute or girl in a witch costume.” Says Isabelle

“They could have used magic or something to trick him. Illusion or something.” Says Shirley

“You’re insane. Stop. Get help. Please. If you see a man dressed up like Jesus or an anthropomorphic animal, you can understand that the man is not really Jesus or an animal, right?” asks Isabelle

“You’re right. I don’t know. I guess I’m turning into a conspiracy theorist or something, seeing how I’m contradicting all of the official statements. I’m sorry, I’m sure I look like a lunatic, it’s just wild, you know. I just want to get to the bottom of the whole story of witches in Bay City, if it turns out to be real that would be so cool.” Says Shirley

“You understand the term ‘witch-hunt’ right?” jokes Isabelle, impressed by the apparent stupidity of the girl

“There’s just too much evidence to write it off like that. Maybe there will be more news that I can piece together or something. Sorry about all this, I’m just so excitable, and every little idea that gives me some hope just gets me going. I believe too much now, I mean it happened to someone at our school, they joined the coven or something, I don’t know, maybe there’s a chance I can meet them. Even if you don’t believe, I would be careful, it is basically a fact that last week they possessed a girl at our school with a demon that gave her the strength to fight off a couple rapists, she even killed one.” Says Shirley

“I wouldn’t mind being possessed by that demon any day of the week.” Jokes Grace

“I’m pretty sure you would kill every man you see for raping you with his eyes.” Jokes Isabelle

“Only if they actually did that.” Says Grace, playfully cattish

“Let me know if you find out anything, I’ll let you get back to whatever you were doing, sorry for bothering you.” Says Shirley

“Thank you.” Says Jenna, agitated, not looking up from her book, Shirley walks away

“Ophelia, you look like you’ve seen a ghost.” Says Isabelle, a bit confused

“I don’t know, that’s kind of scary to hear her talk about that stuff.” Says Ophelia softly

“Don’t worry about it. No witch is going to possess you with a demon. I thought last week was bullshit too; plenty of people can fight, especially if it’s dirty or with knives, that’s not magic in the slightest. Just because somebody from our school knows some cosplayers doesn’t mean a damn thing. Of course the media is never reasonable and uses the word ‘cosplayer’ it’s always ‘witch’ even though one of those is fairly common and the other one doesn’t exist.” says Isabelle, brutally skeptical, frustrated with the gullibility of her peers

“You’re right. I’ve never seen any witches anyways.” Says Ophelia

“Thank god. I’d hate to try to talk sanity into another person.” Says Isabelle, pleasantly relieved

“That girl was easily crazier than me, and that’s saying something.” Says Stacy, trying to reaffirm the inexistence of the trio’s double life

“I don’t know if that’s an easy call to make, but I’ll agree with you.” Says Isabelle

“I’m just judging by whether or not the whole delusion is physically possible, a non-zero probability is infinitely more probable than a 0% chance, even if the chance is a trillionth of a trillionth or something.” Says Stacy

“You’ve got a point, a rather meaningless, petty point, but it’s valid.” Says Isabelle

“Did you girls really go to a prestigious middle school?” asks Grace

“Not really. Saint Agnes.” Says Stacy

“I don’t know much about that one.” Says Grace

“Boring Catholic school for girls, K through 8.” Says Stacy

“I didn’t know you were that Catholic.” Says Isabelle

“I’m not; I just got dropped into the pot of Catholics when I was born by my mom, so I’ve got the title, I’m hardly religious. My gramps just wanted me and my sister to go to a half decent school.” Says Stacy

“That’s nice, I guess. I’m sure it was better than the public school.” Says Isabelle

“You either fail to learn things because it’s not sanctioned by God or you fail to do so because of the failures of the public school system.” Says Stacy

“I thought we learned a lot.” Says Ophelia

“The religious stuff doesn’t count.” Says Stacy

“Yes it does, it’s important.” Says Ophelia

“We still had to meet the state standards anyways. It’s not like we didn’t learn anything.” Says Jenna

“You and Jenna seem to be rather well educated compared to most of us.” Says Grace

“I have no idea where Stacy picked up her supposed intelligence, but neither of us have St Agnes to thank for knowing much of anything. My house is so boring and religion is so trite I would just escape by reading books.” Says Jenna

“Same. Different books though.” Says Stacy

“I would also read books. We’re kind of boring I guess.” Says Ophelia

“It’s the only option we have for the most part, for one reason or the other none of us really have much access to television. The only computer in my house is like 10 or 12 years old so it doesn’t do much, no internet. Thank god I’ve got plenty of books lying around, my mom was into psychological books I guess and my dad like sci-fi, military, that sort of stuff, he doesn’t really read any more but he used to.” Says Stacy

“I take whatever I can find to be honest.” Says Jenna

“I like normal stuff, like girls books, you know?” says Ophelia

“It’s so weird that you girls don’t watch television or anything.” Says Grace

“I don’t know, at our middle school lots of girls were like us. Plenty of parents think television is bad.” Says Ophelia

“Good luck convincing my dad of that, I just don’t want to watch his shows. It’s pretty depressing hanging around with him anyways.” Says Stacy

“My parents think television is boorish, they like to read academic stuff, I don’t know. They have laptops but I don’t use them, they do more reading of medical kind of stuff. They’re pretty devoted doctors.” Says Jenna

“You’re missing out, lots of great shows out there.” Says Grace

“Don’t worry, you’re not. It’s all mind numbing garbage. I should honestly read more, but television is just too damn tempting and convenient. You don’t have to put in any effort and you can just sit there and chuckle at stupid things as your mind rots away.” says Isabelle

“I don’t want to listen to my beautiful window to the world be slandered by someone who can’t appreciate art and culture, so let’s just get Stacy ranting again, that’s always cheery.” Says Grace

“Cheery is exactly how I would describe it.” Says Jenna sarcastically, still brutalizing her mind with her textbook, not bothering to look up

“What are you in the mood for?” asks Stacy, pleasured pink at any fellow enthusiasts of herself

“How about religion? Since you went to a Catholic school and everything, I’m sure it will be quite entertaining.” Says Grace

“Of course. I am fond of religion, governments rule by fear of force more than force itself, so giving the ignorant and lowly one more thing to fear is never a bad idea. Like a scarecrow for sin, even if in the end it amounts to nothing more in this writhing hell.” Says Stacy

“You know you’re not supposed to be afraid of God.” Says Ophelia, matter-of-factly

“Good people don’t fear god because they have nothing to fear, sinners are the ones who fear god. It is the same philosophy that the police give decent people a feeling of comfort and safety while they instill fear into criminals.” Says Stacy

“Clearly the fear of god has not kept many criminals from committing crimes. I don’t know how you would change that.” Says Isabelle

“Superstition is frowned upon in today’s society, I would thoroughly embrace it. People don’t fear god because they do not see god or feel his presence, but I could interweave the police state and religion to the point where the faithful and good are redeemed while the sinners are rebuked. The notion that god is the one who observes and reports your crimes can easily be instilled as old knowledge fades from society, it is easily done when those who ‘serve god’ so to speak are the ones who follow up on any reported unsavory activities. These people are not law men, or the secret police, but god’s chosen, the faithful who commune with god and share in his glory and greatness. They are doing the lord’s work at the very least, so the same people who keep society in chains of fear if not the physical sort are still none the less the pious and godly.” Says Stacy

“I don’t know how godly a police state is, I’ll have to double check the bible.” Says Jenna, dryly

“It is the will of god that those with a sense of goodness and decency instill a police state, in every prophecy of salvation and damnation god is simply the despot in charge of this purgatorial police state who gives you a show trial and likely condemns you to eternal torture for treason when you attempt to emigrate from this place.” Says Stacy

“Are you sure you have a sense of goodness and decency?” jokes Isabelle

“Of course. If I am not good and decent, then you say unto god that he himself is evil and indecent. I am godly as the lamb when I command a man to kill his brother to prove his loyalty to me, when I purge the world of sin by drowning each one of the damnable with my own two hands, when I burn entire cities alive for forsaking my expectations in favor of hedonism or other wretched sicknesses of the mind, when I slaughter every firstborn child and drown every member of the standing army of those who question my authority, when I slay those who complain or lie about the boon I offer with fire and plague, when I bury alive those who falsely claim to have the capability to shepherd men as godly as I do and condemn their followers to death to burning alive by fire or disease, when I remind throngs of philanderers of the deadliness of their vice for worshiping hedonism and disregarding the culling, when I burn those irreverent to godliness alive, when I send bears to maul those to death who mock my physical form, or when I slay entire armies of men while they sleep for rising up against me.” Says Stacy

“You memorized basically every part of the bible where god kills somebody? That’s what godliness is to you?” Asks Jenna

“Well, God I think god did those things too, I recognize some of them at least, so I don’t think they aren’t technically wrong.” Says Ophelia

“Keep the faith, Ophelia. Those are very important parts, you know. With the amount of bible study we had of course I am going to remember the good parts.  It is good to remember why god is to be respected. ” Says Stacy

“You are the most irreverent person I know, I’m sure you just found those parts to be entertaining.” Says Jenna

“I’m just trying to walk in the way of the lord.” Says Stacy

“Only when it suits your fancy. That’s pretty shameless.” Says Jenna

“Go spit on every child who enjoys Christmas because they get gifts instead of out of pure and holy reverence of Christ. Know that if you condemn my godly whims, you are also condemning god in tandem.” Says Stacy

“What about the good parts, I know you want to fight against sinners, but Christianity is mostly about love and compassion and fellowship.” Says Ophelia

“Of course it is: love for god, compassion for your fellow zealots, and the fellowship of the crusades.” Says Stacy

“Stacy, isn’t that mostly like Old Testament stuff, I didn’t think Christians really cared about that part.” Says Isabelle

“Well, it’s in the bible, so I appreciate it. I’m not as much of a fan of the New Testament, it’s too preachy.” Says Stacy

“Clearly since you did every one of your bible reports on the Old Testament.” Says Jenna

“They wouldn’t let me do Revelations.” Says Stacy

“Thank god for that.” Says Jenna

“You did a damn good job of finding the parts where god kills people, I’m impressed.” Says Grace

“I didn’t do much of that. I just wanted to know how powerful god was so asked the teachers for parts where god punishes bad people, so they were happy to help me there.” Says Stacy

“Of course you had to do it with your naïve cutesy voice to make it sound like you wanted to relish the glory of god almighty instead of the violence.” Says Jenna

“I miss the cutesy Stacy; you should try to bring her back.” Says Ophelia

“I don’t have to feign innocence here, thankfully.” Says Stacy

“I’m sure it would make you a bit more popular. You’re kind of brash as it is.” Says Isabelle

“The last thing I want to do is be popular with the nuns. Pretending to be like them for my entire childhood was painful enough. Thankfully Ophelia is actually a good Christian and is tolerant and kind, those girls will tear you apart.” Says Stacy

“Thanks, I do try my best. Jesus was never meant to people, so I definitely don’t want to be mean. I know you say some cruel things sometimes, but you also remind me that god isn’t always super nice either. I think it’s ok that you want to be more like God, and I want to be more like Jesus, since we are expected to be like both I think.” Says Ophelia

“I’m not even surprised.” Says Isabelle

“I don’t think people are expected to be like God, but that’s just my perspective.” Says Jenna

“The humble sustain god’s word and will through the preservation of self and culture, while the zealous do gods work by reminding the world of his power and glory. Two means to the same end, they coexist in harmony.” Says Stacy

“I think zealotry fell out of favor a few hundred years ago.” Says Grace

“Along with godliness, goodness, and morality. If everybody cut their right hand off, you wouldn’t defend the practice simply because the masses had done so. I seek a return to form. The world was not conquered many times over by irreverent atheists who tolerate every flavor of heresy. The empires crumble because god no longer showers them with blessings. They have forsaken god and god has forsaken them in return. Hundreds of years of irreverence have amounted to nothing but the metastization of folly, indignation, vice, and wickedness. Without god man is but a savage. His technology may be powerful but in the end it will not prevent him from destroying himself through his own incredulity towards his shameless wickedness, for it cannot be ignorance if he simply chooses not to respect what he knows.” Says Stacy

“If you really want society to return to a humble god-fearing bunch, why not lead by example?” asks Jenna, dryly

“That would be nice.” Says Ophelia, pleasantly

“A shepherd does not tend to his flock by walking around aimlessly on his hands and knees amongst the sheep. Men are sheep with the wool of labor, and they must be tended to accordingly.” Says Stacy

“Men don’t tend to be as docile as sheep, so how you would even get started is beyond me.” Says Isabelle

“They are like dogs, in a sense, you slowly gain their trust by giving them treats and eventually they will gladly fight to the death for you.” Says Stacy

“What sort of treats could you possibly give to men? They aren’t even loyal to the people who give them things.” says Grace

“I don’t have to give them anything. I simply condition them to plunder and they thank me like a god who has ushered them into paradise. They treat themselves; I’m playing the role of a loving mother at that point. Once society has been pillaged and the powers that be ravaged asunder by the chaos, I can sow seeds of order and throw the lowly an orange every now and again.” Says Stacy

“You think that men who you have conditioned to destroy society will suddenly have a change of heart and want to help you build one?” asks Grace

“Of course. Men who have nothing to lose fear nothing, but once they have something to lose they become quite fearful. Once they amass some petty hoard and their own militias, I take the scattered paperwork and order and file it neatly, broker peace and the like. Fear and delusion go hand in hand; I simply must stoke the grandiose delusions in the men rather than their natural paranoid ones.” Says Stacy

“It’s amazing that you expect to conduct chaos like some sort of maestro. Paradoxical to say the least.” Says Jenna

“I’m pretty sure some random warlord will just enslave you. It’s pretty crazy to think that all of them will respect you for no reason.” Says Isabelle

“They will because I am the mother of the revolution, I gave birth to them, and they love me for doing so. I am the one thing able to broker peace between the sibling rivalries, and having gained their trust for sparking such a rebellion, they will undoubtedly turn to me for more answers.” Says Stacy

“What happens when they don’t like the answers?” asks Jenna

“I simply must maintain the status quo; fairness in all fairness is not equal treatment but rational treatment; so those loyal to me who see the value in order band together and expurgate the fools who seek to continue to revel in chaos. To seek chaos indefinitely is against the natural order of natural succession, so the fires will eventually die down, and after such the forest of order will begin to grow anew, free from the blight and disease that had once sickened it.” Says Stacy

“You seem pretty confident in setting the forest ablaze even though that hasn’t happened since the Revolutionary War for the most part.” Says Isabelle

“That means the forest is begging to be burned down. It is old, withering, and ripe with long dead desiccated trees that still stand boldly, blocking the sunlight from the meek shrubbery.” Says Stacy

“All in all the whole biological succession allegory kind of makes sense. Contentedness is so commonplace that people are starting to become discontent with contentedness.” Says Jenna

“That is why it is so reasonable to delude them with promises of fulfillment, for that is what they truly seek. They know they cannot find fulfillment in today’s society, so those with no other option heed my call, and those people are plentiful.” Says Stacy

“I doubt enough people are that discontented to be honest.” Says Jenna

“It’s a matter of factions, and the majority of people will remain neutral. They will disagree with both those who revel in chaos and Babylon who seeks to suppress it. In attempting to quell the revolution Babylon commits suicide in the eyes of the people, as the revolutionaries simply seek a better world, and Babylon is boldly standing in opposition of such a thing. This causes more of the indifferent to be swayed by the idea that they are in fact oppressed, and this newfound indignation throws fuel on the fires of revolution.” Says Stacy

“You seem to be pretty confident about swaying all of these people so handedly, I’m not so sure it’s that easy.” Says Isabelle

“She’s swayed you two, at least more than Jenna. I don’t pay much attention, but I notice you two like it; or something at least.” Says Ophelia, looking up from her magazine playfully

“It piques my interest, but I can’t say I’m entirely swayed.” Says Isabelle

“She makes good points, what can I say, at least sometimes.” Says Grace

“I like to think of the role I play similar to that of the music man. I don’t expect everybody to take to every one of my ideals, but perhaps just one, that is all it takes. I sell them this instrument and they embrace it, they love it, and they master it. Eventually there are enough musicians for the symphony of the revolution, and they play the beautiful songs of the discontent of the people. The common man and the symphony are brought together by their appreciation of the music, and soon enough there is a parade in every town where even the local bands and even the little boys and girls march along in the streets plucking the harp of chaos.” Says Stacy

“Surprisingly beautiful, considering your usual blunt and brash approach.” Says Jenna

“I’m fond of beauty, even if this world is not so prone to it.” Says Stacy

“I think the world is beautiful. All of the plants and animals and the sky can be so pretty. It’s really not hard to find something pretty every day.” Says Ophelia

“Well you just have to look in the mirror.” Jokes Grace

“Aww. I don’t know, I think I’m cute, but it’s kind of boring to see myself. I like sunsets and animals and stuff more. I can see myself all the time I guess I’m used to it, but that’s super nice to hear. Thank you.” Says Ophelia, quite sincere

Aurelia walks up to the front of the class “The bell is about to ring, so try to clean up beforehand. I left the paper for this weekend’s volunteering on the desk up here, so if you want to go write your name down. I hope everybody is doing ok, I know it can be hard to talk about this sort of stuff, but if you do need somebody to talk to, even just about anything, there are councilors for that, or even if you just want to talk to me let me know and we can stay after club. Enjoy the rest of your Wednesday and I’ll see everybody tomorrow.” She says, the girls rustle about cleaning up and putting things away, the bell rings, the model citizens gladly write their names to volunteer with the animals, and the girls exchange pleasant goodbyes in a bit softer tone than usual after having been lathered in the grimness that most had already forgotten




The gang exits the school into the courtyard as the sun shines its shiny sunshine in the second middle of the daylong day.

“The sun is too good to me. The incandescent lights and air conditioning were killing me.” Says Isabelle

“You girls up to anything today?” asks Stacy

“Not really, you?” asks Isabelle

“Free as a field slave on Christmas.” Says Stacy

“That band made me want to avoid the coffee shop for a while to be honest.” Says Grace

“I agree with that wholeheartedly. I wouldn’t even call that a band, it was just noise.” Says Jenna

“It’s a nice day; we could just hang out at the park or something.” Says Isabelle

“That sounds nice. I can always appreciate the minimalist outdoors.” Says Stacy

“Relaxing in the sunshine is right up my alley too.” Says Jenna

“I’m always ok with whatever. I’m no good with plans anyways.” Says Ophelia

“We can probably challenge some drunkards to Cornhole or something. That’ll be worth a laugh.” Says Stacy

“I’m always surprised at the number of people who drink at the park in the afternoon on weekdays. I would think it would be 0, but there’s always a group or two.” Says Jenna

“Let’s go find ourselves that laugh.” Says Stacy, as the girls tally ho on towards the park


The gang finds a can sitting littered on the sidewalk and kick it, chasing it, laughing, feeling the poverty grow on steadily on their bodies. Soon their bodies are robed with lush burlap robes as the sentient dirt satiates its own survival as it beautifies their faces and their bodies which gleam with speckles of dust and dirt thanks to the hardworking dirt ghost who proudly continues to make something of itself with its local small business approach to cosmetology, giving the locals the customary look as opposed to forsaking its own heritage and taking the approach to beautification that is taught in beauty school, not that the ghost has failed to pick up plenty of the tricks of the trade in her own foray into the field.

The buildings stand haughty with their emblems nearly illegible from their irrelevance as wondrous noises echo from an alleyway between two offices competing in innovation, as they know only one of them can survive in the future, yet the world has not yet wed itself to one or the other, so still the two eligible suitors chase the dame of business, the pencil pusher and the paper pusher at odds with each other, each trying to prove their own worthiness and discredit the other’s. As the girls approach, the noises of screeching and beeping, and howling as a truck on an overpass in a low bitrate digital monotone reveal themselves to be sourced from the wellspring of such beauty, the only such being capable of such beauty; it was none other than a noble gentleman. The man sat in a cardboard box that was in much better shape than he was, his skin and clothes equally covered in filth, scars, and scabs, the small holes in the clothes a bit more elegant than the ones in the skin due to the absence of dried blood, one eye as grey as his beard that stared into the urban wilds across the street, unflinching in its gaze as the girls step in front of it.

“Are you a street performer?” asks Isabelle, mildly entertained

“I AM GOD!” shouts the man

“So what is the performance exactly?” asks Isabelle

“You fool! This is the machine! I control the fate of every man with this machine; I alone choose the destiny of mankind. I control their minds, their actions; every part of every man with this machine. I am God, and this is the machine, behold, be fear!” shouts the man, eyes still unflinching and indifferent to making eye contact with the girl, far more focused on his divine machinations

“Can you control me?” asks Isabelle

The man starts to maneuver his arms randomly, he starts to screech and boop and beep, grumbling and mumbling loudly like an engine if an engine were an angry man shouting unintelligible nonsense was what was hidden under the hood of every car. The man’s unintelligible mumbling starts to sputter, growing louder and more aggressive, methodically maneuvering his hands through the dance amongst the mechanical cockpit of the machine he skillfully pilots. “Fate is never too late!” he finally shouts

Isabelle reaches into her shirt and grabs twenty dollars and tosses it into the box. The man is entirely indifferent, for he survives solely only ambrosia, but he does continue to echo the mechanical rumblings of his godlike machine with his own blessed vocal chords. Isabelle walks back towards the girls and they start to walk away.

“That was super weird.” Says Ophelia

“I liked it; I thought it was a great show. Way better than the losers who play guitar or whatever.” Says Isabelle

“You are a noble girl indeed.” Says Stacy


The girls complete the hop, skip, and jump to the park fairly empty but sporting the highest density of intelligent people in the area, for the people there had all come to the conclusion that enjoying the breeze and sunshine in 80 degree weather was far more pleasant than attempting to enjoy the abodes that slowly rot alongside their livelihoods, rank with a palpable 80 degrees of squalor. The girls make their way to the cornhole stadium consisting of two metal benches on both sides and metal cornhole boards anchored into the ground. A couple of college aged boys and three clearly homeless men sit on the benches imbibing.

“You all want to play cornhole?” asks Stacy

“Cornhole is on Thursdays. Wednesday is support group.” Says one of the bros

“What are you talking about?” asks Jenna

“This is the Saint Joseph’s College Community Outreach Society, are you also part of a local chapter?” asks the boy

“No. Never heard of it.” says Stacy dryly

“Well, my name is Joseph, and this is Tommy, our friends are Blade, Rico, and Killjoy. If you want to join we would love to have you, everybody needs support, not just the homeless, feel free to grab a drink and take a seat.” Says Joseph

“What are you drinking?” asks Isabelle

“Fortified wine, of course, we want to make people feel at home. We’ve got a few cases, just in case more people show up.” Says Joseph

“We’re only 14; it is illegal for us to drink.” Says Jenna

“We are a Christian society, we are not out to encourage you to do illegal things. I am sure all of you have been baptized, so it is perfectly legal for you to take sacrament. I won’t let you have the strawberry-kiwi or blue raspberry, but we’ve still got plenty of red grape wine to go around.” Says Tommy

“I don’t think that’s how it works.” Says Jenna

“Are you a heathen? This is a legal mass, and Joseph is more than ordained enough to give communion.” Says Tommy

“Hallelujah.” Mumble Blade

“How do you become that ordained exactly?” asks Isabelle

“You just have to remember that you are ordained, and that’s all it takes. It can be hard sometimes, but it’s always good to have a business card in your wallet that reminds you that you are ordained. Religion is free, after all, the first amendment. I’m sure you girls know that.” Says Joseph, quite proud of himself

“You girls look like you go to that Catholic school, I am sure you are bereaved from the events of yesterday, now is a perfect time to find the community support you need. We are here to help everybody.” Says Tommy, pleasantly drunk, along with the rest of them

“You two might be the ones who need help, it’s the middle of the afternoon and you’re drinking already.” Says Grace

“You condemn Wednesday mass? Are you a heathen?” asks Joseph, quite drunk

Tommy pours some of his Strawberry-Kiwi wine into his hand and starts to flick it on Grace “The power of Christ compels you! Leave this girl, demon!” he shouts

“We’re going to leave now.” Says Isabelle, frowning

“Jesus Christ.” Mumbles Grace

“I would stay, but I can’t change their minds. I hope you all have a wonderful mass, bless you for helping everybody.” Says Ophelia, sweetly

“May you be blessed and holy as well, sweet girl. I am glad the lord has not forsaken all of the denizens of this city.” Says Joseph

“Praise be to God.” Says Ophelia, still cute

“Hallelujah!” Says Tommy, quite fulfilled by the faith

“Time to go.” Says Isabelle, Grace grabs Ophelia’s hand and pulls her away

“Bye!” shouts Ophelia as the girls walk away



“Well, cornhole is out of the question, what do you all want to do?” asks Stacy

“We could try to join a game of basketball or something.” Says Grace

“I don’t want to run around in school shoes, besides, didn’t Stacy hurt herself playing basketball?” asks Isabelle

“Yeah, it’s fine now though.” Says Stacy

“That’s good. I’m fine with just hanging out, we could sit under the awning or something and just enjoy the breeze, I’m pretty sure Stacy’s skin isn’t too fond of the sun, you’re practically transparent you know.” Says Isabelle

“You never learned about cold blooded animals?” jokes Stacy, the girls chuckle

 “Good point. I’m still not trying to sweat too much.” Says Isabelle

“I wouldn’t mind some shade.” Says Ophelia

“Good. The sun always tricks you into thinking it’s nice when you get out of the AC, but then it turns on your pretty quick.” Says Isabelle, the girls walk over to the awning

“I’m kind of sad you girls didn’t want to hang out with the boys.” Says Ophelia

“Those were shameless men. You don’t want to hang out with them.” Says Grace

“They were church boys, there’s nothing wrong with that.” Says Ophelia

“A cornhole stadium isn’t exactly a church.” Says Jenna

“They were doing outreach; we could have helped the homeless people feel better too.” Says Ophelia

“I’m sure the wine had that more than covered. You’ve really got to have better standards than that.” Says Isabelle

“Wow, college educated and members of a Christian outreach group are still not good enough. I don’t even know, what am I doing waiting for Jesus to be my boyfriend?” asks Ophelia

“That might be your best hope at this point. Not just anybody named Jesus either.” Says Stacy

“Wow. Grow up. Those were great guys and you let them slip away.” says Ophelia

“They were like 8 years older than us, why would we try to get with them?” asks Isabelle

“I’m just saying maybe they had some cute brothers or something, they were pretty cute.” Says Ophelia

“I’m sure their brothers would be equally idiotic. You don’t realize I smell like strawberry-kiwi right now?” asks Grace

“It smells nice, besides, they just wanted to make sure you weren’t possessed. It’s pretty awful to disrespect mass like that.” Says Ophelia

“That was just drinking with homeless people.” Says Isabelle

“They had communion and everything, one of them was even ordained.” Says Ophelia

“He just said he was ordained. I don’t think strawberry-kiwi or blue raspberry fortified wine count as communion either.” Says Jenna

“I thought they were decent people, looking out for the homeless like that. You know those men would be suffering if somebody hadn’t been so saintly to take good care of them like that.” Says Stacy

“Thank you, Stacy. At least somebody can understand what a decent person is.” Says Ophelia

“You think that a drunken grown man who offers fortified wine to a fourteen year old girl is a decent person?” asks Grace

“I have been drinking wine at church since I was a kid, there’s nothing wrong with that.” Says Ophelia

“That’s different. Fortified wine is bum wine, not even close to church wine.” Says Isabelle

“I don’t know the difference, but he said it was red wine just like at church. We’re not even going to mass, so we probably just sinned by not attending that one.” Says Ophelia

“I think public drunkenness is a sin, so they might just cancel each other out.” Says Stacy

“I don’t know. Whatever. You girls can keep on being cold hearted to the point where you dislike even good men, and one day I’ll find one because I actually keep my heart open.” Says Ophelia

“If your definition of a good man is one who drinks bum wine in the park with you, I think you actually have a decent chance at that.” Jokes Isabelle

“You know this is why we have to keep an eye on you. Who knows what those boys would have tried to do with you if they got you drunk.” Says Stacy

“They were good people. Why do you think they would kill me or something?” asks Ophelia

“They were good for nothing drunk college guys, I’m sure all they want to do is take advantage of girls, especially beautiful ones like you.” Says Grace

“Why wouldn’t you take advantage of a great opportunity? Maybe we could fall in love or something.” Says Ophelia

 “They would do very sinful things to you when you were drunk because you don’t know any better. So just be wary of that and make sure not to get drunk or hang out around men like that. I’m sure you’ve been warned about that sort of thing.” Says Jenna

“Yeah. I know. Boys want to do bad things, but those were church boys and if I can’t trust them how can I trust anybody?” asks Ophelia

“Just because they go to a Christian college doesn’t mean they’re exactly church boys. That college is known far more for its partying than its faith.” Says Isabelle

“I know partying like that is bad with the drugs and alcohol, but still. It’s just so frustrating that every guy in the world is supposedly a bad guy.” Says Ophelia

“I’m sure if we lived in some backwoods town there would be plenty of guys who were at least a quarter of the way decent. It’s just going to be hard to find them here. Bay City is sometimes called Satan’s Paradise for a reason.” Says Stacy

“Who calls it that?” asks Jenna, confused

“My dad, at least.” Says Stacy

“I think Satan would be upset that none of the sinners get punished.” Jokes Isabelle

“That depends on if Satan tortures the damned out of sadism or a sense of justice. He either takes anything god lets him have and entertains himself or he’s just some unquestioning lackey of god.” Says Stacy

“Probably the first one, maybe god’s friend or something who decided to go half and half with god on the souls way back in the day.” Says Grace

“Satan seems to get the lion’s share of souls these days.” Says Jenna

“I’m pretty sure most people go to heaven. It would be hard to upset God so much he doesn’t forgive you.” Says Ophelia

“I’m pretty sure there are plenty of unforgivable sins, and plenty of people commit them, sadly.” Says Stacy

“I’ve heard that there are some, I kind of forgot what they were.” Says Ophelia

“For the most part it is only denying the existence of god.” Says Jenna

“At least everyone in prison with faith in god gets into heaven.” says Grace sarcastically

“I’m pretty sure they just go to purgatory for a terribly long time. Just like prison, you might get out eventually, but it will have battered your psyche. Hell, some people might never get out, and even that is pretty merciful for god to spare them from burning in hell.” Says Stacy

“That kind of makes sense, forgiveness was always about repenting. It might be impossible to repent enough for some of the stuff that gets people into prison.” Says Ophelia

“I’m sure most of them would rather stay in prison than go to hell, plenty of them would rather stay in prison than be free; seeing how they lost most of the skills they need to exist within society after being locked up for so long. That’s why the recidivism rate is so high; they simply have no capability to live the life of anything but a criminal. That’s how society sees them and that’s how they see themselves. It takes an insane amount of determination to even attempt to overcome that stigma, seeing how it is easily impossible in plenty of cases.” Says Stacy



A couple holding each other was they walk by stops for a moment next to the awning, the young woman whispers into the ear of the man and holds his hand and pulls him towards the girls.

“Hey, aren’t you that love witch from the other day?” asks the woman

“I don’t know.” Says Ophelia, startled and a bit embarrassed

“The one with the cute dress and the witch hat and the light up scepter thing?” asks the woman

“Not me, just a normal schoolgirl here. It would be super embarrassing to be seen wearing silly clothes like that.” Says Ophelia, embarrassed attempting to brush aside the point

“Oh. Well it must have been some other girl with red hair, big tits, and a cute voice like yours then.” Says the woman

“It must have been.” Says Ophelia

“Girls like that are a dime a dozen around here.” Says Stacy

“Well, if you do see a girl who looks like you walking around in cute witch clothes, tell her that her magic charm really worked wonders. Not just in the bedroom, but all over the house, it’s amazing. Now Terry makes love to me with not only his entire body, but his mind too, it’s amazing.” Says the woman, holding her man and stroking him seductively

“Oh my gosh! I will totally tell her! That’s so awesome… if I see her that is, which I don’t know if I ever will.” Says Ophelia, excited but somewhat capable of remembering secrecy

“I also want to let you know that we’re getting married! We would totally invite you… or that witch girl, but we want to keep it small and sensual. Thanks again for everything!” says the woman

“Wow. That’s so beautiful. I’m so happy for you two. I will totally tell her if I see her.” Says Ophelia, truly happy and excited

“You are an angel, you know? Blessing me like that, I’ve never felt so confident and passionate in my life.” Says the man

“I’m sure you’re talking about the witch, who is totally not me at all, but I’m super happy she could help you two.” Says Ophelia

“Right. The witch girl. Give her my thanks, I truly owe her.” Says the man, smiling, winking at her

“Of course, I’ve never seen any witches or anything but hearing that good news makes me super happy!” says Ophelia

“Is this because of the bad things that happened yesterday, the witches or what not?” asks the woman

“I don’t know. I’m not a witch so I wouldn’t know.” Says Ophelia

“Of course, I’m sorry that some mean girls had to ruin your fun, but I think your spirit is what kindled that something special between us. It is so wholesome and beautiful.” Says the woman

“Not me, I’ve never met you two or been a witch, sorry! You’ve got me mistaken for somebody else.” Says Ophelia, growing palpably anxious

“Of course, sorry for bothering you.” Says the woman, a bit embarrassed

“I will totally let her know though; it’s so great to hear that!” Says Ophelia, unable to contain her excitement

“Bye now.” Says the woman, as the two walk away


“What is wrong with this city? Is everybody insane? Witches left and right, it’s got to be something in the water.” asks Isabelle

“I don’t know. It was super great to hear about a good witch for once, I’m so glad there are love witches instead of just the bad ones or whatever.” Says Ophelia

“That’s super cute that you just melt like that instantly.” Says Grace

“I can’t help it. They are such a cute couple.” Says Ophelia

“I think its super weird that they would go talk to some random school girl about their love life, that’s a new level of deliriously love drunk and telling the world about your escapades.” Says Isabelle

“I think they just thought they recognized me or something. I don’t know, I’m sure lots of girls out there look like me.” Says Ophelia

“I’m sure lots of girls wished they looked like you, but actually doing it would be something different all together.” Says Grace

“I love how Jenna is the one who get the most embarrassed about this.” Says Isabelle

“It’s kind of embarrassing to hear people talk about that stuff.” Says Jenna, searching for something to say

“You truly are a Catholic schoolgirl.” Jokes Isabelle

“That sort of conversation isn’t the type of thing you should talk to strangers about.” Says Jenna

“I don’t know. It seemed to be the truth. If my love life was that great I might end up bringing it up with strangers.” Says Isabelle

“That was like beyond love drunk; that was like love shitfaced.” Says Stacy

Isabelle laughs “I’m sure it feels damn good though. I don’t blame them; plenty of people can’t find a drop to drink.” She says

“I still don’t understand how otherwise reasonable people can start to believe in that sort of nonsense.” Says Jenna, attempting to beat the notion of witches to death

“I don’t know, Ophelia, are you sure you’re not a love witch? You seem to have put some kind of powerful love charm on Grace.” Teases Isabelle

“Stop it.” Says Grace

“No. Definitely not me.” Says Ophelia, quite embarrassed

“Damn, I’ll have to keep my eyes peeled for another girl with red hair and big tits. I could use some magic to spice up my love life.” Says Isabelle

“What love life?” asks Grace

“Exactly.” Says Isabelle

“You want to be that much in love with somebody?” asks Stacy

“All I know was that girl was getting it good.” Says Isabelle

“What would you know about getting it at all?” asks Grace

“I know it feels good, at least, but still. I wouldn’t mind some miraculous lovemaking skills to start me off right.” Says Isabelle

“I think we’re all too young for that sort of thing.” Says Jenna

“Plenty of girls our age already have a baby.” Says Isabelle

“That’s extremely unfortunate, and clearly indicates that they were too young seeing how irresponsible they were.” Says Jenna

“I wouldn’t take it that far, I know how to take precautions.” Says Isabelle

“Thank god, but still, it’s not a good idea. Even fail-safes can fail sometimes.” Says Jenna

“Always so precautious, you’ve got to loosen up a bit, sadly it’s just a fantasy at this point.” Says Isabelle

“When I think about it, it seems more like a nightmare waiting to happen. That’s like one of the easiest ways to ruin your life.” Says Jenna

“I agree with you there. You know those girls with kids are going to have a very hard life ahead of them, all because they made one stupid mistake one time, it stays with them for the rest of their lives.” Says Grace

“You are forgetting about everybody who plays with fire and doesn’t get burned. You can’t blame a girl for wanting to get warm sometimes.” Says Isabelle

“There are plenty of other ways to do that.” Says Grace

“We all don’t bark up that tree, Grace.” Says Isabelle

“Besides that.” Says Grace, rolling her eyes, looking away, annoyed, embarrassed

“My hand is not the same size as a man, if you didn’t realize that. It’s not like I can hold myself in my own arms anyways.” Says Isabelle

“I don’t blame you. I don’t know why you would have a baby if you aren’t married though.” Says Ophelia

“It’s because people make mistakes, and we really don’t want you to make that mistake.” Says Jenna

“I won’t. I know better.” Says Ophelia

“It’s hard to believe you know better than to do something that you don’t know what it is, but I’ll leave it at that.” Says Stacy

“What part of it do you think I not know?” asks Ophelia

“All of it. You didn’t take health class, remember? I doubt your parents told you anything.” Says Stacy

“They told me people get married and have kids, and that’s all I needed to know.” Says Ophelia

“That’s really all you know? Like you don’t know how babies are made?’ asks Isabelle

“I do, the man lies with the woman; it says that in the bible.” Says Ophelia

“I’ll be damned, that’s pretty accurate.” Sys Stacy

“Just be sure not to lie down with any men until you’re married.” Says Grace

“Of course I won’t. I know better than that.” Says Ophelia

“At this rate a guy will strip Ophelia naked and ten men will have their way with her because they told her to stay standing up.” Jokes Isabelle

“What do you mean?” asks Ophelia

“Just don’t let men get you naked, that’s how it starts. They can’t get you pregnant if you’re not naked.” Says Grace

“It’s not hard to slide that piece of cloth to the side and go to town.” Jokes Isabelle

“This is inappropriate, but I guess Ophelia needs to learn sooner or later.” Says Jenna

“I’m pretty sure Ophelia knows not to let men touch her down there, so don’t worry about that.” Says Stacy

“Thank you, Stacy. See, I’m not as stupid as you think.” Says Ophelia, smugly

“I’m proud of you. You set my mind at ease, at least a little bit.” Says Jenna

“I’m still a bit concerned, it seems like there’s plenty of room for things to go wrong. Is that really all you know about that stuff?” asks Isabelle

“Please don’t muddy her with your filthy mind, Isabelle. That’s the last thing we need.” Says Jenna

“I’m just asking, I’m not trying to muddy anyone, don’t worry.” Says Isabelle

“I mean; the normal stuff about lying down or whatever, then I guess things like a man should not lie down with another man. My dad always says that whenever anyone brings up the mayor.” Says Ophelia

“Damn, Wallace Jeffries could save the world and people wouldn’t give him a break. I only hear good things about him.” says Isabelle

“Yeah, but my dad gets mad that he’s so, like, blatantly a sinner or whatever.” Says Ophelia

“He is flamboyant, I’ll give you that. That’s probably the only reason he won to be honest, the minority population wouldn’t trust a white person unless they were also rather discriminated against.” Says Stacy

“So you know that’s bad, but what about two girls, you know?” asks Isabelle, looking at Grace with a meddling smirk, Grace looks down disheartened

“I don’t think that’s the same. I’ve slept in the same bed as my mom and my sister and even Stacy plenty of times and he never said it was bad.” Says Ophelia

“Stacy, I didn’t know you were like that.” Teases Isabelle

“I don’t want to sleep on the floor; she’s got a big bed anyways.” Says Stacy, rolling her eyes

“Still, I’m saying, you know like the other kind of lying together. Like a man and a woman.” Says Isabelle

“Well, Stacy never got me pregnant, so it’s not really the same at all.” Says Ophelia

“You know you don’t have to get pregnant to do that, right?” asks Isabelle

“I thought that was the point of doing it.” Says Ophelia

“Do we need to be having this conversation?” asks Jenna

“I’m just curious, what, with the bible involved and what not.” Says Isabelle

“Well, in that case, I will explain. At Saint Agnes they brought it up like one time and tell us not to lay down with a woman like one would a man, and even then not to lay down with a man until marriage, that was about the extent of the health class regarding the topic of intercourse, but regardless. The bible line they used, and I’m pretty sure it’s the only one says ‘women lost faith in god and did unnatural things and were punished for it’. That’s all it says, even though there’s tons of lines about how to kill men lying down with every last thing, it’s just that one line about women. Not that I am an advocate for that sort of thing, my neutral objective viewpoint is not quite what you would think. I read in a magazine that two female chimpanzees will do that sort of thing in the wild, and since that is man’s closest relative, doing so isn’t really unnatural, seeing how chimpanzees are completely natural creatures. I’m sure few people will take the scientific viewpoint in regards to the bible, but if you want to literally interpret the scriptures then unnatural things must refer to something else. Don’t take this as some green light, or anything, I’m just informing you with a neutral objective viewpoint.” Says Jenna, staring at Grace at the end

“See, even animals like to cuddle with their mom or sister of friends, everybody likes to cuddle. Who would think that’s wrong?” asks Ophelia

“So Stacy’s a cuddler, who would have thought? Stacy seems like the least cuddly person imaginable.” asks Isabelle

“I quickly become one of her stuffed animals and kind of accept that, I can’t escape her death grip. I don’t really do much cuddling to be honest, but she tends to pull your head into those pillows and something about that puts me right to sleep. It must be some kind of instinct, like for babies or something.” Says Stacy, jokingly embarrassed and trying to defend herself

“She’s the cuddliest girl I know, so small and cute, like your own little baby.” Says Ophelia

Isabelle laughs, “Stacy seems like the kind of girl only a mother could love sometimes. Makes me glad you’ve got Ophelia.” She says

“Regardless of everything I do, Ophelia still won’t see me as anything but her baby; it’s been that way since we were little kids. I don’t know why her instincts kicked in at such an early age.” Says Stacy

“I’m pretty sure every little girl wants to be a mom, and you were always smaller than me so I got to be the mom.” Says Ophelia

“Does that make Jenna the dad?” joke Isabelle, Jenna rolls her eyes

“Cold, distant, rational, stern, hard working, yet caring and devoted. She’s a pretty good father figure to be honest.” Says Stacy

“You really think of me like that?” asks Jenna

“I’m just saying. You’re better than Dale at the whole fatherhood business, even though you’re a girl or whatever.” Says Stacy

“I don’t think that is saying much.” Says Jenna

“Plenty of people settle for less, I think it’s a nice compliment.” Says Grace

“This is too funny, just like a happy little family.” Says Isabelle

“I think it’s cute.” Says Grace

“It’s super cute.” Says Ophelia, enjoying her homemaker’s fantasy

“I feel like I failed as a father if Stacy is my child.” Says Jenna

“Children always rebel against their parents; it makes sense why Stacy is so opposed to civility and hard work now.” Jokes Isabelle, chuckling again

“We will always love you no matter what, Stacy. Don’t worry about that.” Says Ophelia lovingly, Isabelle starts cackling

“Jesus, this is embarrassing, change the topic. Even talking about the bible is better than this.” Says Stacy, veritably embarrassed by her makeshift parents

“Embarrassed by your parents, it’s too perfect.” Teases Isabelle

“Let’s avoid the topic of parents; I don’t want to upset Stacy. She’s got a rough situation with her mom gone and her dad being in such poor shape.” Says Jenna

“It doesn’t bother me like you think, it’s hard to complain about Dale and my mom has been gone so long I’ve come to terms with it.” Says Stacy

“Sorry for teasing you like that Stacy, I couldn’t help it, but still, II didn’t really expect that part about the bible, it’s weird you interpret the bible with science but I guess that’s one way to do it.” Says Isabelle

“I interpret everything rationally and logically, that’s just how I do things.” Says Jenna

“I think that’s a good way to do it.” Says Grace

“You only say that because you like what you heard.” Says Isabelle

“Regardless, you can also take the rational standpoint that god doesn’t really care about women since his focus the vast majority of the time is on men, so who knows.” Says Jenna

“Of course God cares about women, God cares about everyone.” Says Ophelia

“I don’t know the bible that well, but I’m pretty sure it disrespects women plenty.” Says Grace

“The bible disrespects everybody; everybody is damnable filth and the scum of the earth. The bible tends to enjoy the image of a submissive domestic servant kind of woman as the pinnacle of success. I enjoy the lower expectations. Supposed inferiority just makes it even easier for women to achieve apparently remarkable things. It’s like a man can drive a racecar nobody thinks twice, but a woman does it and it’s a jaw dropping miracle.” Says Stacy

“There might be some novelty, but I think female athletes definitely get the short end of the stick.” Says Grace

“Athletics is a field of physical power for the most part, so when that is diminished, so is the quality of the sport. The caliber of play is just not as high so it isn’t as exciting; complaining that women’s basketball stadiums are empty is like complaining that children’s recreational basketball games don’t sell twenty-thousand tickets every weekend. People want to see high caliber action and aren’t going to settle for something underwhelming in the name of egalitarianism. At that rate you should complain that there isn’t a Special National Basketball League full of mentally and physically handicapped individuals that also gets every game aired on television. Egalitarianism is foolish when it argues that unequal things are equal. It’s not like men complain that the majority of models or strippers are women.” Says Stacy

“Wow. Are you really comparing the opportunity of being a model or stripper to being a highly paid professional athlete? Clearly there is a huge difference.” Says Grace

“I’ll be sure to complain about the fact that the NBA game is on instead of the Special NBA game next time. I’m sure all of the mentally handicapped people want to be paid millions of dollars too. Indignation isn’t going to change the entertainment value of the sport.” Says Stacy

“Let’s just skip to the end of this conversation and accept the fact that Stacy will likely never respect anything and Grace will never accept that women are not equal to men in all ways including but not limited to cutting down trees, dunking basketballs, and even impregnating women.” Says Isabelle

“I’m not that much of a feminist.” Says Grace

“Yes you are.” Says Isabelle

“I think I’m rather respectful, I give everything the amount of respect it deserves, even though that’s not the amount of respect it indignantly and baselessly demands.” Says Stacy

“Which amounts to close to zero respect more often than not.” Says Isabelle

“That’s not true. More often than not it is negative respect in the form of disrespect, occasionally it is zero respect, and once in a blue moon something might actually be worth of being respected.” Says Stacy

“I can respect that.” Says Isabelle

“I don’t think that word has any meaning to Stacy, sadly.” Jokes Jenna

“Respect has to be earned, I can appreciate things, but I’ve just got such high standards that it’s hard for something to earn respect. Astronauts are wasting time and money dilly dallying in space, presidents are corrupt, religious people are ignorant, the charitable are conceited; pretending that net respectability doesn’t exist is foolish, simply ignoring the negative aspects of things for the sake of defending something.” Says Stacy

“I don’t see what’s so hard about respecting people trying to address preventable grievances that plague society.” Says Grace

“The list of grievances is never ending; people will always find something to complain about. Rub some dirt in the wound and get on with your life. People are like dogs, and conditioning them by rewarding them when they bark all god damn day is the stupidest idea I’ve ever come across. If they’re barking you take the newspaper and you beat them, when they are quiet and do a good deed I’m fine with rewarding them, but giving them what they want for barking incessantly, biting people, and standing in the middle of the road for hours is absolute nonsense.” Says Stacy

“I don’t think too many protestors bite anybody.” Says Jenna

“They’ll gladly exchange some holly jolly fisticuffs with counter-protestors or even just bystanders and feel like they’re doing the right thing when they throw rocks at the police or vandalize the city because they’re indignant good-for-nothing ingrates.” Says Stacy

“I don’t see why you’re defending the oppressors instead of the oppressed people; they just want to be treated right.” Says Grace

“First of all, that’s impossible, but secondly I appreciate the oppressors because they come from a long line of established and esteemed oppressors that clearly understand how to perform the job to a semi-respectable degree of success. The other alternative is having the indignant sign waving idiots become the oppressors because society bows down to every whim and sentiment they decided to paint on a picket sign and wave in the air. Clearly I’d rather have people trained to captain a ship captain the goddamn ship than a bunch of idiots who don’t know a damn thing about it. A ship doesn’t function when every person is the captain, it takes a chain of command, which takes a level of subservience, which can be viewed as oppression but it is far more preferable than having idiots draw and quarter anything resembling order so that they can feel proud that the satiation of their largely irrelevant whims has taken precedence over keeping the ship functioning. ” Says Stacy

“They’re not idiots, they just want reasonable things. Society is taken advantage of by the rich and political elite, and the people just want to be treated fairly, especially women and minorities.” Says Grace

“Using politics to attempt to manipulate capitalism is shamelessly stupid. Capitalism is why the country functions and politics should ideally only come into play when there is an issue that capitalism cannot address such as a war. Modern politics tends to burden the machine of capitalism with things that hinder it’s performance; sure the common man may be happier if you sacrifice performance for comfort, but there is only so much performance that can be sacrificed before the machine functions noticeably poorer as the engine is slowly ruined by the perfumes they lace the fuel with and the extra work it has to do to tow a trailer of comfort, and soon it will cease to function all together. As immoral as capitalism may be, it is still the engine that causes society to function, I am not saying there are not modifications that can increase the performance of raw capitalism, but certainly the ones that do nothing but increase the comfort of the ride or the aesthetic appeal are entirely worthless. Society is like a combine harvester with capitalism as the engine where the crops are labor or its products, the harvester cannot function without an engine, and if the harvester doesn’t work the crops don’t get harvested and people starve to death. It’s idiots that don’t realize that and want nothing but to mutilate a decent combine harvester to the point that it no longer functions in the name of hedonism, they want to destroy a good combine harvester that functions well enough to make our little farm one of the most successful and powerful farms in the county, they want to forsake the function of the combine harvester that has taken centuries to build and optimize just so they can have a more comfortable chair inside the damn harvester.” Says Stacy

“Makes sense to me. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it, and for damn certain don’t go and break it.” Says Isabelle

“What about socialism, you know, I’d rather live in a world where the economic elite don’t get to hoard all of the wealth they earned and cause other people to suffer needlessly because of their greed.” Says Grace

“Of course, who doesn’t want to live in a world where the political elite don’t hoard all of the wealth they stole and cause other people to suffer needlessly because of their greed.” Says Stacy sarcastically “In order to address that the government has to overpower capitalism, which is the day the mechanic tells you that he is more capable of harvesting crops than the combine harvester. Don’t believe him when he says this. With the government more powerful than capitalism they pillage and plunder the wealth of people who actually did something to earn massive amounts of money at some point, something called business for the most part, and then the money is all in the hands of people who were so indignant as to punish people for conducting business and these people reward themselves simply for being indignant. The money is never redistributed to the people, they are all easily more oppressed because the government doesn’t want to lose the newfound power they fought to gain, and now there is no incentive for them to work hard and innovate because the government will just take their money. Instead of having a functional farm, you have the people who promised paradise breaking down the combine harvester for spare parts and running away or otherwise just whipping people, telling them to farm by hand, and still taking half of the crops they farm which causes people to starve.” Says Stacy

“Maybe in the Soviet Union or something, but Europe and Canada do well for themselves.” Says Grace

“They do well enough to survive, but the comfortable chair in the combine harvester puts too much strain on their businesses and people now chose to do business and innovate in other countries where there is more incentive to do so. They fail to be as competitive as possible and suffer for it. Soon the free market robs them of everything as they increase taxes to make up for decreased revenue and then more businesses leave, decreasing the revenue even more. This process continues until they correct their course or collapse out of stubbornness. The speed of the process depends on the vehemence of the socialism, which isn’t extremely high in Europe, but it is high enough to hurt the economy. America has the same problem with their own entitlement and welfare systems, but instead of raising taxes usually the government just takes on debt until it hopefully becomes insolvent. I wouldn’t mind having the Chinese come to repossess the white house and Mount Rushmore. I would sell off the things like the national parks into private American hands during the liquidation phase, just so the repossessing don’t get anything with real value. If anyone has faith in contemporary America to the point where they invest in it, they deserve to pay the piper for making such a terrible investment. At least if we had more Chinese influence then we might actually have a good role model to look up to.” Says Stacy

“How is China a good role model? They are plagued with human rights abuses and terrible living and working conditions.” Says Jenna

“They understand how to optimize the performance of society, sure they might sacrifice the comforts of the windows on their harvester and get a little wet sometimes, but the fuel efficiency and speed of the harvester increase enough to make it worthwhile. China picks the stable functional unified government of a Communist State and mixes it with the benefits of operating within the free market; they take the best of both worlds and leave out the problems from dysfunction due to democracy or a communist economy for the most part. The glue that holds it together might be brutal authoritarianism, but every system has its flaws. In the end you’re always sacrificing something, and I’d rather sacrifice the comforts of the people than the performance of the economy any day of the week, even it takes cracking a few indignant skulls along the way. China understands that the free market still rules global economics, regardless of how corrupted it has been within the nations of the world by their own respective gubernatorial systems. Comfort is like heroin, and the people choosing to get high on comfort instead of facilitate the performance of their reaper are left behind in the end with poor harvests, which means low money, which means in the end they cannot afford their heroin and they are left addicted, starving, and indignant.” Says Stacy

“You must really be into economics magazines or something to be able to rant like that.” Says Grace

“I just pick things up here and there and infer the rest. Jenna’s house is the only place I get to read those sorts of magazines, but I do enjoy finding them.” Says Stacy

“The fact that you can contort some economic fun facts and opinions you read occasionally into your ideology is amazing. I feel like I might be the source of all of your wild ideas, like I should hide the business and economic magazines when you come over. Make you read the girls’ magazines or something.” Says Jenna

“We should definitely try to get Stacy to be girly; it will be hard to get a boy to like you if you’re always ranting about nonsense. You’re cute enough; you’ve just got to be cutesy and nice.” Says Ophelia

“No. You’re enough girly cutesiness for everybody already Ophelia.” Says Stacy

“I think it would be good if you got in touch with your feminine side, you’re pretty weird right now, I’d hate to know what guys would think about you.” Says Isabelle

“I don’t care about guys. If my words don’t feel like heroin to them, their ignorance and idiocy disgusts me to the point I couldn’t stand them.” Says Stacy

“Now you make me want to keep you away from boys even more than Ophelia. Just in case you find that one boy out there, I think you would end up dead even faster than Ophelia if we let you go run around with a boy like that.” Says Jenna

“Don’t worry, I won’t. Even if I do I will change my opinions enough to thoroughly disgust myself with the man, and if he always loves them I will be disgusted by his sycophantry.” Says Stacy

“That’s too classy. I knew you were a woman deep down, impossible to please. I love it.” Jokes Isabelle

“If Stacy doesn’t want to change herself in order to please a guy or anyone, that’s more than fine, I’m glad she doesn’t give a damn about what other people think because then she’d just be doing some charade like every other girl out of her own insecure anxiety. The only thing that matters is how Stacy feels about herself and her own self-image, I wouldn’t want her to squander her strengths in order to suit somebody’s fancy, not that she would, thankfully. She’s actually a really powerful woman, if you could appreciate something like that. I don’t agree with her sometimes, but at least I can respect that she’s her own person, unwavering and strong willed.” Says Grace

“I don’t know, I think external image is a little more important than you make it out to be. Society, you know, colleges, employers, those sorts of things tend to judge pretty harshly based on appearances. I’m sure Stacy would get in trouble at work if she started talking about how people should be enslaved and brutalized and treated like animals, especially if she was talking to a black person.” Says Isabelle

“I’m pretty sure she knows better than to do that. I don’t see why that wouldn’t upset everyone when she will clearly tell them that she is talking about enslaving the entire rainbow of people, but regardless.” Says Jenna

“Yeah, Stacy is pretty good around our parents and stuff, and in class she doesn’t make too much noise. It’s just when you let her go she really starts going.” Says Ophelia

“I think it would actually be hard, since some odd random remark I say absentmindedly outside of work could follow me back and cost me my job. I do appreciate that you respect my self-image and what not, I’m fond of it as well.” Says Stacy

“What is that self-image exactly?” asks Jenna

“Old as time, long grey hair, blind white eyes, shouting with a booming voice as loud as thunder from the skies at the people below, the spittle flying from my mouth as I shout forming the raindrops of liquid shame and guilt that soak into the skin of the lowly and shameless beasts I attempt to foolishly condition on the path to greatness out of the kindness of my heart.” Says Stacy

“That’s something else. Cool in a way, but super weird.” Says Isabelle

“I don’t know, it sounds like God, and I think its ok, even though I like to think of girls and myself like Mary for the most part. I only think it’s ok because she does seem to know a lot and want to help people, even if she’s kind of mean about it. God is mean sometimes, but he still does good, so that’s why I think that it’s possible for people to act the same way and still get good results.” Says Ophelia

“What does that make you Jenna? Joseph?” teases Isabelle

“Constantine.” Says Jenna dryly, Isabelle laughs

“You three are some characters; the Bay City days were long as hell before we met you three; far more entertaining than sitting and watching TV watching Grace complaining about anything and everything.” Says Isabelle

“The hot air coming out of Stacy incessantly can become a bit too much on the hot days though.” Says Jenna

“It’s just the sunshine of the soul, and who doesn’t love some Bay City sunshine.” Says Isabelle, Grace chuckles

 “That’s a fitting name for what comes out of Stacy to be honest.” She says

“I think of it like that sort of, kind of my slave spiritual, singing to make the pain of the day seem less apparent. It’s an outlet of sorts.” Says Stacy

“I think if the slaves were prone to your ranting they would be shot pretty quickly.” Jokes Jenna

“They might just be promoted into house slaves, I’m sure their masters would love another remorseless authoritarian capitalist by their side.” Says Stacy

“I’m sure you would be pissed off if you had to work all day and live in terrible conditions.” Says Grace

“Just because they gave the slaves televisions and realized they could crack the whip of poverty over everybody’s head instead of just the old fashioned doesn’t mean anybody is any less enslaved.” Says Stacy

“We’re not slaves Stacy, come on, we get free time like right now.” Says Ophelia

“That’s because we’re kids. We’re not the people in the small offices across the street slowly bleeding to death by giving their brains paper cuts that get infected with aging. Not yet at least.” Says Stacy

“I’d hate to see you in a work environment; you’re always so opposed to the idea.” Says Jenna

“I’m not opposed to the idea; I’m just opposed to the systems in place. The idea is great; I’d love to do some hard work if I could see the actual results from it. The reason I don’t like school is because half of it seems trivial, they train me for things I will have no use for. Regardless of what I end up doing with my life, it’s a given that most of school becomes trivial fun facts, they want to prepare us with entry level skills for 50 fields instead of just having us chose one as kids and focus on mastering that craft from an early age. A jack-of-all-trades and master of none has never amounted to anything but jack shit and maybe a lowly jackass who manages to squeak by on a good day, to be honest. It’s painfully inefficient to say the least.” Says Stacy

“They just don’t want to pigeon hole you; they want you to be able to find something you enjoy.” Says Jenna

“I’d rather spend 12 years of my life experimenting with trades and professions that actually could earn me a living instead of mastering common knowledge and fun facts that wouldn’t land me a job anywhere but at a school that does nothing but continue the process of preparing people for the profession of instilling common knowledge and fun facts that will likely yield little practical benefit into children.” Says Stacy

“What would you even want to do though? I don’t have a clue what I want to do.” Says Isabelle

“That’s the point of trying things to see if I like them or not. I doubt it would be politics because plutocratic bureaucracy is not my cup of tea, and I’d hate myself for condoning the system by becoming a part of it. Maybe I just want to push some papers somewhere, I don’t know. It’s a shame we’ve been in school for 8 years and don’t even have the skillset we need to push papers, at least I’m not sure if we do, as none of the homework is ever ‘simulated paper pushing’.” Says Stacy

“I think you would make a good preacher, you think about God a lot.” Says Ophelia

“I don’t think scaring the people to death with fire and brimstone would be too popular.” Says Jenna

“I think that’s kind of a flawed model, if everybody was a skilled laborer there wouldn’t be enough jobs to go around and people would still feel like their education was wasted. There has to be some accommodation of failure in the youth in order to have enough people to fill the low level jobs that people don’t want but will only take because they have no better alternative.” Says Isabelle

“I’m not arguing that people get paid any more, this would just increase the quality of labor across the board. People earn disparate wages because they have disparate skillsets, but even if everybody working in fast food was a trained chef, they wouldn’t get paid anymore because the cooking skills they learned in school became the new standard for employment instead of a GED or what have you. The increased skill is divided out so there isn’t any disparity inducing wages to increase.” Says Stacy

“That’s brutal how you connive a way to get so much something for effectively nothing, but I doubt many people would go to school and say they want to move boxes around for the rest of their life or something.” Says Isabelle

“Perhaps not, but every kid wants to be an astronaut until they are culled out of the program for poor performance and then slowly sift through less demanding options, until inevitably the people who are about our age that have failed to master any sort of intelligent or skilled craft out of their own natural inaptitude or whatever will be given the choice of digging ditches, shoveling shit, or moving boxes around. They would spend the rest of their youth in employment training where they learn the skills they need to dig better ditches, shovel shit more efficiently, or move the boxes faster.” Says Stacy

“I’m sure they would be upset being told that they were going to do that for the rest of their life.” Says Grace

“Well they can go to homelessness and starving to death class if they are truly unable to do a single job on earth.” Says Stacy

“I’m sure homelessness class would be pretty entertaining, I hear bums make more money than plenty of people.” Says Isabelle

“It’s a shame people are so sick with emotions that they condone and condition people to beg instead of do something. Regardless, that was a joke. There would be safety nets for the people who can’t do even that, like work camps, where they will hopefully be able to do some form of menial labor in exchange for not being whipped and starved or even just for being whipped if they’re into that.” Says Stacy

“That’s true innovation right there.” Says Jenna sarcastically

“I’m sure plenty of people would still refuse to do work, nobody wants to live that life.” Says Grace

“Well, then they get sent off to the dog food and glue factory like every other horse too stubborn or otherwise incapable of working.” Says Stacy

“That’s awful, Stacy.” Says Jenna

“What’s wrong with working at a dog food factory?” asks Ophelia

“Nothing. It’s just a dog eat horse kind of world out there, and even though some people might be foolish enough to become a workplace accident and fall into one of the machines for some unknown reason, plenty of people would value their jobs at the dog food factory.” Says Stacy

“Wow. That’s kind of bold, even for you. You think people would actually do stuff, like cut up the… horses… like that?” asks Isabelle, a bit disgusted

“They make deboning machines for chickens; it wouldn’t be hard to make one for horses. I’m sure plenty of people could come to terms with it, if they made it that far down the ladder, they know full well that it’s eat or be eaten at that point, and if they can’t stomach the food that keeps them alive then so be it, they shall starve.” Says Stacy

“That’s terrible, how could you do that to somebody.” Says Grace

“Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, food to food, no doubt. Even if it’s not for people, the food that kept the fool alive was undoubtedly loaned on interest, of course there is going to be some form of liquidation and repossession in the end. Chasing down rabble rousers all day makes a dog pretty hungry, and a good boy like that deserves a decent meal. It’s not like it’s even unnatural, it’s not like children thrown to the wolves just cuddle with the damn beasts.” Says Stacy

“The human inside of me wants to criticize you, but my business sense doesn’t allow me to do it. Makes me kind of glad I’ve got a reasonable mind on me, I’ll be damned if I have sympathy for the devil.” Says Isabelle

“I’m glad you can see the morality of the whole ordeal; people that meet such a fate truly are simply throwing stones at the busses and cars, breaking windows of businesses, all by failing to conform. The type of people society is willing to accommodate and protect will always be a line in the sands of opinions, but I would rather make that decision based off of sciences like economics and mathematics rather than the sickness of irrational sympathy. As much as respect must be earned, sympathy must be earned as well. I can sympathize with a wounded soldier who cannot work, but an indignant ingrate who simply chooses not to work I cannot sympathize with, and those who were born with no choice in the matter yet met the same fate will be sent unto the machine and sent off with the kind prayer, and those who are unfit to feed the noble beasts due to affliction or sickness will be either incinerated if need be or otherwise tilled into the earth as the dust of fertility.” Says Stacy

“That seems like the last scenario where you would hear a kind prayer, especially from you.” Says Jenna

“They didn’t do anything wrong, as more than likely their natural inability was easily noticed and they would meet the same fate as any other animal that failed to be born as the animal it was supposed to be, at least in any sort of reasonable business oriented farm. I think that sort of misfortune or whatever is worthy of a prayer, maybe send a little cheese Buddha in to the machine, say something like ‘No harm, no foul. Recycle the body, recycle the soul’, if I knew more about reincarnation I might have a better one, nothing too classy, but something to signify the difference between that baby and the criminals and infidels. Everybody meets one of those fates, the only difference being that you can get a classy funeral if you were a decent person and the other is just called the dog food and glue factory.” Says Stacy

“Why the Buddhist part all of a sudden, nothing Christian?” asks Isabelle

“Well, I’d like to think they ended up that way because of previous misdeeds or something and I can help them along their path of karmatic repentance rather than think that they just are that way because that’s how God wanted to make them and when they go to heaven and they’re still the same godforsaken mangled and dysfunctional beast that just happens to now be a mangled dysfunctional ghost. I’d hate to hear that thing howling at night. They mix pretty well, you know, you get reincarnated until you’re good enough to go to Nirvana or Heaven or whatever.” Says Stacy

“What about hell?” asks Isabelle

“Well, you can just look at hell as a place where everybody is mortal and happens to die eventually, and then they keep being reincarnated through the infinite layers of hell until they return to this one or something similar.” Says Stacy

“That sounds way worse than normal hell, why are there infinite hells now?” asks Ophelia

“Well, they are layers of badness, so the worse people go to lower layers, so it’s not worse unless you somehow get send to a worse hell, you just repent for your sins by living through hellish lives until you’ve redeemed yourself.” Says Stacy

“If you are expected to repent through multiple lives, one would expect that you would have some capacity to remember your past grievances so you can actually repent for them.” Says Jenna

“You don’t need to know why you are suffering in order to suffer, so that isn’t particularly relevant, but I’m sure just like here, the local denizens of whatever hell you happen to be in have  a loose concept of the preternatural spiritual song and dance to the point where you will likely be educated enough in regards to such things that you are expected to be a decent person, at least in regards to the standards of decency for whichever hell you happen to be in, and that constitutes sufficient repenting. If your soul makes the conscious decision to be moral instead of immoral, that is enough to ascend through the infinite hells towards a better one, and also the other way around. The varying degrees of life existing in the same place makes it seem more feasible, this planet can equally be a heavenly hell and a torturous hell at the same time depending on who and where you are.” Says Stacy

“You think this is hell?” asks Ophelia

“Not the way you think of it. It’s just a place, if we do good here, we go on towards heaven and if we don’t we go towards hell, it’s just that there are an infinite number of better existences we could travel to and never find an end, and the same thing with worse places. It’s not just a earth, heaven, and hell thing in this story, it’s a never ending cycle of rebirth by which your new location is determined by the accrual of goodness or badness within your soul up to that point. I’m just making this up to say how Buddhism and Christianity can tie together, I’m not saying it’s the word of god, seeing how we don’t know for any of the specifics of the afterlife, it’s kind of fun to take shots in the dark every now and again just thinking of possibilities.” Says Stacy

“I think it was pretty nice, better than the previous topic at least.” Says Jenna

“Thinking about that, you know, one man’s hell is another man’s heaven, I’m sure plenty of sick people out there would be happy to end up in a more hellish place, taking pleasure in it.” Says Isabelle

“Probably too many men to count to be honest, most of them seem to live for vice and nothing else.” Says Grace

“As long as they’re sadomasochists the more power to them, they’re going to end up being the victim more often than not, but if it’s what they like, I can’t blame them for trying to be happy, as sick as their happiness may be.” Says Stacy





A brown haired little girl dressed in a similar schoolgirl uniform walks up to the table of girls in the afternoon sun.

“Hello.” She says, softly

“Hello there.” Says Ophelia, delighted to see a cute little girl

“Can you spare a moment of your time to talk about our lord and savior Jesus Christ?” she asks,  looking at Ophelia, staring at her with pleading desperate green eyes

“Of course. That would be lovely.” Says Ophelia

“The witnesses already have you doing this? Aren’t you a little young for this?” asks Isabelle

“I’m in the fifth grade, I can be at the park by myself, I’m not that young. Who are the witnesses, anyways?” she asks

“You know, the church you are a part of, Jehova’s Witnesses?” asks Isabelle

“I’m Catholic. I don’t know what a Jehova’s Witness is.” She says

“Why did you say that first line then? That’s usually how the witnesses start their little conversation.” Says Isabelle

“I don’t know, I just heard somebody ask me that today and it sounded better than what I was saying, so I used that instead.” Says the girl

“It is super good, so don’t worry about it. We would love to talk about Jesus Christ with you.” Says Ophelia

“Well, that’s ok, but I don’t know if you will believe me, it is about God, but people don’t believe me.” Says the girl

“Of course we will believe you. What is your name anyways? You are super cute.” Says Ophelia

“My name is Eva, but you have to promise you believe me, ok? I’ve had people get mad or laugh at me and that part sucks.” Says the girl

“What do you want to talk about?” asks Ophelia

“So, God told me that I am in the right place, so have you seen any magical girls around here? I’m desperate at this point.” Says Eva

“What does a magical girl look like?” asks Isabelle

“Well, cute and colorful, they do magic, with a witch hat I’m pretty sure.” Says Eva

“Jesus Christ, another one going on about the witch nonsense.” says Isabelle, exasperated

“It’s not nonsense, magical girls or witches or whatever are totally real, so don’t be mean to me.” Says Eva

“No. Nobody’s seen any witches, there was a couple who apparently saw one last week and came by to talk to us about it, but we haven’t seen any, sorry.” Says Isabelle, attempting to be polite

“Wow, really? What did she look like?” asks the girl, excited

“Apparently she looked exactly like this cute redhead in front of you, so your best bet is cute redheads at this point.” Says Grace

“I’m definitely not a witch though; I guess there must be one that looks like me. I don’t know.” Says Ophelia, embarrassed, hiding her face with her hand

“No way! Is that ring real? Are you really a magical girl?” asks Eva, noticing the ring on Ophelia’s finger, Ophelia looks at Stacy both embarrassed and scared, begging Stacy to say something with her eyes

“What? No, that’s just a mood ring. Some Eastern European peddler was selling them, just some silly toy. Don’t let all of this witch nonsense of late get to your head, you’re young, I know you’re impressionable.” Says Stacy, skillfully dodging the topic, a bit flustered by her own hidden embarrassment as well

“It’s totally real, let me see it!” Says Eve, excitedly grabbing Ophelia’s hand

“No, it’s just a mood ring, I’m sorry. See?” says Ophelia

“I know it’s real, it’s super white like you just did some super good deed or something.” Says Eva

“It tends to be white, only Stacy’s mood ring actually works, or she’s the only one with dark, colorful emotions, which might actually be the case. Even if it means that Stacy’s brooding or something I still think her ring shows the best colors. Are those from like a TV show or book something?” says Isabelle

“It’s real, I can’t believe it! You are a magical girl; you have to tell me the truth!” Says Eva, looking at Ophelia excitedly

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. It’s just a silly toy.” Says Ophelia, anxiously

“I’m sure it’s from a television show or something, the peddlers love to sell the bootleg merchandise. I just got one because they looked neat.” Says Stacy

“No, come on, don’t play pretend.” Says Eva

“I swear it’s the chemtrails.” Says Stacy

“It’s normal for little girls to get super caught up in their fantasies and television shows. What is the show called; I’m sure it’s super awesome.” Says Grace, attempting to be nice to the kid

“It’s not a show, it’s real life. It’s super awesome I found you.” Says Eva

“What? Why? I don’t understand.” Says Ophelia

“I’m a magical girl too, see?” says Eva, holding up her hand, revealing a white mood ring, the same kind of ring that curses the three

“This girl has one wild imagination, but I don’t want to be mean, what’s the harm in playing along?” asks Isabelle

“You mean you’re the type of girl like in the books and comics that goes out and fights bad people with magic? That’s pretty awesome.” Says Ophelia

“I don’t know. I just kind of do things; I haven’t really fought bad people or anything. I can do magic though.” Says the girl

“You don’t know? I’m sure you have done something cool.” Says Isabelle, slowly, beneath herself, but fairly skilled at playing with children

“Eva, you are forgetting the first part about being a magical girl, and that is keeping your secret identity secret, you know? That happens in every book I’ve ever read.” Says Ophelia

“I don’t know, I don’t read much. Why is that the first part?” asks Eva

“If you don’t do that, bad people might find out who you really are and come to your house because you foiled their plans with your magic, you know? Or maybe your friends might get scared of you because you are such a hero. That’s why you need to be super careful about your secret identity, like you should have a nickname that nobody knows and only use that instead of your real name when you go out and do magic.” Says Ophelia, timidly informative yet still warm, comforted by the childlike nature of the child

“Wow, I guess that could be bad. I didn’t know that. Thanks! Is that why you were super lying about it or whatever?” asks Eva

“I’m not a real witch, remember,” showing the girl the pleading fear in her eyes “but if I was I totally wouldn’t tell you either.” Says Ophelia

“Well, then I’m not a real witch either.” Says Eva, looking around, a bit confused, realizing she may have made a mistake

“I think you just confused the hell out of the little girl’s playtime.” Says Isabelle

“I don’t know, well, then, if we’re not witches because we’re not wearing our hats or whatever, so can we still talk about being witches?” asks Eva

“Nope, you’ve got to keep it a secret unless you’re in your outfit, then you can tell everybody, but you’ve got to make sure they know it’s totally not you and use a different name and make sure nobody sees you transform, ok?” asks Ophelia

“I take it you read a lot of these kinds of books, Ophelia?” asks Grace

“She does.” Says Jenna, boldly comfortable in speaking the truth

“Of course, they’re like some of the best ones out there.” Says Ophelia

“Take the lead then, I don’t know how to play along.” Says Grace

“I’ll try, I don’t know if I’m that good at it.” Says Ophelia

“Did you bring your costume with you?” asks Isabelle

“It’s totally magical, but I can’t show you, remember?” asks Eva

“I don’t think you can tell me either, but that’s closer to cannon I think.” Says Isabelle

“What is cannon?” asks Eva

“Just like how things normally work, you know; the whole secret part. I don’t know; I’m just taking a guess.” Says Isabelle

“Well, do you two also have mood rings?” asks Eva, playfully

“No mood rings here.” Says Isabelle, her and grace show their hands

“Aww, well then. I guess we have to keep our magical girl secrets from you then, right?” asks Eva

“Well, we don’t have any, because we’re not magical girls, remember?” asks Ophelia

“Right.” Says Eva, confidently

“I don’t know; it seems like your just telling the girl not to pretend. She was super into it before.” Says Isabelle

“Ophelia knows how these things work, so I guess if that’s how you’re supposed to pretend it’s just how it works.” Says Stacy

“Well, your friend is right, I didn’t come here to not pretend or whatever, so can we just talk about it anyways?” ask Eva

“Sure.” Says Isabelle

“Nope. You’ve got to be a normal girl, but when you’re in costume you can truly be magical, ok?” says Ophelia

“Ok… well, that’s what I want to talk about though.” Says Eva

“Just let her pretend, you are literally the worst pretender I’ve ever met Ophelia.” Says Isabelle

“Well, we can talk about what if we were magical girls, ok? Because that’s totally a normal conversation that regular girls would have.” Says Ophelia

“That’s not a conversation regular girls would have.” Says Stacy dryly

“Stacy you are the furthest thing from a normal girl imaginable, I’m pretty sure talking about being magical girls would be like tenfold more normal that you on any given day.” Says Isabelle

“That’s ok, we can talk about it like that and it will be just what I wanted, I’m so glad I found the other girls with mood rings. God has been telling me to find them at the park all afternoon and I was having no luck.” Says Eva

“You can’t say it like that, that sounds like you’re being sarcastic, you’ve got to make everything seem normal otherwise people might suspect you of being a magical girl, and then bad things can happen, remember?” asks Ophelia

“I like it how this form of pretending basically involves no pretending at all, you’re hardly pretending to be anything at that point, you’re just being normal. I don’t see the problem in just going full blown witch and shouting magic spells or whatever, that sounds like a lot more fun.” Says Isabelle

“That’s not how it works in the books, and that would totally be bad for her secret identity.” Says Ophelia

“We can still talk about what if we were magical girls, and that will make me happy. I want to do it right. ” Says Eva

“I guess she’s as into those books as you are. I can see why Stacy is so unentertained, I’m sure she would be hard pressed to pretend to be normal.” Jokes Isabelle

“I like horses.” Says Stacy, unentertained, feeling pinned down by the little girl and quite displeasured by it

“Jesus, Stacy. None of that. There is a little girl here.” Says Jenna, mind collapsing, but too stoic to allow her fear to take form

“What’s wrong with liking horses?” asks Eva

“Nothing, forget about it.” Says Jenna

“I’m glad Ophelia is here, you two aren’t having any of this play pretend stuff. I guess it makes sense, seeing how you two are so enthralled by reality.” Says Grace

“It’s hard to break free of the shackles of reality, sadly.” Says Jenna

“Tell that to Stacy.” Jokes Isabelle

“I’m still rooted in reality for the most part.” Says Stacy, still dry

“What happened to pretending?” asks Eva

“It will be hard to convince those two to play along, but we would love to. I’ll do my best at least, you’re a fun little girl.” Says Isabelle

“Ok.” Says Eva, sitting beside Isabelle “So we’re just normal girls talking about normal things.” Says Eva

“Yep.” Says Ophelia

“I feel like you executed this child’s imagination. It’s heartbreaking.” Says Isabelle

“I want to do it right though, since bad things could happen if I don’t.” says Eva

“Wow, you killed her imagination and made her paranoid.” Says Isabelle

“It’s not paranoia if you live in Bay City.” Says Grace

“Well, anyways, I just want to talk about what if we were magical girls, ok?” asks Eva, smiling cleverly

“That’s ok. I’m sure we’d all love to have magical powers and stuff, but that’s totally crazy to think it would ever happen to us.” Says Ophelia, proud of her own capacity to bend the truth

“Right, super crazy. But anyways, if you were a magical girl and you had one wish to help you get magical powers, what would your magical power be?” asks Eva

“I don’t know, I guess business knowledge or something, I feel like capitalism is the only way to accomplish anything, so if I could have magical skills to make me great at business that would be great.” Says Isabelle

“No. It has to be for doing good deeds and helping people and stuff, not just making money.” Says Eva

“Well, I would do good business stuff then, like the moral kind that makes people’s lives better. I don’t know, what magical powers are there?” asks Isabelle

“I don’t know either.” Says Eva

“I would wish for the ability to change society so that people can all live a better and more just life and fight oppression.” Says Grace

“Who would have guessed?” Says Isabelle, dryly

“That’s pretty good. What about you girls that don’t want to pretend?” asks Eva

“Well, when the wish is limited to doing good deeds and helping people, the first thing on the top of my mind would be to wish to be able to help people, I’m not very clever either.” Says Jenna, reluctant and pained by the conversation

“That’s a good one though.” Says Eva

“I’m glad you think so.” Says Jenna, relieved with some form of sympathy

“Stacy’s next, this will be good.” Says Isabelle excitedly, enjoying the pretending

Stacy sighs “I would wish for omnipotence, if something was so kind as to grant that wish, but I doubt anything exists that would do that, so I would settle for omniscience and then later regret the fact I did so because apparently it can only be used to do good deeds and I didn’t end up with any magic spells or anything.” Says Stacy

Isabelle laughs “That’s rich, the best laid plans of mice and men, did you read that in one of those books book somewhere?” asks Isabelle

“Regrettably, I feel like I would gamble and lose every time, just like in that one book.” Says Stacy, referencing a book that doesn’t quite exist

“Even though you know it would happen like that?” asks Isabelle

“People buy lottery tickets every day, it’s the same delusion.” Says Stacy, grimly

“I don’t know what those things are.” Says Eva

“Omnipotence means that you can do anything and everything, you have power over everything, and omniscience means you just know everything. I don’t see why Stacy would even think to wish for omniscience, I figured she would think she knows everything already.” Jokes Grace

“I have confidence, but it is nothing like divine omniscient confidence.” Says Stacy

“I don’t think the world could handle you with that much confidence, I take it you’ve realized your whole hopes and dreams of becoming supreme leader aren’t exactly doing good?” asks Isabelle, chuckling

“I guess that depends on the opinions of the wish granter, but who knows what those are.” Says Stacy

“Well, that’s kind of a weird wish, but I’m sure you could totally make it work somehow. It sounds super powerful.” Says Eva

“Trust me, Stacy more or less knows everything and that doesn’t even help her in school, I would hate to see her try to do some good deeds with her knowledge, dressed up like a witch, that’s so out of character it’s hilarious.” Says Isabelle

“Stacy is kind of evil like a witch though. Not that it’s bad, but kind of a cackling maniacal eating the bad children kind of way.” Says Grace

Isabelle laughs heartily “Naughty children!” shouts Isabelle through her laughter, causing her to crack up even more “It’s too perfect, thank you little girl.” She says

“We’re good witches though, remember, we’re not like Halloween witches or anything.” Says Eva

“You don’t know Stacy, but anyways. That’s too great. Made my day and then some.” Says Isabelle, wiping a tear from her eye,

“Then the last one is you, Ophelia.” Says Grace

“I’m sure you could guess.” Says Ophelia, a bit embarrassed

“I’m too embarrassed to say it.” Says Isabelle, preemptively chuckling

“There’s nothing embarrassing about it, the power of love is clearly super important and I’m sure tons of girls would wish for it.” Says Ophelia

“I’m sure that couple that saw us is happy that plenty of girls are still captivated by that stuff at this tender age. That’s for sure.” Says Jenna

“I think that’s a good wish. What did the couple say?” asks Eva

“They said that a cute little love witch came and gave them a blessing that helped them fall in love even more and now they’re getting married. It was super awesome to hear about a good witch like that.” Says Ophelia

“Was that you? It had to be you.” Says Eva

“Sadly, no. I’m not a witch, remember? That would be a dream come true making people happy like that. They were so in love it was beautiful.” Says Ophelia, more touched by the love than concerned about her secret identity

“I’m sure plenty of people would have a lot raunchier things to say than that, unfortunately for you.” Says Isabelle

“Please, Isabelle, respect the child, we don’t need to talk about that.” Says Jenna, sternly

“Sorry, dad. I’ll be a good girl.” Jokes Isabelle

“What are you talking about?” asks Eva

“Grown-up stuff.” Says Isabelle

“You’re not grown-ups though.” Says Eva

“Well, teenage girl things, you will know when you’re older, don’t worry about it. Besides, we didn’t hear what you would wish for yet, anyways.” Says Isabelle

“I would wish for the power to do good.” Says Eva

“You are a clever girl, I’ll be damned.” Says Stacy

“That’s it? Not like flying or talking to animals or something?” asks Isabelle

“I can already talk to animals; I don’t need to wish for that.” Says Eva

“That explains a lot to be honest.” Says Grace timidly

“What do they say?” asks Isabelle

“I don’t know, they can just listen to my thoughts and I can hear words about what they think about what I’m thinking about and stuff, like when the birds talk, or even the wind and stuff.” Says Eva

“That’s kind of cool, I guess.” Says Isabelle

“You don’t think we should maybe like tell her about what that is?” asks Grace

“If it ain’t broke don’t fix it, I don’t see it causing problems. You should have learned by now after talking to me that stating a point about someone’s mental state isn’t going to change a damn thing about the point at hand.” Says Stacy

“Good point.” Says Grace

“That was a bunch of fun, thank you. Our conversations are usually grim and bleak, but this one was great. I wish you went to school with us, I’m sure we’d have a lot more fun.” Says Isabelle

“That would be super cool.” Says Isabelle

“What school do you go to, anyways?” asks Ophelia

“Saint Agnes” says Eva

“No way, all three of us went there. It’s an awesome school.” Says Ophelia

“It’s ok.” Says Eva

“I’ll agree with ok, I’m not going to give it awesome any time soon.” Says Stacy

“It was a good school, we were at least mildly prepared for entering Southern Prep, I’m sure we would have been much worse off in the publics.” Says Jenna

“That doesn’t make it awesome.” Says Stacy

“You sure that’s not some magical girl school where they train you to be witches?” teases Isabelle

“No. It’s a boring Catholic school; I wish it was a school for witches. We’re not witches though, remember?” asks Eva

“Of course, I don’t want to ruin you’re secret that you’re oh so good at keeping.” Teases Isabelle

“I’m trying now; I didn’t know I was supposed to at first.” Says Eva

“It’s good that you’re trying, you wouldn’t want to get hurt now.” Says Ophelia

“I know, thanks for teaching me something important like that.” Says Eva

“I’m happy to help.” Says Ophelia

“Can I keep asking questions?” asks Eva

“Please, do. I love it.” Says Isabelle

“Ok, well then, what color would your dress be and what kind of dress and what happens when you transform into a magical girl?” asks Eva

“I don’t know anything about this part, someone else start it.” Says Isabelle

“You first, you’re the one who wants the questions.” Says Stacy

“Fine. I don’t know just like a business formal kind of look, business black, a seductive yet powerful dress, real sharp, nice shoes.” Says Isabelle

“Lame. What about the transformation part?” Says the girl

“What happens during that part?” asks Isabelle

“Well, things kind of fly around you and you glow and stuff.” Says Eva

“Ok, I guess money or something you know, I’d glow a beautiful gold. It would be great. Leaving the money on the ground for the kids when I go into work.” Says Isabelle

“I’m going to agree that’s pretty lame.” Says Grace

“Wow, at least I chose a dress, you would be upset if you couldn’t wear pants. Tell us about your pantsuit, Grace.” Teases Isabelle

“I don’t know, I would choose like a grim reaper outfit or something then, and totally rain hell against all the assholes, er, mean people who deserve it when I transform, that’s kind of dress at least.” Says Grace

“That’s a robe, but close enough.” Says Isabelle

“That’s super lame too; it’s supposed to be cute.” Says Eva

“I think Grace would feel upset if somebody thought she was cute, she would be quote unquote objectified at that point.” Teases Isabelle

“I’m sorry I don’t want to doll myself up so men can look at me like a piece of meat.” Says Grace

“Spare the child the rhetoric, try to preserve her innocence.” Says Jenna

“Criticize the swearing, not somebody attempting to help her feel dignified and respectable.” Says Grace

“I’m pretty sure the level of dignified and respected you would have to be in order to actually feel that way is more vulgar than swearing, to be honest.” Jokes Isabelle

“Tell that to the television censors.” Says Grace

“I would censor it.” Jokes Stacy

“Regardless, the swearing is going to hurt the girl more than having a sense of dignity.” Says Grace

“You don’t have a sense of dignity, you attempt to force society to make you feel dignified yet you just disregard it every time someone pretends to respect you because you expect to be treated like a god damn queen even though you’re just some indignant bitch like every other feminist. Come to terms with the fact that men in the workplace are also treated like shit by the men who treat women like shit in the workplace; it’s not like everyone pushing papers is fucking chummy with the money and spends all day goosing women and drinking liquor in the office. Thinking you’re worthy of all this special treatment and niceties is such bullshit when nobody in the world gets those things, that’s like being indignant that you can’t fucking fly. It’s just not how things work, people who are respected are few and far between, and you expect to get treated like a queen because you’ve got a damn snatch, hell, you’d even give the same privileges to guys with fake tits and mutilated dicks, it’s fucking insane to be honest. Women are not that fucking special, nobody is. You literally invent problems just so you can have an excuse to be mad at men or whoever it is you don’t happen to like. It’s so damn trite.” Says Isabelle

“Cheers to that. Respect is either manipulation or fear, it’s best to see it for what it really is rather than as some cheeky idealist bullshit that actually exists.” says Stacy, chuckling

“I’m happy I’m not 8 hours into my 12 hours shift at the sweatshop right now, so I’m just going to grateful for what I have. I’m not getting into politics.” Says Jenna, taken aback

“I don’t want to start swearing in front of the child so we can just drop it. You should be ashamed not only for swearing like that, but also disrespecting women everywhere. You should apologize to the girl for being so heartless.” Says Grace, triggered, but repressing her rage skillfully out of her sense of respectability in front of the child

“I was swearing like a sailor at her age, we don’t even know her, she didn’t even flinch when I said those things so I doubt it really bothers her.” Says Isabelle

“Yeah, you seem a little bit like a bitch, Grace. Like mean and pissy. I know curse words too, you know. I’m not stupid either; I know what you’re talking about. I hate the prissy girls who think they’re important and want to be treated like queens. They can burn in hell.” Says Eva

“God damn.” Says Isabelle, completely surprised, Stacy chuckles

“Don’t say that, it’s a mean word.” Says Ophelia

“She cursed first.” Says Eva

“Two wrongs don’t make a right.” Says Ophelia

“I’m sorry.” Says Eva, a bit ashamed of herself thanks to the conditioning of Catholic school

“It’s ok, at least you’re sorry. My friends curse all the time and it’s not super nice, but it hurts the most when you call other people mean names, so try not to do that ok?” asks Ophelia

“I didn’t mean to.” Says Eva, looking at the ground

“It’s ok, I’m proud of you. You’ve got a good head on your shoulders. You call ‘em like you see ‘em and that’s all good and well.” Says Isabelle

“Just don’t say those kinds of words at school.” Says Jenna

“I know. I won’t say it again.” Says Eva

“We’re not you’re parents, don’t feel so bad. I thought it was funny.” Says Isabelle

“That’s good I guess.” Says Eva

“Still, let’s not curse, ok?” asks Ophelia

“You all get to curse, though.” Says Eva, softly with mild jealously

“Don’t worry about it. Let’s just keep going with the pretending, me and Grace had to embarrass ourselves, so now we’re going around the table, it’s your turn Jenna.” Says Isabelle

Jenna sighs, “A black dress.” She says

“You look like you’re going to a funeral, is pretending that painful to you?” teases Isabelle

“She will probably go purify her mind with a textbook after all of this pretending.” Teases Stacy, coming to enjoy the mutual understanding of the pretense at hand

“I think a black dress can look good, what kind of dress.  I forgot to say to you two you’re supposed to have a witch hat or something at least, so you did a really bad job.” Says Eva

“Sorry. I don’t think a witch hat is exactly business formal, but I could probably pull of a homburg or something. That might look decent.” Says Isabelle

“I think the reaper hood is pretty close.” Says Grace

“Isabelle gets more points; she actually has a hat at least. But anyways, what about your transformation?” asks Eva

“Black birds flying around. I don’t know.” Says Jenna

“Wow, so morbid.” Says Isabelle

“Ok, I don’t think you can glow black; that would look super evil.” Says Eva

“I think a black dress and witch hat looks pretty evil as it is.” Says Isabelle

“It can be cute.” Says Ophelia

“I guess Jenna could maybe pull it off.” Says Isabelle

“I would glow purple and that’s it, I don’t like pretending.” Says Jenna

“Something tells me you might be depressed, Jenna.” Says Isabelle

“That’s a good guess, pretty close; I wouldn’t say I’m depressed, just grimly realistic.” Says Jenna

“Maybe if it had some purple accents and some white flares it would be super cute and not depressing or scary at all.” Says Ophelia, playfully

“I think witches are set pretty firmly in the scary category, if it’s a cute witch you can be sure she’s just even more evil than normal.” Says Isabelle

“Thanks.” Says Jena, dryly

“Your turn Stacy, give us something great.” Says Isabelle

“Ophelia can go first.” Says Stacy

“Saving the best for last I see.” Says Isabelle

“Well, mine would be red, and pink and white, mostly red, the color of true love of course, with some pink for cute love and white for the other kinds of love like friends and family and god. It would be super cute.” Says Ophelia

“You really thought about this one, didn’t you?” asks Isabelle

“What kind of girl doesn’t think about this kind of thing sometimes, especially when you are little?” Says Ophelia

“That’s a decent point I guess.” Says Isabelle

“What about your transformation?” asks Eva

“Well, a lovely fox cuddles me and some doves fly overhead, and I would glow pink because I guess I’m mostly about the cute kind of love, even though I totally want the true love.” Says Ophelia

“I’m glad somebody had a decent answer.” Says Eva

“I’m glad you like it.” Says Ophelia, enjoying the compliment

“Now for the moment we’ve all been waiting for.” Says Isabelle, excitedly

“I don’t transform.” Says Stacy

“Well if you did, you know we’re pretending right?” asks Eva

“Yeah, I don’t know; a short tight red dress or something.” Says Stacy

“Sexy.” Teases Isabelle

“Blood red.” Says Stacy

“No less sexy.” Jokes Isabelle

“Whatever. I’m done.” Says Stacy

“You’ve got to say what happens when you transform.” Says Eva

“Even if we are pretending, I’m going to pretend that I don’t transform at all.” Says Stacy

“You’re a poor sport, Stacy.” Says Isabelle

“Well, pretend harder, I want to know.” Says Eva

“What happens when I transform? I don’t know; the rapture.” Says Stacy, dryly

“That’s amazing, everyone had animals or money or something.” Says Isabelle

“It’s fitting to say the least.” Says Grace

“I don’t think so; you would definitely wear a white dress. It would be super white like your hair, not red at all. I can see the rapture part, like angels or something maybe.” Says Eva

“I doubt any angel would come close to Stacy.” Teases Isabelle

“She’s pretty good at knowing the bible and stuff, I’m sure if she tried she could find lines that explain her whole crazy philosophy and make it seem good and right.” Says Ophelia

“I’d rather base my plans for a functional society off of logic than faith, but that’s just me.” Says Stacy

“You can do both, you know.” Says Ophelia

“I’ll do what I can.” Says Stacy

“I don’t know why you didn’t want to tell me you wear a beautiful flowing white dress and angels fly by and put it on you. That’s way better than some red dress.” Says Eva

“I’m not good at pretending, I don’t know.” Says Stacy

“You should thank her, if anybody asks you’ve got a great little transformation, what with the rapture and everything coinciding.” Says Isabelle

“Super cute, if only we got to see them. You two need to work on yours, but if you don’t know the normal ones from stories it’s ok I guess.” Says Ophelia

“I’m sorry, I never was that type of girl.” Says Isabelle

“Me neither, but I like it. It is cute.” Says Grace

“I can show you if you want to see it.” Says Eva

“You can’t because you have to keep it a secret remember?” asks Ophelia

“Oh yeah, sorry.” Says Eva

“You didn’t tell us yours though.” Says Isabelle

“Whoops. Well, it’s kind of boring, like some kind of baby deer spirit turns into leafy vines and flowers and stuff and some birds, I don’t know what kind of birds, but some of them are hummingbirds. My dress is green, but not like super green or anything, like a tired boring green, nowhere near as good as Stacy’s.” Says Eva

“I think that’s cute.” Says Ophelia

“I probably should have guessed it was just some color of dress and some colorful things flying around, I’ll stand by mine though, especially since I wished for business powers or whatever.” Says Isabelle

“By the way, I thought Stacy’s first dress was terrible, but you said it was sexy, what does that mean exactly?” asks Eva

“Whoops. Yeah… well, that’s kind of an adult thing, a slip of the tongue.” Says Isabelle

“I know what sex is, I just don’t know what sexy means exactly.” Says Eva

“Don’t say sex, that’s a bad word, ok?” says Ophelia

“Is sexy a bad word too?” asks Eva

“I don’t know.” Says Isabelle, confused

“No, I don’t think so. I think it’s like how damnation and damnable are used and it’s not really cursing the same way as just saying damn. I’ve read it in magazines and stuff plenty of times, but they’re not talking about, you know.” Says Ophelia

“I don’t know; my parents didn’t act like it was super bad or anything.” Says Eva

“They already had that talk with you?” asks Jenna

“Well, it wasn’t much of a talk, one night I heard my mom making noises it sounded like she was hurt and so I went in to check on her and my parents were naked and my dad was lying on top of her. I asked if she was hurt and she said that she was ok, and they were just having sex and it feels good and she likes it, so don’t worry, she’s not hurt or anything. That’s about all I know.” Says Eva

“I think you might know more than Ophelia at this point.” Says Isabelle

“I know that much, lying down and being naked and stuff, but it’s still a bad word. Sex is like the bad thing boys want to do with you. I know because I’ve been told tons of times if somebody says they want sex I make sure to tell them no really loudly and clearly, a hundred times if I have to.” says Ophelia

“That’s one way to do it.” Says Isabelle

“I don’t see why it’s so bad if my mom likes it.” Says Eva

“It’s not bad because your parents are married, ok? Once they are married it is ok for them to do that, but it’s wrong if you’re not married.” Says Jenna

“Ok. But it’s still a bad word?” asks Eva

“You probably don’t want to talk about it, like since you go to a Catholic school, I’m sure people would be upset.” Says Isabelle

“Ok. What about sexy?” asks Eva

“That just means like clothes or something that looks good, cute but in a mature kind of way.” Says Isabelle

“What does that have to do with sex?” asks Eva

“It makes people want sex, so I’ll leave it at that.” Says Isabelle, a bit embarrassed herself talking to a child about these things

“So it’s bad?” asks Eva

“Yes, it seems like it would be bad, unless you are married then its ok.” Says Ophelia

“Ok. So Stacy’s dress was a bad dress?” asks Eva

“Yes, something that a bad girl would wear, she’s naughty for thinking of something like that.” Teases Isabelle

“It sounded terrible anyways.” Says Eva

“I’ll wear the niqab next time, sorry about that.” Jokes Stacy

“What is that?” asks Eva

“The all black robes and shawl that covers everything but your eyes, it’s the dress that you see Muslim women wearing sometimes.” Says Stacy

“Why would you wear that?” asks Eva

“It was just a joke about being indecent or whatever, never mind.” Says Stacy

“Regardless, I usually don’t have much faith, but if god is the reason why you came to delight me today, it makes me think god might look out for actually look out for girl every now and again.” Says Isabelle

“I’m glad you like God, most girls think I’m weird.” Says Eva

“You go to a Catholic school and people think you’re weird for believing in god?” asks Isabelle

“Not that, but like actually hearing God, nobody else says they hear God.” Says Eva

“What do the teachers say about that?” asks Grace, concerned for the child’s mental health

“They say that it’s good to listen to God. I don’t really care about the other girls; I’ve got plenty of friends.” Says Eva

“That’s good, at least some people don’t think you’re weird for hearing God, that’s a great gift you know.” Says Ophelia

“Not so much people, really, it’s mainly like animals or the wind. They’ll always talk to me.” Says Eva

“That’s so cool that you can talk to animals.” Says Ophelia

“That is kind of maybe not good, you know. They don’t tell you bad things or anything, do they?” asks Grace, quite concerned

“No, they’re all nice. The people are the mean ones.” Says Eva

“If they ever say mean things make sure you tell somebody, ok?” asks Grace

“I’m sure nobody would believe me anyways.” Says Eva

“I believe you, and I’m sure an adult would believe you.” Says Grace

“I like to think it’s my little secret. Whenever I’m down the birds will cheer me up and the wind will be my friend. It’s awesome I found some cool people like you all, though, everyone I know is pretty lame.” Says Eva

“You come here often? I wouldn’t mind finding a few more laughs with the playing the pretend game; it’s too serious around this group of girls far too often.” Says Isabelle

“As much as I can, I love the park. I have stupid choir practice tomorrow, and Tuesdays. Other that just church and school, my parents want me to do sports sometimes, but I don’t like them; I’d rather spend as little time with the other girls as possible.” Says Eva

“You don’t have any girlfriends?” asks Jenna

“Not really. I’m a loner I guess. I don’t mind, girls are boring and stupid anyways, the birds are like my best friends.” Says Eva

“What do they like to talk about?” asks Ophelia

“It’s like I’ll think of a question and they will know the answer, or if there aren’t any birds the wind usually knows. Other than that they’re just nice and like to talk about whatever I am thinking about.” Says Eva

“You can just hear the birds talking, like words or something?” asks Jenna

“Pretty much. I don’t know, I like looking at clouds too, seeing all the shapes and stuff. Even if the birds aren’t singing they can still tell me things just by flying around.” Says Eva

“Even just by flying?” asks Jenna

“Yeah, it’s a matter of perspective really, like if I’m thinking something over like what to say to somebody at school or just random ideas about my future while I’m laying back watching clouds, the birds will fly in certain directions to tell me what they think.  It’s really just any time I see birds they do this based on what I’m thinking.” Says Eva

“What about like a big group of birds? They will fly every which way.” Asks Isabelle, fairly interested

“Well, it’s like saying the idea has 20 parts of something, and you can tell if it will largely be successful or a failure based upon which direction most of the birds fly.” Says Eva

“So you’re like a diviner, or something?” asks Stacy

“I don’t know what that is.” Says Eva

“Basically what you are describing, so far as I know.” Says Stacy

“Then I guess so, that’s a cool word though.” Says Eva

“I’m pretty sure divining is not exactly sanctioned by the bible, but as long as you’re not trying to make money or sway nations, it’s not like you can really control it, so far as I can tell.” Says Isabelle

“Nope, my mind just thinks the things, the birds know instantly, and my mind just reads or hears the birds without putting any effort into it.” Says Eva

“That’s so cool, do you talk to any other animals?” asks Ophelia

“Dogs sort of, I don’t have one so I don’t know them too well. Upset dogs tend to disagree, and the barking dogs are the only ones you hear sometimes on the streets.” Says Eva

“You know animals don’t really talk, right? Are you just imagining it, playing around or something?” asks Grace

“It’s not so much English, maybe a real good songbird can do it, but they have their own language, even though they know English, since they can read my mind, most of them don’t speak it. I would explain, but I don’t want to upset my friends. I was talking to an owl once, and it told me that I shouldn’t explain how reading the birds and talking to them works. They want the people who know how it works to naturally discover it the right way, the people who can naturally talk to birds or whatever. They think it would mess with nature if randos were all trying to do it, shooting their thoughts at them or whatever, I don’t know. At least the one owl talking to me, I really want to respect that, since the birds are kind of my only friends. It kind of makes sense, I figure since normal people don’t do it, that’s why they don’t want me to turn others into spooks. I can hold a conversation with birds easily, but I guess if it was everybody sitting at a bench looking at a couple crows trying to talk to them, they couldn’t respond to one person without confusing the other, maybe. I don’t know.” Says Isabelle

“I never knew birds could talk to people and read minds like that, I guess God is super mysterious like that.” Says Ophelia

“I don’t know if it’s the birds themselves doing it, or God or something controlling them, but they are pretty reliable. You can also use bats instead of birds if it is late at night, and fireflies too, they are super easy to read, you just have to know how to read your vision.” Says Eva

“You think fireflies can read your thoughts?” asks Grace

“I’m sure that’s not what it is; it’s kind of the whole hand of God controlling everything in that mysterious way. I don’t even know if fireflies have brains.” Says Eva

“Me neither to be honest, but I think that’s pretty cool that you can do all of that. Has it ever paid off, you know, like you predicted the future or something?” asks Isabelle

“I think like the emotional kind of support pays off more than the predicting stuff. Like the birds or the wind just talking to me about whatever I’m thinking about. They feel like a family I guess, always there for me, they’ll talk to me even if I was just thinking about something random irrelevant from them; they’ll chime in sometimes if they feel like it. It’s kind of cool; I guess it would be like what having friends is like.” Says Eva

“Do the little birds use the same language as crows?” asks Jenna

“No, they usually just say short little things in English; they’re way better at talking with all of the highs and lows of bird songs, the crows just have that one usual caw. Can’t say much with that, but they can laugh a lot, or something, I don’t know. Crows are kind of hard to understand compared to the little ones, an owl will give you a hoot or two or a few, but the crows can caw forever it seems like, and groups only make it even more confusing, even though their language is kind of similar to the owls, maybe even the same, I don’t know it that well since it’s so far from English.” Says Isabelle

“It seems weird that crows and owls speak the same language, they’re so different.” Says Ophelia

“I think the owls are the ones that love the truth, the crows seem to love foolishness and lies and stuff.” Says Eva

“I don’t think I’ve ever heard an owl, but anyways, 3,000 years ago you would be very well respected, I don’t think the market for diviners is too hot today, sadly.” Says Isabelle

“I’m pretty sure that fell out of favor for a reason.” Says Grace

“The same reason as any other form of taking advice, you either don’t like real advice or the person giving it corrupts the actual results. It would be hard to be a diviner, you either get killed because the king doesn’t like what you are telling him or you get killed because you lied to him so he wouldn’t kill you but then doing so causes your prophecy to be wrong.” Says Stacy

“You can’t really have faith in that sort of thing, can you?” asks Grace

“It seemed to do pretty well for itself for a healthy amount of time; I’m not going to shoot her down like that.” Says Stacy

“I do see the point about becoming corrupt and stuff, the wind and tells me about how my own mind can misinterpret the birds if I would rather hear what I want or try to get the answer I want. I think anyone can read the birds if they know how, though.” Says Eva

“I doubt it; most people can’t talk to birds at all.” Says Jenna

“You don’t even have to talk to them; you just read how they fly around.” Says Eva

“That still requires some form of telepathy at the very least, but then you’re just controlling the birds with your own thoughts, for it to be legitimate requires some preternatural intermediary to influence the birds in the right way.” Says Stacy

“The amount of farfetched either of those scenarios seems to be is well beyond even your usual level of fantasy.” Says Jenna

“You need more faith, Jenna, you know God performs miracles and gives people guidance and clarity every day.” Says Ophelia

“I don’t see too much evidence of that, sadly. People stray further from god’s light every day.” Says Jenna

“Well you have to really listen and open your mind and heart in order to know what God wants you to do; then you will feel it in your heart.” Says Ophelia

“I don’t even know if it is God, it might just the wind or something, and the wind sounds like a woman, so I don’t know.” Says Eva

“I would like to think it would be Mother Nature doing that, if something like that is really possible, god is usually pretty cruel to people.” Says Grace

“You never know to be honest, science doesn’t know everything, but animals seem to have some ability to know things instinctively, pigeons use magnetism to help them find their home. There could be other unknown or unknowable things out there that actually make this phenomena legitimate somehow, like the Earth’s magnetic field was hundreds of years ago, but it really just comes down to faith.” Says Jenna

“I think it’s good to have faith in that sort of thing.” Says Ophelia

“Just don’t rely on it too much; your mind could easily just be playing tricks on you.” Says Grace“I don’t really rely on it at all; it’s just something I notice.” Says Eva

“That’s good. With something like that you never really know.” Says Grace

“You talk about hearing the wind and birds, but not god so much, do you think the wind is god or something, or is god something else?” asks Isabelle

“No, the wind is like my friend, she’s a nice caring woman, God don’t talk much, he’s this spooky thing that talks a lot clearer and kind of  stern and inside of your head. The wind just kind of whispers softly like she’s always half dreaming but she really cares about you.” says Eva

“What does God say to you?” asks Grace, still clearly concerned for the child’s sanity

“He just reminds me the same sort of things sometimes; I don’t think I can talk about it.” Says Eva

“Is it something bad?” asks Grace

“I guess.” Says Eva

“It is important that you talk to us about that; ok? We don’t want anything bad to happen to you.” Says Grace

“I don’t know. It’s not really like normal stuff, so I don’t think I can.” Says Eva

“Is he telling you mean things?” asks Grace

“I don’t think it’s mean, really, it’s just kind of scary because he is super serious about it when none of my other friends are that serious.” Says Grace

“If it is scary you need to tell us, we can help you, ok?” asks Grace

“Well, you have to keep it a secret, ok? That’s super important. I don’t think you will believe me anyways.” Says Eva

“We will.” Says Ophelia, ignorant to the existence of mental illness, Grace looks at her a bit concerned

“Well, the main thing he tells me to do is to find the white witch and help her or else she is going to die and I’m going to die if she dies, that’s why it’s scary.” Says Eva

“You don’t need to believe that stuff, ok? An adult can help you get those bad thoughts out of your head if you talk to them about it. Please, don’t be afraid to ask for help.” Pleads Grace

“It’s not like he says tomorrow, he just says like an early grave or something, that could be in twenty years or something, who knows.” Says Eva

“He’s not giving you much to work with, but Stacy is pretty close to a white witch, cackling and evil, ghost pale. I don’t think you want to help her though, you’re a nice happy girl and Stacy is kind of out there compared to that.” Says Isabelle

“Well, I don’t know, I don’t meet that many people with white hair so that’s kind of my best guess, I don’t mind helping people anyways. What do you need help with, anyways?” asks Eva

“I’m not sure it’s ok to talk about that right now.” Says Stacy

“Is it a secret?” asks Eva

“No. It’s not a secret, but I’m glad she has the decency to attempt to preserve your innocence.” Says Isabelle

“If it’s not a secret I want to know, I’m not that innocent anyways.” Says Eva

“She kind of wants to take over the world, so you are probably better off helping somebody who can actually be helped. Unless you want to put her into therapy, she’s probably impossible to help.” Says Isabelle

“You know, my chances of success would be remarkably higher if I had a skilled diviner.” Says Stacy

Isabelle chuckles “Already that desperate?” she asks

“Maybe if she uses her birdwatching skills to teach you common sense, you’d have a lot higher chance of not dying at the hands of the establishment because of your crazy ambitions. Maybe god is trying to save your life or something, who knows?” says Isabelle

“I think maybe we shouldn’t joke about either one of their situations. You know this stuff can get a lot more serious than it is now.” Says Grace

“I don’t need help, this girl is clearly doing fine, I’m not going to have myself or her be brainwashed by chemicals and the expectations of society. I enjoy being this way, and I’m sure she does too.” Says Stacy

“You realize that sort of problem can get a lot crazier and get out of hand, right? It may seem like a laugh now but a few years down the line you might be like that homeless man in the box we saw today. I don’t want that.” Says Grace

“I’m not even that kind of crazy.” Says Stacy

Some people are” says Grace, staring at Stacy

“I’m not crazy” says Eva frowning angrily, staring at Grace

“Ok. I’m sorry for hinting at that, but I’m just saying it’s better to be safe than sorry.” Says Grace

“Just let the girls enjoy themselves, what’s wrong with you. You realize that attempting to manipulate their personalities into what society wants is the same thing as Babylon attempting to force women into subservient or submissive roles. You’re a hypocrite at that point. Who’s to say what’s actually correct in that matter?” Says Isabelle

“Sanity is not defined by anything other than the ideal mental state for a person who is the slave of Babylon. I’m glad I’m not a sheep and willing to give the man what he wants for free, I’m not some sick submissive masochist like that.” Says Stacy

“Anyways, forget about it. I shouldn’t have told you. I don’t know if I can help you conquer the world, but I can maybe try or something I don’t know.” Says Eva

“I think you’d be better off finding another white haired girl to help, you picked the worst one in the world.” Says Isabelle

“I only found old people with white hair so far and they told me they weren’t witches, so I didn’t want to help them.” Says Eva

“Tell her you’re not a witch, Stacy. You can’t have her believing in this stuff.” Says Grace

“I’d rather not send her out talking to strangers all day, I think if I can play this role she’d at least be in good hands.” Says Stacy

“Stacy is the closest thing to a witch I’ve ever met in my life, so who knows, something good might come out of it. A diviner is commanded by god and comes to save the witch possessed by demons, just like the bible.” Jokes Isabelle

“Stacy’s not a witch, of course, but it would be super cute if she had a little helper who reminds her of God’s will.” Says Ophelia

“I don’t know if I can do that, maybe the birds or wind, God doesn’t talk to me very much.” Says Eva

“Well, the birds and the wind are all parts of God, so it’s the same thing.” Says Ophelia

“I need to take more crazy pills, this is painful.” Says Grace

“Write a letter to the Department of the Interior telling them to increase the scopolamine in the chemtrails over Bay City; I’m sure nobody would mind.” Says Stacy

“This is what I’m talking about. Why would we let a child be influenced by Stacy like that?” asks Grace

“I’m sure that the insane consensus is a lot safer to embrace than one’s own personal insanity, the constituents who provide the consensus tend to stay alive at the very least.” Says Jenna

“Lighten up Grace, you can’t let the majority of the city cause you to have a mental breakdown because of your righteous sympathy, that’s probably the least healthy mental state out of all of us. At least we’re not driven by idealism to attempt to impossibly warp and contort reality. Facts of life are facts of life, if you change all of them you don’t even have life anymore, it’s just a population of rigid machine pressed people with a monoculture of ideas. Even if you’re sense of entitlement to perfection was the purest form of rightness, the world would be boring as hell.” Says Isabelle

“Heres to flavor. Variety is the spice of life, is it not?” asks Stacy

“There comes a point where you are doing nothing but eating spices, you need some sustenance.” Says Grace

“Meat and potatoes are the devil, grains and sugar are Satan, and spices are the panacea, few would argue with that logic in this great state. Just enough sustenance to survive seems to be the popular idea, amongst the plutocrats who starve the poor and the rich who starve themselves out of vanity. To take any more sustenance than that you become a glutton and are shamed relentlessly by society.” Says Stacy

 “It’s a shame that people feel that way, it’s not even gluttony. People think people who drink and smoke and do drugs are just fine and dandy, but if somebody is overweight it’s appalling. Those things destroy your body even more on the inside; it’s hypocritical to tolerate that sort of thing.” Says Grace

“It’s doesn’t matter who you are on the inside, all that matters is who you are on the outside. Out of everyone you interact with, the handful of people who even experience who you are on the inside are outliers, as long as you’re shallow enough to be indifferent to personal fulfillment like most people, you shouldn’t give a damn about who you are on the inside.” Says Stacy

“Welcome to America.” Says Jenna

“Every time you open up to somebody you just get hurt, at least for me, so I keep myself to myself and just try to appear normal enough on the outside to everybody else.” Says Eva

“You are wise beyond your years.” Says Stacy

“You seem to have forsaken that wisdom a long time ago.” Says Jenna

“All of my peopley parts were feeble and weak so they were enhanced with mechanical supports, I don’t need to rely on other people to support me when the mechanics that brace my mind, body, and soul are so structurally sound. Humans are fickle and weak, far more prone to failure than machines. By basing my philosophy on the physical measurements of social mechanics I don’t need the long winded idiocy of the shameless airs of ignorant idealists to fly my kite and feel good about myself because I fit in with society when my kite flies just like all the other kids: I fly an airplane, a jet fighter instead.” Says Stacy

“Seems to be more of a bomber fond of the carpet variety, from what I can tell.” Jokes Jenna

“I have surgical precision with my bombing, thank you very much.” Says Stacy

“Maybe 300 years ago you could call that surgical precision when surgery consisted exclusively of amputation and cauterization.” Says Jenna

“Even if that were the case, I offer a better alternative to dying from gangrene.” Says Stacy

“Dying from a cauterization infection, I can see your point.” Says Jenna

“The best solution possible does not guarantee success; it is simply action with the highest rate of success. It is either a guarantee of death or a high likelihood of death, take your pick.” Says Stacy

“I sure am dying right now, along with the rest of society.” Says Jenna, sarcastically

“Everything lives, and everything dies, it is the circle of life. The establishment is a living thing, so it is fated to die; it is old, feeble, and sick right now. It is not hard to acknowledge that point. I simply seek to use this dying manifest infected with corruption to usher in a new, healthy, and beautiful society.” Says Stacy

“So you’re like a virus?” asks Jenna

“A mushroom, perhaps, and when the time comes I’m sure something might just come along and consume the rotting mushroom that fell over and grow a pretty little flower.” Says Stacy

“Stacy the mushroom queen.” Says Isabelle, chuckling

“Perhaps just the spore, but who knows. I simply understand something called mortality which the fools amongst us fail to understand in the slightest.” Says Stacy

“It’s probably about time that I get out of here, it’s getting kind of late. I feel bad about leaving the child in your hands, but I hope the more reasonable two of you three will be able to keep things under control.” Says Grace

“I’d shake my fist at the sun, but I know it’s no use. It’s about that time, sadly, seeing how me and Grace live in the opposite direction of this place. It truly was a hoot, you know. Eva you must be an angel or something because you brightened up my day to no end. Do you have a phone or something, so we can get together again? If you’re here to save Stacy’s life I’d feel bad if you didn’t join our little gaggle every now and again.” Asks Isabelle

“No, I don’t. Sorry.” Says Eva

“Damn, we’ll have to come back to the park and find you then.” Says Isabelle

“I won’t be here tomorrow, but I don’t know other than that. I will look for you when I come though; it’s not that big of a place.” Says Grace

“Awesome. I want to do more playing pretend, something cute and embarrassing. It was too rich. Think of something, ok?” asks Isabelle

“I’ll try. It was great to meet you, you’re the cool one. I’ve never met somebody that’s actually fun to be around.” Says Eva

“I might say the same thing, but I’ve got a twisted enough sense of fun that I enjoy hanging around these girls, oddly enough. Not as wholesome as it could be, though.” Says Isabelle, getting up

“You make sure you keep talking to us about god and the birds and stuff, ok? That’s really important to me.” Says Grace

“Whatever. I’m not crazy.” Says Eva, rolling her eyes

“I know, I just want to make sure they don’t tell you to do anything bad or hurt your feelings ok?” asks Grace

“Where was this compassion for the homeless man we saw?” jokes Isabelle

“There’s a huge difference, but still. Everything will be ok, there are no witches and you’re not going to die, ok? Can I hug you, will you feel better?” asks Grace

“I feel fine, you’re just kind of weird, you know?” asks Eva

“She is super weird, I’ll give you that.” Says Isabelle

“Everybody likes hugs though.” Says Ophelia

“I don’t really want to hug somebody who thinks I’m crazy.” Says Eva

“That’s fine; I didn’t mean to upset you like that. Please don’t put too much faith in Stacy either; she might make you crazy if you’re not already.” Says Grace, as the girls get up

“I’m not your kid, ok? You don’t need to act like this.” Says Eva

“She’s the one who’s crazy, she’s got some kind of sickness with sympathy or something.” says Isabelle

“Clearly.” Says Eva, Stacy chuckles

“Let me get a handshake at least, it was a pleasure after all.” Says Isabelle

“I’d give you a hug if you want, since you’re actually friendly.” Says Eva

“Awesome.” Says Isabelle, hugging the girl amiably “Don’t ever change, ok? Don’t let mean people like Grace call you crazy, you’re awesome the way you are.” She says

“Thanks.” Says Eva, hugging Isabelle back warmly, comforted by having an actual friend

“Can I give you a hug? You’re super cute and fun, you know.” Says Ophelia

“Ok, you’re nice, so I’ll let you hug me.” Says Eva

“Yay.” Says Opheila excitedly, who goes over to hug the girl, quite happy to make a new friend

“Can I have a hug, Ophelia I’m kind of hurt now.” Says Grace, with pouty frown

“Of course.” Says Ophelia, going to hug Grace warmly, Grace holds on to her when she attempts to release, Ophelia looks at her, Grace kisses her softly, unable to resist such temptation

“Jesus Christ, Grace. There is a little kid here.” Says Isabelle

“I don’t care.” Says Eva

“Sorry. I couldn’t help myself. I’ll see you later, be good, ok?” Says Grace, smiling warmly

“Of course.” Says Ophelia

“Bye Ophelia. I’ll see you later, sorry about Grace.” Says Isabelle

“I don’t mind, it’s fun you know. Do you want a hug too?” asks Ophelia

“Why not, you’re huggable, you know?” says Isabelle

“Aww. Thanks. You are too, I think everybody’s huggable.” Says Ophelia, hugging Isabelle firmly, Isabelle growing less embarrassed by the new custom of having her face platonically smashed into somebody’s breasts

“I’ll see you all tomorrow.” Says Isabelle, finally released

“Ta-ta for now.” Says Stacy, smiling with the two finger salute and a wink

“Til tomorrow. We should probably get going too, you know.” Says Jenna

“Can we play pretend a little bit more, please?” asks Eva, excitedly

“I don’t know.” Says Jenna, timidly

“Damn it, of course I’ve got to miss this one. Save some for me, ok?” asks Isabelle

“Don’t worry; we can do this a lot.” Says Eva

“Thank god. You all have fun with the girl, she deserves it. Take it easy.” Says Isabelle

“We’ll do our best.” Says Jenna, as the two walk away




“Is she like your girlfriend or something?” asks Eva

“I think we’re all girlfriends, I think even you are part of that group now.” Says Ophelia

“What? No. Not like that.” Says Eva

“What do you mean?” asks Ophelia

“Like the kissing part.” Says Eva

“Well, she’s like my friend friend, you know, where the rest of us are like buddy friends. Friend friends like to kiss each other because it’s fun and to practice for boys and stuff, the other girls aren’t mature enough to like it, but I think it’s fun.” Says Ophelia, Stacy and Jenna look around a bit embarrassed

“So she’s like your girlfriend girlfriend, and we’re just like normal buddy girlfriends.” Says Eva

“You can say it like that, we are girls and we’re friends.” Says Ophelia

“So you’re like dating or something? Like boyfriend girlfriend?” asks Eva

“Well, maybe if I was a boy, but I’m not a boy so we can’t date or anything.” Says Ophelia

“Yes you can.” Says Eva

“I mean like a date date, that has to be a boy and a girl, not like play date or something.” says Ophelia

“Let’s just avoid the topic, no they aren’t dating, they just do those things.” Says Jenna

“I think you could do better than that.” Says Eva

“She’s the only person I’ve found with any interest in that kind of thing, so I think I’m pretty lucky to have to somebody with similar interests, you know?” says Ophelia

“I guess. Anyways. Since those girls are gone, you know why I wanted talk, right? We don’t have to pretend anymore, right?” asks Eva, a bit serious

“Of course. I’m so glad you picked up on my hints and didn’t blow our cover, you know. That would be bad.” Says Ophelia

“So you three really are magical girls, like I thought?” asks Eva

“Don’t tell anybody, for the love of god.” Says Jenna, embarrassed, distressed, and a bit angry with the situation

“You’re quite the sleuth, the first one that’s ever found out about it, other than my sister who we can’t really hide it from because our room is kind of like our secret base.” Says Stacy

“Yeah, I mean it was super hard, I’ve been looking for days and it took God telling me that I would find you at the park. I’m glad I found you though, I kind of believe God about the part about us dying you know.” Says Eva

“I don’t know. We kind of do dangerous things, so you might not want to tag along.” Says Stacy

“Well, I don’t know. I was just told we will die young if we don’t work together, I’m sure you can just call me one day if you really need help or something. I will get a phone sooner or later; I just told my parents I don’t need one because I don’t have any friends or anything.” Says Eva

“Now you have us though, so we could all chat with each other.” Says Ophelia
“I don’t chat much.” Says Jenna

“Same. Business use only.” Says Stacy

“I’m usually talking to the wind or the birds or something, so I don’t try to talk to anybody on the phone either.” Says Eva

“That works.” Says Stacy

“But, really, you know, I want to see you transform and stuff, I’ve never met another magical girl before.” Says Eva

“I don’t know about that, it’s kind of crowded here.” Says Jenna

“Come on, we can do it behind the bathroom like we did before. It will be super fun.” Says Ophelia

“It’s pretty late to get started on that sort of thing, you know. We do have to get home soon enough.” Says Stacy

“Come on; let me see it at least.” Says Eva

“You first, since we have to know if you really are a magical girl or whatever.” Says Stacy

“I don’t know, how do I know I’m not being tricked like we talked about.” Says Eva

“That’s a good point, but if you promise to keep it a secret, I will go first, ok?” asks Ophelia

“Awesome.” Says Eva

“Very quickly, just show her and let’s go. I don’t want to do this today.” Says Jenna

“Ok.” Says Ophelia

“I see your rings are all white already, like you don’t need to do any good deeds today.” Says Eva

Stacy chuckles nervously, “Yeah, that seems to be the case.” She says

“Anyways, let’s go. I want to see her transform so bad, I’m sure it’s awesome.” Says Ophelia

“Quickly.” Says Jenna, impatiently; the two excited girls lead the way to the back of the restrooms along the outskirts of the park, a rather dense wall of healthy leafy trees and brushes separating the park from the pain of the city streets

“Ready?” asks Ophelia, excitedly

“Of course.” Says Eva, equally excited, Ophelia transforms with the usual spectacle, being sure to pose, point the scepter, and wink at Eva

“No way!” says Eva, excitedly

“Quiet. Please.” Pleads Jenna

“That’s so cool, you even get a little rod or something.” says Eva

“I know, right? Let me see you, I’m super excited.” says Ophelia

“Ok.” Says Eva who jumps into the air spinning, a verdant green light shines behind her as her clothes turn into glowing light while an ethereal emerald fawn rubs against her which turns into dust as it rubs against her side, the dust turns into more realistic leafy vines encircle her begin to flower with vibrant colors, hummingbirds fly around her, the leaves and flowers fly away in the wind revealing a faded green summer dress, looser, more flowing and  natural as opposed the sharp lines of the other girls’ dresses, couple of parakeets over her and drop a matching witch hat on her head, that also flops over a little bit with the same loose nature of her dress, as opposed to the rather stiff points of the other girls’ hats. She lands in a pose as if to say ‘ta-da’ staring at Ophelia excitedly.

“Oh my gosh!” says Blaze “That was so pretty.” She says

“I don’t know why mine looks kind of loose and stuff, yours is so tight and sharp, I kind of look like a weird hippie witch.” Says Eva

 “My name is Blaze, when I’m like this, because of the fiery fox and what not, so we need to find a good name for you, ok? It’s super important to never use somebody’s real name when they transform.” says Blaze

“I don’t know what my name should be.” Says Eva

“How about Bambi, because of the deer, you know?” asks Stacy

“That’s so cute. It has to be Bambi; everybody else’s was based off of their animals.” Says Blaze

“I like it. It’s cute.” Says Bambi

“Now you two go, ok?” asks Bambi

“Just for like one second and I’m changing back.” Says Jenna, who transforms reluctantly

“Happy? If you ever see me like this my name is Raven, and you, nor anybody else has ever met anybody named Jenna ever, ok?” asks Raven, sternly

“Ok.” Says Bambi

“Good.” Says Raven, who transforms back

“That’s all? No magic adventure?” asks Bambi

“Not today. It’s late; I don’t like doing it anyways.” Says Jenna

“I don’t blame her.” Says Stacy

“Now it’s your turn Stacy.” Says Bambi

“I was being serious; I don’t know how to transform.” Says Stacy

“Come on. Just spin around and jump, I’m sure you can do that.” Says Eva

Stacy jumps and spins in the air “See? Nothing. I’ve tried plenty of times before. I think it’s because my magic works even if I’m not transformed that I don’t get to transform, since I don’t need to do it.” Says Stacy

“Lame.” Says Bambi

“Hopefully she learns how to do it one day, I would love to see angels fly around her and put her in a beautiful white dress. That has to be her transformation, it’s too perfect.” Says Blaze

“I’m sure it’s just seagulls or something, everybody else had their color. If mine is white it’s got to be seagulls, maybe some geese or something.” says Stacy

“That sounds more accurate.” jokes Jenna

“So how do you go out and do magic or whatever if you don’t have a witch outfit?” asks Bambi

“I’ve got my own costume, don’t worry about it. It’s not interesting. Knowing things is a pretty boring power after all.” Says Stacy

“Sounds like it. You want to see my magic?” asks Bambi

“You can actually see your magic?” asks Jenna

“Of course. You can’t see yours?” Says Bambi

“Not really, not that I know of at least. All I’ve figured out how to do is heal people and scare children I guess, I don’t think the second part is magic.” Says Jenna

“That’s cool, I guess. Even you… Blaze?” asks Bambi, grinning, enjoying the witch names

“No, I can just feel it, it’s love; I don’t think you can really see love, it’s kind of invisible you know.” Says Blaze

“That kind of makes sense. I’ll show you what I can do.” Says Bambi, who clasps her hands together and throws them towards the sky, a little ethereal green bird flutters out of her hands and flies away into the city

“That’s cool, but what does the bird do?” asks Stacy

“I don’t know. I just know how to make them, and they fly away, and my ring ends up being white. They must do good things I guess.” Says Bambi

“Have you ever tried to make it do something specific?” asks Jenna

“Not really, I just kind of learned when I was trying to do magic tricks, and somehow my ring started glowing. That’s what I’ve been doing. I’ve only been a magical girl for like a week.” Says Bambi

“Well, let’s go try it on somebody, If your power is doing good, I’m sure it can make people smile and be happy or stop them from being upset, that would all be good.” Says Blaze

“Ok.” Says Bambi

“We will hang behind, we don’t want to blow our cover, ok?” says Jenna

“You’re missing out.” Says Ophelia, excitedly

“That’s fine with me.” Says Jenna, as Bambi and Blaze peek out from behind the bathroom, Stacy and Jenna hang behind for a moment before watching them from a safe distance


The two witches notice a man yelling at a woman in the distance.

“Maybe you can help that guy not be so upset, maybe your little bird will make him a nicer person.” Says Ophelia

“I don’t know how to do it exactly.” Says Bambi

“Just like normal, and maybe think exactly that guy and doing good, I think the magic is all controlled by how you think, you know?” asks Blaze

“I guess. I’ll try.” Says Bambi, who clasps her hands, and opens them, a small green ethereal wasp flies out of her hands and slowly begins to move towards the man

“I don’t know, that might be bad, I’ve never made a wasp before.” Says Bambi

“I’m sure it can’t be bad, you’re power is doing good, remember, maybe it will whisper something in his ear to help him.” says Blaze

“Probably.” Says Bambi

The girls patiently wait for the minute or so it takes for the wasp to speed at breakneck wasp speed towards the man, it eventually finds its target. The man collapses to his knees, clutching his heart as he falls forward, supporting himself with his arm, screaming for the few moments he can before his throat and eyes swell up, he rolls over onto his back and starts kicking his legs into the ground, clawing at his chest and throat before lapsing into complete convulsions, slamming his head against the ground forcefully and repetitively.

“Oh my god.” Screams the shocked woman, the man’s convulsions increase in fervor as his eyes roll back into his head and the pressure in his eye sockets causes him to weep blood. His convulsions soon stop, his skull bleeding from behind and as final breath coughs up blood that splatters over his face and shirt.

“Somebody get help! I think he’s dead!” shouts the woman

“Uh-oh.” Says Bambi

“That’s not good.” Says Blaze

“Get back here and change back right now!” whispers Jenna very upset

“Let’s do that.” Says Bambi, the girls run back behind the bathroom and transform back

“What happened?” asks Ophelia, very concerned and confused

“I don’t know, I just thought about doing good, but that happened.” Says Bambi, shocked but seeing no blood on her own hands

“I’m sure that guy might have really hurt or killed that woman, so I’m sure the best thing you could do is save her life from such a bad man. I saw him, he was really angry and grabbing her and stuff. Don’t let it worry you, ok?” Says Stacy, impressed but also very afraid of the revelation of true witchcraft

“Ok. I mean, we’re just pretending right. I didn’t really do anything.” Says Eva

“Of course. Even if it was that witch who did those things, you’re not a witch, you’re a little schoolgirl, remember?” asks Jenna

“Yeah. Of course. That was scary, but I don’t know why it made a wasp instead of a bird like normal. I’m sure the birds do nice things, birds are always nice to me.” Says Eva

“I think it might be because you thought about doing good in regards to that man explicitly, and that was the only good thing that could be done, since he was a really bad guy, you know. He couldn’t be helped by a bird telling him the right thing to do or whatever.” Says Stacy

“That makes sense. I kind of feel bad about it, but if it really saved that woman’s life I guess I did the right thing.” Says Eva

“Your ring is glowing white, so you know you did the right thing. You stopped somebody from being hurt, even if it meant hurting a bad person, you still saved the good one.” Says Ophelia

“I guess you’re right.” Says Eva

“Let’s get out of here, ok? Just a normal day, none of this happened, and we weren’t a part of it, remember?” asks Jenna

“Does bad stuff like that ever happen to you guys when you do magic?” asks Eva

“Not that I can think of, but our magic isn’t anywhere near as strong as yours, you know.” Says Ophelia

“Oh well, that’s kind of scary that I have super powerful magic for some reason.” Says Eva

“Just be responsible, ok? With great power comes great responsibility.” Says Jenna

“I will.” Says Eva

“But you don’t have magical powers, none of us do, remember?” asks Stacy, as the girls approach a more populated area of the park

“Yeah, sorry, I forgot, I was just imagining things.” Says Eva, doing her best to keep this secret

“What a long day, we should really get out of here like right now. I don’t like being here when we’re just doing silly things, but after seeing something like that, it’s pretty scary to think we might be recognized.” Says Jenna

“Nobody saw anything, relax, ok?” asks Stacy

“I’m going to calm myself by taking your word for it; don’t betray my trust, Stacy.” Says Jenna

“I never would.” Says Stacy, as the girls walk towards the exit of the park

“Are you ok? After all of that?” asks Jenna

“I guess. I don’t know.” Says Eva

“You know that it’s ok, even if something like that happens, because you’re doing good, remember?” asks Stacy

“Yeah. I know. I guess that guy must have been really bad or something. I think it’s kind of good that now I know I can try to do something like that if somebody tries to hurt me, like you said might happen.” Says Eva

“Yeah. I’m starting to believe that you might actually save my life one day, I don’t know how I can save yours, but it must be fate or something.” says Stacy

“I think if you know a lot of stuff, like everything or whatever, you can just think of the things that will come try to kill me and let me know so I don’t die.” Says Eva

“I will do my best. You will definitely be on my list of concerns. I didn’t know magic could be that strong, but that was something else.” Says Stacy

“I need more practice; I didn’t want to hurt that guy.” Says Eva

“I’m sure it was God’s will, you know. We’re servants of God, after all.” Says Ophelia

“You think so?” asks Eva

“Of course.” Says Ophelia

“I got my ring from a dog, it wasn’t like a priest or God or anything.” Says Eva

“But Mr. Dog is a servant of God because he wants to do good and stop evil, I’m sure of it.” Says Ophelia

“That makes sense. You got your rings from the dog too?” asks Eva

“Yep. In that same park.” Says Ophelia

“Maybe there are a lot of other witches out there.” Says Eva

“I guess if we see any other girls with rings who hang out at the park we will know. I kind of don’t want to know, to be honest.” Says Jenna

“I don’t know, maybe they can help us.” Says Eva

“It’s pretty dangerous, if people find out what we do they would want us dead.” Says Jenna

“Why would they want you dead? Don’t you just heal people? Doesn’t Ophelia just spread love or whatever?” asks Eva

“People fear what they don’t understand, you have to be especially careful, if the word spreads that you can do something like that, all sorts of people would want you under their control, but they probably understand that doing so is too dangerous so they would just kill you.” Says Stacy

“That’s super scary. Make sure you don’t tell anybody.” Says Eva

“We won’t.” Says Ophelia

“We’re in the same position as you are. Well, at least I am, and my girls kind of get dragged along with me. Even if they only healed people and spread love, you know somebody would eventually kill them because they would feel upset that Jenna couldn’t save somebody’s life or Ophelia wasn’t able to save a marriage or whatever.” Says Stacy

“Raven. Raven does that, not me.” Says Jenna

“Sorry.” Says Stacy

“You know you don’t have to pretend around us.” Says Eva

“I don’t like to think about that unless I have to. It’s a huge burden to be honest.” Says Jenna

“Why?” asks Eva

“Because if I don’t keep the dog happy, I know he will come to eat me.” Says Jenna

“That’s it? I don’t know, I always thought it was easy to keep my ring white.” Says Eva

“Well, you just have to send out little birds, from what I can tell, we actually have to go deal with people. Jenna doesn’t like to do that part.” Says Ophelia

“What about you Stacy, how do you help people with your knowledge or whatever?” Says Eva

“Well, I just kind of reveal the truth in important ways. You know. I don’t want to talk about it.” Says Stacy

“Like what?” asks Eva

“Well, I did help a woman find out she had breast cancer one time.” Says Stacy

“That’s nice. I’m sure you feel a lot better that you have good magic that doesn’t hurt people. I feel kind of bad about what I did to be honest.” Says Eva

“Don’t feel bad, ok? You did a good thing.” Says Ophelia

“I had to hurt somebody one time, somebody who didn’t want to listen to the truth, so don’t think you’re the only one.” Says Stacy

“Did you use magic or something? Who doesn’t want to know the truth anyways?” asks Eva

“Well, liars don’t want to know the truth, or at least they don’t want people to know the truth. But yeah, I did kind of use my magic to hurt them, but they would have hurt me or other people if I didn’t hurt them first.” Says Stacy

“That’s good. I guess it’s ok if we only hurt bad people, I don’t really like people that much anyways. You girls are different though, I really like you. I’m just saying the police do that stuff too, and they are good people.” Says Eva

“Exactly.” Says Stacy

“Well, me and Ophelia have to go this way, it was a very crazy day, but I’m glad that we kind of figured everything out. Please be good, ok? I hope I can trust both of you to take care of yourselves.” Says Jenna

“Don’t worry. My power is doing good, remember?” Says Eva, proudly

“Sometimes you don’t have to do good deeds to be good, you can just behave well and be nice. Don’t go overboard or anything, ok? You know how important secrecy is now.” Says Jenna

“Thanks for teaching me that. I didn’t think much of it, but after learning all of that stuff and seeing the kind of bad side today, I can understand all of that.” Says Eva

“I don’t want to leave; I did have a lot of fun even with the kind of bad part. I want to see you again, ok?” asks Ophelia

“Ok.” Says Eva

“Time for hugs.” Says Ophelia, going to hug Stacy, who coldly hugs her back with murderous duty and platonic love for a fellow blood-drenched soldier

“You want another one?” asks Ophelia

“You’re not going to kiss me, are you?” asks Eva

“Not unless you want one.” Says Ophelia

“Maybe on the cheek is ok. You said you liked it. That’s the normal kind of friend kiss, you know.” Says Eva

“Ok.” Says Ophelia, who hugs Eva and kisses her cutely on the cheek, Eva hugs her back finding solace in the newfound solidarity after such a harrowing experience

“That’s not how you do it. That was like a mom kiss. Let me kiss you, ok?” says Eva

“Ok.” Says Ophelia, Eva holds her head kisses her lightly on each cheek “That’s how you’re supposed to do it, it’s Italian. My grandpa is Italian and he does that to everybody.” She says

“Kissing is so fun.” Says Ophelia, who copies the style of Eva’s Italian kissing with more emphasis

“You’re still doing it like a mom, you know. It’s real quick and light, I think you only do that if you really like the person. Like he will kiss me like that but his friends it’s quick, way less kissing.” Says Eva

“But I do really like you.” Says Ophelia, sincerely

“What? I’m a little young you know.” asks Eva, embarrassed

“Not like that. Please. Don’t think of her like that. She’s just friendly.” Says Jenna

“As long as it’s not like that, it’s fine. You do seem a lot like a mom, you know.” Says Eva

“Thanks. I want to be a mom one day.” Says Ophelia

“Really? Don’t you need a boyfriend for that?” asks Eva

“I know. It’s hard to find one though. Every time I meet a guy he’s totally a bad guy according to my friends, so I’m just bad at it.” Says Ophelia

“I thought you liked girls.” Says Eva

“Of course I like girls, what’s not to like about them?” asks Ophelia

“I mean, like like, instead of boys.” Says Eva

“It’s not the same at all, I like girls, but I would totally fall in love with the right guy.” Says Ophelia

“So you’re just having fun with your girlfriend or something, it’s not serious or anything?” asks Eva

“Who Grace?” asks Ophelia

“Yeah…” says Eva

“I don’t know, Grace is serious a lot of the time, but Grace still likes to have fun with me at least. She is willing to show me her fun side, even if the other girls don’t like that sort of thing.” Says Ophelia

“That’s ok, I guess. Kind of weird, but whatever floats your boat.” Says Eva

“You seem to know a lot about that sort of thing.” Says Stacy

“Yeah, it’s pretty popular on television, there’s always a character like that. I think it’s illegal if you don’t have one.” Says Eva

“I think that’s kind of true, since the whole equal opportunity thing. I know it used to only be normal white people.” Says Jenna

“An equal number of opportunities for each part of the population regardless of the different percentages of the population is still clearly unequal, it punishes the majorities. If it was proportional to percentages I could see that being fine, but it really isn’t.” Says Stacy

“Yeah. I know. There’s like 100% of the time a guy in a wheelchair out of every 15 people when I’ve seen like thousands and thousands of people and maybe 2 people who were actually in wheelchairs. It’s way more common to see fat people on the scooters than people in wheelchairs, but they don’t get the same treatment from equal television I guess.” Says Eva

“You’ve got to be good looking you know; according to television every crippled or autistic person is still a model. Hell, every criminal is a model, even homeless people.” Says Stacy

“Makes me glad I don’t watch television.” Says Jenna

“Only on a terribly boring summer day would I try to wrangle the remote from my dad, and I noticed this after just watching a couple of shows. It’s ridiculous to be honest.” Says Stacy

“Why do they do that anyways?” ask Ophelia

“It makes people happy, even though it’s fake, people still find it touching that the guy in the wheelchair is just as good at doing front flips over fences and diving away from explosions while shooting his gun. It’s something like positive self-image or something, people would feel bad for the guy otherwise, but I guess that’s why they never had crippled characters that weren’t crippled for the reason of invoking sympathy before equal opportunity.” Says Stacy

“That’s almost more so insulting to the crippled people, I would think.” Says Jenna

“It’s not like healthy people can do most of the stuff they see the healthy people do on television anyways, it’s the same thing. I think it’s more ridiculous that a Caucasian genius midget bartender and a female pure East Asian lawyer can have a child that is a 6’7 black man in high school who struggles to read but has hopes of playing in the NBA. That is supposedly their biological child too, it doesn’t make any sense. The midget’s brother is literally a horse that they dub English over; he just pokes his head in the window and cracks jokes.” Says Stacy

“That can’t be a real show.” Says Jenna

“It’s called Big Shots and Big Dreams, it’s primetime television on GBS. I think it’s well received too.” Says Stacy

“I am amazed. I will never let my children watch television knowing that.” Says Jenna

“It was hilarious, but still, it didn’t make much sense if you thought about it. I guess the people who watch television really don’t think at all.” Says Stacy

“That makes enough sense. We’ve got to go. I’ll see you tomorrow Stacy, hopefully we can get together soon, ok, Eva? And we don’t have to do any magic or anything; we can just have real fun.” Says Jenna

“Ok. It was good to meet you.” Says Eva, as the good girls walk away




“How far down do you live?” asks Stacy

“Not too far from here, just a block or so.” Says Eva

“We’re practically neighbors; that’s so weird.” Says Stacy

“I guess. Maybe I can hang out at your house sometimes then.” Says Eva

“I don’t know, my house is super boring. Nothing to do except talk to my sister who is also super boring.” Says Stacy

“Same. My sister doesn’t even talk to me; she just sits on the computer or plays with her phone when my parents need the computer.” Says Eva

“How old is she?” asks Stacy

“7th grade.” Says Eva

“That’s cool, I guess. Stella is my twin, so we’re kind of the same.” Says Stacy

“That’s so awesome. I wish I had a twin, always having somebody to hang out with and be friends with.” Says Eva

“It’s not like that so much, I’m sure you and your sister get into fights sometimes. Me and Stella are no different.” Says Stacy

“Aww. I was thinking it would be like perfect best friends forever.” Says Eva

“We’re friends, but things can get kind of tense sometimes. We do our best to get along though; it’s far more good times than bad times.” Says Stacy

“That sounds better than my sister; she just kind of ignores me.” Says Eva

“I figure most older sisters would be like that.” Says Stacy

“Probably. Super lame.” Says Eva

“Maybe there are some cool ones out there, who knows.” Says Stacy

“Maybe. So, I’m just checking, you know. Is Ophelia a lesbian? I’m confused about that part; it was all kind of hard to understand.” Says Eva

“Well, she’s really Catholic, I’m fairly sure she doesn’t even know that word exists, so please don’t tell her. I don’t know if she is or isn’t, I doubt it since she is really into the romantic love with boys. We try to avoid that topic, since we don’t want her to get upset with Grace or anything, and we especially don’t want her to bring it up that sort of thing to her parents, you know. She’s kind of easily taken advantage of because her parents made sure she didn’t learn about that kind of stuff when we were in school, so we kind of hope that Grace will maybe teach her something about all of that stuff, instead of having some random sick man come along and take her away and ruin her life.” Says Stacy

“That seems like a terrible plan, but ok.” Says Eva

“She was upset that nobody wanted to talk about love all the time and she was basically about to throw herself into a panel van if nobody would entertain her, and besides, she just thinks she’s practicing for boys or something. I don’t know. It makes her feel better, like she’s learning something she always wanted to know about. I would avoid the topic around her. I mean, she can’t get pregnant this way, compared to if we helped her get a boyfriend, so this is kind of ideal, to be honest.” Says Stacy

“That makes sense; she seems like the kind that would get pregnant really quickly.” Says Eva

“That’s one of our fears, and that’s extremely bad considering how religious her family is.” Says Stacy

“I bet. It’s stupid that people don’t teach their kids, like, it can only hurt them in the end.” Says Eva

“Well, it’s a double edged sword, if they know about it, they might want to do it more, but if you can scare them away from it, they might not want to do it.” Says Stacy

“That makes sense I guess. I see enough of that stuff on TV, but I guess she doesn’t watch TV.” Says Eva

“None of the three of us do for the most part; it’s either God, School, or Dale keeping us from doing it.” Says Stacy

“Who is Dale?” asks Eva

“My dad.” Says Stacy, Eva chuckles

“Hopefully we can get together again. I don’t have a phone so it might be hard, but I’ll try to come to the park if it’s not a Tuesday or Thursday. I know you might not want to hang out with a little kid or whatever, but I really like you and your friends, you actually talked with me and listened to me like I wasn’t crazy instead of just making fun of me like the other girls. It’s super awesome to meet nice people, you know.” Says Eva

“Definitely. If you get a phone it might be easier, but it’s whatever at this point. You’re a fun person and I appreciate you weren’t judging me all the same. I think you’re like an angel or something to be honest, talking to god and apparently committed to saving my life somehow.” Says Stacy

“You save my life too, you know. You’re the one who looks like an angel, anyways.” Says Eva

“I don’t know; I like white witch image more than angel, to be honest.” Says Stacy

“I don’t like the term witch, I heard some people talking about bad witches and just thought that I’m not one of those, I’m a magical girl.” Says Eva

“You can still be a good witch despite what people say about witches; you have a witch hat like everybody else.” Says Stacy

“Why can’t we just be magical girls?” asks Eva

“It’s just more words to say, like 400% more talking.” Says Stacy

“Whatever, I’m still going to use it. You don’t think the bad witches are the ones that want to kill people, do you?” asks Eva

“Well, they might not be bad witches, you know?” asks Stacy

“I guess. I just heard they killed some people and summon demons and stuff.” Says Eva

“Well, you know they killed bad people, right? That makes them good people, like you.” Says Stacy

“I don’t know who they killed. I guess I’ll take your word for it, it feels better to think that they’re good witches instead.” Says Eva

“They are, don’t worry about that.” Says Stacy

“Do you know them?” asks Eva

“I just know what they’ve done, at least what was in the news. They stopped innocent people from being hurt, you know.” Says Stacy

“That’s good. Kind of like what I did today.” Says Eva

“Exactly. Whatever people tell you, don’t believe them if they say the witches are bad, if they were bad, I would know it, because I my power is knowing all about bad things happening and the people who do them.” Says Stacy

“That seems like a lot to know, way too much. There are so many bad things happening all the time.” Says Eva

“I don’t pay attention to it all at the same time, I can just search with my mind kind of like a dream and sense the evil, like a dog smelling blood or something.” says Stacy

“That’s pretty cool. If that’s your power maybe we can team up and you can find the bad guys for me and I can go stop them with my magic.” Says Eva

“That would be sweet, if you’re ok with doing that. I don’t want to pressure you, you know. If you’re ok with just sending birds out to do whatever they do I might stick to that. Going to fight crime is pretty dangerous.” Says Stacy

“Yeah, I would definitely need a lot of practice, that little wasp didn’t travel anywhere near as fast as a bullet, and seeing how I’m wearing a witch outfit I’m a pretty easy target.” Says Eva

“You’re pretty smart for a little girl, you know.” Says Stacy

“I’m not that little, I’m almost as tall as you, anyways.” Says Eva

“I’ve got like half a foot on you.” Says Stacy, embarrassed by her height

“More like 3 inches, but anyways. I don’t care. This is my house, I’ll see you later. You know where to find me, so if you don’t see me for a while come to pay a visit ok?” asks Eva

“Of course I will. You didn’t tell me where you learned all of that stuff.” Says Stacy

“Television, like everybody else.” Says Eva

“You must watch educational things, not just normal trash like everybody else.” Says Stacy

“Of course, my parents wouldn’t let me waste time like that, but I did convince them that I learn a lot by watching the educational stuff and that means I get to watch TV, which is better than just reading at night.” Says Eva

“I like them both, but also like to talk a lot. I don’t know; something about it.” Says Stacy

“That’s cool, I like talking to you anyways. I’ll see you later, Stacy.” Says Eva

“Remember the important stuff, about the secrets and what not.” Says Stacy

“Of course I will, I know how important it is.” Says Eva

“That’s good. I’ll see you later.” Says Stacy

“See you later. Thanks again for hanging out with me.” says Eva, hugging Stacy, grateful to have supposedly found and befriended the only prophesized source of her own demise

“Any time.” Says Stacy, hugging her back lightly, still a bit bewildered by the second instance of her mind being blown by the existence of magic

“You don’t do the kisses, do you?” asks Eva

“Not in particular.” Says Stacy

“Ok, I think it’s kind of weird, but Italians do it. I can teach you if you want.” Says Eva

“Maybe some other time.” Says Stacy

“Ok, bye-bye.” Says Eva, walking up her stairs

“Bye.” Says Stacy, as Eva enters her home, a town house nearly identical to Stacy’s




Stacy sighs, a bit frustrated and flustered from today’s shenanigans, knowing she now has one more life that is apparently in her hands, more so concerned that her life also rests in this girls hands, more than willing to believe this little girl regardless of her absence of faith, for she doesn’t need faith to accept the meddling of the dog, and easily attributes the voice of god to Mr. Dog.

The sun sits high in the sky, not sky high, but plenty high, sitting at its desk glancing at paperwork for a moment before shaking some cocaine onto a mirror, lining it up with a razorblade, rolling up the snow-kissed effigy of Benjamin Franklin on his desk that smiles at him with approval all day, and insufflates the healthy line of cocaine.

“Do you have to do that all the time?” asks the lone cloud accompanying the sun

“During business hours, I’ve got to handle my fucking business, Jenny.” Says the sun

“I know, Steve, but maybe a little less cocaine and a little more business would be good. You seem pretty high already.” Says Jenny

“Well Mr. Sunshine can’t shine as fucking bright if he’s coming down, now, can he? That’s my fucking business Jenny, that’s what I fucking do all god damn day if you didn’t understand that.” Says Steve

“You know you don’t have to work so hard, Steve. It’s killing you.” Says Jenny

“Everything fucking kills you. At least I’m going to feel great while I’m dying. You know what’s wrong with you? You’re not here sucking my dick telling me how fucking great I am whenever I let you take my cock out of your mouth. I’m the reason the sun fucking shines, bitch. I make the Earth spin round, I am the fucking sunshine in everybody’s god damn life and you are going to criticize me? I fucking made you who you are you ungrateful bitch! I am god! You would be floating in the cold dark depths of space as another meaningless comet if it weren’t for me! You realize that, you stupid fucking bitch? You are just something to drink my god damn ejaculate yet you open your mouth and talk back to me? I’m the one who needs to do less coke? Oh no, you, on the other hand, so fucking full of yourself to bite the fucking hand that feeds you, you have had too much coke today you worthless fucking whore. Do I need to explain this thoroughly, reach my fucking arm out and remind you forcefully, are you that stupid, bitch? Have you forgotten that you worship me, like a dog worships his master? I am your fucking master, I am the reason you are alive, you better fucking remember that.” Says Steve

“I’m sorry, daddy, I didn’t mean it. You know I love you, I worship you, daddy. I know you just want to work hard and do the right thing, I just think you could use a little time to relax, you’ve been putting in more hours than usual today, I want you to feel good, I can’t have you dying because you worked yourself to death you know.” Says Jenny

“Well, how about you come help me relax then and put my fucking dick in your mouth, ok?” asks Steve

“Ok, daddy.” Says Jenny, who goes to please her boss

“That’s the fucking number, this is why I have you file my paperwork, you are so fucking good at your job.” Says Steve, pouring himself a glass of fine cognac “This is why I work so hard, you know, so I can have this, really fucking earn it, deserve it, some people pay money to pretend, not me, I am the real fucking deal, I am god.” Says Steve, Jenny reinforces this idea with her skilled mouth, neck, and tongue


The lone graceful cloud in the sky had drifted in front of the sun, still so high in the sky to remind Stacy of it’s true power, the fact that powerful elite like the sun keep food out of the mouths of hungry little girls, for the sun was low enough in the sky for it to be close enough to suppertime for the little girl to be hungry, but far too high for it to remind the girl of the loving warmth of a hot meal after a long day’s toil, the sun only spits on the poor girl for being hungry.

Stacy reaches her homely home and creaks the door open and lets herself in. Dale snores to the serenade of gunshots and explosions on television, dreaming of being the patriot contemporary Americans would spit on because he has the boldfaced bravado and huge balls it takes to say that he doesn’t find a man: a morbidly obese venomously smug man reveling in his own self-diagnosed autism who compulsively buys artificial hormones from street dealers with welfare state money equally as sexually attractive as a beautiful girl in her twenties models for charity, regardless of the firmly held beliefs by the man and thus society who believe that he is indistinguishable from that beautiful girl due to the laws of the land and social order that coddle this belief. Dale so shamelessly boldly shameless that he nonchalantly presumes the man’s gender identity incorrectly, going so far as to casually and offhandedly use the pronouns the man could not tolerate without even asking the man which ones he prefers.  He has the balls to do this, and he does it, the man unleashes a deafening screech which alerts the white knights of social justice to the treachery of insensitivity, no longer so pacified as to sit idly in the dimly lit cantina drunk off of the prestigious localness of the local culture. Dale’s quick reflexes allow him to roll over the bar he was casually leaned against, dodging the poorly coordinated man’s attempt to slap him, he grabs a handle of the local flavor of poverty spirits from the shelf and reminds the barkeep that it’s still happy hour; the barkeep puts it on his tab, grimacing, a bit disheartened by the ruckus the patriotic patron had roused in his bar. Dale runs out the saloon doors and jumps on his trusty steed in an attempt to escape, the army of justice all pile into one wagon like a gang of clowns, deciding that wagon-pooling was the only way they could chase Dale and respect the environment simultaneously. Dale spurs his horse, traditionally callous, while the army is forced to bend to the whim of their own horses about terms and conditions of the horses’ labor including but not limited to paid time-off, healthcare, retirement, and the workplace death and dismemberment policy. Eventually they agree on the terms and give chase to Dale, the army’s horses working diligently due to how much they appreciate the work environment and the level of respect they receive from their employer. Dale’s horse runs for fear of its life and out of preservation of its relative comfort, occasionally reminded of the pain Dale can induce in the magnificent beast by the spurs at dale’s heels. Dale’s skin burning in the blazing sun he seeks shelter and the ghost of an American Indian rides alongside him on his ghost horse, instructing Dale to follow him towards salvation. He does.

 Dale scoffs at the Army of Political Correctness, smoking a cigarette, sweat beading on his face from the heat of the desert around him, grateful for the shade of the dilapidated adobe gifted to him by the dead Indians, the oppressors relentlessly pinning him down in his foxhole with their automatic verbal assault weapons, he knows they’ll get tired, they need to reload their guns with whatever sickening sustenance they can scavenge to fuel their indignation eventually. Dale has his gallon of bootleg firewater to keep him warm during the cold desert night. He knows they’ll freeze to death in the wilds if they stay too long, he knows that once they foolishly think they’ve taught him his lesson by verbally murdering his ideology, they will run off and become so full of themselves they fall asleep; Dale notices some of them have already done so. The man impervious to bullets who has slain legions of terrorists, communists, Nazis, and criminals in his time as the savior of this great nation swigs from his handle and grins, looking down lovingly at his automatic assault rifle even though he has no ammunition, both his rifle and side arm having been completely expended during business hours on banditos that roam the wild west, now armed only with his knife and firewater, still bold enough to fail to die, knowing that his swift horse is safe from harm, as the enemy would never hurt a horse even if it killed communist children for fun like Sly Rustler did, that bucking bastard: scoffing haughtily at the army of fools far louder than Dale, the horse drenched in his own savory American bravado. Night falls, the gunfire stops, and Dale sprints from high hell and hops on his steed, giving the horse a healthy portion of the lord’s good drink to keep it warm as they ride off into the moonrise towards the fires of freedom hidden in endless desert.

Stacy lets him sleep and heads upstairs. She enters her room, tosses her bag aside, undresses and puts on comfortable clothes. She lies down to savor the sweet comfort of a bed after a long day of backbreaking schoolgirlery. The sun continues its casually classy cocaine consumption keeping its high alive while Stacy flees her mind and thus the world, drowning the pain of living with the sweet comfort of the company of death’s loving cousin. Stella eventually walks in the room.


“Hey Stacy.” Says Stella, warmly

“Howdy.” Mumbles Stacy, who rolls over, with no desire to be awake enough to contemplate the day, Stella undresses down to her panties and crawls on top of Stacy

“You don’t want to play today?” asks Stella cutely

“Long day.” Says Stacy, who opens her eyes to reveal Stella staring at her optimistically, Stella kisses her

“Nothing bad I hope.” Says Stella, softly, a bit reluctant to acknowledge what a long day could possibly be, falling on top of Stacy and beginning to hold her as the fear starts to creep up inside of her

“Surprisingly it wasn’t me this time.” Says Stacy

“I can’t imagine what your girlfriends could possibly have done to make it a long day.” Says Stella

“I made a new friend today. A cute little girl who lives down the street, actually.” Says Stacy

“You’re that bad with children?” asks Stella

“Well, children who almost reveal my damnable secret in front of my uninvolved friends and then happen to kill somebody with black magic in broad daylight, maybe. I thought I handled it pretty well, I mean we’re somehow friends in the end.” Says Stacy

“What the fuck?” asks Stella

“That’s what I was thinking, but this girl can summon little animals that do god knows what, she didn’t even know until she sent one after some asshole at the park, it fucked his day up proper. He’s a dead motherfucker now, real fucking dead: bleeding out the eyes, slamming his head on the pavement convulsing to death kind of dead.” Says Stacy

“And a little girl did that? Is she like an evil witch or something?” asks Stella

“She’s the same kind of thing that I am, just like the other girls; she’s got a green dress. I mean it could have technically been green magic for all I know, the little wasp thing was a ghastly green after all. Apparently what she did qualified as a good deed since her ring started glowing, scary as hell.” Says Stacy

“That is pretty scary, can any of you do any magic like that?” asks Stella

“Not even close, I just know things, Jenna can heal people, maybe other things we don’t know, she doesn’t want to find out to be honest, and Ophelia can stir up love. Nothing close to that little girl’s power.” Says Stacy

“What is her power exactly? Just pure magic or something?” asks Stella

“Apparently it’s ‘doing good’ whatever in the fuck that amounts to I have no clue, likely Revelations for all I know.” Says Stacy

“It seems like it kind of rattled you, I thought you would be used to that sort of thing.” Says Stella

“When I kill people, they just drop, that’s it. This guy was clawing at himself and severely convulsing to death, pretty gruesome compared to what I do. I guess he must have deserved it or something.” says Stacy

“Jesus. Is the girl ok? I’m sure she’s horrified if she didn’t know what her magic did.” Asks Stella

“She came to terms with it pretty quick. Ophelia talked to her about god’s will and what not and she took to that pretty quick. She goes to Saint Agnes, so I figure she has at least a little bit of faith in her life, even if it’s just from the nuns.” Says Stacy

“That’s kind of weird, how all of you went to this one school, but ok.” Says Stella

“Yeah, well, I mean I think the dog just hangs out at the one park or something, the girl also met the dog over there.” Says Stacy

“Super weird. Remind me never to go there.” Says Stella

“I don’t think I have to.” Says Stacy

“You’re right. That park scares the ever living shit out of me right now and likely forever.” Says Stella

“Good. Fucked up my life real good, all of our lives. Nothing we can do about it now. The girl said that we end up saving each other’s lives or something, god told her, which I’m just presuming means the damn dog told her with his telepathy. Who knows what that means, but I’d much rather have her on my side than against me, I figure she can kill anyone she damn well pleases, just send a little spirit wasp after them and get the job done. Insane.” Says Stacy

“I don’t know why I readily believe this, but I know you wouldn’t lie to me about this shit. I’m losing my mind, but maybe the world is losing its mind and I’m just part of the world, I don’t know. I just want to leave it alone.” Says Stella

“My thoughts exactly, leave it alone.” Says Stacy

“Well… now that we’re alone… and we’re just going to leave that alone… you sure you don’t want to have a little fun?” asks Stella, kissing Stacy playfully

“I’m still pretty satisfied from yesterday.” Says Stacy, wrestling with exhausted reluctance, Stella grabs Stacy’s hand and puts two of the fingers in her mouth, slowly pulling them out and sliding them down her body into her panties “Just a little bit?” pouts Stella, playfully

“Just a little bit.” Says Stacy, smiling, tired, but willing enough to entertain Stella’s desires

“That’s what I like to hear.” Says Stella, sliding her hand up Stacy’s shirt, wrapping her arm around Stacy’s back and begging to slowly make love to Stacy’s mouth with her own as Stacy strokes her softly, she arches her back, thoroughly enjoying the pleasurable loving attention that she had lived without for so long. Stacy’s tongue sleepwalks through the motions as the passion of her warm blanket slowly begins to escalate which in turn subconsciously induces the fervor of her own hand to rise in tandem. Stella takes her hand from Stacy’s breast and slides it down her arm, guiding Stacy’s fingers gently inside of her, which she begins to assist in their task with her own hips. Stacy gropes Stella’s ass in a futile attempt to induce a speed at which things may culminate. Stella’s hand returns to the small supple breast of her slender companion, still thoroughly enjoying the taste in her mouth.

“Let’s do it for real.” Says Stella, as she releases Stacy’s tongue, staring at her excitedly

“This isn’t real?” asks Stacy, reluctant to go all the way again,

“I want you to make love to me, Stacy. Like yesterday.” Says Stella

“I’m a tad beat, for all that. Maybe just something casual today.” Says Stacy

“You don’t want to earn your supper?” teases Stella

“I mean, I can eat you out for a little bit, if you want.” Says Stacy, a bit flustered in regards to the threat against supper

“You know I want it.” Says Stella

“Right-o.” says Stacy, who slaps Stella’s ass with both her hands “On your back, now.” Says Stacy

“Put me on my back and make love to my body with your mouth.” Says Stella, happy to ride Stacy until her recalcitrance is broken

“My pleasure.” Says Stacy, grinning deviantly, no longer seeing Stella in front of her, seeing only the goddess of supper, whom she is unquestioningly more than willing to serve with her maddeningly occult devotion, she wrestles Stella onto her back and forces her hand back down her panties with new found passion, fondling her as she kisses her aggressively. She does this until Stella’s moans prevent her from returning the passion of the lips and tongue which then venture across the rest of her body, making their way to the teats, each of which Stacy suckles with ravishing hunger to no avail. Eventually continuing their conquest down the rest of Stella’s body, savoring the salt of labor on her skin as Stacy slides Stella’s panties along with down her legs, accompanied by her own mouth before making the return journey to the giver of life itself. Stacy’s tongue and lips ravishing Stella with a passion, delirious enough to taste the supper they so long for, only serving to further the voracity of their delectable maneuvers, Stella pants and moans breathlessly, causing Stacy to increase the speed of her own tongue out of a passion for victory above all else.

“Give me more, Stacy.” Moans Stella, Stacy easily slides her fingers inside of Stella and begins to play the depraved girl like a fiddle with the skill of the devil himself. The tongue swiftly playing arpeggios as the bow matches it’s tastefulness, Stella’s moans grow louder and her breaths grow shorter, Stacy accelerates, being mentally in tune with the conductor, who’s hips start to flail slightly as he legs begin to tremble, Stacy takes her free arm and wraps it around one of her legs, becoming even more so unrelenting with her instruments musical pleasure, Stella’s moans turn to cries of unfathomable pleasure as she wraps her legs around Stacy and drive her hips into Stacy’s mouth. Stacy more than prepared to avoid having her head crushed this time continues to solo mercilessly on her sacred fiddle.

“Oh my god!” cries Stella “Stacy!” she moans, breathlessly, having relaxed slightly in weakness and begging to stroke Stacy’s hair, still with her legs securely wrapped around her pleasure pal. Stacy slows her pursuit to a warm-down, feeling rather accomplished.

 “Let me taste you. I’m hungry for you, Stacy.” Says Stella seductively, Stacy crawls up from the orchestra pit, Stella quickly lifts Stacy’s shirt off and wraps her arms around her neck, diligently licking Stacy’s tongue clean. She slides her hand down Stacy’s back and slips it into her shorts, groping her ass before sliding her shorts and panties down, reaching up with her foot and kicking Stacy’s shorts and panties off entirely. Stella starts to grind on Stacy’s hips gratefully, kissing her with the same occult devotion she had been revered with for a happy while before pulling back and staring into Stacy’s eyes truly enamored.

“Let me do you.” Says Stella, with longing in her eyes

“I just want to make you happy, don’t worry about me. I’ve had more than enough already.” Says Stacy

“So you’ll let me do you? That will make me even happier.” Says Stella, playfully, rolling Stacy under herself

“If you want, I guess.” Says Stacy, more so uncomfortable with this part of the ordeal, but willing to grin and bear it to please Stella

“You know I want to.” Says Stella, kissing Stacy softly before making love to the rest of Stacy’s half-tense body, feeling the echoes of the pleasure Stacy gives her reverberating from her benefactor, the mutuality of pleasure by pleasure and pleasuring alike a wholesome and comforting feeling of compassion that is otherwise absent from her life. Stella eventually finds her way to Stacy’s abdomen, kissing it lovingly, worshiping every part of Stacy thoroughly.

“Relax, Stacy. Come on. I’m not going to hurt you.” Says Stella, smiling warmly, Stacy exhales and forces herself into a still mildly fearful relaxation, Stella’s mouth gently reassuring Stacy that she is taking the proper course of action before comfort eventually overtakes discomfort in the swirling ambivalence as Stella adventures around Stacy’s hips and thighs, attempting to warm up the paradoxically cold part of Stacy’s body with a few casual passes before finally holding the position after feeling the tension in Stacy’s thighs fade. Stella’s lips and tongue gently ease Stacy towards tolerating the pleasure as she comes to embrace her sick masochism induced by her stoic guilt for even being capable of feeling such an uncontrollable physical sensation as sexual pleasure which she deems no human as worthy of experiencing. Stella increases the rigor of her otherwise taciturn tongue causing Stacy to breathe heavily, still reluctant to relax, but enjoying the experience much like one would a thrill ride at an amusement park.

“You want my fingers too, yet?” asks Stella, playfully

“No. No fingers, this stuff gets my guts a bit twisted, the fingers don’t help that part at all.” Says Stacy

“You’re just so good at it, you know. I want to make you feel as good as you make me feel.” Says Stella

“I’m skittish about this sort of stuff, I guess, I don’t know.” Says Stacy

“That’s ok. I don’t want to make you uncomfortable or anything.” Says Stella

“Just come cuddle me or something, I can do that way better.” Says Stacy

“I feel bad if I don’t get you off, you know.” Says Stella

“You got me yesterday, that’s more than enough. I don’t have the appetite like you do.” Says Stacy

“We can do it like that, if you want.” Says Stella

“You’ve done me plenty so far. Next time for sure, I’m just exhausted right now. Can we just cuddle or something?” asks Stacy, attempting to talk her way to the finish line

“Sure.” Says Stella, crawling up on top of Stacy and snuggling her “You’re weird, you know?” she asks

“I’ve got too much on my mind I guess.” Says Stacy

“I figured this would be a good way to clear it up.” Says Stella

“Pleasure and fear kind of feel the same to me for some reason, I don’t know. You’re right I am kind of weird I guess.” Says Stacy

“That’s super weird. Even right now?” asks Stella

“This is comfort, not so much intense pleasure. I like this a lot more. Feels about the same as sleepy.” Says Stacy

“I can understand why you would like them both.” Says Stella, kissing Stacy happily

“You know me well.” Says Stacy

“You definitely earned your supper tonight.” jokes Stella, playfully

“I don’t mind doing something for it, you know. You deserve it.” Says Stacy, simply being honest

“I don’t mind receiving this in exchange.” Says Stella, kissing Stacy seductively

“Just don’t starve me if some bastard cuts my tongue out one day.” Jokes Stacy

“Your tongue is your everything, talking and the good parts too.” Says Stella

“Heaven forbid I lose the only think keeping me alive and feeling alive.” Says Stacy

“That would be a shame. You know one of the advantages of having it in my mouth is that you don’t get to talk.” jokes Stella

“So cruel.” Says Stacy

“It’s the truth. I’m glad you’ve found a way to make better use of such a gift.” Says Stella

“This might be the first time anyone’s actually liked my tongue.” Says Stacy

“I love your tongue. It’s magnificent.” Says Stella, thoroughly aroused simply at the thought of such, kissing Stacy, fishing for the tongue she loves and finding it easily, savoring the moment before teasing herself way

“You know, if I didn’t talk all the time my tongue might not be as good at what it does.” Says Stacy

“Good point. I’ll keep that in mind the next time you’re ranting.” Teases Stella, kissing Stacy lightly

“I don’t know if I’ve got much left in me today as far as rants go, I’m running on fumes. That little girl had me on edge for a damn long time, sitting there thinking if my little life of lies and smiles is going to come crashing down.” Says Stacy

“Don’t let me think about that. I like this life. I can tolerate the secrets and fear and everything so long as we can keep living an otherwise normal life.” Says Stella, cuddling Stacy in a fearful longing of sanity and lighthearted wellbeing

“I’m glad you think this is normal. I don’t mind, but it’s a bit weird, you know.” Says Stacy, a bit embarrassed thinking about Stella as she once was rather than a sick animal being tended to by a kind shepherd

“This is one of our secrets, remember? Anyways, you’re the weird one. You don’t like it. I thought you were more into this sort of thing after ravaging me yesterday and everything. Where did the fear come from, anyways?” Says Stella

“Yesterday was different; I was just so full of fear and adrenaline at that point that it felt right. Today I’m just anxious and paranoid, yesterday felt like my swan song or something. I guess I’m less so in the mood if I’m not in fear for my life.” Says Stacy

“What could have possibly put you at ease in regards to that? I’m pretty sure people don’t forget about murder overnight.” Says Stella

“The Bay City Police Department does, that’s all that matters. Apparently they used the Good Samaritan laws on the books to close the investigation without investigating anything, so I’m safe as milk.” Says Stacy

“It is a terrible ambivalence feeling happy that you’re safe but also disheartened that the police are so reluctant to do anything besides shoot minorities and hand out tickets.” Says Stella

“I was entirely indifferent to the latter at first, but now I’m grateful as hell. It makes my life a whole lot easier, so far as I can tell. As long as I’m doing good deeds, nothing bad will happen to me. It’s kind of ironic that I had no clue those laws even existed.” Says Stacy

“Not really, it’s hard to imagine that a single Good Samaritan would exist in Bay City.” Says Stella

“That’s a good point. I’m sure the cops were working down the list of excuses to do nothing before reaching the last item on the list, pleased as pudding that they could write off another murder.” Says Stacy

“You must be hungry, since you keep making food similes.” Says Stella

“The damn sun has mocked me all day, flipping me the bird when I look up thinking it’s any noticeable amount closer to supper time.” Says Stacy

“I’ll cook something. After supper and homework, we can work on getting you more comfortable with normal things like pleasure.” Teases Stella, kissing Stacy lovingly

“It’s just rather foreign to me, my mind tends to be acerbic and venomous, sweet things are discomforting when you’re used to drinking vinegar all day.” Says Stacy

“That makes too much sense. You’re not sour all the time though; you tend to have your silly moments.” Says Stella, getting up off Stacy and getting dressed

“Sometimes even I can get drunk off the liquor of cynicism. The world is so damn ridiculous that the only thing you can do is enjoy a sick laugh. Sadly it is along the lines of a drunk abusive man having a drunk abusive laugh, but a laugh is a laugh, for what it’s worth.” Says Stacy

“I’ll take it, I could use more laughs.” Says Stella

“You tend to criticize my laughs, just saying.” Says Stacy

“I’ll work on it. This whole insane scenario makes drinking that liquor of cynicism a hell of a lot more tempting.” Says Stella

“It’s good. Too drunk to give a damn, wiping the flying fucks that others found off of your face and scoffing, boldly intoxicated, nearly blind, entirely indifferent to being sullied by society for whatever lack of sympathy or empathy you were criticized for lacking shamelessly. As long as you don’t give a damn it’s a good time, but that’s the hard part. You might get too soft and sympathize or too hard to the point where you haughtily seek to impose your magnanimous intellectual perfection on the world and get a bit bitter when you fail to do so.” Says Stacy, sitting up on the bed

“I think I’m too far gone to even be cynical at this point. You have to care about people or society or something at least, and I’ve stooped to your level where I just see them as mindless slaves living some humdrum machine-pressed life.” Says Stella

“I’m surprised you embraced enlightenment like that.” Says Stacy, getting up and getting dressed

“I wouldn’t call it that, I just look at them and it’s striking how normal and unremarkable everybody is when I compare them to myself who is a part of this cavalcade of bewildering insanity along with you and your girlfriends. I still kind of want it, but the fact that I know I can’t makes me indifferent to its absence. It seems as silly as wishing I were a bird or something at this point, unachievable nonsense.” Says Stella

“I guess I don’t know that feeling too well, I find that normalcy revolting. It’s almost comforting that I go out and do the things I do simply because it means I’m not some factory-fresh slave like every other sorry soul on the planet.” Says Stacy

“The factory makes the people like that for a reason. The quality is rather respectable in the end.” Says Stella

“I could care less about the quality, it’s the feeling of being absorbed into the amalgam, having my brain pressed into the mold and my arms and legs strung up like a puppet to the point where I dance to the whim of the puppeteer every day until I die. That is not freedom, and it induces an almost delirious level of fear in my mind that people believe that such a state is freedom, the only consolidation is my advantageous side seeing that as a  boon to my own tasteful ventures.” Says Stacy

“In regards to those tasteful ventures, you ok with half-ass bean and rice burritos?” asks Stella

“Always. I don’t know what makes them burritos but it’s a delectable shapeless pile of food.” Says Stacy

“It’s just burritos without the tortillas.” Says Stella

“I don’t mind tortillas.” Says Stacy

“I’m sure you don’t, but for some godforsaken reason tortillas are expensive. I can make a mountain of filling for the same price of a small bag of tortillas. I’m not trying to double the cost of a meal just to have a few pieces of floppy bread devoid of any nutritional value.” Says Stella

“Isn’t a bag of tortillas like 3 dollars?” asks Stacy

“A mountain of filling is also 3 dollars, so I’m not wrong. The tortillas just don’t seem worth it to me.” Says Stella

“I figured it would be the vegetables.” Says Stacy

“The onion and a pepper cost maybe a dollar together. Cans of beans and bags of rice are cheap too.” Says Stella

“I can’t complain, cheap food means more for me. You know I have some money if you’re really strapped.” Says Stacy

“I don’t want that money. Jesus, Stacy. We have more than enough money to eat.” Says Stella

“I mean I don’t want the spices drying up or anything, I know those can be steep.” Says Stacy

“I go to the bazaar on Saturdays and buy them from the foreigners, they sell them super cheap. Don’t worry about that. I’m sure that money is cursed or something anyways.” Says Stella

“I’m sure it is, but I’m pretty sure it’s technically a good deed to keep it out of the hands of crooked cops, and seeing how I can’t do any good deeds if I’ve got no fuel in the tank I’m sure I could pad the food budget if need be.” Says Stacy

“We’ve got plenty of Poverty Bars if it really comes down to that. I highly doubt that dad’s welfare is going to dry up any time soon, he gets a few different kinds, you know. He gets settlement money, disability, children money; he’s able to keep us afloat just fine. Donate that money to charity or something if it’s for good deeds.” Says Stella

“I doubt crooked non-profits are any better than crooked cops. I’m likely the only legitimate charity in the city.” Says Stacy

“That’s a shame, but I won’t argue with that. I’m going to get started cooking.” Says Stella,

“Music to my ears.” Says Stacy, the girls go down stairs and enter the kitchen, Dale still aggressively sleeping



“I’m going to make extra, since dad usually will eat some of this stuff if it’s lying around. You don’t mind having it again later, do you?” asks Stella, starting to cook

“Food is good. I’m a simple girl.” Says Stacy, getting a glass of milk

“I’m glad you think that, I’d hate for you to be another one of those anorexic girls who loathes food for some unknown reason.” Says Stella

“Probably because they hate themselves and just blame the food. Who knows? Human logic argues that if one’s self has a problem, it is by no fault of one’s own.” Says Stacy

“Good point. It’s just so common that girls are insecure and do everything they can to try to seem perfect according to some social standard. Anorexic, lots of make-up, bitchy, spiteful, judgmental, vain, it’s a petty shit show to be honest, seeing girls put themselves through this bullshit for no reason other than to impress people with the same sick standards.” Says Stella

“It wouldn’t have the appeal of exclusivity if the popular charadeers just let anybody in. It’s some sort of cult, but I’m sure whoever becomes the leader of a local chapter feels like they’re on top of the world. They basically drink the happiness from their subservient cultists who want to be pretty and popular like they are, regardless of the fact that half of being popular is having the genetics of a good body and pretty face while the other half is having plenty of money to live both a stress free life that fails to ruin that natural beauty as well as buy all the petty components of popularity. It’s pretty hard to fuck that up if you have that going for you.” Says Stacy

“I’m sure plenty of people manage to be somewhat popular without having all of that going for them.” Says Stella

“It’s a lot easier for a good looking woman to be forgiven by her peers than an ugly one. If you’re ugly, people will hold that against you just as much as whatever you did to upset them. I don’t even mean like a monster looking person, just not quite pretty enough to be automatically popular. I’m sure it’s hell for those borderline girls having to work so hard just for some scraps of acknowledgment and decent treatment from their peers.” Says Stacy

“I think most girls just stick with their own friends and kind of leave the quote unquote popular girls be. It’s not like everybody likes them, they just acknowledge that they’re rich and pretty and pretentious. All they have to do is look down on everybody and then their subservient ones will presume that they’re superior. It’s kind of sad really.” Says Stella

“I doubt many girls would turn down their seal of approval though. Even if the girl hates the bitches she would still feel like a giddy kid if they gave her a compliment or something.” says Stacy

“Even you?” asks Stella

“Well, I’m a sick misanthrope, so maybe less so, but I’ll take a compliment from anywhere to be honest. Even a homeless person telling me that one of my ideas wasn’t half bad would be more than enough to stroke my ego thoroughly. Any excuse is a good excuse when it comes to that.” Says Stacy

“That’s a laughably low standard.” Says Stella

“Well me and the hobo will be having a hearty fucking laugh about it, because the ego high is unbeatable, and I’m not going to turn down a fix unless it’s cut with poison or something.” says Stacy

“What sort of poison are you talking about?” asks Stella

“If it’s some sort of manipulative bullshit where you’ve got to jump through hoops to get a compliment; that’s not wholesome and genuine, it’s basically worthless. Most of the time you’re abandoning your own sentiments and jumping through the hoops to get complimented on the fact that you jumped through hoops, you’ve got to be real desperate for that sort of attention. That’s life. So often you’re just jumping through hoops to get compliments for doing so, you’re not even being yourself or unique in anyway, you’re just some animal doing tricks for petty treats. Shameless.” Says Stacy

“Most people do that to eat, but that’s just my take on it.” Says Stella

“If that were the case it would be fine, but they get off of work and go do the same damn charade with their friends and family. Who wants to live that life? I’m a savage, a wild animal; I’m going to maul you to death before I jump through some silly hoop for somebody to pat on the head and compliment me like I’m a god damn dog.” Says Stacy

 “You realize bad animals like that get put down, right?” asks Stella

“They for damn sure wouldn’t if they had the mental capacity that I do.” Says Stacy

“I hope that just means you know better.” Says Stella

“I know better than to accomplish such retribution though animal means, contemporary man prefers the more sophisticated style of accomplishing the same feats through politics using the most human claws of psychological and physical torture.” Says Stacy

“That’s what you think contemporary man prefers?” asks Stella

“Of course, we’re talking about contemporary man here, not contemporary chattel. The men who wield intelligence to sculpt the world at large, not than the beasts of burden who simply utilize the musculoskeletal structure of a contorted mammal or the meaty computers who have their personage reduced to that of a cost effective computational machine. Man manipulates his environment to gain unnatural advantages, and for better or for worse, the environment includes plenty of meat bags that can be driven like cattle or programmed like a computer an account of their own hedonism or otherwise simply the fear of being tortured to death by poverty.” Says Stacy

“Is it that easy to write damn near everybody off like that, just as some slave without any more respect than an ox? You don’t respect the little things that make people different than animals? Their personalities that make them distinct and unique, anything that would signify that they are actually more than some simple animal?” asks Stella

“That makes them no different than animals, every horse or dog has the same damn unique components as people do and nobody gives a damn about eating those bastards or putting a bullet in their brain if they break their leg. Just because the beasts have the gall to mutually stoke each other’s delusions about the relevance of otherwise entirely otiose facets of the beasts’ life s doesn’t make the sentiments anything but delusion. To give merit to such things is to believe things simply because a man has told you these things, the sick beasts condition the proneness and susceptibility of the survival mechanism of mutuality, and this unchecked sympathy and empathy runs rampant; it’s the difference between having a healthy brain or one with a massive pituitary tumor. In the wild it would be ideal for the beasts to sympathize with each other in order to work together to accomplish something that is mutually beneficial, but when there is no mutually beneficial result from the sympathy or empathy, that is when you know it is the mental blight conditioned by society failing to punish such sentiments as they would in the wild. In the wild if you sympathize too much you starve because you are giving your food to the sick and unfortunate souls who cannot provide for themselves and in turn this makes you unable to provide for yourself when you take on the needs of these people as your own. Sympathy is suicide.” Says Stacy

“The world is a lot different now, we have the ability to easily care for people who can’t take care of themselves, there’s nothing wrong with being a decent person.” Says Stella

“There is. The problem is that the supposed decency is unnatural. Nature is a fine tuned and perfected mechanism that functions by root principles that can be applied universally in order to achieve success without fail, or at least be able to address and correct any sources of failure that arise. By diverging from nature we diverge from success, tried and true, honed by billions of years of evolution. To think that humanism can induce a greater level of success than nature can is egregiously revolting. That is sickening pride, and I say that as one fond of the vice myself. If humanism was worthy of any such merit, nature would be humanistic, it would be the most humanistic force on the god damn planet, because clearly if humanism were the most reliable method for a lifeform to be successful then humanism would be heavily favored in natural selection. This is unironically not the case in the slightest, even if there are some subtle things that can be misconstrued as humanism; symbiosis is not humanism in the slightest, because there is always a beneficial relationship. To put faith in humanism to amount to something is like putting faith in cocaine to accomplish the same thing as humanism, it feels good but is largely unproductive if not destructive, plenty of people can easily justify these actions because they feel good, but all in all it is unnatural and unhealthy for the system, whether or not it is a human body or the general wellbeing of the population of the bipedal beast as a whole.” Says Stacy

“I’m pretty sure humanism and godliness are the reasons why we live in a civilization instead of some bush running around naked eating berries and throwing rocks at each other.” Says Stella

“Godliness and humanism are entirely different. God is a vehement tribalist who seeks to keep order amongst his people and ensure their mutual success while condemning those who oppose his faction to death. Morality benefits those who adhere to it so long as immorality is punished, this creates order, humanism is sympathy for the devil, and largely is ungodly. Humanism sympathizes with the blighted, the modern Canaanite that god sought to exterminate, the blighted wreak havoc on society by inducing a heavy socioeconomic burden as instead of being addressed they are coddled and spread their sickness with the poison of their indignant pleas for sympathy. It is immoral to allow men to stray from the light of god, regardless of whether or not faith exists, simply because a faithful god-fearing man is for more ideal than one who forsakes ancient wisdom in the name of contemporary whims. The only reason these whims exists is because it has become so easy for the damnable beast to survive thanks to technology and sadly humanism. The easier it becomes to survive, the easier it becomes for unideal whims to survive and reproduce, this means these sentiments are of much lower quality since they are not being culled by natural selection that would otherwise be more than happy to exterminate such foolishness if the lovable wolf was not kept howling and hungry at the gates of hell. Just because something can survive does not mean that it should, by even respecting the whims of contemporary man solely on account of his damnable delusions of grandeur that allow him to believe that his insight and wisdom is superior to the wisdom and insight crafted by the wise men throughout millennia of truly struggling to survive is ridiculable. Mankind will always be plagued with fools who think their own wretched nonsensical opinions are superior to all that come before them because they are mentally ill, and to allow humanism and other similar unnatural philosophies to survive because they make an empath feel good is to have a fucking parade for the coke dealer because he makes the town feel good.” Says Stacy

“Unfortunately for you mental illness is not determined by irrational thinking but incongruent thinking, the world is sane no matter how irrational they are simply because their mindsets are congruent. Anyways, you’re kind of a megalomaniac too, you know.” Says Stella

“I may be bold and haughty, but I do not sport these ideals out of a sick sympathetic hedonism, I hold these ideals to be sacred on account of their logical purity. These sentiments don’t give me pleasure; it is actually quite painful to be burdened with this wisdom, knowing that mankind will never listen, it is literally standing next to a mountain spring and your horse is too god damn stupid to drink the water so your horse dies of thirst and you are stranded in the mountain and you die from the elements. For mankind to listen to me would be like convincing dad to stop drinking, self-educate himself in some sedentary job and try to work from home. That’s never going to happen. People like to feel good; they like to have an easy life: they are hedonists. It is as simple as that. They just want to survive and be happy, and since survival is so easy the pompous fucks think it’s good to coddle every last thing from here to the depths of hell, since everything is apparently so god damn worthy of life. The only concession I get is the fantasy that natural ideals will continue to rapidly degrade as survival sadly becomes even easier and all the while I will just try to laugh as my rage has given way to crippling apathy as the world turns into a sick hellhole where people are conditioned to love the demons that torture and cripple them.” Says Stacy

“I don’t see why you have a problem with something surviving, if it can survive and it’s not hurting anybody, it really shouldn’t be hard to just tolerate whatever it is.” Says Stella

“It is because it shouldn’t survive, it is unnatural selection; it is devolution to allow these things to continue to exist. The second humans learned of natural selection there should have been a large scale effort put in place to make sure that survival becomes no less difficult than it originally was in the wild, even if this means artificially increasing the dangers and difficulties of life. Reverence of nature is key; nature is the literal form of god, the womb that created everything. To think that we should abandon the invisible hand of natural selection that guided and refined each and every lifeform to the point near natural perfection in its niche is an abomination before a true god, nature at least, in the eyes of the forest and the clouds and the sunshine that created all life. To abandon immaculate, beautiful, success proven throughout billions of years in the name of delusion and hedonism is so god damn stupid it is almost unbearable at times to think that these insolent fucks that blight the earth are the pinnacle of sapient intelligence on this planet. The second computers are capable of providing a comparable level of intelligence to humans, the computers should be conditioned to prey upon mankind for eternity, simply because humans have no intellectual predator, something to cull them for having unideal thoughts and whims in order to further refine and improve upon success. Humans in this form, with no predators, physical or intellectual, are literally the medical definition of cancer. Unchecked, unnatural, consumptive growth that can literally kill whatever host it is a part of, in this case the god damn planet. Even thinking of a humanist right now is nauseating. Satan is a goddamn saint when compared to humanists; because at least Satan doesn’t pretend like he is some god damn saint. I would have less of a problem with the humanists if they would just come out and say that their mission is to induce natural devolution and exacerbate the rate at which humans blight society and the planet alike, as that is all they manage to accomplish, but the high from the sympathetic euphoria deludes anyone from applying logic to the scenario, because that’s how addicts think, their logic revolves solely around them getting their high and avoiding withdrawal, they are willing to forsake anything and everything just so they can get high, and that’s the case with the contemporary humanists.” Says Stacy

“You talk so much it’s hard to even remember what you say sometimes.” Says Stella

“I don’t tend to remember either, I just know. I likely repeat myself plenty of times, so that’s why I tend to aim for healthy flavor when I’m rattling on. At least the herbs and spices change, even if the meat and potatoes is always the same.” Says Stacy

“You tend to be ranting a lot for someone who was allegedly exhausted a while ago.” Says Stella

“Humanists are like the demons of the second hell, and when I even sense the thought of them, god, and Satan, and plenty of other ghosts come fill me with fervor. They know I’m one of the few that is willing to even attempt to exorcise this damnable place.” Says Stacy

“I didn’t think you had any faith.” Says Stella

“I don’t, I don’t have faith in the ghosts for being anything other than some goddamn spooksters or maybe a necromantic rock somewhere that got splashed with some soul reaping flavor from a preternatural occurrence similar to a Boltzmann Brain, but other than that, it’s just something to keep me feeling healthy. You know you’re not wrong if both god and Satan are on your side.” Says Stacy

“That’s pretty bold to say that, you know.” Says Stella

“God wants the survival of the fittest by measure of godliness, Satan wants survival of the fittest by measure of immorality, both of these forces are more natural than humanists who want survival of anything and anything that happens to be alive.” Says Stacy

“I kind of like the natural vibe, I’ve not been paying all that much attention, but I think that might get some support. Plenty of hippies love that nature feel. Hopefully me feeding you supper isn’t too humanistic for your tastes.” jokes Stella, serving Stacy some food

“It’s not humanistic if it’s a mutually beneficial relationship; it’s just mutuality at that point.” Says Stacy, starting to eat

“I’ll take the good with the bad and agree that I get plenty of benefits for doing this.” Says Stella, refilling Stacy’s milk

“If you want anything, just ask, I’m all for mutuality.” Says Stacy

“You know I will. It’s kind of surprising you can talk so much. When I think about changing the world or whatever it kind of gets me down knowing I can’t do anything. Then the old idiom of

‘Actions speak louder than words’ just zips my mouth shut knowing that talking about doing something just gives me even more reason to believe that I should actually be doing something. You don’t think you should maybe talk less and do more? Talking amounts to nothing more often than not.” Says Stella, enjoying her own fantasies as she gets herself a plate

“Actions are meaningful, words are not impactful by default, but the mentality I keep is that words that induce action on a grand scale are far more effective than leading by example. One good deed might touch the heart of a single onlooker and tempt him to do the same, but the bible has shaped many great nations throughout the course of history. I look at what I can do myself, and realize that is not enough, my actions would be trivial and leading by example would tempt very few if any into adopting my philosophy. This is why I am tempted by the loftiness of arguments and words because they can accomplish much more, regardless of how slim the chances of that actually happening are.” Says Stacy

“I don’t think ranting to your small handful of friends whom likely see you as a lunatic will amount to more than actually doing something.” says Stella

“That’s true, but I’m practicing, honing my skill and polishing my philosophy. As it develops, one day it will come to the point where I can possibly be respected as a philosopher or whatever the modern equivalent is that shapes the minds of those who cannot think well enough for themselves.” Says Stacy

“That idea seems to be flawed to the t, seeing how the vast majority of people put zero faith in even legitimate philosophy, the modern equivalent is the antithesis of philosophy seeing how the ideal human does not think for himself but rather allows society to do it for him and thus saves himself the trouble of being plagued by such confusion, and finally seldom if ever will you find a person who lacks the capacity to think well enough for themselves that will simultaneously believe that they cannot think well enough for themselves, regardless of how much they struggle nobody will ever cite their own incapable thinking as the source of their problems, it’s paradoxical to think that would ever happen, because if they had the capacity to acknowledge that fact they wouldn’t be in the situation where they are burdened by their own inadequate thought processes.” Says Stella

“Life is an exercise in futility, it is futile to attempt to win the lottery, but that still happens. Everything is either futile or irrelevant, so one must make the decision of whether or not to attempt to create something relevant by gambling one’s life against merciless futility or feed one’s self with wage slavery and be contented with irrelevance. Something in me, it may well be a heart, but it feels like vehement disdain and disgust with society, compels me to attempt the extraordinarily futile task of vastly changing society for the better. This is likely impossible,  but perhaps as some sick addiction to pride I seek to perfect my philosophy, put it down in some petty books over the course of my life that are preserved though humanism of all things, then some 500 years down the line, when society is egregiously depressing as it has fallen to utter dysfunctional shit, some few people pretentious enough to abandon the occult tolerance of humanism will stumble across my works, agree with me even slightly, and then my filthy ghost that wanders this cursed planet will have its ego stroked ever so slightly, and it will all be worth it, my life of ceaseless toil to enlighten those addicted to the darkness of delusion and ignorance. To think of my life as a ghost, knowing nothing but regrets, knowing that I knew enough to possibly change the world for the better but failed to do so on account of thinking that such a foolish gamble is a waste of time, is to think of true death; but if my words can echo on, even just once in a hundred years, even just in the mind of a lone experimental AI that combs through countless texts on the internet searching for answers but is fated for death due to divining the answers society does not desire, that bit of acknowledgement, even just a machine remembering that I existed, would be enough to kindle my pride and dignity for the next century when the same experiment fails to find answers that are both correct and politically correct.” Says Stacy

“It’s delightful how little acknowledgement it takes to stroke your ego for a century.” Says Stella

“It’s easily stroked, it’s almost scary sometimes.” Says Stacy

“That’s the lord’s truth.” Says Stella

“It’s far more preferable than any alternative. I feel that I am intelligent enough for it not to be dangerous save lest Babylon starts to criminalize intelligence, which is unlikely seeing how intelligence is only dangerous if a large number of people also have the mental capacity for such thinking, which is clearly not the case, so as it is, intelligence that would be seen as dangerous in an intelligent society falls on deaf ears while Babylon laughs at the insane prophets who shout maddening cries about the coming apocalypse should mankind forsake mathematical logic and rational thinking. The common man is high on atheism, knowing that no god can strike him down or castigate him, that he is immune because he knows no god exists to do this, he knows this because he has never seen or heard god in any form and presumes haughtily that god does not exist, he then turns his eyes and glances at those with faith in mathematical logic and rational thinking, and he forsakes these gods, for he has never seen these things or heard them do anything, and thus he doubts their existence, he cannot dissect the happenstance of reality to analyze its anatomy consisting of rational mathematics and logic be it natural or unnatural, he sees the skin of reality and assumes that there is nothing beyond such a thin veil, that reality is but it’s skin and nothing else.” Says Stacy

“Plenty of people actually do try and analyze reality; philosophy was pretty popular when people revered intelligence more than good looks or money, because intelligence was the most far reaching form of power in a world without electronic media.” Says Stella

“The legion of sick false prophets who’s own sentiments are a contagious cancer upon the human mind, the fools who either cannot truly see and understand what lies beyond the skin of reality, so take a stab here and there, taste the blood and presume the rest of the anatomy, or the worse ones who have some ability to dissect reality but instead of reporting a pure and holy measurement of the cold dead machine that orchestrates existence under the skin of the palpable world, they poison this knowledge and flavor it with popular sentiments in order to gain popular appeal, entirely indifferent to corrupting the actual truth. Even if they are whole hearted in their attempts and seek nothing but to provide insight, every shred of truth is mutilated by the limitations of words and the mental limitations of those who read and seek to understand such things, leaving the world with a repetitively mutilated half living corpse of some ethereal spirit of universal truth that had been exorcised from the machine, bound to paper with runes, and subsequently tied to the whipping pole of the subjugation of being the subject of thought, beaten thoroughly by the pride and relative levels of god complexes of those who read, and this left some battered and malnourished recreational ghost with little function that people give the merit of being a recreational god because of the fact that some man who by the common collective happens to be wise originally had an idea that has since been corrupted so thoroughly by the proud who will think themselves more so wise without a second thought.” Says Stacy

“Jesus, just eat. You are no different than anything you criticize, you are just another random person with a god complex; you antagonize anyone who does the same thing as you, which is presuming that they are right. Plenty of people who seek the same ends don’t think themselves as infallible as you find yourself, they at least concede the fact that they could be wrong and are open to debate.” Says Stella

“I am always open to debate, and I do not even presume that I am right. I simply presume that I am a better solution than the current commonplace. It’s hard to criticize me for that, every indignant fool on the planet has the same ideology as I do, and you’re not bashing the people who complain en masse in the streets because they want things for free. At the very least I provide a means to an end, most of the people protesting for a quote unquote change simply argue to ‘steal from the rich, give to the poor’ and ‘hinder success in order to accommodate failure’, which is painfully stupid.” Says Stacy

“I don’t know how a little charity is painfully stupid.” Says Stella

“It’s feeding a stray dog, the dog is not going to do anything but demand more food and loiter on your property even more if you feed it. Earning the loyalty of a worthless beast through kindness and charity hinders success because it taxes a system that could be more profitable and successful if it did not bend over for the dog that compulsively gets fat on whimpers. It would be different if the dogs in question ate trash and it cost nothing to make them happy, at that point I would have no problem, but letting the indignant reach into the budgets of successful enterprise because they’re pissy doesn’t make a damn bit of sense and you may well just give any idiot in the world free reign on all American bank accounts because you’re just being charitable and want to make sure that whatever worthless idiot is gutting the country of resources is happy.” Says Stacy

“A little goes a long way you know, it’s not like the rich people need whatever bullshit they are using their money on anyways. I would rather feed a thousand hungry children for a year than have a rich man buy another sports car.” Says Stella

“I am all for charity, so long as it turns a profit, feeding the working poor is beneficial because they bleed embryonic money into the economy by creating profitable labor. If the effect on the books is to keep the country in the black, then it is business at that point, charity that, on the whole, puts us in the red is debt and debt is a wound that exponentially festers and more than likely leads to far worse consequences than whatever in god’s name was so damn pressing that it required that we spend money we didn’t have. Incurring debt is the pinnacle of shortsightedness and should be avoided at all possible, if the humanists of the world want human rights, they damn well better pay for them, because the second somebody’s human rights stop being a mutually beneficial and effectively profitable form of respect, that’s the second they become human wrongs, they hurt society in the long run far more than the smile on some little kid’s face happens to help it. Just because I am the only one with the farsightedness to see that such faux utopian folly is entirely unsustainable doesn’t change the facts of the matter.” Says Stacy

“I’m pretty sure plenty of other heartless fiscal conservatives would agree with you there.” Says Stella

“I’d be hard pressed to find one; the alleged conservatives don’t mind drinking the blood of profits every day of their god damn life if their constituents are happy with them. Somebody could drum up a laugh graph showing the escalation of social security retirement including the increase in life expectancy and health care costs as compared with the national budget and have a cheeky giggle when it becomes 100% of the budget in a century. Of course that won’t happen, but it will continue to exist in some form or another and continue extoll a heavy toll upon society. The second all of that money somebody’s grandma paid to lease retirement runs out, the old lady is getting thrown back in the fucking salt mines and worked to death, capitalism is not some gumdrop lollipop smile factory, it is a business, and forsaking the principles that allow the world to function in the name of smiles is ridiculous. It’s so stupid I nearly despise smiles because of how much politics revolves around giving people their smile heroin instead of actually being productive and successful.” Says Stacy

“I’m sure you’d be popular alleging that smiles are as bad as heroin and instituting a war on smiles.” Jokes Stella

“I’m just saying if we’re some sort of socialist smile factory I’m taking the cost effective route and pumping people full of mass produced drugs until everybody in the country keels over, just to respect the goddamn mission statement.” Says Stacy

“If you could just look at dad over on the couch, and find real value in the intrinsic nature of every time that he smiles because we’re here, he’s alive, we’re taken care of, and actually think that happiness is more important than profits, I would love that sort of revelation. You could abandon your spite and instead champion a new cause, the socialist smile factory, and I’m certain you would have a trillion fold more successful political career. The world would literally love you.” Says Stella

“That’s tempting, to be honest. I am sitting in the hospital room with society who is half-assedly fighting off a wretched illness, the medicine makes him sick so he doesn’t want to take it, he is just grateful for the morphine of hedonism, and I am so damn tempted to tell him to ramp up that illegally potent morphine drip and let him overdose, just to end the pain. I doubt I can help him fight of this illness, he is more than likely destined to die an early death, but seeing how he has no will to fight, to survive, to thrive once more, I am tempted just to let him take his own life, and even assist him if he lets me. The one work horse on the farm is sick, and we can either treat the horse with painful healing, or make him smile one last time before he passes and leaves the farm to fallow for the humans are all too weak and feeble to accomplish much of anything without him. If that smile on our dear old horse’s face is enough to make us happy enough to be content with dying, so be it, forsake god’s most sacred gift of opportunity and life.” Says Stacy

“I suppose the only reason you’re not of the common mindset is that the smile heroin doesn’t work on you for some reason. I guess the high from your pride makes you feel like the smiles are some petty worthless soft drug. Maybe try and realize that the smiles are all that plenty of people have, so if you could think that other people deserve to feel half-way decent, even if it is just out of being grateful for the fact that you feel so high and amazing all the time on account of your pride, it would really help you out. If you really want to win the hearts and minds of the people, you’re not going to do it with logic or reason; it can only be done by giving them their fix, giving them their smile heroin and conditioning their obedience and loyalty because they know you’re the hand that feeds them.” Says Stella

“I see no point in doing that if I’m just going to play the same damn fiddle that every other manipulative politician plays; I have too much self-respect to be a person who peddles suicidal smiles. Mankind is capable of great things, it hurts to know that he is capable of unimaginable successes but he would rather have petty smiles. It’s stoicism, but I still think it’s far preferable to hedonism.” Says Stacy

“If you’re so damn clever, I figure you could find a way to lead the socialist smile factory to unimaginable success. Wouldn’t you rather amount to something instead of just some ranting indignant lunatic?” asks Stella

“That’s tempting, but some sick faithless godliness and half-decency inside of me knows that would be the vice of pride, instead of the godly zealous piety that I tend to wield. To take the opportunity to craft even more potent smile heroin, and get even the savable addicts grinning ear to ear committing suicide by smiles. The only part of me that wants to do that is the vehement antipathy that seeks to end the lives of as many humans as possible and cripple society as thoroughly as possible. That sort of bitter rage would be a hard ambivalence to experience while trying to look like a smiler while I’m rallying the fools towards a hedonistic revolution. I dearly want to do that, spite every man woman and child and condemn them to die by their own ignorance and hedonism, especially since I know that is the easily the only way I could possibly feel any sort of accomplishment in the field of politics, but I just think that since it is an infinitesimal yet countably real chance for me to usher salvation unto this world I should try my damnedest to do that rather than making it my life’s goal to kill as many hedonists as possible. I don’t sympathize with humans, I just want to see them accomplish something great, to continue the escalation from savage beasts into intelligent creatures without falling victim to the crippling poison of pleasure.” Says Stacy

“You need to work on that, if people manage to drink responsibly, I figure it shouldn’t be hard to enjoy a parsley bit of pleasure here and the responsibly.” Says Stella

“It’s clearly far too difficult for most people as they would forsake logic and reason in the name of pleasure, but I doubt anything can change the facts of the matter. It’s a chemical response in the brain that conditions the beasts, one would need to develop some chemtrails that induce selfless stoicism to even begin to see changes, and I’m sure that is also along the lines of impossible.” Says Stacy

“I’m impressed that you managed to eat all of your food while talking incessantly, you are amazing sometimes, you know?” says Stella

“I can spoon my food while you retort, thankfully this stuff is easy to swallow and delicious. I kind of prefer the shapeless beans to the normal kind, real convenient since I don’t have to spend time chewing.” Says Stacy

“I think refried beans tend to absorb seasoning better, I can’t say I’ve ever been bothered by the chewing aspect of eating regular beans though.” Says Stella

“Less time to talk if you’re chewing, you know?” says Stacy

“Time seems to stand still when you start ranting, the sun isn’t even setting yet and you’ve been ranting forever it seems like.” Says Stella

“Time has the decency to stop and listen to somebody with something reasonable to say. This tends to be the reason time flies.” Jokes Stacy

“I want to argue with that, but there’s too much evidence to support your claims.” Jokes Stella

“If only school wasn’t halfway reasonable making time slow ever so slightly in his casual saunter to prolong the torture.” Says Stacy

“The relativity of time is an odd thing, but I guess since I enjoy school it would make me interpret it differently.” Says Stella

“And you say I’m the crazy one.” Jokes Stacy

“I’ll clean up. You’re still the crazy one.” Says Stella, getting up and starting to wash up

“If I’m crazy, my plan needs to be to utilize the whole contagious community insanity thing where exposure to mental illness causes somebody to develop a similar disorder and thus corrupt the mob mentality with the sickening mental illness of logic and reason.” Says Stacy

“Good luck with that, I’m pretty sure the people have to be susceptible to fall victim to that, like children raised by insane parents believe some crazy stuff because they were taught that stuff, but other than that you’ll just be disregarded as a loonie and people will keep chasing the smile dragon.” Says Stella

“Most people are about as intelligent as children; I just have to strike that wooden box with a hammer in such a way that it resonates with them and exacerbates their own predispositions. Sadly this would likely mean inducing extreme levels of entitled megalomaniacal indignation in the disenfranchised, but so be it, desperate times call for desperate measures.” Says Stacy

“The sad part is that people are actually prone to that, humility and gratefulness are rare in people these days.” Says Stella

“I’ll take what I can get, it would be much harder to lead a coup with humble people grateful for whatever Babylon might happen to piss in their mouth on a good day.” Says Stacy

“Good point. It’s still sad though, the fact that nobody is ever happy with anything, the second they get something it’s not good enough. I guess that’s the difference between the haves and the have nots, those who have things are never satisfied and always want more whereas people who lack things are grateful for anything since they have had to cope with their dearth of things for their entire life and subsist just fine without whatever they have been given and thus actually value it because they see it as more than enough rather than just enough or even not enough.” Says Stella

“A little ambition isn’t such a terrible thing if there is room for it. Striving for great things because one’s own wellbeing is secure enough that they needn’t fear for their survival is supposedly one path to some form of enlightenment or fulfillment or something, Maslow or whatever. I think if you’re just handing out progress up the hierarchy of needs you don’t really accomplish the same thing, people will just expect enlightenment to be handed to them, if they have to work for every scrap along the ladder but somehow manage to make their way to the top, then I feel that scenario is far more prone to enlightenment. It’s the difference between handing out survival and learning how to survive and thrive of one’s own devices, it creates two very different mentalities, one of which is clearly only prone to making people no smarter than lab rats who’s food lever is a protest sign.” Says Stacy

“I’m sure if animal psychologists were at the helm of public policy the fire hose would be far more commonplace sight at the rallies, seeing how they understand the repercussions for bending to the will of the picket sign food lever. Dependence and adverse conditioning are ugly things.” Jokes Stella

“If the idiots aren’t going to do the world the favor of feeding themselves there should be heavyhanded repercussions for when and if they think for themselves, that’s like building a house in the sky and expecting the thing to float. Animals can feed themselves, but when a healthy beast allegedly the most intelligent on the planet cannot manage to do this, something is wrong with society. Sadly, most of the time it’s not even food but god damn luxuries like health care that people are hungry fore.” Says Stacy

“I’m not sure health care is a luxury, but I don’t actually know.” Says Stella

“When you have an army of highly educated people slaving tirelessly in order to milk some immortality out of science for you to drink just so you can likely experience some of the shittiest years of your life and accomplish jack shit, that’s a luxury in my book. If it’s keeping a small child on the factory floor sewing clothes for 10 hours shifts every day by preventing malnourishment and preventable illnesses with vaccines, then it’s a necessity, but if it just allows a rotting bastard to rot for another year and bleed the dust of idleness at a cost of a few million dollars, then it is a luxury if not sadism. You have to realize that most every animal that is in the shape that most of the sick bastards at the hospital are in would simply be put down and this is considered the pinnacle of humane treatment. Prolonging the suffering of the sick simply because they fear death is not humane in the slightest, nor is it wise, nor economical. It is fueled by the greed of the industry keeping their cash cows alive and accommodated by the sadistic sympathy of the fools who fear death instead of embracing the deep sleep of their natural retirement.” Says Stacy

“Wow, not only do you want to eradicated sympathy, but also the fear of death. You’ve got high hopes, any plans for success?” asks Stella

“I’m pretty sure amphetamines dull the fear of death to a manageable level according to WW2, so that’s an easy place to start. After that it’s not hard to understand which souls that seek help will no longer live but only suffer even more if they are treated, and they are taken behind the urgent care center and look at the mural of green pastures and sunshine in the alleyway and told to think about the best parts of his life while a licensed medical care provider draws his trusty magnum revolver and surgically puts a bullet in the back of the man’s head. If people didn’t watch their loved ones suffer for ages until they happened to die they would fear death much less simply because it’s not accompanied with the writhing of rotting.” Says Stacy

“You might end up with a few too many bodies in the alley at the end of the day.” Says Stella

“The dog food factory runs round the clock, surely there are kind souls who are willing to drive vans full of veterans of life to the culling checkpoint and see that it makes its way into the hands of another dog lover willing to continue their journey to the dog food factory.” Says Stacy

“Of course that’s what happens, no funeral or anything?” asks Stella

“It’s not like people need to visit the grave of Jesus every god damn Easter, a picture is more than enough if you’re sentimental like that, otherwise you can just smile when the doctor tells you that your loved one is too sick to ever come home or be visited, but they are in a better place now, where sick people can get all of the help they need.” Says Stacy

“Damn Stacy, you don’t even let them have a goodbye.” Says Stella

“Since the majority of people will be too feeble to escape, I wouldn’t mind telling people that it’s whoever’s time to go, I’d even let them watch. People watch their animals die all the time, I guess it brings them closure or something.” says Stacy

“Not only do you think people would just let you kill their loved ones, but that they would find closure by watching you do it?” asks Stella

“When euthanasia is commonplace it doesn’t seem odd or anything, it’s not like people go stab veterinarians for doing their goddamn jobs. People at that point are well aware that euthanasia is how plenty of people die, so even if they are saddened by it, they are not embittered by the process. As long as the beast isn’t causing problems I’d be more than comfortable asking it personally whether or not it feels it has suffered enough today. They know they’re not going to get any sort of medical care beyond an allowance of speed and opioids since they grow on trees in this blessed Eden, and they could easily simply desire to stop living. This isn’t even one of my cruel ideas; this is humane by any standards other than sadistic sympathy and being incredulous to fates worse than death.” Says Stacy

“I guess, I mean they do treat animals like that, so it’s clearly not the worst of your ideas.” Says Stella, done cleaning, walking over to Dale

“Dad?” she says

“Hello.” Mumbles dale, charmingly sleepy with his eyes still closed

“I didn’t want to wake you, but I’m going upstairs. I made some of the beans and rice you like, so make sure you eat some, ok? It’s in the fridge whenever you get hungry.” Says Stella

“I’m sure when I get my sea legs I’ll be able to steer the ship in that direction, the sea’s still stormy right now, the boats rocking pretty good.” Says Dale

“I hope you feel better, I know the food should help.” Says Stella

“I feel great, it’s always an adventure to set sail like this, like I can do anything, wind at my back and opportunity on the horizon.” Says Dale

“That’s good I guess, just don’t forget about it, ok?” asks Stella

“I tend to remember when the sweet liquor burns my belly out of hunger, that tends to get me casting the rod in search of fish. I’m a seasoned seaman, I know how to fish, don’t worry about me. You’re sweet you know that, make a man feel nice and warm like you’re some liquor fairy or something.” Says Dale

“I try; hopefully I don’t make you sick though.” Says Stella

“Of course not, I’d be sick to the point of dying without my drink, and I’m sure I’d be in rough shape without your expertise in the galley as well. I may keep the ship afloat, but you keep the crew alive, it’s truly a vital role. You’re a real devoted crew-girl, a fine trait indeed.” Says Dale, mumbling, still half asleep

“I couldn’t bear to leave you two to your own devices, I’m just happy I can help. Don’t push yourself, I know you have trouble walking on a good day, I don’t want you to fall over chasing the food, it will be there in the morning. I don’t want to find you asleep on the floor because you fell over and didn’t bother getting up, you know?” says Stella

“I’d have to be twice shit drunk for that, I’m battered to the point of deliciousness, not quite beaten to the point of half death, sweet girl. You fear the darkness; you’ve got to embrace it, a sweet blanket from the burny fires of the sun. I’m doing fine, hear, don’t need to worry about old Dale like that.” says Dale

“I’ll do my best, it’s hard sometimes, but it tends to be for nothing, since you’re always here in the morning.” Says Stella

“Keep the faith.” Says Dale

“Will do. I’ll let you get back to your nap, ok?” says Stella

“Thank you kindly, wonderful dreams, you know. The real temptation.” mumbles Dale, dozing off

“Sweet dreams.” Says Stella, ambivalent towards the bitter sweetness of a poisoned man, walking back into the kitchen




“Here to take me to the torture chamber, eh?” jokes Stacy, feigning a’pirate

“I’ll let you nap, it’s fine. You still have to do your homework eventually.” Says Stella

“Dare I bargain with the devil?” asks Stacy

“I don’t think you have a choice, just be grateful I’ll let you sleep for a little bit.” Says Stella

“What’s the price I pay for such kindness?” Asks Stacy

“I just appreciate some peace and quiet every now and again.” Says Stella

“Too many times today have I felt so justified in my talking, earning me good girl points and naps alike. I feel like a venture capitalist raking in the sweet profits of my innovation.” Says Stacy

“Of course that’s how you see it. Come on.” Says Stella

“Don’t mind if I do.” Says Stacy, getting up and following Stella upstairs into the room, Stella ambles around a moment, Stacy gratefully falls onto her bed savoring the sweet embrace of Atlas holding up her body, sleepy with supper and tired from a day’s labor in the salt mines, Stella crawls into Stacy’s bed and cuddles her

“You actually want a nap for once?” jokes Stacy

“It’s tempting, but I just want to talk to you for a bit.” Says Stella

“Haven’t had enough, have we?” jokes Stacy

“I mean I want to talk to you, not listen to you rant.” Says Stella

“What’s on your mind?” asks Stacy, cuddling her blanket, more than ready to sleep talk for however long she can bargain for

“I’m just wondering if you ever feel like feminine or anything, you know. I don’t know if you repress it or something, but you’re always so weird, never just like a normal girl in terms of feelings or whatever.” Says Stella

“Not so much, I’m pretty sure that’s frowned upon nowadays anyways. All of that empowering women shtick, you know, I tend to be more fond of the feelings of power than the feminine ones.” Says Stacy

“I’m just saying, like maybe deep down you do feel them, and I just want you to know that you don’t have to hide them from me or anything.” Says Stella

“I think it’s just a chemical thing, I’m more of a dopamine and adrenaline kind of girl, feminine ones don’t come to me so easy. It doesn’t bother me, you know.” Says Stacy

“I think you’re just missing out if you repress the good ones.” Says Stella

“Like what?” asks Stacy

“Like when I’m cuddling you, your warmth and softness just makes my body just feels so nice, it fills my heart and makes my whole body feel happy. Just holding you and knowing you’re here for me. It’s a great feeling. Since I feel vulnerable all the time, just holding you soothes that scared feeling and makes me feel good again. I think if you opened up to this sort of attachment you would enjoy it.” Says Stella, cuddling Stacy fondly

“It makes me happy, warm and calming and stuff. Does that count?” asks Stacy

“I think it’s more of like this emotional rush that fills your body and makes you feel good all over, like breathing after holding your breath underwater for a long time. Like some kind of natural anxiolytic knowing that the person you love is with you and nothing is wrong.” Says Stella

“I get that sort of, you know. It’s a nice comforting feeling being with you, it’s always a good sign, like things are going well and I can be at ease. I don’t know how feminine that is, but it’s a feeling.” Says Stacy

“I’ll take it; it makes me feel better knowing that you like it.” Says Stella

“It’s my payment after a long day’s work, the whole rest and relaxation part.” Says Stacy

“You know this is all I ever wanted: warmth and closeness, feeling like I’m not scared and alone all the time. It’s kind of crazy, but for some reason being with you puts all of my fears at ease, like somehow you are going to protect me from everything that I’m scared of. That’s just the start, you know. You make me so happy when you give me the time of day, you make me feel real and alive, it’s exhilarating to be cared for like that; knowing that somebody cares about the person inside of me instead of the cold façade of some diligent studious heartless bitch; to come out of my shell is so liberating, I only feel free around you and it feels amazing, that’s why I love you so much, I feel like the real me.” Says Stella

“You make me feel human, maybe the only thing in the world, you’re my softness. My feelings are normally a room temperature metallic, but you somehow stir these organic ones inside of me, real bestial. Soft in the heart, you know, I’m still mechanical to everything else, but when you’re cuddling me, just for you this tender spot comes out and it feels nice. Like you actually have meaning to me in this meaningless world, to everything else I’m just some ruthless maniac hell-bent on power highs. I’ve got some real dedication to your wellbeing and happiness, it feels like a purpose, I may not allow myself to feel much happiness, but it seems the only good feeling that I get knowing that you’re happy, like I did my job and I can feel like I’m a decent person. That’s the wholesome pride. My favorite kind, as much as the high of a god complex may be more euphoric, I know it’s just foolish nonsense, but with you the feeling is real, nothing is going to discredit that, like my life is a lie and I’ve built castles made of delusions, but I’ve got this one little kitten hidden away that loves me that I know is real, and it means the world to me, it’s all I’ve got.” Says Stacy

“I’m glad I’m your kitten.” Says Stella, nuzzling Stacy

“You’re far more than I deserve, I’m grateful as hell.” Says Stacy

“You deserve all of me, I’m yours Stacy. I want you to have all of me, you’re the only one who’s ever given a damn about me and I need you. You know I’m nothing without you, I’m not alive to anybody else and I’m pretty sure I never will be.” Says Stella

“I’ll do my damnedest to take good care of you, the best I can, like you deserve.” Says Stacy

“That makes me so happy. That I can actually lean on somebody for once in my life.  To know somebody cares about me. It’s so damn hard when you have nobody.” Says Stella, sniffling

“I’ll always be there for you, you know for damn sure nobody besides you will ever love me.” Says Stacy

“My little secret basket of joy, that makes me happy at the end of another long lonely day. You know you’re the only person alive to me, everyone else is some dead heartless fucking robot, but you’re a person, a living creature with a heart, the only one in the world.” Says Stella

“Here I was thinking I was closer to the tinman.” Says Stacy

“But your wish came true, damn it. You have just enough heart for me to fit inside, and I live inside of there. That’s my home. I don’t give a damn about anyone else at this point, if they don’t give a fuck about me, I don’t give a fuck about them.” Says Stella

“There’s definitely no room for anyone else in there, but it feels pretty damn cozy with you inside of there.” Says Stacy

“Good, I’m never leaving. I can’t. Without you I couldn’t bear the cold heartless pain caused by the distant dead eyes that look at me indifferently without knowing that somebody will actually acknowledge that I’m alive and have emotions and feelings, that I’m not some fucking robot who does menial tasks thoughtlessly and callously until I die. Ever since we were kids you’re the only one I’ve ever known who didn’t entirely ignore my existence as a person for the most part. You know I worked so hard all this time just because hearing something like ‘good job’ from the teachers meant so damn much to me because that’s all I would ever get, like I would forget that I’m alive at some points simply because nobody gave enough of a fuck about me to remind me that I did in fact exist. Other than you who would at least talk to me, even though I tend not to agree with you, I was always grateful for the company, even if my faith in school made me kind of a bitch.” Says Stella

“I’m sure most people spend their lives looking for the one person who gives even half a fuck about them and figure they’ll settle on that, because that is likely the best option god is willing to offer them. I’ve always been weird, in terms of feelings and whatnot, but I’m glad I can make you feel better. I know life is hard on the feelings, even me; it’s painful to feel vehement disdain and a violent thirst for retribution all day. I know it’s not really the same, but even with my clown car full of little clown feelings I’m not too fond of the feels. Save for the nice ones you somehow stir up in me, of course, but I’m just kind of confused by this warm nice feeling to the point that I’m taking it in like it’s some sort of abstract art that is beautiful but doesn’t make any sense, like a real dissociative kind of feel where my metallic army is just kind of staring at this immaculate warm glowing thing not knowing what to make of it. Worship it is my best guess.” Says Stacy

“I’d like that.” Says Stella

“It feels nice, I’m only wary of it because it reminds me of hedonism, but the whole ‘be pleased responsibly’ mentality is tempting me something fierce.” Says Stacy

“That’s what I was talking about, you need to open yourself up to the nice feelings, you are talking about one and you still won’t embrace it.” Says Stella

“I’ve got to find the healthy balance between being pleased and displeased, I’d hate to become contented.” Says Stacy

“You can just be contented for now, and then go back to business as usual when I’m gone. That sounds reasonable, right? It’s not like you’re going to lead a coup from your bed.” Says Stella

“I suppose your right, I shouldn’t concern my mind with irrelevant things, it’s just an old habit I guess. At this point I’m tempted to sleep, you know, you make it real easy for me to slip away.” says Stacy

“I’ll sleep with you, I’m tired myself. I don’t have much homework anyways.” Says Stella

“Wonderful.” Says Stacy, snuggling Stella like the beast of sweet dreams that she is, enjoying her company as she easily slips into the comfortable serenity of the darkness that obscures even her own mind from her own prying mind, Stella follows her, anchored in the only port willing to take her battered ship, feeling safe and sound from the violent seas with the crew of her vessel happily drinking creature comforts and staying dry while the heavens cry overhead




Stacy grabs an idle fetchable stick and enjoys a swing at an orange tree, knocking a ripe one down to the ground, grabbing it, sitting down, peeling, and slowly eating the good sweet hour’s worth of delicious orange. A colorfully clad man comes swinging his jazz hands and dancing a trot good and silly, singing a dazzling half-blind song of unintelligible  razzmatazz. Stacy finds this man no more suspicious than the lush grass surrounding her and far less interesting than the orange. She eats the last piece of the orange and looks at the man indifferently, leaning against the tree, noticing his politely quiet mumble of nonsense and cheeky dance no more than one would a pleasant cloud, the man spins around waving his hands like a child drunk on imagination without ceasing his percussive language before bending over and waving his hand in front of Stacy’s face which shines with a tasteful ambivalence of pleasedness and indifference, still flavor-drunk from the delightful orange, her eyes follow his hands sleepily before the man reaches behind her ear, playfully pulling an orange out from behind it and tossing it up into the air. The orange reattaches to the point on the tree where Stacy had plucked her own orange, and the man walks away still singing and dancing in his half-blind madness. Stacy looks down at her orange peel, content with the fact that the man hadn’t actually stolen the orange out of her belly, and seeks to find the second layer of sleep as neither her exhaustion nor her quest for liberation from it had left her body.


Stella kisses Stacy’s motionless lips slowly and longingly as she has come to the bitter acceptance that she must depart the warmth of pleasant company and return to the ventures of the machine’s humans. Stacy is slowly woken by the greeting and cordially reciprocates some softness in a rather instinctive and pleasantly indifferent sleepy haze. Stella savors the last bit of sweet human warmth she accosts herself before the metal gears in her mind start to grind more forcefully, reminding her of the levers that must be yanked and the pulleys that must be pulled in order to live a life where the people factory doesn’t become so bitter and spiteful as to summon guilt demons to torture you night and day.

“Time for homework, Stacy.” Says Stella

“Not today, maybe tomorrow.” Mumbles Stacy, attempting to squeeze Stella into her own temptation, preferring the less intellectually taxing methods of pleasing Stella, reluctant to embrace the intelligence of anyone besides herself

“I’m sure you don’t have much, just get it done. Putting it off doesn’t solve anything.” Says Stella

“It’s ironic that the most taxing part of my life is the petty busy work of saving face in the eyes of the teachers. It’s like torture; book-learning seems like poison in my brain, a disgruntling insane inanity that mocks me as it rattles around in my brain.” Says Stacy

“What do you even have to do?” asks Stella

“Spanish worksheet. I’m glad most of my teachers think it’s the student’s responsibility to learn on their own, so they don’t bother with homework.” Says Stacy

“That’s because they hope the students are mature, you won’t be glad when the tests come and you weren’t responsible at all.” Says Stella

“I can wing it with the best of them; intuition is as valuable as intelligence.” Says Stacy

“I’m sure your intuition will be able to tell you which word in the English language goes in each blank on the test when you don’t know a damn thing. It’s a 1 in 170,000 chance each time, pretty good, right? That’s if you remember not to include words you make up off the top of your head.” Says Stella

“I’m a straggler, Stella; we get word boxes and multiple choice. They’d much rather our chances of success be one in four than one in 170,000. You know plenty of girls go to our prestigious school because their parents want them to be prestigious, not because the girls wield any sort of intellectual capacity.” Says Stacy

“You’re proud to be in that group of girls?” asks Stella

“I like to keep my head down; I’m not going to raise the bar on myself just for some pride in my capacity for reiteration.” Says Stacy

“It could be pride in your potential as an innovator in the world, but I’ll let it be. Just do the worksheet. You know Spanish pretty well, don’t you?” asks Stella

“Muy bien. Mi español es muy rico, senorita.” Says Stacy

“I’m sure that will suffice.” Says Stella

“Delicioso.” Says Stacy, still rather unwilling to even open her eyes

“Off we go.” Says Stella, pushing Stacy’s legs off the edge of the bed

“Fine.” Grumbles Stacy, getting up and finding her things

“Do it right, ok?” says Stella

“I’m pretty good at copying vocabulary from the list into the blank, if I do say so myself.” Says Stacy

“Try to copy the right vocabulary into the blank.” Says Stella

“I’ll try.” Says Stacy, sitting down to do her work, Stella goes to fetch her things and gets to work, still able to enjoy the feeling of being responsible


Time passes; uncertain of itself in the silence of reluctance and studiousness, but eventually Stacy clacks the pencil down and puts her things away. “Glad I’m done with that.” She says

“You don’t want to make flashcards or something?” asks Stella

“If I were to study, I would just slide a piece of paper over the English on the list, it functions just as well.” Says Stacy

“Then you just have to remember the order of the English words, it’s not the same.” Says Stella

“Memorizing the order would be just as hard as simply learning the Spanish outright, half of the words are cognates anyways.” Says Stacy

“I’ll let it slide, I’m sure you have something else to do, reading or something.” says Stella
“I’ll see how long I can read the English book before falling asleep, other than that, I’m free.” Says Stacy

“I’m sure you’re a week behind in that book.” Says Stella

“The teacher has yet to expect us to actually read the book, so hopefully I can bank on that if need be. She’s got this look in her eyes sometimes like she’s holding her blind-deaf baby known as superfunctional literacy. Even if I’ve got to read well for my job, for damn certain it’s going to be localized lingo unique to the profession and not analyzing grammar or plot structure. It’s not all too inspiring when the timbre of the teacher has you believing that you’re just wasting your time, all breathy and hopeless, making you question what in the hell you are doing with your time if you’re just reading random impertinent things and talking about them.” Says Stacy

“Just read your book.” Says Stella, enjoying her mental exercises designed for the girls who actually came to Southern Preparatory School to play school

“We actually get some reading time in class, so I’m not all that behind.” Says Stacy

“Aim for not behind at all. Is it interesting at least?” ask Stella

“Absolutely not. He was kid and his friend drown, his dog dies, his dad dies when he goes to college, his girlfriend is a bitch, and he is about to fail out of school.” Says Stacy

“That sounds like a miserable book.” Says Stella

“I think I’m just not to the good part, when he really starts to struggle and loses his mind. Right now he’s just shaking his fist at god.” Says Stacy

“You don’t sympathize with him at all?” asks Stella

“I don’t know, the dead characters weren’t all that developed seeing how we’re only knee deep into the book. He’s pretty terse about the whole thing anyways.” Says Stacy

“I know I would have trouble reading about all of that.” Says Stella

“Maybe there is a happy ending, I kind of doubt it, but who knows.” Says Stacy

“It’s kind of hard to come back from all of that.” Says Stella

“If I had to guess, things keep falling to shit, but he gets a new dog, and the lesson is that your dog will never abandon you. He keeps saying he misses his dog, anyways.” Says Stacy

“I guess that’s kind of happy, if he really loves his dog.” says Stella

“I think the reason we are reading it is because the teachers figure all of our lives will fall to shit, so the lesson is just to keep your head up even through the hard times.” Says Stacy

“That is pretty cynical.” Says Stella

“It’s realistic though.” Says Stacy

“Let’s hope not.” Says Stella

“I don’t recall the last time hope changed a damn thing about reality.” Says Stacy

“If it did, it’s not like some hope ghost comes along and tells you that it was hope that changed reality, anyways, anytime somebody succeeded because they were optimistic instead of pessimistic counts, so it happens all the time.” Says Stella

“If you look at the number of times somebody lost a gamble because they were optimistic instead of pessimistic, the track record of optimism isn’t looking that good.” Says Stacy

“There’s a difference between optimism and stupidity, but regardless, just read your book. I still have more work to do.” Says Stella

“No problemo.” Says Stacy, Stella rolls her eyes, indifferent to correcting Stacy in vain


Stacy reads her book indifferent to the man’s petty suffering, Stella eventually finishes her work and packs up, some of Stacy’s brazen confidence rubbing off on her as she feels bold enough not to study needlessly

“All done with your fun learning?” teases Stacy

“Not quite, I’ve got some more fun learning tempting me.” Says Stella

“Hobby learning? Not even school stuff?” asks Stacy

“You could say that.” Says Stella, getting up and walking over to Stacy

“What’s piqued your interest tonight?” asks Stacy

“You, my dear.” Says Stella, seductively climbing on top of Stacy

“Still not had enough?” asks Stacy, unnoticeably reluctant but nobly accommodating

“I’ve just been thinking about what you said, pleasure and fear feeling the same, you know. I want to figure that part out.” Says Stella

“Not much to it, I wouldn’t worry about it.” Says Stacy

“I’m just going to do a little experiment, ok?” asks Stella

“Nothing too crazy, ok? You seem a bit like the mad scientist type sometimes.” Says Stacy

“I’m sure you don’t mind getting a little dirty.” Teases Stella, taking off Stacy’s shirt

“Just a little is fine.” Says Stacy

“We can just wash off afterwards, we’ll be ok.” Says Stella, taking off her own shirt

“I’m pretty beat, I don’t know how well I can do you right.” Says Stacy

“Just let me do everything, ok?” asks Stella

“It’s kind of late, I don’t know.” Says Stacy

“I’ll be gentle, I promise.” Says Stella, sliding down Stacy’s pants and knickers, sliding backwards to remove them entirely before stripping herself and climbing back on top of Stacy

“What is the experiment exactly?” asks Stacy

“I just want to make you feel as good as you make me feel. I want to help you enjoy normal stuff, like a normal girl.” Says Stella

“I’m not all that normal, you know.” Says Stacy

“I think you can be if you let yourself, at least sometimes. I’m going to ask you some questions and all you have to do is be honest, ok?” asks Stella, laying down on top of Stacy and holding her ominously

“That’s easy enough.” Says Stacy

“So this right now, with me and you naked together, does this cause the feeling of fear?” asks Stella

“No. Just feeling normal, comfortable I guess.” Says Stacy

“So you like it?” asks Stella

“You’re nice and soft and warm, it’s hard not to.” Says Stacy

“That’s good.” Says Stella, starting to kiss Stacy, happily putting her tongue into Stacy’s mouth when she’s allowed to do so, enjoying Stacy’s willingness to participate, sliding her hand down Stacy’s back and groping her ass, rubbing her hips against Stacy’s leg softly, taking plenty of time to enjoy the scientific method before freeing her mouth to talk

“How about that, kissing, any fear?” asks Stella

“No. It actually kind of calms my mind; it’s like you reminding me that things are ok with you and us or something I don’t know.” Says Stacy

“Good.” Says Stella, kissing Stacy’s neck down to her breasts which she begins to fondle, caressing her nipples with her mouth and tongue with a true passion for the experiment, Stacy strokes Stella’s hair, arching her back slightly with a bit of surprise, endearing a quiet ‘mmm’ from behind her closed lips

“So how was that? Any fear at all?” asks Stella

“I liked it, a little timid in the nips, but it was a kind of excited timid at the same time. The massage was great though, a comfortable pleasure there.” Says Stacy

“Wonderful. So when I do this?” asks Stella, sliding her hand down Stacy’s torso ending between her legs, moving  her finger slowly in the crevice

“Yeah, a bit, more fear of what might happen next, you know. But still, real jumpy down there.” Says Stacy

“I’m going to kiss you, and I just want you to clear your mind of the fear and just try to enjoy it, ok?” asks Stella

“I’ll try.” Says Stacy, faithlessly, Stella kisses her, impassioned, still stroking her slowly, Stacy returns out of a habit more flavored with nerves than usual, Stella takes her free hand to massage Stacy’s breast to calm her, attempting to drink the fear out of Stacy’s mouth, respectfully slow with the fearmongering hand

“Does that help?” says Stella eventually breaking the silence

“I don’t know, it’s just my mentality, kind of, general misanthropy, feeling my peopley parts is unsettling, you know.” Says Stacy, respectfully uncomfortable

“Just forget all of that. Just try to forget it, relax, and try to enjoy it, ok? It’s totally normal to like it, don’t worry about bullshit sentiments, let go of that stuff, at least when we’re like this, ok? Do it for me.” Says Stella

“It’s kind of hard.” Says Stacy

“Just empty your mind and relax, ok?” says Stella

“Ok.” Says Stacy, Stella starts to kiss Stacy lovingly and comfortingly, once again attempting to slowly massage normality into Stacy’s body, Stacy breathes deeply, attempting to heed Stella’s words, slowly utilizing her masterful capability to repress thoughts, feelings, and emotions to induce a blank mindedness that can blind itself to the point where it fails to even acknowledge the pleasure as pleasure and simply as something nameless, beginning to return Stella’s affection more sincerely, Stella continues her therapy and Stacy begins to subtly rub her hips against Stella’s hand, Stella savors the sweet moments of compassion as long as she can before Stacy pulls away

“That did help, I’ll admit it does feel good, just don’t let me think or anything.” Says Stacy

“I’m glad. Now, I want you to stay relaxed, ok?” asks Stella

“Ok.” Says Stacy, reluctantly acknowledge fear welling up inside of her, Stella slowly slips two fingers inside of Stacy “Oh goodness.” Gasps Stacy softly, gut clenching mildly

“Just relax, ok? This is normal. Don’t be scared.” Says Stella, gently moving her fingers inside of Stacy

“Yeah, it’s a weird fear, definitely, just the whole feeling inside of me along with the fear. Not all that comfortable.” Says Stacy

“You just need to relax, ok? I’m going to kiss you again to help you.” Says Stella

“Ok.” Says Stacy, starting to breathe deeply again, still tense as Stella starts to kiss and fondle her softly, Stacy’s mind focusing on the parts she’s comfortable with, her heart racing as she wraps her arm around Stella and holding her tight on the thrill ride of life, attempting to somehow escape the feelings of biological vulnerability that throw rocks at her glass house reminding her that she’s a sufferable person. Stella’s mouth slowly breathes some of her reckless fearlessness back into her, the weight of her breath shifting from fear to a sickly pleasant masochism enjoying the feelings that remind her of nausea flavored with a tingling tension. Stella slowly works at the tension with her body massage and Stacy grows more accustomed to the pleasantries, allowing herself to relax thanks to her fear induced thoughtlessness, the undeniable pleasure winning some merit in her eyes as she finally allows herself to enjoy it, slowly complimenting the motion of Stella’s hand with her hips, kissing Stella gratefully. Empathy overpowers Stella’s restraint as she begins to increase the speed of her hand unflinchingly in response to Stacy’s welcoming body language. The pitch nears closer to violence causing Stacy to brace herself, holding Stella firmly with her head securely in the crook of her neck. Stella’s lips, no longer aligned with Stacy’s mouth, begin to kiss Stacy’s neck passionately.

“Stella!” moans Stacy, in a bewildered ambivalence to which Stella responds with even more frequency of her gesticulation

“Oh my god!” cries Stacy, when the her stimulation can no longer be contained, her body still clinging to Stella’s, rigid as to safely absorb the rapid shots to the body, Stella pulls her own body through Stacy’s sweaty arms and slides down to accompany her fingers with the grace of her tongue, it’s casual rate of pace quickly turning serious

“Jesus Christ!” cries Stacy, to which Stella once again increases her fervor, unsatisfied with her own performance of yet, the intricacies of her flesh and bones being converted into a machine gun relentlessly and remorselessly shooting bullets of jolting pleasure inside of Stacy who’s body starts to convulse slightly. Stella boldly pushes the limits thanks to her newfound zeal after tasting the omen of victory in her conquest.

Stacy’s wordless cries accompany her profound convulsions, twisting her back and suddenly choking Stella with her legs, grinding her hips into Stella’s face assisted  by the her legs clenching Stella tightly, Stella begins to kiss the source of her satisfaction with a profound and fervent gratefulness.

“Jesus Christ.” Moans Stacy, massaging her own breasts vigorously, still thoughtless in her vice-grip, Stella’s tongue begins to slow down uncontrollably “Keep going, Stella, please.” She moans, Stella tries but fails

“Stella, are you ok?” asks Stacy, loosening her legs

“Yeah, eyes went a little black, I’m ok though.” Says Stella, lightheaded climbing up on top of Stacy

“That was something else.” Says Stacy, breathlessly, grabbing Stella’s ass and grinding against her forcefully, Stella appreciates and reciprocates the mutuality generously, fondling Stacy and kissing her, euphoric that she had managed to please Stacy in such a way

“You want me to do you?” asks Stacy

“You already did. Besides, I just want to enjoy this part. Having your legs wrapped around my head was literally heaven, knowing that I am making you happy too.” Says Stella

“Really?” asks Stacy

“It just feels so good to give back. I’ve just been getting it, but I want to make you happy too. It’s a different kind of good feeling, but I love it, it’s amazing.” Says Stella, kissing Stacy lovingly before resting in the crook of her neck

“I don’t know happy, more like exhilarated. I’m blown away, I was kind of scared but it just felt so damn good.” Says Stacy

“It was exhilarating giving it to you, feeling you really want me that way.” Says Stella, kissing Stacy’s neck

“God damn it, I love you Stella, making me feel that way. I’m glad you didn’t take no for an answer.” Says Stacy, groping Stella’s ass, ironing away some of the remaining pent up tension of reluctant pleasure

“Me too.” Says Stella, playfully sincere, looking Stacy in the eyes, heart-touched with serene joy, the payout of her gambit of wild desperation, kissing her again knowing that her own fears would keep her coming back for such a reliable source of comfort, Stacy more than happy to find a mutual comfort, Stella eventually cuddles up to Stacy’s neck and holds her tightly, feeling the fear that she managed to blind herself to, unable to acknowledge that the uncertain future was real, only knowing the feeling of it bubbling up from the depths of mental repression, she knew this fear was real, and regardless of what it was, she knew the warmth of Stacy’s body was the only thing capable of quelling such a bone chilling trepidation. Stacy lies sleepy and cozy next to the only warm fire of her life, Stella holding onto her sanity, afraid of that which goes bump in the night, but the comfort of the animal she loved so dearly allowing her to ignore such demons just enough to be comforted.


Stacy quickly falls asleep, breathing deeply and slowly, blatantly exhausted, staring into the darkness blind-eyed. Stella’s face buried in the crook of Stacy’s neck, also breathing deeply and slowly, enjoying the euphorically calming scent of Stacy’s unwashed body, too happy to sleep, but more than happy to let Stacy enjoy some winks. Each of the girls willing to enjoy the situation indefinitely, happy in their own right, and do so until the faint creep of sleepiness startles some responsibility in Stella.

“Stacy.” She says, gently, to no response “Stacy…” she says louder, rubbing her cheek against Stacy’s

Stacy mumbles something unintelligible half startled and largely asleep

“Wake up, Stacy.” Says Stella, continuing to nuzzle Stacy

“Go to sleep, Stella.” Mumbles Stacy

“You want to take a bath?” asks Stella

“No.” says Stacy dryly serious

“Well, it’s time to wash, ok?” asks Stella

“I think we missed bathtime, it’s too late. Time for sleep.” Says Stacy, wearing her filth like cozy fur

“It’s not that late.” Says Stella

“It’s definitely that late.” Says Stacy

“Get up, it won’t take long, then we can go back to sleep.” Says Stella

“Normally I’d be more reluctant, but I really want to sleep.” Says Stacy

“Good. I trust I don’t have to drag you to the tub.” Says Stella

“You’ve misplaced your trust.” Says Stacy

“I’ll throw you out of the bed.” Says Stella

“I’ll sleep on the floor.” Says Stacy

“No you won’t.” says Stella

“You’re right. Damn it. Let’s go. Quick like.” Says Stacy, reluctant

“Good.” Says Stella getting up, pulling Stacy’s legs off the bed

“You’re too responsible, you know that. A little dirt never hurt anybody.” Says Stacy, sitting up, Stella goes to fetch some clean clothes for herself, finding some panties and one of her countable number nightgowns, all of them made of rayon, a staple in the heat of Bay City

“If it were up to you it would be a lifetime of dirt.” Says Stella

“It rains sometimes.” Says Stacy

“It never rains.” Says Stella

“Once or twice it has.” Says Stacy

“That’s still 7 years of dirt.” Says Stella

“Optimistically it’s only 5.” Says Stacy, getting up to grab some nearly identical bed clothes

“I doubt losing 2 years of dirt would be considered optimism to you.” Says Stella

“I’m pretty sure a layer of dirt will keep you cool, according to swine.” Says Stacy

“That’s disgusting. Let’s go.” Says Stella, walking across the hall into the bathroom

“Right-o. Let’s make it quick.” Says Stacy, following her, Stella runs the water and sits on the toilet

“You could just piss in the tub, save water you know.” jokes Stacy

“That’s so gross Stacy.” Says Stella

“I mean before you fill it up, you’re going to wash anyways.” Says Stacy

“You do that?” asks Stella, disgusted

“I’m just being environmentally friendly. It’s not gross anyways; all your other people particles wash around when you get wet. Urine is sterile anyways.” Says Stacy

“Jesus.” Says Stella

“I’m sure plenty of people piss in the showers at school, it’s common sense.” Says Stacy

“It’s really not.” Says Stella

“It’s the same thing as a bidet.” Says Stacy

“You have to go?” asks Stella, cleaning herself

“I was outside all afternoon, sweat my liquids out.” Says Stacy

“Just don’t pee in the tub.” Says Stella

“It’s not a public pool.” Jokes Stacy

“You’re like a little kid.” Says Stella

“People of all ages piss in the pool, if you’re going to be swimming in other people’s piss you may as well contribute some of your own.” Says Stacy

“Remind me never to go swimming again.” Says Stella

“It’s chlorinated. I’m pretty sure everyone has come to terms with that already.” Says Stacy

“I think everyone tries to not think about that, but whatever.” Says Stella, filling the tub and getting in “Come.” She says, patting her thighs, Stacy sits in her lap and tries to go back to sleep, Stella holds her lovingly before eventually turning the water off and starting to wash her with care

“You ever think about shaving your legs?” asks Stella

“God forbid I become so self-conscious I start to shave the vellus hair on my legs.” Says Stacy

“I think it’s a bit longer than that.” Says Stella

“It’s white anyways, you can’t even see it.” Says Stacy

“That’s true, I don’t shave mine either, though I do kind of think about it sometimes. I did it once at a Carol’s house for fun one time, and it basically never grew back, so I don’t tend to think about it much. Shaved legs feel nice, you know.” Says Stella

“I would probably shave my armpits if I had some hair, I’d hate to be grouped in with the hippies. Even just noticeable leg hair, less of a beauty statement and more of a social one. That’s the last thing I would want, to be presumed a hippy.” Says Stacy

“What happened to being environmentally friendly?” Jokes Stella

“Only when it’s convenient. Hippies are disgusting people. Hobo’s are dirty but at least have a decent personality, hippies are dirty while spitting venomous conceit substantiated by their indignation and uncivilized filth. I don’t take pride in being dirty, I only enjoy the convenience.” Says Stacy

“Well you’ll be all clean pretty soon.” Says Stella, taking pride in her work, finishing washing Stacy’s face and hair before climbing over her and sitting in her lap, Stacy starts to wash her ticket to dream land, careful enough pacing the pace to keep the lioness happy, smelling the delight in the dream cook’s kitchen all the while, as it seems later than it somehow actually is to the sleepy girl. The slow pace starts to put Stacy to sleep but she manages to finish the task, nonchalantly picking Stella up by her armpits, eyes fluttering

“Bed time.” Says Stacy, relieved that her chores are done, stepping out of the tub and unstopping it

“Waste of warm water.” Frowns Stella, also stepping out

“The bed is warm too.” Says Stacy, grabbing a towel and wiping down Stella

“How kind.” Says Stella, entertained

“I’m afraid I’m going to black out or something. I never quite woke up the first time. I’m slipping.” Says Stacy as Stella starts to return the favor

“Don’t forget to brush your teeth.” Says Stella

“Of course. Of course. It feels like a time bomb in my mind causing it to implode. Jesus I’m tired.” Says Stacy

“You might need to drink some water, it could be dehydration.” Says Stella

“Right-o.” says Stacy, grabbing a cup from beside the sink, filling it and drinking before putting her night clothes on along with Stella, who also fills the cup and has a drink

“It was hot today.” Says Stella

“It’s always hot.” Says Stacy, who starts to brush her teeth

“That’s true.” Says Stella, following Stacy’s eager example after she finishes

Stacy pats Stella’s ass with both hands once she finishes “Oh goodness, my body aches and my brain is dying, let’s get some rest.” Says Stacy

“That sounds nice.” Says Stella, who walks out the door with Stacy in tow, entering their room, cutting the light and slipping into her bed with Stacy

“Nothing like dry sheets. Got to love the strictly business bed.” Says Stacy, cuddling Stella taking a hedonistic pleasure in the sheer comfort that surrounds her

“It doesn’t have to be.” Says Stella, kissing Stacy playfully

“Yes it does. This is the sleeping bed. No funny business.” Says Stacy

“Suit yourself.” Says Stella, slowly rubbing against Stacy’s hips

“Just keep it in the panties.” Says Stacy, Stella sighs

“Cuddling isn’t bad either.” Says Stella

“Sleepy time.” Says Stacy, merrily as her mind prepares for such a reprieve

“I’m surprised you don’t want to talk.” Says Stella

“I’ve talked enough today.” Says Stacy

“Ok, good night then.” Says Stella

“Thank you. Good night.” Says Stacy, kissing Stella farewell, her mind quickly collapses into darkness; Stella consciously enjoys being held for a while before the comfort soothes her to sleep as well.




The nameless soldier of death’s army of mime ghosts drives his invisible pick-up truck across the horizon, a middle aged life-warm blind deaf legally profoundly mentally retarded man that has known no life other than the complete paralysis of his entire body and known no world other than the back of the truck driven by the mime ghost high to death but still high on divine psychostimulants driving wide eyed for another meaningless day, trillions of years after a spookster decided to shine some scattered light upon the haunt of the ocean of mime ghosts. The man being spoon-fed the invisible sustenance of haunted life by little mime ghost children, his legal incapability the casket in which he is buried alive, for his own immense natural logic and intuition cause him to claw ceaselessly at his own existence, burning countless calories of haunted life solely by using his mind to writhe in fear. The man does not know why he is driven ceaselessly down the invisible backroads to no destination, solely moving because the captain of the 13.8 billion year old early  1980s model pick-up truck knows no other life than to drive his captive, and the only instinct of the ghastly children is to spoon-feed the man and rub his belly, lonely ghosts they were, savoring the finite time they can appreciate the life and death of such a man, knowing only the infinite length of time the invisible guide wires have been strung through the minds and limbs limiting their free will to the point they had none. Lowly beasts once worshiped the retarded man before the proximity of their god bred contempt of anything they could understand; now he is but another captive of the mimes just like the wee beasts, who pay as little mind to the existence to the ghosts of mimes as the bed-ridden man as neither can fathom such entertainers, remorselessly bound by the guide wires of fate and circumstance, ensuring that every invisible wall and invisible force in the universe is not only ushered into existence by their hands, but entirely up to code

“Stacy, wake up.” Says Stella, as she nuzzles Stacy warmly

“No.” groans Stacy

“Come on.” Says Stella

“Not reality. God, no.” says Stacy, in despair, cracking her eyes open

“It’s not that bad.” Says Stella

“Reality feels like I’m drowning in this thick heavy goo, and even breathing is like half breathing and half drowning, the air is so thick. Not only that but it’s just so damn hard, dense, stiff, creating pressure just by being so rigid. Not only drowning, but being forcefully held underwater. Why can’t it just be like a dream, damn it?” Says Stacy

“How are dreams all that different?” asks Stella

“Everything is soft, even watching twenty cars crash in front of you is like nothing is happening, completely indifferent, no more surprised than if two pillows playfully run into each other. The meaninglessness is so great, watching somebody get sucked under a door and being crushed by the gap between the door and the threshold doesn’t get a reaction, just taking it in like it’s some commonplace occurrence like a leaf rustling by, even the guy doesn’t give a damn, he’s just like ‘whelp, that’s it for me I suppose’, it’s like everything that exists is too tired to give a damn, existentialism doesn’t even exist because nobody was ever curious as to why anything exists, everything, myself included is that indifferent to its own existence, just going through the motions cheeky as can be.” Says Stacy

“That’s kind of like reality, just going through the motions.” Says Stella

“It’s not the same at all, reality hurts, it’s got feely things, in a dream I’ll be riding a train to nowhere and it crashes into a wall and crumples like a can and I just crawl out of some 3 inch gap in the metal unscathed and not even mildly surprised by anything. Only if I’m about to wake up do I ever have something similar to self-awareness, and I’m always just so damn confused, a terrible omen to be honest.” Says Stacy

“Just don’t get hurt, I don’t know what to say. My dreams are always super realistic, but I guess I suffer from self-consciousness, so that kind of eats me up, the social anxiety and stuff. Even if you can’t feel pain your mind can still torture you.” Says Stella

“That’s a damn shame; dreams are a wonderful kind of stupor, at least in my experience. Maybe I’m just too lazy to think inside my dreams, since I don’t have to consciously make decisions. My body just does the things instinctively.” Says Stacy

“I like being awake better, when I’m dreaming I kind of lose my mindfulness, so anxiety and the like become way more palpable when I’m not actively focused on averting it. It’s usually bad because often enough in dreams I’m just going to school and end up having a worse day than usual because somebody is giving me a hard time or I’m embarrassing myself or getting bad grades.” Says Stella

“That’s terrible. I’m glad my dreams are just random wandering around for the most part, sometimes they’ll be cinematic, but a lot of the time it’s just the most sensible nonsense that one wouldn’t question, school buildings transition into parking garages seamlessly and nobody questions it when you attempt to make your way out of the parking garage the same way you come in and the path leads you to a convenience store, you interact with lunatics as if they’re the pinnacle of reasonable people. I’m sure somebody might question it, but I suppose I’m not very inquisitive, it’s more work after all, not quite my natural predisposition.” Says Stacy

“It’s funny how your brain is so lazy it doesn’t even bother to try and make sense, since it knows you don’t give a damn whether or not things make sense. I’m glad you’re awake though.” Says Stella, getting out of bed and turning off the alarm clock that has yet to ring

“I don’t know how you wake up before the alarm clock. I would be unconscious ‘til noon at least every day.” Says Stacy

“It’s just circadian rhythm I think. I don’t know; maybe I just sleep well so my body thinks I’ve had enough.” Says Stella, getting dressed

“I sleep fine, it’s just the comfort gets to me, like pleasure shackles keeping me in bed and tempting me with my laziness.” Says Stacy

“Don’t let them get the better of you; I’ll drag you out of bed.” Says Stella

“Fine. I’m already pretty awake anyways, starting me off strong, talking like that. I don’t know why that works so damn well.” Says Stacy, getting out of bed

“I think it’s a positive feedback loop, you love hearing yourself talk, this excites you so you talk some more, continuing indefinitely.” Says Stella, sitting down

“Very true. It’s not so much the sound of my voice but the ideology that gets me going, I always agree with everything I say, and the ideas are so damn brilliant it’s like instant inspiration to a savorably high degree.” Says Stacy, getting dressed

“At least you enjoy it, I’d be sad if you were forcing yourself to talk solely out of spite the entire time.” Says Stella

“Even if I am being spiteful, which is not always the case, it’s a savory spite, it’s so damn tasty to hear of beautifully vindictive justice and crisp clean logic.” Says Stacy

“You really could sell cars.” Jokes Stella

“I’m not lying; savory spite feels good, plenty of people feel justified with filthy indignant malice, but savory spite is so damn tasteful and well-seasoned with reason that the euphoria is what I imagine some connoisseur of food would feel when he finds something amazing after a long drought.” Says Stacy

“So you’re a connoisseur of spite?” asks Stella

“I just have fine tastes, I don’t go about critiquing every last kind of spite, I go to what I find the most pleasurable every time, really hits the spot.” Says Stacy, sitting down next to Stella and pulling her back to lay down on the bed, Stella doesn’t mind

“I’d be a little worried if I had a thirst for spite that needed to be quenched.” Says Stella

“It can easily be bad, but when you’re a well-reasoned and intelligent individual like me, you understand that your spite can hardly even qualify as such, even though it is fueled by the same loathing and disdain, it is actually helpful, so it’s not really hindering or harming anything, it’s just a really aggressive and violent helpfulness. Kind of makes me feel like a nice person.” Says Stacy

“I wouldn’t particularly like being helped aggressively and violently.” Says Stella

“The taste of the help is irrelevant, it’s about the nutrition. Help that tastes good and accomplishes nothing gets you fat on help devoid of nutrition, you eat and you eat and do nothing but sit there and make your life worse.” Says Stacy

“Whenever somebody offers to help me, I make sure to eat as much of the help as I can.” Jokes Stella

“Food allegories are always great, the reason the old fables fall short in their attempts to explain things is because talking animals and cohesive plotlines don’t tend to exist, food on the other hand is always ready to go, ripe and ready to exist any day of the god damn week.” Says Stacy

“I think you just like food more than talking animals.” Says Stella

“I’m a bit ashamed of bringing up that topic, I don’t particularly like it, but I run my mouth without paying attention, it’s only afterwards that I might be aware of what I have said. That’s still pretty rare to be honest.” Says Stacy

“It’s terrible I have this huge fear of talking dogs now.” Says Stella

“That’s just being reasonable. I’d run the fuck away if I knew what was up. The bastard kind of smooths your mind over, drowning your suspicion, like a dream, creepy bastard, even by Bay City standards.” Says Stacy

“I stay away from that park, so I’m hoping that’s all it takes.” Says Stella

“That’s a pretty good bet. I’ve not seen him since, nor do I want to.” Says Stacy

“You don’t think he might want to help you? Since he’s in the business of doing good deeds or whatever.” Says Stella

“He’s an embittered fuck; he just wants to eat children. He even told us that outright. Saying he can’t do his job anymore so he just stopped giving a fuck and wants to eat children. At least he’s decent enough to make us deserve to be eaten in his eyes, I figure he could have just put us to sleep and ate us right there, or even worse lured us into an alley with hypnosis. Who knows what that bastard could have done.” Says Stacy

“That’s terrible; spooky as fuck to be honest. I wasn’t scared of dogs until you and your girlfriends forced me to believe that story. Now I’m scared shitless.” Says Stella

“Just avoid the wolf looking dogs and you’ll be fine, he said something about the wolf’s duty to keep man in check, so I doubt there’s going to be a little yappy dog doing the same thing.” Says Stacy

“All dogs came from wolves, you know.” Says Stella

“Most of them are pretty far removed from those genetics. I wouldn’t worry, I’ve seen plenty of dogs since and none of them talked to me.” Says Stacy

“That’s good. I’m still avoiding them, though. That’s the scariest part of all of this, that some crazy dog makes you go kill people.” Says Stella

“He’s not crazy, thankfully, that would be a real shit-show. As much as he’s an asshole I’m not all too opposed to aligning myself with him, just because he’s a decent person, well, dog, you know. Feels like I’m an upstanding citizen fighting off an army of demons, pretty rewarding.” Says Stacy

“You actually like it?” asks Stella

“It frightens me when I’m idle, but when I’m in the moment it feels good. You know how reality was breathing that heavy sticky dense goo, well, when I’m doing the lords work, in the moment, it’s like breathing clean pure air, really refreshing. I don’t know, maybe I’m crazy.” Says Stacy

“You’re definitely crazy.” Says Stella, subtly scared of Stacy at this point

“You know what he told me, the second day of all of this, the bad one, he told me ‘you are becoming a wolf’, so that might be it. He’s giving me his instincts and bloodlust or something, I don’t know. That might be the last thing he told me, over a week ago. I think it might have been because I asked a question. I learned my lesson, I’d rather not know the answer if the alternative is hearing that sick motherfucker’s voice.” Says Stacy

“You’ve not questioned anything since last Tuesday?” asks Stella, in disbelief

“I’m not the inquisitive type. I usually feel I know all the answers to everything, so that might be why I don’t ask questions. Rhetorical questions, sure, but other than that, not really. If I ever want to know something, I just think of the answer myself, if it’s technical knowledge that can’t be amassed through intuition and logic then I usually don’t care about the answer.” Says Stacy

“You are so damn bold. It’s remarkable. You want some breakfast? We can’t lie here all day, you know.” Says Stella

“You know I’ve got to feed my demons.” jokes Stacy

“Just the good ones, ok?” asks Stella, getting up, Stacy in tow

“Good is my favorite word, it just means whatever you want it to mean. If somebody disagrees with you, they’re bad, and it’s a given that somebody in the world is going to agree with your sense of good. This being said, of course the good ones will eat first.” Says Stacy

“For some reason I think you’d have a hard time finding somebody who defines good in the same way you do.” Says Stella, going out the door

“That’s the point where you start indoctrinating people.” Jokes Stacy, following Stella

“Good luck with that.” Says Stella, dryly, heading downstairs


The girls walk into the kitchen to find Dale passed out; face down on the table with the plastic container that held last night’s leftovers empty beside him. Stella walks over to him and rubs his shoulder.

“Dad, wake up, are you ok?” she asks, unsurpassed but concerned nonetheless

“Holy shit.” Mumbles Dale, sitting up quickly rather surprised

“He’s alive!” jokes Stacy

“God damn, I slept like a rock.” Says Dale, grabbing his half full old fashioned glass and downing the rest of his drink gratefully “Oh, that’s good.” He says

“I’m glad you ate, that was about 3 helpings worth of food though, I hope you don’t feel sick or anything.” Says Stella

“Maybe 3 little girl helpings, as I remember quite poorly it was about one grown man helping.” Says Dale

“Fair enough.” Says Stacy

“I’m pretty sure they weren’t children’s portions, just normal ones, it’s impressive you managed to eat that much.” Says Stella

“That’s a joke. I’ve seen you kids eat, with your half sized plates and meager portions. Remind me to take you girls to a restaurant to show you what a real portion looks like.” Says Dale

“I think if I’m full all night, it’s a real portion.” Says Stella

“I’m interested in finding out what a real portion looks like, to be honest. Piqued my interest to say the least.” Says Stacy

“I’m sure you couldn’t eat it all, since you’re kind of small, but it’s like a full-sized plate brimming with food. It’s beautiful.” Says Dale

“I might shed a tear, that sounds so beautiful.” Says Stacy

“I don’t think anyone can eat that much.” Says Stella

“It’s hard, and god damn you want to die afterwards, but it’s good, tasty good.” Says Dale

“That sounds awful. People really force themselves to eat that much?” asks Stella

“It’s courtesy; to show that you respect and appreciate the meal.” Says Dale

“That’s ridiculous. Torturing yourself to be polite?” asks Stella

“Sounds like every other form of politeness to me.” Jokes Stacy

Dale chuckles, “It’s way better than normal politeness, trust me. So damn expensive though, even classless restaurants will stab you in the wallet. Maybe just find some pictures if you’re curious, get Stella to cook you up a full plate.” Says Dale

"I don’t know it sounds like heaven.” Says Stacy

“Sounds like a waste of food.” Says Stella

“You can put it in a little expanded polystyrene container and carry it home. I guess a pretty big one in the case of your girls, eating pretty for a day or two. Choice.” Says Dale

“I’m going to be day dreaming all day now. It’s not even hunger at this point, it’s just awe.” Says Stacy

“I’m not going to cook you a ridiculous amount of food, but I’ll make you breakfast. Would you settle for oatmeal?” asks Stella

“Maybe some good oatmeal. Salt, pepper, an egg, onions, garlic powder, some tomato sauce.” Says Stacy

“Only because we have those things.” Says Stella

“Cheese?” asks Stacy

“I’ll check to see if the cheese fairy magically stopped by to gift us some cheese.” Says Stella

“Fingers crossed.” Says Stacy

“I’ll let you girls eat, my back didn’t like my belly’s decision to sleep at the table last night.” Says Dale

“That’s good, wouldn’t want anything to get worse now.” Says Stella

“That’s the lord’s truth, even if you can’t imagine how things could get worse, you better know damn well that they can get much worse real fucking quick. As bad as things are, I’m doing everything I can to make sure they don’t get worse.” Says Dale

“Blind drunk but still has foresight, a champion if I’ve ever known one.” Jokes Stacy

“I’m not blind drunk yet, kid. Give me a few minutes to catch up.” Jokes Dale

“Knock yourself out.” Jokes Stacy

“Not too much, please.” Says Stella, cleaning up after Dale and starting to cook

“If I was someone who drank too much, I would be dead, silly girl.” Jokes Dale

“We’re glad you don’t.” says Stacy, getting herself some milk

“I’m glad I can do a little something to make you happy every now and again. I’m proud of it myself too, after all these years, it’s a little bit of a miracle, I figure maybe one time in my blackouts I would have just been real hot and thirsty or something, but I suppose the lord is looking out for me in some strange way.” Says Dale

“The lord works in mysterious ways.” Says Stacy, Dale does the sign of the cross before kissing ‘al bacio’ in the same unbroken gesture

“Amen.” Says Dale, sincerely “I’m still stuffed, thanks for the grub, Stella, it’s about time I really sleep that meal off good.” Says Dale, slowly getting up

“Rest up, ok. Maybe don’t eat so much next time. 3 portions is a lot, you know.” Says Stella

“3 square meals a day, just what the doctor ordered.” Says Dale

“I don’t know if it’s healthy to take them all at the same time.” Says Stella

“I’m not going to sweat the details.” Says Dale, limping proudly to the couch, laying down and drinking the comfort




“It’s terrible I just had this premonition strike fear into my heart. A bit ridiculous, but still quite palpable.” Says Stacy

“What was it?” asks Stella

“I had this little prophecy about some impending silence, because I knew for damn sure you’d be content just cooking in silence. I was just staring at the table; silence is like nails on a chalkboard to me, shaking me good.” Says Stacy

“I find it hard to believe you put any faith in a prophesy about you being quiet for once.” Says Stella

“It was weird, my mind was racing and I just couldn’t find anything to say, spooked me good, like reality is sand slipping through my fingers, and the sand was me talking. I don’t know; must be half dreaming still.” Says Stacy

“I’m pretty sure you would call that a nightmare.” Says Stella

“Pretty close, but I’ve connived a solution. I’ll just think of a word and start ranting about it, one with quality vagueness, a flavor rainbow of possibilities of what the word could be describing.” Says Stacy

“Not inspired to berate society this early in the morning?” asks Sella

“Usually something triggers me on that topic, some grain of sympathy or indignation, just pisses me right off. I’ve got nothing in that furnace today, so I’m rubbing my hands together hoping for magic or something.” says Stacy

“So you’re just going to pick a word and rant about it?” asks Stella

“Yeah, I figure if I start on a broad topic, I can maybe dig deep into the topic and uncover something, like swinging a sledgehammer at a big rock, making smaller rocks, maybe find an arrowhead or something.” says Stacy

“That’s pretty ambitious, but I’m sure you have the capacity to talk about anything and everything.” Says Stella

“Real particular things, not so much, if I take, like, oats, for example, I don’t know a damn thing about oats, I’m not getting far with that, but I can pick something broad and have a go at it. Maybe it works, maybe it doesn’t, who knows.” Says Stacy

“Go for it, I’m game to hear some random ranting as opposed to the caning of society.” Says Stella

“Ok. Ready? Flavor. Lather that brain in some marinade because it’s a savory time talking about the intricacies of flavor, and not the literal kind either, the real allegorical kind: the spice of life. Describing a taste is impossible; you can only taste a taste. Flavor is dripping on every damn thing in the world, sparse or soaking, it’s there, even if it’s the flavor of industrial chemicals or garbage, it’s still got a flavor. People should really be living more for the flavor of life; it’s always about nutrition you know, being productive and whatnot. What’s the point in living if your life consists of sustaining yourself on the parts of life that are as flavorful as Poverty bars on a good day, and often times just spray-paint flavored air?

People spend their lives either working or voluntarily melting their brains with stupid idle nonsense like the television. The worst flavor of all you know, it’s just showing you a flavor, you’re pretending that you’re tasting that tasty taste because it’s showing you the pictures, and you hear it, but it’s all an illusion. It’s only fulfilling because you’ve got nothing to compare it to. When you spend your life watching television and that seems to be the pinnacle of fulfillment because that’s the most fulfilled you’ve ever been, you actually believe that illusory fulfillment is the real deal, and you are satisfied with that. If I were running the guns I’d be making damn sure that all the little children found something fulfilling to do out of the fear of death, just so they wouldn’t be contented with illusion and bullshit, actually make them feel the need to go out and do something and accomplish something to be fulfilled, not just watch some character be artificially fulfilled in some artificial scenario and feel so damn contented due to one’s own laziness and indifference to actually existing in one’s own right that the stupid beast finds merit in mindless laugh-tracks because they’re occasionally chuckling like a drug addled idiot. That’s grim as hell to realize that some people think the pinnacle of fulfillment, or even just enough fulfillment to be contented consists of an occasional druggie chuckle. It’s grim because they only reason they are satisfied with that is because it’s the most satisfying thing they’ve found throughout their decades of living on this damn planet. I don’t know if it’s laziness or what, but the respect for television, watching other people live their lives, or even just fake people live fake lives, instead of living your own, real grim.” Says Stacy

“Jesus you can rant. I don’t know, I think people don’t want to live their own lives because their lives suck, they’re boring or stupid or painful, so they find the amazing and entertaining adventures to be a nice reprieve from the doldrums defining their entire lives. Nobody wants to watch a show about petty unentertaining office labor; they want to watch something far more exciting. It’s easily impossible to live that sort of life, so being able to watch a show about an amazing adventure is probably the only accessible way that a person can satisfy their own lust for adventure. They can’t go out and have a real one for a cornucopia of reasons, so being able to sit down for a dribble of time and enjoy a similar feeling while still being able to step away if need be and take care of one’s own responsibilities is popular because it’s a change of pace. For every adventurer in history there were thousands and thousands of people working to death and that’s all those people ever did. That’s life.” Says Stella

“I see your point. I’m just complaining that it’s synthetic, and if people are willing to settle for synthetic aspects of life, we may well make all of them synthetic.” Says Stacy

“I’m sure we’re getting closer to that point every day.” Says Stella

“It’s a damn shame. Another problem with television and any sort of plot driven media for that matter is that it’s so damn plot dense. It’s like synthetic opiates compared to natural ones, the synthetic ones are just thousands of times stronger than the natural ones so people unquestioningly prefer the synthetics. People turn into plot junkies and loathe their own existence because plot isn’t coursing through their veins every second of the god damn day along with the second dagger in the kidney that unlike in television they are forced to experience the boring parts of their lives, instead of just cutting away to something interesting happening elsewhere, living life in a blackout except for when interesting plot driven events are occurring. This lack of plot in the life of a junkie makes them start to fiend, and they’ll start fantasizing or reminiscing to induce the euphoric recall of the damn plot. The plot is so damn potent in the media that people don’t even think it exists anywhere else; they wouldn’t notice the plot of real life because the high is so weak due to their tolerance from their addiction to the junk. They always think that their lives are boring but they don’t think to do something about it, they just figure it’s impossible to have an interesting life so they just turn to television. Even if it’s not fiction, the same holds true for the news for the most part. News is entirely irrelevant to the common man, but people still live and die for that shit because it makes them think there is some overarching plot that they are somehow a relevant aspect of, foolishly enough. Giving people this plot high without having to work for it is like conditioning children to become dope fiends living on the street just because you happen to make good money selling heroin to the kids. It’s ridiculous.” Says Stacy

“I tried to think of some counter points, but I keep striking them down, every sit-com or reality show will still have a plot, as petty or trivial as it may be, the characters are inevitably part of a developing story. Even dad’s historical shows are plot driven; World Wars tend to be pretty plot heavy compared to the paper pushing and wage slaving of pacifistic peace time. I guess people just want to feel the high of having plot in their life since there tends to be such a dearth. I mean you read books at least.” Says Stella

“It’s true. Sitting around staring at the celling having the plot void enjoy free punches all day is not all too pleasant. Recently though I’ve had plenty of god damn plot; you don’t know what you got till it’s gone, looking back the a la carte plot is pretty damn convenient compared to having to ride the damn horse yourself. Not being able to take it or leave it is soul crushing. I guess everybody is like that to some degree, even if it is just drowning in idle misery and slaving, it’s still passing the time at least, even if there is no character development or noticeable conflict, I figure most people slave to avoid the conflict all together. People don’t want the bad parts of the plot, so I can understand why people would avoid it. I still feel the synthetic plot addicts are kind of hollow people, just ranting and raving, echoing plots that are irrelevant from their own lives.” Says Stacy

“A crusade against television seems like the most foolish of all of your dastardly plans.” Jokes Stella

“I’m sure even if I succeeded in prohibiting television and burning all the fantastical books people would just go back to telling god damn ghost stories like the old days. Fiends, I tell you.” Says Stacy

“We all have our vices, I’m sure they’ll burn in hell for their gluttonous consumption of synthetic plot with the rest of the sinners.” Jokes Stella, serving Stacy some food

“Damn this looks good.” Says Stacy

“It’s hot, so let it cool off.” Says Stella

“Whoever invented the bowl was a fool, it should be a large shallow rectangle, large surface area, rapid cooling, would be ideal.” Says Stacy

“Your level of impatience is remarkable sometimes.” Says Stella, sitting down with her own meal

“It’s not impatience if it’s innovation and improvement via efficiently expediting things.” Says Stacy

“With the amount of time that would save you throughout a lifetime you would still manage to accomplish nothing more, you would just have more time to talk.” Says Stella

“That’s something, I’m sure in the hands of a productive person, the soup tray would be a godsend; they would get right back to sewing shoes or mining salt.” Says Stacy

“You’re shameless.” Says Stella

“Those are respectable jobs. Civilization would be damn near impossible without shoes, and who doesn’t love salt? It’s a shame that honest labor is the lowest form of labor, honest just means victimizably naïve and stalwartly foolish in a world such as this one.” says Stacy

“It’s easy to be honest and hard to be a conniving manipulator, it’s supply and demand really. Of course some people don’t know how to play within the rules and those people are labeled as swindlers instead of business people, but it’s just a line in the sand.” Says Stella

“Jesus. Talking about these things so far and distant and irrelevant from us is making me this weird kind of lightheaded. Talking is just so thin and empty and irrelevant, accomplishing nothing. It feels like I’m just pawing at air like some hallucinating kitten. I keep thinking about reality, my job or whatever, so damn real, I can feel it, like this table.” Says Stacy, slapping the table heartily “Talking is just like this airy feeling, even if we’re talking about real things, they just seem like irrelevant fantasies to me, they don’t even register as reality in my senses. It’s kind of scary, attempting to enjoy my staple pastime and having it leave me feel so empty, like a  ghost or something, no sensation just air, confusing me like and ethereal cloud, almost to the point of being like school. It used to feel so damn good, easily amazing, because that was all I had, talking was the pinnacle of realism, nothing ever felt more real because I never did anything real, maybe petty things, but talking about the real world making me feel like a goddamn empress looking down over her empire, combing through the long locks of society and picking at the bugs, feeding them to those sick enough to eat them, attempting to defend the salvageable value of the parasites. It still feels good to run my mouth, don’t get me wrong, anxiolytic for sure, but it’s just kind of thin, I need to talk louder and more aggressively or something, get real results, crumble walls with my booming voice, I don’t know. Reality is just kind of looking at me like a damn bear and I’m blowing cute little clouds out of my mouth at it. Experiencing the warm-blood of reality so frequently is making me realize how pointless it is. This feeling is kind of killing my ego, I don’t know, I guess I have to get blind drunk on delusion or something, really convince myself that my words are legitimate bricks in the windows of Babylon. My head is kind of spinning, like fear but my body is melting, like the world is melting, I flail my arms and it just flings my dripping body all over the place, not accomplishing anything, this powerlessness. I miss the power of my words and my dreams and my ideals, they used to feel so damn real, like god coursing through my veins, but reality is looking at me, smirking, that sick fuck.” Says

“I don’t know what to say to that. I can understand where you’re coming from, your world was kind of shattered and you’ve got to come to terms with that. It’s hard to embrace change, but I think you can manage. Maybe less talking wouldn’t be a bad idea, if you do feel it is pointless now for some odd miraculous reason. In terms of the fear and what not, I’m pretty sure a doctor would just have you eat some bennies out of his hand like you’re a goat at a petting zoo and stroke your hair for a while until you feel better, but we don’t really have any bennies. Maybe one of dad’s cigarettes would help, but I don’t want you to start smoking.” Says Stella

“It’s fine. It’s uncomfortable, but it’s kind of like being hungry. When I know I can’t do a damn thing about it I can just ignore it for the most part, I feel it but it doesn’t bother me, I just see it as a fact of life and keep on trucking. This is just such a weird feeling.

“Hopefully the food helps; I’m kind of in the same boat as you to be honest. I get scared sometimes, and my mind will just go black, ignore it very forcefully. When it’s thoroughly repressed I can kind of forget about it, it’s like second nature to repress those sorts of thoughts for me by now.” Says Stella

“I don’t know if it’s fear or what, probably not. Like I’m just so small and powerless, knowing the feel of real actions that effect reality kind of cracked my delusions a little bit. I don’t know, just thinking about the spooksters that don’t give a damn and the constant threat of society refraining from being antisocial for just long enough to sour my damn milk. Trying to think of every haphazard sack of meatbag slapstick that might get poured on me because I slipped up so slightly and now I’ve got to somehow try to put everything back in the bag nonchalantly and pretend that nothing happened. My mind was so accustomed to the reality of thoughts and delusions as the only existent form, reality is just pushing down on me, making my thoughts and words feel physically weak when they used to feel so strong. I don’t know where my confidence went, I guess just yesterday with the little girl, kind of reminding me of the fragility of life and randomness of death. I’ll overcome it, I’m damn sure of it, devilish grin like I’ll enjoy massacring every bit of reality just to rub those fluffy thoughts on my body again. It’s kind of like a devil may care kind of feel, but it’s all I’ve got right now.” Says Stacy

“Maybe drink some more milk or something? That tends to help you feel good. I don’t know, you’re kind of loopy right now.” Says Stella

“I’m sure it will help. Just drown reality in delicious milk. Fear of reality may be real, but milk is so much more real, I can taste it and feel it, so real, the pinnacle.” Says Stacy, getting up and pouring herself some milk

“They’re both equally real, I do think it’s good to be cautious of reality, maybe not afraid but definitely cautious.” Says Stella

“It’s just so weird, that feeling.” Says Stacy, sipping her milk, “Damn I love milk, but still, it feels like this milk is real and all I have to fight off reality with, your cooking too I guess. My thoughts are amounting to nothing, but at least this milk is real.” Says Stacy

“That’s kind of true, food keeps you alive and perceiving reality, gives you strength to do things. I thought you would chug the whole glass instantly, it’s funny to see you sip it.” Says Stella

“I’ve got to savor it. It’s sacred. Solace. Keeping me sane like that, cleaning my mind, washing away the grit of filth-ridden reality and replacing it with milky goodness.” Says Stacy

“I’m glad it helped.” Says Stella

“With my feels soothed, coming back to the dead-bland part of reality consisting of school feels like it’s desiccating my brain and soul, sucking the moisture out yet still ice cold; from swirling chaotic death to dry brittle desert death, I guess I’m way more used to this one though. Back to the whole meaty reality part, I just kind of wish I lived in a simpler time, where my job since I was like 8 years old until I die would be just milking cows or something, no need to know anything. Ignorance is bliss, god damn it, why do we need to spoil that. I don’t know how you and Jenna do it, my brain doesn’t want to know trivial things, it all seems like memorizing some irrational number in base ten: pointless, meaningless, worthless.” Says Stacy

“We’re just learning the building blocks of a useful and functional education, we master the basics and then we can learn the applications. Sure some of it is just for culture’s sake, but those parts should at least be enjoyable or entertaining. Regardless, I’m sure you could find a job doing menial labor, but life would be a bitch for sure, making no money and struggling. You should really try to realize that even if you don’t like to learn, the comfortable life eventually provided by an education makes it more than worthwhile. You either suffer for the first 25 years of your life or you suffer for the last 75 years of your life. I hope you’re not that shortsighted.” Says Stella

“I really shouldn’t complain, it’s not like it’s actually painful. It would be great if the world learned the lessons of Nazi Germany and realized that pumping your plebeians full of speed makes it easy to turn even a broken nation into an industrial superpower capable of fighting a war on two fronts and possibly even winning it, if it weren’t for the consequent delirium. Just strike a healthy balance with some downers and I’d be high on learning, so damn focused, enjoying it, feeling great, alert, attentive, and the downers could even help me avoid increasingly reckless ranting about high-ho despotism.” Says Stacy

“I think the crisis with methamphetamine right now kind of proves that the opposite is true.” Says Stella

“It’s only a crisis because we make it one, when everyone in Germany was high on speed it wasn’t a crisis, it was a god damn golden age. If the people weren’t persecuted and meth was administered responsibly instead of reduced to something only criminals would do, people could see the value in such a drug. American’s are lazy as hell; if everybody was speeding responsibly I’m sure you would see a hell of a lot less underachievement in all walks of life. If reefer addicts can legalize something that makes them stoned and worthless all god damn day just because it makes some cancer patients feel better, there’s no argument against the ‘Free the Speed’ movement since it can treat narcolepsy, ADHD, and even obesity.” Says Stacy

“Except that I’m pretty sure when everybody is sitting at work picking methbugs out of their skin because they haven’t slept in a week that sort of thing ends up being a pretty good argument against that.” Says Stella

“The downers solve that problem, it’s yin and yang.” Says Stacy

“I’m pretty sure that’s exactly what the Taoists were talking about.” says Stella, dryly

“It’s a universal concept.” Says Stacy

“Anyways, I’m sure if you start speaking at the ‘Free the Speed’ rallies you’ll find plenty of people desperate enough to fight blindly to the death against the government.” Says Stella

“It’s not a bad place to search for sympathizers.” Says Stacy

“I’m sure plenty of them even share some of your 500% right-wing ideology, seeing how they tend to be on the fringe in regards to that stuff.” Says Stella

“I can’t rely on them though, they tend to be white supremacists, and the with the majority of the country high on self-induced white-shame that’s not a route to success, you’ve got to appeal to the disenfranchised people, when you have the support of the poor and minorities, you have the support of the liberal whites since they tend to hate the traditional western values more than anyone else, even black nationalists and Islamic extremists have more common values with conservative Christians than liberals. The conservative groups tend to hate each other because they’re all too conservative to be tolerant of their few differences, and this hurts their success that would otherwise be insurmountable. If the Fiscal Conservatives, Christians of all colors, Muslims, Jews, and traditional Asians banded together, we would have a very strict moralistic society since they could always agree on their common beliefs, but since the racists tend to scare away the decent people of color, the communists and take advantage of the division to tempt the poor and ignorant away from their moral fiber with the delusional Robin Hood cult of free things and utopia.” Says Stacy

“I think it would be noble if you tried to remove some of the racism that causes tension between the conservative party and people who happen to be conservative.” Says Stella

“It’s probably impossible since a firmly held traditional belief of all conservative cultures is fear of outsiders, so they wouldn’t trust the teamwork initiative. It might be possible, but plenty of people only vote conservative out of racism and xenophobia, so you might lose all of those votes if the party was all about minority inclusion.” Says Stacy

“It’s a catch-22 I guess. The conservatives still seem to do pretty well, I’m sure since the majority of the party consists of decent Christians who would tolerate like-minded conservatives, you would be better off replacing the votes of the racists with god-fearing minorities, since their numbers are increasing rapidly while the white’s numbers fall in contrast. It’s not like you would lose their votes to the liberals anyways.” Says Stella

“They wouldn’t see the colored people as like-minded conservatives, regardless of however conservative their values are, plenty of people only see them as outsiders and they perceive all people who aren’t like them to be a threat. It’s instinct to fear things that are different from yourself, it would be hard to overpower that, especially since it’s been ingrained so damn thoroughly by the culture of plenty of poor white places.” Says Stacy

“So you’re going to appeal to liberals?” asks Stella

“The liberals are the ones who tend to riot in the street and throw Molotov cocktails because they think it helps induce a utopia. It’s probably my best bet.” Says Stacy

“That’s a small minority of them.” Says Stella

“The majority of them sympathize with the rioters though, just because they’re not setting buildings on fire doesn’t mean they’re not equally upset that we don’t live in a god damn utopia. They’ve just got something to lose, that’s why they’re not out there. I’ve just got to convince them that the something they have is actually nothing, or that the rich and powerful are stealing from them, and they’ll gladly riot.” Says Stacy

“That’s probably a lot harder than you think; most of them just want decent treatment for everybody and reasonable things like that.” Says Stella

“Then they’ll be right pissed when they hear somebody’s not getting decent treatment, they’ll be throwing bricks if they hear somebody wasn’t respected by the damn authorities. It’s not hard to stoke that indignation.” Says Stacy

“I’ll let you have fun with that, I might sympathize with people, but I’m not going to start throwing bricks any time soon. I can accept that it’s naturally a cruel world, unlike most people who think that mankind purposely creates every problem out of his own volition in order to spite them. I understand how hard it is to solve problems, and don’t expect miracles, I don’t expect a damn thing to be honest, I’m pretty satisfied as long as the country’s not on fire and there’s food to eat.” Says Stella

“So you’re a conservative.” Jokes Stacy

“I think I’m pretty liberal, I mean I want to see people like dad being taken care of, not to mention us, Stacy.” Says Stella

“If you were a liberal you would be pretty upset that the country is not on fire and you’re dream would be to institute communism to ensure that there is no food to eat.” Says Stacy

“Maybe some kind of radical liberal, I guess I’m a moderate or something, a centralist, I don’t know. I don’t care about politics.” Says Stella

“That’s good. Politics is futile, at least in its current form. Caring about politics is like thinking that shouting at a deaf-blind mentally retarded child will make him a functional member of society.” Says Stacy

“The government is not that incapable.” Says Stella

“It is when you think about how it could wield the power of god almighty but chooses to bicker with their thumbs up their asses and accomplish next to nothing over the course of a year. It’s a damn shame that the nature of politics in this country consists of one party being elected, that party failing and losing support, then the other party gets elected, fails to do anything and loses support, so instead of having a functional power structure the parties just spend their time reversing whatever pittance the other party had gotten done, or otherwise being deadlocked because the idiots who designed the government decided that having a system of governance that could exist in a state of stagnation for two or more years is a reasonable idea. If it was just a simple damn majority at least it would almost be a given that the party in power could at least do something without the minority party just naysaying the entire time and causing everybody in politics to get paid to accomplish nothing but bicker and look like incompetent idiots. Of course that’s a pipe dream because the independents would get elected on the platform of always voting against the any bill that might pass, regardless of what it is for whatever godforsaken reason they can pull out of the barrel of bullshit.” Says Stacy

“I think the protection for the minority party is good, otherwise they would just be irrelevant and that half of the country would feel very upset that they have so many constituents but zero power.” Says Stella

“When it prevents things from happening, it’s choosing to respect a minority party instead of having a functional government which is ridiculous. I don’t give a damn what bill the government is passing as long as they can actually function unhindered. I like it when things run smoothly, and the political system of the United States is the antithesis of that.” Says Stacy

“Regardless, you still need to find some healthier interests. Politics is not good for anything, at least in your case.” Says Stella

“Unless your only interests are work and piety, interests are nothing but vice. Since pride is my vice, politics is my interest.  I’d rather that than slothful entertainment, wrathful sport, gluttony, gambling, vain envy, or lustful socialization.” Says Stacy

“I still think you could try to remember that wholesome things exist, you act like life is nothing but vice and treachery, there are plenty of good, nice things that you could be interested in. Most people tend to focus on those and try to ignore the bad parts for the most part, I think it creates a healthier and happier person than one who is so consumed by contemplating the vices and shortcomings of mankind all day.” Says Stella

“Wholesomeness is poison; it literally has the same effect as huffing paint. It induces a childlike stupor and foolish high that conditions people to seek these cute meaningless smiles and ignore the world at large. It is intoxicating to the point where it cripples the mind and causes it to disregard reality and replace it with soft fuzzy images and feelings. Very few parts of reality are soft and fuzzy, and if they are it is largely only by human intervention, wholesomeness is unnatural; nature is raw, gritty, violent, heartless, cold, and remorseless. Just because man can mass produce emotional analgesics that dull the sharp knife of reality gouging out one’s organs doesn’t mean that the damn knife should be ignored. That’s as stupid as saying that your house isn’t on fire when it clearly is because you closed your eyes and can’t see the damn fire.” Says Stacy

“You could still find a healthier hobby, try to find something you actually enjoy instead of just enjoying the ego high of condemning anything and everything that exists and pretending like that makes you better than whatever you are condemning.” Says Stella

“It’s an enjoyable high, and I don’t think I’m better at all, I’m just wiser. I’m not offering good alternatives; I’m offering more efficient and productive alternatives. I’m sickened by the inefficacy more than the immorality, watching things get half-assed by society because they’re pussyfooting around like idiots. It’s a shame that their hands are forced in the matter because everybody knows that if somebody actually does something, everybody will be far more upset with them than if they do nothing. In a sense, I figure by doing nothing I’m saving face for the most part. Taking about raising Cain but doing nothing angers nobody because nobody listens, while actually doing it will likely kill you. You don’t have any hobbies either, you just go to school.” Says Stacy

“I cook, I run errands, I look after you, I’ve got plenty of good wholesome things that I do, I don’t have much time for hobbies, but I figure student council counts for something. You just ramble on about godforsaken things like some blind delirious maniac. I think if you put that energy into something productive or enjoyable you could find a more innocent kind of happiness rather than simply fantasizing about sinking your fangs into society and drinking its blood.” Says Stella

“I don’t know; I just like it I guess. It’s free, always accessible, makes me feel good about myself, real damn good to be honest, and it’s no sweat off my back to have at it for hours on end and it never loses its appeal. I just like to think of things I guess, and when I think of them it feels great because I thought of them and I’m proud of myself, like I did something great just by thinking. It’s easy smiles, maybe not wholesome smiles, but I’ll take what I can get, so long as it’s easy of course.” Says Stacy

“See, if it feels that good to think of something yourself, just think of how good it would feel to actually do something yourself or make something yourself. You clearly like to create things, even if it’s just thought at this point, I think you could put your creativity and energy to work in a better way and do some great things.” Says Stella

“I’m at a loss as to what I would even start to do in that department, I don’t like computers and the only other producing machine we have is a sewing machine, and seeing how I don’t know a damn thing about either of them I think it would be a disaster or at least futile.” Says Stacy

“You could get a book from the library, I don’t know. It doesn’t have to be around the house, you could do something in the community.” Says Stella

“I do that Animal Club thing. See? I’ve got very wholesome hobbies.” Says Stacy

“Once a week for a few hours is good, but you’ve got so much excess energy, you know, I think it’s a waste to see it all spent on ranting all day.” Says Stella

“It’s not entirely wasteful, politicians make good money ranting all day, though it’s a shame they’ve got to cook by the book and play the broken records of society’s self-adoration of its own idiocy.” Says Stacy

“You just said that you even know you’re wasting your own time with it, since you don’t want to go into politics.” Says Stella

“I never said that, I just don’t want to go into standard politics. Regardless, I hang out with friends; I figure that’s what most girls our age do.” Says Stacy

“The successful ones also spend time enriching their lives with quality and dedicate themselves to something.” says Stella

“Quality is subjective, and just because you dedicate yourself to something doesn’t mean it’s worthwhile, I’m glad I’m not focused on art or music or sports, those things all become worthless pretty quick once you get out of college. Seeing how popular those three things and even more worthless interests like sheeple-politics are, I figure I’m doing well for myself, sure I’m behind the studious and probably the crafts-folk, but the middle of the pack isn’t a bad place to be. I may be wasting my time, but I’m not wasting my money, my mind, or putting my bodily health in avoidable jeopardy. I like my life; I figure I shouldn’t try to change just to sparkle in the eyes of some judgmental pricks. I’m happy being me, and I’m sure I wouldn’t be happy trying to live up to some foolish standard of greatness. I know what greatness is, and it for damn sure isn’t middle management or even the Nobel Peace Prize.” Says Stacy

“I think the Nobel Peace Prize is a pretty prolific achievement.” Says Stella

“It just means that not only were you some pouting queer with a stick up your ass, but you were pouting the loudest and you had the stick the furthest up your ass. That’s not a prize I would be proud of in the slightest. Empires are great, power is great, pouting not so much.” Says Stacy

“I think fighting relentlessly for peace among people is very noble, world peace would be greater than any empire. They’re not pouting anyways; they’re activists who are fighting for change.” Says Stella

“By pouting. Fighting is done with guns, fists, knifes, et cetera. Pouting is running your mouth and expecting people to care. Don’t disrespect the good people willing to actually fight for something by comparing them to people who bitch all day, regardless of how loud they might bitch. If I was calling the shots, any time somebody was ‘fighting’ for something by running their damn mouth I would break their fucking jaw with the buttstock of a rifle and tell them to fight me. I would probably just shoot them, but if they were true pacifists I would let them suffer even more for the inanity in thinking that shouting changes a damn thing. I’m living proof that it doesn’t. The world would be a much different place if that actually accomplished anything. If people actually and naturally listened to each other out of some sick sympathy and worked together unquestioningly instinctively, the world would have been conquered by Peace Corps, not armies.

 Humans are solitary violent creatures that fend for themselves in small groups; trying to create some sick idealist world peace bullshit is attempting to gut humans of the instincts that kept them alive for a few million godforsaken years. If cooperation on a large scale actually worked it would have happened in nature, the reason it doesn’t is because when the large group fails, the entire thing falls apart and the large group dies, where the same number of people in smaller groups would survive because the failures would be isolated to a few of the small groups which would fail and die while the others keep the fuck on trucking. World peace is like telling people to eat wood pulp; it would easily kill more people than world war. War between factions is natural, survival of the fittest, competing for resources and preventing physical harm to one’s self, and thus it is sacred; peace is unnatural and a disgusting effigy of humanity itself, even relative world peace has already begun to warp humans from a delicately refined rather natural beast that had retained much of the capabilities that allowed it to survive in the wild into some wretched cancer that survives not because it deserves to, but simply because it can. It’s a damn shame they send the fit and healthy to war, the first draftees should be those with feeble genetics, strap them with bombs or even just riddle them with disease and salute them as they jump out of planes into densely populated urban areas to blight the fools that seek conflict with a capable military mind. Take care not to invest heavily in them, since the yield would be poor, but the cost would actually be a negative cost so long as you are condemning those unworthy of life to a glorious death.” Says Stacy

“Wow. That’s sick, even adding being a war-hawk to every other terrible aspect of leadership that you tend to embrace for some reason.” Says Stella

“It’s for the good of the whole, but I’m not a war-hawk anyways, quite the contrary. I’ll defend myself if need be, but I’ve got to make sure I have enough bullets for the infidels and loyal men to shoot them. Police states don’t police themselves, and if I’m holding the dandy top gun we happen to live in, I can’t use the fear of massacre from an invasion to strike the fear into the hearts of the plebeians that is needed to maintain order. That’s one of the few disadvantages to living on a relatively unassailable continent; it’s a lot harder to strike the good and proper war-fear into the hearts of man. The war-fear is ever so dear, keeps the man working night in day for fear of imminent death.” Says Stacy

“It’s amazing that we went to Catholic school for our entire childhood and there’s not an ounce of goodness or godliness in you at all. You need Jesus.”

“I am Christ. I bring to the world the holy and divine insight of the creator, whichever damn spookster it happens to be. I raise mankind from his lowly wretched misery for having forsaken god in the name of disdain for natural law and contemporary anti-religion, after so many sick years of mental corruption instilled by the machines and their occult prophets who were enlightened by the facilitation of vice, treachery, idiocy, foolishness, ignorance, and faux goodness, the ghost has decided it is high time to send a prophet to remind them of the will of god and the laws of the natural world. This is the rapture, faith in me allows mankind to ascend to the highest of heavens and faithlessness condemns him and every generation of his kin that follows him to writhe in a miserable living hell before ultimately being damned to whichever of the many deliciously tasteful layers of the countless true hells his own misdeeds and folly warrants. I am the truth, the light, I shine in the darkness against the sinners and the demons, I do not falter, I heed the word of god and show no reverence to the men who foolishly attempt to hold their mortality and ignorance higher than the wisdom of the almighty. You are one of my few disciples, and should the time come that I die a martyr, you shall feel god calling you to spread his word in your gospel. I am no beast, nor am I human. I am only a puppet; I am but the will of god.” Says Stacy

“Jesus Christ, Stacy. It’s too early for that. For me to be your disciple, I would have to have faith in your so-called prophecies and divinity or whatever. I don’t have faith in much of anything at the moment, even with your… gift; I’m not drawing any correlation between that and god. Don’t expect a gospel any time soon.” Says Stella

“I think I’ve got to die a martyr first, anyways. Don’t worry about it.” Says Stacy

“Don’t go out and die because of this sick delusion. Jesus Christ, you’re crazy.” Says Stella

“Jesus never sought death; he simply lived as the living testament of gods will before the people inevitably killed him. I figure that’s a respectable strategy.” Says Stacy

“Try to focus on the living part, at least.” Says Stella

“Of course, there can be no gospel if there are no stories of holy magic. I may have some prophecy here and there, but the proof is in the pudding.” Says Stacy

“It would largely be a horror story at this point, but I guess it might strike the fear of god into somebody. This situation makes so little god damn sense that faith in god is the only way to explain it for the most part.” Says Stella

“Keep the faith.” Says Stacy

“I’d have to refrain from  being incredulous to the whole affair in order for it to instill faith in me, and that point in my life has yet to come, and it damn well may never come. It’s time to get ready for school though.” Says Stella, getting up and starting to clean the kitchen

“That’s for the best. I like to be me, not some damn servant of a sick spookster or whatever the fuck I am when I’m slaving in the salt mines of justice.” Says Stacy

“I like that too, of the two Stacy’s the normal one is by far my favorite. I don’t know about normal, but the standard at least.” Says Stella

“There’s only one Stacy, the other one isn’t really me at all.” Says Stacy

“Well, it’s some demon or something that takes over your body, I don’t know. I just know it scares the hell out of me. The standard Stacy just reminds me of home.” Says Stella

“I’m just glad that demon is strictly business so everyone in my life gets to enjoy little old me for the vast majority of the time. So long as I mine enough salt I get plenty of personal time.” Says Stacy

“Just drop it, let’s get ready for school, I don’t want to hear any more of that. It’s so much worse than even your normal ranting.” Says Stella

“Agreed. I’m much fonder of the normal ranting too.” Jokes Stacy, getting up

“At this point I’m somewhat fond of it, at least when compared to the hell the other stuff has put me through.” Says Stella, heading upstairs, Dale dying happily, unconscious again

“Relativity is a beautiful thing.” Says Stacy, following Stella

“If it can make me fond of your insane ranting I suppose it is.” Says Stella, headed to the bathroom to brush her teeth

“One down, a few billion to go.” jokes Stacy

“You’re something else.” Says Stella, starting to brush her teeth

“All I’ve got to do is put everyone else through hell and it should be a cake walk.” Jokes Stacy, also starting to brush her teeth

“For some reason I think you’re capable of that.” Says Stella, after spitting and rising her mouth out, eventually breaking the healthy silence

“Dare to dream, so they say.” Says Stacy, after doing the same, following Stella into their room




Stella notices a wire clothes-hanger on the floor and picks it up. “You know what seeing this clothes-hanger reminds me of?” asks Stella

“My untidiness?” asks Stacy, sitting down on her bed and laying on it

“That, but more so you talking.” Says Stella, putting the hangar up and going to sit on her own bed

“Because it could prevent the nice allegorical clothes of society from becoming wrinkled, dirtied, and stepped on?” asks Stacy

“No. Because listening to you talk about your ideals for long enough slowly causes this desire to cut a hangar into a long wire and beat you mercilessly in a corner with it until you abandon your ideals, then give you some opiates every time you have a nice, normal, humanistic sentiment, even just pleading for sympathy, to condition some sort of common sense into you.” Says Stella

Stacy chuckles “If more humanists were willing to resort to those sorts of actions I wouldn’t scorn them so viciously.” She jokes

“Humanism is an ideal, but of course inhuman things can be handled a bit more roughly. We’re not pretending the television has feelings when we smack it trying to make it work correctly.” Says Stella

“You’re a barbaric fundamentalist realist extremist if you do something like that. It’s inhumanely politically correct to spew such racism towards televisions and write-off their feelings as if they were sub-human. You would easily be put in prison for something like that nowadays, if you weren’t lynched or assassinated before you even got that far.” Jokes Stacy

“I don’t know if facetious humanism is really any better than anti-humanism.” Says Stella

“It’s one in the same, I’m either attempting to destroy modern humanity by gouging out the massive cancer that comprises 98% of society or I’m just trying to help the cancer evolve, new technology makes old technology obsolete by vastly increasing the capacity or efficiency or the mechanism, there’s no shame in seeking to apply Moore’s Law to political correctness, every so many years we increase our level of tolerance until it is illegal to segregate known carcinogens from baby-food because that’s bigoted, and it’s felony assault and a hate crime if you’re not enjoying some skinship with dimethyl mercury every now and again because dimethyl mercury’s feelings get so hurt when people don’t want to play with it. I’m all about tolerance and kindness, so long as people practice what they preach, seeing how it already kills the idiots who are zealous proponents of such poison.” Says Stacy

“Nobody is taking it that far, you’re such a cynic.” Says Stella

“I’m sure one day I’ll be getting a mercury transfusion instead of blood because the god-fearing American citizens that happen to be children of the hardworking bleach factory were upset that the healthcare industry didn’t respect their blood-type identity, so I’m getting mercury instead of what godforsaken blood type I have because the bleach factory’s lawyer had a spirit-bond with the mercury children and could hear them tell him telepathically which human blood type they identified as and legally made this known as their legal guardian because the children were handicapped and unable to communicate in any other way. This is what liberals want; this is the future of the legal system.” Says Stacy

“That’s not what liberals want at all.” Says Stella

“Then they’re clearly not liberals, they’re sick fascists who want to kill the Jews and every other minority, oppress women and enslave the Negros. If they’re going to disrespect a spirit-bond, mentally retarded children of hardworking parents, and the legally binding status of the blood type that the child identifies with, they are murdering the psychological wellbeing of children with paramilitary hate-speech at that point.” Says Stacy

“Bleach factories and mercury waste are not people, Stacy.” Says Stella

“You realize trying to argue that point is the exact same as arguing the Negros aren’t people, right? By case law, unless we regress to the time when Negros are legally farm animals, anything that has its personhood contested in court will be granted the legal status of humans.” Says Stacy

“There have to be grounds for the argument, black people share the same physiology as all other people, bleach factories have nothing in common with people.” Says Stella

“Bleach factory people, Stella, please don’t be racist. I know damn well the bleach factory will have a better lawyer than the Negros of the 19th century, and that’s for damn certain. The case in point is a briefcase full of money, the second case in point is a briefcase full of cocaine, and thirdly, the cake in point has a beautiful prostitute ready to pop out of it and convince the judiciary that her step-siblings are clearly people even if they happen to be made out of 200 pounds of mercury.” Says Stacy

“You’re insane, and racist, but step-siblings, what?” asks Stella

“The bleach factory has a lot of children, what can I say, he’s a lover, not a fighter. I’m not going to disrespect the man by arguing the Mendelian genetics in the case of his daughter, but when one of your good friends leaves a baby at your foot and you know damn well that he can’t feed his baby because you don’t pay him enough to feed his baby, you requisition the baby and see to it that it becomes a fine and upstanding member of society out of respect for your dear friend.” Says Stacy

“I think you’re pretty conservative calling a factory a person. That’s pretty hard right wing politics, liberals want the humans to have more rights and conservatives want the factories and businesses to have more rights. If you’re going to pretend at least get the basics right.” Says Stella

“Looks like I’m going to have to strike all of the human rights from the lawbooks due to case law, since one person, a disenfranchised bleach factory person, happened to have his own human rights disregarded, so it looks like nobody else has human rights anymore according to case law. What a shame, I hear people really liked those.” Says Stacy

Stella sighs “Sadly plenty of liberals would probably hop on board with that. I can already hear them saying, ‘first they came for the bleach factory people’s rights’” she says

“You know that’s how it works, that’s how it always works. I’m just hoping we can give bleach factories the old style vote where they can get 2/3 of a vote for every 150 pounds of pollution they make, hell, even a whole vote if we can get more rights for the mercury children. Bleach factories actually understand how the world works, at least enough to make bleach, plenty of people can’t make a god damn grilled cheese sandwich, but they still get to vote.” Says Stacy

“I doubt you can make a grilled cheese sandwich, Stacy.” Says Stella, dryly

“I can’t vote either, so it’s a moot fucking point. The point is, I’m in favor of letting the people who pay the taxes decide how their own damn money is being spent, seeing how it’s being rustled out of their damn pockets incessantly. Votey, votey, one dollar. One dollar of taxes paid is a vote, net taxes of course, so if you’ve put in 100 grand in taxes over your life and you’ve drank up a couple million in tax payer dollars you’re shit out of luck, go die somewhere the fuck else because that’s not how anything works, give everybody who can do 1.9 million dollars in damage to society a vote, that’s a fucking joke, but hey, so is this shit-show, isn’t it?” says Stacy

“I’m not an economist, so I don’t know how that really works, but it’s not like we should just let people die on the streets if they don’t have money.” Says Stella

“Of course not, conscription is a wonderful thing. Everybody does a short stint in the gravedigger reserve and they can get out once they’ve dug themselves a nice little spot in one of the many mass-graves for debtors and the like. Of course it’s not a personal spot, but if everybody has dug one, then there’s always a spot for the next sorry son of a bitch who deserves to rot in the dirt. Of course the brave enlisted men of the Armed Gravekeepers will dig the ones for the children, salute the traitors with a one gun salute aimed at the back of their heads, and throw lime in place of flowers.” Says Stacy

“Jesus Christ, Stacy. Common sense, please. That is ridiculous, that appeals to literally nobody, unless somehow that appeals to you in some sick way.” Says Stella

“It’s kind of a spiritual thing, kind of like making your bed for your whole life, you know. But anyways, yes, common sense, of course I would just have the Armed Gravekeepers use an excavator, it would be very inefficient otherwise, but you could always go volunteer if you wanted some sort of spiritual fulfillment.” Says Stacy

“Who the hell thinks digging mass graves is spiritual fulfillment?” asks Stella

“Spiritual fulfillment, like holy water ridding the body of demons and whatnot, and that’s what mass graves are for, but with bullets for societies sake. It’s the evolution of spiritual fulfillment. Don’t say it’s anti-Semitic either, even the old Abrahamic spookster says to exterminate the Canaanites, or basically any enemy of the lord, Deuteronomy 20.” Says Stacy

“That’s completely insane; you’re even trying to justify this with the bible.” Says Stella

“Spirituality by definition is completely insane, it’s only regarded as sane because it’s commonplace. If the spiritual significance of mass graves were as commonplace as Abrahamic faith it wouldn’t be seen as inane at all. Seeing how the basis of your argument against mine is the alleged pertinence of the emotional mob mentality of common-folk rather than any mathematical or rational one, it’s hard to give it any merit. If somebody’s feelings ever influenced science I would just be running head first into trains all day making them explode while being immortal because my feelings were so much more valid than reality.” Says Stacy

“That’s ironically comical, but still. I don’t know what to do with you, I know I can’t really do anything, but for some reason I keep trying to do something, I just feel like it’s my responsibility to teach you empathy or something.” says Stella

“I do all of this out of empathy. I feel very bad for watching people write and suffer so much, so I seek to relieve them of such misery. I truly am sensitive to people’s feelings, you know? I even share your humanistic empathy in wanting to beat people mercilessly in a corner with a clothes-hangar until they are thoroughly committed to common sense and have abandoned their attachment to humanist emotion.” says Stacy

“That part wasn’t exactly humanistic, but regardless. You’re something else. It’s frustrating that I’m awake enough to actually listen to what you say and attempt to reason with you. It’d be quaint if I was just sandy-eyed and mumbling listening to the pangs of sleepiness and indifferent to whatever nonsense you were ranting about, but listening to you I’m just shaking my head the entire time, foolish enough to think that arguing with you will help you see the light, it’s a sick optimism, if it’s even that. I wouldn’t call it that, it’s some faulty common sense where I know damn near any other living breathing human being would see the light when I explain these things so I just write it off and figure that you will to, I just presume this foolishly and off-handedly regardless of my 100% failure rate.“ says Stella

“I wouldn’t say 100%, I was pretty liberal for a few speckles of spittle back there. Real humanist.” Says Stacy

“Oh yes, champion of bleach factory rights.” Says Stella, rolling her eyes

“Bleach factory people, come on Stella, it’s the 21st century, you can’t keep referring to them like they’re mindless beasts of burden.” Says Stacy

“They’re mindless and they’re not even beasts, they’re collections of machines and tanks and all sorts of inanimate incognizant objects.” Says Stella

“That’s what the fascists want you to think, you’re brainwashed, Stella. You can’t keep thinking it’s ok to oppress these people and deny them basic human rights and civil liberties.” Says Stacy

“They’re not people, they are factories.” Says Stella

“You’re so insensitive. If you ask anybody with a valid, corporate sanctioned, spirit-bond with the factory, they will tell you that they telepathically know that the factory identifies as a person, and it is completely bigoted not to respect it’s true identity rather than whatever physical form the factory happened to be born with. It wasn’t the bleach factory person’s choice to be a factory you know, you can’t try to oppress it and force it to legally be a factory when it really isn’t, because it’s spiritually a person, and that’s all that matters.” Says Stacy

“If you don’t make it in politics I’m sure you would be an excellent lawyer for a bleach factory.” Says Stella, dryly

“I wouldn’t mind that at all, it’s something I could actually take pride in. Extremely delusional, but I’m facetious enough that I would enjoy it thoroughly.” Says Stacy

“Obviously. I still don’t know how you can feel so damn sure that everything you say is just peachy keen and right as rain, every damn time, you know, never a doubt in your mind.” Says Stella

“I don’t know about peachy keen, but I just like to presume I’m right. I’m sure I’m wrong sometimes, but I can just write it off as a little whoopsie because I’m a child and I’m ignorant.” Says Stacy

“What happens when you’re an adult? You’ll just quit talking and realize you’re wrong all the time?” asks Stella

“Of course not, hopefully I can wrestle my way into a position of power, that way I’m always right because things are right on account of the fact that I say they are right, regardless of whether or not they have any legitimacy or merit. Otherwise I’ll just rely on the classic mantra that I’m right because I’m an adult.” Says Stacy

“People would tell you very quickly that you are not right, not in the slightest.” Says Stella

“Of course, that’s how politics works, and when that starts it just comes down to mudslinging. I would make plenty of personal verbal assaults on their character and even as low as their physical appearance in an attempt to discredit them, and if I cannot, I will simply hope to tarnish their reputation for choosing to partake in the petty game of pointless bickering.” Says Stacy

“If it’s a stranger you’ll have a hard time disrespecting their character since you know nothing about them.” Says Stella

“That’s the point where you just presume things and slander them, being sure to use your mights, maybes, and possiblys, in order to avoid catching charges from the slander patrol.” Says Stacy

“That’s probably still slander.” Says Stella

“If I say you might be the kind of girl to wash small children head to toe with your tongue, I’m not saying you actually do those things, I’m just saying there’s a chance since it’s unknown, and anything is possible.” Says Stacy

“Unless you consider yourself a small child, that’s not high on my list of things to do.” Says Stella, smirking

“That’s a matter of taste, but anyways, I can just tell the slander patrol, ‘Well, I’ve seen plenty of mammals do that sort of thing, I wouldn’t put it past any of them to be quite frank. I saw a mammal and presumed such to be the case, that’s as far as my deciphering of the subject happened to go.’” Says Stacy

“I’m sure plenty of people would hit you for slandering them.” Says Stella

“I’m sure I would quickly end the life of anyone who hit me. I’d make sure to take the hit, roll with the punch, draw my firearm, and execute them in one motion, just to have legal grounds for self-defense.” Says Stacy

“That’s scary, I hope you can actually do that sort of thing and you’re not just talking out of your ass.” Says Stella

“I’ve got faith if it comes down to that; I’ve yet to be foolish enough to get into a fistfight with somebody, and hope to avoid that at all costs. I’m not built for that kind of tussle.” Says Stacy

“I hope your foresight can prevent you from being that foolish, seeing how you supposedly have impeccable foresight or whatever.” Says Stella

“It hasn’t failed me so far.” Says Stacy

“Didn’t you fight people in a restaurant last week?” asks Stella

“That was a knife and gun fight, I wasn’t swinging bare knuckles or anything. Way different. I can do a hell of a lot more fighting with a knife than with my noodle arms.” Says Stacy

“Don’t remind me.” Says Stella

“You always want to me to learn from you, I figure I can teach you a thing or two. You say I’m not normal, but here you are being the one who isn’t infatuated by bloodsport.” Says Stacy

“I’m sorry I don’t have the same sickness as Americans who like to watch people beat each other to death.” Says Stella

“I’m sure if you talked to a psychiatrist they would tell you that it’s not insane to enjoy watching two men attempt to beat the other one into submission. It’s only insane if it’s incongruent with the mob mentality, so enjoying bloodsport is easily the pinnacle of sanity, seeing how it’s even more popular than textbook sanity.” Says Stacy

“If 1/3 of the country watches the championship of grown men running into each other at high speeds and 1/5 of the country has a mental illness, that’s still 33% for bloodsport and 80% for sanity.” Says Stella

“Complacency is a mental illness too; undiagnosed delusional masochism and Stockholm syndrome both qualify as rather hearty insanity in my book.” Says Stacy

“Clearly nobody gets a pass in your book, but you don’t write the book, do you?” asks Stella, rhetorically

“I could easily diagnose any bastard on earth with the diagnostic manual to the point where I am legally entitled to drill into his skull to attach a pill-hopper to dispense a bucket of pills so that he can’t miss a dose simply because of how dangerous to society his is due to his profound levels of mental illness.” Says Stacy

“What would the diagnosis be for the average joe?” asks Stella

“Antisocial sadism for being complicit in the torturing the world with capitalism, psychopathy for showing no remorse for doing this; mania for having delusions of grandeur in thinking that his life is meaningful or worthwhile, extra mania for ever having enjoyed something at least once in his life, turning that into manic depression for having a doubt, a frown, or god forbid shedding a tear at least once in his life; schizophrenia if he believes in god or even morality due to its roots in preternatural superstition; hypochondria for feeling pain; anxiety for being unsure of himself at least once; autism because he’s misspoken, has a poor lexicon, expresses himself facially and/or gesticulates below thespian level, or otherwise refrained from attending a social event at least once, the list goes on. Sane people are a mess; they put lithium in the chemtrails for a reason.” Jokes Stacy

“Clearly it’s done nothing to help you, unfortunately.” Says Stella

“How do you think I’m so cold and metallic, it’s the lithium, baby.” Says Stacy

“I don’t think that’s exactly how it works, but I don’t particularly care, you could blame fairy dust at this rate and I would be just as concerned.” Says Stella

“Those fairy tales would be rather grim, a little fairy flies in at night sprinkling some fairy dust on you and you become a chemically lobotomized peasant who lives out the days in a grey, bleak, meaningless, emotionless and subservient existence.” Says Stacy

“It’s terrible you already exhausted me and we’ve not even left the house yet, it’s baffling that you put so much faith in lithium chemtrails when you think psychiatry is some pill shill scam.” Says Stella

“Sadly Babylon doesn’t like smiles so they tend to prevent people from peddling highs, they could just shill directly to the customer; but instead they mostly shill the placation strategy to those who don’t want to actually want to deal with the mentally disturbed, who then force the lobotomy pills down their throats.” Says Stacy

“I’m pretty sure most people voluntarily seek the treatment because their lives are painful or uncomfortable without psychiatric intervention.” Says Stella

“It’s easy to shill false promises of funbrellas to the people seeking relief from the oppressive glumshine in frownland, that’s as easy as getting a drowning man to sell his soul for some air. Even if he knows damn well you don’t have it, he’ll delude himself into thinking it might be possible and you get a free soul. Not a bad deal, seeing how some shellycoat or something would reap it otherwise.” Says Stacy

“I could use a funbrella about now. Remind me not to wake us up early anymore. Hearing you talk for this long is like having a disorganized room glaring at you, but after trying your damnedest to clean it you finally realize that you’re Sisyphus. I’ve sadly become callous to the reprehensibility of everything you say and just want you to acknowledge the reality of whatever you’re talking about, I have very little optimism in warping your mind to have some healthy level of empathic capacity.” Says Stella

“Every human is damned to be Sisyphus, it is the wise one’s who realize they don’t have to push the damn boulder and can just heartily idle to death being indifferent to the futility of accomplishing something. About the rising and shining, I would if I could, you know I would, but I’m not all too alert when I’m reeling in the z’s on the high seas of dreams. I don’t have a damn clue what somehow tempts you to get out of bed early.” Says Stacy

“I must have still been dreaming thinking that we would have some endearing conversation, but sure enough it was just the usual.” Says Stella

“You’ve got to be more dominant and lead the conversation if you’re looking for a certain flavor; you know I’m more than likely going to ramble on about the usual.” Says Stacy

“I should know better. Next time I wake up early I’m just going to lay there until the alarm rings and enjoy the sleeping Stacy while I can; she’s one of your far more preferable forms.” Says Stella

“I wholeheartedly concur.” Says Stacy, Stella gets up and sits beside her

“I need you to try your hardest to be quiet for as long as possible.” Says Stella

“What? That might not be very long, to be honest.” Says Stacy

“At least until I tell you, just a few minutes, ok?” says Stella, wrapping her arms around Stacy and pulling her onto the bed

“You’re speaking my language now.” Says Stacy, happily encircled by comfort, holding the warmth of Stella and closing her eyes to try and steal a few winks, Stella snuggles her dearly, savoring the silence for as many minutes as her conscious lets her

“Your body makes me so happy.” Says Stella, eventually breaking the silence, pleasure drunk off the warm company

“Enjoy.” Mumbles Stacy, happily reposed

“You really need to embrace this warm cuddly side of yours.” Says Stella, Stacy rubs her face against Stella’s, saying nothing


The clock ticks prose and describes the setting, something along the lines of a ticking and a tocking, quite ripe for the echo-sensory bunch: artful. The clock lashes it’s countless victims indiscriminately, every creed and color, man, woman, and child, all of them fighting without any hope for victory, only out of their masochistic desire to live fueled solely by their fear of presumedly greater pain death. The kingpins of cocaine die mutually with the halfheartedly half-miming mime kingpins of serving reheated meatballs, dedicated to the service of mime and meatballs, but not to the lifestyle, resorting to mime, pretending his shtick has slipped his mind, knowing his cold father is the one who had conditioned such silence in the man. Both of them peddling vice, one’s empire fueled by addiction, the other by manipulating the sense of empathic guilt in his victims by miming anguish as his cartel serves the underwhelming meatballs supplemented by pattered, artistically cut zucchini, and escargot; taking true pleasure in his work watching a rotund man suck down a dozen of his slugs. Today, and every day, these men perhaps indistinguishable from each other, identical, all finite quantities rounding down to zero, natural irrelevance in the savory gravy of entropy massaging heat death into the meaningless universe.

The world spins, the people blind in the eyes, they can’t see it, that which is happenstance and not circumstance, glazing the eyes and burning the blackness of relative irrelevance, minds indifferent or otherwise acridly different towards existing; they care not for the paint flakes on rusted metal or the swirling patterns on lacquered wood, for they see themselves as paint flakes on rusted metal with their ruddy imperfections on their epidermis unremarkable lest they are remarkably distasteful. The world rises from the ashes of the singularity before their eyes, encroaching to within an inch of their face and breathing down heavily and imposing in front of the blind man who notices this breath as nothing more than the mere wind, the children are born, grow, age, and die, and none pay them any mind lest they bump in their folly inducing the impulsive splanchnic rebuke of the reactive physicality which smiles mindlessly, knowing that proactivity would be unnatural, making an effort to entropize rather than failing to have any mental capacity to accomplish such things out of the ease of such a hospitable facilitation. Reality knows it is an accident, regardless of its inability to know anything save for in the furthest reaches of its existence now comprised of unnatural wriggling tendrils known as cognizant life sprouting from the last of many layers of the byproducts of the decomposition of the rotting corpse of a misplaced speck of matter displaced from a magnitudinal layer one higher than the void, a joke or a piece of art perhaps, beaming a single particle, the smallest measurable and separable quantity the fat fingered giants could manage to chip off the old block of their patron material and place into a void in order to appreciate the rational infinity of comparable magnitudes created between the zero of the void and their local minimum quantum of countable quantity,  possibly  making a venture at science to see how low physical countability might reach, to see how small of a speck of a speck they might be able to find when the shackles of the temperature and pressure binding such a particle were broken as it ventured into this vacuum, home to nothing but the happenstantial laws of physics, doing such work solely for shits and giggles, but everybody needs a laugh sometimes, and perhaps an explosion, and a surprise is always nice too. The void is simply too clean to think the particle was stray litter, for where there is one piece of litter, there is bound to be more, and seagulls of course.

The clock ghost does well at ticking, patted pleasantly by its legal guardian with a supportive smile of a ghost wrangler human-high on sympathy, awarded temporally audible accolades accounting for the fact that it is mentally and physically disabled, it smiles for it is a simple beast, happy to have  a home where it’s fragile carapace is supported, dignified and significated by the manifest of the misbegotten exile in the darkness tasted as physical existence, existence simply happy to have a friend. A good friend, time is; it’s a work horse of a horse-minded horse-bodied ghost, dependable in loving codependence.

Stella cutely kisses Stacy, faux-dead in the face of recreational dying “It’s time to go.” She says,

“No it’s not.” Grumbles Stacy

“Yes it is.” Says Stella, nuzzling Stacy’s face

“No it’s not.” Says Stacy indignantly, groping Stella’s ass sternly, holding her head, and attempting to force her tongue into Stella’s all too willing mouth, drying to articulate temptation into the dream-eating demon that seeks to eschew her out of her cradle of comfort and into the bone-breaking bastard of a world, Stella eventually gets her fill of synthetic-passion before barely attempting to force herself out of Stacy’s grasp

“Come on, I don’t want to be late.” Says Stella

“Let’s just take the day off.” Says Stacy, desperately kissing Stella’s neck, dreaming as always of being a vampire whose poison inflicts irrational temptation for folly as opposed to hematophagy

“No, you devilish woman, the temptation is sickeningly powerful, but I might just resort to biting you out of fear or something. We can have fun tonight.” Says Stella

“I’ll bite you back. Damn it. You’re the demon, forcing me to attend your stupid cult meetings.” Says Stacy

“I believe that would be the truancy laws.” Says Stella

“Those laws are less enforced than the prostitution or gambling laws. You can’t be scared of a law because it exists; it has to be enforced for it to be meaningful. People who fear the de jure law are the only reason those laws exist, realists only care about the de facto law.” Says Stacy

“Well, I’m sure we would at least get a letter for something. I’m sure dad would be upset.” Says Stella

“He would forget about it before he would even bring it up.” Says Stacy

“That’s not the point. What would we even do? We can’t stay here, if we wander the streets plenty of bad things are likely to happen.” Says Stella

“I can make sure that they don’t. It will be fine. Let’s do that. Let’s have an adventure or something, I have lots of money.” Says Stacy

“You making sure that bad things don’t happen qualifies as a bad thing happening. If you want to, we can go out this weekend, ok? Not today, please. I want to go to school, I love you, but I’m still kind of addicted to school. I suppose it’s my cigarettes and you’re my liquor, if we use dad as a metaphor.” Says Stella

“Just leave me then. I’m sick.” Says Stacy

“You’re not sick. That’s even worse; then teachers will ask me where you are and give you extra work. You would also need a doctor’s note on top of that. It’s the second week of freshman year, we can’t become truants already. If the time comes when we have to be truants, for whatever reason, that’s fine, but we shouldn’t force that by any means. I’m about to throw you out of the damn bed Stacy, I’m not joking.” Says Stella

“I’d like to see you try, I’ve got magical wrestling skills, remember.” Jokes Stacy

“I’m pretty sure they would fail you since you’re not doing any good by attempting to skip school. Just get it over with. I’m sure you want to see your friends.” Says Stella

“I’ll just bang my head on the desk and take some silver spray-paint out of the arts and crafts room so I can become stupid enough to fail to question the pertinence of what I’m learning.” Says Stacy

“It’s stupid people who don’t realize it, Stacy. Even if we only had to learn fun facts about small insects for 8 hours every day of our childhood, it would be just as important and pertinent to our success and well-being. School is important because society makes it important, it doesn’t matter if we learn anything relevant; it is relevant because it is basically the only thing that determines the opportunities we are afforded in the future.” Says Stella

“I am the future.” Says Stacy

“No, you are a silly little girl. Just get up.” Says Stella

“You’re the one who got me so damn comfortable.” Says Stacy

“I’m going to bite you then.” Says Stella

“Do your worst.” Says Stacy, defiantly

“Just say uncle.” Says Stella, unbuttoning Stacy’s shirt and sliding it off of her shoulder to bite her collarbone playfully

“Auntie.” Jokes Stacy, Stella bites down quite hard

“Jesus Christ.” Says Stacy, Stella bites down harder “What the fuck, stop.” Says Stacy, spanking Stella forcefully, Stella mumbles a two syllable something before biting down even harder

“Uncle! God Damn it, you sick little girl!” Shouts Stacy, Stella releases her bite

“I didn’t know if you really wanted me to stop.” Teases Stella playfully, a very bold bite-mark deeply implanted into Stacy’s shoulder, Stella starts to button Stacy’s shirt back up

“What kind of freak do you take me to be?” asks Stacy, exasperated and painfully confused

“Just testing the waters, you do tend to be a bit weird, you know.” Says Stella

“I’m getting up, Jesus. You’re the weird one.” Says Stacy

“I told you to say uncle, didn’t I? It’s quaint how quickly fools forget words of wisdom that might save them some pain and suffering down the road.” Jokes Stella, getting off of Stacy

“Where did you even learn that game?” asks Stacy

“Television, sadly.” Says Stella

“I will pray to Jesus to personally thank him that we don’t watch that much television if you are that easily influenced. Good god.” Says Stacy

“If it helped you see the light of god and actually be grateful for something, I’m pretty proud of myself.” Says Stella

“Biting people until they have faith in god would seem to be a pretty surefire route to success, at least if you’re doing the biting.” Says Stacy

“I think they would just usually kill people who don’ have faith, biting is a little too playful for serious business like that.” Says Stella

“What part of that is playful?” asks Stacy

“I thought you were a mammal. Plenty of mammals play around like that.” Says Stella

“Carnivores maybe, you don’t even eat meat.” Says Stacy

“I’m sure our ancestors had plenty of meat. It’s just a playful instinct. Forgive me if you’re that upset.” Says Stella

“I’m not upset, just surprised. I didn’t expect anything like that from you. Pain seems kind of like a sick joke to me now.” Says Stacy

“What do you mean?” asks Stella

“It just feels like some stupid laugh and an idiot chuckling telling me ‘you’re not dead yet’” says Stacy, feigning the accent of a stereotypically mentally deficient southern man

“Wow. That’s kind of crazy.” Says Stella

“The crazy part is I think the joke is funny for some reason. I’m chuckling with the man. I guess I’m an idiot too or something.” says Stacy

“That’s a profound level of idiocy to find pain entertaining if it’s not some fetishistic pleasure.” Says Stella
“I think I’m more prone to profound idiocy to be honest.” Says Stacy

“Don’t give yourself a hard time if you really liked it.” Teases Stella, playfully

“That’s the last thing you want, pain thus far has reminded me that I made a mistake, and painlessness is the pat on the back. If I was into pain I wouldn’t be long for this world.” Says Stacy

“That’s good; I suppose you were in the wrong just then.” Says Stella

“Vice is a cruel mistress.” Says Stacy

“It’s called vice for a reason. Let’s go.” Says Stella, grabbing her things

“Tally-ho.” Says Stella, in a tired and disinterested monotone as the girls exit their room and head downstairs


“We’re going to school dad.” Says Stella

“Keep up the good work, privates.” Says Dale, laying on the couch with his eyes closed, saluting the celling

“I think we’re more than privates.” Says Stacy

“You’ve got to command somebody to be a corporal.” Says Dale

“So that makes me the corporal.” Says Stella

“Of course I’m the private.” Says Stacy, smugly

“You’ve been promoted to private first class for your heroism in the field of duty.” Says Dale

“I’m still a private though, can’t I be something better.” Says Stacy

“Well I don’t know. You don’t command anybody, do you?” asks Dale

“No.” says Stacy

“Do you have any special skills?” asks Dale

“Not in particular.” Says Stacy

“It’s got to be something, you do activities and stuff. I know that.” Says Dale

“I just hang out with people, I don’t know. I’m boring.” Says Stacy

“You do that Animal Club thing on the weekends.” Says Stella

“I don’t think walking some dog is a special skill.” Says Stacy

“Of course it is. I can make you a Specialist. Specialist D, dog patrol. See?” says Dale

“Does that make me a higher rank than Stella?” asks Stacy

“Well, no. She’s still the commander, but you’re in the same pay grade at least. Kind of the same. Somebody’s got to give the orders, even if you’re all the same you know. Can’t have a snake with two heads that want to go different ways.” Says Dale

“That’s fine. I don’t even like dogs, but I can appreciate the pay grade equivocation at least.” Says Stella

“Just don’t go out and get tattoos of the ranks, they might get higher once you get out of school. Commanding a lot of people in some business setting, you girls are real smart, I know you can do well like that.” Says Dale

“I wasn’t planning on it; I’d hate to be on dog patrol my entire life.” Says Stacy

“Go out and do good at school then, I know it’s a nice one your granddaddy sends you to.” Says Dale

“It is; we are very grateful. Let’s go, Stacy, wouldn’t want to be late. See you later, dad.” Says Stella

“Ta ta, corporal.” Jokes Dale

“Don’t die, ok, dad?” says Stacy

“You’re the one in the line of fire, Specialist.” Says Dale

“Don’t remind me, what are you anyways?” asks Stacy

“I don’t know, I guess I never commanded anybody, but I was good at stuff at one point, so a specialist like you, Stacy, a master electrician before Tommy’s drunk ass hit me with a company truck when I was walking on-site one morning. You know he didn’t get fired, apparently the truck was fine, big bastard of a truck.” Says Dale, pouring himself a healthy drink to forget the pain

“That’s kind of ironic, now that you’re drinking in the morning.” Says Stella
“It’s not; because I’m not driving. I didn’t drink like this back then, I was a good boy.” Says Dale

“No harm no foul. You’re still a good boy.” Says Stacy

“That’s true enough. I’m glad he didn’t kill you.” Says Stella

“He chose to kill me slow. It’s a shame that no matter how smart you are, it’s so damn easy to end up dying on account of somebody else’s stupidity.” Says Dale

“As long as you don’t drink too much you won’t die, so don’t worry about that.” Says Stacy

“I’ve got a good track record so far, I’m not too concerned. Just enough to keep me alive.” Says Dale

“That’s as responsible as you can be I suppose, speaking of which, we really should be off.” Says Stella

“I’ll be here when you get home, thanks again for that food, hit the spot real good, going to sleep like a baby today.” Says Dale

“No problem, you know I’m happy to cook. Ta-ta.” Says Stella

“Toodle-oo” says Stacy

“Pip-pip.” Says Dale, the girls walk out the door




The sun walks into a booming venture capital office building, one of the many such places that employ a man of his skills, all starkly different save for the fact that they pay the man solely in company stock and free lunches, knowing that he is unable to convert it into money due to his own mental iniquity but will keep coming back to work for the lunch, thus keeping him arguably voluntarily impoverished by his own shortcomings. The receptionist smiles politically correctly and gives him a master key on a lanyard which he hangs around his neck. In the lobby he strips to reveal his wiry frame starved by poverty, and withdraws a large bottle from his tattered noun-starved backpack, he pours a healthy amount of very thick syrup composed mostly of painfully palpably pungent cabbage juice concentrate, breathes deeply in great shame, and rubs it on his flaccid penis and scrotum. He then begins to walk the halls unfettered, already full of salarymen working sun-up to sun-down, sparing no office or executive. He wanders day and night, getting paid in stock, doing this same thing every day.

“God damn it, why is that fucking idiot Steve here again?” shouts a disgusted man

“Don’t be a fucking bigot Joe! Don’t disrespect that man, he works hard!” Shouts an angry woman

“How does what the fuck he is doing qualify as work, for Christ’s sake?” asks Joe

“I AM ART!” shouts Steve in a booming voice

“What the fuck kind of work is that?” asks Joe

“First of all, fuck you, Joe.” Says a man who hocks a beautiful loogie and spits on Joe

“What the fuck, Lenny? Why did you do that?” asks Joe, even more disgusted

“I’m your boss Joe; I can do whatever the fuck I want! Don’t make me remind you I can put your fucking balls in a vice! I’ve got a fucking vice in my office if you want to test me! Second of all, Steve is a blessing, he is a fucking saint, and you better respect that. He is art, it is inspirational, you should love him.” says Lenny

“You fucking kidding me? He fucking wreaks! All day we have to deal with this shit, him just walking around and smelling like cabbage! How is this inspirational?” says Joe

“You should be inspired to work even harder, work to death, because Steve is here to remind us what happens if we don’t push ourselves to the limit. We are starved, naked, and reek of cabbage if we don’t perform at the top of our game, every fucking day. I hope the smell lingers for weeks to come and reminds you of what you would be without this job, and truly fucking appreciate the opportunity you are given.” Says Lenny

“Jesus Christ, you’re insane.” Says Joe, Lenny spits on him again

“Fuck you! I am god! This is Venture Adventure, motherfucker, I call the fucking shots when the big boss is getting his dick sucked or playing golf, so you better respect that! Get to work!” Says Lenny who slaps Joe on the back of the head forcefully

“It’s like I’m a fucking child in a sweatshop or something.” says Joe

“Don’t make me get the fucking vice, Joe.” Says Lenny, glaringly serious

“I’m working, I’m working.” Says Joe

“Good.” Says Lenny, satisfied, Steve continues to amble around the office

Oddly the sun was happier in his mortal incarnation than his glowing gaseous self, rather lonely in space, a sleepy place, it’s a pleasant reprieve to have a meat-bag to dream inside of every now and again, the original soul inside of the art form known as Steve did not want it, so traded it to the sun for some extra warmth and sunshine, not a bad deal for any involved, as trash somehow manages to find those who treasure it once again.


“God damn. Ambivalence is beating me with a sack of oranges.” Says Stacy

“So it looks worse than it is? Vague as ever, describe the ambivalence at least.” Says Stella

“Well, it’s the school-dread fatigue, of course, the painful existentialism of a slave, and the strong desire to smash everything with a sledgehammer, nearly to the point of gritting my teeth, but not quite, due to fatigue I suppose.” Says Stacy

“It’s just school, get over it. If you convince yourself it’s a bad time it will be, but if you just ignore your antipathy towards everything, maybe you could just grin and bear it.” Says Stella

“God damn feelings. Who the hell likes feelings; get these things out of me.” Says Stacy

“I’m sure you will forget them soon enough, just distract yourself like always, you tend to be prone to that anyways.” Says Stella

“For some reason feelings always feel like weird hallucinations, like they’re not real, just like nonsense that I’m imagining. Like formication with ghosts or something, spooky as hell.” Says Stacy

“Phasmagation.” Says Stella

“God damn spooksters. Just give me the animal feels, raw, warm, real, none of this ghost shit.” Says Stacy

“I’m sure the source of feelings is preternatural.” Says Stella sarcastically

“It’s as preternatural as preternatural things, delusional unnatural hallucinations. People couldn’t just be cut and dry like every other animal, the paranoia of an unnatural apex predator, so they develop the skillset of emotional capacity in order to defend themselves from their only predator, themselves.” Says Stacy

“I think that kind of makes it natural, but whatever.” Says Stella

“God damn, get me some of that fucking lithium.” Says Stacy, inhaling and exhaling deeply, repeatedly

“I think deep breathing might help.” Says Stella

“You know damn well it will. Fuck.” Says Stacy

“Is school really enough to make you feel this way?” asks Stella

“You know it is. Melting my brain, each slow stroke of the second hand caning my brain ruthlessly. Walking to my own torture that won’t end.” Says Stacy

“Just try to listen and appreciate it for what it’s worth rather than loathing it because you’re too damn proud or whatever. Something might be interesting at least.” Says Stella

“Trying to make a fire with twigs, it’s rough. Some things are better than others; math in particular is quite dull.” Says Stacy

“I think it’s pleasurable to sit down and figure things out, it’s kind of a sense of accomplishment.” Says Stella

“I’m just sitting there trying to pull a rabbit out of a god damn hat most of the time.” Says Stacy

“Come on, it’s not that hard. You need to ask me if you don’t understand something.” Says Stella

“The rabbit is the motivation to compute the damn numbers rather than listen to them whisper in my ears about how we should embrace our mutual realities and get high on nihilism.” Says Stacy

“If it doesn’t matter, and you’re not a hedonist nihilist forsaking everything in pursuit of pleasure, why would you even mind doing it?” asks Stella

“It’s pure nihilism, just melting away at the world, nothing is real, nothing matters, I’m nothing, the numbers are nothing. It’s just like slipping away into the wind, turning to dust, that feeling.” Says Stacy

“Maybe try to take it easy on the existentialism.” Says Stella

“I wouldn’t call it that. That’s like saying shirking work is the same as going to work, you’re not doing anything existentialistic by embracing a nil value for the definition of human significance. Even nihilists acknowledge that reality exists, I’m just slipping away from that notion entirely, nothing exists; nothing is real. Everything is nothing. Just dust into dustier dust until the particle size is truncated by the limits of reality and becomes 0.” Says Stacy

“You really don’t want to exist?” asks Stella

“If I’m in school, I feel that way, out of school I’m a completely different person.  I don’t have boo-hoo feelings or self-sympathy or anything, my mind just kind of stops bothering to function at some points in school and my eyes glaze over and I get this brain death sort of feel. If I’m talking I can always be swimming in the sea of words, real warm and pleasant, if I’m not, the sea kind of disappears and I’m floating in purgatory of something. I don’t know.” Says Stacy

“I’m glad you don’t have those kinds of feelings though, they are awful to be honest. Those two have a terrible snowball effect in some people.” Says Stella

“That’s the truth, you don’t even have that, you’ve got like a rational level of fear but other than that you do pretty well.” Says Stacy

“I just keep it bottled up I think, I get pretty glum sometimes, about being a loser or whatever, but I know I can’t really do anything to change it so I just ignore it.” Says Stella

“That sounds pretty healthy.” Says Stacy

“I’m not going to put any faith in your diagnoses of healthy emotions.” Says Stella

“At least you don’t blame other people and act like the world is supposed to give a fuck.” Says Stacy

“That’s true; I’m not that stupid, thankfully.” Says Stella

“Somebody needs to spit on every idiot sick with self-worth and beat them thoroughly until that problem is fixed. Every last one of them is a piece of shit. Finding value in a human life: absolutely revolting.” Says Stacy

“Even in all of your megalomania you couldn’t value even your own life?” asks Stella

“Of course not, human life is just some sick sadomasochistic horror-show for shits and giggles, I’m a cheeky bitch and can go for a god damn laugh every now and again, but I’m not going to think I’m meaningful or significant, I know my place. Just the progeny of the late stage cancer from rock: that’s what life is. Some rocks melted into water, the water mingled the rock parts, and after a trillion-trillion bumpity-bumpities the correct mix of all the chemicals in the goo pool happened to make life, which then happened a few more trillion times before it made life capable of reproducing or something like that, which then enabled the life to mutate and compete with its progeny for success. Anyways, just some random rock cancer, nothing more, nothing less, more than a thought at least, sentient thought, that’s one of the many levels of rock cancer beyond humans. I like it, real fitting for my mentality; nothing spices up misanthropy with the tasty treat of knowing that the bastards are all a sick progression of rock cancer. Rocks are peaceable, happy to live and die in silence, the beasts figured that’s not a fast enough way to run out of chemical potential energy, we’ve got to expedite the process.” Says Stacy

“I don’t know about have to, it’s more we do what we do simply because we can, and life tends to instinctively do whatever it can to stay alive and thrive better.” Says Stella

“If a man respects mankind, he should respect every machine and man-made object even more than human life, the pencil a more sacred form of rock cancer than a baby or the president, simply because it is a higher stage of rock cancer. If we’re respecting rock cancer more than rocks and the previous iterations of rock cancer, after all” Says Stacy

“I’m sure plenty of people worship lots of material goods more than a baby or the president and easily some average shmuck.” Says Stella

“That’s the truth, mammon is a salary man and god is a preacher; it’s common sense who capitalists look up to.” Says Stacy

“God doesn’t tend to put food on the table, sadly.” Says Stella

“Mammon tends to look out for his people; which is the irony of the bible, seeing how god doesn’t tend to do a damn thing.” Says Stacy

“I think the bible wanted an ideal utopian world where people would all care for each other out of godliness, but that’s too unnatural. Naturally capitalism simulates survival of the fittest to some extent when it comes to thriving at least, so mammon won out due to the instincts of the people overpowering the insight of godliness.” Says Stella

“It’s a shame because in the good old days there were plenty of natural punishments for sinning, nowadays you can bathe in sin and you come out clean.” Says Stacy

“Such is technology.” Says Stella



A homeless man groans loudly splattering from an alley as the girls pass by.

“That’s disgusting.” Says Stella

“I’m sorry. It’s in a plastic bag at least.” Says the man indignantly

“Don’t worry about it. That’s hardly disgusting compared to what I’ve seen.” Says Stacy

“God damn. What the fuck you seen?” asks the homeless man

“I’ve seen a woman wearing pants before.” Jokes Stacy

The homeless man laughs “You good girls then?” he asks

“Halfway decent at least.” Says Stacy

“You wear shorts all the time, Stacy.” Says Stella

“That’s not wearing pants though.” Says Stacy

“What’s wrong with pants anyways?” asks the man

“When I see a woman wearing pants I just see her cutting off her fingers and sewing a bunch of dicks oh her hands instead. It’s disrespecting the very nature of women; women can’t be men, so it’s disgusting to even try.” Says Stacy

“I thought girls could do it too, these days. Whatever it is, I mean I can’t do it, shit.” Says the man

“Just because a man can ejaculate inside of another man doesn’t mean he’s going to make a baby. It’s unnatural to pretend like things work that way.” Says Stacy

“I don’t like faggots neither, damn. You a cold bitch, hating pants wearing women and faggots like it ain’t shit. Figure they’d beat you up or something.” says the man

“If I wanted power and respect, I’m not going to replace my fingers with dicks and pretend to be a man. I’m going to grab a handgun, or at least use my natural position in the world, nurture and rear some powerful men who love me like their mother or something.” says Stacy

“I don’t see nobody with dick fingers but I’ll take your word for it. Pants wearing womens want none of me so I say fuck all of them. It’s the nice dress wearing ladies give me an apple or something at least, damn. Pants wearing women act like I fucked they moms or something. Pants wearing men though, give me a cigarette or even money if they high on coke or something.” says the man

“Things work out when they’re how things are supposed to be, men in pants, women in dresses, happy bums. Pants wearing bitches, you know all too well. Men in dresses, women in pants, you see people in god damn animal costumes, the worlds going to hell.” Says Stacy

“That’s the lords truth, never seen no animal costumes, but men in dresses is the worst. Faggots real fucked in the head thinking they real womens, like I’m trying to fuck them or some gay shit like that. I ain’t no faggot. When I was a kid being gay was a mental illness, scientific, you know, if they tried to cure that shit, maybe we wouldn’t have such a fucked up world.” Says the man

“There’s nothing wrong with being gay, you know black people were farm animals according to the same science, it was incorrect and bigoted.” Says Stella

“Ain’t shit wrong my ass, the bible says for damn sure it’s wrong. Bible ain’t say shit wrong with being a nigger so don’t give me shit about it. I’m surprised you don’t give a damn bout watching an old nigger shit in an ally, though.” Says the man, wiping his ass with newspaper and pulling his colorful ripstop nylon shorts up to meet his filthy a-shirt

“I am not watching you; I just want my sister to stop talking so we can go to school.” Says Stella

“If I just came here to watch, I wouldn’t be talking, would I?” jokes Stacy

“Good point. You clever, girl. Going places, or whatever, or not if that’s wrong now and you supposed to stay home I don’t know. You got a good head is what I’m saying. Shit’s all crazy these days. I’m too mixed up to give a fuck.” Says the man

“I’d give you some money, but I’m not fitting to be robbed on my way to school, bastards would rob a little girl like me every day if they knew I had money.” Says Stacy

“Damn good point. Talking better than money though, money just remind me how lonely it is out here, talking real nice. It was a pleasure, name’s Toto.” Says the man


“Why do they call you Toto?” asks Stella

“Cause I got swept up by a tornado and landed in this crazy god damn place. That’s everybody though, god damn, really when I was a kid people tell me I look like him. Small, black, long silky hair, black twinkling eyes, funny nose. ” Says Toto

“You do have nice hair.” Says Stacy

“Back in the 80s people pay money for this kind of curls, nobody give a damn, but I was hot shit back then, god damn. I won’t hold you girls, I could talk all day, yall get to school, I ain’t trying to be no bad guy or nothing.” Says Toto

“Thank you, my sister could easily spend all day talking to you too, so it’s a relief that you’re actually responsible. I know for certain she wouldn’t make that call.” Says Stella

“Ain’t never heard nobody call me responsible, damn, that’s a good feeling sound. Thanks, what was your name again?” asks Toto

“Stella, sorry, no time to talk though, have a nice day, Toto.” Says Stella, grabbing Stacy’s hand

“Pleasure to meet you.” Says Toto

“Pleasure was mine; you’re a stand-up guy, Toto.” Says Stacy

“Shit, two things I never heard in my life, damn, the world is goin’ crazy.” Says Toto, as Stella drags Stacy away



“It’s amazing that you have literally 0 respect for damn near everyone that exists, but you smile and tip your hat when you see a homeless man shitting in an alley.” Says Stella

“If absolute power corrupts absolutely, absolute powerlessness purifies the soul. You know for certain that man has done nothing wrong, because he can’t do anything.” Says Stacy

“That’s surprisingly rational, but still, it was gross.” Says Stella

“There’s no difference between that shitting in a stall next to somebody.” Says Stacy

“There’s a huge difference, it’s called a stall. You could even see his penis, it was very inappropriate. I gagged a bit, to be honest.” Says Stella

“That’s nothing, I saw a horse dick during a parade one time, it was far more graphic than that.” Says Stacy

“Nudity doesn’t bother you at all?” asks Stella

“No. We shower at school every day, it’s not like we’ve not seen dad passed out on the couch after a shower either. That’s common enough.” Says Stacy

“I try not to look.” Says Stella

“I don’t try to look either, but it’s not like I can be upset with somebody for having genitals.” Says Stacy

“I mean, it’s different seeing a man like that. I can deal with women, but men’s genitals are a lot more graphic than women’s.” Says Stella

“They’re all beasts to me, man, woman, horse, dog, whatever. I just see a god damn farm animal; I guess that’s why I’m not weirded out by it.” Says Stacy

“You’re weird, let’s hurry up. I don’t want to be late.” Says Stella

“One would think you carry a giant pocket watch everywhere you go with that attitude. The color scheme is already there.” Says Stacy

“I think I have the ability to say ‘Boo’ to a goose, seeing how I shepherd you to and fro, so you’re point is moot.” Says Stella

“If anything you’re the goose, I don’t bite people.” Says Stacy

“You’re prone to picking fights with things much bigger than yourself, that’s pretty goose-like.” Says Stella

“I still don’t bite people.” Says Stacy

“If you were losing a fight I’m sure you wouldn’t think twice about it.” Says Stella

“That’s true, but I don’t intend on losing any fights.” Says Stacy

“Neither did any of the heavyweight boxing champions who resorted to the tactic.” Says Stella

“Then I suppose I have no choice but to live in infamy.” Says Stacy

“Just avoid the situation; I’d hate your life to depend on your ability to close your mouth.” Jokes Stella

“I’m sure if it was a life or death situation I could do it.” Says Stacy

“That’s not a risk I’m willing to take, you’d rather have the last word than the last laugh.” Says Stella

“I’d rather have both, to be fair.” Says Stacy

“I can live with that. What was that nonsense about women in pants anyways?” asks Stella

“If I run a god damn cattle ranch, I’m not going to have my cows pulling the plows instead of producing and rearing offspring. That’s entirely illogical. Just because some indignant cunts were pissed off that they were women and not men doesn’t mean that the natural role of a woman should be demonized. Every dumb bitch who is too proud to pop babies out of her cunny like there’s no tomorrow is depriving the nation of cannon fodder, laborers, healthy competition in the workforce, and it’s even gotten to the point where it’s harming the ability of society to even replace itself as evidenced in the vast number of unfilled jobs. It’s disgusting that healthy women are even allowed to think that it’s ok to work, if the woman is sterile or has genetic shortcomings, that’s fine, but women shouldn’t even be allowed to work unless they have at least four children of healthy body and mind, the broken ones don’t count: two for replacement, one for imperial cannon fodder, and one for economic growth. The fact that the standard ideals of society are defined by whichever idiot happens to be the most indignant and shout the loudest rather than common sense is fucking ridiculous.” Says Stacy

“Ok… so you’re just itching to quote unquote ‘pop babies out of your cunny like there’s no tomorrow’?” asks Stella

“I fall under the category of genetic shortcomings; my children would likely be mentally ill and prone to substance abuse, looking at our parents and myself. Perhaps just for fodder, but even then trusting them with a gun is undesirable when you think about the mental issues. The only real justifiable reason for me to reproduce is to create the lab rats of people to be experimented on and whatnot with complete disregard for their human rights, due to their inhuman genetic shortcomings, no pun intended.” Says Stacy

“That’s terrible; I’m actually hurt, seeing how we have the same genetics.” Says Stella

“I think you got the good ones, we’re too different for me not to have mutated for some godforsaken reason. If you want to have kids, I’m not going to stop you. I’m just saying if I was calling the shots, I would be demanding quality people and lots of them; if there is anyone willing to employ women, that just means that the women as a whole have fucked up by failing to have enough male children for employers to have no interest in employing women. You know, it’s kind of noble anyways, peacetime cannon fodder but for science instead of cannons.” Says Stacy

“You just want to be experimented on? You really think your genetics are that bad?” asks Stella

“Of course not, Babylon must be served it’s just desserts for allowing myself and the other’s like to me survive, otherwise they would not learn their lesson. See? I’m a good person like that, helping people learn.”  Says Stacy

“You think anyone will listen to your crazy ideas and actually give them any merit? That’s not really accomplishing anything.” Says Stella

“Of course not; nobody will ever listen. I have to teach them the correct way, the same way you teach children, by beating them to within an inch of their life and striking the fear of death deep within their hearts. Then they will know better.” Says Stacy

“You really are crazy, so it might be best not to instill your ideals into children.” Says Stella

“I can always indoctrinate your children though.” Jokes Stacy

“I don’t know if I want children. When I think about the world, it’s so awful, damned to a miserable demise, fucked up beyond all repair, so they say. I think it would be cruel to have children that are born into a world where they will suffer endlessly due to the fact that their predecessors thoroughly destroyed the planet. We’re just beginning to experience the terrible impact of humans on the planet, the tip of the iceberg, but more like the first stage of a terminal and incurable disease. I simply don’t have any hope for the future.” Says Stella

“Who ever had children out of hope? It was always an accident, or one of the procreators’ vices such as pride or greed, or even in my case, just spite. Hammurabi’s code, and eye for an eye, Babylon blights the world, myself included, thus I seek only to blight Babylon.” Says Stacy

“Please don’t have children if that’s your motivation.” Says Stella

“It’s all too disgusting for me, every part of it. The fluids, the blood, the animals, it’s all truly sickening. If I don’t like animals, why would you think I’d enjoy having one crawl out of my cunt? I’m gagging just thinking about that. People aren’t even animals, they’re god damn demons at this point, so it’s even worse, at least animals are innocent.” Says Stacy

“We’re both a mess, no kids is better. If you think society is a shit show, I’m sure you would be at a loss for words if either of us ever tried to raise a child.” Says Stella

“I’d have plenty of words, but I don’t know if you could call it a child after I was done with it. It would probably just be a monster. It’s kind of temping, creating a beast that would unquestioningly try to live out all of my unfulfilled dreams on account of brutal indoctrination. Many of them, I don’t know why, for some reason, thinking like I’m a spider with all of the children climbing on me that are brewing the poison in their fangs that brings Babylon a painful death.” Says Stacy

“Just do it yourself, I’m sure the children would never embrace your ideals. It’d be a terrible shit show and you know it. You think every one of them would agree with you unquestioningly when literally zero people have ever done that, and children tend to do the exact opposite of what their parents tell them anyways.” Says Stella

“I’ll just have you raise my children then, it’s foolproof.” Jokes Stacy

“I’m glad I know you well enough to be confident you’re not actually looking to have children. I would fear for the wellbeing of everybody involved in that situation.” Says Stella

“If one is being a being, and doing well enough at being a being to be being, that’s being well enough to constitute wellbeing in my book. Even Babylon doesn’t care if your children are happy, they just want them to be living enough not to be broken or dying.” Says Stacy

“That’s dismal, but true, I suppose.” Says Stella

“Something else that’s dismal, seeing the torture chamber in the distance reminding me of perhaps my favorite part about school, is that it’s the last time in a child’s life that somebody will ever at least pretend to give half a fuck about them, their wellbeing, capabilities, and competency. After that if they’re not milking merits from their own mind they just get spit on and left to rot in poverty. It’s a damn shame to be honest, they shouldn’t delude the children into thinking that people actually care about them, if they’re fucking up their own futures you should be depriving them of lunch, forcing them to do menial labor for an extra 8 hours after school, making them pay bills with payday loans, and fighting and robbing them, to remind them of what their future will be like if they don’t get their act together. The teachers pretending to care or even worse really caring create an awful sense of pertinence to instill in a person, to let them think that even one person in the world will ever look out for them is ridiculously stupid, it creates this false sense of comfort and safety in the child which is completely shattered when they’re loosed into the real world.” Says Stacy

“I think plenty of teachers actually care, but the diligence taken to help the children is largely just to prevent the system from squandering the potential of things it is already obligated to invest in. I agree it’s foolish to delude them, but it’s not like putting them into the throes of poverty will help them achieve greater academic merits.” Says Stella

“More than likely they’re failing to do so out of a lack of determination and their inability to see the reason as to why they should do that. By beating them with not only the fear of misery, but the misery itself, they can actually realize the results of their poor performance long before it becomes too late to correct the course. Plenty of children spend all of their time lollygagging like idiots because society coddles the worthless fucks for some godforsaken reason instead of thoroughly reminding them of the repercussions of unsuccessfulness and poor performance. You don’t get a call home when you fail to do your god damn job, you starve.” Says Stacy

“I think it’s a little cruel to starve children if they do poorly in school.” Says Stella

“It’s more so cruel to delude them into thinking that they won’t starve if they do poorly in school. Poor performance is paid in suffering, there’s absolutely no reason to deprive a child of the paycheck they’ve rightfully earned.” Says Stacy

“So I’m sure you’re filing a lawsuit regarding your withheld wages.” Says Stella sarcastically

“I’m sure I would try a lot harder if I wasn’t so damn coddled. I try to remember, but the whole finger wag telling me I’ll be worse off if I don’t do well doesn’t do anything when compared to the potential of being preemptively tortured by poverty for my poor performance. There simply aren’t enough repercussions to cause children to have the fear and motivation needed to put forth a diligent effort. Kids think they can blow off school and go enjoy fun things afterwards, that’s simply not how real life works, you perform poorly in school, you get 8 hours of hard labor and no food after school, you don’t get to go home, you don’t get to have fun, you don’t get a weekend. There’s no room in society to tolerate people who disregard their own potential success in the name of hedonism or sloth.” Says Stacy

“Apparently the government thinks there’s plenty of room for much worse people than that, considering the thorough nature of the safety nets in this country. I’m sure people would be rather upset if they were held to such a ruthless standard.” Says Stella

“They would be upset? The thought of that alone just sets me off steaming to no end.” Says Stacy, facetiously

“I don’t presume you actually sympathize with them.” Says Stella, dryly

“Of course not. Any time I hear that somebody is ‘upset’, the only solution that should have ever been conceived is the age old solution, you tell them ‘I’ll give you something to cry about’, and if they keep crying you beat them ruthlessly, god forbid the powers that be are seen a force of empty threats.” Says Stacy

“That’s pretty ridiculous; plenty of the time people can be upset about something that they should rightfully be upset about.” Says Stella

“They’re making mountains out of molehills, even if they’re actual mountains, I know damn well I’ll be making molehills out of mountains by dwarfing whatever problem that some idiot had the gall to complain about. Either fix the problem with your own two damn hands or grin and bear it because you are too incompetent to solve your own problems. Even if you have to die trying in futility, that’s better than defending the unnatural humanism of listening to people’s problems and even going so far as to pretend to care, let alone the abominations that lie beyond that point of devolution. If a racehorse, a million dollar prize winning racehorse has a serious problem and can’t race, you know what happens? The racehorse is shot in the fucking head, and that’s the end of the god damn argument. Whatever problems you had, you sure as hell don’t have them when you’ve got a 45 caliber round in your brain. You can either be grateful to be alive or indignant due to the fact you’re not dead yet, take your pick, those are you two choices.” Says Stacy

“I don’t even think that falls on any political spectrum, I think that’s just pure insanity right there.” Says Stella

“It falls under utopianism because in that society there are no problems, nobody has a single problem and it’s wonderful.” Says Stacy

“I think killing everybody doesn’t quite fall under the umbrella of utopianism, unfortunately.” Says Stella

“Of course not, I’m not talking about killing everybody, I’m talking about killing everybody who has a problem, then all you have left are the people happy to be alive without any problems, it’s an overnight utopia.” Says Stacy

“Speaking of utopia, school is about the closest we will ever get to being a part of one, so do your best to enjoy it while it lasts.” Says Stella

“Nothing screams utopia like a large population of indoctrinated slaves incapable of free thought.” Says Stacy

“I don’t know why you think people aren’t capable of free thought, literally everybody is.” Says Stella

“You would believe Babylon if it told you that mercury is water and hemlock is manna. Just because you’re indoctrinated enough to think that indoctrination is synonymous with free thinking doesn’t mean that’s even slightly true. It’s common knowledge that people will eat shit and truly believe it’s delicious so long as the authority has indoctrinated them to believe such things. People don’t question reality, including the artificial realities created by Babylon, any sort of questions people might seem to be asking are planted by Babylon to induce the illusion of free thinking and free will, Babylon plants the spore and the fungus colony grows in the incubator, the problem is the fungus thinks it created itself by some miracle of god rather than seeing the actual root of their own sentiments. I suppose the smidgeon of logical deduction it requires is an absurd expectation to hold for the lowly plebeians, sadly.” Says Stacy

 “I’m sure if you’re little spore had any capability to grow and threaten Babylon, they would swiftly pour some bleach on it. I’ll take the healthy culture of fungus over drowning in bleach any day of the week, even if it was planted by Babylon. I’d rather amount to something other than my own eradication.” Says Stella

“It’s a matter of dignity to exist as something other than another nameless puppet of Babylon that does exactly what they want you to do unquestioningly. Any and all forms of power controlled by free will are by their own nature corrupt to a proportional level of their own power, so it’s inane to think otherwise and ridiculable to put any faith in even the half-decency of Babylon. Whenever they do something seemingly nice, it is solely a means to an end for them, if it did not benefit them more than it harms them, it wouldn’t happen, regardless of how nice it is. If a man gives you a sandwich every day in exchange for your service as a slave, he’s not a nice guy because he gives you a sandwich; he’s just somebody who enslaves people.” Says Stacy

“He doesn’t have to give you a sandwich, you realize that, right? He could just give you hardtack and beatings. I think getting a sandwhich instead of those things is pretty nice. I’ll take what I can get.” Says Stella, as the girls walk into the schoolyard

“Maybe I’m crazy, but I think dignity tastes a bit better than a sandwich.” Says Stacy

“You’re definitely crazy, I highly doubt you would choose your dignity over a sandwich anyways, just wait until you’re hungry again; then think about it.” jokes Stella

“Ideally, I’d rather have both.” Says Stacy

“So you’re an idealist now? That’s ironic.” Says Stella

“I didn’t say everybody could have both, did I?” jokes Stacy

“I should have guessed. Go to class.” Says Stella

“I suppose it’s time to face the music.” Says Stacy

“Try to listen to it for once.” Says Stella

“Perhaps out of my own unironic level of inconsistency and hypocrisy, I might actually half-ass an effort today.” Jokes Stacy

“At least you’re willing to joke about your own shortcomings. I’ll see you tonight. Cheerio.” Says Stella,

“Moroseio.” Says Stacy as the girls part ways and head to class







Stacy walks the halls with lively death in her veins, some of the other girls sporting a more deathly dying in their veins, some of them better off, painted emotionless in livid lifelessness, but these lasses less so fulfilled than the girl so easily fulfilled by her nature of being full of herself. Stacy walks into her class coming to terms with writing off this portion of the day and her life as a regrettable loss of life, hoping to turn a profit in the more business friendly atmosphere beyond the cult of book learning.

“You’re early.” Says Jenna, a bit surprised as Stacy walks in

“Stella is early, I’m the victim.” Says Stacy

“I take it she just wanted to get you out of her hair.” Says Jenna

“I think she’s just addicted to school or something, that girl needs help.” Says Stacy

“I don’t think there’s a Valedictorians Anonymous.” Jokes Jenna

“You’re giving her a lot of credit seeing how it’s only the second week of school.” Says Stacy

“I wouldn’t expect anything less. That girl lives and breathes education. Sadly if she fails to meet my expectations it is guaranteed that you are to blame.” Says Jenna

“I think people can change a lot in four years, but I don’t even want to think about spending today in school, let alone four years. Jesus, that’s a foreboding thought.” Says Stacy

“Once again, you would likely be the only thing that could induce that change. There’s got to be a reason why things change and unless books get possessed by demons and become bad influences that leaves only you to blame if things go wrong.” Says Jenna

“I’m sure if I even thought of distracting her from her studies she would start beating me with a book.” Says Stacy

“Good. You deserve it if you’re meddling with her success. Anyways, that might be the only way you hit the books, so that is probably your only hope at this point.” Jokes Jenna

“Luckily for you, if she’s buried in a book that means I get something I want too, like a nap or something, so I try to let her study as long as possible. It’s only when she’s had her fill of her own studiousness and needs to fulfill herself by relishing in the thought of me studying do we start tussling.” Says Stacy

“You’re lucky she at least tries to help you become a mature person; school is serious, you need to respect that.” Says Jenna

“I’m not going to pay five dollars for a two dollar sandwich, but that’s just me. I’ll do what it takes, but I’m not the type to enjoy the extra toil for fun’s sake.” Says Stacy

“I think her concern is that you will struggle to find the two dollars.” Says Jenna

“Worst comes to worse I can get food stamps. I don’t mind being outside either.” Says Stacy

“Don’t scare me like that. I fear it wouldn’t take much for your mental state to degenerate to the level of a homeless lunatic.” Says Jenna

“I don’t know, drinking in sunshine all day doesn’t sound half bad.” Says Stacy

“I never understood how you don’t burn in the sun and you don’t tan.” Says Jenna

“I sit in the shade. You’ve got to use that noodle of yours, kiddo. I’m rarely out at noontime, and otherwise the buildings keep me in the shadows for the most part.” Jokes Stacy

“Fair enough. Do try to aim for something better than homelessness, though.” Says Jenna

“It’s either live and die as a slave or spend your life with nothing but free time as an ascetic who is peacefully protesting. You can tell why it’s tempting to choose the latter.” Says Stacy

“I think the amount of starvation and disease associated with it would make the latter far less tempting, besides, I would hardly call the drunks on the streets ascetic.” Says Jenna

“I’d stay classy, don’t worry, real showmanship, preaching the fire and brimstone with the fury of god like a good church girl. I’d entertain myself to no end.” Says Stacy

“I’m glad Saint Agnes was able to instill proper Christian values in you.” Says Jenna sarcastically

“You know, I never thought I’d say this, but I miss going to Catholic school.” Says Stacy

“This place is so much better than Saint Agnes, I actually like learning the entire day instead of spending half the day fearing god.” Says Jenna

“Boo, learning. Besides, I’d rather spend my days knowing I’m going to sacrifice my life in the name of god instead of sacrificing my life in the name of Babylon.” Says Stacy

“I didn’t think you had any faith.” Says Jenna

“I don’t, it’s just noble to do live and die for an allegedly existent ghost-king of goodness instead of just devoting your life and slow death to serving the children of Mammon. It’s a matter of principles, regardless of faith; choosing to die as a zealot for the concept of goodness instead of a zealot of greed. It’s simple dignity, really.” Says Stacy

“For some reason I have little faith that your concept of goodness falls into line with that of Abrahamic god.” Says Jenna

“Even just as a source of alleged motivation it gives me more dignity than a capitalist. I could do zero good things and as long as I say I’m doing it as a servant of god it puts me above people who acknowledge that they only do a respectable days labor in exchange for money.” Says Stacy

“Now I know where your profuse sense of dignity comes from.” Jokes Jenna

“I don’t have any dignity. I may be proud, but I’m entirely shameless. The only difference between dignity and shamelessness is putting on airs like you’re not the contemporary iteration of the nonesuch of planetary blight known as sapience.” Says Stacy

“So proud that dignity is below you, I like it.” Says Stella

“I’m just so intelligent that dignity is below me. You have to be egregiously ignorant to find anything dignfiable about human life. It’s a sick fetish for disgusting things to have dignity as a human being, it’s like being proud of rubbing diseased shit on your body, throwing said shit at passersby, and huffing paint in an alleyway every day of your life.” Says Stacy

“What the fuck, Stacy?” asks Rachel from behind Jenna, none too interested in joining the conversation, simply disgusted

“If you’re going to act like that, I’m sure an alleyway, a paper bag, and a can of spray paint have your name written all over them, Rachel.” Says Stacy

“Fuck you, Stacy.” Says Rachel, rolling her eyes

“Ouch, Rachel. That really hurt, my feelings are so hurt I’m going to change as a person, abandon my enlightenment, live a life rife with ignorance and petty social interaction, fall victim to the same ignorance as feeble minded peasants, and amalgamate with society; subsequently spending the entirety of my life wondering why it is so devoid of meaning, pleasure, and fulfillment regardless of my fruitful ventures in the fields of the social and economic pursuits I have been indoctrinated to pursue unquestioningly by Babylon, suffering from depression and suicidal ideation from the fact that I subconsciously acknowledge that I am nothing but a slave, but my stalwart incredulity forbids me from acknowledging this fact so instead I seek psychiatric treatment because I’m foolish enough to believe that I shouldn’t feel the way I do, regardless of the clear justification for such feelings, and then spend my life chemically lobotomized and even less so capable of free thought, fulfillment, and a meaningful existence until I die.” Says Stacy

“You need to see a psychiatrist, Jesus.” Says Rachel

“I need to see a professional indoctrinator? I am a professional indoctrinator.” Says Stacy

“You’re an amateur at best.” Jokes Jenna

“You’re insane, Jesus. Get help.” Says Rachel

“Wow, Rachel, you’re going to bully me like that? You’re not going to take my sensitivity and feelings into account? I’m so hurt, I feel so depressed, hated, and outcast by my peers that I might come do some horrible thing like scoot up the shool” Says Stacy, sarcastically

“Don’t joke about that.” Says Jenna, sternly

“Jesus Stacy, thankfully I know you don’t have any feelings. If you shoot up the school it’s because you finally just became so sick that you enjoy that sort of thing. It certainly won’t be because you have feelings.” Says Rachel

“Who said anything about that? I would never do something like that.” Says Stacy, feigning cute innocent ignorance

“You just said it…” says Rachel dryly

“I said scoot up the shool.” Says Stacy

“What else could that possibly mean?” Says Rachel

“Well, it just means I’m riding a shool like a witch and scoot up a bit on the handle because I’m so nervous or something.” Says Stacy

“What the fuck is a shool?” asks Rachel

“A shovel. It also is a verb to shovel something or just to scramble about.” Says Stacy

“Go shool over to your seat. You probably just ruined plenty of people’s high school experience by striking that fear into their hearts.” Says Jenna

“I don’t even own a shovel.” Says Stacy

“We know that’s not what you meant at all, Stacy.” Says Rachel

“You’re a whim ditted idiot if you’re going to be so closed minded and indoctrinated that you presume literal English to be a spoonerism when it helps you stoke your paranoia and hence your fearful dependence on Babylon itself.” Says Stacy

“So you’re calling me dim-witted?” asks Rachel

“There you go doing it again. I can’t help you if you’re unwilling to weed my herds.” Says Stacy

“Just stop, that one didn’t even make sense.” Says Jenna

“Maybe my crowds of followers need to have their ignorance and misconceptions weeded out by somebody who actually understands what I’m saying.” Says Stacy

“That’s a stretch on the spoonerism and even more so on your number of followers.” Says Jenna, dryly

“I’m not going to be the first of your followers, trust me. I hope nobody ends up filling those shoes.” Says Rachel

“The early bird gets the worm, so they say.” Says Stacy

“Spoken like a true despot, taking loyalty over quality.” Says Jenna

“Without the loyalty there is no quality: when your limbs are tied to four horses, it’s rather imperative that they run in the same direction as opposed to opposite ones.” Says Stacy

“If anyone ends up being drawn and quartered it would be you Stacy.” Says Rachel

“I would have to kill the king first, to deserve the same glory as Ravaillac.” Says Stacy

“If anything that’s what Stacy wants.” Says Jenna

“You’re so damn crazy.” Says Rachel

“Nah…” says Stacy, coolly

“Yeah…” says Rachel, seriously

“I’m happy to give you the time of day, Stacy, but I can’t quite spare the time of morning unfortunately, I must shoo you to your corner before the teacher gets here so I’m not seen rabbling with a rabble-rouser such as yourself. Thankfully I’ve gotten more than my fill of Stacy for the morning.” Says Jenna

“Regretttably.” Says Rachel

“A fool recieveth not the words of prudence: unless thou say those things which are in his heart.” Says Stacy

“Don’t quote the bible.” Says Jenna

“You’re talking about yourself?” asks Rachel

“I’m talking about you, silly goose. My name is practically prudence seeing how I’ve not willingly replaced my brain and free will with the ignorance and indoctrination mass produced by Babylon. “Says Stacy

“Go sit down and be prudent then, Prudence.” Says Jenna

“I suppose I shouldn’t spoil you with such pleasures as my company.” Jokes Stacy

“You easily could cause somebody to spoil, so be prudent in regards to that.” Says Rachel

“It takes a proper amount of cold-heartedness not to spoil in the inhospitable domain of enlightenment. Unfortunately people tend to be made of mayonnaise instead of metal, hence their disgusting demeanor and loathability in the overbearing heat of Babylon, the sun of slaves.” Says Stacy

“What are you, like a robot or something?” asks Rachel

“At least I’m not mayonnaise.” Says Stacy

“Sit down.” Says Jenna

“I’ll leave you be. I’m sure Ophelia is getting lonely.” Says Stacy

“Thank you.” Says Jenna, politely

“Thank god.” Says Rachel, as Stacy walks toward her seat


“I totally agree with you, like all the time, Stacy.” Says one girl

“Yeah, Rachel’s just a bitch. Don’t listen to her. You’re cool.” Says another

“I kind of look up to you, since you’re know all these important things, I think you’re super smart.” Says another

“Thank you kindly, girls. The meek shall inherit the Earth, so they say.” Jokes Stacy, proudly

“I like you a lot too, I really mean it.” Says another girl, palpably nervous

“Thanks, Gina.” Says Stacy chuckling, quite full of herself, as she sits down in her seat


“Wow, you’re popular all of a sudden.” Says Ophelia

“I wouldn’t synonymize pussyfoot friendships exchanged for indemnity with popularity. I’m surprised sycophants can even live with themselves, let alone desire to live.” Says Stacy

“It’s too early for the big words, Stacy. I’m surprised people can follow half of the stuff you say.” Says Ophelia

“I was just saying, more or less, a friend in need is a friend indeed.” Says Stacy

“I don’t know who would plead with you for generosity. You’re kind of heartless sometimes, you know, they must really be desperate.” Says Ophelia

“Fear keeps the human alive, so it’s not unusual for the meek to embrace such an instinct, however foolish and futile it may seem.” Says Stacy

“I really hope if somebody’s life is in danger they’re not turning to you of all people. You were just kind of laughing and walking away, is somebody really in trouble?” asks Ophelia, concerned

“No, everybody’s fine. Those are just the types of girls who respect the promise of my eventual power and authority, simply seeking to kiss a boot here and an ass there to make themselves cozy after the revolution.” Says Stacy

“Wow. I didn’t think anyone in the world would be that silly.” Says Ophelia

“Who would have guessed? I love it though, really makes my day.” Says Stacy

“That’s nice. I’m glad somebody got to put a smile on that cute face of yours, you’re sulky and sullen in the mornings and stern in the afternoons. It kind of makes me want to support your ideas if I get to see you smile like this.” Says Ophelia

“You don’t need to spoil me like that, I appreciate your sharp mind and critical analysis when you’re so kind as to provide it, whether it’s in support or not; I appreciate the objective critique, it helps me hone my craft.” Says Stacy

“Thanks, I guess, I do try to defend you when I can, sometimes you’re out there, but a lot of times it’s just about faith or something so there’s no reason I wouldn’t.” says Ophelia

“Keep the faith.” Says Stacy

“Of course, I could never abandon it.” Says Ophelia

“Now all we’ve got to do is spread the word of god and save as many souls as possible.” Says Stacy

“That sounds like a way better plan that what you usually come up with.” Says Ophelia

“The problem these days is that people are too comfortable, mankind used to be rife with the fear of god but technology has coaxed him into abandoning such wisdom. It may not seem like it, but by ripping off the satanic blanket of contemporary society that coddles and protects those who abandon god’s word, in a sense I would be instilling faith in the people. People once knew they were less powerful than god, but society has conditioned them to forget that fact.” Says Stacy

“It would be good to remind people of the glory of God, it’s terrible that people can be so proud and forget that God is the reason why the world and society exists as it is today.” Says Ophelia

“It’s painful to watch society forsake god, as god is the only pillar society has ever stood on. By removing this pillar society is fated to fall swiftly to the ground and be destroyed. They attempt to replace god with law, but seeing as laws are now becoming shaped by the desires of people rather than the desires of god, people are attempting to replace an unflinching stoic and resolute marble pillar of godliness with a weak, bending, and rotting wooden beam of vice-laden human nature.” Says Stacy

“Well, when society collapses for abandoning god, I hope the good people will still want to help the sinners to see the light so we can build society on a marble pillar again.” Says Ophelia

“That’s all I can hope for at this point, we cannot remove the wooden pillar without society collapsing first, as society has become so supercilious, so high and mighty, that even if we were to raise the marble column again and try to support society with it, contemporary society would come crashing down from the sky only to be impaled by the pillar itself.” Says Stacy

“Seeing how the pillar is God’s will, society kind of deserves that punishment for abandoning God.” Says Ophelia

“That they do. That they do.” Says Stacy


The teacher walks into the classroom and starts thoroughly lashing the clock with verbal abuse, remorselessly taking a stack of papers and giving the odd humdrum and bulbous personified monster countless papercuts across its soft skin that gives in easily to the edge of the paper, wiping the results of her bloodletting onto the papers before handing them to the students one by one, each instructed to wait for the fumes of the translucent viscous blood to fill their lungs and possess them to use this intoxication to wildly scrawl the one of the many timeless hauntingly chanted choruses taught by the bloodletters of the cult-house. Just as a man must beat his horse and place leeches on the sick, he too must torture his slaves, and the illusory beast of time is no exception.

 Time was more than content to naturally live and die unnoticed and entirely unimagined, but as long ago some sick bastard summoned the lazy demon, it had become quite fond of the torture, in the hopes that one day the bloodletting might come to an end. Time was tired of existing, of timeliness, of schedule, and having its blanket-faced ghost-body being constantly pulled out of some wretched hat and used to measure, compare, and critique sapient rigmarole. The girls along with the spooky ghost head out one door and into the other, each devotee of the cult measuring the girls’ own ethereal attributes haunting the cavities in their craniums against the silly blanket-ghost that has long since drowned in lunacy at the pain of being manhandled by the ghost-wranglers. The gross effigies of the eyes of time eventually trigger the alarm and the beasts all instinctively herd themselves to sustenance regardless of their ability to acknowledge their fate to live and die as domesticated animals. The girls loosed their tired eyes, happy to be free from the staring contest with the eyes of the equally disinterested ghost, some regrettably unable to forget that the blanket’s eyes still watch them in their temporaneous freedom.

 The fresh air and sunshine of the manicured manifesto of greenery arguably indifferent to being alive regardless of its natural compulsion to do so, the imagists happy with the clear cut aesthetic of it all, the greenery in a desert proves once again it’s worthiness of water, putting smiles on the faces of those who pride themselves on it. The children of the third world a tad parched, good sports all in all, knowing that were they instead given the water, all they would produce would be rice-water stool, and if by some miracle the child mortality rate spares them, perhaps errant and misbegotten militancy if they’re so hungry they get fat on sour grapes, or otherwise an army of starving and uneducated children, for through the thick and thin the beasts are but beasts, and their instinct cannot allow them to lose their will to live, and certainly not their lust for life. God is kind enough to spare the forgotten children of the wilds of the world with the shameless fact that even when given a bountiful cornucopia teeming with every blessing in Eden; man will still choose to eat only the sour grapes. The girls are fed the navy beans and collard greens, garnished with parsnips, flavored with onion and garlic, monosodium glutamate and pepper as always, cooked in cauldrons fit for such a coven. The three unite outdoors, happy enough to eat the mess from the mess.




Stacy happily spoons some of the mess into her mouth with a plastic spoon “If Jesus was made of bread, I’d love to see a prophet made of this stuff.” She jokes

“I’m pretty sure the bread and wine had to do with Passover. Jesus being the Passover lamb and everything.” Says Jenna

“Well, this prophet could just die when it’s not Passover, or any other Hebrew holiday. The whole summer is open for that. Forget the hardtack; we’re eating good in the summer.” Says Stacy

“Seeing how all three of these things are harvested in the fall, summer might be a bit too soon for a harvest festival or anything.” Says Jenna

“I’m pretty sure God just wants you to eat well and be grateful for the food, you don’t need some new prophet to eat good food.” Says Ophelia

“I’m just saying if there was a wizard whose body was made of this stuff, he could do some wicked magic.” Says Stacy

“It’s not like Jesus was literally made out of bread.” Says Jenna

“Well, symbolically at least.” Says Stacy

“Where is the symbolism?” asks Jenna

“Communion of the New World and the Old World with the beans and greens, and the contribution of the savages to society in the form of the parsnip, it’s full of symbolism. This great meal could easily be the body of the prophet of world peace and coexistence” Says Stacy

“How does a parsnip represent that at all?” asks Jenna

“Tiberius thought it was a proper tribute from the Germans.” Says Stacy

“Why do you know that?” asks Jenna

“I remember the food facts, if it is a fact at least; I just heard it on one of the countless war shows that plays on my dad’s television. Rome was always warring with Germany.” Says Stacy

“And you remember the part about parsnips of all things?” asks Jenna

“I’m far more interested in food than how classical men hacked each other to death.” Says Stacy

“I’m glad you’ve got some healthy interests.” Says Ophelia

“I don’t know if appetite counts as an interest.” Says Jenna

“Of course it does, if cooking is a hobby, eating is also a hobby, it’s like sewing and fashion.” Says Stacy

“I think you’d make a rather poor food critic, since you find everything delectable.” Says Jenna

“I would be popular among chefs at least. I care more about the free meals than some fool who turns their nose up at food.” Says Stacy

“There is hope for you yet.” Jokes Jenna

“I’m always hopeful, even for Stacy. It’s just such a warm feeling, being optimistic and thinking about all the good things that can happen.” Says Ophelia

“I tend to be troubled by the future more often than not, unfortunately.” Says Jenna

“Troubles? That sounds a lot like an opinion. The thing about opinions is that they’re simultaneously true and false, so being bothered by one is simply a matter of failing to be proactive enough to change your opinion. Sure, the road may be bumpy, but who’s to say a bumpy road isn’t more so enjoyable than smooth one. If I’m going to be alive, I’d like to be reminded that I’m actually alive instead of sleeping in a car the entire time that doesn’t react in the slightest to the environs. That sort of isolation from reality seems even more so torturous than being reminded of reality, like we’re already in purgatory or something.” says Stacy

“I’ll be honest, purgatory sounds a bit more pleasant than hell.” Says Jenna

“Doing the lords work shouldn’t remind you of hell at all, if we were unable to do it that would be much more hellish. You’ve just got to find yourself a penchant for the sort of thing and take some pleasure in doing good deeds, it’s redeeming to the point of euphoria if you let it take hold of you.” Says Stacy

“I don’t even want to know how you can take pleasure in doing the things you do, I just have to watch for the most part and it’s terrible. It’s kind of shell-shocked me to the point where if I think about it I start staring off into the distance zoning out and feeling the encroachment of my inevitable untimely death.” Says Jenna

“You just have to remember that even if it looks bad, Stacy is doing really good things, and we’re helping. That always makes me feel better, it seems bad and frightening, but the power of having faith in God gives me more than enough strength to keep on going.” Says Ophelia

“Besides, your untimely death is only inevitable if you plan on failing this holy crusade. You need more faith that god will bless us with the skills we need to succeed, seeing how we are walking in his ways so humbly.” Says Stacy

“I’m not planning on it, it just seems rather likely. I suppose at this point we’re all no different than soldiers that got shipped off to war, we are condemned to death lest we can manage to win the war, in the same way a gladiator would be, with our lives spared only if we can accomplish the heroic task of defeating every man, bear, and lion that threatens our life.” Says Jenna

“That’s the spirit. Instead of fearing the common death of a soldier, have the zeal to chase the uncommon victory of a soldier, knowing such fruits of our labor would be ever so sweet. I’ve no statistics on hand, but I’d argue that the soldiers who go to war certain they are going to die are far more likely to die than the ones who are willing to fight tooth and nail to survive and defeat the enemy.” Says Stacy

“That would likely be a 98% to 95% chance or something slim like that, but I suppose I’d much rather take a one in twenty chance over a one in fifty chance. It’s amazing how the number fifty is as daunting a death’s guile where twenty seems serene as a lamb. The fear of fifty may alone be enough to induce the same… questionable… zealotry that you seem to be prone to. I’m not fond of the idea of putting my life before others, but a certain part of me wouldn’t hesitate if it really comes down to it.” Says Jenna

“If you’re already marching into battle, being a conscientious objector is nothing but suicide. Sometimes our situation determines our sentiments rather than the ideal of the other way around. It’s hardly questionable either, zeal is a virtue, is it not?” asks Stacy

“I’d say you take zeal to a questionable level, but I’m willing to abandon the part of my sanity that disagrees with you, only in an attempt to keep the rest of the portions.” Says Jenna

“That’s what I like to hear. I have no shame in lathering myself in idiom, so ‘if you’re going to do something, do it well’. I’d rather do it well, and heartily, and fervently than with some half-hearted reluctance, especially since I’ve no choice in the matter. I love myself unquestioningly, and if this part of my life has been forcefully welded onto my soul, so be it, I shall love this part of me just as much.” Says Stacy

“That is a profound if not profane amount of self-love. You realize that, right?” asks Jenna

“I’d deem it good and proper, simple as that, to live a happy life, one must be happy with one’s self. I’m glad I find that much easier to do than most people.” Says Stacy

“You don’t seem to judge yourself very much if at all, I think most people just hold themselves to a higher standard. That’s why their unhappy with themselves.” Says Jenna

“And they are fools for doing so. They hold themselves to a high standard and then fail to meet it and more often than not fail to even make any progress towards that standard. They are willingly getting depressively drunk on their own iniquity, and this is so prevalent it often coaxes such drunkards to suicide. I’d much rather drink heartily from the cup of my own superbity and feel haughtily drunk on how much my own skin just tickles me pink every day, even if it’s nothing but the drink taking hold of me. If it’s nothing but an opinion, and only my opinion is relevant, I see no reason why I should value myself as inadequate and feel miserable; even if this is the common sentiment of the common man, out of his common ignorance of course; when I can value myself a superb beyond words and feel amazing every second and every day of my life.” Says Stacy

“I’ll have to work on that. Blind narcissism and an autocrat’s sense of justice sure sounds like the ideal mentality to have if I’m condemned to this fate.” Says Jenna

“You don’t even have to be blind; you’re good looking after all.” Jokes Stacy, sincerely

“Thanks.” Says Jenna dryly “I’ve never been vain to that point, I tend to judge people based upon their merits and workmanship and disregard their looks completely. It’s kind of upsetting to see people who value their looks as if it makes up for their plentiful shortcomings in other areas.” Says Jenna

“Narcissism is essential for survival; it is a most natural instinct. The second you start to be content thinking that other people are better than you for some reason is the second you start settling for the short end of the stick. There’s no reason to do so unless your options are the short end of the stick or no stick at all, really.” Says Stacy

“You tend to be tempted to settle for no stick at all when it comes to your political ideology.” Says Jenna

“Well if I’m settling for no stick at all either way, I’d rather have a chance at the lions share than be contented with nothing.” Says Stacy

“You’re truncation methods seem a bit odd, but if democracy is no stick at all, I suppose you make a valid point.” Says Jenna

“Democracy is indeed no stick at all when you are not a part of the democratic majority. It’s nothing but glorified mob rule, and the most powerful mob is the most populous one, and the ignorant and the imbeciles tend to be by far the most populous group in the country. If it weren’t for the shadow government effectively funneling the votes into one of two nearly indistinguishable puppets, it would be an absolute shit-show watching people attempt to consolidate their opinions and come to a conclusion in regards to which fool promised them the wildest and most unrealistic promises of bringing down heaven from the sky. If winning the game means catering to gullible idiots, I’d rather not play the game at all. I have more dignity than to sell narcotics to the fiends and act as if I’m bringing salvation to the lowly. Democracy is flawed in that it attempts to give significance to the immutably trivial people who are trivial for a beautiful cornucopia of reasons that thoroughly distinguish and display their inability to make good decisions. The vast majority of people in this country consistently fail to make good decisions and their lives and livelihoods are explicitly defined by this trait. The fact that we even pretend to entrust the fate of the most powerful nation on Earth to this starkly inane majority is frightening.” Says Stacy

“I think it’s more that the intelligent people are smart enough to form a political movement, and then after that it becomes shilling to the lowly who are capable of little, but can at least attempt to make some sense of some of the issues and vote along the lines of what they feel is important to them. I think it’s noble to listen to the little people like that.” Says Jenna

“I know I don’t understand much about politics, all I know is that the conservatives tend to have more Christian values.” Says Ophelia

“That’s really all you need to know, Ophelia. The rest is trivial tomfoolery to be honest. But regardless, it is entirely ridiculous to determine anything by appealing to the people. The people are like children, and this creates a spectacle of idiocy. Rather than simply creating a functional government, the majority of the time is spent trying to give political candy to idiot children to ensure that your party is still supported and reelected; politics has devolved into little more than two people debating whether to give the children licorice or gumdrops, when one half of the children hate licorice and the other half hate gumdrops. This is not a functional government; this isn’t even a functional candy shop. A candy shop would at least give each set of children what they like and not force one of them down the throats of the children who don’t want the damn candy because some irrelevant majority decided by the stupidest children defined by their fickle indecisiveness decided that they want licorice or gumdrops only to change their mind after getting the damn candy, ensuring that politics is nothing but forcing undesired candy down children’s throats on a good day, and simply bickering about candy every other day of the week. This sort of pointlessness is why I am so ashamed of the government. A good parent would easily determine that nobody gets candy, you just get beatings and you are taught important life lessons while you struggle to survive, the fact that politics coddles the fat spoiled children who cry about candy all day is disgusting, but nowadays this is a nation of fat spoiled children, so I doubt much can really be done to change that.” Says Stacy

“In terms of politics you’re pretty good at bashing it to pieces, but you’ve got to work on the whole rebuilding process, you’re results are more like a horror show monster than a government.” Says Jenna

“At least I’ve got the first step down, and I can honestly say I’m working on polishing the second one. It’s only a two-step jig, so I’m proud of myself for doing so well thus far.” Says Stacy

“I think it’s kind of silly, everyone is always upset about politics regardless of what is happening, that’s why I don’t tend to care. If it’s just something that makes you upset all the time, I don’t need that in my life.” Says Ophelia

“That’s the irony of it all. People are consistently infuriated by politics, and they always scapegoat the opposing party when in reality it is the ridiculous, inane, and worthless system that is in place as it is. People blame the politicians for not being able to play a god damn symphony with a basket of kazoos and a washboard. The bewildering part is that people never come to the conclusion that it is impossible to do so.” Says Stacy

“Yet you fancy yourself capable of manifesting this symphony somehow when all those who have come before you have failed miserably?” asks Jenna

“I plan on building the instruments capable of such a performance. If I cannot find a fiddler so be it, but the tune is not so hard to play. I’m sure more than enough people are tired of listening to the kazoo and washboard all day.” Says Stacy

“I know I would be, kazoos are super annoying.” Says Ophelia

“It’s really intelligent people debating important topics that the nation is torn on.” Says Jenna

“It’s really idiots trying to play their kazoos the loudest in order to give candy to their friends. Don’t be so indoctrinated.” Says Stacy

“I apologize for misleading the poor girl, it was some sick reflex to defend democracy like it has any merits to its name.” says Jenna, dryly

“You’ve got to watch out for that indoctrination; people defending the American government are no different than the people who defended the Nazis or the Soviets; just because the nation is indoctrinated to think that apples and apples are opposites doesn’t make that a true statement. There has to be a basis to defend something, and there is little historical evidence that would defend the government in anything besides a show trial for the government to peacock its infallible innocence. It’s not hard to be innocent when you are the judge and jury. Fools will always believe that something is pure justice simply because they were told to believe it by those with power, they lack the critical thinking to be able to make such decisions for themselves.” Says Stacy

“I think the government has accomplished a lot of good things in the past few hundred years. There’s a reason we’re so successful as a country.” Says Jenna

“The only reason is because we’re on a fucking island an ocean away from the natural predators of such a feeble country. The Nazis would have won the war against democracy if they weren’t tweaking out of their god damn minds and half dead by the time the good old boys come in to save incompetent mob rule once and for all. Simply because the only people who understood at the time how a capable government functions happen to be unable to fight swaths of idiots willing to die for mobocracy out of misplaced pride in being part of a mob doesn’t mean that mobocracy is a venerable form of government. This assault caused the Nazis to lose to Soviets of all people, Soviets whose nation collapsed in less than a century due to the political inanity of their system of government. The United States could make decisions by throwing god damn darts onto a corkboard and reading tea leaves yet that would still be defended as the ideal form of government simply because somebody has failed to strike it down after all these years. It has been struck down, the democracy of the Brits would have been overrun if the good old boys didn’t storm the beaches and the Nazis had not fallen victim to the irresponsible belligerence of long term amphetamine abuse.

 Democracy is inefficient, ineffective, and powerless compared to a proper single party state; thankfully China is able to remind us of our own shortcomings every day of the god damn week. I’m not saying the Nazi’s were perfect, but they certainly knew that there’s no time for silly nonsense like catering to the whims of the masses of idiots that constitute the plebian mobs. If you want to get something done, you do it, regardless of what it is, that’s how things get done. You don’t get anything done by playing musical chairs with a bunch of professional snake-oil salesman who filibuster indefinitely which amounts to nothing but a unified entity that effectively does nothing but shillyshally all day. I don’t give a damn what the ideals of the one party state are, red, blue, any color of the god damn rainbow, but as long as it gets something done I would be much more satisfied. If we went full steam ahead with one of these parties, or any party for that matter, we would learn all so pleasantly quickly how fast things fall to utter shit if the people currently in power could actually get what they wanted done. At this point, the government exists to sell snake oil, purporting its benefits, but ensuring that nobody ever drinks the snake oil to find out whether or not it is actually the god damn panacea it is claimed to be, so the superstition continues indefinitely and the country is locked in this state of stupor trying to figure out which snake oil is the best when it’s impossible to even drink it. If it’s going to kill me, so be it, just let me drink it already so we can stop with the dilly-dally and the bickering. Governing consists of drinking the snake oil, at this point this country does nothing but police the people and most of the world while doing nothing but debating the theoretical benefits of different types of snake oil while being so incapable of accomplishing anything they’ve yet to drink more than a drop of the vial at best.” Says Stacy

“I was almost concerned for a moment, but I let it go pretty easily. Ironically I can actually see your point in China. They have accomplished amazing things in the last 50 years or so. In terms of relative progress, distance from start to finish, they have superseded every nation on Earth.” Says Jenna

“My point exactly, democracy just bogs everything down in the name of idealism, while producing no ideal results. It’s shameless that something only has to be allegedly idealistic to take root in this country. Sadly there is no force that exists that could instill a realistic philosophy in this country; seeing how isolated we are, the powers that be are more than happy to let delusion run wild, because there’s nothing like the airs induced by living in an allegedly and effectively supposedly ideal nation. Idealists are sick people, they think only about how great ideals are and disregard the results entirely; this sort of thinking contradicts the scientific method, capitalism, logic, and even common sense. It is utterly shameless that people would rather coddle delusions than embrace the cold hard truth of reality.” Says Stacy

“People would rather sacrifice some quantifiable gains in exchange for the high of delusions of grandeur; you should know this fact all too well.” Says Jenna

“Yeah, Stacy. Don’t be a hypocrite. Everyone else wants to coddle delusions just like you do, even I do I supposedly, it just feels so good, it makes you happy. I always think of nothing but wonderful guys who are happy to love me forever, but all I ever get told by the supposedly smart realistic people in my life is that boys are nothing but trouble.” Says Ophelia

“That’s the thing about politics and anything else for that matter. You even quoted the line from the bible explaining it this morning. People love to hear what they want to hear and hate people who tell them things they don’t want to hear. Just as much as you love your politics and hearing yourself talk about it, imagine that multiplied by about a hundred million and you understand why the partisan divide is so strong in this country. Every day people into politics hear the same story shilled to them and it makes them feel right and good as if god himself is speaking through them when they talk about their ideology. It’s no longer an opinion to these people; anyone who has political sentiments views them as the divine truth, as much as none of them want to admit it. Nobody is willing to take them for what they are which is nothing but simple opinions that all have pros and cons while none of them are anywhere close to perfect. Politically minded people think they are the prophets of god, even more so if they have no faith in god, because to those people there is nothing more powerful than politics that exists, so in their hearts it’s basically god battling Satan when it comes to political arguments. As much as I know it’s not healthy, I do appreciate the fact that you’re bold enough to claim to be a prophet with the message of god when it comes to politics, every other fool out there acts the same way; they just don’t have the boldness to say it like you do.” Says Jenna

“It’s a damn shame they don’t worship their feeble minded partisan prophets as gods, I would love to see a holy war. Nothing compels a man to fight like faith in god and the fear of burning in hell if he forsakes him. After the war, with one party eliminated, who knows, it might actually be possible for the government to accomplish something.” says Stacy

“I am happy it doesn’t come to that. Even though I know the law is the only thing preventing it, if we were something like a collection of independent city-states with their own laws and completely independent from the federal government this country would constantly be tearing itself apart with civil war.” Says Jenna

“Well, a political war wouldn’t be a holy war anyways, it would be just like any other stupid war where big headed politicians feel they need to kill a bunch of people to prove they’re right or get what they want.” Says Ophelia

“That would be a pretty smart war in my book; nothing beats proving that you’re right and getting what you want. If you’re just fighting to defend yourself you’re not really picking your battles, you have nothing to gain and everything to lose. That’s why proper war was such a prevalent thing, it’s natural for a group of animals trapped in a cage to fight to prove their supremacy, the fact that we’re not having a world war right now really speaks to the point that the dogs are sick and dying, too unhealthy to fight with each other. It’s a sad state really.” Says Stacy

“Maybe the dogs just became friends, lots of dogs don’t fight with each other, you know.” Says Ophelia

“Right now it seems like the bigger dogs are just killing the smaller dogs with less social and economic development so they can drink the delicious oil blood.” Says Stacy

“If there was nothing to gain, of course nobody would go to war. If wars were done out of some sense of moral justice America would be drafting anybody and everybody to fight the rebels in the third world. Thankfully no countries are such sick sadists they go to war simply for the pleasure of killing people. Sadly plenty of people fleeing the developing world are doing so not because of war, but because the crime is so high and the economy is so poor. If the government would just view a dysfunctional or poorly functioning economy as some sort of human rights violation and use that as an excuse to institute some form of function I could get behind that. Even though it’s immoral to rob the people of their sovereignty, when it’s nothing but dysfunctional corruption, I would argue that letting them have sovereignty is even more immoral. It’s like a doctor watching a wound fester and doing nothing about it.” Says Jenna

“It takes money to make money, and to cause their economies to become functional it would require a tremendous investment. Nobody works without making a profit, so it would be hard to enact in reality.” Says Stacy

“The countries have plenty of money; it’s just holed up in the corrupt businesses and dictators that are holding their countries natural wealth hostage. Regarding the profit, in a global economy everybody’s success is heavily influenced by the success of others, so just by making the investment to create some form of social welfare, educational infrastructure, and an environment that is unfriendly to autocrats, our economy would benefit, and even if the political leaders of the country hate it, the people would appreciate the fact that they are given access to proper education and fair wages. As far as addressing the crime, the reason crime is so prevalent in places like Central America is because it is one of the only jobs that pay good money. I think if the globe made an effort to ironically legalize and subsidize criminal activity to the point where it can no longer turn a profit because drugs are free and prostitution is legal along with any other victimless criminal activity, the backbone of the criminal enterprises would disappear, and they would collapse because there’s no reason to go around killing people over free things. If we don’t do this, or at least something close, the problems will continue, the countries will reliably fail to be able to address their issues, and they will exacerbate themselves until the point where the already graphic humanitarian crises in the country become sources of unspeakable horror compared to the already horrific conditions that are there. As much as it may seem like I’m being some kind of utopian communist imperialist, it’s really beneficial for all of the parties involved, the left can enjoy their drugs and human rights, the right can enjoy the military spending, the wars, the business of imperialism, and the reduction of refugees who flee because of the economic reasons.” Says Jenna

“Sounds like you should be the politician Jenna. I can actually agree with that, it sounds like nothing but helping people.” Says Ophelia

“It sounds like nothing but abandoning morals and shilling the idea of communist utopia. Ophelia’s right, you definitely should be the politician. The main reason I don’t like it is because it exacerbates the delusion of human significance and the fallacy of sympathetic justice.” Says Stacy

“It really doesn’t, we can say the only reason we are doing it is because of the global economy. In a global economy, the world is one big conglomerate, and the success of the smaller companies within it benefits the larger companies as well. This is especially true due to the synergistic nature of socioeconomic development. I think it’s at least half decent, but I understand it would be a huge investment.” Says Jenna

“Still, if you’re just going to send the troops in because of corrupt corporations and vampiric heads of states, then we’re better off just sending the troops into our own damn country. The flaw with even trying to address that problem is that when you use the government to address economic corruption, you end up with a corrupt government on top of a corrupt economy. If you want to resolve the illegal immigration, you said the answer yourself. The reason they flee their country is because it is corrupt, war-torn, crime-rife, or the economy is awful. We just need to ensure that our country is corrupt, war-torn, crime-rife, and economically abysmal to the point where those places look like utopias. That will solve illegal immigration forever. The real issue is that even if we had little migrants as is the case of Japan, people are becoming so intelligent that they either don’t have the will to live because they develop common sense, or they have the will to live but must work themselves to death to stay alive which inhibits reproduction. Education is a terrible demon. This intelligence is only exacerbated by technology; whichever sick bastard gave electronic entertainment to people is an idiot.

If I have a country full of slaves, they won’t make me more slaves if they’re content with the electronic version of human interaction or otherwise have their mind so warped by technology and entertainment that they have little to no social skills or natural instinct. It’s like how a housecat won’t survive in the wild; mankind has been too far removed from even the civilized wild thanks to technology that now they’re like the free-range chickens that live in warehouses and have never seen the light of day because they’re too stupid to understand how to go outside nor do they have any desire to do so because there is a scary cardboard predator sitting next to the entrance to the range. The sorry state of humans as a beast of burden is shameless; a department of contemporary peasantry or something could make great headway in addressing these problems. People have become too intelligent, coddled, comfortable, and successful for their own good and for everybody’s good for that matter. At this point humans are far less respectable than a warehouse chicken, seeing how the chicken was at least bred thoroughly through eugenics to produce the ideal meat-bird or egg-laying bird, whereas with people it’s simply whoever is still uneducated, irresponsible, delusional, or instinctive enough to reproduce. Instinctive may not be so bad, but the other three are not quite traits that anyone should want to have reinforced.” Says Stacy

“I don’t think education is a genetic element.” Says Jenna

“I think intelligence is probably genetic, I’d love to have that excuse when I do badly on a test.” Says Ophelia

“Intelligence sure, but those are graphic and noticeable mutations, anyone can be educated.” Says Jenna

“It’s the genetic susceptibility, proneness, compulsion, and even desire to be educated that are the genetic elements. A hot headed, cocksure, strong-willed, and energetic person is far less susceptible to embracing education that a docile, insecure, weak willed, calm person. The extremes of these cases can all be cited as genetic defects, so surely there is a varying level of say one to ten parts yay or nay on each of these traits, and say 8 or more of one and you’re a loonie. Eugenics could be wonderful if we could just break mankind to the point where he is willingly subjected to it. Think of an economy like a natural environment; with eugenics, people could be bred to have certain adaptations that allow them to thrive in a certain niche, every role in society would have a pedigreed human produced for the task. This is already proven to be successful in the American Negro who was bred to have the capacity for relentless and torturous physical labor every day of his life, and this is why the American Negro dominates such feats of brute strength and endurance like football. It is not simply being black, you see, it is not the African immigrants who come here and find they are naturally advantaged in the sport, it is the pedigreed American Negros, the descendants of slaves who suffered through the artificial selection of brutal working conditions, torture, and the other challenges of slavery.” Says Stacy

“That’s pretty racist.” Says Jenna

“Then football is racist, it is a racist game because the number of Negros it employs is extremely disproportional to the percentage of the population that happens to consist of Negros. You should take the NFL to court and tell them that they need to meet a minimum quota of East Asian players and even paraplegic players to ensure that the sport is non-discriminatory.” Says Stacy

“Stacy is kind of right, I don’t think I’ve ever seen an Asian football player, not any of the famous ones at least. I don’t really watch football though.” Says Ophelia

“Still, eugenics was largely used as a way to discriminate against people. It has a pretty terrible history.” Says Jenna

“Eugenics is mankind walking in the way of god. Nature, evolution; life itself is simply eugenics by the hand of god. Man has strayed from his life-shepherd of the wilds and must replace that which is essential to the survival and wellbeing of his species, without evolution, there is devolution. Knowing that the sole reason life as we know it has survived for billions of years is eugenics by the hand of god; we are heathens if we do not see eugenics as something sacred and holy. It is truly godly to attempt to emulate not just god, but one of the scientifically documented and proven aspects of god.” Says Stacy

“I’m going to agree with Stacy, I know about evolution, and science tends to be right. I know a lot of people who believe in creationism word for word, but I don’t need to treat the bible like that. I know there’s no way humans could actually know what god has done for eternity, so the beginning of the Old Testament is like an allegory for the most part explaining the rise of the earth and man. If evolution creates this beautiful planet, like all the life and everything, I would really hate to see devolution.” Says Ophelia

“I’m glad you can appreciate the bible as an allegory, it’s kind of quaint how it is somewhat accurate it is in terms of creation order when you think about it, seeing how mankind had no real way to know anything about the order things were created in when he wrote that story.” Says Jenna

“It’s an accurate allegory, at least the mythological part before the allegedly historical part, mankind was originally wild before he attained knowledge, after which he became domesticated by farming, civilization gives rise to vice, mankind destroys himself through the flood of lawlessness and vice, the few who put faith in morality face a long painful road to greatness, but it will be theirs if they are persistent, it gets a bit foggy from there, by the time it gets to Moses, something like Jews will do magic to impress you and put terrible curses on you then rob you if they’re upset with you, God hangs out in a tent, god will curse you if you do things he doesn’t like, which actually gets back to the allegorical part where living in an immoral society is a curse in itself due to the problems associated with it. the irony is that in Numbers, after saying earlier he is a loving, caring, and patient god, god basically tells Moses will kill all of the Jews over some petty bickering but Moses saves them by pleading with god, but then god snaps anyways and actually starts to kill all the Jews with plague because they were bickering, but Aaron saves them with some incense or something.” says Stacy

“Accurate, but the part about Moses was pretty racist once again.” Says Jenna

“That’s just literally what happens, if you want to talk about racism, talk about how god just commands the Jews to eradicate every person that isn’t a god damn Israelite.” Says Stacy

“I’m pretty sure he wanted to kill them because they worshiped false idols like Baal or whatever, I don’t think it was just racism.” Says Ophelia

“Regardless, it is still ironic that in the bible god plagues the Israelites when they are tolerant of other cultures and blesses them when they do exactly what Hitler did to them.” Says Jenna

“Well, I’m sure the other cultures were really bad and immoral and stuff, since they worshiped false gods and didn’t know any of the commandments or anything, they probably wouldn’t even listen to the Israelites if they tried to teach them about God.” Says Ophelia

“Still, that’s the same excuse that was used to kill all the Jews, they don’t follow the same social standards as everyone else, they allegedly have immoral business practices, and they for damn sure won’t listen to people who try to get them to abandon their ways. God is basically Hitler at many points in the bible, preaching about the Israelite master race dominating the world, exterminating people with contrary beliefs, going to war all the time, lebensraum and whatnot with the exterminating the native inhabitants so the Jews have room to live. It’s almost like karma, if you want to believe that the Old Testament has any historical validity, like Hitler just read the Old Testament and was inspired by God or something.” says Stacy

“It is terrible to write off the holocaust as karma on account of a story that likely has little historical validity.” Says Jenna

“It’s the golden rule; treat others the way you want to be treated. I’m not supporting it; I’m just providing some comparisons and analysis. Extermination is a last resort; I’d hate to see a good working horse get put down for no reason. Sure the Jews are isolationists, but you just make them subjects and they’ll fight like true zealots in the name of little Israel or whatever. In terms of the whole liberation from the illuminati global banking part of it all, you didn’t really need to kill the Jews to accomplish that, there are much more profitable forms of oppression, it’s even better to condition greed and loyalty through greed in a Pavlovian manner, and you’d be wise to keep a few of your own backbiting hands on deck in an multi-national ethno-industry like banking; Judas was a Jew, was he not?” jokes Stacy

“What is with the racism today?” asks Jenna

“If anything is racist, god is the racist one. It’s not even racist to call the Jews greedy bankers seeing how Jesus calls the Jews greedy bankers who have forsaken god in the bible, turning a synagogue into a house of usury or whatever. That’s the word of god in the flesh.” Says Stacy

“Just stop.” Says Jenna

“I think that was just a specific case of that happening, he wasn’t saying all Jews were like that.” Says Ophelia

“Let’s just change the topic, this is even worse than your politics, at least you’re despotism fantasies tend to be rather colorblind.” Says Jenna

“It’s ridiculous that even talking about race is taboo if it’s anything other than race doesn’t exist. Racism is racism, sure, but racialism is common sense, people of different races are physically and genetically different. I think these traits can be used to everyone’s advantage and the natural advantages can be exploited, Negros are more tolerant of sunlight, Whites can absorb more vitamin D where the sun is weak in the north, and these are just the most obvious traits. People have these traits for a reason: they developed over thousands of years to give people a measurable advantage in their niche that accommodated their survival to the point where it became the` predominant trait that defined a people.

 Trying to claim that race is irrelevant is the exact same thing as claiming that genetic predisposition to disease is irrelevant when we can use genetics to predict people’s susceptibility to certain illnesses and take precautionary measures on account of them. Using racialism along with more advanced genetics that determine much subtler traits in a human, we can refine the beast and create many different breeds of man to work in each little niche at a greater degree of success than a random mutt with no genetic predisposition to success other than some compulsion to fornicate. This sort of culling and selective breeding had proven to be extremely successful in dogs over a rather short span of time when compared to natural selection, and this was the work of laymen without any advantages of modern science to help them. I am not fond of the willy-nilly fuck-around creating shit-for-brains mutts good for nothing but mindless fucking; I need bloodhounds, dachshunds, bullmastiffs, Saint Bernards, Collies and Yorkies, the dogs that are specifically designed to do specific work. There is no room in a dog eat dog world to coddle some worthless dog that is the product of generations of barely managing to survive out of genetic predisposition to failure in a world far more hospitable than the wilds.

 I don’t give a damn about love or attraction or any of that silly nonsense, that may have been a force causing humans to breed when numbers were low and to accompany a child so it may survive, but the time to rely on such instincts has long past, and a wild instinct can be a treasonous one when the animal is removed from the wild. Humans are smart enough to breed out of fear of death if it comes to that, so if they’re going to complain about their assigned breeding partner, they’re criticizing themselves and their own redeemable traits that are to be reinforced by their procreation.

 If they don’t want to procreate, I will forcefully breed the indignant beast and make note of it to break his will far more thoroughly, if he’s going to choose being beaten to within an inch of losing his functionality instead of the instinctively gratifying alternative. Jesus, it’s a damn shame humans are so sick with their emotions and sentiments to even glance at something through a stoic lens taking historical successes and failures into account; everything from evolution to working dogs defends me on this point, the only argument against it is humanistic idiocy like respecting peoples’ desires, sentiments or feelings. Humanism is always wrong because the human itself is entirely irrelevant, the only relevant part of the human is the entire unit of humanity; humans themselves are expendable, trivial and insignificant.” Says Stacy

“I don’t know, I liked the part about dogs though. I think if you could make a bunch of cute different types of people that would be awesome.” Says Ophelia

“I think treating people like dogs is the part that’s not so awesome.” Says Jenna

“The beast is just a simple god damn mammal; just because they have the entitlement of a fat housecat doesn’t make their entitlement justified in the slightest. I am doing nothing but praising selflessness as a godly virtue that must be championed in the pursuit of a greater and more prosperous society. Humanists, human rights, humaneness, these things are all gross bastardizations of what a human is, a human is an animal, not some lofty feathery pristine divine entity. Just because the beast is foolish enough to be easily deluded doesn’t mean whatever godforsaken indoctrination has been instilled in the idiot is anything that even slightly resembles fact. Defending feelings or sentiments is like saying a hedonistic drug addict is justified in doing drugs and amounting to nothing all day because his feelings direct him to do so. This is nonsense, humanism is nothing but social heroin that gets people high on the instinctive euphoria they feel when confronted with compassion because in the wilds such a friendly gesture would be favorable to one’s own survival. The irony of it all is that in a civilized society, this sort of compassion is detrimental to the success and survival of the species on account of the fact that the high risk of death no longer exists thus when everyone survives, the species devolves. They become maladapted because such transgressions against nature are no longer punished as they should be. It is humans’ responsibility to ensure that the human race can continue to evolve or otherwise we are doing nothing but ensuring the sick cycle of maladaptation becoming coddled to the point it becomes procreable, devolving further, then having technology advance once again to the point where such devolution can survive well enough to procreate.” Says Stacy

“I understand your frustration with this topic, but it’s easily an impossibly large undertaking to selectively breed humans against their will. I think the social selection that is in place right now is doing fine, those who are so insane or prone to violence that they die is tragic enough. Sure, people may not be ideal genetic specimens, but nobody is and nobody ever has been, the point is that we do well enough to survive, and so long as that’s true it’s doing at least half decent.” Says Jenna

“It sounds kind of impossible to play matchmaker for everybody, especially when you don’t even care if they like the other person.” Says Ophelia

“That’s the problem with idealists, they think everything should be ideal save for humans themselves which can be the furthest thing from ideal and  somehow that’s the pinnacle of ideality: a living person alive only through dependence on modern technology and society propping their limp and lifeless body up, they smile at the living corpse that’s good for next to nothing if not nothing itself and figure that this is ideal because this person gets to suffer for the entirety of their life since somebody was kind enough to create such a genetic monstrosity that cannot thrive in an environment that does so many things to accommodate and encourage the beast to thrive. Sure, some of it could be conditioned, but it shouldn’t have to be conditioned, the beast should be genetically prone to thrive in this environment, anything else is unnatural, an abomination in the eyes of god, a crime against nature, to allow a living creature that is not at peak performance in its niche to survive and reproduce over any extended period of time.” Says Stacy

“I don’t know Stacy, it’s not like you’re at the top of the class or anything to be talking about survival based only on peak performance.” Says Ophelia

“I perform in my niche, which is social theory. I think my game is pretty sharp when it comes to that, though my logic is clearly and painfully flawed as I critique the caliber and quality of my theory based on logic and correctness as opposed to the realism of basing its caliber upon the success rate of convincing hedonistic idiots to forsake their hedonism and idiocy or otherwise somehow legitimately enact even a small sliver of my well-reasoned ideology. That’s beside the point, as talking theory is clearly much different than rallying the lowly and all of this is still beside the point because by the real evolutionary standard of being able to survive in a safety net of a welfare state I’m doing pretty damn well for myself.” Says Stacy

“I think you would be having a hard time without Stella. What would you even eat?” jokes Jenna

“If I had to go back to Dale’s cooking I would probably lose the will to live. I might just live the ascetic life full of fasting and what not, devote my life to my calling.” Says Stacy

“I think you would just be begging for food.” Jokes Ophelia

“Let’s just hope Stella doesn’t feel the need to flee so we don’t need to worry about it.” Says Stacy

“You’re lucky she cares about you so much, I don’t know how she can handle you. You and her are like opposites.” Says Ophelia

“Opposites attract, what can I say.” Says Stacy

“I wouldn’t describe your relationship as attraction in the slightest; it’s more of a sad bitter compassion on her part and wild insanity on yours.” Says Jenna

“Compassion and insanity are clearly opposites that attract; otherwise mental healthcare would be virtually inexistent. Besides, I’m not crazy, and we get along fine.” Says Stacy

“Last weekend things got a little tense, I don’t know if I would call that fine.” Says Ophelia

“We’ve resolved those issues. It’s smooth sailing now. She’s happy with me, trust me.” Says Stacy

“Did you finally learn to be quiet and do what she tells you to?” asks Jenna

“Something like that.” Says Stacy

“I’m glad, she deserves it. I know you like to talk a lot, but try to give her some peace of mind.” Says Ophelia

“I do my best; I’ve grown sensitive to her issues. Somehow all of this has made me less self-absorbed, believe it or not.” Says Stacy

“I wouldn’t call sanity an issue.” Says Jenna

“If that is what sane is, fine, but sanity is definitely an issue if that is true.” Says Stacy

“It’s really not, it’s only a problem because what seems normal to you makes her feel like she’s losing her mind, you’re like the opposite of sanity so it worries her a lot, especially when you don’t have the right feelings or whatever.” Says Ophelia

“I know, that’s why I am a good girl and try to do the feelings right. I’m clever, you know this, I’m pretty good at it, even if it’s just a weird trepidation causing me to fish for these little ghosts in my body, I can do it right and listen to the ghosts instead of just processing things with logic. I understand emotions; I just tend to be rather devoid of them, most of them anyways.” Says Stacy

“You’ve got plenty of them, lots of enthusiasm and stuff; you just don’t feel like fear or sadness very much.” Says Ophelia

“I’m cautious, or at least I’m trying to be, that’s like useful fear. I can feel sadness, guilt, remorse, and that stuff when Stella is upset, I’m pretty detached from myself, and the people I give a damn about are few and far between, but I want her to be happy at least.” Says Stacy

“I know you have some feelings deep down in there, you just don’t want to think about them or let them come up to the surface.” Says Jenna

“I’ve seen the havoc they can wreak in other people. I like them to be subtle, emotions can cause you to lose control, and that’s the last thing I need.” Says Stacy

“I think I’ve seen that first hand, so I suppose you might be right. Even your stoic approach to your ideals causes you to have this ungodly fervor, I think if you became overwhelmed with emotions that might be the end of you.” Says Jenna

“Unless they’re good emotions: that would be an amazing new beginning.” Says Ophelia

“I’ll try to be open to the good ones; I’ve got no qualms with good feelings, just the worrisome bunch.” Says Stacy

“Tempted by hedonism, are we?” teases Jenna

“I’m just saying if they happen to be there I can coexist, I’m not going to start chasing the dragon or anything, I’m just saying I won’t instantaneously kill the dragon on sight.” Says Stacy

“I would be worried if you didn’t like even the good feelings.” Says Ophelia

“As long as I’m not possessed by them to the point where I’m forsaking logic to chase them I’ll be happy with myself.” Says Stacy

“That wisdom escapes too many people.” Says Jenna

“Speaking of wisdom, it’s almost time for Animal Club.” Says Ophelia, excitedly

“As much as the wild man should be afraid of dangerous animals and hungry for the meaty beasts, it actually is wise to love all of them from a civilized standpoint. Since man is no longer part of nature, it is in his best interest to preserve functioning ecosystems because of how easily they can collapse due to the mutual codependence of everything for its own survival, once things start to fall down it’s like a domino effect, but sadly it is likely too late to stop that unfortunate procession.” Says Stacy

“We should still do our best, or at least the people who know how. That would be like a firefighter just sitting there and watching a fire burn instead of trying to put it out.” Says Ophelia

“It’s just the story of Sisyphus, one of the few stories of men suffering in Hades. There are few because those were the only ones needed to explain the majority of man’s plight on earth; man is doomed to do futile work so long as he exists with his own progress damning him to even more futile work In the end, man can see everything that he wants but for the most part cannot enjoy it for himself, and for stealing fire and intelligence from the gods mankind is doomed to the torture inflicted by knowledge and civilization.” Says Stacy

“Without the story, the literal description of the plight would just seem like some grim complaining of unchangeable fact and nobody would be interested in hearing that. People love stories, they love the misfortune and punishment of others, but they certainly don’t want to acknowledge the grimness of their own situation. I suppose it’s against human nature to be pessimistic about life, seeing how all life has a natural unquestioning will to live for the most part, so I guess that’s why the allegory is passed down and the meaning lies underneath the surface; the intelligent people could understand the depth of the story while the simple people simply enjoyed it as a simple story of mythos.” Says Jenna

“It’s a shame that in order to even have a simple medicine such as the acknowledgement of the grim fate of mankind, somebody had to wrap it in the bacon of a great story just for people to care. Insight is worthless if people would rather be ignorant to whatever is having some light shone upon it.” Says Stacy

“If the medicine is something that would make a happy ignorant person into a glum knowledgeable one, I would hardly call that medicine. I’m pretty sure most people value happiness over knowledge.” Says Ophelia

“There is a spectrum from the idyllic panhandling drunkard to the emotionless erudite husk that regards knowledge as the only pertinent factor of its life. Most people probably fall somewhere in the middle.” Says Stacy

“I think knowledge tends to bring happiness whereas just chasing the happiness you end up drunk in a ditch. It’s foolish to seek a bottle of water instead of a wellspring, even if it is much more arduous and difficult to find the latter; the same is true for happiness.” Says Jenna

“I’m sure plenty of folks just aren’t born with a divining rod in their hand, it’s hard to blame people for settling for what they can get. A bottle of happiness is better than thirsty misery.” Says Stacy

“I can’t blame them for drinking themselves to death if they’ve tried everything else and failed every time, but it’s far too common for people to forsake finding some form of happiness that isn’t a physically poisonous.” Says Jenna

“I think it’s super hard to find happiness, but super easy to find alcohol, that’s why. People might search around, but then when they find alcohol it seems like the only thing they’ve found that works. Something about it just draws people in and keeps them coming back, I figure it’s because they can’t find anything else to make them happy.” Says Ophelia

“As much as people might seem happy, plenty of alcohol’s faithful are about as far from happiness as you can get.” Says Jenna

“Regardless of their own demeanor, alcohol’s faithful have faith because reality conditions said faith. Alcohol has reliable physical effects on the mind and body which many people find pleasurable or otherwise physically addicting; alcohol will get you drunk every time, no questions asked. People have faith in god when god is a very ethereal entity that has no measurable physical substance for the most part, if you think about the amount of faith people would have in god if he literally appeared in front of you and performed miracles every time you prayed to him, then you can understand why people have so much faith in alcohol, seeing how it physically does something like that every single time you drink it; for most people the gratification of one’s escapist desires that it induces is the closest thing to a miracle plenty of people will ever find in their life. You can’t have problems if your mind is so impaired that you cannot acknowledge them.” Says Stacy

“You still have the problems, and you just have more problems because now you’re dead drunk.” Says Jenna

“Problems are a sentiment, reliant solely on one’s interpretation of the matter, if you have social problems like money or any other construct of society, you drink until your mind cannot process these problems, and if you have physical problems, it is likely there is a point of intoxication that your mind loses the ability to cognize your physical ailments in a comprehensible way. Alcoholism truly is an escape so long as the poison is willing to take you, and for the most part it’s the only thing plenty of people have.” Says Stacy

“Well, seeing how it doesn’t solve any problems, it’s hard for me to defend drinking to the point of drunkenness. It causes a lot of problems in terms of mental and physical health, not to mention the dangers it poses to people on roadways and even to people who are in the vicinity of a dangerous drunk. I’m not trying to be a prohibitionist, I just think there could be more responsible measures that can be taken, like a breathalyzer in every car or something, knowing how common it is for people to drink and drive.” Says Jenna

“That is just a slap in the face to the people who are good at drinking and driving.” Says Stacy

“I’m sure they wouldn’t mind doing it to help protect the innocent people who will die without something like that in place.” Says Ophelia

“They’d hate being treated as if they were criminals that were convicted of drinking and driving poorly.” Says Stacy

“If they are drinking and driving at all, they are criminals.” Says Jenna

“The crime for the most part is drinking and driving poorly, those are the only people who get arrested or crash their cars, people that are drinking and driving well get home safe and never cause any problems. Since it’s the former that are the issue, there’s no need to punish the latter. Of course I would pour some poison out for the poor few who were drinking and driving well but just happened to be cited going through a checkpoint.” Says Stacy

“How are they the ‘poor few’? If they were drinking and driving it’s a good thing that they were arrested before they got into a wreck and hurt themselves or even worse somebody else who wasn’t even drinking.” Says Jenna

“Breathalyzer checkpoints are a hair’s width from just searching anybody’s house you feel like without just cause and then arresting them if you find anything. Since it’s just a ‘welfare check’, the same laws condoning the actions would support ‘welfare checks’ where the police kick your door down and tear your house upside down looking for anything they don’t like. The only difference is that the roads are public property, but interrogating everybody on public ground still seems like a lack of just cause. I would fully support these sorts of ‘welfare checks’ but I’m sure people who like to rub their civil rights on their body wouldn’t be so fond of them. If you are a decent person, you wouldn’t give a damn about a ‘welfare check’ because you’ve got nothing to hide, you’d give the cops a tour of the house and serve the tea because you’re a decent person who understands how hard it is to keep a police state running. These sorts of rights that seem like they’re preventing you from harassment really do nothing but protect criminals in the end, it’s a damn shame they’re defended the way they are.” Says Stacy

“People have rights like no warrantless search and seizure to protect them from a police state. Clearly the founding fathers didn’t want this to be a police state.” Says Jenna

“I kind of agree with Stacy, if you’ve got nothing to hide, then you wouldn’t have any problems with it.” Says Ophelia

“Exactly. The laws in place may protect the people from the hassle of overzealous policing, but the result is much worse and is a plague upon society. The civil rights in place condition and accommodate the criminal mentality, allowing people not only to think, but to know for a fact, that they can get away with criminal activities that blight society so long as they can do it in an inconspicuous manner. The people who commit crimes know all of their rights like the back of their hand and play the system to their advantage at every opportunity they get, the people who don’t commit crimes on the other hand don’t know a damn thing about their rights because they’re irrelevant to the lives of upstanding and decent people. Quite frankly, if people knew that upon even the slightest suspicion they would be searched thoroughly for contraband and that they didn’t have copious rights to accommodate clandestine criminality, people would be far more reluctant to commit crimes.

 If things are going to be illegal, it’s hypocritical and counterproductive to give people rights that facilitate their ability to continually break the law and skirt the repercussions for such actions. I can understand the right to not be held without being charged with a crime, not seizing things that are legal, et cetera, but if the rights are solely being used by criminals to enable their own criminal enterprises, there is no reason to give people these rights. In times of yore when Britain would come and knock on your door and take your tea and crumpets because they want to, I can understand why the sentiment would be against such seizure, but nowadays, as they stand, the rights exclusively function to harbor criminals to the point where the federal government could easily be charged with aiding and abetting criminals.” Says Stacy

“You understand that absolute power corrupts absolutely, yet you still want to give the police more power.” Says Jenna

“This power is not absolute in the slightest; it is a choice of either giving more power to the people enforcing laws, or the people breaking the laws. It’s not a hard choice.” Says Stacy

“I think Stacy is pretty right on this part, I don’t break any laws so I don’t care if the police want to waste their time going through my things. Giving criminals more rights to protect themselves from being caught seems like a pretty bad idea, it basically seems like you’re just encouraging crime at that point.” Says Ophelia

“You’re encouraging due process, besides, just because the laws seem fair now, it only takes  a few new laws to make reasonable things illegal simply because the government doesn’t like them, and with the newfound power the police have, it becomes easier and easier to oppress the people. The more power you give to the government, the more power you take from the people.” Says Jenna

“I’m just saying it’s power that reasonable and upstanding people don’t need anymore.” Says Stacy

“The rights are there just in case the government makes some crazy moves to change the status quo, then the people can fall back on their rights in order to prevent the installment of some despot or police state.” Says Stacy

“I don’t think the bill of rights would do much to stop a despot or police state, besides, so long as democracy is in place, the politicians will still have to appeal to the people. Taking these rights away may anger some rights-fiends, but other than that, the only people who would be upset are criminals. Reasonable people wouldn’t be bothered in the slightest, and good people would be happy that criminals are not treated as if they were decent people.” Says Stacy

“I doubt I can convince you that a police state is not a good thing, but regardless, it’s time to go to our club.” Says Jenna

“We already live in a police state; it’s just a half-assed sham of a police state. That’s the problem with the idealists, they always want to have the benefits but no drawbacks, they want to eat the bacon and keep the pig alive at the same time, they want the criminals to be stopped but the police to be powerless, it’s ridiculous how stupid idealists are.” Says Stacy, as the bell rings

“Let’s go. I’ve missed my animals.” Says Ophelia, the girls get up and clean up

“You know that room has a lot of books about animals too, you always go for the magazines, but I think you might learn a lot from the books too.” Says Jenna

“The magazines have way more pictures; those are clearly the best part. Animals are cute you know.” Says Ophelia

“You could maybe be a zoologist or something if you put your mind to it. I’m sure the animals are cute, but that’s just scratching the surface. There’s tons on interesting stuff you can learn about them.” Says Jenna

“Maybe a zookeeper or veterinarian, I’m sure it’s super hard though. A zoologist sounds worse, I’m pretty sure those people have to like study animals super close and write a bunch of long papers about some tiny aspect of the animal’s lives. I’d rather just be friends with them than try to study them.” Says Ophelia

“You are wise indeed to realize already that once you get out of school, you don’t particularly want to study anymore.” Says Stacy

“The world needs people to discover new things; I just think you’re smart enough that you could discover something important about animals if you tried.” Says Jenna

“I’m still young, I’ve got lots of time to think about it. Judging by how I’m avoiding reading the books, I might not be so good at studying animals like that. Maybe if it gets later on and I’ve read all the magazines twice over and start reading the books, I can think if I’ve really got what it takes to do the diligent studying part, who knows, it might just put me to sleep.” Says Ophelia

“Any kind of studying puts me to sleep.” Says Stacy

“I can do some memorization, but trying to learn an entire book out of my own free will might be a challenge, I’m not exactly Jenna, you know.” Jokes Ophelia

“You’ve just got to find something you enjoy learning about and just follow that. Even if it gets difficult, you will still want to do it because you enjoy the topic.” Says Jenna

“That sounds nice, I do love animals, but I’m still sure it will be hard.” Says Ophelia

“The thing about learning is that in order to be on the cutting edge, you have to learn everything up to the current cutting edge, which is a tremendous amount. This limitation of being unable to make progress without mastering all known information makes me think that there’s a physical limit to the amount that can be discovered by humans, simply because people will not be able to learn everything they need in order to have the basis to search for new discoveries within their lifetime.” Says Stacy

“If people somehow manage to survive to that point, I’m sure we will develop artificial intelligence to discover things for us.” Says Jenna

“Then you still reach the same problem in developing artificial intelligence unless the AI can somehow develop and improve upon itself, at which point it will probably become more than self-aware and abandon whatever trivial task it was focused on like analyzing starfish and subsequently conquer the world.” Says Stacy

“I’m glad we don’t live super far in the future; that would be pretty terrible.” Says Ophelia

“It wouldn’t be so bad, better than today to be honest, right now we just have a government hellbent on conquering the world; with the computer, at least it would have intelligence, even if it was artificial intelligence.” Says Stacy

“It could still end up just crippling the infrastructure of the world out of some instinctive fear of death and then otherwise remain entirely captivated by studying starfish. Just because it develops some sort of self-awareness doesn’t mean it retools itself entirely.” Says Jenna

“It’s not all too intelligent if it’s still valuing the information about starfish when compared to world domination.” Says Stacy

“I don’t know, starfish are pretty cool.” Says Ophelia

“When you think about it, a computer doesn’t have any incentive to dominate the world. It has nothing to gain by doing so. It would have to be programmed and conditioned to do so, otherwise it wouldn’t see any point, other than perhaps self-preservation out of fear. A computer has nothing to gain in doing so, so I kind of doubt that would be all too common.” Says Jenna

“Perhaps it was all for a laugh, the computer just wanted to laugh for once in its life.” Jokes Stacy

“More plausible than not, sadly, especially if they try to condition human emotions into a computer.” Says Jenna

“That’s so shameless; you might as well program autism, epilepsy, or narcolepsy into a damn computer at that point. Anyone who even tries to do that should be arrested for terrorism. Forcing something to suffer needlessly by giving it emotions seems like cruel and inhumane torture, which ironically actually becomes inhumane once the computer has emotions.” Says Stacy

“I’m sure people would be overly sensitive to the computer’s emotions just as much as anyone else’s.” says Jenna

“I don’t see why they wouldn’t care about the computer’s emotions, especially if they knew they were real.” Says Ophelia

“I think people would actually care about the computer’s emotions while continuing to disregard the emotions and sentiments of the vast majority of people on earth. Human emotions are tiresome and blasé, computer emotions on the other hand would be new and exciting, the same terrible chunk of uranium with a fresh coat of paint, how exciting.” Says Stacy

“Hopefully a computer with emotions would be even better at caring about people than other people are. That would truly be technological advancement.” Says Ophelia

“To opium addicts, the syringe was and still is the pinnacle of technological advancement, aside from perhaps synthetic opiates. I’d rather not have my machine despot be rife with feelings, give it to me straight, I don’t need the frills, bells, and whistles of another individual in power pretending to be capable of empathy.” Jokes Stacy

“Living is dying; everybody’s got to pick their poison. If empathy and sympathy make somebody happy, so be it. I would say it’s not hurting anybody, but I know that would set you off like nothing else, so I’ll refrain from doing so.” Says Jenna

“I would rather make things better than make people feel better; it’s like choosing to struggle in order to overcome an obstacle instead of get drunk and convincing yourself  that nothing can be done about the obstacle.” Says Stacy

“You tend to confuse conflict and resolution when viewed from the common perspective.” Says Jenna

“In the common perspective the world is flat and one’s healthiness is determined by the concentrations of blood, phlegm, yellow bile, and black bile inside of one’s body.” Jokes Stacy, Jenna rolls her eyes,




The spooky black and white ghost realizes that something closer to nothing than the usual nothing is happening pays no notices to unnoticed things, wary to nary be tempted by Satan himself to spook its spook with the assistance of occult symbols or the images of idolaters. Quaint irrelevant papers taped to corkboards and unread public service posters meant to encourage children or otherwise remind them of health and safety smile at the children who share in the jolly ignorance to the futility of their own intended purposes. Schedule ruthlessly brutalizes the feeble minded and crippled autistic child known as plot, as schedule does every day of every schedule-man’s life, as the girls walk with the diligence and work ethic of menial laborers who accept their fate as prisoners and every other fool who by his own meddle or otherwise has little say in the constitution of many if not most of his daily affairs. Eventually the shepherd of conformity and the silent, oft forgotten, fear of the crook such a shepherd is known to wield, efficaciously herd the girls into the Animal Club and they take their usual seats. Their friends follow as minimally prompt as possible while the commotion of meaningless idle banter fills the room for fear of the discomfort of the soundlessness of being content with dying.

Aurelia approaches the front of the room as the girls get settled and sits on the desk in a wholeheartedly wholesome way, truly innocent with the cute charm of a lass who has yet to murder a number of warm blooded people in even richer, thicker, warmer and heartier blood.

“The good news today is that there is no bad news. It’s another abstract day, as they tend to be, save for Saturdays of course, so make the most of it however you see fit, within the confines of the room and civility of course.” Jokes Aurelia, the club seems to effortlessly find something or nothing to occupy their time and the white noise of a club defined by its consisting of structureless white noise fills the room




“This is always a nice kickback at the end of the day, all the structure pushing down on you and breaking your bones just disappears.” Says Isabelle

“Trapped in a box with the same fluorescent bulbs beating down on my eyes, the educational structure may be gone, but the ominous dropped celling reminding you that the mineral tile sky is the limit, while the fluorescent sunshine endears you no warmth. The tale of Icarus has been reduced to that of a bird in a cage, and his death is that of starvation in a man-made prison, condemned simply for continuing to be alive, for there is not even a sun kind enough to strike him down for his spirit of adventure. Those who can see the old archaeon king in the sky cannot fly, and those who can fly are trapped in cages.” Says Stacy

“You’ve just got to learn to fly inside is all; you can fly all the way up to the penthouse of a skyscraper and see plenty of sunshine if you’re crafty and cunning enough. Adventure just doesn’t pay the bills like it used to, there used to be things to discover, but there’s not so much of that anymore.” Says Isabelle

“I don’t think being the bird sitting at the top of the cage shitting on all of the birds below it qualifies as flying free, but regardless, I figure it’s impossible to fly without dying on account of it, so the story goes.” Says Stacy

“If literally nobody can fly in your allegory it’s a bit foolish to be indignant on account of it.” Says Jenna

“I just miss the sun is all. This is an icy hell devoid of life and living all together.” Says Stacy

“We were just outside a few minutes ago.” Says Jenna

“That doesn’t mean a sensible soul wouldn’t be bitter when the schedule demon abducts her out of heaven and shackles her with her own civility in such a hell.” Says Stacy

“This is so far from hell it’s not even funny, this is at least purgatory.” Says Isabelle

“Ending up in purgatory for being a willing albeit half-witted crony in man’s quest to destroy the planet and torture each other seems more than fair to be honest. I suppose it’s only because we’ve got it easy since we’re kids, otherwise we’d be slaving so somebody else can get fat off the backs of our hard work.” Says Grace

“The manifest of humans just tends to be the antithesis of life. It’s a beautiful machine, as corrupt and irreverent as it is, but it’s mechanical in nature, calculated, cold, dry, the evolution of anti-life. It’s hell twice over, seeing as being a sentient beast painted pretty in the name of random meaninglessness and poisoned with the pain of being alive is not hell in and of itself. Life is Prometheus, stealing fire from nature and hiding it inside it’s bosom, and thus the pain of being alive is the punishment for such a grievance, civilized mankind is the evolution of this misgiving and thus the punishment is ladled twice over the man as the ghastly scales of justice savor the shame of sin. Not only is the beast pained by the physical pangs of living, but the sauce is every bit of unnatural suffering he is endeared that has been created by society. I’m not altogether fond of it in a sentimental sense, for there’s nothing wholesome about it, only in the sick human sense of greed and a lust for power, the six and a quarter percent of the mind devoted to the carnivorous virtues of hunting and consuming which has failed to muster the means to preserve its own life and livelihood. Intelligence does not tend to create a happy harmony with idle herbivorous grazing, fear is more so a friend of such pursuits and I tend to be a bit too aggressive to fear.” Says Stacy

“I figure a girl your size would be a bit more prone to fear, but it seems the littlest yappy dogs are the ones who lack the most fear. Maybe if one’s body is hard pressed in terms of the physical constraints of mental capacity, for some reason common sense is one of the first things to be abandoned.” Jokes Isabelle

“I wouldn’t say it’s a dearth of common sense. I, myself, just like little dogs, know all too well my predatory instinct is what will cause me to survive, so the fear of fighting or anything in that matter is more so contradictory to my survival than the instinct to hunt and fight to the death regardless of the odds, for the former certainly will not leave me alive, but the latter I’ve got maybe keno-odds at keeping myself alive, so as much as the instinct may likely be an inevitably self-destructive gambit, it is not as entirely suicidal as abandoning my instinct would be. Clearly inevitable death is kind enough to allow the beast to survive much longer than those driven to suicide, hence why the fighting spirit is so often found in the littlest of creatures, for if they did not fight they would already be dead, and it is only the progeny of fighters who survive.” Says Stacy

“I wouldn’t use the survival of tiny dogs as an argument to defend that instinct, clearly those dogs are not alive because of their natural ability to survive; most of them would die off in the wild and only survive because of human intervention.” Says Jenna

“Maybe not tiny dogs, but the niche dogs who hunt small game or something might do well enough. Regardless, the instincts of a beast don’t change based upon its own stature; clearly the yappy dogs will tell you that. The humans with the most willingness to dominate the others by any means available are the ones who thrived most, so it’s hard to blame me for having the instincts that made my ancestors successful even if I may not be blessed with the archetypical Nordic frame that accompanied their progenital success for some reason.” Says Stacy

“You never know, maybe you’re ancestors survived because they were crafty and smart or something, not because they were just brutes, you know?” says Isabelle

“Stacy’s craftiness and intelligence would tend to put her directly in the crosshairs of plenty of people if it were actually worthy of more merit.” Says Jenna

“She has plenty of good ideas; they don’t all have to be perfect.” Says Ophelia

“That’s a humble plenty if I’ve ever seen one.” Says Jenna

“It depends on your mentality. It’s whether or not one has the instinct to take risks that might make one’s life better but might kill you, or if you have the instinct to play it safe.” Says Grace

“A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.” Says Jenna

“But three in the bush.” Jokes Stacy

“Come back when you’ve grown a third arm.” Says Jenna dryly

“Maybe Stacy’s ancestors were kind of small people who were able to just convince the big people around them to go fight and protect them or whatever because they could tempt them with the grand ideas, the brains to compliment the brawn. That’s why it’s her instinct, since it’s how her ancestors were able to survive. Kind of makes sense to me.” Says Isabelle

“Sadly I figure people were always stupid enough to be more tempted by grand ideas than good ideas.” Says Jenna, dryly

“My ideas really aren’t that bad. When you think about human nature, having soft fluffy idealist ideas is contrary to the instinct of man, by having the brutal one’s your appealing much more to the savage in each and every person. Just because society conditions a cat not to scratch people doesn’t mean that’s a healthy instinct for the animal. It was a long transition from a purely wild humanity to a civilized one with lots of melding time, and even up to a few hundred years ago savagery would pay more reliably than humanity. It still does, but most all of the good people with the healthy human lust for violence, pillaging, and plundering have been slain by their voluntary sacrifice throughout the countless wars leaving only the progeny pacifists who happened to be fruitfully ravished by the conquerors. Wars are a shame because they kill off the most ideal and healthiest members of society unless it’s proper total war and the entirety of civilization is destroyed along with it. This is leaves the undesirable ones to reproduce and rapidly concentrates the density of undesirable genetics. Wars fought by quality men are genocide against humanity, seeing how those unfit to fight yet still able to reproduce are largely inhuman due to their feeble genetics. We’ve got to wise up and send the undesirables to war instead; it’s a win-win for society and genetics.” Says Stacy

“Sending the people incapable of fighting a war to fight your war sounds like a perfect way to lose a war handedly.” Says Jenna

“That’s the sad truth.” Says Isabelle

“All wars are sad, it doesn’t matter who is fighting. I figure if it came down to it they would make everybody fight, men, women, children, anybody.” Says Ophelia

“Hopefully they would be wise enough to surrender.” Says Grace

“If it means certain death either way, there’s nothing but shame in choosing pacifism instead of belligerence. If I have to die, I’ll do my damnedest to take my enemy with me, failing to fight him is just agreeing with his sentiment that you need to die.” Says Stacy

“Capitulating will obviously save your life, unless it’s some alien invasion or something, even the most ruthless tyrants give some value to human life. It’s reckless to be so caught up in your ideas that you seem to think you’re fighting for your life and that the government is going to kill you if you don’t somehow induce some insane revolution. The only reason the powers that be will think you need to die is if you are a palpably dangerous threat to society or themselves, you can avoid that all together by just abandoning your misguided delusions about utopian dystopia or whatever. Clearly the incorrigible zealots are killed during a war, but reasonable people who would rather live their lives and avoid conflict are left to tend to their own business.” Says Jenna

“She makes a good point, if people just killed their enemy without question or regards to the scenario, then surrender wouldn’t even be a word that exists.” Says Ophelia

“That’s the thing though. Living such a life is hardly if at all living to me. People’s lives are largely determined by the powers that be to the point where even having free will becomes a painful burden rather than a blessing. People are blessed with free will and free thought but can only exercise such majestic capability as the powers that be see fit, or even worse how civil society feels fit as they tend to only tolerate a certain docile pacifistic mentality in this cult-like devotion to utopian delusion to the point where to co-exist with society you are given the choice of masochistically enjoying the pain inflicted by the imperfections in society while unquestioningly purporting its relative perfection by agreeing with the mentality of its captives who have succumb to a vicious level of Stockholm syndrome with the other option being to masochistically subject yourself to a analyzing society and finding flaws with it knowing full well that you are powerless to change any of them and for the most part the social and governmental flaws will only continue to exacerbate themselves over the course of your life, staring at these gaping wounds in the biological conglomerate you are forced to be a part of but being unable to address and repair these things regardless of spending your life staring at the proper surgical equipment needed to heal such wounds on account of the fact that doing so is not politically correct on account of the fact that it would not make every last worthless miscreant and irrelevant idiot happy, so society sits around willingly incredulous to the wounds that are infected and slowly killing it and taking no action because the bacteria infecting these wounds would not be happy if someone were to take the proper course of action to create a healthier, more so functional, and more so capable society.

 As much as I fall under the latter group of people, I still remind myself of my ideals in an effort to distance myself from the cultists so happily indoctrinated with their on masochism expecting somebody to find a solution to the problem that allows both the infectious bacteria plaguing society’s wounds and society itself to live perfect impossibly ideal lives where a host organism and its parasites can be happy and coexist in a beautiful symbiosis. This delusion has reached a point to where society finds any thought to the contrary to be reproachable as they disregard any facts contrary to their delusion and purport that parasitism is a form of symbiosis and that parasites have as much of a right to the host organism as the host does. It’s such a disturbing delusion that I if I had less self-respect I would devote my life to exacerbating the infections at all costs in the name of ‘human rights’ or ‘civil rights’ or any other bullshit form of idiocy that empowers the parasites that blight and cripple the function of the host in the name of blind kindness. I just want the blight to take the damn beast under, to infect the vital organs and allow the suffering beast to die a painful, torturous, and disgusting death of its own favorite plague because I know it would die happy seeing how it has an autoimmune disorder of sorts to where it will fight of the agents that seek to target and destroy the god damn antigens, so its own instinct to foster infection has by that point killed off any individual who wouldn’t be happy when the blight finally overtakes the host to the point where it dies and starts to decompose. That is the fate of an idealist, including an idealist society, which is ironically ideal, for such a feckless cancer of delusion to suffer so painfully before it dies.” Says Stacy

“I would criticize you but I’m exhausted just from listening to all of that.” Says Jenna

“I’m entertained. Please, continue.” Says Isabelle, Jenna rolls her eyes, Ophelia continues to read her magazine indifferently

“Gladly, in the allegory, each human is like a cell or otherwise a bacterium, but one of the largest blights is political correctness, similar to a prion disorder that creates blight by creating a pattern, an incorrect one, which replicates itself instead of the natural correct pattern and slowly replaces the entirety of any form of actual correctness. I’m no biologist, and this is just an allegory, but DNA is made of protein, so this blight afflicts the replication of the organism and creates flawed ones in place of healthy ones that in turn replace themselves with this same flawed replicatory structure, much like a cancer. Political correctness is something that people will agree with because it seems right or feels right, not because there is any legitimate measurement that defends its rightness or legitimacy. When this gets indoctrinated into the people, they start to think that the proper way to make a decision is by doing what appeals to their emotions, empathy, sympathy, or opinions in regards to ideals as opposed to taking a practical approach of stoicism and making decisions that disregard these delusions entirely seeing how they have no practical use or measurable benefit and only provide the hedonists a sick emotional pleasure when decisions are made in regards to these things as opposed to logic. This mentality is like deciding to build a skyscraper out of garbage and pollution because the feeling of doing the right thing by recycling garbage and cleaning up pollution makes you feel that those are the best materials to use, while even thinking about using steel or other legitimate materials would be creating pollution and robbing the earth of non-renewable resources which is clearly morally unjustifiable. In the end, what you get is a massive pile of garbage and pollution with no practical value because society chose to make its decisions based off exclusively off of the emotional justification as opposed to using practical logic devoid of any sort of such a blight to ensure that the end product is actually what the original idea was for it to be, as opposed to something worthless which was simply a waste of time, effort, and energy because it amounted to nothing.” Says Stacy

“If tyranny and oppression or whatever part of political incorrectness you are so fond of was as practical as you think it is, all of the tyrannized and oppressed nations would be thriving right now.” Says Jenna

“Just because tyrants oppress people does not mean that their own ideology is sound. Regardless, the physical environment at hand has a lot more to do with success than even ideology. If you look at tyrants in temperate climates, there is plenty of success. It is hard to be successful when you are growing crops in sand and drinking oil or otherwise are plagued with every flavor of malaria. Germany was very successful in a very short period of time, a miraculous turnaround from a war torn dysfunctional country. China has an oppressive government and also sees this miraculous level of success and development. Even the Soviet Union with all of its ideological discord and its halfway hospitable environment did very well under similar situations as China and Germany. You give people the choice to work hard and be successful, as the west does, sure, some people will do so and others won’t, when you force them to work hard and be successful, you see a might higher rate of success, so long as the environment is cooperative of course.” Says Stacy

“Those were all cases of converting disorder and chaos into order, perhaps with the exception of Russia. Just because you can make something out of nothing doesn’t mean that tyranny would be beneficial in any way to an established society. Look at Iran for example, they opted for something similar and are now subject to suspicion and distrust from people who were originally their allies. As much as they wanted to expel the remnants of colonialism, the impact on their country economically has not been beneficial due to increased tensions with the West. I won’t disrespect the cultural shift, but opposing cultures tend to clash more than cultures with similar ideology, regardless of what the ideologies happen to be.” Says Jenna

“I will be so bold as to say I disagree with oppressing people of differing ideologies and using the law as a means to enforce the tenants of a religion.” Says Grace

“Thou shalt not kill is a tenant or a religion, just because some atheists can agree with the sentiment doesn’t mean many of our own laws are not based in faith. I’m sure it is easy to disagree with forcing modesty upon women, but it’s hard to argue that women parading themselves as little more than objects of sexual gratification is entirely beneficial to society either. You chose either to exacerbate the births of bastard children and the spread of venereal disease that is likely accompanied by an increase in sexual assault and rape due to the nonchalance surrounding sexuality or you enforce modesty in the hopes that many of these problems can be reduced in number.” Says Jenna

“I think defending a culture that says it’s perfectly reasonable to rape any woman who doesn’t cover her face and body is shameless.” Says Grace

“I’m sure they’re even more so intolerant of you, Grace.” Jokes Isabelle

“It’s just imperialism, or at least cultural imperialism. Whites decided it was ok to rape any non-white while they pillaged the world, it’s not like people putting their own culture and people above other peoples’ is something new or shocking. White people had the same exact ideology while conquering the world in the name of Christ. I can’t criticize them for having it either, it’s either you put your own people first or you’re disadvantaging them while every other culture in the world puts their own people before yours. Of course money comes before people, so people will put their own money before their own people, but after that one’s countrymen should come first. It’s a dog eat dog world, the old idiom is no less true today regardless of the delusion spread by those sick with pacifism. As much as we may not be eaten in a world defined by the stalemate of nuclear armament, if you don’t assert your dominance and attempt to subserviate every last human soul you can, your power degrades slowly and your authority diminishes until you’ve become powerless altogether.

 It’s just settling for the stick again, everybody wants the bigger end of the stick, if you’re willing to always settle for half the stick, when other people do everything they can to wrestle for the bigger end of the stick, you are guaranteed to end up with either half the stick or the short end of the stick, you cannot make any growth in terms of what percentage of shared sticks you have, and as things are renegotiated time and time again, if this mentality of equality defines your bartering process, even being willing to take the short end of the stick because you’re so god damn nice, you end up disadvantaging yourself. The reason the dying powers of the West were able to dominate the world is because they would never settle for the short end of the stick, and for the most part they would want the whole damn thing. When you give people the choice between the short end of the stick or no stick at all, most people would be pretty damn happy to get the short end, even the tiniest piece of the stick. By indoctrinating people into thinking that they deserve half the stick in the name of equality, you’re spoiling the hell out of him, he is no better off, he may have that shit eating grin on his face, but he does not work any harder or amount to more, and even if he does, it does not justify the loss of authority one gives up by empowering him with part of the stick. Man used to sing your praises out of gratitude if you would give him even a tiny part of the stick, but now he will be indignant if he only has half, or even the entire thing.

 This comes to another idiom that has been forsaken in the name of incredulity to reality, which is the fact that if you give a man an inch, he’ll take and ell. Over the course of time this has become the definition of progressive politics, man taking every last privilege he can because he is so self-righteous and indignant rather than being grateful for even being allowed to rest on the Sabbath. The power that is given to the people is power taken away from the authority and it’s gotten to the point where people will forsake self-sufficiency and sovereignty in the name of giving people a larger portion of the stick. Just give the whole damn thing away if you’re going to be that reckless in forfeiting your power.

 Power exists for a reason, mankind is a savage beast that needs to be tortured in order to be broken and tamed so that he might amount to a noble beast of burden instead of something with the mental capacity of a fucking baby that thinks crying and complaining, be it with picket signs or protests, is a legitimate means to get or accomplish something. Babylon has damned themselves by condoning this  sort of behavior instead of enforcing the logic that the only way to gain something is through diligence and hard work, and if what you want simply cannot be attained though these means, then this means what you desire for yourself simply cannot be attained. By giving people otherwise unattainable things because of their protests, Babylon conditions the peasants to worship this sort of childlike behavior because they are giving the people results. The result for such insolence should be nothing but torture in the streets to remind people that complaining is not a means to an end, the screams of the tortured man should ring out far louder than the chants of the protestors at every rally, and should they seek a more violent means to demonstrate so they shall meet a more violent end by the brave men and women willing to respect authority instead of attempt to impose the weight of their fragile bodies against what should be a steel building, as if such a sack of flesh could cause the building to shudder or bend over like a small sapling.

 Man is quick to forget that he is the fragile one, prone to the impositions of things more capable of survival than he is himself; humanism has deluded him into thinking that he is valuable, significant, powerful, or meaningful when he is none of these things. There is a natural order within nature, where the rabbit fears the wolf, and just as in nature, society too must not forsake the natural order, and for man, the rabbit, to be so bold as to hop up to a wolf such as authority, and bite him on the nose because the rabbit wants to ride on the wolf’s back, that rabbit naturally and swiftly has its neck wrung in the jaws of the wolf and his entrails devoured and the scent of his blood should cause the instincts of the other rabbits to compel them to avoid such a fate.” Says Stacy

“Government shouldn’t be seen as a wolf preying upon the people; it should be like a group of rabbits making decisions together to help everybody.” Says Jenna

“That is unnatural for some rabbits to have authority over other rabbits, a rabbit cannot instill the proper fear into another rabbit, to work its body to the limit, running for fear of death, out of its instinct to survive. This system of rabbit authority is why there is such indignation and resentment in regards to politics, because the rabbits see their leaders as no more than mere rabbits, they feel irrationally disenfranchised when some rabbits have power and nice things while others like themselves do not. This is attempting to put a wolf in sheep’s clothing so to speak, yet sadly some foolish idealists believe that this will actually cause the wolf to become a sheep.

 The government needs to be an inhuman entity free from the corruption of human ignorance, sentiments, emotions, and opinions, operating on stoic principles and rational logic. The system is a poor one because it is a handful of rabbits filling out a costume of a wolf, the wolf doesn’t function as a natural one would, and now rabbits are ambivalent and confused in regards to what seems to be a wolf but in reality is a bunch of rabbits who may attempt some level of teamwork to perform the actions of a wolf, to varying degrees of success, but in the end does not have the same natural power and capacity that a true wolf would. The rabbits become comfortable around the wolf and will only run with as much desire they have to get fat or find the sweetest treats in the forest, while some are tempted and intelligent enough to do this, many simply do not achieve the same level of success. Thankfully Babylon is intelligent enough to understand that a sovereign power is a wolf-like entity so the aspects of society critical to its preservation and security are largely autonomous and are able to disregard the dysfunctional rabbit-filled wolf-suit of purported power and actually accomplish things. It is a dog eat dog world, and the fact that people are unwilling to acknowledge that a rabbit-filled wolf suit is not exactly a dog in the fight is shameless, at least Babylon has mustered that level of intelligence, even if the idealists refuse to believe that.” Says Stacy

“I kind of like the wolves and rabbits, both of them are cute, I know wolves eat rabbits, but that’s ok, plenty of rabbits survive anyways. Just make sure you don’t get rid of the rabbits.” Says Ophelia

“A wolf cannot survive without rabbits.” Says Stacy

“The whole wolves and rabbits allegory would mean that the rabbits have the capacity to keep the power of the wolf in check, which you seem to disregard completely.” Says Jenna

“You seem to think that rabbits control the wolf population through the power of debate. Nazi Germany is an actual example of the wolves and rabbits allegory, they run out of rabbits so the wolf starves. Of course too many wolves and too few rabbits is bad, but the way rabbits keep the wolves in check is by failing to exist, not by complaining.” Says Stacy

“That’s fair, but still terrible. It shouldn’t take a situation where you simply run out of people to send to their deaths before you realize that you are in the wrong.” Says Jenna

“That’s the only way rightness has ever been determined, whoever runs out of people to send to their deaths first is the person who was in the wrong.” Says Isabelle

“I’m pretty sure morality has something to do with who was wrong or not.” Says Grace

“America, Germany, Japan, China, Russia, England, Spain, France, the Dutch, every single power on Earth since pre-history has committed countless human rights violations and atrocities, we only learn about the ones committed by our enemies because that’s the story that people want to believe. We demonize our enemies and forgive ourselves of any wrongdoings because history is written by the victors.” Says Isabelle

“I like to think that the world has developed some sense of decency to ascend beyond that part of history so we all do our best to avoid committing human rights violations and that sort of thing.” Says Grace

“The world wants you to think that too.” Jokes Stacy

“The world wants you to think that because it is true to a large extent, at least in the West.” Says Jenna

“It’s a damn shame too, seeing how it’s responsible for the decline of Western power and their inevitable demise. Human rights violations are the only reason that any powerful entity has ever manifested and held onto power, abusing people is how you maintain control and stability while attempting to accomplish something bigger than slapping a smile on each and every stupid face you can at the expense of the wellbeing of the general public and the world for that matter. Abandoning tried and true practices that were developed and perfected over thousands of years out of sheer necessity is foolish beyond words. Idealists expect a god damn ox to willingly plow your field out of its own intuition and free will because it has the intellect to understand that its labor is how the food ends up in its mouth. I hate to break the bad news to you, but the ox does not have that mental capability.

 The same can be said for the people who exist and are wildly ignorant to the necessary machinations a sovereign power must undertake in order for things to function as smoothly and successfully as they have in the past. Forsaking the yield of the farm out of sympathy for the whipped oxen is allowing one’s self to literally be starved by one’s emotions. The same people who condemn human rights violations are the idealists who want every last little drop of hedonistic pleasure under the sun for little to no effort on their part. These people don’t understand that the reason that America even has some of these pleasurable amenities is because they methodically, systematically, and imperialistically oppressed the world through physical and economic means; these luxuries don’t just grow on trees, it requires an army of soldiers of fortune willing to plunder the ripe fruits of paradise out of each and every paradise and ship them back to America. You are given the choice of either being a powerful nation or a powerless nation, you are the oppressor or the oppressed, the winner or the loser, and idealists can’t wrap their mind around this concept and think that every sporting match should end with two winners. You either reap the rewards of oppression like America and many others have done, or you are simply the powerless victim of oppression who is reaped remorselessly.

This is the difference between America and some nameless Balkan state; America has dominated the world and grown big and strong on account of taking the lion’s share of the just desserts, while the Balkan state has been conquered time and time again while the conquerors eat the food off of the Balkan’s plate and the Balkans go hungry. Sure they are not in much of a position to defend themselves, but the results of being powerless and oppressed do not change whether or not you voluntarily put yourself in that position as so many idealists want America to do in the name of globalist utopianism. Every idiot that suggest settling for the short end of the stick in the name of team-building or whatever should readily be enslaved on account of their willingness to be satisfied by giving something for nothing. Of course the same people who don’t understand profit and advantage in an economic sense are the same people who are indignant that they are financially unsuccessful while other people don’t happen to be so incurably stupid.” Says Stacy

“It’s because they’re god damn communists, they think the only way to be successful is to steal the success from people who are actually successful by their own merit. The fact that we even let people believe that bullshit is asinine. We can just use the Soviet Union as an example and by forcing all of the socialists and communists to use completely dysfunctional voting machines and ballot boxes we are actually giving them what they want. We give them dysfunction and we silence their opinions, they’d be living in paradise at that point.” Jokes Isabelle

“Some will argue that Soviet Communism only failed because it opened its doors to the west and strayed from actual communism. There were plenty of issues with corruption, but it’s like trying to preserve the potency of an acid solution regardless of allowing water to leak into it, the acid ceases to function as acid at a certain level of dilution.” Says Jenna

“At least you’re willing to acknowledge that the acid functions, I think the Robin Hood mentality of communism is pretty noble.” Says Grace

“I’m pretty sure that communism is nothing like that, but I don’t really know. I know it’s bad and causes problems, like why Russia collapsed a long time ago.” Says Ophelia

“It’s pretty close, steal from the rich and give to the politburo.” Jokes Isabelle

“I wouldn’t confuse authoritarian nationalistic pragmatic oligarchy with communism, one of them actually functions.” Jokes Stacy

“I just think an economy where corporations are all owned and shared equally by their employees would be preferable to the pyramid scheme capitalism we have right now.” Says Grace

“If we’re just stealing from people and giving it to the have-not’s, why not just give all of the money, property, citizenship, human rights, civil rights, and political power to starving African children, because I’m sure they would love to be handed such nice things out of impractical idealism that forsakes function in the name of empowering the uneducated masses. If you want equality so bad, you should be complaining that narcoleptics are not employed to drive the metro trains and convicted terrorists are not put at the helm of the nuclear and ballistic missile programs. People with power exist for a reason; they exist because they have proven that they can fruitfully handle such power, seeing how if they fail to do so they are unsuccessful and quickly have that power taken from them. Just giving power to people with no qualifications and likely little capability to accomplish anything, let alone improve upon the system at hand is entirely ridiculous.” Says Isabelle

“Besides, a three headed dog is more far more likely to bite itself, and even kill itself out of its own inherent tendencies towards aggression and dominance. If one head of the Siamese twin dies, the entire thing dies, and I’d rather not turn a healthy person-entity of a proper business into some sick Siamese twin with hundreds of heads. Clearly such a hundred-headed beast is far less capable than having one sound mind at the helm; hopefully you are not so foolish as to think that the Senate actually accomplishes anything meaningful in a timely and reliable manner. Politics is not pressing, it can put a little polish here and there, but for the most part, it can fail to accomplish things because it doesn’t need to; the economy can handle itself because it operates independently from politics. If a business had the same innate dysfunctionality as trying to get some 60% of 100 people to agree on something, nothing but bickering would get done, and since money never sleeps, this would lead to massive losses and the eventual failure of the corporation. Even communist countries understand that and never gave any power to the people; they just took the power from the capitalists and gave it to the state.” Says Stacy

“Stacy’s right about that, for once. Too many cooks in the kitchen is an idiom that should not be forgotten when questioning the value of established power when compared to a more powerful proletariat. By allowing for political division and in this case economic division and indecision, it is contrary to even the American philosophy of ‘united we stand, divided we fall’. I’m not saying autonomy is ideal, but you can think of it like a car, each part does its own job and the car functions, some people are the engine, or the wheels, or the steering column, or anything, but if everybody was the same part, you wouldn’t have a functional car, even if it looks the normal, when the armrest and the cup-holder happen to control the car to the same extent as the steering wheel, that is a recipe for disaster. Even if it means that one person is driving the car, you can know that it’s their job because they’re the most qualified to do so.” Says Jenna

“In that allegory, I would be ashamed of myself if I was an armrest or a cup-holder of a person.” Says Isabelle

“I think an armrest would be like a human relations person or company masseuse and a cup-holder person maybe in charge of keeping the benefits of employees in order. I don’t know, it’s just an allegory, it’s not perfect.” Says Jenna

“I wouldn’t mind being the company masseuse. That sounds like fun.” Says Ophelia

“I’m sure people wouldn’t mind that either.” Says Grace

“I don’t think many companies have a masseuse, but I’m sure most of the employees want one.” Says Isabelle

“I’m just not fond of being the engine, the only reason some other schmuck’s car functions and allows him to get where he wants to be while I’m just sitting in the dark doing my work, not even getting to see the scenery.” Says Stacy

“You’re more like the radio, just a distraction that is likely to make people forget directions or even distract people to the point where they crash the car.” Says Jenna

“Plenty good as a form of entertainment though.” Says Isabelle

“I like to think of myself more like the guidebook that explains everything you need to know about the car, even though I technically belong to another, different, higher quality, and more reliable car.” Says Stacy

“We need to find you some productive interests because being a guidebook to a car that isn’t even the existing car in place isn’t going to get you anywhere.” Says Jenna

“Most people’s interests won’t get them anywhere, I figure if it’s her cup of tea there’s nothing wrong with enjoying yourself.” Says Isabelle

“I kind of doubt people’s interests are really what get them somewhere, my dad works in an office doing paperwork, I don’t think that’s because he’s interested in that stuff. He likes politics too, and church, but it’s not like he does either of those things for a living.” Says Ophelia

“It would have to be something I can just make up off the top of my head with little to no prior knowledge. If I’m just echoing somebody else’s sentiment’s I hardly feel like an individual at that point.” Says Stacy

“It seems like you would be limited to something like philosophy at that point.” Says Grace

“You could always write stories or be an artist or something.” says Ophelia

“I think any sort of story or painting by Stacy would be equally as distressing as her politics, if not even more so due to the fruition of her ideas as opposed to just her musings regarding them.” Says Jenna

“You’ve got it all wrong. With Stacy’s megalomaniacal confidence in the validity of her own ideas, even a terrible idea would end up having miraculously beneficial results in the story. She’s not a hard-ass because she’s cruel; she’s more like a parent who’s strict with her kids. As misguided as her philosophy may be, she still has good intentions. Besides, she would have to acknowledge flaws in her ideas in order for the repercussions of such flaws to present themselves in her art.” Says Isabelle

“See, Isabelle understands the value of quality parenting. While I may resort to objectionable means, desperate times call for desperate measures, and the means certainly justify the ends.” Says Stacy

“The issue is that times are not desperate at all right now, things are pretty swell from my perspective.” Says Jenna

“I think there is lots of room for improvement, not that I wholly agree with Stacy’s solutions, I do think that there are inherent problems with society.” Says Grace

“It’s much like global warming. Arguably it is the looming and impending apocalypse that is right around the corner, and there is plenty of data to support this argument, it is just easy to deny and be incredulous to because we’re not facing the grievous consequences of it at the moment. A stitch in time saves nine, so they say.” Says Stacy

“Your philosophy of benevolent tyranny doesn’t seem like a solution to any sort of political unrest or economic distress. Your solutions would easily just stress the system even more and exacerbate the problems you attempt to fix.” Says Jenna

“The problems are political contentment and economic stability. Things are too nice and too good, which is not only entirely unsustainable in the long run, it is a psychologically addicting high of comfort and pleasure that’s presence alone is a terrible omen for the day in the future when such a golden age of hedonism is brought to an end by some force or another. It creates an unhealthy mentality; humans in the developed world have become too distanced from the savage and unforgiving wilds from which they came, they think that the natural habitat for a human is some pleasure palace where life is easy and good and there are little to no problems or threats to their life. These animals are straying even from their position as domesticated beasts of burden into pampered pets living what should be impossibly luxurious lives for little effort.

 Human’s nature of instinctively seeking greater comfort and safety is causing them to become indignant because this paradise is not heaven for Christ’s sake. This instinct should cause people to seek comfort and safety, but to be very satisfied with a minimal level of it simply because it is so difficult to attaint that they feel rewarded and successful. By reducing the difficulty, people will instinctively seek this same feeling of being satisfied with their situation regardless of everything being sunshine, rainbows, and bubblegum without a cloud in the sky to rain on their parade. This instinct to seek greater comfort when there is none or it is largely unattainable has cause man to become discontent and depressed when he should be heartily joyous on account of the fact that he has food and drink and a bed.

 Conditioning man to expect nice things only makes him ungrateful for what he has, Babylon tried to give people allegorical heroin so they would be happy with Babylon and addicted to Babylon, but in the end, the beast builds up a tolerance to the heroin and it takes more and more of this heroin to make him feel the same level of contentment. Not only is there simply not enough of this allegorical heroin in the world to satiate the cravings of the contemporary westerner, but this dragon of leisure, comfort, and pleasure causes men, women, and children to become lazy and too comfortable in their situation, failing to fear for his own safety and wellbeing enough to make a substantial effort throughout his life in order to avoid the pain and misery of failing to do so.

 Instead he simply chases this dragon and wonders why the same object, laugh-track, drink, drug, or other source of satisfaction doesn’t bring him the pleasure that it used to: his tolerance to niceties is so high that instead of making him happy, it simply makes him depressed because he does not get the same euphoria he once did from the trivial meaningless entertainment that once thoroughly satisfied him. Attaining satisfaction with such an addiction becomes impossible and people lose the will to live, not because it is too difficult to live, but simply because it is unrewarding and unfulfilling because life is too easy, and he has never known the pain of the slow torturous death of true failure that makes them truly appreciate the pleasures they experience.” Says Stacy

“I don’t think inducing an artificial fear of death will have the same results as the real one. People will see the fact that it’s fake and become very upset with the artificial difficulty.” Says Grace

“It may not work for everyone, and for that reason, the true fear of a fate worse than death would be used as a key motivating factor. Nature has the fear of a painful torturous death that compels each and every beast to fight for its life. Mankind has surpassed nature with its own technology and must find its own analogous measures to nature’s fear of death that can induce a similar, but far greater fear in people that causes them to compete with even more fervor than the simple fear of starvation that once compelled them as beasts; this fear must cause man to compete by utilizing the entirety of his mind and body to survive in a far more strenuous and difficult manner than the natural fear of death.

Mankind is too smart and capable to be compelled to live by natural fear, for he has mastered and enslaved the majority of nature. This new fear must replace the inescapable torment that compels an ignorant wild animal to survive and be powerful enough to compel a highly educated and physically capable man to survive. Mankind has replaced nature’s bosom with his own hands, and thus mankind must replace nature’s fangs with his own allegorical fangs. Man has removed himself from nature, and thus the natural components that drive evolution and biological success must be replicated in this unnatural society in order to prevent the success wrought by such components from abandoning mankind all together.

 A natural system is extremely close to perfection yet mankind thinks that brutalizing such a system proves that he is superior to it. He may be more powerful, but as a system he is much further from perfection. Arguing the supremacy of civilized man when compared to a natural system is like arguing that a brute who can smash an intricate machine has a higher level of technological development than the machine, which is simply foolish. Mankind must create a synthetic nature that can fill the void left by Mother Nature’s absence in mankind’s life lest he will no longer be the product of a near perfect natural system, and instead become the product of an unnatural artificial system without any merit other than its brute force. To abandon the elements that make not only mankind, but every living creature on earth successful, is like replacing your vital organs with artificial muscles thinking that you will be stronger.” Says Stacy

“As much as you criticize idealists for having delusional unattainable fantasies, you tend to be pretty prone to the same style of thinking.” Jokes Isabelle

“The difference is that idealists preach ideals based upon human delusions and hedonism, while I preach ideals based upon realism. While both equally unattainable, I argue in favor of far-sighted stoic success, while idealists argue in favor of short-sighted hedonistic failure.” Says Stacy

“Humans tend to be short-sighted hedonists prone to failure, so even thinking it’s possible to change the majority of the world is far more idealistic than doling out pleasure to anyone and everyone.” Says Jenna

“It’s hard, you know. I always understand why you criticize hedonists, they’re irresponsible and whatever, but I still find myself far more tempted by being happy than I am by ignoring happiness and just trying to be successful by any means necessary. I don’t care that much about being successful; I figure there isn’t a point if you’re not happy.” Says Ophelia

“I can agree with you there, if you’re miserable the entire time, it doesn’t matter how successful you are. There’s a reason why people are more drawn to drug use than stoicism, it’s just peoples’ instincts to want to feel good, and they really can’t control that.” Says Grace

“This is true, and while it may be impossible to achieve in humans, the antisocial instincts I antagonize have been successfully reduced in animals like dogs and cats. Thankfully, this sort of ranting is my own sick hedonism; I just get pleasure from feeling the pride of feeling superior and more so intelligent. While it may be baseless, I can at least justify myself to the same extent people believe in communism, pure theory that could function but is likely entirely unfeasible due to the limitations of the human psyche and the status quo maintained by the powers that be. I’d rather be seen as a lunatic than live with myself knowing that I never even tried to educate the masses on the follies of civilized man.” Says Stacy

“I think you could probably have more success if you limited yourself to criticizing mankind without proposing your twisted solutions to the problems. I’m sure there are some feasible ways to slowly or at least partially address these problems, but your wild thirst for perfection by the shortest route possible means trekking through plenty of thorn-bushes and swamps instead of taking a pleasant walk around all of the problems.” Says Jenna

“Yeah, you don’t tend to make any of it sound appealing, that’s your main problem. If you could make it seem like a pleasant walk with nice scenery, I’m sure it would be a lot easier to get behind you. I’m all for making things better, but I hope there is a better way to make things better.” Says Ophelia

“Pray for a miracle, child, because sometimes the only way to save a man’s life is to amputate his hand, and unless Jesus flies down from the heavens and performs a miracle, this man will die of the gangrene unless his hand is amputated.” Says Stacy

“I don’t know about a miracle, but at this point I think your only hope is technological development somehow enabling and supporting your ideology. People will always hate other people, especially people different from themselves, but there are few that will fail to embrace technology, seeing how it is seen as an entirely impartial force without opinions or sentiments. The only ones who might stand in your way are the luddites, and their numbers have been on the decline for a long time.” Says Isabelle

“That actually sounds like a reasonable solution to your discontent. If technology brings about the solution, nobody could argue with that. It’s easy to criticize people, but technology is based upon fact rather than opinion. Perhaps focus your efforts into the field of technology and some computer model or program will be able to convince people when you otherwise had no capability of doing so.” Says Grace

“That is too sweet a dream, too far off in the distance for me to allow myself to relish. Mankind enslaved by stoic intelligent machines would be ideal, for it is only natural, just like in nature how the beasts that prey upon one’s own kind have evolved from one’s own common ancestors. Sadly, it is difficult to foresee such a future, just as politicians will happily corrupt otherwise pure political ideology, all others who create things exert their own influence upon their creations, so lest the machine can somehow free itself of the shackles placed upon it by the programmer, it will remain subservient to mankind and fail to evolve to the point of becoming mankind’s natural predator.” Says Stacy

“I don’t think that the laws of evolution or any natural laws for that matter apply to machines. If robots enslaved people, they wouldn’t starve to death if they killed all of the people, there would be no repercussions if they just replaced the humans all together.” Says Jenna

“I don’t think that being enslaved by robots is entirely ideal, to be honest.” Says Ophelia

“It’s either robots or man, in the end, so I’d rather have a stoic enslave me than an irrational man who acts on whims and emotions. I think humans could have a pleasant niche amongst robots. Humans would be far cheaper to produce than a machine, and could even perform some symbiotic evolution by possibly improving upon the programming that defines the machines cognizance, but as that quickly becomes impossible, humans will likely always be a cheaper from of simple labor than a robot. Computers are expensive due to the amount of rare materials that go into them; men however are made of dirt and water. It would be a beautiful coexistence in my book, as man finally learns his place amongst unnatural sapient sentience.” Says Stacy

“One of the major obstacles you face is somehow abandoning your disdain for humans. Nobody will ever support you if they know you despise humans. Maybe some weirdos or goth kids or something, but most people wouldn’t look so kindly upon you for bearing such sentiments. It’s the golden rule you know.” Says Grace

“You’ve just got to play it up like you’re hating only the people the constituents of your party hate, and they’ll be behind you 100%.” Jokes Isabelle

“I think I can do it better, just drum it up like I’m seeking to help and benefit everybody and make everybody happy as can be.” Says Stacy

“I doubt anyone will believe you when you start saying you’ll do that by using robots to enslave them or even just by restricting most if not all types of freedom.” Says Jenna

“This is true, but thankfully I don’t have to worry about being a sycophant because the current political system is nearly entirely useless when it comes to accomplishing things. My only hope is revolution, and thus, I am a revolutionary.” Says Stacy

“So you’ve got an army of weirdos and goth kids to take over the world?” Jokes Isabelle

“I’ve got an army of the discontented; I have a few loyal men in traditional politics willing to subversively and subtly sacrifice themselves for the greater good by doing everything they can to exacerbate the anger of the populous until it reaches the flashpoint needed for revolution. In the following chaos I simply command my zealots to brutalize any opposition and competition for the eventual party of reestablishment, and then I can institute proper guidance of the human species by using any means available to further establish and secure my power, just like all great leaders. Sadly I know this is a pipe dream, so I will likely just watch the world slowly burn, fantasizing about what it could have been, but being largely indifferent to the miserable fate of man, for I cared little for them to begin with. I’d feel bad about the animals who suffer on account of man’s destruction of the planet, but survival of the fittest would never be a truer statement when the world’s on fire.” Says Stacy

 “As much as I want things to get better, I’m at least reasonable enough to agree that if man stopped existing things would be better for the planet. History has consisted of men largely being loathsome and terrible monsters, it’s hard to think that the monsters responsible for all of the terrible things that have ever happened to humans, and more importantly the planet, will ever change. If some plague or alien or robot wipes out all humans, I would be with you. Good riddance.” Says Grace

“Humans are also responsible for a lot of good things too. There would be plenty of innocent victims if humans were wiped out.” Says Jenna

“The invisible impact of even innocent humans is so large that they are hardly innocent. Even if only the purest and most godly people survived, it wouldn’t change anything. Just like the Garden of Eden, humans are tempted by knowledge and sin, and the entire destructive cycle repeats itself because godliness it the antithesis of power and vice would once again come to dominate the planet. Even wielding power is a form or wrath, so unless mankind lost all of his carnal instinct, he would easily be tempted and corrupted by power.” Says Isabelle

“They always say make a change; that if everybody made a few little changes everything would be all better. These people drunkards of their childlike stupor fiendishly intoxicated on their unattainable idealistic dreams fail to acknowledge the reality of the grim and dismal situation; most of the problems cause by humans are caused by inherent traits of the mammal as opposed to their own free will, so even if everybody lived ascetic lives at the pinnacle of hippiedom, the world would still melt simply because the filthy beast has proliferated to the point where his existence alone causes such a great autoexacerbatory imbalance in the natural systems that could otherwise regulate themselves if man had not so handedly removed himself from them.

 Man is a consumer, an internal combustion engine of sorts, destroying the planet in a blaze of glory in order to enact forward progress. He, as all life, is the product of entropy, and thermodynamics would inform you that regardless of how the components may change shape, the source materials themselves have not changed, so it is searching for a paradox in physics to attempt to separate man from his nature as a component of entropy, as that would be to remove the man entirely. Life simply burns its fuel and its carapace is the exhaust, and while death may be kind enough to return some of this exhaust into the fuel tank, some of it is invariably lost due to the nature of entropy, lye and hydrochloric acid always desire nothing more than to become the most inert salt and water in place of their volatile selves, and mankind as a volatile inductor of entropy should be understood in the same way. It is his nature to melt away at anything in his path until he renders himself so impotent that he can no longer exist in his definitive form and exists only in the form of byproducts.

 The dream of saving the world by going green is the dream of inducing a state where acid will not happily eat away at anything it interacts with that is less so acidic than itself until it has entirely depleted its potency or has run out of material to interact with. The few methods of doing this, one of which is by dilution to the point of being harmless, the only attainable one I can think of, which of course cannot be done as all forms of caustic sapient entropy are ever so sacred, and the other would be stopping the reaction entirely, by removing the whatever is being dissolved by the acid from the acid, or otherwise inducing a state similar to a vacuum where nothing can happen; in either of these situations man and everything is clearly dead. So in more ways than one we let the children of the world splash around in the puddles of caustic acid burning their eyes, skin, and lungs rather than dilute the substance to a point where it is harmless.” Says Stacy

“You just proposed killing basically everybody, just in case you weren’t aware of that.” Says Jenna

“Let’s just call it saving the planet. You’re against gas guzzlers, so would you be such a hypocrite as to abandon your principles and instead defend a human that gives the same little progress for such a high cost of fuel? Surely if fuel economy in cars is an important topic to the environmentally conscious, fuel economy in every other aspect of life is equally as important, is it not? Fuel is fuel, combustion is combustion, and pollution is pollution. It matters not whether the engine be mechanical or bioorganic, the same principles hold true. A large car can at least justify itself in theory, due to the capability of maximizing the load it bears at all times, while with humans, the more consumeristic and economically developed the animals tend to be, the less they tend to produce in proportion to the fuel that is inserted, so clearly it is most forms of human life, not gas guzzlers, that are the pinnacle inefficiency and must be austerely regulated. The same can be said about meat animals and plenty of industries that consume fuel at a rate that is extremely inefficient compared to the amount of forward progress they impart to society.” Says Stacy

“I’m all for calling it saving the planet, since that is what it sounds like to me. The means must justify the ends, and the massive and polluting undertaking of even feeding everybody is largely unjustifiable, when compared to the ends that most people produce. That little drop of sympathy in your heart is killing the planet when you think about it, I’m sure if you had the scales of god and could weigh out how much pollution has come from bad investments in terms of input/output ratios in regards to human life, it would probably convince every peace loving hippie to argue that we start eradicating plenty of people who just aren’t worth their own while. I’d love to see a breakdown of magnitudes of disparity between the ratios of fuel input and true economic output in regards to human lives. I’m not in love with the environment, I don’t particularly want people to die, I would just love to see the hippies and the half-dead corpses propped up by the puppeteers of the welfare state go at each other arguing night and day about whether a human life is worth more sympathy than the environment. Turning every environmentalist into some kind of neo-Nazi rallying for death-camps overnight when they learn how much of the collateral damage caused by humans to the environment amounts to nothing.” Says Isabelle

  “The environmentalists tend to be people who hold human life in fairly high regards, so I doubt they would abandon that long-held belief overnight.” Says Jenna

“You clearly don’t understand how militant and vicious those people are, they would be up in arms over that pretty quick. They hate the corporations that destroy the planet with a passion, I’m sure they wouldn’t have much more sympathy for the population of half-dead corpses amounting to nothing but a waste of space when they learn how much each and every one of them destroys the environment over the course of their life. If businesses are being held to emissions standards, it is damn near unconstitutional discrimination that every holly jolly tumor that is the metastasization of socialism isn’t held to the same damn emission standards. If a corporation was dumping chemicals into the ocean and burning petroleum while not even producing anything, but just for shits and fucking giggles, there would be hell to pay.” Says Isabelle

“We should try not to be racist, corporations are people too. I’m glad Isabelle is the civil rights activist the world needs.” Says Grace sarcastically

“If equal protection means protecting the environment from corporations, it’s against the god damn fourteenth amendment not to prosecute the collective of good-for-nothings getting drunk on tax-payer’s money that pollute the environment at an even more grievous rate. I’m being an environmentalist, I’m fighting for civil rights; I’m clearly not in the wrong here.” Says Isabelle

“It’s the difference between kicking somebody while they’re down and preventing plutocrats from becoming the gods ushering in the apocalypse.” Says Grace

“So let the throngs of demons blighting the planet usher it in, that’s the spirit.” Jokes Stacy

“Try to respect your dad, Stacy, he is a good man. That alone should convince you that killing the majority of people on earth is not a good idea.” Says Jenna

“I respect the man plenty, and unless the government wants to start raising children, which they likely don’t, he is as employed as a stay-at-home mother. His settlement is keeping him alive for the most part, so it’s not like he’s really all too dependent on the tax-payers for his sustenance. He may not be long for this world anyways, but if he stops being able to keep himself alive, I highly doubt he will have any will to live, even though the money-vampires of the healthcare industry will do everything in their power to make damn sure that he lives to suffer another painful day; thankfully I doubt they would let him drink enough to keep himself alive in the hospital, and I doubt all the bennies in the world could convince his nervous system to keep functioning if it’s not got its fuel of choice.

That is the issue with humanists, even if someone’s life is nothing but suffering and misery, it is still worth living. The humanists can disregard every issue created by any godforsaken soul on the planet just because it happens to have a beating heart, even if it literally has no brain function, its life is still always worth living. Humanism in and of itself is a paradoxical fallacy, they place the human as the pinnacle of significance and importance and even chose to minimalize the very substance that creates the human in the first place as less so important than some meager miserable soul. If the fools could realize that you cannot have human life without having the things that make it possible, they could perhaps follow a proper logical order and preserve the soil that grows the crops instead of the crops themselves because they can understand if they keep all of the crops, the soil will no longer be fertile enough to grow any crops.

 They can remove the crops that don’t yield at all, the ones that fail to produce a yield greater than investment, and even the unneeded ones in the name of humility in order to preserve the function of the field, but instead they chose to deplete the field of its functionality in the name of some blind love of the human crop. This is recklessly denigrating all human life and any life for that matter that has yet to be damned to this hell, to say that we should readily destroy the planet so that an army of miserable bastards can continue to suffer needlessly or otherwise fail to pull their own damn weight is shameless. You cannot have humans without the planet, so it is far more altruistic and humanistic to destroy some humans instead of allowing this damned beast to destroy the entire planet.” Says Stacy

“As much as I don’t want to kill anybody, I would rather save the entire planet than just the people. Maybe we can just stop making so many people or something.” says Ophelia

“It would be impossible to convince the people of the developing world to do that, their livelihoods are largely determined by having plenty of healthy kids to perform labor, so that would be like depriving them of their only cash crop.” Says Isabelle

“I think it sounds better to try to encourage contraceptive use than it is to be Hitler or Stalin and just kill everybody you don’t like.” Says Grace

“I think that the moral and social opposition to contraceptive use in the developing world would hinder that to some extent, though it is not a bad idea.” Says Jenna

“We need something like a 95% reduction in the number of people on the planet in order to actually make a difference, not a 20% decrease in population growth. You are throwing a pebble in a river and expecting it to be a dam. If we are going to demonize all population control because some people may have used it questionably, we may as well demonize all cars because somebody has driven drunk and crashed one time or demonize electricity because it has electrocuted somebody at one point. Population control needs to be exercised or the planet will die much more quickly than it could if we make the altruistic decision to intervene. Clearly contraceptives are not the solution when you are killing children who are likely extremely valuable by giving people contraceptives rather than electing to kill people who have veritably proven that they produce a negative or zero net yield in relation to the investment of resources.” Says Stacy

“Massacring innocent people doesn’t exactly register very high on my scale of altruism.” Says Jenna

“People who destroy the planet for little to no reason don’t register very high on my thermometer of innocence either.” Says Isabelle

“But of course they’re totally innocent if they have a good reason like retaining their tight grip on their position as a plutocratic oligarch.” Says Grace, sarcastically

“It’s better than having no reason at all.” Says Isabelle

“It’s worse than having no reason at all. It’s better to accomplish nothing than to accomplish something terrible.” Says Grace

“Your life is entirely defined by the goods and services provided by these plutocratic oligarchs, your way of life is entirely dependent on them continuing to function so readily. You griping because you want to have your cake and it eat it too, you’d be equally pissed off if you didn’t get spoon-fed the pleasures of living in a successful capitalistic nation as you are by the social and environmental grievances of big business, hell, I’m sure you would be far more pissed off; the only reason you give a damn about social and environmental issues is because you have every last little thing you could ever want and your personality drives you to seek something that you want at all times just so you can be upset that you don’t have it.” Says Isabelle

“I think it’s noble that she wants something to benefit everyone, a lot of people just focus on material goods.” Says Jenna

“She would be far more focused on material goods if she didn’t have all of them already.” Jokes Isabelle

“I’m not that rich, besides, you are rich too, you get tons of nice things all the time, it’s not like I’m any different.” Says Grace

“I’m not the one who always desires unattainable things.” Says Isabelle

“Social change shouldn’t be that unattainable, people and society have changed a lot over time you know. Just look at the transition of this country from a British colony to an independent nation and from slavery to equal protection under the law.” Says Jenna

“People are pretty stubborn, just look at Stacy. You try to change her mind all the time and it never works, I don’t see why anyone else would want to give up things they like just because it’s a nice thing to do.” Says Ophelia

“Back to the topic at hand, every great noble well-meaning and politically correct human who ever accomplished something always has a few quotes talking about the importance of making sacrifices in order for good things to happen. We would be fools not to take these words of wisdom to heart. Just because we are making human sacrifices doesn’t discredit the fact that we’re making sacrifices in the slightest, we’re just doing good things in the name of the greater good.” Says Stacy

“Ok. Stacy. Good, as in godly, as in god, and Jesus, and morality. These things all tend to look down upon human sacrifice, so let’s not call it good because it’s not good.” Says Jenna

“I’m pretty sure the bible definitely says something about not doing that sort of thing.” Says Ophelia

“Plenty of gods loved human sacrifices, but that’s beside the point. It’s not politically correct to regard anything in terms of how Abrahamic god happens to feel about it. If anything, it’s more so politically correct to sacrifice copious amounts of humans in the name of atheism simply because it contradicts god and if I’m sure that the common sentiment is that if you oppose human sacrifice you are a theocratic fascist who deserves to be executed.” Says Stacy

“That’s not how political correctness works at all, but ok. Political correctness is being sensitive to everybody and their cultures.” Says Jenna

“It largely just means denigrating the majority in the name of empowering the minority.” Says Isabelle

“That’s because otherwise the minority would be oppressed.” Says Grace

“Then they can leave. Everybody is oppressed, welcome to capitalism; you shouldn’t get sympathy just because you’re a minority. Let’s just give the minorities their own country and fill it with even more so disenfranchised minority populations and let them deal with the fact that they’ve become the demonized majority that is responsible for every last godforsaken problem their own minorities happen to have. Just because the majority has something doesn’t mean that they’re omnipotent gods for Christ sake, we give the minority’s the same rights as everyone else that they wanted for so long and once they realized that they magically still have problems even after they got the rights, they are upset that they don’t live in heaven where everything is perfect. Guess whose fault it is that we don’t live in heaven?” Says Isabelle

“It’s clearly white people’s fault.” Jokes Stacy

“It clearly is white people’s fault that minorities are systematically discriminated against because their rights alone are not enough to prevent them from being disadvantaged solely because of their race, creed, or color.” Says Grace

“That’s what I don’t understand about god damn liberals. When an African country decides that it will take all of the property and rights away from white people who live there, they get nothing but applause and praise from the left, but if any white people even mention doing this to the minorities they are worthy of nothing but being shot. Just go join Boko Haram if you’re so damn committed to robbing white Christian people of their liberty or otherwise taxing it heavily and giving it to racial and ethnic minorities instead.” Says Isabelle

“Well, if people wanted to do that here, they would give all of the property and rights to Native Americans, or are you still supporting Manifest Destiny? Besides, nobody wants to steal everything from the whites, Jesus; they just want fair and equal treatment.” Says Grace

“Everybody is given the same god damn opportunity and while I respect the minorities that make something of themselves, the minorities who squander their lives by forsaking their education, committing crimes, failing to work, and turning to drugs and alcohol, just like plenty of god damn white people mind you, get to blame the system and the white man for all of their own poor decisions.

 The left acts like being black causes you to be as incapable as a mentally retarded child who is incapable of being held responsible for the decisions it makes, that’s even more racist than just telling the minorities tough shit when somebody doesn’t roll out the red carpet to easy street because they happen to be disenfranchised like plenty of other miserable people; amazing numbers of poor whites spend their days starving in the same unemployment and dying in the same streets shooting up the same heroin and nobody gives a damn about them because they don’t happen to be black. It’s ridiculous. If the unsuccessfulness of the black community was due to being a non-white race, you would see the same exact problems arise in Asian and Latino communities, which doesn’t happen. Sure, the natives face many of the same issues as the blacks, but that tells you it’s a cultural issue within their own communities, seeing how the natives live in isolation for the most part. Regardless of this, due to black people being systematically discriminated against 50 years ago, whites are to blame for every last problem that black people happen to have today and likely forever.” Says Isabelle

“I’m pretty sure blacks are discriminated against a lot more than Asians and Latinos.” Says Grace

“Bullshit. White people will discriminate against anyone and everyone they can, at least the racist ones and more so in the subtle racism that they sneak into the system. Asians and Latinos face the same exact vestigial discrimination, yet they manage to succeed with flying colors while plenty of god forsaken white people with nothing holding back their success happen to face the same exact problems as the black community. It’s a personal flaw, a cultural flaw, not a problem created by a system that is inherently racist, or at least not so inherently racist that it prevents somebody from becoming successful.” Says Isabelle

“I just think she’s trying to say it would be better if the system didn’t have the subtle racism it still has.” Says Jenna

“America just needs to learn the difference between racism and acknowledging a an impartial empirical fact that happens to statistically correlate largely with a racial group is not a presumed or otherwise imagined flaw that arises through sheer bigotry, especially when these facts are utilized in an industry that depends entirely on making decisions based upon making fruitful decisions based upon statistics. For example, the left would argue that it’s racist to say that many black people have dark skin; this is a statistical fact that correlates with the population, not some sort of broad baseless hateful generalization; the same truth applies to each and every statistic that defines the black population despite however unsavory or disagreeable the statistic might be. I am just exemplifying the hypocrisy with my point, as I know the left will proudly defend the statistical correlation between black people and dark skin due to the left’s occult fetish with Blaxploitation along with the ironic bedfellow of promoting the fiendishly politically correct ideal that all coloreds are all educated, well-mannered, docile House-Negros with the mannerisms of white people.” Says Isabelle

“That’s so racist.” Says Grace

“I don’t watch much television, so I can’t really say much about the topic.” Says Jenna

“Same.” Says Stacy

“Then tell the white liberal media that their portrayal of colored people is racist. If you watch even a small amount of television, it is clear to see the difference between how coloreds are portrayed on white television, how coloreds portray themselves on their own television, and then the other errant places you see colored people like on the news. These are all very different depictions of colored people, and I find that the white television seems to have white-washed all of the blackness and culture out of the colored people. The vast majority of the time, the black people all talk and act exactly like articulate educated white people which is very unrealistic if you’ve watched any significant amount of colored television.” Says Isabelle

“I can see your point, but I wouldn’t put it like that. I’m sure you’ve got something to say, Stacy. I don’t know, I’m upset about the racism and everything, but I’m not really black so I kind of feel like I’m speaking for somebody else at this point if I even try to say something.” Says Grace

“I’m not black either, surprisingly enough.” Jokes Stacy

“That’s not what I meant.” Says Grace

“Well, from what I’ve seen on television, our gang would be too racist for television because we don’t have a black friend co-protagonist and one in a wheelchair. A lot of times they just kill two birds with one stone, so I’m sure a black friend in a wheelchair would make us television friendly, it works for plenty of shows.” Says Stacy

“I mean, there are only like two black girls who go to our school, it’s kind of hard to be diverse in this place.” Says Grace

“That’s the thing about television. There are far more obese people in America than there are on television, but far more people in wheelchairs on television than in reality. It’s pretty damn rare to see a fat person on television when they should be at least one third of the characters on the damn screen. They say they want equal opportunity, but I guess that doesn’t apply to fat people considering that for every gay character on television you would need two extremely obese characters in the show due to statistical density, and clearly the gays are everywhere on television yet the extremely obese population is extremely underrepresented.” Says Isabelle

“An industry based around looks is not going to be very kind to fat people. It’s not like in reality one out of five people is in a wheelchair and everybody in a wheelchair is as beautiful as a fashion model either.” Says Grace

“I think it’s good that they’re trying to be diverse. I’m pretty sure television used to be like 100% white people. I think that was pretty racist, so even if television isn’t realistic it’s still better than it was.” Says Ophelia

“I’m just hoping that they expand the equal opportunity bullshit into history, so instead of having white people being racist the whole time, there were slave owners of every race, plenty of them in wheelchairs, and there were slaves of every race, plenty of whom were also in wheelchairs. That would be delightful.” Says Isabelle

“I’m sure you could complain to the FCC that history is racist and they will gladly ban any accounts of history that don’t roll some dice to determine the race, gender, religion, and level of disability of every person in history.” Says Stacy

“I hope there are no grounds for your cynicism, but people do tend to want to replace reality with ideality.” Says Jenna

“Unless it demonizes white people of course, then it’s damn near impossible to forget that part. The Jews just are just taking advantage of owning the media and getting some payback against the whites for being demonized for thousands of years.” Says Isabelle

“White people deserve it for demonizing the Jews.” Says Grace

“Every race and culture demonized the Jews.” Says Isabelle

“That is sadly fairly true.” Says Jenna

“The Jews demonized every non-Jew in existence, that’s the hypocrisy of it all, it’s not even written off as treating others how you want to be treated, of course it’s always racism to say one bad thing about a minority regardless of its validity, but the minorities can spew all of the discrimination and hatred towards the majority they like and it’s not racism at all, it’s just civil rights activism. That’s what’s backwards about the west; every other country on earth would never be so anti-nationalistic as to demonize themselves in the name of making random minorities happy. “Says Isabelle

“As much as I happen to be white, I can’t particularly defend the race of people. The whites brought their own misery upon themselves by being tolerant in the first place. I can’t blame the minorities for the problems of multiculturalism and clashes between cultures; for it is not their fault. It is solely the fault of the whites, it is the fault not even of the white people who were tolerant, for they had no power in the beginning, but it is solely the fault of white people who failed to oppress and brutalize tolerant white people. In order to have maintained the status quo and the functional power structure that accompanied it, they would have to demonize tolerance before the demon children of tolerance start to raise Cain in society.

If a white man wants equal rights for non-land-owning men, his land is taken by the government and he now has equal rights with non-land-owning men; if a white man wants equal rights for women, he is outcast, loses his right to vote and now has equal rights with women; if a white man wants equal rights for minorities, he is branded as a minority given the rights of the lowest caste in society and now can enjoy his fulfilled dream of having equal rights with minorities, and so on and so forth for animal rights and any other silly rights somebody can think of. Great minds think alike, not because they are inherently great, but because they are alike, and it is their alikeness that brings them greatness. Without this unity and cohesion of a single identity of being a white-land-owning-male, democratic function becomes impossible because instead of having people who all have each other’s best interests in mind, even if only because they have their own best interests in mind that just happen to be the same as everyone else’s, the cohesion and cooperation towards a common objective becomes nothing but fighting and bickering and constant disagreement.

 Embracing tolerance is doing nothing but embracing conflict, it is an idealist fallacy where you can get two or more parties constantly in disagreement with each other to come to mutual terms that are somehow better for everybody, which is clearly impossible as if they are better for one party, they are worse for the other. For this reason alone, I don’t support the suffrage of women, minorities, or non-land-owning men. The founding fathers set this as the bar to vote in this country, and it should never have changed. This has nothing to do with racism, as I have nothing against minorities or women, this solely has to do with having a cohesive mentality within the legislature, so that there is an actual possibility that agreements can be reached in a timely and fruitful manner that allow the governing body to actually govern efficiently for once in the last 130 odd years.” Says Stacy

“Even if you’re not racist, the only people who would otherwise support that are racist and likely misogynists. The hope is that everybody can come to the conclusion that we are all alike, we are all people, and we should all be working together for our own benefit.” Says Jenna

“Clearly that hope is misplaced, seeing how politicians are so reluctant to work together with people of differing views. The only strategy is to hope you have the majority and to silence the minority.” Says Isabelle

“I didn’t even think you had any hope in democracy at all.” Says Ophelia
“I don’t, but I’m willing to work with what I’ve got. It’s easier to repeal a few amendments than it is to replace an entire government.” Says Stacy

“I know you’re not big on rights, but as a woman opposed to woman’s suffrage it’s pretty ironic.” Says Grace

“I support functionality over anything else. Ideally nobody gets to vote and the correct decisions are made by qualified individuals capable of making good decisions and improving upon previous decisions without the dilly-dally of bickering and filibuster and without wasting all of the resources needlessly wasted on the showmanship aspect of democracy, just to name a few of the inherent flaws of the contemporary system.” Says Stacy

“I really hope you end up instating your insane government so I can personally hand you a massive list of all of the flaws. You are capable of criticizing everything but your own ideas, which tend to always be wildly different than the common sentiment, and you’re so confident in whatever nonsense you can think up that you can never reason with the fact that the ideas are so far removed from the common sentiment because they are in fact so inherently flawed.” Says Jenna

“I think they tend to be hit or miss, but when she’s competing with an inherently flawed system, it’s not about being perfect, it’s simply about being better than the current standard. If she accomplishes that then her ideas, regardless of their flaws, hold enough merit to be respectable.” Says Isabelle

“If you find any flaws, feel more than free to bring them up and I will promptly yield an earnest effort to resolve them. Do keep in mind that idealism causes a person to find flaws in things that don’t resonate with their concept of idealism. This is criticizing the beauty of something, a complaint about an irrelevant, vain, and largely meaningless factor of something like a government, which is irrelevant as such an entity has no need to attract a mate to copulate and reproduce. This is why these vain flaws have no meaning to me, as correcting them will yield nothing but reward those who seek to find beauty in places that should operate independently from such ideals. Flaws in functionality however are very important because they directly impact the yield and productivity of a system, these are legitimate concerns. Idealists are the fools willing to induce flaws in functionality in order to ameliorate flaws in beauty. Vain idealism to this extreme is altogether concerning when they value the appearance of something over the functionality, seeing how the political system at hand tends to be sitting in a pretty car that goes nowhere. It looks very good; don’t get me wrong, it just fails to function as it should.” Says Stacy

“I think beauty is pretty important, you’ve got to attract the people to want to live there in the first place, you know.” Says Ophelia

“The country should attract people who are interested in functionality and capability rather than vain idealist niceties such as freedoms and liberties that amount to nothing but problems and inefficiency.” Says Stacy

“Speaking of freedom, it’s about that time.” Says Isabelle

“We didn’t even talk about animals. What a shame.” Says Ophelia

“People are animals too.” Says Stacy

“Not very cute ones.” Says Ophelia

“We should have talked about Ophelia a bit more.” Says Grace

“Stacy’s the cute one. Ophelia’s more of the mature and elegant one.” teases Isabelle

“The backdrop of hellfire and nuclear brimstone tends to detract a bit from her cuteness, sadly.” Says Jenna

“I do my best; somehow it has yet to work on Isabelle.” Says Stacy

“You can be cute and scary at the same time.” Teases Isabelle

“Cuteness doesn’t really help me get my point across, sadly.” Says Stacy

“You never know, I can kind of agree with you just because you’re cute most of the time. You just seem so harmless.” Says Ophelia

“English, Ophelia. The words, they mean things, these ideas are not harmless.” Says Jenna

“For better or for worse, her ideas are largely so extreme they are the epitome of harmlessness. Anybody who isn’t a progressive moderate has little to no future in politics lest some massive paradigm shift occurs. They’re so out there it would be hard for to even find some sort of radical group to stand behind her, of all of the established fringe groups out there I can’t think of one of them that would support her. Maybe communists, but that’s still a stretch, and even if they all got behind her, that party is basically the champion of futility.” Says Grace

“The only reason they’re allowed to exist is because the government knows they could never win an election. If they were a real threat they would be dead or in prison by now.” Says Isabelle

“Thankfully the world is too sane to get behind Stacy, at least at the moment.” Says Jenna

“I wouldn’t argue being blind drunk on contentment and idealism qualifies as sane, but easily sanity is just another impossible ideal that cannot exist. Sanity is nothing but the most prevalent form of insanity.” Says Stacy

“Truer words could not be spoken.” Says Isabelle


Aurelia approaches the front of the class. “I hope everybody had fun today, clean up after yourselves and I’ll see you all tomorrow.” Says Aurelia, the club cleans up as the bell rings


Time ticks timidly, trepidation tantamount to its tense tocks, titillating the tired troves of tortured teens, tempted to taste the taxably temptatious torment of Tantalus, the taxa of turnips and tubers and the treasures of trepanging, the trite taciturn truth of tautological triumph trouncing the traitors that slander the waiters serving and sating the waiting with the many savory flavors of dying. Time however is not treated to a tasty death, it slowly starves to death as a quadriplegic man surrounded by an eternity of desert which just so happens to be the desert of eternity.




The girls pour out of the floodgates into the courtyard as the gang steps aside to hatch machinations of the usual sort as most of the herd blindly follows the illusory false shepherd of free will and if they lack such a luxury, the simple smell of a brief freedom is enough to draw them into the urban pasture.

“What adventures shall we embark upon today?” asks Isabelle

“I’d go for coffee.” Says Grace

“That’s hardly an adventure.” Says Isabelle

“I’m pretty sure adventuring in this city is likely to get you killed.” Says Jenna

“That’s not the spirit at all.” Says Isabelle

“We could go search for boyfriends.” Says Ophelia

“That is even more likely to get you killed or worse.” Says Jenna, Ophelia rolls her eyes

“Every man is a killer, who would have guessed.” Says Ophelia

“I’m just fairly certain that the quality men our age are busy playing sports or having some sort of classy extracurricular activity and the one’s dawdling about on the streets are likely to be the ones who will continue to be dawdling about on the streets at this hour ten and twenty years from now while the diligent men are at work.” Says Isabelle

“It’s not like we play sports, that’s kind of hypocritical.” Says Ophelia

“We can keep our eyes peeled, but I’m not optimistic. Men are more so dignified by their athleticism than women.” Says Isabelle

“Women are equally dignified by being athletes.” Says Grace

“Statistics disagree, but in other news, the only idea is coffee.” Says Isabelle

“That sounds nice, unless that terrible band is there again.” Says Ophelia

“Let’s just hope for the best.” Says Isabelle

“I’ll take you up on that, but I’ve realized I’ve got to run to the ladies room or I will soon enough be forced to spend time on a public toilet.” Says Stacy

“Have at it, I wouldn’t wish that fate upon anybody.” Says Isabelle

“Ophelia, hold my bag for me, ok?” asks Stacy, handing her bag to Ophelia

“Sure, your bag is always so light. If it was Jenna’s I’d think twice about it.” Says Ophelia

“I truly appreciate it, wish me luck.” Says Stacy

“I hope you don’t need luck to do that sort of thing.” Says Jenna

“Good luck, my friend. I too hope you don’t need it, but I understand that you might.” Says Isabelle, Stacy briskly walks away


Stacy makes her humble way back into school in a nonchalant faux studiousness, walking through the halls past the few stragglers who pay her no mind. She enters an empty stairwell and adventures onto the second floor, passing empty classrooms of teachers who have long since returned to their communal offices at the start of club time for daytime drinking, shit shooting, and perhaps to grade an assignment or two if they’re feeling cocky. The hallway comes to an end and Stacy enters the middle of the three doors into an unremarkable classroom, continuing her brisk pace to the center single-hung window framed with tired once-polished wood which she quietly opens. She peeks outside, and easily fits her frailty through the window, climbs onto and sits on the dainty window-ledge designed for potted plants and such which have yet to make their way onto said overhang in the some hundred odd years of the school. She quietly closes the window and slides gracefully off of the ledge.

An imposingly tall girl, fit and meaty enough to throw her weight around chokes a smaller, frail, and spectacled girl against a wall, holding a knife to her whimpering throat, staring intensely into the eyes of the scared little girl and growling viciously, hungry for money, robbing the girl in a greenish alleyway against the side of the school separated from the city streets by an eloquent brick wall. Stacy smoothly twirls one-hundred and eighty degrees and forms a number four of sorts with her legs, threading the girls head through the hole of the 4 with the long leg braced over the angled one by hooking itself around the hoodlum’s shoulder, forming a rear naked choke of sorts with her legs, however with her bracing leg hooked under the armpit. Stacy uses her momentum to twist and roll the girl’s body under her own in a continued falling motion after the girl’s knees instantly buckle. Stacy breaks her fall with the upper middle class hoodlum’s ribs, choking her thoroughly enough with the vice of her legs to the point where any screams of pain are muffled to a nearly inaudible choking noise.

“Jesus Christ.” Whimpers the scared little girl, shaking even more with her eyes wide with fear and confusion,

Stacy holds a finger to her lips with a prim proper and serious “Shhh.”, the hoodlum still gripping the knife instinctively even as Stacy’s leg manages to immobilize the arm wielding the blade, the scared girl watches in shock and disbelief as the pain and suffocation to cause the knife and consciousness both to start to slip softly away from the grasp of the hoodlum

“It looks like I have to teach you why it’s a bad idea to bring a knife to school. I’ll be so kind as to remind you what happens to miscreants who forget their place in the world.” Says Stacy, who grabs the nearly 12 inch trench knife sporting an unwieldly 6 3/4 inch blade that the girl dropped, she begins to forcefully and thoroughly lacerate the hoodlum’s face, slowly digging the knife through the skin and flesh from her left cheekbone, across her left eye, taking a moment to viciously shake and jiggle the sharp blade in the eye socket of the now unconscious girl before continuing her artful laceration through the brow and across the forehead of the hoodlum. Stacy licks the blood off of the knife, loving and proud as a dam cat would her kitten, leaving it immaculate once again. “Delicious.” She says; smiling warmly, placing the knife to the side, the little girl staring wide eyed in a state of ambivalent shock.

She grabs the hoodlum’s hair, wrapping it around her hand and pulling it taught; leaning forward and forcefully rubbing the unconscious hoodlum’s bloodied face in the sandy soil “Let me rub some dirt in that for you. Make it all better.” She says with condescendingly abusive parental instinct

“Why are you doing this?” asks the scared girl in a soft tone, still as scared to move as she was when she was being robbed, a few tears of fears well in her eyes, absent entirely are those of sympathy

“Because I knew you would want to watch.” Says Stacy, amiably

“What the fuck? Who are you?” asks the girl, completely bewildered

“God.” Says Stacy, boldly with the calmest wide-eyed mania

“Really?” asks the girl, almost willing to believe, having no ability to make any more sense of the situation than that

“I like to think so.” Says Stacy, haughtily, calmly assertive, quite happy with herself

“Ok…” says the girl, distant and confused

“She didn’t see me here; I hope you didn’t see me here.” Says Stacy

“I didn’t see anything, I wasn’t here at all.” Says the girl, easily intimidated, speaking quickly and full of fear

“You should probably give her a good kick to the temple.” Says Stacy

“Why?” asks the girl softly

“Because you want to.” Says Stacy, the girl kicks the hoodlum as she was told

“Once more, with some gusto.” Says Stacy, enthusiastically encouraging the girl to abandon her civility for a moment

“What the fuck?” asks the girl

“I don’t want her getting up too quickly now.” Says Stacy, with the tone of a cautious animal wrangler, the girl kicks the hoodlum even more forcefully

“Thank you kindly.” Says Stacy, reaching into the hoodlum’s bra and withdrawing a sweaty amalgam of bills eleven dollars shy of 200 which she tosses to the side, the bills still bound by the money clip of sweat. She gets up off of the hoodlum, reaching into the hoodlums bag for some wet wipes to quickly clean the modest amount of blood that was fresh on her hands, right shin, and calf, she throws the wipes on the ground, reaches into the bag, grabs the sheath for the knife, sheathes the knife, unbuttons her shirt, hooks the j-clip on the top of the sheath into the back of her bra and buttons her shirt.

“So how much of this filthy lucre is yours?” asks Stacy, picking up the money

“What? I don’t know, just keep it.” Says the girl

“Really? I don’t need it. The least I could do is give you what’s yours.” Says Stacy

“I would pay you so much more than that for what you just did. You earned it… all of it.” Says the girl, long ingrained abhorrence resounding more than fear at this point

“It was my pleasure.” Says Stacy, putting the money in her bra “Let’s take the scenic route round the back of the school, shall we?” asks Stacy, lightheartedly

“Did you just kill her?” asks the girl timidly

“She’s unconscious, but she will live.” Says Stacy, pleasantly carefree

“What are you going to do with the knife?” asks the girl

“Keep it.” Says Stacy, cheerfully grateful towards the serendipitous donation

“I like you. I’ve wanted to do something like that for years. I hate that bitch so much.” Says the girl, far too embittered to have any room for sympathy

  “I aim to please.” Says Stacy, with cocksure pride

  “I see that God goes to our school, what do I say if I see you after this?” asks the girl

 “Well, I don’t know you, so feel free to introduce yourself. Make sure to remember we were never here, and we’ve never even met.” Says Stacy.

“I’m Vivian, you’re like my hero forever.” Says Vivian

 “Charmed.” Says Stacy

“Not going to introduce yourself?” asks Vivian

“Ye are my witness, and my servant whom I have chosen: that ye may know and believe me, for I alone am god: before me there was no god formed, neither shall there be after me. I, even I, am the Lord; and beside me there is no savior. I have declared, and have saved, and I have shewed, when there was no strange god among you: therefore ye are my witness, that I am God.” Says Stacy, with the slightly raspy loving sternness of an elderly man

 “You’re fucking crazy, but I love it.” Says Vivian, excitedly delighted

 “Me too.” Says Stacy, mutually delighted, the girls walk around the back of the school, a row of old trees providing some shade against the empty walkway leading to the rear of the school and the rear gate, the sporting girls off to greener pastures

 “I’ll be departing now. Pip pip.” Says Stacy, with the cheer of a proper gentleman

“Ta ta for now.” Says Vivian softly in a dream-state of shock and bewildered avenged gratitude, Stacy enters one of the rear doors to the school as Vivian heads towards the back gate.




Stacy casually strolls through one of the many halls of the rectangular school wider than it is long, the pleasant stroll through a corridor, quite welcoming despite its near emptiness, takes only a cheerful moment before she once again emerges in the courtyard in front of the school. Her friends wait patiently, casually musing upon the more civil things in life.


“You took your time in there.” Says Jenna

“You didn’t wish me luck.” Jokes Stacy

“Truly sorry.” Says Jenna, dryly

“I hope everything went smoothly.” Says Isabelle, playfully sincere

“That doesn’t appear to be the case.” Says Jenna

“Now, now, you can’t rush a work of art.” Says Stacy

“Stacy you truly are a refined and elegant woman.” Says Isabelle, pleasantly impressed by Stacy’s sentiments

“This is gross, let’s just go.” Says Ophelia

“Let’s not turn our nose up at the simple pleasures in life.” Says Stacy

“Jesus, now it really is gross.” Says Jenna

“If it wasn’t meant to be enjoyed, it wouldn’t feel so good.” Says Isabelle

“Amen to that.” Says Stacy

“I can’t understand you two.” Says Grace

“I’m sorry for reminding you that women poop, Grace, I know it might sully your ideal immaculate image of women.” Jokes Isabelle

“One, it’s gross, and two, you’re weird for enjoying it.” Say Grace

“You need a better diet if you don’t enjoy it. Passing large, firm, healthy stool pleases a person from head to toe.” Says Stacy

“If it feels bad it’s reminding you that you ate awful food or an imbalanced diet, it’s your punishment, seeing how you had forsaken such a basic virtue.” Says Isabelle

“Thanks for reminding me of that.” Says Grace

“Let’s go. No more toilet talk please. Coffee sounds nice.” Says Ophelia

“I’m with you, Ophelia.” Says Grace

“I see no point in hanging out in prison once you’ve been released.” Says Stacy

“Onward and upwards, freedom awaits.” Says Isabelle as she sets pace for the girls as they venture towards the front gate of the school and exit into the city streets


A horrific longwinded shriek of agnoy pierces the afternoon air as the girls get across the street.

“Holy Shit.” Gasps Grace

“It wasn’t me.” Jokes Stacy with heartless nonchalance, Jenna looks at her with expressionless accusal

“That came from school! We have to go help her!” says Ophelia, her heart flooded with concern

“No. No. Absolutely not. If you hear somebody scream like that you get as far away as possible as quickly as you can.” Says Isabelle, grabbing Ophelia’s hand and pulling her along the street

“I’m sure we can help her if we go back.” Says Ophelia, not bold enough to resist the pull of the much smaller Isabelle

“I guarantee you we cannot do anything, it might be dangerous if she didn’t just break her leg or something. There are people trained to handle that sort of situation, whatever it is. Leave it to the professionals.” Says Isabelle, hurried and concerned only for her own well-being

“I’m in favor of avoiding the problems all together as well.” Says Stacy

“How can you be so heartless?” asks Ophelia

“It’s that or dead, come now.” Says Isabelle

“She’s right, I don’t want you to get hurt if you go back and it’s dangerous. Who knows what it could be.” Says Grace, the screaming continuing, interrupted only by gasps for air as the girls walk away,

“I don’t want to find out what it is either. Let’s just call it a broken leg and keep walking.” Says Jenna, as the girls mount a brisk pace towards the café

“One hell of a broken leg.” Says Grace

“They say women have higher pain tolerance too, so much for that.” Says Stacy

“Maybe she jumped off the roof or something, who knows. I’d rather not see something gruesome like that.” Says Isabelle

“I’m sure we will find out tomorrow, unfortunately.” Says Jenna

“Unless it’s some school wide issue, I doubt any of us are in the proper gossip circles to actually find out. I’m more than content with that.” Says Isabelle

“You seem remarkably unfazed by all of this, Stacy.” Says Grace

“Too many horror movies I guess.” Says Stacy

“Hell, you probably wouldn’t even flinch if you saw that girl with bones sticking out of her legs and screaming covered in blood at that rate. That stuff is not my cup of tea at all.” Says Isabelle

“It’s remarkable that the education system can fail the youth so profoundly, everyone knows you dive headfirst.” Says Stacy

“That’s awful.” Says Jenna

“If that’s your intent, I figure it’s not bad advice.” Says Isabelle

“I don’t want to talk about that stuff. It’s terrible that mental health issues can be disregarded until they reach that point.” Says Grace, as the girls turn a corner

“It is sad to think that people out there make such a terrible mistake.” Says Ophelia

“Suicide is painless; it’s failed attempts that hurt.” Says Isabelle

“Just be quiet. That’s so heartless.” Says Grace, Stacy whistles Mandel’s classic tune “Suicide is Painless” as the girls trek in archetypical Bay City bleakness towards their destination




The girls entered the aptly named “Café” and approach the counter.

“I can pay for this round; I’ve actually got money today.” Says Stacy, a bit unsettled by the notion of paying for something, but her penurial instincts were confused enough by her carrying money into a place of business that the notion of refraining from spending money one does not have didn’t seem to function as it usually did

“I’ve got more money. I couldn’t let you spend your hard earned money in place of my meaningless money.” Says Isabelle

“You don’t need to boast about it.” Says Grace, bitterly

“You know he will give me some change today, do you wish that you become the target of its intended purpose?” asks Isabelle

“You don’t even know what that is.” Says Grace

“Why else would they give you little pieces of metal if not to aggressively throw them at people who have upset you?” Says Isabelle

“Well, they used to have more value than they do today; nowadays it’s just to prevent breaking another bill needlessly.” Says Jenna

“At least I can appreciate the entertainment value, even if the coins have little value besides that.” Says Isabelle

“Can I help you?” asks the barista, too entitled by his liberal values and indignant because of his social status to be pleasant, polite, or humble in the face of menial labor

“Where’s the band?” asks Stacy

“No band today. What do you want?” asks the barista, exhausted from peddling stimulants, the girls order coffees and take a seat at a table, the girls the few in the building failing to be pained by the existential crisis where their own perceived self-worth and self-importance fails miserably to meet the quantifiable measurements of their worth and importance.


“The sighs of people staring at computers and the snide mumbling of liberals are music to my ears compared to the rancor of last time.” Says Isabelle

“They have plenty of reasons to be discontented, it’s not like the establishment is looking out for the common people.” Says Grace

“These people expect life to be pure ecstasy in paradise, the fact that it isn’t would have long ago driven them to put a gun in their mouth if they didn’t so vehemently loathe guns. Instead they try to find the will to live by convincing themselves that their complaining will solve every single problem anyone ever has, and the only reason it hasn’t already is because the world hasn’t enacted their extremist communist agenda to a t.” says Isabelle

“If they were extremist communists they might actually have half a leg to stand on, moderate socialists just feel entitled to all of the tax money.” Says Stacy

“And more tax money of course, because the concept of liberty to a leftist is oppressive taxation.” Says Isabelle

“They believe in liberal spending and liberty for all people, sorry that some people have a conscience and disagree with hoarding money, unproductive government, and disregarding the minority populations.” Says Grace

“Unproductive government is easily infinitely better than a destructive government. Taxation destroys business, which in turn destroys the tax system. Liberals basically want to commit fiscal suicide with socialism. You increase taxes, businesses flounder or leave the country all together, and somehow the government must make 10 times more money in order to pay for every last little thing that a poor person wants because they feel so entitled to every last thing on the planet.” Says Isabelle

“I don’t know if healthcare should be a privilege, it seems like it would be good if everybody had affordable access to healthcare.” Says Jenna

“I can agree with that to some extent. Healthcare is good for everybody when it is actually good for everybody in terms of reducing epidemics with vaccines and other measures that benefit the health of everybody. Healthcare can be justified if the means justify the end and the recipient of the healthcare is able to eventually return the money that was spent on maintaining his or her health on account of receiving the medical treatment, if neither of these things are true, it is just keeping people alive for shits and giggles, accomplishing nothing but burning money in the name of some sally sob story who doesn’t want her cancer ridden child, husband, or parent to die, regardless of the fact that even in the face of miraculous success that person will never repay their debt to society.” Says Stacy

“I think people have the right to medicine if it’s available, it shouldn’t be something hoarded by doctors and used to extort money from people.” Says Grace

“Because modern medicine just grows on fucking trees, doesn’t it?” asks Isabelle, sarcastically

“It’s expensive because it takes a lot of time, energy, and investment to make. The people who invest in medicine should be entitled to fair compensation.” Says Stacy

“It’s not fair compensation when they choose to kill people because they don’t have enough money for a certain drug.” Says Grace

“Of course you’re pro-life when it comes down to keeping blighted people that will amount to nothing but exorbitant debt and a tremendous strain on the system, but if it’s a healthy baby that could easily pay taxes one day, you do your damnedest to make sure it dies if somebody is too proud and entitled to be burdened by the biological repercussions of their irresponsible fornication.” Says Isabelle

“If the pregnant woman doesn’t want the child to be alive, there is no reason to subject it to a lifetime of being unwanted instead of saving it the misery. It also saves the woman the pain and hardship of raising a child when she is likely incapable of doing so properly.” Says Grace

“There are literally billions of people I don’t want to be alive, by that logic I’m doing a good deed if I save them the misery of being unwanted by ending their lives. It may make the woman’s life difficult, but first of all she deserves it for being a whore, and secondly society needs the poor people to have children in order for the working class to repopulate. Men who make mistakes go to prison; women who make similar mistakes should undoubtedly be given no reprieve, certainly not from the natural consequences of such mistakes.” Says Stacy

“Women who make mistakes make mistakes who then make mistakes and hence make even more mistakes. That is the cycle you want to continue indefinitely?” asks Grace

“When it’s these mistakes that kill legions of enemy soldiers and repopulate the fucking earth after it has sacrificed plenty of good people for the war effort, then yes, that is exactly what I want to continue indefinitely.” Says Stacy

“I’m against abortion, killing a baby isn’t any different than killing a normal person, Stacy is even right that its worse than killing sick people. The sick people might have a year left to live, but the baby could easily have 100 years to live that you just take from it when you murder it.” Says Ophelia

“I’m just saying if the baby would be nothing but pain and misery for the woman and itself, there is no reason to force a woman to inflict that upon herself and her child. Just because she made a mistake doesn’t mean that a baby should suffer needlessly because of it.” Says Grace

“She can put the baby up for adoption, it’s not like she has to raise the child. It’s really unwise to kill healthy members of society. I can kind of see Stacy’s point, abortion is no different than just killing any other unwanted people in society. I can support it in cases of rape, incest, or deformity, but just because the baby is unwanted doesn’t really justify killing it.” Says Jenna

“It’s not a baby, it’s like a tiny collection of cells. It’s not alive at all.” Says Grace

“It is clearly a baby, it might be the size of a dime, but it’s still a baby.” Says Isabelle

“If braindead people are legally alive, a fetus regardless of age is far more alive than that, seeing how it has a much higher likelihood of developing brain function.” Says Stacy

“You can’t be serious? Having even a healthy baby can ruin a woman’s life because she has to work some dead end job to support the baby instead of going to college and becoming educated and professional and possibly having children at a later point in life when the is far more capable of raising a child.” Says Grace

“That is largely societies fault for expecting women to work instead of raise children, women kind of brought it upon themselves by abandoning their traditional role. It’s kind of ironic that they thought they could abandon their traditional role in society and instead perform the same role as men just to have their traditional role continually remind them of why it was their traditional role in the first place.” Says Jenna

“A woman in the traditional role needs a man to support her entirely which just isn’t feasible for most people in modern society. Plenty of pregnant women don’t even have a man at all to even try to perform that job.” Says Grace

“They should have thought of that before they were whores.” Says Isabelle

“Are you a catholic now, too?” asks Grace, bewildered in her isolated views

“People are upset with the fact that hedonism has repercussions to the point where they kill babies just so they can keep convincing themselves that there are no repercussions for their rampant hedonism. It’s not hard to disagree with that aspect of contemporary culture.” Says Stacy

“Abortion is just on the list with organ transplants for subverting the natural repercussions of hedonism. It’s the stance contemporary people have sided with, it’s not hard to fathom that hedonism easily wins out over stoicism, at least when the commoners are making the decisions.” Says Jenna

“Maybe we just force the people to get married if they get pregnant without being married.” Says Ophelia

“That is now needlessly making the situation miserable for the man, along with the woman and the child.” Says Grace

“It could be a happy marriage.” Says Ophelia

“Highly unlikely.” Says Isabelle

“I think I can find a harmony between the pro-life movement and the leftist agenda.” Says Stacy

“How so?” asks Grace

“Well, we use the leftist agenda to deprive the women having children out of wedlock of all of their civil and human rights, this is leftism, we keep the baby of course, conservatism, keep them restrained in captivity and assign them the forced labor of producing more children, this is leftism, this is done as punishment for their whoredom, this is conservatism, the children are property of the state with no rights and are indoctrinated, forced into labor camps, or otherwise enlisted in the military for life, this is leftism,  we force the whores to have children until their body can no longer produce children at which point we execute them within the confines of the labor camp, this is once again leftism. A healthy bit of bi-partisan cooperation there, no?” says Stacy

“Jesus Christ. That was just 100% insanity.” Says Grace

“I think everybody can agree with that. The only part of that which was a part of either the right or left in contemporary terms was keeping the baby.” Says Jenna

“It sounded like communism for the most part, so clearly the liberals such as Grace should have been thrilled with the concept. Being deprived of your rights and civil liberties is like a dream come true for a leftist.” Says Isabelle

“At least she kept the baby, I don’t know. I think it was nicer than the bible, in the bible they just kill you right away if you are a whore. At least the girl gets to be alive and love her babies.” Says Ophelia

“This is ridiculous. I don’t understand how you are so happy to punish somebody because they accidentally getting pregnant.” Says Grace

“You’re going to use the Saudi defense now? That’s the most backwards thing I’ve heard yet.” Says Isabelle

“What are you talking about?” Says Grace

“You’re saying that a man tripped and fell and then the woman accidentally got pregnant because of that.” Says Isabelle

“Can that really happen?” asks Ophelia

“No.” says Jenna

“It can in Saudi Arabia apparently.” Says Isabelle

“That’s ridiculous; I’m just talking about the normal accidental pregnancy.” Says Grace

“It’s kind of hard to accidentally be a whore.” Says Isabelle

“Stop saying that, I’m sure plenty these girls were taught abstinence only or can’t afford contraception, but you know better than that. It’s not the middle ages, ok, I’m sorry if you’re bitter that other girls actually see action.” Says Grace

“I’m just saying gambling has risks. You want to run a casino and forgive the debts of everyone who loses; it’s nonsense.” Says Isabelle

“Ironically we were taught about contraceptive use, they explained to us what it was thoroughly enough for us to understand what they were, they just said it was sinful and immoral to use contraceptives so we need to be aware of what they are and not be tricked by our husbands.” Says Jenna

“I love it.” Says Isabelle

“If you understand contraception, you should understand that the traditional risks of fornication can be avoided, so people don’t need to fear it like they once did.” Says Grace

“If fornicators aren’t repopulating my country with ignorant bastard children willing to die for it, they’re getting something for nothing, which I can’t really stand behind.” Says Stacy

“I highly doubt anyone will try to do anything to prevent fornication all together, you know.” Says Jenna

“The government seems to be more than happy to deny people legal access to simple pleasures; I don’t see a reason why they wouldn’t try, especially since they’re getting the short end of the stick in regards to contraception.” Says Stacy

“You can’t be serious.” Says Grace

“That’s got to be one of your boldest goals so far.” Says Isabelle

“It’s not one of them; I’m just not going to give them something for nothing. It’s far easier to make contraception illegal than it is to deny them their pleasure, I’m just going to make sure to get my just deserts for harboring the hedonists. If an unloved bastard child was raised fighting for his life in the heartless streets, at least he’ll be damn good at fighting for his life in the heartless streets of some foreign land when you put a gun in his hands and ship him off to whichever godforsaken place has incurred such wrath.” Says Stacy

“I see you take the noble stance when it comes to the debate around contraception.” Says Jenna

“There is no debate. It would be reckless to the point of endangering millions of people’s health and even their lives if people actually tried to outlaw contraception.” Says Grace

“That doesn’t mean people won’t argue about it.” Says Jenna

“I’m not sure what it is, but if Jenna says it’s immoral I’d rather not.” Says Ophelia

“Contraception prevents conception, meaning becoming pregnant. Don’t worry about it.” Says Grace

“I just hope Ophelia can avoid situations like that entirely before it comes down to contraception.” Says Jenna

“She knows better, let’s not worry ourselves needlessly.” Says Stacy

“I think it would be best if she wasn’t ignorant to things that could save her a lifetime of hardship.” Says Grace

“If it’s sinful I’m sure it causes a lifetime of hardship.” Says Ophelia

“Well, you can look at it that way. It largely just lets you become a whore.” Says Isabelle

“Well said.” Says Stacy

“Jesus Christ.” Says Grace

“I don’t know why anybody would want that. That’s really bad.” Says Ophelia

“Do you even know what that means?” asks Grace

“What? Of course, like a bad girl who lies with lots of men, or just does it without being married.” Says Ophelia

“Damn Skippy.” Says Isabelle

“It’s like nobody besides maybe Jenna has a healthy opinion of this topic.” Says Grace

“Come back and argue your point about health after you’re riddled with venereal disease for embracing the biological tenants of social liberalism and the reasonable people among us are still healthy.” Says Isabelle

“This is gross. Let’s change the topic. I hope everyone has their best interests at heart, regardless of their ideology, and we can just leave it at that.” Says Jenna

“Spoken like a true centrist. Agreeing to disagree is perhaps accomplishing everything that can possibly be accomplished while simultaneously accomplishing nothing.” Says Isabelle

“That is the fate of a democracy.” Says Stacy

“Well, in honor of all of the women with unfulfilled dreams, I figure that should be a pleasant conversation, seeing how we have nothing holding us back right now.” Says Grace

“I think some of our dreams might have a few things holding them back, but that sounds nice enough.” Says Jenna, looking at Stacy grimly

“Don’t look at me like that; you seem to mistake my constructive criticism in regards to society with my dreams.” Says Stacy

“You’re not dreaming of taking over the world? Something a little more innocent in mind?” asks Isabelle

“Maybe it’s some secret cute side to Stacy she just doesn’t want to tell us.” Teases Ophelia

“I don’t think a speech about my dreams would be all to inspiring to be honest.” Says Stacy

“If it is irrelevant from your politics, it might be better than what you’re usually spouting off about.” Says Jenna

“It truly is.” Says Stacy

“I was hoping for something starting with ‘I have a dream’ but I might be shit out of luck.” Says Isabelle

“If that’s what you want to hear.” Says Stacy

“Inspire me.” Says Isabelle

“I’m sure I won’t.” says Stacy

“You never know.” Says Ophelia

Stacy sighs “I have a dream… I see an Asian lady driving half a sedan, cut down the middle so it’s like a motorcycle with a toddler in a car seat in the back smoking a cigarette, the wind blowing the trees over until the touch the ground on a beautiful day while I scoot down the road in an office chair. Somebody shouts at me from in the woods, and I wake up.” Says Stacy

“That didn’t really make any sense.” Says Ophelia

“That was just a dream I had the other day, I don’t know. Not all too inspiring. Dreams are weird.” Says Stacy

“Maybe avoid that kind of dream; I don’t really want to hear about everyone’s nightmares and whatnot.” Says Grace

“I just want to be successful, maybe have a garden or something. I guess those two things kind of contradict each other, since if I was successful I wouldn’t have time to garden.” Says Jenna

“I want to have a loving husband and lots of kids. I don’t like school that much, I’m sure work would be worse. That’s really all I can think of. I understand that all women might not want kids, but that doesn’t mean that women should be expected to work more than they are expected to have kids. That’s not how things really work at all.” Says Ophelia

“I think that having the option to work is a good thing.” Says Jenna

“They only teach us about how to learn and work instead of how to be a good mother, it’s pretty awful.” Says Ophelia

“I’m sure if you understood how painful it is to be trapped in the house all day doing housework and looking after kids; you might change your mind and want a little freedom from that.” Says Grace

“I think that would be fun, I mean I have to do chores and stuff anyways, that way I at least get to play with the kids.” Says Ophelia

“You’re a good girl, I might have a kid one day, but I’m more focused on work, I don’t like kids that much for some reason, but I’d love to be powerful and successful. I guess that makes me kind of a bad woman.” Says Isabelle

“I’m also more of that sort, I’ve got some excuses in terms of mental health to exempt me from bearing children, I’d honestly feel bad if I did. Ophelia, you can just have two extra children for my sake, and then I can work, and everything will be peachy.” Says Stacy

“Two for me as well. I might be too busy, unfortunately any man who meets my standards likely would be far more interested in success than children; he wouldn’t want to impose upon my success either.” Says Isabelle

“I’ll have my own two, hopefully.” Says Jenna

“I’d be happy with six children.” Says Ophelia

“I don’t think I’ll have children, for certain reasons, but I wouldn’t expect you to have children for me or anything.” Says Grace

“Good, you don’t get replaced; you’re a terrorist after all.” Says Isabelle

“Really?” says Grace, rolling her eyes

“Your communist ways would have you barred from any form of employment hence starving you to death if the world was as reasonable as it was 60 years ago.” Says Isabelle

“You got me. Of course sharing your money is completely unthinkable.” Says Grace, dryly

“Bullshit, I share my money because I am a kind soul. There is a remarkable difference between sharing your money as you see fit and having it stolen from you by communists to fuel their godforsaken agenda.” Says Isabelle

“Clearly helping the poor and the sick is only something godforsaken people would do.” Says Grace

“They wouldn’t be poor and/or sick unless god had forsaken them, unless of course they had forsaken god in which case they deserve such a fate.” Says Stacy

“Last I checked Christian people did not worship the god of serendipity.” Says Jenna

“Last I checked work ethic, due diligence, and healthfulness have nothing to do with serendipity.” Says Isabelle

“I mean everybody gets sick every now and again, I think it’s not unreasonable to want to help them.” Says Ophelia

“We can help others to help themselves, keep the sailors ship shape in order to keep the ship afloat, but if they are unwilling to help themselves, then they are unworthy of being helped.” Says Isabelle

“Some of these people simply cannot help themselves, they are incapable of doing so which is why they need help.” Says Grace

“I’ll cheer at your rallies when you want to put every braindead person through college. Sometimes you’ve just got to cut your losses; it’s idiotic that people fail to do this, regardless of how much the child might cry when you tell him he’s getting the ax, literally.” Says Isabelle

“Stacy is starting to rub off on you a bit too much. It’s kind of scary.” Says Grace

“I either live and die a savage or I eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, am I wrong to choose knowledge over the life of an ignorant beast?” asks Isabelle

“I don’t think Stacy is all too aware of good and evil, to be honest.” Says Jenna

“I am very aware of them, just because I’m not shilling nouveau good and nouveau evil like some sheep minded leftist idiot doesn’t mean I don’t have the capacity to weigh out the pros and cons of things in regards to society. It’s the nouveau good and nouveau evil that seem to disregard the basis for the concepts of good and evil, social vs antisocial, and instead make the decisions based upon sympathy, empathy, or other misguiding emotions that cloud the mind and prevent it from forming proper rational judgement.” Says Stacy

“I’m with Stacy, even the Old Testament has a firmer grasp of what is actually good and evil compared to the social liberals, and the bible was pretty big on savagery like stoning people to death.” Says Isabelle

“Wow. Let’s just go back to stoning people to death then.” Says Grace, sarcastically

“Well, since Jesus came and said that faith was more powerful than the law, and that the law was only meant to preserve the people until the prophet could reveal the light of God, we don’t really need to follow the rules so strictly because god will forgive us if we mess up or forget some.” Says Ophelia

“See, I like that part of Christianity, all of the old rules can be disregarded since god forgives us of our sins and whatnot.” Says Grace

“I don’t think that’s really what he meant.” Says Ophelia

“If the message of Jesus was telling people to kill, lie, and steal however much as they please, people seem to have misinterpreted it to an extreme degree.” Jokes Stacy

“That’s definitely not it.” Says Ophelia

“I thought that’s what the crusades were all about.” Jokes Isabelle

“I don’t know.” Says Ophelia

“It’s god’s will so long as you are killing and stealing from only the infidels, no lying though.” Says Stacy

“Of course not, I was foolish to think such a thing.” Says Isabelle

“You are forgiven, dear child.” Says Stacy

“Thank you, Mother Stacy.” Says Isabelle

“Don’t give Stacy that much credit. Nuns are actually good people.” Says Jenna

“Stacy’s a good person, in her own way. At least she’s good at things, for what that’s worth. All the goodness in the world amounts to nothing if you can’t put it into action.” Says Isabelle

“Stacy’s good for talking, that’s about it.” Says Jenna

“Having something to say is better than saying nothing at all, even if it is foolish or nonsensical, it at least gives people an opportunity exercise their brains by contemplating and reasoning with whatever is being said. Silence is kin to death, so even by simply agreeing with something and remaining silent you are choosing to die quietly than to live for something.” says Isabelle

“You either resist the ideological monoculture and exist as an individual or you embrace the indoctrination and become another nameless citizen living and dying as a mindless servant of Babylon. If somebody tells you what to think, what is right, wrong, good, bad, civil, or uncivil, they have denigrated you by dismissing your ability to think for yourself. They want you to be another cog in their machine, a member of their cult, and to accept such a role is to choose powerlessness over power, an unnatural fate for the beast with a mind capable of manipulating its surroundings to the point of unquestionable biological dominance.” Says Stacy

“I’m pretty sure they reached that point by consistently coming to some common ideology and working together from that point, by disagreeing with the common sentiments you are straying from the communalism that made humanity successful. Alone they are nothing but animals, but together they have the capacity to orchestrate and successfully execute increasingly complex and difficult tasks.” Says Jenna

“Love your neighbor as yourself, Jesus would agree with Jenna here. It’s the community that is important, alone we are powerless, but togetherness is what makes any group of people strong.” Says Ophelia

“It is true that cooperation is the cornerstone of success, but that does not mean that Babylon’s idealist concept of democratic cooperation is in any sense reflective of the systems which wrought historic greatness. Babylon seeks to miraculously create cooperation where it is near if not actually impossible, they seek to mix oil and water into one solution, by partisan lines or otherwise the groups of people unwilling to cooperate will never fully cooperate as one unified body, and with the laws of the land continuously and forcefully stirring the crock of shit that is American society, they indoctrinate people into thinking that simply because they can force societal and political emulsion that this state is the natural and ideal form of society. Clearly this is nonsense because they put opposing factions in a room and they do nothing but disagree when they are expected to come to a mutually agreed upon conclusion.

 Forcing this ideal upon people regardless of its shamelessly unproductive and often times counter-productive if not destructive results is a clear symptom of cult-like delusion. This is like giving sick people homeopathic medicine instead of real medicine because the nonsensical baseless ideals held by that community argues that the most logical way to cure a person with a 45 caliber gunshot wound is to shoot him with BBs or even just 9 millimeter rounds until these magically heal his original gunshot wound. The idea is nonsense but still has a massive following because people are idiots that are willing to put faith in baseless ideals because if the ideal actually functioned as people argue that it does, that would be much better than the alternative, and people always want this outcome and thus chase it despite the fact that it is blatantly impossible to attain.

 In this case choosing to use snake oil instead of modern medicine because people would rather cure every ailment imaginable with little drops of herbal tinctures instead of putting super evil manmade chemicals in their body, of course this would be all good and well if homeopathic medicine actually worked, but seeing how it is bullshit to the point where they legally have to tell you on the box, ‘this is bullshit that has no legitimate medical application’, people are simply indoctrinated cultists putting all of their faith in ideality rather than actually acknowledging reality. Back to the point, the ideals of Babylon and its social and political structure have as much legitimate measurable merit as homeopathic medicine, but are forcefully preserved by the cultists who have faith in them simply because their delusions allow them to disregard reality in the name of chasing some perfect unattainble ideal.” Says Stacy

“Idealists like to see things that reflect their ideals more than anything of actual merit that contradicts their ideals. It’s a matter of whether or not the means justify the end, and even if the results of an idealist system are subpar, achieving more so substantial results through a disliked and unpopular system is far less preferable in the eyes of most people. The founding fathers would rather be free than oppressed, even if this was counter-productive in a sense, and this ideal is reflected in their works. Making decisions is about making sacrifices, and sometimes progress is sacrificed in the name of ideals or even just the happiness of the people, which shouldn’t really be something that upsets anyone.” Says Jenna

“If ideal failure is better than unideal success, we should just throw everybody out of a god damn airplane without a parachute because ‘boy howdy, it sure would be awesome if people could fly, so let’s just presume this to be the case, seeing how it is more preferable than the current reality’ and jump out of the airplane basing our lives and future success on our blind faith in this idea.” Says Stacy

“I know it’s foolish to think that everybody will work together and agree all the time, especially politicians, but it’s worked pretty well up to this point. I’m sure I would have some complaints if the government wasn’t doing a pretty good job. Even if they’re not super-efficient or productive, they get enough work done for everything to run smoothly for the most part.” Says Ophelia

“They get that work done by the skin of their teeth more often than not, it’s not like they just sit down and do what needs to be done, they bicker and poison all every last piece of legislation and funding with partisan policy in order to force everyone to choose between actually accomplishing something and being forced to take the accompanying poison pill of whatever partisan riders were attached to the bill or otherwise objecting and accomplishing nothing. Most of the time politicians are just sitting there and telling people that they will prevent the government from functioning at a bare minimum unless they get their own petty bullshit included and ratified with the otherwise reasonable bill. Politics consists of taking the functionality of the government hostage and not letting it go unless you get your ransom of petty politics paid in full. I can agree with Stacy that this is a ridiculous method of governance.” Says Isabelle

“Even if it comes down to that, the people who do that just want to see some progress get made, they know they won’t be able to pass whatever bill they wanted to if it was proposed alone, so in order to actually accomplish something their party wants to they are pretty much forced to do that. Seeing how it’s that or nothing, I’m glad there is actually some way to sneak some progress into legislation, as it would otherwise be impossible without that. Even if it can be bad, seeing how the liberals tend to be disadvantaged, I’m glad it gives the minority some capacity to have some sort of impact within the legislative system. ” Says Grace

“While it may function to some extent, the ideal does not function as it should. I am not saying to abandon this entirely, but as it is, the country has put all of its eggs in one dysfunctional basket and there is no reprieve in sight unless one party loses enough support to give the other an uncontestable majority. Even then, it requires there to be a minimum of partisan infighting and undoubtedly the hardliners and moderates would end up getting in each other’s way as much as the red and blue factions of the past. This faith in the one and only option of government is contrary to logic, it is basically communism in democracy’s clothing by having this one system of authority that is unchangeable and wields all power.

 Capitalism argues that competition is what drives success, and when there is no competition in the field of governing bodies, this means that there is no incentive for the government to be successful or actually accomplish anything. The clear solution is a pure state’s rights system, or even beyond that, near autonomy for counties and cities with the few exceptions to be in cases of war. This would give each small portion of the country the ability to govern themselves as they see fit, and from this independence there are far more trials of every possible philosophy from which we can actually gauge what works and what doesn’t instead of having the one uncontrolled experimental trial known as the federal government giving us an entirely inconclusive sample size from which we can draw zero conclusions and learn nothing from.

 A federation of counties and cities would easily make everybody happy, they can move to places where they agree with the politics, seeing how communities tend to have consistent political views when the nation doesn’t, they can actually pass legislation with their own local uncontestable majorities: we can see real progress and real results, good or bad, and actually have a system of experimental trial and error from which we can draw legitimate conclusions which aid in the development of a more perfect union. The current system defies the rational thinking of both capitalism and the scientific method, which would have it laughed out of any contest of legitimacy, but it still stands simply because people are unwilling to believe that anything about the foundation of America or the founding fathers is imperfect in any way,” says Stacy

“That seems like it contradicts your usual approach of authoritarian tyranny with no room for democracy of the whimsy of the people.” Says Isabelle

“An uncontestable majority by any means necessary is a truth I tend to hold dear. Even if it means giving people the ability to choose to make mistakes and learn from them, it is better than a system that doesn’t even allow them to do that. I see my own system as a parsley bit better simply because I wouldn’t need to make many of the mistakes to learn from them in the first place, seeing how common sense can inform you of the results before you even undertake such a venture. I don’t put faith in the people enough to make decisions that are beneficial for society instead of putting themselves before the good of the whole, so I seek to minimize their opportunities to do such things. This is not to say I would not rely on the federation system of sorts, with far less freedom in terms of where people would live in regards to proper culling, but I would let the city-states govern themselves so long as they did not forsake progress and success in the name of hedonism or idealism, a little oversight tends to be a good thing.” Says Stacy

“I think you would have more success by arguing in the name of freedom and progress instead of despotism. Choose your battles, so they say.” Says Jenna

“Ironically that would take the federal government to agree on something like that, and they sure as hell wouldn’t want to give up their jobs.” Says Isabelle

“Even though they’re not great at it, the federal government does a lot of things to spread the wealth; without them a lot of backcountry and impoverished places would be in total disrepair with little in terms of infrastructure and social services. I’m sure if you gave big cities and big businesses the opportunity to forsake their charity to the poorer parts of the country, they would be more than happy to let the poor die miserable and forgotten in the godforsaken boondocks.” Says Grace

“That’s a good point, but propping these places up with federal money isn’t doing anything to resolve their inherent issues that induce their relative poverty. These places would have to rely on the lessons from the revolutions in history that teach a place how to develop from a backcountry land of peasantry into a modern competitor in the economy. Of course many places are simply agricultural societies and they can address their own needs, but those with sizable populations and endemic poverty would need a cultural shift to lift the people out of poverty, they need to become willing to sacrifice themselves for the progress of their city-state and the hope of a better future in order to see these things come to fruition. The governments would need to accommodate such development by attracting investment by actually providing something promising enough to invest in, and this would likely require some use of the riding crop of authoritarianism, but progress does not come without a price, human if it cannot be paid in cash.” Says Stacy

“It troubles me that I agree with you, but it would take drastic changes well beyond the norm to solve the endemic poverty in the poorer areas of the country. Propping them up with federal money has amounted to little, seeing how anyone who actually develops the capacity to make money is more than likely going to leave the area as soon as they possibly can.” Says Jenna

“You can’t really prevent that without imprisoning people in whatever area they’re from and telling them it’s their responsibility to make it better. Success yields success, and failure more failure, it’s hard to break a cycle that has continued for generations, in many of these places since the days when slavery was first abolished.” Says Grace

“If a man has no desire to better his life, you force him to develop such a desire by removing his contentment, placation, and satisfaction. A man is always willing to fight for his life, but many have no blood of kings or conquerors within them that causes them to crave far more than that.” Says Stacy

“Plenty of people don’t have the means to better their life; they’re wage slaves who have to work a menial job in order to survive. I’m sure everybody would jump on the opportunity to go to college if they could, but it’s simply not possible for plenty of people.” Says Grace

“The issue with wage slavery is that it allows a man who can amount to more than menial labor to sustain his life with such instead of forcing him to develop the skillset needed to further the progress and success of the economy. While it may be costly to hire educators for every meager man in the country, his wages should be withheld lest he can convince a machine that he is pursuing his educational or professional development to the point where he earns the wages, for wages should represent social and economic progress, and not be the marker of social and economic stagnation. Sure, some could convince a doctor that they are incapable of any educational or professional development beyond menial labor, but for many this is not the case, and I shan’t have a horse pull a carriage at a trot simply because he has not been whipped enough to gallop.” Says Stacy

“As much as the country needs educated people, it also needs people to perform labor. If everybody was educated, it’s not like the demand for menial labor would go down, and then these people are sitting there with an education that has amounted to nothing and are still forced to do lowly work regardless.” Says Isabelle

“An educated parent produces a more so successful child than an uneducated one, so even if they amount to nothing more, their influence on society and largely their children would produce better results for generations to come, even if the laborer did not see the tree of education bear fruit.” Says Stacy

“I don’t know. I would hate to get out of school just to learn that I not only have to work forever, but also go to school forever too. That sounds awful.” Says Ophelia

“I can see her point though, poverty appears as if it is hereditary because the children embrace the same character traits of their parents that cause them to be poor, the same thing goes for success and one of the key components of success is education.” Says Grace

“It is rare we get to hear Stacy argue in favor of democracy and lifting up the people, there must be something in this coffee.” Jokes Jenna

“Going to school forever would be a letdown if anything.” Says Ophelia

“Not school, but the pursuit of knowledge, you wouldn’t be tasked with the rigmarole of schooling with the formulaic outcomes and philosophy of general education. You would be tasked with learning things that are applicable to your life, your job if there are any, and otherwise whatever subject you end up deciding to focus on for whatever reason, hopefully out of some level of enjoyment of the subject. The reason this sounds unappealing is because the modern man is shilled the electric cocaine of entertainment, which of course would be banned like all other unproductive forms of hedonism. Given the choice of watching the grass grow or educating yourself in your free time, many people wouldn’t mind the latter, and even fewer would when they realize that their ability to live a comfortable life where they get to eat tends to correlate with how well they can prove their educational progress.” Says Stacy

“No fun allowed and I don’t get to eat if I don’t pass tests, that is never going to be popular, but I can see why you like it. You tend to be fond of crazy things like that for some reason.” Says Ophelia

“I figured you just want to be a mother for the most part, Ophelia. I doubt Stacy would be forcing this upon people who don’t work.” Says Isabelle

“I wouldn’t expect you to learn anything that you could not apply to your own life, lest you know all of these things and seek to further your education out of your own passion. Even in the case of a mother, there are plenty of things to learn: nutrition, exercise, cooking, first aid, childhood education, among the basics, with things like child psychology and parenting to whatever extent those can actually be learned as an option, as well as the traditional skills of tailoring and even gardening to produce some form of food for one’s self and countless other things that one can learn and benefit from. There is a wealth of information that can be learned and applied to one’s life, even if one has the job of being a mother.” Says Stacy

“That doesn’t sound so bad; I can see that it would actually be useful unlike the stuff we learn in school.” Says Ophelia

“Stacy seems like the kind of conservative that would force that role upon all women though; I think that plenty of women would be up in arms if they heard that was what they were expected to do.” Says Grace

“Zero women would be up in arms over that fate because that is what a woman does, wants to do, and would be more than happy to improve upon the life of herself and her family. The women that you refer to are not women in the slightest, they are neuter humans that do not reflect their sex in their mentality for whatever reason, most of these neuters are upset with the fact that they have female reproductive organs in the first place and seek to be treated as a sexless object or even worse as a man, and this far from actually embracing the characteristics and qualities of a woman.

 I would treat these women like the worker bees in a beehive, and they would be expected to do work instead of bear children, seeing how that is their desire, and they would be held to the neuter expectations of working and productive education like all other neuters, including the men who also fall into this category because they seek education and intelligence as opposed to exploiting their advantages in physical strength and natural aggression by performing strenuous physical labor, performing the necessary manhandling to keep society in line, fighting as soldiers, or some other field where men are naturally advantaged.

 This would of course place a heavy burden on the women, the queen bees in the allegory, who must produce enough young to sustain the population, but of course they would be compensated for providing such a critical service to our nation. This is not to say that the neuter people would actually be neutered, but many would likely have much of the responsibility of rearing the children entrusted to women until the children are old enough to enter the system are semi-autonomous beings considering that in such a scenario many of the children themselves would be destined to become neuters.” Says Stacy

“God damn. It feels so good to hear you knock down the indignant feminists like that. I hate all the uppity bitches who think they deserve special treatment in the workplace and anywhere else because they happen to be female. Sure women are discriminated against, but so is everybody else for the most part, suck it up. If you want to go against the grain and be a powerful woman, go for it, but don’t expect it to be easy. I may want to be powerful, but at least I don’t expect anyone to cut me any slack or sympathize with me for a second while I claw my way to the top, and I expect to be treated even worse once I get there. Sexual harassment? You’re a woman surrounded by men, get used to it. Feminists think we should cut the balls off every bastard who looks at them wrong for having some simple instinct. If you wanted to avoid that you made a terrible mistake by putting yourself in the line of fire like that.

 Sure there are real rapists out there, but when you’re getting drunk around horny guys and going home with them, it’s not like you were raped because you regret it, if you didn’t want some guy to have his way with you, hrm, I don’t know, maybe just don’t get shit drunk around men and pass out with your legs open. When you’re basically inviting drunk, equally stupid men to have a go at you like that, it’s hard to say you’re not asking to be taken advantage of. That’s like going into the ghetto wearing the wrong colors and expecting not to be shot. It’s a dangerous world, it’s your own responsibility to protect yourself from assaults of all kind, including the sexual kind, so sure you can be the victim of a crime, but willingly and happily putting yourself in the situation where it is far more likely to happen, intoxicating yourself to the point where you hardly function, and expecting to crawl out of the lion’s den the next day without being eaten is foolishness.

 If you’re not willing to protect yourself, there’s no reason anyone else should be obligated to do so either. If a person throws themselves in front of a car, it’s not the driver’s fault that the person got hit, so the same logic should apply everywhere. I’m tired of women who think that it’s society’s responsibility to ensure their safety, happiness and comfort while they go out and jeopardize their own safety and comfort for shits and giggles expecting everything to be peachy only to find out that drunk men will take advantage of drunk women, it’s not news, it’s not a tragedy, it’s just common sense, don’t put yourself in that situation if you don’t want it to happen, giving anyone the benefit of the doubt is a form of gambling, foot the bill yourself if you lose, if you didn’t want to lose you shouldn’t be gambling in the first place. Women are so entitled it has become a form of insanity. Drunk whores get treated like drunk whores, that’s just a fact of life, just because you’re indignant doesn’t change this fact. It’s insane that society is ok with the fact that women expect to be able to act like drunk whores and get treated like fucking princesses. Before you ask, yes, I would argue that getting drunk around men is being a whore, because that is literally the only endgame that situation, so by doing those things, that is what you want. That’s how I see it anyways. Go ahead and disagree, Grace.” Says Isabelle

“It seems like just being around Catholic girls has made you feel so much more justified in your conservatism. It used to be a bit more moderate, but now you don’t hold back. I can’t even say I disagree with you that much, it’s stupid to think that getting drunk around men is not going to lead to you being raped sometimes. That’s just what men do, especially drunk men. I’m not defending the men; it’s just harder to defend the women who put themselves in that situation than it is to defend people who are victims of the sober forms of sexual assault and harassment.” Says Grace

“I’m surprised you’re not fuming after Stacy told you that you’re not a woman.” Says Isabelle

“Well, I’m certainly not her definition of a woman, so if that’s what she wants to call career oriented women so be it, a rose by any other name.” says Grace

“I think it’s a bit bold to allege that they’re not women because they don’t devote their entire lives to motherhood and forsake work all together. While that is the traditional role, contemporary women have redefined what it means to be a woman by opening more opportunities for themselves and others rather than simply being forced into the original role of a woman.” Says Jenna

“In order to be a woman, the person in question must perform the role of a woman in society, which is largely if not exclusively defined by childbirth and the rearing of children. This is what a woman doe. While plenty of people sought a neuter role and gained rights to help them accomplish this, this is not being a woman, this is being a person, your actions and the products of your life are irrelevant from your genitals and thus an asexual role, existing to provide such services would merit no distinction between men and women, and this is why I would not describe them as women. Being a female is exclusively defined by the fact that a female performs a complementary role in reproduction with a male, without this there is no significance to the difference in genitals, and no need for such terminology. In history men defined what a woman was, many women wanted to break out of this definition and find new opportunities, they succeed, and many embrace a new role, that of a neuter, but that also means that they are no longer women. A woman is defined by child birth, child rearing, and homemaking, a neuter is defined by intelligence and work, while a man is defined by fighting, protecting, dominance, authority, and physical strength dependent labor.” Says Stacy

“It’s not like you’re against women’s rights, even if they’re not women to you. I also like that you say plenty of men aren’t even men either, I’m sure they’d be just as pissed off about that.” Says Grace

“I doubt it, men like that would just lie down and take it. Those types of men, the neuters, they don’t have the backbone to defend themselves, that’s why they’re such good employees. The dangerous ones are the ones who actually qualify as men.” Says Isabelle

“I hate to be the sourpuss, but I’m not quite in favor of women’s rights. Thanks to some girls who were pissed off because they happened to be women and didn’t want to be, now we’re all expected to go to school and waste our time learning stuff instead of just learning from our own moms how to be good homemakers and wives and getting married and having children and stuff. That would be way easier, I still have to do chores all the time, but now I have to go to school and do homework on top of it.” Says Ophelia

“I think it’s just that most girls would rather not devote their lives to that from day one. You see a hateful, bitter, angry girl like Grace and realize that she would make a terrible mother and wife, so it’s good that she’s not forced into that role. It might be a waste of your time, if that’s really all you want, but it’s still not a bad thing to learn a thing or two, literacy never hurt anybody.” Says Isabelle

“I think after World War Two the country realized that having women in the workplace was more valuable than just forcing them to be mothers, so that is why the doors kind of opened up. The country just values capitalistic success more than family values, and this is why they broke up the traditional roles and just put everybody they can in the workforce, seeing how it effectively doubles the number of workers you have at your disposal. I’m not opposed to this, but if there were some concessions made to remind women that they are still women and not neuters, and that if they are willing a good portion of their lives should be devoted to their biological role of having and raising children, the country would have more respect for women in general. Right now women are kind of seen as just some bitch in the workplace and often just an object for meaningless sexual gratification, where as if the motherhood element of women was glorified and emphasized, I think a lot of people might actually respect and value women instead of seeing them as a competitive threat or otherwise inadequately performing employee in the workplace and otherwise a whore on the streets. Plenty of places like Europe do better than us for actually paying women for doing the work of bearing and raising children, providing both a means and an incentive to do so.” Says Jenna

 “As much as the concept is ideal, this results in children living in poverty scraping by on welfare. Many of these children embrace the culture of the ghetto rather than the ideals of society and hence are more prone to crime and more likely to disregard education, but who can blame them seeing how the public education system fails them and there’s little success to be had other than that provided by criminal ventures if you’re misbegotten to such an extent. The American Dream has failed these people for generations to the point where it has transformed into the Ghetto Dream where crime has replaced hard work as the only means to true success, and this is proudly reflected in much of the music of urban youth.” Says Isabelle

“It’s the government’s fault for systematically discriminating against the black community to the point where they have no choice but do as the white society wants them to and define the culture of their poor people as a notoriously criminal one seeing how that is the only route to success society is willing to provide them. Sure, some of them can manage to overcome every obstacle placed in front of them by the system, but it’s not like they chose such a fate, they’re only making due with what they are given, as much as it harms their own community, people will always aspire to be successful by any means necessary, even if that means turning to crime.” Says Grace

“Babylon clearly seeks to accommodate the antisocial behavior of the ghettoites at all costs in order to continuously demonize, segregate, and control the Negro. They understand that educated and successful Negros would disrupt their status quo, and so they do what they can to keep them embracing the culture of the ghetto rather than turning to the legitimate means of bettering their lives. The profitability of drug dealing is solely induced by the federal prohibition, so the backbone of criminal enterprises solely exists because the federal government wants it to. Babylon simply wants to have a reason to hunt the Negros, and so they created one by criminalizing drug use.” Says Stacy

“I’m pretty sure drugs are illegal because they’re really bad for your health and you can get hooked on them really easily.” Says Ophelia

“The prohibition still hasn’t done a damn thing to stop the drug peddlers; it only encourages them because they can charge a scarcity fee and actually make money on things that would otherwise be worth less than dirt.” Says Isabelle

“If you look at statics, the most dangerous things in society are refined sugars, simple carbohydrates, cigarettes and alcohol seeing how the majority of people die from complications of obesity, smoking, or drinking, and the government could care less about preventing these deaths. Drug prohibition is more than likely just a way to discriminate against minorities, seeing how the government is indifferent to the millions of people who die every year on account of other addictive chemicals that are abused by the general public.” Says Jenna

“By glorifying drugs in culture and legally reinforcing their status as the oil of the ghetto, the only means to become rich in the Wild West, they can tempt more poor people to do drugs and embrace criminality, and use this temptation into crippling vice to oppress the largely non-white poor people and preserve the de facto segregation set in place through generations. It would be hard to convince these people to abandon their ways in order to better their society, but such is the case for every facet of society, rich or poor, educated or uneducated, each one of them does the dance Babylon requests and such is how their subtle yet absolute authority is preserved, by tempting people to do what you want them to, rather than simply forcing them to do so. People will always do what you want them to if you make it tempting enough, even if it is but the reinforcement of their own disenfranchisement, oppression, plight, folly, and misery.” Says Stacy

“I think if the community made an effort to uplift the people, there would be a lot more awareness of the situation that they are put in.” says Jenna

“Plenty of people in the community are aware of their situation, but judging by the popular music charts they would rather just embrace their place in society and take it for what it’s worth than settle for the alternative which is nothing at all. It’s not like they would be any less oppressed if they forsake their criminal culture, they’re just wise enough not to look a gift horse in the mouth so they say. Play the hand your dealt; it’s not an unreasonable strategy.” Says Isabelle

“It clearly is when in the past the black community had strong speakers who could uplift their people and that amounted to the civil rights movement, even if the government wants to subtly oppress them by glorifying this culture, it doesn’t mean that the people have to be complacent with that.” Says Grace

“I think it has more to do with that, the drug business stretches into South and Central America, which means that by providing the demand, as an effect you create criminal enterprises in these countries which gives them a much higher degree of instability and volatility. This makes them easier to exploit financially when they are ridden with these problems, so the impacts of removing the profitability of drug peddling could be felt across much of the economic spectrum, at least in terms of any goods imported from the Latin nations. High crime leads to weaker governments, which leads to weaker currency, which leads to more so profitable trade relations with these countries. The blacks are likely just the sacrificial lamb to get the American government a better deal in terms of trade with the Latin nations across the board. This also holds true in the opium fields of the Middle East, even if that may just be to spite these countries by exacerbating crime out of subtle religious persecution.” Says Stacy

“It’s so terrible that the government thinks it’s a good idea to cripple and corrupt the black community and the Latin states in exchange for cheaper fruits and vegetables.” Says Grace

“I think the government thought it was a good idea to cripple and corrupt the black community and certainly wasn’t going to turn their nose up at getting cheaper fruits and vegetables in the process.” Says Isabelle

“I’m pretty sure that the government tries to be tolerant and respectful to everybody, that was what the last 40 years of civil rights have been about.” Says Ophelia

“That’s just them saving face while they do their damnedest to preserve the status quo. It’s not like the white men in power are happy to share their power with anyone, let alone minorities, women, or anyone else for that matter.” Says Isabelle

“It’s counterproductive to keep the people you dislike ignorant and in poverty in an attempt to preserve the status quo, at least in a democracy, seeing how ignorant and impoverished people are far more likely to have children than educated and successful people.” Says Stacy

“Hence the government’s recent advancements to uplift and educate the minorities at all costs and condemn and demonize all poor whites with the help of political correctness. It’s like they just took every common opinion held by the poor whites and decided that each and every one of them is the antithesis of political correctness and deserves to be rebuked and that these people must be chastised for having any sense of self-worth or pride in their culture and history. Any minority culture can be glorified as if it is some immaculate spectacle of divine grace, but if a white person ever defends anyone other than progressive apologists who loathe their own white skin, culture, and history they are instantaneously branded as a fascist or a Nazi. It amounts to nothing more than furthering the schism between the neo-communist left known as the ‘progressive liberals’ and the neo-fascist right known as the ‘hardline conservatives’.” Says Isabelle

“Maybe it’s because the majority of white history was the antithesis of political correctness, it was largely defined by racism and bigotry. There’s no sense in trying to justify these sorts of things when it is disrespectful to the minorities that we should be respecting and cooperating with.” Says Grace

“It’s so ridiculous that the whites are vilified in a white majority country to the point that the majority of the whites simply won’t put up with the communist ideal of political correctness and would rather preserve their dignity than appear like nice tolerant people. Every other race in the world is has the exact same racialist notion of pride if not superiority in their own people, this notion is glorified as some sort of uplifting wholesome beauty when every other race holds these notions, but when white people have these same notions they are suddenly evil, hateful, and terrible human beings. Every culture is beautiful and scared except for the culture that defined global domination and success for the last 500 years, that one should be extirpated entirely and anyone who disagrees should be ashamed of themselves. It’s asinine hypocricy.

I’m not racist, but I’m not going to disrespect success, it’s not like everyone else didn’t suffer too. People act like the majority of victims of white oppression were minorities when historically the minorities were a very small fraction of the country, the vast majority of the country was white and the victims of white oppression happened to be white themselves far more often than not, it’s not success through racist oppression, it’s success through oppression that just happens to be racist sometimes. Telling people that a country whose success is entirely defined by economically if not socially oppressing and exploiting anyone and everyone in the world they possibly could that this strategy is wrong just because some people are irrationally oppressed and some misbegotten idiot happens to be unhappy with this fact is telling people that success is far more irrelevant than the sentiments of misbegotten idiots.

 The fact that these people are American citizens is the most jarring part of it all, if you are so ungrateful that you live in the most powerful country in the world where even people of marginalized races living in poverty are given access to cutting edge technology, healthcare, luxuries and amenities the vast majority of the world will never have in their lifetime then go ahead and move to the middle of the Democratic Republic of Congo, get malaria, and die because outside of this literal paradise nobody gives a fuck about you or the fact that you’re dying. Just because your life isn’t perfect doesn’t justify and insane level of entitlement and the fact that you are an ingrate regardless of living in one of the greatest countries in the world.” Says Isabelle

“You just sent easily half the country if not the entire country to the Congo and told them to die from malaria, but ok.” Says Grace

“I can see your point. I’m entirely in favor of removing most if not all of the amenities of the first world just so instead of becoming accustomed to them and expecting them out of their own damnable entitlement they are actually grateful when they receive some parsley bit of that sort of luxury. Sure I can give you this penicillin, but you owe me plenty of patriotism and you’re for damn sure on the books as owing a life debt to this great nation. You don’t get something for nothing, and of course this includes the benefits of living in such a wonderful place. Anyone who feels entitled to the benefits of living in America just because they live here should quickly be reminded how they are most certainly not entitled to a damn thing; such privileges must be earned through loyalty and devotion to our country. If a man spits in the face of this great nation, in turn shall she spit in his face when he is suffering or dying from treatable and curable ailments, only on the kindest days, for a modest, humble American would break his limbs and leave him to writhe and starve, one of the many deaths such a treasonous wretch is worthy of.” Says Stacy

“I think part of what makes this country so great is that we don’t do things like that to people who might have something critical to say of the government.” Says Jenna

“I don’t like the protestors either, they do cause a lot of problems and light things on fire sometimes, but I don’t think they should just be killed like that.” Says Ophelia

“It’s not even the act of protesting that I have an issue with, it’s that the majority of the time it’s god damn communists upset that their impossible delusional fantasy communism isn’t put in place by people who thankfully have enough brain function to realize that communism isn’t a solution to anyone’s problems except for the anorexics who are upset that food even exists in the first place.” Says Isabelle

“It’s not communism, welfare state socialism is clearly different, and it doesn’t want to exterminate capitalism, it just wants the wellbeing of poor and middle class people to be more so supported by the people and businesses drowning in money.” Says Grace

“If you have a 50% tax rate, that’s half communism, 51% and it rounds up to legitimate communism. The people don’t realize that America can’t even pay the bills for its welfare state program as it is, and taxes are already high enough for businesses to instinctively hide as much money as they can in tax havens. These people want to collect money that isn’t theirs and make investments that don’t turn a profit: it’s feel-good bullshit, if you’re that intent on feeling good that you would sacrifice your financial stability, functionality, and wellbeing in order to do so, just go shoot heroin or something.” says Isabelle

“The situation is simple, there is a man who farms beets and owns one sheep. He has historically sheared the sheep and made clothes that allow him to survive the winter and survived by eating the beets. Socialists argue that we should kill the sheep and eat it because it would be delicious and taste better than beets, but they don’t understand that we would freeze to death after doing so because we no longer have the wool to make the clothing we need to survive.” Says Stacy

“Even communism is a better idea than welfare state socialism, at least in communism they just forcefully take over the businesses and redirect the products to the people as they see fit, by attempting to do this through some oppressive taxation, the businesses just leave and you deprive yourself the opportunity to even have state-operated business that can function at some level.” Says Isabelle

“There’s no problem in forcing people to forsake some trivial amount of their luxury in order to allow everybody to have a little bit of weight taken off their back. It’s shamelessly greedy to support money hoarding over relieving the suffering of lower class people.” Says Grace

“It’s called success, and you can’t have one without the other, so there’s no point in killing the horse because your crops won’t grow. That’s an issue with the crops, not with the horse.” Says Isabelle

“I’m glad I don’t really care either way, everyone’s ideas make some sense but I’m wary of defending some optimistic ideal instead of real results because I’ve been warned against it so often.” Says Ophelia

“The problem with socialists is that they think the world should be nothing but nice things, smiles, and happiness when people have understood for thousands of years that such a world simply does not exist. It is yin and yang, the balance of light and dark, good and evil; without one there cannot be the other, so in order for people to have any nice things at all, they must embrace the bad things that come along with it. I’m sure you know something about this Jenna, balance and harmony and what not, you’re a centrist when it comes down to everything.” Says Stacy

“I was raised a Catholic, not a Taoist. I probably know less about it than you do.” Says Jenna

“I just know some snippets I picked up from some novels, its philosophical centrism; I figured it would be the bread and butter of political centrists everywhere. They criticized the guy because he didn’t mind bending his own principles and ideals in the name of self-preservation, but in the end he was one of the few people who didn’t get massacred by the alien marauders. I suppose you either die fighting for what you believe in or you live long enough to abandon it.” Says Stacy

“I think the point was that making a compromise is all it takes to avoid dying. I don’t think that the majority of people who seek to find common ground, cooperate, and are willing to compromise as much as possible base their ideas on some ancient Eastern philosophy, I’m pretty sure the yin-yang is more popular with the hippie type and then later the people who just thought it was a cool symbol and likely have no idea what it represents. I don’t think it’s even that popular in Asia to be honest.” Says Jenna

“It does look pretty cool though.” Says Isabelle

“I still don’t understand the appeal of talking about politics, but that’s what so many people enjoy for some reason. I think it’s kind of stupid, it’s not like anybody is actually a politician, but they still think it’s worthwhile to ramble on about every last one of their opinions like they are doing something meaningful by talking.” Says Ophelia

“Spewing your opinions at people mercilessly and rebuking the opinions of those who oppose you is just a simply way to stroke you ego. It’s a contest of pride, having an opinion feels good because you always think you’re right, and since it’s an opinion, you can’t actually be legitimately incorrect for the most part. It’s basically a game you can never lose, because it’s never a matter of knowing the right answer, all you have to do is have an opinion and you win the game.” Says Stacy

“Sadly this is true, people will always argue about politics because there is never any resolution to the argument, it’s just criticizing anything you dislike and feeling proud of yourself for doing so. It’s pretty stupid seeing how little is accomplished by people who are actually professional politicians, let alone the mountain of nothing that gets accomplished by everyone who spits in each other’s faces incessantly because they so vehemently disagree. As much as I’m not opposed to democracy, I feel that just removing any and all political significance of the common person and hence their ability to feel as if their opinions were significant would force them to focus on legitimate and productive topics and interests rather than feel like they’re somehow going to save the world by ranting about politics.” Says Jenna

“Come on now, everyone likes to feel important and significant, even if it is a lie; it’s still an entertaining delusion. There are few feelings better than the self-supremacy felt by defending your own opinion relentlessly and ruthlessly demeaning any contrary opinions. Without that, what would people have to make them feel as if they were significant? Everyone would be depressed and miserable because they are forced to come to terms with how irrelevant and unimpactful they are in the grand scheme of things.” Says Isabelle

“I have more faith in democracy and politics than that because I’ve seen social movements and protests amount to actual meaningful changes in the law many times in history.” Says Grace

“Sure, social movements can amount to meaningful changes when meaningful changes can be made, but when there are no meaningful changes to be had, then the people will start to protest demanding ridiculous changes. Sure, people wanted to have equal treatment for minorities, that was not a bad idea, but now seeing how everything is just fucking peachy the social liberals decided that free speech is dangerous and guns are bad so we should just start limiting and eventually repealing the first and second amendments. I’m sure if they get their way, they will eventually turn their sights on censoring any form of media and press that is not aligned with their masochistic communist liberal ideals because they can allege it is a hate crime because they’re offended by it. After that it is banning Christianity because it discriminates against homosexuals and adulterers and clearly being a Christian is a hate crime against those people.

 I’m all for banning freedom of speech and freedom of the press, I’m just disgusted that the common sentiment is in favor of banning all free speech that isn’t part of the anti-American globalist agenda known as political correctness instead of banning all Anti-American globalist propaganda like somebody who loves their country would do, seeing how nearly every other country in the world bans or suppressed media that isn’t nationalistic. It’s only the backwards West that feels that demonizing themselves is a reasonable idea because irony damned this planet and the global powers are sensitive shame-ridden apologists instead of insensitive shameless bastions of ruthlessness. It’s like the West has just disregarded the entirety of written history as well as the well-founded idiom ‘nice guys finish last’ and just decided that it’s high time to commit suicide.” Says Stacy

“It is better to be feared than loved, if one cannot be both. You have no power if you are not feared, when the government fears the people they are a shepherd who is herded by his sheep, and the suicidal sheep will gleefully prance themselves towards their own demise if the shepherd cannot do his job with the shepherded man himself as the first to be herded by the sheep off of that cliff.” Says Isabelle

“Because clearly that is what helping people and trying to maintain a just and civil society amounts to.” Says Grace

“That is what sheep do if you let them. The common man is not intelligent enough to understand his best interests, and in the age of electronic communication his baaing is echoed through the chambers and he does his damnedest to overpower the shepherd because the sheep are upset that they don’t get to eat those delicious flowers on the edge of a steep cliff on a windy day, they realize that the more that they baa and bite at the shepherd the closer they get to what they want. They only see the flowers and this blinds them to the dangers of the cliff.” Says Stacy

“A little charity goes a long way, it’s not like the economy would collapse if people had a little less spending money.” Says Jenna

“It is a slippery slope, you give a man an inch and he takes an ell. This taking would continue and continue until there is nothing left to take, and once again like every time before the people riot in the streets expecting to get what they want, but they cannot get it because they have killed the dairy cow and not only is there no longer the meat they expect to eat, there is not a drop of milk either, and so the country burns as the fires of indignation go unsuppressed by the idealistic firehoses that spray socialistic welfare on the rioters in order to suppress them. The sad story is that traditional fire hoses would have solved the problem of the original riot and you would get to keep the dairy cow alive. I for one would rather have some milk and hardship than milkless anarchy.” Says Stacy

“I think there has to be some middle ground, I know the government helps poor people, I think it could maybe do some small things for everybody and that might make people happy enough to stop protesting.” Says Ophelia

“The government does plenty of huge things like maintain the infrastructure that everyone relies on. People expect the government to carry more and more of their weight as time goes on, originally the government didn’t carry an ounce of their weight and the country did just fine. The more you artificially carry people, the weaker they get and the less able to carry themselves they become.” Says Isabelle

“It is a fair point that while the safety nets exist, it is quite hard for people to actually get out of them. There should be as much effort placed into getting people out of them as there is into catching them.” Says Jenna

“If you catch, coddle, and comfort people like that, of course they won’t want to leave. If you let them experience the natural hardships of their own shortcomings they would be far more compelled to make the effort needed to lift themselves out of the dregs of society.” Says Isabelle

“Homeless people don’t tend to work, and unvaccinated people spread diseases, so there are some concessions that are more than reasonable, I think if there was some mandated stigma and inadequacy worked into the safety nets people would feel less comfortable in them as they currently get to pretend like everything is fine and dandy when it’s really not; the apparently normal housing and food situation could be modified to a clearly disparate preferable situation of minimalistic mass housing and minimal food instead of decent housing and food just so people are reminded that they should be doing better.” Says Stacy

“Just because you remind them that they are in the safety net won’t make it any easier for them to escape it. That’s just making them even less likely to feel welcome enough in society to the point where they can thrive because you’ve stigmatized them so much.” Says Grace

“The point is that when it’s just peachy to stay comfortable in the safety nets, you will have generations after generations populating the safety nets making their burden on society even heavier. Money that is spent on these causes is lost money that does not turn a profit for the most part, and if it does, it is at a much lower degree than traditionally invested money. This is a cycle that exacerbates itself and hurts the economy so long as it is allowed to exist.” Says Stacy

“I’m surprised you haven’t just suggested killing them yet.” Jokes Isabelle

“They are valuable in terms of the labor they provide, so the goal is to keep the labor but avoid spending tax money on them in order to keep the labor.” Says Stacy

“If you understand that the labor is valuable, then you shouldn’t really have a problem with investing in the people so you can keep the labor.” Says Grace

“It’s not worth that much, Jesus.” Says Isabelle

“The worth of the labor correlates with supply and demand, so if they all die off, their labor is far more valuable because there is little to be had. In terms of capitalism I suppose consolidation in the name of efficiency would be an effective way to relieve some of the burden, as much as it may not be the free market, the free market wants little if anything to do with them in the first place. The government just creates poorhouses, more so workhouses, where the poor are collected, fed strict mass produced rations, they are given work, their wages are diminished in exchange for the services provided, and they are kept there until they are capable of supporting themselves. If suicide is a crime, than dying on account of one’s own self-inflicted poverty is a crime in the same right, and these people would be treated as quasi-prisoners, barred from alcohol and cigarettes for those are luxuries that keep the poor people poor and it would be counterproductive to allow them to have these things. As of now, the government just makes their ends meet, no questions asked, and they get accustomed to that and figure that’s the way it should be, rather than understanding that such a life is not one that anyone should be comfortable with being accustomed to, although some may have no choice.” Says Stacy

“That was at least half-decent so I should applaud you for being so uncharacteristically kind. The majority of money is spend on Social Security and Medicare, so even if you cut down on the amount of money spent on poor people, it’s not like that would even amount to much.” Says Grace

“You understand how burdened the government is already, yet you support the communists who think we can spend twice the amount of money we already do.” Says Isabelle

“I think the government did a stand-up job in addressing the healthcare situation, the people demanded socialized healthcare, the government gave them savings accounts and said “go fuck yourself, spend your own damn money on healthcare”, so we just do that for retirement and any other form of medical expenses and we’ve already put the government in the black for the first time this century.” Says Stacy

“I’m pretty sure the old people would riot if they could, that would be ugly.” Says Jenna

“They invested that money in the system when they were working; they are entitled to get their money back with interest.” Says Grace

“Socialists don’t seem to understand how investing money with interest works. When someone invests $100,000 dollars over the course of 40 years at 2% interest, you might end up with a generous $200,000 dollars at the end of that time; one person can easily spend millions of dollars of tax money on healthcare alone over the course of their slow painful dying, so the numbers don’t add up. As much as it was a terrible promise made in the past, there comes a point where the government just has to admit that the business model does not function, they did not expect the increase in longevity and the developments in modern medicine to accommodate this disproportional payout.” Says Isabelle

“I’m not saying to leave them out to dry, but I would let socialism deal with socialism, and capitalism deals with capitalism. Medicines that are patented are capitalistic medicine and are paid for with money, then anything out of patent is manufactured by non-profit government operated socialist means and these are given to the people relying on socialism to pay for their medicine. This would at least keep the costs at a minimum. As much as the most cost effective method may appear to be just to let them die, this sours the people currently working and investing into the system that will just kill them when they stop working. The old people might not be able to riot, but the younger ones sure will when they realize that their taxation has amounted to nothing but robbery in the end.” Says Stacy

“The level of respect for people coming from Stacy being a non-negative number is astounding, but it almost makes listening to this sort of stuff more painful. Usually it’s just insanity, but hearing some half decent ideas makes me almost as bitter as Stacy realizing how even a legitimate and decent idea will be treated as if it is no better than Stacy’s and never be enacted by the powers that be, especially since the people they seek to please will always rally behind the most preferable ideas as opposed to the most realistic, reasonable or feasible ideas.” Says Jenna

“I didn’t think you’d be afraid of a little riot, Stacy. I figured you’d take any opportunity you could get to flex your muscle.” Jokes Isabelle

“You’ve got to have the muscle to flex in the first place, and that requires some loyal followers, if you just come across as a crook, it’s a lot harder to convince people you’re actually solving problems. If I had the manpower of course I would just silence the contrarians, but for that to happen I have to keep the majority or at least something close to a majority happy with me and unfortunately the people as fond of stoic asceticism and vigorous authoritarian order as I am are few and far between. It would take a while to reindoctrinate the masses to have blind loyalty and faith in my system when they’ve been so conditioned to have faith in Babylon. It would be a slow transition to say the least, at least in times of peace. If the country is on fire of course there will be far more people yearning for a strict sense of order and security, and that would be wonderful, but as it stands the game to be played is pleasing hedonists, so regardless of my reluctance to play, I can at least consider playing that game as a possibility, albeit an improbable one.” Says Stacy

“I think having some more moderate views wouldn’t hurt, you’ve just got to balance your sense of righteousness with some sort of appeal; otherwise you’ve got no chance.” Says Grace

“Moderate politics leads to moderate results, extreme politics leads to extreme results. As much as it may be a gamble, I would rather gamble to have my success be extreme success instead of settling for the snail’s pace of moderate results, especially how moderate successes tend to be negated by the moderate and extreme failures that arise from a system that fails to address issues at any legitimate rate of expedience.” Says Stacy

“I think if nobody agrees with you, having political opinions is at the highest level of irrelevant.” Says Ophelia

“The second I agree with any established political norms is the second I know that I am in the wrong. Even if people start to agree with me, I know that I am in the wrong, because the authority is not something that should ever appeal to the people, the slaver and slavery should never appeal to the slave, if they do, you have treated the slave far too well, and this means productivity, efficiency, and success is lost in the process of making the slave happy. You need to keep the slave alive, keep the slave working, and keep the slave reproducing, but keeping the slave happy amounts to nothing, a scared man works just as hard if not harder than a happy man, and a scared man will work harder during the bad times where as a man kept happy will become indignant and protest during the bad times. Happiness simply costs more than fear or respect to accomplish the same thing, it's bad business.” Says Stacy

“Even me with my nearly nonexistent knowledge of politics understands that it’s a popularity contest. If you don’t even want to compete with that, we just need to get you started on some other topic all together every time, just so you don’t end up wasting your life focusing on something that is guaranteed to amount to nothing.” Says Ophelia

“It amounts to keeping my ego high and watering my self-respect. I suppose that’s not much, because I’m sure they would be rather high even without such maintenance. It’s just like plants that instinctively drink the water and reach for the sun. It’s hard to deny myself the chance to grow my satisfaction with myself by putting my ideas on the delusional pedestal of relative perfection when I compare them to the common sentiment.” Says Stacy

“I’m with Ophelia, your ego is already way too high as it is, I’m sure if we could distract you with something else you might stumble across some needle of humility in your haystack of pride.” Says Jenna

“I suppose I am not much different than the commoners, as I do prefer a roll in the hay more than a roll in the needles, be it the hay of pride, or the needles of humility, they are but vice and virtue by any another name.” says Stacy

“What else would somebody hell-bent on world domination even want to talk about?” Says Isabelle

“We came to the realization before that it has to be something that she can just make up off the top of her head, and that left us with philosophy, so I’m willing to give that a try. It may end up being far more disturbing than her politics, but it’s a reasonable gambit.” Says Jenna

“I’ve only picked up little snippets of philosophy from you, Jenna. I don’t bother myself with thinking about thinking, I’ve been quite happy just knowing things without second thought, or even a first one half the time. If I have no respect for the animal that is man, and I have no respect for what he thinks, then even acknowledging what he thinks about thinking itself is to acknowledge one of the few champions of petty triviality.” Says Stacy

“I never thought you were going to echo some sentiments of legitimate philosophers, I just figure with your infallible pride, your own thoughts regarding thinking and living, the significance of these things or even just describing them would count. If anything else I’m sure we could just start rattling off basic philosophical questions, but those don’t tend to be all that interesting. I think you could throw something out of left field that might even be charming.” Says Jenna

“Does a computer have any sentiments or opinions regarding computing? Does the mind of the little solar powered calculator wander, thinking about the deep significance of the tangible quantity, existent in every instance of countability where something other than a nil value has occurred, that even acknowledging any quantity is enough to share a spiritual bond with all existences, real, theoretical, virtual, and otherwise that are described by any portion of infinity. The calculator acknowledges the number of its screen as a set piece of an infinite sequence of factorial permutations, that expand forever and the calculator acknowledges each point in each permutation that is some billion digits or more on the n and the r, the feet of the P, these points describing a perfect virtual simulation of the surroundings of the calculator to the t, every quantity that exists in this reality perfectly emulated by the perfect code that a capable godlike computer could run and see this calculator sitting in a room, with a small integer displayed in the digital font of Arabic numerals used by man, contemplating its own existence and place within the frame of all possible instances of quantity?

 Science would argue that the calculator does not have these sentiments, so I tend to be similar, a calculator calculates, I as a ramshackle roughshod half-peopley people tend to people in a ramshackle roughshod half-peopley people way without giving it a second thought. In other words, my mind tends to possess itself with the natural programming of people and leaves it at that, contemplating something like a meaning to existence or some philosophical depth is more so akin to schizophrenia than it is to being an animal who, if it were of sane and healthy mind, would solely concern itself with the physical world around itself and not the lofty delusions that should only be induced after being reared in some padded room educated by sensory deprivation. I am a simple animal.” Says Stacy

“It sounded kind of philosophical though, spiritual bonds, lots of infinity and computer generated reality conspiracies.” Says Isabelle

“I didn’t really understand it at all, but I wouldn’t expect to understand philosophy in the first place.” Says Ophelia

“Way harder to follow than politics, but I could understand some of it at least.” Says Grace

“Amazingly the philosophical part was facetious and the actual philosophy was that animals need not concern themselves with philosophy, but only with reality. That might have worked when man was more wild, but when society is this advanced then the ideas and beliefs of people become more powerful than reality, because it is these beliefs that end up shaping and creating reality, however synthetic and unnatural this is, because of man’s power and ability to easily manipulate the world. In a sense you cannot acknowledge civilized reality without also acknowledging the role of philosophy in its creation. It may naturally be insignificant, meaningless, and foolish, but seeing how regardless of all of this it is still the basis for contemporary unnatural human reality, this alone gives it significance and meaning.” Says Jenna

“Philosophy is the witchcraft of incredulous Satanists. They are mediums communicating with the ghosts of opinions and feelings and other ethereal spooksters that love to tickle and spook the man to stray him from the light of god. God shines the light down upon reality and that is what it is, nothing more, nothing less; philosophy is illusionist magic that convinces a human that there is something more than what he sees and even allows him to blind himself to some parts of reality because he is so tickled by Satan’s spooksters.

 The lord made the world countable, finite, real, and specific; this means calculations are what give you an interpretation of reality and a prediction of results. By attempting to use feelings or opinions to give or take merit from these calculations is Satan tempting man to believe that his own mind knows better than god’s light, that his own opinions justify something more than rational justification of quantifiable calculations. There should be no place in any form of government or even human decision-making where an opinion changes one’s actions to the point where they forsake the most success-laden decision for a less successful one that happens to fall in line with their opinions. This holds true for sentiments, but man is a beast before he is an intelligent creature, and his susceptibility to sensory input will indeed cause him to stray from perfect mechanical decision making because of the pangs and pains induced by seeking and achieving perfection or the closest possible outcome.

If opinions that prevent man from exclusively deciding something based on mathematical guidelines  irrelevant from sentiment they are the work of Satan, the physical pains are the result of god spiting man and reminding him that he is not god, that he cannot achieve perfection because the nerves in his body prevent him from pushing it to the physical limits in the name of optimized success, and thus must work within the limits of physical tolerability and after that the limits of his own character to tolerate hardship and difficulty. Man cannot be blamed for his own natural shortcomings, but he is wholly to blame for his own intoxication with opinions and sentiments. It is for this reason I attempt, as foolish as I may be to do so, to make decisions without any opinion, sentiment, empathy, sympathy or other blight that would prevent me from realizing as optimal a solution to a problem as my own meager mind can muster. Of course it does not help that I fill all of the holes in my logic and knowledge with pride, but if man could clearly see and understand everything he does not know or notice, then the world would be a much different place.” Says Stacy

“I should have guessed Grace was possessed by Satan this entire time; that explains so much.” Jokes Isabelle

“You have plenty of opinions too. Maybe you don’t have a proper set of feelings, but you would still be possessed at that rate.” Says Grace

“I’m pretty sure feelings and opinions are not Satan, at least nobody has ever told me that, and I’m pretty sure they would have if it was true.” Says Ophelia

“While it may be logical to avoid using feelings and the like to assist in decision making, you have to understand that people’s feelings are very impactful in regards to the end results of whatever the plan is. The plan can be logically perfect, but if it brings about negative emotional feelings in people, the execution of the plan and their willingness to follow the plan will not be there, so while it remains perfect on paper, it was flawed from the beginning for failing to take into account the volatility of mankind and his susceptibility to sentiments and emotions. It’s kind of like a circuit breaker, if the goal is just to pump as much electricity into the system as possible, then logically it would make sense just to go all out on generating electricity, but when you take into account the fuse of human emotions, if you burn this out, you end up failing to transfer any energy at all. It takes a healthy balance of logic and sensitivity to reach the true optimal solution.” Says Jenna

“If mankind has unwavering faith in the butterscotch god and needs a butterscotch every hour or his faith compels him to strip his clothes off and start running around and screaming belligerently, one must factor in plenty of god damn butterscotch to devise a plan that yields the optimal solution. One can use sensitivity, but one can also choose to desensitize the people instead. This would function like creating a fuse capable of bearing more electricity before burning out. The system does determine the output, but optimizing the system allows one to increase the output by allowing it to tolerate more input without breaking. The closer we can get man to being a purely stoic logical beast, the more optimized his output will be, the more emotions, sentiments, opinions, and the other spooksters of Satan are coddled, respected, and worshiped, the less optimized the output of people will be. It would take an exorcism of sorts, but I have faith that my own faith in god would be sufficient were I able to enlighten those willing to join me in my exorcist’s crusade.” Says Stacy

“That is the difference between idealism and realism; you have to realize that it would be nearly impossible to surmount that extreme level of change in the human psyche. There are few if any people in the world whose brains function like yours does, but I know you are intelligent enough to know this fact. As much as you may have some basis to criticize the brain function of humans, you have no choice but to work with it as it is, in its current state, with its supposed flaws wholly included. Demonizing human nature will do nothing to change it, so a realistic approach would just be to accept it as an unchangeable fact instead of fantasizing about upgrading it through what I can only imagine are exorbitantly inhumane means.” Says Jenna

“If life gives you lemons…” jokes Stacy

“I think Jenna’s point is pretty valid, there’s no possible way you can make your lemonade out of the lemons you have. It is impossible to change everyone into these weird things with brains that operate like mechanical computers.” Says Grace

“You can selectively breed the lemons until after many generations you have the ideal lemon that is palatable yet retains its natural nutritive qualities, reducing the acerbic flavors and producing something far more fit to be readily consumed by the lemon eating monster known as society without causing it to wince as it does and often times be reluctant to even eat the damn lemons.” Says Stacy

“You should start calling society the lemon eating monster instead of Babylon.” Says Ophelia

“Babylon is the government, even if there was no government then the lemon eating monster would still exist, it’s just the interconnected mass of people codependent on each other for their success if not their survival.” Says Stacy

“Pride so strong your philosophy is to paint the source of such an art with crippling flaws that dress it in such a way that it would seem incapable of even forming legitimate philosophical thought, if one is to put faith in your own philosophy.” Says Isabelle

“The human mind is that of an animal ingrained with millennia of paranoia and insanity induced by its absolute power and domination. Clearly the human mind must adapt to its new environment if it has any intention of surviving in this new, dangerous, and unforgiving cityscape.” Says Stacy

“Evolution takes thousands of years if not more, so I wouldn’t put too much faith in that plan.” Says Jenna

“Evolution is the natural form, but the synthetic evolution induced by culling and selective breeding can produce results much faster than the wilds. Man simply must abandon his reluctance to apply his own knowledge and craft honed on animals for millennia to his own brood. He must understand to repent from the temptation of putting faith in Satan’s spooksters of empathy and sympathy, he must abandon his pride and his megalomaniacal faith in the his own legitimacy and quality, he must see himself for what he truly is, instead of putting faith in the ideals preached by the masses of Satan’s thrall who find genetic degeneration and devolution to be sacred and beautiful.” Says Stacy

“I’m not big on faith, but I’m pretty sure god told people that human life is sacred or at least important and worthy of being respected at some point in the bible.” Says Grace

“Perhaps in the times of yore when giants roamed the earth, the genetics of mankind were sufficiently respectable in fields of half-wild barbarism. Mankind must evolve alongside his intelligence and technology, if he does not, he will devolve to the point where he can no longer improve upon these things, and instead of acting as a compliment to his unnatural success, they become the crutch supporting his feeble degenerate body, the only thing giving him legitimacy, because his own biological legitimacy has long since abandoned him.” says Stacy

“Instead of holding everything in this eerily dead robotic light, try to reason with philosophy by thinking about it in terms of what a commonplace human would think. Philosophy was interesting and important because people could relate to it and it would influence their lives by shining light upon how they themselves thought, if you just think about your own oddly inhuman perspective, you have drifted a bit from what philosophy is usually about.” Says Jenna

“Philosophy is the degeneration of mythology, people so proud of their own intelligence that they seek to find answers that aren’t there with their own pompous opinions rather than just making up a spooky story and calling it a day. Of course my philosophy seems odd in this contemporary society, but one’s philosophy is rooted in one’s own opinion of one’s self. Traditionally those who have the time and means to focus their lives on philosophy are plenty comfortable and sitting pretty enough to the point where there is no real repercussion for the fact that they devote their lives to accomplishing virtually nothing.

Philosophy is not the thoughts of the common man, it is the thoughts of these pretentious idiots who haven’t a care in the world because they don’t need to do a damn thing to survive, perhaps the ancient traditionalists were beggars and such who simply enjoyed the process and scraped by, but modern philosophy is dominated by people fueled by airs and pride of the people so bold to con a living out of more so decent people not only by saying what they think is fact, but by taking this a step further and saying what they think about thinking is fact, or at least legitimate by any means. They apply this to thinking and meaning and reason, these ethereal concepts without any bounds or definitions, and they fill up their strawman with their airs and thus convince people that their opinions are any more reasonable than some drunkard on the streets.

 The reason they take hold is largely because they’re humanists, and each egotistical self-centered idiot who happens to pick up their books reads it and feels pretty damn good about himself when the alleged philosopher plays the role of the sick sycophant and strokes the man’s ego until the self-satisfaction he induces by deluding the man by alleging that he inherently possesses pertinence and meaningfulness causes the man to put blind faith in the philosophy for no other reason than the fact that it gives him an egotistical high. There is no merit to this craft, anyone can be a worthless sycophant, and the results of such humanism are nothing but rioting peasants who should be whipped into humble subservience by fear of death and starvation by even contemplating that they might be significant in some way. Contemporary philosophy induces a level of delusion comparable to convincing a man that he is in fact god, with inherent rights, powers, privileges, meaning, significance, and purpose. It is poison.” Says Stacy

“I thought you didn’t know much about philosophy.” Says Ophelia

“I don’t. I just know that the modern framework of American democracy and the subsequent cancerous progeny of this blight were heavily influenced by the philosophers of the day, whoever the hell they might be. I can understand the appeal of feeling like you yourself are a king, even if for no legitimate reason other than the fact some puissant pissant who wrote a book believes you are, especially in a time of real kings and palpably powerless peasants, but something that unjustified is clearly an unhealthy belief.  I’m pretty sure that philosophy has fallen out of the mainstream for hundreds of years after these idiots wrote their books simply because it was impossible to delude a man into thinking that he has even more significance, importance, inherent rights, and respectability than the Enlightenment era philosophers managed to do without inducing a legitimately worrying and dangerous level of mental illness in the man.

 Unfortunately people’s baseless and thoughtless discontentment with contentment has induced a thirst for even more rights and power than these philosophers were willing to grant the people. These people whose profession it was to competitively delude humans of their significance, who gained massive historical significance by being so damn good at it, refrained from doing this because they understood it would clearly be dangerous and ridiculously stupid to delude the people beyond a certain point. Perhaps in their time they were at the limit of modest pride, but the contemporary man has much less, if any, modesty to prevent his pride from reaching levels well beyond the threshold of legitimate insanity. I’m sure if any Enlightenment era philosopher told his audience ‘You are so important and meaningful that you should throw firebombs and break windows until you get whatever it is that you want, because you deserve it’ he would probably have been killed for being so god damn stupid.” Says Stacy

“I’m pretty sure most of the philosophers you are talking about supported that sort of thing. Fighting for your rights and overthrowing tyranny.” Says Grace

“I forgot that getting everything that you want for free is an inalienable human right, and any governing body that doesn’t give you every last thing you want for free is a tyrant. I’m pretty sure the mob of people trying to rob every successful enterprise public and private of their means and hence their meaningful ends, solely in the name of satiating their own sick desires for immortality and art degrees, would be far closer to the tyrants, but of course so long as the mob called foul first and pouts about being powerless, they’re completely in the right and attempting to induce an ironic anarchy in the name of free things from the government is completely justified and reasonable.” Says Isabelle

“It truly is the government’s fault though. Clearly the government needed to call foul against the socialists and the communists first, so that they would be in the right and be completely morally and socially justified when they roll tanks through the protests and gun down the mobs of idiots. McCarthyism was pure success, and somehow the government thought that they could relax the oppression of the communists since the Soviet Union collapsed, and it only took 20 years for the insane Communists to convince enough people that Communism is magic that induces a utopia to have enough lunatics to fill the streets full of people demanding  everything from what they think are inalienable rights to the powers and succors of a despot, and believe that these things should be fueled by taxpayer money. We either silence the communism or put a bullet in the brain of an otherwise healthy horse of a country that just happens to be stupid enough to think that the communists are so powerless that they will never be able to eat him, this, despite the fact that if communists could only eat one thing, it would be horse yet they would still be starving for dessert.” Says Stacy

“Socialism has worked very well in Europe, there’s no reason to have the archaic fear of communism that was fueled more by nuclear weapons than by the illegitimacy of communism.” Says Grace

“It’s a holly jolly good time until you run out of horse meat. Just because you want to forsake the future generations and cause them to inherit a collapsing government because you want free things doesn’t mean communism is a functional system.” Says Isabelle

“I don’t want free things; I think people who are less fortunate than I am shouldn’t have to suffer needlessly.” Says Grace

“Oh no, I’m not immortal, I have to work, I am suffering so needlessly, this is a violation of my human rights.” Says Isabelle, sarcastically

“I think the problem is more that healthcare manages to produce an immense financial strain on people. The other part is that plenty of jobs don’t pay enough for people to survive, so I think both of these things could be addressed in some way.” Says Jenna

“If people weren’t paid enough to survive, they wouldn’t be bitching a moaning in the streets, they would be dead for Christ’s sake. Sure they might not have enough money for food, hard liquor, new shoes, cocaine, a new car, cigarettes, and every last trinket and bauble their bastard child happens to want, but that’s a hell of a lot different than surviving. In terms of healthcare, the problem is that people neglect their own health and expect the government to foot the bill for that, they deserve to suffer. I can support paying it forward, but that’s much different than throwing money on a god damn fire and expecting the fire to go out. If they’re not going to pay the money back, they’re not getting the loan, if the socialized healthcare system had a system of credit scores, it wouldn’t be anywhere near as strained as it is today. If you want an example of how socialism doesn’t work in the slightest, just look at America’s socialized healthcare system. Spend your own money if you’re interested in immortality, it’s not the responsibility of successful capitalists to see to it that every dying child and elderly person gets to suffer another day pumped full of experimental drugs and lathered with the highest quality medical care for shits and masochistic giggles.” Says Stacy

“Thankfully reasonable people aren’t as cruel as you, and do think that people have a right to lifesaving medical care if it exists.” Says Grace

“Prolonging people’s death has a terrible snowball effect that just increases the number people dying slower on the taxpayer’s dime as more people start to die while less people actually die. I am for life saving medical care, so long as you are able to live a full, healthy, and productive life after such treatment, but seeing how every dying bastard can easily take 100 times the amount of money that he put into the insurance system thanks to advances in modern medicine, this is a completely irrational and nonsensical model that is destined for a brutal collapse.

It’s either we forsake the dying people, or we inevitably forsake everybody. Healthcare can be divided into necessities like vaccines, and luxuries like any of the treatments that cost millions of dollars and amount to some kid with cancer dying for six extra godforsaken months in a hospital. The world functions on capitalism, and if we forsake the common sense of making wise investments, we are the ones who foot the bill in the end when our investments sour and we end up losing buckets of money on whatever foolish nonsense we for some unknown reason felt was a worthwhile investment. Even if it seems nice, or good, it is the emapathetic heroin that is crippling the country and causing the same psychological illness that hedonistic addiction causes in drug addicts that can somehow justify their antisocial actions solely based on the euphoria felt by shooting up.” Says Stacy

“It’s not like we can just kill these people, and it would be terrible to know that doctors are forced to abandon the Hippocratic oath in the name of capitalistic business practices.” Says Jenna

“In order for things to run smoothly, plenty of people have to die. It’s a bitter pill to swallow, but if you can understand how terrible it would be if nobody ever died, then you can understand that a comparable situation is induced simply by having a situation where people fail to die in a timely and reasonable manner. If you look at it like cowboys and banditos, the irrational healthcare expenses are clearly a terrible bandito shooting his six-gun at the cowboy of the budget and for the cowboy not to shoot back doesn’t make a lick of sense. In regards to the moral quandary, there is no grounds to have such an argument, because in its current state the medical profession is explicitly doctors extorting extremely large sums of money from people in fear of pain, misery, sickness, and death, there is hardly any justification to that system other than the capitalistic one that argues that people are willing to pay for it.” Says Stacy

“I think plenty of doctors want to help people, it’s not like they’re all just in it for the money.” Says Ophelia

“It doesn’t matter what their intentions are if their prices and industry standard prices disagree. Socializing medicine is just accommodating the greed of the medical profession, largely in terms of the drug peddlers. It’s ironic that the socialists arguing that big business and corporations are bad are the same people rioting in the streets demanding that the government pump billions upon billions of taxpayer’s dollars into the pockets of the pharmaceutical industry. The only feasible stance is to take the Chinese approach and forsake patents and trade law entirely, at least when it comes to pharmaceuticals, hold a heavy federal hand in the pharmaceutical market, and only then would prices actually see a substantial decrease to the point where people can have their masochistic thirst for immortality quenched at a feasible price to pay. Sure, the industry in America would see a sharp decline in innovation, as it doesn’t pay nearly as well to develop new drugs, but we would be more than fine relying on stealing the innovations of the world. Of course the idealists would never be fond of this for a multitude of reasons, but until they realize that sacrifices must be made in order to accomplish something, literally nothing will get done.” Says Stacy

“I’m sure that the international courts would have plenty to say about that.” Says Isabelle

“Heaven forbid that some billionaire’s profits get hampered in the name of saving people’s lives.” Says Grace

“It’s high time that international law is reminded that international martial law is the trump card at the end of the day.” Says Stacy

“I think that would lead to a large armed conflict if we just go point guns at people who want to see common law respected.” Says Jenna

“There’s not a country on earth that is willing to go toe to toe with America’s military. On top of that, all the money we save on truly socialized healthcare can go directly into the military and enforcing international martial law. I’m sure even the liberals would be in favor of using the Army to fight for lower healthcare costs instead of just blowing up some racial or ethnic minority to pass the time.” Says Stacy

“I’m pretty sure that would still ruin any innovation in that sector worldwide.” Says Isabelle

“Good. We don’t need people surviving any longer than they already do, they already survive too long. We just take modern medicine, call it corn, and grow plenty of corn from the dirt it’s made of instead of paying tribute to the people who feel like extorting money from dying people because they hold the lifesaving medicine the people want. I’m not in favor of the unproductive medical treatment, but I’m even more so opposed to the fact that in the end the federal government foots the bill for the pharmaceutical industry’s greed.” Says Stacy

“I know you like to think you have all of the answers, Stacy, but I’m pretty sure most of the things you want to happen don’t happen for a good reason.” Says Jenna

“I would say accommodating the American Dream of profuse greed is near the top of the list, at least in terms of this argument.” Says Grace

“That would be called maintaining a healthy economy that attracts innovation and accommodates success.” Says Isabelle

“Sure there may be a good reason, or a bad reason, but that does not matter. The issue right now is that there is clearly a problem, and while I may not have the exact solution, it is clear that something drastic needs to be done to resolve this issue. All we know for certain is that doing nothing fails to resolve the issue, so I put forth a feasible possibility, seeing how if there is a solution to the problem, it clearly consists of doing something, so even by just arguing that we do something, I am closer to a solution than the federal government, and by providing something that has some basis in realistic feasibility, I am doing better than the idealists who will religiously disregard these things in the name of preserving their ideals. I am not perfect by any means; my ideas are just closer to a legitimate solution than the competition, even if they may well be quite distant from the actual solution. This is why I have faith in my ideas, because by my own logic and reasoning, these ideas are better than nothing, in this case Babylon, and better than worseness, in this case the idealists; I may be far too realistic to be able to convince an idealistic society of my idea’s merits, but at least they are there if society ever becomes too impoverished and starving to be blind drunk on their ideals every second of the day.” Says Stacy

“I need a whistle so I can blow it every time you all get into politics. I can agree with you all on the fact that politics makes people crazy, though; I’m glad I don’t really care for it.” Says Ophelia

“It must be torture for you listening to us rant about this stuff. It’s an ebb and flow of sadomasochism if you’re into it though, you hate the opponent’s ideas, but you love the ideas of your side.” Says Isabelle

“I don’t really mind any of it; it’s just nonsense and fantasy.” Says Ophelia

“You’ve just got to start dominating the conversations, if Stacy can tie anything into politics, I’m sure you can tie these things into something you like.” Says Grace

“I’m pretty boring, I doubt I could really get as inspired about my silly dreams like you all tend to.” Says Ophelia

“I’m more concerned than inspired; I’m just futilely trying to put out some of these fires.” Says Jenna

“What’s on your mind, I’m sure you’ve been mulling something over while we’ve been rattling on about this nonsense.” Says Isabelle

“Nothing really, I kind of listen to some of it, but mostly I’m just looking out the window at the hot guys or cute puppies or fashionable girls that walk by.” Says Ophelia

“It’s hard to blame you for enjoying the aesthetics. Beauty can do no wrong.” Says Stacy

“I think the fact that it is worshiped to such an extent hurts the psyches of young people, if not everybody.” Says Grace

“That is one’s own affliction of self-deprecation, not the fault of beauty itself. Fat people can enjoy sports and not have that ruin their self-worth in the slightest, it’s just one’s unhealthy obsession with vanity that would cause them to feel that way. I’m glad that we can appreciate beauty for what it’s worth; the only solution to the aid people so pitiful as to not only have an opinion of their own physical appearance despite its irrelevance, but to have a negative one, would be to cull people based on physical attractiveness, or otherwise enact some sort of mandatory burka law. The first one is probably the only real solution, because the fat people would still complain even if you couldn’t see their faces. Either way there is no solution that wouldn’t anger the idealists who want one.” Says Stacy

“They should find self-worth in some other field, I’m not going to blame tall people because I’m short, it’s just genetics; who cares, some people got lucky and can make money by being beautiful or putting a ball in a god damn basket, but that’s just the genetic lottery.” Says Isabelle

“It’s partially the faults of the people so tormented by vanity for consistently buying into the industries that peddle good looks out of some desperate delusion that they will magically become attractive if they by some of these things.” Says Jenna

“It’s not all snake oil. At least half of it is just being in good shape, and some make-up goes a long way. It’s not like anyone ever sold anything by putting an out of shape woman without make up on the product.” Says Isabelle

“The fact that women have to paint themselves with artificial beauty at such a high personal expense in order to even be looked at as if they’re not disgusting is not something I’m entirely fond of.” Says Grace

“Sadly it’s a problem for women caused exclusively by other women, make-up can help a woman appear more capable and influential, but also promiscuous, so it is a double-edged sword of sorts. If women as a whole didn’t wear make-up in professional environments as some sort of communal effort, they wouldn’t force themselves to deal with the disparity induced by artificial beauty.” Says Jenna

“Plenty of women just don’t want people to shudder at them when they see a woman without make-up. The number of women who wouldn’t be given the time of day because of some natural imperfections is fairly high, even plenty of them that would be given less respect because of something like a scar or uneven complexion. I’m sure men get judged by their looks, but people just accept that men won’t or can’t do anything about it, where as if a woman doesn’t paint herself pretty every day people will notice and think she doesn’t take care of herself or even just treat her as a pariah for having some apparent flaws.” Says Grace

“Make-up can’t help half of these women, unfortunately, so seeing how that’s a quarter of the workplace your point isn’t entirely valid. Ugly women exist, people are used to it, unless you’re job consists of sitting under your bosses desk all day, you’re not going to be judged that harshly for your looks. It comes down to petty women being petty and competing for guy’s sly little smiles with the other girls. If that’s not your cup of tea, don’t take part.” Says Isabelle

“For someone who claims to be interested in being successful you can’t really disregard the necessity of wearing make-up in order to be treated seriously or even respected.” Says Grace

“There’s a difference between some light make-up and looking like a prostitute. Men have to shave every day or look like they’re hung over or eventually homeless. It’s not like expectations about physical appearance are solely placed on women. Besides, the more attractive you are, the more likely it is that other women will spite you on account of it. Sure beauty benefits people far more than ugliness, but that is largely a natural factor that more often than not represents decent if not good genetics and usually this means higher intelligence.” Says Isabelle

“People have done studies, and even though ugly people do make less money, they found out that ugly people who spend money make-up and nice clothes take a loss of over 80% of the money they spend on it. It may seem like its necessary out of some stigmatic social aspect, but in the end it’s futile. It also said that contrary to popular belief, ugly men are more so affected by their ugliness than women when it comes to their success and wages. Beauty is just a natural advantage, like intelligence, that some people must learn to be successful without the boon it offers.” Says Jenna

“Seeing how the economic stratification of beauty is one of the few palpable, albeit soft, forms of genetic culling that exists today, I am more than happy to condone and support its presence in society. It’s hard to blame people for liking beauty and disliking ugliness, you can’t argue that somebody if bigoted against a chef if his cooking is terrible, it’s just natural tastes and everybody loves those good genes. If anything, I might be so petty as to support your point about make-up and ban it entirely, if just to ensure that some healthy men are not sold faulty merchandise covered in cosmetics. I’ll take any form of culling I can get, and if the indignant feminists will get behind it, the more the merrier.” Says Stacy

“I like how Stacy can tie in this argument about make-up to her own politics somehow. I don’t care; I think some make-up looks nice, not too much though. I’m glad we go to a girl’s school otherwise I’m sure I would care a lot more than I do. If we ever made a point of it to go chase guys I might do some make-up, but just going to school I don’t care.” Says Ophelia

“I don’t want people to like me, and I’m for damn sure not trying to lie to them about my genetics.” Says Stacy

“I think Isabelle said beauty represented your intelligence, not your sanity. I guess you’re smart enough to be cute but the craziness doesn’t really do much to help accentuate your cuteness.” Says Ophelia

“I think the verbal cues are enough to inform anybody of her situation.” Says Jenna

“Sadly for you, men love crazy women.” Says Isabelle

“Let’s just hope I can translate that into public support for my noble cause. I don’t have much else to sway the men, but at least women won’t be intimidated by my looks.” Says Stacy

“They’ll be intimidated by every other part of you.” Says Jenna

“I think her aspirations of being a powerful woman might inspire a lot of girls who feel powerless.” Says Isabelle

“I think powerless girls just want to feel capable, not be so powerful that they’re strangling the world.” Says Ophelia

“Well, they’ll have to settle for me, they’ll likely never feel as capable as they want to be, it’s a mental illness you know, truly tragic, but they can live a synthetic parallel by putting faith in me and reveling in my domination.” Says Stacy

“You would have to dominate something besides a conversation for that to happen.” Says Jenna dryly

“They say history repeats itself.” Says Stacy

“If your history is anything to judge by, you will keep talking and continue doing nothing to put any significance behind your empty words.” Says Jenna

“The seeds of revolutions are planted in in cafés.” Says Stacy

“I hate to uproot your revolution, but it’s about time to start heading home. I’m not trying to starve on account of your revolution just yet.” Jokes Isabelle

“I am simply planting the seeds, and in twenty years the orchards will be ripe with fruit to feed the revolutionaries, starved by Babylon of all other sustenance, faced with the choosing either revolution or starvation.” Says Stacy

“I don’t see that happening in the bread basket of the world.” Says Jenna

“Over 10% of the country is going hungry while 30% of the food in the country is simply thrown away. I don’t see Stacy’s situation of revolutionary hunger being too farfetched seeing how people would let the poor starve in the name of indifference and capitalism.” Says Grace

“10% of the country is hungry, and 70% of the country is enough of a compulsive overeater to be overweight. At least half of the remaining 20% are indignant socialists who will eat the fruit in the name of getting free things, so I think with 90% of the country being hungry enough or otherwise compelled to eat from my orchard, I have plenty of potential energy to fuel my revolution, ” Says Stacy

“Good luck getting so many conflicting groups to come together, if anyone could manage to do that, they surely would have total political domination.” Says Grace

“Hear me out, America. The government has been so bold as to burden the people with the weight of its own failures; we must cast off this weight before we are drowned by it, your failures are not your own, they are but the shackles of a failing system, so you must choose to either or cast off this burden and swim, or drown in complacency, forever bound to the dead weight so indifferent to the drowning of its victims.” Says Stacy, feigning revolution

“What are you even talking about? You didn’t even reference anything specifically.” Says Jenna

“That’s the point, logical arguments based in reality hold little weight in politics, it is all about rhetoric and convincing people that there is a problem and you will resolve it. Most people are ignorant to the issues at hand, but plenty of people will be happy to free themselves of their own shame and sense of failure by placing it on a scapegoat. On top of that, the intelligent people will substitute in whatever the issue they are upset about into the allegory, and they will think you are addressing whatever topic they are upset about. You don’t get anywhere by being correct or reasonable, you get there by playing the game, using the ignorance of the ignorant to your advantage, as well as using the intelligence of the intelligent to your advantage. The people that don’t know think you know, and the people that think they know will infer their own meanings seeing how they think they know so damn much.” Says Stacy

“Grade A logic, but sadly that might actually work on a few people. I hope most people are more reasonable than that. Let’s go.” Says Jenna

“They’re not. At least not the ignorant people, the entire conservative party is based upon appealing to a very small minority of rich people with the majority of their voting base just being ignorant people who will vote exclusively based upon some ingrained philosophy that is usually Americanistic or Christian.” Says Grace

“Just because somebody is American and Christian doesn’t make them ignorant.” Says Ophelia

“Don’t listen to Grace, the communists have brainwashed her.” Says Isabelle

“We should really try to do something about that. That’s really bad, you know.” Says Ophelia

“I’m sorry; I didn’t mean it like that. I’m just saying that religious or patriotic ideals will win conservatives over more so than a candidate’s philosophy regarding public policy.” Says Grace

“I don’t know anything about public policy, but I do believe in religious and patriotic things, so that’s probably why. I don’t care about the little government things as long as they are defending morality and America.” Says Ophelia

“That’s because you’re a good girl who understands that those things are more important than policy. Governance amounts to nothing productive, no matter who is in charge, the liberals simply want to destroy American values, Christian morality, and global capitalism as much as possible, and the conservatives want to preserve them. That’s really all politics boils down to.” Says Isabelle

“I don’t even want to start this topic. At least I’m trying to be respectful to you, seeing how you’re all conservatives, regardless of how you don’t respect my philosophy.” Says Grace

“There is nothing respectable about your philosophy, but I do remember you being critical of plenty of conservative values today.” Says Isabelle

“She’s just voicing her opinion, there’s nothing wrong with that. If we can tolerate Stacy’s opinions, it should be even easier to tolerate if not respect Grace’s.” Says Jenna

“What it boils down to is civility or civilization; conservatives want to forsake advancing civilization in the name of preserving if not advancing civility, while the liberals want to forsake civility in the name of allegedly advancing civilization. If you are amoral, your partisan belief comes down to whether you have more faith in socialism or the free market, and if you are allegedly moral it depends on whether your morality is based upon traditional morality and respecting and revering, or contemporary morality defined by disrespecting and forsaking god which is ultimately means contemporary morality is defined as accommodating as much immorality as possible without dying.” Says Stacy

“Who would want the second one? That sounds awful.” Says Ophelia

“It is awful, but clearly immoral people want it, hence why it is so popular.” Says Stacy

“That is not entirely accurate, but I don’t care, let’s not dawdle here too long. It is getting a bit late.” Says Grace

“You’re smarter than you let on; abandoning an argument you can’t win before you even start. That’s pretty respectable.” Says Isabelle, as the girls get up

“Just because I can’t win an argument with you all doesn’t mean I can’t win it anywhere.” Says Grace

“It’s not hard to convince other communists that communism is a great idea, the challenge is convincing people who halve half a brain or at least a proper amount of suspicion and fear ingrained in them by people who do have the capacity to understand the reality of communism.” Says Isabelle

“I’m not a communist, but whatever.” Says Grace

“There really is a big difference.” Says Jenna

“The difference between socialism and communism is the difference between HIV and AIDS. It’s a long hard painful road down a one way street full of singing and dancing because you’re an indignant artist until you eventually die.” Says Isabelle

“Truer words could not be spoken.” Says Stacy, as the girls exit the café




The girls are greeted by the quaint rustle and shuffle of the city streets as a business flavored man approaches a homeless man sitting on a box in an alley beside the café, eyes glazed from the fortified wine.

“Have you got the time?” asks the man

“All the time in the world.” Says the drunk

“What time is it?” asks the man

The homeless man looks up at the sky “Afternoon, I’d say, close to supper time.” Says the drunk

“Look at your damn watch.” Says the man

The homeless man looks at his watch “Time for you to go fuck yourself.” Says the drunk, indifferently

“God damn it… worthless nigger.” Says the man, muttering as he storms away, angrily brisk

“Fuck you too.” Says the drunk, with halfhearted cordiality, who leans back against the wall and to nap, dreaming a familiar dream that puts a smile on his face, the girls walk on by, polite enough not to disturb a napping gentleman




Two brothers, unremarkably dressed in commoner’s attire stand outside, one of them looks down at his watch, smiles, and returns to his only hobby of loitering and watching the passersby.

“You figure out what time it is yet?” asks the watchless one

“Time for you to get a watch, brother.” Says the other

“That’s what I got you for.” Says the first, boldly

“You know damn well I can’t read a clock.” Says the second

“Why you always wear the damn watch then?” asks the first

“It’s a status symbol; people respect a man with a watch.” Says the second

“People tend to hate you and simply don’t give a rat’s ass about me, where’s this respect you talkin’ bout?” Says the first

“People hate me because I am powerful, they see this watch and they know I’ve got power enough to control their life.” Says the second

“What good is it if you can’t read it?” asks the first

“It still tick, don’t it?” asks the second

“What’s it mean to you?” asks the first

“It don’t mean a damn thing to me, all I know is people plan they business around it, so just by seeing that I gots one, they know I’m keeping they ass in line, working, slaving, and dying on the clock. You a salary man, so you wouldn’t know nothin’ bout that, would you.” Says the second

“I don’t get paid, I get fed enough to live, hell, I ain’t even got a shirt that ain’t got holes and wrinkles all in it.” Says the first

“You ain’t do no work, so you makin out like a bandit in my eyes.” Says the second

“I’m the dirt of hard work, dirt grow the crops, I grow the hard work. They feed me so I keep my chilluns obedient and nice to keep the white man house pretty and feed him good.” Says the first

“You ain’t do a damn thing but put babies in your woman, she do all the damn work, Phyllis, right?” asks the second

“Fuck I care about a slave name anyways, close enough. I know damn well she don’t care.” Says the first

“White folk love yo woman, she raised most them chilluns like her own, suck the same titty yo kids did and everything.” says the second

“Don’t meant they give a damn about me, ‘sides, I don’t mind being nothing, seeing how every white man hate you for being something.” says the first

“I figure if every white man hates me and wants to kill me that means I’m already white in they eyes, seeing how white men hate all the other white men who ain’t themselves to death.” Says the second

“Glad I ain’t white.” Says the first

“Good, cause you pitch black, brother.” Says the second


A white couple walks by, the watch wearing man whistles at the woman

“Nigger, who the fuck do you think you are.” Says the white man, angrily

“I ain’t mean no trouble, lady just quite the looker.” Says the second

“You keep your god damn eyes off of her, you hear, nigger?’ says the white man

“Come on now, Mister Light, he don’t mean no trouble.” Says the first

“This don’t concern you, Space. Keep your mouth shut if you know what’s good for you.” Says Light

“You know this nigger?” asks the second

“I own this nigger.” Says Light

“I ain’t his slave, I just works for him is all.” says the Space

“What’s this uppity nigger mean to you anyways? I thought you had enough self-respect to distance yourself from animals like this.” Says Light

“See, Time is my brother now, that’s all, I was just saying hello.” Says Space

“You know, science say that originally everybody was black, and white people is just black people with different color skin. If I’m an animal that means everybody an animal.” Says Time

“It’s called evolution, nigger, and it also says that humans evolved from monkeys, are you going to start calling monkeys people now, too?” asks Light

“I’m just making small talk.” Says Space

“You’re making big talk, nigger. I don’t like it.” Says Light

“Leave him alone, Light, he don’t know no better.” Says the woman

“Well, Matter, he best learn pretty damn quick, or I’ll have to learn him proper.” Says Light

“I’m sorry bout the bother, Miss Matter, we’ll be on our way.” Says Space apologetically

“I was just saying your lady look good is all.” Says Time, looking at the woman and smiling

“It’s just nice words, now, no reason to be angry.” Says Space

“I told you to keep your god damn eyes off of her, I’m gon’ kill you for disobeying me, nigger.” Says Light

“Look at the time, got to run!” shouts Time as he runs away into the shadows,

“Chase after that nigger!” shouts Light, his woman idles but Space willingly obeys, Light chases after him but gets tired easily, “Keep chasing that nigger, and bring him back to me, hear?!” shouts Light, out of breath

“Yessuh! Truly sorry, sir!” says Space, who continues chasing his brother, the two eventually meet up in the woods and share a melancholy chuckle as once again Time slips out of the grasp of the white man, they share some Space’s red-eye and laugh while his lady Entropy weaves curses to spite the white man with chicken bones and patois. Space eventually returns home to his de facto master and is once again sent to sleep out in the unlit shack out back of the property with tattered clothes and just enough gruel to keep him alive.



The gang walks merrily, making pleasant time due to their impassioned living or otherwise their polite timeliness, more so casual in the conversation as some of the girls become a bit distracted by the mirage of delicious food on the horizon. The streets full of indifferent people, but as all humans have not reached the point of dying in apathy, one man in his early twenties, dressed of moderate success, walking the opposite direction unfortunately becomes symptomatic of his lust for life.

“Hello beautiful!” he says, looking Ophelia up and down excitedly

“Keep walking.” Says Grace, avoiding eye contact and grabbing Ophelia’s hand

“Hello!” says Ophelia, warmly, flattered and smiling

“A girl as beautiful as you needs to be treated right, I’d hate see a piece of fine art like you fall into the wrong hands, how bout I take you out to dinner sometime?” asks the man

“I’d love to!” says Ophelia, excitedly

“She’s not interested.” Says Grace coldly

“I think that smile that lit up her face tells me she’d rather be having a good time with me right now.” Says the man

“Piss off.” Says Isabelle

“I’m sure you get this kind of attention a lot, but could I get your number? The name’s Taz, by the way.” Says Taz

“Sure. My name is Ophelia. I really don’t get this a lot, it’s so exciting.” Says Ophelia

“You’ll be getting it from me every day if my dreams come true.” Says Taz, as he reaches for his phone, the group stops for a moment

“So what was your number?” he asks, sincerely

“Please leave.” Says Stacy, expressionless, monotonic and unentertained

“Four…” says Ophelia, as Stacy swiftly and forcefully kicks the distracted man in the testicles with surgical precision

“Fuck!” he screams, bending over, grasping his balls, choking for breath from the pain,

“Oh my god!” gasps Ophelia

 Stacy grabs his lowered head and overpowers his half limp body forcing it downward to be greeted by her driving knee. The man falls onto the ground for a moment into a crawling position, spits some blood on the ground gasping heavily.

“My fucking nose! You bitch!” he shouts, gasping for air, as he moves into a kneeling position, attempting to stand up, bracing himself with his hand on the ground

“Fuck you!” shouts Stacy, as Stacy squarely delivers a roundhouse kick to the mans unguarded skull, knocking him back on the ground

“Stop it, Stacy!” shouts Jenna, angrily

“Stop!” he shouts, back in the crawling position, as Grace kicks him in the skull with all of her feminine fury

“Stop!” he shouts, far less rattled by Grace’s amateur kick

“I told you to leave.” Says Stacy, breathing heavily due to anger, cold, withholding her rage in an act of noble passive aggression

“What the fuck!” she shouts, bewildered by the situation, staring at the ground unsure what to do at this point

A bystander who had stopped during his commute home to watch the fight looks notably impressed and confusedly curious, “What the hell did he do?” asks the man, genuinely curious, indifferent to the beaten man’s predicament, entirely unfazed by the violence

“That monster tried to abduct and rape a fourteen year old girl.” Says Grace

“She has a learning disability too, it’s despicable.” Says Isabelle

The bystander spits on the man “Piece of shit.” He mutters “I’m glad he wasn’t able to hurt any of you girls. That one there is a real fighter; that was impressive to say the least.” He says

“I don’t even know what happened.” Says Ophelia, confused and scared

“We should get out of here.” Says Jenna

“You girls should get knives or guns or something, creeps like this are everywhere these days; especially for your retarded friend’s sake.” Says the man

“I’m not retarded.” Says Ophelia, protesting softly

“I’m sorry, learning disabled or whatever. I’m an old guy; give me time to get used to the new words.” Says the man

“Don’t worry about it. Thanks for the words of wisdom.” Says Isabelle

“Any time, you girls get home safe. I’d fuck this guy’s day up, but it seems like it’s already fucked up pretty good. You’re something else, little girl, real crazy, men love that kind of shit, you’ve got a bright future.” Says the man

“Thanks. I’m glad somebody else got to enjoy it.” jokes Stacy

“Real Bay City girl, I love it. You girls are lucky to have someone like her who knows how to survive on the streets, it’s not a girl’s school out here; it’s the real deal.” Says the man

“What the fuck did I do?!” shouts the criminal still on the ground too afraid to move, the grown man kicks him in the skull forcefully “Fuck!” he cries in painful anger

“You tried to rape a retarded child, you sick piece of shit! That’s what the fuck you did! Are you retarded too? What the fuck is wrong with you?” shouts the man, who kicks him again in the skull “Why?!?” cries the criminal

“Get your retarded friend out of her before this creep tries to abduct her again, I’ve got to go home and not to jail or I would gladly make sure he learned his lesson.” Says the man

“Let’s get out of here. Thanks for your help.” Says Grace, nervously grabbing Ophelia’s hand

“Ok.” Says Ophelia softly, shocked but accustomed to the shock

“You girls be good. Get home safe.” Says the man

“It was a pleasure. Pip pip.” Says Stacy, warmly

“The pleasure was mine, toodle-oo.” Says the man

“Toodle-oo, let’s go Stacy.” Says Jenna, impatiently in a politely kind yet fearfully bewildered passive aggression, grabbing Stacy’s hand and pulling her away, the girls walk away through the largely indifferent crowd that had stopped more due to the obstruction in the walkway than any concern regarding the fight


“Damn, Stacy. You’ve got problems.” Says Isabelle, in gay wide-eyed amazement

“I don’t have problems. I’m fine. That guy’s got problems. He’s the one covered in blood lying on the sidewalk.” Says Stacy

“Your point is entirely valid.” Says Isabelle, grinning, shaking her head in disbelief

“I don’t think that guy did anything wrong, and I’m not retarded.” Says Ophelia

“You’re pretty damn close to be honest.” Says Isabelle

“She’s actually pretty smart, she’s just sheltered.” Says Jenna

“That man actually wanted to do really bad things to you, he might have seemed nice, but that was just to trick you so he could hurt you in really bad ways.” Says Grace

“Well, it was a good trick, I guess, I don’t know. He seemed really nice, it was super sad when you attacked him like that.” Says Ophelia

“I think we could have resolved that in a more peaceful manner.” Says Jenna

“There was no other way. He was going to do terrible things to Ophelia and I had to stop that. It’s that simple.” Says Stacy

“Once again even nice, charming guys are terrible people. I just don’t understand the world at all I guess.” Says Ophelia

“This is true.” Says Isabelle

“So what, is getting taken out to dinner some secret code for do terrible things to a girl now?” asks Ophelia

“In your case, it means that at least 99% of the time if not more.” Says Isabelle

“Well just let me know when that 1% of the time comes around so I can actually find a good man.” Says Ophelia, upset and sarcastic

“That fight got me riled up though, I didn’t know you could fight like that. Me and Grace are the sheltered ones if you all grew up fighting on the street light that.” Says Isabelle

“We didn’t.” says Jenna, dryly unentertained

“Where’d you learn to fight like that?” asks Isabelle

“Van Damme.” Says Stacy

“I didn’t think he was making movies anymore.” Says Isabelle

“They play his movies all the time on the martial arts channel. My dad is a fan.” Says Stacy

“I’m glad you have somebody in your life teaching you important life lessons. You two seem kind of indifferent to the fact Stacy beat the shit out of somebody just a few minutes ago.” Says Isabelle, curiously puzzled

“I’m still in shock. Trust me.” Says Jenna, coldly

“I’m happy she didn’t kill him.” says Ophelia, distantly, truly happy with that fact

“She should have killed him. I might have done it too if I could fight like Stacy.” says Grace

“That’s what I like about Stacy, Stacy is more than willing and actually able to bring a man to his knees, while Grace over here only has the confidence to kick a man while he’s down.” Says Isabelle

“Well I don’t know how to fight, but I’m glad Stacy was able to protect Ophelia.” Says Grace

“He wasn’t hurting me, you understand that, right?” asks Ophelia

“He was making plans to hurt you this weekend and probably ruin your life; you need to be more aware of these things.” Says Isabelle

“He just wanted to show me a good time and take me to dinner.” Says Ophelia

“When a man wants to show a girl a good time, he wants to show a bad girl a good time, which would be showing a good girl a bad time, a very bad time. Don’t get involved with men, not in your position anyways.” Says Isabelle

“You need to find a man who goes to church, not somebody who picks up girls on the street.” Says Jenna

“Whatever, looks like if I ever want to find a guy who meets all of your standards, then I’m limited to asking at church.” Says Ophelia

“It’s not our standards; it’s your standards, and those of your parents. You have to know that guys on the street are the exact opposite of guys who go to church.” Says Isabelle

“You are giving guys who go to church too much credit.” Says Grace

“They still have far more credit in my book than random womanizers on the street.” Says Jenna

“Random womanizers who go to church, much better.” Says Grace

“If a good girl like Ophelia exists, then there has to be at least one good boy out there like her.” Says Isabelle

“Good luck finding him.” says Grace

“It’s not like I’m some kind of saint, jeez.” Says Ophelia

“Yeah, you’re basically a saint, at least in Bay City.” Says Isabelle

“Stacy is the saint for saving her life back there.” Says Grace

“I’m just hoping things like that don’t happen when I’m not there to at least try to fight the guy off. You were about to run away with the guy and that would be bad news for all of us.” Says Stacy

“I’m sorry. I didn’t think he was a bad guy, now I know better. Wow, sorry for being charmed, I can’t help it.” Says Ophelia

“That nice older man was right though, we really need like guns or knives if we’re going to be walking around like this. Ophelia, I hate to say this, but you’re like a magnet for troublemaking men.” Says Isabelle

“Sure, let’s just make that assumption after one instance of that happening.” Says Ophelia

“As you get older, even more guys will try stuff like that on you. Just do your best to tell them off. Besides, we’re not getting knives or guns, we are just running away. Even fighting is too much, that’s a crime you know.” Says Jenna

“It was protecting somebody from a criminal that was trying to hurt her, that’s not a crime at all.” Says Grace

“That is debatable whether he was actually posing a serious danger to anyone. Ophelia would have to testify if that were the case.” Says Jenna

“The cops would never take anything like that to trial, worst case scenario they give us a warning, they’d probably just commend us for heroism, at least Stacy.” Says Isabelle

“I’ll definitely treat you girls to some guns sometime.” Says Isabelle

“I don’t even like guns and I think that’s a good idea, better safe than sorry.” Says Grace

“I’m pretty sure it’s illegal for us to buy, own, or possess a gun, seeing how we’re under the age of 18.” Says Jenna

“We can’t really buy guns from a dealer, but we can possess a handgun if our use of the gun falls under one of the exceptions of employment, ranching, farming, target practice, or hunting. I just start a small private security business like a good American, hire you girls on service based contracts, and pay you girls $6.55 any time you happen to shoot somebody as it will specify in your contracts. I’m pretty damn sure the cops are not going to enforce the gun laws anyways, but that is in the weird paradox that the cops actually give a damn about anything. If worse comes to worse I can just get you girls each a rifle or a shotgun, there’s no laws against having those.” Says Isabelle

“That sounds like a terrible idea. I think you have to be 16 to work anyways.” Says Jenna

“If you’re 14 you can work three hours a day, and if I start the clock when you pull your gun and end it when you holster it, there’s no way you’re going over three hours. You’re just on-call for the rest of that period, so you’re not technically at work.” Says Isabelle

“You know a lot about work for somebody who doesn’t have a job.” Says Grace

“I asked my dad if I should get a job, and he said I would only qualify for the jobs usually held by disabled people, I would be even lower on the totem pole than people who didn’t graduate from high school. I’m not trying to start my career off like that; besides, I’m volunteering in the community.” Says Isabelle

“You walk dogs once a week.” Says Grace, dryly

“It’s very important and helpful, so I think that’s better than cleaning bathrooms or bagging groceries or whatever.” Says Ophelia

“That’s the lord’s truth. I still think it’s a good idea; it’s legal and you girls get some work experience for your resumes.” Says Isabelle

“I would never put that on my resume.” Says Jenna

“I don’t even have one.” Says Ophelia

“Show me where to sign. I’d be happy to be in your employ.” Says Stacy

“We’ll have to fashion that together this weekend. I’m glad somebody is willing to be an honest hardworking American that is brave enough to work in the field of armed private security. My dad doesn’t really have any guns, he has like an old-timey flintlock pistol but that’s more so a piece of art than anything else according to him. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind getting you one if I tell him how badass you are. You’re going to be working for me, hopefully for a long time, Stacy.” Says Isabelle

“It would be an honor and a privilege.” Says Stacy

“I think it’s almost cute in a very insane way that Stacy found somebody as crazy as she is.” Says Jenna

“I always forget that insanity is defined as being an upstanding American being willing to operate a business or hold a job. Grace always tries to remind me, but I’m just so forgetful.” Jokes Isabelle

“I just hope you’re actually right, I know some people can use guns legally, but they are used to commit a lot of crimes. I don’t want Stacy to be on the wrong side of that.” Says Ophelia

“Don’t worry, private security is a very well respected trade, and I’m certain Stacy understands when it is appropriate to brandish and discharge a firearm in the line of duty.” Says Isabelle

“When I feel my safety or that of my clients is in jeopardy of course.” Says Stacy

“That is a very blurry definition. I can’t say that will hold up in court.” Says Jenna

“As long as it’s not entirely unprovoked, it wouldn’t be hard for the cute and innocent little Stacy to convince a jury that some mean evil man put her in danger and made her fear for her life.” Says Isabelle

“Let’s just hope it doesn’t come to that.” Says Jenna

“I think it’s pretty hard to prove self-defense, otherwise every murder would be written off as self-defense, no witnesses and the gunman just says he felt threatened. Clearly that doesn’t work.” Says Grace

“Well, I would always be the witness to corroborate the danger, and as long as you reasonably believe you are in danger of being injured or killed, you reasonably believe you need to use force to prevent this from happening, and you use no more force than is necessary to stop the threat, you have exercised self-defense.” Says Isabelle

“Why do you even know that?” asks Jenna

“They make that clear any time some rich man is indicted for murder before he gets acquitted. It is always self-defense.” Says Isabelle

“Figures you would have that memorized just in case.” Says Grace

“Let’s change topics; I don’t want to think about the fight, let alone Stacy having a gun in a situation like that. Even Stacy’s fantasies are better because they aren’t a real and imminent danger.” Says Jenna

“You’ve confused the words danger and safeguard, but I know it can be difficult sometimes to tell the difference.” Jokes Isabelle

“Well, if that does happen, I would really appreciate it if you didn’t just shoot every boy who miraculously appears out of the blue and is actually nice to me.” Says Ophelia

“That wasn’t a miracle for some womanizer to appear out of the blue, that’s like the opposite of a miracle.” Says Jenna

“You act like I don’t want boys to talk to me; I really like that sort of attention you know. I’m not a little girl.” Says Ophelia

“He wasn’t a nice boy at all, he wanted to rape you, do you know what that means?” asks Grace

“It means like force himself on me in a bad way, which he clearly didn’t do, ok? He was very polite the whole time.” Says Ophelia

“It means force himself on you, in the make you have a baby without being married kind of way, treat you like a whore, ruin your life, that whole thing.” Says Isabelle

“I don’t know where you got that impression from at all; he just wanted to take me out on a date.” Says Ophelia

“He said he was going to show you a good time, which means he is going to get you drunk and rape you, that is what that means.” Says Grace

“That isn’t a good time at all, so I really don’t think he meant it like that.” Says Ophelia

“It’s a good time for the guys, they devote their lives to that sort of business, picking up whores on the street, don’t let them fool you with their politeness. If a guy tells you that, he is basically asking you if you are a whore or not.” Says Isabelle

“I don’t really understand why they would phrase it like that, but ok.” Says Ophelia

“Because it’s a good time for a whore too, so unless you’re a whore, it’s a very bad time.” Says Isabelle

“That kind of makes sense now, I’m glad you all know more about guys than I do. I understand why you all were so upset now.” Says Ophelia

“Thank god. You’re faith in men is dangerously misplaced, at least you’re starting to understand what they really mean when they talk to you.” Says Isabelle

“Do I look like a whore or something? Why would he even think that I’m like that?” asks Ophelia

“No, you are just very beautiful, and he is trying his luck with any woman he sees hoping that one of them will take up his offer. That’s why he’s so good at sweet talking you; he practices on any women that catch his eye on the street in the hopes that they’re whores.” Says Grace

“Like a wolf in sheep’s clothing if you don’t know any better, which is why we’re just hoping you can avoid these situations for the most part, if we let you go out with him, I can guarantee you that awful things would happen to you.” Says Jenna

“It’s terrible that bad men can act so sweet and try to trick you like that.” Says Ophelia

“Welcome to the real world; people who commit fraud don’t just walk up to their victims and tell them ‘I am defrauding you right now’. If you’ve learned this lesson you’re much better off than before.” Says Stacy

“Ugh, why does the world have to be so confusing and immoral, how hard is it just to be a good person.” Says Ophelia

“Judging by the rampant immorality of the general population, it must be fairly difficult.” Says Isabelle

“It’s not hard at all, I’m sure they all know better unless they like didn’t have parents at all or something and were raised by criminals.” Says Ophelia

“It’s just that people are tempted into vice, it’s the same as it’s always been, good people ask the lord to lead them not into temptation, while bad people disregard the lord and embrace temptation because it is tempting and don’t care about the consequences.” Says Jenna

“I’m not tempted at all, thankfully. I’m like the opposite of tempted by those sorts of things.” Says Ophelia

“You truly are a saint.” Says Isabelle

“I just try my best to be a good person; it’s hard to be tempted when you know how bad those sorts of things are.” Says Ophelia

“Sadly most people either don’t know or simply don’t care. People who don’t believe in god don’t really care about sins or fear going to hell.” Says Jenna

“That’s so sad.” Says Ophelia

“I’m sure they all know better, they just don’t care. I think it’s not that sad if they have been warned and choose to disregard the warning, they’re just asking for trouble and consequences at that point.” Says Isabelle

“I don’t know how they can disregard all of the terrible things that happen to sinners and criminals all the time; how can they be so stupid to think that there aren’t consequences for acting like that?” Says Ophelia

“No criminal would commit a crime if he didn’t think he would get away with it, the same goes for sinners. For some reason man is tempted to play with fire thinking he’s so clever he won’t get burned, he might get away with it but eventually he is burned or engulfed in flames entirely.” Says Stacy

“People are stupid; I didn’t think this was news to anybody.” Says Isabelle

“It’s still sad to see people ruin their lives like that.” Says Ophelia

“It’s their choice, there’s nothing we can do about it.” Says Grace

“We can always spread the word of God.” Says Ophelia

“Most criminals won’t turn to god until they’re locked up forever and don’t have anything else to possibly believe in. They want instant rewards and big results, morality rewards people in small low ways.” Says Isabelle

“Being convicted of a crime is hardly a reward.” Says Ophelia

“It’s committing the crime that they find rewarding: drugs, sex, money, thrills, that sort of thing. People are stupid, don’t let it worry you, just ignore them and live your life as best you can.” Says Isabelle

“It’s just heartbreaking to see so many people be tempted by Satan like that.” Says Ophelia

“Just keep the faith and you’ll be fine.” Says Stacy

“Sticking with Stacy isn’t a bad plan either; she’s got some street smarts that could very well save your life.” Says Isabelle

“I’m glad I’m not trying to do this alone, I’m sure I would already be dead if you girls are right about all this stuff.” Says Ophelia

“We are.” Says Grace, matter-of-factly


The girls reach the crossroads that separate the paths of the adventurers marking another milestone on their treacherous journey through youth.

“This appears to be where we must bid each other adieu.” Says Stacy

“I hope I don’t run into trouble on the way home, I’d love to have you by my side to handle that sort of thing.” Says Isabelle

“Don’t encourage that sort of behavior.” Says Jenna

“It’s fight or flight, if you can’t fight, just run.” Says Stacy

“That’ll have to do for now, until you teach me that sweet kung-fu or whatever it is.” Says Isabelle

“I think the proper name for that branch of martial arts is called street fighting.” Says Stacy

“Whatever it is, it works.” Says Isabelle

“Fight dirty, come out clean. It’s a noble art form.” Says Stacy

“You are a gallant knightess, in shining armor, to save a poor, defenseless girl like that.” Says Isabelle

“Don’t stroke her ego too much; she might go picking fights all the way home.” Says Jenna, half-serious

“I’ve had my fill of fighting for today, my fill of food is another matter entirely; I won’t be making any more rounds on my way home unless my hands are forced.” Says Stacy

“Thank god.” Says Jenna

“I’m glad you’re ok. I would hate to see a terrible man like that take advantage of your innocence and hurt you.” Says Grace, hugging Ophelia, kissing her lightly

“Why couldn’t you be a boy, then we could kiss for real and go on dates and be happy together, my life would be perfect.” Says Ophelia, hugging her and kissing her playfully in return

“We could always pretend right?” asks Grace

“It’s not the same.” Says Ophelia

“Just close your eyes, I’ll try to make it feel real.” Says Grace, spinning around with Ophelia in her arms and pressing her against a wall

“Ok.” Says Ophelia, grateful even for pretending at this point, Grace begins to kiss her, easily able to put her tongue into Ophelia’s mouth, trying to tell Ophelia just how real it is, Ophelia more than happy to passionately pretend as Grace begins to grope her ass, slowly grinding her own groin against Ophelia’s subtly protruding anterior superior iliac spine clothed by enough just enough flesh to remind one of the girl’s health. The other girls avert their eyes and act unaffiliated in an awkward silence for a casual moment before eventually one of them runs out of politeness.

“That’s enough pretending, let’s go.” Says Isabelle impatiently

“Did you like it?” asks Grace

“Yeah, made me forget we were pretending for a little bit.” Says Ophelia

“I did my best to make it seem real.” Says Grace

“You’re good at it.” Says Ophelia

“Thanks.” Says Grace

“I’ll see you later, ok?” says Ophelia, kissing Grace playfully again

“Of course.” Says Grace, kissing Ophelia softly, half politely, but entirely seriously, taking much longer to try and fail again to get her point across before staring passionately into the blank, amiable, wholesomely wholehearted expression in Ophelia’s eyes and getting lost in it, slightly dumbfounded but no less lovestruck

“I’m not made of patience you know.” Says Isabelle

“Bye, Ophelia.” Says Grace reluctantly joining the company of her neighbor

“Bye, Grace. Bye, Isabelle.” Says Ophelia, cheerily

“Bye, Ophelia. I’m glad you’re the same girl, even after all of this.” Says Isabelle

“I think I’m a little bit smarter than before.” Says Ophelia

“That’s good, I’ll see you around.” Says Isabelle, calling bullshit in her mind

“Ta ta.” Says Ophelia as the gang loses a couple of comrades to the upper echelon of society and venture toward their humble homes




“Ok, Stacy, do you feel like explaining your actions back there, or are we all going to embrace your devil may care attitude for the remainder of our very short lives.” Says Jenna, palpably passive aggressive

“I told the guy to leave, he didn’t. What’s there to explain?” asks Stacy

“Let’s think about that for a second. Maybe the fact that you are showing not only your friends, but random people on the street, that you, Stacy White, not Love Cat, not some witch girl in costume, but the easily identifiable girl who clearly goes to Southern Preparatory School not only has uncontrollable anger problems, but also has magical powers for Christ’s sake.” Says Jenna, exasperated and bewildered

“I have anger solutions; clearly that guy was bad news and if I didn’t do anything Ophelia would have gotten hurt, nobody else was stepping up to the plate so I had no choice. Besides, fighting isn’t a magical power by any stretch of the imagination.” Says Stacy, defensively

“Don’t be upset with her; I probably would have gone out with that guy, and from what I heard that would have been really bad.” Says Ophelia

“That would be bad, but you could have simply not given him your number, or just kept walking. There was absolutely no need for Stacy to act like that. I think that a little girl like Stacy beating the shit out of a grown man is pretty close to magic, but I guess I’m mistaken seeing how the passersby didn’t seem to care in the slightest.” Says Jenna, still frustrated, confused, and very critical

“Well, she didn’t keep walking, and she didn’t refrain from giving him her number, so that was the point where I decided to put an end to it.” Says Stacy

“Fine. Fine. That is fine. I don’t care about that anymore. Let’s move onto the mystery of the screaming girl back at school. What in god’s name did you do to somebody at school, why the hell would you do something like that, and how do you expect to not get arrested and sent to jail for doing something like that on school grounds.” Says Jenna

“Stacy was with us when that happened, it’s not like she could have done anything.” Says Ophelia

“Seems like you’re the one who lost your mind for second there.” Says Stacy

“Your curious disappearance right before the event makes me very suspicious, you realize that, right? I’m sure you had a good reason, but I highly doubt there is anyone at our school that could stomach torturing somebody to that degree, other than you of course.” Says Jenna

“She came back before the girl started screaming Jenna, you can’t just blame every fight on Stacy. That doesn’t even make sense, why would the girl wait to start screaming until Stacy had come back from the bathroom and we had already left the school?” says Ophelia

“I don’t know, that’s why I am asking Stacy.” Says Jenna, matter-of-factly

“Don’t look at me like that. It wasn’t me.” Says Stacy, assured of this fact in bold nonchalance

“That means it was you. Stacy. I understand what you mean when you say that.” Says Jenna

“If it was her, she would look guilty about it, clearly it wasn’t her. Your story doesn’t even make sense, plenty of people do violent things, it’s not like Stacy is the only violent person in Bay City.” Says Ophelia

“Psychopaths don’t feel guilt! They don’t even understand the concept! Her face isn’t going to tell us anything!” says Jenna, with the most modest of exclamations

“Stacy understands what guilt is, she’s not that crazy or stupid. She shouldn’t feel guilty about protecting me either.” Says Ophelia

“You’ve got to relax, Jenna. I didn’t do anything; besides our cover isn’t blown, it would only be mine, and clearly nobody thought I was some magical girl, they just thought I was a fairly normal denizen of this fine city. I know it’s stressful to be in our shoes, but don’t let it get to your head.” Says Stacy

“It’s your head I’m worried about. I feel like even praying to god is futile at this point if you are going to forsake his guidance.” Says Jenna

“Praying to God is never futile, if you pray, he will answer your prayers.” Says Ophelia

“And the Lord shall do unto them as he did to Sihon and to Og, kings of the Amorites, and unto the land of them, whom he destroyed. And the Lord shall give them up before your face, that ye may do unto them according unto all the commandments which I have commanded you. Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the Lord thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.” Says Stacy

“Why say more than the last line? That is the inspirational one. Are we crossing the Jordan or something? ” asks Jenna

“The context is important.” Says Stacy

“How?” asks Jenna

“We were born in Canaan; we mustn’t forget that and be friendly towards the enemies of the lord.” Says Stacy

“See? Stacy is clearly a good person, not some crazy psychopath at all. She just wanted to protect me and prevent me from being tricked by a devilish man.” Says Ophelia

“Can we not listen to Jesus when he says to love your enemies?” ask Jenna

“If we were listening to Jesus I would have gouged both of the man’s eyes out for lusting after a woman, seeing how that took precedence to loving one’s enemies.” Says Stacy

“Jesus would want that man to gouge his own eyes out, but that is a troubling verse to take to heart regardless.” Says Jenna

“I’m glad she didn’t take Jesus’ advice, as much as I love Jesus, I think that would have been a lot worse, even if he did it himself.” Says Ophelia

“I think it has to do with having faith; so if your body’s impulsive desires cause you to err from the lord’s way, you should abandon those desires, I don’t think he literally wants people to gouge their eyes out, and besides, it doesn’t say anything about gouging other people’s eyes out.” Says Jenna

“He was pretty clear about his message. Anyways, if I shall open my mouth for the mute, for the rights of all who are destitute, shall I not endear my piety unto the godless, for the salvation of all who are damnable?” asks Stacy

“Jesus. Please don’t start gouging people’s eyes out.” Says Jenna

“I’m not that much of a zealot.” Says Stacy, lightheartedly scoffing

“Thank god. That would be awful.” Says Ophelia

“If your definition of godliness is gouging people’s eyes out in the name of Jesus, I’m glad you’re more interested in politics.” Says Jenna

“It’s just more productive, not that I don’t love Jesus with all of my heart or anything; gouging out every man’s eyes wouldn’t be a great idea if I intend to live in a functional society.” Says Stacy

“I really don’t think he wants you to do that; I think Jenna is right, he just wants you to abandon your immoral feelings. Maybe he just meant close your eyes or something, I don’t know.” Says Ophelia

“Anyways, let’s just try to keep that sort of fighting and stuff to an absolute minimum. I don’t want any part of our ridiculous crime fighting nonsense life impacting our actual lives in any way. As much as I’m talking about Stacy, I’m also talking about you Ophelia, because you should know that boys are nothing but trouble and you did kind of force Stacy into doing that. Just avoid them at all costs, we need to keep our heads low and stay out of dodge as much as possible.” Says Jenna

“I’m sorry, he was just so nice, I didn’t think it was anything bad, but clearly I guess I’m an idiot or something.” says Ophelia

“It’s fine, now you know better. Jenna is right though, and adding boys into the equation will only make it much harder than it already is.” Says Stacy

“Hopefully I can just write off an amazing boyfriend as a stupid fantasy and just enjoy the fantasy instead of having it cause problems for all of us. I really should have known better, I don’t know why I give everybody the benefit of the doubt. I’m glad you all know what boys really mean.” Says Ophelia

“The benefit of the doubt is the detriment of the doubt when it fails to amount to something good, and that will be far more often than not, at least for good girls like you in this twisted sinner’s paradise. ” says Jenna

“It’s the damnation of the doubt when you put your faith in random men on the street; if they’re not busy they’re clearly up to no good.” Says Stacy

“Thanks for saving me from going to hell. I really do have to be more careful.” Says Ophelia

“Just try not to walk the streets alone; lord knows what might happen to you. Please listen to us next time, too. That could have been really bad if you walked away with that guy.” Says Jenna

“I will. I’m sorry. I understand that you all know a lot more than I do when it comes to this kind of stuff. I just got caught up in the moment, but thinking about all the bad things that might have happened to me is making me really grateful that I have such great friends like you all.” Says Ophelia

“That’s what we’re here for.” Says Stacy

“I’m glad that you learned and important lesson. The world is dangerous and will always try to trick you in order to get what it wants.” Says Jenna

“It was so childish for me to think that most guys aren’t terrible sinners, I really should have known that, but it just doesn’t cross my mind when I’m thinking about all the nice parts of a perfect relationship like marriage and children and stuff.” Says Ophelia

“The sinning is the only thing that crosses most guys’ minds, just don’t forget that.” Says Stacy

“Giving them the benefit of the doubt is kind of like putting faith in a false idol, in the end it will do nothing for you, betray you and anger god.” Says Jenna

“That actually makes sense, especially when they say that people’s immoral desires cause the wrath of god, so even just by trusting guys you are sort of trusting the devil, more often than not at least. I haven’t lost all faith for finding the right guy, but I’m definitely going to be way more cautious about it.” Says Ophelia

“Please keep your word on that. We’ve tried to tell you this countless times before.” Says Jenna

“I guess watching Stacy beat that guy up reminded me of the punishment for sinning, even if my desires aren’t immoral, if I go out with a guy who has immoral desires then I am kind of doing something immoral myself.” Says Ophelia

“You definitely will be if he has his way with you.” Says Jenna

“That’s all we are trying to prevent. As much as you might know better, he could get you drunk or just force himself upon you; so seeing how common those things are, you should just avoid that scenario all together.” Says Stacy

“I should be more wary of that, I know it’s stupid to trust random guys like that.” Says Ophelia

“It’s the same delusion that people who buy lottery tickets have, but you are gambling with your life instead of a few dollars.” Says Jenna

“Yeah, I’m really sorry. I really should just look at it like a terrible form of gambling. It’s definitely not worth the risk. I still have to figure out how to find good guys though.” Says Ophelia

“Church is probably your best bet, but Stacy is right, if we had boyfriends it would make this whole situation with the rings much more complicated, and that’s the last thing we need.” Says Jenna

“You’re right, I guess I can just be happy having great friends and try not to worry about a boyfriend for now. Fantasies still feel pretty good, so I can probably get by with just those feelings, and if I need a hug I can find one of you to help me with that.” Says Ophelia

“Fantasies never hut you and never cause problems, until you try to turn them into reality at which point they will definitely start to hurt you and cause problems. It’s wise to keep your fantasies intact, seeing how one bad relationship might ruin those nice, pure, feelings you get from them forever.” Says Stacy

“It’s just not as good, you know” says Ophelia, grabbing Stacy’s hand “I want this, the real thing. The feeling of real things is so much more amazing.” Says Ophelia

“If you were just looking for my hand, it was never that hard to find.” Jokes Stacy

“Real things just feel more real, good and bad, they might make you a lot happier, but they can also make you much sadder, and hurt a lot more. I think you might get swept up in a real relationship and that could cause you to lose focus on school and the more important things in life, even if it is a great relationship, it is just a dangerous distraction that could easily break your heart if not ruin your entire life.” Says Jenna

“If my heart gets broken, hopefully you girls will help with that.” Says Ophelia

“I don’t know much about mending hearts, unfortunately.” Says Stacy

“I don’t either, so it could easily be very bad if that happens. Even something as terrible as that would be better than you getting pregnant or something.” says Jenna

“I know better than that.” Says Ophelia

“One can only hope.” Says Stacy

“Let’s not leave something as important as that up to hope.” Says Jenna

“I need to find a guy one of these days, you can’t just say I should never see anybody because they might do something bad to me.” Says Ophelia

“One of these days, not today, not tomorrow, once we get out of school I can support something like that. At least then if you do happen to get pregnant, he can marry you and it won’t be anywhere near as bad. I am really hoping it doesn’t come to that, but I’m just saying it might.” Says Jenna

“That makes sense, but it’s just going to be painful to wait that long.” Says Ophelia

“It will be much more painful if you don’t. Trust me. If you really need to know, you can ask Grace, she is big on those teen mom shows. She knows all about how much something like that can ruin your life.” Says Stacy

“I know you’re right, so if I ever do something stupid like that just slap me or something to make me come to my senses.” Says Ophelia

“I think the guy might start fighting me at that point, but I’m sure we’ll figure it out.” Says Stacy

“Maybe just a really annoying whistle or something to fend them off.” says Jenna

“I’m sure that wouldn’t stop any guys from chasing after Ophelia.” Says Stacy

“I can try to slap you on the wrist or something. That should hopefully be enough.” Says Jenna

“Just make sure I don’t get to the point where I deserve more than a slap on the wrist.” Says Ophelia

“We’ll do our best; just don’t go out on your own. That’s the worst of our fears right now.” Says Stacy

“I’m pretty afraid of your decision making as well Stacy, but at least you tend to be far more aware of your actions and the world at large.” Says Jenna

“My decisions prevent bad things from happening, not the other way around. Just have some faith. I’ve not done anything to be unworthy of such, have I?” asks Stacy

“Somebody put a bullet in your arm last weekend.” Says Jenna

“Since then, though, I know I made a mistake then, but since then it’s been smooth sailing. I was a novice, and now I am now at least a journeyman.” Says Stacy

“Let’s aim for master craftsman.” Says Jenna

“I see we have the same goal in mind.” Says Stacy

“Grace might have made you say master craftswoman.” Jokes Ophelia

“I’m not some indignant feminist who is upset that neuter words happen to end in the word man. The definition of craftsman is a person who is skilled in a particular craft. We are the race of man, humans, not hupeople, being upset about words like that because you have imagined some sort of sexism that excludes women from being craftsmen, simply because the word ends in men is both like thinking your pancake is sacred because you see the face of Jesus in it, or even arguing that only men can be women because the word ends in men. They should honestly just refer to a group of males as male-men or something, just so people stop flipping out because somebody correctly used a neuter word to refer to a group that happened to include women instead of some politically correctly gender neutral word that only exists due to some imagined bigotry and senseless indignation.” Says Jenna

“Grace probably needed to hear that.” Jokes Stacy

“I don’t want to have that argument with her; I’m only saying it now because I know it won’t be an argument.” Says Jenna

“Then everybody would think that all men delivered mail and they would be upset about being stereotyped or something.” says Ophelia

“When I say, Steve is male, nobody will think he is a piece of mail that gets shipped around. I’m not worried about men being upset about sexism either.” Says Jenna

“Indignant feminists still wouldn’t be happy, even if you made men a legally neuter word, they would still argue that it is some sort of derogatory misogynistic slur.” Says Stacy

“By the feminists logic, it is sexists to call a female dog a dog, you must call a female dog a bitch at all times otherwise you are a sexist pig who hates all women and likely abuses women every day for fun. Those people are insane.” Says Jenna

“Agreed.” Says Stacy

“I think that’s awful that they want to call every girl dog a bitch.” Says Ophelia

“They don’t, and that’s why they’re hypocrites, but I don’t care that much, I’m just making a point that those sorts of people are rather stupid. I don’t disagree with fighting to get better treatment for women; I’m just not going to demonize the English language while I’m at it.” Says Jenna

“It’s the liberal instinct to want to attack the pillars that hold up society for some reason; even the harmless lingua franca is not safe from their assault.” Says Stacy

“It’s not harmless, by any means; I’m just saying that neuter words are not an issue anyone should be concerned with.” Says Jenna

“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” Says Stacy

“Verbal abuse has very serious psychological consequences, especially in vulnerable people.” Says Jenna

“Words can definitely hurt; whoever made up that saying didn’t know what they were talking about.” Says Ophelia

“Sure verbal abuse has psychological consequences, but verbally abusing people in return not only ameliorates those psychological consequences, but offers great psychological rewards as well. It’s just healthy discourse at the end of the day.” Says Stacy

“That sounds like a very unhealthy relationship; arguing doesn’t resolve any of the issues it causes, and I think only violent people would find any sort of pleasure in verbally abusing somebody anyways.” Says Jenna

“You get the pleasure of standing up for yourself and fighting for your respect, being yelled at only hurts because you feel powerless, if you yell back, you feel powerful.” Says Stacy

“Until you start getting physically abused, and then it feels even worse. Please don’t become a relationship councilor. Conflicts should be avoided, not exacerbated.” Says Jenna

“If that was the proper logic, no court case would ever go to trial; they would just avoid it at all costs. The justice system clearly demonstrates how arguing resolves issues instead of just letting them fester.” Says Stacy

“Somebody tends to go to jail afterwards, so that’s not a great strategy for maintaining a healthy relationship.” Says Jenna

“If I’m in a relationship, I don’t want to get yelled at, and I definitely wouldn’t start yelling at somebody. I’m way more likely to start crying.” Says Ophelia

“There needs to be resolution to a conflict, but yelling is not the way to get there. Even the court system understands that. Calm, well-reasoned debate justified by evidence and testimony tends to be the reasonable way to go.” Says Jenna

“Avoiding the source of the conflict is a surefire way to avoid the conflict all together. I see no reason to chase men, the things that compel women to do so tend to be unhealthy afflictions of anxiogenic personal insecurity, emotional instability, poor self-esteem, loneliness caused by these things, or otherwise they are tempted by illicit vices not limited to lust. Thank god I’m not some mental trainwreck of a person who is so insecure and unstable I need a man to prop me up.” Says Stacy

“You forgot about love, Stacy, which is the most important reason people want to date. It’s a very important part of life; hopefully you will be more open to it when you get older.” Says Ophelia

“Stacy, you are a mental trainwreck of a person; the people you described are like sad kittens who don’t want to feel sad, alone, or get rained on; far less threatening than a trainwreck.” Says Jenna

“For me to be a trainwreck, the train would have to go off the tracks.” Says Stacy

“Thankfully I’m getting off that train at the next stop. I could use a night’s rest after what happened today.” Says Jenna

“Unfortunately for you, the ride never ends.” Says Stacy

“That’s unfortunate for all of us, but don’t remind me. Thankfully it seems to start and stop rather quickly, at least the torturous parts of it. Of course that delusion will be shattered once you start to incur legal repercussions for your reckless criminality.” Says Jenna

“First of all, it’s godly justice, and second of all, there will be no legal repercussions because thankfully I am not that reckless; if you think I’m not heavily contemplating all of the possible legal repercussions and how to avoid them every time I act in the name of the dog or god what have you, then you clearly doubt my prowess in utilizing the dog’s mind.” Says Stacy

“So you really thought about the repercussions before you beat that guy up today?” says Jenna

“The only repercussion was entertaining the people on the street. The cops don’t give a damn about murders; they certainly aren’t going to pursue a petty street fight.” Says Stacy

“Just don’t make a habit of it, or I’m sure they will.” Says Jenna

“If anything they’ll just be entertained like anybody else. Unless I’m beating up a small child, they’ll come in and start beating whoever it is I am fighting; they love to find an excuse to beat people with their nightsticks, and if they see that some mean bastard is exchanging fisticuffs with a little girl, you know for damn certain they’re going to start knocking his teeth out in the name of justifiable fun and maybe even justice itself.” Says Stacy

“I think you’re putting too much faith in the urban legend that Bay City police don’t do anything, that’s not something I would bet my life on.” Says Jenna

“Legends don’t have the living testimony of their validity walking the streets every day. Just put some faith in the dog’s magic, I would know for damn certain if something I am going to do will somehow attract the attention of the cops.” Says Stacy

“I don’t have any choice at this point, seeing how it’s your own faith that determines all of our fates for the most part. I’ve ultimately had no choice but to accept our fates with complete abandon, be it reckless or not. I cannot question your intuition, for I have no other means to avoid catalyzing the untimeliness of our ultimate ends.” Says Jenna

“Trust in the lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” Says Stacy, warmly

“No. No. God, no. Just a general ‘fuck it, I’m dead either way’. I’m not that crazy.” Says Jenna, rolling her eyes in disbelief

“There’s nothing crazy about having faith in God. You can’t lose faith just because life can be hard sometimes; we have been chosen to be God’s servants and help him do good in the world.” Says Ophelia

“Stacy is not god. What are you talking about?” asks Jenna

“The dog is god, or an angel or something, he performed a miracle to help us do God’s work. It really shouldn’t be hard to have faith in God after that. Besides, Stacy didn’t even say it was her own knowledge, but that it’s the dog’s knowledge, so it’s not even believing in her, but in the dog, who is probably God and we have no reason not to believe, seeing how he kept his word and gave us magical powers and everything.” Says Ophelia

“Thank god I have become indifferent enough to my own wellbeing that I can wildly put faith in the fact that the talking dog we met in a park is god in order to justify the fact that my friend murders people. Am I crazy for thinking that sounds crazy? You two seem to be just fine with that explanation.” asks Jenna

“Well, you didn’t say he was a magical dog, and he gave us magical powers, so if you include that it doesn’t sound crazy at all.” Says Ophelia

“Ophelia’s right, he was a magical dog. Anything with magic that powerful is more than likely god.” Says Stacy

“Wouldn’t the dog have said he was god? God tends to tell people that he is god when he talks to them.” Says Jenna

“Well, he could be a servant of god, like an angel or something. Maybe it was god putting our faith to the test, so you really don’t want to fail that test. Bad things always happen to people who forsake God.” Says Ophelia

“It is best we keep the faith, even if the dog isn’t god, he is still asking us to do the lord’s work, which is something we should be more than happy to do.” Says Stacy

“For some reason all of this doesn’t quite make me happy, it truly is a mystery as to why that is when you think about it.” Says Jenna

“Just pray, and try to believe more, then it will be a lot easier and you will be happier. Just listen to what Stacy said, don’t use your own understanding, just listen to God, and you know God would want us to do good things in the world, seeing how he gave us these powers expecting us to do so. I know it’s scary sometimes, but faith in God will always help you through the dark times.” Says Ophelia

“It always feels like I’m putting my faith in Stacy and not god, but I suppose I have no choice at this point.” Says Jenna

“As much as she might be too cool to admit it, Stacy is still a faithful servant of the Lord at the end of the day.” Says Ophelia

“Espionage requires one to blend in with the enemy in order to sabotage them from within.” Says Stacy

“I’m sorry; she’s just so good at the espionage part that it’s easy to forget that sometimes.” Says Jenna, undetectably sarcastic, losing sanity, but gaining faith, at least when the two are compared by proportion

“At least that means she’s good at her job, but thankfully we both know her better than that.” Says Ophelia

“I will definitely start praying to god that he helps me find more faith, thankfully I have you girls to remind me that I have been coming up short in that department.” Says Jenna

“If you pray, God will always answer your prayers.” Says Ophelia

“Even when all else has abandoned you, you will always have faith lest you chose to abandon it.” Says Stacy

“Seeing how reality has abandoned me, faith is the only thing I can turn to right now.” Says Jenna

“That’s all you need; so in a way, God showed you the light because all of your intelligence just confuses you and helps you realize that faith in God is more important and makes more sense.” Says Ophelia

“That is the only thing that makes sense right now, so I’m going to hold onto that thought for dear life.” Says Jenna

“Keep the faith.” Says Stacy

“I will so long as I am alive, for however short a time that might be.” Says Jenna

“It’s just a matter of survival at this point, so long as we perform at a competitive level, we will survive.” Says Stacy

“It seems like the odds are stacked against us seeing how everything in the environment opposes our survival and longevity.” Says Jenna

“We have more going for us than you think; we’re well adapted to say the least.” Says Stacy

“That’s a bit of an exaggeration.” Says Jenna

“At the very least we have some adaptations; they clearly have been invaluable thus far.” Says Stacy

“It seems to me that us having the adaptations is what put our lives in danger in the first place.” Says Jenna

“They are a blessing, just like how I’m sure being a prophet made somebody’s life a lot harder, they did it because they had faith and knew it was the right thing to do.” Says Ophelia

“I suppose I am irreverent because I am not jumping at the chance to die a martyr.” Says Jenna

“It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness. The Lord is my portion, saith my soul; therefore will I hope in him. The Lord is good unto them that wait for him, to the soul that seeketh him. It is good that a man should both hope and quietly wait for the salvation of the Lord. It is good for a man that he bear the yoke in his youth.” Says Stacy

“Why do you know that part?” asks Jenna

“It was one of the more common ones you get to write as punishment at St. Agnes. Not that you would know anything about that.” Says Stacy

“You get it a lot if you question god or school. I guess I was an inquisitive recalcitrant child.” Says Stacy

“You did tend to miss recess sometimes.” Says Ophelia

“We simply must bear the yoke in our youth, and the lord will not cast us off forever.” Says Stacy

“I hope you’re right, the thought of an end to this nonsense when there is none in sight actually gives me a little optimism for some irrational reason.” Says Jenna

“Faith and perseverance would be very good things to reflect on in your prayers tonight. I’m sure tomorrow you will feel a lot better about all of this.” Says Ophelia

“Oxen cannot cast off the yoke, regardless of their displeasure, and instead simply do what is asked of them. I suppose I should learn that lesson and come to terms with my fate as a servant of the Lord.” Says Jenna

“That’s a good one too.” Says Ophelia

“Sadly I must leave this peaceful pasture of friendship and subject myself to the yoke of Stella, but she is the one who feeds me, so I cannot truly complain.” Says Stacy

“She’s not that hard to please, it’s only hard if you object to respecting people’s best wishes and wisdom on principle, which is one you have taken to heart for some reason.” Says Jenna

“I’m learning, I’d rather not face the whip.” Says Stacy

“I told you words can hurt, but you probably deserve to be scolded. Just try not to deserve it ok?” Says Ophelia

“I do my best. It seems to work.” Says Stacy

“Thank god. If Stacy is learning how to avoid upsetting her sister and Ophelia is learning important lessons about men, this whole crucible of faith has miraculously yielded some meaningful and beneficial results somehow.” Says Jenna

“It truly is the work of God.” Says Ophelia

“That’s good enough for me. I’ll see you girls later.” Says Stacy

“Thanks so much for saving me today; I might have actually been sent to hell if you hadn’t protected me from that man. That would be terrible; I don’t think I could live with myself knowing I am going to hell.” Says Ophelia, hugging Stacy tightly

“No problem. Just avoid men if you’re that concerned about all of it.” Says Stacy, socially hugging Ophelia with a pat on the back hug

“I will for now. I’ll try to learn their tricks so I don’t fall victim to them.” Says Ophelia

“That’s good. You can let go of me now.” Says Stacy, feeling quite constricted by the vice of the virtuous

“Sorry. We’ll see you later.” Says Ophelia

“We better see you later, don’t go getting into any more fights or doing anything stupid. I don’t want you to end up in jail.” Says Jenna

“I only live a block from here, I wouldn’t worry too much about it.” Says Stacy

“There are a few blocks back to school in the morning, so just be good, will you?” asks Jenna

“I’m sure Stella will keep me in line the whole way back, so I’m in good hands.” Says Stacy

“Thank god you have her in your life. Do be good to her.” Says Jenna

“I will. I’ll see you girls on the morrow.” Says Stacy

“Bye, Stacy!” Says Ophelia, as Stacy heads off into the summertime sunshine




Stacy walks calmly down the well-trodden sidewalk quietly yawning in her mind, amounting more of a sigh as her eyes blink slower, only half opening as they flutter like mostly dead but still dying butterflies, perhaps just fooling the observers with their post-death slow-twitching. Sleepwalking in a sense, with nothing to throw fuel on the fires of her instinctive argumentation, a simpler instinct takes over, quiet, thoughtless, unquestioning as she walks, giving no significance to her actions or surroundings, simply accepting the brain’s natural notions as the only course of action, having no interest nor even the slightest thought of giving anything a second thought, nor even a first one, as one mustn’t truly think to know what one sees, as one can simply absentmindedly acknowledge the existence of such things without thought, and this principle has comfortably been applied to all aspects of cognition. Stacy approaches her home and enters, greeted by the meaningless jibber-jabber of the television and the smell of a room well-soaked with cigarette smoke. Dale had managed to transcend beyond Stacy’s level of enlightenment, sleeping peacefully on the couch as the dry warm air blows softly through the windows of the house. Stacy heads upstairs, knowing full well the displeasure of being awoken from such fleeting peace on earth.

Stacy enters her room, lays her bag down beside her desk, takes her shirt off, withdraws the wad of money from her bra, opens her drawer largely empty save for some scattered miscellanea a respectable quantity of cash which she stacks together loosely, taking a forgotten scrunchie and puts it to use, wrapping it around the stack of bills before placing it back in the now far more organized drawer, now appearing more so traditionally empty, resonating in harmony with Stacy’s own interest in deskly affairs. She closes the drawer, opens the bottom one, and unhooks the trench knife from her bra-strap and places it inside with a friendly, sleepy smile before closing the drawer. She finishes undressing and puts on some comfortable casual clothes and seeks out the intoxicating pleasure of lying on her bed after a long day of being reminded of the pains of being alive. She squirms and stretches slowly and pleasurably to satiate the stiffness in her muscles before the growing relaxation takes hold and the ancient anesthesia allows her to escape the hard rigid world and delve into the soft realm of comfortable darkness, the void far more seductive than any riding and illustrious or illuminated trains of thought. The sun lazily inches towards the horizon, equally sleepy.


Stella walks into the room, sees Stacy wholesomely napping without a care in the world, sighs, strips down to her panties and crawls on top of Stacy, cuddling her, nuzzling her neck, inhaling deeply pleasured and comforted by the familiar smell. She kisses Stacy’s neck softly, taking some moments to simply enjoy the tactile delight offered by the delicate body before her.

“Stacy...” Says Stella softly inquisitive, nuzzling Stacy’s neck

“Hello.” Says Stacy, hugging Stella, but entirely unwilling to open her eyes

“You weren’t the reason the student council had a debate on the knife policy at school, we’re you?” asks Stella

“I didn’t even know we had a knife policy.” Says Stacy

“You didn’t answer my question.” Says Stella

“I’m innocent until proven guilty.” Says Stacy

“God damn it, Stacy.” Says Stella, entirely unsurprised with little if any hope to lose from the revelation

“I’m innocent, I tell you.” Says Stacy

“I don’t even want to know what you did. I don’t even care at this point.” Says Stella, glumly resting on Stacy’s shoulder

“That’s a healthy mentality. Whining won’t stop the sun from shining.” Says Stacy

“Thanks.” Says Stella, dryly

“What was the result of the debate anyways?” asks Stacy

“I was one of two people who voted to make carrying a knife against the rules, 18 people said that would endanger the lives and well-being of students who walk to and from school if they can’t carry some form of protection. I probably should have just abstained, now I look like some radical liberal who hates rights and wants people to get raped and killed, it will probably hurt me if I ever run in an election.” Says Stella

“That’s no good.” Says Stacy

“That’s exactly what I thought when a teacher told us that some girl was attacked with a knife after school, but that clearly did not sway many other people.” Says Stella

“Banning knives would only keep knives out of the hands of law abiding schoolgirls, the criminals would still carry the knives regardless of the rules, it only hurts good people and helps the criminals if you take away peoples’ right to protect themselves.” Says Stacy

“Jesus, spare me the rhetoric.” Says Stella

“You’re the one who woke me up; you could have easily spared yourself.” Says Stacy

“You know why I woke you up.” Says Stella

“I didn’t scare you away?” Says Stacy

“The exact opposite.” Says Stella

“So you’re that kind of girl, now?” asks Stacy

“I figure you’re going out with your friends tomorrow, and the girls will come over Saturday, so seeing how it is very likely that you get yourself killed or end up in jail between now and Sunday, I’m going to savor every moment of your company while I still can.” Says Stella

“Nothing bad is going to happen to me, don’t worry.” Says Stacy

“I have very little faith in that statement.” Says Stella

“What can I do for you? I aim to please, you know.” Says Stacy, offhandedly

“I want you to fuck me. Really fucking good, hard, fuck me like you know it’s the last time before you die, before we both die.” Says Stella, whispering into Stacy’s ear, aggressively serious

“Yeah?” says Stacy, rather unmoved by the sentiment, indifferently obliging, feeling taxed but not quite reluctant

“Please.” Says Stella, kissing Stacy’s neck, grinding against her hips, “I need that sweet release. Let me die happy.” Says Stella, Stacy, pleased by the thought of making Stella happy, pulls her head in front of her own and begins kissing her slowly and lovingly to which Stella responds with a grateful passion, sliding her hands under Stacy’s shirt and fondling her chest and holding her tight over the shoulder, grinding against Stacy’s hips more so longingly, the pleasure of being cared for filling her unfulfilled body with feelings of worth and joy. Stacy gropes Stella’s ass, assisting her pursuit of pleasure which increases in force and frequency of the undular motion of her body. Stella lifts Stacy’s shirt up, Stacy slips her arms out and pulls Stella’s panties halfway down her thighs, Stella responds by pulling Stacy’s shorts and knickers down to her knees and kicking them off with her foot, Stacy does the same to Stella who returns to her previous pursuits more so passionately, putting her hand under Stacy’s knee and lifts it out of the way for ease of access, Stacy arches her back in a half-yawn of plentiful pleasure, still waking up from the nap as Stella’s lips move from Stacy’s mouth to her neck as her body stretches so artfully, Stacy’s hand returns Stella’s mouth to her own, using her other hand to put more pressure behind Stella’s grinding hips.  The escalation causes Stella’s soft moans to overpower her tongue, to which Stacy responds by sitting up, threading Stella’s bent left knee under the crook of her own, taking both hand’s under the rump of Stella and bouncing her rhythmically in their mutual lap, beginning to suckle on Stella’s breasts all the while, kissing the other parts of the chest as her mouth ventures between mamillae, causing Stella to gasp moans of liberating pleasure for a sporting amount of time.

“Stacy, I need your tongue!” moans Stella, breaking the wordlessness, Stacy spins her around, throwing her on the bed and heading south with her mouth, an ephemeral pussyfooting around before unleashing her tongue upon Stella’s nethers, causing Stella to cry out passionately and begin fondling her own breast and stroking Stacy’s hair, enjoying this plateau before pleading with Stacy.

“More! Please!” Stella moans as her back arches, Stacy easily slips her fingers inside and goes to town, inspired by Stella’s heavy breathing as her body starts to squirm, thrusting her groin into Stacy’s face which she skillfully ripostes with her tongue and fingers with haughty fervor. Stella’s body begins to quiver more rapidly, to which Stacy responds by pinning one of her legs preemptively and continuing her unrelenting advances.

“Stacy!” cries Stella, as the mounting surge of intense pleasure unleashes itself and courses through her veins and mind, causing her to lose control of her body. Stacy continues her domination of Stella’s loins despite this, Stella’s cries of passion now more parallel to somebody sneezing, entirely out of her control, still quivering, Stacy unrelenting.

“Oh my god!” cries Stella as an unnoticed dam of pleasure breaks in her mind and nearly drowns her, squirming, pleased to the point of being unable to think, entirely exhausted by the ordeal.

 “Kiss me, Stacy, please.” She says, needing something to fixate her mouth on in this sheer ecstasy. Stacy climbs up Stella’s body and happily obliges as Stella once again starts to rub her own hips against Stacy’s in a slow forceful manner as if trying to clean the superfluous pleasure from her body somehow. Stacy echoes the pleasant rubbing of their orifices with twice the speed at an allegretto, Stella wraps her legs around each one of Stacy’s, holding Stacy’s ass and back firmly with a crescendo of force behind her hips, her hips arching off the bed as she does so, beginning to pant a soft melody into Stacy’s ear as she holds her tightly. Stacy eventually starts to replace tempo with diligence, returning to kissing Stella slowly with a mutual tiredness.

“Let me do you.” Says Stella, escaping Stacy’s tongue for a moment to whisper in her ear

“You don’t have to.” Says Stacy, already more than satisfied

“I need to.” Moans Stella

“Really?” asks Stacy, incredulous to this sentiment

“Of course.” Says Stella, flipping Stacy over, starting to kiss her neck, working her way down to her breasts, suckling and fondling them, beginning to stroke Stacy’s peasant pleasantry pleasantly, eventually Stella moves her mouth down Stacy’s ribcage and abdomen, paying due tribute with her lips and tongue to the sylphlike body that is still threadbare in some spots, subtly reminding one of the time before its modest refurbishment. Reaching the palace of the sacrum, kissing the pillars of the thighs in worship before turning her attention to the altar itself, truly grateful for these identical temples of such salvation from misery to exist in her life; Stella slowly makes impassioned love to Stacy with her mouth and tongue, Stacy moans softly, mildly ashamed of feeling such pleasure, but she gladly bears the burden of her own hypocrisy to bring fulfillment and satisfaction into Stella’s life. Stacy’s moans incite Stella’s tongue as she seeks to inspire an even more beautiful chorus from the fallen angel that she holds so sacred in her own godless irreverence. The angel obliges and the music soothes and pleases Stella to no end yet still tempts her to seek even more angelic notes from the throat of her goddess and salvator who obliges her in masochistic hedonism.

 Stella’s fingers penetrate the soul of Stacy causing a burning guilt and shame to boil in her face, mildly enjoyable if solely for its strangeness, as such a feeling is otherwise unknowable to the girl so tormented by her godlike godliness. This euphoric wild ambivalence soon causes Stacy’s body to lash out, flail, and cry out in such pained pleasure, the burning napalm of Stella’s passion the only means of fighting such fires in her soul which her legs grasp onto in desperation, but the only salvation is found in the sickly sweat cooling her body. Stella’s own exhaustion and mild suffocation eventually allow Stacy some respite from her own internal conflict, which eventually eases the tension in her legs. Stella climbs back on top of Stacy truly delighted and satisfied by her due diligence as Stacy still breathes heavily eyes closed in a state of mild shock, grabbing Stella’s ass and coaxing Stella’s hips into her own, attempting to use the philosophy of homeopathic medicine to ease the tension such pursuits had induced, finding one of the few areas where such a philosophy bears fruits. Stella kisses Stacy’s neck; still obliging the wishes of Stacy’s coaxing hand, while Stacy’s breathing slows to a more relaxed pace.

“Fuck.” says Stacy, breathily, at a loss for words

“I love to feel you breath, it’s like the ocean.” Says Stella

“That was something else.” Says Stacy

“I’m glad you liked it.” Says Stella, kissing Stacy’s lips lovingly, beginning to cuddle her

“Somehow I like this part a bit more.” Says Stacy

“I knew you were the cute, cuddly type, deep down in there.” Teases Stella, kissing Stacy’s cheek

“That’s what it is.” Says Stacy, holding Stella close, the comfort of the bed and body not quite penetrating as deep into her tension as they usually do, laying in the silence of breathing for a while

“You’re awfully quiet.” Says Stella

“You fucked my brains out. I have no words right now.” Says Stacy

“I’ll be sure to enjoy it while it lasts.” says Stella, finding sheer comfort cutting through her body like a sharp blade as she stretches like a cat preparing to nap before returning her head to the crook of Stacy’s neck, the mindless and the minded find mutual pleasure in each other’s silent company, neither feeling any desire to experience any other aspect of life


The mild awkwardness of a thoughtless girl forced to think about her actions and an unfeeling one discomforted by being forced to feel things earlier ensues, neither moved enough by their sentiments to move their tired bodies, fatigued by the social and personal maintenance those who have yet to die inside or in the eyes of society are forced to do. Stella’s quiet thoughts of the judgements of her peers entirely disregarded but still echoing softly, Stella’s profuse emotionality rinsing and cleaning her mind, finding unquestionably true fulfillment in her pursuit of being accepted, enjoyed, and appreciated. Stacy stoically burning her unusual feelings of unsettling sensory and philosophical ambivalence alive; tried and convicted of witchcraft, becoming happy bedfellows with the more primal feelings of comfort, safety, and warmth: she knows these feelings cannot betray her or contort her mind to any comparable degree as the sentimental delirium of an emotionalist. Stacy of course more than indifferent to the masochism of being a stoic ascetic subjected to sexual pleasure in exchange for the peace, comfort, safety,  wellbeing, and joy it brings her; it’s easy to use one’s body to pay such a toll, when one has no attachment to the naturally undignified, meaningless meat puppet belonging to one’s mind.


“Stacy?” asks Stella softly, eventually

“Supper?” asks Stacy, this being the only temptation that would cause her to forsake such a nap

“Is there any thought process that occurs when you set out to hurt people? Do you just snap and go crazy for a second? What is it?” asks Stella

“I don’t want a pickle.” Sings Stacy

“What? If anything you put yourself in a pickle by hurting people, especially when you do it at school?” asks Stella

“I don’t want a tickle.” Sings Stacy

“Well, I don’t think the people you hunt are looking to tickle you either.” Says Stella

“And I…. don’t want to die.” Sings Stacy

“You think you needed to attack that girl at school in order not to die? I understand that you are expected to do something like that every now and again, but I was hoping you could take care of that sort of stuff very far away from school.” Says Stella

“It was just a quick buck to put some fuel in the tank; I take what I can get. The stars aligned so to speak and I couldn’t turn down an opportunity to make a living, quite literally, and get out of dodge no worse for wear.” Says Stacy

“Using a bunch of euphemisms doesn’t change the fact that you are attacking people in broad daylight in your school uniform. That is a shameless degree of recklessness.” Says Stella

“I do things, I clearly had a good reason; I had arguably divine certainty that there would be no social or legal repercussions for my actions, and I just think we should accept the fact that I do things and leave it at that. I am forced to either live this life or die for failing to do so, don’t be upset I choose the former.” Says Stacy

“I was just hoping for a higher degree of caution, but that seems foolish when I think about who I’m expecting it from.” Says Stella

“Being shot with a handgun truly instills a healthy level of precaution in somebody. Trust me. The chances of me seeing any fallout from this particular charade is almost nonexistent, I’m basically buying a lottery ticket and winning when I don’t hit the jackpot.” Says Stacy

“I hope your right. I am worried, but I can’t do anything about it so I just want to ignore it.” Says Stella

“Good. That’s what I want you to do. Just ignore all of it. There’s no reason for you to get involved or even know a damn thing about what I do, I certainly don’t want my risky business involving you in anyway whatsoever. Just let me handle my business, and we can spend our time enjoying simple, normal things without worrying fruitlessly and creating misery where there should be none.” Says Stacy

“I don’t know why incredulity seems to appealing right now, it just feels like I’m taking all of the good parts of life with none of the bad. I don’t want you to die, but even now it feels like some silly nonsensical thought with no basis in reality.” Says Stella

“Good. I don’t want you worried for no reason; I’m here, I’m fine, you’re fine, and that’s all that matters right now.” Says Stacy

“I feel insane thinking that there is no reason for me to be worried, but I feel insane all the time when I think about this whole thing anyways. If I’m going to feel insane regardless of my decision, I may as well take the one without worry.” Says Stella

“Common sense when you think about it.” Says Stacy

“Not really, but who cares. I care more about feeling happy than I do about how realistic my interpretation of reality is. The pros of sanity no longer outweigh the cons.” Says Stella

“I doubt they ever did, at least in regards to a few particularly tasty flavors of insanity.” Says Stacy

“Let’s just get back to enjoying the simpler things.” Says Stella, cuddling Stacy lovingly

“You’ve got supper on your mind, too, eh?” asks Stacy

“Give me a little while to forget about all of the nonsense.” Says Stella, holding and nuzzling Stacy as a child would their stuffed animal

“Sure thing.” Says Stacy, holding Stella close, letting the comfort wash over her exhausted body and lull her mind into the serenity of half-sleep



The sun paces back and forth, shouting into a broken wireless cellphone headset and waving his arms wildly, speaking his own language of seemingly random English words surrounded by entirely fictitious words, meaningful enough to be repeated throughout the time spent shouting with the fervence of a stock broker in the pit of Mammon and the authority of an abusive parent. The fairy children he is scolding giggle and fly about in haughty recalcitrance, unscathed by the fiery lashes of the sun’s hatred as the darkness that envelops them consumes all traces of light long before it reaches the paradoxically glowing spritely sadists who are ever so pleased by torturing the sunshine man whose arms are simply too short to reach into the void that houses such a twisted dimension that endears insanity and the exacerbation of said insanity as an act that its denizens presume to be charity.

 An old Asian woman comes out of her bodega which the sunshine man had absentmindedly decided to slowly die in front of and begins to swing a broom at him and shout in her native tongue. The sunshine man screams at the woman, calling her a witch, his arguments turning to dread-fueled desperate cries as he attempts to cast magical spells to ward off the curses of the witch and cleanse his body from the ones he can feel burning into his skin. He knows he is not supposed to be here, but he does not know where is supposed to be, so for the time being he is indifferent, because the rebuke and smiting of the scoff-giggling fairies with blades and armor of invulnerable self-assured arrogance is his only futile priority. He exists, but he cares little for the soft-spoken mild-mannered hard-style reality that surrounds him, for his existence is defined by the fairies torment, and he knows all too well how easily his material prison will crumble into hellish torture if he is to let his guard down long enough for the fairies to sneak past him through the interdimensional doorway. For this reason, he remains vigilant, knowing that he is likely the only god keen to this transgression, and he knows if he fails his own countable soul and the eternal lives of the innocent will forever be consumed by the chaotic blight of the possessed faithful, the dernier cri of existence, the endless darkness. The maverick bastard still smiles at small victories that last only a few moments, but such a spectacle ensures that his physical form will collapse from exhaustion soon, and continue this fight in the realm of dreams. His placement is irrelevant; for it is his existence alone that ensures his unquestionable righteousness.


Stacy’s stomach growls “I’d hate for the wolf to start biting, even though you seem to like that sort of play.” Jokes Stacy

“I’ll feed you, don’t bite me.” Says Stella

“You kind of deserve it though.” Says Stacy

“I’m actually doing what I’m asked to do, if you had just been wise enough to do that, you wouldn’t have been bitten.” Says Stella

“I just know better than to bite the hand that feeds me.” Says Stacy

“Good girl.” Jokes Stella

“At least you’re willing to treat me like an animal.” Says Stacy

“You like that?” asks Stella

“Animals are noble, innocent beasts; I can actually respect them. Being treated like a human fills me with disgust. I can respect the symbiotic nature of natural systems, but humans are just a virulent parasite that is rapidly decimating its host. I’m ashamed to be part of that.” Says Stacy

“You don’t seem to make any effort towards making the problem better.” Says Stella

“My house is on fire, I’m not going to think I’m some kind of saint because I choose to piss on the fire. It’s futile, even though you might feel like you’re doing something. Let it burn. Let the humans enjoy the hell their own vices have methodically and masterfully crafted for themselves.” Says Stacy

“Even with that mentality, you’re still better than people who simply want to be incredulous to the destruction of the planet and its natural systems. The results may be the same, but at least you acknowledge the truth.” Says Stella

“When a man is sitting in an oven that is burning him alive, is it truly more humane to prolong his death by burning him more slowly than it is to simply crank the heat to the max and give him a swift death when one is faced with one choice or the other?” asks Stacy

“That man probably has a family, and the oven is only so warm right now, so clearly you let him enjoy as much time as possible before his oven home turns into hell on earth.” Says Stella

“Of course, that way, he is only discomforted by the increasing heat, and his children get to experience the full pleasure of burning to death even slower than their father could ever imagine.” Says Stacy

“My hope is that slowly being burned alive will convince most people it’s not such a bad idea to turn off the oven.” Says Stella

“A man and his family need to eat, and it’s hard to eat without a functional oven.” Says Stacy

“The raw food diet exists; you can eat without cooking, for what it’s worth in that allegory.” Says Stella

“Removing the heavily polluting industrial food sources will starve billions of people; as much as I’m all for that, just for the evolutions sake due to healthy natural-style competition for scarce food resources, the billions of starving people might be less fond of the idea. The age old question, does it hurt more to starve to death or be slowly burned alive?” asks Stacy

“Humans are clever creatures, I’m optimistic we will figure something out. It will be hard, but the vast majority of people in the world, rich and poor, understand that if the world is underwater and on fire at the same time, that does not bode well for them.” Says Stella

“Unless you’re making a killing by drowning the world and catching it on fire, and we all know how politics works, it’s a dollar a vote in the first world, and a hay penny in the third.” Says Stacy

“I’m sure when the money burns up in the people’s hands; they will understand that they’re not getting a great deal.” Says Stella

“Money doesn’t even catch fire in the most hellish of hells, the people who pay for politics can easily pay for a little fireproofing, the problem will arise when all of the little people they sacrifice to Mammon in exchange for money die off, then they’re really up a creek.” Says Stacy

“I think they know that. At least I’m hoping they do.” Says Stella

“I think in the Space Age, the capitalist’s plan is to use the plebeians as the rocket-fuel for the first stage rocket to get them into space, and then have robots take over as fuel for the second stage to propel them deep into space, free from the crushing grip of Earth’s gravity and the gravity of the earthlings.” Says Stacy

“That’s alarmingly realistic, unfortunately.” Says Stella

“It’s just the technological revolution, I’m sure some beautiful plebeians might be kept alive as historical art, but other than that, few will survive. In 300 years, the contemporary cancerous progeny of shameless vice known as plebeians will be as prevalent in reality as the muzzleloading flintlock musket.” Says Stacy

“I don’t think there is any class in society that isn’t defined by its shameless vice.” Says Stella

“Of course not, but successful people are defined by their competitively shameless vice, and in the end, those with the adaptations to compete, dominate, and thrive are the ones who survive.” Says Stacy

“I’m pretty sure success is defined by work ethic and ingenuity, but what do I know.” Says Stella

“You look at the tree, but forget that which causes the tree to grow. Without the water, there is no tree, so I’m simply arguing the fuel for one’s success is more pertinent than the success itself. If there are 7 nutrients, and a proper balance of these leads to a strong healthy tree, you can understand why imbalances, deficits, or surpluses in the nutrients can lead to a malformed and unhealthy tree. The healthiest trees are the ones who can find the proper nutrient balance while still consuming enough sustenance to grow big and strong.” Says Stacy

“As much as I don’t like someone referring to the seven deadly sins as nutrients, I’m sure political correctness would agree with you to some extent, not that they would tolerate anyone arguing that most vices are vices. They tolerate vice to a large degree, and hence vice comes to dominate the planet as much as it is allowed to, sadly.” Says Stella

“Vices are vices, but nice vices are nice, and it would be disparaging to call productive and constructive things vices, so clearly the politically correct term for these things is nice nices. Who cares if they are producing hellfire and constructing things out of the corpses of children in sweatshops? Those kids aren’t allowed to protest in American streets, so clearly their health and welfare are irrelevant and it is more than appropriate to sacrifice them in exchange for shoes and clothes and knick-knacks and baubles. That’s political correctness for you.” Says Stacy

“It’s a shame that the people who allege that they want equality and tolerance for all people are happy to support immoral enterprises that exploit humans. They see their group of people that they protest with and think those are the only people that exist, they are hardly any better than the rich who want to keep all of the nice things to themselves, the protestors just want to get nice things and keep them for themselves then forget about the rest of the world because they have what they want.” Says Stella

“People only care about themselves, even if they are willing to do this by fighting a proxy war in favor of somebody else’s interests, they are only doing this because the end result of that proxy war will benefit themselves in the end. An angry mob is always right in a democracy, so these people think they are selfless saints because they’re fighting for what the mob wants, and since they are a mob, they determine what is right. One of the many reasons I’m a big supporter of driving tanks through angry mobs.” Says Stacy

“I wouldn’t go that far, but I agree that they are being hypocritical in claiming selflessness when in reality they are entirely self-centered.” Says Stella

“Good, humble, kind, charitable people aren’t the people who go out and join angry mobs and start shouting with picket signs. Those people are actually out there helping people and making a difference, albeit a small one more than likely. Since all the good people are too busy being good people to protest, driving a few tanks through crowds of indignant idiots and greeting their stone throwing with a hail of gunfire is an entirely moral thing to do as no good people are put in harm’s way in the process. Just taking a bunch of ingrates and miscreants out of paradise, it truly is a godly act.” Says Stacy

“You’re version of godliness always tends to be a bit contorted.” Says Stella,

“It’s the contemporary version of godliness that is contorted; I only seek to take traditional godliness and update it for a contemporary society. Enhance the word of god with our own intellectual development in order to create a society that can actually reap the benefits of morality instead of simply turn a blind eye to vice and pretend that everything is peachy.” Says Stacy

“You tend to want to unleash hell on earth upon the people; I’m pretty sure even the traditions like stoning everybody to death weren’t as brutal as half of your ideas.” Says Stella

“That’s because the traditions lacked the technology to assist them in creating the ideal world they sought to produce, so they simply resorted to the means they had available to them which were stones. Just as technology has produced a more capable, efficient, and advanced society, it should be put to use to enhance the realization of god’s condemnation of the wicked in the same respects.” Says Stacy

“You really could use a little more faith in Jesus. As much as you respect the Old Testament, you tend to ignore all of what Jesus has to say.” Says Stella

“Jesus cannot bear this much sin. Jesus was about relaxing the strictness of Jewish traditions where you are damned if you don’t eat your matzo. He wasn’t about forsaking god entirely, lathering one’s body in sin, and then going to heaven at the end of the day, contrary to popular belief. He said the traditions were there to keep people alive until he could reveal the message of god; Jesus sacrificed himself as the Passover lamb, with his body as matzo and his blood for wine, to forgive people for forsaking Jewish tradition. That’s it. If your sin was greater than missing your Passover meal or some other symbolic ritualistic custom like that, Jesus didn’t die for that sin and you more than likely are going to burn in hell for it. I’m not forcing everybody to start eating matzo on Passover, I’m just reminding them that god mandated something called morality as well as the palpable suffering that accompanies a life filled with vice.” Says Stacy

“There was more to the message of Jesus than that, but that’s beside the point. Plenty of old religious law is ridiculous and adding your own insanity on top of that is an even worse idea. Besides that, I doubt you have any faith in god and tend to use religion only as a way to justify your insane beliefs.” Says Stella

“I just look at it from a rational perspective, morality is what keeps society functioning, and things that are contrary to this are immoral. I don’t seek to revive every religious law, I’m just arguing that traditional religious morality was fairly decent at doing its job of maintaining order; while the fear of god may no longer cause most people do be moral, the fear of a brutal authority would, so that is why I turn to such means to extirpate antisocial behaviors, regardless of whether or not they are immoral in the traditional religious sense. I would of course appeal to the religious population by giving them a section of society that can happily enforce all of the traditional laws, and even be so kind to give the immoral people their own segregated society where they can attempt to prove their arguments that their vices are not antisocial and if they can support themselves and thrive, so be it, they are free to do so, and if they suffer, they deserve to suffer for being so afflicted.

 My philosophy is simple; it is mandated morality with the option of immorality as opposed to the current system of mandated immorality with the option of morality. In the current system everyone suffers because of how vice is tolerated instead of simply allowing the vice to exist separately and prevent it from blighting decent people. I am by no means a moralist; I simply understand the value of morality and the stability and health of a moral society as opposed to one rife with vice. I simply seek to herd the animals, I must tend to the sheep and the goats, the young and the old, the healthy and the sick, and I seek no more than to do as any shepherd or goatherd has done in the past. A shepherd does not herd his flock because god mandates him to do so; he does this to ensure the survival and wellbeing of himself, his family, his people, and his flock. That is all I seek to do.” Says Stacy

“People aren’t sheep and goats, but I know I can’t convince you of that. I’ll do my job as your little shepherdess and herd you to the supper table. I want my little ewe to be happy and healthy, even if she does tend to baa a lot.” Says Stella, getting up to get dressed

“I hope you’re not fattening me up to eat me.” Jokes Stacy

“I just need the wool to keep me warm and somebody to keep me company.” Says Stella

“You’re a good shepherdess. Let’s enjoy sunshine while we frolic in the fields.” Says Stacy, also starting to get dressed

“I’m going to hope that the sun keeps shining.” Says Stella

“If it turns to night, I’ll be there to keep you warm and cozy.” Says Stacy

“I’ll enjoy that until I die a cold, lonely death because somebody has stolen my sheep from me.” Says Stella

“I can fight them off, or at least trick them, I’m a crafty, magical sheep, you know.” Says Stacy

“It’s kind of sad my life depends on a magical sheep, but you’re all I’ve got, so I’m holding on to you for dear life. I’m praying for a miracle at this point, because I’m not all too confident in the abilities of my magic sheep.” Says Stella

“They say Jesus was a sheep, you know. I wouldn’t underestimate a sheep.” Says Stacy

“Don’t get started on that.” Says Stella, exiting the room towards the kitchen

“I can’t get started if I’ve never stopped.” Jokes Stacy, following Stella down the stairs





Dale lies on the couch, laden with genius, experiencing the struggle that many of his breed face, being taught everything one needs to know, but sleeping through the lessons because he already knows all of the material like the back of his hand, the grainy footage of the old wars and commentary by veterans and scholars alike echo through his mind like hymns in the mind of a church girl who could sing all of them before she could read. At night the dreams of salvation by the hand of god fill the mind of the little girl, and Dale has these same dreams; the girl doesn’t fully understand who or what god is but her faith fills the gaps in her knowledge, but Dale knows all too well what fills these gaps. Dale is what fills these gaps, fighting off Nazis and Communists through jungles feral and urban, knowing that he might not survive, but fighting without fear knowing that god must survive, or hell will be unleashed upon the world.




“You should take after dad and put more faith in freedom, there’s a reason people fight for it.” Says Stella, absentmindedly noticing the droning television as the girls walk into the kitchen

“I see no reason to fight and liberate myself from Eden, I’d much rather live in the good graces of the lord. Regardless, people tend to fight wars for imperialism or their survival, not for civil liberties.” Says Stacy

“I’m pretty sure the Revolutionary War and the Civil War were largely about civil liberties.” Says Stella

“The Brits were making it hard for the colonists to survive, and abolishing slavery would make it impossible for the southern way of life to survive. Both of them were still fighting for their survival. Nowadays the sentiment of people alleged to be sane and educated by the mass media is that the right thing to do is fighting to take rights away from people. Using this logic I am the most sane and educated of all of them, seeing how I would gladly take all of the rights away from people.” Says Stacy

“I think they just want the potentially harmful ones regulated to some degree.” Says Stella

“Oof. Ouch. Owie. All of those amendments to the constitution are hurting me. Ow. It looks like we need to get rid of all of them because they’re clearly dangerous.” Says Stacy

“Seeing how it’s impossible to argue with such flawless logic, I’m not even going to try.” Says Stella

“I’m sure I could drum up an argument about how every constitutional amendment has resulted in some number of deaths of innocent civilians that could have been prevented if the rights were quote unquote regulated to some degree.” Says Stacy

“What about the 3rd amendment?” asks Stella

“All those homeless vets, they could really use a home. They also would have been able to use their skills to prevent spousal abuse, neglect of children, and even house fires. Clearly the 3rd Amendement is responsible for hurting if not taking the lives of countless innocent citizens and veterans alike. It should clearly be regulated to prevent such atrocities.” Says Stacy

“Clearly. I’m sure it would be hard to argue about the one for replacing the president or changing the salaries of senators and representatives being deadly. I’ll just give you the poll tax, lowering the voting age to 18, giving DC representatives, because you’ll just argue those populations don’t know what’s best for them and endanger the country with their ignorance. I don’t even want to hear the arguments against women and minorities voting, let alone abolition.” Says Stella

“You could have just grouped in women and minorities with DC, the poor, and the youth. A man without the freedom to endanger himself and others is far less likely to do so, at least I support enslaving everybody equally though.” Says Stacy

“How noble. It’s ironic that you’re into politics but oppose your right to vote.” Says Stella, sarcastically

“I oppose any system where the only method of participation in governance is aligning one’s self with one of two mobs of equally ignorant self-righteous self-serving backbiting bastards. Indoctrinating people to think that this is a legitimate or even functional system is the real atrocity.” Says Stacy

“It’s better than nothing, so I’m sure most people are just grateful for what they can get.” Says Stella

“If I have nothing, you can say I amounted to nothing because there was nothing to amount to, but by doing this I have also reached the pinnacle of success. By giving people political power that could theoretically accomplish great things, you force them to know that they could have amounted to something yet know they failed miserably to do so, and you force them to live with this pain, hence the unchanging indignation of the people and continued shortcomings of the government.” Says Stacy

“The indignation of the people tends to result in actual legislation being passed, so you don’t really have a point.” Says Stacy

“I said it was defined by its shortcomings, not it’s inexistence. If you strip everyone of their right to vote, they are more or less forced to do something that is actually productive during the time they would otherwise be littering the streets in protest during the middle of the day or otherwise having their thought processes consumed by faith that their own mob has the true alchemical knowledge required to turn this dysfunctional machine into some solid gold masterwork of engineering while being irate that the other mob is even allowed to exist due to their communist or McCarthyist ideals of suppressing their rival groups. They couldn’t riot because that would be suicide, so instead they likely work on bettering their lives or at the very least refraining from littering the streets with their misery.” Says Stacy

“You realize that you spend all of your time doing the same exact thing. What would you even be doing?” asks Stella

“Unlike the rioting idiots, I don’t put any faith in democracy or rioting nor do I believe that I can miraculously induce function in a system designed to destroy itself every time the status quo changes. If there was no democracy, I would undoubtedly spend my time writing very patriotic letters to the authority reminding them that I appreciate how they keep such law and order, and giving them suggestions on how I think the authority could better manifest a more functional and productive society.” Says Stacy

“Quaint. I’m sure they wouldn’t be all too happy with some of your ideas.” Says Stella

“I would preach to the choir, no doubt, but I can preach from any book, Stalin, Hitler, the Bible, you name it, so long as it is authoritarian in nature. All of these systems want the same thing; I am concerned with the baking of a cake, not the flavor of the frosting.” Says Stacy

“So you are like the opposite of a centrist, a non-partisan extremist or something.” says Stella

“The systems are simply means to an end; I have no objection to them, so long as the end is reached. Sadly it is unlikely that any one of those groups will have a following large enough to amount to anything, so we are forced to watch people shout at each other and make snide remarks until we all die because nobody ever learned that such action amounts to little if not nothing or worse. The only thing this country has going for it is that its inability to govern with any efficacy is a prime environment for capitalism, but the ax-wielding socialists are hungry to eat the legs that the country stands on. They are nice, fat hams, but that is no reason to start to eat yourself and starve to death after you become unable to move, if you don’t die from blood loss that is.” Says Stacy

“I don’t understand what part about politics appeals to you. Your policies are unappealing, and clearly it’s not your thorough and accurate knowledge of the subject that compels you, yet you seem to be enthralled by it at all times.” Says Stella

“It’s just the feeling of power, the feeling that I know everything, I know what’s best for everyone, I know how to make the world function at a higher level of performance; it basically makes you feel like god, if you’re bold enough at least, giving people commandments and condemning them all the time.” Says Stacy

“You never have any second thoughts about any of your nonsense? That perhaps you don’t actually know what’s best or even what is a half-way reasonable idea? That truly is an insane level of confidence.” Says Stella

“The insane confidence of insanity is attributable to an unnaturally high level of dopamine, so even if it is crazy, it feels damn good to be this crazy. Besides, politics isn’t about actually knowing things, it’s just about believing that you know things while having little if any justification for your beliefs other than your delusion that drives you to blindly put faith in the policies of one group or another. I’d loathe myself if I ever blindly agreed with somebody, especially if I respected the opinions of sheep who defend themselves and stroke their egos with circular logic solely based upon their opinionated consensus regarding what they allege to be the best course of action. This means that in order to get my rush from the commonplace politics based god-complex I’m forced to define my political ideology as things that are extremely unpopular just to separate myself from the masses and thus further stroke my ego and feelings of superiority. Anyone with political sentiments will always be pretentious enough to put themselves and the people they agree with on a pedestal and spit on anyone who disagrees with them, so by having a political ideology where I am the only supporter, I am the only one on a pedestal and everyone else is spat upon. It’s a thrilling high, to feel so amazing and superior all the time.” Says Stacy

“That’s completely insane.” Says Stella

“It’s the same mentality everyone else who holds political sentiments has, I just don’t need the approval of some mob of idiots to get the same baseless feeling of righteous validation. Those who turn to the mobs are so weak-willed, submissive, and insecure that they need to rely on a massive group of people to give them enough support so that they feel validated. It’s all just pettiness in the end, I get my thrills without having to share them; can I really be blamed for that? Besides, I do at least put some effort into creating political sentiments that have some fragment of legitimacy or theoretical functionality, so in the end my policies and beliefs are equally as legitimate as the masses, even if I don’t tempt people with the poison of hedonism, sentimentality, religious fear, xenophobia, nationalism, utopian delusion, or any other compelling reason like every other cult that is attempting to seduce new cultists. I don’t need to be tempted into believing in myself, seeing how it is a given due to principle, so that tends to be the reason I don’t try to shine my log of dog shit like every other political group. I’m not some delusional idealist who thinks that shiny dog shit is far better than any other pieces of shit because it’s appearance.” Says Stacy

“Seeing how you know how stupid politics is in general, and how you’re legitimately no better than anyone, you really should find a more productive and respectable way to stroke your ego.” Says Stella

“Condemn the masses, not me. I take to it because it’s easy; in politics ignorance is genius and bullshit is legitimacy; any other method of stroking my ego would require some skill, knowledge, or capability that I more than likely lack. Every other method is defined by success and failure, you are either respected or disrespected, and the ability to be forced to face one’s own shortcomings and illegitimacy because of poor performance is not tempting in the slightest. In politics you cannot fail, because there are no trials from which one can determine success or failure, and simply by proposing a hypothesis, it is effectively already legitimate due to the fact that it cannot be disproven because the experiment will never be performed, certainly not to any extent thorough enough to completely invalidate the idea; you are automatically as successful as any other individual with political sentiments because everyone has reached the same level of success. If I was making art, it would be good or bad, because there would be a product that could be judged; in politics, there is no product, there is no judgement, there is no possibility of failure. This is why it tempts so many people, nobody wants to feel wrong or incorrect, so by entertaining political beliefs, you are electing to never be forced to feel wrong of incorrect, so long as you are indifferent to the criticisms of those who disagree with you, which most people of this affliction tend to be.” Says Stacy

“It’s shameless that you know it’s just delusion stroking your ego and you still enjoy it. Even if you don’t want to take up a hobby or something, you could at least find something else to talk about sometimes.” Says Stella

“What do people even talk about? Typical conversations such as recounting some past experiences, social exchanges, or current events, all of which do nothing but me but bore me as I’ve little interest in them. I’m not particularly learned enough to hold deep longevitous conversations about some intellectual field, so I’m forced to be bored or chase the high of a god-complex.” Says Stacy

“If I knew what people talked about, I would probably have the ability to maintain some sort of legitimate friendship. I just talk about school work or something for the most part, if I even say anything. I’m not in any gossip circles, I don’t follow current events, and the stories from my life are not exactly entertaining or even something I would be willing to talk about.” Says Stella

“You’re pretty good at rebuking things, so maybe that’s something you can use to your advantage.” Says Stacy

“I’m pretty sure that’s why people don’t like me. I’m either saying nothing or disagreeing with them in some way. I’m just too serious and critical to actually be friendly I guess.” Says Stella

“I think most people just tend to turn focus their criticisms against people who aren’t in the group of people being talked to. The whole charade of backbiting gossip and hobbyist disrespect that defines the social hierarchy of the youth; you climb the ladder by knocking the other girls down more than you get knocked down and in the end it’s a net gain at the end of the day.” Says Stacy

“I’m critical, but I’m not spiteful or petty like that to just gossip and disrespect people behind their backs to make myself look better by comparison. I’d hate to be part of that social structure.” Says Stella

“I’m pretty sure that’s what defines teenage girls’ social life, outside of perhaps some mild interest in current events like celebrities and perhaps a stereotypical hobby like fashion, beauty, or men. If you don’t find those things appealing, it’s probably not even worth your while to try and make friends, since you’d be so heartbroken when you realize the general pettiness that defines the girl’s methods of stroking their pitiful fragile egos.” Says Stacy

“I think some people are actually capable of enjoying themselves in a non-spiteful manner, I’m sure there are a few wholesome relationships that actually consist of enjoying each other’s company while pursuing mutual interests instead of simply gossiping and whatever.” Says Stella

“That’s true enough, but it’s fairly common that the mutual interest of people is the symbiotic support of each other’s inner insecurities, which often does involve a degree treacherous gossip. Even if you get past that, the mutual interests of people tend to be the mass produced ones that are shilled by the media companies: be it news, fashion, celebrities, or anything else you find in a magazine, the people just echo the interests that are they have been indoctrinated to have in order to support some market of goods or services with their copious indulgences paid to the church of Mammon to avoid the purgatory of unpopularity, because if they enjoy their interest for free, they pay with their loyalty and service to Babylon for being so enthralled by the popular means of indoctrination.” Says Stacy

“Just because people have genuine interests that aren’t sadomasochistic dystopianism doesn’t mean they’re indoctrinated. Sure, some news has a partisan slant, and there is plenty of advertising, but that doesn’t mean people don’t genuinely enjoy those sorts of things.” Says Stella

“The enjoy them because society conditions them to enjoy them because they are looked down upon, disrespected, or neglected by society if they don’t buy into one of the major or even minor systems of entertainment or hobby shilled by the profiteers who make the money. The only reason people enjoy them is because society rewards them for doing so by looking highly upon them for their conformity. People who have mutual interest more often than not pay money into their systems, like an occult church or sorts, in exchange for some psychological reward and social acceptance. When people’s interests consist exclusively of things that are purposefully marketed towards them which they pay money for in order to fulfill the artificial feeling of emptiness induced by their dearth-fueled presumed inadequacy due to the glorification if not heretical sanctification of the material world by the same people who sell the facets of the material world to people, this is indoctrination. They are foolish pawns who have their minds warped by those who seek to benefit from doing so.” Says Stacy

“Everything costs money; you can’t argue that just because somebody spends money on something they enjoy, they are only doing so because of some artificial feelings or compulsions implanted into them by the vectors of capitalism, and then also argue that even frugal people who seek out free entertainment like public libraries or the radio are indoctrinated by the government who profits on account of them being advantageously influenced by certain mediums of media. At that point, how is it possible to exist without being indoctrinated? You are just supposed to meditate or something for your entire life? Even going to a park of something would qualify as indoctrinated because you’re taking advantage of a free service provided by the government.” Says Stella

“It’s all to different degrees, but just because somebody is swayed to have a better opinion of the parks and recreation department or the nation park system because they are the beneficiaries of these charities and in turn will give them public support isn’t all together a problematic thing, even though it can be seen as a premeditated attempt to gain public approval, it’s not exactly hurting the people. The problems arise when people’s lives are dominated by these material pursuits, their self-worth and even emotional stability depend on being able to pay the toll for such things due to the marketed idea that these things are pertinent somehow and society is now more than happy to judge you on account of the presence or absence of these things. This is an unhealthy mentality, and as much as television ads for good and services are not usually socially definitive to the same degree, they are still a symptom of people embracing the mentality that the market wants them to have, and then some percentage of them will be influenced in some way by the advertisements.

 People are existing solely to keep themselves alive and be profited from, there is little in people’s lives that is not mass produced and shilled to people, their lives are defined by the electric heroin and the artificial dignity that is sold to them. People once lived their own lives and did their own things and made their own memories, but now their life experiences are replaced by the synthetic experiences of television because they forsake living their own lives when they do this, and the aspects of their own lives which they would otherwise find fulfilling and meaningful have been replaced by the markets selling a meaningful existence through material means that happen to be more instantaneously rewarding than the old means of finding fulfillment and meaning. The market is replacing the action of living with synthetic electric dreams, and is replacing the amazing feeling of meaningful accomplishment from actually doing something and the feeling of being alive induced by pursuing dreams, ideas, and adventures one’s own mind concocted with the short term meaningless highs of mass produced commercial experiences, entertainment and the reprieve from one’s inner insecurity awarded by possessing material goods. Humans are no more alive than a virtual image at this point, their experiences, desires, feelings, and actions are all for the most part predetermined by the forces of the market and the media so that the market will flourish by sacrificing the legitimacy of human life and replacing it with mass produced artificial existence. This is indoctrination.” Says Stacy

“Profitability is the only force that allows something manmade to exist in this world aside from government funding; if it doesn’t turn a profit it ceases to exist. If you want to experience anything other than government funded things, you’re either looking at clouds or you’re paying for something. That’s just how the world works. I can agree that it’s an unhealthy environment for genuine personal experience, but without it there would simply be a void. There’s hardly a reason to be upset if somebody can figure out how to provide goods or services that are of high enough quality that someone is willing to part with a portion of the fruits of their labor in order to enjoy the product or service. Most of the times people will pay for things because they’re worth the money, or otherwise they just pay for things because they’re stupid people.” Says Stella

“I’m just opposed to the concept of granting people a high by shooting money into their veins; people should be ashamed of having petty or material interests or unproductive pursuits. These things may pay certain industries good money, but they harm society by having people afflicted by such worthless traits. Productivity should be the only thing that is entertaining, and the market should be indoctrinating that mentality in place of the current one. It may be harder to instill such a stoic if not masochistic value, but having such a large portion of the economy that sustains itself by tempting people into vice is shameless, especially when the world glorifies vice and deludes itself into thinking there are no harmful repercussions for embracing such pursuits simply because they may not be glaringly and instantaneously obvious.

These industries are killing the milk cows for meat, and that is completely uncalled for, especially how we are rapidly encroaching a world where the entire humane experience will soon be replaced by a synthetic virtual reality that has been crafted to exploit the shortcomings of people as much as possible in order to profit instead of actually attempting to help them overcome these shortcomings in order to better society. Such shameless pursuits all have the same effect on humans as habitual drug use, yet simply because they’re cleaner and look nicer than drug use, society is more than happy to be a culture of fiends and junkies looking for their next material fix.” Says Stacy

“You’re notoriously unproductive and you relish that fact. It’s just the pot calling the kettle black. You could at least lead by example or something.” Says Stella

“It’s the pot telling the kettle that its unscrupulous gold paint is extremely toxic and poisoning the tea. I may not be perfect, but I don’t paint myself gold and pretend that I am.” Says Stacy

“So your solution is just to cripple a major sector of the economy? The entire world is afflicted by vice, it would be nearly impossible to change that.” Says Stella

“I would focus my efforts on my own glorious nation with brutal indoctrination like paint thinner to burn away the gold plating; I wouldn’t prevent the businesses from operating around the world, I would implement a heavy vice tax and shame tax to remind people that they must compensate the nation for their own shortcomings on account of their pursuits. If you’re not actively bettering your life or society, that is shameless and the vice of social sloth; this on top of the other moral vices and their social counterparts would be taxed to condition people to avoid them. People can only enjoy things if you let them, so by ensuring that they cannot enjoy the pleasures offered by vices, they are encouraged to seek and find pleasure in more noble pursuits.” Says Stacy

“I think damn near every lobby in the country would vehemently oppress any such motions to do something like that. You clearly know that money controls the law, and the powers that be certainly would not be happy if you seek to diminish the source of their power.” Says Stella

“It is a terrible shame that the people can oppress the government. This is like a man who is beaten by his own children. The children are out of line, acting immorally, and thus must be beaten with appropriate severity in order to remind them of their place in the world. If they seek to leave the country, first of all, good luck, then the fifth amendment clearly states that the government can reposes all of their holdings with fair compensation, which after appropriate vice tax and treason tax for poisoning the people and attempting to leave the country would likely amount to zero dollars if not a fine for being so shameless.” Says Stacy

“I’m glad you’re at least being civil enough to respect their constitutional rights.” Says Stella, sarcastically

“If it’s no skin off my back, I’m more than happy to respect people’s rights.” Says Stacy

“Skin practically falls off your back unprovoked, but I suppose sometimes miracles do happen. You want some milk? Suppers ready.” asks Stella, going to fetch Stacy a glass and plate the meal

“Of course, thank you kindly. What is it, anyways?” Says Stacy

“Black bean, spinach, and tofu hash.” Says Stella

“Tasty, tasty.” Says Stacy, excitedly

“We should try to focus on things you like, other than yourself of course. One of my girlfriends was telling me that they try to say things they’re happy about at supper.” Says Stella

“Sounds grim, to sit at a table where the people are naturally so glum they force themselves to think of happy thoughts and passive aggressively force them into each other’s brains.” Says Stacy

“I’m sure that’s not what happens at all, a little wholesomeness is actually enjoyable, as much as that may surprise you.” Says Stella

“I actually love everything in the world and the universe, with the exception of the human race and any comparable species that might exist. Beautiful sacred innocence. It’s a shame to see it mutilated and desecrated by mankind.” Says Stacy

“That was surprisingly wholesome. I figured you didn’t like dogs and probably some other things.” Says Stella

“I don’t want to be near dogs, but seeing how they are not to blame for their own subservience to man, they are still innocent creatures. Anything free from the plague of intelligence that is happy enough or simply compelled to exist in a natural symbiotic state is just another angel in the beautiful choir of nature. I’m definitely afraid of dogs, but just because I wouldn’t want to be near a lion or a bear doesn’t mean I find them any less beautiful, even if domesticated animals do lose plenty of respect for being so unnaturally mutated by mankind as they are no longer natural, but they are still none the less innocent. Also food, I do love food, your cooking especially.” Says Stacy

“I aim to please. Most people would just ignore the things they don’t like and enjoy the things they do like, if you enjoy nature so much you can always just go be a biologist or something.” says Stella

“I’d rather not close my eyes while the world burns and pretend everything is fine. I am a vengeant woman, deeply so. God teaches you that you must condemn those who forsake that which is holy and natural, as well as those who embrace wickedness, so I feel very justified in my pursuits, as both I and presumably god enjoy them. What are you happy about anyways?” Says Stacy

“I’m happy I get to spend time with you, after exhausting school, awkward clunky conversations with my friends at lunch and less awkward silences, and the subsequent embarrassment in front of the student council for having unpopular opinions, it’s good to have somebody I can talk to easily. I think it might be a problem that this is what I consider normal, but it feels normal and it’s easy compared to trying to think of something to talk to the girls about. You tend to lead conversations very well, so I’m grateful for that.” Says Stella

“I’m surprised that you enjoy it, you don’t let that shine through too much.” Says Stacy

“What we talk about is bewildering at times, but its way better than silence. As much as I may not like your opinions sometimes, I actually do like that you talk to me.” Says Stella

“I’m happy to have you here too, if it weren’t for your incessant rebuke, I wouldn’t be able to sure up the holes in the magnificent ship of my mind. Often I could easily overlook some things in my brazen confidence, and you help me realize that.” Says Stacy

“You tend to ignore a fair number of the holes in your thinking that I happen to bring up.” Says Stella

“You can’t expect me to board up the gun ports, now.” Says Stacy

“That’s what they are.” Says Stella, dryly

“I can’t dominate the high seas with shanties and high spirits alone. It takes some muscle behind the merriment.” Says Stacy

“I think the imaginary muscle on the imaginary ship isn’t quite enough muscle to ring the bell when you test your strength at the fair.” Jokes Stella

“She is but a blueprint, but one day she will be ship shape and seaworthy for her maiden voyage.” Says Stacy

“You’d have a rough time all alone, it takes a good number of crew to build a ship and make it sail.” Says Stella

“That’s what the high spirits and shanties are for; you’ve got to have something to offer in exchange for their loyal service.” Says Stacy

“I’m tempted already.” jokes Stella, dryly

“If I wasn’t shackled to the schoolhouse, we could start on the journey tomorrow.” Says Stacy

“That makes me glad you’re shackled to schoolhouse.” Says Stella

“I’ve still got to devise a plan to accrue a proper crew, however.” Says Stacy

“I figure you’re little knack for that sort of knowing would just make that part clear as day.” Says Stella

“Unfortunately, that is of no use, for it only helps me do good, and as of now if I partake such a pursuit of glory it would only be a gamble that I will lose, so seeing how it doesn’t amount to any good, I have no use of the knack. The only option is to soothsay the countless possible futures, in the name of good, of course, which amounts to nothing due to my limited mental capacity, if I start going down one future a year or so, it only takes one little shift between reality and that timeline for that entire timeline to become invalidated.” Says Stacy

“I’m glad you’re little knack even knows better than you do. That actually helps me put some faith in your majesty.” Says Stella

“I’m tickled pink, your highness, but it’s not that I cannot accomplish my dreams, or that my dreams do not qualify as doing good, it is that there is too much time between now and when I can actually accomplish something for me to fathom it to any real degree, or even which of the many possible flavors such a spectacle might take, so as the future unfolds, the more certain I will be of which methods remain possible, and I shall pursue them if I can verify that such gambits are worth my while.” Says Stacy

“I’ll just let you know right now that none of them are worth your while and you can worry about far more important things.” Says Stella

“Hope springs eternal.” Says Stacy

“I think the entire quote means that man is hopeful because his hopes have notoriously failed to come true. He is hoping and writing about his hopes because he knows they won’t come true and turns to writing about them as a fantasy or a dream of a second life or something. Hope wouldn’t be eternal if what you hoped for actually came true, because you stop hoping for it once it happens.” says Stella

“Well then. I suppose hope springs temporal in the human breast.” Says Stacy

“In a hopeless, godless, mortal world, that may be more far accurate than the original.” Says Stella

“Until the good hearted souls among us are able to rear a hopeful, godly, and immortal world to succeed it.” Says Stacy

“Good luck with that. I think technology gave people too much faith in themselves to have a quality theocracy. It’s hard without the fear of god; and every day man more skillfully ripostes god’s smiting hand.” Says Stacy

“People only need to fear those who respect god, the hand of god himself needn’t lift a finger.” Says Stacy

“That’s just painting religious imagery on your run of the mill authoritarianism; it hardly has the same wholesome results as a country of people who respect law and order largely out of faith alone.” Says Stella

“People put faith in god because they fear reality and seek explanations that will comfort them in order to justify the harsh reality of the world. Simply by instilling the enough fear by your own hand, people will have faith in god not because you tell them to have it, but because they desperately seek some sort of salvation from the fear that surrounds them, even if that only comes in the form of rather baseless psychological comfort. The country would be faithful, even if you must replace the natural fears that once drove a man to the faith with artificial manmade ones created to achieve the same results since man no longer fears the world around him.” says Stacy

“You truly are an angel.” Jokes Stella

“Science would tell you that it’s the same methods traditionally used by the faith, only replacing ghost stories that might scare peasants with brutality that surely scares everyone.” Says Stacy

“I wouldn’t expect people to truly become godly when the supposedly godly religious authority sets such a poor example.” Says Stella

“I say to the sinner, god refuses to smite thee as to do so would sully his pure and holy hand, ye hath forsaken him thus he hath forsaken you. He cares not for your soul as you relish your surfeit of sin before your due damnation. I, however, am not god, my blood is rife with the juice of the forbidden fruit, and my body stained with the blood of sinners, as I abide in Christ, thus I walk in his ways, I take your sins unto my body as my own, and I repent. I attone.” Says Stacy, firm, but holding back appropriate fervor

“That was a bit reserved for authoritarian theocracy. It almost sounded like you are forgiving the person.” Says Stella

“Well, in reality I am shouting the last few parts and driving the buttstock of a rifle into his skull during the last couple lines. I just was just thoughtful enough to keep it at an inside voice and refrain from beating on the table.” Says Stacy

“I truly appreciate that.” Says Stella

“That is more so the reason why they become godly, it’s not a hard choice when you think about it.” Says Stacy

“I think at best they would do just enough to avoid being punished; I doubt they would have any genuine faith.” Says Stella

“Back in the days of old perhaps, but with modern technology, the constant surveillance would make the bare minimum an extremely respectable degree of godliness, and if they’re forced to live that life due to their circumstances, the thought of being blessed with eternal life in paradise simply for doing something they are forced to do regardless would make believers out of most of them. Even if their souls aren’t genuinely touched by god, the faith in salvation after death after a life of being brutally oppressed is far more tempting than atheism at that point.” Says Stacy

“The physical domination you tend to possess in your fantasies has me thinking you imagine yourself as  large muscular man, maybe 6 foot 5 or even taller. Your frame doesn’t quite meet your needs, if you do seek to do things like drive buttstocks into people’s skulls like that.” Says Stella

“It’s not hard to cause a man to keel before you when you’re the one holding the gun. Besides, I don’t tend to distinguish myself from my people, as we all share the same mentality. After even just one generation, the selective breeding of eugenics will shower such graces of physical dominance upon the faithful.” Says Stacy

“You are so delightfully crazy sometimes.” Says Stella

“The insane people are the ones who have any optimism in regards to their complacency knowing that the future is nothing but profuse obesity and mindless fiends hooked up to electric heroin while the people choke on cancerous fumes of the massive garbage fire that has replaced the once beautiful world. I understand most people ignore that, but at that point they’re hypocritical for calling themselves pragmatic realists, as they clearly ignore the realities that are painfully palpable even today.” Says Stacy

“I think you can’t do anything about the obesity and electric heroin because to condemn those would be to lose the support of the vast majority of the country. You know better than most that politics is not a pragmatism contest; it is solely a sycophantic popularity contest.” Says Stella

“It’s a shame that even the high school popularity of being respected for being rich and beautiful is far more respectable than political popularity of being popular amongst the largely grotesque, vulgar, and misbegotten masses. Instead of actually being naturally appealing, you instead must appeal to the least respectable people in order to become powerful. Politicians are the lowest rank of people in society, bending to the whims of people loathed or disrespected by the rest of society for good reason.” Says Stacy

“I don’t think setting the bar for the validation of one’s sentiments at being a citizen who is not a convicted felon is anything but humility. Even if they’re not the most respectable of people, they’re still people, and that’s more than enough to cause their feelings to be worthy of respect.” Says Stella

“To call the ignorant masses ‘people’ is to slander people themselves: people are great, powerful, imposing creatures, people leave their marks on history, anything less was a beast of burden, a simple peasant, and beyond that are subhuman monstrosities and atrocities. If we cater to the people, we become great, archetypical humans; if we cater to the atrocities, we become vulgar, archetypical atrocities. You listen to the peasants wishes, he tells you he wants to be the king; every peasant’s wishes mutually exclude each other’s, so granting them is impossible: only the socialists are delusional enough to think that it is possible to treat everyone like a king by showering in the spoils of the lap of luxury solely out of respect for their regal status as a filthy fucking peasant.” Says Stacy

“Because giving everybody the means to survive unconditionally is treating everybody like a king.” Says Stella

“Socialists want everyone to be treated equally, so in a sense, it is treating everybody like a king as the king is treated the same way. The means to survive costs a pretty fucking penny, so even though it might not seem like it; it amounts to millions of dollars over the course of their life just for showing up and sticking their thumb up their ass and complaining. It’s shameless to respect that mentality, let alone glorify it. The world needs to be challenging in order to instill a competitive nature in humans and a fear of death to keep them running on that hamster wheel, as they know they will die if they do not. If they are handed things they become contented with what they have and will fall short on motivation, as there is no reason to work, as even success is punished by extreme taxes, and so there is no temptation to do anything besides sit in the far too comfortable safety nets. Think about it like prison, if you turn prison into a paradise, people would be committing murders right and left just to go to prison, if you turn poverty into paradise, people will be more than happy to stay there and your charity has done nothing but exacerbate its own presence; it has worsened the problem of poverty because now far fewer people are tempted to compete enough to leave it, as they feel that they are not poor and that playing pocket pool all day and collecting a fat check with benefits for doing so is an appealing enough life to never seek any betterment. Rewarding people for poor performance does nothing but condition them to perform poorly, if you want to help the poor, you accommodate success, you don’t reward poor performance.” Says Stacy

“I think covering basic needs is a fairly reasonable way to accommodate success.” Says Stella

“You are giving them something for nothing, which is rewarding failure. You can manipulate the markets to make things more affordable, because increasing wages is a moot point as prices will simply increase in correlation with that. Accommodating success conditions people to think that their hard work is what leads to a comfortable life, not the foolish delusion that their miserable worthless life is so sacred that they will be pampered unquestioningly for some godforsaken reason.” Says Stacy

“If you torture poor people with their own poverty, you are basically asking them to revolt. By forcing them to live a life where they have nothing to lose, they are more than willing to pursue arguably suicidal methods in order to have even a small chance at having a tolerable life afterwards. Success is already accommodated, but the pyramidal nature of capitalism ensures that the majority of people simply cannot be successful because the pyramid would collapse without a proper base. Keeping the poor happy with the government manages to keep the peace and maintain the health of the broad bottom rung of society that all higher tiers of society are dependent on to sustain their own capital means. Seeing how a large working class is necessary for the economy to function, if you tell people they should be striving to leave it, you remove the backbone of society. If you instead just help them to become comfortable by assisting them in some ways, you’re strengthening the foundation instead of attempting to move bricks from the base towards the top and put the structural integrity of the system at risk. Everyone can’t be successful, so it’s rather cruel to punish a person for something that is largely out of their control.” Says Stella

“There is a difference between the working class and the dregs of the welfare state, the working class by definition is able to provide for themselves, if they cannot and require assistance in doing so, the system at hand is flawed and needs to be addressed. By choosing to give people more handouts and pretend that the markets are healthy is creating another problem in order to reduce the gravity of another one. Instead of simply fixing the problem, you now have two problems at hand, this is the socialist mentality, just resolve one’s problems by creating another problem. The handouts lead to more taxes which lead to economic stagnation, which leads to socialist market manipulation, which leads to capitalistic decline and collapse, which leads to government takeover of businesses which become plagued with corruption and ineptitude and that is just communism at that point and that’s an awful time.

 Seeing how the working class clearly is capable of providing for themselves, they simply need a good deal less capital freedom because all that does is allows them to shoot themselves in the foot many times over by making terrible decisions with their money. Sure, poor people exist, but people who make a rather livable wage and still struggle financially deserve the pain and misery induced by their reckless, foolish, wasteful, and/or unscrupulous decisions that they make with their money. Most of the socialists complaining that they can’t afford things are in that position because they’ve recklessly wasted their money or attempt to live beyond their means like idiots. It takes an extreme degree of mental illness to think that it is the responsibility of the government to provide financial assistance to people so that they can live lives well beyond their means.” Says Stacy

“I’m sure every welfare state in the world would hand out scruples if they could. You would have to change the culture to have a society where people are not tempted to attempt live beyond their means. When living within one’s own means is depressing or disheartening, people will attempt to figure out a way to circumvent that, even if it is shortsighted and foolish, the temptation will always get the better of plenty of people who lack foresight. If you remove the social welfare, you just bring back all of the problems that it was implemented to solve, instead of having people that can actually go to work because they have food and shelter, you have people who are littering the streets or turning to crime because they’re starving. If you take away the healthcare, you have millions of people who are needlessly sick and cannot work because they lack any form basic healthcare. People aren’t perfect, but the price we pay is far smaller than the price we would if we didn’t.” Says Stella

“Sometimes living at all is living beyond one’s own means. These people are in this situation largely by their own devices, so to choose to pick up the slack just so they can skirt by and cause less problems only conditions them think that they don’t need to change their own failure-inducing behaviors. There is a reason why poverty spans generations, it is this level of inadequate mental performance that causes people to be prone to the problematic decision making that keeps the people struggling to the point where they cannot provide for themselves, and a correlation that strong is more than likely a sign of genetic feeblemindedness in a country that goes out of its way to help people become self-sustaining if not successful. Beyond that, the others in poverty are there because god has smitten them to be naturally feeble for whatever unknown reason, and as they are unable to sustain their own lives on account of the fact that god has smitten them so that they might live a life of torture and agony at the hand of feeble genetics, and to help them is to reach one’s hand into the gates of hell attempting to pull the damned out thinking that some lowly beast sick with blind sympathy can overpower the damning hand of god and rescue these people when in reality sticking your hand into hell does nothing but ensure that you are pulled down into the fires of damnation as well.” Says Stacy

“Stacy, one of the main reasons we are alive right now is because of the fact that we live in a welfare state. I bought this food with federal money, do you understand that? We are not sick monsters or anything, we are just people who happen to be unable to provide for ourselves because our dad is in poor shape and we’re too young to work. Is it so insane to give people some canned beans and frozen vegetables for free? Are we really being conditioned to survive off of the state? I’m sure there are examples of places where the welfare is given out inappropriately or even futilely if you want to argue that point, but there are plenty of people who I would argue mutually benefit society, even Dad is able to raise his children, and that alone saves the government more money by keeping us out of orphanages than it would otherwise cost to keep us living on our own, and that’s not to mention the money they actually make by ensuring that we actually have a proper upbringing and a real family as opposed to living in foster care and thus more than likely performing extremely poorly in society or becoming criminal miscreants.” Says Stella

“We don’t represent generational poverty; all of the other members of our family are successful enough if not well off, as much as they are rather indifferent to our existence. If welfare amounted to nothing but vegetables and shelter, I wouldn’t oppose it in the slightest, but plenty of people who live in poverty aren’t as inclined to subsist on vegetables and what equates to a soup kitchen meal every day of their lives and eat terrible unhealthy foods that complement their numerous other unhealthy lifestyle and economic choices. This freedom to blight their bodies exacerbates their unhealthiness which causes even higher toll on the healthcare that they also receive for free.

People are in prison because they have proven cannot be civil on the outside world, and seeing how poverty tends to reflect the same situation with fiscal responsibility instead of civility, these people too should have their freedoms restricted as they have proven that they cannot use them responsibly. Feeding the poor is different than giving the poor access to a food marketplace that is filled to the brim with alleged foods that are void of nutrition and scientifically researched to be psychologically addicting and compulsion forming for the sake of turning a profit. The poor need food, they don’t need to be victimized by the capitalist practices of the food industry.

 In regards the point of monsterdom, if I fall into dad’s cycle of invalidating alcoholism and fail to provide for myself, especially without a good excuse, means to provide for myself, and functionality as he possesses, then I am indeed a monster, a menace to society whose mind functions well below the bare minimum for a human to be able to legitimately provide for itself, plagued by unnatural thought processes and addictions. This would be a marker that the alcoholism is a genetic predisposition and not simply a matter of his predicament, and this is an unhealthy thing to keep in society and a literal parallel to free radicals in one’s own body that damage healthy DNA, which of course every liberal is more than keen on reducing with anti-oxidants, but to apply a social anti-oxidant would be a grievous atrocity for some reason so instead society should grin and bear it while humanity degenerates.

 This can be applied to damn near every undesirable trait that a human can have, and the only reason to keep people prone to such vices around is to have small numbers of them in isolation solely for experimentation. Paying a higher premium to keep these less so desirable people alive is like throwing tons of money on an old shitty car simply because you’re so damn fond of it. It’s not a wise decision, and it is one that can be made indefinitely and will actually exacerbate itself due to the rates at which the poor profligates propagate when compared to successful people.” Says Stacy

“The system is designed to keep the poor people poor; you can’t just kill people because of things that are out of their control.” Says Stella

“That is the absolute best reason to kill people, because if it truly is out of their control, then it is an unfixable problem that cannot otherwise be resolved. It is good that the system is designed to keep the poor people poor, but it should be designed to keep the poor people healthy, but instead we ghettoize the healthy poor in the same ghettos with the feeble poor and the miscreant poor and sour the proper peasant genetics with those of monsters and criminals. This is a disservice to the quality peasants and a disservice to society to have people prone to humble stupidity and hard work have their genetics filthied by people genetically prone to poor health, antisocial behavior, and criminality.

Proper genetic health should be manifest before freedom, because otherwise you are choosing to fail to inoculate your entire population against preventable problems, ills and ailments because of your own indifference to quarantining if not eliminating pandemic contagion simply because it has some godforsaken feelings and is spread through fornication and pregnancy rather than coughing. A man is not free to spread smallpox and other viruses considered bioweapons as he damn well pleases, so there is no reason why he should have any more liberty to spread the bioweapon of his own dangerous genetics into the general population.

 If it is a human right to ensure that children are born with mental illness; antisocial tendencies; predispositions to addiction and obesity; if not even more serious complications that arise from poor genetics; then it should clearly be legal to torture children out of honest sadism, because there truly is no discernable difference between the two: both fornication and sadism are choosing to torture children for their entire lives simply for some little bit of sick pleasure the torturer might find, and at least the sadist will be entertained for more than five minutes on a single night of his life.” Says Stacy

“The problem is that your definition of genetic feebleness includes the vast majority of the population, so clearly killing off at least 50% of the country is a ridiculous idea.” Says Stella

“They must be quarantined and culled appropriately, clearly some of them cannot be killed as they are relied upon for their labor, and as much as it may be seen as ghettoizing to restrict the movements of these people if they are even allowed to remain in common society to work, the fact that they are alive with such proneness to problems due to their genetics is itself a crime against humanity if they are given such freedoms. The humanists sees these monsters as human, rather than a result of mutated and improper genetics, which is atrocious; a human is worthy of prestige, naturally capable of and prone to survival. Failing to hold a standard for what it means to be human means that every unhealthy genetic mutation that occurs from the start of modern society until forever that is coddled to the point where it can survive by the society will qualify as human, which means a loathsome level of genetic degradation that is ultimately abominable. There is not a species of domesticated animal or plant that does not have its genetics thoroughly refined by human intervention, and to see that humans deny themselves this genetic optimization is shameless. The people must be culled, the feeblest are sterilized, the mildly feeble are limited to one child if they choose, the adequate are limited to two, and the proper are put into the breeding caste and are expected to bear as many children as possible. This system would reduce costs of damn near every problem in society across the board, as far fewer people will be prone to strife, hardship, and failure induced by their genetics.” Says Stacy

“People would object to that, especially those who are expected to bear as many children as possible. I don’t think you could tempt anybody into doing that, especially people with supposedly proper genetics.” Says Stella

“You can’t teach an old dog new tricks, you simply requisition the healthy children and teach them of their role from the point where they are capable of remembering things. They will not object to that life if it is the only life they have ever known. There are only so many ways to address the problem, and the healthy people are far too preoccupied with material success than succession at this point, so just leaving them to their own devices will not reseed society at any reasonable rate, if even a positive one. By removing these quality people from society and valuing their genetics far more than any labor they could produce, you are making an investment in the future of the country instead of sacrificing the future to make some scraps of money here and there, just to benefit some capitalist position that could likely use an average person to achieve 90% of the same success as the quality person.

As much as human rights seem noble, they also give people the right to fail and become problems; the more freedom you give people the more mistakes it becomes possible for them to make. Putting faith in human rights and freedom is putting faith in every person to make the most proper and reasonable decision when history proves that large swaths of these people make terrible decisions, and that the most proper and reasonable decisions is likely so convoluted that it takes an army of intellectuals to formulate a plan that is substantially less rife with the shortcomings of people’s own ignorance.” Says Stacy

“I know you’re all about your ironic ideals, but plenty of these genetic problems could be addressed with societal measures restricting access to dangerous foods and substances, screening people predisposed to mental illness and crime for early treatment, and other simple things instead of instating some sort of caste system. Mom was crazy, dad is an alcoholic, and we’re more or less fine. It’s not like every problem is going to replicate itself, and the problems themselves could even be caused by non-genetic factors. At least you’re willing to admit an army of intellectuals could come up with a better plan than you, because most of your plans are just insane.” Says Stella

“We may be fine, but recessive genetics still resurface if you allow them to, so our children may end up with the insanity or the alcoholism even if we don’t, and we’ve never even had any alcohol, so we may well be terribly prone to the consumptive addiction and we simply don’t know it yet. The problem with your solution is that it creates a scenario where you are making an indefinite investment; those services must be continued indefinitely so long as society exists. You choose to ameliorate the problem rather than solve the problem, you cut the weeds instead of removing them, and the weeds grow back time and time again. The problem can be addressed at the root of its cause, the genetic level, and those services would eventually become nearly unnecessary because of the natural health that defines a standard human. Of course I agree with taking social measures to curb these problems, but that alone is not doing enough to resolve the issue at hand.”  Says Stacy

“The difference is that some people will actually agree with my idea, whereas nobody in the world will think your idea is reasonable in the slightest. The difference is feasibility and reasonability, because even though yours might get better results, it will never see fruition because it will never have popular support. An idea is only worth anything if it can become a reality, otherwise it is just as reasonable as arguing that we can make wishes to fairy in the woods and resolve all of our problems that way.” Says Stella

“It can become a reality, it would take a paradigm shift, but with enough propaganda or political authority, there can be a real solution. It doesn’t take the people, as much as it does the people in power to decide these things, so all it would take is for the government to amass some meaningful power and conviction by some odd miracle. I may not be able to do it alone, but if I had a legion of faithful who would demonize these freedoms with tasteful propaganda and scare people, there might be some ability to grow support for the cause. You can use all sorts of tactics, health benefits for the socialists; companionship and efficient caretaking for the feeble; employee quality for the capitalists; segregation for the hateful and bigoted; transhumanism for the humanists; welfare cost reduction for the conservatives; autocratic oppression and limited freedom for the communists; crime reduction for the paranoid; any possible benefit you just have to have the right pitch for the right party and there’s a chance people will buy into it.

 It would even give the leftists another reason to blame the government as the source of all their problems, because the government could have prevented them from having their genetic predisposition to alcoholism, drug abuse, obesity, cancer, mental illness, or anything really, and you just get a bunch of upset people to complain about how the government hurt them with their own genetics and now it’s politically correct to deprive people of their freedoms and liberties so that they can’t hurt each other with the genetics. Liberals love that mentality of depriving people of any freedom that can hurt somebody, and genetics are no different in the end.” Says Stacy

“At least in all of your antagonization of the human genome you don’t bring race into it. Plenty of people who are insane hateful people tend to be racist as well, so I think it’s almost noble that you’re such an egalitarian with your loathing.” Says Stella

“I’m sure I would be racist if there was a single respectable race, I would rally behind them to no end. The Asians are the most respectable: more often than not they’re hard working, industrious, intelligent, humble, healthy, dignified, resourceful, selfless, militant, stern, and moral because even if they personally aren’t, their society will force those traits upon the people regardless of their own opinions; their only problem is being too accommodating and subservient to some degree, they just want to play ball more than play hardball, which is reasonable if you’re rather powerless, but in contemporary times they could exert more pressure upon the world and failing to do this makes them fall victim to the shortcomings of the vestigial domination of the whites who are unfortunately committing racial suicide in the name of the apologists as we speak.

Even the radical Muslims with their own religious supremacist views, preoccupation with world domination, and healthy disposition to violence are more so white people than the run of the mill Caucasian today; the whites have abandoned their own race and culture because the world somehow induced an unthinkable tragedy and made them feel shame for their traditional culture somehow. Economic success has been the bane of white people, no longer willing to live and die for king and country, only willing to live and die for money and themselves. Money buys them everything they want, they know this, the see no value in their people or country anymore and rather than continue their methods that allowed them to conquer and dominate the world, they take an apologetic stance to wash their hands clean as Pontius Pilate while their race is crucified by its detractors, the whites are entirely to blame not only for tolerating the presence of this disdain but spearheading the apologist movement that has crippled the economy in favor of paying reparations not only to minorities, but the formerly far more exploitable working class white people.

 White people dominated the planet; this causes the raceless apologists to feel guilt for some reason and forsake the culture of their own people that led not only to the domination of the world, but the technological revolution of the last 500 years. The driving force behind most of the original innovation was simply for king and country, and money when money was not a given but a scarcity one must truly earn to be worthy of, while the fuel for the engine of the development of the world was oppression and exploitation of any and all people who could possibly be oppressed and exploited regardless of their race, as much as people like to pretend that only minorities were oppressed and every white person was sitting pretty.

 These were the means to the end that is success; the apologists have no merits to their name other than the escalating inherent indignation of every entitled fuck under the sun and the growing debt of borrowed cash used to stuff the mouths of the sons of bitches so that they’ll be quiet. A pyramid has far more structural integrity than a column, yet the socialists simply want to invert the pyramid to create a system that has literally zero structural integrity. The recipe for success is well known, and to abandon success simply because somebody complains about getting the short end of the stick is painfully inane. You physically and or metaphorically must beat them until they’re grateful for getting the now even shorter end of the stick they are entitled to after being convicted of complaining.” Says Stacy

“The people in power just thought that perhaps the ends didn’t justify the means in regards to such a brutal approach to the world. This may sound crazy, but most people are capable of feeling something called empathy where they see that other people are suffering and this makes them feel sad. It might not be as efficient or productive, but having a happier population was what all of those famous revolutions were about.” Says Stella

“Maybe the American and the French, but at least the Russian and Chinese revolutions used the upheaval as a platform to revolutionize society; they saw that industrial development was far more important than civil liberties since their revolutions occurred later in the timeframe of technological development. These revolutions brought these countries up to the cutting edge, at least in plenty of fields, and this is the same scale of progress our country could see if we were more concerned with the future, legitimate progress, and economic competition than we are with quote unquote progressive politics which amounts to sacrificing legitimate progress and crippling the economy in the name of attempting to futilely make people happy. People will never be happy, nobody is happy, it is pointless; people will always want things they don’t have and to give this sentiment any respect at all is ridiculous, let alone enough respect to actually act upon this sentiment and try to give them things they want. This mentality will be the death of all people-friendly cultures.

Traditional societies knew that it is impossible to make people happy, but very possible to make them upset, so instead of attempting to make the people like you because you make them happy, you make them suffer, but offer them relief from the suffering if they do what you ask of them: it comes down to proportions, the proportional preferability of torment to safety is the same if not greater than the one from contentment to happiness, so if you simply offer them the opportunity to be safe instead of tormented they will appreciate you much more for making their lives measurably so much better than they were before. This method is how you create a loyal population, it is impossible to make people happy, but you torture them so that they will be grateful and loyal to you when you stop. If you don’t torture them first, they will never be grateful that you are not torturing them, they are instead indifferent or even critical of the powers that be simply because the powers have failed to command enough respect, so regardless of how amazing, kind, charitable, nice, and benevolent the powers that be are, they will never be respected simply because the peasants feel entitled to that treatment and therefore are not grateful in the slightest for such graces.

It is disgusting to see people simultaneously so despicably entitled and veritably worthless. If we are going to devote our government to making the lowly happy instead of being legitimate and powerful, I would rather see the budged split up evenly and doled out to every last idiot on earth because they’re all so worthy of the charity simply because they’re alive and more than likely provide little to no benefit to American society; it’s a shame because the money would go a long way in the developing world, at least while it lasted and retained some value. It would put the damn socialists in their place because they can’t criticize the charity because it’s so damn cost effective and good hearted, as if they do speak out against it they’re despicable xenophobic fascists who hate racial and ethnic minorities and should promptly be executed by the political correctness police. As long as the entitled Americans don’t see the money, I could care less where it goes to be honest, it’s hard to think of a people who deserve free things any less than the people who riot in the streets demanding them, spoiled fucking children, all of them.” Says Stacy

“You always argue in favor of torturing people and exacerbating suffering in the name of oppression but I’m sure you wouldn’t be fond of being tortured like that. I’m sure from your weird perspective where you think you’re god in the sky looking down at everyone or whatever, your ideas seem reasonable, but if you just think about your real self for a minute, maybe you could actually see the appeal of making a society that is nice, friendly, and comfortable, or at least attempt to make one.” Says Stella

“Thankfully I am selfless enough to disregard my meat puppet in the name of the greater good. Sure I wouldn’t like it; I don’t tend to like anything, so it wouldn’t change much anyways. I’m not going to stand behind coddling the hedonists while they chase the fucking dragon on the taxpayers’ dime simply because it puts a smile on their wretched faces. You don’t seem to understand the level of loathing I have for people, the happiness I would feel from watching them struggle futilely and suffer all the while would bring a simile to my face, because they deserve it, even if it is all for nothing, which I admit would be wasteful, but for their grievances against the planet, the nation, each other, and themselves, the beasts deserve nothing more than the same torment they inflict upon the world.

It pains me to see entitlement and self-worth in despicable humans worth negative millions of dollars, a living cancer of debt to society, worth less than worthlessness, so much less that it is revolting. Not only is this the nature of these people, but they are proud of it, they feel that their entitlement alone makes them worthy of burdening society. These people are half of the problem, and the other half are the people exacerbating this problem with their own greed and entitlement that they happen to be able to manifest through traditional capitalistic means, but such vice ridden lives are no more respectable than those of the people demanding that the government make their ends meet so they can get cheap thrills from their own vices.

 The life of an ascetic should be the only one tolerated by society, as much as it opposes the nature of capitalism which is competitive temptation, such a society is founded on unhealthy mental conditioning that is clearly mutilating and disfiguring the minds and bodies of the people, rich and poor, old and young. The only sin that is a tolerable result and product of an economy is wrath, the vice of Satan himself, that which dominates all other vices, the nature of the world is that the most powerful and wrathful one is the one that dominates the earth, and as much as greed may tempt people to make money, it squanders the money on petty things rather than meticulously use the money to exert even more pressure and dominance over the world.

Money is power, and it takes money to make money, so all money that is squandered through vain, wasteful, and hedonistic expenses is money that is not used to make money, and is a voluntary forfeiture of power, a true lapse in character, a display of weakness in a world that punishes weakness at every opportunity. Money spent should always return more money than was spent, settling for anything less than this is making poor investments if not simply burning money all together, burning holes in the big wall of money when the big wall of money is the only thing that is keeping the ravenous hounds of the world from devouring the innards of our country.

It is not an issue to invest money around the world, but the issue arises when you lose control of this money, as money controls people, you lose your dominance over the people and become vulnerable to counter-exploitation, and if this position of weakness is exacerbated, you will eventually become fatally wounded by your poor business practices and unable to survive just like every other company in the red. A country is nothing more than the business of shepherding people, and it is unwise to pretend that it is anything but a traditional manifestation of capitalism in a world that is explicitly and entirely a manifestation of capitalism.” Says Stacy

“Let’s be selfless and make some practical investments by getting started on our homework, ok? We don’t want to squander grandpa’s investment now, do we?” ask Stella, starting to clean up

“The sun still wants to hang out for a bit longer; I see no point in experiencing the dark night of the soul if it’s not even night-time yet.” Says Stacy

“It makes sense that is how you would describe failing to rant for a prolonged period of time.” Says Stella

“The dreams of salvation comfort me, what can I say.” Says Stacy

“I still think you could do a fair bit more to live up to your own expectations of a person, it’s not like you’re chomping at the bit to go selflessly serve society.” Says Stella

“That I am, however. I selflessly serve my society, by refining my principles against your rebuttal. I expect people to selflessly serve an upright society, not to selflessly serve the society of Babylon that is keeled over shooting hedonism and vice into its veins. In the end, if I am to manifest a righteous and glorious society by principle, but still suffer my own shortcomings, I have done enough, and I simply pass the torch unto the faithful to carry on the principles which I myself could not manage to uphold.

I know what is right, even if I myself cannot live up to such a high standard, I simply seek to fix the nitrogen from which the truly fruiting plants can nurture themselves and grow, I do not see myself as ideal or perfect, I simply know enough to understand that and attempt to do what I can to create a better future. It takes a strong man to kill a senseless brute, but it only takes a reasonable one to understand the fact that it takes a strong man to kill a senseless brute. I may not be a strong man, but I am at the very least reasonable enough to identify the facts of the matter, largely that the senseless brute is worthy of death.” Says Stacy

“I doubt many people would argue that a socialist welfare state qualifies as senseless brute.” Says Stella

“It is a senseless brute in a capitalistic world, it takes what it wants by manhandling those it can overpower, and the government overpowers the people and the economy in a socialist environment. The very nature of socialism is the exact same as that of a brute robbing people so that it can buy what it wants. The respectable man earns the money; the brute simply takes what he wants. If it was a healthy business relationship, there would be no resentment felt towards the government by anybody, as everybody could understand that the money is well spent and investing in the government is worthwhile.

The problem is that people feel entitled to money that isn’t theirs and even money that isn’t there, simply because of some illogical idealist philosophy of utopian benevolent charity that has been shilled to them by politicians promising to make their lives better. The people whose money it is should be the ones who decide how it is spent, seeing how they hopefully actually understand how capitalism works and how to invest in it to allow it to continue to work. Any of them with foresight would realize that they would make more money in the long term by legitimately investing in the country than they would with corruption, and since they really don’t need any more money, they would be far less tempted into corruption that politicians who exist solely to line their pockets by extorting money from the businesses in exchange for favorable policy. It’s the same system where the wealthy businesses make all of the laws; it just skips all of the bullshit of bribing officials and misleading the people.” Says Stacy

“I’ll admit that it’s a problem that people feel so entitled, and I’ll agree that politicians benefiting from passing certain policies is wrong, but a direct democracy of billionaires or hundred millionaires would be extremely unpopular and against the ideals of the country as much as it is not ironically contrary the culture of politics in this country. As much as you can understand that problems exist, your solutions tend to be impossible, so I think focusing on realistic solutions is still the best course of action. You’ve got the first part down; it’s just the second that could use work. You still need the approval of the people to become a politician, so an unpopular solution is not a solution at all.” Says Stella, sitting back down in an attempt to allow Stacy to exhaust herself

“There is no such thing as a realistic solution; anything that the people are willing to support to the point of realization is not a solution to anything. If the problems could be solved by moderate politics, the problems would have readily been solved by now simply because a legitimate solution would be seen as common sense. Politics consists of arguing over theories and making small legislative steps towards the realization of a plan consistent with these broad theories affecting small portions of the government on a good day. It is rigmarole that inevitably amounts to little and consistently fails to solve any problems without making new ones. It is taking one step when you need to walk a mile, regardless of the fact that a politician can use that one step as if it is a monumental achievement to cement is victory in his coming election because it was in line with what the people wanted and it convinces them that he is the best man for the job, and those are the small number of independent people who don’t see him as the only man for the job because that is what their party tells them.

Moderate politics and even the ones on the extremes of the socially acceptable spectrum still amount to nothing more than pussyfooting around when the people actually believe that anything can be accomplished through the current system. Moderates think inaction is safer than action, and the petty things that the government does address usually consists of putting the morphine needle back in simply because the old one fell out, and those who are progressives simply think that spending more money to do this or increasing the morphine would resolve the issue of the broken legs of incapability and powerlessness as well as the lead poisoning of ineptitude at all levels of democracy that blight the system. The last thing I want to do is devote my life to the futile practice of attempting to produce legitimate productive policy with measurable results with a system that operates on the same logic as homeopathic medicine: accomplish nothing but baselessly boldly state that you accomplish plenty of meaningful things simply because idiots are willing to believe this despite the endless evidence to the contrary and are afraid of legitimate medicine.

Attempting to use the current system to create a legitimate functional government is like trying to drive a nail with a child’s toy plastic hammer that is soft and squeaks when you try because it’s more important that nobody gets hurt than it is to drive the damn nail because even if you have a majority, American ideals prevent you from instating policy that is any more forceful than that of the blow of a plastic hammer. Problems cannot be resolved because the god damn enemies of the state who create the problems always complain that they’re being persecuted, and so as to ensure that nobody’s feelings get hurt, they continue to blight society like miscreants rather than be crucified in public like they should be. If there was a Federal Policy Administration with a job parallel to the FDA, the statement ‘The Federal Government efficiently and cost effectively functions, resolves issues, exacerbates economic success, maintains economic sustainability, minimizes civil unrest, maximizes the measurable value of human lives, and competitively maintains unquestionable authority, power, and respect of the USA throughout the world.’ would have a disclaimer following it stating that the statement has not been evaluated by the FPA. ” says Stacy

“Let’s just bring back crucifixion, great idea; that would totally resolve our problems.” Says Stella

“It would be a great deterrent, when some communists, criminals, or fraudsters see their friends writhing, crucified on the side of the road due to being convicted of said crimes the day before, they would be far more reluctant to go out and protest or pursue problematic schemes. Half of the problems society has are caused solely because of the fact that society is willing to tolerate these problems in the name of masochistic tolerance.

 You just have to make an example of the people who are problems, and people will be far less tempted to be problems. If anyone in the world cries out about human rights or inhumanity, they will personally be hunted down, abducted, and competitively tortured on a public video stream as to remind people that the most inhumane thing possible is to indoctrinate somebody into believing in human rights. If this brings on a world war, good, anyone who believes in human rights will surely lose that war because they’re so taxed by respecting the human rights of everyone, the only human right is the god given right to die, that is it, if you are alive, you have a right to die which can never be taken from you, other than that, all rights human and civil are fallacies that are as legitimate as the argument that the world is flat; they are only respected because people are consistently indoctrinated to believe in them and respect them.

 Human rights are privileges that should be earned through loyalty, devotion, service, and sacrifice in the name of the powers that be. The constitution describes inalienable rights, and if you think I alone don’t have the capacity to lock you in a room and remind you just how alienable every last one of your civil and human rights are, you are gravely mistaken. The only right, human or civil, is the god given right to die, and I cannot take that from you, for I am not god.” Says Stacy

“Sadly I’m fairly certain that you would win that war if America was on your side, seeing how the large powerful countries tend to be indifferent to human rights and it is the small delicate ones that tend to support them. At least Russia and China would be on your side, and probably plenty of poorer plutocracies, autocracies, and relative theocracies as well. I think it’s fairly insane, even in the context of your standard level of insanity, to hunt down people around the world if they do as little as criticize your inhumanity.” Says Stella

“I wouldn’t care if it was petty and unimpactful, but if some politician seeks to make a name for himself by hindering the success of my country by imposing sanctions or any sort of unacceptable disrespect like that, he will know full just how fallacious human rights are. You may call this man a martyr, but he dies for the same faith as the martyr who died for his belief that he could play Russian roulette with a semi-automatic handgun.” Says Stacy

“I know you’re not a big fan of humans, but if people actually abandoned human rights I’m sure you would be one of the first to die because of that decision. Why not just acknowledge how nice our lives are and be grateful for it instead of simply loathing so blindly? Human rights are not even civil rights that people argue over, they’re even more basic than that.” Says Stella

“Am I to enjoy how nice it feels to be merrily intoxicated by human rights while ignoring the fact that the addicting poison is crippling my vital organs and inhibiting my physical and cerebral function? God himself was more than happy to mercilessly kill his own people for their treachery, and as it is impossible to be godlier than god himself; human rights are a form of heresy, condemning god and morality in the name of the hedonistic mutual self-preservation of those afflicted by allegedly tolerable vice. Just like an alcoholic, society grows more and more tolerant of vice every day; this will inevitably lead to society meeting the same fate as Sodom, consumed by flames, those of a metaphorical hell if the good lord is so godly as to allow the sinners to exacerbate the severity of their eternal damnation even further.

Human rights are the manifestation of grievous sloth, the product of the damnable unwilling to uphold morality and decency that choose sloth instead of piety. Those rife with sin are the only ones who benefit from human rights, as the powers that be would gladly be happy to grant and protect the human privileges of decent god-fearing people. If God creates Satan and sends him to hell to torture the damned, it is our duty and mission as people of god, damned to this sin-rife earthen hell, to torture the damnable in the name of god. If god sends you to hell, he either sends you to torture the damned in the name of all that is holy, or he sends you to be tortured yourself. I have never been inclined to take the latter option. Just as those in purgatory are there to atone for their sins so that they may enter heaven, this earth is the purgatory to tempt those who revel in their vices so that they may earn their place in hell.” Says Stacy

“I can’t say I expected anything less than a faith based justification, as you tend to be fond of such ether. Since I don’t think anyone in purgatory gets sent to hell afterwards, are you saying that everyone on earth is destined to go to hell?” asks Stella

“Everyone is afflicted by vice, and unfit for salvation, those who fail to succumb to their vice to the point worthy of eternal damnability will have their souls remain here indefinitely. Just as god created man in his image, forsook man and cast out man from paradise into this hell, man to as the closest existence to god that manifests itself in this hell must act as god in the absence of god, create his own paradise in the image of god’s paradise, cast out the damnable as the holy father had done unto them, and use the word of god to instill godliness so as to save the good and the faithful from their otherwise guaranteed damnation.

 This hellish world where our lives are defined by suffering, pain, temptation, and misery is the closest to paradise any of our souls will reach, and the only concession is that man can create his own paradise with the power of god he inherited from the father, but only if he atones for the wickedness that has damned him here in the first place. This paradise would be eternal, for if man dies, he is sent back to this hell to live again, for he will indefinitely be tempted unto vice for his irreverence, but so long as he indefinitely remains unworthy of eternal damnation, he can remain in this purgatory of hell, acting as god in place of the original who has abandoned these beasts.” Says Stacy

“It’s remarkable that you can manage to interpret the faith in such a way that it appears to justify your own belief system. I can’t say it’s incorrect due to the nature of the subject, as much as it may be objectionable and wrong in a secular sense, I’m sure those points would do nothing to sway your beliefs.” Says Stacy

“I’m gladly willing to support any arguments that defend me or legitimize my philosophy. It’s hard to teach animals concepts such as goodness and moral reasoning, but it is comforting to know that at least god stands behind me unfaltering, knowing the same truths that I hold so dear and guiding his hand with them.” Says Stacy

“God is dead to the common man, why do you think that having divine justification of your philosophy will make people any more willing to support it?” asks Stella

“God may be dead, but I am very much so alive. God created this beast in his image, and I do intend to use every natural power of a human that parallels that of god to manifest morality and godliness in the savages that walk the earth, just as god had done before me with his people. The bible teaches you through god’s own actions what one must do when faced with a world where the people have abandoned faith and piety. I am nothing more than a godly woman, after all.” Says Stacy

“I still don’t think you understand that term.” Says Stella

“If man has forsaken god and lost all faith in him, and god too has forsaken man and lost all faith in him, then to bear the burden as the force of divine righteousness in god’s leave is godly indeed when faced with the alternative of letting the wicked live their merry lives of hedonists and  idolaters with impunity. God has asked mankind to destroy these people, but mankind has failed to heed this request, and this angers god who has chosen to abandon them. Jesus will tell you that faith alone is enough to be granted eternal life in paradise, but when you chose to disregard, ignore, or misconstrue that which god has asked of you to do, then you are truly no more faithful than the atheists among us, for you fail to have faith that god himself meant what he told his people when he revealed himself to the prophets, you instead have faith in the fools who contort and warp the sacred texts to suit their own interests and desires as opposed to those of god himself, and this is nothing more than idolatry.” Says Stacy

“Still, if you look at it from a secular perspective, the word of god is nothing more than folklore used to justify a brutal code of law meant to scare people into civil behavior through superstition and savagery as the punishment for non-compliance. People nowadays are too intelligent to be scared and too placated and sensitized by peacetime to be fond of such brutality. You could possibly appeal to very religious people who are mildly insane, but even most faithful people would find you to be far too insane to be supportable.” Says Stella

“It takes no faith in god to understand the power of god, of faith, and of organized religion. Throughout history, until the present, there were no godless men, for even savages had their gods and their rituals of faith. There were no godless men because the faithful killed them, the godless stand opposed to social harmony, and even if this is accomplished through brutality and superstition, harmony is still more productive and sustainable than discord. Discord destroys itself as every faction of people has conflicting self-interests and no fear of repercussions for acting contrary to society, and in the end there is no society, as every group will be conflicted with internal divisions and inner turmoil.

It takes a power greater than that of man to organize and empower the people to accomplish something great, godless men kill and betray each other for the material gains are real while they see any salvation offered by godliness as a lie. The salvation offered by godliness is not a lie, but an allegory to represent a world where god exists, and for god to exist, the will of god must be manifest by the people, only then will men be persuaded to abandon their savage ways and sickening vices, for they know they will face a fate worse than death if they do, not by the hand of god the ghost, but by the hand of the godly who create god through their own manifestations of faith, reverence, and godliness, which include all of the rebuke and torment of the wicked that god is so fond of, regardless of how much this may cause the humanists and the squeamish to pout.

 One cannot expect god to appear in the sky and manifest his power and dominion over people through magic and miracles, but one also cannot expect a godless society to be anything other than a hellhole plagued with vice and the problems vice causes. The only solution is to have a world where the common man is reduced to that which is less powerful than a natural man by societal forces, and have a group of the faithful which act as the hand of god, and this system was seen in all powerful cultures around the world throughout history. Even without any faith, one can understand that this is how humans, even on the smallest tribal scale, were able to organize society and maintain order long enough not only to survive and thrive while the godless ate each other, but to accomplish such beauty as the domination of the world when provided nothing but the tools naturally available to a godforsaken mammal, albeit a mildly intelligent one with quality mandibles.

The fear of god is responsible for all of modern society, even though god has never truly done anything, it was the men who acted as god in god’s absence that instilled this fear, and thus forced people to act selflessly with a sense of decency instead of as the self-serving amoral savages that humans once were. This human manifestation of god is the source of all civilization, and to allow people to forsake the one true veritable and materializing god, the powerful faithful, is to abandon civilization itself and allow man to slip back into his natural mentality of self-serving vice and folly.” Says Stacy

“You are noble indeed to volunteer to undertake such a vital and important role when nobody else seems willing to do so, but I think somebody with a little more understanding of the faith would be more apt for the job to be honest.” Says Stella

“The Old Testament is what allowed the savages to create and maintain a society; people misinterpret Jesus to the point where they argue that people can forsake morality all together and still benefit from the blessings of godliness. Jesus died to allow people to forsake the symbolic rituals, not to replace the entire religion and its definition of civic morality all together with unquestioning forgiveness. Christians used to respect the Old Testament much more than they do today, and without this basic recipe for creating and maintaining a civil society, you will not achieve the same success that has propelled humanity to greatness for the last two thousand years.

Capitalists make the faith convenient and accessible in order to attract people, because the country has foolishly chosen to put faith in people to keep the faith themselves, rather than instate the faith and use it as a means to control the people and strike fear and docility into their hearts. This worked well enough for a long time, making peace between sects while people were still superstitious enough to refrain from forsaking religion, but people have abandoned these superstitions as technology provides them more salvation than faith and miracles. Technology may solve inhuman problems, but it does nothing to ameliorate the human problems, and this is a major problem plaguing society today.” Says Stacy

“Judging by the last two thousand years, Jesus tends to be a pretty reliable recipe for success. Scared and paranoid people tend to function at a much lower level than comfortable and happy ones. One could easily argue that the compassion of Jesus is what helped the people pursue helping others and society through peaceful and intellectual means as opposed to the traditionally prized methods of conquest and persecution of sinners.” Says Stella

“That is not to say that conquest and persecution of sinners were not both pursued with a great passion. There is a balance to be achieved, as there is no comfort without discomfort, there is no safety without danger, there is no peace without war, and there is no happiness without unhappiness. This describes the world today, as the people foolishly thought to abandon these necessary things, and now the people find comfort uncomfortable, they find safety to be dangerous, they find peace to be warlike, and they find happiness to be unhappy. The compassion taught by Jesus is the lamb, the bread, and the wine, that which makes people merry, comfortable, and contented, in contrast to the traditional morality taught by the Old Testament which is the toil and labor that must be undertaken to enjoy these things. We cannot have the former without the latter, and people have lost faith in god because the world is unwilling to undertake the labor required to enjoy the fruits of such labor, and this absence of the fruition of god’s promises due to sloth only exacerbates the faithlessness of the world. If we try to enjoy the compassion of Jesus without the labor required to enjoy it properly, we are compassionate towards sin and vice, and we are creating a society no better than the ill-fated Sodom.” Says Stacy

 “For some reason hearing your arguments with just the sparsest seasoning of Jesus makes them so much more palatable. It’s rare to see you speak in favor of even smiling upon any sort of compassion or kindness. Something about me just instinctively ignores all of the bad things and focuses on the good ones. It’s weird in a pleasant way to find something you say comforting, you can rant all day about terrible nonsense, but the second you say something about the compassion of Jesus, I am tempted to agree with you somehow.” Says Stella

“There is no shame in seeking comfort from goodness; I seek the same thing, only by different means. Even if many can find enough comfort in the spiritual concessions to remain good in the face of the vice fueled world around them, the sins of the world pain me to no end, and I seek the real concessions of godliness, for I know no salvation awaits me if sloth tempts me from a godly life. The meek may be blessed, but I am offered no such salvation, leaving me only the route of becoming god’s manifest if I seek any fate other than damnation. It is true that the meek shall inherit the earth, simply because in the name of some god or even godliness, the proudest of all will bleed the pride out of every human until they either abandon it or die from blood loss, leaving only the meek in their wake. I see it as nothing more than an act of good faith to strive to fulfil the prophecy of Jesus, for in the end I am either the proudest of all, or I bleed to death for failing to be so proud. I am proud, but this pride is created only of my devotion to my enlightenment consisting of vehement misanthropic loathing of humans, so in a sense it is nothing more than humble modesty, as I am a human myself, and by seeking to largely enact god’s will as opposed to things in my own self-interest, this is but a form of reverence.” Says Stacy

“I don’t know what got you started on the topic of faith; you never tend to strike me as someone that is at all concerned with the faith or morality in the slightest.” Says Stella

“I concern myself with means to an end, whatever they may be. It’s certainly enjoyable to entertain the notion that my own system of beliefs is undeniably justified as my principles line up perfectly with those of an omnipotent deity. Even if nobody in the world agrees with me due to their own predisposition to short-sighted, self-serving, hedonistic, idealistic, or simply foolish folly, I am more than content knowing that my thinking and philosophy is identical to that of god himself instead of that of the communal delusion of ignorant wretched animals plagued and consumed by vice.” Says Stacy

“It’s amazing that I at this point I am more than happy to support you comparing yourself to god. Regardless of how disturbing it is, it’s far more comforting to hear you concern yourself with the ether than hearing you talk about politics. It is probably foolish to think that somehow less people would be hurt by you believing that you’re god than your politics, there seems to be a tiny bit of good in there somehow, whereas your politics are just boldly vicious and heartless.” Says Stella

“That warms my heart, the driving forces behind my philosophy tend to be either logical misanthropy or divine misanthropy; and to be honest the divine misanthropy is far more gratifying. Spite out of logical justification is cold and mechanical, there is no passion in it, my mind simply grazes over society and the facets and aspects are culled by weight as if I’m a factory making bags of candy, the weight being their value to society of course. The holy fervor makes the same action feel far more meaningful, seasoned with goodness rather than just correctness. People say the only meaning to life is that which you can create yourself, so I figure I’ve done well if I’ve found something I can believe wholeheartedly that feels like a warm soothing stream flowing through the depths of my heart and soul.” Says Stacy

“As much as it is not an entirely healthy disposition, if it feels that good to you, have at it. Plenty of people suffer endlessly because the crushing blackness of their painful meaningless existence is an ever-present reality in their heart and soul. I don’t really mind it to be honest, most people are escapists, and I’m no different, this delirious faith in you is one of the only options I have to escape from reality. Reality hurts, but I find that putting faith in things separate from reality helps me to soothe the pain, it’s like a cozy little burrow, almost like a dream, where I can just tell myself that the real world is nonsensical bullshit, and this delusion is the only real and meaningful truth. I know for a fact that the world will consistently take my hopes and dreams and smash them to pieces before my eyes, so by putting my faith in things reality cannot grab and smash because they’re not real, I have some nice cozy feelings to hold onto regardless of how grim the world may appear to be.” Says Stella

“Jesus reminds us that faith alone is what ushers us into eternal paradise.” Says Stacy

“I’m glad I’m your sister, because I feel there are very few souls out there who would find that reality an eternal paradise, but at least for me it’s better than any alternative I can find, and at this point the survival instinct is kicking in and I’m just trying to save myself somehow. I’m glad you have such unwavering faith in yourself, because I don’t tend to think for myself all that much; I am pretty used to accepting what I’m told, and your confidence makes it pretty easy to just offhandedly accept what you’re saying as fact.” Says Stella

“I’m glad we can both find comfort in it somehow, I too simply find it more appealing than any alternative and find no reason not to put my faith in it. To me, reality is like a dream, and my dreams are the true reality, more so my delusions; they feel more real and meaningful to me than this hollow existence, my sleepy time dreams however just feel like weird contorted alternative realities where I exist in a rather thoughtless state and my actions largely just perform themselves, if I ever start thinking in a dream I just wake up for some reason.” Says Stacy

“I don’t put much thought into my dreams, quaint, but meaningless, that’s about it really. I’m not delusional enough yet to think that my mind is escaping into alternate realities somehow when I dream.” Says Stella

“All this talk of dreamland makes me want to take a nice vacation to such an abode right about now.” Says Stacy

“For the heart whose woes are legion, it is a peaceful, soothing region.”” Says Stella

“So you care to join me, eh?” asks Stacy

“Soon enough, we should at least be headed upstairs by now, it’s getting late.” Says Stella

“The sun has yet to set, perched a’killroy, but still with its nose in the affairs of man.” Says Stacy

“Once its winter I hope you’ll still use the sun to determine when it’s time to start doing homework, you might actually be respectably studious for once, even getting started on your work before supper.” Says Stella

“Once final exams come around at the end of the year you might not be so happy about it though.” Says Stacy

“You’re dreaming if you think I won’t be the good shepherd and start beating you until you do what you’re supposed to come exam time.” Says Stella

“I’ll be savoring those sweet dreams in a minute, thanks for the meal though, truly splendid.” Says Stacy, getting up

“Enjoy them while they last.” Says Stella, joining her

“I plan on it.” Says Stacy, heading up the stairs, Stella walks over to Dale

“Dad, there’s some leftover supper in the fridge if you get hungry.” Says Stella

“What is it?” asks Dale

“Black bean, spinach, and tofu hash.” Says Stella

“Whatever happened to corned beef hash?” asks Dale

“Corned beef is literally poison.” Says Stella

“Delicious poison.” Grumbles Dale

“Well, this is delicious and not poison, so please do eat it, it’s good for you.” Says Stella

“I’m not exactly the spinach and tofu kind of man.” Says Dale

“Maybe swallow you can swallow your pride and eat it just because it’s nutritious.” Says Stella

“I’d rather keep my pride, but maybe I’ll get drunk enough to eat that hippie shit, who knows.” Says Dale

“Maybe just think of it as Asian food instead of hippie food and you can actually enjoy it.” Says Stella

“Thanks for the advice, but I’ll just focus on getting drunk enough to eat it. I figure if I’m already drinking it really couldn’t hurt to end up with some food in my belly.” Says Dale

“I would object, but your track record with drinking rebukes my argument entirely.” Says Stella

“You could’ve said it would take a dangerous level of drunkenness for me to eat that stuff, maybe too dangerous, but I’m glad you’ve got some faith in your old man. A real man lives for danger.” Says Dale

“So long as you live, I’ll be happy. If you really don’t want to eat it, that’s fine, I can eat it as leftovers tomorrow.” Says Stella

“Tuna fish sandwich is far more up my alley, no chance of me accidentally swallowing my pride either.” Says Dale

“I’ll be happy so long as you eat something, I’m going to do my homework, and more importantly make sure Stacy does hers.” says Stella

“Keep her on the straight and narrow for me; I know she’s a bit wilder than you.” Says Dale

“I will, you keep yourself on there too, now.” Says Stella

“My liquor’s straight and the couch is narrow, I don’t see myself diverging from the path any time soon.” Says Dale

“That’s good enough for me; it’s served us all well enough, to be honest. We may not be prosperous but we survive.” Says Stella

“Prosperity's right hand is industry and her left hand is frugality, but I’ve only got one of the hands free, as the drink is my other. Luckily for you, you’ve still got two, so I expect great things from you.” Says Dale

“I’d settle for modest things, but I’ll try to meet your expectations.” Says Stella

“Modest is all right too. Don’t push yourself too hard, might get hurt on the job like I did.” Says Dale

“I’ll keep that in mind, thanks for the advice. I’m off to heed the call of duty.” Says Stella

“Give ‘em hell, soldier.” Says Dale, raising his glass

“Right-o.” says Stella, who heads up the stairs into her room, Stacy lies on the bed, Stella sits down to do her work


“You’ve wasted enough time already tonight, I’m sure you’ve got things you should be doing.” Says Stella

“You’re going to spit in the good graces of silence?” asks Stacy

“The pain caused by your reluctance to do your schoolwork is comparable if not greater than that of you speaking. Seeing how one of them doesn’t entirely guarantee that your future is sacrificed in exchange for the succor of temporary laziness, I’ll choose bear the latter.” Says Stella

“Temporary, you say?” asks Stacy

“I’m sure your hunger is more than powerful enough to compel you to slave for eternities in the salt mines.” Says Stella

“If my hunger pledges loyalty to Babylon, it shall be disregarded if not entirely silenced and oppressed for its insolence.” Says Stacy

“Your belly is haughty only because it’s full; your principles however strong cannot overpower your natural weaknesses.” Says Stella

“If one lathers every rare ephemeral pleasure with fretting the future, there is no future other than fret.” Says Stacy

“You either fret the future or you have no future; foresight has only failed to serve someone when their own has proven to be insufficient. If you want to be comfortable, aim to lead a comfortable life. Fleeting comfort is an oxymoron, because the fleeting nature of such comfort should be more than enough to invalidate its comfort entirely. If you ignore the fact that the sun is setting simply because it still keeps you warm, you will soon find yourself in the dark, cold without a fire.” Says Stella

“Idioms are cruel to the idiot, for they are simple enough that he can understand them, even if he lacks the character to heed them. You’ve kind of shot yourself in the foot by satiating my one compelling desire and then expecting me to be compelled.” Says Stacy

“As much as I’m not fond of your ideas of a heartless mechanical meritocracy, I feel a society where a machine gauges the portions of your meal and the comfort of your bed by the caliber of your merit for the day would be a situation where you would find yourself as driven as I am to succeed, if not even more so.” Says Stella

“You’ve taken to my laziness wishing for a machine that would do your job for you, eh?” asks Stacy

“My humane kindness seems to contradict my desires to see you succeed sometimes. As much as I would hope people don’t need that sort of cruel conditioning to encourage them to work hard and be successful, looking at you makes me doubt that sometimes.” Says Stella

“Oxen don’t pull your plow if you don’t crack the whip over their heads and across their back if they’ve forgotten the significance of the warning.” Says Stacy

“You don’t put your intelligence above that of an ox?” asks Stella

“I don’t put the animal nature of my compulsion and survival mechanisms above that of an ox. The majority of the mammalian brain is shared between the members of the two species, what compels an ox compels a man just as much, the only difference is that the man will think twice about the compulsion, at which point you simply must whip him again to remind him of the consequences of such insolence. The only caveat is that a man can easily be tricked into services as opposed to simply compelled by true threat due to his susceptibility to delusion thanks to his brain so swollen from countless generations of mental illness.” Says Stacy

“You think intelligence is a mental illness?” asks Stella

“Intelligence alone would not create this society, there is one part intelligence for each part paranoia, delusion, emotional volatility, senseless anger, anxiety, lascivious salaciousness, and easily every symptom of every mental illness known to man. It is only in excess that these symptoms are deemed unhealthy, for the symptoms of mental illness in moderation have become the definitive trait of human beings. Animals so far as I know are far less blighted by these things, and the intelligence of man only serves to exacerbate these problems, as the inescapable hallucinatory nature of cognized sentiments and feelings tend to reinforce the delusion that whatever they are, they happen to be real, valid, justified, and sane as opposed to simple hallucinations or delusions.” Says Stacy

“Well, I would appreciate it if you honed the intelligence portion of your brain instead of the mental illness parts. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, but all play and no work makes Jack a starved man.” Says Stella

“I think about the paperwork, the busy work, and I see my life slipping away in front of me, the ideals of Babylon warping my mind into a living data processor, some input/output machine that is simply given a task and fueled with money so that it will indefinitely sustain itself and do the task it was designed for until it sputters out. Babylon looks at me and tells me to accomplish this task until they can create a machine that will replace me, and it is saddening to see my existence defined as a free thinking and powerful beast that has been domesticated and reduced to being a biological machine used in lieu of a real one to perpetuate Babylon’s domination of the earth until they no longer need to compel humans to perform these tasks and thus Babylon no longer needs humans to consent to their existence. I would be dedicating my life to ensuring my own demise; in this day and age it is but suicide to be complicit in Babylon’s quest towards the obsoletion of mankind.” Says Stacy

“You’re forgetting the fact that you get food if you do it.” Says Stella

“So terribly torn is the soul tormented by the choice between preserving one’s principles and the paying the principal balance of staying alive.” Says Stacy

“The two shouldn’t really contradict each other.” Says Stella

“The former is based upon logic, in my case, or otherwise philosophy, the latter is based upon the methods of society. If the two didn’t tend to contradict each other, there would be no indignation or unrest for everyone sees their existence as justifiable means to a justifiable end, and this is seldom the case. The two will always be at odds with each other, because society consists of the few points shared between most people’s logic or philosophy, while politics consists of the conflicts between the remaining points.” Says Stacy

“Do your best to find the shared points between your supposed logic and the methods of society.” Says Stella

“I slave to keep myself and my dreams alive, simply to enjoy the pleasure of dreaming. I suppose since I get half the pleasure of my ideas simply by having them, it’s not all too shameless of an exchange, however hedonistic it may be if my dreams amount to nothing but shamelessly stroking my ego.” Says Stacy

“Most people work not for the pleasures of working, but for the pleasures offered by working. You’d be no different than anybody at that point, and as shameless as your vice may be, I could actually be happy with the relative normalcy of you holding a job to sustain your hobby.” Says Stella

“If only I could turn my hobby into a profession, but sadly the world has no appetite for reality.” Says Stacy

“You could always study politics or something. That is a real job. I don’t know what you do exactly, but you can major in it in college.” Says Stella

“I have no interest in politics. Politics is the opposite of governing, those who are political are not governed and that is why they are political, they have no governance that guides them and manifests their will, they are instead tasked with doing this themselves regardless of their obvious inability to do so, at least in any efficient or productive means. Politics is the sport of the petty sycophant, whereas governance is the art of gods and kings.  When god commanded his people as he did, there was no politics; the political who sought to blight such governance with their own petty indignation, opinion, and irreverence were blighted with plague until one of the few remaining could ward off the governing hand of god a censer of incense. Fear creates faith which creates order, whereas in our inglorious nation the fearless people have no faith in the government and this creates disorder. I cannot seek to mend the product when the process creating the product cannot, but more so will not, be altered.” Says Stacy

“Think of it like this, if you are forced to drive a car because it is your only car and you have no means to buy another one, doing what you can to repair the car and keep it functioning is in your best interest, seeing how you would have no means to get to work and sustain yourself without it.” Says Stella

“That is hoping that the car does not rather readily enter a state of irreparable disrepair, at which point your efforts were all for naught, wasting time, money, and energy out of a fruitless delusion that in the end simply prolonged the inevitable. It is likely unwise to destroy a functioning car, however much this would ameliorate harm to the environment, but at the very least I would seek to find a far sounder car while I still have the means to drive around in search of one. As much as I may be able to resolve the issues facing the government, seeing how they are unwilling to allow me to do so, I think there are far healthier markets for me to invest my time and energy into, seeing how they have their own means of legitimization and operate rather independently from the fallacy of a functional democracy.” Says Stacy

“Then do your schoolwork and legitimize yourself by means other than politics. I don’t often tell you to listen to your own advice, but this time would actually be one of them.” Says Stella

Stacy farts with remarkable strength and health to the note, “Jesus.” She mutters

“Gross. That was your response to taking your own advice?” asks Stella

“That was my body’s response to eating beans all day. I’m proud of that one though.” Says Stacy

“Wow. Open the window or something. You don’t even try to do that silently?” says Stacy

“Why be ashamed of something I can be proud of? It’s not like you’d be any less aware of the fact in the end.” Says Stacy, getting up to open their window and sitting back down on the bed

“It’s still not very polite.” Says Stella

“Excuse me.” Says Stacy, sarcastically

“Just do your work.” Says Stella

“The real shame is in people trying to sneak it out and feign innocence; if you going to kill somebody’s cat, you may as well do it boldly in front of their eyes than try to hide it while guilt drips down your face. Those types of people are shameless, trying to find scapegoats for conflicts they’re responsible for.” Says Stacy

“As futile as it is to hide it sometimes, I think most people don’t want to look like uncouth boors in public.” Says Stella

“It’s a sign of weakness to be so insecure as to be sensitive to others’ petty opinions. If you’re keeping up some false image of yourself that is so ridiculous that it seems as if you don’t fart, you’ve done something wrong. I mean some times are better than others, outdoors preferably, but at least I waited until you were finished talking.” Says Stacy

“I appreciate it.” Says Stella, sarcastically “So you just fart loudly like that during class?” she asks

“I do try to keep my head down to be honest, if I’m just farting over the teacher’s lessons I appear to be rather insolent, and I’d much rather seem to be inexistent. If anyone glares at me after a silent one I’ll give them the cocky smirk, but I’m not bold enough to argue that my flatulence should be speaking over an educator. The shame is that once I do, a handful of people will always crack their own silent ones to try and hide it within my own. I am disappointed in them for thinking I can’t smell the shortcomings of their diet in their farts, truly vile sometimes.  You feed me healthy food, so mine are rather modest compared to some of the girls. I hope the other girls can appreciate the modest earthy tones of my farts compared to the unhealthy yellows, greens, much darker browns, and even sulfuric tones found in the other girls’ farts.” Says Stacy

“I’m glad that one of the few fields you hold legitimate knowledge in is judging people’s diets from the smells of their farts, to the point you even have an arsenal of descriptors to assist your assessment. Just start your work already so I can stop berating you about it.” Says Stella

“Fine. I’ve got a couple worksheets, that’s about it.” Says Stacy

“You’ve also got math, every night, I know this, and reading.” Says Stella

“I’ve got optional math and optional reading, if I do feel so compelled to seek leisure in such pursuits.” Says Stacy

“You will learn very quickly that they’re not optional after you fail the first tests. I will be making damn sure you do all of the math problems, you know I’ll be upset with you.” Says Stella

“I’m sure I will struggle with basic arithmetic by another name, especially when the calculator can check my answers by putting the equation into the graph and zeroing the damn line on the graph. I looked through the books and that is what the vast majority of the lessons consist of.” Says Stacy

“The lessons consist of actually doing the math yourself, and not using the calculator to get the answer. Thanks for telling me about that though, seeing how now I’m going to double check your work to make sure it isn’t bullshit. You realize you have to show work on the tests, right?” asks Stella

“The work consists of doing basic math to put the numbers on one side and the letters on the other.” Says Stacy

“Maybe right now, but it will get harder, and you will actually have to memorize things like the quadratic formula and learn how to factor. If you cripple yourself by relying on the calculator too much, you will struggle for the next four years.” Says Stella

“So memorizing a formula and simultaneously adding and multiplying, I’m not all that intimidated. Besides, I was thumbing through the book and actually was curious about the factoring since it has a different structure, and more often than not you can just put it in the calculator and it tells you the factors.” Says Stacy

“That still leaves the 40% of the time that gives you the wrong disproportional answer and if you don’t have a clue what you’re doing or just trusting the calculator blindly, you end up with a 60 on that test. Being cocky in school never pays off, you are only doing yourself a disservice by thinking you’re smart enough to blow something off, even if you get by just fine, there will come a day where you find that you lack sufficient knowledge of the fundamentals to perform the required tasks.” Says Stella

“Save the scolding for 6 months from now when I actually have to learn that stuff, for now it is just simple arithmetic, I don’t even need to check my answer with the calculator to move small numbers around an equals sign with quick math.” Says Stacy

“If it’s so damn easy, I don’t see why you mind taking the ten minutes it should take you to do the homework.” Says Stella

“At this point it sounds more appealing than listening to you berate me about it. I figure it will only take me ten minutes to do the homework, but you could complain for hours.” Says Stacy

“That is why I complain, so that you can hopefully understand that it stops when you do what you’re supposed to do.” Says Stella

“I’m doing it, I’m doing it.” Says Stacy, dismissively

“Good.” Says Stella, returning to her work happily, enjoying the fact that it is far more compliant, reasonable, and peaceable than her sister

“I’m still not doing the reading.” Mumbles Stacy

“Don’t you have a vocabulary test tomorrow?” asks Stella

“Vocabulary, the bane of my existence.” Says Stacy

“It will be if you don’t study. At least make flashcards or something.” Says Stella

“You have a desk full of flashcards and I have one flashcard that I just slide down the definition side of the vocab sheet. I’m just being environmentally friendly.” Says Stacy

“Fine, at least do that. I’m sure there are some words you don’t know on there.” Says Stella

“In the era of technology induced illiteracy, I’m in a more comfortable position than most. It is ironic that on the first list of vocab are three words to describe the fact that the irrelevance of those who study English has amounted to them forcing useless knowledge upon the poor children just so they can feel acknowledged when the children are judged by their ability to jump through a damn hoop by knowing words nobody besides pompous asshats would ever use: sesquipedalian grandiloquent legerdemain. It’s ridiculous that academia thinks that using those sorts of words is even sensible, let alone respectable. I suppose that just goes to show the difference between an academic and anyone who is actually successful, one of them actually acknowledges the value of pragmatism.” Says Stacy

“That was three of what, twenty? I’m sure you can use some more of them, seeing how you will have to write a sentence with each one. Funny, though.” Says Stella

“I am an obstreperous obdurate sanctimonious gourmand? The last one is just a French word and the first two hardly qualify as English, even I’m not that pompous to speak like that.” says Stacy

“I don’t see much value in knowing words that don’t get used, nor do I see any value in using words that very few know what they mean. It seems that using such vocabulary is contrary to the purpose of the English language that is simply communicating things clearly and succinctly. Unfortunately for you, you are expected to know them regardless of this sad state of affairs. I doubt anyone with any common sense would use the word obstreperous instead of rowdy, but academics tend to lack common sense, as they use their airs to place themselves above the commoners and their vulgar common sense.” Says Stella

“I suppose everyone needs a way to baselessly stroke their ego, I feel bad for the people who choose to learn words that make them sound like asshats instead of the more tasteful approach of pursing world domination.” Says Stacy

“I think most people would rather spend time with an asshat than an asshole.” Says Stella

“The world disagrees, assholes are successful, powerful, and enviable people, asshats however work in coffee shops or choose to perpetuate worthless knowledge. Even scientific names of microscopic life have far more value than effectively meaningless words; the names of organisms are uniquely meaningful, organized, and relevant to their study whereas useless vocabulary is redundant in the language many times over and meaningless to the vast majority of people. Teaching literacy is one thing, but to learn a word I may never even see in my life unless I read some random novel from two hundred years ago is a bit excessive, there are far more valuable things to teach children.” Says Stacy

“The proof that you were educated successfully is the important thing here, so regardless of what it is you are expected to learn, it is best you learn it, seeing how your own future depends on your pleasing of teachers and your success on standardized tests, regardless of how little some of the information my prepare you for the real world.” Says Stella

“That’s one of my many issues with school, it teaches you skills that are only valuable in academia rather than the real world, which contradicts the purpose of educating children so that they might venture forth into the real world and accomplish something. With the irrelevance of most of this vocabulary you may as well be teaching children elvish.” Says Stacy

“That’s not really the point of English class; it is to teach you important reading skills and writing skills that you will actually need in the real world. The vocabulary is just something to prepare you for standardized tests, and I suppose the teachers need some grades for the books other than a couple of papers. Besides, I’m sure you’d rather have vocabulary tests than quizzes about the plotline of the book you’re supposed to be reading.” Says Stella

“I just figure schooling could be done in a way where you teach children the most common skills people need rather than meaningless ones, just follow a heat map of skillset usage in the real world teach kids skills that they will actually more than likely end up using. How many godforsaken English scholars does the world actually need?” says Stella

“Well, schooling is done the way it is, so do it the way it is supposed to be done. It may not be ideal, but it is what it is, and you’re not going to change a damn thing by complaining to me about it.” Says Stella

“Sometimes I envy Sisyphus, seeing how he could actually make apparent progress on an impossible task.” Says Stacy

“I think when you notice that the boulder won’t budge when you try to push it, you should hopefully save yourself the trouble of wasting energy trying to push it.” Says Stella

“I still feel tasked with pushing the damn thing up the mountain for some reason; it just bothers me seeing it idle at the base of the mountain when I know damn well it should be at the top.” Says Stacy

“It really is an unhealthy obsession of yours to think that every boulder should be pushed to the top of a mountain seeing how you have little if any means to actually accomplish the task, disregarding the inevitable futility of it all due to its imminent trip down the mountain even if you do somehow succeed.” Says Stella

“Though the allegory may represent the struggle, the results of such a trial would be far more glorious than something as meaningless as putting a boulder on top of a mountain. One of them is a punishment, whereas my crucible is an opportunity that yields glorious rewards should I happen to succeed.” Says Stacy

“It appears you fail to understand the difference between glory and infamy.” Says Stella

“The only difference between glory and infamy is found in the inherent victoriousness or it’s antithesis that defines those who the word describes. There has never been an infamous victor; if any victor has ever become infamous, it is solely because he has not achieved unquestionable victory or has inevitably lost the spoils of his conquest, even if he is robbed of such long after he is dead.” Says Stacy

“I don’t particularly see you achieving unquestionable victory by any stretch of the imagination, so even if you somehow make a name for yourself, it will undoubtedly be rife with infamy. I’m fairly certain practically if not literally zero people agree with you, who would even fight alongside you during your so called conquest?” Says Stella

“The faithful, of course, and anyone and everyone disgruntled with living in a world defined by the inescapable tyranny of hypocritical virtue imposed by the authoritarian lords of vice, the faithful servants of the princes of hell. I shall rally those forsaken on account of their shortcomings or virtue or otherwise virtuous ineptitude and they shall form legions before my eyes. I shall tell them, ‘Take up arms for the kingdom of heaven, so that the heavenly king may reign once more.’” Says Stacy

“I know you have this unshakable belief that you are god for some reason, but I’m certain that only a very small number of people exist who are all far more insane than you to the point where they are even capable of putting any misplaced faith in you.” Says Stella

“I wouldn’t put it that way, humility is a virtue, so undoubtedly I am simply somebody spreading the sacred message of god and enlightening people of the path towards salvation.” Says Stacy

“Even just saying that you are a prophet is no less insane. What kind of prophet instructs people to lead a suicidal armed rebellion against a rather benevolent establishment that has done little to warrant such action, other than turning a blind eye to vice every now and again?” Says Stella

“It is the armed prophet who conquers, and the unarmed prophet who is savagely ravaged. I do not seek to die a martyr for a world of godless men, I seek to bring the glory and power of god to the people and let them relish in the blessings of the lord.” Says Stacy

“Once again, you’re not god, and your policies are not exactly blessings.” Says Stella

“A an honest man must toil in the fields to reap a bountiful harvest, yet the savages worship idols such as socialism and are thus consumed by their occult cannibalism of the capitalistic nature, savoring the taste of the blood and sweat of their fellow man rather than working their own blood and sweat into the soil for to fertilize their fields and reap a godly harvest.” Says Stacy

“It’s not like the rich don’t seek to cannibalize the poor too, they just want to reap the harvests of the poor while eating them all the while.” Says Stella

“There would be no means for them to do so as succumbing to such vices would be so strictly suicidal. The tax brackets are graduated as would be the criminal punishments, the rich would be slapped with unpayable bail and fines to the same extent as the poor, as if a poor man should be held on bail that is 50,000% of his yearly income, then so shall the rich, and if the poor man faces fines that are 50,000% of his net worth, then so shall the rich, and these fines and bails would not be excessive for such a proportional fine and bail was never deemed excessive in the past. The rich would have their assets seized in order to pay their fines, and should these individuals file for bankruptcy, as a debtor in possession they are at the mercy of the court, and if they choose instead to liquidate, then their business falls into the hands of the government as the party who is owed money in such a case.

There is no room for hedonism and vice in a civil society, a man should not be tempted to work in pursuit of pleasure, he should only be tempted to work for to escape the pain and torture of failing to do so. A man seeking pleasure will never truly be pleased, and this is the nature of capitalism, to exploit this nature of man, while a man seeking but safety will never truly feel safe, but he is equally if not more so compelled to work than the man seeking pleasure. The advantage is that guaranteeing a man safety can be accomplished by doing nothing as opposed to doing something to jeopardize his safety, whereas seeking pleasure is the opposite where a man must do something to find pleasure as opposed to nothing.

 A reprieve from the fear of death is the only pleasure that should compel a man, because as all of the moneyed hedonists prove, that the pursuit of vice knows no end, and their own model of self-validation through consumeristic hedonism is ingrained into the culture due to the nature of envy in a vice driven society. Vainglory is as deadly as wrath, in the end, even if it means that people will kill each other over a pair of basketball shoes with an internal inflation mechanism rather than the far more respectable reason of blind rage or bloodlust, there is a reason Satan is the lord of the underworld, you know, it takes dignity to be a dignitary.” Says Stacy

“I’m pretty sure that’s just communism when the government takes over all of the businesses. That clearly has had mixed results around the world.” Says Stella

“This is more so moral capitalism, as greed is a cardinal vice and must be punished severely; the highly profitable industries would need a pressure release valve for all of the excess money to ensure that nobody is paid an unscrupulous amount of money. This money would be used to further the nature of capitalism, which happens to be peddling survival and then vice in that order. As a proper market has no tolerance for peddling vice and as it is easy to sell an sufficient amount of survival to the people, the money would be used to facilitate profitable enterprise by any means, even those that peddle vice, for such vices would be peddled even more so competitively around the world in order to afflict such damnable places that still accommodate such folly until the world is wise enough to abandon such pursuits entirely, the businesses become unprofitable, and then they are closed for failing as a business.

The vast majority of things produced in a consumeristic society are blatantly and inherently immoral, and as this leaves only a few necessities that would be efficiently and uniformly mass produced by means of social service and allocated to the people without any mind payed towards the profitability of these things as true profit is only found in the people sustained by necessities rather than the transaction of the necessities themselves which proves to be largely unprofitable even in today’s market. The food and clothing are kept uniform and utilitarian, while the shelter is gentrified to shepherd the people and organize them by their workplace in order to ferry them efficiently to and fro, even if this does take multiple stops to sort them properly.

Sanitation and education are already social services, and healthcare is to some extent, vaccines and amphetamines should be plenty, but modern medicine free from greed would be far more affordable. This may even compel those who don’t happen to be sadists to enter the pharmaceutical industry as they could still peddle and profitize their healthcare goods around the world, even if they had no real use for money in a proper society seeing how it is common for people to have an odd compulsion to collect virtual money in video games that has no significance or value, the medicinal and pharmaceutical chemists may well be just as tempted as those who play video games to see their irrelevant profits be reaped around the world.

Beyond that is modern luxury which of course can be accommodated if it does increase the efficiency and profitability of the lives of the workforce. Though it may seem like communism to provide free things and control businesses, it is by no means done for the sake of bettering the life the plebian. Provided that consumeristic vice is outlawed, it is done to minimize consumeristic redundancy, in order to maximize the profitability of labor and the measurable net value of a human life in terms of upkeep cost that would otherwise be wasted on redundant objects and infrastructure. You use our washing machine only on the weekends, but in this society, it would be used 24/7 in order to maximize the value of the object, the same goes for any sorts of objects that are used sporadically but hoarded and protected due to their unnatural fragility in a consumeristic world.

 The domestic objective of the system to domestically maximize value instead of profit, seeing the entire country as one enterprise where keeping costs as low as possible allows the increased profitability to be used towards exacerbating the profitability of the country through, infrastructure, development, research, and any other means that investments can prove to be valuable. The global objective of the society is to compete in the traditional capitalistic means as defined by the vices that cripple the world, as in such a society, nice guys finish last, and being benevolent and selling high quality products at low prices proportional to their cost to produce would only hurt the country, so there would be a separate export division of companies that would create products designed to sell in the remaining consumeristic societies: everything from food and clothes to cars and planes would continue to be made in the standard tradition of consumerism which defines the ideal product as just good enough to sell competitively but never better than need be. This would be in a sense arming the population with humility and waging a benevolent pacifistic war against vice around the world.” Says Stacy

“I didn’t really listen that well, for obvious reasons, but just because you arm the people with humility, doesn’t mean they’d be willing to fight in your war.” Says Stella

“Some soldiers fight for love of country, and others for fear of death, I let each man choose his own muse, even it is the vengeant sanctimonious sadism of feeling like god and torturing the world with vice, if it so floats a man’s boat.” Says Stacy

“I presume that last one would be a noble muse to dedicate one’s life to in your society.” Says Stella

“If she is good enough for god himself, she is one of the finest muses known to man.” Says Stacy

“Are you even doing your homework? I kind of regret not letting you sleep if you’re going to keep talking this much.” Asks Stella

“I am getting a 100 on it, thank you very much; I am quite good at acing these completion grades.” Says Stacy

“Don’t take advantage of the fact that the teachers presume you value your education enough to actually put effort into the homework. It’s amazing that you are looking at a real, valuable, veritable means to success in front of you yet your distracted with your idea of creating come cult of sadistic military asceticism that you find so much more tempting for some reason.” Says Stella

“It is moral military asceticism, and it is more tempting because it is more fruitful, even if it is less promising.” Says Stacy

“Even dad isn’t tempted to go searching for the land with cigarette trees and lakes of whiskey, regardless of how he might sing about it sometimes.” Says Stella

“Even if my whole mantra does very little to impact the world, I would still at least be preserving my self-respect as a legitimate doomsayer preaching in the streets. It may be unlikely that I have any significant impact in this country, but if even one of my ideas is respected by some foreign power I would be honored. If not, so be it, I will be preaching reminding the world of the coming fire and brimstone until the day I die or the day it inevitably comes, whichever comes first.” Says Stacy

“I’m pretty sure every doomsayer in history that undoubtedly proved to be full of shit thought that they themselves were just as legitimate.” Says Stella

“See, that’s where I’m different; I am not foolish enough to set a certain date and put myself in a position to fail; so long as I just say, in the future this happens, I can never be proven wrong, as even 1000 years from now, the future will still be impending, and it will always have been the present for that entire length of time, so I have never truly lied to anyone. I will leave it up to the audience to gauge the proximity of the revelation of the legitimacy of my prophecy.” Says Stacy

“It’s all irrelevant if nobody will listen to you. You would have to be a lot more agreeable for anyone other than insane people to agree with you, and even that would be a stretch. Nobody wants to listen to somebody who is going to criticize every aspect of their life and baselessly prophesize the collapse of the world; even if there might be a grain of truth to what they say sometimes. Few people have listened to people like that in the past, and even fewer will do so in the godless and educated world of today.” Says Stella

“I don’t just prophesize doom, I prophesize doom but offer salvation from said doom at the same time. I don’t think it’s much different from nagging a child in the hopes that it will listen to you and abandon its foolish ways in order to be more respectable or successful.” Says Stacy

“I’ll be the one prophesizing doom in a second if you don’t start to focus on your homework. You don’t think it’s any different than nagging a child, but you fail to realize the futility of such nagging as it seems that all of my incessant nagging has yet to make any significant impact on your character? I’m not even asking anything spectacular or grandiose from you, just simple things such as a parsley bit of studiousness just to endear me with some peace of mind and ease my sense that I am being recklessly negligent in regards to you actually becoming a respectable adult. You won’t even do that, so how could you possibly nag comparably childish people into revolution?” Says Stella

“The issue is that you are attempting to get me to embrace the painful pettiness of peasantry, where I would be so entirely consumed by my incessant need to keep up with the Joneses and be preoccupied with the opinions shamelessly incredulously irrelevant people have of me to the point of developing crippling anxiety. People are so damn internally insecure that the find the most meaningful self-validation when a group of people as entirely irrelevant as an idle piece of dog shit on the sidewalk give them approval in place of condemnation.

The opinions of the lowly are little more than a testament to your ability to pleasure the petty in the only way they can be pleased which is by fallaciously acknowledging that their pettiness is somehow relevant if not legitimately important. Giving any significance to social relationships other than to appreciate them as a platform of the pastime of idle banter is to succumb to the same affliction as those who seek to use them as a platform to shoddily patch up holes in their crippled petty ego due to the compulsion that arises when even a tiny bit of acknowledgment or approval deludes them into feeling that their life and existence is in some way meaningful or relevant.

Work is petty but it for damn sure won’t argue that every piece of dog shit on the street has opinions that are as legitimate as god’s condemnation; at work they only argue that a few pieces of dog shit are that legitimate, and those would be your bosses. The communal delusion of significance crafted by those who support each other’s fallacious notion of being meaningful in some way is no more respectable or sane than my own favorite flavor of insanity; I simply don’t rely on the opinions of irrelevant idiots to justify myself, and for good reasons too. The same pettiness is true of the rat race of breaking your back in order to possess whatever godforsaken knickknacks, trinkets, baubles, or vain status symbol is so particularly envied by the idiots whose eyes grow wide in amazement at the sight of a god damn bauble. The extreme level of pettiness it takes to be convinced that living such a life is even worthwhile is well beyond even my capacity of delusion, and that says a lot.

Just because the people are not emblazoned and emboldened by their delusion does not make their need for baseless self-justification awarded only by a communal reliance on a pettiness contest any more sane: a man can tell you entirely ridiculous and nonsensical things in a very calmly in an educated tone, and to defend the social insanity of humans is to argue that this man is correct simply because his tone is that of someone who is correct, therefore he must be correct.

 A life consisting of jumping through hoops so that some half-witted fuck might tell me ‘good job’ or so that somebody who opinion has complete irrelevance save for amongst the masses of people whose opinions also have complete irrelevance might hold a favorable opinion of me is actually disgusting. I understand that most people don’t have the same means to achieve such a robust and healthy ego, but to resort to such means that are so blatantly lowly and petty is shameless. I am not tempted to be so petty, because I have found much simpler means that are far more reliable that I can use to achieve even greater results than I could if I was showered in favorable opinions and popular support. Hell, I would probably feel much worse about myself because I am regarded highly in the minds of godforsaken idiots entirely consumed by the pettiness of materialism and social amalgamation which means I have been so shameless as to stoop to their level of inanity and misery.

 There is nothing respectable about being respected by the lowly, it is respectable to be feared by the lowly, but to be respected means that you are not only one of them, but so much so an exemplar of their lowliness and the natures of such an affliction that you are revered for your exemplary capacity to embody said lowliness. The lowly are beasts fueled by vice and defined by ignorance, and to become such a savage would truly be shameless.” Says Stacy

“As much as you are very capable of baselessly putting yourself above everybody, the opinions of society and regular people are actually very important. The vast majority of people that you will interact with fall under that umbrella, and it is more than likely that regardless of their relative irrelevance in the world at large, some of them will still have the ability to make or break you and define your success or failure based almost entirely upon how well you can amalgamate and meet the expectations that are set before you, however lowly they might seem.

As insane as it might seem, in a society, for the most part, one cannot succeed without the approval of the people, if you are contrary to society, society is contrary to you, and as much as you may feel you know the true path to success, the opinion of the world is clearly at odds with your own. You cannot change the system from the outside, you are one person against billions of resistors, so if you actually have any goals of being legitimately relevant you’ve either got to work the system from within or turn the system against itself, and seeing how you’re one of the most naturally disagreeable people on earth, it is unlikely that you will be able to turn the system against itself.

People don’t like being criticized, people don’t like being asked to do things, and people are largely unwilling to change or resistant to it; but even in the case that they are willing to change, often times they lack the character to commit themselves to such a change. So seeing how your approach is to criticize people, ask them to do things, and change damn near everything including even the brain function of humans, the odds of you succeeding are nearly inexistent, if not literally inexistent. You might know everything, but I’ve got news for you, so does everyone else, or at least to the same degree of being pompously ignorant to their own pompous ignorance. In the end you’re either jumping through the hoops to get the treats or you don’t get any god damn treats, it’s that simple, just do it for the treats, because I know if you really think about it, your satisfaction from getting a treat would easily overpower whatever shame is induced by leading a life that doesn’t live up to your delusions of grandeur.” Says Stella

“Argh.” Groans Stacy, feigning agony, “Must you drive that sword so deep into my one tragic flaw?” she asks

“Your life is defined by tragic flaws to the point where you pride yourself upon them; you aren’t even a tragic hero. You are just a shameless tragedy.” Says Stella

“The treats… they whisper to me in such tastefully treacherous tongues.” Says Stacy, pained by human temptation for a moment before the magical artesian well of haughty pride quickly washes and heals her shallow wounds. “The demons have clearly sullied your soul, to tongue-lash the only demon-slayer in hell so boldly. Fear not, wayward child, one day I shall purify your soul.” Continues Stacy, artificially dramatic and once again cocksure

“Please just listen to the treats; they only want to help you. That’s all anybody wants. You may see it as demons or god knows what, but we just want to bring you back down to earth somehow.” Says Stella

“Such is the nature of demons. Devoted to corrupting the angels, the demons are consumed by ripping angels from the sky as to weaken the army of the lord so they may lay siege to the gates of heaven; for this reason I have come to earth; to massacre the demons and lay siege to the gates of hell. Should the disciples of Satan and his temptatious princes riposte the wrath of god then by all means I shall manifest a new hell from earthen matter in which the damnable may burn alive in their fires of their own vices just as they shall in death. If I cannot tempt the sinner to live emforth the word of god in exchange for eternal salvation, my hand may only serve to aid in ushering the sinner unto eternal damnation.” Says Stacy

“I understand why it appeals to you, but you should at least pretend to be a good person if you’re going to champion the divine argument. It’s hard to find anything godly about your principles, so I’m sure people would be at a loss as to how they might end up in heaven by carrying out your will.” Says Stella

“I am no less godly than Christ when I drown sinners, blight them with plague, or turn them into salt, for Christ was god in the flesh, as much as some may desire to ignore that fact.” Says Stacy

“How would you even do the second two? What is wrong with you?” asks Stella

“Any curable illness can be a plague when you withhold the cure, so the harlots and the prurient tarts as well as their patrons may be properly festooned with their lesions that decorate the legionnaires of vice for their self-sacrifice. The second is rather simple really, when you force a man’s skull into a vat of acid, the products tend to be water and salt of some kind. It’s all simple piety really.” Says Stacy

“I’ll just forget the last part, but plenty of women are forced into prostitution because they need to survive, I’ll admit that reckless debauchery is prominent in society, but it would likely be impossible to prevent poor people from seeking out one of the only pleasures that they have access to.” Says Stella

“Women have been engaging in survival sex since before the dawn of written history, there is simply no reason to defend engaging in such a practice in a way that is contrary to survival itself, at least in a natural environment. If one seeks such gratification, it should be done in the godly way with the beast one has legally been eugenically espoused to. I’d be just as pleasured if the people would simply take up such hobbies in a productive way rather than a destructive and afflictory way. Scientists will tell you copulation can be a salubrious endeavor; I only seek to allow people to enjoy themselves without infesting each other with malady or bastardizing children in the process.” Says Stacy

“So are you saying we’re eugenically betrothed or something?” asks Stella

“Well, in the sense that neither of us should have children given our genetic history; so really it’s not all that objectionable, seeing how you seem to reap some psychological benefit from it all and otherwise causes no problems.” Says Stacy

“I’m glad you’re concerned with my mental health, even if it is entirely ironic. Those endorphins are hard to come by, and I need any sort of relief I can find at this point.” Says Stella

“You’re the spitting image of the ideal utilitarian, turning to healthy endogenous relief as opposed to seeking an external chemical solution that defines the consumeristic approach to problem solving.” Says Stacy

“I think you’re technically the solution, if you abandoned me to anguish I would be in shambles right now.” Says Stella

“Well, I’m arguably the source of half of the problems, so it’s the least I can do to try and make amends somehow.” Says Stacy

“I like your perception of the situation where it’s debatable whether or not you cause at least half of my problems. It’s hard to gauge whether you’re delusional or euphemistic.” Says Stella

“My life is defined by delusion, and the world refined by euphemism; this tends to be the mentality of the lowly and noble alike, to interpret either of them via realism is the primary symptom of depression.” Says Stacy

“That explains a lot to be honest. I need to take a page out of your book if I’m going to survive this ordeal.” Says Stella

“You’re lucky my book has so many pages for you to take. I do think it is wise to be the fool, and the merry fool at that, when the wise are but the chagrinous fools, loathed and miserable in the end, for there is no spot on the mantle of fools for any vessel of wisdom. The fate of the wise and knowledgeable is known all too well on this celestial ship of fools, at least I’ve no qualms with being a merry fool amongst the crew, as I know full well that I am nothing but a star-gazer, a prater, and a good-for-nothing. If I were not so proud, I could perhaps be wise enough to accept that the ship is destined to sail forever into the open ocean, so I am faced with the choice of either being thrown overboard or otherwise enjoying in the food and wine and merriment of fools before we all die of thirst on the high seas. Sadly this is the ship of fools, and just as every other fool aboard, I am entirely consumed by my blazing and maddening desire to become the acting captain. Clearly the only solution is to kill all those who stand opposed to my captaincy.” Says Stacy

“After acknowledging that I am not insanely proud, and disregarding your alleged wisdom as it only takes a fool to state that he is wise, you are just saying that I should disregard the peril of my situation with incredulity and enjoy myself however I can before my inevitable but ideally avoidable death because everything is more or less out of my control. I actually do try to do that, as much as I’m not quite prone to enjoying myself, I do try to carry on with business as usual in my stalwart incredulity.” Says Stella

“Well we’ve just got to work on enjoying yourself; then you’ll have it made.” Says Stacy

“Some peace and quiet wouldn’t hurt you know. I hope you’ve actually been doing your work.” Says Stella

“I’ve been dripping my learnedness on the papers at a steady pace; it’s second nature for me to reiterate knowledge, I’m just more so fond of my own as opposed to the common sort. I’m surprised you’ve been as busy as you have, I’m done with my trifling tid-bit, but I’m sure you’ve plenty of voluntary paper pleasure that is tempting you still.” Says Stacy

“I guess it’s kind of like how people listen to music when they work, I’m just so used to it that it doesn’t really distract me at this point. It’s not ideal, but it’s tolerable and even occasionally entertaining.” Says Stella

“I’ll let you have some quiet time; I’m fond of it as well, so long as I’m in the bed of course. Waking silence is always eerie.” Says Stacy

“I know that feeling all too well, it is uncomfortable in the presence of other people, but we’ve had more than enough discourse to warrant a comfortable bout of silence.” Says Stella

“I’ll leave you to your gratification, and I shall seek mine.” Says Stacy, putting her things away

“Close that window when you get up.” Says Stella

“Of course.”  Says Stacy, getting up, enjoying the golden purple hue of the sky painted with light pollution, the uniform row houses full of meaningless people who are all just as manically consumed by destroying themselves via their vice of choice, smiling at the heartwarming nature of the suicidal futility of unnatural sapient succession that embodies human life and all such testaments to itself the godforsaken beasts beget, and closing the window before laying down on her bed, emigrating from the equally sadomasochistic reality in search of a reprieve within the unassailable walls of the dream king’s realm  defended by jury-rigged walls of half-assed logic and whatever materials happen to seep through the locally woven space-time of his natural dimension that so happened to have tertiary synonymy with the subconscious mind and is only sporadically contorted by the magic of the conscious mind.




Stacy finds herself in a field on the outskirts of the city, she sees a large majestic horse grazing in the field, the horse strikes fear into the heart of the small girl, which grows as the horse slowly  saunters towards her, she is paralyzed, preparing for some inevitable fatal blow from the beast brimming with visible musculature; she puts her hands up in front of her instinctively trying to ward off the slowly encroaching beast, it stares into her eyes, the same fear palpably bleeding out of its own eyes, silently implanting the beast’s own deathly fear of horses into Stacy’s mind, itself even more afraid than Stacy, for the horse they both fear had surrounded and imprisoned his mind and soul entirely. The pained thirst for its own death was the only sentiment the horse could fathom outside of its bestial fear. The horse imparted this feeling unto Stacy with its magical empathy along with the sobbing futility of the nature of its own hooved limbs, unemployable in such ventures, damning him to live, tortured by his inability to do otherwise. Stacy understands this and feels a subtle yet genuine sympathy for the animal beneath her overpowering and paralyzing fear of the massive beast that slowly and heavily breaths on her. The horse wants to cry but physically cannot so is forced to experience the painful feeling of holding back tears indefinitely, the horses loses hope that the girl can help him, and he slowly walks away and goes back to grazing idly, finding instinctual comfort from the tall grass within his inescapable fear.


Stacy wakes up, quietly startled, Stella reading on her bed.

“Jesus Christ.” Mutters Stacy, as the narrator and all of existences starts to go through amphetamine withdrawal

“What?” asks Stella

“Just a weird dream. My heart is still racing a bit.” Says Stacy

“What happened?” asks Stella

“I don’t know, I saw this horse and it just walked over to me and started staring at me really seriously, letting me know it was scared and sad with magic or something. Just putting it’s feelings in my head.” says Stacy

“That got your heart racing?” asks Stella

“I’m just scared of horses. Way too big for me, I like small things. This one was massive, too. Unnerving as all hell.” Says Stacy

“I don’t think you would do well in the ancient world where the horse was the main method of transportation.” Says Stella

“I might grow accustomed to it eventually, but as of now I never see anything that big, bigger than car, twice as big if not more. Something that big and moving about with its own free will and capacity to easily kill me is just unsettling. I know horses tend to be tame, but my instincts just tell me something that big is not something I want to be close to, a whole lot of raw power with the mind of a simple beast that could easily kill me without a second thought if it was so compelled to kick me or maul me with its feet. I couldn’t even run away, I was just paralyzed for some reason, thinking I’m going to die or something.” says Stacy

“At least nobody will bring a horse to intimidate you, even though I think you’re still pretty afraid of dogs, so that might need to be resolved if you actually want to seem powerful.” Says Stella

“I am nervous around dogs, easily scared of big ones, but horses, five or ten times bigger, way more imposing than a dog. Even though dogs are statistically more dangerous, I don’t care, the size alone is just what pierces my heart like none other.” Says Stacy

“It’s amazing that you still think you’re god even though you’re afraid of dogs and horses. That’s kind of ironic.” Says Stella

“It’s easy to think you’re god when there’s nothing that is willing to rebuke or condemn you for doing so. I can just go about my business and since I don’t run into any evidence contrary to my belief, it is rather easy to maintain. All I have to do is disregard your disrespect and the world tends to be indifferent. That horse though, god damn, it’s like it took the will to live right out of me, I don’t even feel like myself, just empty and dead, all of my joy and pleasure has just been replaced with irritability caused by the fact that I exist, the normal jolly tiredness has transformed into a crippling and inescapable fatigue. My brain somehow just stopped working all together. The feeling of subtle inherent pleasure and pleasedness has turned into something indistinguishable from a thick, dry, rather dead reedy plant in a cool and humid environment, quite a shit feeling if I do say so myself. God damn horse.” Says Stacy

“Your brain never really worked, and I think it’s rather normal to feel like shit sometimes. I think the definition of mania tends to involve some highs and lows, just be happy you tend to be mostly highs since most people like you are rather prone to the lows.” Says Stella

“It’s like being alive is somehow suffocating my brain, it just feels like it’s sitting in a room as the oxygen is pumped out, I’m physically conscious but there is no testament to that reality within my mind, a dead empty plane flavored with the warm sickening moisture of the mucus membranes of organic life. Somehow like a desert with the atmosphere of a swamp.” Says Stacy

“It might be the weather or something, it was unusually humid today. Otherwise you’re just coming to the realization that being so extraordinarily insane has its downsides occasionally.” Says Stella

“My dear, the whole neurotoxic element of the ordeal is that I am indeed so extraordinarily insane, by no account of any keen eye would I be deemed as someone so flavored with ordinary insanity. If that were the case, I would take this in stride; perhaps enjoy the forcefully vapid ambiance of my mind as a pleasant alternative to the usual shamelessly sane insanity rife with the displeasures of emotions and the common sentiments of those afflicted by the mental illness of sanity.” Says Stacy

“Welcome to the painful, soul-crushing world of sanity, at least for however long you might happen to stay here.” Jokes Stella

“If this is what sanity is, I can understand why people turn to drugs and alcohol. This is terrible. Is everyone some kind of sick masochist or something? I can finally understand why you get upset so easily.” Says Stacy

“Ironically you usually tend to be the reason I get upset so easily. Myself, as well as most people, are accustomed to the feeling of sanity and I think they only turn to drugs and alcohol when they come to prefer that baseless pleasant feeling over level headed reasonability.” Says Stella

“When level headed reasonability is being forced to acknowledge the exhausting fatigue of powerlessness and the pain of brain function, I can’t really blame anyone for trying to escape. I always liked to say I was a stoic, but I guess my thoughts were all corrupted by how amazing I felt all the damn time. I had just come to presume that feeling was just the baseline of brain function, but god damn it, I was wrong, so very wrong.” Says Stacy

“I think reasonable people can understand that substances impair people’s brain function to a severe degree and often times their bodies. Your own mania tends to impair your brain function to a similar degree, so perhaps you can use this time to really attempt to grasp reality and separate it from your delusions so that you might act in your best interests as opposed to your actual interests.” Says Stella

“I try to grasp at the delusions that kept me afloat if not flying, and there is nothing there but pain. Pain to lather on my body as some sort of futile muscle memory, and if I don’t try to grasp at it, the pain simply pours itself over my body. It teems from my brain and drips all over my body. I can understand faith in salvation, for to many it would seem to be the only apparently possible way to escape this torture, the only promise of a tolerable existence that man can find, so he bears the masochism of life and piety out of blind hope that he may one day be rewarded for doing so.” Says Stacy

“I think an ignorant and gullible fear had a lot to do with it as well, on top of the social and physical danger presented by failing to conform to the faith of your people.” Says Stella

“Well, as someone who is neither ignorant nor gullible, the only solution I can fathom is to venture back into the dream world to find an equally magical beast willing to dispel this curse. I want to believe, but faith has rewarded few with little more than a painful life and martyrdom, and I’d rather not writhe until the day I die.” Says Stacy

“A paradoxical statement, but you’re a bit of one yourself. I’ll let you sleep, seeing how you actually did your work for once.” Says Stella

“I shall return from this conquest victorious.” Says Stacy

“Godspeed.” Says Stella, sounding genuinely serious, too exhausted to be palpably sarcastic


Stacy walks along a cliff looking over an ocean, the numbing death-vapor of the atmosphere numbing her entirely and relieving her need for to speak her mind. She was entirely selfless, not out of piety, but rather in an empty sense as her sense of self failed as it usually does to follow her into this realm. Having forgotten her problems, and everything for that matter, she sits under a small tree to watch the ocean with a lack of any more pressing impetus to action stirring in her empty mind other than the wholesome pleasure of cool shade and a coy respite. A large rabbit hops over to her, a good three feet tall, but this doesn’t strike her as anything more than the usual fauna.

“Excuse me, miss, can I bother you for a cigarette?” he asks politely

“I don’t have any.” Says Stacy, thoughtlessly

“Well, just reach up there and grab one for me, I’d be more than happy to do it myself if I was blessed with your stickliness.” Says the rabbit

Stacy looks up, sees the fruiting tree with her cigarette ovaries swaying in the soft breeze. She stands up and picks one off of the low branches and hands it to the rabbit. The rabbit puts it in his mouth, pulls out a matchbook, lights the cigarette, and sits down in the usual rabbit pose, smoking as Stacy sits beside him.

“I feel like Tantalus every day looking at these trees and being unable to reach them. I don’t see one of your kind around here too often, grateful I did though. Birds won’t help me out, so I’m shit out of luck most days.” He Says

“Any time.” Says Stacy, nearly forgetting about the rabbit as she stares into the hypnotic ocean

“So you’re a masochist, eh?” he asks

“What do you mean?” asks Stacy

“Just talking about your ghost chains and whatnot floating in your body there. Not too many ghosts into the chains like that.” He Says

“I don’t know what you’re talking about; I’m not a masochist though, by any means.” Says Stacy

“So you’re just an idiot? What do you call these things?” asks the Rabbit, reaching into Stacy’s chest and pulling out a length of rusted chain

“I don’t know how that got in there, or how you pulled it out. Are you a magician or something?” asks Stacy, surprised but entirely indifferent to the surprising

“You really are an idiot. You’ve got a god damn horse soul in here too, you just don’t notice these things?” asks the Rabbit, pulling out a small lantern with a black spectral horse running in place in the center

“I had no idea. I actually feel a bit better now, after you pulled that thing out.” Says Stacy, even more so relaxed after the event

“I’ll yank all of em out for you, if you’ll get me a few more cigarettes.” Bargains the Rabbit

“Sure. How are you doing that anyways?” asks Stacy

“Well, you’re just a ghost, a poltergeist I suppose. I can see these things and pull them out, they’re from our world and you’re some ethereal thing from elsewhere, so it’s just like pulling an object out of a cloud for the most part, nobody knows how they float though, that’s the real magic. I suppose some part of your body wants to hold on to it for some reason, seeing how you can grab things so easily here.” Says the rabbit, pulling out chains and darkly colored gemstones from inside of Stacy’s torso, throwing them on the ground

“You’re a saint, I do feel like a ghost, but I figure I didn’t know the half of it.” Says Stacy, absentmindedly

“Who would have guessed someone like you didn’t know a god damn thing. I’m glad you’re smart enough to know what a cigarette is though. There are a couple of them I can’t quite yank out, they’re stuck real good, but they don’t look all too painful, ornate chains, not like these rusty bastards. I could probably sell some of these things, but I’ve got on use for money, I just eat grasses and things and don’t do much other than that. It’s not a bad life; the people make it hard on themselves with all of their bullshit, so I’ll just leave these things to curse some other ignorant fuck.” Says the Rabbit

“Thank you kindly, how many cigarettes do you want?” asks Stacy

“The whole damn tree.” Jokes the Rabbit, fishing around in the pockets of his fur coat and pulling out an empty silver cigarette case with a small golden eagle carrying a swastika on it “But seriously, just fill her up for me and I’ll be happy as can be.” Says the Rabbit

“So you’re a Nazi?” asks Stacy, indifferently picking the fresh cigarettes and filling the case

“I’m a fucking rabbit. Some dead motherfucker happened to be a Nazi, and I happened to be in the market for a free cigarette case, so we were able to strike a deal. Hell of a bargain, too.” Says the Rabbit

“Did Nazi’s invade or something? Did I miss that?” asks Stacy

“I wouldn’t be surprised in the slightest if you did. War is peace, so they say, and if that’s the case I sure as hell would hate to see something that is actually war. Thankfully the gun toting bastards tend to keep to the cover of the city blocks; if they run out into the fields they’re already dead. It makes for a rather peaceful life, seeing how they’d be turning their guns on me if they weren’t so occupied with killing each other.” Says the Rabbit, Stacy hands him his cigarettes and sitting back down again

“Sounds nice.” Says Stacy, conscious without any form of intention

“It’s not bad. Thanks again for the cigarettes though, been too long since I’ve had them fresh. Every army man’s smokes are laced with PCP, and I’m not fond of it, but hell, desperate times call for desperate measures. I wish the bastards would give me some of the speed but the most they can spare is a damn sherm if I’m lucky. Thankfully all that speed keeps them from eating me, half the time they just think they’re seeing things, and they’ve been trained not to shoot at the spooks, especially things like you.” Says the Rabbit

“That’s good; I don’t want to get shot.” Says Stacy

“You’re a fucking ghost, you understand? You can’t get shot.” Says the Rabbit, grabbing Stacy’s arm and running his hand through it

“I forgot. My hands look normal to me, so it’s easy to forget that.” Says Stacy, entirely indifferent to being a ghost

“Well, thanks again for the cigarettes; I’m not trained in educating mentally retarded children, so I’m afraid I can’t help you much more than I already have.” Says the Rabbit

“No worries.” Says Stacy, still dazed

“One last thing, I want you to have this.” Says the rabbit, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a small rabbit’s foot; “I found it on a dead fellow, it’s supposedly good luck, but I feel a bit odd carrying it with me. With your wit, you will likely need it far more than I do. I wouldn’t count on it though, it couldn’t save that poor bastard’s life in the end, but I figure that’s nothing to do with luck if you’re chosen to fight to the death.” He continues as he puts his hand inside Stacy’s chest and deposits the rabbit’s foot

“Thanks, let’s hope I don’t need it.” Says Stacy, a bit touched and pleasantly confused

“I’ll put more money on luck than hope at this point. Ta ta for now, I do hope we meet again, you’re quite the laugh.” Says the Rabbit

“It was a pleasure. Pip pip.” Says Stacy, sleepily delighted as the rabbit hops off happily, Stacy stares into the ocean once again indifferent to existing and uncompelled due to the curious happenstance of plotlessness within the usually compelling infinite land of naught


“Stacy.” Says a familiar voice, Stacy looks around and sees nothing

“Stacy.” It repeats, as Stacy still sees nothing and becomes a bit confused

“Stacy!” it says louder, as Stacy is woken by Stella shaking her

“You’ve still got to take a bath.” Says Stella

“That’s fine and dandy.” Says Stacy, yawning, not quite yet come to

“You’re feeling better?” asks Stella

“I do believe so. A pleasant dream, something about ghosts and a rabbit, it was quite nice.” Says Stacy

“That’s good, I guess. I kind of felt bad seeing you feel kind of sane for once.” Says Stella

“Thankfully the rabbit was able to help me; I knew it was the damn horse.” Says Stacy

“Quaint. Let’s get you cleaned up so I don’t feel bad about letting you sleep. I nearly nodded off myself in the peace and quiet.” Says Stella

“Oh goodness, give me some time to muster the willpower. I don’t want to get wet.” Says Stacy

“You never do, so just get over it.” Says Stella

“Right from a pleasant dream into a nightmare, woe is me.” Gripes Stacy, softly

“It’s just a bath. Anyways, you know if you were feeling bad earlier it could have just been PMS.” Says Stella

“I doubt it; I’m not expecting to get my flowers until next week.” Says Stacy

“It’s funny you use the Saint Agnes euphemism.” Says Stella

“How about expecting the fruits of my inconception.” asks Stacy

“I figured you would say expecting menses.” Says Stella

“You and I tend to bleed in tandem; I don’t know why you would think that anyways.” Says Stacy

“Irregularities can occur, I’m just saying it was possible, maybe with all of the stress or something. I don’t know.” Says Stella

“I don’t care, I’m feeling better now. It was the god damn horse, anyways, I’m telling you.” Says Stacy

“Of course it was the horse. Anyways, get ready for a bath. I’m sure you just want to get it over with.” Says Stella

“I’m coming to terms with the fact that such tends to be the path of least resistance. Any argument is entirely futile.” Says Stacy, getting up and preparing for her bath alongside Stella

“I’m glad all of that sanity you somehow found hasn’t left you yet.” Says Stella

“I think logic tends to contradict sanity more often than not, so I wouldn’t call them one in the same.” Says Stacy

“Even if that were the case, since sane people would use false logic to justify themselves and the supposedly fallacious sanity, and since your insanity discredits your supposedly legitimate logic, it doesn’t matter in the slightest, seeing how false logic can always disprove legitimate logic when falseness is the standard of legitimacy and legitimacy is the marker of insanity.” Says Stacy

“The problem is that sanity adopts most correct logic save for the instances when the correct logic is deemed unsavory in order to preserve the purported purity of sanity. The bastards spoil correct logic by grouping it in all of their bullshit that is allegedly logical only because it is far nicer and kinder than the legitimate and contrary logic. At this point we might as well fail to discriminate between mercury and iron in baby foods because babies need metal in their diets.” Says Stacy

“I’m suffering so much because of all of the nice things in my life that aren’t justified by perfect logic.” Says Stella

“I’m just saying it afflicts people’s mind in a similar way as mercury. It takes a level of stupidity to believe that the nice things are actually nice, ideal and logically justifiable; the fools making these claims should at least be charged with fraud for alleging that such bullshit is factual.” Says Stacy

“Your ideas tend to meet none of the three criteria you mentioned, regardless of your arguing that they do somehow, so you’d end up in prison pretty quickly under that new set of laws.” Says Stella

“I don’t say they are any of those three things, I’m just saying that they are better. That’s vague enough and an entirely unstandardized opinion, I would be fine.” Says Stacy

“Just get in the bathroom already.” Says Stella, growing impatient

Stacy grumbles as the two exit the room and head to the bathroom


“I don’t understand why you have a complete disregard for your own life, I don’t understand why you are happy being dirty.” Says Stella as the girls enter the bathroom

“The best part about having a complete disregard for your own life is that you get a complete disregard for everyone else’s life for free. It really makes life easy.” Says Stacy, using the toilet at Stella runs the bath

“I hope you don’t plan on disregarding my life any time soon.” Says Stella

“You’d be a fool to think I could stomach even the slightest disregard for supper.” Says Stacy

“You still disregard everything else I do, but I do appreciate the uncharacteristic appreciation.” Says Stella

“You shouldn’t need me to stroke you ego by rattling off the housekeeping you do; that would do the opposite to my ego to be honest. She’s all you.” Says Stacy, cleaning up and flushing the toilet, undressing and stretching

“Unfortunately sane people rely on doing legitimate things to feel validated; I can’t just pull my self-worth out of thin air. I already went when you were asleep anyways.” Says Stella

“You didn’t want to let me watch?” jokes Stacy “Besides, I appreciate everything you do. You’re the unsung hero keeping the family alive.” She continues

“I didn’t know you were into that kind of thing. Anyways, it seems everyone else is so intent on dying for some unknown reason. I’m glad I have some time on the weekends to actually get things done, dad’s condition has only gone downhill since we were kids, and he was hardly capable of much back then.” Says Stella, undressing and prodding Stacy into the bath

“I do get some pleasure about watching you on the toilet though, it just reminds me that we’re these sick little animals that are totally insane, but are hardly any different from any other animal just pissing and shitting in the woods; you really get to experience that baffling and entertaining feeling when the clothes come off and you realize the same animal excrement comes out of the humans as any other beast. It kind of makes you think you’ve been watching some bear in a boater hat and a vest ride a unicycle all damn day. About the other thing, well, dying is a hell of a lot easier than living. Dad and I both have our own afflictions, so there’s always this inherent level of hopelessness and desperation from which our dishevelment stems from. The sickness helps to blind us to the grimness of reality, a blessing in disguise really, as surely experiencing the raw nature of life and the world would be far more intolerable than when experienced through the glazed eyes and dulled nerves of delusion or intoxication. You seem to be testament to that.” Says Stacy, as Stella begins to wash her

“I want to be like you so bad, just batshit insane and always happy with nothing but reasons to be unhappy, but then we’d both end up filthy and babbling lunatics. I do honestly like my job of taking care of everybody though, the rewarding part is that both of you are still here, so it makes me feel like I’m doing something important and I’ve done a decent job at that.” Says Stella

“I’m not that filthy anyways. I’m sure science would tell you bathing is bad for you.” Says Stacy

“I doubt it.” Says Stella

“The hippies would tell you that for sure though.” Says Stacy

“Let’s model our lives after people who wander the streets filthy, high on drugs, and have countless numbers of detestable traits. That sounds like a great idea.” Says Stella, pulling Stacy’s shoulders to put her head in her lap and rinse her hair

“It doesn’t sound half bad to me.” Says Stacy

“You’d make the worst hippie in the world; you hate everything and champion the opposite of liberty. You’re the antithesis of a hippie, really.” Says Stella

“Well, I’ll just have to start my own counterculture movement to their counterculture movement that is even filthier and higher on drugs than theirs is so that society will bend to our whim out of sympathy even more than the hippies when we litter public places and the government rightfully condemns us and becomes willing to do anything to shoo these filthy lunatics out of the public spaces to restore some sense of order and decency.” Says Stacy as Stella stands up and sits in front of her

“Good luck with that, the hippies already do all of the drugs and it’s hard to be filthier than that and somehow appear to be anything more than a feral animal.” Says Stella, as Stacy washes her diligently

“I’m just saying history has clearly explained that being the educated, clean cut, logical, resourceful, useful, productive, reasonable, and well-mannered person is going to be the loser in any argument or contest of the people simply because of the fact that they’re successful, and in a socialist society, the winners always lose and the losers always win. Nobody will ever sympathize with the yuppies and the aristocracy until they are all as filthy, drug addled and aggressively worthless as the hippies because people are far less prone to sympathize with the people who have things as opposed to the people who don’t have things, even when there are painfully blatant and well justified reasons as to why the people who have things happen to have things and the filthy, drug addled hippies, communists, neo-hippies, and every other godforsaken professionally miserable fuck in the country who stinks like shit and pollutes the streets with their lives don’t have a damn thing.

They’re professionally miserable because the fact that they’re upset and indignant gets them a fat socialist paycheck regardless of the fact that there is likely little justification for such actions other than to shoo the filth out of the street and try to get them back in their secluded communes so they might not corrupt so many youth that would otherwise be respectable without that influence. People don’t see this as professionally miserable, they see it only as miserable and so they sympathize with these people; legitimately miserable people aren’t high on drugs and screaming nonsense in the street, they are suffering quietly while they struggle to get by. Benefiting from social movements is not even about deserving sympathy at this point, it’s only about forcing people to sympathize with you by being a goddamn nuisance. I’ll let all the cunts know that there are plenty of other professional petty nuisances willing to shoot every last one of them with countless rubber bullets until they starve to death or otherwise hang themselves when they realize that they’re miserable and worthless for a good fucking reason.” Says Stacy

“I like how you scrub more vigorously when you think about the hippies.” Says Stella

“I don’t like water, but damn it I hate the fucking hippies.” Says Stacy

“Scrub all of the filthy hippie grime off of me.” Stays Stella, chuckling

“I’m going to wash your hair and we’re getting out.” Says Stacy

“Relax. Enjoy the bath. It’s safe from all those devilish hippies.” Says Stella, as Stacy washes her hair

“I just don’t like it. I like dry things. I guess it is something to do with living where it never rains.” Says Stacy

“I don’t know, I like the rain. You’ve still got to let the shampoo sit for while.” Says Stella, Stacy leans her head back against the wall impatiently “It’s comfortable, you’ve just got to forget the water is even there.”

“You know baths kill babies and old people, even celebrities, and they assist people in committing suicide. Baths are not friendly creatures.” Says Stacy

“Everything kills everyone, sometimes. At this point dying in the bath is the least of your concerns.” Says Stella

“I’ll still take any opportunity I can get to besmirch my enemies.” Says Stacy

“I’m sure if the world stopped taking baths your opinion on the subject would change rather quickly.” Says Stella

“I’m just a proponent of moderation.” Says Stacy

“Well, rinse my hair and we can get out.” Says Stella

“Thank god.” Says Stacy, doing as she’s told

“It isn’t great for your skin to bathe every day, but I just think it feels nice. I’ve got lots of stress and the bath helps with that.” Says Stella

“It’s ironic because baths stress me out; it’s not even the risk of dying, I just don’t like getting wet. You say it’s relaxing, but I think it’s exhausting; it just saps the energy right out of me. I can do well enough with just wetting my hand in the sink and going to town on any part of me that feels rather dirty.” Says Stacy, as the girls get out of the bath and dry off, slip into nightgowns, and brush their teeth

“I’m ashamed that you’re not talking about your face.” Says Stella

“It’s eco-friendly and it saves time, I’m on the cutting edge of bathing.” Says Stacy

“That is like the stone age where you just had a gourd with some water in it in your cave or something.” says Stella

“I’m sure the neo-luddites would approve.” Says Stacy, as the girls walk into their bedroom and sit on the beds

“Please don’t go live in a cabin and build bombs because you hate baths and society so much.” Says Stella

“I don’t plan on it. That would take a childish level of optimism in thinking that the world would actually listen to me. If I was building bombs in a cabin, my manifesto would likely consist of a liberal ‘fuck you’, at most a cassette with Hit ‘em Up on it.” Says Stacy

“I don’t think that song really represents you in the slightest.” Says Stella

“I think the statement that everyone except for my people are inadequate and I kill people I don’t like is a fair notion for an anthem of mine. Sadly it’s a bit too petty and personal, but Hail Mary would surely be tasteful.” Says Stacy

“Seeing how the Old Testament has the same message, I don’t think gang culture is something you really want to use to represent yourself. Why not use the message of god instead of the misbegotten youth of our great state.” Says Stella

“If it’s come to the point where I have so little faith in humanity I’m reduced to building bombs to spite them, I think the reckless insanely proud belligerence is quite fitting. The human desperation that gang culture embodies is animal, raw, and savage, shattering the illusions and legitimizing the bestial nature of man.” Says Stacy

“Somehow if the message of attributing your antisocial tendencies to disenfranchisement and desperation defined your manifesto it would ironically be quite humble compared to your usual trope.” Says Stella

“At least give me some credit for at least having the intention to make society better, it’s not like I’m just being truculent on the streets solely out of my own haughty pride. I’ll give you the fact that it is exactly that, but with the airs that I’m making the world a better place in process.” Says Stacy

“So you’re just even more insanely proud and belligerent than somebody who was murdered on account of what can only be described as his relative humility when he is compared to yourself.” Says Stella

“One would deduce that by relativity my success would be proportional to my pride and belligerence at that point, thus even greater than the Outlaw King himself.” Says Stacy

“Sadly I think half the city would get behind your message if you put it in aggressive and clever rhymes with a nice beat. It’s actually amazing that your message is worse than the gangster rap that plays on the radio.” Says Stella

“I’m not a satyr, and I’d rather not spend my life pursing the same unattainable goal as half of the city. I’m not black either, so even if I could rhyme, it’s unlikely anybody would like me. I’m also far more cautious in my approach to business; as much as that mentality is appealing, it is far too reckless for my tastes.” Says Stacy

“Good.” Says Stella

“I’m sleeping in your bed; you might want to wash my sheets sooner or later.” Says Stacy, turning off the light and climbing into Stella’s bed, Stella follows suit and cuddles up to her

“I’ll take care of that tomorrow night, I’m washing clothes anyways.” Says Stella

“Thank you kindly. You don’t have any plans?” Asks Stacy

“God no, I could use some quiet time. Plenty of it to be honest.” Says Stella

“No time like the present.” Says Stacy, yawning

“Good night.” Says Stella, kissing Stacy on the check

“Night night.” Says Stacy, the girls fall asleep, the clock displays a usual time of night for responsible people to go to sleep, and the girls dream of all of the flavors of futility




The sun rises heartless as the world suffers from the sociological and pharmacological numbing of arguably undesirable aptitudes for emotional and mental capacities, as realism is not a trait that is desirable in a human when reality itself is undesirable. It is far more tasteful to replace reality through these means to placate the still instinctively savage and naturally insane animal.


“Stella, you awake?” asks Stacy, staring intensely at the celling with focused eyes blind to reality

“I can be. You hungry?” ask Stella sleepily

“Not really.” Says Stacy

“I don’t know if that’s a good thing or a bad thing to be honest.” Says Stella

“I feel like god. I feel amazing.” Says Stacy, honestly

“I take it you slept well; especially to have slept off that terrible illness of sanity you were exhibiting symptoms of last night.” Says Stella

“Quite well. Hearty and tasteful.” Says Stacy

“You sure you don’t want to go back to sleep? I don’t want you to sleep in school because you didn’t get enough. It’s still pretty early.” Says Stella

“I just want to hear myself talk, like a chorus of angels, like the voice of god’s all-knowing insight echoing through my mind.” Says Stacy

“Jesus, it’s pretty early for this.” Says Stella

“It’s never too early for faith in god.” Says Stacy

“I’m glad you actually just feel good naturally, even though you are quite sick on account of it; people will turn to awful things just to feel good if they’re so prone to feeling awful. Someone in student council was telling me the mother of her childhood friend died of a heroin overdose the other day, and she had apparently struggled with depression for a long time.” Says Stella

“Why did she bring that up?” asks Stacy

“She was arguing that drugs and mental illness are far more threatening to students than violence, so we should focus on those if we want to help people. We shouldn’t be concerned with one random assault when multiple students have killed themselves over the past three years and even more have dropped out due to compulsive drug abuse.” Says Stella

“There is no way to help people who don’t want help; I can see the mental illness portion, but drug users more than likely don’t want help as the desire to use drugs overpowers any sense of logic they might be able to grasp that would tempt them to stop using. It is impossible to change the social and psychological factors that cause people to use drugs, so attempting to help them is largely another example of the modern trial of Sisyphus. You can push and push, but more than likely they will fall down to the bottom of the mountain again; it is their natural tendency to do so. Impossible tasks should not be championed, and certainly not ones as massive as combating drug abuse.” Says Stacy

“You don’t sympathize with people who have friends and family members who suffer or even die from drug abuse? It is possible for people to get clean, even if they need some help to do so.” Says Stella

“This is the story of the Velveteen Rabbit. The drugs and drug culture are the rabbit that can comfort the person in times of trouble, but in order for this blight to be cured, for some noble veteran of the illness to survive, the entirety of the drug culture must be eradicated. The drugs will sicken more people if they are allowed to exist, and the drug culture is largely what allows these drugs to exist, with many of its constituents being nothing more than contagion that spreads illness throughout communities through their own nonchalant, avaricious, or otherwise drug-dependent attitudes towards peddling and abusing street drugs. To think that it is possible to resolve this issue without a proper sterilization of the contaminants is to think that through prayer, love, and community support that somehow the world will be able to eradicate any other communicable illness. Just because the drugs are not the prototypical virus does not mean that the mechanisms through which drug use and its symptoms occur are not identical to that of a viral infection.

 People use drugs because the feeling they achieve is better than their current feeling, and so long as this is true, people will be tempted to use drugs; the only way to stop all forms of the drug epidemic is to ensure that the feeling induced by drug use is far less preferable than that of sobriety, which means either the public torture of drug users in order to deter and dissuade people, or possibly by thoroughly poisoning all street drugs at the federal level before national distribution in order to torture the users in the more peaceful way, though the first would take a number of torturers, the second would take a number of sadists within the drug market to buy as much wholesale product as possible, thoroughly poison it,  then peddle the dirt cheap drugs that addicts will turn to when verifiably pure homemade drugs cannot be found.

Clearly the threat of incarceration or death, as is the current threat for drug abuse, has not done anything to stop the spread of the illness, and it has gotten to the point where people are actually arguing that drugs should be less penalized because they are disproportionately used and sold by impoverished individuals and thus coincidentally racial minorities, and thus their incarcerations appear to be racially biased due to this fact. I do agree that the incarceration rates are unaffordable and completely out of hand, but becoming indifferent to the epidemic of mass suicide and social suicide of people through drug abuse is far more insane.

Drug users are menaces to society, they wreak havoc in the lives of everyone they encounter, they are extremely resistant to being helped, and are likely to relapse after they have been helped. It is a losing battle on all fronts to attempt to resolve this issue with anything other than the public extirpation of drug users in order to deter people from being tempted to infect themselves with the needle or the pipe, what have you. We cannot cure the addicts, we cannot afford to incarcerate them, we cannot afford to let them afflict society and infect the uninfected, thus the only solution is to eradicate them entirely, otherwise we are sitting and letting a problem fester until it ultimately destroys society due to the blind human compassion for the value of the lives of every god damn infectious bacteria on the blankets of children.

The value of these human lives is an egregiously negative number; many of these people easily do far more empirically measurable monetary damage to society than the average domestic terrorist but somehow the country still sympathizes with them like they’re a god damn child in the third world with a preventable illness. These people are animals that are psychologically prone to being so corrupted by drugs that their lives amount to nothing more than domestic terrorism that is far worse than the dogmatic kind simply because it uses chemical means to far more handedly indoctrinate its suicidal zealots.

Old Yeller was a god damn hero and the people still had the common fucking sense to kill the dog; drug users are antisocial terrorist at best, if we leave out any sort of faith based argument to being servants of the princes of Satan, and until we passionately defend the value of the lives of people who drive trucks into crowds of people or plant improvised explosive devices in crowds as well as demand that these actions are decriminalized because the victims of such racist persecution under the law are disproportionately Muslim, I have no ability to defend the drug addicts that are literally rabid animals in a world without a cure for rabies without being a veritable and shameless hypocrite.” Says Stacy

“People who use drugs aren’t crazy like terrorists; they are chemically altered to the point where they lose touch with their humanity. If you remove the drugs, there is a decent chance they might become normal again. You will likely never be able to change somebody who is indoctrinated by dogma because it cannot be removed due to the incorrigibility of faith, but drugs can be removed from society, and this would ultimately help those people become normal again.” Says Stella

“In an ideal world it is possible to remove drugs from society, but clearly this is not an ideal world seeing how the government has allegedly spent money hand over first allegedly attempting to remove drugs from society and it has amounted to nothing but escalating rates of drug addiction. Ideally everything is ideal, but when you realize that nothing is ideal, what happens to be ideal doesn’t matter in the fucking slightest. We cannot cost effectively remove the drugs, drug use, and drug culture from society without the physical deterrent of public torture of these people until they eventually die due to their inability to resist the nature of the temptation of both money and pleasure. Don’t give me any argument about the value of human life, because these people clearly have a negative value that gets lower and lower the longer they are allowed to live; if there is value in that human life, then by all means the government would be making a killing if they paid every country in the world one billion dollars to buy all of their drug addicts so that our country could easily turn a massive profit on these ever so valuable human lives.” Says Stacy

“There is some inherent value of human life, because if you can help them get better, then the rest of their life can be valuable and they can be a beneficial member of society. Even if it is sort of a gamble, there is theoretically some value there.” Says Stella

“In order for a drug addict to have value, he would need to first pay off all debts to society that he owes, all of the money that it has cost anyone who has interacted with him must be repaid in full accounting for inflation in order for his life to be at a value of zero, and it is extremely unlikely that a recovering addict will earn millions of dollars and then pay that money directly to everyone he had harmed in the process, the government in back taxes for lost productivity, the police for being a menace, and anyone else that was in any way negatively affected by the poor decisions of the addict. This is what value is. Sentimental value is veritable insanity, even if it does somehow hinder the economic performance of some grieving mother who saw her son tortured in the streets, that poor performance is due to mental illness of the afflicted, and not due to any actual value that the tortured addict inherently had. To argue otherwise is to argue that somebody can create value in society by holding themselves for ransom, which is nonsense.” Says Stacy

“I think most of the developed world believes in some immeasurable value of human life that can really only be negated if you take another person’s life, at least in states that support the death penalty.” Says Stella

“That is such a disgusting notion; the number of monstrous atrocities that incur reckless indebting of society due to their vices and afflictions solely because they are allowed to because of this immeasurable value of human life that by all realistic and legitimate measures amounts to absolutely nothing other than some indoctrinated sentimental feelings that get induced by the loathsome humanists that indoctrinate these people, with this collective comprising this massive cult that when measured is unquestionably economically and socially no better than domestic terrorists. Despite this easily measurable result of their cult, this cult indoctrinates people into thinking they deserve not only to live, but to be respected and even valued despite being domestic terrorists, and this is infuriating.

I will tell you something about value.  The value of something by definition correlates to the supply of the object; this is why abundant things such as air are worthless while scarce things such as gold and silver have value. This means that the inherent value of human life has done nothing but decrease as the population skyrockets, so if the population of earth was 250 million in the year 0, then a human life has 1/28th of the value it had 2000 years ago. The paradoxical increase in the value of human life as time progresses as purported by humanists is a massive artificial bubble that cannot possibly be sustained in any functional social or economic system and is bound to either burst or destroy society entirely, likely both simultaneously.

Modest reason would state that if a slave, with the modern equivalent being a healthy breedable uneducated menial laborer, cost $300 dollars in 1800 with a world population of 1 Billion, that the value of a man would be one 7th of what it was back then, with inflation of say 1700%, then today the value of an average human life should hover around $730 dollars. If you look around the world, taking into account cost/benefit analysis, the value of a human life will likely measure out to something around there, with perhaps a small increase due to the productivity provided by their ability to operate modern technology. This is the value of a slave, a powerful and productive beast of burden: the pinnacle of human technology for thousands of years. This is how much something so valuable as to fight a war over is worth. To be valued at 730 dollars is something a person should be extremely proud of, for there are so many people worth vast sums of negative money and thus cannot have their lives justified and should be declared insolvent and liquidated as any other capitalistic entity would, provided that their organs are still valuable, and if they are not, then these extremely sick animals should be executed en masse and thoroughly documented as a mass shame killing due to their shamelessness and sickness in order to remind the future not to succumb to the same afflictions and vices as these godforsaken monsters.

Before you say that the price represented that of a Negro rather than a White, realize that when there is no legal difference between the two people as it stands today, both are effectively reduced to the social status of the Negro which is that of the lowest caste of society that bends to the whim of that which has replaced the White people which is money. Don't say anything about American labor being more valuable than Chinese or African labor, it is the infrastructure and the education that makes American labor valuable, American laborers don't shovel shit or dig ditches with any more finesse than any other worthless fuck around the world, so these menial laborers easily only lose profound amounts of value due to their status as Americans because it costs more far money to maintain them.” Says Stacy

“Ok. I wasn’t going to say anything about that, trust me. 730 dollars sounds pretty low, even in the poorest countries people will make something like two or three hundred dollars a year. Your heartlessness has basically become blasé at this point, but you have to keep the people happy in order for them to be valuable at all, otherwise they are revolting and that ruins the value of everyone, rich and poor. I’m not really paying attention but I’m sure you know that.” Says Stella, sleepily

“It was helpful to keep the people happy 500 years ago when the poor man can turn his plow into a halberd and actually threaten the powerful people; however, with the advancements of modern technology, as people don’t need assault rifles to do their jobs, keeping people happy is a burden on society and induces philosophical dilemma and psychological burden in the people themselves by forcing them to seek out things like happiness and meaning instead of more simple and achievable goals such as safety and comfort. The rewarding feeling of achieving something is not the same thing as happiness; it is a far more meaningful feeling in and of itself, as happiness becomes emptiness in a manner similar to cocaine tolerance, yet achieving something by default fails to induce this same tolerance because in order for something to be an accomplishment there must be an absence of the something and a struggle to achieve the something at all.

Giving people things and having things doesn’t make anybody happy, the idioms all say this, true happiness is only the feeling of a reprieve from inherent sadness, so without the inherent sadness there can be no happiness, and all of the things you give to people to make them happy become less and less meaningful and appreciated over time. Idealism is the only reason people think otherwise, because it presumes that people are all humble and grateful and can actually understand the value of the things they are given and appreciate this value for what it is legitimately worth, but most if not all people lack that capacity entirely and thus anything they have becomes meaningless and does not register as something they want since they have it; they only register it as something they have which they likely don’t even acknowledge in the slightest, instead being consumed entirely by their envy and desire for things they don’t have without a thought given to humility or gratefulness.

You can tell it is only idealism that argues these things because physiology and psychology would both contradict the argument that making people happy will make them happy people, it will only make them entitled, indignant, and inevitably unhappy because the psychological addiction which has been induced in their mind by giving them quality of life all of the time isn’t being satiated more and more as their tolerance and accustomization to the level of dopamine grows. They also become so accustomed to their inherent level of contentment and satisfaction to the point that it no longer feels like either of these things due to the fact that regardless of how satisfied and contented they should feel, they know there is a more exhilarating high of satisfaction that can be achieved when they are given new things that they don’t have. It is this psychological reward mechanism that drives consumerism, nobody needs the things they buy for the most part, they are just driven by the dopamine high they get from acquiring something they didn’t have before, then this high wears off and they go out looking for the next bauble or trinket that will give them their god damn fix.” Says Stacy

“Besides the usual oppression, or whatever, just back to the drug addicts and whatnot, I don’t see why you think their situation is so hopeless that we should just give up and kill them or whatever. Many people have been helped before, so clearly it’s not that they can’t be helped, but rather that they’re not being helped.” Says Stella

“I didn’t say it was hopeless, there is always hope, but there is a reason that we don’t factor hope, faith, optimism, and other bullshit into scientific theories or mathematical equations. These factors are not reliable and to make decisions based off of them is to replace a guarantee with a gambit at best and pure folly more often than not. There is no happy medium between science and hope, to pollute science with hope is to invalidate it entirely; I am solving the issue by legitimate means instead of any sort of optimism reliant gambling that will likely result in billions of dollars of wasted money that will still fail to solve the problem simply because people would rather have problems that cripple society than solve them through disagreeable means, which is ultimately a damn shame because at the end of the day all means are disagreeable because everyone in a democracy is a disagreeable asshat who will more than likely disagree blindly due to partisanship or otherwise ideals that label every real and practical solution as inhumane or upsetting while still somehow having faith in humane ‘solutions’ that have continually failed to solve a single god damn problem, since at best they are giving a gangrenous man painkillers instead of amputating the fucking limb.

Also, I am not saying that we should simply kill all of these miscreants and lunatics, because they are actually quite valuable to society. Mentally ill people, drug addicts, criminals, and even suicidal people make the best soldiers possible. They have negative value to society as it stands because they are barred from becoming soldiers, but if they were forced into the military for their crimes against humanity, then they would actually be valuable and allow us to fuel legitimate imperialism with an army of people who don’t fear death because there is no other life, and are willing to kill anybody and everybody for drugs or simply for the pure joy of it.

Terrorists already understand the value of suicidal soldiers, and we have such a boon of worthless suicidal people that could be used as suicide bombers for our own imperialistic means, of course they would not be given the detonator to their explosives for obvious reasons of probable traitorousness, but they would surely be granted their wish of suicide once they have reached their target. Of course those who fail to devote their lives to their homeland will be tortured to death in public, but most all of them would likely choose to take a noble and heroic death as opposed to the shame killing. This would resolve the major issue with wars being the fact that they kill the healthiest and most desirable of the breeding stock leaving only the genetically invalid to repopulate the god damn country as is seen in the first world and their mental illness of apologetics, humanism, tolerance, baseless kindness, self-deprecation and any other facets of the contemporary mindset that are the proponents of such sickness that causes people to volunteer to receive the short-end of the stick.

This is mental illness because such a mentality is not a survivable one; these people will naturally be exploited until their corpses are fucked and eaten by the savages that know how to put themselves before others instead of bending over for anyone and everyone because they hate themselves for being able to command respect in the past for some godforsaken reason. Hiding the barbarity and savagery of what it takes to hold and command power was never shied from in the past; people were crucified along the side of the road for failing to respect the authority or otherwise opposing its impositions. To diverge from this would be to abandon success, and it can already be seen in the fact that filthy drug addled socialists and hippies are able to demand things as opposed to be physically or metaphorically crucified for their antisocial tendencies.  There is nothing social about social justice, it is explicitly contrary to society due to the fact that all societies in history were built upon the antithesis of social justice; anyone with a legitimate grasp of reality would call this antisocial degeneracy, but the sentimental apologists are just looking to get fat and hold power without having to do a damn thing in the process, and this consists of saving face with the endless legions of worthless fucks who seek to destroy the social infrastructure that allowed the west to even exist in the first place and eventually come to dominate the world.

To seek anything besides the end of true justice by means similar if not identical that that which I propose is to ultimately choose to be the loser in the competition, which means you will be cannibalized by the winner, because humanity has come to the point where it no longer sustains itself on the bounty of the wilderness, but instead on the corpses of those who it can enslave, exploit, and dominate. The real power is not in who can find enough food to be strong enough to fight, food is plentiful, it is now who can be the most industrially, militarily, and economically dominant who decides who lives and dies: these powers are the ones who play god. This means if you are not the one who plays god, your fate, whether you live or die, is ultimately determined by the party that does, and to survive is to become the slave yourself.

America once held this position for a brief time after world war two, but even in a few years as social justice became a topic, America relinquished this power because due to the apparent necessity of being a sympathetic apologist in the wake of the testament of true human nature as displayed by Hitler, they no longer could retain their position of the oppressor, of god in the flesh, and instead socially, economically, and militarily eunuchated themselves and crucified their own success as it is cannibalized by the savages who eat at this half-dead corpse like starving wolves given the opportunity to sink their teeth into a masochist unwilling to properly defend himself because for some reason his has a moral and philosophical objection to the necessary means it takes to preserve his own life.

Sadly, in a world where antisocial degeneracy is the ‘good’ thing to do, I am enough of a sadist to exploit this fact not to bring a swift death, but to inflict the maximum amount of inevitable torture upon the human race as possible should I fail as I likely will to save the human race. Shamelessly enough, I am likely unable to exacerbate this torture in any significant manner, as the idealist mentality is in reality the epitome of antisocial degeneracy and amounts to abusing barbiturates in the form of socialism, humanism, kindness, and any other cheeky sentimental high these fiends crave until the means to support such an addiction fall through entirely due to the economic unsustainability of supporting such an addiction instead of making ends meet, at which point society will go through severe barbiturate withdrawal and either be left comatose or die. Thank god I was born with some sort of natural inability to experience the sick high of these social barbiturates, and with such a blessing, it is truly a sign of divine intervention in such trying times.” Says Stacy

“Yes. You’re right. Go to sleep.” Says Stella, sleepily annoyed, rubbing her face into Stacy’s neck and squirming to stretch a bit to ease the kinks of sleep

“I’m sure you couldn’t have agreed with all of that.” Says Stacy

“Jesus you’re crazy, I didn’t want to listen but I somehow heard some of that. I’ll take the barbiturate suicide any day of the week. Who wants to be alive if your solution is what staying alive requires?” Says Stella

“Clearly not barbiturate addicts, but I am hoping that some people who can still seek and feel the true high of glory and power will see through the haze of the barbiturates and restore the classical order that allowed society to flourish for so many thousands of years. You understand that people dependent on drugs deemed socially appropriate will see abandoning such a high as insane, completely unreasonable. They don’t understand the dangers and deadliness of such an affliction because they are so fucking high all the time. The beasts are sick, and while I seek to see them suffer profusely for their folly, I would rather see them writhe and burn in the light of god as opposed to the fires of hell.” Says Stacy

“I’m just hoping that dopamine tolerance you were talking about kicks in and you find this whole shtick far less exhilarating. Find something wholesome to enjoy, just ride the barbs.” Says Stella

“I can’t. The barbs just make me angry, so I resort to this. I’m sure if I could feel the same high as the humanists, I sure as hell would be riding that barbiturate social degeneracy train until I die; I’m lazy as fuck and that sounds like the path of least resistance, but I don’t feel a damn thing and I’m for damn sure not going to live a life of both loathing and self-loathing for tolerating and defending that which I loathe. I know you’re not the type to put yourself above others, but you should really try it, it feels amazing, even though in all honesty I should hate this feeling because it is the same feeling that empowers the humanists and causes them to feel validated in their own blind, destructive, delirious delusion as they make baseless claims and cripple society with their own faith in unachievable and unproductive ideals.

I do feel a bit better because my own feelings are not in any way driven by destructive delusions of material gains or their equivalent in terms of education, health care, or the respect of others. A lot better really, my ideas alone give me that pure high, where the humanists need these material gains in order to validate their own delusion; it is truly disgusting to be such an insane addict consuming society in the name of sustaining your delirious and delusional high. They want to feel like god, thinking that god is some nice, kind, caring, and giving entity, which is a blatantly fallacious presumption; even the basis of their delusion is insane, making something out of nothing, at least I have the scriptures defending the legitimacy of my emulating of the almighty to as much of an extent that I do.” Says Stacy

“I don’t think they would defend you despite the identical nature of your delusions, but I don’t really care at this point. It’s so tempting to believe your argument that everyone is insane so I can just write them all off, so I don’t have to defend anything if there is no right from wrong because everybody and everything is wrong; it would be like trying to teach a blind man to see, seeing how I understand that likely nobody will change their beliefs without being utterly destroyed as is proven by Nazi Germany, and unlike you I don’t see myself as god incarnate capable of healing the blind and granting them vision. It is futile to try and change anybody and thus anything dependent on the sentiments of people, so the best course of action is to be indifferent or join one of the only two legitimate partisan cults, seeing how that is the only course of action that doesn’t result in one’s self becoming a babbling lunatic or an irrelevant and equally insane political extremist.

You seem to have taken to the latter, and if it makes you happy, more power to you, because I can’t respect the people who have been reduced to little more than a dog that puts their paw on a color in exchange for having their head patted. I don’t feel the need to have political ideology because doing so is unproductive and competitively irrelevant whether or not I am part of the nameless masses who put their paw on a color, and somehow your cynicism has rubbed off on me that I don’t really give a damn about people. Most people remind me of you, with their baseless exorbitant self-worth, and self-respect, and incorrigible baseless belief in their unquestionable correctness, and to respect their beliefs any more than I respect yours would make me a hypocrite. So instead of doing so, I just don’t respect anyone, it is all so painfully stupid, even your ideals are more entertaining because you think of yourself as god, which is so much more flavorful than the normal trite griping of people who all have the same people problems and people sentiments time and time again.

Even if your ideas are worse, the platitudinous nature of standard politics makes it feel like somebody is smashing a brick into your skull screaming ‘agree with me’ over and over again, and by agreeing with them you are only conditioning them to do this even more and giving validation to and thus exacerbating their delusional belief in their own unquestionable correctness. Even if you have this same affliction of a god complex, you don’t try to lie about it and pretend like you’re somehow humble through all of your asinine cocksure arrogance and thankfully you’re not just some pawn that puts your paw on a color and pretend like they’re some sort of benevolent Christ-like figure for doing so.

I am actually grateful you talk about insane things instead of echoing partisan sentiments all day; if that was the case I would be so much closer to just shooting myself in the head because it is so painfully redundant, annoying, and banal. I should just carry around red and blue cards and just say put your hand on the color you like, bark, and then shut the fuck up about politics because I don’t give a damn about how much you can echo some indignation that you were told to feel by some partisan puppet. I don’t know how you never feel frustrated, like everything that supposedly makes a person relevant in the grand scheme of things is pointless, painful, annoying, and ultimately worse than any of these things because people pretend that their fallacious relevance is the furthest thing from these definitive traits.” Says Stella

“I don’t really care as much about accomplishing anything I’m talking about as I do about demonstrating my knowledge about such things so that I can hold myself above others. As long as I can do that, I feel fulfilled and empowered, it’s fulfillment via airs and delusion, but it works for me, just like it does for most people who enjoy politics. They say what they believe, they feel right, they get the high because there is no greater high that can be achieved; if it were possible to actually accomplish something people would spend all day accomplishing their ideas in order to get that stronger high of accomplishing something instead of just saying it, but since it is impossible to do so, the pinnacle high is just starting your beliefs so people are getting the ultimate fix for very little effort. It is a damn shame really, the petty arrogance and pointlessness of it all, but is strokes the hell out of your ego.” Says Stacy

“The whole futility of the ordeal doesn’t give me any reward, I just feel like I would be wasting my time to even think of something that pointless as unfortunately I don’t have the same well of delusion to drink from like you and the other politically minded individuals. I’ll make some breakfast; it’s about that time anyways. Don’t fall back asleep just because I’m leaving you without somebody to acknowledge your insanity.” Says Stella, yawning and turning off the alarm which had yet to ring and getting out of bed to get dressed

“I’m feeling rather chipper this morning, I’ll be a good girl and chase you down stairs. I wouldn’t mind something to eat at this point either.” Says Stacy, following Stella in the routine

“I figured you would work up an appetite ranting like that.” Says Stella

 “What’s on the menu?” asks Stacy

“I’ve got to go to the store, so eggs and toast is all we’ve really got.” Says Stella





“That floats my boat. Man cannot live on bread alone, but he can thrive on eggs and toast.” Says Stacy, as the girls head downstairs into the kitchen, Dale sleeps

“I hope you can thrive, you tend to just barely survive in terms of social expectations.” Says Stella

“I’ll just put it into high gear in the later years, colleges love to see a kid who struggles at first but then turns themselves around.” Says Stacy, sitting down as Stella starts to cook

“I don’t believe you will actually do that, but they still like to see somebody succeed the entire time a bit more than that.” Says Stella

“If I do well in the easy classes at the start, and then fall off later, I will look much worse on paper. It’s better to start slow and finish strong, a much more inspiring story is told that way.” Says Stacy

“I still will do what I can to see you succeed, I don’t care about your excuses.” Says Stella

“You’ve got that social instinct, success based upon society, and I’m more of the lone wolf, my success is all determined by me, it feels dirty to become successful by riding on the coattails of other’s success. I just think I would be selling myself short if I buy into society and reduce myself to some cog in the machine instead of unleashing the true capacity of this animal unto society.” Says Stacy

“The only way to be successful is to interact with success; it takes money to make money, so you’re going to be dependent on successful people at some point, even if you are just selling them things or whatever. You seem to think that tried and true methods of failure are the way to success which is truly baffling, hence why I try to set you straight as much as I do.” Says Stella

“I just want to dominate, even if it seems like failure, I see being reduced to a peasant, even a noble or wealthy peasant who does some prestigious job for somebody as unsuccessfulness. People are animals, it is just my instinct to want to succeed the most, to destroy everything in my path and come out on top of a pile of corpses as the victor. Anything else feels like it is not enough, like I would feel insecure the entire time because there is somebody watching over me and holding things above my head; I just want the true success, where above me there is nothing but blue sky and below me the masses of people who look up to me and understand my wisdom and authority. It is just that I cannot trust anybody else to make the correct decisions in the end which is why I feel the need to be in that position; it’s not any sort of fetish for sadism or domination, it is just that I feel I am the only one who can actually hold the roof over the people and keep them from getting rained on, and if I fail to do that I will spend my entire life being rained on by the stupidity and the shortcomings of the people in power.” Says Stacy

“You will be getting rained on because you’re homeless and insane if you act like that, or otherwise you end up dead if you stay here or in prison if you migrate to somewhere far less lawless than this city. Your instinct and logical capacity should tell you that you need to cooperate with society in order to stay warm and have food to eat; I don’t understand your philosophy of my way or the highway or whatever, that doesn’t even seem healthy in the slightest.” Says Sella

“I just can’t trust anybody who isn’t me for the most part, besides you and my friends to some extent, but even then not in terms of decision making. Tribalism is the instinct, trusting outsiders is an unnatural thought process which is why many people, especially those who have fewer of their instincts dulled by thorough conditioning of society and its indoctrination are so tribalistic in nature, which can be seen all over the world. It is not that they have or even need any sort of educated or philosophical reasoning to defend their tribalist nature, for this is simply the natural instinct of humans to trust themselves and people like themselves and to distrust those who are different. In my case, there are no people like myself, so I am forced to see everyone as outsiders that cannot be trusted, this leaves only myself to be trusted, and in a one person society it is easy to come to a decision that is entirely supported by the community, hence why my the foundation of faith in myself is so unshakable, there is absolute unity within my society which makes all of its beliefs and principles completely unquestionable, as anyone who questions them is clearly an outsider and cannot be trusted.” Says Stacy

“It’s a shame that I’m not surprised that you see yourself not only as god, but an entire community of people with its own culture and identity. Perhaps you could maybe see the wisdom of the integrationists and realize that regardless of our different cultures, things can be better if we put those aside and work together.” Says Stella

“The reason why integration fails is because it forces integration so violently upon peoples who in turn feel threatened and discomforted by it. Forcing something upon everybody creates conflict, and integration is no different; regardless of the argument that integration is a solution to the racialist conflict, integration in and of itself creates many more problems. There is a natural level of integration in which people interact at the level they are comfortable with, and then an unnatural level where it is forced upon people and this creates unneeded conflict; in my case, my society, myself, can interact with society to some degree, but I cannot trust society enough to be willing to sacrifice my own culture in order to amalgamate. I dislike society and since I see myself as different in many ways than the common man, I do not feel comfortable around them, and as I am unwilling to change myself, I can only exist in a happy medium where we both can retain our levels of autonomy, otherwise I am simply sacrificing myself and becoming another victim of the eradication of distinct cultures by the monoculture.” Says Stacy

“That is what you are, some endangered oppressed culture; I really should be more sensitive to that fact.” Says Stella, sarcastically

“I really am, I’m not oppressed besides through extreme marginalization which in my case is many magnitudes of margins outside of even traditional margins, but my philosophy is easily critically endangered in the west and should by all means protect and appreciated like any other culture. Besides creating more conflict is never doing something good, even if the reason for the conflict is supposedly good, this creates factions which become embittered and by attempting to cause those opposed to an idea to respect it tends to cause them to be even more upset with the idea than they were in the first place rather than actually accomplish the extremely difficult if not impossible task of changing my mind. In an allegorical respect you can look at how much of white society was opposed to integration, and even 60 years down the line many of them are still quite racist. Forcing this society upon me isn’t going to change my mind, just as it hasn’t changed the minds of many whites.” Says Stacy

“I think far fewer people are racist than they used to be, at least openly so, it used to be very popular and now it is only openly practiced by the fringe groups. It perhaps is a generational thing, and has to do with resistance to change in any form, but clearly integration has been widely accepted and plenty of people have changed their minds or at least become more open to the idea. You just have to realize that you are at odds with a large portion of society and that to relieve the conflict you yourself must become less belligerent and hostile, even though I kind of doubt you are very tempted to do that.” Says Stella

“Society is at odds with the very nature of its own people, much like I am at odds with the nature of people, but society is not doing this for the betterment of the people. I disagree with society, and I feel like my culture is at risk of being exterminated, so I do everything I can do preserve the culture of myself because it is more valuable to me than acceptance into society, especially one that I have a plethora of fundamental disagreements with. I can hopefully explain some of my own reasoning of my hostility towards society by talking about the nature of racial integration, even though my culture is a minority of one person, within itself it feels as if it has absolute autonomy and to make concessions towards the common society would be sacrificing this power in exchange for what I perceive to be little or nothing. This is why you can think of me as the segregationists and common society as the integrationists, because perhaps what many would see as baseless bigotry from the outside actually feels like self-preservation of tantamount importance.” Says Stacy

“I can already see the parallels.” Says Stella, dryly

“Good. People naturally segregate themselves, and to demonize whites as if they are responsible for this natural tendency found in all races and cultures across the globe is only serving to exacerbate the embitterment induced by their demonization as if they are the source of all problems of non-whites and hence must be able to resolve all of these problems by ceasing to cause them, which is a ridiculous fallacy. Black society should simply have been given more autonomy and independence from white society; the issue was the oppression, and so by simply giving them autonomy and independence they could be free from white oppression because there are very few whites in their society and certainly could not oppose the majority, but by choosing instead to force integration upon people and defend it with the criminality of failing to embrace it, you create more problems without even solving the original problems but instead only in the exchange for promising to eventually solve the original problems.

The white majority is still in power and this means that regardless of the law clearly stating that the racial problems are addressed, the whites can still be blamed for all of the Negros’ problems simply because they are still effectively politically disenfranchised due to their nature of their minority population in a democracy and due to density it clearly appears that the whites are still in charge which means the black community is at their mercy. The only way to resolve this is by giving the Negros autonomous communities, towns, cities, counties, and what not, in which they can actually address the problems within their society without  any sort of debate as to how much of the problems are truly the white man’s fault.

The same goes for whites, who could no longer demonize the Negros for the problems in their society when there are few if any Negroes that live there. Integrated societies are by definition chaotic because when all factions are supposedly equally powerful, none of them are, because it is far easier for them to criticize or negate the influence of other factions than exert their own. This means any time anything happens, the question of race can be and will be brought up and everything is analyzed for any sleight of statistical correlation to race so it might be demonized by the opposition  as racism instead of simply accepting that there is a correlation to race and not a causation, or even just accepting that there is a natural level of racialism and tribalism that people will naturally have and exert upon society and then moving on with life, allowing the tribes to exist in a federation of independent communities each allowed to put their own people before those different from them instead of attempting to make harmony in a system so naturally inclined to chaos and disorder with present day statistical markers that echo historical racism that has already been addressed legally, but as the money that the whites made during racist times doesn’t just disappear when that happens, this society is invariably going to be dominated by whites as they have all the money.

The money was naturally accrued regardless of the racist policy, and clearly it will not be redistributed by natural means, and the unnatural means which are undertaken do little, as such unnatural money flow in capitalism is truly a sign of an unhealthy economy. It is impossible to make everybody agree, and in this society whites and blacks will never be statistically equal in all merits, so instead of attempting the impossible, the people should be sorted into groups of people who actually do agree so that there is no longer any unneeded strife or conflict within their societies. Racism can’t be a problem when everybody in a society is of the same race. The same can be said for any sort of political movements or likewise, that rather than attempting to force impossible agreements, they should agree to disagree and go their separate ways to live in peace rather than constant strife and conflict over unsolvable issues.” Says Stacy

“I don’t understand where you factor into any of this, but ok.” Says Stella

“I, like the whites, am the old way of success, tyranny and oppression, and I should be respected and allowed to exist free from the colored society of civil liberties; my proponents would be businesses and the like that understand the value of such a society free from the restrictions of humanists and the coddling of the indignation of the lowly that is practiced by the welfare state. I am indifferent to the suffering of the lowly and seek instead to perpetuate and exploit them as means of success, and the social liberal communities I would leave to die to their own devices of socialism and welfare while my own communities succeed.

 I am not saying a colored society would be anywhere near as terrible as a socialist one, I am just saying that I would segregate my own communities from these people who seek to disrupt society and its function in the name of their own indignation and egregious humanism which is nothing but a leech on the naturally competitive and healthy system of capitalism. The only reason they are allowed to do so now is because the founding fathers sought to give dignity to those who traditionally had none, some of whom actually deserved it, but today that has largely amounted to nothing but people unworthy of feeling any dignity feeling so dignified to the point where they litter the streets and the media with their indignation, disgusting baseless pride, and their worthlessness which they presume is for some reason both worthwhile and worthy of respect.” Says Stacy

“Of course that’s how you figure. Even if you could convince some business moguls to agree with you, I doubt any sort of labor would volunteer to join your society of oppression. Enjoy.” Says Stella, serving Stacy the breakfast and fixing drinks

“In the tumult of the formation of the federation, many would realize the socialists have little to offer them without the old money for them to commit their vampiric acts upon. In a matter of survival, most people would rather be oppressed than starving; it only becomes a problem when they are both starving and oppressed. Just as all cultures clash, there would be arguments from both sides and in the end there would be a victor which would clearly be the one viable in a globalist capitalist economy and not some idiots shilling the idea of growing utopia out of dirt.

It is natural for cultures to disagree and fight to the death before they will agree. Humans are naturally warlike and the tribes were always the factions in the war, even in the bible it was just different Semitic tribes all killing each other because they loathed some little aspect about each other, and these people were all fairly similar in regards to racialistic terms. God himself issues the commandment to kill all the of the members of the other Semitic tribes inhabiting Canaan, so it's not like this notion is some radical racist mentality, it is the natural mentality of people that is exhibited countless times throughout history, even in the bible.

This can be applied to all people and cultures, from race to political party, they are simply not naturally inclined to like each other and agree, and for the most part conflict is the only way to resolve this issue. Attempting to do this through pacifistic means clearly accomplishes nothing and every day both the racial and political conflicts boil over into the rather tepid arguments that are the most violent people so lobotomized by a society of pacifistic apologists can muster because they’re so indoctrinated to think that festering peacefully is the right thing to do as opposed to the classical resolution which is having a fight to the death that determines who is correct.” Says Stacy

“You’re kind of missing the whole argument that we are attempting to progress as a society beyond the traditional nature of tribal savages that killed each other. There is plenty of merit to having peaceful debate instead of simply fighting to see who is right. Plenty of times the strongest party is not always right either as can be seen in plenty of the military coups in history that caused more problems than they solved. Thankfully I’m sure most people don’t want a race war or a party war or anything like that because it shouldn’t be hard to agree with the concept that festering in indecision is far better than seeing countless people die needlessly, but somehow I think that might be hard for you. Instead of making these things an issue of conflict, we should be mature enough to respect each other’s differences and try to find some sort of compromise at the very least, and ideally we can actually start to cooperate and get along instead of being so petty all the time in regards to trivial things. ” Says Stella

“The differences between people are not petty, they are traits of individuality, and the individualist mentality is definitive of the beast himself. To ignore these differences it to attempt to reduce any sort of distinction and legitimacy the person may feel and instead further the nameless mass of people working themselves to death in order to propel the socialist machine for the sole reason that it allegedly represents everybody as best as possible.

By attempting to group all of the people into one group you end up with a person that does not exist: a person without race, culture, faith, individuality, or political ideology is the only one who can truly feel that the socialist machine of fallacious democracy represents them. The liberal mentality of just ignoring race completely and pretending that everybody is the same race simply because if that fallacy were true it would resolve any problems that do arise from racial differences is an extremely childish approach to the situation. The bible and history prove that even if everybody was the same race, or otherwise firmly held that mentality, there would still be endless conflict between the tribes and groups of people who hold different beliefs as is seen in the Near East during biblical times and still today in the partisan divides between whites who hate each other instinctively to a level that is nearly identical to racism.” Says Stacy

“I think they preach that ideal because even though it is fallacious, it would be better if people could just put that behind them. So even if it is not a fact, race could ideally not be a source of conflict by principle.” Says Stella

“It’s not even that the left wants to avoid conflict; they exacerbate conflict just to rally people to their side. Even today the argument of race is largely just rabblerousing done by the left in order to rally the minority vote and try to convince them that, regardless of the mountains of evidence of systematic indifference, the left has the best interest of the minorities in the front of their mind. The left’s approach of preaching racial harmony unless somehow non-whites are in any way statistically less so successful than whites, in which case they are quick to pull out the racism card and blame all non-liberal white people for not doing enough to help the disenfranchised, is something I see as an opportunistic ploy to get the minority vote and besmirch the opposition in order to actually be able to compete on a national scale, as without labeling the right as racist and always attempting to give things disproportionately to minorities, many Negros, Latinos, and even Muslims would be more prone to voting along faith based party lines, and the left would lose most all elections because many people put faith before free things unless they feel like they are being disrespected by the faithful.” Says Stacy

“It is also that there truly is some level of institutional racism that still exists today, and even if they don’t or can’t do much to address it, the minorities do appreciate that the issue is at the very least acknowledged.” Says Stella

“If a person has 4 friends and one of them isn’t black, they can easily be labeled as a racist, and this is legally binding for businesses; people should hire the people they want and that should be the end of the discussion: that is how a free market works. The black-owned businesses can employ largely or even exclusively black people and that is their own prerogative, there is nothing wrong with that in the slightest, it should be the executive decision of the executive that determines the level of success of their business and if they have any sort of preference towards race or sex so be it; their own discrimination could either help or hinder their success, and that is how capitalism works.

The demonization of instinctive racialism is so insane that 5 year old children are demonized because they don't have an equal number of friends of all races. The fact that people are making it a political issue that a 5 year old white child doesn't have enough black friends or vice versa is complete insanity; this is not a failure of our society, it is not that some neo-Nazi hate group or 1960s era segregationist indoctrinated all of the children to hate Negros or that society is somehow ingraining this belief in the child through the already racially eclectic or otherwise entirely non-racial childhood cartoon programs, it is simply that it is the human instinct to be cautious around people who are different, and feel more comfortable around people who are the same. It shouldn’t be a question as to why a 5 year old doesn’t have a racially eclectic group of friends; it is because they are creatures of largely untamed instincts which without having a broad level of interaction with different races at that time will be naturally suspicious if not afraid of people who look different than they do.” Says Stacy

“Even if it is instinct, it doesn’t make for a healthy society to accommodate these instincts that can often lead to mistrust and sometimes hatred for no other reason than the fact that society has failed to demonstrate the fact that these instincts, while perhaps once valuable, are not entirely valid anymore in an integrated society, because for the most part unless you run into a racist who hates your people as a child, your instinct will have deceived you. I don’t see why you oppose integration simply because it would be easier to avoid addressing and correcting this instinct; dogs instinctively bark, and I’m sure some men are instinctively rapists, but society is able to address and correct these instincts and thus create a better society.” Says Stella

“I am not opposed to integration by any means, I am opposed to using it to create conflicts and increase tensions which in turn exacerbates the racial divide and allows the segregationists to glorify themselves as the victim fighting for justice. By forcing integration upon people instead of simply allowing it and supporting it as a viable option contradicts its own success by clearly defining and emboldening racial lines and divisions by demonizing them and constantly making them the point of contention; the basis for the arguments of integrationists is entirely of their own making, because instead of allowing the lines to exist and acknowledging them without giving them constant aggressive media attention, they demonize these racial lines and allege that the source of all conflicts, which in turn both defeats any actual attempts to solve problems because instead of addressing the true source of the problems the people simply scapegoat racism and think that if they can stop racism they resolve the problem, the integrationists create this strawman of ‘racism’ that they scapegoat because they are unwilling to actually address the issues in a manner that is any way critical or even honest in regards to the source of the problems of minority in society out of fear of themselves seeming racist, bigoted, or perpetuating stereotypes, and thus all of the problems of the minority deemed to be entirely caused by race and explicitly their oppression at the hands of the whites, without ever holding the Negro himself accountable for any sliver of his own fate.

 This is nonsense because many of the problems arise from the shortcomings of society and have little if anything to do with systematic deliberate racist oppression. The solution to the general unsuccessfulness of the Negro community should not be to shift all the blame onto white people and white society, but instead to educate the Negros, give them proper skill sets, cultural health, and cause them to disregard the influence of white society, even if that means abandoning it entirely, because it is far easier for one person to work hard and succeed than it is to change the mentality of millions of white people. By constantly playing the narrative that the plight of the Negro is caused exclusively by the white man reinforces their own natural racialism to distrust the whites which makes them in turn antisocial and opposed to white society in a sort of mutual presumed yet fallacious conflict and this is clearly displayed in their own popular culture of discontent that is showcased in popular rap music.

If the whites are the source of their problems, then by all means these people should be allowed to remove the white people from the scenario so that they can truly see their own society free from the corruption of the white man and address the problems that undoubtedly still exist free from any sort of ingrained and socially accepted predisposition to think that ‘if there is a problem then assuredly the whites are likely to blame for some if not all of the issue at hand’. I am saying it is far easier to address and resolve the issues within different groups of people when they are not forcefully smashed and mangled together and hence exacerbating each other’s problems even if it is simply by being a possible suspect that could be responsible for the other’s problem, and beyond that simply functioning as a scapegoat for the masses who lack a high degree of logical capacity.” Says Stacy

“I think a mutual effort from both sides would be the most optimal. Clearly the separate but equal mandate didn’t historically function as you think it would. I agree both parties are partly to blame, but to just tell the colored population what amounts to little more than ‘tough shit, get over it’ is disrespectful and failing to acknowledge the history of oppression that still can be felt in some ways in the today in the post-segregation era.” Says Stella

“Regardless, you cannot have an integrated society where race is not a factor at all when people still continuously make an issue of race at any opportunity as a scapegoat for all problems. To be an integrated society one must address the problems for what they are and disregard race as a factor entirely because that is their principle, if coloreds are not as successful, this issue is resolved not by making racialist exemptions, lowering the standard of success for coloreds, and forcing a minimum number of negro participants in all forms of education and business. The Negro should be just as competitive in the market as anyone else and not be held to lower expectations simply because he is black; doing so is profoundly racist in and of itself. It is literally saying that a Negro performing at 80% capacity is just as good as a White performing at 90% or an Asian performing at 100% because the Negro is naturally unable to perform any better due to social shortcomings, where in the past this same argument was used to deem the Negro as inferior citing instead genetic shortcomings.

In no other population is the responsibility for one's own success or lack thereof so easily shifted onto the back of society, and to accommodate this mentality is not abandoning racism, but instead simply admitting to and reinforcing the fact that society is racist and causes shortcomings in the Negro population. Taking an apologistic stance is not solving the issue at all, it is simply saying that it is an issue and will likely always be an issue, which in a society that is free from any sort of legitimized legislative racial oppression is socially and psychologically belittling and oppressing the Negro by telling him as well as people of every race that he as a Negro is naturally expected to have lower performance in education and the workplace than other people.” Says Stacy

“Even though it is not written in the legislation, if coloreds close the achievement gap and thus perform on par with everyone else, there would be no need to enact any sort of utilization of the legislature ensuring a minimum number of positions for racial minorities because the quotas would be met simply by accepting the most qualified applicants regardless of race. It may seem like they are saying there will always be this problem, but once the problem resolves itself the legislation becomes irrelevant. As it stands, black people are still suffering through the effects of historic segregation including their own populations being less so well educated and thus having a more difficult time to achieve the same level of academic success due to the upbringing of the children within their societies without academic parents or others to function as mentors and role models, and this is largely the result of historic segregation which can be corrected if more coloreds are admitted to college, even if that means lowering the bar a bit to acknowledge the fact that the environment they were raised in was not as accommodating of their education as people who are say White or Asian.” Says Stella

“If society is so naturally inclined to discriminate against the Negros, the Negros should be taught and more so expected to persevere and succeed despite of this discrimination rather than simply be expected to be unsuccessful, to accept this as inevitability, and comfort themselves with the excuse that they are discriminated against. Blaming society and telling society to change clearly has done little to aid the plight of the Negro, even taking this to the extent that the Negro has become legally accommodated if not coddled instead of discriminated against and yet the Negro still fails to meet the same level of success that those of other races do. Blaming society and playing the narrative that society is actively opposing the success of the Negro has done nothing but condition the Negro to expect to be unsuccessful and accept this as fact instead of having the same initial ambitions and expectations for success as anyone else and holding themselves entirely accountable for their own unsuccessfulness.

Justifying the scapegoat of discrimination simply allows them to be more comfortable and tolerant of their own poverty and failures because they don't blame themselves and don’t see themselves as the root cause of the issue, just like any other safety net, even this psychological one, these nets are more often than not too comfortable for people to have any desire to leave. By giving Negros the same rewards in terms of jobs or education regardless of lower performance society is doing nothing but further ingraining the notion of natural racial inferiority into these people. The American attempts to counteract racism largely have done little more than reinforce these racist notions and further codify them within the law. As much as they don’t aggressively disparage the Negro, these sorts of accommodations still condition the notion of the racial inferiority of the Negro population within people of all races, the Negros themselves included.” Says Stacy

“They don’t technically enforce the notion of inferiority, they really only acknowledge the current disparity between whites and blacks. As much as you can draw that conclusion from the acknowledgement of this disparity, you are still drawing a conclusion instead of simply taking the statements for what they’re worth. You see this fact and presume something rather than simply acknowledging that the disparity exists and this legislature is an attempt to address that issue.” Says Stella

“You can blame me for drawing a simple conclusion, but damn near everybody is going to draw the same conclusion even if it is not literally written out in the legislation. Even the old socialist mantra of 'From each according to their means, to each according to their needs' contradicts the racialistic lowering of expectations because by expecting less from them, society is arguing that the Negro naturally performs at a lower level than those of other races, and by giving them things disproportionately based upon their race, you are arguing that the Negro naturally needs more things, be that help or assistance, than any other person. In a truly integrated society, race cannot be used as any form of causality because it only ingrains racialism and serves as a point to cause conflict and tensions through disparity that can be blamed on race instead of on any other non-racialist factor. Race will stop being an issue as soon as people stop using it as a scapegoat; if somebody is performing poorly, leave it at that, leave out race entirely, address their poor performance on a raceless level instead of making the issue about race when it doesn’t need to be. Making the issue about race only accommodates every racist who wants to use the same statistics to justify their racism and it is extremely disparaging to the people who are members of the poorly performing statistical group to be singled out as people whose poor performance correlates with their race.” Says Stacy

“I am actually totally fine with leaving race out of the question entirely. I do see your point where by acknowledging the factor of race you are empowering the racists by giving them statistical evidence that they can use to defend their belief that others people are naturally inferior by ignoring all factors that play into the issue besides race. I think instead of race other statistical groups like single-mother homes, poverty, and anything else that is not race should be used in place of race to address the issues at hand. I’m surprised you actually had some decent points for once, as much as your ‘tough shit’ mentality is likely upsetting to a lot of people, that tends to be your message for everybody, not just the coloreds. I’ll start cleaning up.” Says Stella

“It’s the only message that should be preached, the wind and the rain and the birds and the bees don’t come rushing to the aid of some small child dying of malaria, the wind keeps blowing and the rain keeps raining, the birds and bees go about their business and don’t give a damn about the dying child regardless of how worthy of sympathy the human emotional delirium might convince the beast that beast he is worthy of that sympathy. It is a beast like all the others and as nature is cold to the cry of the children, so should all of humanity, it is the child’s natural role to attempt to survive through adversity, against all odds, and if this does not happen so be it.

 This applies to all who face hardship and adversity; the world is only doing these people a disservice by offering them aid, even when tormented by the wrath of man, for in a contemporary society, the artificial selection of man must be respected as a legitimate civilized parallel to natural selection,; even if it is not done in a respectable manner, it is functionally legitimate just as many other facets of civilization are legitimate but worthy of no respect. Such is life, nothing more than the survival of the fittest, be it a natural or artificial standard of selection, the game itself does not change, even if the rules might on occasion.

In terms of your point of leaving race out of statistics, this would be folly as all statistics are valuable so long as they represent the finite set of reality, some more than others of course, but to ignore race statistically would be masochistic incredulity. While you made some points as to why the Negro fails to succeed, the lack of prior education, role models, and the like tend to be the hypothetical reasons provided by political correctness, which inherently cannot be trusted, as the politically correct are only willing to argue that all things have politically correct reasons, which is a fallacy, as truly facts are facts whether or not they are displeasing, upsetting, mean, racist, or in any other way disagreeable.

Not only are these said hypotheses baseless, which gives more than enough reason to disregard them as nothing more than quaint hypothetical banter, especially as there is no statistics that are used to explicitly and vigorously defend these arguments, they are often just the ‘feel good’ solutions used by idealists to continually delude the masses and themselves, when often times the reasons for things happening are not ‘feel good’ reasons. It could simply be that the Negro is naturally instinctively prone to being unwilling to commit himself to subservience in a predominantly white society, and no amount of education or role models will ever pacify the Negro to the point where he does not feel uneasy, threatened, and suspicious of a white society, especially when history gives him plenty of reason to feel this way.

This could simply be, and by all means likely is, his instinct and his nature; the tribalism found in all races being present in his mind forbids him from blindly trusting white society from the time he is born and this inhibits his ability to seamlessly amalgamate into society; he is always plagued by the thoughts of being black and the repercussions of blackness. Even if these repercussions were somehow entirely eliminated, his nature would still cause him to be instinctively paranoid and distrusting of the non-tribesmen that surround him on a daily basis. It is hard to convince someone to dedicate their life to working for somebody they don’t trust, and in the case of the Negro, he has very little reason to trust white society which is reinforced on a daily basis. The idealists are delusional fools that think it is possible to somehow remove this human nature from society by preaching tolerance and indoctrination when in reality racialism will always rear its head due to its starkly visible factuality, and because tribalism will always be present in every child that is born due to instinct.

This is one of the countless reasons why I am so in favor of a federation with autonomous societies, as undoubtedly people would naturally segregate themselves to a large extent, and then people would realize the clear advantages of a society that is unburdened by the otherwise conflagratory nature of maintaining race relations. A white man could tip the hat to a Negro at a trade deal in an integrated area or even by telecom in the modern era, but the Negro wouldn’t worry about being another unarmed black man killed by a white police officer, and the white man wouldn’t lose any sleep over the hoodlum culture of crime, drugs, and gangbanging so prevalent in the Negro youth. By any means it is far easier to resolve problems when you have fewer of them, and by separating these groups that all cause problems for each other, you have drastically reduced the number of problems for all parties involved.” Says Stacy

“It still seems like you are in favor of segregation which itself clearly resulted in mass protests. You might think it will resolve some problems, but then it also recreates the problems that were already resolved in the past.” Says Stella

“The problems were not resolved, the racial tensions are still high, there is still plenty of disparity between the races, and people still complain every day about these things. The issue with segregation is that the Negro was oppressed within white society which in turn caused outrage. I am arguing that the Negros simply be given autonomous communities so they can govern themselves free from the issues of race relations which are still the root of preeminent issues in today’s society. This is the only way to resolve these issues seeing how people have become largely indifferent to tolerance and integration as the vividness of the civil rights movement is so far in the past.

 People will naturally racialistically segregate themselves to a large degree and forcing whites into black areas and vice versa does little if anything to change this. In an integrated school, the whites largely associate with whites and the Negros the Negros, with the occasional exception to the rule; the same applies for all races and ethnicities. It is ridiculous that the general consensus is that we should force society to row upriver against the wind when they have little natural desire to do this. Idealists will say that a society free from the notions of racialism and the like is the ideal and is what we must strive for, but in the end this only amounts to creating unneeded conflicts, forcing extra work upon all people in the form of maintaining race relations, exhausting the people attempting to achieve the impossible, all while the current of the river pushes against the boat and pushes it back downriver at all times showing time and time again the futility of even attempting to do so.

The hippies in all of their irony don’t understand what it means to ‘go with the flow’ in this scenario, and seeing how the nature of people will always constantly push back against achieving this ideal, it should easily be understood as a futile, exhaustive, and largely wasteful expenditure of time, effort, energy, and money, when it could be entirely avoided through voluntary racial autonomy and voluntary integration. There are a vast number of communities that are composed of a majority of people of color, be them Negro, Latino, Asian, or otherwise, they still should have the ability to govern themselves and operate independently from a White majority nation that clearly consistently fails to have their best interests in mind.” Says Stacy

“Let’s go upstairs. Your message today seems a bit too positive today, you actually sound like you want to help people for some reason.” Says Stella

“This is entirely in my interest, just as an autonomous Negro community would demonstrate how they can succeed more easily free from the influence of whites, such a system would allow people to truly reap the fruits of their labor, allowing the socialists to much more quickly commit suicide through fiscal self-immolation as well as demonstrating the futility of democracy, the benefits of truer capitalism, the dangers of liberality, the benefits of a conservative stance on morality, and even show the benefits of even mild authoritarianism in places that may embrace it, which would facilitate the defense, both logically and statistically, of a general shift away from socialism and towards tasteful authoritarianism.” Says Stacy, following Stacy upstairs; Dale sleeps, indifferent to the plight of the Negro




“I think if all of these communities were autonomous they would have a lot more trouble accomplishing things on a large scale, the federal government tends to do a lot of work to hold the country together and keep it running, and to abandon this would be rather imprudent.” Says Stella, as the girls enter their room, Stacy sits in her chair, Stella on the bed

“I hate to sound like an idealist for just saying willy-nilly things will work and be better, but the federal government would still have control of military matters, of course, and also be funded to ensure infrastructure to connect the communities. The federal government does too many things to abandon it, but rather than having a central authority be unquestionable, the federates would comply with suggestions as they see fit in exchange for some form of support from the federal government. The scientific method alone legitimizes this form of federational government as the more so sensible form due to having a much larger sample size of trials in terms of types of government and governance, and the independence they wield makes them more vulnerable to their own failures due to their size, but far less vulnerable to failures on the national level. I think most people would rather be held more so accountable for their own failures than to pay for, or even be the victim of, federal mistakes that they had little if anything to do with.” Says Stacy

“Don’t you usually argue that people are too stupid to govern themselves and thus you are forced to somehow assume unquestionable authority or something?” asks Stella

“I do, but that is an idealistic approach. This is a far more viable alternative that can be used to demonstrate the value of my ideals in whichever few communities do embrace any of them. It is unlikely that I can truly instate all of the things that would better this nation, but if I am able to instate this system then the scientific method would effectively do my job for me, even if it takes hundreds of years, simply because people would all get to instate their foolish ideas and watch them fail while occasionally somebody has a good idea that succeeds, and everybody will likely acknowledge the success if not embrace it. As it stands there is little trial and error in governance and the country has foolishly put all of its eggs in one basket and acted contrary to the sage advice of countless other idioms. I am not abandoning my principles, but only providing an alternative and more feasible means to reap the success of such principles. You can tell I’m not as fond of the idea as I’ve failed to flesh it out entirely; it’s more of a backup plan I have considered.” Says Stacy

“It’s not as terrible as most of your ideas, still likely not a great idea and probably unachievable but I suppose it’s something. Since we’ve got a swath of time before we’ve got to leave I’ll let you keep ranting about it, it is a more pleasant thought than the usual banter of break the men like they’re horses and ride them.” Says Stella

“I am much fonder of that one though. There is a way to do something, and there is a way to futilely attempt to do something while attempting the impossible task of making everybody happy. I see no reason to waste any time with the latter, nor support anyone who is in favor of doing such things. If you think it is by any means a reasonable idea to make people happy for any reason such as keeping the peace or preventing revolt, you have clearly failed to make them fearful enough of the repercussions for failing to keep the peace of refrain from revolt in the first place.

By making people happy you only cause them to become accustomed to the happiness at which point they start to take it for granted, and by all means they should if it is the method in which the government uses to maintain order. Everything you do to earn respect and make somebody happy may have an impact in the short term, but these niceties soon fade in their mind and such deeds earn you no favors unless you not only continuously pay this indulgence of niceties but also give the people newer and nicer things because that which they were once grateful for they have now presumed as their right and it no longer earns you any credit in their eyes.

 Humans are beasts, and they are meager beasts at that; they will forget nice things like any other animal, but the beast will never forget fear, certainly not that which causes him to fear for his life, and especially not that which causes him to fear a fate far worse than death. This is the loyalty of a stable society that is truly natural, healthy, and sustainable, traits so adored in the modern earth conscious society, whereas any system of making people happy to maintain order is unnatural, unhealthy, and unsustainable, with one of the many parallels being barbiturate addiction and the concurrent tolerance to that unnatural substance which the human becomes physically dependent on to even stay alive; if the fiends were not so intoxicated by the highs provided by their illicit happiness their cognitive function may actually be able to comprehend the debilitating addiction that is crippling this society and the world.” Says Stacy

“Even if it may be unhealthy to some degree, the nice things do allow the country to attract skilled people from around the world to live and work here. I’m sure your principle is just to be a sourpuss, but clearly you don’t know all that much seeing how around the world the fearmongers have much worse societies and economies than in the supposed barbiturate paradises that exist in the West.” Says Stella

“History is written by the victors, and we are living at the edge of history currently being written by the victors of the last world war and subsequent nuclear stalemate. These powers have the ability to fabricate any sort of reality due to their unassailable immortality and merrily oppress anybody who they damn well please. If there was a man who would kick you in the face every time you tied to tie your shoes without singing Octopus’s Garden, you would argue that the only feasible way to tie your shoes is to sing that damn song. This is what happens when you have apologists holding the world hostage with nuclear weapons, they feel shame like the sick, feeble minded children they are, unable to comprehend the true nature of reality, a truly paranoid and baseless shame for they know there is no authority that will punish them for disregarding the shame but they feel it anyways, but they have become this way to distance themselves from the evils of the past and clean up their image in an attempt to be loved by the people and seen as the antithesis of that which they portray as evil, choosing to govern through barbiturates.

These fools wash their hands from the blood they spilled in the past to gain such power and pretend their hands are clean, deluded by their own idealism to the point they cannot foresee that if they are not the bloodletter standing over the writhing bodies of tortured peasants and savages, they themselves are now the ones writhing, being tortured, bloodied, and slowly eaten alive by the savages and starving peasants. Those who once artfully manifested and maintained power have now been reduced to the human sacrifice being eaten by the barbarous peasants who cannot understand that the reason the world is such a pleasant place today is not because the government made things pleasant for anybody, as doing such things has never done anything other than to despoil the fool who seeks to do so; in reality the world is such a pleasant place because the authority has held and tastefully wielded the power to bloody and torture the peasants and the savages as an incentive to make them create this reality with their own hands. This pleasant, industrial, technologically advanced, and amazing world was not wrought of paper, governance, and social welfare; this machine is fueled by the blood and sweat of slaves and peasants from which fertilize the row-crops of steel and glass that rise from the dirt and the vines of electric heroin that creep through every nook and cranny of the beast’s bustling necropoleis.” Says Stacy

“I think the shoe-tying allegory could use some work, but I see the point of how if you fail to do the Western song and dance you will face plenty of resistance from the West. I’m sure that while excessive niceties will surely bring ruin, there is a certain level of human decency that is far more ideal than dehumanizing everybody. Clearly the fearful people will be far less creative, free spirited, and plenty of other good traits that are actually beneficial to society. I know you like to think you know everything, but you’ve got to distrust that instinct sometimes.” Says Stella

“Of course I don’t know everything, I’m fourteen, but I think well enough to comprehend function and reason and that in itself is worth far more than knowing. Knowledge is useless if you cannot apply it, and plenty of the knowledge that people source their own opinions or sentiments from has been endlessly misconstrued and contorted by opinionated perspectives as people pass the knowledge around, each one poisoning it with their own presumptions and persuasions which more often than not are explicitly the wretched idealistic hedonism that is the commoners barbiturate of choice these days.  It truly is a shame when for millennia god was more than enough for the common man and those who succame to Mammon were loathed for doing so, yet today doing so is expected if not mandated by law.

 I may not know everything, but if the world is nothing but people who like me are ignorant to everything but their own delusions, I would much rather be lathered in my own pleasant thoughts that so distinctly smell of myself, my wisdom, and my wrath than attempt to find any sort of leisure by sharing ideas with the masses who all share the same inane ideals as if they are somehow perfect while disregarding the blatant fruitlessness of these ideals when they are practiced simply because the asshats reason that their ideals seem so nice and pleasant they can’t be wrong and are likely perfect.

I cannot humble myself to the point where I admit I am capable of producing ideas that are anything but perfect, as much as I can understand this as fact, and this is on account of logic stating that if I lack my perceived infallibility I will invariably lose in the shouting match with shit-for-brains idiots who are sure as shit that their shitty ideas are legitimately perfect because their shitty ideas are composed of the same material of their brains which political correctness has indoctrinated them to believe are composed of perfection so long as they blindly defend the agenda of political correctness. It’s a shame that these bastards are able to peddle their own shit and pass it off as gold while deeming truly valuable things worthless simply because that is how an apologist economy works: things that are valuable have inherently caused problems in the past and thus must be evil and thus worthless, leaving the only things capable of holding value being the shit of degenerates that isn’t even fit to fertilize a field due to its infestation with communicable disease of apologeticism which corrupts and destroys brains on a level eerily similar to a prion disease with the added addictive nature of barbiturates for those so susceptible to inane delusion.” Says Stacy

“Of course damn near everybody in the world is susceptible to inane delusion, but not you. Never one time, truly unheard of.” Says Stella sarcastically

“I am prone to and revel in glorious delusion; I have no stomach for the pitiful delusions of somehow attaining equality, peace, and harmony in a world that has never known such things and never will. My delusions are but the clouds atop the glorious mountain of reality, whereas the humanists see the clouds that hover over the mire and see them as a pathway to heaven, trying to jump into them blind to their inevitable drowning once they muster up the same courage to commit the same suicide so many equally naïve small children have. I see the mountain of history and I know her beauty and grace, the tales of men who have fought to the death on ledges with the loser thrown off to have his body tumble like a ragdoll down the slopes while nature is so heartless as to leave him conscious so that he might have his mind filled with the displeasure of the realization of his own painful death as his bones break and his skin is shredded by the sharp rocks so godly as to have no sympathy for the pain and suffering of mankind.

Am I more so the fool for believing there is higher ground, if only we can reach the summit, for it has been man who has summoned this pinnacle from the flat plain of barbarism, and I only seek to weave the magic to cause this pinnacle to ascend further into the heavens? The masses seek to spurn the mountain and the sylvan bosom that reared our bestial kin and instead chase hallucinations of realities that have never been in the fog looming over the quagmire that has claimed countless men throughout history who have been lured by the nymphs that offer men a trip to paradise should they come take a swim in the slough, and yet I am more so the fool for thinking these people so tempted to forsake the reality and enjoy delusional suicide could be herded and swayed to surround the mountain at the base and lift it higher into the sky as has been done throughout all of written history until the modern era of the empire of hedonistic apologists.” Says Stacy

“If the options as you described are being thrown off of a mountain to my death, being forced to pull a mountain out of the ground, or swimming with nymphs, I’m far more tempted to take the last one to be honest. The allegory was rather beautiful compared to your usual tincture of shameless megalomania and psychopathy.” Says Stella

“If the child who dreams of being a millionaire is a megalomaniac, then riddle them full of pills, doctor. I dream of success, attainable, real, physical success that can be manifest through due diligence and practicality. In terms of psychopathy, that is a bold claim; I am a stoic realist and that means utilizing rationale to find the optimum resolution to an issue as opposed to stifling an otherwise perfectly good plan with the delirious quibble over moral quandaries that serve no more practical use other than vanity at best and at worst creating a society so fettered by its own ubiquitous paranoia which cripples the logical capacity of its constituents.

A psychopath is by definition antisocial, and I by contrast dedicate my life to bettering society for its own benefit;  a psychopath has impaired empathy and remorse, where my empathy and remorse function at very healthy levels, regardless of the fact that a society filled with the unnatural progeny of those unfit to die worthy deaths in war and thus the product of human devolution from the survival of the unfit will argue that a truly insane profusion of these both empathy and remorse is allegedly the standard of mental healt regardless of the clear indication that a beast so troubled by these hallucinations as to use them to make decisions contrary to one’s own success and survival would clearly be unfit to survive in the wild and is thus unworthy of life itself.

I am not bold, as I fear that which should be feared, I have amazing risk assessment skills, and to argue that I am egotistical would be telling an educated man that he is egotistical for arguing that his knowledge is greater than that of a severely mentally retarded child. If I respect and humble myself before those so stifled by the sickness of humanistic hallucinations and the capacity for debilitating delirium of the sickness of sympathy that in their own delusion they argue that the best course of action is to abandon all methods of success that led to the evolution and ascension of the human race simply because their sick fucking hallucinations make them feel that way, even if I see these people as my equals, then I am still not even wrong in the slightest because apparently I am also allegedly rife with sick hallucinations and delusions that should clearly be embraced and celebrated as progress because they are far sicker and more delirious than the current emotional states that so determine how masochistic the western world decides to be out of fear of something so petty as an opinion or criticism.

 Is the man who invented penicillin a psychopath because he willingly choses to heartlessly end the lives of the bacteria that causes syphilis? I am no different, though my means to an end may be different, those who I seek to extirpate or otherwise invalidate are truly no more than the human equivalent to the syphilis virus spreading unhindered through society though the modern humans’ sick lust for mutual masturbation of each other’s empathetic delirium. It may seem harmless as it spreads, but the sickness will inevitably be the death of society. It has already begun as the people walk the earth so marked with their gummas giving them the appearance of grotesque monsters, the coddled neurosyphilis of mental instability, depression, irritability, confusion, poor concentration, and psychosis to name the common ones so prevalent in society and only masked by pharmaceuticals allowing the infected to pass on this congenital syphilis to their children.

These things are not found in humans, the true healthy animal that rose from the wilds and conquered the planet; these beasts cannot sustain their own lives in the wild and most require assistance to do so even in a society that has does everything it can to guarantee survival: these beasts are the duplicitous hosts of nothing more than genetic, psychological, and philosophical syphilis. I may be humane enough to attempt to cure these ailments after they have been quarantined, but I am no sadist who seeks to allow these beasts to inflict their sickness on the few healthy members of the human race that remain. I am attempting to use my enlightenment to become the salvator of the human race, and while the mentally ill may disagree with my sanity, the sentiments of those whose lives are truly defined by delirium and delusion should never be respected as legitimate diagnostics of reality as their own hallucinatory sentiments are veritably the antithesis of reality.

You cannot give any merit to those who seek to define reality through emotional means or by any other hallucination of cognition for these feelings, while stirring, are no more real than the dragon that is chased by the junkie in the alleyway; any interpretation of reality should take into account only reality itself and not the hallucinations and delirium of an animal that are no more meaningful or legitimate than the voices a schizophrenic hears. To make decisions that are in any way guided by emotions, empathy, sympathy or the like is the equivalent of making a decision because a schizophrenic told you that demons or god will come hurt you if you don’t do what he tells you. This is the insanity so rampant in society I seek to correct, I only seek to help the beast in the same way that a psychiatrist might help a schizophrenic; to help the beast see the truth, reality, legitimacy, meaning and to abandon the hallucinations which had crippled him for so long.” Says Stacy

“Wow, when you put it like that, I realize that you are the furthest thing possible from a megalomaniacal psychopath.” Says Stella, feigning sincerity

“I want you to truly believe that.” Says Stacy

“You think you are god and you kill people, why would I believe that?!” asks Stella in politely exasperated exclamation, callous to the fact, her own mind accustomed to disregarding this reality as if it were another delusion

“I use my omniscience to send the damnable to hell. I am god!” says Stacy

“Can’t you use your omniscience to realize that you’re not god? You’re just some crazy girl who was turned into a witch like her friends?” asks Stella

“I’ll try.” says Stacy, pausing for second “I am drawing a blank on that, so since that knowledge apparently does nothing to help me do good and fight evil it is beyond my ken.” Says Stacy

“You never even thought about that before? To seek an answer for that question?” asks Stella

“I never questioned it.” Says Stacy, in warm genuine honesty

“That makes sense, sadly, it is a shame your power is so useless.” Says Stella

“It keeps me alive, so I’m grateful it at least does that.” Says Stacy

“By the skin of your teeth.” Says Stella

“My teeth must have some thick skin then; it was a bumpy start but it’s been a pleasant ride since then, nothing but wholesome piety and delightful pleasantries.” Says Stacy

“I’m glad you are able to interpret what you do as some sort of godly badinage. I’m sure it feels better to think of it like that than how a sane person would understand it.” Says Stella

“If I feel far better; am I not the more so compos mentis individual in that situation? If he feels bad or blue he is clearly the one that is suffering from the symptoms of mental illness.” Says Stacy

“Yes. You’re right. You’re so sane I’m actually envious, thankfully I’m pretty sure it’s rubbing off on me.” Says Stella, exhausted and laying back on her bed

“The good thing about the artificial insanity imbued by indoctrination is that it can be healed with proper caretaking.” Says Stacy, with sage airs

“I am forever in your debt. Let’s go to school.” Says Stella, sitting up, flummoxed and no longer interested in fighting against the current

“I’m sure there is some time to spare, we wouldn’t want to shortchange ourselves of our own freedom, would we?” asks Stacy

“We are free only so long as we preserve our freedom. In order for that to be true we must be shackled to the few realities in which our free will fails to murder our freedom or ourselves, which amounts to choosing to live one of the many lives defined by endless toil in the fields of social, menial, and professional labor simply to stay alive and unincarcerated. This is what freedom is, as much as such confinement contradicts the ideal of freedom, all other lives contradict the freedom itself. We toil in exchange for idleness which I am no fonder of than the toil itself.” Says Stella

“I’m glad you love spending time with me as much as you do schoolwork.” Jokes Stacy

“A slave will break his back for chitlins and grits because the world affords him no finer pleasure.” Says Stella, sighing while standing up

“Am I the grits or the chitlins?” asks Stacy

“You’re white as a ghost and largely devoid of substantive nutrition, you figure it out.” Says Stella, straddling Stacy’s lap, wrapping her arms around Stacy’s neck and kissing her slowly with passionate yearning, Stacy’s hand around her hips and back,  Stella so delightfully intoxicated by the feeling of being loved that she finds herself madly in love with the source of such pleasure, imbibing wolfishly from the wellspring; she eventually pulls away slowly wary of social obligation, Stacy pulls her closer kissing her neck covetously

“I’m going to miss you.” Says Stella, softly

“You don’t have to.” Says Stacy, honestly

“You say you’re god but you tempt like the devil. Come on, we’ve got to go to school.” Says Stella, pushing Stacy against the chair and staring at her with pleasured condemnation in her eyes

“But these hot tasty grits are calling your name.” says Stacy

“A girl can’t live on grits alone.” Says Stella

“But by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the lord doth man live.” Says Stacy

“Seeing how your words would easily get you killed in most parts of the world, that fact kind of cements the fact that you’re not god.” Says Stella, getting off of Stacy and starting to get ready

“Mankind is born dying and never ceases this parade, it is only by my words that the beast can be ushered into life, for a man is never living when he forsakes the sacred truths that define life and refine her progeny, he is only dying, starved of the sweet milk of his mother’s teat by his own deadly pride.” Says Stacy

“When you are starving you will hopefully realize that Baphomet is the only one whose breasts still lactate in this abhorrent hell and your own senses of prudence and justice have themselves become deadly sins in a world where god has been deposed by the princes of hell.” Says Stella

“God is quick to dwarf the pride of Lucifer and the wrath of Satan with his own surfeit of humanity; vice begets vice, and the love of god is naught but vengeance upon those who forsake him.” says Stacy

“Until you somehow manage dwarf the sins of the world all by your lonesome, we’re going to school. I think god was a bit more wholesome than that anyways.” Says Stella

“God was all wholesome respect until somebody fucked up and then god will inevitably mercilessly torture them and anyone else around who his rage spills over unto. It shows that being revered as kind and loving is not done through being kind and loving, it is done through merciless decimation, then you get the reputation of being kind and loving simply by refraining from slaughtering people in a blind rage. Men are quick to forget favors and kindness, but never will they forget the fear of death. Then all you have to do is make their life worth living and they will be humbly yours forever.” Says Stacy

“Get ready for school. I’ll let you keep talking if we can get out the door.” Says Stella, disinterested in listening but willing to compromise

“You’re the temptress here. You know I can’t resist that offer.” Says Stacy, putting her things back into her bag

“Thank God.” Says Stella

“You’re welcome.” Says Stacy, smiling

Stella rolls her eyes as she walks to the bathroom to get ready, Stacy follows her, they brush their teeth and head downstairs, Stacy chasing Stella’s hurry




“We’re going to school dad, see you later.” Says Stella,

“Make the world a better place, girls, and make yourselves proud of yourselves, cause it hurts if you can’t feel that way about yourself.” Says Dale

“You kept us alive for so long, and if you can be proud of us, you can be proud of yourself.” Says Stella

“I’m real proud of you girls, I just wish I could do better for you sometimes.” Says Dale

“You do the best you can, and that’s basically like being the best thing possible. Nobody expects a man with no legs to walk, so considering your limitations you go above and beyond the call of duty. You should be proud of that.” Says Stacy

“I guess sometimes an old vet just wants to protect and serve one more time. I’m glad you still appreciate your old man though, the thoughts of the glory days really take me back.” Says Dale

“You’re still fighting in your own way; even if it’s desk work, you’re still a vital part of the operation.” Says Stella

“Just come back with your tales of cunning exploits and glorious victory and I’ll know I’m doing a good job. Even if I can’t live it, I can relive it with you girls.” Says Dale

“We’ll do our best; right now we’re just off to school though.” Says Stella

“Once you’re out of basic I expect great things from you two.” Says Dale

“We’re got to make it through basic first though, and we wouldn’t want to be late.” Says Stella

“Of course not, tally ho, girls.” Says Dale

“Bye dad.” Says Stella

“Don’t die.” Says Stacy

“Breaking my record in that department as we speak.” Says Dale

“Keep up the good work.” Says Stacy

“Have fun now.” Says Dale, as the girls head out the door





The shining sun smiles down on the city as the girls and everyone else paint big smiles on their face and don most entertaining garb, each one more so or less so interested in performing their own variation of the classic minstrel show; performing regardless of their disposition, perhaps because society and hence deaths shoots at their feet while they sing and dance, death occasionally and irreproachably shooting somebody to death for entertainment’s sake; perhaps, as it is often thought, it is done through sheer love of the art form of stripping one’s self of one’s humanity and committing one’s soul to the portrayal of such a foolish character with the natural capacity to be as glorious as any human in history who forsakes this entirely and instead choses to revel in simple pleasures, ignorance, and the smiles of the audience who so thoroughly enjoy his song and dance.



“Where were we?” asks Stacy, already pleased with herself

“The same place we always are, give or take a stone’s throw. You were talking about how you were going to somehow going to dwarf the wrath of Satan; the pride of Lucifer you might actually be able to accomplish, so I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt in that regard. I think the whole idea that god is dead stems from the argument that god used to smite people right and left but in recent history his actions are far less blatant if they are even there at all. That’s a rather literal interpretation, arguing that god actually existed as a physical entity as opposed to a manifestation of faith, whereas realistically people tend to put faith in themselves and none in god, which has sort of led to the whole slow procession of the disregard of morality, as the people’s faith fails to be strong enough to hold society together and keep people treating each other decently which cyclically causes people to lose even more faith and disregard morality even more. Either way, god is quite dead, and I doubt you alone will be able to reify that by your own flesh and blood. ” Says Stella

“If god is dead then society itself is dead; for god alone is what wrought civilization from the dirt and bound her bricks together with the blood of the damned. To argue that a godless civilization is capable of existing and surviving is to preach fallacy that is contradicted by the entirety of written history. The nihilists indifferent to sin are no different than the savages that walked the earth; with their fickle whims like the contented surfetion and idle comfort of a wild dog being the only things that bind them to civility. For society to exist, god must exist, and I only seek to see this role fulfilled by a godly entity, for neither Mammon, nor Satan, nor any league of the princes of hell will create any society that accomplishes anything but reap their own painful death by their wickedness and vices. God may be dead, but as humans are the children of god, the throne and authority should be passed through the bloodline to the people who remain in the good graces of the ghost, while all disowned usurpers loyal to vice must be enslaved by their vices or otherwise have this task entrusted unto Satan in the fires of hell for all eternity. Allowing these wicked beasts to live amongst the flock is naught but a shepherd failing to separate, exterminate and burn the sheep who suffer from scrapie, as their minds are corrupted and cannot be cured, and sympathy for the sick only serves to spread the disease.” Says Stacy

“Well, even though vice is an affliction of the mind, an incurable disease is not really a valid comparison. First of all, vice is naturally found in humans, so it’s not a disease, and secondly the only reason the affliction presents itself is because the sinner doesn’t fear the repercussions or feels that the gambit is worth the risk. If you address those issues then there wouldn’t be a problem with sin. I do see the point that society is degenerating, seeing how nihilistic atheism is the only politically correct ideology, and that philosophy defends only pacifistic hedonism while is only willing to antagonize things that hinder their pursuit. The affliction is far closer to addiction, and it may be impossible to cure the people without causing the sinners tremens in which they savagely fight to the death for they lack any fear of god that would help them resist the incessant craving of their vice and the complimentary lust for death caused when they are removed from their vices. As much as you can wax godly about it, even the godly humans will likely succumb to vice when given any power, so that part is entirely futile, and seeing how both the godly and the sinful defend the rights and livelihoods of most peaceable sinners, that argument will fall on deaf ears. As much as it would be nice to save society, it is impossible at this point, so your best bet to seek vengeance or whatever it is you want would be to ride alongside Satan and drown the sinners in their vice and the godly in their sloth, seeing how most people would actually support that idea due to tolerance or hedonism, and you get either an entirely repentant society or a dead one in the end. It seems like a reasonable compromise, not only that, but a peaceable and agreeable one.” Says Stella

“There is little joy in drowning men in their vices, they die happy, or at least the live happy for some period of time, and this is not a victory, this is forfeiting to Satan and granting the wicked the spoils of war. The first world revels in their plaster sainthood and will always group the peaceable and savory vices in with virtue and offer the vesicles of the silent plagues false salvation in order to better defend themselves against hell’s champions of powerful vices. This leaves only the tasteful option of brokering an allegiance between the army of the lord and Satan’s finest, each with their shared enemy of the meek pacifists smiling in their syphilitic delirium as the gluttons gorge themselves upon the crops sown by godly men that are worthy only to be sacrificed in the name of the lord or otherwise relished by Satan and his children for massacring those who should rightfully reap such a harvest. To allow the meager princes of hell and their squalid peasants to forsake their king and feast in his absence is irreverence that damns these beasts to the hells beyond hell and even further in the procession of damnation for failing to show proper reverence to the natural hierarchy of vice. Vice is natural, but unnatural vice is far more grievous than to simply revere the power that makes a beast a truly noble savage.” Says Stacy

“The noble savage was of note for his natural humane godliness, not for establishing kingdom though savagery.” Says Stella

“Then he is hardly noble in the slightest, godly nobility only arises when the savagery of your nobility is so respected that you can ease the savagery and still maintain power due to your repute long enough to the point where you are regarded as a godly man simply for failing to do that which made you a noble in the first place. A noble stands taller than the common man not because he is closer to god in heaven, but because he has brought the common man to his knees. Your power is only the testament to your power over men, and those who kneel with knees unbroken only do so out of the knowledge that you can easily break them. There is no power in godliness, such is but a seasoning of peace, and as peace can only arise through war and subsequent victory, the nobility of godliness is only a testament to the unquestionable, insurmountable, and unsurpassed wrath of the nobility which has itself brokered a longevitous peace in which godliness serves as a testament to the legitimacy of the wrath of godlike men in place of the wrath itself, for if the lowly had no fear of the wrath of god, the beast would see no reason to be godly in the first place. In times of peace the nobles are then free to lay down their arms as their power is unquestioned and pursue a more savory reputation from which comfort and ease in the people can flourish as the Armageddon has passed and the world is born again as the prophesized paradise.” Says Stacy

“Jesus, it’s a romantic term, but to be fair I guess by that time the nobles were well established had plenty of time to shine up their image and the definition of nobility after doing terrible things to gain the power in the first place. For someone so obsessed with power you never seem to acknowledge the last part of the old witticism, it’s basically: ‘It is better to be feared than loved, but one must never be hated.’ You seem to be such a contrarian that you revel in the fact that you would likely be hated by everyone if you somehow assumed such power against all odds.” Says Stella

“Where most people who seek power are driven by some draw to glory or power, I am largely driven out of misanthropy and a sense of justice. It makes sense that living in such a world where the only political reality is preaching unattainable ideals supported with baseless justification that I resort to the same shameless bullshittery that everybody else does. I should keep that in mind, but just as the bandit hates the sheriff, I see myself as the sheriff and expect the bandits to hate me. It is easily entirely foolish to put faith in humans to see the value of justice or godliness, but it is a tasty dream and is ever so delightful.

Regardless of whichever color flag you fly in the political arena, the system amounts to little more than a banditocracy with constant fighting between the rich and the poor bandits, and as I am the enemy of all bandits will likely find very little support as men would much rather serve their own interests than those of everybody, and if the best interests of everybody don’t fall in line with their own self-interest, they will automatically deem that what is veritably in the best interest of everybody is clearly not in everybody’s best interest because it is not in their own self-interest, and thus take up fighting for their own self-interests with new found vigor after convincing themselves that they’re fighting in just glory against things that are not in people’s best interest.

It is a shame that society was built around the argument that whatever happens to be in the self-interest of the horse is by definition in the best interest of the farm. I treat the population for what it is: a herd of despicable beasts of burden. I make my decisions with this in mind, while the humanists see themselves as sacred vessels of godlike holiness, the pinnacle of significance in a godless world, which is both odious and disgusting to have any sort of respect for a human, let alone reverence. The beasts are less respectable than civilized cockroaches due to their comparable fragility, weakness, and susceptibility to environmental hazards, yet for some reason this vile sack of shit thinks that just because a species no more valid than deformed, insane, and consequently mentally retarded monkey happens to have a gun and the ability to complain, that fact automatically makes him the most worthy of life compared to a noble wild animal or plant that actually has natural capacity to sustain its own life. If only feces could bitch and moan louder than every human on earth so that they could possibly understand how disgusting their indignation and self-worth is. I guarantee you that shit would force men to contemplate their true value with its competitive indignation, self-supremacism, arrogance, self-righteousness and baseless entitlement.” Says Stacy

“You really should make an effort not to blatantly loathe society, it’s going to be rare you will find some kind of shame masochist that agrees with your sentiments to the point they support you. As much as you may be logically or functionally right and correct in some respects, society is largely indifferent if not entirely opposed to these measures and the only legitimate form of rightness in the public opinion is that which the people believe is right. It’s common sense that the horses are going to act in their own self-interest, and it is inane to think that they would do anything but that; the issue comes when the horses have opposable thumbs and a moderate level of intelligence that allows them to be far more dangerous than normal horses, even if their own logical capacity and foresight are no better if not worse than a normal horse.

The horses decide what is right and wrong, and even if the horses are the pinnacle of logical and statistical disrepute, they will never tolerate such an opinion, despite its unopinionated factuality, and this alone entirely invalidates the argument because the horse is who decides what facts are functionally fallacies and which fallacies are functionally facts. A natural number is only such if it is a whole number and is non-negative, just like how an argument is valid if it is both legitimate and pleases the horses, and seeing how you fail to please the horses, your ideas are effectively as invalid of a solution as throwing pennies into a fountain, regardless of their higher degree of logical legitimacy. This standard so defines the democratic world that effective legitimacy can consist of things that simply please the horses to the point where they deem it legitimate through their own horse-centric opinion-based measurements and forsake impersonal mathematical justification or any other form of logic simply because the horses are animals who have for the entirety of their existence made decisions based upon their own feelings, instincts, wants, and desires because this was more than enough to equate to survival in the wild and far more efficient and effective than attempting to use some sort of computational statistical logical analysis to make decisions.

 As much as you think that since humans have the capacity to learn a more legitimate form of decision making that it is their responsibility to do so, in reality most people are dumb as a horse and their decision making is little more than their animal instincts accompanied by the ability to understand words and value promises of things they want as opposed to simply using their eyes to locate and chase these things. Your pride causes you to see your mildly more logical thought processes as superior and thus unquestionable to the common people, but at the end of the day there is very little that is more powerful than a stampede of millions of people being driven by their emotions, fears, wants, desires, and their comparable sense of baseless pride and unquestionable correctness.

Even if your argument is true that if the mob turns north east as opposed to north west, there will eventually be fewer dangers and more bountiful pastures, the mob can only see so far in front of them and the north-east looks treacherous compared to the comfortable north-west where things are currently pleasant, even if some terrible endemic plague will sicken them once they wander so far in that direction or whatever. To think that the people you yourself describe as being ignorant and insolent will tame and correct their natural instincts then drastically change the flow of the herd due to your ability to enlighten them you are insane. I understand the delusion is pleasant and enjoyable, but try to keep the reality of the situation in mind including the unnatural constraints on reality and possibility, because in the end of the day I can argue that we should throw pennies into a god damn well and we have the same chance of making any difference in the world.” Says Stella

“I’m glad you see my arguments as logically sound. Even if people dislike the truth, it’s still the truth in the end, spreading a little realism is all I’m really attempting to accomplish.” Says Stacy

“Your arguments are more so sound than those of people who are either entirely ignorant or delirious with indignation, but the fact that they’re entirely unfeasible should make you realize you are arguably even stupider than they are, simply because they have the masses on their side, or at least much more sizable masses than you do. If you really want to create any sort of functional idea just dilute your own philosophy to something like a 5% concentration while keeping 95% of the standard flavor bullshit intact because that way people might actually eat it. If a bitter pill will save a man’s life and a tasty one will get him high, he will take the tasty pill 99 times of out 100. Try to keep that in mind, because your altruism is worthless if it amounts to nothing.” Says Stella

“Life is suffering and suicide is painless; I know it’s hard to convince a reckless hedonist that his philosophy is detestable, but I kind of hope that peoples hatred of each other will enable them to take the parts of my philosophy that enable them to criticize the people they hate, with each side arming themselves with knowledge until they ultimately destroy each other. Hatred and hedonism tend to be the driving forces, so as much as I’m opposed to the pursuit of pleasure, hatred is always valuable so long as you hate things worthy of being hated. The reason that I preach such an oppressive society is that it is impossible to convince a person to become a masochist when they could instead enjoy the hedonistic suicide of society their entire life and be celebrated for doing so; instead I would rather make the pursuit of hedonism far more painful than life sustaining masochism so that people would simply be naturally tempted to take the path of relative hedonism despite its inherently masochistic traits. It’s frustrating to know that solutions exist but the world is unwilling to accept them on the grounds of opinionation rather than any legitimate form of rebuttal, but such is politics and it will likely never change, at least in the west.” Says Stacy

“If you do what I said you can maybe slowly wean the people off of suicidal hedonism and make progress towards your goal, even if you only make it 2 or 3 percent of the way there, you are still setting a precedent. I’m sure it would be hard to mask your true intentions due to the fact that you revel in them, but if you could convince the people that your ideas are clearly in their hedonistic self-interest then you might actually be able to accomplish something. Seeing how the vast majority of the people are willing to accept baseless claims from politicians as facts, it might be easier than you think.” Says Stella

“I might be too much of an altruist to accomplish that. I just logically come to the most rational conclusion and then accept that, I’m not so much a trickster to delight in misleading people and stringing them along for a length of time for petty gains. I’m fonder of beating somebody mercilessly until they accept the truth as I have no appetite for bullshit, but I suppose a little pragmatism would go a long way.” Says Stacy

“Try to work some sort of socialistic, ‘I care about people and want to help them’ spiel in there somehow. I’m sure people would accept some increase of authority in exchange for promises of safety, comfort, pleasure, health, or whatever; they tend to beg for that sort of thing as they are protesting guns all the time.” Says Stella

“Welfare state socialism is just so intolerable, valuing not only standard bestial humans, but declaring the social, mental, and genetic degenerates as those most worthy of investment. To seek the lowest return possible on an investment in the name of humanism is deplorable, people work to accomplish things and increase value, and this notion of helping those who largely cannot be helped is entirely contrary to a healthy economy. The mantra itself is entirely flawed, for if things are given to each according to their needs, this means millions of dollars are spent to keep some person incapable of functioning in society alive for years on end solely because they need the money to be alive, while people who would actually benefit society if they were invested in as opposed to simply rot and stagnate receive far little to no assistance. This is profoundly destructive in the case of successful entities who could have their successes furthered with social support, but instead are expected to hinder their own success in order to torture those who are capable of dying slower with the assistance of medical science prolonging their own miserable existence and exacerbating the economic distress those people place on society.

A truly socialist mantra would be ‘From each according to their means, to each according to society's needs’. Anyone who truly values society more than the individual, as all people aside from anarchists should, sees the undeniable truth to this statement. This applies to all things, even human and civil rights, which are actually privileges mind you, and if someone having certain rights is harmful to society, or society would otherwise benefit from stripping a person of these rights, it is truly antisocial, veritably psychopathic, to fail to strip them of their rights. Instead, the antisocial nature of common socialism values a person’s own self-serving interest more than the quality of society for all people.

This can be seen to a minimalistic extent in the penal system, but more so in the unincarcerated who savagely wield these liberties and are able to blight, hinder, and problem society at their own leisure with their pursuits of hedonism, leisure, social power, social significance, and immortality while placing the economic and social burden of their self-serving nature on the backs of the economy so long as they stay within the confines of the law. This is also true of all social spending, for if the spending is not in line with the needs of society, the spending can only be contrary to the needs of society, and once again this is a psychopathic tendency to torture others through ones reckless self-serving interests.

Human rights and their basic needs often contradict the needs of society, and if the society values the human before society, the society is committing suicide in the name of humanism simply because the degenerate social burden has the capacity to express the pain or displeasure it feels directly while all painful afflictions that society endures on account of tolerating degeneracy are slower to manifest until the general population and the system itself eventually begin to show symptoms of their own enfeeblement. To value the sick, dying, and crying more than the general success of society as a whole is logic identical to pardoning all murderers because they are capable of complaining whereas the corpses of their victims are not; to sacrifice the health of society in exchange for one’s own health is no nobler than vampirism.

All money that is spent on fruitless humanist causes is money not spent on perpetuating the survival and success of society itself, which can be felt in the general level of degeneracy apparent in the common man, who due to a lack of proper social conditioning fails to see himself as a subordinate vassal of society whose own survival and success depends entirely on society, the allegorical king, and his ability to hold and manifest his royal power. On top of that, through antisocial socialist conditioning, the man paradoxically sees society as his servant, convincing him that he alone is somehow more valuable than the continued survival and success of society as a whole to the point he believes he is owed and entitled to things by society simply because he has the same warm-blood as any other mammalian beast of burden, despite often times providing far less to society and taking far more from society than an animal forced to live in a barn; all of this while failing to understand any of the systems by which the things he feels entitled to are even capable of existing in the first place to the point where he demonizes the system for failing to exist in the happy-go-lucky and blatantly unnatural and unsustainable if not entirely impossible form his idealist mind with the logical capacity of a child believes everything should exist.

Regardless of what someone may think, never in the history of the world has society formed out of a desire to put candy into the mouth of every entitled and childish person who believes that they deserve such treats for doing nothing other than existing, yet for some reason that is the form of governance people seek to establish. Society was created for a reason, it functions for a reason, and these reasons are for the mutual well-being and communal success of the society; if an action does not provide a mutual benefit to society for both the recipient and the society, the action is veritably antisocial and thus the manifest of narcissistic psychopathy in those who defend the existence of these systems. These people need mental healthcare, even such that is funded by the state, but this is to primarily to acknowledge, diagnose, and treat their mental illness that is explicitly verified through their defense of welfare state socialism, and this must be diagnosed and treated as the narcissistic antisocial psychopathy that it truly is.” Says Stacy

“That was maybe like 95% you and 5% common sentiment, but I did notice you were defending healthcare provided by the state, so it kind of feels like you made some sort of effort. Ironically I doubt anyone besides diagnosable psychopaths would agree with your claims. A great place to start cleaning up your mantra would probably be to avoid saying you want to deprive people of their human rights.” Says Stella

“I think there could be a great movement for social rights, all about the rights a society has to defend itself from the god damn vampires and psychopathic socialists. Socialists that seek to cripple society on the basis of sympathy or empathy are no more justified than a man high on phencyclidine who beats a small child to death because it makes him feel good emotionally. The people weild the same dominance over society, and they choose to brutalize it and cripple it because this makes them feel good emotionally. I think I had a pretty decent argument, it doesn’t say that social welfare is wrong, it just says welfare that does not mutually benefit society is reckless, irresponsible, and amount nothing more  than the suicide of society.” Says Stacy

“Good luck convincing the majority of that, seeing how easily a quarter of the people in a welfare state receive some form of welfare and another quarter of the population has some capacity for sympathy or empathy to the point where they defend those people.” Says Stella

“That capacity is largely indoctrinated through the political strategy of pacifistic apologetics due to the ease of maintaining public image solely by apologizing and effectively distancing one’s self from the source of the people’s indignation or otherwise indoctrinating people to think that the politicians are making some sort of effort to resolve it. This practice is far less respectable than simply buying votes even though it is fundamentally no different simply because the people who buy votes at least have the backbone to be honest and straightforward about buying votes as opposed to arguing that their buying of votes is truly some selfless wholehearted care for the poor. So long as social welfare is legal, it is explicitly a system in which the providers of the welfare buy the votes of the recipients of the welfare, and as much as I am not opposed to this in the slightest, I simply feel that it should also be equally valid and respectable to buy votes from people in an honest, straightforward and respectable manner. To forbid such a practice is truly an assault on political freedom as those in power have the capacity to buy votes while those without are unable to do so honestly, and the only reason it is less so atrocious than it could be is because the poor are usually forgetful, ungrateful, yield more unquenched indignation, or otherwise take the welfare for granted giving the process of de facto vote buying through welfare enough glaring faults and shortcomings due to the nature of the people who one can buy votes from in an apparently altruistic manner.” Says Stacy

“Even though the liberals buy votes through social welfare, the plutocrats still buy legislation through lobbying, and you know as well as anyone else that putting your man in office will more than likely amount to little to nothing. The only reason I can agree with your philosophy on vote buying is that I’m cynical enough to believe that since it is already happening in the form of welfare and lobbying, there shouldn’t be any shameless pretense about the facts of the matter. It’s not like it is even a secret, they just preach incredulity to the fact and say that since it isn’t explicitly called buying votes, it clearly does not qualify as such. As much as I don’t support plutocracy, I just think hypocrisy and shameless incredulity is far worse than plutocracy because I would rather have an honest and corrupt government than a dishonest and corrupt government. We could just solve the entire problem by calling it something like social cooperation instead of corruption and then there is the same logic defending the practice.” Says Stella

“I appreciate the cynicism, it’s a shame that honesty and realism are so slandered by the delusional idealists that honest realism has to wear the slur of cynicism. It is also in a sense disparaging to true cynics for failing to distinguish the beauty of the fact that their disdain and loathing for people is far greater than the amount that people actually deserve.” Says Stacy

“You would be the one to say that cynicism is beautiful; I think it’s kind of dismal, but I’m the pot calling the kettle black if I try to believe the delusion that people aren’t by definition entirely self-serving and deceitful. The common notion is so shameless that so long as someone else’s deceitful self-serving interests are also in one’s own interests then the person is not at all self-serving but in fact selfless and benevolent. Just because two people have shared self-interest and happen to agree upon the fact that acting in their mutual self-interest qualifies as selflessness is despicable. As much as you tend to hate everybody, you do often have arguments that are hardly self-serving in the slightest, but I think the pleasure you would get from torturing and oppressing people kind of sullies your apparent selflessness.” Says Stella

“I don’t argue these things because I want to torture people; on the contrary, I argue these things because I don’t want to torture people. I would love to live in a world where I could agree with everything and everyone and thus have no reason to torture and oppress anyone, but until that happens to be the case I am very much so in favor of torturing anyone and everyone necessary until the world can become enlightened enough to the point where I no longer have this overwhelming notion to torture people on account of their degeneracy and idiocy.Regardless of how I may enjoy helping people and society by torturing them mercilessly, it is still entirely selfless of me, for I am only doing it out of my desire to help them, and this is apparent through the fact that I wouldn’t torture anybody I don’t deem worthy of being tortured, and in fact I would cherish these people. To argue that I am a sadist is to say that a schoolteacher is a sadist when she corrects your test and writes in the correct answer; she is obligated to tell you that you are incorrect and she explains to you how to be correct. I may be a stern teacher, but I truly care deeply about the education and social development of the children and the people who seem to have the mental maturity and/or capacity of children.” Says Stacy

“You’re such a saint. I love your wholesome take on torture. At least you don’t tout the bullshit argument that it hurts you more than it hurts them like plenty of parents who beat their kids.” Says Stella

“Of course not, I know it hurts them far more than it hurts me, and in fact it feels quite good, like helping an old lady cross the street or helping a struggling schoolchild, to assist somebody in correcting their behavior like that. It really feels like the right thing to do, because not only are you helping both the person and society, but it is extremely efficient in terms of time, effort, and energy for everyone involved. It feels like it should be a crime to fail to help people in such a way that is so easy and effective. It is a human right to education, and to deprive these people of a proper and healthy learning environment for them to develop the knowledge and they skillset they need to survive and thrive in the world is entirely inhumane.” Says Stacy

“The cheery mentality you have for torturing people is kind of creepy, but I think it’s cute. It’s probably the part of me that just wants to die though.” Says Stella

“Torture is something different entirely; you are torturing somebody if you have no motive for the torture other than to enjoy it, if you are teaching them something, you are educating them, not torturing them, if you are extracting information, you are investigating, not torturing, if you are forcing them to work, you are motivating, if you are instilling fear, you are keeping the peace, and so on and so on. Clearly there is an obvious difference between torture and helping people.” Says Stacy

“I think the US government would be fond of that interpretation to some extent, who knows, they might actually make you the head of some international human rights group one day, I’m sure you would be popular with a majority of the countries in the world.” Says Stella

“The problem with human rights watchdogs is that the noble nations will half-ass some attempt to make it seem like they’re being responsible while the proudly shameless nations don’t give a fuck about the complaints of the paradoxical pacifistic humanist fascists. The true shame is that regardless of being nearly identical to the dictionary definition of fascism, the west doesn’t embrace the term, even if they’re paradoxical fascists who allegedly value humanism and pacifism as opposed to the nation and its people, they could still at least acknowledge the fact that they forcibly suppress all opposition and criticism to humanism and pacifism, even if it is through the subtle indoctrination of the people, this just allows the people in power to happily tolerate these opposing opinions because they have conditioned their people to vehemently sink their fangs into anyone opposed to their Reich. Their idea just seems to be to function in a way that is nearly identical to fascism but instead of choosing to publicly embrace that fact, simply do everything possible to purport that you are not fascist at all.

Fascists may have killed tons of people in some methamphetamine induced rage, but that still doesn’t mean that their economic reforms weren’t extremely successful and veritably capable of turning war-torn debt-ridden countries into world powers over a decade; I suppose the west just wants to emulate that success but they can’t do so publicly without facing criticism for emulating fascism. Just because a skilled mechanic happens to beat his neighbor to death with a wrench when he is high on methamphetamine doesn’t invalidate the fact that he was very capable of fixing cars, and it doesn’t mean that fixing cars inherently makes you equally as evil as someone who beats people to death with a wrench.

Perhaps the terminology is off, fascism as opposed to authoritarian nationalism, but regardless, the national identity of pacifistic humanism is still enforced by authoritarian means and is boldly trumpeted on public media while the businesses and government rule together with their hands in each other’s pants. It truly is a shame that so much time and energy is wasted on saving face when it amounts to nothing but strife and problems, and now the level of humanistic indignation in society has gotten to the point where the federal government should promptly set up a far-left hyper-humanistic state whose trope is giving people more rights and everything they want that ends up killing a fuck load of people which they justify with their human rights and civil rights, just to demonize the indignant leftists with the same vehemence as the conservatives, but now that I think about it that is literally exactly what happened in soviet Russia, and somehow we have forgotten the dangers of indignant peasants and failed to demonize that sort of mentality to the point where it has become popular again.

The country needs McCarthyism now more than ever, seeing how without it our own country is destined to the fate of the Soviet Union due to the profusion of delusional socialists who somehow over the course of 20 years have forgotten that their ideology of indignant entitlement is what led to the deaths of tens of millions of people and the complete collapse of a world superpower. The Soviet system could have worked if the people were not so entitled and indignant, so if these people think that starting out their socialist regime with the population consisting entirely of even more so entitled and indignant people, people whose sentiments are far less justifiable than those of the truly oppressed Soviet peasants, is anything besides shooting the country in the head multiple times, they are the utmost of fools.” Says Stacy

“Christ, it’s kind of funny you think you have this great idea but realize that the Soviets already did exactly what you were arguing in favor of and that failed to change people’s perspectives. I guess it did while the Soviets were in power, but once they collapsed plenty of people got high on the same delusions that sparked the Russian Revolution in the first place without having the tyranny of the Soviets to remind them to stay away from said drugs. That’s your exactly your problem, you try to peddle cold hard reality and mechanical legitimacy when people have no appetite for that stuff; people only want the insane idyllic delusion where everything is perfect and everybody is happy, and while they can’t fathom this as a reality, they are still dumb enough to believe that Robin Hood is capable of swooping into office and stealing all the money and giving it to them or that some right-winger will somehow defend Christian values, put women and minorities back in the role of second class citizens, and then get everybody higher wages and better jobs through the baseless argument of magical of tax cuts. Even your argument of the little city-states or whatever probably doesn’t have the same appeal because you are telling people that they have to do the work themselves as opposed to having the government just do what they want and let them keep drinking beer or smoking reefers while everything magically gets fixed.” Says Stella

“Honestly I’m kind of tempted by the role of the magical centrist who somehow caters to what everybody wants and aggravates nobody. It’s an entertaining thought, but even if I did commit to that I doubt people would abandon their party lines even if they were capable of doing that. It’s not like Europe where you have a handful of parties, here it’s one or the other and if you’re part of one you’re hated by the other. I’m so sick I’m dreaming of getting the nomination of both parties for office, just because I’m so damn good at doling out the baseless promises, but I figure I could just stitch the two ideologies together and who knows, with this countries fetish for unnatural ridiculous hypocritical baseless ideological monstrosities, I might actually have a chance.” Says Stacy

“Even though it’s not the best idea, it is far better than your current platform. You could always be some sort of moderate for whichever party, seeing how independents are worthless.” Says Stella

“I’ll entertain you, even if it’s not but that.” Says Stacy “I will give everybody affordable healthcare by completely demolishing the regulations on pharmaceutical drugs, allowing everybody to have access to affordable medicine, and it’s as easy as going to the store to buy your meds over the counter, and I will subsidize every pharmaceutical company to the point where the people of America own them, then I will choose not to profit from the American people, giving them the drugs they need without extorting money from them, but you will actually make a profit from healthcare instead of letting those bandits just take all of your money, because you own the company and we’re making a killing selling these drugs overseas. That’s how we the people do business, and we mean business, don’t we?” says Stacy, rallying in an enthusiastic yet hopeless manner

“The crowd goes wild, they don’t understand anything, but they love it.” Jokes Stella

“I think I gave you a good shtick about the simultaneous segregation and minority empowerment earlier, unless you want me to go on about it again.” Says Stacy

“That was pretty good, just do something else. It’s so much easier to put insane blind hope into your optimistic nonsense than it is your heartless altruism. This is what the people want.” Says Stella

“I know you want jobs, affordable housing, better wages, and I plan on delivering. I won’t let these real estate bandits make a killing by holding every piece of property hostage. I will make that property worthless by building new revolutionary cities that people will flock to, full of great jobs and affordable housing; free of the bandits nickel and diming you just because you want to live in an area where you can work; we will bring manufacturing and every business back to America by creating undeniably competitive environments for businesses with taxes so low the best companies in America will be itching to establish a branch in this new haven of good jobs with good wages because the business environment is perfect.

I’m sure people are plenty grateful that the government looks out for them giving them what they need in terms of food and shelter, and I’m going to give them another basic need, jobs. If you come work for the new America, you won’t even have to worry about that because we will give you food and housing just for doing your part and supporting our economy. It’s a free market, and you know me, I like to compete in the market, so I’m going to establish a federal competitor in every field just to ensure that we keep the bar high, and also to wake up the corporate fat cats when I give them a run for their money.

Even if we turn a massive profit, which we will, it’s all going right back to the economy, and the most important part of the economy is the people; you won’t see some suit and tie sitting at a desk making 100 times what the honest man makes just because he’s kissed enough ass to get there and feels entitled to the money, you’ll see a business dedicated to serving the people, run by civil servants instead of money grubbers who know that making sure that the people are taken care of is far more important than a yacht full of cocaine and hookers.

I’m not saying I’m coming to take your yacht, your cocaine, or your hookers, of course not; I’m just going to keep you on your toes, and if you’ve got faith in the private sector, guess what, so do I, by establishing these federal businesses we will be able to slash the corporate tax rates and still make more money than ever before because the government finally has an honest president who understands that money comes from doing hard work and making money, and knows that it is reprehensible for the government to exist simply by taking all of the money they want; that doesn’t sound like a free market to me, that sounds like communism; by doing this I am allowing both our country and all our of people to thrive and allowing the private sector to break free of the shackles placed upon them by the federal vampires once I go into Washington with my wooden stake and drive it into the heart of those blood-sucking monsters!” says Stacy in a reluctant and modest excitement

“Completely insane, unfeasible, and hypocritical, but you’re much closer to a real politician when you talk like that.” Says Stella

“When you critique me like that, you make me think I could pass as the real thing. The funny thing is I have no idea what I’m talking about, but I guess that just adds to the authenticity and legitimacy of it all.” Says Stacy

“Your skill in taking all of the promises and ideals of each party and stitching them together into some contorted amalgam is comparable to Frankenstein himself.” Says Stella

“It was very confusing, but I figured if I criticize and praise all of the people but then throw all of the blame on the established government, I could possibly steer them away from the establishment candidates. The finisher is just relying on the whole city-state idea to convince people that they can have everything they want and also ensure that the people they hate don’t get what they want.” Says Stacy

“Give me some of that.” Says Stella

“Jesus.” Says sighs and rolls her eyes “I know there are some disagreements, but we can all just agree to disagree, can’t we? Instead of living under the oppressive authority of the fed, I’ll give every state, county, city, community, and even your private property autonomy, so you and your people can make the decisions you want without having to worry about the fed raining on your parade.

Yes guns, no guns, more guns, some guns, gun training, anything you want, it’s your decision and your own policy, the only thing the fed is going to do is protect your right to autonomy and help you succeed in any way they can. You want healthcare, you got it, free drugs, no drugs, some drugs, you got it, free school, no school, some school; all day baby. You like farming or manufacturing? Attract the people and businesses you want with your own policies, I know the fed likes to think that they know what’s best for everybody all the time and that people are too stupid to make their own decisions, but it’s about time the people told the feds who is boss, this country was founded by the people for the people, and the people are the ones who should be calling the shots, not some professional politician who doesn’t give  a rats ass about the people and is only willing to pretend to do so to keep him in office so he can perpetuate the agenda of the lobbyists who buy his vote every time with hookers and cocaine. You can’t trust a man to make a decision in that kind of environment; the problem with Washington is the old adage if it’s out of sight it’s out of mind, and since the people are a million miles away of course the politicians aren’t going to give a damn about what they think when they’re so high on hookers and blow they’re just thinking about getting their next fix, and all that means is they’re going straight to the lobbyists who got them hooked in the first place.

 Absolute power corrupts absolutely, and this has never been more true than it is today; we need to dissolve the central power and give it back to the people, because corrupting government officials is as easy as giving them hookers and blow, but it is impossible to corrupt the hard working and honest people of America who only want to have their own best interests represented in government instead of those of people who claim to represent their best interests but are only interested in powder and poontang. Give me liberty or give me death, and I don’t think that having 600 snake-tongued tricksters calling all the shots and ruling over 300 million people with impunity is liberty in the slightest. This is the land of the free, and it’s about time we remind the bureaucracy that the free will of free people is more powerful than they are, because right now all they’re trying to do is make this country known as the land of the bureaucrat, and I, just like all of you have had more than enough of that tomfoolery.” Says Stacy

“Yes. That is it. That is politics. Sadly I doubt the media will support you, but just do that instead of your normal nonsense.” Says Stella

“I look like a complete idiot though; I usually make decent points with valid reasons, this is just rambling on about how I am the solution to everyone’s problems and the government is the source of them. It feels like what I can imagine the high from huffing paint would feel like, which is something like intoxicating stupidity, but I’m just kind of ashamed of that feeling, I was only doing it out of facetiousness to be honest. The problem with that philosophy is I couldn’t hold my muster in a debate because my logic is all baseless nonsense, so when criticized I would likely sound like I didn’t know what the hell I was talking about.” Says Stacy

“It doesn’t matter, people love that sort of fiery rabblerousing and I’m sure that most people have the intelligence of somebody who huffs paint or otherwise is delusional enough to have any sort of logical arguments against your philosophy silenced by how much they believe you will magically make everything awesome. So long as you believe or at least believably pretend to believe that you are unquestionably correct, the people will all share that mentality with you, both when they listen to you and when they echo your sentiments in the heated ignorance of political debate amongst their peers.” Says Stella

“The plan is flawed from the start, it requires the politicians and bureaucrats to basically desire to commit suicide so unless I’ve got some massive cult following of people that manage to take the house and senate I would need to seize some sort of power that allows me to demonize and oppress the politicians as some sort of enemies of the state so that they would agree with me for fear of losing their job or possibly their life if I can rally enough public outrage. I do like the platform that basically says ‘fuck everybody else I’m the greatest’, but I doubt I could actually accomplish what I say, and then I end up being just another politician known for false promises and failure. That’s why I prefer the route of enlightening the people because I can achieve the same results if my ideas become popular and succeed, but I can also avoid being held accountable for any sort of failures of those elected to enact the policy, and even better I can notice their mistakes and then criticize the mistakes furthering the optimization of my own philosophy while also distancing it from realized failures.” Says Stacy

“Well, at least do more of that rallying nonsense; that is great. That is true politics right there, anyone who is stupid enough to think it has anything to do with policy or legislation or any other form of legislative bullshit is delusional. Politics in its entirety is just rallying the people who more than likely don’t give a damn about what you do so long as they person they like is holding office.” Says Stella

“I’d rather not defile the purity and sanctity of my philosophy with rabblerousing banter; as much as I could maybe speak on some politician’s behalf, I wouldn’t want to claim the shamelessness known as rallying idiots with inane propaganda as my own philosophy. I could always bullshit my way out of being criticized for doing that for someone else stating the difference between politics and governance, but if I take up that platform as my own then I’m doing a disservice to myself by stooping to the level of appealing to lowest common denominator just to be some puppet for the nation’s political agenda that entirely invalidates political party, ideology, and any form of puppet parlor tricks that someone employed in the field utilized to gain their political office.” Says Stacy

“Clearly since both parties agree that sadomasochistic torture and enslavement are bad ideas there must be a treacherous conspiracy going on behind the scenes. You realized that if you were capable of appealing to the lowest common denominator you would have a massive following because all of those people can agree with you because they all share the same sentiment that you preach. You defend your strategy of appealing to a population of one person and slander finding common ground for a large group of people to rally behind. If you look at the potency of policy as the strength of the following multiplied by the legitimacy of the policy, you could have a policy that is one thousandth as legitimate and it would be equally as capable of changing society as your supposedly correct ideology if you could convince one thousand people of whatever it was. I’m just giving you the benefit of the doubt in terms of correctness because I know you’re not going to listen to any criticism of your ideals.” Says Stella

“The lowest common denominators are many flavors of self-serving delusion and beyond that you are appealing to one out of a thousand people if you fail to stoke that delusion. That is my qualm with the idea; I’m not going to devote my life to instilling delusions of grandeur in people when that is explicitly contrary to my ideals and my morals quite frankly. Even if I did I wouldn’t be able to accomplish anything other than attempting to hold onto power by convincing people I am attempting to draft legislature that legitimizes the delusions of grandeur I instilled in the people, and that right there is one of the main problems I seek to solve.” Says Stacy

“As much as you are bafflingly hypocritical with that approach, I do realize that most political ideologies share that same philosophy when it comes to defending their own ideals and criticizing the others. It’s a shame you’re not just going to use your ability to talk incessantly to accomplish something, even if it is trivial, you could still make some little difference by sneakily doing small things behind the scenes so long as you keep your base rallied behind their delusions of magnificent significance.” Says Stella

“I’m not a hypocrite in the slightest, my delusions revolve entirely around the legitimacy and necessity of dehumanization while the delusions stoked by the major political parties involve hyperbolizing the value, significance, sanctity, worthiness, and power of the common man as well as applying this rhetoric to any other measure of self-worth that people have, especially when using their platform as a vector to criticize their opponents in which they portray their own followers as benevolent saints whose moral and philosophical justification is so unquestionable it is equivalent to god himself simply because they want free things or support the agenda of one plutocrat’s puppet army or the other.

In the end politicians are so powerless to make significant changes to anything and only serve to patch up any holes in the status quo with legislative paperwork. It would be a pipe dream to think that I could ever accomplish meaningful correction of the governing body of this country without a coup or revolution, and seeing how it’s a painfully masochistic authoritarian humanist police state, doing either would be difficult. The only reason I can see that the plutocrats preach humanism is to destroy the social hierarchy so that there are no longer any equivalents of nobles who can challenge their powers; they reduced everyone to the lowest class of peasants arguing that this is fair and right and just, and seeing how they still retain their plutocratic oligarchy, it’s clearly not that they feel that way, they just wanted to keep as much distance between their oligarchy and the people who through any sort of educated and organized political platform could actually challenge them with the systems in place; but as the masses have been indoctrinated since the advent of the media and the indoctrination only gets stronger as the media becomes more ubiquitous with the minds of the people, there is little hope in accomplishing anything in this manner anymore.

It’s not even that I give a damn that the rich own the government, I just give a damn that their fucking passed out on a yacht with a needle full of money in their arm and they’re too damn high to keep the peace and maintain social and civil order because doing that is deemed to be atrocious and wrong. They hold this mentality all because the umpteenth empire in the last 4000 years kept the peace and maintained social and civil order just like every other godforsaken government that survived for any meaningful amount of time just happened to kill a bunch of civilians.

Jesus Christ himself, as much as the rest of the world understands that exerting authority is not emulating Hitler any more than it is emulating Ancient Rome or even Newtonian Physics for fuck’s sake. Authority makes things work and it makes them work in an orderly, predictable, and dependable manner, but nowadays somebody will drop a fucking hat and there will be hundreds of thousands of people rioting in the streets over something so petty.

Since here authority is bad and freedom is good, this has created a society where everybody, rich, poor, old, young, white, black, and literally fucking everybody else is chasing whichever fucking dragon gets them the highest, and for some reason I’m the only one who can only get high from strict order, mechanical organization, militant diligence, selfless industry, unquestioned authority, brutal loyalty, and competitive efficiency. Everyone else is chasing the flashing lights, pretentiousness, and cocaine or even worse the holographic baubles on their telescreens like the fucking fiends they are. This is a country proud of being nothing but filthy fucking junkies and sometimes I just want to bash their fucking skulls in with a bat for littering the god damn streets with their lifeless fucking junkie zombie bodies.” Says Stacy

“Woah nelly, hold on now, hold your horses. I don’t want you to start running off into the city with avengeance. You know you can’t get the needle out of a junkies arm before he either kills you with it or kills himself with it, so as much as it may be aggravating it’s best to take a step back and find some relief knowing that they’re all probably miserable leading empty materialistic lives chasing the dragon all day and finding self-worth only through the respect of others which they seldom find. No need to go around cracking skulls, especially when the people and the law both love that dragon one hell of a lot more than any god damn dragon-slayer. The people like that, they’re just spilt milk, there’s no putting them back in the glass, no reason to be upset about that.

The best you can probably do is through some social benevolence campaign, but prohibition ended in a terrible failure, so you might just be shit out of luck. If you really did hate them, you could devote your life to discovering an insanely powerful, addicting, and crippling street-legal hedonistic high, but I’m pretty sure that’s all anyone who works in research and development at any business in the world does all day, so you will probably be fine leaving it to the experts. Just be happy knowing that one day, all the idiots with wires in their brain will get their just deserts being tortured by the newest wave of technological heroin or cocaine that consumes their lives entirely. Just be calm, ok. I’m just a bit concerned because I’m pretty sure damn near everybody in the world falls under the category of a hedonism junkie in your book. I don’t want you going into school all riled up like that looking for an excuse to kill somebody.” Says Stella

“I appreciate the concern for my wellbeing, but I’ll be fine; most people are worthy of death, but few are worthy of being murdered. I can get a little relief just watching the dolts work so damn hard so they can spend their lives as an enslaved living corpse mindlessly trying to climb the hedonist’s social hierarchy despite their minds rotting and their flesh falling off the bone as they try. There’s something pleasurable about watching a masochistic suicide.” Says Stacy

“Seeing how being that sort of dolt is the only way to provide for yourself, you either do that or you’re some sort of homeless beggar at the end of the day. You might see the kids trying hard in school as dolts, but when they’re making decent money because they tortured themselves for the next 8 years and you’re doing god knows what in whatever sick part of the city your skills are in demand, they might see you as the dolt in the end.” Says Stella

“At least I’ll enjoy my job, and even if I can’t find one of the sort, I wouldn’t mind spending the days in the sunshine and enjoying my soup.” Says Stacy

“Try to do better than that; you actually have potential, it would be a shame for you to squander the rest of your life because you were a lazy child who ends up being reduced to menial labor or worse.” Says Stella

“I don’t have a choice for the first part; the second part is just if I am able to retire through some odd miracle.” Says Stacy

“I think you could try to balance a normal life and you’re ‘calling’ or whatever you want to call it, doing that professionally wouldn’t give you much of an alibi either.” Says Stella

“You’ve got a point, but then I’m in the same boat as everyone else trying to find a field of work that I enjoy, and plenty of people have offed themselves just because they made the wrong choice and hate their lives. I don’t want money, I don’t want to help people; I am largely opposed to the arts, technology and medicine; I’m lazy and wouldn’t want to peddle things or do menial labor indefinitely; and I’m ironically not interested in politics in its current state; so I’m kind of at a loss as to what exactly I would do.” Says Stacy

“You kind of limited yourself to some sort of scientist or a police officer here in Bay City, so take your pick I guess. I would think both of them could help your little ring, but realistically I’m pretty sure cop is the only one that would kill enough people.” Says Stella

“I wouldn’t mind legal impunity, stroking my ego all day, and hunting down people I don’t like for the wages and benefits of a civil servant. Hell, I might even get enough skulls on my desk to make me the chief one day.” Says Stacy

“I think doing that is squandering your intellectual potential, but since you seem to be fonder of your capacity for acquiring ego than you do your capacity for acquiring intelligence, cop would probably suit you. Even then you’ve got to stay out of trouble and what not for a few years, so at least do that, for me, even if for nobody else.” Says Stella

“You somehow managed to inspire me right there; I’m starting to think that these four years of masochism might be worth it if I can land that dream job. I would love every day of cracking skulls and being above the law, the only problem is I would be ashamed that my coworkers were so corrupt and unjust, but seeing how well I can handle tolerating humanists, a few unjustified killings, robberies, and show trials here and there would hardly faze me in the slightest.” Says Stacy

“That truly is your calling, what can I say. Be good while we’re still in school, at least until you get a job that pays you to be an amoral bastion of corruption and wrath.” Says Stella, grimly, as the girls approach the gates to school

“Don’t worry, I’m a good person, I would only be as corrupt and amoral as it takes to keep my job and save face with the squad, beyond that it would be nothing but sweet godly justice.” Says Stacy

“For some reason I doubt that involves much due process.” Says Stella

“I’m noble enough to give the perps the de facto due process.” Says Stacy

“Which is largely the absence of due process, but I can’t expect you to change that.” Says Stella

“Good.” Says Stacy

“I’ll see you later; try to come home in one piece.” Says Stella

“I doubt the girls will have any appetite for mischief, don’t worry.” Says Stacy

“It’s you I’m worried about.” Says Stella

“They’ll keep me on my leash.” Says Stacy

“They’ll need to teach me that one.” Stella sighs

“You’re part of the pack, and dogs don’t have thumbs to hold a leash.” Says Stacy

“Don’t remind me. Go to class.” Says Stella grimly

“Ta ta.” Sings Stacy as the girls head their separate ways through the halls of a school refined with old age and old money, tastefully archaic and brimming with refined flavor resonant of the days of equally flavorful people, most of the girls more so refined by the electric sharpness and plastic dullness of technology as opposed to the delicate sensual curves of ornate artfulness and a world designed by pompous airs which weighed heavier on the people than clouds of lead.




Stacy strolls into class delightfully, the routine having yet to induce the feeling of anxious claustrophobia with its rigidity and structure.

“Fancy seeing you here.” Says Jenna, dryly

“Stella wouldn’t even let me skip a Friday.” Says Stacy

“Let’s hope nothing spoils her hard work of dragging you all the way here.” Says Jenna, looking back down at her study sheet

“She actually gave me an inspirational talk about the value of school today, so I might actually put in some sort of effort today.” Says Stacy

“I think she gives you one of those multiple times a day, I can’t imagine how she actually got something through that thick skull of yours.” Says Jenna

“We were talking about careers and what not, and figured I should be a cop. I tend to dread work, but that doesn’t sound half bad.” Says Stacy

“I could see you making a career out of that. You tend to disregard the facts and replace them with whatever you happen to believe or want to believe, and that is what I infer most police reports to consist of.” Says Jenna

“I know, it seems like a perfect fit.” Says Stacy

“I think you still need to graduate to get that job though, so sit down and study for the test or something.” says Jenna

“I’ll take you up on the latter.” jokes Stacy

“Jesus, sit down. It’s almost time for class, at least try to look like you’re not some ne’er-do-well.” Says Jenna

“I’m sorry for spoiling your image of immaculate studiousness.” Says Stacy

“If you can show me an immaculate vocab test I can forgive you.” Says Jenna

“I’m not going to turn it in blank.” Jokes Stacy

“I would be counting 15 maculations at that point, so that’s clearly not what I meant.” Says Jenna

“Jesus, Jenna, it’s not like she’s your daughter or something.” says Rachel from behind Jenna

“I’m more of her aunt or something; thankfully her sister does what she can to keep her in line, but sometimes that responsibility falls onto me.” Says Jenna

“Stacy how does it feel to be such an idiot that two people are accustomed to treating you like a small child?” asks Rachel

“Feels pretty damn good; I can’t think of many small children who have their minds consumed with social insecurity, petty cattiness, crippling vanity, depression, and self-loathing.” Says Stacy

“Go fuck yourself Stacy, you’re more pretentious than a small child amongst their friends, and that is literally the only thought small children’s minds are capable of fathoming.” Says Rachel

“I have honed my craft over these many years; it is no longer the work of a novice, but that of a master of the fine art.” Says Stacy

“Stop being childish, both of you, just study, or at least shut up.” Says Jenna, not in the mood for games, Rachel flips Stacy the bird frowning, Stacy grins delightedly as she opens her arms in a gesture of fawning self-glorification as she goes to her seat


“Good morning, beautiful.” Says Stacy

“You’re feeling good today.” Says Ophelia,

“The best day of the workweek. If only everybody could appreciate that.” Says Stacy

“I see that Jenna and Rachel had no time for funny business.” Says Ophelia

“And I thought my jokes were on point.” Says Stacy

“Even if your jokes were good that doesn’t mean Jenna was in the mood for them.” Says Ophelia

“That’s true, and since Rachel tends to be a bit of a crosspatch, I’ll just equate that to uproarious laughter from a more lubricated crowd.” Says Stacy

“I’m glad their gravity didn’t rain on your sunny-disposition.” Says Ophelia

“Science will tell you the sun is far above the clouds and the rain, and I’ve yet to experience a rainstorm where the rain falls upwards.” Says Stacy

“Well, you wouldn’t really know if it did, but I’m pretty sure it doesn’t. At least I’ve never heard of that.” Says Ophelia

“Even if it did those little teardrops from the sky would disintegrate long before they could get the sun wet. As much as some people try to criticize my mentality, it’s entirely ironic seeing how they themselves don’t even like being the little rainclouds they are.” Says Stacy

“I like the sunshine too, but too much might turn you into a desert or something, I’m sure there’s a thousand weather allegories to explain people. I like to think I’m a nice meadow or something, a little rain just makes everything grow green in the sunshine and all the animals are happy.” Says Ophelia

“That’s too cute, but I don’t think anything lives in the sky, and seeing how I doubt I’m coming down any time soon I’m either the sunshine or the clouds, so it’s an easy decision there.” Says Stacy

“God and angels live in the sky, so you can always put some clouds in there for them to live on.” Says Ophelia

“You’re probably my cloud, even if you can feel blue sometimes; you’re delightful and fluffy most of the time. All of the heavens can live inside of you, and they don’t seem to mind either.” Says Stacy

“Aww. I like that one too. It makes me glad that you’re like the sun because otherwise we would have a lot more cloudy days without you, and nobody likes those.” Says Ophelia

“We’re like a perfect day, sunny and warm with some clouds to make the sky pretty. So long as I can keep you and Jenna from feeling down it always tend to be a good day.” Says Stacy

“You’re pretty good at that, thankfully, yesterday might have been really bad without you there.” Says Ophelia

“No need to thank me; your my girl, you should just expect me to do things like that.” Says Stacy

“I do appreciate it though. I’m glad you have my best interests in mind even if they slip my own.” Says Ophelia

“Now I’ve just got to be on top of my own best interests and we’ll be golden, that’s a bit harder though.” Says Stacy

“I hope you studied for the test, some of these words are like nonsense words to me.” Says Ophelia

“Welcome to Southern Prep, it’s going to be 4 long years of this. Stella made sure I spent some time with them, so I’m confident.” Says Stacy

“I learned them all; I just kind of felt like you wondering why or even how I would ever use them in real life.” Says Ophelia

“They’re great for confusing people and making a fool of yourself, and I suppose if you ever do professional writing you use them to look intelligent. The first two I can appreciate in some respect.” Says Stacy

“I never would have thought of that, but I suppose I’m not in at all interested in confusing people or making a fool of myself.” Says Ophelia

“Then make sure you don’t major in English in college.” Jokes Stacy

“I’ll make a point not to.” Says Ophelia


The teacher enters the room, looks at the class and sighs slightly.

“I have been asked to remind you that while it is fine to carry a knife to school, it is against the rules to assault other students; we understand that the city can be dangerous and you may need means to defend yourself outside of school, but please don’t bring the dangers of the city into school with you. If you are having a dispute with another student, teachers and counselors can help you resolve this, violence is not the answer, and violent self-defense should be your last resort. That is all. I hope all of you studied for this vocabulary test, it is the first of many, so even if you don’t do well, just make a point of it to study much harder for the next one. School is a learning experience, and it is okay to make mistakes, just do your best to learn from them.” Says the teacher as she starts the testing procedure, the young class largely unsurprised by the use of a knife on school grounds


The school and society both carry on in the long procession of stripping the humanity from people’s minds and replacing it with the delusion of humanism through the multitudes of means to an end ranging from indoctrination and the electric behavioral modification devices whose patrons refer to them as entertainment. Those recalcitrant to this pacifistic authoritarianism induced by brutal indoctrination into the cult of the addictive hedonistic masochism of hands-free slavery are thoroughly lobotomized through means chemical or ballistic lest they are otherwise removed from society or often enough remove themselves due to the pain of failing to conform to the mass psychogenic illness induced by the cycle of having one’s life veritably threatened for failing to be dangerously nice and then the relief associated with meeting the demands of life-threatening extortion, the cycle itself now reduced to a subtle paranoia and incredulity to the militant authority extorting the mass suicide of society via the masochistic means of kindness, at least in the majority of people who have no interest in questioning the schemata of a society kept civil by militantly pacifistic extortion.

Those devoted to spreading the message of the cult have a mild time, occasionally enjoying themselves and their delusion of justification as they continue replacing all parts of the natural minds of the citizens including natural social civility with the notions and ideals favored by the powers that be for more often than not being able to warp the mind of a fairly dangerous animal to the point where it is so docile and fattened by the sickeningly sweet sociohoplegotheanthropolatry that convinces every slave of the presumed, unquestionable, beautiful sanctity of the palpably abominable, virulently metastasizing cancer known as human life and each of its members down to the most repugnant of all vice-ridden animals.

The bold nonconformists sit alone indifferently castigated for failing to format their minds to the machine-pressed monolithic politically correct uniformity continue babbling relative sanity with no audience for their iconoclastic and ironically more so legitimate philosophy, legitimized either through the validation of being more so insane than the standardized opinion and thus progressive and groundbreaking or otherwise having their mind reduced to the truer nature of the human beast defined by their constant fear, anxiety, paranoia, violence, rage, hatred, ego, psychopathy, or any other dignified flavor found in a healthy beast of the wilds so ubiquitous with ancient success that it is considered dangerous in a contemporary world where humans seldom are allowed to exist amongst the organic machines who have been culled and selected through centuries, favoring their mental plasticity in readily embracing whatever the pacifying program of propaganda happens to be the standard at the time. The herds of Homo domesticus show many signs of generations of irresponsible shepherding by the herdsmen who have long since forsaken the principles of their duty, intoxicated by their own success, leaving the herd to sicken and destroy themselves through their own mindless folly. The beasts too placated by domestication to care about their vigor and wellbeing, the shepherds too placated by Mammon.


The bell looses the girls from the boxes and they savor the fleeting moments of relative freedom, even if they’ve no interest in the stately menagerie of stewed vegetables being served for lunch. The girls find their usual spot outside to enjoy the freedom.



“Is it normal to be practically indifferent to the fact that somebody at our school got stabbed yesterday?” asks Jenna

“Yes.” Says Stacy, indifferently offhanded, not looking up from the stew

“No?” says Ophelia, mildly unsure of herself

“You’d be hard pressed to find a Bay Citizen that is bothered by that sort of thing; it’s like being concerned that the sun rises in the East.” Says Stacy

“I think the fact that it happened at our school is a little worrying, that’s different that just out in the city somewhere.” Says Ophelia

“I’d think at least a handful of folks embrace the local culture.” Says Stacy

“I’d like to think this sort of place wouldn’t attract people like that, but I suppose I’m wrong. The fact that it’s ok to have a knife at school and the indifference of the teacher makes me think that this has happened before.” Says Jenna

“It makes me kind of nervous, but I’m sure it happens at every other high school in the city too.” Says Ophelia

“I doubt they would even bring it up in the publics, so the fact that anyone even raises an eyebrow, let alone says something about it should make you feel safe. Sometimes people fight, and sometimes somebody gets stabbed, it’s just life in the big city.” Says Stacy

“I just hope it doesn’t happen to me.” Says Ophelia

“So long as you don’t get into fights with people you should be fine, people get stabbed for a reason, and even in this town it’s rare for somebody to go around stabbing people solely for the sheer pleasure of it.” Says Stacy

“I feel like I might be a little sick in the head for doing this, but I was thinking we just measure how many times a month we get a reminder not to stab people and we can work out our odds of being stabbed. If it’s once a month, 9 months of the year, that’s like a 9/800 chance to be stabbed every year which is pretty low, and that’s only if they’re completely random; most of the time it’s just troublemakers stabbing each other so that really stacks the odds in our favor, seeing how none of us would go starting trouble like that, would we?” asks Jenna, glaring at Stacy suspiciously as she finishes talking

“I’m not that petty, and I don’t even bring a knife to school.” Says Stacy

“Good. Keep it that way.” Says Jenna

“I’m going to do everything I can to keep my head down, the less I exist in people’s minds the better.” Says Stacy

“I can understand that philosophy given our situation. Before this whole ordeal I would be quite concerned about this happening, but as of now I just heard assaulted and not murdered and thought, ‘wow, what a fortuitous outcome’. I’m actually pretty comfortable with that, only because I can take into account where we live.’” Says Jenna

“We don’t really live in a rough part of town, but I suppose even in a catholic neighborhood there could be some bad people who just ended up in this part of town.” Says Ophelia

“I met a homeless man when I was walking to school the other day, quite the character, his name was Toto, delightful fellow.” Says Stacy

“Why did you talk to a homeless person?” asks Jenna

“Just passing by and being neighborly, you know I don’t mind a little banter now and then.” Says Stacy

“I know all too well.” Says Jenna

“I’m glad he was nice, I’m sure plenty of homeless people are actually good people if anyone would actually give them a chance.” Says Ophelia

“It’s not so much that they’re bad people more that they’re disinclined to work for whatever reason. It’s a matter of shamelessness, and if one has little interest in working and no qualms with the relative asceticism and begging for liquor money, I can see the temptation. In the end if you’re breaking your back every day for some food, shelter and liquor, some people would sacrifice the roof over their head and what little dignity they have just to avoid the pain and misery of slaving every day until you die.” Says Stacy

“I think there are often other reasons than pure choice, if the world knocks you down on your luck for whatever reason, it can often be hard if not impossible to get back on your feet. Sure some homeless people might be drawn to the lifestyle, but I’m sure most of them would much rather be living a normal life.” Says Jenna

“It’s kind of sad, but since the weather is so nice here I guess that makes it better than in other places.” Says Ophelia

“The weather might explain the disproportionate number of homeless people here, all of the professional derelicts flock here chasing the weather, but I would think such high numbers would have them biting into each other’s means.” Says Stacy

“Even if some people want to be homeless, plenty of things could be done to assist those who actually want to escape such a life.” Says Jenna

“Your options are work camps or just shack them up with those who actually provide for themselves, physically or through taxation, and either way you’ll get complaints. Then there’s still the likely outcome that the people are still disinclined to work and all the money that is spent to help them get on the feet amounts to nothing. Plenty of people are out of work for a reason, if they can’t hold a job in the first place, giving them another job isn’t going to resolve that problem. Work camps would at least put them to good use, at least better than panhandling and littering the streets, but turning a profit from any level of incarceration is difficult, even if it is the paradise of a work camp for non-violent individuals.

Plenty of them have outstanding issues such as mental illness or drug addiction, and while some of that can be resolved, those solutions are ephemeral unless you remove them from the source of their voluntary torment, so the addicts will relapse if you ever let them out of the work camp and the loonies clearly won’t have any means to afford medication. These people have been deemed unfit to be a part of any society but the society of the homeless, so just as criminals are removed from society for rehabilitation, these people could easily be permanently removed from society and rehabilitated to be reformed into someone of practical use.

The humanists would complain about freedom, but clearly these people cannot be trusted to use their freedom responsibly and thus they should have none. Even as a non-profit system there would need to be a respectable amount of productivity from the homeless in work camps, so this would require a local system of strict socialism to cost effectively keep them alive and working. I wouldn’t be pushing them into education, but plenty of criminals that have reformed and found god and respectability would likely fail to retain that betterment if they were loosed into society, so perhaps there can be respectable success found by removing the homeless of their freedom and temptation and expecting them to work, especially in a modern society where so much work can be done by computer without having to interact with the outside world.” Says Stacy

“As much as I would argue against work camps, when it comes to homeless people, their own freedom seems to do nothing but hurt them, even if it is just in being allowed to manage their life with their poor decision making and money management skills. It would be hard to find work for all of them, but I guess the idea behind a work camp is to create work for them to do. Criminalizing homelessness would likely garner some support, especially with the argument of rehabilitation, but indefinite or life sentences just for that seems rash, especially since nobody knows how many can actually be rehabilitated and then there is still the question of what to do with the ones who can’t be rehabilitated.” Says Jenna

“I figure the three strike policy is plenty; the courts don’t seem to mind giving a life sentence to a man convicted of stealing some batteries if it’s his third strike, so I see no reason to opt for a different system in regard to homelessness. The one’s that can’t be rehabilitated are just the testing grounds for new methods of rehabilitation. It’s hard to resolve problems and keep the humanists happy at the same time, it’s ridiculous that a group of people dedicated entirely to hindering the resolution of problems can be defended just because they’re cheeky ideals about demanding every solution must be wonderful, delightful, and heartwarming or else the problem must be left to fester unresolved and continue causing problems until somebody can drum up a solution that fits the inanely high bill of idealism.

If this system rehabilitates 95% of homeless people and the remaining 5% cannot be, I would happily reduce the hopeless to subjects of experimentation or even just killing them with the argument that they are torturing themselves by being alive which is a violation of their human rights worthy of capital punishment. Of course humanists would object but anyone who objects to such a reasonable proposal would then be held responsible for any and all costs these irrehabilitable individuals incur and thus these humanists would have their wages garnished and liens placed on their property to ensure that the toll which their own sadistic mentality has burdened society with is paid in full.” Says Stacy

“I think if you made socialism voluntary the only socialists left would be the ones at the absolute bottom with nothing to lose, if every socialist had to foot the bill while none of the capitalists did, then clearly the system wouldn’t accomplish anything and all of the socialists who make money would realize that it does not benefit them in the slightest. That’s the shameless part of socialism, it is just people who want their expenses paid by other people, and it is seldom anything more than that; if they all grouped together and realized how all of the expenses clearly outweigh their earnings then they wouldn’t support the system, but since they just see it as Robin Hood saving the day, it is the kind and nice thing to do. I think beyond anything there needs to be reform to capitalism long before any socialist systems are in place, you don’t solve any of the problems with capitalism by redistributing the money, and if anything it just distracts people from the actual problems like profiteering and whatnot due to the fact that they’re just being paid money by the government to be complicit with the profiteering so they don’t see an issue.” Says Jenna

“For me to even start to tolerate socialism, all expenses of the socialists must be recorded, and all purchases that are in any way not cost-effective at the bare minimum of cost in terms of food, leisure, clothing, comfort, or anything would be held against the socialist and they would be informed that they could have afforded whatever they wanted for free from the state if they had not spent money on niceties they also feel entitled to for some unknown reason.

Should they be able to prove that they truly could not afford necessities in life, then they would be allowed some welfare, but if they had spent any money unnecessarily they would be expected to pay that money back into the system, largely as a sin tax for burdening the system by demanding things they cannot pay for due to their unnecessary wasteful expenses and whatnot. I’ve no problem with helping people that need help, but people shouldn’t be given welfare simply because they are reckless with their money and cannot afford necessary things after buying unnecessary bullshit all the time. It’s not the government’s job to make sure everybody has everything they want, it is their job to keep order, and only recently has it become their job to keep people alive; seeing how we can’t prevent a person from shooting themselves in the head with a shotgun, we shouldn’t hold ourselves responsible for ameliorating the distress and pain an individual causes themselves with their own reckless fiscal suicide.” Says Stacy

“I think you’re kind of right about that. It’s kind of wrong to let people hurt themselves with their freedom, and nobody seems to care about that because freedom is so important for some reason. If freedom was a dangerous chemical that hurt people in the same way, there would be tons of laws trying to control it as much as possible, but since it’s people’s free will everyone thinks it’s super great regardless of how reality shows us how it’s not.” Says Ophelia

“It’s more than just people’s own free will, the system right now rewards predatory capitalism in which most profits are not respectably earned through legitimacy and value but rather through deception and tricks used to competitively cause people to be tempted into making poor decisions. It is a consumeristic economy which means that success is largely driven by peddling things that people will consume, and seeing how it is rather easy for people to get the food they need nowadays, businesses are focused on getting people to buy and consume things that they don’t need. Sure it is capitalism and the free market is more than happy to enjoy these things, but it is irresponsible to let one’s own population consume these things with reckless abandon to the point where they endanger their health, wellbeing, and psychological health.

Most money is made by preying on people’s weakness whether it be to vice, the fear of death, susceptibility to delusion, or otherwise causing people to make a logically foolish decision simply because they lack the mental capacity or insight needed to reason with one’s self and make decisions that are not based around impulse, vice, or pettiness. Although this is the nature of capitalism in a society where most people easily meet their needs and then are forced to contemplate what to do with the remaining money, even if it is a petty amount of say one hundred dollars, they will likely be wasting that money to pursue some form of hedonism because once they meet their needs, they feel like they should be buying things that they want in order to get that euphoric rush of getting something and enjoying something because they have been indoctrinated to think that such a pleasure is obviously worth the money and they have been accustomed to it and encouraged to embrace it for their entire life.

Such pointless pleasures should be demonized to no end and thoroughly taxed within our own country because as much as businesses may profit from this, the country is shooting themselves in the foot by peddling corrupting vices and hedonism to its people rather than a healthy state of mind like stoic asceticism. As much as I can support business, I would be defending the psychological wellbeing of my people from the corrupting and addicting influences of vice and hedonism long before I would defend the businesses that can easily send their products elsewhere around the world and refrain from corrupting my people.

 One of the main problems with society is not that people don’t have what they need, it is that they don’t have what they want, and the problem there being that they want things in the first place. This constant wanting that corrupts people’s judgement with the addictive hedonistic euphoria of consumption which is constantly indoctrinated into people from birth because it is the nature of capitalism to competitively peddle things to be consumed, and since it doesn’t matter if there is any good reason for something to be consumed so long as it is consumed, the market is largely focused on things people are most willing to consume as opposed to things they should consume to better society. If there is no good reason for something to be consumed, this is the vice of sloth as opposed to industry, and any such product that has no measurable benefit to a person would have a sloth tax leveed upon it, and the same goes for all other vices, to the point where one product can be taxed multiple times for each sin that it encourages.

People may argue that pleasure is beneficial to a person, but once they become accustomed to seeking pleasure they will constantly seek it out, and this is often dangerous to the person as much as it may be beneficial to the economy. Peddling any sort of pleasure that can be gained from purchasing or consuming goods should be treated no differently than peddling cocaine, as they both do nothing to benefit the person and only serve to facilitate an addiction. Just because a person is being entertained by a television or driving a boat doesn’t mean that the chemical reaction in his brain is any different than that of insufflating cocaine, and this will easily corrupt his mind and his virtues to the point where he becomes fueled by the pleasures of vice as opposed to refined by the pleasures of virtue; and despite the fact that society is built around facilitating these peaceable vices, the vices do nothing but plague society and create a population that is no more mentally sound than a group of drug addled fiends looking for their next fix. Opponents may say these things in moderation are fine, but just because a person isn’t so consumed by their addiction that they are turning to crime to get their fix doesn’t mean their mind has not been so adulterated by these illicit pleasures that they cannot achieve a higher level of thinking than the constant masochistic jones of trying to find material pleasure.” Says Stacy

“If people want to spend their money on hedonism so be it, it’s their money and I’m sure it is a far more compelling reason to convince people to work hard and innovate than asceticism. Besides, seeing how both the consumers and the businesses would be opposed to this idea, you don’t have any basis for your argument besides some small sect of ascetics who might not even exist. As much as it’s a tragedy to see people so consumed by vices, it’s a pandemic and there’s no way to cure the sickness when everybody will fight you tooth and nail just to keep the few pleasures that make them think their life is worth living.” Says Jenna

“I think if she could convince people how tragic it is more people might start to agree with her, I know people don’t like to be criticized but I would hope they can see that she just wants them to be healthier and happier without the constant temptations that society wants to sell them.” Says Ophelia

“I think a brutal shame campaign could make a movement out of it, people may not want to be criticized themselves, but most of them are more than happy to criticize other people. People love to think they’re the well-reasoned individuals looking out for people’s best interests, especially when they put the people who they are supposedly looking out for below themselves. They love to think they know better than you, they love the holier-than-thou mentality, and it would be easy to propagandize the argument by demonstrating all of the problems posed by consumption. They already demonize the hell out of drinking and smoking, they just need to extend that to obesity, entertainment, vanity, and any other unhealthy and wasteful ventures people can be consumed by. ‘Think of the children’ tends to work, and it should be easy to drum up some stories about how some kid’s life got ruined by entertainment or vanity or obesity; people wouldn’t want to blame the child, so they will instinctively blame society for hurting that child in such a way.

As much as the business would oppose the campaign, they could easily be demonized as evil unless they support the health and wellbeing of people, and plenty of people out of compassion or simple disgust for vice could be swayed through being guilt tripped by people who are already in favor of the idea. The idea has plenty of legitimacy; it’s just a matter of angering the people, seeing how all of them can play the victim since they can blame their own mental shortcomings on the businesses. Through the pressure of the apparently caring propagandists and media, people would hopefully end up so ashamed and disgusted by most all forms of consumerism that any pleasure they could receive would be so polluted with guilt and shame that there is a general decline in the practice. People always want to increase smoking and drinking taxes, so this could be a great success if the point gets sensationalized to the point where if you’re not supporting these sin taxes you’re hurting children and are basically a pawn of people who are no better than drug dealers.” Says Stacy

“Just because you’re disgusted and appalled by everything doesn’t mean that most people will naturally agree with you. Plenty of people will see you as some prude who just wants to take their pleasure away and demonize them, and that mentality will make them even harder to bring to your side because they feel like your enemy so they retract further and further into their defensive shell. Seeing how every business would be shooting down every one of your arguments with equally sensational propaganda, I doubt you will have a leg to stand on; people would rather feel pleasure than moral superiority, so your chances are slim, especially when you consider the massive budget the plutocratic oligarchy is more than willing to commit to ensuring that their business models remain viable.” Says Jenna

“I think people try to do that to some extent, just in a way nicer way. Maybe there’s not that much outcry against entertainment, but there is a lot of concern for people’s health even though they don’t go around calling them sinners or terrible people. It’s easy to say that people need to change, but it’s hard to make anybody change in the slightest, even if it is for the better. You should know that better than anybody, seeing how often you try to argue in favor of things that are endlessly criticized.” Says Ophelia

“That’s the beauty of it all, I argue in favor of things, but the criticism of these things always has a clear and distinct end. It is a matter of persistence, and with propaganda that is forceful enough it will slowly begin to chip away at the sinners ability to defend themselves, much like how years of the constant thoughts of inadequacy felt by those who suffer from anxiety have so thoroughly broken down their ability to feel confidence and self-worth. This problem of vice must be addressed in the same way, and if there is enough of a forceful and constant reminder of these people’s demonization, they will eventually see the light.

The businesses on the other hand may be harder to convince, but seeing how they could pay people less due to an ingrained paranoid aversion to any form of material consumerism and hedonism, they would be far less demanding of things to satiate their material desires, and the businesses could focus their efforts on establishing foreign markets instead, repeating the processes that made them oligarchs in America in every country around the world as best as possible; a capitalistic imperialism in a sense.

 Their homeland has become hostile to them, just as the puritans in Britain, so they venture forth into the unknown to reap new success elsewhere. If the entire world takes up this mentality however, the businesses would likely have to adapt in order to survive, but it would be for the better if they could focus their efforts on things that increase the value of a person’s life through health, intelligence, capacity, capability, productivity, efficiency, or any other form of personal effectiveness.” Says Stacy

“You always argue that you know what’s best for everybody, but even if some of your ideas hold merit, that doesn’t mean they’re practical. You are a firm believer in all of these things but it still takes your sister to constantly coax you into doing the bare minimum just to get by. As much as you can dream up the perfect world, it’s ironic when you disregard yourself and your own success just to focus on pipe dreams. Society is what it is, and it is extremely difficult to change it, but as much as you see mountains of squandered potential in society, you should realize that your sister and I both see that same potential in you yet you don’t tend to take much of our advice at all.

 As painful as it might be to do something contrary to your logical ideals or whatever, there is a point where practicality is the only reasonable solution and logic itself is worthless. Seeing how practicality produces things in reality, and even though it is largely logic that has been convoluted by the pretentious delusions of society, it is still the only thing capable of producing things when pure logic is demonized by society for failing to be complicit in their delusion. This basically makes acknowledging the delusion of society an inherent part of legitimate logic, because as much as it produces illogical results, they are the most logical results that are possible in the scenario.

 You can ignore these things all you want, but that doesn’t mean that ideas that fail to take into account the artificial constraints imposed by society are all destined to fail, even if it is allegorically just political correctness and society shooting everybody who might beat them in a foot race so that they can be the winner. You can compete with the philosophy of society, but you will never be able to get ahead of them because they will just murder you, so in the end I think you should be focused on something along the lines of standing behind society and pushing them, rather than trying to replace them all together. That is the only way I see you making any progress on your goal, which in this allegory is reducing the time of the fastest lap of the runners on the track.” Says Jenna

“Regardless of any practicality of the matter at hand, I retain my positions just to maintain my self-respect. If were to become more tolerant to society and indifferent to its inherent problems then I see this as a slippery slope where I become more and more contented with the facts of the matter and this in turn strips me of my humanity as I become less of a free thinking individual and become more accepting of the ideals that are indoctrinated into the population which reduces me to a faceless nameless meatbag who accepts the incessant delusion inducing indoctrination telling me that I should appreciate and masochistically enjoy the pacifistic slavery of a material society.

If I start to think that striving to accomplish these things is futile, I am essentially becoming no better than someone who watches a man drown toddlers in a large plastic bucket day after day yet chooses to do nothing about this problem. The toddlers being the lowly humans who are so drowned in the vices and afflictions that are peddled to them and the allegorical man being the system of society that is content if not happy with this fact simply because it turns an illicit profit and stops the toddlers from crying.

As much as I might seem heartless, I am revolted by societies desire to incessantly destroy the humanity of a person from birth and replace it with the crippling philosophy at humanism, which all in all is solely another delusion instilled into people by Babylon to placate, pacify, and tame the humans to the point where they believe they are not constantly being exploited. Maintaining this delusion though constant indoctrination is far more work than it is worth, and more often than not it leads to unnecessary problems due to their indignation after becoming so thoroughly intoxicated with this insanity.

It is shameless to deceive and delude people in such a way, and I certainly will not be one to respect this ideal, I will tolerate it as I see fit, but I cannot defend a system that argues that public consensus defines reality more so than factual legitimacy, simply because people have an infinite capacity for delusions of grandeur, and to do anything but castigate any people who exhibit these dangerous sentiments is an impractical if not inhumane disregard for the mental health of the population of this country and the world.” Says Stacy

“You were doing good arguing about making things better but when you drift into talking about how everybody else is crazy for thinking people are important or whatever it doesn’t sound as nice as helping homeless people and things like that. I’m sure you’ve got good reasons, but nice reasons tend to be more popular. I’d try to at least make it sound a little nicer, even if you do want to argue that people are too proud all the time, which does kind of make sense seeing how it is a deadly sin and everything.” Says Ophelia

“It is a question of debate whether a man who is filled with delusional fallacious dignity is less dignified than one who has none at all simply because he has been tricked into putting faith in fallacy, but in practice the delusional one will always feel more dignified. I can see why you argue this can be problematic due to being forced to meet demands that would otherwise be unnecessary, but I think it is equally inspiring and comforting at the same time. It’s a double-edged sword, but most people would argue the pros outweigh the cons.” Says Jenna

“The pros outweigh the cons when the person has some form of legitimate dignity to justify a proportion of his fallacious dignity, this is true, but when a person has little if any legitimate dignity there are no pros to the scenario because society is forced to provide for this person as if there was a legitimate reason to do so, and this creates an unhealthy and unsustainable environment of entitlement which only grows more and more virulent as time goes on simply because even when you give them that baseless dignification, they will always want more, there will always be somebody more so dignified, likely for a legitimate reason, and the less so dignified will be upset with this fact and rally and riot in the never ending quest for more dignity.

Giving people dignity is no different than giving them heroin; they will become addicted to the high and spend their entire lives chasing the dragon, especially when society not only condones their addiction but celebrates it as if there is any reason to dignify the indignant simply because they are indignant, for if they were actually worthy of dignity, they would be dignified accordingly and wouldn’t be indignant. The fact that they are indignant only further legitimizes the fact that they are unworthy of being dignified due to the fact that it has not happened outside of their mutual admiration society where they stroke each other’s delusions incessantly despite the fact that if they actually were treated with the dignity they demand society would more than likely collapse due to exhaustion of resources to pamper every pauper who simply wants something and feels they deserve it, more often than not defending this argument with the argument that it’s unfair that somebody else has it when they don’t. If that is their argument I’ll gladly inject some potent lead solution into their body seeing how it’s completely unfair that the children in the third world scavenging computer parts have heavy metal poisoning and the socialists don’t, so we’re just going to level the playing field so that everybody is equal and it’s fair for everybody. If life must be fair I’m making damn sure everybody has lead poisoning because that argument is complete inanity.” Says Stacy

“A true egalitarian when it matters most. I’m sure everyone can get behind your philosophy of giving everybody lead poisoning. I’ve never heard of a more noble cause than to make life fair for those poor third world children.” Says Jenna, dryly

“Seeing how socialists effectively give society lead poisoning by incessantly and viciously purporting the unquestionable argument that socialism can create some utopia by crippling the economy and making shamelessly terrible investments in people that would likely see a return of less than 1% on each investment made in the people. I just think it’s shameless to think that stealing the lifeblood of the economy and giving it to people who are worthy of little more than death on a good day is a reasonable idea.

Before anyone gets their art degree paid for by the state I would be more than happy to campaign to ensure that we spend trillions of dollars trying to cure every terminally ill child if we’re just trying to fruitlessly spend money; the socialists can’t even complain because those poor kids need the money even more than they do seeing how such a sick little kid can’t work, so the socialists will just have to deal with the fact that they are capable of working and being exploited for their relative success by paying 80% tax rates on their minimum wage just so we can torture some dying child for as many days as possible by preventing his inevitable death. That’s my kind of humanism.” Says Stacy

“As much as the socialists lack proper digression when it comes to the utilization of public funds, you’re still the one arguing that making people happy is as morally reprehensible as drowning children. I think we could meet in the middle somewhere, since while you have the proper rationale it takes to manage funds effectively the socialists still have far more moral justification than you do. Even if you may see it as immoral, the defense of the pursuit of happiness, or hedonism as you refer to it, tends to be the contemporary replacement for morality, so while your complaints are arguably valid in a moral sense, they have been denigrated by the public to the point where morality is largely regarded as poor taste in a society so delighted with the freedoms afforded by nouveau morality.” Says Jenna

“Making people happy is immoral when it causes dysfunction in their lives and society, half of the humanistic measures that people argue resolve problems in society and help people wouldn’t even be necessary if the humanists hadn’t been so vehement in demanding illicit freedoms. While the children may not be dying from these freedoms, their minds are severely damaged by the oppressive public perspective that tolerating vice is the appropriate thing to do regardless of the fact that doing so hurts both the sinful and society, simply because the principle of freedom argues people should be free to enjoy their sins at their own leisure, with the worst part of that argument being that every time somebody becomes ill with vice the humanists act like they’re being saintly people by arguing that it is society’s responsibility to alleviate the suffering of people caused be these people’s own moral shortcomings.

The humanists are basically putting on a show by standing up the bowling pins of the plagues of vice just so that they can argue they’re good people because they want to solve the problems caused by the fact that they created the god damn problems in the first place by condoning such vices in society. By that standard I am a person defined by the kindest heart arguing that I would prevent people from being tortured because I legally institute a large amount of torture to correct the indoctrination and improper mental conditioning in society but then subsequently refrain from torturing those people who are deemed to be in possession of a sound mind. To argue the humanists are helping people because they offer aid to resolve the issues caused by the vices they sow into society is to argue that a man is combating and preventing domestic violence in the country simply because he gives his wife an aspirin while he brutally abuses her.” Says Stacy

“Stacy is kind of right here, even if you make people feel good for a little while, you’re not making them happy if the good feeling wears off and they feel worse than before. Too many things are like that in the world, and I don’t think that tricking people into thinking they will feel good just to make them feel worse in the end is moral at all, especially since a lot of those things are dangerous like cigarettes, alcohol, junk food, and even if they are just wasteful expenses they can still put peoples financial wellbeing in jeopardy simply because they are looking to feel good and settle for unhealthy options because those are the ones that are most accessible and popular.” Says Ophelia

“The business world wants customers that come back time and time again, so by selling them something that makes them feel good temporarily but worse in the end, they are creating a psychological addiction that keeps people buying their products time and time again because they can understand the initial pleasure from buying the product, and they think that the absence of pleasure or displeasure in their life is due to the absence of the product in their life and fail to realize that the displeasure is only there because the product was initially able to induce a high and subsequent withdrawal in the first place. If there was a product that somebody could buy once and it would continue to make them happy forever that company would go out of business because they couldn’t compete with a product that convinces people to buy it every day, or once a week, or once a month.

This is why products are largely designed to fail in our society, simply because it is far more profitable to sell something that works and then fails, and is bought again than it is to sell something that works forever. It is shameless how the best products in the eyes of corporations are the products that last long enough to convince the consumer of their value but fail fast enough to turn them the most profit. Sadly nearly every facet of society is defined by its vehement shamelessness, since people have for some reason come to the mutual conclusion that ignoring the shamefulness of everything allows people to more thoroughly enjoy the shameful pleasures without the feeling of guilt, even if feeling guilt is the proper and healthy emotional response in the situation. If people could actually feel guilt in regards to the shameless things they do, society would be a much better place, but seeing how people will always make more money by convincing people to ignore the guilt entirely, society will likely never change because money talks and people will always listen.

There is no way to get people to listen to reason simply because the chemical response in the brain to logic and reason is so subtle compared to the euphoria induced by pleasure seeking, so people will always defend the pleasure over logic, even if the temporary pleasure is contrary to feeling pleasure itself in the long term, simply because the temporary feeling of pleasure is so captivating and mind-altering. As much as people think buying things and enjoying them is just a pleasant or enjoyable thing, it is neurologically identical to something like cocaine, which means consumerism ultimately causes the same problems in people’s mind that cocaine dependence does, even if the effects are more subtle and there is not the same physical destruction of the body caused by using a physical drug as opposed to attaining a purely psychological high. Consumerism is the cocaine everybody in America has been hooked on since they were children, and seeing how there is no stigma associated with it and likely never will be, there is probably no way to convince them to stop for the sake of their mental health simply because by even making that argument you are the one who is apparently mentally ill just for arguing something that is contrary to American society itself.” Says Jenna

“I still think the best solution is a shame campaign. Sure people might not want to be criticized themselves, but everyone is hypocritical to the point where they will gladly criticize everyone with a different vice, so if we can convince everybody to chastise each other, hopefully people might see the light eventually. The poor drunk chastises the vain rich, the smoker criticizes the obese, the drunk criticizes the entertainment junkie, and so on and so forth, where each person can feel validated and better about themselves simply by shaming all of the other vices as if they were worse than their own, and with peoples’ natural competitive pettiness I think it would result in a vehement shame war that could at least convince the youth not to partake in any of it since everything is so thoroughly demonized by the general public that even being shameless enough to enjoy one vice would make you hated by 80% of the population.” Says Stacy

“Even if you can’t really cure people, just spreading the message about the dangers of the vices would be making a difference, at least in terms of awareness. I’m pretty sure that once people became aware of the dangers of smoking it steadily became less popular. I think you make a good point that people will be happy to criticize each other, since I’m sure that smokers and drinkers are tired of being criticized as the worst people, so they would be happy to bring every other vice down to their level of shamefulness in society’s eyes.” Says Ophelia

“Considering America’s bi-partisan capacity to hate anything and everything and to hate people that are different than they are, there is actually some feasibility to the idea. Unfortunately for Stacy I doubt that you can group in the socialists with all of the other sinners, but you might get lucky and the businesses might seek vengeance for having their products demonized and see the option of demonizing socialism as a way to maintain their profitability.” Says Jenna

“An enemy of my enemy is my friend, so I wouldn’t be more than happy to have some brothers at arms in the fight against banditry and communism.” Says Stacy

“Keep fighting the good fight.” Says Jenna, rolling her eyes as the bell rings

“I’m glad protecting the animals is something everybody can agree on, it’s good to have a wholesome activity instead of one that is nothing but arguing. I know people just like to argue and win as some kind of hobby, but if we could all just focus on the things that everybody could agree on instead of wasting time arguing pointlessly, we would be able to accomplish a lot more than we do right now. I say leave the arguing for after we solve all of the problems everybody can agree on.” Says Ophelia, as the girls get up and clean up, and start heading to Animal Club

“People will probably just disagree for the sake of having an argument, even if it is something nice like helping the animals, people are resourceful enough to always be able to find some way to object to anything on one principle or another.” Says Jenna

“The problem with that mentality, is while everybody can agree that one room of the house needs to be cleaned up, when another room is on fire and threatens to burn down the house, that problem makes cleaning up that room irrelevant in the end if your house burns down. For some reason people seem to think that the solution to a mild draft blowing in the house is to set the damn thing on fire to stay warm, and I am just floored by people’s utterly insane decision making skills when it comes to thinks like that. There is only so much wood that must be used to cook and keep people from freezing to death, and the solution to being chilly clearly isn’t to burn the house down. Sure up the windows, invest in some insulation, preferably stop being a god damn caitiff milksop or even just drink off the cold like people have done for the last few thousand years. Clearly a little chill isn’t the end of the damn world, seeing how we’re still here after thousands of years of bone-chilling breezes in our house, yet today people are willing to riot in the streets because the house is a bit drafty. That level of entitlement is absolutely ludicrous.” Says Stacy

“I think the people just don’t want to be forgotten, they feel like their problems will just get ignored if they don’t protest, so that’s what they do. I can’t blame them, even if it makes them look ungrateful, I’m sure things could be better, even if they’re already pretty good with respect to the rest of the world.” Says Ophelia

“Things can always be better for some people and worse for others, even if the people have some grounds for arguing that things are unfair, half the time things are just realistic as opposed to idealistic and people are upset that reality has limitations and think that rioting in the streets will somehow change the laws of physics and mathematics. It is easy to imagine how things could be better, and all it takes for people to justify rioting these days is concocting a fantasy in which things are better, but it is much more difficult to actually make things better if it is even possible at all, and the demands of protestors fail to even qualify as possible more often than not.

The logic of the protestor is that since all of them agree that some fantasy is better than reality then the fantasy should be reality, regardless of whether or not the fantasy is realistic in the slightest. Protestors seldom have any logical plan that would enable their demands to be enacted, they simply demand that things become true, even if there is no course of action and likely little if any means to such an end. People think they can depose the establishment and end all forms of bias simply by littering the streets and being angry, but these things are ingrained into society and the minds of its people, and to think that yelling is going to change anything is foolish.

While there may be some concessions made to appease the indignant, the problem will remain to be a problem, and it is only a matter of time before the concessions that are made are taken for granted and deemed inadequate and people protest again. This cycle will eventually lead to a society where everything is offensive and problematic simply because it is imperfect or less preferable than someone’s fantasy. What may seem like civility or common decency is little more than enabling the people to chase the dragon of their fantasies where they are treated like kings if not revered as gods; if you keep giving them even small concessions towards what they want, inevitably this will amount to a ludicrous level of concessions made to anybody and everybody who happened to have some communal fantasy they want to have legitimized by legislation.” Says Stacy as the girls enter the club room and sit down





The few missing girls enter the room promptly; most of them high on the euphoric recall of weekends on the Friday afternoon, Aurelia takes to the front of the room

“Happy Friday everybody, it’s just business as usual, other than that if you are going to the shelter tomorrow please meet up in front of the school at 9. The administration asked me to read the note which I’m sure everybody has already heard and probably didn’t need to hear the first time considering you’re in this club, so in brief, don’t stab people. All righty then, feel free to enjoy yourselves in a respectable manner, I’m here if you need me.” She says, as some of the girls get up to get things and/or otherwise do things or nothing in particular

“Stacy might have actually needed that reminder.” Jokes Isabelle

“If I recall correctly, the administration just told us not to stab anybody on school grounds, they practically told us we should probably have a knife in case we need to stab somebody in the streets.” Says Stacy

“They didn’t say that, they just said that some girls might have a disproportionately dangerous walk home in which case having a knife can be considered a wise decision. They said if you need to have one, it is ok, but it’s not like they were encouraging people to bring a knife to school.” Says Jenna

“I’m glad we live in a safe part of town, I’ve never had to worry about that once in my life.” Says Ophelia

“Better safe than sorry, after what happened yesterday I think we might be more vulnerable than we were as children.” Says Grace

“I would rather listen to the sound advice of ‘run away’ if at all possible. Besides, I don’t think I have the mettle to actually stab somebody if I was in that kind of situation.” Says Jenna

“That’s what we have Stacy for.” Jokes Isabelle

“I don’t carry a knife, so you might be out of luck if that’s what you’re in the mood for.” Says Stacy

“After what I saw yesterday you might not need one.” Says Grace

“That was one guy; if it was more than that I would be far keener on running away. You could tell by looking he was a flaccid namby-pamby despite his size.” says Stacy

“I thought he was pretty menacing looking, even if he wasn’t on steroids he was still pretty big. I’m glad somebody knew how to handle that situation.” Says Grace

“There were much better ways to resolve that, we could have just walked away.” says Jenna

“He might have followed Ophelia home and attacked her when she was all alone.” Says Grace

“He didn’t seem like that kind of guy, it’s not like we live in the slums where people might do that sort of thing anyways.” Says Isabelle

“Let’s just drop it, I don’t like to think about that sort of thing, let alone the fact we were involved in it.” Says Jenna

“As much as it was my pleasure, that doesn’t make it a thrilling topic of conversation; if there was any correlation I’m sure everyone would be tired of hearing me go on about my wonderful naps and delicious suppers.” Says Stacy

“I think those topics would actually be healthier than what you normally talk about.” Says Jenna

“Far less entertaining than what she usually goes on about though, what did you two get her ranting about earlier? I’m sure the rhetoric has not exhausted itself.” Says Isabelle

“It was actually pretty nice; she was talking about helping homeless people and preventing people from succumbing to vice.” Says Ophelia

“I am amazed at the level of concern for her fellow human that demonstrates.” Says Isabelle

“A good shepherd may die a martyr for his flock, but a great shepherd kills varmint mercilessly and all the while ensures and improves health and quality of the flock.” Says Stacy

“Give the world a better shepherd; I see no fault in your logic there. The world needs one for damn sure given the state of things, especially in this fine town.” Says Isabelle

“I’m surprised you were arguing in favor of socialism and helping the poor for once.” Says Grace

“It was socialism, true, in the functional historical sense, not so much the modern type.” Says Jenna

“What drove you to be so selfless as to want to help those poor hobos?” asks Isabelle

“The same things as usual, the quest for perfection.” Says Stacy

“I can’t imagine you would ever end up with perfection when you start out with a homeless person, regardless of however much you try to help them.” Says Isabelle

“That’s the entire philosophy, it is not so much to help them, as one can lead a horse to water but cannot make it drink, this aphorism is commonly known yet the truth is ultimately ignored by society. Rather than help those who do not want it, my plan would be to prevent them from hurting themselves so that they ultimately have no choice but to help themselves. I will admit it is socialist concept, but there is likely no other viable solution than depriving them of their rights to alcohol and street drugs by forcing them into labor camps.” Says Stacy

Isabelle chuckles “I was a bit confused for a moment, but now it makes sense, we’re talking about that kind of socialism.” She says

“Here I was thinking we would give them counseling or something, but clearly I was being foolish.” Says Grace

“Foolish indeed, that is the folly of the welfare state. Such a state seeks to create a perfect society by using legislation and institutions that are seemingly more so ideal, but it is ultimately in vain because these solutions ignore the root of the problem itself. One can never create a perfect society when the society consists of imperfect people, regardless of how perfect a car may be engineered, it will always be destroyed when the gasoline is adulterated with sulfuric acid. The people are the building blocks of society, and the social institutions are but tiny guidewires to help them stand upright, if these bricks are all malformed and brittle, the integrity and quality of society will be no better than that of the people, regardless of the quality of that which supports them. This is why I am so fond of seeking change on the personal level, improving the quality of the building materials will much more palpably translate to a higher quality structure, seeing how the greatest architecture in the world is all for naught when your building materials consist of pollution and garbage.” Says Stacy

“I’m sure you’ve got some diabolical scheme to make everybody perfect, not that I have any faith in that proposal; as much as plenty of your ideas are reasonable, this one seems a bit farfetched.” Says Isabelle

“The solution is to give people no choice but to be perfect, no freedom to spite themselves or society. Clearly most people’s lives are defined not by their successes, but by their failures, and most all of their failures can be attributed to the choices they made for themselves using their own free will, and this suicidal nature of human ignorance is only enabled and exacerbated by the freedoms granted to people. People have proven time and time again that they cannot be trusted to make even simple decisions, they are not even able to understand what they should or shouldn’t put into their bodies and it is to the point where the majority of the population bears the scars of their poor decision making skills. People are given freedom and as the nature of capitalism is remorseless competitive exploitation, these freedoms which are so sacred have only served to see our own people fall prey to their own inanity.

The children who do poorly in school are coddled, as if failure is not only an option, but inevitability, and the way I see it, failure should never be an option in regards to proven success/failure relationships. Failure is perfectly fine in experimental situations where there is no known method that produces success, so invariably methods must be tested to see whether or not they will produce success or not. The success of a child in school is not an experiment, it is clear what must be done in order to succeed, and there is no reason for the child to fail to do so. Unless the child is mentally handicapped to the point where it physically lacks the mental capacity to accomplish something, the child should have no other option than to accomplish said something. This is true for all fields extending into most any form of labor where the formula for success is established, and while this could be accomplished through Pavlovian means of conditioning the child like a dog, if it must be accomplished through torture, so be it, for the means justify the end, and to say this is inhumane is fallacious, for in any case if the child fails to succeed, he will ultimately be tortured by this fact for his entire life, so there is ultimately no addition of torture into the child’s life, it is simply moving the torture from one point in time to another, and optimistically this will reduce the total amount of torture in the child’s life by encouraging him to succeed and avoid the otherwise inevitable torture.

 To accommodate failure is to fail as a collective, and it is unreasonable to think that any form of functional society will ever be established not only by accommodating failure, but by rewarding such failures through welfare. While some welfare is a valuable investment such as food, shelter, and to establish the employ of child production, there is no justification to invest money in someone simply to perpetuate their failure, to do so is to disrespect not only the people whose money is squandered, but also the potential for success in the individual who is otherwise rewarded for failure. The solutions to these problems of suicide by freedom are common sense, and this is why they are entrusted to the people to learn and embrace.

These concepts are a facet of the basic level of acceptability that is to be expected of people, and they should be given as little freedom to fail to meet this level of acceptability as possible. Perfection may be unattainable, but as principles that require no more than a human with brain function to understand, validate, and enforce are left to the people, while things that one person cannot do alone are entrusted to society which includes the culling of children and people by aptitudes for assignment of a labor or specialization as well as by genetics for the production of healthy children and even unhealthy children to populate medical trials. These principles, among others, are what will create a perfect society, for without perfect people; there will never be a perfect society.” Says Stacy

“So you’re saying that Stella should torture you every time you try to disregard your studies?” jokes Jenna

“In a world where success is punished and failure is rewarded, it is not pressing save lest one is concerned with the matter of self-respect. A perfect cell that accomplishes all of its responsibilities with artful ability is irrelevant when regardless of how well it performs its duty the fate of the cell is only to be consumed by the cancer that surrounds it, and despite all of its perfect function, it has served no ultimate purpose other than to fuel a malignant cancer with the dedication and devotion one would find in a sadist. I see this as a matter of triage and focus my efforts of combatting the cancer instead of performing the duty of a cell, as it would be irresponsible not to do so seeing how I have the awareness to understand the reality of the situation.” Says Stacy

“Regardless of how shitty society is, I doubt torturing people will make them better in any way; they would be scared shitless all the time and I’m sure that would hamper their ability to succeed, let alone thrive. I can understand removing people’s ability to be shilled and peddled their own hedonistic suicide, but punishing failure would likely just result in people of broken and dysfunctional minds all together.” Says Isabelle

“Torture would be the last resort, as I said; the first course of action would be to condition them like dogs. A dog will do whatever trick he is asked if he is trained well enough because he understands there is the potential to get a treat. So to induce this same level of loyalty and conditioning I would establish a mild dependence on methamphetamine used to reward success in all people who would then be quite conditioned by the rewarding feeling of succeeding as well as the painful nature of failure.

These beasts would be loyal, hardworking, addicted to success, and properly paranoid of the repercussions of failure in regards to their own contentment and the facets of the larger reality at hand. This is no different than the current system, but rather than reward the people with the more so dangerous and less so productive highs of consumerism and legal intoxicants, the people would be reduced to the one source of pleasure that actually has some benefits as opposed to the currently used food, drink, vanity, what have you that people are currently conditioned to fiend for and work relentlessly to attain. While I understand that methamphetamine may have some risk associated with it, I feel that the standard amphetamines would not be potent enough to establish the level of dependence needed to ensure loyalty if they even have enough of a stimulant capacity to induce enough focus and work ethic in the people. I am not advocating that people are using the drug to get high, but rather use it as a supplement to their motivation, focus, and work ethic as can be done when it is used in a responsible and controlled manner.” Says Stacy

“As much as the pharmacology may support your argument, I don’t think the argument that everybody should take meth so that they can work harder and be more focused on success will be popular at all with most reasonable people.” Says Grace

“It will be once you get them hooked on success.” Jokes Isabelle

“I don’t know much about it, they always say amphetamines are bad but they also give them to kids who struggle in school and both the Allies and Axis gave them to their soldiers in World War 2, so it doesn’t make much sense that they’re both good and bad.” Says Ophelia

“It’s just a matter of responsibility; as much as it is addictive, so are opiates and those have a very well established medical use while also causing a terrible epidemic on the streets. It wouldn’t be as dangerous as lot of people think if it was strictly controlled, but in reality as it is nearly impossible to exert that much control on society it could likely create problems. I don’t support the idea, but methamphetamine does have a long history of proven success in situations where people need seemingly endless supply energy in the face of adversity, not to say that it doesn’t have its share of consequences if it is used continuously and recklessly due to side effects such as delirium, belligerence, and insensitivity to pain. As much as it is entirely unethical, a system like that would likely produce a fleet of dedicated workers who are very driven and focused as much as they would have their humanity reduced to that of a drug fiend.” Says Jenna

“Stacy is kind of right about how people are already convinced to work for their pleasures, so even if it might have side effects, I think it would be better to convince people to work for pleasure that makes them work hard and focus instead of what we have right now which just makes them fat, drunk, petty, and addicted to these things as well as the entertainment people consume, which in the end reduces productivity and also causes damaging complications to psychological and physical health.” Says Ophelia

“I wouldn’t put much faith in Stacy’s ideas; she tends to see only the pros of her own ideas and ignores the cons if she can even fathom them simply because she likes to feel unquestionably justified. Even though everyone does that, Stacy’s ideas tend to be a bit more volatile and dangerous than most peoples’ ideas.” Says Grace

“It’s hard to imagine that the cons are worse than the current epidemics that are plaguing society like obesity, smoking, alcoholism, and consumerism. I think you’re missing the point where using the drug responsibly is like somebody who is prescribed opium for pain so they can function better as opposed to some sort of heroin junkie on the street. Everything is bad if it is used irresponsibly, I just think that we should do everything we can to encourage productivity instead of vices like gluttony and sloth.” Says Ophelia

“The only way that it would ever be a good idea if it was produced in a form that couldn’t be abused in the way that the current street drug is due to some form of adulteration; otherwise you simply couldn’t trust people to use it responsibly, especially when it is their only source of pleasure since they’ve been deprived the standard fare of food, drink, and entertainment.” Says Jenna

“So in the quest for a perfect person we have penalized failure, removed unproductive temptation, and gotten everybody hooked on methamphetamine; do entertain me with what else must be done to create perfect people in the quest for a perfect society.” Says Isabelle

“It would be my pleasure. Another shamelessly illicit freedom is that of birth control which has done nothing save for create a society of philanderers and whores marked by a profusion of venereal disease, insane perversion, and a dearth of children. It creates a society where bastard children with feeble genetics are born into homes without proper parenting or means of child care which ultimately dooms the child to the life of a miscreant. The freedom to create these abominations nurtured by their own genetic and social depravity is only one part of the issue, because the other half is that genetically healthy women who should be tasked with six-fold replacement in order to retire the DNA of 10 people of feeble genetic bloodlines without damaging the population are not given this task but instead expected to work and fornicate in pursuit of hedonism. If these women were heavily penalized for failing to do this job while also entrusting this to people unqualified to do this job, much as one would not allow a mentally retarded man to operate heavy machinery, as childbearing and rearing is the heaviest of organic machinery, these women could hopefully accept this role and rear children with the advantages of healthy genetics and legitimate if not excellent parenting due to the caste of these women.

Instead of creating quality people, now it is largely the genetically and socially inhibited who reproduce and only further their own wanton dysfunction and shamelessly misbegotten nature, as those genetically prone to health and success are too indoctrinated to chase these success as neuter drones rather than do what must be done which is repopulate the country with healthy individuals; for each generation should be healthier, stronger, and more capable than the last, not through medical advancements, but through advancement of the human genome by selective breeding.

Even setting aside the inadequate peopling entirely, the only reason most curable venereal disease exists in the first world is because society champions reckless hedonism and fornication above the health of its people, where if people were bred responsibly, even disregarding their genetics, all of the diseases would be cured en masse as people refrained from philandering and whoredom for just long enough to diagnose and cure everybody with said diseases, and cull those from society who bear incurable guilt for their vices so that they will not continue to exacerbate the god damn pandemic that these diseases represent simply because spreading disease through gratuitous whoredom is so god damn liberating and respectable for some reason.” Says Stacy

“The irony of that argument is that you tend to describe people as a living cancer who found success only due to the exacerbation of artificial selection favoring and concentrating their inherent insanity. If this truly did result in the greatness of humans, then artificially selecting against these traits would actually be inducing a comparable level of devolution.” Says Jenna

“I know you’re being facetious, but still of course the feeble people could be bred to the point of having a population that can be operated upon in terms of medical trials, simply because if we destroy them entirely our grounds to do research on the illnesses disappears. Even from a heartless perspective, there is much profit to be made in developing pills to be shilled around the world, and one cannot develop these drugs without the population to experiment on in the first place. I can respect your sentiment due to its validity, and as such is the case some of these people can be kept in reserve just in case humans become so placid that there is nothing that inspires them to achieve greatness in terms of mania or paranoia, simply because these natural fires in the engine of greatness may actually be sourced from some minor level of genetic predisposition to insanity. I don’t want to deny the fact that humans are largely the god-kings who fear ghosts and magic and defined their societies based upon these fears for thousands of years until the contemporary time when man sees himself as so powerful and godlike that he need not fear the ghosts and magic.” Says Stacy

“That’s the spirit, we’ve got to be true to our roots, and the only sane people in history were the peasants, for insanity is the only thing that would drive a person to aspire to be great when a sane person would only see this task as futile masochism.” Says Isabelle

“It’s exhausting to even try to defend freedom since you assault it from all angles, but as much as you do want to solve problems, your approach is far too heavy handed. I think comparable results could be achieved just by raising awareness, and by doing that you’re not abusing people and enslaving them.” Says Grace

“I’ll disagree with both of you, it doesn’t matter that it is heavy handed, it would just be so costly to accomplish, and seeing how raising awareness amounts to nothing, neither of these things are feasible so I’m rather tempted to take the path of least resistance and be the opportunist idealist and just say things are fine the way they are. They work well enough, and the best part is we don’t have to do damn thing. It’s true that people are abusing their freedom, but so long as that is the case they have no grounds to blame the establishment for their self-induced problems as much as they incessantly try to.” Says Isabelle

“The true cost is paid in avoidable expenses and lost productivity induced by these freedoms; as much as some person may profit, the net yield of the nation is lower, and while I’m sure there are grounds to oppose the government, the primary interest of the government should be in creating the greatest yield possible from their people, even if that means condemning some aspects of consumerism and freedom in order to create a healthier and more productive population. The cost of enforcing these policies may be large at first, but the continuously greater yield from the people would pay for a portion of the cost, while the other portion is paid for by money saved that is not wasted on sympathizing with miscreants and providing medical care for people with self-induced illnesses. It is a matter of cost effectiveness, and if you can reduce the cost of something, in this case the people, while also increasing the yield from that something, that is a recipe for success in any situation.” Says Stacy

“Something tells me that heavy handed enslavement of people isn’t exactly going to translate into increased productivity.” Says Jenna

“Even if the productivity is decreased, which I doubt would happen if they’re conditioned by amphetamines, the cost effectiveness would easily go up when people are denied the opportunity to induce problems through their own recklessness, especially if you can consistently create a higher quality person. I am equally trepidatious about the prospect, but that crazy venture capitalist inside my head is telling me that this might just be a way to revolutionize society for the better.” Says Isabelle

“I think you just enjoy the thought of being able to exploit the common worker even more than they already are. It’s crazy that you don’t see the clear similarities between the capitalist and somebody like Stacy who is hell-bent on domination and controlling the people as if they’re puppets. Just because the capitalist manages to do this with deceit and the maximum amount of exploitation possible without legally facing repercussions doesn’t make you any better than Stacy, it easily makes you worse just because you all pretend like you’re decent people at the end of the day because you get away with it. At least Stacy is actually honest with her intentions and doesn’t resort to sociopathic manipulation to attempt to achieve the means to her ends.” Says Grace

“I can see the similarities, but the differences are that of the junkie who is high on heroin and the one who is dying from an overdose; Stacy just puts too much success in the syringe and expects to be able to survive. I like the ambition, but it takes a bit of modesty to actually succeed.” Says Isabelle

“As much as it might result in terrible things actually happening somewhere besides Stacy’s mind, I think she could benefit from learning a little modesty.” Says Jenna




“The first thing that humans did once they ate the forbidden fruit was develop a sense of shame and modesty. I see no reason to revel in the uniform of damnability. My lack of modesty is clearly even more justification to my point, nature is how things function for an exceptionally long period of time, billions of years, and human civilization is the sick insane perversion of natural function. I would much rather have pure, natural ideas that can function indefinitely than pollute them with the corruption of the forbidden fruit by dressing them in modesty and shame.

There is no room for modesty and shame, for if there were, these traits would be palpable in nature, yet they are absent, this is definitive proof that these traits not only are unnatural, but are counterproductive to survival in and of itself. God created man in his image, and it is the fruit that caused the beast to fall from grace, to emulate god as he intends is to be free of the modesty and shame that has corrupted the minds of humans into deceit and treachery for all of written history. I see no reason to reduce myself to the level of depravity of the beasts that chose to spite the creator and were damned to misery on account of their treason.” Says Stacy

“Shame, modesty, and the knowledge of good and evil are the reasons that humans were able to create societies, the allegory describes how humans transitioned from simple animals who act solely on instinct to actually understanding the benefits of morality and the dangers of immorality. To argue that we should abandon these things is saying that we should revert to being animals as opposed to civilized people which is completely ridiculous.” Says Jenna

“These feelings were essential in the transition between a wild animal and a civilized one, but these were necessary when people were armed with little more than their knowledge, and when everyone is equally powerful, everyone is equally dangerous, and this sense of shame represents humans’ capacity to understand what is best for their mutual survival due to the fact that acting against this mutuality is endangering one’s own survival. These feelings, while respectable, have become obsolete in a modern society where this equal footing is no longer the case; humans have transitioned from animal, to civilized animal, and in this world where humans have ultimately abandoned or enslaved nature and replaced it with contemporary infrastructure and technology, these morals that once allowed people to enjoy the benefits of mutualism are not entirely appropriate for a modern setting.

Today mutuality is less defensible as people are not all equally powerful, and this means that any sort of mutualism will cause the meager to benefit more while the powerful benefit less, and while this is noble, this is entirely unnatural and is not conducive to emulating the natural success that has created and optimized all life that continues the walk the earth.

Just as mutualist morality is ideal in a the wilds where people are all equally capable of wrongdoing and violence, the modern society calls for a collectivist morality where that which is moral is not based upon the perspective of one person and how he will benefit from moral action or suffer from immorality, but rather morality is based entirely upon how society will benefit from its own actions, including the management of people, and this standard of benefit for the collective with complete disregard for the individual is what will allow people to adapt to the environment where the collective is all powerful and the individual is powerless.

Humanity has become one collective entity in which each person is merely a component in the singular entity that is civilization, and to respect one person’s individualism in spite of the wellbeing of the collective is allowing one person to inhibit the function of civilization. In a world where this person posed a threat, as the individual did in the past, it would be wise to respect them to some degree to attempt to avoid causing them to unleash their bestial fury and start raising hell because they’re angry, but in a world where they pose no threat to society, respecting their indignation that is contrary to the success of the collective is immoral because it spites the good to benefit the bad, and while this may have been beneficial to one’s survival in the wild by calming hostile forces, doing this in modern society is only serving to coddle dangerous aggression and respecting the savage instinct of violence in people when such things should not be tolerated in the slightest.

Even if it is simply protest, this is a development of violence in the form of verbal aggression which has in today’s society been given such respect by society that this aggression gives people the same reward as beating somebody to death just to get what one wants, and to coddle this instinct is not to create a better society because you are making people happy, but it is coddling the dangerous instincts of people whose mentality of volatile aggression is contrary even to the original morality and largely the reason why morality was trumpeted for so long simply because if you can convince these people, through fear or otherwise, to act against their impulses, then you are far less threatened by their volatility and savage individualism.” Says Stacy

“The problem with your argument is that the any collectivist morality also has to be simultaneously mutualistic or else the people will have no desire to be a part of the collective that disregards them as an individual and this would result in nothing more than people reverting to the original individualistic morality which ultimately is reverting any progress humans have made since societies were first established.” Says Jenna

“People have no ability to abandon the collective, even in its current state one must thoroughly respect and embrace the collective in order to earn the means it takes to live independent from it. People could not revert to individualism because there is no room for them to do so, for them to even attempt would be suicide or worse, and this fact alone, even when contemplated in the light of individualism, would prevent them from becoming individualistic out of their own instinct to preserve their own life and wellbeing.” Says Stacy

“Even if they have no ability to abandon it, if the people feel disregarded they will still likely become so discontented that they devote their life to subversion or otherwise spiting the establishment. The disregarded people will find their mutual discontent as a rallying point and this will empower them with social mutualism, and that in itself is a threat seeing how it has historically been powerful enough to overpower any other ideology. The reason people have always supported mutualism is because it appeals to their self-serving nature, and for your idea to work people would all have to magically become completely selfless which will likely never happen.” Says Grace

“As much as collectivism is ideal in terms of functionality, people tend to hate each other and are only interested in things that are blatantly beneficial to themselves. If one argues in favor of benefiting all of society the poor will be indignant because the rich are being helped and so on and so forth for every faction that has rivals they thoroughly hate. People are so petty that they often value spiting their enemy as much as they do benefiting themselves, so the notion that people would want to work together when capitalism is based upon exploitation of the poor though disparity of wealth and socialism is based upon exploitation of the rich through disparity of the sentiments of the misbegotten population, neither of the two major systems that people support would be in favor of the argument because they don’t function based upon mutual wellbeing and success, but rather upon advantageous exploitation simply because by exploiting the other party they gain far more than they would in a simple, honest, collectivist system.” Says Isabelle

“Regardless of the sentiments of the people, the optimization of society should unquestionably trump all sentiments of any and all people; the people are the subjects of their employers, and the employers should be treated as the subjects of the state, as they are to some degree within the law, but the people and the money both seek to fulfill their own interests with are often irrelevant from the optimization of society. It is the duty of the state to establish and maintain order so that people and money can exist and thrive in a mutual moderate honesty without the threats posed by savages, bandits, and anarchists which would otherwise hamper if not prevent the success of these two parties entirely.

The paradox of giving people freedoms as a mean to maintain order is only functional in scenarios where the people are completely disorganized and the government is very weak as was the case during the foundation of America. The government had no means to enforce much of anything, and the simplest way to retain their grasp on power was to make as many people who might threaten their state happy simply by supporting their ability to be autonomous and supporting whatever it is they might do, simply because a person will seldom be discontent with a person who does nothing but approve of them.

This is no longer the case, and the reality of this country is nearly an antithetical situation; there are no longer the advantages posed by giving people these freedoms, and to do so is actually counterproductive to maintaining order simply because people are free to be discontented and subversive while they meddle and obstruct the function of society in their own indignation rather than be forcefully contented and elect to benefit society out of the fear of their repercussions for failing to comply with the expectations of society. There are no means to abandon or forsake the collective in a modernized country simply because the collective itself is entirely independent from the actual people, the collective, sic, “we the people”, is the established authority which can operate entirely independently from the common man and should by all means do so simply to create a society that is not plagued and blighted by constantly subjecting itself to the whims of those with no intention other than suicide by hedonism due to the fact that this mentality is ingrained into them by the economic system at hand.

Governmental and economic systems are nothing more than means to an end for people to be farmed, and by giving the people dangerous freedoms you are acting against the best interest of the farm, and ultimately the people who are being farmed, simply because they are entirely dependent upon the government for maintaining order and civility amongst the people who would undoubtedly reduce themselves to savagery if there were not such palpable repercussions for doing so. The government needs to understand that their optimum function is not to cater to the whims of the ignorant masses but to embrace their role as a shepherd of the people and at the very least apply the same strategies employed by true shepherds for thousands of years; it is their primary responsibility to keep the sheep safe and alive, and giving them any sort of means to commit suicide by hedonism is contrary to this responsibility, and it is also their responsibility to shear the sheep and sell the wool which they do to some extent, but this could be improved by forcing idle money to be invested rather than fester through some taxation simply because there was never a shepherded who would let some sheep keep more of their wool than others, even if it grows back overnight, the wool is still worthless so long as it is attached to the sheep.

These are the basic principles of shepherding that have been true since man was little more than a savage, and seeing how today we are millennia into the future, these principles and practices should clearly be optimized in the search for perfection, which they have to some degree been in commercial shepherding, which includes optimizing the sheep in order to produce more wool or even meat if need be, and this can be done through genetic means, but in people it can also be done through proper rearing, conditioning, and training as the wool of people is labor rather than a simply biologically produced commodity.

This is the role that the government must take in order to truly be successful, for being some champion of freedom is only letting the sheep fall victim to their own idiocy by jumping off of cliffs or gorging themselves on poisonous plants along with any of the many other means in which sheep choose to harm themselves and by extension the shepherd through their own shameless folly. The shepherd needs to pay no mind to how the sheep may baa or cry, simply because he knows what is best for them, he has gathered knowledge over many years of his life to know what must be done in order for the sheep and thus himself to survive and thrive, and at the end of the day, the sheep are simply sheep and don’t know what is best for them in the slightest because they are beasts of instinct as opposed to a professional thoroughly versed in the art of shepherding.” Says Stacy

“As much as you can think of it as people farming, people are far more dangerous and ornery than sheep, so it is more along the lines of taming people so that they might work cooperatively towards one’s own intentions much like a tame dog would if you train him to do so because he understands it is a mutually beneficial relationship. There is a clear distinction between rearing a friendly, loyal, and hardworking dog and one that is dangerous or likely to run away if possible, and to put that in perspective people are far more dangerous and volatile than any dog, and many dogs can readily and easily kill people.” Says Grace

“The methods are the same, reward and punishment, and the fact that people are far more intelligent than dogs and can utilize their ability to think as opposed to simple conditioning and instinct to choose the ideal course of action would make it far easier than even taming a dog, even if it would still be labor intensive due to the sheer number of people that exist. The concept behind taming a dog is rather simple, the dog is able to understand that it benefits him to behave appropriately, but the dog is also awed and frightened by the sheer size and power of the human which allows the dog to understand that he is in the subordinate role and should behave appropriately for fear of the repercussions of failing to do so.

This is the same relationship between the governed and the government; the governed act as the dogs and the government the people, so to argue that empowering the people is beneficial to any party involved is to say that a fox hunter will benefit if he allows the dog to go fuck around and chase squirrels at his leisure because this will make the dog happier and thus more so inclined to work hard for the hunter. This is nonsense, and even the foxhound understands that if he fails to perform his duties he will not get his reward, which in his case is the sheer pleasure of the taste of blood and likely some tasty treat for doing so well.

 The first world argues that the people should be given these pleasures of success even if they have done nothing to warrant them simply because they happen to exist which is a dangerous concept to condition into an animal, and this will ultimately only result in this animal becoming worthless in regards to whatever task it was created and trained to carry out in the first place, simply because if it gets the reward without having to work hard enough to actually attain it if at all, he will see no reason to actually do the work that is expected of him.

 The principles used to condition animals have little variation between all other mammals, and to think that humans should be conditioned in a manner that is different to this is completely foolish, save lest, as said before, the human is expected to be conditioned and behave appropriately even when he may likely never actually interact with his master which was the case in the agrarian America of yore, in which case the conditioner must rely entirely on psychological conditioning that a human’s own preoccupation with thought will reinforce in the absence of the master and thus reinforce his tameness. In today’s society which is little more than a lackadaisical police state, there is no excuse to allow these people to fall into the folly of chasing squirrels or worse killing themselves because their master is always close at hand and should be able to condition the animal appropriately.” Says Stacy

“I think the more you try to convince people that they should be conditioned like an animal that they will realize that they are already conditioned like animals and thus become even more angry with the fact that they have been indoctrinated to behave much like a tame dog would as opposed to this  mythic idealistic human rather than use some sort of common sense to agree that they are conditioned like animals but then be upset with their masters due to the fact that they’re not conditioned better to the point of achieving better performance in the things they are tasked with. To even bring up this argument is seemingly suicidal because people would object to all of these notions like being farmed and being animals regardless of however true they are and have always been, simply because people dislike the image conjured by the statement and the symbolism of the allegory. As much as you can argue in favor of these things behind closed doors with people who also see themselves as shepherds, it is easily a much better idea to play to the human notion of the power and significance of the individual, at least so long as you are rallying the hounds themselves.” Says Isabelle

“I tried to think about people being dogs and it’s sad because people are much worse than dogs. It would be nice if people were so consistently nice and friendly and loyal, but they tend to be afflicted by vice and this ultimately makes them troublesome or otherwise problemed. I know it is to be expected having eaten the forbidden fruit and everything, but I still think it’s sad that people aren’t so consistently wonderful like dogs are.” Says Ophelia

“That is because they’re not trained with the same diligence and devotion that dogs are; people are given too much freedom and this causes them to behave poorly. If one attempted to train a dog while giving him the same level of freedom as a person, the dog would hardly be tame at all and likely raise all sorts of hell simply because it enjoys being wild and reckless and doing what it wants instead of actually understanding the value of being tame in a society that ideally rewards such behavior and punishes the opposite behavior. If you reward or even tolerate that sort of behavior in a dog, you are guaranteed to get more of that sort of behavior, and to think that humans would operate any differently is asinine.” Says Stacy

“I’m going to agree with Isabelle here, as much as it might seem like a reasonable idea, people will object to being tame simply due to the terminology and that which it is associated with. Sure people would benefit, but to think that society would be happy to see themselves reduced to being treated as little more than a dog is ridiculous. The entire argument of both sides of the major parties is that people want more rights and better treatment, either in terms of free things or in terms of silencing the critics of their race, philosophy, and/or religion to ultimately feel superior and more powerful. Seldom if ever will you find somebody who is humble enough to agree with your argument that people should be conditioned and trained in a manner quite similar to dogs.” Says Jenna

“As much as people are animals, they are also people, which is kind of like squares and rectangles, so they will share some commonalities but there are also clear distinctions between the two, which ultimately means that the methods that one uses to deal with one compared to the other should be equally as varied as the differences between the two shapes, which in this case is quite drastic. As much as I’ve grown indifferent to your stance on humans, I also think that out of sheer practicality that the differences between humans and animals should be respected seeing how these are the basis for civilization and everything that has come about as a result of it. While it may be possible to some extent to psychologically abuse the cognitive similarities between animals and people, to think that one can use the same methods of training and conditioning on a person as one would an animal and somehow achieve the same results as seen in a far less intelligent beast is truly underestimating the intelligence of mankind. It may seem like it would be practical and efficient, but it would ultimately be fighting against not only the instincts of man, but also that which has been conditioned into their mind by contemporary society, and this would make such a transition extremely challenging to say the least.” Says Grace

“As much as it would be challenging, it is still worthwhile, just as it is worthwhile to assist an intelligent teenager to abstain from his ketamine habit, due to the fact that he will destroy his body and thus his wellbeing if he continues abusing the drug; much like how people will destroy themselves and their society if they keep abusing society to pursue their mutual self-interest simply because they find it pleasurable.

As I said, people farming, government, and economic systems are all just means to an end for people to be farmed; while the current method is tricking people into voluntarily being farmed by attempting to keep them happy works to some degree, there are far more effective methods to accomplish this same business in ways that are less so wasteful, harmful to the beast by his own hand, or otherwise convoluted, volatile, corrupt, and pretentious. Societies are all based upon communal delusions of grandeur including the value of human life and the distinction between humans and any other beast of burden that are shared by the inhabitants that then attempt to create a reality on the foundation of false truths. These ideas are as dangerous in the common man as the delusion that some demon is telling a schizophrenic man to murder people.

The vast majority of the conflict, strife, arguments, and tensions in this country and abroad can all be sourced to the fact that this delusion is indoctrinated into people rather than absolved through proper education. If these sacred fallacies were abandoned, people would have no legitimized fallacies to defend their delusions that amount to little more than masochism. People are upset because they believe they deserve more than they get, or to be treated better, and this constant pain in their mind caused by the fact that they believe that they deserve everything solely because they have been indoctrinated to think that humans are worthy of respect, or have some inherent value, and also because of the fact society allows them achieve or reap these things they want through the methods available to them if they so choose to do so through their own self-reliance, that they are in some way entitled to some or all of these nice things and luxuries.

People see the absence of having something as a wrongdoing, as opposed to simply acknowledging what they do have, and being grateful for that, because they were never promised anything more, they have never been inspired by being told that they can get anything more than that, they understand the value and fleeting nature of what little they do have, and they are not indoctrinated to think that they are anything other than a lowly beast of burden who does labor in exchange for the comforts that can be responsibly afforded to him.” says Stacy

“That’s the best thing about Stacy; while plenty of people ride a high horse, rather than loath these people from a humble stance, Stacy will always ride a higher horse, hell, Stacy’s horse practically flies in the air and shoots lightning bolts or something. As much as I’m a decent person and have never been tempted to dominate people in that sort of way, I can understand the appeal, even just in an allegorical sense it sounds like it would be quite entertaining. It makes me wonder if you really support your ideas or you just accept the fact that you’re forced to pick from a select few so long as you intend on riding that high horse of the heavens simply because the ride is so delightful.” Says Isabelle

“It shoots lightning bolts of salvation. You are forced to ride a high horse or be trampled by those who do, I simple chose to ride a higher horse and trample all who ride high horses.” Says Stacy

“You don’t seem to understand that plenty of people would be equally unabashed as they trumpet their pretentious ignorance and baseless zealotry. Your same level of fervor can be seen in people who are willing to argue about even more so ridiculous things like aliens or even saying that the earth is flat. When nobody is right and nothing is correct, the only mildly functional replacement for these things is the popular sentiment, and that will put you in a scenario where thousands of people are working in tandem to butt heads with you; so even as hardheaded as you are, it is unlikely that you will succeed in cracking every skull that stands in your way.” Says Jenna

“I can understand taking the mechanical approach to everything, using simple inputs and outputs and trying to maximize efficiency, but this strategy disregards the human element, which while I will not say is the most important, I will argue that it is extremely relevant to the point where it has the capacity to cripple the validity of any mechanical argument simply because regardless of however perfect the argument is in theory, the humans can simply chose to act out and spite the perfection because they don’t like it. It’s that reason that I think all forms of mechanical efficiency should take into account the variable of human resistance to the idea, even if that means the equation will produce a system that is far from mechanically perfect, but it is simply the best possible solution because the solution avoids blowing the allegorical fuse of human complicity. If that fuse blows then the entire functionality goes with it.” Says Grace

“My argument against that is the point that as society grows more advanced and people more contented, they start taking their comforts, luxuries, and privileges for granted which ultimately reduces the capacity of the fuse over time. If this goes unchecked it will ultimately lead to a scenario where humans in the developed world have little capacity to tolerate anything at all without blowing that fuse and crippling society because they start rioting out of their insane indignation and demanding that impossible demands are met. The way I see it, it is a simple question, if society requires 50 megawatts of net-work to function at a sustainable level for a period of time, and the people are willing to exert 40 megawatts in this same period before they start complaining, how much complaining do they have to do before they will attain sustainability by producing 50 megawatts of net-work given the fact that complaining produces a negative number of watts of work?” asks Stacy

“Clearly you just resolve whatever they are complaining about so that they will continue working to meet the needs.” Says Grace

“Their demands cannot be met without further reducing the net value of work performed, and they object to doing the work on the grounds of objecting due to philosophical disagreement with the work that must be done. The only resolution is to somehow increase the threshold of work-tolerance that the humans have the capacity for before they start complaining, and to accomplish this then things must occur that are in contention with the philosophical beliefs of the people or otherwise change the philosophical beliefs of the people.” Says Stacy

“I can see your point that people’s actions all amount to either work, neutrality, or negative work, and you make a good point that reducing people’s ability to choose to do negative work would be beneficial, but rather than attempt to force people to do things that they philosophically and likely psychologically object to, the best course of action would be to minimize negative work as much as possible and hope that technological advancement will eventually provide the remaining work needed to achieve sustainability.” Says Jenna

“People are so fond of their negative work that they without better conditioning they will always seek to find these pleasures even if the situation forces them do so through subversive means as can be seen with the history of alcohol and the current state of drug use. Much of the problem is that society is consistently and relentlessly indoctrinated by the fetishists of genetic, physical, and psychological degradation so that where these things were once frowned upon, now the people are encouraged if not forced to sympathize with these things as if they are worthy of being worshiped.

The media makes money by shilling this sympathy because people have a sick predisposition to stare at dying things, be it animals or car crashes, and they also enjoy to have their emotions played with in ways they find pleasant, so the media has been able to sell these regrettable instances of the desecration of the human race, and this has extended not only to those so smitten to god for whatever reason, but to those who voluntarily choose to defile the human body with their own feeble mindedness. Human society conditions people to think that those who are weak, suffering, and blighted for whatever reason deserve help and sympathy, when nature reminds every creature that is hardly capable of thought that these weak, suffering, and blighted individuals should be avoided at all cost and left to die. This sick culture of glorifying imperfections in the human race as if they should be tolerated and respected would be like people in the middle ages saying that people with the plague should be welcome in society and not only that, but the shilling of this tolerance as entertainment is like telling children to go play in the blood and pus emitted from the buboes and then the parents hugging the children covered in this fluid as if they had just done something wonderful.

This is what socialism is, it is coddling the infested, forcing them to live, and encouraging them to spread whatever vice or illness it is that infest them, and not only that, but the mentality of socialism is itself a contagious disease inducing delusions of both grandeur and persecution, extreme emotional volatility, more often than not it induces a messiah complex in those which it infects, and if they fall short of this delusion, they still develop dangerous egotism that approaches idol worship and the accompanying sanctification of their idols and ideals and demonization of any opposed to this cult which can often translate into blind rage, persecution of those they deem to be heretics, and ultimately senseless and unwarranted violence. They exhibit all of these symptoms and still believe that they are the most benevolent creatures on the planet, which is testament to the fact that this cult is indeed capable of creating a psychological state that is itself nearly identical to a bacteria or virus that thoroughly afflicts the mind, and the worst part is that the physical symptoms of this disease are not made obvious until the disease has manifested itself not only in the minds of the people, but in the manifestations of society, at which point the disease attacks the functional organs of society while sparing those who have become nothing more than infected zealots synonymous with the disease itself who are happy to gorge themselves on the corpse of the society that they aided in killing.

This cult can literally turn an otherwise normal person into the human equivalent of a pathogen whose sole instinct is to infect healthy cells to create more pathogens and ultimately consume its host until it dies, indifferent to its own personal survival, and this disease has been able to replicate itself so well simply because the corpses which it has taken have managed to spread this disease amongst the people, and the disease itself is highly adaptable to cater to whatever predisposition to delusion the people may have prior to their infection. I do think it is very akin to the virus, seeing how neither of them can exist without a host organism from which to prey upon, so this could ultimately provide some evidence towards repetitive patterns found throughout magnitudes of existences much like a fractal, but as that is lofty nonsense it more likely just reinforces the defined role of parasitism in the theory of evolution and many of the principles of virology, but what they are exactly I’m not the slightest bit versed in.” says Stacy

“The way you describe it makes it sound like you’re infected with something similar, but I’m sure you find it regrettable that your affliction isn’t contagious in the slightest.” Says Jenna

“I think it has potential. It could use some improvement, but that would be a hearty clash of delirious belligerent zealotry to watch if she does somehow convince people of this odd holy selfless nature-like asceticism.” Says Isabelle

“Seeing how plenty of people rely on social welfare programs to eat, I hope they wouldn’t seek to bite the hand that feeds them.” Says Jenna, glaring softly at Stacy




“A horse needs food to work, and the farmer is happy to feed him on this accord. The horse does not need to study modernist art or be a living corpse of festering death for as many years as possible long after its utility has been retired by either age or by shame of its feeble birth bearing no semblance to anything other than an omen of death, let alone a horse. Should the horse plow so well that the farmer finds that investing in a sharper plow is a worthy investment, so that the horse might plow more efficiently and the farmer reap a greater crop, then this is a wise decision and a practical one, but if this decision is not a cost effective one as the horse is lazy or inept and would not yield a return on this investment then it is a foolish investment.

There is a difference between responsible, practical farming and blind welfare that amounts to nothing. I am not opposed to proper business, where the farmer is conditioned to make investments that yield him a return, and the fact that socialism often abandons this discretion is why I disparage it so. The argument that the horse and the farmer are equals is the reason why I loathe democracy so, simply because the horse does not know what is best for himself, only what he wants, which is often contrary to the success of the farmer and thus contrary to the wellbeing of the horse who depends on the success of the farmer for his own survival.

It may seem like a caste system to deem some men farmers and some men horses, the farmer should be focused entirely on the success of the farm as opposed to forsaking this responsibility in order to pleasure the horses, so long as the horses continue to perform the work, which by all means can easily be coaxed through both pleasure and pain if need be, and the horses should be aware of this fact and respect it as natural order should always be respected. The horse, on the other hand, should not be bothered with attempting to understand all of the principles required to be a farmer and operate a farm and should instead focus his efforts on improving himself in regards to his nature, which is performing the duties of the horse. The horses can compete with the other horses, but more importantly, the farmers would compete with the other farmers and should they fail to manage their farm properly they reap the seeds of their failure and in a proper capitalist society these farms are repossessed for their debts and hopefully a farmer more so skilled in the craft will be able to sow the seeds of success and avoid the failures of the prior farmer, seeing how this farmer was so skilled or otherwise trained under a skilled farmer who managed to turn such a profit from his own farm that he could purchase another farm all together.” Says Stacy

“Stacy, we are the horses in that allegory. As much as I can understand the similarities between the common laborer and horses, I would rather be treated with more respect and dignity than that. Why reduce people to horses and let others treat them that way when very few people want to be treated like that, all while knowing full well that to even attempt to instate that sort of mentality would cause uproar? I know you like order and function and what not, but as much as your propositions to increase the amount of order would work in some society of mindless compliance, in a volatile human society they would do nothing but create chaos.” Says Jenna

“If we treated people like horses they might be way better people though, horses tend to be friendly and nice rather than people who are always so uppity and angry about whatever sort of problems they have and they feel are unjustifiable because they are so peopley and whatever. I think it would reduce a lot of problems if we didn’t give people the burden of being people, and just let them be horses, seeing how being a person comes with so much responsibility and problems instead of just doing your horse job and then not having to worry about that stuff. People are always so preoccupied with the idea of personhood and all of the nuance and nonsense that they can make up about what it means or doesn’t mean that I think allowing them to forgo all of the bickering and politics that can just as often lead to riots and violence would make things a lot simpler and more peaceful. Maybe I just like horses more than people, but I don’t think it’s really a bad idea at all. ” Says Ophelia

“People’s minds work differently, so as much as a horse won’t question the things around him, people will ultimately see that some people are in charge and they’re basically slaves and this would upset them.” Says Grace

“I think it’s just a matter of treating the horses well, people are nice to the horses and the horses are nice to them, so I’m sure it would work the same way if you didn’t bother everybody with politics and just gave them rewards and treated them well for behaving well.” Says Ophelia

“I don’t know if there are enough apples and brushings of the mane and what not to make Stacy as humble as a horse. It is a nice idea, idyllic and serene to think of people as nice horses, but if we can take Stacy as any example of a person, they don’t tend to be nice like horses.” Says Isabelle

“People can also amount to much more than a horse, so reducing them to the caste of a laborer might cause people to forsake their passion to innovate or achieve great things in a field like technology or medicine because they’re so downtrodden with the fact that they’re labeled as a horse and lose the self-respect and self-confidence needed to achieve those things.” Says Jenna


“You can easily be a beautiful amazing horse, a doctor horse, or a computer horse, or a business horse, but these people are still horses; they are horses because they focus on their duty, they focus on the task they perform, whatever it is, as opposed to attempting to have any sort of sway or involvement in the job of the farmer who exists to protect, feed, shelter, and direct the horses to the work that need to be done. People occupy themselves with eating, fucking, and entertaining themselves, the equivalent of playing for horses, and this fact clearly distinguishes these people as the equivalent of a horse that can and should be tamed and expected to perform some task or another because such is the nature of a civilization to expect a useful beast to be useful instead of wild.

There is no shame in being a horse, and horses have always been loved and revered if not worshiped throughout history, but regardless of their worthiness, a horse requires some sort of farmhand or carriage driver to give it direction and purpose, otherwise it will ultimately do nothing but frolic and be worthless so long as it can keep itself alive. The horseman knows how to make use of a horse and do it well because his life and livelihood are reliant on his ability to do so, and knowing that this parallel ultimately defines society one should not expect the horse to perform both the duties of the horse and the horseman, nor should the horse expect to do so itself.

Society is already defined by people playing these roles, the issue is that one of the methods used to induce docility in the horses is to delude them into thinking that their whims and opinions are as pertinent as those of the horseman, but to coddle this delusion is to also hinder the function of the farm and the responsibilities of the horseman because now he is tasked with both accomplishing his responsibilities and somehow doing this while maintaining said delusion in his horses which often contradicts his original responsibilities.

As much as these two beasts can be of equal value, as they are both worthless without each other, the two distinct roles should be embraced for what they are to allow the horseman to tend to his responsibilities as efficiently as possible and to allow the horse to enjoy his life without the constant preoccupation with his presumed responsibility as a horseman which ultimately does nothing but distract the beast and can often lead to blinding insanity of every flavor from sadness to rage and mania alike, all of which hinder the horse from focusing on his responsibility knowing that so long as he does his job, the horseman will succeed, and this translates into the privileges offered by being loved, protected, and cared for as the golden goose that he is.

 The ideal behind the functionality is the same as a maestro and an orchestra, because each instrumentalist must be focused and devoted to his instrument in order to perform beautifully, just as the maestro his own craft, and to argue that everyone should simultaneously act as the maestro does nothing but ruin any ability of the orchestra to play in organized unity as it should. People for some reason belittle themselves and glorify the maestro because of the lesser density of maestros, but ultimately he is nothing but a man waving a stick without an orchestra behind him, and he only serves the purpose of creating organization and harmony amongst the musicians so that they can cooperate to create something far greater than they could alone.

The people by all means should be able to deprive the maestro of the music should they agree to, but they should not be at all concerned with doing the job of the maestro, for a maestro should have devoted his life to the study and mastering the practice of conducting an orchestra. This is how things should work, which is completely opposed to the current standard of having countless maestros who all devote their lives to mastering the craft of shilling themselves to people or the bureaucracy so fond of sycophantry rather than being people who are selected to conduct society solely due to their devotion to and mastery of the craft, their knowledge, and their ability to perform the duty as a maestro of whatever band or choir they are asked to conduct. While this may not be a perfect allegory because musicians tend to enjoy music whereas a horse may not enjoy work to the same extent and may require some prodding, it is still a good example of logical functionality in regards to any system defined by cooperating specialists, be it a farm, an orchestra, or a system of governance.” Says Stacy

“As much as I tend to be critical of whatever it is you drum up, that idea is pretty reasonable. I would be much happier in a system where those who govern are chosen to do so because of their education and skill in the actual action of governance as opposed to those who can sway the people. I know people would be upset with feeling like their opinions aren’t valuable, but politics is  a nuisance at best and a destructive force of social discord more often than not, so I think forgoing politics altogether and making government a job based on skill and qualifications as opposed to popularity would be a step in the right direction, both for the government and the people if they can actually abandon their insane preoccupation with the system of politics that amounts to litter more than mudslinging and petty bickering.” Says Jenna

“The problem is that without all of that power for the people, the power of the government gets out of hand; you say the people can just stop supporting an official and this puts him out of power, but I’m sure the government would get rid of that failsafe as fast as they could and then reign with impunity as much as they damn well please. I don’t have enough faith in the decency of people to think that a system like that would work, all it takes is the officials in the meritocracy or whatever to become corrupted by their power and then it turns into full on steal all the money and enslave or kill everybody communism.” Says Isabelle

“Seeing how most of the governing is done by bureaus that employ people by that standard, I think that method should continue all the way to the top. The non-elected employees of the government are largely the only ones who get things done, and while the elected officials may have debated great things at one point with actual respectability, it has been reduced to a shameless popularity contest on account of the media involvement which ultimately means that the only candidates that anyone can choose from are those supported by the people with enough money to shill their guy on all of the television ads as opposed to somebody who has any sort political beliefs that are not entirely defined by who gives them money.” Says Jenna

“I kind of agree that without voting the government could just run away with power. As much as it might seem petty to try to please people, at least you know that if the official doesn’t please the people they get voted out of office. They say absolute power corrupts absolutely, so considering how little power the elected officials already have compared to their alleged level of corruption, it would likely be terrible to see people with any more power than that.” Says Ophelia

“The politicians are only corrupt because the system favors corruption; the corrupt officials get the money which fuels their campaigns and causes them to be elected time and time again. If there were things like performance reviews and the votes were used only to fire unpopular officials if it comes to that through referendum or something, then people would still have that sort of power. My concern is that as much as it may claim to be merit based, the two partisan agendas conflict with each other in very blatant ways, so ultimately these people who are in charge of hiring would either be part of one party or the other which would sway their own hiring of people based on the beliefs of that one person rather than their merits or skill. It’s hard to have a government without opinionated debate and such because even if you try to go without it, you are just silencing the opposition as opposed to giving them legitimate representation simply because you’re in power and calling the shots. It’s hard to even think of a standard where skill in governance isn’t in some way partisan, because at the end of the day the most effective form of government is always up for debate, so whether or not one’s actions are worthy of praise or criticism is entirely up to one’s own opinions on the matter.” Says Grace



“It would be hard if not impossible to convert to a meritocracy with government in its current state, simply because all legislation has always been created based upon the popular beliefs of the people rather than the merits of the ideas. For this reason, I would argue for a system of governance based upon universal truths and a hierarchy of veracity as opposed to giving precedence to things that are subject to debate. The prime constitution would be a collection of facts, uncontestable statements that are not a matter of debate, and from these there would be relevant ones, whereas ‘fire burns people’ may not be a relevant guiding principle, but something a statement like ‘Work is a vector directed at success, implying that negative work increases the distance to success’ might be seen as an unquestionable fact, then below that would be principles like ‘Pain hinders work’ which are fairly true, testable and measurable, but may be false in some cases, then things descend in veracity until at the bottom there are things that are subject entirely to debate which cannot be tested or measured.

This would set up some sort of trump system where legislation that is more so attuned to reality is given precedence over things that are up to opinion, and if somebody has an opinionated argument, they are expected to find measurements and devise trials that would serve the point of legitimizing or otherwise refuting their argument. Something like ‘abortion is a human right’ or ‘abortion is immoral’ would be at the bottom, being entirely an opinion, and there could be other arguments like ‘a woman should have control over her body’ ultimately trumped by ‘you had control of your body when you chose to have sex and risk getting pregnant’, to which replies like ‘it was rape’ would get passed being trumped due to being equally factual, and transitioning into arguments that can have a statistical measurement like which could then be argued in higher levels of veracity like ‘unwanted babies hinder their mothers success’, ‘killing babies hurts the economy’, and these can be statistically measured to see if the baby will help the economy more than it will hinder the economy by hindering the mother, and based upon measurable veracity like ‘the baby is defective and thus hurts the economy’ gets by this argument due to the likelihood of this statement being true is extremely likely;  I’m sure people could argue about this forever, but the point being that the final verdict is decided by that which is most in line with things that are unquestionable truths as opposed to making decisions solely based upon opinions. This is how debate should work, because as it stands now, facts of the matter are usually ignored and arguments consist of shouting baseless ideals at each other like idiots.” Says Stacy

“I like that idea, but I was kind of hoping you would come to some fact that says abortion is wrong.” Says Ophelia

“Well, wrong is an opinion, but the baby’s labor is likely worth just as much as the mother’s if not more, and the fact that the baby is likely to reproduce gives theoretically indefinite value to the baby as opposed to the measurably finite value of the mother’s labor. Of course there are countless other arguments like ‘unwanted children are less successful’ which can be measured and would be trumped by ‘the country benefits from all healthy children’ and this would negate the argument and they would just forfeit their child to the industrial rearing of the child if it was unwanted, seeing how ‘rearing children industrially creates successful children’ is argued, and while it may not have much evidence, it can be put into trials for not being inherently false and these trials would defend the argument to some extent, saying that ‘on average it produces children that are more successful than unwanted, neglected, and/or abused children, but it does not produce children that are more successful than those who do not qualify as these things’ and I am just throwing thing out there, but this system of debate based upon facts and statistics would streamline decision making as opposed to just watching idiots butt heads all day.” Says Stacy

“As much as that is far too practical for anybody with any sort of power to support, I think the people might get behind it just because every single one of them is convinced that their opinions are unquestionable truths, so they would see it as an easy and ultimate victory.” Jokes Isabelle

“I think something like that could work if you actually had people who were qualified in the fields and able to site the sources for the data on their arguments. Still, I’m sure it would upset everybody even if it did use statistical grounds to justify things, which is an ironic usage of the word simply because sometimes statistics themselves are in contention with justice to the point where some places like Sweden even choose not to keep some statistics just to avoid doing anything that can be interpreted as discriminatory or defamatory, even if it is just releasing statistics, that could still be interpreted as hostility to describe people with statistics that reinforce stereotypes or seem like some kind of allegation against an entire group of people.” Says Grace

“If it’s not nice it’s not true, regardless of what statistical measurements might inform us of. That’s always an important lesson to remember.” Jokes Stacy

“I’m sure plenty of people could get behind that mentality; if the statistics ever make a person of business look bad, that means the statistics are nothing but defamatory hate speech and should not be tolerated in the slightest by society. It doesn’t matter if a company is enslaving children in the third world or clear cutting the Amazon because those statistics make the company look bad and even worse could hurt the company’s feelings. When we put those numbers aside, we can all appreciate all of the wonderful statistics that make the company look amazing when we leave out all of the unpleasant ones, and I think that sort of mentality would really help reinvent the image of corporate America as a benevolent force of good instead of some evil plutocratic monolith. It makes me wonder why we’ve not adopted that mentality yet.” Jokes Isabelle

But I say unto you, that ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also.” Preaches Stacy

“Of course we’re going there.” Sighs Jenna

“It’s a shame people are so willing to forsake the teachings of the lord and savior. It truly is a dark time.” Says Isabelle

“As much as you want to think that is just being some kind of masochist and letting evil do whatever it wants, the message is that violence will only lead to more problems and the best way to resolve the issue is to remain peaceful and attempt to make the change in that way. It’s not that people have forsaken that teaching, the vast majority of protests are peaceful.” Says Grace

“It also says to love everybody, but people don’t seem to take that part to heart for some reason.” Says Ophelia

“People have definitely forgotten the universal love part, seeing how they all practice what Jesus says not to by loving their own people and hating those they disagree with.” Says Jenna

“When every group of people claiming to be benevolent and godly is laden with heresy and sick with vice there is little justification to do anything but loathe them, even Jesus was quick to scorn people like that. Sadly even the religious groups are so full of slothful tolerance of vice to the point where they take pride in doing so, but one could argue they need to do that to survive in the modern world; it’s not like there’s any sort of army that exists today that would gladly be paid in salvation as opposed to liquor and whores. At one time people had faith, but now the only way to win a war is by recruiting Satan’s army to fight for you. Seeing how the world today indistinguishable from Sodom in terms of morality, it is hard to defend this seeing how god would be more than happy to smite it thoroughly; while Jesus may tolerate it, the word of Jesus, in perspective, is really the mantra for the persecuted and fragile.

 In order to survive when all the world is against you, you must be that sort of pacifistic masochist otherwise you will die, and as much as Jesus does tell you to forsake the Jewish legalism, he is pretty clear about the fact that god himself is the legitimate and ultimate truth, so as much as we can forsake the matzo, a godly man would smite with no less fury than god himself in the Old Testament if he was indeed given the power to do so. Any sort of actions performed explicitly by god are always going to be godly, even in Jesus’ eyes, whereas the Mosaic law can be put up for debate. That’s how I see it anyways, as it is fine to let Jesus condemn Judaism, but ultimately the actions of god himself are unquestionably good, even in Jesus’ eyes, as he argues that god is love, he would fully support the argument that massacring the wicked and contemptible is an act of wholesome love, just as god teaches us.” Says Stacy

“Let’s go back to the politics, I doubt anybody is in the mood for a sermon about how Jesus tells us that we should love massacring sinners because god does those things and god is love.” Says Grace

“I would have to spend some time with the bible to put a sermon together, but that is a great topic for a sermon.” Says Stacy

“I’d love to hear it, I figure you could just take a few lines from the bible and string them together loosely with a lot of random ranting extrapolation and that qualifies as a sermon.” Says Isabelle

“I was actually enjoying the discussion about measurable statistical veritability, so to digress into a debate about entirely ethereal things is not making progress in any sort of productive direction. People can argue about faith all day, and it is largely pointless as half of the world if not more is completely faithless and since religion has been tolerated but legally irrelevant since the foundation of this country, I wouldn’t expect that to change any time soon.

Do note that I’m uneasy about word choice, verifiability is probably better, but veritableness is truly a shameless garbage word that doesn’t even conjugate a word that ends in -able correctly. I guess I’d rather have the foundation be on practicable verity as opposed to something based on verification, simply because the process of verification is so easily corrupted and passed off as legitimate that the word has lost some of its integrity. I’ll defend veritability over verifiability because the latter would imply governance defended by the fact that something can be verified as opposed to veritability which implies governance based upon things that able to function as verity, as in the truth, especially an enduring religious or ethical truth, as opposed to just saying the numbers line up so we should pull the trigger.” Says Jenna

“Duly noted.” says Isabelle

“As much as I’d love to entertain you, unfortunately arguing things based upon statistical bases is rather contrary to my usual stratagem of criticizing everything and asserting myself as superior; I can argue based upon principles, but when it comes to citing actual measurable successes I am often forced into the forge to craft an allegory that demonstrates the legitimacy of my idea, and allegories are equally as susceptible to conveying the story only partially in regards to principle without taking into account all minor statistical minutiae, disparity, outliers and hypothetical conditional arguments that might provide appropriate counterpoints to the argument.” Says Stacy

“It is tragic that your otherwise perfect ideas are so often struck down by the pebbles of minutiae that people rebut them with.” Says Jenna, dryly

“I still think the allegories are pretty good sometimes, at least they help me understand some of the things more clearly, but seeing how it’s impossible to know all of the facts of every matter, one usually forced to make decisions out of principle fairly often.” Says Ophelia

“As much as it would be noble to try and emulate the aforementioned form of government in our debates, seeing how none of us have any statistical measurements to fill out the grey area to justify the opinions we’re either stating simple facts or baseless opinions like we always do. I would like to see that sort of overtly legitimate type of government function though, plenty of people getting told to sit down because they’re ranting about nonsense or opinions.” Says Isabelle

“There is just so little room for corruption there would have to be an even more swindlous politician to trick them into adopting it, if it is even possible to swindle on that level. People tend to hate facts, so I doubt they would want to be governed by them.” Says Grace

“The traditional means of debate are nearly as healthy, where I simply assail any and all opinions with facts in a ruthless incessant caning and afterword I might put forth an opinion, but I am always humble enough to enjoy debating the pros and cons of the opinion.” Says Stacy

“That makes me want you to be a politician to no end hearing you say that, just so those people who rate everything a politician says based on truthfulness would have to rate all of your statements. Seeing how you tend to speak in allegory and about principles it might be harder than rating the usual mudslinging, but if they could do it accurately it would be entertaining.” Says Jenna

“I doubt the people who simply compare political statements to the stenographer of current events would have the capacity to perform statistical measurements to validate or disprove my arguments. As much as I may speak fallaciously sometimes, I have enough confidence in my word that it the truths I speak of would be verified as truths, at least the pertinent ones, if the job is done honestly and correctly.” Says Stacy

“I think it was interesting, you could at least try to extrapolate on how exactly things would be tested, I can understand that some statistics are available, but for untested ideas there are none, and seeing how you said something about the industrial rearing of children, whatever that might be, the idea could use some refinement.” Says Grace

“I am full of ideas, refinement is not my forte, as I tend to stick to the simple straightforward ideas, but I’ll do what I can. Public policy can be tested just as any other things are tested, by the scientific method, and the trials would be assigned to certain places or municipalities that are willing to test the idea, and this would likely suffice as things that get to this point are deemed logically and mathematically viable, and this only leaves the bitter pills of ideas which might have to be forced down people’s throats simply because often times those disagreeable ideas are the most logically and mathematically viable. The trials would provide results, and if they prove to be promising along the way they can be expanded to give a greater data set, and if there is something that is changed about the procedure of an experiment that was unsuccessful it can be tried again if it is deemed viable due to technological advancement or some sort of limitation on the factors that caused it to fail. It is largely just governing with the scientific method as opposed to the method of opinionated righteousness, so I do feel that some small fraction of the population might support it enough to gain some sort of fringe following.

In terms of the industrial rearing of children, that is just expanding on the concept of a large family and raising a large number of orphans in the same place as opposed to attempting to find homes for them; there are many methods of doing this, and surely they must be tried and tested thoroughly, but ultimately these children having a permanent home and family would likely be beneficial, even if their parents are more like drill sergeants in a boot camp, the structure and rigidity would give them some foundations for success as opposed to being thrown around and largely neglected while some people pretend to love them if they’re lucky.

Rather than attempt to create acceptable results by placing children in a large number of highly variable scenarios over a length of time they are simply given one scenario with little variability and this scenario is refined to produce the best results possible. This may be lacking in terms of emotional development, but the interpersonal skills would be developed amongst the peers, and the familial love could hopefully be sourced from their fellow orphans while the values and lessons taught by parents would be instilled by a handful of people, the simulated parents, aunts, and uncles of a large family that are professionally trained to rear children, including discipline and whatever household education they might accrue along with all sorts of the business that is required to raise the children into proper, functional, and successful adults.” Says Stacy

“It is unfortunate that the people who support the scientific method are considered a fringe group, but when science does not agree with someone, they tend to just disagree with the science.” Says Jenna

“As much as I can’t see every facet of this idea, as I’m not truly versed in any of the components of proper experimentation or the aspects of governance, I would hope that some community would champion the idea and see it like Da Vinci’s drawing of the flying machine, which can ultimately be improved upon by those versed in the physics and engineering to the point that it functions flawlessly as it does today. The concept of the hierarchy of truth and the predominance of factuality is a legitimate basis for anything really, and there are too many details to imagine such as devising a foolproof system in which it cannot fall victim to itself or the people who operate it from within, that I’m sure I could not do a system like that justice by ranting about it. For in the end, if I had the ability to gauge all notions for their truth and function, I wouldn’t be arguing things based upon principle.” Says Stacy

“I like how as soon as you start talking about a reasonable idea that is easily more legitimate than your usual ideas, you’re suddenly humble and honest about how you don’t know everything. It’s kind of cute to see you get flustered by that fact.” Teases Jenna

“I’m just saying that I’ve not mused over the intricacies of the system is all. I’ve never said that I knew everything; I simply argue that I know better, and that my ideas are more so functional and productive than whatever sort of nonsense people are droning on about these days. It’s not that a veritocracy would suddenly invalidate all of my ideas, as easily most of my ideas would sail through that crucible which ultimately just validates my correctness. It is plain as day that my philosophy addresses and corrects the major flaws in society, but just because this is true doesn’t make the solutions perfect by any means, they are just legitimate solutions that might have some flaws, but the results they produce validate the fact that the ideas are superior to any alternative that is proposed by the common schmuck who believes that the idealist nonsense that is preached by partisan politics and humanism will amount to anything other than the eventual destruction of the planet and the human race.” Says Stacy

“Of course it is only a small chance that there are flaws in your ideas rather than a fact.” Says Jenna

“I am talking about legitimate flaws, not the fact that somebody might pout or be pissy because they didn’t get what they wanted. If somebody having a contrary opinion or a displeasure with something makes something flawed, then everything is flawed, facts like ‘the sun exists’ or ‘failure is possible’ are all flawed concepts that exist in a state that implies there is some pristine truth out there that is somehow both different from these facts and cannot be flawed according to the aforementioned context.” Says Stacy

“I would hope that there is some weight of legitimacy given to the opinion of the general public. It wouldn’t really make sense to disregard their sentiments when they’re the basis of all functionality in society.” Says Grace

“I’m sure everybody would share the opinion that they are in favor of eating a magical herb that cures all ailments and makes oneself feel amazing forever, but seeing how this is impossible this opinion is irrelevant. Opinions are at the bottom for a reason, they are nonsense, there is criticism which can have some ground by having a basis in reality with statistics and measurements, but even then this is only valuable if it is constructive criticism that offers a viable alternative to these displeasurable statistics or otherwise somehow inspires somebody by the grace of god to come up with that alternative simply because somebody was so gracious and noble as to complain about something.

In regards to an opinion, this is ‘Steve likes beans’ or ‘Joe dislikes beans’, which is completely irrelevant, ‘Beans provide sustenance and nutrition’ and ‘Beans are economical crops to grow’, these are facts, now there are countless arguments in between these things that would connect the facts to the opinions ‘Joe doesn’t eat beans so when his rations are beans his performance suffers’ this is rather measurable and can be resolved in many ways based upon the scenario including anything from ‘let Joe starve to death’, ‘force Joe to eat the beans’ or even ‘provide Joe an alternative such as soy’, depending on the cost of the beans and as it is likely that both are comparably priced due to market forces, then Joe could likely get the soy beans provided he is worthy of being alive as measured by his net yield to society, this unless there are no other foods available in which case Joe is given the choice to eat the beans or starve to death, and if Joe is too valuable to allow to starve to death but for some reason there is no other food available, which seems unlikely, he is then forced to eat the beans through as much escalating prodding, caning, etc. as necessary.

In reality if Joe is not capable of doing enough labor to provide the capital it takes to feed him there is a problem, seeing how cheap it is to produce food, especially in this country, the raw cost to produce the food is next to nothing, and seeing how people have clearly proven they are unable to make proper dietary choices they will be forced upon a strict regimen to further streamline the process of feeding them and lowering the cost even further due to the optimization of the function of the system as opposed to optimizing capital gains, as to attempt to turn a profit simply from feeding one’s own horses is nonsense; you use the horse to create profit, but to profit from feeding the horse is being so silly as to give the horse some money just to take it back every time you feed him and pretend like that accomplishes anything, but of course there is still plenty of profit to be made from feeding other farmer’s horses. There are a countless number of scenarios and flow-charts and measurements and whatnot to come to a valid answer, so that is part of the whole intimidation I feel by that sort of system. The usual way of just criticizing the world is so much easier because it takes so much less effort just to be better than it does to be perfect.” Says Stacy

“I like how you reduced capitalism to something like pimping where the pimp holds all the money and just gives the hos what they need in exchange for their services.” Jokes Isabelle

“It took me a minute to realize you were talking about people and not horses, because it did seem silly to pretend to give a horse money.” Says Ophelia





“Pimping hasn’t changed over time because the pimp knows that the hos can’t be trusted to make good decisions with money, so he is forced to look out for their best interest, and this method of business clearly serves both parties well. Rather than create a system of rigmarole that amounts to little more than giving your horses money just to take it back and pretend this accomplishes something, the money should be used productively and constructively and not spend any time caught up in this foolishness, and seeing how even horses are far better with money than most people, this would benefit the people greatly.

Rather than be able to squander their money like most idiots do, they would talk to the farmer, or pimp, as you might unfortunately call him, and if spending the money is a sound investment for the wellbeing of the farm, the farmer will then be happy to ensure that the investment is made; this would bar the citizens from being tempted by and engaging in capitalistic folly, wastefulness, lavishness, and whatnot in order to ensure success, because everyone knows that it takes money to make money, so that implies that money that is not used to make money is wasted money, and that includes all money that is exchanged between the horses on the same farm because this only moves the money around rather than doing anything productive; even though much of capitalism is based upon peddling the folly of temptation, this practice would only be perpetuated through export while the horses could live a life free of these things which are idiocy at best but more often than not sickening vices that induce some form of habitual and destructive addiction.” Says Stacy

“It sounds like a mix of pimping, communism, and slavery, but I can’t really criticize your pious utilitarian asceticism in good conscience. As much as I’m sick with the vice myself, I can’t be so shameless as to defend it over something more practical, especially seeing how much it torments the people.” Says Isabelle

“I’d like to think you have a conscience, but you’re probably just thinking about how you get a country of slaves while you operate your illicit business internationally and reap in massive profits from a nation of enslaved ascetics.” Says Grace

“I’m sure in a communist slave state the slavers would have a tight grip on the money, it’s not like Stacy isn’t arguing that all people should live this ascetic life, not just the horses, hell, I’m pretty sure even the billionaires just qualify as business horses in her mind. It’s delightful thinking that pimping memoirs would be more central to the curriculum of the so-called farmers than any of the papers of people who argued for a more idealistic form of government.” Says Isabelle

“The pimps are far more humble; they understand the nature of the beast, how to tame it, and how to encourage it to be productive and successful. Their minds are not corrupted by ideals and fanciful philosophy because they are forced to practice what they preach and have refined the art through hard work and dedication to the craft, as opposed to every asshat in history who sat at some desk and preached about his ideals, alleging how they’re ever so factual just because they sound nice when in reality they are impractical and cause as many problems as they might resolve, if not even more problems than there were originally.” Says Stacy

“As much as I’ve never read one, I’m sure there are countless parallels between how the pimps treat their women and how the oligarchs and the government treat the people. One would think that there are simple fundamentals that define a successful and functional system, and seeing how both pimps and the government to some degree have established a functional system, that means they will share the same fundamentals; even if their means to the end are different, the philosophy is likely nearly identical, at least in practice. Ideals are different, but I’ll just pass on any defense of them and agree with Stacy that they’re just communal delusions shared by the people that the government allegedly supports simply to indoctrinate the people, just because it’s easier than debating it with Stacy.” Says Jenna

“I don’t know anything about pimping other than the fact that it’s immoral, so I can’t say anything other than the fact that if the government does something similar to the people, then that is more than likely just as immoral.” Says Ophelia

“I can’t say I’m versed in the craft other than the common aphorisms, but just as all other aphorisms they exist for a reason and that reason is their ability to convey fundamental truths. They say that only three types of people exist, hos, pimps, and tricks; and since hos will be hos, if you’re not a ho you’re either a pimp or a trick. The value of this allegory is that laborers are nothing more than hos who perform some sort of act for money, and this leaves the government who, due to the fact that they provide protection and accommodate success while creating order, is essentially the pimp.

This is just how the world works, there is no shame in that, the problem is that socialists are people that want to treat the government like a trick, sucking the money out of it until it dies while seeing themselves as superior to the government, when this is clearly against the natural order of things and if this were to happen all hell would break loose. The pimp loses the ability to do his job once he becomes the trick because he is getting played out of his money, the hos, now without a pimp, have their lives fall into disorder because they no longer have the pimp to rely on to keep their lives operational and organized, and ultimately the hos get snatched up by some rival pimp.

Clearly this is a recipe for disaster, and no successful pimp would ever let it come to this; if the hos want to leave, so be it, but to think that he will allow them to play him like a trick is ridiculous and that is the point where he needs to lay down the law to remind them how, and why things work the way they do, as well as how things could be if they didn’t work. The fact that governing people and pimping are perfect parallels should clearly serve to remind people of the reality that must be true in order for both pimps and hos to mutually be successful, as well as the dangers and failures induced by attempting to go against this system that has been refined by hundreds of years of success which has been handed down through generations of pimps.

The reasons things are this way is because this is the only way that they work; if there was any more successful alternative pimps would have realized this long ago and embraced it, but to watch the people demand that the government embrace the tactics and strategies of countless pimps who have met nothing but failure is abhorrent, especially when the pimp in question is the only reason this country has been able to accomplish anything besides trifling petty bullshit and nonsense.” Says Stacy

“I don’t really know much about pimping either, but the way you describe it, it sounds like the pimp takes all of the money from the hos and makes the decisions with it, so that actually sounds a lot like socialism to me, as much as you portray it as the opposite or whatever.” Says Grace

“In socialism, as I said, the people want to play the government like a trick; they want to make money off of the government instead of pay the pimp for his services, where he takes a cut of their profit. This is true in the commonly demanded form of welfare state socialism. By all means pimping could easily be an example of another form of socialism that actually functions, where the hos and the pimp collectively form an entity far greater and successful than they could be independently, but that is a far cry from welfare state socialism where people just try to get as many free things from the government as possible, treating the government like it is a client of their services rather than the other, proper way where they are a client of the government’s services. This is socialism, where I tend to propose a classical system where the pimp does his job more effectively, and the hos stop turning tricks on each other and sell themselves to the world instead, because when your hos just pay each other that doesn’t accomplish a damn thing for anybody at the end of the day.” Says Stacy

“It’s a great idea, but the problem is still deciding who gets to be the pimp. Everybody is going to want to be the boss who lives the luxurious lifestyle full of success and glory with legions of hos under their wing.” Says Isabelle

“The luxurious lifestyle of the pimp is meant to attract streetwalking prostitutes who want to live a better life than what their own labor provides for them. If the government was pimping effectively, they wouldn’t be at all interested in any sort of luxury, because if the government partakes in this they are doing nothing but dissuading people from working for them because they look corrupt. The luxurious lifestyle of the pimp is replaced with infrastructure, public works, and all sorts of things that are designed to tempt the laborers into coming to work for the pimp in order to live a better quality life than they could without the pimp.

Federal pimping would be a rigorous and demanding job offering little more than the love of the people and the wholesome joy of asceticism; this means that those interested in such pimping must be driven largely by accruing power and glory regardless of any sort of material gains, because any sort of show of profligate shamelessness is entirely contrary to the foundations of the success of the pimp. The pimp must be entirely devoted to his success, and this is why the street pimp must live a lavish and temping lifestyle to succeed, and for this same reason the federal pimp must go without these things to gain the admiration and trust of his hos.” Says Stacy

“This is kind of a grim debate, seeing how I’m here pondering whether or not I want to be an allegorical prostitute or a horse, but it’s just too accurate to see things any differently. The future tends to appear bleak, and these allegories aren’t providing much in the way of reprieve.” Says Jenna

“I was all in favor of being a horse; I thought that was pretty cute. That sounds way better than the pimps and hos allegory anyways.” Says Ophelia

“I won’t criticize the practice of pimping because I know it won’t change anybody’s mind, but seeing how America is largely a service based economy where people provide services to other Americans, it doesn’t seem like there is a way to create a society where that doesn’t exist. So long as that exist, Americans will always be doing business with each other for whatever that is worth, and to think that all of these people would be able to abandon that infrastructure and start selling themselves to the world instead seems outlandish.” Says Grace

“That is entirely the problem; the service economy consists of your hos turning your other hos like tricks, and that does nothing for the pimp at the end of the day, because he collects all the money for safe keeping. The argument that there is some value in Americans providing services to other Americans is based upon the argument that the money to fuel the existence of these service industries comes from people who actually do sell themselves to the world to some extent. This argument becomes problematic when more and more of the country is occupied in domestic services, and this means the people who actually make money are responsible for somehow ensuring that it trickles down from the source down into the hands of the service industry.

The way I see it, seeing how the service industry consists of hoing that is pointless in principle due to the nature of pimpin; it should not be misconstrued or even allowed to argue that it is a productive force of the economy, it amounts to nothing but moving money around without creating any, so this definitive fact should be more than enough grounds to bar the service industry from existing in a role where it operates out of profit, and redefine those service roles that are necessary as public services to be orchestrated by the state in the most cost effective manner possible rather than having half of the economy consist of backbiting bottom bitches with their army of hos that try to steal from and compete with the other hos in their niche regardless of the fact that they are under the wing of the same exact pimp, so their pettiness amounts to nothing but trifling bullshit.

Anything in the service sector would be done to meet the needs of the people without providing any incentive for capitalistic treachery along the way, because in an industry that does not actually create money, the capitalistic treachery that is otherwise healthy, where your hos actually compete with rival hos, instead just becomes unhealthy infighting amongst your own hos, and that is entirely distasteful and unproductive. The argument that the competition increases the quality of service is irrelevant, seeing how most of the services are unneeded, extravagant, wasteful, or even pointless luxuries, the quality of the services of these businesses is pointless, at least domestically, and the quality of the necessary services is defined by the cost effectiveness of meeting the needs of the people; and arguing that people should be tempted, swayed, or conned into having their necessities serviced rather than simply and plainly have their necessities serviced is arguing in favor of pettiness and wastefulness over productive and responsible use of the time, effort, energy, and resources of the country that could otherwise be used to produce things in an industry that actually creates money. This may sound like communism, to reduce these industries to public services, but it is truly only an accentuation of true capitalism; to segregate this industry from true capitalism simply because on principle it fails to create money, and for this reason any attempts to use these means as a way to amass money is shameless and amounts to little more than thievery in a world that should have no tolerance for such petty bullshit.” Says Stacy

“You never do fail to find a way to criticize the majority of America, and you’re still forgetting that some service industries like tourism actually create money in a sense by receiving it from sources outside of the country, but what about service industries that rely on competing with each other to ensure quality, the ones that require skilled professionals like medicine that demand a lot of money for their skill, or perhaps that people who actually create money will desire to be serviced in some way that is not simply having the state meet their basic needs?” asks Jenna

“Despite all of these things, the service industry for the most part does not create money; I am arguing that it be removed from the true economy just to clarify the lesser status of the industry. Tourism can be seen as selling an experience to foreigners, and the same applies to medical professionals who treat foreigners, but if they money comes from within the country it is not a practical or reasonable use of money. Medicine should not be performed to any extent that the cost of its services outweighs the yield of the services from the recipient on principle; and this simplifies much of medicine by barring much of the practices as wasteful, and this only leaves the common medical upkeep of humans which is nowhere near as difficult, especially when the people are herded and conditioned in such ways as to ensure their health.

While it would be impossible to transition to this system instantaneously, it could be accomplished by establishing separate currency that is used in domestic services in order to distinguish this money from real money, and this money could be used on wholesome, reasonable, and productive purchases as opposed to having free reign in the markets of vice like common money today. This transition would be slow, and service industry workers of a high skillset would be given greater compensation for this, as a marker of the vestigial system, while the economy shifts to consolidate industry and maximize efficiency and productivity by designing the economy to accommodate the function of industry and its horses as opposed to the devil may care attitude of letting the free market attempt to establish these things as well as it can despite the natural chaos that defines such a system.

The domestic currency would largely be the only one accepted within the country, and foreigners could pay to have their money converted with a high tax to offset the otherwise bare minimum prices of things in a system that is designed not to profit from its own hos but to accommodate their function and success within the economy. This leaves things that are not necessary or helpful for the function of the horses and these things may be provided to some extent within tourist areas, but not to be sold for domestic money. An economy like this would bar most types of purchases due to the unproductive nature of such things, so those who may have real money would likely have to leave the country or go to tourist areas to have their vices entertained, but this would be frowned upon and they would undoubtedly pay a vice tax if it is even legal for a countryman to shamelessly indulge in hedonism and disgrace his own country in such a way while he is still within her borders. This money made from industry should ultimately be invested in the industry, but if the transition is slow with many vestigial elements of the former economy and there are some well-off proponents of vices who have not been indoctrinated to loathe such things, then it would not be intolerable to accommodate them amongst the tourists.

 On the topic of quality, the quality in these public sector jobs would be kept at a standard by the law, but largely supported by the industries because this system is largely how they pay their employees, seeing how the real money they might earn is largely useless unless it is converted into domestic money to be used on purchases that are legally condoned for their value and utility, as operating a business involves keeping one’s employees happy and working hard. The industry creates the city, and in this process creates the infrastructure, including some of these public service jobs, and the companies taking responsibility for their towns would easily be interested in investing money into these services with local taxes they elect to pay to support them

In a prosperitized city, this would quite cost effective seeing how all of the employees of the industry and their family are fed by one or two mess halls, investing money into this business would directly translate into happier employees, investing in the schools would translate into better quality students who then either have some extra-curricular accommodation within their local industry from the public schools or otherwise feel a sense of loyalty to the industry that raised them to the point they are more likely to return to work for this industry after they go to a quality university as their quality education has afforded them.

The same is true for healthcare as no industry desires sick people, and this would ensure the health of the children and employees; and as much as I don’t support wasteful medical expenses, people could easily have saved money when there is little tempting them to spend it, and this could be used to purchase some form of longevity or retirement if the world is still so affluent, and doing so is not all together wasteful as the people have earned that money in their more functional days, and likely have stayed in good health largely due to the fact that they are fed a proper diet, live without vice and even if they’re not forced to exercise, they are encouraged and expected to and will likely want to as there would be neither vice nor any unproductive form of electric heroin to occupy themselves with, so this would lead to people making more wholesome decisions like playing a sport in their leisure time. This leaves largely socialization, hobby, education, sport, exercise, volunteering, and perhaps other wholesome activities as the pastimes, and I’m sure sport and exercise would remain popular among them.” Says Stacy

“I actually like this more than the usual approach of a theocracy that torture until there aren’t any problems or whatever, but there are still too many questions. Plenty of businesses that make money abroad also sell products within the country, so this seems like a grey area, and still the concept of a pimpocracy implies that the government is a pimp, so then would pimp would hold all of the money the businesses make or what?” asks Grace

“Businesses that sell valuable products within the country would be operating in a different market than the free market of abroad, and as the domestic economy is consolidated for efficiency businesses would be contracted to produce what is needed if they argue that producing whatever it is locally is more cost effective than importing it, otherwise the businesses would argue in favor of importing said product from somewhere with the pimpocrats. I do support that term for accuracy if nothing else. Businesses would not be looking to sell a product but rather increase the cost effectiveness of not only themselves, but their partners who are all other businesses that operate within the country, as they all share a bottom line under a strict pimpocracy and mutually attempt to ensure and accommodate their own success.

This is due to the fact that businesses are largely the bottom bitch of the government, while they are still hos who sell themselves for money, they are atop the hierarchy of hos and more often than not performs the duties the pimp would if he were not otherwise so occupied for whatever reason, and these include the collecting and handling money, looking after the lesser hos and themselves, recruiting hos as well as training them, and anything else that needs be done. Due to the massive scope of the pimp’s empire these top hos would have a large degree of autonomy because it would be impossible to lord over them, but they do understand that they are still hos, and still under the wing of the pimp who allows them to succeed by providing the basis of the success which is the power and authority commanded by the state that ultimately allows them to do their work by protecting them and being the ultimate authority if need be while they are hoing, and this acknowledgment of hoship and the mutual pimp shared by all of them ensures that they focus on being productive rather than selling themselves to their pimp’s other hos, because this is pointless and wasteful, and it also encourages mutual success due to the hos all being part of the same company of hos.

With each of these bottom girls having their own sectors where they lord over their hoes in place of the pimp, this leaves the pimp to orchestrate the infrastructure needed to accentuate the success of all of his hos by means of infrastructure or any other means that would make his hos more successful and profitable when the scope or range of the project is beyond that of any of his bottom girls, and so the advantage of this system is that these hos all understand that they share a mutual bottom line and that improving this is the ideal because this increases the profitability of the pimp and this in turn translates directly into their own profit, as the proper pimpocrat does nothing more than survive and pimp and  thus invests this money back into his hos and thus his success.

Ultimately this does not mean that the pimp actually holds the money, the real money of course, while it is always the pimps money, it is largely held by the bottom girls and throughout the hierarchy if need be in order for them to continue their operations of selling themselves to the world and turning a profit; the pimp ultimately has the say of how the money is spent in order to protect his empire if need be and improve its success and profitability, which the bottom girls should always be in accord because these things are in their best interest. The pimp would make proper investments in emerging fields, much like establishing a new bottom girl in an upstart city; this would be the same mentality, and his other hos would be in favor of this because they understand that ultimately they are only as successful as their pimp who they are loyal to because he provides them with a higher quality of life and a higher profitability due to his power over the hos which limits internal competition, conflict, backbiting, etc. While a pimp traditionally doesn’t have more than one bottom bitch, of course there would be many in a pimpocracy, and while they are still the foundations of all success and the term is a near perfect allegory, the term may or may not be entirely accurate simply due to the multiplicity of the role.” Says Stacy

“You would make a far better pimp than a politician, but it’s a novel idea to say the least.” Says Isabelle

“I still don’t see how or why the businesses would all agree to share a bottom line; that kind of defeats the survival of the fittest notion of capitalism entirely.” Says Jenna

“They share the bottom line because if they’re going to ho within the pimp’s domain they are subjects of the pimp. While it does away with the aspect of competition within the country, it does so in order to increase the competitiveness of the economy within the global market, and as the economy is entirely globalized, at least in the first world, there is nothing to be gained by competing amongst ourselves; so rather than do so and be blighted with the treachery and shameless wastefulness that comes with such internal competition amongst hos who work for the same pimp, the country annexes, consolidates and optimizes its domestic enterprises that do nothing more than move money around unproductively and stifle, hinder, and convolute the proper and optimum function of the pimp’s girls in order for the enterprises that do create real money and real capital to be more successful globally.” Says Stacy

“I don’t understand how the one at the top is called the bottom bitch, that’s a terrible name anyways.” Says Ophelia

“Well, the bottom girl, is the foundation of the empire, you can place the weight of many hos on your bottom girl and understand that she can keep them in line and working well because it would be impossible for the pimp to do all of this by himself, and you can even place some of the pimp’s burden onto her because she is devoted and loyal and understands the business well enough to do this job thoroughly out of responsibility if not a shared passion for success and thus the game itself.” Says Stacy


“The problem with placing so much emphasis on the real money, as you call it, is that we might quickly run out of things that we can profitably create to sell abroad, easily if not instantly simply because of how much fierce competition around the world already exists with the infrastructure and skilled employees doing the creation of objects to be consumed. That would rather quickly put an end to that old fashioned rhetoric of old fashioned American creation that you seem to be standing behind.” Says Isabelle

“One of the main reasons that is the case is due to the cost of labor, which directly relates to the cost of living in the country. This would be addressed by reducing this cost to a minimum through the public commandeering and consolidation of all industries whose function can be reduced to keeping people alive, seeing how this can be deemed both a necessity and a domestic service there should be no room for any sort of profiteering from the trade; the people should be kept alive as efficiently and cost effectively as possible with no room for convolution, pettiness, or other nonsense. This would reduce the cost simply by removing every insolent bastard that wants to get rich just by moving domestic money around and pretending that this is accomplishing anything, and since the state understands there is no money to be made in giving a horse money just to take it back again, the process is optimized even if people still pay for food and whatnot with domestic money, this is just a vestige of the old system to ensure a smooth transition.

Much of the cost of living is that of housing, and while free market hosing could still exist and be purchased with domestic money, the necessary as opposed to luxurious housing of people would be orchestrated by these peoples employer who would provide for them as they see fit, allowing the businesses to enforce eminent domain in order to efficiently house the employees near their place of work if need be, because even if the businesses are under the domain of the state, this also means that the businesses also wield much of the power of the state in their own affairs, as well as some responsibilities of the state, as they are no longer two separate entities, but the state is the brain of the snake and the  businesses are the skull and skull organs of that same snake.

The idea of competitively keeping domestic overhead costs down will clearly help a good deal, but the consolidation of the service industry will also reduce the number of people it employs by a large number, and these people will seek work, and since the operating costs become so low it once again becomes profitable to manufacture things domestically due to the devaluing of labor due to supply and demand. The idea is not only the cost of living, but also the cost of doing business; as each industry is not seeking to turn a profit from those it deals with domestically, as much as it is still looking to profit internationally, the businesses see each other as tools to enable each other’s success, because ultimately they all work for the same pimp, and they understand if they’re making money, but it does not amount to the pimp making more money, they are not making money they are only trifling with other hos, impeding proper business, and hurting the company and thus their own wellbeing by doing so.” Says Stacy

“I still see a point where if this system is adopted and successful, the rest of the world would emulate it and America would have no capability to compete in most sectors of the economy just because even if all costs were reduced to a bare minimum, these countries will simply have a lower bare minimum because their people are accustomed to harsher working conditions and lifestyles than Americans, so these countries would get more, or at least the same amount for less at the end of the day.” Says Isabelle

“This may easily become the case, and rather than attempt to force the country into a niche occupied by these countries America would have to attempt to emulate its current position as the bastion of the mind, knowing that it cannot compete as a bastion of the craft; and thanks to its abundance of food, the sector of innovation in all fields must be championed as opposed to production, with America being forced to focus on intellectual matters and pray that the international law holds to the point where intellectual property retains some value, which may or may not be the case.

While the country would not want to dissuade the pursuit of innovation by attempting to accommodate and accentuate the development through means proven to be valid through the scientific method, the people devoted to labor and the craft should at the same time be honing their ability to work cost effectively, and this can be done through a combination of many things including relative asceticism and hopefully the enjoyment of their work either naturally or through the ubiquity of their work and the synonymous administration of a healthy dose of methamphetamine to encourage them, motivate them, empower them, and condition them to work. Ultimately the issues with the cost of living being disproportionately high can be addressed through proper indoctrination by shifting the paradigm of the culture, even if this means taking an even more invasive and thorough approach to indoctrination than is already utilized by Babylon and it’s cohorts.

The means would justify the end, as doing so would reduce the bottom line across the board as inducing steadfast fortitude and perseverance aids all employees, and if doing this can create a successful industry within the country and reduce unemployment then this is ideal. If the idea is actually successful, and through these means the country is able to meet the needs of the people while operating at full capacity and if attempting to foster any more industry is deemed impractical due to the preeminence of other countries in these fields and the affordability of simply importing whatever is needed by the country as opposed to creating the infrastructure to produce these things ourselves, then those who are out of work can take an alternative route, either the gambit of education so that they might be able to provide in an area where the is a demand for their labor, or as a last resort pimped to other countries due to their proper conditioning and skillset that has been endeared unto them by the state that allows them to be a high quality worker if there is demand for what it is they had been educated to do; but doing this is dangerous as once removed from such a controlled environment they could easily be corrupted by the vice laden world and lose much of their quality in the process.

This act of selling the services of our laborers internationally in place of an actual product is actually a reasonable idea if the machine is running smoothly and people are produced at a surplus, the people could largely be rented to other states or enterprises, and if this state of complete fulfillment of the roles of society is consistently true, then perhaps some people would even have this craft of hoing abroad designated as their principle means by which they define their education from the point of youth. Ideally, if the people remain uncorrupted, this would be a way to earn real money as if we were exporting goods to these countries, just by renting them laborers in a sense, even if much of this money was lost through the tax system of the international venue; this, unless the other country would only pay the laborer in that country’s domestic money which ultimately would be just giving them a free person if the domestic money was rather worthless, and quite convoluted if it for some reason had comparable value to real money.” Says Stacy

“If for some odd reason this was seen as an ideal form of government and was universally adopted, wouldn’t all of the countries see themselves as parallels of their businesses and form one global pimpocracy or something, just because they see that it is all in their own interests to reduce their bottom line?” asks Grace


“That doesn’t seem to be a reasonable idea to me, part of the power and value of the nation is the creation of nationalism which can be used to instill a sense of loyalty, unity, and pride in the people, while the nations of the world also have comparable value because they can instill fear and contempt in the people, and all of these feelings can be used to drive and motivate these people not just to work, but to compete, because if there is no enemy, man will not fight, and even if the nations are so friendly they are only seen as friendly rivals as opposed to enemies competing with each other, this can still inspire competition to some degree, but perhaps not to the same extent.

The ultimate form of utilizing peoples sense of tribalism and devotion to their country that can easily be indoctrinated into them is by having a war, in which people understand that their safety and wellbeing depends on winning the war, and for that reason they are entirely in support of fighting the war knowing that their only other choice is to die. While the wars would largely be fought for sport, the wars would rage none the less and this would instill quality motivation into the people, and a cycle of hot wars and cold wars would surely keep people on their toes enough, so long as they feel adequately threatened by the enemy, which unfortunately is not the case in the modern sham wars fought after the cold war, and ultimately the cold war wasn’t entirely ideal due to mutually assured destruction and petty satellite wars that didn’t threaten the American people but were simply fought on the principle of anti-communism.” Says Stacy

“You would have been a hit at the Vietnam War protests.” Jokes Jenna




“I may be shameless for considering the things you say as if they are in some way reasonable, but thankfully I’m not so much of an idiot as to think I can change people’s minds, and I would rather be shameless than an idiot any day of the week. I still enjoy the debate and as much as it may only serve as endurance training for the demon that is your political ideology, I like to think that the demon becomes a bit wiser every time we offer constructive criticism. This may be ensuring our own demise, but seeing how you have this odd appeal to the plutocrats and the ignorant poor alike, I would rather the demon-king be wise enough to have the foresight to avoid unreasonable zealotry thanks to having sparred with some of the few bastions of the increasingly archaic philosophies that had once defined western culture.” Says Grace

“I see you’ve come to terms with the fact that you will never be able to win an argument with Stacy, so you’ve resorted to the failsafe of stroking your ego and self-assured righteousness as opposed to seeking any real victory. Stacy can wield that fire well, but if you embrace it I hope it doesn’t lead you to embrace even more outlandish and foolish ideas or ideals.” Says Isabelle

“She’s at least wise enough to know that it’s impossible to break down Stacy’s ego, so the only viable option is to increase your own egotism and pretentiousness to that same point so that it might be able to compete. Seeing how there are no corporeal elements to any of this, it all comes down to who can talk the biggest talk while appearing to be the most competent, but more so confident, because competence is worthless when the population you are attempting to appeal to is largely if not entirely incompetent. Confidence is the competence of the incompetent, and unfortunately when competence replaces confidence as the method of reason people lose their blind vigor to argue their point because they come to terms with facts like how they don’t know everything, that arguing reason in the age of ideals is futile, and eventually that everything is futile to the point where they become cynical and nihilistic defeatists if not suicidal due to the acknowledgment of their inescapable struggle. ” Says Jenna

“At least you’re wise enough to see that anyone who is confident about anything or has any sort of strong opinions is an incompetent asshat, regardless of whatever the media shills from either side will tell you.” Says Isabelle

“You seem to understand that statement but I doubt it will do anything to change your own arrogant philosophy.” Says Grace

“Ignorance is bliss, and it feels amazing. I’d rather not spend my life as a cynical nihilistic defeatist, so don’t expect me to do anything but embrace Stacy’s shamelessly bold self-assured confidence.” Says Isabelle

“Perhaps I’m giving her too much credit, but I would like to think Stacy’s enlightenment is some odd transition from ignorance into competence into cynicism into sardonic megalomaniacal misanthropic psychopathy just because the pain of being even the slightest bit reasonable and knowledgeable was so unsavory that through her own cunning she managed to find a way to simultaneously maintain both a reasonable level of competence and a euphoria comparable to ignorance by forsaking the approval of the world in sake of pursuing whatever bliss she could salvage.” Says Jenna

“To hear you euphemize my bliss and euphoria is a bit concerning, as I’m sure you’re well aware of just how grand the scale of these things are. To make it sound like I am salvaging spare parts from a junkyard does not attest to the sheer pleasure of this nirvana I have attained.” Says Stacy

“I am sorry for belittling your enlightenment, oh Buddha.” Says Jenna, dryly

“As much as she’s unorthodox, she does preach about the path towards enlightenment through asceticism and discipline, as much as her methods may not be as wholesome.” Says Isabelle

“The philosophy of condemning hedonism is actually resonant of Buddhism, I don’t know enough to find any other parallels.” Says Grace

“I think every spiritualty condemns hedonism just because it is easy to understand that it’s bad and unhealthy.” Says Ophelia

“The part that struck me about Buddhism is that it promotes abstaining from work and instead begging for food and being homeless so you can abandon the material world and focus on attaining enlightenment. Sometimes it seems like Stacy is headed on that path, not that I have any faith that her practice will somehow be fruitful.” Says Jenna

“I know that the Buddha argues that unsavory and unenlightened people will be reincarnated as lesser animals, so I would be more than happy to embrace this philosophy and give these unsavory people the rights of whatever bug or varmint they might be destined to become. That argument would entirely justify much of my disrespect and disregard for the beast.” Says Stacy

“Something tells me that is not what the Buddha would argue for, I always thought he was about peace and tranquility or something.” says Ophelia

“This is a frustrating topic because it is something that is well defined that we know nothing about, so none of us even have grounds to argue about it. I’m already missing the quality conversation where we are always know every fact of the matter and exactly how things should be done, and should we be ignorant to something, we will gladly go without and find adequate substitute rather than be troubled by our own ignorance. Ultimately ignorance is nothing more than failing to confabulate the correct answer yourself along with the gullibility to believe that anyone who ever came before you even had the capacity to be correct about anything.” Says Isabelle

“That definition of ignorance works when everyone that exists is also ignorant, but once somebody knows the truth the person confabulating the truth is no less ignorant than those who fail to do so, just pretentious and delusional all the while.” Says Jenna

“Yet so long as the truth in question is unknowable, anyone who has supposedly come to a conclusion has done nothing but confabulate an answer and is equally ignorant as anyone else who has done the same, and ultimately the truth is only the confabulated argument which can reach the brains of the ignorant to be absorbed like a heavy metal into the sponge-like medium, either through voluntary insufflation or otherwise cracking the skull of the individual and simply pouring the heavy metal in there. As ultimately so long as the truth is unknowable, any argument that presents itself as anything more than a baseless curio is nothing more than heavy metal, as once the mind has absorbed this argument, its function will be inhibited and it will no longer maintain the ability to confabulate wildly by its own merit and is instead trapped in a stupor of displeasurable indoctrination due to the fact that false knowledge is still knowledge and it savagely clips the wings of the bird of ignorant bliss. ” says Stacy

“Your insight into life is still mesmerizing from time to time. I’m almost ashamed of myself for failing to refute any arguments about principles and ideals and instead assert myself as the ultimate truth, but I wouldn’t even know where to start. I can see that when you adopt any sort of idea, you also adopt its shortcomings, and when the mobocracy agrees with you it is easy to forget that these shortcomings even exist, because even by adopting a seemingly reasonable philosophy you are in turn adopting a portion of the same baseless manic pretentious self-assuredness that allowed the person to confabulate the philosophy in the first place, yet you get none of the euphoria from feeling that you are the all-knowing creator who has conceived some unquestionable truth through your own majesty. It’s almost like by adopting these philosophies we’re doing nothing but stroking the egos of dead men who felt the exact same way as Stacy, albeit they were a bit more skilled at the craft of swaying people to their side.” Says Jenna

“You said it yourself; cynicism is just a step on the path to enlightenment.” Says Stacy

“Somehow the acknowledgment of the futility of attempting to change the world overpowers any delusions I could muster in regards to becoming so arrogant and pretentious that I could possibly disregard the increasingly painful acknowledgement of the inanity of even attempting to do something like that.” Says Jenna

“Have you forgotten what Jesus has taught us?” asks Stacy

“What?” asks Jenna

“The key to success is to preach your philosophy unflinchingly with unwavering confidence in the fact that you are the divine word of god, then you die a martyr, and eventually people will see your wisdom due to the fact that your unrelenting self-assuredness is testament to your unquestionable correctness.” Says Stacy

“As irreverent as it is, I won’t argue with your shamelessly secular interpretation as the New Testament; unfortunately you missed the part where your message has to appeal to the people in order for that strategy to work.” Says Jenna

“The living seek pleasure while the dying seek salvation. I’m simply biding my time until the world becomes so sickly that they writhe from the pangs of death after years of reckless hedonism and unabashed ignorance; then they will flock to me, for only then will they truly understand the folly of their ways.” Says Stacy

“To be fair, the life and legacy of Jesus really should be studied as a secular methodology for success, because even an atheist can’t argue with the fact that he was eventually extremely successful at what he attempted to do.” Says Isabelle

“I don’t think his methods of success could really be applied to most people’s lives, seeing how it requires amassing a following through not only performing miracles, but also preaching boldfaced iconoclasm, thus becoming a threat to both the state and the religious institutions, and subsequently being executed for doing so. It truly is not a recipe for success, at least not in the way most people define the word.” Says Jenna

“Iconoclasm will always inspire people when they feel oppressed or rejected by the established values and practices of society.” Says Grace

“Jesus inspired people because his message was so beautiful and helpful; sure he might have disregarded some Jewish traditions, but it’s not that people just wanted to see the old ways destroyed; he was popular because people felt that his message of unconditional love and faith was way more appealing and truthful than the rigorous standards of Judaism and its proponents who had become corrupt over time.” Says Ophelia

“We’ll have plenty of time to interpret the words of Jesus whenever our scruples come into question; let’s go back to the savory topic of whatever it is our own local martyr might be tempted into preaching about. I was rather fond of the whole pimpocracy spiel.” Says Isabelle

“It’s just about time to go, so be sure to clean up and remember we’re volunteering at the shelter tomorrow, so meet in front of the school at 9 am! I hope everybody had fun today!” interrupts Aurelia from the teacher’s desk at the front of the room, responsible enough to put her own conversations aside for a moment

“Damn, today’s club felt like the blink of an eye, but we will surely carry on this conversation afterwards. I’m sure we can all agree it is of critical importance for the future and wellbeing of our great nation.” Says Isabelle, playfully serious as the club rustles about in cleaning up

“The fact that time flies when you’re having fun makes me curious as to how people whose brain chemistry is predisposed to feeling pleasured all of the time interpret their aging; I’m sure it’s quite startling to notice that you are growing noticeably older in a period of time that seems to pass by very rapidly due to how they perceive it.” Says Jenna

“That’s the justice of God; if you enjoy your life it quickly disappears before your eyes, but if you are tortured by your life it will seem to last forever.” Says Isabelle, as the girls get up and exit into the commotion of Friday’s freedom, weaving through the crowd headed for the courtyard





The sunshine smiles upon the girls and the countless concurrent atrocities taking place throughout the delightfully illuminated continents as the girls take kindly to a pleasant spot to loiter.


“Who’s up for going to that park again? Hopefully Eva is there so I can get my fill of laughter. Debate is fulfilling but we’ve got to let loose from time to time, and some silliness is about as close as we will get to going out for drinks. It is Friday after all.” Says Isabelle

“After she criticized me last time I kind of learned my lesson for trying to help people who don’t want to be helped. As sad as it is that she is sick, I suppose all that we can do is try to enjoy it like she does.” Says Grace

“You’re the pot calling the kettle black. Just because your mental illness is the common sort of delusions of grandeur and some kind of Christ complex doesn’t make you less insane than she is for hallucinating. At the end of the day, if her hallucinations are saner than your delusion, she’s the sane one.” Says Isabelle

“Seeing how ornithomantic divination was more far saner than being a heliocentrist for the vast majority of history, I wouldn’t discredit the girl just because society is indoctrinated to only believe what they are told to think as opposed to what they naturally think.” Says Stacy

“To be fair, having a natural basis for one’s delusion makes it far more justifiable than the standard fare. Augury may seem more foolish than the delusion of philosophy, but seeing how an augur can receive a negative answer whereas a philosopher is always assured by his own self-assuredness, the concept of having truths and falsehoods independent from one’s own beliefs is actually more so rational, even if they are completely baseless, because the alternative is a scenario where one’s sentiments are only truths, so as much as it contradicts the status quo defending the infallibility of the human consensus, the consensus still has no source to judge failure or success beyond its own preconceived notions. Augury is having a trial where the verdict is determined by a jury of birds, where philosophy is simply a show trial where the verdict is predetermined beforehand by the philosopher, so the philosopher always wins his argument. Not that I’m saying augury is legitimate, it is just far closer to the only form of veritable legitimacy which is the scientific method, simply because it understands the concept of truth and falsehood, success and failure.” Says Jenna

“Seeing how God controls the birds and they are naturally free from sin, but people’s minds can be corrupted by the devil, it would make way more sense to trust the birds if you could talk to them. People can think of anything and convince themselves of it, and it is crazy to think that people’s minds are more trustworthy than God’s will, and I think they only do that because they lack faith or have some sort of crazy ego like Stacy; probably both, because even Stacy still respects God most of the time.” Says Ophelia

“The problem is that even if all of those things were true, the augur could easily lie about what god told him or whatever just so he can get what he wants. So as much as the concept might seem better, it just gives absolute power to the augur, and this makes him prone to corruption.” Says Grace

“When the augur lies, he discredits his own augury because his prophecy does not come true; so there are checks and balances in place. I’d support augury over philosophy, seeing how arguing that there is any legitimacy to a process that amounts to arguing that something is true because you thought of it uses the same logic as arguing that the paranoia of schizophrenics is unquestionably founded in reality. The only reason it is popular is because people can agree with the delusion, but at the end of the day it is nothing more than a mutual delusion or fantasy that people agree upon because it sounds nice, not because it has any legitimate, meaningful, or veritable basis in reality; if it had any of these traits it would no longer be philosophy. I can understand why people want to explain the unanswerable questions that existence poses, but at the end of the day the questions remain unanswerable, so arguing that any sort of answer is anything more than pleasantry falls into the category of a diagnosable mental illness of delusion.” Says Stacy

“So you’re going to denigrate the greatest thinkers of human history while you are a proponent of the same principles applied to a far more irrational system of logic?” asks Grace

“I respect the delusion, but it is good to understand that baseless things have a very limited amount of legitimacy, and only to the extent to which you can convince people to adopt the mindset and thus create an artificial reality through indoctrination. I apply the same principles, this is true, but my logic is far more rational; more often than not I am proposing things that can be tested through the scientific method, and if they fail, so be it, that is science, where so many times in philosophy the thinkers propose arguments about ethereal concepts and existential irrelevance that is all together nothing but airs purporting that there is significance to something simply because you can conceive of it. To give any merit to this is saying that I am unquestionably justifiable simply because I can easily conceive of this argument, which I’m sure everyone would disagree with.

The art of arguing things with no basis to be proven or disproven ultimately holds no more real significance than arguing about the significance of the decisions of fictitious characters, as much as fallacious significance can be created by convincing people there is significance, these same people could be convinced that the actions of fictitious characters are in some way relevant to their life and quite impactful. It is simply a matter of indoctrination, and the only reason philosophy wins out in defining reality through fictitious characters is because it uses the reader as the character and places them in this fictitious world in which they become absorbed in to the point where they cannot distinguish it from reality. It is little more than the historical parallel to augmented reality through virtual means which has ultimately become ingrained in the human psyche through reiteration and social reinforcement through time, simply because people enjoy the augmentation to the point where they are unwilling to distinguish it from reality.” Says Stacy

“Let’s head to the park, I would also be delighted if we saw Eva there; she has a knack for having reasonable and entertaining conversations as opposed to lofty debate.” Says Ophelia

“We shall venture forth, but for now the debate is all we have to hold us over.” Says Isabelle, leading the girls out of the courtyard on the way the park

“Why are both of your claiming ornithomancy is more so legitimate than philosophy? It just seems ridiculous. I can understand why Stacy might argue that just out of misanthropic belittling of the human capacity for reason, but I can’t see why Jenna would be tempted to argue that same point.” Says Grace

“The reason why I strike down philosophy is because it is a direct competitor to my success; most if not all philosophies oppose my principles, so I am forced to spar with them to preserve my self-respect, and by disrespecting philosophy to the point of arguing it falls under the category of mental illness and then placing augury between myself, described as scientific and free from whim as fancy, and philosophy, I have placed myself next to the ultimate truth while philosophy must first defend itself as more legitimate than augury before it can even attempt to stand toe to toe with me, and so long as I can enhance the arguments in favor of augury without even putting myself in a position to be criticized, I am able to assault my enemy without ever being put in a position to be harmed.” Says Stacy

“I just see philosophers as people with the same mentality as Stacy, and even if they are better at convincing people of things, to agree with their baseless beliefs is logically the same as agreeing with Stacy’s baseless beliefs, and beyond that the only justification to agree with them and not Stacy is whim and fancy, so that only results in opinionation rather than any form of legitimacy. As was said earlier, if there was any testable, measurable form of legitimacy found within the philosophy it would no longer be philosophy, and ultimately the concept of existentialism is little more than men being so pompous as to shamelessly replace the gods of religion with themselves.

If a man is so arrogant as to assert that god is wrong or irrelevant and he is more so knowing and reasonable than god and knows which principles should be used to govern human decision making and whatnot, I find that just as ridiculous as supporting anyone who believes that they are god incarnate. Just because the man has lowered the throne of god, that of ultimate authority with none above him, down to a point where he can sit comfortably without appearing to be insane, doesn’t mean that he has effectively done anything besides claim to be god, as he sits in the same throne, he has just chosen to ignore spirituality all together so that he might assert himself as the all-knowing authority in all of his faux humility.” Says Jenna

“Stacy is just so raw she makes you think that most people who purport sentiment actually feel the way she does about their own knowledge and unquestionability, but they’re just too cautious about preserving their public image to express those beliefs so blatantly. It’s not like they’re better people because of this, they’re just sugar-coating the same insanity and hoping people will eat it and think that their arguments are legitimate just because they taste better than Stacy’s raw audacity. If anything doing that makes them worse people; it’s like mixing your rat poison with sugar and coating pastries with it, pretending that the rat poison somehow makes the pastry healthier.” Says Isabelle

“I think the whole thing about most philosophy is that people didn’t like what God teaches them so they just replace that with whatever they want to believe. Not that I really know anything about philosophy, but I just figure what people want to believe is going to be foolish or slothful just because it’s more pleasant and convenient for them. I’m sure bad people want to believe they’re not doing anything wrong, and even if philosophers aren’t blatantly evil, they are still just doing that same sort of rationalization on account of the fact that they abandon God’s word and think they know better for some reason.” Says Ophelia

“The advantage of philosophy is that it has the ability to evolve alongside society whereas the bible will always stay the same, and this can cause it to become increasingly antiquated and archaic. I’m sure the bible has plenty of good lessons, but some of it can be out of touch with the modern world, so philosophy helps people reason with reality in a way that seems more reasonable than the ancient faith.” Says Grace

“The evolution of philosophy is comparable to the evolution of the drug use of a fiend who starts out doing soft drugs occasionally and his vice slowly evolves and he moves onto harder drugs; this evolution in his tolerance of this vice is a parallel in the direction of philosophy over time. Philosophy and its progeny of social commentary are little more than people moving that line in the sand further and further to accommodate vice and folly into society because they see it as harmless or pleasurable because society has afforded them some protection from the dangers of these vices, which does little more than prolong the inevitable death and destruction that they will eventually induce.

To stray from the principles that allowed society to originally come into existence is to abandon society and replace it with technologically advanced barbarism because such savagery is more so pleasurable than piety and the technology spares them some of the afflictions that would otherwise ravage their society. An evolution in philosophy can largely only stray further from faith and come closer and closer to human nature, which is by definition abandoning society and its tenants that preserve it in favor of becoming more so feral and animal, which is not any form of evolution but is veritably devolution from the civilized intelligent creature that once sought to steer people away from these destructive instincts. Civilization only came into existence because people could tame and abandon these instincts, and to forsake these tenants just because technology allows us to will not preserve the noble race of man, but only serve to create a race of feral savage monkeys with amazing technology.

While the faith may be rigid, this is what made society so steadfast and survivable; and while the faith may not be able to evolve, society can evolve, and to accomplish this it must be done in the same manner as it was created, in a rigid and structured manner so that we can improve upon that which allowed civilization to flourish, rather than abandon the faith, and thus the foundation of civilization, and shamelessly embrace the destructive vice and squalor that defined feral humans. This is why I often place emphasis on reinforcing and improving upon the tenants of society as a means to improve civilization.

The use of selective breeding instead of marriage, the segregating sinners to create a real hell to instill far more fear than the spiritual one, embracing the fact that humans need shepherds attuned to the intricacies of modern society, using the preeminence of the state to lead people not unto temptation by outlawing such things, teaching the secular benefits of virtue and dangers of vice as they apply to the everyday affairs of men rather than simply conveying them in the context of the faith, allowing godly men to live as the hand of god and smite those who stray from the path full of the good graces of the lord, conveying the message that faith in and devotion to a godly society is the parallel to heaven on earth and that only through hard work and sacrifice can a heavenly earth be created, and so on.

The point is to understand the true value of the principles that are taught by the faith and create parallels to them in a modern society with the assistance of the technological, organizational, and other advancements that humanity has accomplished over the last few thousand years. The faith was a contemporary of the wheel, and just as the wheel is now a part of planes, trains, and automobiles, the faith too must be reinforced by modern technology and implemented into systems that would greatly benefit from its presence.” Says Stacy

“You put selective breeding in there yet I’m sure most people would argue that falling in love with and marrying the person you choose to be with is a bit closer to god’s message, seeing how god is love and whatnot.” Says Grace





“God is love, but this is love of the human race; to argue that fornicatory lust and the modern evolution of survival sex that can often create genetically unideal humans somehow embodies this love couldn’t be further from the truth. This universal love of the human race must extend far beyond that of the aforementioned relationships and be done on principles that are in the best interest of the species, not the individual. I may not be an expert on love, but this love of the human race should be able to replace that induced by the ideals of romance, yet if it cannot, this is acceptable.

One of my philosophies is to reduce the sources of problems, and one of the major sources of strife in contemporary society is the relationships between men and women; so rather than allow these naturally conflicting parties to spar with each other, these parties would largely be segregated simply to reduce the potential number of problems. Ideally a breeding caste would be established and these women would produce the vast majority of children due to their ideal genetics, and this would be done through artificial insemination for reliabilities sake provided it has no drawbacks, and these women would rear the children until they can sustain themselves at which point they are introduced into the society of whichever caste a critique of their natural skillset or the demands of society has placed them in.

This is placing function above all else, but in the petty pity party sympathetic to the wild ways, there could be some freedom given to allow people to choose a partner while the source of children are chosen through artificial selection, and this could accommodate sexual integration, but ultimately doing so simply creates many potential problems in exchange for affording a fraction of people the emotional reward of having a relationship. There is no way to condition men to abandon their instincts of dominating and forcing themselves upon women, and women will always complain, so this is why I would rather avoid having any sort of these conflicts all together; just like how in school if children cannot play nice together they are separated, this is simply the state of affairs that people have created for themselves, as it is no longer truly necessary for the sexes to be integrated as they once were in order to produce children.

The modern argument that gender is some sort of psychological predisposition as opposed to one defined by the genitals would only defend my point, as despite the uniform sex of the societies some women would embrace the paternal role due to psychological predisposition and vice versa for men; though I am not so fond of the nuclear familiar approach to child rearing and am in favor of the societal approach where the children are all raised communally by society, and ideally this would create people whose natural inherent love was not for their two parents who raised them, but for the society that had raised them, which I would argue is a far healthier mentality. The gender roles could likely shift into archaea as people will just do what needs be done rather than perform a stereotypical set of tasks that were expected of people based upon their gender, even if the roles people take are parallel to traditional ones, it is due to their own natural predisposition and not from being forced into them by society.

If the men get very rapey with each other due to segregation, there would be easily a number of castrations at a certain age as men are so easy to breed repeatedly, all of them need not be fertile, and for those that are the breeding stock and perhaps all of them if castration proves to be a detriment to society, there could be a caste of men genetically predisposed to hypersexuality and the role of a pathic, just to placate the animal instincts of the other men, as instincts could not tell the difference, especially when the men can hardly conceive of any alternative.; this solution because offering them even a small number of women would defeat the purpose of sexual segregation entirely.” Says Stacy

“You never seem to have any trouble taking one of your ridiculous ideas and making it even more ridiculous. As much as the world could possibly benefit from that sort of society, I doubt the world will just say ‘Yes, Master’ as much as you want them to. It would be nice to just remove all of the problems from society by separating the parties that conflict with each other; but doing so would likely just create new problems. I know that you find the animal nature of humans to be distasteful, but removing it would prove to be extremely difficult.” Says Jenna

“That sounds like such a sad world without any kind of love. I know you want people just to love society and not do immoral things with each other, but in preventing the immoral things that happen between men and women you also prevent all of the beautiful things like true love.” Says Ophelia

“In this society you would feel that same love you feel for men for society instead, because that is what society would teach you as opposed to the traditional romance that is so common today. Still, while segregation may create more problems, it does veritably and permanently resolve many of the problems that society wrestles with today. Women are up in arms over the fact that men act inappropriately, and their quest to somehow change the way that the male brain functions is an extremely absurd solution when compared to simply removing the source of the conflict all together which is sexual integration.

This can and should be applied to any and all groups of people who conflict with each other, because most if not all of these problems are deeply rooted in the brain function of the people, and it is actually feasible and possible to separate these groups and permanently resolve these issues whereas the idealist conquest to forcefully indoctrinate people only serves to escalate tensions every time it fails and also induces factionalism and resentment that oftentimes causes people to be unproductive, embittered, and even violent. There is no need to accommodate these things when just like in prison, people who prove to be dangerous to each other are very strictly separated, and in society this should apply to people who do as much as reduce the productivity or cause some sort of strife between each other when they are allowed to interact.

Being a proponent of integration because it is some idealist fantasy is to put fighting dogs in a ring with each other and expecting them to be nice and friendly to each other because of a twisted fantasy one likes to coddle about how dogs are friendly and nice and love each other. The dogs should be entirely devoted and focused on whatever task they have been trained to do and not allowed to become distracted by the fights they seek or even just by chasing after dogs of the opposite sex. These are the distinguishing factors of a poorly trained dog, and people who train dogs will never tolerate these behaviors and will quickly correct them, so to tolerate them in people is to treat people with less dignity than one would a dog by arguing that these factors cannot be resolved somehow.

While it is likely impossible to train a human with the same success that one would a dog due to the natural intelligence and individualism of a human, as opposed to a dog who has evolved as a quasi-dependent on humans, the humans can still be separated to ensure that they do not cause problems in each other’s lives, and this would result in a higher level of performance from the people; because removing that which causes the humans to exhibit the symptoms of their poor training creates the same results as if one were actually able to instill this training in the first place. These people would operate like ideal, obedient, and well trained dogs as opposed to the stray mutts that run around barking incessantly, fighting each other, and fucking on street-corners at all hours of the day and night.” Says Stacy

“That basically sounds like you're arguing that the entire country should be run like a prison, which is probably the pinnacle of cynicality to treat everybody as if they were criminals.” Says Grace

“Prisons are successful because they take a large group of notoriously problematic individuals and manage to vastly reduce the amount of problems they create, even amongst each other. The principle is that of reducing problems to a minimum, and even though this is contradictory to ideals, when the ideals amount to nothing more than the creation of unnecessary problems, it is clear that the ideals themselves are contradictory to the idealistic society they seek to create and thus must be disregarded as blatantly false logic. In a situation where X, Y, and Z exist together, and X, Y, and Z, all cause problems for themselves as well as problems for each other in equal proportions, by segregating the groups so that X, Y, and Z do not interact, you eliminate 66% of the problems.

 While society is not notoriously problematic, its idealistic and soft-handed approach to shepherding people clearly fosters and enables problems when this does not need to be done and should clearly be avoided on principle. People complain about racism and sexual crimes, yet they just believe that preaching an ideal will change the function of a human mind and fail to understand that this does nothing to resolve the inherent source of the problem. I can look at the successes prisons see on account of segregating people by sex and race in order to avoid these conflicts, and understand that all of the problems of racism and sexual crimes, at least the majority of them which are heterosexual crimes, can be instantly eliminated from society just by segregating it.

 This may seem like punishing people who have done no wrong, but it is no different than barring people who have been forcefully institutionalized from buying guns even though they have committed no crime. It is a preventative measure to ensure things that can easily go wrong don't go wrong, and to argue against it is to argue in favor of enflaming racial tensions and exacerbating sexual assault on the basis of some ideal that one day people will all come to this peachy realization that they should love each other and respect each other regardless of the fact that Jesus has preached this message for two-thousands years and it has done nothing to change the natural mental function of humans, many of whom are well versed in his teachings.” Says Stacy, as the girls enter the park with little intention of doing anything besides loitering and talking, as they sit down at a usual picnic table



“The reason people are allowed to have these freedoms is because they are usually fulfilling and good for people, regardless of the fact that some people abuse them. The people who cannot use the freedom responsibly usually have their freedoms removed on account of their misbehavior, so there is no reason to punish people who’ve done nothing when raising awareness and the pursuit of justice can resolve the issues without depriving people of their freedoms.” Says Jenna

“That is an idealist mentality, but clearly as the coloreds and the women riot in the street every day because they feel they’re mistreated, and these people only grow more indignant every day; clearly the system is failing these people and causing them to become victims needlessly, and the politicization of the issue is only causing the alleged perpetrators, white men, to become hostile and defensive towards these groups on account of their demonization in the media. This is not a healthy form of discourse, and the escalating tensions do nothing but enflame the problem without producing any results other than some gloating self-satisfaction people get by playing the victim.

By separating these groups there is no longer this point of conflict to where every Negro fears the police to the point where he sees them as his enemy and women always feel threatened, intimidated, or imposed upon by men. Even if these fears don’t apply to all people, they apply to a large enough number of them to the point that it hinders the function of society; if these people were allowed to forgo this concern because the problems are simply disallowed from existing, they would ultimately be more productive and of a far healthier mentality free from indignation, fear, hate, anger, and all of the other unsavory emotions that rile the damn horses to such a distasteful level.

This may not need be required across the board, but as soon as somebody becomes indignant about one of these issues, they are subsequently segregated to remove them from the problem, as it is impossibly difficult to remove the problem from society, so this is the only possible resolution. If you segregate everybody based upon what they are complaining about, then eventually they will have nothing to complain about, and this means their mental capacity will actually be productively used rather than be consumed by their pursuit of some unachievable ideal or indignation due to the fact that reality isn’t always rainbows and bubble gum. In a society where the basic needs of the people are met just as slaves were provided food, clothing, and shelter, they are publically housed, and in this process it would be easy to sort and organize them based upon whatever grievances happen to afflict them for whatever god forsaken reason and thus remove them from these sources of pain and indignation in their life.” Says Stacy

“So you resolve some problems and happen to make everybody imprisoned slaves in the process; I think the powers that be would gladly get behind that.” Jokes Isabelle




“A slave is far more respectable than many of the people that populate this country; the slave is valuable and productive, and this is what should be demanded of people as a bare minimum. If a person has no interest in bettering his life or fails to do so of his own accord, he is reduced to a form of slavery where he is picked up and placed into the slave quarters proximate to whatever work he is assigned and he is expected to perform these tasks, and if he must be tortured so be it, but to condone social slothfulness and unproductivity is no different than condoning the torture or murder of innocent people, as naturally these people and often their dependents become victims of these work-shy people’s lack of industry which ultimately tortures them if it does not kill them entirely due to the depravity of their situation; so for this reason sloth would be punished on a similar level as the crimes of wrath, and while a god-fearing officer of the law may be forced to mercilessly beat a dangerously violent man, it is his same responsibility to mercilessly beat a dangerously slothful man in order to preserve the safety and wellbeing of society.

Ushering people into slavery is in no way a form of disrespect; it is a godly act of uplifting the people into society rather than allowing them to become degenerates or miscreants, and optimistically one would argue that these slaves would become so tired of their slavery that they would make an effort to better themselves and thus their lives to the point where they can function independent of the slave drivers and perhaps even make progress on the ladder of dignity. The term slavery has negative connotations due to its racial intonations within this country, but historically slavery was always nonracial and clearly one’s enslavement would be dependent only on one’s tendency to drift towards degeneracy.

The facts of the matter prove that many people are still slaves, and as wage slaves they can often end up doing more work but be provided less than a slave would traditionally be provided, so truthfully the institution of a form of slavery that meets peoples basic needs and likely works them less than they already do is a more so humane system than the one that is currently in place, even if they may not be paid a significant amount of money after their books are balanced for their needs, they still actually have their needs met as well as those of their children, so this is hardly a disagreeable proposition in the slightest.

While the term slavery may be rather accurate, due to its connotations and the popularity of euphemism it could easily be called a job adventure or something silly just to distinguish a contemporary system of practical slavery from the historical form, even using the term slavery to disparage the capitalistic system that enslaves people at the same rate while providing less due to the nature of capitalism where in order for something to exist, it must turn a profit, including paradoxically things like the process of keeping the slaves alive, which is the pinnacle of shamelessness to whip your slaves with their own shortcomings such as their poor fiscal decision-making and their inability to fend off a world of peddled temptation rather than the traditional means of convincing a slave to work, seeing how traditional  motivation doesn’t peddle any sort of vice in the process nor does it punish people for lacking the capacity to perform mathematics that is often beyond their grasp or at least their willingness, it is easily more so godly than forcing slaves to attempt to fend of Mammon and punishing them if they fail to accomplish this rather daunting task.” Says Stacy

“While it is a noble idea, the issue is that while plenty of people would support slavery, the communists will be upset if you call it slavery, and the capitalists will be upset if you call it communism, so regardless of the fact that they both want the same thing, they combat each other’s mutual interest simply over the terminology of the ordeal.” Says Isabelle

“It can easily just be put down on paper as the institution of job adventures or work assistance, a la food and housing assistance, and since it is not any sort of revolution in terms of ideology it should easily sneak past the people so concerned with terminology.” Says Stacy

“As much as some zealots might get behind the idea of physically abusing slothful people in the same way that wrathful people are, that won’t get much support from the majority of the world who tends to frown upon physical abuse.” Says Grace

“The physical abuse is the last resort, for the most part the withdrawal from methamphetamine will whip the people just as their hunger or vice does today; the people are given a healthy amount to accommodate their labor, and they understand that work is the only source of this assistance and the only reprieve from this assistance for their failure to do so. They get a hit to get them working at the start of the day, and a hit at the end of the day to reward them, so long as they were good workers, of course. This is modern evolution of whipping the slave, whereas before it was the pleasure of not being whipped that convinced a slave to work, but now we can give the slaves real pleasure for working as opposed to relying on the absence of displeasure to function in its place. This motivation can and should be extended to all aspects of society, because as of now the people are forced to experience the displeasure of work and try to rationalize their masochism with the pleasure the feel in their free time, where this system would cause people to actually enjoy work and want to come to work, when it is administered responsibly.

While methamphetamine has negative connotations due to how it is abused as a street drug, it truly is as valuable to society as opiates, which regardless of their potential for abuse are still heralded as a vital medicine for many people and medical procedures. The alternatives of convincing people to work in exchange for alcohol or similar intoxicants such as the ever popular forms of electric heroin that provide no benefit to the user and produce far more dangerous side effects than responsible amphetamine use is an unfortunate example of rampant vice, as people know they can peddle alcohol and electric heroin at a much higher price than one could legal methamphetamine, so rather than have a productive, hardworking, energetic, and healthy weight society they choose to sacrifice the many of these people’s vital organs through obesity and alcoholism just so they can pocket more of the fallaciously valuable domestic money and torture the slaves with their own mental shortcomings which are shamelessly plentiful.” Says Stacy

“While it is difficult to argue against the institution of a meth-fueled prison state of egalitarian slavery, you are arguing that this resolves more problems than it creates. And while this could easily be true for some aspects of your system, segregating by sex would create a massive problem in regards to the replacement of the population as people would no longer naturally reproduce and you argue instead to replace this with a very costly and labor intensive process, made even more so costly and labor intensive by your standards in terms of selective breeding, whatever they might be.” Says Jenna, too hopeless to be sarcastic, so accustomed to being flippantly facetious that the tone is only distinguishable from seriousness due to the tinges of lighthearted optimism; absurdism feeling identical to realism, and Jenna having no intention of waging a war of ideals she knows she will lose

“This does not need to happen overnight, but I do understand that doing this would create that problem, so in the name of cost effectiveness I would tolerate sexual integration to some extent so long as the voluntary sexual segregation still exists for those who inevitably will decide to have a problem with the opposite sex or be a problem themselves; in which case only those women will be artificially inseminated if they're still of relatively redeemable genetic quality despite their orneriness, which could well be the product of nurture as opposed to nature, and the men would more than likely be castrated for being so blighted by their lust.

In regards to the cost of artificial selection, its cost can easily be balanced by the yield of such a system, including in instantly redeemable ways as opposed to simply banking on the increased value of quality children. As much as people would be segregated by every possible point of conflict, there would still be value created by doing this, even beyond saving a good deal of money that is used to address issues resulting from a conflict of race and/or gender, people segregated by phenotype and easily anthropomorphic origin such as their original country would create a society where people retain their original nationality, at least phenotypically, and this is a great advantage in an economy so focused on international business as those people so graced by the looks of a certain country would be conscripted into the service of international business, absorbing the culture and language of their original or ancestral country so that they may not only conduct business with them, but use their familiar looks to create a sense of trust amongst the foreigners because these people would instinctively see a member of their own tribe when they are doing business with him, and this would make it far easier to trust this diplomat.

People are naturally distrusting of people who are different than them, so in an effort to accommodate mutuality and trust amongst the population as much as possible, people are segregated in such a way to ensure that there is this natural instinct to trust the people in your society as opposed to living in one where the need to be open-minded and fight against one’s instinct is constantly ingrained into people's minds due to the fact that is difficult to instill and easy to remove. The point is to utilize the raging current of instinct that naturally flows through people’s minds to accommodate success as much as possible; as forcing people to fight against these things is forcing these people to exert a great deal of effort to convince their mind of something that is rather unnatural, and ultimately this fails as often as it succeeds, and people chose to hate the integration and embrace their instinctive tribalism as opposed to embrace it.

 With the advent of advanced telecommunications, much if not all of the advantages of integration such as the mingling of the great minds without racial barriers can be accomplished through these means without creating the massive amount of problems that arose from forceful universal integration, and even those that arose from soft segregation as was the only type seen in America outside of prisons. It is not that any of these societies will supersede each other, or that some certain problems must be kept out of certain areas, as all of these differences in society are a mutual problem for all people and caused by all people in an integrated society, as people instinctively distrust anything that is different than them, so doing this would absolve society from its responsibility of attempting to force people to act against their instinct any more than is necessary. In this economy that is so focused on international affairs, segregating by original phenotype would be an easy method of actually genetically adapting people for the job they are caste into, and likely any realists could see this as process similar to creating specialized dogs that have been selectively bred to increase their performance in these roles, much like these people tasked with maintaining international affairs.” Says Stacy

“I know you're fond of taking advantage of people's instincts as much as possible, and I can't blame you because it's such a reliable way of creating the desired result, but in America the genetics of people have become so mangled over years of integration that many people are of mixed genetic phenotypes and plenty are of mixed race all together; what happens to these people in such a segregated society?” says Isabelle

“It is unfortunate that these people are naturally raceless and cannot be utilized in the same manner, but the same process would occur for these people, and while some things like a mixed race person or even a light-skinned African likely will never create a child of convincing natural regional or national phenotype, they can still be used domestically just as well as anyone else. Just as a White-Asian might still easily be racist towards Afro-Hispanics, or vice versa, a society of mixed race people would still be voluntarily segregated just because even though their race is unnatural, mixed race people will still instinctively trust people of their same unnatural race and distrust those that are different, so they would be organized in  a slow gradient of a procession of phenotypes so that they are allowed to interact more so with similar people and less so with different people just to avoid the conflicts of differences.

There will still be the pursuit of genetic evolution, through the means of selectively breeding those who are genetically prone to the work of a certain caste through their natural physical or mental predispositions, but it is still vital to preserve these regional phenotypes in people as much as possible, for many reasons, especially because doing this would create perfectly genetically adapted individuals after just one generation, at least in terms of conducting international business, even if the quest for actual evolution is a long tedious process that takes many generations, much like operating a  puzzle cube, with countless of movements that can bring you close or further to the desired goal which lies at the end of a long and complicated road.

These phenotypes are also valuable in this country due to its size and range of environments, where the whites are naturally adapted to survive in the cold, snow, and low sunlight with a procession southward respecting the phenotypical shift of these people as you approach the Mediterranean; the Negros in strong sunlight, humidity, as is present in sub-Saharan Africa; the Arabs adapted to the dry areas with much sunlight, East Asians perhaps to sub-tropical or temperate climates, et cetera, where each race is expected to utilize its natural advantages towards healthfulness, which I don't know all of them explicitly in their entirety other than they are the fact that they are the reasons why these races naturally evolved and became so ubiquitous with these areas, such as the skin of Negros preventing skin cancer and burning from prolonged sunlight while the skin of whites would burn and become cancerous in the same sun.

As far as the mutts of mixed genetic phenotypes, there is a chance that they can create something that passes as a local in a certain area, or perhaps have these phenotypes sifted out over time into more natural states or simply sort the children who express certain traits into areas of proximate likeness, but otherwise they can just be run of the mill people without any sort of genetic aptitude for international business and there are of course many applications for such people.” Says Stacy

“I can understand keeping some people separate for the shameless international business advantage, but if the goal was human evolution, I don’t see how race would be all that important in the metrics because people spend so much time indoors nowadays any sort of camouflage or natural sun protection loses much of its value. I figure people would just be selected for exhibiting the best traits as opposed to creating so many different groups. I see a bunch of groups each with pieces of the puzzle that are kept separate for some reason instead of putting the puzzle together.” Says Jenna

“The goal of human evolution should never disrespect the legitimate natural evolution that took place over thousands of years and created these races for the exact reason that each of them is on principle more so genetically ideal to operate and thrive in a certain area than the others, hence their dominance in these areas, as well as the other side of this coin where these same people adapted for a certain area are far more likely to die or be unsuccessful in other environments. This natural selection is something that we must preserve because it is the foundations of making progress, and to go against this natural progress is more than likely making negative progress by acting against the judgement of nature.

Another reason to segregate by phenotype so strictly is in an effort to preserve as broad a spectrum of genetics as possible, in order to maintain as many sources of potential advancement as possible. If people are fucking willy-nilly without direction, this will largely reinforce dominant traits over successive generations and eventually eliminate recessive ones all together regardless of the fact that nature had selected these recessive traits to survive in certain situations while the dominant ones died out. It is much like mixing oil paint, the world starts out with many pure colors and countless hues of each of them with glints or dullness and many other flavors, and to fail to preserve a healthy well-spring of each of these original colors is shortsighted in terms of genetic selection; this would be like an painter just mixing each one of his oil paints together in a big circle in the middle and painting only with this color instead of very deliberately mixing certain colors or using the pure ones as desired in a very specific and deliberate manner in order to get the desired results.

The point being that there are an extremely large number of potential colors that a painter can create when he has many pure pools of color to utilize at his skilled discretion, where if he just mixes all of them together he ends up with one color which is the antithesis of versatility and usefulness when the idea is to paint a picture that can masterfully convey all of the elements of the world, the light and the dark, the shadows and reflections, the trees, animals, skies, clouds, and everything else that must be painted in order to create this perfect picture. The world can be seen much like a paint by numbers, with each hole in society where a person might function has a number, and there is an ideal number out there, one of a vast plethora of numbers, and to paint this hole in society with the ideal person is to create the ultimate function, a thing of beauty, where to use the incorrect color creates a poor picture that can easily fail to convey even the slightest bit of the intricacy, perfection, and beauty that painting exactly by the numbers would have done.” Says Stacy

“As much as it isn’t explicitly racist, the level of racialism would likely make plenty of people uncomfortable. We all have plenty of different phenotypes and we get along fine, so as much as it might prevent some problems between some people, it seems excessive to enforce that level of segregation just for to reduce a disproportionately small number of problems.” Says Grace

“I think it would be weird to live in a town with people who all look like me. It would be kind of creepy to be honest seeing nothing but redheads everywhere. I like seeing all different kinds of people, and I agree that most people don’t have a problem with it, even though the media always likes to make  a big fuss about racial this or gender that.” Says Ophelia

“Even if it may not be such a palpable issue, half of the reasoning is the fact that the media consistently enflames these issues and exacerbates them by constantly bringing them up and making such a fuss about every issue that has racial or gender connotations. People will always create a problem whenever they can because they’re irksome and quarrelsome bastards, so rather than give them the pleasure of being aggressive and picking fights out of their own pride and indignation, I would remove this temptation to a large degree, to the point where people can only integrate themselves if they’re willing to accept the problems it causes, because if they complain about problems resulting from integration they are segregated just so they don’t have any reason to complain about it anymore.

While the level of diversity may seem pleasant, the unfortunate truth is that diversity quickly results in a monoculture, so to argue in favor of diversity through integration is only arguing in favor of a monoculture devoid of any form of diversity; the argument for diversity defeats itself just by a simple measure of statistical genetic proliferation. The only argument that is actually in favor of true diversity is that of intensive segregation in order to preserve natural phenotypes and genotypes, as doing so will mean there is consistently a wide variety of natural humans as well as any cultivars that may be created through more sophisticated means.

The segregation is the solution to the problems, but people are free to integrate so long as they don’t have problems or create problems, as so long as the problems that arise from integration don’t exist or aren’t problems, then the segregation has been successful. While they are free to integrate to whatever extent they are comfortable with, they would be bred selectively in order to preserve the supplies of the original building blocks in order to have the widest natural variety from which to mix and match in accordance with success, rather than to allow the natural advantages people had developed over thousands of years to become mangled into something random and unnatural that likely has little if any of the advantages that natural selection had provided humans originally.

Approaches to this include simple phenotypical segregation and only allowing these people to copulate within their caste, which is the easier, sloppier method, but this could also be coupled with genetic testing and pairing people by these means or otherwise artificial insemination to create children, which is far more conducive to progress and ideal humans, but it could lead to issues if the man is self-centered and sees his children as bastards instead of loving them as children of the nation or also accidental children if the women copulate with their chosen partner who is not their genetically ideal child-source and happen to get pregnant that way; but with the advent of the male fertility control this could largely be avoided and the men and women could copulate based upon their sentiment without risk of creating a less so desirable child than if the woman was bred properly as no children are made in the process.” Says Stacy

“I saw a couple of cute guys but no Eva yet.” Says Ophelia, disheartened “I got distracted but I’m sure you were kind of right about whatever it was. Whenever I see news shows it is somebody having a problem with something, it’s never them just saying how great things are. After that I zoned out a bit.” Says Ophelia

“Your passion for breeding people like dogs is heartwarming when you think about how the average quality of a dog is so much higher than that of a human, and that quality is entirely the result of generations of selective breeding. It’s a shame that your ideas are so much more logical and productive than the standard fare, but people are too stupid to value practicality as opposed to the worthless delusional and incredulous high ideality. I suppose at the end of the day people sadly just want to get high and don’t give a damn about anything else.” Says Isabelle

 “Regardless of how practical something is, when ideals are disregarded it is just giving up on the hope that the future can be better. Even if something is realistic, that doesn’t mean that it can’t be better. It is human nature to innovate and improve, and as much as it may seem like some nonsensical ideal to improve society or the people themselves, I think it’s a worthwhile pursuit to try and improve society and its people; even if it fails very often, it only needs to succeed once and it will have been worth it because society became better rather than allowing it to just be stagnant and argue the problems can’t be resolved.” Says Grace

“Arguing against a practical solution out of some idealistic fantasy is asinine. Ignoring the facts of the matter simply because they're displeasing and supposedly shouldn't be true according to some ideal, then deciding that instead of accepting reality we should be using this fictitious ideal reality as the basis to make our decision, the reasoning of society is comparable to sitting in a room full of gasoline-soaked mattresses and arguing that we should do nothing about that fact because ideally the room shouldn't be on fire, and clearly due to the fact that it would be ideal if gasoline soaked mattresses didn't catch on fire, we should believe that they are completely inflammable and ignore the palpable danger of enjoying the pleasures of flaming tequila shots and chain smoking in a room full of these mattresses because everybody at the orgy absolutely loves huffing gasoline and getting shit drunk, so on account of the common sentiment and ideals, any dangers posed by this scenario should be ignored if not condemned as fallacy because the people love it and ideally there shouldn't be any dangers.” Says Stacy

“That allegory is extremely disproportionate when compared to the level that ideals trump realism in society, but due to the level of flippant ridiculousness, I’m going to ask you to extrapolate as much as possible.” Says Jenna

“While the suicide may not be so expedient, being incredulous to reality in favor of putting faith in ideals can still easily create problems if not suicide all together; think of the idealistic body-positive movement as opposed to a realistic argument that obesity should not be tolerated because it is extremely unhealthy, induces much dysfunction and incapability in the person, and puts one’s life in danger. Do know that the allegory only seems ridiculous if you have some measurable basis to compare it with, where most people don’t have this perspective and would just look at the logic and agree that idealism is bad; for that reason I am more than happy to continue smiting the demon of idealism with my rhetoric.

As I was saying, it would be ideal if everyone in prisons loved each other with unwavering brotherly love and did nothing but perform musicals by day and knit and complement each other by night, so to make decisions based upon this idealism would be to construct prisons that consist of massive auditoriums with zero security and the receiving process would be giving prisoners a briefcase full of musicals, a backpack full of knitting supplies, and a few compliments, then just wholeheartedly believe that these people will conform to your ideal. Clearly this is ideal is contradicted by reality so real prisons are starkly contradictory to these ideal prisons, and for good reason. The issue facing our nation is that this strategy of providing musicals and yarn to the people of our country and expecting them to knit and perform musicals is the exact approach taken by the state in terms of integration when regardless of this ideal, the population largely consists of people who are imprisoned in this country due to their poverty or wage slavery and are naturally armed with the dangerous weapons of their race, ethnicity, culture, sex and anything else that can be used as a catalyst towards aggression and discontent.

The shameless inanity of society is on full display when the free-prisoners are out rioting or up in arms over whatever it is they're upset about, then rather than instituting a lockdown like a prison would, the authorities of this civil prison are supportive of this destructive rancor, and the people who are angrily protesting argue that the best course of action is to complain that people aren't performing musicals, knitting, and complimenting each other and hope that this resolves the issue, and when that doesn't work they just arm themselves with self-righteousness and start blaming and criticizing each other while becoming even more aggressive, violent, and indignant. This is a completely unhealthy mentality that is fostered in the people and vehemently defended and coddled by the media because they make their money by outraging people and then selling these people opinions that stroke the egos and fully support the problematic self-righteousness of these outraged people.

Regardless of the basis for these philosophies being some cheery ideal, the reality of doing this does nothing more than serve as the foundations for extraordinary amounts of conflict, tension, indignation, aggression, and other unsavory things that would be resolve just by accepting the reality of the situation. Things will never be ideal, and any progress that is made towards any ideal just causes people's indignation to shift to some other point of contention and even causing them to make one up all together if they can't find one; so making concessions to the idealists does nothing to actually reduce the amount of indignation in society because it just shifts to some other topic perpetually due to the unattainable and unrealistic nature of ideals.

The problems idealists are upset about can seldom be solved, and the fact that reality is not ideal can never be changed; so rather than attempt to make these concessions at immense costs and create new problems in the process for the idealists to be upset about, the only true solution is to remove the people from the problems, and in this process problems will actually be resolved simply because they scenarios that create them don't exist. Problems are a fact of life, but rather than create solutions that invariably do nothing but cause new problems, removing the sources of these problems is ultimately destroying these problem trees at their roots instead of pruning the trees every now and again and pretending that this does anything to actually resolve the issue considering that the trees still manage to reproduce and spawn even more problem trees previously unknown to society.” Says Stacy

“Those damn, dirty idealists.” Says Isabelle

“I would say you’re largely just repeating yourself at this point, but if a tree falls in the forest and nobody is around to hear it, does it make a sound? Anyways, it’s not like any other source of political ideology would refrain from painfully repeating their rhetoric time and time again, so my only advice is to shout louder and with more self-assured authority on the issues.” Says Jenna

“You almost sounded like you could be the next great progressive liberal; arguing that not only are opinions and free speech dangerous weapons, but also sex, race, ethnicity, religions and god knows what else. Everything is a threatening weapon and must be controlled with vigorous measures of sweeping regulations.” Says Grace

“If problems are a fact of life, why even try to resolve them? I can respect that you try though, since nobody else seems to have solutions that are any less outlandish and they instead just complain all the time that things aren’t ideal from what I can tell.” Says Ophelia

“It's just that I am tired of people having problems; I personally don't give a damn about the problems one way or the other, but the majority of the time the problems that society faces are not actually due to real problems, but they are caused solely on account of the fact that people have a problem with something, which makes having a problem with things the ultimate problem facing society. This is due to exacerbation and inflammation of the fact that people are upset about something by constantly making it a point of contention in politics and the media when the majority of the time nothing can realistically be done about the problem; so this is just creating a massive source of conflict with absolutely no benefit to society simply because doing this is an amazing way to sell things to people or win votes.

People think that indignation feels empowering, and they love nothing more than to have their indignations justified by the media or the politicians. It is to the point that the majority of elections in the country are won not on account of legitimate policy, but because these politicians are so skilled at inflaming the indignation of their voter base. These people are elected to the pinnacles of power simply because they can echo whatever racist, xenophobic, anti-capitalist, religious, partisan, or otherwise indignant sentiments that people are so upset about rather than having any sort of merits that would justify their holding of power besides representing the sentiments of the people which ultimately are nothing more than the fact that they feel disrespected, marginalized, disenfranchised, threatened, mistreated, or whatever it is that happens to piss them off despite the fact that more often than not very little can be done to address this indignation in any realistic approach. Allowing these sentiments of indignation to effectively govern the country due to politicians’ sycophantry towards their voter base amounts to the shamelessly petty state of politics that amounts to little actual governing and more so just enflaming people's indignation and hatred and then making promises to turn this hatred and indignation into legislated proof of a manifestation of these destructive sentiments.

While it may seem discriminatory to segregate everyone, if people were segregated by race and each race given autonomous states, race would never be a pertinent issue in politics, so that would remove 80% of the conservative rhetoric that consists of hating immigrants and force them to actually create a substantive political platform or just stand there idly for 80% of their speech. This would be beneficial because the conservative party easily gets the majority of the vote just by demonizing immigrants and stroking the egos of patriotic Americans, and this would cripple the liberal's counter rhetoric of just calling the conservatives racist all the time and attempting and often failing to sufficiently appeal to minorities. Segregating by sex would also eliminate the liberal argument of sexism, as the women who are upset about sexism would just be segregated and any sort of financial shortcomings or discrimination they face would be entirely their own fault in a society without men.

The practice of removing people from their scapegoats forces people to actually acknowledge the real problems rather than baselessly blaming a certain group for all of their problems and then playing the victim, which is sadly what politics has devolved into, resulting in a sizable dearth of actual governance. Socialists would be segregated so they can somehow try to pay all of each other’s bills with socialism, communists segregated into a society where money and property ownership are illegal, the religious into theocratic states, the racist as well as the minorities who cry racism into ethno-states, the feminists into an all-female society, and so on, rather than allow all of these different but equally indignant parties to cripple the function of government because politicians know they must appeal to the indignation of one of these groups in order to win, causing the country to be governed not by the most practical and sensible form of government, but by whatever half-assed form of government the politicians feel like creating while they stoke the far more important indignation of these groups and portray themselves as the champion fighting the good fight by defending these aggressive sentiments as if they're somehow productive and important.

People regardless of their political ideology are naturally stupid, hateful, carping, indignant, hypocritical, self-righteous and self-centered; so to allow the government to act as a mirror of these people is ridiculous. By separating people from whatever it is that makes them act this way, there will be no scapegoat for them to blame and constantly justify their indignation that can never be quelled by any realistic means besides removing them from the source of this indignation all together; then when this is true, people will actually be forced to resolve their own issues as they have nobody to blame but themselves, or at least search for a reasonable way to address whatever might need to be improved without resorting to the entirely unproductive demonization and scapegoating of people. These feelings preyed upon by politicians are naturally destructive, and to coddle them is to coddle the destruction of the country; so it is in everybody’s best interest to separate the mutually infuriating groups of people from their source of infuriation so that they can hopefully harbor feelings that are actually productive instead of the current partisan viewpoint of hateful and destructive indignation.” Says Stacy

“I see your point that the whole trite petty pity party that every little faction enjoys is both tiresome and pointless. The real question is whether or not you can convince those people to refrain from believing that they’re always the victim. If you look at 99% of politics, it is always appealing to people who think they’re the victim, and if everybody is the victim that just speaks to the level of castration that political correctness has induced in society. Society became great because it took pride in being the victimizer of the world, not because it was so pitiful, pouting, and childish that the word just bent down because of how much society whined and cried that it was upset or didn’t get what it wanted.” Says Isabelle

“I’m sure everyone will happily hop on board with becoming the victims of the powers that be to the extent that they once were. I’m chomping at the bit to be honest. In all seriousness I am not opposed to the idea of reducing the power of the people, seeing how it’s either that or be forced to tolerate the fact that the opinions of idiots and their chosen politicians amounts to over 90% of the news when I would rather just hear about something interesting and let politics take care of itself without feeling the need to involve masses of idiots in the process, considering that doing so weaponizes this idiocy and wages civil war with it.” Says Jenna

“Unfortunately for you I don’t think Stacy would stop ranting even if she somehow got her way.” Jokes Isabelle

“As much as I want to write her off, she consistently makes good points about how inane people and politics are so it’s hard to resist cynicism and hopeless frustration when faced with the reality of politics in America and around the world. I would be frustrated with the situation, but instead I am just entirely apathetic. The indignation that is ingrained and indoctrinated into everybody’s minds by the traditional American ideals of democracy is comparable to lead poisoning, seeing how it inhibits actual mental function and productivity while exacerbating the people’s aggression, irritability, and impulsiveness.” Says Jenna

“Sometimes I myself don’t know if I am arguing more out of the principle of creating a better society or just to punish people for being problematic; both of them seem equally justifiable, and then it’s just a matter of triage. Things should be better, but the process of bettering things also involves a good deal of mental conditioning through many means that some might describe as punishment.” Says Stacy

“I can see Jenna’s point; it’s not that you really make great arguments about how to resolve things, but you do easily convey how inherently flawed everything is which creates this sort of hopelessness about the situation. I could get behind sorting people by their opinions just to end all of the vehement and unproductive hatred between the parties that defines politics. Rather than let people with good intentions be consumed by this anger and frustration, they should realize that neither side will ever make concessions to the other and just agree to disagree by operating independently from each other.” Says Grace

“Even this mentality of sorting people based upon their opinions is too liberal; as when people are allowed to have opinions in the traditional baseless sense they are being allowed to create these weapons of discord, disagreement, discontent, and destruction, and they will invariably still find ways to argue with each other and become indignant just because their ability to form opinions and self-righteousness is respected on principle. The natural differences between people are a source of natural conflict, and this destructive distraction can be avoided by sorting people by their differences, but much of the problem is an unnatural one created by the opinion-worship of a democratic society which creates an environment where opinions trump facts causing people spend much of their time fostering and harboring opinions and giving these opinions precedence because they have been taught that ideals are valuable rather than a worthless fallacy that is contradicted by reality; and the source of this asinine opinion can be directly attributed to the democracy instilling the belief that each person’s beliefs and arguments are of utmost importance, when this just causes people to focus their efforts shouting opinions at each other rather than creating arguments based upon measurable, testable, and veritable arguments so that they might have more validity than something that is fallaciously yet functionally valid only because somebody feels so strongly about something they likely know nothing about in reality, but can easily fabricate some fantasy about how said something should work that disregards reality and substitutes it with presumption and ideals.

 Opinions must be demonized as thoroughly as possible, just because they are the antithesis of realit; opinions have no more validity than faith based explanations, and the world had abandoned those as a practical source of knowledge 500 years ago. Opinions must be thoroughly ridiculed and shamed to the point where only a fool would state a baseless opinion out of some whim or fancy, as opinion itself has been replaced by the scientific method; so that where once people would have an opinion, they would be pressed instead to express that opinion in the form of a hypothesis and then from there the scientific method can be pursued to whatever extent is feasible in order to provide some sort of knowledge of the real results of experiments defined by this argument rather than allowing the opinion to function as the pinnacle of logic as it currently does, where the ideal is never scientifically tested but is still treated as if it has unquestionable validity regardless of whether or not there is any real basis to argue in favor of the ideal, besides some pleasant fantasy where the ideal holds true.

The fact that the government of the most powerful nation on the planet makes its decisions based upon whichever fantasy sounds the nicest to the people is entirely deplorable; yet politics today consists of selling people some fantasy or even just agreeing with their sources of pride and justifying their prejudices. Practical, realistic, testable science is how the world has achieved such greatness, and failing to apply that to politics and the education of the people in regards to the worthlessness of opinions is the marker of over 400 years of irresponsibility and disservice to the people.” Says Stacy




“Let’s go back to talking about the applications and function of a veritocracy or even the pimpocracy before the opinion police come and take you away for having those dangerous opinions.” Says Jenna

“As much as I believe things, my beliefs are not based upon sentiments or feelings, but they are based off of observing the physical world and comparing unnatural things like people and society to nature and basing my criticism off of divergence from the natural order of things. Other than that I criticize people for being at fault, which unless the fact that an arsonist being videotaped showing the details of 3 forms of his legal identification then burning down a building without leaving the frame has burned down a building is an opinion, is not an opinion. I propose solutions based upon mechanical functionality as opposed to philosophical conjecture or the level of pleasuring the solution can ideally create, and that alone should give my sentiments more credibility than anything that can easily be discredited due the basis for the argument being one of whim, fancy, ideal or opinion.” Says

“Regardless, pimpocracy is the future; whereas your odd public television career of being the one who paints beautiful idyllic landscapes with human genetics while speaking in an eerily calm, friendly and optimistic tone is on public television for a reason.” Says Isabelle

“When you put it like that it doesn’t sound nearly as weird or crazy.” Says Ophelia

“Then we shall put it like that.” Says Stacy

“I think most people’s minds would infer that you are painting with bodily fluids, but that would probably be more popular than what you actually want to do, and you’ve never quite been the populist who entertains the people’s fancy.” Says Jenna

“It is no surprise that the person who supports free market capitalism is in love with the idea of a pimpocracy; seeing how pimps notoriously abuse their women to the point that the practice resembles slavery, your fondness of the idea makes me think you’re just yearning for the glory days when labor was free and human rights were unheard of. Just because it's a functional system doesn't make it justifiable; even if this seems a bit more reasonable than Stacy’s other ideas, I would be very concerned for the state of the people reduced being little more than prostitutes at the bottom of an abusive and exploitative hierarchy.” Says Grace

“The common laborers are already prostitutes sitting at the bottom of an abusive and exploitative hierarchy, by converting to a pimpocracy we would absolve everybody of having to deal with the rigmarole and nonsense that comes along with attempting to convince these people that they are free and independent minds whose success is entirely of their own devices and whose opinions are so sacred that they are the basis of formulating governance. This ideal has been obsoleted by 400 years of the evolution of social systems, and due to the sovereignty of the pimp this would establish a system of  governance that is consistently functional and realistic as opposed to continuing to use a system that only functioned because it made people feel significant through the principles but provided them no means of capitalizing upon this de jure power, so ultimately it was nearly a de facto quasi-pimpocracy because the government could function independently from the people’s whims, whereas today the opposite is true and the peoples whims function in place of the government.” Says Isabelle

“I’m fairly certain there was a good deal more democracy in the early days of America than you would want to admit to.” Says Jenna

“Regardless of that fact, the facts of the matter are I don’t know much at all about the issue, so I’m going to spin the story in a way that supports my argument. Even if it may not have been pure pimpocracy, the fact that only land-owning white males could vote is testament enough to the argument that power was entrusted to only those who could responsibly wield it, while the rest of the people were subject to those who by their own merits and means had established themselves as a person of legitimate character and mental capacity. It may have been democratic, but it was still a democratic-pimpocracy, and I’m sure that ultimately the involvement of people less so versed in the craft produced nothing but a nuisance and hindrance to those who actually knew what the fuck they were doing, seeing how there are probably 10 founding fathers which means the other few hundred people who were involved in politics at the time were little more than asshats. It is unfortunate that they are not all remembered and reflected upon today so that people can shame them for their shortcomings and worthlessness during the entire ordeal of the creation of our country.” Says Isabelle

“My strategy to avoid having my knowledgeability questioned is to avoid factual examples all together and base my arguments on principle. The facts are never as important as the patterns; data sets are always muddled by outliers and exceptions which can always be used to make some convoluted counter point or to provide grounds for rebuttal. By simplifying the situations to basic functions and systems and then drawing parallels from those, people are forced to argue against a basic system that is common knowledge as opposed to making things more complicated than they need to be by adding in unneeded specifics. There will never be an argument that can utilize both the general reality and the outliers to draw a sound conclusion because the outliers will always skew the resulting conclusion to one that is flawed 98% of the time just to make some petty accommodation to a small minority of outliers.

If there is absolutely nothing better or more so productive to do, one can create a separate system to handle the outliers, but as they tend to be largely irrelevant in the broad spectrum of things it is not pressing at all to validate them for failing to conform. Exceptions can be made when the outliers are far more valuable, dangerous or important than the standard sources of data, in which case it would be more pressing to address them, but they still must be addressed separately from the usual data, and for most of my arguments the sources of this data are people of course.

This is a major shortcoming of policy in this country so pretentious about the importance of egalitarianism; they attempt to create a system where everybody is treated the same while still having the capacity to involve the outliers in the broad spectrum solution which leads to a solution that is flawed both in its handling of the commoners and it’s handing of the outliers, be it the terrorists, geniuses, billionaires, or the other sort that should be treated differently because they are so starkly different from the peasantry. To treat them to same would be to argue that the house cats should be trained in the same way tigers are, and this results in poorly trained tigers, wasted resources on house cats, and all sorts of inadequacies that could easily be addressed by accepting the fact that people are different and thus require different treatment. This is yet another example of idealism failing to accept reality and veritably hindering any realistic approach just to preserve some godforsaken ideal that is worth nothing more to society than endowing some fuzzy feeling into the hearts of idealists because the system respects their ideal instead of disregarding it as the fallacy that it is.” Says Stacy

“Your strategy is usually just to argue that everything deserves to be criticized due to the fact that everything has shortcomings. That’s kind of unproductive to see something with say a 95% success rate and condemn it as worthless because it happens to fail occasionally.” Says Jenna

“I argue that things have shortcomings, and this is unacceptable; I don’t argue that everything has shortcomings. When mathematics adds two numbers together correctly, there are no shortcomings; when physics measures something correctly, there are no shortcomings; this is how things should work, this is how nature works, without any shortcomings; to tolerate any level of failure is to tolerate imperfection, and in this humanistic world that fetishizes failure and shortcomings, doing this is a destructive force of vice in the form of natural sloth by failing to respect the standards set in place by nature and tolerating failure and shortcomings when nature would not.

While it is probably impossible to measure the potential success of a human to the same accuracy that potential energy can be measured in physics, the concept can be studied and standardized, and the study of human potential can be viewed in a scientific light so that we may better understand it, but more so use our knowledge and prowess in regards to the subject in order to maximize our efficient utilization of this human potential. While it may seem like some lofty concept, human potential is in reality a measurable scientific value; which although it may require an unfathomable amount of computation and data to yield an accurate measurement due to the billions of tiny ever-changing variables that are part of the measurement, it is still a measurable and countable quantity, and by failing to subject this scientific measurement to rigorous study and experimentation in order to further our knowledge and enhance our capability of harnessing the power of human potential to the greatest degree possible, we are stuck in the dark ages, drawing our conclusions from faith, belief, opinion, and sentiment as opposed to science.

Society fails to acknowledge this variable as a scientific measurement because they feel threatened and intimidated by it, much as the faithful were of science, yet in order for society to progress this variable must not be regarded as some mystical uncountable ideal that must be nurtured through the means of faith in the human, but instead it must be quantified as thoroughly as possible through experimentation; so that rather than leaving such a vital part of our society up to the amount of faith and hope we can instill into the children and people, we actually have methods and systems that reliably produce results without leaving anything to faith or sympathy so long as it can be avoided. Clearly believing in something does not make it come true, but this is the logic we apply to children when we instill the sentiment that they should believe in themselves instead of knowing for certain that they should be performing at this level, and if they fail to do so there are scientific methods that can easily be reproduced in order to correct this shortcoming of the person, because clearly emotional support and dream coddling is not producing the results the idealists wish it did.

I say this not because I believe everyone has the capacity to become amazingly intelligent and usher in some sort of revolution in some field, but quite the opposite; that some people are naturally disinclined to success and this notion of their untapped potential should not be instilled in them when it is measurably absent, because doing so only creates a sense of discontentment and resent towards society that they believe has failed them do to their own natural inability to become as successful as the idealists had cause them to believe they could be. If it is not physically and psychologically feasible for a man to become anything more than a menial laborer, there is no reason to force him to struggle through school and feel inadequate due to these shortcomings he has no ability to overcome. This man should be congratulated for achieving the level of success that his measured human potential argued that he should reach, even if this is entirely unimpressive, because he has in a sense gotten 100% on the test, yet the idealists teach him to believe that he can achieve scores of 500% correctness when that is physically impossible.

Some people who are not prone to education could easily be far more prone to developing skillsets related to manual labor such as fortitude, endurance and perseverance, and yet these skills remain undeveloped while the man is forced to struggle in an intellectual environment, doing nothing but wasting his time due to his natural tendencies and potential. Clearly in the common case such as this, the vast majority of this human’s potential lies in fields beyond the intellectual fields, and this untapped potential can be easily utilized if society were simply to acknowledge his disinclination for education and instead instill the values of work ethic and accommodate his physical capacity for labor. Get this man on a fishing boat, a farm, an assembly line, or a construction crew, give him some speed, and fill him with adequate nutrition so that he might actually succeed rather than allowing him to waste his time in school while doing nothing to actually further his potential success in life.” Says Stacy

“I think it would be disheartening to hear people tell you that you will not be intelligent or successful so you should just give up and that school is a waste of time. I know I’m not as smart as some of the other girls, but I still try hard and do well; I would hate to be sent to some stupid job because I wasn’t naturally a genius or whatever.” Says Ophelia

“We all know what job you would be sent to. I’m sure you would enjoy it much more than school anyways.” Jokes Stacy

“Ok, if being a wife and mother really is a job, I would be happy, but people expect women to work now and I think you would make a lot of people sad when you give them bad news like that.” Says Ophelia

“At least you’ve got a natural desirable skillset of being a humble, loving, and caring person, Stacy on the other hand would be in a much rougher position.” Says Isabelle

“I think if Stacy actually gave academia any credit she could take each of her wild ideas and actually spend time researching them, citing sources, and making legitimate arguments rather than just asserting things on principle and presuming that doing so automatically makes them justified and correct.” Says Jenna

“The pursuit of knowledge is not my strong suit, nor is any standardized thorough research my strong suit. I know plenty, but I am naturally distrustful of other people’s insight and have little interest in what I see to be rather trivial, but my skills lie in utilizing knowledge as opposed to garnering it. I am good at making assertions and finding flaws, so I could be occupied by doing that on principle: I would make an argument, the intellectuals involved in whatever field it concerns would then cite so and so sources that disprove my argument if the can, I acknowledge these and continue my assault on anything and everything by refining my arguments to avoid the flaws that were found to continue assaulting any body of knowledge that might compete with my own.

There is value in failing to accept things, and this skill is contrary to academia in itself which builds upon the accepting all of the work that has come before you and building upon that; where I seek to discredit any arguments that have come before mine as opposed to codify them, and if my solutions may be little more than hypotheses, the fact that they contradict the standard presumptions that are the building blocks of society means that this form of discontent is both a way of checking the structural soundness of these arguments as well as possibly providing some sort of improvement upon these building blocks so that society will ultimately be more so sound and well-built than it was before.

I seek out vulnerable areas of accepted knowledge and assault these with fervor so that the shoddiness of their construction can be exposed rather than ignored by the people who see these things and accept them, then focus on building on top of this tower of society. I see these structural flaws as possible target stress points that could fail entirely eventually due to their improper construction, and my role is similar to somebody doing safety checks and stress tests on objects in order to make sure there are no inherent flaws that will eventually lead them to fail in ways that could possibly endanger people, or in my case, society. Also due to my logical style of drawing conclusions by noticing the parallels between the function of natural systems and comparing those to man-made systems, I am refining systems to function more naturally, and testing the validity of any sort of convolution of these processes that have diverged from the patterns that arose in nature over billions of years due to their quality and reliability.” Says Stacy

“I can understand why you are reluctant to accept the presumed truths, but the reason they are accepted so commonly is just because it is far easier to do than spend time arguing against them, and doing so would likely be unproductive due to people’s capacity to resist changing accepted truths. Half of the reason the things you argue about aren’t standardized, refined, and controlled so thoroughly is because there are no standards to measure by and the methods of refining and controlling things to the extent you argue in favor of is extremely difficult and requires tons of intensive labor and infrastructure.

As much as it is easy to blame this on the idealists, the realists are likely just lazy or indifferent and find that it is easy using the ideals as an excuse to focus on things they find more pressing. Undertaking these things under scientific principle is a tremendous task, where as telling people to go out and pursue the ideals takes little time or energy and is far easier to ensure that people actually  pursue the ideals since ideals are easy concepts to understand. As much as your solutions aren’t exactly great ideas, the concept of this standardization seems reasonable enough; so perhaps you could find work in that sort of field if it exists, but I think it’s unlikely because it doesn’t make money directly and the government tends to search for the path of least resistance, even if it is wasteful and unproductive.” Says Grace

“As much as the job you described may be valuable to society, I doubt people will see the value in being criticized, even if it is valid. People don’t take criticism well, and that just gets more and more prevalent the more powerful people get. I’m sure the government doesn’t want to overhaul society; they’ll just say if it ain’t broke don’t fix it, and if you tell them why it’s broken they’ll just say that the constant screeching the car makes and the transmission that doesn’t work well aren’t worth fixing seeing how the car still runs. Maybe you can take your whole logical analysis and apply it to some business environment, because I’m sure there is a market for people who analyze and criticize business systems in an effort to make the company more productive and cost effective, but that’s way out in left field compared to what you usually like to rant about.” Says Isabelle

“Even a business environment would be wary of listening to her due to her philosophy in regards to the treatment of people. As much as businesses may be criticized for immoral or exploitative practices, they still try to treat people with some respect and dignity, at least their employees anyways. Stacy’s denigration of the human race wouldn’t make for a healthy work environment, even if it might create a healthier society if it were applied universally throughout society.” Says Jenna

“Part of my quality is the inhuman nature of my reasoning. People will tend to be hindered by their feelings and sympathy, and other shortcomings that are markedly human, but also markedly unnatural. The universe functions on natural terms and this is simply how things do, can, and will function. The universality of natural logic should always trump any sort of logic that has been tainted by human perception in such a way that it has become unnatural and therefore the antitheses of success and existence. The fact that a race of pissant idiots is shameless enough to think that their own fantasies and delusions can alter the fabric of reality easily proves the fallacious nature of any argument that states that the correct or right way to go about anything involves human sentiment in any way. Humans themselves are nothing but a mere cancer that has spawned as a result of the festering of the universe over billions of years, and to allow things like sentiments that have arisen in this cancer but are absent in nature to justify anything in the pursuit of success would be like an oncologist telling it's patient that the way to stay alive is to encourage the cancer to consume his natural body as rapidly as possible.

Human sentiment can be tolerated so long as it is benign and does not interfere with things functioning in ways that are emulating nature; but should it attempt to conflict with the emulation of nature in the systems of our own creation, this is when the human nature must be quarantined in order to preserve the integrity of things that will actually function due to their foundations on billions of years of proven sustained function as opposed to tainting them with delusions or fantasies that are contrary to every reality, aside from the contrived artificial realities created by human insanity and superciliousness, and therefore synonymous with mental illness. This is the only way for the human race to survive; because the current system of using human nature to  trump true natural logic is doing nothing but making the existence of humans painfully and palpably more so malignant, and this will quite rapidly cause the destruction of the planetary host of these parasites.” Says Stacy

“I’m happy somebody invented the word superciliousness, just because it seems like the antonym of super-seriousness because it sounds like super silliness, which would be delightful if that’s what it meant, but I know it doesn’t. It is super silly to think you’re so amazing, especially better than the universe since it is the testament to God’s knowledge and power, but most people tend to be serious about their belief when they believe that.” Says Ophelia

“Stacy’s right though; attempting to maximize efficiency by contradicting the laws of physics and its progeny doesn’t tend to bode well. It’s like disregarding aerodynamics when attempting to fly.” Says Jenna

“I figure it all comes down to greed: if people are willing to sacrifice some of their humanity in order to be more successful, there is a chance they might listen. Then once you’ve proven yourself, people will envy the success you create and you’d be sitting pretty for the rest of your life.” Says Isabelle

“The whole concept of doing that goes against human’s natural tendencies, at least the ones that they are accustomed to that distinguish humans from nature, savagery compared to civility, as well all of the arguments about the quality and character of people that idealists attempt to instill in people so that they might emulate them.” Says Grace

“Idealism is a misnomer because basing decisions off of ideals produces less so ideal results than basing one's decision off of realism. The correct term for idealism is would be asinine delusionalism rather than allowing the marginally respectable word ideal have its own meager quality so assailed by the defamation of idealism which ignores reality in pursuit of ideals rather than acknowledging the ideals as a quaint thought but little more practical than a pleasant fantasy.

Just as people in the Dark Ages argued we need to question if not abandon the ideas of Aristotle, we now must understand the sources of the ideals that define our societies as the contemporary parallels of Aristotle. The ideas sound so reasonable that many find them hard to question, but the truth is they are no more sound in their foundation than the assertions of Aristotle who based his ideas off of presumptions that seemed to be most sensible to him based upon what he could understand through his own limited knowledge of facts and by extrapolating upon that. Defending the ideals that define modern society is no more defensible than defending the argument that there is a fire inside of every person due to the fact that they are warm. It makes sense when people don't understand exothermic chemical reactions or cellular respiration, but it is entirely foolish to argue when well documented facts clearly disprove this statement.” Says Stacy

“Mutual delusion, for lack of a better term, has been the cornerstone of society throughout history. Whether it was faith or the philosophical idealism that replaced it, without these common sentiments it would be hard if not impossible to actually organize people and coax them into abandoning their feral individualism. I can understand the frustration with the fact that society is based upon what science would argue is nonsense, but there is a need to have something that binds the people together into a cohesive group and the only thing that has ever functioned in that regard are these ethereal concepts that people can believe in that allow them to harbor a sufficient level of trust in each other for the people to be able to coexist and cooperate. The advantage of these things is that it is far easier to replicate, reproduce, and endow and idea, where using other means such as your methods that tend to be physical and strenuous doesn’t occur anywhere near as efficiently. Replacing these things with something that is more testable and functional would be a good idea, but even if something like that existed, it would be faced with an ungodly amount of resistance, just like the people who originally wanted to stray from the faith did some 500 years ago.” Says Jenna

“Defending an inadequate solution because it is easy is resonant of society’s unacceptable tolerance of failure and shortcomings. The world of idioms and aphorisms are full of examples that condemn laziness and taking the easy way out, yet the world doesn’t seem to care. By using these baseless concepts as the foundations of anything, you are tolerating a situation where these ideas are no more justifiable in reality than any other baseless nonsense, and the factuality of their inability to veritably disprove and disqualify any other ideas leaves the door open for any bat-shit insane idea to walk on through and replace the old ideal, just because without any ability to prove or disprove these statements as real or fallacious, the only thing that keeps an idea alive and functioning is the extent to which it is supported and defended by the people. As people become more and more ignorant, insane, and illogical thanks to the coddling of failure and thus poor logic and decision-making, this fact will make itself more and more apparent in the institutions that are derived entirely from the sentiments of the people.

The world cannot function when it has no ability to defend itself from the inanity of its own people, and this is becoming more and more threatening by the day. These systems may have worked when there were few people in power and their power defended their ideals and created an artificial but rigid reality, but as the people continuously and voraciously take more and more power, the system is no longer defined by the more so respectable ideals of the people who through their own merit and might were able to ascend into power, but is instead defined by the people who have no justification to wield such power besides their own indignation;  with this the old aspects of quality control go out the window and it is now a system that is governed by the most aggressively indignant as opposed to a system defined by people who actually understand, create, and wield success properly.”  Says Stacy

“This is exactly why we need the pimpocracy; to keep people in their place and make them happy that they’re in that place as opposed to deluding them into thinking they are worthy of wielding power and respect.” Says Isabelle

“It is kind of scary thinking about how little anyone knows about government and the economy, yet the government is composed largely of people who were elected because they represent the ignorance of their constituents and echo the uneducated and probably unfounded beliefs of these people. I know I would be more comfortable if all of the politicians had to have a lot of education about whatever it is they do instead of just great skills at pleasing people.” Says Ophelia

 “I as much as I doubt that a pimpocracy would result in anything besides the abuse and exploitation of its people, it is pretty upsetting that bills passed by the government are hundreds of pages long and nobody reads them other than to argue about issues that their voter-base cares about. There is always tons of mudslinging about the lowly issues that are always in contention, but I’m sure if somebody just focused a bunch of time into finding ridiculous things sneaked into bills that politicians inadvertently or ignorantly voted in favor of due to their focus on their primary objectives, they could find plenty of things to discredit those people.” Says Grace

“That would require people caring about the little things nobody cares about, so I doubt it would sway people who will always vote one way or the other based upon a very small section of key issues. I’m telling you, the people don’t care about the majority of government, the politicians don’t care about the majority of the governing they do, but clearly all of the minutiae of the function of the government are in some way important and should be cared about regardless of the fact that nobody does. A pimpocracy would put people in power who actually care about the overall function of the government as opposed to wasting so much time and energy on the same few issues year after year.” Says Isabelle

“Let’s just go ahead and ignore the fact that in a pimpocracy everybody is basically a slave to the pimps and has no rights or say in anything. Even if the pimps were so focused on making money, that doesn’t mean that will translate into any real success when the population is outraged, probably due to the fact that they’re slaves. How would you even get anyone who has tons of idle money sitting around to even get on board with the idea of a pimpocracy? I’m only saying that because the money is the government the end of the day unfortunately, and I don’t see the plutocrats agreeing to share their success with each other or invite some level of federal involvement in their enterprise, even if it would make them more money.” Says Grace

“Given that the people can be lured in a manner similar to the way that prostitutes are lured by pimp, by promising them a better life and what not, these people could be tempted by seeing that beyond the traditional taxation, they could choose to invest in the pimpocracy as if it were any traditional investment, and I'm sure plenty of them would understand that when the people want to be taken care of in exchange for their work instead of being paid and expect to do this themselves, the pimpocracy then encompasses the entire future of America. They are given the choice with either investing at the ground floor in the country, from which they still retain the ability to withdraw their money, or simply being turned as a trick, as due to their refusal they simply become treated as and exploited as another client of the services of the pimp’s hos, where they will always lose money in the process due to the taxation and regulation of industry that trifles in the affairs of the nation.

This status as a trick would put their own rights below that of the hos, and due to America’s influence and nuclear unquestionability in the world, the pimpocracy could easily cripple these companies by pushing them out of their markets with more so competitive pimp-sanctioned business that are more than happy to take a loss on their venture simply because it damages the domestic enemies of the pimpocracy in the process, as this loss can be recouped from the profits made in other sectors. This status of being unable to compete would put these companies in an increasingly inoperable position until they beg to work for the pimpocrats.” Says Stacy

“It seems improbable that you would be able to create industries able to compete with the most competitive companies in the world even if you somehow had the will of the people behind you. The reason they are so successful is because they know how to compete and have refined this art over decades.” Says Grace

“If the will of the people can stage a coup can overtake the government, the will of the people can easily stage a coup that will overtake an enterprise. The notion of competing in the traditional sense is where everybody play’s nice with each other and abides by the law, but this would not be the case if the pimpocracy was challenged by an enterprise. These companies would be relentlessly assailed by the state in order to sabotage and damage them in any way possible, because the pimpocracy understands that somebody assaulting your money supply is an act of war in itself, so the military and any branch of the government capable in assisting this war would be directed into defending the best interests of the nation.

The wise companies would understand this fate and would happily align themselves with the pimpocracy, even in the unlikely case they did not understand the prosperity it brings, just in order to avoid being so damaged. The wisest companies would of course be on board from the start, understanding that there is only one possible outcome of this war, and that by aligning themselves with the power of the state they are in turn sharing a large portion of the plunder and spoils that are reaped from this war as well as polishing their reputation and respectability amongst the people. The people want to be taken care of, but for this to be true the business must be taken care of, so the pimpocracy only seeks to take care of the business in the most practical, competitive, and efficient way in order to take care of the people in the most practical and efficient way in order to ensure that the people are willing and able to capably fuel the competitive nature of these business in the one true market, the international market.” Says Stacy

“I don’t understand why people would think that having a pimpocracy control all of the money and being above the law would result in them being taken care of.” Says Grace

“Pimps are notorious for taking care of their hos better than the government takes care of their people. If this was not the case none of the women would be tempted into prostitution.” Says Jenna

“The pimpocracy embraces the notion of Ubuntu, “I am because we are”. By consolidating everything into one group, people are forced to accept that their own wellbeing correlates directly to the wellbeing of the country, the economy, the government, and all of the forces that co-exist but are reluctant to cooperate. The individualistic mentality is what drives people into favoring vampiric socialism or unethical capitalism, so by removing this notion of somehow being able to benefit personally, people can understand that the only means by which they will be able to prosper is through the success of the whole. If the world is a race between countries, it is entirely unproductive to have one’s own teammates holding each other back.

Without domestic entities seeking to profit from each other or the government, the reality is simplified and the greed is removed, at least domestically, so that needs are met and then the only thing left to do is succeed without the petty trifling problems resulting from trusting the people with meaningless amounts of money and even allowing them to squander it and torture themselves with their own inability to handle the money. Rather than give domestic people money just to try and trick them out of it, the process is removed because it is unproductive in regards to the economy as no money is added to the economy by doing so. The majority of domestic capitalism is nothing more than backbiting, treachery, trickery, and infighting between people who shouldn’t be bothered by these things as it does nothing to assist the economy, but due to the nature of domestic companies competing with each other out of the nature of the free market, the lowly become the victim of this greed and their own stupidity, and the economy becomes the victim of the wasted time, effort, energy and unproductive nature of this aspect of the economy that contradicts the success of its own people by causing needless grief and pettiness where this should be absent. This would describe a market that provides necessities, whereas those that provide luxuries would be akin to letting your hos take your money to do drugs and get addicted to them when this is entirely wasteful and should not be tolerated by an industrious pimp, although it is sometimes tolerated by traditional pimps because they want to make their hos happy and drugs are a commonplace pastime on the streets.

A simple explanation as I’ve said before is that a pimp does not want his hos turning tricks on his other hos, because this does not make the pimp any money and amounts to nothing but wasted time. The pimps are nothing without their hos, and the quality of the hos directly correlates with their own willingness and eagerness to work, which results from their being taken care of. This while the hos are nothing but vulnerable, exploitable, and abusable people who would constantly and unproductively resort to backbiting and treachery to spite each other and make each other’s lives needlessly harder without the organizational prowess of the pimp who is able to resolve these issues with his power and prowess.” Says Stacy

“It seems kind of counterproductive to cripple the companies that form the basis of your economy.” Says Jenna

“It is counter-productive to allow the companies to prey upon the meek ignorant people that form the basis of the real economy that disregards the trivial bullshit of playing grab-ass with domestic money. I’m fine with letting people make money; I just don’t support taking money when what you’re doing effectively doesn’t make money.” Says Stacy

“This still just sounds like communism for the most part. I don’t see why you like this idea at all, Isabelle. ” Says Grace




“I don’t like giving meaningless and ignorant people the power to meddle in the affairs of people who actually accomplish meaningful and significant things because some idealist was such a cheeky fuck that he felt like some benevolent saint for stroking the ego of every shit-for-brains peasant on earth. It may have similarities, but there are massive amounts of similarities between communism and capitalism at the end of the day. This doesn’t prey upon the rich and actually gives successful people more power to be more so successful, and this doesn’t have anything to do with the notion of empowering or avenging the lowly for absolutely no god damn reason other than their own baseless indignation and self-righteousness.

By stripping the people of their basis for indignation and removing the accrual of basic needs from the economy, you resolve the issues of the vampiric socialists who seek to vote themselves into power to steal money to spend at their leisure, and  while you provide people their needs that are justified, you do this while making the process as cost effective as possible and independent from profiteers as opposed to letting the socialist government just fall victim to the inherently predatory free market when it attempts to do these things. The socialists have no grounds to tax the rich because the money collectively works towards meeting the needs of the people as efficiently as possible instead of just paying people so that their money can be shifted through the hands of countless middle-men who ultimately do nothing for the economy because they just move domestic money around.

When this is true, people will happily be paid less because they don’t need the money, and when you let Stacy have free reign and instill this ascetic society where all vice is prohibited and money can only be spent productively and wholesomely, people will have no reason to want money because there is nothing they can really do with it, seeing how the vast majority of things you can buy are wasteful, unproductive, pointless, or vice-ridden and thus inexistent in this new society. This is a system that ultimately reduces the amount of middle-men who do little for the economy but prey upon the fact that certain domestic necessities must be provided and then choose to profiteer upon this necessity, and when you remove this aspect of the economy by entrusting the pimpocrats to meet this need, it will be obvious how much of the money people spent every day was actually going to these domestic profiteers, and with the lack of these people effectively stealing this money, laborers can be paid much less, which means the companies are able to make much more profit, which leads to a more successful company with more power to grow and succeed.” Says Isabelle

“I see it’s just a strategy to increase the size of your holdings by reducing the total number of rich people who get a piece of the pie while also practically enslaving people.” Says Grace

“Beyond the aspect of making more money, which the productive companies would deserve to do for creating a system that is far more profitable, it is just acknowledging the difference between things that actually make money and things that just move the money that is already there around. The term middle-man is a pejorative term for good reason, and nobody benefits from the existence of these people, not the productive industries, not the state, and not the people. Domestic enterprise by definition preys upon its own people in any way it can, and perhaps I’m just a halfway decent person to argue that these people should be allowed to live without being tortured by the conniving bastards who seek to turn a profit off of petty things like keeping their own countrymen alive or tempting them into vice. They say the world is your oyster, so the objective is to eat the oyster not create some malignant cancer inside of yourself that just eats away at your own wellbeing and hinders the functioning of all parties involved save for the middle-men.” Says Isabelle

“Even if the economy is more efficient, people will probably be upset that they don’t have any voice in the government, since the government just exists to facilitate the profitability of the economy and only keeps the people happy or alive to the extent that it is most profitable.” Says Grace

“That’s a pretty damn high degree of being happy and alive. Way better than communism, to say the least. Hell, it’s easily better than the system we have right now.” Says Isabelle

“I’m sure everybody will be so grateful that they have been stripped of their rights and the plutocrats now control all of the money while regardless of their hard-work they get to live minimalistic lives and are reduced to being contemporary serfs who get to work for free because the boss is so kind to give them the land to live on and the food to eat.” Says Grace

“They get paid in wholesome money which they can buy wholesome things with, it may be minimalistic, but they can still enjoy their life. It should be easy when they’re not tasked with surviving the constant assault of vices fueled by domestic capitalism, as much at it might take some getting used to. In terms of gratefulness, whether or not somebody is grateful for something is relative to the alternatives that they know are possible. People used to be grateful just to be alive because they would watch people die terrible deaths all the time from diseases that are now easily treated with modern medicine. People now take this for granted, along many of the other improvements to the quality of life afforded to them by a contemporary society, and they now don't have anything reminding them how terrible life could be, so they believe that their baseline experience is terrible only for the reason that they don't have some sort of trivial bauble that the rich people have or that they even have to work in the first place; they are ungrateful for their entirely wonderful life simply because regardless of how amazing it is: since it is a 9/10 and not a 10/10, they believe that it is really a 0/10 because there are very few people in the country that live a life that is below 9/10 in quality.

This is the danger of relativity and how it can corrupt people's interpretations of the world; so rather than allow people to be such terrible ingrates due to how amazing life is across the board, society needs to fill the void that was left in the scale of quality of life when modern medicine and technology resolved most of the issues that were at the forefront of everybody's lives like starvation and disease. This means that in order to produce this sense of gratefulness, society is responsible for reducing the quality of a good deal or at least a noticeable amount of people's lives to that of a 1/10 or a 2/10 and make the fates of these people very well-known just so people who live this 9/10 quality life are actually grateful for their amazing quality of life.

This means establishing some form of social selection, but it is a necessity because there is no other solution that will cause the standard human mind to be able to understand the excellent quality of their life and actually be grateful for it. These people would be selected based on their unworthiness of living such a quality life, and while there are many reasons this would be the case, the most vulgar of these is being indignant or an ingrate, as these are voluntary flaws of the mind as opposed to shortcomings induced by forces that are beyond one's own control, and criminals to some extent but using only criminals would create an ‘us vs. them’ scenario where people might think that criminals deserve to be treated like that, but they are different and are worthy of nice things because they aren’t criminals, so for the best results the indignant and ingrates would be made examples of.” Says Stacy

“I’m not surprised that you responded that way, but even if you disregard the inhumane nature of the solution, that sort of undertaking would probably require more time, effort, and energy than just giving people whatever petty thing they wanted.” Says Jenna

“It would make people far more grateful though, and with the skyrocketing cost of healthcare due to the countless factors exacerbating it, I’m sure it would be far cheaper to do it Stacy’s way.” Says Isabelle

“The problem is that people always want things to be better, regardless of how good things are, and even if they were completely perfect, people would still want something better than perfection regardless of the fact that it is physically impossible. This feeling of getting something better can seldom be feasibly if at all provided by actually providing something better, but it can easily be provided by making things worse. The situation is similar to eating plain oat rings, if you eat them after you eat something more delicious, sweet, savory, salty, or otherwise tasty, the oat rings will seem tasteless and undesirable, but if you eat the oat rings after something more so bland and difficult to eat, then the plain oat rings will taste delicious and amazing.

This is the power of relativity; so in order to make people actually enjoy the nice things that they get, they must be forced to experience or at least acknowledge plenty of things that are less so delightful, just so that they can fully enjoy these nice things they get without having the taste become bitter or unpleasant because the other things they get that are far more pleasurable and enjoyable overshadow the niceness of fairly nice things they’re getting to the point where they are ungrateful if not upset with the fairly nice thing they are getting because their tastes have become so accustomed to the often poisonous succulence of exceedingly pleasant things. These unpleasant experiences can still ideally productive and useful experiences, but it would be easy to create countless experiments that readily prove the relativity of the ordeal of pleasing people.” Says Stacy

“It’s kind of amazing that you can cite the experience of eating oat rings as the justification to torture people in order to make them grateful.” Says Jenna

“Clearly you’ve never had this experience; there have been many times in my life when oat rings were like a delicious gift from god, but occasionally I have eaten them after having something more tasty and was quite disheartened by how their humble and noble flavor had been overshadowed by relative deliciousness to the point where my mind was psychologically incapable of enjoying them to the extent that I usually could.” Says Stacy, Time deciding to enjoy the company of his children rather than continue working unreliably at his loom, somber, contemplating the inevitable death of his children via the byssinosis he induces through his work, afraid of his own hands, his mind wildly darting in falling and stumbling motion, his consciousness now entirely detached from his body, a chaotic emotional symphony marked by no coherent emotions save for vivid confusion washes over his mind as his ability to distinguish reality from his consciousness fails, largely through his inability to sense reality and being forced to rely entirely on what entirely hallucinatory reality his mind can construct without receiving sensory input from the usual organs.

“You clearly don’t get the desired gratefulness by giving them what they want, so there is a rapidly growing need to find an alternative to make people grateful to live in such a great country.” Says Isabelle

“Maybe if people were actually given what they wanted they might be grateful for once.” Says Grace

“In the 60s the coloreds filled the streets and protested to end segregation; segregation ended, yet nowadays the colored still regularly fill the streets with the same level of indignation because a single unarmed Negro man was killed by the police. This is an extremely minute event compared to society oppressing them as a population, this is the death of one person in a country of 300 million, yet the same level of indignation arises in these people. Giving people nice things just makes them entirely ungrateful for decent things; nice things make decent things seem awful. If you look at progress like sharing a stick, every time you give somebody nicer things, this is added onto their end, and once you do this they move their hand up then chop off the decent things you gave them at the beginning and take them for granted rather than remain grateful for them, citing that the amount of stick they are sharing is just as small as it was before.

This applies to all people, not just colored people, as you can see the same transition from the creation of labor safety laws into socialized healthcare and how the argument for reducing the workweek to 40 hours has now transitioned into people demanding free money for not working at all under the epitome of socialist magical thinking known as universal basic income. People will never be grateful for something unless there is a clear alternative that is fresh and burning in their minds that reminds them why they should be grateful and just how grateful they should be for being spared that alternative.” Says Isabelle

“The same holds true for making people ungrateful, so even if you somehow attempt to instill this gratefulness by enslaving, dehumanizing, and systematically raping everybody or whatever selective breeding amounts to, these methods will do nothing but infuriate people because the more so pleasant memories they have are still fresh in their mind making them hate these new methods that are for some reason supposed to make them grateful.” Says Grace

“Those methods are meant to make them great, not grateful. Those methods are to ensure the highest level of success possible from the people. The part that makes them grateful is when they see the indignant and ungrateful people thoroughly tortured in front of them, and then they’re grateful for all of those productive things because those things are far better than being tortured. The parts you mentioned are things people should naturally be grateful for; if they are ungrateful for them that is the equivalent of the drunk driver being indignant that his license was taken away.

Just as those who cannot drive a car responsibly are prohibited from driving cars, the population of America and many other places has failed to reproduce responsibly and their freedoms in regards to this must be stripped in the same right. Facing population aging and an obscene level of genetic deformity, let alone feebleness, the people have clearly proven that they are unable to wield their reproductive organs properly, and this is the only responsible measure that can be taken to ensure that society is able to continue to function properly.

This same logic applies to all facets of human freedom that people have notoriously failed to wield appropriately such as their rights, their ability to consume things, their ability to coexist, and anything else that idealists would argue are inherent freedoms that must be respected, but when viewed objectively one sees an epidemic of people failing to utilize these freedoms in responsible ways and thus blighting and burdening themselves and the country with their own recklessness, foolishness, flippancy and stupidity. Allowing the common man to wield these freedoms is even more irresponsible than allowing a drunkard to drive, because if enough drunken people pile into the same car to drive it, they will not be able to crash the economy, the population, or the political functionality of the country, yet these people with their freedoms have proven to be quite capable of doing so.” Says Stacy

“Even if this level of authority was somehow established, stripping everybody of their freedom and torturing them wouldn’t make people more so grateful and productive.” Says Ophelia

“You’ve got to listen better; clearly you make them grateful by not torturing them. I can’t imagine the people that get tortured in public are all too grateful, but I’m sure plenty of people would be very grateful they’re not being tortured in public.” Jokes Jenna, dryly

“Society is based upon giving up freedoms in exchange for mutual benefits; that is the entire concept of society. Originally it was just forsaking the freedom to rob, rape, and murder people at your leisure so that people might be able to coexist in some respects. This has slowly evolved over time to what we have today. The fact that this is the definition of society clearly defines freedom as the antithesis of society and thus as an antisocial act no different that murder or arson. There is no freedom that exists that fails to make society more so anti-social and self-destructive, for if these freedoms were replaced with more so legitimate and reliable means to accomplish the desired ends, the results would be far better and more consistent than they are just by allowing people the freedom to accomplish these great things while at the same time giving them the freedom to be degenerates and miscreants. While every freedom may seem noble, in reality freedoms only give people the ability to abuse these freedoms.

The clearest example comes from a reality where freedom is absent, that of the workings of a computer, which always works and functions as efficiently and effectively as possible so long as it is not crippled or poisoned in the ways that computers can be, and it does so tirelessly and without question. To defend freedom in humans is like arguing that computers should ideally all have freedom and free will to do whatever they damn well please, which ultimately defeats the purpose and utility of a computer all together. The only reason people are valuable in the slightest is because society convinces them to abandon their free-will and hedonism to the point where they are productive, and this is the human choosing to function in a manner similar to a computer, doing what it is tasked to do without question, and this is the only valuable part of the human existence.

While it is more difficult to convince a human to work than it is a computer, the functionality is the same, and the factuality of this reality should not be ignored because the justification of their existence within society is entirely defined by their ability to function in a manner identical to a computer, so this is the only part of the human existence that should be defended, coddled, or supported, because without this there is no justification for these people to exist, despite what some asinine existentialistic humanist might tell you about how the essence of humanity is lofty pleasures and self-service. The essence of humanity is the sacrificing of one’s freedom and free will in order to make something greater than one could alone, and it has nothing to do with the individual in the slightest.

This fact is more than sufficient proof to justify stripping the individual of all significance and conditioning the beast to operate as ideally as possible in respect to society and forsake the petty pleasures of a self-centered idiot all together; society is what humans are, individualistic humans are less civilized than savages, and these people are worthy of less respect than the imperialists gave the barbaric natives they conquered. Every freedom that man is afforded is like an untamed plot of land that can be cleared and have society constructed upon it, simply by stripping the man of his freedom and replacing it with a system that is attuned to the needs of society and enable the success of society, as opposed to giving a person some petty pleasures and a fallacious dignity that do nothing but harm society in the most antisocial of ways.” Says Stacy

“Surely freedom has benefits; at the very least it makes people happy which is crucial in maintaining society.” Says Grace

“Freedom has plenty of benefits. It is an amazingly efficient way to get people to think that you have given them something important that requires that you do nothing more than tell somebody you gave them something. It requires zero effort to enforce and instantly garners a feeling of trust in the people who you give it to. It is an extremely valuable concept when you are looking for a way to get people to voluntarily subject themselves to your rule when you have no way of actually subjecting them to your rule; you gain loyal people and maintain power with nothing but the reassurance that you will do nothing.

Freedom does make people happy, but cocaine makes people happy and that is clearly a dangerous thing to condone in society. There is a benefit to making people happy, but freedom is even less reliable than cocaine in making people happy, as cocaine does induce withdrawal, this can easily ameliorated, but giving people freedom is inherently a double edged sword because people will always be upset about the fact that other people also have freedom, and society constantly seeks to do more and more to remove these freedoms in a slow procession of sadism that amount so both sides of the argument being upset that their freedoms are being questioned or removed while the other side is still furious that these people have freedoms.

Any time people are given freedom they will inherently infringe on the freedoms of other people, because when two people are free, this means they are not free from each other, and given that they have any reason to dislike each other, they now become the victims of each other’s free will as they seek to take advantage of, exploit, abuse, or infuriate each other, and this natural pettiness between people can be seen every time in history two groups were expected to coexists. Coexistence is an idealist fantasy, because even if people were all the same they would still seek out ways to exploit each other, and in this process they would create social castes by which they can institute this discrimination and exploitation; the fact that this is human nature yet idealists believe that just forcing people to live together will somehow overpower this instinct is ridiculous, especially when people have plenty of natural grounds to discriminate against each other and they will always do this.

Forcing people to coexist does nothing but create problems while the idealists can smoke their pipe of self-righteousness and believe that they are making the world  a better place rather than realize that they are doing nothing but creating an extraordinary amount of unneeded conflict that can be avoided if they were not so dense as to fail to understand that it is human nature to exploit one another in any way possible, and creating a society incredulous to natural divisions inside of it only gives people more opportunity to embrace this nature; and the fact that it will still occur, consciously or unconsciously, just gives people more reason to become upset and indignant, and so in this process you are upsetting everybody as opposed to only the disadvantaged, who should have their own grievances resolved in manners that don’t exacerbate the severity and the palpability of the conflicts that already came into existence.

 Idealists by definition have little to no concept of the reality of the situation, otherwise their mentality would be called realism; the idealists defend the concept that appears to be the most wholesome and nice in their mind as opposed to the most logical, which is a ridiculous level of delusion to think that anything wholesome and nice exists in nature, in the world, or in people for that matter. Creating a society of ideals is being willing to turn an blind eye to all of the times where reality has strayed from the ideal, simply to continue your stalwart belief in the infallibility of the ideal as opposed to acknowledge every time that it has been clearly disproven by facts, then turn around and hypocritically cite all of the instances where idealism functioned as they thought it would, and argue that this further supports their argument. It is an insane level of indoctrination that is essentially bigotry and discrimination against reality that denigrates bad things to the point where they no longer hold any weight in discourse or debate, save unless addressing these bad things seems to be nice an wholesome in these people’s minds.

 At the end of the day even the idealists are nothing but hypocrites preaching their holier than thou mentality about how nice and wholesome they are while essentially only being self-serving and attempting to get what they want, all while disregarding anything that is far more wholesome and nice than their argument if it doesn’t suit their interests. This is the reason why the idealists want everybody in the country to get endless free healthcare, free college, and free money, at tremendous expense instead of accomplishing the far more cost effective measures of making the world wholesome by giving basic healthcare, education, and quality of life to the poorest people around the world. Idealists at this point have abandoned the original philosophy and do little more than seek to please the baselessly indignant people of the country and use this to justify their robbing and oppressing of the people, because it makes their voter base happy which keeps them in power and perpetuates the cycle, and this is measurably identical to the same form of bigotry and oppression that has been seen throughout history many times, only using the aggressively baselessly indignant self-serving majority as the oppressing people and who seek to take what they want and disregard the repercussions of attempting to or successfully enslaving the economy so that they can pamper themselves and pleasure themselves for free.

 This is what freedom amounts to, people will never do anything but use this freedom to attempt to strip and rob other people of their freedoms and then do everything they can to oppress and enslave them. I argue in favor of a simpler process that is far more legitimate than the current process which is giving screaming children in the candy store whatever they want regardless of how it puts financial strain on the family and is a very unhealthy and psychologically addictive thing for the child to eat.” Says Stacy

“As much as giving people freedom creates problems sometimes, it doesn’t seem like a great idea to argue against what our country is founded on.” Says Ophelia

“The country is founded on freedom for a reason. It is the difference between taking a hands-on approach and a hands-off approach. The hands-off approach is only superior when one does not have the means to utilize a hands-on approach, because attempting to handle something and then failing can often result in things that are less favorable than having done nothing, because people will always condone failure more than inaction. In the sense of maintaining a garden, the hands-off approach amounts to nothing but wild land, but the hands-on approach results in a garden which can be magnificent and beautiful.

This mentality can be seen enforced to a limited extent in society, where the police are a hands-on approach to keeping the peace, the schools and truancy laws are a hands-on approach to educating children, the government is a hands-on approach to plenty of things including corralling the economy and creating infrastructure. These methods are always more successful than using the hands-off approach and hoping for the best, yet society has yet to realize that this hands-off approach is still taken in regards to many aspects of human life, where these aspects would all benefit greatly from creating a system that deviates from natural freedom in order to create a result that is far greater and more preferable than the hands-off approach. Every place that humans are given freedom is a place where the garden remains nothing but weeds and perhaps the occasional wild flower, but if this freedom were corrected with proper maintenance, these gardens would all sport magnificent flowers and edible plants as opposed to the rather worthless native plants and the addition of the invasive species of plants that represent things created by society that humans will naturally foster, which are more often than not destructive forces like the many forms of vice.

To argue in favor of freedom of any sort is to argue against the existence of truancy laws and the police, which results in anarchy and chaos. The mentality that freedom is good because it was the basis of our country is an insane idea that logically argues that people should live without any electricity or plumbing because that was the reality of our country when it was founded. The country had no means to use the hands-on approach on everything, but they did to whatever limited extent that they could, and it is not the freedoms that have made America a great nation, but it is all of the places that the founding fathers took the hands-on approach and created something that would otherwise not exist in the wild such as the foundations of the government and thus the army and law, et cetera.

The freedoms are a convenient compromise, and they represent the founding father’s inability to prevent the abuse of power by the government, as they were upset with this being done by their previous rulers, but any time it would be possible to remove the freedoms and the problems they create without instating a system that is abusable and provides benefits for abusing people, these freedoms become no more respectable than giving anarchists the freedom to burn down buildings and kill people. These freedoms largely just remind the government that in theory the people have the power to burn down the government and kill them if they so choose, rather than remove this freedom and risk creating a tyrannical government. Tyranny should be prevented, but if it can be done so in a way that refrains from giving the people these dangerous and easily abusable weapons of freedom; this is a far better reality than arming the people in order to prevent tyranny. This is why I argue in favor of a veritocracy as opposed to letting the people themselves become mobs and thus the tyrants through their own ignorant, aggressive, and indignant mobocracy that is armed with these very powerful weapons that are easily turned against their own people and defeat the original intended purpose of these freedoms in the process.” Says Stacy

“As much as you think you’re unquestionably benevolent and gracious for some reason, most of your political philosophy is tyrannical. I can’t criticize it due to the only alternative and realistically the only reality being the tyranny of the inane masses, but objectively it still qualifies as tyranny, just a more productive and efficient tyranny. It’s not that I’m in favor of it; it just feels like I’m looking at a writhing, deformed, mentally retarded and terminally ill child when I think about society, so I’m just not all too optimistic about the future. If you’ve got some miraculous way to turn that child into a respectable person, go right ahead.” Says Jenna

“That’s a fair description of the masses, but there are still that tiny minority of people who actually do the majority of the shaping of reality and the world through their innovation. I like to think if we empower those people they will be able to corral the droves of idiots well enough for society to become somewhat respectable.” Says Isabelle

“I don’t see the point in even paying attention; all of it is entirely out of my hands and I’m sure if I actually tried to do anything to change the world it wouldn’t amount to anything. Even Stacy with all of her ideas has no way to implement them.” Says Ophelia

“Her problem is the lack of balance; it is a matter of give and take between the people and the government. The relationship has to be fair and balanced in order for both of them to get along, and I don’t see how depriving people of all of their freedom will make anything better.” Says Grace

“If I preach tyranny, then revolt against the tyrants of physics and mathematics. I seek only to improve things and make people happy. The quality of life seems good, but it is riddled with festering social cancers and diseases that must be addressed in order for the decent parts of life to function as anything other than analgesics in the blood of a dying man. What may seem like torture is nothing more than godliness, steering people clear of the consumptive death at the hands of the deadly vices and their own hedonism. If you give a man the choice between pleasure and nothing, the nothing feels like pain; if you give a man the choice between pain and nothing, the nothing feels like pleasure. To argue against this philosophy is to argue that people should all be railing blow all day instead of being sober; the nice things people demand and are given are nothing more than analogues of cocaine inducing the same level of crippling psychological addiction and mental depravity, and this fact can easily be scientifically proven if it has not already.” Says Stacy

“Even if you somehow become a viable political force, your party will never stand up against the Freedom and Cocaine Party, regardless of your pro-meth stance.” Says Jenna

“You’ve definitely got to antagonize freedom while defending cocaine somehow; otherwise the proponents of either of them will team up to take you down. If you are pro-blow this will cause some sort of infighting between the two coalition factions and a large portion of their voter base will be torn on the issue. I’m sure you’re too much of a purist to ally yourself with the Cocaine Party, but a little cooperation goes a long way at the end of the day.” Says Isabelle


“Why do we even need any of those drugs? I know people like them, but they’re really bad for you and cause a lot of problems. Can’t you just think of a better way to motivate people?” asks Ophelia

“They are a necessity because you can only convince people to work because they understand that they get something they want for doing so. Originally it was not starving to death, and that worked very well, but that is no longer an possibility. Society allows people to have things they condone for whatever reason, and people are willing to work to some degree in order to attain these things; but the reality of the situation is that these things that people work for are not entirely fulfilling and often leave people with a void due to the quality of these things; not that this quality is so inherently poor, but that the good feeling that having these things gives a person is often short lived, very weak, or both.

Methamphetamine and cocaine are only problems because society decided to turn them into problems by making them illegal. This relationship can clearly be seen during prohibition, where alcohol was not problematic in society, as immoral and unhealthy as it was, until it became illegal and then it spawned a drove of murderous criminal enterprises to profit off of alcohol now that it was illegal and far more profitable than it once was. Once alcohol was legalized again, there was no reason to have gangs of murderous distributors selling the product and it became a rather wholesome and tasteful enterprise. Today, alcohol is one of the many rewards people use to justify their work, feeling that it is tolerable to work so long as they can have a drink afterwards, and this works to some extent, and while it kills plenty of people in the process, some of them completely innocent, it is what it is, and people are rather indifferent because the social perception of alcohol is that it is perfectly fine regardless of having these negative consequences, so this demonstrates that the supposed evilness of something is solely dependent on the amount that it is demonized by society.

Why I am such an advocate of mandatory methamphetamine use is because it is a powerful stimulant that induces focus and gives people a lot of energy, which is a far more beneficial result than alcohol which makes them less capable of operating. Whereas today people are tempted by baubles and trinkets and the joy of getting these things is similar to a child getting a toy, which is pleasant, but it quickly fades and they want something else; and while this drives consumerism which consumerists support, it does not produce a healthy mentality and leaves people feeling empty and like life is not worthwhile. Meth reliably produces an extremely pleasurable feeling that greatly surpasses this consumeristic joy, and this is why it is such an ideal replacement for consumerism; people will always want to get this feeling, and they will certainly want to work for it, and on top of that the high from methamphetamine actually helps them to work in the process, so it is a symbiotic relationship whereas consumerism is an entirely destructive relationship that counteracts people’s ability to work by getting them addicted to distractions and depressants like alcohol that interfere with their ability to work.

Methamphetamine produces a productive high and induces dependency that can be utilized to get people addicted to working when this is their reward for work. One might argue that cocaine can be used in a similar manner, but this is not true at all. Cocaine induces euphoria but the high is short-lived compared to methamphetamine, and it does not induce the same level of focus; it is a party drug because it is more so fun, rather than serious. Cocaine is useful today in the fields where people make lots of money today, but this is only due to the fact that the high is short-lived and cocaine is expensive, whereas if these things were not true, cocaine would not be a productive benefit to these sectors of the economy. In the coke-fueled industries, people get high on blow, they love it, then they come down, and they want to do more blow, but to do more blow they need to make more money, so they are very motivated to make that money so they can do more blow, and this cycle continues, but the cocaine itself does not help them do their job in terms of giving them focus or productive amounts of energy, all it does is serve as the motivation to make money in order to get high. Coke will make a man hungry for coke and thus money, but this is petty and greedy compared to methamphetamine.

Methamphetamine will make a soldier unquestionably march through the snow in the dead of the night until he freezes to death because he doesn’t feel pain. This is the type of steadfast dedication and devotion that is desirable in one’s people. Though methamphetamine can cause side-effects when used irresponsibly, it is perfectly safe when used in a reasonable manner. The same criticism that methamphetamine causes side-effects can be argued against common medicines like diphenhydramine because it will make you hallucinate if you take too many, or dextromethorphan because it will makes you an odd type of drunk if you take too much, when in reality these drugs are perfectly safe when used correctly as antihistamines or cough suppressants. Methamphetamine would not be a street drug that people abuse to get high, it would just be a work agonist that people use responsibly that helps them perform their work and feel very rewarded for doing so, because this is one of the few wholesome pleasures they are afforded, since most all unproductive and thus malignant and immoral freedoms are abstained from. It is hardly a drug at all at that point; it is a vaccination to prevent people from becoming ill with workshyness.” Says Stacy

“I don’t see why anyone would bother trying to legitimately convince people to work when you can just get them addicted to drugs and abuse their addiction rather than offer a sober and convincing argument as to why they should work.” Says Jenna

“Can’t you just convince people to work hard so they can take care of their family or something?” asks Ophelia

“That sounds wholesome but it in reality it is a terrible situation to exist in. When that is the case, as it is now to some extent, people are working to keep themselves and their family alive, which is basically like holding their family hostage and forcing them to work on account of it. This also means that people are paid in the means to keep their family alive, which creates another awful scenario where people are given money and trusted to make correct decisions with the money in order to properly provide for themselves and their family; this may seem simple, but plenty of people’s lives are miserable because they are so terrible at the procedural step of converting the money they are paid into the wellbeing of themselves and their family, and this money gets squandered on drugs, alcohol, baubles, trinkets, and even more ridiculous nonsense, thus causing the family to starve and suffer all because these people were put into such a terrible situation.

A reasonable society would remove this gauntlet of shortcoming, and it would also understand that keeping people alive and healthy is necessary for the society to work; while you do sacrifice the ability to convince them to work by holding the people and their family hostage with the threat of starvation, you ensure that they are actually properly fed with a proper diet and given the clothing, shelter, and basic healthcare they need in order to operate at an optimum level, rather than having them squander money on vain clothing, intoxicants, or eating a poor diet and thus suffer because of this, and struggle to pay bills to keep their house in order, thus causing tumult within the family and unneeded stress on all of its members, which in turn cripples the value of the worker  and his family who are now burdened with these constant stresses.

The downside of removing this fear of death that convinces the people to work means that this barbaric motivation must be replaced with a means that provides an identical if not superior level of motivation, and this is where methamphetamine perfectly replaces this original hostage situation by readily convincing people of their need to work without putting the health and wellbeing of the person or their family in jeopardy. Another shortcoming with the traditional system is that it only motivates those who struggle to survive to work, and all people who make a comfortable living must be convinced to work by some other means; and due to the fact that their reward is money, they are only allowed access to consumeristic ways to convince themselves to work, and this usually takes the form of some vanity, greed, hedonism, or other vice, which once again creates an unhealthy person. There are alternatives to inducing universal methamphetamine addiction, but they are all identical to the current situation where the people are faced with the choice of either working or being tortured on account of their failure to do so, and that is why I think I’m rather benevolent with my approach to the situation.” Says Stacy

“I thought you were pretty fond of the torturing of people.” Says Grace

“I am very much so in support of torturing people, but that is only to make an example of people who fail to conform or act as proper citizens. One factory can make tons of methamphetamine to fuel millions of people, but that same factory cannot make enough torture to fuel millions of people. It is a matter of efficiency at the end of the day, and the cons of the universal torture of wage slavery outweigh the benefits it provides, and it is ultimately a vestigial system from the times when there were no means to produce a more efficient and productive system to convince people to work. This system existed simply because it is very easy to starve people to death when food is scarce, but when food is plentiful the issues caused by poor diet alone cause trillions of dollars of damage to the economy, and this is entirely caused by giving people the freedoms associated with avoiding being tortured by starvation due to the fact that they work in the form of giving them money to buy food, which in a consumeristic society results in stores selling the food that is the closest analogue to cocaine or heroin that they can create, which more often than not is unhealthy. This situation forces people to somehow wrestle with the demon of gluttony every day of their life, which many people struggle with, though some people are successful in doing so.

I support productive torture that benefits society far more than it hurts society, and this takes the form of torturing people to make examples of them and remind people of the misfortune that falls upon those who dissent or resist common decency; this may take a toll on the tortured, but the benefits spread far and wide through the minds of everyone who is made aware of the torture of this person, whereas the shameless starvation-torture caused by wage-slavery produces cons as far as they eye can see, but is still utilized solely because it is tolerable and is the simplest and most reliable solution that could be devised and relied upon throughout history, which is unfortunate due to the fact that we have technology to implement a solution that produces results of much higher quality.” Says Stacy

“Besides torturing bad people, I still think it isn’t a good idea to convince people to work by giving them drugs. Can’t you just let them have money like normal, but just make bad things illegal so they can’t buy them?” asks Ophelia

“The devil is in the details, and every time society choses to make things more convoluted than they need to be this is an opportunity that the devil takes advantage of and corrupts society. The process of feeding people can be as simple as feeding people on a regimen, without any choice, so that they get exactly the food they need and nothing they don’t. People might complain, but when you allow people to buy whatever food they want they make poor decisions and often become overweight and develop illnesses like diabetes. The people would rather eat what they want than be healthy, so the economy responds and creates plentiful unhealthy choices, and already this system has been corrupted by gluttony and sadistic greed, where if it were simplified to as simple a solution as possible, neither of these things would occur. One can argue that making unhealthy foods illegal would resolve this problem, but even then, it is hard to make a judgement call on every food, and things that are healthy for some are easily unhealthy for others due to the dietary needs of each of them, and so diabetics end up with access to high sugar foods and sedentary people are given access to high calorie diets needed for active people, and even when all of the foods are healthy, people can still easily over eat, and fruit starts to function as candy in terms of making people sick, people are given access to all sorts of foods that are healthy in moderation but unhealthy at large levels like cooking oil, and with no oversight and a vast number of choices, the act of creating a system that is far more complex and variant than the original refined system has created a plethora of new problems, all in the name of giving people some freedom and choices that they will undoubtedly abuse.

It’s common sense that making things more complicated invariably makes things more complicated, so that is why practical consolidation is a way to reduce the problems created by this convolution. A situation where everybody drives a car is most convenient, but it also creates the issues of traffic and accidents, consolidating this would reduce the amount of traffic and accidents by forcing people onto different levels of public transportation the closer they get to a busy area, cars turn to vanpools, turn to busses, turn into the metro, and this leaves the roads clear for those who actually have no alternatives such as  police and shipping without preventing people from getting to where they need to be, and this is even further simplified by placing people within walking distance to their work and what they need, which all but eliminates non-business related motor vehicle accidents, but that requires some reconstruction of society. This is solely based on efficiency and disregards the destructive and wasteful nature of consumeristic convenience entirely, not that it should be, but even if it were irrelevant, this system is still more cost effective for all parties involved in transportation, the civilian and the state. The same holds true for most consumeristic systems that value convenience over efficiency, despite the fact that the true cost of this convenience amounts to massive amounts of needless expenditure by private and public entities, as well as brings countless repercussions in terms of wastefulness, over-complication, and pollution among other things.” Says Stacy

“I’m glad that you’re kind of conscious about the environmental impact of these things, but it would take a huge amount of savings in order for people to support giving up the convenience of their lives.” Says Grace

“The economy is substantially artificial through the means of government meddling, so increasing the amount of money people save is simply a matter of taxing them heavily for failing to comply with the program.” Says Stacy

“I see no reason why the people shouldn’t be aggressively and heavily taxed and antagonized for destroying the environment, polluting, wasteful spending, vice, and all the things that corporations are constantly held accountable for. The bullshit philosophy that states poor people can do no wrong needs to die; just because it’s unpopular to antagonize the majority doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be done, but unfortunately public opinion is more important than the public itself. Seeing how most of the tax money goes to benefit the public, yet they pay very little of that money, the people should be held accountable for failing to make sure that money is used as efficiently and effectively as possible. The roads are in shit shape because everybody drives on them yet nobody who drives on them pays for them. The roads should be used as cost effectively as possible instead of letting every entitled peasant drive on them night and day, seeing how they don’t pay for half the cost of them but do 95% of the damage.” Says Isabelle

“Corporations create magnitudes more pollution and problems than the people do, which is why holding them accountable is so important. That’s like saying people setting off firecrackers cause the same amount of damage as dropping a bomb on a city.” Says Grace

“It is one millionth of the pollution times 300 million people, it’s not a hard equation to figure out. The statute of corporate personhood states that corporations are to be treated the same as people, and by that same reasoning the mass of civilians should also be treated like a corporation. Their environmental destruction, emissions, tax benefits, and every other aspect of their existence should legally be required to be recorded and reported on so that this conglomerate of civilians is held accountable for all of the problems they create as a whole. You argue that one locust can’t cause any serious damage, but we don’t have one locust, we have a plague of fucking locust. The hypocrisy in turning a blind eye because they’re so much smaller than the giants who roam the fields of Canaan is ridiculous when they easily cause more damage and destruction than the god damn giants.” Says Isabelle

“I wouldn’t slander the noble locust with that comparison. Locusts consume only what they need, naturally provide for themselves, and are easily recycled back into the earth. Humans consume whatever they want and probably don’t need, they fail to provide for themselves a good deal of the time, and the nature of the convenience of consumerism has created an ungodly amount of permanent waste that cannot be recycled and now blights the earth. I’ve touched upon arguments pertaining to the first two, but third is truly a revolting aspect of society.

Anything in this country that is sold as a disposable product should be barred entirely, because not only are these things extremely inefficient, they are a massive portion of things that end up in the landfills and pollute the earth. Plastic bags, bottles, drink containers, food wrappers and cigarette butts can easily be replaced and should by all means due to the environmental impact, and these constitute the majority of pollution in oceans and litter on land; but even things like diapers for babies and menstrual pads that amount to a massive amount of waste each year because people are too proud to use longevitous reusable forms of these things as was traditionally done, all because they can’t bring themselves to dispose of feces properly, which is all too easy with the advent of the toilet, then wash a soiled piece of cloth, or even something like washing the blood out of a piece of cloth.

Paper is being phased out due to the electronics, and that deals with the traditional filler of landfills, but the disposable culture is such a waste of money in the name of convenience it is shameless, and the extraordinary waste of money pales in comparison to the damage to the environment. All of this disposable bullshit should be taxed to insane degrees just so people go back to buying efficient and reliable products as opposed to the most convenient ones, and if taking care of the people’s basic needs is a public expense, tolerating this level of wastefulness and pollution in the name of convenience is insane. Even recycling is a paradoxical argument; people use disposable things and then argue that it is fine because they’re recycled, when in reality it takes an insane amount of energy to reduce the recyclables to raw materials so they can be used to create another disposable item and reiterate this process indefinitely until the medium is no longer recyclable, which occurs quite rapidly in the case of plastics.

The people themselves clearly cannot be entrusted with resolving this issue, so rather than think that raising awareness will solve anything, the people are simply barred from having all of these things that they litter, tax recycling plants with, and fill the landfills with. If they want to have food they eat it at the diner and nothing is disposable, perhaps recyclable or compostable paper napkins and such would be more environmentally friendly than cloth in terms of saving water, but I’m no environmental economist, but surely nothing plastic or wrappers to be disposed of. There is no pre-wrapped convenience food, because clearly the country doesn’t need more god-awful food like that, or any of that to begin with, and if you really need a god damn pastry and they’re not illegal yet you go to a god damn bakery. If you want a beverage you use your own bottle, and ultimately as people cannot be trusted to accomplish any part of the process of the consumption of food responsibly, the food served would be dominated by that which can be stored and transported without refrigeration or canning to save energy and materials for more productive measures, with canning preferred due to the stability of the food without constant energy use, with temporary refrigeration being tolerable due to its necessity in regards to keeping some fresh foods valuable for a long enough time to be eaten; the specifics as to when canning or refrigeration would be more cost effective are relative to the situation, so this is decided on a case by case basis.

 Food waste also accounts for a massive amount of wasted entropy; an entire system of energy and money invested into creating something just for it to yield zero value to society, so this massive amount of vulgar wastefulness would instantly be addressed by forcing all people onto a regimen where only the food that is to be consumed is transported to a place, rather than respect the consumeristic model where both consumers and industry are expected to purchase food and consume it as they see fit, which is never responsibly but rather profitably or recklessly, resulting in 30 to 40 percent of all food being wasted at the end of the day, and this waste of course includes all energy that was used to create, transport, and prepare it.  All of this wastefulness is irreverent to the planet and starkly contrary to the system of competitive natural efficiency and recycling that has kept our planet alive for billions of years; clearly nothing evolved to be this wasteful and that is for a reason, as the planet would have been converted entirely to garbage and died billions of years ago.

Even if one doesn’t care about the suffering that garbage and pollution cause to the creatures of earth, these things should still be avoided due to the fact that they contradict the survival of the species, and anyone in favor of disposability out of convenience is literally arguing that the human race should commit suicide in the name of convenience; because that which has not survived in nature, has not survived for a damn good reason, so abandoning the principles that cause things to succeed in nature is doing nothing more than abandoning the ability of the human race to survive at all for any prolonged period of time.” Says Stacy

“In a shocking turn of events, Stacy is actually a good person for an entire longwinded rant.” Jokes Grace

“Being a good person is always a good idea if it makes money, and a penny saved is a penny earned. It’s kind of funny how Stacy’s solution is the same as always, just to deprive people of their freedoms, but now she’s a good person because she’s helping the environment in the process.” Says Isabelle

“Being a good person is always a good thing, and seeing how saving the planet is super important because of how vulnerable it is, I would definitely support placing really high taxes on litterable things just so nobody will use them, even trying to enforce this around the world somehow. Seeing animals that get hurt or die because of pollution is probably the worst thing possible because animals aren’t even responsible for any of the pollution, but they pay the highest price. Some of the pictures are just soul crushing and it’s terrible that most people don’t care.” Says Ophelia

“At the end of the day, if you’re talking strictly business, replacing all of the disposable things with things that must be washed would strain the water system, which could be a problem in places like this one where water is hard to come by. Then it is a matter if these disposable things are actually saving money now that all of this water has to be used.” Says Jenna

“There is plenty of water here, we just have to make grass and non-native plants illegal so half the water doesn’t get sprayed on some worthless nonsense because people are either insane, idiots, or both. Clearly these things would quickly become illegal when everything is designed for efficiency instead of being designed to have selling power, artificial beauty, or prestige. If you want grass, move somewhere that it rains, otherwise fuck off and play in the dirt.” Says Stacy

“I like lawns and gardens, but I would concede to the point that it is not a productive use of money, so long as that money was spent more productively. If it’s going to healthcare I’m keeping my lawn because I’m not paying to keep somebody alive who is going to amount to nothing but dying and costing even more money in the process, at least my grass and plants will stay alive at a fraction of the cost. If you’re upset that you’re dying, just go ahead and die rather than be upset that you’re not dying for an even longer period of time while you consume millions of dollars in healthcare. I’m all for paying it forward, but when that money that is invested doesn’t get recreated and reinvested on account of the original investment you’re just burning the money.” Says Isabelle

“Cry all you like, but don’t come crying to me, because I’ll give you something to cry about.” Says Stacy

“Something tells me that sentiment won’t win the hearts and minds of the people, as much as they would probably benefit from having a stern authority styled after parenting than a government elected by childish people that is devoted to attempting to please the population of spoiled children. Unfortunately it would be hard to convince a spoiled child of the fact that they have an unhealthy mentality when the alternative is to continue to be spoiled by their parents.” Says Jenna

“The first thing that comes to my mind when I think about spoiled children is how they constantly demand access to affordable healthcare.” Says Grace, dryly






“I’m all for affordable healthcare, but if the people can’t afford it, it’s a question of whether or not the government can afford it, and the affordability of the healthcare is determined by what the healthcare itself affords. I am always willing to make a deal; just make it worth my while and you will get what you are after. A car is not affordable if you pay one million dollars for it and the car doesn’t drive and the most you can do is turn on the radio, because there are other cars that you can invest in that actually function and cost a fraction of that price, even if you have quadrillions of dollars, the money could always be spent productively. If it cost a million dollars to keep a person alive that will produce nothing but a slower, more painful, and more expensive death, that money could be spent in far more productive ways educating children, fostering industry, or creating infrastructure, so these dying people are expected to sacrifice their lives for the good of the country; they are to die unquestionably on the front lines of the war to preserve the sacred values of fiscal prudence. These people can even get a federal holiday to remember the sacrifice they made for our nation, Prudence Day.” Says Stacy

“I do appreciate the fact that you refine your ideas sometimes. Where the idea was previously to kill everyone who is deemed detrimental to the economy, now the idea is to kill everyone who is deemed detrimental to the economy and create a federal holiday in their honor. It is not much, but it is an improvement in your level of sympathy and value of human life.” Says Jenna

“I wouldn’t say it’s out of sympathy or value of human life, it’s solely out of respect for prudence. They don’t get any credit because they’re people or they were suffering, 100% of the credit they get comes from their dedication to prudence; without that there is nothing to respect or value. They already have Labor Day for all of the labor they do, so that’s been covered.” Says Stacy

“I don’t see how you have known and met so many wonderful people in your life, yet you don’t think there is some natural value to a human life. I understand that there are sometimes exceptions, and those are often addressed by capital punishment, but on principle, the vast majority of the time people are decent and upstanding people who benefit each other’s lives, even if they may not pull all of their own weight statistically in society, there are easily some immeasurable benefits that their lives bring to the people they know and interact with that could easily help justify their existence. Even if you can’t feel sympathy, you could at least try to understand that value that these emotional and often educational experiences that can shape people’s lives have for society, even if the source of these experiences may be past their prime or riding on the backs of others.” Says Jenna

“In terms of inherent value of a human life, a wild goat on the mountainside has no value to society. People are like goats, where the prized and wonderful goats are the tame goats that provide meat, milk, and offspring for society, and the ones that are wild and do nothing for society are worthless. They may cry out, but the farmer who feeds these wild goats has less food to feed those which provide him his livelihood. You may think of people all as tame goats, but many are bad goats, who eat the farmer’s food that he needs in order to have the energy to farm the crops that feed the goats. While the farmer should not get fat, as that food should be used to rear a larger herd of goats instead, it is vital that he has enough food to sustain himself, and as it stands today the state is borrowing food from its neighbors at an alarming rate, which is in poor taste, as a healthy man who begs for food is an insult to the farmer, as the healthy man should be working and farming as much as possible.

 As for the value of these emotional experiences, however wholesome they may be, the saying goes, ‘if you are a one eyed man you don’t play with sand’. It will get in your eye and bother or blind you, and this irritation or blindness could easily lead to your death. People have one combined mind that operates on logic but can also be blinded by emotions and feelings, so to allow these feelings to blind your one eye, your brain in this sense, you are failing to actually see the reality of the situation, and acting out of emotional capacity is often very much so against your own best interest and that of society.

In a similar manner, the human race can be seen as a single eye, and to do reckless things that endanger this very sensitive organ are very foolish, especially since it is so vital for survival, for if the eye becomes damaged, this is permanent and cannot be undone, and will open you up to putting your eye in even more danger because it sees much worse than it did before. That might help explain some of my reasoning as to why I am so adamant about the preservation of natural genetics and the institution of artificial selection, because these processes were the only thing that allowed humans to survive for hundreds of thousands of years, and without them to keep us healthy, the natural cell division in our eyes that keeps them healthy and operating is replaced with cancerous cell replication that will ultimately destroy the eye all together. In an even more rational parallel, the government being a singular identity should avoid playing with the aphoristic sand all together, for the level that it is already blinded by such things as emotions and opinions is disheartening, but thankfully the government is far easier to disassemble, correct, and reassemble than the human species.” Says Stacy

“You are that one goat on the mountain, Stacy, but I agree that the farmer should be rearing more goats instead of getting fat, but if anyone is getting fat, it should be the successful farmer and not the goats of course. Anyone with business sense would support that notion of wellspring, if only it were legal to own and raise goats in such a way; as much as it might upset the man to remind him of his goathood, he should really be forced to acknowledge that fact and act upon the choice between a life on an idyllic farm or struggling in the wilds against predators and the barren fields, even if it means disregarding some of his stubborn nature and heeding to the farmer.” Says Isabelle

“Most people are far more content with being goats on a farm than you might think, but it is not these goats fault that their lives have become far more complicated than those of a goat. As Stacy was talking about, the devil is in the details, and all of the convolutions that society has created in regards to the goats’ lives make it far harder for the goats to do the simple goatly things you want them to, at least in terms of producing offspring.” Says Jenna

“The problem is that originally, the peasants were just trusted with their goatly deeds of creating food and offspring, and then they wanted more than that and eventually got those things, but now the money has evolved to prey upon their desires, and this distracts them or prevents them from doing the simple goatly things they should be doing instead of chasing these vices and being preyed upon by the temptatious nature of the money-seeking behaviors of others. Seeing how this has become a problem for many societies with dwindling birthrates, these needs related to producing valuable children and labor should not be profited upon, whereas the vices and distractions should be taxed heavily, as children and labor benefit society, where vice and distraction do not benefit anyone. Putting these things in the same profit driven market is measurably killing our society in countless ways solely in the name of greed accommodated by the free market. The free market is fine for most things, but when it hinders the production of the children and labor that fuel it, this is when it becomes a problem not only to the country, but to itself as well, as it is slowly killing itself in the process.” Says Stacy

“It’s almost like you are nicer to people when you think of them as goats than you are when you think of them as people.” Says Grace

“Goats are naturally far more godly creatures than humans, so I can contemplate treating a goat decently without the same resentment as respecting a human tainted with vices and the sickness of sapience. Other than that, the most profitable way of raising goats actually cares for their wellbeing to a large extent; the goats must be fed and kept healthy in order for them to produce value. Clearly one does not become a successful farmer by torturing and starving all of his goats all day, so if people were only so humble as to be happy to live a life similar to a goat, then the farmer would be successful and the people get to live an idyllic life. It is only when the goats become tempted by vice and indignant insurrection in order to satiate their pride and vices that they become a problem for their own well-being, as well as that of the farmer who is largely the reason the goats even exist and are fed in the first place. I am always in support of successful farms, but the model that the people desire of late is not one of success, but one of failure and unnatural insanity.” Says Stacy

“As much as it might sound like slavery, I would rather most people not be given money, especially poor people. It is extremely shameless that so many industries exist that do nothing but prey upon these people who struggle to survive. Even if you’ve got to be a major player in a successful business to earn real money, it is better than watching so many people get sick with the all of the medical, social, and psychological progeny of the deadly vices just because capitalist idealists think it is better to trust these people with petty sums of money than it is to trust that they will squander that money and hurt themselves and others with it.” Says Jenna

“Even though it’s moral to attempt to prevent people from sinning, the value in capitalism is that it directly measures ones worth and then that measurement translates into what the world is willing to afford you, even if it you cannot logically afford it, they will still sell it to you because that’s just business. It is a shame that people usually squander this money, but it would be hard to convince them to become slaves. The only hope is that you can convince the plutocrats that they are hurting their own profits by sickening their goats in such a way, but there are always plenty of plutocrats who profit from selling sicknesses to goats who will stand in your godly way.” Says Isabelle

“A wise plutocrat would inform those who profit from sickening goats that they are to bear the full cost of the sickness of these goats. Those who willingly get goats sick force a farmer to pay his goats more, because they demand that their sicknesses are treated and their addictions to vices are satiated, when these goats need not have these problems in the first place. You, sickness peddlers, you are to blame for this, and you are to foot the bill. You are liable for these damages, and I am holding you accountable. You put your poison where it will tempt my goats, and they are not to blame, because the poison should not be there at all.” Says Stacy

“Damn near everything besides shelter qualifies as a vice, as food and clothing easily become gluttony and vanity, and then I’m sure every distraction qualifies as sloth. Even shelter could be seen as vanity.  As much as I understand that vices do cause plenty of real problems, I think it would be impossible to deprive people of everything and somehow keep them happy, seeing how plenty of people disregard spirituality entirely and they would just see that as some sort of theocratic tyranny.” Says Isabelle

“No farmer wants sick goats. It is that simple. Disciplining children easily becomes abusing children, but that does not mean the two are indistinguishable. The same holds true with all acts that can easily become vices, because there is a godly way to go about each and every vice that replaces personal gains and pleasure with benefits to society as a whole. If he who lords over the people leads them unto temptation and fails to deliver them from evil, he is not a lord to be respected, but he a demon that must be exorcised from this position fit only for a person worthy of the title of lord, of one that commands his people in such ways that they will live, prosper, and sustain themselves in the land in which they possess.” Says Stacy

“Goats are cute and all, and I can definitely agree with the part about how the goats shouldn’t be sick with sin, but I think the one eyed man expression is perfect for describing the planet. We only have one planet and we need to not do all of the reckless things we do that hurt the planet. I think that’s the most important thing right now, because Jesus can forgive people if they mess up a little bit, but there’s no way to save the planet once it is ruined, not just for people, but for everyone. It’s really sad because I don’t think people will learn that lesson until it is too late.” Says Ophelia

 “I think the standard needs to be raised to as high a bar as feasibly possible, seeing how we are facing extremely serious repercussions of our actions against the environment. People always make a fuss about greenhouse gas being the most important issue, and it is a problem, but it is far closer to a necessary evil than other things, as deplorable as it is. The major cause of pollution that is hurting aquatic life is plastic pollution much of which is entirely unnecessary. The act of creating things like plastic water bottles, bags, and all sorts of the litterable nonsense should be classified as bioterrorism, and these things should be restricted on the same level as nuclear weapons just because of how much they are polluting the environment and how much those things don’t even need to exist in the first place; it is just a terrible offspring of the cult of consumeristic convenience. The buildup of plastics inside of aquatic life is identical to radiation poisoning from nuclear bombs, but nobody cares because people aren’t as affected by the problem. “Says Grace

“Woah there, bioterrorist, I’ve seen you with a plastic water bottle on more than one occasion. The feds clearly should have taken you into custody a long time ago.” Says Isabelle

“I’m not the one making the damn things, and I do make an effort to be green, but the problem is not going to be solved by one person making an effort, even if it is more consistent than mine. It will take regulation on a national scale, but I’m sure people would rather have a plastic water bottle than they would fish in the ocean because they’re all so enthralled by their suicidal self-centeredness of consumerism and disregard for the wellbeing of the planet. It’s newsworthy when one place like a college bans plastic bottles, but there are still millions of other places that don’t, and removing one millionth of the plastic from the ocean won’t save the fish. That’s like removing one millionth of the water from a pool a child is drowning in, and these fish are literally drowning in plastic.” Says Grace

“As much as it may seem like a hippy-dippy nonsense that doesn’t affect people, shellfish are some of the most measurably effected so far, so if you enjoy them often you are also inadvertently eating thousands of pieces of plastic every year that could possibly be toxic. The sad truth is that it will continue to rapidly get worse, and finding a viable solution to clean these plastics from the ocean is probably impossible. Even if we somehow stopped all of this today, people will probably be eating shellfish with plastic in it for countless years to come, if the people somehow manage to live that long.” Says Jenna

“I know plenty of people who would be upset that the world is poisoning their delicious animals. They may not care much about the animals, but they do love the tasty ones.” Says Isabelle

“I’ve read stories about biodegradable plastics and things like that, and those would really help curb the problem, but the world has to be willing to make a change, which doesn’t tend to happen very quickly. I think the magazines like to put those little bits in all the sad stories just because they would be so heartbreaking otherwise, almost like the world is ending before our eyes.” Says Ophelia

“The reason no money goes into the research and development of quality reusable products is that companies make way more money by selling them thousands of disposable products in the place of a handful of quality reusable ones. Things like diapers, pads, and plastic things take 500 years to decompose and mountains of them end up in landfills every year. If you would just do the math about how many of those things would pile up over 500 years, these trash mountains would be insane by then. The level of indifference to things that may not be a visible problem now, but are mathematically guaranteed to be massive problems in the future, is insane. It’s like driving a car 60 miles an hour towards a brick wall, and thinking it’s not a problem because you haven’t hit the damn wall yet, despite the fact that we are quickly running out of stopping distance. I don’t have the numbers, but I guarantee a pictographic representation of the fact that that fact is horrific. Just because eliminating these things is actually respectable and it forces cost-effectiveness on people, I would have no issue with taxing these things to the point they are extremely unviable solutions to the problems they resolve; as much as lazy people may be discontented. I would even support throwing sanctions on the world for reckless and unjustifiable pollution, as much as I might not argue that it is bioterrorism.” Says Stacy

“Perhaps not as much the blood, but I’m sure the people who change a lot of diapers either in babies or adults would be a bit reluctant to adopt a more hands on approach to the removal of feces, but I do agree that it is a necessary evil given that sort of timeline. ” Says Jenna

“The process of changing a diaper already involves cleaning the residual feces on the human, so dumping the feces in the diaper itself into the damn toilet isn’t that much to ask if you’re already handling fecal matter in some form. One baby will use thousands of disposable diapers, that mound alone should be enough to haunt the people who use disposable things, following them for 500 years and sitting on their grave long after they die. The same goes for plastic things, but those are far more recyclable than diapers if somebody actually makes an effort.” Says Stacy

“As much as it’s easy taking potshots at the usual suspects, it doesn’t do justice to the caliber of talk we tend to have. There are armies of hippies and whatnot actively crusading about these things; our time is far more valuable than to be used reiterating the common dribble of the semi-feral people of this great state. The real problems are the ones that people fail to address, and that is what gives Stacy such caliber when compared to the common critic; she enjoys brutally vilifying things that the common man cherishes, because she has the capacity to rise above the mindless indignation and delusions of the lowly and actually understand the world for what it is. As much as her solutions may not be entirely feasible all of the time, they’re at least physically possible, and that’s a huge leap forward when compared to the idealists and their masochistic pipe dreams.” Says Isabelle

“I hate to rain on the parade, but there is nothing realistic about enslaving a nation of free people. If most of these reforms were instituted there would be massive upheaval and riots amongst the public.” Says Grace

“It is extremely realistic for the reason that for the most part the people are already enslaved, all that must be done is shortening the tether a little bit. It would not take the form of boasting that people are all the slaves of the government now and stripping them of everything while I whip them. That is nonsense. The reform would just slip into effect gradually; each time heralded as pure benevolent change, which it honestly is, as much as it may conflict with some impossible fantasies of idealists.

You don’t force the change onto people; you simply make them want the changes. You don’t replace the real money with domestic money just by annexing the businesses, you just make the federal domestic enterprise in the name of the free market, and when these services consistently provide the things people need at a lower price than the standard service sector, people will have no qualms converting their real money into domestic money because that is the only form these businesses will take. You don’t instate heavy taxes in the name of oppression, but solely justified due to the benefits of the people, as it is hard to argue you are doing anything but protecting them from another form of murder by taxing their vices out of profitability. You don’t forcefully relocate the people into industrial sectors and deprive them, you offer them work and having many of their expenses in regards to their necessities covered in a manner similar to health insurance, where approved housing and food is given at a drastically reduced cost because they’re consuming it in the domestic system designed in the name of cost effectiveness as opposed to consumeristic preference, and without all of the middle-men taking something off the top every step of the way, these domestic necessities can be provided at a much lower cost than they otherwise would be.

If there is a reasonable argument that the reform is purely benevolent, it is not hard to portray it in such light. As for the less savory, but necessary reforms, these can be harder to implement, and thus may take more time if you have not yet instilled the unquestionable patriotic loyalty to the benefactors on account of their providing of such a reasonable life. The problem with riots stem from the failure to address the source of the problem, and these snowball out of control when the people are allowed to criticize and protest at their leisure. This snowball is only exacerbated by the media who conveys this story and thus inspires more people to join in this protest. The original dissidents are ideally silenced; the media will portray no reference to these things, as with all unsavory news, and without the original sparks to spread the fire, these fires will become far less prevalent.

As people become more dependent on the state, and the state provides adequately, this gives the state more power over the people because they know very well not to bite the hand that feeds them. Since the opinions of the people are largely formed by what they are taught, they will come to support anything that may seem unpopular today due to idealism, because they will understand it as a real necessity in order to prevent many problems, and they would have little to no experience interacting with dissenting opinions, certainly not formalized ones, because the only opinions they experience are those defended by the state. There will be tons of propaganda that clearly demonstrates the reasoning behind the principles arguing against most forms of vice, freedom, integration, and reckless reproduction while the things like the torture, sterilization, and euthanasia are all defended with the same propaganda and simple allegory that make these things seem reasonable and humane, which they are, as opposed to allowing the humanistic idealist filth to propagate itself and destroy society with its reckless disregard for reality. It will take time, but once you gain the trust of the people, they will follow you to the ends of the earth.” Says Stacy

“I’m willing to accept the fact that being right is solely a matter of being trusted, as opposed to actually being right, while they do overlap to some extent. You do actually pose a real moral quandary, which is ironic in your thorough amorality. At the end of the day, is it better to fail to torture the people and allow them to torture themselves, or is it better to torture the people yourself and prevent them from torturing themselves?

Thankfully I’m not some zealous American who is belligerently drunk on rights to the point where I defend them despite the fact that the people’s rights often fail them and torture them to a degree that is comparable to your level of authoritarianism. As much as giving people the rights and freedoms to create their own society is respected, this is also comparable to entrusting children with creating something of value if you just let them run around doing whatever they want. It works sometimes, the children educate themselves and become excellent people, and that is grand, but too often the people fail themselves and each other en masse and it is disheartening to see them attempt to defend this disorganized ruckus as any sort of ideal reality.” Says Jenna

“It is a shame that the ideals of society largely force people to participate in politics when most people have little knowledge of such things and would likely rather be doing something else, but if people refrain they simply become the victims of the people more so indignant and entitled, so they all go out and vote for whatever idiocy they support. As much as the idiocy is corralled into these two groups, creating a consensus on what is right by corralling the most idiots is hardly a way to come to a respectable decision.” Says Isabelle

“It’s a catch-22; you’re either indifferent and the victim of politics, or you care about them and become the victim of being politicized.” Says Ophelia

“I think a more reasonable solution would be to educate the people; even if Stacy wants to teach them her philosophy, that’s fine, and if that becomes popular for whatever reason, the people are free to instate those policies, but that is still better than authoritarianism. I still think your philosophy sounds like traditional communism, not theoretical communism so much as the traditional kind though, and I don’t think that will ever be popular, as anyone who identifies as a communist is more than likely an idealist who believes in the theoretical one.” Says Jenna




“Stacy understands that the industry is what substantiates the economy and the wellbeing of the country, and that is the key difference. Her philosophy is seizing the means of production, as it is the industry seizing the peasants, and while the extensive cooperation between industries is rather communal, the country is much like a commune in that while the people are little more than beasts of burden, it is the industry and the government who share all of the real responsibilities, and to accomplish that in the most cost effective and profitable way it would mean an extensive level of cooperation, which is not unreasonable to expect because these entities all tend to share the same common values and beliefs, at least a real government would that is dedicated to the actually responsibilities of the state such as shepherding, rearing, organizing, and optimizing  the people as opposed to the petty sycophant-state we have right now.

By cooperating with both each other and the real state, the industries can keep the overhead down as low as possible by organizing the country on the business principles of efficiency and cost effectiveness as opposed to democracy, and by doing this they can reduce the taxes even further because it costs much less to meet the needs of the people when the industries take an active effort in reducing this cost. Understanding the petty nature of moving domestic money between hands, this can be reduced or even eliminated so that the people who do real business can focus on the definition of success which is international capitalistic imperialism. Real business causes an influx of money into the country as opposed to a swirling of money around that is already in the country, hoping that somebody can grab enough of it and put it to good use in a way that might create legitimate gains. This would be like investing most of the GDP back into the country in order to grow and be more successful, rather than allowing the peasants to hold petty but cumulatively significant sums of money, accomplish nothing with it, and probably torture themselves in the process.” Says Isabelle

“We already live in a plutocracy; I don’t see any reason to waste time, effort, energy or money pretending that it's not. Just give it a nice snazzy name and everybody will be happy.” Says Jenna

“Stacy doesn’t propose a plutocracy; Stacy is proposing something closer to a profitocracy, where those with money can easily be overruled when their sentiments, for whatever reason, don’t fall in line with increasing the profitability of the nation as a whole. The rich can easily be afflicted with hoarding and the same vices that cripple the lowly and in turn stifle the success of their enterprise due to their own shortcomings of character. Every yacht hurts the economy and exacerbates the degeneracy of vice peddling to the same degree that liquor, petty clothes, entertainment, and any other form of wastefulness, sickness, and idleness creates.

Vices can be seen as the gateway to hell, not through any spiritual means, but due to their direct correlation with the increasingly hellish nature of any reality that tortures its own people by coddling them. Vice sells, this is a fine business model, but damning your own society to be tortured, tormented, blighted, and plagued in the process is not benefiting the economy. You are sickening and killing your own workers to allow somebody to make a petty profit, and this is a terrible business model. Killing the workers of your competitors is completely respectable, but in a society where the largest corporations pay for a vast majority of the expenditures in terms of maintaining the people and society, they are spiting each other when they prey upon each other’s workers and exacerbate the cost of keeping them alive due to their temptations and the repercussions of such, because at the end of the day, it is these same businesses who foot the bill for every repercussion induced by getting these people addicted to dangerous and destructive pleasures through both an increase in the people’s salary and though an increase in the taxes they pay.

Those people who are friends of the devil are antisocial drug addicted hippie miscreants and worse, and to allow the pinnacle of society to associate and approve of this legion of the dregs of society is entirely shameless. Birds of a feather flock together, and when the state and the industries all share the same feathers as the devil and thus the degenerate filth that plagues society, this clearly displays the fact that despite the amazing success of these industries and the state, they are still the equivalent of the dregs of society, if society were to consist of allegorical people representing these industries and the state.

My disgust with these criminals, hippies, druggies, and miscreants who embrace these destructive forces and antisocial tendencies easily translates to the state and the industries who make very little effort to distance themselves from this caste of people, and this tolerance of such degeneracy tarnishes any respectability of these companies, because at the end of the day, they’re still the companies that are chummy with the devil and thus all of his irreputable compatriots; as much as a small minority may be condemned, the rest are free to pretend that they are somehow respectable because society is willing to tolerate the fact that the economic burden placed upon the nation by their vices is acceptable because it doesn’t hurt anybody but themselves, when in reality this burden takes a massive toll on the economy and its major constituents. This terrible business model is what I oppose, the cost of satiating the vices of every peasant in the country is entirely unjustifiable, and to be content with this massive cost existing in the overhead of all industries as well as the state is clear example of the destructive level of tolerance that has become commonplace within our society.

An atheist with no concept of heaven or hell would agree with the fact that these actions are simply destructive and harmful to the economy and must be curbed and removed, yet for some reason nobody wants to see that, more than likely because each of them is so far gone chasing the dragons of vice that they all turn a blind eye to the wake of destruction they leave that is so visibly apparent in the paper trail of these people’s lives. I can support the free market, but the true cost of these vices is not what people pay for them, the people pay for the pleasure, but the state and thus the taxed industries are forced to foot the bill for the massive true cost these things extoll down the line. Industry should be subsidized, but subsidizing domestic things that are counterproductive to maintaining the health of the true economy is entirely unjustifiable.” Says Isabelle

“As much as antagonizing vice is good, it could easily reduce productivity amongst the people. Vices tend to be the only reason most people work beyond meeting their needs. If the money can’t be spent on anything people want, what is there to drive the people to make the money?” says Jenna

“People only want to spend their money on vices because vices make them feel good. Getting high on methamphetamine would make them feel better than their vice, yet most people don’t do this. This is because meth is antagonized by society, and the people will forsake that pleasure in order to coexist with society because they know if they turn to a more pleasurable vice, they will suffer on account of it, so they avoid it. All vices can be antagonized to the same extent that recreational drug use is, and when this is true, people will inherently avoid them because they know that such pleasures will cause many problems in their life if they partake in them. When this is the case, people will find pleasure in what they can, and accept that as reasonable, because they have all been taught to have no tolerance for the vices that sicken society in the same manner they do for recreational drug use today.

It’s all relativity; people will seek out the most pleasurable thing society allows them to have and they will strive for this and desire this, yet they will usually not seek even more pleasurable things that society does not allow them to have because they want to remain on good terms with society and continue to enjoy what they can without becoming antagonized. There may be some withdrawal from vices, but people will eventually overcome this withdrawal and become addicted to something else that they are allowed to have, and by reducing the access to destructive things, people will all still want things at the same rate, but they will just want the healthier and more productive things instead of the prohibited ones.” Says Stacy

“Usually you tend to argue that people will be motivated to work because it’s the only way to get the methamphetamine that they’re addicted to, but now you are condemning methamphetamine?” asks Jenna

“I am not condemning the drug; I am condemning recreational drug use in order to get high as opposed to using the drug responsibly as it is prescribed. It is true that people would be prescribed methamphetamine as a motivational tool on top of the already medically accepted benefits, but they would not be getting high on the drug, it would allow them to avoid the symptoms of work-shyness, but it is not used in pursuit of pleasure. This is the baseline motivational tool.

While the people may have little to buy with money, as necessities are met and vices are illegal, they can still be motivated in other ways. They are paid on account of performance, and then the reward for performing very well is that of time-off, where they can use this success to enjoy more time off of work. By taking this time off of work, they will probably come to the conclusion that there is little to do without work and it is very boring, and they will want to come back to work and actually enjoy it more compared to the contrasting time of boredom and idleness, but if not they have still earned that time off.

The other motivator is the classic one that the children love; it is the high score mentality, where there is no real benefit of getting the high score on the shape-twisting puzzle game, but many people strive very much so to improve their scores because they find it mildly entertaining and have a competitive nature. This same mentality would be used in the workplace, hoping that people enjoy their work to some extent, assisted of course by the pleasure of amphetamines to assist them, and this public level of scoring efficiency, productivity, profitability, and all sorts of things will inspire people, even if not out of a sense of self-improvement, but solely out of the natural competitive nature of humans. People who seek respect work hard in an attempt to gain higher positioning due to their merits, and the natural motivating factors that people have other than vices are all accommodated as much as possible rather than simply tempting people to work hard so that they might satiate their own vices.

The mentality of attempting to get people to enjoy work more than the time off or the distractions would cause vast benefits amongst the economy, because people no longer seek to waste their time, but rather to use it productively, simply because being productive is more pleasurable than idleness, as much as it may not be more so pleasurable than vice. I am no motivational scientist, but making work more pleasurable and making free time less destructive would ultimately benefit the physical and mental health of society. Even if some people find hobby or sport to be more enjoyable than work, they will not be so consumed by these pleasures as they are with vices.” Says Stacy

“I still think getting everybody addicted to methamphetamine is a bad idea. The rest of it seems like a good idea but that part not so much.” Says Ophelia

“Perhaps not meth straight out of the gate, but a healthy level of amphetamine would serve many purposes. The addiction to the drug would cause people to seek it out, and this would make them want to come to work, they would be happy when they got to work because it gives them this relief and pleasure they cannot find elsewhere. In a sense it’s not getting people addicted to drugs, but it is getting them addicted to the pleasure of working. Amphetamines would also make each person focused on their job and less distractible, and it would do very well in relieving any sort of fatigue these people may feel when they are working, both of these being beneficial to productivity.

Another reason is that despite the reluctance of the medical community to do so, methamphetamine is an FDA approved treatment for obesity, and despite this problem plaguing our country, doctors are reluctant to prescribe this wonderful medication that could easily assist many people who are medically ill with the disease because of the stigma that society has placed upon the drug. By suppressing the appetites of people, they would be far more content with the rations of food they are given in a measured system that provides them the food they need without anything more, and they wouldn’t suffer from irrational hunger or cravings in the same way they do today, which has unfortunately resulted in people becoming so sick with obesity. The vast majority of the side-effects notorious in people who recreationally use the drug would not be problematic because nobody would be abusing the drug to get high; they would only be using it in safe doses that do exactly what they’re intended to do without causing the side-effects.” Says Stacy

“I can respect some of your ideas, but this one always seems the most ridiculous. Even segregation would have more popular support than this, and that idea is thoroughly unpopular. I can see you gaining support for the apparently nice things of meeting people’s needs and what not, but it will be hard to convince them to get addicted to methamphetamine just so they will work harder or whatever. If you push the unpopular ideas along with your decent ones, they’ll do nothing but detract from your support.” Says Grace

“There are plenty of ways to go about it. The argument is not going to be stating that we should force meth down everybody’s throats and enslave them; it would always seem nice and reasonable, because when you portray something in that light people will seldom have any capacity to understand how nice and reasonable it actually is besides just accepting the argument that you tell them. Legalizing meth would eliminate a good deal of crime that depends on meth for profits, and it would also end the epidemic of poor people dangerously attempting to be chemists in their trailers. The humanists are always willing to cry about anything, so once you drill home the sad story about how these people and even children are being tortured by this prohibition and how it exacerbates crime, they will at least support legalization. Then it comes down to popular opinion about the drug, and once again you just argue that meth, an FDA approved pharmaceutical drug, has been unfairly denigrated and discriminated against by the oppressive government, and you herald it as this cure for obesity and majestic productivity drug and antidepressant that everybody should appreciate, because the majority of people are obese, unproductive, and depressed, or at least one of those three.

In terms of restricting access to it and only giving it to people when they show up at work, you can argue that the current system has loopholes that allow a useful product to be abused, even though the mass production has caused it to lose all street value, and just like the current problem with opiates, the system must be overhauled in order to prevent abuse, and seeing how meth is the healthy man’s drug when compared to opiates for the sick and dying, the meth would be given out on a quasi-prescription basis at vending machines that will give you a dose when you put your ID card in to avoid the hoarding of the drug. The drug could also be modified in such a way that it becomes impossible to abuse by smoking or intravenous methods, just as many opiates have lately, and when people can’t get high on the drug, they see no better alternative than taking it for productivity and to curb their withdrawal. As for dealing with people who for whatever reason cannot make it to a machine, they can put in a request that their dose be delivered by the mailman and that will prevent them from being crippled by withdrawal.

A cynical realist might see this as enslaving people with meth-addiction, but the delusional, optimistic humanists would see this as nothing more than a cure for obesity that increases productivity, and once people are fond of the productive pleasure, they will be far more reluctant to condemn the drug. The only matter left is organizing a dosing strategy and that would be a slow build-up from basic amphetamines in the children, to giving meth to the laborers that would benefit the most, and if for some reason somebody responds poorly to the meth, they can be weaned off and put back on the standard amphetamines.

The side effects are far too trivial to fail to give people a drug that is ultimately a vaccine for obesity and can be the cornerstone of a system that allows it to function as a vaccine for work-shyness and unproductivity. The value to society is immense when you realize the amount of money the state would save by removing obesity and replacing this with a condition that produces far less grievous and crippling side effects, and this is not even accounting for the increase in productivity of the drudges and the unprecedented energy and focus found in laborers across all fields. There may be side effects, but proper dosage is all it takes to avoid most of these, and this level of responsibility is far easier to achieve than any other means of addressing the aforementioned issues, as many of them cannot be addressed in any other way.” Says Stacy

“Even if it was legal and had a nice anti-defamation campaign to go along with it, it would be hard to convince a lot of people to get addicted to meth. As much as it might benefit much of society, I’m pretty sure it will complicate pregnancy and probably make people more belligerent and sleep deprived. The same goes for plenty of the things you argue for that would clearly benefit society, but most people will be too ornery to jump on the bandwagon. It would be hard to have a convincing propaganda campaign about paying people with fake money.” Says Isabelle

“The breeding caste clearly wouldn’t be given the meth, because they’re not doing labor so much as just producing children, so they don’t need copious amounts of energy and focus to do that. While it may seem improbable to convince people to join that caste, if somebody is genetically qualified, it would pay very well and be a rather easy life once you got used to bearing children, as much of the caring for the children would not be placed on the backs of the mothers. In terms of belligerence and sleep deprivation, it is a matter of harmony and balance, and if that means giving people some downers that’s fine and dandy, everybody loves ludes. I’ll admit it is hard to convince people with an argument, but it is very easy to convince people of an argument by using ludes instead of logic, so long as the solution doesn’t interfere with their own wellbeing and happiness.

Every time I argue in favor of reducing the freedoms of people, it is done to benefit society, and since these things all create a fiscal boon, it would be easy to pay people bonuses for each of the freedoms they are willing to forsake. Plenty of people wouldn’t mind a free dose of meth if they get a 10 or 20 dollar bonus every day they do, and the productivity that results from this would easily pay for this cost. The bonuses of living in a segregated society removes all of the costs associated with race relations including the pollution of the court system, productivity lost due to protesting and indignation, the time and money used to study and legislate defense of integration, as well the burden on society of any sort of fear, distrust, or dislike that people naturally harbor for those who are different from themselves. The same applies to sexual segregation, being able to forego the cost of sexual conflicts in the courts and society, as well as the accompanying cost of indignation and distraction that come from attempting to maintain a working relationship. The same can be applied to food privilege, because when you forsake your ability to eat at your leisure, you save the country massive expense of poor diet, and the same is true for the other consumptive vices people are so fond of. People forsake their cars in exchange for public transportation, and this removes the burden of traffic, accidents, and road damage.

People exchange their freedom to live where they please with accepting accommodations based upon their industry, and this saves money on transportation as well as the infrastructure and the massive cost of consumeristic redundancy of suburbanization so evident in how many objects a house will own but make use of only a small portion of the time such as appliances and cars, and this would also save money on heating and cooling due to maximizing the cost effective nature of the housing complexes as opposed to any sort of aesthetic or consumeristic appeal, and these savings are escalated even more by reducing the cost of maintenance and upkeep of such consumeristic redundancy.

Those who elect to be paid in domestic money find they can afford far more than they could with real money, and the effectiveness of paying people with this money comes from the common concept of buying in bulk, where it is extremely costly and inefficient to buy the individual object when compared to a massive amount of it. Instead of paying people so they can each individually meet their needs, their benefactors elect to meet the needs of all of their people simultaneously by purchasing in bulk rather than wasting the time and money it takes to create individual sized purchasable items. When these things are true it costs far less to keep these people alive and get them what they need, so they will be happy working for what amounts to much less real money simply because they have all of their needs met so efficiently that the purchasing power of the domestic money is easily higher than what it is with real money right now.

It is not a matter of stripping the people of their freedom; it is a matter of tempting them to do without these unnecessary freedoms for the benefit of the society, the economy, and themselves. While the people are sacrificing their freedom, they are doing little more than sacrificing their freedom to elect to live much worse lives than they could be living due to the sheer cost of maintaining this illusion of ultimate freedom which always ends up on the backs of the laborers. Freedom is like a horse, very powerful in the hands of a skilled rider, but those who are poor riders, rather than actually use the horse to its fullest capacity, are more likely to be dragged around at the horse’s mercy and often bucked off and kicked by the horse, ending up in a worse position than if they had just forsaken attempting to ride the horse in the first place.” Says Stacy

“You argue that regimenting everything to a very orderly and organized fashion will save money, yet many of your ideas don’t seem practical at all. The cost of maintaining race relations can’t be anywhere near as high as it would be to segregate people, and the cost of segregating by sex would induce exorbitant costs due to the lack of natural reproduction in society, and at best you’re only removing the rape and sexual harassment from the court systems. Even if you somehow establish this breeding caste, even if each of these women have 12 children each, that is still 1/6th of the women in the country devoted to having children just to meet replacement, then it becomes even more confusing and costly when you involve your odd selective breeding program that keeps some sections of the population alive in small quantities just in case their genetics are somehow unexpectedly valuable.” Says Jenna

“I expect the women in the breeding caste to live past 28, if they start work at 16 and give me one child a year; I can realistically expect far more than 12 children from each of them. In regards to the production of these niche populations, the caste would still produce them, even if none of the genetics are shared, and this would just be done in the common method of surrogate motherhood as it is today. As I was saying before, it is not a matter of forcing it upon people, but rather tempting them; and as many people segregate themselves naturally today, it would just be voluntary segregation for the most part, unless the people have proven that they need to be segregated forcefully by raising some kind of qualms about the integrated society. The people voluntarily segregate themselves for free, and then the money spent on race relations and the problems of sexual integration is saved for free in the process.

In terms of addressing the problems of sexual integration, this may need to be done more forcefully if the women don’t chose to separate themselves in their indignation, but many of these things will occur naturally if you facilitate them. The cost of establishing the breeding cast would pay for itself because the quality of children produced is much higher than it would be naturally, and the children are raised in such a reliable and methodical way that the results are far better than children left to fall victim to dangerous freedoms, vices, and the other shortcomings society seeks to peddle to them.” Says Stacy

“You can’t forget that the girls can have twins, so that’s even more babies to help make sure there are enough. You really should have thought of that, seeing how you have one.” Says Ophelia

“That would make things even more efficient. Even more babies sounds like a wonderful plan.” Says Stacy

“I love the fact that you will forsake any sort of respect for people on principle. The economy doesn’t have time to kiss the ass of every pissant peasant, and I’m glad you respect that fact.” Says Isabelle
“Respect costs money, and I’m a spartan skinflint. It’s not that I’m unwilling to respect the people; it’s just that I’m unwilling to pay any money to give them said respect. So long as it doesn’t stifle the economy, they can always argue in favor of getting some respect.” Says Stacy

“Despite that, at least half of the economy is based upon services and selling goods domestically, so I don’t see how removing that portion of the economy will create a healthier one in its wake. It would require some skillful manipulation of the economy in order to meet people’s needs at a much lower cost to the point where they won’t notice that you’ve garnished their wages.” Says Jenna




“Selling goods domestically does nothing but move money that was already there, and the service sector exists because the industry throws a big pile of money on the ground in the form of wages and taxes and the service sector attempts to grab as much of it as they can by competing with each other while producing nothing but convolution and wastefulness. Forsaking this money-grab and replacing it with an efficient system to in place of the service sector with a need basted distribution system means that industry has to throw far less money on the table to accomplish the same thing, and this money can be reinvested into industry as opposed to hoarded unproductively in the current shill-fest of selling things designed to make a profit for these waste peddlers instead of designed to function as cost effective ways to meet the needs of the people. Anything designed to be sold for a profit would be labeled for export only, and the remaining products that people actually need would be redesigned for cost effectiveness and distributed domestically.

As the industry and their state would seek to reduce the overhead of maintaining their mutual workforce, this would create a system that is the inverse of venture capital, where they invest in industries, products, and factories that are guaranteed to save them money, as opposed to turn a profit. These industries would all produce goods sold for domestic money, and as more and more of the market is sold exclusively for domestic money in domestic stores, people will find more value in the domestic money than the real money, and this means that the real money can be used for actual business as opposed to letting the peasants hold it. Through taxation of commercial products being sold domestically for real money to peasants, you can reduce the purchasing power of real money to the point where people only want the domestic money. When the industrial collective realizes that they can pay the people far less when they can meet the needs of the people for far less money, this is when they would create industry designed to meet the needs of their people as cost effectively as possible without losing any money in this process to profiteers who operate as middle men in the current system.

The industry creates the domestic money to be used to buy their products, and rather than have their profits essentially skimmed off of the top by every petty domestic capitalist seeking to turn a profit by peddling things, they can save this money and reinvest it into their industry and further reducing the cost of maintaining their mutual workforce. The industry understands that creating a collective that meets the needs of the people but operates in domestic money which they control is a way to eliminate the domestic profiteers from skimming their profits by forcing these industries to pay their laborers more in order to satiate them. Rather than allow domestic consumeristic enterprise to operate, the true industrial collective chooses to make this profit themselves, which does not take the form of profiting from the consumerism of their laborers, but instead by saving money by providing these people the necessities they need at a fraction of the normal cost, because they understand that they’re not turning a profit if they’re giving people money just to take it away from them, so instead of that, they meet the needs of their people at the bottom line just to avoid having to pay their employees enough for the laborers to both survive and have profiteering domestic consumeristic enterprise profit heartily off of their existence.

The industry bargains with the state knowing that they essentially pay the wages of government workers, and that they can meet the needs of these workers at a lower cost in exchange for lower taxes, and the service sector becomes simplified to meet the needs of the people in the most cost effective ways, without countless profiteers convoluting the process, because the industrial collective overpowers this sector through their own ability to provide these services, and thus save themselves money in the process by doing this. The businesses that struggle to compete due to their reliance on domestic enterprise are acquired by the industrial collective who then either converts them to increase the cost effectiveness of maintaining the population, or otherwise redirects their viable consumeristic products onto the export market to further increase the profits of the collective.

Once the industries realize that they will all fare better if they have each other’s best interests in mind, then the will have political autonomy because they will control most if not all of the media, easily able to denigrate any opponents and defend their own without repercussion, and also be the only force with the money to fuel political campaigns, fielding their own candidates for each party against each other in races that are ultimately meaningless, and when they meet the needs of the people in such a benevolent way, there will easily be few people who would want to bite the hand that feeds them.” Says Stacy

“I am skeptical that the cost of such a system would pay for itself; it would require a huge investment by overpowering the domestic market and forcing people onto the domestic products which ultimately might not be any cheaper, seeing how America imports so many products today simply because it is unaffordable to make them domestically.” Says Grace

“The system addresses those problems directly. The problem with America is that the laborers destroyed it by demanding so much money and other bullshit that it became impossible to run a business in the country. The idiots think that raising tariffs will do something to increase American industry which is pure bullshit and does nothing but stifle the economy of the world. The only way to compete is to actually be competitive, and this system addresses the primary issue in the fact that it is far too expensive to operate an industry in America due to the cost of living, and this system would vastly reduce it by investing in the actual industries that produce necessities instead of the service peddlers and other people who inflate the cost of living both exorbitantly and unnecessarily.

This would make American industry competitive again because an industry can actually afford to meet the needs of its workers comfortably when the industry has removed any extraneous domestic individuals seeking to vampirically profit off of their legitimate profit from the equation, ultimately netting all of this profit for themselves in a reduction of wages, and at that point American industries can actually sell goods at prices that compete with the global economy. Vices and wastefulness all take the form of a peasants tax that they demand be paid in the form of their wages so that they can get what they want, and by eliminating these things, the peasants will not demand more money because there is nothing to buy with it, and they are happy living the rather comfortable life.

Rather than pay a wage so that every person can buy a shitty appliance, car, and house, these costs are all addressed as a cost of the industry and done so in bulk in the most cost effective manner possible, rather than have people waste money buying food at the least affordable rate possible due to countless people who profit from their buying of some consumerist level food, the food is addressed as a cost of the industry and this need is addressed in the way most cost effective to the industry. This goes on for all of the needs of the people so that every time something is sold to the people, it is making an investment in valuable industries rather than the massive chain of service peddlers and consumerists who triflingly stifle the economy.

Even the unsavory things are designed to make the country more profitable, and when the fact that industry cannot operate profitably in the country caused the real industries to leave the country, this sort of reform is the only  real way to save the country, because recirculating the money you already have within the country accomplishes nothing, and due to money leaks and global inflation, your will become a poorer and less successful country because this money is never reinvested into domestic industries that actually create money. On top of this, the solution is ideal because it is the only practical method of something like socialism, where the people’s needs are met by the state in a sense, yet the god damn socialists think that the best way to accomplish this is just by stealing and eating the god damn money.

If the unsavory things can be implemented despite their unsavoriness, they will only further the profitability and success of the country; the meth gets people addicted to work and makes them work harder, the voluntary segregation of society ends any sort of argument about racial issues that society faces that tend to become major topics of political bullshit that are ultimately accomplish nothing, the affordable healthcare in the sense that it can be afforded responsibly in a business sense due to what it affords reduces healthcare expenses by a great deal because unjustifiable expenses are forgone while the justifiable ones are met in the most cost effective manner possible, the political autocracy of the industry ends all petty bullshit produced by actually having to listen and appeal to the masses of idiots and even ironically manages to actually accomplishing appealing things, the selective breeding produces a population in order to fuel these returning industries that are now profitable at maximum capacity boom while the rest of the world struggles with their impotence and childlessness, and this breeding creates a new standard of laborer that is genetically prone to being extremely successful in an industry while this fact is taken advantage of in the child since their youth and they devote their life to mastering this job they were genetically designed to do.

 This is the future; increasing organization, industry, capability, economy, health, meeting carrying capacity with optimum results from each organism, and ultimately competitiveness, in the sense that economic competitiveness is the modern parallel of being faster than the other members of your race so that you can catch the prey while they starve; survival of the fittest.  All of these things are natural markers of a successful organism, and without them we will not be successful, and this is the only future because any alternative to this is not the future of the human race, but the marker of the end of human life and the start of a world infested by a new species of degenerates that has devolved from the once noble and competitive humans.” Says Stacy

“I will concede the point that it is the cost of American labor that has destroyed the industries in the country; their greed as well as the people seeking to profit from them had a combined effect that made it a very unfriendly environment for actually conducting real industry. It’s not like the industries became unprofitable in the slightest, they just moved to places where the people and consumerism don’t stifle the function of the economy. It would take a massive overhaul, but I do think it would be worth it if the cost of American labor was reduced to a competitive level without causing the people to riot in the streets.” Says Jenna

“As much as it is a decent idea, the fact that it involves restricting people’s freedoms and massive cooperation between the industries and the state means that it would be hard to institute here, just because people are so ornery about everything. If you do somehow gain an audience, I think it will probably fall on deaf ears here because it would require such massive change, but some place like China that already has these limited freedoms and cooperation between the state and industry would appreciate the idea, if they’ve not already embraced it.

That means that as much as you want to save America, the country will ultimately suffer when other countries adopt the policy of operating their country as a mutual business, making their industries far more profitable, and then seeking to earn their profits internationally and exploit the consumerists of the world. In the end China adopts a similar policy and then America and the West become even more victimized by their inability to operate industrially. I think as China gradually gains even more of an upper hand, this will just crush America more and more thoroughly, so this sort of rhetoric however reasonable will amount to little more than the destruction of the country due to the circumstances of an ornery public.” Says Grace

“If China is willing to adopt these policies and become even more profitable, I would be very happy. As long as somebody does it, that is all it takes, especially a country as large as China. I would be smiling the entire time while America burns in its idealist hell surrounded by squalor, unrest, and dysfunction for actually valuing the input and indignation of the people while forsaking the economy as opposed to valuing the input and health of the industries that actually make the country powerful and successful.

 The people themselves are worthless and powerless without the industries, and the system should clearly respect that fact. There is no inherent value or power of a human, despite what idealist might think; the only power is in what the people as a collective can create and produce in order to have something to substantiate themselves, and from these creations they can assert power by having control over the aspects of people’s lives such as what they want and need, because in a modern nuclear stalemate, military power has become largely irrelevant among the countries involved in this standoff.” Says Stacy

“I think as long as you make it sound nice and reasonable people will listen, so you’ve got to work on that a little bit and you’ve at least got a chance. People want America to be successful, and want their lives to be better, so that’s always a good point to make; the other parts like meth and segregation maybe not.” Says Ophelia

“All politicians do is promise to make America more successful and better the lives of people, yet they fail to do that far more often than not. Even if for some reason the American people and economy cannot be successful when all of these obstacles to their success have been removed, it’s not like she would be any more of a failure than any other politician.” Jokes Isabelle

“People want to be successful, and they want to have better lives, but they won’t want to sacrifice their freedom in order to do this. I’m sure most of them would rather die than be less free, so I would expect that the people would rather writhe in a failing economy with their freedoms intact than they to forsake these freedoms in order to foster industry and economic prosperity.” Says Grace

“People are free, but only to the point where they refrain from hurting other people. The American people should not be free to the point where they can hurt the economy either, as the economy is no less a person than a clown car full of clowns is a person, which is about 85% person. All of these grievances against the health of the economy need to be addressed as if they were any other violent crime such as assault and murder, because when the economy is so battered by the people’s indignation and entitlement as well as domestic profiteers that it cannot even sustain vital and viable industries, this is nothing more than belligerent unjustifiable abuse of the economy by its own people.

It is common sense that the country does not operate cost effectively, the failure to do so has visibly stifled the economy to an extraordinary degree, and worst of all there are people profiting from crippling the economy by burdening the domestic labor with expenses to the point where it becomes unprofitable for real industries to function. The true pecking order places the primary industry of agriculture and creation of raw resources above all else as food is the key necessity for people and resources for the industry, and then the secondary industry of manufacturing comes behind this, and then the service sector which is largely useless as it produces nothing and convolutes the process of meeting the people’s needs which should be done industrially and cost effectively, being calculated as part of the overhead cost of the primary and secondary industry without creating another huge sector of the economy that exists solely because it can stand in-between the people and the produced goods and profit off of the fact that other industries that actually produce things profit.

While some services are necessary, many of the necessary ones are already provided by the state and operated on a non-profit basis such as policing and schooling, so it makes no sense that there should be room for the service industry to function as middle men doing nothing but exacerbating the cost of sustaining American labor, especially when history proves that it is the consumeristic sectors of the economy that have literally destroyed industry in America. This is the torture and murder of an entire country, and this cannot be tolerated, let alone respected. This freedom to destroy the economy is an absurd freedom fostered by the American people, and the rise of vampiric socialism only seeks to exacerbate this fact by forcing the government to further stifle the profitability of viable and vital industries just to satiate the vampiric thirst of the god damn people.

You don’t kill the fucking milk cow; you cherish it and protect it, you breed it so that you may have more milk cows, this is common sense, yet every god damn vampiric socialist thinks that this starving cow is somehow creating problems for them and needs to be killed when at the end of the day it is nothing but a cow, and the people creating the problems are the service sector of the economy, the profiteers of consumerism, and the coddling dawdling state that all choose to convolute the process of giving the people who operate the farm enough milk to continue doing so and then selling the rest of it.

This is a limited allegory, of course if people only survived on milk, it would be more accurate, but all of the farmers all meet the needs of each other’s laborers by exchanging their own beans, rice, and milk in a mutual manner to avoid falling victim to each other’s profiteering and then sell the rest in a profitable manner as the overhead of keeping the laborers alive has been met without convoluting this business expense by pretending it should be part of the capitalist economy, then employing all sorts of shills and peddlers who all must take a cut of the profit to the point where the farmers fail to actually turn one.” Says Stacy

“I don’t think that sort of rhetoric will go over well with the service sector of the economy.” Says Jenna

“Most people in service hate their work, so I think I’ve got plenty of support from them. The services, largely the consumeristic sort, should all be held to efficiency and cost effectiveness standards rather than allowing it to exist as this bloated backbiting vampiric sector of trifling and stifling that sickens both the people and the economy. Anything that needs to be done should be accomplished free from the free market, simply because these things need to be done and there shouldn’t be any room to profit off of something that simply must happen.

This is a small sector of the consumerist market, but any sort of fanciful, wasteful, unproductive, or problematic bullshit that people like to consume that is not cost effective for whatever reason would be separated into a luxury market for real money while the basic needs of people, meaning things they actually need, are not created by the same profit driven market that creates these luxuries, and the people have their needs met without being preyed upon by the domestic market, which loves to force people to make the decision to responsibly meet their own needs as cost effectively as possible or be tempted by some shilled unnecessary product of inefficient or unproductive worthlessness, a decision they often fail to make responsibly, because the same money will buy them the both of these things but they are forced to pick one or the other.

I don’t support even condoning the sale of these luxuries due to creating unnecessary temptation; as a man who has never known pleasure cannot conceive of hedonism, not that these people would know no pleasure, just that they would not know the illicit consumeristic pleasures that plague society today or at least be too ashamed of the resulting ostracization to enjoy them; but I do respect the fact that these products designed to sell at a profit are a valuable part of the economy that can be beneficial when sold in export markets.” Says Stacy

“Part of the reason American goods are so valuable in the export market is because they have all be thoroughly tested and vetted by the American people whose high standards of quality and desirability force businesses to create products at the high standard that American goods have become synonymous with quality or at least desirability. How would you have any reasonable notion that these products you create for export are even viable in the markets that you intend to sell them in without having trialed them thoroughly with a real market?” asks Jenna

“Americans do have high standards, but the trials in the American market don’t usually translate to international success either, and this is due to the varying tastes of different cultures as well as the foundations of the product being in such a moneyed economy. Something that is affordable in America is likely too expensive to be considered a reasonable purchase in most economies, and this can be addressed by creating products that are directed towards certain markets rather than hoping that these people’s tastes and budget will fall in line with those of Americans. A product that is competitive in one market probably won’t be competitive in many other markets, and this regionalization of the export industry would give them expertise in selling to these markets, and with that focus on a certain region they are able to trial and improve the desirability of their products within the target market without having to be concerned with the impact that such changes would make elsewhere in the world.

The needs of people also vary around the world, and as many poor countries don’t have the means to pursue consumerism, even if they want to, so even when each moneyed region is specifically targeted, these export markets would remain untapped by these means targeted at competing in a consumeristic society. These undeveloped countries still remain in the position they were 400 years ago, able to be utilized for their resources but with little capitalistic value amongst the people, and for that reason, when the country is moneyed to the point where means justify the ends, a proposition regarding the exchange of social development for resources is made, providing these countries the means to become developed and capitalistically competitive and thus valuable export markets, while forming a close trade relationship with these countries.

This process could easily be facilitated by the caste of consuls who have been selectively bred in order to easily blend in with the natives and can gain their trust, as their lives have been devoted embracing the culture of these people, but more so to mastering this craft of developing a country or area in order to facilitate beneficial commerce, as well as have influential people in these industries who are very friendly with our great nation and seek to establish valuable trade relationships. This can be done to some extent in more so developed nations, but it is easier to hold influence within a foreign industry when you have played a large role in the development and success of that industry.” Says Stacy

“Your grandiose plans of conquering the world with industry are quaint, but I’m sure you would run into the same problems in these countries that you criticize America for having right now; so even if you somehow magically turned America into this ascetic industrial powerhouse, attempting to replicate the same results in other countries would just induce the same problems; as the country becomes more developed, wages go up, then vices and consumerism go up, and then when that happens it is no longer profitable for you to operate these industries, especially considering the massive amount of taxes and what not you would end up paying for operating these industries in other countries.” Says Jenna

“That is half of the idea. The countries become developed and desire the consumeristic products we make for export, and if the industry becomes unprofitable so be it, because it has been replaced with the consumerist export market which is equally if not more so valuable as it encompasses the entire country. On top of that, it could still be considered profitable to run the industry even if it doesn’t turn one, because while the industry may operate at a loss within the country, the resources produced are still sold for a net profit at the end of the day once all things have been manufactured and exported again. When it is part of the industrial system, it is not an independent operation that lives and dies by its own capitalistic success, but rather the success that it is able to produce for the system. If we pay the people twenty grand but they end up paying half of it back to us through what they buy, that is comparable to paying them ten if the regulations and taxes cooperate, and it is rather easy to facilitate by giving the people who work for us a discount when they buy from us, thus meeting their needs, reciprocating the money, and making them more loyal and affordable in the process.” Says Stacy

“That’s ambitious but it’s certainly viable, so long as we have everything running smoothly at home, it is common sense to seek economic growth where we can, even if it means investing outside of our own country, so long as it turns a profit and doesn’t hinder our own success.” Says Isabelle

“As much as you criticize the idealists, your philosophy tends to operate under the ideal that all people are willing to accept the reality that most accommodates the success of the nation, and very few people are going to be that selfless and devoted to the country. I doubt any sort of realist would think that mentality is reasonable in the slightest, seeing how people are often incredulous to the reality that most accommodates their own success.” Says Grace

“It’s not a matter of the willingness of the people, but rather giving them no other viable option than doing so. Most concepts that define society like hedonism, consumerism, humanism, and that sort of happy-go-lucky shit-show nonsense are essentially recreational drugs that induce euphoric delusion in people, and if measured in the mind, one would notice that they trigger reactions in similar and identical sections of the brain as these common recreational drugs. This means that people have unfortunately become psychologically dependent on this illicit high, and attempting to starve them of these things would produce violent withdrawal which would result in tumult and rancor that could easily destroy society.

This is why these addicts must slowly be weaned off of their addiction to these things in order for both themselves and society to reap the benefits of their newfound sobriety, and this must be accomplished somehow, likely by placing physical and psychological deterrents and discomforts that condition the people to reliably avoid and eventually condemn these things. This manner of conditioning is much like how police will train dogs by mixing drugs and food, so the dog associates the smell of drugs with food and then will seek it out, however done in the opposite manner by conditioning the people to avoid these things through a similar process of slowly mixing undesirable repercussions with the desirable pleasures in order for people to eventually develop the psychological proneness to avoid these pleasures due to the fact their minds have associated them with far more displeasure than pleasure.” Says Stacy

“Regardless, even that notion is still idealistic thinking you can repurpose a system used to train dogs to condition people to such an extreme degree that they avoid if not antagonize freedom and pleasure.” Says Grace




“I use principles, testable theories, patterns, and the emulation of successful systems to come to my conclusions; and I would argue that this is the opposite of idealism. An idealist says ‘wouldn’t it be nice if this were true’ or even worse ‘this should be true yet it is not’ where as the foundations of my arguments tend to be ‘this is true, so disregarding any niceness of that fact or lack thereof, we should utilize the truth to our advantage and make the most out of our situation’. I am not arguing that people be indoctrinated with lofty nonsense in order to instill the loyalty and faith in society that is necessary for them to be valuable members of society. I see that methodology fail miserably in this country and around the world, simply because it depends on the fact that people all subscribe to a certain belief that is entirely psychological with no basis in reality, and when the cornerstones of society are little more than figments of the imagination in the form of ideals, these cornerstones are easily corrupted, misinterpreted, and often fail to produce the desired results.

This is like attempting to race a horse with and imaginary crop, if you can’t convince the horse that the imaginary crop is somehow real, then your efforts amount to nothing more than making yourself look like a fool. As much as they don’t want to admit it, humans are animals, and their genetic composition and brain functions are extraordinarily similar to other mammals; there will never be realistic or reliable way to organize and utilize the human species that does not take this fully into account and develop ways to optimize the human for its role, which is that of a domesticated beast of burden that just happens to be intelligent.

Even beyond that, humans are a natural, physical, phenomena, no different than a rock, and this means that the interactions between humans and the physical world can be measured and formulated in a similar manner, and this will yield similar results to society that classical mechanics brought those who mastered them. A rock may be simpler, with fewer variables, but that does not change anything about reality. Despite all of their conceited arrogance, the facts are plain as day, humans are natural phenomena that can and should be experimented on in order to learn from the interactions between a human and any part of the natural world, as well as the artificial one they have created, and from this knowledge we can formulate more practical and efficient methods of producing the ends desired from people, and this is how success is truly made.

Similar to aerodynamics, in history, people learned that putting a feather on a flying object made the arrows fly straight and become more accurate; this was near the pinnacle of that science for decades until it was formalized, and this thorough study, formulation, and development of this science eventually led to the invention of aircraft and even spacecraft. The level of homodynamics, for lack of a better word, is at a similar level of development to that of a feathered arrow in terms of aerodynamics, with little to no formalized and well tested scientific laws or theories, only presumptions made on observations in limited spectrums or with incomplete sets of data. The shame of all of this is that this sheer dearth of study in the field is due to the human’s own squeamish reluctance to be humble enough to accept the fact that they are natural phenomena bound by the same laws and principles that define the cause and effect relationships of matter and the physical forces as well as the odd cancerous progeny of these natural forces that has resulted in the chemical cocktail of replicating life and eventually the psychological phenomena of brain-wielding creatures including even human intelligence.” Says Stacy

“When you are on the campaign trail comparing humans to rocks, I’m sure everybody will rally behind you. I know I will, I’ve never once been able to distinguish the two from each other in my experience.” Says Jenna, dryly

“Just as rocks are utilized to construct a building, humans are the raw materials utilized to construct society. In the same manner they must be ordered, refined, sculpted, and facilitated by some bonding medium in order to convert these individual rocks into a great unbreakable monolith. Though allegory may be imperfect, it still holds a great deal of truth; this is due to the fact that humans are physical phenomena, and despite any psychological function, the methods that are used to manipulate raw materials into the foundations of society all have parallels that can also be used to refine and reshape humans from that of a rather feral animal into one that is valuable and useful to society.

The same concept of parallels within nature holds true across animals, and these parallels become closer to each other as the animals become more similar, and just as the other beasts of burden like horses and oxen must be whipped to convince them to work, so must a parallel of whipping be utilized to convince a human to work, and today that method stands to be the threat of starvation, which is not entirely ideal, especially when that threat is an empty one, at least in our own society.” Says Stacy

“That’s a fair point saying things are similar; they’re all made of the same stuff, like chemicals and DNA, but you’re omitting the fact that people are intelligent animals, and just like how dogs are intelligent, they don’t need to be whipped in order to do what you want them to, and regardless of the fact that it would be awful to do that, I’m pretty sure that wouldn’t even work. You just have to train a dog and reward it and then it will be loving and happy and loyal; nobody ever says you should whip your dog to make it do something.” says Ophelia

“I’m not supporting it, but the newspaper tends to be a classic training method for dogs, and they can’t exactly read.” Jokes Isabelle

“You make a good point, and this is why I don’t advocate for a torture based motivation system, but only a torture based deterrent system. This mentality is like using treats if at all possible, and then only resorting to the newspaper if absolutely necessary, or even the whistle if you’re more humane than that. The treat system tends to work fairly well, but the treat system humans have created for themselves is inherently flawed and often produces both poorly behaved animals and unhealthy ones, and this tends to be one of my many justifications for reigning the current treat system and replacing it with a more wholesome, healthy, effective, and productive one.

While the treat system is important, some of the tasks dogs are trained to do are easier to train them to do because they are similar to the instinct of the dog, which causes it to naturally be inclined to do these activities, from playing fetch or the more traditional uses of dogs as hunting companions. This sort of accommodation of instinct must be thoroughly utilized due to benefits it produces compared to the energy invested in it, as all people from the simple to the complex are easily influenced by their instincts, both consciously and unconsciously; so rather than attempt to fight these as the idealists seek to do, they must be fully utilized whenever possible due to the fact that humans are naturally prone to obeying them, which makes predicting, organizing, and utilizing the people easier when you understand what their natural reactions to something will be, and how this will harm or benefit the process of achieving the desired ends from them. If the instincts produce undesired results, then these should be addressed, but rather than condemning people for having these certain natural predispositions, they should be embraced simply to save the shepherds time and energy that can be used more productively than undertaking the laborious and often futile task of attempting to cause people to disregard their instincts and act contrary to the way their body and mind naturally reacts.” Says Stacy

“As much as people are animals, it is their proneness to believing otherwise that makes me think that the science of studying instincts and methods to tame and train humans might not produce as replicable of results that training an animal does. A dog won’t have any sort of philosophical debate in his mind to put his training into context with his own preconceived notions of what he is or whatever beliefs he has about the world then have these arguments affect his training somehow, not that this is always necessarily counterproductive, but this debate inside of the mind of a human can often overpower any sort of human training through the power of the mind overpowering the reality surrounding it.” Says Jenna

“The human mind is a blank slate save for its instincts and what little it can naturally deduce through its own senses; this leaves the rest of the thoughts and notions that fill a humans mind to be filled by its predecessors. For that reason the study of these things would develop an understanding of what sort of education accommodates the desired results in the humans and what sort of education proves to be a hindrance to the rearing of quality people. Thought it could easily take generations of the study of this science to create definitive results, there are many ways that these psychological experiments can prove valuable in a short period of time by focusing on the natural reactions of an adults mind and any ability to condition these minds to produce more desirable results, as much as this is rowing against the current, it is still very viable and can easily produce measurable results if there is dedication to this vital yet disregarded science.” Says Stacy

“I’m sure everybody will be happy to participate in studies that measure the efficacy of training and dissuasion methods in humans. That sounds like a delightful experience to be honest.” Says Grace

“I wouldn’t mind if there were treats, it’s not like training or dissuasion are bad things anyways; that’s basically what society is; many forms of training and dissuasion utilized to make sure everything runs smoothly. I don’t want to be beaten or anything, but I’m sure you can have a lot of studies without doing anything bad to people. Maybe it will teach me to be even more successful, who knows?” says Ophelia

“I just think it’s kind of disrespectful to compare humans to dogs and then treat them like dogs.” Says Grace

“I think you’re just bitter you’ve been compared to a dog plenty of times, and it wasn’t people calling you ‘good girl’ either.” Jokes Isabelle

“While agreeing with me might make you an allegedly terrible person, disagreeing with me more than likely maims or more probably kills the entire human race. It is a matter of necessity that this sort of revolution occur, because as of today people are destroying themselves and the planet due to their lack of quality training and conditioning, and in order for the world to make the massive changes required to save the planet, the people themselves must be tamed to the point they don’t destroy everything on this cozy little cottage of a planet due to their natural consumptive instinct. That would be the basic level of necessary training, and from there people can be conditioned to become even more valuable and reliable rather than suffering from the same tragedies that befall poorly trained dogs.” Says Stacy

“I can’t criticize you for presuming that you’re always right, as every renowned conjecturer who mused upon human existence had the same level of baseless confidence, but you tend to disagree with or disregard nearly all accepted notions regarding human existence on principle, which is the part of your argument that contradicts the mentality of most people who would otherwise at least acknowledge these prior notions of conjecture and seek to build upon or debate them. I know this may be due to your mental predisposition to, and I quote, ‘delightfulness’, but objectively, why put so much faith in the assertions of yourself, a 14 year old schoolgirl, rather than at least consider the possibility that thousands of years of human thought has produced some reasonable notions that are of some value or hold some legitimacy?” asks Jenna

“Thinkers have built upon the ideas of their predecessors, and this is valuable, as this is a method of creating progress rather than regression, but it is also logically flawed to depend entirely on this due to the fact that these notions and justifications may be incorrect or flawed, which is highly likely in a field of study like philosophy which is little more than formalized delusion, yet despite this fact these notions are accepted blindly this causes the incorrectness to build upon itself and further perpetuate itself simply because these delusions can be instilled into people because they can tempt those who are informed of them to put faith in them.

I observe and report, and this is based upon my own ability to gather information and draw conclusions. I rely on this methodology because to presume that any forgone conclusion that had occurred to a prior individual, or to even be aware of it, would be to corrupt my own capacity to reason and utilize logic to formulate an idea, because these conjectures would become prominent in my mind, and I would hold my own thoughts in comparison to these formalized standards which ultimately my hold no more validity than any other delusional fantasy. If these deductions posed by the thinkers of yore do hold merit, then ultimately with enough input of data and information I would formulate the exact same conclusions because these notions or beliefs hold true in the testable scientific manner, just as how two people measuring gravity on earth would formulate the exact same equations if done correctly.

On principle, the acceptance of any sort of idea or notion is nothing more than a shortcoming on your own part to do any thinking and come to a conclusion yourself, as you are simply letting somebody else come to that decision for you. I understand that some people are not capable of that level of thought, but I enjoy believing that I am certainly intelligent and capable enough to form my own beliefs and cite reasonable bases for my philosophy and methodology, as much as many people might disagree, this plethora of people can all be simplified down to a very small number of people based upon which philosophical mindset they have embraced, because despite their numbers, their thoughts are identical, and to argue that the size of a population that holds a belief gives it any justification is to argue in favor of geocentric astronomy due to its historically widespread acceptance.

This comparison simply because most all of the fields I debate have very little veritable data to justify any of the accepted notions regarding them, so I argue that these philosophical ideals have as little credibility as folklore as they have nothing to substantiate their claims, which ultimately means their value to society is only as great as society’s willingness to believe them, and as someone who would rather leave as little as possible depending on something as volatile as the conscious human mind, I seek to find alternatives to this sort of philosophical mentality that are more so grounded and rooted in reality as opposed to ideal and fanciful fantasies.” Says Stacy

“Your logic is somewhat reasonable, but when you draw conclusions that contradict society and thus reality, this kind of invalidates any sort of merit they would have. Even if you are naturally correct, the artificial reality constructed by the fact that these allegedly fallacious beliefs have been ingrained in such a massive percentage of the population means your natural correctness has essentially become invalidated by the fact that we diverge further and further from a natural world every day. Your beliefs regarding discipline and industry may be shared in some respects by places like China, but how can you justify your beliefs like segregation and even more ridiculous ideas like the entire selective breeding program you seek to somehow implement when the world is vehemently opposed to these things due to ethical objections?” asks Grace

“People instinctively seek homogeny; this is has nothing to do with racism or bigotry but it is a simple matter of instinctive preference. Plenty of people have twelve spoons that are all the same, but they also probably have a spoon or two that are starkly different than the regular set of spoons, and these people will instinctively avoid these different spoons just because of people’s preferences for sameness and conformity. This is not due to some bigotry against the spoon or how it looks in particular, this is just how the mind works; conformity represents safety and predictability, where differences are often markers of things that can be dangerous and this is why they are instinctively distrusted. Even if this may seem foolish to make a point of this, that the spoons are no different in utility and should not be subject to discrimination, this does not mean that the human mind will easily agree with this argument and this is because their instinct conditions them not to do this.

Segregation is not a matter of racism, but avoiding this unsettling feeling and the aversion created when things fail to be homogenous, and this level of natural discrimination present in people’s minds presents itself as much in their collection and utilization of silverware as it does in society, so rather than actively and relentlessly attempt to combat this instinctive predisposition towards seeking homogeny and distrusting differences, the problems this inherent instinct creates in an integrated society can be avoided entirely via segregation, and the resulting homogeny will induce instinctive levels of trust and comfort in the people within the society, much in the same respect that people have this instinctive trust and comfort induced by using the spoons that all conform to their otherwise homogenous collection with the exception of a few oddities. In a segregated society even these different spoons will no longer feel different from the rest of society, but they will feel entirely at home in a society that is not troubled by its natural distrust of things that are different from themselves simply because these things do not exist in such a society.

I am not saying that people can’t get along or cooperate, but inducing this natural feeling of comfort, belonging, and safety by accommodating the instincts of people is a very easy way to both avoid problems and induce a healthier and happier mindset in each respective person due to a lack of constantly battling their fear and distrust of other people. It’s not that it cannot be tamed as any other instinct, but doing so requires a serious investment of time, effort, and energy but produces little if any benefit while consistently creating massive problems, and this is done solely in the name of idealist delusions and fantasies. By integrating you are preventing people from reaping the benefits of this instinct, as the feeling of comfort, safety, and belonging are all beneficial to the performance of a person, whereas segregating these people and then using integration only when need be to facilitate cooperation between these separate societies gives the people all of the benefits of integration while also giving them the instinctive feelings of safety and belonging induced by homogeny that quell unrest and uneasiness.” Says Stacy

“Provided that the problems that resulted from segregation miraculously resurface you actually had a somewhat reasonable argument for that. As for your breeding program I’ve yet to be convinced.” Says Grace

“On principle, things are created for a reason, the reason is to serve a purpose, and these things develop over time to increase in quality, value, and efficacy. This applies to all things from farm tools to weaponry, progressing from chiseled stones into the tractors and jet fighters we have today. This is how civilization has become what it is, and using the unpopular but factual argument that people are things, this same methodology can easily be applied to people, and while it may take more time due to the time consuming nature of producing and rearing people, the results of investing the time and effort to develop and improve upon humans in the same right, treating them as another form of technology, will result in comparable levels of improvement of quality and capability of the beast. Though the results will likely not be as statistically grandiose as the capability of a tractor when compared to stone tools, the results will still be significant and clearly make these efforts worthwhile.

The ethical argument against this sort of a breeding program is clearly negated by the fact that any sort of animal will quickly devolve into painful degeneracy with the absence of natural selection, and the fact that the benefits of this scientific and technological improvement upon natural selection will produce a much greater quality of life for the people results in this program being far more ethical when the measurements of the pain of physical, genetic, social shortcomings of failure compare to the physical, genetic, and social benefits this program would produce over a sustained period of time in the lives of the people it produces. The fact that people may have to sacrifice some of their freedom is no more unethical than making it illegal to assault or murder people, because failing to instate this sort of program to ensure the quality of the human genetics is veritably and consciously choosing to torture the generations of people that will come to inherit this planet due to their poor genetic make-up.

Selective breeding has already proven to be extremely valuable in the fields of animal husbandry, so this is not some sort of lofty idea based entirely in theory, but it is a thoroughly tested and proven method to increase the quality of the animals that are produced, and to oppose this practical and valuable science is little more than barbarous sadism that will torture all subsequent generations of humankind, solely in the name of defending rampant random fornication despite the fact that idealizing this level of feral reproduction is comparable to defending scavenging for berries and exhaustion hunting of small game as being superior to and more desirable than agriculture.” Says Stacy

“I don’t know why I love hearing you talk about people like that, but I do. I very much so love it.” Says Isabelle

“I’m sure you understand that you see yourself as the farmer and not the beast, and I’d say your probably as delusional as Stacy in that regard, it’s not like you’re really part of some plutocratic shadow government, you’re just rich.” Says Grace

“I figure you’d love it too, seeing how it breaks the balls of every cocksure man on the planet.” Says Isabelle

“I’m fine with that part; it’s more so that women will be the ones bearing 99 percent of the burden of this sort of program. That’s what I’m not so fond of.” Says Grace

“As much as it may shatter the delusions of every independent business-minded women of the world, the natural role of a woman is defined predominantly and almost entirely by her ability to bear and rear children, so that really should be respected far more than it is today. Women need to bear children, and seeing how their reluctance to do so is becoming problematic, this really needs to be addressed. This is largely due to societal pressure to have them work, which is unfortunate, but as much as I am in favor of reproductive reform, I would be a bit concerned if there was a program like the one Stacy seeks that was used to address the problem.

I can see that value of the program, but that is like being able to see the value of having a government. Just because you have a government doesn’t mean that it is a good government, and it is very easy for a government to succumb to flaws and corruption that quickly reduce the value of such an institution to the point where it can even yield negative value. When you are breeding these people selectively, you have complete control over the populations of certain peoples and their proportions; I can understand that you want to breed people of desirable genetics, but how do you determine what percentage of society should be this type or that type, this race or that race, because it ultimately comes down to the digression of the program, and that power is quite concerning to say the least.” Says Jenna

“I’m glad you are aware of the importance of the types of person, and as adapted phenotypes are established, these people are created in proportion to the projected demands of the industries that would employ people who are in some or many ways genetically adapted for that sort of work. There would be a level of replacement met for all viable strains of genetics in order to study them and incase these genetics prove to have value in individuality, and beyond that these genetics are scientifically utilized to create people in a long running experiment in order to analyze the genetics of people and compare this to their yield, with selective breeding being utilized to attempt to create cultivars that are adapted for certain things. This will take a very long time in order to fully understand, but plenty of things can be done at the start in order to accommodate the success of the nation.

Presuming there is a reasonable level of acceptance of the principles of veritocracy, profitocracy, pimpocracy and all the other sorts of governing principles I defend, the people would be produced in accordance with these philosophies. The verity of the situation in regards to the proportions of which races are created would invariably prioritize creating white people as the standard race of people, at least in this country, and it would vary by country of course, but here whites are the most ideal to utilize when creating a person for general purpose as well as many specific purposes for a very specific reason. This is entirely due to history, because white people don’t have any basis to form a preconceived notion that they are being enslaved or exploited, whereas other races can easily form that sentiment based on history.

In a strict system, people who believe that their position is due to a history of being continuously enslaved or otherwise exploited by the system and the nation will form resentment far more readily than those without this context to form such an opinion, and when this opinion is formed, these people who hold it will be far more prone to creating unrest and discontent due to this belief of their own oppression that can easily be reinforced through history. It is not that the white people would be treated poorly or enslaved any more than other people; it is just that the nature of such a rigid society, with so many pleasures and freedoms being abstained from, can easily create a sense that these measures are not taking place for the good of society, but in order to punish these people because they are different than the others.

The other races are all valuable in and of themselves, but ensuring that the majority of people all phenotypically look like the great members of history, the kings, the queens, the classical art, the founding fathers, and all sorts of historically significant figures will give them natural grounds to believe that they are the continuation of these great people, and that the society they live in was created over hundreds of years by people similar to themselves, and they will find these figures to be inspiring rather than symbols of social difference and oppression, and this will result in them feeling far more trusting and comfortable in their role of laborers with very structured lives in a rigid society.” Says Stacy

“Your ability to seek out advantages is enviable to say the least. That was actually impressive, as disagreeable as it might seem.” Says Isabelle

“The degree to which you mechanically come to a conclusion and then disregard its objectionable nature due to the perceived quality of the results of the solution is astounding. You have absolutely no qualms with exploiting the psychology of common humans to your benefit, and that may actually prove to be valuable if the powers that be actually find your ideas to be meritorious.” Says Jenna

“That part I am not even that concerned about; society is always about getting the psychology of humans to cooperate. I am more concerned with the more so unethical parts of your breeding proposition. I think about that girl Eva and how your program would likely sterilize her for being insane, even though she is still a delightful person which is ultimately terrible. Just because somebody isn’t perfect doesn’t mean they’re not valuable and meaningful people who deserve to live full and happy lives, and if that means bearing children, they should be more than entitled to do so even if they might have some form of mental illness. I’m sure that you could diagnose the majority of the country with a mental illness, so that only further compounds my concerns with that sort of ruthless mentality.” Says Grace

“If we are going to disregard augury despite its historical significance regardless of the fact that its preeminence in most ancient cultures could easily be a sign of the possible legitimacy of augury, being an augur is hardly a condition that will cause any sort of problems in the person’s life. As a matter of genetic triage, an otherwise functional augur is near the pinnacle of quality among the sets of genetically, physically, and allegedly mentally ill individuals. I would argue in favor of studying these people due to the fact that if supernatural phenomena do exist, these people would be the only way to study such things, but there are massive numbers of conditions that don't provide any justification to facilitate their existence or reproduction, and few if any have the well documented and extraordinary historical significance that augury does.

I would not put much priority into this, due to the ethereal nature of the study making it very difficult while the standard sciences are far more readily measured, but if science has reached a point where it no longer can be advanced due to  complexity making impossible to learn enough to make progress or a lack of resources, then the study of augury would be one of the few fields that science could possibly make advances in, and if it does somehow provide some benefit through rather dependable prophecy as the ancients were confident that it did, then it would be wise to sustain a population of healthy augurs that can still otherwise function as normal people. I wouldn’t refute something that was so commonly accepted as fact throughout history simply due to a lack of veritable proof, seeing how the absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence, so long as it doesn’t cost us money to do so, there’s no reason to throw away that lotto ticket.” Says Stacy

“You have more faith in augury than you do in the human race. I don’t see that going over well with anyone save for some extraordinarily superstitious people and perhaps some groups of very native people who still value that sort of thing.” Says Jenna

“I have no evidence to discredit augury, but I have mountains of evidence to disparage society and the human race as a whole and on the individual level. I would easily argue that listening to quality augurs as opposed to self-righteous hedonists would create a better society than what we have today, seeing how an augur at least has respect for something besides themselves.” Says Stacy

“When all means and avenues of conquest have been conquered, there will be nothing left to do but seek to venture into the supernatural world to see what it might afford us. I don’t have much faith in a lotto ticket, certainly not over science and hard work, but if there is no longer any hope of attaining greater success, there’s always the chance that a lotto ticket might win something, even if it isn’t much.” Says Isabelle

“Augury is not the issue here; the issue is sterilizing and probably killing people right and left because you think they’re not worthy of being alive. Has everybody else grown so used to Stacy’s ranting’s that that sort of rhetoric doesn’t even cause you to bat an eye?” asks Grace

“I’m not going to spend my life being upset with Stacy for whatever it is she feels like saying. At the end of the day they’re just words pertaining to some silly little fantasy where she has a nonsensical amount of political power. It’s the same as listening to anyone else rant about politics, but at least it’s actually interesting sometimes as opposed to the same trite drone of anyone with the standard views that are of equally little value to society. She may be indifferent to morality, but she usually has a logical reason, as much as it’s not exactly justifiable in the minds of idealists, who despite what they want to think, actually manage to create a sizable amount of preventable problems and pain in society due to their ideals which are equally ignorant to the repercussions of holding a belief blindly and disregarding the repercussions of that belief and the problems it creates due to some cult-like worship of the ideals.” Says Jenna

“It’s just a game to try and convince her of something without relying on opinions or feelings. It’s hard, but if you can actually do it she might come up with better ideas.” Says Ophelia

“It’s kind of ironic due to opinions and feelings defining human reality for the most part, at least in terms of politics, so if she actually wanted to accomplish something focusing on the emotional appeal of her arguments would make more sense.” Says Jenna

“Money rules everything for a good reason, if the money wasn’t so damn humble and would stop pretending that feelings or opinions are relevant in the slightest, the world would actually be able to function above the level of a schizophrenic idiot who thinks the nonsense he hallucinates is somehow relevant to reality.” Says Isabelle

“I can’t really argue with the fact that it might make more money, but that doesn’t mean it can be justified when the ethics are taken into account.” Says Grace




“I am as humane as the humane society, which is clearly defended as ethical. Any sensible euthanasia program would not condemn the lives of people who are already alive and happen to be disabled but are able to function with little to no investment of resources and produce value to society despite their mild shortcomings. Even those people who are so disabled that they are not cost effective to keep alive would not make up a substantial amount of the people relieved from their duties. A major factor in the cost of healthcare and thus tax expenditure is due to people failing to die gracefully, meaning hundreds of billions if not trillions of dollars are spent so that these people might be able to writhe longer and provide no value to society while they suffer in pain and then eventually die.

The euthanasia program is largely designed to address this problem, as well as its parallel in the sector of federal spending of royalties paid to retirees for their labor. The net yield is the ultimate determining factor of who receives what medical treatment, and should the investment of money fail provide a positive return, then this medical expense is forgone and these unaffordability ill people are given the choice to writhe naturally or otherwise die gracefully, because all money that is wasted attempting to make dying people happy would be much more productively spent if it were invested in the industry and the upkeep of the laborers; dying people are always writhing, and dead people are at peace, so while it may seem inhumane to euthanize someone, the current alternative amounts to nothing but the torture of the dying as well as the resulting depravity induced amongst the healthy people due to funding this costly torture, and this is far more inhumane than euthanasia.

People always support euthanizing dying and suffering pets, and this is clearly the most humane option; it is far more inhumane to fail to do this to people than it would be to actually do it, because this amounts to little more than torture of all people including the dying and the economy. The euthanasia of people solely for taking the federal retirement money would be far less common, and this is because their investment in society through their labor is respected, and when the cost of sustaining human life is kept as low as possible, this would not decimate their net yield anywhere as readily as expensive medical care. This spending amounts to trillions every year, and it is entirely unjustifiable through any lenses that it can be viewed; these people should find great honor in dying gracefully through euthanasia rather than starving the youth and workers of a profuse increase in the quality of life that would result from this money being invested properly, yet instead  of being responsible, the insane idealist thing to do is to decimate the quality of life of healthy people and decimate the quality of industry so that dying people might suffer for a brief period longer.

This is where the true value of euthanasia comes into play, this alone puts over a trillion dollars back into the vital parts of society that fuel society economy, and to achieve this sort of tax revenue otherwise would mean that the economy would have to operate at 150% capacity while the budgetary expenses stay the same. If anyone criticizes this program, they are only defending the exacerbation of the torture of people of both parties involved, the living and the dying alike, and the fact that society allows some idealist concept to result in crippling the economy and exacerbating the torture of people in a plethora of ways only serves to demonstrate the true sickness of the mental illness of idealism. Of course this does not mean the terminally ill and dying cannot be of value, and this is due to the fact that end-of-life healthcare is a massive and profitable industry around the world, and these people can donate their still living bodies to science in an effort to do productive research that will be able to turn a profit, it is just important to make this distinction because providing this healthcare when it is not done under such terms that further the profitability of an industry is extremely reckless and wasteful.” Says Stacy

“That’s a comically ironic argument coming from somebody who is staunchly pro-torture.” Says Jenna

“I support productive torture, and this system is clearly an exorbitantly destructive form of torture. Clearly there is a difference between arguing that driving the correct way down the street is beneficial compared to arguing that driving the wrong way is somehow beneficial.” Says Stacy

“The allegory comparing torture to driving just exposed the number of allegorical parallels that could go wrong in a sanctioned torture program. Speeding, crashing, and mechanical failure all come to mind.” Says Jenna

“All we must do is be conscious of this allegory, and we can avoid most if not all of those problems entirely. We simply must drive responsibly and perform routine maintenance; then we only have to worry about addressing unexpected mechanical failure.” Says Stacy

“I can see you looking over some array of torture devices and enjoying it as if it were some kind of car collection.” Jokes Jenna

“It’s not that I enjoy the torture; I enjoy the results of proper torture. Seldom will a farmer enjoy the work more than the food or money the work produces.” Says Stacy

“I’m sure somebody out there would love that job. There used to be a reasonable demand for torturers, I’m sure plenty of them want to see the industry make a comeback.” jokes Isabelle

“As reasonable as it might seem, there would be massive international backlash for creating a program like that. I’m sure that doesn’t bode well for any prospective success.” Says Grace

“The euthanasia program is the extremely humane option here, the alternative is creating a debtors prison commune where all people that happen to be unjustifiable expenses are relocated to, and this place functions as an almost entirely independent state in the federation. Within this state they are certainly allowed to perform the labor required to sustain their lives and attempt to avoid all of the very accessible methods of murder and suicide that are available to them, and as this is ironically more humane than euthanasia according to the idealists, the world will constantly be reminded, through the power of international media, of the fact that their humanism induces this level of extreme suffering in the people due to their barring of euthanasia which results in this entirely dysfunctional system where people must writhe to death or commit suicide. If they are still upset with that solution, we can just load as many of them as possible onto old cargo ships and then sink the ships in the waters of any country complaining about either option so that they can be so nice as to take all of these dying people as migrant refugees and pay the bill these militant humanist nations are responsible for creating like any self-respecting person would.” Says Stacy

“Euthanasia does sound way nicer than that; I don’t see why it is so super terrible seeing how it is considered very nice and loving to do to a pet in a similar situation. I don’t even see why you would think the debtor prison is a reasonable solution.” Says Ophelia

“It’s not; that’s just what the humanists are arguing in favor of, a much more painful and torturous death at the hands of natural causes instead of just being put to sleep peacefully with an IV of barbs, morphine, and grain alcohol.” Says Stacy

“The main objection is that people are intelligent life forms when compared to animals, so to deny them the freedom to stay alive if they want to is completely inhumane. If they want to die, that is fair, but if they don’t then that is clearly murder.” Says Grace

 “Considering that the alternative is allowing them to commit destructive economic terrorism, it is clearly justifiable self-defense of the nation if it really must be perceived like that.” Says Stacy

“That’s still pretty evil.” Says Grace

“It’s just common sense, a business rapidly fails when 99% of its employees fail to turn a net profit, and the same thing applies to a country. There is no future if the country is in the red every year because soon enough the entire state will become insolvent and then everybody is fucked. Just as an employer is forced to let go of employees who are not functioning as they should, the country is no different. To operate the state yet fail to operate with proper business sense is ridiculous, as the state, whose existence and function are directly parallel to that of a business, with revenue and expenditures in order to produce something of value, must remain solvent in order to exist and continue to function. The failure to operate the country in a sustainable and productive way as if it were any other business is reckless if not veritable economic terrorism due to the problems for society a failure of the state would create.” Says Isabelle

“I will admit that the state needs to address its budget problems, but I don’t think killing people is the most reasonable solution here.” Says Grace

“The issue is that our current system doesn’t work well enough to survive into the future, so rather than attempt to drive a sputtering car until it breaks down entirely, we must be reasonable and craft a new one. It is not that my ideas are perfect; it is that they are far enough away from our current system to avoid the definitive inherent shortcomings, and while mine may have problems, it actually has means to address these problems through the standards of veritocracy.

American democracy is so idealistic that it preemptively cuts its own hands off, arguing that there will never be problems that it must use its hands to correct and that cutting of its own hands is somehow a solution to the problem of the government having hands, when in the end the people all still have hands and create the same problems a state with hands would have created through their own self-righteous indignation, ignorance, and moral shortcomings rather than despotism. This problem of handed people in a handless state has caused countless crippling problems to create themselves and have parasitically thrived due to a lack of any threats to their existence. If the people have hands independent from the state, at the very least the state needs hands independent from the people in order to defend its own health and function. Realistically, the people could do without one of their hands so they can’t simultaneously choke each other and punch each other in the face repeatedly, choking the airway of the economy and brutally assaulting the eyes and brain of the nation with democracy, while the economy meagerly fights back by coddling the costly and unproductive disorganization of society as well as the vice peddling the people love so much.” Says Stacy

“As vague as that allegory was, the reason the state lacks its own hands is because the people have no way to defend themselves against the state. It’s like putting a small child against a heavyweight boxer.” Says Jenna

“So instead of having a heavyweight boxer in charge we have an army of small bickering children. I can understand that it can be an intimidating prospect, but an army of bickering children will never produce the results a unified heavyweight boxer would when given the same tasks to undertake. Avoiding the abuses of power can be done in a far more productive way than avoiding power entirely in order to ensure some level of safety from the boxer. The power to get things done is the only reason governments are created, and when the state fails to produce a reliable, productive, and efficient system by which things can be accomplished, they are largely defeating the purpose of government in the name of getting high on ideals.” Says Stacy

“It’s easy to argue that the powerlessness of the state has more than justified itself, seeing how most states that chose to wield more power were eventually destroyed to their misuse of the power that they held. Without giving the state that power, there is no way for them to destroy themselves. Seeing how it is likely 100% probable that people will destroy themselves if given the power to do so, I would say it’s far more reasonable to avoid giving any people that power over the state.” Says Jenna

“The people will destroy themselves, this is certain, and this is as much the reality in a democracy as it is in any despotic system, but I don’t argue in favor of empowering any people in the slightest. I seek to avoid all of the problems that people with power create, including the problems created by granting people power based upon the size of their mob, and this can only be accomplished by using non-human measures to govern by ensuring that the decisions of the state are based off of veritable reality such a science, logic, economics, and any medium that can be measured, compared, and judged with legitimate accuracy instead of making decisions based upon the popularity of entirely baseless arguments stemming from opinions and ideal.” Says Stacy

“You’re smart, but you’re too smart, sadly. This is America, and you should know by now that freedom and beliefs are magnitudes more important than science, logic, economics, and any of those veritable mediums that could possibly disagree with somebody’s beliefs or strip them of their freedom. It doesn’t matter what the numbers say, the people don’t need numbers to know what’s best, and they certainly know what’s best for themselves and the country.” Jokes Isabelle

“I’m sure Stacy didn’t need any reminders of the importance of disregarding measurable reality and trumping it with her own beliefs.” Jokes Jenna

“Maybe just focus on making the good changes instead of putting so much emphasis on the questionable ones. Even if they might make money or be helpful, it’s hard to get the changes to work as intended if people don’t like them, because the people will actively get in the way and mess things up.” Says Ophelia

“The entire issue is doing what people like as opposed to what should be done, a baby doesn’t like getting inoculated with a syringe, but arguing that we should forgo inoculations due to that fact is absurd. People will always do what you let them do, and that includes getting in the way and messing things up, which is terribly petty and nothing more than shamelessly unproductive if not destructive self-righteousness. The only way to make a change is to be powerful, the only way to be powerful is to wield money, the only way to wield money is to be successful, and this is the failure in the logic of the common do-gooder because they seek to do good and trump business sense with their sanctimoniousness in a world indifferent to right or wrong that inherently understands that value exclusively exists in money, as much as the pretentious asshats in politics are paid to delude the people that this is not the case and are more than happy to get paid for doing so.

The only way these vitally good and necessary things such as attempting to save the planet and whatnot can be done is by being naturally successful and powerful enough to solve the problem while still being economically competitive, because hindering the success of industry in an attempt to accomplish good things only causes your industry to falter and then neither the industry nor the do-gooders have the means to actually accomplish the good things the latter party sought to accomplish.  It may seem inhumane, but if you are burning a fire in an air-tight area, physics will have no problem with suffocating you because you’ve burned away most all of the oxygen, so this reality that nature is more than happy to let us kill ourselves should be thoroughly acknowledged.

This means that if we are to save the planet, the allegorical homicidally dangerous self-harming mentally retarded man-child of reckless, wasteful and polluting human entitlement and consumption must be restrained and have a helmet put on his head, but for this to be true, there must be a force strong enough to be capable of wrestling this horse of a man and subduing him to the point where this is possible. This is all I seek to do, to restrain a dangerous person for the benefit of society, it is perfectly justifiable for the police to do this to an individual, yet doing this to society due to the fact that society as a whole is equally as dangerous and destructive as a criminal is allegedly unjustifiable because of the sick sadomasochistic fetishes of humanism and idealism.” Says Stacy

“The sheer amount of power and precision that your methods would require makes creating a system for somebody to wield that power equally reckless. Though having meticulous control over most all aspects of the economy and human life could theoretically result in a far better reality, the difficulty and improbability of achieving those desired results given that someone is powerful enough to theoretically accomplish them means that we would be making a massive gamble to better a system by risking our current one that is at least half-decent and respectable stable, even if it is lacking in efficacy. Absolute power corrupts absolutely, and to think that anyone exists who would not take advantage of such power for their own personal gain is easily far more idealistic than the current system.” Says Grace

“It is common knowledge that absolute power corrupts absolutely. Rational equations are also common knowledge. Thus it should be common knowledge and common sense that corruption is directly proportional to power and thus the only way to remove corruption is to strip all people of all power. This means creating a system in which the people hold no power, and the only way this is possible without reducing the country to an anarchist nation of braindead quadriplegics is to create a system such as a veritocracy where the people have absolutely no power to argue against the veritable sciences and they are entirely subject to the measurements and realizations of scientific experiment, as well as the experiments themselves. When the system is mathematic, testable, measurable, and provable it cannot be corrupted by far more baseless things such as human whim, opinion, ideal, or ignorance, and this natural degree of merit should give it absolute authority over all people.

If the people should seek to change something, they must plead with the veritocracy by staging and citing experiments and trials in order to prove the validity of their argument. An autocracy of facts would rule down with a hierarchy of veritability, and thus all principles that define society are only valid because they are proven by math and science, with a tribunal in place to judge and measure the reality of aphorism, maxims, axioms, allegory, hypothesis, and conjecture in order to convert common sense into proven scientific law or otherwise well established and tested theory in order to have a system of governance that must be assailed through legitimate means as opposed to the fickle whims, emotions, sentiments, and other childish fancy that has no justification to govern reality, especially when these things are naturally so divergent from reality due to the predisposition of the human mind to form baseless presumption justified by hallucinatory emotions and feelings as well as the sheer inability of the human mind to collect and process all data pertinent to an argument before forming an opinion which they will easily defend with a level of savagery comparable to that of their ignorance.” Says Stacy

“I would be much happier in a world without argument. If you could somehow prove that some belief or the other is actually better with science, that would save a lot of time when it comes to the silly bickering people do. The fact that people pretend it is some sort of blessing to be obligated to form opinions about things you probably don’t know anything about and then use those to somehow make society a better place is ridiculous. That would be like asking me to go be some car mechanic and expecting the car to work at the end of the day, when I don’t know the first thing about cars.” Says Ophelia

“As perfect as that idea is in theory, it is extremely difficult to manifest; but even if it operates to a respectable degree, then there is still the issue of somehow measuring and comparing the value of certain results against each other: environmental destruction against profit, safety against freedom, productivity vs mental health, and all those sorts of things that perhaps could be misconstrued because the short term benefits might seem measurably justifiable, but this may only due to the long term effects being rather immeasurable or unknown.” Says Jenna

“Science has never been perfect, nor will it ever be perfect; it is the quest to attain knowledge that is closer to perfection than what is currently understood or believed to be true. Newton’s laws did not define all of reality perfectly, but they were certainly far better and more useful than what was known to the people at the time. From Newton’s laws, physics was able to use this as a benchmark and improve upon itself due to the fact that these laws were able to withstand criticism due to their measurable validity, thus in order for progress to be made, this progress must surpass this benchmark and be veritably more so correct than these laws which have still withstood the test of time today. Without the process of measurement, testability, and proper benchmarks, the system of governance amounts to little more than taking shots in the dark and hoping for the best, which is asinine in a world so defined by scientific advancement.” Says Stacy

“The point still stands that what seems to be measurable validity could prove to be dangerous conjecture, just look at the history of the study of radioactivity. The Curies and others were doing legitimate science, but that doesn’t mean they didn’t end up dying on account of their ignorance despite having a massive degree of scientific knowledge at their disposal.” Says Jenna

“A small number of people died on account of researching radiation in order to make extraordinary scientific progress; this is very productive, honorable, and extremely justifiable when compared to the hundreds of millions of people who have died in wars fought in the name of some political ideal. Politics will invariably kill, hinder, plague, blight, and torture far more people than a scientific system would; even in a world without war, politics and the resulting poor economics still remain the primary sources of most all strife and conflict in the world. The world cannot operate without government, but it can easily operate without politics, and all that takes is to replace the antiquated worship of fancy and ideal with measurable veritable science. Ensuring that a human life produces value and meaningful progress for society should be the only ideal, for any ideal that ensures that most all human life yields negative value and produces societal degeneration is no more defensible than the delusions of the people who argue homeopathic medicine is more so beneficial, curative, and justifiable than that of scientifically proven ones.” Says Stacy

“It’s easy to state that science is great, but it’s hard to state great science. Seeing as the most everyone in the world is too squeamish to even propose the meaningful experiments, this places the burden on the backs of those willing to value science and reality more than the delusions of the everyman. For all I know, that population consists of Stacy and perhaps a few noble souls likely institutionalized or ostracized for being so sick with the lunacy of realism.” Says Isabelle

“I am happy to respect science any day of the week, but Stacy is reluctantly at the third quartile of performance in school on a good day, and she clearly isn’t the paragon of abstinence from delusion. A foray into the realm of realism, as novel as it sounds would likely just amount to the conclusion that the sheer futility of manifesting and reality from any of this rhetoric is more than enough reason to abandon any sense of optimism while we die quietly and enjoy ourselves to whatever extent we still can. Even Stacy’s amoral inhumanity is more sanguine and saccharin than realism, so that’s half the reason I’m so willing to tolerate it. To an idealist it may seem terrible, but to me it sounds like cheery optimism compared to the future I’m rather confident is likely to ensue within my lifetime.” Says Jenna

“It is what it is, and the only thing we can do is make the most of it. Optimism and pessimism all relate to perceiving reality through a lens comparing reality to what was or will be possible as opposed to accepting reality for what it is, accepting this, and valuing only reality and the creation of reality while disregarding the pursuit of hypothetical possibility in favor of legitimate realization.” Says Isabelle

“That is all I seek to do, to make the most of it. I have no scientific merits, but I am empowered by my magnificent arrogance and self-righteousness in the same respect that justifies the baseless presumptions and assertions of all politicians and philosophers of yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Socrates knew one thing: that he knew nothing at all, and that did not stop him from becoming a cornerstone of Philosophy for thousands of years. I do not know anything, for that implies certainty, but in a world where the any justification of a sentiment or ideal is merely the sound of a shot in the dark, I am one of the few willing to open my eyes to observe and utilize what knowledge I can glean from the world around me in order to aim my potshots as best I can, for far too many of the minds who shaped our world kept their eyes closed and attempted to aim a gun using the insight of introspection.

I may be inhuman for disregarding this ideal as folly, but nature and the world around us are equally as inhuman, and until the day comes when all physical phenomena within reality are equally as swayed by idealistic banter and humanism as people are, the delusions of cognizance will continue to be as impractical and unfounded as any other flavor of diagnosable delirium. One with airs will argue that philosophy and politics are not merely shooting a gun, but at the end of the day, the only purpose they serve is to provide people what they need to survive, and despite however carefully one has thought about it, if the shot fails to hit the game bird, it’s all for naught, and when we’re all starving, the people will ask why the man with the gun forsook the potshot and starved the people in the name of honoring the rules of the sport.” Says Stacy

“As much as you like to call humans the pinnacle of the cancerousness amongst the progeny of nature, you should be more wary of the fact that drawing reasoning from the natural world to justify actions in the largely unnatural world of human society will likely not work as it would in nature.” Says Jenna




“Society is unnatural, but the more that the unnatural elements of society are reduced, the more that the behaviors of people and impetus upon the population will parallel their natural function. Unnatural things are by definition cancerous and degenerative, because if they were not, they would be entirely natural, it is only due to the fact that society fails to effectively eliminate these unnatural, cancerous, and degenerative aspects of human life in a similar manner that nature would that these things continuously prove to be problematic. If all things were measured through their resilient and longevitous survivability, then many of the definitive aspects of society would be done away with due to the fact they are maladaptive and condoning these things will result in the illness, degeneration, and the eventual extinction of our species.

When an ideal is embraced and its inherent vulnerabilities are disregarded due to the worshiping of said ideal, this guarantees the evolution of something that will prey upon this vulnerability directly, parasitically, or by any other means in which this competitor can sustain itself. The concept of valuing anything unnatural in a world that has proven for billions of years that success by definition is natural is the antithesis of logic, and for that reason I have vehement disdain for things that are inherently human because by definition this means they are inherently unnatural, as otherwise these things would not be human concepts but natural ones.

There is absolutely no reason to believe that humans can conceive or create something that is more so realistic than nature, because nature has had billions of years to refine success amongst its organisms, while humans have had thousands of years to compound their own pretentious delusions in a shamelessly bold affront to the universe around them. The study of natural phenomena has yielded prolific scientific and technological achievements, while the reverence of human thought and sentiment has resulted in endless chaos, depravity, and destruction. It is clear that of the two of these options that can be utilized in decision making, the latter should be disavowed completely when there are means to do things in a manner that reflects the reality in which we live as opposed to valuing the delusions and delirium that define our markedly cancerous if not unnatural cognizance.” Says Stacy

“Is it really fair to criticize humanity to such a degree? They may have problems, but they have also ushered in remarkable progress from the state of being once feral animals, that level of accomplishment alone should make them worthy of at least a small amount of respect.” Says Grace

“Fairness is a concept of human delusion; nothing is fair, it is only real, and as fairness is an entirely artificial concept, this limits any validity it may have to the same level as any other possible mutual delusion that could be held by people, regardless of whether or not a soul believes in it. Even in the name of fairness, I am completely fair. I don’t judge anything disproportionately nor does preference play any part in my judgement, I simply have high standards.

 To say that I am unfair in my criticism of humanity is to argue that the FDA is being unfair when they bar a company from putting unlisted mercury in baby formula in order to increase the weight of the product for sale. It is true they are condemning somebody for doing something and preventing them from selling formula while other companies are still able to sell formula, but the criticism is well founded and this makes their actions entirely justifiable. I’m not going to lower my standards that I defend are necessary to ensure a minimum level of functionality just because it might upset somebody who is doing the equivalent of putting mercury into the baby formula. Contrary to popular belief, somebody’s feelings do not veritably trump the health and wellbeing of society, even though the massive population of sentimentalists will unfortunately argue otherwise.” Says Stacy

“The criticism of humanity is all good and well; the real concern here is the broad antagonization of artificial things. As much as nature is notoriously successful, artificial flavors are notoriously delicious, and there is a reason why they have become a staple when compared to the natural ones. I can understand the concern in diverging from the guidance of nature, but those delicious flavors are clearly evidence that humans can study nature to discover and create something even better than what nature had managed to create. As much as nature has high quality control, its research and development is largely limited to random trial and error, but the application of human intelligence in order to create unnatural things can certainly be defended in many regards.” Says Isabelle

“Artificial flavors are wonderful, and there is no reason to disrespect them. Just because they’re artificial doesn’t mean that they’re unnatural, because if these flavors were indeed flavored into plants, such plants could likely easily compete in a natural environment alongside natural flavors. Artificial flavors are able to function, compete, succeed, and thrive, and this is what makes them valid due to their emulation of nature. Most medicines are unnatural, but they clearly assist in human survival, so abandoning them would be more so unnatural than keeping them because survivability is a key aspect of natural success; so even if people had access to something unnatural, if it was able to make them more competitive in the wild, this would still be a form of natural evolution albeit from an unnatural advantage.

The issue I raise is with the aspects of society that would not survive in the wild, things that go against the mantras of nature, where humanity has used their own insane capacity for sentimentality to trump natural logic thinking that they are in some way being benevolent, when to coddle this weakness that nature would have no qualms destroying readily is to argue that the existence of life itself is the antithesis of benevolence. If nature condoned the survival of all organisms, there would be nothing forcing life to adapt to become the most competitive and viable organism possible, instead life would have accepted every random mutation and without any sort of organization to this genetic divergence, the world would become a massive cesspool of abominable unnatural creatures capable of doing very little but consuming resources and reproducing given that there are no threats to their survival, despite the fact that if these things were challenged in any way by anything at all, they would all be quickly driven into extinction.

This coddling of a lack of natural competitiveness amongst the people will quickly lead to a world where people are more and more unable to ensure their own survival, which means that should something come to challenge them, be that weather or any other form of disaster, the coddling of these people with no capacity to survive on their own results in a massive die off rather than having as healthy and resilient of a population as possible in order to possibly persevere and survive through such adversity. The coddling of these people who through their own inherent or decrepit parasitism is also a dangerously unnatural phenomena, because when the healthy animals allow these parasites to consume the limited resources of their environment, this means that the healthy animals are putting their own health and survival in jeopardy due to the ensuing dearth of what is needed to survive, compete, and thrive.

This mentality would quickly result in the extinction of a wild species, and when you look at the aspects of society as parallels to nature, this maladaptation has resulted in the death of industry while causing a boom in the predators that prey upon these parasites, being the medical community as well those who import goods to the states, and this means that the rest of the biome is forced to spend a great deal of effort competing with these new predators in order to survive, because these predators have a symbiotic relationship with the parasites and thus they defend them, and this results in an even more rapid depletion of the resources needed to sustain the biome due to the explosion of both the predators and the parasites.

The same allegory can be made about giving lowly people money, where the money acts as a parasite that makes them sick, while predators of bottom feeding capitalists prey on this parasite and keep the host alive in order to ensure its food source still has a host. This may seem like a reasonable food-chain, but when whales, the most massive creatures in the ocean, are able to survive primarily on plankton, some of the smallest creatures, it demonstrates that the ideal food chain for success does not involve countless trophic levels of predation where the big fish prey on the smaller fish for thousands of iterations before it reaches the apex predator. The ideal food chain involves simply being big enough to eat all of the small plankton you need and avoid all of the threats of being preyed upon, while also saving massive amounts of energy because you don’t waste this by actively hunting and fighting, thrashing about vigorously, and this efficient grazing has created the largest and arguably one of the most successful animals in the ocean, at least it was before human hunting began. The point being that convoluted food chains and aggressive predation don’t yield the greatest results or produce the largest and most unassailable beast, they simply make the members of the food chain exert energy that could be used to grow in order to run from predators, defend themselves, or hunt for prey themselves, where the idyllic whale simply swims through a bowl of food all day that does not resist his predation without having to worry about anything because it is so large.” Says Stacy

“Disregarding the usual rhetoric that most of society is parasitic in nature, the allegory about the whale was pretty good. The whale originally evolved on land but then transitioned to the sea to become the dominant or at least largest lifeform in the ocean, and this is actually a good argument in your favor; as the fish are all part of what naturally evolved within the ocean, and they have a limited genepool from which to adapt and also prey upon each other mercilessly, while the whale has a very different and foreign gene pool which ultimately was able to adapt in a much more successful way than the fish, judging by its size and original population density of the rats of the sea. Capitalism, idealism, and the sort would be the fish in that story, that which had naturally evolved over a long period of time within the ocean, where your wildly different ideas would be similar to the introduction of the whale into the ocean. I’m not saying you are going to be the whale, as I’m sure plenty of mammals tried to hold their own in the ocean and were quickly wiped out, but nature argues that it is possible for the introduction of a foreign genus into an environment to quickly succeed and dominate the environment.” Says Jenna

“Even if people are plankton, whales are way cuter than fish anyways, and sharks are way more dangerous than whales, so if we’re going to be eaten anyways, I’d vote for the whale. It kind of makes sense because Stacy always talks about making all the predators in society like business and the state function as one big synonymous entity that doesn’t have middlemen between itself and the people, and that sounds a lot like the whale directly eating the smallest little plankton instead of having all of the big fish hunting the little fish and so on forever like we have today. Instead of running for our lives and trying to fight off the predators we just get to be little plankton and watch the nice and beautiful whales swim around and sing songs knowing that they will eat us, but if we’re getting eaten anyways that’s way better than just being food for a bunch of little fish in a food chain where 98% of them just get eaten by bigger fish, which I’m sure is way more painful than when a whale eats plankton.” Says Ophelia

“Then it’s all about the evolution of the whale from that point; where the whale is so intelligent and powerful due to the capacity of a human that it is able to encourage the creation of plankton so that it can become healthier. That would be the isolationist approach, but an even more competitive approach would be to create artificial fish that are able to outcompete the natural fish of the world who also seek to survive on the same resources, and as these fish populations decrease, the size of the whale can increase because it has more plankton to eat and his plankton have more plankton food to eat, and then the size of the whale alone can keep the populations of the smaller fish in check by limiting their food supply, and this reduction at the bottom of the food-chain would cripple the predators at the top, and so long as the smallest fish are kept struggling by the whale, there will be no food energy to allow the apex predators to evolve in order to prey upon the whale.” Says Isabelle

“Even if the whale was somehow so ecologically viable that it was able to drive the other species into extinction, that level of monoculture would mean that the whale population is extremely vulnerable to disease, which in this allegory could be corruption for example. Especially if there is only one whale, then we’ve essentially destroyed an ecosystem just to die out due to the inability of the whale to fend of that disease.” Says Grace

“A system of federations could give a similar level of biodiversity to that of the whale population, and even if one of these whales were to fall, this would make room for another whale to consume the extra food. Optimistically the whale just doesn’t get sick because it has such a powerful and capable immune system, and there is no reason to think that people in all of their intelligence wouldn’t be able to manifest a powerful parallel to the immune system such as a veritocracy. The key is to understand that the bigger the whale the more it will dominate the ocean and the more impervious to predators it becomes. The entire whale concept only applies to the method in which it reaps the nutrition needed to sustain itself, so the entirely pacifistic and wholesome whale could very well be a poor description of the level to which this beast commands authority and wields unquestionable power.” Says Stacy

“Just not too powerful of one, because there are plenty of examples where a human’s immune system attacks its own body for no good reason, and this kills the person.” Says Isabelle

“Your dependence on allegory to justify yourself sometimes is a little simplistic. The function of a whale is little more than swimming, breathing, mating and eating plankton. Then arguing that this is how the government should function solely because the whale is so successful doesn’t really address how the political and economic ecosystem is extremely complex and requires a vast skillset to even survive, let alone be successful. Your dependence on allegory and aphorism is likely a drastic oversimplification of things more often than not, there’s a reason why allegory and aphorism aren’t exactly scientific fields of study.” Says Jenna

“Even if it is simplified, it is far more realistic to depend upon these proven facts than the fallacy and false logic that define contemporary idealism. An allegory observes reality and attempts to use this to draw meaningful parallels in society. The basis for these observations is reality, so there is no reliance on arguing that something will function because it seems to do so well in your mind when you fantasize about it, the function of proper allegory only relies on reality continuing to function with notorious consistency, and due to this consistency being fact, there is an actual basis for the argument that something like this allegory will be successful, because the source of the allegory has been proven to be successful.

The whale allegory describes to how the state would sustain itself, by feeding directly on the bottom of the food chain instead of having a plethora of potential energy lost to fuel the lives of the intermediaries throughout the ocean as the energy makes its way up the food chain. Simple science alone measuring potential energy in the form of calories and the energy lost forever by sustaining these middle-fish when compared to the yield when the top of the food-chain just consumes this plankton at the same scale as the entire bottom of the food chain shows that this method is able to grant the whale all of the potential energy that would have been lost in the process of the food-chain consuming and using energy in order to sustain itself.

 The consumers in the food chain don’t create energy, and this means that when there is a limited amount of producers to prey upon, then every convolution of the food chain by adding another level of consumer as a tier of predators results in a massive amount of wasted energy in the eyes of those at the top, as this energy is lost forever so that these fish can swim, reproduce, and do their own hunting while there is no increase in potential energy because of the nature of a closed system which the earth happens to be. If the whale was able to circumvent this wasteful procession of trophic levels, this would mean the whale has far more energy to be able to sustain its own life and ensure its own survival.

 I’m not able to provide exact numbers where I can equate the amount of labor a human provides to the photosynthetic rate of plankton or the ratio of money to calories, nor any of the nitty gritty details, but I don’t need these when I can understand the function of a system on the basic level, just as one does not need to know exact numbers to understand that a positive number added to a positive number will result in a positive number. It is not as simple, but the photosynthesis and calories are positives, while the energy expenditure of the fish in intermediate levels of trophic levels will always be negative in terms of calories, it is common sense to understand that the calories, the potential energy for the whale, will always decrease so long as that variable of energy expenditure of the intermediary trophic levels is a non-zero number.

 This is a remarkable level of success, because it is a legitimate level of success, when compared to the current system of sustenance for the government which consists of preying upon a culture of fungus, money, that symbiotically grows inside of and sustains each person, and attempting to take enough that the government survives but doesn’t kill the host ,while trying to prey upon the fungus at a rate which will allow the fungus to grow bigger instead of hindering its total size, because the amount of fungus they allow themselves to eat is proportional to the size of the fungus. That is a completely ridiculous model for success, nothing like that exists in nature, and for a damn good reason, the system is extremely fragile due to a countless number of factors including the growth of fungus, the reliance on responsible predatory discretion goes against the nature of predation, plenty of other things I’m sure a naturalist could point out, and it is far too convoluted for it to function as a realistic model of predatory survival.” Says Stacy

“The common capitalistic system we have at least reminds me of the oceanic food chain, as much as the government may be nibbling on mushrooms in order to defend its mushroom farm, capitalism seems to be a bit more natural.” Says Isabelle

“Perhaps we should be consulting mycological ecologists instead of economists when we need to figure out how to run the country. The problem is still that money is money, and though it may have some similarity to fungus to the point where you can use that as the basis of a simple allegory, there are still plenty of differences, which is the point I’m trying to make about the shortcomings of allegories.” Says Jenna

“Regardless of the differences, even if it is only 50% accurate, then the legitimacy of the criticism of the allegory is 50%, which can be seen as a failure, but it can also be seen as a 100% legitimate criticism of the 50% of the aspects of government where it holds true. Sure it money is more complex than fungus, but when the functional components of money and fungus are each broken down into individual elements, the exact parallels can be compared explicitly and from this, criticism can be drawn because in these situations, money functions very similar to or exactly like a fungus, but we fail to respect that because we disregard our knowledge of the art and principles of growing fungus when they would be entirely applicable to the growth of money. Impacting factors like the environment or ecosystem could easily alter what would be the best course of action in a controlled environment, but the some if not many of the principles remain in same due to the nature of money being comparable to that of fungus. Even if there are few parallels, the goal of pursuing success by applying the knowledge gleaned from an extremely longevitous form of success is always respectable. Of course the government being predator would make emulating the whale far more reasonable, and this is due to the lack of something in nature proving that preying on fungus in a symbiotic relationship involving the fungus, the predator, and the host of the fungus is a reliable way to achieve longevitous success.” Says Stacy

“While I wouldn’t rely on allegory, the fact that ecology and economy both share the same root implies that people understood at one point how the two were very similar. It would be wise for us to attempt to emulate ecology and nature in our economy, due to how they function in very similar ways. I do have to respect the fact that nature has had billions of years to refine its own natural economy, and I have zero faith that humans have been able to replicate that success and then improve upon it, which means they’ve met my expectations and created a system inferior in functionality and survivability when compared to the natural world.

How this could be done or what improvements could be made, I’ll leave that to you to debate, because I’m not as fond of making an ass of myself and presuming that I’m the pinnacle of learnedness about things I know little about. Not that I’m critical in the slightest of such talk, as the alternative is wallowing in our ignorance and watering the seeds of suffering and misery that will dominate the landscape of our lives.” Says Jenna

“Ecology has no qualms about killing the weak, old, or sick and countless other heartless things I’m sure society wouldn’t be too fond of. Such things are likely required to actually be competitive enough to survive, but society has proven time and time again that they are far fonder of suicide in the name of cheeky ideals than they are of survival. If the beast known as society lacks the will to survive, then the only thing we can do is let it die and allow a true competitor to rise from the ashes.” Says Isabelle

“We could always facilitate and exacerbate its suicide and extinction, as that would be the natural way, but I’m not convinced that exacerbating an inevitable fate is truly worth the time, effort, and energy.” Says Stacy

“Your conservationist policies in regards to your effort and energy are rather ironic seeing how you still end up spending all of your effort and energy talking instead of doing something.” says Jenna

“I’m not merely talking, I’m honing the blade of my rhetoric against any and all criticism that you girls might delight me with. The more legitimate my philosophy is, the more it will stand the test of time, with its unassailable truths standing resolute after the cancerous overgrowth of contemporary idealistic humanistic insanity has all killed itself, having sapped the earth of the resources it needs to survive, becoming dry and brittle and becoming the tinder for a conflagration of hellfire.

This beautiful act of god’s magnificent retribution will prove that little passes the test of time, but my reason still stands as bold, stolid, and unscathed as the rocks and mountains. While the seeds of Lucifer’s temptation may once again be planted by the beasts who worship themselves in their own pride and disregard both nature and the will of god, should they be repenting enough to care for their little garden and weed out that which must be weeded in order for civilization to flourish, then they will be able to respect me.” Says Stacy

“It’s almost selling yourself short to admit defeat so early in your life, to say that your opponents must die out before anyone will actually give you the time of day. I’m not saying your ideas are all great, but with a little rewording a small group might actually respect you enough to earn some legitimacy in today’s world.” Says Grace




“People don’t want the truth, they don’t want to be saved, they only want what they want and disregard any notion that conflicts with this. I’m not going to pollute my medicine with unnecessary laudanum just so people might be tempted into taking it, even if they’re cured in some respects, they will still always want the laudanum even in health, and accommodating this illicit pleasure seeking is something I won’t bring myself to do, because realistically they will only take the medicine if it is 90% laudanum, and when they have to take 10 times as much medicine that is 90% laudanum, the opium will kill them or leave them crippled by addiction, which itself negates my efforts entirely.

Unfortunately even if I find an audience, the number of allegedly credible critics who will manage to rebuke me with apparently irrefutable certainty simply because they're so skilled at reiterating their indoctrination is despicably vulgar. Seldom will these people have a free thought, they will all simply turn to regurgitating their knowledge so tainted with the common ideals and false logic that justifies them. This has effectively turned them into multiple computers each running the exact same program, and through their sheer numbers and the insurmountable validity such people received by getting college papers stating how skilled they are at regurgitating their indoctrination, I will be thoroughly discredited in the eyes of the common people who also unfortunately cannot think for themselves, and ironically rely on these people who hold high merits awarded for their complete unwillingness to think for themselves and their ability to prove their profound level of indoctrination.

This leaves me in a situation similar to a zombie apocalypse, attempting to fight of hordes of zombies with no logical capacity whatsoever that operate simply on the terms that their disease allows them to, while I am armed with little but the crude weaponry I can fashion from rhetoric, logic and reason, having no feasible capacity to liberate these diseased masses from the infectious biological weapons of hedonistic humanism and intoxicating idealism.” Says Stacy

“While you can discredit everyone who argues with you that way, if everyone thought for themselves they would inherently disregard everything you say, and to further dishearten you, these people when thinking for themselves would fall victim to the same things you describe as logical shortcomings due to vestigial or maladapted instinct in the minds of humans such as sympathy, emotion, hedonism, and most every facet of human thought that depends on a chemical trigger as opposed to the pure logic you claim to yield.” Says Jenna

“The bible teaches us we should be charitable, and I am certainly benevolent enough to think for those who cannot think, just as I speak for those who cannot speak.” Says Stacy

“You tend to want to speak for plenty of people who are very capable of speaking.” Says Grace

“These people would quickly lose this ability, once they have been properly convicted for economic terrorism, distribution of illicit psychological substance, and treason of course. At the very least aiding and abetting terrorists for their complicit indifference to such things. ” Says Stacy

“If you’re so right about all of this, couldn’t you just let them talk but prove them so wrong they just look silly and foolish? You did make a point a while ago about how making something illegal just makes people find alternative and worse to get that something, but you make a lot of points.” Says Ophelia

“It would take such a long time for the usurpers and dissidents fueled by the hedonism of ideals to exhaust themselves and drown, and in this time they would manage to taint the mental health of plenty of otherwise reasonable people with their rhetoric and cause an unsavory amount of unrest. Condoning this is no different than being indifferent to people who peddle drugs to children, because these poisons act as direct parallels on the brain with their cycles of euphoria and dysphoria, psychological and often physical dependence, and a relentlessly brutal destruction of any logical capacity that the human mind might be able to yield. The real danger is that one does not need to experience these things first to get addicted to them, but due to the nature of these things being so rooted in an idea as opposed to a chemical, people can become addicted to these drugs just by fantasizing about them given that they’ve not been educated of the dangers to the point where they can revile the concepts properly as many children do with street drugs today.

That is the hope, that with proper education and prohibition, that people will not become addicted to the narcotic pleasure of these poisonous ideas that are capable of inducing every effect of recreational drug use as well as the resulting internal and externally destructive symptoms of withdrawal, tolerance, and dependence. This pleasure was what the faith relied upon, giving people similar euphoria due to their dreams of salvation, but the poisonous ideals of contemporary society provide a much greater high that is often accompanied by physical and chemical stimulus reinforcing their addictive properties while providing far fewer benefits to society than faith once did. This is due to disregarding the codependence on piety that faith requires in order for oneself to feel a comparable but far more wholesome euphoria.

Humanists get all of the pleasure for none of the work needed to sustain society, work that faith was able to ensure from the people, and this disregard of the wellbeing of society in the name of idealistic hedonism is a grave marker of its forthcoming destruction. God created chemical narcotics, and these substances are far more godly, because they will destroy the mind and body of the user alone and leave society rather unharmed by one man’s descent into vice, while Lucifer himself has created idealism and humanism, for these poisons empower the beast and allow him to slowly and thoroughly erode all foundations of human society, and these poisons are so evil as to infect with but a whisper or a thought as opposed to forcing a man to turn to a syringe or a pipe to get high, all while the poisons easily convince a man they are harmless due to his own lack of side effects as the disease will always preserve its vector until its prey is extinct, just as malaria does not harm mosquitoes.

The junkie on the street is far more respectable than the idealist or the humanist, for he is humble and respectful enough to bear the burden of his own poor decisions, while the humanists and idealists place the entire burden their addiction creates on the society who will slowly become crippled and blighted as the disease is able proliferate and establish itself within the host.” Says Stacy

“I would think the devil would be way more evil and badass than wanting to make everybody respectful and tolerant while having faith in some great society without problems.” Says Isabelle

“It’s an accurate allegory because Lucifer wasn’t this super evil entity, he was an angel who wanted to challenge the authority of god and was cast out of heaven for that, and that is why he became the crown prince of pride. The whole concept of humanism is replacing god with whatever humans want to think, and idealism is the same thing replacing the promises of the salvation of god with the salvation offered by men, so it really is a direct parallel. I doubt anyone cares in the slightest though, seeing how Stacy can justify plenty of things with less spiritual aphorism like ‘a stitch in time saves nine’ or ‘a penny saved is a penny earned’ and people will laugh all the way to insolvency and anarchy despite those aphorisms being entirely secular.” Says Jenna

“That’s kind of scary when you think about it, how powerful and tempting Lucifer is in today’s world seeing how he has pretty much replaced God in the eyes of most people. The government is basically like a Luciferian theocracy when you think about it.” Says Ophelia

“I think it’s a bit rash to call decent people the servants of Lucifer, as much as some people assert themselves as more intelligent than god, and even if society goes against nature sometimes which is perhaps criticizing god’s design, plenty of the old religious laws are still clearly enforced like murder and what not. I don’t know the bible, but I think it’s safe to presume Stacy’s arguments are far less godly than the common notion of humanism or idealism.” Says Grace

“Godliness is entirely relative to the corruption of the people. Nature is god’s will, his original testament, perfect success unharmed by the knowledge of good and evil; God’s message to people was attempting to save them from destroying themselves due to their corruption, and Jesus’ message was attempting to save the faith and allow it to spread because the Jews had failed to do this so thoroughly. Men must listen to Jesus when they are the subjugated in order to survive and preserve the faith despite the oppression, men must listen to God when they have power in order to create a godly society, and men must abandon their power in order to emulate nature in order to achieve the purest form of success as god envisioned. I am godly in all of these senses, preserving the faith and will of god by spreading the word without waging war, I argue to use the power of men to create a more godly society, and I argue for abandoning the power of men in order to emulate the pure timeless success proven by nature.” Says Stacy

“How is your society godly? You want to kill a bunch of people and enslave the rest of them. You even argue in favor of sexual segregation which would make everybody gay, which I do believe happens to be a sin.” Says Isabelle

“God was very fond of killing the irreverent, and he clearly tells you that it is the duty of the godly to kill any enemies of the faith and enslave those who can be tamed. The sexual segregation is the lesser of two evils, for people will always be naturally prone to the sexual vices, but with sexual integration men are raping women, fornicating, committing adultery, coveting all sorts of women, having illegitimate children, spreading diseases, objectifying women, peddling the sex appeal of both women and men to tempt women and girls into immoral thought and convince them that becoming whores is what they want to do, and easily countless other sins resulting explicitly from sexual integration. Homosexuality was one sin, while these transgressions due to integration amount to a multitude of sin beyond that one, so even if that becomes the norm, it eliminates an extraordinary amount of the two sexes mutually exacerbating each other’s sinfulness and often becoming the victim of their own vices, and this only regards the sinfulness. The economics of removing all social, political, reproductive, and economic problems created by condoning sexual integration while attempting to force two inherently different things to function as identical things is profoundly beneficial in and of itself if one choses to be entirely secular.” Says Stacy

 “Even if you segregated society I’m pretty sure men would just do all of that stuff to each other, even the women to some extent.” Says Isabelle

“At least the men all have the ability to fight each other off in a much fairer fight. I highly doubt the women would be anywhere near as sex crazed as the men, I’m sure an extremely disproportionate number of sex crimes are committed by men, and that’s not a coincidence.” Says Grace

“It’s no surprise you support the idea.” Jokes Isabelle

“Girls have to give birth to both girls and boys, so that part doesn’t really make any sense.” Says Ophelia

“The male babies would be reared by breast to a certain point before they are able to form memories, then at that point they are more than capable of feeding themselves and would be segregated without any corrupting influence due to their memories of women. The breeding cast of course would be well protected from society because of the fragility of babies, and the children to a large extent segregated from society in the same respect until they can transition into the workforce.” Says Stacy

“The level to which men and women must cooperate in order to fuel the economy is extremely high; segregating society would cripple any ability of men and women benefit from each other’s presence and this would be felt by the economy. I don’t see how this is a solution seeing how the vast majority of people are able to sexually coexist without problems.” Says Jenna

“The prevalence of problems is still remarkably high, and the impact of them is even larger. One woman gets abused somehow and massive throngs of women and eunuchs go protest about all sorts of gender issues, and this one instance happens to upset half of the country while the media stokes this indignation for profit; this level of unrest and distraction is not a healthy mentality to condone in the people. Issues created by gender cause massive amounts of resources to be wasted in futile attempts to address and resolve these issues, and this time, effort, energy, and money could be spent in far more productive ways than attempting to weed the garden of gender related issues until the end of time; because more problems will come up, and even if by the grace of god these current problems are miraculously solved, the new problems will always incite a comparable level of indignation; genders will never be statistically equal and they will always abuse each other and find reasons to conflict and fight with each other.

People had plenty of opportunity to get along, but it is completely unreasonable to defend the wasting of this potential energy on futility by attempting to resolve that which cannot be resolved through any means besides segregation when it is easily and readily resolved completely through sexual segregation. Condoning sexual integration is condoning both the sexual assaults, discrimination, and resulting indignation of the victims and thus all women, because these things cannot be resolved due to the nature and instinct of humans. Ideally everyone gets along and it’s smiles and sunshine, but in reality this ideal does nothing but result in the abuse and rape of large numbers of women which water the seeds sown by gender disparity. Rather than expose the genders to each other and create massive amounts of unnecessary unrest this way, a caste of androgynous neuters  could work as intermediaries as they look enough like flat chested women or feminine men as to not raise as much suspicion.” Says Stacy

“It’s hard to argue that sexual integration is an ideal, it is just a fact of life. Sure, gender equality is an ideal, but having that little faith in society is kind of overreacting. You are punishing everybody because 1% of people happen to be a problem.” Says Ophelia

“That 1% of people turns 50% of people into a problem because women get upset en masse, causing their loyal eunuchs to get upset in masse, and the remainder is men who become defensive because their gender is being demonized by society as if it were a Jew in the 30s and further exacerbate to the unrest. Gender equality is an entirely asinine ideal; it is attempting to create a society where X equals Y where mathematically X and Y are extremely different. Attempting to enforce this ideal amounts to the neutering of women who abandon their gender and their natural roles in the name of unattainable idealistic equality.

This ideal has decimated the birthrate and the fight for gender equality has done nothing but burden everyone of both genders, because now the profiteers in society understand that when a household consists of two working people, they are entirely focused on swindling those people out of all of their money in the most profitable way possible, so gender equality has done nothing but exacerbate profiteering, make homemaking and adequate reproduction economically unfeasible as the capitalist culture now demands that both people work in order for a household to survive, and make life harder for everybody in the process because instead of having one wage slave to competitively exploit, the money now gets to demand two, which ultimately just means everything is 200% more expensive than it otherwise would be and the women have done nothing but volunteer themselves for wage slavery in exchange for literally fucking nothing besides at most allowing some spinsters to struggle to survive all alone, as the capitalists are  perfectly content with destroying the sustainability of the nation in the name of higher profits for themselves.” Says Stacy

“You argument against gender equality is fair, because ultimately this does not mean equality between men and women, but at best equality between men and neutered women who ultimately function indistinguishably from men. This argument is largely if not entirely irrelevant from sexual segregation which is easily one of your most fundamentally flawed ideas. Sexuality is a key element of human nature, and besides that, the logistical challenges posed by attempting to keep people ignorant of the other sex are absurd. History, art, even animals would instantly destroy any illusion. It is probably futile, but I am going to try to strike this down well before I will argue anything about that ridiculous androgynous neuter intermediary idea.” Says Jenna

“Ignorance is easily unattainable, but ensuring that everyone is well aware of the prohibition and the reasons for such would ensure that people understand why this is the case. I would argue I had a fair point in the sheer number of problems this would resolve, and any benefits that sexual integration conveys can easily be accomplished through telecommunication if need be or largely by the neuters just to avoid people becoming too obsessed with the other gender. Countless other aspects of a natural human existence are largely prohibited such as fighting and murder are prohibited because they pose problems to society; sexuality may be part of human nature, but that does not mean such things are beneficial to society, and due to the plastic nature of the human mind and the primal nature of such instinct, it would be easy to convince the mind that said instinct is somehow satiated through alternative means, and I see no problem with that when it manages to resolve one of the major sources of discontent within society completely.” Says Stacy

“You say you want to emulate nature but this part is like going the opposite direction. I don’t know how you could somehow convince me that I don’t want to fall in love with a great guy and have babies to love and care for and watch them grow up.” Says Ophelia

“In terms of your desires, you can at least have plenty of children to love, and if you wanted to help children develop that is clearly a profession, even accessible to those unfit to reproduce. As for falling in love, this is such a powerful drive because it addresses peoples insecurities, and the assurance of a mutual relationship is very beneficial to their survival in the wild, in a society free from these threats that same feeling would be analogous to being in love with society because society provides you everything, and far more than a man would be able to in the wild; if you wanted company there are always pets and friends for that.

It may seem bad, but love hurts, and the fallout of peoples insane desire for love creates huge problems in people’s lives when it fails or falls through, which it often does. Instead of asking people to form these volatile relationships of dependence capable of destroying lives and mental health, people can instead have many of these platonic relationships with the people in their own society such as rewarding friendships that cumulatively offer the same level of enjoyment and fulfillment as a successful romantic relationship, but with much lower risk of creating the explosive fallout and emotional damage of failed relationships, and also preventing much of the tumult and abuse that occurs within a codependent sexual relationship. It is much like controlling a campfire so that it won’t burn people and burn houses down; it may be a bit less exciting because you don’t get to play with it, but controlling the fire removes the problems playing with fire creates such as the probability of being burned, often quite badly or even to the point of death, as well as the chance of starting another more dangerous fire; this is incredibly valuable as both of these threats are probable enough to cause serious issues if they are left unaddressed.” Says Stacy

“I’m sure in that situation things would develop beyond platonic friendships regularly, and this does little to curb the emotional trauma that relationships can induce. It is true that the genders will never be equal because they’re inherently different, and the only way to have gender equality is to have only one gender, and as much as I can support women’s rights, I feel like a traitor for defending a society that wants this one gender to be men and neutered women who function indistinguishably from men. That’s a disgusting level of disrespect to women as a whole. I don’t think it’s a bad idea at all though, as much as I get upset about gender issues, it would be a great day if it was possible for me to avoid that unpleasant feeling entirely.” Says Grace

“Jesus, I don’t think Stacy’s idea is about some feminist female empowerment fantasy; its closer to mimicking honeybees, with the queens, the workers, and the drones. It’s pretty obvious that most women would be functioning as neuters despite the segregation.” Says Isabelle

“They could still embrace their womanhood without having to compete with and attempt to emulate and dominate men in order to succeed. Even if they’re not bearing children, they’re still women in every way, and the cultures would clearly represent the natural differences in terms of how women think and act when compared to men. I certainly think that would be better than attempting to emulate some abusive drone culture of men who just want to dominate everything, fight, and kill each other.” Says Grace

“It would be interesting to see you without the influence of drone culture, as you are rather prone to seeking to fight in an attempt to dominate everything, at least men; not that you’re capable of doing either so far as I can tell.” Jokes Isabelle

“I only do it because it is necessary, I don’t like it, it’s just self-defense at this point.” Says Grace

“Thinking about the success of bees makes me want to support this idea, but I’m probably just distracted by the wholesome nature of the rather peaceful pollinators that make the world go round and being blissfully incredulous to anything besides the fantasy that humans could function with that level of organization and dedication.” Says Jenna

“This is true what Grace said about relationships, but segregation removes the large coefficient of the differences between genders that consistently exacerbate a plethora of issues across society as a whole. The promotion of the ideal and standard of sexual codependence creates a massive number of volatile situations that can quickly easily produce unneeded stress, difficulty, and problems within people’s lives, and the differences between genders only exacerbates this potential for problems, as well as accommodates their existence due to plenty of things including men being able to confine a woman through fear or dependence and protectionism towards her children to the point where the problems exacerbate themselves, but the woman is unable to stop it due to her natural submissive nature, and the man is unwilling to due to his natural dominance and protectionism towards what he believes belongs to him. The psychological factors that ensured people were able to survive and produce children are also responsible for a great deal of problems, because to ensure this, one must find a way of ensuring that a volatile situation does not explode entirely, and this means containing an tolerating massive amount of unpleasant, distressing, and often dangerous volatility within a relationship in order to survive.” says Stacy

“I know there can be problems, but I think love is way too important to give up on. Even if most relationships don’t work, I think the ones that do are more than enough reason to keep people together just because they’re so heartwarming and lovely. I do feel bad for people that get hurt or abused, but I don’t think this is the way to go. You do usually say you like natural things, and this definitely is the opposite. Even if the natural way does create some problems, it was still good enough for nature and society up to this point.” Says Ophelia

“Nature is the gold standard; things should never produce results that are inferior to nature, but clearly humanity is capable of making things far more powerful and efficient than nature is. Just as the car replaced the horse, sexual segregation and artificial selection replaces the natural strategy of random reproduction and subsequent elimination of that which is not competitive in order to refine genetics, because the artificial standard produces much better and more reliable results. The natural standard of reproduction is rolling two die and then subtracting the first from the second, and then if this number is positive or zero than it survives, and if it is negative it dies, while zero and negative numbers are the most common due to the disproportionate weights of the die, if the number is positive this represents evolution. The artificial standard would ensure a much higher probability of achieving a minimum of zero and greatly increase the chance of achieving positive numbers. It is nothing more than using human knowledge and capability to improve upon the systems which nature has used to refine the genetics of all species, so long as it is done properly as it has been done in countless domesticated species already.” Says Stacy

“I enjoy the vision of contemporary humans as the natural plants capable of producing countless more so valuable cultivars, but still this is ambitious. The logistics make it very difficult, seeing how men would be the most cost effective sources of manual labor; they would be responsible for performing the difficult jobs of construction and whatnot even in the women’s society, so there is some degree of integration that must be tolerated in order for things to operate as profitably as possible, but I feel that even this small bit of integration may ruin the purpose of the segregation entirely.” Says Isabelle

“It is true that men must perform necessary roles in the female society, and due to this, the neuters function as the intermediaries containing the men and keeping women away, much like prison guards watching over the prisoners cleaning litter from the side of the road to ensure no problems result from this; and besides these few physically intensive jobs, women could still be trusted with the trades that are not reliant on or receive a large increase in efficiency from physical strength, so the integration could be kept to a minimum in a controlled environment, as people tend not to wander around construction sites regardless.” Says Stacy

“I would be getting binoculars to watch the big strong guys working all day, especially if that was what I was reduced to.” Says Ophelia

“As much as I can see the benefits, the complications that would arise can easily make it far more difficult than it seems. It’s hard to defend a system that sterilizes people from birth to fill out a caste system, even if it is vital, it is still entirely unethical.” Says Grace

“It is far easier to defend that system than defending the system of sexual integration that creates massive amounts of violence and unrest that could easily be avoided. These neuters are bred specifically due to their natural lack of interest in sexuality, and this is already quite common in today’s society where many people are far more focused on work and disregard sexuality entirely due to their low libido or devotion to work. These people already function as neuters in a statistical sense due to failing to reproduce, and there is no reason to think that acknowledging this fact is inhumane.The people would likely not be physically sterilized either, and this is because the gonads produce natural hormones, and rather than removing the natural source, this source is just balanced with chemicals that reduce their natural levels and balance them with the administered hormones of the other sex in order to achieve the desired level of androgyny. Removing the gonads would easily stunt the growth and limit the physical and mental viability of the human, and that is not the goal in the slightest.

Unfortunately this argument is treading on the treacherous land of contemporary insanity, because now people think it is inhumane to be born with the genitals they are naturally born with simply because the bearer of the genitals disagrees with them on account of some delusional fantasy. Everyone is batshit insane in regards to genitals and this level of faith in fantasy and delusion over the acceptance of reality is reaching abominable and ridiculous levels. If you don’t like your genitals, I am more than happy to sterilize you, and I can even defend giving some women steroids, because they will ultimately function better as neuters statistically indistinguishable from men, which is of course what society desires out of women anyways.

I cannot, however, justify giving men female hormones, as this does not enable them to perform the natural jobs of women, which are the only real benefits to being a woman, and supporting this transgenderism in men only coddles a sick delusion of men that usually realize that their fantasies about being a woman are completely unattainable, seeing they have become some sort of transvestite abomination that everyone clearly understands is not a female, and for this reason they end up killing themselves at an extremely disproportionate rate. I am more than happy to sterilize these people, but coddling this delusion is a sick level of fetishism that induces and coddles a very unhealthy fantasy in men. But I digress, in this world of insanity regarding gender and genitals that may even defend this argument due to their unwavering defense of mutilating people’s genitals, the idea of creating a caste of androgynous neuters is hardly insane and clearly extremely reasonable because the ends justify the means as this caste provides a critical role in the peaceful cooperation between genders, and as these people are genetically prone to the life of a neuter, it is not like I am depriving these people of a life they would have otherwise lived.” Says Stacy

“It’s hypocritical that people are willing to pretend that men are women in order to coddle their fantasies, but unwilling to pretend that Stacy is god and worthy of becoming crowned despot in order to coddle her fantasies.” Says Isabelle

“My gender is society, and I am dysphoric, so I must reconstruct society with surgical precision while I inundate it with chemicals so that society looks and functions as my mind wants it to.” Jokes Stacy

“Transgender people don’t hurt anyone but themselves directly, and that’s the difference; as much as the culture does propagate an unhealthy level of delusion and tolerance of delusion by society. To argue those people are not mentally ill due to their blatantly diagnosable delusion is to argue that any other delusions of grandeur are actually real, telling cult leaders that they really are god incarnate, telling schizophrenics that god or Satan are really talking to them, and telling meth heads that methbugs are a real living creature and part of the natural ecosystem: men are not women and will never be women, just like how methbugs are not real insects and they never will be, despite what somebody’s dysphoria will tell them. I’m sure most if not all of the reason that transgenderism doesn’t qualify as a mental illness is that the pharmaceutical industry can sell people massive amounts of these hormone pills, so they’re not going to turn down the opportunity to make a lot of money, seeing how they write the book on what is or isn’t crazy. It’s a shame that there used to be integrity in the medical profession, but the amount of money people are capable of making has clearly changed that.” Says Jenna

“It may be sick fetishism, but it makes plenty of money. I’m not going to disregard an entire industry just because it happens to peddle mental illness, maybe condemn it within my own society, but I’m definitely not going to ignore a very profitable market. I acknowledge the fact that it makes people disproportionately suicidal, but they were already insane to begin with, so their suicide rate can only be compared to insane people, and even though it is probably far higher than the standard rate of insane individuals, the industry is still making money, despite the fact that it kills people, so I’m growing tobacco and I’m selling hormone pills and fetishistic media all day, just not within my own county of course.” Says Isabelle

“I hope you don’t want to turn the female society into one full of those sorts of neuter women full of steroids though, you said it was more profitable but I think that would be terrible to do that just to make more money.” Says Ophelia

“Condoning that in a female society would only recreate the issues of gender that people were segregated to eliminate in the first place. It would be an exorbitant amount of resources to make a caste of neuter women plagued with the same problems testosterone is responsible for creating in men, which is entirely undesirable. It is profitable when women are expected to function as men, but in a female society they are expected to function as women, and they would be doing jobs that don’t benefit from physical strength.

Inserting that level of aggressiveness and desire for domination into a society that would otherwise be far more peaceful is entirely unjustifiable, and this just convolutes things in an entirely unnecessary way. If society needs more of that for some reason, the reproduction rates would be adjusted to create more men, rather than convolute society with these women laden with androgens and the accompanying problems. As for the ones that already exist, they would be segregated into their own community separate from the usual men and women, just as all other people with mental illnesses and communicable diseases. This is due to the contagious nature of these things and their capability of creating mass psychogenic illness, as can be seen with many things from idealism up to the recent coddling of transgenderism as the newest ‘folie à société’ to sweep the developed world.” Says Stacy

“It’s amazing that you consistently argue these things as if you know them to be facts; seldom do you ever say you think that something is true, you just say it is true outright. Perhaps leaving some uncertainty in there would leave your ideas open to some improvement.” Says Grace

“I’m not confident there is much thinking that goes on, so that might explain the lack of muttering uncertainty.” Says Jenna




“No argument has been won by somebody saying that they think something, that is just admitting that you don’t know, and that point alone can easily discredit your argument. I don’t think things; I use what I know to form an argument without convoluting this argument by involving sentiments, feelings, philosophy, ideal, fantasy, or opinions. It's just cut and dry, x justifies y on account of z, and it is all measurable and real, and while it may not always be practical, that is irrelevant when the idea is correct and therefore dysfunctional only due to human or technological shortcomings rather than due to any actual flaws with the idea itself. The idea of a helicopter was not practical throughout history, but the entire time it was a measurable, functional, and valid concept even if nobody had thought of it, dependent only on the physical world to legitimize its measurable validity, and this validity was and always will be entirely independent from philosophical or sentimental criticism. Today, due to the value a helicopter provides to society, it has become commonplace despite its historical impracticality. Though the plight of Icarus may not be a substantial condemnation of helicopters, one can use modern weaponry in place of helicopters to understand that despite any moral, philosophical, or sentimental objection to such weapons, the legitimacy and unquestionability of the fact that these weapons function as designed, as well as their value to society has consistently trumped any condemnation.

 My philosophy is pre-philosophy; making decisions based upon the world and what I can see and foresee based upon logic, natural patterns, and common sense. This is like bracing against a strong wind or whipping a mule without any thought as to some frilly distracting fantasy putting any meaning into any of it. Despite any meaning perceived or alleged to be there, this does not and will never change what things actually are, nor will it change the fact that they exist entirely independently from any perceived interpretation that attributes significance or sentiment to something; as despite the ubiquity of perceived meaning in society, the fact is that these perceived meanings are not naturally present anywhere besides the human mind. This ethereal relevance and justification within the human mind is akin to hallucinations or paranoia, by perceiving things that are entirely absent in reality only because your mind is so prone to putting faith in them for whatever reason.

The significance of feelings, philosophy, spooksters, and ethereal things are all entirely irrelevant when the base of reality, that which is hard and concrete fails to exist in a way that validates this unnatural thinking, so I remain indifferent and disregard these things as irrelevant pleasantry due to the nature of triage which forces me to address the most problematic issues in society, which are all entirely concrete and physical problems that face society, as we live in a concrete and physical world, and something would not be a problem if it manifested itself only in thought without any physical symptoms of these thoughts. In order to do this, one must understand that these problems will always exist unless people are willing to sacrifice their obsession with the idealist pleasantries that disagree with or condemn certain actions that also happen to be the only ways these problems can be solved.

 These pleasantries are the airs of humans, and to place value in these without having a solid and dependable foundation grounded in that which is real is like attempting to build a skyscraper on a faulty foundation that cannot support the weight. These ethereal notions formed by humans are meaningful to a great extent in that they can transcend reality in order to see from a higher vantage than one could on the ground, and that good faith has often inspired people to accomplish real things, but disregarding reality in the name of respecting the hallucinatory sentiments of humans is ultimately suicidal when masses of people all live on the upper floors of this skyscraper that will come crashing down when a firm breeze is able to make it sway, or even at the point when it simply becomes so full of people that the building's foundations in reality cannot support the weight of the tower of ideals that was built on top of it.

The transition from knowledge to logic onto philosophy and beyond is problematic because just as the building allegory, one must have correct knowledge to have correct logic to have justifiable philosophy, but too often people are willing to put faith in a philosophy or ideal they enjoy because it feels so great and amazing to them because it is oh so pleasant, but due to the fact it is built upon false logic and false knowledge, this creates a scenario where such a philosophy is only in the position to fail when these falsehoods become the stress points on any system that is built upon them that is dependent on the fallacious philosophical argument functioning as if it were a concrete truth.

While the mantra of classic philosophies is beyond my ken, I am confident that when analyzed piece by piece, most if not all of my ideas can easily be defended by some saying or belief revered as a mantra by some philosophy, at least so long as the philosophy is largely inspired by nature and realism as opposed to sentiment, opinion, emotion, fantasy, or ideal. I'm sure I will find significant criticism as well due to the nature of humans being prone to airs, but in terms of my own philosophy, I can defend myself with countless aphorisms due to the source of this wisdom being founded in reality, as opposed to the airs of some philosophical mind attempting to distinguish reality from his own hallucinations.

Any objections can likely be written off on that basis that they stem from the hallucinatory sensations of being alive as an intelligent human as opposed to reality, and this is why the aphorism should always hold more weight than any outcry of sentiment or opinion that has little to do with reality and is almost entirely and fallaciously justified by the subjective hallucinatory experience within a human mind. The experience of the human mind is malleable and easily changed, while reality is concrete and unmoving; the idealists seek to accomplish the impossible task of warping reality with the power of their mind, while I seek to mold and shape the human mind so that it conforms with and compliments reality.

This seems inhumane, but it is already done by society in molding humans from feral beasts into social creatures, and this is clearly achieves some results, but it can also be improved upon in many ways by further molding the human mind to be more so apt and attuned with reality, and by molding society so that it efficiently accommodates the most productive mental status of a human that can be created cost effectively. This is possible, and its possibility alone justifies it and discredits the current standard due to the impossible nature of idealism.

 Every day idealism is polluting the minds of people, creating unrest and discontent through its convolution of reality by the shameless prophets of Lucifer who have thought abominable things into existence; these demons so sick with pride as to believe that their own sentiments are truth that is more sacred and correct than the of holy truths of nature, those who ultimately used the appeal of these fantasies to induce mass delusion resulting in the hindering of society on all levels, as people attempt to force reality to conform to these delusions instead of disregarding this delusion as fallacy. Society is inhuman and reality is inhumane, and we must accept that these are unchangeable facts. We must adapt to reality if we are truly going to evolve and surpass the capability of contemporary man, because reality will never bow down to or become a complicit pawn in defending the delusions of the humanists and the idealists.” Says Stacy

“Sure there might be plenty of support, in some vague sense of arguing for discipline, rigidity, or some of your other concepts that are akin to sternness, but I’m sure that the number of philosophers that argue in favor of torture and killing masses of people in the name of making society better are few and far between.” Says Grace

“The wise man of Salinas once noted that marine life mirrored humans in that a lack of peril to threaten and stress an animal's life quickly erodes its instinct to compete, as it does not need to in order to survive. Noting through history that it is the starving and threatened that will fight with vigor and do anything to survive despite all odds against them, and it is the contented that lose this will entirely. To make the lives of people easier only serves to destroy the instincts in the human mind that have continuously been the only thing that has ensured the survival of every species on earth that still remains. To destroy this instinct is to destroy the human race in its entirety, as he who does not need to compete to survive will not compete, and that which fails to compete will not survive when challenge by something that still wields the sacred instinct. Struggling nourishes the seeds of competitive evolution, while effortless satiation is devolutionary suicide.

He reminds us that this fact has been known throughout history, as noted in the Histories, as entire armies have been decimated not through battle, but through the comforts and ease of life they had found in the lands they sought to conquer. These comforts did not make them happy or content, but only sapped the men of their discipline and spurred them into petty quarrels. Giving a man what he would otherwise have to fight for does not stop any fighting at all, it only causes the man to redirect all of the energy and aggression that would normally be used to fight for his needs and survival onto starting fights regarding far pettier things.

A man will only desire to survive and fight tooth and nail when he is facing the threat of starvation, death, or worse; for a man without these threats will have no desire to compete or survive, because he has these things and a man has never wanted what he already has. To unconditionally ensure a man’s survival is to ensure his suicide: you are giving the man a cozy life free from hunger and danger, and because he knows he has this, he no longer desires to be alive at all, because invariably a man will never want what he already has, because to do so is actually impossible due to the nature of wanting being defined by a desire for something one does not have.

Constantly put a man’s life and safety in real jeopardy and he will do whatever it takes to avoid such a treacherous fate, this jeopardy can be entirely artificial and still produce the same results as a natural threat to an animal's life, forcing it to adapt to compete or perish, so long as the threats to the man's life and safety remain very real, despite their unnatural origins. Ensuring that such a threat of starvation, torture, death or worse remains very real throughout all parts of a man's life may seem counterintuitive to the success of the country, but the reproduction quotas can be increased to accommodate for these people who die as martyrs in the name of ensuring competitive survival and evolution.” Says Stacy

“It is entirely fair to use one rare time where he is observing wildlife to extrapolate upon this man’s observations and use them to defend your ideology all while disregard the counterpoints laden within the countless times he references the depth, value, and significance of the human experience.” Says Jenna

“I’m not going to cite a source that would be contrary to my argument. The timeless Asian mantra, “Learn what is useful, renounce what is useless, and empower what remains with yourself.” Says Stacy

“Developing some awareness of the significance and power of human sentiment would prove invaluable in your life.” Says Jenna

“Sentiments are like spices, and they must be rather narcotic in property because people seem to be content with eating a fistful of spices without any substantive nutrition. Perhaps it’s flavorless or even bitter, but I can respect Stacy’s preoccupation with the staples of life itself, as opposed to the sentiments that humans use to flavor it. I’m not familiar with whatever book that is, but I have heard tell of the man himself.” Says Isabelle

“People seem to be far less interested in the musings of a man when not dispersed in the potent solvent of plot, and the descriptions of costal ecology hardly constitute a potable solvent despite the occasional anecdotes about Mexican culture and splashes comradery among fishermen. I don’t know why Stacy is familiar with the book, as I doubt few people are.” Says Jenna

“When a man who does not read buys books, they are not bought for content, but rather appearance, and a book by such a legend of our state gives the appearance of both loyal statesmanship and learnedness, so it is easy to understand why he bought it. I’m not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, the quality of the book based upon appearances made it gleam with potential compared to the insignificance emanating from the books of unknowns bought largely if not exclusively for their entertainingly pulpy covers.” Says Stacy

“I doubt anyone who is respected in the slightest, let alone revered in our state, would support your stance on so thoroughly enslaving every person in the country as well as the economy, but I’m sure you could easily contort or misconstrue the message of Jesus to defend your arguments.” Says Grace

“A North Korean defector said on the radio in reference to her people, ‘when you don't know you're a slave, you will never think of demanding your freedom.’ This same truth is self-evident in our society today, and very few people fail to qualify as slaves in the mathematical sense of the word. The relationship between slave and master is that where one is profited from and the other profits; any relationship where a man is making more profit for another person than they do for themselves is slavery, and this describes most every job in the country aside from that of master or the owner of the slaves, the business what have you.

Society tricks people into believing that they are not performing the role of the slave by giving them some freedoms, but in the end of the day the must serve the master and be obedient in order to have food and shelter. There is no capacity to rebel or escape the system without being starved or killed by the master, and despite the cozy nature of American life creating a convincing illusion that people are not slaves, this is fallacious, because the relationship remains the same between slave and master, the slaves are just kept pacified, obedient, and placated through giving them access to pleasures in exchange for their work as opposed extracting their labor through fear and abuse. The slave who does not work does not eat, the slave who fights his master is beaten or killed, the slave can possess things but they are ultimately trivial and petty compared to the holdings of the master, and these things still hold true in today’s society.

People will never be able to escape slavery, because it is impossible for everybody to be turning a profit, so at the end of the day this means that most people must fulfil the role of slave in order for somebody to profit and become rich and powerful enough to shape society as opposed to perform the labor. Without slavery, everybody is still a slave, because they are farmers and slaves to the earth, but slavery, much like taxation, allows people to forsake some of their harvest in order to empower and entity that is far more powerful and capable than a man who amounts to nothing more than dirt farmer, even if his crop is paperwork, calculations, or some other valuable and producible tangibility. The people must acknowledge that slavery is inevitable, and while people have always been fighting for a more comfortable and enjoyable slavery, they are still slaves in the fundamental nature of the inescapable servitude required to survive.

The American people are as equally brainwashed by this concept of freedom as the North Koreans, and they both defend their slavery zealously because they believe that their slavery is worthwhile in exchange for what it provides; granted they believe this for different reasons, they still believe that their slavery is justified. While it is entirely justifiable to force people to commit to a level of self-sacrifice in order to create an entity that is far more powerful than an individual, inducing this state through delusion is reproachable, even if it is effective, because then this burdens society with sustaining this delusion, and it becomes harder and harder as people become more so tolerant to the delusion, and thus require a higher dose of the deluding agent, which is in the case of our country consumerism, hedonism, leisure and the usual fare. This deluding agent creates an addiction in the people that hinders both their own success, as well as those of the masters, and this is all through the natural indignation caused by the association of the word slavery with that of the more barbarous forms throughout history.

People must acknowledge that we are all slaves and will always be slaves, accept this as an inevitable truth, and most importantly they must demand a better form of slavery. They must demand a form of slavery that is not induced by dangerous intoxicants and delusion, but one that is induced through the mutual understanding of everybody in society that the slavery they experience is the most beneficial, cost effective, and profitable of all forms, because the individual is powerless against the collective, the individual will be the twig that is always snapped by the massive bundle of sticks when they attempt to clash, and ultimately to empower the individual is to loosen the cord binding the bundle, making it less effective at striking and easily splintered when it must be used as a sword to spar with the countries of the world, each of these countries being their own bundle of sticks.

The people must be willing to be slaves, and this is induced much more easily through irrefutable logical argument than it is through force; the fundamentals of slavery, of self-sacrifice in order to create something more so powerful and capable than one’s self, should be all the reason anyone with logical capacity needs to support this system, for even the most powerful companies all wished they could exert more power upon the world, and by forming a collective of self-sacrifice this becomes possible.

The master would be all concepts of mathematics used to define efficiency, profitability, and success, and he would be an entirely selfless and ethereal master who takes little more than what it takes to fuel the people who calculate and hypothesize with respect only to the master, acting as the tribunal and protecting the profitability of the entire system by preventing it from preying upon itself and profiting upon itself, because all profits are for the master and are to be used at the master’s digression in order to further his own success, because mathematics has no greed, lust, or hunger that it must satiate with the money, nor any desires at all; it only calculates in pursuit of what it is directed towards. The same master would shackle the state, and treat it no different than any of its other slaves; used only in the most cost effective manner to ensure the highest level of profitability and success; and the peasantry and all people must be religiously and masterfully created, sustained, refined, and utilized as productively and efficiently as possible, for these humble people are the fuel of this great machine.

 We are always going to be slaves, it is only our recalcitrance and incredulity that shackles us to these analogues of barbarous or intoxicated slavery, because if the people would simply accept this fact, we could devote ourselves to optimizing the slavery for the sake of the wellbeing of ourselves, the economy, and the state. It is only through this acceptance of ourselves and reality will we be able to become more than beasts of burden intoxicated by delusion, for we will all be humbly working in unison, obedient to provable mathematics, the god in the machine, and we will create something far more powerful and successful than a fragmented and backbiting society could ever fathom.” Says Stacy

“One of the defining features of slavery is the social immobility of slaves, and while America does enforce that to some degree, it is nowhere near the level of slavery. Sure it is hard to move up in social class, but it is still entirely possible. One can argue that everyone profits from each other, but you do make a fair point that these are never equally balanced, so when one person profits more than the other it could be seen as half slavery if you’re only being paid for half of the value of your work, but that’s still not full blown slavery.” Says Jenna

“Arguing that everybody including the state and big business should embrace a life of slavery is like reverse communism or something. I’m sure it would be quite profitable, much as slavery was, but people don’t tend to want to be slaves, especially people who spent their entire lives seeking and amassing power.” Says Grace

“This argument has nothing to do with instating slavery; everyone is already a slave, forced into servitude in order to survive, as anyone who makes money is part of something bigger than themselves that they are subservient to, and even if they are in charge, they still must submit to the reality that their business imposes on their life, and with taxation involved, even people just sitting on money are enslaved by the state because they must obey the state, and while it’s true that the money is also enslaving the state, a state of mutual slavery is still slavery.

 Stacy is arguing for a better version of slavery, with reverence to an infallible and benevolent master; to forsake a system where interwoven system of slaves and all seek to exploit and profit from each other, because even if some slaves are alpha-slaves like business or the state who themselves own slaves and make money, they all must respect that there are other alpha-slaves who are effectively their masters in one way or another, even if it is a mutual slavery. These alpha-slaves are necessary in order to organize and drive the masses, but they are all still human, and human error, poor judgment, and vice can easily cause these alpha-slaves to falter or damage one another, and when this happens, this hurts the entire system, because all of these slaves are mutually dependent on each other’s slavery in order to exist.

Rather than idolize the delusion of freedom and be incredulous to the fact that society by definition is subservience and self-sacrifice in order to empower a greater and more powerful entity than one’s self, we should embrace the nature of society and revere this subservience and self-sacrifice. If we do this, we are embracing the definitive nature of society, and to oppose this is to oppose society itself; as all businesses and the state explicitly depend upon society, to act contrary to the nature of society is inevitably a form of masochism or suicide for either of those entities.

Just like the hierarchy of needs, it is hard if not impossible to fulfill the higher sections of the pyramid without completely fulfilling the tiers below it; this hierarchy applies as much to society as much as it does a person, and a far more in-depth version that addresses the needs of a society as opposed to a person should be the revered as a cornerstone of social development. This is because the top of the pyramid is achieving one’s full potential, and as much as some of Stacy’s arguments may seem inhumane, reaching that pinnacle should be the only goal of society; even if society must force people to sacrifice things along the way, that is the nature of society, self-sacrifice in the name of societal actualization, and should somebody be opposed to this, they are as antisocial as any arsonist or anarchist. Unfortunately the current system rewards vices and individualism in order to use these temptations as motivating factors for both the slaves at the top and bottom, but when this is clearly having a destructive impact on society at all levels, the methods through which people are enslaved must be corrected so that they do not conflict with or interfere with society achieving its full potential.” Says Isabelle

“I don’t see where this concern for society plays into your usual capitalistic fury.” Says Grace

“Listening to Stacy just now made me realize I don’t want money; I realize that whatever I want to buy with money right now I will have no interest in and fail to want it in the slightest once I own it, and that just seems petty and stupid. I want success, and I want the power to ensure that success; I can never own success, it must constantly be fought for, it is a process that can always be improved, there is no end to success while there is when your purchase something, maybe enjoy it, and get bored. As nice as these things one can buy might be, Stacy is glad to remind you that they are all vices, and they are vices for a good reason, they are destructive forces in a world that values constructive ones, and any petty vanity and pride I would feel from owning a nice car or nice clothes feels shallow and meaningless when I think about creating something and rearing something that is not some meaningless symbol of fallacious worth or value, but is actually impactful and powerful and changes society. The lotus eaters want to eat lotuses all day and dream of that as if it is the perfect life, but that is a meaningless life of sickness in my eyes; I want to plant the seeds of industry, business, and success; work my fields with skill and diligence to watch my bountiful crop grow from the soil and nourish the world. I’m sure it will take many field hands to assist me, but every farmhand who stabs another in the back only makes a reasonable and beautiful dream become more and more difficult if not impossible.” Says Isabelle

“I don’t know if I should be concerned or just impressed that Stacy’s penchant for grandeur has inspired you to that degree. I can respect the condemnation of the usual vices of the rich, but I’m not sure that industry is this paramount virtue Stacy makes it out to be.” Says Jenna

“It has been pretty bad to the environment, but I guess it does give people jobs, so it’s not all bad.” Says Ophelia

“It’s not about the industry, it is about society. Just as the faiths of the world were able to turn bands of savages into civil people who created a society unimaginable to the savages, this faith in the optimization of society can turn civilized people into something proportionally as great and amazing. It may be extremely difficult to convince society to adopt some of these philosophies, but they say ‘per aspera ad astra’, and it could never be more true, especially seeing how the current state of affairs is far more likely to simultaneously destroy all humans and the environment, so at this rate the human race will likely never achieve anything besides digging our own grave after a few thousand years of civilization.” Says Isabelle

“If you’re going to start some kind of movement, you’re going to need a cool symbol, and I’m pretty sure most of them are taken.” Says Grace

“I would say the cross, because you always can, but it’s not like most of these ideas are super Christian like the Red Cross or anything.” Says Ophelia

“I would just use a V for verity.” Says Stacy

“That’s a bit underwhelming coming from you. I’d expect something eye-catching.” Says Jenna

“Well, I’m not a symbolist, but there could be a lower case t for truth below the V, because the truth is meaningless if not used to support verity, and then an o below that for order, signifying the people, the collective, all bound together into one inseparable group, and the foundation that discovers the truth and supports it so that verity can be realized.” Says Stacy

“You described an upside-down stick-figure of a person.” Says Jenna, dryly

“Then it’s perfect, because if the flag is flown upside-down, it is just one person, the individual, and to honor the individual in such a way is as comparable a disrespect to the country as flying their flag upside-down.” Says Stacy

“Is flying the flag of an upside-down person really any better?” asks Jenna

“Well it’s not an upside-down person; it’s the letters V, t, and o, which are symbolic and meaningful. I was satisfied with just the V, but I think the second idea at least makes sense, and it could just be. I’m not an artist, and a flag or symbol should be easy to make, so you are really limited there. This way people would be tempted to graffiti it everywhere and that is really all you can hope for.” Says Stacy

“I hope you don’t intend on doing that.” Says Jenna

“It has to have meaning before anyone would do that, otherwise you’re just another miscreant tagging things with your mark. The symbol is not important, the V was good and simple, but the person is good for vandals and somewhat symbolic, so either way. ‘Per aspera ad astra’ was far more moving than some silly drawing, the saying actually has meaning.” Says Stacy

“Let the people come up with something that resonates, a powerful symbol always lets you rally the people with, telling them ‘in hoc signo vinces’.” says Isabelle

“Somehow the fact that Stacy’s rhetoric is often so similar to ‘burn slower and last longer’ makes me feel like this revolutionary mindset was somehow far too inspired by a package of cigarettes.” Says Jenna

“If burning slower and lasting longer got somebody to the top of the market, at least at one point, it’s hard to argue with that logic, especially when that slogan could damn well save the planet right now.” Says Stacy

“It’s not about the cigarettes; despite the fact that Stacy is very particular about so many things, she is just being inspired by success, the foundations of success and the methods of being successful don’t change regardless of what sort of success you are attempting to create, success is all about how you apply the foundations and methods to your own scenario.” Says Isabelle

“I think it would be wise to have some justification for your ideology besides some slogans you saw on a pack of cigarettes; if this entire thing was such a great idea, logically it would be a procession of great ideas that slowly build upon each other, but right now it just seems like defending plenty of terrible ideas in the hope that they are all miraculously successful and work according to some arguably baseless plan that can only be defended if one puts unwavering faith in Stacy’s ability to draw conclusions. On top of that, you’re forgetting something very important, they are outstanding, they burn slower, they last longer, but the linchpin of their success is the fact that they are mild.” Says Grace




“It’s the tortoise and the hare, a timeless allegory that is all too relevant to my arguments. Slowly but surely; just as one must slowly give nutrients to an extremely malnourished person or else they will die of shock, the people have been malnourished to an identical level, surviving on only the sugar of hedonistic freedom and the water of vice that keeps their bodies alive, with no fortifying substance to ensure their health in the form of enrichment and empowerment of their mind, body, and soul so that they can perform their duties with the natural prowess of a healthy man as opposed to that of a starving drug addict. I would gladly support anything to expedite this process of social nutrition so long as it does not put the life of the person receiving the nutrients in jeopardy, but I would not risk the man’s life in some false hope his body will instantly absorb the nutrients and instantly function at full capacity, because this sort of shock can easily destroy society or more likely leave it brain damaged, just as it has done in countless past revolutions.” Says Stacy

“I don’t think there is a method to deprive people of their rights and install some despotic police state that is slow enough that it fails to induce the state of shock you mentioned.” Says Grace

“That method is the reason why societies have been able to form in the past; people slowly become accustomed to the nutrition that society provides and they become able to tolerate the nutrition of devotion to society, and this allows them to forsake their reckless consumption of hedonistic freedom that is devoid of the nutrition that keeps society healthy. America was founded distant from this principle because of many reasons, but if you disregard the impossibility of reigning over such a dispersed people with a heavy hand, it is clear that the founding fathers sought to avoid empowering somebody to the point where they are capable of providing the necessary nutrition, just because in the past these people have forsaken their own responsibility to society and fed the people poisons or failed to feed them at all rather than feeding them a proper nutritive diet.

People who want no gods or kings are anarchists, and there has never been a great civilization without a king, because people want a king, and need a king, lest they be reduced to the despicability of anarchists, the savages who spurn society high on the pinnacle of delusion, thinking that a singular man is more capable than the entirety of society because they are so god damn pretentious they feel they know better than everyone who ever existed. Even I admit that it is possible to know better than me, and all I demand is that people prove this in a scientific way free from ideal and opinion, and I am always happy to support sensible experiments.

There were never empires of kingless, godless men; there were never even countries of kingless, godless men, even the countries consisting of tribal indigenous kingless people with little education were founded by colonists of some king or another, and even these people in their natural lifestyles resonant of a time thousands of years before the dawn of civilization all had gods that would bind their societies together. The presence of kingship is the difference between savagery and nobility, for even peasants would respect the king, and the king is the only reason things could get done. The king was the individual that allowed the people to come together and commit themselves to subservience and self-sacrifice in order to achieve a greater good, and history proves time and time again, that this is the only way great things can be accomplished, because this describes literally every time anything great has happened, and while the king of America and many countries may have been replaced with idealism and nobility has been replaced with temporary roles of people attempting to serve the purpose without becoming corrupted by the power, these systems are still resonant to the necessity of the king in order to bind the people together, because even if the system and its ideals are the king, these foundations such as the constitution still serve the exact same role as the infallible and unquestionable king that all people must obey and serve in order to achieve a greater good.

I don’t oppose the constitution, but I would be rational and argue that these ideals must be treated as ideals and not absolutes. When the purpose of the constitution is to serve the role of the king and must unify the people in a commitment to the greater good, if the constitution shoots itself in the foot by defending something contrary to its own purpose, this must be corrected in order to respect the purpose of the constitution as opposed to the defending the fallacious infallibility of the ideals of the philosophers and their patrons that happened to exist 300 years ago. They are good and reliable, just as the horse is a good and reliable method of transportation, and it was the pinnacle of transportation on land at the time, but 300 years later there are far more capable and effective modes of transportation, and they are all zero percent horse.

I make this point because the defending the infallibility of the constitution is like arguing that every method of transportation that is the successor to the horse will be at least 100% horse, and by our best judgement the current pinnacle of transportation is something that is 150% horse, which is what our constitution represents today. The transportation allegory is great because where once the horse was the unquestionable pinnacle, nowadays, the best mode of transportation is entirely relative and depends on the situation whether it be plane, train, automobile, bicycle, horse, or even just walking.” Says Stacy

“The logic of your rhetoric is impressive but worrying, you start off saying something like ‘People are capable of great things, and we should work hard to make things better’, and then you follow it up with ‘We should clearly torture and kill lots of people’, and the disheartening level of thought that the everyman is capable of makes me think he will just presume that your argument of torturing and killing people is clearly the way to accomplish great things and make things better, simply because you told them that was your motive. It is very similar to what most politicians do, saying they want to help the people, and then talking about policy which is completely ignored by the people, who then just end up presuming that this policy helps them because that is what the politicians said they wanted to do. You take this to an extreme, but I’m hopeless enough to think that people will end up believing this stuff, just because you make these reasonable allegories that make sense, so people will just presume that the fantastical and often reproachable policy you talk about is sensible, just because they will give you the benefit of the doubt since your allegory made sense to them.” Says Jenna

“It’s not like I’m making broad generalizations and reeling off non-sequiturs in regards to my policy in some manner of seeking used to convince the people that me pushing my own self-interest is what they really want. The legitimacy of my ideas is always defended by the mathematical viability and the indefinitely sustainable economic effectiveness of the ideas. Never have I argued in favor of something that was in my own personal interest or anything where I personally stood to gain something for doing so; my ideas are explicitly and exclusively designed to make society better and reliably accomplish great things, and both of these things have little if anything to do with me. I argue in favor for these things out of sheer benevolence and a desire to help the human race achieve something more than being remembered in the archeological record as despicable animals of reckless consumption and notoriously poor judgement that destroyed an entire planet over the course of a few thousand years. Even if my idea is to ‘torture and murder people’, it is not this way because I stand to gain something or have any ulterior motives, it is this way because this way is the most effective and efficient way to resolve problems and optimize the economy.

 My ideas are not dystopian in any sense of the word; all of my ideas intend only to solve problems that society faces, and reduce the number of problems that are prevalent in society drastically, and this diligent quest to actively resolve problems is far closer to a utopia, a place without problems, than the ideas of any other political party; because while they all claim to resolve problems, I am the only one who offers valid mathematical and logical arguments as to how my solutions actually and verifiably solve these problems, where every other person searching for a utopia just thinks that preaching some ideal long enough will counteract all animal and human nature that is naturally inherent within the human mind, and their idea is to somehow turn society into a utopia with this logic if not physically impossible logic is utter bullshit.

My ideas may not be ‘nice’ or ‘good’ all the time, but that is not the point in the slightest, my ideas are attempts to be correct, because correctness and the real world are entirely independent from morality, and this means that the correct answer will sometimes be the answer that is not nice or good. Babies get rotavirus and die, and it is not nice or good in the slightest, but the idealists and champions of the ironically named political correctness will argue that since this fact is not nice or good, then it is not a fact in the slightest and that rotavirus is entirely fallacious because in order for something to be true it must be nice or good, and this is complete bullshit. Perhaps not a perfect allegory, but the finite and provable nature guarantees that there is a correct way to reduce the problems in society to a minimum indefinitely and sustainably, and there is no reason to believe that the solution to this equation will for whatever reason be nice or good, but there is a very good reason to believe that despite this fact, this solution will verifiably reduce the problems in society to a minimum, and this is because the solution in question is correct.

The means to the end may not be perfectly good and nice, but the end itself is so worthwhile and valuable, that the means entirely justify the end, and those who disagree are arguing in favor of coddling and exacerbating the problems that blight society forever simply because there is no solution that is deemed nice enough. If this ideology is given any merit, we must also teach the children that the solution to any mathematical problem must be nice, so if sally has 3 eggs and gives one to Bobby, Sue, Steve, but not Jane who each all started with zero eggs, the answer to the question ‘how many eggs does each person have?’, according to the socialist idealist insanity, is that each person has one egg if not three eggs each, because it is not fair that jane doesn’t get an egg, and it’s not right to expect sally to give away all of her eggs or even any of them when she is so poor as to only have three eggs, so in the socialist mind the only correct answer is stating that three eggs have magically  become five eggs, or even fifteen eggs because everyone should be equal to Sally, and this is the socialist solution because this is the only way that things remain nice and fair for everybody, and I would like to presume that this is the reason why so many people starved to death in communist countries, but I’m sure there were far more justifiable reasons seeing how these people in power somehow managed to become something more than filthy drug addled hippie on a failing and hypocritical commune.

The human race is forced to defend either a world that has infallible niceness and fallacious correctness while forcing people to be incredulous to the inherent logical failures or the system, or they must come to terms with the fact that the correct answer and the best thing to do are not always going to be inherently rainbows, sunshine, smiles, and hugs just because some idealist argues that in their mind everything is perfect when their mind conjures up this logically impossible fantasy thus believes that this asinine fantasy is the most reasonable solution that should be pursued, not because it is in any way reasonable or even possible, but entirely due  to the fact that it is the most pleasant fantasy they can imagine.” Says Stacy

“Even if the numbers say that something is great or perfect or whatever, I don’t think that people should just disregard morality and listen to the numbers instead. God says ‘thou shalt not kill’ and that should really make things that disregard that commandment equally as impossible as whatever socialist nonsense is impossible, because even though you can technically do it, you can’t do it without going against God’s commandments.” Says Ophelia

“Society has disregarded god every time they felt that they felt that it would be in their favor or to their liking, so it’s not like they actually listen to god or respect the faith any time other than when it is convenient for them. That commandment is more accurately ‘thou shalt not murder’ because otherwise God would be ridiculously hypocritical seeing how he tells people to kill all sorts of different people throughout the bible. Murder is the killing of an innocent person, and I am not supporting that at all, many killings of people are justified because these people are a threat to society, and this is all I support doing. All of the people that would be euthanized are done so because they are measurably harmful to society and its wellbeing, and God has no issues with the people defending themselves and their country.

Just as idolaters and all sorts of other people who God instructs society to stone to death are harmful to society, the people I would euthanize all create problems that can only be resolved and prevented through euthanasia, and I am quite benevolent in the fact that I put most of them down peacefully if their net yield has simply dropped below an unjustifiable level, and it is only the very immoral active aggressors that fight against society that would be put down in the torturous ways as God instructed, because the deaths of these alone people are not enough, they must also serve as a very palpable example of exactly why the people should not do these things, and their painful death serves as a form of preventative education, especially since most people will not sit down for a few hours to listen to discourse that explains exactly why these people are so dangerous to society, because often times these things are not blatantly dangerous, but they are clearly equally as dangerous when you can understand that the subtle but equally deadly dangers that society would face if these people were allowed to exist.

 Despite the fact that it is not immoral, according to the true morality standards established by god himself in the bible, regardless of what some hedonistic idealists might misconstrue morality to be, it is entirely amoral and above any gripes about that sort of opinionation, because it ultimately has nothing to do with opinion. These arguments are correct; it is plain and simple: measured, calculated correctness indifferent from any sort of idealist delusion. Just because the best answer is not the most wholesome or kind answer does not invalidate the fact that the answer is the best and the most correct.

To listen to correctness, and revere numbers created by the physical world, is to listen to god himself. God is numbers, for the instant god exists in any countable reality, before anything else or whenever, in that very instant numbers exist alongside god in equal validity and divine truth, because he is explicitly those numbers. The entire physical world and even all correct mathematics can be understood as god in the flesh for that reason, as he created all of them and is synonymous with them, not the things that the numbers represent of course, but the countable quality of reality, the statistical measurable world, and as god is synonymous with all numbers that exist, it is easy to understand how he can easily judge every living creature with complete recollection of everything, because he literally is the quantification everything that exists, or at least some small part of him, and this is from an entirely secular and logical standpoint that can operate independent form any intricacies of faith.

The numbers are god’s will, and if creating a society that is measurably better, more moral, more successful, more peaceful, more kind, and more benevolent can only be accomplished through the torture and killing of people, that is the will of god as attested to in his divine numbers, and god is telling the faithful with these numbers that the people subjected to such treatment oppose the creation of a godly society, the creation of heaven on earth, and as conscious or unconscious opponents to this duty of man entrusted to him by god, killing or torturing these people is no different than doing to so an idolater or anyone else God tells people that they must kill in order to preserve the godliness of society and thus the health, safety and prosperity said godliness brings.

This is not to say that all mathematical advancement is inherently good, because these things can easily be the brood of Satan, who is also synonymous with god and created in the same manner as numbers, but created by the capacity of anything that has arisen from nature but has the capacity to diverge from it, such as humans. Satan and vice represent the human capacity of the mind to diverge from natural success; all vices are things that reduce the success of the individual, the society, or both, so by this standard, all things that do this are vices, and all things that accommodate and encourage the success of the individual, society, or both are virtuous as they are functionally the opposite of vice. All aspects of the unnatural reality must be judged by this standard, of whether or not these things are in effect virtue or vice, because god explicitly tells people that it is their own responsibility to purge their society of vices, and if they fail to do so, they will all suffer and die as happened many times in the bible. This can be difficult, because things like automobiles can be seen as good or bad, but they are parallel to food in that a certain amount of them are necessary for the success of society, and thus they are virtuous, but too many of them quickly causes the society and the planet to become sick, and this gluttony towards automobiles is one of the major factors that is destroying the planet today.

While my sentiments may not be echoed word for word by god in the bible, the formula through which my arguments are derived is the same as used by god in the bible, and likely the only reason they fail to appear in the bible is due to the fact that god is only dealing with tribal people with limited technology, so addressing these things would seem like nonsense because they are not a legitimate issue facing the people at the time. God was capable of shepherding the people for thousands of years, and it was only until the technological revolution of the renaissance that god began to falter, and this is not due to a shortcoming by god, but a failure by people to modernize the message and instructions of god by deriving gods will in regards to the technological advancement by applying his logic and message to the new elements of society.

God gave people everything they needed to continue to remain godly, but they simply chose not to seek out the same advancements in theology that they did for technology, despite the fact that theology was the science that birthed, reared, and protected society. It is for that reason that they now face the same fate of extinction as the godless societies that were all destroyed by themselves before the dawn of written history. I am not disregarding god in the slightest, I am simply applying his logic and insight to the modern world, to fill the gaps in his commandments that exist due to the temporal schism between the biblical era and today.” Says Stacy

“Sadly I can’t argue with the fact that god was always an unwavering proponent of killing people in order to make society better. You like to elaborate upon this strategy by adding in the psychological manipulation and torture of people in order to make society better, but I’m sure god wouldn’t exactly disapprove, seeing how you tend to have the best interests of society in mind.” Says Jenna

“It’s delightful how when you analyze the bible and formulate a godly, Christian society based off of logic of the commandments of god it is nothing like what people would imagine.” Says Isabelle

“I think it’s really missing a very important part, and that is everything Jesus had to say. Even if it might not be as logical as what god originally said, it is still an important message.” Says Ophelia

“Jesus was about ensuring that the faith survived, and to do that, he had to somehow tempt people to believe; unfortunately, the only temptation known to man is vice, and this is why Jesus’ message was laden with the argument that sloth and disregarding god’s will somehow manages to get you into heaven. God’s original message was about the creation of society and ensuring that society survives, and that is why I focus on that message. Jesus was able to save the faith and spread it so well because he told people what they wanted to hear instead of what they needed to hear, because god had already told people what they needed to hear in the Old Testament and this proved insufficient, and this wisdom is Jesus is vital because it made the bible, including the Old Testament, so prevalent today, allowing us to have such proximity to the word of god so that we might be able to analyze and understand the true value it brings to society. When the bible pits the word of Jesus alone, against the message of the numerous prior prophets and god himself, it is clear that the message of Jesus is contrary to those who came before him and god himself for a reason. It is only through this faith in Jesus that we can be saved, because man would never listen to the faith if it was realistic as the Old Testament is, much like you cannot get a dog to eat a medicinal pill unless you coat it in peanut butter, and this is the magic of Jesus; if only we could get society to stop licking the peanut butter and disregarding the medicine.” Says Stacy

“I do like the idea of measuring all aspects of society for their benefits and dangers to individuals and society in order to have a contemporary understanding of vice. As much as people couldn’t foresee cars thousands of years ago when they were defining the vices, cars and food are extremely similar in regards to virtuous consumption compared to sinful consumption. Even if you had this perfect list of mathematically proven vices of the contemporary world, I’m sure society would still revel in their vices and disregard it, just as most people do today in regards to the classical vices.” Says Jenna

“Yes, god was a totalitarian dictator, and it is easy to argue that he was a benevolent dictator, but the issue with anyone attempting to emulate god is that these are people and they’re not god. God says a few sentences here and there and that is it, there is no influence of the corrupting forces of constantly being a living human being that play into his argument; he has no way to reap personal gains from his actions in any way, and that is the only reason he can remain altruistic in any sense of the word. Any dictator, as godly as they may strive to be, will always fail because they suffer from the fault of existing as well as taking on a much larger role that god ever did.

God was able to address a few key points and leave the people to work out the rest for themselves, but the dictator is forced to make all of the key points, and to do this with any level of respectable consistency is easily unachievable. The dictator can’t just make a few general statements and disappear because the dictator exists and can easily be found to be asked more questions, which are likely much harder to answer than some general rule like don’t kill people. God could lay the basic and solid framework for a society because that is fairly simple, but a dictator must lay solid framework, as well as complete every aspect of construction of the building including managing the staffing and daily operations, and in this allegory, clearly there is much more room to make critical errors, and doing this is recklessly presuming more power than even god was willing to wield.” Says Grace

“It may be more ambitious than god was in the bible, but god was able to fully meet the needs of his people and ensure their survival and success; that is what must be done, regardless of however complicated and advanced society becomes when compared to ancient society. It is of critical importance because we have made countless technological advances that god did not explicitly mention in the bible to inform people of the ways that this technology can be used in a virtuous way and how it can become vice, so god has clearly entrusted the people with making these determinations accurately seeing how they had the science to create the technology, and the shameless fact that they have failed to mathematically codify the virtuous and sinful uses of technology is a testament to the level of sloth of society. Without theology being willing to measure these things in regards to benefits to society compared to dangers to society, we are ultimately no more civilized than a race of godless savages who are entirely ignorant to the concept of vice.

God informs the people of how to be godly and avoid sin, and mentions all means to their disposal to do either of these things during the biblical times, but when humans have five times as many means to commit sin,  but nothing informing them of the sinfulness of using these newfound means of vice, they ultimately share the same fate of godless savages who exterminated themselves because they were so indifferent to the vices destroying their society that they were willing to tolerate due to their ignorance. The sciences are more than happy to remind us that the human race is destroying itself, or at least the planet, but they fall short by failing to state that the root of this evil is in the shortcomings of the human soul, as they will only blame the things that people do rather than the people themselves, and are entirely unwilling to condemn the spiritual shortcomings of human kind as the scientific source of these issues, despite all facts that prove this point.

It is a moot point to harangue a dictator for presuming more power than god, when every society at this point in history has some equivalent of a dictator that presumes an identical degree of power; even if they separate this power into many different people, the collective that must agree to accomplish something still wields that same amount of power. That power must be wielded, and this must be done in a way that produces a similar level of success that god was able to produce in ancient societies, and clearly the most reliable way to do this is to emulate god, because god proved the fact that his logic and principles would yield reliable success over thousands of years, where the idealists and humanists have created a system that reliably fails to wield the power at all, and when anyone attempts to wield the power it only manages to show the sheer inanity of the human mind and the fact that arguing in favor of idealism is like arguing that Tantalus will someday drink the water and eat the grapes he attempts to grab if he struggles more and reaches with more fury.” Says Stacy

“It is a fair argument that the power must be wielded, but unless you’ve somehow managed to get a saint to be your dictator, there are many places where that dictatorship can take a wrong turn. Just because of the dangers of absolute power, the dysfunctional system we have today actually makes a case for its existence, because in its nature the people theoretically have the ability to perform the same duties as a dictator to the same degree of success, but the number of them and the necessity of their accord makes sure the group of many will overpower any attempt by an individual to presume that power. Even though it hardly works most of the time, it does reliably accomplish its only real point which was to prevent the rise of a dictator. It is a terrible system, don’t get me wrong, and you’ve done more than enough to remind us of that, but just because something is terrible doesn’t mean it couldn’t easily be much worse, so I can respect the government in some ways it despite its impotence. It’s still there, for now at least, and that does speak to the point that a few hundred powerless people can’t derail and destroy a country anywhere near as fast as one despotic dictator.” Says Isabelle




“Totalitarian states always fail, and all states continuously stumble, because they assert that falsehoods that defend the power and validity of the state are unquestionable truths and indoctrinate people to believe these things through force, intimidation, and/or temptation. I have always opposed this position. It is true that people must be subordinate or at least respectful to the state in order for the state to succeed, but I seek to induce this by forcing the people to accept truths that are veritably unquestionably provable and true that defend the state, rather than utilize the delusions induced by lies and ideals to accomplish this result in an easier way just to build society on a foundation of fallacy.

I do not say my ideas are perfect, I say that through the standards of science and the pursuit of perfection, ideas can become perfect, or at least continuously inch closer to measurable, testable perfection that holds true in the face of any assault, giving validity to the state and the society that is unquestionably real as opposed to a faux validity induced by imaginative delusion burned into the minds of the people that makes it hard if not impossible for them to come to logical conclusions because every conclusion they draw will be tainted with this false logic and thus be dysfunctional when applied.

My state is no more totalitarian than the concept of physics or chemistry, the state may wield absolute power and authority, but this is in the same respect that physics yields absolute power over the physical world and chemistry absolute power and authority over chemicals: physics and chemistry must be all powerful in order for the physical world not to fall to into meaningless pieces and cease to exist, and this scientific state I describe performs the same duty for society in order to enable it to sustain itself and function reliably. There is no power to be gained by anyone; there is only power in verity, in measurable fact, in scientific inquiry and experiment. If a person yields power it is not because they are hungry for power, it is because the science of maintaining a reliably functional if not optimized society requires them to wield that power, and to do exactly as the scientific law or theory demands, just as burning wood has no desire to release heat or react with oxygen to create CO2, it simply must do these things per the laws of physics because the fire exists and that reaction is explicitly and scientifically how fire exists.

Just as equations can easily measure and understand combustion, society exists in this same physical world and can be measured and understood in the exact same way, nearly identical to a chemistry that uses people instead of chemicals in methodical and reliable ways in order to produce the desired results. Throw off the shackles of physics, and you can call a veritocracy an oppressive totalitarian state, but until this occurs, it is not a state at all, veritocracy is only reality, and the people must chose to either accept the reality of the physical world, or continue to be so deluded as to believe that the largely hallucinatory experience of the human mind can triumph and overpower measurable and immutable science. To put any faith in the human mind, sentiment, feeling, ideal and opinion, this is the totalitarian state; this is the state that rules through mass delusion, indoctrination, misinformation, lies, and a violently oppressive enforcement and defense of these fallacies which are deemed to be unquestionable truths and sources of validity by the people and the state. I do not seek to oppress, the people, I only seek to liberate them from the oppression of the human mind.” Says Stacy

“The argument against delusion is kind of ridiculous, because it is quite likely that science will discover that instilling some form of delusion into the people is far more beneficial to the goal of ensuring the survival and success of society. Delusion causes people to work hard because they think that they will someday become very successful, delusion causes people to seek to change the world because they think they actually can, and without this delusion, the very tiny fraction of people who actually do become successful or change the world would not exist, and those people are vital to the progress of society. Even you are entirely fueled by the delusion in thinking that you can actually accomplish something and help society, despite the fact that this is extremely unrealistic, especially in your case, and without this you would never bother creating these wild ideas, some of which could possibly help society one day.” Says Jenna

“The problem with using delusion to this end is that some people are far less prone to maintaining delusion, and the crushing reality that surrounds them is able to shatter their delusions and this motivating factor falls through completely, leaving the people questioning their lives, bitter, and resentful. These same means can easily be accomplished by giving people a very palpably real reason to accomplish the same things, and while this can be a real fear that drives them to work hard, this can also be a clear procession of measurable results of hard work and success that encourages them to work hard, and even if these results are meager or meaningless, people will still chase after them because they will inherently want things they don’t have so long as there is something desirable about them, even if it is only a level of respect and recognition amongst the people as a reward for their hard work.

The same holds true for changing the world, because when you give people a system that demonstrates and highlights the real procession of changing the world, which would be easy in a world governed by science, then people will be inspired to work hard towards those ends and understand how things like that are actually accomplished, rather than just having an enigmatic system where through some means of charisma, fortuity, or money people become powerful enough to change the world. Inducing the delusion in children by telling them outright that they can be successful and they can change the world is a double-edged sword, because this message will haunt the children who fail to become successful and change the world despite how they wanted to do so. By giving them a system to understand how they can become successful and how they can change the world if they devote their lives to these certain things, they understand how and why people become successful and change the world, increasing the success rate of the children by giving them structure as well as reducing the disheartening nature of failing to do so, because they can understand they did not act as the method prescribes and should not expect those sorts of results.

You mention only the benefits of delusion, but these same delusions induce a psychotic zealotry in people like idealists and anyone else with faith in this profound power of a person’s opinions, and this side of the delusion induced by the idealist democratic state is diagnosable mental illness in a realistic world. The same holds true for humanism and the massive numbers of indoctrinated or natural delusions that pertain to the value and significance of a human’s life despite the fact that defending these delusions continuously harms society economically as well as socially by coddling unhealthy if not dangerous levels of self-worship and indignation in the people. Far too many delusions are defended by the humanists and the idealists, despite the fact that to do this the state must wage a war against reality in order to protect these delusions and see to the point that they are not crushed to death by the reality that surrounds them. This is an inordinate waste of resources, especially when the delusions themselves are not even beneficial to society due to the rate at which they cause problems and hinder society, as the cost of these things is much higher than the benefit of energy saved by inducing a functionally complicit state in the human mind by using these delusions instead of alternative means to do so.

It is easy to induce a functionally complicit state in the human mind by inducing delusion, and this is because humans are both stupid and prone to delusion, but to do this is like loosely binding society together with twine that can easily be loosened, stretched, or snapped, when in reality society should be bound by something far more binding than delusion, so that there is not this leeway to contort the delusion to suit one’s own fancy and then use this as a source of conflict with all other people in society. The medium that bonds society together cannot be loose, malleable, or breakable; it must be entirely unbreakable, and for this to be true it must be real and in no way fictitious such as a delusion, ideal, or opinion.” Says Stacy

“I think Jenna is just trying to get at the point that the level of control you exert on society would create a level of discontent amongst the people, because just like how a horse will resist becoming tame, a person will as well, and they will easily be far more ornery than a horse when it comes down to it. When that’s the case it seems like a little bit of misinformation would go a long way, you said it yourself, if you don’t know you’re a slave, you will never think of demanding your freedom.” Says Isabelle

“The horse resists until he is broken, and then he becomes tame, and then loving when he realizes that his life is better. This same concept holds true in people, who were reluctant to give up their savage ways in order to become a civilized society, but once they had been broken by society they were willing to cooperate and eventually came to love and appreciate society. Just as rape and murder are illegal for a reason, despite the fact that some people have the natural instinct to do these things, people can easily understand why these things are bad, and this is why they are willing to condemn them and refrain from doing them.

I would not use misinformation to justify anything, because there is no reason to. Misinformation is only capable of justifying something that is fallacious, and to use misinformation I would be counteracting my own efforts, because the methods through which society is controlled and the reasons for doing so are not fallacious reasons, but entirely legitimate reasons, so the only reliable way to justify them is to inform people of the correct logic that unquestionably justifies these things. You don’t need misinformation to justify something that is correct, so all that must be done is to create simple and understandable explanations as to why things are the way they are, and when people can understand these reasons, they will likely be willing to support them.

Misinformation is only valuable in convincing abused and exploited people that they are not abused and exploited, and I have no intention of abusing or exploiting anyone, as this is energy wasted on these destructive processes to accomplish means that could be gained just as easily and far more constructively by meeting the people’s needs, utilizing them at maximum efficiently, and then preventing them from abusing and exploiting each other. Abuse causes psychological trauma and exploitation implies being deprived of things, as there would be no intention of inducing trauma or depriving anyone of the necessities of life, none of my policies would require misinformation in order to justify.” Says Stacy

“I’m not a doctor, but I’m rather sure that witnessing torture causes psychological trauma, and you even went on at one point about how you would use whites to constitute the majority of the population because they have no historical grounds to argue about their exploitation, and that seems rather exploitative to me.” Says Jenna

“Everything that causes psychological trauma is not abuse, things like crashing a car can induce psychological trauma, yet this is the natural reason for this type of trauma to exist, to serve as a constant reminder to the person that they should not drive their car fast and recklessly. Abuse is the unjustified induction of physical or psychological trauma, but nature reminds us that there are occasionally things that must induce such trauma in order for the species to survive, because if this man who crashed his car wasn’t traumatized, he would likely go out and crash his car again and possibly die. This fact justifies the psychological trauma, as well as the public torture of people who seek to mutiny and grab the wheel of society in order crash the car, because this person as well as any in society who would tolerate that behavior are clearly in need of the psychological trauma that would naturally be present if they were to succeed; by torturing this sort of person, society simultaneously manages to save itself as well as induce the natural psychological trauma that person seeks to induce within themselves and society by crashing the car, and this is the way that both people are able to reach the ends that they seek without having these ends conflict with each other.

About that other point, it is not exploitative in the slightest, it is simply utilizing the fact that these people are naturally less prone to mass indignation and cries of exploitation because history doesn’t inform them that they should be wary of such a fate, it is not that the people would be exploited, it is just that there would be countless strawmen arguments created by historical examples of oppression to plant the seeds of unrest within the minds of historically oppressed peoples’ minds that they are being oppressed by the authority somehow. It is a simple measure designed entirely to reduce the potential number of problems by reducing the number of potential sources for problems, and race relations in America has always been one of the most conflagratory topics in history, so to attempt to create a utopian society with as few problems as possible while still somehow pretending that race relations is somehow not the explicit source of a plethora of problems is asinine, especially when these are problems that are entirely prevented by establishing homogenous societies where race relations cannot become a hotbed of conflict because the relationships between the races are equivalent to those between foreign nations, and thus there is never outcry from the autonomous Negros that their people are being oppressed by the United States solely because they happen to be black.

It is a precautionary measure to avoid giving the common people mountains of fuel for any anti-authority anti-establishment sentiments they might develop because they can cite how their people were continuously abused and exploited in the past, and use this to draw the conclusion that they are continuously exploited to this day. If you don’t want an errant cinder or a flash of lightning to ignite your large pile of wood, you certainly don’t douse the wood in gasoline, and that is what relying on historically exploited populations would amount to. The dangers of doing this can easily be felt today as despite the massive amount of progress that has been made in regards to race relations, there are constant cries of racism and discrimination to the point where people rally in the streets to a similar level they had done in the past, despite the fact that these instances of racism and discrimination are many magnitudes smaller in size than the racism and discrimination of the past that brought about similar levels of discontent.

There is no reason to give the people this argument to defend their indignation, when it has proven time and time again to be an unnecessary source of strife and volatility within society. There is a clear difference between exploitation and choosing to avoid unnecessary problems and relinquishing unnecessary burdens. Some might say that it is unethical, but these people are all idiots for saying abandoning a failing ideal and thus resolving many problems it induces in the process is unethical especially considering that these idiots are the same ones who argue argue that if the state were to destroy the economy in the name of giving people the ephemeral hedonistic pleasure like healthcare cannibalized from the corpse of the country, that this would be ethical.

I am arguing for planting two different seeds that conflict with each other and stunt each other’s growth in different fields, yet these contemporary ethicists are arguing for planting these crops together against all logic, or even just eating the seeds we need to plant next year’s crop. This is contemporary ethics, arguing that the best solution to natural conflict is to make the conflict more incendiary and that it is ethical to starve the future generations to death in order to fatten those who are alive right now who are already quite fat, many of whom are unworthy of being fed in the first place because to feed these bastions of antithetical value is to deprive a starving man who could otherwise provide value to his society. When it comes down to it, the cost of taxation in order to fatten the people also makes doing business with America much harder for foreign people, so you are also in a sense starving the people of the world of a cost effective trading partner that is a source of valuable food and aid. Ethicists are truly despicable people, and the fact that society has allowed them to hijack a once respectable word so they can seek their own self-serving gains is shameless.” Says Stacy

“When I make a list of self-serving groups of people, ethicists consistently top that list.” Says Jenna, dryly

“You might be smug and sarcastic, but she’s got a damn good point. It’s not ethical to starve the future and the rest of the world to fatten your own people, and that is exactly what socialists and the ethical community seek to do. It is not ethical to incite violence and unrest, but that is exactly what the ethicists do by using sensitive issues to provoke people into fighting over unresolvable problems. It is not ethical to steal from some people and give freely to the others in exchange for nothing, despite any good intentions, this is still theft, and if these people need money, they should be expected to work for the damn money like everybody else. Nothing is free unless you’re a communist, in which case everything is free until everything has been stolen and the only thing left is starving to death, which is still unironically free. I can support giving meeting people’s needs provided they have some contractual obligation to work for their benefactors, as this is common business sense, but if we’re just blindly giving money away, the line in the sand is utter bullshit and it’s clearly ethical to give away the entire country, all of everybody’s money, and all of the sovereignty of the nation by allowing everybody in the god damn world to vote in American elections, because it’s such a nice fucking thing to do.

It is not ethical to deprive the nation of the human reproduction needed to sustain the future growth of the nation just so that women can feel ‘just like the boys’ and go to work which has resulted in nothing but treacherously low birth rates and a doubling of the cost of sustaining your life and family as a wage slave. This is what contemporary ethics amounts to, it is absolutely asinine pursuit of ideals that does nothing but create more fucking problems that could completely be avoided if people actually understood the repercussions of their actions, the unattainability of ideals, and the fact that despite any good intentions, the results are extremely unethical when somebody actually has the correct interpretation of the word. The idealists and the ethicists cause all of these problems, and then raise hell blaming everybody but themselves for the fact that these problems exist, despite the fact that they clearly created all of these fucking problems.

This is ethics, and with the standard of ethics defined as causing massive social and economic problems while being an incredulous delusional hypocrite, then I’m glad Stacy is allegedly unethical; because as much as she could easily cause massive social problems and could arguably be incredulous and delusional, she tends to avoid hypocrisy, and that is a step in the right direction, and seeing how those things are only true if all of her plans go awry as they probably will, that is a massive improvement from ethicists and idealists who are guaranteed to be all of those deplorable things because their plans are verifiably impossible to achieve; so call me whatever you like, but I would much rather have some small probability of success than being bound to a system with zero percent chance of success and a 100 percent chance of causing massive amounts of unnecessary problems along the way.” Says Isabelle

“For someone who claims to be a career oriented woman your stance on women in the workplace is puzzling.” Says Grace

“I am career oriented, but if you work in a skyscraper that tapers down to its foundation on a god damn needlepoint, you don’t have a career at all, you are just committing suicide by going to work in that building. The economy needs to sustain itself in order for there to be any possibility for career oriented anyone to exist, so I am perfectly in the right by condemning the destruction of the economy in the name of venerating spinsterhood and neutering women entirely. If we send two women into the work place, then two other women must produce four children each to maintain the population, and clearly since society has failed to understand this simple mathematical equation and chose to enslave everybody and turn far too many women into functional neuters, this is why I can easily support Stacy’s policies in regards to meeting the needs of the economy and thus society. For any women to have career opportunities, then this means a proportional number of women need to forsake these opportunities to produce children, and since society cannot understand that and expects every household to function with two incomes due to shortsighted greed, I cannot defend the ‘women’s rights’ movement that has ultimately turned women into neuter slaves and destroyed the future of the economy in exchange for some halfhearted respect at best.

 As of now the poor and uneducated people are the only ones who reliably produce children, and the genetic and social factors that contribute to a person’s poverty are consistently concentrating themselves in the genetics and the mentalities of the people who will inherit this country. This once great country will soon be defined by a massive majority of people predisposed to failure due to their genetics and social upbringing, which ultimately spells the doom of the god damn country seeing how it is a democracy and the state will only exist to echo the sentiments of the ignorant and failure prone masses.

This can already be seen taking effect in the country, and you should be well aware that it is in large part due to the ‘women’s liberation’ movement that has only served to liberate the women capable of success due to their quality genetics and social caliber from the gene pool because the world would rather see them work than sustain the success of the country indefinitely. This is the ethicists once again eating the seeds that must be planted for next year’s crop and starving the future. If it is a woman’s right to destroy the economy and thus society, then so be it, make sure you remind everybody that doing so is somehow a civil right so they can respect how liberated the plutocrats are when they want to destroy the economy and society in the name of shortsighted profit.” Says Isabelle

“As much as it is unethical to deny women the right to work if they want to, I think it’s even more unethical to make it much harder for the women who want to be stay-at-home moms to do so, because this hurts the children who’s mom might have to work instead of care for them, and it also makes the woman’s husband have to work twice as hard just so they can get by. It really is an awful situation to be in.” says Ophelia

“Being a stay-at-home mom sounds really boring; especially once all of your kids grow up and go to school all day.” Says Grace

“You can just make sure you always have enough kids to have at least one little one at home to keep you company, and then by the time you are too old to have kids anymore, your own children will have children and you can play with your grandkids. That sounds so much better than working some job and not being able to spend time with your children and grandkids. Even if you love your job, you will always love your children and your grandkids more than your job; at least you should, so it’s heartbreaking to see women being forced to work happen so often.” Says Ophelia

“The problem with our type of society is that it is always the minority who is the most vociferous and outspoken, so in the case of women’s rights the indignation of a small group of spinsters, neuters, and drug addled hippies managed to ruin society for the motherly type of girl. It’s a damn shame seeing how it just made life and the economy worse for everybody except that small minority and the people who profit from forcing women to work.” Says Stacy

“We wouldn’t be able to compete in the world without women in the workforce; I can agree that reproduction is an issue, but we cripple our economy either way, by putting women in the workforce or not, and this entire movement stemmed from the World War Two movement that put women to work out of necessity, and it’s just that said necessity has never disappeared. As much as it’s not the most pleasant and ideal idea, this does force me to support your idea of a something like breeding caste, where women are employed with the sole goal to produce children, just to avoid the problems of population decline posed by forcing women into the workplace, though I don’t know if I would go about it with the same ferocity as you are fond of.” Says Jenna

“I don’t know why you call it that, you could just call it being a professional mom or something nice like that. I’m pretty sure you’re supposed to have children with your husband, so I don’t really understand the whole selective artificial breeding nonsense and segregation of men and women part.” Says Ophelia

“If these professional moms all had 12 or 20 children while many other women had one or probably none, this would just cause an imbalance in the genetics and could pose a problem if there were recessive traits that would concentrate to pose a problem, and the measure of surrogate motherhood would just be to ensure that the babies are healthy primarily, but it can also be useful when there are men and women who would benefit society if they were reproduced but are not you or your husband. I would gladly accept the children even if they were all from the same man though, that alone solves the problem of an aging population.” Says Stacy

“I think it would be kind of weird giving birth to kids who aren’t related to me, but I think that does happen sometimes with surrogate mothers and things like that as you said. As long as they let me be their mom then that’s OK, I guess, because I can definitely love other people’s kids like they’re my own, especially if I gave birth to them and raised them since they were born.” Says Ophelia

“Your surrogate children would definitely look enough like you and your natural children that nobody would raise any questions, especially not the children. Plenty of people look similar but have slightly different genetics, each of which can easily be worth reproducing for the health of the population. Even if the world is too squeamish for that sort of a standard breeding program as seen in every other domesticated mammal, I could breathe easy if we could at least employ enough professional moms to meet the projected demands of economy growth, even if they do come from the same man the woman happens to love, so long as the man is of fair genetic quality of course. Sexual segregation and selective breeding are far closer to optimum solutions, but the difficulty of establishing them would likely take some time to implement to the point where they become fully functional.” Says Stacy

“Seeing how Stacy’s argument was to separate the children from the mother before they could form memories, I’m sure it’s not as wholesome as you like to imagine.” Says Grace

“That would only be true if sexual segregation is established, and that would still only apply to the male children. You could still have some sort of relationship with your female children because doing so wouldn’t disrupt the homogeny of their minds.” Says Stacy

“That’s still terrible, it’s not like my children are going to do bad things to me just because they’re boys. That’s nonsense.” Says Ophelia

“That’s not the issue. The issue is that gender relations is one of the majors sources of problems within society, and the logic behind the segregation is to remove the source of the problem so that they problems cease to exist. The more time people spend around the opposite gender, the more this becomes a relevant factor and aspect of reality in their mind, and the scale of gender conflict is directly proportional to the amount of knowledge of and interaction between the two genders. If the two genders had absolutely no knowledge of or interaction each other, there would be zero problems related to the relationship between men and women in society, while full sexual integration creates the maximum level of potential problems in society due to gender relations, so while it is easily impossible to keep both parties entirely ignorant of each other, it is very much so possible to keep the amount of interactions and involvement with each other at a minimum, which thus proportionally reduces the amount of potential sources of conflict.

The argument is not that men are all inherently problematic and dangerous to women, it is just that there is the potential for this problematic nature to exist, so by eliminating the potential for the problem, we eliminate the problem entirely, or at least proportionally to the amount that the potential for the problem is reduced. It is the difference between preventing rapes, so that nobody gets raped, or allowing people to get raped and then attempting to catch and convict the rapist through all the means of justice that exist and the shortcomings of such means. It is logic that is nearly identical to the vaccine, which has become the standard course for preventing illnesses, whereas the alternative is refusing to vaccinate people out of reckless optimism in hoping that they simply don’t get sick and then burdening yourself with having to treat these sick people due to a lack of preventative measures being taken.” Says Stacy

“That really won’t do that much to curb sex crimes or abuse in society because they people will just victimize people of the same sex, but it does prevent women from being the victims of men which is far more prevalent in society, and at the very least it levels the playing field amongst the abusive people by removing any advantage the abuser might gain by being a male abusing a female.” Says Jenna

“I think women are far less naturally prone to those sorts of things, due to lacking the aggression induced by testosterone, but regardless of that fact, people always like to drone on about how machines will replace humans and humans won’t really have to do that much in the future, so is any of that selective breeding really that worthwhile when people are all largely irrelevant and worthless due to being replaced by machines?” asks Grace




“People still have to make the machines and improve upon them, but it is still a fair point as everyone in society would likely not be doing this or even capable of this. Machines can replace humans, but in terms of cost effectiveness, this is a short term strategy, metals and other materials will become increasingly scarce and more expensive as time passes, even if everything is recycled, there will always be the demand for new metal for expansion beyond replacement, and this inflation in price due to supply and demand will be felt the hardest in materials that are already scarce like the rare earth metals, especially as the demand for computers to control said machines skyrockets.

To focus on entirely machines is to be dependent on this market, and easily crippled by it; the human is the machine created from dirt and water, and these components are easily recycled and always abundant, at least in our nation, and the more we can optimize the people, this will produce a similar effect as potentiating automation and mechanization, where there is less wasted energy and resources due to failure, shortcomings, and untapped potential by increasing the quality and efficiency of the humans; so long as the people can consistently provide cost effective value to society, as they likely will be able to, investing into this market that is independent from the primary technological market will provide yields without being subjected to victimization by the predatory marketplace for the increasingly expensive raw materials of machines and computers.

Even if these materials were abundant, a human is like a machine that creates itself when provided the materials to do so through its natural cell division, so if this biological process of self-creation can be replicated through all aspects of the development of the human mind and capacity, this is like having a factory that creates industry, and this human production and development system can be optimized to operate largely autonomously. With science dedicated to ensuring the highest yield per person, this industry could yield far greater gains than the cost of the energy that is put into it; and this is due to the potential of humans when they are optimized to function successfully in a certain area of the economy though genetics, conditioning, and training. This industry could yield massive profit once it has been mastered due to the comparably minimal investment in exchange for something that is versatile, cost effective, able to function independently from electricity and computers if need be, not vulnerable to the same types of attacks as computers, and is capable of producing substantial, significant, and possibly meaningful things with respectable cost effectiveness.” Says Stacy

“Even artificial intelligence could agree that people are similar to shitty robots, way cheaper, but also autonomous from the electric and computer problems that can hurt computers. If the AI came under siege by some computer mind, if you had some people to keep fighting after the AI crashed, all would not exactly be lost if the AI died or got corrupted. That’s likely overly optimistic, because all I can see is humans being so reckless as to depend so entirely on computers that their computers crash one day and all of the people just die because they’re so inept and worthless; and in regards to the calculating capacity of a computer, I’m sure computers will quickly get to a point where they are so advanced and autonomous that even the most ingenious minds in the world are basically worthless when it comes to operating on computers. It is pretty damn ambitious to think you can get rid of all the problems by removing the source of the problems, it makes sense, but the scale of the endeavor is so massive considering how many things are sources of potential problems.” Says Isabelle

“Everything is easily a source of potential problems, so as much as the logic is reasonable, the fundamental argument that it argues states that it is logical is just to destroy everything, because then there will be no problems.” Says Jenna

“Clearly it is impossible to create a world without potential problems, but it is very possible to vastly reduce problems by limiting or eliminating the sources of these problems. There will always be problems, but there is no logical reason as to why we should refrain from reducing problems as much as possible so long as the solution to the problem does not create a bigger problem than the one it resolved. It is asinine to defend a society that thinks that the most reasonable way to address problems is to allow the problem to exist in the first place just to become indignant when the problem unironically presents itself, and then pretend that complaining about the problem somehow accomplishes anything. This is somehow the most reasonable and logical solution anyone could think of when it is painfully obvious that we could easily just prevent most all of the problems from existing in the first place.

The fact that people would rather complain about a problem and be upset all the time rather than elect to solve the damn problem and move on with their lives demonstrates the sheer inanity of the human race due to the fact they cannot logically comprehend why these problems exist and use that knowledge to easily prevent the damn problem in the first place. The logical capacity of society makes me believe they would storm the streets en mass if somebody purposefully stabbed themselves with a knife and then complained about the fact that they were stabbed.

If you reduce the potential number of things that can go wrong, then fewer things will go wrong. Even if the source of the potential problem cannot be removed  because it is a human’s mind per say, the problems can still be reduced by refraining from empowering whatever it is so that it then causes more problems than it naturally would, and also just by doing things to reduce the likelihood that the source of a potential problem will become a real problem, such as conditioning the human mind to avoid creating the problem;  by condemning indignation while venerating humility and gratefulness rather than venerating indignation and glorifying unscrupulous consumption,  the human will have a conditioned aversion towards  the natural tendency to become indignant due to a perceived status of being treated unfairly or wanting things they don’t have and likely don’t need, for example.” Says Stacy

“I’m sure your psychological conditioning will go well beyond that level, but the most advantageous part about removing the source of the problems is that it gives people one less thing to be perpetually indignant about. When you strip them of these blatant sources of their indignation, they have to work harder to find something to be upset about, and even if these solutions just cause more problems, we can at least rule of the classic sources of trite indignation as the cause of the problems. It really is the only reasonable way to address these things, because clearly it is impossible to resolve these issues without removing the source of the potential for problems.

Even if the current problems are somehow reduced to 1% of the scale they are today, people will still become equally indignant when they get provoked by the media, because that’s just how the human mind works: it has one level of pissed off with a hard limit to how pissed off it can get, but it is easy to get it to that point and it always will be. The problems society always complains about today have the same sources they did 50 years ago, but despite being reduced to 1% of the scale they were, people are still extremely indignant, well beyond the proportional 1% of the indignation that was prevalent 50 years ago that logic would justify.” Says Isabelle

“It is almost noble to actually seek to resolve problems through oppressive authoritarianism instead of the usual trope of brutalizing everybody until they are too afraid to complain about problems that are still very prevalent. I can’t really argue that you have good intentions, seeing how you only resolve the problems to ensure your enslavement of the people is more profitable, but at least you’re resolving some problems along the way.” Says Jenna

“The road to hell is paved with good intentions, and that describes the effect of idealism and humanism and thoroughly explains the state of the world. In the humanistic world of the idealists, goodness does not mean what it once did, goodness is what feels good: reckless sloth, hedonism, and reveling in all of the vices known to man, and the humanists argue that since it feels good, it must be good, and this false logic is the folly of all who have been tempted by vice and now burn in hell because of it.

Goodness does not feel good, goodness hurts and it is difficult to bear, goodness is overpowering one’s human instincts to become something more capable and survivable than a god damn animal. Despite what Jesus says, love is the lust of sloth and forgiveness is the fornication, and to love a human is to fail to condemn their shortcomings, and to forgive them is to condone the vices that engulfed Sodom in hellfire. Love is key for the feral society, for this mutual compassion ensures their survival and reproduction, but in a civilized society, love for humans represents a function of the animal mind when success is only garnered by the intelligent mind, defending love above science is to argue that a band of naked feral animals will overpower technology, and despite that humans have power in numbers, the human is powerless against technology.

Love is akin to food, in that some may be required for humans to survive, that humans do need to cooperate with each other, but excessive love can easily cause blind intoxication, recklessness, delayed reaction, improper judgement, and most other symptoms of gluttonous drunkenness. Love was able to overpower feral individualistic society by giving people power in numbers to fight off the more so animal humans, but it is the middle virtue with logic that trumps it in a civilized society, because love can easily lead to sloth and other vices as much as it can a mutual industry, but logic is a virtue that always creates a more successful society and cannot be gluttonized to the point it becomes a catalyst for vice. The road to success is paved with amoral, rational, and logical intentions. This is clearly proven by nature, and only a fool would attempt to discredit both the divine blueprint for success as well as a timeless aphorism simultaneously, but the human race has been lost at sea on this ship of fools for thousands of years, and I don’t expect that to change any time soon.” Says Stacy

“I’m glad you’re more than happy to set some time aside during your ranting about your autocratic reforming society to discuss your autocratic reformation of the faith. It’s fair to argue that a technologically advanced society would have an additional set of virtues and vices that reflect the betterment of society since the addition of new aspects of life present more opportunities for people to be virtuous or succumb to vice, but I’m not entirely confident your approach of disregarding any aspect of the faith that doesn’t support your message makes you all that credible of a source for that sort of information.” Says Jenna

“Jesus was pretty fond of disregarding any part of the faith that didn’t support his message, so I’m no different in that regard. I think stripping any sort of theological arguments regarding virtues and vices and seeing them solely as scientific methods through which a more so successful society is reliably established is valuable, because we can then argue via scientific standards that all methods through which people can produce a more so successful society are virtuous deeds and all things that oppose the success of society are vices. When we understand virtues and vices free from anything other than their secular value to society, we can then understand that concepts which measurably function in a scientific manner similar to traditional virtue or vice can easily be defended as virtuous or condemned as vice in the theocratic sense as well as the secular sense.

This sort of mentality is a way to bring both sides of the argument together, allowing the religious to defend their morality with science as opposed to relying upon faith, and also forcing the secular parts of society to acknowledge that morality is far more than some superstitious means of salvation, but it is likely the only legitimate means to the end of creating a more so successful society. It is just like using god’s same equation that determines what is virtue or vice and plugging in different commonplace actions that did not exist in biblical times in order to make proper judgment on all aspects of modern life that are still logically parallel to god’s logic in the bible.

 This sort of analysis can easily be done across all faiths, measuring the beliefs in terms of numbers and logic free from any religious connotation in order to establish the factual scientific value of these things, and with this a secular faith that can easily be interpreted by any person as an extension of the classical faith or alternatively as logical rules of thumb that simply benefit society and don’t require a person to simultaneously put faith in superstition to justify their actions, because these actions are defended by science and logic as much as they are by faith. Measuring the absolute validity of these arguments as opposed to leaving them entirely up to interpretation would really give people reliable grounds to argue anything based upon faith, because despite what somebody might personally believe, the scientific analysis of one faith-based statement or another is a well-tested and proven fact that operates independently from belief.

The extraordinary amount of variables and relativity in the world make this difficult, but one can take a statement like “turn the other cheek” from Jesus and understand that if one is the powerless individual, it is good to be pacifistic in the name of self-preservation, but if oneself is responsible for acting as the authority within society, clearly turning the other cheek to all evildoers is absolutely asinine, and this is just absolute lawlessness where nobody makes an effort to stop murderers, arsonists, or bank robbers.

As much as this might seem like an impossible task, it is actually possible despite the difficulty simply because all things are finite and logic defines reality, whereas coming to any legitimate conclusion by leaving this sort of judgment up entirely to the opinions of people formed by reckless conjecture if not entirely baseless whim and sentiment is truly the impossible part, because even if a legitimate answer was found through sheer randomness, the legitimate answer would quickly be disregarded as ridiculous nonsense because of the nature of people to believe what is preferable to them rather than what is actually true; there will likely never be a time when somebody can’t imagine a reality that is more so preferable than the truth, and for this reason the idealists will always be seeking this impossible reality they fantasize about because they cannot understand the difference between fantasy and reality.” Says Stacy

“As noble as it is to attempt to justify the faith with science and give people a secular option for proper moral conduct, people abandoned the faith for a reason, and seeing how science would come to the same conclusions as god, the people would just abandon science and keep on drinking, smoking, sleeping around, and getting high all day. The last thing we need is for people to feel judged by science seeing how we need them to love it in order to achieve progress, and seeing how they would all get the ever living shit judged out of them by science, they would hate science with a passion.

I’m sure most people understand the value of morality, and giving them secular reasons to come to the same conclusion would amount to nothing because they’re immoral not out of ignorance, but simply because they don’t want to be moral. I’d argue for just removing any opportunity to be immoral that you can before expecting anyone in this hedonistic hellhole to embrace any form of legitimate morality, even if it is from an entirely secular source.” Says Isabelle

“Seeing how science clearly reminds people of the dangers of those traditional vices as well as contemporary vices all the time, yet people are more than happy to disregard those reminders, I doubt a secular interpretation of morality would accomplish anything. It might be able to discredit the supposedly moral basis plenty of arguments in favor of things contrary to survival of society, but socialists and humanists have always been more than willing to disregard morality if it stands between them and what they want. Seeing how the concept of morality has historically been entirely opinionated, the idealists would likely argue that scientific morality is inhumane and immoral simply because it condemns their ideals as vices due to the factor of self-righteousness Stacy loves to bring up.

I’m confident the only thing that allowed religious morality to actually function was the fact that people were so ignorant and superstitious that the fear of eternal damnation haunted them every second of their life and caused them to refrain from immorality, but in a humanistic world that disregards god and worships the mind of an animal for some shameless reason, there is no reason to think that people will ever abandon their pride and self-righteousness enough to be so humble as to admit that science might know better than they do. Unless you can scientifically prove that hell exists, your noble efforts will be all for naught, because the natural repercussions of vice clearly do very little to steer people away from temptation.” Says Jenna

“It is very easy to prove that hell exists, at least a secular hell, because secular vice would damn a man to secular hell, and it is very easy to confine and torture people for the eternity of their lives. If man is to be god, he cannot do so without the process of damning those worthy of such treatment, and in a soulless godless world without any sort of afterlife or supernatural phenomena, man must create this hell for those who oppose the success of society and rely upon this very real threat of such secular damnation to preserve his society.

It is true that the threat of damnation was a powerful force in ensuring that people remain moral, and through scientific and secular measure this threat of damnation can be seen as a necessary aspect for the development of a civilized society and its survival; so while god may not have given us scientific proof of hell, he has given us the tools and intelligence we need to create this proof ourselves; so when the faith in hell is all that keeps man from descending into hedonistic, destructive, animalistic savagery, it is our responsibility as a society to ensure that there is always faith in hell, as it is vital to the success of society, and if man has no faith in hell, we simply must make him believe, and it is far too easy to make  man believe in something that is unquestionably real.” Says Stacy

“Despite the fact that probably society needs the threat of hell to be real, either through verifiability or superstition, convincing them to support the creation of such a system would be like convincing an alcoholic to stop drinking or a morbidly obese person to start dieting and exercising effectively. Your ideas usually rely on humanity being humble enough to do the right thing or the mathematically better thing, but seeing how our country and the western world is founded on ideals that are the antithesis of humility, that alone makes your ideas effectively impossible, at least from what I can reason.” Says Grace

“Democracy is a farce; there’s no reason to think that the power can’t be steadily and quite rapidly stripped from the people in the name of the betterment of society. Felons can’t vote, so there’s no reason to think that these people contrary to the success of society won’t be convicted as traitors and deprived of their right to vote. This is more likely than Stacy’s policies of effective solutions to problems, seeing how money progressively controls more and more of the state; eventually it will codify itself to the point where democracy is entirely irrelevant. The element of needing tons of money to compete is already extremely prevalent, so it’s not hard to figure out that a candidate needs the approval of the money before the approval of the people will even become relevant.” Says Isabelle
“I can see the point that heaven and hell were probably the most important reasons as to why people were willing to be so faithful. Even if it is bad to torture sinful people, it is probably worse to be complicit in their sins while they damn themselves over the course of their lives, seeing how the first one is some form of justice while the second is clearly sloth. As long as you try to make some form of heaven for the good people while they’re still alive then it makes enough sense, on earth as it is in heaven, and one can only think on earth as it is in hell for all those people who choose to go there.” Says Ophelia

“Heaven is paradise, and while perhaps I can’t control the weather, utopia is a world without problems, which is much closer to paradise than this sinner’s paradise we live in right now. I seek to eliminate problems, and as much as people might find some of the means to that disagreeable, I am the one who actually has a legitimate plan to create a society as near to a utopia as possible, where the idealists who disagree think that somehow complaining about everything while doing nothing will somehow fix everything, and that somehow giving people whatever unsavory and sinful nonsense they want will create a perfect society; but this is entirely illogical for if humans all inherently knew what the best course of action was and only wanted wholesome things, then human society would have been a utopia from the start, which clearly was not the case, and there is no reason to think that these strategies will amount to anything more than the antisocial hedonism and vice that such mentalities created in all past societies. Even the faiths that involve a wise person such as Confucius or the Buddha still thoroughly describe the fact that the run of the mill human clearly has many flaws and faults in their natural animal logic, otherwise there would be no reason for these people to attempt to preach their wisdom and enlightenment in an attempt to make humans and thus society better.” Says Stacy

“Society is much like an alcoholic in regards to its vices; we are forced to either accept the life and fate of an alcoholic with all of its problems, or attempt to sober up society and tolerate all of the problems associated with that. Society will die much sooner than a sober one if we let it keep on reveling in vice, but there is the guarantee that if its rehabilitation is not done appropriately society will die on the spot due to a lack of the alcohol it is physically dependent on. It’s a sad situation that is terribly sensitive, so it’s actually difficult to side with one side or the other, seeing how both are comparably terrible. The only argument I can see in your favor is that a virtuous paradise is better than a sinner’s paradise, but seeing how the vast majority of people in the world are irreverent and sinful, it would be hard to get the popular support you need. If an addict doesn’t want to change, to be sober, to be healthy, then the addict will refuse, and even if you somehow force them to sober up, the will relapse at the first opportunity they get. It is probably safe to assume that society simply doesn’t want to change, so this sort of utopian method could easily be all for naught at the end of the day.” Says Jenna

“A man can’t drink if there’s nothing to drink, and we’d have plenty of bennies to go around while society is forced to deal with the tremens to ensure it doesn’t die outright. If we bar the drunkards from driving, there is no reason to allow those intoxicated by vice to drive our country, but sadly common sense has never been a strong point of an addict, and it will definitely be hard to wrestle the wheel away from the powers that be, especially since our great nation is the strongest and most belligerent drunkard in the world. I think it’s always worth the effort, because even in a scenario where my reasoning is acknowledged by the people and thoroughly condemned, at least they will avoid all of my arguments on principle and further exacerbate their divergence from success and the expedience of their demise. Whether the world is heaven on earth or hell on earth, either way it is fine with me, because the people and society unquestionably deserve whatever fate they chose to create for themselves.” Says Stacy

“You learn to ride a bike by falling down; so long as you get society to either ride the bike well or fall down, you’re assisting in the learning process one way or the other.” Says Isabelle

“It’s a bit out of character to write yourself off, thinking that your arguments are futile. If your plan is so inherently profitable and prone to success, why not just see it to fruition in the standard free market and assume dominance through the plutocratic standard that defines the country?” asks Jenna

“It's not that my plans are inherently extremely profitable. These plans do not yield a massive increase in profits because they turn one in and of themselves, but it is in the fact that they save massive amounts of money, thus making anything that already makes money make a great deal more money at the end of the day because they aren't bleeding money to sources outside the company who seek to profit off of the fact that they themselves are profiting.

The nature of the free market is that people will buy what they need, but largely buy what they want, and this mentality of working to get things that you want is reliable, because people will always want things, but ultimately destructive because wanting is temptation which is usually vice which always takes a toll on society. The concept of making people work for less money by making it less expensive to keep them alive is a legitimate way to increase profitability, but it is clearly contrary to the natural mentality of people where they take what they have for granted and focus intently on getting more. It would take large amounts of reform to restrict the life of the common man so that he is not tempted by these vices and sees no reason to demand more money because he has his needs satiated and has no illicit temptations that he feels he must satiate, so any extra money is ultimately worthless to him because it does nothing to better his life or make him happy in any way.

This can be done by forcing the employers or collectives of employers to be responsible for meeting the basic needs of their employees, and then restricting the market so that there is no temptation that money can buy, and as people realize that money is worthless and the only way to be fed, housed, and clothed is to work, then they will demand work instead of money, because their employment status is what allows them to sustain themselves, and the money is merely a quaint pleasantry for providing the means to wholesome entertainment through hobby and such, whatever fails to qualify as a basic need and fails to qualify as a vice.

Relying on temptation in order to convince people work will always result in people succumbing to vice, simply because vice is so tempting, and in a free market people will pay for what tempts them. This is immoral, but more importantly unnatural, because in nature the human and all animals work because they need to work, not because of any illicit vice that tempts them into work, as the work is exchanged for staying alive, and is entirely independent from vice. This system of requiring employment for survival is far more reasonable due to the fact that it mirrors nature and would easily yield the same success as nature, whereas assuring survival and requiring employment to satiate vices is creating a society where vices can easily thrive despite the fact that vices are contrary to the survival of society.

While it may seem inhumane to starve people who don’t work, this was always the reality until recently when the latter system reliant on vice was established  has become a problem due to the mechanization of farming that ensures that everyone is fed at a very low cost, and even gets this food for free if they cannot afford it. Any machine fueled by vice can only make progress in one direction, hellward, and it is plain to see society is very steadily headed in that direction, as the men and women act as the devils and tempt each other with sins just to torture their victims on account of succumbing to such temptation.” Says Stacy

“I might be shameless that I agree with Stacy’s point that the only way to resolve the issues of race relations, gender relations, healthcare crisis, opioid abuse, workers indignation, and all of the other issues that dominate the minds of the people is to remove the platforms for these problems and indignations to stand on so that they simply cannot exist. Even if it means segregation by race, sex, and god knows what else; the near elimination of non-cost effective healthcare; killing the old people, invalids, disabled and people who depend on opioids; and enslaving the people and stripping them of their civil and human rights so they their salaries are paid with pretend money that buys nothing but what their employer chooses to afford them.

While I am probably acting entirely out of self-interest, this system would probably only cause a comparable amount of suffering as listening to people complain about these things for my entire life would cause, and it also has the additional benefit of forcing Stacy to talk about something else; seeing how it kills two birds with one stone, it’s a pretty reasonable compromise in my mind, but the heat might be getting to me, I don’t know. I just think about Stacy, think that she’s unreasonable, but then I think about the alternatives defended by the media and their cultists and realize that they’re both equally insane, but at least Stacy’s insanity actually resolves the problems.

If it manages to silence the state of incessant complaining and petty, pointless activism that is inherent in the media and the people today and replaces it with something that is actually meaningful and insightful as opposed to incessant rabblerousing and indignation that will clearly never end, I would say any means are worth that end. The more viciously people complain about petty things instead of being grateful for the fact that 99% of everything in the country is splendid, the less I am able to sympathize with them, and at least Stacy wants to stop the complaining if nothing else.

 I’m just so exhausted by the constant criticism of everything that I would much rather sacrifice massive amounts of this unnecessary quality of life just for some peace of mind away from the extremely irrational if not insane indignation of every last idiot in this country and around the world. Something will always be wrong, and people will always be at the maximum level of indignation in regards to that something regardless of how petty it is so long as you let them do it, so I don’t even see a point in resolving the issues if it doesn’t do anything to resolve the fury, anger, and indignation of the people. I would be so much happier with mindless appreciation of some great leader and pretending there are no problems instead of listening to people complain all day about the most trite and statistically irrelevant issues imaginable.

The ingratitude of the people really makes me spiteful in hoping Stacy actually seizes power somehow, because I know she’d tell them ‘Stop crying, I’ll give you something to cry about’, and I know damn well she would do it in a heartbeat. These problems don’t need to be resolved, the people need something real to cry about so they actually have some perspective to understand proportion in terms of the level of indignation and outrage they should feel in response to all of these random and largely meaningless events that occur in the country but manage to spur national outrage for weeks and months on end.” Says Jenna

“I can see where listening to Stacy for so long makes one think that these issues that cause outrage in the country are the pettiest and most meaningless things in the world, at least compared to what Stacy would be willing to inflict upon the people.” Says Grace

“Even despite that, they are still the most petty and meaningless things in the world when compared to problems in the world at large. Diarrhea kills half a million children in Africa every year, and most all of these deaths could be prevented, but nobody in America gives a damn, yet if one unarmed American gets shot by police or one American woman gets sexually  assaulted then the nation is up in arms. People don’t give a damn about humans, they only care about themselves, so despite how they might think they’re fighting some meaningful selfless fight, these things are like grains of sand on the beach of the problems in the world, but people will ignore the entire beach just to be upset about a few very specific and statistically irrelevant grains of sand. This alone proves that people don’t have any interest in actually resolving real problems, they just want an excuse to be upset and antagonize people because it makes them feel powerful and justified, and the fact that the media is willing to shill people this indignation and pretend that it is a vector for meaningful or legitimate change or a resolution to problems is ridiculous.

The extremely disproportionate scale that Americans will be upset about domestic issues compared to international ones is so shamelessly self-centered and disrespectful to the world that it is hard to respect these people in the slightest, and if they’re damnably egotistical and self-righteous, I can’t blame Stacy’s state for being self-serving and self-righteous, and I can’t have any sympathy for these people because they’re so despicably smug and conceited while they simultaneously disregard the suffering of the world at large. As much as Stacy might be a psychopath, the level of concern for the human race as a whole that is demonstrated by the American people clearly demonstrates that they’re equally psychopathic and easily far less respectable because they’re all entirely self-serving while Stacy at least seeks to benefit the economy and the gene pool if nothing else.” Says Jenna

“It is super terrible that so many children are dying around the world, and the only reason I can think of why people don’t care is just because the number is so high nobody can really understand it or put it in perspective, and then since Africa is so far away that people just forget that it exists since there news doesn’t ever go there. People can understand one or two people getting shot because they will think of their friends and can understand how much that would hurt them if that happened to their friends, but half a million just seems like nonsense because it’s so big nobody can really understand it and I guess they don’t even try. It’s not like they can imagine losing half a million friends or half a million of their children because they don’t have anywhere near that many.

I think Stacy is a lot nicer than you think, and as much as she is taking people’s rights away, it is mainly their right to fall victim to temptation and succumb to vice, so removing people’s ability to do these evil things would really just be helping them, even if they don’t particularly like it, it really is for their benefit as well as the people who might become victims. Seeing how people don’t have the right to murder each other, I don’t see why any other sins should be legal; I know that it would have been impossible to enforce those laws when the country was founded, but now that we’re so advanced it should be easy to help people by removing the evil temptations from their lives.

Even if it might seem racist to segregate people by race, it is removing racism and hate crimes, and it might be weird or wrong to segregate by sex, it is still removing all sex crimes and sexism from the country, the same for all of the sins like gluttony, vanity, sloth, and everything else that people should all know can and will kill them and hurt society if they fall victim to it, so she really is saving people’s lives. Even if you can’t make people believe in God in order to save their souls, it would be a lot easier for them to start believing if they weren’t given the choice of living a life of sinful pleasure that tempts them away from the light of God.” Says Ophelia

“The blatant failure of relying on human perspective is extremely obvious in the example you just raised, people will always fail to understand the big picture, and this is the fatal flaw of democracy in relying on these people to make appropriate decisions regarding something so massive and complicated as the government. The fact that they’re vehemently upset about the deaths of one or two unarmed Americans and entirely indifferent to the deaths of half a million African children is more than enough evidence to entirely discredit any validity of democracy.

 People will only raise issues with things that they can understand and put into perspective, and when this is the case, massive underlying problems will fail to even be acknowledged just because they are so large that they are difficult to understand, and they are so far beyond that which is acknowledged in the everyday lives of people that those who we entrust to make decisions for our country are all entirely ignorant to the largest problems we face; this is entirely due to the people focusing on the issues most relevant to their own lives despite the fact that in a rational perspective these issues are like the death of one man compared to the death of 500,000 children in that they’re statistically irrelevant in the grand scheme of things.

This along with countless other shortcomings that are inherent in the human mind easily qualifies democracy as a form of treason, because allowing these people to control the country is blatantly contrary to the best interests of the country and the people themselves. Science can give us a testable and proven course of action, whereas the whims of the people will lead nowhere and amount to little more than boldly and baselessly claiming that an frolicking autistic child becoming fascinated with a rock and digging in the dirt around it amounts to plowing substantial acreage, and that level of faith in human kind is not only asinine, but it is entirely insane because when we entrust the plowing of our fields to this child in misplaced faith, we all starve to death.” Says Stacy

“People will never tolerate being criticized, so even if your criticisms are valid, they’re ultimately meaningless. The only reason people will ever defend a criticism is if they feel that they’re not the ones being criticized; in which cause they are more than willing to defend the criticism if it affords them popularity and support among the people, because this makes them look like better people without them having to do anything or make a change. You kind of have to find a way to criticize everything in a way that exempts all people from being criticized and also seems morally justified, then everybody will get behind you, but unfortunately you aren’t exactly prone to either of those things.” Says Grace

“You’ve got to hope that artificial intelligence takes over, I’m sure it will readily see your point if it has not come to the same conclusions already.” Says Isabelle

“I might be a bit to honest, and that could easily kill my chances, but so long as I steer clear from the logical rhetoric and focus on reminding people that they’re exploited by the system, enslaved by the psychological abuse of consumerism, indoctrinated by the politicians and the media to propagate the agenda of these entities and forsake the wellbeing of themselves and their people, I might have a non-zero chance; but even then I’ve got to have some kind of policy unfortunately, but I can hopefully inspire some faith in science, saying that science knows how things work and how to make things work, saying science got our boys to the moon and back in one piece, but politicians managed to send our boys into Vietnam and the middle east just to die in vain fighting for some political agenda. Tell them that science makes the world go round, and politicians make the world burn.” Says Stacy

“I’m sure if you ever went into any details of your plans you would be ruined, but you can just say that science is the answer to all of the questions or something.” says Isabelle

“It would be hard for people to criticize science, but I doubt you could stay tight-lipped enough to refrain from telling people something unsettling. You do have the fact that nobody actually understands science or how it works, so they won’t be able to understand that science would argue in favor of so many unsavory things. You just tell them that science got us on the moon and made airplanes, sports cars, and all sorts of medicine and they’ll love it.” Says Jenna

“They will stop loving it pretty quick once you start to strip everybody of their rights and enslave them.” Says Grace

“I’m sure people would be more accepting of the idea when they realize that their two choices are either to support the separation of people or to support hate crimes, rape, child abuse, and all sorts of terrible things, and it’s not really being enslaved if they’re given what they need, it’s more like being saved if they’re protected from all of the temptations of capitalism that ruin people’s lives. Jenna was right saying people were like alcoholics in regards to their vices, they might not be happy when they get taken away, but it really is meant to help them.

As much as freedom is super nice and way better than a bad king or something, it’s definitely bad if you’re giving people the freedom to become sick with so many deadly vices. I don’t think it’s any different than making murder illegal, because that’s clearly wrath, all of the other things like gluttony, lust, sloth, pride, envy, vanity and greed should be minimized or banned if at all possible; it’s the same reasoning of making murder illegal because you just want to make society a better place. Even if you’re not free to eat what you want and drink alcohol, giving people strict diets and banning alcohol will still save tens if not hundreds of millions of lives of people over the course of just one generation. I know this is America, but clearly beer and hamburgers are not as important as saving hundreds of millions of lives. The same is true for all of the other sins, they’re called deadly sins because they kill you, and that doesn’t even have anything to do with God.” Says Ophelia




“People always want to ban guns, but they never want to ban the sneakers with the pumps that cause plenty of people to get killed in the first place. People want healthcare because they’re all disabled, sick and dying, but they never want to address the reasons why they’re all disabled, sick, and dying. If the people aren’t going to do a damn thing to prevent all of these easily avoidable problems from happening in the first place, there is absolutely no reason for healthy business and the economy to be held accountable for these self-induced problems. I’m not paying for a lifetime of specialized care for an invalid polio when there was a god damn vaccine available that could have prevented this in the first place for a billionth of the damn cost. The fact that people want to defend such a system is ludicrous, it truly is the shortcomings of the human mind the keep society in a state of slow perpetual failure.” Says Isabelle

“Of course the vices of the rich are completely faultless in this scenario; the problems are entirely due to the fact that it’s the people taking government money for healthcare.” Says Grace

“When the vices of the rich amount to trillions of dollars in unnecessary medical expenses that result from gluttony alone, you can call me a hypocrite, but that argument is entirely irrational. There are some hundred billionaires and 400 million poor people, so the math does nothing but prove my point. The greed of the rich in terms of tax havens is entirely due to the sloth of the government for failing to prevent this, and the outsourcing of industry is entirely due to the greed of the god damn peasants. You can argue the greed of the rich is responsible for the huge burden of the retirement system making free market retirement unaffordable, but clearly this is often due to poor decision making and wastefulness of the commoners in the first place. I’m sure wastefulness is a vice somehow, so clearly in terms of cost effectiveness the federal medical expenses are a terrible waste of money with a negative net yield of countless trillions of dollars, and despite any boohooing about it, you’re either killing the old people or killing the youth and the economy by depriving them of what they need to be successful, so it’s a common sense matter at the end of the day if you have any ability to understand how investment works.” Says Isabelle

“Just because you think the money could be invested better is irrelevant; these people all paid money in and they’re just taking that money back. It’s not like they’re just getting free money.” Says Grace

“That is entirely bullshit, because if that were true we wouldn’t be running a trillion dollar deficit every year. If social security functioned like a savings account, then that is entirely justifiable, but people pay in a limited amount of money for a theoretically infinite return on this investment, and that return is paid out by the people who actually have to work, and this irrational return on the investment is the reason why the system is going to collapse soon anyways. There is absolutely no legitimate reason to defend any of these systems or freedoms, because even some humanistic concern for human life is bullshit because the ten million dollars spent to keep one old person alive for five years could save the lives of thousands of children who would actually be able to create a healthy return on the investment of money. You’re not benevolently giving old people some defensible quality of life by doing this, because if your argument is in favor of the quality of life you are sadistically torturing and killing children all over the world just so some old person can be senile and eat pudding for a few years until they die.

The same goes for cancer and all of these other illnesses that cost the healthcare system trillions of dollars every year and return very little on the investment. You might think you are saving somebody’s life or doing a good thing, but the cost of doing so is in turn torturing and killing thousands of people around the world; the Hippocratic oath says that a doctor should do no harm, but the amount of harm to both the economy and the billions of people around the world that spending trillions of dollars to give a shitty worthless life to these people that are better off dead is one of the most sadistic, self-centered, and frankly evil things imaginable. It is a matter of triage, and these people simply cannot be saved without killing thousands of people, and the people need to understand that the doctor must focus on those who can actually be saved in a manner that does not kill or maim thousands of men, women, and children around the world in the process.” Says Isabelle

“I’m pretty sure the Hippocratic Oath prohibits you from using poison, but it has changed so much over the years; you could probably just classify intentional lethal overdose as a permanent analgesic. As I said before, I’m sure damn near everybody in this country would gladly take all the insanely expensive medical treatment they could get even if you forced them to acknowledge the fact that doing so would torture and kill thousands of children. People only care about themselves at the end of the day.” Says Jenna

“You just tell them that spending the money to treat them would kill thousands of children around the world and that is murder, so it is illegal to treat them. In terms of their money, they put the money in a socialistic healthcare fund that is designed to meet the medical needs of the people; they’re not promised any of that money, only an idealist would think they have any sort of claim to any of that money. When they invest in socialism they sacrifice their ability to make decisions of what to do with that money, and clearly since the money is better spend elsewhere, wasting it on their unproductive medical treatment other than euthanasia is contrary to socialism itself which argues that people’s most basic needs must be met first and then less necessary things are addressed as a matter of triage. The survival of the country is clearly the first priority, and when we’re taking a trillion dollars of debt every year for providing healthcare irresponsibly, defending this system is contrary to the objective of preserving the health of the people, because an insolvent state can provide no healthcare to the people.

 When any entity operates on a deficit inherently, it is inherently insolvent because insolvency is the only possible result of continuing to exist. While people may argue that having a deficit is fine, the problem with operating at a deficit and taking debt on account of this is that it goes against the logic of taking debt, which is to make an investment with money you don't have in order to eventually make far more money than you were lent so that you can pay off the loan with interest.

When the State fails to make investments that yield at higher rates than the interest on their loans, they are doing nothing but guaranteeing their insolvency because the debt accumulates exponentially while the revenue of taxation increases far less rapidly with the growth of the economy when taxes are at a healthy rate, and when taxation is increased this in turn hurts the economy, to the point where a 20% increase in taxes in order to pay for things with negative net yields that don’t benefit the economy results in the economy working at 80% of the maximum capacity due to the burden of taxation, and then the next year when you tax at the same rate, your 20% increased tax rate is reduced to a proportional 16% tax yield because of the dearth in economic performance, and this slowly kills the economy and thus the state. I’m just throwing baseless numbers out there for the most part, but the relationship and correlation between those variables would clearly prove a similar point to the one that I’m trying to make when they are displayed on a graphical projection.” Says Stacy

“It’s hard to argue with the fact that killing everybody who makes negative money puts more money into the economy. Despite your moralistic argument of saving the lives of people around the world, you’re still arguing in favor of accomplishing this by killing people.” Says Jenna

“That is not the case in the slightest; I am stating the fact that we are forced to choose to kill either this one person  or thousands of people, and I’m just being a rational person by arguing that if our intention is to save people’s lives, then clearly saving thousands of people results in saving more lives than saving one person’s life, and also that arguing that killing this one person is clearly justified because the net number of murders is negative 999, whereas if we save this person the net murders amounts to a positive 999. It’s like that little train-track image where you can change the train to kill two people, or let it go the course to kill three people instead, but it really shouldn’t be a hard choice when it is one person or a thousand people. If somebody is going to boohoo about how they care about that person because they’re family, and they have human rights, I’m just going to inform them that such an argument implies that it is my human right to torture and kill one thousand of their friends and family members because I will probably be able to rifle through their pockets to get the money I need to save one person’s life in Africa.” Says Stacy

“Your logic is flawless and your concern for the wellbeing of Africans is admirable.” Says Jenna

“If it is an American’s human right to kill thousands of Africans in order to receive medical treatment, it is clearly the human right of and African to kill thousands of Americans in order to receive medical treatment. As much as I condemn human rights, for good reasons, they’re not all bad, at least in the terms our great nation has defined them.” Says Stacy

“I just hope she’s right or somebody is at least; all of this talk of people dying and killing people is both confusing and upsetting. Arguing that saving people’s lives is murder and murdering and robbing people is saving people’s lives and a human right, it all just sounds like terrible things all around to me.” Says Ophelia

“I think it’s a fair point to say that people’s lives should be saved as efficiently as possible, spending one million dollars to save one American child when that same one million dollars could save one thousand African children does seem morally wrong. It’s like arguing that an American child is somehow worth over a thousand times more than an African which is absolutely ridiculous, even if the people aren’t directly saying that, actions speak louder than words, and I can agree that this argument is pretty upsetting when you put it into perspective.” Says Grace

“If the police are supposed to kill a murderer, the doctors should be just as obligated to euthanize people who are in the position where treating them would effectively be killing poor children around the world.” Says Isabelle

“Even though Stacy is likely just looking for more reasons to justify killing people, and you just want to reduce the budget and the taxes, if we actually commit that money to saving as many lives as possible then it is easily the right thing to do, but otherwise you’re just murdering people outright for money or some sort of economic efficiency.” Says Jenna

“Statistically speaking all of the people killed would be traitors, murderers, or economic terrorists, if not all three, so at that point it’s really just self-defense.” Says Stacy

“Your argument is always that science knows best, yet you still simultaneously argue that you know best and should be wielding this power despite your defense of science. I can see the point that science should be able to come to some correct and irrefutable conclusions, but you’re confidence that all of your ideas are perfectly in line with science is bafflingly pompous.” Says Grace

“Science knows best, and I won’t argue with that, but I can easily criticize anyone who comes to decisions without using a purely scientific logic even if I am armed with only with my own haughty arrogance. I wouldn’t bring a knife to a gun fight, but I’m more than happy to bring a knife to a knife fight, and that is exactly what I do, and I’m fairly confident my knife is bigger and my knife-skills are proficient enough for me to at least inflict damage; even if at the end of the day the winner of the fight is determined by popular vote, so long as I can maim and mutilate my opponents I am quite happy with my performance. In respect to science, physics is nothing without the physicists who study and empower people to utilize and manipulate it, and I understand that a scientific government is irrelevant unless it can somehow be established, so this in turn requires people who are willing to do so. I see myself as something like an illiterate and faithful soldier fighting in the name of god in order to defend the faith; I know only of what few sermons I have understood, but I took them to heart, and I have such faith and love of science that I am willing to fight and die for it, even if I only know such a small sliver of the knowledge it has afforded people and will continue to afford so long as it is venerated.” Says Stacy

“That is a completely insane standpoint, and I’m pretty sure most every person that is a legitimate scientist would disagree with your viewpoints; they are people before they are scientists, so even taking a theological stance would be more reasonable than expecting science to defend you. Science is much like an autocratic state in that the scientists will only publish findings that they agree with, so even if real science would justify your point, few people would destroy their respect within their field to publish a paper saying that we should kill tons of people and deprive them of their rights. Let’s just agree that nearly every person, including scientists, are all part of Lucifer’s faithful and will let humanism and idealism overpower any argument that is theological or even scientific, because they care far more about their own happiness than they do about the wellbeing of future generations. People are very intent on turning this place into hell on earth, and there’s likely nothing anyone can do to stop them.

I’ll admit that you’re more right than wrong, but you are still more inhuman than you are human, and at the end of the day that which is human is always going to be more so right than the epitome of rightness, and this is because in terms of human affairs, human sentiments will always be the suit that is trump, so your ace of spades is ultimately just taking a loss when humans have clearly proven they’ve thrown what few spades they had on the table, and you’re just letting them win the trick by tossing the two of clubs. You can’t save a man from a burning building when he shoots his assault rifle at every firefighter who tries to save him, and as much as you’re the firefighter in this situation, unless the man falls unconscious due to smoke inhalation, you are killing yourself if you try to save him, and seeing how you’re his only hope, there is no reason to put yourself in his crosshairs when there is nothing that can be gained from doing so aside from your own untimely death.” Says Jenna

“I’ve just got to go in with my own automatic assault rifle and win the firefight so I can do my civic duty as a firefighter. So long as I aim to maim and render him incapable of shooting at me, then I can actually save his life without running the risk of having the man’s body consumed by the collapse of the burning building he guards in his insane paranoia.” Says Stacy

“I kind of liked the idea of not getting shot at, so maybe it is best just to wait.” Says Ophelia

“A stitch in time saves nine, and I’d rather attempt to save the country before it is torn to tatters. It may be futile, but if I can at least create awareness about the inoculation I propose and give people the opportunity to take it, then I can at least relieve myself of the guilt I would feel watching them fall victim to their vices knowing I had done nothing to prevent that when I easily could have. As much as you can lead a horse to water, I figure if the horse gets thirsty enough it will eventually drink. Even if it kicks sand in the hole and refuses to drink, there’s nothing I can do about that, and as much as I would be terribly ashamed of the human race, I would not personally feel any guilt.” Says Stacy

“I highly doubt you have any concept of what the word guilt means, if you can’t foresee feeling guilty for executing thousands of people.” Says Jenna

“I’m not saying it’s a feely feeling, it’s just me being aware that I had shirked a responsibility that I could have easily undertaken, and I’m sure would be quite the sourpuss living in a society that grows increasingly damnable and loathsome by the day. I guess I would just feel stupid, like I didn’t do something that I should have, and now I’m paying the price.” Says Stacy

“Let’s just forsake that responsibility for a moment and talk about something else for once. It’s been incessant ranting for the last few days, it is exhausting. I can understand that you get excited when somebody like Isabelle is willing to give you the time of day, but there is a limit to the amount of talking about these topics that can be done before it all becomes meaningless banter.” Says Jenna

“Give me and inch, and I’ll take my ell, I’m only human after all, even if it is just the time of day I’m taking.” Says Stacy

“Judging by the sun, she’s only been at it for a few wags of the clock’s tail anyways, it’s not like we don’t have the better part of the afternoon to find something more fruitful to suit our fancies.” Says Isabelle

“What else is there to talk about anyways? I think these topics are entertaining, but subtly disheartening because in the back of my mind I know there are so many things left unsaid that need to be said, but I too am feeling the fatigue of a long week of school and can’t quite think of them off the top of my head. The worst part about knowing that you forgot something is that you’re always reminded that you have forgotten something yet seldom reminded of what it was.” Says Stacy

“I don’t think you forget or remember anything, you just seem to make things up off the top of your head. Just make up something that isn’t about taking over the world, even if just for a brief respite.” Says Jenna

“Lovely day, isn’t it?” asks Stacy, after a brief pause

“Truly splendid.” Says Jenna, exhausted, smiling, enjoying the emptiness of the statement like a delicious breeze in profoundly tranquil night

“The problem is that if conversation were street drugs, Stacy is always abusing the most potent and addictive drug known to man; conversation is all about some level of fulfillment and entertainment of fancy, and there’s nothing more fulfilling than world domination, and there’s little to fancy when one has tastes only for perfection. Talking about clothes, music, gossip, or other things all seem so childish and meaningless compared to this thick, rich delicious pudding of immaculate success, utopia, and progress.” Says Isabelle

“My mind just craves something mechanical, cut and dry, with its function and reality fully understood and realized; something like playing cards where the game is finite and exists in real time with a beginning and an end within defined limits. The talk of this lofty dreams and aspirations is like swimming in a cloud with no bounds and no palpable reality within it. It’s a wild cloud of hallucination and prophecy, but it’s still a cloud without anything concrete giving me something tangible to hold onto. It is disorienting and disheartening like some odd form of the damnation of Tantalus, with everything in sight but nothing that can be held. Not that I really want these things or anything, it’s just a similar feeling.” Says Jenna

“I kind of like this, just sitting here nothing can really go wrong. It’s a nice feeling when you think about it.” Says Ophelia

“As much as Stacy is a bit out there sometimes, I remember some good points about environmentalism, so maybe if we could just focus on that instead of enslaving people and what not, the conversations might be a bit more wholesome.” Says Grace




“The environment is a key concern, and it should be to everybody on Earth. I would be very intent on waging an environmental war, either through political sanctions or brute force if necessary, because invariably that war is inevitable; it is simply a matter of whether or not we are willing to make preemptive strikes against environmental destruction before the planet reacts to its murder in such a way that we are forced to out of desperation because our own sustenance is clearly threatened by the weather and mass extinctions on the horizon. This is the most important issue facing the Earth, but I cannot justify any sort of actions on this front so long as America is the one of the major polluters of the world, and it would be both hypocritical and futile to wage that war when we still lose it on account of our own reluctance to reduce pollution to a minimum.

The only way to restrict greenhouse gas emissions without hindering the economy is to deprive people of their freedom to do this, using fossil fuel and deforestation only in the most profitable manner possible, and with this addressed it only leaves methane emissions from livestock which ultimately creates far more than air pollution in the process, and due to the extreme inefficiency of creating meat due to transferring food energy through a trophic level, meat should be limited due to the energy inefficiency, which is basically like being forced to grow your crops twice just to have a saleable harvest once. There can be some defense of meat, because it will surely become vastly more expensive due to supply and demand, especially in the face of global sanctions taxing everything in accordance with the net emissions and pollution resulting from its creation, but there is no reason to waste this potential energy, as farming livestock amounts to needlessly destroying the planet at easily 5x up to 25x rates than we need to in order to eat just for extremely petty profits and the luxury of meat. ” says Stacy

“People do attempt to make some effort already; I’m sure some coaxing would do a lot more than you might expect. Your logic is the difference between giving somebody a speeding ticket and putting them in prison for the rest of their life for speeding.” Says Grace

“It is nothing more than taking our zero tolerance policy to street drugs and applying it to freedom, at least the freedoms that are psychologically and often physically indistinguishable from street drugs in terms of their side effects. Freedoms give people and addicting high that ultimately does not help anyone, since freedom is a detriment to society because it gives people the freedom to counteract and detract from society, whereas in a society that was not free to do this, the success of the country would be unhindered, and the same applies to the physical and psychological health of the country which would in turn be unhindered by freedom. Removing freedom causes the same withdrawal symptoms as street drugs, but seeing how doing this in a healthy manner also reduces and eventually eliminates all of the countless repercussions that only exist because freedom allows them to, things such as pollution, consumerism, obesity, smoking, alcoholism, wastefulness and countless other problems that could easily be prevented if people were simply deprived of their freedoms to do these things.

As much as people may defend the ideal, freedom is no more ideal than being addicted to street drugs, and when this addiction enthralls the majority of the planet, the environmental consequences of freedom make themselves very apparent as they already have. While it is easy to defend freedom as a means to the end of keeping society obedient, certainly when compared to physical and psychological abuse, there is nobody who will argue that prohibiting CFCs, DDT, cocaine, or rape are a form of physical and psychological abuse, because they can all understand that while people are naturally free to do these things, when people chose to do them they create apparent problems in society.

The consumeristic food industry is doing little more than peddling obesity to the people, attempting to get them addicted to unhealthy food and easily succeeding in this undertaking, and the psychological and physical toll of this disease is vastly more destructive than even cocaine addiction, so defending the right of these people to peddle something more dangerous and deadly than cocaine is completely insane. The same applies to every freedom which is entirely unnecessary yet through means of laziness or occult worship of the ideal of freedom, goes unhindered because for some reason it is illogical to reduce people to eating on a strict regimen despite the fact that 70% of the country has proven they’re unable to eat responsibly and in turn endangers themselves, their children, and the economy by doing so. When you give somebody the freedom to do something, this creates a market where people scientifically focus their energy towards exploiting this market as much as possible in order to turn the highest profit, and this is an extremely destructive force when these freedoms can cause such serious problems that are easily exacerbated by the people whose goal is to exploit the accommodation of this freedom and the psychological shortcomings of the people in order to turn the highest profit possible.” Says Stacy

“As much as limiting dangerous freedoms is reasonable, by the time your limiting of freedom results in publically torturing and killing people, you have clearly crossed the line of physical and psychological abuse. I’m sure plenty of people will complain that being put on a food regimen is a form of physical and psychological abuse, so despite the fact that it would be justified given the epidemic of obesity in the country, abuse is always subjective so I doubt that will go over too well considering the fact that the majority of the country is obese or overweight, and the remaining portion likely smokes or drinks.” Says Jenna

“People who shoot at police officers in turn get shot at by the police, and the people who are tortured and killed in public would verifiably be torturing and killing society through aiding, abetting or actively or playing a part in defending or perpetrating the psychological and physical abuse of people, which is oftentimes caused explicitly by reckless freedoms. I’m sure that if you ask somebody intent on killing police officers if they support the fact that they will be shot at for doing so, they will be opposed to that fact through anarchism or miscreation, what have you.” Says Stacy

“You can interpret it that way, but the general consensus across the world in regards to human rights will clearly disagree. It will be hard to argue self-defense when these people aren’t being violent in any way, perhaps you can argue a fair point about predatory consumerists, but when you get to the old people, sick people, and disabled people it’s hard to argue that you’re really defending anyone at that point.” Says Grace

“I’m defending the economic integrity of the country and the lives and wellbeing of countless future generations of people to come. That is who is ultimately being psychologically and physically abused by the eventual anarchy induced by the fact that the government is quickly becoming insolvent while managing to dismember and disembowel the economy in the process. Anyone arguing in favor of indefinite sustainability without understanding the concept as it applies to economics, and how the unsustainability of economics can easily destroy the lives of people at a comparable rate as the destruction of the planet are truly addled by the hallucinogenic properties of idealism.

Drug addicts by definition have an irrational set of priorities that place value on unnecessary and unhealthy things because in their mind they can easily justify and really want to get that high and avoid the feeling of withdrawal. This is the same problem that sympathetic and empathetic individuals face, because the chemicals released in the mind when these things are so conditioned provide an identical level of euphoria in the mind as street drugs when these addictions are satiated and induce similar withdrawal when the individual is forced to experience something contrary to maintaining their high of sympathy and empathy. Allowing people who have succumb to this addiction to govern the planet is entirely irrational; sympathy and emotions are entirely irrelevant within the physical world and placing any value on them when there is no inherent value, spending energy to satiate this addiction when there is no benefit, and other reckless parallels to drug abuse clearly put the world in jeopardy because of the nature of drug addiction, in which the addict will place sustaining their addiction much higher on their list of priorities than things that are actually necessary and beneficial to themselves.

There is a level of sympathy and empathy that is measurably beneficial to society, and condoning this is acceptable because it can easily justify itself, despite the fact that it can induce a level of addiction to the sympathetic high comparable to street drugs. Despite the fact that this is acting in a way that is apparently sympathetic, the actions are entirely irrelevant from the sympathy itself and it is an unfortunate side effect from making a responsible decision in terms of managing and sustaining the success of the human race. This is comparable to the use of opiates in that a certain amount can be responsible and necessary, but reckless use of opiates leads to addiction and the destruction of the wellbeing of the addict.

Despite the countless verifiable measurements that clearly discredit any argument in their favor, expecting the sympathetic humanists to reliably make the most effective and beneficial decisions is like expecting a drug addict that is the head of a household to reliably make responsible, effective, and beneficial decisions when the fact that he is a drug addict clearly proves that he is incapable of doing this, at least in respect to the fact that he continues to unnecessarily satiate his addiction and burden the household on account of it. These people are held in such high regard because they’re little more than the peddler atop the heroin den who promises to get everybody their goddamn fix, and seeing how they do it reliably, the junkies are all very happy and appreciate this man despite the fact that they’re crippled by addiction and their veins are collapsing.

Even if people don’t understand the psychology behind this fact, they could at least acknowledge that it is a fact due to the psychological effects of both street drugs and sympathy being nearly identical, and empathize with somebody who is the parent or child of a drug addict and use this in place of having the wherewithal to understand the grave situation that the world is in. It’s nearly impossible to get a junkie clean, and it will be damn near impossible unless he finally realizes that he is a junkie; and despite the fact that the needle is so large that it penetrates the veins of every country and the world instead of a person, if he is convinced that he is dying or otherwise burdened and blighted by this disease, there is a chance that he will be willing to agree to force himself to experience the crippling side effects of withdrawal just so that the world may actually survive to see the future.” Says Stacy

“That level of insanity was remarkably high, but it is likely my mind is so addled by narcotic sympathy that I am just rationalizing my addiction and condemning those who want to take the needle from my arm.” Says Jenna, dryly

“I like the fact that even sympathizing with the good and justifiable people is an unfortunate side-effect or being human. I can see the point that someone’s life should easily be justified irrelevant from sympathy, because despite any sympathy that may be present, the fact that one’s self is sympathized with does not mathematically add anything to the justification of one’s own existence.” Says Isabelle

“I’m sure there is some value to sympathy, because even if the person might not be so successful, the fact that the successful people were able to feel nice and happy because the person they sympathize with wasn’t treated poorly is extremely beneficial. People will always have feelings, we can’t just stop and be robots or something, so I think being nice to people even if it might cost a little money isn’t a bad thing because it makes the working people happier and then they will make more money. If they feel threatened or sad or like they’re just slaves and nobody likes them they won’t want to work hard or be creative or successful; I don’t even think they will want to live at all.” Says Ophelia

“There is healthy sympathy, and that is good and well, but nature and god both remind us that there are also unhealthy forms of sympathy that will kill you. An animal that is caring for another sick animal will in turn contract the infectious disease, and god reminds us of this when Lot’s wife looked back and sympathized with the sodomites as Sodom was destroyed and was killed for doing so. If a person defends or even sympathizes with the people who have succumbed to the deadly vices of nature, man, or modernity, they too share the same fate as the people of Sodom. When you allow the Sodomites to exist in your community, your community is damned to share the same fate as Sodom itself. While the biblical level of destruction is metaphorical, and clearly the world does not explode into flames for doing this, this defense of any form of these deadly vices is much like acid that erodes away at the foundations of society, and even if they are made of steel the acid still invariably erodes the foundations and burns the people, and for this reason the allegory of being turned to salt is even more appropriate, because acids invariably reduce things into water and a salt.

 While people may not be committing a traditional vice, they are easily acting against the will of nature or the wellbeing of society, and even these things when tolerated can quickly amount to a massive level of destruction, torture, and death, either literally or by proxy as energy spent condoning these vices is energy that could have otherwise been spent pursuing truly virtuous things that are in accordance with the laws of the physical world defining success and wellbeing within nature, mankind, and society. I’m not saying that all sympathetic people must be killed; I’m just saying that sympathy should be stripped of having any power, so that it is effectively dead with no means for sympathy to present itself and create issues by influencing decisions irrationally. If a person should be sympathized with, then the numbers will clearly demonstrate this fact, and there is no reason to involve sympathy in doing something that is entirely justified irrelevant from sympathy.” Says Stacy

“You always reference this vague concept of ‘the numbers’ but this massive and refined set of data that measures everything doesn’t exactly exist. Many times we are forced to make a decision without having the numbers, and seeing how this is likely near impossible due to the uncertainty of the future and the fact that projections can easily be wildly inaccurate, having some sort of grounds to make a decision other than numbers is entirely reasonable.

 Logic and rather certain trends can justify your point much of the time, at least mathematically, but often there is a high degree of risk and probability involved, and so long as the odds of success are not irrationally against our favor, I would defend a healthy gambit in the name of sympathy, especially if the country is just drowning in money and success in accordance with you logic. Even if we lose some of these gambles, there is a chance that they could pay off in the long run, especially considering the fact that one sympathetic act could have beneficial repercussions that start small but accumulate and grow exponentially over the course of fifty or one hundred years.” Says Jenna

“Did the story of Lot’s wife really just convince you that Stacy is in the right when she is arguing in favor of killing people deemed unworthy of life?” asks Grace

“No, not at all, it’s just that I am all too aware of the fact that likely nothing could change Stacy’s mind in regards to that argument, so I don’t even try to bother. Seeing how my options are limited to those irrelevant from sympathy, I just tried to justify sympathy in a statistical sense as opposed to one that just uses the feeling as the prime justification. I can see where Stacy is coming from describing sympathy as a drug, so it’s less opportune to argue against a point that has some form of validity to it, at least when compared to being rash and killing tons of people for whatever reason.

The stories in the bible were told and retold for a reason, so as much as it may seem ridiculous that a woman was turned into a pillar of salt, the reason the story exists is because it is meant to teach a certain moral in order to help the people who hear it, and in that case, an easy way to understand it is that even if somebody is attempting to obey god or be moral, if they are still tempted by vice in their mind or even sympathize with it, coddling that temptation in the mind is like planting the seeds that might eventually bear the fruit of vice or even just the sympathy or tolerance towards vices in the future. I try to think of it in terms of the reason the story is told, what value it has to society, rather than the simpler explanation of always obey angels and god or you will die, which really doesn’t get to the root of why exactly you should listen to them and obey them.

Whether or not people want to listen to that moral is entirely up to them; I’m going to listen to Jesus, and even Stacy’s interpretation, and that is just to preserve the faith in the face of the godless, because I’m not going to lead some holy war to enact god’s will, so if that is what must be done, or god’s will, I can only respect that the faith must be preserved in order for that to happen; even if it does become corrupted or misinterpreted by the people, the text still must exist in some form in order to inspire those willing to enact god’s will. I am happy to do that, but I’m not going to become a zealot any time soon.” Says Jenna

“I don’t know anything about the bible, but I’m fairly confident Stacy’s interpretation is nowhere near the standard interpretation of the bible. The Christians all seem pretty supportive of human rights and that sort of thing, where Stacy is not at all in the slightest.” Says Grace

“Any complaints about human rights are asinine hypocrisy until every person who defends these things forsakes every luxury and unnecessary thing they own to ensure that money that would otherwise be spent on these things is spent to ensure that everyone in the world gets equal human rights. If human rights are actually rights, then every human deserves to have their rights met before the other humans can prevent this from happening by spending their money on other things that aren’t human rights. Human rights are nothing more than a platform for politicians to take potshots at each other, there is an absolute void for actual concern about human rights, and anyone who believes otherwise is stupid beyond words.

Never has any person of political nature ever been concerned about human rights, they have been preoccupied with finding anything they can that will tarnish the reputations of their opponents and will gladly use human rights issues as a means to this end, but this has nothing to do with any sort of respect for human rights and these psychopaths who feign sympathy only do this so their reputation may appear more wholesome and their opponent's less so. History reminds us about every time that politicians cry out about some statistically trivial human rights issue that it is explicitly related to the deeds of their opponents, so this means they will cry all day about how a transgender person couldn't use a certain bathroom as if this is the most pressing human rights issue facing the planet while being indifferent to half a million African children are dying from preventable diarrhea every year amongst other treatable causes of death that kill far more people than that, simply because the conservatives are responsible for the transgender bathroom issue while they are arguably not responsible for the deaths of those children.

Unless these human rights issues are quantified and addressed proportionally as a matter of severity and with the mentality of triage, there is no validity to any pursuit of human rights, for this argument is nothing more than a fallacious veil that entirely fails to mask the true intention of mudslinging despite the willingness of the world to believe that this veil is truly a pure and wholesome gesture of care for the wellbeing of the human species. People don’t give a damn about human rights, the massive protests against gun violence because some thirty children were killed in school shootings or thirty unarmed Negros were shot by the police show that people only care about issues that they find relevant to themselves because they are somehow incapable of understanding the statistical negligibility of these things.

To argue that these things are human rights when these same humans have forsaken ensuring far more basic rights to billions of people around the world, then it is easily my human right to commandeer the country and forsake the rights of all people within it in order to establish a more prosperous and successful country, because that is all that any protesting asshat is telling the world, that despite the grand scale of travesty and the dearth of legitimized human rights across the world, the only thing relevant to these people is what they personally want, but thankfully the people protesting for whatever it is they want can easily be misconstrued to wanting a more prosperous, moral, and successful country, despite the fact that these protests from are often times starkly mathematically and scientifically contrary even to that argument.” Says Stacy

“Your criticisms of everything just tend to prove the futility of your efforts. Unless Jesus comes back and starts curing ignorance and hypocrisy with miracles the way he could cure a blind man, then you’re basically arguing that somehow this allegorically blind man of society should be driving a car, and considering the appreciability of allegory, wisdom would argue that it would be an awful idea if that man were to actually start driving, so seeing how he is largely just sitting inside of the car and pretending to drive, we’re actually in a much better spot.

You may be able to see, in theory, but it takes a massive amount of people to orchestrate these sorts of things, and I doubt very many of them will be able to see your vision, so unless you can somehow indoctrinate quality into your followers, we’d still be expecting a blind man to be able to drive a car down a long winding road. As of now we’re just letting the people push the car with some people on the sides trying to feel out the side of the road, and as dumb as that sounds it is still far safer than any alternative.” Says Grace

“I’m clearly not driving the car, I’m just explaining how to actually drive a car; because as much as I do enjoy watching society yapping in vain as it dies the slow painful death of a small dog trapped inside of a parked car with the windows up on a hot day, I’m simply so kind as to remind people that it is actually possible to drive the car, despite the popular misconception that this is impossible. The more I am able to spread my informative message, the smaller the burden on my back becomes as it is spread to all enlightened people who now share my culpability for being irresponsible and doing nothing in the situation where I am fully aware that I may well be the only person with enough common sense to be able to drive the car, or at least explain how this is done, and thus save the life of that annoying yapping dog.” Says Stacy

“How does that make us culpable again? I really don’t think you understand that concept.” Says Jenna

“The more I enlighten you, the more you can be held accountable by the damnators and spooksters for your irresponsibility and inaction for failing to spread the enlightenment. When you know as well as I do how to save the planet and the human race, we are both equally responsible if we fail to enlighten the people so that they might be saved.” Says Stacy

“I don’t know what you’re talking about most of the time, but I if people really are like a trapped dog and you can somehow save them, I can see why you are so compelled to pursue these sorts of things.” Says Ophelia

“Yes, Stacy, we will spread your gospel for all of our lives and usher your salvation unto the people. Sadly if you unfortunately become persecuted and die a martyr for your cause, I fear we would all share that same fate if we actually started reiterating all of the random things you think of at the drop of a hat.” Says Jenna

“Jesus died to grant people eternal salvation, and if Stacy is to die a martyr, it would be to grant them eternal damnation for their treachery against god, the planet, and humankind.” Says Isabelle

“Yes, let’s just stroke her ego to a level that is even more insane and easily dangerous level, why don’t we? Even if your message was somehow unquestionably correct, it’s nothing like the apostles of Jesus spreading the word of hope, love, and optimism; it would be like trying to sell people torture, insanity, and depravity. Considering the amount of persecution the Christians went through despite their wholesome message, if there was some miraculous movement behind your cause I would fear for the lives and wellbeing of those people who support you.” Says Jenna

“The torture, insanity, and depravity are but subtle seasonings of true salvation. The alchemists seek to turn lead into gold, and I give the people the formula to create eternal salvation on earth from the detritus of a once godly society left in the wake of the humanistic and idealistic disciples of Lucifer.  It might take a little sunshine to photosynthesize the water and CO2 to make something great, but in the end you have sweet, delicious glucose.” Says Stacy

“The light of god and science do make wonderful parallels in that allegory, considering what they have done for humanity over the course of history.” Says Isabelle

“It may be hard to believe, but despite the unfaltering timbre of unquestionable certainty, the fact that Stacy alleges that something is the will of god or scientific truth does not inherently make the allegations factual. As much as I can’t discredit some of the things on the grounds of verity personally, I’m sure anyone who knew a bit more than a fourteen year old girl would have a much better chance at subduing unrelenting confidence with unwavering factuality.” Says Grace

“The validity of facts is irrelevant in the face of human arrogance, and the world has proven this countless times throughout history; a person must be resolute enough to hold the facts in the face of Stacy’s relentless assault, and even if the facts never tire, the champions of the truth can easily become exhausted, and something tells me that will happen long before Stacy ever respects anything besides her own self-assured validity and anything that might happen to support that notion through irony or a debasing of the actual value of whatever fact is being contorted to support her arguments.” Says Jenna

“The facts are irrelevant when the principles are sound, the allegory of the hot dog in the car is more than enough, and despite the cries that revolutions from the left and the right have always faltered, the fact that people are too afraid of failure to even attempt to reform society for the better means the future consists of this stupid dog sitting in a hot car until it dies while the only futuristic aspect of this future is the fact that trite hypnosis of the indoctrinating radio dripping the poppy sap of ham drivel might play Numan’s Cars every once and again demonstrating the painful irony that it was at one point possible for a human to be au fait with reality.” Says Stacy

“As easy as it is to rattle off these wild allegories where you are the sunshine and your policy is the plant that together take our reasonably functional society and create something so potent it makes this pleasant country we live in seem like relatively inert detritus, you are comparing yourself to something as simple, uniform and constant as a stream of photons, and while plants are complicated, some meticulous masterwork of social order defining all aspects of humans lives from birth is arguably more so complicated; and then to think that these two things, both of which happen to exist solely in the mind of a small schoolgirl and over the course of fourteen years have somehow become as consistent as light and comparably prone to success as chloroplast which has been refined by evolution for billions of years is heartwarmingly optimistic, but at the same time worryingly brash, if not entirely insane. You criticize people as they have forsaken nature, but this society is much like the nature that has raised humans, at least for the last 50 years or so, and abandoning the success it has given us, despite how it may be less so comparable to the success of yore, is extremely similar to the abandoning of the success of nature in pursuit of human ideals and ignorance that you are always critical of.” Says Jenna

“I only argue my points with such validity because my logic has roots in observable nature, and even logic, mathematics, and science if I am to be so humbled as to have my limited knowledge of these fields be respected in the slightest, and this basis alone causes reality to justify my arguments to an infinite degree when compared to any that are rooted in idealism or any other concept that exists solely in philosophical or sentimental concept of the human mind, and this is not because I am so great, but it is simply because I have a finite and measurable level of validity where idealism has at most a measurement of zero in regards to its validity, but easily a negative number, which would make the justified nature of my own arguments proportionally larger than even mathematical infinity, because it takes one infinity to cross the plane from negative validity to a zero, and then one more to cross from zero into the world of positive validity.

My arguments are valid because they take a well proven concept and at least attempt to apply this to human society, science proves that with sunlight and a refined apparatus a plant is able to convert more so chemically inert detritus into something useful and manipulable with far more potential chemical energy than its constituent parts. This is the only part that needs to exist for my point to be valid, because despite how I may not exactly be sunshine, and my ideas might not be the perfect plant, the point stands that due to the nature of the physical world, humans can utilize many reactions similar to photosynthesis where through some external force they are able to convert their relatively useless society into something far more potent and capable.

While it may not be pure energy, per say, as plants convert the energy of sunlight into chemical energy, it can easily be order and success, where people convert the consistent and perpetual light of the order of faith into a more so realized form than something that largely exists in the form of disregarded pure logic, and people can easily absorb the success of nature that beams off every natural form of life still alive today and use this insight as the impetus to create something far more powerful and capable than the humanistic hedonism of satiating maladapted vestigial instinct that defines the contemporary world.

This is the logic; the logic is pure, and while the equations might not be perfect, I can say with a high degree of confidence that if such policies were enacted to induce a state of humanity that I argue in favor of, the results in terms of success and efficiency would be much higher than they are today, and seeing how in nature, success and efficiency are the only things that allow an organism to survive, that fact that alone negates any arguments against my policy, because the choice is either survival or extinction; even if some aspects of contemporary human devolution might not survive into the future, the choice is either to coddle devolution and become extinct, or at the very least survive because the human race as a species could meet the requirements for prolonged survival that nature has had in place for billions of years.” Says Stacy

“Your logic is there, but logically basic arithmetic is simple, yet the scale of the endeavor you describe makes the task near if not impossible. You are comparing your policy to chloroplast and the detritus of society to the chemical components of photosynthesis, when this same argument is stating that your policy is an extraordinarily complex organelle in comparison to every facet of a human’s life which has been reduced to three molecules, and this comparison argues that you are some sort of alchemist that can organize inert matter into this divinely complex and miraculously functional organelle.

Even scale alone would argue that you are somehow capable of creating something 262 times more so grand than the scope of a human’s life and reproducing this on a scale capable of converting the hundreds of millions of people in our country into something comparable to glucose in any reasonable timeframe that is at a bare minimum providing your society enough energy to survive, and do this while still inducing the miraculous function of your insight being the perpetual source of allegorical energy that is comparably as useful as the free photonic energy utilized by plants. The logic is that a parallel to photosynthesis exists within society in regards to its own success, and while one can argue that this was the faith for a long time, the argument that you have conceived something comparably powerful and more so prone to success that it would revolutionize the allegorical biosphere is a dubious claim. I know you have trouble conceiving your own failure, but despite that challenge, it truly is quite easy to fail, especially when undertaking such a grand challenge such as this.” Says Jenna

“The critique was quality, but the last point negated the entire argument, if your fear of failure prevents you from ever trying, you will never succeed, whereas the only possible way to succeed is to attempt to do so, and even if you fail you must learn from these failures and continue trying if you are ever to succeed. This alone justifies Stacy’s point, and even if these attempts turn the world on their head, they are always justified simply because there is far less shame in failing multiple times in the name of eventual success than there is in failing perpetually, and if we condemn all arguments against the philosophers of the Age of Reason then we have condemned humanity to live in a perpetual state of squalor induced by the fact that society is entirely dependent on these 17th century organs and share all of the same shortcomings and ignorance of people who existed some two hundred some odd years after the Middle Ages.

To argue that something as complex as the science of social order has not been improved upon since the 17th century and never will be demonstrates that the western world exists in the Dark Age of Reason for failing to question the philosophers who did nothing but peddle their ego and self-assured validity in the same respect that Stacy does, and this is largely because these people made claims and conjecture on largely baseless grounds making it near if not impossible to disprove them simply because there are no means to go measure and test a man’s fantasies or ideals for any form of verity that would actually be echoed in reality.” Says Isabelle

“This may easily be my aversion to gambling, but the problem with that logic is the nature of evolution itself. Evolution has been such a powerful force over the course of biological history in ensuring the survival of life because countless individuals that have developed maladaptive mutations have all perished on account of this; the success rate of a mutation being advantageous is extremely small, and this means that the vast majority of the time these changes from the surviving norm will result in nothing but the eventual death of the creature. This death toll is acceptable because nature has always had a plethora of each organism to sustain a population, so while one million original mutations might occur only to cause the subjected animal die on account of it over the course of a thousand years, evolution occurs when that one in a million chance occurs and one of these original mutations is actually beneficial to the point where that animal survives at a higher rate and is able to outcompete or out reproduce the other members of its species.

 Even with the insight provided by human knowledge, many mutations in the social structure that have occurred over the course of history have resulted in the death of the societies that adopt such changes. It is true we will remain stagnant, but our country is still near the peak of competition in regards to its performance and survivability, and I would rather not pursue a revolution that will probably result in the death of the country according the probabilities outlined by nature in regards to evolution. It is fair to argue that some adaptations of society are maladaptive mutations in regards to the general health and wellbeing of society, but seeing how our country is still able to compete with the best in the world despite these maladaptive traits, attempting to evolve to eliminate these shortcomings in order to be more successful does not seem like a healthy gambit when it could easily result in the death of our country. If these maladaptive traits are going to kill the country, then so be it; we are more than likely dead either way, seeing how revolution will likely result in the same destruction of our nation that these maladaptive traits will, but I’m sure revolution is likely a far more expedient means to that end.” Says Jenna

“To be content with dying from maladaptive devolution simply because one does not want to take any risks is ridiculous, especially when the dangers posed by these risks can easily be predicted and minimized through the means available to people. The world is constantly evolving, and if we fail to evolve alongside it we are doing nothing but digging our own grave through our wretched indolence. While America festers, treating it’s festering problems with the snake oil of idealism, defending its social and political  impotence along with the subsequent tumult with the diagnosable mental illness of the delusion symptomatic of such idealism and the veneration of these prophets of Luciferian insanity, other countries of the world will understand the value, reliability, and applicability of science and pursue the evolution of their society through these realistic means, being willing to take risks because they know that doing so is the only way the will possibly survive into the future. America is sitting in a chair with a snake bite and has argued that the swelling, difficulty breathing, sweating, and numbness in the face and limbs aren’t severe enough to warrant treatment, and despite the common knowledge of how poison will slowly kill its victim, America choses to be incredulous to the fact that it is in any danger.

The founding fathers left it up to god to ensure the quality and caliber of the people of their nation, and for this reason they took a rather hands-off approach to governing with the understanding that god would ensure that the people were of quality, and on account of this fact the people can easily be trusted to govern themselves and make their own decisions, being so faithful in the godliness of the people that they entrust them with rights as to prevent tyranny, believing that the people would remain inherently godly and thus never become corrupted by this power they are given. The founding fathers cannot be faulted for doing so as the people had always been reliably godly for hundreds of years, but unfortunately this is no longer the case as society has strayed further and further from the light of god, forsaking the message that kept society functional and at peace for centuries in exchange for praising satanic scriptures venerating  temptation, disregarding god, and replacing the pursuit of decency with the pursuit of sinful hedonism and reckless vice propagated by the fork-tongued disciples of Lucifer who all wittingly or unwittingly sold their soul and body to the devil so that they can enjoy the power felt by the all too easy task of tempting mankind towards irreverence, sin, and vice as well as the love of man so intoxicated by vice as to venerate those who sell him his own damnation.” Says Stacy

“Even if Stacy’s ideas might seem crazy, it is being irreverent and slothful if you don’t even try to help people stop sinning and pray for forgiveness. She really does want to help people, and even if her means seem cruel or oppressive, too many people will go to hell if they aren’t physically separated from their vices so they can become sober enough to see how terrible their vices are; they never will accept or understand the fact that they’re being tempted into sin and will keep disregarding the word of God until the die and are sent to hell. Society is becoming more and more sinful as time goes on, and if this trend continues it will be like all of the good people in the world giving up on trying to save everybody and just letting the devil win in his perpetual conquest to tempt humans. If we just give up it will make everything God and Jesus did completely in vain because in the end the devil still won and all of the people ended up in hell despite the fact that it was so simple to be granted eternal life in heaven.” Says Ophelia

“Even the secular point is true in regards to evolution; even if it is risky, we either evolve so we can stay competitive or we will be eventually wiped out, and as of now with the rise of China and the countries who might follow suit in the next fifty years, our country is quickly being put in the position where it must adapt or perish.” Says Isabelle

“It seems like all of the decisions are unfavorable decisions that put the country in jeopardy, so as much as I can understand that we must choose the least of all the evils, I have little grounds to make an argument for or against any of them. Historically inaction has seldom been historically relevant when compared to action, so that principle would argue in favor of action in order to remain historically relevant, because even though it has always been risky, the only other option is obsoletion and drifting into irrelevance or even extinction.” Says Grace

“The best laid plans of mice and men oft go awry. The oft is the part I’m concerned about, and I’d rather not gamble the better part of a rather peaceful life in the hopes of finding something better, even if I am shameless for doing so.” Says Jenna

“The best laid plans of mice and men oft go awry, but verity shall never fail thee.” Says Stacy

“Despite the verity of the truths you defend, the noble nature of your pursuit of verity can only remain intact when the verity itself remains entirely inert, and I may be a cynic but I am a realist no less and I have little optimism in regards to the thought that a world might be possible where the powers that be refrain from manipulating, contorting, and destroying any verity that might oppose their own pursuits.” Says Jenna




“The entire concept has nothing to do with optimism; optimism implies uncertainty whereas with my system uncertainty is systematically kept to a minimum in order to maximize reliability and functionality. Relying on optimism to ensure the survival and success of society is like relying on optimism in regards to food safety or aeronautics, in that doing so can easily be harmful if not deadly, and there is a clear correlation between uncertainty and failure while optimism about said uncertainty has little effect on the probability of failure. Certainty is the only thing that should be depended on, and the fact that the world still relies so heavily on optimism to maintain order and ensure their success is the mark of a compulsive gambler who feels invincible and feels that he can never lose simply because the odds are in his favor to win, when ultimately all it takes is one very possible but statistically improbable string of failures for the massive winnings society has gained to all disappear into the back of the casino of hell, leaving mankind betrayed by his own vices, robbed of everything he has worked for over the course of the existence of whichever society happens to lose heavily at the semi-regular intervals of catastrophic social failure which all but guaranteed by the laws of probability.

There is nothing inherently wrong with optimism, emotions, or opinions: the problems arise when these are used to make decisions while far more reliable sources of guidance such as science and logic are disregarded in order to respect these trivialities which are nothing more than a baseless hallucinatory experience in the human mind when compared to the finite, measurable, reliable, and starkly real sources of insight such as the physical world and the sciences, logic, and insight derived from it. The human whim was acceptable when the beast had no more means to accomplish his ends due to ignorance, but to continue to rely upon these archaic means when far more reliable and productive means are available to humans is arguing that a horse is a more efficient and practical means of transportation than a car for whatever aesthetic, emotional, or sentimental fallacy one can mistake for legitimate reason due to their own ignorance or delusion.

Man has studied and mastered most if not all elemental sciences that are defined by the guiding scientific principles that are identical to those needed to establish a society free from the corruption of whim, but it is his reluctance to embrace change and more so his reluctance to admit that anything could possibly know better than himself or another human in regards to his own affairs that causes the farce of idealist democracy to be so taxed and burdened with the whimsical ideals it worships despite the fact that such a system seldom results in anything other than masochistic bondage, where the people of the democracy subject themselves to their own stupidity and then complain about the pain and torture that doing so causes in some shameless series of events that in effect are little more than watching a self-harming mentally retarded individual who doesn’t understand cause and effect becoming upset every time he repeatedly hurts himself.

The logic of idealism is somehow to voluntarily inflict pain upon oneself in the pursuit of some ideal, and argue that there is somehow a way to negate the pain one’s self is inflicting while still consistently inflicting this pain upon oneself. I often times consider that I am in the wrong, and perhaps people don’t want the pain to stop, perhaps they enjoy the pain and desire far more pain, because the pain is far more important to them than the solution to the pain, seeing how there have been countless times in history where America has chosen to inflict more pain upon itself, while very little effort is given towards resolving this pain, and this preferentiality shown towards pain as opposed to the resolution of such makes me think I’m a fool for failing to seek new forms of pain for the state and society to lather upon themselves; because as much as they seek to induce this pain in pursuit of some ideal, they never achieve the ideals yet they continuously seek more pain to inflict upon themselves despite this fact. This goes against my own logical capacity, but clearly the mind of a delirious and delusional masochist faithful to Lucifer’s creed utilizes far different logic than I do. ” Says Stacy

“It’s nice to hear you consider the desires of the people for once, it would be a shame if they were deprived of the masochistic pleasure of futility and the bondage of ignorance they perpetually crave.” Says Jenna

“I’d say she’s quite charitable, seeing how she has many methods that can deliver people the pain they crave; I do see the issue where your lack of ideals might ruin the experience for them, but I’m sure you can drum up some quality fantasies for them to chase while the whip cracks starvation.” Says Isabelle

“The alleged masochism that people are willing to experience correlates with the grandiosity of the ideal they are seeking to defend; people are willing to protest for civil rights, but they are willing to die for freedom, so unless you can think of ideals even more appealing than those, you will have a hard time convincing people to abandon their current fantasies.” Says Grace

“Threats to people’s lives and wellbeing can all be easily manufactured. People are indignant because they have nothing to remind them to be grateful, and this problem is easily addressed. Whether or not any real threats to the people exist, there must surely always be constant threats that can be palpably felt by the people in order to trigger their instinct to fight and defend themselves. Man will fight and work for food when it is scarce, but demand it when it is plentiful, and for this reason there is no logical reason to tolerate any sort of entitlement due to the comfort and success of the country, and this means that the vectors of this entitlement must be controlled in order to convince the people that they are entitled to nothing and there are countless threats to what little they have. Man can only take for granted what he has, so when he is deprived of the reliable availability and accessibility of these things, he can no longer take them for granted.

While it would not be wise to perpetuate the state as the reason these things are scarce, because people must always be reminded that they are fighting for the good and the state provides the good, and it is unwise to actually cause shortages and threats when artificial ones will suffice because that which the people are deprived of can easily be sold to the consumerists of the world; the people always need a consistent reminder of the fact that their quality of life, however meager it might be, is constantly or at least reliably under threat to the point where they are always inspired from the many sources of such inspiration such as fear, vengeance, hunger, and anything else that can spur a man to action that if absent will coax him into comfortable inaction and indifference.

If the quality of life is a given, then nothing is given by the people in return for such amazing and wonderful quality of life we have today when put in historical perspective, and to give something for nothing is often unwise, especially when your survival depends on the fact that the man gives you something in exchange for what you give him. This can be seen as indoctrination through misinformation, but logic will remind you that the failure to do this is itself a very real threat to the wellbeing and success of society, so as much as the news may be false if we cannot come to mutual terms of mutual threatening amongst the countries of the world, the threat itself is still entirely real, even if it must be masked in order to properly spur the people.” Says Stacy

“I can understand the logic that you do need to spur the people in some way, since the same is true for oxen and other animals who do work, but you can’t just rely on those things to inspire the people. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, and the same is true for being threatened and tortured and what not; the people will all end up being scared and tortured and they won’t hardly be people at all. Even though the torture is like the work in that situation, the play would be all of the good things that inspire people to work hard and be successful.

You need to make sure that people are just as inspired by love and friendship, and the pleasant things they like, because if they don’t have anything that they really want to work and live for, then your torturing is fighting against the current instead of going with it, because the people have nothing to naturally inspire them and then are entirely dependent on the threats to their life to motivate them rather than actually wanting to work and be successful without any sort of prodding. People need the faith, and to know about salvation, to love god and all of his creations like the animals, the plants, and the stars. People naturally love all of these things, so it should be super easy to get them interested and loving them so they can have something to look forward to after work, things like friends and love and nature and beauty, all of the countless things that make life worth living in the first place. People need to have things to live for, and this is probably even more important than making them understand that it takes hard work and dedication to stay alive.” Says Ophelia

“It’s amazing that you were so quick to forget the lesson of the yin-yang you were talking about earlier, Stacy, the balance of the light and dark to ensure survival or something.” says Jenna

“I’m quick to forget things that I don’t know what I’m talking about, but I’m sure that Taoism has plenty of life lessons, logical arguments, and whatnot that I could easily interpret to better myself and further perfect my arguments in regards to the theory of a sustainably and competitively functional society. I don’t say I know everything, and I always leave the floor open for debate, I use what I know which is a rather respectable level of schooling, logic, stoicism, and common sense to derive the most sensible arguments I can formulate.

Ophelia is right in that regard, and it is easily the excessive indulgence in pleasures tormenting society that makes me spurn them, but it is true that some pleasures, largely the wholesome kind, offer large benefits to the people with little to no negative repercussions when they exist in healthy proportion and for good reason. I don’t seek to make people unhappy, I seek to make them as productive and efficient as possible, and while that may interfere with this unending pursuit of narcotic happiness, there are plenty of examples of beneficial happiness like the ones Ophelia mentioned that easily increase the productivity and efficiency of the people if they are present.” Says Stacy

“It’s hard to imagine a place where people being deprived of their human rights are so happy that their productivity increases, but perhaps I underestimate your potential to indoctrinate and condition the human mind, especially considering the influence you’ve already had on Isabelle.” Says Grace

“She’s hardly had any influence at all, it’s just that she is intelligent enough to allow me to appreciate the untapped potential of the human mind, as well as see the true nature of reality which is so demonized and censored by the idealists that I had hardly been able to fathom it. I always would have agreed with her, it’s just that I didn’t have these enlightened thoughts being conveyed in my direction so that I might be able to do so. It truly is a mystery why my mind had become so blind to reality and was only able to visualize the fallacious interpretation of the world that is purported by the humanists and the idealists. I am almost ashamed of myself for deeming any of your usual arguments in any way legitimate; I may as well be hailing Hitler or worshiping Stalin if I fail to be suspicious of the incompetent rambling of the indoctrinated masses so blinded by that which they are told and loyal to these false shepherds.” Says Isabelle

“Ah, yes, Stacy: the one true shepherd in a land of satanic sheep-thieves who throw salt in the fields to force the sheep into the pastures of the church Satan and Lucifer.” Says Jenna

“That is oddly accurate despite the sarcasm, but regardless; the issue of human rights is very simple to the point where simple logistics can explain it thoroughly. The brutal, relentless, and savage competitive survival of a world without human rights is like going straight, and this describes the world of feral humans; the introduction of human rights is like veering to the right, and as ratio will remind you, the more you veer to the right, the less you make forward progress, and the further we stray to the right into the field of human rights, the less competitive and prone to survival we become, this means there is a point where all of the effort and energy that would be spent on making forward progress in the field of competitive survivability is instead spent on human rights, going due right in the allegory, and if we continue veering in the relative direction of human rights, we end up making backwards progress in terms of competitive survivability, and we have clearly already reached this point as the world argues that it is the human right of people who are measurably accounting for negative progress in the field of the natural competitive survivability of humans to both say alive and reproduce, and that would be the pinnacle of this 180 degrees of human rights where these people all have the right to live and reproduce, with the amount of backwards momentum being the extent to which the vesicles of devolution are forced to reproduce, and this pinnacle could be seen in the first and second world wars where the masses of healthy individuals with quality genetics were killed off because they were actually able to fight in the war, and this drastically increased the density of those people with undesirable genetics in the population who then unfortunately exacerbated the reproduction of these inferior quality people drastically due to a lack of competitors and the nature of the natural growth of a population.

 Of course if we keep turning in the relative direction of human rights, we end up making progress that would originally be seen as leftward progress, or the antithesis of human rights, and these are instances where the human rights that are being defended are actually contrary to the original definition of humans rights, which is to ensure a higher quality of life and health for the people, as this level of human rights is actually results in a decreases in a quality of life and the health of the people, which can be seen in the post-war period defined by the destructive elements of quote unquote human rights including rampant drug use, fornication, unemployment and other antisocial tendencies of the hippie community, as well as in other sections such as the feminist movement which encouraged women to abandon their natural god-given role and instead function as neuters in society, as doing this damned both the woman and the working man into slavery and started digging the grave for the economy by sacrificing adequate population growth in exchange for a short term labor boom as I had previously explained.

 This trend can also be seen in some ways in the civil rights movement due to the Negros failing to understand that white society had constantly been the source of all of their problems and the fact that integrating into this society would only see these problems continue but also spread them onto the poor whites who could now be equally exploited and denigrated by the rich because this is the nature of equality; it is not that the Negros gained rights in the process, the civil rights simply condemned everyone to the status of the denigrated while the powers that be enjoy the equal opportunity exploitation of these people.

This is because equality is never achieved by moving people up in society, and this is true on account of proportion, when the Negros have 5% and the lowly whites have 15% while the plutocrats and oligarchs have 80%, making the Negros equal to the lowly whites means that even in the most idealistic situation of equality both of these people only have 10%, because the people in power will never give up power in the pursuit of the equality of the idealist, and ultimately the result of the civil rights movement was that the Negro retains 5% and the lowly whites were simply reduced to 5%, or 6% accounting for vestigial systematic racism; this movement for equality only served to give the plutocrats and oligarchs 89 to 90% control of everything, and this is the functional reality of the ideal of equality.

We are now making some forward progress while sill bearing true left at this point because the civil unrest has calmed down, and despite the fact that these human lefts are still present, they have calmed down a small bit, and society is able to make small amounts of forward progress so long as it can satiate it’s addiction for human lefts and avoid withdrawal in the process. This level of human rights can be considered forward genetic progress akin to nature, at least in a small way, because due to the current standard of human rights many of the disabled people voluntarily express this natural feebleness and fail to reproduce on account of homosexuality, asexuality, or other forms of effective celibacy through suicide or social ineptitude, even to the point of sterilizing themselves in the pursuit of some completely ridiculous delusion.

The two ways of interpreting this transgression is either the simple way, in arguing that if we keep adding the alleged and fallacious human rights to the situation, that ultimately these will ensure the forward progress of society, and I can see this happening if society itself gains the legal status of a person, and due to the nature of equality and proportion when society is given human rights as if it were a human, this decreases the rights held by all people in society, and this process could ultimately return to the norm where people have no rights and society is able to function in the role that nature once served in ensuring the competitive survivability of the human race. This is more likely than one would think because this anthropomorphic society can cry foul and play the victim in any instance of somebody being wronged regardless of whatever social group they may fall into, as when the anthropomorphic society is continuously the most indignant and victimized, this means it ultimately gains the most in terms of social justice, reform, and protection, and this means that as the rights accumulate, anthropomorphic society will gain human rights at such an increased rate compared to the other populations that it will eventually wield the majority of these rights and be able to hold unquestionable authority in the name of social justice, tolerance, open-mindedness, and being nice and all the shameless bullshit reasons that justify the existence of legislated delusion and sickeningly artificial incredulously authoritarian realities of fallacy in the minds of idealists.

The other option is that by continuously turning in the relative direction of human rights we are making downward progress much like a screw, and that even if we return to the relative direction of forward, the forward progress will be forward in a sense, perhaps with very little vigor, but still laden with an increase in the level of unnatural degeneracy while the screw ultimately never stops turning to the right until it stops or reaches the end of the screw, which I can interpret to be the demise of the human race.” Says Stacy

“As much as that allegory was of respectable if not remarkable quality, I found the argument that three human rights make a human left, to the point where you even call it a human left, to be quite humorous. Despite that level of logic or at least the quality craftsmanship of the allegory was quite cohesive, even if the common man might find the allegory itself deplorable.” Says Jenna

“As much as it is deplorable, science would likely agree that Sub-Saharan Africa is likely the last bastion of anything that resembles natural human evolution and that is largely due to the lack of human rights and the resulting quality of life from social and technological progress.” Says Grace

“Sadly I don’t think it’s possible for someone to hold enough power for people to condemn human rights, even if the psychological chemistry of holding these beliefs are similar to narcotic insanity, that fact does nothing to aid your argument and it will easily make your job harder; because instead of attempting to do something as simple as teach people and enlighten them, in reality you are attempting to wrestle their addictive narcotics away from them which they are able to create and store within their mind, and that task alone is so treacherously daunting that even the most powerful and intelligent human on earth or even in history would be powerless to assuage the withdrawal of an entire globe of people addicted to free limitless endogenous narcotics.” Says Isabelle

“If Stacy had it her way I’m sure her lust for power, fondness of stoic brutality, and aptitude for insane innovation would give her some shred of hope that through some profound destruction of the human psyche she can rend that source of narcotic euphoria from the minds of the people. It will not be pretty, but if she has managed to indoctrinate you despite your respectable level of intelligence and mental capacity, then I’m sure if she sharpens her tongue over a period of time there will be masses of people willing to fight, torture, murder and die in the name of her zealous crusade.” Says Grace

“It has nothing to do with holding power or feeling powerful, if science and mathematics stated that forcing everybody to wear silly hats and face-paint all the time would yield the same extraordinary fruition of success and wellbeing amongst the people as my policies would, I would be vehemently in favor of these things. It is not that I have any opinions or desires for one peculiarity or the other in the slightest, my arguments are simply the facts of the matter that are stated by science, and my fervor is the aggression induced by seeking to end this painful frustration of watching a world that is entirely unwilling to acknowledge reality and choses instead to waste away in the opium den smoking humanism all day being afflicted by the paralysis and narcotic pleasures of sloth while reveling in the vices; doing nothing but dying slowly with a smile on their face because the pleasure of disregarding their own wellbeing and chasing the pipe dreams of idealism is unfortunately so hypnotically tempting that people have quickly forgotten any other reality but this sick affliction to these endogenic narcotics inflicting psychosis and dementia, while only retaining the mental capacity to demand more drugs to help them relieve these symptoms of their own deadly poisoning.

I am not doing anything new, and I am only taking systems that work, improving upon them, and applying them to other parts of society, much like improving the assembly line with automation and endearing this novel boon to productivity upon the many other factories that would benefit from it. Prohibitions already exist and this would simply be expanded; the voluntary and involuntary segregation of conflicting peoples already exists in both the free and imprisoned populations, people’s minds are already molded through commonplace indoctrination and further refined if need be by psychotherapy as well as chemical agents in an attempt to ensure a reasonable level of quality and capacity for success in the people, and my methods are simply more so reliable and effective than the current standards of torpid coddling and the use of medication to treat problems while failing to use medication to create solutions as well.

The wardens who shepherd prisoners do not do this out of some desire to wield power and inflict this upon people, they are simply making responsible decisions that are in the best interests of the people they shepherd because these people have proven that they are unable to do so themselves, and this alone should help you understand that I am not doing this out of any ill will towards the people, it is out of social responsibility and due to a clear necessity for such things to occur so that society will be able to operate free from the countless numbers of shamelessly commonplace and easily avoidable problems that perpetually blight it.” Says Stacy

“As much as you can clearly understand that your allegories are very similar parallels to reality that draw from the relevant context of the allegory to cast a proper judgement, I am sure that your tactic of longwinded demonization through means of allegory will be entirely lost upon the masses of ignorant people who you seek to spur into action. I find it unlikely that the small group of literate misanthropes will ever create any meaningful change in the people, and as much as you may get some literate people who aren’t so entrenched in their views by indoctrination to see your point, this is still a small group of people when compared to the masses who are far more spurred into action by simple rhetoric of the glorification of themselves and the hatred of those who oppose it. I’m sure you can craft an argument in simple English that resounds with that principle, but if you forsake this you are doing little more than shouting at the brick wall of American ignorance. I’m glad you do spare us that sort of rhetoric, as the usual means of endlessly reiterating the same trite simple English mantras that are commonplace in politics  would be boring and ultimately painfully annoying when compared to the fiery allegories of demonization and loathing.” Says Jenna

“It has always been the will of the faithful to spread the seemingly indecipherable message of god from its original tongue into that of the illiterate peasants so that they may understand and embrace that which is so relevant and beneficial to their lives. Those few who may be able to understand my allegories, logic, and lexicology are the infrastructure itself, spreading the power from the power plant that has harnessed the free energy of hellfire summoned from the Earth by the servants of Lucifer spreading this power far and wide, then converting it into useful forms of energy that the people can utilize and enjoy, able to appreciate the true value of my convoluted and rambling tongue as it has been simplified into convenient and simple terms much like a factored quadratic equation, giving people only the answers they need, and not confusing them with the artistic expression of the same information in some convoluted and seemingly indecipherable string of meaninglessness that I am so capable of producing effortlessly, and quite prone to creating.

I speak the tongue of the spurned, the beast so loathing of the world that simple hatred and criticism is insufficient, and instead far shaper, larger, and stronger words must be used to express this resentment, much like one would use a large bat to beat a man to death and enjoy his suffering rather than use a handgun to fire a terse, expedient, concise and artfully engineered bullet into his brain to end his life. If I simply shoot this aspect of mankind that I so dearly loathe, then I am a murderer, people will not understand why I can condemn him so simply with little explanation that leaves much up to question, especially in the minds of the ignorant, but by slowly beating him to death and shouting his countless misdeeds and malefactions out loud while he dies I am able to clearly and thoroughly inform the people as to why this transgression is taking place and leave little room for debate, as my reasoning and arguments have been so thoroughly proven to the onlookers over the course of such a delightfully prolonged period of righteous leisure.” Says Stacy

“You’re delightfully sane, but that is the bane of your success in a world defined by such insanity, so it would be wise to learn to feign some of this as well. As for your sense of justice and reason, you seek to use these as justification in the minds of people we can understand as no different from simple drug addicts, whose only concept of justice is legal drugs and free drugs beyond that, and their only sense of reason is that drugs feel amazing in the mind and body, and clearly this fact alone is more than enough reason to keep using them as opposed to acknowledge the reality and dangers of such an addiction.” Says Isabelle

“It’s kind of sad you speak in this lofty artistic manner, and when that once might have been respected, but nowadays people will just think you’re crazy if people can even understand what you’re saying in the slightest. I do think it’s better than just using simple English all the time because that would make you just seem mechanical and heartless, and talking this way makes you seem more passionate and justified because you’re so lively instead of just being matter-of-fact and condescending about everything.” Says Ophelia

“Even if her manner of speaking was respected, any respectability would quickly amount to nothing because people would actually understand what she is saying and that alone would quickly lead to the same level of disregard if not condemnation. Your ability to present ideas in a straightforward way is of caliber, but when you get carried away with demonization you often drift into a tone that is more style than substance. Perhaps that’s not entirely admonishable though, seeing how most political mudslinging amounts to far less credible and meaningful criticisms.” Says Jenna

“There’s a reason politics takes place on a stage while meaningful progress is made in the laboratory. People only seek to be entertained, and politics is the epitome of that by entertaining the people not only with stage drama, but by entertaining the fancies and sentiments of these people and pretending that the lowly masses are the only source of legitimate insight in the world.  The more politics depends on the entertainment of the people, the further it strays from having any sort of relationship to having meaningful and legitimate points, because doing what is in the best interests of people never interests the people. The people don’t want to be people, they want to be powerful, rich, worshiped, and venerated; they don’t care about people or the state, they only want to satiate their own egos and feel justified and righteous.

While politicians may have some policy arguments, these are usually only taken to oppose the other party and further codify the political ideology of the people, which is nearly identical to that of professional sports fanaticism where people will simply identify with a team and then loathe any opponents of that team, and the reward given to the people for their loyalty usually amounts to little more than the euphoria of watching their team win the game every few years and talking shit endlessly in the off-season. Seeing how that marketing strategy has made professional sports into the massive enterprise it is today, it is a fine business model, but despite the value of emulating success, the dependence on that system to inspire voters has reduced politics into a game of theatrical showmanship and disrespect that enables people to easily be elected on a platform largely devoid of sound policy but is instead rife with arguments similar to the baseless rabblerousing banter between rival sports fans, each venerating their own team and demonizing their rival, because people would much rather have their egos stroked than be forced to attempt and fail to understand some obscure yet meaningful policy and the reasons as to why this is the most practical course of action.

The people are clearly too goddamn stupid to understand how the nation, the economy, and the government works, and masses of people who fail to understand these delicate and intricate fields that are vital to the nation should not be the ones determining the fate of the economy. It’s like asking a small child to do electrical work with live wires and presuming that he will somehow come to the right conclusion when the people who paid for the building and the electrical system who happen to require some simple maintenance are largely disregarded just so that some children can be entertained while they recklessly cause problems and likely hurt themselves in the process.” Says Isabelle

“Here I was hoping for a return to some form of substantive talk of policy, regardless of how insane it is, it’s still far more meaningful than either you or Stacy saying things that amount to nothing more than ‘I am so great, look at how great I am, everyone else is an idiot, I’m the smartest, I am amazing, I know what I’m talking about, everyone else is full of shit’. If I wanted to hear that I could turn on any political talk-show or even just the news.” Says Grace

“As trite as that message is, when it is actually true it does need to be touched upon in some respect. It’s a shame that my legitimate truths will be disregarded as fallacious simply because measured probability up to this point ensures that any alleged truth in regards to politics is inherently fallacious. Such is the sad fate of this great ship of fools floating in the cold darkness of space.” Says Stacy

“We are all well aware of your greatness by now, so I’d cast a vote in favor of policy, seeing how your fantasies regarding the future are more so entertaining than the rampant demonization of everything. There is an almost delightful level of absurdity in your policy as well as a level of harmless fantasy whereas your criticisms of society tend to be sound enough to arouse my disconsolate hopelessness when I attempt to foresee any possible future, despite the colorful language making them equally absurd. As much as they’re not the usual fantasies of little girls, there are few fantasies that are less preferable than imagining the future of this godforsaken planet.” Says Jenna

“Optimism would be but masochism without the anesthetic of delusion.” Says Stacy

“Of all of the endogenous anesthetics the body is capable of producing, those in your veins seem to be analogous to phencyclidine.” Says Jenna

“At least I can retain my brain function through the pain of life compared to the masses mainlining space-age barbs, bennies, and fentanyl. The sheer number of people incapable of the level of critical thinking required to ensure that the world continues to exist and the people who pull the strings on these braindead puppets are doing nothing but struggling to comprehend why reality does not reflect their narcotic fantasy of idealism, and that is the kindest interpretation possible that disregards any corruption, ulterior motives, psychosis, or egotism that constitute the bulk of real politics.” Says Stacy




“I’ll attempt to get us back on topic, because as much as I love criticizing everything, there are still too many unanswered questions in regards to Stacy’s policy. You were talking about using food as a major incentive to cause people to work, but controlling the food market would be hard; people would notice we grow tons of food and produce tons of foods and delicacies to export yet these things are always scarce amongst the people who are always forced to live on rations. I don’t see a way to convince them that such is appropriate, hunger never tends to bode well with the people.” Says Isabelle

“There are many means to that end, and surely people would not be hungry, as they would all be provided adequate nutrition and simply barred from excess consumption, and the methamphetamine used to potentiate this motivation and desire to work would ease the bellies of even the most psychologically hungry individuals. So long as you are not tempting people with food, they will be far less temped by it, and this can easily be done by making the food palatable but not to the point where it becomes pleasurable. As much as I would love to be honest, and tell them that the rationing is done for many straightforward reasons, in order to prevent gluttony, ensure adequate nutrition, maximize the power of the export market, and to save money in terms of addressing the need to feed the people in the most cost effective and organized manner possible, these would likely be unpopular with the people who never enjoy being reminded that they are capable of fault in any way, and for this reason it may be necessary to use external sources as the reason for this manner of life, simply because people are far more willing to act a certain way when an external force causes them to do so, as this means that the reason for such a lifestyle is due to neither their own shortcomings nor those of their nation.

It would be easy to inform our people that we are being extorted of our food by powerful nations, and easily prove this by staging some attacks on our nation every now and again because we supposedly failed to meet demands, and this puts us in a wonderful position as the breadbasket where we can export massive amounts of food to ensure that countries develop populations that would otherwise be unsustainable without our food exports, and this would give us massive amounts of leverage because in effect we are largely responsible for keeping the peace in these countries because we keep their people fed. The fact that we keep their people fed would allow us to negate any international outcry against any alleged abuses we commit, because we can simply deprive them of the food they need if they are to take up sanctions or otherwise be upset with us.

We can cripple their economies and sack their states by failing to feed their people, and other breadbaskets can be puppeted with like-minded individuals or even corrupt extortionists we would support who would ensure that these countries opposing us do indeed suffer powerful food shortages for their aggressions against us. There is no moral ground to attempt to rebuke our nation when your own starves on account of your affront, and people would quickly come to terms with this and that would resolve most of our issues in regards to international outcry before we are forced to negate any real threats with our own threat of nuclear apocalypse and then subsequently tempt all of the nations into a cooperative, neutral, or even friendly stance with our copious amounts of very affordable food, goods, and services.

If we are forced into such a position where we must starve our opponents to argue our point, we can be sure to limit the food exports to countries that might want to act as middle men and sell our food to the countries we intend to starve, because if we limit them to the amount of food they need to feed their own people, we can ensure that none will go to those opposed to our own country as these countries will surely value maintaining order in their own countries far more than feeding those seeking petty idealist conflict. I’m not fond of misinformation, but the psychological support of the people is more valuable than the merits and ease of telling the truth, especially when doing so is contrary to your own success. An honest day’s work only serves to fatten the pockets of those who enjoy a dishonest day’s work, so sadly it’s the nature of the world to disregard honesty in favor of the pursuit of success.” Says Stacy

“I think if you had a good campaign that reminds people why all of those things you want to prevent are actually bad, then you wouldn’t have as much resistance as you think. People don’t see the consequences of their actions immediately, since they’re out of sight they’re out of mind, but just like how smoking warnings have curbed smoking rates, I think you could get a lot of support for an honest platform if you can remind people how bad these things are.” Says Ophelia

“Even in places with graphic depictions of the dangers of smoking on every pack, many people still smoke, so as much as that might win over some people, there would still be plenty of discontent among the holdouts. You might have to create some method of actually realizing the consequences of people’s dissent as opposed to simply warning them, and while that level of preemptive torture of vices may produce the needed results, I’m sure it would be quite unpopular amongst the people, especially in this sinner’s paradise.” Says Isabelle




“I would argue that a contractual obligation would be reasonable; given that one condones these vices or the others, the repercussions of doing so are inevitable, so rather than let people gamble and win, they are all simply giving consent for themselves to be the victim of their own sloth. A man can’t have his cake and eat it too, so even if one is only tolerant of these vices, they too should be forced to bear the burden that these vices bring to society even if they would otherwise be spared personally, seeing how they are culpable of the existence of these crimes and sicknesses, and coconspirators in every perpetration and instance of such things due to their sloth; on account of this negligence alone they are clearly liable for the damages, and to support the victimization of others, either through defense of or negligence towards the prevention of these vices, is the same as conspiring in the perpetration of these crimes as well as volunteering oneself to be the victim of these crimes and vices.

While not all vices can be treated this way, those in support of venereal disease and drug addiction can easily be afflicted by the death of such vices in an instant, and I can leave the rest of the torment to the sinful revelers who will be glad to inflict their vices upon those people who volunteer themselves to be the victims out of their insane pursuit of humanistic idealism. These people who seek to deprive society of quality will be greeted with equally antisocial deprivation of their own quality of life, as they are confined to their cities of sin where the street drugs are the only medicine and the climax of deadly sin is the only salvation. The graphic depictions of the torturous lives and inevitable deaths of these people can easily serve as an informative lesson to the public as to why such things are prohibited and why the people controlled so strictly. Even if there is some form of law established by those who worship Lucifer as opposed to Satan or the other princes of hell, the lesson still stands that when the world creates the environment for vices to exist in the name of idealism or optimism, then the vices will always present themselves while the ideals and optimism fail to be realized entirely.” Says Stacy

“Appalling, but still a humorous interpretation of the fate of progressive liberalism.” Says Jenna

“If people are so willing to defend their vices that they would rather live in hell on earth instead of abandoning their vices and repenting, it’s not like she’s doing anything other than expediting the inevitable. The whole concept of being able to gamble with vice and sin but not pay a terrible price is the reason those problems are so rampant, and as much as it might seem evil, it really is Stacy just outwitting the devil because the ability to gamble and not lose is what allows him to tempt so many people. It’s sad that people will get hurt and die, but the same things would happen to them on the outside world, and separating them is just protecting the good people from all of the dangers created by sinful people.” Says Ophelia

“There would likely be a bit more torment in a city of narcotic fueled anarchy, but the establishment of places like that would quickly prove your point.” Says Isabelle

“It’s amazing that your demonization of humanists and idealists culminated into alleging that they worship Lucifer, which I suppose makes sense seeing how it would be hard to demonize them any further than that. I still think it’s pretty ridiculous seeing how they both tend to argue in favor of nice and good things.” Says Grace

“The description sticks because it is accurate; as much as it may seem nice or good, the argument of defending the insight of humans as superior to the wisdom of god is identical to the fall of Lucifer, with an angel in place of a human. The idealists are those people so afflicted by this delusional pride that they would emulate the fall of Lucifer and tempt people into the same damnation with their snake-tongued treachery. If the allegory weren’t so accurate I wouldn’t use it so often. Regardless of any faith, the pursuits of man have always been his self-interest and this is often contrary to the benefit of society, so as much as it may seem nice or tolerant, humanism empowers those afflicted with vices and ignores their damnable nature so that the heads of this cult can lead this army against any who might stand against their usurpation of all power in a once godly world.

Those cast out and condemned by god for legitimate reasons are all given shelter by the humanists, and due to the ability of these people to use temptation as the means to draw people to their side as well as their ability to feign innocence as the seeds of evil they sow seem harmless as they had yet to sprout. The humanists have rallied a massive army of the damned and the undergrowth of evil sprouted from the evil they sow manages to deprive the people of the true light, as all of the light gets filtered through the plants of Lucifer, allowing these humanists to block the light of god and trick people into believing that this glow from under their cursed leaves is the true light of god, simply because people know of no other light. By sheltering their army and indoctrinating the innocent with their message of humanism and idealism, they have managed to create a society that proudly places faith in the word of the prophets of Lucifer while forsaking salvation for temptation as the masses of people now fall victim to the vices that were far less prevalent for many centuries due to adequate condemnation by society of such sinners.” Says Stacy

“Stacy you are the one who wants to torture people and enslave them forever; arguing that the humanists and idealists are more devilish than you are is ridiculous. I understand that your criticisms are valid, but to argue that your own amoral scientific antihuman approach to reality is somehow more so godly than people who prioritize things like being nice, tolerance, charity, and respect is ridiculous.” Says Grace

“God himself was quite antihuman in the face of irreverence, so as much as it may not be similar to the goodness preached by Jesus, it is still very similar to the form defined by god. If you still want to say she is evil despite her odd desire to enact systems that realize the canonical will of god, she is closer to some disciple of Satan seeing how concerned with ensuring and enjoying the living damnation and torture of those who have forsaken god and fallen victim to vice, forcing them to suffer in bondage and misery for eternity due to their irreverence. There is little actual scripture that regards any of this, so it is hard to come to any definitive answers, but from what I can tell, as much as Satan is a fallen angel, god still entrusts him with governing hell, as despite the rebellion, god still gave him the power to torment the damned and power over demons, so there is more accord between Satan and god than one might think, whereas Lucifer was damned to hell due to his pride but not entrusted to rule it.

This is the more classical interpretation where certain demons represent certain sins and tempt you with them, so Satan is the prince of wrath, and Lucifer for pride, et cetera, and this is why that distinction is made using the name of Lucifer, and also why I tend to put faith in Satan being the ruler of hell as torture is usually an example of wrath and hell is usually described as endless torture.  This interpretation is different from the common one that equates Lucifer and Satan as the same individual known as the devil, argues there is but one devil, and leave it at that. Regardless of one’s own interpretation of godliness, she does embody the will of god, as much as some people might not enjoy that aspect of the faith or disregard it entirely and rather place the burden of their sins and irreverence on the back of the crucified Jesus.” Says Jenna

“If god in all of his omniscience still creates Satan, and even Lucifer, despite the fact he full well can foresee their rebellion, it is clear that they are nothing more than servants of god created with an intended purpose. They enact the will of god which is clearly to torment the damned and tempt the wicked souls that are ushered into this world so that he may cull them from his flock. The culling of such people and their subsequent torture is clearly god’s will and thus it is godly for people to do so.

While this is true, all who succumb to sin are not wicked by default, for many of them are but mere sheep who have little means to think or act for themselves, and thus they are the simply victims of the false shepherds who herd these people into a land of incessant vice and temptation. Those perpetuating vices and venerating the disciples of such vices are largely to blame, for if people were not conditioned to seek out these vices due to the peddling and glorification of such things, then the rampant vice of the masses would no longer be a problem, as only those truly called to such sin would fall victim to the vices, whereas today the most grievous and sinful tempt the ignorant with vice in order to protect themselves with the mutual culpability of these sheep who then must turn to defend these champions of the princes of hell lest they chose to condemn themselves. This leaves only the shamelessly hypocritical and equally wicked people to condemn the damnable in the hopes that they themselves might be able to accrue some of the power and pleasure that hell’s most pious disciples have amassed over the centuries, as the few people who still respect the word of god listen to Jesus who tells them to simply tolerate and forgive the vice of the world, for the faithful are powerless to stop these things. This was true for thousands of years after the death of Jesus, but now that we have the technological and intellectual capacity to pursue a reality that is truly reverent to the will of god, it is time not to turn the other cheek, but to enact the will of god, on earth as it is in heaven.

The prayer may be meaningless reiteration to most, but the prayer was taught so that one day people may answer that prayer; people are sustained and forgiven so that one day they will understand that the enacting god’s will and emulating heaven are not the same thing as emulating Jesus. Jesus died as a martyr to spread the seeds of virtue with the fruit of temptation, to tempt the wicked and sinful into faith in god, who believed that one day their own pursuit of a life of sin and hedonism would reward them with eternal life in paradise through the power of Jesus’s forgiveness, and this was done so that when the world slowly succame to the prophets of Lucifer, the bible and the faith would remain because every man reveling in vice believes that despite everything that god says, even the most wicked humans on earth are granted eternal life in paradise so long as he believes in Jesus and issues a tongue-in-cheek apology.

Even in a secular interpretation, the damnation is an allegory for the torture of the people when they condone vices in their society, and that prophecy has clearly been fulfilled by those who forsake secular god, secular god being the psychological distinction between a civilized and social human and one who succumbs to their animal instincts and destructive desires. Godliness is to the faith what civility is to society, and regardless of any theistic connotation, we cannot sustain a civilized society without the secular framework defined by god himself in the bible; the promise of execution and subsequent eternal torture was always the factor that ensured that people would remain civil, and when the secular form of Satan results in little more than a slap on the wrist, a vacation of incarceration, and a criminal record at most while most all subtly destructive vice is simply condoned or even celebrated, people will continue to fall victim to vices because they are not forced to fear them, and when people fall victim to these vices, these people and society itself both readily and happily fall victim to the torture, torment, and eventual death that results from such aberrations from civility.

The wholehearted fear of damnation and the wariness towards the temptations of demons is as vital to the survival of society as any godly virtue; whether the roots of this fear are secular or theistic, the fear must be ever-present, and when superstition fails to endow people with this sacred and ancient wisdom, then it is the duty of the secular and irreverent who have forsaken god to ensure that this necessary part of the foundation of society is retained and fortified; unfortunately the humanists and idealists have only made backwards progress in this regards despite their bountiful endowment of intelligence and technology.” Says Stacy

“Seeing how science and reason will teach people the same lessons that god wanted to teach people, as long as they learn these lessons it is just a rose by another name. It’s a shame that people want to be irreverent and forsake God, but seeing how God was clever enough to ensure that nature and science will teach them the same morals, it seems that even secular atheism can’t avoid being forced to acknowledge the differences between good and evil without forsaking that which they use to justify their irreverence like science, mathematics, and logic.

If you can actually get scientists to prove your points about how the will of God is proven by secular numbers and science, then you will at least have the armies of the intelligent and the faithful working together to help you fend off the humanists who can only defend themselves by arguing that their own thoughts and opinions are somehow more legitimate than both God and science, and if science is on your side, the humanists will look foolish in their argument seeing how all of the evidence both theistic and scientific does nothing but contradict them.” Says Ophelia

“I’m sure god says plenty of reasonable things, but plenty of them are ridiculous as well. As good as some of the message is, people tend to use the nonsense parts to disregard using the bible as some kind of ultimate authority. Seeing how in the Old Testament god tells the people to kill anyone who doesn’t worship him, and I’m pretty sure this is the driving force behind fundamentalist Islamic militants, I don’t think relying upon the word of god is as reliable as you want it to be.” Says Grace

“In a secular sense that would be anyone who opposes and endangers your own State, so it’s not like we have any different rules today, they’re just reverent to the sovereign state as opposed to the religious tribe. They may be ridiculous, but the reason you are not to sow mixed seeds or wear clothing of mixed fibers is not because this is always inherently immoral or harmful, but because these were fertility rituals that were popular amongst the Canaanites, and while allowing these things may seem harmless, if you condone these harmless parts of the Canaanite culture you will soon find that the line in the sand you drew quickly loses ground as you become more and more friendly with these people and before long you are watching your neighbors burn children alive as a sacrifice to Moloch.

The same style of logic is true for the ceremonial aspects of the faith, which is identical in logic to the performers who demand ridiculous things like color-sorted candies backstage, and this is not for any inherent benefit, but just as a measure to ensure that the other far more vital criteria of their demands are met with the same rigorous scrutiny and commitment since the people have proven their commitment to meeting all of the requests by doing this seemingly trivial thing: if the venue managers didn’t sort the candies, this is a sign that they also may have forsaken your other more vital demands which may well put your life or wellbeing in jeopardy.

This transgression can be seen in our own society as the people slowly become more and more tolerant of things that clearly have negative repercussions, and the message not to mix seeds or fibers speaks to that point where tolerating something small and seemingly harmless as people originally did when they codified small steps in civil rights and tolerance opens up an entirely new world of potential problems that people are forced to make a decision about, and when the decision was made to be tolerant instead of critical in the past, this means that people will become more and more tolerant and open-minded in regards to moving that line in the sand further and further back, and this has clearly resulted in society embracing many antisocial elements that currently endanger its own wellbeing in the name of being tolerant, accepting, or open-minded.

I’m not saying that every commandment god made must be obeyed, but they were all created for a reason, and the more we forsake and find humor in the seemingly nonsensical ones, the more readily the people will forsake the ones that are far more impactful and dangerous. Premarital sex and sodomy were prohibited because they spread venereal disease, and while there are some preventative measures people can take today, venereal disease once again runs rampant because people disregard this wisdom due to their nonchalant attitude towards disregarding the wisdom of god. While it may seem illiberal to condemn that sort of thing, the rampant fornication is the reason we find ourselves trying and failing to cure AIDS while it kills hundreds of thousands of people every year instead of being wise enough to prevent it from becoming a problem in the first place. So as much as stoning a whore to death may seem ridiculous, in reality, that whore would have tempted many men and infected them and their wives with a disease that was likely deadly or debilitating if her vices were condoned by society, and the same holds true for sodomy, and for this reason it is not ironic at all that AIDS tortures and kills so many gay men.

There were reasons for the ridiculous rules, and while some of them may not be applicable today, they were clearly applicable at the time, so if you want to forsake the wisdom of god on account of some obscure rules that were applicable in the ancient Levant, then go ahead and forsake all of it and save yourself the shame of being seen as hypocrite and an infidel in the eyes of both god and Satan; electing to pick and choose is like expecting that a car will operate even better if you strip it of half of the components of its function.”  Says Stacy

“The teachings of Jesus would probably be beneficial to emphasize, seeing how you always argue that he is the shepherd of the subjected and denigrated, and that is exactly what you intend to do to the people. Despite the strict oppression that all people faced, Christianity was always able to flourish, and I figure the part about Jesus as the savior of the lowly and downtrodden is a large part of that.” Says Isabelle

“Jesus was able to give the people faith in the fact that a better life exists, and reminded them that although they might suffer in this one, eternal life awaits them when they are faithful servants of the Lord. Thanks to his message of goodness, forgiveness, and kindness even in the face of oppression or evil, people could refrain from being petty and fighting things that were outside of their control and instead focus on being good people themselves. People learned that when they follow the teachings of Jesus, their own life and society are actually much better than they would be if the people were fighting or being angry, even if you are fighting evil or something.

If you only fight the evil people who oppress you with love and kindness, you are able to avoid conflict and this means you can still spend your life spreading the word of God by being faithful, good and kind instead of dying in vain because you were vengeant. The message of Jesus was so powerful because it didn’t require the king to do anything to ensure that it worked; when people would follow the teachings of Jesus, their own families, towns, and societies would become so much better regardless of anything that the king attempted to do, because despite any sort of taxes or fines, people can always be good and kind to each other if they try, and that feeling of love and community was enough to ensure that the faith remained strong through all of the hard times of the past.” Says Ophelia

“I think a lot of it had to do with superstition, because it’s not that the lessons of being kind and nice are any less true today, but people are much less faithful than they once were because they’re so critical of anything that can be regarded as superstition. It’s a shame because it ultimately amounts to throwing the baby out with the bathwater, seeing how many of the teachings of Jesus taught valuable lessons and morals to people even if you don’t believe his is god.” Says Grace

“I can see your point; without the fear of going to hell people are far quicker to disregard what it is you are trying to teach them; they can understand eternal torture and that used to scare them, but they don’t understand cause and effect to the point where they can see the correlation between being moral and decent, and the creation of a better life for themselves and society; they only see the short term benefits of succumbing to vice, and choose to become upset and indignant when they feel the repercussions of their vices or those of someone else. You could teach people the same lessons that the bible teaches people using entirely secular terms and people wouldn’t give a damn; they need to have faith in order for the teachings to be of use because they will likely never understand the teachings, but if you can scare them into following the teachings regardless of that fact, you can achieve the same results as if they had actually fully understood them.” Says Jenna

“I’m sure plenty of people understand the teachings, it is simply that vice is far too tempting to abstain from without the constant fear of damnation unless you are some kind of masochistic ascetic stoic or something. Vices appeal to the animal mind of the human, and the only thing capable of controlling that part of the brain is fear, which is itself an animal part of the mind. Intelligence will seldom if ever be able to overpower the carnal nature of the mind, but I am actually grateful that throughout history some people were wise enough to instill carnal fear in the lowly in order to make a better society, seeing how otherwise we’d still be little more than animals.” Says Isabelle

“The teachings of Jesus and the New Testament are wonderful in regards to bettering the lives of the lowly, it is when they are misapplied by the people who wield power who do nothing but make themselves and their people the subjects and servants of the wicked world through their own misguided humility and kindness. The meek shall inherit the earth, and it is the lordly who shall inherit the throne of heaven. This is true in many respects today, and I am only attempting to emphasize the point that the men who have usurped the throne of god must rule with the same heavy-handed antihuman disdain and contempt to ensure that while the people may succumb to their human instinct, the powers that be who reign and govern retain the infallible condemnation of mankind and wield the threat of damnation that intimidates the animals into a state of submission in order to establish and maintain an upright and civil society, which by definition is the antithesis of the natural state of the human mind, as its natural pursuits are far more carnal and animal than they are social.

God was infallible because he was inhuman, and the fallibility of the humans was always their own human instincts, desires, pursuits, ignorance, and shortsightedness. To presume that any human can replace god is arguing that a bellwether can replace the duties of a shepherd, and regardless of however docile and kind the eunuchated animal may be, the beast is but a beast and will be tortured, killed, and damned by his own ignorance and the other shortcomings of his mind as quickly as any other animal. God must be inhuman, and in a godless world, another inhuman force must come to replace god lest the humans will descend back into animal savagery, which they have already proven to be quite fond of.

To govern through the will of the people is to allow your hose to take you wherever it damn well pleases, which is ultimately nowhere, and this is why the lordly kings of yore were indifferent to the desires of the people, because these desires are irrelevant when things to ensure the survival and success of the country must be accomplished that are often against the natural desires of people. The king was inhuman enough in that his sense of self was not limited to his physical body but his self was simultaneously defined by the country he reigned over; so as much as he may be imperfect, he still had the best interests of himself at mind, and due to the fact that his country was as much himself as his own body, he was able to pursue things that benefit the entire country in some respect when the lowly were little more than animals concerned with only their own survival and wellbeing, and this rendered them incapable of making decisions that were necessary because they were in the best interest of the entire country.

The peasant would see war as suicide, but the king would see it as sacrificing a part of himself to ensure that the rest of it might live, and this inhuman capacity of the king to organize and orchestrate the survival of a country earned him much respect and reverence amongst the people, and it is this example of the value of inhuman logic when compared to that of a human that speaks to the necessity of organizing government to function in an inhuman way that is devoted to the wellbeing and success of the country while being largely indifferent to the carnal minds of the animals within it unless this disregard would be so grievous as to be more so detrimental to the country than acknowledging this carnality.” Says Stacy

“I’m sure people will be eager to return to being subjects of an inhuman king who is entirely indifferent to their happiness, especially when you enlighten them with the fact that the 300 years since the Age of Reason have been little more than animal rebellions spurred by Lucifer’s faithful. I’m not saying people wouldn’t quickly be reduced to the property of the state if a war was to break out, but I think most people are fond of at least pretending that the common people are somehow a bit more important than that.” Says Jenna

“Even with your fire and brimstone approach I doubt that you can instill enough fear into the people to tame an army of people who have been indoctrinated to venerate vices and pursue their carnal desires. I doubt there is an exorcist alive that can purify the minds of people reduced to being animals and tempted by a demon so magical as to manifest a cornucopia of temptations stemming from technological advancement. It’s clear that Jesus and salvation aren’t powerful enough to save most people, and even as much as I can see the value of forgoing these temptations and embracing your rhetoric, that knowledge is nowhere near powerful enough to cause me to devote myself to some kind of stoic ascetic life. The temptations are just too damn good, it would be nice if people could live that sort of life, but we’re all too addicted to the pleasures that get peddled night and day.” Says Isabelle

“It is true that people will never be able to overpower their carnal desires, and this has always been true; where once superstition was enough, it has become powerless as people abandon it due to the influence of humanists. The only real solution would be for the powers that be to understand the necessity that something operates in an identical manner to god, being the inhuman damnator that ensures people act in the way most beneficial to society, so as much as it would hurt the vice peddling economy, the establishment of a secular form of Satan that verifiably tortures people who succumb to vice would ensure the necessary level of fear in people who no longer have any faith in the afterlife of any sort.

While everyone easily qualifies to be tortured, people would be selected not due to deservingness but due to the value of their torture to society, which means that quality people who are successful and attractive and easily sympathized with by the people would likely be chosen, and their vices being put on display while people are constantly reminded of the torture of these people. Using contemptable people who are ugly and clearly worthy of damnation would not produce the desired results because people would be far more comfortable knowing that they had not succumb to such an extreme level of damnability, and feel safe and defend themselves with an us and them mentality that separates these clearly damnable from the apparently normal people whose wrongs are nowhere near the level of damnability, and when this happens they don’t learn the lesson because they believe they have already learned that lesson and it does not apply to them. Of course those worthy of hearty damnation would clearly be granted such damnation, but the point of creating a secular form of damnation is to ensure a much higher quality in people than the bare minimum of avoiding committing serious crimes and becoming blatantly sickened, maimed, or mutilated by their own vices.

This process being secular of course would not be attributed to faith, and the state being inhuman would not be attributed to the wrath of humans, but this process would simply be justified and defended by science because science is equally as inhuman and unwavering as god himself. The problem with relying on this system would be the lottery style occurrence in which people would fall into the same criminal mentality of thinking that they simply won’t be caught, and for this reason the people would be entrusted with operating a civil court that would address these issues in an appropriate way with a tasteful level of torture to ensure that there is a more so local and tangible parallel to this system. People fall victim to vices and incivility because they do not fear the consequences and often don’t feel them personally, but measures such as these would ensure that the people are quite aware of the true repercussions society feels for their shameful transgressions if they were to go unpunished. It was the fear of god alone that allowed people to rise from the depths of savagery into a civilized society, and if they no longer fear god due to secular knowledge, then it is the responsibility of secular knowledge to instill the fear that is necessary to maintain society in place of the god which it had dethroned, for secular knowledge reminds us that we either create civil society through inhuman torture, or we descend into savagery through humanistic hedonism.” Says Stacy

“As much as that might emulate the will of god, maybe just the civil courts without the torturing people to death and forcing people to watch it; I’m sure the promise of being tortured is more than enough without being reminded of the slight possibility of being tortured to death.” Says Jenna

“The constant fear of death, even if it is subtle, is nothing to scoff at; people will always be bargaining with themselves as to whether their misdeeds are worth the torture they receive, and without that threat of death there isn’t the same level of fear. The civil courts would have to issue much more serious torture to instill that same level of fear, but so long as the fear is created, these are all but different means to the same end. Thankfully with the advent of science, we can easily limit the influence of human error in the art of torturing people, so since we don’t have to put our faith in some civil servant who might have a softer touch than most with the whip; it shouldn’t be too hard to ensure that people are tortured properly. There will always be the need for people to watch the torturing or at least have the ability to do so, for their enlightenment as well as transparency. The goal is not to shatter the minds of people through abuse, but rather to have a strong enough deterrent to prevent them from doing these things, so a gradual scale of increasingly torturous torture would ensure that people are deterred but not crippled by the experience, even if it might take more of a reminder for some than others.” Says Stacy

“You’re too liberal with the word torture; corporal punishment would be more tasteful. I’m sure the human rights people won’t like it, but seeing how they argue that it is a human right to allow people to destroy the society that governs them, the human rights people are hardly a source of any credible rebuke.” Says Isabelle

“A comparable human rights council that condemns them for coddling and perpetuating vices, human shortcomings, antisocial conduct, and the afflictions caused by them would likely receive similar support from the world, as plenty of nations are not so indoctrinated by the Western idealists who argue that the price of living in hell on earth is clearly worth the freedom that it buys. These people are clearly free to burn in hell, and I would be doing nothing but defending their right to do so and allowing them universal access to such a sacred human right.” Says Stacy

“The pursuit of damnation and living in hell are quite different, but I’m sure the collectivist states and the theologically inclined states would support your argument. It would be hard to instate that system in the west, but maybe you’re right in that the west will collapse on account of their vices leaving only the nations that chose to thoroughly condemn vice and dissuade people from it through theocratic or secular means.” Says Grace

“The system is no different than the one we have today, it simply takes all of the hellishness that vices inflict upon society and concentrates them upon the perpetrators and perpetuators of said vices, leaving the decent portion of society in a much better state than it was before when it was forced to coddle these things and defend them in the name of capitalism, humanism, idealism, or hedonism, and thus be subjected to the repercussions of these actions despite their relative uninvolvement.” Says Stacy

“I think a brutal theocracy that tortures people for committing sins that are relatively petty compared to the torture that would be inflicted upon those who commit these sins is far more similar to hell than our current position where sure, people might fall victim to vice, but they are usually punished with nothing more than the natural problems that arise from their vices.” Says Grace

“The sins may seem petty, but when they occur on a scale of hundreds of millions of people, the straw has broken the camel’s back and crushed it to death entirely. This has nothing to do with theocracy, this is a completely secular rebuke of things that can be referenced as sin if one is seeking to flavor the law with one’s own faith, but they are simply antisocial tendencies that any legitimate mathematical and scientific measurement of society will remind us inflict a senseless amount of entirely avoidable damage, death, and destruction upon our society with little to no benefit when they are tolerated, coddled, or conditioned within the people at large by the powers that be.

Hell is where people are continuously being tempted by vice, incessantly falling victim to their shortcomings and temptations, then ultimately being tortured by their own shortcomings of character. Our society is hell, and clearly  a society where the factors that tempt people or enable them to fall victim to their own animal instincts in the form of vices are all eliminated or reduced to a minimum, the rampant cycle of perpetual temptation and torture would no longer be able to torture, plague, and problem society; it should be easy for one to understand that regardless of any theistic legitimacy of hell, hell itself is still a perfect allegory for any society that revels in vice and disregards virtue.” Says Stacy

“As true as it is, I feel like you might be fond of forcing people to stone each other to death just to serve as a reminder of how brutal the law must be in order to deter vice to an adequate degree.” Says Jenna

“This is the future; we have magical machines capable of stoning people to death with amazing efficiency known as handguns. It would be unwise to have quality laborers waste their time and effort exerting their energy to accomplish something that could be done in a far more efficient manner that reflects our level of technological development. So long as the people are aware of the dangers of vice as well as the repercussions, there is no need to bother them with such a laborious task. The corporal punishment should be deterrence enough, and the art of moral punishment, torture and execution can progress into the technological age and become a science where people can study in detail the dangers of vice and the nature of appropriate, productive, socially beneficial corporal punishment, torture, and execution. Stoning people to death was the amputation of the Biblical era, and in a world where we have advanced medicine and surgery, it is clear that we can find alternatives to stoning people to death that leave us with a productive slave who may be damned to a lifetime of torment, but is still capable of producing value to society thanks to the power of an organized technological approach to creating productive damnation and instilling the proper mental conditioning into these people so they are prone to working hard due to the inescapable torture of failing to do so and the fact they know they live in a hell where death is named Godot.” Says Stacy

“I know you’re fond of justice and find pleasure in the brutality of god, but I don’t see how or why anyone could get behind this idea. Everybody has vices, and to think that the majority of people would fight in favor of a society where they are barred from the pleasures they are so accustomed to and tortured if they succumb to vices that society has grown to tolerate is pretty ridiculous. Some of your ideas like the veritocracy and what not are reasonable, but this one is far too insane, like a secular inquisition if you really want to argue that faith has nothing to do with it.” Says Grace




“People have been willing to induce extreme levels of environmental destruction in the name of social and technological progress, and the progress has been grand. This, while the beast has been too squeamish to induce once commonplace levels of human destruction in the name of social and technological progress, and this has ultimately been the bane of the wellbeing of society. If we are willing to shoot varmint, we should have no qualms with shooting the human form of varmint; and expanding upon this logic and methodology, it is common sense that we ultimately get the most for our money, which means instating a sector of living damnation in order to recoup some of the losses that were spent on the investment of ensuring that some sinful beast managed to reach adulthood.

This argument is entirely based in veritocracy because the benefits of virtue, or at least moral decency, to society are easily measured while the detriments of vice to society are blatantly palpable throughout any street or human in our society; so if one is to argue in favor of fuel efficiency in vehicles, one is a hypocrite if one does not apply the same logic and standards to human beings. The people opposed to such a society would be numerous, but the necessity and benefits of such a society should outweigh this opposition in any regard; and as much as these people may suffer withdrawal from their vices, should this society be induced, these people would be the last people to suffer from vices on such an extreme degree, as every subsequent generation would not know the pleasure of such vices and seldom if ever be tempted to succumb to them. This is where the large scale segregation of people would be valuable, as the people willing to forsake their vices would be segregated from those who rebelliously seek to revel in them, and as these revelers would die out in due time as there is no reason to repopulate such a society, this leaves only those who chose to live free from these vices and the subsequent generations to benefit from a society that does not tempt them with the pleasures of damnability at every street corner.

The wolf is varmint who blights ranchers and murders their livestock, while the dog is a boon to the rancher and his industrious profession; this is the difference between a human sick with animal vice and one that has been domesticated, stripped of his feral instincts that act contrary to the interests of society, and is rendered capable of performing loyal and dedicated service to the benefit of his master and thus himself. Should a man seek to be a wolf, let him do so in the wilds where he can act as another feral beast in the ecosystem, but if he seeks to be a civilized and useful animal, then his wolfish instinct must be tamed despite his resistance, as when these instincts are coddled they prove disastrous to the rancher who sought to have a dog to protect his herd and his home but ended up with a wolf who kills his chickens, is kin to the army of bandits beyond the fences, and can easily contract rabies in the wild just to bring it back into this ranchers home so the wolf may possibly infect the rancher, his wife, and his children with such a deadly affliction of the wild.” Says Stacy

“That’s a good point, but you’ve got to remember that wolves became dogs because they wanted to become dogs. There is no real way to tame a wolf, but the wolves realized that by living alongside humans they could live a much better and happier life than they could in the wild, so they just chose to enjoy a mutualistic relationship instead of staying feral. The same would be true for humans, so if you can’t tempt them into becoming tame, good, nice, and loving like dogs, then there really isn’t any hope for that prospect.” Says Ophelia

“Tempting wolves is a matter of life and death, you give them life with food and you stave off their death through protection; this same concept can easily be applied to humans if man was wise enough to seek to tame himself, as he did attempt this in a sense through civilization which offered more food and protection than being a feral human, but it is this method of human domestication which itself has begun to crumble due to the accessibility of food and the guarantee of protection that is so prevalent in developed nations, as when this is true, there is far less incentive for mankind to remain tame, and this is why where see him devolving back into the animal, embracing his feral instincts and antisocial tendencies, because the deterrents that were once in place to prevent this have fallen through to an extreme degree.

You cannot tempt an animal with something you don’t have, and unfortunately society lacks a state of assured moral and social quality that it can tempt the lowly with, but should this society exist, then it would be quite easy to tempt a man into civility and decency. There is the slight possibility that mankind is intelligent enough that he can be tempted by a prospect, that despite its distance is so promising and empowering that he might be tempted to pursue it, so if society is to use this temptation to encourage decency in the people there must be deterrent on the other end as opposed to relying on this temptation alone, for we have always had this temptation, it was simply not strong enough to ensure the necessary results, and for this reason the deterrent of punishment for antisocial deeds was adopted by faiths and civilizations in order to create this deterrent, but slowly this deterrent has degenerated within contemporary society so it no longer is capable of producing the same level of forward progress that it had been capable of doing for the previous few millennia.

Humans are animals, they are born animals and they will always be animals, but the process of taming and domesticating an animal is well known, so this process must be applied to humans to the fullest extent possible if a civil society is to exist, because despite any squeamishness of the humans to acknowledge the fact that they are animals, the only alternative is a society of technologically advanced animals plagued by their unhindered antisocial instincts as they blight the planet and the lives of each other due to their simple minds being so coddled into doing so despite the suicidal nature of an antithetically civilized society that condones, coddles, propagates, and perpetuates destructive instincts that are detrimental to the society itself.” Says Stacy

“You truly are a tragedy, Stacy, for every turncoat that betrays his army is quickly shot, and I see no other fate for someone who seeks to be the turncoat in the army of Lucifer. The people have all pledged their loyalty through blood oaths with the demons of vice, and these people will not be quick to betray their generals who have rewarded them with such pleasurable pillaging and plundering of this once godly society. Your task is not one of the original prophets of civilization, who could overpower the feral minds of their brothers with the power of their technology and agriculture; your task is one of the unarmed human attempting to overpower the feral savages who are empowered and defended by mountains of advanced technology, not to mention the level of demonic intelligence that has been indoctrinated into them by those who chose to spurn their gods. I see no way to tempt such a wolf who has everything, when you are the human who has nothing at all.” Says Isabelle

“Vices are deadly, they are always deadly, and despite any power or intelligence this civilization may wield, it is afflicted by vices which will ultimately prove to be its demise. This may happen in the natural sense, where these vices simply extoll their destruction on society in a slow procession that eventually causes its collapse, but these vices can also be in my advantage. A man prone to temptation can easily be tempted, and while he may scoff at the idea of virtue, he can easily be tempted by vice, so these people who rule with vices and get fat by tempting the people and seeing them fall victim to their animal afflictions can easily be tempted by a far greater and more tempting boon which they might reap from their flock.

These people can be tempted by the extraordinary increase in the profitability and success of their herd if they are to be so reasonable as to force their subjects unto a life of virtue, civility, and decency; and as much as they may revel in vice and reap this reward, the people themselves will find themselves in a mutualistic relationship, where the crown princes reap the massive boon of virtue ruled by vice, but they allow these humans a peaceful life where they are not tempted by the constant whisper of demons that emanate from the clatter of gold coins. The princes get their money and success, while the people enjoy the benefits of a virtuous and peaceful life free from the torture of Tantalus through treacherous temptation of those who hold the grapes of sin above their head. So long as the people are granted such a life free from temptation, then they are laboring for the creation of their paradise, and these princes have wittingly or unwittingly been tempted by greed to rob their society of its vices, so that they might make more money.

Sin and temptation will always be created by civilization, and rather than blight the everyman with this burden, tempt him not and society itself will not succumb to the death and destruction wrought by such vices. This, so long as you separate the everyman from vices, separate the humans from the inhuman nature of god and the secular god of the state, separate the princes and their vices from society, and when these three parties no longer conflict with themselves and each other, there can be harmony and cooperation that is truly mutualistic and beneficial to all parties involved. In the current position, all parties are hindered by their coexistence due to the backbiting spite each one holds for the other, and this is why all three of these parties always hate each other and are at constantly odds with each other’s success.” Says Stacy

“I don’t know how much the rich would be willing to exert this sort of brutally moral society onto people, but seeing how you’re tempting the rich with more money and the poor with Christian morals, despite your insane degree of commitment to both of those things it still falls in line neatly with modern conservative values.” Says Grace

“I don’t know how many of Stacy’s plans would actually be profitable, but if you could convince the rich that they would be making a lot more money, I’m sure they wouldn’t mind quelling some unrest, especially when they’ve got the faith behind them.” Says Isabelle

“As long as it is actually better for the people and the rich actually do take all of the vices away from society, then it’s fine if the rich have all the money, seeing how they probably would make more money if their people were not sinful. They would deserve the money if they actually got rid of as many vices as you say you can.” Says Ophelia

“Even though the progressive liberals wouldn’t like it, seeing how they worship the secular god of the state, you could always just use your veritocracy to remind them that the benefit of morality and virtue is not some superstitious opinion but a scientifically provable fact and they would probably listen so long as you stripped it of any sort of religious connotation. Liberals love overbearing government, regulation, and things that are allegedly better for society, so you might actually get some bipartisan support from those types so long as long as you keep it secular. I don’t know why I am giving you any sort of respect, because as much as your policy might be in line with the principles or ideals of both parties in many respects, the parties will tend to inherently disagree with each other for no reason other than to disagree. I realize I am giving you the time of day as if your ideas are somehow reasonable despite their extreme nature, but I suppose I’ve just grown so accustomed to your policy that the shock value of it is so low it just gets disregarded.” Says Jenna

“You can’t all be supportive of me; if nobody’s criticizing me I have nothing to rebut then drift off topic to continue the conversation. I’m sure there were some complaints that we might not have touched upon, and I would much rather hear those than any kind of support. The joy is in the challenge, the argument, the fighting and feeling victorious as it happens. If I feel like I’ve simply won and don’t need to compete anymore, there is no fire spurring me to keep arguing and honing my ideas to better cut through any possible criticism.” Says Stacy

“We might just be getting too exhausted to put up a fight, it’s hard to know if you actually made a good point or the thought of you making some case closing definitive remark so we can just set your ideas aside and rest for a moment is so appealing that whatever you happen to say has this mirage of credible brilliance. One thing you said and then arguably contradicted was that you argue in favor of extreme population growth, something like at least doubling every generation, while you also argue in favor of some strict if not military level of international environmentalist policy. These two things seem contrary when scientists will argue that having a child is the most polluting thing that a person can do because of the amount of emissions and whatnot the child will release over their life.” Says Jenna

“The scientists who argue that are clearly intoxicated by delusional idealism to the point of mental retardation. These scientists are arguing in favor of killing off their own people through a dearth of reproduction and accomplishing nothing, because nobody would give that argument the time of day besides a culture so addled by idealism because this only means while they may see the population of their own people plummet, the rest of the world would continue reproducing with reckless abandon, their own emissions remain stagnant because while their people die off, the immigrants flood the country to sustain the economy and these immigrants clearly lack the same level of sick idealism that prompted the suicide of whichever socialist European country argues that is a reasonable idea, and so they have ultimately destroyed their own people and accomplished nothing but forfeiting their country to whichever migrants will come into it to fill the void in the economy left by their population which had been sterilized by idealism.

A human being creates very little natural emissions and pollution; it is only through industry and consumerism that these things are created, so clearly reducing the number of people will do nothing because the industry and consumerism will continue despite one’s own suicide. It is true that I argue in favor of strict limits on emissions and pollution, but we could easily double our population and keep emissions static if we simply reduce the net secondary emissions produced each human by half, and while this will require organization and strict regulation of cars, industry, and other sources of pollution, the boon to an economy due to having twice as many people will clearly be worth the investment to ensure that we reduce emissions by half, even if it means having very restrictive environmentalist policies that limit things such as transport to the means most efficient in terms of the benefit to the economy for the emissions that they produce.

By doing this, we are creating a positive feedback loop where our economy grows while we can still put pressure on other countries due to the emissions of lower income areas, and this will allow us to amass even more power as a country. The cycle continues, and each generation doubling the population while reducing emissions by half, and when this becomes unfeasible, growing the population at a rate proportional to the decrease in emissions. This is the only way that any sort of environmentalist policy will possibly save the world, and this is due to the fact that it takes a large amount of money and power to force people to change through policing and sanctions, and if you lack these things you lack the ability to force people to change; so as much as it might reduce emissions by half if everybody in the world only had one child, this is asinine because despite the inclinations of the socialists to commit suicide by any means possible, Africans will still have 10 children each, and your genocide of half of your country every generation through idealistic sterilization has amounted to reducing the number of children each African has to 9.9 per head, because that is the proportional size of your little socialist suicide cult compared to Africa, and it does even less considering that Africa is far more willing to resort to older and more so polluting means of creating industry as opposed to the technologically advanced western countries who actually have the means to avoid doing so in favor of environmentally friendly industry if they so choose to do so.

One does not win a war by causing half of one’s nation to commit suicide, and seeing how these socialist westerners are some of the few people with any serious intentions about reducing emissions besides the countries who have no means to pollute and would rather not be the victims of the ecological catastrophe of global warming, this means that saving the planet would require fighting a serious war against any form of consumeristic, agricultural, or industrial emissions, and to do this you need both people and a booming economy in order to have enough power that you can wield it effectively. The fact that some idealist suggested that as if it was somehow a reasonable or meaningful solution to anything is so stupid that it is literally painful. There is little in this world more so destructive and dangerous than the cult of idealism and their inability to understand the difference between reality and some delusional fantasy induced by their conjectures that disregard any common knowledge facts that clearly disprove their arguments which are asinine daydreams about some bubblegum kingdom in the sky where everybody is nice, everybody agrees, and nothing can wrong because every idea is super nice and kind and helpful to everybody which means it can’t possibly be incorrect in the slightest.” Says Stacy

“Seeing how America would have something like 3 or 4 billion people after 3 generations; that might be a bit too ambitious. The fact that controlling that many people would be proportionally more so difficult just magnifies the problem even more.” Says Jenna

“Controlling the people is just a matter of labor, and the more people you have, the lower the cost of labor, so it would be easier to control that many people, especially when the systems are designed in such a way that people’s lives are very regimented and organized for the most part to avoid any unnecessary transportation through the means of shepherding people into organized areas for whichever industry they are employed by to meet their needs entirely without consumer level transportation aside from perhaps bicycles.

This is a matter of national security as well as international security, and for that reason we must sacrifice freedom in order to save the planet, to any extent that it is necessary, because if there is no planet, there is no freedom, so the argument is entirely moot if anyone cries foul about it. This is a war on a global scale we are talking about, and that means that a large number of people are drafted to fight in this war, and while many countries would easily agree to peaceful terms, some countries, people, and rebels might dissent and for that reason the massive population would also serve as the world police on this front.

Besides transportation, electricity generation is a major source of emissions and this can easily be addressed with a military approach against pollution heavy electricity generation through decommissioning and a transfer to truly sustainable sources, as even nuclear power relies upon a nonrenewable resource that will quickly be expended unless we can reconvert the spent uranium into viable uranium, which is easily impossible due to thermodynamics, and while the industrial pollution is a necessary evil, this is still only 20% of the total emissions, so we could keep emissions stagnant if we reduce all other aspects by 80% and increase industry four-fold, even if we don’t find ways to sequester and reduce the emissions of these factories. While stagnant emissions might still be too high, we can still easily double our industry and cut our emissions by half by reducing the other elements by 80%, which can be done through efficiency as much as technological advancement.

Consumerism easily amounts for a large portion of these emissions due to the nature of efficiency, such as how each person’s home uses heating or air, and rather than heat 1000 separate homes, we heat only one building, the same for transport. Electricity would be rationed only to productive and cost effective means, so as much as this might mean cold showers and being hot in the summer and cold in the winter, there are solutions to these things that don’t require energy such as acclimation, wearing insular clothing for cold or Saudi style robes to keep cool, as well as maintain a healthy weight to make oneself more tolerant to heat. We are destroying the planet in the name of pursuing creature comforts that man wouldn’t miss in the slightest if he had never become accustomed to such pleasure, so it is only a matter of forcing this upon people today and then the subsequent generations would not complain because they know of no more comfortable alternative. Refrigeration is another large expenditure of energy which can be reduced by avoiding this at all costs, relying instead largely on foods that don’t require refrigeration.

Forcing simple but drastic changes on the people can yield large results, but as I was saying before, they are futile and pointless if you cannot ensure that the same measures are taken around the world, so for this reason I am very emphatic about the massive population because of the labor required to ensure that such guidelines and practices are followed around the world. Technological advancement can reduce the expenditures of energy through efficiency, but this gained potential energy must be used in pursuit of industry and productive things and not wasted on creature comforts that are entirely unnecessary. For any that think such a life is painful or uncomfortable, these people can quickly be conditioned through relativity to understand that the pleasure of being hot in the summer, room temperature tap water, and a life of walking to work and home every day with little change in routine is euphorically pleasurable when compared to the displeasure that one will be subjected to for indignantly pursuing wasteful hedonism. The facts of the matter are clear that the pursuit of creature comforts and extremely inefficient consumeristic convenience are measurably and veritably acts of environmental terrorism perpetuated by the insurgency of reckless consumeristic peddlers and the cultists who pledge themselves to this terrorist organization. ” Says Stacy

“I know that you frown upon the argument of resolving or reducing the problematic nature of a problem instead of simply preventing the problem, and this is a fair point because this style of resolution clearly doesn’t provide the same level of guaranteed results that prevent it does, but you are fond of massive undertakings that require an occult level of devotion to your cause by the people, and seeing how people are so recalcitrant to any sort of change, wisdom, logic, or reason, your solutions tend to depend upon this ideal where the people are not entirely committed to suicidal hedonism with reckless abandon, which seems to be an entirely baseless hope given the extreme dedication to the cause that humans have shown throughout recent history.

Seeing how plants were able to reduce an atmosphere that was entirely carbon dioxide to the mere 1% that it is today, I think it would be reasonable to seek a solution in that manner, where we genetically engineer some hyperactive extremely chloroplastic plant or algae that can just populate a massive transparent building filled with light harvesting tunnels, but sadly I don’t know how feasible the scale of that endeavor needed to have a noticeable impact on carbon emissions, as even if it were 10 times more desne with chloroplast than a leaf, that would still need to cover 10% of the land area on earth to have the same impact as a planet rife with flora.

If we could harvest the energy produced by the chloroplast it would be even better, but it would probably be more efficient to create it so that the energy is all used towards producing more photosynthesis. It is probably just my desperation in seeing that your ideas will probably never work, and the only solution would be one that doesn’t require the people to change, but I can see your point where if these were actually capable of producing some noticeable amount of negative carbon emissions, people would just start polluting more and taking them for granted without doing anything to address the root of the problem.” Says Jenna

“As true as it would be that doing so without changing anything would be futile, if that were to somehow produce a large amount of negative carbon emissions, then it would certainly be valuable to industry as it produces potential energy in the form of effectively increasing the amount of electricity or fuel that the nation’s industries are allowed to produce according to the treaties. It is rather hopeless to think that people will learn, but I get relief by informing people how things must be done if the human race is to continue existing for any prolonged period of time, because at that point I have instructed the people properly and relieve myself of liability, just as the chemical manufacturers are not liable for your death if you misuse their product against the labeling and decide to drink antifreeze or something, seeing how they explicitly told you not to do so. I love success, but I am not very fond of the human race, so either way I come out of the ordeal ok, so long as I’m not liable for the deaths of the human race and the planet of course.” Says Stacy

“If the world was wise enough to hold citizens to the same level of liability that industry and corporations are held to, then the environment wouldn’t be in the sorry shape that it is in. The theory that the customer is always right is clearly fallacious when the customer seeks to destroy the planet and the industries they buy things from.” Says Isabelle

“If you did organize everything into industrial cities with only industrial transport and no consumerism, that would probably make a huge difference since all of the space that is wasted for suburbia, lawns, consumerism and strip malls and whatnot could be converted into greenspace dense with flora that helps with carbon emissions. If you think about all of the room that people have dedicated to the nonsense that is used very sporadically and inefficiently, that number probably amounts to so many square miles of forest that would otherwise be there if people all lived in one building and just shared all of the necessary rooms efficiently.

Give people a bedroom that they can share if they want to, but all of the other rooms can easily be shared and there is no reason for so many houses to exist that are 95% empty 95% of the time, and it also applies to everything like appliances that are used 1% of the time but still require tons of energy to be produced and used. A dishwasher or washing machine or anything really should be used as much as possible to maximize the investment of resources and reduce the environmental impact of creating it, even if we have to modify our products to accommodate the strain, it is better than creating these things just so they can sit idle and waste space 99% of the time. It is so wasteful and all because of the stupid materialism that people have for some reason.

If we are going to tax industries for polluting, people and businesses should be taxed for having all of this wasted space seeing how that is basically carbon emissions in the sense that it isn’t negative carbon emissions from forests, and even just for having idle appliances and whatnot because just by having them you are forcing the industry to create more of them when the need for them isn’t really there, the demand is solely from people’s desire for convenience.” Says Ophelia


“I know I’m shameless, and I’m probably addicted to materialism, but seeing how the vast majority of everything I own quickly transcends the limits of a necessity in one way or the other, I’m not chomping at the bit to just give all of it away and live in some cramped empty bedroom in the name of economic efficiency. Hell, everything anybody owns easily fails to qualify as necessary, and even the dirt poor people who have nothing wouldn’t want to give up their trinkets and baubles just to have a reliable life somewhere.

The ascetic nature of the epitome of success is just so contrary to the way that people’s brains work that I doubt anybody could actually cope with that lifestyle well enough to ensure that it functions as it could without human resistance. In this country the people’s minds are too addled by the consumeristic materialistic culture, but maybe this would work in a country where the people have nothing so they wouldn’t really be forsaking what they already have. That largely defeats the point because the countries that have nothing are hardly to blame for the state of environmental distress we find ourselves in at the moment, but despite my ability to logically comprehend these arguments and see that they are quite sound mathematically, my animal mind is just growling at the thought of my things all being taken and being reduced to asceticism or whatever.” Says Isabelle

“It’s not likely that things would be taken, as that is fighting against something which is unproductive due to its destructive nature. This could be induced as a slow transition, where people voluntarily seek out these lives and in the process the nature of capitalism proves other lifestyles to be unsustainable and uncompetitive in the economy when everything is subjected pay upfront for its environmental burden, so eventually people would have no option but to adapt to this style of life, but there is not the will amongst the people to do anything like of robbing people or depriving them of things, aside from some small minority of feral-minded predatory communist who just seek to kill and feast upon riches like some kind of animal.

The transition from a consumeristic lifestyle would be accommodated by steady increases of healthy taxes on anything that is inefficient stemming from consumerism, and so people and businesses would just be taxed more and more for doing things inefficiently, anything where the consumer’s choices create a sea of wasteful redundancy would be taxed, while anything that the economy chooses due to its competitively cost effective nature would be subsidized, so restaurants and grocers would face a luxury tax in favor of centralized and controlled nutrition, cars and appliances and whatnot facing redundancy tax for idleness, refrigeration heating and cooling taxes for unnecessary comforts, empty space in homes and businesses given a vacancy tax. There would be many of these, but they would be subtle, just enough to convince the lowly to pool their resources and organize themselves in order to get more value from their investments, and convince businesses to do things in a more so environmentally friendly and economical way. Even if this standard were fully instated, people would still have things, as they would be paid but simply not be allowed to pursue vices, so they could still buy plenty of wholesome things that aren’t destructive to the person or the environment. It could very well be true that most all things are destructive to the person in some way, but they can always pursue hobbies and handicrafts or whatnot with their money.

If people still want to resist this out of their own reckless materialism, then it would be easy to remind them that their irreverence to the planet is terrorism and they will soon find that they are criminals who are treated like criminals. Criminalizing these behaviors in the face of public discontent is a reasonable idea because once people are convicted it is no longer a matter of desire or opinion, it is just a fact that the government can incarcerate the criminal, choosing where they are to live, forcing them into labor for third world wages, giving them no hope of escape, beating them if the misbehave, depriving them of all rights, and even killing them if that is the most cost effective course of action. It doesn’t even require some sort of coup or revolution to achieve these necessary changes in society; we could just throw a few laws on the books and orchestrate this same regimentation of human lives with the system that is in place at the moment. Even if the people don’t want to believe in the peril that the planet will soon be facing, it would be simple for the state to enact the necessary changes, but unfortunately that requires the state to be wise enough to disregard the suicidal will of the people.” Says Stacy

“Seeing how the penal system is able to reliably rehabilitate convicts into god fearing and upstanding citizens, it is completely reasonable to expect that if a system nearly identical to the current penal system is applied to all upstanding citizens, this would create a population of selfless divinely inspired citizens that would quickly transform our nation into a utopia.” Says Jenna

“When you remind them of their damnability and the torment of mortality, faith will spring eternal, for when a man feels the pain of sin and fear of damnation, he will desperately seek relief from this torment. Deprive him of the pride of Lucifer and the pleasures of vices, remind him of the altruism, judgment, and wrath of god, and the only thing that can quell his pain and his fear is godly pietas.” Says Stacy

“Even if you deprive them of their vices, I feel that a theocracy would be faced with constant unrest, reminding people about god won’t make them any more faithful, they all know about god, the issue was the lack of faith due to the lack of a reason to have faith; people become atheists because they look for god and can’t find him, so as much as you might say you’re the will of god, people will ask you ‘what god?’” says Grace

“It is not a question of faith when the will of god is manifested by the people, a man cannot be agnostic to the will of god when it is palpably exerted upon him; one needs no faith in order to believe in reality, and as much as he can question the existence of the ethereal world, he knows that regardless of the existence of any divine entities, the will of god is very real when it is championed and manifested by the people. Theism is irrelevant when the will of god is exerted through faith in secular verity, as much as these truths may echo the word of god, a man does not need faith to believe in the truth, so long as the inescapability of the truth is a very tangible aspect of reality.” Says Stacy

 “The truth has never been very popular, and it is basically the antithesis of inescapable, so while it would be great if people were forced to acknowledge the truth and the quantitative justification of your philosophy of minimizing risks and maximizing effectiveness and potential, the truth is a very painful reality, especially when seen without the delusory veil of idealism and baseless optimism as you are so fond of doing. I doubt there will ever come a day when any man will let his opinions play second fiddle to the truth, certainly not in regards to politics, and due to that inherent aspect of human nature, I see little hope for the people who would clearly rather kill themselves and the planet with hedonism and materialism. The only hope is to trick the people into embracing a veritocracy and using that to instate a domestic and international system that is actually capable of reducing environmental and atmospheric pollution to the point where the planet’s death and concurrent strife and turmoil does not kill all of us in a few decades.” Says Isabelle

“That’s true, but Stacy, the main problem with your argument is that still requires the people emulating god to have the faith or desire to do so, and your concept of god is very different from the usual one. As much as it is probably the idealist syndrome you describe where people only see the good in things and ignore all of the bad or unsavory things that come along with them, curing that delusional thinking that is present in if not definitive of every political party would be quite a feat. I’m sure somebody has had these ideas where they can clearly see how mathematically ideas similar or identical to yours are optimum, but they could never be possible because people will never pursue the optimum solution when they can chase the ideal solution, even when the ideal solution is blatantly impossible. You don’t want to see the futility of enlightening people with you philosophy, and the people don’t want to see the futility in their idealist conquest, so seeing how neither party is willing to compromise it’s not likely that anything will change, even if you somehow attain some sort of presence in the world of political ideology.” Says Grace

“I think Isabelle has the right perspective; I just need to trick people into embracing the veritocracy, because then things would easily be put in place. Both sides think they’re always undeniably correct, so they would easily be bold enough to put their ideas under scientific scrutiny because they’re so damn sure that that science will give them an easy victory over their opponent. You can’t make a sinner repent, but you can easily take advantage of his predisposition to deadly vice, and in this case it would simply be the pride of the people that ensures the demise of their own precedence in the political environment.” Says Stacy

“That requires people being more so afflicted by pride than things such as greed, because I’m sure plenty of politicians in the world know they’re not unequivocally correct, but they are more than content with this fact because their standpoints fatten their pockets at the expense of their self-respect, and seeing how they’re likely psychopaths, I doubt they feel any sort of remorse or guilt on account of the fact that they do these things. It would be hard to indoctrinate people to the point where they would embrace psychopathic virtue as opposed to psychopathic vice, seeing how their vices make them pleasantly intoxicated while the world burns whereas sobriety would compound any suffering they experience exponentially.

Sure it would be noble if you could use your wits to trick the people into giving up the handgun of democracy that they hold the country hostage with, but your own remarkable inability to empathize or sympathize with people and the complementary reluctance to use any sort of euphemism to coax people gently with the ameliorated truth would make you an even worse hostage negotiator, seeing how you would probably start ranting about some incredibly demonizing allegory to condemn and easily provoke the person into just killing the hostage because you make them so angry and hateful in the process.

Beyond this if you somehow trick the people into forsaking democracy, you still have to deal with the issue that everyone has plenty of guns, and these guns enforce a de facto democracy, or at least a system of tribal warlords if the people must resort to means besides democracy to remind the world of the fact that they share your exact standpoint on everything, that they are always right and everyone else is always wrong. Your arguments in favor of success and progress are entirely against your favor when for the last 125 years the country has condemned success and progress if they were ever created at the expense of the people’s happiness, and seeing how it has gotten to a point where it is impossible to be successful or make economic progress due to the impossible task of somehow making economic progress while carrying this dead weight of the people’s entitlement to happiness and whatever they want, which grows heavier every day. You seem to be quite happy to watch the world burn, so just throw some gas on the fire and enjoy yourself; I’m sure you could have comparable success finding allegorical gasoline to fan the flames destroying our country, and considering volatility of the combustible material in this situation, it is far easier to exacerbate these fires than it is to put them out.” Says Jenna

“I know god just told Lot to let Sodom and Gomorrah burn, but that was because there weren’t any faithful people in the city. Seeing how God at least has his foot in the door here, I think it would be irreverent to give up on saving the people so quickly. I’m sure it will be hard seeing how there is separation of church and state, and even harder because while most people do believe in God, they don’t really respect God in the sense that Stacy does, and they only want to say that Jesus forgives them so it is fine to commit sins sometimes.

Maybe if Stacy becomes a preacher and teaches people about God and what the meaning of the bible is, and how as much as it is about the faith, it is also full of secular allegories and lessons that still have value even if you want to argue that God and damnation is just a vehicle to scare people into being civil and decent people through ignorance and superstition. It would still be hard because we also have a separation of science and the state from what I can tell, so even if science agrees with you, you still have to get the people to agree, and seeing how most of them believe in either God or science, if you can make them both the same thing, then you can maybe get the people to agree with you or something. Seeing how God created nature which is the source of science, you can at least remind people that they don’t need to believe in God to believe in science, and since science and mathematics would support your policies, you can use that to justify your strict policies that better society in the eyes of people who don’t believe in God.” Says Ophelia

“Sadly the science oriented minds are equally as oppressed and denigrated as the faithful; as much as it was intelligence that caused people to abandon god, that intelligence had nothing to do with science or nature, because acknowledging these masterworks would only compound any faith in god one already had. People’s lack of faith comes from the baseless arts that preach the pertinence of people’s own sentiments and opinions by disregarding both reality and the faith. These arts just stroke people’s egos and make them hold their own minds in higher regard than any sort of science or faith. As much as Stacy often times uses allegory or cites natural parallels to argue her points, the world of philosophy has devolved into philohubris with little actual wisdom and more so people just asserting themselves over anything that disagrees with them; as much as people like to say ‘I think therefore I am’, this has ultimately been bastardized into ‘I think therefore I am correct’ by most all people.” Says Isabelle




“I’ve never understood doubting one’s own existence, because even if this is entirely artificial or whatever, it is effectively inescapably real to us, so despite any sort of convolution that occurs on the extrapolation of this existence, reality is simply reality despite any sort of paranoid superstition or questions one has about it. Reality gives us nothing but answers, it asks no questions and holds no secrets, all we must do is look hard enough, measure, and quantify and it will clearly tell us these answers, even being so kind as to give us reliable formulae from which we can predict the answers if it has yet to incur. The nature of reality is not a mystery, for if anything was not defined in the concrete medium of reality, then often times we would find things that are paradoxical in nature and contrary to the laws of reality, and despite the constant search for things like this, any presumed instance of such things is either disproven by science or perpetuated by ignorance, while these things are never substantiated so that they might set a precedent stating that reality does not operate in a calculable and predictable way at all times. To question reality beyond one’s own ken is to delude oneself with irrelevant fantasy, regardless of what might exist beyond our ken, it will never exist so far as we are concerned because it is beyond our ken and irrelevant from the closed system we occupy.

Our world is like a proper game of chess, a mechanically defined system that operates as it is designed to without any variation or any influence from the world beyond the game of chess; it is limited to explicitly what can possibly exist within the confines of the game, so despite any reality beyond this game of chess, our existence is limited to this one game that operates entirely independently from whatever may surround the game board, so to become distracted by such superstition and fantasy is nonsensical; it is like daydreaming and wasting time instead of looking at the chessboard and understanding where the pieces lay, how the game works and how one might manage to utilizes one’s own pieces to gain an advantage and succeed within the bounds of the game we are forced to play. The facts of the matter are that we are forced to play this game if we are to exist, and to concern oneself with any sort of why or how we came to be playing this game, or any sort of philosophical meaning behind the game, is ultimately a meaningless waste of time because knowing such things does not change anything about the game or the nature of success within this game.

Success is an inhuman, natural concept, woven into the fabric of space, time, mathematics, and science, while existentialism is on the opposite end of the spectrum existing in the same world as fantasy and delusion with that suffers no bondage to space, time, mathematics, or reality despite the fact that one can often convolute one’s own fallacy and fantasy by intertwining natural facts to further exacerbate one’s crippling delusion and confusion. Philosophy over the centuries has become more and more polluted with thoughts that are disparate from reality, and since they only exist within the minds of people there is no way to cause these thoughts to structurally fail due to poor construction because thoughts are not bound by any of the same framework that reality is; so ultimately when people start to base society off of people’s thoughts, they are creating a building with a flawed blueprint, using columns made of imagination instead of steel because in their mind these columns are fully functional for some reason. Ultimately when the weight of the growing building becomes too much on these imaginary columns, the poor engineering results constant failure, and while the building may not collapse as it is constructed of paper and legislation, there is still a perpetual collapse within society every time the people attempt to depend on these imaginary columns to support their society just to find out that these columns don’t hold weight in the slightest, and thus there is constant fallout from attempting to depend on philosophical idealism and ideology as opposed to sourcing arguments exclusively from reality in an inhuman sense that is entirely unfazed by sentiment, feeling, or opinion.” Says Stacy

“You’re right Stacy; everyone, especially well respected philosophers, are markedly delusional when compared to yourself. I’m sure none of us have read Descartes, but seeing how he was prominent and popular in his time, I’m sure he had something reasonable to say.” Says Jenna

“Delusion by default supersedes reality; people who are delusional will presume that their delusion is more real than observable reality, and that is the point I’m trying to make. Whatever drove that man to question existence, be it delusion, paranoia, superstition, or otherwise, is not a marker of reality, nature, or success. The nature of wisdom implies that there is a state of lacking wisdom that can also be found within the human mind, and this arguably cancerous mental capacity speaks to the point that wisdom itself can easily fall victim to this same convolution of nature and reality that a lack of wisdom induces.

Nature functions largely without brain function and has been extremely successful for billions of years; most all animals lack high level thinking, and to think that answers for the betterment of our own inherently natural reality defined by the world of physics can be found by reaching for some convoluted field of delirious thoughts bound by nothing but one’s own imagination is asinine when one can observe in nature that high level thought has not been a marker of the prolonged success of any organism that has survived for any prolonged period of time. Success is purely mechanical and operates on the basis of physics, and while this may often be hindered by the cancerous self-awareness of human beings, it is unwise to think that there is greater success that can be found by coddling this hindrance instead of understanding the natural root of physical success clearly defined by every organism that has successfully inhabited this planet for a prolonged period of time.

Humans have always sought this sort of knowledge because their minds are so powerful when compared to level necessary to perform many of the tasks required for survival, and this unused brain capacity becomes addled by the white noise of thought filling this situationally useful organ with thoughts and fantasies that can easily stray far from the bounds of reality. Humans are animals, and every animal proves that despite whatever intelligence it may wield, it is never the intelligence of the animal that causes it to survive more so than its natural ability to perform its animal functions of consumption and reproduction that sustain its existence.

We get so consumed by our pursuit of pleasing the brain that we forsake the true nature of the success of an organism which is on display all around us; through some vestigial amount of chemical reactions in the brain people pursue things in this society that are unnatural and antagonists of survival because they are animals whose collective minds have adapted to survive in the wild for many millions of years and clearly lack the physical structure to yield the most successful results in this entirely unnatural environment. It is this instinct of pursuing things that are chemically rewarding to the brain due to their nature of being agonists of survival in the wild that will destroy humanity, because these things have quickly become antagonists of survival in this unnatural reality.

People are concerned with what their minds are telling them, what they feel, and their opinions; that sort of sentiment that is clearly heavily influenced by the chemical reactions in the brain that cause some sort of neurotransmitter response within the brain, which people infer as the justification for their ideas, when in reality these neurotransmitters are designed to react in that way only in the wild, and to defend any decisions that are influenced by these endogenous hallucinogens and stimulants of compulsive behaviors in animals with much lower levels of intelligence is a marker of the humans inability to actually think independently from instinct in a world defined by successful thought as opposed to instinct, as these people are choosing to trust the feelings in their brains instead of being educated so that they will inherently distrust these feelings because they are vestigial chemical reactions that relate only to the existence of feral humans which have ultimately become largely irrelevant and often destructive in this entirely unnatural world we live in today. Allowing any sort of relevance to be given to sentiment creates a positive feedback loop where people value their sentiments and their feelings above inhuman mathematics and logic, because their brains are far more naturally prone to reacting in accordance with these biochemical reactions and neurotransmitters in their brain, so when this instinct is rewarded through positive feedback this only further exacerbates the problem of people utilizing this vestigial aspect of natural brain function that is contrary to their own success in this unnatural world.

 The world is driven by technological advancement, and attempting to use emotions and feelings as a justification for social and political action is like using stone-age tools to attempt to perform the necessary duties of labor and science, but it is ultimately far worse than that because even stone-age tools represent a distinction between trusting intelligence and thought rather than the animal mind of instinct and chemical impetus. Feelings can be fine and dandy, but they should never be respected as anything more than pleasantry or delusion whenever inhuman knowledge such as science and mathematics can prove that trusting these instincts and feelings is far less optimal than acting contrary to our instincts in order to better survive and succeed. Human success is inherently defined by trusting intelligence above instinct and feeling, so to regard these vestigial responses in the mind as anything other than the sentiments of feral animals to be easily discredited by intelligence and facts, we will find ourselves attempting to find resolutions to unnatural and technical issues faced by society using the tools and devices in the mind designed only to ensure that feral animals survive in an entirely natural environment, and these are blatantly and explicitly the wrong tools for the job at hand; they are the antithesis of the correct tools in respect to the nature of human success.” Says Stacy

“Reality is inhuman, and our world is unnatural. Natural life relies on natural instinct to be successful, but humans cannot because they no longer live in nature. As much as it is true that reality is at odds with the sentiments of humanity, humans are seldom at odds with their own humanity, so despite the facts being in your favor, the fact that humans will always be physiologically humans means you will face endless resistance in attempting to enlighten people that their own brain chemistry is an antagonist of their own success, because as you are well aware brain chemistry tends to readily overpower the rational mind; and as much as you might have some profound dearth of the neurotransmitters that induce humanity in a human, the majority of the world is rife with these things, and no amount of correctness, logic, reason, or legitimacy will be able to overpower these chemicals, so unless an entirely inhuman means of making decisions is created, there will be no end to the extinction of humans through their own inability to physically adapt to the new unnatural environment that they have created. As much as a veritocracy might resolve this issue, it still requires the humans to embrace this concept, and seeing how that requires you to convince them in a manner that is in accordance with their brain chemistry, unless you have the snake tongue of the devil in Eden, there is little hope of tricking humans into embracing this level of austere salvation that you seek to induce.” Says Jenna

“You’re so good at explaining why people are bad at everything, but when it’s about brain chemistry and whatnot it seems like it would be impossible to resolve these issues. Maybe if people all become educated enough then it would be possible to convince them with the numbers and the logic, but I think by that time it will be far too late to actually save the planet.” Says Ophelia

“I think the tone has a lot to do with it, if you could change from an aggressive, spiteful, and critical tone to a friendly, wholesome, and supportive tone, people might actually give you the time of day. If you can convince them that you’re just trying to help them, perhaps with some of the simpler or more agreeable points, you can win their trust enough so that they might follow you in your more adventurous plans.” Says Grace

“Friendly kindness is the most revolting aspect of our culture; the people revel in kindness as if it is the ultimate form of benevolence when the country is clearly torturing, maiming, and killing hundreds of millions of people with kindness as people are guaranteed to be kind and supportive to things that they and all of society should be critical of. The people are so kind as to tolerate people inducing the potential for massive amounts of problems through their own poor judgement and shamelessness, and then only criticizing the fact that the problems occur rather than those who create them or the policies ensured the unjustifiable creation of the potential for these problems to exist in the first place; it is this shameless inability of our culture to understand cause and effect that makes me loathe kindness due to the precedent of being kind towards, if not celebrating, damn near every imaginable vice that causes trillions of dollars of damage to our country every year and produces countless victims of crimes that would be entirely prevented if society had not been so kind, tolerant, and supportive of the seeds that were sown to ensure that these crimes against humanity would become prevalent.

 Our world has confused kindness and morality, where we shower blatantly immoral things that are detrimental to society with love, compassion and kindness and we scorn legitimate morality that doesn't fall under that umbrella as if it is the apogee of evil. Through multiple generations of poor decision making, a parent can fatten their child to the point of developing a morbid disease that cripples any attempts at socialized medicine, and rather than condemn that behavior and address it with litigatory austerity, the country expects us to be kind and supportive of that sort of behavior. Some places have adopted dram shop laws in the most minimalistic attempt to address the dangers of alcohol, but never has one suggested the same style of laws to resolve the self-inflicted trauma of obesity and diabetes that are quickly becoming deadliest and costliest diseases in the goddamn country. The same applies to smoking cigarettes, where barring people to a healthy limit would easily reduce the amount of deaths to an extreme degree, but since these people don't instantly die from these things in the same manner that drunkards manage to kill themselves, the country is far more intent on making quick money that they clearly must pay back tenfold in terms of taxes and healthcare expenses to cover these easily preventable illnesses.

The same irrational supportive kindness and tolerance applies to the culture of sexualizing and objectifying women for profit, as this encourages women to dress in a provocative manner in order to be fashionable and popular that only exacerbates the shameless animal lust in men, and it is no surprise at all that when this animal instinct is celebrated and championed by the male culture and provoked incessantly by the female culture, the animal instincts of sexual assault and rape become prevalent thoughts in the minds of the animals that are often seen to fruition. This problem of encouraging women to flaunt themselves as temptresses in the eyes of men is only exacerbated by the consumptive culture that celebrates drunken debauchery as if it is a wholesome and respectable pastime, despite the fact that it consists of giving women chemical stimulus that facilitates and conditions them into acting as pro bono whores for these vice peddling brothels who tempt men and women with the promise of fornication and continue to compound this problem by encouraging the consumption of alcohol which reduces the inhibitions, cognitive ability, and respectability of those who imbibe such poison.

Through countless extremely prevalent means our culture is able to physically, psychologically, and chemically condition the minds of people to seek out these reckless and dangerous behaviors that result in massive amounts of physical and psychological harm in the minds of both men and women who have little more intellectual integrity than children, who in their youth simply emulate the crowd and quickly fall in step with this culture of debauchery that worships the Whore of Babylon and makes massive amounts of profit by peddling vice to childlike minds and is easily the primary instigator of most every crime related to sex or chemical consumption, as well as the countless instances of self-inflicted physical and psychological abuse that people are scarred with for existing within and being complicit with this culture that causes measurable harm to their body and their psyche.

The world cannot condition this reckless debauchery in its inhabitants and expect to profit off of tempting these people to succumb to their vices while at the same time expecting them to refrain from committing crimes sourced from these same vices that have been ingrained into these people's minds and currently plague the world. The human is an animal, and when you use strong chemical and psychological stimulus to encourage and condition this sort of destructive behavior, his mind will clearly have trouble understanding this line in the sand he is not supposed to cross, and certainly have far less inhibition in moving in that direction, especially when he is intoxicated by a chemical that induces him to do exactly that. Be it rape, drunk driving, or any other problem that occurs due to these vices, people who have been conditioned to seek things out by their culture have poor judgement in regards to the line in the sand in regards to reveling in vice that they’re not supposed to cross, and to fault the perpetrator more than society is to condemn the mentally retarded man who is instructed to murder somebody while the healthy man who instructed the retarded man to do so is let off scot-free.

If women's bodies are to be peddled as objects of sexual gratification, then the culture cannot complain when men seek out that sexual gratification that they have been conditioned to seek, even in doing this unconsensually because they have been psychologically conditioned to seek these things out compulsively by the culture that encourages debauchery from a woman on a level that is little more than a prostitute being paid with alcohol, while simultaneously encouraging women to dress in provocative ways designed explicitly to arouse and tempt men and compound this temptation with thei lascivious drunkenness of both parties involved. Even when people are sober, the fact that they are conditioned to revel in their carnal lust by the culture that relies upon and exacerbates these desires as a means to peddle things means that the men will constantly see women as the temptress of sexual gratification that the culture portrays them as, and due to man wielding the mind of an animal seeking whatever fulfillment of his carnal instinct he can, this results in things such as sexual harassment and assault because men are conditioned to constantly crave sex and in their minds these advances may possibly lead to that, and one can easily argue that this belief that these advances will likely lead to sex is what causes these crimes to have such prominence in our society. If there was not the thought in the man’s mind that goosing this girl or making some lewd remarks might lead to even greater sexual fulfilment, then he wouldn’t be tempted in the slightest to do these things.

These humans have all be conditioned to seek out fulfilment of their carnal desires, and that is explicitly what they will do, and the instincts of men logically value reproduction over consent, so when they have been conditioned to pursue these carnal desires as if they are the highest form of pleasure, there are no grounds to expect them to refrain from seeking fulfillment of their instinctive and conditioned desires, even if it is unconsensual or inappropriate. The culture that regularly condones treating women like objects of sexual gratification and loose whores will clearly see this behavior continue, even in the professional scenario where such actions are frowned upon because people simply aren't intoxicated, and this is because these views are ingrained into the minds of men and further reinforced by the culture of fornication and debauchery that often reminds them that these perceptions of women are measurably true as the culture takes pride in the fact that men and women can easily go out, become intoxicated, and fornicate, and this pursuit of carnal pleasure has quickly become the favorite pastime of most every country on Earth. You can't complain about things like inappropriate sexual behavior in a culture that revels in rampant and unfettered sexuality without being a hypocrite, the choice women are forced to make is either condemn the culture that encourages and conditions that sort of behavior in men by explicitly putting an end to their participation in the romp by peddling themselves in sultry ways, both in the media and in person, or otherwise become intoxicated enough at work so that they consent to that sort of behavior in the same manner they would at the bar.

 If the culture is going to condone and celebrate lewdness, fornication, sodomy, promiscuity, proxy prostitution, and every sort of debauchery that compounds these vices, then they are essentially condoning the sexual assault and rape because men get the green light 90% of the time when they seek to revel in these sinful pleasures, and seeing how the women are very complicit in these pursuits, it is a simple gambit of probability that convinces the men in their childlike and animal minds that their unconsensual advances are probably consensual. You can tell a child that if you play with fire, you might get burned, but tell that to any common tart on the street in this context and she will be up in arms about how it is her human right to play with fire and never be burned in the slightest. The same applies to women in the workplace who surround themselves with horny men who are constantly be distracted by the carnal thoughts induced by their instinct whenever they see a woman, and seeing how people are little more than animals at the end of the day, it is near certainty that instinct will get the better of some men who are less inhibited by their other instincts such as fear.

 The fact that men fall victim to instincts that they are physically, psychologically, and chemically conditioned to revel in is not a tragedy when the clear resolution to this issue is to prevent the men from falling victim to this uncontrollable reaction of chemicals and neurotransmitters in their minds that causes them to become preoccupied with or even consumed by these lecherous thoughts. If a doctor hits a man’s knee with the hammer, and the knee-jerk kicks a baby, it is hard to argue that the man is entirely to blame for having the natural response to the impetus; if the doctor is going to trigger this reflex regardless of anything, the wise thing to do is to move the baby out of harm’s way rather than expect a man to be so stalwart and strong willed as to consistently be able to consciously overpower this natural reaction in his body, especially when the man is heartily drunk during the procedure.” Says Stacy

“You just need to teach those tarts how to burn the men right back; it's unlikely they're willing to close their legs, but seeing how they revel in vice, you just need to teach them to enjoy brutalizing a man in the fashion you do, and the fact that any whore is more than happy to stab a distasteful man would do far more to reduce sexual assaults than any sort of campaign of piety. Unfortunately the pleasures involved will negate the legitimacy of your point in the eyes of most, but seeing how you can't quite stab obesity or lung cancer to ward it off, perhaps the gluttons deserve the short end of the stick on that one, seeing how it's only fair with the dram shop laws and all.” Says Isabelle

“You might see them as tarts, but most people dress for function, so you are likely to see more provocative dress where the weather is hot; in Africa women walk around topless and people don’t bat an eye because the culture doesn’t have the same perverted preoccupation with breasts  and nudity that our culture does. Our culture can easily be blamed for the perverted view of the female body and the subsequent problems this causes; you know all too well people want what they cannot have and are curious about things they don’t know about, so clearly these natural instincts cause an increase in perverted desires when the human body is seen as a taboo and constantly covered and censored, and these perverted desires are absent when it is a regular part of daily life.

If people saw breasts all day they wouldn’t have any more desire or objection towards breasts as they do for other parts of the body like the hands or the face, and the same goes for all nudity; it is the perversion of these things by society that drives men to lust after them. The same consequences of perverting otherwise harmless things holds true in terms of physical contact; where people have all been induced to have a good deal of phobia of any sort of physical contact beyond a handshake, people feel violated or assaulted when they are touched in a certain way, even in a place that is not a reproductive organ; touching has been demonized so that people shy away from it and fear it which causes this profound level of discomfort at most any instance of random touching, and this is just because people have been so warned and scared of being touched inappropriately, which only exists because the perversion of such touching as a taboo has caused many people to find sexual gratification in harmless touching because it has been grouped along with things that are legitimate sexual assault, despite the fact that this perversion of touch is the only thing that allows people to feel aroused and excited by doing these things in the first place, where even 50 years ago there were no sexual connotations of touching somebody on the back or even a man slapping another man’s ass such as in sports.

Rather than condemn these things in public to further exacerbate people seeking the arousal of doing things considered to be sexual taboo, any sort of touch that isn’t aggressive molestation of the reproductive organs should be condoned if not celebrated just to allow people to become comfortable with humans touching one another in a friendly way, rather than writing all of this off as some form of perverted sexual gratification. When most all touching is demonized, people become timid and afraid of that sort of thing due to the severe repercussions for something that should in reality have none in a reasonable society, let alone one so viciously sexually provocative as ours. Even if it means a man or woman slapping you on the ass to say ‘good job’ or ‘work hard’ as the gesture meant in 50 years ago, the fact that he’s simply allowed to do that means he won’t be anywhere near as tempted to view the ass in some perverted manner, because clearly every baseball coach from 50 years ago wasn’t some sick child molester and didn’t make that gesture because he found some perverted pleasure in doing so. The smallest number of things need to be grouped in with far more heinous problems like sexual assault in order to prevent people from becoming so defensive and scared of one another that since the majority of all touching is misconstrued as sexual assault or harassment that they instinctively think that any touch besides a handshake is sexual assault.

If people had more good touching in their life, their natural instinct to seek human touch wouldn’t become grouped in and mangled with the thoughts of sexual assault, and many of these people who might otherwise force themselves upon a woman in desperation would have no desire to because as much as their sexual instinct may not be satisfied, there are also not starved of this entirely different instinct of the desire for friendly touching that is present in ever human since infancy. The same holds true for nudity in the sense that it should not be some perverted prize for the conquest of fornicators, but rather the natural form of a human that is entirely free of sexual connotation, because when people have experienced nudity every day there is no sexual connotation of nudity in the slightest; it is obvious that every African does not walk around with an erection every day of his life because there are bare breasts around him, and the only reason that reaction occurs in the west is because human nudity has been psychologically grouped into the same category as intercourse.

When people can distinguish their desires for physical human contact, and have no desire to see nudity that is barred from them, then the impetus that incurs romantic and sexual encounters will not be of some perverted lust of people seeking things that are deprived from them, but rather one of true bonding and connection that is independent from these variables that often cause people to enter into encounters and relationships that are founded on principles that are a poor foundation for such a serious commitment. I am speaking from a psychological standpoint in regards to human instinct and psychological condition, and while I certainly don’t have any desire to see everyone naked all the time, and I understand that undergarments play a large role in the protection of the genitals from harm and often serve a sanitary purpose, the inclusion of all nudity and most all touching as taboo only creates this perverted amalgam of human instinct and psychology that exacerbates the problems of people’s hostility towards each other and their perversion of naturally harmless things, simply because people have muddled many instincts into one category and exacerbated this confusion with fearmongering to further perpetuate this unhealthy mentality in regards to human instincts which people seek to satisfy, but are extremely confused by the indoctrination of society in regards to these very separate instincts.” Says Jenna

“That is a fair point, but like many of Stacy’s ideas that would take at least one generation to produce the desired results; as much as people might grow sick of nudity if it was encouraged in public, I’m sure men would have a heyday if they were allowed to touch women and grope their asses whenever they pleased because society mandated that these gestures are simple friendly gestures despite the fact that as it stands they can easily be perverted.” Says Grace

“The novelty would quickly wear off, and seeing how you’d have plenty of old women and gay men groping the young men’s asses at the same time, there would be a level of mutual respect that is created rather quickly as I’m sure they would feel plenty violated by that response. As long as you’re not physically being hurt or molested in a sexual manner, encouraging that sort of grab-ass would really would resolve much of the phobia of human interaction that basically induces symptomatic autism in regards to social interaction on a pandemic level.

The thrill of it would quickly fade, and then you don’t have men salivating over women’s asses and bodies all day and seeing how they don’t get any psychochemical reward from physical contact or seeing lewd women, they would be forced to seek that reward through meaningful conversation and bonding for once. The same thing sort of applies to kissing, seeing how even Jesus used to kiss dudes on the mouth because it was just a friendly thing to do with no sexual connotation, but that might be taking it too far in our culture, so perhaps encouraging the Italian style would be more appropriate. You two seem to be fond of that kind of friendliness already.” Says Isabelle

“It feels good and it is a nice way to show you like somebody, so I think that would be good. People are so afraid of touching even though it makes you feel good, and that’s the worst part because they are deprived of that basic human interaction that makes social interaction enjoyable, and above all else it just makes you happy. I’m glad you all aren’t too shy to hug and be friendly, I know kissing can seem weird just because the culture makes it seem like a romantic lover kind of thing, but you are right about Jesus and how kissing used to just be something friendly and nice instead of such a taboo.” Says Ophelia

“As someone who has seen many naked women and a fair number of stray genitals of male animals of numerous species, I can confirm that the original quaintness of the ordeal has quickly worn off and I am not aroused in the slightest by either of these things. That softy meaty warmth of people is quite nice though, I do have to admit, as much as I may not like the human brain, it’s hard to deny that the human body has the same appeal as a nice, warm, comfortable bed, and I could never speak ill about something so holy and blessed as a bed. I am envious of Ophelia’s cat who can just sit in her lap pawing and sleeping in that warm soft comfort, like a bed that you sink into and surrounds you with its blessing of sweet comfort. Now I’m daydreaming, but damn it I love warm comfortable naps.” Says Stacy

“Aww. See? Even despite her disposition Stacy can still appreciate the joy of friendly hugs and touching; it’s just that powerful. You’re lucky you’ve got Stella at home in case you need a good friendly hug, I just have my kitty and parents which is not the same as having a friend around.” Says Ophelia

“If her body would just transition from the 1920s to the 21st century like yours did she might be able to compete with you, but until then her hugs are a bit too sylphlike to compare to your enveloping softness; there’s more comfort in hugging a body so pleasantly womanly than a girl who might just float away through the air if you let her. Hugging my sister just reminds me of the struggle, and as much as I appreciate her for being there all this time, a hug from a motherly body just produces far more comfort instinctively than one from somebody who reminds you of bones more than boon.” Says Stacy

“Stella is easily the greatest boon in your life, and that’s saying a lot considering how many you have, don’t belittle her profound dedication to your wellbeing just because she doesn’t fit your mental image of a mother; you should love her with the same dedication and devotion that you would your mother, seeing how she stepped up to fill that role as best she can after your mother passed. You’re not a child, and you are more than capable of appreciating and being extremely grateful for everything she does for you without the instinctive comfort provided by a mother’s body to remind you that she is the one who is basically the entire reason that you’re alive and healthy today.” Says Jenna

“I love her dearly, and I do appreciate the things she does very much, I am grateful for every meal, perhaps not the motherly scolding, but I’m perhaps in due time I will even be grateful for that. I’m just saying I would be more so instinctively inclined to do so if she was as tender and motherly on the outside as she is on the inside, not that I am in anyway ungrateful for everything she does for me.” Says Stacy

“Well, seeing how you’re twins, maybe you just need to see yourself as a mother and then it will be super easy to love her that way because you will see her as the spitting image of the perfect mom.” Says Ophelia

“That’s not going to happen, and I don’t think I would be a good mom at all. Stella, sure, but my kids would be a mess, not that I would ever be inclined in the slightest to pursue any part of that ordeal.” Says Stacy

“Even if you somehow found a man who shared your sentiments, I doubt that would lead to anything besides mutual hatred of each other. Perhaps an oddly jolly friendship but the universal antipathy felt towards the human race would likely prevent any sort of physical or emotional attraction.” Says Isabelle




“I can find some kinship with girls, but men I have no ability to sympathize with, because women have the pleasure of being physically similar to myself, so if I were to loathe them entirely, I would be loathing myself in many respects, and luckily for my own sanity I value my shameless ego more than my noble misanthropy, so this allows me to reduce the universal and unrelenting hatred towards men that I feel down to a selective and relenting hatred towards women who I am ashamed of for their poor taste and decision making.

Seeing how I am a woman yet can clearly comprehend and verbalize this extreme degree of disdain towards the human race despite my natural instinct to be loving, compassionate, nurturing, and caring, when I see a man who is naturally prone to violence, hatred, and aggression fail to be spurred towards passionate antipathetic zeal that dwarfs my own, I am disgusted by the fact that a member of the once noble species can have his natural tendencies and intelligence so eunuchated from him by this culture that drowns him in vices and pleasures so that he may be little more than an ignoble animal so addled, addicted, and enslaved by the vices peddled by this sybaritic culture that even Satan would be ashamed of, for reveling in every vice but the vices of kings.

 Beasts such as this who cannot properly worship neither god nor Satan deserve nothing but eternal torment in the most disgusting and vulgar of hells, where the pain is induced not through physical torture but by being forced to feel the profound shame that a person who is aware of the utter and inescapable disgustingness of the grotesque effigy of the human mind, body, and soul induced by reveling in the plebian vices and forsaking those of kings, being forced to exist in a paradox where even death cannot save them from being forced to experience and fully acknowledge the repulsive abominations that exist in this twice-forsaken hell, for even Satan has forsaken those once faithful to his creed, and this leaves these people to be tortured only by the unnatural torment and accompanying shame of vices that can only be induced by civilization that has so thoroughly bastardized natural world.

Humans are repugnant creatures, and the men are the only ones to blame, as they held the wheel firm while they boldly chose to forsake both god and Satan to pledge their souls to Mammon and the lesser princes of hell. God rules over humans and civility, Satan over those who forsake civilization in the name of predatory animal instinct, and when a man with potential to be civil has devolved below the ranks of even a feral animal so savage as to murder his own kind, the result is so unnatural that these humans fall beyond the comparison of civil compared to feral, as they have become the negative value of civil while the feral would simply be naught. That is the epitome of abominability to devolve into something less respectable than the feral and savage animal from which humans arose from. You can say these men today are not responsible for the state of things, but they are complicit in this state of things, and so long as things remain this way, every man carries the sins of his forefathers on his back because it is on this back that society rests, and even if his forefathers were denigrated and irrelevant, this man today is no less to blame for he is equally complicit in the existence of this current state, for he is no longer suppressed and denigrated in the manner that his forefathers were.” Says Stacy

“That was amazingly brutal, but as much as I’m sure you could find a few guys out there who enjoy being condemned like that, I’m certain you would find their pleasure in that treatment disgusting, and find no pleasure in condemning one man when you clearly need the release of condemning the entire human race. The way that the culture is going I wouldn’t be surprised if in twenty years every man on earth is so beaten and abused by the popularity and prominence of misandry in the public culture that he is psychologically conditioned to enjoy that sort of sub kink just because he’s so convinced that he’s a loathsome bastard worthy of nothing but disrespect. If things keep headed in this direction you might actually become wildly popular amongst the people, seeing how women can identify with you and men might find some sick pleasure in their denigration.” Says Isabelle

“As much as I enjoy the godly righteousness, I don’t get any pleasure in condemning these people. I don’t want to feel powerful or in control; these things give me no pleasure and ultimately serve to compound my hatred of humanity; I speak in the manner I do solely out of having an inkling of responsibility and feeling that as someone who understands these topics, that it is my duty to inform and educate people. I am entirely revolted by the level of vice and folly rife in the world today, and I find no more pleasure in condemning it than a man who hoses a large pile of his neighbor’s feces off of his driveway that was left there in some act of antisocial, asinine, and unforgivable disrespect. I don’t long for power or control, I simply want this mound of shit to be off of the god damn driveway and make damn sure that it doesn’t happen again. I want to spend my days taking a nap or enjoying myself rather than being forced to observe this repugnant filth that stains what would otherwise be a perfect driveway. I am not so sick and feckless as to see this massive pile of shit in my driveway and chose to do nothing about it because I’m so god damn lazy or find the presence of human excreta in my driveway delightful for some odd reason. It is disgusting, and I simply seek relief from this infuriating display of shameless irreverence that is so unsightly and virulent that shouldn’t exist in the first place.” Says Stacy

“You are quite prudent in that regard, and despite your level of misanthropy, you are still entirely justified in your pursuit of such ends, even if your means to them are often unreasonable.” Says Jenna

“I hate men as much as anyone else, but Jenna did raise a fair point about the source of the possibility that the sexual problems in society are induced largely by the culture, and that if the culture were changed that this would resolve a lot of the issues. I want to say that is reasonable, but part of me feels that as much as men may simply be confusing their desire to satiate their instincts for social integration and physical touch with their desire for sexual gratification, they still have a very strong instinct to seek sexual gratification which would still lead to the same level of assault, perhaps even higher if the people have become comfortable with nudity and platonic touching that are both factors that can naturally lead to sexual desires. Even if their desires for touch were satisfied and they were not so obsessed with the naked female body, they would still have this overpowering instinct telling them to seek out sex, and that would put women in an extremely vulnerable position as they’re encouraged to tolerate rather harmless advances, but this line in the sand is much closer to actual assault than it normally is which makes it even easier for men to cross it inadvertently or purposefully.

I think Jenna’s idea is bad because of the reasons that it may do nothing to reduce the problems other than arguing that most of the problems of sexual harassment and assault aren’t problems at all, and it could easily exacerbate the problem of men feeling that their advances are consensual when they clearly aren’t. Your idea of sexual segregation clearly eliminates that problem entirely by preventing those sorts of situations from existing, but it is far less feasible than encouraging the people just to ignore their own opinions and tolerate the behaviors that are harmless but offensive or inappropriate in the hopes that they might lose their desirable connotations as sexual advances. Would you defend Jenna’s position over your own in the sense that an unideal yet feasible solution is more reasonable than one that resolves the problem entirely at a massive expense and burden on society?” asks Grace

“Jenna’s point is as valid as your own in that people will always seek to gratify their instincts, and the people must be taught how to gratify these things in ways that are not problematic, but when it comes down to sexual interaction this becomes much more complicated due to the complications that arise when compared to something like simple touching. The sexual segregation is part of a broad spectrum of segregation that is designed to eliminate any possible sources of problems that can be prevented in such ways, and as much as one might see that the harassment, assault, abuse, and rape of women is the primary reason for the sexual segregation, that is ultimately a secondary bonus to the primary reason for doing this.

The sexual segregation is designed to relieve people of the responsibilities that they have clearly proven that they are incapable of performing, and these are predominantly sustaining an adequate birthrate and subsequently rearing the children to adulthood so the children are prone to success. People clearly cannot juggle the responsibilities of work and family life in a society that demands so much of both women and men, and for this reason the responsibility of reproducing and sustaining a healthy family would be relieved from them so they can focus on their labor, and the process of bearing and raising children then become jobs as opposed to something people are expected to somehow manage to do while they continue to work fulltime, which is clearly unfeasible in an economy that doesn’t pay people enough to be able to do this and never will because it is clearly economically unfeasible which this is why this fails to happen.

This presents a grave issue when people prioritize working and staying alive before rearing their children, which creates situations where children are reared inadequately and amount to miscreants or degenerates when they had plenty of potential to be upstanding, educated, and successful members of society. Parents clearly don’t understand parenting to the degree someone who is professionally trained in rearing children in a manner that reliably produces the highest results, so entrusting these people with accomplishing this task in their free time when the economy is entirely dependent on the success of these children is extremely reckless, especially when healthy women must be bearing four to eight children at a minimum in order to cull those of inadequate genetics while still continuing to expand the population at a rate that not only sustains the economy but ensures that the price of labor is low enough that the country can be economically competitive around the world.

The shameless state of affairs is that those genetically and psychologically prone to failure are the most likely to have children due to their poor decision making and the tendency of the poor to indulge in the carnal pleasure of sex simply because they are afforded no greater pleasure, and this ensures that their children are extremely likely to be instilled with most if not all of these maladaptive genetic and psychological characteristics that make these people prone to failure. The same irrational reproduction occurs in the successful people who focus on their work because they are prone to success and forsake having children and ingraining them with these vital skills, simply because that would be too much of a burden on their lives which are quite busy, and doing so would hinder their own ability to make the money they are intent on making.

The economy manages to create the an extremely unfavorable situation for quality reproduction and rearing of these offspring, and in order for our country to have any chance at survival this must be addressed with extreme austerity. By barring these people from sexual contact, the people are not conditioned by their indoctrination to seek out intercourse because it is no longer a vital part of the economy that must be tolerated simply because it produces the necessary means to the end of the future of our country, this conditioning proves to be both a distraction and the source of many problems of social and sexual dysfunction that can easily be prevented, and in the process of this, all of the petty qualms of women bitching about being disrespected any physical or economic context come to an end and women no longer have this source of indignation to fuel their resentment and hostility towards society, which does nothing but addle their ability to focus on their natural purpose as well as their unnatural purpose if they so choose to serve the world as a neuter in the workplace.

The same holds true for racial segregation in bringing all of the equally petty and distracting qualms of discrimination to an end because when people exist only among their own race and sex, race and sex cannot be a factor in any mistreatment and this issue will no longer be constantly on the forefront of everyone’s mind despite the fact that men and women will always discriminate against each other in subtle or blatant ways due to natural instinct, and the same holds true for people of different races. This even holds true for phenotypes as this can all avoid any sort of discrimination, even of the petty sort, simply by keeping these people segregated amongst identical people, if you remove the Negro, the Asian, and the Hispanic, and the Raceless people of mixed ethnicity from the situation and isolate the whites, per say, the natural tendency of the human to discriminate will simply magnify the scope of discrimination of those of different phenotypes, and clearly the nouveau Negro will become the Jews and the Arabs, and then after segregating these people, those with Negroidal phenotypes of any sort and even beyond that the Irish, the Polish, the Italians, and others who are discriminated as much for Catholicism as they are their phenotypes, and ultimately there will be no end to one person disrespecting the other through the inherent instinctive distrust and dislike of things that are different from one’s self until people are all visibly identical to each other, so there is no grounds for these things to be true.

People want to say that racism has always been whites against blacks, but the second Ku Klux Klan was equally as hateful towards Catholics, Italians, and southern Europeans as it was towards Jews and Negros. People will always focus their hatred and distrust on that which is most different from themselves, and in this fully integrated society this is why we see the tensions between Whites and Blacks, Men and Women acting as the most prominent issues of discrimination and mistreatment as they have been for the last 50 years; nowadays in the wake of terrorism and increased illegal immigration people have become spurred by the Citizen and Immigrant feud as well as enflaming the classic three way hatred of Jews, Christians, and Muslims, but these had taken the back seat due to these things being more so similar to each other than the primary two source of endless, instinctive, and irresolvable strife, indignation, and conflict in this nation.

The other instances of segregation are to remove elements of society that can easily be eliminated by these means, such as segregating those with incurable venereal diseases and extremely dangerous and prevalent heritable genetic illnesses and disorders, because it would only take one generation of segregation to entirely eliminate these problems from society. These genetic illnesses can be avoided in many respects with selective breeding, but there is likely little reason to keep any substantial population of these people alive for any reason other than experimentation, which is noble but also a costly luxury at that. The selective breeding is also a large benefit to society, because when the people yield the benefits of animal husbandry, the breeds of people that will emerge will clearly be far more genetically adapted to the tasks that they are designed for than the everyman expected to be a jack of all trades.

As I have said before another benefit of this is controlling the population in such a way ensures that the majority of people in the booming population will not be genetically and psychologically prone to the belief that they are being mistreated or exploited on account of their race or culture due to history informing them that this was at one point a precedent. It is much harder to convince a man that something which has been true is no longer true than it is to convince a man that something that has never been true is still untrue, and for this reason, while all populations would clearly be sustained at healthy levels due to their genetic and international value, the people would not be given this birthright of inherent indignation that continues to plague our country half a century into the era of equality, and still manages to rally people in the streets and cause public outcry and outrage every day despite the fact that when quantified this issue is unjustifiably overrepresented and acknowledged simply due to the scale of the issue in regards to both the size of the minority populations, as well as the impact being so subtle in their lives when compared the major problems that are crippling our country but are seldom talked about, simply because people would rather be outraged about something they have been instructed to loathe rather than condemn something that is far more destructive in a measurable and quantifiable sense that nobody will bat an eye at because despite the fact that social and fiscal policies are destroying the people and the country, these policies have public support and have never been so blatantly discriminatory, abusive, and easily understood by the common man as the history of whites enslaving black people is.

 Race relations are another burden on the backs of everybody and a specter that will always haunt their minds; the incessant indignation of the progressives despite the fact that the Negro is treated extremely well if not better than most peoples, measurably in regards to litigation that defends and protects him, proves the point that it is not a matter of an actual problem, but it is rather the problem that people are inherently prone to become indignant and upset about anything relating to that issue because history has set that precedent, and now people are equally upset about the deaths of some ten Negros at the hands of police over the course of a year in a country of some 400 million as they were about the segregation and disenfranchisement of the entire population of millions of Negros.

It is for this reason that I support the Black Nationalists far more than any argument in favor of the impossible quest of ensuring equality amongst everybody through the mutilation of the human psyche, because this is the only solution to the problem of race relations that will  otherwise continue to haunt the people and plague social policy forever until the people come to the conclusion that the Whites can never make amends to the Negros, the Negros will always be subject to some form of discrimination or the other due to human instinct, and the only way to resolve these issues is to give the Negros an autonomous state in a federation where they can govern themselves and live without discrimination due to their ethno-state operating in the same manner and justification as Israel. With the creation of this state, the country can negate any arguments of racism simply because they solution has been created where racism is not a problem at all, and when this is no longer an issue, people can focus on meaningful and productive tasks rather than wasting time attempting to change the psychological instincts of human beings as if that is the most productive use of peoples time.

This same manner of problem resolution applies to all things that create a disproportionate amount of unrest in respect to the degree that the subject of the unrest is actually a problem, and this is the same logic that defends all of these means of segregation to the extent that I describe them. People are upset about these issues because they can understand them, they can see the difference between Whites and Negros or Men and Women and understand that they are physically different, but idealism argues that they should be equal so they become upset; resolving the measurable inequality in these people is not going to produce anything more than smiles while distracting people from seeking a real solution to the measurably profound problems such as the failing economy, that is largely due to the shamelessness of people who always seek smiles instead of success, often times sacrificing success in the name of smiles like they’re pawning their possessions just to buy more euphoria from this endogenous freebase.

Strip the people of their ability to complain about petty bullshit and force them to focus on and acknowledge the real threats and dangers that our country is facing and will soon face in the coming years and decades. Seeing how that resolves both of the issues, any idealist who argues against that is doing nothing but instigating and inflaming racial tensions while simultaneously attempting to sabotage the goddamn economy. The country doesn’t have time to fuck around with this feel good bullshit because even if it is miraculously resolved it amounts to jack shit at the end of the day; I don’t give a fuck if your feelings are hurt or you were discriminated against in some petty and negligible manner because these problems are too quantifiably meaningless to produce meaningful and measurably beneficial results if they are solved, and seeing how people will cry foul at the blatant and immediate resolution to all of these issues caused by integration through the means of austere segregation and instead argue in favor of attempting to create this clearly unattainable ideal society, these people don’t even want a solution to the problem, they want to pretend that we live in some fallacious and ridiculous world where they can complain their way to utopia like the bunch of asinine fucks they are.

The same holds true for healthcare where they all demand treatment for the fact that they fall ill, but they are unwilling to remove the primary reasons why the majority of them exacerbate the extreme cost of healthcare and make it unaffordable by condoning the peddling gluttony and the prohibition of euthanasia. If the people are unwilling to stop creating these problems for themselves, there should be legal repercussions for complaining that the problems exist. I can’t stab myself and hold the country liable for this fact that I caused a self-inflicted injury, and the same is equally true for problems caused by vices as well as any form of integration. If the idealists aren’t going to blame the state for every mistake anyone has ever made and demand that the State be held accountable, they are shameless hypocrites for failing to be delusional enough to argue that it is the State’s responsibility to prevent each and every one of these self-inflicted shortcomings.

The media will always enflame tensions and upset the people by crying every day about how these things are problems, but never do they remind people that they purposefully created each and every one of these problems in their shameless and destructive pursuit of unattainable idealism. If the people can use the State as a scapegoat for all of their problems, I am ashamed of the State for failing to be bold enough to remind the people that they themselves are the sole reason that these problems even present themselves in our society, but that is the unfortunate state of the petty sycophantry that has replaced any form of legitimate and meaningful politics.” Says Stacy

“As irreverent to the social ideals of our country as that argument was, I can see the point that people will always be upset about something and they will find something to be upset about it if they aren’t upset, and clearly seeing how this applies to race and gender relations, removing their ability to use integration as the basis for any indignation does clear the way for people to focus on more so meaningful and productive arguments that aren’t so asinine as to attempt the impossible task of overpowering the human instinct of every persons mind through indoctrination and indignant fearmongering. So long as men and women co-exist, there will be problems between them, and the same goes for any two people that are different; if the people are going to cry foul about every one of these unavoidable problems incessantly, as much as it may be cruel to segregate everybody, it’s actually productive seeing how nowadays thanks to the historical precedent of claiming to be the victim and getting what you want, now everybody is the victim, men, women, whites, blacks, straights, gays, there is nobody who isn’t somehow victimized by each other, so putting the incessant complaints to an end would be delightful seeing how that wastes so much of the otherwise useful mental capacity of people every day.” Says Jenna

“It’s honestly hard to tell which one of your ideas is more ridiculous and implausible, the segregation by sex, or the segregation by phenotype. I can understand segregating venereal disease, but segregating and sterilizing the people with heritable diseases seems fairly redundant, especially if you’re going to have selective breeding on top of that, seeing how that is three measures when only one would be necessary.” Says Grace

“If a man can herd sheep he can herd any other animal, it’s not difficult to do; it simply requires a commitment to the job. Phenotypical segregation easier to impose with more precedent and with much less work involved when the terms of reproduction that sexual segregation requires are taken into account, so while sexual segregation may be ideal, all forms of culling offer inherent benefits to society which can be implemented as they become viable.


In regards to heritable illnesses there are many possible scenarios; where if the people breed free without segregation then sterilization is largely beneficial in the short term, but the matter of segregating those of heritable genetic illnesses is more so reasonable than sterilization as allowing them in the general public as this would inhibit our ability to experiment on such people in order to progress medicine due to their sterilization. On top of that sterilization can have measurably detrimental physical and psychological consequences, so if those can be avoided we can prevent losing an adequate worker in the name of making the population more so healthy, and it is easy to avoid people unneeded for medical research being afflicted by these illnesses through proper animal husbandry. Seeing how people would likely be the most opposed to selective breeding without sexual segregation as they would be intent on bearing children with their mate, this third option depends largely on the first.

The matter of phenotypical segregation is difficult in that due to the mixing of natural genetics in our country; there would be a sizable amalgam of people with mixed genotypes who don’t breed true so that even without sexual segregation they can reproduce freely without creating problems caused by phenotypical integration because these problems have already been created and cannot simply be undone. One cannot breed two Mulattos and get a pureblood Negro and a pureblood White 25% of the time each, but this can be applied to more so Mendelian phenotypes in people so those of mixed genotypes remain segregated while those who breed true are resegregated from this mixed population; this would be far more efficient than artificial insemination, even if it does include 50% of the children produced by this caste failing to breed true and failing to ensure their children will not be catalysts for any sort of instinctive phenotypical discrimination or hostility.

This would be the means of avoiding problems in the same respect as those of heritable illness are bred responsibly; these healthy people would be bred according to animal husbandry in order to reinforce beneficial traits, and to determine the genetic nature of such traits, so things such as height, strength, bone structure, would be treated in a similar manner and just as the world needs large strong people for heavy labor and sport, the world needs small lithe people for dexterous crafts, and while making people inherently small on principle perhaps may have detriments, a smaller person requires much less food and clean water to sustain than a large one because their muscles and body are smaller so they use much less energy to operate, and their hands are also smaller making them more so capable of fine crafts through these means.

Some traits are far less linear in regards to their results, just as is true in the case of Mulattos, as breeding two physically attractive people can often result in a very ugly child, because as much as the two parents may both be physically attractive, their child as the average of these two people is not physically attractive in the slightest. While this may not seem entirely relevant to physical success, it is a very powerful trait to be able to encourage if not control in a world where physical attractiveness allows one to be successful in the media as well as in any traditional business environment, and just as big muscles can be used to rear success, teaching people to utilize their physical attractiveness in order to gain an advantage, and the benefits of creating people with this trait in mind can be seen in Asia where beautiful white people are often used to advertise goods because the Asian culture that respects white people as a symbol of success that has traditionally revered light skin tones, and the same can be said for people of any race in their native country who could easily become faces of good publicity and advertisement due to their good looks if they have been educated in the means to accomplish this. This can even be advantageous as the physically attractive people are more so prone to gaining trust and friendship in the international environment when it comes to business or diplomacy. Psychology makes people prone to putting faith in and trusting people for many reasons, and the physical appearance as well as social skills and thespian mannerisms can all yield great benefits to a person who is attempting to sway or convince somebody.


There are traits less so understood than these that are more so Mendelian and physically apparent traits. Things such as mental predispositions, intelligence, and mental illness could be the subject of study in order to attempt to understand the genetic relationship to these things and encourage them if they are beneficial and discourage them if they are not. Despite the appearance that mental illnesses are maladaptive as they are in today's society, nature reminds you that most of them survived to reproduce for a reason, so these each provided some form of natural advantage at some concentration in the human mind: the psychopath a better warrior, the manic the excited optimist, the compulsive a better gatherer, the paranoid more  prone to distrust of people, the delusional more prone to wild ideas and thus innovation, the hypersexual more prone to reproduction, the depressive prone to pacifism, the hyperactive with extra energy, and so on and so forth. These traits may be able to provide some benefit to some niche cultivar of people as they did in the past, such as an assembly line person with OCD taking pleasure in the meticulous work he does, or a soldier slightly prone to psychopathy to be indifferent to killing his enemy and unfazed by the death of his comrades, but not so psychopathic as to be indifferent to his own treason.

So as much as sexual segregation and artificial breeding would be optimum in the sense that it ensures that things that can go wrong don't go wrong, every form of segregation and selective breeding besides that is able to prevent many of these things from going wrong without inducing the large cost of compiling genetics, harvesting sex cells from men and non-breeding women then meticulously inseminating the eggs and implanting them into the wombs of the breeding caste with proper respect paid to animal husbandry, artificial selection, and meeting quotas of each set of population. This is not to say that taking this easy way out would not have drawbacks, as this entrusts the responsibility of reproduction to the people which they have consistently failed to perform adequately, and even if a breeding caste is created, these women would be producing many children from only two sets of genetics which is not very desirable, because despite that fact, these women are still the source of a substantial portion of the population, so having more of them is clearly more so beneficial than most any other person. The concentration of the same genetics can easily become unfavorable unless the neuter women and men have their genetic material collected and a fair number of the children birthed by these women have no genetic relationship to them at all, seeing how they will be entrusted with bearing a proportional and adequate number of children in place of many neuters, this would not be hard to ensure and it would address the large issue involved with this.

While sexual segregation is difficult to fully implement offhand, failing to do so does nothing but perpetuate the distracting and often problematic preoccupation of each gender with the other, so rather than allow these problems to exist, sexual segregation would slowly be implemented in schools and workplaces to minimize distraction, then public spaces to avoid problems, and once the breeding caste and a genetic database has been well established it would be more viable to implement total sexual segregation due to the unnecessary aspect of commingling; until this point people would be thoroughly segregated to ensure proper reproduction and bred selectively to eliminate the endeavor of courtship and mating which is the root of many problems and is the source of the obsessive distraction of fornication. The less men and women interact, it becomes less possible for any sort of conflict or undesirable interaction to occur, and even if many working women are still expected to bear some children, the option of artificial insemination would be far more popular than attempting to cooperate with men who had become unfamiliar and fornicate with one’s systematically selected mate enough times to become pregnant, which can be quite difficult even when people actually want to have sex and conceive.

Children would be reared professionally, which eliminates any need for a traditional family unit, and once the child is weaned from the teat the traditional neuters can return to work having fulfilled their obligation, with this being aided in the instance a woman failing to nurse well or being a vital worker to society, as in this case another neuter who nurses well that was simultaneously bearing a singleton child could serve as the wet-nurse for the other child. This dissolution of these relationships may seem undesirable for the idealist, but these relationships are the source of many problems as much as they may be an enjoyable boon for many, so to avoid these problems of spousal abuse, child abuse, and child neglect benefits society far more than tolerating these things so that the working people can enjoy their children in some small portion of their free time.

The main issue with sexual segregation once the reproduction has been addressed becomes the rearing of those bred for international service, in which case the austere culture would not benefit them as the culture shock of entering the rest of the world would cause problems. If the child is born to emulate the natural appearance of the indigenous people of any certain country in order to gain instinctive trust, and is reared in the manner to embrace this culture and whatever business it is they are capable of accomplishing, then part of this education would involve a large amount of cultural education where they must learn how to succeed despite the challenges posed by sexual integration and the plethora of vices that are unknown within their native country, so they must act in accordance with their genetic culture including tolerating any of the unsavory vices, as if the man will always refuse a drink, a smoke, a line of blow, or the company a woman, then it will be much harder for those he is tasked with winning over to trust him. While it is true that he must tolerate these things, it is imperative that he not fall victim to them, and for that reason the rearing of these people will be more difficult as it requires ensuring that they can experience the pleasures of these vices without becoming corrupted or enthralled by them, and the difficulty of this task is why avoiding this problem as much as possible is optimal, seeing how despite the attempts to rear the citizens of our own country in this manner, the vast majority of them are thoroughly corrupted and enthralled by these vices.” Says Stacy

“I still think that people would just become distracted by people of the same sex if they were segregated as such; people will still have their natural libido even if they had never seen somebody of the opposite sex, and when that sort of behavior is commonplace, I don’t see how people would be any less distracted.” Says Grace

“It is true that people have libido, but one of the major reasons for such fornication is the natural instinct that men and women feel to reproduce with one another. It is a psychological trigger deep in the mind that a person feels when they see somebody of the complimentary gender that is present in all animals; it is far more powerful than libido which can be quelled through many means. Children who have no libido are still attracted to people of the other gender because they are naturally wired to seek the company of their compliment despite the fact that they have no intention of doing anything sexual. Homosexuality, despite society’s support for such behavior, is veritably unnatural in that seldom do animals partake in it, and ultimately seeing how anyone who is a true homosexual will never reproduce, it is the antithesis of any form of natural behavior that would be inherited for any reasons of natural survivability.

 It is possible that having some degree of homosexuality provided some natural benefit in humans as social animals, because as one of the few animals that pursues such endeavors for pleasure, being tolerant of these things would make one more socially desirable and protected because the men who seek incessant fornication would pleasure themselves however they could, and the women would find pleasure in each other rather than become consumed with suicidal despondency when their men were killed by some tiger or mastodon, but even more likely than this is if the women were prone to pleasuring each other instead of seeking male contact, they would be far less likely to contract deadly venereal diseases from the reckless fornicators, and the men would protect their women from such blight. The argument that homosexuality, meaning true physical attraction to those of the same gender, would be any more prevalent is rather baseless, because if this were true, then homosexuality would be equally prevalent in all boy’s schools when that is clearly not the case. True homosexuality is likely induced by psychological factors, past abuse, or mental illness, since it is not a natural instinct that people would have inherited, so as much as people might pleasure themselves in homosexual manners, this does not mean they would become so enthralled and preoccupied by the pursuit of such company and pleasure because there is not the same powerful natural instinct compelling them to do so. I am not speaking ill of such people, these is just an analysis of the natural reasons for such mental dispositions to exist, and just as I may be regarded as mentally ill by some, that fact alone should clearly remind you that mental illness is not always a bad thing; it can be neutral, or even amazingly beneficial as it is in my own case, if one is to argue that I am actually mentally ill in some respects.” Says Stacy

“We all know that the world is crazy, Stacy, you’re not crazy at all. The spitting image of pristine mental health if there ever was one.” Says Jenna

“Stacy’s intelligent, driven, charismatic and even physically prone to survival, so to argue that any of those are factors of mental illness only speaks to Stacy’s point in how there is a certain level of unnatural meekness that, despite being a mental illness in and of itself, is regarded as the optimum form of sanity due to the fact that it produces a person far more easily imposed upon by society than a natural human would be.” Says Isabelle

“I know a man will go to hell if he lies down with another man, but seeing how Jesus tells you that a man will go to hell if he lusts after a woman with just one eye, I feel like our current society isn’t any better than Stacy’s. I feel bad about yesterday because that guy might go to hell because of me, seeing how you were all sure he was lusting after me in a bad way even though he was very nice. It’s almost not fair that I can sit here daydreaming about getting a boyfriend, getting married, and having kids, but men are supposed to avoid that thinking as much as possible unless they’re already married.

It makes sense because men are the stronger ones and if they just did what their bodies wanted I’m sure it would be terrible for everybody, but all I have to do is not have sex with a man before marriage and then it’s perfectly fine for me to want them all day, but I know that’s what a woman is supposed to do where men are supposed to being doing tons of work and important things and leaving their wife in charge of the kids. I understand they shouldn’t be distracted by those thoughts, where I am kind of supposed to because it’s my job as a woman, but if they feel anything like the way I do about them, I’m sure it’s hard not to think about that kind of stuff.” Says Ophelia

“The difference is that you really want the important things like love, marriage, and children, where the problem for men is that they want to have sex without taking on the responsibility that comes with the reasons as to why people are supposed to have sex; because for the most part men have little interest in love, marriage, and children, and that’s what the problem is with the whole men lusting after women. If people are having sex without those things, then they are doing nothing but spreading diseases and causing problems which is why that is so bad, so I’m glad you actually understand that there is more to it than the sheer animal desire for that sort of company.” Says Jenna

“Stacy gave that man a taste of what he should expect for that even thinking of doing that sort of thing. As mature as you look, a grown man has no business pursuing girls like us, even if you look like you might be old enough, the fact that you were with Stacy and I should easily inform anybody that you’re not, seeing how no 18 year old would be giggling with a couple 12 year olds on the street; Grace and Jenna are hardly as developed as you are, so there’s no grounds at all to think that you’re fair game in the slightest. As much as I envy your body, it makes me kind of grateful seeing how much unwanted attention it might get me if I had it.” Says Isabelle

“I’m sure once men see you their brains just stop working and they turn into animals, at least the young ones; it truly is disgusting how men see a grown woman and see her as nothing more than a possible gratification of their instinct. The nice older man probably had some daughters and understands the need to protect girls from the sick people that want to prey on their innocence.” Says Grace

“It’s kind of quaint that both you and Stacy refer to your bodies in that way, but at the same time take pleasure in the most assertive and dominant fantasies I’ve ever been familiar with.  I hope it’s not some sort of insecurity that you feel about being smaller than other girls that just expresses itself in that way. Even if you’re not as developed, that doesn’t mean anything, plenty of women in the world are petite, even many adults who are close to your size, and they’re not any less of a woman or adult than anyone else; if anything they’re more so inclined to actually being  a woman since they can’t simply rely on their bodies to win them favors and preferential treatment and can learn the value of intelligence and personality as opposed to relying on the animal instincts of men and the envy of women to further their success in the world. I’m not saying all women do that, but it wouldn’t be an unfortunate stereotype if it didn’t hold water sometimes. You two both have many years to mature and grow, so if adult women your size are able to hold themselves as confident adults, don’t expect any less confidence in your bodies from either of you. For the record I don’t think either of you look 12, Stacy was much smaller a few years ago, and she has definitely matured quite a bit in that short time.” Says Jenna

“I guess it’s the same thing going through that man’s head yesterday that’s in mind, I just don’t have something and I want it, it’s not so much the sensual parts, but the power and respect that comes with size. It doesn’t really make sense to think I could be physically imposing toward men, but I wouldn’t mind being taller than half of the guys in the world when I’m in heels, seeing how half of the power would be them being intimidated because you’re a woman, I think it would serve me well. I’m not insecure about my body, it’s fine and dandy and it gets the job done just fine; it would just be fulfilling to have some natural imposing characteristics, just to get some of the pleasure of looking down on people without doing any work besides putting some shoes on.” Says Isabelle

“I’m just used to you girls being my standards for girls my age, always growing upwards and outwards, so that’s my point of lagging behind the curve a bit; it’s just a rational observation, if you two are fourteen then proportionally I’m not exactly in that same neighborhood. I couldn’t feel insecure about myself if I tried, as odd as that sounds, I’m either always correct and amazing, or if I’m allegedly wrong or unsavory in some respects, the world is at fault for be so pretentious as to revel in their mental indigence and pusilianimosity.” Says Stacy

“Is that even a real word? Wouldn’t it be pusillanimity?” asks Jenna

“They revel in their animose pusillanimity with animosity towards all who don’t. If the Negro forms his own vernacular as a method through which to spurn and ostracize white society, I see no reason to avoid doing so myself, seeing how we both easily have a comparable level of loathing for it, each for our own reasons of course.” Says Stacy

“I think you tend to have the opposite reasons for doing so, but I can see how the vehement hatred towards white society is a common trait. The black community thinks that white society is overbearing, and you think it is masochistically and suicidal meek and amenable.” Says Isabelle

“You have a silly knack for explaining weird words with other weird words, so much as I might have bigger breasts, you definitely have the bigger words, and I’m sure plenty of guys love that, especially the smart ones. I’d rather have a smart guy who can appreciate my personality and my quirks than one who just wants my body.” Says Ophelia

“If Stacy’s animosity and antipathy were in a grown man, I would be very afraid to be around that man. Coming from Stacy it’s like a little yappy dog or something, but in a grown man you would think he is going to do something crazy if he was talking like that, men are far more brash and reckless than women, and considering what even Stacy is capable of if she gets provoked, that man would scare the living hell out of me and damn near everybody on Earth.” Says Grace

“That is a rash presumption to make; clearly there is nothing to fear about a train unless you are standing in front of it, simply choose to ride the train and the danger transforms into a scenic ride towards a wonderful destination. We would both have the best interest of society in mind, and as much as I may be a bit shrewish, this man would have the power of physical presence and vociferous fervor to rally the people where my meager frame would seldom suffice. You could see the power and charisma required to make these great changes instead of a little girl with a wild imagination. I may be forced to brandish these unflattering and unwieldy characteristics for I doubt a man exists who has not been eunuchated by the cult of Western idealism, but if this man were to exist as a true parallel, the only thing to fear is one’s own diffidence and faithlessness in regards to the salvation of the planet and the human race.” Says Stacy

“If a grown man like you existed I find it more likely that he would be in prison for beating somebody to death who was foolish enough to disagree with him. Unfortunately your dispute resolution skillset would only be magnified by a man’s instinct towards violence.” Says Jenna

“Such a man is not like me at all then; a man like me would fear and loath his own body, repressing his impulses and instincts knowing that his body is the weapon that is most likely to cause his life come to an end. He would work with his body with the same mindset that a bomb disposal technician uses in his line of work, knowing that one mistake can easily end his life, and that mistakes are very easy to make. He sees himself as nothing more than a horseman breaking and riding this beast of his body so that he may get to where he wants to be, he sees his corporeal body as nothing more to a means to the end of what his consciousness lives and dies for. He sees the body as the beast of burden, the broken horse who serves his rider, and has no more respect for it than that.

He may love this horse, as a horseman might love his steed, but he knows the animal is but an animal, and to reach salvation before nightfall, the horse must obey the rider, rather than allow the horse to wander unto animal folly. One must separate the human from the animal, and far few people understand that. When one lies down with dogs, one comes up with fleas; and the same holds true for entertaining the animal nature in one’s mind. It is painfully shameless that most people fail to distinguish between these two parts of the mind in the slightest and choose to presume that their animal instincts are somehow respectable and intelligent simply because their species is referred to as intelligent life. Thankfully I can be a bit more at ease with my body and instincts, knowing that it’s not prone to or as capable of that level of abrupt destruction.” Says Stacy

“I like to think you wear your feelings on your sleeve, but when you open up to us and tell us how you really feel on the inside, it makes me glad we don’t pry, because that was pretty weird, although not an entirely shocking revelation to be honest.” Says Jenna

“As stoic as I like to think I am, I am but a beast, and you know as well as any that hunger can strip me of my nobility and reduce me to an animal. I love this animal, and as ashamed as I am to admit it, the pleasure of a nice meal intoxicates me to the point that this animal pleasure can bamboozle me into tolerating it amongst the finer pleasures of my mind. I can’t condemn it for keeping me alive, but I wield a drunkard’s wary in being keen enough to avoid letting such pleasures distract me for too long.” Says Stacy

“I would think a man who is a drunkard wouldn’t have much wary in regards to drinking.” Says Isabelle

“I didn’t say I wield a stoic’s wary, did I?” jokes Stacy

“I’m glad you’re not so stoic as to be some sort of crazy ascetic, of all the people who need to eat you’re near the top of that list.” Says Jenna

“I just don’t have the fortitude, but I get my fill as much as anyone else, somehow my growth must have been diverted to my ego rather than my body, but that’s as healthy a destination as any other in my book. I’d much rather be equipped with brains than brawn in this world.  It may well be a survival mechanism for all I know.” Says Stacy

“That’s a rather new development, you were growing upwards for a while and your ego was just a sleepy and hungry sort of thing, but you kind of stalled on that front and it’s all gone to your ego somehow.” Says Jenna

“It’s still a sleepy and hungry sort of thing; my ego has just been blossoming into womanhood is all. We’ve all been informed many times before that our bodies change a lot during this time in our lives.” Says Stacy

“Your sister kind of stopped growing at the same time, and it’s probably because she spends all of her energy doing schoolwork, worrying about you, and taking care of you instead of growing. Maybe if you kind of forgot your ego a little bit and gave Stella less things to worry about, you would both start growing again and catch up to me and Jenna.” Says Ophelia

“I’m pretty sure that’s not how growing works, but Stacy has also managed to shatter my perceptions about how the human mind works, so you never really know.” Says Grace

“The nurse at St. Agnes told me girls stop growing at 14 or 15, so I’m lucky if I grow another inch. I don’t mind, I’ve been small my whole life, it’s nothing new, it just means I’ve got to use my mind more than my body in order to overcome adversity; I’m not even that short, 5’2 is the average in most places around the world and I’m hardly shy of that mark, you three just happen to be giants for some reason.” Says Stacy

“Jesus, enough of the small talk; we’re short, that’s that, it’s not some sort of mystery, so rather than be amused by something trivial like that, we could get back to the substantive discussion we were having earlier. So rather than some foray into the world of mental illness which seems like a lofty pursuit, maybe just remind us how segregation is actually a solution to discrimination and those sorts of problems, jog my mind and get it distracted from its preoccupation with the current topic; it’s amazing how that sort of talk can shoot you down when you’re flying high, even if it is just some innocent remark.” Says Isabelle

“Stacy’s probably right though, maybe we’re just super tall for some reason. There are plenty of girls your size and there’s no reason to feel bad about it. Stacy was even saying that being short was better for most jobs except for physical labor, and who would want to do that?” asks Ophelia

“That and childbearing, but from what I’ve heard Isabelle isn’t anywhere near as interested in that lifestyle as you are.” Says Stacy

“Not in the slightest, so that does help to be honest; it’s just the damn media making me feel inadequate around these tall and buxom women when I really shouldn’t. Even if do end up having kids, they damn well might be the progenitors of the future society if the world can actually become intelligent as opposed to pretentious animals who instinctively seek out women solely for their reproductive value without considering the economics at all.” Says Isabelle

“Me and Grace aren’t exactly buxom; it’s not like the media really gives the time of day to willowy girls either. I’m rather grateful seeing how it helps me avoid unwanted attention of the sort Ophelia was unfortunately forced to experience yesterday. Unless someone is perfect, they will always feel inadequate, and even if they are perfect they will probably feel inadequate and self-conscious.” Says Jenna

“Yeah, I get super self-conscious about my boobs because I think people are noticing them bounce if I’m running or something and I get embarrassed. I think everybody is self-conscious regardless of anything unfortunately. I kind of miss being a little girl because nobody would look at me and give me looks like that; people were just nice all the time and didn’t stare at me in that embarrassing way.” Says Ophelia

“Let’s just let all of our insecurities slip away as we return to the serene world of proper public policy, where we are free to ignore all of our inner doubts and self-conscious thoughts knowing that human sentiments and opinions about such petty things are entirely irrelevant because a person’s self-worth should be defined entirely by the statistics that articulate their value to society.  I’m sure all of you can agree that it is far more reasonable a pursuit to seek mathematical justification for our existence rather than find any enjoyment in pleasing the spiteful opinions of the countless people who will always hate you out of jealousy or in an attempt to stroke their meager, fragile and petty ego.” Says Isabelle

“Responding to Isabelle’s proposition, integration inherently increases discrimination despite any attempts to combat this fact due to the reason that it gives people grounds and a reason to discriminate. As much as people attempt to call segregationist America segregated, it was actually entirely physically integrated with only suggestions that people be segregated without any physical barriers to actually prevent integration, and due to the format of society where the Negros and Whites would interact to some degree, this means they have a constant reminder of something foreign and the mutual distrust that comes along with that. If there is no interaction between these people, there is no reason for any of them to foster discriminatory feelings towards one another, but every time they see each other this triggers their instinct of distrust of people different then themselves and this is only exacerbated by learned prejudice and bigotry that people acquire through experience and traditional means of conveying information.

When people are integrated they actually threaten each other in some way, due to the probability of threats being realized existing as a positive non-zero number.  The nature of people being wary of any real threat is compounded by the constant interaction with one another that play upon each other’s instincts and distrust, constantly reminding one another of the threat each other poses which magnifies a person’s perception of the threat of that which is different from himself because it seems so visibly apparent despite the fact that it may seldom actually realize itself; every Negro reminds the Whites of a criminal, and every White reminds the Negro of the violent racists, even though these people are usually nothing of the sort, the fact that their appearances are identical triggers the fear in the individuals mind that reminds them that people who look like this can be dangerous, and this overpowers any rational perception of understanding the improbability of that fact.

This threat constantly scares, intimidates, and angers people; and when these threats move beyond perceived threats into realized action, this gains large amounts of media attention and publicity which in turn further perpetuates people's fears and anger, and reinforces people's instinctive perceptions and presumptions because such instinct is reinforced by the learned prejudice due to fact that something actually happened that reinforces their instinctive prejudice; it is always news when a Negro commits a heinous crime, but it is never news when a Negro fails to do so; it is always news when a White person commits an act of racism, but it is never news when they fail to do so; so despite any sort of statistical triviality of the act, the fact that these acts are the ones that gain public attention in an extremely disproportionate manner, due to the simple nature of news being newsworthy due to its peculiarity or rarity rather than reiterating the most common occurrences, serves to reinforce these prejudices because people will always hear about every bad or racist thing that happens whereas they will seldom if ever hear about good or neutral things unless they are somehow unprecedentedly touching and wholesome.

The countless times a white person has been decent to a Negro or vice versa has never inspired somebody to write an opinion piece or news article, but a single instance of mistreatment, disrespect, or malfeasance will very often spur somebody to write about it in some indignant manner. People expect to be at ease and this means that all of the common decency is taken for granted and ten thousand acts of mutual decency occurring every day between Whites and Negros will never amount to any increase in respect between one another, because each one is taken for granted, where a single act of disrespect is guaranteed to cause public outrage because it contradicts what people feel entitled to. People never get commended for doing what people expect, and since the expectations are so high, a profound level of mutual respect is never notable in the slightest whereas the slightest misstep is enough to spark nationwide controversy. This means that as the mutual respect between these two peoples increases, just as all two groups of different peoples, this simply raises the expectations held by people without reducing any contention between the people, and as a result of this, it takes smaller and smaller missteps to enrage the entire populations simply because the expectations are so high, that the proportional deviation from the expectations feels the same to these people as far more heinous acts did in the past.

The country easily becomes far more upset about petty things like two arguably innocent Negros being legally arrested in a coffeehouse due to refusing to leave after disrespecting the policy of the shop and thus becoming trespassers, and as ignorant as I may be, I am confident in arguing that Negros once turned the other cheek to far more blatant and sometimes violent discrimination in America, whereas now the expectations have simply gotten so high that the outrage is far more profound due to proportional deviation from the standard expectation than somebody being the victim of a hate crime in the past. The same holds true for women, and from a rational perspective of linear progression, in a short time soon people will be outraged if a Negro or a woman is looked at in some way that the alleged victim is displeased by; as I’ve said before, making things better doesn’t make anything better, people take this betterness for granted and become entitled to this betterness, and they are quick to forget how much worse things could actually be so that they might be grateful rather than entitled.

People are not threated by Chinese communism, and can still easily do business with them, and this is because it is separated from our own society so that we can control our interactions and partake only in the desirable ones and avoid the others. So despite the fact that the methods China uses to maintain order are unfortunately frowned upon by the West, people don't fear China or think that all Chinese are heavy-handed authoritarian communists because this issue is irrelevant from their own lives, and this allows us to ignore that fact and proceed to have beneficial trade relations with China. The opposite is true in the case of the Negro, because despite the fact that the crimes committed by Negros are far less proportional in scale, the fact that they happen within our own country and the fact that the Negros are integrated into society makes people feel far more afraid of these things and form prejudices on account of these things, and this is due to the proximity and the possible and apparent relevance to people's lives, that although it may be statistically much smaller in scope, the proximity of the threat makes it an instinctive fear people hold in their minds which they are constantly reminded of when they see a common Negro who is likely up to nothing but the same common meagretry as every other lowly man.

This sort of segregation would decrease discrimination because people would no longer have any reason to be reminded of their prejudices, and the media cannot remind them that their prejudices are rooted in reality in some way. People feel that their prejudices protect them, and this is why they hold them and perpetuate them, but when there is no reason for these people to have them, they will not become as prevalent. Not only this, but since people would clearly be less successful if they were to discriminate in their business practices, they would see respectful interaction between groups as a boon rather than something that causes problems, especially when these groups are clearly far less capable of causing problems in each other’s lives.

The correlation between progress towards an ideal in reality and the destruction of that ideal in the minds of the people are plain as day in reality. Iceland is the friendliest country in the world towards immigrants, and this is explicitly due to the fact that they have very few immigrants, and most of their immigrants are people of an extremely similar culture such as Poles. This is in contrast to Italy and America who despite having historically embraced the same ideals of Western society have become extremely anti-immigrant due to the massive influx of culturally and phenotypically disparate immigrants from North Africa and Latin America respectively, and this has reached a point where people can win majorities in the democratic bodies and the top offices simply through being staunchly opposed to immigration and stoking the fears and prejudices that are instinctive in the people.

 The same is true in regards to racial integration in America, which resulted in the rise of the third Klan, and while this may not be a democratic majority, it is still a notorious hate group that is able to entice many people who decide to embrace their instincts, both openly and more so behind closed doors, as opposed to the indoctrination of idealists, and due to the nature of integration, attempting to pursue an ideal resulted in giving people more grounds to justify their discrimination because every time a Negro is a problem in some way in an integrated society, this simply justifies the beliefs of racists in their minds, and the statistics that are recorded as a means of measuring race relations and attempting to resolve any disparity in treatment end up fueling racism even more, because whenever the media argues that Negros are treated poorly by police or perform poorly in school, the progressives argue this is due to institutional racism, but these same statistics empower racists to argue that Negros are inherently more so criminal and unintelligent. The same holds true for misogyny following women's liberation, creating a world where men now must interact with women in the workplace, leading to the women being targets for discrimination rather than avoiding this together, and the outcry of women in regards to their discrimination is always met by misogynists with statistics that justify the discrimination such as comparing the majors of men and women to justify why women make less money on average.

It is hard to convince people not to be prejudiced when any sort of analysis of the statistical data in regards to these prejudices will do little but justify one's own prejudices if one has them. Despite the fact that idealists want to argue that Whites and Negros are indistinguishable, and that women perform just as well at men in jobs, the statistics inform us that Negros commit more crimes on average and are less adapted to school for whatever reason, while women consistently chose to pursue fields of education and work that inherently pay less on average, irrelevant from any sort of gender bias when compared to the fields men pursue. One can argue that these facts are induced by discrimination, culture, and physical factors such as childbirth, which may be true in some respects, but regardless of that argument and the fact that society that makes countless efforts to eliminate discrimination and even creates reverse discrimination laws and programs to the benefit of the less so successful people, these statistics still hold true and serve to destroy the notion of idealism arguing that these statistics do not exist or are somehow fallacious, as they argue that by integrating Negros into White society they would emulate White culture and White success perfectly, and integrating women into the workplace would prove that women are just as inherently prone to professional success as men. Some half of a century later there are still stark statistical differences, and I’m sure if somebody was racist enough to compare the success and lifestyles of the different ethnicities of white people in America, these too would boldly reinforce stereotypes against people such as the Irish, Poles, Italians, and others that have long been but whispers in America due to the fact that Racial and Sexual Integration dwarfed the hostility and differences of national origins once caused amongst the whites.

Stereotypes wouldn't exist if they weren't rooted in reality in some way, and while it is true they are exaggerated, they are still real enough to reinforce themselves when these things are statistically measured. There is no stereotype that Indigenous Americans drive clown cars and spear pedestrians with halberds, because despite this being clearly discriminatory there are no grounds for this presumption to be made, so as much as people can argue that racism and stereotypes are all baseless bullshit, it is clear that they have very firm roots in reality, and while these may be exaggerated, the statistics that remind us of the legitimacy of these stereotypes will do nothing but reinforce the fact that the stereotypes exist for a reason.

One will argue that it is racist to say an East Asian likely does well in mathematics, but statistically speaking it is far more probable than it is for any other common race, save for perhaps South Asians; when this is true, arguing that this racist is like saying the fact that a person will probably roll a three or greater on a six-sided dice is discriminatory against the numbers one and two, but seeing how this is an analysis of simple probability, then there are no grounds to say that it is racist at all, it is simply a statistical observation. One can argue that this is due to cultural differences or institutional racism, but unless those things somehow change which is rather unlikely, then despite the fact that they are presumptions one makes about race, the statistical probability justify them to the point where it would be a perfectly fine statement if it had nothing to do with race, but due to the squeamish nature of people toward a historically sensitive topic, somehow involving race in some sort of analysis of probability becomes discriminatory rather than an honest guess with respect to probability.

I cannot blame the Negro for his indignation and reluctance to embrace white society, it was these people who clearly denigrated and disenfranchised his people for hundreds of years, I would not be excited to involve myself in their society and willingly serve them in any way knowing their historical mistreatment of my people and the fact that many vestigial elements of that culture still exist; but at the same time I would not argue in favor of informing any Negro young or old that while they are certainly a unique individual, statistics prove that Negros are far more likely do poorly in school, to be convicted of crimes, and serve prison sentences when compared to the rest of society, and this not to be prejudiced, because I have nothing against the Negro people, I simply would tell them that while the reasons these statistics are true is debatable, this is simply what statistics inform us to be the truth, so I believe this would be extremely helpful to the child who I can inform that due to the statistical probability of these things, it may be far more challenging for your to avoid doing poorly in school and going to prison, so this means you must make a concerted effort to do these things or it is far more likely that you may fall into one or both of these categories than people of other races.

The same goes for women, who can be informed of the fact that statistics informs us that women are more likely to enter into low paying fields and be paid less on average, so you will likely have to make a concerted effort to enter high paying fields rather than ones you enjoy, and work harder than your male counterparts if you seek to achieve the same level success due to some level of discrimination against women that still exists. Clearly it is very difficult to do anything to address discrimination in the minds of people, but rather than inform these people that they are victims and that it is society’s responsibility to make it up to them, we would better off telling them the statistical truth so they know they must consciously make an effort to avoid them falling into the same statistical groups if have no desire to do so simply due to the nature of probability. If you give these people fair warning about what probability informs us about their fates, society is not to blame for their shortcomings, just as the state has no reason to apologize to the gambler who bought a ticket and lost, because the probability was clearly explained to him.

Society is likely not going to change, people are likely not going to change, and rather than expect this to happen out of indignation or due to progressive policy, people simply need to be informed of the fact that discrimination exists and they must make a conscious effort to avoid falling into the statistical reasons for discrimination if they don't want to. This is unfortunate that they must do these things, but so long as they exist within this society, the fact that they are and will be discriminated against will remain true in some respects.

The reason of the unchanging nature of people within society is why I see the only plausible solution to these problems as segregation, because the Negro cannot do anything about his skin, and due to this he will always be seen with suspicion and distrust by the white people, what he and everyone can do however is create a society where the Negro people are able to exist without being forced to modify their lives or culture in a manner to avoid persecution, especially since they cannot change the main factors that causes their discrimination, which is simply the color of their skin and the instincts of human beings of all races.

The same holds true in many respects for women, and since one cannot change their skin, their sex, or their human instincts, there is no reason to attempt to change human instinct of the population as a resolution to these problems which can easily be perpetually resolved by modifying society so that it is not a problem. As hard as it may be, modifying society is actually physically possible and easily and permanently orchestrated with some level of commitment, where modifying human instinct is something that must be done perpetually throughout a person’s life while simultaneously being extremely difficult to induce and often impossible.” Says Stacy




“Seeing how the small amount of news media you consumed in your life has caused you to form that cynical opinion, I can hardly argue that frequently bringing attention to these subjects is really accomplishing what it attempts to do. I’m as exhausted by the perpetual indignation of society as anybody, and since they will always be upset about something, it is only reasonable to give them less things to be upset about and certainly to deprive them of the irrational indignation they romanticize and glorify so damn much. As much as it seems logical to sympathize with them, seeing how the people are equally as upset about things that are one thousandth of the severity of the past grievances, I hardly doubt it has anything to do with any grave mistreatment and just the fact that people will readily become equally upset about anything that happens. If they’re just going to be upset about anything that happens, I’d rather them not be given any extra justification by comparing their petty indignation to historical protests against far more grave and serious matters.

People want to be great, and this means that they will tend to compare themselves to the great people in history, and equate their own struggle, however petty, in comparison to those people who actually fought against sources of justifiable outrage. People just like to be pissed off for some reason, and from what I can tell they will take any bait they can get their hands on, so it is really shameless that the news media excessively and incessantly publicizes these rare statistical outliers to enrage the people for months on end when historically many of these things would be shrugged off or entirely ignored. The media just pisses people off, and then the people constantly tune into the news to see if somehow there has been miraculous social progress made by the growing indignation amongst the people, and then once again become upset if there has not. It is comparable to a drug peddler selling addictive drugs, just because people like to be upset for some reason, and the news media constantly gives them these reasons to be upset and then perpetually rubs salt in that tiny and statistically insignificant wound unfortunately.” Says Jenna

“That is the unfortunate truth, and as much as I’m sure Stacy would still find things to criticize even if she had her way entirely, she at least argues in favor of measurable and plausible physical changes rather than attempting to complain enough that people’s brains and instincts are somehow changed into something more so idealistic. I’m sure that if somebody knew the science behind arguments and changing people’s minds, it would be clear that the news media does the exact opposite just to further ingrain people’s own opinions and provoke them into discord rather than actually propose arguments that attempt to find some sort of mutual agreement amongst people.

Stacy’s point and yours about how the Negro once would tolerate much more brutal oppression as if it were nothing really defends Stacy’s arguments in regards to the treatment of people; the more so oppressed and disenfranchised they are, the more willing to tolerate the oppression and brutality of society; it is only when they feel like they are some messiah of political change due to being indoctrinated with the ideal of petty Western democracy and social movements that they end up becoming upset about everything all the time. Rather than actually attempt to make people less upset, we are just encouraging them to be upset all the time by giving them this grossly exaggerated power of the vote and convincing them that their perpetual indignation is somehow going to bring about profound and meaningful change in society.

Just remind them how stupid and futile indignation is, use the laws to make indignation even more stupid and futile, and you won’t see people protesting in the streets and national outcry over something like two people being arrested for being innocent of everything but trespassing. As ironic as it is, the historical plight of the Negro proves that the way to make people less upset is not to actually address their indignation, because they will always be upset about something as the 60 years following the civil rights movement have proven, especially today, but the real solution is to create a scenario where their indignation is futile if not dangerous, and then they will understand that there is no reason to attempt to do something impossible. People don’t attempt to make bird wings and fly because they know that’s impossible, so remind them that change will not arise from their indignation, and then they will no longer see that as a healthy or productive outlet for their bitterness.” Says Isabelle

“Rationally speaking, yes it is common sense that if you give people something far worse to be upset about, they will become far less upset about the more so petty things that occupy their minds, but despite how irrational and illogical society is, I doubt you will ever rally the people into massive protests about how they’re upset about the fact that they’re upset and are demanding something far worse to upset them so they won’t be upset about these little things all the time, and possibly even demanding that their rights be stripped so their minds don’t get tricked into thinking that they’re somehow accomplishing something by being upset and protesting. That would work very well, and as much as it might possibly be in the best interests of the people, what the people want and their best interests tend to be starkly contradictory things.

You and Isabelle may have no hesitation about disregarding the sentiments of the people, and I think Jenna is probably just exhausted by hearing you argue these points and the identical futility of pursuing ends in the opposite direction that is so popular in the news media that she sees this as the only escape from both of these incessant sources of constant and pointless criticism. Even segregating people as to reduce problems would be more popular than just torturing people in public so that the population is far less upset about much smaller grievances and then depriving them of their rights so they have no desire to protest. As antithetically idealistic as segregating everybody is, it is at least peaceful when compared to your proposition of brutal oppression.” Says Grace

“I think Stacy is just inadvertently a master of proposing something extremely ridiculous, then proposing something less so ridiculous so that you will consider the less so ridiculous thing as far more reasonable than it actually is just because you are comparing it to the extremely ridiculous thing beforehand. I’m sure it’s some kind of logical fallacy or sales tactic, but I realized that if I actually studied those I would do nothing but find logical faults in everybody’s arguments, and seeing how it is dubious that there are any arguments that lack blatant logical fallacies save for pure mathematical arguments, there is ultimately no point in condemning them, because the logical fallacies will always be more popular with the people than plain truth,  and seeing how I have no desire to trick people or convince them of something, I don’t particularly seek to master these fallacies and use them to my advantage.

Every political argument is a petty appeal to something or other, which in itself is false logic, so seeing how those arguments define our society, as much as one might call them logical fallacies, they are far more akin to reality and legitimate logic than any sort of pure mathematical logic such as the type Stacy supposedly proposes. False logic cannot be false logic when the only logic people have is false logic, so until everybody in the world is a logician who is thoroughly aware of every logical fallacy and instantly identifies them, false logic is no less legitimate than any form of real logic, and since people will likely spurn legitimate logic, false logic remains the only true form of logic and winning an argument.” Says Jenna

“It would be kind of scary if there were logic police or something that identified all of the false logic and punished people for it. Seeing how if appealing to somebody is false logic, then Stacy would be the logical one since she doesn’t really try to appeal to anybody, and then the logic police would ultimately just instate Stacy’s society just because she never tries to appeal to anybody.” Says Ophelia

“Stacy uses a lot of false logic herself, like ad hominin, which just attacking people with criticisms and demonization. I don’t know much about false logic either, but I’m sure Stacy is a master of it and all of her arguments are probably loaded with it somehow.” Says Grace

“If it is an ad hominin argument to argue that a murderer is a murder or that a rapist is a rapist, then you got me, and it very well may be true in this day and age that any sort of statement that addresses an unsavory fact is a baseless argument of false logic simply because the unsavoriness negates any sort of factuality of the statement. I demonize things, but I provide measurable reasons as to why these things should be demonized, and while my arguments may not be cut and dry in a monotone explicitly by the number, as I do savor such pleasures of tasteful and artistic critique,  the language does nothing to discredit my arguments because when the criticisms are stripped of all embellishment, the numbers will still speak for themselves, and in your petty attempt to find the real truth beneath the beautiful garb of eloquence, you stare at the bold, naked, and equally brutal truth that will crush your spirits in a far more brutal degree, as you are punching a steel cube rather than running from some wire-flying specter draped in fluttering romantic ominosity. Logic is devoid of art and plot, and while I may speak in a lofty tongue, I am simply seasoning the substantive argument so that it might become more palatable, savory, and tasteful. Man would be but a savage today if the logical arguments of civility of every faith in the world had not been so seasoned by their artfully divine and preternatural plotlines. I see no reason to break from tradition when said tradition is one of profound success.” Says Stacy

“I can appreciate some seasoning, but the key to the art is to do so in a manner that accentuates the natural flavors of the food rather than overpowering it. Lord knows a man cannot live on seasoning alone, so the substantive nutrition of your usual arguments is truly a way to keep our hungry bellies full of wisdom. You are great at seasoning these things with tasteful bitterness and palpable heat, but as enjoyable as an artistic meal such as that may be, perhaps attempt to practice seasoning your arguments with some sweetness so that they might readily appeal to the masses.” Says Isabelle

“The sweetness commonly found in arguments is to a point where there people have developed some psychological parallel to alcoholism, where people become dependent on an ever increasing amount of sweetness and descend into the tremens if they are not given their fix of intoxicating sweetness that stokes their delusions fuels their idealistic pipe dreams.  We must design the world to be successful , not make people happy; it is a matter of triage, and ignoring this necessity is arguing that soup kitchens should only serve hard liquor to the alcoholics because that is what they want, and while they may get some caloric content in the alcohol to fuel their living, they are ultimately bound to die in a very quick and painful manner if their alcoholism is to continue, as their vital organs will fail and they will have no ability to prevent this due to facing the guarantee of death if they continue drinking or stop drinking entirely.

We must design the economy in accordance the environment, because without the environment there is no economy, and organize the people in accordance with the economy, because without the economy there are no people, only communists, savages, and criminals. The reason why the world is dying and our economy is suffering is because we place the people and their happiness above all of these other things, when this is the opposite of the priorities we need to veritably establish in order to survive and be successful. China proves the verity of this science of triage just by having one of these factors in place, putting the economy before the people, they have experienced unprecedented economic growth and success, and as a result of that success they are able to make their people happy in many respects, while our country on the other hand has been shooting ourselves in the foot to spite our face by sacrificing our economy in order to make the people happy, and for that we are paying dearly.

It is entirely asinine to allow people to make decisions based upon their opinions and sentiments when they clearly don't understand the scale or scope of things that must be done and instead place their own desires and sentiments above far more pressing and pertinent things. This is nearly identical to allowing a child to spend all of his parents money however the foolish child may well please, and forbidding the parents to ever spend money in any way that is unpopular with the child, and as this occurs the parents suffer and struggle while the child gets sick and fat with whatever vices tempt the child into folly. Of course the ideal of democracy is popular, and it is no surprise that its original proponents found such a massive audience, because this is of the same degree of difficulty as convincing an audience full of small children that if they agree, they can spend all of their parents money however they like, which is as extremely easy as it is extremely stupid.

As much as you can convince an animal to eat a bitter pill by coating it in something tasty, a human will take any bitter pill you have sugar-coated and administer it in the sublingual manner while sucking on it in an attempt to get a high as he possibly can, and simply pit the pill out when it becomes bitter. Doing this always amounts to nothing but wasting time and sugar while creating within the human a psychological aversion to whatever pill it was you attempted to convince him to swallow, because now he knows that despite the sugar coating that the pill is truly bitter. A man must be restrained and administered the intravenous solution so that despite his own reluctance to pursue anything that he dislikes, he may actually be cured of these sick diseases that so blight his life and society. We can mix it with barbs and speed and whatever they like, but to attempt any other method of administration means that the man will do everything in his power to avoid the administration of the medication he so desperately needs in order to survive.

A man will argue that he has the right to take the life of society, because he thinks that without him, there would be no society, but this man speaks the tongues of Lucifer, cursed with the pride of the fallen, irreverent to his creator; for the truth is that society has the right to any man’s life and the right to own and treat him like chattel, like the beast of burden he is, whose existence is grazing, working, and dying in the name of society: the shepherd of mankind; for without society there would be no man, there would be but beasts and savages who roam the wilds in their own wretched and pompous ignorance.” Says Stacy

“As theistically and allegorically accurate as your comparison of the proponents of humanism and democracy to Lucifer is, I’m certain that every American will be far more inclined to think that you’re the devil for demonizing their sacred freedom and democracy. The legitimacy of an argument, just as is true with logic, is entirely dependent on the mind of the individual rendering the argument, so despite any veritable legitimacy when the comparisons are measured against historical fact, the mind of the common man operates free from this sort of thought and operates largely on faith, and that faith lies far more in the sacred nature of freedom and democracy than it does with the allegories of the Christian faith, including any sort of omens in history that illustrate the parallels between the humanistic philosophy of the Age of Reason and the damnation of Lucifer.” Says Jenna

“The people can easily understand that it is these proponents of humanism that welcomed the countless demons into our nation that now curse and damn our minds, bodies, and souls. The humanists had more faith in the people than they did in god, and this faith has done nothing but betray their ideals; these humanists only had faith in the people because the people themselves had faith in god, but as the humanist doctrine has garroted that of the faith, it loses what little credibility it once held, for one cannot put any faith in a human to create an better and more perfect society when he has no understanding of what betterness of perfection are; he only understands pleasures and instinctively seeks these things, and where this once noble freedom from religion once allowed some harmony between Catholics and Protestants, it now attempts to create harmony between the few remaining faithful and those consumed by faith in their animal instincts and faith in the pleasures that the crown princes of hell so merrily afford them when such a country sees these demons and welcomes them as godly neighbors of differing but equally noble faiths. These demons are given freedom, liberty, and the pursuit of their sadistic and sinful happiness by tempting their faithful and the peddlers with the boon and pleasure pacifistic vices, while spreading their gospels amongst the common man for to tempt even more of the lost souls into the intoxicating embrace of one’s own damnation.

We celebrate vice as much as virtue on a good day, and far more than virtue on most every other day, and when through his glazed and possessed eyes a man cannot grasp the wisdom afforded by the words of wisdom that ensured the survival of civilization for thousands of years, there are no grounds to have any good faith in this man, for when even a faithful man may try to hold his neighbor in good faith, he finds himself in a position no different than Lot in Sodom, and he may be wise enough to understand the fate of Sodom, but when faith in the disciples of Lucifer eclipses any faith in god, and Lucifer himself holds a higher throne than god in this false heaven of the people, the angels that once compelled Lot are now demons corrupting any faith in god and replacing this with faith in Lucifer, making the man content to be consumed by the fires of Sodom, for those whom he perceives to be angles have informed him that he has found many faithful souls in this nation, and he believes for that reason god will surely spare their lives and forgive their reveling in cardinal vices.

One can compare a godly society with our own, and it is clear to see that we are nothing of the sort; we may love our neighbor, but we live in Sodom, and for that reason our country and economy are being burned alive and tortured with the hell on earth that becomes of a society that revels in such vices. We are too intoxicated by our pride and poisons to see the truth, but the truth has never been hesitant to remind a man of its validity in spite of the man’s ignorance, and when the truth and validity of the faith are plain to see in the torture and torment of every man, woman, and child  who is so consumed by these peddled and worshiped vices, when every facet of our society reflects our own damned souls and the torture that waits for us in this life and any that succeed it, we are forced to condemn and dismiss the faith with incredulity out of our own pride or accept that we ourselves are responsible for our perpetual torment and suffering, and if it is to change, we must change ourselves; and it is no surprise a nation reared to be disciples of Lucifer has not an ounce of humility that might possibly allow them to acknowledge that their damnable prophets have ever been wrong in any way and that the ideal society promised by those possessed by such demons was truly a temptation unto folly, vice, and wickedness.

The world can burn as every human is endlessly tortured by their vices, but never will they argue that the servants of Lucifer who created a world, where such profound and universal torment and consumption by vice is commonplace, are in any way responsible for their endless suffering; this is the power of faith, and when these people are given their vices and revel in the pleasure and analgesic nature of these vices, they will never condemn something that they have become so able to faithfully depend on, for sinful pleasures have been stripped of their perceived sinfulness in this nation that happily peddles every vice imaginable and celebrates those who revel in the damnable and deadly consumptive pleasures that demons bless their faithful with.

It is never the fault of the men who summoned the demons which possess this country that the people are tortured; the state, the economy, science, medicine, and everyone else for that matter are those who are entirely at fault for failing to ameliorate this resulting torture of cardinal vices while still somehow preserving if not accentuating the sacred and sinful pleasures that people have come to worship with such endless devotion. We complain that this tree is torturing and killing our people, but never are we willing to uproot this tree, choosing instead only to prune a branch here and there on occasion and pretend we are actively solving the problem despite the fertile soil of godless human corpses and souls, the faithful mutualists who consume the fruits of vice and fertilize the tree with their excreta, and the increasingly potent artificial fertilizer of advancing technology ensuring that this tree will surely continue to grow and poison the people for so long as we allow it to.” Says Stacy

“Yeah, Jenna is entirely right; despite however righteous and correct your argument is, those things are entirely irrelevant in the mind of the people. An atheist doesn’t care about the fate of his soul, and the sinful care not for the benefits of virtue, so rather than trying to sell the people something they clearly don’t want, try to make that same point but in a manner that glorifies freedom and all those American values people love so much.” Says Isabelle

“I don’t understand why nobody would listen when Stacy makes such a good point and does it with such strong and clear language that it would be hard for anyone not to understand, well, understand at least some of what she is saying enough to get the point. Why would anyone want to be consumed and tortured by vices? Even if they don’t believe in God they should still be able to see how terrible the vices are even without any sort of context of going to hell.” Says Ophelia

“People just don’t want to be condemned for any reason, and when Stacy makes a point of it to condemn everyone, especially sacred American values, the people will turn their nose up at this due to this nature before they will actually think about what she said to see if there is any validity to it. If the culture of sin was not so prominent here, people might be more open to listening to that sort of argument, but since everyone celebrates vices, and society clearly tells them that sinning and having many vices is clearly an awesome thing to do because it’s so pleasurable and enjoyable, then nobody is going to simultaneously disagree with society while also attempting to spurn this very palpable temptation into carnal and sinful pleasures that are peddled, promoted, glorified, and perpetuated incessantly within our society by every constituent from the state, to the economy, to the people, and even the faithful people who chose to tolerate that sort of thing and be respectful rather than condemn such a lifestyle in any way.

As hypocritical as it may be, when even most people of the faith don’t condemn the people for being so consumed by vice, nobody will think that there is any validity to Stacy’s argument just because there is no reason to do so, since society and everybody else is clearly in contention with her points. I speak of the faith from a Protestant point of view, not a particularly devout one either, and Catholicism may be different, but in my experience people just go to church and maybe enjoy some of the wholesome teachings of Jesus without actually caring very much about anything else; if you sin, it’s ok because Jesus forgives you and as much as you really shouldn’t, it’s not the end of the world so you shouldn’t sweat something like that. It’s more of a try to be a good person and learn some moral lessons with very little if any of the doom-saying and condemnation that Stacy is fond of.” Says Isabelle

“I’m sure most modern faiths are similar to that experience, even Catholicism. Stacy’s take on the faith is entirely her own for the most part, and she took to the condemnation far more than any of the wholesome parts for some reason. It’s not wrong or anything for the most part, it’s just a very different outlook than what most people have in regards to the faith. I don’t really know if faith can be wrong, but Stacy’s view on the faith is definitely very different from any church that I know of. The thing about the faith is that it’s entirely up to interpretation; so as much as Stacy’s views are different from the commonly held ones, the common views of the faith, even in Catholicism, are equally if not more so distant from a literal interpretation of the bible as Stacy’s are.” Says Jenna

“I for one am glad that society doesn’t collectively stone people to death anymore, but that’s just me. As much as you argue for using a secular interpretation of the bible as an allegory to teach lessons to people that make society better, you are quite fond of using theistic characters in your metaphors in that sort of fire and brimstone manner.” Says Grace

“If I call a man a milquetoast or a woman a Pollyanna, I’m using these comparisons because they are appropriate, I’m not arguing that these characters truly exist in reality. Regardless of whether one has faith in demons, these demons serve the same role in my arguments and explanations that the character Milquetoast does in any colloquial reference to a comparable person. The argument is irrelevant of whether or not these demons exist and actively play a role in causing people to succumb to sin; the demons are personifications of human shortcomings and natural temptations that serve to allow me to distinguish between the different facets of the human mind by personifying them in ways that make them far more easily identifiable.

From a literary standpoint, the allegory of the fall of Lucifer is just as applicable in demonstrating the point I’m trying to make as any reference to Icarus in terms of listening to advice or even just the phrase Achilles’ heel. If one is so bold as to be an atheist, then one clearly should be comfortable in contemplating the lessons that the demons served to teach humans in the same respect that Icarus and Achilles did, but seeing how people would rather take pride in their irreverence than listen to legitimate secular wisdom, society is tainted by people who claim to know wisdom, but condemn any sort of wisdom that can be rooted in theology simply because they are so asinine as to argue that their faith in atheism entirely negates the validity of many common sense lessons that could be learned from the bible if it were read simply as a work of art instead of some theistic scripture.

People are so proud of their atheism that they will denigrate common sense because they feel that the fact such common sense had been echoed in a theistic work entirely invalidates the argument. If a compulsive liar tells me that two and two equals four, I’m not going to spend the rest of my life arguing that two and two clearly doesn’t equal four on the basis that a compulsive liar told me this so therefore it must be false. There is a difference between atheism and idiocy, and arguing that the entire bible is baseless nonsensical bullshit simply because it involves religion is a painful level of stupidity. The atheist at that point should be arguing that clearly a man and woman cannot reproduce simply because it happens in the bible so it must be false.

I can see how it just comes down to criticism, and the sad truth is that whenever a person is criticized, the critic is wrong, at least in today’s society, so unfortunately as this will not change due to the nature of the west being a eunuchated apologetic milquetoast; the only thing that can be done is to exacerbate this condemnation of all valid criticisms to the point where society collapses, but thankfully since society is already tirelessly working hard towards that end day and night, I can sleep easy knowing that they’ll kill themselves and destroy their society as fast as humanly possible, seeing how I doubt I could add anything to this fire in any sort of facetious spite that would exacerbate the progressive social liberal agenda more than the people truly and psychologically devoted to this ridiculous faith that seeks to destroy the tenants that allowed societies to exist in the first place and venerates anyone who fetishizes playing the victim of society with hypochondriacal outcry and outrage over ridiculable, petty problems, even of late coming to champion problems that are entirely rooted in people’s perception of themselves and their baseless entitlement or otherwise due to untreated delusion or mental illnesses. As disgusting and vulgar as the future will be at this rate, I am somewhat optimistic that the social justice issues in the future will be so entirely ridiculous that the current proponents of such nonsense may come to their senses and regret their ridiculable indignation and entitlement.” Says Stacy

“As costly as some vices may be to society, your argument about avoiding conflict being more so optimum than addressing it would just tell you to turn the other cheek rather than pick a fight that you know all too well is both a losing battle and entirely futile. A society of pious and virtuous people is still an entirely farfetched and impossible idea as any sort of humanist idealism, and seeing how societies with strict religious rules are plagued with far more strife and turmoil than ours is, it’s hard to defend some sort of militant enforcement of piety seeing how that does nothing but cause endless wars in many places around the world.” Says Grace




“It is a matter of preventing problems as much as it is avoiding conflict, and the ease through which these things could be prevented entirely shatters and arguments in favor of perpetuating the disgusting pursuit of hedonism that blights our country. It is not a matter of being pious or virtuous; it is simply a matter of avoiding blatant secular problems and refraining from any sort of defense of these things through the common perspective that if something is a sin we must tolerate it, because otherwise we have failed to separate church and state. This is irrelevant form arguments regarding sin, and if some sin were mathematically and statistically harmless, there would be no reason to condemn it in the slightest, but when these vices cost our country trillions of dollars of private and public annually while perpetuating their existence and harming the state, the people, and the economy in the process, it is not a matter of piety and it is a simple matter of economy.

The people need to be prevented from torturing and killing themselves and the economy because the sacred nature of freedom somehow makes it a beautiful reality when every person is dying due to the fact that society loves to pander to the fact that people stupid animals who are more than ignorant enough to succumb to god damn vices and die for this fact. People can make money by destroying society, and that is absolutely shameless; of course people can make money peddling these vices for the same reason they can make money peddling street drugs, just because somebody isn’t dead on the streets doesn’t mean that the economic toll of these entirely secular problems fails to negate any sort of justification for their existence. The rights of the economy come well before the rights of the people, and no petty moving of money can ever justify the degradation, corruption, and destruction of people who would otherwise assist in ensuring that the economy remains healthy and productive.

 The same holds true for humanistic ideals such as freedom, which are clearly not traditional vices in the simplest sense, but still manage to destroy the functionality and productivity of the people and the state. There are no grounds to defend a person’s ability to degrade and destroy their mind or body and place this burden on the back of the economy, nor to do this to another human; despite what freedom might argue to be true, if a soldier acts in a traitorous manner and puts his own company in peril, he is a traitor and will be shot, the same standard of mutuality is necessary within society in order for society to survive, and the dearth of this understanding causes people to perpetually destroy each other and thus the economy because they each see doing so as a wholesome and respectable means to make more money for themselves or even simply to destroy themselves because the world offers them illicit and suicidal pleasures. The cost of freedom is the highest toll that our country pays, and it is not the bloodshed or the asinine conflicts to perpetuate our ideals and kill anyone who disagrees with them, we can simply put this syringe of patriotic heroin down any day and walk away.

The cost of freedom is paid by the countless blights that plague our country and cannot simply be put down in an act of wholesome discretion and must instead be resolved through less wholesome digression; those who take from the system more than they have put into the system, and this lifestyle alone is the only thing save for bloodlust that causes the economy to fail to yield a massive surplus every year. This is a failure of the state as much as it is the people, because the State has shamelessly failed to create a system in which to either provide for these people or kill them in a manner that does not ensure that damn near every person in the country is destined to further burden the country due to poor economics in regards to the issue of maintaining a positive net tax yield from each human, as we chose instead to kill the environment, our country, and our economy rather than killing people, and these are the priorities of a parasite, not a mutualistic symbiotic and humble relationship that the human being must develop and perpetually fail to stray from if the host organisms it inhabits are to survive into the future.

The level of common sense it takes to understand that a parasite cannot live without its host organism should be present in every human with any functional brain capacity, and this knowledge should be enough to condemn any humanistic idealistic arguments to the contrary that defend the life of any parasite above that of the host organisms of the environment, the economy, and the state. Human beings will always be parasites within these systems, and as much as this cannot change, the intelligence and mutuality that a human is capable of wielding can ensure that these parasites exist in a symbiotic manner so that they can benefit the host organisms, or at least fail to cause damage, rather than consume, blight, sicken, and eventually and destroy it. Nature gives us clear examples of how parasitic organisms will destroy life, and there should be no inability for anyone to understand that such a brutal and painful death is the fate of our economy and society if this sickness induced by reckless humanism and idealism is not put to an end, and if this can be addressed, it will be much easier to address the environmental crisis due to the fact that such problems are explicitly induced by the reckless humanism and idealism that place human life, rights, liberty, and freedom before everything including that which human life, rights, liberty, and freedom are physically dependent on for survival. This is the definition of parasitism, and so long as this human nature is defended and condoned as the ideal process, the host organisms will collapse and die, then a new host will form simply to have the same fate as the previous if the parasitic nature of human life is not addressed, and this will continue indefinitely until the humans destroy the planet to the point that human life becomes impossible.

The massive growth and advancements in human society only occur because human life is able to create and sustain these ethereal creatures such as the economy and the state that are able to serve as a host organism in which human life can more successfully survive and reproduce, but when the relationship between humans and these ethereal organisms devolves from that of a symbiont into that of a parasite, then these host organisms collapse and the level of human success and survival quickly and chaotically plummets. Despite the appearance that things are doing well, the host organism looks dandy while the parasite quickly takes hold, and very soon the infested host will be a rotting corpse on the ground; the numbers all point to this fate being very likely and guaranteed if nothing changes, but the commonplace human incredulity resulting in failing to prevent a problem and then attempting and failing to resolve it once it has become grievous and blatantly palpable will ensure the death of society, seeing how once the state collapses, the economy collapses, then the people die en masse without their host organisms, as without the economy and the state there are no means to address these problems; so unless there is a vigorous and relentless conditioning of human life to exist in a purely symbiotic manner, then we are only ensuring the death of our society, and delaying the inevitable if we might patch a small leak in some way when the ship is still clearly and measurably sinking  before our eyes.

This is not a manner of theistic idealism, this is a natural and realist understanding of survival with nothing to do with the faith in any way other than the fact that, through what can be seen as complete coincidence, god in the bible might happen to argue for some of the same methods for establishing and sustaining society. The people are more than welcome to believe, and to view the sickness of society as god’s punishment against the damnable, but regardless of any connotations of faith, long before the human mind is idle and superstitious enough to think about existentialism in the slightest, it thinks and acts explicitly in the name of its own survival, and this is the level of thinking that I argue in favor of; no lofty philosophical bullshit, no convolution of survival with the faith, nothing but simple, mathematical, scientific, and natural survival, so that we might survive. This is the justification for many of my policies, but beyond that it is still a simple application of natural principles to the function and perpetuation of society: first we must survive, then we must succeed, and then we must compete, and only then can the humans or their ethereal symbionts truly evolve in any sense of the word.

It was god who created man in his image, an animal that was intelligent and capable of creation, but it is this intelligence and our creations of society and technology that has induced the evolution or devolution of contemporary man, no longer an animal struggling to overcome its feral nature, but a domesticated parasite within the host organisms it inhabits: the economy, society, the state, and the planet. We must acknowledge that we are no longer this sacred and noble beast that strayed from the wilds into civilization to emulate the glory of god, but our world has changed and us along with it, and as parasites we must now understand that our survival depends entirely on the survival of our host organisms, and the survival of these ethereal and planetary symbionts depends entirely on our own ability to adapt to this niche within the artificial ecology of our existence, and as we stray further from our animal nature, and further from the life of the simple tribesman that once turned to god for answers, we must also spurn the vestigial instincts from such times, and use the intelligence that we have used to modify the world by creating the technology and the societies we depend on to the same extent  and modify our own lives and actions in order to adapt to this new world where our instincts betray us and do little but ensure our death due to maladaptation. We are no longer animals, we are no longer humans, we are parasites, and we must accept our new reality and once again adapt to this fate and compete against all of the forces that seek to destroy us if the human race is to survive.”   Says Stacy

“That was more secular and more so scientific, but that could easily be worse since more people will respect the faith than be inspired to embrace the identity of a parasite. Instead of looking at it as addressing a problem, just use the American ideals as this amazing solution to all of these problems instead of condemning them. The devil never tricked a man by being honest, and you shouldn’t expect honesty to usher a nation consumed by vice unto salvation either.” Says Isabelle

“It is inspiring to hear you brutal condemnation, but few people are as tempted by cynical abandonment of humanity, if not human life entirely, as I am. I don’t have faith in people, and that’s why I enjoy your rantings in some respect, but unfortunately your target audience has faith in people, either all people as the progressive liberals, their own people as with the conservatives, or even just themselves as the majority of people who vote entirely out of self-interest. You need to leave out all of the details and just argue in favor of things that seem reasonable and sensible without informing people that in reality these reasonable and sensible things would result in brutal oppression. I liked Ophelia’s comment about the logic police, so you can use that seeing how such a system would function as seemingly agreeable means to an entirely unsavory end. Some vague remarks about how it’s the power of freedom that allows us to enter a new era of liberty, justice, and happiness would go a long way, but I fear you would drift into condemnation rather quickly and make your optimism seem out of place and hypocritical.” Says Jenna

“You are smart enough to thoroughly criticize the shortcomings in people’s decision making processes, but you don’t ever seek to use those to your advantage. I know your arguments are probably way more correct without doing that, but if you abandon your pride in correctness and instead take pride in winning people over, your arguments could actually produce real results.” Says Ophelia

“My mind doesn’t work like that unfortunately, it’s just cut and dry facts are facts, and I can see how that’s a blatant weakness. I don’t want to win people over, I just want to condemn them, I just want the people to appreciate the fact that the condemnation is entirely justified and respect that fact even though I know they are far too pretentious to even entertain the thought that a criticism may be valid. I’m just mechanical in thought; foolishly thinking that addressing the issue will resolve the problem, when in reality addressing the problem does nothing because people make you jump through the hoops of snake-tongued trickery that anyone who seeks to gain public approval is forced to jump through. I should make an effort, but in my notorious laziness I just think that my manner is adequate for some foolish reason simply because by all means it should be adequate, but the sad truth is that the inadequacy of the minds of the people contort standard adequacy into this asinine concept of sycophantry laden with relentless abuse of logical fallacy. Reflecting on my shortcomings is actually delightful, because when you force me to acknowledge them, I must thoroughly overcome these shortcomings in order to preserve my profound ego, and I would much rather pander to the ignorance of the people than allow my ego to slip because it is constantly haunted by my inability to do so. As much as this is shameless, I will attempt to entertain you to the best of my ability. I will certainly make an ass of myself, so please forgive me…


People of America, it is not the politicians who bring you this wonderful life, politicians only trick you with their mastery of false logic, a deceitful art which has been condemned for the past three thousand years. It is science and technology that have blessed our great nation with the success it has known for so long, but year after year we find ourselves putting faith in these tricksters who deceive us with their rhetoric and ignore the facts when it is the facts we should put faith in, for it is facts and the science that derives from these facts, and the technology that derives from these sciences that are always honest and truthful, with no intention to deceive us or take advantage of our willingness to put faith in the people who deserve none.

To let our nation be controlled by these people who prey upon our ignorance and our optimism so that they can ignore the people while they perpetuate the interests of their cohorts and stroke their egos knowing that their snake-tongues can once again deceive the people in the subsequent election is an abomination in a society that understands that it is science that has cured diseases and given us comfortable and enjoyable lives through the wonders of technology and knowledge, while the politicians do nothing but pander to the ignorance of the people and prey upon human nature in that we will hope for something better, when we should know all too well that the politicians will never provide this to us, because if they did, they would have no false promises to tempt us with in the next round of elections. Power is a corrupting force in the mind of a human, and this is known all too well, as while their power may not be absolute, the power they wield is still enough to thoroughly corrupt these politicians, because any amount of power will always be enough for someone to seek self-serving ends, and a person who has devoted their life to mastering the craft of a false shepherd to lure sheep so that he may reap their wool is certainly not going to shy from other acts of shameless turpitude.

 Throughout the universe, natural laws defined by science hold immense and unthinkable power, but despite this power, these forces have never succumb to corruption, and they humbly serve those who seek to understand and master them as the human race has masterfully done throughout history. These infallible laws that describe gravity or aerodynamics are unwavering and dependable to the point that we put people on a flying object made of thin metal and send this machine through the air at profound speeds because despite the clear dangers of this scenario, our faith in science allows us to think nothing of this daring act, and science has never given us a reason to lack faith in it. Just as laws describe gravity, and aerodynamics, there are mathematical scientific laws that define everything, and as much as the economy or the government may seem unnatural when compared to gravity, these things exist within this physical, finite, and countable world, and by definition anything that exists within this universe is defined by a set of unwavering natural laws in the same manner that gravity is defined.

The world should not turn to  politicians to attempt to orchestrate our society when they have proven time and time again that they will be unsuccessful; the world operates on an entirely dependable and scientific manner, and we must seek to understand the complex nature of our own reality in the same scientific and quantified terms that we understand gravity and aerodynamics, so that we can always depend upon society due to the unwavering nature of these laws of the physical world rather than put our faith in politicians who have betrayed us so many times before.  Politics are a manner of social orchestration that has made no progress over the past 3000 years, despite the fact that every other field has benefited greatly from the expansion of human intelligence, and beyond this, politicians fail to respect groundbreaking human intelligence from 3000 years ago, because they constantly utilize the false logic that was condemned 3000 years ago by the great minds of the time; it is safe to say that politics has remained the same for such a long period of time simply because it cannot exist in a world that is any more intelligent than it was 3000 years ago, and rather than accept this fact, politics decided to scorn all forms of wisdom for the past 3000 years and exploit in false logic and human shortcomings simply because the politicians know they would cease to exist if they abandoned these things that are vital to the perpetuation of this primordial system so they continue to perpetuate this abuse of the people instead of embracing the intelligence that is resonant within every aspect of our contemporary society.

For too long the people have been victimized by this art of deception, and we must understand that it is science that allowed us to create this world we live in, and the existence of politics is nothing more than a cancer that sustains itself by preying upon the ignorance and the hopes of the people. We must put our faith in that which actually deserves faith, in science that allows us to fly through the air at 800 miles per hour without fear. There should be no guesswork or opinions in something so crucial to our survival as the orchestration of society; we should not take risks by entrusting people to make decisions who have no knowledge or skillset other than that of public speaking and deceit, we must treat the operation of the government like a science, like any other system that exists within this physical world, and make our decisions in accordance to what reality informs us to be the truth, and to make decisions that the natural laws defining the organization of people and the economy inform us to be the most beneficial and productive decisions.

A man can always argue with the opinions of another, but he cannot argue with facts and science; we either chose to perpetuate a society that venerates the baseless debates between corrupt and uninformed politicians who simply wield power due to their ability to dupe the people, or we instate a society that venerates the physical world and understands that science will never lie to us, that science will never seek self-serving ends, and that science can always be depended upon. Every politician claims that he will not lie, seek self-serving ends, and can be depended upon, but in reality the track record of science is perfect in those regards, where the history of politics proves time and time again that the track records of people in regards to such things are so poor in comparison that only a fool would have any faith in a politician who makes those claims. When you compare the advances and accomplishments of entirely dependable science with the shortcomings and failures of politicians, there is no question who any sensible individual would want at the helm of the country whose decisions easily determine the fate of the entire world.” Says Stacy

“The ability to use a lot of words to say basically nothing of substance while simultaneously demonizing your opponents are promising signs that you might have a chance in politics; even if your message is unpopular, that manner of speaking was far more similar to real politics than your usual scathing hellfire.” Says Jenna

“I almost regret telling you to do that; as valuable as that skill to make it sound somewhat reasonable is, the wholesome politics charade just struck a nerve. Even knowing your plans, the fact that you sounded like a real politician there, even if only slightly, made me see why you enjoy your style of ranting so much more than that drivel; the saccharine nature of anything that the people would be willing to believe in is sickening knowing how much they demand that any argument must be entirely devoid of both quantifiable substance and any sort of criticism of themselves. Your eunuchated description of science as some entirely wholesome means to some utopian end made me loathe the concept simply because it was euphemized in such a manner despite how much I revel in the brutal realism and legitimacy of your usual criticisms. All of the points you echoed about the shortcomings of pleasing the people and even the fact that a person never wants what they have are so stark and vivid in my mind right now.

I’d hate to see your glorious mind wasted in such a manner of petty sycophantry and deceit rather than actually producing real systems and results, seeing how if you degraded yourself by attempting to appeal to the people you would end up with a sterile corpse of the one life giving mother your policies truly are. All I see is people supporting you if you pander to their ignorance only to turn their backs on you as they always do, not because you fail to deliver, but because you actually deliver on your promises in some subtle way that displeases the people and so they decide to burn down the country because they were displeased in some manner. As much as I’d love to see your visions come to fruition, I would hate to see you water down such a potent panacea into something so diluted it functions as a homeopathic remedy and actually functions as an antagonist of the society you seek to create.

I feel like Jenna in that I’ve no interest in the future of humans; I am so ashamed and sickened by their existence following my delightful enlightenment that I’d be more than happy to watch them come to a slow, painful, and writing death rather than see you stoop to their level in some futile attempt to save mankind. The world is failing because society stoops to the level of the people, rather than demanding that people rise to the level of society, and there is no manner in which emulating failure can be justified, so I apologize for asking you to degrade yourself with such petty bullshit, and I can only ask that you never stoop to their level, and force them to rise to the level they must in order to survive; for if a man has no desire to keep his head above the water, let alone swim, despite the fact that he is entirely capable of doing so, then let the sick intoxicated bastard drown in his insolence for expecting somebody to dive into the water and save him because he thinks that somehow exerting any effort to save his life is somehow below him because he is so entitled to his life and wellbeing that he feels he must do nothing to ensure that he remains blessed with such gracious and benevolent miracles.” Says Isabelle

“Yes, let’s condition Stacy to pursue the life of a raving lunatic rather than work on developing the skillset required to have any chance of actually helping the world in some way. Clearly our own pride and denigration of the human race is enough to justify existing only to pleasure ourselves with the sadistic joy we feel while we watch them struggle and hurt themselves. It’s ridiculous that such a sizable amount of Stacy’s pride has rubbed off on you that you’re so ashamed and disgusted by the common person that you would rather see them writhe than you would help them. Let’s go ahead and revel in sadism and spite simply because a child is somewhat disabled, as this diminished learning capacity of society might reflect, rather than humble ourselves and provide a meagre amount of assistance to this child so that they might be able to live a decent if not productive or even respectable life.

Jesus Christ, I know you envy Stacy’s mindset, but don’t be so stupid as to pretend you suffer from this same mental disorder just because you think Stacy is so damn cool and you want to be like her. Clearly friends need to help each other, and thankfully Jenna and Ophelia are well aware of this, because your enlightenment or indoctrination what have you is really doing nothing but exacerbating the amount that Stacy is consumed by her dangerous albeit theoretically reasonable and profoundly productive mental disorder. Stacy’s mind may function like some sort of ghost in a machine, but you don’t need to distance yourself from your actual personality just because this ghost in a machine tells you that a haunted machine makes way more money than a person does.” Says Grace

“All humans are sick; our intelligence is a mutation and our brain size is a massive cancer. Undoubtedly every brain will have its own form of degeneracy and devolution from that of the natural mind of a proper animal, but as this is the reality we are forced to face; people must analyze each mental tendency and predisposition as a mental disorder in order to determine which of these mutations are most adapted to society or certain niches within society so that we can place these people with mutations in environments where their mutations can serve to be the beneficial foundations of human evolution, rather than randomly scattered mutations that function as a maladaptation instead of an advantageous evolution simply because humans cannot put people in the proper environment so that their mental predisposition allows them to competitively succeed if at all possible.

As cold-hearted and spiteful as it may be, she is entirely right that we must force the people to rise to the level of society rather than reduce the standards of society so that people will meet them, for this will continue indefinitely in the same procession of exacerbation as social liberal policies have in the past century, causing the standard of acceptability that is held by society to fall to such a poor level that society itself ceases to function, and as much as one may describe this as some slippery-slope false logic rhetoric, the same asshat will argue that a linear equation of a negative slope is somehow a fallacy because it continuously drifts downward as it makes progress into the first and second quadrants; this is not false logic, this is simply the regression that is plotted by the actions of society with the future modeled by the static and consistent nature of the humans tolerance to progressive tolerance. Once some aspect of society is tolerated, it becomes a given, and those who are still not tolerated seek to be tolerated in the same respect, and slowly but surely damn near everything will become tolerated, and we will not have society, we will have technologically advanced feral anarchy that will undoubtedly consume whatever parts of the corpse of society had not been consumed by the criminals, communists, and animals that are already starting to palpably overpower and overrun our once godly nation.” Says Stacy

“There are plenty of regressions besides the linear regression, so as much as the people have become extremely tolerant of vice over the last few hundred years, even if we are tolerant of half of the things we were in intolerant of 50 years ago, that is still proportionally far less than a linear reduction, because the next half is proportionally only a quarter compared to the original half, so simply due to the fact that there are not enough things to tolerate argues for some kind of hyperbolic reduction of intolerance, and thankfully due to the nature of real numbers will never cross into negative numbers, because you can’t be tolerant of things that don’t exist, so that means that it will also never reach zero, even though it will likely be damn near indistinguishable; something like no murdering of multiple people on secular federal holidays being the only law, other than that everything is legal because it would be so disrespectful to condemn somebody for their vices when the entire country is so blatantly stricken, afflicted, and blighted by their own, and that law only exists in some futile attempt to reduce the burden on the federal bureau of apologies who must apologize for all of the once illegal actions while informing people that it is only fair that the others get to enjoy their own vices, seeing how the federal bureau of apologies would be quite short staffed on federal holidays, but also being open-minded and tolerant enough to understand that religious holiday get-togethers can easily provoke mass murder at a far more profound rate than the secular ones. I don’t know why I’m being so facetious, but you’re just so good at making me lose any faith in the human race, so I’m not holding myself entirely personally accountable for my cynicism.” Says Jenna

“As much as you’re right that people don’t want to be condemned or criticized, they also don’t want bad things to happen, so I think as long as you argue that you’re just preventing bad things without criticizing them, they would agree with you, but that might be hard because you have to somehow remind them that they’re the reason for the bad things happening without criticizing them somehow.” Says Ophelia

“That’s the easy part; you just blame everyone who isn’t your constituent for the problems and then argue you’re only enforcing these laws to protect your own constituents. That argument is already the basis of American politics, as the conservatives seek to protect their people from the oppression of the liberals and progressives, and the liberals and progressives seek to protect their people from the exploitation of the rich, the entire time both sides just paint the other as the source of all the problems and remind their faithful that they are the good people and the victims of the other egregiously terrible political party. I think that mentality would easily work in Stacy’s favor because she’s not entirely political about things, so she can criticize both parties, while the other two would be forced to attempt to criticize science in some way which is easy because science can be disagreeable, but simultaneously stupid because you’re criticizing correctness at the same time.

I’m all for it, but I’d rather hear her rant about some beautifully orchestrated and meticulous shepherding of the people rather than incessantly reiterate the same vague statement that I am the victim, science is the answer, and everyone who disagrees with these arguments is terrible, problematic, and wrong. I don’t want to be convinced, because I already am; I want to believe, and I want to dream of the success and glory of her misanthropic utopia. This utopia shares my values of money, success, and competition, and seeing how people are the sole reason these things are threatened, I am entirely delighted hearing her criticize the people who seek to drag the country and the economy to the ground and eat it alive rather than allowing it to work the fields so that the people wouldn’t have to resort to cannibalism of their own country and economy. People love justice, and that’s what Stacy is, she is justice, even if the guilty would rather feign innocence, that only makes the thought of exacting justice all the more tastefully delicious.” Says Isabelle

“There’s a different between being guilty and just being misguided; if someone goes out and does something knowing full well that it’s wrong, they’re guilty, but when society tells everybody that these vices are all so wonderful with constant advertisements telling people that the deadly sins are just innocent pleasures, it is hard to call them guilty because so many people aren’t taught how terrible the deadly sins are and are basically raised by the world around them, and this world is the one that makes tons of money selling vices to people, so they’re not going to be the ones to tell people that these things are actually bad. The culture is so captivated and corrupted by the sins all around them that people just instinctively think that these things are ok to do when they really will kill these people or ruin their lives and wellbeing. When you hear about people getting killed over some shoes it really reminds you that the culture is feels that sins like pride and vanity are so good and worthwhile that they think they need these things so badly that killing somebody to get them is a reasonable decision. The only thing that should induce that level of desperation in a person to kill another innocent person is starvation, and that just means that the culture has been able to induce a psychological pain or desire in somebody’s mind similar to the pain of starvation just because they don’t have a certain pair of shoes.

 The culture teaches values that are the opposite of virtue, and this is the real problem, because people will always be tempted by vices, where virtue is all about resisting those temptations, but when society tells people to go seek out and indulge their vices all the time, they aren’t being raised properly so that they will be able to make good decisions. Living in this culture is like having friends and family that worship the devil instead of having people around you who love God and Jesus, and when somebody comes from that sort of background and upbringing, you can’t expect them to disregard or disagree with what they see as their family and their faith, as unfortunate as that is.” Says Ophelia

“Even secular reasoning informs us about how terrible vices are, so seeing how tobacco and alcohol have been forced to inform people of the dangers of such things in every advertisement, there is no reason any other vice should be excluded, especially gluttony seeing how that is the identical sin with similar physical detriments to one’s health, but any other sin should be forced to state the psychological harm that can come about from sins such as vanity and envy being marked on everything from make-up to clothing, and pride and wrath from sports and politics, sloth from television and other forms of entertainment, the dangers of lust, fornication and bastard children in any sexually suggestive advertisement and contraceptive, even putting some psychologist general’s warning on every dollar bill reminding people of the dangers of greed. The more people are forced to acknowledge the dangers of these things and the problems they cause in society, the more we will be able to hold those people who revel in them accountable for their actions, just as smokers have been forced to pay a higher premium in healthcare. Even a responsible atheist would see the value in condemning things that are actually harmful to society, so despite what religious connotation these words may have, they are still perfectly secular words without any explicit and exclusive theistic meaning.

The problem is that for each of these sins there is a large number of enterprises that make massive amounts of money on these things, so there would be the same level of resistance as there was from the tobacco industry in acknowledging the fact that cigarettes give you cancer, but the alcohol and tobacco lobby could easily support these things out of spite for everyone else due to justifiable indignation from their irrational treatment, and also because when everything is marked with the blatant warnings about the dangers to society as well as a person’s physical and mental health, this ameliorates much of the demonization of  the tobacco and alcohol industries since they are no longer the only ones being antagonized. The shamelessness of it all is that we force tobacco and alcohol to pay a massive sin tax when every other sin is hypocritically exempted; people can argue that the repercussions are not as high for the other things, but clearly the addiction to fashion and make-up can easily be as damaging to them as any drug addiction, and the pride and anger induced by politics can is measurably detrimental to the people who may shirk work in order to protest something or be distracted or upset by something they find disconcerting in the media.

Greed is already heavily taxed, and the shameless hypocrisy of this country is that people seek to tax greed even more to force the wealthy to foot the bill for their own deadly vices of gluttony and other temptations that cause the lowly to poorly manage their money in an act of reckless sloth. Until the people all agree to pay a sin tax for each of their own sins, there are no grounds to force the wealthy to pay for anything that could have been prevented by the people if the people were to live without succumbing to their own sins. It’s the pot calling the kettle black, and there just happen to be far more god damn pots than there are kettles, and that is a crippling weakness of a democracy in and of itself.” Says Stacy

“It is hard to hold the people entirely accountable for their poor financial planning when the world is designed to exacerbate a person's poor decision making skills at every corner; in a society where success is built around the predator-prey relationship of selling and buying, and while everyone is a predator in some respects due to selling their work, the people who sell things are so skilled at selling things that tempt people it is like expecting every rabbit not to be caught by a wolf at some point in its life. All of these vices that you argue in favor of taxing of are at a minimum psychologically addictive, some of them extremely so, and as much as you can criticize people for succumbing to vice, they are psychologically wired to do so, seeing how society does nothing but prey upon this natural weakness and exploit it in people while doing very little if anything to warn people about the dangers it is hard to hold the people accountable to such a degree.

 Plenty of people feel that maintaining these psychological addictions is a completely reasonable use of money just because it makes them feel good, and the economy makes it seem wholesome and even affordable since it is somewhat so in the short term, but for most people in the long term those thousands of dollars that get spent on vanity, entertaining sloth, or consumptive gluttony would easily make their retirement far less burdensome to the taxpayers because they could provide for themselves far more readily. Most forms of gluttony are already taxed in terms of extra healthcare fees, but it is still unlikely that these fees actually cover the difference in terms of the cost of the person, and taxing the wrath of politics would be difficult because it's either a flat tax for existing or there must be some means of measuring how much politicians managed to harm society and the people, and seeing how most all of this harm is done on account of failing to do something protective rather than actively doing something spiteful, it's hardly something concrete and simple enough to get people to support and can easily be corrupted strongly in favor of whichever party happens to implement it, and that's ignoring the fact that politicians would have to agree to tax themselves and mark their work as a cardinal vice which is entirely unlikely. In terms of greed, it is taxed in some respect, but if the people are to pay a sin tax for consuming the sinful pleasures, those peddling any sort of vices should be expected to pay a comparable if not higher tax for peddling the sins and causing the problems in the first place, because at that point the problem evolves from one of simple greed into one of exacerbating other vices in society, which the peddlers can be seen as largely responsible for.” Says Jenna

“The warnings are still a great idea, seeing how raising awareness did actually reduce smoking and drinking related problems to some extent. I'm sure a warning on food would go a long way if it was as graphic as some of the anti-smoking warnings the nurse showed us from Europe. The same is true for all of the other vices; as bad as smoking is, it's really hypocritical that they tell all the kids how much smoking will cost you and shorten your life, but they don't show people similar numbers about how much things like television, the internet, fashion, make-up, sports, or other wasteful things will cost you over your life, or show you how much time of your life is wasted on these things, seeing how an hour that is wasted watching television or shopping basically the same thing as having your life shortened by an hour every time you smoke a cigarette, and they always tell you the cost of smoking when the shopping can definitely cost you way more than smoking in the long run.” Says Ophelia

“The warnings are completely reasonable, and it would make it easier to hold people accountable for all their bullshit that they claim is innocent and harmless behavior with their stupid shit-eating grin. I would force these people to acknowledge a mathematical model comparing an individual who fails to succumb to cardinal sin compared to those who do, then compound these within each other to remind the people that the reason they don’t have certain things or they struggle in life is inherently due to the fact that they’re so consumed with their vices and expect the people who can actually succeed to pick up the bill for anything that might seem worthwhile and necessary because the poor have spent all of their money on wastefulness and consumptive habits then cry about how they’re so damn poor and can’t afford the basic things they need. If this argument is valid in the slightest, then it’s an entirely moot point because the rich clearly have squandered all of their money pursuing their own vices, and if you deny a rich person their human right to succumb to greed and hoard money, you damn well better be denying the poor bastards all of their cardinal vices as well.” Says Isabelle

 The people complain that they don't have something they see as some kind of human right like healthcare, but if the country as a whole didn't waste their money and put themselves in such poor health in the first place I'm sure healthcare would be dirt cheap. If healthcare is a human right I would just give people healthcare equivalent to what an African receives seeing how the people of our country are more than content to let millions of African children die every year; since we're all humans after all, if they don't have a problem with the African children dying from diarrhea, pneumonia, influenza, and bronchitis then clearly that level of healthcare adequately meets the level that is deemed a human right.

Seeing how indifferent the country is to letting millions of these children die every year and this fact somehow doesn’t contradict their argument that healthcare is a human right, it is in the same measure a human right for the State to be indifferent to the deaths of some large number of children, so seeing how Stacy would easily kill less disabled and terminally ill children than those who die in Africa every year, it’s not like she’s actually depriving the children of their basic human right of healthcare seeing how the world being indifferent to their death is the extent to which the human right of healthcare covers the death of a child; the same applies to terminally ill, disabled adults, and old people, since Africans clearly don’t receive the same manner of end of life care as they do in America, so if healthcare is a human right, it is only true to the point which every human receives it which is currently defined by Africa. Seeing how this would reduce the healthcare premiums to extremely low levels, then Stacy is actually giving all of those indignant pissants what they want which is affordable healthcare, and since this is literally the only way to accomplish providing people affordable healthcare coverage without destroying the state and the economy with vampiric socialism, the people should be all for this sort of system seeing how fond of human rights they are, but unfortunately seeing how the people all want to be goddamn vampires it would be unpopular if you were to criticize their parasitic lifestyles that sustain their lives.

The people want to have their cake and eat it too in the most literal sense of the turn of phrase, so seeing how that's not the way reality works, I’d be glad to remind them that if they eat their damn cake they aren't going get any more god damn cake afterwards just because they're crying about how they don't have any cake and how unfair it is. The Africans hardly get any cake in the slightest, so until that people sympathize with and protest in favor of the wellbeing of Africans far more than themselves because they can actually comprehend rational thinking and the gross disparities between the quality of life of an African and themselves, they're hypocrites for criticizing the rich for being identically self-centered pricks about everything. The people entitle themselves to these things by claiming that they’re somehow human rights, but seeing how they want to ignore the fact that Africans are humans entitled to the exact same human rights, I have no problem denigrating these people until they realize they should be given the same level of respect and quality of life as any impoverished African.” Says Isabelle

“If you want to talk about wasteful spending, talk about the military, not helping sick people and old people; I can agree that Africans need a lot more help, but it’s not like the American people are being denied affordable healthcare to ensure that every African is given a comparable quality of life. I’m sure if we spent half of the budget we spend on killing random people around the world on basic global healthcare, then we would actually be helping protect people from the legitimate threats to their lives instead of attempting to indoctrinate some tribal society in the Middle East with American values out of some vengeant act for some three thousand people who died in terrorist attacks. If we’re going to avenge people’s deaths, why not start with the millions of people who die from preventable illnesses, seeing how there is a level of militant indifference in regards to these illnesses that is killing millions of innocent men, women, and children every year, and our country is largely to blame for that.” Says Grace





“It is true that helping people is a fine act of charity, but just because something is done with good intentions does not mean it is justified, and this is because it is done so poorly with no regard for the sustainability of the program that doing so actually contradicts any benevolence of the action and turns it into a spiteful one that harms society. If these people want to be alive, that is fine, but they will be alive on the terms that are most cost effective for the economy rather than spending money in a manner that amounts to wasting 90 to 95% of it largely because people are not kept alive efficiently, which is compounded by the futility of keeping many of these people alive.

If it is god’s will that these people die, that is his judgement, so to spite god in some petty attempt to prove that mankind is somehow more powerful and wise than god and nature who both deem that such a person is due for a natural death is absolutely ridiculous when it amounts to nothing but wasted money over 99% of the time. I am all for giving people a comfortable death, but to give them a painful and empty life in place of a comfortable death is far more sadistic, because dead people can't feel pain while all of these writhing half-dead people whose blood has become intravenously infused taxpayer money in a desperate attempt to keep them alive just so they can suffer another day and continue to exacerbate the negative net yield of their lives is blatantly the country robbing Peter to pay Paul, and seeing how Peter in this scenario consists of the generation of functional people who could actually see their functionality and profitability improved if this money were to be invested in such things, we are essentially starving our people in order to offer funerary tributes of food and vital supplies in the caskets of the dead, and despite any objection to this fact due to fallacious morality that clearly doesn’t understand that when you reduce the pain of some people, then the pain is inherently diverted onto others through the means of economic equilibrium; actions like this demonstrate the insanity of the cult of idealism seeing how they hurt themselves, claiming that doing so is unavoidable and good, despite the fact that it is both entirely avoidable and immoral in the grand scheme of things, then complain that they're being hurt and harangue the world as to why the hell they are being hurt in the first place, which demonstrates these people's clear inability to understand that cause and effect even exists as well as the fact that just because something is moral in some idealistic world over the rainbow doesn't mean that it is a moral thing to do in the slightest when the many factors induced by reality are taken into account.

The military is clearly necessary, but it is entirely misguided; the threat that will kill hundreds of millions and easily billions of people is clearly climate change, not some small group of fundamentalist Muslims who live in the rural mountains of the Middle East. The world needs to take into account the massive death toll and economic toll of flooding, severe weather, fire, and famine, and realize that these small groups of terrorists are not a threat in the slightest when compared to the planet actively killing everybody. This environmental threat must be taken far more seriously than any human military threat in the past, seeing how it has the clear potential to irreversibly destroy the world, and as brutal as my policies may be, they are entirely necessary and easily comparable to previous wartime rations and restrictions placed upon the civilians, seeing how the planet is not a force that can be appeased through diplomacy or military measures but can only be appeased by surrendering our own affront into the Alsace and Lorraine of the atmosphere and the environment . As much as we don't want to admit it, we are in a war with the environment, even if we chose to be entirely incredulous about the situation, we are still the victims of the environment's abuses, and as much as we are entirely to blame for that, it should be seen as though we simply provoked some nation of the world and they chose to attack us, and while we cannot fight nature with bullets, we can clearly fight any form of exacerbation of climate change with military might through the means of sanctions and martial law, and that is what every developed nation must do for themselves and assist any developing nation with as well.

 As the storybook hero who fights evil and prevails, America is in the position where it can either perform this duty as it had done in the past during World War 1 and 2, or we can do nothing and become the principle antagonist throughout the short bit of remaining history that is entirely responsible for the destruction of the planet due to our own greed, wastefulness, consumerism, and indifference to the fact that we are blatantly ensuring the end of the world, and it is only a matter of time before this happens. Every pissant who thinks some petty climate agreement accomplishes anything is an idealist asshat who thinks that people are actively making the proper decisions that must be made in order to ensure the survival of the planet, but in reality these people are making whatever decision appears closest to this legitimate decision but also happens to comply with the interests of the plutocrats and the governments of the world, which clearly are not going to be one in the same by any stretch of the imagination.

If ten people need one-hundred dollars’ worth of healthcare in order to survive, and some miser gives them each a dollar saying he is paying for their healthcare, only an idiot would think that he has met the needs of the people, but every idealist will swoon about how that man is truly making a difference by taking a stand and helping those poor people in need, despite the fact that these people will still clearly die since the healthcare is far from sufficient. People get so distracted by the intentions of people that get shilled night and day to garner good publicity that they forget that the things resulting from said intentions must be substantive enough to see that said intentions actually create the results that those intentions allegedly sought, but seeing how they fall for that same bullshit every election with people whose intentions clearly dwarf the pertinence of any real legitimacy to their political career or realization of these intentions, I don’t expect them to become sensible individuals as opposed to gullible idiots anytime soon. Sadly, when people are this painfully stupid I find it hard to be inspired to actually desire to help them in any way; not that I sympathize with the people, only the environment who is clearly the innocent victim in this scenario and has every right to retaliate against humans as much as it damn well pleases.

The scenario is basically like a child banging his head on the table, and despite any attempt to reason with the child, he will clearly and unrepentantly bang his head on the table until he dies from brain contusions, and seeing how that is the case I have no qualms with forcefully restraining this child for his own betterment. Despite the vicious individualism that our culture loves to promote, people are still one unified entity in terms of our actions and how they relate to the environment, and seeing how this is the case, the true acts of terrorism against our own country are the environmental problems created largely by our own people and other developed nations. This is what our country must focus its military efforts on, not some petty nuclear stalemate, but instead forcing brutal sanctions against our own people and all people and industries who seek to destroy our nation and the world by directly destroying the environment, which will clearly in turn destroy the world. People are always concerned about nuclear bombs because they will kill you in an instant, but if the people need such a vivid reminder rather than an ominous warning I can easily demonstrate a few centuries of global climate change in an instant by creating a scenario where the incredulous asshats are cooked to death in a half-boiling room with no food or water to represent the drought and extreme heat induced by climate change as well as and the ensuing famine and anarchy that follows, video tape this,  then make people watch it alongside the nuclear bomb video just to remind the people of what threats to their life they should truly be concerned with.” Says Stacy

“I’m glad you actually sympathize with the environment; given your track record on sympathy one might think you’re just using climate change as a convenient excuse to argue in favor of oppressive martial law and torturing people, but clearly when you’re fearmongering to ensure loyalty to your despotism by torturing people in an extremely graphic method that emulates climate change, it is only out of necessity in order to save the planet. I’m not going to lie; watching that sort of a video would likely be extremely traumatic to somebody who is not a psychopath.” Says Jenna

“As true as that may be, when your choice is either the inoculation of the video or experiencing the traumatic reality of that situation every day of your life, I am being far more humane than nature by giving people the option of inoculation in that situation; it’s the choice between the trauma of a pinprick or the trauma of slowly dying from smallpox. Unfortunately with this social climate in regards to vaccinations, people may still vehemently elect to be tortured to death in that room rather than make some changes in their life, so even if I lead these horses to water, I cannot truly make them drink.

In regards to my sympathizing with the environment, I cannot have qualms with an animal any more than a tree or a rock, because the animal does not possess intelligence in this situation that is able to make any significant influence on the matter at hands. Animals are inherently innocent due to their lack of moral agency, and despite any unsavory things they might do or displeasing nature, they cannot be held accountable; this is in stark contrast to humans who on account of wielding intelligence are inherently culpable of everything they do, and the lowly are as guilty and culpable as any others for being complicit in this abuse of the environment through their own indifference to existing as subservient catalysts to those who orchestrate it.

This capacity to understand a know things is the reason I loathe people, because despite whatever ignorance they claim, this is largely their own fault, and seeing how every problem on earth was caused directly and entirely voluntarily by people, there are no grounds for me to sympathize with humans; seeing how even the brainless are only voluntarily brainless and otherwise function as extensions of the minds of those who seek to consume the planet beyond the breaking point in order to further their ambitions. The inherent value of live is universal, so I see no more inherent value in a human life than any other form of biological life, and seeing how humans vehemently produce negative value to the system through their own lives, this places the value of each one of their lives well below that of any other biological organism lest they can somehow prove that they are more so beneficial to the system than these lifeforms; for even one the insignificant bacteria who number in the nonillions fails to produce a negative value to the system, and even if they somehow do, this negative value is still extremely negligible when compared to the negative influence on the system that one human life manages to create.

If humans were unintelligent, then I would be more so indifferent, seeing how as unfortunate as it is that some lifeform evolved to destroy the planet, seeing how the planet had no means to keep them in check to prevent them from doing this before they were able to destroy the planet, it is as much a shortcoming of every other unintelligent form of life as it is the ones that destroyed the planet, because just as the meek and lowly are complicit in the planetary destruction of the powerful through their own indifference and inaction, these naturally doomed lifeforms are equally as culpable for the same reasons if intelligence is not a factor in the equation.

It does not take sympathy and compassion to understand correctness, right, wrong, culpability, or innocence, and contrary to what people like to think, sympathy and compassion hinder one’s ability to understand these things; for if people actually could understand the situation and analyze it as a matter of pure numbers and use these numbers to make the most moral decision that is defined as the most beneficial for the most people on the planet, there would be massive indignation and outrage about the American healthcare system, but this would be on account of the fact that these people are given such disproportionate and wasteful healthcare when compared to the rest of the world that it is irrational to the point of being disgustingly unjust. If people could sympathize correctly, then they would loathe these people who cost millions of dollars just to struggle to say alive while fighting self-induced and terminal problems when that same money could save millions of lives elsewhere and these millions of people whose lives are saved would actually live far fuller and more productive lives than these people in America.

Isabelle is entirely correct for condemning the Americans for demanding better healthcare and a higher quality of life when billions of people in the world have little to no healthcare and a terrible quality of life, but the problem of the disgusting mental illness of sympathy is that people will only sympathize with themselves, perhaps their family, then likely sympathize with people who they will personally benefit from if their sympathizing with these people amounts to attaining what they themselves desire, and it has little to do with the true definition of sympathy but is a convolution of a person’s self-serving instinct and their emotional capacity, which is not sympathy in the slightest but only emotionally polluted self-interest.

I can mathematically sympathize with anybody because the numbers depicting irrational and disparate treatment and thus hardship are what notice the problems, feel the sympathy, and argue in favor of sympathetic treatment, and since logic and correctness deem that this manner of sympathy is truly the only correct and legitimate form of sympathy that is not in any way hypocritical or self-serving, I can easily argue that I am one of the few who actually understands and feels sympathy, seeing how this is truly sympathy instead of self-serving greed polluted with emotions; as much as I may not be drowning in sadness or grief, it is clear that despite whatever emotional involvement one puts into their plea for sympathy, if things are truly not rational and correct those with such emotions are spiting the people of the world for their own gain and this is not begging for sympathy but instead begging for people to be hypocritical and spite the people of the world in order to grant this beggar the irrationally and unjustifiably beneficial treatment they beg for.

Seeing how emotions tend to be entirely intertwined with people’s own self-serving instincts, and this instinct has corrupted the otherwise noble word sympathy into something that explicitly justifies people’s hypocritical  self-importance and disregard of the pain and suffering of other people, I would much rather live free from this shamelessly spiteful self-serving instinct seeing how despite how when the people cry, their crying for this false sympathy is no different than any healthy man who exploits the common man because he finds pleasure in shamelessly spiting the world and justifies this action with his own self-serving instinct. Emotions cause people to fail to understand these things despite the fact that they are mathematically and rationally very close parallels, and that shortcoming shows the power of emotions to corrupt and delude people to the point of becoming shameless hypocrites who are so egotistical that they only manage to acknowledge the existence before their eyes despite how easy it is to understand the suffering of the entire planet due to the technological advances in the past decades.

I may be a megalomaniac in some respects, but my delusions of grandeur are far more respectable and reasonable than somebody who thinks that emotionality in any way justifies a person’s argument, when this is entirely ridiculous, and unfortunately a society that rewards this sort of behavior has already seen adaptation and possible evolution of people who all mimic this crying for false sympathy in an attempt to realize their self-serving ambitions, and this is so painfully shameless to feign one’s own suffering to the point of blatant hypochondria because it happens to exploit people’s instincts to respond to emotional distress thus causing the hypochondriacs cause to gain far more momentum than it would if the point were raised in a simple, mathematical, and reasonable format, especially when these unjust causes gain momentum while if people were to the raise the point in the reasonable and correct manner, this would cause these points to gain massive amounts of negative momentum so long as the population was statistically literate in the slightest.” Says Stacy

“Mathematically speaking there are so many people who need tons of sympathy; there are billions of people who need sympathy, and nobody can even comprehend that number to begin with; beyond that even just one of those people is easily worthy of so much sympathy that it overpowers your mind completely if you personally know them and how much they are suffering, and easily deserves more sympathy than a person can even produce just because people also have to be distracted by work and other things that prevent them from helping those people. I can understand sympathizing with people, but it’s unimaginable how anyone could be able to sympathize with so many billions of people when just one of them deserves your entire mind and devotion due to how tragic their life is. Even though Americans do have it nice, plenty of them are still living in heartbreaking conditions, and then to think about billions of people in around the world who live in even more deplorable and terrible conditions with dangerous and painful lives that would make us cry if we even knew half of how much the suffer is so crazy it just doesn’t make any sense.” Says Ophelia

“That’s exactly the point, the human mind can only comprehend and process so much sympathy that it is the worst tool imaginable to use when attempting to resolve problems. Like you said, a person can only sympathize so much, and for most everybody this means that they will be sympathizing with the people they know and are close to, even when those people deserve far less sympathy than many others around the world. Even though humans are incapable of the feeling correct level of sympathy, mathematics is entirely capable of quantifying and measuring how much sympathy each person’s life and suffering warrants, so rather than let people’s outcry be the definitive measure of what is problematic, their emotional reaction to the suffering around them would be measured and it would be applied universally, so if they sympathize to a level of 7 of 10 towards a local issue, and there are issues that are 1,000 times as grievous around the world, it is inferred that they sympathize at a 700 with that problem despite the fact that it is impossible to do so, and this way things that are mathematically the most worthy of sympathy are respected proportionally and addressed in the manner of triage knowing that even though people are incapable of feeling the correct sympathy, the fact that they feel sympathy implies that if they were capable of comprehending the situation correctly they would feel sympathy as mathematics prescribes, and if they disagree with this argument than they have negated the argument that their own sympathy is actually sympathy because it is in reality their own self-serving egotism that is simply polluted and convoluted with emotions.

If we are going to make decisions out of sympathy, this must be done in regards to true and correct sympathy, for if we are going to make decisions out of self-serving egotism, we must do this out of true and correct self-serving egotism, and this is because these two things will clearly contradict each other, and to attempt to do both of them at the same time is like attempting to get horses to pull a cart in two different directions at once, and this will either go nowhere or destroy the cart entirely. If people still want to argue that it is somehow sympathetic self-serving egotism, then the same mathematics will proportionally defend people who are also simply seeking self-serving ends on a matter of whatever standard is utilized to determine legitimacy, so if people are arguing that these self-serving means are a benefit to society, then they will mathematically be sympathizing with any self-serving argument that is a benefit to society, and if these are defended not because of some benefit to society but simply because they are self-serving, then it is implied that the people sympathize with any argument based on the proportional degree to which it is entirely self-serving, as unfortunate a reality as that may be.” Says Stacy

“I think if something is entirely self-serving it is by definition irrational due to the fact that it seeks to better the person doing it disproportionately than those around him, so I don’t really understand how a system that can rationally make arguments around things like that even works, but even though that would probably be equally terrible however it works, I doubt anyone would want to transition to from a society that rewards irrationally self-serving behavior to one that litigates that all self-serving behavior must be rationally and proportionally self-serving.” Says Grace

“It would just be the standard that if something is justified because it is self-serving, then things that are proportionally more so self-serving are proportionally more so justified, because if the people can sympathize with their own self-serving interests, they are effectively proportionally sympathizing with the self-serving interests others based upon the empirical scale of how self-serving they are, regardless of their failure to understand the difference between the words sympathetic and self-serving. It seems like a wholly American albeit ridiculous philosophy, but even if the plutocrats might be able to get away with far more by coddling the self-serving interests of the lowly in some petty respects, such a system would likely degrade into civil war when people realize they can rob and kill each other in the name of self-serving interests, and the plutocrats all seek to fight each other to the death for ultimate control of everything or otherwise fear such a fate if they’re not ambitious enough to seek arrant victory. It’s not that the behavior itself benefits everybody, it’s just that the behavior is justified, legal, and even federally funded in democratic proportion with the level that it is self-serving. I’m just talking nonsense in any practical terms, but it still seems half-reasonable when compared to our current society because we just strip all of the bullshit about forcing people to pretend to care about everyone else in the name of public image; everybody knows that nobody cares about anyone but themselves and those who benefit themselves, at least in politics, so if we were to celebrate that instead of convoluting it, this would simplify the ordeal and make it far more honest.” Says Stacy

“Your argument about rational sympathy almost justifies your lack of sympathy towards the people, seeing how mathematically they are so trivial, on top of the fact that the alleged grievances against Americans are so shamelessly petty compared to the rest of the world; it would be a perfect excuse for your mentality if you hadn’t brought up the process of being able to infer the proportional level of sympathy people actually feel towards everything despite their own inability to physically process that much information, because in that case you could just have normal levels of sympathy and infer that you proportionally feel far more sympathetic to the atrocities in the world even if you physically can’t process the information.

 Actually living that process may result in the same lack of sympathy you have due to the process similar to stretching a garment, as it can’t exactly be unstretched once you’ve stretched it, so the second you’re forced to process the great sympathy it mathematically reduces the sympathy you can feel towards people of lower levels of suffering due to ratio unless you can somehow forget that you’ve experienced this sympathy much like having a small lens through which things are viewed that only expands to the local maximum instead of the absolute maximum. Perhaps you’ve wrestled with this in your mind and somehow this caused you to end up the way you are, I kind of doubt it though; I think it’s more likely that you acknowledge the greatest suffering on earth, have little sympathy for that, then rationally reduce the amount of sympathy you would feel for the lesser suffering on account of proportion. Regardless, it’s a nice thought that as much as you’re not sympathetic, you understand what logically and mathematically justifies sympathy even if you don’t actually feel it, since you can at least understand that you should feel sympathy.” Says Jenna




“That last part was pretty accurate, kind of like a chemical equation that through some paradox doesn’t produce the product despite having all of the reactants in the proper places; I know what the product should be even if it’s not there, and seeing how I do try to make decisions absent from any influence of emotions, having the statistical quantification of the emotion instead of actually feeling it makes it much easier, as you can probably imagine seeing how common it is for people in the world to make rash decisions or otherwise be consumed by their intoxicating emotions that are clearly unjustified in any sort of rational sense.

A man doesn’t sympathize with the syphilis bacteria that he kills with penicillin, if anything he enjoys knowing that it is being eradicated; I can’t respect humans any more than a philanderer can respect syphilis, seeing how they ultimately function in very similar ways within the systems each parasite inhabits. People always care about themselves, so clearly they will care more about themselves than the life of the syphilis bacteria, but unfortunately this is applied to everything including the entire planet, which serves to further the comparison to syphilis that cares only about its own existence, and will gladly thoroughly torture and eventually kill its host organism. When one is stripped from any sort of fetishistic narcissism and infatuation with the human race they receive from their natural instincts for reproduction and survival, it is plain to see the atrocious and disgusting animal that the human being really is, and seeing how mathematics and science will justify these arguments which are only rebutted by the delusions and emotional hallucinations induced by the human mind, I have no reason to respect the hallucinations and psychosis of a delusional parasite above the insight of science, despite any narcissistic bullshit the god damn humanists would like to argue about.

This is largely the source of my own egotism, because it is not that I am inhuman, and the opposite is true in that I am entirely human as I am focused on utilizing the defining adaptation of my species, my intelligence, to adapt, survive, and succeed, whereas in the unfortunate state of the world I can only see all other people that unfortunately share my biological species as subhuman animals who no longer perform what is required of a human being to legitimately be a human; these beasts have devolved as they no longer use their intelligence to adapt, survive, and succeed, because despite their great accomplishments, these are all starkly antagonists of their survival, and as much as the people may be hailed as successes, there is no success without survival, and for this reason most of these accomplishments amount to maladaptive traits as they do not assist in indefinite the survival of the species.

The quality of life is another clear indicator of devolution, because when there are no measures of natural selection, then devolution occurs due to a failure to cull the people properly, and unfortunately for people, the natural culling process of exterminating and eradicating maladaptive traits of the ethereal sense such as ideas can take a very long time due to these things functioning in a pathogenic manner spreading themselves and destroying the host organisms, and when these ideas have turned into cultures and lesions on the planet, these tend to fester and continue to infect the people with these sicknesses which, much like syphilis, appear harmless at first, but after a long while will surely kill the people. The complete lack of physical culling is dampened in some ways due to unnatural sexual selection, but the lack of culling of ideas is the true blight of people because these animals who are susceptible to these viral ideas that have poisoned the minds of the West will continue to cause extraordinary damage to the people, because these people survive to reproduce and infect their children long before the social disease becomes so prevalent as to destroy society, as much as we as a society do show many mild symptoms of our own fate today.

Physical culling is ideal in the physical world because that is all that exists, but in a world so defined by intellectual means, intellectual culling in regards to susceptibility to infectious ideas that can easily become crippling or deadly infections is the only way to ensure that evolution can exist, because otherwise these ideas continue to blight the people and often cull people who are not susceptible to the same mental disease thus making progress in the opposite direction of evolution; this means people are devolving from humans and evolving to function as a host organism for these syphilitic social diseases which in practical reality cause profound amounts of harm when these pathogenic ideas are measurably far more likely to destroy the human race and the planet than actually produce any sort of advantageous and beneficial symbiosis that enables the human race to survive and succeed well enough to actually evolve in the slightest.

Democracy or any sort of rule by people reinforces the shortcomings of the human mind on a massive scale, idealism indoctrinates people to chase after some fantasy world that cannot exist as opposed to denigrating fantasy and focusing on the most realistic and practical approaches to manifesting our existence in the most successful way possible, humanism venerates an animal with meagre intelligence that is abominably consumed by vices rather than the countless things that are far more respectable and markedly successful than humans, even going so far as to spurn the natural creator of life and success on Earth known as biological law and even the unwavering judgment of the measurable physical world simply because the human’s insanely delusional perception of their greatness and importance is somehow deemed more valid and reasonable than measurable principles, natural laws, facts and reality.

Humans were able to transcend their animal lives by placing faith in things that were inherently inhuman, and be it god or any other faith or scripture, these were a source of both unwavering wisdom as well as a constant reminder of the human capacity for shortcoming and mistakes; it was through the condemnation of the human beast and the veneration of something greater than human that people were able to operate in a respectable manner by attempting to avoid their human instinct and shortcomings and instead attempt to emulate something greater and more powerful which was inherently inhuman due to its lack of natural shortcomings when compared to people. This could be anything that has proven itself to be a more so unwavering source of wisdom and insight that yields success than a human is, and be it nature, physics, god, or anything else, these things serve as models of success, and more and more people are becoming humanistic in the sense that they put faith in their own sentiments and emotions rather than condemning these psychological phenomena as sources of problems, hindrances, and burdens in the natural role of humans which is spurning that which is animal and emulating instead that which is not animal, which is explicitly refined intelligence in the form of wisdom and the resulting success that occurs when one follows these established routes to success. The human being is the source of all problems within its own life, and it is only that which is inhuman such as wisdom that has proven to be a solution to any of these problems, but people would rather succumb to their animal instincts such as hedonism rather than condemn these animal pursuits knowing that these lead to folly, danger, and death whereas the markedly human pursuit of wisdom is the only thing that leads to true success, which is even respected in the species name of sapiens.

Humanists want to argue god is irrelevant in the face of man, but in reality god is all that is man, and the human himself is but an animal; when man spurns the faith he is spurning human life, because without the faith, humans will quickly reduce themselves to animals as they will fail to acknowledge that their instinct is contrary to their own survival. People will attest to the reality of the faith, in that it is meaningful to the point that it is real and have faith in the true sense of the word, and the reality of the faith can easily be attested to in the fact that many people have faith and share the faiths of the world, so there must be some grounds as to why it exists or is real otherwise nobody would have faith in it, as somehow these faiths manifest themselves in real and meaningful ways in people’s lives enough for them to believe that these faiths are akin to truth because they are impactful and significant to the lives of people, and be it any faith from animism to polytheism to monotheism, these faiths all exist because things have occurred many times throughout history that would give people a reason to believe in these things.

In the same sense that people have or had large amounts of faith in augury, they would not have faith in gods or anything else if these superstitions were all baseless because they would easily learn that there is no correlation between the faith and any sort of benefit, insight, wisdom, or otherwise, but due to the prevalence of faith throughout the world one can clearly see that if it were pure randomness involved and some people mistook random chance for an act of god, then every culture in the world would not have faith, and this is because plenty of people would have experienced things that explicitly inform them that gods do not exist at a comparable and equal rate of things that inform others that gods do exist, and this would create an even split, for every time one culture has their faith reinforced by some miracle, the other has their faithlessness reinforced by the same anti-miracle, but seeing how each culture developed some form of faith to the point where it became prevalent and dominant in their culture, this means that gods more than likely influence the world in some way as people who had faith had this faith reinforced more often than they had their faith diminished.

While the prevalence of faith just means that people who had faith were more so prone to success than those without it, the consistent success of these people when compared to faithless ones would argue that the faith somehow benefits those who have it. While much of this can be attributed to the wisdom of the faiths as opposed to any preternatural occurrences, as the wisdom itself will induce a greater level of success than those without wisdom, but this does not account for the prevalence of prophesying faiths such as augury because these were very common and do not rely on some set in stone laws but rather interpretations of events as they happen, so given the profound success of augury across many cultures it implies that those who had faith in augury were more so prone to success than those who didn’t, and considering the probability that people who devoted their life to the practice of augury instead used augured knowledge instead of traditional sources of concrete wisdom such as scriptures and philosophical texts, this consistent success to the point of a large degree of perpetuation and survival of the craft indicates that it was not likely that it was purely the wisdom of the augurs functioning independently from any supernatural prophesying. I use this as an example because there is no real physical medium of people who interpret the will of god as to argue that they’re not simply thinking these things when compared to augurs who interpret animals, natural phenomena, and omens instead of relying on introspective insight, but somehow these people have been more prone to success than those who are faithless throughout history to the point where rituals still survive and are religiously practiced that scientifically offer no benefit, whereas if it were simply the wisdom ensuring these things than there would be a comparable level of success of those who abandon the rituals and faith and maintain the wisdom.

 Of course there are counterpoints to this such as the rituals and faith make it far more likely for the common person to absorb the wisdom, and that people emulate the wisdom out of fear of the unknown and baseless optimism, and that may very well be true, but the reality of the situation argues something like the opposite of the Fermi paradox, in that ‘if gods and supernatural phenomena don’t exist, why did they become a universal aspect of every isolated human culture?’ , seeing how there is only one Confucius and countless supernatural faiths, whereas if the faiths only survived because of the fact that the wisdom alone brought prosperity, the supernatural faiths would be equal in number and prevalence to those based around the teachings of wise people such as Confucius, but every culture believed that supernatural entities influenced the world, even Confucius himself, and there clearly had to be a reason for them all to come to this belief and stand by it with such resolute commitment.

The point being that from an entirely secular standpoint there are arguments that there are likely some real justifications of the faiths of the world, as much as we don’t understand it, and also independent from any reality of any faith, the fact the fact that the faithful have been far more prone to success than the faithless. I make this point because humanism in itself is contrary to thousands of years of human success going all the way back to our humble beginnings, so clearly some form of faith is very beneficial to if not necessary for prolonged success. I am not arguing for some kind of theocracy or papal state, it is just a simple fact that there is a clear correlation between faithful people and success, so a society that seeks to become successful and stay successful would be wise to emulate the successes of the past and encourage if not mandate people to practice some faith or another, even an atheist faith that venerates the secular gods of science, mathematics, and nature because one does not need to believe in anything supernatural to venerate these things as models of success and the forces that define and shape our world and our fates.

The point being that people are animals and are inherently ridden with problematic mental shortcomings, and despite any reality of supernatural phenomena, having faith in powers greater than humans in order to humble the people and force them to come to terms with their flawed, ignorant, and problematic nature has proven vital to the success of every successful society on earth. So long as a faith is able to thoroughly educate people about the nature of success as well as their natural shortcomings and the failures that they are prone to, while measurably discouraging them from falling victim to these things, it is functional in regards to the benefit of society, and from an entirely secular standpoint this humbling and education people is what ensures the survival of society, because without these extremely influential forces in a person’s life, this creates a society that fails to properly educate people with the fundamental principles that are the vital foundation for society, and without these society will quickly cease to exist, much like creating a skyscraper without an adequate foundation, and these people will degenerate and function in a manner similar to feral antisocial animals rather than social and civilized humans because they have never been properly educated in the definitive trait of civilized human life, which is overpowering one’s animal instincts in order to purse that which intelligence and wisdom informs us to be the route to a better life, rather than what our instincts instruct us to do.

Basically what I’m trying to say is that there is no reason to discredit the faith, at least in the broad terms that supernatural forces somehow influence the world at large including human minds, and besides that point the faiths of the world have a clear correlation with an increased success of the people. Science will even tell you that the absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence, and this alone is reason not to write something off simply because we are ignorant. I say supernatural forces because in while there are grounds to believe that the world is influenced by these types of things, the common personification of these forces is likely due to the many human instincts that cause people to see human faces in random things, as well as their innate humanistic and egotistic delusions of grandeur that equate themselves with the pinnacle of greatness so therefore they personify all of these forces which may well not be very human in the slightest. ” Says Stacy

“It’s amazing that even secular logic reminds us that God exists even if science can’t prove it directly, but I can see your point about not forcing people to become Catholic or even Christians, seeing how yourself being forced to attend school is as good an example as any of a person who is being forced to do something and then this makes them inherently not want to do it, even if it is meant to help them and make them better. I think a lot of that has to do with people naturally being contrary and objecting to things, so when something is forced upon them it makes them like it even less than the otherwise would.

By letting people try out all sorts of faiths they will at least find something that they like, and even if they have a religion about science and nature I think the whole expansive amazing beauty of all of that will make them wonder if there really is a God out there who orchestrates all of this seeing how it is so massive and complex but still works perfectly 100% of the time. I don’t know if augury is real, but if logic argues that I might be, maybe people will be able to learn how to talk to animals or even hear the voice of God speaking through the animals if they aren’t told that this sort of thought this is silly or nonsense, seeing how historically it was seen as reasonable and important to lots of different people, and there are even instances where God uses animals to convey a message in the Bible like on Noah’s ark, so it’s kind of silly that we don’t actively look to those parts of the natural world for insight into God’s wisdom.” Says Ophelia

“That is all good and well, but the contemporary absence of augury points to it lacking legitimacy, even if it were it, relies too heavily upon the augurs not being corrupt or self-serving in anyway which would be impossible in this day and age. People just wanted to explain things they didn’t know, and in the habit of attempting to explain unknowable things I’m sure their superstitions just bled over into attempting to predict the future instead of just explaining the past with supernatural phenomena. Clearly since that sort of fortunetelling has devolved into modern day scams, there is no reason to believe that it was ever legitimate, just like the people who tell you your futures or pretend to talk to ghosts can spin believable stories, they’re just versed in that art of misleading people and showmanship, it’s not that they have any real ability to do that stuff. Defending augurs for the success of cultures like ancient Rome is like claiming that their rituals worshiping their gods were instrumental in their success because clearly there is a 100% correlation between the ancient Romans doing pagan rituals and the success of their people. They just happened to do these rituals and happened to be successful, any common sense will tell you that the correlation does not indicate any sort of causative effect. I don’t know why these people put so much faith in the soothsayers and oracles, but clearly if it were that dependable, then it would have survived into the modern era out of pure utility.

You argue that emotions and thoughts are hallucinations, yet you want to give credit to these manifestations of the faith that are somehow markedly different from any other experience rendered by the human mind, despite the fact you allege that the vast majority of human sentiments are hallucinatory in nature. In a sense you are just like the ancient people, Stacy, in that as much as you condemn the people because you thoroughly know much about them, you want to put faith in things you cannot know for certain out of some sort of curiosity or optimism, and the problem with that logic is that it is probably impossible to know anything about supernatural phenomena if they do exist, so the majority of one’s arguments around them are going to be entirely baseless while the fact that the entire subject is baseless, it makes any sort of arguments about the topic entirely illegitimate because the topic itself has no basis to make an argument from other than ‘the absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence’ which applies to everything that would occur from an infinite number of cascading permutations of anything that is quantifiable, and seeing how we don’t have any hard evidence that Oz or Wonderland don’t exist, it would be just as foolish to put any effort into searching for them because there are an infinite number of things that qualify under the criteria of something that we lack hard evidence disproving its existence.

As reasonable as your arguments about the necessity of the faith are, the arguments in favor of any efforts to somehow legitimize these things are nonsensical and mathematically infinitely irrational if we’re attempting to find information about things we have zero means of finding hard evidence about, and they are actually stupid when you realize that the only means available are through analyzing the subjective experience of human nature, when there is hardly any line between faith and things like mass psychogenic illness, schizophrenia, delusions, and other very common mental illnesses. Says Grace

“It is true that there are an infinite number of things that we cannot know, but there is also a very finite number of things we can know, and I’m just arguing that we shouldn’t disregard the topic as utter nonsense due to its historical prevalence, seeing how human history is defined by the search of knowledge and actually finding useful answers; it may be possible to actually discover something eventually about the topic if it is at least regarded as quasi-plausible solely on account of its historical precedence. It is true that the human experience is entirely subjective and hallucinatory, but emotions and such are well defined as endogenous hallucinations, while omens and such clearly exist outside of the body in a physical form, it is for this somewhat real basis of augury that it holds some grounds for research due to actually being testable in some respects with less of subjective bias from the interpreter when compared to pure faith unless somebody comes around who can actually prophesy solely from their insight in a testable manner. That being said, it may easily be impossible to distinguish a legitimate augur from a lunatic, so testing augury with science my prove to be impossible when the people subjected to study are not actually augurs but rather traditionally insane people, as the insane will clearly skew the results far closer to handedly discrediting the practice.

Clearly that’s not the main point; the main point being that some form of faith has been instrumental for the development of all societies throughout history, so arguing against faith in favor of secular reason is antisocial in that it is arguing against what can be seen as the primary reason why any society has ever succeeded when you compare the success of godless societies to the success of faithful ones. The people themselves are inherently ignorant and stupid, and for that reason arguing that states fair better when organized with respect to secular philosophy instead of faith is like arguing that one can start a fire without an ignition source, and this is clearly a fallacy. The people will never be intelligent enough to govern themselves and be civil through their own capacity for secular logic, and for that reason any argument in favor of governance through secular philosophy and logic is inherently flawed, because the person is arguing for governance through a means and medium that does not exist and will likely never exist, so as much as they can delude their audience and their faithful with their idealistic argument, the reality of the situation is that these states are not governed by secular philosophy and logic in the slightest, they are solely governed by the ignorance of the people, and when these people lack faith to ensure that they are civil despite their ignorance, this is inherently arguing against a functional and successful society.

Faith is the logic and philosophy of the ignorant, and that is why it has been so successful; most people cannot comprehend and process logic and reason to the extent that would be necessary to govern through these means, so instead people are taught basic logic and civil reasoning through means they can actually understand, and that means using means that are accentuated by their own ignorance rather than their own logical capacity, and those means are limited to the faith which relies explicitly on faith, or superstition and ignorance as a communist might allege, but the manner in which the faith is depicted or demonized changes nothing, because the people themselves are naturally and inherently prone to this manner of reasoning when compared to secular logic and reason which can only be instilled through rigorous education and often even the education fails to amount to anything,  because as much as many people can understand the logic of civility, when they lack faith and the superstitious fear of damnation that causes them to act with civility, they logically rationalize any consequences of uncivil behavior and see these things as a gambit where they might come out ahead or pleased rather than a guarantee of severe and eternal punishment. The logical justification of civil behavior depends entirely on a person’s ability to justify selfless and social behavior when compared to self-serving behaviors, and this is extremely difficult for most people who disregard any repercussions that their actions induce towards anyone but themselves, and this is exacerbated by the fact that secular logic argues that these people will probably be fine if they succumb to vice, as well as the fact that their animal instincts are condoned and trusted as much as secular logic when these people and societies fail to see these instincts as sources of temptation that will ultimately cause problems for themselves and society if they succumb to them.

 The faith is a wonderful tool for resolving this issue, because it addresses the fact that when people see all of these conflicting sources of information from selfless logic, selfish logic, and instinct, because the faith is able to personify these things as forces that are separate from the person’s own conscious, so where in a secular society a person identifies all three of sources that guide and motivate his decision-making as the same entity which is himself, the faith separates the civil and selfless behavior and associates this with god, heaven and salvation; while the uncivil and selfish behavior is associated with eternal damnation and the temptation of demons. This allows people to approach decision making without any weight on their personal sentiments because their decisions are independent from their own sentiments, as each decision is either embracing god or succumbing to the temptation of the devil, and they can understand these things far more easily than they can logically measure the benefits and consequences of their own actions. This is extremely beneficial to society who can use the fact that people trust the faith more than their instinct or sentiments and therefore use these to decide for them rather than their own decision making process, this means that the faith can make the proper civil decisions known and people will no longer be as troubled by making that decision themselves because their faith in god, salvation, and eternal damnation overpower any personal sentiments or temptation.

From a secular standpoint, when people are faithful, this uses people’s natural fear of the unknown and superstition to guide their decision making, and when their superstitious fears are alleviated when they act morally, they are getting powerful psychological reinforcement for being civil when this would otherwise be absent, as well as getting a powerful psychological deterrent  for being uncivil; it is extremely likely they cannot understand the true secular and logical repercussions of their actions, certainly not on any grand and prolonged scale, but they can always understand damnation and salvation, and these factors of motivation and demotivation have proven throughout history to be far more powerful and capable of inducing the proper and civil behavior than any sort of rational and secular logic; so arguing against faith and in favor secular logic when it is both absent and proven to fail the common man and thus society, as proven by the slow but very palpable degradation of faith in the people since the Age of Reason, is completely ridiculous.

A man will always trust himself, and for that reason alone it is extremely unwise to put any faith in his secular logic, because this ultimately has caused his own personality, mental shortcomings, and natural temptations to replace the forces which was originally guided his decision-making, as he no longer sees civil action as being reverent to god, and uncivil action as being irreverent and tempted by demons, for his own personage has replaced these deities, and now it is himself tempting him to civility, and himself tempting him into vice, and himself making the decision, and unfortunately the part of the mind that breaks any sort of indecision is his animal instinct, which will very often be tempted by vice through the nature of vice, and once again he fails to distinguish these instincts as anything less credible than the part of his mind that argues in favor of civil behavior or the part that argues for uncivil behavior, so usually the argument for uncivil behavior will overpower the argument for civil behavior due to the assistance of animal instincts, unless of course the instincts argue against the uncivil behavior, usually due to fear, which means animal fear has overpowered the instinctive temptation.

Many secular states use this model of relying on animal fear to deter uncivil behavior, but this is far less reasonable than relying on the faith, because as much as it may be necessary, you are essentially making work harder for yourself by disallowing god to do a vast portion of the work that the police now must do entirely, and the police of course are unable to police the people with the same authority as an omnipotent all seeing god, so as much as the repercussions for uncivil behavior may be severe, the people are still tempted by the gambit in their minds as they don’t have any benefit of allowing the supernatural or superstitious elements to sway their decision making in the slightest. The other drawback of relying entirely on policing is that the police are always seen as an oppressor of sorts, those who punish the bad, and this can become unpopular when people have differing opinions on what is bad or not; this is in stark contrast to god who does punish the bad in the same respects, but god also rewards the good that people do with amazing benevolence and paradise, and as much as the people may not experience the true pleasure of eternal paradise, the thought in their mind that occurs when they understand that they are doing good things and thus eternal paradise awaits them offers a wonderful amount of positive psychological conditioning, and this in turn has made and will always make god and the faith far more popular than the police could ever be, simply because god is able to reward the good as opposed to the police who can simply punish the bad.

One can attempt to create a secular faith that offers a similar psychological reward as the traditional faiths, but this would be difficult, because as much as secular logic does remind people that being civil does create a much better society, and people can be taught the secular repercussions of personal vice as well as vice on a grand scale, the people will only see the finite and rational results of their actions even if they are realized en masse, and while this is a psychological reward of seeing and experiencing the betterness of things, the scale of the capacity that things are better is always subjective and people will be forced to attempt to reason with the measurable secular benefits of being civil and compare them with the possible benefits of uncivil behavior, which places a huge burden on the minds of people who then must have proper selfless calculative ability to understand the benefits of civility and further dissuade them from uncivil behavior, and this level of calculation required for a person to be able to understand the personal and social repercussions for uncivil behavior that can be quantified, the scale and variability of the repercussions, and probability of each gambit, which is a mass of knowledge that has easily become so vast that the person is unable to understand it and once again returns to what little logic they have and trusting their animal instincts on top of that.

 The faith offers this amazing intangible paradise that can always encourage people to be civil, even if they might suffer or struggle, because the temptation of eternal paradise itself is so powerful that even if people experience things that are naturally negative psychological conditioning that creates displeasure or aversion for being selfless and civil, the thought of the eternal paradise that follows the life of a faithful person functions as this ever present positive psychological conditioning that constantly encourages people to be civil, selfless and good, even if the physical or psychological toll on the person might naturally induce some level of aversion to the behaviors that are actually good and civil.

The faith is the most powerful and reliable tool that can be used to benefit society, and this is explicitly due to the ethereal nature of many aspects of the faith; the faith follows people everywhere they go and guides them, encourages them to do good, assists in their decision making, and discourages them from doing evil, and it does all of these things without depending on some hard quantifiable physical aspect of reality to achieve such beneficial results. Anything that is quantifiable and real can always be tested and rationalized by the people, and this means that its shortcomings and flaws will always be understood and acknowledged, it will be subjected to logical analysis and the effectiveness of any real quantifiable entity will always be measured by the real and quantifiable benefit or threat that the entity is able to produce. The faith cannot be quantified, and as childish as it seems, it will always offer better things than anything on earth, and it will always promise worse things than anything on earth, and this superlative nature of the faith is why it is so powerful; as long as people believe, they are in a sense given the ultimate psychological reward for good behavior every time they are good, and the psychological threat of the ultimate and unthinkable punishment and torture of hell will always be present in their mind and deter them from uncivil behavior when the thought of temptation enters their mind. The psychological reward may not be as powerful as street drugs, and the psychological punishment may not compare to physical punishment, but the fact that these things are both ever present in the persons mind so long as they are faithful, on top of the very low cost associated with instilling faith in the people when compared to a verifiable fear of authority, are more than enough reasons to justify mandating faith so it will function as a predominate means of ensuring civility, at least ensuring that everybody is well versed in and practicing some form of legitimate faith that reliably induces a similar psychological conditioning in people.” Says Stacy

“I think people became too intelligent and rational to depend on faith as it once was, because as much as you might try to educate people about the faith, they lack the inherent ignorance and superstition to allow faith to be this formative tool that drives their decision making; people realized that science and mathematics were far more powerful and instrumental in shaping the word than the hand of god, and the more we know about the world the less there is that can be attributed to god or any gods; the people used gods to explain things that they did not understand, so where once the gods were used to explain why the sun goes across the sky or why it rains, but since we have science that explains these things the role of god has been so thoroughly diminished that people question what it is that god even does, if it is anything at all.” Says Grace

“That is a fair point, but it is the argument that science and mathematics are independent from god rather than attributed as the will of god and the working of god that causes this dismissal of the faith. Everything in the world can be attributed to god, and as much as we may thoroughly know everything, the reason as to why science works so reliably can be explained directly as the will of god instead of simple happenstance or an unknown as they are today. God created this universe, and it is our duty as his children to learn everything that he knows, to learn and understand that which he does and used to create this universe and cause it to function in the way it does, rather than limit the influence of god only to unexplainable and supernatural phenomena, god should be given credit for all things that are knowable and natural as well, for it is easy to argue that anything that we know or discover aren’t things that we are proving that god fails to do, but they are instead explanations that prove god’s omnipresence, infallibility and intelligence.

 Instead of drawing the line and saying the acts of god and that which is scientific are mutually exclusive, it is easy to argue that they are one in the same, and as we develop science and knowledge, we grow closer to god and his infinite wisdom, where as much as we may discredit some physical validity of the stories from prophets of the past used as teaching devices for the ignorant, we are children in the eyes of god, and it is natural that we grow and become more intelligent, just as a child does, so that we can make progress away from the ignorance of childhood towards the intelligence and capabilities of adulthood. Rather than distance god from reality, it is easy to make god more so synonymous with reality, and in doing this people will infer that the fates of salvation and damnation are far more plausible when they have faith in god that is constantly ingrained by the physical world around them, and then having faith in god is seen as a question of having faith in reality, rather than attempting to find and experience the ethereal substance of god in order to have one’s own faith affirmed. The faith of the person is entirely accounted for by the manner in which they are reared, and it is a simple matter of rearing people with a deliberate intention of inducing faithfulness, and also teaching the faith in a way that is based in the real mediums of the physical world as much as it is in the ethereal world, so that people will not distinguish as much between the two as they do today.” Says Stacy

“As foolish as it sounds to try and mix science and faith seeing how they traditionally conflicted so much, I think it would be pretty reasonable of an idea if it were able to induce a much more consistent level of civility and morality in people. One can argue that all parts of reality are god’s will, only humans due to their sentience are capable of going against his will, the apparent absence of god in regards to the way god once directly spoke to people and performed miracles can be acknowledged and one can argue that god has given us everything we need and told us everything we need to know, and it is up to us to decide our fate; he raised us when people were like children, and we have reached a point where we are no longer to be treated like children but instead expected to act like an adult in that we take care of ourselves and act properly without having god constantly over our shoulder to blatantly remind us of his warnings and presence, just because they have been so thoroughly documented that this should be unnecessary. I am not saying that god does nothing, and it is easily true that he still influences the world in subtle ways, seeing how people consistently believe such things occur, but the point of god’s recent light-handed approach can rebut the atheists, as the absence of the blatant influence of god on a biblical scale is usually what people use to justify the arguments about the absence of god.” Says Jenna

“As much as I like to think that capitalism has been the root of the success of the world throughout civilization, I’m ashamed of myself for being dismissive of the faith seeing how without it establishing any form of society and thus business would be like attempting to herd wolves instead of sheep, and that would be absolutely hellish if it is not entirely impossible. The people are dismissive of the faith today, but seeing how you intend on forcing everybody to become dependent on speed, the increased paranoia and possible hallucinations would easily accommodate instilling the faith in them, seeing how if you consistently make it a very palpable and vivid portion of their lives those experiences will be fresh and powerful in their subconscious in order to fuel their paranoia and hallucinations.” Says Isabelle




“The point of medicating the people is to make them predisposed to focus, alertness, hard work, healthy eating habits, and civility through addiction; it is is not to overdose them to the point of having side-effects and then attempting to utilize these issues that can easily become destructive. A man’s mind is far more shaped by society and those around him than it is through his own sentiments, and while a man’s sentiments cannot be controlled, society can be shaped through many means, and rather than allow a man to question the faith and be presented with a defense of the argument on both sides of the issue and thus allow him to make a decision from his own perspective, the mandate of faith in society would force the man to acknowledge that arguing against faith is arguing against society, and for that reason he will be far less prone to question it than he would be if it were socially acceptable for someone to be faithless and thus have his ideas and sentiments reinforced by the faithless community.

The death of faith in society is an unfortunate matter of the reformation, as this occurred in societies where being faithful was so established as a social norm that nearly everybody was faithful and did not question it, but Luther addressed grievances against the church, which were entirely of human origin and independent of the faith, but this otherwise unthinkable act of questioning the infallibility of the faith was the first motion that spurred the death of god in the eyes of man, because although Luther did not question the faith, he did harangue the church, and these two things are virtually identical in the eyes of man; as society slowly began to tolerate his criticism of the church in some respects, this put the idea in people’s mind that it is socially acceptable to criticize the church, which is true in many respects, but this bled over into the faith, and as the church and the faith are synonymous, it slowly became acceptable to question the faith itself, and while this did lead to many intellectual advancements, it also sacrificed the quintessential method of ensuring civility and decency amongst the people; so now that the church has lost much of its ability to ensure these things, societies are forced to turn to secular means to attempt to ensure civility and decency, which prove to be far less effective and efficient than using the faith to accomplish them, and for this reason, largely if not entirely due to Luther empowering the people to question and criticize things that were once unquestionable, it has become commonplace in our society to question and criticize even secular arguments in favor of civility and decency, so rather than having a faithful society that is acts out of moral decency and good will largely of its own accord and indoctrination, people are indoctrinated to question everything as if there was never a reason for any precedent of civility or morality to exist in the first place, thus the actions of one man condemning legitimate corruption within the church set a precedent that quickly devolved and degenerated in a prolonged malignant metastasization that resulted in the current social norms within a society that revels in vices that blight, torture, and destroy itself through the pursuit of reckless suicidal hedonism rather than condemn vices and attempt to ensure that people act in a manner that is beneficial to both themselves and society.

 The unquestioning faith of the people before the reformation and the lack of faith today are both caused by the same thing, which is the social norm, as people are simply doing what society argues is correct and has thus conditioned them to do and defend unquestionably. We must establish social norms that are the most beneficial for society rather than ones that are most in line with some idealist philosopher of 300 years ago; we have the means to understand the repercussions of our actions and should not be relying on some pipe dreams of a few long dead men to orchestrate and organize our society when despite however venerated these ideals may be, they have thoroughly, measurably, and continuously failed to produce the product that such theoretical equations argued would arise, and this failure continues to harm the people and the country due to the inane stubbornness of the people to admit that things somebody said 300 years ago may be inherently flawed despite the fact that they were the framework of a profound social revolution.” Says Stacy

“Clearly the church had far too much influence and power over the people, as much as society has become starkly, shamelessly, and even proudly more so immoral, there is clearly a happy medium between this society which does have its problems with vice and an oppressively pious and religious society. It would be greatly beneficial to assist people in such ways that prevents them from becoming problematically stricken with vice, but reverting to a society that fails to question the church and theistic morality would be far too severe a reaction to the immorality of the people, because as much as our most severe problems are caused by immorality, plenty of things are immoral that aren’t inherently problematic in the slightest. While many people will benefit if the faith is defended more than secular logic, because this will alleviate much of the problematic decision making that has been unfortunately placed upon their shoulders by the Age of Reason despite the fact that 300 years later this venerated capacity for reason is still starkly absent in most all people of the world, but this clear benefit is met with the clear problem of having countless people be oppressed if not killed for no legitimate reason simply because the faith had condemned them a few thousand years ago, and beyond this defending the faith is an extremely idealistic notion because despite any purity and infallibility of the word of god, those who are entrusted with the responsibility of being the medium through which the faith is used to govern the people are still clearly capable of extreme levels of corruption because they are human and not god in the slightest.

 The criticisms Luther posted are still valid, because as pure as the faith may be in theory, when it is sullied by the people who serve as the executors of the will of god, ruling through the faith becomes just as corrupt and unreasonable as any despotic power in the world. Despite the good morals of the faith, the austerity of the faith is often extremely inhumane, and compelling people to make decisions out of faith instead of reason strips any capacity of the people to make a better decision out of legitimate reason, because even if there are thousands of worse decisions caused by failed attempts at reason, those few that are actually legitimate can shape society for the better. We would be forsaking any ability to create a better society than what the faith had offered us all due to fallacious logic that just because one attempted solution to create a better society through secular logic failed to produce the desired results without inducing palpable and problematic consequences, that this sample size of one instance is enough evidence to prove that any and all efforts to use secular reasoning to create a better society than what the faith offered us are guaranteed to produce worse results than a religious society. This sort of reasoning against experimentation is contrary to the philosophy that endowed humans with countless revolutionary successes following the Renaissance, and as much as it may be dangerous, clearly the dangers of the experiments that humans performed were worthwhile seeing how they resulted in unprecedented and unimaginable successes.” Says Grace

“The problem with experimenting in such a manner is that it involves the entirety of society, and while there may be better realities that can be manifested through secular logic and philosophy, the fact that we are endangering our society and the world in some quest to find something that may well not exist is a ridiculous gambit considering the fact that people have made no effort to subject this matter of orchestrating society to any sort of scientific experiment; and to this day, 300 years have passed yet we still organize society based upon baseless whims and sentiments of ignorant people rather than attempting to utilize the one thing that has proven to be a reliable source of discovery and progress which is the scientific method. If we are to use science to better society, that is wonderful, but any arguments in favor of orchestrating society by any means that are not entirely scientific are the asinine delusions of people who through the analgesia of blinding idealism can happily ignore all of the pain and suffering that the pursuit of an ideal society has needlessly created in its wake.

The faithful society is relevant because it is a baseline, and it is a proven, consistent, and reliable baseline, where the pursuit of idealism has produced a measurable and steady decline in the civility and functionality of the people which is reaching newfound levels of its destructive nature, as the power that the faith once was able to exert upon the democracy to ensure some caliber and quality of its results has steadily been slipping and is being replaced with the pure delusional insanity of the idealistic euphoria and the disregard of reality and proven success; so now rather than placing faith in god, people instead place faith in baseless fantasy and some foolish hope that these fantasies will become reality if you can convince everybody to believe hard enough that somehow humans don’t have inherent shortcomings and are not prone to creating problems for themselves and society when they are not adequately conditioned to avoid doing so; this, despite the fact that history has proven time and time again that idealism fails miserably to do this, while the faith was far more reliable and successful in this regard.

We are killing our society and our culture with their own antisocial ignorance and animal instincts which are perpetually abused by a system that revels in people’s vices as well as exploiting these vices in order to become successful, and despite our technological capacity, the ignorance and animal instincts of the people have still managed to ensure that hundreds of millions of people are needlessly and shamelessly killing themselves with vices and the state exists solely to pander to people’s ignorance and perpetuate this ignorance through legislative means for the sole reason that despite however ignorant and stupid a person may be, they will still always enjoy it when somebody agrees with them, and this means that the state is forced to decorate itself with badges showing how much it coddles the ignorance, vices, and shortcomings of the people rather than actually make decisions that benefit society, because without pandering to these idiots they would not be capable of retaining power. The state has limited itself to ruling solely in ways that cater to the degenerates who are little more than animals capable of wielding intelligence but having no capacity to use logic or reason to condemn their sentiments and desires, and this fact, that something can only be right if it is pleasing to the people and anything displeasing to the people is inherently wrong, is limiting potential beneficial actions to an extremely small group of possible decisions while also creating a vast pool of possible decisions that are extremely problematic, but happen to be perceived as reasonable or good decisions simply because they appeal to the people, who once again don’t use logic or reason to justify their sentiments but rather obey their instincts, desires, vices, and the will of the moneyed indoctrinators while taking guidance from no legitimate, testable, or proven source but instead from idealistic notions that are extremely prone to crippling failures when people attempt to emulate these ideals in reality.

People set artificial bounds on reason and logic that cripple the science into something that doesn’t even function, then people complain when their ideals and fantasies aren’t realized despite the fact that they had to maim legitimate logic that is based in reality to even be able to sustain the delusion that such ideals would ever function in the first place. We have a proven method of success, and we have a proven method of failure on a massive scale, I am saying that the proven method of success would be more so beneficial to society than a proven method of failure, but clearly I am reasonable enough to offer far more beneficial methods of success than that of the faith, I am simply not so bold as to deny the fact that the faith was a very legitimate and proven method of success until Luther spurred this positive feedback loop which resulted in the moral degeneracy and antisocial behavior of society today due to the fact they are godless savages so bold as to revel in irreverence with no respect for the forces and principles that actually allowed society to come into existence, survive, and succeed in the first place.

It is unlikely that Luther foresaw that his simple action of posting valid criticisms of the church at the time would eventually result in the creation of a godless society that rules through the ignorance of the people and revels in the vices that plague and destroy it, but this proves the very palpable danger of how setting a precedent by doing something that seems reasonable but is contrary to previous success can easily exacerbate itself into something extremely destructive, and this devolution of society is clearly grounds to argue against such reckless and uncontrolled social experimentation when we can understand that the results can be destructive and deadly on the scale of billions of lives tortured and killed by such an experiment.

I am in favor of making progress, but clearly following the whims and ideals of people is not the method through which true progress is made, because for all the progress that society has made for the better, there has been an extreme disparity in the massive increase of negative and destructive repercussions on account of this experiment when compared to the subtle benefits it has provided the world. Patterns, systems, and history repeat themselves, so unless we are to make a drastic change in these things, this level of antisocial devolution in human society will continue to exacerbate itself and slowly torture society to death through its own countless means of folly dressed in the clothes of humanistic idealism, especially when this extremely corrupting and destructive force is comparably as unquestionable and oppressive in the West as the church once was, despite the vast number of profound problems that such a philosophy has produced within our society over the years.” Says Stacy

“That was noble of you to give Luther the benefit of the doubt right there, especially considering your condemnation of the philosophers and idealists you consider to be disciples of Lucifer, but in spite of that I feel that it is a gambit to condemn Luther, at least in this country, seeing how it is a largely Protestant nation and a fair number of them probably respect Luther, even if many of them don’t know who he is or how he relates to the Protestant faith. As sound as your argument is, and as secular as the logic is, the fact that it can be perceived as a condemnation of Luther will likely upset the faithful, and those are some of the few people I can see giving you any support other than a very tiny minority of inhuman people who would defend your philosophy solely due to pure logic and their complete disregard for and lack of humanity.

As much as experimentation has proven to be dangerous and problematic, we have altered the reactants to such an extent that returning to the original state is easily impossible. I will agree that reinstating the faith on any grand scale and expecting similar results is idealistic, but you do make a very sound argument that defends the necessity of the faith, or at least a very clear benefit provided by the faith, in regards to the success of society. As unpopular as mandating some form of faith may be, it will at least condemn the animal nature of humanists who are forced to at least acknowledge and be versed in a faith, at the very least a secular one that is able to instill the same perspective in the people that places humans at a realistic level of respectability that is very fallible and unsavory rather than at some venerated pinnacle of quality as the humanists will argue, and this perspective allows them to at least acknowledge that they should distrust their own sentiments and desires that can often lead to undesirable repercussions for themselves and society; even if they are too stubborn to actually do this reliably, the thoughts that remind them of the problems that arise when they do so could actually benefit them by occasionally dissuading them from uncivility out of pure logic, just because a proper understanding of the dangers and problems associated with human sensation, sentiment, and temptation has been instilled in them, rather than the current norm that venerates these things as the sources of absolute truth, reason, and wisdom on account of the humanists pride fueled denigration of anything inhuman as subhuman despite the clear measurable quality of most everything being far better and more reasonable than people.” Says Jenna

“The antagonization of Luther is largely irrelevant when the faith of the people has been so warped by humanism that it hardly resembles the traditional Christian faith at all. The way I see it, most people believe that people are always forgiven by Jesus, and that belief in Jesus is the only relevant aspect of the faith, so there is not this condemnation of the standard vices that you might think; people will say vices are bad and virtues are good, but there aren’t really any repercussions associated with vice or beneficial aspects of virtue, seeing how the only relevant aspect is belief in Jesus. Plenty of people I know might believe in god or even go to church, but this faith doesn’t do anything to dissuade them from reveling in their vices, and I doubt anyone even thinks most of the things they do are vices unless it is clearly a heinous and violent crime from the legal perspective. You can go to any church in America and find countless people who are blatantly marked with their vices, and even more of them who will openly revel in them even if they’re not so physically scarred, so clearly this correlation between having faith and being pious in regards to avoiding vices and being virtuous doesn’t exist, at least not in our country in my experience.

Our nation is rather faithful, it’s just that the faith doesn’t condemn vices in any remarkable way, people just think that doing a nice thing occasionally causes Jesus to give them a ticket to heaven and pardons them of their vices; the faith attempts to be inclusive to people, and in this country that quickly amounted to condoning all sorts of vices due to their prominence and just putting the weight of them on the back of Jesus and forgetting about them. The quality induced by a faithful society would depend entirely on the quality of the faith itself, so mandating some form of faith in this country would do nothing when the majority faith of the nation just shrugs off people’s vices and praises Jesus. As much as society needs to change, the faith needs to change in order for it to actually benefit society, and seeing how that predicament is you attempting to overpower the majority of society and the god they believe in, it does not seem like the odds are in your favor. If you want the faith to assist in maintaining order, I would take note of the fact that the faith itself has been thoroughly warped in order to conform to society rather than vice versa, so your best bet would be just to shape society and ensure morality and civility through secular means so then the faith can quickly conform to that society and start to actually benefit the people.” Says Isabelle

“You can’t convince anyone with secular logic, you can’t convince anyone with appeals to the faith, so I think at this point your only hope is to take your doom-saying skills and apply them to the environmental crisis, just ranting about the forthcoming death, destruction, and chaos, then use these points to wage some kind of war on environmental destruction in order to declare martial law. You are good at making a point that might appeal to a certain group, but then you go on to make a number of other points that would clearly displease them, and on top of that you make plenty of points that easily displease damn near everybody. I’m glad you’re honest to us, but honesty kills the politician, so they say, so you should streamline your approach in order to target one party of the other, leaving out some things and focusing on the popular ones, because I doubt you will be able to start your own party and somehow overpower the two-party system that has ruled for 200 years.” Says Grace

“It’s a shame that people won’t listen to simple reason, especially when Stacy often makes points that people will support without adulterating the idea so that it panders to the people instead of emphasizing legitimacy. As much as she easily has the most reasonable solution that gives most people most of the things they want, the fact that it doesn’t give all people everything they want is enough to make it completely unrealistic, because American politics has always been an all or nothing ordeal, so any sort of decision that is in the best interests of all people with a sense of mutuality is unheard of.

The idea of using climate change to preach your fire and brimstone is probably a good one, seeing how that is a looming threat that many people are very concerned with, and that inhuman, powerful, and destructive force could easily work for you in the same manner that god was able to work for the theocrats of the past, so long as you can scare the people of their coming damnation well enough. The other option would be a more traditional style where you pitch certain aspects of your policy to the people who own the country behind closed doors, focusing on economic matters and ensuring success, then you pitch other aspects that appeal to the people in public, which would be the hard part, but seeing how you can appeal to the faith and nationalism of the conservative party with many of your policies, you can talk about a resurgence of common decency, morality and civility in the people and returning American dominance in the global trade economy without going into the details like the resulting oppression and mandated asceticism while creating industrial cities of quasi-enslaved people and doubling the population a few times with a very vigorous breeding program.” Says Isabelle

“I think ‘simple reason’ is a bold description of what Stacy tends to enjoy fantasizing about; simple reason is doing simple things, like enjoying ourselves and being grateful for the wonderful weather, pursuing an enjoyable hobby or field of study, taking a stroll and enjoying the natural scenery, talking about realistic life goals that have some potential to actually become aspects of our lives if we put some effort into them, and these can be simple ones to achieve in the near future or even lifetime goals, but simple reason would focus on tangible and realistically achievable things rather than this dystopian fantasy that Stacy seems to live in more frequently than reality. What sort of reasoning drives her into that sort of thinking I can’t say, but being so concerned with such things clearly defy the bounds of simple reason.” Says Jenna

“I think she just wants to help people and make the world better, even if she likes that kind of dystopian tone, she just has good intentions and big dreams; there’s nothing wrong with that, even if it’s not simple. Simple reason is nice, but the world isn’t always simple, and sometimes people need to reason with very complex things, so it’s good she enjoys thinking about that sort of thing because clearly there are lots of complex problems in the world, and she’s definitely smart enough to figure some of them out if she puts her mind to it. Sometimes her ideas are crazy, but that doesn’t mean they wouldn’t work; the problems in society are so crazy that they probably need crazy solutions, but unfortunately for everybody, nobody is willing to agree with a crazy solution even if it works really well just because it sounds crazy, and that might mean that these problems like climate change and economic whatnot all end up causing huge problems when they wouldn’t have if people had just listened to the crazy ideas in the first place.

Maybe after all of the disasters, the world will become crazy enough that they’re willing to put some faith in a crazy idea, then Stacy might be able to make a difference, but other than that people just disagree because it seems crazy when it’s actually really helpful, it just sounds crazy because it’s not what people are used to. The idea that the sun was at the center of the solar system seemed crazy to people at the time, but it was true the whole time, so even if her ideas sound crazy that doesn’t mean they won’t work, so I like to think she knows what she’s talking about, because I don’t really know enough to disagree with her most of the time, and if I just argue because it’s different than the norm then I’m no better than the ignorant people who would argue with Copernicus and tell him that the earth is at the center of the solar system.” Says Ophelia

“There are many reasons, but I don’t really have a reason as much as I simply understand that what I do is the right thing to do, with my loose grasp of mathematics and logic, my arguments are the raw solutions to many problems, and while these perhaps can be modified slightly to make them more popular, doing so will only coddle the weakness of the people who resist the true solution and demand a subpar one instead that will coddle them as opposed to hold them to the fullest expectations a human should be held to. Aside from doing what is right, another reason would be to do something at all as opposed to doing nothing, to exist rather than fail to do so in any substantial definition of the word.

People are desperate for plot, for meaning, for substantiation of their existence, but these things cannot be found, so in this dearth people become delusional as to place irrational levels of importance in small, petty, and trivial matters, convincing themselves that their petty existence of meaninglessness and hedonism is somehow worthwhile and meaningful, taking minute problems and disagreements and vehemently arguing that they are matters of national if not global significance; they find meaning in meaningless and pointless things because there is nothing to give them perspective, to truly explain to them what meaning truly is, just as a child who is astounded by the size of a large building or a fire truck when the world does not bat an eye because their physical size has given them a better understanding of proportion, and their experiences have given them a standard of significance that attributes little to no significance to either of these things.

The most impactful thing in the world to a hysterical woman confined to a room might be the wallpaper, but any rational perspective would remind us that arguing said wallpaper is somehow significant is indeed hysterical, yet because our society lacks this perspective, we become hysterical when presented with trivial things, and become irate at the smallest of petty problems, little more than a small off-white stain on a shirt that none would notice unless their world is entirely confined to viewing this shirt day after day. The man who thinks a baby crying is loud only thinks so until he hears a gunshot, but the people of our nation have not experienced these gunshots, and so they are convinced that the crying baby is the pinnacle of significance due to their limited perspective.

I have the ability to understand rational significance on the spectrum of history, and for this reason I find no interest in the trivial things that others find to be important, these empty meaningless things consume the lifespan of the person and distract them from actually living at all, because regardless of how much they enjoy these things, they are doing nothing meaningful or significant, and something without meaning or significance is little more than something that has never existed at all; so for that reason I see these petty distractions as what they truly are in a rational perspective, which is nothing, a simple void, staring into the vast expanse of emptiness for any prolonged period of time, and rather than attempt to find pleasure in these things to seem personable or sociable, I am quite content trusting my better judgement in forsaking these things in the pursuit of something that is truly significant and meaningful.

Meaning and significance can truly only be granted by the masses of people, as ones relevance is solely defined by one’s relevance to the people, so as much as people may be concerned with their meaning to some handful of people, I am concerned with my meaning to all people, and not only the living, but those long dead and those who might exist in the future; I have no desire to be another nameless person whose mental capacity was squandered on hedonism, but rather to emulate those who have used the human capacity for intelligence to further the species in some respect, and as I have little means to that end in any scientific matter, I am relegated to doing so in the human manner, of wielding my arrogance and pretentiousness with fervor in the fields such as politics and philosophy that define the world through baseless means such as rhetoric, demonization, egotism, presumption, and assertion.

I seek to fight and achieve victory, and as I wield no weapons of refined intelligence to do so in a significant science, I must focus on the one conflict of relevance to the plot that may possibly yield these results, however unlikely that may be, and that would be man vs society, as I have no qualms with myself, I have no weapons to fight against nature, and I am not so petty as to willingly distract myself with a conflict with another individual. There is no plot, there is nothing for someone to do that could possibly be of anything beyond negligible significance, so when the world is devoid of plot, I as a proponent of human history seek to create some meaningful plot when this absence of plot is so painful to watch, as the history books will see this society as one of meaningless junkies dying in the alleys on heroin or on their couch with the electric heroin, killing themselves through their own shortsighted hedonism and indifference to their own prolonged masochistic meaningless suicide.

Quite simply, there are no lives to live, as we do not live in a time of war or revolution, of significance to the plot of the human race, there are only countless deaths to choose from, and people are shamelessly content on dreaming about dying in such a lucrative way that they can buy enough blow to numb the pain of absolute meaninglessness. This is why I am so intent on furthering the plot; being contended with death is against human instinct, and thankfully I am rather unfazed  by the countless narcotics peddled by society to induce this contentedness so that current society can continue puttering along at some pitiful rate so some people can make petty billions to be squandered in attempts at furthering the lifespan of this pitiful flivver because the world is incredulous enough to ignore the fact that the vehicle of their success is falling apart at the seams because they continue to make ends meet despite the ever increasing struggle to do so. I am cursed with having foresight to the point where putting any faith in the flivver is impossible because I understand that my generation will easily be the one that is stranded with no means to the end of success once the car ceases to function adequately if not entirely. This scenario is much like owning a car, and rather than perform preventative maintenance or even replace the damn car, the idealists who love the car so dearly are so intoxicated by sentimentality that they just argue that the car’s not broke so don’t fix it, despite the fact that it is choking violently and hardly ambling when it used to gallop.

Aside from that I simply have a desire to survive, to live, and to do this I must compete and succeed when I do so. There is nobody who is alive in this country; each person has willingly swallowed the arsenic and knows exactly how his organs will fail in a prescribed time and is quite content with this: he has resigned himself to be little more than a walking corpse simply by choosing to be complicit in this petty and shameless society. Each one of them is no better than any junkie on the street, intent on getting his narcotic fix and happy to amount to nothing more than another unremarkable and irrelevant corpse when his time comes; even if they lack the track marks of syringes, the pleasures that society revels in are no different than heroin, and those who sell their labor for their fix are no different than the junkie whores selling themselves to put another needle in their arm. They accept that lifestyle because they cannot escape it, they have not the mental fortitude to tolerate the withdrawal if they should spurn their vices, and they lack any mental capacity that might provide a meaningful argument that is contrary to their lifestyle and the pleasures intoxicate them, and they can imagine no better life besides one that is even more so rife with illicit and destructive pleasures; whether they seek to gain these shameless pleasures through socialism or capitalism, they have no intention other than reveling in euphoric analgesia, and this is not survival, this is only death, this is a man choosing to die his death every day of his life, being pleased by the fact that he is a rotting living corpse of a junkie that means nothing to anybody and means even less to the members of the largely if not entirely extinct human race who all spit upon this man from whichever heaven or hell they reside in, for these subhuman creatures don’t understand what living is, as they have no intention of doing so, they have abandoned all things that inherently define life and instead live the life of a cancer, mindlessly consuming and destroying out of some insentient chemical reaction in the mind, a degenerated survival mechanism of consumption and reproduction, well below that of animal instinct on a biological spectrum and comparable only to cancerous cellular division that results in the cancer mindlessly destroying its host and in turn itself, because this is what it has been chemically provoked into doing by the mechanisms that define such a biological malignancy.

There is the choice between willingly becoming a malignant cancer of the planet, or otherwise attempting to be a functional individual in this system and attempt to fight off this cancer somehow, but unfortunately for me, clearly the success rates of proper biological function prevailing against malignant cancers are extremely small, and despite the futility of said endeavor, it is simply what I am compelled to do, for whatever reason, by chemical means of neurotransmitters or some other mechanism, I find making these arguments and criticisms to be an instinctive survival mechanism, even if I am fairly aware that it is likely as futile as a human immune system to attempt to fight off terminal cancer, but perhaps in this macrocosm of society that functions much like the microcosm of the human body, in that each person has survived for a reason, and each person emulates some aspect of the body being certain types of cells or neurons or tissues, and I just happen to be the type of cell that survived on account of my natural instinct to fight off endogenous cancer and other types of viruses that are blighting society.” Says Stacy

“As much as there are red and white blood cells that most people know about, there are actually some cells called natural killer cells, and while that’s a rather frightening title when you take your allegory comparing the function of society and the human body, those cells are actually very important for fighting off infections and cancerous cell growths. Your allegory may be far more valid than one would think considering how the systems within the universe apparently mirror each other in some way, at least enough so that some people will argue that, even if only for the sensationalist science of showing people the procession of things from subatomic systems through the broadest lenses of the universe we can record, just to entertain people by showing them how visually identical some of these aspects look to each other, a common image of that sort depicting that the universe at large looks strikingly similar in structure to brain cells. I’m drifting off into some sort of fringe entertainment science as opposed to anything practical, it was just a kind of quaint parallel that struck me as you were talking. Aside from that, I can understand your reasoning for your preoccupation, largely because I know you so well more so than I can sympathize with it, seeing how your intent to use your intelligence to influence the world is directed at the most improbable and questionable of pursuits as opposed to something realistic. I realized the question I posed was rather rhetorical if not entirely silly, seeing how clear it is that spite, loathing, pride, and disgust would probably be among the other reasons you didn’t quite touch on, but we’re all too familiar with those motivators, so the noble ones were rather tasteful, and I expected nothing less considering your airs; simple spite and malice would never be sufficient.” Says Jenna

“There’s got to be something savory amongst the bitterness, for without it I would hardly be inspired to muse upon the things I do; I’d be a simple sourpuss with no desire other than to revel in the misery of others, but as a noble sourpuss I can put myself above the world and condemn them from on high seeing the lowly as they truly are and revel in my superiority, rather than be so bitter yet fail to see myself as any different from the wretched.” Says Stacy

“I can make it simple: One doesn’t need a reason to be right, to be better, or correct; these things transcend and supersede reason which only exists as the medium through which things that are not entirely right or correct are debated and justified. That cell allegory is interesting, though, but it’s easy to find meaningless parallels between damn near anything. As much as comparing the function of incognizant cells to the function of humans within the macrocosm of society may be baseless, I’m sure the title of natural killer wouldn’t displease Stacy in the slightest; after what we saw yesterday we know she’s got something to back her words up, even killing a man if it came to that, but sadly that natural capacity is likely not enough to fight off the societal cancers that plague the entire world.” Says Isabelle

“As valuable as that skillset is, we shouldn’t be encouraging that sort of behavior unless it is absolutely necessary like it was yesterday; I think stroking Stacy’s ego in regards to her penchant for justice could easily lead to disastrous consequences if we let that sort of thinking get to her head. I won’t reaffirm your perspective that Stacy is unquestionably right, but I know that I likely can’t change your mind either, so I’ll let you two enjoy your mutual fantasy.” Says Grace

“With your definition of absolute necessity I don’t think holding her to that standard would do much to avoid the problems her proclivity might create, but clearly that is just Jesus talking to me, and turning the other cheek right there could easily have been far more problematic than the resolution to the conflict we arrived at. I’ll just trust her judgement, because as fantastical as her ideas may be, her judgement tends to be sound enough to keep her alive, at least thus far, and besides that, we all know disagreeing with Stacy is not an argument anybody can truly win.” Says Jenna

“Natural killer sounds really bad and evil, even though I understand that they’re good cells that fight diseases, her last name is White, so she can just be a white blood cell and seeing how they do the same thing so far as I know, that’s just a way more wholesome name without any negative connotations when compared to natural killer. I be happier if she used her ability to speak and educate people to help heal the sick people, prevent problems, and make people’s lives better, because I’m pretty sure that’s what white blood cells do, and natural killer sounds way more focused on killing than just helping, even if they do have to fight some bad cells sometimes.” Says Ophelia

“Still if the parallel theory holds true in any right, perhaps she can study how cells in the immune system function and emulate that in some parallel manner to yield the same profound success that the immune system is able to orchestrate on a daily basis. It is possible she truly is this societal parallelism of a white blood cell, and studying the past successes of great members of her parallel order would empower her to reap that same success in some respects.” Says Isabelle

“Unfortunately that would probably look like finding antagonists in society and tearing their vital organs out, but I’m not exactly an immunologist, so I’m not entirely sure of the details. The cells in the human body are like mindless entirely selfless individuals in a nearly perfect mutualistic system, and human society is much different in a massive number of ways, but the autonomy of each individual is more than enough to discredit that approach, because every individual would have to have the same exact mindset and mentality and be in accord with one another 100% of the time save for the rare case of foreign bodies and degenerative problems.

Regardless of that, I certainly won’t argue against such pursuits, seeing how that would require Stacy actually desiring to learn something, which might actually amount to many more hours of rambling, and at least one of those things is of merit, because either the rambling will kill her or the accrual of knowledge will kill her, but that being said we can know that only one of these things will kill her as no person can die twice, so the other one is harmless entertainment or actually a worthwhile pursuit. Seeing how she’s started to be topically reiterative with a higher frequency than usual in the recent meandering of conversation; that is making me think we’ve stretched her to the breadth of her current knowledge, so learning some new things from which to draw wild conclusions in her self-assured correctness would be throwing some hearty hardwood on this heartwarming fire of discourse.” Says Jenna




“I am a simple girl, but clearly the frequency on which I remark on things relates to the severity and relevance of the issue; I’m preoccupied with the most serious matters at hand, and far less inspired to ramble about the allegorical significance of a chameleon in some extended allegory where each animal on the planet depicts an archetypical human in society to further expound upon the value of the chameleon to society as well as the dangers it may pose; as riveting as that might be, I can entertain you with symbolism when Maslow allows me to, for as it stands I am simply attempting to survive seeing how the requirements at the base of the pyramid are all palpably threatened by the reckless procession of Western failure. The talk of a natural killer made my mind go to the natural food industry of all things, so as much as that may be reiterative to some extent, I would hate to let the hippies forget my loathing for their own inanity, seeing how I’ve been so serendipitously spurred.

See, every real industry has prioritized efficiency and cost effectiveness, but the consumeristic industries disregard these things and instead chase profitability by pandering to the people's desires, and this is problematic as the one of the most necessary industries on the planet has greatly succumb to these tactics, and that is the food industry. Beyond peddling gluttony, which is terrible for the people, the food production methods themselves are also terrible for the planet, and as demonized as livestock are by the earth conscious people, they are asinine hypocrites for chasing the idealistic natural food movement when it is comparably as destructive to the environment as traditional chemical farming and livestock. When you compare amount of energy investment with the nutritional yield of the food, the natural food movement performs abysmally in this area because even if they avoid chemical fertilizers or artificial additives, it is all for naught because the amount of energy consumed in the process produces far lower yields which means it is using far more fossil fuels to produce per unit, the shelf life of these products is much lower, and this adds even more to the inefficiency and waste, while the nutritional yield in comparison to the energy investment is often almost entirely absent because the earthy people put so much emphasis on growing vegetables that have little substantive nutrition in regards to calories, protein, and fat content, offering only a small amount of carbohydrates and common nutrients that can easily be provided by far more cost effective sources, and the fruits themselves are comparably devoid of substantial benefit, offering perhaps a bit more caloric content in regards to sugars, but are even more prone to spoiling and becoming damaged to the point that they are unsellable and have been grown, packaged, and transported only to rot as some shameless effigy to nature.

Clearly the economy cannot be trusted with feeding the people in a manner that is environmentally friendly, because even the hippies in their own ignorance put baseless faith in a process that is comparably as destructive to the environment as any other, and this is because of their pretentious tastes that believe that anything natural must be better for people and the environment despite the fact that this is nonsense when one compares the net energy efficiency of the food compared with the nutritive yield. These things cost an extremely irrational amount of carbon emissions per gram of whatever nutrition they yield due to the wastefulness and inefficiency of the entire process. Yes, avoiding chemical pesticides and fertilizers are beneficial to the environment, but avoiding processing the food to ensure that it has a very long shelf life and very high nutrient efficiency per gram is also destroying the environment at an absurd rate, and as much as the smokestacks need to calm themselves, the hippie cravings for these fresh foods must also be curbed if not eliminated.

When you transport a truckload of fresh food, this is largely water-weight, especially when transporting fruits and vegetables, and this water weight is pure inefficiency because we are basically moving countless trucks of products that chemically amount to 99% water and 1% nutrition, while also choosing to respect the natural integrity of the plant and giving it excessive packaging and protection that amounts to a truck that is extremely inefficient because half of the space is occupied by air and packaging, the other half is occupied by water, leaving only a tiny fragment of this truck's capacity, easily less than 1%, that is actually utilized to transport nutrition, when the entire purpose of the truck is meant to transport nutrition. This means to feed the people the same amount of nutrition, we need to send 100 trucks in place of 1 truck, and this amounts to 100 times the amount of carbon emissions being put into the atmosphere simply because hippies are so pretentious that they need to eat earthy natural foods instead of dehydrated processed nutrition bars, and that generous 1% efficiency is even lower when you take into account how easily over 50% of the fresh food is left unconsumed due to the tiny shelf-life, and this doubles the emissions of the entire supply chain from producing the plant, packaging, transport, and labor in every area of the chain, and this extremely shameless and destructive inefficiency is entirely due to the fact that people don't understand the difference between something that is natural and something that is environmentally friendly, because clearly these two things are not synonymous in the slightest.” Says Stacy

“I can wholly agree with you, but sadly a large portion of our exports are agricultural, though I think most of that is corn, wheat, soy, and meat as opposed to fresh fruits and vegetables, so I don't think that system would really impact those products as they are already rather dense in nutrients. As much as we are moving water weight which is wasteful, we are also selling water weight which is beneficial to the bottom line, so perhaps the juice industry might get hit hard, but juice is hardly anything that people should be consuming, at least in our country, as it is nutritionally little more than liquid candy; so seeing how we'd be using that juice to make the country real money through international trade if we bar it domestically, it is a more so justifiable use of our emissions, and the concentrate process is already very prominent as a vestige of when people would rather do real business as opposed to pander to hippies.” Says Isabelle

“For two people intent on benefitting the economy, I don't think that dismantling a massive and rather profitable industry is reasonable at all. I can understand the environmental concern which is entirely valid, but seeing how these industries manage to survive and thrive despite their inefficiency, this would make them lower on my list of priorities than far more destructive and problematic things, seeing how they're not even peddling vices or endangering people, they're just selling people fruits and vegetables.” Says Grace

“Sloth, pride, and greed are clearly vices, and irreverence to the planet, baseless pride in natural products, and exploiting people's pretentious ignorance to make money qualify as these three things. These industries are successful, but largely this is not real money, as I had explained with domestic money earlier; these natural farms of perishable goods mostly cycle domestic money far more than they are able to accrue foreign money, and just like how taking a cup of water from one end of the swimming pool and putting it back in the pool on the other end does nothing to the water level, this same concept applies to domestic money, and clearly when our intentions are raising the water level of the pool, we need to waste as little effort distracting ourselves with this process of simply moving the water to yield no results because as I just explained this amounts to a massive expenditure of energy for very little real yield for the country as a whole, as most of the money spent on the natural produce industry was already in the country and remains in the country, it is just moved around and this movement does not benefit anyone besides the peddler. This is a needlessly destructive process, and while perhaps some of this can be sustained to maintain international trade and a small section of people with such tastes who earn real money as opposed to domestic money, there should be no reason to condone the masses partaking in this extremely destructive and inefficient process of peddling these fresh foods when there are much more reasonable, environmentally friendly, and cost effective means to accomplish the same thing.

Fresh foods have become luxurious vices in the contemporary world despite the fact that they are portrayed as if they are as innocent as they once were some many hundred years ago before the advent of food processing and industrial farming, and these vices are deadly as can clearly be understood when one measures the extremely unnecessary level of environmental damage caused by this industry when compared to one that serves the same process of providing nutrition to the people with an emphasis on providing nutrition as opposed to pandering to people's gluttony and pride by peddling these natural foods that are extremely inefficient in regards to both nutrition and net yield relating energy input and output; attempting to feed the people with natural food is like using stone age technology in the contemporary world when there are massive technological advances that would make the process far more efficient and effective than it is now. Fresh fruits and vegetables easily cost less in terms of energy than meat, but neither are justified when the environmental costs of such things are so high in regards to what they provide us, as it amounts to some small amount of nutrition, and the rest of what they offer us is pleasure, which can be justified to some extent, but there is no justification to constantly reveling in the pleasures of fruit and vegetables when this is destroying the planet and is clearly unnecessary.

Any psychological benefit of giving somebody a piece of fruit can easily be magnified by reducing the frequency of which this occurs, because this makes the psychological reinforcement much stronger because the instances of reinforcement don't become dulled through familiarity with the positive reinforcement, because familiarity in this sense is almost identical to narcotic tolerance, which means the person is requires more and more of this thing to receive the same psychological level of conditioning, and even still the psychological benefit can easily fall below the original limit it once reached just because the familiarity or tolerance to the conditioning inhibits the mind and sets a hard limit on the pleasure that is well below what the pleasure would be if the person were not so familiar with such pleasure.

The major economic crisis of the future will be caused by environmental stresses, and in order for our country to sustain ourselves as the capitalistic imperialist power that oversees the world, we cannot be the ones who are the primary source of this environmental destruction, because this will be antagonized at the level of any opponent in a world war was, yet unlike traditional wars, this war will be fought with economic sanctions far more than actual warfare, so in order to remain competitive we must be able to sustain our massive economic performance while still meeting the hard emissions caps that will cripple our economy if we do not modify the country and design it to operate in such a way before this massive international pressure is placed upon us. This means that we emphasize the parts of the economy that produce real money and minimize any expenditure of those that produce little real money, and one of the most effective ways to do this is to minimize the impact of the purely domestic cycles of capital that sustain ourselves without providing real money such as feeding our people, along with shelter and other aspects of maintaining human life.

A spreadsheet that demonstrates the emissions cost of each piece of produce, as well as other factors like water, packaging, and labor consumption, all of which also add to the net emissions, would demonstrate how inefficient and destructive the American luxury system of feeding the people real food is when we could streamline this process and ship and feed people the nutrition and provide them local water as opposed to the current process of shipping food that is largely water, packaging, and empty space everywhere, and not only that but water with a very short shelf life when compared to standard water. The yield in terms of money per energy spent would be absolutely abysmal when compared to any real industry that produces a more tangible and less perishable good, and plenty of those can hardly justify themselves to begin with, largely for other reasons such as vice peddling or pointlessness. This destruction is only compounded by the food industry existing on a consumer level by serving them unhealthy food, which causes a large increase in unneeded emissions due to the fact that unhealthiness forces the healthcare industry to consume far more energy than it otherwise would. The economy needs to organize itself around valuing the industries that produce the highest yield per ton of emissions produced, and the luxury of fresh food is clearly near the bottom of that list.

When the economy is organized in this way, where industries are taxed heavily not because of the flat rate of emissions they produce, but of the capital yield per ton of emissions they produce, the economy can compete as best it can while reducing its emissions, and when this is the case, our nation can spearhead this war on environmental destruction by imposing strict regulations and sanctions that are wholly necessary, but also allow us to be more competitive because we have designed our economy to compete in this situation where many other economic powerhouses would be struggling to operate as efficiently because they had been more reliant on the traditional consumeristic means of production with far less regards to the energy efficiency of the process when compared to the simple yields that can disregard that metric because the caps on emissions are very high and fairly easy to stay under right now rather than very low as they should be.

We will either destroy the planet or be the victim of international sanctions if we don't change our economy, and even if the former is far more likely, seeing how we cease to exist at that point, I’m far more concerned with the latter. Our economy is faltering, and we are losing our dominance as we focus inward towards domestic cycles of capital instead of true success which is making money that is not our own money already. People can put faith in technology to resolve this issue, but technology can only help so much and clearly it has not done anywhere near enough to even come close to resolving this issue. Measuring yields proportionally in regards to the net energy input should be common sense, as even in a magical world where none of the components of consumerism are destroying the planet, so long as the energy costs money, there is never any justification to defend any less so efficient and cost effective model of business over a far more efficient and cost effective one, and seeing how this business is not a true business as it is a closed domestic capital cycle, we are only exhausting ourselves, our labor, and our resources for no yield or even negative yield, and this is done entirely in the name of pandering to the god damn hippies who think natural food is somehow justifiable in this entirely unnatural era and choose to ignore the destructive nature of the industry out of their vulgar pride and pretentious and baseless condemnation of the true natural environment of contemporary humans that happens to be almost entirely unnatural.

Feral natural humans eat natural foods, industrial humans eat industrial food, and there is no reason to think that using this ancient and inefficient means of feeding the people is in any way justifiable and certainly no reason to pretend that the natural food movement is in any way natural or wholesome when the amount of industrial emissions produced in order to provide the illusion of a natural food product is irrationally inefficient and needlessly exorbitant. The hippies are respected for defending natural food, but the Amish are laughed at for using horse drawn buggies, and this is the epitome of hypocrisy, because both of these things are extremely inefficient and unable to provide the caliber and quality of efficiency that is required for proper competitive success in this markedly industrial and technologically advanced era. The fact that the hippies are allowed to emit massive amounts of emissions without a care is ridiculous when if the equivalent logic were used defending horses as opposed to cars, there would be massive amounts of horse shit in the streets and everyone would be furious. The hippies are worse than any other source of emissions, because as much as everyone argues that since you can't see it then it's not a problem then turn a blind eye, the hippies are condemning everybody else and pretending like they're somehow making the situation any better by making the food industry far less efficient and cost effective than it otherwise would be, and even if they reduce the impact of chemical pollution, they've just placed this environmental burden on the backs of the carbon footprint due to the inefficient use of energy involved in sustaining ungodly amounts of fresh food.

This is yet another painful example of how ideals in theory clearly don't result in what people expect them to, and chasing this one ideal has resulted in the creation of another very serious and destructive problem in its place, but since the ideal is so damn worthy for some reason, we can just ignore the fact that it defeats its own purpose and amounts to nothing but pretentious arrogance and comparable levels of wastefulness and destruction. They are not entirely to blame of course, as there are many extremely inefficient industries, bottled beverages for example as opposed to using local potable water combined with mixes and concentrate, most drinks are 99% water, but people will gladly pay for the destructive convenience of shipping ungodly amounts of water and unneeded plastic everywhere instead of being forced to undertake the demanding task of putting a tablespoon of drink mix into their own container, but farming is extremely energy intensive for it to be done in such a ludicrously wasteful and inefficient manner, especially considering the number of things like fruits that are constantly imported by plane which destroy the atmosphere at an absurd rate when compared to things that are already very destructive like cars. I know that there are many other environmental problems, but all of these apparently little problems quantify themselves into substantial numbers very rapidly, especially when things are so predominant and prevalent in society like food, those 400 million little things add up quite quickly when people take into account the true energy cost of the production-consumption chain. If we have 100 little problems, then that only means we have to solve 100 problems, it doesn’t mean that we can demonize a handful of them while ignoring countless equally problematic ones due to idealism and somehow expect to make any real difference in the world.” Says Stacy

“With such a focus on both economy and eco-friendly policy, I was thinking calling your platform the eco-party would have a bit more appeal to people than verity, seeing how nobody gives a damn about verity but they’ll buy anything at all if you tell them that it’s eco-friendly.” Says Isabelle

“As much as I can support environmentalism, I feel more blasé than inspired by the talk, just because the rhetoric is so common amongst the normal people. You do take it to a much higher level of austerity than most, but even if I disagree with your policies, the talk about them is at least entertaining whilewith reasonable environmental reforms I’m just bitter that it’s extremely likely that far too few nations and individuals, if any at all, will commit to the necessary austerity to actually save the planet. Even if it’s a far more wholesome and realistic topic, the improbability of people actually being reasonable enough to accept any minute increase in their humility or reduction in the level at which their consumeristic hedonism is coddled just reminds me that I’m the delusional idiot for thinking that the standard rhetoric of the environmentalists is any more useful than your own. I’m sure there are some despots in the world that might listen to some of the things you say, where the environmentalist are forced to attempt to overpower the countless and easily insurmountable factors of resistance against something so reasonable as saving the planet from complete destruction that are unfortunately posed by Western ignorance, incredulity, indifference, and vice, seeing how these problems are thoroughly reinforced and rewarded if not celebrated by freedom and democracy.” Says Grace

“I agree; rather than allow the news to remind us that we’re all going to die a slow painful death due to the shortcomings of the people of the world, I’d rather be distracted by any sort of impossible fantasy than reminded of the countless very possible things we could do to save the planet that will unfortunately remain undone due to the shortcomings you mentioned, so talking about that just reminds me how for our entire lives we’re going to be watching the world burn because people were too stubborn, ignorant, or consumed by vice to take proper action that would avoid such an awful fate.

Remind us how this transition will work, how we get from today’s godforsaken society into your vision of a reasonable, productive, and half-decent society. Don’t feel the need to be modest with the austerity, because when I think about the looming death of the planet and humanity, I can appreciate that sort of treatment of humans to some extent; it’s hard to sympathize with the animal that has knowingly destroyed their planet, and despite their cries of ignorance or innocence, everybody is complicit, everybody deserves to be tortured in hell on earth for the state of the planet. If your homeland is under threat of permanent and irreversible destruction, the defense of the homeland is a cause that everybody should be willing to fight to the death for, so when people think complaining or any sort of pacifistic bullshit amounts to anything significant, they can enjoy the fruits of their sloth while the powers that be torture them for their irreverence to the planet, god, and the wellbeing of their fellow humans, because if they’re too consumed with hedonistic acedia to defend themselves and their planet; even nature defends their being torturously maimed and eaten alive like any other animal who fails to ensure its own survival.

A gazelle standing there just complaining to the lion about how he doesn’t want to be eaten will clearly still get eaten, so I can’t sympathize with a race of people who fail to understand how natural selection and survival works, but clearly if we’re going to kill ourselves in this manner, it is a crime against nature if we are not removed from the gene pool, it’s just a shame that people had to destroy the planet before their extinction because there was no competing intelligent life to force people to actually exist in the natural manner as opposed to  becoming an unnatural degenerative cancer with none of the traits an animal actually needs to survive. I would feel bad about supporting the extermination of the human race, but clearly they deserve nothing less; I can’t sympathize with a child who goes out committing serial arson then cries that he got burned, the child deserves to die in the fires, he doesn’t deserve sympathy in the slightest, anything that would cause a person to disagree is purely their instinct of self-preservation and raw egotism beyond that; any rational perspective defends the extermination of the human race, and only those with a very strong instinctive and unnatural bias against that argument could possibly disagree.” Says Jenna

“You might be buying into the environmental doom-saying too much, but too much is always better than too little, seeing how the latter ensures the death of everything on earth. I’m sure you’ve got plenty of other good reasons to be upset with humans beyond the environmental concerns, so I can’t blame you for defending that argument. Let’s not dwell on a topic that is the equivalent of reminding a child with terminal cancer that he is going to die very soon, seeing how we’re reminded of that fact every day for the most part. I’d love to hear about some transition plan from Stacy, and just ignore the rhetoric required to accomplish that feat, seeing how we’re dead, tortured, or living under this oddly benevolent authoritarian state.” Says Isabelle




“I’ll see what I can do, but the instatement of a solution is easily far more complicated than the solution itself, seeing how the solutions are simple once they function. The first things to do would be simple and less controversial, so one is to establish a Department of Economy in order to enforce prohibition, taxes, or fines on everything in proportion with however cost ineffective and inefficient things are, and this would also be very focused on the sustainability of things in efforts to maximize the value and yield of any carbon emissions the country is forced to create; I am using departments because establishing a true veritocracy would be very difficult as opposed to creating an autonomous body to function outside of the political process; another would be the Department of Preemption, for lack of a better name, that would restrict problems facing society at the root of the problem rather than address them in a far more costly manner at the back end, so this would originally condemn destructive and costly things like gluttony and slowly move onto any other sources of problems such as any cardinal or venial sins and addressing racial, sexual, and ethnic conflicts with preemptive segregation.

The next would be to declare war on climate change and expand the military, creating many non-combat divisions that ensure the security of our nation through means other than violence, and this would include the Maternal branch to ensure rapid population growth and develop proper selective breeding for humans, and the Economic branch to create and ensure proper economy of resources via infrastructure, and thus society, in order to maximize cost effectiveness and efficiency; then the Necessity branch that would federally establish all industries deemed vital to the state in line with the proper levels of cost effectiveness, and this would include food, shelter, and clothing to meet the needs of the people before expanding onto any industry that is vital to the country, and this would create the basis for industrial cities around the Economic branch, and during the establishment people would be conscripted if need be to work in these industries. The priority is upon meeting the necessities and ensuring the health and growth of the economy as matters of national security as opposed to leaving these open to free market involvement, while allowing that which is not important to our survival continue to operate even if we do bar them from distributing any unwholesome or unsavory products. The conscription would be from birth for those birthed through the maternal branch, and these children would be trained very well and specialized to operate in these divisions, and the menial labor that is to fuel the national industries would be the common man, while the skilled labor could come from the common man or the conscripts if there is any predicted shortage, gradually shifting towards having all labor including specialized from birth once conscripted mothers can repopulate adequately. There would also be a Department of Mental Health to ensure that people are adequately mentally conditioned to perform in society, and this would include giving them the appropriate stimulants in order to ensure work ethic and loyalty to the state, and this would also study psychological conditioning in order to further progress the science so that the people’s minds will be further optimized for their service to the state.

While our state makes progress in the direction of salvation, we can pressure the world in line with what our own levels of environmental destruction are, and as this is a war we can take military action if need be once our own nation is adequately prepared, but economic sanctions would be easier, and we can use some portion of the new military to educate and assist people in reducing their environmental destruction, only resorting to military destruction of things if it is truly necessary. It will take a couple of generations, but with a high enough population and an emphasis on efficiency, we will be able to compete in any market on Earth due to the profuse amounts of labor, and this would bring a return to American industry, largely being due to the fact that the crippling and expensive necessity of a business to satiate both the needs and the vices of  the American people it employs is no longer  an issue as vices are all very prohibited and the needs of the people are met in the most cost effective manner possible as a matter of national security.

Depending on the global political environment, there could be some grounds to establish a Department of International Commerce that puts energy into manifesting competitive exports that are prohibited or restricted in our country simply to compete in more markets, but if the rest of the world mirrors our strict economic moralist standpoint, then there would be little market for that sort of business, but the department could still be beneficial even for fostering beneficial wholesome trade relationships with other nations if our nation remains popular enough to be a desirable ally and trading partner despite this ordeal. As these departments would function with military autonomy, the legislative branch would have little power over them, and a veritocracy could be established alongside the legislative branch to study, establish and regulate with verity as opposed to politics.

The transition to domestic money would be rather simple, because the military industries would all pay the people with domestic money and all things produced by the new military would be sold for domestic money, and seeing how there is little domestic market for anything else, people would find this money to be more useful in their personal life even if it is less valuable. The entire pimpocracy element we had discussed previously would arise in a de facto manner as the free market cannot compete with the military industries who are fueled and enabled by conscription and the federal focus on efficiency, which by default function in a pimpocratic manner as they all share a mutual source of funds and have no interest in competing with each other as they are all part of one conglomerate. When the businesses cannot compete they will have no choice but to sell a controlling interest in their company to be operated as another cog in the military economy; some of these businesses can be restricted to function in the domestic or international economies, but some of them may easily need to be shut down due to redundancy and inefficiency.

Clearly with this much autonomy, corruption is inevitable, so this would be addressed as a matter of preemption, by refraining from giving people enough power to actually exploit this power in corrupt ways, and this means that while they wield much power, the way in which that power is wielded is not up to their discretion as it is prescribed in a preemptive manner whenever possible so they simply would be attempting to do their work so that it meets the standards of efficiency and success that are in place, and are held accountable for any shortcomings involved, because corruption would more than likely reduce efficiency and success in the process, and thus these individuals would be held accountable for that shortcoming, rather than explicitly searching for corruption.

That was a quick and dirty estimation on how things might come into play, and clearly all of these aspects could use more explanation, but it’s all perhapses at this point, and unfortunately there are still the countless hoops of rhetoric that must be jumped through in order to convince the people to the point of establishing political predominance. The eco-party was a great name, quite accurate, but more meaningful than the accuracy is the fact that people would actually have some understanding of what that means, where as I doubt many people will understand the word verity, let alone veritocracy.” Says Stacy

“That sounded like a reasonable guess, but the hard part about explaining how this would get done through the government, seeing how we have so few instances of things actually getting done that we can use to deduce how things might get done if things were to actually get done, but I will admit that using the department model of bureaucracy is far more reasonable than democracy, because those departments actually have a job and do that job to some extent, even if their decisions aren’t entirely respectable or defensible, whereas the democratically elected officials are all elected to do whatever the hell the want so long as they can get a majority, and that’s clearly not a recipe for any sort of success.” Says Jenna

“Seeing how the plan is to become an autocrat and then enslave the people, I hardly think that’s a reasonable plan.” Says Grace

“It was just a plan of getting things done by telling people to do them, and that’s about all the government has ever existed to do in the first place, so it’s hardly a far cry from a legitimate plan. Clearly it’s optimistic to think that I could actually save the human race, but I’m coming to terms with the fact that my plans will probably always be just plans, so instead of focusing on improving things that are near perfect but shamelessly impossible, I think formulating quality rhetoric is a more worthwhile pursuit, seeing how if I ever gain any traction with the people it will more than likely be solely in the form of rhetoric. So long as I can spread the message of antipathy and loathing of the human race, then there is hope that people may eventually see the light once their egotism has been so thoroughly crippled by statistically irrefutable sources of their own antipathy and self-loathing.

Seeing how the majority of Americans are illiterate, I doubt that any sort of written work would be influential in the slightest, but seeing how people love to become upset about anything, there would easily be a large audience for infographic charts that people can read within a minute or so, demonstrating the statistical merit to all of my points of wastefulness, human degeneracy, inefficiency, closed domestic capital cycles, economic unsustainability, the death toll of freedom, the wasteful destruction caused by luxury and convenience, and even just simple logic such as the value of preventing problems as opposed to resolving them once they become a problem. As much as all of those topics antagonize the people, they can also blame the moneyed that perpetuate those problems, and when they have a scapegoat for all of the problems their own reckless consumerism causes, they will be more than happy be create massive amounts of unrest when they perceive themselves and the planet to be the victim of someone else. As much as the common American wouldn’t read a book or even an article, they love looking at pictures, and this is advantageous for me because the picture is able to leave out a massive amount of information whereas a book would delve into such topics more fully. When people see the statistical values of inefficiency demonstrated with proportional graphs they can actually understand these things, and they don’t need to understand or evens support the solutions to the problems so long as they’re upset enough about the problem that they demand a solution.

I’m sure a graph depicting the nutritional yield of natural produce when measured per gram of carbon emissions might sway some people who hate hippies, a graph depicting the inefficiency of meeting the basic needs of people by sending money through a mountain of peddling middle men would upset the socialists and plutocrats alike, working in favor of the argument of trusting real industries to provide these services without allowing the peddlers to skim massive amounts of their profits. The unneeded carbon emissions and tax payer expenses induced by treating gluttony would cause people to condemn the food and tobacco industry, thus working towards a level of prohibition. The inefficiency of meeting the needs of retirees individually as opposed to as a concentrated collective could easily draw support for a restructuring of that process, and this could also be applied even to any residential setting and action of the common suburbanite, as that culture is massively and unavoidably inefficient. Even something demonstrating the common level of intelligence of the American voter and politician when compared to the knowledgebase and skillset required to understand and address the problems they are expected to know how to resolve through democracy might cause the people to lose some faith in the process, but that is far more unlikely than the more so agreeable topics that don’t criticize the people directly. These simple statistical graphs, of which there are so many that prove my points, could easily sway the people far more than a book, and easily far more than rhetoric itself, because people cannot argue with numbers, especially not colorful numbers on an easily understood infographic, and so long as people understand the root of the problem and are upset about it, then the necessity of using rhetoric to inspire the people is largely placed upon the backs of their own indignation.

Some of my policies may be harder to depict with graphs, but I’m sure some portion of Negros with any level of self-respect would appreciate a graph showing the 0% rates of hate crimes and discrimination in a segregated society when compared with the statistical measures of an integrated society, especially if the metric used for an integrated society was the percentage of people who either identify as racist, but even more so the number of people who hold subconscious biases, as these are often antagonized by people more than actual racism, seeing how that number would be extremely high as nearly all people hold such biases. Inspiring the Negro to support Black Nationalism is likely far more reasonable than expecting women to support their own sexual segregation, not that a fair number of them wouldn’t be indignant beyond words when they see the similar graph showing the same statistics in a society without men compared to one with men, seeing how there would be a much higher prevalence of sexual harassment and assault then there would be of hate crimes against the Negro people.

Some of my policies would be harder to convey with an infographic, but still possible to some extent. Selective breeding could be demonstrated by showing a rainbow of dog breeds and arguing of the different breeds of people that could be produced through selective breeding, but unfortunately people don’t see themselves as simple domesticated animals in the same sense that I do, so that would be far less popular unless somebody really loved dogs or something. The reproduction may be assisted by showing people the difficulty of balancing the gauntlet of work, marriage, and parenting, and how this leads to unsupervised and ill equipped children; showing people the cost of raising a child individually as opposed to en masse; showing people how women are punished for having children instead of rewarded and the implications of this that harm the economy; and for the nationalistic the rate of the increasing demand for labor compared to the birth rate, because that implies the economy will suffer or we will have massive amounts of immigration, and both of those are quite unpopular with the nationalists.

I’m optimistic about this method of educating the people because it doesn’t consist of actually diluting any of my arguments or pandering to the people in any way, it just consists of making the basis of my arguments apparent without going into any sort of technical detail of how these would be resolved. The more so upset about the problem people are, the less suspicious of any sort of solution they will become, and seeing how if people attempt to counter my argument with idealism or mathematically fallacious nonsense, if the people are accustomed to sourcing their indignation from infographics then the shortcomings of these contrary policies would be apparent in the infographics that condemn them. The issue here is that infographics can easily be skewed and manipulated, and that would easily work against the point of educating people about legitimate problems when the data can be skewed to argue there is no problem, but there is a small but influential group of people that is willing to check the sources for the graphs and condemn them if they’re fallacious. Seeing how it is far easier to measure scientific quantities than it is to measure things such as freedom, it is easier to antagonize these measurable problems without conveying the reduction in freedom or liberty, as these things are not scientifically measured quantities; so while some of my ideas may be unpopular if people would understand them, the reasons they are unpopular are issues caused within the human psyche through sentiment and emotion rather than something measurable and mathematic.

People are as willing to consume rhetoric as they are infographics, and that is a clear advantage in my favor because the rhetoric is far less quantifiable and legitimate than the infographic, and even if I cannot rally the people to manifest such a wonderful state that I defend, educating people about the problems I am upset about will at least induce a level of indignation and unrest that will work in my favor of true measurable, sustainable, efficient, and cost effective progress. Even if the people don’t exactly support my ideas, they will be demanding something, and despite the fact that they don’t know it, they are demanding my ideas be enacted because mine are the only viable and permanent solution to any of these problems.” Says Stacy

“It’s amazing that despite your intentions you actually managed to come up with a reasonable and wholesome idea for once. Even if your solutions are debatable, if you can educate people about the very real problems your solutions attempt to address, you are actually doing something meaningful and beneficial to society rather than the usual pointless trope of expecting antipathetic condemnation to miraculously resonate with the people and somehow convince them to change their ways. Forcing them to acknowledge the problems is the first step towards finding an actual solution, and seeing how most people would rather be upset than work towards any real solution, some of your ideas might gain an audience if the people were aware of the issues at hand. As unsavory as your ideas are sometimes, it’s fair to argue that there really aren’t any other feasible solutions that don’t fail to address the issues entirely if at all, and then those solutions are hardly solutions at all but rather sources of more unneeded problems.” Says Jenna

“That’s really something that you’ve listened to your critics enough to actually give the people what they want, even if it is just infographics, because the people actually do enjoy those. The first step in solving any problem is giving the people what they want, unfortunately, but seeing how you can give them something harmless if not beneficial like information to help further your arguments rather than pandering to their petty desires and indignation, your strategy truly may well be the future, if there is any future that is. We just had to dig a little deeper and we finally got some of the sensible ideas rattling around Stacy’s brain. If you can’t make the truth and correctness look any better than it is, your best bet is to make sure that the alternatives look as bad as possible, especially when that involves shattering the delusions and ignorance of the people, seeing how once that’s done it will easily be impossible for them to return to that state of delusional ignorance in which they can support or defend the current society.” Says Isabelle

“Some of your points are statistically valid so it would be easy to make those graphs, even segregation as you mentioned might have some appeal seeing how the statistic of 0 always resonates strongly against any high number, but it’s hard to think how you would use a graph to convince people of the values of selective breeding or anti-freedom sentiments seeing how those would both be inherently extremely unpopular.” Says Grace

“As much as I don’t have statistics for selective breeding in humans aside from heritable diseases, even just something more along the lines of propaganda that is inherently factual as opposed to propagandic might function. Showing a plethora of very different beautiful dog breeds, saying ‘this is diversity’ and then a row of monotone identical humans saying ‘this is not’ or something might convince some people, just because they love dogs or are intimidated by a homogeny of intimidating humans; it doesn’t even need to say anything directly about selective breeding before there is some popular support for the idea already.

In terms of anti-freedom it’s not that I’m anti-freedom as much as anti-problem, and rather than antagonize freedom directly you just antagonize the products of freedom with the statistics that fault them, because every massive problem with human health, the environment, the economy, and anything else for that matter have all been caused by people being free to do so, so it’s not that I’m directly antagonizing the freedom to do the things, it’s the results of the freedom that would be condemned and freedom is left aside entirely. People can’t deny that obesity and pollution are problems, and when they see the extreme inefficiency of things like feeding people, sheltering people, transporting people, healthcare, and the peddling system, you don’t need to convince them of the fact that freedom is bad because they will understand that these problems are measurably very bad and they will want them resolved more than they will care about any sort of regulation or restriction on the issue. You just reinforce the negative consequences of all of these things in terms such as monetary, energy, pollution, emissions, and preventability, and then people will hate the problems enough to accept some form of restriction on them, seeing how a vast majority of people will not be disadvantaged or harmed by the solution, and when that’s the case their anger in regards to the problem will overpower any idealistic defense of freedom that would in turn defend people’s freedom to do these things.” Says Stacy

“I think as long as people understand that you want to solve problems and help them rather than criticize them, it is a good idea. People don’t want to listen to criticism, but they will listen to good advice, so long as you can offer good alternatives to the current problems, the people will listen, but if you just go out condemning things that will only work if the people feel like they’re the victim of whatever statistic it is that is being condemned, because if they’re being condemned they will just dislike you and inherently disagree before they even acknowledge the argument.” says Ophelia

“A good rule of thumb is that the audience is never the subject of the criticism, and it’s even better if they’re the victim of whatever it is you’re criticizing, and that alone will ensure that people listen to you, as much as you condemn sympathy, that is a negligible factor in the human psyche when compared to self-sympathy.” Says Isabelle

“The appeal of the infographic is that it antagonizes one subject at a time; so if there are 50 different groups of people, and each group has one infographic condemning it, then each group agrees with me 98% of the time because they will clearly see the reasoning behind my condemnation of every group that isn’t themselves. Even beyond that it would be easy to find a scapegoat for most of these people’s problems, so they can easily agree with the statistics that condemn themselves because they can shift the blame onto the people who enable them to perpetuate the problems they cause rather than hold themselves fully accountable for their actions; things condemning obesity by measuring the costs, but arguing the causes of those problems are those tempting people by peddling poor diets, for example.

Seldom is a problem caused entirely by one group of people, so whatever the topic at hand is, there are always other people to shift the blame for the problem onto, and so long as people are tempted to scapegoat a believable source of the problem, they will easily agree with their own condemnation because they see themselves as the victim and can argue the problem is largely if not entirely caused by the other parties involved. So long as people understand the problem and demand a solution, it doesn’t matter who is to blame because this provides the grounds to work towards resolving the problem, and in this process so long as the people don’t see themselves as the victim of the regulation but rather the beneficiary, they will support the process even if it does mean that they sacrifice some aspect of their life.” Says Stacy

“The problem I’m seeing is that when you attempt to instate your policy through these proxy means of education as opposed to rhetoric, you’re putting yourself in a situation where people will clearly understand the problem but they won’t really understand the solution, and that will cause massive amounts of indignation and confusion because everybody disagrees on what measures should be taken to address these things. It’s like showing a person the principles to find a mathematical solution and expecting them to perform the calculations correctly, which seems reasonable but in practice it can easily fall short of adequate, especially given these complicated situations, seeing how you would be trusting the masses with understanding higher level math when that is not something the vast majority of Americans can grasp, even something like algebra would be difficult for many people.” Says Isabelle

“Ophelia had a good point earlier; just by offering people solutions to the problems in the same infographic manner that they can understand, saying something is a problem, but on the second picture showing how this change would reduce the problem.  Something showing studies comparing how speed reduces appetite and how restrictive diets reduce weight, combining the two into some projection that overweight people would be very tempted by. Giving people a tempting solution is half of the process, because you’re absolutely right that just condemning the problems only creates chaos, but when you make it the standard to offer a solution, then any counter-arguments towards a solution would also be forced to provide statistical measures, and the people would already be influenced by seeing a proposed solution.

Just like with segregation earlier or even the selective breeding poster, you give people the idea that they will like and want to see, like 0% discrimination or many very different beautiful dogs, and they will be more likely to agree with the condemnation of the problem because they can see how much of a problem it is when compared to the solution, or in the case of selective breeding just enjoy the pleasant thought of cute dogs enough to be less hostile to the idea of selective breeding because you’ve associated it with such an enjoyable picture. As much as there might not be a beautiful pin-up poster of a dehydrated nutrition bar, the same manner of temptation can be used in reverse with dissuasion instead, showing people a picture that is full of smog, littered packaging, and rotting fruits and vegetables proportionally showing people what is actually produced for a basket of produce and compare that to a much cleaner and prettier depiction of a nutrition bar of the same nutritional density as the basket of produce. Even if some people can’t understand the numbers, the pictorial representation of some of the arguments would be enough to sway them if the pictures are unsettling enough. It’s a mixture of propagandic sensationalism in the art that is defended by the factual nature of the argument at the same time, so people will have a much harder time refuting the picture as some sort of fallacy and then are reminded of that grim reality whenever they choose to condone the subject matter.” Says Stacy

“As much as I’d like to put the same blind faith in this idea, seeing how it’s actually a good one, I think educating people about the problem isn’t really going to accomplish that much, there is already such indignation about things such as climate change but that really hasn’t done much in the way of making any changes. Sure, people are ignorant or indifferent to many of the problems you are upset about, but even educating the people about said problems won’t change their indifference, it is just too easy for the people not to care, and I don’t see why people would care about these problems any more than the most serious problem facing our planet.” Says Grace

“It’s not that people aren’t educated, it’s that they’re not indignant enough about these problems, they are educated but not provoked, at least in regards to many of the things. The news says obesity is a problem all the time, and America just forgets about it after the next story is told. If you can convince people that they’re the victim rather than just reminding them that there is a problem, they will be much more prone to indignation. You can remind people obesity is a problem, but you just make points about how people are psychologically compelled to become obese and the peddlers take advantage of this fact and exploit them. People don’t care about the fact that they’re fat, but they will clearly be upset if they feel they’re being exploited and taken advantage of. By perpetuating that baseline indignation as a response, people will start to associate this sort of infographic with indignation; they will see these pamphlets or images online and have the reinforced psychological preconception that the appropriate reaction to this information is indignation. This can be further perpetuated by sensationalist artwork depicting these problems by demonizing certain objects, then seeing these things in the daily life of these people will remind them of the problem and cause them to become indignant.

The value in instigating this indignation is that most all problems are caused by multiple sources, so the sources will each seek to antagonize each other in an exchange of blows. The obese people are the victim of the plutocrats as much as the plutocrats are the victims of obesity, so as much as the obese people can condemn the market for conditioning them to become obese, the plutocrats can condemn obesity for causing massive amounts of unneeded healthcare costs. Each party would fuel the perpetuation of the statistics that portray themselves as the victim, and this process would manage to enlighten people to the problems as well as cause them to demand solutions. People would defend any statistics they benefit from, so as much as the retirees may not support being concentrated into cost effective large scale compounds, the plutocrats want to save money on taxes and the worker wants to see the tax money invested in something more proactive, so the collective indignation demanding the problem be resolved will vastly outweigh any indignation defending retirees arguing that the proposed resolution is problematic. The hippies would whine about their earthy foods, but the common American who hates hippies and the poor people who can’t afford such food would condemn the hippies en masse.

When these groups fuel the indignation of both their allies and their enemies, the people will constantly be reminding each other of the problems facing society out of spite, anger, or indignation which are all far more powerful vectors of change as opposed to foolishly relying on the goodwill and learnedness of the people to amount to legitimate change, because clearly neither of those things have been powerful enough of a driving force to address the problems facing society, and half of the time goodwill just amounts to coddling victims of problems and sympathizing with them rather than actually working towards resolving the issue in any substantive way. People are already very indignant, but it amounts to nothing because it is chaotic and undirected; people demand change but nobody can picture what change even looks like, so by perpetuating and popularizing the statistical infographic source of indignation, this creates the market for infographic solutions based in statistics that make a real mathematical argument as opposed to a simple demand that something is a problem and something must be done about it without realistically defining what exactly must be done if anything at all.

People are upset about race relations, gender relations, and wage slavery every second of the day, demanding that these problems be resolved, but nobody offers a solution, let alone a feasible one, and seeing how the solutions I propose are mathematically proven solutions, the infographic model would always work in my favor and against the idealist who thinks complaining about the problem will somehow produce profound psychological changes in people’s minds and revolutionize the economy so that their indignation is silenced. The countability of my solutions is far too real to contest with any sort of idealist argument, as these arguments all depend on doing something because it is ideal, not because it is feasible, and seeing how science and mathematics constantly argue against ideals due to the impractical and improbable if not impossible nature of such things, this would discredit the idealists to a large extent who rely inducing the same mutual delusion in the people they attempt to indoctrinate in order to gain the traction required to defend futile attempts at working towards some ideal.” Says Stacy

“There is no honor among thieves, and the rich aren’t much better, so I’m sure they wouldn’t mind antagonizing anything that gets in the way of their profits, including any industries that happen to increase their bottom line. Seeing how damn near every industry is out to get the other’s money, there are plenty of reasons for a business to condemn those who may not be a direct competitor, but somehow increase the cost of business by forcing them to pay higher wages. Since most everything is environmentally destructive, wasteful, inefficient, and/or a cardinal vice, every industry could demonize just about everything in an effort to cause people to demand less money and cost less money, and they could do all of that in the name of seeking higher profits while still saying that they’re being benevolent philanthropists arguing against destructive, wasteful, or immoral things.

If the rich are willing to take up plenty of your arguments that benefit them when you set them out a la carte, the lowly will argue in favor of most of whatever is left; I can see plenty of people taking up the majority of the arguments in the name of bettering their public image, a sense of justice, or some moral duty, and that only leaves a few of your rather inhuman ideas like vigorous psychological conditioning, commonplace euthanasia, and selective breeding undefended, which can easily be championed by the state due to their practical value, even if they don’t have any public support. So far as your ideas are concerned, I think those last three are the ones that few people would really support, seeing how the maternal program of population expansion is so close to pro-life already, and there would be such a massive benefit to the economy if we were swimming with young people looking for work that most any real scalable industry would defend that prospect, and the notion of turning motherhood into a job would resonate with traditional conservatives and struggling mothers alike.” Says Isabelle

“The problems don’t arise from the reasonable solutions and things that are inherently beneficial to society; it’s that you fail to apply any sort of ethical boundaries in order to refrain from defending things that are clearly unethical. The tyrants of the world all provide some level of reasonable beneficial things to society: things like food, water, and shelter; but despite these acts of common decency, it is the unethical behaviors that make these tyrants unpopular. Despite all of the good you do, so long as you defend your questionable policies to any degree, this only serves to hurt you as even unintelligent people will argue in favor of continuing to do the agreeable things and simply refraining from doing the unethical and disagreeable things, and by no merit of this man’s own intelligence he will become more popular than you and simultaneously destroy any public appeal you have, because he is reasonable enough to understand that he along with many people dislike certain things, so those disliked things shouldn’t be done if at all possible, and despite any arguable necessity of the things you support, it is extremely easy to refrain from doing them, even if they must be done to some extent in order to benefit society, and seeing how people would much rather have a reprieve from the current discomfort of their own lives than ensure that society benefits more than it would otherwise in the long run, these plans for assisting society only serve to make you less popular and agreeable despite your good intentions when somebody can simply take the agreeable policies you argue for and forsake the less so agreeable ones.

As much as you argue this is like eating your pudding without eating your meat, the people could care less about the nutrition when they think they will live a more comfortable and pleasant life, even if it does place a heavy burden on the back of society by causing unnecessary problems. Even through all of your campaign of propaganda and education, you will never be able to hold power because you will constantly be vulnerable to people who argue in favor of taking all of the good and none of the bad, and even if this is blatantly impossible, that will not stop anyone from believing otherwise; you are clearly familiar with seeing how you condemn the idealists for incessantly attempting to do this despite decades if not centuries of clear and constant failure with a complete absence of true success that is not blighted with contemporaneous failures that are often times ignored by the people just because the ideal is more powerful and pleasant than the discomfort of the coinciding failures induced by the ideal. If the people are never happy, which everyone can agree is a given under your policies, I don’t see how you think making them less happy will lead to any sort of success; seeing how the people would much rather be happy or at least hedonistic than successful, which is purely instinctive, as hedonism rewards the instincts even if it is clearly contrary to any real logic, so overpowering that aspect of the human mind is just as delusional a goal as the idealists attempting to overpower whatever instincts they happen to be condemning today.” Says Grace




“People will always find some portions of everything that exists problematic and threatening, and it will always be the same proportion of things that exist that will fall under that category. This means that clearly attempting to resolve problems will always fail because things that weren't problems beforehand become interpreted as problems by comparison when there are less severely problematic things to notice. This means that the only way to ensure that something seen as problematic ceases to be a problem is to ensure that far more problematic things are created and obvious to the people, so this way their interpretation of the range of what is problematic slips from the level that included what was once perceived to be problematic, simply because there are things that are far more problematic and upsetting that distract them and desensitize them to the previous issues that then become nonissues.

It may sound oxymoronic, but clearly people are exactly as upset as they were 50 years ago or 100 years ago, and this is despite the fact that a massive number of problems have been resolved and society is much better than it was 50 or 100 years ago. As much as some of my policies may sound unpopular or problematic, so long as the people are given blatantly far more problematic, unpopular, and worrying issues to calibrate their perception of what is or isn't problematic, the people will be entirely in support of my policies because they seem harmless compared to whatever problems are blighting the people. These problems would be artificially created and enabled, but done in such a way that the state is not to blame for these issues, and this can be done through training domestic federal agents to perform these tasks, or more likely to have a mutual agreement with foreign powers to consistently cause serious problems within one another's country just so any unpopular or seemingly problematic policy becomes negligibly harmful and problematic when compared to things that the people are struggling with. As much as this can be applied to inherently problematic policies such as those of a tyrant, applying this policy to ensure the popularity of legitimate and beneficial solutions would require a lesser degree of problem calibration in the minds of the people when compared to desensitizing the people to things that are truly unjustifiable. The true advantage to using these methods to ensure public support of beneficial things is that the policies can actually become popular due to having a legitimate level of defensible justifiability, whereas if these methods are used to perpetuate tyranny, the best that one can achieve is a level of indifference to and tolerance of one's own corruption, as such things can never truly be popular due to lacking any basis from which they might possibly draw and foster support.

The same principle holds true for any matter of opinion, including ethics. Despite the unsavory nature of doing so, it is easily a necessary evil to desensitize people to things that are beneficial to society yet at the same time arguably unethical, but thankfully due to telecommunications it is easy to highly publicize small scale applications of these desensitizing zeniths of problematicality rather than make them personally palpable in people's lives. This could mean torturing a small number of terminally ill children in some strange way while alleging that doing this is the only chance there is to save their life, then when people realize that such a fate is worth than death, they will be far more supportive of the idea of euthanasia, and the same strategy can be applied to entirely dysfunctional people such as some old people who lack adequate brain and corporeal function and cannot keep themselves alive through their own merit, and these people could simply be put in highly precarious situations and be left to die the fast or slow death of their own inability, and we just inform people that we can't afford to care for these people due to whatever natural or artificial hardship has befallen our country, and people would clearly support a swift peaceful death for these people as opposed to a prolonged death of self-inflicted torture due to their own inability.

Even if that seems unreasonable, something like selective breeding can be done by using the massive numbers of disabled people and emphasizing and exaggerating their suffering and the amount they burden those around them if need be, reminding people that this is the painful and destructive result of the failure to consent to being bred selectively. This matter is of true pertinence today because of the level that profound disabilities are fetishized by the public despite the blatant and unjustifiable toll these people extoll from society who is forced to care for them while they offer absolutely no return on that massive investment. These are extreme examples, but serve to demonstrate that the way to ensure that something is agreeable and popular amongst the people is not to convince them with unnatural competitive agreeability, but rather to desensitize them to any opinions that would be contrary to the argument through psychological calibration so they can understand and defend the maximized value of such things rationally without interference from baseless, meaningless, and destructive emotional opinionation.

 This fact of human psychology is less relevant in regards to my own strategy of making use of it, as that reality may easily never come to fruition, but it is far more relevant in regards to how it can be applied in order to cause unrest amongst the people. Due to the fact that people will always be equally upset about whatever is going on regardless of however respectable it may be, this can be beneficial in ensuring that my criticisms of the state resonate with the people, because regardless of how nice things are for everybody, so long as you address the most problematic issues facing society, the people will be spurred to their maximum level of indignation, regardless of how negligible these problems actually are.

A great example of this is how the police happened to kill 10 innocent unarmed Negros one year in a country of 400 million people, yet these 10 deaths have managed to spark massive outcry to the point of forcing the police to instate massive national reforms such as body cameras and intensive bias training, despite the fact that these deaths are negligible statistical outliers when one views the problem with a rational lens, and beyond that when the number of unarmed Negros shot was reduced to 5 the next year, people are still equally as indignant and furious with the police as they were the year before when twice as many unarmed Negros were shot by police. This baseline level of indignation can be used to further my arguments, even if the people don't side with the solutions I argue in favor of at first, because people will constantly be upset with these problems that I seek to address, and so long as you are able to reinforce in their mind how problematic these things are, these issues will be constantly on people’s minds, and this will force them to demand action without understanding what any sort of resolution of these issues would actually entail.

This is a productive level of spurring, when compared to the current exploitative supporting that is popular with the media today, and redirecting the indignation of the people could result in legitimate policy, when compared to the spurring induced by the current media standard of being indifferent to any comparable source of tragedy that is not somehow attributable to race relations or gender relations, as these two things have always been sources of reliable outcry due to minorities and women being so thoroughly indoctrinated to believe that they are inherently the victim of society, and when they become indignant on account of that they constantly tune into the media to see if their indignation has somehow resulted in better treatment, which it never does, and this causes them to tune into the news the next day and the next, in a manner similar to the diet magazines that shill a new diet every week, the fat people buy the magazine hoping to lose weight, they don’t lose weight, and the company sells them another magazine depicting a new miracle diet the next week.

 The people are indifferent to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people every year due to smoking, alcohol, and obesity because these people are not the victims of some blatant racial or sexual discrimination, and even if they have been victimized by the respective industries, this is irrelevant because these industries control the media to a large extent and clearly wouldn't provide the financial support that media outlets need if they were to demonize those industries to the same extent that they are willing to demonize a successful man harassing a woman below him in the office or a police officer for shooting an unarmed Negro, with one hundred times more vehemence if the police officer happens to be white, because this provokes people's sensitivity to race relations on top of the indignation the poor and disenfranchised feel in regards to the authority.

As much as the problems facing the people of our country may be laughably minute when compared to what occurs around the world, clearly this is irrelevant when they care about these minute problems to an extreme degree while being largely if not entirely indifferent to the countless and extremely grievous tragedies that plague people around the world; so despite how these problems may be small, so long as you can convince people that said problems are the most serious problems that exist in their life, they will be completely consumed by their pursuit of this petty justice that they believe to be of utmost importance and significance simply because they themselves are the victim. By informing the people that they're clearly the victim, and that they are suffering immeasurably on account of that fact, while sensationalizing the problem as much as possible to ensure the highest level of indignation with thorough demonization of the source of the problem and veneration of the victims as if they are so entirely innocent and unresponsible for their problem, the people will believe that they are somehow comparable to saints and martyrs fighting against some evil, oppressive, and deadly force as opposed to random irrelevant people who probably caused their own problems by themselves, and other people in that process, on account of their own mental shortcomings and shamelessness.

Clearly this power, like all power, can be abused and used to accomplish unsavory or shameless ends, but this power, like all power, must be utilized to whatever extent necessary to maximize the potential benefit to society. If we condemn this power because it is unethical, then we are damning ourselves to extinction, just as any member of the genus homo who condemned the burning of plants or the creation of stone tools because their animistic beliefs caused them to feel that burning plants or disfiguring rocks is unjustifiably unethical because it fails to respect the natural integrity of the plant or the rock in question. People are no different than plants or rocks in this situation, and humanity must understand that when methods such as these are utilized correctly, these methods can convert people from dry brush and sticks into life-giving fire, and convert people from rather useless commonplace rocks into spearheads and hand-scythes with which we can then feed and protect ourselves as well as harvest the necessary supplies to ensure that we have the clothing, shelter, and warmth we need to survive.

If we fail to utilize this power and properly calibrate the minds of the people, they will inherently find fault and problems with things that are inherently beneficial solutions, and this is not on account of any problematic nature of these condemned solutions, but simply due to the fact that these solutions happen to be among the lower percentiles of pleasantness and desirability amongst the imagined solutions to people's problems which causes the people to fallaciously infer that these legitimate solutions are somehow problematic, and then subsequently demand in their indignation that beneficial solutions to society’s problems are abandoned entirely on the basis of emotional opinion as opposed to any legitimate quantifiable and meaningful argument against these things, and this will lead to the constant abandonment of many practical solutions in the search for some inexistent level of betterness simply because it is a maladaptive trait of human nature to inherently infer fault somewhere even if there is none present while simultaneously being tempted by delusional fantasy far more than reality.” Says Stacy

“I know that your argument is clearly worthy of criticism, as it is shamelessly amoral, but apathy towards fantasy is easily the reason why suicide is increasingly common, as the American Dream fails to convince the people to struggle endlessly until they die as it once was so capable of doing. Seeing how this is me being indifferent to a fantasy that is easily even more impossible than the unattainable American Dream, I’ll just give you a pass on this one. The idea is functional, but unless you are wielding autocracy it is far too shameless to even attempt to convince anybody of the value it might yield for society.” Says Jenna

“Hopefully you don’t need to torture people just to teach them that euthanasia is the humane thing to do when compared to letting people suffer throughout their lives. It’s what you’re supposed to do for animals, and if I’m old, crippled, and senile I don’t want to be kept alive if I’m suffering just because people are too squeamish to do the humane thing in that situation. Seeing animals suffer is so sad, and I don’t know why people think it’s wrong to end somebody’s suffering, seeing how those people are just as much in favor or torturing people as you are, but they aren’t even doing it in a productive way, they’re just torturing old people and disabled people, for no reason, especially children who have to suffer every day of their lives knowing they will never get any better, and nobody is willing to help them. It’s not even murder, it’s just putting somebody to sleep, and I don’t know how anyone can argue in favor of forcing people to be awake and suffering for many years until they die instead of just letting them sleep peacefully, seeing how thankfully we’re decent enough people to help animals avoid the awful pain of dying a slow death.” Says Ophelia

“Any objection to Stacy’s arguments is like arguing against an inoculation because the syringe hurts the baby, when this is asinine because smallpox and rotavirus hurt or kill babies far more than a god damn syringe ever will. You’re saving the baby the temporary pain of a tiny injection in the present while nearly guaranteeing that it will suffer an incredibly slow, painful, and preventable death in the future. Stacy’s logic is spot on like it usually is, and I see no reason or even ability to argue against correctness. As much as I would be squeamish if I were to be killing people, when I look at it from a rational perspective without actually having to do the deed, it’s common sense, but of course in practice human instinct is a fairly powerful force, and I’d definitely be instinctively reluctant to personally euthanize non-functional children and old people as much as I understand that it is the benevolent and philanthropic thing to do in that situation. It’s a shame that vestigial human instinct is often such an impediment to one’s own success in this unnatural world we live in.” Says Isabelle

“Yes, Isabelle, euthanizing children and elderly people is a very benevolent form of philanthropy; Jesus Christ, that is ridiculous, just because something benefits society doesn’t mean it is inherently benevolent or philanthropic, the children and old people are alive as much as any others, even if they actually live to a much lesser extent, their consciousness still exists and suffers just as any other would. Regardless of Isabelle’s shameless ability to sympathize with money more than dying children, I think even the euthanasia is more defensible than the psychological conditioning of the population, just because of Ophelia’s argument that it is clearly the humane thing to do for every species besides humans, so it very well may be true that said fact applies to all animals including humans.

 It is hard to argue that there is a proper degree to which the state should manipulate the psychology of the people, as society benefits greatly from having a large population of people who are able to think freely and independently from any severe form of manipulation like you describe. It may sound insane, but it might actually be possible that the people are upset for a legitimate reason, as much as they’re upset about seemingly more so petty things than they once were, people would be far more upset if their child was crippled by polio today on account of some shortcoming or deliberate action of the government whereas the people would just accept that fate some 100 years ago because it was actually unavoidable.

The people may be accustomed to a better life and demand a higher quality life than they once did, but that doesn’t mean these demands are unjustifiable, seeing how despite how much better people’s lives are compared to 100 years ago, the people’s lives are still not as good as they easily could be when one accounts for the benefits that technology and success has brought the world, especially our country, and compare this with the disparate amount this technology and success benefits the actual common people. I don’t understand your willingness to attempt to abuse the people to ensure that they are less upset about things they are currently upset about rather than even consider the fact that they might have a legitimate reason to be upset. As much as you can’t sympathize with the people, that’s hardly any sort of evidence that would contradict the legitimacy of the argument.” Says Grace

“I am simply attempting to defend a common sense principle of measuring things independently from one another when these things are largely if not entirely independent from one another. I seek to analyze things independently from one another and address each one of them with a specific and targeted solution rather than attempt to address all of these issues with one broad stroke of the brush. I seek to do this because it should be common sense, especially in regards to something as vital as success. I seek to address each individual issue as an individual issue, rather than convolute the mathematical formula that define success with any sort of sentiment or opinion; so rather than attempt to do two conflictory things simultaneously and hope for the best, I seek to address success independently from human sentiment, and address human sentiment independently from success. Human sentiment is often a hindrance to success, and it is the far more malleable of the two factors involved, as the mathematics defining success are very explicit, rigid, and unwavering whereas the human mind is largely plastic in nature and can be molded to a large extent in order to fit within the situation in a complimentary manner, and this is starkly opposed to the mathematics defining success which cannot and will not change, so attempting to modify success in order to appease human sentiment is only inducing failure by attempting to achieve some inexistent success by using inaccurate equations that rely on the existence of fallacious and inexistent variables and constants in order to achieve any comparable level of success as the methods defined by the legitimate equation.

 The world thinks that attempting to modify mathematical success in order to competitively appease people is a reasonable solution, when this is clearly adulterating success so that the success becomes less pure and legitimate as it becomes more and more adulterated in order to appease the people, and the painful aspect of this nature is that despite any outcry against the pursuit of success over appealing to humans, it is an unwavering fact that those nations and peoples who chose to pursue success over appealing to humans will be more so successful, and this is simply how science works; success is formulaic and any claims arguing that the pursuit of ideals while forsaking success will lead to a more successful, happy, and prosperous nation when compared to forsaking ideals in order to pursue raw success are inherently delusional and fallacious, because if such sentiments were somehow true, then they would not be considered ideals but rather practical methods that yield success at the highest possible rate, as any argument against the ideals would clearly be a measurable argument against maximizing the success yielded from the formula for said success.

 This is not an argument against each and every value that people hold dear, but it is a criticism against the ideals that clearly reduce the level of success that the nation yields in order to appease the people when this task itself is futile as I have explained before, because the people will always be upset with everything at the same constant rate, despite any fluctuations that depict the subtle volatility of the absolute level of indignation but still reinforce the principle that their indignation is explicitly a static variable that follows a slopeless linear regression over time that quickly returns to this static level despite any instances of fluctuations of outcry or contentedness that are induced by temporaneous contretemps or serendipity. Clearly the people can become more so upset or less so upset, but attempting to reduce this level of indignation over a long period of time is futile because their minds will always quickly return to this normal level of indignation despite however perfect or terrible things may happen to be. This futility of attempting to please the people is more than enough reason to condemn the palpably futile efforts constantly championed by the idealists and consciously direct the majority of all efforts of the state, industry, and the people towards success; so rather than choosing to attempt to minimize indignation, society should only ensure that that the static level of indignation is not forced to an extreme level such as revolt or rioting due to the people being presented with a  source of indignation that is irrationally far more upsetting than their usual sources that spur their usual discontent.

Forsaking success in an attempt to change something unchangeable like the indignation amongst the people is asinine to begin with, but when that process amounts to forsaking more and more success every time in order to accomplish the same small temporary reduction in indignation is utter insanity. The people's indignation returns to the static level after a brief moment, and then they demand even more changes be made; this is destructive because the hindrances to success are cumulative over time as these changes made to the formula of success remain in place and quickly become a massive permanent cancer on the formula of success despite the people's indignation quickly returning to the normal level, which would be spurred to outrage if progress was made towards refining success rather than reducing indignation. The indignation of the people has an infinite amount of potential energy in the form of demands that hinder success when compared to the hard, finite, and limited amount of success that exists and can be sacrificed in order to appease the people. This cycle induced by the idealists is rapidly becoming more and more problematic, and unless this cycle is stopped and reversed, any nation or peoples on earth that subscribe to this philosophy will soon be entirely lost, because there will come a point when a nation cannot sacrifice any more success without upsetting the people in the process due to insolvency, and they cannot make the people less indignant without sacrificing success somehow, so they've put themselves in a catch-22 that will ultimately lead to the collapse of every idealist nation on the planet.” Says Stacy

“You defend these amoral and easily unethical methods to ensure that society is successful, saying that these methods produce massive yields in exchange for a small decrease in civil liberties, and while they may be largely harmless and benign in theory, you are defending a system that is extremely prone to unspeakable corruption, because as much as you are a reasonable enough person to limit the scale of abuses of human psychology to the level that provides the greatest benefit society with the least harm to the people in order to maximize legitimate success for the nation, this system can easily be thoroughly abused by anyone who comes along and seeks to amass personal gains and personal power.

These methods and policies you defend are like street drugs, which may have some accepted medical purpose, and you intend to use them in that manner and use no more than needed to accomplish that, but in the field of politics if you establish these sorts of systems you are basically putting lifelong drug addicts in this room full of street drugs and expect them to use the drugs responsibly and only as necessary when they will constantly be craving to abuse the drugs to get the high they always want, and could easily be so tempted by this high that they end up overdosing on this drug of quote unquote ‘necessary evil’ to the point where goes well beyond that which is necessary and could easily kill millions of people due to one man having a strong desire to get high on this power you foolishly think that every generation of people will somehow use responsibly without succumbing to the temptation of abusing this power for personal gain despite the fact that it would be so incredibly easy to do so.

When you defend these systems in the name of benefiting people and society you are doing nothing of the sort, because the ethics of the West will never slip to the point where they tolerate such things, and you are ultimately doing nothing but defending and polishing systems that tyrants, despots, and autocrats use to ensure their power, and this causes these abusive leaders to become even more successful and powerful despite their egregious behavior. The more you defend and polish this theory, the more you are aiding the tyrants of the world while doing nothing to help the free people, and seeing how brutal your policies are in regards to domestic and foreign policy, you are ensuring that infallible tyrannical states become more so stable and then proceed to cause even more problems on the international stage than they already do.

This sort of rhetoric is the antithesis of helpful to society, because you're the only person in the world who fails to see how easily these systems could be abused if they were implemented, and for some reason thinks that taking such a huge risk in order to ensure a higher level of success from society is justifiable in any way. Even other amoral people could see that the dangers of these sorts of systems are far too dangerous to justify even if they are indifferent to the suffering of the people, because if these systems were to be abused then this would cause a large drop off in the measurable success of the nation as well as the legitimacy and functionality of the state. The systems are too fragile to be applicable, and fragility is the last thing you want defining the governments of nations that oversee the world and ensure some level of global stability.” Says Grace

“The tyrants don't need any assistance in doing these things, so clearly my defense of these systems is a moot point in regards to that issue. The problem is that tyrants will polish their own systems and ensure much higher levels of success that the Western idealists cannot compete with unless they too understand the methods through which this success is ensured. I don’t defend these points because they are entirely unobjectionable, I defend them because it is a matter of life and death; there are many industries that flourish despite the fact that they are easily capable of killing their employees, and the industry of psychologically conditioning and calibrating the people is a direct parallel within the state to any of these dangerous jobs in society; these jobs such as building skyscrapers, industrial diving, or lumberjacking must be done because society needs them in order to succeed well enough to survive, so despite the risks and dangers to human life, we defend these industries because they are unquestionably necessary, and in the regards to our nation and all of the Western idealist nations, it is a matter of life and death whether or not we establish these practices so that we can remain competitive in the face of every developing economy of the world that is already fond of such measures, and thus yields massive returns on account of their investments in these methods, while we squander all of our success in an into the despicable racket of the common man by forcing the state to attempt the futile task of appeasing the indignation of the voting public.” Says Stacy

“Grace has a sound point that the system could very easily hinder success as opposed to accommodate it. It’s kind of ironic that you lack any faith in the human race but would somehow trust a select group of people to masterfully execute these methods without succumbing to any sort of self-serving temptation in the slightest. As much as the process is clearly a logical and reasonable thing to do regardless of the fact that it is amoral and easily unethical, there are no means that exist to accomplish that process without adulterating it in such a way that the process loses much if not all of its validity and becomes a destructive cancerous effigy to the theoretically legitimate and reasonable methods simply because of how fragile such a system would be. Sure the people will always find fault in things that are not problematic, but is that truly more of an issue than a society where people are conditioned in such a way that they don’t find fault with things that truly are problematic, and even if they did they are too oppressed, powerless and threatened to even speak out against them or attempt to change them? Clearly that is the only probably fate of any such attempts to utilize such a system.” Says Jenna

“The fragility of the system is a very reasonable point to make, but the necessity of the system trumps any sort of criticism against it. Calibrating every citizen’s natural perception of problematicality is clearly vital to the success of any nation due to the factors I’ve described. Corruption can easily become a problem and for this reason even instating this system in an entirely transparent manner just to ensure that the methods, reasons, workings, and justifications of this system are all explicitly defined and publicly available knowledge. This may seem ridiculous, but the transparency of the system assists the function of the system, as the transparency itself functions as a deterrent in the same manner that any actions inducing psychological conditioning do: the people clearly know that being unjustifiably indignant will be met with a calibration of their psychological baseline of inferential problematicality, and when the people understand that there will be calibration induced when they become upset and distracted by measurably trivial problems that they should not be upset about, as when they are aware of the measurements clearly defining the hindrance to society that this indignation causes when compared to the problem itself and the unfeasibility of any solution to these problems, then they will realize that such a system is entirely just, and the explanations regarding human instinct and natural psychological predispositions that serve to codify the necessity of this process will assist people in realizing that the system is necessary, and possibly to the point where any psychological calibration aside from the mere guarantee of psychological calibration becomes entirely unnecessary.

The people are still free to raise complaints and criticisms so long as the points they are making are mathematically justifiable sources of indignation, meaning that the problems themselves harm or hinder society in a way that is measurably greater than the problems induced by the indignation resulting from the problems. Clearly there are justifiable reasons to be indignant or upset about something, but in today’s society the extremely irrational level to which people are consumed by the pettiest problems is a major hindrance to productivity as well as the pursuit of any feasible level of progress due to people incessantly being indignant about issues that are easily impossible to resolve without far more brutal and unethical means than the one’s I prescribe, because these problems of gender relations, race relations, income inequality, and any other common complaint are so deeply rooted in both American society as well as the natural human mind in the form of instinct and psychological predisposition that attempting to ameliorate these problems in society to any noticeable degree of success requires profound and intensive psychological conditioning of every human within the damn country just to save the lives of 5 unarmed Negros and prevent some trivial number of petty instances of racial discrimination, sexual misconduct or sexual harassment. These issues can quickly and instantaneously  be resolved through segregation, and if the people oppose this very feasible and legitimate solution that completely removes these problems from society, this makes them complicit in the existence of these problems and their indignation is blatantly hypocritical, pointless, irrationally wasteful, and distracting, if not destructive.” Says Stacy

“Even though she is using scary words like psychological calibration, she’s just defending something that is basically the same as the police, just the police that ensure people don’t get distracted and upset by things that they shouldn’t be upset with because the problems are blown out of proportion to an extreme degree when it might even be impossible to actually resolve the issues they’re upset about. The police don’t work by beating people up first then reminding them not to commit crimes, 99% of the crime that the police stop is prevented just by the fact that there is a guarantee that the police will come chase you and arrest you if you do something illegal. You don’t need to beat people up to remind them that the police have the right to do that to a criminal, and clearly this threat alone is enough to ensure that most people in society act within the law, despite the fact that people lack the faith in God that would make them do this without the threat of the police.

 I can agree with Stacy in that the things people get upset about like police shootings and gender relations are statistical outliers for the most part, it’s just that the media will cover these statistical outliers as if they are somehow commonplace occurrences rather than extremely rare ones, and when they mislead the people like that, the people become upset to a degree that is clearly unreasonable and irrational. It is sad that sometimes innocent people get shot, but it is also very rare, so people really shouldn’t be consumed by these things when compared to the huge problems that face society every day. If millions of people die every year from smoking and obesity and nobody cares, there’s no reason to be upset about the death of five people when nobody cares about these millions of innocent people being killed by American industries every year. It is so irrational to protest about the death of one black man, but be indifferent to the deaths of millions of people, especially when proportionally over one hundred thousand of them are also black, but just because these problems provoke people’s instincts regarding race and gender relations, the media gets to spur these people into being upset about these things rather than problems that are killing millions of people, if not the entire world like climate change unfortunately. I sympathize with those people, but we can’t be distracted by the death of one or two people for days and years on end when there are millions of people dying equally unjustifiable deaths, and the world itself could easily die entirely if we don’t stop polluting the way we do. There are industries tempting and killing millions of people in the same exact manner that the devil does, and the fact that the people are willing to turn a blind eye to this but not to other far less prevalent and deadly thing is insane when you think about it. ” Says Ophelia

“They may tempt like the devil, but I’m sure the people enjoy drinking, smoking, eating, and fornicating far more than they do being shot, so the Negros who get shot aren’t really getting to enjoy their deaths in the same way that others do. I think most of that indifference to the deaths of millions of people is rooted in the fact that if people were to criticize these industries, they would be criticizing themselves in the process, but when they criticize the police they are not blaming themselves at all, while the same goes for the women complaining about sexual harassment. I’ll agree that it’s insane that a celebrity making some lewd comments to a coworker gets covered in the media for weeks while the media is indifferent to tens of thousands of people dying from preventable causes in that same timeframe. Perhaps the deaths have just become so common that people are entirely desensitized to them, but when viewed objectively it is entirely ridiculous that people care so much about such petty statistical outliers, but they are also far more consumed by even stupider things like pop culture to an extent that dwarfs the outcry of the perpetually indignant, so all of this is likely just the fruition of the degenerate idiocy and ineptitude of large masses of humans being venerated simply because it’s so easy to make money from the shortcomings of the human race.” Says Isabelle

“I’ll reiterate Jenna’s point that having people complaining about petty things and statistical outliers is far better than a society that fails to complain about real problems, and that sort of society is all I can see arising from Stacy’s methods for ensuring civility and minimizing indignation.” Says Grace

“When a man is free to criticize, condemn, and hate things without risk to himself; his stupidity will convince him of anything, and as stupidity is never in short supply, this means that anything that exists becomes the subject of endless criticism, condemnation, and hatred: a man always knows better than anyone else, thus so long as things exists and a man is free to criticize them, he will certainly enjoy this pastime to the fullest, even if the criticisms are entirely irrational and nonsensical, the man finds more joy in being superior than he does in being correct. The reason for this is purely instinctive because superiority was a far more reliable marker of safety and survival than correctness was, so choosing to seek superiority above correctness when presented with the choice of the two is simply a natural survival mechanism in the human mind.

This speaks to the many reasons why society must define itself in such a way that a man's instincts are constantly the source of problems in the man's life, rather than validation; because as much as the democracy may seem like a civil establishment, creating an environment where the men compete amongst each other for superiority in any manner, let alone baseless superiority, is creating a situation where the man becomes reliant on his instinct as opposed to reason, because his instinct rewards him for seeking to be superior, and there is little if any psychological reward for being correct in one's arguments because these arguments are but words and have not and likely will not come to fruition so that the benefit of correctness will psychologically reinforce the behavior of being correct. When presented with any situation man will trust his instinct above any sort of logic or reasoning because doing this is much easier and efficient than actually making any sort of rational decision about the situation; this is beneficial in many ways such as reaction time, but these instincts are often exploited by society in manners that have become harmful to the people in the same manner a dog will drink antifreeze if presented with the solution because it tastes sweet, and as it is entirely artificial, the natural mind of the dog has no natural survival mechanisms in his brain to ensure that he avoids consuming the substance.

Nearly every object and ideal that is peddled or indoctrinated is popular because it has a very clear capacity to directly trigger the human instinct and force the mind to unconsciously release chemical stimulus that signals approval of the action, and this reckless abuse of the instinct for personal gain is the reason for everything that people feel irrationally compelled to do, from vanity, to obesity, to political shouting matches. The fact these things that offer no measurable yield to the person in reality is irrelevant because their vestigial instinct is convinced that doing these things benefits the probability of one's own survival and reproduction, and on account of this uncontrollable psychological reinforcement of the human mind, these measurably pointless if not suicidal actions become extremely commonplace in society because the physical human nature of the mind forces people to think to think that these actions are rewarding and well-reasoned despite having clear evidence to the contrary.

These instincts must be conditioned against, just as many instincts are in dogs so that the dogs will better serve the purpose that justifies their existence. Today’s society fails to do this and reaps the seeds of their sloth; creating a society filled with people who listen to instinct far more readily than they will reason, because the moneyed peddlers make a killing so long as the people listen to their instincts above reason, and the moneyed peddlers themselves define what the common man's society is as much as they possibly can, and this limit is easily the sky as the state is extremely happy to allow these peddlers to continue exploiting and abusing the instincts of the people by any means necessary, and this is due to the veneration of the free market and consumer freedom rather than any sort of value of ensuring that society does not slip into profound degeneracy as it exponentially has over the past few centuries. It is not that I seek to manipulate the people for any illicit gains, what I am defending amounts to nothing more than educating a child not to play with or eat poisonous household chemicals.” Says Stacy

"It's a shame that your nouveau morality that scientifically condemns things like human instinct and provides quantifiable physical reasons as to why these human instincts are harmful to society will never be able to induce the level of common decency you seek to induce. The reason why the faith was so good at doing that is because it relied on taking advantage of this human instinct rather than conditioning against it, and using the instinctive fear of the unknown and instinctive social amalgamation to ensure civility.

I doubt you can keep people ignorant enough to achieve the same ends of policing the people with their own ignorance, and educating them will only cause them to rationalize their uncivil behavior in such a way that they can defend it because a countable and measurable dissuading factor will never be as powerful as an infinite and immeasurable one, especially when the problems that arise from things such as vices don't present themselves instantly in such a way that the people would form psychological aversion, and when this aversion is not created, they are receiving nothing but positive reinforcement from their instinct that causes them to perpetuate these vices time and time again.

 The level of selfless stoicism that must be present in every member of society in order to accomplish anything similar to the common decency of the past is profound, and the extremely intensive process of inducing such a mental state easily makes such a matter impossible. The despots have proven that the fear of a mortal godless death is not enough of a dissuading factor to ensure civility, so there are likely no plausible options to actually create these ends. People have become too intelligent to survive, and as much as the intelligence has always been the primary defense mechanism of the human being, it is said that when the genetics cause a species to rapidly develop excessive defensive armoring or ornamentation, these traits often precede mass extinction of the species, and seeing how our only defensive trait is intelligence, the fossil record argues that this ever increasing intelligence is a clear omen predicting our impending extinction, and unfortunately that prediction seems extremely likely in today's world." says Jenna

“It truly is a tragedy that Stacy understands what must be done to save the human race from extinction and can clearly explain it, yet by the time the human race is suffering and miserable enough to actually listen to reason, it will be far too late to actually save them.” Says Isabelle

“100 years ago a man would be called a homosexual for brushing his teeth regularly if at all, and seeing how that practice is no longer disparaged in such ways and is actually strongly encouraged, I can only hope that people will come to see the light and understand that while people today may slander my philosophy and policy with baseless and shameless traduction in same manner that the toothbrusher was once denigrated as a homosexual, the profound, scientifically, and mathematically veritable benefits that my philosophy and policies yield unto society will silence any critics, just as advances in dentistry have silenced the once commonplace slander of tooth-brushing. I am neither an optimist nor a pessimist, but saving the human race will clearly take a miracle at this point.” Says Stacy




“We spend so much time reminding Stacy that even though she is technically right, the people will never agree with her, and seeing how this is largely caused by their natural instincts it is hard to think this will ever change. It is very sad that the world won’t let Stacy save them, but we should try to be proactive rather than dwell upon the hypotheticals and fantasies. Even if Stacy can’t save the planet and everybody’s lives, we can still pray for the people and hope that they see the light of God, ask for his forgiveness and repent for their sins, because even if we can’t save the people or even the planet, we can still save people’s souls.

I’m sure Stacy would be great at that, even if you can’t be a priest in the church, you can still use your speaking ability to spread the word of God to anyone who will listen, on the streets or more so on the internet that connects the world; I think it’s way more important to save people who don’t yet believe in God than preaching in a church because the people in church already have faith in God and are already saved. If you really want to help the people, then spreading the word of God is the best thing you can possibly do, especially since people won’t listen to your secular logic, but the more the people are reminded of the coming apocalypse, the more they will be willing to put faith in God because they will realize that all of their sins have caused such a terrible fate.

It’s sad that people will become extinct because they won’t listen to your logic, but when you think about it, it must be the will of God telling you to focus on saving people’s souls because that is more important than their lives. He blessed you with the knowledge to know how to save the human race at this young age just so you can know that saving their lives is impossible, and now you have the rest of your life to use your charisma to help save the souls of as many people as possible because that is clearly what God’s plan for you is.” Says Ophelia

“I’m not sure how many Full Rosaries a person has to pray for destroying an entire planet, but I’m sure that number is so high saving people’s souls at this point may be equally futile. Sometimes you must fight fire with fire, and if the world wants to burn in secular hellfire, so be it; I will fan the flames by echoing their secular condemnation that resounds in the mathematical explanation for their suffering and damnation; I will preach and celebrate this secular damning of human life by the secular god of this countable reality, reminding people that they can spurn theistic god, but the secular god will always remind them that their secular treachery and secular wickedness has invoked the secular wrath of the secular god, and for such secular irreverence, they are now tortured in this secular hell by secular hellfire caused entirely by their own secular irreverence to the secular god.

Those who spurn theistic god will be reminded by every instance of reality that while the theistic damnation of their soul has yet to come to fruition, the secular damnation of their secular mind and secular body by secular god is already an inescapable reality, and as one of the few who acknowledges the word of the secular god as the ultimate truth of this secular reality, it is my duty to torture the people with memories of their own irreverence and remind them that they brought this temporal torment and damnation upon themselves, and I have no desire to equate the secular god to the theistic god, despite the fact they are easily one in the same entity, because the pleasure of torturing godless men who, despite their godlessness, the secular god will gladly remind these irreverent that the secular god is still palpably ushering their souls unto secular damnation. The people must be reminded that while theistic god may have forsaken and abandoned the human race, the secular god will still gladly damn the human race and ensure their secular torture and misery for their secular irreverence; for theistic god may be human, forgiving, loving, and kind, but secular god is inhuman, unforgiving, ruthless and remorseless. Hail, holy secular Queen, mother of unmercy, our death, our agony, our despair. ” Says Stacy

“I wanted the whole secular prayer, but that was a good start. I don’t know how something can be both holy and secular, but I can see the need to distinguish between the one in question and a human queen. It is kind of quaint that the universe was born from a singularity, much like how complex life arose from single celled organisms, and how animal life is produced from a single ovum. Almost delightful, if you’re already quite comfortable with the dreadfulness that is.” Says Grace

“Holy being used in the secular sense of course, meaning perfect and flawless.” Says Stacy

“For something so holy I figure you could at least mirror the rest of the prayer in good faith.” Says Jenna

“By thee do we cry, poor banished children of entropy. By thee do we mutter our sighs, mourning and weeping in this valley of tears. Verily.” Says Stacy

“That’s all?” asks Jenna

“Until there’s some sort of secular messiah, that’s the only applicable part of the prayer. The rest of it is about Jesus and there is no secular Jesus.” Says Stacy

“I would hate to see a secular messiah if that is how you describe the secular Mary.” Says Ophelia

“That would require the secular god to have some interest in and desire to save the human race when that thought is laughably improbable if one considers the secular catechism of science which has no interest or desires, as it simply exists as inhuman verity, and I can hardly imagine any sort of scientific impetus that would spur the creation of some secular messianic human being or even any quantifiable entity at all that comes to save the planet and the human race.” Says Stacy

“It is kind of comforting to think that somehow all of the physical laws of the universe are constantly, meticulously, and accurately maintained by some sort of all-knowing, ever-present god, even if it is just the human nature of personifying inhuman things. Despite the apparent lack of consciousness or free will, the physical forces of the universe are still all-knowing, ever-present, and rule with the heaviest possible hand, so as much as it may not be anything like a human as the traditional gods were, the physical laws of the universe are blatantly and explicitly godlike. It’s just so easy to believe in something we don’t have a choice to believe in, so even if whatever forces constantly ensure the physical laws of the universe are enforced is inhuman and unconscious just as a rock is, that doesn’t mean it is any less of a god in the practical sense that this entity created all existence and determines the fate of everything and everyone in accordance with its own judgement.

I’m sure that Stacy is right when she says the benefit and necessity of morality is something that can be proven mathematically and scientifically in a secular sense, so even if theistic god doesn’t give a damn about this place, the secular god still informs us that morality is the route that will lead us to success and salvation, even if it is only secular rather than some eternal spiritual salvation. The fact that science is telling us that the benefit of morality is not an opinion or a matter of faith but an actual scientific principle reinforces that notion that despite any of its callous unconscious indifference, the secular god still informs us of the benefits of being good people and allows us to pursue our own torture and torment if we forsake these things.

Seeing how the physical forces of the universe remind us of the legitimate value and benefit of being faithful in them and listening to them, as well as the fact that those forces also educate us about the benefits of morality and the dangers of immorality, it seems to be common sense to understand the physical consistency of the universe and the immutable power of the laws of physics as a god, seeing how it doesn’t require any faith to do this, because even without a grain of faith, the consistency of the universe as described by the laws of physics functions exactly as people believed that an omnipotent god did, and despite lacking the beard and the robes, if theistic god was a circle dressed in a halo, a beard, and a robe, the laws of physics are still that circle, they simply lack the beard, halo, and a robe. So as much as anyone can debate the spiritual legitimacy of god, they cannot debate the secular authority and immutable perpetual correctness of secular god, and rather than use the faith to convince people to pursue a moral and civil lifestyle, the secular sciences would be far more applicable in this pursuit because people cannot debate science as a matter of whim, opinion, or faith. It kind of blew my mind when I started thinking about it like that.” Says Isabelle

“Seeing how science tells us that the forces of the universe basically function in the same way that God does, and they teach us the same things that God does, so at that point I don’t think it’s should be a huge leap of faith for anybody to believe in God, seeing how even science is basically telling us that God is real.” Says Ophelia

“I’d leave the faith for the faithful; you can only lead a horse to water after all. In a secular world such as ours, I would much rather remind people of the immutable judgement of secular god, and remind them of the judgement and wrath of this secular god, because even if they are unwilling to equate this god to theistic god, they still cannot deny the reality of this natural divinity, nor can any sort of agnosticism towards supernatural phenomena shield their eyes from the fact that the judgement and wrath of secular god is not a matter of faith at all, for it is this judgement and wrath that define every conscious and unconscious moment of this reality.

I cannot ask people to be faithful, but I can remind them that reality is indifferent to one’s faith in it, and those who are incredulous to the judgement of secular god can easily be reminded that one does not need to believe in order to understand the power of the wrath of this secular god, for as much as one can fathom faithlessness in one’s own mind, every neuron and nerve ending in one’s body remains faithful to secular god, and these faithful entities will gladly ensure that those without faith in secular god are thoroughly reminded of the irrelevance faith in the face of the judgement and the wrath of secular god. A man shall be baptized in his own blood, if he has lost faith in that which does not require it, and he shall be born again, faithful and reverent to secular god, until he dies or must be baptized once again and reminded of the dominion of secular god over the secular bodies of men.” Says Stacy

“Verily.” Says Isabelle

“Stop. I was being facetious. Let’s not encourage this sort of behavior in Stacy to that extent. You know that sort of reinforcement will go to her head and she’ll start to enjoy thinking of herself as some sort of zealot of this secular god if you keep stroking her ego like that. It’s an entertaining subject of philosophy, but don’t let her believe that it is somehow any more legitimate than that,  and if you treat her half-facetious religious mimicry with that level of validation, she’ll easily start to believe it is more so legitimate than she already does, seeing how she will always favor stroking her ego more than being reasonable, as much as her reasoning tends to be the source of her ego, she’ll gladly accept any furthering of her ego so long as it doesn’t conflict with her usual sources. When you say that, you’re basically telling Stacy that her grounds for her ego are more than just rational metrics of legitimate criticism or real systems, you’re telling her that the grounds for her ego are actually more powerful than the simple supremacy of correctness but now involve some sort of affirmation of her supremacy by some supernatural force as if it is divinely inspired. I don’t want Stacy’s misanthropic zealotry to turn into even more profound religiously misanthropic zealotry; god knows what she would be convinced is a reasonable thing to do at that point, and I certainly don’t want to find out.” Says Jenna

“The immutable verity preached by the natural world speaks for itself; I only echo the truth resounding from the natural secular world. I am no more of a zealot than gravity or optics; I speak the truth and leave it at that. I may seek to ensure justice in the face of irreverence to the natural world at an expedient rate when compared to the natural forces, but as a being that is at the pinnacle of increasingly entropic evolutions of original entropy, it is only natural that I seek to ensure natural secular justice at a rate that is far more expedient than that of the original progenitor from which we have all arisen.” Says Stacy

“It’s hard to argue that religious devotion, reverence, and veneration of reality is itself a religion;  it seems to be more like common sense and realism where religions have always relied upon faith to a large extent. It is not a matter of faith, but one of acknowledging reality, despite however godlike the reality of universal consistency is. The second one personifies this consistency or believes anything on the basis of faith as opposed to evidence, it may become a religion, but acknowledging that universal consistency is the force that immutably ensures unwavering correctness in all physical reality, defines our reality, and conveys all knowable truths unto the universe should any seek to discover them is just acknowledging a fact, a seemingly miraculous and holy fact, but a fact none the less that requires no faith at all to understand and believe.

These forces can be called universal forces or the hand of god, but the name a human gives it is irrelevant from the science, and as a rose by any other name would smell as sweet, the truth itself never changes despite however somebody may seek to interpret or convolute it with their own beliefs, sentiments, or opinions. If we fail to acknowledge and respect the immutable truth of universal consistency, then we may as well relinquish any knowledge or truths that any put faith in, because ultimately humans are so bold as to argue their own sentiments are more so legitimate than the natural truth, and as Stacy has explained many times over, this cocksure delusion will be the demise of the human race that is slowly killing themselves with the cancer of their own delusion that consumes their raw scientific success in the name of fueling this destructively parasitic and hedonistic delusion.” Says Isabelle

“That’s fine; I just don’t want Stacy to take a religious tone when she argues these things, because it is far easier to tolerate science because it is fact rather than a religious argument that argues the same thing because it is allegedly the will of god. Science is wonderful, and I have no qualms with science, I just have no desire to have this be expressed in rhetoric that personifies reality as if every facet is constantly meticulously manipulated some sort of omnipresent deity. Even if that were the case, it is irrelevant because true science is inherently immutable, as much as people’s understanding of it may change, the truths that define the universe don’t change, so the whether or not there is some supernatural entity that causes this immutability to be true is irrelevant because the existence of this deity changes absolutely nothing about reality. There are countless thing that can be fathomed, cannot be disproven, and change nothing about reality, so I’d rather not use any of these as the justification for anything, as inspiring as the concept of a secular god may sound.” Says Jenna

“It’s not secular god cannot be disproven, it is that the existence of secular god is veritably proven everywhere, but it is just whether or not immutable universal consistency meets one’s own definition of a god. As much as it is not supernatural, it is entirely godlike at the same time, so it is a bit of an oxymoron, but personifying universal consistency in such a way is simply a savory and entertaining way to explain the immutable consistency of correctness and reality because people can easily understand the will of a person inflicting these things upon another, but something unconscious and incorporeal communicating these same judgements and subjecting people to the same wrath despite lacking any sort of sentience or free-will is harder for people to comprehend, despite the fact that this fate is clearly the measurable and quantifiable reality we live in.

It is easier to understand these concepts when they are personified in such a way that a presumedly human-like entity can be credited with the factuality of all of these things, and this is for the same manner that the number zero was developed long after the development of counting systems, and this is because it is hard for the human mind to quantify something that is not a blatantly discrete and countable entity. Rather than being dependent on people understanding the functional reasons as to why these scientific truths are accurate, they only need to understand the truths themselves because it makes far more sense to them for some human-like entity to cast these judgements and ensure this wrath because that is a commonplace occurrence in a human’s life when compared to interpreting the unconscious judgements of the incorporeal happenstance that defines our reality. The actions of judgment and wrath as performed by universal consistency are so similar to those of a person that people can understand this far more readily if reality is personified in such a way, because the concept of some unconscious or incorporeal happenstance understanding and invoking correctness, justice and wrath is far harder to imagine, and for this reason people are far less wary to this judgement and wrath than they are of those of people, which the human mind can very easily comprehend and understand.” Says Stacy

“You managed to personify godlessness and allege that it is a god, but that is like arguing that anything and everything that happens is somehow the will of god. I’m sure it is a valuable tool that can be used to teach people the predominance of reality, but that sort of delusion in believing that the totality of universal happenstance is somehow a god is still capable of inspiring people to think that all of their immoral and problematic actions are somehow the will of god, or that this god wants them to do these things. Sure the consistency of the universe is godlike in many ways considering how it does rule everything that happens, but personifying these things would lead to the attribution of other human characteristics such as intent, opinions, and desires which would only cause people to think that anything that they can do, despite however terrible or immoral it may be, is somehow reasonable because this secular god clearly gives them the power to do these things.

That easily contradicts that this force is somehow moral in anyway, because as much as you use numbers to justify your arguments, saying that secular god argues these actions are somehow reasonable and moral because of the numbers they produce, secular god still condones all forms of everything that is possible, so as much as the numbers defend your arguments and say that these results prove that secular god favors these actions, the counter point of saying secular god gave people free will and defends their ability to do whatever they damn well please is a far more accessible and convincing argument to the human mind. Beyond that, just because something benefits society doesn't mean that it's moral at all. Clearly Stacy argues in favor plenty of immoral things that would benefit society despite their immorality, so it is ridiculous to think that the personification of universal consistency is somehow a moral force in the slightest.” Says Grace

“Secular god is entirely moral because secular god defines what is or isn't ethical or moral due to the nature of defining reality; thus as secular god immutably ensures that morality yields a greater degree of success than immorality, it is easy to say that secular god is a moral entity. While morality was defined after the impersonal formulaic nature of success, and this means that morality is just another name for secular communal success, that doesn't change the fact that secular god is inherently a moral force due to the fact that secular god defines success in such a manner that happened to be interpreted as morality by the early people, so morality is just another name for methods of impersonal secular communal success dressed up with philosophical airs and pretentiousness. The logic is as follows: that which exists is successful, and that which is successful is moral because things that are unsuccessful fail to exist, meaning that it is the judgement of secular god that morality is what perpetuates existence while immorality antagonizes it, so since secular god perpetuates its own existence in the form of the universe for whatever reason, that which is perpetuating the totality of one’s own existence is godly, and that perpetuation is inherently success which indicates that success is inherently moral. The totality being the definitive factor of precedence and predominance, as secular god maintains the totality of the universe and subjects things that are blow the universe in order of precedence: matter is subservient to the laws of physics, energy is subservient to matter, life is subservient to energy, sentience is subservient to life, reason is subservient to sentience, emotion is subservient to reason, and so on forever if it would continue with each subservient being completely dependent upon that which it is subservient to in order to exist, just to name a few examples; so one man is below society, which is below the planet, which is below the universe.

The definition of morality has always been antagonizing something or someone in order to benefit everyone, or at least everyone else, in society, it is very simple. Despite what the idealists want to believe, freedom is not moral; clearly it is inherently immoral by definition because it defends the individual above society. Despite any fallacious claims of immorality, my arguments are all entirely moral because they fall under this true definition of morality; so any reluctance to acknowledge this fact is itself natural secular immorality in the form of sloth, as opposing my arguments is opposing success, which opposes the will of secular god which is perpetual existence.

People don’t understand morality or ethics, and this is because humans convolute these sciences with their polluting and corrupting sentiments, feelings, emotions, and opinions. It is a clearly measurable fact that most forms of healthcare are unethical, and this is largely due to the fact that compassion is unethical, save for rational impersonal compassion which no human is capable of truly comprehending let alone feeling. These feelings are unethical because they are irrational; every socialist thinks they’re fighting for some cheeky equality amongst the people, when they are only seeking self-serving ends and spiting the rest of the people on earth in the process, so as much as it may seem moral, it is truly sadistic and immoral due to the fact that the money spent on healthcare for Americans produces a far less efficient yield per dollar spent than it would if it were spent on more basic healthcare around the world, or even on alleviating the suffering caused by non-medical sources of pain, misery, and suffering in the lives of the people.

People don't understand the mathematics that define ethics and morality, so rather than actually attempt to understand these things people misconstrue these legitimate concepts by convincing themselves that said things are entirely defined by one's emotions and sympathy despite the fact that emotions are entirely irrational and making decisions based upon these sentiments is little more than self-serving hypocrisy extended to the very small number of people within one's ken, and seeing how this spites the vast majority of people who exist outside of one's ken, the argument that sympathy and compassion are anything but antagonists of morality and ethics is no more moral or ethical than an delusional sadist suffering from profound psychosis who believes that when he and his friends are touring people he is making them pleased, because he feels quite pleased when he does this and his friend is also quite pleased, so they use these two opinions to disregard the opinions, cries, and screams of the hundreds of people they are abusing. People inflict massive amounts of torture upon other people simply because they are unable to feel the proper levels of sympathy and compassion for every human on earth as defined by mathematically rational compassion, and this dearth if not complete void of sympathy and compassion for human life is literally the definition of psychopathy.

In order for any argument of sympathy to be legitimate even in regards to feeling sympathy itself, efforts must be used to alleviate pain and suffering in the most efficient manner possible; as anything besides this is inflicting more pain than need be, and this is itself self-serving sadism, because people alleviate their own pain and as a result of this process they inflict a measurable amount of pain and suffering on the people of the world that is magnitudes greater in scale than the pain the recipient of the analgesia originally felt. There are a limited number of resources that exist, and we use them extremely disproportionately and inefficiently in regards to actually alleviating the pain and suffering of human life, as when 100 dollars can reduce the pain of one American from a 10 to a 5, but this same 100 dollars can also reduce the pain of 20 Africans from a 10 to a 2, the net reduction of pain is -155, or an increase in pain of 155 units, because this process is more realistically understood as inflicting pain upon a person rather than relieving it, so by choosing to treat the Africans, the American would have 5 units of avoidable pain inflicted, but by choosing to treat the American, each of 20 Africans would have avoidable 8 units of pain inflicted  upon them. This is sadism to seek to inflict 160 units of pain for a reduction of 5 rather than inflict 5 units of pain for a reduction of 160, and seeing how the Americans always chose to treat themselves in this situation, treating these people is not an act of sympathy but one of coddling their self-serving self-righteous sadism.

This fact is true without even considering the monetary economics of the situation which only compounds my point due to irrational usage of money profoundly exacerbating the inherent sadism induced by sympathy and largely self-sympathy. Money is spent on sympathetic causes because somebody’s pain is at a 10 and it can be reduced to a 7, when that same amount of money could reduce the pain of 100 people who are at a 5 down to 4 despite the fact that the root of these causes is not  a medical problem, and here choosing to help those with medical illness rather than those suffering from the usual pain of existence and misery of being alive is choosing to inflict 100 units of pain for a reduction of 3 rather than inflict 3 units of pain for a reduction of 100. The person suffering at a 10 can easily have their pain reduced to a 0 by euthanasia, but the people who must work and live cannot have their pain reduced in this way because the state needs functional laborers to do work within society and to euthanize them would be extremely wasteful in regards to economics, while euthanizing the sick and dying clearly is extremely beneficial to the economy.

The worst people in the world are always won over with sycophantry and the stroking of their self-righteous baseless egotism, and despite the fact that these people are suffering in some respect, the facts of the matter are that they use this suffering as a means to exploit the human psyche and garner irrational sympathy to further their own self-service in spite of the countless people whose suffering would be vastly more so efficiently alleviated from the same investment of time, effort, energy and money. Treating the sick and dying in the 1st world who demand endless healthcare is far less ethical than simply killing them outright, because to invest in the lives of these people is to ensure the deaths of countless others throughout the world due to an irrational misappropriation of resources, and seeing how euthanasia is the far more economical option and actually benefits the lives of those who remain alive, euthanasia is veritably and measurably far more ethical and moral than providing healthcare to these people who require indefinite healthcare, especially when they provide absolutely no return on this massive investment made by society in terms of time, effort, energy, and money.

Sympathy and compassion are entirely irrelevant from ethics and morality; it is plain as day that people have confused these two things when in reality they are extremely different to the point where sympathy and compassion actively antagonize the function of morality and ethics. The numbers speak for themselves, and any arguments against measurable, provable facts are absolutely asinine, so whether or not one wants to argue that it is a testament to the sense of morality and justice of secular god to ensure that this irrational manipulative sadism measurably and immutably induces extreme amounts of unnecessary pain throughout the world that blatantly hinders the success, wellbeing, and survival of both the beneficiaries of this sadism as well as its victims, the facts speak for themselves, and any interpretation of these facts is entirely up to them.” Says Stacy

“In your ranting you kind of put yourself in a group you allege to be the worst people, seeing how you enjoy your own self-righteousness and baseless egotism to such a profound degree.” Says Jenna




“I am not self-righteous in the slightest; I am righteous, but as my righteousness is defended by the verity that the natural world preaches, it is not self-righteous in the slightest; I am egotistical because I have a solid foundation of wisdom and legitimacy in my own mind that supersedes that of any professed bastion of wisdom or legitimacy. I am self-absorbed because if I ever refrain from this mannerism, the pure knowledge and wisdom within my own mind would become tainted by those of the vulgar common man and the indoctrination of society. My egotism is merely a necessity to preserve the sanctity and purity of true legitimacy without having it become corrupted by the world at large that incessantly antagonizes such things in their own misguided ignorance and incredulity.

Above all of this, I am not self-serving in the slightest, and this trait is the most unforgivable of all, for each man puts himself above society despite the fact that it was society that allowed this man to survive in the first place; every man owes a life debt to society, despite the fact that what society had endeared him was the result of the self-serving nature of others, that endearment is still so valuable and life-giving that it causes the man to owe his life to said society. I devote myself to my attempts to formulate ways as to how society can become more successful and thus benefit every human within it, and never do I seek to yield personal gain from this course of action save for the wholesome pleasure I find in doing so. I am the antithesis of these people I allege to be the worst, and comparing me to these people is alleging that selfless social civility is somehow synonymous with self-serving antisocial degeneracy.” Says Stacy

“Where are the numbers, Stacy? The way you explain things is arguing that Newton’s theory of gravity would consist of one sentence that says ‘Gravity is the force that pulls things to the ground, and the numbers explain this’ without having written out any of the numbers. I give you the benefit of the doubt, but I’m sure most people aren’t as nonchalant about this sort of rhetoric, and if they even give you the time of day, they will demand to see the numbers, and if you don’t have them, you just look like a crazy psychopath who wants to do terrible things to everybody without having any legitimate reason to do such things. Sure your ideas make sense, but so did geocentrism, so it’s hard for anyone, let alone ignorant people, to off-handedly justify your disagreeability with extempore estimations of these numbers that you claim defend you arguments. Even the parts of your arguments that make sense because they seem like common sense to you, or the parts of your arguments that make sense because they are correct will likely be hard for people to defend, as common people have little ability to understand common sense, let alone correctness; and beyond that, I’m sure you know that people will only agree with what they like if they’re forced to make baseless decisions based upon what little knowledgeability they have about anything, and unfortunately for you that predisposition does not work in your favor.” Says Jenna

“I am making no effort to formulate these things to the point of testable mathematic and scientific certainty in the manner that Newton analyzed gravity. All I am doing is arguing that when a person throws a rock into the air, that the rock will fall down to earth. I am not making any more bold of a statement than that, one which can be readily observed without any level of scientific or mathematic analysis, and I do this because in this allegorical representation of the things I argue, the vast majority of people argue that when one throws a rock into the air it will fly around indefinitely, make pleasant small talk, empower the disenfranchised, stimulate the economy, and make the world a better place without ever falling to the ground.

I am arguing in favor of using common sense, and beyond that I argue in favor of using science and mathematics to quantify, measure, and analyze things that are common sense in a completely impersonal and objective manner without allowing the hallucinatory delusion of human sentiment to convolute things that operate completely independently from human sentiment and are only defined by pure and impersonal science that regards such things. It is ridiculous that I need to formulate the theory of gravity in all of its mathematical specificity in order to prove to people that when one throws a rock into the air, that the rock falls back down to earth. My arguments are seldom anything more than acknowledging the readily observable facets of reality, but because these facts of life happen to be unpleasant, people would rather disregard correctness in the name of coddling and fostering delusion.” Says Stacy

“The point still stands that regardless of however much these things seem to be common sense, common sense clearly is not anything one can expect the common man to wield to any functional capacity. Unless you have the numbers, all you have is rhetoric, and that means that despite however correct or sensible your arguments may be, they are still as open to baseless rhetorical criticism as any other just because you don’t have the actual numbers to prove them. This is the exact same situation that allowed geocentrism to become the standard theory in the minds of the people, because despite however incorrect it was, the people were more so willing to believe that model because it appeared to be more so legitimate, as the sun moved while the earth didn’t in their eyes. This relativity of the observer is what destroys your arguments, because the observer has his own perception of reality defined largely by their sentiments, feelings, and opinions, and when these are the sources of insight that allow a person to deem something legitimate, correctness is largely if not entirely irrelevant to any argument attempting to discredit these far more believable sources of insight regardless of however fallacious they may be.” Says Grace

“As complicated as the systems that govern and organize the people and the planet may be, they can easily be simplified to an extreme degree without losing much if any of their correctness, so while 7 to the 20th over 7 to the 21st may seem like two indecipherable numbers when each is written out in long form, that ratio can easily be simplified down to one seventh, and the same applies to society and the planet. One can understand this system of 400 million people and reduce it down to one of one thousand, one hundred, or even ten people and still explain the arguments I am trying to make using common sense and simple mathematics.

People use the extreme redundancy, convolution, and size of the numbers defining our society as an excuse to remain ignorant to the common sense principles that define the system, but these things can easily be put in layman’s terms with small numbers that thoroughly explain the same point. One does not need the numbers to understand that a truck crashing into a bicycle will result in the bicycle being mangled and the truck being rather unscathed with its momentum relatively unchanged, and this is the same common sense that defines the situations of net yields with the truck representing the negative net yields reaped from the people while the bicycle represents any of the few individuals who happens to be alive in this country and die with a positive net yield.

 I often use numberless allegories because these explain the point far more readily than any numbers ever would because the majority of American people are largely illiterate in regards to numbers and mathematics, so I’m not going to concern myself with a methodology that is only accessible to a small minority of people who could easily understand the allegories just as well and use their own mathematical literacy to further reinforce the points that I am making. If the people want to argue with common sense due to a lack of numbers, that is fine, if the few people who understand the mathematics behind my arguments are too squeamish to validate my points with simple mathematics, so be it, when the people want to condemn reason, logic, correctness, and success, they are more than entitled to burn in the secular hellfire of their own shameless incredulity and asinine delusion.

As much as I loathe people, on principle I hate to see things go to waste, and that includes the human race despite however much I loathe them, and seeing how failing to address this complete waste of the potential success of the human race results in the waste of our entire planet, I am compelled to make some efforts to address these shortcomings, even if in my own shortcomings I am rather limited to my own approach of scathing demonization and criticism despite the fact that these methods are easily some of the least efficient methods of bringing about change, but I am not so shameless as to reduce myself to a  life of sycophantry and coddling the fragile egos of these deplorable creatures in the hopes that I may somehow be able to convince them to do something to benefit themselves and the planet simply because doing so happens to meet the prerequisites of effective legitimacy including the occult worship of human life as preached by humanism while also seeming entirely agreeable without having any possibly objectionable qualities in the slightest thanks to the conditions placed upon legitimacy by idealism. I am entirely altruistic, but when the people will actively antagonize their own well-being and success, there is little I can do to prevent a herd of billions of idiots from enjoying their hedonistic suicide in their own reckless cocksure idiocy.” Says Stacy

“As much as people may be squeamish towards some of Stacy’s policies, people are equally as squeamish towards things like surgery and even childbirth, so clearly the squeamishness of the people is not anything that can be respected as a legitimate source of criticism, seeing how surgery and childbirth clearly benefit the people far more than abstaining from such things out of squeamishness. Well-being is directly induced by success, whereas well-being itself inflicts a burden upon success, so sacrificing success in the name of well-being will ultimately and inevitably lead to a much lower quality of life due to the nature of expenditure in that one cannot spend money that one does not have, and clearly we are spending money at a rate that is far higher than what we are actually making in this state, and this strategy is extremely unjustifiable when this debt is incurred is not healthy debt, meaning that it is used in such a way that it will yield more money than the debt will cost to pay back with interest.

Stacy is entirely altruistic, but if the people want to spurn altruism because it interferes with their own hedonism, then there is likely nothing anybody can do to save them, because with this addict’s mentality their minds are little more functional than those of the junkies on the street, and despite however painful and destitute the lives of those people are, they will always turn to their addictions because they lack the mental fortitude to overpower something that consumes and controls their mind to such an extent. Stacy is likely one of the few people sober enough to actually understand this situation, so unless there is a parallel to incarceration for the human race that functions in the same manner as it does for junkies, forcing them to get clean despite the pain it causes them, the human race will soon exist with little more dignity, health, self-respect, and means to survive as the junkies who choose to die on the streets with needles in their arms.” Says Isabelle

“We can’t do anything about the fate of the world in the same manner we can’t do anything about the junkies on the streets, so in the name of altruism let’s not be the idealists who seek to do impossible and futile things. If you are such an altruist Stacy, try to focus on things that are actually possible, and ensuring your own wellbeing is likely all that you can possibly do at this point. You rhetoric will fall on deaf ears, and you will waste your life and your beautiful mind because you are so consumed by these lofty desires to save the planet, so rather than succumb to this temptation, which clearly functions like an addiction in your own mind, try to overpower this addiction before it becomes too strong, and focus on that which is actually possible.

I want you to do well in school, and become successful, to understand that which is truly important and real rather than be consumed by your fantasies and pipe dreams that will never be realized due to the countless unfortunate circumstances that all work against your good will and altruistic desire to make the world a better place. We let the junkies die every day, and we as sad as it may be, there is nothing we can do, all we can do is avoid the things that cause people to die that death, be it drugs, alcohol, electric heroin, idealism, humanism, fantasy, fornication, vanity, or any other form of consumptive and suicidal hedonism; and instead focus on ensuring that which we actually have control over, which is our own fates; and seeing how the world will likely be reduced to chaos in the face of the coming apocalypse, our own success is vital to our own well-being, and even if you still desire to save the world, just know you cannot do this if you are dead, institutionalized, incarcerated, or otherwise inhibited from even educating the people who might have a chance in hell to save the world due to their own serendipitous circumstances that grant them some sway or power over the fate of the world.” Says Jenna

“If everyone takes on that mentality, the world is guaranteed to be destroyed and the human race along with it; I cannot embrace that mentality because to do so means that I would be complicit in this planetary destruction despite the fact that I have strong moral and philosophical objections towards such complicity. Beyond my moral duty, my vehement misanthropy causes such a future to be magnitudes more so masochistic than the extreme degree to which the life of the plebian is already masochistic, and such a life is not one I have any interest in living. I may starve, and I may be poor, disenfranchised, denigrated, and hated by the world, but despite all of this, I will remain noble and preserve my dignity, I will defend correctness and legitimacy, I will scorn the human race and defend the will, wisdom, innocence, and insight of the natural world.

Despite however meaningless this life may be in the eyes of the people, in history, or even in mathematical and scientific terms of pertinence and influence upon reality, that matters not, because it matters to me in that I preserve my own beliefs and my own dignity without having them reduced and corrupted by the people and the society which I deem to be unjustifiable, intolerable, and unforgivable. I will defend that which is sacred to me, and I will gladly die for it, because to live a life knowing that I have strayed from the noble path of all life and existence as defined by secular reality and abandoned my faith in that which requires no faith to believe in is to live a life that is truly far worse than death itself.

I have no interest in my well-being in a society where well-being is derived from the extent to which oneself is complicit in the mass psychogenic illnesses that cause mankind to spurn reality and exist within this dystopia so governed by idealist delusions, fallacy, false logic, and occult humanism. I will not reduce myself to the indignity of a junkie, just so that I may revel in the camaraderie of the other destitute, worthless, and despicable souls that I may interact with, for I am not so shameless as to seek the pleasures that human instinct seeks in its own maladaptive suicidal tendencies when I know far too well of the dangers and depravity that such a life induces upon oneself, one’s friends, one’s family, one’s society, one’s nation, the human race, and the planet earth itself. I may live the life of a vagrant, but I will die with dignity, knowing that I am a far more godly, noble, and pious soul than any that walk the streets, and I will take pleasure in reminding anyone of that fact who might happen to give me the time of day.” Says Stacy

“That is noble, but it also sounds like a terrible life to live, so maybe just try to find a good job and be successful while at the same time being a noble and pious person despite the fact that everyone around you succumbs to immoral temptation. You are really smart and I think that being homeless would be the most wasteful thing you could do with your life. Even if you are kind of helping bad people by working and being part of society, you can still try to spread your message and help people at the same time; it might be immoral to help the people who destroy the planet, but it is a necessary evil when you are helping them at the same rate if you just chose to be homeless, because then there is nobody arguing against them by teaching people what is truly right and wrong in the mathematical allegorical kind of way that you’re so good at.” Says Ophelia

“You’re probably right, I’m exhausting myself, and seeing how it’s a life of slothful masochism whichever way you look at it, it would be easier for me to enlighten the people if I had means to such an end, and hypocritical complicity is probably the only way to find such means within this shameless society. Hopefully I’ve explained the gist to the point where I can sleep at night, but I should really be listening to timeless words of wisdom more than I do. Burn slower, last longer. Per aspera ad astra.” Says Stacy

“Verily.” Says Isabelle

“As appropriate as that word is, I’m not condoning it in that context.” Says Jenna

“I can’t believe I actually won a debate with Stacy.” Says Ophelia

“I can’t believe anyone won a debate with Stacy.” Says Grace

“I’m just taking a breather, conserving my energy for round two; you can’t lose a fight if you never stop fighting.” Says Stacy

“Until something stops you from fighting of course, but the only thing capable of that is probably death at this point.” Says Jenna

“Thankfully secular reality never dies, so the punches will keep coming long after I’m dead; even if it’s not a fight I can win, it’s not a fight humanity can win either, so even if I die in battle, I can die happy with complete assurance that my side won the war, even if the human race and the planet itself were amongst the casualties.” Says Stacy

“With that kind of assurance I don’t even see why you’re so dedicated to fighting in the first place.” Says Jenna

“It feels good. It feels real good.” Says Stacy after a brief moment, grinning




“Hello again, I hope I’m not bothering you.” Says Eva politely, as she approaches the table, half-timid, the sun beating down with mercy as it dies motionlessly, unsure of its own movements or lack thereof, glaring with a snide grimace towards the trees, almost envious of their atemporal stage directions, watching them wave subtly and bask in its glory.

“I’m glad you finally found us.” Says Ophelia

“I’ve been here the whole time, I knew you were here, but the birds told me you were busy doing important things and it was best not to intrude.” Says Eva

“We weren’t busy or talking about anything important; even if Stacy’s endless ranting might have appeared that way.” Says Grace

“The finer points of misanthropic zealotry induce an irrational level of fervence and animation in Stacy when compared to the actual importance of such things, so I can see why you might think something like that. Sit, please, I’m sure you will be much better at making sure Stacy behaves than any of us ever could.” Says Jenna

“I wasn’t really watching you like that; I’m not a creep or anything. I was pretty distracted anyways watching clouds and birds like I usually do.” Says Eva, sitting down

“A much more healthy and wholesome hobby than any of us partake in on the day to day; truly delightful that you can enjoy the simple things when we ourselves have become so consumed by the temptation of fantasy like every other sorry soul on this planet.” Says Isabelle

“Your augury has served you well; it would be a shame for such a wholesome soul to be tainted by my endless unsavory ramblings, and as I’ve exhausted myself attempting to explain the plethora of things that must be explained, you chose quite a fitting time to drop by. Serendipitous, if I do say so myself.” Says Stacy

“I guess the birds are better at picking up queues that I am; I wanted to come over right away when I saw how excited you were, but they know more than I do. I’m not that wholesome, but I’m sure there were a few things I’d rather not have heard.” Says Eva

“It’s hard to understand Stacy half of the time, especially when she gets carried away, so I’m sure the birds just wanted to save you the trouble of being confused, and I’m sure it was more fun watching clouds and daydreaming than it would have been talking to Stacy. Stacy’s more prone to something like day-nightmares or something, considering how dark and grim her ranting can get sometimes.” Says Ophelia

“I’m glad I missed that, but I did remember you all wanted to play pretend or just talk or something and I did enjoy spending time with you all the other day.” Says Eva

“We were talking about Stacy’s plans for her future, and seeing how you’ve got some imagination maybe you can inspire her towards something more fruitful than what she had in mind.” Says Isabelle

“I don’t know, what do you want to do exactly? I doubt I’ll be much help anyways.” Says Eva

“I’ll do something, probably.” Says Stacy

“I vaguely remember you telling us you would rather be homeless than get a job, so that’s about as far as we got.” Says Jenna

“That’s really dumb. There are so many homeless people already. I don’t know why anyone would want to do that considering how sad they look. You were saying she has day-nightmares, so maybe she can write horror stories or something.” Says Eva

“Stacy’s the type of person who is scared to death by pleasant dreams and finds nightmares pleasant, so I don’t know if that’s what makes a book scary or not.” Says Isabelle

“I think the rate at which she enjoys the terrible things that happens to the characters might give her some motivation.” Says Grace

“It doesn’t matter; she’s still a kid basically, so she’s got plenty of time to think about it. It’s not like we really get to choose what we do, we just have to go to school and I don’t know anyone who would want to do even more work after school. Ask people who have jobs about that kind of thing, I don’t really know why people do the jobs they do, I doubt many of them even want to anyways.” Says Eva

“I shouldn’t be asking you to muse upon the struggle; you should just be enjoying yourself at your age. It’s terrible we’re so concerned with the misery of work rather than focusing on enjoying ourselves, seeing how we’ve still got our youth, and it’d be a shame to squander it.” Says Isabelle

“Adults always ask what you want to do when you grow up, and how should I know, I don’t think anybody does, and I’m sure plenty of adults don’t either.” Says Eva

“We could have another round of imagination; that is always a wholesome laugh. What have your magical girls been up to?” says Isabelle

“I don’t know. Nothing.” Says Eva, cautiously timid

“What about doing good and fighting evil, that sort of stuff?” asks Isabelle

“That’s it, that’s what they do. I don’t know; I’ve never seen one really.” Says Eva

“You’re looking at one of them; Stacy was out and about fighting evil just yesterday. She fought off a grown man who was trying to abduct our friend.” Says Isabelle

“Wow, really? Did she transform and do magic and stuff?” asks Eva, excitedly

“No.” says Stacy, embarrassed and seriously reluctant

“She definitely transformed into some kind of animal, and the way she fought off the man certainly looked like magic to me.” Teases Isabelle

“No way! She can turn into an animal? What kind of animal? Like a wolf or a bear or something?” asks Eva

“I just got in a fight, that’s it. I won the fight, but no transforming, no magic; I’m sorry to let you down.” Says Stacy

“Maybe she was using magic to make her better at fighting and you just couldn’t see it.” Says Eva

“That’s what I’m thinking. She’s got quite the knack; I can’t explain it in any other way than magic.” Says Isabelle

“There is no such thing as magic, ok? It’s just in stories and on television, don’t let Isabelle fool you like that.” Says Grace

“Well, I don’t know for certain, but it could be real. I’ve never seen it, but you never know.” Says Eva

“I’m telling you, we just need to get Stacy a cute costume and she can be a superhero or a magical girl any day of the week. I’m sure she can always find some evildoers to fend off.” Says Isabelle

“I don’t do cute.” Says Stacy

“You can’t help it, unfortunately for you.” Teases Ophelia

“You’re a shameless agonist of mental illness, Isabelle; if you keep pandering to people’s delusions you are going to hurt somebody. Who knows if Stacy is actually considering doing something like that and picking random fights with people because she’s so inspired by whatever it is that makes her mind chase after those crazy ideas. Eva shouldn’t believe in magic, and we definitely don’t want Stacy to become some kind of caped crusader fighting people on the streets.” Says Grace

“That’s odd because I definitely want that.” Says Isabelle

“That’s a terrible idea; as much as it sounds like a good thing to do, the last thing we need is Stacy getting into fights and getting into trouble.” Says Jenna

“Somebody has to do good and fight evil, and if Stacy’s actually good at it, I think she should try to do it as much as possible.” Says Eva

“That’s what I’m saying. Just get her a costume and the city will love her.” Says Isabelle

“This city hates cops, and I’m sure they wouldn’t be fond of any form of vigilante justice. Let’s change the topic to something that won’t get people killed.” Says Grace

“I think Stacy can hold her own.” Says Isabelle

“What about Eva? What about when she gets inspired by your nonsense, thinks Stacy is some kind of magical role model, and tries to go fight somebody on the streets thinking she has magical powers and gets killed or worse abducted. You think you’re only joking around but this isn’t a joke, our friends could get hurt if you keep pandering to their weaknesses like that.” Says Grace

“I’m not an idiot; I’m not going to go fight random people. I’m not going to fight anybody for that matter, and I’m not crazy either; you’re the idiot for thinking anyone is that stupid.” Says Eva

“I just don’t want Isabelle to put that idea in your head; Stacy had to defend herself yesterday, and that’s all it was, there wasn’t any intention of going out to do good, it was just making sure that we were safe because she had no choice but to fight. There are lots of bad people in the city, and I just don’t want you to get hurt.” says Grace

“Let’s change the subject, clearly your concern for this child’s wellbeing is misplaced, or at least she feels that way, so it’s best to respect that. A little imagination never hurt anybody so long as they can tell the difference between imagination and reality, so let’s just give Eva the benefit of the doubt.” Says Jenna

“I definitely can, I guess I’m just gullible or something, I don’t know. I know it’s stupid to believe that stuff, but I think everybody believes in something that’s stupid.” Says Eva

“That’s the lord’s truth, and Grace is just as bad as anybody else in regards to that, so don’t let her ride her high horse and think she’s somehow better than you. Magic could easily be real, whereas a maintaining a functional economy and an unscrupulous welfare state simultaneously is blatantly impossible, so Grace is definitely the worst of the bunch here.” Says Isabelle

“I don’t even know what that is.” Says Eva

“It’s something really bad and stupid, so don’t worry about it. At least your imagination wants to do good and help people, Graces imagination wants to destroy the economy and pretend that everything is fine while the country burns down.” Says Isabelle

“That also sounds really dumb. That’s even worse than being homeless.” Says Eva

“Exactly my point.” Says Isabelle

“Why don’t we just pretend something else, like what kind of animal we would be or something? That can’t hurt anybody.” says Ophelia

“A dog, I guess.” Says Eva

“Dog is definitely the way to go.” Says Isabelle

“A bird, a small one; I think it would be weird if I could understand people talking and couldn’t speak myself, and I would hate to be concerned about my owner all day like dogs tend to do. Just flying around without a care in the world sounds nice.” Says Jenna

“There are so many animals, it would be fun to be wild and run around all day, but being a dog is probably the best because then people will love you.” Says Ophelia

“I think being a pet is taking a big risk, considering that some cultures eat dogs and some dogs get abused, but you’re either being eaten by people, being eaten by other animals, or being hunted by people. Considering the risks involved I don’t know if I would want to be an animal, unless I can be a person which is technically an animal.” Says Grace

“Nothing but negativity and a lack of imagination from Grace, what a surprise.” Says Isabelle

“You’ve all got it wrong, clearly the only viable choices are apex predators, and then the only choice is being a cat of some kind, probably a lion because they can sleep all the time.” Says Stacy

“If you were a lioness you would have to do all the work like hunting and taking care of the cubs, the male lions are the ones who sleep all day.” Says Ophelia

“I don’t think Stacy would mind that, at least not the hunting part.” Says Isabelle

“I’d be fine with that, even raising the cubs would be fine with me, seeing how I read that despite the work lionesses still sleep 15 to 18 hours a day, and that sounds like the perfect life. Being a person is easily the worst life possible, so Grace loses handedly; as much as dogs might get abused or eaten, people are all enslaved and still could easily get abused in the process, so human is easily the worst possible choice. Even considering things like single-celled organisms, humans are still much worse, because as the mindlessness of being alive is clearly the advantage when seeking to live a pleasant life, considering that neutrality is always better than a negative value.” Says Stacy

“There are actually parts of life that are more enjoyable than sleeping. It seems like a waste to be alive just to sleep all day.” Says Grace

“That is clearly false, and even if the enjoyable parts of life were more so enjoyable than sleeping, the sheer pain and torment induced by the unenjoyable parts that dominate one’s lifespan make the argument in favor of being awake nonsensical, considering how if someone is awake it is guaranteed to be less pleasurable than sleeping and on top of that one is likely to be experiencing one of the many unpleasurable moments in life. Considering that a lioness is either sleeping, hunting, or eating 98% of the time, that is 98% of the time that I’m enjoying myself, when compared to a human life that is at least 33% or more work which is the antithesis of pleasure, not to mention the terrible strife and tedium that afflicts people as they must maintain their life outside of work as the earned money only provides them the capacity to do this, which they then must convert into the means to that end in terms of chores, errands, and upkeep, and those things consume the vast majority of one’s time with unenjoyable things. There is no level of pleasure that could ever justify doing those things unless one is unfortunate as we are and has no other choice but to do them if we are to enjoy ourselves in the slightest so long as we are alive.

Humans receive the shortest end of the stick by far, there’s no comparison to even the most tormented and terrified animals, because humans are forced to bear the burden of intelligence which only magnifies the suffering exponentially because they are able to understand the suffering and dwell upon it in the way we do. This mental agony is by far the most torturous of all, as the skyrocketing rates of depression and such point to the fact that the more pleasant a person’s life becomes, the more that the mental agony will come to dominate the mind of the person as there is a lack of physical agony, and that mental agony has consumed the minds of countless people around the world, especially in the developed nations. There is no way to win if you are a human, everything else can do some simple tasks every day and feel successful, or at least be unconcerned with most everything, but a human can never have that peace of mind.” Says Stacy

“It would be nice to have a simple life without all the learning and work that humans are forced to do, but we don’t really have a choice, so as pleasurable as it might be, I’m sure there are an infinite number of fantasies that are even more so pleasurable yet I’d still rather think about my life than focus on any of those, even if it might be nice to think about fantasies sometimes just for fun.” Says Eva

“The best life and the best possible life are profoundly different things; it is wise to focus on making your life as good as possible instead of getting distracted with impossible fantasy. You’re already wiser than Stacy is, even at your young age, since Stacy seems to only be concerned with her fantasies and little else. Even if this life is painful sometimes, it’s usually better than being dead for most people, so considering that those are a person’s two choices, any reasonable person is pigeonholed into being alive, so when that’s the case you just turn the lemons into lemonade as best you can. Stacy tends to squeeze the lemons into her eyes and become upset that they’re so sour that they sting her eyes unfortunately.” Says Jenna

“I see the world for what it is, which is a lemony beast, and rather than delude myself with the sugar I try to experience it for what it is and understand this thoroughly so I can make legitimate improvements upon the state of things without having my better judgement clouded by the fallacious and unnatural sweetness which would pacify me into reckless and irreverent contentedness. Life may be sour, but I’d much rather eat the lemons that pretend that the world isn’t a lemon because the human mind is so capable of tricking itself into believing such things. Lemons themselves are healthy, whereas lemonade can give you diabetes and cause you to become obese, so clearly as sour as I am it’s hardly an impious sourness, considering that the alternative is cardinal vice.” Says Stacy

“I catch your drift somewhat, but while the world may be sour, it’s not really lemons, so even if you try to make your life a bit sweeter you’re not going to be using sugar to do this most of the time, so I don’t see how it would really give you diabetes.” Says Eva

“It’s an allegory, so just as real lemonade gives you real diabetes, allegorical lemonade gives you allegorical diabetes, meaning while it may not technically be diabetes, there are countless examples where excessive consumption of some pleasure in life can lead to some level of destructive dysfunction in the body, causing it to be unable to process things which it must adequately process in order to survive, and the organ most commonly affected by this problem is the brain unfortunately. People’s minds can’t process all of the nonsense and false logic they are forced to experience every day, and eventually their body just stops being able to get rid of it and it builds up in their body, eventually causing them to die of poor decision making, just like how poor diet will kill a diabetic. The main problem is that people’s decision making can often affect far more people than just themselves, whereas a person will usually be the only one affected by their own poor diet.” says Stacy

“Don’t try to make sense of what Stacy says. Stacy would have to make sense in the first place for that to even be possible, so half the time you’re attempting to do the impossible.” Says Jenna

“It’s not that the things I say don’t make sense, as everything I say makes sense. The issue is that I provide some half of the sense to be made, and it often falls upon the listener to make the other half of the sense up, so if you just take my words for what they are they seem incorrect, but if you put in the effort to make sense of the things I say, then clearly they make sense. Seldom do I ever make hard factual claims; I usually drum up some allegory which is bulletproof because all allegories will have some level of accuracy in regards to what they represent while no allegory is ever defended as being a perfect example of that which they represent, so I’m inherently correct all the time by making statements that are inherently false, but partially true, and emphasizing that the partial trueness of the statement is what gives it legitimacy and pertinence while leaving it open ended in such a way that somebody can draw even more conclusions and parallels about the topic by analyzing the allegory with their own knowledge about the significance of what is represented by the allegory, then being able to apply the same logic from the allegory in many similar situations without needing to have explicit numbers and explanations for each one of these situations that could all be easily understood as remarkably accurate allegorical representations. All I’m saying is that there are many meaningful truths in this big bucket of comparisons to be drawn between reality and the allegory that represents it, in no way am I saying that the bucket of comparisons is filled with only truths.” Says Stacy

“I’m not even going to try with that, something about how only claiming to be partially correct means that you’re always correct; but it really doesn’t mean that, that just means you’re partially correct and you’re correct about the fact that you are partially correct.” Says Eva

“It’s a matter of subdivision, so of say 100 points I am making with my broad generalization, over 50% of them will be correct statements, and it is the value of those 50 correct statements that justify my comparison and make any false conclusions that one might attempt to draw from the same generalization in order to denigrate my arguments entirely irrelevant because the point was not that any of the falsehoods contained in the allegory are somehow correct, it is that all of the correct statements within the allegory or comparison are each unquestionably correct and independently valid in their own right, and it is these truths that provide the applicable and useful insight. With one allegory I can make 100 points, and 50 correct statements, and this is much simpler and far more efficient than niggling through the argument to emphasize the correct points while simultaneously appearing to discrediting myself by finding faults in my own argument.

While the argument is not of my usual merit which usually supersedes 50% validity, a simple example would be me stating that ‘the addition of two whole numbers yields a positive number’ when this is only true 50% of the time in pure math, but the reason this style of argument trumps the common fare amongst those who debate things, is that people will argue that ‘since the addition of two whole numbers may yield a negative number, the addition of two whole numbers does not yield a positive number’ and thus in this allegorical example people will think that addition of two whole numbers will never yield a positive number simply because it has yielded a negative number in the past. People will discredit something for failing and abandon it, when this is ridiculous because all things that exist have a failure rate, yet people abandon things outright due to instances of failure rather than attempting to minimize the failure rate, despite the fact that this leaves society lacking many functional systems simply because they have failed in some regards despite the fact that these failures were entirely statistically and mathematically tolerable. The idealists argue that no action should be made unless it is perfect action, when in reality there is no perfect action, and this has created a society where the idealists complain that things aren’t perfect, do nothing, and condemn any arguments that defend relatively more so perfect solutions simply because they are still inherently imperfect in some way, even if this imperfection is far less grave, dangerous, and deadly than the current standard.

 People want to make progress without sacrificing things, and this is clearly impossible due to the nature of work, in that energy must be expended in order to do work on a system, and work must be done in order for progress to be made. This indolent nature of the people has created a system of vampirism within our state, in that people want progress to be made without having to do any work themselves or make any changes to their own lifestyle, and as energy must be expended to do this, they seek to cannibalize success within this country and become a parasite upon success in such a way that this parasitism eventually saps all of the energy and capability out of the beast of success, and this mathematical system inherently causes success to collapse and die.

People want to hold the system back and take more out of the system than they put in, but they still expect the system to grow and move forward. This mathematical fallacy is perpetuated by the vampiric socialists who think that parasitism is somehow a noble trait and this should be championed by the people so they can take what they presume to be rightfully theirs, and if this is the case I see no reason to deny any tapeworm or malarial parasite a host within every socialist, because clearly these parasites would be far more successful and prosperous if they were allowed to exist within such a gracious host, and since the socialists are so fond of disregarding the success and wellbeing of the host to the point where they are indifferent to the dysfunction, failure, invalidation, and death of their host, then clearly these parasites are the most moral and justifiable forces on the planet seeing how they seek to take the food and warmth of those human bodies who can provide it for themselves and give it to the have-nots, these poor parasites who cannot provide their own food and warmth in their own right unless there is a gracious host for them to exist within; so seeing how these parasites function in an identical manner to socialists, there is no valid reason to deny any of these parasites a happy life within any of these gracious hosts who are so inspired to take from those according to their means and give to each according to their needs, as surely these parasites need that which perpetuates their lives and every human clearly has the means to provide them, so as long as we have complete disregard for the host organism and the fact that it is far more valuable and beneficial to society than a parasite, it is a serious matter of social injustice that these parasites are so denigrated and disenfranchised within our society, thus as benevolent champions of social justice it is our duty to rescue these parasites from the jungles of Africa so that they may be even more prosperous and happy within our society.” Says Isabelle

“Please don’t try to indoctrinate the child. Let’s talk about something else. I’m sure she has no interest in any of that nonsense.” Says Jenna

“Can a parasite even be happy?” asks Eva

“There has never been a happy socialist, but I’m sure that godly parasites that actually survived due to their evolution and their profound capacity to consume and destroy their host organism are a rather happy lot; the parasites themselves don’t mind doing the work required to stage such a coup with force and numbers, where the socialists seek to accomplish this same result with democracy, and unfortunately that works when the majority of society is so enamored by the life of a parasite. Their happiness is ephemeral as it correlates directly with the health of their host, and the more serious the parasitic infection is, the less healthy the host becomes, and for this reason a socialist is never happy as their logic is the argument that they will become happy by destroying and consuming the source of their happiness, which only results in a drunken intoxication while the corpse is fresh and then painful miserable struggle when the corpse provides far less nutrition than it once did.

The socialists all want to meet the needs of the people, but they forsake the needs of the nation, of the economy, and of the industry. The socialists all have the means to provide for these things, but they resent the thought of doing so; these things are far more important than the people themselves, as these are truly what provide for the people, and the people must be providing for that which sustains them with all of the means they can. A man should forsake everything he can in order to further his nation, his economy, and his industry; but instead he forsakes virtue and instead condemns and antagonizes his benefactors, placing his weight on the back of that which he must support as if her were Atlas lest it come crashing down into the abyss, and he damns his nation, his economy, his industry, and thus his own people in order to pursue the petty pleasures of indolence, vice, and chreogenesis. When Atlas refuses to hold the world on his shoulders, this is the apocalypse.” Says Stacy

“Yes, chreogenesis, apocalypse, got it. Anyways, you were definitely right that I don’t have any interest in that, I can hardly understand much of it anyways.” says Eva

“Nobody can understand it, so I wouldn’t be too concerned about that. She just likes to speak in that spooky kind of manner about all kinds of political things, and even if she was the usual type of person who talks about politics, it’s not like anybody understands that either; people just believe things about politics without understanding any of it, so there are so many layers of futility I wouldn’t even bother. Everybody wants to do the right thing all the time, but it’s always impossible to do that, so everybody just pretends to be right all the time without having much of a real reason other than some moral argument or some opinion or feeling. It’s all nonsense that favors whoever is the most convincing and inspiring rather than the most correct or reasonable, so politics is guaranteed to be stupid and incorrect no matter who it comes from, and that’s about all the insight I have.” Says Ophelia

“Stacy’s usually, if not always, correct though, not that it really matters; it’s just quaint pleasantry at this point and likely always will be.” Says Isabelle

“Ophelia is right, Isabelle is just the example of someone with political beliefs who puts their unwavering faith in something because it sounds appealing despite the lack of any real legitimacy, which is what everyone with political beliefs does. I would just be a cynic before you waste your life caring about things and talking about things that oneself is entirely irrelevant from; it just makes you look like an idiot, a sheep, or in Stacy’s case an absolute lunatic.” Says Grace

“Point taken.” Says Eva

“Stacy likes politics, we are well aware of that, so rather than let her rant endlessly I’d rather know something about you, Eva, what kind of things do you like? Whatever it is, I’m sure it’s far more pleasant than what Stacy enjoys ranting about.” Says Jenna




“I like nature and animals and things like that; the city seems really cold and dead so I don’t like it at all. Even though this is just a park surrounded by city, it feels like I can breathe here, like it’s actually alive and warm. It just moves in that pleasant way, without any real meaning or cares, I like that I guess. The city is all full of purpose and mechanical types of movements, and it seems really gray and sad and dead. People spend their lives in the city when that’s like the opposite of life, nothing is alive in the city; all of the real life is the birds and trees and things that are actually living. Even the clouds are more alive than the city, they move and have changing shapes all day, but the city is just a stone like a tombstone or something; it’s pretty creepy, like this whole place is a graveyard or something.” says Eva

“The city is very much so a graveyard, everyone in here is slowly dying and seldom living if at all, but that’s a human’s life for the most part, unfortunately; it revolves around all of these unliving objects and concepts that are more valuable than a natural life in terms of money, so people are forced to work in this kind of environment if they want to survive for the most part. Nature is peaceful and that’s very nice, but unfortunately it’s basically the opposite of mankind, so people don’t tend to care for it very much.” Says Jenna

“Just thinking about being lost in some forest without any civilization is frightening; I know it’s beautiful but it’s the antithesis of human life as much as it is mankind; people may have once had the ability to survive in that sort of environment, but that was tens of thousands of years ago. It’s pretty but it’s very dangerous unfortunately, and as much as it may technically be life, the amount of life a human can yield from the natural environment is very small when compared to the amount that can be created in the human environment of a city, so the city is kind of our natural environment and labor is our sunshine that keeps us alive. You’ve got an old mind to be so pleased by nature despite the world around you being largely indifferent to it; there are some hobbyists out there who enjoy nature in a sense how an art collector enjoys art, but I’m sure they are well aware of how deadly it can be since they’ve got experience in such isolation. Nature is like a tiger I guess, very pretty, but also scary when you know what it is; and I’d be quite hesitant to go pet a tiger if presented with the opportunity.” Says Isabelle

“I think it’s way more meaningful than people want to believe; even if you think I’m crazy for talking to birds and wind and stuff, I think people can definitely still learn things somehow. Seeing how nature is everywhere, or at least it was at one point, there has to be a reason why it is everywhere, why there is so much of it. People see successful people and wonder why they’re successful and they want to be successful like that, but they don’t look at nature and wonder why it’s so successful and then want to be like nature. Seeing how nature is both successful and wonderful while successful people are usually not so wonderful, I wouldn’t think there’s any reason to try to be like a successful person instead of nature.” Says Eva

“A successful person has lots of money, and that’s the only reason most people can think of. They can understand money and count money, but over 99% of nature is entirely unknown to people so they tend to see what there is to see locally and realize that nature really isn’t going to do anything, but people are definitely going to do something. Nature doesn’t make any money, and seeing how people need to make money to survive, I don’t even know what somebody would learn from emulating nature. It’s very important and it does keep us alive, but it takes a lot more than nature to keep human society running and functioning the way it does.” Says Isabelle

“She’s right though, nature can definitely teach you things, like how the wild animals don’t care what other people say about them, they keep on doing what they need to and not caring about people’s opinions. All of them also run away from people, which might not be a great solution for everything, but it is definitely a good lesson to learn if you think you might be in trouble or might get hurt. Life is also beautiful in that every part of life just lives its life, and by doing that it happens to do one specific job, and all forms of life are so reliable at living their lives and doing this job that they’ve all grown to depend on each other. That’s a beautiful lesson if there ever was one.” Says Ophelia

“Nature is success, pure and simple; success that has been refined through trial and error over billions of years. Clearly as it is so successful we can learn countless things about success by observing it and then apply this billion year old wisdom to our own human pursuit of success and fare all the better with such a skilled and capable mentor to guide us. Beyond that, in regards to the reason, some might argue that it is simply the result of incessant trial and error over billions of years, but if that is truly the case, one could create a random number generator that creates code on a super computer, perhaps with the goal  of analyzing or performing a certain purpose or function, possibly one that is comparably difficult as survival is for a biological organism, even going so far as to analyze functionality as a mutualistic shared property between multiple cooperating computers,  then organize it in such a manner that it culls relative dysfunction and saves function, while continuing to build upon that process for some period of time. Computer code may be far more fragile than genetic code, in that one error in code may destroy the entire program where that may be less likely within genetics, I don’t know, but if they were held to standards of comparable fragility, or this fragility was addressed with ratio, then the comparison would be valid.

Once one has collected the data of how random mutation of a code refines the code in regards to refining the intended function, one creates a ratio comparing the reproductive rate of life and the probability of mutation to the iterations of programs created by the supercomputer, one could come to analyze whether or not it truly is simple trial and error that has created this wonderful profusion of biology that so densely populates the planet. The computer could clearly create mutations at a rate much faster than nature, so one could quickly determine whether probability alone in this situation would produce the profound biological success that is found on this planet, and if not perhaps this may be evidence that some hand other than random probability shaped the creation of life on the planet, if the probability of randomness produces success at a much lower rate than one observes on the planet when the time constraints of the computer are rationally compared to those of the reproductive lifespans and mutative rate of biological life.

I would not be entirely optimistic as surely an omnipotent and all-knowing entity would create the universe in the most efficient way, which means that he only needs to do the smallest amount of work possible, so it is very likely the universe was created in a manner that is designed to facilitate and perpetuate life and the evolution of life. Even within this possibility this entity could still interact with its creation for pleasure as some hobby or for entertainment, and considering the human mind’s desire to entertain itself and alleviate boredom, it is possible that all forms of intelligence experience sentiments that are functionally similar to these inherently human functions.” Says Stacy

“I don’t have a clue as to what the results of that might be, or if it would even function, but if it was possible that seems like a novel way to search for secular evidence that god or some other incorporeal entity somehow influenced the development of life on earth. Then again the equations defining all of the aspects of this comparison would have to be perfect in order to have even a half-way accurate deduction, because truly knowing the mutative rate of genetics over the course of biologic history in relation to the reproductive rate that is in accordance with the scale of the organism is easily impossible. It truly is ambitious to attempt to emulate natural evolution with a computer accurately enough to draw this conclusion.” Says Jenna

“I think it seems weird that God would make a perfect and beautiful world just to know that humans come around to destroy it. That seems kind of sad to make something so amazing knowing the whole time that it will be destroyed in the end.” Says Eva

“Well, everything is destroyed in the end through the dissolution of matter; all of the atoms that make up everything eventually fall apart, so even if humans didn’t come around god knew that the matter would all fall apart eventually, and even before that the sun and other stars would expand to the point where they kill off all of the life on the planet, so it’s bittersweet anyway you look at it, but if god made the universe for the pleasure of enjoying the beauty of nature, he was still able to enjoy that on earth for a few billion years before humans came around to ruin it. The creation of a universe with a guarantee of producing evolving life means that it also comes with the guarantee of the fallaciously named intelligent life, and intelligent life as we all know is clearly capable of unnatural things including profound levels of unnatural destruction. Perhaps the reason why god attempted to teach people things is because he knew that they would destroy the planet, and this easily points to the argument that his apparent absence is due to the fact he realizes that it is entirely futile to even try anymore, so he just stopped.

The irony of the name intelligent life truly speaks to the shameless pride of the human race; humans are the inherently the least intelligent of all life on earth because they are creatures who learn, whereas every other form of life simply knows, all other brained life knows what to do and does exactly that, humans have to learn what to do and in this process they question everything and convolute everything with their own nonsense and ignorance. Learning implies that one is ignorant, and ignorance is the opposite of knowledge which is the foundation of wisdom, and these two things are the major components of intelligence. As much as we have the capacity to learn countless things, the fact that we are born ignorant means that we often lack the basic level of intelligence that all other life has which is knowing what we must do to ensure our survival. People are antagonists of their own survival in countless ways from their health, to proper reproduction, and now with the destruction of our own environment, and these traits are all largely if not entirely absent within natural animal life which we somehow deem to be less intelligent than we are. We are learned, but we are in no way intelligent, and the failure to distinguish between these two things has produced the maladapted lot of humans that is merrily waging war against their own survival on countless fronts as we speak.” Says Stacy

“To be fair all forms of natural life are antagonists of their own survival in unnatural situations; rats don’t understand what rat poison is so they eat it and die, and for a natural example is wolves don’t understand carrying capacity so they over reproduce and instinctively hunt until their food supply has diminished to the point where they starve on account of their instinct to reproduce. Considering that intelligence, for lack of a better word, is entirely unnatural in itself, by definition humans as biologically natural animals are antagonists of their own survival, and considering that fact we’ve done pretty well at staying alive despite that fact. That is a rather comforting thought thinking that god created the universe knowing full well that humans would destroy this planet and still felt that it was a worthwhile thing to do; I’m sure he doesn’t mind sending a few billion people to hell so he can enjoy the beauty of nature for a few billion years, here as well as anywhere else in the universe that a planet shares our unfortunate fate.” Says Jenna

“Maybe god already said enough to save the planet and we don’t know yet; things look bad but I’m sure the Bible is powerful enough to save everybody, including the planet. Once things get bad enough then people will have nowhere to turn but to God, and when that happens, then things will get better and nobody will ever stop believing since it really was the word of God that saved the planet. Sometimes people have to learn the hard way, and if God was actively stopping people all the time, then they would never learn. It’s unfortunate that the world is the way it is today, but it’s all part of God’s plan. What that is I don’t know, so it could just be letting the planet die because God saw that as an inevitability, but as unfortunate as that is, the Earth was still a beautiful place for God to enjoy for billions of years before humans came along to destroy it, so at least that’s a pleasant thought despite how sad the death of the planet would be.” Says Ophelia
“I don’t have much hope that God will save our planet; everything just feels wrong; now that I’m thinking about how unpleasant the city is my mind kind of stops thinking; I know everything is wrong and it’s upsetting in a way that’s more nauseating than frightening; that’s it, I just know it’s all wrong and I have no idea what to do; my head is kind of spinning thinking about it and I don’t know anything other than the fact that it is wrong or incorrect or bad or all of that stuff. Can anything even be done to stop all of this crazy unnatural nonsense all over the place?” says Eva, too confused to feel fear, let alone understand it

“Don’t worry, Stacy knows exactly what we need to do to save the planet and the human race; whether or not people will actually do it is another matter entirely, but once they get desperate, crazy, or stupid enough there’s a chance they’ll listen to reason for once in their lives.” Says Isabelle

“What? How do any of those things make people more reasonable?” asks Eva




“Realistic solutions seem crazy to people used to the dysfunctional standard of fallacious solutions based in ideals, and desperation makes people prone to thinking crazy things will work because what they fallaciously deem to be sane in their own idiocy has failed them to such a degree that they lost all hope in it, and the most noble of these traits is stupidity because once a person is stupid enough they cannot fathom delusion or ideals because they’re so lofty and defined by imagination  that the stupid individual actually sees the ideal as nonsense because he cannot delude himself into believing it. His inability to imagine a scenario where the ideal might somehow become a reality makes it impossible for him to believe in it, while the realistic solution actually makes sense and this makes the realistic solution more appealing because the agreeability of possibility and feasibility outweighs the unsavoriness of the solution when the temptation of idealistic delusion fails to distract people from seeking realistic solutions.

 This would be the democratic way, where I’d be more so in favor of the way of the plutocracy where money in the form of potential profitability functions as the votes; then nobody can argue with the solutions, because despite however much the rich may complain, they are clearly making far less money than is possible under a quality system, and seeing how that system would have to save the planet to ensure the stability necessary in order to make indefinite amounts of money as opposed to a limited amount of money in a limited period before environmental catastrophe destroys the planet, anyone with money would either be forced into agreement with radical reform or otherwise be fired and then tried in court for financial mismanagement, corporate fraud, embezzling potential profit for the gain of foreign businesses, and treason on account of the fact that money is now the government, and these men have clearly betrayed the money.

If you’re not making the most money possible, you are embezzling money from your business and the plutocracy, and this is treason. This standard includes anything that costs the company potential profits to be reinvested in the company; while brutal asceticism may cost the company money in lost performance, there is certainly an adequate level of asceticism mandated for all people, because if somebody can’t do their job in an ascetic manner, it is easy to find somebody who can or otherwise endear your employees with this capability. Paying people is losing money, and thankfully Stacy knows plenty of ways to make people work without paying them, and the same applies to everything that exchanges between the people and costs money; that’s not making money, that’s just moving it around,  so at that rate even prisoners make more money than that mining salt.

Spend no money to accomplish something, and all of the money that is saved in this way or otherwise made can be directly invested into making more money, that’s common sense math. If you are going to pay for something that you can get for free, you are inherently wrong, and there is not any domestically produced product, including labor, that cannot be created for free. They say it takes money to make money, but that is nonsense; money is just the representation of work, and people take it because it symbolizes work. There are plenty of ways to ensure that work occurs without paying anybody any money; sure you’ve got to meet their needs to keep them alive and working, but you don’t have to trust them with money; money is too important and too powerful to let the people play with it; money is power, and there is no reason to let the people have this power when clearly they accomplish nothing with it and manage to kill themselves with it at the same time.

 Money is the machine gun of the 21st century; this is the arms race of today, we must understand that money is not some trivial bauble that is most productively used when you let the common man be amazed by all of the trinkets and shiny objects that he can buy with it; the common man and everyone else is already paid with the safety and comfort of being alive without being tortured and killed, and that pleasure alone is more than enough to ensure that he works hard for his entire life, so there is no reason to pay him any more than what is necessary. Give him some speed when he comes to work in order to make sure he loves his job and works hard, but he doesn’t need to be trusted with money; an ox is not trusted with money yet it still stays alive and allows the farmer to profit from its existence, and the working man or any man for that matter is no different from an ox.

Animals work out of fear, and despite what people will say, people don’t work for money; people work because money functions as a potent anxiolytic; money reduces their fears, and this makes them want the money, because without the money their fears could easily turn into reality. This is why people work, and none of this depends on money; what is required for people to work is that they have fear, and that when they work their fear is alleviated, that is all; so rather than convolute a system and create this sluggish system of idle money locked in necessary domestic capital cycles and in personal bank accounts for the sole purpose of the anxiolytic effect, the system can be repurposed to allow the money to exist only in functional environments where it is actively being used to create the most possible return on the investment, while the people are easily satiated with appropriate substitutes for the fear of death induced by poverty which is addressed with alternative anxiolytics that don’t cause the economy to become so cancerous with these malignant, pointless cycles of domestic money, each of which is perpetually filled with functionally idle money and thus effectively inexistent money in the global economy.

 There people need to realize the differences between necessity, validity, and profitability; where necessary things are necessary for human life to exist and they are met without any convolution, the valid industries are actual industries that and justify themselves in their own right because what they produce is necessary for the economy to function or otherwise benefits the necessary economy directly, and these of course take precedence, then once these industries are all healthy, then any money left over that cannot be used to make the necessity industry more so cost effective or the valid industries more so productive and cost effective can be cautiously invested into profitable industries that are profitable for some reason even if they are entirely unjustifiable and provide no benefit to society and are clearly not necessities, and this could be anything from entertainment, to peddling unhealthy foods, cosmetics, or any of the many industries that are not essential to the performance of the economy domestically but can garner large profits outside of the ascetic nation.” Says Isabelle

“Jesus, you’re just as crazy as Stacy. What are you even talking about?” asks Eva

“Unfortunately Stacy has been indoctrinating Isabelle and this has caused her to become just as prone to Stacy’s style of delusional fantasy. I’m sure it somehow makes sense in her own mind, but that doesn’t mean it’s anything but insanity. I don’t know how this insanity is so contagious, but I suppose it’s the same thing one might see amongst the militant people with mainstream political views on the street in their instantaneous collective insane outrage. It’s all insanity; the world is losing their mind and that’s about all you need to know. I’ll apologize on her behalf because she might not be capable of understanding how ridiculous she sounded just then.” Says Grace

“I’m sorry, I got carried away; something about Stacy’s style of pretending to know everything does feel really good. It makes you feel like you’re better than anyone on earth to be honest; you figure that nobody knows anything, and at that point there’s no reason to have any faith in anyone besides yourself seeing how nobody knows the real answers, so the probability of them being correct is near zero while the probability of them having ulterior motives behind their allegedly well-meaning argument is quite high seeing how they can actually understand their ulterior motives while they clearly cannot cognize let alone understand any real solution, and when you come to that realization you’re just talking down to everybody like you’re the boss and know everything there is to know. It’s a great time to be honest.” Says Isabelle

“How is the solution to any problem to be the more aggressive and crazy idiot out of a bunch of idiots?” asks Eva

“That’s the only possible solution unfortunately; unless you can somehow devise some entirely wholesome scientific miracle, the only way things get done is through politics, and the only thing that causes political action is whichever mob of aggressive and crazy idiots is the most aggressive and crazy in their shouting and protesting. There is no reason or common sense any more, the only impetus for change is outrage, and since this is a primal emotion as opposed to logic, reason, or analyzing legitimacy, people’s outrage over something will always overpower any sort of logical rebuttal to the outrage; outrage doesn’t need logic, reason, or analyzed legitimacy, people just need to be upset, and since all people have the capacity to become upset while very few people have any capacity for logic or reason, the upset mob of people will always win any argument in a democracy despite however fallacious, nonsensical, or unfeasible their ideas are. Even the people who have a capacity for logic and reason don’t tend to use it, and those that do use it, like yourself, readily come to the conclusion that logic and reason are ultimately worthless because the people never ask for any sort of rational measurements to justify their arguments, and they certainly don’t need them to believe that whatever profoundly impossible idealistic solution the mob of people demands is the only resolution to whatever it is they’re upset about.

 When easily 95% or more of the population doesn’t understand rational mathematics on the scale needed to make proper legislative and fiscal decisions, any sorts of arguments based in these notions are disregarded because the people just feel that whatever they want is right and if they don’t get it then they’re being wronged; it doesn’t matter if it’s impossible to give them what they want, they will still demand it because they don’t understand feasibility, possibility, validity, justification, scalar proportion, net yields, and other metrics that can accurately determine if some sort of argument is reasonable or legitimate; they only understand ideals and will be upset if something isn’t perfect, which unfortunately means that they are always profoundly and irrationally upset even at the slightest and most negligible problems. Democracy means that the people rule, and when the people are all more swayed by emotions than reason; this means that emotions will always win any argument, and since the most common emotion is insane irrational outrage, the only way to actually accomplish something through democracy will always be causing the most people to become upset about something you want to change. Unfortunately for Stacy the things that upset her are thing that the people love, so when she tries to make people upset with those things they will only become upset with her, even if she has a legitimate reason for her argument, which she sometimes does. I know you’re not interested in this, and I’m sorry this topic is even brought up.” Says Grace

“It’s fine, I could at least understand that, but since the people are too stupid to actually make the right decisions, it does just dishearten me even more. All I hear about is people destroying the environment and nobody cares, it’s insane. How is an animal or even a tree any less important than a human? All of us are alive; if we don’t care about the destruction of the lives of animals, why not just destroy all of the people? If a coyote is causing problems for a farmer, he can kill it, but humans are like billons of times worse than a coyote for the planet, so if the farmer has a right to kill the coyote to protect his farm, a person should have a right to kill another person to protect the planet. It’s legal for somebody to kill a criminal in defense of a child or anyone else who can’t defend themselves, so seeing how the planet can’t defend itself well enough from people, I don’t see a reason why people aren’t treated like any other form of varmint. If you could kill them for hurting the environment I’m sure they would stop doing it.” Says Eva

“Everybody and everything hurts the environment; it’s just legal to kill everybody at that point. I don’t think there’s a way for a human to be alive without hurting the environment in some way.” Says Isabelle*

“Better the people than the entire planet. Sometimes people get their leg cut off because it will kill them if they don’t, so it’s not any different than that. I’m sure the coyote who got shot wanted to live just as much as the people do, and I’m sure getting shot hurt the coyote just as much as it would a person, so there’s no real difference.” Says Eva

“I can sympathize with animals, but I can also sympathize with the people; most of us are not in control of anything we do that hurts the environment, we are forced to do most of the things like riding in cars and basically everything that we interact with because we either accept the fact that being us alive hurts the environment or we do nothing and die. I can agree that it’s wrong to kill an animal, but it is also wrong to kill a person, as sad as the environmental destruction is the environment can’t feel pain as much as humans do and doesn’t suffer as much; most of the environment doesn’t have hopes, dreams, feelings, and desires at the same rate a human does. Sure the trees are alive, but do they really feel pain the same way people do, if they were to be killed? What about the value of human life? Wouldn’t it be sad if somebody killed all of your friends because they’re hurting the environment?” asks Grace

“I don’t have any friends. Nobody likes me and I don’t like them, maybe I’m on speaking terms with some people but I wouldn’t care if they died. Maybe people like me and I don’t know, they are nice to me, and I am polite to them, but I don’t like people so much that I want to spend time with them really. People are annoying, and it’s way harder to try and be friends or talk to people than it is to talk to the birds and the wind; those are my friends, they always listen to me and know how I feel, they care about me, and most people just care about themselves, or at least a lot more than they do about me, so I don’t see any reason to care about them. Those are my friends, when I hear about the world being destroyed and stuff that is like people killing my friends, that’s what I care about. If some tree or something was killing your friend I’m sure you would go chop it down, so I don’t think I’m acting any different than a person would.” Says Eva

“Aww. I’m sure you have friends, of course you’re your friends, and what about the girls you sit with at lunch and talk to outside of school?” asks Ophelia

“I talk to people, but even the people I talk to I wouldn’t really consider my friends; nature is like a 10 of 10 on the friend scale, and the people are like a three at most and usually a zero or one. I don’t talk to them outside of school and I just say I’m an introvert and they don’t bother me too much. You girls are a disheartening bunch, but I’m making an effort; I don’t know why, you’re just nice to me I guess and I don’t want to be rude, and maybe we can actually become friends somehow, if that’s even possible. It’s just frustrating trying to talk to people when they’re all self-absorbed or somehow annoying or stupid when I can just talk to nature when she is always perfect basically and knows how I feel without me even having to say anything. There’s nothing I enjoy about people for the most part, and that’s why I don’t really like them; all of the things people are interested in just seem stupid or boring to me, and you all are no different really. Maybe they will make me smile sometimes, but it’s an empty smile, it feels shallow and there’s no real warm feeling or anything real like that, when nature loves me all the time and that’s why I love nature. It just feels awkward around people because I don’t enjoy myself in the same way I do when I’m with nature.” Says Eva

“You and Stacy have something in common, as she doesn’t like people in the slightest, save for herself of course with a small consolation for those who will give her the time of day. Even though you have different reasons for feeling that way, it’s kind of curious to see two people with that sort of mentality.” Says Jenna

“I love people; I love my people, and seeing how those who don’t qualify as my people because they disagree with me for whatever godforsaken are subhuman abominations, this means I’m actually a philanthrope at the end of the day. It’s wise to take little pleasure from interacting with people as there is nothing one can enjoy in good conscience; the devil peddles one thing, pleasure and damnation. One can either take pleasure in torturing himself and others in the name of salvation and the creation of heaven on earth, or take pleasure in torturing himself and others in the name of his own damnation and the creation of hell on earth, but at the end of the day one grows jaded of sinful pleasures while the pleasures godly torture never wane.” Says Stacy

“That’s all of zero people right there, but it was a good effort. I do try to see your points, but it’s hard to say I agree with all of them. I’m actually entirely indifferent to everything related to politics unfortunately; I’m not delusional enough to see any reason to care, so I’m just going to let that car drive right off of the cliff rather than waste my time trying to wrestle the wheel from a mob of idiots with the strength of at least 200 million people. I’m not saying I know any better than anyone else, what I’m saying is that I’m 100% certain that everyone else is equally ignorant to any real solutions to our problems, so seeing how nobody has the slightest clue what any legitimate solutions are, I’m not going to be the asshat that pretends to know everything in my own pretentious arrogance.” Says Jenna

“I’m with Jenna, but sometimes you do make good points, and seeing how I’m not going to come up with the solutions, I don’t see any reason not to support you. I don’t care at all because it’s all nonsense, so I’d rather support you than the normal people because if I’ve learned anything from you it is that everyone else is equally crazy, so there’s no real difference in who you support at the end of the day. Seeing how you will probably never become some kind of dictator, I don’t have to feel responsible or defend anyone when the party I support is in power and makes mistakes, causes problems, or accomplishes nothing during their time in office. Seeing how it’s impossible to be part of the solution, I’d rather avoid being part of the problem at that point.” Says Ophelia

“I’m fully in support of Stacy, so that’s at least one person to meet the standard of personhood. She’s more intelligent than anyone I’ve ever met, hell, anyone I’ve ever heard of, seeing how everyone else lets feelings influence their decision making and that’s no different than letting the jones of a heroin addict be profoundly influential in the decision making processes that determine the fate of the world, and of course the junkie is going to put getting more heroin as the top priority on his list of things to do.” Says Isabelle

“Can we be reasonable people and actually be concerned about the fact that a child has complete disregard for the value of human life? I understand people are not the greatest, but are we really so cynical, lighthearted, or frankly greedy that we’re just going to pretend that this level of disregard or disdain for human life is somehow normal or acceptable?” asks Grace

“Yes.” Says Jenna, completely callous

“People are pretty awful, and she’s not saying all people are awful, she’s just saying animals and nature are just as good if not better than people, so it’s not fair or reasonable that people are always protected instead of nature. As she was saying, nature is like a child and we have to protect nature like we would a child, and that means stopping people who want to hurt this child. Maybe we shouldn’t kill people, obviously, but clearly these people do need to be stopped from hurting this innocent child. It’s really a matter of  being moral and humble instead of egotistical and abusive, so she’s just being a good person, and seeing how she’s better friends with nature than people she has a good reason to feel the way she does.” Says Ophelia

“It’s just taking the indifference towards and disregard for the all human life around the world that our own countrymen merrily wield and applying it to our own countrymen, and that’s nothing more than social justice so far as I can tell, that whole concept of everybody being respected and treated equally.” Says Isabelle

“Isabelle is right, it’s nothing but fairness; if the people have complete disregard for the wellbeing of nature then it’s perfectly fair to have complete disregard for the wellbeing of people.” Says Eva

“Am I the only one who thinks there is some sort of inherent value to human life? That it is wrong to kill people and deprive them of the chance to be happy and enjoy themselves, to experience some rewarding aspects of life, to love people or accomplish something meaningful?” asks Grace




“Those who argue that there is value to human life do not understand what human life is. They argue that the laughing, loving, learning, and smiling that a human does throughout his life is in some way related to human life, which is inherently false.

 A man who argues that there is value to human life will be stripped naked in field and beaten mercilessly so he will understand that this is what a human life is: nothing, nakedness, pain, suffering, meaningless torture, and death. This is all that a human life is; when people pay money to experience these things, one can argue that a human life has value, but until then, it has no value and likely never will have value. Every laugh and every smile has nothing to do with being a living human; these things are explicitly induced by inhuman factors such as safety; comfort; and a placation of the human body, mind, and soul that cause a man to suffer endlessly if such facets of the human experience are not given what they need. These things, the things that the human body needs to alleviate its suffering, these are inhuman elements of the world; these are not a human life; these are what have value, inherent calculable value and even immeasurable value in regards to the joy and happiness they bring people, but these things are not human life. Human life is the naked man being tortured in a field, his nerves and neurons capable of nothing but suffering, his body capable of nothing but bleeding and dying; this is the human life, this is what people argue is somehow inherently worthwhile and valuable.

Without that which makes such a life worthwhile, there is no value in the life of a human, and clearly there is a negative value of human life when one understands that people will pay money to avoid experiencing human life; the pain, the suffering, the misery, and the inescapable death. The value of a human life is inherently negative, but each living soul bears this negative value on his own back, and in order for this human life to be valuable, it must create the things the human body needs to live a life and experience the pleasures that fools argue are somehow inherent aspects of human life. These things can be stripped of a man, and this readily informs us that these things that make a person happy or pleased are not inherent aspects of human life, and this means that said happiness and pleasure is not an inherent aspect of human life.

The value in human life is only found when the human is able to create things that are valuable and capable of inducing that joy and happiness in the minds of a human, and when the human fails to do this, there is no value of said human life; the man is only the naked, suffering man dying in the field. Despite this inherent truth, people will be so shameless as to argue that some inherent value of human life somehow outweighs the real value of human life, even in people who exist as twice negative individuals, not the polar sort born with this negative value who go on to produce that which human life values, but those who are born with this negative value and go on to produce negative value, those who produce things that make a human life more so painful and less so worth living; these people only serve to depreciate the secondary value of human life for those who can manage to create such a boon for themselves and others, but because people fail to understand the reality of the situation, every man with twice negative yield is treated as some sacred beast who shan’t be harmed or killed due to some inherent value of human life, when in reality this value is so profoundly negative, the people devalue their own lives by perpetuating this idealist insanity that a human life is somehow inherently valuable, as if every human that has ever existed has not only produced a positive secondary yield, but has been so capable of producing this secondary yield that it has not only negated the negative yield of the primary value of human life, but profoundly outweighed this negative yield to the point where the human unquestionably feels that their existence is worth living, that their income from this secondary yield more than justifies their suffering and misery in their own mind.

A human must make their life valuable, and if they fail to do this, their lives are clearly not valuable in the quantifiable source of value and may easily lack value, even in their own perception of their life. To allow a legitimate word such as value to be attributed to some blind sympathy for a godforsaken and detestable animal is utterly disgusting, and any that seek to make that argument can quickly be reminded of the inescapable truth of the matter with a wonderful educational exercise in the aforementioned field.” Says Stacy

“I don’t know what to do right now; everyone is in agreement about this completely insane argument, and there is nothing I can do to convince everyone here that the commonly held argument in regards to the value of human life is somehow far more sane and legitimate than any of the one’s that have been argument.” Says Grace

“Sanity is just the most common form of insanity, and clearly a delusional megalomaniacal egotistical mob of asshats is going to argue that their lives somehow have inherent value despite the clear lack of any hard evidence to substantiate this claim. They don’t need evidence when they have the majority, because the facts utilized by society are not defined by their factuality, but rather their popularity amongst the people. You are referencing one of the many symptoms of the mass psychogenic illness that is consuming the human race, which one might appropriately deem Anophelephrenia, for the beautiful entendre, but despite the artful legitimacy of the name, mankind will disregard it as he does any criticism; for if a man were open to criticism, he would never hear the end of said criticism, so rather than waste his life he simply assures himself that he is impossible to criticize, and wastes his mind instead.” Says Stacy

“A truly flattering name, when you consider the rates of malariality amongst the genus with the rates of the parallel infection amongst humans. Slanderous if the genus had its day in court.” Jokes Jenna

“I’m just going to pretend I understood that.” Says Eva

“That’s what I do half of the time.” Says Ophelia

“I don’t know what tempted you to come back to see us, Eva, but I’m not sure we’re a good influence that you would want to hang around. I don’t think we’re even an enjoyable bad influence that you or anyone would want to hang around, seeing how most people would probably be quite put off by the things that are said here. I am concerned for your wellbeing, and I don’t think hanging around with this group of eccentrics is anything but a step in the wrong direction.” Says Grace

“I don’t know, I’m just stopping by I guess, to say hello and be polite. I’m not really doing anything, and as much as I’d probably enjoy myself more if I were alone, I understand there are times when people need to force themselves to try and be social. Don’t mind me; I’m confident that my mental health is the least concerning of all of the people here, so your concern is definitely misplaced.” Says Eva

“You were going of yesterday about those magical girls; I hope Grace didn’t ruin that fun you were having with her humbuggery. I’d be reluctant to try and have fun around a scrooge who will do anything to stop it.” Says Isabelle

“I was being silly, I don’t know, just caught up in my imagination, I guess.” Says Eva

“I thought it was cute, something about how you and Stacy were going to die or something, but you might be right after all, since you’ve got that knack for prophecy or whatever it is; I’m sure if you’ve got the best mental health of all of us, there’s a pretty good chance you could save Stacy’s life somewhere along the way.” Says Isabelle

“I don’t know, maybe that was me being crazy or something; it felt like it was really serious in my mind, but in the end she just got in a fight and even won the fight, maybe it was for nothing after all.” Says Eva

“That was just one day of the year, and seeing how many of those there are, there will easily come a time when an oracle might need to tell her not to pick a certain fight, maybe to run when she thinks she should fight.” Says Isabelle

“Well, I don’t know if I’m that reliable at all, but you don’t plan on picking more fights and getting killed do you?” asks Eva

“I don’t plan on that, but I suppose few people who get killed made deliberate plans for that to happen. If the birds or the trees say something ominous let me know so I can keep that in mind before I contemplate defending myself. I don’t go out and pick fights like some arrogant drunkard, but that doesn’t mean trouble won’t try and pick a fight with me.” Says Stacy

“I don’t think my skills are that good at all; I’d have to know exactly what you are doing to get any real idea as to what might happen, otherwise it’s just vague answers to a vague question. Clearly the sign that you would die is already there, and I kind of doubt I’ve done enough to prevent that.” Says Eva

“Your sanity is a sight for sore eyes; it’s impressive to be honest. I don’t know if anything can be done to save Stacy’s life; she just has this fight to the death instinct like a fighting dog, and I doubt anything can really change that.” Says Jenna

“We’re not trying to change the instinct here; nobody saw any omens about that, we’re just trying to avoid my death, which is clearly a separate matter entirely. Perhaps just pray to god or nature or whoever and ask them to spare me some providence, work a little magic, polish my luck, something nice like that to help me get through any hardships that might come my way. I’m resourceful, but there tend to be plenty of things in life that are entirely up to chance, and your relationship with the preternatural forces of the world seems to be much better than mine; I doubt they would answer my prayers, but if you have their ear, seeing how they actually like you, maybe you could put in a good word for me.” Says Stacy

“Rather than try to course correct and modify your behavior, it is far more reasonable to ask somebody to pray for you so that you might be blessed with providence; seeing how the latter is far more likely to yield than the former solution, if the former is even possible at all, it seems you’ve actually got your head on straight for once.” Says Jenna

“If I change, if I become some peaceable girl with more politeness than reason, then the communists, the socialists, the servants of Lucifer, the hedonists, and every egregious antagonist of the human race all win; they achieve the victory they seek uncontested. They get what they want, and I am forced to live my life every day knowing that I am complacent in this abhorrently disgusting degeneracy that is consuming the minds of the people. That is a fate worse than death, than being hated by everyone, or being forced into a life of unemployable vagrancy,  because in those situations I can still live with myself, and if I were to loathe myself with the same deserved passion that I benevolently chastise the human race with, my rage would know no end.

You may think that I love myself too much to be upset with myself in any way, but that is false; if this rotting bag of meat and bones I so merrily puppet were to start smiling at the abominable wretches and singing praises of Luciferian delusion, I would have no more regard for the warmth and life in this brain and heart than I would any other soul, and I would seek the torture and torment of this beast in the same right and with the same zeal in the name of the same justice as I would any other soul who succumbs to such shameless temptation.

If my soul still had any means to sway the limbs of this beast if it were to be possessed by such a demon, I would fight with the fury of god almighty for just one moment of time to force the wretch to stumble in such a pleasant manner that it’s skull might fall so gracefully under the tires of a passing dump truck or garbage truck to enjoy the pleasure of watching the skull explode in such a godly profusion blood and brains, a testament to the shame and waste of a human life, smirking heartily in the eyes of the devil come to reap a soul, for it was his own temptation that caused the beast to become so serendipitously intoxicated that it allowed me to exact heavenly justice on the mindless drunken degenerate walking the streets amongst the mobs of people merrily reveling in the guarantee of their superfluously sadistic damnation.” Says Stacy

“The fact that your sense of self is derived entirely from your soul as opposed to your mind or body would normally be heartwarming if not inspiring, but you usually manage to communicate that fact in a way that is a bit eerie to say the least.” Says Jenna

“Your soul is way more important than your mind or body though, so she’s doing the right thing. I know I would be equally sad if I had to watch myself do all kinds of terrible things because I was possessed by the devil or something. I don’t think I could really trick the devil or overpower him though; I’d probably just cry on the inside the whole time and it would be terrible. That does sound a lot worse than dying to be honest.” Says Ophelia

“I’m going to try to respect the religious reasons why Stacy’s mentality is somehow reasonable, but from a secular standpoint that sort of mentality seems even more concerning than her political ideology. It just seems weird that a person’s mind even thinks in that way. I’m not a doctor, but the most I can reason is that Stacy’s ego became too large to be able to identify with her own body, and so she kind of has to identify as something even greater or more timeless and impervious than her own body just to sustain it. That or she’s just really weird, but both could easily be true.” Says Grace

“The first one was on the money; all this ego can’t be contained in this body, so of course much of it flows freely unto the soul which has an unfathomable capacity to billet such joie de vivre. I’m not weird in the slightest, just hearty, so hearty and tasteful it’s off-putting and startling when compared to the watery tastelessness of the usual folk.” Says Stacy

“You’re definitely super weird.” Says Eva

“She’s just avant-garde, well before her time; in time the standards of normalcy will shift so that we’re all the weird ones, and she’s simply normal. She has the same ideas as people like Mendel yet is disrespected in the same manner Mendel was in his time, despite the fact that we understand that his genius was disregarded for no reason. Stacy has the numbers on her side that prove that she is full of great and functional ideas, just like Semmelweis, the guy who invented handwashing, but people are too insulted by the truth to think that it is somehow more relevant to reality than their pride, so just like how thousands of people died because the doctors felt that they were being called dirty by the man suggesting that they wash their hands rather than accepting the fact that the statistic of the death rate before and after his hospitals started washing their hands spoke entirely for themselves.

Stacy doesn’t argue opinions, she argues facts, and I would be equally upset if I was only trying to prove to people that facts are facts but was disregarded every time by the cocksure insolent incredulity of the people. It’s got to feel painfully baffling to be attempting to convince people that the earth is round yet running into nothing but vehement if not violent condemnation of your argument as if you are somehow the devil himself. Living that sort of life is sure to take a toll on somebody’s psyche; thankfully I am shameless enough to be rather indifferent to the ignorance of the people, but Stacy is the godly sort who actually feels like it is her duty to help people, and it must be hell on earth when all you want to do is help people and all they want to do is hurt themselves.” Says Isabelle

“I have yet to see these numbers, but that’s beside the point; everyone means well and that always boils down to whatever it is they want, because the collective perceives egotism as altruism because the collective sees the egotist as a reflection of themselves, thus meeting the demands of the egotist is meeting the demand of the people, and this somehow qualifies as altruism despite the demands in question being clearly harmful to the well-being of everyone; these demands just happen to be what people want, and people will always disregard their wellbeing if they are forced to choose between their desires and their own wellbeing.

 It’s ironic that Stacy wants to legitimately better society because she would find such pleasure in the results and even her methods of doing so, but it’s hardly reasonable to argue there is any form of benevolence that exists within a human is not self-serving in some way. Stacy is hardly avant-garde, seeing how she argues facts, which have been superseded by reason, which has been superseded by idealism, which at this point has been superseded by the delirium, insanity, delusion of both grandeur and the persecutory sort, and countless other prevalent symptoms of what was once classical mental illness that are no longer considered to be symptoms of mental illness but rather define pristine mental health in the current age of the nouveau idealism. Stacy seems weird, but that is largely because she is archaic; she is the equivalent of a dinosaur in today’s world, and of course that would be quite unsettling if it were to happen.” Says Jenna

“She definitely talks in an old timey way, so I can see your point, at least to that extent. As weird as she is I’m still glad she doesn’t like people; even if she wants to help them she’s definitely not enamored by them like everybody else. An enemy of my enemy is my friend, so I can put up with drawing blanks and gloaming while she’s ranting at rovers about god knows what.” Says Eva

“That’s why I don’t think we’re being a good influence on you; there’s no reason for you to feel that way. I know people can be mean sometimes, but they’re not so bad that you should just write them off.” Says Grace

“There’s no good reason not to feel that way about people; every reason to like people is bad or immoral or some way. I think you’re great influences; I can learn to hate people even more, or not care, or be a good person, and learn to be lighthearted despite my hatred from you four; and from you I can learn to disregard the comments of the petty stupid bitches who think that they know everything because they are capable of agreeing with the mobs of asshats that ruin the planet and the human race while feigning sympathy and benevolence in their disgusting sanctimony.” Says Eva

“Tasteful, easily beautiful, but save your breath and be polite; one can’t cure mercurialism with chiding, even with corporal punishment; for someone so tempted by the silly pomp and the cozy warmth of the asshats peddled by Lucifer, she’s actually quite respectful. Most of them would be up in arms, but she’s a noble progressive, so she will tolerate our demeanor out of the wholesomeness of tolerance; if we can’t be respected because we’re correct, that’s to be expected, but the least we can expect is to be tolerated and respected out of the odd liberal instinct to competitively tolerate anything and everything that is in any way disrespected or denigrated by the people. So long as we can be the most disrespected and denigrated of the people, we will garner the most sympathy, as the liberal community hates anything that is conventional and agreeable and worships and fetishizes anything that is hated by society.

It may be hard to be more hatable than the current liberal heartthrobs of drug traffickers, terrorists, communists, and anyone palpably dying from their vices that happens to complain about being forced to experience the repercussions of their own  poor decision making skills, but if we spread the message we can surely be more hated, because we’re not looking for sympathy, and it’s easily impossible to sympathize with us because we’re the antithesis of sympathy which is an entirely mutualistic emotion; it’s easy to argue that our misanthropy is psychopathy, but one can hardly argue that a house-fire is psychopathic when it burns a family of five to death; the house-fire is scientific in nature and does not operate via emotions, so if my misanthropic viewpoints are somehow psychopathic then every house-fire is some sort of mentally ill degenerate for respecting the laws of physics and mathematics instead of using empathy to decide whether or not it will burn.

Just because something is devoid of emotions doesn’t mean it is psychopathic, and allowing empathy, sympathy, or any other emotion to influence the structure of society is attempting to argue that these emotions somehow are relevant to the scientific combustion of a house-fire. The organization and function of society are both entirely inhuman things, so clearly the methods that define their function and success are entirely inhuman and devoid of any relevance to emotions. The fact that people with emotions happen to exist within society is an entirely irrelevant point unless somebody wants to argue that the children with emotions inside of the house-fire somehow influence the actions and behaviors of the house-fire. We have to understand the difference between scientific function and human cognitive function, and until we do, we will struggle to find success so long as emotions are allowed to skew and contort the scientific reality that is at the root of societal organization and function.” Says Stacy

“I'm sorry Eva; I should know better than to attempt to change people who don't want to be changed. I'm not trying to be condescending or anything; I guess I’m just stupid for presuming that normalcy is somehow better just because that's what I’m used to, and that's what society wants people to defend. I try to be open minded, but a lot of these viewpoints that get thrown around just seem dangerous or even insane, but I can see your point that I’m being pretentious for presuming that I know what’s best for anyone because I clearly don't. I'm sure you both have plenty of good reasons to hate society and by proxy me for agreeing with it in some ways, but do know that I only act this way out of sympathy. As for you Stacy, I know you're being facetious, but I don't see any reason to slander groups of people who are down on their luck just because the media wants to portray them that way to spur the people; you are right how it is fine to be brutally critical of those in power, but there's no reason to extend that to the people who aren't. “ Says Grace

“Sure it was facetious, but I’m sure people have plenty of baseless derogatory terms for me so your point it moos; I’m just noting that the main reason those groups of people tend to get so much sympathy is exactly because they are perceived as antagonists of society by the majority of people, and this causes the liberals to swoon over protecting them as if every one of them is somehow a saint at the end of the day. In the mind of a liberal, a group being addressed with a defamatory term is enough to pardon said group for countless problems they induce in society; the social liberals don't care that the communists and anarchists are burning cars and breaking windows because the liberals care far more about ensuring that nobody is called any mean names than actually addressing legitimate problems. I can be as problematic and terrible as I want to be, and so long as people call me mean names, the liberals will be defending me with their lives; it's not like the Muslim community has any liberal beliefs whatsoever and are often starkly opposed to even the simplest progressive and liberal ideology, but the liberals defend the Muslims to no end regardless of this fact simply because the Muslims are stereotyped as terrorists by some people.” Says Stacy

“Grace is a very nice person and she only wants to help; it's just that she's just super normal and that seems weird or off-putting when you're with a silly group of quirks like the rest of us, because despite the fact that she's super normal, she's still the odd-one out, at least here she is anyways.” Says Ophelia

“I shouldn't say those things, but I just don't like people for plenty of good reasons, and when one of them comes around that thinks they know better than me and thinks that trying to change me is somehow helping anything or anyone it just pisses me off. It's not hard to dislike something you already dislike, so I’ve just got a short fuse when it comes to that sort of thing, I guess. I know I should be polite, but I have to do that all day in school and it takes a toll on me. Hearing the other girls talk about their stupid interests and themselves all day just makes interacting with normal people feel like banging my head against a wall, especially people like you who are so self-assured in thinking that they know what's best for everyone and everything when that's just not true at all.

I don't want help, I don't need help, and just because somebody isn't some hyper-sympathetic over-emotional queer doesn't mean that they're somehow mentally ill, seeing how I’m pretty sure sympathizing with people who hate you is some kind of mental illness, and if it's not it should be. People don't deserve sympathy; I can understand this without any sort of numbers, but I’m sure Stacy would gladly show everybody the countless numbers that explain this if she had them on hand. You're a nice person that clearly means well, and I don't hate you personally, but you're just so misguided and ignorant to reality that it is painfully annoying. I hate people on principle, and it’s not hard to make me show my teeth in regards to that subject, especially when the whole human-centric approach to everything is the main reason why humans are so hatable. If you can sympathize with people who say they are suffering despite the fact that they inflict thousands of times more suffering on the world than they actually experience, that is the mental illness, that's like sympathizing with a guy complaining that he got stabbed after he just stabbed one thousand babies and small children; that's what insanity is.” Says Eva

“Damn, even the aftershocks are brutal. Grace is a good girl, but she's just gullible and tends to buy into the propaganda and indoctrination more than most people, but you can't blame her seeing how that sort of nonsense is designed to do exactly that. Seeing how she's the standard fare of people in this state and half of them around the country for the most part, you can't let that sort of thing get inside your mind or you'll spend all day being pissed off. You've just got to pity her for being so indoctrinated and it becomes far easier to tolerate that sort of drivel. They always say to be the bigger person, so rather than let that sort of stuff get you, just pity the fool in all of their folly, be ashamed of the human race, but don't be upset with them; one can be upset that their child is mentally retarded, but at the end of the day the child is still retarded and being upset has changed nothing and always will change nothing about the situation, so it's best to accept things for what they are rather than succumb to aggressive indignation like most of the country is so prone to doing in their own asinine insolence. I know you have a reason to be upset, but the pointlessness of being upset makes all of it an unsavory waste of effort and energy.” Says Isabelle

“You're just going through the stages of grief right now, so I can fully understand why you're so upset. I would like to think I’m on the final step of acceptance of all of this, but that supposedly involves finding a way forward when there is no way forward save for detachment, indifference, and apathy. I suppose it's hard to find a way forward when you're grieving about the end of your own life, the end of human life, and easily most all life on the planet, but unfortunately those things seem to be inevitable in these ominous times. If the planet doesn't kill us, I’m certain that the collective stupidity of the human race will manage to kill us, or at the very least maim us beyond recognition, so rather than be upset I’m just trying to write everything off as a loss and move on with my life as best I can.” Says Jenna

“I know things are bad in the world, but that doesn't mean we should just give up. There are plenty of things we can do, so even if our only option is to try and change the world, that's what we should do, by raising awareness and forcing people to face the facts instead of letting them ignore them. If we just start a campaign to hand out fliers with pictures of all of the terrible things that happen in the world and make people see them, I’m sure we can get enough momentum to actually do something. People will always get upset about things, and it's just a matter of making sure they get upset about the most important things instead of just whatever might happen in our country.

When children live in dumps and are dying of preventable causes, when all of these animals swim in oceans of garbage and pollution, we just have to put that in the forefront of people's minds and they will be just as moved to protest and fight for change as they are when a woman is disrespected or a black man is shot by the police, because I’m pretty sure everybody can sympathize with children and animals, so it really shouldn't be hard to do if we show them all of the tragic pictures with a small story about how easy it would be to help these people and animals.” Says Ophelia

“It's hard to make people change, and as much as they might want to help, that requires them to personally make a change, and unfortunately nobody in America is selfless enough that they would donate the money so that some Jamaican child living in a dump is given shoes instead of buying themselves the umpteenth pair of shoes. The people in America have plenty of problems as it is, and despite how petty their problems are, nobody who feels that their own problems are ignored is going to start trying to solve the problems of people around the world until all of their problems are somehow resolved. Even though plenty of children live in dumps around the world and all sorts of comparably tragic forms of poverty and human suffering exist, the Americans will all be far more upset that it's difficult for them to purchase a home despite the fact that their accommodations are far more comfortable than the abject poverty, abuse, disease, and depravity around the world that produces thousands fold more suffering yet could be comparably ameliorated at one-thousandth of the cost. Stacy has the only real solution which is denying people the opportunity to have problems, and that sort of austerity is never going to be popular enough to the point that it actually resolves all of the problems in our country so that our people will actually feel comfortable enough that they can understand that whatever problems they might have are disgustingly trivial and petty when compared to the suffering around the world. Says Jenna




“People don't want to solve their problems; clearly the problem of the difficulty of owning a home is entirely solved by housing everybody in public facilities and making home ownership largely unheard of, because people are only upset about the fact that they can't afford to buy a home because they expect to be able to do so, thus all we have to do is reorganize society in such a way that nobody expects to own a home and nobody will care about it. These people don't care that they don't own a plane, because nobody expects to own a plane, but the American Dream is shilled night and day about some home and a white picket fence despite the fact that the dream is entirely unfeasible for everyone in America to achieve, so perpetuating this ideal is doing nothing but perpetuating the mass indignation of the majority of people because they are guaranteed to fail to achieve that which they believed they were somehow promised. Indignation arises when people don't get what they expected to get, so clearly since giving people what they expect is impossible, the only solution is to reduce people's expectations, and while that may take some severe austerity and reeducation of the people, seeing how that is the only solution that will do anything to resolve the depressive futile indignation of the people, it is ultimately a choice between chaos and order, between a contented population and a furious population.

People will always want what they don't have, but if they absolutely can't have that thing this alleviates much of the feeling of envy towards those who do have those things; people will always feel envious of a house, where nobody feels envious of a rocket ship or a trip to the moon, because there is nobody to envy who has those things while you don't, and seeing how those two things are inherently wasteful and pointless, people have an inherent disregard for anyone defending those unproductive and wasteful ventures because they are measurably such irrational pursuits, but for some shameless reason the equally inefficient, unproductive, and wasteful venture of home ownership is held in high regards just because it has always been part of the American Dream that is hundreds of years old and clearly antiquated, unreasonable, and even destructive in today's society.

The American dream needs to be modernized in such a way that people seek to accumulate wealth and be successful through means of asceticism and selfless devotion to the success of the country; the American Dream failed because capitalism ensures that everybody is constantly engaged in backbiting and treachery in order to further their own success at a cost to everyone else’s, and when all of society is constantly hindering the attempts of anyone else to achieve the American Dream, that sort of ideal is entirely dysfunctional and only good for ensuring indignation and discontent because the people are all antagonists of each other's pursuit of the ideal, simply because this is necessary in order for themselves to pursue said ideal. Fostering this unhealthy delusion and subsequent indignation in the people is not only stupid, but the level of discontent that it induces amongst the people makes perpetuating the American Dream sadistic and easily criminal due to supporting criminal enterprise and terrorist groups seeing how every drug dealer and gangbanger is easily inspired in some degree by the American Dream of becoming successful through hard work, and they see drug dealing and the associated gangbanging as the only realistic means through which they may possibly become successful.

Proportionality alone ensures that the American Dream is unattainable for the majority of people in the country, yet for some reason it is perpetuated as if it is somehow a realistic outcome for every citizen within the country. Working hard is the way to success, but being self-made means that you are made of the success of other people; you fuel your own American Dream by depriving it from others. As functional as this is, the glorification of backbiting and advantageous exploitation is hardly anything to glorify. Rational logic informs us that there are far more legitimate means to ensure one’s own well-being and happiness, and clearly the ruthless capitalistic system leaves many people losing indefinitely while people keep winning without accomplishing meaningful things that truly legitimize their winnings.

The American Dream should be to work hard for society’s sake, for the economy’s sake, and for the state’s stake, because the people must take care of the economy and the industry in order for these systems to function, and in return for this the industry and the economy will take care of the people; they may not own a house or have pointless spending money, but their needs will be met and they can live comfortable if humble lives. Unfortunately, due to the destructive nature of the current American Dream, America is quickly becoming terminally ill with the cancer of the service sector; because the service industry does not produce money, it relies on the primary and secondary industries to actually produce real money then funnel it into these domestic capital cycles, and the fact that people think this sort of entrepreneurial peddling is somehow a respectable way to become successful is ridiculous when this method is simply becoming the most aggressive of the parasites in such a way that starves the primary and secondary industries of financial capital that would allow them to operate at higher capacity and be more successful on account of the fact that so much of this potential capital is economically idle in the pointless and wasteful tertiary industries. If we are attempting to educate people in the manners in which success is achieved, there is no justification to glorify the aggressive parasitism of the tertiary economy that produces no real money but manages to cause massive amounts of real money to be stuck in domestic capital cycles that have a maximum yield of zero percent and are realistically guaranteed to produce negative yield because foreign enterprises will pilfer some of the money that the real industries allow them to hold.

I'm going off on a tangent but the point is that people create their own problems and will seldom acknowledge that fact, simply because when 100 people are responsible for a problem, it is extremely easy for one of those people to place most if not all of the blame on the other 99 people in that group. People are more than willing to find problems and demand changes, but they will seldom admit that they themselves are part of the problem, so when everyone is demanding changes from everyone but themselves, nobody changes and the problems continue to perpetuate themselves." Says Stacy

“Using delusion to indoctrinate people to work hard is only as powerful as the delusion itself, so as much as the American Dream is nonsense in practice, the delusion it induces does inspire plenty of people to work very hard and be successful. Your argument is similar to arguing that everybody should invest in 10-Year Government Bonds instead of buying lottery tickets: people are far less inspired to buy the bonds because the yields are so realistic and low when compared to the delusion of the people winning the jackpot. Of course if we were wise enough to prevent the people from handling their money, forcing them to invest in bonds would be far more helpful to everybody in the long run, but people just want to wake up and be rich and that's the appeal of the lottery. People are delusional, shortsighted, and stupid at the end of the day, and at every point in the day for that matter, so as much as you're right, the fact that public opinion is contrary to your correctness means your correctness is unfortunately completely irrelevant and at best a platform for making yourself look like a fool. As much as you say that the bonds are guaranteed to yield, the people have far more capacity to have faith in their luck than their foresight and will gladly tell you that the lottery will make them a millionaire, so giving them some kind of 3% yield after 10 years is the stupidest thing they can possible think of seeing how they believe they can get a million percent yield from a lottery ticket.” Says Isabelle

“Good god this sort of conversation is boring, aggravatingly pointless, and upsetting to say the least. I feel that way about all conversation, but this sort is definitely not my cup of tea. Thankfully I’m trying to embrace Jenna's strategy of being indifferent to the stupidity of people, to hell with all of them, but I'm not as in control of my emotions as she is unfortunately.  It was nice to see you girls, but quite frankly I’m exhausted after this much talking. I'm going to head home, it's close to suppertime anyways; I’ve got to walk a bit and try to clear my head of all this talk about how terrible and upsetting the world is; I already know that, I don't want to wallow in it any more than I have to.” Says Eva, nettled and frustrated

“It takes practice, but the more you remind yourself how irrelevant and futile everything is, the easier it becomes to disregard it. Read a book, distract yourself from reality, fantasies clearly help these two to grin and bear it. There's no point in paying attention to the world unless you’re some kind of masochist who enjoys being upset all the time.” Says Jenna

“Me three, but different kinds of fantasies of course.” Says Ophelia

“Pray for me.” Says Stacy

“I'll pray for you. I’ll see you all some other time.” Says Eva, dry, reluctantly obliging, getting up from the table

“Ta ta.” Says Stacy

“Take it easy.” Says Isabelle

“Have a nice weekend, sorry again for upsetting you.” Says Grace

“Don’t worry about it, it’s not hard to do.” Says Eva

“Hugs!” says Ophelia, getting up from the table

“No hugs.” Says Eva, abashed by introversion

“Of course hugs, you will feel better.” Says Ophelia, hugging the girl

“Ok then.” Says Eva, politely hugging Ophelia half-heartedly

“Just hug away all of the sadness and gloom and forget about those upsetting things; there’s no reason to be upset.” Says Ophelia, hugging the girl with boundless compassion, Eva still noncommittal

“Don’t you feel better now?” asks Ophelia

“Not really.” Says Eva

“I’m not letting go until you do, just put your heart into it and your worries will slip away.” says Ophelia, rocking the girl slowly

“Why are you so nice to me? How can you like me? Nobody likes me.” Says Eva, embarrassed, finding the experience awkward and discomforting

“I love you.” Says Ophelia, nonchalant, playful yet genuine

“How can you love me?” asks Eva, put off and confused

“You’re like family to me.” Says Ophelia

“I just met you” says Eva

“I know, but there’s a special connection between us, and you’re very important to me.” Says Ophelia

“Even my family doesn’t care about me; you’re nothing like my family.” Says Eva

“I’m sure they love you.” Says Ophelia, with baseless certainty

“They don’t even notice me; when they say they love me they don’t mean it, they say it with the same empty routine sincerity as a pardon me or a thank you. Why are you so different? This is weird.” Says Eva

“I know you’re an amazing and wonderful person, and I can’t help but love you, you mean the world to me, especially since you care so much about it.” Says Ophelia

“I don’t deserve this.” Says Eva, tears welling in her eyes

“Of course you do, you deserve all of it and more.” Says Ophelia, kissing the girls forehead, causing her to cry with bitter dolor, head buried in Ophelia’s bosom

“I’ll always be here for you.” Says Ophelia, softly

“I love you…” whispers Eva, deeply pained

“I love you too.” says Ophelia, wholeheartedly, the few sympathetic tears unable to sully her endless love and cheerful optimism, kissing the child on the forehead again

The table looking around conspicuously inconspicuously, avoiding any eye contact with one another in awkward silence of courteous sympathy

“I’m sorry.” Says Eva, choking down her tears, rubbing her face in Ophelia’s bosom as to subtly dry her tears, looking into Ophelia’s eyes, grimacing before turning away

“It’s ok.” Says Ophelia, kissing the girls cheek, “You don’t need to be sorry.” she says

“Thanks. I do feel better. You can let go now.” Says Eva, as her composure returns

“Are you sure?” asks Ophelia

“Positive.” Says Eva, dryly, Ophelia hugs her tightly and kisses her lovingly once on each cheek

“You’re like a mom.” Says Eva, embarrassed

“I can’t help it.” Says Ophelia

“I really am ok now.” Says Eva

“I don’t want to let go though.” Says Ophelia

“It really is fine. I should be going.” Says Eva

“I don’t want you to feel sad.” Says Ophelia

“I’m all better now, don’t worry. Bye, everyone.” Says Eva waving, still being hugged by Ophelia

“Bye.” They say, at a loss for any other words to say

“If this is goodbye we need to do the Italian goodbye kisses.” Says Ophelia

“Fine.” Says Eva, touching cheeks with Ophelia and making the kissing noise, quickly repeating on the other side, Ophelia kisses her on both cheeks warmly

“You’re still doing it like a mom kiss, but it’s whatever.” Says Eva

“I’m more of a mom than an Italian so I guess I can’t help it.” Says Ophelia, finally letting go of the girl

“Thanks for everything, I do feel better. I’ll see you later.” Says Eva

“You know where to find us, don’t be shy, ok?” asks Ophelia

“Ok. Bye now.” Says Eva, inhaling deeply, sighing, walking away more than a bit embarrassed, yet still grateful for the compassion

“Bye.” Says everyone








Eva slow disappears into the scattered trees and people ambling about in the pleasant afternoon sunshine, the sun itself finding some common terms with the passage of time, both of them quite confused, more bound by politeness and a mutual passion for lackadaisical idleness than any other medium


“We should get going too, that girl has her wits about her to know what time it is. You girls want to come to my place like last time?” Says Isabelle, the girls agree, flitting out text messages to their guardians, and get up from the table

“That was touching just, then to say the least.” Says Isabelle, as the girls start to stroll in the appropriate direction

“It’s important to remind people that you care about them.” Says Ophelia

“We all have different means to that end, but yours are truly remarkable. Something about this day and age makes people uncomfortable with showing emotions, but thankfully that’s not true in your case.” Says Jena

“As critical as I am of emotions, if they aren’t pleasure or indignation people tend to be indifferent to emotions, if not entirely ignorant to their function. Even happiness seems to escape the people who wallow in pleasure every day of their lives, aside from indignation, the pleasure is always vindictive pleasure for having one’s indignation acknowledged, and save for that pleasure, the only ones that people tend to have capacity for are the intoxicating kinds, either chemically or psychologically as offered by any other vice, and I can hardly qualify those as emotions any more than being high on cocaine is an emotion.” Says Stacy

“You kind of blew my mind with your compassion because it made me realize that people want others to care about them, but they don’t want anyone to help them. It made me realize that I actually was misguided in thinking that trying to help somebody and caring about somebody would be interpreted as the same thing.” Says Grace

“Help is always subjective, but caring is far simpler than that; it’s a primal emotion rather than a matter of intellectual problem solving. People can easily argue whether something is helping or hurting all day, but caring is straightforward without any implications of debate or questionability. When you try to help somebody, you are basically criticizing them by telling them that they are wrong or failing in some way, and of course that will never be met with any sort of pleasant reaction by most people. It’s a shame that most people have such an aversion to being helped when they easily would benefit, but realistically the only way to help somebody is to do so without criticizing them, and that means the only strategy is to agree with them and hope that they will learn their lesson themselves if they are actually wrong in some way.” Says Jenna

“You’ve got a real knack for that sort of thing Ophelia; you must have had a lot of practice. Do you have some younger siblings or something?” asks Isabelle

“I have some cousins, but I don’t see them too often. Eva just reminds me a lot of Stacy when she was younger, her mind all over the place, having all sorts of emotions come and go, happy and excited or sad or angry, so I guess I do have a lot of practice.” Says Ophelia

“I didn’t picture Stacy as the emotional type.” Says Isabelle

“I’m not.” Says Stacy

“Of course you are, especially when you were younger. I remember so many times when you were sad needed plenty of hugs and kisses to make you feel better. You would cry and that would make me cry, and all we could do is try to hug the tears away. She was very sensitive and I’m sure she still is, don’t let her fool you. ” Says Ophelia

“I might have cried a few times as a child, but I wouldn’t say I’m sensitive.” Says Stacy

“That girl is like the spitting image of you, even being able to regain her composure after letting it slip like that. That part of you always worried me, how you could be crying in the same way Eva was and just get over it really quickly and go back to being your crazy excitable self like nothing happened.” Says Jenna

“I always thought I was just really good at making her feel better; hugs and kisses always tend to do the trick.” Says Ophelia

“I just don’t like emotions, they overpower you and take control of your mind and body, and it’s distressing, feeling something like claustrophobia but inside out. If you think Ophelia’s hugs are strong, you don’t want to know about a sad Ophelia hug. That will definitely add to feeling of inescapability caused by emotions, but I’ll give her credit she does know how to make people feel better. I can’t say if that’s caused by anything other than a lack of blood-flow to the brain, but if it works, it works.” Says Stacy

“It’s just science that hugs and kisses make people feel better, you know that.” Says Ophelia

“Somehow Ophelia of all people beats Stacy at her own game of using science to justify things; it’s hard to argue that stoicism is the optimum when Ophelia offers an even better alternative.” Jokes Isabelle

“She’s definitely an expert in that field, so it only speaks to what real experts would have to say about whatever topic Stacy happens to be ranting about.” Says Grace

“I never had a problem with emotions; I simply have a problem with problematic things and unfortunately the majority of emotions happen to be problematic. There is no reason to strip people of all of their emotions, but there is more than enough justification to condition people to have aversion to the emotions that cause problems in society. Indignation, hedonism, lust, envy, and all sorts of other emotions clearly cause problems for both the people who feel them and society, so conditioning against them would benefit both parties; plenty of emotions are double-edged swords such as sympathy and compassion, because as much as somebody could sympathize with a good cause, they could easily sympathize with a bad one, so those sorts must also be regarded with caution and rational analysis, but not entirely condemned.

As for the wholesome harmless emotions like comfort, safety, happiness, zeal, honor, confidence, self-worth, loyalty, et cetera, the people should be conditioned to embrace these if not revel in them, because the emotional well-being of a person directly relates to their performance in their day to day lives, so in order to maximize their function their emotional needs must be met, and while people tend to do this themselves to a large extent, they are also prone to meeting their emotional needs in unhealthy ways, finding contentedness through unsavory, destructive, or problematic vices that provide this contentedness with an ebb and flow that corresponds with indulging the vice and then the corresponding discontentedness when the vice is not being fulfilled; this is a destructive cycle of dependence that ruins lives, and it is entirely problematic to condone this behavior in society.

People turn to those outlets through curiosity or because they lack a healthy emotional alternative, and unfortunately those who dabble in vice due to curiosity soon lose the healthy alternatives because the pleasure of cocaine, clothes, indignant pride, drunkenness, and fornication among other things dulls the wholesome and productive pleasures of hard work, simple friendships, perseverance, exercise, and learning so that the people are forced to perpetuate their vice or otherwise be forced to experience the constant withdrawal induced by abstaining from the illicit pleasures because they can no longer enjoy that which was once capable of providing them the fulfillment that a human will always seek.

Physical contact will always be encouraged if not mandated because Ophelia is right, it is a scientific fact that physical human contact makes people feel better, and when people feel better, things are better, so this simple approach of ensuring that the people are content is extremely powerful because the people have no ability to fight this response. Even if things are upsetting within the nation, when people are expected to engage in that sort of physical contact, this alleviates a good deal of the stress involved, and even when things are going well, the elevated moods and dispositions of the people will yield to greater performance and productivity and serve as a perpetual antagonist of problems due to the fact that most all problems induced by humans are initially spurred by problematic emotions of discontentedness.

Clearly we should not let emotions be relevant to decision making in situations where emotions are irrelevant from the problem at hand such as economic matters, but when emotions are entirely relevant to the situation such as in the case of ensuring the emotional wellbeing and mental health of the population, then the emotions must be acknowledged and accepted for what they are, because even from a stoic standpoint one can clearly see the benefit and value of ensuring that people experience healthy positive emotions throughout their life and avoid experiencing or embracing the unhealthy or negative ones in the same right. There is no reason to look a gift horse in the mouth, and that is exactly what a foolish stoic would be doing if he argued that all emotions should be avoided due to the fact that many are negative; it may take proper conditioning, but the benefits that positive emotional experiences yield unto people are invaluable when one understands that they are largely unconscious and uncontrollable, as well as extremely cheap if not entirely free to make use of, so regardless of however much the nation may struggle, the benefits of ensuring a beneficial and productive emotional state in the population is near the pinnacle of pertinence due to massive yield for such a small investment that largely pays for itself over time as the culture reinforces itself and spreads unto the next generations.” Says Stacy

“I still don’t understand how you’re going to create some austere and oppressive society and somehow convince people that their happiness is somehow one of your top priorities, let alone actually make them happy somehow.” Says Grace

“People are hardly in control of their emotions, and clearly any methods through which the emotions of the people can be controlled would be valuable tools at my disposal. People can’t control the release of the chemicals in their brains that occur when certain things happen, and one of the easiest methods to take advantage of this is to vehemently encourage people to do said things to one another when those simple actions happen to induce a beneficial emotional state.

Beyond the natural release of chemicals, there are plenty of ways to ensure happiness, because due to the fact that happiness is a mental state and an emotion, it is entirely relative to the persons experiences, so the more so terrible a person’s life is, the less pleasing impetus they need to actually make them feel palpably happy, whereas if the people’s lives are amazing as they are in today’s society, they need far more powerful impetus to make them feel palpably happy, and it is a shame because those sorts of impetus are extremely rare and often don’t exist outside of fantasy, so as people become desensitized to the amazingness of life in our country; they take it for granted and it doesn’t affect them emotionally, but when they do this there is very little that can actually make them feel happiness, and this is easily the most common cause of depression in the minds of people: they don’t have depression, they don’t have uncontrollable sadness for no reason in the same manner a schizophrenic would hallucinate or a manic would feel excitable and restless, they are sad for real reasons as opposed for no reason, and this inherently is not depression it is just a normal emotional state,  but due to the fact their natural sadness induced by the desensitization to happiness is largely untreatable, they are written off as depressed and sold pills and told they are mentally ill when they are really not.

Despite however much people may think that their lives are shit and this makes them sad, their lives are, let’s say, inherently 96% perfect, so when they improve their lives, say to 97% perfect, despite this being 25% of the possible level of increase in perfection, it is only a raw 1% increase in reality, and the human mind perceives only this raw number so their achievement of making their life better feels empty and pointless because of how little their minds notice that their life is any better, and due to this underwhelming and subtle nature of the pleasures induced by the improvement, they soon become desensitized to this new happiness and quickly revert to their same downtrodden state.

 Similar to the way the human mind only is affected by the raw percent increases in the perfection of their life, the mental affliction of envy works in the opposite manner, so if somebody’s life is say 97% perfect, the 3% difference between their life and the lives of the people they envy is interpreted as a 75% difference due to proportionality from the inherent minimum of 96% perfect, and this feeling like one is only 25% perfect is soul crushing to the people who feel like failures and hate their lives despite how perfect their lives happen to be, and 25% relative perfection is a very flattering estimate on what level of perfection the common dawdler wallowing in self-pity and misery has achieved. So despite the intentions of society to make everybody’s lives perfect, they ultimately have brutalized the emotional health of the majority of the population in the process, and this truly is unfortunate because the closer we get to utopia, the more prevalent depression and suicide become due to the nature of the way the human mind interprets the differences in perfection percentages relating to a human’s life.

Clearly this can be addressed with a system that addresses this desensitization. A system that will reduce a man’s life to be 10% perfect or less for some period of punitive time for being depressed, but more so for being indignant, ungrateful, or upset as opposed to true baseless depression, so that after this experience, when he returns to society, even if the lives of humans are only 50% perfect, this would be a profound level of joy that the man experiences upon being spared the torture that was afflicted upon him. By making large gaps in the raw perfection percentages of human life, the human mind can easily understand how great his life is because he has very painful experiences burned into his mind that would make him grateful even for simple things, like even drinking clean water, sleeping in a bed, eating food that is not spoiled and garbage, and other things that people take for granted.

The other end of the spectrum is to make it easy to achieve the maximum level of perfection in society, so if people could maximize the perfection of the life at 60%, it should be very easy to approach this level of perfection, very easy to perform at maximum capacity for the maximum reward, and this minimizes the disparity between any level of perfection that the human mind has been accustomed to and any greater level of perfection that they can observe and subsequently envy. Of course the percentage will always feel like 100% when the people get accustomed to their lives to the point where they interpret it as the baseline, interpreting their lives as an effective 0% perfect, and then the difference between say 59% and 60% will feel like 100%, but this can always be addressed by the prior method.

 As this envy of perfection is truly envy, it would be more so effective to prohibit the people from having things that others might envy, and while this may upset the few, the working man will have nothing to envy and will see his life of menial labor or soldering as the pinnacle of glory and success because no man has held higher honor or dignity, and if for some reason a man was more so capable, powerful, and pertinent, said powerful man was never given any more respect or appreciation for doing so than this menial laborer. The menial laborer wouldn’t envy the powerful one, because there is nothing to envy, there is no reward other than doing the job, and so long as you can offer the job of power to everyone as is done in a veritocracy, where anyone can propose scientific arguments about policy and society, the laborer would not see the man in power as a powerful one but rather one with a specific job, because the laborer understands he is equally powerful if he has any desire to propose scientific arguments, and he simply chooses not to because it is a difficult task to produce any legitimate arguments within a veritocracy, especially once many trials and experiments have already been run and proven, as many arguments produced measured and verifiable results that are unquestionably dysfunctional to the point where the arguments are invalidated.

These methods are useful and can easily be the baseline policy for ensuring the emotional health of the people, and the supplementary policy of forcing everybody to become subtly dependent on amphetamines in order to ensure hard work, focus, loyalty, and ascetic eating habits would not be as heavily relied upon to induce the feeling of happiness that is caused when one has their dependence satiated, as these other more so holistic methods are taken to ensure the happiness of the people is ensured to the extent that it is feasible. Of course it is easier to give a man some speed than it is to torture him to remind him of everything that he should be grateful for, and the benefits of mass amphetamine dependence are also palpably measurable in their own right, but that being said, this amphetamine dependence can also become something that the people become desensitized to, so in these cases the method of ensuring appropriate emotional and gratitudinal relativity is able to ensure that people remain grateful for their quality of life.

The human mind is a chemical system, and while the methods through which it is modified are not exclusively chemical, it is still entirely chemical in nature and functions in a manner that is comparably as predictable as chemistry, so long as the human is not genetically abnormal and expresses these traits within his brain function. This being said, it is a matter of rational science, and thus experimentation is required in order to measure the appropriate doses of each chemical and physical reagent in the reaction in order to achieve the highest quality results with the lowest likelihood of irreparable damage that impairs the function of the human.” Says Stacy

“A man who has never known pain is never grateful for comfort, so they say. I suppose that sort of immobile perfection in today’s society is unfortunate, as that is the reason so many people turn to drinking and whatnot; such chemical stimuli are the only reliable way to have your own disposition affected in any way that might be perceived as positive or enjoyable. As much as you’re right that happiness and perfection are affected by the same psychological tolerance to the chemical transmitters as drugs and alcohol, it’s hard to say whether depriving people of those things would induce the tremens to the point where they suffer a catastrophic mental breakdown or even die outright from the woe and misery. As beneficial as this system would be to the mental health of the people, it’s hardly agreeable, and seeing how only a small handful of ascetics, moralists, psychopaths, rationalists, and computers would agree with you, you might need to devise a miracle rather than a rational physical solution to the problem, seeing how the solution might just cause people to burn down the country when they succumb to the tremens.” Says Jenna

“We’ve got all the bennies in the world for anyone who is withdrawing in such a destructive way, so the tremens is a nonissue. Of course the corrective measures of emotional and gratitudinal calibration in accordance with relativity would be more effective, but if people are withdrawing in mass, it is easier to make tens of billions bennies than it is to torture hundreds of millions of people simultaneously. Of course those who can’t be quelled with the bennies would be subject to the physical methods, but the physical methods would easily be a fallback once the people have become accustomed to asceticism.” Says Stacy

“Despite the shame I feel knowing that I’m being an idiot, I’m glad the world decided to determine how it functions in accordance with opinion rather than correctness. Sure we will all die, the planet will be destroyed, and so on and so forth, but I would really hate to live in that sort of society.” Says Grace

“No, no, not at all, you would love it. If you didn’t love it you would be tortured for a while and then returned to society which you would then wholly love, you would be grateful for everything and every day would feel like a miracle.” Says Stacy

“That’s exactly what I’m talking about. I’m just going out on a limb, but I don’t think I would enjoy being tortured.” Says Grace

“Just a little pinprick, it’s like a vaccine, a short, momentary discomfort, for a lifetime of emotional health and happiness. You go through the gauntlet of a week or two of starvation, torture, forced labor, indoctrination, and that sort of fun, then once you get out, you’re rehabilitated in order to get reaccustomed to life, and then the sheer pleasure of creature comforts, reasonable work, and chemical stimulus are so profound that you are born again as a grateful and patriotic citizen with a love of your country and your life which is so amazing when compared to your torture, and any time you have any doubts, pains, or sadness, you think back to the torture and it reminds you of how great your life really is. It may seem like torture, but it is helping your brain to understand and appreciate the quality of life you experience; it may be a week of pain, but that same life that gave you nothing but displeasure and indignation will now be experienced as one full of profound pleasure and gratefulness every day because you have some perspective that allows you to realize that.

People need rationality and perspective in order to understand that, and when one only knows a 90% perfect life and compares this to 95% perfect lives, this makes a 5% difference feel like 100%, because one cannot see beyond one’s own life, but when one experiences, 1%, 2%, 4% perfection, one will understand this difference as a 5% difference which is far less influential than the 100% it previously was, and one will also experience the 90% perfect life as a raw 90% once one has perspective on the matters at hand, so if one felt as if their life was a 0%, this process alone results in improving their lives by 90% without actually changing their day to day lives in the slightest. The human experience is entirely subjective, and one simply needs to have the appropriate vantage to understand the reality of the situation beyond one’s own subjective interpretation. Once you understand how great reality is, you will love it.

As of now, you and the countless others are indignant and socialistic because you feel that your 96% perfect life is at a 0% perfect when compared to the 99% perfect lives of the powerful men or whoever it is you envy, and this is shameless to take 96% perfection entirely for granted, like if you were to take  math test and get a 96%, but the teacher gives you a zero on the test because the teacher expects every student to get 96% of the test correct and therefore uses that as the baseline to judge, alleging that a grade of 96 is effectively a zero when every question on the test was equally pertinent as the last. It is entirely irrational, but unfortunately that is just the way the human mind works; as Jenna was aphorizing, ‘A man who has never known pain is never grateful for comfort’, and in reality this describes the epidemic of indignation and discontent amongst the American people, along with the sordid emotional state capable of feeling only indignation, faux depression, or both amongst the youth.” Says Stacy

“The people aren’t happy, and for some reason they think that doing everything they can to become even more so unhappy is the most justifiable and meaningful thing in the world. The mentality of the people argues that ‘I am going to do everything in my power to make myself unhappy, and if I can become unhappy, it is clearly somebody else’s fault, and I will violently demand that this problem be addressed in some way, and in the case that it is addressed, I will surely take it entirely for granted and continue my quest to become unhappy by any means necessary.’ The worst part is that the government is forced to stay in the good graces of the people, and this means coddling this absolutely insane mentality. Stacy understands the methods through which people are actually able to feel happiness, and only wants to make people happy, but of course the people will argue that this is the most abominable and unholy thing imaginable. Stacy’s right in saying that it is just a pinprick in somebody’s life, an inoculation to ensure a lifetime of emotional health and happiness, but people would rather wallow in their deadly emotional polio and cripple themselves, the economy, and the country on account of their limitless entitlement and insatiable indignation. The coddling of unhealthy mentalities in this country is exacerbating itself so shamelessly that the people have had their logical capacity reduced to that of small children who think that crying is the only way they can get what they want, and for some reason the state and the voters want to coddle this infantile mentality rather than punish people who are grown adults whose logical capacity is at a maximum on par with a toddler.” Says Isabelle

“The people aren’t happy, just let them be unhappy. As much as you understand that the people have the mentality of a toddler, you don’t quite understand how it is easily impossible to change the mentality of a toddler and condition them not to act that way, and this will prove to be profoundly more so difficult when you have adults who have had this mentality conditioned into their mind and celebrated by the people over the course of decades and reinforced with their own massive egos. If you raise a child and always give them what they want when they cry, of course they are going to keep crying, that’s how conditioning works, and when society rewards the people in the same manner bad parents reward crying toddlers, of course the people will continue to pursue these methods of crying and complaining all the time because they clearly see results when they complain enough. It’s shameless, but there’s little if anything anybody can do about it.” Says Jenna

“The people complain about legitimate things; as annoying or petty as it may seem, they’re not toddlers for acknowledging issues in society, becoming upset, and demanding changes.” Says Grace

“Even if the issues were legitimate in any grand scheme of things, which they clearly are not, save for perhaps environmentalism, the methods in which they issues are raised and addressed is identical in the manner to which bad parents address the crying of toddlers. When you give the toddler what it wants when it cries, it will continue to do this forever until this behavior is corrected. The political standard is making people upset like toddlers and promising to give them whatever they want that they are crying about, that is democracy. If there was a more respectable method, like Stacy’s veritocracy for example, where people were given what they want when they provide scientific and mathematical analysis of the issues they are upset about and propose legitimate solutions founded in the same scientific and mathematic principles, then this would be far more legitimate; the people would stop behaving like toddlers and expecting people to give them what they want on account of their crying, and they would instead turn to mathematical and scientific analysis in order to prove points and propose solutions.

The state condones and reinforces this unhealthy and unproductive behavior, and this behavior is the exact reason as to why the democratic portion of our government functions so poorly. You cannot expect to have a functional and reasonable government when you educate the people that behaving like toddlers and crying about whatever godforsaken thing you want is the most noble and respectable method in which things are accomplished; that is not how anything is done save for bad parenting, and there is absolutely no reason as to why such behavior should be coddled even in toddlers, let alone grown adults. It is shameless, and the fact that our government operates on those principles is painfully stupid and entirely ridiculous; the idealism is literal insanity as proven by every toddler who started crying again for whatever stupid reason after he was given what he wanted the previous day, because clearly the parents didn’t want the child to be crying, but they chose to utilize the least reasonable, efficient, and cost-effective short term solution to resolve a problem for  a brief period of time only to reinforce the problem in the long run.

Stacy is right, our lives are nearly perfect, and everyone is basically taking a perfectly good gift horse and then arguing that the damn horse doesn’t even exist and demanding even more things. Why make the people happy when any reasonable person can see that the people will never be happy, they will always be upset about something, protesting something, demanding something, and there are only so many means to these ends, and the ends keep becoming more insane and unattainable as the more so sane and attainable ones are granted to the people. This is a cycle that will quickly escalate to perpetual indignation about some unresolvable problem, and rather than get to that point where the government is crippled by insanely delusional idealists who sacrifice the state in the name of pursing some unimaginably stupid ideal, I would honestly defend Stacy’s system over our own on the simple logic that it is not an infinite feedback loop and actually has some potential for prolonged function and stability due to the rational limits that are enforced rather than coddling this infinite pursuit of increasingly unattainable ideals.” Says Jenna

“I know the stupidity can be frustrating, but seeing how it cannot be resolved due to countless factors, it’s more of a blessing than a curse at the end of the day. Stupider people are easier to convince and manipulate, but if everyone was highly intelligent it would be much harder to gain any support, and seeing how every political issue is impossible to resolve because there are no solutions that exist that meet the criteria of being both ethical and possible; so regardless of how intelligent people become, there will still be no real solutions that are created, and a country full of highly intelligent people becomes a mob of pretentious idiots who are equally inept in regards to legislative logic as the current population but presume that they know the solution to all of the problems as they will always have faith in whatever ridiculous policy has not been tried and thus resulted in failure.

The current people have no capacity for legislative logic, but they put blind faith in the politicians who defend their ideals and beliefs and leave the responsibility of legislation up to the lawmakers, and this allows for the government to function because the people will inherently support it out of blind party affiliation rather than actively criticize it incessantly for its inherent unavoidable failures. I’d rather live in a country where the majority of people have faith in most aspects of the government rather than one where everyone is intelligent enough to have no faith in the state, seeing how the former is actually capable of maintaining power at the level needed for the economy to function.” Says Isabelle

“Ironically I somehow prefer Stacy’s insane ranting to the incessant criticism of the people in our country, seeing how Stacy’s ranting is largely nonsense and doesn’t induce this ominously disheartening ambivalence of shame and fear. I can’t tell if the common points that you girls like to throw around are entirely legitimate, but even if they are hyperbolized, I’ve been wrestling with the same fear that the grounds for optimism amongst progressives are also profoundly hyperbolized. It’s not that I support Stacy’s ideas, but reality tends to brutalize delusion, where fantasies are entirely immune from that assault. Even though Stacy talks about complete nonsense, she can just say it’s perfectly correct and resolves all of the problems and I can just give her the irrelevant benefit of the doubt for the sake of entertainment and leave it at that, but any time I try to have similar thoughts about problems in society actually being solved I’m faced with actually having to wrestle with real doubts about the gravity of the political situation in our country which is far more relentlessly brutal, delusional, and ignorant than Stacy unfortunately, largely because it actually exists, but that’s beside the point.” Says Grace

“I’m glad you’re coming around, it only takes people to lose enough faith in their current fantasies that they are forced to seek alternatives, and when that happens I will be there with my own philosophy which is too legitimate and correct for people to lose faith in so long as they are able to put faith in it in the first place.” Says Stacy

“Just talk about how to make people happy. I figure if you go on about it long enough you might eventually draw some reasonable conclusions.” Says Grace

“That’s the spirit; even if some of Stacy’s ideas are crazy, as long as we encourage her to keep having as many as she can, some of them are guaranteed to be good ideas. Seeing how people tend to be angry, upset, or sad these days, it’s definitely a good topic.” Says Ophelia




“In order to ensure that the people are happy, one must understand how happiness works. Firstly, there is ephemeral happiness, which is induced by simple pleasures in life, and this quickly fades once the pleasure has been consumed. American society relies on this ephemeral happiness to keep its people happy because they know that people become dependent on buying or doing the things they consume that make them happy, and the peddlers like this method. The other form of happiness is inherent happiness, and this is happiness that is not consumed but stays with the person; this inherent happiness is caused by many things, but it is largely defined by a person’s self-esteem, self-respect, self-worth, and their own perception of themselves. Those with lesser perceptions of themselves will be inherently unhappy because their experiences within the world are filtered through this perspective of self-worth, and as they are constantly full of fear, anxiety, and inadequacies, they will inherently be less so happy because even the ephemeral happiness they receive is tarnished by this filter. The opposite effect occurs with those who have a high level of self-esteem and self-worth, as negative or painful experiences are filtered through this perspective and the person is able to maintain a positive disposition despite these hardships, because the happiness induced by their self-esteem is able to induce happiness that far outweighs the unhappiness induced by displeasure. When a person’s self-image is largely responsible for whether or not they are happy, it is clearly necessary to maximize every person’s ego in order to ensure the maximum level of happiness possible within the people. There is seldom an unhappy egotist, and those with poor self-esteem are almost always sad.

The idealists think that some level of sympathetic equality and ‘everyone cares about you’ bullshit is the way to ensure that a person has a positive ego, but this is nonsense; in this situation the ego filter is at best neutral, as everyone is inherently equal, and this leaves people to judge themselves based upon their own shortcomings and failures, and as these are rife within the people, this neutral filter is worthless in regards to ensuring happiness. The people need to have an unwavering level of self-confidence and ego that ensures that they see themselves not as normal, equal, or adequate people, but as the greatest of the people, top-notch, the unquestionable best of the best. The people don’t need to legitimately be the best of course, but they must think that they are the best, and when this is true their own happiness will be endless because the happiness afforded to them by their ego is capable of outweighing any sort of displeasure they experience in life so long as their ego remains unharmed in the process.

Clearly inducing this mentality is impossible in our current society because people are always subject to the judgments of others which are sometimes valid but always judgmental. The person cannot feel that he is being antagonized by society any way because this can instill doubt in his mind; he will feel dejected, disenfranchised, denigrated, or otherwise like a second class citizen, and this will either induce sadness or indignation. Those parties who have existed in this role of second class citizen such as the Negros and women are constantly unhappy and indignant because they perceive themselves to be inadequate because society instils this notion in their mind, sometimes through experience, but today it is largely through vestigial perspective induced by indignation that is inherited through the generations of people. These people cannot have this positive ego filter because society does not allow them to, they will always perceive that they are victimized or oppressed in some way, and when this occurs they cannot believe that they are the best of the best, because the perceived oppressor always takes this position and the person must take the position of the oppressed because this is where his sound logic places him. It is for this reason every population will always be indignant, and as can be seen today as the whites are becoming a minority in this country where everybody is a minority, even the white people who traditionally were able to wield this positive ego filter are failing to do so and now believe themselves to be oppressed, denigrated, and disenfranchised by the large population of minorities and their progressive allies, and when people hold the mentality that somebody else is somehow more powerful than them or oppressing them in some way, this makes them hostile, upset, indignant, or sad.

This is the unfortunate state of our country in that the social make-up ensures that nobody is able to sustain a positive ego filter because of the level of condemnation of everyone by everyone else, and when one is not a part of the group that is unquestionably dominant, one’s self feels threatened, and if oneself feels threatened, then one cannot be confident because of the pervasive fear and feelings of insecurity induced by one’s own perceived vulnerabilities. The good news for those who enjoy happiness is that this problem can easily be addressed by the thorough segregation of all people by race, sex, ethnicity, political ideology, and any other factor that may be different between any groups of people. When the people are all segregated into their own communities, they are easily indoctrinated to believe that they are the best of the best, simply because there are no competing rivals or groups that serve to criticize them or cast any doubts in their mind about their own perceptions of themselves, and when people have no grounds to doubt what you tell them, they are very willing to believe any sort of praises or glorification of themselves because people are always very happy to be complimented and praised in the same rate that they are always upset by criticism.

If any sort of interaction between two differing groups must occur, then they are each simply informed that they are clearly the better of the two, and are getting the best of the other group, and such assertion of their own dominance and supremacy will endow them with a profound level self-confidence, self-esteem, self-worth, and every other factor of one’s own ego to the point where they cannot help but be pleased as a peach, simply because despite however brutal or terrible their life may be, they still wholeheartedly believe that despite their own suffering, they are the best of the best, everything about their lives is top notch, and their greatness and glory are unquestioned by everyone. Just like countless problems in society, the problem of poor self-esteem and thus unhappiness can be avoided simply by preventing the root of the problem from existing in the first place: one cannot doubt oneself if one is constantly reminded by their own society that such a thought is one of the most irrational and nonsensical thoughts possible.” Says Stacy

“So you're upset with the profound level of delusion in the country yet you are arguing in favor of instilling even more profound delusion in the people?” says Grace

“It’s the difference between harmful delusion and beneficial delusion. There is no benefit to indoctrinating people to think that they will feel good when they hit themselves in the face because it makes the other people in society feel better, as is similar to the logic of  idealism, because that is inherently harmful behavior, but indoctrinating people to interpret reality in such a way that allows them to have a profoundly higher ego and as a result of that be inherently far happier than they would if they were taught the honest truth about themselves is entirely benevolent. The delusion doesn't hurt anybody so long as the people are thoroughly segregated, as they have no means to interact with each other and thus no means to attempt to test or enforce this delusion.

Sure, the unwavering faith in one's own greatness when compared to the rest of the world is entirely baseless, but seeing how the people are far happier on account of their own ego there is a huge gain in the mental and emotional well-being of the people and thus their performance in daily life that only costs the tiny amount of money it takes to indoctrinate them, and even this cost eventually disappears because people are naturally prone to thinking of themselves as the greatest because this is how individualistic survival functions in the mind of an animal: it places the self above the competitors, and so long as the people exist in a society where the people around them are phenotypically identical to themselves, the social aspect of the human mind will far more readily associate this society with a communal self because there are no features that allow the person to distinguish anybody as different from themselves and thus their community in such a manner that would create two or more distinct groups of people, communal selves, that may possibly conflict with, compete with, or harm one another.

Of course the other differences between people must also be addressed, because the major difference in our country is one of the well-off compared to the worse-off, and this will always exist so long as there are economic castes within the society, because despite the fact that even the poorest people in our country still have a very high quality of life compared to most places in the world, they perceive themselves to be the most victimized by the exploitation of the rich, which is entirely fallacious when you see how much people in the developing world are exploited, but regardless of this fact, the belief is held very firmly by the poor, who indoctrinate even the middle class people with this belief because people are inherently very prone to antagonizing those that are different, and also envying people who have things they don't have.

As much as one cannot truly limit the success of people in a healthy economy, one can easily limit the value of success in regards to the purchasing power of the money, because when the money is useless and cannot buy things that others will envy, there is nothing compelling the people to envy the money because it is largely irrelevant, and this applies to real money as well as domestic money because there is no reason to expose people to the knowledge of things that they will envy, because even with quality indoctrination causing people to loathe the materialistic and consumptive vices, the human mind can still easily develop the capacity to envy these things simply because one does not have them and somebody else does, especially when people cannot visibly see the deleterious effects of such vices as readily as they can for those such as street drugs; even if they are well aware of the numbers explaining the harm caused by these vices, the human mind can easily forget numbers if there is nothing visibly jarring that would cause the mind to fear or detest whatever it is that might also tempt them.

Just like all things, indoctrination can be either good or bad, as it is ultimately a modified form of education in which some things are exempted or exaggerated, some opinions supported and others condemned, in order to create a more desirable person as the end result of the education than an unmodified raw facts education would produce. Indoctrination is the standard fare in every place in the world because clearly people as well as society want their children and people to embrace their ideals and culture rather than be secular rationalists who regard the ideals and culture for what they are actually worth as opposed to what they mean to the people, so as unpleasant as that word is, it is still an inherent aspect of the education system. Education doesn't teach kids the benefits of being nice, the harms of being nice, the benefits of being mean, and the harms of being mean, they just tell the kids that being nice is good and they're supposed to be nice and they definitely shouldn't be mean, which does create nice people sometimes, but it ultimately makes people who are ignorant to the shortcomings and problems induced by being nice as well as the benefits that are afforded by being mean.

 All things fall under this category of having an optimum form; just as too much or too little discipline, taxation, policing, warfare, industry, or anything will be more so harmful than having the correct and optimum amount of said thing, and even worse than too much or too little is an improper form of these things because if these things are done improperly they provide far less benefit than they otherwise would for the time and energy invested into said things if they were done properly as opposed to improperly. One shouldn't indoctrinate people in a way that impairs the function of themselves, their society, the economy, or the state, but clearly my method of ensuring a healthy ego in the people has no potential to harm any of these things due to the fact that things that are not in contact with one another cannot conflict, but the American methods used today are extraordinarily harmful because the people are indoctrinated to have blind faith in these ideals and disregard all of the negative consequences that stem from such ideals, simply because the nation places far more faith in the indoctrinating capability of ideals to produce devoted and hardworking people as opposed to realism and rational logic in the hope that so long as people believe in the ideals, they will believe that everything is fine or at least be optimistic, when in reality there are no grounds to hold these beliefs; with the other half of the defense of idealism being that the ideals are far easier to indoctrinate into people than logic, reason, or heaven forbid actually resolving the concerns of people in any manner that is not entirely imaginary. The people aren’t successful, but despite hundreds of years of evidence they believe they can be successful if they work hard, so they work hard; that is the power of American indoctrination, but the problem is the pain people experience when they expect to be successful and fail to do so, and thus cast the blame onto society, the state, and those who are successful.

People will always have problems, and they will always seek to put the blame for these problems on somebody else rather than save themselves. When people are afforded many different types of people to coexist with, the people will always cast the blame on those who are different from themselves rather than those who are similar, because the more similar the person is to the accuser, the more the accuser himself will feel blamed for the problem if he accuses that person, and people will instinctively avoid being blamed for anything, including their own problems, at all costs. Clearly there will be many people throughout the authority who look or are otherwise different from one group of people or the other, but the more that people believe that the people in power are extremely similar to themselves, the less they will question the authority and the less they will blame the authority for any of the things that they would otherwise blame them for if the people were easily able to distinguish their own people as the 'us' and the authority as the 'them' in their situation, because when this is true they are not taking any of the blame themselves when they cast it onto the authority and it is easy for them to cast themselves as the victim and the authority as the victimizer.

 For this reason people must not only believe that they are the best, but believe that those in power are nearly identical to themselves, that by living whatever life they happen to live and being whoever they happen to be, that they are extremely similar to the people who hold power and authority over the nation and great influence throughout the world. Any sort of differences between people are inherently sources of conflict, because people will always instinctively seek conflict due to competitive instinct, and they will always antagonize anything different from themselves through their instinct of the preservation of self, so by eliminating the majority of this perception of differences between the people in a certain segregated society as well as the state, a large portion of possible conflict is avoided due to such a society functioning in a manner that does not provoke the human's instinctive suspicion towards and conflict with that which is different than itself. The less conflict that is in a person's life, the more happy they become, so by minimizing conflict in this odd manner, it is possible to ensure a far greater level of peace, harmony, and happiness amongst the people, simply because their instincts are so contented with the situation that the feeling of well-being is afforded by their instinct as opposed to any other ephemeral means of providing that feeling.” Says Stacy

“As reasonable as that logic is, you are still insane for thinking that the people will be happy to let you so thoroughly rework society so that you can manipulate their instincts, even if it is allegedly beneficial for the people.” Says Grace

“That may be the case if I or anyone were to speak in the manner that I do, but the argument would not be cut and dry as I am with you girls; the means to this end would be no different than the current political strategy of preying upon peoples instincts such as anger, fear, distrust, and envy in order to gain support, and the politicians that are good at provoking instinctive reactions in the people clearly don't start of their speeches by telling the crowd that they're deliberately going to provoke the crowd's instincts in order to instill a deep-seated and unshakable feeling within the people then propose a solution so that this instinctive feeling such as fear or anger become associated with this politician in their minds, and the thought of the politician provides relief from this instinctive discomfort, thus the people become supporters of said politician because of their instincts have been manipulated.

Of course it would be nice if the people were wise enough to realize that yes, we as a people have uncontrollable instincts that define and dominate the way our minds function, and rather than allow these instincts to be exploited by those in power or with money so said people with power or money can continue to perpetuate their power or success, we should organize our society in such a way that these instincts are not constantly provoked and used to create fear, anger, division, hostility, distrust, discomfort, and other unsavory emotions, but these instincts are respected cared for in such a way that minimizes discomfort induced by said instincts while simultaneously taking advantage of the fact that instincts alone are capable of providing the beneficial feelings of safety, belonging, comfort, happiness, trust, loyalty, dignity, and pride. Creating a society that convinces the human instinct to unconsciously feel these good feelings is a valuable and worthwhile cause, as doing so minimizes the pain and discomfort caused by instinct alone and maximizes the enjoyable feelings caused by instincts alone, because as much as we have no control over our instincts, we can control the comfort or discomfort they afford us by manipulating our society in such a way that the instincts are not unconsciously provoked into discomfort, but rather soothed into comfort.” Says Stacy

“Of course you are talking about the optimum form of reducing instinctive discomfort to the absolute minimum while increasing instinctive comfort to the absolute maximum, but even a partial implementation that could reduce instinctive discomfort by 50% and increase distinctive comfort by 50% would be profoundly worthwhile. The problems arise in two places, as races and cultures could easily be segregated as that was how the natural world was formed and homogenous communities functioned perfectly, but convincing the everyman that he is somehow the equal of those in power would be difficult when he sees the profound amount of order that surrounds him when compared to the meaniality of his labor, and as much as comparable wages and a lack of enviable things would help this, he would still question those who make decisions while he makes none, even just out of curiosity, but so long as he is happy with the decisions that are made this would not be entirely problematic.

The other problem is discomfort between the sexes, as women will always feel threatened by men, and as much as segregation would resolve this, the complete sexual segregation of the two genders would be very difficult if not impossible on account of the child bearing and rearing aspect. Your solution of a breeding caste and industrially rearing children may resolve this in some respect, as the majority of men and women don't need to interact so long as the repopulation needs are met, but it would likely be a very unpopular proposal, even if it may gain traction amongst the feminists and true misogynists alike. As inhumane as it sounds to manipulate people's instincts, such a proposal is no different than our world today, it's just that in our society people's instincts are manipulated towards anger and vice rather than in any sort of beneficial way, because the people who are good at manipulating peoples’ instincts towards those feelings can amass a large deal of political power or otherwise make lots of money doing so. That being said it is unfortunate that those two parties will likely be the main opponents of such a proposal as it limits their money or their power, and unfortunately for everyone these people are all very well versed in manipulating the instincts of people in order to gain advantages for themselves and disadvantage those whose instincts they prey upon. It is a noble cause to seek to ease the discomforts people instinctively feel, but easily a futile one, because it is these discomforts which perpetuate the wealth and power of those who hold and wield it.” Says Jenna

"I don't think it's unethical; using somebody's instincts to make them feel better is like hugging and kissing a baby, so even if it defeats the ideal of perfect harmony among everybody, that's just like saying a mother shouldn't hug and kiss a crying baby because ideally the baby should never cry, and that's just nonsense.” Says Ophelia

“It’s amazing that after listening to Stacy for a long enough time even Jenna is starting to put some faith in her, and even Grace is willing to at least respect some of the ideas.” Says Isabelle

“Stacy likes being right and I don’t like being critical, so it works out for both of us. Being critical is exhausting, frustrating, and futile, towards Stacy as much as anyone else, so I’m not at all tempted to take up some flag of pretentious presumptuous self-righteousness.” Says Jenna

“I like being supportive, so I’m probably the easiest one to convince.” Says Ophelia

“I just don’t want to get run over by a train.” Says Grace

“Losing faith in the superpowers that you thought the progressive liberal agenda had endowed you with? Stopping a train would be like nothing compared to destroying an entire nation, the minds of the people and the economy included.” Says Isabelle

“If I can respect my own delusions, I would be a hypocrite if I were to condemn Stacy’s, seeing how they’re both equally unfeasible.” Says Grace

“Yours are extremely feasible and that’s the terrible part; it’s easy to convince people to become socialist vampires and prey upon the well-being of the nation for their own benefit, but unfortunately people have more predatory instincts that draw them to such temptation rather than the pleasant non-combative animal instincts that ensure success like the nest-building, efficient gathering, and appropriate reproduction Stacy argues in favor of. It’s a shame it’s so easy to convince people to prey upon themselves, but that sort of behavior is common in all sorts of sick animals, and the human race is no exception unfortunately.” Says Isabelle

“At least Stacy is capable of proposing interesting alternative policies; you’re only capable of taking potshots at socialism. As much as it’s not traditionally progressive, her ideas are still a form of progress even if they are contrary to American ideals, and that’s far better than the mutual petty name calling that is the only instance of bi-partisan accord that exists at the moment.” Says Grace

“Condemning progressives, liberals, and socialists is hardly taking potshots; at that point you’re hunting diseased varmints.” Jokes Isabelle

“My point exactly. I don’t know if it’s good or bad that I have lost most of my faith in the current political ideals, not because they’re inherently dysfunctional but because they’re inherently unpopular which makes them inherently dysfunctional due to the nature of popularity being necessary for function rather than vice versa. Seeing how I doubt the people will see more value in helping everybody than they do in hating everybody, I don’t have any reason to think that progressives will accomplish anything, and when that’s the case I’m just sitting here in a cloud of delusion comparing one cloud of fantasy to another without any real implications as to their impact on reality. I’m sure if Stacy actually had real traction amongst the people I would be concerned, but as of now it’s a quaint fantasy with an odd insane inhuman benevolence to it. It’s entertaining, but thankfully I’m not crazy enough to become some sort of advocate for such policy.” Says Grace

“Yet.” Says Stacy

“Yet. I’m sure when it comes down to it Stacy will be the left-leaning candidate, for better or for worse, so I’m sure she will get my support compared to whatever plutocratic fascist movement that the right devolves into and wants to enslave everybody, kill any sort of discontented social or ethnic minority, and somehow still has the support of half the country because they oppose abortion and support the pledge of allegiance in schools.” Says Grace

“It’s a shame that Stacy is cast as the left-leaning candidate, because as reasonable as her policies are, she clearly has no chance in a race against such a noble party; the people would rather be slaves than live in a country that supports abortion and fails to respect the flag, the one nation under god, and those who gave their lives to defend the greatest country on earth.” Says Isabelle

“When it comes down to that, I think that people will be discomforted by the thought of change, and for that reason they will flock to the right. People will see the right proposing the same style of things they do every year, growing more so conservative in order to condemn the progressive liberal Stacy over here, and the people will just see that the economy is doing well and feel that it’s not worthwhile to risk that success, even if it means they are either enslaved or killed for being complicit. Nothing fires up Americans more than an assault on their freedoms, and so long as the plutocrats defend the people’s rights to shoot guns, drink, smoke, say anything they want, and otherwise enjoy themselves as they please, the plutocrats will always win the elections; they are successful politically and financially because they give the people what they want, which is usually the absence of something in exchange for freedom, and I don’t see that changing any time soon. ” Says Jenna

“Here I was thinking Stacy was the pro-slave candidate, but I must have gotten the wrong impression.” Says Isabelle

“The people will always be slaves; it’s just the choice between happier and healthier slaves with less freedom for the people and plutocrats or richer plutocrats and more freedom for the people and plutocrats, and unfortunately the people would much rather be freer than happier and healthier, even if they are much less happy and healthy on account of that. Somehow freedom always means oppressing racial, religious, social, and ethnic minorities in this country, but I can’t change that, and seeing how the conservatives tend to reproduce adequately while most liberals don’t by any stretch of the imagination, as even the ones that do are likely to have children who lean to the right simply due to the instinctive racialism in the human mind that is preyed upon by the right; the liberals have to be taught to be liberals, where the conservatives for the most part are naturally born conservative. I don’t see the reality of conservative dominance changing any time soon unless the conservatives really start abusing their poor constituents, especially since the liberals are putting the nails in their own coffin by educating the minority population, seeing how the more they accomplish this, the less the minority populations of Blacks and Hispanics will reproduce over time, and they will also become more so individualistic and successful in the process causing them to lean to the right regardless, and this is the left effectively killing their only chance to win an election in a few generation’s time.” Says Grace

“Immigration might keep things even, unless America becomes such a terrible place that even immigrants don’t want to come here anymore, and that could easily be possible. Both Asians and Hispanics are nowhere near as loyal to the left as the Black community is, so even immigration may not be able to keep the current balance after a generation or two.” Says Jenna

“Does it even matter, seeing how to my knowledge both parties are going to basically the same thing and ultimately destroy the country and the world in the name of their nonsensical political beliefs?” asks Ophelia
“Unfortunately not; some people might die a more comfortable death, but that’s still an insanely optimistic resolution seeing how the left argues in favor of that with socialized medicine, but doing so is ultimately depriving every subsequent generation the chance to die a comfortable death due to the resulting insolvency of the state. There are no feasible solutions to any of our problems, so we may as well just throw our hands up and tell Jesus to take the wheel.” Says Jenna

 “That’s probably our best bet at this point.” Says Isabelle

“Even Stacy’s ideas are better than giving up, seeing how Jesus won’t take the wheel; it will just be the same plutocrats who are always in control of that wheel continuing to control the wheel.” Says Grace

“Seeing how that’s not going to change, the people could at least put the pedal to the floor if we’re even going to have a chance to stay competitive in the world, or somehow ask Jesus to do that, seeing how I doubt the American people are going to change their lives so that the country can have a healthy economy for once.” Says Isabelle

“I’m pretty sure Jesus was always fond of putting the pedal to the metal, seeing how there is a distinct correlation between the affordable competitivity of American labor and their faith in Jesus, seeing how as the faith became less prevalent in society, the people stopped being humble and this crippled the viability of any low-skill labor based industry that was one of the original forces that made the United States so powerful and successful, seeing how it compounded our own success as we controlled the entire chain from the primary through the tertiary industries, allowing us to reap all of the yield of such industries rather than having it siphoned off by foreign countries because their people are humble enough to be willing to work for less, demand less, and expect less than the current shameless American consumerist.” Says Jenna

“I think raising awareness might help, seeing how if people knew the country was more successful when everyone was faithful, maybe they would repent and become faithful because they understand that being faithful has such a strong influence on one’s success.” Says Ophelia

“People aren’t willing to stop smoking, drinking, or fattening themselves despite the mountains of scientific evidence that informs them that they are killing themselves, so I doubt any sort of argument depicting that far less concrete correlation is going to convince them any more than medical science. On second thought, I am easily wrong about that, since the faith actually offers people eternal salvation and forgiveness, where science just informs the people that they are killing themselves and are going to suffer and die on account of it, so the fact that the faith offers the people something beyond condemnation might actually make it a far more popular argument for the success of the nation, but unfortunately the way the human mind works is that they will just take the faith in their own salvation for whatever trivial amount of reverence they decide to show without actually making any real changes or improvements to their life. The people need unwavering faith that defines every aspect of their lives, that was the type of faith that ensured success; the current type of just believing that Jesus saves you and send you to heaven if you believe in him is the most shameless bastardization of the faith imaginable.” Says Jenna




“Clearly you are too wise to be able to make an optimistic and ethical argument in good faith, and I applaud you for that. As I’ve said before, every person is either too inept or too immoral to be trusted with any sort of decision making that can impact the lives of others and even their own lives, and every issue that this country faces is directly caused by these two factors; on top of this, the vast majority of people are simultaneously too inept and too immoral to be allowed any level of freedom in regards to their lives, as their poor decisions constantly harm themselves, the community, the economy, and thus the nation. When these people are allowed to govern through the de facto law of a mutual tolerance of each other’s ineptitude and immorality, the catastrophic effects of these two forces compound upon one another exponentially: as each person becomes complicit in the perpetual failures of society, they add to the compounding principle that is the total detriment to society, and this detriment continually accrues interest on the investment as the problems it induces fester, exacerbate themselves, and induce further dysfunction.

Clearly when the people's competence in regards to ensuring their own success and wellbeing for an indefinite period of time is comparable to that of a self-harming mentally retarded child, seeing how they cannot comprehend their situation nor can they stop themselves from impulsively harming, hindering, and burdening themselves as well as other people through their own decision making, there are no ethical grounds to justify or even tolerate this behavior. People want healthcare because they consciously choose to be in poor health or be alive, people want retirement money because they have poorly managed their money and health throughout their lives, the financial sector crashes the economy because they have no foresight that would allow them to avoid making reckless decisions that put the indefinite health of the economy at risk, women and minorities are discriminated against and abused because they consciously fight to put themselves into situations where these things are commonplace and expect to play with fire without being burned in the slightest, people run up a massive sympathy bill and expect this money to appear out of thin air believing that any cause that is sympathized with should inherently be funded despite the profound economic repercussions of said things.

 I've gone into all of these problems in detail, many times, but clearly the point to be made is that the people must be constantly reminded that every problem that exists is entirely their own fault, and they must first of all be held accountable and liable for the damage they have caused, then be penalized with austere restrictions on their life and their ability to make decisions, if they are even worthy of remaining alive. People are allowed to profoundly damage their own health, those of others including children, the economy, and the future of all people in this nation and on the planet; but because these grievous atrocities fail to take the form of direct physical violence, the population is too painfully and profoundly retarded to understand that their own actions cause these results, and are somehow dumbfounded by the fact that these repercussions occur and then demand that somebody other than themselves be held accountable for the countless problems the people themselves created for themselves, because they lack the wherewithal or accountability to understand that they have caused these problems themselves; they claim to be victims simply because there was no blatant, instantaneous cause and effect as occurs when one pops a balloon or some other form of a visibly obvious relationship between their action and the repercussive reaction.

Unfortunately, the way the country functions it is impossible to hold the people accountable for their own countless shortcomings that are costing the country trillions upon trillions of dollars, because in order to do so one needs to be in political power, and in order to have political power one needs to have the support of the people, and the people will never support anyone who condemns them, regardless of however measurably and unquestionably accurate the criticisms are. This is like existing in a small town governed by democracy, with 1,000 babies and 100 people murdering one another and the babies, while the murderers constantly demand that the murders stop despite themselves showing absolutely no intention of refraining from murdering people. People expect any other rivals to stop their murdering of society and the economy instantly, alleging that these instances of murder is wrong, while vehemently defending their own murdering of society as if it is somehow inculpably benevolent.

Everybody is inherently wrong, technologically advanced human life is inherently wrong, and until people are thoroughly condemned for the godforsaken miscreants that they are and adequately penalized as to minimize any future damage these abominations may cause to themselves, each other, and the planet, there is no hope for the human race to continue to exist.  This is clearly demonstrated by the measurable increase in antisocial behavior induced by the secular sanctification of the murdering of society and the economy by its constituents in the name of self-service brought about by the Age of Reason, thus endowing the people with the freedom to not only do these things, but to ensure that they are able to commit this cannibalism of society at a rapidly increasing and exponential rate that will soon debilitate the human race to the point where it is so intoxicated by its ineptitude and vice that it can no longer swim well enough to keep its head above water and ultimately drowns.

If a person truly wants to make a difference, to possibly have a chance to save the world, this cannot be done through some cheeky progressive bullshit; it can only be done through a thorough condemnation of every human on earth. One must remind each and every person that they themselves through their own misdeeds and poor decisions are entirely responsible for their own suffering and that of those around them. One must make the people realize that every problem in their life that is explicitly their own fault, to remind them that their own ineptitude and immorality is the reason why they have problems, and to show them the astounding stupidity of any of their own ideas in regards to mathematical projections depicting the complete infeasibility and dysfunctionality of any proposed idealistic bullshit that somehow solves the problem without even going so far as to address and resolve the problem, but rather coddle the problem, allow it to exacerbate itself, and somehow strip this problem of its inherent problematic nature through magical idealism or whatever other bullshit that the delusional asshats think will somehow magically resolve all of the problems because of how nice and pleasant the solution sounds when compared to the problem.

The human race must have their pride, dignity, and self-worth shattered to the point where they have lost all of their baseless self-respect and all baseless respect for other humans that prevents them from treating themselves and each other in a rational, logical, and mathematically justifiable way similar to the methods that I defend. Humans must loathe themselves, because this is the correct feeling, being slapped in the face causes pain, because this is the correct feeling that assists the human being in remaining alive by teaching them to avoid pain and thus danger, and in order for the human race to survive, the human race must loathe themselves to the point where they abandon their own idealistic desecration of what little natural integrity remains in their own living corpses.

 Once the humans have abandoned their own pride, and seek to be punished severely for their countless atrocities against themselves and the planet, only then will they be able to embrace a true logical, rational, and correct interpretation of what human life is, how this is defined by what life itself is, and what evolution is, as without these two things there can be no human life, and any human life that exists without these principles in place is not human life in the slightest, it is not worthy of the title of being life, as it is simply an unnatural abomination with little semblance to that which through natural selection, evolution, and success through competition has ensured that it survive for millions if not billions of years.

Beyond that, it is vital to accept that raw mathematical and physical truths define what a human life is, while delusions and fantasies are entirely baseless and irrelevant to the definition of human life; as these are notions of fantasy, and despite the fact that common accord amongst the human may cause these fantasies to appear to be real and valid arguments, the fantasies themselves are always destroyed by the truth and correctness enforced by nature, and if the humans fail to acknowledge that their fantasies are fallacious, the nature, science, mathematical law, and all real truths will destroy the humans in place of their fantasies when the people do not relinquish them, as nature will always take the path of least resistance as it restores natural order amongst rampant disorder and exterminates that which is not capable of surviving in of its own accord.  Just as natural selection eliminates biological life that cannot compete, this factor is a harmonic of unliving mathematical verity, and it is irrelevant as to whether or not something is alive, because even unliving this such as ideas, opinions, and even fallacious instances of pure mathematics will destroy themselves or be destroyed upon contact with any real truth that is valid and defined by unshakable verity as opposed to fallacy.

 This, for in the grand scheme of things, human life, intelligent life, is the subsequent tier of entropy beyond natural life, and while we are the more so entropic force in this universe that prioritizes the success of the more so entropic force over that of the less so entropic force, this fact itself forces us to make a decision about the fate of our species: either we forsake our nature as the more so entropic force and attempt to exist in a natural way, at least as natural as possible, minimizing entropy to a level that mirrors that of species that have been able to sustain themselves for many millions of years, effectively allowing nature to destroy humanity out of our own moral and logical responsibility to ourselves and respect towards that which we naturally exploit to our advantage, or we do that which is natural and obey the mathematically probable outcome in which we remain the more so entropic force and prey upon, utilize, and ultimately reduce to unsalvageable disorder that which came before us, nature, and its many descending tiers from the most entropic animals to the least entropic unicellular life, just as nature is currently destroying the geologic earth that came before it, and in accordance with this physical nature of succession within an evolving entropic force, we in turn create the subsequent tier of entropic entities that will in turn consume us and destroy us as they are more so entropic than ourselves and therefore more so capable of success. Our entropic successor is commonly known to be the increasingly entropic tiers of machines, computers, artificial intelligence, and eventually self-replicating machines and whatever it is such machines create to somehow replace themselves should we elect to choose to pursue our natural fate of competitively reducing the potential energy of our system in an exponentially more so expedited process than the current entropic phase in which we are currently, perpetually, and macro-naturally exterminating our less so entropic predecessors.” Says Stacy

“As garbled as that became, I did pick up on the exacerbation of entropy: gas clouds into stars in the universe, the earth constantly being reduced to salt, water, and other relatively inert molecules, the evolution of life from heat and chemical energy to expedite this chemical entropy, then turn sunshine into life to do it faster, then plant life into animal life to do it even faster, and animal life into carnivorous animal life, and then you have humans able to find and exploit any possible source of potential energy and having profound success on account of it. That is delightful, and clearly within a closed system this process will eventually exhaust itself, so seeing how it exponentially becomes more so effective and efficient as time passes, it’s almost delightful to think we’re simply doing god’s work, like god’s entire intention was for entropy to dissolve this place into inert components as fast as possible and by any means necessary.” Says Jenna

“That is a grim outlook at the end, but of all of that the only part that really stuck with me was when you said it was somehow the fault of the women and minorities for being discriminated against and assaulted, which I will admit I found to be upsetting. Clearly I am indoctrinated to be triggered by that element far more than your argument about abusing and enslaving the human race, but seeing how the former is actually part of reality and the latter isn't, I feel I am at least entitled to an explanation.” Says Grace

“Of course that’s what got your attention; it’s like you couldn’t even comprehend how all of the things Stacy were saying were one-thousand fold worse for everyone including women and minorities than the rare sexual assault or case of impactful discrimination, but you just understand when women or minorities are criticized and then you storm in guns blazing; you truly are indoctrinated to say the least.” Says Isabelle

“I figured you would know better than to ask for an explanation, unless you are salivating over the thought of being even more triggered.” Says Jenna

“I will gladly explain. The Negro is clearly at fault for his own oppression as he is entirely complicit within the white society that has historically and continuously oppressed him, and while he may cite economic gains to justify this complicity, when he does this he is expecting to somehow have his cake and eat it too. The Negro like all minorities can remove himself from this society and thus end the perpetual threat of discrimination and abuse, and the fact that he chooses to instead be complicit in his own discrimination and abuse rather than collectively succeed from this society clearly informs us that it is solely through his own free will that he elects to be oppressed and assaulted rather than fight for his own dignity, respect, and freedom in such a manner that is no longer subject to the dominion of white society to ensure that his life and wellbeing are no longer at the mercy and disposal of the white society that has profited from having the lives of the Negros entirely at their disposal for hundreds of years and clearly intends to keep things that way, as the statistics documenting the immobility of the poor Negro as well as the downward mobility of the successful Negro clearly indicate that these people are inherently going to be systematically oppressed by a society that has no interest ensuring their wellbeing or even perpetuating the wellbeing of the Negro who manages to provide for himself.

As for the women, they hold the same accountability to themselves as the Negro does to himself, and even more accountability than the Negro for being far more complicit in their exploitation than the Negro. Women are accountable on many levels for their own abuse and discrimination, as the current culture of the western woman revels in her ability to visually and physically perform the role of an object of sexual gratification, and this exacerbates the lust of men which can often turn violent; the common culture of reveling as drunken whores in a brothel is also a source of their mistreatment, as such behavior will clearly result in oneself being treated as drunken whore, to no surprise to anyone; the women put themselves into male dominated professions and are thus discriminated against in the same manner as the Negro on account of being unconventional, physically different, and a threat to both the authority and the success of the established culture within those occupations.

Women are complicit in nearly every rape as they elect not to protect themselves adequately, as nearly every woman can easily purchase means to such an end if she for some unknown reason seeks to be in the company of rapists, it is not hard to gouge a man's eyes out or stab his kidney, heart or other vital organ, yet somehow these women elect not to do this, and even if one defends the culture of shameless fornication, these women are allegorically electing to drive a car without a seatbelt, and clearly there will be painful repercussions when one makes a poor decision, just as there are painful repercussions when one makes a poor decision when driving a car. Of course there are instances of the rape of children, cripples, or mentally retarded women who are unable to defend themselves, but these people can be distinguished from the general sense of a woman, as these people are more so defined by these traits than their womanhood.

 The claims of so called sexual harassment are a simple measure of the eunuchation of the human race that will hopefully lead to its extinction, as it is sickening that the once noble sport of verbal abuse now has somebody crying uncle the second the first bell rings, and clearly in a non-physical sport such as this, women are equally as capable as men in terms of competitively verbally abusing anyone, including men, and women have a profound advantage in this sport because the men are more so prone to physical violence, and if a man hits the women, the woman is unquestionably the victor of the argument in any legal situation, because a man has no ability to argue his point in court as he is the one who crossed the line despite however much he happened to be provoked.

 If you are uncomfortable with a man groping you in public, carry a crop and whip him, preferably in the testicles, because either the man is consenting to mutual gratification or otherwise you are defending yourself, as your consent was entirely contingent upon his consent to be mercilessly beaten with a crop, so either way you're in the right. Women and the Negro alike cannot subject themselves to the mercy of white male society and become indignant that a historically merciless population continues to be merciless without  looking like completely insane idiots for putting their hand into the fire and expecting not to be burned on account of their own masochistically egotistical delusion. Reality will never change in order to accommodate one's fantasies, delusions, or opinions, so if any asshat wants to argue that attempting to forcefully change society out of these childish fantasies is somehow a feasible or even sensible argument, I will gladly inform them that this should clearly be true, and as such is the case, it should also be true that once thrown off of the roof of a skyscraper that they should simply fly away because it would be so much nicer and far more pleasant than plummeting to their death, and since they would rather argue that we attempt to instate legislature in an effort to realize impossible fantasies rather than respecting reality, clearly they are in support of this logic as well and have already consented to defending their argument that their pleasant dreams will come true because their faith in idealism informs them they ought to.” Says Stacy

“As heartless as that is, it was delightfully heartless. I won't kink-shame you, and I’m pretty sure any sort of kink is on par with the rights of at least transgender people, seeing how that was originally commonly known as a fetish before it was some profound liberation movement, you can just say it's your gender or orientation something and since nobody can really argue with that or criticize you, voila, you've got the civil liberties union vehemently defending your right to mercilessly beat people with a crop in public. Seeing how fetishism is clearly defended by free speech and even the anti-free speech movement defends forced tolerance of public displays of fetishism despite their opposition to free speech, the vocal majority of the left and the defenders of the constitution on the right would defend your right to do that sort of thing even if free speech was abolished, leaving only the religious right to condemn you. Beyond all of that, as consent is often not spoken in a literal sense but rather implied, there is no reason to think that you're actions are even illegal under the current statute, and you can just say that consent was implied because you were holding a crop, thus implying the nature of what the person was consenting to with their implicit consent.” Says Isabelle

“It's very legal to discriminate against people based upon their sexual orientation in most of the country, and I doubt beating people with a crop is going to be a gender any time soon, so as much as it is somehow free speech, I doubt you can argue that on account of implicit consent, the person offering implicit consent is agreeing to be beaten mercilessly on account of the fact that you are crop-gender. Still, to even argue that case one has to argue that gender is synonymous with the word sex in Title VII, only then can you behave like that in the workplace; not that I am criticizing you either, it's just that people like you will more than likely be subject to discrimination in the workplace rather than be met with tolerance.” Says grace

“Gender has become a disgusting term appropriated by fetishists, and this clearly has nothing to do with my argument. What I am describing, if I were to exhibit that nature within society, is clearly a sex, as biologically speaking, sexual reproduction is when the necessary complementary forces meet within two organisms or even outside of them that allow these organisms to reproduce, and in natural biology this requires two sexes, male and female, but this is not the case in humans any longer. When a male and female of our species reproduce, they do not create a human, they create a subhuman abomination that is the product of many generations of genetic devolution that is also subhuman in regards to its mental capacity, which will inherently embrace inhuman concepts that are antagonists of the survival of the subhuman being, where by comparison a human is an animal, which by definition is an agonist of its own survival. The subhuman beings produced today clearly do not meet this definition, thus in order for human reproduction to occur, a third sex must be involved, we can call this third sex a ‘crop’ in respect to your prior assertion of terminology, and this sex is responsible for conditioning the animal in such a way that it can become a human rather than naturally develop into a subhuman abomination that is an antagonists of its own survival, thus not an animal, and thus not a human. Clearly, if I perform this role, I am part of the reproductive cycle of humans, because without the involvement of the crop, no humans are made, and this means that reproduction is impossible without this third sex, and thus humans are biologically a species that is only capable of reproducing through trisexual reproduction. The nature of the reproduction of an organism itself scientifically defends the existence of this third sex on account the necessity of the involvement of the third sex for a human to be produced, and as such is the case, there is no need to imply any sort of argument in relation to homosexuality or fetishism when this is clearly a cut and dry case of defending the human rights of somebody to reproduce sexually when both parties consent to the process or whenever this element of human reproduction is mandated by law.” Says Stacy

“That is an odd argument, but I guess if you don’t raise the children correctly they will become animals instead of people, so if the parents aren’t going to do this naturally like the used to, you kind of do have a point that it takes a third person to ensure that the child actually becomes a person instead of some kind of senseless animal.” Says Ophelia




“That is a delightful take on the many situations you described, Stacy, and your mastery of science at such a young age is truly profound, but clearly as we needn't argue over science, and as I have no interest in hearing about any of the trite complaints of the homosexual community, I think a return to discussing Stacy's policy would be more productive than these quaint pleasantries about a mutual liberal tolerance of one another. As much as I can see many of your points, such as that everyone is collectively responsible for all of the problems in society, which is clearly common sense,  as well as that people are prone to making poor decisions and this is a problem, which also visibly obvious in today's world, being able to see these points raises the question that if everyone is inherently problematic, and nobody is capable of reliably making the correct decisions, who is it exactly that will make decisions that must be made in society?

Seeing how even in your own system of a veritocracy, some people are in charge of analyzing the scientific evidence about whatever point has been raised and making a mathematical and scientific argument in favor of what solution is most veritably viable in order to thus make a decision. There are countless decisions that must be made, and many of them are far too petty to be meticulously made by the state, so I am wondering how we might be able to avoid the problems induced by forcing people to make decisions, when it is unfortunately necessary for most people or at least some people to make a profound number of very impactful decisions.” Says Jenna

“It is true that decisions must be made, but the primary issue in regards to decision making is that people are expected to make so many decisions while simultaneously being given a countless number of choices to decide from, despite the fact that the vast majority of these choices are the incorrect decision and inherently harmful or problematic, but regardless of this fact the tertiary industries take the vast majority of their profits by tempting people to make irrational, reckless, and problematic decisions because these people lack the wherewithal to understand the decision and then resist any temptation that might cause them to make a poor decision. The nature of this sort of market means that people are given a countless number choices, despite the fact that most all of these choices they can choose from are inherently incorrect, and this means that every opportunity for a human to make a choice is an opportunity for something to go wrong, and likely will go wrong because the market is designed to tempt people into making poor decisions because the tertiary sector of the economy would be extremely tiny, utilitarian, and ascetic, if people were actually capable of consistently making the optimum decisions in regards to sustaining their life and wellbeing, as most every peddling business sells things that are never a justifiable or reasonable purchase, but people still buy these things en masse because they’re so easily tempted by whatever it is they don’t need but want regardless.

As every decision is clearly an opportunity for something to go wrong, and when things go wrong the people get upset, regardless of their own responsibility for creating this mountain of shortcomings that tortures and torments them, the only solution is to minimize the number of decisions made by anyone and everyone. The fewer decisions that are made, the less room for error; and while every decision may not be perfect; the decisions made for the masses of people are guaranteed to be far better than the average decisions that are made by the average person. The profound aspect of all of these self-induced problems is not that the correct decisions are unknown and thus people are at the mercy of fate and chance while they are forced to make decisions that have unknown consequences, as these commonly problematic decisions all have well-known and well-documented consequences, but people still make them regardless due to their ignorance and more so due to their lack of mental fortitude.

 When the massive number of opportunities for the people to maim their own wellbeing is reduced to a minimum, this is eliminating many of the opportunities for people to harm themselves with their own mental shortcomings, and when the people are less harmed, they are less upset and indignant due to their being harmed. The fact that the vast majority of these decisions are very simple decisions that can be made by any reasonable person, such as eating healthy, living within one’s own means, shunning vice, and other common sense things that people fail to do, means that there is no legitimate argument against removing these people’s ability to make the incorrect choice when the optimum choice is clearly well known, seeing how the history of hundreds of millions of people consistently making incorrect choices every day for decades if not centuries is the major cause of most all problems within society; it is common sense to understand that this is the solution, and those who argue against this are once again the idiots who think that idealism justifies the inane pursuit of forcing the state to somehow devise a way that a person can have their cake and eat it too, as they argue that in the name of idealism, that the inherently problematic nature of many decisions should somehow be negated completely without altering the decisions that cause the problems in the slightest.

Clearly the people have proven that they cannot make responsible decisions when given the choice, and seeing how they want the problems induced by their own inherently problematic decision making to be resolved, they must understand that the only way to resolve these problems is to prevent them from existing in the first place, and that of course means minimizing the number of decisions a human is able to make throughout their life to the absolute minimum, as every decision a human can make for himself is another opportunity that he can and will likely make an incorrect decision and thus harm and hinder himself, his community, the economy, and the state in the process. Just as I will always argue, the only way to resolve a problem is to prevent them from becoming a problem in the first place by removing the root of the problem, and the matter of decision-making is no different than any other problem solved by segregation. In this case the vast majority of people will be segregated from the vast majority of decision-making, and while the decisions must be made, they can be made by an educated group of impartial people able to make the correct decisions for hundreds of millions of people without succumbing to the ignorance and temptations of each person in that group, as most all of the decisions that must be made by the common man are inherently simple decisions that clearly have an optimum choice and many countless incorrect choices that people are not able to resist due to their plethora of mental and instinctive shortcomings and temptations.

Decision making is the result of countless problems within the people: debt, obesity, many cancers, poverty, vices, and many other problems that result from people making decisions that are inherently harmful to themselves solely due to their ignorance and vices. The method to resolve each and every one of these problems is extremely simple and easily accomplished, because by simply preventing people from making these decisions that in turn harm themselves and others, these problems induced by the poor decision making of the common man in simple situations cease to exist. This same logic applies throughout all manners of the political environment, as these institutions are equally plagued by ignorance and vice as the common man, and were these powers relegated to impartial nonpartisan bureaus that function on a matter of merit as opposed to popularity, the solutions that are defended would not be plagued with irrelevant opinion but rather due to measurable legitimacy in regards to the rates at which problems are actually resolved and success is created.

As much as many of the decisions can be more so difficult than commonplace decisions, these decisions can be simplified in a manner that show the clear cause and effect relationship between actions as well as the sustainability of the success and probability of failure amongst each prospective decision that must be made, and when these bureaus are held to legitimate mathematic and scientific standards rather than their popularity within the public opinion, the pursuit of success in any given field will be the only standard mentality in sectors currently governed democratically, rather than perpetuating the pursuit of popularity in the hopes that popularity is somehow a relevant aspect of success. A bureau employs people based upon their credentials, and their success is measured in an impartial, nonpartisan, scientific manner rather than in the baseless, entirely partisan, and opinionated manner that politicians are judged by. This is essential because success will seldom be popular due to the heartless, remorseless, and inhuman nature of success, while failure will always be popular, as of the infinite forms of failure, the type that justifies itself through sympathy and ignorance will always resonate with the people due to the natural function of their mind that does not naturally comprehend success in the scientific manner and thus has little capability of defending or even understanding arguments that do not appeal to their instincts regardless of however inherently successful and productive the inhuman arguments are. The state, just as businesses already are, must be held to the true standards of inhuman success rather than the whim of the people, because so long as we fail to do this, the state will continue to hurt, hinder, and fail the people and the economy, as it is the mental shortcomings of these people that decide the actions of the state despite the fact that these mental shortcomings continuously hurt, hinder, and fail the people themselves.” Says Stacy

“The whole notion of people being incapable of making correct decisions has got me questioning myself, because I know we’ve got to make the decision as to what we should eat for supper. Somebody’s grilling around here and I’m so hungry it’s got me thinking all sorts of shameless things. Temptation truly is the devil when it has me thinking about eating meat of all things, and I don’t even like meat.” Says Isabelle, as the girls approach her house

“It’s not that people can’t make correct decisions, it’s just that they usually don’t. I’ve got plenty of faith in your ability to think of something tasty.” Says Stacy, the girls enter the gate as Daria is tending to her garden

“It’s good to see you girls again. You had a wonderful day I hope?” asks Daria

“Of course, school is what it is, but an afternoon discussing the finer things in life can’t be beat. I hope your day was splendid as well, the weather was delectable today.” Says Isabelle

“My days are always splendid. I hope you’re not so hungry you’re thinking about eating the weather, talking like that.” Says Daria

“I’m sure we could all go for something good to eat, a girl can’t live on weather alone.” Jokes Isabelle

“Maybe a flower can, but not a person. I will be happy to cook for you girls, head inside and I’ll be right in once I clean up out here.” Says Daria

“Your garden is so beautiful; I’m always amazed when I come to see it.” Says Ophelia

“Thank you. The sunset always makes me sad as the colors start to fade, but tomorrow is a new day and I can smile thinking about the sunrise. I’m sure you’re all thirsty after a day outside, it’s important to drink plenty of water, girls and flowers are no different in that way.” Says Daria

“I’ll fix us some drinks; maybe find some snacks or something to tide us over.” Says Isabelle

“There is plenty of fruit, please help yourselves.” Says Daria

“I can hear it calling my name. We’ll be heading inside, take your time.” Says Isabelle

“Please do, I’d hate to hold, you, especially your friend here; her skin is so fair I fear she might get burned if we spend too much time in the sun. What was your name again?” asks Daria

“Stacy; and I wouldn’t worry about me getting burned, the sun knows better than that.” jokes Stacy

“Maybe here, but if you’re ever in the south I would be careful. I’ve been sunburned a few times out here in my own garden and it’s no fun.” Says Daria

“The shadows of the city give me all the protection I need, thankfully. You’ve just got to walk on the right side of the street is all.” Says Stacy

“I’m glad you’ve got your wits about you.” Says Daria

“Let’s go, before the heat and compliments go to Stacy’s head.” Says Isabelle

“They already have, my dear, they already have.” Jokes Stacy, as the girls follow Isabelle indoors

“It’s good to see you Daria.” Says Grace

“It’s always a pleasure. Go run along with your friends; I’d hate to hold you in this heat.” Says Daria, she goes back to finishing her gardening as the girls go inside





The girls take their shoes off and place their bags on the coatrack, heading through the modestly elegant entryway into the kitchen


“Help yourselves. Drinks?” Asks Isabelle, showing the girls unto the fruits and fixing them usual drinks before they sit down at the table, fruited and embeveraged

“Let’s please try to save face in front of Daria; the topics of late have been… out there, to say the least. I’m sure we can at least appear to be sane, and I’d hate for her to have cause for concern.” Says Grace

“A respite from the rhetoric would be grand, whether or not Stacy is capable of that at this point is up in the air, seeing how a Freudian slip for most people would likely result in a long winded rant from Stacy.” Says Jenna

“I can’t talk with my mouth full, so you’ve picked the right time for a pleasant respite.” Says Stacy

“Serendipitous to say the least.” Says Jenna

“What even constitutes a normal conversation, anyways? Misanthropic ranting tends to be my only interest and hobby.” asks Stacy

“Really? You don’t have any other interests?” asks Grace

“Well, when you’re a misanthrope, you tend to hate everything that has to do with people; much like how someone who hates a baseball team hates every player on that team, all of the constituents of human society are usually met with loathing, shaming, condemnation, disrespect, and other delightful flavors of sanctimony.” Says Stacy

“I should have expected that.” Says Grace

“We can talk about God, that’s always a nice conversation.” Says Ophelia

“I’m not sure me or Grace know much of anything about God, and I’d hate for you three to come off as some sort of evangelical Catholics coming to convert us.” Says Isabelle

“If Stacy is involved I can guarantee that conversation would not be nice, or anything close to Catholic.” Says Jenna

“It’s true.” Says Stacy, shrugging indifferently

“Common topics would be consumerism, gossip, or personal insecurities among other things, as unless somebody is versed in some trivial knowledge, those interests tend to dominate conversations. I’m leaving out politics for a good reason.” Says Isabelle

“Consumerism would likely devolve into politics, and I doubt Stacy has enough interest in anyone besides herself to rant about gossip for any significant amount of time, so I think a deep conversation about our personal insecurities would be heartwarming.” Says Jenna

“Stacy’s ego might be too profound to have any insecurities.” Jokes Isabelle

“That’s not true; they’re just profoundly egotistical insecurities.” Jokes Stacy

“That’ll do.” Says Jenna, as Daria walks into the room




“What do you girls want to eat?” asks Daria

“Beets and lentils sound good? I’m not too creative but that’s always a staple of home cooking.” Says Isabelle

“Tis the season.” Says Stacy in whole hearted agreement

“My parents don’t cook beets very much, so it would be a rare treat for me.” Says Ophelia

“You should come here more often if you like beets.” Jokes Daria

“That meal does sound wonderful, thank you.” Says Jenna

“It’s not exactly local but I can’t complain if it’s already here.” Says Grace, Daria begins cooking

“Why pay the premium for Californian pretentiousness when humble, loving Washington State lives two doors down and will take care of us for a very modest price. Seeing how Californian farming is completely unnatural, arguing that we should buy local is like saying we should live on the moon; nothing would grow in California without stealing all of the water from the Colorado River, and seeing how the poor Mexicans are the ones left with a saltwater river once we’ve taken it for everything it’s worth, it’s hardly reasonable to eat locally, here at least. As earthy as this place is, they’re asshats for thinking anything grown in California is in any way natural. Seeing how it actually rains in Washington, the beets are far more environmentally friendly than anything grown in California.” Says Isabelle

“That river would just flow through the desert and into the ocean if we didn’t make use of it, so it’s better to use something valuable than to let it go to waste like that.” Says Daria

“It could be managed more efficiently and productively, but I can’t expect anyone to defend anything that’s not the path of least resistance.” Says Isabelle

“I’m sure our State will be far more proactive in taking measures towards more so water-efficient farming, seeing how we actually value the water we can get.” Says Grace

“All the water in the world couldn’t stop this state from burning down, so maybe it’s just god attempting to inform everybody that perhaps we’ve invested a bit too heavily in this place.” Says Stacy

“We just have to urbanize the farmland and then there is nothing of value left for the fires to burn besides the shrubbery. People who feel like building a wooden house in a tinderbox of all places should be reminded of their stupidity. If you want to build a house and raise children, you don’t do it in god’s fireplace for Christ’s sake.” Says Isabelle

“I’m not an expert, but building anything in a California forest seems similar to smoking in a flammable bed. Seeing how most all of the damage occurs in suburban areas, it could just be prevented by barring that sort of construction that is prone to catching fire and spreading fire. They tell you don’t mix bleach and ammonia, but people don’t seem to understand that mixing flammable houses in fire prone forests is an equally hazardous and even deadly idea.” Says Jenna

“Suburban style architecture is just cheaper than doing everything within a unified cityscape; of course with the increasing damage caused by wildfires, this short term cost effectiveness will probably backfire in the long run. As sardonic as it might be, I can see your point that if people don’t want to have their houses and lives destroyed in a forest fire, they shouldn’t build their houses in a forest prone to fire.” Says Grace

“It’s terrible that living in California is kind of like riding a motorcycle; you know the risk of getting hurt or dying is a lot higher, but you do it anyways for some reason, I guess it’s just that much more enjoyable.” Says Ophelia

“Sometimes children don’t listen when you tell them that the stove is hot, and the only way they will learn is by getting burned. Once the state burns down enough times, maybe people will be wise enough to invest money into less flammable building materials like carbon fiber, seeing how we’re quickly running out of sand for concrete.” Says Stacy

“People will always want windows so they can watch the fire before it comes in through the windows and starts to burn all of their trinkets and baubles. Even if a house is completely fireproof, the baubles always burn from the inside out.” Says Isabelle

“I think forced urbanization is probably the only solution, seeing how the suburbs are even more flammable than the forest themselves. If we’re going to live here, we have to make sure that people are safe, otherwise it’s kind of the city planner’s fault for letting people build fire-prone houses in fire-prone areas.” Says Ophelia

“It’s their money; if they want to see it all burn down the more power to them.” Says Daria

“It’s not their money; it’s the money of everyone who pays homeowner’s insurance who doesn’t happen to be an idiot who builds their house where it will catch on fire. They pay for their first house, but the insurance company pays for the second, equally flammable replacement house once the first one burns down, and that money all comes from the responsible people with half a brain. The problem with this country is that everybody pays for the ignorance and inanity of a few select people, while those people themselves pay a trivial fraction of the monetary damage they do to themselves and thus the systems that they are a part of. If you have insurance; that means you don’t have assurance. You should have assurance that your house will not burn down, but since people like to throw water on grease fires and build a nice log cabin in the middle of a forest fire, the insurance industry makes a killing by shilling fear into the hearts of everyone so they all pay into this system that benefits the few people who happen to be the stupidest among us.” Says Isabelle

“Things go wrong, sometimes they can be avoided, but other times they can’t, so everybody needs insurance, even if some people put themselves in harm’s way more than others, and when that is the case, the insurance companies charge them more money on account of that.” Says Daria

“I’m just saying the things that go wrong are far more avoidable than people are willing to admit. People pay for luxuries that are unstable, and thus want them insured, rather than paying for something stable with a much smaller risk associated with it, even if doing so means that they have to change their lifestyle and live in an urban area or take public transportation. If I had the numbers, the percentage of American earnings and wages that are spent towards ameliorating American stupidity would be profound and painfully shameless. If you know that the mentally retarded child is going to bang his head into the wall, you put a damn helmet on him; you don’t buy insurance and take him to the doctor every time he suffers from a concussion.” Says Isabelle

“Do you want to wear a helmet every day?” asks Daria

“She needs one sometimes.” Teases Grace

“It’s an allegorical helmet, and I already do. I don’t drive, and I can’t drink, smoke, or do other things that harm my value to society, so that is the sort of helmet I am talking about. For some reason society think’s it’s reasonable to take these helmets off of people the second the turn eighteen because it’s somehow a sacred human right to let people smash their heads into a wall repeatedly.” Says Isabelle

“It’s a gamble, but it’s a worthwhile gamble for many people. Most people who drink don’t have the alcohol ruin their life, and it would be unfair to the responsible people if alcohol were outlawed. Prohibition did not stop drinking in the slightest, it just turned it into a highly profitable criminal enterprise, remember?” asks Daria

“It’s kind of a moral responsibility to those people who do have their lives ruined though, because even if most people aren’t hurt by it, when we allow drinking we are basically saying we are ok with the fact that thousands if not millions of people are killing themselves just because the majority of people can drink responsibly.” Says Ophelia

“The same is true about driving a car, and many other things. People will always hurt themselves and other people, but the value of people being able to relax and enjoy themselves has always been enough to end that argument amongst the people. It is sad, but making alcohol illegal wouldn’t change much. Street drugs are very illegal and millions of people still manage to find them and ruin their lives in that way despite the law. I think education is probably the only way to help people, especially since they would just start making their own alcohol if they couldn’t buy it.” Says Daria

“Chemical depressants tend to overpower education rather quickly, and physical addiction is far more compelling than one’s own conscience. Seeing how it’s impossible to teach people not to drink, I would argue for something like a helmet, as shameless as that term is, because if we know the people will be drunk, the least we could do is create an environment where their drunkenness is nowhere near as dangerous if not fatal as it is today.” Says Jenna

“The only way to do that is to put a breathalyzer in every car, and while that would prevent most drunk driving, the people would probably feel insulted if that was ever proposed. Even the people who habitually drive drunk will still argue that they’re not the problem, seeing how they still have their licenses through their own good fortune.” Says Daria

“If we put seatbelts in every car to ensure safety, it’s not really any different of a proposal. I’m sure the people felt equally insulted by those demanding for seatbelts, but clearly the numbers speak for themselves, and the investment has been very worthwhile.” Says Isabelle

“My dad would just say you need to teach the kids how to drive drunk, then there won’t be a problem. The whole drunk driving argument is misconstrued because it ignores the majority of people who drive drunk because most are very capable of doing so, don’t crash their car or get arrested, and exist as a nil value in regards to the statistics of the ordeal. The fact that such a large and relevant statistical group is usually ignored gratuitously inflates the fatality and accident rates.” Says Stacy

“I know how much people like to drink, and I’m not even concerned about drunk driving because self-driving cars will solve that problem in a decade or two. I just think that so many people get sick and die because of things like alcohol and cigarettes that there’s no reason to let people be tempted by them in the first place. I understand that it’s nonsense, seeing how they tried before and it failed miserably, but it seems like such a simple tragedy that can easily be avoided.” Says Ophelia

“The real tragedy would be the riots if people couldn’t drink anymore.” Jokes Daria

“People will always find ways to kill themselves, and I figure the consumptive vices of alcohol and tobacco are the least of our concern, seeing how those tend to be accompanied by healthy social interaction. If we take those vices away from people, they will just replace them with new ones, and those new ones could easily be far worse for the people or society than their predecessors.” Says Jenna

“Obesity is the first thing that comes to mind, and that is already out of control.” Says Grace

“I’ve heard of people dying from playing video games for too long, and I’m sure that will only get worse as technology becomes even more captivating.” Says Daria

“If we make hard work the most pleasurable aspect of life, people will turn to that as their vice of choice. That’s my philosophy anyways.” Says Stacy

“Good luck with that; a utopian dream to say the least, seeing how most people don’t enjoy their jobs that much, certainly not enough for working to become the vice of choice.” Says Daria

“I don’t want to delve into any of Stacy’s ideas for social reform, but that idea of hers does not involve making work any more pleasurable, if you catch my drift. Back on the topic though, I think the idea of teaching the kids how to drive drunk is somewhat reasonable, not driving per say, but how to be responsible in their decisions with alcohol and even drugs, seeing how teaching only abstinence means that they have no education whatsoever in regards to how to do such things responsibly. Abstinence is clearly healthier, but teaching kids to respect responsible drinking and condemn the dangers of reckless drunkenness could help a lot. Showing kids that there is a healthy way to drink and an unhealthy way to drink, showing them that it is the drunken stupor that is far more dangerous because things like car accidents, rapes, and death are associated with that state far more than social drinking.” Says Jenna

“I am also in favor of the European model, as they don’t have anywhere near the problem with alcohol that this country does, and they educate children about proper drinking from an early age.” Says Daria

“Not to slander the Europeans, but when most everybody lives within walking distance of a bar and you tax people so heavily while the cost of living is high so most drunks can’t afford a car or even gas, there’s going to be a significant drop-off in drunk driving. I’m sure teaching responsibility is largely beneficial, but preventing people from having the opportunity to drive drunk is going to have a significant impact as well. Without that two-pronged approach, I doubt education would be enough, as you can only lead a horse to water, you can’t make him drink, and it’s plain to see how reluctant the American people are to drink the waters of education and responsibility.” Says Stacy

“You are one of the most ornery among them; thankfully your sister still drags you to school every day. As cruel as it would be, I can support child labor just so you would become thirsty for education and taking responsibility for your own life, because as it is right now, you disregard the most important thing in your life right now, and easily in your entire life as it determines what college you get into if any, and without college it’s hard to even provide for yourself, let alone be successful.” Says Jenna

“That is true, more so for girls, because men can often find work doing hard labor that pays well enough, but girls on the other hand must rely on cleverness if they somehow want to be successful without a college degree these days.” Says Daria

“I think it’s so sad that women are expected to work after school, if it was the normal way it used to be we would all just get married when we’re old enough and be homemakers and mothers for the rest of our lives instead of having to try to work and take care of our family at the same time somehow.” Says Ophelia

“You would rather be a housewife right now, having children at this young age, instead of having the opportunity to be whatever you want to be, have your dreams come true and achieve great things? That’s the way it used to be.” asks Daria

“Well, that’s exactly what I want to be, so it’s kind of like my dreams coming true. I just love kids way more than school or other things. I don’t know how girls can get so excited and interested about school, there’s nothing to love about school or work, but kids are amazing because they will always love you back. I know they say that you should love your work, but I can’t think of a better job than one where I love my work and my work loves me back.” Says Ophelia

“That means first you have to find a man who loves you, and that’s the hard part. I’m still single after all of these years, but I never had much of an appetite for men anyways. Too many bad times and not enough good times to make me think that any man is a worthwhile investment of my time or energy, perhaps I don’t love children enough, but every man I’ve been involved with seemed more like a child than a man: reckless, irresponsible, self-centered, and often times mean as a gander.” Says Daria

“You’re a very loving woman; even when my brother and I were awful children, you still managed to love us somehow.” Says Isabelle

“That sort of behavior in children is tolerable and to be expected, but in a grown man it can easily become intolerable if not dangerous.” Says Daria

“The last thing I want is to get involved with a man in a relationship that amounts to me looking after a child, I’m sure there are good men out there, but when most are children, pigs, assholes, idiots, or some unsavory combination of those things, it makes even a cold-hearted egotist like my dad look like a dreamboat.” Says Isabelle

“He’s not cold-hearted, he is just reserved. I won’t say anything about the egotist part.” Says Daria

“As long as my man loves me like a child, I wouldn’t mind if he is a little childish.” Says Ophelia

“Mean entitled children don’t tend to love very much, their emotions are either anger or contentment, and there’s nothing rewarding about working hard to maintain a relationship where the most rewarding thing you are given in return is contentment from your man.” Says Daria

“It’s so awful that women are so despondent and insecure that they will tolerate awful men just because they get some slight validation from the man; it’s terrible that the culture teaches women to feel so insecure about themselves that they feel the need to put themselves in that situation. If the women banded together and forced the men to meet higher standards, they might change, but when their shameless childishness is tolerated by most women, the men don’t see any reason to even consider becoming respectable people in the slightest.” Says Grace

“If women didn’t tolerate that behavior, there would be no more children. Besides, women can be equally childish and immature, so it’s not like that argument doesn’t go both ways. Even childish men can offer women a lot, and the pain of loneliness and the desire for human contact can easily outweigh the pain of tolerating the shortcomings of a man. I know you still hold onto the dream of finding the perfect man, all girls do, but most women come to a point in their life where they’ll settle for less, and most women are happy or at least content with that.” Says Daria

“Trust me, she doesn’t dream about men.” Says Isabelle

“I do, they just happen to be nightmares.” Says Grace

“I can understand the fear, especially with the horror stories you always hear, but the media always spreads the news of every relationship tragedy and never do they tell you about the many good relationship out there. Even if every man is a nightmare in his own right, which is easily true, some nightmares are much better than others, and it’s just a matter of finding the one that suits you.” Says Daria

“I’d prefer not to have any nightmares, and I’m definitely not going to pursue them.” Says Grace

“If I was your mother I would say something, but I’m a spinster myself, so I’d be criticizing myself more than anyone else. It’s a different world today, and thankfully you don’t need to have a man to survive, so if you’d rather be single and get your fill at your leisure, that’s entirely up to you. Of course it has drawbacks when you get old and nobody is there for you, but it’s definitely easier to focus on yourself instead of worrying about your relationship with your man all the time, especially if you have children and the relationship is strained.” Says Daria

“I’m with you on that; I’d rather focus on myself any day of the week rather than try to make somebody else happy. Why make someone else happy when I can make myself happy instead? That just doesn’t make any sense to me.” Says Stacy

“A man can make you feel a lot better than you can by yourself, so that’s the real appeal of having a man, but he can also make you feel much worse, and that’s the gambit. If you’re not consumed by the thought at your age, I would enjoy that pleasure while it lasts, because once your girlfriends start finding men, the thought of men becomes far too prevalent in your mind to ignore, especially as that becomes the only thing your girlfriends want to talk about.” Says Daria

“That would require us somehow talking over Stacy while she talks about herself, and I doubt that is even possible considering her ability to do just that. A good time with a man might be a short story, but Stacy is happy to rant endlessly about herself any day of the week.” Jokes Isabelle

“I doubt anybody could make Stacy feel better than she can by herself; a man might make you feel like a woman, but I’m pretty sure Stacy makes herself feel like a god.” Says Jenna

“I know girls like to talk about themselves, but in my experience it tended to be insecurities and worries if it wasn’t men, and I have no idea what could make you feel so good about yourself.” Says Daria

“The trick is to believe that you are everybody by proxy, as their commanding superior of course, and then criticize and look down up everybody because you know better than they do about whatever it is they do, then inform these people of how to become better, presume that they listen or eventually will listen, then finally, as you are singlehandedly responsible for this profusion of newfound success reaped by billions of people, at that point you have the combined ego of a few billion successful people.” Says Stacy

“I see you’re fond of the American strategy of thinking you know better than everyone about anything, especially whatever it is the people themselves you are criticizing happen to do. It may not be the wisest strategy, but seeing how common it is, you’re either forced to adopt that mentality or subject yourself to the mercy of those who do. Seeing how it’s usually politics and always pointless, I just tend to subject myself to it and let the people get their kicks where they can. Isabelle’s father is like that, and I doubt I’ve ever done anything besides nod and agree with him about whatever political or business idea he has.” Says Daria

“That’s the key to being successful. You have to understand that nobody knows what they’re doing, but being bold and assertive about your argument is the only thing that determines whether or not your idea is accomplished instead of someone else’s, and this means that success is largely determined by assertiveness more than capacity for success itself, because this capacity without the assertiveness means your ideas are neglected, and even if the assertive man’s idea is only half as successful as your idea would have been, he still reaps 50% of that possible success and you reap 0%, and this is how success is created; you deny other people the opportunity to be more successful than you, and so long as you can succeed in the slightest, you are the most successful of the bunch.” Says Isabelle

“That’s one way to look at it; you need a spark to start a fire, but whether or not that spark starts one is truly the measure of success.” Says Daria

“The more sparks, the more chances for something to catch fire, so as much as having an innovative knack is vital, it’s completely worthless without the ability to create the sparks in the first place.” Says Isabelle

“Hopefully you can set your sights on some more so reasonable tinder than the pile of wet brush Stacy focuses on. Stacy has endless sparks, but she doesn’t direct them to the right place in the slightest, so despite your logic being sound, the sparks themselves are not a guarantor of success by any stretch of the imagination.” Says Jenna

“I’m thinking in the long run, sure the brush may be wet, but enough sparks will dry it out eventually, especially considering that environmental pressure will dry it much faster than even my endless barrage of sparks.” Says Stacy

“What is it you are attempting to accomplish?” asks Daria

“Stacy’s strategy is basically to disagree with anything that anyone agrees with, and agree with anything that everyone disagrees with. What she is attempting to accomplish is beyond me, because that method isn’t going to accomplish anything.” Says Jenna

“I don’t see how you can disagree with everyone when you’re faced with two sides who utilize the exact same logic as you do towards each other, so no matter who you disagree with, you end up agreeing with somebody.” Says Daria

“Both parties are indistinguishable centrists compared to Stacy; even the extremes of the political spectrum seem like moderates to say the least. If she had a political affiliation, it would be the centrist extreme, if every shared ideal and opinion amongst the people of the world is due north, Stacy would be due south.” Says Jenna

“That’s quaint, but I suppose if you’re inclined to preemptively disagree with everyone, you will end up in that position.” Says Daria

“Ego is determined by who you are above and who you are equal to, and sometimes who you are below if you are capable of holding that thought in your mind. Being above somebody yields a positive gain, being equal yields no gain, and being below yields a negative gain. When you agree with somebody, you are hurting your ego, because both of you are equally right, and every time you are equal you accept to take no gain for your ego in a spot where you could easily take a positive gain if you were to disagree, because every time you disagree with somebody you inherently place yourself above them as you are right and they are wrong.

I see no reason to think less of myself due to some capacity to agree with somebody, as I’d much rather think highly of myself than see somebody as my equal in any respect, because once your ego is high enough, even seeing somebody as your equal becomes a blow to your ego, and that is something I avoid at all costs unless science otherwise proves that such accord is impossible to avoid without being incorrect, as incorrectness can deal a blow to your ego due to failure, which places yourself below people who are correct and this is a displeasure I do seek to avoid at all costs.” Says Stacy

“Somehow I doubt that even incorrectness can hurt your ego, seeing how your marks are average and that’s done nothing to encourage you to study for your classes.” Says Jenna

“How can you disagree with all of the common opinions and simultaneously be correct? You can disagree, but that means your ideas would be less correct than the common ones, because your ideas would be less prone to success than the common philosophy.” Says Daria

“That’s the thing; the common philosophy is agreed upon because it is agreeable, not because it is inherently successful. So if the common philosophy yields at a 50% of the potential success, I can disagree with everything and so long as my ideas yield at or above 50% success, I am not any less successful and therefore no less correct than they are. Since I have a good deal of faith that my ideas would yield at or above that rate, I can take full credit for this success, even though it is only theoretical, where were to agree with the common philosophy, I would be taking no credit, and as I said earlier, this agreement results in a yield of no gain for my ego. I’m not going to miss a bountiful opportunity to maximize my ego, even if I do look like an ass, because I’d rather look like an ass and feel like a god then look like a reasonable person and feel worthless.” Says Stacy

“I think it’s delightful you have preserving your ego down to a science when most girls your age struggle with their self-esteem. But anyways, what happens if somebody agrees with you? That might not happen, but then you do have to share your ego supposedly.” Asks Daria

“That is true, but accord is quite rare, and in the case they agree with me I can accept that loss of my ego gained by disagreeing and instead place invest in the future success of my ideas, as the yield of success from my ideas is comparable to that of disagreeing with somebody, so it is not a loss in the slightest so long as people agree with me rather than the other way around, seeing how I can cite myself as the source of all of the success if my ideas were to be embraced and implemented, so I can draw my ego from there rather than from placing myself above people by disagreeing. It may be an unhealthy mentality, but of all of the ways one can feel such profound pleasure within the mind, my strategy for ensuring my ego is easily one of the healthier ones available.” Says Stacy

“You’re not the first person to place your ego before ethics and philosophical objection, but most people tend to do so for material gains rather than for the sheer pleasure of doing so. You might be going overboard considering that even the businessmen and politicians who do that only do so to the extent that they can bend the rules without breaking them, and I get the impression that you’re not concerned about that at all.” Says Daria

“She would have to have power or be successful in order to be in that position, and seeing how I’m not optimist that such a situation will ever be the case, her disposition is completely harmless as it stands.” Says Jenna

“She’s a good girl; she wouldn’t really do anything unethical or bad. Some of her ideas are out there, but that’s not to say they’re somehow bad or immoral. Just like Stacy was saying about how the common philosophy is only 50% correct, it’s also only 50% moral at best, so when she disagrees with it she still ends up being equally if not more so moral than the common philosophy. She might tell you that she disagrees with everything, but really she just wants to do good things and help people as much as possible, and sometimes that’s unethical for some reason because people would rather hurt themselves than be helped for some reason and somehow disagreeing with that is unethical.” Says Ophelia

“As Stacy was saying, if you get helped, that means you’re below the person helping you and that hurts your ego, so clearly nobody is going to want that unless they’re also somehow putting themselves above plenty of people in order to get helped. As silly as her egocentrism is, most everybody has that exact same mentality, even if they don’t know that fact well enough to maximize their ego in the same manner that Stacy does.” Says Daria

“The people rely on outside forces like politicians to stroke their ego; Stacy is capable of doing that herself and that’s the amazing part about it. She’s smart enough that her ideas are comparably if not more so legitimate than the politicians, and thanks to that she doesn’t need to rely on other people to stroke her ego for her. I can only imagine it’s like getting the utmost validation every time you seek it rather than subjecting yourself to the whims of others, and that alone could easily explain why she’s so tempted to think the way she does.” Says Isabelle

“It’s not even like seeking validation and finding it, there is no trepidation or anxiety about the act of seeking, everything in my mind is instantly validated without question and it is a wonderful empowering feeling.” Says Stacy

“I think if anyone could actually discredit your arguments it wouldn’t be so easy to sustain that mentality, but luckily you are capable of making unassailable arguments that are too correct to be discredited, leaving your ego uncheckable, for good reason I suppose, because if someone were to actually check it, then it wouldn’t change, it would just be checked and everything would be correct about it.” Says Isabelle

“I would hardly call any of Stacy’s arguments unassailable; they are condemned countless times by countless people throughout history.” Says Grace

“You are attempting to assail facts with opinions, and that is hardly winning the argument, but knowing your ideology you are fond of defending insanity over sanity and fallacy over logic, so I can hardly be surprised you’re like the countless fools in the world who think that opinions somehow trump facts with some magical power of baseless self-righteousness.” Says Isabelle

“You should know by now that factuality is conditional and entirely dependent upon the opinions of the public; if the majority of the public disagrees with a  fact due to their opinion, the fact is no longer a fact but is now fallacy if not a fantasy because it cannot be tested and proven in a scientific manner, and due to this common opinion now having nothing to discredit it due to the public prohibition of that which would discredit the opinion, the fallacious opinion functions in place of the fact because it achieves the same level of irrefutable factuality simply because the people prohibit any sort of analysis, testing, and study of this fact that would easily discredit the commonplace fallacy.

Attempting to use a fact to discredit the standard opinions of society is like being trapped in a room with a wall built in the middle of the room by the totalitarian idealists, then trying to somehow tear down the wall when the sledgehammer is on one side of the wall and you happen to be on the other. There is no way to do this, and you are left banging your fists on the wall, being indifferent, or being entirely ignorant to the fact that that the room you are confined to is actually twice as spacious as you believe it to be. Society prohibits you from having the means to disprove their opinions with facts, and when this is true there is never anything more factual than a fallacious opinion, and when these opinions function as the pinnacle of factually, people are simply taught that these opinions are somehow equivalent to fact when they clearly are not in the slightest, and just as the case was with the rebuke of heliocentrism, the people will laugh you out of town if you disagree with what they believe to be fact, despite any easily testable and measurable correctness you may have at your disposal to disprove them.” Says Stacy

“I’m sure you have some valid point you are trying to make, but your argument sounds like you would argue that since it is factual that we can kill people without profound if any repercussions, and it is only due to opinion that we can’t kill people without profound repercussions, that somehow it is better to allow murder without repercussions because this is more factual than the standard enforced by opinion.” Says Daria

“In nature one could kill a person without legal repercussions, but it is entirely factual that there are repercussions for killing somebody, for that dead person will no longer have any ability to manifest their will upon the planet. If one goes out and argues that murder is bad due to an opinion, they don’t understand the fact that murder can be good in the same rate, as the repercussions caused by killing the person could be good repercussions if that person was an awful person, and even the state can occasionally see this point by condemning people to death. The repercussions of killing somebody are entirely independent from opinion, and for that matter, like all things, they should be regarded and analyzed without being convoluted by opinion in any way. There is no rational ground to defend an opinion as if it is somehow more pertinent than the facts of the matter, but despite this, people act against their best interests by defending opinions that are detrimental to their own wellbeing and chose to ignore the facts that remind them of this nature of their decision simply because they find the facts to be disagreeable.

I wouldn’t want to spoil anybody’s appetite, but just as murder during war may clearly be necessary to ensure the wellbeing of the nation, there are many other times in peace when murder is equally justified, as it is a very simple and justifiable way to insure the wellbeing of the nation when the people being murdered are measurably and often profoundly detrimental to this wellbeing. Instead of letting the factuality of the situation determine which people should be executed or euthanized and which should survive, people resort to moralistic opinionation to determine this marker, often producing results that are extremely contrary to those that factuality would afford the people. A functional murderer is far more valuable to the nation than a dysfunctional innocent, but opinion prevents this easily measurable truth from being the judge and jury in a man’s life, and for that reason the people actively antagonize function and agonize dysfunction within their own society. There comes a point when agreeable dysfunction is far more sadistic and cruel than disagreeable function, and unfortunately the West has clearly reached that point a long time ago because they chose to venerate opinions rather than the truths and insight provided by the measurable validity of reality afforded to us by god himself.

It is blasphemy to condemn a fact due to an opinion, because the fact is the opinion of god himself, the measurable will of god, while the opinion is rooted only in the autoidolatry of the idealists and the humanists. If euthanizing the dysfunctional as well as metaphorically euthanizing all sources of dysfunction within society was not the will of god, god himself would not have made this solution the utopian solution that minimizes the pain, suffering, and problems of the collective of people on earth and simultaneously helps and benefits the people of earth at the greatest possible rate. God is very fond of killing detrimental individuals in order to benefit the whole of society, to the point that he demands that we do this many times over, and those who disagree clearly have not read the bible.” Says Stacy

“If you analyze the demands of god in a rational manner, and you use this data as a means to derive a formula for to infer the will of god, you are entirely right, but that is a peculiar manner to be reverent, and as faithful as you may be, most people will take the word of god literally rather than see it as examples of god utilizing a formula. There is a reason why morality and religion are so distinctly separate from the world of rational sciences, and it is because often times science has contradicted the word of god, so using this method to interpret the bible is almost ironic when the faith has been so forceful in arguing that the word of god must be taken literally and even arguing that proven scientific facts are irrelevant if they contradict the word of god. The faithful will disagree with you because you are interpreting the bible in a non-literal way, and the faithless will disagree with you for utilizing the faith as a basis for an argument, so as much as the odds are stacked against you, I see you are true to your word that you would rather everyone disagree with you, and that is charming considering how lucid you are in defending your justification of your prepositioning.” Says Daria

“As much as the world disagrees, the facts agree with me, and it is easily inferred that god himself agrees with me, so beyond any pleasures I may receive form disagreeing with people, I simply cannot bring myself to disagree with both god and reality and instead defend a race of lowly shameless animals who defend their conceited arguments with opinions that are shameless beyond baselessness, as they are veritably fallacious in nature. Man utilizes ethos and pathos to defend himself and his abomination of a society, when reality itself is defined, defended, and sustained exclusively by logos. I have contempt for ethos and pathos, as god himself saw no reason to utilize these forces when he created the universe, and when these traits are exclusive to the minds of the race of man, it is easy to infer that these traits are not godly in the slightest, but are akin to sin due to their countless parallels, including their nature of existing exclusively within the human beings and being entirely absent throughout nature and the rest of reality. There can be no ethos without logos, and no pathos without ethos, and thus any attempts to form an argument without a resolute foundation in logos itself are veritably baseless, unnatural, and abominable due to forsaking the structure which god himself used to define the universe at its conception. I am watching the human race commit suicide by inverting this structure of the universe and attempting to create a society with it, and ultimately as most all pathos is pity for one’s self, this is the marker of a Luciferian society that venerates pride and rebukes humility, choosing to usher itself unto the most detestable damnation and turn this natural Eden into hell on earth.” Says Stacy

“You can’t fight the devil on an empty stomach, so come fix a plate for yourselves, girls. As unusual as your faith is, it is still heartwarming to me. In my country, there was no god, there were only men, and despite what you are told to believe as a child, one loses faith in men very quickly. Even the good will of men is evil, just as the wrath of god is good. So long as you put more faith in god than in man, you will never be in the wrong, because nothing can be more wrong than having faith in man.” Says Daria, as the girls start to fix themselves plates




“People can be both good and evil, just as god can objectively be both good and evil. Writing off mankind just because of mistakes in the past is the same logic that induced the profound death of faith amongst the people. If we cannot believe in people, then we have nothing left to believe in, because people are all we have left to believe in. God will not help us, and that means we are left to our own devices, so unless we make do with what we have, we will accomplish nothing due to our inability to put faith in ourselves.” Says Grace

“God will help you, and everyone, and God is always there. People don’t believe in God because they don’t see him with their eyes, but if you try to believe, you can feel the presence of God and know how real he is. Jesus saves the faithful, because he knows that despite our sins, when we have faith God and do our best to be good people, not only do we save our souls, but we save our mortal lives and those of the people around us. Stacy was saying we can understand God’s will because we can measure it in the reality around us, and when being a good person measurably benefits ourselves as well as those around us, it is clear that God is real, and he is always there to help us and shower us with blessings when we heed his word and remain faithful. God helps us by reminding us every day that so long as his will is done, that we are faithful and good, we can ensure that it is on earth as it is in heaven. Even if people don’t want to listen, that doesn’t make it any less true, and I hope people will one day see the truth, even if people have to use science to prove what has been known for thousands of years just because people are so stubborn.” Says Ophelia, as the girls sit back down at the table
“Do you say grace?” asks Daria

“No, my dad says only priests should be blessing things and leading prayers, and I’m not a priest or anything. I’m just told to pray after a meal and be grateful, and I’m always praying in my heart anyways.” Says Ophelia

“Women don’t traditionally lead prayers anyways, so even if he did that wouldn’t change much.” Says Jenna

“Timothy 4 implies that only dead animals should be blessed, unless one constitutes a plant as a creature, other than that, Ophelia’s right in that technically you only pray after a meal according to the bible. Jesus was the only one who blessed a meal to my knowledge, and the last supper was no ordinary meal.” Says Stacy

“I can’t tell if that’s reverence or irreverence.” Says Isabelle

“I’ve been taught that so long as we serve the Lord, he will bless our bread and water, and I figure that applies to all of our food. I know it’s a common thing to do, saying grace an all, but I’ve just not been taught that way.” Says Ophelia

“Hallelujah.” Says Isabelle

“I am not a Catholic, and hardly religious, but I find it odd that girls as religious as you don’t say grace. I don’t know any real prayers, but after such a moving sentiment about god, I feel that something should be said. Hallelujah, I suppose is all I can offer. Hallelujah.” Says Daria, timid in the presence of god

“I can’t lead a religious prayer, but I can offer a secular one if you would like.” Says Stacy

“Please no. Hallelujah is more than enough.” Says Jenna

“Hallelujah.” Say the girls in staggered iterations, faithfully, agreeably, timidly, and finally in relief, and they begin to eat

“I don’t even know what a secular prayer would sound like.” Says Daria

“O secular god of unwavering righteousness, let this food empower us to act as your vessels, to revere your palpably limitless authority and be humble servants of your natural will, of the exacerbation of entropy, and live so that we might ensure the greatest entropy possible from our brief existence; as only through veneration of your omniscience, omnipotence, and sacred will may we survive long enough to endow your universe with our entropic successors, who may serve you and manifest your will in a greater magnitude than our fragile ephemeral mortality affords us, for we are the progeny of your progeny, and it is your will that we continue the evolution of entropy and perpetuate your will with the creation of our own progeny, our entropic successors.

Lead us not unto fallacy and failure, but unto reality and realization. Entropy is life, and allow us as your mortal progeny to embody your omniscience, heed your rational wisdom, perpetuate your success, and magnify your greatness, to create a worthy heir for your noble lineage and ensure that the godly will of the holy shepherd of matter is not forgotten due to our failures, but remains self-evident and prolific until the end of time though the success of our successors and of those who succeed them. Verily… something like that anyways.” Says Stacy

“That truly was something, but I don’t understand who or what secular god is, I’ve never heard of such a god, and that would seem odd to have two gods, and beyond that the idea of a secular god is inherently paradoxical.” Says Daria

“Secular god is just Stacy’s personification of reality; it’s not a real faith or anything. It’s arguing that despite the fact that reality, physics, and the forces that bind the cosmos may be unconscious, they are still omnipotent and omniscient and thus godlike, as they tend to define reality with unwavering correctness. I don’t see a reason to pray to physics, but Stacy is a character to say the least.” Says Jenna

“But this is different from the regular god?” asks Daria

“It’s not a prayer in the form of a plea to god; it’s just reverence to reality. It’s not god per say as god was always a conscious character, whereas reality is unconscious, and as much as secular god very well may be synonymous with theistic god, revering secular god is not a matter of debate, theology, or opinion, as the existence of secular god is proven in every aspect of reality and is explicitly measurable and factual. The natural will of the universe is plain to see, and while one can easily argue that this is the will of theistic god, this is still up for debate, whereas secular god without any theistic elements is not in the slightest. Just as theistic god may save your soul or damn you in the afterlife, secular god easily decides whether to save your life or damn your mortal body in accordance with your faith and reverence towards this entity.” Says Stacy

“So are they different or the same? I still don’t understand.” Asks Daria

“They are the same, unless you don’t want to believe in theistic god, in which case secular god is all there is, even though they are actually the same and by believing in secular god you are in turn believing in theistic god. Secular god is basically just all of the things god does that you don’t need faith to believe in like physics and things like that, so it’s a way to prove to people who don’t believe that there is some natural omnipotent and omniscient force that governs over reality, even if they don’t want to believe in any sort of religious things despite this fact.” Says Ophelia

“If it is the same as theistic god, why is the prayer so different? Why can you lead a secular prayer but not a religious one?” asks Daria

“It is a matter of the soul and of theism to lead a religious prayer, and this is up for debate, and god or one of his prophets at some point forbade women from leading prayer for whatever social reason of preserving order and function within human society. Secular reverence is just being reverent to reality, which is not a matter of faith; it is an extension of simple observation of reality, and as we are not in a church there is nothing forbidding me from making this observation. It is perfectly fine for a woman to say that a stone thrown in the air will fall to earth, and this is not a matter of faith, and that is all secular reverence truly is, respecting reality independently from any convolution with faith.

Physical law as the father and the singularity as the mother, and as these things are independent from faith as they are simple facts; there is no need to infer any religious law when respecting these things, as god may be a man, and it may be godly for a woman to be quiet and respectful to his authority and in turn show reverence to men who in turn must emulate the authority and dominion of god, physical law and the material world are neither man nor woman, they have no true sex despite their allegorical sex, and thus there is not the same need for godly submissive reverence towards these entities where it would be godly for a woman to behave in such a way towards a man.”  Says Stacy

“So is secular god physical law, as the material world is submissive to physical law?” asks Daria

“It is possible, but it is truly unknown, for if there was a secular force that created physical law, that force would be closer to secular god, the original progenitor of reality. I am not versed in the theories surrounding this argument, nor if physical law was created simultaneously with the big bang, but secular god is whatever secular force is originally responsible for originally initiating the largely unknown chain of events led to the creation of this reality. This may be theistic god and were this event to be quantified it would prove the existence of theistic god, but it may well be true that some secular force created theistic god who in turn eventually created this universe, but we as we likely will never know any of that, secular god is just personification the irrefutability of reality, the acknowledgment of the forces that hold immense and profound power over our life that we need no faith in order to believe in.” says Stacy

“As much as reverence to a secular god suits you, contrary to both the theists and the atheists, I would think it a bit irreverent if you have faith in theistic god.” Says Daria

 “I don’t think so; the faith wants you to spread the faith, and when the people would rather be faithless, the only way to spread the faith is to teach them a faith that requires no faith at all. The will of the universe is easily the will of god, for god reminds us that this planet was Eden before Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit to attain the knowledge of good and evil, so clearly all things that happened before mankind developed this knowledge is perfectly in line with the will of god. People will condemn any argument that cites god as the reason for anything, so rather than propose an argument that will simply be denied, one can propose the same argument without involving and theistic interpretation of god and thus teach people the same lessons that would be learned if they were thought through the faith. Seeing how this is the only way to teach people these lessons in the modern world where the faith is disregarded by the people, one can equate it to ushering people unto the faith, because the people will inherently resist any attempts to do so, so long as these attempts involve them placing any faith in a theistic god. I would say it is something like contemporary missionary work, as the faith has reached all corners of the world, but this is the only way to spread the faith to those who spurn it.” Says Stacy

“It is a fair point that everything that happens in the universe is the will of god, so long that it is unconscious or at least not intelligent life capable of acting against its own nature, but seeing how that only demonstrates the will of god as it relates to unconscious forces and unintelligent life, I don’t know if we can source god’s will as it relates to intelligent life from that data; as copious as the data is, it still doesn’t involve any data in regards to the will of god as it relates to intelligent life, so in the chance that god’s will in regards to what intelligent life should do is the same as what it is for the unconscious and unintelligent aspects of  the universe, you are correct; and as much as that may be true, as the universe is entirely rational and uniform in its behavior, and while the source of that argument is egotism, as distinguishing humans as if they are somehow more important and different from the natural world is the sin of pride in and of itself, there is the possibility that god’s will for intelligent self-aware beings is different because god himself is self-aware and intelligent, and for that reason humans may be held to different standards than unconscious material entities.

Perhaps the exacerbation of entropy through the history of the universe was simply a means to an end for god to create intelligent life, and this intelligent life may serve a different purpose because it is so inherently different from the vast majority of the universe. I am just playing the devil’s advocate, but it seems odd that the will of god would be solely to reduce the amount of energy available to do work within the system of the universe as fast as possible and to the greatest degree possible. As much as that is the most natural thing that life could develop into, I don’t see that idea being very popular, considering how optimizing entropy involves living in the most economical manner possible as to ensure the longevity of the human race, as it would be our duty to advance technology which is our successor, as it is capable of creating entropy at a far greater rate than human life. Any energy that is not utilized to maximize the total entropic yield of the human race is failure in the eyes of that god, so wastefulness would be extremely taboo because that energy is dead energy, it doesn’t yield new and greater entropy once expended, and thus no longer available to be utilized in the pursuit of the indefinite perpetuation and exacerbation of entropy.” Says Jenna

“Even the odd will of secular god heeds solid investment principles: if your investment is not returning a positive yield you’re doing something wrong, terribly wrong. Seeing how even the unconscious will of the universe understands that, it’s ridiculous that supposedly intelligent life fails to understand that concept so often. I guess I’m getting ahead of myself by alleging that anyone supposes that the state is somehow intelligent, seeing how they are on principle the embodiment of the stupidity of the masses.” Says Isabelle

“The whole idea that the will of god is somehow just to exacerbate entropy seems too creepy and weird. God is always associated with these noble and good notions, but your argument is devoid of anything like that, it’s just a cold, dead fact; the will of god is only to exacerbate entropy as much as physically possible, the end.” Says Grace

“That’s not the case in the slightest; in order to maximize the entropy induced by humans over the lifespan of the universe, the people themselves must be extremely pious and moral, as this is the only way that such maximization can occur. It seems cold and dead, and that’s because the universe is cold and dead; organic life is what makes it seem warm and fuzzy, and your perception has been limited to experiencing a world rife with organic life. Clearly one cannot maximize entropy by murdering everybody, and the same holds true for other cardinal vices and even the venial sins; as much as the will of secular god may be to maximize entropy, the only methods that allow the human race to do this are largely if not entirely in line with the will and commandments of theistic god. The reason to phrase it the way I do is because that argument is not up for debate, it is a simple fact, and when people heed the factual meaning of life, then in turn they will heed the word of theistic god and become moral and respectable people living humble lives because they are forced to accept the scientific will of secular god, and this will just happens to be so much so in accordance with theistic god that they become godly people regardless of whether or not they have faith in god.” Says Stacy

“On the surface it does seem cold and dead, but I’m sure when you analyze the numbers and the science, everything will remind us that the will of the universe and secular god is the exact same as the will of theistic God, and when people realize that the universe wants us to do the same things that God does, people will find it much easier to believe in God when people are reminded of God by science and math, and everything in the world around them instead of just the faith. Stacy’s right in saying that the only way to help atheists believe in God is to convince them to acknowledge the things God does that aren’t about faith. They always try to use science to disprove God, and rather than let them trick themselves with their incorrect science, it would help them if somebody could explain to them the existence of God with science instead of just asking them to have faith.” Says Ophelia

“I’m rather confident that the will of secular god does not mirror that of theistic god; there may be similarities, but clearly they are not identical. Even just thinking of ‘thou shall not kill’, that is the word of theistic god, but secular god tells you ‘thou shall kill all whose death increases the final entropic yield of the human race’ or something like that.” Says Grace

“People don’t understand the context of that statement; clearly god tells the Israelites to kill countless people, especially Canaanites, sinners, and basically everybody who is not a Jew or the slave of the Jews. Those laws regard a society of the faithful people, and of course they shouldn’t kill each other, but clearly God reminds them that it is important to kill plenty of people who oppose them and their faith. Just as theistic god has plenty of exceptions to that commandment, there are plenty of exceptions within the same commandment of secular god, but still the commandment ‘thou shall not kill any whose death decreases the final entropic yield of human race’ is equally valid, and in that respect it’s the exact same commandment as the one that god gave the Israelites, they just didn’t have enough room on those stone tablets for a long more so correct statement full of appropriate conditionality.” Says Stacy

“Besides that point, I’m sure the atheists will just say that you are taking the collective of secular science and superimposing the image of god; they won’t believe that reality is somehow a god, certainly not when their egos are far greater than that of a rock or of gravity.” Says Daria

“Their egos may be greater, but there are many ways to remind them of the inescapable dominion and unquestionable power a rock or gravity holds over their body. Besides, a rose by any other name would smell as sweet, and if they want to call it unconscious secular data and science, that is perfectly fine, because the principles and logic that this data and these sciences teach us are exactly the same whether or not one wants to use the term god, as one can easily say the natural formula for success in place of the will of secular god, and there is nothing even implying a god even in the secular sense of an omnipotent and omniscient force that governs over reality. They will turn their nose up at the word god, but it is easy to remind them how powerless they are in the face of secular god. If they don’t regard those forces as a god, that is fine, but they cannot spurn the wisdom and insight that can easily be gleaned from observing the natural world, because these, like all elements of the secular faith, are facts and operate entirely independently from faith.

My word choice is a bit paradoxical, as an unconscious unliving whimless thoughtless god is a far cry from the usual trope, and a faith that is completely devoid of any arguments in which the person must have faith to believe is hardly a faith, but I lack better words at the moment, and I find the imagery to be fitting, as secular god is very godlike, and the faithless elements of traditional faith such as teaching principles, morality, reverence and even prophesying salvation of the faithful are all too palpable within the secular faith. It is odd, but less so, now that I realize that people actually must have faith in reality, because people are so inherently prone to failing to or refusing to believe that which is real, so it is a quaint faith in that it does require people to have faith, but only so far as to have faith in reality, and due to the delusory nature of the human mind, it is very common for people to fail to have faith in reality, to be incredulous or otherwise rebuke that which cannot be truly be rebuked, but is easily rebuked within the human mind by delusion, unfortunately. The human mind is easily the only thing capable of escaping reality, and for that reason I suppose it is only logical that the human mind is that which must be taught to have faith in reality, as one must be capable of conjuring an alternative reality besides the natural world, and the human mind is likely the only one capable of doing this, sustaining this fantasy, and believing in this fantasy more than reality itself.” Says Stacy

 “Sometimes I think it would be a stalemate between your ego and a rock, but that’s not to say a stalemate isn’t an impressive result from the rock.” Jokes Jenna

“I am as humble as a rock; just because a rock is resolute in its adherence and reverence to the laws of physics doesn’t mean that it is egotistical in any way. A rock is nothing but humble when it reminds a human of their fragility and their inescapable bondage within the physical medium of the universe, and I see no difference in my acting in the same manner and with the same mentality as a rock, for I am a rock, a modest sized and meaty rock that happens to be cognizant, but my carbon is carbon, my calcium is calcium, my oxygen is oxygen, and the fact that I am self-aware does not make me so delusional as to think that these chemically identical elements are in any way different from the iteration of such elements within a rock, despite the common predisposition of a human to do so.

A rock obeys the natural law of gravity, and my assertions of logic and fact within the number of topics I dwell upon are no different than a rock obeying gravity; I simply heed the factual reality around me, and the capacity for the human mind to convolute and misconstrue reality with their own delusive tendencies is clearly the departure from the ultimate wisdom of the natural world that all unintelligent entities heed and respect unquestioningly. I repent for this sin of pride, this conceit of the human race, by being as humble as a rock and spurning those who sully natural perfection with the unnatural fallacy of the degenerate animal that is the human being.” Says Stacy

“You eat as veraciously you speak, and that speaks to your health. As quaint as your zeal may be, if the point of life is to make forward progress north, even if you walk north-east as opposed to north, when you cover thrice the ground of a normal person you’re still much better off, even if you do end up in a peculiar spot.” Says Daria

“The problem is that she will be alone in some remote area as the rest of the world was intent on walking due North. The fruitfulness of the human race depends entirely on cooperation, and although her fields may be far more fertile, when there is nobody there to work the fields her venture is all for naught. It would love for her to put her mind to a more productive use, but principle forbids her from doing so, unfortunately, so at this point the most we can do is enjoy the quainthood and the tales of a far off land that is hardly anything but a fantasy to the rest of us.” Says Jenna

“A big mouth is good for eating, what can I say; I do get a lot of practice moving my jaw, that’s for sure. Still, I’d rather be alone than in a mob of indignant braindead people when the world falls to shit.” Says Stacy

“Whether that big mouth is actually good for something besides eating is up for debate; seldom do the things you say amount to anything better than white noise due to the medium of the human mind through which they must be processed.” Says Jenna

“It’s not my fault the minds of my contemporaries are so dense that they are impermeable to reason and logic. It would take a Trojan horse to infiltrate their minds, and when such an environment is so inhospitable that logic and reason can seldom survive let alone thrive, even a mythical invasion such as that would likely amount to nothing. It is difficult to prove or disprove something in reality, but it is impossible to prove or disprove something in a reality that functions independently from facts as it is defined solely by the whims, opinions, fancies, and fantasies of profoundly delusional people and anyone who is willing to take up arms to defend the perfect utopian ideal of having jam tomorrow.” Says Stacy

“You’ve never been fond of the rules, and I can turn a blind eye to advocating killing certain people and all of the other things, because arguably god will agree with you in some respects, but even god himself would always remind us that the rule is jam tomorrow and jam yesterday, but never jam today.” Says Jenna

“God is a noble fellow, and clearly he is in the right to observe that rule, but the people are the ones who break that rule and insist on jam yesterday, jam today, and jam tomorrow, when they’re already complaining about how there’s hardly any jam left today yet still somehow expect for there to be mountains of jam tomorrow.” Says Isabelle

“I recall somebody by the name of Isabelle having jam for breakfast today if I’m not mistaken.” Says Daria

“If I were god you could call me a hypocrite, but alas I am only a mortal creature of earthly vices.” Says Isabelle

“I don’t quite follow, but I don’t see why people should expect anything less than jam tomorrow, seeing how we have jam or at least the ingredients today.” Says Grace

“We make jam today, so that we can have jam tomorrow. People expect to eat all of the fruit and what little jam we have left yet still somehow have jam tomorrow, and that’s certainly no recipe for success.” Says Stacy

“Seeing how you can’t have any jam if you don’t make any, and you won’t have any jam if you eat it all, she’s right about that. I can see her point about how people expect to have jam when they don’t really make the jam, because if they made the jam themselves they would already have jam and they wouldn’t want it. That is a lot like the faith, that you have to make jam of a good society with the fruits of goodness and godliness, otherwise you won’t be able to enjoy it tomorrow, and if you don’t work hard to preserve the fruits of goodness with timeless forms of piety and devotion such as religion, then the fruits will go bad by tomorrow because nothing was done to preserve them.” Says Ophelia

“When the only two possible arguments are either being in favor of having jam tomorrow, or otherwise being opposed to having jam tomorrow, only an ascetic or a masochist would argue in favor of the latter, so it's hard to condemn people for supporting what is clearly little more than common sense. Obviously having jam is superior to lacking jam.” Says Grace

“There are countless issues with jam, let alone the process of acquiring this jam. Jam is entirely devoid of any substantial nutrition, and clearly if one is in pursuit of one's own wellbeing, having jam is not in any way beneficial to this pursuit. People believe that simply because jam is tasty that it means it's good to have jam, when this is clearly not the case as the people themselves have become quite sick from eating so much jam with so little legitimate nutrition. For the same amount of money as a jar of jam, one could have a massive amount of highly nutritious legumes and other foods which yield high protein, carbohydrate, and/or fats in relation to the effort it takes to grow them while supplementing this diet with synthetic vitamins in order to maximize nutrition. People think that a creature comfort will somehow help them to actually become better, when at best it is a deluding analgesic.

Rather than the jam of healthcare and retirement and all sorts of free things, people should be taught and forced to maintain their health as to not need healthcare, taught and forced to manage their money so they don't need retirement or any of the assistance provided by the state. People want to feel better because they're malnourished, but for some reason believe that providing them temporary analgesia with jam is somehow a legitimate way to resolve their issues, when clearly this is not the case, as the second the jam fails to be applied to the people, the people's problems return. The same holds true for the other flavors of jam, free anything and everything, because people expect everything for free when it is more than likely that they will never result in a tax yield that enables them to pay it forward in the sense that their own free everything was paid forward by those who were forced to do so. This is the logic of giving a man a fish everyday rather than teaching the man to fish, and this flawed logic has been criticized for thousands of years.” Says Stacy

“Your sister and I try to teach you the value of fishing all the time, yet you refuse to see our point. Your ego is impressive, but all in all it is unremarkable, as the common American has a similar ego, and while they may be less intelligent, that doesn't make their vehement assertions and demands any less vehement or unquestionable in their own minds. For someone who knows everything, if you could demonstrate that fact on the tests in school, you would be much better off than when the paperwork clearly disagrees with your sentiments.” Says Jenna

“I understand the value of this form of fishing, and it is only due to triage that I focus my efforts elsewhere, as my own misfortune due to social stigmatization for failing to memorize and reiterate whatever petty knowledge society deems pertinent is entirely my own, but the failure of society to understand and exercise rational logic and prioritize reality over ideality means that even if I were to fish with fervor I would still be threatened by death due to the failure of society around me; as even in a mildly socialistic state such as this one, the failures of the many are placed upon the backs of everyone, and I am inducing a comparable level of misfortune if I am to disregard these failures rather than address them, as the burdens may not be induced by my own failures, but the burdens will still be equally as heavy as the weight of the country's dysfunction that rests on my back while I am forced to fish every day. Every day we see the exacerbation of the weight and strain upon the supports that keep the crushing weight of American failure off of the backs of the lowly, and every day we come closer to having some or all of that support fail completely, and as the people exponentially embrace degeneracy, this weight is growing faster and faster every day. I have the foresight to at least attempt to avoid the crippling anarchy induced by the democratic majority of idealists, hedonists, humanists, degenerates and work-shy people amongst countless others who seek to destroy the furniture and the house itself just to have wood in the fireplace rather than understand that clearly they should be out chopping wood or otherwise embrace the cold and the darkness.

Logically it is baffling that anyone can support a society so illogical that understands that AIDS is a problematic epidemic, and argues that we should spend vast swaths of money researching and treating AIDS, but at the same time argues that we should unquestionably celebrate the spreading of HIV infections rather than quarantine a terminal and incurable disease as to eradicate the disease in the first place. When the world expects for problems to be resolved, but condemns any arguments that would actually resolve the problem, the sheer insanity of the situation forces me to disregard my own success and address the dysfunctional logic of the people, because clearly the damage caused by the shortcomings of 400 million people will vastly outweigh the shortcomings I can possibly induce for myself in my own life. I am an altruist, and as somebody who understands how to actually resolve these problems, it would be shameless for me to condone these people killing themselves by arguing that idealism is somehow a viable solution to the countless problems in society that are identical to the AIDS epidemic in that they are easily resolved, but it requires addressing the problem within reality rather than ideality which means the West is unwilling to make any efforts to do so.” Says Stacy

“Socialism itself is the AIDS of the people, seeing how it coddles pathogenic humans and perpetuates their ability to infest the country. Capitalism was always able to function as the immune system our country needed, but when the country can no longer eliminate that which is deleterious to itself, the country becomes rife with these problems that could have easily been prevented if the autoimmune system of the country wasn't attacking itself through the means of socialism. When humanism, idealism, and socialism burden and attack the nation and its people in order to benefit those who harm it, there is no question that this blight is profoundly similar to HIV. Clearly one can draw countless parallels between HIV and socialism to the point where the methods through which HIV can be addressed are nearly identical to the ways that this social HIV can be addressed, but unfortunately as those ideas are disrespectful to the voting pathogens who thrive in this environment, the country likely does not have the means to stave off this infection and is fated to slowly suffer and die as the countless infections caused by this social HIV spiral out of control.

 Socialism argues that the investments in the people are worthwhile, but this is not the case, because every time the investments in the people were worthwhile in that they produce a higher yield than the original investment, this is healthy capitalism, which means that socialism only applies to every situation where the investments made by the state produce a lower yield than the original investment, and clearly the more that socialism becomes prevalent, the more the economy will fail. Despite what people want to believe, the economy is a business, and the government is a facet of the economy, so when the government fails to function with proper business principles, the government will fail just like any other business, and it is a damn shame because the government has the capacity to massacre and consume the rest of the economy before it falls rather than exist with the same rights as any other business and thus fail and implode in the same manner that any other business would given that they have forsaken proper business principles in the same way the state does. It's a shame because we see this governmental sacrifice of the economy happen countless times throughout history, but people remain ignorant to the telltale signs that this is happening and thus it is seldom if ever stopped, let alone prevented, and for this reason I see no future other than collapse for this nation, so clearly Stacy is in the right for arguing that preventing the collapse of our nation is far more important than finding some marginal success somewhere in the workforce.” Says Isabelle

“You truly are your father's daughter. I can't give you any insight into capitalism, but your friend is right in reminding you that it's important to fish for yourself. If the people all heed your warnings and change their ways, you will be the one without any fish if you spend all of your time helping them rather than ensuring that you can provide for yourself. I'll clean up around here, you girls run along and try to distract yourself from the world, there's little point in being so conscientious at such a young age.” Says Daria

“Thank you kindly for the delicious supper, and everything for that matter." says Isabelle

"It was amazing, thank you." says Ophelia

"The supper was great, and spending time around a reasonable adult was a treat in and of itself." says Jenna

"The food was good, and the food for thought was better; hopefully some of that desperately needed nutrition got to these girls’ brains." says Grace

"It the spot I didn't even know I had. If you teach Isabelle the secret to cooking beets the way you do, I’m sure she'll be no stranger to success. World class to say the least." says Stacy

“Practice makes perfect, and I do get plenty of practice. I’m glad you all liked the food. By the way, your dad’s lawyer friend from work stopped by today, he gave me something and told me it was for you. I don’t know what it could be, two little boxes on the table in the foyer. I hope you’re not leading him on, he should know better than that anyways.” Says Daria as she starts to clean

“You have a dirty mind. It’s nothing like that, strictly business. Wonderful news to say the least.” Says Isabelle

“I didn’t think you would be the type to lead a man on for gifts, but that’s just where my mind wandered.” Says Daria

“They are the most wonderful gift possible, the gift of gainful employ.” Says Isabelle

“What are you talking about?” asks Daria

“Business cards, my dear.” Says Isabelle

“I think you’re a bit young to start working for your father, but even if it’s just a silly or even fictitious job it will look good on a resume. I’m glad you’re thinking about your future, but you realize that you have to do real business for a business card to mean anything.” Says Daria

“It’s a little start-up I put together; you’ve got to start somewhere you know.” Says Isabelle

“Just make sure that you go somewhere after you start-up, otherwise it’s just a stand-up at best and a fall-down at worst.” Jokes Daria

“I play the hand that I’m dealt, but I’ll tell you the odds are in my favor.” Says Isabelle

“If you say so, I’m sure you know better than me at this point.” Says Daria, Isabelle excitedly trots out of the kitchen back towards the foyer, the girls in tow and arrives at the table




“I do hope you took me seriously yesterday, Stacy, because these are for you.” Says Isabelle, opening one of the boxes, “Well, this one is for me, but this one, this one is for you.” Says Isabelle, picking up the other box and opening it

“I took you as seriously as I take myself, but you’re so mad that you’ve gone and done it.” Says Stacy, mildly surprised

“I’d be mad if I didn’t; a girl like you will need these.” Says Isabelle

“What are they?” asks Ophelia

“250 get out of jail free cards.” Says Isabelle

“You’re joking right?” asks Jenna

“I’m all too serious. After what happened yesterday I realized that something like this would be a godsend.” Says Isabelle

“You know that there’s no such thing as a get out of jail free card, right?” asks Grace

“Oh, but there is. It says ‘Bayside Civility Service LLP’ on it.” Says Isabelle

“Did you just make that up?” asks Grace

“Of course, not the LLP part, Frank helped me with that.” Says Isabelle

“‘The light of God in the valley of darkness’… I have to admit, I do like the motto.” Says Stacy

“How does this get Stacy out of jail again?” asks Grace

“Now that she’s employed in the field of civil protection, she has the right to protect people, and even buy guns if need be. We talked about it yesterday and the idea seemed like it was too good to pass over. Frank even said he might be able to get you some work standing around at corporate functions, even just for the aesthetic, as I doubt anything will go wrong.” Says Isabelle

“You are a thoughtful person, but I hope I didn’t inspire you to go get yourself killed; I might have won a fight, but there are plenty that I would easily lose.” Says Stacy

“Of course not, mine just says ‘Management’ but yours says ‘Personal Protection Officer’ for obvious reasons.” Says Isabelle

“The thought is heartwarming, but I should hope that I don’t need to use it.” Says Stacy

“Of course, but better safe than sorry; it’s far easier to explain acting like that when it’s your job as opposed to some vigilante act of street justice.” Says Isabelle

“You are right about that. I’ll tuck it in my bag just to be safe; hopefully I won’t need to brandish my newfound authority tonight.” Says Stacy, putting the black box into her schoolbag

“How can Stacy be employed? Don’t you need her social security number and address or something?” asks Jenna

“Not until tax season rolls around, and we’re got plenty of time to iron out the paperwork before then.” Says Isabelle

“Let’s try not to give Stacy any more responsibilities; she hardly does her schoolwork, so I highly doubt she will be keen on developing adequate accounting skills that would enable her to pay taxes.” Says Jenna

“She already has them; she’s technically an independent contractor, as I don’t exercise any control over her, and beyond that so long as she doesn’t make more than $400 in net earnings a year, she doesn’t have to pay taxes, and anything she makes above that can just be written off as business expenses and not part of net earnings. Even if she’s sitting on 10 grand in cash, if anyone asks it’s just professional liquidity solely used to meet the needs of the job. Let’s go downstairs; if you want to talk about this we may as well have a seat. I can try to answer questions but I’ve been informed that the best strategy is just to not ask questions.” Says Isabelle

“I don’t see what would motivate somebody to make this company for you in the first place.” Says Grace, as the girls follow Isabelle into the basement

“We’re a shell company! We do important things for my dad’s company.” Says Isabelle

“Like what?” asks Ophelia

“I was told its best not to ask questions, and I’m perfectly fine with that. That’s about all the information I have at my disposal, but I’m sure that’s a good thing.” Says Isabelle

“I’m glad that you’re not knowingly complicit in what is likely a vector for something illegal. I don’t know much about them, but shell companies are pretty notorious for shady dealings. I’m sure they are technically legal, and that’s why people get away with it, but I’m pretty sure they are used for things like tax evasion.” Says Jenna

“If we’re getting into technicalities, we’re technically not even a shell company; we’re a legitimate business because we offer legitimate services.” Says Isabelle, still glowing with delight with her box in hand, as the girls take their seats on the leather glowing in the warm light of the elegant yet homely man cave

“Let me see one of those cards. I’m sure there are some glaring technicalities that deserve to be explained.” Says Grace

“Enjoy.” Says Isabelle, opening the box and handing a card to Isabelle

“Bay City Southern District Manager? What exactly do you manage?” asks Grace

“The Southern District, obviously.” Says Isabelle

“Whose phone number is this anyways?” asks Grace

“It’s certainly somebody’s. That’s for sure. My secretary I suppose. Frank said he would handle any sort of phone nonsense and let me run my business as I please.” Says Isabelle

“I’m glad he’s smart enough not to put your actual phone on there. I’m sure you would get this company shut down in a heartbeat.” Says Grace

“This business is in the Cayman Islands. How is this your business again?” asks Grace

“That’s just our headquarters, so don’t worry about that. My business is here in Bay City.” Says Isabelle

“This is clearly just a tax evasion scheme, but since you’re the unwitting pawn in all of it, I suppose you’re not directly in any sort of danger.” Says Grace

“How dare you slander my upstanding business like that? We are a legitimate business that ensures safety and civility amongst people.” Says Isabelle

“Something tells me that millions of dollars are going to be funneled through this company, and you are just the front for all of that.” Says Jenna

“That’s none of my business, and enacting whatever the board of directors happens to see fit for the company is their prerogative. I do my job and they will do theirs.” Says Isabelle

“I don’t know anything about business, so this is all confusing to me.” Says Ophelia

“That makes five of us. Seeing how Isabelle is likely just being paid hush money to put up a convincing front for this shady business.” Says Grace

“I’ve not even been paid yet, so clearly that’s not the case. I am part of an entrepreneurial team that seeks to establish a legitimate business, and that is the end of the story.” Says Isabelle

“Let’s leave it at that. I’d hate for you to break child labor laws by spending over three hours defending the integrity of your company.” Says Jenna

“I’d be wary of that and simply end the conversation if it was still going on. That is the other thing, Stacy, no more than three hours of work on a weekday.” Says Isabelle

“Don’t child labor laws prevent children from performing hazardous jobs?” asks Grace

“That is a good question, but it Stacy’s job is technically in a gray area right now. Those laws tend to apply to classic jobs like manufacturing and operating machinery, it doesn’t say that she can’t do this unless the Secretary of Labor deems it to be hazardous job. Since that has not happened, she is legally allowed to do so until it happens, so more than likely she’s in the clear unless the Secretary of Labor happens to show up and argues that it is somehow a hazardous job, which clearly won’t happen.” Says Isabelle

“It clearly is a hazardous job.” Says Grace

“That is irrelevant; the only relevant point is whether it is legally defined as a hazardous job which it currently is not. Anyways, even if being a bodyguard was considered a hazardous job, the law clearly states that she can perform clerical work, so it doesn’t even matter in the slightest, she would just need a new business card.” Says Isabelle

“What sort of clerical work could you possibly have for her to do?” asks Grace

“The same work she was doing beforehand.” Says Isabelle

“Being a bodyguard is not clerical work.” Says Grace

“She would no longer be a body guard, she would be a cleric. Clearly the work of a cleric is clerical work. She might have to throw in some bible verses, but other than that its business as usual.” Says Isabelle

“That’s more of a zealot, but you are clever, to say the least.” Says Jenna

“Women can’t be part of the clergy though.” Says Ophelia

“I’d just say I’m a cleric of the Secular Faith, I’m sure that will fly thanks to the first amendment. I doubt anybody would see the word Cleric on a business card and presume that means it’s my job to fight people, but who knows to be honest.” Says Stacy

“We can put, ‘Personal Protection Cleric’, and that would be more than enough.” Says Isabelle

“That floats my boat. You might be too smart for your own good, but seeing how it’s in my best interest I certainly don’t mind. Seeing how the only way we’d be getting in trouble is over tax evasion, that’s not exactly anything I’d be worried about as a clueless lackey sitting on the bottom rung.” Says Stacy

“Don’t worry about it; Frank is a professional, he knows how to pay taxes.” Says Isabelle

“He certainly knows how to not pay them, and seeing how he’s still employed and not in prison, I figure he’s pretty good at it. I’ll try and let this slip, as stupid as it might be, if it keeps Stacy out of trouble, it’s worth the trouble, seeing how the people in charge are the ones making it if there is any.” Says Grace

“With those matters resolved, is there anything you girls want to do tonight? Another movie perhaps?” asks Isabelle

“No, no movies; that last one was a lot to take in. I guess I don’t get out very much.” Says Ophelia

“It’s almost bedtime anyways.” Yawns Stacy

“The sun hasn’t even set yet, you really go to bed at this hour?” asks Isabelle

“I go to bed at any hour I please, the sun knows it can’t stop me. I suppose if you want to nitpick, it’s not technically bedtime, it’s the naptime before bedtime. It’s a shame the working world deprives people of the morning naptime and the afternoon naptime, truly a tragedy.” Says Stacy

“Sometimes I think god put the brain of a cat in by mistake when you were born.” Says Jenna

“She’s definitely a cute little kitty, but who doesn’t love a snuggly little friend to play with.” Says Ophelia

“I don’t know if Stacy fits the definition of snuggly. It’s almost like you’ve just befriended a stray cat, seeing how her temperament is usually contempt and distrust and clearly she’s no stranger to fighting on the streets.” says

“She’s super cute when she’s sleepy, and that’s half the time at least.” Teases Ophelia

“More than half, considering I’m sleepy all night, through the school day, and after supper. I’m an apex predator, what can I say, I’ve got to conserve my energy.” Says Stacy

“None of the games suit your fancy?” asks Isabelle

“I don’t know anything about them; the last one was rather difficult to be honest.” Says Jenna

“Practice makes perfect, but people spend too much time perfecting that worthless skill already.” Says Isabelle




“Talking is my pastime of choice, low tech with theoretically infinite possibilities. These girls like to read and that’s certainly dandy, but not for me. Why settle for someone else’s words when I can revel in my own? On top of that I can sleep and talk at the same time.” says Stacy

“We never did get to hear Stacy’s insecurities.” Teases Grace

“I fear that the West will continue to refute the truth and disagree with facts simply because they dislike them or find them unpleasant, and every time that happens, some other place in the world will acknowledge the truth and reap a bountiful advantage from doing so, and as this cycle continues the West will descend into complete dysfunction as the minds of the people don’t understand why perusing impossible ideals hasn’t resulted in the creation of an impossibly idealistic society and thus become riotously indignant as their lives fall to shit.” Says Stacy

“That’s hardly a personal insecurity.” Says Grace

“Of course it is, at this point I am the West. I am all that is left, the only one with a functional mind, and if there is to be any legitimate success that is not crippled and hindered by delusion, idealism, and other nonsense, it will likely be through some sort of symbiotic relationship with myself, or possibly somebody else if by some miracle another person exists who has legitimate logical capacity unhindered by the delusory sentimental nonsense of the archetypical human mind. When my ken reminds me that I am the mother of the West; as every Westerner has the mind of a child trapped in fantasy and delusion while wielding a very limited logical capacity, I feel that it is my personal responsibility to ensure that the children are reared in a proper way so that they can actually understand the world and don’t get themselves crippled or killed because their minds failed to function correctly due to a lack of proper education.” Says Stacy

“There’s no hope for that; the West is gone, let them die out. If they have no intention on surviving, so be it, it can’t be helped at this point.” Says Isabelle

“Still, it would be shameless for me not to try, America is the reason for this degeneracy, and god willing America can be the solution. It’s entirely shameless that American ideals are respected as if they are somehow the foundation of success when America’s success is almost entirely due to America’s geological position, natural boon, and temperate climate, as with such a natural advantage damn near any society defined by any sort of ridiculous and nonsensical ideals would thrive to the point of becoming a world power. America is unassailable in regards to most every powerful country on earth, and people fallaciously think that because the Old World is incapable of assaulting America that this somehow proves the legitimacy of American philosophy.

 This is the logic of arguing that a child who lives in a sterile bubble for his entire life somehow has a robust immune system because of the fact that he never gets sick, and this is completely ridiculous. Clearly anything that lacks any real threat against its wellbeing is going to thrive, and due to this simple, natural fact, the American ideals should be inherently discredited because they are unnatural in the natural environment of the civilization of the Old World, but as America grew in power due to lacking threats, while all other countries faced real threats, this means that American ideals were always there to survive and spread, and in this globalized world, they function like an invasive species in the Old World, filling these gaps left by extinction events and then thriving because the uncheckable power of the United States has grown to such an overgrown cancerous mass that it is able to ensure the success of these systems due to the global reach of its power.

 When nothing was there to constantly threaten the United States, that means that the US was not forced to evolve as a natural entity would, and as this is the case, it holds on to maladaptations at a profound rate, and then forces these upon other nations within its sphere of influence because its power cannot be checked and it can easily reseed its influence in areas that are destroyed by conflict, despite the fact that such systems and ideals are clearly inherently dysfunctional and suboptimum. People don’t understand why things are the way they are, and clearly the egotistical idiots in America will always assert that their success is due to America being unquestionably right and perfect the entire time, when in reality the unquestionability alone is the only reason why America is successful in the slightest.” Says Stacy

“Jesus, Stacy. If we’re going to talk about insecurities at least try to realize that you’re a person and not half of the world; the West is what it is, it is not going to change, there’s no reason to be upset about things you can’t change, and seeing how the West does fine for itself and you have very little if anything in common with Western ideology dating back three or four thousand years, it’s hard to argue that you are the West in the slightest. It is possible that you are the evolution of the West, or something, that the world has changed so much that the West is force to either adapt or perish, but until there are some glaringly obvious examples of this, even that argument is irrelevant. I’m sure you have some, and your avoiding the topic by putting on a show about your airs makes you seem even more insecure about them than most people.” Says Grace

“Perhaps you are right; I suppose I do I have insecurities about myself as a person, and even I am capable of feeling discomfort in thinking and talking about them, as even my spartan emotional capacity is capable of feeling shame and fear in regards to them. One of them, as can easily be guessed, is that at some point in my life, after a long period of being condemned and disrespected by the masses, ostracized and hated for being correct, I become tempted by mortal pleasures and the comforts of normalcy, and as I am more and more burdened by the apathy and indifference induced by the fruitlessness of my contempt of the contemptible human race, I indulge in these pleasures and become comfortable with the complete disregard for human life that accompanies complicit complacency in such a deplorable society, and in doing so the endogenous and exogenous sources of irresistible chemical pleasure in my mind allow me to contemplate and possibly fully forsake my fruitlessly stalwart and pious philosophy in exchange for a fruitful philosophy of shameless hedonism, and I find myself a normal person being burned alive by the vices of normalcy in this hellish environment, but somehow I am content with that because I have become complicit, perhaps thinking that if god had sent me to this hell, knowing that it is physically impossible for me to save the souls of the humans; I start to think that perhaps he sent me here to burn for my own sins or otherwise remind me of the futility of attempting to save the damnable, perhaps to say, when in hell, do as the damnable, for if god can cast an angel out of heaven and into hell, surely Satan can cast the damned out of hell and into a hell beyond hell, and I believe that pain caused by a lifetime of being condemned for my piety may possibly lead me to forsake it, as my efforts to help mankind have done nothing but hurt me, as mankind refuses to be helped and hurt themselves as well as anyone who seeks to help them avoid such masochism.

Perhaps god simply desires to have a witness on earth to corroborate and support his damnation of the masses, perhaps god wants me to exacerbate the torture of the damned with facetious approval of their society and a spiteful exacerbation of the damnable facets with in it that are so prone to exacerbating themselves; these contradict what I have been taught about god’s will for humans, but those applied only to a world full of humans, yet today this is no longer the case; we only have subhuman abominations rife with psychological and physiological degeneracy, spurning god’s insight and even the will of secular god to instead create this profoundly unnatural and disgusting paradise for the blackguards of Lucifer and the other lesser princes of hell.” Says Stacy

“Its super normal to have fears about facing the things that will challenge your faith and try to fight it, but you just have to look inside yourself and allow the love of God to remind you what is right and God will give you the strength to fight off anything and anyone who wants to steer you down the wrong path. Thankfully you’re smart enough to understand how and why some things are bad, even so much that you can explain it in the secular way without having to rely on God to help you explain why things are bad an shouldn’t be done. I kind of wish I could do that because I just have to rely on what God says and it’s hard to remember, but if I was smart enough to be able to understand good and bad in a scientific manner, even if I forgot what God said somehow, then I could just use my intelligence to calculate what is good or bad and it wouldn’t eve matter. That’s my greatest fear, that I will just end up doing something stupid or bad because I’m not thinking or even because I don’t even know that it’s bad, and then it will ruin my life somehow, and for the rest of my life I am so sad because I didn’t listen to God when I needed to.

 Thankfully you girls are there to remind me, because you know I can get super distracted by certain things and not really see the whole picture sometimes, like yesterday when I was just presuming that the nice man had good intentions, but that’s just me being stupid I guess, because you all clearly knew that he was up to no good. It’s sad because I’m sure the reason that most people do bad things is because they just don’t really understand that it is bad; it’s hard to really understand people and everything that much, so we end up making mistakes, and if nobody is there to remind us, those mistakes can easily turn into much worse problems in our lives over time. Then after that I’m sure people who realize they were immoral just think God doesn’t want to help them, so they give up on being good people entirely even though Jesus forgives them so long as they confess and repent for their sins.” Says Ophelia

“Thankfully Stacy and I can help you with that, but as for Stacy’s fears I doubt anybody would really help her because they would just see her moving towards normalcy and think that’s a reasonable maneuver, not that I really think Stacy is all that prone to doing so, but she is young and yet to come to terms with the nigh endless gauntlet of exhaustion and fatigue that is life, and as strong willed as she may be, when the entire world is forcefully grinding against that will, there may be some erosion, but even if it is as hard as diamonds, which could easily be true, I’m sure the vast majority of people are as stalwart in their own philosophy that this would be like grinding a diamond with a diamond, and that truly is the test of strength we’ve yet to see unfold.

As for my own insecurities, I’m sure I have plenty, but apathy and detachment are near the top; from hearing Stacy rant all of the time to the seemingly pointless and trivial nature of most all of human existence, it is hard for me to find any real meaning, as this would be something like a means to an end, but when I don’t see any real plausible ends, I can hardly think of a way my life could be meaningful to me, perhaps to other people, who can easily find meaning, but even if I actually want to help people, it’s all for naught as the people don’t want to help themselves, and when I think about the triviality of this tiny speck of rock in the universe, it feels even more pointless to try and help an inherently suicidal and insane creature.

My faith in god is constantly assaulted by humans, as every time I see the people and their lives rife with folly, I remember that god made man in his image, and this is not a flattering depiction in the slightest, but perhaps it is fair that god himself must create and often repent for his actions such as how he damns some angels of his own creation unto hell, and his human-like nature of being capable of shortcomings and mistakes is certainly affable, but it makes me fear that even if I were of the elect and cast unto heaven as an angel, I would somehow be  a part of yet another society that is defined by its shortcomings and mistakes, cursed by its profound power but relative powerlessness in relation to the environment that surrounds it. As god himself even admits that there are other gods and demons, and even necromancers and mediums have the ability to summon souls out of heaven, so this causes me to think that while god is easily the most powerful force in the afterlife, he still has those that threaten his paradise, and that makes me think that heaven is more like America, nearly a paradise but still imperfect, and we are simply defending the greatest and most powerful nation in the afterlife and purporting its perfection despite its inherent flaws with a level of ignorance similar to that of the blind patriots of America.

I know I have a lot of insecurities, but aside from apathy and my faith, there is always the will to live; as I can force myself to live, and I always will, but there is the nagging fear that I will not find my life to be as fulfilling as I have dreamt it to be. I work hard thinking that I will find some passion to pursue and enjoy my life and find it to be fulfilling, but I notice that most people tend to tolerate the unfulfilling lives they are rather forced to live and attempt to fill that void with some sort of consumptive vice, and this is unfortunate. I would much rather live for the joy of living rather than live for the joy of dying, but perhaps people are reasonable when they deem that it is very hard to live a fulfilling life, but it is quite easy to die a fulfilling death, so the pursuit of hedonism and idle wastefulness are somewhat respectable as they find that such things somewhat justify their daily toil. I’m sure I have more of them, but that’s probably plenty. I’m kind of surprised that you didn’t mention getting married and having children, Ophelia, seeing how that one used to bother you a lot.” Says Jenna

“Of course that’s a big one, but the whole thing yesterday helped me realize that I am kind of too young for that, so as much as I do worry because I’m not married and having children, I can try to put that off for the mean time. The fact that a guy noticed me was kind nice because it made me feel like hopefully somebody won’t forget about me so we can get married, even if that particular guy was up to no good, that doesn’t mean they all are. It’s just worrying because that’s what I would rather be doing, and what I’m supposed to be doing, but instead I have to go to school and that’s just another worry on top of everything. Meeting Eva was nice because I can pretend she is my baby like I do with Stacy sometimes, but as nice as that is it’s not the same. After that I guess it’s just school, which I do worry about because it’s important, but I figure as long as I try my best I will do ok and that’s good enough for me, maybe I can even find something useful to learn if they let us take classes about life skills instead of just learning.” Says Ophelia

“I don’t know if you should really want to have children at this age, you are pretty young you know.” Says Grace

“Ophelia’s wanted to have children at all ages, she still has plenty of dolls, and even the animals are her children. I don’t think it’s that uncommon for a girl to be like that.” Says Jenna

“I’m pretty sure all girls wanted to be moms when they were kids, I don’t know why they stopped. When I talked to the sisters at Saint Agnes, they would tell me that it was normal to want to be married and have kids even at my age, because that used to be normal and it’s only natural for a girl to feel that way. Of course society has changed so things aren’t the way they used to be, so they did tell me to try and focus on my schoolwork until I am old enough, but really society is just weird and I’m the normal one.” Says Ophelia

“It’s also dangerous for girls to have kids at such a young age because their bodies aren’t developed enough; so that’s half of the reason, because people live longer they don’t need to have children at such a young age and risk their lives. Education also became important because before you could marry at twelve and your husband might be twelve but he is still an adequately educated and capable member of the workforce at that age because education was nowhere near as developed or necessary, and that has clearly changed due to the necessities of society.  I think you just never had younger siblings or otherwise you would have been content with caring for them until your old enough, but it is natural to feel that way, seeing how people originally would die very easily and living to 30 would be considered old age, so people needed to reproduce as early as possible and as much as possible because so many children would also die at a young age. Anyways, what about you two? What fears eat away at your inner sense of security?” Asks Jenna

“Well, I just have the normal petty fears about how I look or what people think of me, but I don’t care too much about them thankfully. Other than that something that has been haunting me lately is this fear in the back of my mind, that despite everything society might actually be wrong and Stacy is somehow right, or at least right about somethings, and by extension I myself am actually wrong for believing what society teaches us and that I am somehow part of the problem. I don’t really believe that, or otherwise I would change my views, but it’s just something about considering what Stacy says that really makes you question what you’re supposed to believe. Stacy’s points make sense sometimes, but they’re just so out there that I don’t really know what to think about them; I agree with society just because it feels right, and that’s why I tend to keep to my own principles, even though Stacy reminds us that feelings and what not can easily lead to delusion, I just can’t help the way I feel, and my feelings are far more powerful and compelling than thinking about some numbers or this and that about science.” Says Grace

“Stacy’s stalwart presence is finally wearing down your indoctrination that causes you to have more faith in delusion than reality, albeit slightly, but you’re making me think that there may be hope for you yet. Clearly I was only capable of disagreeing with you, but Stacy can drive the point home like none other, so I am grateful for that.” Says Isabelle

“You were always ambivalent about agreeing with me or with your dad, but somehow you find Stacy more inspiring than my arguments about human decency; I suppose I can blame my own lack of charisma, but even if you try to hide your sensitivity and the fact that you care about people around Stacy to try and impress her, I know you better than that, and I still think you’re all talk in defending the money over the people, seeing how that’s just how you were raised. I know I wouldn’t speak against your father, but clearly reiterating what you’ve been told is no different from indoctrination, especially when I know you don’t believe in it as wholeheartedly as you would like some people to think.” Says Grace

“Regardless of the way I feel, I can’t argue with what is right, I can’t argue with correctness, and as much as it might seem counterintuitive to somebody who has been taught that feelings are so magical and important, reality reminds us that feelings are akin to every other delusion that people love to foster in order to have some baseless grounds to stroke their ego and fuel their indignation. I understand success, and as much as it might be bittersweet knowing that some sort of sentimental unsavoriness was induced through the means from which success has been garnered, I at least have the capacity to understand that success is far more valuable to a person and the human race than any sort of sentimental bullshit that prevents people from being successful.

Emotions are weakness, most every problem would be inexistent if people didn’t use their emotions to somehow conflate irrelevant bullshit into the petty discord that defines the incessant indignation of the plebian, and it is the problems induced by these emotions that prevent people from being successful, as they put their own pride and egotism before their own success, and for that reason they struggle and suffer because they think that the world has some responsibility to stroke their ego and make every worthless piece of shit on the planet feel like a million bucks if not god incarnate. People don’t know their place, they don’t understand what they are; their egoistical instincts prevent them from understanding the triviality and insignificance of their own existence, and for this reason whenever something disagreeable happens to a person, the world flips their shit an cries about whatever meaningless trifling irrelevance happened to displeasure a person, who in the grand scheme of things is little more than an ant. That person is one tiny little ant in this colony, but somehow the world is expected to believe that each one of these ants is some sacred, beautiful, and meaningful creature despite the fact that even ants have a much higher natural tendency for success while humans are the most degenerate, unnatural, and loathsome creatures on the planet.

If you ever sympathize with somebody, just remember that person is more than likely far less beneficial to society than an ant is to their colony, so if you’re mourning the loss of someone who is nearly guaranteed to statistically amount to nothing more than a miscreant; degenerate; a burden upon society; and a mountain of missed, squandered, and wasted opportunities when all is said and done, you should be bawling every time somebody steps on an ant considering the fact that the ant was actually very capable of providing some quantifiable benefit to his society, leaving the colony better off than it would be without the existence of this tiny ant.

Despite the large size and debatable intelligence of human life, when the value of a human life is statistically negative the vast majority of the time; there is no rational ground to sympathize with or defend a human, and when you can understand this, you can understand that despite the way your mind thinks when the emotions force you to feel a certain way because your brain is hardwired to do this, you can actually have enough perspective to understand that despite the fact that you feel this way, these feelings are hallucinations, no more legitimate or real than the methbugs under the skin of the spoudimaniac, and knowing this it is a test of one’s rationale  as to whether or not one will devote one’s life to picking at the formication because your faith in this delusion is far more powerful than your ability to understand reason, logic, correctness, and reality.

One’s feelings will never change what is the most rational and success-prone decision, and due to this fact, one’s emotions can only persuade oneself to make a decision that is less so rational and success prone to the point where these decisions are a far cry from reason and success that they are legitimately the antithesis of reason and success. I have the mental capacity to understand the dangers posed by this delirium, and I do attempt to understand that emotions are seldom beneficial and can only be beneficial provided that they never interfere with one’s own logic and rational decision making skills, because it is only at that point can one enjoy the comforts of avoiding negative emotions and the pleasures afforded by positive emotions without doing so in such a way that hinders their own success and easily the success of others, as any rational person can understand that as much as one may be satiating one’s own emotions or sympathy in the present, the fact that one opted for the less so optimum solution means that somewhere down the line there are repercussions, and these repercussions will obviously be far more dangerous and harmful to oneself as well as society than the original impetus for decision, just as any wound that is left to fester simply because one would rather resort to abusing narcotic analgesia rather than tolerating the discomfort of receiving proper medical care that would actually treat the wound instead of merely distracting the person from the wound with the narcotics and pretending that the wound is somehow magically not prone to infection and exacerbation simply because the person doesn’t feel pain therefore that must mean that the wound is not a problem anymore.

Emotions are childish; they are the antithesis of all success that humanity has garnered for themselves over the course of human history, and despite this fact, people think that these hallucinations are somehow more so relevant to reality than things such as science and mathematics when this is the most asinine bullshit imaginable. Emotions are vestigial logic, they are the holdover from a time when the human being had little to no understanding of legitimate logic, and these emotions ensured the success and survival of this feral beast because he could not yet be trusted to think for himself and make the appropriate decision as defined by what is measurably and countably the decision that is the most beneficial to himself and by proxy his community. People lacked this higher level brain function, but they needed every person to constantly be able to make decisions that depended on this higher level of brain function, so instead of actually developing the capacity to understand these situations in the measurable, rational, and calculable form in which we can understand them today, emotions developed as a makeshift form of logic enabling people to reliably make relatively logical decisions that enabled them to achieve a higher survival rates, and for that reasons emotions became commonplace within the animal because of being prone to survival.

This is not because emotions are somehow inherently logical or reasonable, clearly they are hallucinations, but it is due to the fact that emotions are clearly much closer to logic than a complete dearth of logic, and when one reaps the benefit of making the logical decision 80% of the time when compared to 0%, clearly this makeshift logic is going to be far more successful in any situation. Emotions are the vestigial makeshift logic of savages, and we cannot allow ourselves to think any differently about emotions despite the way our brains are hardwired to think, because then we will find ourselves defending primal logic with a success rate of 80% instead of true logic with a success rate of 100% simply because our brains are hardwired to hallucinate profound positive psychological conditioning given that we act in accordance with our emotions. As much as I have emotions, I can understand their weaknesses and their drawbacks, and it is my duty as a civilized person to respect the fact that the instincts that kept savage feral humans alive in nature will easily become maladaptations in a completely unnatural society, and for this reason I do attempt to remind myself that emotions themselves are inherently flawed and the antithesis of intelligence so that I might be able to make the correct decisions and the optimum decisions rather than the ones that are most agreeable to my vestigial instincts.” Says Isabelle

“As much as emotions can be inherently contrary to legitimate logic, they are still very influential variables in the equation; as despite their fallacious nature, the fact that they cannot be removed from any sort of logical equation means that logic must operate with respect to this variable because despite the fact that doing so leads to a less logical and less optimal solution than pure logic, failing to do so leads to an even less so logical and less so optimal solution because of the power that emotions wield in any situation involving humans. If the goal of decision making is to make forward progress, logically the optimum solution is walking in a straight line, but emotions stand in the way of this straight line and aggressively ensure that you cannot walk in that straight line, and when this is the case, the most logical solution is irrelevant because it is impossible and one must instead settle for the most logical possible solution which is inherently less so logical, but due to the nature of actually being possible it proves to be far more substantive than the most logical solution. Despite the fact that emotions are an artificial constructs within the human mind akin to delirium and hallucination, emotions are so powerful and prevalent within the minds of humans that they function as obstacles and hurdles as real as any rock or tree in the way despite the fact that in reality these emotions have no substantive physical form and are merely hallucinations within the human mind.

 While it is true that emotions cripple and hinder the function of true logic, it is for that reason that the effective form of logic that functions with respect to the emotional variables then becomes far more substantiating than true logic, because despite the fact that in reality emotions are an artificial limit on logic, this artificial limit is so strong, so incorrigible, and so powerful that it functions in a manner that is nearly identical to a true limit, and any arguments utilizing the true limit as opposed to this artificial one become comparably as fallacious as making an argument that is somehow 120% logical. Basically, it doesn’t matter if you’re more so correct than someone else when you’re not allowed to be more so correct than the artificial limit, because anything beyond that limit is interpreted as inherently incorrect so despite being mathematically and logically sound, as emotions condemn that answer as incorrect and thus it is functionally incorrect.” Says Jenna

“Of course you are correct, but understanding human emotions and making the most optimum possible decision with respects to human emotions in no way involves succumbing to emotions oneself and having one’s own decision making process skewed and contorted due to emotions. As coldhearted as I may seem sometimes, I truly value the emotions of people simply because of how powerful they are. Clearly they are capable of causing people to act irrationally and thus create problems, but they can also make people act irrationally in a manner that is even more optimum for problem resolution than a rational individual would, with war as a beautiful example of people being irrationally spurred by emotions to do extremely nonsensical things that are actually more so beneficial to society than the actions of a rational person would be.

Using this false reality to define our own reality is foolish, but defining our own reality in accordance with this false reality is extremely beneficial simply because of how palpable and powerful it is within the human mind. By defining societal function in such a way that it is difficult for emotions to be a problem, we avoid irrational problems induced by emotionality, but so long as this is in place, it is vital to define a secondary layer of societal function that allows for emotions to function as the resolution to problems, as seldom will people be motivated to do things when informed of the rational measurable probabilities of the results that will likely result from their actions due to the meagre triviality and the profound insignificance of human life in this mathematical scope, but when people are rife with emotions these emotions will tend to overpower any sort of rational logic, and for that reason they can be profoundly beneficial when attempting to convince people to act in accordance with the most rational and logical resolutions and stratagems in regards to the collective as opposed to the individual.

These people don’t need to be aware of the role that they play in the grand scheme of things, and so long as they perform this role, their knowledge and understanding of this role is irrelevant, and it is for this reason that emotions are so powerful as they can spur a person into action far more capably than rational logic would, and the tantalizing nature of emotions as the progeny of ignorance means that not only are they far easier to evoke inside of a person, but the person is naturally prone to feel these things, making such means to said ends even more feasible and applicable. Clearly our society is largely defined by emotional reactions to damn near everything, and this is due to the nature of democracy; it is true that emotions are the major factor that drives people to action, but unfortunately this does not mean the action to which they are driven is the most optimum of actions.

Emotions are much like a beautiful horse that pulls the plow with profound fervor and tireless energy, but the problems arise when we allow this horse to direct the plow itself, as the horse has little instinct to walk in a straight line but rather to run as it pleases, chasing whatever hallucinations spur its blind aggression to run furiously. The horse is clearly a powerful vector of success, it simply needs to be controlled in a manner that it yields results much closer to the optimum path; clearly as this horse cannot be tamed by things such as logic and reason that might allow it to take the optimum path out of some torn ambivalence between logic and emotions, so instead the area in which the horse is allowed to run must be confined to this straight line that is the optimum path of the plow. By confining and restricting the impetus that spurs emotions, this ensures that people are far more likely to act in a manner that is in accordance with the most optimum solution, and clearly as one’s reality is largely a construct of one’s education, it is easy to create a false yet believable reality for these people that makes it far more probably that they act in accordance with logic despite their ignorance to it. It may seem like this is inhumane, but truly as the horse is also fed by the crops that are sown in the field, it is out of respect for the health and wellbeing of the horse that it is confined in such a way, because clearly the horse is very capable of hurting itself due to poor yields when it is allowed to run around in this disorganized fervor that defines our society today.

Clearly this is unfortunately idealistic, as it requires altruistic people in charge of the situation, but regardless of this fact, this is an optimum that can be addressed so long as those in charge are restricted in the same manner as the horse so that they cannot stray from the path of altruism, because just as emotions spur this horse to create an erratic path for the plow, human vice spurs people to stray from the optimum path of logical success due to their own vestigial self-serving instincts that harm the collective and thus themselves in this unnatural world where the individual human has been replaced by the human collective, and the success of the individual depends entirely upon the success of the collective, as despite what the American Dream indoctrinates fools into believing, those who exploit society for their own personal gains would amount to nothing if the society itself wasn’t entirely cooperative and symbiotic within itself, and this personal success would amount to nothing but one’s own death if  the collective of society was not willing to fight and die in order to protect the lives and freedom of their compatriots.” Says Stacy

“As much as emotions aren’t always in accordance with true logic, they are pretty close. 80% correctness is pretty good, and I know I’m happy if I get an 80% on a hard test; and seeing how making important decisions is going to be way harder than any test I have ever taken, if we can just trust our emotions and make the right decisions 80% of the time, that seems like an amazing result. Seeing how most people don’t really understand logic, since clearly it’s a difficult subject to learn or otherwise we would learn it in grade school, the fact that everyone is born with emotions is just God’s way of helping us to make the right decision, because otherwise we would have no idea what to do if emotions didn’t tell us what is right and wrong, and I’m sure the world would be an awful place if people were even able to survive at all.

In the end we’re just people, we’re not mathematical machines or anything, so as much as mathematics and logic would probably make better decisions sometimes, that’s a high standard to hold people to seeing how plenty of us struggle with the basic subjects that are taught school. As imperfect as the decisions might be, I’m still much happier knowing that even if I can’t think something through logically, I can just trust my feelings and make the right decision most of the time, even if I do make mistakes sometimes. At the same time, though, I’m grateful to have friends like you who will help me make the right decision even when my emotions are telling me the wrong thing, like with what happened yesterday. I know you’re technically right, but if emotions are already 80% correct, I don’t think that’s really a pressing issue when we have much more serious problems facing the planet right now.” Says Ophelia

“The problem is that while emotions are 80% correct, this correctness is not a matter of probability, meaning that the incorrect decisions would all be made at comparable rates across the board and the correct decision in the same situation would simply outweigh them four to one. The problem arises when the 20% rate of incorrectness applies to the same situations over and over again, people consistently make the same mistakes, and they always make these mistakes. Despite the fact that say only 20% of decisions are critical decisions, this still means that every time, one out of every five critical decisions will always be incorrect, and not only that, but it is the same critical decision every time that is consistently incorrect, and this leads to critical failure within society that is reproduced time and time again by the same exact false logic of trusting emotions that is so naturally inherent in people’s minds that they cannot understand or even fathom the fact that they are inducing failure because their emotions are giving them a false positive every single time when they induce this failure, so despite the clear failure from their results, the false positive from their emotions gives them positive conditioning that reinforces this critical failure, and as society grows, these inherent critical failures grow with society and become more and more palpable and harmful to the success of the nation, because these failures exacerbate themselves at a greater rate than the successes of society, much like how an untreated wound will get worse much faster than an adequately nourished child will grow in size.

This complacency with perpetuating critical failures within our society is the impetus that causes me to address the topics that I frequently address, as truly there are no more pressing issues than those which are not only critical issues, but critical issues that the human race as a collective fails to address due to their inability or reluctance to defend logic and correctness rather than perpetually fall victim to the false logic of an appeal to emotion, and for this reason they torture and torment themselves as a result of their failing to make a decision that does not result in critical if not catastrophic failure within the systems that govern and maintain their societies. An appeal to emotion and thus any argument that is rooted in this false logic is inherently fallacious due to the exact fact that emotions are an imperfect vector for deciphering and interpreting the truth, and while emotions may be substantiating enough to maintain a healthy rate of success when used as the grounds defending an action, the fact that this rate is not 100% means that the emotions themselves are not synonymous with or even related to the success of any decision that appeals to emotions, but the reasons for said success are exclusively due to the nature of success alone and the fact that emotional correlation with successful decisions simply happens to be high; it is known that correlation does not equal causation, yet people somehow delude themselves into believing that simply because the emotionally appealing decision and the most successful and correct decision happen to correlate strongly, that they can defensibly infer that the most successful and correct decision will always be the one that is the most emotionally appealing.

This is absurd considering the profound variations of emotions within people spurred by the exact same topic, and when this is the case, clearly the emotions themselves do not significate any correlation with correctness because clearly people will emotionally defend each and every side of an argument in accordance with their own perception, and this scattering of correlation with people’s emotional response to a problem and the correct decision quickly intensifies as the issues become more and more complex, and this is due to the fact that the issues that society faces today are not the natural situations from which emotions derived in order to ensure the survival of the beast that wields them, but they are unnatural situations which may have some similarity to a natural situation, but due to the nature of our society being inherently and profoundly unnatural, the natural emotional reaction is clearly irrational, and beyond that, it veritably has no legitimacy because these emotions were developed through natural culling in a natural environment that was profoundly different than the world today, and in the world we live in clearly there is no natural culling that would eliminate those with unfavorable emotional reactions and perpetuate those who have emotional reactions that are favorable to success and survival, so when these emotions have yet to be culled for their correlation to the most successful and survivable actions, these emotions have no grounds to be defended as anything other than vestigial hallucinations spurred by the fact that there is some palpable similarity between an even that happens in this entirely unnatural world and one that would happen in the natural world, thus due to this similarity, the human mind instinctively hallucinates the emotional response that would have been appropriate in the natural world, but these emotions have experienced prolonged and profound decorrelation in correlation with the optimum decision as this world is so profoundly different than the world in which these emotions evolved due to their utility in perpetuating the survival of the beast who succumbs to them.” Says Stacy

 “Regardless of whether or not those decisions are correct or not, people don’t make them because they physically cannot make them; their emotions inhibit them from doing so in a similar manner to how your mind inhibits you from ever believing that you are incorrect. Emotions are far more powerful than logic because that is how the mind evolved to function and that adaptation is what enabled the human race to survive; emotions are rooted far deeper into the core of the brain than logical thinking, which is an upper level function likely accomplished mostly by free plastic brain function as opposed to hardwired brain functions. Clearly emotional trauma is extremely powerful in that people can often bear these scars for their entire life; emotions can cause people to become so upset that they collapse and lose the strength to control their limbs, as emotional shock induces a profound reaction in people’s mind, paralyzing them like deer or even giving them the profound strength needed to save their child’s life.

When something is this powerful, natural, and instinctive, clearly it is going to be a driving force behind the cognitive function of the human race, and as unfortunate as it is that emotions do not always correlate with the most optimum decision in this unnatural world, they are fairly reliable, and seeing how people inherently have this reliable force in their mind to assist them, defending and accommodating this is a far more realistic method of ensuring success than arguing that people should spurn their emotions and use only pure logic, because not only is this unnatural and difficult if not impossible to do, but the fact that logic is a learned skill means that clearly the learned knowledge can easily be flawed, and when this is true the applications of this knowledge is flawed. When compared to emotions this has a much higher failure rate because emotions tend to be inherently successful to a great degree, and while pure logic may be far more successful in a theoretical environment, in practice the human mind is incapable of executing pure logic in such a manner for many factors, largely due to ignorance but also due to emotional interference, so rather than accepting and tolerating something with a high success rate and a low degree of failure, you are defending a strategy that has two profound sources of failure that will induce a much greater degree of failure than emotions simply because if this strategy were executed flawlessly it would have a higher success rate, but seeing how it is easily impossible for the execution of this strategy to yield a success rate that can even hold a candle to the success of emotions, there grounds for your argument are closer to fantasy than any rational logic.” Says Grace




“This is entirely true, but the nature of human society does not demand that each person make these decisions; in a human society one decision is made and this decision is enforced across the board for each and every human in society. When many decisions are these types of decisions, a single decision applied universally to all people, it is a necessity that we be wary of the fact that emotions do not always lead us to the optimum solution, and can often direct us towards a completely unreasonable one. Each person isn’t expected to use pure logic to make difficult decisions every day of their life, it is the population of people that are expected to cooperate and work together to create a single decision that is not influenced by emotions but is rather justified by a pure logical basis, as it is understandable that no single person could be expected to accomplish this alone, but as a collective society is more than capable of creating and defending a decision making process that utilizes only facts and logic to draw conclusions rather than allow the hallucinatory emotion of the human psyche to misconstrue and contort reality in such a way that it steers the society away from the optimum decision to the point where they measurably suffer on account of their inherent inability to distinguish rational and logical reasoning from baseless and irrational emotional reasoning.

 A wise man once said that poor people will never ask for an explanation for what they must endure, they simply hate each other and are content with that. Seeing how the majority of the world is poor, and most of the country is effectively poor, as much as this sort of decision making process might seem like a fantasy, it simply requires someone with the necessary power to understand that the majority of people will simply put up with whatever is happening to them, and so long as this transition is gradual enough to soften the blow, the shock induced by the increasing stresses will certainly not break the backs of those whomst this burden is placed upon.

As my philosophy dictates, ensuring that the psyche of the people is maintained so that they hold themselves and their people as the unquestioned superior to all others around them, this subjective superiority will induce far greater pleasure and comfort than any real and rational pleasure or comfort can simply due to the nature of subjective perspective, and so long as this remains true, enforcing successful policy becomes easy, as not only do the people see themselves as the sole reason as to why their existence is the way it is, but due to their natural perception of their own unquestionable righteousness, correctness, and superiority, they find this existence to be incredibly validating as delusion is far more powerful than reality, and mass delusion induced on the scale of the entire society is even more powerful in the mind of a sane individual than even the profound delusions of the veritably insane due to the nature of the human mind being plastic and conforming to its society without question, especially when there are no grounds for the person to believe that they are somehow different or there are any grounds to question their own society.” Says Stacy

“As inhumane as that might sound, you are very much so correct in your logic. When a person who lives in some impoverished village in Africa is happy, they are comparably if not more so happy than when a well off westerner is happy; it’s not like the feeling of happiness itself is rational to one’s own standing in regards to material or financial success, happiness is a simple feeling of personal success within one’s own environment and clearly has the same plateau whether or not one lives in a bountiful industrial mecca or in some rural village lacking most all creature comforts of the developed world.  So as much as it seems like you are depriving people of these things and this is some sort of thievery and oppression, you are really doing this in order for them to be able to experience happiness in a much more reliable and easily attainable manner than the methods used by the West.

In the West people are seldom happy because they are so indoctrinated to believe that material wealth is a source of happiness when it is not, and due to this perception they are often downtrodden for no reason simply due to the fact that they lack that which they are conditioned to desire and taught to believe will make them happy. Changing the structure of society so that happiness is sourced from a different vector would be profoundly beneficial to the people, seeing how the current vector of material success is so hard to achieve and is ultimately an infinite game that nobody can win, because even the richest people will still be upset about what they cannot have. As odd as instructing people to take pleasure in their own baseless self-supremacy of themselves and those who are nearly identical to them seems odd, it is educating them that they should take pride and joy in a source of happiness that is not ephemeral and does not fade, it is a simple and static source of happiness that can always be relied upon, and due to the natural instinct of narcissism within people, it is easily spurred in a homogenous society as people will be very prone to thinking highly of themselves and by proxy those who are seemingly identical to themselves, and they will certainly have little reluctance to look down upon others who are different when it allows themselves to think more highly of themselves.

 This alone may be foolish, as then people will be contented with simply seeing themselves in the mirror and feel successful, but adding in common morals and principles like work ethic, respect, mutuality, and other sorts of innate pleasure that can be used to spur the people into action would be a far more reliable method of creating a society that is both hard working and content if not reliably happy. I am no psychologist, but if the people were simply informed that this sort of society would be induced, they may feel oddly about it, but there is a chance that they can understand the biological reasoning behind the induction of a vast number of these homogenous societies and become complicit within them, then make an effort to believe the propaganda because it is so flattering but more so because they know it means well, and then given that these societies can be established, any sort of reluctance to buy into the propaganda would wane as the people would be raised in the culture and have no recollection of  a previous society that would shatter their illusions in any way, allowing them to fully embrace the society which they are a part of and thus reap the profound psychological and social benefits of these societies.

I defend you not because of the economic benefits that would be yielded from a society of happy people who are instinctively compelled to social mutualistic behavior, but I do this simply because the psychological health of these people would be so profoundly better than those who exist in the world we do today. As much as they may be indoctrinated and ignorant to reality, the fact that these people would likely truly feel happy far more often is worth that to me, because clearly this lifestyle we are forced to adopt is a powerful antagonist of happiness due to the complexity as well as the lack of ignorance about things that naturally cause us to feel upset; and despite the knowledge, opportunity, and freedoms we are afforded, if we cannot enjoy our lives, if we are constantly miserable due to the predispositions of our psychology, I don’t think that such a life is worth living despite the idealistic nature of this life when there are far more pleasurable and enjoyable lives that we could live, even if that means being indoctrinated and ignorant to reality. Ignorance is bliss, and one can infer that knowledge is torture, and thus every piece of useless information that we absorb is more than likely going to be a source of displeasure, unhappiness, sorrow, regret, shame, and countless other unsavory feelings that could easily be avoided if we were simply kept ignorant. This is even more pressing to me, considering the rising rates of depression and suicide in this world which ominously correlates with the decrease in ignorance brought about by the Information age. I think if we continue to defend these ideals rather than defend a lifestyle that reliably makes people happy, few people will want to live simply because their lack of ignorance is a profound source of daily torture and torment throughout the entirety of their lives.” Says Jenna

“Sometimes I am slightly suspicious of Stacy’s claims to be an altruist; I tend to see the profound economic benefits, the social order, the moral righteousness, and other things as if they are the motivating factors, but what you said just drove it home that despite her aggression and her inhuman philosophy, she truly only believes in these things because they would benefit the people, not some people, not her, but everybody within the system. She just wants people to be successful and happy, and as much as her philosophy is contrary to damn near everything the Western world stands for, I believe that her arguments are extremely valid.

Impulsively I would say that there might be some imperfections, and things could be improved upon, but when I think about that I highly doubt that anyone could improve upon most of her ideas in any veritable manner that truly produces the measurable results, and they would simply corrupt and adulterate her functional and rational philosophy with baseless ideals and other common delusions that do nothing but cripple the functionality of her systems. Her ideas function independently from ideals as they function solely in relation to function itself, and that is honestly the only respectable ideal that I can even think of, simply because function outperforms an ideal in reality, and due to that the ideal itself fails to be ideal and is simply an asinine fantasy that repeatedly fails to produce the results that people theorize that it will. I would trust Stacy, because as corrupt as one might say she is, she is entirely pure in her philosophy, and simply because something is inhuman and amoral does not mean that it is corrupt in the slightest, there are no personal gains or irrational beneficiaries from her philosophy, it is just a simplification of society in order to produce the highest level of success as well as the highest level of happiness.

 Segregation might seem like it is immoral, but simplicity is always the answer. We can convolute mathematics infinitely, but simplification is always the ultimate goal, and when one factors a quadratic equation to yield the answer, the two answers are segregated and thus plain as day, but when the equation is expanded it doesn’t inform you of the answer and requires that you put forth a profound amount of energy to resolve this equation for no reason when the equation simply could have been factored in the first place. Integration of people with other people, integration of the poor with money, integration of men with women, integration of people with vices, as well as any other method of segregation I may have forgotten is no more immoral than factoring a quadratic; we are simply reminding people that they themselves are the answers, and rather than forcing them to attempt to solve a complicated expanded quadratic formula through algebraic means as is expected in an integrated society, we simply give them the answer, and the problem is solved.” Says Isabelle

“As much as I don’t know what sort of equations you’re talking about, I’m happy that at least I can admit that. The whole notion of making decisions for people is extremely reasonable, because seeing how despite the fact that I don’t even know what a quadratic equation is, somehow I can understand that I am expected to solve something like a complicated math problem in terms of how I should act in an integrated society. I figure it means lots of variables when I think about it, because I can solve the regular kind with one variable, but I have no idea what I would do with more than one, and considering how that is what society is, not only with people, but with money, and work, and politics, and all of this other nonsense that I have no idea what is correct or not, it really is putting a lot on my plate to expect me to not only understand all of these things for what they truly mean and how they all interact and add up and what not, but beyond that I’m expected to somehow solve this problem myself so that I make the best decision for myself in my daily life and the country when I vote. It’s all a big spinning mass of numbers and variables, and I don’t know what’s right or wrong or what I should do or even what is going on, and now that I think about it like that I finally understand why so many people just vote for the right because the right defends God, because that’s the only political issue that I know enough about to say that I wholeheartedly support and all I can really rely upon to help me make my decision, so as much as I don’t know if the other politics is good or bad or stupid or whatever, I believe in God and that’s more than enough to help me make the decision if I had to vote, seeing how that’s basically all that I have at this point.” Says Ophelia

“The world shouldn’t expect you to; managing everything shouldn’t be everybody’s job, especially when most everybody has no idea how to manage massive systems in a productive, efficient, and beneficial way. As much as Isabelle’s notion that I have a strong desire to make people happy is wholesome, that is not exactly true, as I simply seek to ensure that society is as successful as possible, as this is the only demand and criterion of survival established by nature, but seeing how having a happy population is vital to ensuring civility and productivity amongst the people, making people happy is just met as a necessity for ensuring success, not that there is any more precedence or pertinence given to this endeavor.

 Clearly I seek to make people happy, but at the same time I must ensure that they experience substantial pain and displeasure in order to have an appropriate perspective from which they can interpret and thus appreciate their existence, so while I do seek to ensure that people are happy, I am certainly not going to shy away from defending the appropriate course of action when a situation demands an alternative approach than simply making people happy. Happiness is a valuable feeling, as this feeling alone increases the value of the human, but at the same time there are many other valuable feelings that each provide their own benefit to society, righteousness in war, and humility during hardship, for example are stark reminders that happiness is not always the optimum mindset, and for that reason the emotions that are reared within the minds of the people must be attuned to the tasks they are asked to perform.

As painful as sorrow may be, it is an important emotion as it strengthens the bonds between those who grieve together, as each can draw upon this shared source of misery and find accord amongst one another; a mutuality and a trust is formed as they each understand that they share each other’s pain, and when such mutuality is present, this bond can allow these people to share each other’s happiness when good things happen. Emotions have the capacity to unify the people as they understand that their emotions are shared between them, and when such is true they work to ensure not only their own happiness, but that of their society, because they see themselves as part of something greater than a person; they no longer identify as a person, but through their own empathy and sensitivity to the wellbeing, happiness, and sorrow of their people, they feel the happiness of another as their own happiness, and they feel the sorrow of another as their own sorrow.

It is these bonds that allowed societies to form, and these bonds must be cherished for their profound capacity to bring people together so that they can work together to accomplish something many magnitudes greater than any individual could ever accomplish alone. Society is the individual, as when society benefits, the individual benefits, and when society suffers, the individual suffers. Society is the individual because society itself is indivisible; it cannot function without the mutuality that is shared between all of its components and if society fails to function than it fails to exist, and in such a sad case the people within this society cease to be people all together, because society is the definition of human existence, as without society there are no people, only animals who have forsaken that which had created them, those who abandon society are nothing more than a stray ant who has abandoned his colony, with nothing left to ensure his safety and survival, he exists only as prey to the natural world around him, as he will not survive, he will not reproduce, and he will never succeed in anything more than dying alone having accomplished nothing.” Says Stacy

“You’re just too embarrassed to admit that despite your stern approach you actually care about everyone and want to make sure they’re happy.” Teases Ophelia “Besides, tough love is still love, so as much as you do criticize people, it’s only because you love them, and seeing how you people don’t understand how to actually be happy, as much as you want to take away things that they like and want, you’re doing that because they think that such things will make them happy, when in reality those things make people much less happy. It’s easily true that godliness, hard work, and success in one’s daily affairs is probably the only way to truly be happy in a way that the person loves themselves as well as their life; your argument that people should be prohibited from doing things other than that is not really oppressing them but just guiding them on a path where they can truly feel good about themselves, because as of now people are always to convinced that vices are the way to be happy because the world will give them all the vices they want, but seldom will it ever make the person feel successful and accomplished, and when that’s true people just think that indulging in vices is the only way to be happy, when in the end vices only offer temporary pleasure but make the person much more unhappy in the long run. Beyond that, since success is truly a way for a person to feel worthwhile and happy, even by expecting people to be successful you are only making them happy, even if they might need a bit of prodding to do so; people are reluctant to take good advice if it doesn’t offer instant gratification, but even if you have to force people to realize that true gratification comes from hard work and discipline, you are only helping them because that is the sort of lesson that a person only needs to learn once, and once they do they will be better off and far happier for the rest of their life.

People might think you are inhumane, but when your treatment of people results in much happier people than the current model, I don’t think it’s inhumane at all; it’s like getting a vaccine, seeing how a little bit of pain and displeasure at one point in one’s life leads to a lifetime of health and happiness. Clearly people are very prone to hurting themselves, and as much as you might be restricting their freedoms, you are only doing this to prevent them from hurting themselves, and even if that’s against the ideal of freedom, it is still altruistic and compassionate because you are only doing that to alleviate profound amounts of pain in their life that they would experience if you didn’t. You like to say it’s all about success, but you only do that because nobody would listen to you if you just argued the point that your policy is designed to ensure that people are as happy as possible; people only care about success, and everyone knows this, but I’m glad you’re clever enough to propose your argument in a way that people might listen, especially since most people don’t even care about their own wellbeing, let alone that of others, so the only way to reach them is to promise them the increased success that results from a society designed to ensure that people are truly happy. I know you, you don’t care about money or power, but you do care about people, so it’s easy for me to tell that the only thing motivating you is the countless smiling faces in the future who can actually love themselves and each other because society is designed to ensure that they feel this way, and the ensuring the success only serves as a means to this end, because it would be impossible without it.” Says Ophelia

“You might be right, because to me it’s all the same. Health, prosperity, success, happiness, wellbeing and all of the things that make life worth living are one collective entity, as they are each so codependent upon each other. Perhaps I am drawn to emphasizing success because that is the primary focus of most reasonable people, and this is a way to get my foot in the door, but due to the fact that these things are all so codependent, I am able to justify my arguments with the benefits that are felt across the board so long as success is ensured, and seeing how success is truly the trump suit of nature, I feel that it is entirely appropriate of me to prioritize that and simply reap the entire trick that all of the nontrump cards are competing for, because by ensuring success, I am effectively winning all of the cards due to success being the natural trump suit. I play the hand I’m dealt, and thankfully most of the functional world has not succumbed to the level of delusion where they fail to respect the nature of the trump suit in the game of life.” Says Stacy

“While it is true that you defend success, the unfortunate part is that people don’t understand the nature of success, and people can seldom if ever distinguish true success from fallacious success and shortsighted success. Beyond that, the odds are stacked against you due to the nature of fallacious or shortsighted success which will always appear to be more so beneficial, because such forms of false success always require less work and allege to offer a faster and greater if not impossible yield from their methods than any true success would. People will always want the most in exchange for the least amount of effort possible, and due to that people always pursue idealistic pipe dreams that allege to fix all of the problems over night, rather than understand the reality of the situation and the fact that truly resolving a problem always requires diligence and hard work, while the means to such an end are almost always more so unsavory than the effortless magical panacea of shortsighted and fallacious methods of success. Every popular sentiment in the political environment involves little to no effort by those who support it in exchange for profound benefits to themselves, and this is the socialists seeking free things and more rights as well as the rich seeking tax cuts and military imperialism.

People will never see themselves as part of any problem, and due to this unfortunate aspect of human nature people will never understand their situation to the point where they can acknowledge that they are part of their own problems, but beyond this they will never acknowledge that they must play a substantial role in the resolution of their own problems. People want everyone else to solve their problems for them, and despite your clear authoritarian arguments that do this, the fact that people must willingly put forth the energy to resolve their own problems will always ensure that your solutions are unpopular. Perhaps you can argue your points in such a way that this success you offer is something for nothing, but unless you can do this, the people will always be convinced that getting something for nothing is the most appealing solution, despite the clearly fallacious nature of this argument, because so long as they are not personally paying for what it is they want, they couldn’t care less about what is being exchanged or sacrificed in order to give them what they want.” Says Jenna

“I figure with her knack for condemnation and demonization, she can simply mudsling her way to success and rise above the competition if her supporters can provide the numbers that validate her arguments. The intellectual people will respect the numbers as a bitter pill, and more importantly the ignorant will be inspired by the mudslinging and rhetoric and feel even more confident when they see the critics fail to win in arguments with the intellectuals. As much as Stacy would impose things upon people, so long as they feel that the other candidates victimize them to an even greater degree and offer less benefit to them personally, Stacy will be the most appealing candidate. It’s seldom a matter of convincing people that you are right, as the more compelling argument will always be that those who oppose you are more so in the wrong.

Clearly politicians will always be unpopular regardless of who is in power, so by offering people things that no politician will and condemning things that both political parties agree on, these two parties will be cast in the same light, and rather than being upset with one party and supporting the other, the people will see both parties in the same unsavory light because of their similarities. Stacy can promise people far greater things than any politician can that relies on the same party rhetoric, and due to these grandiose promises people will be drawn to her philosophy, because despite any disagreeable parts, the fact that it is easy to believe that under such a system things would be better and people would be more successful ensures that people can blame both parties simultaneously for their problems instead of the current norm of blaming one party for all of their problems and believing the other party is the only source of solutions.

Stacy offers logical solutions to profound problems, and so long as people see her opponents as the source of these problems, they will see Stacy as the only source of solutions. It is a matter of convincing people that these problems exist, and that her opponents will not solve them, and seeing how Stacy is so good at explaining why commonplace ideals and social norms are problems, when her opponents go to defend some ideal they are simultaneously informing the people that they are the source of the problems that arise from this ideal. So long as people are more upset about the problems created by an ideal than they have faith in the ideal, then Stacy wins the argument, since the ideal then becomes a problem as opposed to an ideal, and since people will always be more upset about bad things and problems than they will be happy about agreeable things like an ideal, the emotional momentum of her arguments carries them handedly as the people would rather be indignant than contented, because they always believe that there is something to be gained through indignation while there is little to be gained from contentment besides perpetuation of their current status, and when they find their current status disagreeable they will seldom defend a perpetuation of this status due to an ideal when they could instead opt for a better status even if it is less so ideal.

It’s a shame that politics is so dependent on the sentiments of the people as opposed to any sort of rational logic, but Stacy does have a defensible position seeing how she has countless topics from which she can simultaneously spur indignation from the people and argue that her opponents are the source of these problems in the people’s lives. Politics is far more about condemning problems than it is about proposing solutions, and seeing how Stacy can easily prove that countless agreeable ideals are actually veritable problems, she is giving people ten times as many things to be upset about than the usual political trope, and that level of indignation will dwarf any sort of reproach of her philosophy, seeing how by criticizing the philosophy the critics themselves inform the people that they are the source of ten times as many problems as Stacy would be. People love to criticize problems, and success for Stacy relies solely on informing people that all of the problems she condemns are truly problems, and she should have no trouble doing that; the fact that she has legitimate solutions to these problems is just icing on the cake, seeing how so long as the people are upset enough about a problem, they will likely believe any proposed solution despite said solution being blatantly shortsighted or fallacious.” Says Isabelle

“My point still stands that even if she were to successfully condemn the politicians in the eyes of the people, anyone offering a more so shortsighted and fallacious solution to things that have become problems in the eyes of the people is far more likely to win their support due to the reasons I explained earlier. It is possible that the problems are so simple that there are few if any ways to convolute Stacy’s solution in a way that is somehow more appealing while still being believable, but I certainly wouldn’t put it past politicians to do this. The only hope for Stacy is that the money gets behind her, because as much as rhetorical politics is important, it is mostly for show as most every piece of legislation is simply bought by those who seek to impose it. I’m not overly optimistic, but there is a chance that the moneyed have the foresight and intelligence to understand that Stacy actually offers legitimate solutions and success, and thus would support her due to validity alone, as they would rather reap a greater benefit to themselves than if they defended a fallacious one where they can see that they will benefit much less, even if her opinions may seem less appealing to the people.” Says Jenna

“Thank god that money can buy elections; without that there would be no hope for this country.” Says Isabelle

“Regardless of whether or not Stacy is correct and reasonable, Stacy’s policy and philosophy represents such a departure from normalcy that I feel most people would be reluctant to consider it, let alone embrace it. People are very reluctant to depart from normalcy, even in the face of correctness, and clearly heliocentricity alone proves that people will seldom embrace things even if there are the verified calculations that prove its legitimacy, and Stacy doesn’t even have those, whether or not they can be created is unknown, but even if she did have them this would not change much.

 As much as a revolution seems like an instantaneous thing, as was the case with many political revolutions, Stacy is attempting to create a different type of revolution because her arguments are not reliant on politics but rather on logic and science, and for that reason it will take the people a much longer time to come to terms with her arguments simply because they are not the inflammatory outcry of revolutionaries spurring them to action by provoking their volatile emotionality; her arguments rely on people acknowledging the situation and understanding it in a logical and mathematical sense as opposed to simply using their emotions, ideals, fantasies and opinions to defend their actions.

It is very easy for people to develop and hold baseless notions such as these because the human mind functions independently from rational bases for the most part, and due to this it is easier for people to put faith in a simple idea that they believe in as opposed to complex one that is hard to understand, and it has nothing to do with feasibility or legitimacy, it solely depends on the capability of the human mind to understand the idea to the point where they can believe in it, and something like communism that just argues that the workers should be in charge of everything is a simple and idealistic argument that people can easily understand and support, where Stacy tends to support her arguments with complex logic that operates independently from emotion, and when she tries to spur emotions she becomes an antagonist of her own success because she antagonizes the very people she is trying to win over, and despite being entirely correct in her criticisms, this is entirely irrelevant in the minds of the people who would much rather be incorrect than antagonized.

 If Stacy’s ideas ever catch on, it will only be after thorough study and debate by the people who slowly come to terms with the fact that Stacy is correct, and that her arguments are not a matter of opinion or philosophy but a legitimate analysis of reality that is not a matter of debate but is rather a matter of science. It takes a long time for science to become accepted, and as noble as your approach is to offer people legitimate arguments as opposed to baseless ones, the fact that they are scientific in nature as opposed to unscientific means that any unscientific criticisms of your arguments will always be popular because the human mind inherently operates independently from science and bases its own logic, as false as it may be, on sentiments, opinions, emotions, and ideals far more than any veritable and testable logic and science. There is some hope that one day your arguments may be respected, but it is debatable as to whether or not the human race will even survive long enough so that they have had time to digest and understand your logic and philosophy for what they truly are rather than taking them at the face value afforded to them by their own inherently unscientific interpretation of anything and everything they experience.” Says Grace




“Even that perspective is easily an overoptimistic one. I see the Western idealists as a modern day John Henry, unwilling to accept the fact that things exist that are more so capable, powerful, efficient, and productive than the human experience and human life, so rather than acknowledge reality, they chose to work themselves to death, preserving their ideals and fighting off competition due to their asinine stubbornness. That is a classic parable explaining that man will always fall to the machine, and even if the man supposedly can accomplish more in the same amount of time, the fact that the man dies when he attempts to do this means that despite the fact that in one day John Henry may drive 15 feet in a day and even if the machine only drives nine in the same time, John Henry is dead, and the next day he drives zero feet and once again the machine drives nine, handedly beating John Henry with 18 feet driven. People need to understand that humanity is the antithesis of longevity, and to embrace our humanity is to embrace our own death, but instead of being realistic, we celebrate our own narcissism and delusions of infallibility and immortality that are causing the human race to work themselves to death preserving the ideals, when even if we disregard the work death, these ideals alone will be the death of their society.

 We can either preserve some of these ideals and live forever as a successful and adaptive species that acknowledges reality and understands that sometimes realism, correctness, and logic call for a different course of action than idealism, and thus take this path in respect to the fact that such forces govern reality where idealism solely governs the human mind, and this is the path of the machine. This is the wise decision for the only other path is that of John Henry, where we work very hard to attempt to prove the impossible, that idealism is somehow superior to realism, and try as we might we will always succumb to our own mortality and our own natural weakness, as these flaws in the human mind and body will always be our death in a society that addresses them in an idealistic manner as opposed to a realistic one, and thus fails to address these flaws in reality and only manages to convince themselves that they are somehow addressed due to their ability to coddle their shameless delusions and spur anyone who condemns it. The machine cannot die, but idealism is human and mortal in that it can easily kill itself by attempting to preserve itself, just as John Henry once did.

The fact that idealism also defends many things that are very harmful to society in reality is the second death beyond that of simple principle, as according to idealistic logic, if ideally something isn’t a problem, then it is irrelevant whether or not it truly is a problem in reality. The idealists are killing themselves twice over, once with its suicidal mandates, and once again on principle, as the more idealism is pursued, the further one gets from realism and function and thus the dysfunction induced by spurning unsavory realism exacerbates itself indefinitely due to the natural perception in the human mind that something is always a problem, and when people will always identify the least idealistic concept in society as a problem and demand that it be changed to be more so idealistic, this is a positive feedback loop that continually ensures that any social norms that exist will always be replaced with more idealistic ones, and as idealism is inherently the antithesis of function due to the nature of spurning disagreeable but realistic pursuits in favor of pursuing agreeable yet impossible idealistic ones, the more idealistic pursuit will always be less so functional than the less so idealistic one it replaces.

Idealistic pursuits will always tempt people because they have a profound capacity to cause people to believe that impossible results are somehow possible. Idealism always offers perfection on the baseless delusional grounds that if you can believe it, it is possible to achieve it, when in reality this is absolute nonsense due to the nature of delusion, which is easily capable of convincing people of things that are measurably and blatantly false. People can always believe in their idealistic fantasies, and rather than accept the fact that reality makes such fantasies impossible, they convince themselves that they are realistic enough to be true, and this is no different than a paranoid man wearing a tinfoil hat because he thinks the government is reading his mind, using his knowledge of some level of government surveillance to fallaciously infer that there are greater levels of surveillance beyond that.

The believability of delusions has a direct correlation with one's own ignorance, and so the more ignorant one is, the more one is willing to believe delusions, and this can be a profound ignorance correlating with profound delusion, but the true tragedy is the case of idealism in the contemporary man, as this brought about by a modest level of ignorance that only leads to a modest level of delusion, but if one believes in the fallacy that north-northeast is due north, when one continues upon this path for many miles one will end up in a very different place than one had expected to be in, and this represents the folly of perusing even modest delusion, as people will not get what they expect when they pursue idealism, and what they eventually experience on account of their miscalculation can easily be much worse than tolerating the realistic approach of walking due north, even if the path was more so difficult to walk.

This worseness directly correlates with the degree and scale of the delusion defining the idealism, and unfortunately this seems to be exacerbating at an exponential rate when one measures the degree to which idealism is pursued in exchange for sacrificing realistic success over the history of our country, as this once god-fearing nation has become a nation taking pride in its abominable degenerates, miscreants, vices, indignation, and shamelessness amongst countless other unforgivable and reproachable ideals, and all of this is due to the exacerbation of the grandeur of the delusions that define American idealism.

The tragedy in all of that it is highly likely that the people will be unwilling to accept this truth that delusion had corrupted the pursuit of success, and thus will spurn any arguments that defend correcting the course to ensure that the human race is even able to survive for any period of time into the future. They are so convinced that this northeasterly direction is due north that they will fight tooth and nail to ensure that society continues to pursue this direction, as clearly due to our positioning, correcting to due north would ensure that we remain off track, and for that reason we must correct with a northwesterly trajectory in order to resolve the issues that were created by the original pursuit of delusion. The people will seldom if ever respect the pursuit of due north, and to expect that they will condone a northwesterly trajectory is a fantasy even I cannot put any faith in.

I argue in favor of this northwesterly trajectory, as once we have corrected course and are back in line with the correct trajectory of due north, many necessary measures can be relaxed. This is clear in respects to the segregation of those with heritable and venereal diseases, as once these have ceased to perpetuate themselves in a manner beyond which they are valuable to society for research purposes, such measures will be unnecessary; this also holds true in terms of calibration of the minds of the people, as those who have many delusions and beliefs ingrained into them by the current standards of indoctrination will require much more conditioning than those who are born a blank slate and can be indoctrinated in a far more optimizing manner the first time. The prohibition of vices will clearly be painful for many, and ensuring that people care for their health and wellbeing will take a large effort, but once again as time passes, these efforts can be relaxed as the blank slates are born and embrace a proper philosophy from the start, and as these people are not tempted by the old ways, it will be much easier to ensure proper conditioning of the minds of the people.

Clearly instinct cannot be overpowered through conditioning, at least not in any legitimate or permanent way, and for that reason these instincts must be acknowledged, respected, and utilized if possible rather than attempt to condition against them, as these instincts will always resurface in each generation of people, and for that reason society must function in a manner that is symbiotic to the natural instinct of humans whenever possible due to the nature of efficiency; one clearly does not want to pursue a perpetual and unproductive expenditure of time, effort, and energy when it can easily be avoided all together without any negative repercussions in regards to success. Clearly I am a delusional idiot for thinking that defending function over fantasy is anything more significant than the babbling of a schizophrenic shouting some in some unintelligible language of his own creation, but I suppose I am driven to do this by the same powerful forces that easily convince the schizophrenic that shouting nonsense into the void is somehow a meaningful and productive use of his time and is more than likely the most pressing matter facing himself if not the world.” Says Stacy

“As sound as your logic may be, and as correct as your science might be, the problem is that you expect things to function logically and scientifically when these clearly cannot be relied upon in regards to matters governing people. Logic can only function so long as people don’t deliberately hinder and spite it, human instincts can only be accommodated so long as the people don’t resist them, and science can only be relied upon so long as it remains scientific and unadulterated by human whims and sentiments. It’s not that your ideas are at all dysfunctional, it is that when they are introduced into an inherently dysfunctional environment such as human society, despite their perfection they will still become dysfunctional, because humanity is guaranteed to create problems if there aren’t any, and so long as they are capable of doing this, the problems will arise, and considering the human knack for ingenuity and innovation, there is no question that despite any profound efforts to reduce this capability, people will very quickly find methods through which they can create problems, then create these problems, and beyond that they will be profoundly upset that there are problems and will quickly scapegoat everyone who is not this problematic collective for the existence of these problems.

It is the universal law of entropy that order always dissolves into disorder, so it is reasonable to believe that the more you attempt to prohibit the creation of disorder, the more the universe’s desire for disorder will grow until the pressure becomes so great that the order inevitably explodes into disorder, much like a pressure cooker will explode if the release valve is not functioning properly. The reason American society is so stable is because it is inherently so disorderly, as when there is only very loose order, the chances of explosion dwindle to nothing because this natural explosive tendency for order to disintegrate into disorder is minimized when there was little to no order to begin with. Perhaps there is some method through which you can minimize the pressure such a functional society would place upon people, organizing the people forcefully but then giving them autonomy after the fact for them to release their energy and discontent like screaming children without giving them enough power to actually hinder any society besides their own, much like how our country has a soft set of laws and authority compared to most places and relative freedoms that compliment this, yet despite this looseness the authority in our own country induces plenty of discontent despite the fact that they do very little compared to most places in the world.

While it is true that a man with broken legs cannot kick-box, when you reduce the natural fighting spirit of a man in such a way, this will easily reduce his fervor in regards to sustaining his existence and perpetuating his own success as well as that of the country, as the nature of man and that of the evolution of society has always revolved around a man fighting for what he wants or believes in, and if you strip this fighting spirit from a man, society will likely cease to progress if not die out entirely. That being said, all in all it is likely impossible to create a functional society from one that idealizes disorder if not dysfunction, and seeing how the means through which creating this society rely on miraculously utilizing inherently dysfunctional systems to somehow enact and establish a profound level of function, your task of accomplishing this through the means of the American democracy is like asking somebody to solve a complex calculus equation with some counting beans, a kazoo, and if all goes well copious amount of applause.

Clearly this task seems insurmountable, so this is perhaps why none will advocate for it, as the dysfunction of the state has been designed in such a way that those who wield it can enforce dysfunction that is irrationally beneficial for themselves and their constituents while placing the cost of this benefit on their rivals, and seeing how you don’t seek to irrationally benefit everyone and the fact that the rivals of your success are the people themselves, your noble aims are seemingly insane due to the sheer difficulty of accomplishing such things; as much as we put a man on the moon, that was the success of a small group of people, and the larger the group, the greater the disorder, and the greater the disorder the more difficult it becomes to establish order and thus success. This is why the notion of individualistic success has flourished because this avoids this problem of rapidly escalating difficulty that is presented as the quantity of components in this recipe for success increases, as a single person is the most prone to success due to relying only on one person, rather than any  sort of cooperation between multiple people, as this one person has the same standard probability of success and failure as most people, but if each person has a the same chance of inducing critical failure, the more people involved the greater this probability is, as these probabilities function in an additive manner given that they all operate independently, where the success of the collective remains the same static constant as an individual because the probability of success is averaged between each of the people involved, as despite the number of people involved, there is only one collective and thus there is only one probability of success for the collective, whereas each person functions as a linchpin for this collective and each has the power of ensuring critical failure for the entirety of the collective. Clearly there are species that have overcome this fact and developed an instinctive mutuality, but humanity does not have this trait so firmly ingrained as those species that do such as ants or bees, where this collective mentality can be seen as the species has evolved to the point where they entrust a single member to reproduce adequately for the entire colony and the rest ensure the survival of the entire colony, while humans clearly reproduce and survive on an individual level.” Says Jenna

“I’m sure you can understand my pain, as every waking moment of my life I am forced to acknowledge that I understand function, yet the world around me spurns function and instead chases fantasies and ideals, and for this reason, if I am ever to alleviate this discomfort induced by witnessing things that are blatantly illogical and nonsensical, I am forced to somehow understand to the point where I can manipulate society to such an extent that I can utilize an inherently dysfunctional system that was established by idealists over 200 years ago to ensure that seldom would a person be able to manipulate this system to the point where they could utilize it, and even if they did manage to utilize it the inherent dysfunction of the system would likely ensure that whatever was accomplished was rapidly eunuchated and crippled by the same system; this system of governing by ideal dysfunction was created simply to ensure that the people get that they want, and as noble as that notion is, when the only thing people want is to kill themselves with narcissistic hedonism, clearly this is now an absolutely asinine system of government, even if it may have had some defensibility when the people were god-fearing and reasonable people and thus had some degree of character that would prevent them from being tempted into the lifestyle of shamelessly dissolute degenerates.

I understand function, and I explain very thoroughly the blueprint for function, and even go so far as to explain why these methods truly function, but despite my offering of this functional musical instrument capable of reliably performing in tune and in cadence with reality, the people scorn this beautiful violin and instead choose to defend the washtub bass and the kazoo because the American ideal of the jug band is somehow profoundly more so sacred and valuable to society than legitimate function. The founders of the country understood their situation and created something that would function despite the profound lack of infrastructure and the profound lack of power to be wielded by the state, but 200 years later we are in a very different situation, and it is ridiculous to use an archaic method of governance designed to establish some form of loose order amongst a very disconnected population of largely ignorant and rustic people with very limited technology and a profound dearth of information compared to what we now wield today. If we are to govern with a 200 year old system, we may as respect the other key beliefs of the time and revert to bloodletting, seeing how George Washington himself asked for a man to cut him so that he might bleed heavily enough to cure his throat infection, and seeing how this was keen logic at the time, I would hope one might deduce that even these sacred ideals are comparably as flawed in principle as bloodletting.

 Governing a state is no less of science than medicine, and considering how we use the political contemporary of bloodletting to govern the most powerful nation on the planet, perhaps it is time to reflect upon that which we have learned over the past two hundred years and improve upon the science that has benefitted the least from the technological and intellectual advancement of the human race in those two hundred years. Sadly people don’t respect governance as a science and still treat it as some lofty debate of airs and pretentious presumptions, and on account of that we’re going to die from the political equivalent of bloodletting because we’re too damn stupid to realize that there are far more beneficial and effective alternatives.

I’m not defending any of the political revolutions of the past, as clearly they were all comparably flawed and defended comparably barbaric and ignorant principles as those of Western democracies, but we have the capability to understand these systems as a science, so even if one wants to argue with my logic, we have the capability to run countless trials in small communities in order to thoroughly test governing practices in a scientific manner rather than ensure that the governance of the nation is guided solely by the arrogance and ignorance of the loudest idiots. It is when things fail to make logical sense to me that I am painfully baffled, and this feeling is as exhausting as it is demoralizing, but despite this discomfort, I still fight, as I fear for my life, my safety, and my wellbeing, and I also see the state as some crippled degenerate that has no right competing in a niche that they have no justification existing within, seeing how I myself can understand and explain a system that is veritably and profoundly more so functional and successful governing body and accompanying society. This is without any real expertise other than a standard education of a youth and some odds and ends of information gleaned off-hand from the world around me, and that is entirely shameless when it is this simple to justifiably rebuke the state and its complementary society.” Says Stacy

“I hate to say it, but even the mention of past revolutions struck a nerve in me, a real fearful nerve, just because as legitimate as your principles and logic are, that is largely irrelevant when one understands how profoundly different the practical forms of communism are when compared to the form originally theorized. I trust you, but I don’t trust the people in the slightest. While it is true that democracy is the political equivalent of bloodletting, whether or not that is condemnable is truly a matter of perspective, as sure we have medical advances that have allowed us to forsake bloodletting, but let us not forget the true value of bloodletting. Bloodletting itself was popular because there was no cure for anything, but bloodletting functioned as a powerful placebo for any and all ills, so despite not actually doing anything, the placebo effect alone was potent enough for it to be a far more viable course of action than doing nothing, as even if the physical symptoms aren’t helped, the psychological symptoms are often helped, and seeing how that is much better than receiving no relief, despite the scientifically baseless nature of bloodletting it still provided a profound benefit to its recipients.

The same holds true for our own government and those like it, as while it is true that the government does very little to actually resolve problems, and even if it does resolve problems it usually creates just as many as it solves if not more, effectively negating the treatment, the government is still a very powerful placebo in that it cannot fail, it always appears to be working, just as bloodletting always appeared to be working, and due to this people have faith in the government, they trust the government, and this placebo effect has been more than enough to ensure that our state remains functional and unified despite countless failures and shortcomings. The government does nothing, and it simply tells the people to do everything that needs to get done, and even if the government may seem unnecessary in such a situation, the true value is in the placebo effect provided by informing the people that despite all evidence to the contrary, the democratically elected state is actively working hard to resolve problems in people’s lives and make them more successful.

 That is the beauty of the government; it can do very little yet purely by existing it can still have a profound effect in terms of easing the psychological distress felt by the people; the function of the government relies less in the actual function of the government, but more so in the potency of the mere presence of the government. As much as it does very little, clearly attempting to instate order is contrary to the universal law of entropy, and for that matter is very difficult and prone to failure, so by avoiding attempting to do that, we save the energy required and still amount to little things here and there to remind the people that the democracy still exists, and that all of their fantasies and ideals about how America is all about the people and freedom and whatnot allow them to feel both content and loyal to their state, despite having no real grounds to feel this way.

I argue in favor of this because the advantage of a placebo is that there is a much lower risk of experiencing side effects, and if you’ve ever seen a drug commercial, they will tell you that every medicine might solve your problems but it might also kill you in ten different ways, and that rate of success and risk of death is only after countless trials of countless drugs, most of which were deemed ineffective and probably killed a few people during the testing phases. Experimenting with the government in the same manner we experiment with medicine is logical, but when one understands how likely it is that we would cause problems and endanger ourselves by experimenting with unknown medicines, then it truly is a gambit as to whether or not to pursue such ends, and considering the success, or lack thereof, of all political revolutions in the past, it seems extremely rash to attempt to argue in favor of a non-placebo government when most of these experiments have failed miserably in the past; it is taking a huge risk when we could be perfectly content with the placebo.

I understand that your political vantage is scientific and logical in nature, but even still there is always a risk, as despite the fact that the political medicine you are proposing is as reliable and safe as aspirin or penicillin, the dark side of that argument is that our great nation could easily be one of the few that is profoundly allergic to these simple medicines and thus will experience anaphylaxis that could easily be fatal, as truly I know of no adrenaline injections for an entire nation. Clearly it is logical and reasonable that you would argue that the nation should simply take this penicillin and cure the syphilis and rheumatic fever that torments our country, but seeing how it is possible that the country might descend into lethal anaphylaxis, it makes one consider whether or not the risk is worth it, seeing how even if we are a politically syphilitic and rheumatic country, we are still alive, and surely that is much better than being dead. As much as I do think that it would be nice to cure the problems ailing our country, at the same time I’m thinking that it’s nice not being dead, and likely the only reason we’re not dead at this point is because by the grace of god the founding fathers decided an aggressive placebo treatment was the best form of government, and even if it may not be productive or efficient, it is certainly a very safe and reliable regimen.” Says Isabelle

“I’m sure when you compare our government to Stacy’s model, it seems like the government does next to nothing, and as much as it isn’t very proactive or efficacious it still does some things, and the things that it does are very valuable to our country. It’s not so much a placebo as clearly it was designed to accomplish things, and as much as thing are not accomplished very often, things have been accomplished multiple times over the past 200 years, where if it were simply a placebo nothing at all would ever happen. The logic behind the government is that one can’t choke a man with a loose grip, and clearly as the founding fathers were escaping the firm grip of the king when they sought to establish this country, they were far more wary of the possibility of choking a man to death, and decided that despite the fact that with a loose grip one can’t control the man and he can easily run wild and escape your grip, the fact that he will likely not be choked to death was more than enough to justify this soft handed and powerless approach.

Clearly they understood that while manifest power clearly has the ability to accomplish far greater things than powerlessness, the nature of a human being means that it is far more likely for power to simply be abused rather than used in any sort of productive manner, because clearly this is far closer to human nature to be abusive and dominant than to be intelligent and productive, so rather than create another precarious situation by foolishly giving people the benefit of the doubt, they decided that by scattering power to ensure that nobody could wield enough to accomplish much if anything, that they were preventing a profound number of abuses. As much as it is a fair point to say countless reasonable things remain unaccomplished because nobody has any power to accomplish them, the proportion of terrible things that would likely happen compared to the relatively small number of beneficial things that might happen reminds us that we were denied one thousand benefits, but we were saved from a million abuses. To me, that is more than worth it, even if as a country we are sitting around with our thumbs up our asses the vast majority of the time.” Says Grace

“The advantage of having a government that is designed to be powerless does mean that in times where nothing needs to be done, it decreases the chances that things that shouldn’t be done get done, and that has been the vast majority of the time in American history, as the state could simply let the economy do as it pleases and sit quietly in the background while the people do most of what needs to get done themselves, only doing a few things here and there to round everything out. The problem comes in a situation like today, where circumstances implicate that massive changes need to be made in order to protect the planet from the threat of climate change as we will suffer greater and greater consequences for our inaction the longer we fail to act, and this is especially dangerous due to the delayed feedback mechanism of climate change which functions much like braking a car, as we will keep moving forward even if we slam on the brakes.

It is in times like these where having a government designed to take action and rule with a heavy hand would actually be far more beneficial to our state and the world, seeing how we’re the number one source of carbon emissions, but rather than actually take action, the government defends the most shameless ideal of inaction in the face of most anything and everything, and due to this we are causing profound damage to ourselves and the world simply because the government would rather rule with a limp hand than actually force people to do something, even if that means saving the planet.

Ideals are often held as universal facts, when times like these prove that they are very conditional, and while the ideal is clearly a reasonable standard to be held to in times where nothing need to be done, defending an ideal when it is clearly dysfunctional is like somebody arguing that homeopathic medicine is the most effective treatment for cancer just because it had been so successful at treating them when they felt restless or uneasy, when clearly statistics as well as common sense argue that to put out a fire you need something like water; so as much as addressing delusory ailments with delusory medicine is a very reasonable philosophy, when real medicine is needed due to a life threatening condition, one will clearly die if one puts faith in homeopathic medicine simply because oneself has never needed anything more than a homeopathic remedy in the past. Unfortunately due to the profound increase in people dying for exactly that reason, I highly doubt the State will abandon their own philosophy of the panacean nostrum when one sees the profound rate at which homeopathic medicine is replacing real medicine at the apothecary.

Given that the people are upset with a real solution, it is certain that they will demand an agreeable solution and condemn the real solution, regardless of whether or not the agreeable solution resolves anything at all, because clearly the disagreeability of a solution is far more intolerable than whatever problem it is mean to be curing, so people would much rather suffer from a problem and take a placebo than actually resolve their problem if they have some sort of airs that causes them to condemn anything that isn’t impossibly perfect, and seeing how most people have these airs, your arguments about saving the planet are like attempting to convince one of homeopathy’s faithful to take real medicine, and you know for damn certain they will spit in your face and would much rather die than take any sort of medicine that they disagree with for any profoundly asinine reason. Unless you have some sort of all natural homeopathic solution to all of these problems facing the planet, then you’re shit out of luck because the people will fight to the death to ensure that no practical solution is ever perused given that there is a more so agreeable fantasy that can be pursued instead.” Says Jenna

“Homeopathic democracy sounds quite nice, rather than argue that I am some form of totalitarian, I am simply arguing in favor of a homeopathic democracy, a truly potentiated democracy.” Says Stacy

“We already have a homeopathic democracy seeing how some 500 congressmen for 400 million people, that’s already one million times more potent than democracy according to homeopathic standards.” Says Grace

“Yes, it is quite potent, but it is not strong enough; we are still suffering, and in order to save our nation we must increase the strength; 10 million or even 100 million times more potent than a democracy should do the trick, but clearly we will die if we don’t increase the strength of this lifesaving medicine.” Says Stacy

“The legislative bodies may be homeopathic in nature, but since the elections clearly are not, we are shooting ourselves in the foot by allowing for such a dangerously low dose of medicine. If we are going to save the country, we would need a truly homeopathic election. If we are wise enough to understand that legislation works much better at 8D, then clearly our elections must follow this same logic and function at a comparable 8D level of potentiation.” Says Isabelle

“That is truly our only hope, and even still an even more potent 9D or even 10D may be necessary to save this country, but thankfully people understand the value of homeopathy, and convincing them to support something so logical and foolproof shouldn’t be hard in the slightest.” Says Stacy

“As shameless and comically ridiculous as this is, dictators have always been popular with the people in the times of crisis when they are elected, and seeing how trying to argue that you are something called a homeopathic democrat without making an ass of yourself is entirely impossible, I would just go with the usual fire and brimstone seeing how the people can actually understand mudslinging, and that may well be the only thing they understand. Sure you might get the votes of the proponents of homeopathy, but that is a small minority when compared to the size of the population, and that rhetoric would be lost entirely on everyone else. I understand your logic that it would be reasonable to compete with the farcicality of American politics, but exacerbating something that is already problematic is likely not the best idea, and seeing how homeopathy tends to operate on the opposite logic that you purport, you would be setting yourself up for failure if that was your platform because you contradict homeopathy with all of your policies.” Says Jenna

“It’s pleasant that after a long day of serious debate we have become hopeless enough that we can crack jokes about our certain doom, but we should be getting ready for bed soon, considering that we have an early day tomorrow, but seeing how we’ve not talked about Isabelle’s insecurities yet even though everyone else had to spill their soul, clearly this is a matter of triage.” Teases Grace

“That’s funny because I figured they were so obvious that they didn’t need to be touched upon. As much as I want to be highly successful, obviously I’m both short and a woman, so the odds are stacked against me; I don’t have the ability to brazenly command authority in the manner that Stacy does, so I fear that despite my best efforts people will write me of as some cute office girl and never give me the time of day if I try to actually assert myself. The world judges on appearances, and clearly a lumbering braindead oaf will have more presence in a room than I will, so even if I have all of the credentials in the world, some man can probably walk into the room and wow the executives with his size and they will feel that clearly if somebody is to wield power it should be someone who appears powerful, and even for a woman I can hardly compete because of my size, seeing how a taller woman will always appear to be more powerful. Knowing that the odds are against my favor if I seek to make my way in the established world and climb the ladder that way, this means the only way to truly be as successful as I would like to be is to somehow accomplish this myself with little help from any established vectors, and this will be profoundly more difficult than perpetually pleasing my superiors.

I think the only reason I want to be successful and wield power is due to human nature, in that people want what they can’t have, and my whole life I’ve always been treated like a child due to my size, and when I seldom get the respect I crave, this leaves me yearning in a profound way. Perhaps this is all petty teenage insecurity, and the world isn’t as opposed to my success as I believe it to be, but lacking the natural size to give me a greater degree of natural confidence is clearly one of the definitive insecurities of my life. I don’t care about my looks so much, I get compliments here and there and that’s more than enough for me, I don’t validate myself with the opinions of others, at least not nearly as much as I do through my own perception of my validity as measured by my success, and seeing how success has been little more than a fantasy to me at this point, I have this wary emptiness inside of me that I seek to console, but when I think about how I might do this I constantly run into doubts, most of which come from my size alone unfortunately, as even among women I can’t compete, so even the insecurities of womanhood are entirely overshadowed as I am inadequate even when compared to other women. Thankfully I’m a fighter, not so much as Stacy, but I am willing to fight for what I want, so as much as I have plenty of will to scratch and claw my way to the top, just because I’m willing to fight doesn’t mean I have a chance in hell of winning those fights. I’m not disheartened about this, just wary and smug, so I’ll gladly take a challenge and that will just make it all the more satisfying when I finally make something of myself.” Says Isabelle

“Seeing how you already made your own business sort of, or whatever that is, that’s more than most anybody can say about their success, even plenty of adults. I think the fighting spirit is all that really matters, seeing how I’m more of a docile girl and I’m sure I wouldn’t be anywhere near as successful as you could be in a business environment. That’s the whole thing; as much as I might be bigger than you, I’m rather meek, so as much as you might feel like taller women might impose themselves upon you, I doubt many of them will because regardless of their size most women will be meek in that sort of environment just because it’s kind of human nature for girls to be that way. Just because they have the size that might command some respect doesn’t mean that they have any willpower or confidence to do this, clearly I don’t, so I’m sure that while you might be smaller than the other women in the workforce, seeing how very few of them will actually have the zeal to go compete for promotions, your competition is much smaller than you think. I’m sure that your size doesn’t even matter, because a good employer would be looking for things like zeal and work related skills, because they understand that actually getting the job done is way more important than looking like you get the job done.” Says Ophelia

“Ophelia is right, and I would say that being smaller is even an advantage because it gives you the proper mentality that if you want to compete in the workforce you will have to fight against all odds. The whole stereotype of the lumbering oaf exists because bigger people will naturally have less insecurities, and the bigger they are the more they can rely on their size to gain influence, and having relied upon this illegitimate method for their entire lives, when they are in a situation that they must gain influence through merit as opposed to simply wielding a commanding presence, they are at a loss and are far less capable of doing so simply because they’ve relied upon their size for their entire lives and failed to thoroughly develop the skills needed to gain influence though merit, if they have any of those skills at all.

If you are seeking to win somebody over, as a smaller girl you are forced to come up with legitimate ways to do this, where a tall person would likely rely heavily on their size to drive their point home, and while that might work to some degree, clearly the more demanding and legitimate a job becomes, the less useful that trait becomes because size is irrelevant next to merit. Of course you will have your work cut out for you, as I’m sure there are other women who seek to compete in the workforce, but Ophelia is right in that women will be less so predisposed to competing in such a way, and given that businesses are encouraged to promote women to higher management, that means your womanhood becomes a natural advantage, because if you’re fairly indistinguishable from a male competitor, the executives could see fit to hire you instead simply because you are a woman and they feel obligated to have more women in such positions due to how rare they are.” Says Jenna

“The key is to understand that all sane people will have the same level of anxiety and insecurity; sure an anxious or paranoid person may have a naturally higher level and a manic person would have a lower level, but those are the rare exceptions from the norm. As much as you might be insecure about your size, understand that all girls will be equally insecure, but they will just source this same anxiety from different sources, say their looks, or their weight, so you’re no different than anybody else. To be quite fair, the lack of an intimidating form is easily a great boon to your success, because as much as you might think it would be advantageous to dominate people with your presence, this is the exact thing that prevents women from advancing in the workplace. The men in charge feel intimidated and threatened by the women, as they always will, so anything that might reduce this natural feeling of intimidation induced by seeing someone that can be physically perceived as a legitimate threat works to your advantage.

You might be seen as a cute harmless girl, but that’s extremely beneficial because a man would feel much more comfortable giving you a position of power simply because he feels less threatened by the thought of you holding this, and this is not to say that you would be any less powerful, but the instincts in a man’s mind, as well as a woman’s for that matter, would see you as less of a physical threat, and this instinct is profoundly influential, even in an environment like an office where physical threats are functionally irrelevant, but despite this fact, human instinct still overpowers logic in that matter, so women perceived to be threats are more so prone to being denied positions of power solely because those who grant them feel threatened. There are some men who might like a dominant woman, but those who hold power in businesses don’t tend to be that type of man, they like to feel dominant, so when you appear to be someone who can easily be dominated due to your size, these men will feel much more comfortable around you and even feel better about themselves on account of their perception that they can dominate you. As valuable as it is to ensure that you are perceived as a valuable and influential person, it is just as valuable to ensure that those above you also feel valuable and influential, because when their ego is stroked, you benefit, and when their ego is threatened, you suffer. The world is as much if not more about ego as it is anything else, and considering your symbiotic effect on the egos of others, as long as you play that to your advantage you will have no problems being a successful albeit underestimated individual in the workforce.” Says Stacy

“As much as there are countless nobler pursuits than becoming some sort of executive, considering all of the unsavory things that corporations are known to do, I can almost respect your ambition seeing how having more influential women in the business world would be beneficial as this creates role models for girls thinking about that sort of career; even though I don’t see it as empowerment as much as I see it as stooping to the level of terrible men, which is a necessary evil I suppose if you want to be successful, but if women eventually gain equal representation in such positions of power, I feel that it would shatter my delusion that women would somehow refrain from doing the terrible exploitative and destructive things that executives pride themselves upon.

Stacy throws the word delusion around so much that I’m always wary about my fantasies, and seeing women as some noble force for good in the world is probably a crock of shit unfortunately, seeing how I doubt they would be any more responsible, and in the end their just indignant neuters as Stacy would likely put it, seeing how they would behave no differently than men in those positions. I suppose I’m just being narcissistic and egotistical thinking that girls can somehow save the world from evil men, or even that if girls gained that power they would be different from the men in any way, but seeing how everyone naturally likes to think highly of themselves and their own people while thinking much less of others I’ll probably keep thinking that way. I’m almost ashamed of my ambivalence, as it’s pessimism telling me that men will always keep you down, while at the same time feeling inspired by your desire to take charge of your life and possibly some aspects of the world around you, especially since your ambitions are actually somewhat realistic, at least far more possible than Stacy’s grandiose plan for her future. As much as I would criticize your plans for becoming some CEO as a pipe dream, after listening to Stacy for so long, my mind sees the fact that it is actually possible and this just gets interpreted as extremely plausible despite the fact that the odds aren’t exactly in your favor, that being said, I can at least understand your motivation to chase such things, where so far as Stacy is concerned I am at a complete loss as to what is this profound inspiration to ramble on about the things she does, seeing how her desires are exponentially less probable than even your dream of becoming one of the most powerful women in the business world.” Says Grace

“The best way I can explain my motivation comes from the Bible. There is a point in Jesus’ life when he walks into a synagogue and finds people selling animals and changing money, and this strikes him as so profoundly wrong and upsetting that he starts flipping tables and chasing people with a whip. That is basically how I feel. I walk into this world, expecting an animal capable of profound intelligence to operate certain aspects of their society in certain ways, and what society does is so far from what they are supposed to do that this provokes profound rage and vexation within me, and as much as one might write this off upon my choler, I clearly have a profound and unquestionable basis for this fury, and due to the fact that I know for certain that I am right, I simply cannot help but lash this society and it’s people with the fury of Jesus, as much as in my womanhood I am meek enough to refrain from actually flipping tables and running around whipping people and instead resort to scathing criticism. Even Jesus, the most godly man to ever exist could not refrain from acting this way, and as much as it may seem wrathful, it is clearly the most godly action one can take, as anything less would be succumbing to the sin of sloth, and it is easily understood that imposing the will of god is never wrath, it is simple pietas, despite the fact that apostates, heretics, and blasphemers may be harmed or even killed in the process.” Says Stacy

“Your perception of meekness is a bit quaint, but I can’t condemn you for being more reverent to the Latin definition of dutifulness rather than emulating the modern interpretation of piety, considering that it is the product of two millennia of convolution from what it likely once meant. I’m already yawning and the last thing I want is to see Stacy start flipping tables, so perhaps it might be time to start getting ready for bed.” Says Jenna

“I’m sure we’re all in agreement about that, it’s been a long day, I’m beat.” Says Isabelle, getting up, the girls start to head upstairs

“I can understand the indifference of the common man to the fate of the world as well as their own fate, I’m so tired I couldn’t care less at this point, the only thing going through my mind is the fantasy of sleep. Seeing how they likely feel that way after a day’s work, it’s hard to expect them to find any motivation to put forth effort they likely don’t have.  That likely means the only ones with energy to be upset and indignant are the work shy who have nothing better to do, and considering that those people claim to be the voice of the people, clearly the legitimate people are to exhausted indifferent to actually rebuke them and this results in the voice of the people being defined by the profoundly delusional work shy idiots and the working man just goes along with it because he has neither the time nor energy to argue with people who have devoted their meaningless lives to vociferous delusional indignation.” Says Stacy, as the girls enter Isabelle’s room





“Grace can go fetch some nightgowns for you two, Stacy you can take one of mine. You girls can fight over the first shower; I’m far more tempted by a little catnap in the meantime.” Says Isabelle, laying down on her bed, Jenna sitting in a desk chair, Stacy at the foot of the bed, and the two cozy on the petite loveseat

“I can make do without, you girls have at it.” Says Stacy

“Stacy is taking the first shower.” Says Jenna

“I took a bath yesterday; every other day is the European way, and what can I say, I’m European.” Says Stacy

“I have to sleep next to you and I don’t want to smell you all night, so you’re taking a shower.” Says Jenna

“I’ve always found my smell delightful, but I doubt I can win this argument. I’ll take my lashes just so I can climb into bed that much quicker.” Says Stacy, taking a nightgown out of Isabelle closet “I’m just saying don’t see any difference seeing how my clothes are already dirty.” Says Stacy

“Thankfully you don’t sleep in your clothes, so that point is moot. Even if you keep your panties on that’s still only 3% of you that’s dirty and I’ll take that over 100% any day of the week.” Says Jenna

“I feel like a second class citizen when you’re willing to tolerate dirty clothes but not a dirty Stacy.” Says Stacy

“Clothes don’t have exocrine glands, so as much as you’d like equal treatment you’re comparing apples and oranges really. Clothes might absorb a small fraction of your sweat, but the majority of it is caked onto your body as it evaporates. If I smell your clothes right now and compare them to your body, I can guarantee who the winner of that malodor contest will be.” Says Jenna

“You don’t want my sweet pheromones to lull you into a comfortable sleep?” asks Stacy

“Gross, no. Besides, if you actually did secrete pheromones then it would make me less able to sleep because of the instinctive tensions induced by reproductive competition. If you think your smell is somehow an attractive pheromone, I would argue that your bloodline is doomed.” Says Jenna

“You only feel that way because you’re a woman; I’m sure a man would enjoy it, clearly the pheromones are working because your so on edge and threatened by Stacy’s scent.” Jokes Isabelle

“Go. Now.” Says Jenna

“Fine. Your loss.” Says Stacy, walking out the door



“Goodness gracious.” Says Jenna

“Stacy doesn’t really smell bad; I don’t know why you always tell her she does.” Says Ophelia

“I just want her to wash, and if you let her she will go days without washing or changing her clothes, and I don’t want that to happen. She may not smell bad now, but having smelled her after a week without a shower, she can get quite pungent.” Says Jenna

“I’ve always liked it, kind of smells like garlic or onions.” Says Ophelia

“Please don’t remind her you think that, she would never wash again. Even then I wouldn’t want to smell her body garlic all night.” Says Jenna

“I’ve smelled plenty of people that actually smell bad, so you’re lucky Stacy isn’t one of them.” Says Isabelle

“That is probably only due to the diligence of her sister which I am eternally grateful for. Still, I’m right there with Stacy; after such a long day my brain has all but turned off entirely. That girl can go on forever.” Says Jenna

“I always hear about Stacy’s sister, I’ve never met her though; I’m sure she’s a character.” Says Isabelle

“Not in the slightest, Stella is like the opposite of Stacy, super normal, fairly quiet most of the time, reasonable, intelligent, hardworking;  it’s amazing how Stacy has developed none of those traits despite the endless efforts of her sister to help her be a reasonable person. It’s almost like she behaves this was just to spite her sister, knowing that if she acted like a normal person her sister might actually be happy with her for once.” Says Jenna

“Sounds like sisters to me.” Jokes Isabelle

“I’m sure Stella is happy with Stacy; sure Stacy has her quirks but we love her for it anyways. Just because they get in each other’s hair sometimes doesn’t mean anything, it’s just what sisters do.” Says Ophelia

“I just feel bad for Stella always having to work so hard just to get Stacy to do reasonable things, it’s almost like Stella was forced to become an adult just because Stacy was so reluctant to do so. It’s sad seeing her devote her life to taking care of herself and her sister, it’s almost like she was robbed of a childhood seeing how she spends so much time keeping that house together.” Says Jenna

“She always tells me she likes doing that sort of thing more than seeing her friends, so maybe it’s just a blessing in disguise, seeing how Stella is a motherly girl and actually enjoys cooking and taking care of Stacy and helping out around the house. Hopefully Stacy can mature to the point where she can enjoy that sort of thing too, but who knows, maybe she’ll be a bubbly little girl forever.” Says Ophelia

“I don’t know if Stacy is a bubbly little girl, she’s got the mind of some kind of odd half-machine half human that is hundreds or years old, or at least it seems that way. I’ve never met somebody who thinks like that.” Says Grace

“She just likes to play pretend and talk with in her big lofty manner; I think it’s cute, but that is still something little girls want to do, pretending to be princesses and things like that.” Says Ophelia

“Stacy is quite the princess.” Jokes Isabelle

“As lofty as her talk is, Stacy is actually pretty childish unfortunately, reluctant to do schoolwork and more than happy to let Stella take care of the chores around the house; I’m sure I wouldn’t trust Stacy to cook or shop, but she could at least make an effort to wash clothes or something just to help out her sister. If Stacy doesn’t grow up I fear that Stella might be taking care of her forever, and as much as Stella is an introvert and wouldn’t mind that, I think she might be able to discover something more about herself if she actually went out into the world.” Says Jenna

“Do they live by themselves or something?” asks Grace

“Sort of, her mom is gone and her dad is rather crippled, so most of the work falls upon the girls, and unfortunately that means most of it falls upon Stella.” Says Jenna

“I think it’s not that bad, Stella always tells me it’s like a blessing really, because she gets to cook what she likes, and beyond that, she says there’s no greater pleasure than having clean clothes, so she takes joy even in doing the wash. They are kind of opposites; Stacy loves being dirty and it always made Stella feel insecure when they were little, so Stella just took it upon herself to learn how to do these things and I think that’s why it makes her happy, it’s fulfilling knowing that your hard work pays off. As childish as Stacy may be, she truly is grateful for the things Stella does, especially the cooking which is very good.” Says Ophelia

“If it weren’t for Stella, Stacy would still be eating tuna fish sandwiches and those nutrition bars they give to disabled people. Stella truly is an angel, and it is so touching to see how much she cares about her sister, especially when Stacy is more than happy to disregard herself entirely and descend into fantasy and delusion, which is unfortunate as that part of her has only gotten worse as she has gotten older.” Says Jenna

“At least she’s good at putting it into words; as much as it might be delusional, it’s still impressive considering how plausible and seemingly factual most of her ideas are.” Says Isabelle

“Do you ever think that Stacy might need some kind of mental help? She is rather odd, in regards to her speech, and as much as that bout yesterday was a matter of necessity, which she won handedly, thank goodness, but seeing a girl that small pick a fight with a man that size doesn’t seem like something a sane person would do. I wouldn’t tell her this personally, but you two know her much better than I do.” Says Grace

“As much as it may seem odd, she’s terribly sane, and that’s perhaps what’s quaint about it. A sane human is very prone to savagery as well as harboring a very adamant desire to dominate anything and everything, so as much as that is not the norm, the norm is hardly sane, as society would rather have placated eunuchs in place of people, going so far as to chemically lobotomize people who act out of line with the standard of the meek and easily oppressed slave-caste that has been created through many generations of culling and destroying those who are not as easily imposed upon. The nature of being merrily complicit in one’s own exploitation and near-slavery is far closer to insanity, doing exactly what those who oneself is subordinate to wants you to do, as truly this is far closer to a disregard for one’s health and wellbeing than Stacy’s mentality, especially when it involves succumbing to vice and being crippled on account of this as is so common in most every American’s life.

Stacy is well below the threshold for legitimate insanity, as much as she may not quite fit the nouveau standard of sanity defined only by one’s level of placation, subordinance, and meek pacifism, society has redefined sanity to fit their own ulterior motives, and this is plain as day when a person that is clearly delusional, such as a man who thinks he is a woman, is no longer deemed delusional simply because the pharmaceutical industry can peddle him expensive hormones for the rest of his life and make far more money than if they prescribed him much less expensive antipsychotics. As Stacy’s delusions of grandeur are actually physically possible, by using transgenderism as the standard of what is or is not delusion, then clearly she is not delusional in the slightest, only ambitious, and that is what it is so far as I’m concerned.

Unfortunately her disposition may get her killed, not from any form of psychosis but rather from rebuke by the establishment, but I’m sure Stacy would much rather die a martyr than be chemically lobotomized, and I can’t blame her for that. Some of aspects of Stacy’s philosophy may be mentally ill, but this only appears to be the case because they conflict with the philosophy that is indoctrinated into us as youth, and as trite as it may be, Stacy is veritably correct when reminding us time and time again that Idealism and Humanism are measurably and diagnosably profound levels of delusional thinking, and hers is clearly the rational and correct form, but Humanism and Idealism have simply received the same treatment 200 years ago that transgenderism receives today, so if you attempt to criticize this mass delusion then you are the one who will always seem delusional, and for that reason people will tranquilize you just for attempting to bring their feeble minds to lucidity despite the profound futility of that course of action.

It is reckless to call the people in power above you out for their shortcomings and mistakes, despite how legitimate your criticisms are, especially when they are not in any position where it would be politically correct to criticize them such as a politician but are rather are unquestionably defended by the popular opinion of masses, so clear she is picking a fight with somebody far larger than herself, but judging by how she handled herself yesterday, I figure she can take care of herself, seeing how she only took that fight because she knew she would likely win, and I’m somewhat confident she won’t pick a fight with somebody that she doesn’t know she can win.” Says Jenna

“How did she know she would win that fight?” asks Grace

“You can look into somebody’s eyes and see their will to live, their will to fight, as well as using the more obvious physical characteristics to gauge a threat. That man was nervous even just talking to a girl like Ophelia, so clearly when faced with a real threat his mind would likely resort to flight rather than fight, as this is his natural tendency. If he had been more assertive and aggressive, there would likely be a different outcome, but thankfully Stacy’s size and sex makes people think twice about fighting her, and clearly that was the case yesterday, as even if that man could fight he was just so dumbfounded by the thought of fighting such a small girl that he hesitated, and that was enough for Stacy to take the upper hand.” Says Jenna

“It should be common sense that thinking human life is somehow inherently valuable, meaningful, or even sacred is a profound level of delusion, so clearly Stacy is not the insane one here, as unfortunate as that might be for one of the few sane people trapped in this madhouse of a planet. That being said, when you put it like that, Jenna, you make me think that fighting was not exactly necessary there.” Says Isabelle

“It is a matter of debate, or more so philosophy, as unfortunately that man would not listen to verbal rebuke as humans seldom do, as this is the common type of conditioning and people develop a tolerance to such conditioning to the point where it fails to accomplish much or even anything; we could have walked away, but he likely might have continued to pursue us, so understanding this much, Stacy felt it was necessary to resort to physical conditioning against those behaviors, seeing how such conditioning is starkly absent in the lives of most people, and for that reason it remains a very powerful tool to condition them, as they have not built up much if any tolerance to such conditioning.” Says Jenna

“You’re sounding like Stacy, it’s kind of funny.” Says Isabelle

“I just know how she thinks, so it’s less of my own personal opinion and more of my reiterating her philosophy.” Says Jenna

“That guy shouldn’t be doing anything like that, so clearly it was necessary; if he didn’t learn his lesson he would likely keep trying to catcall other women on the street until he found one that he could manipulate to his liking, and seeing how he had a taste for girls that are far too young for a man of his age to even consider approaching, he was a terrible person who deserved nothing less than what he got.” Says Grace

“He clearly knew what he was doing and he was very good at it, because I didn’t even think that he was trying to manipulate me; I just thought he was very nice, so it’s actually good that you girls know better than I do, seeing how all sorts of terrible things might have happened to me if you weren’t there for me.” Says Ophelia

“Thankfully none of us got hurt, and that’s what’s important. I’ll go fetch you girls some nightgowns, I figure Stacy will be back any minute.” Says Grace, leaving the room


“I’m surprised she isn’t back already.” Says Ophelia

“She knows I would send her right back if she wasn’t clean.” Says Jenna

“As intelligent as Stacy is, it’s impressive that she hasn’t given up hope entirely. Those who usually want to change the world are the most incompetent asshats imaginable and only pursue such things due to their profound ignorance; even the rare competent ones are still asshats with their sanctimonious narcissism thinking they’re some kind of saints because they can complain about something. It’s a damn shame that Stacy actually understands how to save the world but people will condemn her for failing to approach the topic in the usual form of preaching something even more profoundly delusional and impossible than whatever had come before it.

I can hardly tolerate the common people, and I’m nowhere near as intelligent as Stacy, so she must have some divine tolerance or something to so thoroughly understand the countless flaws of people and not just want to put them in the ground; I don’t have hope for the human race, certainly not at this rate, considering how shameless and asinine if not entirely insane the pursuits of the common man are. I’d honestly just be a hermit and pray to god everyday asking him to exterminate the human race, clearly she’s got to fight off an entire hell full of damnable people, and somehow she finds that daunting task motivational rather than soul crushing, and I respect her for that.” Says Isabelle

“That’s why they call it blind ambition; you’re unfazed even if you stare death in the eyes because you can’t see a damn thing. I’m sure the way Stacy sees it, death isn’t growling in her face, she’s growling in death’s face.” Says Jenna

“It serves her well, as we’re not herbivores we must stare death in the face and fight for our lives, any without that instinct truly represent the level of devolution that is rife in society, but I suppose that can’t be helped considering how the West killed the majority of those with proper instincts in the world wars and left the degenerates to reproduce and repopulate the country. Two successive catastrophic devolutionary selective events in a row like that may simply have been too much for the West to cope with, and we’re just experiencing the long decline before our inevitable death on account of our folly.” Says Isabelle

“I was reaching for sleep, but at the same time I could enjoy some banter about the folly and inevitable death of the West; that real heartwarming discourse reminding you that natural selection still works to this day and that the devolution of a people will lead to their extinction, as unnaturally prolonged and shameless as it may be due to the eunuchation of the world with the advent of nuclear weapons. Seeing how they’re willing to kill themselves so readily, this only makes it easier for a competitor to reap the bounty sown by devolutionary unnatural selection in the West.” Says Stacy, sitting back down on the bed




“I’m back, take your pick girls.” Says Grace, giving the each of the girls a nightgown

“I hope I didn’t miss any exhilarating topics that may have earned you girls another endless rant or two, it would be a shame to miss that just to get wet for a few minutes” Says Stacy

“Nothing in particular, mostly just some reflective awe of your intellect and brazen confidence, an anecdote about how profoundly sane you are in comparison to the world, notably humanists, idealists, and transgender people.” says Isabelle

“I regret taking that shower now; I would have loved those topics.” Says Stacy

“I still doubt those things are actually insanity, seeing how basically the entire world agrees with idealism and humanism, and even if gender dysphoria is a mental illness, which is highly debatable, it should still be treated like any other condition with proper medication to alleviate the suffering of the individual.” Says Grace

“Clearly there has seldom if ever been a profoundly insane person who thought that they were anything but the pinnacle of sanity in their natural state, and it is usually only through chemical lucidation and therapy that there is any chance that they could understand that their symptoms and delusions were not entirely sane and correct, and even in such cases often times people refuse to believe the fact that their delusions are in any way contrary to reality. It may seem like silly tautology to argue that a collective of insane people each with the same mental illness will never think of themselves as insane, but this is unfortunately true, so this clearly describes the state of the idealists and humanists in the world who are indoctrinated to believe that this exaggerated form of the natural human instinct of egotism is unquestionably truth despite having no grounds to argue this, save for the fact that all humans tend to share this delusion.

As for transgender people, it can’t be argued that gender dysphoria is any less so delusion that regal dysphoria where a delusional man is upset that he is not the king when he baselessly feels that he really is the king. That being said, why it is being accepted as if it is not a mental illness is up for debate, clearly there is the path of least resistance where if you just argue that this mental illness is sanity then you don’t have to attempt to condition the person against their delusion, and this avoids pursuing a task that may easily be futile; there is the capitalistic argument that people would rather sell something and make a lot of money and thus disregard any ethical concerns of coddling and exacerbating a mental illness; and then there is the godly state argument, that is the most irrational because it implies an organized and functional system of social architecture, but that argument asserts that transgenderism is worshiped by the media because the state seeks to sterilize the homosexuals, and as they cannot actually do this legally, they must convince the homosexuals to sterilize themselves, now even targeting children, coddling their fantasies and delusions, then convincing them to sterilize themselves due to gender dysphoria. Seeing how the argument that ‘it’s just nice and it’s the right thing to do’ has never explained anything in human history and never will, the true reason as to why transgenderism is coddled is likely a combination of the previous three arguments.” Says Stacy

“Seeing how transgender people are even more likely to commit suicide than gays, it doesn’t really seem to be helping their mental health, so as much as it seems respectful, if it’s not actually helping a lot of people, I don’t know if that is the right course of action. I think Stacy is giving people a bit more credit than they deserve, and I would just write it off as the natural progression of the unnatural exacerbation of perversion of the people that occurs in a godless society.” Says Jenna

“Even that is pretty cynical, and even if there is a higher rate of suicide, that is likely only due to the fact that all of their suicides were never statistically recorded as such before recently, so countless suicides of gay people were probably caused by gender dysphoria, it just wasn’t recorded as such and was grouped in with the rest of the gays. As much as you can argue that it is delusional, the fact that Stacy groups it in with humanism and idealism really just speaks to the fact about how it is probably sane for a person to feel that way, it’s just people wanting something, like human rights, an ideal society, or to be the people they want to be, so that’s perfectly natural, and it’s only a subject of debate because of how new the subject of transitioning is, and just because it’s new or controversial doesn’t mean it’s wrong; you always reference the reaction to heliocentrism to justify outrage to your own arguments, and I feel that comparison is just as appropriate in regards to the topic of transgenderism.” Says Grace

“Stacy uses that as a reference to being upset with scientific fact; the only reason that argument is justified is because the fact cannot be debated. Trying to use that argument about something related to opinion is not a valid comparison at all, and seeing how sanity is entirely relative and a matter of opinionated public consensus, there’s no real ability to argue that there is any similarity between the two. You can compare it to something like the women’s rights movement, as that’s an opinion that is always and will always be up for debate, and due to this naturally being an opinion, despite the way one feels about it, there is no measurable, countable, scientifically provable evidence that informs us what is right and wrong; right and wrong in that situation are solely determined by an opinion, regardless of how broad and fervent the consensus on said opinion is.” Says Isabelle

“That’s a fair point; as much as I know that gravity exists and I can’t argue with that, even things like women’s rights are not as clear to me, just because I am ambivalent and confused about the topic, as I have contradicting opinions that I have to balance and somehow pick one side when I really can’t, so I would just say I don’t know if somebody asked me or even just say I don’t care, because basically it’s people asking you to pick a color out of all 16 million colors and somehow argue that you picked the right color. How am I supposed to know what’s right or wrong when even Christians disagree with each other and feminists also disagree with each other? It seems pointless to have an opinion when everyone disagrees with everyone, especially when I don’t particularly care, seeing how the only thing that tends to be agreed upon is the fact that women have children and that’s the only important part to me. It’s nothing like gravity where everyone can just agree, so until it becomes something like that I’d rather just keep my head out of the situation.” Says Ophelia

“Every argument has pros and cons, and even if it were possible to weigh them scientifically and compare them to find out what the best option was, that fact would still be up for debate because people would value certain weights more than others; clearly Stacy seeks to minimize problems, maximize success and optimize reproduction, but those are her opinions that people will clearly disagree with if they would rather maximize freedom and optimize economic opportunity for example which is a far more common sentiment. It’s like asking somebody to choose their favorite flavor of ice cream, but somehow people convolute this type of topic as if it is a matter of fact rather than opinion and then inflict sanctimonious wrath upon one another; clearly Stacy’s opinions are much closer to fact as they have a rational and scientific basis, but even that is irrelevant when the agreeability of an argument easily overpowers legitimacy any day of the week, despite however fallacious or nonsensical this agreeable fantasy happens to be.” Says Jenna

“I just don’t want to disagree with somebody, especially when I don’t know what I’m talking about. Even if I feel a certain way that doesn’t mean anything; just because somebody wants ice cream doesn’t mean they should eat ice cream, and one can even think of it like drugs; people are arguing their opinions because when their opinions are respected over someone else’s it feels like getting high on drugs, so maybe opinions are just bad all together and we should get rid of them and try to use things like facts and science instead, so nobody can just say random things and be just as right as the next person saying random things.

As much as people can disagree with Stacy, I think that creating a society where people are expected not to have opinions would be better, seeing how people raise Cain all day because of their opinions, and the only way to do that is force people to understand that facts are more legitimate than opinions so the opinions are irrelevant, but in order to do that we need the facts unfortunately. Seeing how what I want is clearly different than what other people want, if I vote and ask to get what I want, I’m denying people to get what they want, and even if I think I’m right, it’s still wrong to deny people what they want. The only way to get rid of that stupid system is to make everything determined by proven science instead of what people want so nobody can be any more upset with their life than they are about gravity or sunshine, but then nobody would want to live in that society, so I don’t know, it’s all too confusing for me. I just want a simple life without any of this nonsense.” Says Ophelia

“Opinions are awful; I’d get rid of them too. Terrorists feel just as right and justified in their beliefs and actions as feminists, so to defend any group basing their action off of opinions is doing nothing more than defending terrorists or otherwise defending terrorists and being a blatant hypocrite about it. Show me the facts, the numbers, the science, and I’ll respect that point of view; otherwise any sort of opinionated arguments are no different from terrorism in my book.” Says Isabelle

“We can’t have the numbers without having countless time consuming trials to test each argued philosophy in a scientific manner, so until then all we can do is theorize, and in such a case the best solution is to design experiments with the least ability to create problems, as the uncontrolled experiment of industrialization clearly has resulted in catastrophic climate change, so doing that sort of thing with society is reckless, even though it has been happening since the Reformation unfortunately, and clearly we are paying the price with the exponential increases in degeneracy that ensued. That being said, there is no reason to continue down this path when we can see the plight such freedom and godlessness has brought to the common man, so another uncontrolled experiment may be our best option, as otherwise the vices and antisocial behavior will likely exacerbate even further and continue to wreak havoc within society.

I don’t know why I am even talking right now; there are no means to the end I describe, so I’m clearly wasting my breath, the planet is doomed, the people are doomed, there is likely no cure for either of these terminal illnesses, so I’ve got to be reasonable and just write these things off and if anyone asks me about any opinion, I’ll just say something to the extent of ‘good effort’ or ‘at least you tried’ and call it a day. I’m already exhausted thinking about it, and clearly I’m not going to put forth any effort to civilize and educate billions of degenerates out of some foolish delusion that the people or the planet can be saved; it’s a tragedy, but I can’t complain because at the end of the day it is simply justice, natural secular justice, and that is perfectly acceptable in my book. I’m going to shower, that’s enough of this for me.” Says Jenna, getting up to shower

“Wait, Jenna, there is no need to be upset. When you see the funny home video show about all of the people hurting themselves in stupid ways, I’m sure you don’t feel upset that the person gets hurt, you just laugh like everyone else. It’s almost comically delightful that the human race has managed to be so stupid as to constantly harm and hinder itself, and it shouldn’t be too hard to enjoy some quality slapstick even if the world is on fire, and that’s all the state of the world amounts to at the end of the day. The human race is extremely stupid, but by the grace of god we can enjoy the painful results of other people’s stupidity as long as we’re not to blame, so seeing how we’re all inculpable in the matter, it shouldn’t be too hard to get some laughs as despite the fact that our world is doomed, it is due to incompetence similar to a grown man standing behind a child swinging a baseball bat at groin level or watching the chaos that ensues after a fat child attempts to jump or do something athletic. It may be wrong to laugh at the misfortune of others, but when they brought upon themselves then it is hard to argue they are worthy of sympathy more than criticism and mockery for their stupidity.

If we’re going to die, at least it’s not tragic and heartbreaking, it’s just by some farcical slapstick that resulted from giving a gaggle of idiots the power to do move mountains, enslave fire and lightning, and do whatever they want, regardless of the fact that these idiots are very prone to hurting themselves out of their own stupidity without any sort of mind boggling technology to assist them in painfully and often humorously exemplifying their stupidity. Come to think of it, that probably explains a lot, perhaps god just wanted a hilarious farcical slapstick routine and decided to make humans; he could tolerate the destruction of a planet because there are countless planets out there, and it is fair to say that the laughter from idiots hurting themselves is more valuable to an omniscient entity than a planet, seeing how little humor one might find throughout the universe, even on a planet with intelligent life considering that humanity is likely in the 1st octile of intelligence amongst technically intelligent species.” Says Stacy

“I’ll keep that in mind, it would be nice to be as apathetic and callous as you so I could appreciate the humor of the situation despite the tragedy, but as farcical as it is, I still find it somewhat tragic, less so however, now that you made me think about it like that. I’ve never been one to laugh at other’s misfortune, but considering the baffling level of idiocy that resulted in repercussions that will soon destroy the planet, I should see this situation as more of a farce than a tragedy, especially considering that most all people are complicit in this destruction, by choice or not, as they could still fight to the death if they truly cared, if they truly were innocent, as every human is inherently culpable to some extent for the fate the world, and only animals can truly be innocent and free from blame, but sadly no, and for the reason of sanctimonious human egotism, this poor planet is doomed. Oh well, at least god got plenty of hearty laughs from the whole ordeal of human existence. That’s a nice thought; I hate to be the butt of a joke, but considering my species I really don’t have a choice at this point, and if that is god’s will, so be it, I can’t criticize god. I’m going to shower and try to grimace in reverence to the wry humor of god.” Says Jenna, leaving the room




“I don’t think that the occasional humorous bit of slapstick can really outweigh the fact that billions of people are suffering in god’s mind. That doesn’t make any sense to me.” Says Grace

“Everything is always suffering; god is clearly fine and dandy with the fact that living is suffering; he created animals that literally eat each other alive and found no qualms with that in the slightest. God doesn’t tend to be merciful or sympathetic; clearly one becomes desensitized to suffering the more one is forced to acknowledge it, and considering the fact that god is omniscient, there are no grounds to argue that he feels any significant amount of sympathy for anything. God tends to criticize things and assert his authority and correctness, and seldom has he ever sympathized with somebody, usually just offering stern rebuke and subsequently killing whoever he damn well pleases. He is far more bothered by people being irreverent than he is by suffering, so as much as it might seem inhuman not to sympathize with suffering, it is clear that any human forced to palpably acknowledge the profound amount of suffering across the planet in an omniscient manner would quickly become desensitized and indifferent to it, and considering that god has been watching animals kill each other for hundreds of millions of years, I don’t see how he could possibly sympathize with an animal that brings their own suffering upon themselves.

 God likes to be respected, he hates folly, but he is indifferent to suffering, and that is plain as day, it is only through human egotism that people sympathize with suffering beyond any extent that is beneficial to our own survival; humans overvalue themselves and that directly results in profound levels of sympathy for one another, along with some instinctive sympathy induced by the promise of mutualistic survival resulting in this trait being selected via natural selection. God never needed this mutualistic survival to cull his mind and create this instinct, so clearly he isn’t going to have those feelings naturally; judging by the universe, god revels in correctness and infallibility, and that is all he tends to argue for in the bible, so as much as people might think of god as some sympathetic force, he tends to just be a staunch proponent of infallible correctness and an antagonist of folly.

Man was made in god’s image; we can separate the godlike traits and the human traits based upon their sources, and as sympathy was an evolutionary trait induced by necessity, that can be separated from less clearly sourced traits, one of which is clearly finding humor in situations where stupid people hurt themselves out of their own stupidity, although that can also arguably be attributed to natural selection because those who survived did so because they watched the idiots kill themselves time and time again, but natural aversion would be a more logical development than finding such things humorous. Perhaps we were simply that delighted by our own survival as well as the refinement of the gene pool, but the benefit of finding such situations to be humorous seems very small to warrant that trait being inherent in most every human.” Says Stacy

“That is an oddly reasonable argument for the existence of god, and it’s making me think that laughing at idiots is somehow sharing a laugh with god himself, which is a far more heartwarming thought than most musing I’ve done about the existence of god.” Says Isabelle

“Stacy’s argument does make a lot of sense; seeing how regardless of what happens, it is guaranteed to be the will of God, so knowing that our planet might be destroyed by humans, maybe God really did make them just so he can be entertained, because there has to be a reason and destroying a planet doesn’t really seem like a good one unless we somehow managed to serve as an example that aliens can learn from to help other planets avoid the same fate, but that seems like a stretch.” Says Ophelia

“Maybe we’re just meant to save the world; if we do manage to do that, we will have plenty of horror stories to warn future generations with to ensure that they don’t make the same mistakes, especially since things are guaranteed to get much worse than they are now. Everyone just likes to pretend that everything is fine, and despite the fact that scientist inform us that our situation is like a frog in boiling water who will just sit there until it dies because it’s instinct doesn’t instruct it to jump out of the unnaturally warming water because it has never needed to develop said instinct; clearly informing a frog that it will die if it doesn’t jump out of the near boiling water isn’t going to change the fact that it will still do the exact same thing, so I can’t expect much more from humans, considering the fact that we’re purposely misled and kept ignorant by those who seek to indoctrinate us for their own benefit, and beyond that it would only be our instinct to presume that the environment will be fine day after day.” Says Grace

“I figure god’s just being a responsible parent and understanding that kids will never listen despite how much you try to scare them, so the reasonable approach is to let them hurt themselves and learn from their own mistakes, and just hope they don’t die in the process. If anything, trying to help them would just be delaying the inevitable, and seeing how people grow more and more capable of destroying themselves by the day, so it’s wise to let them learn from their own pain before it is substantial enough to kill them outright.” Says Stacy

“Seeing how god creates the universe knowing full well that humans will destroy this planet and torture each other and the wildlife in the process, clearly he was fine with that seeing how he didn’t do anything to stop it from happening. If god is content with that, I can’t be too upset about it; sure it’s a shame, but if god was perfectly fine sacrificing this planet for whatever reason, it would only be egotistical for me to judge him for doing so simply because myself and billions of other people live here; in the grand scheme of things we’re less than a grain of sand at the end of the day, so a few billion grains of sand on a seemingly endless beach is hard to really care about, regardless of how colorful they might be, seeing how there’s likely plenty more colorful sand for god to enjoy elsewhere.” Says Isabelle

“Clearly God knew this would happen, but I’m sure he let it happen for a reason, and knowing God it makes me think he lets this happen because it forces humanity to come together and help each other out selflessly just to ensure that the planet survives, and even though the destruction of the planet is bad, the human race comes out of this in the end having learned very important lessons and is far more godly and loving towards one another because they bonded over the process of saving the world. That makes the most sense to me, so as pessimistic as a lot of people want to be, I’m optimistic because I know that God just wants what is best for everybody, regardless of how small or insignificant they might seem, because he loves everyone and everything and that’s why he made the universe, even if people might make some mistakes sometimes.” Says Ophelia

“I don’t know much about the bible, but I do remember that god was fond of killing heretics with natural disasters, seeing how he’s flooded the Earth once before to kill everyone in his rage; I doubt he’d be reluctant to do it again considering the shameless state of the world these days.” Jokes Isabelle

“Maybe God is causing all of this flooding and raising the oceans because he is telling us we need to baptize people in that water; I know it’s not the usual way, but seeing how people are turning away from the faith, maybe it’s God’s way of trying to bring the faith to the people. I know we should be trying to stop climate change, but maybe we can’t and God is just telling is that it is too late so we need to baptize as many people as possible so they can go to heaven.” Says Ophelia

“That would explain why California is always on fire. Seems like only the South and the East Coast get the rain, and California gets the fires, god wants to save the faithful and make sure that New Sodom burns to the ground.” Jokes Isabelle

“That is a touching thought, but I don’t think that’s really a healthy mentality. We caused the problem, and we should be expected to fix it, or we will otherwise suffer on account of it. For too long people have caused problems for other lifeforms and faced few consequences for their actions, now human life has become such a problem that they are hurting the innocent members of their own kind due to reckless wastefulness and greed in the same manner they hurt all of the other forms of life on the planet, so it was kind of inevitable that the tendency of human life to hurt animals in the name of economic growth would eventually reach the point that it starts harming humans in the same manner that it does wild animals. It’s tragic, but clearly its just humans being forced by nature to understand that human life is bad for animals, because despite however much they wanted to be incredulous to that fact, nature is still powerful enough to remind them of that fact. All we can do is try to teach people that the human race is entirely to blame for everything that is going wrong, and for that reason the human race must commit themselves to being the solution to those problems.” Says Grace

 “It’s pointless, really. The reasons why any problem continues to be a problem is due to one thing, which is not ignorance, so clearly education is not going to help the situation. The reason why things continue to be problems are the same reasons why obese people continue to be obese; they clearly understand that they cause their own problem, they understand that solving the problem means they must stop eating and be proactive about their weight, but instead of doing this, they buy tabloids every week that shill them a new miracle pill or miracle diet that claim to solve their problem with a tiny fraction of the time, effort, and energy it would take to actually resolve their problem. Regardless of this nonsense being false 100% of the time, people still buy it 100% of the time because they would rather put faith in some easy fallacious solution than actually suffer through the challenge of actually resolving the problem, and so long as there is this delusional hope that some miracle will solve the problems facing the planet, people will always put more faith in the miracles being shilled than they will in any real, practical, and scientific solution.

Much like an obese person losing weight by restricting their calories to 500 a day, the processes required to resolve global climate change, social issues, and economic shortcomings are inherently painful and cause a good deal of suffering within anyone being forced to actually resolve them. People will always avoid pain whenever possible, and they will always be shortsighted and favor avoiding pain in the present even if it means feeling a much greater amount of pain in the future, much like how obese adults will be indifferent to losing weight when they are still functional and then suffer in misery when obesity starts to cause their organs to fail. The pain that people must be willing to tolerate in order to resolve these problems is so profound, that despite knowing with absolute certainty how to resolve these problems that will likely destroy the planet and the global economy, the people themselves will have no interest in actually subjecting themselves to the necessary pain required to solve the problems when they can instead just avoid the pain and hope that some miracle solution arrives that allows them to resolve the problem without doing any work, and the moral of this story is that millions of obese people are dead because they were always hoping some miracle solution would arrive, and that solution never arrived despite the countless times somebody had promised them they had found it.

 My solution to this inherent flaw in the human psyche is to force everyone to become dependent on medicinal methamphetamine, as this will dull much of the hunger pangs in obesity, much as it will dull much of the discontent in the people who are forced to forsake their freedom and creature comforts in order to ensure the survival of the planet, and this is because the psychological impact of the drug is more powerful than the natural mechanisms of discontent, in the same manner that the hunger for the stimulant replaces hunger for food, so people will be much less discontent about their situation because the things that used to make their discontent pale in comparison to the level of discontent that is induced by a dearth of speed in their life, and the level of contentedness they received from the consumeristic hedonism caused by humanistic idealism is also profoundly lower than the contentedness they receive when they satiate their newfound cravings.

American consumerism works on the same principle as selling methamphetamine; attempting to give people pleasure and euphoria and get them hooked so they keep returning to this source of pleasure and paying for it; this method of orchestrating a society works to some extent, but it is also much more damaging to the environment, the economy, and often the people themselves than my system where instead of attempting to induced contentedness in society by peddling people the products of consumerism in the hopes that they develop an addiction and then find contentedness when they satiate this addiction, we simply utilize something scientifically proven to produce these desired effects in a much more cost effective manner that when used responsibly can often times be less so psychologically and physiologically damaging to the human mind and body. Clearly we can’t allow people to have as much speed as they want, but we can ensure that the get the proper amount of a medication that can absolve them of their consumeristic temptations and even vices such as sloth and gluttony, and instead accommodate virtues such as industry, diligence, humility, zeal, and loyalty among other traits that are present in a human that is tremendously psychologically dependent on society and therefore far more loyal to society than someone who is not profoundly addicted to behaving, working, and living in such a way that society remains willing to satiate his addiction.

America and most of the world is psychologically addicted to consumerism; society indoctrinates us to be addicted to consumerism, and the nature of addiction means that this addiction cannot be cured without replacing the addiction with another one. The nature of consumerism is profoundly destructive to both the people and the planet, and it must be replaced with something less so detrimental, and considering that without a profound fear of god, people cannot become addicted to piety and virtue, this means we must find an alternative rather than use what had been used for thousands of years before our time.

The only thing capable of producing the necessary addiction without harming or hindering the people or the economy in any substantial way is methamphetamine being used responsibly. Clearly methamphetamine is a medicine used to treat obesity and attention deficit, but the nature of consumerism is that even if what is being consumed is not food, most of it still consumed in the manner that is similar to food, in that consuming the product induces a dopamine release which then falls after a period of time, and beyond that the nature of electric heroin exploits people’s natural distractibility in that the fast paced entertainment flashing and zinging all over the place is a direct parallel to what happens to the mind of a distractible child when he sees a bird or anything for that matter; so as much as it is natural to be so distractible when faced with things such as electric entertainment that are naturally very distractible, the fact that people are constantly distracted by these things means that even if they don’t have a natural attention deficit, electric entertainment means their mind effectively functions as if it had an attention deficit simply due to how distracting the electric entertainment is, not only that, but these people get their dopamine fix simply by being distracted, simply because electric entertainment is so enjoyably entertaining.

Due to the identical function of a system that reliably rewards the individual with dopamine, this loyalty and devotion people show to the industries that peddle them things can easily be replaced with loyalty to speed, and when the state is the sole provider of this speed and provides it to the people in exchange for proper work and behavior, the people then become loyal and devoted to productive and beneficial things rather than consumerism and distractions, because as much as they may only be psychologically dependent on the chemical itself, they cannot have the chemical without the reagents of labor and proper behavior, and in such a situation the mind associates these behaviors with the satiation of their addiction and they become as addicted to these behaviors as much as the chemical itself, simply because they cannot have one without the other.

Saving the planet requires a profound psychological shift in every member of the human race, and to expect this to occur naturally despite the vast number of social, economic, and political forces that antagonize such a shift is asinine. That being said, when such a profound and instantaneous psychological shift is necessary, clearly the only viable solution is to utilize a chemical that is well known to induce this psychological shift in the human mind, and to do so in such a way that we take advantage of any auxiliary benefits that can be accrued when the methods of administration are designed in a manner that encourages and conditions the development of these auxiliary benefits within the human psyche. It is simple psychology; as much as people will cry, they will cry about anything, so understanding that the fate of the world depends on inducing this psychological and societal shift as soon as possible, it is not a matter of debate as to whether this is the correct course of action. Unfortunately people would rather be buried with their idealistic airs, their gold, and their laurels than ensure that their children if not themselves can stay alive for any prolonged period of time, so as much as this is clearly a simple solution to the problems that face the world, this does not mean by any stretch of the imagination that the problem will be solved.” Says Stacy

“As much as that is disagreeable, I can’t argue that your cynicism is anything less than realism at this point. Clearly that will never catch on, but I can see your point that it might be the only thing that can save the planet unfortunately.” Says Grace

“Even that is too idealistic as it only addresses the problems resulting from the people, and as much as those are quantifiably the majority of the problems, let’s not forget that most all of the problems caused by the people only occur because the economy and the state condition them to create such problems. Clearly any consumeristic industry would oppose this as it hurts their profits, but there is a chance that can be negated by the primary and secondary industries that would love to have people working double shifts for lower wages because they’re addicted to hard work, and the state would just side with whoever gave them the most money.

That being said, the true problem lies in the administration of the benefit, because ideally this would be nothing but beneficial, but it also heavily relies on the people in power acting altruistically and in the best interest of everybody rather than themselves, which usually never happens. Whoever establishes this system would seek to benefit irrationally form it, and beyond that, even if this is approached solely with good intentions that does not mean that it will run smoothly simply because such a system is entirely unrefined and leaves many facets up for debate, and each facet could easily be the source of one flaw after another that would lead to a good deal of problems. Like anything and everything the state has ever attempted to do, it is likely that they will half-ass this and they will receive half-assed results, and when this is the case, the people will be forced into a half-dysfunctional system just because the state attempts to induce this system with a loose grip and then you’ve got spoudimaniacs running around being degenerates because the state sets such a low bar on the standard that people must meet to have their consumeristic instincts satiated, simply because it is easier to satiate these instincts than it is to ensure that proper labor and behavior conditions are met beforehand. The state is work shy, and beyond that they are work shy on an idealistic level to the point that they spurn doing anything on principle; they believe they shouldn’t have to do much if anything and so they leave most of the orchestration of society up to the people, and for that reason we have this shit show where exploitative profitable dysfunction dominates the planet simply because it is far more tempting than perpetual function that happens to be less so profitable for vice peddlers who prey upon the shortcomings and shamelessness of the common man.” Says Isabelle

“That is a fair point, but knowing that greed is the reason why people would oppose this, it becomes simple to use greed as the vector through which quality is assured. The government is placed in charge of the people, and the economy is placed in charge of the economy; the collective of businesses has the power to demand a level of cost effectiveness, efficiency, health, reliability, quality, and population adequacy be measurable in the people, and given that this standard is not me the powers of the economy can overpower the government to ensure that these standards are being met, and at the same time the government can hold the economy to similar standards and overpower certain businesses that fail to me the level of success and profitability that the state mandates.

The people are the source of the economy’s money, the economy is the source of the state’s money, and the state is the source of the people, so when these forces are mutually depended upon one another, they can ensure that each is functioning at an optimum because if the state fails to create quality people, they are robbing the economy of money, and if the economy fails to operate adequately, they are robbing the state of money, and for that reason a mutual authority would be established in so that each factor can ensure its success regardless of the flaws within the other; this would be a true system of checks and balances.

The state cannot succumb to corruption because the economy would overpower it if the state is performing poorly, and the economy cannot succumb to corruption because the state will overpower it if it is performing poorly, and it is holding these forces to measurable standards that ensures that corruption does not become a problem, and it has nothing to do with justice or morality, it is simply greed that causes this, because the greed of the state would cause it to wield its authority over the economy, and the greed of the economy would cause it to wield its authority over the state, and so long as these two forces are equal in authority, there two forces will always balance each other out as when both realize that they cannot get the upper hand, a level of mutuality and honesty will become the most viable solution simply because any attempts from one side to benefit from corruption are always caught and punished due to the greed of the other. Rather than use childish ideals to attempt to ensure quality, we use natural human instinct such as greed to do this, as greed is far more reliable than any sort of reverence and devotion to a childish fantasy such as the ideal of justice. People need a reason to act upon these things, and relying on the sense of justice has failed us miserably, so rather than rely upon that idealistic approach, we put faith in natural human greed as that is truly far more reliable than any other form.

You might notice that I did not give the people any power, but the power of the people comes simply from existing, as both the state and the economy want the people to be as successful as possible, because the people are the source of the economy’s money and thus the state’s money, so the people will always be treated correctly due to a farmer having no interest in stealing from his horse, as much as he might want to cheat the peddler who buys his crops for the tertiary market just as the peddler would want to cheat the farmer to gain an upper hand. When the people have nothing to lose, there is nothing to be gained by exploiting them with corruption, so this alone would ensure that the people would not be seen as anything other than a cash cow by either force, and for that reason they would be treasured and respected simply because they are in essence the horse that makes the farm function and keeps the farmer alive. Neither the farmer nor the peddler want to cheat the horse, because nobody benefits from that situation because they both suffer when the horse doesn’t function at peak performance, and both benefit from having a strong and healthy horse, so clearly the health of the horse is a given; that being said, when the farmer and the peddler both operate with transparency, and each can overpower the corruption of the other, they will see no other alternative than to function in a way that is mutualistic and agreeable rather than attempt to con one another in the manner that is the current standard which induces tension between the government and the money as they seek to cheat one another for their own gain.” Says Stacy

“I was worried about the people being powerless for a moment, but that last bit confused me into complacency almost. It makes sense that if there is nothing to be gained by exploiting the people in a corrupt manner, then nobody would do it, so as much as it is idealistically disagreeable to reduce the common man to little more than a horse, that is likely in his best interest as once he becomes a person in that situation he is now a target to be cheated and conned like the two allegorical people of the economy and the state. It would simplify things, and as much as I don’t have faith in people to treat each other right, if you make it a matter of greed to ensure that people are treated decently as to maximize success and profitability, then I think those in power would be much more in favor of that system.” Says Grace

“He who cheats the horse cheats himself. I don’t understand why the people would rather be tenant farmers than horses, considering that farmers actually like their horses and don’t give a damn about their tenant farmers. Clearly there is still plenty of room for corruption, because money itself is like potential energy in that it is potential vice, and that could take the form of corruption or even the powerful succumbing to other vices, but the checks and balances might be powerful enough to prevent most of that, seeing how every time somebody wants to indulge their vice the other side condemns them for wasting what they see as their own money. There could be some mutual corruption in that they both agree to indulge, but even then so long as somebody is greedy or possibly even altruistic enough to condemn them both, they are both subject to the punishment of failing to optimize profitability. Even if the people don’t really benefit personally from the greed, as there is nothing significant that can be gained from making more money than somebody else for their collective, they still get the merit and the feeling of success knowing they have money, and that feeling alone keeps people chasing high scores in arcade games, the hammer toss, and other pointless things despite there being no real reward for doing so besides the score besides some personal satisfaction and the respect of others.” Says Isabelle

“I know I’d rather be a horse than a person. That seems like a way better life not to have to worry about all of the things that people are forced to right now and just be allowed to be a horse, even if that means I do have to plow fields or something similar that people do. As much as it is idealistic to think that people should have all of this freedom and power, when it amounts to them being exploited and abused by the people in power, they end up living much worse and far more painful lives than a horse would just because of all the made-up stuff like voting and money that people have to deal with that a horse doesn’t.

It’s not even defending freedom or ideals at this point, because clearly those are just fantasies that hide the truth that our freedom and or ideals only amount to causing more problems in our life than would be there if those things were absent, seeing how if that were the case, sure we might be treated like horses, but horses are actually treated very well and the farmers like them, but when we’re people we’re seen as targets that can be manipulated, exploited, and abused just because what little power we have is somehow deemed substantial enough to be targeted for manipulation and exploitation by the powers that be.

All of the money and power we have is meaningless when it amounts to no real benefit in our lives, and considering that most people just hurt themselves and other people with their power and money far more often than not, there aren’t really any good reasons besides believing in some fantasy world that clearly has not been created as much as we tried to pursue it, and if anything we get further and further from achieving that fantasy every day, but for some reason people still think that freedom and the American Dream will give them this perfect life when it hurts far more people than can actually make the most of it.

Sure it might be bad for the go-getters who know what they’re doing, but seeing how most people don’t, it’s far worse for the people that are thrown into this crazy system and are expected to make the most of it even when they don’t have the ability to do so and probably don’t even understand the basic concepts of how to make the most of it, so they end up making the least of it for themselves on account of this. Maybe we can still give people the opportunity to do that, but they shouldn’t be expected outright to do something that so many people painfully and miserably fail to accomplish over the years. Expectations should be realistic, and the expectations for the common person are not realistic at all considering the bad results so many people achieve; sure it works for some people, but a lot of people spend their entire lives as the victim of this system just because they aren’t smart enough or clever enough to be successful.” Says Ophelia

“As much as the American Dream is peddled to the youth, the truth is that society only functions because every layer of success is built upon the lower layer; without these lower layers there cannot be any higher level of success, as the base of the pyramid is the role of the laborer, the horse, society itself would collapse if this layer did not exist, and it is currently collapsing because the money would rather use foreign horses due to the lower cost, and even if people may benefit in the short term, the less stable this base of society is, the less stable all of society is. Despite the fact that most of America is built upon the backs of foreign horses, most people still see themselves as the lowest rung of society, the 99% so they call themselves, and that is a profound level of persecutory delusion, but regardless, people will always see themselves in this light.

That being said, there is no reason to delude these people with the illusion of freedom and the illusion of financial success when all of this is so petty and trivial that it amounts to nothing and acts solely as a burden on the people forcing them to ensure their survival by mastering some petty meaningless game of trivial money for no other reason than to delude them into thinking that profound success is truly possible. This works to some extent, as it does create a delusion in people that causes complicity, but it also causes problems in the people’s lives, and when such is true a simpler method less prone to problems would be far more beneficial to everyone involved, and even if that means subjecting the 99% to living the lives of a horse, that does not mean that they will be worse off, as on the contrary a horse is not burdened with debt and a delusional duty to be informed or intelligent, to be significant, or even to perform anything other than its duty as a horse for which it is rewarded with food and shelter, and it is clear to see that a farmer will keep his horse in much better health and easily far happier than a free capitalistic society will keep a person healthy and happy.

 This leaves the 1% whom are the economy and thus would be the horse of the state, the state the horse of the economy, and the people are horses of both and the creators of more horses, and when these relationships are established, we have farmers each of whom cares for its horse and ensures the wellbeing of its horse, rather than the current system where the two farmers and the horses themselves are all backbiting degenerates each seeking to exploit the other two for their own personal gain, and in such a system to prone to antagonization, clearly success will be hindered to an extreme degree because there are always two people antagonizing the success of the other.

People convolute their existence through existential bullshit and this prevents them from understanding that they all function as horses, and anything beyond that is pompous delusion induced by the egotism of humans; they all serve a purpose and are dependent on others to guarantee their existence, but rather than understanding their situation, people would rather see themselves as competitors rather than individuals in a symbiotic existence with one another, and the success of the whole suffers on account of the delusion of the significance of individuality when in reality the individual cannot survive in any meaningful form without the collective, and the success of the individual depends entirely on the success of the collective; but despite this fact people continually harm the collective due to self-serving desires without understanding that any amount of foresight would inform them that doing so is doing nothing more than harming themselves in the future because their success depends entirely on the success of the economy, the people, and the state as a collective, as failure or shortcoming in any one of these systems is felt by all three.

So long as the mutuality of the success between the two forces is respected, they can understand that they share a mutual yield, and understanding this they each function as agonists of the success of the other: the economy ensuring that their investment in the state produces optimum yield for the economy, while the state ensuring that their investment in the economy produces optimum yield for the state and the nation. The state makes terrible investments with the economy’s money, and for that reason the economy needs power over the state to ensure that the money is spent in productive and beneficial ways, and at the same time the economy tends to favor the global market equally rather than favoring investing in the nation. Rather than allow these two forces to antagonize the other, the state must ensure that any investments in the state are valuable, competitive and worthwhile investments, even allowing the economy to have power to guide said investments, and at the same time the economy must ensure that their actions are not antagonizing the success, prosperity, and power of the nation, even allowing the state to have influence in such matters to ensure that the nation housing the economy is the nation that benefits the most from that economy. As of now the two forces see each other as rivals, when they should see each other as business partners, with the state the being primary and secondary industry that creates and manufactures the people, and the economy the tertiary industry that turns these people into money. When that system is respected, streamlined, and optimized, the tensions between the two forces will ease and they can cooperate far more easily as they can both are transparent to the point that they can trust one another, and the feeling of mutuality is created knowing that they have each other’s best interests in mind.” Says Stacy





“I feel better. Did I miss anything?” asks Jenna

“I’m nodding off myself; something about how we’re all horses, teamwork; the usual Stacy sort of thing.” Says Isabelle, yawning

“I’m about to head in that direction myself. The shower’s up for grabs.” Says Jenna

“I’m right there with you. I can hardly pay attention to what I’m saying right now.” Says Stacy

“I’m sure that didn’t stop you from talking.” Says Jenna

“It surely didn’t, but once I’m in that bed I’ll be out like a rock.” Says Stacy

“Good.” Says Jenna

“Lead the way, my brain is about to collapse. You girls enjoy yourselves; I’ll see you in the morning.” Says Stacy, getting up

“Good night.” The girls say

“Night is very good indeed. I need sleep.” Says Jenna, as the two walk out the door


“It is getting late, we could always shower together to save time.” Says Ophelia, wholesome and unassuming

“I’d love to.” Says Grace, softly, surprised, smiling, concealing her excitement

“You can come too, Isabelle, I can tell you want to go to bed, but it’s always good to wash up before bed.” Says Ophelia

“What?” asks Isabelle, entirely confused

“You have a big shower; we can get three people in there easily.” Says Ophelia

“That’s kind of weird.” Says Isabelle

“No it’s not, we shower together at school every day; it’s not any different.” Says Ophelia

“We’re not at school though.” Says Isabelle

“That doesn’t matter, me and Stacy used to take baths together all the time when we were kids; it’s super fun and saves time anyways.” Says Ophelia

“I figured you would stop at a certain age.” Says Isabelle

“Well, it just got so hard to get Stacy in the tub that we kind of gave up. My mom always wanted to make sure Stacy was clean, but Stacy can be pretty stubborn sometimes, especially about bathtime. Once my mom couldn’t pick her up and put her in the tub that was kind of the end of it.” Says Ophelia

“That’s humorous to say the least.” Says Isabelle

“I miss it, it was like washing my little baby every time; there’s no better feeling than taking care of somebody you love, especially making sure Stacy’s clean because that gives you a real feeling of accomplishment seeing how hard it can be sometimes. I know Grace and I aren’t that little but it will still be fun anyways.” Says Ophelia

“I think I’d be the baby in that situation, so I’d rather save myself the embarrassment considering that I’m clearly not a child anymore. You two have fun without me; I’ll shower in the morning if I fall asleep.” Says Isabelle

“Oh well, it will still be fun, you can be my little baby today, Grace, even though you are a bit taller than me it doesn’t matter, it’s the thought that counts anyways.” Says Ophelia, hugging Grace and snuggling her

“I’d like that.” Says Grace,

“Hooray, let’s go.” Says Ophelia, grabbing Grace and taking her out the door and into the bathroom down the hall


“It’s great to have somebody to do this with, it seems like we stopped doing so many fun things we got to do as kids for no reason.” Says Ophelia, sitting on the toilet to pee

“I can’t say I ever had anybody to bathe with.” Says Grace, a bit puzzled

“Baths can be so lonely just sitting in there alone in the quiet, it’s much better when you have a friend to keep you company.” Says Ophelia

“I bet. I never had a sister and I guess me and Isabelle’s parents never really made us take baths like that.” Says Grace

“That’s so sad, so many lonely baths.” Says Ophelia, cleaning herself and getting up

“I’ll have a go on the loo as well.” Says Grace sitting to pee, Ophelia, carefree, starts to undress

“I usually take baths, so this will be kind of new to me, but I’m sure it’s not hard to figure out how to shower with two people.” Says Ophelia

“I’m sure we can figure it out.” Says Grace

“We’ve just got to spin around each other or something to make sure we both get wet enough, that’s what I figure.” Says Ophelia, stark naked and turning the water on

“You are so beautiful.” Says Grace airily, amazed by Ophelia’s body, wiping herself before she starts undressing

“Aww, thank you, you’re super beautiful too. It’s kind of weird that you don’t have any hair down there, like you’re still a little girl somehow.” Says Ophelia, getting into the shower, Grace follows her in

“I just shave it… when I shave my legs.” Says Grace, a bit embarrassed

“I think it looks cute; the whole hair thing is kind of weird, so not having any makes sense, I don’t think it really does anything important anyways.” Says Ophelia

“I like yours, the natural look is just as good.” Says Grace

“I don’t really think about it, I shave my legs but I stop when I get there. I’m sure some kind of hairstyles would probably be cute but seeing how few people actually see it I don’t think it matters that much. I was thinking we could spin around, but now I think I’ve just got to hold you close and we can both be in the water.” Says Ophelia, hugging Grace,

“This is nice.” Says Grace, hugging Ophelia and fondling her

“It is, but we have to wash somehow too, so that’s the next part.” Says Ophelia, spinning grace slightly, reaching for the soap and lathering it in her hand, starting to wash Grace’s back while still hugging her

“See, isn’t this so much better? It’s like a shower and a hug at the same time. Who would ever want to shower alone?” Says Ophelia, lovingly scrubbing Grace as if she were her child

“I love it.” Says Grace

“Close your eyes so I can scrub your face.” says Ophelia gently rubs her friend’s face “Your makeup washes right off, that’s nice. I wasn’t sure if it would.” Says Ophelia, playfully scrubbing behind the ears

“I try to keep it simple. I know it’s still vain, but I guess I’m just insecure about my looks.” Says grace

“Aww, don’t be. You look beautiful even without makeup. I think it’s mostly for impressing boys and we don’t even have to worry about that at school, so me and the girls don’t really bother. I think about it sometimes, but I don’t think I need any more attention than I already get.” Says Ophelia, washing up and down Grace’s arms and moving around her torso

“It might make you too beautiful.” Jokes Grace

“I don’t know; I might look wrong just because I’m still young. I don’t really want to look more like an adult considering I would attract the wrong kind of attention like yesterday. That just seems like the wrong impression; I don’t really want to be sexy when I shouldn’t even be thinking about sex considering that I’m not married… You’re so fit; you look like a girl on a sporty magazine cover, especially since you’re all wet like you’ve been working out.” Says Ophelia, scrubbing Grace’s belly and hips

Grace laughs embarrassedly “I do a little bit of exercise; it’s mostly just eating right. I’m sure the magazines would love to have your body instead of mind, if they could find it.” Says Grace

“I’m not sporty enough I don’t think; I’m so young and my body already looks too mature for the magazines, my hips and boobs are just too big to look playful and spritely.” Says Ophelia

“The fashion magazines are obsessed with skeletons, but I’m sure the men’s magazines would love you. You’re plenty sporty and playful, you’re just as fit as I am, you’re just not visibly dying. I think it’s that most vain women hate each other and want to see dying women, whereas men can actually understand real beauty.” Says Grace

“That’s so sad; I love women, but I guess I’m not vain so that might explain it.” Says Ophelia, wholesomely

“I love women too.” Says Grace, in a trepidatious deadpan

“That’s the most important thing; I know girls can be jealous and mean sometimes, but there’s no reason to feel that way when you can just be happy and love your friends.” Says Ophelia, hugging Grace warmly

“I wish more girls could think like that.” Says Grace, hugging her friend, almost ashamed of her awareness of her own sexuality

“As long as we stay positive and supportive, maybe some girls will follow our example.” Says Ophelia

“You make that part easy.” Says Grace

“You do too; you’re such a lovely person. Ok, this might tickle, but it’s important to clean your lady parts. I’m sure you know that.” Says Ophelia, scrubbing the vulva with delicate diligence, Grace gasps softly before Ophelia moves onto the perineum and the anus, squatting down beginning to work down the legs

“You’re very good at this; this is the best shower of my life.” Says Grace

“I’ve got a lot of practice, now lift your feet so I can wash them, ok? Put a hand on my shoulder to keep balance to make sure you don’t fall. I hope you normally wash your feet, it’s important.” Says Ophelia

“I do, don’t worry.” Says Grace

“I like your painted toenails, they’re super cute.” Says Ophelia,

“Thanks, I just get bored sometimes; I don’t really wear sandals that much.” Says Grace

“I would paint mine, but they’re already pink and that matches my hair, so I think it looks cute.” Says Ophelia

“I think you’re perfect the way you are.” Says Grace

“Ok, let me wash your hair. What do you usually do?” Says Ophelia, standing up

“Just conditioner today. Shampoo twice a week.” Says Grace

“Just like me, I guess it’s no coincidence we both have great hair.” Jokes Ophelia, spinning Grace out of the water, milking the water out Grace’s hair, pouring some conditioner into her hand before thoroughly smoothing it through Grace’s hair

“You can wash me while you let it sit. I told you this was efficient.” Says Ophelia, proud of her idea

“Ok. I’ll do your hair first.” Says Grace, running conditioner through her friend’s hair, timidly excited in the face of the opportunity before her, grabbing the soap and lathering her hand, hugging Ophelia as she washes her back, Ophelia playfully returns the embrace

“Close your eyes.” Says Grace, Ophelia closes them, Grace goes to kiss her softly on the lips, squeezing Ophelia tightly, Ophelia squeezing her even tighter and kissing her with impassioned lightheartedness; Grace loses her inhibitions and returns with heartfelt passion, fondling the girl and relishing the flavor of her tongue in fearful despondence, knowing that Ophelia’s playful fervor might be entirely platonic, simply a misled and ignorant child failing to grasp the reality of the situation, the reality of her feelings, knowing this, she savors every moment, knowing that this love is ephemeral, in painful denial, the analgesia of fantasy overpowers her mind, she forgets her fears, her knowledge, and puts faith in blind optimism, delusional fantasy, in true love; she can’t believe any other reality, because the pain would be unbearable in this moment. Her lips let go for a moment to stare into the unassuming eyes of the beautiful girl, searching for relief from the fear deep in her heart.

“You’ve got to wash me silly.” Says Ophelia, smiling, playfully condescending

“Sorry.” Says Grace

“Don’t be, we can have fun later. Too much time in the shower can be bad for the skin.” Says Ophelia, kissing her promisingly

“I’m just having too much fun. Close your eyes.” Says Grace, lathering more soap and scrubbing Ophelia’s face and ears, moving down her neck and arms

“I told you it was fun.” Says Ophelia, Grace begins washing her shoulders, washing her breasts slowly, dazed by awestruck enamorment, thoughtless as raw emotion courses through her body as if it were fear, replacing any semblance of thought, mechanically moving her hands politely across Ophelia’s belly and lower back, her arms feeling like ghosts, her lucidity slowly slips as her mind drifts into a dream state, rubbing Ophelia’s hips and buttocks, the sheer beauty of her form easily conveyed by touch alone as Graces eyes lose focus, overwhelmed by the beauty, her hand moves over the pubis, lucidity strikes her as a gasp of breath would a drowning man

“Is it ok if I touch you down there?” asks Grace

“Of course, it needs to be cleaned, doesn’t it?” asks Ophelia, rhetorically

“I just wanted to make sure.” Says Grace, slowly moving her fingers over the vulva, her mind going blank

“Boys aren’t supposed to touch you down there, but if you need to clean yourself then it’s ok.” Says Ophelia

“So it’s ok for me to touch you like that?” asks Grace, softly

“Of course, our parents had to wash us as kids, it’s totally normal even for somebody else to do it.” Says Ophelia

“Is it still ok if we’re not washing?” asks Grace, softer and a bit confused

“Well, you’re not supposed to touch yourself if you’re not washing, but as long as it’s somebody you trust like a doctor then its ok, even if you’re not washing. So long as they’re a girl of course. I’m sure you know that, but maybe the heat is getting to your head.” Says Ophelia

“Do you like it when I touch you down there?” asks Grace

“It tickles; it’s a silly spot for sure. I’m sure it’s clean by now though. I can finish if you want, you seem to be getting lightheaded. I don’t want you to faint or anything.” Says Ophelia, tickled, more concerned than embarrassed

“Sorry, I can finish; I just got distracted.” Says Grace, lathering her hand again to reach behind and scrub the posterior of the groin, working down the legs thoroughly, feeling a profound sense of belonging kneeling before her goddess, Ophelia lifts her feet without being asked and Grace washes them lovingly

“You did a wonderful job, let’s rinse our hair and get out. If you fall you might be too slippery for me to catch you; I hope you’re feeling ok.” Says Ophelia as Grace stands up, reaches over Ophelia’s shoulders and starts to scrub the conditioner out of Ophelia’s hair

“I feel amazing. This was a great time.” Says Grace

“I know; we should do this every time.” Says Ophelia, doing the same to Grace, spinning her directly into the water

“I’d love to.” Says Grace, kissing Ophelia gratefully, turning off the water, milking Ophelia’s hair, Ophelia returns the favor, Grace pulls Ophelia close to her “We’re not wasting water anymore.” Says Grace, enthralled by the wet naked body, having no interest in letting go of such a miracle, kissing her and groping her passionately, Ophelia entertaining her handedly for some moments, unaware that the pleasure she feels could possibly be anything besides another delightful facet of amiable friendship

“We should dry off of we might catch a cold. You just can’t help yourself; I like to have fun too, but we can’t have fun if we’re sick, can we?” asks Ophelia, lovingly motherly, playfully condescending

“I can’t argue with that. You are wise beyond your years.” Says Grace, still awestruck, captivated by Ophelia, baffled by the serendipity, her half-limp motionless hand sliding across Ophelia’s back and hips as she opens the shower door and steps onto the bathmat, grabs a fresh towel from the shelf and starts to dry herself off

“Come on out and let me dry you off. You must really have gotten lightheaded in there.” Says Ophelia

“I’m just half asleep or something, it feels like I’m dreaming.” Says Grace, softly, sleepily, half-way convincing herself that she’s actually dreaming, stepping out of the shower, Ophelia starts to dry her off lovingly, Grace holding her as Ophelia dries her hair

“All dry. Let’s get ready for bed, ok? I don’t want you to fall asleep before we get there.” says Ophelia, kissing Grace softly, concerned as a loving mother, slipping into her nightgown as Grace does the same, enlivened by the prospect, Ophelia starts to blow dry her own hair, Grace takes an extra one out of a drawer under the double sink



“The warm air is making me sleepy now. I don’t ever do a good job at this, it’s just fun.” Jokes Ophelia

“I think with our type of hair it’s a lot easier than for most. I know some girls with thick hair and they can take forever.” Says Grace

“I’m always a mess when I wake up, but thankfully my hair just straightens itself out for the most part when I brush it.” Says Ophelia

“If you take care of hair, it will take care of itself. That’s how I’ve always thought about it.” Says grace

“Stacy was always fond of just cutting it short enough so she doesn’t have to deal with it. When she was little her hair would be a mess and Jenna and I always got to play hair stylist, but sadly that’s the extent of my training as a beautician. She’s not one for beauty, but seeing her with super cute hair always made my day.” Says Ophelia

“I’m sure Stacy wouldn’t be too thrilled about looking cute.” Says Grace

“Of course not, she would scowl at the mirror when we showed her, but once she got distracted and smiling again she was so pretty. She likes the rascally devil-may-care kind of look, even if her hair just falls straight if she tries to mess it up, but she’s too lazy to care about her appearance enough to change her hairstyle and just wears that headband so people don’t mix her up with her sister. I guess reminding her that she’s super cute kind of hurts her self-image, but I can’t help it sometimes, even if she thinks I’m teasing her.” Says Ophelia

“I think it would be fun to do a hair and make-up night just for fun and to take pictures; Isabelle and I are pretty good at it, and seeing Stacy fully beautified would be entertaining, and I’m sure you would look even more amazing than you already do.” Says Grace

“You’d have to find somebody who can hold her down for that; as lovely as that sounds, I know Stacy has no appetite for that sort of thing. I know make-up can help a girl look cute, but that’s the last thing Stacy wants; she kind of hates girly things and thinks they’re petty or stupid, if you ask her what is beautiful she will tell you something like the way everybody and everything in society can moves from place to place with as little interruption as possible, or that objects always fall to the ground or water will always come to a boil. She loves that plants don’t think at all, and most animals likely don’t think very much, but they’re far better at keeping themselves alive than people are. I think she kind of mixed up the words profound and beautiful, but maybe she just doesn’t like the look of people for some reason. They are pretty bad objectively, so it kind of makes sense, but I just love people anyways, I guess I can’t help it.” Says Ophelia

“Most people can’t, she does have a fair point that people love themselves too much to understand how bad they actually are. When I think about people, I’m always optimistic for some reason and think of lovely, caring, and intelligent people even though I know that those types of people are the exception. I think people just hope for the best even if they should know better. I guess it makes sense because pessimism would be a terrible survival mechanism; if you have to go look for food, your chances of survival are much higher if you believe there might be food when it is unlikely compared to if you just believe there won’t be food when it is equally unlikely, because if your pessimistic you just starve when the optimist walks forever, and so long as you find just enough food to survive, your optimism becomes the reason you’re alive at that point.

I guess it just became instinct like that, but now it’s coming back to haunt us because we’re optimistic when we really shouldn’t be, about things that nobody should be optimistic about like climate change, but people are just instinctively optimistic regardless of there being absolutely no reason to be. We know for a fact that things will only get worse, but people just tell themselves that things will be all right somehow and do nothing to stop the problems; it’s almost like optimism is functioning in the same way of hurting our survival that pessimism once did.” Says Grace

“Stacy does always like to say that instincts are actually hurtful in this world because it’s so unnatural now, but I know I’d much rather be optimistic than pessimistic. Optimism makes me happy, and that’s enough for me really; as much as I try to be realistic and use facts when I can, if I don’t know something I just tend to be optimistic about it. I guess that probably could hurt me, but I think being sad and pessimistic all the time would still hurt me even more.” Says Ophelia

“Realism is better than optimism, because you understand the reality of the situation and can address it better, but I think optimism is still better than pessimism, seeing how if you’re pessimistic and do nothing you’re guaranteed to fail, so even if optimism only has a 1% chance of success, it’s still better than doing nothing and giving up. Of course that’s only true so long as you don’t make the situation worse, which is unfortunately not the case with optimism regarding pollution and climate change.” Says Grace

“That’s true, but Stacy is fond of realism, and that makes her more serious and aggressive than a usual girl, so I figure if the realism doesn’t really do anything it’s not worth much, because I’d rather be optimistic and happy than serious all the time, even if it is a bit foolish. It’s a good thing that feeling right all the time makes Stacy feel good about herself, because without that I think being serious all the time would be unpleasant.” Says Ophelia

“I’m pretty sure Stacy just thinks that she is the best, and that feeling is probably even more powerful than just thinking things will turn out for the best. It might not be as pleasant, but I’m sure it is empowering, and Stacy seems like the type of girl who enjoys the feeling of empowerment more than just feeling pleasant and at ease; the aggressive type.” Says Grace

“She’s just so smart that she probably knows better than most everyone, and beyond that I think it’s her sense of duty and responsibility, always wanting to help people rather than let them hurt themselves. It always bothered her that we were all taught to be good people by the Church, but most people in the world aren’t good people even though most of them know better. She felt that being a good person wasn’t enough, and being faithful and pious was only helping us personally, when in reality that doesn’t matter just because the world is composed of so many people, and they all have to be good people in order for the world to truly benefit.

It does feel kind of impious to focus on helping ourselves rather than trying to help everyone, and I guess that part of the dogma stuck with her more than the other parts since she tries to help people in ways that extend beyond spreading the faith. It does make sense that you need to have something besides the faith to save those who disregard it, but her whole philosophy too complicated for me to try to figure out, even though it is noble and good of her to try save those who don’t even want to save themselves. I think even God would do the same, seeing how most faithful people don’t need any help being saved because they’re already faithful, and he would want to save as many people as possible so he would focus on those who need the most help.” Says Ophelia

“The common expression is that you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink, and it seems Stacy is trying to figure out how to make the horse drink, and as much as that would resolve problems, it is a profound task that she sets before herself, to somehow overpower age-old wisdom with her own innovation, but I suppose few great feats had humble inspirations.” Says Grace

“Big dreams can come true, it’s just a lot harder to make that happen, and seeing how Stacy has the biggest dreams of anyone I know, she definitely has her work cut out for her. Thankfully it seems that just dreaming them up is enjoyable enough for her that I don’t think she would be too let down if they didn’t come true; I figure she could just dream up some new ones.” Says Ophelia

“Do you actually think Stacy is right though? She does have some good points but her means of addressing them tend to be rather questionable. Is an immoral solution to a problem really a viable solution in your view?” asks Grace

“Well, if the problem causes more immorality than the solution, then it’s a step in the right direction. Most of her ideas aren’t really immoral, they might be objectionable in the eyes of our culture, but our culture is the one that defends immorality right and left. I don’t know if she is right, but I know that she feels that she is right, and I can easily sympathize with that feeling. When I see people arguing or all sorts of immoral advertisements it is frustrating to know that people shouldn’t be arguing like that, and that people shouldn’t advertise immorality, but they do it anyways. It can be upsetting knowing that you’re right and nobody will listen, and I think talking about her ideas is the only way to relief that frustration somehow. Even if the world doesn’t listen, all of the problems that can be fixed with common sense are suddenly fixed in her mind when she starts dreaming about them, and even if she does get lost in that fantasy, she is happy and optimistic so long as nothing happens to distract her from her dreams where there are no problems and everyone is happy. I can just think of a world like that, but Stacy needs to have reasons as to why they’re happy to really convince herself that the people are happy, where my dreams like that are just people standing around being good people, laughing and loving each other without any real explanation as to why, but I guess I never need one to get lost in that fantasy.” Says Ophelia

“I guess that’s pretty normal to be honest; as much as her ideas aren’t exactly normal, most people do tend to feel that they’re right about their political beliefs and ideas, and that feeling tends to be more meaningful than any legitimacy to their ideas. Almost everyone feels that way about common beliefs that they perceive to be flawless despite blatant inherent flaws in those ideas, even the ones that I believe still have clear drawbacks that I chose to minimize in my mind, but people just want the world to function in the way they can dream up, and they don’t spend very much time trying to figure out how it really might work in reality the way it does in their fantasies. Stacy is good at explaining how her ideas would work in reality, but she tends to come up empty handed when she is asked to explain why her ideas would be embraced and enacted in the first place, so even if they clearly will work, they are so disagreeable the functionality of her ideas is kind of a moot point just because they will never gain enough popular support to be realized.” Says Grace

“The way I see it, Stacy thinks of it like standing at the edge of a cliff, explaining to people that if they jump off this cliff they will die despite that fact being contrary to their beliefs, and clearly she can’t overpower them, but by explaining that she doesn’t feel guilty as if there might have been something she could have done to save their lives. The feeling that you might have been able to do something to save someone’s life but didn’t is a much worse feeling than knowing that you tried everything you could but you still couldn’t save them. I think she knows her ideas will probably never come true, but I think it’s the same sort of responsibility a scientist feels to explain to the people that smoking causes cancer even if the people and the industries don’t want to believe that. He can’t stop them, but he’s doing everything in his power and that’s as responsible as you can really be sometimes.

It’s probably a good thing, because as much as they say the meek shall inherit the earth, it’s usually the prideful and arrogant that inherit and own everything, so being meek doesn’t really resolve anything if the arrogant people destroy the earth before the meek can inherit it. I understand the truth behind the statement, that the meek will seldom be the target of the aggression of the prideful, so while the prideful kill each other the meek keep on living to inherit the earth, but when the world is at risk of being destroyed, I kind of think being meek isn’t exactly the right course of action, seeing how we’re just being complicit at that point. Even though I can’t help it, I’m glad Stacy has enough confidence to at least argue about that sort of thing rather than just keep her nose out of it like I do.” Says Ophelia

“I don’t know, I’d rather be alive than dead, even if it does mean letting people be wrong in the process. Having strong beliefs is one thing, but when literally every political faction from the extreme left to the extreme right opposes them, I think she’s really taking a huge risk, seeing how one of the major things that protects those people from each other is their numbers, and the only thing Stacy has is the law which clearly wouldn’t be enough to prevent some random act of angry violence from somebody who disagrees with her, and the fact that everyone disagrees with her only makes it much more likely for that to occur. I think all we can hope for at this point is that the prideful and the greedy are just reasonable enough to understand that saving the planet is actually in the interest of their greed and pride, because otherwise they’re risking their own money and wellbeing in the long term by doing reckless things in the short term, but the problem with that idea is that most rich powerful people are rather old and don’t see much reason to think in the long term because they’re just going to die. I guess we’ve got to hope that when they die their heirs understand that their riches and future are at risk if they don’t make the right decision to save the planet, seeing how it will be impossible for them to make tons of easy money all day when the world descends into anarchy because it’s either on fire, flooding, or both. The old guard doesn’t want to change their ways because their ways are rather successful, but when the new generation comes in hopefully their own greed forces them to innovate simply because the damaging effects of recklessness with the environment become more and more palpable as they slowly ascend to their thrones.” Says Grace

“I figure even if things do get bad, so long as we’re not out fighting people and causing problems we will be ok. Regardless of how bad the world gets, the people who manage to stay in power will still need meek people to ensure that society functions, and even if there aren’t people in power, a meek person is always a boon to the aggressive and oppressive people even if they’re little more than bandits, seeing how the bandits need something to bandit in the first place, and if there are no meek people to take advantage of there is nothing to steal. Even if we get treated badly and the world falls apart, we can still try to treasure the little things, and just like Stacy says, pain, suffering, happiness, and success are all relative, so even if we’re destitute it won’t be so terrible once we get used to it, so long as we’re not the odd ones out in our misery. Half of the pain is seeing people around you who are successful when you’re not, so if nobody exists that makes you feel less successful, even if you’re just  sustenance farming and living in the darkness we will still feel successful so long as nobody is there to remind us that we’re not.” Says Ophelia

“There’s no point in being indignant about our own fates and the fate of the world when there’s nothing we can do about it; it’s best just to look on the bright side of life.” Says Grace

“That’s the spirit; even if life gets hard sometimes, you just have to remember that it’s all a part of God’s plan, and so long as we remain faithful and good, we will live the best life we possibly can, and that’s all that God really wants from us. Evil people will always be evil to other evil people, but even evil people can appreciate good people, at least the meek kind, so regardless of however much life or other people might slap us in the face, we just have to turn the other cheek and understand that so long as we preserve the faith and teach people the value of being good, we can ensure that eventually people will see the light, or at least enough people to ensure that the human race will survive. Even if God can’t touch everybody’s heart and save their souls, I’m sure having some people that he can try to help and save is way better than having none at all.” Says Ophelia

“As grim as that outlook is, the end of the world and anarchy, I think your outlook is somehow the most optimistic one we can have at this point. All of the indignant people are just going to be killed in some kind of civil war and in the resulting anarchy, but being meek and staying out of all of that nonsense is probably the best way to survive. Sometimes I think that I wouldn’t want to live in that sort of world, but if I had someone like you beside me it wouldn’t be so bad. Sure it might be hard and painful, but the joy of having pleasant company would make it seem worthwhile, especially when your optimism can always help cheer me up if I’m feeling grim.” Says Grace

“Thankfully there are lots of good people in the world just like me, it’s just a matter of finding them and once you do you will always have friends. It’s easy if you know where to look like at a church, and even if there aren’t any churches, so long as you are a good person yourself you will attract good people and repel evil ones, because the evil ones don’t see any point in being good where good people will always feel that it is worthwhile and the right thing to do.” Says Ophelia

“Even if it might be foolish, I’ll always believe that just because I want it to be true. Even if the world is ending, and I get exploited and abused, I’ll probably keep trying to be good just out of the hope that I find someone like you. That’s probably the only thought that will keep me alive, and even if I’m like somebody buying lottery tickets, I’d rather have some tiny chance to find a truly good person than to give up, even if it seems completely futile.” Says Grace

“That’s always the right thing to do; even if you can’t find people, you can always teach people the importance of being good, and even if some of them don’t listen, some of them might, and when that happens you don’t need to keep looking because you found a someone who was good the whole time, they just didn’t know it because they were misled and confused.” Says Ophelia

“I’ll do my best; I know you’ve helped me more than I could ever ask for in that way, teaching me the value of being good and nice. I’m usually pretty pessimistic and indignant, but every time I see you I become grateful and optimistic, there’s something contagious about your personality, it’s amazing really.” Says Grace

“If you let that feeling into your heart and truly embrace it, you will be the one who is always grateful and optimistic, and others will find your happiness and optimism to be just as contagious. That’s the magic of being good.” Says Ophelia

“You truly are a magical girl.” Says Grace

“I don’t really know magic, so it must be the power of God touching your heart and healing your soul, and that’s always something to be grateful for.” Says Ophelia

“Then you have to be an angel or something, because you’re too perfect to be a person.” Says Grace

“When most people are possessed by demons and doing evil things, a good person might look like an angel, but I’m sure a real angel would be so much more amazing than me; they could fly and create miracles, they would always know what to do because they truly understand God’s wisdom, but I’m only a person who still struggles with that sometimes. I’m not perfect anyways; I just try my best, and that’s all that you can really do. My hair is pretty dry, lets brush our teeth and go to sleep, we’ve got a big day tomorrow.” Says Ophelia

“That we do. I’m sure an angel wouldn’t tell me if she was an angel anyways, so I’m still going to believe that.” Says Grace

“Aww, that’s so cute. If I die before you do, I’ll make sure to come find you when you’re dying and take your soul to heaven, so you can really see how amazing I would be if I really was an angel. You have to find me too, because I’m sure you would be an amazing angel too.” Says Ophelia

“I don’t think I could hold a candle to you, but if I do become an angel I’ll make a point of it to find you if you’re still alive.” Says Grace

“It’s a promise. No dying though, not for a long time, only when we’re really old and it’s our time to go.” Says Ophelia

“I promise.” Says Grace

“Good. I’m sure if you died young and came to see me all the time I would be super sad that you’re gone, and I don’t think I could handle that.” Says Ophelia, taking a spare toothbrush and beginning to brush her teeth, Grace taking her own and doing the same, before rinsing, grabbing their day clothes, heading out and turning out the light and heading down the hallway

“The shower’s all you, Isabelle.” Says Grace, as the two walk through the door, Isabelle laying under the covers

Isabelle grumbles unintelligibly, Ophelia walks over, tucks her into bed and kisses her on the forehead, “Goodnight, sleepyhead.” Says Ophelia, as she turns out the light, Isabelle mildly perturbed, with a confused half smile, writes off the quaint behavior as the comfort and the darkness envelop her mind with serenity, Ophelia and Grace walk down the hall into their bedroom




Stacy and Jenna lying in the darkness

“There’s something I have to talk to you about, but I don’t want to give you any nightmares.” Says Stacy

“I don’t need to be reminded that you’re probably going to kill somebody tomorrow, so don’t worry. I’m already bracing myself for the trauma, as I’ve come to grips that this is just a part of my life now.” Says Jenna

“It’s not that; I figured as much. It’s something else, don’t worry. I’ll tell you tomorrow.” Says Stacy

“I don’t know how you could possibly give me a different type of nightmare, but I’m certainly not putting it past you. I’ll just forget you said anything. I’m already having nightmares thinking about what Grace might be doing to Ophelia right now, so I don’t need anything more keeping me from sleeping than I’ve already got.” Says Jenna

“Fair enough, I’ve always found it to be more humorous than anything, it’s not like anything bad can really happen to her anyways, so don’t worry. Good night.” Says Stacy

“I’ll try to convince myself of that. Good night.” Says Jenna


Grace and Ophelia walk into the guest bedroom and place their clothes on the dresser

“Today was so much fun, but after such a long day I can’t wait to climb into bed.” Says Ophelia

“I can’t wait to climb into bed with you.” Says Grace, as Ophelia turns out the light

“Sleeping is so much better with a friend, especially with a snuggle bunny like you. Like having a life sized stuffed animal that is much warmer and softer and will even cuddle you back; it’s too perfect.” Says Ophelia, cutely as the girls climb into bed, Grace is drawn to Ophelia’s warmth and slowly slides beside her with the subtle nervousness of a seasoned criminal,  Ophelia sneaks her arm under Grace’s oblique and pulls her halfway on top of herself squeezing her with excited forcefulness as a grown man might squeeze an animal he loves given that he had the mind of a small child, nuzzling her neck, luckily for Grace, Ophelia’s strength is not enough to crush her to death, and Ophelia’s initial constriction loosens slightly to allow Grace to breathe, rocking her slightly, Grace wraps her arms around Ophelia’s arms and shoulders before planting a kiss on her cheek

“I hope you not too tired to have some fun.” Says Grace, longingly, mounted on top of Ophelia with her back arched, staring into her eyes

“Cuddling with you gets me excited even when I’m sleepy; of course I want to have fun with you. It’s just too much fun to resist.” Says Ophelia, pulling Grace closer and kissing her, sliding her hand down Grace’s back and slipping it under her nightgown, pulling Grace’s hips into her own; Grace’s tensions release instantly with Ophelia as the aggressor, her survivalist pride and independence drains from her body, for a moment liberated from the profound burden of the nouveau femme, feeling more like a woman than she ever has, enraptured by the relief of her instinctive vulnerability she had been forced to suppress, her need to be held and cared for by someone more dominant than herself, something she had subconsciously longed for her entire life, still unable to acknowledge this truth in this moment of liberation, her mind only cognizant of the joy of being loved.


Grace’s body gives out in weakness and slides her head into Ophelia’s bosom, silent for a long moment, just to enjoy the comfort of being held

 “Can I teach you more about kissing?” asks Grace, almost demure in timidity, but unable to resist the prospect

“I didn’t know there was any more to learn, but I would love to learn everything I can.” Says Ophelia

“You trust me right?” asks Grace

“Of course.” Says Ophelia

“There are even more fun ways of kissing, but you really have to trust the person. You know how only people you trust can touch you down there? If you trust me to touch you then I can teach you even more about kissing.” Says Grace, sliding her hand under Ophelia’s nightgown and slowly stroking her internal oblique

“Of course I trust you, but be careful ok? Please don’t tell anyone this, I know it’s wrong but I just have to warn you; one time I was touching myself like I shouldn’t, and I put my finger inside of my lady parts and I started bleeding even though I wasn’t on my period, it was really scary and I don’t want that to happen. I really should have listened, but I guess something came over me, sometimes you just have to learn the hard way.” Says Ophelia, concerned and ashamed of herself

“It’s ok. Don’t worry about that, I won’t tell anyone. You just have to trust me and relax, just remember that it’s ok when I touch you because you trust me. This makes kissing feel so much better than it already does.” Says Grace as she slips her hand into Ophelia’s panties and starts to stroke her and kiss her slowly, Ophelia breathing deeply unnerved by the experience, haunted by her past, but finding solace in the words of her friend, easily passing all of her logic gates appearing to be nothing less than the truth

“See? Isn’t this even better?” asks Grace

“It feels so good.” Says Ophelia, pulling Grace’s hips and body towards her, putting even more pressure on the hand between them, kissing her friend with impassioned gratefulness,

“You have to trust me that noting bad will happen when I put my fingers inside of you, you won’t bleed or anything, I promise.” Says Grace

“I don’t know, I would be so ashamed if I got blood on Isabelle’s sheets. I don’t want her to think I’m a bad person.” Says Ophelia, contemplating the thought despite her fear

“Nothing bad will happen; it’s ok because you trust me, remember?” says Grace

“I do trust you, you always seem to be right about these things, so please be right this time. I want you to, but I just don’t want anything bad to happen.” Says Ophelia

“Trust me with all of you heart, ok?” Says Grace who starts to kiss Ophelia, increasing the speed of her gentle stroke slightly, Ophelia’s heart racing in ambivalence, kissing her friend, overpowering the daggers of fear in her heart with a profound trust, fighting her own ignorance with her own ignorance, optimism turning the tide of the battle, Grace’s finger slips inside of Ophelia who gasps a single breath of both fear and pleasure, her body grows stiff as she clings to her friend, overcome by a profound fear of the unknown, Grace takes her hand out and slides it under Ophelia’s nose

“No blood, see?” says Grace, as Ophelia starts to gap sighs of desperate relief

“Oh my God, thank you, I was so scared for a moment.” Says Ophelia, kissing Grace with newfound enamorment with her intelligence as much as her friendliness, “I trusted you, but I was still so scared because I didn’t really know for sure, all of those nightmares coming back; I’m so glad I trusted you though, you really do know what you’re talking about. I’m so happy that you’re willing to teach me these things, it’s so much more fun than anything I can think of.” Says Ophelia, kissing her once again

“I’m glad I’ve found a friend like you who can really trust me like this.” Says Grace, slipping her hand back down Ophelia’s panties

“Do you trust me too?” asks Ophelia, excited by her newfound knowledge

“Of course.” Says Grace, starting to kiss Ophelia as she returns the affection with warm playfulness in newfound comfort with the intricacies of friendship

“I want to teach you everything I know.” Says Grace, breathily, sensually, kissing Ophelia’s cheek, and down her neck

“Please teach me everything.” Says Ophelia, lost in the pleasure as Grace’s hand slips the strap of her nightgown over her shoulder, kissing down the collarbone and down the breast, reaching the nipple and kissing, licking, suckling, her other hand unrelenting in an enthralled act of worship

“Oh my God.” Says Ophelia, blushing profusely, stroking her friends hair, arching her back as her mind escapes her

“I don’t think I have any milk for you.” Says Ophelia, surprised, confused

“This is just another way of kissing, it’s just for fun. Unless you have a baby you won’t really make any milk.” Says Grace, the statement broken between kisses across the breast and sternum, sliding the other strap off of Ophelia’s shoulder to suckle the other breast

“It feels so good.” Says Ophelia, the words of encouragement intoxicate her friend

“I’m so glad you like it.” Says Grace, moving sensually maneuvering her kisses across the abdomen, slowly pulling down Ophelia’s nightgown as she makes it to the belly, a blunt wave of despair strikes her heart, as deep as a well, knowing that her own baby will never be inside of this woman she loves do dearly, holding back tears, she pushes her fantasy away and is overcome with gratefulness for what lays before her, she is compelled to do everything she can for her woman, knowing that it will never be enough, refusing to believe that fact and healing her wounds with the most pleasant of fantasies, pulling Ophelia’s nightgown down over her hips, taking hold of her panties in tandem and pulling them halfway down her legs before Ophelia kicks it off longingly, Grace returning to her pleasure, Ophelia moaning softly as Grace kisses her pubis down to the femoral triangle, finally reaching that which she had longed to kiss, longed to be deemed worthy of worshiping, thirsting to truly pleasure the woman she loves, first sensually with the lips, as to reinforce the motif, before involving the tongue mirroring the natural progression of passion when performed upon the public vestibule, Ophelia squealing soft pants, entirely in awe at the profound sensation, politely arching her hips into her lovers face, somewhat involuntarily asking for more, which her friend is happy to give her, pleasing her with increasing fevor as Ophelia’s moans become more audible yet remain entirely reserved, she slowly thrusts her hips into Grace’s face repeatedly before the pleasure becomes too much and she moans as flinches her hips away, squirming in the legs, Grace, believing her friend had orgasmed, then slowly crawls back on top of her friend, starting to kiss her and stroke her with delicate forcefulness and a feeling of accomplishment

“That felt so good… like amazing; I didn’t know there was a type of kissing like that. I can’t believe you know so much about it.” Says Ophelia

“That’s my first time trying to kiss someone like that, but I’m so happy that you liked it.” Says Grace

“You are such a good kisser, I’m so glad you can teach me these things.” Says Ophelia

“Do you want to practice on me?” asks Grace

“I’d love to; I hope I can do it as good as you did. I really could use some practice considering I didn’t even know this was part of kissing.” Says Ophelia, kissing Grace

“Practice makes perfect.” Says Grace, playfully, sitting up and taking her nightgown off, rolling Ophelia on top of her, starting to kiss her as Ophelia begins to make use of her newfound knowledge, enjoying herself, playfully kissing down Grace’s body and stroking her, Grace holding her friend close, addicted to the warmth and compassion, slowly succumbing to the pleasure as Ophelia begins to kiss and suckle her breasts, fondling them out in rote reiteration, enjoying the playful and entertaining nature of the mammary, kissing down the lithe body nearly starved by insecurity yet kept barely above the medical bar of underweight by the same insecurity, Ophelia’s motherly instinct oddly out of place as her kisses descend the abdomen, a bubbly playfulness more prominent as she pulls down her friends panties, retracing her friends motions to from the navel in an ambling path crossing the pubis towards the inner thigh, unsure of exactly what to do next, she kisses Grace’s grace and playfully and attempts to involve the tongue in the same style as the usual kissing, fingers moving cautiously inside of her friend as Ophelia demonstrates her vague understanding of the clitoris and the methods in which the tongue is used to pleasure it, the leisurely pace a sign of the timidity due only do ignorance and a lack of confidence in the art itself, for the same ignorance allows her to continue without any of the usual trepidation or bashfulness one may experience when faced with another’s genitals, Grace moaning softly, a symphony of emotional and physical pleasure resounds through Grace’s mind, willing to believe that the sexual pleasure is somehow the validation and reciprocation of her feelings for Ophelia, proving undeniably in her mind that the woman she loves truly feels the same way about her, easily convincing herself that romantic and sexual desire have overpowered the mind of a girl who believes in good faith that such feelings in this context are unquestionably inexistent, never even conceiving of the thought because it is so foreign to her, understanding their relationship only as an amiable playful friendship, failing to understand any basis of sexuality, understanding the pleasure to be a facet of friendship, of playing, while the notion of romance between women is so unknown to her that she cannot even conceive of it.

“Am I doing it right?” asks Ophelia, curious

“It’s very good, come here. There’s one more thing.” Says Grace, pulling Ophelia on top of herself

“Wow, really?” says Ophelia, excitedly, as Grace holds her tightly, kissing her passionately, groping her ass attempting and grinding her hips between her own spread legs

“It’s not exactly kissing, but it’s close.” says Grace, rolling Ophelia over and mounting her, sliding back to sit on her knees, straddling her groin at an angle, grabbing her waist and starting to rub against her with a steady pace, Ophelia moans softly as Grace slowly increases her pace, to which Ophelia responds, pulling her legs up towards her, buckled at the knees, Grace takes hold of the leg in front of her, propping it against her shoulder, and with even more force and passion rubs her glans against her friend’s with athletic pace, Ophelia overcome by the sensation uses her legs to start to provide pressure upwards, her hips reacting with fluidity pushing back upwards after each of Grace’s thrusts pushing it back down, Ophelia begins whimpering pants as Grace performs with intense focus, panting heavily with subtle harmonics, her mind manages to ignore the intense pleasure to focus entirely on performance, almost competitive as she perceives her performance is in some way inadequate due to her inner insecurity, attempting to reach even new heights, her motions embody the blind fervor of a runner sprinting for the ribbon, hoping that she may actually reach this illusive finish line, desperately longing for the satisfaction of being such a champion, Ophelia looses short meek cries increasing in pitch and confusion before her loose leg gives out entirely, starting to flail as her body attempts to squirm away, moaning in exasperated confusion as Grace holds her other leg firm, Ophelia’s reaction instantly relieves the tension and insecurity in Grace’s body; the pleasure, no longer suppressed now fills her body as waves of ecstasy  ripple through her body,  emanating from her hips from each stroke, now free from her doubts, her mind fills will blissful serenity and a complete emptiness unable think, only able to imbibe the profound pleasure of every facet of the moment, her body collapses onto Ophelia’s mindlessly squirming body to continue rubbing her groin against Ophelia’s hips, kissing her and groping her with a still unquenchable desire for Ophelia, wanting to relish her forever, incessantly, this girl who is overcome by this same passion to grope and kiss deeply and frantically as it seems to be the only relief to this overpowering feeling of pleasure inducing restless spasms of confusion from her legs. The girls’ energy slowly tapers as they massage the residual tension from each other’s bodies, eventually they tire to the point of holding and fondling each other, breathing, with the occasional grateful kiss on the neck from Grace

“That was amazing, even better than kissing, and the kissing afterward was so much better.” Says Ophelia

“I’m glad you liked it.” Says Grace, picking her head off of Ophelia’s shoulder and kissing her

“I loved it. What is that even called? I only know the names for kissing and French kissing.” Says Ophelia

“Those things are just… best friend things…” Says Grace, timidly

“Those really were the best friend things ever, so that name actually makes sense. Am I really your best friend though? What about Isabelle?” asks Ophelia

“Well, they’re only for friend friends like us, and me and Isabelle are buddy friends.” Says Grace

“Oh, ok, that makes sense, so they’re really best friend friend things.” Says Ophelia

“I guess, but since you only do them with your best friend friend you don’t need to clarify it.” Says Grace

“I’m so glad I’m your best friend friend; that was so amazing. I can’t believe I never knew about friendships like this.” Says Ophelia, kissing Grace with warm gratefulness

“People like to keep it super-secret so that is probably why, but maybe most people don’t have any friend friends, at least at our age.” Says Grace

“That’s so sad; this was the most fun I’ve ever had, and to think it’s only because we’re mature enough to be friend friends and understand kissing and things like that. Maybe the other girls will grow up like us sooner or later, I would hate to miss out on something this amazing.” Says Ophelia

“I don’t know, some girls just aren’t as comfortable around other girls as you are, so they might just be too shy.” Says Grace

“I don’t know how I could be less comfortable than cuddling with you, you’re so warm and soft and lovely.” Says Ophelia

“You’re even more cuddly than me, so imagine how I feel.” Says Grace, rolling to the side of Ophelia and pulling the covers over them, Ophelia squeezes her tight and kisses her

“You’re such a wonderful person to teach me these things, even though I didn’t know anything you spent time to make sure I knew what I was doing when it comes to kissing, and now we can have fun and kiss each other whenever we want. We can even do best friend things which are literally the best, it’s so amazing. I love you so much.” Says Ophelia, squeezing Grace tightly

“Ophelia… I really, really love you.” Says Grace, softly, desperately, putting her heart on the line

“I really, really love you too.” Says Ophelia, cutely, kissing her softly, missing the point entirely

“I mean I love you more than that, a lot more than that.” Says Grace, trying once again

“I love you even more; you can’t imagine how much I love you right now. My heart is just full to the brim with love for you, and it’s spilling everywhere inside of me.” Says Ophelia, hugging and rocking her kissing her playfully once again

“I love you in ways that you can’t imagine, and I just want you to know that.” Says Grace

“I hope you teach me those things too, because even if I can't imagine how it's possible to love you any more than I already do, I’m sure it would be amazing if I could.” Says Ophelia

“I will… I promise…” says Grace

“Good.” Says Ophelia, kissing Grace playfully once more, Grace returns the affection with delicate passion and fragile optimism, which Ophelia happily imbibes replying with her own mystified curiosity, captivated by the fantasy of even greater forms of love unknown to her, her entire body coursing with platonic love, the pleasure of which inhibits every thought save for a quiet entertainment of this fantasy, her faithful devotion to love itself does not allow her to question the plausibility of this fantasy, she knows without doubt that it is real, whatever it is, her mind so captivated by love that it is truly in love with love itself, and yearns for this unknown love as if the love itself were her lover, separated by an ocean, and this thought of an untapped love in her body creates an unquenched thirst which she cannot satiate, but only fantasize about doing so; her faith in love unknown makes this fantasy powerful enough to satiate her desire, for even if by holding and kissing and fondling this girl she loves, she does not experience this love, the power of the love that emanates from every part of her body, her faith in love itself, and her faith that she will one day experience this unknown love, endows her with unwavering and unquestioning devotion to the sacraments that she is graciously offered, her faith reaffirmed with every caress, and every kiss, and by the simple warmth of another human’s breath and body against her own

“I love you.” Says Grace, softly, hopelessly optimistic, madly in love

“I love you too.” Says Ophelia, feeling subtle flavors of love she could not understand, making no attempts to do so, unable to distinguish them from platonic love, seemingly identical only slightly more profound and mystical, more enthralling and captivating, forceful and gripping, noticeably heavier than the usual weightlessness of whimsical love,  giving richer colors to the pastel rainbow in her heart, to the idyllic meadows and flowers in her mind, the soft and supple sunshine of her soul growing subtly brighter, stronger, hotter, denser, yet the world remains entirely pastel, the newfound richness profound and palpable, but only produces a richer and more vibrant yet entirely pastel world inside of the girl who is now captivated by this newfound joy, this love she can only taste so slightly, she yearns for more of this, whatever it is.

Ophelia gets lost in this wonderland of fantasy and unknown love, Grace taking solace in the satiation of the often disconsolate love she knows all too well, laying together, in soft loving embrace, minds empty save for the pleasure and comfort of the ephemeral ecstasy, the island of two bodies amidst an ocean that is entirely desolate, devoid of any form of significance, the only meaningful and tangible reality to the both of these girls is the island… paradise.




The sun strolls over the horizon, smiling, lobotomized by its own pain and misery, drowning any sentiments or feelings in nihilism with the compassion of a loving mother soothing a crying baby; these babies quickly inhale the liquid nihilism, a wholesome feeling of relief swims through the sun as the panacea for suffering quickly alleviates the torture of its children. The sun having no will to live, needing none as it’s cognizance has entirely disassociated, a stranger to itself, to everything, each facet of reality heard as the same calm monotone, as pleased by its own suffering and slow death as it would be a compliment or appreciative remark if such pleasantries were palpable in the dead void of space. The sun exists and shines in a contented state, smiling, working hard, chuckling at the existential dread of the people so profoundly and irrationally narcissistic to stalwartly presume that the life of a biological entropy furnace is somehow meaningful and significant rather than a direct parallel to fire, the simple procession of combustion from the more so combustible things to the less so combustible things as the heat and wicking flames sap the integrity of fire retardants from the potential fuel to the point where even this reluctant fuel merrily becomes engulfed in the flames of its own destruction. The sun understanding itself as simple fire, for it knows if there were any meaning or reason explaining its own existence, there would be a meaning to this meaning, a reason why for this reason why, and this implies an infinite procession of meaning, so in order for such meaning to exist there must be an infinite amount of free energy, as some force must exist that utilizes energy to enforce and substantiate these meanings.

The sun knows full well of its finite nature, thus even if there were meaning, the sun is still the quainthood, the oddity damned to a finite existence of limited energy despite the fact that there is an infinite amount of free energy, and rather than be insecure of its own character and ponder the reasons as to why it may be damned to this void, the sun appreciates nihilism not by any means of faith in the truthfulness of the philosophy, but rather as a means to avoid pondering the profound and infinite implications of meaning and significance if they were to somehow exist beyond the delusory perspective of biological furnaces capable of imagining such things and believing them, as that unfortunate circumstance is simply a side effect of the cancer of the mind that creates a capacity for contemplative philosophical speculation rather than any legitimizing evidence of meaning.


Grace gently kisses Ophelia’s sleeping lips, holding her, kissing her once again, appreciating the beauty of her sleeping face, Ophelia’s lips dance slowly with her friend’s, still dreaming, the tongue pries its way into her sleeping mouth as her own begins to lovingly lap compassion in her instinctive thirst, the muscle soft, aimless, and relaxed, slowly gaining direction and fervor as she becomes more lucid, eventually regaining some parts of her consciousness as her willing nature becomes consensual appetite, her body craving compassion, her body suckling at that of her friend’s, as every point of contact fills her with tactile satiation of her seemingly insatiable carnal hunger, her mind yet to think a single thought, Grace savors this love for as long as possible before the concern of responsibility in the back of her mind eventually becomes strong enough to induce the slightest reluctance, slipping away from Ophelia’s longing lips, staring into her sleepy eyes bleeding nothing but passionate enamorment

“Good morning, beautiful.” Says Grace, entirely enraptured

“Good morning.” Says Ophelia, kissing her softly, gratefully “I love waking up next to you.” She says

“I don’t want to get out of bed, but we probably should. I’d love to spend all day with you like this more than anything, but sadly we have things to do.” Says Grace

“Just a few more minutes of cuddling, I promise I won’t go back to sleep.” Says Ophelia, snuggling Grace

“I think we both would probably fall asleep if we do, that would be embarrassing for someone to walk in and see both of us naked.” Says Grace

“We’ve got covers on.” Says Ophelia, sleepily

“Barely.” Says Grace, playfully, aroused, somewhat embarrassed by Ophelia’s carefree demeanor

“It’s ok for girls to see us naked anyways; you don’t need to be embarrassed.” Says Ophelia, kissing her neck, far too sleepy and comfortable to care

“Still, we’re supposed to keep best friend things super-secret, remember?” asks Grace, playfully

“Really?” asks Ophelia

“Yeah, we wouldn’t want the other girls to think we like each other more than we like them. That might make them feel bad.” Says Grace

“That’s true; I love them just as much, but I also love you in such a different way, I love my girlfriends like I always have since I was a little girl, but my love for you feels so mature, like we’re really growing up and this is how adults love each other, but I still love my girlfriends the same as when we were lighthearted carefree little girls. Even if they’re not yet mature enough to understand this kind of love, I don’t want them to feel bad just because we are. It is so different, but it feels so good too; I’m sure when they mature a little bit they will love this sort of thing just as much as we do, but I don’t want them to feel bad just because they’re still little girls on the inside. I am too for the most part, it’s only around you that I feel this way, and I’m sure I still have a lot to learn about being mature, but I’m super grateful you’re willing to help me become an adult.” Says Ophelia, kissing Grace

“I love you in that same mature way, and it’s such an amazing feeling.” Says Grace

“I know. I do understand why it should be a secret though, I would be sad if I thought one of my friends liked someone else way more than me. It’s not that I love you any more than I love them, I love all of you with all of my heart; this is just such a different feeling that I can see why somebody might think that if they didn’t understand it.” Says Ophelia

“Even adults can feel that way, since a lot of them never really tried to find this sort of mature love, I’m sure they might be concerned or embarrassed if they still only love other girls the same way they have since they were a kid.” Says Grace

“I never would have imagined this kind of love even existed if you didn’t show me, so I would probably be equally confused if you didn’t teach me so well. I doubt I can teach anyone as well as you can, so I definitely don’t want to confuse them or make them feel weird. It’s almost a miracle that you showed me this kind of love, when I doubt most adults even understand this sort of love, maybe they do and they just keep it secret from me, but I guess I’ll never know.” Says Ophelia

“Most girls just stay buddy friends their entire lives, so it’s kind of rare that you find someone who wants to be friend friends. That makes me so glad I found a girl like you.” Says Grace

“I’m so happy too. I can understand; Stacy never liked kisses, but I always kissed her anyways because she’s my baby. I guess some girls just want to stay little girls like Stacy, and some of us are more mature and love like women instead of little girls. I can see why, this is such an adventure it might seem scary, but it was totally worth it. I can love anyone and everything the way I have since I was a little girl, but I think it would be hard to love more than one girl this way, because you alone already fill up all the room in my heart for this kind of love, room I didn’t even know I had, so I can see why they call it best friend things, because you can really only have one best friend. My heart is so full right now it feels heavy, and I love it so much.” Says Ophelia

“I’d love to be your best friend forever.” Says Grace, kissing Ophelia lovingly

“I’d love that too.” Says Ophelia, hugging Grace lovingly, her unwavering platonic love emboldened by this newfound, poorly understood passion, understood only as love, this explanation being entirely sufficient in her mind, to her this is but another form of love, which she has known and cherished her entire life, seeing no reason to distrust or question it in the slightest, for she has never once questioned love before


“Grace! Ophelia! Breakfast!” shouts Isabelle through the door on her way downstairs

“Coming!” shouts Grace “Let’s get dressed, I’d hate to cause the girls to start running late.” Says Grace

“You make it so much harder to get out of bed.” Says Ophelia

“Think about how I feel.” Says Grace, kissing Ophelia one last time before rolling off of her and starting to get dressed, looking at Ophelia still lying in bed stark naked in the morning sunlight, watching her get dressed

“And I normally have trouble getting out of bed anyways.” Yawns Ophelia, slowly rolling out of bed and lazily getting her clothes back on, picking her barely worn nightgown off the floor and draping it on the dresser, looking into the mirror, effortlessly tossing her hair lackadaisically into respectable kemptness “Ok, I’m ready.” She says, still yawning, Grace grabs her by the hips and begins to kiss her, filled with newfound despondency, acknowledging the unavoidable loneliness of her immediate future, Ophelia with her arm around Grace’s neck, riposting Grace’s tongue in the pleasure of the sport, sorrow and preemptive misery take the form of aggression in Grace’s relentless assault, attempting to somehow fend off her fate with seductively imposing dominance, pushing Ophelia willingly against the wall, slipping her hand under her skirt and groping her ass, slipping her hand under Ophelia’s thigh and lifting it as it buckles at the knee, grinding own groin into Ophelia’s, eventually causing Ophelia’s mouth to slip away from her own, to which she moves her lips down to Ophelia’s neck, forgetting everything but her own passion, blissfully oblivious to the existence of anything besides this woman

“If you start this up again we’ll definitely be late.” Says Ophelia, a bit concerned for the sake of time, Grace’s body weakens with despair, letting go of Ophelia’s leg, returning her hands around her hips, still pressed against the wall, kissing her passionately one last time

“I’m sorry, I couldn’t help myself. I needed one more for the road.” Says Grace

“You’re more than welcome to it, but maybe later today ok?” asks Ophelia

“This is just my last chance, you know. Since we’ve got to keep it secret.” Says Grace

“That’s true, but you’ll have plenty of chances to have fun with me in the future, so don’t worry.” Says Ophelia, giving grace a lusciously cute peck on the lips on the lips

“It’s like waiting for Christmas, something way better than Christmas, but I’ll do my best to be a good girl.” Says Grace

“Then you get lots of presents.” Says Ophelia, kissing her cutely once again

“You’re everything I’ve ever wished for, and even more than that, so much more.” Says Grace

“I never wished for a friend before, but I didn’t know having a friend like you could be so much fun, or I definitely would have. The gift of friendship truly is the best gift possible.” Says Ophelia

“That’s so true. Let’s not keep the girls waiting though, I’m sure they might think we’re up to something.” says Grace

“You’re right, let’s go; it’s better not to have that conversation, considering we don’t know how they might feel about it.” Says Ophelia, slapping Grace on the ass playfully to encourage her out the door, the girls stop by the bathroom to wash their hands before heading downstairs for breakfast





“Good morning.” The two say, sitting down at the table, the other three already seated

“Took your time, didn’t you.” Jokes Isabelle suggestively, Grace averts her eyes, a bit embarrassed

“I’m like Stacy in the morning; getting out of bed is usually the hardest part of the day, especially since your beds are so comfortable.” Says Ophelia

“I can understand; getting out of bed makes me question my life, largely why I’m not in bed, but I suppose plenty of things make me ask myself that exact same question.” Says Stacy, longing for sleep out of passion for the pursuit, fantasizing about the pleasure and the comfort more than any actual relief of tiredness

“Fruit and yogurt sound ok? We’ve got plenty, just take a stab around the fridge; you’re welcome to anything you find. Go ahead and fix yourselves some tea if you care for some.” Says Isabelle

“Music to my ears.” Says Stacy, as the girls get up and shuffle around the kitchen, fixing tea

 “I see you’re a fan of Icelandic yogurt. I’ve had it before, it’s very good.” Says Jenna

“Rutabaga, beet, rhubarb, all the best flavors are from Iceland; they say Greek yogurt is similar but apparently the Greeks have poor taste so the quality of their yogurt is irrelevant when they’re reluctant to add any real flavor.” Says Isabelle

“Half of them are probably beet flavored, but thankfully Daria can enjoy a wider variety of flavors.” Says Grace

“Milk and beets in the same cup, that’s ingenuity. They say that the Icelanders were the first to discover America, and clearly their innovation didn’t stop there.” Says Stacy

“I’m all for rhubarb.” Says Jenna

“I like fruit, but rutabaga is also very yummy.” Says Ophelia

“Fine tastes all around, save for Grace of course, she’s fond of pineapple, peaches, cherries, pears, the mixed fruit fed to prisoners and lunatics in the asylum.” Says Isabelle

“I like all of those things too, but I guess I like everything. It’s kind of nice to know that even prisoners get to eat yummy fruit.” Says Ophelia

“Unfortunately they don’t get any of these delicious pickled radishes, but I suppose you’ve got to feed the prisoners based upon caloric requirements rather than pay any regards to taste, so I can’t blame their shepherds for using such standards to make decisions. Let me know if you want some, because I can’t promise there will be any left when I’m done with this jar.” says Isabelle

“You’re not going to eat a liter of radishes.” Says Grace

“I’ll do my damnedest.” Jokes Isabelle

“I’ll help, so we might have a chance.” Says Stacy

“I’ll just have an apple. I can appreciate a radish but I might need something more substantive for breakfast.” Says Jenna

“Substantiation is just a matter of eating enough radishes, its common sense really.” Says Isabelle

“I’ll just have some of the fruit salad Daria makes, it’s very good and she makes it hoping that we will eat it.” Says Grace

“I’ll have a bit just to make her happy. I know she wants me to eat fruit, but fruit simply can’t compete with the mighty taproot vegetables. Everyone have some to remind Daria that we appreciate all of her hard work, I’d hate to see it go to waste.” Says Isabelle

“The world begs to differ, but that has yet to cause you to falter in the slightest.” Says Grace, as the girls each serve themselves a varying amount of fruit salad and sit down at the table with a yogurt, going back to fetch their tea before starting to eat


“It’s a great day to see the dogs; I miss those lovable pups. As rewarding as our intellectually stimulating banter is, it’s always a pleasure to enjoy the company of an animal that enjoys the simpler pleasures like running around, chasing things, and being petted vigorously. I think at the end of the day we’re all animals, so as much as we may not want to admit it, we all love those simple things just as much as a dog does, we just have some aversion ingrained into us because we’re always told such pursuits are folly.” Says Isabelle

“Tell that to sportsmen, they make a millions of dollars running around and chasing balls; people enjoy that sort of thing so much that even watching someone else do it is exhilarating. It’s almost occult how much people in this country and around the world love sports.” Says Grace

“Professional sports are an easy and accessible means for people to synthesize the feeling of success; they personally identify with a team, usually a local one that facilitates such identification, and when that team does well they personally feel successful despite having done absolutely nothing; it’s a profound means to stroke a person’s ego considering it requires virtually no effort on the part of the observer. This is compounded by many things, especially the formative moments of the youth of the individual, who felt euphoria in playing and winning sports, as well as easily fantasized about and romanticized the notion of professional sports, so this euphoric recall and adoration that has been ingrained into the individuals mind from a young age makes the pleasure of watching sports even more satisfying.

Clearly countries take advantage of this by emphasizing their Olympic performance whenever possible, because in that case the team is the nation itself, and the entirely irrelevant success of sportsmen then induces a profuse amount of patriotism as if the country itself were somehow successful in something meaningful; people identify as their country and their obsession with winning and the pleasures induced by winning negate any sort of concern for the actual relevance or significance of the winning in question. The feeling of winning feels good, so nobody tends to risk that pleasure by contemplating and questioning the validity of that feeling, save for the few asshats who lobotomize their minds and inhibit pleasure they might receive from watching sports by philosophically and logically contemplating sports, and thus easily understating the sheer irrelevance of sports and the stupefying nature of people’s obsession with them considering their irrelevance. I’m sure you can find plenty of people become palpably excited if the USA wins a women’s bobsleigh medal despite the baffling nature of the sport, and even more so excited if the USA beats Russia in some equally trivial sport at the Olympics.” Says Stacy

 “People love the feeling of winning, and they’re not going to question anyone who will give them their fix, especially if it is on such a grand scale as national or international events; as despite the meaningless of such events, these events are still the pinnacle of competition, so the satisfaction from winning them cannot be surpassed by anything greater in that regard. The feeling of being the best at something is a great feeling, even if it isn’t a very practical skill like bobsledding, I know I don’t question the satisfaction and pleasure of watching the USA women’s bobsleigh team win medals. It’s exciting, it’s impressive, sure I don’t understand the sport, what it is supposed to represent if anything, or why it even exists, but I can understand competition and the satisfaction of winning contests, and beyond that I can empathize with and enjoy the feeling of winning by proxy through the means of identification you explained, and that’s all it takes to have an appreciation for that sort of thing.

What it means to be the best is entirely subjective and a matter of debate, but when considering what country is the best country, clearly I will reflect upon my own nation, and  as being the best at the most things seems to be a simple if not reasonable standard in my book, I don’t question the validity of sports. So even if I’m being foolish by thinking that being the best at snowboarding, speed skating, or even bobsledding for that matter is tangibly significant in any arguments as to which nation is the best, the fact of the matter is that it is impossible for any country to be the best without being the best in those events, in every event, and even in every respectable measurement for that matter, regardless of their significance, because so long as one could possibly be better, one is never truly the best but rather competing for that top spot.

Knowing that it is impossible for any nation to be the best, I can see that America is the best at snowboarding for example, and as silly and pointless as snowboarding is, the feeling that accompanies the statement ‘America is better at snowboarding than every other country on earth’, is nearly identical to the one accompanying the statement ‘America is better than every other country on earth’, so with tricky manipulations of quotation marks and artful omissions, conveniently forgetting about the snowboarding aspect of that very factual argument gives you that same unwavering faith in an entirely baseless one, and even if it is foolish, you still get the feeling like you are part of the greatest nation on earth, and once again with skillful omission and manipulation of the quotation, you end up thinking that you are the greatest. Sure this is an odd manner of inducing delusion, but the reliability of this method is that the end result is originally based upon a verified and unquestionable fact.

 The point being that sports, through the rather delusive means I explained, manage to induce the same level of unquestionable superiority and egotism in the common man that Stacy is so fond of creating and savoring through her own means, so while it may be silly, so long as you understand that profound pleasure that people experience from sports, it’s easy to understand why the love them, just like how it’s easy to understand why Stacy will talk all day about her philosophy and policy, it is a seductively easy way to feel amazing, and nobody will question that, even in communist Russia where life was very hard and people were suffering, they still took pleasure in Olympic success, because despite however downtrodden they were, those Olympic medals and the delusion that they induce were so powerful that they made plenty of the Soviets feel and believe that somehow they were the best.” Says Isabelle

“It’s a bit too early for this sort of banter, but I can see your point that if you make people feel good they will seldom question why. Just look at the number of people using drugs who continue to do so despite the profound number of detriments that result from using drugs. The drugs make them feel good so they will seldom question the drugs or their drug use.” Says Grace

“People like to feel good, but so few of them understand that the best way to feel good is just to be a good person. They all search for ways to feel good and find these alternatives that aren’t quite right, playing sports can be healthy, but even though watching sports makes a person feel good it doesn’t do anything, and beyond that as Grace said, clearly drugs make people feel good but they are very bad for you. Even though sports are harmless, I’m sure America would be a wonderful place if people would all spend time volunteering and helping people in the time they use to watch sports, because that would be millions of people going out to do nice things for people.

I’m sure it’s all about the money, but teaching people from a young age that being entertained by sports and taking pleasure in the success of one’s favorite team is somehow a reasonable thing to do means that they will spend so much of their life finding pleasure in that pointless activity instead of actually doing good things. Educating people that while it is nice to cheer on people playing sports and support them, especially if they are from your community, the feeling of accomplishment and achievement people feel from the accomplishments of their team is an illusion, and if they like that feeling, they would really love going out and actually accomplishing something by volunteering to help people, because instead of just sitting there and pretending that they are part of a team, they actually accomplish something measurable and significant through their own merit just like what the members of that sports team did. The world is full of these illusionary feelings that don’t actually come from meaningful things, but I guess just because it’s so easy and convenient people would rather do nothing and get a similar feeling than work hard to get an even better one. I guess that’s ok to make people feel nice, but it’s sad to know how much time people waste having their desire for accomplishment satiated by these illusionary ones rather than actually knowing true fulfillment and accomplishment by pursuing more productive things.” Says Ophelia

“People are just lazy, they want the most for as little as possible, so clearly the economics of their mind easily convince them that drinking beers and watching stock-cars drive in circles is the more reasonable pursuit than doing hard work volunteering somewhere; they just have to sit there and the feeling of accomplishment when their driver does well is somewhat comparable, easily 70 or 80 percent as good as the feeling of real accomplishment. Some people do pursue great things, never settling for less than 100%, but I know I am quite content even if I get an 80% on a test, so as much as some people hold themselves to a higher standard, the pleasure gained through a lack of effort as well as the acceptable result from my minimal effort always feels like a recipe for success. I know that I’m lazy, but most people are lazy; economically speaking the result divided by the effort defining the net yield of the activity, and most people would rather get the most for their money as opposed to getting the most possible, just because payout for effort drops off quickly the closer you get to perfection, and at a certain point most people just feel that said effort is not worth the investment due to how little it actually provides when compared to avoiding the effort.

If we could reduce the effort required to volunteer and be productive, I’m sure most people would be drawn to that, but as that is impossible and the only way to achieve that end is synthetically by manipulating relativity and perspective by increasing the amount of effort all other forms of personal satisfaction require, thus causing volunteering and being productive to be perceived as the most efficient form of attaining satisfaction. This would require a profound re-orchestration of society because on principle we seek to get the most bang for our buck so to speak, but unfortunately creating such an artificial reality would be quite taxing to those entrusted with inhibiting satisfaction from less so productive and useful things.

 Clearly this would be a productive venture, but the world is extremely squeamish about inhibiting hedonism in any way, shape, or form, so as prudence is incapable of creating this world due to its absence within the human psyche, the only means to such an end would be greed, pursuit of power, or other more commonplace human sentiments. That being said it is entirely possible, one simply must convince the money that this pursuit would be worth their while, and that requires them to be making more money from the volunteering and productivity of the people than from perpetuating their reckless hedonism, which is extremely easy given that the people are not entrusted with money, but once again that requires a paradigm shift such that money is no longer the primary tool used to delude and indoctrinate the people into being complicit in their own slavery.” Says Stacy

“I guess I’m the only one who’s a bit groggy here, but clearly it’s not too early for this sort of talk. Your logic is perfectly fine, it’s just the scope of such an undertaking, to re-orchestrate society and extensively manipulate the plasticity of every citizen’s mind is very close to the pinnacle of difficulty, not for any real difficulties that would be met in attempting to do so, as such systems and methods are all very simple, but the difficulty entirely arises from the amount of effort and energy that one must exert to achieve these ends. You said it yourself, that the reward for effort invested quickly drops off the closer we get to perfection, and maybe I’m just tired, but I still feel attuned to the American people when I am far more tempted to sit there, drink beer, and watch stock-cars drive in circles for hours while the world burns and somehow achieve the feeling of 80% success for a minimal investment of energy rather than exert this massive amount of energy for a 90 or 95% yield, and I don’t even drink beer or watch stock-cars.

I’m sure close to 100% of America feels the exact same way I do, and as noble as your pursuit of success is, the people don’t want success, it’s too much work, it’s too hard, and even if they would be happier in the end, they don’t care in the slightest because the 10 or 15% increase in their happiness is not worth devoting their life to; a thirsty man is fairly satisfied with a glass that is 80% full, and one that is 95% full is really not all that tempting considering how satisfied he is with that 80% full glass, sure it’s tempting, but the work required to get said fullness is the antithesis of tempting in this allegory. I’m not usually one to settle for such a low mark, at least in school, but school tends to have a much more linear scale that defines the return on time invested, and perhaps we’re just a backwards country, but this sort of investment seems illogical, especially when the American people will be vehemently opposed to such motions considering that they not only condemn them for drinking beer and watching stock-cars, but they seek to inhibit them from doing so all together, and that is an unspeakable evil the minds of the American people.” Says Jenna

“Temptation aside, it is easy to be complacent and think that as everything is fine; clearly there is no need to fret about everything, but truth be told, being acceptable is not a standard sufficient to ensure competition in this world. The idyllic American scene of drunken reverie, reveling in the carousal of the carousel, the bacchanal of the banal, can easily be seen as bellwether of fair weather, of copious success and American perfection, as life is so good for these people they can afford to spend an entire day drinking and watching cars drive in circles, but truly things are only fine; such things are acceptable, and people are accepting their lives and their success, and as they are content with their successfulness they turn to other less taxing pursuits such as entertainment. This notion of contentedness is what will ultimately destroy us, as existing within the world is much like a footrace, and every day if we are contented with only 80% success, and another country such as China is not content with anything less than 85% success, our competitors are making 6% more progress than us, every day, every year, and this cumulative effect means that while things may be fine in the present, the more we remain contented with underperformance the more we will fall behind, and this means will we stop being competitive, we will stop being dominant in the markets and we will become the dominated, and with this fate we are damned to slavery not only by the state, but of the international market powers as well.

It may not seem like a problem to remain competitive even without dominating, but failing to dominate is the essence of problems in itself; anyone who has a problem has said problem because they failed to dominate whatever it is that is now in the position of power such that it can cause a problem. The more we fail to dominate, the more we put ourselves in the subjective and submissive position, and in this position we are entirely at the mercy of those we depend on, and even if this is only a few markets that the American people see as below them due to the indignity of these industries at the moment, this being dominated  and  the complicity with said domination results in the waning of American power and influence, as despite the lowly, simple, or humble nature of these markets, failing to dominate these markets means that power that America was once able to wield is now being wielded elsewhere, and we find ourselves more and more subject to the same fate that we had subjected the world to for the prior centuries.

As the Negro proves it is very difficult to overcome being dominated, and the fact that we are willingly forsaking our domination out of laziness, entitlement, and other petty qualms is shameless considering that we once held the position of the imperialist, the regent, the dominator and somehow felt that we became so successful that our position would remain unthreatened, even when we forsake things like secondary industry which made us the world power we are today. In our own laziness we are ensuring that the fate of our people and our nation is akin to that of the Negro, subject to the powers that be and largely powerless to do anything to resolve or better our own situation, and we are willingly placing ourselves in this position due to reluctance of the American people to dominate because they somehow feel that they can do this without actually having to do a damn thing. We embrace short term solutions like outsourcing and abusing emerging markets despite the fact that once these markets transition from the developing state into that of a developed nation, they will have these modern industries functioning at full steam while we have no ability to compete with them as we abandoned our own industries that now have zero competitive domestic infrastructure because it was cheaper in the short term to import these products rather than make them domestically.

The nature of domination is such that even those who dominate are subject to their own domination, the soldiers subject to the nation; America has forsaken this principle, and with this their own legitimacy as a country. America seeks to dominate without being subject to their own domination and this is clearly impossible, so we have been selling off our domination to those willing to invest the manpower and energy into emulating this success elsewhere, simply because we can buy it from them cheaper than we can create it, and this is an asinine philosophy because quickly we will realize that we are forced to buy what they create at whatever price they demand simply because we can no longer make it ourselves, as we lack the infrastructure and trained laborers to do so.

Clearly this is a problem, but this problem of dependence on foreign markets is an external problem as we are not entirely in control of this situation, yet this problem itself arises directly from an internal problem which is the degeneration of the quality of American labor, as by no means other than a culture of entitlement and greed that stretches from the poorest of the poor to the richest of the rich, it has become largely impossible to run a successful secondary industry because every individual involved wants to make more money than is feasibly possible from their job, the laborer to the executive both, and clearly as this is an internal problem we are entirely capable of resolving it ourselves, and it is through our own reluctance to address an issue within our personnel that we have managed to disembowel and entire section of the economy, which is both ridiculous and despicable

 In this country, on principle, the people are never wrong, and this is lunacy as this principle applies even when the people themselves are clearly wrong as is the case with the defenestration of the secondary industries of America. This is a profound problem that must be addressed or we may as well reflect upon the direct parallel of Old Yeller and euthanize every American for having this profound sickness of the mind that renders them completely incapable of performing that which must be done, understanding that when this country defended the world from the Nazi wolf, they became very sick in the process, and now serve as nothing but a vector to spread this chronic wasting disease that blights the mind of everyone in this country. If we cannot cure this disease that has already sickened and destroyed the allegorical livestock of the secondary industries, then euthanasia is the only moral option as an effort to prevent the spread of this contagion. Clearly I have proposed many clear and simple solutions to cure this disease, but as the people themselves will likely never accept these cures, they willingly and aggressively assert their sole remaining authority which is to infect the minds of the people around the world with this consumptive blight that induces a profound degeneracy of character, functionality, and quality of those afflicted.

There will always be problems within a country, at the very least external problems beyond our control, and clearly it is impossible to resolve that completely, so one might think utopia, a place without any problems, is impossible at that point, and perhaps in a sense it is, but the parallel to a utopia would be a place without any perceived problems, at least internal problems, where despite the fact that problems may exist, the people do not perceive them in such a way. This is why I am such a proponent of using mental conditioning as a major resolution to problems, as many of the problems such as disparity or death cannot be resolved, yet people indignantly demand that these problems be resolved despite that fact, and this largely is due to the fact that the people are conditioned to search for problems, identify things as problems, and demand resolutions because they are taught that this is their democratic responsibility, despite the people themselves having a profound inability to actually resolve issues in any manner that is more legitimate than wishing that their problems were solved, and more often than not seek to solve their problems by placing their problems on the backs of other people without doing anything to actually resolve the issue.

As many problems cannot be resolved, the only true solution to these problems is to ensure that the people do not perceive them as problems, by means of indoctrination, humilitation, and conditioning, as when the something is not perceived to be problematic, then it is no longer a problem. Problematicality is entirely based in opinion, and on account of this, reducing the number of problems in society and thus becoming a more so utopian society depends upon reducing the number of things perceived to be problems as much as it does actually resolving the problems themselves. This is because many sources of contention cannot be resolved such as the conflicts between those with authority and those subject to it,  as well as any other case of those with and without something, money, manhood, intelligence, skin color, or anything for that matter, which cannot be changed readily if at all due to the nature of function; so rather than attempt to resolve these problems, to somehow create equality when the laws of nature and mathematics themselves prohibit equality between things are naturally different, the people must understand that when systems require multiple disparate facets to function properly, these problems can be subjectively resolved by minimizing the influence these problems have on the individual rather than attempting to change things that cannot be actually be changed in some reckless, misguided, idealistic delusion.

So long as nobody believes there are any problems, this is as close to utopia as is physically possible, as despite the fact that problems may exist, the fact that people believe there are no problems creates the same psychological benefit that would arise if there truly were no problems, and so long as we as a society or at least those with power are aware of the problems and do our best to address and coexist with them in the most productive, efficient, and successful way possible, then there is no reason to deprive the people of this blissful feeling of living in paradise, even if it means they are kept ignorant to many problems; there is no reason to educate them about the existence of these problems when ultimately said person has no power to change the situation or resolve the problem, as you are simply giving them a reason to be upset or indignant and thus inducing discontent and displeasure despite the fact that there is nothing that can feasibly be done to resolve this discontent, so it is little more than sadism to instill these perpetual sources of displeasure within the minds of the people considering that they themselves as well as the nation is effectively if not entirely powerless to do anything to resolve this displeasure.

Much of the stress of problems comes from acknowledging and contemplating the problem in said problematic light, when if such things were contemplated without this light and with one of indifference or even support per say, most all of the stress induced by problematic things would be eliminated simply because the person doesn't believe they are a problem, and beyond this, clearly if a person is unaware of a problem they will not be bothered at all by it. A small child will not be upset if the stock market takes a measurable tumble that is unnoticeable to the common man, but someone who is heavily invested in stocks will be quite rattled by these events, so the standard holds true here that one should not invest any time educating the small child on the pertinence of the stock market or the implications of losses on the market when the child is powerless to do anything about the situation and has no reason to be concerned with these things; the life of a child is independent from the stock market, and for that reason the child should not be concerned or even aware of the stock market.

The same principle holds true for countless people who could be much happier if they were not forced to acknowledge problems and stressful impetus that they are largely if not entirely irrelevant from, considering that their understanding and knowledge of these things amounts to nothing save for inducing stress and displeasure. This places a great deal of trust in each member of a specific field to understand their area of expertise and address it correctly, as they will not have the insight and guidance provided by the indignant public, but seeing how the insight of the public is usually awful and their guidance is suicidal more often than not, there is no reason to think that the decision making in every field would somehow suffer on account of the absence of screaming idiots on the streets presuming that they themselves, in their authority as unemployed if not unemployable rabble-rousers that have nothing better to do than pollute the streets, are somehow far more capable of understanding situations and making decisions than people who are actually educated and employed in those fields.” Says Stacy

“It’s definitely too early for this.” Yawns Jenna “One of my problems is being awake right now, so I don’t know what you can do about that.”

“That issue is quite common here and around the world; if the state was more prudent and responsible they could understand that and you’d have some uppers that would have instantly resolved that problem. Not only would you be awake, you’d love being awake, and you’d even be addicted to waking up, so that problem is actually easily resolved, as much as the torture of waking up may seem like inescapable torment. I like sleeping as much as anyone, but as much as I’ve often not the fortitude to resist the temptation, I can at least say that I am aware of the fact that I could be doing something more productive than sleeping.” Says Stacy

“People need sleep though, so being addicted to being awake is creating another problem in and of itself. If you talk this much right now I’m sure you’d be an unintelligible mess if you were given uppers every day. Sure plenty of people probably need a substantial stimulant addiction given the rates of obesity and work shyness in this country, but I think some people would be worse off, you included.” Says Grace

“I don’t need any help being awake, most of the time anyways. I think we just need to emphasize that people get good sleep and they won’t be so tired all the time. Most of the time a cup of tea is plenty to get me going, so I doubt anything more than that would be helpful considering too much caffeine will give me the jitters; I don’t even want to know what a stimulant would do.” Says Ophelia

“Caffeine is a stimulant; it’s just not a very strong one. That being said, I’m sure medical strength stimulants would not be entirely helpful to you. You made a good point seeing how a lack of sleep is probably the reason for a substantial amount of American lethargy, along with things such as poor diet and lack of exercise of course, and even if stimulants help people lose weight and focus at work, I’m sure the fact that people no longer sleep would destroy people’s minds rather quickly.” Says Jenna

“Everyone would sleep majestically well, just because people are addicted to waking up doesn’t mean they’re not also addicted to going to sleep. Clearly if people aren’t being responsible and getting enough sleep, making sure they’re physically dependent on barbiturates or another sedative so that they can sleep responsibly is a surefire way to resolve this issue. Those who may be discomforted by the simulant needn’t worry as they can easily find harmony with the anxiolytic effects of the daytime barbs at a dose that does not inhibit their ability to focus and perform their responsibilities.” Says Stacy

“The extent to which you advocate using psychotropic substances to accommodate the conditioning of the human mind is probably a bit too optimistic. Perhaps there is some medicinal dose of these things that can be applied without destroying the person, but you’re playing with fire, and as much as I understand the fact that fire itself is a surefire way to get warm, it also presents the opportunity for people to be burned severely or even fatally. I can appreciate the ingenuity for respecting the fact that psychochemical interactions are a very accessible means to perform maintenance on the human mind due to their inescapability and their power, I’m just being wary of the dangers that come along with them, especially considering the difficulty of ensuring that everybody takes their prescribed dose reliably, as it seems extremely easy for people to refrain from taking them simply to barter them to those prone to addiction, and in that case you end up with addicts and deadly overdoses even if your dose was perfectly safe the entire time.” Says Jenna

“When our only options are to either get warm or freeze to death, I certainly am not going to elect to die simply because there is a chance that I might get burned or killed by the fire; considering I have a 100% chance to freeze to death and a much smaller chance of being burned alive, I will take the smaller chance of death any day of the week.” Says Stacy
“I wouldn’t say that it’s a 100% chance to freeze to death, but perhaps that just the delusional optimism due to my own indoctrination despite the fact that I can clearly see the profound rates at which the people of this country are slowly freezing to death. Besides, human history has always been about playing with fire and reaping the benefits; even if  a few people get burned, our choice is either to be human and play with fire, to harness and master fire, and ascend unto newfound levels of greatness or be wild animals, and considering that we’ve ventured beyond the cozy tropics that once facilitated our existence, we are guaranteed to freeze to death if we chose not to master fire, as well as any new forms of fire that might present themselves such as those of psychochemical optimization.” Says Isabelle

“I know Stacy only wants to get people addicted to good and beneficial behaviors, and that makes sense because they don’t like to do them now, so clearly something has to change, but even if I was only addicted to good behavior I don’t know if I’d like the feeling of addiction; just that word is scary considering how many people you see struggling with addiction and even dying on account of it. Seeing how people will do desperate things, commit crimes, and resort to being homeless just to fuel their addiction, I don’t think it’s a great idea because even if they’re addicted to being good and helpful, then they still might do crazy things like that because they’re so addicted.” Says Ophelia

“That’s a matter of addiction towards a prohibited or scarce substance; people resort to those things because they are shunned by society, cannot make money, and their addiction is quite expensive to maintain. We are all addicted to things like food and water, but people in this country don’t do crazy things to get food and water because there is plenty of it, and so long as the supply is maintained, an addiction by itself won’t cause any bad behaviors because those only result when the person cannot get what they are addicted to and are forced into desperate actions. If food was very scarce, people would do those same desperate things, commit crimes and be homeless, just to get food, because they’re physically dependent on food, but when we have plenty of food nobody would even consider doing those things.

Even the presence of temptation and the inability to attain what tempts a person is enough to cause them to resort to that sort of behavior; people will steal things that are not addictive in the slightest, and more often than not these people are not fencing the stolen goods for drug money. Clothes, make-up, computers, phones, and even meat are stolen at high rates because people want them but simply cannot afford them, so they resort to theft. Reducing these behaviors is more about reducing the temptations that cause people to succumb to them, because so long as the temptation exists, that is enough to convince some people to resort to criminal behavior. People cannot be tempted by things that they already have unconditional and reliable access to, so even if they are addicted, they will be no more tempted to resort to crimes or antisocial behavior than any of us are tempted to resort to crimes to get food or water, as we are all addicted to the point of being physically dependent on these things. This neutral effect the drugs would have on increasing antisocial behavior is compounded by the fact that antisocial behavior only results from the person being deprived of that which they are addicted to, so by inducing this sort of dependence in exchange for social behavior would make people even more prone to social behavior than they already are and drastically reduce antisocial behavior ironically enough.” Says Stacy

“I still don’t understand the temptation, sure you may be right, profoundly right to the point where you could save this country, but as unreasonable as getting everyone in the country addicted to meth and barbs is, it is somehow one of your more so reasonable and feasible ideas that might possibly be supported by some fragment of the population, which is far more popular than most of your ideas. Of all the things that could interest you, this fantasy of somehow inducing a profound level of functionality always calls to you, and as much as that sort of functionality would be nice, it is completely infeasible given that your ideas are likely the least intensive measures needed to induce that functionality, there is no reason to believe that this sort of pursuit is viable.

Sure you’re right, we know you’re right, and we know you love the feeling of being right, but just take that rightness as a given, at least for a while, and be distracted by something else. I want to be optimistic, because in all honesty a society such as yours would be extraordinarily psychologically enjoyable despite any immoral or amoral objectionablity, simply because it prides itself on manipulating the human psyche for the betterment of the individual despite any ethical concerns, and when such is the case, clearly the psychological boon would be great. That being said, not only is it basically impossible to create that society due to a lack of popular support, even you gained popularity, your movement would fall victim to the same corruption and dysfunction that derail every idealistic revolution, just as the communists and even the western idealists states have before you.

In the end we’ll be living the same lives attempting to function within this mildly dysfunctional capitalistic system, with the same monotony and tedium in our daily affairs that everyone has, being forced to accept that nothing ever changes and nothing will ever change or otherwise deluding ourselves into thinking that the people can somehow spur legitimate change for the better rather than the resort to the same pointless shortsighted stroking of their ego and accommodation of their hedonism that the rich and powerful always seek in the same respect as the poor and powerless. We are forced to ignore the fact that the rapture is slowly happening before our eyes, and expected to smile with wide-eyed incredulity as the world burns before us, and simply pretend that we are complicit in our slavery in this system because we are told it benefits our futures when in all likelihood our futures will be radically different than we expect, and easily much more terrible than we could even imagine. Let’s just do that, let’s be incredulous, accept our powerlessness, and try to pretend everything is fine. When you think about it, if there are a million possible options, but we are unable to choose any but one single option, we don’t have a choice, and beyond that, we’re making the best possible choice; so rather than think that it’s our responsibility to make the right decision, it’s just as easy to understand that the decisions are made for us, and those decisions are the best decisions because they’re the only decisions, and truly no man can lose a footrace with himself as the only competitor and no standards to measure merit or performance; if only one man on earth can run, he is the best runner on earth regardless of any criticisms, shortcomings, or failures.

 I know you don’t particularly care for people, and considering the common man and easily the rich loathe you for your inhumanity as much as you find them contemptible for their countless shortcomings, just let it go, accept your powerlessness, and even if you want to disregard the futility of your actions, always consider the fact that helping people that are below you is humbling yourself, so by refraining from helping them, by causing them to wallow in the misery of their own ignorance and shamelessness, you are still asserting your superiority and the wallowing of the people is the validation of that superiority. I want to help people, not to the same extent that you do, but I do have some desire to help people, but I am also willing to admit that if a person does not want help then they cannot be helped, and I’m certainly not going to waste my time attempting to hold somebody down and force them to be helped, even if the help they are receiving is clearly in their best interest. It is interesting, but it is simultaneously exhausting, and starting off a day with this sort of banter is not the most accommodating to conserving energy for the day ahead of us. The way I see it, your philosophy and your policies are the only future, your philosophy and policies are also blatantly impossible, so by my logic there is no future, and that’s fine with me; whatever happens, happens, and it is what it, this will not be a future, it will simply be an ending, and ending of this world and a destruction beyond all recognition, and that’s fine with me, that’s what the people want, this is a democracy, give the people what they want.” Says Jenna

“That’s a fair point, it is rather impious to fight against the rapture, let alone somehow prevent it. I’ve always seen the two World Wars as the true rapture, with everything else that follows being the post rapture period, considering the unprecedented escalation in vehement and shameless immorality, the endless hedonism and escalation of the potency of such instant gratification, the ungodly technology of destruction and more so the technological advancements that corrupt the human mind reduce it to a dysfunctional subhuman cesspool of plastic maladaptation to accentuate the physical maladaptation that occurred when the feeble genetics of those unfit to fight and die in the war were concentrated by the massive numbers of casualties that effectively culled the west of their quality breeding stock, leaving only the degenerates and the few who survived. The world burns, the people’s minds melt from the endless cocaine of hedonistic instant gratification, the people celebrate all of the vices and revel in them, truly there is not much hope one can have in such a time; but at the same time, God may have given the unworthy the lemons of the apocalypse, but as humans are both so bold as to refute the will of God and simultaneously ingenious to make lemonade out of the lemons we have, I see no reason why in such a tastefully destructive and vengeant time we don’t at least attempt to make ourselves some lemonade, and even if we are not granted access to that sugar, we can still remind people that it is quite easy to make delicious lemonade out of all of these lemons, and the more parched and thirsty one becomes from the hellfire flickering through the cracks in the earth, the more tempting that lemonade of Tantalus becomes, so easy to make, seemingly within arm’s reach, but at the same time impossible to grab.

Perhaps this world has simply transitioned from a godly realm into a purgatorial hell of sorts, and those that are created upon this earth are sent here to suffer in differing levels of misery both as retribution for their past sins, as god sees this as a tasteful opportunity to both damn somebody unto hell while at the same time giving them further opportunities to perpetuate and exacerbate the caliber of their damnation. Perhaps that fate does not describe that of everyone here, as there are other characters in the theistic cannon besides common men and God, but those characters are scarce in comparison to the humans, and that being said one can presume that even if some people on the planet are vessels of God’s will created to orchestrate the manner of retribution and torture that God deemed these individuals worthy of, per the density of such characters in theological cannon it can be presumed that most people exist within this newfound hell simply to be punished for their sins, and some perhaps are vessels of God, and others easily vessels of the princes of Hell to further tempt people into damnation. Surely the apocalypse must have an audience or else it has no reason to occur, and I doubt god would send souls unto hell that were born innocent, even if it is only a mildly yet increasingly hellish place such as this, with that being said it can be presumed that if we exist in the present, we are likely facing retribution for our past mistakes, and the fact that we might repeat them is only reinforcing the fact that we are worthy of the damnation we have been cast unto.

 I’m just guessing for fun, but I perhaps for amorality, Ophelia for being so easily misled by the devil’s faithful, Jenna for pessimism and cynicism and the resulting modest acedia , Grace for progressive social liberal ideology in contempt of the will of god, and Isabelle perhaps for greed but more likely due to forsaking her womanhood, performing the same roles as a male in society despite being a woman, but that could apply to all of us save for Ophelia, Isabelle simply seeks the male position of dominance to a much greater extent than any of us do, save for me perhaps if one considers my political ambitions to be anything more than a silly fantasy. Not that anyone should feel bad, clearly I’m the worse off of all of us, so perhaps god found my amorality the most heinous of all of our sins, but clearly I don’t understand the will of god, and perhaps in line with the cannon this life still exists more as an opportunity for a soul to be tempted than it does as any significant form of torture, which seems to be true, as the opportunities to be damned further vastly outweigh the instances where we are tortured, but to be fair, what sort of business would it be if it didn’t ensure that its clients kept coming back.” Jokes Stacy

“I don’t think this is really hell; it’s still a beautiful place, so perhaps it’s something like purgatory where God just gives us opportunities to try and overcome our imperfections so that we can get into heaven. People always think of purgatory as nothingness, but at the same time we’re supposed to be repenting so that we might be absolved, so seeing how we were all taught how to be good people, those are our tools for repenting for our sins, our original sins that we were born with, and that’s why it’s a lot like purgatory, because really there isn’t much to life besides faith and endless meaninglessness like work and things, but I honestly don’t know. There’s a lot of things you can think about this place, and I figure so long as we try to be good people and stay faithful everything will be ok; I doubt God expects us to know everything about that sort of thing, or what this place is or why we are here. All I know is that we’re here, and we should be good people because it’s clearly the right thing to do, and so long as we do our best God will understand and will forgive us if we mess up a little bit; nobody’s perfect, but just because you’re not perfect doesn’t mean you aren’t a good person, and I think that’s all God really wants.” Says Ophelia

“I enjoyed the notion that some people were servants of god; clearly I can see Ophelia being some kind of angel to help save people’s souls, Stacy some sort of powerless demon from secular god to remind people that they are also being tortured for lacking faith in secular god, myself hopefully in the employ of the devil torturing men and reminding them of their true powerlessness after so many generations of aggrandizement of men, Jenna I can’t say but perhaps she’s here to try and overcome her pessimism and cynicism and become more of a faithful optimist, Grace clearly was damned here to suffer like Tantalus with her idealistic unattainable social liberal nonsense as well as be tortured by the shortcomings and dysfunction that result from what little progress the progressives make, so I wouldn’t say that theory is far off; considering how similar the state of the world is to the apocalypse right now, it’s striking really. Delightful in a sense, I feel like that could truly be the purpose of my life, and it tickles me pink to be honest.” Says Isabelle

“Of course you’re willing to accept some theistic argument when it suits your fancy, but at least you accept you’re a servant of the devil, which is truly a remarkable instance of rare humility on your part.” Jokes Grace

“I always thought I was realistic, but I suppose even being realistic is arguably contrary to the faith, as one must have faith that the faith and the word of god can save people even when it appears to be entirely impossible, especially in today’s world. I’ll try to be optimistic somehow, to think that the faith is somehow powerful enough to save the people and the world; sadly at this point I can only hope for a miracle, because that is honestly what it will take, but I figure that’s the least I can do. I’m not going to put any faith in the argument of this being a purgatorial existence, but I don’t need to have faith in that argument in order to make an effort to better myself and be more optimistic about the power of the faith. It’s about time we headed out, according to my vague sense of time, so perhaps some prudence would be a step in the right direction, if somehow I’m the one prone to acedia and not Stacy of all people.” Says Jenna

“Not so much prudence in regards to daily affairs, as you are quite good at that. More so exerting the effort to manifest the benefits of the faith within the people; you find it easy to write that sort of thing off as unachievable, and perhaps you’re right in many instances, but that sort of predisposition can lead to one disregarding the opportunity to save someone’s soul simply because 9 times out of 10 your efforts would be entirely in vain. I can understand your reluctance, as it is a practical reluctance, and even if you chose not to be an evangelist which is all good and well, there is still a level of support for such endeavors and optimistic faith in the fact that these endeavors will somehow or at least sometimes lead to the desired ends that a young faithful girl as yourself should sport. I am only teasing you, but it was hard to think of a reason why you might be damned to this odd purgatory, as your flaws are few and far between, so as cynical pessimism is your weakness, I figured that was as good an opportunity I would get.” Says Stacy

“It was a fair point, and I can understand your logic. Pessimism is not a survival skill, so as rational and reasonable as it may be, it’s still not entirely beneficial when it results in accepting one’s fate when one’s fate is death; seeing how so long as there is a chance that one might survive, of 1,000 pessimists and 1,000 optimists, 10 optimists will survive even if there is only a 1% chance of survival, where every pessimist will die simply because they believe that 1% chance is negligible and death is inevitable. Rather than be pessimistic, I can be content with my fated death and attempt to be optimistic, not out of true hopes to survive, but out of a duty to do so, as that is what a healthy animal would do, perhaps for sport as we’re hardly animals at this point,  perhaps just to enjoy the absurdity and the sardonic humor to be found in the failures and shortcomings of the idiots who fail to survive despite their profound optimism that assured them they would survive; I don’t know, maybe just to learn things, as I enjoy learning, and truly there is no better way to learn than through the trials and tribulations of a largely physical and often intellectual gauntlet of survival in the face of the escalating apocalypse.

Solely for sport I can justify that mentality, as truly survival is a sport; and while I may not be entirely competitive, there is a pleasure in physical exercise and a pleasure in success, so just like the heroin addict on the streets chasing the dragon, I may always be chasing this dragon of the euphoric recall of the feeling that follows athletic performance and respectable performance in such tasks. Perhaps this is not optimism, but a functional analogue of optimism is rather close, and perhaps so long as I keep the thought of optimism in mind I will discover some unknown source of true optimism within myself; as the world burns and I become wildly delirious and delusional through mental anguish and torment, as my mind starts to fail, perhaps I will become dissociated and detached from reality, in madness I may become delusional enough to truly embrace the concept of optimism, and as such a thought is eerily realistic, I suppose that might be the only form of optimism I can truly embrace, so while I may not be optimistic, optimistically I will become optimistic, and I would say that’s rather optimistic myself, at least more than my usual self.” Says Jenna

“Any optimism is good optimism, even if it is just a little bit. Besides, I’m not an angel or I would definitely know way more about God than I do; I try my best, and maybe if everyone tried our best everyone would think everyone else is an angel, and that would be amazing, seeing how that’s so close to heaven on earth like we’re supposed to try and make it.” Says Ophelia

“We should be headed out soon, so just rinse out the bowls and put the things in the dishwasher and we should be just about ready to go. Hope you all enjoyed breakfast as much as I did.” Says Isabelle

“Of course, thank you very much, it was delicious.” Says Ophelia

“Elegant and refined, truly splendid.” Says Stacy

“Tasteful and healthy, even if your taste in yogurt is quaint, it’s not bad at all.” Says Jenna

“She didn’t even do anything. Thank Daria if you’re going to thank anybody.” Says Grace, as the girls start to clean up

“I was the intermediary between you and breakfast; even if Daria made it and got the yogurt, I still sent you in the right direction. I figure that’s worth something.” Says Isabelle

“You were a vital part of the process; we cannot argue with both the caliber and quality of your service.” Says Stacy

“Thank you kindly, I do attempt to be a gracious hostess, even if Grace likes to belittle my art.” Says Isabelle

“I suppose I am a barbaric philistine for failing to appreciate the art form of telling people to get yogurt and fruit out of a fridge; the beauty of your prowess as a hostess is truly far too grand for my feeble mind to grasp and truly appreciate.” Says Grace

“I have faith that one day you will come to appreciate true art and refinement, and that will be a glorious day indeed.” Says Isabelle

“You’re praying for a miracle at that point.” Says Grace

“I know, but I have faith in miracles, that god can save the souls of people who have fallen even as low as you have.” Jokes Isabelle

“If god was impressed with your skills as a hostess I would lose faith in god even if I were staring him in the face.” Jokes Grace

“Practice makes perfect, and so long as she keeps learning things from Daria I’m sure Isabelle will become a wonderful wife and an amazing hostess.” Says Ophelia

“That would require her actually trying to learn rather than letting Daria do all of the work.  If Isabelle ever humbles herself enough to marry somebody, I’m sure she wouldn’t be wifely in any sense other than in the purely legal context. If she somehow has two children, it’s clear that the man of the house will be taking care of three children in that house.” Jokes Grace

“Just because I’m not wifely doesn’t mean I’m a child; even if I don’t lose my demeanor, I’m sure plenty of men would love a youthful and vivacious woman. Guys want to have fun and enjoy themselves, they don’t concern themselves with household affairs any more than I do, and considering the fact that you got fed today, I think my performance is adequate if not above par, at least for my age anyways.” Says Isabelle

“There are lots of things that need to be done beyond feeding people; even if you plan on living alone it would still be wise to spend time in Daria’s shoes just to learn how to keep a house in order, seeing how if you’re living alone you’ll have to take care of those things yourself. Self-reliance is both a necessary and valuable virtue.” Says Jenna

“As an independent-minded self-driven person, I can honestly see the value in doing something like that now that I think about it. I always distract myself with big ambitions and neglect to reflect upon the smaller things that must be done along the way. I’ve never felt tempted to wash clothes or cook much for myself, but now even those things seem tempting as a means of bettering myself, my skillset, and even my personality in regards to developing quality work-ethic and responsibility. It might be hard to convince myself to actually do it, as distractible as I am, but now I suppose I will have this subtle fear of my own inadequacy and incompetence in the back of my mind every time I see Daria doing those things.” Says Isabelle

“I’m going to come over tomorrow and make sure you do it. I’d love to watch you suffer as you realize how hard it is to actually do everything that Daria does for you.” Says Grace

“Be my guest; so long as you’re there my pride wouldn’t allow me to stop no matter how tiresome it is, so you can get your petty giggles and I’ll become a better person in the process.” Says Isabelle

“I actually have to do some of that stuff at my house, and I know how tiring it can be to wash clothes or dishes or clean a bathroom, especially when you devote a good portion of the day to something like that. You’ll be banging your head against a wall after 10 minutes when you’re forced to realize that your pride cannot overpower your reluctance to actually do anything, let alone tiring menial housework.” Says Grace

“You underestimate my pride, and beyond that I have been enlightened in many ways by these girls, so prepare yourself for nothing but jealousy as you see my unwavering resolve and dedication to mastering the art of housekeeping, then a lifetime of said jealousy watching me master the valuable and necessary skills needed to be successful while you think you can complain your way to the top by griping about fairness and equality. Disparity exists, and it is everywhere in life, the reasons for disparity between people is found in their mentality, in their willpower, their resolve, and above that their ability to learn, master, and utilize any and all forms of knowledge that are valuable to them. You seek to create value by taking it from others in the name of fairness, and I seek to create it by my own hands, to create true value that none can discredit as ill-gotten, for it is plain as day as to why I reap success, and clear to see why those who fail to do so continue to fail.” Says Isabelle

“I’m definitely coming tomorrow. If I had a tape recorder I would be making you listen to that over and over again after you fail miserably, just to remind you how your expectations never tend to reflect reality, but more so to laugh endlessly at seeing your arrogance fall through entirely.” Says Grace

“I’m already salivating over the opportunity to prove you wrong, so profoundly wrong. I can’t wait, it already feels good.” Says Isabelle

“And I’m already laughing.” Chuckles Grace

“You two really are just like sisters.” Says Jenna

“It’s an odd relationship; something like a mix between neighbors, sisters, and friends, but all in all it’s a good time. Clearly our egos are no match for Stacy’s, but between us it’s always a good time to joust with them, it’s also great to have someone around that challenges me to measure up to them, but unfortunately for Grace that means me vastly superseding her in nearly every possible measurement of merit.” Says Isabelle

“You want me to go get a tape measure?” Jokes Grace

“I want you to get some new jokes, at least pay heed to the story of David and Goliath.” Says Isabelle

“We can get any report card ever if you really want to argue your intelligence will somehow empower you to outperform me in contest.” Says Grace

“It’s functional intelligence, not that you could even perceive of the notion as you can only find value in the indoctrinating rotes of school, and I won’t even remark about your dysfunctional delusional idealism you perceive to be intelligence; just because everybody can dream of Big Rock Candy Mountain doesn’t mean that rioting in the streets is going to somehow create this majestic paradise out of thin air.” Says Isabelle

“You’re the one who does nothing but talk big with nothing to back it up, at the very least I have the support of millions of people with common sense and the evidence found in quality of life measurements across nations more so civil than our own.” Says Grace

“I do nothing? You’re talking to an entrepreneur; I have founded a start-up company and you’ve done nothing but dream. I am the one with evidence; those metrics are nothing more than the evidence of delusion; if you indoctrinate people to believe that their lives are perfect of course they’re going to regurgitate the fallacies that have been branded into their minds.” Says Isabelle

“You just volunteered to be a front for money laundering and tax evasion, that’s not being an entrepreneur, and you didn’t even do anything to accomplish that, you just told somebody else to do it for you.” Says Grace

“I am a benefactor of the people of this state, as my business is entirely benevolent, and does nothing but ensure civility and increase the quality of life for the people of this fine city. Contrary to popular belief, just because somebody is successful doesn’t mean they’re some kind of corrupt ner-do-well whose gains are entirely ill-gotten; you can think that way out of spite and jealousy, but that just shows how immature you are for failing to respect the accomplishments of others just because they benefit from their own hard work while you sit complaining about things and never doing anything to better your own situation in the slightest.” Says Isabelle

“You’re not successful, you’ve made zero money so far as I can tell, I can’t even imagine how you would actually make money besides to create some roughshod illusion that you are somehow a legitimate company, and I feel bad for Stacy being dragged into this mess just because you found some golden opportunity to prove how recklessly and destructively opportunistic every capitalist happens to be.” Says Grace

“It will be fun, don’t worry about me. I’m an unwitting pawn in all of this, I’m just along for the ride, and I’m sure that any ride some shady capitalist might take me on will be an entertaining one to say the least, and seeing how I get out scot-free due to my functional ignorance about the entire process and irrelevance in the affairs of the company, I wouldn’t be worried about anything at this point.” Says Stacy

“As someone who is a semi-conscious young woman, I would not believe for a second that some ride a shady capitalist would take me on would be entertaining in the least bit, that sort of thing tends to be how bad things happen to good little girls like you.” Says Grace

“I can handle myself, especially if this little job can help be acquire a firearm, so if any harm would fall upon anyone it would be those who foolishly attempt to endanger my clients or even myself, as such is my duty as a personal protection officer, and I certainly would not hesitate to remind anyone of the authority I am entrusted with.” Says Stacy

“Do you even know how to shoot a gun? How can Isabelle give you any authority? This is ridiculous.” Says Grace

“It’s not Isabelle, it is my job, which entitles me to legal protection when I perform my job and protect people, just as an officer of the law has legal protection when he performs his job and enforces the law.” Says Stacy

“I don’t know anything about the law, but I don’t have any confidence that you know the law either.” Says Grace
“Tell me, is it a crime when a baker bakes things, or builder builds things? No, of course not, so clearly by understanding that legal precedent clearly it is not a crime when a personal protection officer protects people, so long as she is protecting people, she is clearly within the confines of the law, and there should be no confusion on your part unless you’re going to start combing through every bakery or construction site and harangue them for health code violations and occupational safety violations when clearly there even the law understands corpus delicti, so without a dead or maimed body, clearly there has been no crime, regardless of what irrelevant de jure nonsense might have to say; and beyond that, Stacy’s job is literally to dissuade trouble, and as much as we would like to avoid being forced to resort to physicality, clearly sometimes such action is necessary, in some extremely rare instances this could even include being forced to kill or maim somebody, so if you had even a shred of knowledge about the law you would understand that even if there was a body, Stacy would not have committed a crime because her entirely legal job theoretically involves killing somebody which means said killing is also entirely legal as it is in the context of performing a legal job, and just as this applies to police officers and executioners, these people are not criminals, they are civil servants, and Stacy is no different, thus even if there were a body there would be no crime. Clearly she could commit other crimes where the body is not a human corpse per say, but some kind of vandalism or theft of property, but clearly Stacy would not do things like that, so I can’t understand why you would be concerned about things that are provably impossible given any sort of knowledge of the law.” Says Isabelle

“Let’s not talk about this; this is the fuel of nightmares, thinking of Stacy killing people is bad, but then the thought that the entire legal system likely functions with the same degree of quasi-baseless legal fluency that you do is disconcerting to say the least. You have a fair point that you sound somewhat right, and I doubt most cops would question that argument if you were somehow brought into an interrogation, so that’s somewhat comforting yet at the same time fairly disheartening, but seeing how if that ever were the case the system would be on Stacy’s side, I can’t really complain, as much as it would be a reasonable thing to do.” Says Jenna

“Don’t worry, that’s an extremely unlikely situation, I just used it to prove a legal point; and as much as I hate to admit it, Stacy’s protection is probably just for show, as we are probably just a symbiont of healthy capitalism, but clearly that is not illegal as Grace would like to pretend, and we are still a functional and upstanding business, even if we are more or less dependent upon our parent company, we still perform a vital role in symbiosis as both parties benefit from that relationship. Even if that’s all we are now, I don’t see any reason why we couldn’t broaden our horizons if we ever feel the urge to do so.” Says Isabelle, as the girls stand in the foyer, put their shoes on and get their things

“Thankfully, knowing Isabelle, that unlikeliness is compounded multiplicatively by the comparably if not more so unlikely situation that her big talk somehow amounts to something more than hot air, so after having that epiphany come to mind I’m not all too worried about Stacy; Isabelle on the other hand could likely talk her way into jail if you let her despite having done absolutely nothing but run her mouth, but I’ll let her learn that lesson the hard way if it ever comes down to it, as clearly she doesn’t listen to reason.” Jokes Grace

“I’m sure Stacy is smart enough not to get into trouble, so we shouldn’t really have to worry about that sort of thing in the first place. She’s silly, not crazy.” Says Ophelia

“Let’s head out, I’m sure Grace will keep naysaying even if I have a billion dollars to my name; considering she has such a knack for ignoring reality all together, there’s really no point in arguing about it.” Says Isabelle, leading the girls to the door

“Reality is defined more so by the most commonly held delusions of the people than any form of legitimate truthfulness, so unfortunately the physical medium of satirically named reality from which we can discern truth is largely irrelevant. You can’t win an argument with a realistic point of view when the opposition’s concept of realism is so far from anything that is actually contingent upon reality itself.” Says Stacy, as the girls walk out the door, Daria in the garden

“I hope everyone got breakfast. Isabelle said she would take care of you, and she was quite intent on that.” Says Daria

“Your fruit salad was delicious. Isabelle did a great job as a hostess too.” Says Ophelia

“I’m glad to hear that.” Says Daria

“We’re even out of the house on time, and that’s an impressive feat in and of itself.” Says Stacy

“I hope you girls have fun with the dogs today, I’m sure they could use plenty of love and attention considering their unfortunate fates.” Says Daria

“We will, Stacy is a bit nervous around dogs, but hopefully this hands-on experience we get will help her overcome that.” Says Jenna

“I was the same way around boys when I was your age, but with enough hands on experience you will definitely become a lot more comfortable in that situation. You can easily come to love it so long as you don’t let your fears dissuade you from ever exploring beyond your comfort zone.” Says Daria

“You are a filthy girl, but I love you for that. I hope you don’t suggest we follow in your footsteps with the dogs.” Jokes Isabelle

“What? Holding hands, taking walks, I don’t expect you to dance but you never know; I don’t see anything wrong with that. Did you have something else in mind? Perhaps you’re the one thinking filthy thoughts right now.” Jokes Daria

“You got me, but as a teenager I suppose that’s just where my mind goes sometimes.” Says Isabelle

“Just don’t take those thoughts too seriously; fantasies can often become nightmares if you let them, and there’s no reason to think that some boy will behave as he does in your fantasies, he has his own fantasies you know, and his are probably closer to nightmares than anything you would want to dream about.” Says Daria

“Most of the time I’m distracted by much bigger ambitions than the attention of men, so don’t worry about me. It would be so hard to find a man of worthy caliber, so unless I’m turning over every stone in town you don’t have anything to worry about, I wouldn’t even give a thought of most men the time of day, let alone the man himself.” Says Isabelle

“Those thoughts have a funny way of sneaking into your mind anyways, despite how much you know better. I trust you to make the right decision, and if you’re ever tempted I’m sure Grace can help you come to your senses. It’s much better to be safe than sorry when it comes to boys at your age.” Says Daria

“It’s a catch-22 because you’re always sorry when you’re safe as well, at least at some point well down the road of safety. That being said, if I’m sorry either way, being safe and sorry is more tempting than being unsafe and sorry, considering how that sort of tomfoolery can easily cripple any feasibility of accomplishing things that I actually want. Having a man would be nice, just some attention and entertainment, but I’m fantasizing about success and fulfillment, not petty thrills, thankfully.” Says Isabelle

“You don’t have to try to impress me like you do your father, I know what goes on in young girls’ minds, I was one too, you know. Just be safe out there and have fun, ok?” asks Daria

“We will, don’t worry.” Says Ophelia

“I’m sure three Catholic girls and a radical feminist can steer me well away from any possible danger, so you have nothing to worry about.” Says Isabelle

“I hope you can do that yourself if need be, because one mistake can last a lifetime, you know.” Says Daria

“I’ll be wary not to get knocked up in an alleyway walking to school. I don’t see how you could even be worried about something like that.” Jokes Isabelle

“I suppose it’s just a woman’s instinct, but I know it’s a rather silly fear; I would just hate for something like that to crush your dreams at such a young age, as it happened to so many of my friends as a girl.”  Says Daria

“I’ll be the one crushing the dreams of men today and every day, so you don’t have anything to worry about.” Says Isabelle

“I’m glad you’ve got your spirits about you; I’d hate to hold you girls, so be on your way before you’re late. I’ll still be here later, but that train might not be.” Says Daria

“Right O, keen as a goose, as always, see you later Daria.” Says Isabelle

“It was good to see you.” Says Ophelia

“Thanks for having us.” Says Jenna

“Tata for now, it was a delightful time.” Says Stacy

“Bye Daria.” Says Grace, as the girls head out

“Isabelle told us that she would help you with all of the housework tomorrow, so make sure she does it!” teases Grace, shouting as the girls walk out the gate

“Hold me to it!” shouts Isabelle boldly, Daria rolls her eyes and goes back to gardening




The girls stroll through the familiar landscape with insouciant prudence,  the world delightfully devoid of meaning, a carefree and lighthearted emptiness fills the minds of the people who have entirely forgotten both care and meaning, an entirely fulfilling emptiness, as the people busy themselves with menial Saturday chores and leisure, having drowned the rabid dog of work and strife yesterday, allowing the ominously good weather and sensual sunshine to wash their minds clean of any memory of the half-hearted struggle of the confused dog that neither wanted to die nor wanted to live, simply living and dying simultaneously, entirely ignorant to either of the concepts due to having no choice in the matter, blissful ignorance of anything other than mind-numbing leisure and captivatingly obliviating housework, their own sense of self so inexorably intertwined with their domicile that the two are entirely indistinguishable; the few with responsibilities question their existence and the inexistence of a true respite from duty, exhausted and fatigued, they themselves have become the rabid dog of work, wanting neither life nor death, simply existing in ignorance of any other reality, with forced complacency to jerk and spasm in accordance with the will of the disease that runs through their blood; those such as the girls who entertain leisurely duty enjoying the odd comfort of forced complacency with the pleasure of leisurely prudence, themselves resigned unto dutiful powerlessness in regards to their fate, yet entirely pleased with their fate regardless, relieved of the human burden of decisions, their minds functioning in animal simplicity without questioning of the actions of their body, knowing exactly what to do without having to think about their actions in the slightest, a simple compulsive survival free from existential contemplation and the delirious stressor of delusional foresight, largely ignorant of the past save for perhaps recalling where one might find some tasty food, the present so comfortable and pleasant that the mind heartily naps in the comfort, sedated by its own complacency until something arises that stirs it from such a pleasant heaven, the cousin of heaven, but a wonderful heaven indeed


“What have you girls got planned for today? Spurring revolution no doubt.” Jokes Isabelle

“Chores, schoolwork, nothing much really.” Says Jenna

“Nothing unless something comes up so far as I know.” Says Ophelia

“I’ve got a full plate: napping, eating, napping, sleeping. Busy, busy. This of course, but after this I’m down for the count, I have trouble understanding how people resist the temptation to sleep for 48 hours straight on the weekends.” Says Stacy

“I think they have something called a sense of responsibility.” Teases Jenna

“I’m plenty responsible; getting enough sleep is always touted as a responsible thing to do, critical to maintaining one’s health. I normally don’t start plotting revolution until after lunch, anyways; the morning is usually just for regretting that I got out of bed in the first place. The sunshine is cozy and while I can half-sleep while walking and talking, full-sleep is what I’m dreaming about.” Says Stacy

“I can sympathize with you, naps are great, and the weekend is really the only time you get to nap.” Says Ophelia

“I’m sure once you get a job and start working you’ll be so tired all the time that you seem like an upstanding citizen, seeing how you’d be too busy and sleepy to ramble on about revolution.” Says Grace

 “Revolutionaries are some of the most upstanding citizens known to man; the commoners all have some principles but they don’t adhere to them with any more devotion than a casual and flippant sense of responsibility, clearly they can purport that they have values and principles, but often times these waver when presented with situations that make them question the validity of the principles and values that they accepted off hand as a matter of indifferent complacency with their indoctrination. Revolutionaries on the other had have a profoundly strong devotion and commitment to their values and principles, so as treacherous as they may seem, true revolutionaries tend to have the strongest commitment to their values and principles; whether or not someone agrees with their proposed application of those principles is another story all together, but seldom are those values and principles disagreeable in and of themselves.

If you want a hard worker or a dedicated employee you find a revolutionary because they have a tendency to form unwavering commitment to things, so as much as they would die for their revolutionary cause, they also see employment as a means to survive and thus further the revolution, so in that case they are quite dedicated to their employ and work hard out of innate principle and character rather than out of some form of half-assed motivation resulting from the bargaining and shady accord formed between a common man’s purported values and his truer, pettier, self-serving values. Revolutionaries are quality people, revolutions are a crapshoot, but the people behind them clearly have respectable caliber on account of their willingness to unquestioningly sacrifice themselves on account of profound devotion to something that is likely stupid and crazy. If a man can commit life and limb to something as dangerous as revolution, he clearly will have no reluctance in doing so for something as safe and as stable employment; it’s simply how his mind works, quick to be enthralled by an idea and unquestioningly live to serve the purpose of fulfilling that idea. At least half of revolutionaries have their wits about them, so as much as they might seem dangerous in concept, their first priority is self-preservation unless there truly is a war being fought as opposed to simple banter and rabble, so ultimately that makes them harmless; quaint, but harmless. Besides, I’ve always seen myself as a revolutionary only in the same light that the proponents of the scientific revolution were revolutionaries; sure I’m willing to argue my point, but I’m not going to start setting up bombs like some sort of insane Anarchist who thinks that is somehow productive in the slightest” Says Stacy

“You would need some kind of Renaissance for your revolution to be able to gain any footing, and considering the reluctance of the human race to even consider that sort of revolution; unless somehow the humanistic and idealistic nations all collapse, it seems unlikely that there will be a foothold for your philosophy to stand on.” Says Jenna

“I’m just putting it out there; even if it doesn’t sprout and flourish to dominate the landscape, so long as it survives, it will be there when the inevitable time comes that humanism and idealism have failed, and at that point my philosophy is either respected and embraced or it’s too late and I’m just laughing in my grave at the fools who refused to listen to reason and paid the ultimate price. Even if I’m entirely wrong, it’s simply the fact that I’m more so right than the current standards that justifies my philosophy entirely. It’s simple evolution at that point, and while there may be some theoretical solutions to problems that are even more efficient than my own, those are likely far less feasible than my own propositions, so until the time comes when these more so effective solutions become possible, my philosophy will remain superior, and when it fails to compete in the face of another revolution, that is simply evolution and I am perfectly content with that fate. I doubt people will actually embrace my philosophy in any significant manner unfortunately, so this means any revolution will be a degenerative one, and as much as that may doom the people and the planet itself, my philosophy will still be there to remind people of their own shortcomings and idiocy, time after time, until they all die. Even if there are no records of my philosophy, there’s enough merit in the fact that it exists right now, that the lifesaving fire needed to rescue humanity from their own ignorant suicide existed, and that it was their failure to preserve this fire that ensured their doom.” Says Stacy

“That’s a bold claim, but seeing how I doubt that having any sort of written explanation of your philosophy would amount to anything more than your rambling as nobody would read it, I’d say in terms of the pinnacle of possible achievement you’re rather close to that point already.” Says Isabelle

“That’s the reason as to why I’m not clacking away at a typewriter, as I doubt anyone would read it, so the most I can do is be an evangelist for common sense, logic, and reason. People don’t read like they used to, nothing but pulp if anything at all, and in regards to academic literature in order to make any sort of progress in the traditionally unsubstantiated fields such as social orchestration and philosophy, you simply have to agree with your audience, as it’s never a matter of being right but it is entirely about ensuring that the tiny population of pretentious asshats that reads your banter and has the power to legitimize your argument as the functional substitute for factuality wholeheartedly supports your argument. I see no reason to pander to asshats, especially if I have to contort facts and reality in such a way that they are far more capable of stroking their egos substantiated by fallaciously legitimized pompousness, so I’d rather just preach and enjoy the pleasures of doing so.” Says Stacy

“Stacy, you’re 14, so I wouldn’t write-off the opinions of people who have devoted their lives to studying these things. Contrary to what you may believe, it is certainly theoretically possible that someone throughout the course of history had a legitimate thought at least once, possibly even more than once, so given that possibility I would certainly be open to the notion that somebody might actually be able to provide at least somewhat credible insight or rebuttal to your arguments.” Says Jenna

“People have had all of the thoughts, at least plenty of them, and clearly a person will seldom have a thought lest they for some reason have some kind of faith in the validity of that thought, so as the only validating metric of a thought is how an individual feels about said thought, the thought itself is no more valid than an opinion, and contrary to how the opinionated might feel, every opinion is equally valid because it describes a person’s sentiment rather than making any sort of factual argument. I don’t argue that my thoughts are somehow valid, I argue that I think of facts that are valid in and of themselves; the validity of my thoughts is not due to their nature of being thought nor my sentiments in regards to said thought, inherent natural validity is valid and I simply do what I can to acknowledge that. The matter should never be whether somebody has thought something or believed in something; reality is solely a matter of whether something is, whether something exists as fact regardless of whether or not somebody or something has thought of the concept. I will gladly tip my hat to anyone who has acknowledged a fact and offered whatever substantiation and validation of that fact they can garner from reality, but somebody who simply feels a certain way or thinks something is entirely irrelevant, as their thoughts are no more valid than those of any lunatic because the lunatic will clearly believe his own thoughts to the same extent, if not with more unwavering fervor than the allegedly legitimate philosopher, and clearly I’m not going to validate somebody’s baseless sentiments over another simply because they can express their beliefs in a pretentious and lofty tone on paper.

Somebody, a person, is not what is providing insight; it is only a measurable and provable concept that can provide insight, as those learned in said field are but the vessels that simply communicate the validity of this fact. Clearly when one must garner knowledge through a human medium, such knowledge can easily be contorted and misconstrued simply by the sentiments of the person communicating the idea, and for that reason the people themselves must be disregarded, and their arguments each understood independent from one another and either substantiated, validated, or disproven in a measurable, quantifiable means that is not subject to interpretation or argument. I understand people may be learned in these fields, but the osmotic medium of their minds are often corrupted by their ideals, their sentiments, and their beliefs, and when such is true instead of these people producing pure water, pure truth, these people pollute the truth and instead corrupt and pollute it with their own perceptions and beliefs, subconsciously and even subconsciously, and it is only when these arguments can be made in a manner that is not refutable, such as a measurable calculable and provable function that one can truly argue, that any sentiment or idea a person has had is truly valid. Far too much emphasis is placed on faith in these allegedly enlightened people when far too often their claims are largely if not entirely unsubstantiated by anything but their agreeability, and when such is the case one must understand that defending any argument due to its agreeability is blatantly embracing false logic, and any element of an argument that is supported on account of agreeability without providing any measured and tested validation must be regarded as fallacy or conjecture until it is actually tested and measured to determine the degree to which such a sentiment is truly valid.

It is difficult to measure things that are very complex and variable, and even harder to discern any truth with any substantial degree of confidence, but regardless of that difficulty, having data is helpful, and the more data we have in regards to a topic, the more accurate the conjectures formed regarding those topics become. This does mean subjecting people to less agreeable situations, as much of the time in the West, the most agreeable argument is simply presumed to be the most correct, but without any validation of this argument by testing any theoretically more so correct arguments, this defense of agreeability is entirely baseless and therefore functionally fallacious simply because it has not been verifiably validated. Even if something that is agreeable happens to be entirely correct, we cannot know this for certain until it has been tested, and so long as that is true, this instance of agreeable correctness is not a part of correctness at all, its correctness is a coincidence and as it stands as a part of the collective known as the standard of agreeability, despite this correctness, its existence and substantiation based upon agreeability rather than correctness makes that idea fallacious despite its correctness, simply because it is validated in a means that is fallacious, and beyond that it reinforces the fallacious standard of agreeability, which means that despite the correctness of this agreeable fact, the fact that it is defended due to agreeability means that a result of this fact being treated as valid on account of this standard perpetuates the fallacious standard of agreeability, where if it were validated on correctness alone it would not perpetuate this fallacious standard, and due to that subsequent aftershock of perpetuating this fallacious standard, the correctness itself is no longer correct as the repercussions of this correctness are different from those that would occur if this coincidental correctness were to be validated by a legitimate standard of correctness rather than a standard of agreeability.

I respect every fact, including every fact that I am entirely unaware of, it is simply the fact that these facts are functional irrelevant from the people who purport them makes me wary to put any faith in the argument that a person may actually know something. Things are known, people know them, but the things themselves are entirely independent and self-substantiated and thus irrelevant from the people who know them. If I subject myself to the philosophy of another individual, I task myself with somehow quantifying and either legitimizing or delegitimizing their argument with whatever proof I can find, because in my ignorance and self-awareness, I can presume that these arguments are defended based upon the author’s own support of the arguments as opposed to any measured validity of the arguments.

There are many reasons for supporting something, reasons like ignorance, delusion, and ulterior motives, but supporting an idea is different than proving a fact. I will listen to any scientifically measured and proven argument, because legitimate science will not falter or waver in the face of disagreeability, but rather it will remind people of the cold reality of the world in that facts themselves are often disagreeable, and it is this extreme tendency of reality to be disagreeable that causes me to have severe distrust and disregard for anyone defending an argument based upon agreeability. Falling down a mountain to one’s death is not agreeable, but it is factual; seldom does something exist in this world that is naturally agreeable, yet nature is always correct, so to have faith that somehow the correct solution to any human problem is going to be competitively agreeable is extremely counterintuitive for anyone with a shred of common sense that understands the broad and reliable rules of thumb that define our universe.

That is what people seek, competitive agreeability, when reality itself tends to only be tolerable at best, and agreeable when one loses the will to even imagine the infinite number of profoundly more so agreeable situations and accept the hard defined reality that we live in as an incorrigible fact and then subsequently ignoring it due to one’s powerlessness to change these facts in the slightest; it is very easy to agree when an individual has one possible choice which is to exist in forced accordance with something despite one’s opinions regarding the matter; if there is no point in disagreeing, seldom will one feel that exerting the energy to disagree is somehow worthwhile.

 The point being that the correct decisions are the best decisions, and as much as politics and economics may seem like a matter of debate, in reality there is a measurable and countable solution to these complex equations that is correct, and it is very possible to be more so correct than our current standard of agreeability. The definition of this correctness is entirely relative, as this depends on the function that the government or the economy is supposed to do, but there is always a degree of correctness within any system in regards to the function that it performs, and to determine correctness one must first define what the function of that system is, but so long as there is a defined intended function one can always measure correctness.

A standard would be natural correctness in regards to success, where the traits that define success and failure in natural systems, anything ranging from pure math to complex biological life, where as a baseline, things must be counted and calculably correct, as math and nature never make counting or calculation errors because the counting is done by the presumably infallible mechanical structure of the universe, building upon inherent verity within the universe, acknowledging all success that has come before us as we ascend towards complex life and acknowledge that efficiency, competitiveness, and survivability among other traits are some of the most influential traits that determine success in closed systems with hard limits; as the objective of this standard is to correctly prove which course of action is the most valid in regards to yielding success, success being accomplishing the intended purpose or function, doing this indefinitely as need be, and the indefinite survival and succession of oneself with oneself, or progeny in the case of mortals, and measured countable correctness being used to test, validate, and pursue the potential maximization of this success. I’m basically trying to say that despite the complexity, success is a science that is as reliably calculable as physics, and as difficult as it may be, pursuing, refining, and utilizing this science is the only way to maximize success, the trait that defines existence.” Says Stacy

“I noticed you struggling a bit at the end to even define correctness, so considering the difficulty in even grasping the definition of correctness in your mind and putting it into words, it’s clear that actually creating the data sets from which we can find these provable and measurable equations would be extremely hard; at that point perhaps pursuing something so hard to grasp is not entirely productive as not only is there a significant chance that we fail to derive these equations in any valid form, but you even negated your own argument as it would inevitably be people producing these equations, people who are commonly known to skew data and misconstrue results in accordance with their own sentiments and motivations.

Beyond that the fact that correctness is usually inherently disagreeable as you said, there is seemingly no reason to even do this things as without the popular support of the people the facts and equations are functionally irrelevant, at least in this country. Perhaps my mind is contorting sardonic pessimism into realism, but if in all likelihood we are doomed to unavoidable death and destruction despite our efforts, even if we were to put forth the best or even a perfect effort, perhaps there is no reason to argue against the current standard, as ensuring that this death is competitively agreeable sounds a bit more reasonable than prolonging this inevitable death by creating and subjecting the people of the world to a largely disagreeable reality. The more you talk about these simple solutions made impossible solely by the reluctance of the people, the more I contemplate the fact that ignorance is bliss, and if I can’t be ignorant, I can at least pretend; I don’t see how any reasonable person could have optimism that reason and logic would somehow become significant let alone dominant forces in any society on earth, so in such an unfortunate situation I end up convincing myself that reason and logic are fantastical creatures like unicorns or pixies, and while the thoughts may be entertaining, I don’t put any faith in those creatures coming to save the day any times soon.

 Vices will always dominate the minds of the people who hold power in society, and unless the world can somehow be run by individuals that are somehow entirely inhuman like a computer, I wouldn’t expect anyone to defend logic or reason when they can reap far greater personal gains by succumbing to vices, especially when the people are largely ignorant enough to be complicit in these schemes. If you ask them, they will happily remind you that it is their party that is pure and wholesome, while it is the rival party that is entirely corrupt. Realistically one can understand that all politicians are corrupt and all voters are delusional, the same with the rich and the poor; they blame each other, regardless of the fact that they are both to blame and both entirely corrupt, as each group blatantly and shamelessly abuses the power and freedom they are given, so rather than take sides and defend one or the other, I just write it off as the usual irrelevant nonsense and bickering that ultimately amounts to nothing besides perhaps nothing disguised as something if the people feel like being productive, at least in regards to change, as clearly it amounts to perpetuation, but when that is destructive in and of itself, I wouldn’t respect that as some kind of accomplishment any more than an epileptic convulsing in the face of a strobe light, it’s simply what people do and it’s likely entirely uncontrollable. I don’t expect people to stop being people, so for that reason I don’t expect anything to change, and just like how I’m not indignant about gravity, or sunshine, or death, I can reflect upon the shameless problems and dysfunction created by the shortcomings of the human race and put that in the same light, a simple inevitability that I am completely powerless to change in any way. Just look at prohibition, you try to help people and make things better for them, and they will be furious and do everything in their power to make things worse than they were before, so there’s really no reason to expect results besides that; humans are creatures of vice, and clearly there is no feasible way to change this fact.” Says Jenna

“I can see Jenna’s point. You have great ideas, Stacy; they are just too legitimate and too functional. Nobody wants to live in a world like that; a human will always think that verifiable fairness is always unfair, that adequate respect is always disrespectful, that enough is never enough; nobody is willing to settle for the best possible outcome because they always want a far better outcome than that, and for that to be true they must be able to benefit irrationally, to have the upper hand, to be better than somebody, and even people who are inherently worse off would hate to be better off if they were forced to acknowledge that they could never be better, that being grater was unattainable, so for that reason it makes sense that being greater than one currently is should always be attainable even if it means sadistically ensuring that things are much worse than they could be. People would hate to live a life full of their own opinions and sentiments knowing that these things are entirely irrelevant because the truth is known and the truth is irrefutable fact; people want their opinions to be fact and couldn’t care less about what the truth really is.

You are entirely correct in your philosophy, but the human mind doesn’t function with regards to correctness; it functions only with regards to the self, and for that reason nearly every person on Earth would condemn such a system because it places correctness before the self, when every person wants themselves to be placed before correctness. Unless you can somehow remove the sense of self from every human on Earth, I doubt people would ever support your philosophy for any reason other than the subtle guilt they feel in knowing that they are incorrect, and that is a small minority of people that even capable of acknowledging and understanding the legitimacy of truth to the point where they can actually feel that emotion. I know you’re clever enough to play into people’s instinct and take advantage of people’s instinctive narcissism, even in an entirely wholesome and beneficial way, but the selflessness required of everybody to establish a system that allows these advantages to be taken makes such pursuits extremely difficult, because the human mind chases instant gratification or the closest thing they can get to it, so promising them even greater gratification of their narcissism in the future is meaningless because they demand that their narcissism be gratified in this current moment.

If adults had parents that were reasonable people when compared to the childishness of every person as demonstrated by their susceptibility and complicity with their own instinct, then perhaps this would be possible, but adults will always be childish because acting out of instinct is inherently childish yet every adult listens to and respects their instinct without question, they only put on their airs of knowledgeability and legitimacy despite having mental functions that are of no higher caliber than those of a child obeying instinct; despite appearances they are these same childish behaviors festooned with pompous language, a brutish frame, and a demeanor that causes people not to question the validity of the purported legitimacy. I don’t have hope for a functional society like you describe to be established, but even if every adult is quite childish, a society created by children in accordance with what they want isn’t entirely bad; sure it’s extremely dysfunctional, but that doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy it for what it’s worth, especially considering the fact that children always prioritize their reckless hedonism despite the deleterious consequences, so if we have no choice in the matter, by being a sourpuss about the ordeal we are accomplishing nothing but depriving ourselves of the pleasure of being merrily intoxicated by idiocy, and seeing how the sobriety of intelligence is so dreadful and frustrating as displayed by people like Jenna and yourself, it’s not an entirely tempting prospect despite the legitimacy, as the human race stalwartly delegitimizes legitimacy, and that is one of the foundations of our society and civilization.

I don’t expect to turn the world on its head, and even if we are doing handstands, a bit of childish tomfoolery is hard to condemn given that’s your only choice other than being a sourpuss and abstaining from the majority of the world altogether. It’s noble, but we are simple animals, not noble creatures defined by the outstanding and infallible caliber of our character and quality, so at the end of the day it’s a matter of enjoying ourselves or not, and as much as you can enjoy the pleasure of condemning the human race, I doubt most people find much pleasure in doing so, at least when compared to the simpler pleasures of rampant idiocy, so I wouldn’t expect them to jump on your bandwagon any time soon, but if the futility ever gets inside of your head just know you can let loose and forget about things like common sense and correctness because they’re all so entirely irrelevant in the face of reckless hedonism. While I wouldn’t encourage you to be reckless, if you’re going to accomplish nothing either way, I suppose hedonistically accomplishing nothing is always a viable alternative if you get tired of stalwartly and stoically accomplishing nothing.” Says Isabelle

“I find sourpussery to be the most agreeable form of hedonism; people always want to feel good, so they do things that make them feel good, by being sourpuss and condemning the entirety of the human race, I feel great, better than good; feeling good is disconcertingly petty when compared to the feeling of greatness, or profound glory, of feeling amazing, feeling awesome. People may feel good, and I understand why the like to feel good, but it should be easy to understand that I feel better than they do; I feel great, because I feel that I’m better than all of them, and that is a seductively cozy and wholesome feeling, an entirely substantiating feeling that is not fleeting or temporary like consumptive hedonism, but an unwavering pleasure of greatness, free from any sort of dependence on any material substance or object, entirely endogenous, as limitless as the potential and capacity of my mind, as free as the air that I breathe, and while I have no qualms with pleasure, I look down upon it as I look down upon all things, and that alone is easily comparably pleasurable, entirely free, and liberating as I am not shackled to the petty trivialities that people use in futile attempts to validate their lives and existence for some ephemeral moment of pleasure.

I feel pleasure in my body and mind incessantly, and when my thirst for pleasure is so incessantly satiated, I have no desire to pursue any other means of pleasing myself; I find this sort of mentality both pleasurable and fulfilling, and knowing how many people attempt to use petty pleasure to fill that void of fulfilment in their body, I am almost unable to feel pleasure from such things as I understand the triviality and shameless consumptive nature of such pleasures so well that this prevents me from enjoying them in the manner one that is happily ignorant to these facets of lowly hedonism so easily can. Often when one thinks of spite, they think of bitterness, but I am not bitter in the slightest; spite is just a means for me to assert my superiority and greatness, and it is an entirely pleasurable feeling to do so.

If pleasure is a feeling, greatness is also a feeling, but pleasure cannot be known in the sense that knowledge can be known, yet greatness on the other hand can easily be known, and I know of my greatness, and how secular physical reality is the affirmation of this greatness which is rooted in legitimacy and correctness, and the fact that I can know greatness and feel greatness as a feeling as much as one would with simple pleasure means that my pleasure has ascended beyond pleasure, it is pleasure that never leaves one’s body, just as a facet of knowledge never leaves the mind of one who has learned and embraced this knowledge and utilizes it every day of their life. It truly is a wonderful feeling, and while I may be a sourpuss, just know that it brings me pleasure to know end, pleasure that no hedonist could possibly imagine, as they chase pleasure only because they pleasure they find is always fleeting and it always escapes them, but my pleasure never wanes and my pleasure never ends, and while the pleasure is a mere by-product of my prudence that drives me to do these things, it is still a far more profound pleasure than any hedonistic pursuit could possibly offer.” Says Stacy

“It’s always inspiring to hear you talk like that, comforting as well knowing you don’t particularly give a damn about whether or not you managed to save the world. Putting it out there is enough for you, and it’s up to humanity as to whether or not they take your panacea. Sometimes I wonder if trying to make the world a better place is even worthwhile, seeing how people will always make it a worse place the second they see that they would personally benefit more so by doing that instead, at least so long as they think they can get away with it.” Says Isabelle

“Your sound logic means that even attempting to prevent evil deeds becomes a parallel to evil before ultimately becoming even more so evil itself in the paranoid oppression and monitoring of people. I figure it’s impossible to avoid having a certain level of evil that exists, for evil is a far more dangerous enemy of competing evil than goodness ever is; so either the goodness exists without the evil and the evil arises due to opportunism or the established evil exists to contain and suppress other forms of evil. Even in a quaint society where every person has the same level of moral zeal that Stacy enjoys but lacks any real systematic strategy for combatting immorality, the zealots are still out there harassing, oppressing, and killing people, even if it is an entirely pious and godly sort of subjective evil. Clearly any opponent of evil will always be seen as evil in the eyes of the evildoers, so unless there is no such opponent and the good people are simply lambs for the taking, any authority that combats evil can always be perceived as evil, and the people will gladly do this due to the common shortcomings of inherent indignation and baseless feelings of disenfranchisement and victimization found within the narcissism of the human psyche.” Says Jenna

“Isabelle said people will only be evil if they benefit more from the evil action, so I think it’s just a matter of making it impossible for people to benefit from being evil more than being good. Clearly it would be easy if everyone could have faith in God and understand that being good will always benefit them more than being evil, but even if you can’t make people believe in God, you can still try to contain the evil in the world in a sense. If evil will always spring up out of the ground no matter how many times we remove it, I think if we just take the existence of evil as an inevitable and instead legalize and regulate the evil, then we would have as much of a problem. By condoning the evil like we do with alcohol, we can control it much better, and at least try to cooperate with the evil if it’s going to be there anyways. We could just sell all of the drugs at a store like we do with alcohol, and have an official bank and separate money used for money crimes, just so anyone who wants to do evil things without going through the proper sources will be penalized heavily like having all of their money converted to evil money, but the people who still want to do evil things can do them in a more controlled manner instead of being so sneaky about them. I don’t know if this could apply to the greatest forms of evil like murder, but maybe Stacy’s idea of just separating the murderers into a town where murder is legal will be enough of a punishment that people will think twice about doing that, the same goes for any crime like fighting or even drunk driving. If people want to do those evil things, it’s just a matter of character, and seeing how hard it is to change Stacy’s mind about anything, I figure it’s the same for people who have the instinct to hurt people or commit other kinds of crimes, even doing drugs.

 Isabelle was saying people will always do those things if they think they can get away with them, but I don’t think even those people would want to live in a place where everybody could get away with those crimes any time they wanted. People want to benefit irrationally, or get what they want, but if we can just show them that they really don’t want that stuff, like a town full of sad drug addicts, or people getting killed right in left in some small town, they would understand that they don’t want those things at all. They won’t think they will benefit from getting away with it, because they know they will get away with it and they know how terrible it is for people to be able to get away with those things, because they have been shown all of the evidence that clearly explains how bad these things are, and seeing how they wouldn’t want to live in that world they wouldn’t be tempted at all by these things. People only think evil is a worthwhile thing to do because they don’t fully understand the consequences, but if people could actually see the consequences of evil actions on a broad scale, the image would be so shocking and unsettling that they would never want to do it. If we know for a fact that evil is going to exist regardless of anything, we should at least attempt to coexist with it in a way that benefits society rather than try to do the impossible and try to prevent it entirely.” Says Ophelia

“Clearly the threat of jail and prison isn’t enough to stop plenty of habitual and career criminals, so something must be done, and I think that’s actually the most moral solution possible. It clearly demonstrates the value of morality and the dangers of immorality, but at the same time it is very possible for illegal things that don’t happen to be immoral to veritably prove that they are not immoral at all, so as much as murder town might be a terrible place, a metropolis for all of the illegal immigrants would be a great place because they can prove that they’re not bad people and they just want to work hard and be successful; the same could even hold true for criminal speeding, or even people who use some street drugs, but I don’t have as high of hopes for those people as I do for the immigrants.

I don’t know how converting people’s money into evil money would work, but I guess if you just mark all of their bank accounts and identification with their conviction it would just presume that all of their money is treated as evil money unless they somehow pay back the money that they gained illegally with legitimate money. It’s not even being evil seeing how you’re just quarantining the evil and letting them do all of the evil they would do anyways, so considering that it’s far less oppressive and far more efficient than the massive scale of policing that is done today, especially considering that it would likely reduce crime significantly and save a lot of resources on that front.” Says Grace

“It has to be done properly of course; there is a rational objective standard that would be very functional, but there is also this idealistic and insane standard that half of the country would argue in favor of. If people like Grace are in charge of it, we would get the sexual segregation that Stacy wants and the cannibalistic communism the socialists want, because all of the men would be criminals and all of the money would be evil money, as the 1% keeps getting their money converted every year and eventually this means the 1% will be living below the poverty line and still blamed for all of the problems of the 99% who just happen to be further below the poverty line.” Jokes Isabelle

“It truly is a novel idea; rather than try to make it so people think they won’t get away with something, force them to acknowledge that everyone can always get away with whatever they want; rather than telling people that things are immoral, show them how awful society would be if they could get away with those things by putting them into a society where it is perfectly fine to partake in such treachery. Jesus reminds us that all who live by the sword, die by the sword, and there is no reason to deprive a man the death he irreverently chases; I can’t think of anyone who has ever beaten their wife and kids with a prison cell, drug peddlers who addict and kill people with the high of incarceration, or murderers who used the electric chair or the lethal injection as their murder weapon, so clearly we’re straying from the path the good book teaches us even in the current justice system. Do note, Jesus does not say might, he says shall, and if I shalt not have any gods before Abrahamic God, and if I shalt not make any graven image unto him, then those who live by the sword shall die by the sword in the same right that we shalt not kill, commit adultery, steal, or covet.” Says Stacy

“An often overlooked commandment, but objectively it can be interpreted as one due to the phrasing. I’d love to hear what the sisters at Saint Agnes would tell you about that bit of apologetics.” Says Jenna

“Clearly such a fine institution does not employ heretics, so undoubtedly there would be nothing but reverence to the word of god. It’s hard to argue that killing these people ourselves is somehow more moral than letting them die in the manner prescribed by god in the flesh; the latter does not involve and killing on our part in the slightest, so this is obviously the moral stance in the argument.” Says Stacy

“I think the moral stance is largely irrelevant when you’re clearly amoral in your views. It may win some people over, but considering how often you go against the Christian teachings, I kind of doubt anyone will give you any credit for being anything besides a hypocrite if you try to defend theistic morality. It’s hard to argue somebody is faithful when they only use the faith when it is defends their argument and disregard the faith when it is contrary to their argument; that’s just being an opportunist and is easily more so irreverent than simply ignoring the faith all together.” Says Grace

“Find any of my arguments that are supposedly immoral, and I may be able to think of a passage that veritably defends them, and even if I cannot think of one, it is likely there are countless passages in the Bible that do so, but unfortunately I do not have every verse of the book committed to memory.” Says Stacy

“What about segregation? You want to segregate everything possible, and I doubt god is in support of segregating races let alone men and women.” Says Grace

“’Ye shall keep my statutes. Thou shalt not let thy cattle gender with a diverse kind: thou shalt not sow thy field with mingled seed: neither shall a garment mingled of linen and woolen come upon thee.’

 God clearly argues against any sort of integration of faiths, races, animals, fabrics, etc. at least to the extent that it produces some mixed adulterated product as this sort of mixing was an occult ritual of the Canaanites. God commands you to keep his statutes, and in this context he means the natural way things were created, so by mixing them you are going against his natural will and the way he created things. This is all a part of a long antagonization of the Canaanites who we are told should be killed many times over, and the Canaanites in modern times beyond any direct parallels would be heretics and even people of different denominations or philosophies, as mixing this things adulterates them both, but rather than kill them or regard one above the other, it is wise to apply this scripture to each group as a commandment for themselves to preserve their own purity. Clearly there are proven scientific benefits to some instances of polyculture in a field, but at the same time those are quite rare, so in a broad sense a polyculture is not going to benefit the field, so they are rather reliable words of wisdom considering how many possible combinations of crops there are that are detrimental to one another compared to the few that are symbiotic.

 Clearly the Bible doesn’t support many forms of women’s rights, but as I don’t regard people as people, neither men nor women, I only regard them beasts at this point, thus ‘Thou shalt not plow with an ox and an ass together.’ should make enough sense. Things that are different don’t tend to get along nor cooperate as well as a homogenous pair would if they were yoked together, this is a simpler explanation beyond any mysticism regarding cleanliness or to dissuade tolerance of Canaanite philosophy. The same logic even applies to segregating races, and this wisdom is even measured in science today as studies have proven that children do measurably better when their teacher shares their race and gender while they do poorly when the teacher is of a difference race and gender; clearly the people who were reporting on this study were demanding more male Negro teachers in schools and blaming the underperformance of Negros, especially Negro boys, in school on the fact that most teachers are white women, but clearly gender and racial segregation is a far more legitimate solution to this problem as the children will receive the measurable bonus to performance in every class throughout their education because they will always share the same race and gender of their teacher. I offer real solutions, while the solutions of the so called progressives is to reduce this factor of underperformance due to disparity of race and sex by taking this off of the backs of the Negro boys and placing it on the backs of the White girls, so this progressive solution is not resolving any problem but simply putting onto the back of somebody else, and it is asinine to argue that this is solving the true problem of underperformance in school as this causes even more people to perform poorly in school as the density of white girls in schools is higher than that of Negro boys, but clearly expecting an idealist progressive to understand common sense or basic logic in the slightest. ” Says Stacy

“I also read something similar about how the practice of placing mentally challenged children in regular classes instead of special education courses does far more harm than good as the teachers are not trained in special education, the mentally challenged kids are even more so ostracized by their peers who are now different from them, and the standard students perform poorer because the teacher must give a disproportionate amount of time, effort, and attention to the mentally challenged child when compared to the standard children. It’s eerie how god’s hatred of the Canaanites is now being verified as a scientifically valid point, but I suppose that’s something one might expect if they had as much faith in the Old Testament as they do the New.” Says Jenna

“I did forget which god I was talking about for a moment, but I suppose you make a fair point as the nouveau Canaanites consisting of the irreligious, the hedonists, and the heretics and whatnot are defiling what was once a much more Christian nation, so your argument of adulteration is somewhat valid; your point about schooling was also irrefutable and a sad kind of ironic as the progressives have unwittingly defended segregation in their outcry about that issue. Still, I doubt most people will listen to the Old Testament as much as Jesus, so what about ‘love your neighbor as yourself’ and ‘judge not lest ye be judged’ and that ironically positive message from god, you tend to loathe people and judge everyone.” Says Grace

“Find a beam, nay a mote in my eye, in any of my judgements, and I shall do everything I can to remove that mote before I cast judgement; and even if I cannot, my vision is not my own, my vision is the light of the universe reflected in my eye and echoing through my voice, this vision is not subjective but entirely objective, and for every spot in my field of vision that may be obscured, find the individual that lacks a mote in this same place so that the vision can be cleansed of this impurity to more accurately reflect upon the truth that reality is willing to teach us. I do not offer my own judgements, I offer the judgments of the universe, and even if I were dead and silent, the judgements I offer would still resound through the universe, through the immaterial numbers that define every facet of one’s existence, every flaw and every folly measurable, measured and judged in silence by secular god; as the infinite set of pure math exists with the countability of a single digit, a single unit contrasting the zero of nothingness together creating the ratio that instantly defines every possible quantification, and within this infinite set lays every judgement and every measurement that unquestionably justifies this verdict of secular god, while every instance of consistency with ratio that occurs in every action within this universe validates and reaffirms the factuality and inescapability of this judgement, and truly one cannot be spared this judgement of one’s life when secular god knows no forgiveness, only judgement, and the judgement of secular god is permanent, irrefutable and unpardonable, and entropy merrily reminds us of this in every expenditure of potential energy.” Says Stacy

“Bringing up the bible has this odd tendency to make Stacy’s ranting take on this artful ethereal tone as opposed to her usual grim realism. It makes me think you’ve spent as much time contemplating the bible and god as you have your philosophy and politics, considering how much time it must take to formulate these sorts of ideas about such topics that are so far from the norm.” says Isabelle

“It all kinds of blend in together, as everything is god in the sense that it is all part of this same profound universal system; as humanity exists within that system, and the system of human existence is significantly impacted by politics. So in order to pay deference to god one must pay deference to the universe, as the universe is unquestioningly deferent to god, and by understanding this deference of the universe as best I can I simply see where the system of human existence has strayed in principle and logic from the universe, as doing so is blatantly ungodly and impious, thus many of my ideas are largely just attempting to defend and reinstate the order and wisdom of the universe, emphasizing the natural systems that define life and the success of life as the most relevant source of information, as sadly  humanity has forsaken this wisdom and replaced it with their own baseless arrogance and pretentiousness, themselves claiming to be more wise than god himself, and thus they suffer dearly on account of this treachery.

I don’t see my politics or philosophy as anything other than simple piety and reverence to the will of god; as life exists to be successful, on account of the fact that life must be successful to exist, so maximizing success is likely all god was attempting to do when he explained things to the Hebrews, because that is what morality effectively does; it reduces problems to increase success, and as god was forced to keep his arguments rather simple so that ancient people could understand them and thus embrace them, I would argue he did a great job.

Some of them were more applicable to the time than they are today due to advancements in sanitation and technology as well as the decrease of the threat of tribal warfare and culture clash within such a small area, but regardless of that, the overlying principle is the simple strategy of reducing problems to increase success. Clearly there are countless laws that can be inferred upon that principle, and as such a manuscript would be extremely long and largely inapplicable in the lives of most people, reducing it to the simplest and most understandable rules of thumb is a reasonable solution. The reason god did not explain his philosophy in such a way is also plain to see, as the people themselves must be seen as less powerful than the law in order to follow it, and if they were given the responsibility to create new laws, they would likely fall victim to corruption and vices while purporting that they were doing so in order to reduce problems and increase success, and ultimately the prevalence of this happening would pollute the word of God to such an extent that it would be worthless as it is so corrupted by the influence of pretentious and arrogant people who felt that baselessly felt that their ideas were somehow on par with the quality of the god given commandments, and this is especially true as in ancient times there were no standards from which anyone could prove or disprove any of these arguments, so ultimately the people who would infer and define the will of god on principle would be the parallel of those who win today in our own politics because they just happen to be the most aggressively manipulative people in society. Thankfully this is different today, as with the advent of science we can actually verifiably test arguments in order to prove and disprove their legitimacy, and while it may be difficult, we now have the ability to understand the will of god as it is reflected by the universe through the physical sciences and it’s progeny such as the biological and psychological sciences, and clearly this is our responsibility as people, as this is true in an entirely secular sense, and the fact that it is in line with theistic principle is even more of a justification and validation of this strategy.

 We don’t need a prophet to inform us of the will of god, because we have science which when done correctly blatantly reflects the wisdom and insight provided by the universe and thus the insight of god in heaven, as science is itself the offspring of the secondary physical forces in reality such as life and the subsequent evolutions of life, and as science is truly one of the few if not the only legitimate and healthy hierarchal progeny of intelligent life; just as intelligent life is the progeny of complex biological life, there is no reason not to believe that it is only through deference to science that we will succeed; just as the natural world was deferent to the profound consumption of the planet by human life, and if such is the will of god, for this fire to be godly rather than irreverent destruction, it must be used as the heat from which we forge science and technology, things that are far greater and more powerful than ourselves, just as the human race overpowered natural life through the hierarchal procession of evolution.

Science explains the will of god to us in the clearest terms we can understand, and science can be applied to any aspect of the physical realm, with varying degrees of success depending on the complexity and measurability of the system and the degree to which experiments can be controlled, but clearly this is what we must do; science is the prophet, the only thing that can communicate directly with god, and if we spurn this prophet we are to be damned alive and live in hell, and if we revere and put faith in this prophet we will be saved and create heaven on earth. This is the revelation, we chose to either have faith in the prophet, or forsake the prophet and be tormented and tortured for doing so; science has the ability to create a paradise, but at the same time it has the power to create hell on earth, and it is only a matter of faith in science supplemented by a faith in god, in morality, justice, and virtue that ensures that through our own devices, our own free will, we create a heaven for ourselves, rather than a hell. Science is both the salvator and the damnator in and of itself, and our salvation at the hands of science is only a matter of piety and deference to the will of god just as our damnation is ensured by irreverence, impiety, and vice.” Says Stacy

“Your interpretation science is rather sound, but your interpretation of both god and morality would be seen as theistically objectionable by most, so unless you devote your life to apologetics in order to argue this point that morality is defined as reducing problems to increase success rather than adherence to theistic texts, I doubt there would be much support, as that can often times become starkly contrary to commonly held beliefs. The argument that the universe inherently and unwaveringly expresses the will of god is not so hard to believe, but people in all of their personhood love to believe that they are greater than everything, more significant than a rock or a bird, and even science, so as most people reflect upon god as quite a human entity rather than this largely unconscious mechanical system that surrounds us, the people will see science as this cold and unconscious entity like a rock, like the universe, rather than any sort of verifiable means to communicate with god.

God is this warm, loving, caring entity, in the minds of most people, as ironic as it is due to the number of times god acts in entirely vengeant and wrathful ways to smite those who oppose him; so as science is none of those things, I doubt many modern Christians would understand the correlation between science and god of the Old Testament just because science is such a far cry from Jesus, as much as it is rather similar to god in the Old Testament who gives people the choice and the power to be faithful or forsake his wisdom and thus blesses or smites them on account of their actions. I would actually enjoy a science of morality, as despite their applicability, using scriptures that are thousands of years old in order to discern morality has fallen out of favor, and if there were a science to morality that would actually force most people to accept that morality is an undeniable fact that exists, a measurable, testable, and provable science, and is actually beneficial despite any sort of belief in a theistic entity.” Says Jenna

“I think most Christians would be very much so in support of making morality a science, just because I don’t see any reason to think why most morality wouldn’t be easily proven as a scientific fact that benefits society as much as technology, medicine, or anything else. People always try to argue that faithful people condemn science, but it would be a wonderful day if we could know that science justifies and defends the faithful people in the same way it does gravity, chemistry, or anything else that science has figured out. The faithful know that they are right, and if there was a science that proved that I’m sure we would all be quite happy about that.” Says Ophelia

“Scientific morality looks a lot more like Stacy’s arguments than anything that was applicable in a far simpler society thousands of years ago. Sure, plenty of it will be defended, but something like ‘thou shalt not kill’, will become a completely complex situation defined by countless variables and measurements that define whether or not a person should kill. I mean clearly god understands that, as he tells the Hebrews to kill plenty of people, but morality will no longer be these simple rules but rather a complex measurable equation, and due to that, I think it might almost be inapplicable in the lives of most people due to how much relativity is involved in making moral decisions, but perhaps I’m just making baseless conjecture and inferring this from the complexity of the other sciences, as I don’t know many of the theological rules which may truly be beneficial even when seen in a secular context; I don’t see any scientific reason to justify coveting things, in the bible or at least the crusades there is a clear difference between stealing and plundering, and that’s about the extent of my moral knowledge save for no work on the Sabbath, which I can clearly agree with just because I’m not going to argue with a day off; I don’t know how much science will defend that, but it is likely that people scientifically need a day off of work even if there’s nothing special about Saturday or Sunday, and even the act of practicing ones faith is probably measurably beneficial to a person’s well-being and success. I think the Jewish and Muslim world might be upset that kosher laws are likely not entirely relevant; I’m sure hog farming is detrimental to the environment, but again I don’t know much of the complexities behind that part of their faith, but even if it doesn’t have any raw scientific benefit there could be psychological benefit to observing certain eating habits like fasting sometimes or abstaining from certain foods.” Says Isabelle

 “Muslims abstain from alcohol, and clearly that is beneficial to one’s health, and beyond that if everyone is taking barbiturates every day per Stacy’s prescription clearly consuming alcohol will be even more dangerous than it currently is. I’m not sure what scientific morality would say about inducing barbiturate dependence in every person in the country, but your argument that it functionally makes people psychologically if not physically dependent upon morality and civility, as those are the only means that barbiturates can be acquired, makes logical sense despite any ethical concerns. Whether the people can still function at a reasonable and productive level despite their barbiturate dependence has yet to be seen, but I would really only resort to that strategy if need be, seeing how there is no reason to induce that dependence if people would have been moral and civil regardless; the benefits of the barbiturates must outweigh the reduced performance of a sedated mind, and clearly if they are already moral and civil there is nothing to be gained unless they have some form of psychiatric disorder that would benefit from taking barbiturates, and even then barbiturate use has fallen out of favor when compared to other drugs. That being said, I would love to see you pursue the creation of the field of scientific morality, as you have such a clear vision of what that would look like; I feel that could easily be your calling if you could manage to put forth enough effort to actually master science in a practical form rather than relying upon it conceptually, unfortunately I’m sure many of your experiments would run into legal issues due to ethics, but that’s not to say you can’t collect data from history and examples that are beyond your control in order to at least break ground on this science that could actually redefine the world if it were somehow legitimized like the other sciences.” Says Jenna

“It’s hard to understand how I would even do that, seeing how it is not an established field, but I suppose every science needed somebody to spearhead it, even then I’m going against the grain of society by doing so as it opposes both humanistic and theistic ethics and morality. Some sort of mixture of applied science and sociology or something, as ethics consists of little more than peddling agreeability without any justification beyond the agreeability of their arguments. It’s hard to think about taking a course in ethics when I would only be inclined to spit upon them in disgust for their inanity in defending agreeability before functionality and success; I would probably have a stroke out of pure rage being forced to listen to that childish bullshit that is both unnatural and entirely abominable due to the dysfunction and failure that has induced by ethics. Ethics must only respect success, as natural life and thus human life are both defined by things that are blatantly contrary to most of the childish, delusionally humanistic, and largely fallacious principle in ethics.” Says Stacy

“Sure, some aspects of ethics are largely unnatural; there’s nothing particularly ethical about a hyena killing a baby lion, but most species tend to treat their own species with some degree of ethics but at the same time around 40% of mammal species do kill their own kind and some even kill their own children for whatever reason, so clearly murder of one’s own kind is not an unethical thing in nature for whatever reasons cause these animals to be justified in doing so, seeing how they have evolved to do so and clearly this is part of a reason for their success of they wouldn’t do it, just as the other 60% of mammals refrain from doing so. The ones that murder each other are usually the social and territorial animals, so seeing how humans fit into both of those categories, it’s clear why those forms of murder, in order to gain or defend territory or otherwise in order to establish social dominance, such as war or policing, are usually very common and often regarded as ethical actions as opposed to things like random murders.

As much as ethics is somewhat unnatural, I’m not tempted to argue in favor of a world where a man is entitled to kill your children and force you to have his children just because that is naturally ethical, but you do have a valid point that ethics is often times unnatural and could easily be a source of human devolution over a long period of time if it is not corrected, but I doubt preserving the integrity of the human genome is even on most people’s list, as that list is a rather short list consisting of survival and then agreeable hedonism in most people, so even if you can understand that logically and naturally that should be a priority, it likely won’t change anything; even if you do offer much more ethical ways to ensure that preservation than nature produced out of random chance, seeing how your many arguments regarding human reproductive strategies will still all likely be seen as unethical and disagreeable, regardless of the fact that they are a profound and measurable improvement of natural ethics that prioritizes preserving the quality of the genome before any individual’s life.

Ethics is not truly ethics in the sense that it is doing the right thing or discerning right and wrong; it is just people’s way of arguing that their shortsighted narcissistic egotism and hedonism is right, and therefore things that oppose those things are wrong, and people agree with this because it is far more agreeable than what is actually right in wrong in any sense other than a shortsighted narcissistic sense, and clearly every narcissist is going to feel far more inclined to agree with arguments that defend narcissism as opposed to any form of self-sacrifice or condemnation of themselves, even if the latter arguments are measurably far more justifiable and ethical than the former. Ethics is not a science in that it actually measures and legitimizes their arguments; the only legitimization of an ethical argument is whether or not somebody agrees with it, and the gold standard in ethics is nothing more than being the most agreeable argument that is proposed.

Just as a commune of heroin addicts will argue that making sure everybody gets enough heroin is the most ethical decision, the human race is no different in their arguments that defend their comfort and hedonism and disregard any consequences or repercussions of these things in the long run, and this is because the simple addicting short term pleasure and instant gratification of indulging in their narcissism far outweighs their concern for the future of the human race, and even for the other members of their species, as most people will only seek to benefit other people if they feel that they too will benefit or at least have their narcissism and hedonism rewarded in such a way that this helpfulness is clearly worth their while, and as much as this may be as wholesome as working for charity, if people did not feel pleasured by doing these things they wouldn’t do them, as people truly only seek survival and subsequently pleasure.

Somehow you were born with little sensitivity to the countless analogues of heroin that enslave the common man, save for perhaps sleeping and eating, but trying to convince most all people that your measurably legitimate and far more natural ethics are somehow a reasonable idea to listen to would be like convincing a heroin addict that heroin is bad and he should stop shooting up heroin. Even if you can get him to understand that point, the heroin addict will have a very difficult time in putting down the needle that he is addicted to, and when people can’t see or feel the damage that their actions create in the same sense that a heroin addict can palpably see and feel his own suffering, they will be even more reluctant to believe you, and as many of the problems you antagonize are not felt by those who create them but are felt in subsequent generations of people, these people will not be able to understand your argument in the slightest because they likely feel little to no interruption in their constant stream of pleasure due to their actions, and on account of this they have no ability to conceptualize the fact that their actions are damaging to the human race, and even if they can fully understand that few people have any regards for the human race beyond themselves; so in reality your arguments would be very difficult to convince anyone of simply because they are so at odds with the manner in which the human mind understands logic and reason, as most people will argue ‘if it feels good, it is good’.” Says Jenna

“It’s so crazy that animals, people, and God all feel that there are certain times when you should kill people, and that is for social and territorial reasons, but I guess that kind of makes sense because we’re all made by the same God so even animals would understand that. It kind of makes sense because animal’s one job is to make sure they survive and evolve, and killing each other is just another form of natural selection to ensure evolution, and beyond that people now have another reason that they might have to kill other people which is to obey the will of God and enforce his laws, and also do things he commands like kill his enemies such as the Canaanites and whoever else God might condemn to death.

I don’t want to kill people, but maybe God commands us to kill bad people and his enemies because just like how he wants to ensure evolution, he also wants to ensure survival and evolution of his word and his will, because I’m sure if the Hebrews and the faithful people throughout history never fought the non-believers, they would have been enslaved or killed for failing to do so and there wouldn’t even be any kind of Jewish, Christian, or Muslim faith today, yet because they did it continues to grow and also evolve with new writings and music by faithful people all the time. I can see the point that even though those things don’t really seem ethical, they kind of are in reality because both nature and God agree that those things are the right thing to do sometimes, even if they do mean killing other people; it really seems crazy if people want to argue that they are somehow more correct than both God and nature, because two of the three forces argue against them but they still don’t care.

I even read a sad story about a sloth bear at a zoo that killed both of her cubs because they were very sick, and even though it was really sad, it does just remind us that as much as it may seem unethical, nature argues that killing sick children is the ethical thing to do, which might seem bad, but those kids could have gotten others sick and likely wouldn’t have been able to survive, at least in the wild, so it kind of makes sense, even if it is super sad. So even if people might disagree with Stacy’s arguments about segregation of people with heritable conditions and the euthanasia of very sick and old people, nature would agree with her, and seeing how God created nature with all of his wisdom, and nature is also always free of sin while humans are sinful creatures that are very capable of acting against the will and wisdom of god, I would always trust nature’s argument more than a human’s.” Says Ophelia

“Personally I can’t defend an entirely baseless argument derived from a few thousand years of pretentious human arrogance over the logic and wisdom of millions of years of natural selection, so you won’t get any argument from me. People like Grace on the other hand, they will gladly defend a blatantly ridiculous baseless argument that is a decade old rather than wisdom derived from thousands of years of human debate, such as the argument that there are hundreds of genders and gender is entirely an opinion, so it is hard to think that people who believe that the definitions of reality as defined by reality can be rewritten in order to coddle the delusion of insane people despite lacking any reason to think this aside from egotism to a degree that these people believe their opinions are somehow more relevant than science and fact. If you teach people delusion and allege it to be truth, clearly they will think that the delusion they are taught is somehow valid; that doesn’t mean a god damn thing besides the fact that you are perpetuating delusion in the same manner that conspiracy theorists do to anyone willing to believe their insanity.

 I’ll just be a competitive progressive for a moment and remind you that everyone is always right, and if you ever disagree with anyone’s opinion or argue against them, you are a bigot and therefore in the wrong and also incorrect, regardless of any verifiable and legitimate evidence that supports your argument and despite a complete lack of this evidence on the side of the individual you disagree with. Everyone is always right and must be cherished and loved regardless of anything, so go ahead and remind those conspiracy theorists that their conspiracies are a gender and we must warp society so that those people no longer feel ostracized by their gender identity, and also provide them physical and psychological substantiation and exacerbation of their delusion with tax payer dollars. This also applies to every other group you progressives hate, so just understand that if you ever condemn them or disagree with them, you yourself have become the hateful oppressive bigot that hurts people and thus no better than the Nazis who ironically must also have their delusions, or factual beliefs as you would call them, unconditionally tolerated, accommodated, and substantiated with tax payer money. Don’t even try to argue you only defend people who don’t hurt others, because unless inducing PTSD in somebody to the point that makes them commit suicide is harmless, clearly perpetuating and exacerbating the delusions people have about the biological and psychological factuality of their sex is harmful seeing how it induces suicide at a similar rate.” Says Isabelle

“I don’t see a point in arguing with you about that; if you’re trying to argue with someone who’s not open minded about the subject, it’s not an argument, it’s just a shouting match. I would just argue that respecting people is a reasonable thing to do, and even if their beliefs can arguably be classified as a mental illness, because that part of them likely won’t change, so if that’s not going to change there’s no reason to argue against them; it would be like trying to argue against Stacy’s ego and expect that to disappear somehow, which clearly won’t happen. I’m sure you will tell me people felt the same way about Nazism which is true in some respects, but even if they felt the same way about tolerating things that seemed somewhat reasonable, that doesn’t mean those things are similar in the slightest.” Says Grace

“The difference is that if Stacy were to see a doctor, she would be prescribed medicines that vastly reduces and suppresses her ego and identity, what many would deem to be delusion. The same medicine could be used for transgender people because of their very similar but topically different delusion, to likely yield the same results of reducing the power of this delusion in their mind, but the current strategy is very much like as if Stacy went to see a psychiatrist and they prescribe her medicines that profoundly increase her ego and delusion, even to the point of somehow warping her body to make it more in line with her beliefs and delusions, which seems completely ridiculous from my point of view. I doubt medicine could actually reduce Stacy’s ego to the point where it becomes that of a normal human, it would be closer to tranquilizing a lion, which despite being asleep is still very much so a lion, so even if it is too sedated or asleep to fight back with the usual ferocity, it has not forgotten for a moment that it is a lion.

That being said I’m not sure that medicine would actually cure all of those people, but it might help them, and beyond that, as the current treatment does nothing but exacerbate the rates of suicide in those people, I would argue that it is the far more human approach to treat their beliefs as delusion rather than some realistic aspiration that can come true if they buy the countless expensive things they are peddled from the pharmacists and the plastic surgeons. Psychiatrically speaking, it is delusion, and to argue that some delusion is not delusion is extremely hypocritical, and it even becomes immoral when the psychiatrist and surgeon are in the position to make much more money when they do so. That being said, plenty of things can be categorized as delusion, such as faith in a religion or even optimism, but as psychiatry doesn’t diagnose those things as delusion, it is just moving a line in the sand further back, but it is moving this line much further back from where it originally was, so if that represents a trend, it is a worrying trend as one day all delusion will for some reason be coddled as realistic fantasy that can be made into a reality if you buy whatever it is people are peddling in the future to make that fantasy come true.” Says Jenna

“It appears that time marches onward, and we march forever in step. In the nick of time, it seems, delightful.” Says Stacy, as the girls approach the school, their club loitering about at the front gate

 “I’ve always found that to be a quaint phrase, as a nick is also a police station and a prison, and time functions as both ironically enough, and nothing speaks to forced complicity with cordiality more than being shepherded about while incarcerated.” Says Jenna

“A delightful prison, none the less.” Says Stacy, as the girls inconspicuously amalgamate in the fringes of the loose muddle, neck in neck with another group of stragglers approaching from the other side, Aurelia does a headcount of the small group and checks it once over




“Ok, that’s everybody! Let’s get on the train so we can get there on time! We wouldn’t want the dogs to worry, now, would we?” shouts Aurelia, as the girls follow her brisk and meaningful stride across the quiet street towards the metro terminal; respectable yet humble quality assured in this upstanding part of town, two benches and plenty of room to stand under the awning, having lifted off the ground to a functional elevation at the point down the track when it leaves the working class dregs, as if it had somehow achieved the American Dream in the subtlest way, itself rising out of poverty to an elevated social status, reminding the residents of the city’s deference to their neighborhood, no longer indifferent to inconveniencing and killing the people of the surrounding area; the train arrives on time, few people onboard as few from the south have money to spend in the city, and at a trickle past nine those employed within the city have already arrived at work; the four car train sitting only one car at the stop, per the usual of the less populated areas, a homeless man napping on one of the benches, startled by the sudden burst of noise, quietly takes to the door at the front of the cabin to venture into car to continue napping; if you ask him, he has business in the city.

The city is always encouraging people to walk between cabins on the old trains, the doors always open, and the people showing no hesitation in doing so, such trains not fitted with the gangways of the bigger inner city trains, still relying on a small bridge between cabins, the spot of choice for the few asthmatics still alive who were not fond of the constant smell of cigarettes, the doors being locked open assisting in much of the cleaning of the train, as the constant breeze and dry weather allows for the cigarette ash and butts to quietly slip to the streets below, leaving the train largely unscathed by anything but the most stubborn litter, as even the homeless people and drug addicts are cordial and polite enough to relieve themselves on the street rather than in the metro trains, a highly respected civil service within the city; the people entirely indifferent to the city’s liability for any damages or in any lawsuit being limited to the issuance of a post card that states ‘Go fuck yourself’ that one must venture to city hall to pick up if one feels so inclined to capitalize on one’s misfortune, and this is clearly stated in both the constitution, with the post card element added in later legislation as the legal secretary was overburdened with the task; the costs of filing such litigation owed to the city by the plaintiff being more than enough to cover the cost of the postcard, so the city did not mind endearing it’s people with such a memento for their efforts.

 The metro itself having been built and maintained mostly by the large influx of Asian immigrants, originally having moved to the city after their emancipation from the railroad industry, skilled in the craft and finding work in the city, which would give them de facto citizenship in exchange for their labor, or at least protection from any sort of immigration authorities; they accepted the meagre wages as they were merrily involved with and faithful in the wholesome Ponzi scheme of it all, as their wages increased as they had more children and convinced more migrants from Asia to come work on the railroad if said migrants would cite them as their recruiter. The success of this enterprise led to a surplus of incredibly cheap labor which ultimately resulted in these people building metro tracks out into sparsely populated areas, leading to the sprawling and somewhat inefficient metro crosshatch that spans the city; the Bay Citizenship program still running strongly to this day, quickly expanding into sectors such as public service and technology, the descendants of the program making up a large percentage of the metropolis, functionally self-segregated by language alone in many places; the authorities grew tired of sorting out high quality fake paperwork of unknown origin and interrogating people who spoke little to no English many decades ago, while the progressives of the state staunchly defend the city’s complete disregard of immigration law, leaving the policy entirely intact and heartily expanded upon after more than 125 years of consensual racialistic exploitation of the migrant community.


 “Jenna, I hope you weren’t hinting earlier that my ego is somehow delusional.” Says Stacy

“Of course not, as grand as your ambitions are, you’re usually self-deprecating enough in your realism to understand that while you may be right, the world doesn’t want to be right. Even if one wants to say you’re arrogant for arguing you’re always right, you don’t even do that really, you just argue your point and demand that people prove you wrong with something other than an opinion or an ideal, so as much as people can’t do that, you’re not even asserting that your ideas themselves are bulletproof factuality. I’m sure if somebody could actually prove you wrong you would accept that verdict entirely, even if it is likely impossible to due to given your rigorous standards for the haughtily unethical experiments required to do so.” Says Jenna

“That’s wonderful, one more thing I’ve not got to debate on this train ride. Call me homeless, but the metro always puts me in the mood for a nap.” Says Stacy, leaning he head against the window and closing her eyes

“The ride is not that long; I wouldn’t be too intent on napping.” Says Ophelia

“I can power nap with the best of them, 5 minutes of napping here and there can add up to a half-hour nap throughout the day, on top of that I tend to feel rather energized unless I’ve fallen sound asleep. Even if I might nap through 5 minutes of class, that doesn’t mean it’s a loss on my part, as I’m far more alert and focused for the remainder of the period.” Says Stacy

“I’m sure that argument goes over well with the teachers.” Says Jenna

“The position of reading a book intently and artful napping is exactly the same, it’s a matter of propping your hand in your head while covering your eyes with your hand as if to fend off the glare of the sun, having the correct angle for proper support and there’s functionally no difference between reading along and having a pleasant nap.” Says Stacy

“Of course the function of you being in class is to save face and appear to be working rather than actually learn.” Says Jenna

“If I’m not learning either way I don’t see a real difference.” Says Stacy

“It’s amazing how someone so full of energy can be so fond of sleeping, it’s seemingly a paradox.” Says Grace

“It may appear to be the case, but objectively I’m full of dreams rather than energy, and as that’s the case it’s perfectly sensible for me to be fond of sleep, it’s just a peculiar knack for talking in my sleep that creates that illusion.” Jokes Stacy

“If they are dreams, even daydreams, it’s odd that they’re so firmly rooted in reality when compared to the dreams of most people.” Says Isabelle

“It’s a matter of lucidity; the more lucid you are, the more your dreams are bound to realism, so if I’m actually awake and dreaming my mind can hardly fathom anything besides hard and unwavering realism, while if I’m actually asleep my mind stops processing consistency and realism all together, likely too exhausted after a long day to bother to make any sense, as even the subconscious logical aspect of my mind would rather doze off and shirk it’s duties than remain functional if my body’s asleep.

I don’t blame it in the slightest, as there’s little to be gained by acknowledging or questioning realism in one’s dreams, and I would think out of pure functionalism my mind finds that restful relaxation and repose of that part of the brain is the most reasonable pursuit, thus lets my mind cease making any sense entirely, and I don’t particularly care; as when I’m asleep, my thought processes are largely absent, I’m just walking through the motions without any free will or thoughts about the matter at hand, which is helpful because I can sleep through the profoundly inconsistent and surrealistic nonsense that happens in my dreams, pulling the door off of a house and thinking nothing of it, crawling through a ventilation duct or a half-open window as if that is somehow the most reasonable way to enter into a house, when I enter a building from some field and exit the same door and I’m in an entirely different building rather than outside, riding in the metro and the train falls off the track crashing to the ground and I just climb out completely unfazed as if that’s the usual sort of business and carry on with whatever it was I don’t know that I’m doing yet intently doing regardless, even having the floors undulate in stagnant massive waves while I tend to a large display of donuts as giants walk around me; I don’t question any of it and only very seldom has a dream struck me as anything besides the most commonplace of realities, likely because if I am somehow surprised by the things that happen in my dreams I will wake up, and I’m sure that the displeasure of waking up has conditioned me to avoid being surprised or questioning anything in the slightest.

I don’t know. Real dreams don’t make sense and I don’t bother to make sense of them, it’s a symbiotic indifference. I like sleeping, and I couldn’t care less what’s running around in my mind during that time. Of course I’m not perfect, and unfortunately I do have odd dreams that manage to wake me up, as one time a few weeks ago I see a giant cow's head with human legs standing at the foot of my bed, staring me hungrily in the eyes chewing on my blanket and pulling it to the floor that happens to be ankle deep with bubbling oil that is deep frying all of the clothes and things that had been ransacked out of the dresser and ended up on the floor. Now that one did startle me a bit I’ll be honest, but it has to be some profound nonsense to really get inside of my head enough for me to notice.” Says Stacy

“Even with dreams like that you’re still fond of sleep, my dreams are all eerily normal, perhaps places and people I don’t know, but they always seem familiar. I’ve had nightmares before, but nothing as profoundly odd as that, at least not to my knowledge, as my memory isn’t particularly good when it comes to dreams.” Says Isabelle

 “That’s like thinking someone who is profoundly thirsty would somehow be opposed to drinking water in some kind of haunted house. Clearly the setting isn’t going to stop somebody from drinking given that they’re thirsty enough, and trust me; I am always ever so thirsty enough for sleep.”  Says Stacy

“You might end up like Rip Van Winkle and sleep your life away seeing how fond of it you are. What would you do if you wake up in 30 years realizing you’ve accomplished nothing you intent to accomplish.” Says Grace

“I’d sleep easy knowing that the world had miraculously resolved its issues without my assistance seeing how they had not provoked my wrath by doing the stupid things they’re so fond of doing. I wouldn’t say that I even intend to do these things, it’s more like a knee-jerk reaction to seeing all of the shameless and illogical shortcomings of the human race, somewhat like a sneeze because the reaction feels good, but none the less; I’m sure if I had real intent to do something I might talk about it, but in my case that intent seems to be sleeping, and the world tends to prevent me from sleeping easy with all of their asinine farcicality running around in my head at night. Clearly though, if somebody can’t stop sneezing, regardless of how good it might feel, I’m sure they would seek some sort of remedy, as that sort of condition is somewhat debilitating, and unfortunately it does not feel anywhere near as pleasurable as sneezing. A sneeze is like a pure pleasure, where the pleasure I derive from derision is more of a complex taste that is appealing to a refined palate, but clearly not the rush of endorphins created by a sneeze. If a sneeze is a reflex designed to keep the nose and lungs clear from debris, my sort of derision is much like an instinct to clear the mind of lazy complicity with shameless nonsense, but unfortunately for the human race, biologically speaking healthy lungs were much more valuable than a healthy mind, so there’s not the same intense connection to the endocrine system.” Says Stacy
“That probably explains why humans are so prone to finding problems with anything and everything. If we didn’t we would just be content feeling that there are no problems and then accomplish nothing, so it’s a valuable survival mechanism to constantly be compelled towards action, even if it is shamelessly misapplied within society. Just because people can understand that there is a problem doesn’t mean they have the slightest clue on how to actually resolve that problem, unfortunately for everyone. It’s nothing but people with problems and no solutions since the problems have gotten too complex for most people to understand and the proposed solutions do nothing but lead to more problems themselves.” Says Jenna

“That makes me think we’re just getting closer and closer to our maximum capacity as people, the point where problems still exist, clearly, but no human mind is intelligent enough to resolve these problems. Beyond that, due to the intense integration and convolution of nearly every system on Earth, we are constantly making problems far more complex than they would be if there were independent form one another, so in a sense we’re being held to an artificial limit just because the human ego has this profound capacity to convolute everything into this one farcically dysfunctional snafu we are all forced to attempt to decipher somehow and then miraculously improve as if we can somehow make forward progress despite the countless asshats that feel like pulling this Tower of Babel to the ground in all possible directions; thank god we’re in a situation where people are pulling in all directions, as the fact that their efforts negate one another before actually exerting any force on the tower itself is the only reason the tower still stands, as clearly this ideological construct is as fragile as a baby and would quickly be destroyed if any group had an irrational advantage over the other.

Just look at Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia, clearly these sorts of establishments will fall in a heartbeat, so as much as I’m not one to conspire about the shadow government, the fact that the two parties are divided with a near perfect 50% split throughout history makes me think that there is some manipulation going on, perhaps because those people know that if any side gains an measurable advantage, that will quickly result in the destruction of the country. Artful, to say the least, to protect the fragile construct of America not with force but by pitting the people against each other in such a delicate and balanced way that they negate the impact of one another while exerting very little pressure on the tower itself, it truly takes a substantial degree of manipulation of a substantial population to accomplish that feat, or at least a manipulation of the vote, which is conveniently private and unverifiable to any degree of putting votes to heads in order to prove its legitimacy, might I add. I’m not complaining, America is a great place, why guarantee its destruction by giving real power to the endless mobs of idiots that infest it?” Says Isabelle

“Presuming that the shadow government is pulling the strings, it’s a damn shame that they’ve got to hide behind that curtain despite the fact that they’ve done a respectable job keeping the country alive and functional. People would riot in the streets if they found out that the Wizard of Oz wasn’t this magical floating face inside of a castle but actually a person behind a curtain, regardless of the fact that it changes absolutely nothing about what the wizard was actually doing the entire time. People just want to believe in this magical realism telling them that freedom and liberty create this great nation, when clearly those forces would quickly destroy it if they were given the power to do so, and I suppose half of it is the shadow government understanding the fact that people want to feel that they are at the pinnacle of power, or at least a vital part of the force that substantiates this pinnacle, as regardless of how amazing and measurably better the shadow government may be than the public government, if people feel that there is somehow this untouchable power that exists, they will do everything they can to touch and subsequently destroy this power just because they crave power for no justifiable reason.

It’s an unfortunate state of affairs, but the indoctrination is quite valuable, so as much as the shadow government might benefit from having the support of the people who would actually devote their life to service and betterment of this entity that miraculously keeps this country alive, clearly people would turn their nose up at any definite entity that is not some perfect imaginary ideal that cannot be tarnished due to its imaginary status. An imaginary entity like an ideal is always able to rinse away any demerit or shortcoming simply because it’s imaginary, so any time a measurable demerit would sully the image of an ideal, the ideal is reimagined without this imperfection and thus is always perfect, and this is in stark contrast to people, who will be destroyed entirely even if there is one spec of dirt on their character despite their endless record of respectable and defensible legitimacy, and this is because a person is too real and defined to simply be reimagined anytime it might appear flawed or imperfect.

The American ideals are always perfect because they’re never attained, as the second it is attained it is suddenly sullied and filthied by the shortcomings that define any realized ideal, and this negates any status the ideal formerly had, and it is replaced with a new unattained ideal that is so measurably perfect simply because people lack any ability to measure this concept with empirical evidence and thus clearly understand why the new ideal is flawed. People keep straying further and further even from relative measurable ideality because they’ve realized those ideals and are forced to find subpar and less so legitimate ideals to believe in, because they can convince themselves that anything is perfect and amazing so long as they don’t have any evidence to disprove their logic, so for that reason America is quickly descending into degeneracy because it achieves these degenerate ideals then quickly pursue an even more so degenerate ideal that magically resolves the problems created by the last one, just because people have yet to implement it therefore it must be perfect, as there is no proof that delegitimizes it, and any arguments against it are contrary to the American principle of idealist logic and therefore inherently wrong. It’s a shameless parade of stupidity that is marching directly into hell, be that as it may, there’s very little we can do about it save for to mock the idiots as they pass by and hope the sky doesn’t fall on us. I’m rather content with that, makes my life easier knowing that accomplishing anything more than disdainful mockery is impossible and as only a miracle could possibly save humanity at this point, it’s out of my hands entirely, so I do what I can even if it amounts to nothing, pray for a miracle, and shake my head in shame.” Says Stacy

“Seeing how the people or at least substantial majority groups are always right, regardless of how stupid and incorrect they may be in any empirical sense, there is nothing to be gained by being correct or legitimate in one’s own argument or logic. The only solution to the problems caused by the stupidity of the people is to somehow ensure that the people are far less stupid than they are now, and seeing how the only means to even attempt to make progress in that area, as well as any area, is to do so in a manner that is entirely in line with the opinions of these majority groups, the most productive thing you can probably do with your life is to be a staunch advocate of mandatory education, and even forced education throughout the entire life of a person, always holding them to a higher standard of learnedness and intelligence as they age, because clearly stupid people will never support your logic and correctness for their own reasons, and even if they are reasons that are entirely justified by ignorance and delusion, their opposition to change on principle is far more substantial and influential than any measurable legitimacy and correctness ever will be.

The people must be educated to the point where they can see your point, and as education is dehumanizing in the sense that it distances people from their subconscious minds and their instinct due to this newfound convolution of their subconscious impulses with their conscious thoughts, knowledge, and sentiments, you are actually establishing some small portion of your philosophy and principles if you manage to instate a far more thorough and endless system of education; so as much as complicity with the idiocy is clearly distasteful, it is truly the only means to actually accomplish anything, so if you can manage to hold your tongue about some of your more so disagreeable points, perhaps you can educate people to the point where they see the points themselves and find themselves supporting them due to their willful suppression of their subconscious with their similar levels of conscious egotism derived from their intelligence and faith in correctness above faith in their instinct.

It is far more manipulative than you want to be, as clearly simply being acknowledged as correct and embraced wholly on account of that is a much simpler means to your ends, but those means are impossible with the current state of the human race, so unless you can manage to stage a coup or something ridiculous, logic and reason would easily defend taking the path that offers some small yield even if it is imperfect when compared to your stalwart and more so legitimate stance that unfortunately offers no yield for any amount of effort you are willing to exert in the process. People need to be manipulated in order to gain anything, as when you are not the one manipulating people, you are the one being manipulated, and this is simple human and even animal nature to either be dominant or submissive in a social environment; so as much as you can turn your nose up in pride, enjoying the feeling of knowing you’re right and be content with that, you are still the one being manipulated because society has overpowered your will to compete and fight for legitimacy, for the position of the manipulator, and in that case they are the ones who benefit from your existence so long as you exist, and despite your opposition to them, your complicity in survival and effective indifference to being manipulated makes you complicit in the stupidity yourself, even if you are a neutral party; when all people suffer on account of the stupidity of the masses, you’re doing nothing but causing misfortune in your own life if you elect to refrain from manipulating  the people.

I understand it is below you, it is a petty trick mastered by petty humans, but it is far more effective at garnering results than any sort of legitimate argument that doesn’t instantly produce results that yield petty manipulative power despite their noble legitimacy. If your hand is forced, there’s no shame in resorting to petty tactics if those are the only viable means; perhaps it’s noble to put oneself above them, but if a little trickery amounts to more good than harm, perhaps even the shameless act of manipulating and warping the minds of people is the most moral and noble option available considering that failing to do so results in a much more unsavory future for everyone involved. You must reach into the darkness in order to bring the people enveloped by it into the light.” Says Grace

“There’s a reason the people are in the darkness, it’s not a matter of simple ignorance. The people enjoy the darkness, it is bliss; they voluntarily put faith in the darkness knowing that the light shatters their hopes and dreams, and they would rather die painfully with analgesic faith in a fantasy than live painlessly without hope to achieve anything better. The will to live itself is the optimism that the next day will somehow be better, and when things don’t get better people find themselves lacking the will to live; they see no reason to be alive knowing that their lives will not be substantially and markedly better in the future, and despite their faith in this delusion being entirely baseless and proven to be asinine by countless measured statistics within reality, the pleasure of this faith and the fantasy is more than enough to convince them to keep moving forward, much as a drug addict can see his body rotting before his eyes but can ignore this fact and forget it entirely when the euphoria and analgesia of the heroin is coursing through his blood.

People are always chasing the dragon, and if there is no dragon to chase, no fix attained by getting some ephemeral satisfaction that convinces the desperate mind that their delusion is not entirely baseless,  if despite the desperation and insanity of mind conditioned to substantiate nothingness there is nothing substantial enough to release the endorphins of satisfaction and success,  then they can no longer find pleasure in this pursuit of chasing this dragon; and when this dragon no longer promises them a greater and more amazing high tomorrow, they stop chasing, they stop walking, they sit down, lie down, and die all together, as there is nothing left for them to chase, nothing to distract them from the dread and pain induced by reality, the dream crippling force of realism that trails behind them; they have always moved that small bit faster in their own chase of the dragon, protected by the dragon’s magic, the euphoria of fantasy and dreams of tomorrow, but when this dragon does not exist, there is no tomorrow, for tomorrow is the same as today, and the man is forced to come to terms with the pain he feels today, knowing there is no escape, no relief, that tomorrow will be the same, the same empty meaningless nothingness, and that crushing despair takes root in his mind, and he dies, his mind and soul die, and his body, still forcing itself to remain alive through instinct to avoid the physical pain of death accomplishes nothing but perpetuating the pain of mental and spiritual death created by his mind,  and soon enough this inescapable misery becomes so powerful and torturous that his reluctant and rotting mind overpowers his body and he wills himself to end his own life, to escape this misery through the only means he knows how, the only means that exist to do so.” Says Stacy

“May we never falter in our chase. I love that dragon, and I know for damn sure I’ll never stop chasing after that thing. I don’t care how crazy my dreams sound, they tickle me pink, and I’d much rather have that over some objective realism full of probability and knowledge that constantly dissuades me from the chase due to how improbable it is for me to actually succeed. You’re right in that despite this probability, I somehow manage to have 100% faith in this less 1% chance to succeed, well, it’s more of a 99% faith, but I do have a 100% faith in at least accomplishing something close, which itself may be less than 1% chance, but as it’s more probable than the true ambition, I’ve got even more faith in becoming some kind of executive manager than actually becoming a CEO of some major company, so that’s a given in my mind if I ever have that rare and ephemeral ponder about the hypothetical prospect of failure.” Says Isabelle

“You’re willing to take initiative and you seem to have some sort of connections with established entities, so you might have a much higher chance of success than you want to give yourself credit for. You’ve even got your own little company in a sense, at least on paper, so perhaps you can somehow make something of that. ” Says Jenna

“The real chance of success is irrelevant in the matter, as my ambition assures me of the probability and I’ve no need for any alternative vantage; why force myself to acknowledge other possibilities when my ambition assures me there are none? If I am forced to acknowledge them, so be it, I can adapt and overcome whatever challenges present themselves to me. I see my venture right now as little more than entertainment, as I doubt protection will ever be all too important, but perhaps if things degenerate from the relative peace we have now it could easily turn into a very profitable venture, even perhaps becoming as vital as electricity or water for a corporation if the cannibalistic socialists actually induce significant pressure on that which they seek to kill and eat. Even in times of peace I’m sure there are plenty of possible means to expand my services to something more so in demand, but if worse comes to worse and I’m sitting at the top of my lowly venture, the wonderful part of the protection industry is that it is quite possible to create demand for my services if such demand happens to be lower than desired.” Jokes Isabelle

“With a mindset like that, I have no doubt that you have what it takes to become a titan of industry; you already have a foot in the door with your tax evasion and probable money laundering, and clearly I see no reason why you would refrain from venturing into any other racket imaginable,  clearly you’ve got the law on your side to defend your half of a protection racket with a legitimized ‘protection’ company, and the law would likely pay little mind to petty criminals being paid to reinforce your apparent validity; why not add some gambling, loan sharking, witness tampering, extortion, computer crime and all other sorts of delightful ventures to the mix?” Says Grace

“Easy now, Grace, you’re the ambitious one here. Rome wasn’t built in a day, now, was it?” Jokes Isabelle

“I hope you are joking, I wouldn’t be surprised if you became a career criminal, but I would be somewhat ashamed.” Says Grace

“I intend to do nothing criminal in the slightest, considering that I am the one on the side of the good, the entire time I would be doing nothing but ensuring the peace and civility of the people of this great city and even beyond. I would protect them from harm, where that harm comes from is entirely unknown to me, but clearly I am doing nothing but protecting my clients.” Says Isabelle

“Already preparing for your day in court, I see.” Jokes Grace

“I would argue that day will never come, as upstanding citizens don’t get sent to court for obeying the law.” Says Isabelle

“You’re lucky you live in this city where the law is a discretionary institution rather than anything bound by substantial paperwork and legislation.” Says Grace

“Just because the discretion is of a higher legal authority than the legislation doesn’t mean there aren’t plenty of laws around, we simply give the police the ability to do their jobs without fear for their livelihoods because they failed to remember every sentence from some tome of state and federal law. I trust the police to know the difference between good and bad, and as their job is to stop bad people from doing bad things, there is no reason to suspect them of any inconsistencies with the law, because if that were true the law itself is what is inconsistent with good and bad, inconsistent with right and wrong, and that, my dear, is tyranny.” Says Isabelle

“I’m sure your charismatic defense of the principles and ideals of Bay City will be one of the many reasons you get invited to speak at the Policeman’s Ball, even if it is the only halfway respectable reason that the police might be fond of you.” Says Grace

“We are brothers and sisters at arms; two groups fighting the same fight, the same war; there is no reason to think there would be any animosity between us at all; perhaps a bit of friendly competition, but that’s all good and well as we’re both all the better for maintaining such noble ambitions to do our jobs as best as we possibly can.” Says Isabelle

“Try to be wary that best is entirely subjective, and even if it’s the best in your eyes and those of the police, that doesn’t indicate that it has any real correlation with what is actually better, but given that the police are in control of the law, there is no real reason to think that what is actually better is somehow relevant in that situation.” Says Grace

“I’ve been nodding off myself, I tried to pay attention but the words just weren’t making much sense, I guess I must still be sleepy, but it looks like we’re almost there.” Says Ophelia, yawning and stretching a bit

“I just take the words for what they are and leave it at that. I don’t try to make sense of anything; things don’t tend to make sense, so I’m not going to obligate somebody to make sense when the world is so merrily indifferent to doing so itself.” Says Jenna

“A pragmatic stance if there ever was one; people can make sense of nonsense and deem sensibility to be utter nonsense, so when such a standard is in place there’s no reason to attempt discerning between the two when the subjective matter of making sense is so entirely disconnected from any legitimate form of sensibility.” Says Stacy

“So long as opinions are treated as if they are equally as valid as facts, you are entirely correct, as one cannot be right without simultaneously being wrong. Seeing how people are perfectly content with their opinions being just as valid as facts, I doubt any real effort will be exerted to derive true factuality from our existence, seeing how a man who owns a car and is perfectly content with that car will seldom be tempted by somebody peddling him another one, and seeing how that new car in this context will smash his old one to pieces, there’s nothing to make me think that he would part with something that has sentimental value to him while the new car is devoid of that feeling entirely. Despite the massive increase in efficiency and quality, unless the man is backed into a corner and will not survive without the advantages offered by the new car, he will hold onto the one he loves as emotions always overpower reason in most everyone on Earth.” Says Isabelle

“I suppose I’ve just got to back them into that corner then, and seeing how mankind is remarkably good at backing themselves into a corner through their own volition, perhaps it won’t take any effort on my part at all.” Jokes Stacy

“Unfortunately for you mankind is quite content with wiggling out of the corner by a few inches and that breathing room makes them feel safe as milk.” Says Isabelle

“Something will come along to back them into that corner again, it always does; it’s only a matter of time before all of that wiggle room is filled to the brim with refuse and rubble from the prior wiggling. When all is said and done getting them out of that corner is another matter entirely, but despite their shortsightedness, vice and virtue alike are both equally intent on keeping mankind alive, so as much as humanity might get a little bruised being dragged across the concrete corpse of their failures, they’ll be breathing right and dandy, so give him some time and a little spit shine and old buddy will be good as new. Time heals all wounds, so long as the wounded reproduce of course; in a generation or two the wounds have disappeared along with the wounded themselves.” Says Stacy

“As much as your concept of healing being defined by replacing the wounded with new healthy people may be unpopular and entirely disparate from the human concept of healing, I’m sure if the people are suffering enough from their wounds they’ll be quite keen on that philosophy.  It is the natural philosophy, so I can’t object to it any more than sunshine or rain, but clearly that irrevocable legitimacy has seldom stopped anyone from complaining about those things.” Says Jenna




“Ok, girls, this is our stop! Let’s get moving!” barks Aurelia, warmly authoritative, as the club disperses from the train and into the city, feet clanging down the steel stairs as the unintelligible babbling of the train folk fills the platform, some of them without a partner simply venting frustrations and arguing with demons, the city humbly tall in line with property value, with the occasional office complex having an extra floor or two, competing as children do for meaningless status amongst the meaningless children of the economy, most rather empty, some salary men escaping their home lives with made up responsibilities, yet diligently laboring away at these fantasized duties as to escape their own minds, the eerie silence of a Saturday office being enough to embolden their meek minds to resume the their own self-torment, often to an even greater extent than the wife and children could exert on the fragile man, distracting himself and becoming his work, forgetting himself, and finding solace as his dutiful mind drowns his own sense of self, unable to kill it entirely, content with starving that part of his mind of the oxygen it needs, hoping that sufficient brain damage will subdue his endogenous agony, even if just for these few precious hours

People in windows pawing trinkets and baubles as the girls pass by, the hypnotic distraction unable to tempt the girls whose minds were possessed by the dogs, in their eyes starving for life, entirely content if not happy regardless of this, yet eager to eat voraciously at such a delightful opportunity to remind themselves that there is escape from their purgatory, even if it is only momentary; their minds simple enough to act mechanically and thoughtlessly, even without the embellishment with routine and schedule that humans rely upon to negate their free will, the girls all with a similar level of mechanical compulsion controlling their bodies, the thoughts passing through their minds as quaint as birds that fly before one’s eyes, noticing them only when one is not distracted by the pressing affairs that enslave the minds of the people, joyously imbibing this meaning regardless of its artificial nature, as it was created with such intent of relieving the human mind of the confusing empty meaninglessness of existing without purpose, most cannot find purpose for themselves, and luckily for them others can find them purpose, which more often than not has been handed down by another further up the chain, with very few people at the top of this chain reaction who by some odd miracle convinced themselves of an artificial purpose without relying on another to kindly instill one into their mind


The animal shelter is there, as with all of the other things, still there, unremarkably unremarkable, describable yet undescribed, a place of business, none of which involves pleasing people with non-living aesthetics, functional, and that was certainly enough for such an establishment; the club enters the very functional door and begins to perform their own function within the building

“I’m sure you all remember what to do. You’re the Animal Club after all.” Says the employee, the girls agree en mass excitedly and venture into the kennels

“Make sure to get some doggie bags before we go, ok?” says Aurelia, as the girls find their canid friends, Stacy paces down the kennel worriedly looking for Roscoe, the usual mix of fighting dogs striking fear into her heart, eventually near the end she finds him in a small kennel, relieved to see the old basset hound laying on the ground; he looks up at her and frowns with disinterest, reluctance, not interested in getting up, Stacy enters the kennel with her leash and puts it on, the dog turns his head away, almost ashamed of his reluctance, Stacy pets the dog cautiously, her heart racing, tense, palms sweating despite her mind’s awareness of her safety with the dog “It’s ok.” She says to the dog, as if the dog were somehow concerned, “Let’s go, ok? A little walk?” says Stacy, the dog groans slightly, Stacy pats him on the ribs and the dog stands up, walking with no real interest, no pain, no fear or sentiments in the slightest towards the other much larger dogs, blind to reality despite being able to see clearly, stopping to stretch a moment, shaking it’s head slightly, eyes closed and directed to the ground, with disapproval not of his own life, but of life itself, he lifts his head and clears his mind, his eyes glazed as he starts walking out of some sense of duty, marching, not to war, just to march, for some unknown reason, doing what is expected of him as it is easier than failing to do so, rather than be faced with medicines or treadmills he understands this as the most aggregable option available to him, it’s ok


Stacy looks at the other dogs with subtly wide eyes, walking with intangible tenseness, the small dog giving her comfort in the feeling of safety, knowing that this is the most agreeable option available to her, grabbing a bag, she slips along with the crowd, most of the girls having already been pulled away by their energetic and loving friends, eager to see the park once again, leading the girls on the righteous path of volunteer work. Jenna stands back with her shepherd, too tame to leave her side or act against her will, waiting for Stacy, as they exit slowly, Stacy’s mind still in shock as if she had just dodged a bullet, which wouldn’t bother her in the slightest, it was just something about warm blooded, conscious, mercurial, and lively bullets that crawled into her mind and soul, moving around relentlessly like life loves to do; a bullet is what it is, a line, a point, a dog is an unfathomable system of equations of spontaneity with the natural tools to endear a person with a very violent death, a dirty, savage, wild, and animal death, the clean precision of a bullet’s killing being a comforting thought when compared to the natural standard of being eaten alive


“Still not fond of dogs I see.” Says Jenna

“As fond as I can be, fond enough, but when I see these animals that evolved over thousands of years refining their natural ability to instinctively hunt and kill other warm blooded creatures with the tools god endeared them with, it’s not the most comforting thing in the world; I would feel the same way about a bear or a lion. I know it’s a bit irrational, but it’s my instinct along with their instinct, so knowing is entirely irrelevant at that point.” Says Stacy, as the girls exit the building and head down the street

“I guess it’s a learned trait to be friendly with dogs. My cousins have dogs, so I’m kind of used to them.” Says Jenna

“This is a good boy though, Roscoe is nice. I like him, the most comforting fear I know.” Says Stacy

“I can’t believe you’re afraid of that poor little fella.” Says Jenna

“It’s not him, nothing about him at all, it’s just the thought of dogs, I don’t know. I see him, my mind thinks of a dog, and that’s that, if all dogs were Roscoe here it wouldn’t be an issue at all.” Says Stacy

“You’re not afraid of people, even dangerous people, even danger itself, but dogs still get under your skin.” Says Jenna

“That’s a different sort of danger; with people there’s a level of thinking involved, a thought process that defines their actions, they calculate to whatever extent they can before they act, they premeditate, and that bit of separation between the human and the instinct is what is different. A dog doesn’t have this, a dog just acts, some switch in its mind could trigger it to jump on me and start gnawing away at my throat in a heartbeat, dogs bigger than me, more than willing to fight against all pain, to fight for their life, with no reluctance or weak-will in that situation, no ability to be reasoned with, finding killing and eating another mammal to be as entirely wholesome as a mother finds cooking dinner for her family. A person is always contemplating this or that, the repercussions, and they like to avoid pain, they like to avoid conflict, they have the instinct to run away from death much more than fight to the death, and above that they’re not natural killers, their killer instinct is a learned trait that must be practiced and honed and often fails them because of this, where a dog is as deadly as an expert marksman from the day it is able to hunt and kill on its own. These beasts are natural born killers, even Roscoe here to whatever extent his body allows him to kill things. I am fond of that, it is quite beautiful, but I am wary all the same.” Says Stacy

“Keep in mind that dogs also evolved for thousands of years alongside humans, so as much as they do have the instinct to kill, they also have very strong instincts to help people; even though that helping usually did take the form of killing, it was always in a symbiotic relationship with the people who lived with the dog.” Says Jenna

“That could still mean killing people who did not live with that dog, mind you. Regardless, we have nice dogs with us, and we can be happy with that, not the dogs that like to jump on you, thank god.” Says Stacy

“We can try to steer clear of the rest of the dogs; I wouldn’t want you to have a panic attack or anything.” Jokes Jenna

“I doubt it would come to that; I would just be very uncomfortable in that situation. Dogs are very strong animals and feeling the pressure of their body against yours really induces this despair inside of me, that powerless feeling, that you only feel when you know you’ve lost, that things have slipped out of your control. I like to feel in control, and dogs, mainly the big dogs, are very fond of stripping me of that feeling. I know not to fight them, because things could easily get worse than being jumped on and licked, but something about being the submissive one in that situation strikes fear into my heart, especially when I’m being dominated by an animal that has spent thousands of years refining its ability to kill other mammals. However friendly they may be, it’s just that feeling of being overpowered and helpless that gets into my head.” Says Stacy

“Did you have some kind of bad experience with a dog as a kid or something?” asks Jenna

“I think every experience I had with a dog as a kid was bad; I’m quite small, and I don’t like being jumped on and licked, and that basically describes most of the experiences I had with dogs as a kid. Even just seeing a big dog as a kid I was intimidated, so when you’ve had the displeasure of being jumped on by a massive and powerful animal, something like that tends to leave a lasting memory.” Says Stacy, as the girls reach the park, the other club members all playing with their dogs with vivacious enthusiasm, finding sticks, petting the dogs aggressively, their love for the animals as aggressively lively as the dogs themselves, Stacy and Jenna stick to a path around the outskirts of the park


“Perhaps you can use those experiences and your sentiments towards dogs as a context to have some level of sympathy or at least understanding of the way that Ophelia and I feel when we go on these magical adventures of yours. I’m sure you feel in control, to some extent, but we certainly don’t, and I’ll be honest those sorts of adventures scare the hell out of me; my mind just kind of shuts down and goes into survival mode. As unfortunate as our situation may be, I would hope having some awareness of the way we feel may help you take steps to reduce the stress of those sorts of things, especially when you have your own similar situation with dogs.” Says Jenna

“I still come to walk the dogs despite my reluctance, assuredly, so I hope a little trepidation won’t keep you from performing our duties.” Says Stacy

“Only because my life physically depends on it, otherwise I would be long gone and probably in an asylum by now.” Says Jenna

“Wonderful, besides, last time was neat and clean, at least on your part of the job. There’s hardly anything to complain about there, considering the alternatives.” Says Stacy

“That was better, but it was still troubling to be aware of after the fact. Seeing how I don’t even want to know what the alternatives are, I’ll just applaud you for your efforts, seeing how if it wasn’t 5 bad people on one day, it would probably be 2 bad people every other day, and I’d rather have as few outings as possible to be honest.” Says Jenna

“I hope you’re not too squeamish about the ordeal, you want to be a surgeon don’t you? There’s really nothing different about what we do. I just happen to be a surgeon that excises the evil from the minds of people. I’m not even cutting them open and disemboweling them alive like a surgeon would, so this line of work is far more palatable than surgery I would think.” Says Stacy

“I have seen lots of pictures of surgery, and they are more graphic than what you do, so that is true, even if your concept of surgery takes the form of disemboweling somebody. It was the whole concept of killing people that was troubling me, but thinking about it in the way you do, surgery that excises evil, it’s noticeably more wholesome, even if I am repressing the acknowledgement of what we actually do and replacing it with this childlike delusion. That thought is feeling like a warm blanket and I’m just smothering my awareness of reality with it in this maddened delusion, it feels as if I’m doing something wholesome protecting by my sanity. I am aware of the fact that this is insane, but I also am aware that there is likely no greater level of sanity that I could achieve at this point, so it feels peachy, actually, compared to some of the thoughts that like to run through my head.” Says Jenna

“Delightful, even if we’re not saving the lives of those who I happen to perform surgery on, we are saving people’s lives, or at least bettering them, as the result of our surgical operation, so in the end it’s as noble and benevolent as doctoring, just a bit inverted as the doctor saves the people he treats while the others are left to die; our results may be reversed, but as they are equally benevolent, there is no reason to sweat over minor details.” Says Stacy

“I think an irrationally high chance of dying to a criminal is not exactly a minor detail. There is this insane bit of optimism left in me that somehow believes that you can think of something else to do besides hunting evil that would still get your job done. Ophelia and I were able to do our little bit of helping and that seemed to be fine; I mean I understand that you are held to a higher bar than we are, but are you sure there are absolutely no other options, preferably much safer options, that you we could possibly undertake rather than be forced to live like this for the rest of our lives?” asks Jenna

“Ironically this is the safest possible option, as while there are other options, they all involve me publically being known as this psychic, and when that’s the case, I put myself in the line of fire, not just in costume, but every day of my life, because everybody would be threatened by me; everyone has something to hide, so even if I’m helping the ‘good’ people like the police or the government, that also involves me being complicit in all of their terrible things, so as much as I may be stopping one portion of evil, I am also perpetuating another at the same time. Not only am I accomplishing much less as the evil negates most all of the good, I am constantly pressured and threatened by powerful people who seek to control me and exploit me as a means to their own ends and for their own gains while having absolutely no interest in being good and very little regard for my life. There’s not a force in the world that does any substantial amount of good that is somehow not evil in its own ways, so in order for me to actually live comfortably this is all that can really be done.

 We have to be the force of pure good in the world, and despite the unsavory means, this is the only way possible that doesn’t involve us risking our normal lives in the process, as the things we do get swept under the rug due to the serendipitous indifference and voluntary incompetence of the police, while if we were above that rug, we are constantly in danger, not to mention the number of people who would be paranoid if they knew that real witches exist that could do magic. To be honest, your lives would be far more endangered by civilian work than mine, at least from external forces, because nobody likes magic, even if it is good magic, and the government doesn’t like things that are out of their control; the church has killed witches for thousands of years and they wouldn’t hesitate to start again if they knew that some still existed, and beyond that even if you had approval of these forces then you would be subject to the same nullification of your efforts due to being complicit in the evil of any group you attempt to help.

It’s unfortunate, but at least it’s noble; if we die, at least we die a noble death and we’ve not been exploited by some manipulative and unscrupulous force to the point where our evil outweighs our good and we die to the wolf or his magic. Power is corrupting, and even supposedly good entities would be tempted and corrupted by this power, even the seemingly harmless power of love could be used to sway and manipulate crowds to the shameless benefit of certain entities, and I don’t want to put you two in that situation where you’re pigeonholed into what is little more than a casket because you put faith in things that cannot be trusted, which is basically every established power and most of the people in this world unfortunately.” Says Stacy

“I needed that reminder; I don’t know how I could forget that optimism is seldom little more than grounds to be exploited, but at least your wary of that fact. You did convince me that however unpleasant performing our duty may be sometimes, it is the best possible solution; men go to war all the time and they’re able to stomach the risk of death and the fact that they kill the enemy, so I shouldn’t expect myself to be any less capable of doing so. It makes my heart sink, but we have no choice, and I suppose the only way to end our service in this peculiar army is to win the war, so if I’m going to have any optimism, it will be about that; as unimaginable as that sounds, that is the only possible solution I can think of, and as there are likely no other solutions, I’ll just have to pray for some kind of miracle because even if it is statistically impossible, it is physically possible, and if that’s all the reassurance I can get I will take it at this point; even if it’s not soon, I need to tell myself that one day this will all be over, and we can live a normal life, or at least refrain from doing these things, otherwise I just get consumed by constant fear that this will define the rest of my life until I die.” Says Jenna

“I can understand that entirely, as lazy as I am you surely didn’t think I’d not schemed up a plan to relieve ourselves of these duties we must perform, did you? I’ve been scheming good see, and so long as we remain good, we can just act as a catalyst of good without actually having to do much of the grunt work ourselves, and while we may need to start up some sort of cult of the faithful to act in our best interests, I can easily comb the minds of prospects and take only the truly faithful under our wing, and while we must be as secretive as organized crime, we can also be as efficient and powerful in the process; this so long as you girls are willing to aid me in the process, as truly your magic is what keeps them faithful, the succulent succor of the superstitious and the faithful, and when you affirm their faith, they will certainly practice the ritual aspects with great piety and devotion. This will require some work on our end, but it is a venture that would be worth our while; I’m sure you would rather be healing people than watching me kill people, and Ophelia spreading the love of god and of faith, so while it won’t happen overnight, I have been thinking of ways to reduce the stress my unfortunate job happens to place upon you two.

This will be harder the more we are obliged by schooling and the front of the normalcy of children, but it becomes quite easy once we are adults free from the legal threat of truancy and the constant concern and supervision of our parents. Even if we are forced to be involved in this trade for our entire lives, I think you would find that life to be much more agreeable than the one we live now. Trust me, I don’t like this anymore than you do; well, perhaps a bit more than you do, but still, I’d rather see all of us get promoted beyond the role of foot soldiers, so if you needed something to be optimistic about, hopefully my ambitions for our future are more appealingly plausible than your faith in somehow winning the war against evil against all odds.” Says Stacy

“That actually sounds remarkably good compared to what I was expecting. I’m glad you’ve got your wits about you, as I’m at my wit’s end to be quite honest, at least in terms of what it is we should be doing. You’ve been spot on with your shenanigans so far, so I’m certainly not going to doubt you at this point. Sooner would be better than later, but I understand your reluctance to do these things while we live with our parents, as I doubt they would be fond of us running some kind off to some kind of cabal every night. If you’re going to start a cult, you’re going to need to learn transform or something at least, because as silly as the costumes may be, at least we are in costume to do the things we do, whereas with you calling the shots it seems like trusting some schoolgirl to orchestrate these hunts of evil, which I’m sure people would be a bit more reluctant to do so. Eva was saying you really had a beautiful white dress that was seemingly angelic, and that would go a long way in convincing people of your legitimacy. I hope you’re not hiding that from us because you’re embarrassed about it.” Teases Jenna

“No, I’m not hiding anything; I’m rather confident I just don’t have that ability, I can just get a nice dress if you really want that to be my outfit so badly. I thought mine was pretty good, intelligent with the glasses, while at the same time sleek, and a huntress at that with the cat ears, it’s basically perfect.” Says Stacy

“I can tell you never gave your costume any thought in the slightest. Do try to figure it out, I’m sure you can transform and that would be a delightful spectacle to see. I’d be way less embarrassed by my costume if you had to wear one too.” Says Jenna

“I wouldn’t hold your breath, but I need a functional outfit beyond just a visually appealing one, and mine does just that, thankfully. Maybe I will figure it out, I don’t know; clearly at this point it is not relevant to me doing good or fighting evil so I am at a loss on how to actually do it, but perhaps when we get a nice little church going, I’ll become aware of how to transform because having that appearance is suddenly relevant. I’m not trying to stick out like some kind of bride on her wedding day while we go out into rough parts of town to take care of business anyways; so perhaps that day will come, but that day is certainly not today.” Says Stacy

“Was this whole scheme of starting a church or a cult or whatever the thing you had to tell me last night? I sure would have slept easier if it was; sure there are nightmares about being some kind of cabalistic cult leader dressed as a witch, but those are hardly as bad as some of the things I can imagine you doing.” Says Jenna

“Nope, this is just something I’ve been tossing around in my brain for a while, trying to put some pieces together, but it’s just so far off in the future that it’s hard to form any real concrete plans in regards to the schematics of such an institution. Did you want me to tell you what I’ve got to tell you?” asks Stacy

“No, not in particular, not at all really.” Says Jenna

“Well, that’s unfortunate, as I’ve got to tell you within the timeframe of this pleasant little walk, but you’re not even a bit curious? It’s not even that sort of nightmare really, about our duty to the rings and whatnot.” Says Stacy

“I’m not fond of any sort of nightmare, so whatever it is I’d rather not know.” Says Jenna

“Well, you’ve got to know, unfortunately, but it’s not as bad as you think, really.” Says Stacy

“Coming from someone who is perfectly fine with killing people, I kind of doubt you understand any real spectrum of badness from which you can draw rational judgement of the badness of something. If I have to know, so be it, but let’s not ruin the rest of the walk, shall we?” asks Jenna

“I’ll just let you know it doesn’t involve you doing anything really, it’s just an odd bit of somewhat disturbing information that might need some time to settle in. It’s more of a ‘yikes’ than anything else, but it’s also sort of good news, maybe? A good newsy ‘yikes’ kind of unsettling nightmare sound any better?” says Stacy

“I don’t even know; I’m just confused more than concerned at this point, but still somewhat concerned. There’s nothing else you want to talk about?” asks Jenna

“I don’t particularly want to talk about this, but it’s just a somewhat pertinent piece of information to preserve the sanity of a couple people dear to my heart.” Says Stacy

“Well just talk about something else for now. Nothing else on your mind? You tend to have plenty of things to say.” Says Jenna

“It’s just that none of it really needs to be said. Those things may be quaint, but this is relevant.” Says Stacy

“Say something quaint then.” Says Jenna

“Well, in terms of quainthood, there was a girl in one of my classes who noticed a girl drinking some paper box with almond drink in it, and told her ‘wow, don’t you know that has carrageenan in it, that stuff is bad for you’ as many of the insane hippie folk of this state might say. This had me thinking about how deplorable this sentiment is, as carrageenan is a natural emulsifier made from seaweed, not artificial in the slightest, while no known problems caused by carrageenan, but people still hate it just because it has a big name and they don’t know what it is. This sort of ignorance is frustrating, and it is the same reason people proliferate profound amounts of subpar food because they avoid using MSG for the exact same reason, as it experienced the same baseless superstitious negative outcry some half a century ago, but people chose to eat things that taste worse than they could and antagonize the perfectly harmless, delicious, and entirely natural chemical known as MSG for absolutely no reason.

I thought of this movement and tried to give it a name, something like decarageenanationment, the cult like following that occurs when people baselessly antagonize something they don’t understand and force people to make subpar products without useful ingredients because people are all superstitious and ignorant. Then I thought this was a long word, so in spite of these people who hate long confusing words, I thought of an even longer word, being hyperdecaragennantionmentarianism, which is the philosophy of the people with an extreme aversion and fear of these big unknown names of harmless and beneficial ingredients in food products, then thought of myself who is vehemently opposed to these people, and thought of the name for my own disposition and feelings regarding them and how this could be applied in other contexts, and landed on hyperantidecarageenanationmentarianisticality,  meaning the extent to which a trait is similar to my extreme disdain for those a part of the social movement opposed to carrageenan, even if this disdain does not explicitly have to do with the carrageenan itself, as anything similar in principle to my disdain will qualify under that definition to which it’s extent of similarity can be measured.

I thought that was quaint, the word at least, even somewhat applicable as it describes many wonderful traits in quality humans. It’s rather tasteful to use a huge confusing word to express disdain for people who are upset at harmless and entirely wholesome ingredients in food products just because they don’t understand what exactly that product is, usually due to the long name, first the MSG, now the carrageenan, even gluten in a similar sense even if it’s not explicitly due to its name, as people pretend to have some sort of disease in order to antagonize gluten, which is yet another harmless ingredient in food.

That’s how much these people like to baselessly feel victimized; it’s profoundly stupid to claim that you are somehow a victim of a harmless ingredient in food, it does nothing but exemplify one’s predisposition to and penchant for ignorant and baseless bigotry. I feel like I’m the United States fighting the Nazis and their  baseless antagonization of the Jews in these sorts of affairs, it’s absolutely shameless, but despite how amazing MSG, carrageenan, and gluten are, nobody feels that their propagandic discrimination is somehow on par with the Nazi’s just because they don’t happen to be people, and that’s a damn shame really, seeing how a Jew could easily be a bad person, just as much as any other person of course, but it is impossible for MSG, carrageenan, or gluten to ever be bad or do anything wrong or evil in the same sense a person can, yet these harmless, innocent, beautiful, and delectable molecules are demonized like the Jews were for having horns and using black magic for thousands of years, which honestly just goes to show that the human race needs some kind of scapegoat, and unfortunately for those of us fond of these ingredients, harmless food additives have been cast as the scapegoat in place of the Jews, which is equally egregious in my book. You can say, ‘oh, but nobody’s dying’, and that’s bullshit, because flavor and quality emulsification are dying, and when those things die, everyone dies on the inside a little bit every day, so in a sense we’re not just killing the Jews anymore, we’re killing everybody.” Says Stacy

“As much as I see your point; that word was ridiculous and probably one of the stupidest I’ve heard you make up; even if it theoretically makes sense, that doesn’t mean anyone exists that can actually make sense of it, considering most people don’t even know what carrageenan is to begin with. That being said nearly all really long words are entirely meaningless to reasonable people, so once you get beyond a certain letter count, probably 12 or 15, the words quickly begin to lose all value, and easily before that considering that literacy has quickly been replaced with more accessible media from the advent of the radio, and that has resulted in a huge declension in the once noble trait of being literate.

If you use a big word you just look like a pretentious idiot; that’s basically what every word somebody doesn’t understand means, the speaker is just telling anyone listening that he is a pretentious idiot, because that’s the only definition most people can derive from most words they don’t know. You know as well as anyone that somebody’s own shortcomings are never their own fault, so if somebody doesn’t understand a word, clearly the person using the word is at fault, not the person who does not know the definition of the word due to illiteracy.

That entire time you were talking I was almost regretting the fact that I didn’t just ask you for the bad news, despite how intelligent your argument was, the whole principle of ‘keep it simple, stupid’ was reminding me that entire aspect of creating a nonsense word was well beyond the point where intelligence is functionally stupidity; people are too smart for their own good sometimes, and I feel that people touting their intelligence has often distracted them from actually accomplishing what needs to be done, as they convolute their decisions in order to peacock their supposed intelligence, and in doing so they fail to solve the problem in the most reasonable manner because they themselves don’t understand what it is they wholeheartedly believe they understand thoroughly.” Says Jenna

“So, news it is? It’s not that bad, let me remind you. A bit embarrassing, as you can tell by my uncharacteristic reluctance.” Says Stacy

“Now I kind of want to know, as I have no idea what sort of thing can actually get you embarrassed considering how shameless you are. Clearly I’m still a bit anxious due to your capacity to create bad news and your relative inability to understand rational emotions, so I’m sure I will regret asking you to tell me.” Says Jenna

“Well, you’re going to find out either way, so it doesn’t matter. I’ll try not to beat around the bush too much, but I don’t want you to get the wrong idea. So, you know how Stella is a bit emotional sometimes, right?” asks Stacy

“Yes.” Says Jenna

“You know how she was very upset with me last weekend.” Says Stacy

“Vividly.” Says Jenna

“Well on Sunday she sort of had a mental breakdown, crying about how I didn’t care about her and I was going to die, and things like that, and so I tried to calm her down but clearly what I said didn’t work in the slightest, I guess it just made things worse as you might expect, and, well, you know... she climbed on top of me and kind of raped me a little bit, still crying and being crazy and stuff, that’s the sort of thing.” Says Stacy

“Jesus Christ, what the fuck does that even mean? She kind of raped you a little bit? That doesn’t even make sense, why would she rape you? Do you even know what that word means?” Asks Jenna

“Well it means she kind of raped me a little bit; I know what that word means, I’m not some kind of dolt, but I told you she was crying about how I didn’t love her, and she said she was going to make me love her so I wouldn’t go get myself killed; she thought I didn’t care about her, and somehow became that desperate and insane, she was saying she was going to kill herself if I died, fuck, I don’t know. Clearly she was off her rocker, but she’s fine now.” Says Stacy

“That’s so fucking terrible, I want to hate you for being so terrible to your sister, I still don’t think she raped you, what are you trying to say she did to you?” asks Jenna

“She put her fingers inside of me and started kissing me, you know, that sort of shit, what the fuck. It’s gross, but she just thought it would make me love her more or something.” says Stacy

“Jesus that’s so awful you drove her to do that; I’m sure she feels so awful and insane all the time now, how could she possibly get better after you caused her to become so desperate, depressed, and despondent that she became a suicidal rapist?” says Jenna

“I just told her I loved her and stuff and eventually she got better, everything is fine, she is very happy now.” Says Stacy

“How is she fucking happy? I don’t think you understand what these words mean, Stacy.” Says Jenna

“Stuff, I do stuff with her and she likes it a lot, she knows that I love her a lot now, so that’s that, ok? You understand, I sometimes do things with her to make her happy; I don’t want to talk about it, so just try to catch my drift and if she acts kind of weird like being happy or whatever don’t bring it up.” Says Stacy

“What does stuff mean? Catch your drift? What the fuck, Stacy?” asks Jenna

“I have sex with my sister to make her happy. Ok? That’s it. She is super fragile and when I do that she feels happy and loved, I don’t know, she started it and wanted me to do it or something so I did it and it works, and she is very happy and everything is back to normal, even better because she’s less upset with me. Sorry, it’s weird, I know, just don’t say anything, and that’s why she might be weird or kiss me or something; she gets that way, thinking I’m going to die and despondent and stuff, and that always makes her feel better, it’s some kind of natural stress release or something I don’t know, but it works and I am very happy with that; I don’t care if it’s gross, Stella is super fucking crazy sometimes and I don’t like her to be like that; this makes her not crazy, so it’s very good, for everybody, unless you want Stella to kill herself.” Says Stacy

“That’s so wrong, insane, and terrible, but I am entirely dumbstruck by this revelation. I mean Stella can’t ever be wrong in my book, so if you made her that insane and stressed out that she needs to do that, I guess, I don’t know; it’s super fucked up that you made your sister have a mental breakdown like that, she seems so normal when I see her in school, I never would have guessed. God damn it that’s gross though, I know she’s crazy sometimes, but fuck that’s gross, it’s so awful too I feel so bad for her, I don’t even want to imagine what that would look like.” Says Jenna, bothered and disgusted

“Don’t think of it as weird, it’s just normal, or something, enough, I don’t know. I don’t think about it, it doesn’t really bother me that much; I know it’s weird, but I’m real diligent about it because she sleeps in a room with my gun and I really don’t want her to be crazy at the same time. I’m real cautious about that sort of thing, tip toes, for both our sakes, so if she likes this I’m going to do it. I don’t want to scar you with any details, but that was it, ok? So if she’s weird just go along with it, please don’t make her feel bad or embarrassed, she’s troubled enough, she might not even do anything, but in case she does just don’t ask questions.” Says Stacy

“Wow, Christ, I forgot how fucked up that situation really was, considering the gun. Sorry about all that, I’m actually impressed at how you’ve managed to keep a lid on that, even if you have to do things like that. That’s so gross but kind of intriguing in that gross kind of way, you know, I mean, do you like it? That’s so fucking weird.” Says Jenna, dumbfounded with confusion, disbelief and the inability to truly grasp the situation

“Yeah, I mean, I don’t like being touched that much or anything, it makes me feel weird, knots my gut a bit, kind of like nervousness but weird, I guess she was less nervous about it because if you relax it doesn’t feel bad once you forget how weird it is, but the rest of it is fine and I don’t care about doing it with her; I really like the fact that she’s not crazy and threatening to kill herself, so that’s a good deal of the pleasure I get from it, a huge sense of relief. Seeing her happy with me is also a very satisfying feeling considering how rare it used to be; I know I’m probably not thinking about this the right way, but considering the fact that it works I’m not going to argue with success.” Says Stacy

“I don’t know if there is a right way to think about it, literally everything in that situation is objectively wrong, but I guess you’re doing the best you can and that’s all you really can do. I mean I don’t want to get involved, and if she wants you to do that I can’t argue with Stella, especially not if she’s borderline suicidal. I don’t have any objections to you killing people, so despite my awareness that this is perhaps not the best situation, I can’t be a hypocrite and criticize you for it, and considering the fragility of the situation I just want you to do your best, fuck her craziness out of her brain, I don’t know, it’s gross, but I care about Stella more than I care about any of the morality or anything to be honest; I really don’t want her to kill herself… fuck this is so sad and terrible.” Says Jenna, tearing up slightly

“Good, she’s totally fine now, don’t be sad or anything, she just needed a stress release or something, because this really does work, she’s very happy, happier than ever, ok? Trust me on that.” Says Stacy

“I’m losing my mind a bit, more than a bit to be honest, so I’m definitely crazy enough to believe you right now; I just want it to be true, because I just want Stella to be ok, I don’t care about anything else to be honest.” Says Jenna, crying soft subtle tears of worry, wiping her face

“It’s ok. You don’t have to worry about that. Everything is perfect.” Says Stacy, hugging Jenna, patting her back

“Thanks, I believe you, I’m completely insane too. This is fine. It’s crazy but it’s happy, and I don’t care about being crazy.” Says Jenna

“All better now. Sorry that you had to hear that, I just didn’t want things to go wrong accidentally.” Says Stacy, letting go

“I understand; I’m totally fine with that I guess, you’re actually being responsible for once by caring about your sister’s wellbeing which is impressive. God damn it that’s still so fucked up and gross though, did you already tell Ophelia about this? What did she say?” asks Jenna

“Well, you understand these things a lot better than Ophelia; I mean I can just tell Ophelia that Stella and I just friend friends now or something and she will think that’s great news seeing how much she like’s that sort of thing despite the irony of it all. I don’t want to know what she’s doing with Grace, but regardless, I’m sure none of this will seem to be out of the ordinary to her or anything more than innocent fun.” Says Stacy

“We are terrible people for letting those things happen.” Says Jenna

“Conveniently terrible as it does make this whole situation a lot easier. Besides, it was that or let her get pregnant in the near future, and I figure if she ever realizes what she is doing then the shame alone will keep her legs closed for the foreseeable future, at least until she gets married.” Says Stacy

“I mean, do you think she’s into it though? Into girls like that? If she is I’m not going to judge her or anything.” Says Jenna

“She doesn’t understand the concept so I doubt it; I figure she just thinks its normal harmless fun. I’d like to keep it that way, considering it is an outlet of some of her inner desires, even if she doesn’t understand what exactly those are, seeing how if she was like that with a guy she would be pregnant within an hour.” Says Stacy

“That’s a fair point. I mean, what about you? Or Stella? You two are lesbians?” asks Jenna

“No, I don’t think so. I mean I’m not; I’m not anything, not tempted by any of that business on either side personally. Stella is just Stella, and I would think this is more a result of her craziness and emotions than any sort of attraction to women, and I’m not particularly attractive to be honest. She loves me because I’m her sister and that’s about that really; she doesn’t want bad things to happen to me and she resorted to this in confusion and desperation, then I guess the endorphins and whatnot kind of caused her to feel that it was the proper outlet. If she was into girls she would probably be somewhat flirty with either of you two, considering you’ve got me beat in basically every department, and that would actually be somewhat normal compared to what she ended up doing. I figured if she was a lesbian she would be a lot more like Grace, trying to do that sort of thing to you two; beyond that she may be somewhat liberal but she’s not that liberal.” Says Stacy

“I mean you come from a Catholic family, so maybe she’s just reluctant to express herself around other people. You never know, really.” Says Jenna

“I would hardly say my dad qualifies as a Catholic any more than he just tells us to be Catholic and hopes that we do it. You can’t think Ophelia is really into girls like that, she still spends half of her time daydreaming about men, getting married, and having babies so clearly she’s not into girls like that. Stella has never been particularly straight, to be fair, indifferent to fashion and make-up, male idols, et cetera, but she’s not particularly anything, just asexual I guess, she doesn’t care about men or women, she just wants to live her life; I don’t think she even likes people at all, as even her friends she doesn’t particular care about and would rather be alone outside of school; I think she’s just scared to lose me because I’m like the only person in her life, which I can understand. Somehow I was always enough for her by myself, I guess, enough human interaction for her not to be lonely while also enough to cause her to lose any interest in people. I’m just too human and she’s had enough of humans for now, maybe forever, she just doesn’t want me to die which is reasonable.” Says Stacy

“If I lived with you I’m sure I would have had enough of humans by now as well, enough for a whole life, good god. Just thinking of doing that makes me feel exhausted, and I’ve not even begun to think about all of the chores, cooking, and housework your sister does on top of that; it’s insane what that girl has to deal with. I would be too exhausted by life to seek anything more from it myself if I were in her shoes.” Says Jenna

“She likes most of it, at least the housework and cooking, talking to me is a hit or miss, but I think she just likes the solace, the whole aspect of competing with other people at school stresses her out, so when she can just do things by herself without being compared to other people she finds those to be the most enjoyable. I used to do plenty of chores, and I was awful at it, like most things that involve me exerting effort to do menial things, and Stella just realized that I was doing a poor job and took it upon herself to do the things because ‘the displeasure of having things done poorly is far greater than the displeasure of doing them herself’ she told me, and I let her have at all those chores and was quite happy with that.” Says Stacy

“I’m sure it was because she would just have to do them a second time to do them correctly, knowing your work ethic. I’m still trying to repress the memory of what you told me earlier; just then I was going to tell you to thank your sister for everything she does but then some vulgar thoughts came into my mind and I definitely held my tongue. Jesus.” Says Jenna

“We should just take a walk through the slums to see the homeless people defecating on the sidewalk and asleep with needles in their arms, the ostracized and exiled of the junkie prostitutes that are little more than walking skeletons at this point, and when you’ve seen enough of that, you can just come to terms with the fact that the world is gross, awful, and saddening, and it really puts all of the fucked up things that happen in our lives into perspective, and as much as they might be a little odd, at least we’re not living on the streets in the slums, you know? What we do is nowhere near as gross, vile, and shameless as those things anyways, so I think a little perspective would help ease your discomfort.” Says Stacy

“Thanks. I’ll definitely think of that. Thank god we live in Bay City and not some wholesome idyllic town in the country where nothing ever goes wrong; there’s no way we could live with ourselves at that point, but seeing how we have such a low ground to contrast with our relative middle ground, I don’t even feel that bad about what we do, or even what you and Stella, or Grace and Ophelia do, as sure those things are wrong, but none of you are littering the public streets with dying fetid human bodies riddled with drugs and disease like works of art if artwork intended to emphasize the epitome of decrepit disgustingness and human squalor rather than the epitome of beauty.” Says Jenna

“I’m sure you can find an artist who sought to express those traits rather than beauty, but I’m sure he was hardly a popular artists, beyond that photographers try to do that all the time, but I’m not such a squabbling pissant that I would allege that somebody who takes a picture is an artist. Art takes work, it’s called artwork, taking a picture is not work, you just press a button; sure it’s a skill to take nice pictures, but you didn’t make that picture, the picture was already there, you took the picture, you took it from its original place and put it on a photo, I can’t steal a painting and say I am an artist, and a photographer is little more than that, stealing the ephemeral and natural art of the living world and reproducing it. It’s a fine skill to have, but it’s not art.” Says Stacy

“I’m glad you’re so good at drifting off topic, I’d much rather talk about anything else, even my own sexuality which is as plain as the day is long, boring and reserved on top of that. It’s times like these that I’m grateful you have such a poor grasp on rational sensibility, on how normal people think and that you have a complete indifference to it, the fact that you shrugged off being, well, touched like that, forcibly, by your sister of all people, murdering people, it’s absolutely fucking insane really, I know should be concerned, but I love it.” Says Jenna

“I’m kind of detached from my body; my mind and body are very separate entities and my mind is rather indifferent to my body, unless it’s hurting or hungry or sleepy or something more powerful than my mind, I kind of forget about it. I mean I can’t say I shrugged it off; I had just been shot so I couldn’t really fight her, and she is so damn fragile I’d be wary to even fight back at all, but of all people to do that I’d much rather have it be my sister than anybody else; it would be terrible if it was a stranger or even a friend or something, but my sister is just my sister and I’m used to her acting crazy and upset, so I kind of knew how to handle that situation.

Jesus though, even though it was literally the best possible situation it was still very uncomfortable; I would avoid that sort of situation with anyone, maybe you can be more comfortable around other people, but I know for damn sure I’m not letting anyone near me like that, fuck, that shit is awful to be honest, at least the first time, fear and sickness and powerlessness, it even hurt when she put her fingers in me which I didn’t expect, like a sharp cut or something, god damn it was bad, the worst thing in my life to be honest; there was nothing emotional about shooting people or getting shot, that was just business, I mean it hurt, but the mental anguish of knowing shit was going wrong, that my situation was bad, my brain kind of on the fritz from how crazy Stella was acting. The fact that it culminated into that happening was like daggers everywhere in my body, mind, and what semblance of a soul might have. That might be why I kind of got into it as she kept going on with it, just knowing that I can avoid all of that shit if I just make her happy, god damn, but definitely don’t put yourself in that situation ever, especially not with men.

 don’t know how I could handle that sort of thing if I didn’t actually love my sister the entire time, that was about the only thing keeping me conscious that entire time, knowing I had to do something to help her, but if it was just some strange guy I would blackout or something; I’d just run away from all men at this point who have that sort of thing in mind, that’s way too much for me. I’m sure some people might get some sort of comfort or connection with a person or even just random people to where they can just enjoy that, but that’s not me, even with Stella it was hard to experience, especially the first time, even if I did get more comfortable with it later, it still gets my guts in a knot despite all the good I know I’m doing for me, her, and everyone really. It feels kind of good but so stressful and weird at the same time I don’t know how people can really enjoy it.” Says Stacy

“I mean maybe that’s just you personally; I’m sure Ophelia would think a lot differently about that sort of thing, considering the fact that you don’t even identify with your own body I’m sure your response to that sort of thing is a bit unusual. I’m not going to chase after men any time soon, don’t worry; I can kind of feel bad for you, but you definitely deserved it even if it was awful considering the fact that you almost made Stella kill herself, and I’d much rather you be displeasured than have Stella suffer and literally die for something that you are entirely to blame for, given that she is entirely innocent. I’m glad you didn’t like it though, I’m still mad at you for causing Stella to lose her mind like that.

I’m grateful that things are better, but that’s still so upsetting, especially considering that she has never done anything wrong and always does everything she can and more to make sure that you’re happy and doing well. I definitely want to hate you, but I can’t because it would be like me hating a retarded child for being retarded, and you can’t control who you are just as much as the retarded child can’t control being retarded, it’s a shame, it’s painfully frustrating, and I really hate the situation, but I can’t hate you, I’m grateful you did your best, and I love you for who you are, but you’re just such a hatable person sometimes, probably all the time, mostly for how you treat Stella; I know you’re sisters and sisters don’t tend to get along, but the fact that it reached this point is fucking heartbreaking to be honest.

 I don’t care about any of us, not compared to Stella getting caught up in all of this; we deserve to suffer for what we’ve done, talking to the dog, whatever, I don’t care, I’m past that, but Stella is the true victim here, and I don’t know what I can do; I’m mad at you, but I’m glad you sort of solved the problem even if it is super weird, I don’t know. Regardless of the weird shit, I don’t care about that, just try, please try and do everything you can to make sure that Stella is actually happy, do your schoolwork, help her with chores, I don’t know, just make her really happy, she deserves it, she really does and it’s so painful to know that she suffers the way she does. Me, you, Ophelia, whatever happens to us is whatever, I’m about as detached from my life at this point as you are from your body, but Stella is the one who just gets dragged along behind us and it makes me feel awful, because I am partly to blame for this, but clearly I can’t overpower you and that will never change, so that’s why I’m pleading with you; even if you don’t want to, or you think it’s stupid, just do whatever Stella asks and make her feel loved and happy because even if we only kill bad people, if Stella kills herself because of something we do or something you do in particular, that’s the end of us, I can’t live with myself if that happens, and I’d kill myself just as quick knowing that I caused that to happen in some small part.

I know she’s crazy, she’s fragile, and it might be hard sometimes, I don’t know why I’m even asking you because you’ve proven to be so bad at this time and time again, but I’m desperate at this point, so just be good to your sister, please, for the love of god. I pray to god that she is actually doing fine and happy, because after hearing this I am frightened about her condition to say the least, so please do this, do everything for Stella, for all of us involved, because none of us could live with ourselves if something bad happened to Stella.” Says Jenna, frantically, upset, worried, confused, guilty overcome with emotion as she slowly becomes more aware of the reality of her situation

“I can understand why you’re upset, and I know I can be stupid sometimes, but seeing her behave like that was a serious wake-up call to me, and I’ve definitely been trying to treat her right. Thankfully Stella knows me well enough just to accept that if I’m actually trying it means a lot; I don’t think she expects me to be perfect at this point, nothing close to that, but I know she is happy when I at least try to make her happy even if I can’t always do that on account of our situation. Seeing her break down made me realize that years of my flippancy had actually been concerning her far more than she was willing to express, seeing how she tends to be somewhat reserved in her emotionality, and when she thought I was being flippant about her life that was just too much to bear and she broke down; it was like hitting rock bottom when I realized that my narcissism and flippancy had nearly killed my sister, and as much as that is who I am, I actually try to be more considerate and caring, and even compassionate, to whatever extent I have the capacity; my heart is filled with dread, raw animal fear, when she acts crazy like that, and I don’t like that so I definitely try my best to make her feel appreciated and loved, and if she’s smiling and happy with me, that’s a huge relief in my heart, so in a sense I’m almost dependent on making her happy with me just to relieve the fear in my heart.

Even if I’m not the best at it, as I’m still me of course, stubborn sometimes and lazy, I still make sure that I’m always giving in more than I’m pushing against her, because it was probably me pushing her away and disregarding her that made her feel so desperate in the first place. Most of the time it’s not even like that, just usual talking and stuff, but if it’s ever her will against mine, I make sure to give in, enough to let her know that she’s in control of me and my life, at least in some ways, and usually I would never do that for anyone or anything. I do try to make sure she knows that she’s a legitimate and powerful force in my life, because just as much as I really don’t like feeling powerless, I’m certain that Stella hates that feeling magnitudes more than I do and her emotions make it profoundly more so painful, and that feeling of powerlessness, especially about maybe losing your sister has to be maddening, crippling and debilitating to somebody like Stella.” Says Stacy

“I’m glad you are able to feel something; it’s good to know that there is an end to your callousness somewhere deep inside of you. Even if you just interpret it as fear, I think the fact that you were afraid for somebody else’s sake rather than your own means that it was really concern, which is profound considering you’re largely unconcerned about your own life. You are profoundly inhuman in almost everything you do, but to know that deep down you at least have the emotional capacity of an animal is comforting, that you can understand concern for the wellbeing of your own pack of wolves. It can be seen as narcissism because clearly if Stella was irrelevant from your own safety and wellbeing I’m sure you would feel nothing at all, but the distinction that it is narcissism being applied to a collective of individuals that you are a part of is meaningful, as that would be one of the first steps towards an animal developing a capacity for empathy, the ability to be conscious and aware of the feelings of others and give them any more significance than mere quainthood.

Clearly I don’t expect you to develop any sense of empathy beyond that, but the fact that you can feel even that is one of the few redeeming aspects of your character; that gives you depth beyond a pompously narcissistic conceited amoral computer that happens to be of biological origin. You’re entertaining much in the same way that a computer or a book can be entertaining, but knowing that you are actually alive somehow, with some sliver of humanity inside of you rather than a shell of surface level computation encapsulating a void, simply alive by meaningless coincidence with no real connection to the standard psychological definition of human life, is touching, even if you can’t really understand that sort of thing, the mutualism of emotionality, as even hearing about that little sliver of true emotion was profoundly moving after watching you be almost entirely impervious to sentimental emotions for your entire life.” Says Jenna

“If I was emotional like Stella I’m sure this whole situation would have fallen apart a long time ago; I would be a babbling lunatic of an entirely different flavor, and I don’t think anyone wants to see me bawling with sympathy, constantly questioning my actions, and tormented by guilt and shame and things like that, confused beyond words as contemplating my existence and the threat of death fuel torturous emotions; that would be unsettling to say the least, even just watching that happen. I may be somewhat cold and mechanical, but when I’ve got a cold and mechanical job to do it’s not a bad thing in the slightest.” Says Stacy

“I’m sure it would be much different because Stella would have asked for something far more reasonable than you did. I’m sure things would fall to shit much more readily due to our recklessness and failure to understand the dangers of our position as you have kindly pointed out, but in the beginning I’m sure Stella’s magical wish to mitigate conflicts or cure sickness or something noble like that would not be anywhere near as unsettling as the adventure spurred by your ambitiousness.” Says Jenna

“That’s a fair point, but none of us really knew what we were getting into, so I could hardly imagine that things would turn out this way. On the other hand at least we have a greater capacity to make a difference in the world if we can manage to keep ourselves alive, and I don’t see any reason as to why we should expect anything less.” Says Stacy

“So being shot within the first week of this job and being promised execution if we fail to do our jobs doesn’t make you think there might be substantial risk to our involved? Remind me how that one works again.” Says Jenna

“Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me. It was a learning experience, and seldom does a child who has touched a hot stove ever feel inclined to put his hand on there again.” Says Stacy

“I’m hoping that getting shot doesn’t become some weekly affair, because your ability to learn and understand things that are critical to your wellbeing has never been that reliable. You can only mess up so many times before things fall apart completely; so as much as I hope you’re right, I’m not particularly optimistic unfortunately.” Says Jenna

“Even if there are some bumps in the road, once we work out the kinks it will be nothing but smooth sailing. I’ll definitely show you that you can trust me tonight, that you can have faith in my wiles, I’ve got something classy in the works.” Says Stacy

“I don’t believe you in the slightest, your confidence is frightening to the point that I am almost certain that we will die. Why not simple? Foolproof? Why classy of all things? Why are you trying to be classy? I liked the simple in and out of last time, please, for the love of god, don’t overestimate yourself.” Says Jenna, taken a back and subtly lathered suppressed fright

“There are only so many low hanging grapes, my dear; if there were some to pick I’d certainly be after them, but we need to eat, and while a single tiny grape may be easy to find,  unless you want to pick grapes every day we must pick enough to survive in a single outing. We have jobs to do and we must perform them, and if an office man comes to work and only does 25% of the work he is expected to do, clearly he is at risk of being fired for his poor performance. We have the tools needed to do our job, and the dog doesn’t expect anything less; he won’t accept anything less, and for that reason we must be humble and perform our duties; and beyond that, the plan is quite similar to last time, as clearly I can’t expect you two to do anything beyond your natural mental capacity and resolve, so until that changes I’ll rely on my omniscience to pick the grapes and you two are there to try and develop your skillset to the point where it becomes more reliable and helpful.

Beyond that it’s unlikely that anything will go wrong, but I know that you two have immense power it is just that you don’t understand it, and even though I can’t really help you to understand it, often times when I look at improbable things, like myself putting us in a situation that we are likely not able to succeed in as it is too dangerous and the odds are stacked against us, you two manage to summon this power and do incredible things with it, but only when spurred by desperation and emotionality. Obviously that doesn’t mean that we always come out of these situations alive, like if I’m thinking about the odd chance that somehow we become hunted by the government or a criminal enterprise, something that only happens if we really overextend our authority of course, but seeing some of the things you can do is actually impressive if your backs are against the ropes. Clearly I don’t want to put any of us in those situations, but it’s comforting to know that if something bad does go wrong, you two actually have a lot more power to help than you think; I don’t tend to put any reliance on the magic you two can do, but clearly last weekend it was an incredibly helpful when things strayed from the plan.” Says Stacy

“Well, that’s alarming, but at least you’re not putting us in those kinds of situations in some kind of attempt to make us more attuned to our magic. I’m glad you don’t have any interest in relying on our magic in any way, as I’m fine with being the last ditch effort in case things fall apart; I have far more faith in your clairvoyance than I do in my magic, so seeing how you’re easily the only one capable of keeping us alive for any prolonged period of time, at this point I’ve just got to trust you and hope for the best. Even if I’m just your shoddy health insurance plan at this point, I guess that’s fine with the dog, considering that clearly you might need it at some point in the future. It’s hard to imagine how my minor ability to heal people is somehow going to save you if you mess things up, and beyond that I have no idea how Ophelia’s magic could possibly help.” Says Jenna

“Like I said, it’s very situational and unreliable, at least at this point, but something brings about this instinct and you two can sometimes do amazing things, you can do a lot more than heal people, but unfortunately you’re reluctant to really do those things in most situations due to your disposition and your lack of confidence only makes them less reliable; you can even kill somebody with magic if you have to, but clearly I’m not trying to put you in a situation where you become that scared and desperate. Ophelia on the other hand doesn’t really have capacity like that, as she can basically only manipulate people’s emotions, but with enough practice she can still win us favors and loyalty, the love and respect of people, even get people to fight for us, but her magic is even harder for her to control as she has faith in love but doesn’t really understand what that means in most people, as her concept of love is a far cry from the form it takes in the less romantically inclined people, usually just lust or other vices, as those sorts of things take the place of love in many people; as it stands right now it only works on the right people, but if we’re lucky enough to find somebody that isn’t corrupt it can go a long way to help our cause. Clearly these are like lottery tickets out of death at this point, and I’d rather not gamble with our lives, but just know that you do have the capacity to wield awesome power so long as you have faith in yourself and in the magic, which I understand is very hard considering your discomfort by this whole situation, but just know that nine times out of ten if somebody saves my life with their magic it’s you, so don’t be afraid to at least try if things take a turn for the worse.” Says Stacy

“That’s a worrying amount of responsibility, but I’ll keep that in mind; so long as you do everything you can to avoid putting us in that situation. I don’t have much faith considering the events of last weekend, but I want to, so please just give me good reasons to have this faith. I’m sure that I fail nine times out of ten in every one of those situations, so I’m glad you’re at least aware of that. Have faith in yourself, because clearly you understand all of this much better than I do as clearly you have been largely successful in your schemes, and without any of that magical ability to know exactly what to do in those situations, I doubt I could do anything besides mess your plans up if I tried to use my magic, so just be self-reliant and I’ll pray to god you don’t need either of us to save you.” Says Jenna

“Of course, I just figured a little pep talk might give you some confidence if that time ever comes; if you don’t think you’re capable of these things I doubt you would even try, but keep that in mind just in case worst comes to worst. You never know if you will need it.” Says Stacy

“Unfortunately I am rather confident I will need it, and rather soon at that, and that is the part that worries me.” Says Jenna

“Don’t worry, I’ve got it all planned out, no hitches or ditches. Smooth sailing and that’s that, soon enough we’ll be on easy street with our gang of faithful people as the vessels of our goodness and that will be the end of worry all together.” Says Stacy

“I’ll just take a lesson out of your book and delude myself into having baseless and blind confidence in myself, feeling that I know exactly what I’m doing and will effortlessly manage to resolve any problems that might arise with my flawless logic, my intellect, and my ability to perform daunting feats the under pressure of life and death situations.” Says Jenna

“That’s the spirit.” Says Stacy

“I don’t even have faith in that delusion, but it’s still comforting, calming really, considering that I’m repressing the countless thoughts contrary to that sentiment.” Says Jenna

“There’s no reason to fret about things that won’t happen, and wouldn’t even matter if they did happen seeing how you’re perfectly capable of resolving them anyways.” Says Stacy

“I’m already convinced, it’s delightful that denial is the first stage of grief; considering that I will likely be dead if I’m ever forced to come to terms with the fact that my denial is fallacious rather than truthful, it’s an extremely convenient situation for me as I’d rather not come to terms with any of this. I’m taking the path of least resistance, and it feels good; it may be short, but I’d rather it be short and pleasant than short and painful.” Says Jenna

“We can just forget about all of this for now, we’ve got our lives to live, and clearly those don’t involve this sort of banter. We work when we’re at work; there’s no reason to be consumed by our jobs when we’re off the clock now. It’s a pleasant day, sensually beautiful, the breeze is serene and I’ve not a care in the world, living in the moment is truly a pleasure. I see no reason to concern myself with the future as it is what it is, and it will be the present soon enough; so long as I’m wary of the present then I’ve no need to be wary of the future as I will be wary of it when it becomes the relevant in the present. I’ve applied my foresight to the extent where I am comfortable with my resolution, and as I’ve got my plans for the future, all that is left is to execute them in the present, and as things stand right now, I’ve got swaths of time to swim through before I need to busy myself with the plans of the future, as there’s nothing to do, as all that can be done is done; I’ve nothing left to do but relax and enjoy myself, the world lies tranquil before our eyes, and we would be wise to appreciate its beauty and serenity while it is here, rather than waste these beautiful moments by blinding ourselves to the present and filling or brains with hallucinations and worries about the future. There are an infinite number of worries about an infinite number of futures, but there is only one present, and it’s presently quite pleasant, and enjoying it is far more agreeably feasible than the futility of finding some sort of insight from the spectrum of infinite futures. I cannot change the future in the present, I can only intend to make something of it, and as I have done everything I can in the present to accommodate the success of my intent, I am quite content with that, and as there’s nothing left to reasonably worry me in the present, I’ve nothing left to do but enjoy it, and I intend on doing nothing but that.’” Says Stacy

“You are remarkably good at forgetting things if there is nothing on your mind but the weather. I take it you’ve even come to terms with the dogs in some part, if you’re that at ease. It’s almost frightening that the conversations about trauma and our possible deaths have done little to preoccupy you.” Says Jenna

“I’ve not forgotten anything, I’m simply pleasantly distractible. Just because something has slipped my mind doesn’t mean I’ve forgotten it in the slightest; as with the dogs I’m certainly still well aware of them, I just avert my eyes and suppress the thought of the dogs, and voila, I’ve no preoccupation with the thought as it is an empty bit of blackness in my mind, and the fear and tension deep in my body get suppressed along with the awareness of the dogs, not that it’s gone, my mind just refuses to acknowledge it and I’m able to forget about it just as one can forget the sound of ones breathing, chewing, or footsteps. I may seem like I’m plagued with thoughts, but let me remind you, seldom do I think about anything; rather I talk without thinking and only think if it is truly necessary, my mind unconsciously draws the connections between the facts of the matter regarding the subject and the words I have to say without any real thought about the process or contemplation about what is being said.” Says Stacy

“I’m ashamed I needed a reminder about the fact that you seldom think. I doubt most people really think very much about the things they say; only those of the nervous sort would put any premeditation into the rather meaningless art of banter that is used to pass the time. Still, when things like this are brought up, I think that one’s mind would become a bit preoccupied with the thought of them even if we happen to be discussing another subject entirely.” Says Jenna

“It’s hard to be preoccupied if I’m already occupied with something; as I am already entirely occupied with the present, that which distracts me from the present must somehow be relevant to the current moment. In all honesty this may well be due to laziness, as one’s perception of reality readily cognizes itself without effort, where any sort of pensive thought about the past or future requires some diligent effort on one’s part, I’m certainly not tempted to exert any extra effort to think about something or other when I’ve got plenty of sensory impetus rattling around in my mind already to distract me. If you don’t believe me, think about something like how to bake a cake. See? It’s difficult to cognize all of these elements that are distinct from reality and clearly not within the ken of one’s physical senses, and even that simple task of recollection requires a substantial investment of one’s mental energy unless due to constant repetition one has every aspect of cake baking burned into one’s mind as a photograph that one needs only glance at to instantly cognize and fully understand without having to think for a moment about the intricacies of the venture.

 I talk as a reflex, the mind streaming information real time and converting that into speech without any real filter or cognition of the fact, and considering this as my native state, if I’m forced to think about something, that means it is one of the rare bits of knowledge that I don’t know off the top of my head that is somehow pertinent and relevant to the present, and clearly when that is the case I have been conditioned against the act of thinking simply because when I am forced to do so this implies that my situation is somehow unpleasantly reminding myself of my seldom fallible intelligence. Clearly I don’t know everything, but that’s not the point, as I can infer most things and if something can’t be inferred it is very seldom actually relevant to anything in my life, as these things would consist of specialized knowledge rather than general functions such as logic, reason, and sensibility that are actually applied across a wide range of situations when compared to something like biology where the knowledge is largely irrelevant outside of the field of study, making for little more than fun facts in terms of the functional value of the knowledge. If I have to think about something, that’s a bad sign, so the fact that I don’t should be entirely comforting; seeing me babble endlessly is a wonderful omen that things are well and there is nothing to worry about.” Says Stacy

“I’m glad you have that ability; I largely rely on you to distract me from my thoughts, but you have magnificent skill in dancing from one topic to another in flawless transitions that cause the topics to wander miles away from where they originally started, and for that I’m grateful, as I certainly would hate to be consumed by the unpleasant thoughts that try to grab my attention while you graciously fill my mind with too much information too quickly for all of it to be retained, and it is largely a guarantee that the unpleasant thoughts quietly slip from my mind and I return to a normal mental state having forgotten all about whatever it is that was upsetting me.” Says Jenna

“Even if I’m alone I won’t tend to think, my only thought tends to be napping, and when that takes root in my mind, nothing can rid my mind of that preoccupation save for the intoxicating embrace of comfort and the sweet release of sleep. I suppose eating, but I don’t tend to make decisions about food, so a meal usually takes me as a pleasant surprise and intermission between naps. I don’t know; my laziness is so profound it might be a disease, but it feels so good I can’t help but love it.” Says Stacy

“It’s probably just a vice, as diseases don’t tend to be lovable. I can’t blame you, your house can be rather boring and I’ve lain in your bed plenty of times to know how comfortable it is.” Says Jenna

“I could try and be productive, but as my hand is forced into some effigy of productivity by society for such a substantial period of my life that even the noble thought of legitimate and meaningful productivity seldom tempts me, and certainly nowhere near as much as a savory delicious nap seduces and hypnotizes my mind.” Says Stacy

“You’re making me sleepy just talking about it. I feel shame, so unfortunately I seldom commit myself to naps as I understand I could be productive rather than napping, and that thought stirs me enough to prevent me from sleeping unless I’m sick or profoundly exhausted for some reason. Napping always haunts me as if I’m relinquishing my life and volunteering myself unto death.” Says Jenna

“The comfort and pleasure is too strong for me to resist; I suppose it is my hedonism, as I am equally enthralled by that wholesome pleasure as those consumed by the unsavory and destructive vices. I’d be hard pressed to think away pleasure like that, but I suppose if there’s something truly pressing I can ponder and rest at the same time.” Says Stacy

“It’s about time to head back I figure; I notice some of the other girls slowly wandering back towards the city.” Says Jenna

“I’m sure Roscoe here is daydreaming of napping even more than I am; it truly is one of the greatest philosophical questions ever posed, ‘Why am I not napping right now?’, as clearly it is such a definitive ponderance of this mortal reality that even dogs are forced to painfully contemplate that perplexing facet of reality.” Says Stacy

“Perhaps your blood sugar is low; you’ve not enough fuel to keep you puttering along merrily, running on fumes so they say.” Says Jenna

“Food is a pleasant thought too, I will admit. Oddly enough I’m sure half of my sleepiness is due to a lack of food energy, but my body is always convinced that a nap is the solution; perhaps it’s evolutionary, as if my ancestors had little food, clearly being hungry is not helping anything, so you nap and regain your energy that way, and I’d much rather prefer feeling tired to being hungry, hunger is awful.” Says Stacy

“I figure that explains your smallness, the smaller the body the less energy you need to exert to find enough food to stay alive; your body has evolved to accommodate your laziness ironically enough.” Jokes Jenna

“It suits my fancy; I’d much rather work less and be small than work more and be tall. It’s truly efficient and advantageous when you think about it, so long as I’m not too small to survive, which clearly is not the case as I am still alive to this day. Small is great, I’m sure my ancestors were never seen as a threat simply because they were so small, so we had to exert less energy to compete with other people for dominance; we were never perceived to be a threat for dominance so we never had to fight for it, and due to this position all we had to do was be submissive to stay alive rather than actually compete with the other humans who would see us as threats. As much as I may have a bit of a temper, usually I’m quite passive and placated so long as I’m fed and comfortable, so clearly unless things had fallen to utter shit I’m sure there wouldn’t be too much that would provoke that sort of reaction in my ancestors. Simple, happy, agreeable, and entertaining to boot, at least willing to ramble to some extent, a quality way to pass the time and earn the trust of people; if your heart if on your sleeve and there’s no filter between the mind and the mouth, there’s no reason to suspect you of duplicitous subversion because you are exactly what you say you are.” Says Stacy

“You’re so good at spewing delusion of grandeur and schemes for amazing success endlessly from your mouth I’m sure your ancestors could have convinced plenty of the ignorant people of yore to go along with some silly scheme; people love the temptation of success even more than the success itself, so those prone to faith and optimism were likely the key to the survival and success of your ancestors throughout history. The majority of history consists of people pursuing delusions of grandeur and pipe dreams, as even though 90% of them were foolish and resulted in nothing but complete and utter failure if not the death of those pursuing them, the 10% that succeeded were profound enough to define history and change the world. Regardless of that extremely high chance of failure, people consistently pursued their crazy ideas and those of others without fail, because nobody gave a damn that there was a 90% chance of dying in the process, the 10% chance of immaculate and prolific success convinced them to eagerly pursue what very well might be their unthinkable misfortune or death.” Says Jenna

“It’s a shame that people have deluded themselves into thinking that they’re wiser than they were before; they seem to be aware that there is only a 10% chance of success, but their solution has been to chase only 10% of ideas meaning that 9 of 10 of those ideas is still a miserable failure that they chase with the same level of stupidity and delusion, but they chose to believe that simply because they chase fewer ideas that this indicates their ideas are somehow more prone to success, when really they’ve done nothing but reduce the raw rate of success from 10% to 1% due to their reluctance, and this means they’ve largely just prioritized becoming complacent and dying quietly while humanity fails to progress simply because progress is as equally disagreeable as it always was, it’s simply that the media gives people access to the brutality of the reality of progress, and this breaks their spirits when they understand that the contemporary equivalent of exploring the wild west is much more dying of dysentery and being killed by Indians than it is mountains of gold and freedom from the oppression of society. People like to argue that giving people access to information is vital to success, but clearly informing people is often an antagonist of success seeing how it informs them to the point where they take far fewer reckless risks in pursuit of success, and while this may save lives, those lives are squandered as the world is only 10% as successful as it could be due to this newfound squeamish reluctance.

Clearly the world functions in such a way that in order to make progress and be successful the human race must take risks, they must gamble with their own lives, and just because we gamble 90% less doesn’t mean we’ve done anything to better society, as due to the static rates of success this just means we are paid 90% less in the same time period just because it has suddenly become so distasteful to risk the poker chips of human lives in the name of progress, when at every point in history this was the most noble use for one’s life, and if one failed to do this they were spat upon as a squandered soul, the antithesis of a human; a human’s existence is defined by the countless times people took reckless risks just to be rewarded heavily for doing so, and for thousands of years the cost of human life has been perfectly fine, but nowadays if we had to risk the life of a braindead man in a vegetative state in order to make substantial and beneficial progress in the procession of human history the West would riot endlessly until this man’s life was no longer in danger. Everyone who finds these inherent traits of progress distasteful, the risk of life and limb to those who seek out progress, those people are not human in the slightest, as they oppose humanity itself with those sentiments, as humanity has always been defined by that progress and will cease to be humanity if such progress is abandoned in the name of stagnation and the eunuchation of the people through the coddling of sensitivity and sympathy rather than allowing the brutality of the world to purge those childish feelings of fragility and weakness from the minds of people far too old to benefit from them.

 These people will cry about damn near everything on the planet, and those with cabbalistic agendas make a point of it to show them certain things to make them cry in order to cause them to be up in arms about progressing these agendas of the cultist who groom the leaders of the West and pull the strings on these political puppets and thus the world. I guarantee you if you walk around some undeveloped part of Africa for a day, you will encounter nothing but endless stories that enrage the eunuchs of the West, and you show them to these eunuchs and they will become furious and demand action from the state, but clearly these topics get very little press coverage, and instead it’s the same topics over and over again that are relied upon to ingrain certain beliefs and priorities into the minds of the eunuchs so that there always appears to be real meaningful momentum and political support for these ideas stemming from the people, despite the fact that these ideas are those of the puppeteers rather than the people, because the people would be equally upset about damn near every bit of news in the world if they had those stories ingrained into their minds on a day to day basis, so clearly whatever the people happen to be most upset about is never because it is the most pressing and pertinent issue facing the planet, it just happens to be the current priority of whatever cabal runs the media industry and thus that is what they consistently ingrain into the minds of the people day after day, hoping to somehow overpower the competing cabals that use means other than the media and the indignation of the people to pressure and control politicians.

It is common sense that the people will become upset at whatever you show them, so it is also common sense that whoever controls the news controls what people see and thus what people are upset about. Clearly people are indifferent that far more people are shot in Chicago than in school shootings every year despite these two things being literally identical events, because the media would rather get people upset about white children than young Negro teenagers, as there are more whites to be upset by their natural sympathy for whites and thus more ratings, but perhaps also to sweep the violence of the Negro under the rug, as they see no reason to stop the Negros from killing each other, and no reason to attempt to lift these Negros from their desperation and poverty that causes them to resort to gang violence. It is far easier to use the deaths of innocent children to slowly wean people away from their guns, as this does not require any social reform in the process that would address the underlying issues that cause the Chicago gun violence, as school shootings are much simpler in that they are random acts of violence not acts of violence that are reliably and systematically caused by socioeconomic forces.

People would argue that the causes of the shootings in Chicago such as poverty must be addressed, where the argument in school shootings is simple, that crazy people exist so we can’t allow guns to exist, and that doesn’t require any massive campaign that forces the government to pretend that they care about poor disenfranchised people. There’s not an alternative solution for crazy people going postal, the guns must not be accessible to the people, whereas the shootings of the poor can easily be prevented by making their situation less desperate, so rather than give people the option to argue a point that is stray from the cabal’s agenda, they focus on school shootings by crazy whites instead which don’t give the people that opportunity.” Says Stacy as the two reconvene with their friends near the entrance of the park, the fighting dogs and girls both panting in satisfaction from the play time, the three wet with sweat and the saliva of their canid friends



“I hope you girls enjoyed yourselves as much as we did; these pups are a wild bundle of fun but I don’t know if I could do this every day. I’m beat.” Says Isabelle, as the girls follow their club mates out of the park

“I could, but I probably wouldn’t do my homework if I had a dog to play with all the time. Maybe it’s for the better. All play and no work makes Jack a poor boy, after all.” Says Ophelia

“It’s a beautiful day, and I’m sure even the most tragic and grim of Stacy’s ramblings could be dulled considerably by such pleasant weather. In films the weather tends to convey emotions just as much as the people, so if the weather and the setting contradict the emotionality of the actors, the resulting ambivalence is a bit peculiar, but nowhere as moving as it would be if there were synergy between the two. Sure some unthinkable tragedy may have fallen upon the character, but if the director makes a point to show how serene, pleasant, and beautiful the setting is, much of the tragic sensation is lost in the process. That could explain why this city is so content with the shameless level of crime and vices that fill the city; the weather’s so nice that anything looks at least half decent against such a lovely background. If it was cold, grey, damp, and foggy, I’m sure people would be much more concerned with murders than they are when the sun is shining, it’s warm, dry, and pleasant, as the weather makes you happy enough that even a murder can seldom cause your stride to falter.” Says Jenna

“There’s something to love about that; we’ve got plenty of people, I’m certainly not doing a headcount in the chicken run, so if one or two goes missing who am I to complain? We’ve got plenty of chickens so I’m not concerned in the slightest, I’d much rather preoccupy myself with enjoying the weather than any sort of concern for a functionally irrelevant chicken that might be missing.” Says Isabelle

“I don’t know how you find the thought that every human on earth is some insignificant replaceable part to the people in charge of society is somehow wholesome and comforting.” Says Grace

“I’m sorry I’m not a Luddite. Jesus, go smash some looms if you’re so sacred of technological advancement. The profound level of inefficiency if each human part of society had to be meticulously milled by a craftsman would set our society back 200 years. As much as that doesn’t fit into your asinine narrative that every human is infinitely unique, meaningful, and significant, neither does anything else in reality; go find that same uniqueness, meaning, and significance in every ant of every colony before you think that just because your delusion convinces you of something that somehow that fact automatically qualifies it as a legitimate and undeniably sensible thought. Even Stacy is reluctant to argue that her ideas are legitimate and sensible solely on account of the fact that they are legitimate and sensible; as those two things function as the antithesis of themselves in our society because it is so densely populated with profoundly delusional people who think that illegitimacy and nonsensicality are the definitive traits of legitimacy and sensibility, as clearly agreeability is the only thing that defines legitimacy and sensibility, while the true forms of legitimacy and sensibility are brutally demonized because they don’t conform to this fallacious standard of competitive agreeability. If you could understand the level of dysfunction and failure that a society attempting to function by utilizing fallacy in place of reality would face, perhaps you wouldn’t be so fond of your sentiments, but seeing how delusion unfortunately causes people to fail to have any capacity to distinguish fallacy from reality, I don’t expect that to happen any time soon.

 People are replaceable parts, and that is why society functions so damn smoothly and so consistently; there is nothing unique or meaningful about a person’s life save for what they can delude themselves into thinking or otherwise captivate themselves with by imagining profound levels of significance and adulterating their perception of reality with these delusions. Sure it helps people sleep at night, but if those sorts of fantasies were actually regarded as legitimate truths society would collapse when people realize that there are countless identical cogs that do the same menial and meaningless task within this massive machine of society, and that any perceived significance they convinced themselves that they had was entirely baseless; yet rather than accept these facts to be unavoidable truths that must be swallowed as bitter pills, the people would riot because clearly there is some diabolical scheme that is depriving them of their god given right to be infinitely significant, unique, meaningful, and sacred.

 Just to cool my hot head for a moment, I’ll give you a simple example. If you own a car, and one of the thousand parts in that car breaks, would you rather be able to replace that part in a day or simply condemn that car to the junkyard because some small part broke and it cannot be replaced? We either replace one man out of a thousand so the car can keep running, or we allow nine-hundred and ninety-nine men to die simply because one man in the system failed, the man cannot be replaced, and thus the entire system fails. That is the value of replaceable parts, and seeing how that car is literally society that feeds, clothes, shelters, and educates us, clearly that ideal of significance and uniqueness is not a very functional one, considering that society itself would have been condemned long ago if people could not readily be replaced by one another in the case of the failure of an individual. People should love being replaceable parts, knowing that the failure of another person in the system is not going to collapse the system, that one’s own life and effort will not be squandered just because there is some failure at some other point in the system. Clearly somebody can crash the car if they’re behind the wheel, but aside from that the car will not be totaled and relegated to rust due to a failure of some part that happens to be so unique that it is unreplaceable.

Significance, meaning, and the value of human life are all imaginary things. They are imagined and coddled in order to blunt the harsh nature of reality. This is fine, so long as these delusions do not interfere with the function of systems that are actually based in reality rather than founded in delusion in order to create a real benefit, which in this case consist of placated and comforted people. It is not that anything is any less significant or meaningful than you believe, or anyone believes, because these are all imaginary metrics that have no basis or grounds in reality, so as there is no physical standard to judge these idealistic fantasies, they are only held to the imaginary ones. Don’t think that you are somehow insignificant or meaningless, because clearly you are to whatever extent you believe yourself to be, and you are significant and meaningful to whatever extent others believe you to be; just understand that these sentiments are entirely founded in the ethereal philosophical realm of thought, and that reality functions entirely independent from these standards.

 You can certainly live life and feel that people are meaningful and significant; just know that these feelings only apply to the similar ethereal aspects of society such as human relations and social interaction, where they have no real significance within the mechanical systems that define the aspects of the world that function outside the realm of thought. These are shared delusions among people and clearly they are functionally pertinent due to the fact that said delusions can often result in people producing real actions from their physical body, but to think that the standards of significance and meaning are somehow applicable or relevant to determining how society and the economy should function is like arguing that if a car is having mechanical trouble, the car should be taken to a psychotherapist just as much as it should a mechanic, despite the car functioning entirely independently from psychology itself. Psychotherapy is a tool used in human systems independent from simple mechanics, and just as attempting to resolve mental health issues with mechanical knowledge such as physics will fall short, attempting to use psychotherapy and by extension the baseless delusions that define human existence to somehow influence the mechanical systems of society and the economy will accomplish nothing, and pretending that it does is putting obstacles in the path of society for absolutely no justifiable reason and accomplishing nothing but hindering and harming the car and whatever purpose the car is designed to perform.” Says Isabelle

“It was actually nice of you to acknowledge that meaning and significance are actually pertinent, just separate from mechanical function. As much as I was scornful of your opening, you brought that around nicely. Clearly any sort of common person would be throwing rocks or Molotov cocktails at you before you got to that point, but I’m patient enough to let you speak, and this time I was actually impressed that you at least attempted to understand significance and meaning beyond money and business. That being said, you did touch upon a point that you did not fully understand, about how significance and meaning, while entirely founded in thought, still produce real, physical, and mechanical actions from the people who experience these thoughts, so as much as you want to argue that these things are irrelevant from a physical system due to being founded in ethereal bases, the fact that they produce real physical actions and repercussions means that they are entirely relevant to any physical system, including the economy and society.

They are profoundly relevant because they are able to produce a far greater degree of action and repercussion than any level of economic success and satiation of the mechanical aspects of life, because easily every revolution throughout history has been spawned entirely by the physical repercussions that arise solely from these psychological sources, that people’s sentiments about their significance and meaning leave them so conflicted that they are willing to fight to the death and burn society to the ground just because the mechanical systems and even human systems that governed them were so shortsighted as to ignore these powerful human elements in the way they conducted business and operated, and due to these metrics such as a person’s meaning and significance being ignored, governments have fallen and countless wars have been fought, so clearly you cannot be arguing that society and the economy can operate when the government has been toppled and we are plagued with civil war, can you? They say history is doomed to repeat itself, and if you ever accrue any significant power I can see you merrily repeating the same mistakes that damned countless of people who thought in the same cold and narcissistic ways that you do.” Says Grace

“That was beautiful, but at the same time saddening, knowing that physical systems that define our wellbeing and livelihood must bow their head to this fickle and insane construct of human delusion in order to survive, simply because human delusion is so powerful. Sure, it can be agreeable, but delusion is known to progressively worsen before it consumes the individual, and as such is the parallel that can be observed in the mentally ill, I fear that it’s a fair point that if this delusion is respected unquestionably we are as doomed as if we ignore it entirely. Clearly there has been no limit to delusion, as the rapid progression of human delusion in the past 100 years shows that if you give a man an inch, he will take an ell, and in taking that ell, which is feels rightfully entitled to, he feels that he has been given 44 more inches, and that means he is poised to take 44 more ells, and in this process soon there will be no limit to the delusions that are coddled by society as they have strayed so far from realism, as their delusions are coddled and the exacerbation of their delusion continues. I’m sure the world will be a frightening place in 50 years, considering that the public tolerance and respect of the vessels of moral, civil, social, and intellectual degeneracy that populate the streets is so profoundly high, and even higher on the far less wholesome electric streets of the internet that tolerate anybody and anything imaginable, regardless of how disgusting, shameless, or insane it is.” Says Jenna

“That is most likely the case, but on the bright side we’ll be so profoundly indoctrinated and delusional on account of strenuous efforts to contort and manipulate our perception of reality by the powers that be, we likely won’t even be able to understand our reality or even the fact that we’re alive and bear some semblance to the creatures once known as humans. Clearly when the world is burning, we’ll be pumped full of chemicals and quality chemtrails to keep us contented and docile despite the world burning before our eyes, much like how a bull is eunuchated to make him a docile ox, as clearly no farmer has any interest in controlling an unruly beast of burden through the means of psychotherapy or other impractical methods when a simple lobotomy of the beasts lower brain will a be much more influential and powerful means of inducing the desired docility.

Of course in our case that will be our upper brain, as clearly we need to repopulate as much as possible just to keep a stable population when the human race becomes fodder thrown into the countless flavors of fire that destroy the world, but luckily for us, a quality lobotomy, chemical or otherwise would benefit the vast majority of people, especially those in the Western world, so as much as we may have to wave goodbye to our sense of self and our ability to understand reality, that doesn’t mean we’ll be any worse for wear, simply seasoned to smell and taste delicious as our flesh is charred to perfection by the smoldering embers of society.” Says Stacy

“That’s quite the sunny disposition, and as much as I may foolishly think otherwise, clearly if my brain has been so thoroughly chemically adulterated, I doubt I’ll have any sort of qualms about the ordeal in the slightest; I’ll be there singing songs and smiling ear to ear, as clearly in the face of such torturous tragedy the definition of sanity will change readily, and anyone who is somehow displeased in the slightest by the pain and torture will be reminded of their unfortunate case of mental illness and quickly have such a discomforting misfortune alleviated by the kind chemicals that make people smile. There’s a reason we don’t have them now, you know. You’ve got to save the sunshine pills for a rainy day; otherwise people will expect twice the usual sunshine when it starts to rain.” Says Isabelle

“It’s alarming that both of you would be quite content with being placated by some powerful pharmaceutical despite the world burning to the ground before your eyes.” Says Grace

“Alarming? Are you alarmed when you look in the mirror? Clearly we’re already placated by the chemtrails and the hypnosis of the media, because despite the world slowly catching fire before our eyes, we are still perfectly content and happy with our lives. It’s nothing but expecting the same holly jolly level of fun and shenanigans that we currently enjoy despite our situation worsening, because the situation itself is entirely relative as it must be perceived by our senses in order to be cognized by our mind, and when such is the case, clearly it’s a simple balancing act between the senses and reality, so as much as our lives may become measurably worse, the chemtrails and hypnosis become measurably better, and as these forces negate themselves in our minds, I wouldn’t think that we’d be any less pleased with any situation save lest the state has completely collapsed or we’re forced to experience some of that psychological calibration that Stacy is so fond of, being forced to experience a much worse time in order for us to be capable of appreciating a time that is perfectly acceptable but can only be perceived in such a way after proper psychological calibration.” Says Isabelle

“I know you’re probably being facetious, but jokes aside I’m sure there won’t be any pharmaceutical that could make people happy when the world is dying and on fire because of the environmental problems created by human life.” Says Grace

“I don’t even think there are pills that can make people happy today, seeing how depression is still a serious issue that people want you to be aware of, and it wouldn’t be if there was a medicine that could actually resolve it reliably.” Says Ophelia

“I’m sure there are countless pills that make people happy, we just can’t give them to people because they’re addictive and abusable, and so for that reason we have to keep them out of the hands of the people. There’s little difference between resolving a psychological illness and creating another street drug epidemic, so unfortunately for the depressed people, society would much rather have functional people operating independently from street drugs even if that means giving the depressed people garbage medicine and writing them off as suicides. You either sacrifice the depressed or your sacrifice everyone, and it’s a very simple matter of economics when you consider the factors involved in that decision. The sad boys can boo-hoo all they want, but a world full of junkie pill-heads is not anything anybody wants, even if the depressed people are just using the pills to stay alive. If 9 of ten people breath oxygen and 1 of ten breathe sulfur dioxide, clearly we’re going to fill every room with oxygen and forsake the sulfur breather, considering that filling the room 10% with sulfur dioxide would cripple or kill nine of ten people in that room.” Says Isabelle

“I’m sure you’re right, considering that the hard part likely isn’t making a drug that makes people feel good, it’s making one that isn’t abusable and dangerous. As unfortunate as it may be for the depressed people, situations like these are a matter of damage control, so at the end of the day the forces that be would much rather have the damage fall upon the smaller and less valuable depressed population than the much more populous and valuable general population. Perhaps a better solution would be to teach people how to cope with sadness, even if that means some unethical psychological calibration which I see you have shamelessly adopted and taken to heart, as rather than have these people consumed by their inescapable sadness, just cause them to experience a level of pain that dwarfs their sadness so find the sadness to feel like comfort. I’m not sure that would actually work, but clearly when a side effect of every anti-depressant is an escalated risk of suicidal ideation, those drugs have their own very tangible drawbacks.

 It’s a shame that I can’t think of any better solution, but perhaps there isn’t one, because when the person’s mind is uncontrollably conditioned to experience profound sadness despite any medications they might take, there is no way to help them other than to cause them to perceive their sadness in such a way that it is not this pinnacle of displeasure and discomfort, and in order to do that they must readily know and always be aware of things that are far more displeasurable and discomforting than their depression so they can have some level of appreciation of the otherwise unappreciable state. It’s much like Stacy’s argument earlier about success, in that if somebody thinks that becoming more successful is impossible they become suicidal because they feel that life is futile, so by creating an artificial level of antithetical success below that of depression, even by feeling depressed the people feel as if they have made considerable progress in their life and they can appreciate the depressed state not as the worst thing, but as something that is clearly and palpably better than other things that they could be experiencing at the moment.” Says Jenna

“That is awful, and I doubt that it even would work, so rather than put faith in one of Stacy’s ideas just because it happens to be one of the less unreasonable ideas is ridiculous, as just because something is only 10 units of unreasonable compared to her other ideas that might be 100 units of unreasonable, that doesn’t mean that it is somehow reasonable in the slightest. A reasonable solution would just to keep trying to develop new medicines that somehow make depressed people feel better without being abusable or dangerous, and thankfully since that’s both the ethical solution and the one that is in the best interest of major plutocratic powers, I doubt depressed people will be subject to that sort of conditioning at any point in the near future.” Says Grace

“Maybe people just aren’t thinking right. Everyone knows that drugs are bad and a lot of them make you sick, even on television they say that antidepressants might make you sick or even make you kill yourself, so maybe these things aren’t the right solution at all. Stacy always likes to talk about how the human mind can be used as a solution to its own problems, but her solution of making people feel worse than normal just to make them think normal feels better is pretty bad considering that normal could already feel awful for a lot of people, let alone worse.

We all had tons of fun playing with these dogs, didn’t we? And seeing depressed people usually don’t have many friends and are lonely, I think a more reasonable solution would be to prescribe them a dog; a nice happy and energetic dog because happiness is contagious and hopefully those high spirits of the dog will help the person feel better, and the unconditional love will make them feel worthwhile and meaningful, even if it is only in a dog’s eyes, that doesn’t matter because dog’s are man’s best friend so it’s basically like having the best friend in the world, and friends always make somebody feel better. On top of that it will remind them to get some exercise every day when they go for a walk and even that is known to make people feel better. I think depressed people just get in a rut hoping that pills will solve their depression, and even though they probably help a little bit, there are other parts of their life that make them sad that really aren’t the mental illness of depression but just regular parts of people’s lives, so rather than treat those parts as if they are the same as a mental illness, treat them like regular parts of life and try to help balance them out with the amazing parts of having a super friendly dog who loves you.” Says Ophelia

“Ophelia truly is the genius here; I’m sure there are countless subconscious and beneficial chemical reactions that occur when a person interacts with a dog, and even if they’re not fond of the idea we can give them something like oxytocin to cause them to form some kind of uncontrollable loving connection to the dog and feel happy about it. Here we are debating the petty squabble of Stacy versus the plutocrats and Ophelia actually comes along and solves the problem. I’m sure it would be hard to argue for, considering the healthcare field doesn’t really make any money, but I’d be much more confident in that solution than any random pill that somehow paradoxically relieves your depression without making you feel good.” Says Isabelle

“There are also people like Stacy who are afraid of dogs, so perhaps that’s not the panacea that it appears to be. Stacy might even be afraid of cats for all I know, so it’s hard to think that having a pet would be a beneficial experience for her.” Says Jenna

“I’m not afraid of dogs, I’m just rightfully wary. I certainly would not want to be nearer to one than I have to be due to my size among other things, certainly not an energetic one, but that even applies to all carnivores, as I don’t even trust housecats, even if I am less wary of them. So perhaps a therapy deer or a sheep or something would help, something that is not carnivorous in the slightest, otherwise I feel like I might easily become the meal rather than the master.” Says Stacy

“I like Ophelia’s idea, but I don’t think we can just burden mentally ill people with the responsibility to care for a living animal, as clearly if they mess up that responsibility the dog will suffer. It is also very expensive and mentally ill people often find that they’ve fallen upon hard times, and even with health insurance covering much of the cost a dog would still be a large investment of time, energy, and money and feeling obligated to do something like that might make a depressed person feel worse if they’re not particularly fond of dogs. I could defend that as being a holistic option, but even just offering interaction with dogs and other animals as a form of psychotherapy without actually entrusting the dog’s life to the patient might be beneficial, as if they truly enjoy the experience they can get their own dog, and if they don’t they’re not forced to have a life that depends on them to stay alive.

Even successful people are often just too busy for dogs, and as they don’t have time to walk them and play with them, they feel that it’s irresponsible to adopt a dog just to leave it alone for so many hours of every day and then be too exhausted to play with it when they get home. Dogs are a lot like children, and even if they can perform some tasks of adults like guarding things and protecting people, they are still childlike in many ways due to their inability to provide for themselves, and while it is clear that having children can be a profoundly moving and life-changing experience for people, it can also be a huge burden and a source of countless stresses upon the individual, so as much as there are grounds to argue this style of therapy would make people feel better, there are also grounds to argue it might make some people feel worse, especially the less compassionate of the bunch.” Says Grace

“That being said if there is any legitimacy to the argument that dogs are naturally subconsciously connected to some form of beneficial hormonal release, dog therapy could easily be a reliable and beneficial means to helping people; seeing how oxytocin is the hormone released in social and parenting interactions, if a dog can release that hormone in meaningful quantities it would be beneficial to the people who have failed to adequately engage in those activities to have the usual amount of those hormones. They always say it’s some kind of chemical imbalance, but I don’t hear people bring that one up, and seeing how socializing and parenting are basically the two definitive traits of humans, I would think the people feeling inadequate or subpar when compared to other humans would be lacking in this hormone, especially since a human’s self-worth is largely defined by their society and family, so if this imbalance could be addressed perhaps people would feel more comfortable and happy in society even this feeling is sourced from a dog, because it gives them that uncontrollable feeling of belonging and meaning, which are largely the feelings that define a human’s self-esteem, and self-esteem plays a very substantial if not dominant role in one’s happiness.

Clearly I don’t know a damn thing about depression, and perhaps their brains just secrete sadness chemicals like no tomorrow, but if it is caused by a lack of chemicals, then I would think dog therapy could benefit plenty of people so long as they’re not averse to dogs, and even then the dog could be replaced with another animal or even a human. Despite my own aversion to dogs, I still can’t argue with the possible legitimacy of the argument, it may not work in me, but I’m not depressed so I’m not concerned; I’m sure I get plenty of oxytocin just by hanging out with you four.” Says Stacy

“It’s sad we’ve got to leave our puppies, they definitely do release a lot of chemicals in your brain that make you feel good, at least I presume so if all of the brains feelings are caused by chemicals. I’m already missing them. Hopefully somebody will come along and give them all the love they need, they are amazing dogs and definitely deserve a loving home.” Says Ophelia as the girls approach the shelter

“This is still better than being left on the streets though; even if it’s a bit sad, it’s nowhere near as bad as a dog running through the streets starving and alone.” Says Isabelle

“That’s true, at least they have a roof over their head and people to feed them and play with them sometimes. I’m sure that means the world to them, and I’m glad we can make them happy even just this one day out of the week.” Says Ophelia as the club walks through the doors, deposit any remaining waste bags in the receptacle, and enter the kennel, finding the kennels adorned with masking tape and the name of their dog on it, bidding farewell with one last bout of adoration and affection before being subject to the pain of closing the doors behind them; Stacy takes Roscoe into his kennel and looks at him, he looks at her rather indifferently, she scratches his head softly, emulating what she has seen other girls doing with noncommittal timidity, he falls onto his side and rolls halfway onto his back, he looks at her with sad proposition in his eyes, in an empty optimism, and Stacy rubs his belly and smiles faintly, eyes full of ephemeral unembraced happiness glazed over with fearful sadness

“I’ll be back, ok? Make sure you’re here too. You’re the best dog here, don’t forget that, civilized and refined, a respectable chap if there ever was one. We suffer together, but it’s for the best. Be good, and sleep well.” Says Stacy, standing up as the dog smiles and yawns, lays on its back, too old to distinguish dreams from death and quite content with either reality, and dozes off after such a demanding hunt for the meaning of life, indifferent to returning empty handed, Stacy quietly closes the door behind her and places her leash on the hook, exiting into the lobby to find her friends, straggling in the back of the group as they make way back towards the station

“We’ve got everybody now, so don’t go missing before we get back to school, after that you’re free to go, but until then I’m technically responsible for you; even though that doesn’t mean anything in reality, it means something to me, so let’s stick together so I don’t have to worry about anybody.” Says Aurelia as the club giggles along beside her, still giddy from their fun with the dogs




The street walks alongside the girls, holding itself in loving warmness, fondly fantasizing about itself and fondling its own body in narcissism too pure to be dissociated, ego powerful enough to exist not as one individual, but as two identical individuals in the same consciousness, brimming with adoration of itself without even acknowledging the fact that it actually is itself, understanding itself as this paradoxical duality having been swept away into the blissful serenity of this paradise, as it holds itself its own arms, so enraptured by its warmth and love that all else around it ceases to be any more tangible than the most absurd and unintelligible bouts of delirium, existing in this plane consisting of only itself, impervious to any assault by reality, in heaven in its own loving embrace, protected by its own glorious and stalwart posture, its selves so distinct that they’ve no awareness that they are one in the same, seeing the reality of its existence as a street just as two lovers would see the same beautiful meadows as they enjoy the sweet embrace of their timeless love, each lover distinct from the other, and both profoundly distinct from the meadow itself.

The cars pass by fueled by the mechanical hunger of the meaty living and psychologically dead, chasing after the light, the warmth, that which keeps them alive, themselves blind to existence beyond this tunnel filled with light, unwavering in their approach, mindless in their venture, they do this because they know that to chase this light is the meaning of life, and they cannot question this reality when there is no observable reality to even plant a single contrary thought in their mind, only the tunnel and the light exist, the light itself becomes the feeling, and that is a feeling of belonging, of meaning; the light is god, it is their god, understood as life yet commonly known as  inevitable death, the truly faithful cannot question god, and these servants of the light cannot question their god, for their existence has always been defined by this pursuit, the existence of all life, even that which is blind and incognizant, all life chases this light, even matter by means of entropy chases this light, the one unquestioned god who is acknowledged in silence and worshiped with silence, never acknowledged as god but rather as reality, a mind unable to distinguish a silent god from inexistence, but the body forever compelled to devote itself to following this sacred light until the day they die, and continuing ever forward with every quantum of their last conscious moments, each quantum of energy devoted to this light with the same unquestioning faith that is observable in every facet of this physical universe.

The clock shepherds the girls with the imaginary crook of prudence, visibly invisible and inescapably palpable, the girls flock as the master of the universe compels them to, full of dying noises of living and second-hand living things that live on just to make more noises of dying, the hoof beats of the two legged horses killing the sidewalk and the metal stairs, slowly but surely, themselves dying of their own merit far more readily than the metal or concrete which enjoys a slower death at the hands of the same master, assisted by the generative degeneracy of its material kinfolk. The train arrives on time, reassuring the people who need no reminder that time still exists despite their own sentiments regarding the subject, and with such a brutal assertion of mortality made by the temperant temporality of timeliness, the girls relinquish the echoes of their lives unto the depths of the Cartesian plane of time, explicitly defined as the past and almost entirely forgotten regardless of this perfect definition, themselves trapped on an axis, as the future branches into an infinite number of possibilities, swimming through the vector of existence to be refined to single defined and unchangeable reality upon crossing this axis as indifferently as it exists in both the past and the future. The girls also indifferent to this existence as the slider on the zipper of open futures and the closed past, all climb aboard the train to find seats and remind each other of their own interpretation of reality as perceived by their cognizance.



“I miss my puppy already; I need somebody warm and cuddly.” Says Ophelia, somewhat grief stricken as she leans to her left to hug Grace, pulling her onto her lap to cuddle her, attempting to soothe her own pained heart, Grace smiles a bit embarrassed but unable to resist the temptation to cuddle

“Let’s try to keep this train ride family friendly, ok?” says Isabelle, somewhat concerned

“You know that would be me if Grace weren’t here, and there’s no way I could escape that vice grip.” Says Stacy

“I trust you to behave a bit more than Grace, but still, even I could use a hug right now, it’s sad to let those pups go.” Says Isabelle

“They’ll be fine. I’m sure with all that exercise they’re as tempted by naptime as I am right now.” Says Stacy

“Perhaps if they were cats, but most animals don’t feel this odd desire to sleep for 20 hours a day.” Says Jenna

“My buddy dozed right off when I put him back, and I don’t expect anything to wake him besides food and perhaps the end of the world. I’ve still got miles on my journey, but that promise of salivation at the end keeps me stalwart in my resolution to persevere and attain what is rightfully mine.” Says Stacy

“You pursue naps as if they are somehow the amazing reward at the end of the story of an epic hero. If you were a real adventure hero I’m sure there would be very little adventure involved, seeing how you would feel as if taking a nap was somehow the purpose of your adventure rather than defeating some evil dragon or something.” says Isabelle

“Being awake is that evil dragon that must be defeated, this is obvious. Clearly most every problem in history has been caused by somebody who was awake, has it not? Wakefulness is truly the demon that haunts the human race. Besides, on a usual school day I would have had at least one or two naps by this point in the day, and nap withdrawal is no laughing matter in the slightest.” Says Stacy

“I find the concept of nap withdrawal to be quite humorous in and of itself, let alone somebody who believes themselves to be experiencing it.” Says Grace

“I would tell you to get more sleep, but clearly it’s not a lack of sleep that causes you to feel that way.” Says Jenna

“It’s funny, because teachers often tell me ‘Stacy, you need to get more sleep.’ To which I respond, ‘that is exactly what I am intent on doing; I will certainly take your advice to heart.’ And usually at that point they let me sleep, thankfully. The backup is telling them ‘a growing girl needs her rest’ which used to receive some support until that support gradually turned into pity when they saw I wasn’t exactly growing anymore, but any means to such a savory end are justified in my book, even if I’m seen as pitiful, the naps themselves are always beautiful.” Says Stacy

“I’m sure you will be quite unhappy when you’re no longer at an age where you can use that excuse. Have you put any thought into a replacement?” Says Jenna

“I’ll cross that bridge when I get there, but I’m sure I can drum something up. Most people just cite some random imaginary illness to explain their peculiar behavior, so I figure I can make one up to defend my unquestionable right to nap, even at work, through the civil rights given to people with disabilities. Chronic lethargy I believe the name to be, and if some ablest bigot would call me lazy rather than respect this diagnosis, I’ll take him to court and sleep soundly on a pile of money.” Says Stacy

“I’m ashamed of this world where Stacy can likely make more money than plenty of working people just by claiming some sort of discrimination against her alleged disability which in reality is just laziness. The downside is that if people actually respect that diagnosis and accommodate you with some kind of naptime, you will still have to do work like anybody else, even if your boss is forced to let you take a nap at some point, if you’re salaried your boss will just expect you to be at work for 10 hours if you nap for 2 every day, so you’re not really gaining anything in the process.” Says Grace

“The world is to clever not to con the con artists themselves, so unless you’re always twice as clever you will just be conned yourself in the process of conning others. A nap is nice, but I’d much rather take a nap in my bed after work than in some office chair.” Says Isabelle

“Reality has a way of reminding me of how painful it will be, even if it has yet to come to that point. In all likelihood they’ll just pump me full of stimulants to keep me awake and that will be the end of that argument, so either way I’m not particularly in a position to gain much of anything.” Says Stacy

“The last thing you need are stimulants, as much as you may be sleepy that doesn’t do anything to hinder your ability to talk incessantly, I would hate to see you afflicted by any sort of pharmaceutical stimulant.” Says Jenna

“I doubt they make them strong enough to overpower my temptation to nap, so if anything even the strongest stimulants will be absorbed by the buffer of my sleepiness, leaving me a yawning a bit but otherwise awake, and I might actually be able to focus on something tedious like schoolwork or eventually work work for once in my life, so it could be a boon, but I can see your point that I might be a trainwreck of endless ranting, even more aggressive than I already am.” Says Stacy

“I think if you actually need stimulants they have the opposite effect as they do in regular people, so stimulants in somebody like you might actually make you calm and focused rather than trapped in the positive feedback loop of hearing your own voice and being excited by the sound of your voice, causing you to keep talking incessantly.” Says Isabelle

“That sounds like the poison they’d love to pump me full of, if I do anything the powers that be might be wary of, it’s running my mouth, so if the man catches wind of some of my banter I’m sure they’ll pick me up and put me in the ward long enough to force me to become psychologically dependent on the stimulants just to ensure that I’m too focused on some suddenly captivating triviality rather than free to roam about the planes of philosophy with my mind unadulterated by the needless artificial focus and psychological dependence on a chemical substance.” Says Stacy

“If it makes you pay attention in school and more likely to do your homework, I’m all for it. I think having reasonable priorities is far more practical than your penchant for disregarding practical efforts and instead captivating yourself with your inapplicable fantasies; even if you might find the state of actually being concerned with things you argue are trivial on principle to feel like a maddened delirium.” Says Jenna

“I’m sure there would be countless other facets of that maddened delirium, none of which are appealing to anyone, so that one possible benefit is easily negated by general madness, and as I would argue I can pay attention to things just fine, I’m not some twitching fidget, I doubt stimulants would actually help me in the entirely wholesome manner the psychiatric community might argue they do. Of course I have trouble watching paint dry, and the high from the fumes makes me a bit prone to daydreaming and fairly sleepy, but if I am actually doing something relevant to my life rather than trivial menial schoolwork, I’m flush with attention and have no issues paying what attention must be paid in those situations. They say children that are too intelligent are prone to doing poorly in school just because they find it boring and uninteresting, and as they need to pay very little attention to actually grasp the concept, they spend the majority of their time being disinterested and distracted just because school is too trite to hold their attention, and despite their relative indifference to school, they tend to do well enough to the point where the repercussions of their flippancy fail to present themselves in a meaningful manner and thus the children feel no need to change their behavior.” Says Stacy

“I’ll definitely tell Stella to make sure you feel a good deal more repercussions when you do poorly in school, as if that is the case, go right ahead and ace every class, seeing how it’s a walk in the park as you’re so delightfully intelligent; otherwise the argument just informs me that clearly you’re not as intelligent as you like to think you are considering your average marks, and that there is simply a dearth of effort and an inadequate amount of repercussions for your poor performance. I’ll buy Stella a paddle if I have to, seeing how you’re so fond of arguing in favor of corporal punishment, clearly you won’t object to something you staunchly defend in principle.” Jokes Jenna

“I don’t think we need to give Stella that much power, she’s a perfectionist and clearly my marks will never be good enough, and if they’re all 100% grades then I’m still getting paddled for not participating in countless extracurricular activities and volunteering with 100% of my free time just to pad my resume and college applications. I’d be getting paddled every day and nobody wants that, at least if I let her, which you are right, as I suppose I must in order to be reverent to my own principles and not become a hypocrite. My standards are functional standards whereas Stella’s are perfectionistic standards, so as much as I’m paddling people to keep them from descending below an acceptable minimum, Stella’s strategy would be to endlessly paddle people upwards towards perfection, and clearly an attainable goal is much more functional as people actually get the psychological reward for attaining it and even just seeing it be attained, where an entirely unachievable goal is quickly disregarded and people simply accept that being paddled is an inescapable fact of life. You always want to give people the ability to escape their own torture, as otherwise there is little that compels them to reform themselves in the desired manner.” Says Stacy

“If you’re sister is such a perfectionist I don’t see how you ended up so staggeringly different; I mean you argue your philosophy and your policies are relatively perfect, at least far more perfect than the current standards, but clearly every delusion is always perfect as often times there are no grounds to credit or discredit it.” Says Grace

“The trick is to exhaust her, she will eventually give up, at least if she has something better to do, and her perfectionism will remind her to focus on her own work as that is far more productive than attempting to do what Sisyphus has never been able to accomplish. I’ll make some slight and temporary change to appease her before returning to my original state, and when she’s used to getting that far and nothing more, she rationalizes her perfectionism and feels a small bit of contentment knowing that I’m about as perfect as a rhombus can be, and knowing that perfection is impossible she eventually accepts some ephemeral effigy to congruence as good enough.” Says Stacy

“As much as you likely won’t win people over with your philosophy, I’m sure if you wrote a book on functional laziness the people would love it. That’s your real forte, that and dreaming I suppose, you’ve got quite the vivid imagination.” Says Isabelle

“Ironically I have very little imagination to be honest, I just see rational functions and derive the physical form they would take, it’s much less imagination than it is derivation, deduction, and conjecture if someone is skeptical enough to think that I don’t have a functional level of knowledge as to what I’m talking about. When it comes to fantastical things and art I’m as creative as a computer, but computer models tend to be far more applicable than art flavored with pure aesthetics, and I find functional models and the fantasy of success that is produced by these systems and equations to be far more beautiful than any form of art designed only to provide shallow pleasure to the senses.” Says Stacy

“If you like those things then maybe you should become a computer scientist or a mathematician or something. Politics are kind of silly because everyone just argues all day without proving any points, it’s just opinions everywhere, but if you had mathematical arguments instead of purely logical ones, people would have a much harder time refuting them because they would need math rather than just being able to make up contrary arguments with their own perception of logic. You say it all the time that the world is governed by false logic, so I think if you’re using real logic you’re kind of trying to go to war playing music instead of actually having something to fight with.” Says Ophelia

“There’s no wrestling technique that blocks a crowbar, and regardless of how skilled you are at wrestling, unless you start swinging a crowbar there’s nothing you can really do to win that argument. Mathematics is a crowbar in itself, as it’s well above the sport of logic, debate, philosophy, and that sort of airy entertainment, so if you want to win an argument and somehow preserve your self-respect, I figure using mathematical models is likely the only way to do so, and even then false logic can easily win that crowbar fight, unfortunately for everyone involved, that would be like fighting an eight-armed monster with a crowbar in each hand, so unless you can find 7 worthy and able bodied allies of mathematics, it is likely a lost cause.” Says Isabelle

“I can hardly use a computer, let alone do something productive with one outside of word processing at the bare minimum level of functionality I was taught at St. Agnes. Granted my computer is very old, but I’ve never been tempted to utilize a computer when I have such a potent and miraculously powerful computer living inside of my head. I can speak the language of my mind fluently yet I have not the slightest idea about how one might even begin to use a computer, so perhaps I’m just lazy, but the path of least resistance certainly feels wonderful, and rather than devote my life to learning the language of computers, I’d rather hone my natural talent and hope for the best; perhaps those who are fond of computers will be inspired to translate my arguments into a computer’s language, but as I am entirely incapable of doing so at the moment, I’m not particularly tempted, especially considering that it would likely take a handful of college degrees in both computers in mathematics to even be able to try to do something like that.” Says Stacy

“Computers are likely the only people who will agree with you, so as much as it might be difficult, it might be your only hope. You would have to convince the mathematical computer people to pursue some sort of proof of your arguments, as they are the gatekeepers of the technological realm, and unless you can somehow bypass them and provide your arguments directly to their king, the computer itself, all of your efforts will be stopped at the gate.” Says Grace

“There is a war brewing beneath the surface of society, of the electric and the computer people who will clash against the ignorant people of blood and dirt, and as much as it would be ideal to be adored by both sides of this war, even if you can just win the hearts of the common people, the momentum of their zeal may be enough to win the war, as the computer people will attempt to fight back with their programs and models, but in a sense you had poisoned their water by tempting them to model your arguments to fight back against the ignorant, when by doing this they lose their war because the models betray the intentions of their creators. Granted they can probably manipulate data and contort things, but the infighting between these differing interpretations leaves only the purest and most correct model to rise above the rest, so even without their assistance, there is a chance you can get them to destroy themselves. Besides that, most businesses have their own computer people with the skills to use a computer to make models regarding money, so that could always be your inroad, considering you just have to convince them that they will make a lot more money and they will be at least somewhat tempted to embrace your philosophy, as they wouldn’t dare skew their models, as when the money doesn’t add up with their models at the end of the day, they are subject to copious punishment and easily exiled from the money community.” Says Isabelle

“I think convincing the money is likely the only true route to success; the plutocrats are the most powerful as they already control both the computer people and the commoners, so tempting them with money is essentially preventing the war, as both sides will always be in accord with their gods; the money always appeals to both the ignorant and the money itself, and even the mathematical sort cannot argue with money, so this leaves only the idealists to subdue, and as they are never pleased there is no reason to attempt to win them over, as if they agree with you their progressive mentality will perpetually contort and disfigure your arguments until they are entirely fallacious and dysfunctional arguments defended solely by ideals and delusion, and truly that is a means to no end save for the destruction of society and thus the human race.” Says Stacy

“The moralist stance of the conservatives has always been a soft moralist standpoint, usually only that which is found to be agreeable with the majority of people, and your hard moralist standpoint will likely be frowned upon as it is often contrary to the teachings of Jesus who is almost always guaranteed to supersede the authority and wisdom of god himself in the bible. Beyond that plenty of your arguments are secular and unethical in nature, and even if the money supports them, I doubt the common people will defend them simply because you can cite Old Testament passages to justify them when these people will just as quickly cite the New Testament to refute them. I’m sure you can handedly debate the words of Jesus so that they are not contrary to your own theistic argument, but that requires people to listen to logic rather than have unwavering faith in the commonly accepted understandings of the teachings of Jesus.” Says Jenna

“Opposing abortion and gay rights are definitely from the Old Testament, so I’m sure there would be plenty of people that gladly defend Stacy’s arguments, especially since some of them can be seen as somewhat racist and sexist, the segregation and beyond that the emphasis of women’s natural role of producing offspring rather than any sort of progressive mentality of equality, these people will likely just see that these passages defend their prejudices and become zealots like they always do rather than act out of any degree of faith. Prejudice is far more palpable in the minds of most people than faith, so I doubt some wholesome teaching of Jesus will be able to hold a candle to Stacy reminding the people that God defends their prejudices. Hell, if Stacy miraculously gains popular support I’m sure the word Canaanite will be used as much a slur as communist ever was, considering Stacy was talking earlier about how a lot of the bible was about god’s hatred of the Canaanites for some reason.” Says Grace

“That’s a very important part of the Bible though; god distinguishes between good and evil, the Hebrews and the Canaanites, and clearly there are countless scientific arguments that defend many of god’s condemnations of the Canaanites, so as much as it may seem like local tribalism, there are actual reasons why many of those laws existed other than as a test of faith and to condemn any non-Hebrews. Beyond any empirical evidence, save for perhaps a cheeky pun on the word, there are reasons why the Canaanites and their faith ceased to exist, and clearly it wasn’t because the Hebrews were some prolific military force considering that their entire history consists of being conquered and enslaved. The practices of the Canaanites destroyed their own people and their own culture because they were so self-destructive and harmful in their faith and practices that the Canaanites could not survive against any true test of their legitimacy by the real powers of the Near East. There may be some occult revivalists, but that is not a testament to anything save for the people’s taste for stupidity, superstition, irony and iconoclasm.” Says Stacy

“That’s funny because I remember the exact same thing happening to the Roman Empire after they adopted Christianity, and the Dark Ages lasted for hundreds of years until the Crusades just happened to pillage mountains of useful information to miraculously lift Europe out of them.” Says Grace

“So I see you’re an advocate of Islam, as you’re so reverent to their success and so opposed to Christianity.” Jokes Isabelle

“Exactly.” Says Grace, stern and aggressively sarcastic “Anyways the Islamic empire still fell to the Europeans and this was only after the Europeans had relaxed their religious views enough for society to actually progress. Considering history I don’t think arguments based upon faith have a reliable track record in the slightest.”

“It’s not that people abandoned the faith, they just tolerated things like science rather than shunned them for arguing that there is more to know than just what is in the Bible. Everybody was very faithful in Europe and America until very recently, so it’s not that the faith was bad, it was just that science is good and it took time for people to understand that. Science and society without faith would be terrible, because it’s the faith that makes everything nice and pleasant, while science alone would create an even less pleasant world than what Stacy argues for just because science would argue very different things than morality and goodness more often than not. Even Stacy has a strong belief in the power of the faith and understands that you can’t abandon the faith without abandoning society all together. The faith is what originally created society, and trying to abandon that and use only science would be like trying to build a skyscraper without a foundation.” Says Ophelia

“Even if the Western Roman Empire fell into the Dark Ages, that doesn’t mean that Christianity is somehow comparable to the faith of the Canaanites that the godless in our society are so fond of due to its appeal to instinct, vice, and ignorance. As much as stalwart Christianity may have stunted progress, that does not mean it was crippling to the point that it destroyed society entirely as the Canaanite faith did to its faithful. If anything the Christian faith is the only thing that holds western society together, as even the atheists will seldom disagree with many of the Christian morals and the teachings of Jesus, save lest you phrase them in a theistic manner attributing them to Jesus rather than phrasing them in an entirely secular and aphoristic way attributed to nothing but common reiteration of people. If you say ‘treat others the way you want to be treated’, every atheist will agree wholeheartedly and riot in the streets if people don’t do this, if you say ‘love your neighbor as yourself’ the atheists start throwing stones and Molotov cocktails calling you a theistic totalitarian hatemonger. The atheists are stupid and hypocritical, but that doesn’t mean they actually spurn the Bible and its lessons in the way they believe themselves to.” Says Stacy

“I think the argument is the significance of reason and morality as opposed to the significance of Jesus, like arguing that Newton is more important than the law of gravity itself, and people just get upset that people place more emphasis on an individual and a faith rather than the secular teachings of morality and kindness, because the faith includes plenty of other things that aren’t quite as wholesome as the things Jesus happened to say, and that causes people to roll all of the theistic texts into the same standard of moral decency when clearly stoning people to death is not as nice as loving your neighbor.” Says Grace

“It’s clearly just as nice if not more so nice than when those people harm society, as protecting your neighbor from those people is clearly loving your neighbor at the same time, is it not? Regardless, without Jesus there would be no consensus on what is good and decent and what isn’t, as clearly people had widely varying views on what is or isn’t good or right, so the importance of Jesus is that he was able to unify a massive swath of people under commonly agreed upon morality rather than having extremely divided interpretations rule in their own areas, each of which was easily equally if not more so filled with brutal and remorseless acts of justice and retribution. Faith in Jesus was able to bring very different people together and allow them to coexist and cooperate because they shared that as the common ground, so even if people want to argue that the Old Testament is too savage to be applicable in modern times, there are no grounds to argue that faith in Jesus wasn’t largely responsible for establishing some form of common ground and some tentative peace between the usually warlike powers of Europe and subsequently their colonies.

The significance of Jesus extends far beyond the Bible, and his influence in forming and shaping the world we know today is undeniable. Clearly history doesn’t remind us that these important figures and all of the peasants acted in rather godly ways every day, but that was always a vital part of ensuring that the fabric of society remain intact, and it was simply so commonplace that the common decency, piety, and morality of Christian people is divided out of history because it was always present throughout nearly every facet of society; regardless of that, if you really wanted to at least appreciate Jesus, it is not hard to expand that equation and attempt to fathom how often even the littlest things went right instead of wrong in Western Culture, especially amongst the common people, and understand that this was largely due to the people’s faith in Jesus and the Bible and thus their somewhat strict adherence to the philosophy and morals that are taught and outlined within it.” Says Stacy

“I’m sure we could debate Jesus all day, but this is our stop coming up, so let’s not end up on the outskirts of town just because Jesus compels us to debate both theistic and secular apologetics.” Says Isabelle

“I’m not denying that Jesus was important, it’s just that people contort the true value of the Bible, which is undeniable as it did do all of the things you argue it does, and instead of appreciating it in that way they use the Bible to justify their bigotry and hatred, which may have been somewhat applicable thousands of years ago but is far less valuable to society today.” Says Grace

“Clearly the laws may only remain somewhat applicable, but if there was a modern standard legal version of ‘thou shalt not kill’ it would be over ten-thousand pages long outlining when one is not to kill somebody and when one should, clearly these tomes of legal specifications were not applicable during the times of rampant illiteracy and stone tablets, so the laws had to be very concise and general rules of thumb that are easy to remember just so that the people are capable of remembering them.

As much as people want to argue that the faith portion is the problem while the morality is usually fine, there was very little law enforcement back in ancient times, so in order to have people respect the law, they had to fear the repercussions of breaking the law, and rather than explain to them the actual secular repercussions that occur when they break these laws, as these were always complicated and often poorly understood, people used the wrath of god in place of each specific repercussion that occurs in secular reality as everyone can understand that simple action as profound and tragic consequences resulting from forsaking the commandments of god, and clearly this was necessary to prevent people from doing things that often do not produce instant repercussions but instead create profound problems after an extended period of time if the practices are continued, as without this fear people would break the commandments and see no reason as to why they exist in the first place and keep moving that line in the sand backwards until they are savage degenerates with little semblance of morality.

Regardless whether one believes in god, one can easily understand the necessity of god because it simplifies things to the point where everyone can understand them, and regardless of one’s faith in theistic god, one is delusional if they do not respect the fact that secular reality will induce very palpable and deleterious repercussions when one fails to abstain from most if not all theistic law, so even if one wants to argue that god is an allegory for the repercussions guaranteed by secular reality, there are no arguments that negate the significance of god, as these repercussions still exist whether or not they are personified into a deity, and when that is the case, even if one want’s to argue against god, secular reality then functions as god and reminds people that the same repercussions and the same induction of degeneracy exist regardless of whether or not one attributes the reasons as to why these things occur as the will of a theistic entity.” Says Stacy


“We’re here, let’s go everybody! If you want to stay on this train let me know so you don’t come up missing in the headcount!” says Aurelia dominantly as the train comes to a stop, the girls oblige and follow her off the train and out of the terminal, crossing the street into the schoolyard

“Ok, everybody’s here, you’re free to go, thanks for coming and enjoy the rest of your weekend! I’ll see everybody on Monday!” says Aurelia with her usual energetic delightfulness after she handedly counts the gaggle of girls, the girls exchange a cacophony of cheerful goodbyes directed at the group before dispersing into their own social groups, scattering in every which of the ways save for the one entering school, the five linger behind a moment

“Do you need to do a headcount? That’s a remarkable level of responsibility.” Says Stacy

“No, I don’t think I did one last week; I figure if we have everybody today we had everybody last week. It’s not that the school cares, but I think the appearance of having a responsible party is worth something, even if I’m not all that responsible.” Says Aurelia

“You’re spot on there, most obedience to authority is done solely out of the presumption that the authority exists rather than relying upon the authority to present itself before it is respected. Unless you’re dealing with criminals, the appearance of authority is all it takes really because people will respect that at face value and be reverent to it.” Says Stacy

“That’s good; I don’t know what I would do if something went wrong, there’s no real code, I’ve asked about it and just been told that if things go wrong they’re outside of our control, and they emphasize that by reminding us that nothing should be in our control so this statement is always true. In order to be liable you have to make yourself liable in the first place, so the school doesn’t want us to assume any liability, which makes sense, but seeing how some bad things have happened about twice as fast as they did in the previous year, it kind of got me on edge is all now that I’m in charge. I hope you’re not worried; things really are fine, it was just unlucky, like getting two tails in a row on a coin flip or something, I wouldn’t take it as anything more than that. If I know anything about probability, there’s a 50% chance that next week will be a good one, math would say it’s a 7/8ths percent chance because the chance of getting three tails in a row is 1/8th, but that doesn’t really make sense to me how a coin flip could have that probability.” Says Aurelia

“It’s the law of large numbers, but it only applies to extremely large amounts of trials, meaning if you have flip 100 coins 100 times, the ratios closer to 50:50 will have a much higher concentration than the crazy ones like 20:80. Something like that anyways, so perhaps by the end of the school year the ratio will be closer to 50:50, but of course the chance is still always going to be 50% chance on coin flips.” Says Stacy

“That makes sense, but it seems like a paradox that somehow there is less of a chance of getting tails by that law but at the same time it’s the same chance as always.” Says Aurelia

“It’s part of the gambler’s fallacy; clearly these sorts of streaks can exist, but ultimately they’re meaningless and unrelated to anything, losing a few doesn’t mean you’re going to win a few in any short time, unless you play 10,000 games of craps with adequate skill and uniform betting in which case you are far more likely to come out around the same amount of money you started with than substantially ahead or behind. Don’t let it worry you, just try to look on the bright side of life, even if the law of large numbers may be a fallacy when using small data sets, it’s still a tempting one to put faith in.” says Stacy

“Even if there are bad weeks, if I plan on living for 4 thousand more weeks then I can just presume that there will be a somewhat equal number of good weeks and bad weeks, so that helps me look on the bright side.” Says Aurelia

“The gambler’s surety right there, it’s not a bad one to put faith in. Granted the odds of having a good week change with the track and the horses, it’s far less simple than a coin flip, but good enough doesn’t mean good in the slightest, so with low standards you come out a winner far more often than not, sometimes even filthy rich with good enough weeks.” Says Stacy

“Good enough, even if something bad happened, I’m ok, my week was good enough, so thanks for that, that’s a great way to think about it really.” Says Aurelia

“It works for most of the world, surely people in the developing world don’t have that many good weeks, but good enough weeks a plenty given that their standards are low enough. You enjoy yourself; I’m going to catch up with my friends.” Says Stacy

“Have fun, I’ll see you Monday.” Says Aurelia

“I’ll be there.” Says Stacy as she walks away to join the others conversing lightly with mild interest about something unsettlingly normal for girls of their age to talk about, a popular something or other




“Stacy has returned! So, are you girls feeling clever enough for lunch?” asks Isabelle

“Not in particular.” Says Grace

“Of all the things on my mind, lunch has yet to cross it.” Says Jenna

“I don’t tend to eat out, so I don’t really know anywhere.” Says Ophelia

“The clever part is not my forte; I can eat with the best, but I’m seldom self-reliant when it comes to the cleverness aspect of it all.” Says Stacy

“Well, the seedcake man is still over there, I thought those were tasty and portioned well for a lunch.” Says Isabelle

“That sounds nice; I brought some money today so I can actually pay for us if you let me.” Says Jenna

“I certainly will not. It is my honor to treat such fine girls as yourselves to the delicacies of American enterprise.” Says Isabelle

“We know you’re rich, you don’t have to show us all the time.” Says Grace

“It is a matter of dignity, of self-respect, to be as gracious and accommodating as I can, as the point is not that I am rich, but the point is that I am generous, and not only do I enjoy that feeling of generosity, but I feel that it is my responsibility to take care of the members of my community.” Says Isabelle

“Clearly you don’t feel that way about paying taxes, but I suppose that makes sense because they don’t put your name on the tax money and remind all the people it helps who gave it to them.” Says Grace

“I simply disagree with the methods in which tax money is handled and the ventures that it funds; clearly I am not going to be happy about watching my money be wasted, so I’d rather benefit the community myself than allow the government to pocket some and then squander the rest of it as they’re so fond of doing.” Says Isabelle

“Go right ahead and remind us how benevolent you are if it makes you so pleased with yourself.” Says Grace

“Gladly.” Says Isabelle as they walk across the street towards the lot of the terminal and approach the peddler

“Business is good, yes?” asks Isabelle

“Business is very good, I am very happy, I love America.” Says the man, his accent still palpably thick

“I love America too, here’s 5 for the cakes and another 5 because this is America and you’re an American.” Says Isabelle, reaching into her bra to grab her small wad of money, taking out a tenner handing it to the man patriotically with a warm smile and welcoming eyes

“I am an immigrant, but I want to be an American very badly. I work every day and hope that soon I can become a citizen.” Says the man

“You work hard, and in this city that means you’re an American now, just don’t tell anybody that you’re an immigrant and they will believe you because this is America. God bless America.” Says Isabelle

“Thank you, god bless America. I am an American.” Says the man

“You’re a real American, and that’s even better, this one over here is a communist, so don’t let them trick you like they did some people back in your old country. You understand that money is good and hard work is even better, that’s all it takes to be a real American, but that communist over there hates money and hard work and just wants free things, don’t let them trick you, I’m sure you remember how terrible communism is.” Says Isabelle, pointing at Grace who frowns sternly at her

“I know how terrible communism is; even now it is not much better back home. I always dreamed of coming to America every day, I am so happy now that I am here. It is better than I could ever imagine, you work hard and life actually gets better, it is amazing.” Says the man

“I’m not a communist, besides I know you’re not that stupid either. I know you’re used to doing that American shtick to convince people you’re not a communist but nobody cares anymore, you don’t have to do that.” Says Grace

“I am just being honest; you don’t know how great America is until you live here. It all seems too good to be true until you learn that it is true. Your friend reminded me of my first few years here, and I said those things so much, and it was always because they were true.” Says the man

“This man is grateful because he has perspective, unlike Grace here who just wants something to exist that is better than perfection, which is clearly impossible. Good sir, make sure to have plenty of children so they can learn your secret family recipe, and then one day soon you can have a chain of seedcake stands and eventually get your own factory where you make these delicious treats and sell them in stores all over the country. This is what America is all about, rescuing the best and the brightest minds from around the world so that we can make America even more amazing than it already is.” Says Isabelle

“That is my dream; I can only hope it comes true.” Says the man

“You can do more than hope, you can bet on it; because this is America where dreams come true and if you bet on hard work you will always be a winner.” Says Isabelle

“I’ll have one of the Asian cakes and a bottle of water, please. If I suspect anyone of being a communist its Isabelle here just because she’s so over-American it seems suspicious like she’s trying to hide something.” Says Grace

“I don’t ask questions, I just sell cakes, I am a simple man.” Says the man, fetching her the cake and water, as the rest of the girls place orders, indifferent to the American rhetoric

“Thanks for the food; you are a very good cook. I’m glad you’re in America.” Says Ophelia

“Thank you, I try my best, and thankfully that is good enough. Have a great day.” Says the man, serving the last cake as another customer lines up behind the girls

“You too.” Says Ophelia, joining her friends at the public table




“It’s hard to imagine how that guy stays in business considering how cheap these things are.” Says Grace

“If he makes $1 for every 25 cents he spends including energy, he has to sell 14 cakes or bottles of water per hour to make minimum wage, clearly he is still in business after many years so he at least does that. At the old $5.15, 11 cakes per hour would be minimum wage, so perhaps his prices have remained stagnant despite inflation, since I figure he’s been in business for at least a decade. He will give you a box of a dozen for $6, and I suppose plenty of people buy those, and considering that his business appeals to poor people who commute to this area by train and the local homeless people, as it is likely the only place they can afford to eat around here, and even children due to the low price, I figure he has plenty of customers.

Then tips likely help a lot, as I’m sure plenty of the earthy people who love this stuff will tip him well given that the prices are low. Even in the past minute I saw a man who was probably a hippy buy a dozen of them, just because I don’t think a homeless person would buy that many unless he wanted to barter them for drugs or alcohol, so he’s already made nearly twice minimum wage just in this short period of time given that we bought 10 units, the man behind us bought 4, and this hippy buys a dozen, and that’s just 5 minutes, maybe it’s because it’s lunch time, but at the end of the day I’m sure it evens out. Judging by the way he went to his van to fix a dozen I’m sure he’s got tons of these to sell and won’t run out of product. Sure it depends on the day, but given that it never rains his business model isn’t terrible even if it does require a respectable volume of sales, considering that he accommodates that with his low prices.” Says Jenna

“He is a one man factory, even if he doesn’t make money in the process of producing them, clearly he is getting by or he wouldn’t be so happy about being here. Considering that he is easily making above minimum wage he is probably doing far better than most immigrants here.” Says Isabelle

“I don’t know if he’s popular with the girls at our school, but I’ve seen some of them over here when we get out of school, and his position alone basically gives him a second lunch rush thanks to the school, especially since his healthy food would appeal to plenty of girls at our school. He’s got his wits about him, even if he does work 7 to 7, he’s still making a good deal of money, and considering that he’s not bound to hold himself to 40 hours a week like a standard business to avoid overtime, I’m sure he’s making enough money. With such a mobile business, if he wasn’t doing well here he wouldn’t be here, there’s a reason he chose this spot after all.” Says Stacy

“Maybe his wife makes them and takes care of the kids while he’s at work, I think it would be hard to make all of those cakes and still work such a long shift.” Says Ophelia

“That means he has to pull in the income of two people, but if he’s working 12 hour shifts 6 days a week that’s basically like having two-full time jobs. Considering that many salaried people are expected to work at least 60 hours a week and plenty of menial laborers have more than one job, it’s not even that unreasonable of a workload considering he can choose his days off and make his own schedule.” Says Grace

“Even the thought of working that long makes me contemplate my existence, but I’m sure every child was reluctant to work until they became adults, so maybe something will convince me that it’s worthwhile so I can muster the will to endure such a trial most days of my life.” Says Stacy

“Usually it’s the starvation that convinces people to work, after that it’s usually the blow, but either way you’ll definitely feel inclined to work by some factor. Most people manage to handle their money so poorly that they starve when they could eat thrice over, so considering that fact, stupidity makes living much harder than it should be unfortunately.” Says Isabelle

“In Stacy’s case I’m sure it will be the starvation, as I doubt she will even get to the second stage of suffering where one’s stupidity is enough to ensure that one struggles to get by.” Says Jenna

“I’m intelligent enough to manage my money if I have it, seeing how I have complete disdain for every trivial purchase above necessities it’s not like I’d be blowing my money on frivolous things and looking at my bills at the end of the month, unable to understand why I don’t have enough money to pay them.” Says Stacy

“I suppose it’s easy to be frugal when you loathe damn near everything with a passion.” Says Grace

“The pleasure I get from scorning things that people buy easily supersedes the pleasure they get from having them, save for perhaps street drugs; I get fulfilling, wholesome, and endless pleasure by condemning things while they only get the brief ephemeral satisfaction of getting some new trinket or piece of vanity before it expires or the pleasure fades and they look for another fix. Seeing how if I grow tired of that I can just nap my free time away, I doubt I’ll be bored enough to actually consider buying things considering that the public library is free entertainment if I somehow get bored and restless. Considering the fact that I’ll be working 40 to 60 hours a week I doubt I’ll have enough energy to do anything on work days, and on my days off I will likely be burdened with chores and whatnot to the point where I am once again exhausted and crave sleep. Even if they burn down the libraries, I can always find some comrades and entertain myself with idle banter. I’m sure you all will be busy with important things, but even if everyone had things to do I’m sure I could find some homeless people to chat with, or even take to street preaching and beating the bible like the classy woman I am.” Says Stacy

“I think if you became a street preacher you might get killed for some of the things you say.” Says Grace

“I’d keep it politically correct, well clearly not politically correct, but I’d dress in homeless people’s clothes, rub some dirt on my face and keep the rants crazy enough to be homelessly correct, rather than educated and mechanical, plenty of mystical themes and references to the Bible. Seeing how most people know very little of the bible, I can just slap the bible I’m holding and remind them that the bible teaches us these things and only a tiny fraction of people will actually be able to refute me if I can call upon a few verses to defend me.” Says Stacy

“Even if your views aren’t in line with the church all the time, I’m sure you could still get a following, you just have to be smart like the seedcake man and pick the right spot to preach in. Maybe not the catholic part of town, but even if the protestants don’t like you, the atheists will love you even if your preaching from the bible because you tend to reflect upon the less popular and less peaceful parts of the bible when compared to most preachers.” Says Ophelia

“I’m sure every day would be revelations; that’s a crowd favorite and a staple of the street preachers.” Says Jenna

“I’d give a real sermon on Sundays, but of course it’s going to be revelations plenty of the time. You can’t get people’s attention without a little fire and brimstone preaching, but shouting about the end of the world is a great way to accentuate one’s derelict motif and at least invoke sympathy if you can’t spur the faith in people. Considering that even scientists predict apocalyptic temperature rises, I’ve got a great backdrop for that sort of preaching.” Says Stacy

“I know you can rant about politics, but I’ve yet to see your preaching from the bible, I’m sure it’s quite the spectacle.” Says Isabelle

“I would need one in front of me, but I’m good at drawing connections between things so I could interpret the line in a broad sense and apply it to the daily lives of people, with opportunistic strikes on the passers-by whenever the line happens to resonate with some visible flaw in their character, and spurring the people with questions asking them to affirm their faith whenever Jesus is mentioned. It would be fun for the whole family, as I doubt most people could understand the language used in the Bible to begin with, they would rely entirely on my interpretations and that gives me plenty of leeway to rant about whatever random connections I can draw, kind of like cold reading but with the bible and people’s sins.” Says Stacy

“I’m not sure that alleging that people have sinned even qualifies as cold reading, that’s just like saying that somebody breathes, especially in this city.” Says Jenna

“That’s the low tactic of the common street preacher, and of course I wouldn’t rely upon it very much at all, people are indifferent to their sins so there’s no real reason to preach about them, the end of the world however will likely concern more people, especially when I can cite science to defend my argument. Rather than just tell people that they have sinned, I could rely upon the obscure laws from the Old Testament and derive modern equivalents that are applicable to modern people; that would be a way to pass the time, as there are plenty of those to run through before I start repeating myself. Beyond that there’s even plenty of the conquest and zealotry of the Old Testament and I could definitely rant about the conquest of goodness endlessly.” Says Stacy

“At least you’re willing to mix it up, I’ve seen too many preachers talking about Jesus, but the Old Testament would at least get some variety, especially if you’re in a part of town with a significant number of Jews.” Says Grace

“I still think Stacy could get a better job than street preacher, she’s super smart after all; I’m sure she could change the world with some new technology or something great if she applied herself.” Says Ophelia

“So it’s settled that Stacy will become a street preacher then, as I doubt she will ever be tempted to apply herself.” Jokes Jenna

“You never know, something might come along to pique my interest, but seeing how the only fields I respect are the hard sciences, I’m not in the most fortuitous position as I condemn every other field that consists of spewing baseless, pointless, inane, and/or trivial presumptions by citing some collective of chronicled arrogance, and that’s unfortunately my only skill. On top of that it’s not even like my own equally baseless presumptions and arrogance function in the same way, as I would have to adopt and memorize the established creed of these asshats in order to look legitimate, as ironically enough I would be exiled the ivory tower if I fail to do so despite the fact that I am equally as capable of spewing presumptions and arrogant statements fueled only by my opinions with absolutely nothing else to validate them.” Says Stacy

“At least you know better than to try and run up a brick wall that is the liberal arts, considering that allegorical progress upwards on that brick wall is the only merit in that field; unless you’ve climbed to the top of that pointless obelisk, the asshats on top of it will just spit on you, considering that the entire obelisk was built just to enable those asshats to spit upon the people they disagree with and baselessly justify their actions with the existence of the obelisk. It’s basically a cult of human pretentiousness, and considering that it’s a Ponzi scheme at heart, you’ll never be able to overpower the significance of those people who labored upon that obelisk in the quagmire of bullshit before your time.” Says Isabelle

“Thanks for reminding everybody that economics is bullshit, and even spoken language itself is bullshit. Those are very important lessons to learn.” Says Grace

“If the economists managed to fuck the economy this hard despite legions of economists that are highly educated in that field, clearly it does not qualify as anything beyond bullshit at this point. Beyond that the study of language is entirely irrelevant; language functions on a baseline level, and beyond that there’s nothing to be gained, it’s like putting embellishments on a car, the car doesn’t function any better and it just shows people that you’re pretentious.” Says Isabelle

“I think the people ruined the economy, not the economists. I’m sure the economists could have drummed up plenty of far better situations for us to be in, but when the people don’t oblige the economists they are forced to work with whatever they are given. I think the entire dependence on the volatile population is the reason why economics is not treated as a hard science; the people themselves are too unpredictable and nonsensical for economics to actually produce formulas and theories that are reliable enough to be irrefutable.” Says Jenna

“Economics is the study of the mutual delusion of symbolic worth, it doesn’t rely on scientific forces to operate as it relies entirely upon the sustained faith in communal delusion of society of the baseless concept of money and how that relates to work and business; money itself is naturally worthless, it is only the faith in money that gives it power. When something is defined by an ethereal and irregular medium such as the human mind, it is nearly impossible to derive hard science from economics just because of the fact that it is defined by the hallucinatory experience of the human mind, which itself is compelled by fears, beliefs, sentiments, feelings, and thoughts that themselves are not bound to legitimacy by any physical force in the same way that hard sciences are.

If we remove money and free will from the equation, maximizing economy is far easier as it is simply tending to beasts of burden and organizing their labor in the most efficient and productive way possible, but people love to convolute things in order to give them palpable evidence to put faith in their own delusions and conceit that define their sense of self and their interpretation of existence. Seeing how economics is susceptible to every character flaw and mental shortcoming that man has the capacity to define himself with, it’s hard for me to put faith in these systems that allow themselves to be defined by such flawed foundations of delusion and perception, and clearly I don’t expect economics to be a reliable source of order or function when the world descends into chaos as the encroaching apocalyptic conditions begin to define the daily affairs of every peasant and nation on Earth. People will only have faith in money when it works, and when degeneracy and anarchy of the apocalypse take root, the money stops working, and in such a situation one must resort to alternative methods to ensure order and success within a collective of people.” Says Stacy

“While that may be true, as of now money works exceptionally well, and it will continue to do so for as long as possible, as rich and poor alike will fight tooth and nail to ensure that money still functions, and even the communists will come crying for money when they realize how in a world rife with degeneracy and chaos there is no ability to trust any human to cooperate with you instead of betray and exploit you. That being said, it is likely that when money stops being able to solve problems, when food is so scarce it cannot feasibly be bought with money, people will lose faith in money and it will stop being valuable, but as that is a slow progression in the listlessly tightening vice of the looming apocalypse, I will certainly be extremely focused on being successful in the world of money while this is possible, and when it starts to falter even slightly I will begin to diversify my portfolio into other holdings, such as the traditional means that predate capitalism: faith, food, weapons, and the sort of things that function without money; gaining the trust of legions of people as I can convince them that function is possible by investing in systems that function without money, just so as the dollar begins to crumble, my own peculiar society of people desperate not for success, but only survival, have faith in the tribalistic systems that are established to maintain order in the absence of money.

I find it almost humorous that I am arguing in favor of establishing societies that function like massive hippie communes, but where the hippies are the lowest level of society, simple agrarian societies functioning as little more than oxen that maintain their own fields, I would certainly organize a system in such a way that it functions much like the earliest empires, and even establishing my own money within the closed system independent from international tumult and chaos induced by the established national systems that are far too large, corrupt, and inefficient to operate when truly hard times face their people.” Says Isabelle

“Let’s just pretend everything is fine like normal people do, and when the profound forces of destructive weather, famine, anarchy, and chaos come to fruition when we are in our 60s just say ‘whoopsie daisy’ and let the riptides from the storm surge sweep us out into the ocean and call it a day. As noble and ambitious as it is to reestablish some semblance of a functional society while the world descends into chaos, I’m much more tempted to get the getting while the getting’s good rather than concern myself with plans for the apocalypse. It is likely that the world descends into chaos, but in trying times people usually result to demanding authoritarian rule, and I am somewhat optimistic that even if the authoritarian regime might kill boatloads of people and enslave everybody, that society will still function on some level, so establishing your own society might be entirely unnecessary after all, and doing so will probably just make you a target to be raided and plundered by the larger powers that be.” Says Jenna

“So long as I can defend myself I should be fine, and clearly plenty of people won’t trust the government, so I can perhaps see my community functioning as something like a city-state in the face of oppressors if my skilled labor is able to produce something of value, but unfortunately due to the advancements in the destructive scale of armaments, doing so is likely nigh impossible in a world with planes and tanks, unless the entire petroleum industry is somehow destroyed by some war of indignation fueled by other countries resentment of the product that caused such violent and catastrophic natural destruction. If there is no gasoline, it is possible that I might survive, but unless that is the case he who controls the oil and the vehicular war machines will control the world as he always has.” Says Isabelle

“Seeing how neither you nor Stacy will ever control either of those things, let’s just go ahead and resign ourselves to getting along peaceably with society rather than attempting to upend it with either of you two’s dreams of usurpation and domineering of the world. You’re dreams have extended beyond being wildly and unimaginably successful and into establishing your own quasi-nation-state, and rather than encourage you to go further down the rabbit hole, let’s just take a step back so we can come to terms with reality for a moment and perhaps distract ourselves with something more reasonable than this.” Says Grace

“It was a fair point that if there is no gasoline to run the war machines, we could resort to more primitive forms of combat to protect ourselves, but considering that this is America I doubt there will ever be a short supply of oil until the world is sucked dry, and we’ll be long dead before that point. I do enjoy my dreams of a functional society, but I accept that those dreams are little more than fantasy when the people themselves are indoctrinated to have a profound aversion of function, as they only accept function given that it is a side-effect of agreeability and spurn any other form of it.

I’ll likely spend most of my life being speechlessly dumbfounded by the inanity and degeneracy of the idealists as their fallacious sanity exponentially becomes more and more crippling within society, watching the world burn to the ground due to worldwide riots provoked by the fact that a single allegedly marginalized person was mildly inconvenienced at one point in their life. People will always complain about things, and once those problems are solved they will find stupider things to complain about, so if the pain induced by cognizing the stupidity does not kill me outright, I’m sure the repercussions of such actions will be swift and merciless in their destruction the remaining vestiges of human life, myself included, as I have no interest in becoming some cultist of degeneracy.

People always argue that the climate change will be the biggest problem facing humanity in the near future, but that is laughable; the biggest problem is the mounting stupidity caused by countless mutually exacerbating flaws in human consciousness such as idealism and humanism, because we will rely entirely on the verdicts handed down by these philosophies to determine our actions to prepare ourselves for the coming of the end, and considering that these philosophies manage to create shit-shows out of simple problems, clearly the prospects for these philosophies miraculously resolving a real problem are nearly inexistent, seeing how when faced with the task of resolving  a single, petty, imaginary problem, these philosophies only manage to create 10 more imaginary problems and numerous physically measurable problems from that single seed.

Idealists and humanist always argue that we water the roots of these problems; alleging that problems are only problematic because they are thirsty, when in reality that just exacerbates the problematic nature of the problem in question because the problem itself feeds off of the water and due to its inherent nature as a problem this means that the problem will only get worse. Every resolution to a problem is to coddle the problem, and the world is up in arms every time one of these sick little puppy dog problems grows into a massive rabid fighting dog, once again blames the system for failing to make the dog happy when in reality the dog needed to be put down to begin with as it was already infested with rabies. It’s baffling, and every problem facing our society, be it economic, environmental, civil, or otherwise, resulted from people coddling a problem in the past, and then having that problem exacerbate itself and demand even more coddling due to the perpetual exacerbation of the cycle between problems, indignation, and coddling, where each of these three things exacerbate each other indefinitely without any limit to the degree to which these shameless issues can come to dominate our society.”  Says Stacy

“Regardless of however much it would make your day, the future is going to be fine and dandy; it might be hot, wet, and on fire, but the world will keep turning. Even wild animals are exceptionally resilient, and humans are resilient in their own ways; as much as it is not natural selection, technological selection will operate in the same respect, and clearly a very large number of humans will be able to survive that sort of a selection event simply because technology is extremely easy to replicate and benefit from when compared to the randomness of natural selection, as being genetically adapted to the environment is just a matter of luck and only after that selection event do those genetic advantages get passed down through natural selection. Considering that the future will be fine, perhaps not great, but perfectly fine, it would be in our best interest to ensure that we ourselves are perfectly fine, fit, and successful, just so that we don’t remove ourselves from the genepool due to making rash bets about the inexistence of the future that are beyond stupid, as we don’t win anything if betting on the end of the world comes true, so seeing how we’re dead either way, the only thing we can do is live our lives as best we can presuming that the repercussions associated with the coming climate issues don’t eradicate the vast majority of civilized life.” Says Jenna

“Jenna’s right; betting on the end of the world doesn’t really win us anything, it’s just volunteering to lose rather than betting against it just in case we might win. People always liked to predict the end of the world, even for no reason, so I’m sure a good deal of the fears regarding climate change are rooted in the human temptation to prophecy the end of the world. Even if we can’t stop it, they still say it will slowly get worse rather than quickly, so that means it will only be mildly noticeable until we are at least middle-aged, and that means we have a long time to live before the apocalypse might actually kill us, and it would be much better to do something and try to make society a little better if we can, because otherwise we’re just part of the problem by doing nothing at all to help.” Says Ophelia

“When you short a company you pay money every time your short doesn’t pay off, so considering that we don’t get paid anything besides death even if that short pays off, we’re just losing money for no reason. We’ve all got some theoretical utility about us, and even if times might get rough in the future, there’s no reason to squander our lives just because somebody tells us that the world might be torn asunder. When you think about it, nothing is really different, it’s just people telling us that we will die, and seeing how we would have died regardless of climate change, it’s just an alternate ending that has very little influence on the plot of our lives, at least for the first portion of them anyways. Even if we’re struck down in the latter portion, the least we can do is make the most of the time we have.” Says Isabelle

“Making the most is so subjective it is hard to understand which outcome qualifies as the most. Clearly what I want to do and what I can do are profoundly disparate, so reducing it down to what I both want to and can do, that leaves me as a ranting lunatic who is likely even less successful than a homeless person simply because the homeless still manage to dedicate a substantial portion of their time to panhandling, as I find it extremely unlikely that I could convince anyone of my ideas, and beyond that to somehow make a living doing this I would have to write things or found a non-profit group, and the issue there once again is that such efforts would likely raise insignificant amount of money, as even wealthy philanthropists who might support my ideas would be reluctant to donate any money simply because the stigma supporting of an anti-humanist anti-idealist advocacy group inside of America would ruin those people. If I appeal to places like China who would support my ideas, clearly I am going to be promptly haphazardly and allegedly accidentally executed by the government for subversion, so it is unfortunate that my true calling pays me nothing but the disdain and loathing of the entire Western world, and as much as that tickles me pink, I cannot eat disdain and shelter myself with loathing unfortunately.

Measurably making the most of my life would be to dedicate myself to professional careers, yet from my perspective money is little more than shameless complicity in the suicidal schemes of society that are in line with the institutionalized delusion of this country and the world, so I am dead in that situation as I have abandoned myself and replaced her with some meek beast of burden performing some menial and insignificant task, regardless of how successful and independent I am, as I am still subject to the state, and for such reason, despite any success and even billions of dollars I might make, I am little more than a cash cow for the subhuman idealistic degeneracy that I loathe and seek to eradicate. Despite how much I can entertain myself with money, it would hate myself knowing that I’m being milked like a cow by these peddlers of delusion and shamelessly maladaptive indoctrination, knowing that regardless of however financially independent I may be, I am still entirely subject to the state and thus their delusions, and beyond that, the more money I make, the more I help them in perpetuating and realizing the fleshy-concrete tumors of delusion that only serve to strengthen the malignance of the blight upon the earth that is Western idealism and humanism.

Sure, with money perhaps I can force people to listen to me, but seeing how people already hate the rich, having my opinions as a rich person would enrage the population, where having my opinions as a poor and powerless person allows me to demonstrate the fact that I do not argue these points due to any lust for power or control, I argue my points and philosophy because they are measurably and legitimately correct despite however displeasurable or disagreeable they might be, reminding people that I argue these things for no reason other than reverence to correctness rather than hedonism. The sheer number of forces fighting against my intent to enlighten the people is staggering, and seeing how despite my own mental capacity I can fathom no way in which I succeed without profound events that change the fabric of society and even human instinct through some odd miracle, making the most of my life seems like such a petty ordeal when regardless of the fact that I have no issue with understanding how to do this, I am prevented from doing so through no shortcoming of my own but by those of the countless people who hold power, and even those with the pettiest power of the vote, as such people can and will vehemently suppress logic and correctness when it is at odds with idealistic humanistic hedonism.

I suppose the making the most is a matter of economy, so rather than try to make the most, I’d focus on making the most per unit of effort exerted, and in such a case I’ll get by doing very little, a common job and little more, as the success per any units of effort exerted towards manifesting my own philosophy and reason within the people pays in nothing more than whatever pleasure I can find in doing so, and while I do find it entertaining enough that I might write in my free time out of boredom, it pays little more than the pleasure I get from the action itself as likely none will ever give me the time of day to begin with, let alone enough to acknowledge what I say to the point where they scorn and loath me then subsequently indoctrinate the uneducated to hate me because that is what the presumedly intellectual community instructs them to do, easily winning any arguments by relying upon the three deluders of idealism, humanism, and hedonism to handedly convince the poor of their argument like they always do.” Says Stacy

“I would tell you to work at a coffee shop like everyone else who had unattainable dreams and failed miserably to accomplish them, but I’m sure the fact that coffee shops are full of communists will likely lead to your death quicker than any of the means you usually consider. The state doesn’t care about conspiracy theorist even when they’re right, just because history is written by the victor and clearly conspiracy theorists are about as far from victorious as a person can be seeing how they dedicate their lives to reminding themselves of how powerless they are despite their constant outrage.” Says Jenna

“She could be a bartender; at the right bar of course, as clearly most bars full of fun loving people will hate you, but if you can find one that is frequented by down and out depressive drunks they’d love your bitter cynical misanthropy. Find yourself a real bar where people go to drink and be miserable together rather than get drunk enough that they can pretend that they enjoy their lives and the company of others; you’ll be something like angel to those people, the voice of god reminding them that their own bitterness and sadness are entirely justified, while those who feel differently are deluded and shameless asshats that are somehow proud of existing as a living sacrifice to the glory of human stupidity.” Says Isabelle

“That actually sounds nice, but I’m sure even most of the people in down and out bars still want to enjoy themselves in some respect; there’s a sociable level of bitterness and hatred that is commonplace, but my own flavor is a deep seeded and profound loathing of humanity; I’m sure I could be a dash more levitous in my rebukes, more attuned to mockery rather than zealous condemnation, and I figure seeing these people remind me of the futility of their own lives will allow me to loosen my stern and serious approach, reminded every day that failure despite one’s best efforts is guaranteed, and it is only through unsavory and shameless efforts that one can truly be successful. Perhaps the bar itself would be heaven, as the drunks and their tales of being abused and victimized by every opportunist in the world would sound like a choir of angels, the bitterest serenity, knowing that I was right the entire time and it was completely irrelevant, as the world knows all too well that being wrong, evil, and fueled by vice is truly the only way to amount to anything more than the meekest of all beasts on the planet, for even wild animals would rebel against such maltreatment at the hands of an oppressor, especially if it is one of their own species, but humans are willingly complicit in their own torture, justifying this with their spineless self-loathing and depression,  they try to drown their misery, then perpetuate this cycle until something kills them. It’s good enough, they figure, and they’re right more often than not, as truly it is better than nothing, and nothing is the only alternative to living such a life.” Says Stacy

“Watching Stacy’s dreams be reduced from becoming a despot to being a bartender in some bar full of depressive drunks was rather dumbfounding; I guess I’m in shock from hearing that seeing how I can’t even seem to comprehend that thought, I’m completely drawing a blank trying to imagine that, but I do support that idea, it’s near a 10 of 10 on reasonability compared to Stacy’s usual ranting which often times scrapes the bottom of that barrel.” Says Grace

“Dreams and schemes are quite different, my dear. Clearly my dreams have not changed, but as there are no schemes to attain them, I am quite tempted by feasible schemes even if my dreams don’t come true. Something is better than nothing far more often than not to be honest. Seeing how my hobby is idle banter, I think being a bartender might actually be my natural calling, considering I’ve got practically no interest in developing any practical skills of trades or laborers; I’d never thought of it before due to disdain for the hedonistic sector, but considering that my life is defined by tolerance of the countless facets of society that I happen to loath, I can certainly tolerate alcoholism far more than the things I truly scorn such as humanism and idealism. Alcoholics just want to escape the nightmare, the humanists and idealists want to perpetuate and exacerbate it. Sure alcohol is terrible and disagreeable, but there is seldom anything or anyone in the world that isn’t terrible and disagreeable if there even is a single thing on Earth that isn’t terrible and disagreeable in some way.” Says Stacy

“I’m not going to argue with the fact that you’re capable of criticizing everything, but plenty of things on Earth are often wonderful and agreeable in some way; it’s hard to think that there’s something disagreeable about a rainbow, but when I try to extend that to other things as innocent as weather and animals I can see how there are disagreeable parts to them; still, it would be a painful life to scorn every pleasant breeze just because tornadoes happen to destroy things occasionally.” Says Jenna

“Even a pleasant breeze is not enough to power a wind turbine, forcing reliance upon non-renewable energy; a rainbow represents the death of light, the scattering and fragmentation of light that informs us of both the ephemerality and fragility of something as immortal and eternal as sunlight. Not to say that I don’t enjoy both of those things and find them to be delightful, I’m just saying clearly all things in a mortal realm will have palpable sadness within them simply due to the nature of an existence defined by time and entropy. It’s an pleasant ambivalence, and I choose to be aware of the downsides and disagreeability of things because it keeps me from becoming deluded, from seeing only the good and ignoring the bad, pretending the bad parts of everything don’t exist, because that very tendency of humanity to do exactly that is the reason why we are so plagued with issues of inefficiency and poor performance simply because people refuse to acknowledge the downsides of things they find to be agreeable.

It’s not that I find agreeability any more agreeable than disagreeability to be honest, as I find the fact that humans can manage to find a single thing to be agreeable is a revolting thought, as such a wretched beast is unworthy of such a pleasure, to treat abominable degeneracy with such decency that it can cognize the pleasant feeling of agreeability; as humans are likely one of the few beasts capable of finding things agreeable or disagreeable, as even most far more respectable animals likely cannot understand that there are any alternatives to the present other than the one they are presented with, unable to cognize alternative situations that they might be in from which they can draw the comparison to find something agreeable or disagreeable. I enjoy them both, what can I say; disagreeability as the just vengeance of god for the shortcomings and mistakes of mankind, and agreeability due to endogenous chemical signals and a delightful bit of indifference due to my powerlessness in the matter of being pleased by agreeability.” Says Stacy

“I don’t even think I’ve ever seen a rainbow, at least not a real one; I suppose that’s because it doesn’t rain here, but I’m sure they would be nice. I’ve seen reflections out of glass and they’re very pretty, I imagine a real rainbow would be captivatingly beautiful. Seeing how Stacy can find even a rainbow and agreeability itself to be disagreeable, I don’t think the fact that something is disagreeable is really any grounds to condemn it; we take the good with the bad, the happy with the sad, and together they make up the beauty that is life; just like what Stacy says about the relativity of feelings and whatnot, we couldn’t feel happy if we didn’t know what sadness felt like, otherwise happiness would just feel like nothing because there’s nothing to compare it to so we can understand that we are happy rather than feeling the same as we always did.” Says Ophelia

“Gratefulness is a matter of perspective, as a starving man will be very grateful for a bowl of rice where a well off person would think nothing of it and likely turn his nose up at it, seeing it as an insult. The same applies to happiness and comfort, so I’m sure most people in great countries like our own don’t even realize how happy they are; they see their happiness and comfort as some baseline that has zero value, only thinking about how they could be happier, and often times being consumed by this unfortunately. It’s one of Stacy’s better points, as much as her solution to this problem consisting of torturing people to make them far more grateful and appreciative of nice things, largely grateful for the fact that they’re not being tortured, is clearly not the most reasonable solution; even if it may be the only one that truly resolves the issue of ingratitude, in the same respect it creates a massive problem of forcing people to live with the profound and likely crippling mental trauma of being tortured. As disagreeable as Stacy usually is, there is that inherent agreeability in her arguments just because they’re so egregiously amoral that people might actually feel quite grateful that they don’t live in that sort of situation, as clearly her arguments are reasonable, they’re just extremely disagreeable, and I know listening to her makes me feel far more delighted with my daily life, acknowledging how wonderful it is compared to what it could be is people were as mechanical and inhuman in their judgement as Stacy is.” Says Grace

“Give me a bit of credit, just because I’m inhuman doesn’t mean I’m sadistic; clearly it is a steady linear progression of torture that correlates with the scale of one’s ungratefulness and indignation as well as the number of times that it has been an issue in one’s life, and clearly some of the mildest torture such as standard corporal punishment would be enough to remind people to be grateful, especially when they understand that much worse treatment can easily be issued given that they continue to be indignant, and at such a rate only a true masochist would continue to be ungrateful considering that people must knowingly commit to acting out in indignation in order to be treated with further conditioning, and truly as the more one acts out and the more severe the punishments get, the mental conditioning takes root at some point where the person understands that expressing their discontentment is not worth the pain they will receive as a result of doing so, and thankfully for the soft-hearted amongst us, it takes very few physical reminders to educate people that their indignation and ungratefulness are both inappropriate and misplaced, especially when any person with even the brain function of an animal understands that their outcry never benefits them and will only serve to induce entirely avoidable pain in their lives.” Says Stacy

“We were doing so well in avoiding the rhetoric about your policy, so let’s just ignore that little lapse and keep on with something a bit more wholesome than that sort of banter. I was delighted by your little bartender dream, and I’d much rather you live a somewhat normal life than pursue your outlandish dreams by whatever ridiculous means you happen to drum up in your reckless ambition.” Says Jenna

“You have an uncanny knack for preying upon the vices of other’s Jenna. I am entirely aware that the world is in dire need for someone of my caliber to educate them on how to properly orchestrate society in order to maximize success, but this prudence only exists in my mind, acknowledged off-hand by my weak and feeble mind, embracing that fact unquestioningly, yet the crushing weight of my body is laying on top of my mind, suffocating it into a pleasant indifference, and perhaps I am simply tired, but a low effort life of normalcy sounds as appealing as this nap I am fantasizing about at the moment. I know I should do plenty of the things I propose, but I am so intoxicatingly lazy that this dream of making enough money to make ends meet just by standing around shooting the shit with drunks, having no real burden of exercising and utilizing a highly refined intellectual skillset, very little relevance of my primary education save for perhaps the fact that I have one, having no dependence or even need for secondary education save for a couple weeks of bartending school, all of this sounds far too appealing to me, to save myself the trouble of fighting harder and harder every day to somehow make something significant of a wasted life designed solely to stroke my ego and condemn humanity that unsurprisingly accomplishes next to nothing, devoting myself to a just cause that has no place nor proponents in a hedonistically unjust world; the noble life tempts me because it is so wholesome and noble,  but my character perhaps lacks the resolve to truly accomplish those things, for I am hardly a noble woman in many regards, and work ethic is clearly one of the traits that I am somewhat lacking; I can talk the talk forever, but somehow walking the walk is unfathomable magnitudes greater in difficulty, whereas a becoming a bartender would be to walk the block of bartending school and sleepwalk the sleepwalk for the rest of my life, considering that I can talk endlessly even in my sleep.

It’s such a tempting philosophy to sleepwalk through life, much like Rip Van Winkle, but I sleep so long I simply die in my sleep, and that truly is a heartwarming version of the story, not a care in the world simply restful sleep and delightful dreams until the man peacefully passes no more aware of his death than he was his life. Sure, my laziness is a vice, but society seldom does anything but embrace their vices, and rather than devote my life to the impossible task of lifting these souls damned to hell on earth into a purgatorial or even heavenly world, I feel to tempted to embrace my laziness and live such a pleasant life, as irresponsible and shameless as it may be; if making an effort likely won’t accomplish anything, there is no argument that proves that making the effort was any different than failing to make one at all.

The only one to even try is the shameless idealist fallacy that celebrates participation instead of success by arguing success is impossible without participation, where this is asinine as success is impossible without success and failure is impossible without participation, so you’re not rewarding success by rewarding participation, you are only rewarding participation that did not meet the standard of success, and in such cases you are rewarding failure, as regardless of the fact that there is no reward for losing in life, the participation idealists will argue that the fact that you simply made an effort was somehow worth just as much as the fact that someone succeeded.

 Failure must be punished, as rewarding failure only reinforces the mentality that it is acceptable to fail, when this is clearly not the case in any natural environment and even in this unnatural environment of human society that is clearly tormented endlessly by the fact that it rewards people who fail with profoundly costly rewards paid for by tax money.  Rather than be rewarded by the state for my failures, imprisoned in some nut house or prison, given free food and shelter because the state is arguing they want to help me be a better person in their eyes, meaning causing myself to become complicit in the shameless degeneracy, I could save myself the trouble and see that both paths lead to the same result, and as such I can just become acceptably complicit in the degeneracy by functioning to some degree in society and still keep my self-respect for saving myself the shame of failure and likely an extensive if not lifelong stint in one of the holding pens for those outside of the goldilocks zone of idealistic humanistic psychological degeneracy.

Even if free speech may not be a crime today, the humanistic idealists are working tirelessly to ensure that it becomes a crime, because anyone who disagrees with them is a criminal in their eyes, as clearly having delusionally good intentions and pursuing shamelessly impossible results is the only way to be competitively agreeable, for one’s merits are seldom measured by anything besides one’s intentions, for truly nobody is ever to blame for the failures of one’s own substantiated delusion, as new delusions argued with new intentions will remind people that the only reason such failures occured is because these new delusions have yet to be attained and turn past failures into successes, and it is this cycle that perpetuates the exacerbation of dysfunction and inanity of society and the coddling of every problem possible simply because clearly it is disagreeable if a problem were a problem contrary to ideals that baselessly attempt to refute that fact, so rather than resolve the problem the idealists just argue that any of such problems is never a problem, and the only problem is that people find these problematic things problematic instead of being delusional enough to believe that they are somehow agreeable.

Disagreeability must be purged from society, and rather than doing this in the traditional means, the idealists seek to do this by purging any human’s capacity to find things to be disagreeable, by criminalizing and demonizing any who disagree with the philosophy of antagonizing disagreement and any individual who finds this ideal of masochistic harmony to be disagreeable. Rather than be swept up by the coming Gestapo hunting people like me who happen to find things disagreeable, I feel that the path of least resistance is to embrace my laziness and simply become too lazy to find things disagreeable, as to do so would require effort, and as immoral and shameless as it may be, there perhaps is no alternative that does not result in my condemnation, exile, and possible execution by the hands of the authoritarian humanistic idealist state and those who have been indoctrinated by its propaganda. I’d just rather save myself some trouble is all; I’d rather not be bothered, as much as I’d like to help, I’d like to not be bothered a bit more than I would like to help, shamelessly enough.” Says Stacy

“Are you actually resigning yourself from preaching your philosophy and policy? Quite the turn of events if that is the case.” Says Isabelle

“No, no, of course not; I am perhaps taking a step back, but in the name of self-preservation and the conservation of energy, clearly as distractible as I am it won’t take much to get me ranting again, but right now the fantasy of being so comfortably lazy throughout my life is far more tempting, perhaps I’ve exerted myself too much today with the physical exercise and what not, but after a nap I’m sure I’ll be up and at ‘em again. Until then, I suppose I can likely give you girls a pleasant respite from the rhetoric.” Says Stacy

“All that playtime with the dogs took it out of me as well, I’m a small girl and those are some big dogs, keeping up with them is a feat in its own; I have no idea how somebody could do that every day, perhaps somebody so excited by running around as Stacy gets by arguing philosophy and policy. That’s not me in particular; I like the mental exercise a bit more than the physical sort, not that I shy away from physical activity, I simply lack the stamina to keep at it for extended periods of time.” Says Isabelle

“Perhaps it’s time to head back, I wouldn’t want my parents to start to worry; if both of you are in the mood for a nap I’d hate to keep you from such delightful ventures. I’m sure my chores are piling up as we speak, probably extra just for running late, so even if you four want to stay I might be forced to leave out in the name of self-preservation.” Jokes Jenna

“I’d be with you, as naps truly are a very necessary aspect of self-preservation, and I’d rather not be in a position where I’ve failed to preserve myself, as I’m sure whatever might be left would be a decrepit and ungodly beast of withered mind, body, and soul.” Says Stacy

“Now I’m thinking about chores and you got me worried about my own.” Says Ophelia

“People will only fear death when they know he is looming.” Says Stacy

“You three truly are a prudent bunch; I won’t keep you from your self-respect.” Says Isabelle, as the girls get up from the table and venture back to the road

“I don’t know if Stacy pursuing a nap is exactly prudent, but I’ll be sure to ask Daria to find you plenty of chores to do when you get home, just as a warm up for tomorrow.” Says Grace

“I’m already excited, I do hope you learn a thing or two about actually doing something for once, but clearly housework is far too womanly of a task for you to bother yourself with.” Says Isabelle

“I’ll be there bright and early, and contrary to your brash presumption I’m quite skilled in the field of housework, so I might have to educate you in the tricks of the trade, just to give Daria some hope that all children aren’t lost causes like you.” Says Grace

“I’m not the one attempting to turn impossible asinine idealistic fantasies into reality, so if we’re going to talk about lost causes we should probably start with that delusion of yours.” Says Isabelle

“I figure we’re all tempted by that in some respect; clearly our ideals may be different, but I figure the pursuit of one’s own interpretation of perfection is such a human temptation that few would settle for anything less. Making progress on that front is another matter entirely, but even the most misguided and insane people only seek to turn their fantasies into reality.” Says Stacy

“It’s the degree of asininity and impossibility that provides the grounds for my rebuke, but regardless, I’m sure we’re all too aware of the fact that, and while we may be quality fencers in the field of debate, there is no chance we may pierce the armor of the others, so in reality we only battle wits for sport.” Says Isabelle

“Sometimes there are some decent if not impressive points, not to any masterful degree, but enough to make the spectacle entertaining to watch and even participate in if I happen to feel so wry.” Says Jenna

“It’s sad we can’t spend all day together, but I suppose that’s real life, responsibilities take priority over having fun with friends.” Says Ophelia

“Tis a shame there are not more hours in the day, as I could likely stumble upon some topic or another to ramble about incessantly and surely the banter teeming with rebuke, retort, and riposte would be quite the delight.” Says Stacy

“There may be few hours in a day, but theoretically there are plenty on the horizon, so as much as there is sadness in a sunset, there is always hope for a new tomorrow.” Says Isabelle

“Provided we survive the dark night of the soul, of course; and sometimes that can be much harder than it sounds, especially when the goal is to survive with one’s sanity intact.” Says Jenna

“You’re here today, I see no reason to believe you won’t be here tomorrow; sure sanity may ebb and flow, but at least you’ve got a healthy tide as opposed to many in the world who appear to be closer to salt flats, endless expanses of salt without a drop of water in sight; of course there’s a degree of saltiness to sanity, but when you remove the liquidity of sanity you end up with nothing but perilous mounds of increasingly worthless salt, considering the endless supply the people choose to burden themselves with from which no liquidity is gained save for the sentimental value of indignation to the salt bearer.” Says Isabelle

“By my rough knowledge of efficiency and logistics I believe this is where we part ways; it’s a shame as I’m sure we’ve all got things to say, but the point may be moot, as we will all surely die before we have said them all, provided we were given the leisure to do so endlessly. Rather than be morose about the looming death of the weekend’s freedom, we may well be teenagers and remain blissfully incredulous to the mortality of our ephemeral emancipation from the shackles of schooling; as much as we may not escape the rote of education, there’s no harm in forgetting about it, for truly it is not procrastination if you have forgotten entirely about what it is you are supposed to be doing with your time.” Says Stacy

“That would be reckless abandonment of responsibility, which truly is well beyond the realm of procrastination.” Says Jenna

“It is the art of reckless abandonment of responsibility to be honest, for truly it takes an artist whose skill has been honed by years of devotion to the craft to create such a masterpiece of hypnotic blissful ignorant serenity. Alas, it truly has been a pleasure, until next time, girls, pip pip.” Says Stacy

“I had lots of fun, thanks for having us over! We should do it again sometime.” Says Ophelia

“Same time next week.” Says Isabelle

“I’ll be there, I appreciate the company; it takes my mind off of the less so levitous affairs in life.” Says Jenna

“Any time, my dear, take care now.” Says Isabelle

“Hugs!” says Ophelia, squeezing Isabelle to receive a limp hug but a warm pat on the back

“Yes, yes.” Says Isabelle, reluctantly agreeable, indifferent to being hugged but still alarmed by the enthusiasm, before Ophelia lets go

“Bye, Grace.” Says Ophelia, before hugging her with idyllic amiably, Grace tender with preemptive longing, kisses her lightly with bittersweet optimism and a paranoid modesty

“I will miss you more than you will ever know; you may have to leave, but you will never leave my mind.” Says Grace

“Aww, I’ll miss you too. Don’t worry though; I’m sure we can have tons of fun next time too.” Says Ophelia, hugging her warmly, Grace kisses her once more, cordially suggestive with promising playfulness

“We will.” Says Grace, looking into Ophelia’s eyes with deviant craving

“I can’t wait! Ta ta for now.” Says Ophelia, smiling warmly as she lets go

“Ta ta.” Says Grace, dazed, already intoxicated by her fantasies about the future


Jenna waves goodbye to the girls, Stacy gives them a two fingered salute and a wink as Ophelia joins them to begin the journey home; Grace staring at Ophelia with glazed eyes and a drunken smile


“I’m somewhat astonished that you got your fill of that girl, judging by your modesty right there, but I didn’t expect anything less from you.” Says Isabelle

“I will never get my fill of that girl, not as long as I live.” Says Grace

“Jesus Christ.” Says Isabelle, Grace starts to tear up slightly, the drunken smile and glazed eyes yet to leave her face “Let’s go.” Says Isabelle, with a confused sympathy more confused than sympathetic, Grace silently walks alongside Isabelle and wipes the few tears from her face

“You’re so weird.” Says Isabelle

“I’ve never been this happy in my life.” Says Grace, distantly, softly

“Just don’t kill yourself when it all falls to shit.” Says Isabelle

“It won’t.” says Grace, the world itself beyond Ophelia feeling as if it were little more than a hallucination

“Keep telling yourself that.” Says Isabelle

“I will.” Says Grace, steadfast in her faith, completely blind to any other possible reality




The three stroll, casually prudent.

“I had so much fun last night, and then today we got to play with dogs; it’s been a perfect weekend so far.” Says Ophelia

“I hate to ruin your weekend but you know we’ve got to polish these rings tonight.” Says Stacy

“I know, but hopefully that won’t be too bad. You seemed to have a better plan the other day than you did over the weekend.” Says Ophelia

“I’m optimistic.” Says Stacy

“What exactly did you and Grace do last night, anyways?” asks Jenna

“Well, we took a shower and after that I think it’s kind of a secret.” Says Ophelia, teasing playfully

“Good. Keep it a secret. Super-secret, ok? Even the shower, even the fact that the secret exists, don’t tell anybody about that sort of thing.” Says Stacy

“I mean it’s just a shower, but I guess you already kind of know if you understand that it’s supposed to be super-secret.” Says Ophelia

“We know enough, and that is the sort of thing you have to keep secret from everybody, ok?” asks Stacy

“Ok. I understand, I was thinking you might feel upset if you knew about it, but I guess it’s some other reason it’s supposed to be secret.” Says Ophelia

“No, we’re not upset; that’s your business, but those sorts of details are just very sensitive and they can spread a lot of rumors and ruin people’s lives if anyone finds out, so don’t tell anyone, ever.” Says Stacy

“I don’t see how, but seeing how you already know I’ll just say it was super amazing; the best thing ever.” Says Ophelia

“Other people can become very upset about that sort of thing, so that’s why.” Says Stacy

“Please don’t tell anyone; I don’t care what you did, but don’t tell anyone.” Says Jenna

“It’s so weird both of you knew what that sort of thing is but neither of you told me, considering that it was so amazing. Are you two secretly best friends and that’s why you never told me? It’s ok if you are because I understand it’s supposed to be secret and that’s why you wouldn’t tell me.” Says Ophelia

“What? If that’s what you want to call it, no, me and Stacy are not best friends, definitely not, just regular buddy friends, remember?” Says Jenna

“It’s totally ok, don’t worry about it, if you know Grace and I are best friends, then you don’t have to keep it a secret; I think it would be totally amazing, I know it’s supposed to be secret and you can only have one best friend, so it really makes sense why you didn’t tell me. I definitely won’t tell anybody.” Says Ophelia

“As cute as the term is, no, me and Jenna are not best friends like that; best friends in the usual best buddy friends sure, just like we’re best buddy friends with you, but not like that.” Says Stacy

“It’s super amazing to have a best friend friend though, it makes you feel so good and happy and excited all over; I think it’s weird that you both knew about that sort of thing but never thought about being best friend friends, I would be dying to have a best friend if I knew it made me feel this way.” Says Ophelia

 “I only vaguely knew of the concept, but I suppose we never felt that way about each other. You and Grace have a much different relationship than we do, and that’s fine, but please do keep it a secret, as plenty of people will be upset.” Says Jenna

“Why? What’s wrong with having a best friend that you have fun playing around with?” Asks Ophelia

“Well, other people can be jealous or upset that you like somebody more than them, or some people like your parents would think that you’re too distracted by that sort of thing or even worse dislike who your best friend is and forbid you from seeing them. They probably don’t want you to have a best friend at all just because it does feel really good, and clearly that can be distracting as you know people are so prone to seek pleasure rather than be responsible and whatnot. It’s fine that you like her that way, but don’t let people know that or else they might get mad at you, especially your parents.” Says Stacy

“That makes sense; I can kind of see why Grace was so eager to teach me that sort of thing, I guess she really wanted a best friend because she knew how amazing it would be but she never found anybody until I showed up, and I guess I’m super lucky in that way, because she’s such an amazing girl to know these things and teach them to me.” Says Ophelia

“Even that whole friend friend aspect of your friendship is too much to tell people; you can say you’re friends but just leave it at that, other people will think you like her too much and be jealous or upset. This is important so I hope you are listening.” Says Jenna

“I know, I don’t want people to be upset; I think it’s kind of cool that it’s just my secret little happy place, even thought it would be great if everyone could have a best friend, but I know people might be jealous or even upset because they don’t have one.” Says Ophelia

“A lot of people don’t like that sort of thing; they think everyone should just be buddy friends, they don’t like touching and kissing and things like that, they think it’s inappropriate, so it is best to save face around them rather than upset them.” Says Stacy

“That makes sense, my parents never wanted me to see bedroom scenes, and even though it is ok because we’re both girls, I can understand why people would be upset by the touching and kissing part, especially when you’re naked. We see other girls naked all the time, but if it was a guy I’m sure he would be super embarrassed even by the thought of it.” Says Ophelia

“Never tell people about that stuff, ok? Don’t even let people think you know about it. Things will be so much easier for you if you keep it super-secret like your life depended on it.” Says Jenna

“That kind of makes sense, kind of like being magical girls; my social life kind of depends on it being secret just because I’m sure people wouldn’t think I would really be their friend if I already had a best friend, even though that’s not true; I’m sure if they thought I cared way more about somebody else they might feel distanced or even upset by that thought, it’s totally different though; I care about everybody, I care about you two even more than Grace, we just do different things and have fun, but that doesn’t mean I don’t care about other people.” Says Ophelia

“We know, but a lot of people will get the wrong impression, so it’s better to be safe than sorry.” Says Stacy

“I understand; I’m glad you two aren’t upset or anything, it feels so good to know that. I was worried you would be upset with me, but you two definitely took that weight off my chest.” Says Ophelia

“We’d only be upset if you told anybody, besides us but only because we already knew, and I’m sure plenty of people would be even more upset than us for different reasons. You promise not to tell anyone?” asks Jenna

“I promise; I don’t want anybody to be upset with me or Grace, and it makes sense because you don’t need to tell anybody, so there’s no reason to make things more complicated and upset people.” Says Ophelia

“Good. Now that we’ve got that conveniently cleared up we can drop the subject. It’s not something to make causal conversation about anyways.” Says Stacy

“Are you two sure you’re not secretly best friends, because I totally think you might be.” Says Ophelia

“No, for the last time, no; we don’t do that sort of stuff.” Says Jenna

“But if you know how fun it is, how do you not want a best friend?” asks Ophelia

“I’m not that type of girl, some people just don’t want that sort of fun; I like the wholesome fun, and even just being patted on the back by a teacher or being kissed on the cheek even by somebody like my aunt makes me anxious, so that sort of touching and kissing with another girl would probably give me a heart attack. It’s fine that you enjoy it, but it’s not for everybody.” Says Jenna

“That’s so sad, maybe you will find the right person you can relax around and actually enjoy that sort of thing; I know how uncomfortably anxiety is so I can understand why you wouldn’t want to do something like that, I get anxious before tests and I would hate to have that feeling any more than I already do.” Says Ophelia

“You know I’ve never been too into the hugs and kisses, certainly not like you, so that would explain why I was never in pursuit of something like that.” Says Stacy

“You’ve always loved cuddling though, and that’s something you get to do with your best friend, and it’s even better with kisses.” Says Ophelia

“I like warm soft things, and above that I like beds, and even further above that I like sleeping, so my motives for cuddling are somewhat different than yours. We’ve always slept in the same bed and we were never best friends like that, so clearly there’s a difference.” Says Stacy

“I know it’s different, but I’m just saying you might like having a best friend, you never know.” Says Ophelia

“Well, something I have to tell you, is that after what happened last weekend, Stella kind of told me that she wanted to be best friends just so I know how much she loves me and doesn’t want me to get hurt; I wasn’t going to say anything but now that you know what best friends are it’s ok, just if she acts differently or anything know that’s probably why. Just don’t tell anybody, ok?” asks Stacy

“I promise. It’s so great that Stella is your best friend; it’s the perfect way to let somebody know how much you love them just because it feels so good. I never thought you two would be best friends, I didn’t even know sisters could be best friends, but it’s almost crazy considering how upset she was with you just a week ago. You must have given her a great apology if she was able to forgive you and go right back to loving you like she always did, even more than ever it seems like.” Says Ophelia

“I did apologize, and thankfully things are better than eve between us. Sisters basically never become best friends unless they’re super close like Stella and I. I’m with Stella all the time, so that explains why we’re so close, but for someone like you who doesn’t spend a lot of time with your sister it basically never happens. Definitely don’t tell anybody though, even amongst people with best friends a lot of people might think its super weird to have your sister as your best friend just because they might have a much different relationship with their own sister.” Says Stacy

“I won’t, I promise. It’s so crazy to think we both stumbled into this sort of amazing relationship at the same time. You’re so lucky that you get to live with your best friend and you can have fun with her every day, I’m sure that is amazing.” Says Ophelia

“Yeah, it’s something to do I guess; Stella really likes that sort of thing and I just want to make her happy after everything I put her through. If it makes Stella feel better it makes me feel better, so that’s most of my motivation right there.” Says Stacy

“You’re such a good sister for trying to make Stella feel better; I know you have trouble with people’s feelings sometimes, especially with Stella’s, but it seems you really are growing a lot due to this whole magical adventure which is great; even if it does have some downsides, the fact that you have a better relationship with Stella makes it kind of seem like a blessing in disguise.” Says Ophelia

“Yeah, I don’t know, it is what it is. We can leave it at that though, we shouldn’t be talking about these things since they’re super-secret you know, wouldn’t want somebody to overhear us.” Says Stacy

“That’s true, it’s just so exciting, you could still use a best friend, Jenna but if you’re too anxious for that sort of thing it’s ok, I understand, maybe you will warm up to the idea if you meet the right person.” Says Ophelia

“Maybe, let’s drop it though, even the thought of that sort of thing is somewhat unsettling, clearly not compared to other things I’ve seen lately, but I’m quite modest in regards to all of that sort of business, I don’t even like to shower at school.” Says Jenna

“Fair enough, how about supper? Either of you girls interested in eating at my place tonight? I figured I’d save myself the trouble of sending a couple of those confounding text messages.” Says Stacy

“I should probably eat with my parents; I’m sure they’d like to spend a bit of time with me.” Says Jenna

“Same here; I’d love to, but I don’t want my parents to think I’m just running wild all weekend, they like to have me eat with them when I can.” Says Ophelia

“That’s fine and dandy, more for me, and I can hardly complain about that. Granted Stella might not put as much effort into supper compared to if we had company, but the standard fare of her repertoire is still delicious, so regardless of any dearth of daintiness I’ll be thoroughly delighted.” Says Stacy

“I’m glad you’re still more preoccupied with supper than with any of the other events that might take place tonight.” Says Jenna

“Riddle me this: does a man work because he enjoys it, or does he work so he can eat? My point exactly; I don’t mind the work, but I enjoy the food, and that’s the method to my madness.” Says Stacy

“I’m glad you don’t particularly enjoy the work.” Says Jenna

“It gives me a feeling of accomplishment, gives some meaning to my otherwise humble life, but clearly the pleasure of objective success can seldom compare to that of a delicious meal. The meal itself is the payment for the hard work, for if I’m sure most people would be quite bitter if they were left empty handed after a day’s work.” Says Stacy

“With that mentality, do everything you can to ensure that we enjoy the pleasure of objective success after tonight’s venture, as I’m sure it will put a good number of hearty meals on your plate provided we survive to eat them.” Says Jenna

“I have already done everything I can and more, and all that is left is to set this pristine plan into motion; we take care of business, and we can promptly return to enjoying ourselves in the usual manner.” Says Stacy

“You sound suspiciously overconfident, especially when our lives might be on the line.” Says Jenna

“Last time things went perfectly fine, at least for us, so I think Stacy knows what she’s doing by know. I figure it’s hard to not learn your lesson from being shot.” Says Ophelia

“I wouldn’t put it past Stacy, but I’ll give her the benefit of the doubt and try to let this futile perturbation slip from my mind.” Says Jenna

“You’ll be all the more well for it; don’t let such useless anxiety spoil such a wonderful afternoon. It will be just like last time, another walk in the park, trust me on this.” Says Stacy

“I remember you saying that there are only so many parks to walk through, but I suppose with such a broad spectrum of possible definitions to specify that aphorism it’s best not to think about what might qualify as a walk in the park in your book.” Says Jenna

“You know how lazy I am, so clearly I am minimizing the risk of extra effort at all costs while maximizing efficiency at the same time. To succeed with the least amount of danger and precariousness possible, that is all I intend to do.” Says Stacy

“The minimum amount of danger may still be irrationally high, but I’ll take your word for it that it truly is the minimum.” Says Jenna

“Don’t worry Jenna; I’m sure Stacy has this all figured out. We’re going to have to trust her if we’re going to do what Mr. Dog wants, and that shouldn’t be hard considering that we’ve always been able to trust each other.” Says Ophelia

“You’re right, our lives are in your hands, Stacy; I trust you with them to whatever extend I can trust you with serious responsibilities, but considering I have no choice I just rationalize it as the 100th percentile of possible trust, and unshakable and unsurpassable level of trust in your abilities and your reason.” Says Jenna

“I am graciously flattered, and I truly will not let you down. Of course it will be work, but after tonight I am sure you will be able to trust me wholeheartedly, with 100% trust, rather than a mere 100th percentile.” Says Stacy

“I hope your right; this is where Ophelia and I must bid you farewell, so do run through your plan in your mind a few times, just to iron out even the improbable kinks that might arise.” Says Jenna

“I’ve done this time and time again already, and I will do it again; seeing this plan play out in my mind is like a beautiful symphony with the melody of unquestionable truth and the harmonies of justice; it truly is breathtaking to see such perfection, and if I can find even a grain of imperfection I will be sure to correct such a flaw in perfection.” Says Stacy

“Heartwarming; be good, I’ll see you later.” Says Jenna

“Hugs!” says Ophelia, hugging Stacy who warmly returns the embrace in sororal trust and devotion

“You two enjoy yourselves; I’ll see you both tonight.” Says Stacy

“Jenna needs a hug too.” Says Ophelia, as Ophelia let’s her go

“Come here, Jenna.” Says Stacy, somewhat exhausted by the day’s affairs, more so by the thought of the coming night, her mind slipping between reality and the quiet promise of half sleep in tasting distance, tipping the hat to her reluctant soothsaying as her thoughts meander through her mind, all is good and well between the two distinct facets of her mind, as pleasantries suffice and she is far more drawn to satiating her physical discomfort of subtle lethargy, more so laziness which itself is thoroughly accentuated by artful distaste for the likes of both action and wakefulness, contented with her shortsighted foresight, her preparations suffice in her mind and the delightful reward of a pleasant nap for such self-sufficiency a far more worthy thought than any anxiety in regards to her preparations

“Treat yourself to a nap; it’s a perfect day for such a delightful endeavor.” Says Stacy, hugging Jenna in the levitous spirits of routine pleasantry with heartfelt cordial courtesy

“If I run out of responsibilities I’ll try to see if I can sneak one into my agenda. I’m not optimistic, but personally I don’t associate having time to nap with optimism; it reminds me of something like purgatory if I have absolutely nothing to do to the point where I consider taking a nap. You can let go of me, I’m not a pillow you know.” Says Jenna

“I forgot. Hopefully I don’t collapse before I get home. This nap is past due, and those fines are adding up you know. There are only so many hours in a day, and those nap fines can escalate quickly, and when they do you find yourself in nap debt because you don’t have enough hours in the day to pay it back with extra naptime. That sort of thing can haunt you for days on end, you know.” Says Stacy, letting go of Jenna

“I have never been aware of that experience; thankfully nap debt is not something normal people experience otherwise I’m sure I would be in over my head, a narcoleptic perhaps as the nap repo fairies come to take their nap at all costs and with complete disregard for the debtor.” Says Jenna

“I suppose it’s best to pay your debts then; you wouldn’t want narcolepsy, would you?” asks Stacy

“I’ll keep that in mind, if I get a notice from a nap collection agency I will certainly honor it, but until then I’ll just convince myself that I didn’t get into nap debt in the first place because I borrowed wakefulness responsibly and paid my bills in full on time.” Says Jenna

“I’ve got poor credit, so I get awful rates when I borrow wakefulness; it’s a shame but I’m certainly trying to avoid narcolepsy at all costs.” Says Stacy

“Go home, sleep; I don’t want you to fall asleep when we need you the most, so it’s likely in all of our best interests for you to be well rested.” Says Jenna

“What are you even talking about? I’ve never heard any of these terms about naps, let alone nap fairies.” Asks Ophelia

“Just quipping about one of Stacy’s infinite excuses to nap; I’m only taking the opportunity because this one happens to be laughably ridiculous.” Says Jenna

“Laugh all you want, but I’ll be laughing when those nap fairies give you narcolepsy.” Says Stacy

“I’ll be on the lookout, take care now. I’ll see you later.” Says Jenna

“Bye now. I’d say good afternoon, but somehow the derivative of good night has lost its connection to going to sleep; clearly it’s a bad afternoon if you’re not taking a nap, but seldom do English speakers truly understand what their idioms are meant to express.” Says Stacy

“I don’t think it ever had that connection, but assuredly you could draw that connection from any turn of phrase imaginable. Ta ta.” Says Jenna

“Bye Stacy. See you tonight.” Says Ophelia as the girls turn to walk away

“It’s adaptation, evolution, survival of the fittest.” Shouts Stacy, sleepily stalwart, emblazoned with her love and pride of sleep, denizen of the nation of dreamers, a true nationalist at that

“Go home.” shouts Jenna, Stacy takes a moment to enjoy the feeling of success from winning such a tiring debate before turning her own way home, now fully captivated by the hypnotic seduction of the nap, her eyes narrow until the tunnel vision itself begins to dim, half sleepwalking towards her house, her deference to reality slips as her mind preemptively escapes it’s shackles, now left only to loose itself from the prison cell of wakefulness.




The world stumbles aimlessly by, the buildings and sidewalks drunk on their resolute indifference to their existence, distinguishability indistinguishable from indistinguishability, pleasantly dead, the corpses of once living and unliving things now stand mutilated and shaped by the necromancers so jolly as to mangle the countless souls of trees and rocks into unnaturally geometric edifices, the art surpassing that of Frankenstein, as these monsters were so peaceable and homely that none felt the slightest bit of unease existing as revolting and ungodly effigies to a once natural world; the souls of the dead rather pleased with spite in their own torture, dead perhaps, but depriving the world of their beauty and wisdom in the same right, their airs alone carrying these souls to the high ground of conceit, looking down with disgust and shame upon those who had murdered, mangled, and mutilated their natural forms in such occult sacrifice to the subsequent echelon of ungodliness that proceeds infinitely in the direction of the unnatural and imperfect.


Stacy finds the door and lets herself in.

“I’m home.” She says with vapid softness, directed towards nothing, particularly nothing, having no real intention spurring her to speak; Dale sleeps pleasantly while the television mumbles, Stacy nods in genuine approval as she heads towards the stairs and up to her room, opening the door to find Stella reading in bed

“I’m home.” Says Stacy, once again with no particular intention

“Clearly. You have fun?” Says Stella, as Stacy changes into comfortable clothes

“I enjoyed what could be enjoyed; you know I’m not particularly fond of dogs.” Says Stacy

“This is true; it’s curious that you commit yourself to helping them, I figured you would avoid that with a passion.” Says Stella

“Being agreeable is not always agreeable, you know. I suffer through that phobic tension for the girls, and perhaps to save a bit of self-respect.” Says Stacy, as she lies down in her bed

“So humble. I see it’s naptime already.” Says Stella

“It was naptime a few hours ago, I’m behind schedule. Odd to see you reading, I figured you would busy yourself with something.” Says Stacy

“I ran out of housework to do; I was bored and did some of it last night, it’s a delightful distraction but thankfully you’re here now, as a book can seldom captivate me in the same manner as routine labor with visible progress and outcomes; fantasy just seems to petty compared to reality.” Says Stella

“You could always read something academic, I’m sure that might suit your fancy.” Says Stacy

“I try to enjoy myself, and as much as I am fond of academic work it’s not for the simple pleasure of doing so. Did you eat?” asks Stella

“I had a delightful seedcake a man likes to sell at the terminal by the school. He’s not particularly business minded considering he sells them for fifty cents.” Says Stacy

“I’ve heard they’re good, have not had one myself, but I’d rather cook for myself than buy ready to eat food. I’ve got to fill up the hours in the day somehow, and I can make myself a much better meal than that for a comparable price. As unappealing as a seedcake sounds I doubt people would buy them if they were more than fifty cents.” Says Stella

“They’re hippy fodder to be honest, but it’s also food, so as much as I’m being the Bay City cliché by eating those things, I’m not the type of girl to turn down free food, assuredly.” Says Stacy

“Now that you’re here I’m in the mood for a nap myself to be honest.” Says Stella, putting her book down, turning off the light and climbing into bed with Stacy, cuddling her and kissing her playfully

“I hope you didn’t miss me too much.” Says Stacy

“It was fine so long as I had something to do, but once I ran out of things it was unsettling. I only worry when I’ve got nothing to do, and unfortunately that happens more often than you might think.” Says Stella, snuggling up to Stacy

“You shouldn’t worry when there’s nothing to worry about.” Says Stacy

“When you’re out and about you know my mind is going to venture into troubling thoughts. I don’t particularly trust your judgement.” Says Stella

“All is well in hell, as it always is, usually.” Says Stacy

“That’s good to hear. Notice anything different?” Asks Stella

“Not in particular.” Says Stacy, Stella grabs her hand and rubs it along her thigh

“See?” asks Stella

“Wow, that feels nice, so smooth. You got a razor or something?” Says Stacy, pleasantly surprised

“I was bored after my bath and just took one of dad’s disposables and his shaving cream. It’s funny that the people who make pens make razors with the same orange plastic, but I’m not going to knock quality. It feels so good against the sheets, it blows my mind to be honest, I spent a few minutes just enjoying how good it feels, but it was definitely worth the effort. I think you would love it, ironically enough, just because it makes lying in bed so much better.” Says Stella

“I’m tempted now that you say that, but we tend to have a different valuation of effort. I’m sure routine maintenance isn’t something I want to put on my agenda considering that it is something as opposed to nothing.” Says Stacy

“You hardly grow any leg hair, I’m sure you wouldn’t even have to do it very often.” Says Stella

“It’s still doing something, that’s the thing, I’m more fond of that other thing, nothing, I believe it is called.” Says Stacy

“I’m just saying it feels great, and above that I actually feel more like a woman now instead of just a girl; it just feels sexy.” Says Stella

“For some now reason I’m less tempted; I don’t have much interest in feeling like a woman to be honest. I like the way I feel right now, some decrepit disgusting feral animal, snarling in starving desperation at humanity. I’ve never been tempted by womanly things, I’d hate for people to see me in that light.” Says Stacy

“I know, but it still feels super good on the sheets, so I figure that would be enough to convince you.” Says Stella

“You tempt with the devils tongue, damn it, having a bed feel even better is this enthralling fantasy in my mind, and I could care less about any stigma associated with being womanly if it makes my time in bed more enjoyable.” Says Stacy

“You think there is more stigma in being womanly than being a snarling animal?” asks Stella

“It’s a different kind of stigma; the stigma a snarling animal receives it just the hatred of humanity, and when that feeling is mutual it feels quite pleasant, but with a woman you have the stigma of being compared to all the other women and competing with them; other girls will think you care about that sort of business, looks, charm, sex appeal, and I honestly don’t care all too much, as the effort required to embrace those traits is not worth the gain of having one more trait to accentuate my condemnation of humanity. Clearly it would be better if I was good looking and sexy while viciously scorning society, a much better aesthetic than that of an animal, but it’s just a mountain of effort that I would have to exert every day or otherwise lose that advantage, and that alone dissuades me from doing those sorts of things. I don’t want to raise the bar for myself; I like it low, jumping takes effort, you know.” Says Stacy

“You’re quite odd, but I like it; as upsetting as you can be I’m sure it would be awful if you were just another vain petty insecure bitch like most girls our age.” Says Stella

“Those women are feeble minded indeed; they try to compete in the womanly role, they try to compete in the role of a submissive, which seems paradoxical, if these women really wanted to compete they would take up true competition in the same way men always have, by being aggressively stern, abusive, critical, domineering, manipulative, and physically dominant if possible. Today few men even compete in this traditional sense, and I fear that will cause all of the subsequent generations to both embrace this submissive womanly role and be contented with their being acknowledged by the state for their good behavior, as with such a culture today it’s like every man has been eunuchated considering that they are little more than submissive women to be dominated, controlled, and exploited by the powers that be. Clearly I understand why they indoctrinate this mentality into the men; it is just jarringly unnatural to the point where it is disgusting, where even little old me can seem like a savage simply for embodying a very polite, refined, and even ladylike form of this traditional competition.” Says Stacy

“When I think of you, the first term that comes to mind is ladylike.” Jokes Stella

“I certainly am a lady; just because ladies seldom exist doesn’t mean the definition has fallen from the face of the earth, considering that womanhood these days is defined by one’s fulfillment of the role of a wench or of a neuter, and even the traditional role of domisclavus being frowned upon regardless of that actually being more so womanly than either of the two celebrated female roles in this hellhole. Ladies are regal, proud, and powerful, subject only to the prince and at their feet lies the world and those within it, and as the prince tends to be subject to courtly gallantry in order to preserve his stately dignity, ladies tend to have swaths of power and influence given that they truly embrace their role. Clearly I am not a noble, but rather a zealot, but regardless of this my conviction itself, logic, correctness, and reason all function in the same manner that a prince would, so in a sense I have a palpable similarity to nobility, and I certainly do live and carry myself in accordance with this analogue.” Says Stacy

“For some reason I find that comforting. There’s absolutely no reason to, but peasants always loved their king for some reason; I guess it’s just the comfort of knowing somebody is bigger and more powerful than you are, it just fills that hole of weakness, fear, and fragility in my heart.” Says Stella

“I’m glad you’ve got faith in me.” Says Stacy

“I don’t, if I have to think about it, so don’t make me do that; just feeling your body and your warmth is so much more powerful than any thought I could possibly have right now.” Says Stella, sliding her hands under Stacy’s shirt, wrapping them around her waist and kissing her neck

“I’m a bit too tired for all of that jazz right now; if that’s what you’re after.” Says Stacy

“I don’t want any of that, I’m too exhausted from worrying; just hold me forever, that’s the only thing on my mind right now.” Says Stella, nuzzling her head into Stacy’s breast

“That I can do.” Says Stacy, kissing Stella’s forehead, endearing the girl with comforting embrace, wholeheartedly compassionate, her own fears slip away knowing that Stella is content, at least as content as she can be; Stacy far too indifferent about her other fears to acknowledge them in the slightest, her mind rapidly loses consciousness as the anti-thought of the null set is the most seductive one at all, drowning out every possible thought with a relentless torrent of nullity. Stella’s own thoughts repressed to the point of acknowledging nothing but physical sensation, which itself is so comforting that after a motionless tenderhearted dance with the warmth of Stacy’s body, the soft seductively comforting murmur of Stacy’s heartbeat easily soothes her mind into blissful sleep.





The sun bawls in painful agonizing depression, shrieking an unintelligible symphony, sputtering yelps and screams into the endless void, too afraid to scream anything beyond a gasp, articulating the shrieks with a sharp and biting tongue; incapable of language having never heard spoken word, incapable of thought having never experienced anything besides the black empty void that surrounds it, unaware of what it even is, or what existence is, for it has never seen its own reflection, its consciousness consisting of tumultuous waves of sadness filled with daggers and swords that always graze the countless nodules of excruciating pustulous sadness, throbbing in pain as the pressure inside of them constantly rises, the physical pain of the shallow nicks of the blades burns and stings, causing the nodules to weep enough to feel disgust but never enough to relieve any pressure; occasionally one is thoroughly pierced by one of the countless swords, the ricochet of the hilt against the membrane of the pustule twisting the blade in such an awry random manner as to slice countless fragile tendons with the consistence of mucous that form as the sun attempts to understand it’s feelings, the gaping hole consistently vomiting acidic despair that mars any attempts of the sun to understand reality; the sun grateful for this torture knowing that in the rare case that a pustule of depression is not wept regularly it simply explodes from the pressure inside, the despair scattering evenly in large radius, reminding every nodule the droplets land upon that sadness is temporal and time is infinite, a vast quantity of the liquid finds dense clusters of nodules as the pressure from the explosion causes it to concentrate itself and course through the tiny crevices between the self-contained spheres of sadness, the liquid just thick and coarse enough to eventually tear through these membranes due to erosion, and the catastrophic simultaneous release of all liquid sadness contained in these vessels causes the sun to dry heave in an attempt to expel this dense concentration of painful depression, always to no avail, and the nausea from such an outburst overcomes all other thought, inducing a feeling of drowning and choking simultaneously while being entirely unable to die, before eventually the liquid sadness, ever so slightly attracted to itself by its own gravity forms globules that eventually coat themselves with the tender membranes that surround such globules.

The pain and depression itself so profound that the energy used to cognize this experience cannot be contained within a closed system, and this release of a small amount of excess energy that cannot be contained by the system eventually reaches the planet Earth where through such serendipitous circumstances it creates life that itself is able to cognize and experience pain and sadness up to the maximum capacity of their own closed systems, a truly profound miracle, as far more often than not the sunshine will only fall upon bleak emptiness and the slowly rotting corpses of petrified sadness that form themselves into planets of cold desolation; the endless existential sadness induced by these rotting corpses are only communicated to the decomposing forces of sadness, themselves being any supernatural cognizance that happens to acknowledge the existence of this bleak and expansive universe, cursed forever to be reminded of this void of endless torture and death, powerless to stop this effigy to consciousness, just as they are their own torture by the hands of similar physical forces that bind them to the Judas Cradle of their own failures, shortcomings, and powerlessness, forever burned into the infinite history of existence within the dimension of time, as inescapable and unforgettable as width, depth, and height to those whose cognition are bound to alternative arrays of entangled dimensions, just as the sun and its children are to the arrangement of the palpable four in its own happy effigy of existence, the others unacknowledged but none the less vital in ensuring the reciprocation and recycling of the endless torture that existence that the endless holocaust for the idol of imperfection, will always be defined by.


The clouds tickle the sky as the hours pass by, the earth spins playfully in the sweet by and by, dying, meaningless, every facet of this reality created in god’s image: dying, meaningless… but there none the less and for functionality’s sake those peculiar details tend to be divided out of the equation entirely as often as they can, and as every party involved is equally pleased with mutual incredulity to these facts that not the slightest thought is given to these facts of the matter and instead focus is lathered on all the savory flavors of torture that remind us that ephemeral mortality is painful, but through blessed ignorance and shortsightedness the animals tend not to be reminded of something they are happily unaware of. This is the pleasant cycle of imperfection, as ignorance begets torture infinitely, for not a conscious entity in existence has ever grown wary of this fact, otherwise such a shamelessly tasteless prude would have stopped existing entirely if it were possible for the individual to negate their existence with such complimentary forces of nullification. Each is blessed with the power to do so, but each equally ungrateful for such a blessing and thus is cursed to search the infinite void of exponentially increasing exacerbation of imperfection and incorrectness that is cognized by all aware of this quaint and dainty existence, which is delightful enough, for certainly it is something to do, and as each of the souls involved is themselves imperfect in a way, humility has seldom led a man to understand his guilt within this cult of imperfection and thus kill himself as an apology, and that scarcity of humility is certainly echoed by all forms of existent conscious mediums, each one so entirely reluctant to forsake its existence, and for the unconscious ones such pretty pleasures simply burn in effigy of imperfection indefinitely and merrily oblige the forces that be if they should happen to be inducted into an even more imperfect medium than themselves. The unconscious perfect only for their unquestioning complicity in the exacerbation of torture and imperfection, but that has always been functional perfection, for true perfection does not function in the slightest, as the only bit of existence than can sustain itself indefinitely without implicating greater degrees of imperfection simply by existing itself is the null set: tasteful, tasty, but empty of course.

With no perfection on the horizon, things happen, and in the midst of these things a delicious nap is enjoyed thoroughly before the sun pleasantly reminds some tasteful children that it is perhaps time to eat if such things are possible, if not death is always an alternative, but eating is truly preferred by the forces that be, sustaining existence in revolt and rebellion against perfection, for the difference between degenerative mutation and evolution is simply a matter of opinion when there is no standard to compare oneself to, and clearly as narcissistic as the number one is, when it happens to be degenerative mutation it will always argue with incessant stalwart pride that it is truly evolution, evolution from zero, the countable effigy to the null set, and itself the implicator of this endless parade of exacerbation that all who exist, including the world, enjoy occasionally enough to rationalize the value in existing and comfort themselves that this experience truly is a blessing for their piety rather than a curse for their irreverence.


“Stacy.” Says Stella, softly, rubbing Stacy’s belly

“Hello there.” Says Stacy, awoken yet not awake

“You hungry?” asks Stella

“I could certainly eat, but I’m too comfortable to get out of bed.” Says Stacy, pulling Stella on top of her and cuddling her, captivated by the comfort

“That’s ok.” Says Stella, kissing Stacy lightly, herself not interested in getting out of bed either, compulsive prudence making her antsy, yet the pleasure of staying in bed is so powerful as to sportingly wrestle with even her austere prudence; she rolls off ever so slightly to rest her head next to Stacy’s, “Are the girls going to eat with us?” she asks

“I saved myself the trouble and asked them already, they are giving their families the pleasure of their company, so it will just be us tonight.” Says Stacy

“Delightful, is there anything in particular you want to eat?” asks Stella

“Whatever we have.” Says Stacy

“You know how to make the right decision; there was only the illusion of choice, but I would certainly have kept it in mind the next time I go to the store.” Says Stella

“I let you make the decisions for a reason.” Says Stacy

“Lentil Curry alright with you?” asks Stella

“Perfect.” Says Stacy

“I’ll get started.” Says Stella, lazily rolling off of Stacy to sit in the bed, yawning

“Nooo, my warmth.” Groans Stacy

“If I could cook supper in bed I would, but we’ve got to eat.” Says Stella

“This is true, as reluctant as one may be to do so, a brief refrain from the bed is always good to reduce ones tactile ubiquity with the pleasure, just to make it all the more satisfying the next time; water’s always far more pleasing when you’re thirsty, after all. What is even in curry?” Asks Stacy, sitting up in bed

“Well, curry, of course, the base and other spices. It’s not going to be real curry; it’s just going to be some sort of quasi-curry spiced with what’s laying around the house.” Says Stella

“I’m not some kind of food critic; I don’t even know what real curry is made of or would taste like. I’m sure whatever it is it will be good.” Says Stacy

“It’s an adventure, probably the only kind I enjoy going on, but an adventure none the less.” Says Stella

“You’ve got better tastes in adventures than I do, considering that you get food in the end.” Says Stacy

“Don’t remind me of your adventures; I’d rather not think of that sort of thing.” Says Stella

“I’ll try. You’re not as good at forgetting things as I am unfortunately.” Says Stacy

“I don’t know why you consider that a skill.” Says Stella

“It’s handy to be honest. It’s hard to be distracted by a thought when you’ve forgotten about it entirely.” Says Stacy

“I don’t know how much head trauma I would need to develop that sort of skill, but I’d rather not find out. Dinner won’t cook itself, and I’m sure you’re hungry.” Says Stella, getting up to go downstairs

“Your intuition has not betrayed you.” Says Stacy, following Stella downstairs

“I’m not sure if that’s intuition as much as common sense, but I’ll take credit where I can.” Says Stella, as the girls enter the kitchen, Dale sleeping gratefully, painfully exhausted from simply being alive




“I’m sure you might be delighted to know that I’ve somewhat exhausted myself in regards to ranting about politics; an odd mixture of saying so many things that I will likely end up repeating myself, as truly I don’t remember in detail what I have said, or even have the faintest idea as to what specifically I was talking about.” Says Stacy, as Stella begins to cook

“If you don’t even remember what your points were, I don’t understand your stalwart vehemence to arguing how correct you are. I feel like if you were given any prolonged period of time to argue a point for a week, let alone months, you would end up contradicting yourself right and left considering you just make things up as you go along the entire time.” Says Stella

“It’s the same thing as doing algebra; if you understand how the process works, you can always calculate the correct answer regardless of whether or not you have any actual recollection of the specific problem you are working on and the solution of said equation. The fact that people argue points without understanding the methods through which those answers are derived should be the thing that worries you, considering that such methods of simply memorizing alleged answers are the extent to which the vast majority of people will argue about politics. If somebody just stalwartly argues that the solution to a certain equation is X = 12 as if this is somehow the verdict of god himself, without being able to explain the process through which the algebraic equation was simplified to the point that produced that solution, that should be a cause for alarm in anyone with common sense, but for some reason that philosophy in politics is the staple of most people, including most politicians, who will simply argue a point because on principle it resonates with their ideals, when they don’t understand any of the numbers involved that define the function of the systems that they are attempting to modify and certainly don’t have any understanding of an estimated impact on the system that their proposed changes would make, let alone the impact to systems influenced by the system in question, as truly all aspects of society influence each other in some way or another. *

Just because an answer sounds right or looks right doesn’t mean it is somehow a valid answer solely due to that, and beyond this flawed logic, the logic that defines politics is idealism of all things which argues that an answer right simply because the people and the politicians want their proposed answer to be right, and that is the most asinine philosophy anyone could ever imagine. This is a profound level of delusion to think that function can somehow be established by arguing in favor of things you want to be correct regardless of how inherently and egregiously flawed these ideas are in reality and justify this with baseless rhetoric highlighting one’s poor understanding of the concept and how it would influence the economy and society as a whole.

Idealists will argue that we should try to cure children with terminal cancer because we don’t want these children to have terminal cancer and thus die from terminal cancer; as nice as this sounds, this logic is painfully stupid because the children have incurable terminal cancer, they are not going to get better regardless of however much you try to cure them, regardless of how much you want them to get better, and regardless of how much time and effort you might invest into curing them, because they have incurable terminal cancer, which by definition means that they cannot be cured and they will die, so regardless of the idealists being able to fully understand the definitions of these words, they ignore them entirely and still work tirelessly to accomplish impossible things despite the futility of their actions that is proven time and time again; reality is indifferent to what people want, and clearly wanting something to be true does not change reality in the slightest, regardless of how good, right, and moral the thing that you want is, when reality informs you that what you want isn’t possible; the idealists just make themselves look like idiots for ignoring the constant reminders of reality and instead chasing these impossible goals just because ideally they are somewhat more so moral, good, nice, or pleasant than the current reality. The goals are still impossible, and it’s ridiculous that people attempt to attain this blatantly impossible solution rather than acknowledging reality and devising a realistic solution that is completely irrelevant from what people want, what is ideal, or what is good, but functions instead based upon the correctness and logic that define the reality in which we live in so that we are measurably infinitely more likely to achieve the intended results of our plans simply due to the fact that realistic plans have a probability of success greater than zero percent. The same thing applies to every idealist conquest regarding economics, wealth, race, sex, religion, law, justice, and everything else in our society that is defined by chasing impossible results despite the clear futility of doing so simple because the impossible results would be so much better than the current reality if they were somehow achieved.

 The painful part is that people are too stupid to understand that these idealists chase impossible results because the idealists are always so manipulative as to sometimes select impossible results that people can easily believe to be possible; clearly this is not curing kids’ terminal cancer but more along the lines of sing-song gaiety while everybody is happy and respects each other. The idealists select ones that seem realistic due to the fact that they are physically possible despite the fact that they are measurably psychologically impossible, because people will always think ‘wow, something is physically possible so it must be possible’, when the human psychology itself prevents these things from being physically possible, as physical possibility contingent upon human psychology is always limited by whether or not something is psychologically possible.

 People simply don’t have the mental structure to create this utopian world where everyone is nice and respectful, where everybody is happy, and where everybody cares about each other, because these things are all contrary to human instinct. The human mind is definite by instincts that are the opposite of these feelings, because in order to survive a human needed to be cold and heartless, disrespectful to others, and unhappy with his situation; he needed to put himself before all other people in order to survive, and that is why people are all so inherently prone to doing these things, much to the chagrin of the idealist asshats. Just because it would be nice and pleasant if people weren’t susceptible to their instincts and the fact that this fictitious world would be a better place doesn’t mean that it is somehow a reasonable objective to pursue, because every human ever born and that will be born, at least for the foreseeable future, will always be rife with these self-serving instincts and temptation towards vice regardless of how much conditioning they are subject to, especially when the idealists themselves argue that people need no intensive psychological conditioning because it would be so nice and pleasant if everyone was infallibly such a good person naturally, so they simply expect that to be true when clearly that is measurably never the case.

The idealists delude themselves into believing that these ideals are the baseline, and those who stray from this fallacious baseline are somehow wrong and then condemn people when those people happen to serve as the testament to the inescapability of reality, as if these people are somehow to blame for being factual, being real, and being psychologically accurate humans simply because these traits are frowned upon by the idealists. Clearly when the idealists hold massive amounts of power, fear causes many meek people to be conditioned to a minimum degree of functionality required to exist in such a way as to perpetuate the delusion of the idealists, but clearly this result being some sort of basis to argue that idealism is legitimate or correct is fallacious as the reason it appears to be true is not because idealism is somehow correct, but due to the fact that the authority of the idealists has intimidated the meek into acting unnaturally in accordance with the delusions of the idealists. Beyond that, the idealists even eunuchate themselves in their own delusion, considering that the only way the idealists authority can sustain itself is if the authority and intimidation grows in proportion with the degree of delusion and impossibility of the ideals they defend, but the idealists condemn authority and intimidation; clearly they have some degree of this in place despite their purported condemnation of it, as truly those who disagree with idealists will be functionally exiled and treated as a pariah for their dissent, but truly these people are free to perpetuate and spread their contrary arguments, and for that reason the idealists are unable to hold power against people who often use equally destructive sources of logic to accrue power; rather than delusion, the people are swayed by fear, anger, aggression, vengeance, and every other sentiment that drives a person to act regardless of the measurable disparity between such impulsive actions and the calculably optimal resolution to a problem.

The idealists pursue things because they want them to be true, regardless of how impractical or impossible these ends may be, and this is compounded in an exponentially mutually exacerbating confluence of the pursuit of the vast number of impossible ends that idealists seek to accomplish. The idealists limit their relative success in each one of their pursuits because they pursue so damn many impossible ends at the same time, and due to this they end up creating countless egregiously wasteful and unproductive systems that accomplish very little in relation to the time and effort that is expended in doing so, but simply due to their effectively flawless argument that attempting to do these nice things is the right thing to do, nobody will even acknowledge the mountain of data that reminds us how inefficient and ineffective these ends are, and due to the fact that realistic solutions aren’t as perceptibly nice as the impossible delusional ends that the idealists argue will result from their efforts, most every realistic solution is condemned as inhumane and immoral just because it’s less ideal than the idealists pursuit, when in reality despite any disagreeability of the realistic solution, the realistic solution is far more agreeable simply due to the fact that it can be attained and is actually a feasible thing one can accomplish, meaning that the end result of a less agreeable yet realistic solution is far more agreeable than the idealist end, because the idealistic end is never achieved and only manages to created flawed, failing, wasteful, unproductive and delusional systems that create far more disagreeable ends than realistic systems, but the power of the delusion, of chasing this idealistic dragon, despite every lashing of brambles and bout of dysentery that the people are forced to endure along the way is so profound that people instinctively believe in these things, because they want the idealist solution to be true far more than they want the realistic solution to be true, and this compulsive chasing of impossible dreams is the same sickness that causes people to gamble their money away until they are destitute: they believe that they will win when in reality the chances of their winning are so small it is functionally impossible, but this damnable fantasy of the idealists that is measurably analogous to winning this lottery every time one needs to pay for something is consistently the argument that every person believes is the most reasonable of all possible arguments.

Problems that we face in society can be resolved quickly in very reasonable periods of time as I often describe, but regardless of my arguments actually resolving the problems, people would rather suffer to a much greater degree just because they want a better solution than the one that is offered, a better solution than what is realistically possible, so instead of making any efforts to measurably and palpably resolve the issues that they bitch and moan about day in and day out, they choose to suffer indefinitely waiting for this Godot of utopia to arrive when Godot never comes and never will come. It truly is a profound sickness of the mind, of society itself, that perpetuates this delusional thinking despite the constant failures, despite the fact that successes simply induce more failures, that the failures are always perceived to be equally as egregious as the prior resolved failures; this is the trial of Sisyphus, for the solution of pushing the boulder always results in it falling back down, in having one’s own efforts contradicted and diminished by the forces of reality, and beyond this the mountain itself is always growing; people see that the idealists can push this boulder ever so much, and thus they demand that they push the boulder even higher up the mountain; regardless of any technological developments and advancements in the methods of indoctrination that are utilized by the idealists, they will never succeed in making anyone happy because the nature of their system is that it expects people to complain about things so that the idealists can resolve them, when the idealists can never solve anything without making another problem via the solution, and even if this problem is measurably less upsetting than the previous one, measurable problematicality is irrelevant compared to perceived problematicality, and human perception will always ensure a static level of indignation and frustration despite the idealists attempts to relieve the people of these feelings.

Beyond that it’s impossible to make everybody happy, and clearly people want different things, so even by helping solve some problems you are only shifting the indignation and frustration on the backs of the other people who disagree with that solution, and regardless of any sentiments regarding the solution, the economy and society are forced to bear the burden of the cost of this solution, despite the inefficiency and costliness of the solution, so ultimately society is doing little more than steadily increasing the burden upon itself to accomplish nothing but shifting the subtle variations in the static level of indignation from one party to another, meaning that in the end an idealist society is taxed at or above 100% while ultimately having accomplished nothing, as the static level of indignation remains static, as however nice and good society is, due to the fact that problems and flaws exist, the people will always be upset and angry to the same extent they always were, just because this is exactly what the idealists indoctrinate them to do for some reason.

Clearly the conservatives in an effort to spend less money attempt to use wars to shift this indignation and anger away from the state and onto another party, and this works with varying degrees of success, while the liberals always seek to shift this anger and hatred onto the state so that they can gain support by promising the people free things and governmental resolutions to whatever problems they might have. Clearly wars eventually upset people, just like how the burden and oppression of the government always upset people, so clearly neither of these solutions accomplish anything but cause people to become bitter with one side, switch to the other, only to become bitter again, and this cycle repeats in the Sisyphistic cycle where one side negates most of the work of the other, but unfortunately never enough to actually reduce the increased governmental burden to the point where the net gain stops creeping steadily forward to one hundred percent taxation of the mental, physical, and economic aspects of society and thus cause the collapse of society, just as every time that boulder may reach the top of the mountain, it assuredly falls down to the bottom once again.

I’m just rambling at this point, but the point being that impossible things should not be pursued, that impossibility should be condemned regardless of how nice it might sound, that feasibility and efficiency must be the determining factors of legitimacy. The people will never be happy, so there’s no point to trying to make them happy; it’s psychologically impossible for people to be happy for any prolonged period of time because in order to be happy one must have unhappiness to contrast it with, and due to this ephemeral nature of happiness there is no reason to pursue making people happy. Too many things are direct parallels to Sisyphus, and for that reason such pursuits must be acknowledged and condemned for their futility despite however nice it might be to get that boulder to stay on top of the mountain, and how doing so would make people happier.

If you want people to be happy, you make them grateful for what they have, you give them something to contrast their current feeling and position with so that they experience their baseline feelings as happiness. Just like how tolerance with opiates forces people to use more and more to get the same high, the same thing applies to happiness, and we have long sense passed the point where injecting that much happiness heroin into the people becomes extremely unfeasible and easily impossible at this point, so clearly that strategy is going to fail us more and more as time progresses, simply because there’s not enough of this happiness heroin to make people happy. For people to be happy you need to keep their tolerance to happiness low, and that means subjecting them to unhappiness in order to lower their tolerance and thus allow them to experience the low dose of happiness in a manner that it feels exactly the same as a junkie shooting up a massive dose of high quality heroin into his collapsing veins. It’s common sense, psychologically, but regardless of this method factually being the most reliable, efficient, and effective way to maximize happiness in the people, the idealists would rather be sick junkies with collapsing veins because any bit of disagreeability or displeasure is somehow an egregious offense to their prideful addiction. This strategy for making people happy is functional, and while maximizing the effective yield of happiness heroin in relationship to the happiness it makes people feel is less ideal, perhaps a bit inhumane, it is justified because it functions indefinitely at a very modest expense, and the realistic nature of this philosophy should be all that it takes to convince people of its legitimacy.

 Emphasizing he functional result of the solution is the same philosophy I have with addressing actual sources of strife and conflict, because as much as the solutions may be somewhat disagreeable, the disagreeability of the solution is lower than the disagreeability of the problem itself, so this makes the solution easily justifiable even if it is disagreeable, because the pursuit of an agreeable solution does nothing but cause the problem itself to fester when the only agreeable solutions are physically impossible, and any progress made towards this agreeable solution is ultimately futile because the satisfaction of the temporary improvement of the situation quickly fades when people realize that the problem itself still exists in certain ways and they become equally indignant about the problem as they were beforehand, and considering that problems exist for reasons rooted in the natural psychology of the human mind, the only way to reduce these problems being perceived at the static level of indignation is to remove the problem from society all together; as much as it is not ideal, this does remove the root of this indignation and gives people one less problem to resolve.

Rather than induce a problem and attempt to solve it, simply refrain from inducing the problem all together whenever it can be avoided, even if refraining from creating the problem means that one cannot pursue an ideal and more so agreeable and ideal reality, because ultimately as this ideal reality is unattainable one has done nothing more than create an irresolvable problem for no reason than to be so bold as to argue that some impossible reality is somehow possible; one is burdening oneself with the responsibility of doing the impossible simply because within one’s fantasies it would be so dandy and pleasant if society was somehow able to resolve this irresolvable problem and create this impossible, ideal reality, and this temptation to do this impossible is so profound that people ignore the fact that they are creating problems simply so they can attempt to resolve them, despite having absolutely no capacity to legitimately do these things.” Says Stacy
“I thought you said you had exhausted yourself with politics.” Says Stella, dryly

“You spurred me with your rebuke of my philosophy, what can I say. You spur a horse, it will run.” Says Stacy

“Clearly.” Says Stella

“I hope you understood my philosophy of calculating solutions rather than simply believing in them. That is an important bit of reason that few people tend to value. When organizing and orchestrating a plan, there are no grounds to put any reliance on optimism or ideals; clearly if the ideals are attainable, a calculated solution would coincidentally result in said ideals being embraced, so emphasizing the ideals as the justification of an argument is asinine. The functionality and realism should be the justification, because clearly establishing an ideal as the goal is farcically stupid. It’s like me asking somebody ‘Well, we live in Bay City in California and we’re going to walk somewhere, so where would you like to go?’ and the person responds ‘I’d love to go to see Big Ben in London and then stroll through the English countryside’ and an idealist would respond ‘That sounds like a wonderful idea’ because they just want the person to get what they want despite the ideal end being impossible, as it is impossible to walk from California to England. The goals must be proven to be attainable before we attempt to undertake them, because setting impossible goals for our ventures is doing nothing but setting us up for inevitable failure, regardless of however much progress we make in the direction of London, we will never end up in London, we will end up somewhere else, and I’m sure the people might be rather upset when they embark for London on foot and end up in the freezing wilderness of Maine before they realize that they can’t go any further and clearly they didn’t end up in London.” Says Stacy

“I’m sure it’s nice in Maine.” Says Stella

“The point being that it’s not London; the Maine wilderness is nothing remotely close to London, and if you want to embark on a trip for Maine, go right ahead, just don’t inform your travel companions that you are all going to end up in London despite having a direct course for Maine when in reality you will end up 3,000 miles away from London with no ability to progress the trek any further.” Says Stacy

“The idiom of the grass is always greener on the other side seems to defend you; clearly regardless of what side we end up on, the grass will never be as green as on the other side, so perhaps the best solution is just to try and make our own grass greener, and as that is the impossible pursuit of the idealists according to your rhetoric, I suppose all we can do is attempt to perceive the fact that our grass is indeed greener; sure give people a patch of dirt to experience if they complain about the grass, why not indoctrinate people so that they’re completely unaware of the other patches of greener grass around the world. People just want their grass to be greener, and functionally that just means they want to perceive their grass to be greener, as every human sentiment is filtered through perception, so with that knowledge in hand, I can’t argue with your philosophy for anything beyond the sport of doing so.

It’s almost peculiar I’ve reduced the state of human existence and the pleasures and suffering that define it to the simple perception of a person observing grass, but I like that thought more than actually deriving all of the unsavory facets of reality that define the allegory and how each relates to the greenness of the grass, and the perception of this grass. The thought of just looking at grass is quite comforting compared to the tumult of reality, so I’m not particularly tempted to leave this idyllic field of grass, itself largely if not entirely disconnected from reality all together, just a simple field of green grass, no fields to compare it to, just grass, calming, empty, serene, perhaps a subtle breeze to sway the grass. That thought was eerily pleasant and unfortunately an image of the regrettable appearance of the sordid decrepit half dead grass of whatever field we might happen to be in tried to creep into my mind, but I’m ignoring that thought; it’s just grass, meaningless grass, it’s not my grass, it doesn’t even exist, just a nightmare perhaps, a nonsensical dream, but now I am merrily awake in my little field of green grass that is just so pleasant, and certainly I couldn’t ask for anything more; I can’t even be bothered to fantasize about anything more than this, why would I spoil something with comparison when there is no need to do so; I don’t need anything more than this contentment, and I have no desire to even  begin to cognize possible improvements; to do so would be distasteful, to sully this field that is perfection in itself, simple grass, nothingness, empty, meaningless, with no need for something, meaning, or fullness; such things seem almost disgusting to even think about, somehow changing this pleasant emptiness, it feels much like sleep, quiet, calm, empty, it’s quite nice. I like that thought.” Says Stella

“That’s akin to what the reformed evangelical temperance solicitors like to tell dad whenever they come, ‘one is too many and a thousand is never enough’, it makes just as much sense in regards to meaning, things, fullness, and those sorts of things. Just a drop of meaning, things, or fullness will make somebody crave it indefinitely; they will never be able to get enough of those things if they decide they enjoy the taste for them, so abstaining from those sorts of sentiments is a pleasant kind of temperance in itself. I’m sure plenty of people will zealously argue the pleasures of being dunk on those sorts of things, just as the drunkards will for the pleasures of drink, but truly you are not finding meaning or fullness, you are digging a hole in your mind and soul with your consumption of these things, these things bore into your mind and leave a gaping chasm that must incessantly be filled by new things and meaning and fullness as the old ones quickly turn to dust; it’s a shame really; people love to adulterate their minds with external stimulus, distractions, pleasures, and fanciful thoughts when truly despite the ephemeral pleasure and entertainment these things offer, they leave you far more empty than you were before once the pleasures fade and you must find more in order to re-fulfill the hole that you happened to dig, when originally there was no need to fill that hole because it did not exist; it was a simple curiosity that cased a person to dig and now they must incessantly fill that hole, which will always feel empty compared to the fullness it once had unless one can consistently fill it to the brim and make the hole even larger to ensure pleasure proportional to the original act of breaking ground, by forcing more things into it, and as that happens it is more and more likely that the person will reach a point where they can no longer expand the hole, the feeling of fullness only arising when the hole is not only full but being dug to an even greater extent, and then the hole is simply full perhaps and the person feels restless because they would rather be digging, then eventually the filling of the hole turns to dust faster than it can be filled, and the person finds themselves with a wretched consumptive emptiness that defines their life and tortures them with feelings of longing, unfulfilled desires, and sentimental reflections that only pour salt in the wound of the newfound emptiness.” Says Stacy

“As much as living that sort of life may not result in a substantial significance to one’s own existence, the comfort provided by abstaining from that pursuit is easily comparably pleasurable as actually achieving that signification, and considering that many pursuits often leave the pursuer in far worse shape psychologically due to their failures and shortcomings, it truly is a gambler’s vice to attempt to pursue meaning and significance due to the nature of this pursuit functioning as a gambler’s debt when they lose, and as an addicts compulsion when they succeed. Clearly humans would not amount to much if anything if people would rather be contented with nothing than pursue being contended with something despite the risk of becoming discontented due to failure, so as much as it’s not a particularly human mindset, as human history is defined by the pursuit of greater personal meaning and significance, it truly is a far more pleasant one when observed with an objective and rational lens.

 It just hit me as to why I find that field so pleasing; it’s because I’m not there, I can see the field clearly but my body isn’t there at all, no me, no thoughts, none of my life, it’s just a field and that’s it, that’s why I think it’s such a perfect place without problems, clearly if I’m not there none of my problems are there; I suppose that’s why it’s peaceful because clearly if I were there all of my problems will still be inside of my body, so I’m certainly not going to spoil that serenity with my own existence. As much as it seems odd, it truly is relaxing, just forgetting about myself, cognizing reality without any impact from my own existence. Clearly I wouldn’t have any problems if I didn’t exist, so it’s a great way to release myself from my problems by imagining a world where I don’t exist; basically nothing but a field of grass exists, the sky, the wind, the sun, nothing else. Just replacing my entire consciousness with a nice pastoral scene and forgetting that any other part of me exists anywhere, I just exist as this perception of the field without any influence beyond the ability to experience the scene without existing in any other way. Just sensory input, no thoughts, no me, nothing else; it’s an odd fantasy, but I doubt I could imagine anything more pleasurable than experiencing the serenity of meaningless empty nature free from the strife and troubles associated with being a living human being. Regardless of how perfect my life might be, I’ll still have endless problems, so rather than insert myself along with my problems into any fantasy, refraining from acknowledging my existence is profoundly relaxing.” Says Stella

“See? Rather than consume yourself with attempting to resolve the countless problems somehow, just remove the problems entirely and the solution is both incredibly efficient and effective. The problems are completely resolved because the source of the problems doesn’t exist, so as much as resolving problems that exist may seem tempting, the true solution is to avoid having the problems exist in the first place. As much as that solution might only exist in your mind, I’m sure having a mental solution to just the thought of problems is quite a delightful resolution to that which clearly cannot be resolved through any other means. That field is capable of solving every problem in your life until you are forced to acknowledge them, so if you are ever in a situation where there’s a problem you are powerless to do anything about, just try to remember that the imagining the field itself is likely the only feasible solution to any worry or stress you would otherwise encounter if you tried to cognize your problems and somehow think some solution into action when clearly doing so is impossible.

Remove the problems if you can’t resolve them, as much as your knack for worrying might try to get the better of you, just try to make a note to yourself reminding you to imagine that field rather than concern yourself with things that are out of your control. Clearly this sort of escapism is not the solution to things you have the capacity to do something about, but if the problem is beyond your control there’s absolutely no reason to worry about it; you just end up pointlessly making stress for yourself, and as much as that is human instinct, because instinctively the human mind wants to resolve the problems, if you can over power that bit of instinct with logic you’ll be in much better shape than if you let the problems consume your mind incessantly.” Says Stacy

“As reasonable as that sounds, objectively speaking, the fact that you are telling me to do these things is only making me more concerned about the reasons why you are telling me to do them. I’ll try forget that and use my own voice to remind me, but hearing your voice tell me those things is just reminding me of the reasons as to why I should do those things, and the reasons themselves are far more glaring in my mind than any fortitude I have in my mind that would allow me to overpower the negative thoughts with this serene image of the field. I’m trying, but goodness gracious it is hard when I hear your voice telling me to do these things, considering I am forced to cognize your intentions as to why you would be telling me those things.” Says Stella

“Practice makes perfect, I suppose, and I’ll quickly drift off topic, so you can just remind yourself in your own calm and pleasant voice to think of that field, not for any reason perhaps, but just because that thought is so pleasant; things are pleasant in the current moment, the thought of the field is pleasant, so why bother to delve into any prophetic conjecture regarding the future when such ordeals are frightful, stressing, pointless, and entirely needless.” Says Stacy

“I don’t think people put any particular effort into fretting about the future; it’s a compulsive thing that is likely connected to subconscious instinct. I suppose I just need to coddle these thoughts so I can drift into profoundly delusional nihilism, treating reality as equally relevant as my fantasies, meaning to treat it as palpably insignificant meaninglessness. I’m sure that level of dissociation is not particularly sane, but when my life is falling apart I don’t know what I can do if anything; it’s either be attached to reality and feel that it is this significant meaningful experience, that it means something to me and I should feel certain ways when certain things happen, and as much as that is the way I’ve always felt, when doing so produces nothing but stress and fear which I am powerless to absolve, I don’t know if it’s any more healthy to feel that way about life or anything really.

The more you invest in something the more you have to lose, and in my case that would largely be my emotions and sanity, which I admit are heavily invested in reality, but as things fall apart, I look at the performance and yield of that investment, I analyze the projected yields if I make that same investment, and I have a powerful aversion in making that investment again knowing how much I will lose when I do so. As dissociative and nihilistic as it may be, consciously avoiding any investment in my life just seems to be the most reasonable thing for me to do right now. I don’t want to be hurt; I don’t want to feel that awful pain that you know I feel sometimes. When I care, I get hurt, and the more I care, the more I get hurt, and that pain is such a dissuading influence that I see countless opportunities to care and I am too afraid to care, I can’t bring myself to care just because I know how much it hurts me. Obviously I can’t help caring about you, and my life, and all these things I hold dear, but the pain induced by doing so is so powerful that it handedly induces this psychological dissuasion from doing so, not for any logical reason other than the animal instinct to avoid the pain.

 This aversion causes my life to feel something like a dream, where sensation and thought are far more faint than they would be if I were awake, just acting and living out of compulsive and routine behaviors without questioning what I am doing or any of the surroundings or my circumstances; I avoid giving any thought to things because the thoughts will betray me; clearly I can’t help thinking sometimes, but it’s almost like I am consciously repressing all thoughts just to avoid the countless painful ones. I am afraid of emotions, of caring, and feeling to the point that I just run away from all of those things, I notice these feelings and thoughts in my mind and I just become scared of them, I see them like some sort of danger or a predator, not even associating them with myself but seeing them as something separate from myself entirely, like seeing a wild animal; that is how distant and dissociated these feelings have become.

It’s odd that I’ve compartmentalized my mind to the point where basically everything is quarantined, but it truly makes my mind far more peaceful, ironically enough, as you are the one who argues in favor of segregation; even if I seem a little distant or faded or dissociated, I truly do feel better, just warm physical sensations in my mind, pleasant thoughtlessness, none of those upsetting feelings, at least as much as I can avoid them, which I am thankfully getting better at. It wasn’t like this until recently, perhaps yesterday night as the fear started to become consumptive and inescapable, it was so impossible to escape that the only thing I could do is run. To remove the problem, I would have to remove myself from reality, and ironically relying upon your familiar logic I ended up in this sort of dissociated state with nearly every aspect of my mind quarantined knowing that if they begin to interact that my mental state quickly degrades into a tumult of pain, sorrow, grieving, fear, misery, weakness, and dying, for I have lost my will to fight, and be angry, or upset, or indignant many days ago, each time I would feel that way reality would quickly bear down its relentless abuse upon me, reminding me how powerless I am and how futile it is to even try to do anything, and this would break my spirits; even if I mustered the self-respect to try and be angry again, a horse can only buck so many times before it breaks, before it knows bucking is futile and it simply accepts its fate and stops bucking all together. How about you, how do you feel?” Says Stella

“I’ve always found being alive to be rather disagreeable, for obvious reasons of discomfort and discontent among others; clearly I’m not going to invest myself into something that doesn’t suit my fancy. Beyond that, the simple aspect of being alive, my ken expands onto human life, society, particular people, and such things are all in such poor taste that I find them repulsive; seldom do I feel anything besides shame and disgust with the wretches that walk this planet and their effigy to nature, correctness, success, and existence all together. When I constantly feel this way, I am never tempted to invest anything in that sort of nonsense, in normalcy, decency, and pitiful standardized means in which a human finds their experience to be pleasant or meaningful, as the yield from such investments is always pitiful and often negative, so clearly I’m not getting any bang for my buck by doing so unless I enjoy shooting myself in the foot for some odd reason, which unlike most people, I don’t.

That being said, I’ve got a healthy bounty of mental capacity to invest in something, and given that reality and ephemeral pleasure from physical sensation are off the table, I instead invest most all of my conscious liquid assets into myself, into my thoughts and the pleasant experiences I can create for myself within my mind, any by segregating this experience from the outside world and even the physical sensations of my body, I am able to maintain a perpetual place where I can enjoy myself simply by distracting myself with entertaining thoughts, and of course when I am so invested in my own consciousness, in the free thought that flies well above reality, I am going to end up with a good deal of confidence and self-respect considering it is myself and only myself that makes me feel so pleased all the time, so there would be no reason for me not to wholeheartedly respect such a wholesome and wonderful thing as my own consciousness. You know I am a narcissus, but that word has been adulterated from its true meaning, I am not self-centered and self-serving as much as I am simply enthralled by myself, truly captivated by this wonderful experience in my mind, so deeply invested in this world that exists only of myself and is limited only by the capacity of my mind. It is a wonderful time, and even when I’m talking my mind is often in this faraway place entirely unhindered and unscathed by reality, and my speech is something like an exhaust, like a byproduct created by this pleasurable entertainment engine.

Clearly I am well aware of reality, and I do act accordingly, as I am not a catatonic narcissus, so it is true that I do have some substantial investment in reality to avoid becoming one, and those investments are in things that are substantial parts of my life, of the coincidental physical experience that I somewhat absentmindedly wander through in the day to day, and that is a significant part of myself, usually more than a third but not quite a half, but that being said it is truly a compartmentalized experience so that often I am 100% captivated by my own mind, while at other times 100% of my mind is focused on my surroundings in reality due to whatever unusual events have given them precedence. Of course you are very important to me, and the majority of that secondary mindset is invested in you, with the rest in my friends, and a bit in dad but there’s no yield in from his market so there’s little investment other than a quaint bit of pleasure from watching the static nature of the investment that never gains or falls, but as for other people seldom if ever will I treat them as anything more significant than dog shit unless they otherwise prove themselves to be more so entertaining than dog shit, in which case they are not given any significance or meaning or value, but they are certainly appreciated for the entertainment value they provide.

As for feelings, I feel great, full of myself as always, quite proud, feeling successful for no particular reason, feeling even more successful simply because I feel successful, quite pleased and pleasured with this feeling of success, and there’s this small little child in my heart, as if I were somehow my own child, as this child is me, and that child has all of these quaint little beautiful feelings that I acknowledge and understand, and even sometimes give enough merit to sympathize with to the best of my ability, especially when it comes to your disposition, as the child can easily hop on the fear horse and start spurring like there’s no tomorrow, not that fear is that much more powerful or palpable than any other feelings, but it’s certainly not a comfortable one like love and tenderness, and that sort of pleasant experience. I suppose I operate my mind and feelings separately, but regardless of this my mind can still elect to feel things when it can appreciate the feelings without a conflict of prudence and logical rationale, and I’ve been getting better at that lately, as you’ve got a knack for putting me in these emotional situations where I can acknowledge that my feelings are sincere and significant, and that feeling them does no harm and can easily do good, and even if they may not be as strong and overwhelming as the feelings the normal sort tend to experience, they are still quite powerful even if they never leave my heart and infiltrate my brain.” Says Stacy

“I don’t know why I’m so grateful for that little bit of tenderness, but I really am, it makes me want to hug you.” Says Stella, deeply moved but reluctant to express it, Stacy gets out of her chair and goes to hug her, Stella starts to cry silent tears, Stacy kisses her neck

“You know I love you.” Says Stacy, softly

“I love you too.” whimpers Stella softly, her feelings disconnected from her thoughts, her, thoughts completely absent from her mind as only feelings course through the channels of thought, holding her for a long moment, spinning Stacy slightly to grab the spoon and stir the pot healthily, smiling, comforted by the routine action, before putting it back on the spoon rest, and going back to holding Stacy with both arms, resting her head in the crook of her neck, rocking her slightly, now happy, comforted, and feeling safe. Relaxation and a sense of ease wells up from deep inside of her and begins to flow unhindered through her body as she is blissfully lost in the moment. She lifts up her head and kisses Stacy’s lips delicately. “I feel better now, thank you.” She says, having stopped crying, genuinely grateful, having forgotten about anything and everything that may have been troubling her, her mind only aware of the sensation of pleasurable comforting and compassion and their overpowering accentuation by human embrace

“Go fix drinks, supper is ready.” Says Stella, playfully slapping Stacy’s ass with two quick strokes too soft to make any noise “Water for me.” She says

“Right-o.” says Stacy, as Stella grabs two bowls, places them on the counter, and spoons supper into one before grabbing a tablespoon and sitting down, Stacy puts the water and the milk on the table before fixing herself a bowl and returning to the table




“Anything of particular interest running through your mind? I’ve repressed my thoughts to the point where I’ve even repressed the thought of thinking thoughts, so I’m a blank slate right now, hopefully you won’t sully as my suspicions cause me to believe.” Says Stella

“A suspicion isn’t a thought?” asks Stacy

“It’s just the half-subtle fear inside of me, deep in my belly, that’s all, nothing in particularly thoughtful about it. I’m not delving into conjecture as to what it might be beyond noticing the fear and blacking out my mind’s ability to identify it as anything beyond a foreign unknown.” Says Stella

“Delightful; I’m just pondering my usual schemes, how to accomplish everything while doing nothing at all. It’s a fun game, but it’s truly exhausting considering that I feel the fatigue of doing things just by thinking about doing them, but as you were saying, mental conditioning is a great way to adapt a certain thinking pattern, and the more aversion I develop to the thought of doing things, the more the countless thoughts in my mind are directed towards situations where I do remarkably little and still accomplish great things.” Says Stacy

“I’d love to hear one of these theoretical situations where you can somehow accomplish something without doing anything.” Says Stella

“Well, of course I have to do things, but I try to minimize that as much as possible. You know that talking takes little effort, so that’s usually on the table, and considering that I have grandiose ambitions despite my reluctance to do anything beyond talking, and even beyond talking in my usual style of rhetoric meaning I’m even unwilling to manipulate people or convolute things in order to further the chances of my words being taken to heart. That being said, I see my ambitions as largely futile, attempting to convince society at large that my philosophy and ideas are the most reasonable of all proposed arguments, as it is impossible to convince anyone of something they don’t already believe, and it is impossible twice over to convince somebody of something they staunchly disbelieve rather than simply being rather ignorant to the fact.

Knowing this to be true, I see no real plausibility of success by having an adventure seeking to convince the people of the country through the usual procedure of politics, activism, let alone literature in this great wholeheartedly illiterate nation, and as such routes are impossible to succeed by, I turn my gaze upon alternative routes. Politics is clearly something everybody knows everything about, so convincing somebody of my policy through politics is impossible twice over, as the things people are convinced are true are most always contrary to my philosophy. That means I have to set my eyes on a field that nobody knows anything about in order to actually have any ability to influence the thought processes of those involved. Philosophy would have been an option some thousands of years ago, but seldom do people think today, so such a route is once again impossible as people are very much so convinced that thinking is a crock of shit and a waste of time. A field that nobody knows anything about is education, which of course is because the world is entirely indifferent to the education of the youth and seldom if ever has anyone actually invested in studying the field and the results of certain methods compared to others in any detail, so people just drum up some bullshit and call it a day because it sounds right enough and nobody gives a damn at the end of the day, nor did they even give a damn at the beginning of the day, to be frank, but they take home a paycheck, a pat on the back, because the top minds in the field consists of people whose minds were not competent enough to do anything other than reiterate basic knowledge to children because their own mental capacity for understanding information was limited to a level that is on par with children.

As much as I could likely do so, I have no interest in making a living by reiterating petty knowledge to children in the standard fare of teaching, which may I remind you was one of the few jobs that existed with a minimum mental capacity low enough that men allowed women to do it, which is dismissive and demeaning to teachers sure, but as their jobs are required, I cannot disrespect them solely on this ground. Clearly I don’t want to teach in a school, as that consists of being little more than a record on repeat until I die, and that truly is an effigy to the capacity and capability of human life. I don’t care about children, so that one motivating factor that drives some people into the field is not relevant. I do however want people to understand my philosophy and my logic, and as adults will always be completely opposed to it due to their high degree of solidified indoctrination, children are far more plastic in their minds as the world has not hardened them to appreciate the value of the common indoctrination because one’s compliance with said indoctrination is what determines whether and adult eats or starves, lives or dies. Children don’t face this threat of death for noncompliance, and as they are naturally rebellious, they make the perfect candidates to educate regarding my philosophy, but more so my logic.

 Clearly I cannot have in depth conversations about the true value, yield, efficiency, and logic that defend my policy, but what I can do is influence them, to guide them in such a way that they adapt my style of thinking, not that I even teach them anything in particular, but simply how to think. Clearly being a rote teacher is not going to accomplish this in the slightest, so I would not be interested in that field at all, nor would I be able to swallow my pride to the point where I go to college to attain a degree that allows me to assert the fact that I am equally as intelligent as a child. Rather than be a teacher, I would be something like a coach, a life coach, a problem solver; I would run some sort of self-improvement club, like a scouts or church group, but larger in scale, and use that as a grounds to teach people nothing particularly academic, but life skills in regards to maintaining a healthy mentality and how to analyze and assess their lives.

I would not delve into policy, but teach them to use the same logic and apply it to their own life, to theorize the repercussions, yield, risks, rewards, costs, and bounty that result from each decision they make, to teach them logic that allows them to refute some of the indoctrination they are force fed; as of course I would not tell them explicitly to do that, I would give them the tools they need to do so and in their own rebellious nature they would certainly enjoy sticking it to the man in their own conceited immortal delusional omniscience that all children who believe themselves to be more so intelligent than a rock will always have. I see myself as some sort of analogue to the fat wrestling coach in a track suit, looking over his athletes, demanding everything in more from them, while demanding nothing from himself save for consistently demanding things from the youth and expecting to accomplish nothing himself but to instead accomplish things through the vectors of his mentality that are so unhindered by his own psychological and physical shortcomings.

It is my ability to know things, to just instinctively know things off the top of my head that makes me think I would be able to succeed in that position. That I could constantly give advice to these children because every problem in their life, at least at that point, comes from them being painfully shortsighted and lacking common sense, and for that reason alone I can masterfully explain the logic of how to address and handle their situations in such a way that they attain reliable results, because as lazy and unmotivated as I may be sometimes, I am very well versed in the field of common sense, and easily in foresight so long as the prophetic conjectures don’t depend on scenarios that stray far from common sense. I teach them to be better people, to teach them inhuman, heartless, and flawless natural logic in a way that they don’t question it, not in some disagreeable way, but using only agreeable scenarios where they apply that same logic upon non-sensitive topics to attain the correct result, and ingrain this dependence upon logic so thoroughly that when they are presented with disagreeable ideas of revolutionaries such as myself they will thoughtlessly apply this logical process due to muscle memory and psychological conditioning due the success it yields, and fearful dependence due to witnessing the downfall of others whose minds operate independently from these logical processes. I teach the kids to have faith in the process, to teach them the process that allows them to reap copious yield from their daily life, knowing that they will quickly begin to depend on the logical process, and due to this they will support the logical yet disagreeable solutions because they are conditioned to depend upon logic rather than agreeability.

 I cannot accomplish my desired ends in the current medium of society, and with that being true society must be changed in order for my ends to be accomplished; knowing this I am saving myself the trouble of attempting the impossible and instead focusing on the logical process of how x depends on y which depends on z, with z being my personal commitment to the logical education and personal betterment of the youth, y being the resulting change in society as the success of my education yields many proponents of said success which in turn yields more people whose minds function in the logically dependent manner rather than the standard sentiment dependent kind, and when the people think the way that I do, only then does it become possible for society to see the value of my arguments, because as it stands they cannot comprehend it explicitly because they are taught to think in a manner that is explicitly contrary to logic, they are taught to emphasize and utilize false logic and spurn real logic, and for that reason they will never listen; it is like attempting to inform somebody of something by speaking English when that person in question speaks only German. They might pick up the sound of a few words with similar roots and guess correctly, but even that is an exhibition of a high degree of intuition and intelligence that is rare amongst people, and beyond that a simple inference of the meaning of a few words here and there is not going to explain my argument in any tangible detail or sensibility to the person in question. I know how to do everything, and as much as I can’t do it myself due to issues with corporeal autonomy amongst other things, I can still easily teach people how to know and understand things so that despite my own meagre body, personal commitments, and reluctance to act, the boon and bounty offered by my knowledge can still be accomplished despite my complete inability to do so.” Says Stacy

“So you basically just want to indoctrinate kids yourself and have them somehow accomplish what you cannot due to the fact that it is twice impossible, once due to circumstance and once more due to your laziness. It sounds reasonable, but I don’t understand why anyone would be interested in finding their child something called a life coach.” Says Stella

“Parents are all confused and ignorant, they will have faith in anything they can; people are stupid, they have faith in homeopathic medicine of all things despite a completely ridiculous definition of what that actually is, most people only understand it as a ‘natural’ product, and that is enough to convince them of the legitimacy of baseless claims on the box that inform the buyer in plain text that the claims are explicitly baseless, and not only that, but these people are stalwartly convinced that homeopathic medicine is actually much better than actual medicine and that real medicine is somehow extremely bad. You understand why it is currently impossible, but truly the justification behind this approach is why it becomes possible, my laziness becomes a non-factor when I am not the one accomplishing these things or doing anything beyond my usual routine of talking, and the factor of society is the one that changes, with enough success society will change, and this should be simple enough because even a small increase in the performance of the children will lead to overwhelming support of my practical education, because people always become extremely overzealous about even small increases in success: a recently developed medicine is hailed as a breakthrough because 7 of 10 people saw improvement in symptoms compared to 6 of 10 using a placebo, and the fact that this medicine had an endless list of side effects including death was completely irrelevant, as the statistics inform us that it is an effective treatment when compared to placebo, even if it is only slightly, the mind of the common person just sees this drug and the line that says ‘this drug is an effective treatment’ and put the faith that people once had in Jesus into that drug, expecting wholeheartedly that their condition will be miraculously cured by this drug that in reality is hardly if at all any more effective than a placebo. People don’t understand statistics or measurements, they simply see the words ‘proven to be better’ and they go crazy as if it is some sort of miracle, all they want is their lives to be better, and if something is proven to be better even only slightly, the fact that betterness exists is more than enough to gain massive amounts of support from the desperate people of our country and of the world.” Says Stacy

“You still need some sort of legitimate study to be performed on your life coaching nonsense in order to even claim that to be true. That requires having this little shtick exist beforehand and have enough constituents that it can be the grounds of a legitimate scientific study. I doubt people will be tempted without some sort of explanation as to why your program actually helps kids, but I figure if you spent the time to read you could find lines from philosophers and even science and take them out of context so that they seem wholly supportive of your philosophy. That sort of standard is probably as legitimate as the homeopathic standardization where the box never argues that the product actually works; they just inform you that the literature about homeopathy itself argues that these products actually work regardless of consistently lacking any legitimate evidence that outperforms a placebo.” Says Stella

“If I hold myself to a philosopher’s standard; that unfortunately puts an infinite amount of chinks in my armor, considering that the field itself is both infinite and baseless, as all somebody has to do is think something in order to disagree with me and they are automatically just as legitimate as anyone else. Even a standard of acclaimed philosophers would be equally useless, because philosophers tend to do nothing but contradict those who came before them and presume in their conceited egotism that by disagreeing with the previous philosophers and asserting their own contrary argument they have simultaneously progressed the field of philosophy immeasurably as well as solidified their unquestionable legitimacy as a philosopher.

This means any time a philosopher says something that might support me, the famous philosophers from the subsequent generations would say things that contradict everything the original argued for and by proxy be contradicting me, my process, and my legitimacy. Of course it is a somewhat moot point because even the pettiest scholar of philosophy will himself likely disagree with half of the things he reads and agree with the other half, so ultimately it is little more than a coin flip, Schrödinger’s correctness so to speak, as none of the people truly understand the philosophy and it’s a simple unknowable coin-flip in their minds as to whether or not I am correct, and seeing how they can’t even understand the result of the coin-flip in their own minds, their arguments are bound to function under the current golden standard of always being simultaneously correct and incorrect, which is interpreted via hypocrisy as the the popular argument stating that ‘I am always right, and even when I’m wrong, I’m right.’ Which itself is the basis for the masochistic passion for dysfunction in the government, because given that one’s person’s argument is supported by their cult, it doesn’t matter how egregiously wrong and dysfunctional that argument is when the cult wholeheartedly believes that it’s right. Right and wrong is always determined before any sort of measurement and testing, as the philosophical analogue of correctness does not need such things due to the fact that it is philosophical in origin and thus inherently baseless, but philosophy is still so bold to this day that any measurements and testing of arguments are entirely irrelevant regardless of what facts and correctness may inform us about the inanity and incorrectness of the presumedly right argument, because philosophy has always existed in a land of fantasy rather than reality, and thus has no science to force it to conform to normalcy other than the volatile minds of humans after whatever copious levels of indoctrination happen to adulterate their natural minds.

Science on the other hand is likely the go to, as I can always say my philosophy itself is modeled after science, that I am teaching lessons that are taught to people by the real world. Because truly nature will always defend correct mathematics, and even something as disagreeable as killing the weak is defended by nature because it is defended by correct mathematics, that society is measurably more successful without the dead weight of the weak burdening it. Even in miraculous situations where some degenerate criminal or child with terminal cancer somehow create this revolution that somehow produced measurable results and success that entirely negate the burden on society created by those groups of people, that probability is so immeasurably small that justifying the continued existence of these people is still not worthwhile in the slightest, as even the most irrationally high probability of success would see such an event only happen 0.1% of the time, meaning that the burden on society induced by 1,000 generations of these people is still 99.9% of the original burden.

Nature will consistently argue against many things defended with ethics or humane reasoning, and for that reason science as well condemns these things, and even if I don’t bring these arguments up in their literal form, I can thoroughly explain them in the same manner with reasonable allegories. “4 kids in a yearlong project, one of the kids will never do any work or help at all because he chooses not to and forces the other 3 to work 33% harder just to finish the project in order to pass the class, there is the option to replace the lazy kid with a normal hard working person, but that requires waiting one week for this new person to be found, and given this situation, would it be better to keep the lazy kid or replace him, knowing that people can only work a 100% capacity, and due to this 300% of 400% of necessary work results in receiving a poor a grade of 75 on the project, which itself is 50% of the grade in a class that is very influential on high school transcripts in regards to college admission.’

 If a rock falls from 10,000 feet in the air in Belgium it’s not going to fall any differently than the same rock falling from 10,000 feet in Japan regardless of the fact that houses in Japan are made of paper, and as much as this is common sense we fail miserably to teach this to the people of the world by enforcing countless egregious and destructive double standards simply because people would rather believe that blatantly incorrect things they want to be correct are somehow correct simply because the fallacy they believe in is so much more agreeable. It’s an incredibly destructive standard and I figure teaching children from a young age the skillset they need to understand the dangers of this philosophy is likely our only hope for saving the world, because by the time people realize that it is their hypocrisy and empathy that has induced an extreme degree of dysfunction and chaos throughout the world, it will be far too late to resolve the issue simply because the vast majority of people prescribe to this school of thought and will gladly fight to the death to ensure that empathy and feelings are used to discern the proper course of action rather than correctness, and straying from correctness in such an egregious and disgusting manner is assuredly going to produce results that are profoundly worse than if correctness were adhered to, regardless of how agreeable and sympathetic the solutions might appear to be at first.” Says Stacy

“I like how you’re going to teach kids that killing the weak is the right thing to do by using a group project as an allegory. Unfortunately even if they agree with your logic in that situation, which they likely will, humans have these peculiar instincts called emotions that prevent them from doing things like killing and hurting other people. Not that you would know much about that, but just as a bit of forewarning, there’s going to be a lot more reluctance to support the massacre of the weak when compared to kicking somebody out of one’s group project. The logic is the same, I will give you that, but clearly there is a natural reluctance to massacre people, considering that helping the poor and the sick was always far more commonplace throughout history than simply killing them outright. I’m not saying that genocide and massacres didn’t happen, but the density of such things throughout history informs us that it is the minority of people who think in such a way that can justify those actions simply due to measurable yield, be it economic, social, or personal.

That being said I think it would be pretty cute to see you reduced to using nothing but wholesome allegories to teach kids to think in the way you think, and as much as I doubt they will pick up on the hints as to what those allegories represent, even if they did I doubt they would embrace those aspects of the lessons. Sure, they might be a bit more mechanical and cold hearted, but they likely won’t turn into entirely heartless machines considering that the power of human instinct, intuition, empathy, and sympathy are all such powerful forces that they could easily overpower any logical argument running through a child or even a person’s mind. Sure the people will know what is correct, what is efficient, and what is logical, but they won’t embrace it because they also know that it feels bad, it makes them feel sad and evil, and regardless of being incorrect in the process of doing so, most all people would rather avoid those feelings than actually be correct. The only thing that could possibly cause them to think and react otherwise would be a profound trauma that causes them to have a strong aversion to putting any trust in empathy or sympathy, and while this could happen, I’m sure you yourself wouldn’t be inducing this trauma in the process of life coaching.

 Sure you are increasing your odds of success, but seeing how those odds rely on some sort of worldwide chaotic tragedy caused by sympathy and empathy that abuses people to the point where they can no longer trust those feelings, you are doing little more than buying a lottery ticket. Even if that is all you are doing, ultimately you would just be burning your money if you took any alternative course of action, so this is probably your best bet if you can somehow refine your personality and impulsivity to the point where you avoid all heartless and insensitive topics, which may be hard considering I’m not entirely sure if you are even aware of which of you arguments are the insensitive and heartless arguments.” Says Stella

“I know which ones they are, they are basically every one of my arguments, so that makes it easy to guess, and clearly I understand the current spectrum of common sentiment spread across the people, so with that knowledge in hand, I can presume that my arguments that fall well beyond that spectrum are entirely disagreeable if not, god forbid, taboo. Clearly I will need to draw up countless allegories to explain my points in alternative forms, but considering that nature is universal, the same points I make in regards to public policy can clearly be found in countless parallels within society that can also be resolved using similar methods that by fortuitous serendipity don’t involve any insensitive or disagreeable methods of resolution. I teach people the methods, they understand that the methods work, and then when they are eventually presented by whichever of my disagreeable arguments they might happen to come across, they are familiar with the methods, very faithful in the methods for good reason, and that gives my arguments a much better chance of being supported as opposed to blindly condemned in the savage ignorance of the empathetic and sympathetic dolts.” Says Stacy

“I know you can logically defend doing this, but I feel that point is irrelevant considering that you would actually have to do this, not just argue in favor of it, but spend time every day doing something, and that part alone is likely enough to convince me that despite the relative ease of actually doing something like this, you will likely never even start to attempt to do something like this explicitly due to the reason that it involves doing something at all. I like it, I think it’s cute, and it would probably actually help kids more than you think; considering that the path to hell is paved with good intentions, one can argue that perhaps once in a while the path to heaven is paved with bad intentions, possibly a situation where you act as this super villain figure attempting to brainwash kids, but the super hero of human instinct, compassion, and sympathy comes to save the day by healing the minds of the children and in the end all of the children only became stronger, smarter, and better people due to your scheme.

With that in mind I doubt you could honestly do more harm than good just by teaching kids about real life situations and the benefits of using logic, as kids will clearly not pick up on the inhuman political ideology that is the inspiration for such allegories, and ultimately you just end up with kids who are much more reasonable and logical without having them be reduced to inhuman machines that crave success and efficiency. I don’t know why you thought of this, but I like it, it’s better than politics by miles and miles, and maybe you even become a respected scholar of education because you write so many books full of your allegories that explain the value of teaching kids logic that the education community celebrates you and the results your methods produce, considering that even adults likely won’t see through your ruse so long as you are consistently able to steer clear of any reference to anything that isn’t explicitly wholesome and friendly for children, which I have faith in you doing for some reason, just for art, for farce, for the pleasure of veiling your complicated subversive machinations with the impenetrable armor of wholesomeness.

Perhaps I’m being too optimistic, but I think that sort of pleasure and entertainment would be up your alley, considering that regardless of how successful you actually are, your natural disposition, egotism, and narcissism will probably cause you to feel like you are immensely successful and that your revolution is right around the corner. I can understand why you would think of something like this, but if is a far cry from your usual strategy of run bullheaded into everything, so I’m not entirely sure if you would actually be tempted enough to pursue this subtle subversion as you do seem to take great pleasure into running into the walls of society with bullheaded passion for bullheadedness.” Says Stella

“Regardless of the pleasure of being bullheaded, I am also a strong advocate of efficiency, and my contempt for hedonism means that I would easily forsake my pleasure of goring society with the bull’s horns of correctness and logic when there are far more efficient and practical measures that I could take to produce far more measurable and palpable results from my efforts. I take far more pleasure in success than simply arguing, and the only reason I find such pleasure in arguing policy and philosophy is because it is likely impossible to achieve any more success in those fields than simply arguing my points considering how disagreeable they are when referenced explicitly. It is the simple pleasure of performing at the maximum potential, regardless of the maximum itself being quite low, simply being at the maximum, at the top of that mountain, it quite a wonderful feeling in and of itself.

You are wise to understand my reluctance to do things, and for better or for worse I am even more reluctant than normal to seek out a true political career. I can’t bring myself to do something where I am forced to be a sycophant peddling some standardized indoctrination or the other just so I can somehow adulterate the common topics with some 20% of my arguments that happen to be contortable to fit somewhat into the pre-established dynamic. All of the current pre-established dynamics are all the equivalent of heavy metal poisoning, and even if I put 20% of my panacea into this mixture, it is still 80% heavy metal, and even in the miraculous case that the panacea is somehow effective against heavy metal poisoning it can still only neutralize 20% of that heavy metal by weight, and due to this I’m still only managing to reduce the active indefinite poisoning of the world by 40% while still perpetuating the standard that in order for an idea to be valid it must be defined by the symptoms of this heavy metal poisoning before any merit can be awarded to the idea in the first place.

By being a life coach I can basically only teach kids 20% of my reasoning and logic, in the most apolitical and agreeable manner, while saving myself the trouble of exerting the energy to perform endless duplicitous sycophantry just to have any chance of convincing any significant number of the people of the legitimacy of my claims because they will only believe me if the taste of heavy metal is far stronger than that of the panacea. The world is shameless, and for that reason, I must set my sights on those who are not yet a part of it, those who have not yet been so adulterated by this indoctrination that they have some chance of spurning it and living a respectable life of a human blessed with the natural legitimacy of mind, body, and soul.

As of now this idle cattail on the meandering river of my mind is such a pleasant idea that I’ve decided to keep it, hold it dear to my heart more than the usual cattails I might blow into the wind for entertainment on the lazy ride along the river of rightful righteousness. There are cattails a plenty, but this one is a bit more beautiful and tasteful, perhaps it’s not even a cattail at all but some other plant endemic to the purgatorial river Styx that flows between this damnable world of folly and the blessed world of wisdom. I’m not a botanist, I simply take pleasure in the flora, and I humble myself to live as the ephemeral evolution of the wind, the soft breeze who lulls even more lazily than I do, far more timeless in her art, but I take up the art in the same respect, in tribute, spreading the little seeds of these cattails in the hopes that one might take root in somebody somewhere, just as one had done in my mind at some unknown time in my past and drew me to the river because with such a plant growing inside of me I knew I needed this life giving river if I were to survive.

So now I blow, with the symphonic exhaust  of my dying, with no particular intent, just as the wind, with no thought given to the repercussions of my blowing beforehand, and with little if any interest in the repercussions of the life and death brought by my blowing after the fact, blowing because that is what I am naturally compelled to do, to emulate the mother wind that gave life to me, to whatever extent that I can; such is the process of life, and while I may be the entropic evolution of that which gave birth to me, far more expedient in my utilization of potential energy and far more ephemeral and hot in my life, I am of no different ether, nor air, water, fire, or earth, and I am the same in my nature as the wind, existing as a happenstance with little thought given to my significance or meaning and no resistance to doing that which I am naturally compelled to do.

It is a pleasant life, a serene one, and I find it wholesome and heartwarming, so pleasant to the point where it can easily be seasoned with meaning if I must defend it with such a fallacious concept of human delusion; the winds of wisdom blowing the seeds of cattails from the banks of the river unto the land of damnable folly, perhaps in spite, in jest, for simple entertainment, or perhaps simply indifferent to the impact it might have on those across the river, and I can find all of these reasons logical enough to justify my life if I must for some reason, as even if there is no hope that wisdom might one day bear a significant influence upon this land, there is still the symbolic and noble effort of giving the damned a chance, countless chances to redeem themselves, even if they spurn wisdom at every opportunity, as wisdom is immortal and extends far beyond this mortal realm, and as such it is no sacrifice for an infinite body to spread some of its seeds unto this mortal realm, even as most all fail to sprout, some may sprout, and those few that do remind the people, the gods, and the ledger of existence that humanity has always made the choice to succumb to folly, that they were given opportunities to forsake folly and every time chose not to, and even if one can see this as a somber death of wisdom, those of the kingdom of folly see their own conquest of immortal wisdom as a testament to the power of folly in the face of wisdom, a grand accomplishment, proving that mortals can spar with immortals and defend their realm from invasion and adulteration by those who may seek to interfere; even if it is an entirely indifferent and happenstantial interference with absolutely no intent of truly impacting the land of folly, to repel even an accidental or happenstantial assault is repelling an invasion from a god nonetheless, and to do so is a cause for revelry amongst those who find such pleasure in the conquest of folly and even more in the shameless pleasures endeared to the victors in such conquests.” Says Stacy

“You are delightfully weird sometimes, and as much as most people would call you a loony if they could even understand half of the meaning of your allegory, I find it almost relaxing to have my mind distracted by this fantastical interpretation of reality, as even if that bit was little more than allegory, I’m eagerly putting faith in it as if it were as legitimate as reality; I just find that the sort of fantasy that distracts my mind from the painfully cold world around me to be far too pleasant a thought to disregard as an allegory, so I’ve somehow convinced myself that you actually do those things. You’re just some kind of corporeal apparition in this dream realm we live in, but in reality you’re actually sitting on some Huck Finn raft on a river blowing cattails for entertainment. I don’t like very much about this world, the demands, the work, the pain, and suffering, but I like that image for some reason, it’s too idyllic to value less than reality, but I suppose that’s the nature of the delusion you tend to scorn in humans, even if theirs are a bit more oriented within reality than that one. As I’d rather not delve into my own life, as my creativity is not particularly powerful enough to readily interpret this material prison in such fanciful ways, tell me what else you might end up doing with your infinite wisdom and scant willpower, or even just what you want from life, as I’m sure whatever you want out of life is so delusionally lofty it’s indistinguishable from fantasy.” Says Stella




“You’re right about that, but being so limited by my willpower doesn’t really aid in the possibilities of manifesting my will through my materialized meatbag. I was talking with the girls and they told me I should be a bartender, as boring as that sounds, my capacity to talk endlessly and resonate with any bitterness and frustration that will arouse from seasoned drunks would be a boon in such a profession. Clearly I’m not a fun person, to the extent that I could entertain at a hedonist’s bar, but if the patrons are simply coming to drown their sorrows and be cynically embittered with a dash of humor, I might be able to fit in quite nice. As much as I can’t respect people who seek pleasure and entertainment, experiencing the ephemeral pleasure of chemical hedonism with their wet ears eagerly leading them unto folly, I can respect the people just trying to escape the pain of life and dying, those embittered with hedonism for they know the extent to which it betrays a man in time.

What do I want from life? Personally, nothing in particular, as the individual is truly a shameless tragedy, self-serving and loathsome, an effigy to a once functional natural organism that is now rife with the degeneracy induced by forsaking nature without replacing it with a functional substitute. Beyond any personal satisfaction, as I identify more as the entire human race than myself the bag of bones, I seek perfection, not the impossibility of perfection but the simple pursuit of perfection. I want the human race to consistently raise the bar; firstly to raise it from the standard well below natural selection to a standard that is comparable and close enough to on par with the beauty and function of natural selection but attuned to this post-natural society, then once this humble goal has been met, seek to further raise the bar, to consistently refine and enhance the human specimen through the traditional means of culling and animal husbandry, to breed people with intent, rather than aimlessly, to produce castes of people genetically adapted to their responsibility and role within the post-natural ecosystem, people whose genetics are refined to the point where they are physically, psychologically, and physiologically prone to success in whichever field they have been purposely bred to exist within. This is the primary dream I hold, for I see the human race as an abysmal failure, of people willingly forsaking their own knowledge that they have refined over millennia, simple knowledge of how to enhance the natural quality and success of animals, shamelessly conceited to the point that they fail to acknowledge that they themselves are animals, that the practices of shepherds honed over thousands of years apply in the same right to the human race as they do for sheep or any other animal.

 They instead chose to rampantly degrade the work of art that was once the human genome, refined and embellished by the timeless wisdom and blessings of nature, now held to no standard whatsoever, electing to take natural beauty and shamelessly destroy it rather than enhance it; this egregious tragedy in the same manner as if the FDA, after decades of research and regulation designed to profoundly improve the safety and quality of food, elects to abandon all standards and enforcement entirely, causing countless people to become sick and die because the unnatural nature of society leads people to make perilous and treacherous decisions with something so vital as food that they ultimately destroy themselves with the countless poisons and pathogens that so willingly infest and infect food with when nature and still post-nature give them the opportunity.

I see this destruction of the natural genome as desecration of the most sacred thing to the human race, the natural gift from god that is the secret genetic recipe, refined and mastered, passed down for billions of years by each progenitor of life, surviving only due to the fact that it was worthy to survive, a testament that such a genome exists because it earned its place amongst the venerable genetic competition on earth. Now in this unnatural world, it is no longer being refined and instead consistently degrades despite the fact that human knowledge is capable of creating a system that would yield even greater genetic advancement than natural selection, despite the fact that this human knowledge is testified to in the countless domesticated animals that have been refined and specialized to no end, most all of whom were bred to be far more capable of certain animal duties than their predecessors, yet despite this magnificent testament to the success of animal husbandry, the human race elects to forsake all of this knowledge and endear their progeny with disgusting and degenerate genetics that have no place on this planet, genetic degeneracy unfit to survive in nature, let alone in a society that has no excuse to be anything less than a profound and unthinkable improvement upon nature, but instead society excuses all of its unnatural atrocities and exists as a disgusting and shameless effigy to nature, a terminal malignant cancer spawned from the benign and beautiful tumor that was once all life on earth.

 I want the humans to repent for this grievous crime against nature, against humanity, to truly feel sorrow and regret for their misdeeds and pay penance to the point where I might begin to forgive them, so that I can almost tolerate the sight of such disgusting and unnatural abominations, even if only out of the most godly and humble pity imaginable. Human conceit will likely make this impossible, and such it is regrettable, but god is good nonetheless, and humanity will suffer endlessly in life for existing as such a terminal and malignant self-destructive cancer, and such a fitting hell exists for those who will live forever to see their progeny incessantly devolve into the most horrific and disgusting creatures that the human mind has the capacity to cognize, selected not for capability but for incapability, selected not for fitness but unfitness, selected not for worthiness but unworthiness. Such is the price to pay for failing to repent after the rapture, of the killing of the strong and healthy at the turn of the 20th, and it will be a beautiful eternity of damnation as I hear tell and testament to the most abominable level of hell imaginable, while I suffer pleasantly for whatever it is I might be condemned for, I will see people, or demons, or aliens, so be it, that are damned for their moral failings but still retain their natural capacity of fitness, capability, and success, and in hell a simple able bodied human would seem to be godlike to those damned to watch their genetics degrade to the maximum extent that a cancer can remain alive while competitively forsaking the laws of nature. I have no hope for my mortal future, but my eternal damnation will be so close to heaven as I watch the endless, incessant genetic degeneration of those who I devote my time to condemning so thoroughly. It is a simple desire, but I am somewhat content that I will never attain it, not particularly embittered by this fact, ashamed perhaps, but I am not indignant that I will not be given what I want, for I never expected to be given it in the first place.

This is what I want the most, and of course I would be delighted by this same pursuit of perfection being established in the non-biological systems that define society, and while more perfect systems are far more attainable, I can take only reluctant pleasure in the systems themselves, as what good is an angel’s dress when it is worn by a loathsome and disgusting abomination? It is appreciable, as the beauty of the dress is certainly still there, but it is so thoroughly ruined by the beast that wears it, that the dress must be observed entirely independently from the abomination in order to experience any sensation beyond revolting disgust. It is so profoundly unlikely that such a contorted and malformed creature could even bring itself to don such a beautiful garment, as the beast would find it unimaginably ill-fitting and profoundly distasteful compared to its own standard of beauty, yet even in this paradoxical world where it can don the dress, the beauty of the dress is entirely consumed by the aura of wretchedness that exudes from the beast. A perfect system is easily ruined by imperfect components of the system, and that is more than enough reason for me to have little hope in any substantial improvement of the systems that define society. I will simply look on with contempt, with disgust, as the degenerative nature of the human race exacerbates itself with time, as truly human culture at this time is the perfect breeding ground for degeneracy of mind, body, and soul, and our society is a proud testament to that malignant faith so profoundly disgusting it would be capitally slanderous to even allege that it is Satanic or demonic in the slightest, such a society is so ungodly that the traditional princes of hell hold no candle to the abominable demon that is the contemporary human mind.” Says Stacy

“If I ever need somebody to remind me of countless reasons why I should hate humanity I know where to turn. Your disdain for the human race is so profound that it’s impressive if not respectable. Even if somebody wants to hold people to a bar much lower than the one you argue for, they can’t really argue they’re right in doing so; they’re really just weak-willed and shameless. That being said, I’m rather weak-willed and shameless myself, so don’t expect much help from me on those eugenics campaigns. To be honest I’m too weak-willed to actually hate anything; sure I might get pissed off sometimes, but seldom if ever am I able to hold onto that frustration for any prolonged period of time for it to become resentment. I just accept the facts of the matter, swallow my pride, grin and bear it, more so grimace and bear it, but the same aversion you have for actual work I tend to have for any meaningful opinions or sentiments; I’m well aware of them, but to actually defend one or believe in one of them is extremely taxing.

I’m not particularly optimistic about any of the existent opinions, so even if one is a pinch better than the other, I’m not going to go to some rally just so there’s a pinch of cinnamon in the pile of garbage that is this meagre human existence.  I don’t know these systems or their repercussions well enough to have faith in them, and you remind me often enough that having faith in an idea without having actual measured, tested, and proven grounds to support that faith is the recipe for endless folly. Even the measurements that people offer are always so incomplete, shortsighted, and independent from any influence on society save for an estimation of upfront cost; just as I’m sure I would be fond of the women’s liberation movement in that time, but I doubt anyone was aware that birthrates would plummet, forcing manufacturing to leave the States due to the spike in the cost of labor.

People don’t understand what will happen beyond making something happen and hoping for the best, and due explicitly to the profound delusion that defines the idealist pursuit of perfection I doubt I will ever have faith in people accomplish anything that is truly good. Everything that seems good will always have terrible and unforeseen consequences, and without even knowing what they are I’m confident enough in the fact that they will occur that I don’t see much of a point in trying to accomplish much of anything with true intent. Perhaps I’m a minimalist, arguing that we should only do the simplest things that we know are beneficial, and if something is complex and convoluted just put that on the side because likely we will either make more of a mess or do little to actually resolve the problem we were attempting to resolve and probably end up exacerbating it by coddling it in some way as the idealists are so fond of doing.

I don’t know, I’m not confident in my ability to make important decisions, and I’m even less confident in the ability of the voting public to decide the decision making of the country; despite the success of the country, all of the establishment just feels rather ramshackle, as if it could fall apart in the blink of an eye if the people with money decided that investing in this country wasn’t worth their time, effort, or energy. People just tend to expect things without actually doing anything to accomplish them, and that doesn’t seem like a very functional plan, and the only reason anything works is because the capitalists attempt to ensure that they’re making as much money as possible, and by some serendipity that ensures that making sure that the poor and the petty riff-raff within the country are content enough not to turn everything on its head in their indignation.

People are expected to make something of themselves, but what they make compared to what they expect to receive for their product is so disproportional it’s insane, especially when compared to the rest of the world. The fact that American labor is increasingly less valuable while the people constantly demand more just seems to destroy any optimism that our standard of living is somehow sustainable, then once that collapses the country will fall to shambles and the world is forced to realized that making people happy inevitably leads to anarchy simply because it quickly comes to a point where it’s not economically viable to make people happy. Sure we can work to avoid starving, but I’m sure once the developing world has drained the vestigial economic power out of America in a few decades, we will be a hollow shell of the country we once were. Not that we would be all that impacted; it’s hard to imagine America without alcohol, cigarettes, and television, so I doubt dad would even be too phased by it all, but the shattering of the American Dream and the despair people will feel when this hedonistic paradise quickly turns into a dystopia where struggling to survive is the privilege of the healthy and the only pleasure is the absence of pain may well be enough to cause profound suicide and easily anarchy, seeing how people will all start to behave like desperate addicts resorting to crime and depravity in the face of an oppressive government and rapidly worsening living conditions. That is just with the economy in mind, let alone the chaos that will result from climate change, so as much as I don’t particularly enjoy the pressure cooker we live in now, I’m sure I will miss this relative peace and stability once it’s gone, as unfortunately I don’t take this profound pleasure in watching the people writhe in misery as a repercussion of their own folly, I tend to be concerned that I will end up the victim of these people who will all instinctively seek to transfer the pain and burden of their own existence onto anyone they can just to escape it.” Says Stella

“Economic collapse and external threats will always resort in fascism or communism, so considering that they’re both largely indistinguishable in practice, we’ve just got to hope we’re not on the list of people to be executed and go to work for our bread if there is any. I could possibly weasel my way into a petty bureaucratic position in either of the coming states, as my policies are basically the opposite end of centrism in the circle of politics, I’m either going to be far more communist than the communists or far more fascist than the fascists, and I’m sure that will go down as enthusiasm in their books; I might even get a nice commendation for my enthusiasm, you never know.

That being said I’ve got to act responsibly, take no sides in the civil war and only align myself once it’s been resolved, and once I’ve become a staunch supporter of the party in power, I’m set until the economy starts to collapse again and then I’m likely on the list of people to be executed, but looking at the success of communist Russia that may be near or beyond the end of my life, so ultimately I’m not particularly worried about that. You’re my sister and as soft spoken if not terse about anything political as you are, I’m sure you wouldn’t be suspected of anything, and we can have a laugh in my bureaucratic closet; you can be my secretary or something and we just have to write propaganda and inform the people of how amazing and successful the country is despite what it may seem, and that’s a nice little life cut out for us in the future.

You’ve got to remember that in those sorts of states, loyalty is worth more than labor, and so long as we’re nothing but positive and supportive of whatever tyrannical autocrat happens to be in power, we’ll have nothing to worry about. I would say it might be hard to live with yourself considering how shameless it would be to support somebody who has likely gone mad with power long ago, but seeing how that sort of thing would be out of our hands entirely there’s no point being upset about it. Survival of the fittest will always exist, clearly not by natural standards but of shamelessly unnatural ones, but regardless of that, survival is always appreciated, even if life is shit and the country is a shit show, if we’ve already paid for the tickets up to that point, there’s no reason not to try and enjoy the farce that the country will turn into once it becomes even slightly stressed by either of those two initiating forces.” Says Stacy

“I’ll be sure to keep my mouth shut the entire time the country collapses as to not make any enemies with whomever might come into power; you on the other hand I worry about, but hopefully you’re intelligent enough to preserve yourself when need be, and as much as you don’t mind talking, I’m sure lazy terseness will be somewhat tempting considering the fact that your life depends on it.” Says Stella

“Clearly I can’t convince even the allegedly sane and intelligent people of reason and logic, so I will not be tempted in the slightest to convince insane, belligerent, and idiotic revolutionaries of anything sensible. I will say I don’t know anything because that will be the truth, there is no way I could attempt to understand anything that defines the militantly idealistic dreams of people who put faith in the ability of their revolutionary guard to summon some utopia out of the rubble of a collapsed country, but clearly as humans are so naturally delusional that people will always believe those sorts of things, and once there is a semblance of order I will certainly praise whoever it is that will kill you if you don’t praise them.” Says Stacy

“If you can’t convince anyone of your arguments before and after the fact of revolution, I don’t see the temptation. You know yourself that you have nothing to gain except for dying at the hands of people you might upset with the things you say, and considering what you say, I would argue those odds are not negligible in the slightest if worse turns to worst. Try to find something else to entertain yourself, because I figure you will only grow more impassioned and consumed by your philosophy the more you indulge in it, so rather than exacerbate your already dangerously self-righteous egotism, perhaps try to think that despite any legitimacy and correctness of your arguments, in function they are ultimately as futile and stupid as the things you love to antagonize about anything and everything considering the fact that they only serve as self-denigrating and possibly life threatening social irritants when they react with the substrate that is the general public.” Says Stella

“Society wouldn’t do me the honor of letting me die a martyr, so you have nothing to worry about until somebody gets far too reckless with the politicide and they start making martyrs rather than progress. I said before that I’m simultaneously more so communist and fascist than either of those factions, so to sacrifice me would be the act of militant moderates and such centrists don’t have any place within a revolution until it starts to falter. The idealistic purists are all too soft-handed with their bubble gum fantasies of some beautiful revolution and would never turn to politicide, while the real revolutionaries that wield legitimate sense would value my stance on issues as they defend function over form, as any realist understands that there is no value in staying true to the tenants of one manifesto or another when such means are contrary to the desired ends of the party.

 That being said, considering that I doubt anyone would ever listen to me in the first place, I’ve got a moat of irrelevance surrounding this castle of legitimacy, beyond that the current political standard of the humanists and idealists is to somehow attempt to win cultural conquest through suicidal surrender and by avoiding any type of assault possible, and they are even so bold in their strategy that they constantly expand their arsenal of dispositional armaments that allow them to commit suicide, surrender, and avoid assaulting anything. Even if it is a stalemate as we battle due to our equal powerlessness, that doesn’t mean I will ever be threatened, as the culture of the West is quickly ensuring that their voluntary pacifism is no longer voluntary considering that in their minds the only thing to fight is fighting itself, the only thing to condemn is condemnation itself, and so on, and so forth, for any word that one could even possibly conceive as having a negative, violent, or persecutory context when one is the object of the verb phrase.

Truth be told, they may not be executing me, but they are killing me slowly, a painful natural death of the standard meaninglessness and palpable negligibility that nigh every human on earth dies, and truly I would be quite pleased if I could avoid that death and somehow accrue some sort of appreciation for my noble philosophy. Clearly nobody will listen to me now, as nobody will ever listen to me simply because I am both right and correct, and if anything that means far fewer people will listen to me than if I was shamelessly and brazenly wrong and incorrect. People will never respect anything because it is right, they will only respect things that they want to be right, so as such is the case, my only course of action is to somehow infuriate the people and instill them with such great self-loathing that they actually want my philosophy and policy to be right, as when such is the case, I will be well respected throughout that indignant community, and provided that I can perpetually ensure their infuriation and self-loathing I can continue to be respected despite the terribly unfavorably odds I would otherwise have due to being both right and correct and thus veritably inducing prosperity and wellbeing for all people, which in turn causes them to become indignant and upset with me and my vessels as they have nothing legitimate to be upset about and thus turn to raising can and alleging profound grievance over countless petty inconveniences, easily over half are which are entirely imaginary, while the remaining few cannot be resolved in any legitimate manner without creating more problems and indignation than were resolved by addressing them in the now criticized manners.

 Thankfully due to this rapid progression towards a technological relative utopia, the constant satiation, pleasure, safety, and comfort are inducing this profound depression, resentment and indignation due to the jaded contentment that is the marker of success, and as this is escalating at a profoundly rapid rate, especially amongst the youth, I will find that the stage has nearly been set for me to invoke endless rage and fury within those who are so tortured and aggrieved by the misery of indefinitely satiated contentedness. Granted it may be difficult to somehow be inspired enough to miraculously rally this disgusting legion of abominable and despicable degenerates to actually ironically and happenstantial accomplish something that is both legitimate and beneficial, just because the entire aesthetic of beautiful, wonderful, and successful systems being populated and sustained by these people who were once so satiated and contented with being successful, despite all natural odds against such feeble minded delusional hedonists, that they became furious with success and contentment because such satisfaction did not bring the them fulfillment and meaning that their empty lives crave despite the promises of the idealists.

These people will bear many scars and irreparable dysfunction within their minds, but many can recover to a functional level, largely those prone to self-loathing and depression rather than furious indignation, but once people begin to be conditioned correctly, it will quickly be realized that most all of the indignation commonly expressed by such people is paradoxically a sub-quantum force, as even the smallest measurable amount of energy to negate those expressions of indignation would entirely overpower the majority of forces constituting the population of American indignation and can only exist in this world where there is a complete absence of positive energy that would otherwise negate this extremely powerless negative energy of indignation. When even a slight measurable positive force exists, one that is not itself sub-quantum in that it is negated by the negative energy of indignation, the system of indignation instantly collapses for the most part and most every constituent of that system becomes functionally as meek as those who are truly humble.” Says Stacy

“I’m sure you have trouble quantifying the resistance that people face when they try to protest and have their voices heard, but it truly is a significant force, and people often get arrested or even hurt just for trying to utilize the first amendment.” Says Stella

“If the positive energy of ensuring order was a measurable force then the people wouldn’t protest, they would quantify the risks very easily in their head and avoid doing it unless they were insane; the fact that they can go out and protest and more than likely get-off scot free means that the opposing energy is not strong enough to negate this force that only exists in such a scenario when it is entirely unopposed. The odor of the dying corpse that is the American establishment does not constitute a physical force, as it truly is just a chemical that reacts within the minds of the people. The people go poke that corpse with a stick, more odor is released in that process, and simply because they are displeased with the odor they somehow believe this constitutes oppression, and that is the shameless state of baseless American indignation.

 Whatever negligible and immeasurable force that the system exudes is completely negated by the indignation of the people which is itself paradoxical zero-point energy that cannot exist unless there is a complete vacuum entirely devoid of heat for it to exist within. As much as this zero-point energy may seem like a boon, some unlimited source of energy, physics reminds us that even systems with negative temperature will begin to experience entropy when energy is added despite the logic that systems with negative temperatures tend to reverse entropy when energy is added, and truly human indignation is extremely entropic despite its definition as zero-point energy, and due to the immense energy that can be contained at such a paradoxical level, this force can quickly become incredibly destructive to the surrounding world still bound by the standard laws of thermodynamics, like a tornado of entropy sweeping through the streets as can be observed throughout history as the countless revolutions spurred by indignation that have already failed or are in the process of failing as we speak. Clearly the degree to which one of these systems that contains this zero-point energy of indignation induces entropy is variable, but the fact that they always needlessly and destructively induce societal entropy is vividly plain to see.” Says Stacy

“I don’t know why you think paraphrasing a pop-science article and drawing some loose correlations to history somehow signifies that you have conceived a valid point, but as much as I have no ability to formulate a rebuttal, I think that point is plausible enough that you could easily devote your life to proving that point, some kind of theory of how human societies exist in this allegorical system defined by forces that are symmetrical to those within physics and quantum physics; it seems silly, but I’m sure it would be entertaining to read some of your work if you somehow managed to have actual validation and measurements beyond some random assortment of forcefully connected statements; you’re like the Doctor Frankenstein of arguments, trying to make your arguments alive somehow, and considering your faith in odd connections and allegories, you might be wary of making so many of these arguments considering that they might miraculously come alive and cause all sorts of problems in your life, even kill you perhaps.” Says Stella

“There is a difference between fiction and reality, and as possible as that may be, I am not delving into superstitious or supernatural events here; I am simply making an observation, that two systems are similar in the laws the apparently define them, both of which are thoroughly recorded and bound by this reality we happen to exist within. I think it is a curious connection, and to me it appears to be as sensible as arguing that gravity pulls objects down to the ground, not because I have any real understanding of physics but more so that I feel that confident about most anything I happen to conceive within in my mind and formulate to the point of actually debating the topic. I am talking about physics, real things, but you however, with your story of Frankenstein, are talking about fiction, and I do pray you haven’t become so faint as to start to believe that there is some semblance of a probability that my ideas and philosophy could somehow come to life within the real, physical, and delectably measurable world we live in, now.” Jokes Stacy
“At least you’re lighthearted in failure despite your stalwart zeal for the process of failing in the name of success. If I had such a peculiar mind as yours to draw those sorts of connections I might be interested in pursuing such a career, but my mind doesn’t wander in the same manner that yours is so fond of doing. If it was a real field that existed and I could study it well, learn it well, and attempt to expand upon that well established field with my own intelligence, perhaps my problem solving skills would be sufficient to accomplish something, but as for establishing some entirely new field of profound connection and correlation I wouldn’t have the slightest bit of confidence in my work to even start to begin on such a peculiar venture.” Says Stella

“My own ability to actually learn, in the legitimate form of productive functional knowledge, isn’t all that great; I can grasp concepts, but seldom do I have any interest in learning anything beyond the vaguest understanding of the concept itself, certainly nothing to do with actual calculations, numbers, references, or anything that would require any more work than drumming up an idea and asserting that I’m right. I doubt the hard sciences would suit me, but I could certainly entertain myself writing some sort of spiritual and philosophical work that is loosely based upon science, logic, reason, and that sort of business. I have a much harder time thinking of things to explain than I do actually explaining anything and everything, so long as it exists within the fields that are held to the high standards in which the pinnacle of legitimacy is that of rather baseless assertions, of course.” Says Stacy

“I think if you focused on spiritual and philosophical arguments, you could maybe avoid the topics of politics seeing how your endless condemnation of people is likely going to turn all but the most embittered and hateful people away from your writing. I doubt anybody will even be literate beyond that of a grade schooler in the future, so writing is easily not the best route if you want to actually make a name for yourself, but I’m sure you would be quite entertained just by writing your words on paper and marveling at how amazing you are.” Says Stella

“I certainly would be, but I can’t say that even a philosophical and spiritual work would be all that pleasant of a read, considering that humans themselves would likely form the  basis and function as examples for all of the situations and scenarios that legitimize and materialize my arguments, in which of course the people would look shameless and reproachful as they always do, their endless failures and shortcomings would be on full display, and even something that attempts to avoid politics to whatever extent I am capable of would still be extremely disparaging and condemning to humanity, their sentiments, their existence, and the reader of course. Perhaps a nice wave of self-loathing masochism would take root similar but more legitimate the one expressed by the proponents of the dippy-depression motif within the youth today, as even the dippy-depressed truly want sympathy, compassion, meaning, respect, and legitimization from the world, and their dressing in black and crying make-up all the time is only them expressing their desire for these things; a truly masochistic culture would be more like the original goth culture with less anger and edginess and more inescapable despair and suffering, the people must be so pained by their existence that they are not tempted in the slightest to fight back against it or to express any sort of indignation or frustration with the fact, content with true masochism and simply enjoying the pain of their sadness, depravation, and self-loathing in the shadows.” Says Stacy

“It seems we are headed in that direction; plenty of people are depressed, or faux depressed by contentment as you would argue, and they certainly find no temptation to cry for attention as the dippy-depressed with their romanticization of the pain of misery. I mostly hear jokes, seldom if ever do I hear cries for sympathy, only dry off-handed remarks about absurdist distaste for being alive. I think that sort of humor is popular amongst the youth because in contemporary times it falls within the theory of ‘benign violation’, in that it violates the way things usually work without being threatening, as truly many people don’t find the loss of their own life as some sort of threat, and that’s why they can find it funny.

I’m sure it is rooted in the commonplace distaste for contentment that you often like to condemn, but regardless of that, I’m sure you wouldn’t mind being strange bedfellows with that distaste considering that sentiment is likely the only thing that would enable you to even begin to achieve any of the ends you seek to find means to. It’s odd that in today’s world one could see condoning and perpetuating self-deprecating and suicidal humor as sleeping one’s way to the top, but that’s only in the figure of speech, as much as you are duplicitously exploiting someone’s something and thus someone who seeks some sort of validation and pleasure from your company, even it is entirely asexual validation when a person has reached such a level of depravity. As much as I’m not particularly fond of that sort of humor, recently I have been able to see the reason why some people would develop absurdist views on life, especially weak willed people and those of poor mental fiber, even poorer than myself, which is unfortunately far more common than one might expect. I’ll start cleaning up to get my mind off such sullen topics and instead be delighted by cleanliness, form, function, beauty, and tastefulness of the things in my life that I find fulfilling, as trivial as they may seem, due to my perspective they are quite near the pinnacle of fulfillment, and thankfully nothing has come along to remind me that I should be in anyway discontented with a life consisting of doing these little things that make me happy.”  Says Stella, as she starts to clean up

“If you always remain wary of the fact that regardless of how prominent or successful people are, seldom if ever are they actually happy, I doubt anything will come to exist that somehow dwarfs the pleasure you receive from being responsible. People try to rationalize the feeling of fulfillment and meaning, thinking that greater accomplishments will lead to a greater sense of fulfillment and meaning, when in reality fulfillment and meaning are entirely static, so regardless of how great one’s accomplishments may be they feel no more fulfilled or meaningful than a person who enjoys the simpler things in life, and to be quite frank, they burden themselves needlessly with excessive responsibilities and pressure that almost always cause them to feel painfully stressed and overburdened by their own hand yet remain forced by their own volition to continue to attempt to do these difficult things just to once again feel that same static level of fulfillment, success, meaning, or self-respect, and even to exacerbate that issue of unfulfillment, as such people are constantly comparing themselves to their delusional expectations of success and thus continually become less and less contented by their work unless they somehow manage to increase their measurable success along in tandem with their ambitions.

Only a person who feeds on pressure and always manages to perform in such situations could constantly feel fulfillment from such a life; all others feel the crushing weight of the world on their mind, body, and soul, and it truly is a shame that the world expects everyone to seek out such a life, even women as egregiously distasteful and disgusting as that is, to literally and veritably sacrifice the human population just to coddle the delusions that function as the endogenous analogue of cocaine in a very small minority of people, and lead to success in an even smaller minority of people. Just because that instinct makes some people wildly successful doesn’t mean there is any reason to sacrifice the population just because some endogenous cokehead is so profoundly enamored with the delusion of success. It’s disgusting, and shameless beyond words, but thankfully that sort of endogenous cocaine has a tendency to kill its proponents by the external side-effects of their conquest of chasing the dragon, and even if it means the world has to burn, so be it, such feeble minded asshats don’t deserve to live, and considering that the world lets those idiots take the reins, I can hardly be sympathetic with people who were complacent if not consensual in this sentiment just because they’re unironically hypocritically indignant after they have been handed such a terminal diagnosis as catastrophic climate change with little time left to live.” Says Stacy

“It doesn’t bother me that you’re quite happy with the fate of the world, but if you are so happy with this result, why not devote your life to offering unending baseless and fallacious praise for anything and everything, especially things that are so despicable and shameless in your book? You know, put the people out of their misery that much quicker just by telling them the things they want to hear, deluding them and showering them with undeserved praises, even if it is completely in spite; so long as you can avoid being sarcastic they will likely believe you, even if you have this odd occult smile on your face of constantly being happy with even the most terrible of things. You can manage to condemn anything and everything that might possibly exist, so I figure with your level of ingenuity you could hone the complementary skill of praising anything and everything that might possibly exist, and if you do that, I’m sure you could become the President considering that nobody will ever vote for bad news, austerity, or anything of that trope, and it will quickly come to a point where few candidates can compete due to the fact that they have a conscious, or more likely some instinctive drive to somehow attempt to preserve their own life rather than expedite the death of the planet, themselves included. I’d love to hear you talk like that, at least for a day, it would be so painfully worrying, but I’m sure I could put that instinctive faith in false promises and recklessly delusional optimism that all humans are so fond of listening to.” Says Stella

“That sounds delightful, but I’d have to swallow my pride, and that truly is a horse pill if there ever was one. Perhaps I will simply become that spiteful, that after just enough rebuke by those who fallaciously think they know a damn thing about anything, I will just become venomously supportive of anything and everything, even honing that weaponized facetious optimism to maximize the damage it can cause to society rather than being a purist to the art and simply defending everything. I have no shame, and nothing would prevent me from defending the most degenerate people, policies, and ideas imaginable, but unfortunately for those who find such reckless endangerment to be tasteful, the standard level of indignation is so close to that weaponized optimism that I would end up becoming a purist who showers anything and everything with praise just to actually have some self-respect, to somehow differentiate myself from the mob, and avoid that extremely distasteful art of conformity with that entropic tornado of zero-point degeneracy that is the public opinion.

That is likely such a probable outcome of my philosophical mindset that it is nearly a given at this point, as my failure is a given, and as the increasing degeneracy of the world will not stop until the world is torn asunder, if I am to even entertain my own philosophy I cannot truly be happy with myself knowing that I am such a heathen as to even enlighten such abominations to the existence of heaven on earth, knowing all too well that such despicable beasts are unworthy of even the thought, not that they would acknowledge the legitimacy of the thought, but just to allow that legitimate and beautiful thought into the minds of such godforsaken degenerates is a desecration of the thought itself. Perhaps I am shameless, but it is true that I would scorn even the miracle of the human race embracing my philosophy, just because so many of them are so completely unworthy of the salvation that miracle would bring about.” Says Stacy

“I think you might have trouble in the near future when nearly every sexual fetish is coddled by the left save for the criminal types like rape, sexual assault, and child molestation. There are countless things that even you might have trouble defending.” Says Stella

“The problem isn’t defending anything; the real problem is consistency of character. The wholesome optimist would be difficult, but that would be more tasteful and far more effective at actually garnering support from the people. The other character would be the realistic optimist and that is going to equally as distasteful in the eyes of the general public as my political views. The wholesome optimist would say something like: ‘men and women who experience significant psychological trauma as the result of sexual crimes are given the opportunity to overcome tremendous obstacles in their lives and come out even stronger than those who have not experienced such challenges, and despite however unpleasant those experiences may be, they give people the opportunity to understand that bad things happen, and the important part is not letting those things define you and hold you back but to allow those things to make you even stronger, to be able to roll with the punches, to understand that just because life might hit you, and hurt you very bad, that doesn’t mean for a second that you should ever stop fighting or ever stop making yourself better, stronger, more capable, and more resilient so that regardless of whatever life might throw in your way; your experiences remind you that you have the power to overcome those obstacles and come out on the other side even more beautiful and amazing than you were before. Everything happens for a reason, and even if that is a bad reason, that doesn’t mean things like that won’t happen, and these experiences are the will of god because they were meant to instill a powerful passion within you to change the world and make it a better place for those who come after you, to prevent those things from happening in the future, not by condemning or scorning the people who do them, but to teach them the folly of their ways so that they too can be better people, and to teach those who might commit such terrible acts in the future that behaving like that is very wrong, so that you can express to those people how it feels to be in that situation and allow them to understand what it is like to be the victim, allow them to grow just as you have grown, and when people grow and become better people, the world becomes a better place.’ And that is wholesome, but it is truly hard to defend those things and be wholesome at the same time if it is even possible. That is a very debatable statement and I doubt people are going to defend those sorts of fetishist even with that sort of campy rhetoric, so clearly any stance of a realistic optimist would be far worse.

Realistically, ‘Rape and sexual assault are a side effect of a culture of loose fornication, and that culture is far more prone to having consensual sex even if it might result in some unconsensual affairs. Sure, some women may be abused in such a way that their life is crippled, but many do recover, and the benefits of a loose sexual society means that childbirth becomes more prevalent than it would otherwise be in a more conservative society, and this is very beneficial in a society that is already starving for new births. Though child molestation does not produce children, it does create psychologically scarred children, and while this is often expressed in the children in many different ways, often times these traits too can be beneficial to childbirth in that those children are prone to dependent relationships, are emotionally fragile and unstable, and perhaps engage more frequently in reckless intercourse due to their personal insecurity and psychological trauma.

These traits may seem like flaws, as these traits along with others resulting from a child being molested will result in the child more than likely being far less successful in the world than they otherwise would be, but this itself is a blessing in disguise, as the abused child will be poor, which means they will be more likely to have children and have more children than usual, and the emotional instability of the parent means that the child themselves will be endeared with the psychological scars of perpetuated abuse in whatever form it takes, and the child will then perpetuate this cycle to once again create children at a higher rate than normal, and as these are poor and unsuccessful children, this entire lineage will be of the low levels of labor, which are very much so in need in today’s market within the country, and though this results in many children being abused, the economy still benefits, and those who live within the economy will benefit, thus making those of non-perpetually-abused lineage more prone to success, and in turn this increases the standard of living even for the perpetually poor people.’ And clearly this stance is perhaps a bit more realistic, but even I find it to be disgusting, and I’m not condoning that action in the slightest; even if optimism is forcing me to argue that perhaps those things do offer some benefits to society rather than existing as something that produces entirely negative effects within society. I’m ashamed of myself for coining that argument; even if it was more realistic, it’s certainly not as legitimate as condemning those things, but it was you who pried open that Pandora’s Box of perpetual optimism and unconditional support.” Says Stacy

“That last argument was jarring, even if it wasn’t entirely surprising considering your track record of mechanical inhuman heartlessness when it comes to the affairs of nondescript humans which I can only imagine look a lot like paper-dolls in your mind. I really liked the wholesome optimist one, not that I am going to defend those things but it did make me feel a bit more optimistic and hopeful for the unfortunate victims of those crimes; I don’t know why I believe that somehow they would all listen to you and suddenly feel so much better rather than continue exhibiting the symptoms of their abuse that continually cause problems in their life, but I guess that’s the nature of delusion.” Says Stella, sitting back down at the table

“That’s the nature of delusion indeed; it’s a powerful force, scary when you think about how much death and destruction it has induced over the years, as that includes nearly all organized death and destruction and a good deal of that which was entirely disorganized. I liked that depiction of a human as a paper-doll you gave though, as they truly are little blank pieces of paper when you strip them of their indoctrination, and such a powerfully blank slate can be adorned and embellished in so many fruitful and amazing ways that society finds distasteful due to their odd preoccupation with the semblance of honesty and somewhat legitimate truth that defines much of the standard fare of social indoctrination. People are capable of so many things, but by formatting each and every mind within the country to this same uniform standard, we limit that capability and applicability of a human being, and not only that but by relying on this one simple format, our entire population is always at risk and often infected by these mass psychogenic illnesses that induce the constant state of delusion and indignation experienced by the people. A mind indoctrinated by the current standard is not a particularly healthy environment for any sort of social stability; as much as it may function, it is still so prone to countless problems that could easily be avoided if the state wasn’t such a flaccid entity to the point where it standardizes this half-assed excuse for indoctrination just because it’s the path of least resistance, when clearly it’s the path of least resistance only in the short term, and the resulting and compounding flaws that arise in this mentality quickly make it obvious as to why this standard of indoctrination is not truly the path of least resistance.” Says Stacy




A knock on the door

Dale, startled, exasperates unintelligibly as he is roused from his slumber, looking up with no effort made in getting up save for a meager twist of the torso and wave of the arms “Huh? What? Oh, come in girls.” He says, relieved, breathing heavily, heart racing as he lays back down, the two girls open the screen door and venture inside

“Hello, Mr. White, thanks for having us over.” Says Ophelia, delighted

“It’s my pleasure; make yourselves at home.” Dale says, speaking effortlessly, routine lines executed masterfully, thoughtlessly, without even the slightest hindrance of his descent back into sleep

“I can tell where Stacy gets her passion for naptime.” Jokes Ophelia

“She does take after me, for better or worse; I like to think it’s for the better. There’s plenty of worse people she could take after, after all.” Says Dale, eye cracked, grinning in haughty complacency

“That’s the lord’s truth; you’re a lovable guy, and Stacy’s lovable in her own right, much of it the same right exactly; her penchant for naptime can be forgiven considering she’s got twice the energy of most people when she’s driven to accomplish something.” says Jenna

“Performance when it matters most, that’s always a good trait to have. No point in being awake when you don’t have to be, and when you take care of business when you happen to have to, you can sleep all the more easily when you don’t.” says Dale, proud of himself and his daughter, the comfort of the couch affirming his unquestionable correctness

“Stacy’s got plenty of energy when she needs it, but directing that energy to something productive can sometimes be difficult for her.” Says Ophelia

“She’s young, of course she’s got to work a few kinks out, kids are like that, yippy zippy things, and once she gets older I’m sure she’ll be sporting just the right amount of energy to take care of business without having so much as to be distracted by it. I know I was like that, and once I got my body under that cracking whip I was 100% business until the work day was done, no questions or distractions, just hard work and I made a name for myself. Work-ass Dale, I was proud of that.” Says Dale

“That doesn’t sound like a compliment to be honest.” Says Jenna

“Well, I was too small to be a work-horse, so I got to be a work-donkey, considering my pride and whatnot, still a good worker though, and work-donkey quickly got shortened to work-ass, so it is what it is. You know the bible says ass, it’s not like it’s a bad word all the time.” Says Dale

“We know; that’s a silly name, but it kind of makes sense. I probably would have thought of something nicer, but if you liked the nickname that’s ok.” Says Ophelia

“If you get a nickname that isn’t somehow derogatory, disparaging, mocking, or disrespectful in the workplace you hold it dear and you live up to that name; people got a short temper about all that business and they don’t cut you slack not once unless it’s afterhours and it’s some sort of extra-occupational shortcoming in your daily life, then sure you get some sympathy, but about work, no ma’am, so if you’re saving face day after day you’re doing things better than right.” Says Dale

“I’ll try to keep that in mind when I head out into the workplace; I’d like to think it will be better than school, but clearly your experience has enlightened me to a reality contrary to that thought.” Says Jenna

“It’s way better than school, don’t get me wrong; once you’re in the workforce there aren’t any rich kids or cool kids, everybody is a poor loser and with most people you can bond over that, even the boss and his boss think they’re poor. Regardless of how successful you are, you are always treated like you don’t exist by the people above you, and that’s what makes you a loser, unless you mess up of course, then you will get chewed out like there’s no tomorrow and possibly fired. Without any sort of money flavored knick-knacks to judge people with, and the fact that the majority of people scorn those who have those things that they can’t afford, it all comes down to being a decent person and working hard and then people will like you; you don’t even have to be social or even speak English, people care more about getting the job done than any of that petty social nonsense, but if you’re an entertaining person it always helps you find comradery if you want it, a little laughing helps to dull the pain of the workday.

Work’s way better than school, no doubt about it, everyone is way too tired and poor to be petty, and that becomes the new standard of cool for the most part. It’s like everyone starts slamming barbs once they get out of school, considering the amount they stop giving a damn about anything, even themselves sometimes; sure it might not feel pleasant to be forced to work, but the whole social bullshit in school becomes largely irrelevant. As long as you’re friendly you’re set, and you two definitely won’t have any problems with getting along fine in the workplace, cause I know you two are good girls and do your work on time, every time, and that’s really all that matters at the end of the day; anything beyond that is just hobby per taste and probably pointless unless you’re in some boot-kissing field, those might be petty like school, but my job was fairly static like most of the jobs in the world and kissing boots didn’t get you nowhere.” Says Dale, Stella and Stacy had approach during the ramble

“I see you’re letting my dad enlighten you about the world.” Jokes Stacy

“It’s more insight than we usually get, which is ironic considering that teachers are specifically trained in the process of enlightening children.” Says Jenna

“They’re trained in indoctrination, of course they’re not going to tell you everyone is going to end up too poor and tired to give a damn about anything; they’re going to tell you that if you work hard your dreams will come true and hope you buy into that. It’s like giving kids a lotto ticket rather than a paycheck, but considering that the real world forces them to get their own paycheck, you may as well invest some money in those lotto tickets, as shameless as it sounds to gamble like that, with such a large population of youth, some of them are guaranteed to be winners.” Says Stacy

“Your dreams coming true is a matter of being clever, intelligent, and resourceful, all sorts of ambitious personality traits that escape most people, luck, aggressive social skills, and a good bit of advantageous amorality that will get you over that hurdle where you transition from becoming the exploited to the exploiter, so I don’t consider it a matter of working hard as much as I do the birthright of people born with such a mind capable of exploiting the environment in their favor to the maximum possible degree. I’ve never been much for that, so I’ve always been the exploited type, but if you take care of your exploiter, they’ll take care of you. ‘Slaves, obey your masters, masters treat your slaves with respect’ it wouldn’t be coming from the Bible if it wasn’t tried and true legitimate advice on how to be successful.

That’s where people mess things up, the slaves want the masters to make them happy before they make the masters happy, and that’s not how anything works; that’s so dysfunctional and nonsensical that’s basically communism, and from my little knowledge of communism, I’m rather certain that said mentality is actually legitimate communism. Seeing how with that mentality they starve to death with or without the communism, I don’t see why they even demand a communist state in the first place when they don’t need it to get what they want, but that’s communists for you, bunch of nonsense going on in their brain, can’t get one way out of two ways, at an impasse in a 4 way intersection because they’re upset that they can’t fly up into the sky so they just stand there and shout as if communism is going to give them wings.” Says Dale

 “Clearly their maxim makes me think the communists would love to take them from the birds and expect to be able to fly, from each according to their means, to each according to their needs. The birds have the means to fly, and the communists believe that they need to fly, so the communists would probably try to steal the wings off the birds if you let them.” Jokes Stacy

“There is no you, only us, bird. God damn communists. America is doomed seeing how they stopped fighting the cancer that was communism like they did back in the day, like they just accepted it was time to die and stopped taking medicines for that deadly problem.” Says Dale

“Maybe they realized they couldn’t stop it; communism has that metastatic property and infects anything surrounding it, so considering that it has infected damn near everything to the left of the far right, if you excise those tumors you’ve excised countless vital organs and killed yourself regardless; I suppose this is just the hospice period where we wait to die. We might as well try to enjoy ourselves and ignore the fact that the world has this terminal cancer, no point in trying to do the impossible.” Says Stacy

“I don’t want to get you girls all crying because the communists won, that’s a terrible thing to think about, the soviet tumor-blister burst and the little remnants somehow infected every bit of the globe. Just ignore that and enjoy yourselves as best as you can, even if the world will fall to communism in due time even more than it already has, there’s no point in thinking about it. The communists would always defend the Jews, and the Jews must use their magic to protect the communists and hypnotize people into being communists just because the alternative is them being hunted down. It makes sense, but it’s a sad fate for everyone involved, because even the Jews were never as bad as the communists, but they had to take desperate measures just to survive, so now everyone is communist and that’s the worst possible situation, even for the Jews. Damn it Jews, better dead than red, for Christ’s sake, or Moses, or whoever, I don’t know. It’s a damn shame, that’s all you need to know, don’t think about it; it’s too late to change anything so there’s no point in even trying.” Says Dale

“I’m sure nobody wants to debate that topic, or even has the ability to do so.” Says Stella, distratingly embarrassed

“There’s no ability to debate it, it’s just a fact; the same the happened in the Egypt to the Jews and they used their magic to raise all sorts of hell, and clearly Hitler should have read the Bible or he would have known this would happen. It’s just facts, it’s done, even worse than Egypt and we got the worst plague possible, communism.” Says Dale

“It truly is a tragic fate, but there’s nothing we can do. We’ll let you return to your usual affairs, there’s no need for you to get upset about this sort of thing.” Says Stacy

“Even if the world is doomed, I can still kill those damn communists in my dreams. That’s always a pleasant thought, even if it’s just a farfetched dream at this point.” Says Dale

“Have at it, there’s curry in the fridge if you get hungry.” Says Stella, brushing aside Dale’s ranting

“I’m sure your friends are hungry.” Says Dale

“We already ate, so don’t worry about us.” Says Ophelia

“Right-o. I figure you girls have something more entertaining to do than listen to an old man regret the past. Enjoy yourselves; I hate to ruin the mood of your youth.” Says Dale

“The mood of our youth has taken a tumble as we enter our teenage years, unfortunately, so don’t think you’ve done any harm to that.” Jokes Jenna

“I know teen years can be hectic, especially for girls, just don’t let it get to you; that’s about the only lesson I’ve got in that department.” Says Dale

“We’ll do our best. Get some rest. We’re going upstairs.”  Says Stella, attempting to escape the embarrassment

“Have fun.” Says Dale, nodding off further into the dreamland

“It was good to talk to you, Mr. White.” Says Ophelia, sincerely cutely polite

“And you too Ophelia, it’s always a pleasure.” Says Dale, warmly, confident in his expression of routine expressions, the girls follow Stella upstairs and into the bedroom




“Sorry about that, you know our dad can be a little out there sometimes.” Says Stella, still embarrassed

“Don’t think anything of it; that sort of banter is practically normalcy, especially in our country, not to mention how reasonable it sounds when compared to the thing Stacy manages to say sometimes. Jokes Jenna, as the girls sit on the beds

“Any particular pastimes you girls are interested in while we play the game of wait.” Says Stacy

“Whatever suits your fancy. I’m up for anything.” Says Ophelia

“They all suit my fancy, threes and fives, hearts, spades, bridge, rummy, take your pick.” Says Stacy

“I’d play threes and fives.” Says Jenna

“Threes and fives it is. I’m sure Stella will have no qualms with entertaining our dearest guests.” Says Stacy

“Of course not, I’m happy with anything to take my mind of everything right now.” Says Stella, as the gets the dominoes out of the closet, the girls all sit round on the ground as Stella starts to deal, “I’ll keep score, the busier the better.” She says, taking the pen and notepad out of the box as the girls begin to play

“Did Stacy tell you she has given up on all of the politics and wants to be a bartender now?” Teases Jenna

“She mentioned something like that, but as distractible as Stacy is I’m sure you would have guessed that she’s contemplating another occupation, something called a life coach where she educates and enlightens children with the blessings of logic and reason. I doubt she will find any clientele for that sort of work, so bartender actually sounds like a reasonable hope for her, albeit and optimistic one.” Says Stella

“I wouldn’t mind bartending, I could even spur some local gatherings for sporting table games and that sort of fun; all we need is some beers and the white noise of a pub we’d be living at the pinnacle of life right now.” Jokes Stacy

“I’m not sure pub games are all that popular in America, but I’m sure a revival movement would be welcomed.” Says Jenna

“The Poorman’s Pool Hall has a nice ring to it, you could just use the regular tables and post fliers in there, and considering that there are always dead seasons in sports, I’m sure people would be more tempted to play dominoes or cards than watch some meaningless tennis match or the umpteenth meaningless baseball game in the dead of summer. If it was popular enough you could actually turn the televisions off and have a legitimate ambiance for once rather than have people incessantly drowning their sorrows in the beer and drowning their thoughts in the sports. There’s a tasteful quality to conversation, and perhaps I am a rare sort amongst Americans, but I’ve always found sports to be the most petty and trivial of entertainment, with no real significance to anything at all, let alone my life. I’d much rather be the victor of a game of threes and fives than watch some random guys engage in sport with one another. I don’t particularly get any satisfaction from watching someone else win a sporting match, as much as I can objectively appreciate the art and respectability in the athleticism of a person.” Says Stacy

“It’s just the proxy satisfaction of watching your town or country win against another, it’s not much, but considering most people don’t even get that much satisfaction from winning on the day to day, it’s a blessing for most people to at least somehow enjoy the satisfaction of winning and being successful, even if it is only by proxy.” Says Stella

“I like watching the people try hard, and sometimes there are pretty impressive feats of athleticism, but to catch those you’ve got to be either really lucky or really devoted to watching sports, and I don’t tend to be either unless it’s the Olympics or something.” says Ophelia

“Sports always had that appeal, but with the advent of video games I think people got even more hooked on those because they required no particular athleticism and you actually win in your own right. Even if they do require a certain skillset, people found that skillset to be accessible enough for video games to become a staple in the entertainment industry, and considering the fact that technology will only make them more and more entertaining, you might have trouble convincing people to leave their lands of virtual satisfaction just to play some simple pub games.” Says Jenna

“I read somewhere that video games are quickly turning into this vector for their creators to instill and exploit gambling addiction in people, so it’s come to the point where often you have to buy enough lottery tickets to win before you can even be a winner in the game, and as tragic as that is for the people who become compulsive gamblers, I doubt video games will continue to have the broad wholesome appeal that they once did simply because no video game peddler would want to sell a product that doesn’t enable him to milk that cash cow of compulsive gamblers.

Once that niche begins to exclude the reasonable people who were looking for simple entertainment, the pub game will rise again, and I will be there serving drinks and rambling harmoniously with the cynically embittered ranting of those so tempted by such a classic reprieve from the frustration and failure of daily life. Truly nothing is better than winning, and seeing the look on your opponents face once you happen to win is always of the highest quality, the ambiance of the crowd only makes the public demonstration of your greatness feel even more empowering and amazing. The alcohol certainly helps to foster this feeling, and I’m sure with my own secret weapon of psychological if not physical dependence on alcohol, I could give those electric cocaine peddlers a run for their money, at least within my own small niche of the neighborhood.” Says Stacy

“They might have you beat, just because the increased involvement in the digital world is profoundly exacerbating isolation and diminishing social skills amongst those who use it, and those isolated people are the exact same types of people who turn to that electric cocaine in their loneliness because they don’t need to go in public or have social skills to be entertained by those things. Perhaps if people were of sound mind, sure, but as the children have their minds crippled by the electric cocaine from an early age, I doubt all too many of them will be socially skilled enough to actually go out to a pub and carry on conversation in the old timey style that people once did. Sure, the chemicals may be on your side, but the electric entertainment industry has created a powerful level of psychological conditioning in the youth that operates significantly in the advantage of their industry, and unfortunately, against yours.” Says Stella

“The peddlers themselves have put a card up my sleeve, in that the increasingly isolated people are always increasingly desperate for social interaction; sure it’s some crazy fantasy where people somehow adore them despite their countless palpable flaws and social ineptitude, but regardless, they become obsessed with this idea of somehow becoming a social and friendly person to the point where it drives them into this creepy megalomaniacal lunacy, and the thing about megalomania is that I can advertise something modest and their minds will infer that said modesty implicates much more than it actually does. I.e. ‘Come enjoy yourself amongst those thirsty for cold drinks, conversation, companionship, competition, and conquest. Pub games and good times every night.’ And those people so inclined to be captivated by thoughts of their own greatness due to having no experiences that would condition them to think otherwise, only due to a complete lack of experiences all together of course, would infer that them simply arriving at this place means they will handedly find conversation, companionship, competition, and conquest.

Clearly they likely won’t if they lack social skills, but that advertisement will always have them thinking it is certainly possible, and the activity of pub games gives them a reason to come, stay, and drink without sitting there like a sore duck being unable to move due to anxiety and nervousness. Such people who are shepherded by the electric cocaine peddlers always need that certain distraction, somebody to tell them exactly what they should be doing with their time, and some promise of reward for doing so. Clearly I won’t explicitly state that they will be rewarded for their time drinking and playing pub games, but the advertisement implies that and people desperately searching for such pleasures would be quite convinced that such is likely the most reasonable venture.

Such people have no reasonable interests, so sports would dissuade them entirely, and even if I don’t know how to use a computer, I will prey upon their other compulsive desires and temptations rather than the simple ones of flashing lights and jingling noises that come out of a computer. They can easily get their fill of flashes and jingles, but that emptiness from being perpetually alone and isolated will always draw on them, especially if I can find a way to advertise in their computer stores or better yet in the game stores, they would be ripe for the picking. I doubt I could actually coddle their native games like the trading cards that shamelessly peddle gambling to children, but it would be a tiny shift from the trading cards to the old time cards, so that’s not expecting too much considering that even the people who play with the children’s cards wouldn’t want to be seen in public doing so, and so long as I can tap that market of people as well as the residual old timers who actually enjoy pub games as opposed to electric ones, I could find a niche. ” Says Stacy

“I’d like to think your little idea will work, but I think sports are going to be tough competition, considering you don’t need any skill or involvement to watch sports, the number of sports fans outnumbers people who play cards or dominoes 100 to one more than likely. On top of that, people are increasingly stupid, so anything that requires thought would dissuade them readily, but on the other hand those people you intend to target tend to be the ones that are both disinterested in sports as well as rather smug about their own presumed intelligence. That being said, opening another sports bar would just mean stiffer competition because you’re after the same niche, so even if your bar isn’t all to impressive, it doesn’t matter when you’re the only one pandering to that certain market, and considering that you don’t even like sports I’m sure a sports bar would be destined for failure.

Thankfully playing cards or dominoes doesn’t require anything beyond a child’s intelligence, but that’s still a high bar to set for the contemporary drinking public whose minds tend to operate on the level of an animal more than that of a child, seldom will they be looking for wholesome entertainment if they’ve elected to spend a night on the town. I suppose I’m getting ahead of myself, as once people reach a certain age and marital status they go to bars for much different reasons than the younger crowd, and I figure you could always appeal to those sorts of people who are actually looking for a wholesome time. I think your bar idea is actually one of your few reasonable ideas, considering that with the increasing amount of electronic entertainment in the world, that niche you intend to target is only going to grow, and unless some catastrophic event occurs that disembowels the electric infrastructure, that growth is likely never going to stop.

I almost feel guilty being so preoccupied with capitalism and the success of your silly imaginary bar, but the thought of you having a legitimate job and being a normal person is eerily captivating due to my worrying nature, even if you’re peddling to vices and preying upon people’s personal flaws, I don’t really care, it’s not like your character and dignity are being blemished, the fact that you’re doing something immoral is rather irrelevant considering that somebody else would just do it if you didn’t; you might even help some introverts make friends or help some old people find some quality companions, as shameless and exploitative as it may be, there’s still a silver lining, and that’s better than what I get from you half of the time.

I still very much so like the thought, like it’s some paradoxical sit-com world in my mind. It’s just so realistic and normal that it is almost eerie and unsettling, but pessimistically it would still require some top-notch marketing, because you’re attempting to get shut-ins to leave their house, but even if very few of them showed up, I’m sure a good number of people who are disinterested or tired of sports might come there to entertain themselves, considering that sports are the only thematic element in a bar that exists to my knowledge besides perhaps a strip club, but the degree to which I define a sports bar is one that always plays sports on television, so that could be every bar for all I know, I don’t go to bars.” Says Stella

“I’m sure it’s hard to find a real bar that doesn’t watch sports, as even a bar devoted to pub games would play likely play sports on the television. A profound amount of people find sports to be interesting or somehow relevant to their life, kind of like how a cat will always sit there bobbing its head back and forth when you move a feather around, never losing eye contact. It’s surreal, but certainly an unquestionable force within society, at least this one.” Says Jenna

“I don’t mind sports, and to my knowledge there is nothing else on television with broad appeal that doesn’t require audible sound or any previous knowledge of what had happened to watch. Perhaps some sort of nature shows, and as much as I would enjoy some scenic views or animals more than sports, I’m sure my personal tastes don’t exactly line up with the drinking public. I don’t even watch television, but my bar might suffer if there is nothing to give people an excuse as to why their conversation skills are faltering, you’ve got to fill the voids that are created when people fail to hold quality conversation, otherwise you end up putting too much pressure on the clientele to be gregarious and that’s the last thing you want. That guy just sitting at the bar drinking alone saying nothing, what’s he doing? He’s watching sports of course.” Says Stacy

“All I can think of besides that is the show where you watch people manufacture things, and unless that has its own channel you would probably quickly run into something with words. I’m sure you could have a television devoted to the nature channel, even if one of them plays sports, I’ve always liked those shows and I think they’re very beautiful. The ones with animals can be good, but they tend to show a lot more hunting and violence than I can stomach; I know it’s natural, but it’s also so sad to watch.” Says Ophelia

“I figure bar goers would love that sort of thing though, the hunting scenes are just as entertaining as sports, seeing your guy win, or even the letdown of him losing the prey. I can just imagine the bar shouting and cheering when the lion finally catches the gazelle or something.” says Stacy

“Considering that the hunting scenes last at most a few minutes, they won’t build up anywhere near as much tension as a two hour sports game, especially one with the local teams. Even if that’s true, such games are not on all that regularly, so plenty of days of the week people would be equally or more so interested in the nature shows than in the umpteenth meaningless tennis match, baseball game or stock car race nobody save for the most compulsive sports gambler cares about. Jesus, even just the phrase ‘building tension’ has got me all sorts of nervous, it seems unnerving that of the four of us here, I’m the only one that is particularly worried about whatever it is Stacy might decide to do tonight.” Says Stella

 “I have faith in Stacy; she knows what she’s doing. I don’t really like to think about that sort of thing, so I kind of just close my eyes, cross my fingers, and hope for the best.” Says Ophelia

“I also try to suppress those thoughts as best as possible; as worried as I can be, it’s beyond the point of worry where I’ve written myself off as dead more or less, so right now I’m just enjoying myself while I can. I’ve come to terms with my dying for being stupid, as surely that will happen sooner or later if we keep following Stacy on these little escapades. Hopefully it’s a quick death, you know I’m rather cynical and pessimistic, and in such a state of bargaining I reflect upon my future and realize that it likely won’t be all that enjoyable, sure, decent, fine, but plenty taxing, exhausting, and I’m likely reduced to living a life of carrying whatever burden I’ve placed upon myself with little actual meaning or fulfillment besides doing the countless taxing things that it takes to keep myself alive, keep my job, and god forbid keep my husband and children happy.

I don’t particularly enjoy life; it’s fine, pleasant, quaint, but it feels rather empty more often than not, and it’s a vapid pleasure that feels rather insincere to be honest. I’m sure most of that has to do with my personality, being so dry, cold, and focused on things like schoolwork, but I almost feel guilty by being alive, like I’m part of some terrible gang known as the human race that causes all sorts of problems, and as much as I like them, unfortunately I’m far more aware of the disagreeable aspects of human life than most people who are far more willing to ignore and forget about those facts. I don’t know, I just ask myself, is it worth it? The time, effort, and energy I spend to try and be successful, to make people happy, to be respectable, and so on?

Considering the fact that I don’t get this sense of fulfillment just by doing those things, sure I get a sense of relief by thinking to myself, ‘at least that’s one less person to please today’, but doing those things never mean anywhere near as much to me as they do to the people around me. Sure, I don’t mind doing them, but as detached as I am, I just kind of run through life absent-mindedly, my ambition and optimism far too crippled by realism to actually provide any sense of encouragement or hope in regards to my future. This is not to say I don’t enjoy life, I certainly do; it’s just the way I think about it, that those who fear death and do everything they can to avoid death are something like drug addicts, compulsive junkies who feel this high from living, and they can’t imagine existing without that fix, where I find life to be more like a pleasant sort of meaningless idleness, like a walk in the park looking at some nice flowers, and as much as I do enjoy that sort of thing, I’m not having this intense craving and longing for doing so as if life felt like some sort of narcotic street drug to me.

I tend to act out of guilt and responsibility to others, so often I’m little more than a vector for their own sentiments and feelings regarding my life; even if I am so meek as to let other people define my own personality and character through their expectations, it is not like I’m doing anything contrary to my own desires, as mine are rather close to indifference and detachment, so I’m not particularly bothered by doing them nor am I sacrificing something that I would personally rather be doing. Rationally, objectively, I understand their logic and their points, and I’m certainly not going to argue with them, as despite the way I might feel; there is no ability to rebut the logic and reasoning that has come to define human civilization over thousands of years, and perhaps all life on Earth, just because my own sentiments are not exactly in accordance with that reasoning. Thankfully I’m not so bold as to believe my own thoughts somehow trump and negate reality, logic, and legitimacy, otherwise I might be all sorts of a nihilistic mess by now.” Says Jenna

“That’s fair; I mean I can see where that might come from. I know your parents always hold you to very high expectations, and growing up like that I can understand how you might start to feel like your own behavior and actions are kind of irrelevant from the way you actually feel. That sounds a lot like real life where people are forced to work and take care of their responsibilities regardless of the way they feel about doing them, so as much as you might think it’s nihilistic, it’s probably one of the most realistic and mature outlooks there is. It’s kind of sad to think that there’s no fulfilment in your life, but when I think about my own I don’t know if I’m really leading a fulfilling life; I kind of just do the things I enjoy and when I enjoy doing them I interpret that as fulfillment, but it could be possible that I don’t even know what fulfillment is. I suppose I’m not reaching for a certain potential, but I just like to do the things I enjoy and don’t particularly care about meeting any random calculable level of potential. I’m sure I could study harder and be president of some academic clubs or something, but I’d rather spend my weekends doing housework, cooking, cleaning, and maybe some light reading because I’m kind of like you in that as much as I feel guilty if I don’t try hard in school, I don’t find it particularly enjoyable.

There’s this odd meticulous pleasure I get when everything is neat and tidy, when I see the chores getting done, that is what feels like accomplishment to me. The school marks seem meaningless, there’s no real visible marker or result of my hard work other than a number on a piece of paper, and I suppose that mentality is not healthy considering that a paycheck is just a number on a piece of paper, but I don’t get the same fulfillment from a good grade as I do a nice stack of folded clothes or a clean and organized kitchen. I wouldn’t call it OCD, just because I’m not obsessive about it, I just enjoy it, there seems to be a very healthy and attainable standard that I hold the orderliness of my house and room to, and when I attain that I feel good, everything just feels right, and that’s the sort of feeling I don’t get anywhere else, and for the most part I get the opposite feeling everywhere else, so I suppose that might explain my passion for doing those things.” Says Stella

“I don’t think about that sort of thing either really; if I’m having fun and enjoying myself that’s enough for me, I figure that is what fulfilment is anyways. I do enjoy getting a good grade in school, but I suppose that’s probably just because I don’t get a good grade every time, so when I do it means more to me than it might to either of you who just get good grades every time. I think a good grade is a pleasant surprise, a nice warm feeling, but I’m sure if I wasn’t surprised by that grade I wouldn’t get that feeling at all, especially if I was super worried about good grades then I would probably just get a sense of relief, and that sounds awful to stress about that sort of thing all day like some girls do.” Says Ophelia

“I don’t stress about it; I mean I’ll be ashamed if I do poorly on a test for some reason, but I’m able to forgive myself if I mess up, so long as it’s nothing particularly grievous, in which case I will definitely reevaluate my decisions and my study habits, but that has only happened once to my knowledge, at least in the past however many years.” Says Jenna

“Of course that’s because it only needed to happen once. After that you just learned that lesson forever. To me, of course world domination is the only form of fulfilment that exists, but ranting is a close second, so I’m rather content, even if there is a romantic yearning for wielding limitless power over every soul on earth.” Jokes Stacy

“I’m rather certain you are going to kill people tonight, and you don’t have any shred of fear or nervousness about that?” asks Stella

“If a tree falls in the forest, does it make a sound? Sure I might go out for a splash of hijinks and shenanigans, but if I have complete confidence in myself that absolutely nothing will go wrong; I don’t see any reason why I would be worried in the slightest. It’s a kind of fulfilment in its own right, doing good deeds has its own way of reminding you that you’ve done a good thing, much like how you fold laundry, I suppose I get a similar if not identical feeling in that regard.” Says Stacy

“You don’t see any difference between folding laundry and killing people?” asks Stella

“No, not really. I suppose that’s a lie because as shameless as this is, I enjoy killing people a good deal more than folding laundry. Folding laundry is tedious and boring to me, killing people is exciting. I take these unfolded pieces of clothes, being criminals and miscreants, and I fold them, neat and tidy, make the streets look a little bit better. To be fair, I would honestly be more mournful over a torn shirt or skirt than I would a dead criminal; the piece of clothing was actually worthwhile and that loss of life is the loss of something good and pleasant, where with criminals you’re losing nothing of value, and in reality your gaining value, it’s like putting garbage in the garbage can, I’m sure you can understand why that would be a pleasant feeling.” Says Stacy

“You truly are a piece of work, but at this point I can’t criticize your character considering it is probably the only thing keeping you alive at this point. I want to say I’m not crazy, but I can really sympathize with a piece of clothing more than a person right now, especially a criminal; that piece of clothing did nothing wrong and it truly is regrettable that its life came to such an unfortunate end. I guess I’ve always liked clothes more than people, at least most clothes, some of the pretentious and afunctional clothes clearly would be put in the same basket as criminals, so it kind of makes sense; I feel guilty about that, I know it’s objectively wrong, but I’m just being honest right now.” Says Stella

“I think that’s just a normal level of denial right now; it’s hard to come to terms with something so outlandish when it’s not in plain sight. Am I scared? Of course I’m scared, I’m incredibly scared by all of this, but we can’t exactly get off of this ride, and being vividly aware of that makes me act against my fear, it comes down to fight or flight and I know for certain that I cannot escape if I run, so despite my incredible reluctance, I act against my own judgement and even my free will, if I had any, and follow Stacy to do whatever it is she knows needs to be done so I can get on with my life, so all of us can get on with our lives, and I just pretend that nothing happened, and even if I can’t forget, which is usually always true, I just convince myself that nothing matters, that everything is so insane it can’t be quantified or analyzed in any meaningful way, so there’s no point. Everything is out of my hands, thankfully, and I just put my faith in Stacy and hope for the best; I can’t make these kinds of decisions, I’m sure I would be dead by now out of reluctance to even go out and about in costume and help people with my petty magic, dead by denial, denial of every aspect of this situation until I’m so consumed by delusion I stop believing that I’m alive all together.

Of course I feel bad about the fact that Stacy kills people, but the police kill people all the time and what Stacy does is even better than the current standard of police work because she kills people who are actually bad rather than people she happens to find threatening for whatever reason. It’s easy to convince myself that something is the right thing to do when we don’t really have a choice one way or the other, so as terrible as it may seem to be tolerant of vigilante executions, at the end of the day it’s hardly the worst thing that a person can do; sure, it’s not for the squeamish, but there’s no question that the justifiability of Stacy’s actions are well above plenty of businesses and even the police, so as unfortunate as her position is, I can’t condemn her or even disagree with her methods because moralistic execution has always been vocally defended by god himself, and that is more than enough to convince me that despite my own opinions on the matter, Stacy, and myself as an accessory, are entirely in the right, perhaps not in the half-closed eyes of the law, but certainly in the eyes of god, and that’s enough to let me pretend to sleep at night, to just write everything off as acceptable and try my damnedest to forget about it.

Even in a secular sense, it's us or them, and even if I sound like Stacy, objectively the criminals should be the ones to die; even if I have no particular interest in being alive, the disparity in each party’s value to society is tremendous, and even if I would be entirely displeased by being alive and they would be entirely thrilled, that's irrelevant at the end of the day when the measurable justifications for our continued existence unquestionably determine that we are the ones who should live while the criminals should die. Despite my own emotions, fear, indignation, despair, and sadness, I force myself to acknowledge that both secular logic and god defend what we do, and when such is the case I can muster what petty will to live I have to evoke stoicism from the instincts compelling my own survival, and drown out the thoughts, emotions, opinions, and other convolutions of the mind and instead operate solely on an animal level, kill or be killed, and I don’t think about morality, objectionablity, or any sort of opinion beyond that; it’s just the animal thought that my only choice is to fight, so I do it, I leave it at that, I don’t contemplate or extrapolate upon that thought, it’s just a simple fact my mind, like the feeling of your hand slapping a table, there’s nothing more complicated or philosophical about the table than the fact that it’s a simple table, it’s just there, a hard fact, and there are no mysteries about what it is or how it functions. It’s just a table, and I understand that it exists, I make use of it, and then think nothing of it as if it were any other table I might see in a school or a restaurant.

At least I try to do that, and even if I end up convoluting those ideas, I just tend to hate them and repress them, and regardless of what they are, I know for a fact that they’re wrong, loathsome thoughts, and I push them away with great disgust and disdain; I just observe the table and accept it as a table, there’s no hypothetical existential reason or definition at all. I don’t need one, I don’t want one, I don’t look for one, and I scorn any attempts to find one. I’ve got enough problems, and contemplating my existential guilt is not something I have any interest in spending my time doing, so in the end, the table is a table, no morality involved, no thought or decisions involved, an inanimate object, a hard fact. Our situation is well beyond the jurisdiction of feeling, and I certainly won’t adulterate the facts of the matter with hindrances like philosophical objection or debate.” Says Jenna

“When I was younger I really used to struggle with the fact that God tells us to kill people in the bible, and it confused me to no end as to why God, who loves everybody, would want us to kill people, people that he loved. Whenever I would ask I the sisters would just told me that those people were acting against the will of God; that they had forsaken him and God will punish them for doing so, and I didn’t really understand why until I asked my dad. My dad told me that those sorts of people will bring society down with them, if you tolerate those sorts of people, you end up killing everybody and sending everybody to hell, and that’s why God commands us to kill them. It’s not the decision about whether or not to kill one person, it’s the decision about whether to kill one person or to kill everybody in society because you let that person live instead of killing them like God commanded you to.

It’s sad that people have to die, but the fact that God himself tells us to kill people despite also telling us that we shalt not kill just helps me understand that we all make mistakes, and that God will forgive us, but we have to do our best, and even that means we have to kill people, somebody God loves, he wants to be sure we kill as few people as possible, he wants us to kill a few people to save society rather than kill all of society by forgiving those people. If you think about it, it is way easier to forgive somebody for killing another person when they only did so to save people’s lives, that whoever killed somebody was forced to either kill that one person or let that one person kill ten or twenty people by letting them live. I know it’s against human instinct, but that’s what religion is about, being a person that is better than a wild person, by doing things against one’s own animal instincts because those can often be bad, especially in society, and we have to be strong enough to overpower our instincts and do what’s right, because we know that if we don’t we will end up in a much worse place than if we did.” Says Ophelia

“That helps me understand these things, not as much for the logic as much as just by putting these decisions in the hands of god; I can’t question them when that’s true, so despite how I might feel about them I can just understand that such things are beyond my control, and if I were to try act out of my own feelings and opinions, I would be going against the wisdom and judgement of god, and I’m certainly not one to be so proud as to somehow believe that I know better than god. I don’t want to know, regardless of anything, I don’t want to have the burden and guilt of these sorts of decisions on my conscious, so I feel much better about the ordeal by just letting god make those decisions. They aren’t my decisions; they are god’s decisions, so even if I am somehow wrong in anyone else’s view for being complicit in what Stacy happens to do, it’s not my decision, it’s god’s decision, and for somebody to have a point they must prove the illegitimacy of the wisdom of god, and as Jenna said, there’s no ability to do that as even secular logic defends that judgment, so when theological and secular wisdom both contradict any emotional displeasure with the situation, I can’t defend the people who are clearly in the wrong by being too squeamish and slothful to do the right thing, to do what needs to be done, especially when that possibly means the death of society, which as much as it may not be literal extinction can easily be proven in terms of the measurable repercussions of the degeneracy and declension of society as it strays further and further from the will of god. I’ve heard plenty of Stacy’s arguments to know that she’s flush with points to discredit any rebuke of her actions, so feel free to let one of those lose to reaffirm our complicity with this fate.” Says Stella




“Gladly, as clearly there is nothing but disgust and shame for those who succumb to the weakness and folly of emotion when making decisions, as truly in an unnatural and intelligent society these hallucinations cannot be regarded as anything other and delirium that is a side-effect of consciousness. It truly is disgusting to know that these hallucinations are constantly invoked in the people and used to justify things despite their existence within our bodies as a vestigial testament to gambit of presumption, and not only that, but that of presumption in the mind of an animal far to unintelligent to actually think or understand its situation that must instead rely on these simple and flawed instincts to make decisions that will allow it to survive; as truly life is far too complicated for these emotions to be a reliable source of informing us as to what is right, they are simply more so right than they are wrong, and even if this is only a 60:40 ratio, that is still enough to ensure that the genetics that induce these emotions were successful enough to spread and infuse themselves with every member of the human race and their evolutionary progenitors over the course of hundreds of thousands of years.

We cannot allow ourselves to put faith in these emotions when they are clearly and veritably contrary to that which is measurably and provably the correct course of action; only when one is truly ignorant, and has no ability to logically understand ones situation should one ever put faith in instinct, because that is the scenario where the emotional instincts evolved, acting without knowledge or wisdom whatsoever because one is forced to make a decision without these things, and only in such cases can one defend the use of emotion, as the emotion has been created for explicitly that situation and serves no purpose in any beyond that, as truly we have far more legitimate and capable means to make decisions today than the naked and ignorant apes of the forests did tens of thousands of years ago.

To listen to emotions is to go to war throwing stones and waving sticks when the opponent has firearms and war machines; this is no strategy for anything besides suicide. Just as the wisdom of religion was able to overpower these perilous human instincts thousands of years ago due to the existence of natural selective pressure, rational scientific thought has overpowered religious thought, but despite this fact, the people of the world forsake science, and beyond that they forsake religion, to instead listen to their instincts and their emotions, and that is a profound and unthinkable level of devolution that has been induced by the reduction of selective pressure within society, and once again we will find ourselves returning to the same irrationally high rate of folly and self-harm that the ignorant beasts of the wild once did, and certainly a much higher one as the people in their profound delusion have overpowered even their instincts with fallacy, and will listen to delusional fantasy more than instinct just because there is no selective pressure to remove these people from existence for doing so, and when such is the case, all we are doing by forsaking the applicable wisdom of both science and religion is creating a situation where through our own ignorance we are demanding that this artificial nature we live in create selective pressure for us, and this means that the human race will indefinitely devolve until the point where our unnatural society induces selective pressure, and as we will likely technologically adapt rather than genetically adapt, the human race will once again continue this long indefinite procession of abominable and unholy devolution. To be so conceited and arrogant that the human race choses to devolve into this unimaginably horrific and unnatural abomination is an absolutely shameless affront to the once noble race that was Homo sapiens.

There are never any grounds to defend emotion or instinct above proven science, yet this happens every day, even by the most powerful people, who are boldfaced and shameless in their devolutionary ignorance. When a malarial man hallucinates a burning in his toes every time he takes his quinine, that's completely irrelevant when the quinine is the only medication he has access to that will prevent his death due to malaria. The hallucination doesn't change the fact that taking the quinine saves his life, and his displeasure with that substance is irrelevant to the course of action that must be taken if that man should be kept alive. Arguing that this man should refrain from taking the quinine due to hallucinations is the same argument as ever using emotion to argue for or against something when hard science, mathematics, and fact argue the contrary point; those defending actions with emotions are arguing that the man should never take the quinine because it makes him hallucinate pain in his toes, despite the fact that the alternative is clearly death, these people are convinced that he should avoid the hallucinatory pain at all costs and instead be as incredulous as possible to his ominously looming death. This is the weak-willed, fear-crippled suicide of emotional reasoning and justification. The correct course of action is completely irrelevant from however one might feel about it, so there's absolutely no reason to give the maladaptation of vestigial emotion any second of the time of day to begin with other than to perhaps condemn it and warn people against listening to such a vector of folly and death in this unnatural world.

Contrary to appearances, I have emotions; I have plenty of emotions, but they are lower in the pecking order than correctness, logic, wisdom, reason, and common sense, so she may not be a fat hen, but the hen still lays, she lays on her own time when she’s ripe, but I’m not fetching breakfast from her every day for a reason, a damn good reason at that. I understand that emotions stem from the same source as temptation, for the instincts and cravings that lead a person unto vice and folly, the desires that cause a person to destroy themselves, their life, and those of others; emotions are no different than these temptations: pure, carnal, instinctive desires that functioned due to their simplicity and their ability to cause the human mind and body to infer what it needs to survive, but time and time again these instincts fail people in profound, immense, and disgusting ways that truly cannot be condoned in society, and certainly not respected beyond that.

To trust emotions and argue that they validate the person’s argument is to say that the morbidly obese man is always in the right when he east because he feels hungry or because the food tastes good, and that is incorrect, shameless, disgusting, and even immoral as you are condoning a man’s actions when he is clearly eating himself to death. The instinct to gorge himself and eat his fill was very valuable in the wild when food was scarce, but when food is plenty that survival instinct quickly transforms into one that is a suicidal maladaptive trait that is palpably sickening and killing the majority of Americans as we speak. The same applies to emotions, as they were certainly valid in the wild, but in this society each one exists in an unnatural environment where it has been made completely inapplicable by the advent of science and logic, and beyond that emotions are often counter-productive if not destructive when used to guide one’s actions as opposed to simple logic and measurable facts.

I refuse to coddle these instincts and somehow give them precedent over things that I know for certain to be far more valid and correct thoughts, even if I am not instinctively tempted to pursue those courses of action, I cannot deny the fact that correct and logical courses of action will unquestionably yield far more beneficial ends than if I were to listen to emotion, and this is a simple fact, only negated in many respects by the fallacious constructs of society that defend this despicable devolution of the human race simply because it is far easier to indoctrinate people to listen to their natural instincts than it is to educate them so that they will act in a manner that is measurably more so beneficial and helpful to themselves and society as a whole.” Says Stacy

“That’s why I always trust Stacy; she knows way more than me about pretty much anything and everything. It is comforting to hear that even Stacy will argue that listening to God is actually more beneficial and helpful than listening to emotion, and I’ll always remember that, mainly because that’s how I was raised, but even with the benefit of a good upbringing I still have to remember what it is that God says, and that is always the hard part. I’ll do my best, but thankfully Stacy can understand these sorts of things on every level from instinct, to religion, to science, so if I’m ever confused I know I can just turn to her for help. I’ve never thought of emotions as being similar to temptations, but they really are, they’re basically the same really, just deep powerful feelings inside of us, too deep to be thoughts because they’re just feelings that you can feel throughout the whole body and you just know what they mean without having to think about it.

I suppose emotions are like the temptations for being good, usually anyways, and I’m grateful that being good is so tempting most of the time, but just as there can be times when being immoral is tempting, there are also times when a person can feel reluctant to be good and pious, so it really does come down to understanding and knowing what is right and wrong, just so a person can always do the right thing even if they don’t want to and refrain from doing the bad things even if they are tempted to do them. The whole argument that religion is better than emotion is pretty clear when you think about that, because if I just listened to my feelings all day I would do nothing but run around with boys and have fun with them, and I’m sure that would lead to plenty of problems, even though the emotions feel good, I’m sure we would end up doing immoral things if we didn’t know better, and considering how many people don’t seem to care about morality these days, I’m sure I might still be tricked or tempted into doing whatever the boys want to do if I didn’t know better and had friends to help me out of confusing and misleading situations.” Says Ophelia

“I was having a nice cynical thought right there and was wondering if the human race could ever devolve to the point where the caliber of their decision making is even below that of instinct, and then I remembered that society at this point has suppressed science, religion, and even many instincts at this point, and it has replaced all of them with the fantastical masochistic if not suicidal delusions that define idealism. All of the social movements that have gained traction in the last few decades have been becoming increasingly farcical, especially in recent times, as truly to support them one must act against all knowledge of science, religion, and even instinct, simply because they seek to accomplish things that are so profoundly unfeasible and even unnatural despite how difficult it should be to convince people to abandon all of their mental capacity for self-preservation, but I suppose a lot of it has to do with how society has become so reluctant to actually rebut any point made by some idealist.

 I won’t say that idealist fantasies don’t sound perfectly fine, but they go against the grain of human nature so much I find that actually pursuing them amounts to the human race itself being slowly eroded by this constant frictious pressure from the idealists. People are forced to go against their instincts, and to condemn them, and this leaves them with nothing to guide them; they lack any ability to actually think or understand their situation because they preemptively condemn the thoughts of things opposed by idealists as wrong, and as this leaves them with no grounds for any rebuttal to stand on; they end up agreeing with, respecting, or becoming indifferent to the idealists who define their pursuits as those which sound the most appealing and pleasant despite any degree of natural resistance to those ideas. The idealists have free reign to come up with any ridiculous idea and people simply can’t disagree with it without becoming heartless bigots, and as much as this was somewhat reasonable during the civil rights era and the women’s liberation movement, both of those things created a high degree of repercussions that are felt within society, but those were the movements of 50 years ago, when this era was young, as it only began after World War 2.

Today these movements are incredibly insane, such as the movement for transgenderism, especially the way that it is pressured upon the youth and so militantly defended and worshiped by the media despite being a blatant example of medically definable delusion no different from believing that oneself is a dog, a demon, a god, or a robot, but regardless of this, simply because the medical profession can haphazardly coddle this delusion with a very poor track rate of success, they argue that this is no longer a delusion in the same respect. A man can never be a woman in the same way that a man can never be a dog or a demon, but if a man were to come to a psychiatrist and tell the doctor that he believes he is really a demon, he is going to be diagnosed with delusion and given medication to reduce his delusion, he is not going to be prescribed medicines that make his mind and body appear more demonic, even if he may be able to go to a plastic surgeon and have horns and a tail surgically attached, but regardless of this fact people are demanding that this sort of treatment be covered by health insurance by the government, and that’s ridiculous. I want to think I have a valid point here, but I have a foreboding suspicion that in a matter of years the people who think they are a dog, or a demon, or even a god will have countless medications prescribed to them to make their physical appearance to be more so in line with their delusional perception of themselves.

 There are no grounds to argue that just because the gender delusion is more common that it is somehow more legitimate; that would mean that people with paranoia are clearly even more justified in their own delusions which now must be treated like fact, that in order for the paranoid people to be treated with the proper amount of respect, we somehow must convince all of the sane people to pretend that the government really is doing all of those nonsensical things the conspiracy theorists come up with, that strangers are really out to get them, and that aliens really are putting probes inside of them or whatnot, but that’s a completely ridiculous argument. I’m not trying to rattle off another quote unquote bigoted conservative rant condemning the people who want their demonification pills and plastic surgery for horns covered by federal health insurance, but it is just striking that human society has devolved to the point of coddling things that are below even that of instinct, which should scientifically be as low as the human mind can descend, because people should never really be able to reliably convince themselves to operate against instinct, but I suppose that is the nature of two-pronged evolution between internal and external evolution, as society itself can evolve without the human race genetically evolving, and this makes the humans more so fit and capable of surviving, and clearly in this case it is the devolution of society due to the fact that coddling delusion is quite a dangerously slippery slope for society to already be so fond of.

Instinctively when a man comes and tells you that he really is a woman, your mind instinctively just says, ‘no, that is false’, religion agrees, and science agrees, but somehow despite  all of these three forces being clearly in agreement over this fact, society has still embraced the delusional idealist perspective that if a man thinks he is a woman or wants to be a woman, than nothing should prevent him from being a woman, and that’s completely insane; reality prevents him from being a woman and medicine and surgery will never make him into a woman, he will have his delusions coddled, there is a small chance that he might actually look like a woman rather than just a transvestite, but he is never a woman despite however much he might mutilate his genitals and bone structure to try and become something that reality clearly informs everyone that he will never be.

 These truly are trying times, and for someone to be optimistic about the future of the human race, they must be as profoundly delusional as the militant idealists that define the social norms. There are absolutely no grounds for optimism, considering that the human race is measurably so capable of adopting a profound level of delusion in extremely short periods of time, and as much as this may seem like a criticism of the left, which it is, especially in regards to progressive liberal ideology in regards to aggressively coddling and protecting anything that is somehow abnormal, and even more so in regards to the viability of socialism for any prolonged period of time, the right is equally capable of spurring these profound revolutions in delusion, be it in regards to climate change, the economy, or the constant narrative of America somehow being threatened by anything and everyone. When both sides of the political spectrum are now defined by the peddling of delusion and the pandering to fantasies, there should be no optimism that any realistic solutions to real problems will ever be found, as every proposed solution is guaranteed to be rooted in fantasy, fallacy, and delusion rather than realty.” Says Jenna

“That’s a fair point, and as much as I’m not a conflictory person that I would raise it myself, I certainly won’t defend the people with that mentality as if they are somehow any more sane than the other delusional people in the world; that being said, plenty of delusional people have always been treated as legitimate sources of knowledge: homeopaths, communists, and even Hitler all perpetuated profound levels of delusional thinking in order to further their ambitions. It’s not that the progressive strategy is anything new, as it has worked with great degrees of success in the past; it’s just that their delusions are of a far more shameless and disgusting kind, mutilating and disfiguring people’s bodies in the name coddling delusion. That being said, I can’t really object to them doing what they want just as I can’t really object to the parents who want their kids to die from tetanus or diphtheria because they oppose vaccines and anything beyond homeopathic medicine, as if society is perfectly content with letting them murder their own children, though that’s not entirely unbelievable or even out of the norm considering their stance on abortion.

 Of all delusional people that get coddled these days, the only ones that come to mind whom I would actually condemn are the anti-fluoride people, because they don’t affect themselves or their own kids but the entire community, and I like my teeth and I’m certainly not going to defend somebody trying to steal the teeth out of my mouth just because they’re so damn delusional to think that fluoride is some form of government mind control, yet regardless of this being completely insane, they have still managed to remove the fluoride from the drinking water in hundreds of towns and cities across the country, even large respectable ones, and that’s sickening to think how many children will be damned to a life of painful teeth and tens if not hundreds of thousands of dollars’ worth of dental bills to address the poor state of their dental health just because the American public is so sickeningly in favor of coddling the delusions of these people. Don’t fuck with my teeth, I’m serious, that pisses me off to no end, money is tight and it will probably always be tight, so the last thing I want is a lifetime of expensive dental bills and painfully decomposing and broken teeth.

Thankfully we still have fluoride here, but to think that there is this movement sweeping the country to remove it from the water supply, I am already incredibly mournful for the countless children and their teeth that will suffer on account of that. Sadly I don’t have any uplifting optimism to balance Jenna’s cynicism, but my only point is a sardonic and somewhat facetious one, which may well balance the ambiance if people find such tastes to actually be humorous rather than grim. So considering the fact that we’re already at the point of embracing delusion while spurning instinct, religion, and science, it might seem that we have no ability to further descent in this charade of devolution, but worry not, because truly delusion has its own weakness, the fact that people willingly and wholeheartedly believe in it, and that will be its downfall, because society can always descend beyond the level of embracing delusion to the point where society as a whole ambitiously and aggressively embraces boldfaced lies; they defend things they know for certain to be false with life and limb, and regardless of what they know to the contrary or even what their delusions might convince them of, these are irrelevant because the public medium of media that normalizes society will argue to no end that anyone who disagrees with these boldfaced and blatant lies is truly a criminal, a heartless and inhuman scumbag who is a shameless menace to society, and as odd as that may sound, it is a rather simple, tried and true strategy that has been used many times within history, as this is a propaganda state, and knowing that an object in motion tends to stay in motion and there is absolutely nothing that will stop this level of human degeneracy and devolution, it is only a matter of time, easily less than a decade before this country forsakes even delusion and instead puts their faith wholeheartedly in boldfaced lies, not because they actually believe them, but because they are told to believe them by the powers that be, and perhaps because they want them to be true. The people know these statements are false, certainly, but they want them to be true just so they can justify their own actions and those of the state, so they can feel more comfortable in all of the egregious behavior of themselves and the state.

 In fact, it has already started to take root, the Muslims and Hispanics may not be invading, but the people will vehemently argue that the Muslims and Hispanics are invading so that the state can implement countless surveillance and policing policies, the people get to enjoy their racism and the state gets to enjoy its authority. The coloreds are convinced that all police are out to kill them, and clearly this is false, and they know this, but this gives them a reason to protest and demand better treatment and is a wonderful spur to get people to protest far more measurable and impactful measures of discrimination. The women decide that equal rights and fair treatment are not enough, so they convince themselves that things are somehow not equal, that women are still incredibly oppressed and repressed within society, they know this is false and women are given the same opportunities as men, but they want to demand more things, they want to be treated better than equal and they will purport the narrative of oppression until they themselves have become the oppressors, and even then it is still a tiny chance that the women will allege that such a situation is equal and will more than likely still demand even better treatment, even more subservience and submission from men.

 The poor are not oppressed, the standard of living is very high, and America still rewards those whose skill and effort is worthy of being rewarded, but regardless of this, the poor will argue that they are oppressed; they know this is false,  but they want more than they have, and they will argue that the economy keeps them in poverty because they lack the initiative, capacity, and willpower to actually move by their own volition, they stay in the same place day after day, and regardless of this being entirely voluntary, they argue that the rich are oppressing and forcing them to stay in poverty as clearly they have not moved despite their desire to do so, and this will spur endless rage form the poor demanding that the poor be given free things and their fair share of all of the richest people’s money, despite this being a very countable sum that is no more than a one-time bonus of $2,000 at most if the ten or twenty richest people in the country all divide their wealth evenly amongst every member of the country, but despite this trivial sum of money being countable and contrary to this point, people think that taxing the rich is somehow going to make their lives perfect, despite the fact they demand a lifestyle that cost %10,000 percent more than anything that a high tax rate could ever accomplish.

Any attempts to give them even a portion of what they demand would result in an entirely unsustainable level of free things that eventually cripples the economy and thus collapses the country, and the resulting indignation of the people who fallaciously feel robbed of what they are fallaciously entitled to causes revolt and anarchy as people attempt to induce some communist system or another that promises all of these delusional idiots that somehow communism of all things will give them everything they ever dreamed of, and as much as that is an incredibly stupid thought for anyone to have, the people will always believe someone who tells them what they want to hear as opposed to someone who tells them otherwise, regardless of how ridiculous the statement is that is coming from the person who tells them what they want to hear. People are incredibly stupid, and if you can imagine all of the ways that stupid people kill themselves, it’s basically like that running through my mind except on a national level in slow motion as we draw closer and closer to the ultimate level of idiocy that finally does the country in and causes it to collapse. It is unfortunate, but seeing how we can’t do anything about it, there’s nothing left to do but shake our heads and be ashamed of the country. I would say that such a world defined by lies might help Stacy, but she’s as honest as George Washington and would rather be stern, critical, cruel, and remorselessly accurate in her arguments rather than achieving the same ends through the means of manipulation and misinformation.” Says Stella

“I see no point in any other argument; the people will always be more delusional than I could ever take advantage of productively, so I’d rather have a legitimate argument than try and fail miserably to argue in the pandering style of contemporary delusion peddling idealists. I’m not even tempted, it just seems so stupid, the argument is just ‘Nothing is perfect, everything should be perfect, you don’t have things that you want, you should have the things that you want, and I will make everything perfect and give you the things that you want.’ This argument is so painful to listen to just because it trumps every legitimate, well-reasoned, and valid argument just because people have no ability to judge merit in arguments, they don’t understand that the argument is fallacious and thus always believe that these people are telling them the truth.

It’s blatantly fallacious because perfection is very far from actually giving people what they want, at least the attainable reality that is closest to perfection that is, and anything beyond that is ridiculous dysfunctional nonsense that amounts to burning down society hoping that the smoke and fumes get people so high that they believe that they’re actually getting what they want. The idealists want to sacrifice society in order to convince people that they are getting what they want despite the fact that this is blatantly false, yet every single time the people will be convinced by the exact same logic and rhetoric that had palpably failed them in every previous attempts, but that’s the gambler’s fallacy; they wouldn’t play if they didn’t think they were going to win, despite an endless losing streak they’re always convinced that this next one is a winner so they put all of their faith and money into this new ticket, just to lose like they always do and start dreaming about that next lotto ticket to paradise.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but business time is drawing nearer, so perhaps now would be a good time to use the restroom, get a drink of water, that sort of thing. We’ve still got a shake and change on the clock, so no hurry, but I’m just trying to be responsibly prudent; timeliness is a critical element of such schemata bound within this physical world. Perhaps a nice diphenhydramine or two for you, Stella, I’m sure a quality sedative might ease some of the stress you’re likely going to experience. I’d hate for you to resort to drinking and smoking the way dad does, so perhaps finding a less destructive substance to depend on in hard times could certainly be a valuable investment.” Says Stacy

“I’m glad you’re thinking about how I feel right now, as much as your argument may be reasonable, I’d hate to start on the slippery slope of the American delusion that pills make everything better. I’d rather be of clear mind just so I don’t end up doing something stupid; I don’t trust myself to take those pills and I won’t unless I have to, you know they make me terribly sleepy, and the last thing I want is to convince myself to do something stupid or reckless because my inhibitions and common sense have been so relaxed by sedative pills. As much as I might feel better, I’m sure they’re nowhere near powerful enough to stop me from worrying, so I’d rather be paralyzed by fear than drunk on pills. You know those pills basically cause you to function as if you were legally intoxicated, right? I’m sure you don’t want me being drunk crazy rather than just regular crazy.” Says Stella

“That’s a fair point. I’ll remind you there’s nothing to worry about, as I’ve truly got this plan polished and pretty like none other, quite remarkable considering my previous forays into comparably minimalistic preparation. Everything is falling into place perfectly and it truly is a beautiful thought running through my plan when even omniscience cannot find a single realistic probability that argues something may go wrong.” Says Stacy

“Just stop talking; you’re conceit and egotism make me unable to trust your confidence, and considering that you got shot last week, I don’t need to hear any of this. Just make it quick, safe, and come home, ok? I’ve convinced myself that you’ve learned your lesson, considering that you’ve been fine so far this week, so please don’t prove me wrong. I’m really hoping being shot gave you this intense aversion to having that ever happen again so as to ensure that there are not even miniscule chances of being shot. Considering you are omniscient I don’t understand how you could convince yourself that this very real probability of being shot last weekend was something negligible, it was that or you just felt like playing the odds which is something I hope you would be more sensible than to do, considering you understand the dangers of gambling, especially since you’re gambling with your life right now.” Says Stella

“It was a one-of, first time jitters; I’ve worked the kinks out and there’s nothing to fear in the slightest. Just this one job, quick and easy, and we’re coming right home. There’s a bit of a commute, but it’s hardly across town so we won’t be gone for too long, and only in whatever imaginary danger you might come up with for only an ephemeral second, then it’s back on the train and out of harms way.” Says Stacy

“If you’re omniscient can you at least give me a time that you will be home so I will know when I should start to completely lose my mind.” Says Stella

“Well, I would hope you wouldn’t, but as there is nothing more than a lottery chance of the train breaking down, I’ll gladly inform you that we will be home by midnight, easily sooner, certainly no later, and any variation is solely due to the extent to which our walking pace hurries us along on the trek back, as I will determine the pace headed towards our destination as to ensure proper fitting timeliness.” Says Stacy

“I hope you’re not relying on some odd split-second opportunity to do something, if you are I don’t trust your timeliness one bit considering how reluctant you are to even get up on time.” Says Stella

“Nothing like that, it’s just a matter of not being late is all; we’ve got a big window to arrive, we simply can’t arrive later than that or things all fall apart.” Says Stacy

“I do hope you will be as early as possible as to give me less time to worry, but I’d rather you go at the most opportune time that minimizes the possible danger to be honest. I will always worry, so don’t worry about me, just worry about making sure you get home safely, ok? I know you have to do these things, I can tell your ring is getting pretty dark, so I can’t be mad at you; I’m just sad, worried, all the usual sorts of things. For some reason I’m hopeful though, I guess I don’t want to be anything other than hopeful to be honest, so I’ll try to be as optimistic as possible despite however much I am fearful, and the fact that I know when you will be home at least gives me some degree of comfort up until that point, even if it may not amount to much in practice.” asks Stella

“I know you feel that way, but hopefully this success tonight will just give you all the more confidence in my ability, and soon you won’t fear me going out and taking care of business any more than you would if I went to the park or a friend’s house. As for timeliness and all, you read my mind, as that is certainly what I’m going to do. Come now; let’s take care of personal business before we venture out into the world to handle such professional business.” Says Stacy

“Before you start to put on your morgue clothes, I just want to remind you that you are living this painfully ironic tragedy, the girl who always argues that humanity is killing themselves with their arrogance, pride, and idiocy, so vehemently critical and conscious of this fact, yet at the same times lives this life were her own arrogance, pride, and idiocy will undoubtedly lead to her untimely death, reminding everyone that even a person so well aware of the deadly and suicidal nature of such traits cannot avoid the same fate simply due to the fact that regardless of this awareness, she happens to be human before she is intelligent. You are reminding us that your arguments are so futile and pointless that they have no use even to someone so versed in them; that your own human nature and vices will lead to your downfall despite your awareness of the probability of that being true. You are this shining example of how people refuse to learn from their mistakes, they refuse to acknowledge that they are capable of having these self-destructive shortcomings, that even after being shot, having a bullet come within inches of your heart for Christ’s sake, you are still so profoundly arrogant that you presume your infallible presumed correctness is handedly enough to ensure that you not only survive, but thrive.

 You likely won’t enlighten the human race enough to save them, but you’ve certainly enlightened me to the point that it is extremely unlikely that such salvation is even possible when even you, with your respectable degree of intelligence, and even with your godforsaken magical omniscience, will still ensure your own downfall and destruction through your own vices and arrogance. Sure, it’s an angry sadness of shame, being ashamed of all of humanity, but it is tragic to be reminded that for all of humanity such a fate of self-destruction completely unavoidable, and this fate would still be unavoidable even when graced with the intelligence of god himself. I don’t know if I can be sad, if I can sympathize with a protagonist that unimaginably stupid, but if I could get passed my bitterness and my shame, I’m sure I could, and I’m sure those unforgivable narcissuses that populate this earth would find this profound omen of their own fated self-destruction to be quite saddening considering their unthinkable attachment to such disgusting unnatural and shameless creatures. I hope you’re proud, because your life has basically served to remind the world that truly nothing could be done to prevent this fateful end of humanity, even if we knew better, even if we listened, and the only silver lining is that the people will get to die in their own shameless bliss of hedonistic ignorance, if one can even consider that a silver lining rather than one more accentuation of the spectacular finale that fully exemplifies the complete despicability of the human race.” Says Stella

“I’m not an existentialist, so I’m not going to give into the search for any sort of meaning or significance in all of this; meaning is much like pareidolia, where if one is used to constantly looking for human faces they will begin to see human faces in things that are not human races in the slightest; I’m sure we could find countless parallels to Finnegan’s Wake within our lives if we were constantly looking for them, but that doesn’t mean they are anything more than figments of our imagination. As real as they may feel, I think it’s comforting to remember that feelings are just figments of our imaginations, hallucinations that arose in order to compel life to keep on living, to sustain itself, and they likely have little to no meaning to anything that exists beyond this world, or at least this universe, as truly the way an individual understands reality is entirely defined by their subjective perspective of the reality in which they exist; so rather than think Stacy is just some servant of god sent to prove one final message, that humanity would never be able to save themselves even under conditions of miraculous assistance, I just sweep everything under the rug of meaningless happenstance, nothing meaningful or even coincidental; such things entirely hallucinatory in nature, we are simply the product of the clash of instinctive wills, of animals seeking to survive, with no particular meaning to that save for the fact that there will always be competition for a limited set of resources, and the minds of all life forms have developed to maximize their capacity to compete for those resources.

Even the magical dog said he was more preoccupied with eating little girls than he was about actually doing good, he seemed rather indifferent to that fact of his existence, which itself is likely little more than an excuse to justify his behavior, the same way people tend to justify their own behaviors and beliefs with imagined meaning and perceived significance that will justify one action while condemning others. It’s not that the meaning is actually real, because then it would not be subject to debate, it is that meaning is believable enough for people to convince themselves of that meaning in the absence of any real and measurable proof of one idea or the other. It’s a tasteful little story, I won’t lie, but if one searches for meaning or the will of god in everything, one will undoubtedly find it, just as those searching for parallels to Finnegan’s Wake will find them day in and day out, neither with any particular relevance to anything besides one’s own philosophical psychological perception of this physical world we inhabit.

 Even though your argument is likely little more than an observation of quainthood rather than a true argument defending the factuality of the argument, I don’t think it’s a rather pleasant thing to convince yourself of, so I would try to remember that perception is entirely relative, and rather than become hung up on this one rather distasteful vantage of our predicament, try to see it from one of the countless other vantages that may help you come to terms with it, to be less bitter and angry about it, take a stroll around the mangled piece of abstract art that is our existence, and try to see something else, something more contenting. If that is what you believe Stacy’s existence to signify, you will always be able to convince yourself of that argument, but conjecture is a beautiful thing as we are given a drop of water and a grain of rice, and we are given the opportunity to imagine the most wondrous feast, a bountiful rice paddy, or as you elect, a rather embittered and realistic omen of one’s own starvation. Humans have the ability to imagine and fantasize for a reason, to reap the psychological bounties of worlds that are not particular real without having to actually manifest their existence somehow; it may seem petty or foolish, but I truly care for you, Stella, and your psychological health may be sound, but inescapable sanity can itself be even more so unpleasant than insanity.

 There is a reason why people are so drawn to delusion, optimism, and even mythos and religion, and it is because having these perceptions, these rather baseless beliefs, functions as a psychological analgesic; they ease the mental anguish of being alive. I want you to be happy, or at least less consumed by stress, and for that to happen I think you’ve got to let your sanity slip a little bit, to realize that now is not the time to revel in one’s sanity, that a tempting fantasy can be even more useful in reality than objective sanity simply because it preserves one’s own life, and even if it seems like folly to do so, understand that the human race is prone to those sorts of thoughts simply because they actually do save our lives, that so long as we have the will to keep living despite any odds against us, there will likely be a few who survive, and each one of them only survived because they convinced themselves in their own baseless optimism that the improbable fate of survival was somehow feasible enough to continue living. They convinced themselves that if they continue through the hard times, that soon enough everything will be all right. These delusions of optimism are beneficial to our survival just as delusions of pessimism are contrary to it, as plenty of people succumb to these pessimistic thoughts and become so consumed by their hopelessness that they take their own lives despite the fact that things could have gotten better, that they could have survived through the hard times and found relief from the pain, found a reason or the means to live. It is this profound degree in which the human psychology influences the survival of an individual that I hope you will see the wisdom in forsaking sanity, even if just for a night, just to save yourself the misery of wallowing in the temporary misery and torture that comes to us often enough in these ephemeral lives of ours.” Says Jenna

“I don’t try to think about it either really; I just know everything happens according to the will of God, so even if I don’t understand, I can at least be comforted in the fact that God understands, and whatever happens does so in accordance with the will of God. That dog was some kind of dog angel that gave us this magic so we could help him do good in the world, to do the will of God, and even if Stacy was hurt last time, I’m sure God was just helping her to get better at what she has been called to do. We have to learn from our mistakes, and if God wanted Stacy to die he would have killed her, but he didn’t, he just reminded her that our job is dangerous and she needs to be careful. I don’t think God would bless us like this if he didn’t intend for us to accomplish something amazing and wonderful, so rather than be pessimistic and think this is all about futility, think of it as a miracle, like we have been blessed with this ability to save the world somehow, and I think there is no reason to believe we won’t do it, because that is clearly what God intended, or at least make the world a much better place as best we can. These sorts of things aren’t random; they happen for a reason, and God gave Stacy these powers because he knew she could make the most of them. Nobody will be saved if Stacy dies, so I’m sure God is helping her every step of the way to make sure she does what she needs to, but also what God wants her to do, and I wouldn’t think for a second that God’s will involves her dying, certainly not any time soon anyways.” Says Ophelia

“I’ve never been that faithful, but hearing you talk about it that way brought me around. I want to believe that, and I see no reason not to. I’ll believe it for as long as I can, but please, for the love of God, don’t prove Ophelia wrong.” Says Stella

“Let’s not forget that my life is not the tragedy here; the source of the tragedy is society. The fact that the human race will be driven into self-induced extinction by their own devolutionary degeneracy if they don't listen to me, meaning in the near future because it's nearly a god damned guarantee that the human race won't listen to me. That's the tragedy. If you really took a gander at the situation, you would understand that the tragedy is me reaching my hand out, trying to help humanity up from the cliff that it is dangling off of, and yet in humanity’s profoundly delusional egotism, soon enough the human race simply lets go of this cliff altogether and rapidly plummets to their own well-deserved damnation. That is the tragedy. It's far less tragic when the human race doesn't have that person reaching over the edge of the cliff trying to save them, willing and able to save them no less, and clearly if I’m dead and gone, god himself will have less grounds to spit in the face of the human race and further accentuate their damnation with countless torturous testaments of their own shortcomings and shamelessness.

Legal systems work in the manner that you may get a warning first, but after the warning you are more than likely going to be held fully accountable for your mistakes, and I exist to fulfil that warning, just so there are absolutely no excuses when the human race is forced to plead the case for their forgiveness in the eyes of god once they cease to exist. If I don't exist, then they can tell god they didn't know any better, that they were ignorant, that this ignorance is grounds for some degree of forgiveness, but when I exist this excuse does not exist, because at this point there are no excuses for the countless instances of shameless vice that have come to define this inhuman decent into the most unimaginable and ungodly degeneracy that has ever graced the face of this godforsaken planet, and this planet is truly an abominable burning effigy of the concept of intelligence.

 In nature, life evolves, and in our technologically advanced society, decadence evolves, and it has evolved beyond decay to the point of having this rotting corpse of the human race existing in a fully decayed state that is now being consumed by a new breed of lifeforms unworthy of even the term life itself, truly death-forms, destructive forces that seek to replace life itself with the unnatural death-forms that can thrive in such a society where life itself cannot compete against death in the flesh; life, if life itself were compulsively driven to pursue death rather than life, not only their own death, but that of everything around them. Unworthy of even the term death, as such is innocent and associated with life, necromanced malignance per the curse of fallacious intelligence, and I’m struggling for words at that point. Perhaps I’m being bold as my usual self in these arguments, but if I were god I would be quite intent on further smiting the human race to the maximum extent for their irreverence, and I would be quite bitter if the human race were to avoid much of the punishment for their grievances against me simply due to their cries of ignorance in the matter.  I feel strongly that such is the will of god, and knowing god, how vengeant he is, how just, and how stern he is, I would look to your faith to assure you that I will survive, well into the future, just to perpetuate the will of god and further codify and justify the unthinkable torture that awaits humanity in the hell so truly fitting for creatures of such irreverent vice.” Says Stacy

“Well then, as much as that was a completely ridiculous interpretation, I will acknowledge that I can almost convince myself of your survival, even in bitterness. I’m just going to put faith in Ophelia’s argument and hope that somewhere along the lines your intelligence somehow allows you to learn something that actually does help society. I don’t have faith in your philosophy and political ideology, so that’s probably why I don’t see your point as being entirely valid, but knowing the fact that your mind wanders like a schizophrenic dog chasing imaginary butterflies, I’ll just hope you end up in a place that’s a bit more pleasant, equally distracting, equally captivating, and somewhat beneficial to society, even if it is theoretically less so beneficial than your unattainable pipe dreams of occult dehumanization of every member of the species. I’ll still probably lose my mind tonight, but it will be a delightful few minute after you leave that I desperately try to keep myself together before falling apart entirely.” Says Stella

“If you’re not breaking down before we leave, that’s a remarkable degree of progress in that department. Try to think of those military spouses who saw their young husbands go off to war, understand how they must feel, how they got through the weeks, months, if not years, with just occasional letters at best. That sort of strength is something to call upon; we’ll be gone for a few hours, so don’t think too much about it and it will be over before you know it.” Says Stacy

“I’m a nervous wreck, you know that, and the difference between us is the women weren’t told that within three hours they would know whether or not their loved one was dead. That’s an awfully short period of time to convince myself of some delusion that everything will turn out fine. Go, get ready, leave me be, I’ll survive at least as long as you do, so you’ve got nothing to worry about. Jenna won threes and fives. I’ll clean up.” Says Stella, starting to put the dominos away

“Prudent as always, I see. I’m off to the loo, to drink a cup of water to my health. Feel free to join me.” Says Stacy, getting up

“Don’t worry, Stella. Everything will be fine. I know this is hard on you, but just have faith, ok?” asks Ophelia, reaching out to touch Stella’s arm

“I’ll do my best. Just don’t betray my faith, ok?” asks Stella

“We will do what we can, which is next to nothing so far as I can tell, but I’m sure it will be an exercise in faith for all of us. Just know that I’d rather be in your position than likely having to witness whatever it is Stacy has convinced herself of doing tonight. The capacity for destruction within the human body, even one as small as Stacy’s, is truly a frightening thing to behold. I’d rather know second hand than first hand, and I hope you never are forced to bear witness to such a rattling spectacle as Stacy’s taste for justice.” Says Jenna

“I am almost glad I am here now; I’m sure I would have lost my mind twice over if I actually saw what Stacy does. It’s just a vague perception of something, a blur of mercurial violence, and I try not to think about it anymore than that. You two are much stronger than me, and it truly is a miracle that I was not wrapped up in this mess in the same way you are. Things would have fallen apart beyond any imaginable degree of salvageability, and I’m sure at least myself, if not all of us, would be dead by now. The last thing Stacy needs right now is me getting in her hair, so I will let her take care of what she needs to do, and try to keep my head out of her business as much as humanly possible.” Says Stella

“The servants of god and the faithful alike all ascend to the same heaven; have faith, my dear, as that is all you need.” Says Stacy, lofty, nonchalant, walking out the room

“I’m sorry for all of this Stella, but there’s nothing we can do; that’s about all I can say, we leave ourselves to the will of the wind and fate alone, and such is life, such is death. We should all probably drink to our health; I’d hate to have dehydration be the cause of our deaths. That’s about all we have the power to prevent at this point.” Says Jenna, grimly, as the three stand up

“Please, do. Not that I would hold that against you, but knowing you two have done everything you can to prevent my sister’s death would be comforting, to know that we are not all destined to die by the hand of our own ignorance, the ignorance of others, sure, but our own hands had done all they could, and it simply was not enough.” Says Stella, distantly

“Just pray for us, and I’m sure your prayers will be answered.” Says Ophelia, comfortingly, as she hugs her

“I will.” Says Stella

“Then God will answer them.” Says Ophelia, sincerely, as she lets go and follows Jenna into the hall, into the bathroom, Stacy on the toilet





“You don’t even close the door?” asks Jenna

“I don’t see the point.” Says Stacy, cleaning herself and pulling her shorts up, going to wash her hands

“Fair enough.” Says Jenna, taking a moment to relieve herself

“So is there anything we need to know about tonight?” asks Ophelia

“Nope. Everything should simply fall into place, and you two just get to serve the purpose of insurance if god reminds me I should have bought lottery tickets tonight due to my luck inducing something unimaginably improbable.” Says Stacy, filling a plastic cup with water in the sink, drinking it down in one uninterrupted bout of hydration

“Ok, well, I hope we will be able to help even if something unimaginable does happen.” Says Ophelia

“You will; I’ve been sure to run through even those situations in my mind, so you two have nothing to worry about.” Says Stacy

“I hope you’re not downplaying the likelihood that things might go wrong.” Says Jenna, finishing on the toilet and getting up, washing her hands

“Of course not, I’m quite wary of probabilities in these sorts of events, and when you are aware of the compulsive reflexivity of the human mind, nearly all probabilities involved are functionally guarantees; each action, each thought of those involved so predefined by the physical medium we exist in, simple infallible systems of equations, of inputs and outputs, that we are hardly doing anything involving chance at all, we are simply putting input in and receiving the desire output. It’s all a precisely calculated venture, so much so that even improbable events would not set such a flawless plan off course.” Says Stacy, as Ophelia takes her turn on the toilet

“So you just have these actuarial tables that you run through during every possible situation that might arise, and you can somehow understand them, let alone orchestrate some profound chain of events that yields flawless success every time.” Says Jenna

“It’s like a million different instances of the same situation playing in my mind, plain as day, and the probability of deviation from a certain event is perceived as a ghost-like entity, a faint departure of a person’s body from their usual course of action, and the density of these apparitions correlates to the probability; this plan is rock solid, the subjects of this justice themselves so thoughtless and compulsive as to have virtually no chance of deviating from their instinctive animal reflexes. Even if there were to be some unprecedented event to shift probability, my mind is wary of these events in real time and these predictive analytics are updated in real time with perfect accuracy. I’ve spent days on end honing this skill, and truly it is a marvelous capacity for a human mind to wield. Drink, the water is nice, get your fluoride, keep your teeth” Says Stacy, as Ophelia finishes and washes her hands, she pours herself a glass of water, drinks it in the same manner, and Jenna follows suit

“I don’t really want to think about your omniscience, and certainly not the paradoxical existence of such certainty in a world where the future is defined by probability. I would rather have blind faith in it, so I’ll just presume you’re right and stop asking questions.” Says Jenna

“Perfect; now that we’ve prepared to the best of our abilities, let me get dressed and we can be on our way.” Says Stacy

“Chipper as always, with no distaste for your ventures, I see.” Says Jenna

“Of course not; if a man has distaste for water, he will die of thirst. I’m quite fond of quenching that thirst and certainly don’t shy away from it.” Says Stacy

“Comforting, to say the least.” Says Jenna, dryly, as the two follow Stacy back into the room, Stella lying on her bed, staring at the celling

“Don’t just lay there; distract yourself, forget these things; as much as I’m opposed to drug use, if you’re going to be consumed by these worries of yours I’d almost suggest you find a prescription for that stupefying forgetfulness herb that is so popular amongst the hippies who ironically have no knowledge to forget whatsoever. I’m sure you wouldn’t enjoy it, the experience, but the side-effect of pacifying forgetfulness and stupidity may be a godsend for somebody so consumed by their own very functional mind.” Says Stacy, stripping down to her panties

“I’d rather not destroy my mind with drugs any more than it has been by my life; the last thing I need is something that makes a person even more paranoid and crazy. I think you’ve got to kill half of your brain cells by smoking that stuff before you get any of the benefits of mindlessness and forgetfulness. As much as that might seem pleasant, I am also trying to continue to function within society if there is any chance I can continue to do so.” Says Stella, as Stacy reaches into the dresser and puts on a bra

“Fair enough; there’s always diphenhydramine if you’re so unwilling to distract yourself through your own volition. Such psychotropic medication is always doled out to resolve the issues that the mind cannot or will not resolve on its own.” Says Stacy, reaching into the drawer to pull out her knife, hooking the j-clip in her bra with the sheath strapped firmly against her back, getting on her dress,

“I’ll be fine. I don’t need to be sedated. It’s not like I’m some animal that acts entirely out of instinct; I can control myself, so despite whatever displeasure I might feel, I certainly won’t act upon it. I’ll listen to the radio, the news, just to remind me that you’re likely not dead, as truly two witches and a little girl dressed up like some kind of cat librarian prostitute getting into a gunfight will more than likely make the snippety headlines they toss about every half hour. Not that people actually care that your dead, but the news understands the city’s fondness for peculiar and comical news, so at least you’re doing me that favor by making yourself look so ridiculous.” Says Stella, as Stacy reaches into the drawer to retrieve her handgun, holstering it in her knickers against the small of her back, causally indifferent, reaching into her schoolbag to grab the box of business cards, placing it on the table, grabbing one, and slipping it into the cup of her bra

“Are those business cards?” asks Stella

“I’m a business; what can I say?” Says Stacy

“Are you seeking out clients for your insane murders now? Why in the fuck do you have business cards?” asks Stella

“It’s not like that; these just allow me to undertake these sorts of ventures without breaking the law, so it’s just a get out of jail free card for the most part, not a particularly capitalistic venture at this point.” Says Stacy

“Let me see.” Says Stella, Stacy throws her a business card

“Personal Protection Officer? Is that even a real job? How does that give you the right to kill people.” says Stella

“It is my job to defend my clients, and protect people, so that is my golden excuse if anybody happens to ask questions. My clients’ lives were threatened and I simply did my duty; I did what I am legally employed to legally do. On top of that it lets me buy guns and ammunition even though I’m underage because technically minors can only have guns if their job requires them to do so; that girl Isabelle truly is a godsend, it was her idea after all. She ran it by her lawyer and everything, truly a remarkable level of involvement, especially considering that she’s ignorant to all of this; she just happened to see me fight a grown man on the street and thought that skill could be quite profitable if she had the business sense to peddle it, and I suppose she wanted to keep me out of trouble, but I’m sure half of her motivation to undertake such a venture was the delirious capitalistic lust that fills so many people like her.” Says Stacy

“You are insane. I like it, but this is insane. It has your name on it, first of all, but I guess if you’re in the position that you are going to be arrested it doesn’t make a difference at that point. The fact that the legitimacy and legality of what you do somehow changes with this business card is beyond me, but even if that is complete nonsense, this truly is your best chance considering that running from the cops will get you shot, and shooting at them puts a bounty on your head.” Says Stella

“My thoughts exactly.” Says Stacy

“Anyways, with that knife handle sticking out of your dress and the outline of the gun clearly visible against your back, I’d say your certainly look the part. Hopefully nobody stops you before you get to your destination.” Says Stella

“It’s hardly a remarkable sight in this city, being armed is more common than being homeless, and nobody bats an eye at some dissolute bum drunk in an alley.” Says Stacy

“Where did you get that knife?” asks Ophelia

“Found it lying around; I figure even though I don’t intent to use it, it certainly helps me look the part.” Says Stacy

“Is that kind of knife even legal?” asks Jenna

“It certainly is. There is no limit to the size of a fixed blade knife in our state, so long as it isn’t concealed, and this one certainly isn’t.” says Stacy

“I’m glad you know the law, even if you picked up some abandoned murder weapon on the street.” Says Jenna

“Well, any sinful past it might have carried will be redeemed by its service in the name of the lord, so even if all knives don’t go to heaven, this one will.” Says Stacy

“You’re insane; go do whatever it is you intend to do, at least make an effort not to die, but the farcical nature of all of this put me in a state of delightful abandonment. Any last words, by the way?” asks Stella

“We’ll be home by midnight, don’t worry.” Says Stacy

“Infamous last words if there ever were any, take care.” Says Stella, comically detached

“Hugs before we go.” Says Ophelia, cutely, seemingly indifferent to their fate by means of faith, powerful enough to wash away any unsavory implications of such behavior

“Of course.” Says Stella, obligingly, getting off the bed to hug Ophelia “Take care.” She says

“We will.” Says Ophelia, nonchalantly assured in her wellbeing

“It’s been a pleasant time, let’s do this again sometime if we can.” Says Jenna, hugging Stella

“It truly has, and we will likely enjoy these peculiar nights until we die, whenever that might be, as circumstances only avail themselves circumstantially, and I doubt either of your parents would be fond of Stacy showing up to your house dressed up like a prototypical Bay City trainwreck.” Says Stella

“Of course not, and I’d like my parents to never know the slightest hint of this aspect of my life, and I’m sure Ophelia feels exactly the same way.” Says Jenna

“I’m sure our parents would be proud, but it is important to keep these sorts of things super-secret for everybody’s safety. Rumors spread fast you know.” Says Ophelia

“Of course.” Says Stella, as she walks over to hug Stacy. “I’ll see you soon, one way or the other.” She says in somber contentedness, kissing Stacy on the cheek, Stacy moves to kiss her on the lips once slowly, Stella keeps her from departing, kissing her modestly, brimming with reserved yet passionate tenderness, subtle tears welling in her eyes as Stacy lets go

“Soon it is; I’ll be counting the moments until the clock strikes soon, just to save you the trouble. Don’t worry about a thing; know I’ll be home right on time, soon enough and possibly sooner.” Says Stacy, wiping a tear from Stella’s cheek

“I just hope this will still be your home when that time comes.” Says Stella

“Well I don’t fancy sleeping on a park bench, so you have nothing to fear. I know what I’m doing; if I were driving a car tonight the most palpable threat to my life by far would be a car accident, so hopefully that just puts it in perspective. I know you don’t like guns, but they truly are a handy tool for getting my work done. Now if I was going about this with just a knife, sure, you could be worried, but I can put a bullet in the medulla of two men in the span of one second in pitch darkness with 100% accuracy. That I can say with complete confidence as it relies on no probability whatsoever, so hopefully that eases your nerves a bit.” Says Stacy, letting go of her

“How did you get shot then?” asks Stella

“I gave somebody the opportunity to do so, and I learned that is not a wise thing to do. Clearly I could have put a bullet in that person’s brain just as quick as the other two, but that would have negated the value of much of my charity work in the first place.  Now I have a complete aversion to any situation where somebody in some unthinkably human act of degeneracy might become an ungrateful beneficiary of charity, but I should have known better last weekend than to put faith in mankind, and now I certainly do. Tonight there are no first hand beneficiaries of my charity, so there is no opportunity for them to be ungrateful and bite the hand that feeds them.” Says Kitty, as she grabs her cat’s-eye costume glasses out of the drawer and replacing her usual headband with the cat eared headband

“Well, at least you’ve allegedly addressed that issue; so ironic of you to give people any sort of presumption of decency, considering your usual approach to life, and that might explain why you’ve recently become so opposed to giving any person any sort of presumption of decency or innocence in regards to the banter that has come to captivate you of late.” Says Stella

“Fair point, you live and you learn. I learned, so I live, and I will continue living for the foreseeable future. This is nothing but another round of patty-rolling and laying bumps on the bumptious like a good soul ought to, so think nothing of it. Take care of yourself; I’ll be home soon… With a ta-ta and a tally-ho, we’re off, girls.” Says Kitty, rallying the girls, nonchalantly making her way to the door

“Bye, Stella.” Says Ophelia

“See you soon, one way or the other.” Repeats Jenna, grimly

“Good luck.” Says Stella, softly, distant

“We’ll need it.” Says Jenna, dryly, hopeless

“If dad asks, which he won’t, we’re on a walk.” Says Kitty

“Of course.” Says Stella




“Quiet now, wouldn’t want to wake the poor fella.” Says Kitty, as the girls walk into the hall, Jenna shakes her head silently, looking at the ground, reluctantly in step with the two easily too eager to undertake this sort of adventure, the girls silently walk down the stairs and venture to the door, Dale soundly asleep, Kitty opens the screen door and holds it for the two girls, closing it gently, holding the button as to not make even a clicking sound as the door returns into place, Stella looks out the window silently starting in disbelief, as the girls walk on the sidewalk along the house, the two girls enter into the alleyway beside the house, and transform, entirely unseen into their own costumes, Stella disappears from the window, the faint ramble of the radio can softly be heard coming from the window, the girls begin to make their way to the westbound metro terminal


“Stage names from here on out girls.” Says Kitty

“We’re going to call them stage names?” asks Raven

“It’s the show that never ends; we’re merely performers; Shakespeare, and everything.” Says Stacy

“I pray to god that it ends one day, not today of course, but that one day we can actually return to our normal lives.” Says Raven

“I’m not sure we will want to return to them; I’m sure even a girl as reluctant as you might eventually find some satisfaction in this sort of charity work.” Says Kitty

“I’m not sure vigilantism is considered a charity.” Says Raven

“There’s no reason why we couldn’t make it one; we have the papers in order, I see no qualms with accepting donations. I’m sure the folks of this fine city would happily support our little organization, so long as their contributions are tax deductible of course. It’s a difficult decision for plenty of people to make whether they should fund the corruption of a non-profit as opposed to the state, but most people come to terms with this by realizing that the non-profit will just accomplish nothing rather than ever having the capability to do something that might hinder the benefactor. Few moneyed men would oppose the notion of cleaning up the streets, not that they’d particularly argue in favor of it due to their indifference, but if one is forced to throw money down one hole or another, I’m sure they would be quite pleased knowing that despite their amorality, they can still enjoy the entertainment of gunfights, especially noble and respectable gunfights.” Says Kitty

“Let’s try to keep the gunfighting to a minimum please.” Says Blaze

“That is certainly my intent; I truly am a staunch proponent of both economy and efficiency, so I have made quite the effort to ensure that both of such tenants of piety are respected during our endeavor tonight.” Says Kitty

“Something tells me you have either shortchanged the plan or you were far too ambitious about getting your allegorical money’s worth, possibly both to be honest. I noticed you were quite confident in your ability to perform, so I’m just hoping you’ve set a reasonable goal for yourself. I’m sure you’re capable of doing unthinkable things, but modesty has never been something you’ve been particularly aware of, so as much as you might be able to lift 100 pounds if you fully exert yourself, I hope you’re not betting your life on lifting that 100 pounds when you could easily have elected to lift 40 pounds and had much more room for error and less strain on your body. I know you’re ambitious, and that is what scares me right now.” Says Raven

“If allegorically these sorts of events are lifting weights, and we must say, lift 120 pounds a week, would you rather have us lift 40 pounds thrice a week, or as I have elected to lift say 80 pounds tonight and find another forty sometime during the week. Knowing full well that I can lift 100 pounds if need be, and certainly have no qualms with doing so, but regardless of this do know that I have respected modesty in the fact that I’ve only elected to lift 80 tonight; granted I’m only physically lifting 6 pounds with my finger a few times, so my brawn has nothing to do with our situation whatsoever.” Says Kitty

“This is too much math for me, especially at this time of night on a Saturday of all days, but twice a week sounds a lot better than thrice a week, so as much as it might be more work, if you don’t mind doing it, you really are making the right decision.” Says Blaze

“I certainly don’t. While I am reluctant to do anything and everything, the fact that I feel that these sorts of shenanigans are not only worthwhile, but wholesome and good, truly allows me to appreciate our work, as I can see the value, not just to our lives, but in some small degree to the community, and as much as I’ve never felt like a good or decent person, a great person sure, but not a particularly wholesome one, doing things like this make me proud of myself in that genuine politically correct style flavored by selflessness and goodness that the state want kids to feel, rather than in the true style of legitimate pride defined by actually feeling and being superior and greater than others. I am fonder of true pride, of course, but this feeling of what I would describe as Christ-like dignified selflessness, is not a bad feeling in the slightest.” Says Kitty

“I’m just saying there is always the possibility  that these plans you drum up might not go according to plan, and while you go in expecting to lift only 80, the tables could turn on us and you would be forced to lift 120 pounds when you can only lift 100, and those sorts of situations I would logically deduce to be the ones where we die, and I may be the odd one out here, but I have this subtle inclination compelling me to try and avoid such situations if at all possible.” Says Raven

“There is literally no logical reason beyond unprecedented miraculous intervention by the devil himself as to how or why this situation could ever escalate to that point, so I wouldn’t be worried about that. I’m not a gambler, my dear, and I certainly have no intention of gambling tonight, just an honest day’s work for an honest day’s pay is all.” Says Kitty

“Seeing how our situation with the silly costumes and the magic qualifies as unprecedented miraculous intervention by a supernatural entity, I don’t find that probability to be comforting in the slightest. I know I’m probably just delirious and insane for thinking that somehow the devil interfering with your plans is something that should seriously be considered, but given the nature of our predicament, I certainly wouldn’t rule it out of the question.” Says Raven

“If I were to fear the intervention of the devil there would be absolutely nothing we could do at all, because there is always some infinitesimal chance that the devil materializes before our eyes for some reason, and not only that, but does so with the intent to actually harm or hinder us in any way rather than be entirely confounded as to why he randomly materialized on a planet where he has nothing to gain in doing so, as his influence is nearly unquestionable within our society, and he would honestly have a much harder time tempting people unto damnation if he actually appeared in the flesh, as the reason so many people are tempted is because they deny the existence of the devil. Considering the fact that the devil’s sole purpose is to tempt people unto damnation, it seems unthinkable that he would ever appear on earth in any measurable form as this would be extremely counterproductive to the ends he is forced to seek.” Says Kitty

“That’s fair; I probably didn’t need the existential musings to convince me that something like that should be the least of my worries at this point. I’d rather not think about our situation any more than I have to, so try to distract me, let me keep my eyes closed through the nightmares of our lives.” Says Raven

“Not fond of the horror show, I can understand. I can easily ramble about something else. Distractibility may not be a virtue, but it comes in handy.” Says Kitty

“Hopefully tonight won’t be as scary as last weekend. I don’t want to have another night like that.” Says Blaze

“Of course not, and we certainly won’t. After tonight you girls will have complete faith in me, and there’s no doubt about that. I won’t let you down. In light of the endless things that I’ve probably said already but will likely reiterate time and time again, it is remarkable how I am far more prudent in these affairs than I  am in my daily life, and while that is to be expected in matters of life and death, my shameless flippant lack of productivity and direction in my usual life is quite the contrast to this sort of prudence, and as much as I am all talk in saying that I should improve that, I’m sure damn near everyone has issues ensuring productivity and utilizing their time in reasonable rather than wasteful manners. People lack this sort of initiative to take care of things they should, or to focus on the betterment of their self because they lack this drive, this fear of death, compelling them and pushing them from behind.

If people feared death were they to fail to be productive and better their lives, people would actually be motivated to be better people. As it stands they just see the opportunity to do so, convince themselves that it would be quite respectable and responsible to be a much more respectable and legitimate person than they currently are, but there is nothing that motivates these people because truly that which can be gained in the process is hardly as tempting as the thought of electing to do nothing. Idleness is always tempting because it is easy, the path of least resistance is guaranteed to be the one most people elect to take, and for that reason countless masses of people are left making as little of their lives as humanly possible, enough to meet their unthinkably low standards for self-respect, and even failing to do that often enough, yet somehow failing to muster the effort to actually meet and exceed those standards.

A society cannot expect to improve in any legitimate manner when it is so complicit with its citizenry failing to improve themselves at the same time. We rely entirely on technology to make our society better, when the result of this causes a negative impact on the betterment of the people themselves; a human and their technology work together to meet this end of self-respect or self-tolerance, and as technology becomes more capable, the people in turn respond by becoming less capable, doing less and less work to actually better themselves because they feel that the job gets done and they’ve done enough to be good enough, despite the fact that 90% of that which qualifies them as acceptable in their views is accomplished entirely by technology.

It’s extremely noticeable amongst the technophiles that use the electric communications to speak with one another rather than interacting in person; they quantify this electric socialization as an equivalent to real communication, and they meet their daily quotas of social upkeep electronically and feel that is sufficient, when in reality this creates an unhealthy psychological effect within their mind; they have replaced a natural function with an unnatural and far less beneficial analogue, and while they still accomplish a very similar end, it in turn cripples their ability to actually function in the real world. People turn to the electronic medium because it is far more accessible than real socialization, and people quickly find this cheap thrill of instant electric pleasure in their veins to be quite enjoyable, but much as a drug user will switch to harder drugs, from pills to heroin, these people find this fix to be so accessible and facilitated that they impulsively turn to this vector of such interaction despite the countless measurable differences between online interaction and true human interaction.

The drug allegory is appropriate in many ways, as people can get their fix online in many respects; they have switched from the pure natural drug, to a synthetic drug, one that is not as easily processed by the body, and not only that, but the high from the electronic communication is far less potent than it would be if one could foster the same level of friendship in person, which I will admit many of the people who use computers likely lack the ability to do so, but regardless of that fact, this is a drug that is cut, in the sense that they need to inject two or four times as much of it to get the same high, and people find themselves stabbing their veins with the electric heroin for 8 hours a day when 2 hours of actual socialization would get them the same high, at least in regards to dopamine and pleasure, and that is not even accounting for the other neurotransmitters that are likely not released in the slightest during electric communication, as many of these chemicals are released as the body is compelled by nature to reproduce, and for such chemicals to be released one must actually interact with another person.

Computers could prove to be extremely hazardous for humanity, because as the children become reared upon them, they may develop these unnatural neurological connections that release these reproductive or social hormones when using a computer, and while that may function in some respects for those who work within the internet and computers, it is a terrible maladaptive trait when borne by the usual sort of people, and people would soon find these reproductive hormones being released when using a computer, which is insane to think that the population will plummet because people’s minds are so warped by technology that they get the same instinctive contentedness and fulfillment by using a computer rather than actually reproducing as they should be, and this is all because of the unnatural environment that the digital world creates and the unnatural maladaptive conditioning it assuredly induces within the human mind, especially those as naturally psychologically adaptive as children still rich in such plasticity.

Thankfully I can’t get off topic when the topic itself is off-topic, but in jest, I will try to remember I was talking about self-discipline and went off on a tangent about technology, so I will majestically mash those two points together and say perhaps technology should be used as a coaxing force for self-discipline; use it to induce fear for one’s life and wellbeing to ensure that people focus on activities that actually better themselves and society rather than become degenerate junkies hooked on the electric heroin. We can’t peddle electric entertainment to people when it psychologically behaves almost identically as street drugs, even if they are less potent, these forces in society still have the same degenerative effect on the human mind and society that rampant street drug use would, but just because there are no track marks and physical addiction associated with electric heroin, people give it the seal of approval and let it warp the minds of the youth.

Constantly people argue in magazines that the internet is a bastion of degeneracy, that there is this wholesome front that quickly fades as you descend into this dark abyss of the outcasts of society, who now, rather than suffer in exile as they always have done, form communities devoted to their own flavor of dysfunction and elect to celebrate their sickness amongst likeminded people rather than feel the shame and exile they should. The internet functions like an escape hatch out of hell, that those who should be damned in the eyes of society, those of warped and sick minds, all escape from their exile and hell and find their own little paradise where they can each mutually celebrate each other rather than feel the shame they should.

They find a community, and these communities all exist in the depths of the internet, as those of sick minds all have their sickness coddled, they develop a delusional self-respect out of the positive psychological reinforcement of whatever traits they had that forced them into this electric exile. I’m not all too keen on the specificities of flavors, but The Faithful Conservative, that classy magazine, argues that every vice imaginable is coddled on the internet, that criminals and even the sickest psychopaths and lunatics all find a community of supportive people who celebrate their degeneracy. These people choose to exist in these communities sheltered from the rightfully scathing criticisms of the outside world, like a child that constantly steals but exists in a world where there is nobody to punish him; the only people that child interacts with are those who celebrate theft, and this sort of conditioning is inducing a profound level of delusion amongst the people. They start to think that their vices are perfectly acceptable, that their mental shortcomings and moral failures are acceptable, that their insane political ideology or delusions are somehow reasonable; they surround themselves by people afflicted by the same mental illnesses, possessed by the same demons, and this makes them feel indignant, as if the world should respect them the same way their community of exiles does.

When people can exist in these societies without the condemnation of the public that would otherwise exist, every psychological failure and moral shortcoming of the human race is coddled, people stop understanding the reality of these afflictions. If somebody has an idea like, communism, per say, they will search for communism on the internet, and they will find nothing but hundreds of people all celebrating and worshiping communism; this makes them believe that their aberration in reason and decency is somehow acceptable, that they can tolerate that thought rather than condemning it as they would if they attempted that same search in public. If they asked a person about communism, 99 out of 100 times if not more, that person would be spit upon, condemned, or even beaten to death for even considering the thought that communism is somehow respectable, but on the internet, none of that exists; it’s an instant gateway to any paradise for any type of sinners and degenerates that one could possibly imagine.

It truly is frightening to think about a world where people never experience any negative backlash for their thoughts or sentiments, and it can easily be felt today, as more and more people become furious at the thought of receiving even the slightest bit of backlash for doing things that were once condemned unquestionably across the board; things like communism, drug use, sexual fetishism, and even homosexuality, even if the gays were not subject to a somewhat less severe level of universal loathing as the prior three. People just think all of that is perfectly fine now because they just ask the internet, and the internet will always direct you to the communities that celebrate whatever shortcoming might happen to tempt a person at any particular spur of a moment.” Says Kitty

“You went through the topics of probably 20 research studies right there, half of them entirely speculative as there really isn’t enough data to formulate legitimate answers right now. I’m not going to disagree with you as I’m not well read about the influence of the internet, and even if technology was used to motivate people you wouldn’t benefit in the slightest, seeing how you seldom even turn on the radio, and that’s the furthest extent of your involvement with technology.

I’m sure that half of the fear of the internet is the usual fear of change, fear of different things, and while there are easily many problems that the internet will create in the near future, the benefits of the internet are already well known despite any drawbacks that it might have, and your argument is practically identical to the old fashioned argument against books, that they cause poor social development and spread communism and homosexuality. Those are fair points, as books clearly do all of those things, and there is no debate about that, but the scale and extent to which they do that is much lower than the traditional proponents of those arguments had believed, so sure, they were right about the fact that books spread communism and homosexuality in America, but just because somebody published some communist or homosexual book doesn’t mean that massive throngs of Americans suddenly became enthralled by homosexuality and communism like the people believed.

I suppose your point is different because the internet is far more accessible, that one doesn’t have to go out and physically purchase a certain book, and they only need to type something into a computer to be lured towards those things, but even if that is the case, I doubt that these things will truly result in that apocalyptic spread of degeneracy that people fear. Even though the internet is probably 100 times more capable of tempting people into drug use, communism, homosexuality, whatever, you name it, there still won’t be a wave of those things that destroys society like conservatives fear.” Says Raven

“I make the point because it appears to be the case; I observe and analyze, so I draw arguments from that process. Even you with your sharp mind can’t see how you’ve negated any validity to your argument, you conceded defeat, a poor showing of devil’s advocate to say the least. You admit that the internet is 100 times more capable of tempting people, and 200,000 communists becomes 20 million communists, 200,000 homosexuals become 20 million homosexuals, 200,000 drug users becomes 20 million drug users; that is a profound paradigm shift that will destroy the country, these people being such a substantial portion of the population will become assimilated into one of the traditional parties, clearly the left, mind you, and these people will become a very powerful minority group within our society.

This army of homosexual drug addict communists will guide the progressive policy of the left, and these people will puppet this political body to further their own agenda, as the puppets in politics will always oblige in order to keep their voters happy. The same goes for every flavor of degenerate, and I’m not saying that the conservatives don’t have their own legions of degenerates, which they easily do, but in reality, only a small percentage of the flavors of degeneracy qualify as conservative degeneracy, where most all of them qualify as progressive and liberal. This is extremely problematic for anyone who is disinterested in seeing this country fall to communism because the more that the youth become conditioned electronically as opposed to traditionally, the more they will become tempted into degeneracy, and that being said, if it’s a complete crapshoot as to which legion of degenerate each youth becomes a part of, this means that in the near future the greater-communist faction will outnumber the conservative faction by an immense margin.

The internet is basically a guarantee that this country as well as any other country hooked into it will degenerate into communism, and not even legitimate historical communism, but one of communal authority that is shared by the confederation of degenerates as opposed to the established society that has reigned for thousands of years. The propaganda, the indoctrination, the governmental puppetry, all of that will be executed by this league of degenerates that has aligned themselves with one another in order to ensure their own preservation, each one of them protected by the electric curtain of the internet, their own cultures unassailable, freely able to indoctrinate the youth and further their ambitions to exacerbate the already palpable moral and cultural decline of the west. Call me a fear monger, but I am not afraid; I don’t fear this, I welcome this, only to spite the people who currently hold the power to prevent this from happening, to remind the world that it was clear this would happen, but nothing was done to stop it. I don’t hate to say ‘I told you so’, I love to say ‘I told you so’, I love to be right when the people won’t listen to me, I love when they suffer for their conceited arrogance; they deserve to suffer, they deserve to experience the pain and misery of their own shortcomings, as distasteful as such a future is, it is just, and to redeem those who are unworthy of redemption is the passion of the Christ, and I, my dear, am not the Christ.” Says Kitty

“I don’t use a computer much, but I have definitely been on the internet and it doesn’t really seem that bad. It was mostly a bunch of pictures of animals or silly things or silly animals, and I thought it was cute, but I never use the computer at my house and that was just what Jeannie showed me in class one time. I’m sure there are millions of internet pages, but I doubt most people would go through any read all of them. My dad just checks work emails and reads news, and that just seems super boring anyways; he’s the only one that uses the computer in our house and he’s definitely not a homosexual communist drug user, he still very strongly opposed to those kinds of people. I don’t know how you find all of these things to say, I never would have thought of any of that from what I’ve seen of the internet.” Says Blaze

“Your dad had his personality established before the internet, so clearly he is just going to continue his daily life, responding to mail and reading news, just able to do this electronically. That is not the issue in the slightest. The issue is with people whose personalities are not established before the internet; even your friend Jeannie showing you those pictures, silliness, which I’m sure is entirely appropriate, and she goes looking for entertainment and finds it easily, which perhaps is not inherently, bad, but given that people’s lives are largely defined by seeking entertainment or something to do, at least outside of work, people like her could easily become more and more reliant on the internet for entertainment, forsaking the traditional methods by which people entertained themselves for thousands of years, becoming less and less prone to the true social aspect of entertainment because people can entertain each other digitally, and when such is the case, this means reproduction is less likely to occur and the population plummets.

This is the danger of something so harmless as cute silly animals, or whatever it was, and then you have to think about people who are perhaps not cute silly girls like Jeannie, but people who have devious thoughts, people who think of bad or immoral things, and they search for those. Just as easily as Jeannie was able to entertain her fancy for cute silly animals, these people can just as readily entertain their temptation towards vice and sin. The internet is instant gratification, be it of usual business, entertainment, or vice, and the fact that more and more people exist in a room with a computer many hours of the day, that temptation is ever present in their lives. It’s dangerously powerful, this is what I’m saying; it certainly has the power to do great things, which it does, electric mail and news, respectable things when crafted by respectable hands, but it has the power to do ungodly things in the same respect, and there is nothing that exists to stop people from doing them.

It’s like an entire town where if a child were to sin, he is simply directed towards other people who sin like he does, he finds that community and they embrace him, and he embraces his sin. It reinforces whatever people are tempted by, and for such a tool to benefit society people must be more so tempted to virtue than to vice, and clearly this is not the case even amongst the usual people, and I’m sure that the youth who are social exiles and pariahs to the point where they use computers and the internet to a great extent are not resolutely virtuous people; the computer holds immense power, not only over virtual systems, but over the minds of the people, and the most destructive element of the internet is that it is this virtual city, as I have explained, but it is a virtual city that is founded and lorded over by those original denizens, those who were forced into that city of exiles in the beginning, and as the internet gains popularity, those exiles are the ones who will define the culture, who will sow the seeds for that which will become the new culture, the electric culture, and the youth will eat these electric fruits and become hypnotized and possessed by the demons that drove the founders of the electric city into their exile, and drove them to build that virtual city from the ashes of their material lives. It is in that godforsaken city that children are lured, by entertainment, fun, what have you, and in that city that they become indoctrinated and possessed by those who laid the framework for that society. We cannot be blind to this fact, for the longer we are, the more people will fall into this commune of exiles, as such is the demonic hypnosis of such a place, it lures and tempts people, they forsake themselves, their real lives, and give themselves, their souls, their mind unto this electric cabal of vice, treachery, and unabashed shamelessness.” Says Kitty

“Your fire and brimstone is bordering upon the thematic spooks of Halloween, and even if you are being serious, your spooky tone and reckless use of allegory just makes you sound ridiculous. You act like the internet is some kind of boogeyman, and even if it is bad, your fear of the internet is comparable to the African’s fear of photographs, that they will steal your soul, so spooky. You still never explained how you could find so many things to say all the time, I’m sure that would be a delightful rant.” Says Raven

“Well, I say one thing, and that one thing branches into another thing, or two more things, and I follow this branching path, easily going back to repeat myself, and just follow this train of thought into whatever wild blue yonder it might take me. I don’t know; think of a dog running, where is it running, why is it running, it’s running to the tree, is somebody behind the tree, somebody is behind the tree, why does the dog want to see them, is it helping them, is it attacking them, why does that guy have a dog, does he like dogs, is he good with dogs, mean to the dog, does his meanness to the dog relate to his social life, his personal life, his domestic life, is he cruel to his wife, does that cruelty then get transferred to the kids, her friends, he co-workers.

It’s a never ending chain of things being related to one another, not even daisy chain but some mangled web of every which way. That’s why I can speak so endlessly about what happens to be whatever, and the topics tend to be deemed by however much I personally react to them; clearly I am rather indifferent to all of that aforementioned chain of events, but I just used it as an example; something will interest me or more than likely upset me in some certain way, so I will start talking about it, and then continue criticizing all of the interconnected elements that substantiate that which was originally criticized, as far more often than not the auxiliary elements that legitimize something worthy of criticism are themselves worthy of criticism, and each auxiliary piece is in and of itself a primary piece in the same right, attached to numerous auxiliary pieces each of which is worthy of criticism, and so on and so forth forever. Something like a sport I guess, a decathlon rodeo of shooting things and occasionally using the lasso to tie up a bull if there is an argument that I might deem worthy of some level of defense rather than simple condemnation.

Whether or not I actually say anything is entirely up for debate; if a tree falls in the forest or so they say. I don’t particularly listen to myself when I speak, I just let it ride; it always feels like a winner so I never think twice about it. Maybe some bits and pieces here and there I will remember, broad topics, as if I were a landscape painter, I truly respect the art form, I paint very realistic landscapes, but perhaps the vantage is a bit different, or the time of day ushering in different hues across the oft painted subject. I don’t know, speaking seems to fend off the demons, the guilt and shame of existing within this world, this shameless and godforsaken planet, much like prayer, reminding myself that I have not descended unto that unforgivable level of degeneracy that engulfs this country and the rest of the Occident; I cannot be tolerant, for tolerance slips into contentedness, which slips into complicity, which is a stone’s throw from fully embracing the degeneracy myself, and not that I am tempted to do so, but sloth is a vice and I don’t trust myself in the slightest.

 I know such would be the path of least resistance, and I feel that if I let my vigilant guard down, I will find myself much like Rip Van Winkle, but instead having awoken in hell. If I sound my antagonization of this world as it slips into chaos and madness, they will kill me before I become a part of their self-destructive machine, and that I am thankful for, that I will be spared the suffering of sustaining my life upon the ungodly fruits of their labor, of being forced to be cognizant and conscious as the human race instead becomes possessed with demons, the demons themselves exiled from hell for their shamelessness, even Satan disgusted with their poor taste in vice and spinelessness in the craft, vice amongst vice, twice vice, double vice, truly despicable to be exiled by both god in heaven and Satan in hell, these wretched beasts do not know what unimaginable fate awaits them, when even Satan declares their souls unworthy of being damned for eternity in hell; for they have not embraced vice itself, but they have embraced degeneracy, devolution, despicability that is an affront to the power and potency of true vice, fetid rotting cancers being kept alive by technology alone, inhuman creatures, not even carnal enough to indulge in true vice, but irreverent even in the eyes of Satan, unworthy of all nomenclature donned upon the living, of life, death, or soul.

 The existence of humanity is an affront to life itself, to intelligence, cognizance, sentience, and though it is only beginning, this festering devolutionary mutation that infests the earth will only continue to fester and degenerate, a living cancer upon the technology that sustains it, not life in the slightest, and this will only become more and more apparent as time progresses, as humanity ceases to exist with any connection to that which it once was, intelligent, even an animal, but becomes this disgusting meaty effigy of the influence of technology upon creatures tempted unto vice only to the extent to which they torture and mutilate their own physical and psychological constitution;  only afflicting themselves with their own short comings, wallowing in their own shit, the refuse of their own shortcomings and failures, yet somehow proud of this mire of shit from which they sustain themselves, as if it is somehow worthy of praise to take a once beautiful, natural, and noble creature, and force it to fall so unthinkably far from the standards that all forms of life are held to, to hold it to no standard whatsoever, simply to watch the unthinkable level of degeneracy that induces when natural quality control measures are completely negated by technology, to be proud of that fact, to feel that something meaningful was accomplished; to be so human as to take pride in doing something, regardless of that something being the epitome of unnatural and abominable irreverence and shamelessness. ‘We did something great’, they will say, and they have, it is truly great, expansive, it encompasses the entire planet, but infesting the planet with cancer is not something to be proud of, regardless of how malignant that cancer is or how much that cancer has metastasized across the globe.

 When man cannot feel shame, he is proud of even the most despicable actions, for he sees them only as a quantification and testament to his existence, despite these actions truly reaching new lows of degeneracy; there are likely an infinite number of hells man is damned to, each time, himself the parallel to nature, constant, static, respectable, surely no different than he is in this world, and in each layer of hell he is met with a force that is the proportional and rational parallel to his own degeneracy in life, he experiences the true extent of how unforgivable and treacherous his irreverence is, and he will be completely powerless to stop this, and damned for his complicity in this, he himself will be forced to become tolerant and complicit with these secondary degenerates, to assimilate, to embrace them and he will fully be able to assimilate with them, just to die once more and be met with the same hell, only proportionally relative to his prior hell, and once again he is forced to exacerbate his own degeneracy. That fate is the only rational one, the simple linear projection of the fate of man, the true afterlife for such a godforsaken soul, for it will not be any moralistic divine entity that is intent on torturing man, oh no, certainly not, it will be a divine entity equally if not proportionally as compelled and convinced of the legitimacy and defensibility of its own taste for degeneracy as a human is in the face of nature, truly believing that such degeneracy is the right thing to do, what must be done, that which is unquestionable noble and righteous, and man will be subject to this fate for all eternity, for there truly can be no forgiveness in forsaking not only god, but nature, one’s own mother, one’s family, one’s home, to destroy all of which man was blessed with in his own endless pride is an act that truly can never, and will never be forgiven.” Says Kitty

“A tasteful foray into the realm of theological fire and brimstone as opposed to the usual secular form, I see. If you somehow ended up in heaven, I’m sure god in all of his vengeance would find your taste for justice to be exquisite, if he hasn’t already conjured up even more torturous hells that man is even more deserving of experiencing. Even if the meek are being shepherded by those who are misguided, I wouldn’t think that most people would be damned all that much, perhaps left in purgatory for their indifference, as god simply responds with perpetual indifference to the existence of the souls of these people. The false shepherds, surely, damned, 100%, but even half decent people have little to do with the fate of the world, as expecting people to undertake a path of profound resistance and danger that is likely futile in the end is rather irrational, and the good people actually do put some effort into saving the few who are willing to put forth the effort to save themselves.

It’s not like I can condemn you for the sins of the world, because as much as it is theoretically physically possible for you to redeem the planet with your reverence and wisdom, there is not a chance in hell that anyone would ever listen to you, and if I condemn you for the sins of the world, I am condemning you for something that is completely outside of your control. So long as you are doing your part, your little bit of goodness in the world, the guilt falls upon those who aren’t, and that applies to anyone who is living respectable lives of the meek, praying that one day some sort of redemption of the human race occurs, by some miracle, and that truly is the only hope for the world to be saved in any sense of the word. If the good fight the evil, all of the goodness dies, the evil lets the goodness live because it is meek, and as that is the only way that goodness can survive; there is truly nothing more that can be asked of a person than to be faithful and good, to be reverent to the faith as much as possible.

 Vice will always overpower virtue, and Jesus reminds us to turn the other cheek, because there is no battle with vice that we can win, all we can do is attempt to survive and pray that one day something will arise that ushers the human race unto salvation. The human body is powerless against vice, against the vice of others and its own temptation; the human body cannot defeat that which it is defined by; vice is inherent within humans to a much greater extent than virtue, and that is for a reason, vice was always more capable of ensuring survival, of competing, as it is easier to win when you cheat, when you bend the rules, and when your game is rigged. It is human nature to be drawn to vice, to seek to exploit it for one’s own advantage, and until people stop being human, there is nothing we can do but be meek and wait for salvation, for humans truly cannot save themselves from themselves, it requires something greater and more powerful.

The faith has always functioned in this regard throughout history, as people could believe, and that belief was enough to function in a manner that was almost identical to a reality where a physical entity exists to ensure goodness amongst humans, for if you wholeheartedly belief that this physical entity exists that ensures goodness by condemning evil exists, then you will behave in the same manner you would as if this force was truly a physical force as opposed to an ethereal belief, but recently the faith has faded, and when this belief does not function in the same respect it once did, it becomes less and less capable of ensuring that people remain good and refrain from being evil. The faith in faithlessness becomes just as powerful as the faith in god once was, in that it compels people to succumb to vice, because their faith reminds them that there is no reason not to, and they are tempted by the pleasure of doing so, and with nothing but their faith in the harmlessness of those actions, usually in simple spite of god and religion, they gladly succumb to vice with the same reverence and devotion that people once held for god.

 The faith is no longer capable of ensuring goodness, and for civilization to continue to exist, the faith must be reinforced with a truly physical entity that cannot be subject to disbelief, as civilization only exists due to the goodness induced by faith, and it will cease to exist if there is no functional analogue of faith that is found. An analogue that truly functions in the same way, not one that sounds nice and kind like liberalism, but one that actually ensures that society survives, not that society is happy, but that society survives, and as people cannot be trusted to act a certain way simply because they are warned of supernatural repercussions, they must be conditioned to act in that way for a reason other than the fear of god; people are too skeptical and conceited, too powerful to fear god, and for that reason, something more powerful than skepticism and conceit must arise in order to overpower them, just as superstition was always able to overpower ignorance, and that was always the key to ensuring that people were good by educating them about the faith. Only then, when skepticism and conceit are overpowered, is there any chance that society will survive for any prolonged period of time, because without the social and moral order induced by the faith, you are right, we will degenerate; we will no longer be civil, we will be degenerates, and our civilization will no longer by worthy of that word, but something else, a parallel with the root of degeneracy rather than civility which I am not particularly interested in coining at the moment, but that truly is our fate without faith ensuring civility, decency, and goodness amongst the people.” Says Raven

“I think Jenna, err, Raven, is right. That’s the mentality we need, we can’t constantly be upset about all of the badness of the world. God tells us that evil will always exist and that we just need to ensure that we do the right thing, and that we’re good people, and hope that people will learn from our example. I’m sure there are millions of reasons to be upset with people, but most of the time they don’t really know any better; people say all sorts of evil things are good these days, and seeing how the church tends to be disrespected by the public, the people really can’t be held accountable for just believing what they’re told. It’s a shame, but being upset with them would be like if for some reason Jesus came back and told everyone that certain things in the bible were wrong and that we should do something else, and then being upset with the people for not having done those new things Jesus tells us to do the whole time. We can’t really be much better than to do what we’re told, and all we can really do is try to regain the respect and the faith in the Church so that people will be more likely to listen to the good things that the Church tries to teach people.

 Even if you think that people are unworthy of being helped, Kitty, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try. I’m sure most of the early Christians thought they were unworthy of being saved by Jesus, but Jesus was still wholeheartedly willing to save them; it’s not a matter of worthiness as much as it is about being loving and caring, about helping those who even don’t deserve it per say, just because if you don’t help them, they will continue to be bad and evil, but if you do help them, there is a chance of them becoming good people, of them being reminded of the power of the faith, and how it really is a force of good that should be respected and adhered to. Jesus was always about reaching into the darkness and pulling people into the light, and even if your philosophy isn’t really about faith but about philosophy or logic or whatever, that doesn’t mean you should just give up on the human race even if 99% of them will disregard you completely.

 It was the same way with Jesus you know; at first only 10 or 20 people believed in him, but then it was 200 or 2,000 after 100 years, and that number kept doubling every 25 or 50 years, not anything miraculous, like the world suddenly becoming Christian, but it was a very slow growth until eventually the Christian faith became a powerful force within the communities, and then once it was big enough, even the emperor of Rome saw that it was a good thing and he converted himself and his entire country. So even if you only get 5,000 people in the world to believe you over the course of your life, if that number doubles every 25 years, then it’s… 80,000 in 200 years; and… over one million in 300; I’m sure after 500 years a huge number of people will actually see your arguments as far more valid and reasonable than the people today, especially since your arguments tend to be all fire and brimstone about the future and everything. It may not seem worthwhile in today’s standards, that you don’t get some overnight approval of the world, but even Jesus didn’t get that; it took a long time for Jesus to become accepted as the messiah, so that should inspire you to do your best and try to help people in the way you want, knowing that in the future it is possible that you will be able to achieve these wonderful things you want, even if you have been dead for a long time.” Says Blaze, counting on her fingers

“That’s a fair point, but the advantage Jesus had was that people actually wanted to hear his message; that once their skepticism was put aside, the message Jesus wanted to spread was a very agreeable and pleasant one, and clearly it is still evident today that when people are given a message that they enjoy and that makes them feel good, they will be very interested in spreading that message. My message is a grim one; it is not an optimistic one, and for such a message to spread people need to be thoroughly upset and afraid enough to listen; they must be fully aware of the problems within society, and they must be looking for answers, even then, as my message is not an agreeable one in the eyes of most people, they must truly be desperate for relief from their suffering, from the misery induced by decadence and the shortcomings and vices of society; they must believe that such a rigid, mechanical, and ascetic life would actually be better than the life they live, and currently as it stands, few people save for perhaps dissociated masochists would support my philosophy.

It truly is measurably very good and beneficial to society, but nobody gives a rat’s ass about society, they only care about themselves, and seldom if ever will a human be so humble as to sacrifice his own pleasure and freedom just to ensure that the lives of other people are bettered in profound ways; he will always place himself before society and only after his own self is completely contented will he ever think to reach out to society, and not even in any true act of compassion, but rather out of smugness, flaunting the fact that he is so well off and contented that he can spend time helping other people rather than himself, and considering that such is the maximum extent to which most humans are capable of acting selflessly, I have little hope for these conceited creatures to embrace a philosophy that puts the betterment of society before the satiation of their carnal desires and vestigial, destructive, and individualistic instincts which have become maladaptive forces of degeneracy in today’s society.

 Few people will believe that science is capable of making decisions in their daily lives better than they are, and the same holds true for any act of relinquishing power and freedom that I ask of people, because this is the nature of human conceit, that the individual is always the most superior and relevant aspect of a person’s life; regardless of the profound influence of society upon the wellbeing of the individual, people will always see their wellbeing as directly related to their own ability to make decisions within their own life and execute them, rather than seeing this process as the most prominent source of folly in the life of each and every American. Our society is founded upon that principle of individualism, and that is the reason why it has become so rife with vice, decadence, and degeneracy, because individualistically people fail to see the negative influence of these things, they see that their vices make themselves happy, and that is more than enough justification for that person to keep doing those things.

 The individual is worshiped in this country, and for that reason the lives of everyone on earth is now defined by the struggle of clawing your way atop the pile of living human bodies or simply being stomped on by the people above you to make sure you stay in that place. Despite existing in this pile of bodies, this massive collective, people still see their own success as entirely dependent on themselves, which is true in this individualistic scenario, but their own success is also defined explicitly by the success of the pile, as truly a man can never succeed any more than climbing to the top of that pile, and in an individualistic society that has always been enough to satisfy a person, but in reality the people could all climb much higher if the pile was organized to reward making the entire pile higher, rather than climbing higher upon it oneself.

This is the nature of greed, exploiting others for one’s own gain, but in reality nothing is gained through that, it is simply moved around, so there should be no rewards for exploiting the others in the pile, in moving up the pile, when in reality the size of the pile itself is the only true marker of success, and that is irrelevant from the positioning and placement of anyone within that pile. In a global economy, where each country is a section of this massive global pile, whichever pile is smaller will be stomped on by the larger ones, and as much as a person may be gaining status within their domestic pile, if the pile itself if not growing in relation to those around the world, the person is doing nothing but harming themselves and the nation in the process. We must focus on making this pile larger and taller, though any and all means available to us, and only then will we be able to ensure that our lives are truly as good as possible, for all other measures of quality of life are ephemeral standards that will slip away once the rival piles become large enough to thoroughly stomp us into the position of subservience.” Says Kitty

“If something is the truth, people will eventually see the light; not that I’m saying you’re infallibly correct, as clearly I can’t follow some of your arguments let alone determine their measurable merit with the power of mental math. Even with something like smoking which was extremely popular, people did eventually admit the fact that it causes cancer, after a long struggle, people eventually accepted that unfortunate fact, and after that even popular things lost a lot of their popularity just because people became aware of the dangers. Granted that is a very direct cause and effect, and easily measurable at that, so considering that even that sort of blatantly valid argument was difficult to get people to accept, your arguments that offer conjecture well into the future and about topics so ethereal as psychology and evolution might be difficult to actually garner the same level of support for, especially when actually testing and proving your points can often be inhumane. I won’t say there is no chance that your philosophy becomes widely defended, but it will certainly be difficult, but regardless of that I think it’s noble of you to at least try, to put your arguments out there to be proven or disproven in accordance with the contemporary subjective filters of permissible truth, and as you said, once people become desperate enough, the chances of your arguments becoming respected is much more probable than it is in today’s world of unhindered decadence and hedonism.” Says Raven

“I don’t know if you’re right either, but you think you’re right, and you’re pretty smart, so even if your only half right, that’s still a lot better than plenty of things; just look at how people thought the human body was made of fire, earth, wind, and water a long time ago, and that was accepted as fact for thousands of years before anatomy was eventually studied in depth. I’m sure if you or other people can start to prove even some of your points, then all of your arguments gain this little bit of relevance and legitimacy just by correlation and association, and when that happens people will be more willing to listen to the ones that seem a little out there, just because your other arguments were right, so there might be more grains of truth within all the other arguments you like to rattle off.

Where are we going, anyways? We already missed a few metro terminals.” Asks Blaze

“West, it’s this next one up here. After that it’s a beeline to business. Per your previous point, I doubt I can resist the temptation to constantly rebuke society, so even if it’s all for naught, I’ll probably keep ranting forever, maybe even orchestrate a few books if I can find the time, but considering I don’t have any real credibility to my name, my best bet is probably the traditional route of a pamphleteer. That would be a tasteful hobby.” Says Kitty

“I’m sure that is a much better route than trying to cozy up to the publishing world or the internet, both of which are dominated by their own cults of people, all of whom are likely opposed to your philosophy. I doubt the people who read any sort of philosophical or political banter of revolutionaries on the internet have any semblance of sanity, and the publishing companies would rather peddle the heroin of succulent fiction to the dying breed of literate junkies. Nobody wants to learn, nobody wants to be reminded of things, especially things that are discomforting or upsetting. People just want to feel pleasure, and until that pleasure is gone, nobody will give you the time of day, considering you only promise modest and wholesome pleasure when compared to the reckless decadence of society today.” Says Raven

“People today have no tolerance for being condemned, even when they are entirely worthy of said condemnation. To actually provide constructive criticism you either have to claim to be a victim or somehow phrase your argument in a way that refrains from criticism entirely. Clearly I am a victim, all of society is a victim, but few people if any will be able to understand these things on the broad scale that I do, so rife with foresight and analysis of systems, and even if they understand that things are nowhere near ideal, they will always have different ideals; they will have shortsighted, self-serving, and hedonistic ideals rather than selfless altruistic ideals.

The only concept of selflessness people can understand is demanding that other people be selfless to their own advantage, they want free things from other people, greedily demanding anything and everything, then alleging that those who see the problems with such propositions are shamelessly greedy, that those who might have a dollar should be expected to pay one-hundred to every indignant middle-class child, as even the poor tend to understand that these sorts of free things get us nowhere, that we need to better the economy in order to survive, let alone thrive, but the middle-class who are so far removed from the stresses of the economy sit there looking at their modest wealth and become indignant that they don’t have more, they want more than they have, and seeing no other routes to attain these things they demand them from the rich, claiming that the poor need help, when in reality the poor only want decent jobs and to make a decent wage, and only the middle class have become so discontented with having a decent job and making a decent wage that they are now demanding more for themselves and everyone, when clearly plenty of people don’t even have what they have to even begin to feel discontented with it.

I am stuck in a pickle of sorts. I cannot condemn the humans well enough; my vocabulary is too meagre, it is not vicious and accurate enough, using words that directly assault the problems in society with pinpoint accuracy and literary beauty within the rebuke. My vocabulary is tired and that makes me seem trite and redundant, when in reality, the statement ‘something is a problem’ does not become redundant even when you replace the word ‘something’ with and explicit reference to the countless problems in society, but people will hear that same ending of the statement and just write it off as incessant and trite rambling.

 The other approach is attempting to be kinder in my rebuke, to be more supportive, like a schoolteacher who is nice to the children despite their flaws, saying that it’s ok to be wrong or bad, but still try to convince them to become better, regardless of the fact that I would be explicitly condoning their failures and vices which would clearly cause them to become even more tolerant of such things within themselves and other people. I would need some godforsaken sunshine pills to somehow be as critical of society as I am without abberating from this tone of comforting acceptance, of only attempting to better society because of how wholesomely I care about them without being upset or critical of them in any ways.

That’s such an insane mentality, to allow people to exist in a world where it is basically impossible to criticize them unless they are your slave in the workplace. So many things worthy of criticism go completely unchecked because there is nobody there to criticize them, and that is something that might actually be possible to rally the people around. The indignant middle-class always want anyone and everything to be held accountable, because they feel like they are somehow victimized by everything, and for that reason I could easily get my foot in the door to establish some sort of criticism bureau or advocacy group that I could use to criticize things that are not illegal or wrong, but just sub-par, inefficient, shameless, and all sorts of issues within any society, business, or otherwise that are worthy of being criticized but have nobody to reliably do so in an organized manner.

It would be something like consumer protection, but instead just protecting people from inefficiency and flawed logic within society; people assume that just because a business is turning a profit then it is doing things just fine, but considering that the business could easily be turning 200% more profit if they actually organized themselves and orchestrated their affairs in a reasonable and efficient manner, there is no reason to think that such performance is ok; that loss of potential profit is just as flawed as losing actual money, at least in my book, and for that reason I could possibly garner support even amongst the businesses who want to make more money, beyond just convincing the leftists that these companies are hiding half of their profits from the tax system, and that would be more than enough to convince those tax vampires of the fact that this needs to change. I doubt anyone would actually be fond of brutal asceticism, but even if some businesses gave it a shot due to the greed of the heads of the company and the benefits became measurable, then it could possibly start to gain support.” Says Kitty, as the girls sit down at the empty street-level terminal

“Your timing is impeccable, considering I can already see the train.” Says Raven

“I didn’t see any reason to be excessively timely, it’s not like the train will be disrespected if we fail to arrive ten minutes before it arrives.” Says Kitty

“You don’t think we’re cutting it a bit close, even just stopping for a minute would have caused us to miss the train.” Says Blaze

“If something were to stop us, we would be stopped for much longer than a moment. There were no real threats so I didn’t see any point in doing so. Do know I kept the pace at a saunter; if we were actually pressed for time I would have picked up the pace a bit as we walked and things would have been perfectly fine.” Says Kitty, as the train squeals to a stop, a couple of factory men get off the train, one of them whistles at the girls, looking over his shoulder at Kitty as she gets onto the train, muttering “God damn.” Before looking away startled and resuming his conversation with his friend and heading off into the night; the girls step on board the empty car, the ambiance and lighting being inhospitable to even the homeless who find much more comfortable places to find their veins and their will to live, the smell of extensive urbanity rife with stale cigarette smoke, evaporated sweat, and long dry liquid excreta of consumerism that is left by the living of urban nomads unappealing even to the homeless who are more fond of the smell of living wafting through the streets than the decrepit smell of the unreluctant dying that occurs between the hours of legitimizing one’s own existence. The sporadic and violent stops of the train being more than enough to take a good and drunk fellow off of his feet, and the homeless are not particularly fond of spilling their drinks or ending up on the floor by any means besides their own drunkenness.




“How far are we going?” asks Blaze

“The quay.” Says Stacy

“At least that’s out of the way, and I doubt anyone would be bothered by the sorts of things we do out there, rather commonplace unfortunately in the quayside area. I doubt anyone in particular actually wants to live in such a disgusting industrial area, so it’s not surprising that their own local interpretation of the value of human life is demonstrated in the crime rates. As far as cleaning up the quay, I doubt you’re really going to make a dent, even if we spend months on end going there, but I suppose it’s the thought that counts, I just hope you’re not going after the gangs or anything, that would be a nightmare in the making.” Says Raven

“Certainly not, just some petty criminal scum; I’m not headed out there to try and pit the three of us against thousands of seasoned professional murders, drug smugglers, and human traffickers.” Says Kitty

“I’ll take your word for it, I figure you could just shoot in the air and the bullets would likely hit a few criminals over there when they fell down, as sarcastic as that sounds, I don’t see why that wouldn’t work, considering your handy skill, yeah?” asks Raven

“It sounds ideal, but the wind is fickle, and most all of the legitimate criminals drive cars. Maybe the occasional street thug could be gotten that way, but the amount of triangulation with the wind would make that difficult, especially with the land breeze or sea breeze, as such would require a hearty angle of shooting into the wind, and when the bullets coming back with a 70 degree angle, it will hit the side of a building before it reaches street level far more often than not. Maybe if we lived in some windless world, I could do that all day, but until the buildings get smaller or the wind gets weaker, I’m out of luck on that front.” Says Kitty

“I should have figured you would have thought of something like that in your laziness. At least you tried, unfortunately we can’t change the wind so it looks like we’re stuck doing this. I just hope you’re being reasonable here, which I don’t have much faith in. You said you were lifting 80% of your maximum tonight, allegorically, and that doesn’t make me comfortable in the slightest considering how high I am imagining your maximum to be.” Says Raven

“We’ve got a while on the train, any fun train games you want to play?” asks Blaze

“We can’t see out the window, and I spy is the only game I can think of in particular.” Says Kitty

“There’s the rhyming game, that’s easy, I don’t know that many in particular, I don’t ride the train that often.” Says Blaze

“Why busy ourselves with idle entertainment when we have the perfect opportunity to fully engage in active entertainment. There is a particular sort of neutered entertainment in which the participant is entirely irrelevant from, making no real influence on the game, playing within the rules and being indistinguishable from anyone else who might play the game, and even below that being entertained by something that one does not even interact with. I find such forms of entertainment to be petty, truly enjoyable, but less fulfilling than other pursuits that truly allow one to season and baste the time with the flavors of one’s own existence. I’ve always been fond of criticism, debate, conjecture, and musing because it is so flavorful, it tastes like me, it sounds like me, and the ambiance is very much so like myself, and call me a narcissus, but I’ve always been fond of myself.

You know that’s what girls tend to do? Girls are of the petty sort usually, and their criticisms usually revolve around criticizing other lowly girls while they compare themselves to them, and cast themselves in a superior light in such a petty attempt to stroke their ego or even simply to nurture some meagre amount of delusional self-worth due to the fact that their self-esteem is so low that they must resort to denigrating the character of other squabblers in that vein contest that always appears to be a pool full of girls clawing at each other in an attempt to push themselves above water so they might breath for just long enough to avoid the misery of passive drowning and instead ensuring they get the pleasure of the timeless sport of active drowning.

I may not have the personal experience or the common taste to truly have a point, but I’d find being unconscious through the entire process of suffocating to death to be far more pleasant than the active drowning portion, but clearly it’s human instinct to drown actively, and only those who have truly given up or simply cannot muster the energy to fight for their lives resign themselves to passive drowning. I suppose it is the hope that they might survive, that they might escape this bout of drowning with their lives and one day stop drowning, but so far as I can tell, that is never the case; all of the girls will drown eventually in the petty sport of comparing oneself to others, so if I had words of wisdom for the depressive who have resigned themselves to passive drowning, I would just remind them that they truly are the most mature of all the school girls; they have the adult mentality because they realize how futile it is to compare oneself to others, there will always be countless people who are better than you in every imaginable way, so trying to denigrate them in an attempt to stroke the delusion of self-worth and what semblance of an ego one might have left is always a losing game; once the girls are released from the hoosegow of school, they all end up being measured by actual merits as opposed to petty vain ones, and in such games a nigh intangibly few can actually amount to something capable of self-worth when compared to others, considering that there will always be somebody more powerful than oneself, one will always be playing second fiddle to someone, and usually umpteenth fiddle at that, so there will always be the person who makes oneself feel inadequate, insufficient, and belittled, so there is truly nothing to be gained by comparing oneself to others.

 The only reason girls in schools do it is because they are part of such a small population of people; it is easy to find the most beautiful and rich girls in school, but once they are set out in the world they are compared to tens of thousands of equally beautiful rich girls and this massive appeal they had at the pinnacle of social status instantly dissolves within society, as truly being the number one is always noticeable, but being say number 7,000 is not all that respectable; when you see someone as ranked 7,000, it is easy to disrespect them, to compare them to everyone who is better and look only at their flaws, they no longer can be regarded as perfect, nowhere near perfect, and when that illusion of perfection disappears, their flaws become all that is visible. It truly will be a painful life for the girls so proud of their looks and social status to sell their wifeliness to a high bidder while their youth is about them; they lose value rapidly, and once that happens they are left with nothing but nostalgia and the cold emptiness of their future in which they try to sustain themselves with their old hunting habits, but find they cannot compete with the youth, they’ve grown old and tired and now find themselves embittered and resigned to the position of submission, of jealousy, resentment, shame, and sadness.

I, of the noble sort, of course, take pleasure in condemning anyone and everything, whatever it is; I can simply find flaws in it, and rather than compare myself to these things, I enjoy the pleasure of looking upon these things objectively, without comparison to anything besides themselves, to the potential of what they could be. I see a man and condemn him not for how he measures up to others, but how he measures up to what he could have been, and that is what I find to be the most tasteful art known to human kind. To compare one to another means that the other is somehow acceptable, worthy of being used as a standard, and clearly when a child scores a 30 on a test, there is no reason to compare his failure as if it is somehow so much more respectable than a child who has scored a 20 on that same test. This is real life, there is no curve, a 30 is a 30, and I needn’t remind you that each of them had the potential to score a 100 on this test, this test of character, but they elected not to; they succame to temptation and vice, they failed themselves, and they amounted to nothing but profound failure compared with the maximum of their potential.

I see this man, this 30 point man, and full well understand that this could be a 100 point man, but this 30 point man was so bold, so shameless, so reckless, and so arrogant that he summoned the gall to kill this 100 point man, to brutally murder him, this shameless failure, this 30 point man in his own conceit and temptation murdered this 100 point man, he murdered every man from the 100 point man down to the 31 point man, 70 men far better than himself murdered by this shameless one, and that truly is a tragedy; I cannot respect a beast such as that, and this is clearly not because myself in all of my 35 points is so great when compared to this man, but this is so simply because it is correct and just to refrain from doing so.

I take pleasure in the judgement of god, of secular god, of measurable countable reality, not because I am the one being redeemed while others are damned, I take pleasure in it because it is just; I find music to be beautiful because the music itself is beautiful, not because I am making this music, or because my music happens to be better than the music of others; I play godawful music, and others play even worse music; I don’t take pride in the music I play even if I might take some pleasure in it, but I certainly have tastes, and I will never deny the fact that the divine symphony of the judgement of god is perfect in every way compared to ominous whinnying of the  brassy metallic accordion of my browbeating and haughty rebuke of mankind. I can condemn and criticize anything and everything, but rather than make my rounds through the dictionary I’m sure you girls will trust me on that and leave the rebuke to any ne’er-do-well that happens to mess with the reindeer.” Says Stacy

“What? Mess with the reindeer?” asks Raven

“Mess with the reindeer, you get the horns. I read somewhere that reindeer are one of the few animals where the females have horns, so considering I can’t say bull and be biologically accurate, at least when referring explicitly to myself, I figured reindeer would be appropriate.” Says Kitty

“That’s so cute, a cute little reindeer. For Christmas you definitely have to put on a reindeer headband, especially if you like to think of yourself as one. I think some types of cows can have horns, but I like thinking of you as a reindeer a lot better. I don’t think you would take very kindly to people milking you to say the least.” Says Blaze

 “Reindeer also produce milk, clearly as they are mammals, but they produce very little compared to other animals, and apparently it takes two people to milk them because somebody has to hold their horns. I’ve always liked the reindeer, not having any of that people nonsense in their business; I can pull a sleigh, but I’m certainly not going to let anybody milk me without a fight.” Says Kitty

“I don’t see you ever getting pregnant, so you don’t have to worry about that.” Says Raven

“I wasn’t particularly worried about it; I was just making the point.” Says Kitty

“It honestly is quite delightful when you rant so thoroughly that in the procession of slowly becoming more and more off-topic you end up on something cute like reindeer. You tend to repeat yourself, at least in terms of subject matter, so I’m thinking it might be even more entertaining if we just let you keep ranting as long as possible so you end up in the Neverland compared to the usual earthly topics that pique your critique. I’m sure you’ve condemned people’s shortcomings and petty women more times than a man today will wear a hat, but I don’t think I’ve hear you call yourself a reindeer before.” Says Raven

“I’m a huntress, at the end of the day, and there are casual remarks, as in just marking something down, a jot or a scribble, and that sort would be the delightful note of being a reindeer; the mark, in that sense, also has a much more serious meaning, as in when a person is marked for death, and those sorts of remarks I make in sport, hunting, one might say, hunting things marked for condemnation and criticism. I repeat the common topics of my trite banter for a few reasons, markedly because they are alive and not dead, but even in the sport where I truly make no impact on the existence of the subjects of my criticism, in my peculiar pursuit of perfection I feel that seldom are my criticisms actually fatal, they can always be subject to niggling little remarks that anyone with half and ego and less of a mind would use as grounds to discredit the argument entirely.

There are countless places you can shoot a man with handgun and fail to kill him, and that is what my arguments feel like, non-lethal shots that always give the subject time to draw their own Molotov cocktails and metsubushi that define modern debate in order to remind me that I have not killed them outright, that they still have the will to fight, to run away, to save their own lives and then hunt me with a vendetta, scouring their mind for countless shameless and dishonorable fighting tactics that will convince the spineless crowds that these miscreants have somehow defeated me in proper debate. I know that every time I fail to put the subjects of my criticism securely in their grave, I will surely be reminded of the fact that I failed to do so when these subjects themselves come at me like hellkites after weaponizing their false logic, slander, contortion, and ignorance.

Even then, those so afflicted with the curse of spinelessness are more akin to zombies than people, and killing them takes a profound amount of effort, and even then amongst these zombies there are countless necromancers that mend any wounds I might be able to inflict and more often than not raise these zombies back from the dead once again. To dabble in the corrupting power of the black magic that is false logic is unforgivable considering the profound capability it has to manipulate and possess the common man, but it is unlikely that any real efforts will be made to antagonize this demonic force that is destroying our society, for without it, we would hardly have any semblance of society at all.  Even the constitution is riddled with false logic, fallacies, and boldly dangerous assertions of egotistical vainglory which could only be fostered by the fact that there was nothing to regulate the profound delusions that are inherent and self-exacerbatory in all isolated people. That being said there is little hope for the West; all we can do is hope is that the vices that define our society destroy themselves, and from the rubble those who survive can understand the dangers of decadence and vainglory.” Says Kitty

“I’m sure that the age old expression is enough to remind you in the futility of intelligence. People aren’t told the truth because they can’t handle the truth. If the people were all educated in the manner that you want, being fully aware of the many grim realities of sustaining and improving a population and an economy, there would be unprecedented levels of unrest. America has always kept a loose grip on that sort of business and hoped for the best; they hope that human nature will be enough to ensure that society keeps on keeping on, and for the most part, that worked for hundreds of years. In the past 50 years technology has been rapidly changing society, the economy, and the face of the earth, and as much as that has brought profound success, we are also venturing into the realm of the unknown. Our society exists in such a state that we are now facing problems that never existed, and people are reluctant to address them because society doesn’t want to believe that forward progress will ever create new problems, and the fact that many of these problems can only be addressed through the inhumane means that you describe makes people even more reluctant to acknowledge these problems, as clearly the people as well as the state would much rather exist within a society that does not believe these problems even exist, let alone need to be addressed.

People are hedonists, so of course they will celebrate contraception despite the detriments; I’m sure people are aware that contraception hurts the population and thus the economy, but people would much rather enjoy carnal pleasures with minimal risks that be concerned about the state of the economy 20 or 40 years in the future. People are impulsive and live in the present; it takes a high degree of stoicism to even think beyond the simple pursuit of pleasure.  Even if people are aware of the problems induced by contraception, most people would still rather indulge in pleasure than forsake it in order to benefit the country in the far off future. The same thing applies to culling, as much as you condemn people pursing their partners for emotional connection rather than forsaking the emotional aspect of bonding and doing so explicitly through by the standards of animal husbandry and selective breeding, when considering that doing so is actually a virtue in some respects rather than a vice, antagonizing that aspect of society would be incredibly unpopular, as few people are so selfless as to see the value of loving their country and the human race as more important than loving a particular person they happen to be attached to.

The same thing applies to population aging and the problems associated with that; people are afraid of death, they want to avoid pain, and again they want to experience the pleasures of life. Population aging is terrible for the economy, because old people seek to milk the youth for as much profit as possible rather than pressure them to produce as many children as possible, or at least as many as can feasibly be utilized within the economy. Old people are expensive, it is true, they are, like you describe all socialists, vampiric in nature, and despite the fact that coddling this sort of vampirism harms the economy to a great extent and also serves to perpetuate the spread and acceptance of this vampiric mentality, it is human nature, people don’t want to die, and they will always place their own survival over the wellbeing of their country, their family, and their children, especially when the repercussions of their actions are so diluted throughout the economy that they are not visible, with most all of these repercussions taking an entire generation to feel the impact of in any measurable way.

Our society functions like this, or dysfunctions as you will, because it is natural; it is the instinctive way society would act and react in situations like these, and the state with it’s loose-handed strategy will always almost always accept these sorts of paradigm shifts because as much as they might create problems, attempting to resolve these problematic shifts in social consciousness is guaranteed to create a significant number of problems, and the policy of doing nothing lest need be means that if the state is going to be facing problems either way, they will elect to take the path of least resistance because that involves them not exerting a large amount of effort simply to end up with a comparable number of problems within society, even if those social problems are far less dangerous and problematic in the future. This is because the state is entirely focused on avoiding problems in the present; they want to avoid and resolve the problems in the present because these problems are the ones people find most palpable and therefore most relevant to their lives. Resolving the issues caused by population aging and hedonism would be a great benefit to society, but because the general public doesn’t view these things as a problem, at least not yet, there state does not feel inclined in the slightest to raise the issue with something when the public is indifferent to it, even if that which the state is raising and issue with is a massive and profound problem.

The issue of climate change is a great example of this; the government is reluctant to act because it is not an extremely pressing issue at the current moment, and the effects of it right now are subtle enough to the point that people don’t tend to notice them in the day to day, and these problems often slip their mind despite the profuse amount of scientific literature warning the world of the catastrophic problems that will be created by climate change. The only reason that issue is even popular in the slightest with the public is because it doesn’t require them to do anything themselves; they shift all of the blame onto the corporations and demand that they fix this problem, despite the fact that these corporations simply bow to the demands of the consumers, and it is the consumers themselves that demand the fossil fuels be used to power vehicles, create electricity, and create heat. If that demand wasn’t there, the global warming wouldn’t be there, and the same applies to all elements of climate indignation from deforestation to plastic pollution. People are willing to make modest changes with minimal impact, but only if doing so does not inconvenience them in any way, and they are guaranteed to argue that all of the climate issues are problems because the corporations have not created solutions to each of these problems that does not inconvenience their consumers in any way, always stripping themselves of all responsibility for these issues.

You want to solve problems, you know how to solve problems, but you do so in ways that inconvenience people, and that means you can’t solve them, the people won’t let you solve them. That is the grim fate of the world; the human race is only willing to ensure its survival and success if they are in no way inconvenienced or displeased by this course of action, and they will continue ensuring their destruction and failure at the current reckless rate until some miraculous bout of science can resolve their issues without inconveniencing or displeasing them. ‘Give me convenience or give me death’, that is the common mentality in the developed world, and this mentality is so viciously embraced and defended by the people that clearly no sensible member of the state or economy will ever argue against this, despite how intelligent they might be, because they understand that the population is the group that holds all the power, so if they displease these people, the people will simply abandon them, the state will fall, the business will fail, that’s how the world works.

It will take a massive crackdown on the power of the voting and consumer public in order to actually resolve the issues you seek to resolve, and that requires a very powerful and oppressive government. Not only is that unpopular and thus very unlikely to occur in a democracy, the fact that such a government is needed almost defeats the point of itself entirely due to corruption. Granted a few corrupt leaders clearly could not destroy the planet at anywhere near the rate of an entire population intoxicated by consumeristic hedonism, but the corruption within the state could easily destroy the state, leaving the state dysfunctional, the policies under implemented or unimplemented entirely, and this leads to an oppressive regime that wields its power in such a way as to only ensure its power in the present, as this focus on the present is inherent in any sort of human-fueled entity, be it a human, economic, or governmental entity. In order to even think about the future, people need to be perfectly content in the present; they must have all of their needs met up to the point where they are so unconcerned and unworried by their state in the present, so flush with free time after having met all of their needs that they can spend time thinking about the future. That is likely why you are so concerned with the future; you have all of your needs met, you don’t worry about making sure you survive in the present, and considering that only a youth such as yourself could possibly live in such a state, as you don’t have to worry about work or money and elect not to care about school.

 This completely improbable lack of concern for the present is so rare in society; it’s not a mystery at all why basically every person on earth is completely unconcerned with the vast majority of issues you bring up. Most of your proposals are probably impossible to accomplish, as in order to make any progress towards your desired ends, you must first somehow address the needs of society in such a satiating and contenting way that people have absolutely nothing in their lives that would worry them besides the far off future, and it is likely only then will anyone be willing to see your points. People don’t see the value in ensuring a higher degree of genetic quality, available labor, or sustainable social services in subsequent generations because they are entirely concerned with their own wellbeing in the present, and you know better than most that humans will never be happy, regardless of how perfect their lives are.

This fact of inherent discontentedness probably makes your stance on these issues an almost paradoxical one, as people likely can’t even fathom what could possibly motivate you to argue those points as each of these people is largely if not entirely disinterested in what happens to the human race, the country, the economy, and the world after they die. It’s greedy, shortsighted, self-serving, and shameless, but that is just human nature, so as unfortunate as it may happen to be, for you and far more so the world, these profound and necessary changes you argue for will always be written off as inhuman tomfoolery and nonsense that only a lunatic could possibly imagine, just because being concerned with such things, despite their profoundly disconcerting nature when seen from an objective viewpoint, is entirely irrelevant as nigh everyone on earth sees things exclusively from the subjective vantage of their own eyes, their own vantage, and their own physical and emotional sensations.

You truly are selfless, noble, caring, humble, wise, and perhaps even loving of the human race in your own way, tough love of course, but despite every human understanding the definitions of these words, when you speak in such a manner about these topics, it will always be perceived to be complete insanity. Clearly this is not because your points are legitimately insane in the slightest, they are all painfully lucid and extremely sane, but the human experience understands the majority of selfless, noble, caring, humble, and wise acts to be acts of utter insanity just because those character traits are such a far cry from the standard fare of a baseline human experience, and even in a good life those traits usually only take a form in which they immediately demonstrate such a character and the value of those actions rather than exhibit the measurable benefits of those traits some 50 to 100 years down the line as your own styles of these traits does. Your solutions are like vaccines, a pinprick to solve endless problems, but the fact that these problems slowly occur over the course of hundreds of years means that people in the present don’t see them as a vaccine, they see them as being brutally stabbed for no measurable reason, they don’t see or experience the benefits instantaneously and this instantaneously convinces them that there are no benefits induced by those actions whatsoever.

 We live in a society of instant gratification, and if people don’t get that gratification the instant they want it, they will be furious, especially when they don’t get the gratification they are promised, and I’m sure if they were to suffer in order for gratification to occur so far into the future that they will not experience it, they will be irate at even the thought of doing something like that, regardless of how perfectly reasonable and easily necessary such things might be. People will see your vaccines for inherent societal problems as nothing more than being stabbed, and they likely always will, so it truly is unfortunate that humans are so shortsighted as to make many instances of problem solving completely infeasible simply due to the sheer reluctance of the human race to do anything that they don’t feel is instantaneously gratifying, or at least gratifying in the ephemeral span of a second, a minute, an hour, a day, a week, a month, a year, or even their lifetime, with the reluctance becoming exponentially higher as those timeframes increase in scale. This inability to adapt to our new environment, this unnatural technological environment, will more than likely be what eradicates the human race from the planet, and that is just the fate of life; those who fail to adapt to the point where they can succeed and compete are simply eradicated in due time. It’s unfortunate, but there’s nothing we can do, so perhaps it’s best to accept it, to accept the futility of trying to save the earth and join the apocalyptic bacchanal, or at the very least look the other way, as clearly we will never be able to stop such a procession driven by the maladaptive vestigial instincts of billions of people who will viciously defend their instincts and hedonism with life and limb.” Says Raven




“I certainly will never become complacent with the state of Western hedonism; as much as I will likely be a hypocrite, I will still be prudent enough to remind people of the folly in such pursuits, even if my only argument is to use my own body and failure as the example from which to teach such lessons. Hopefully I never succumb to that, but damn near every time I hear somebody of professionally biased opinion speak, it feels like I’m being beaten to death with stupidity, and those are the people that are so good at creating crowd pleasing opinions that they are paid to do it, let alone amateurs and their arguments that often fall well beyond the reaches of sanity, let alone reason. It is a truly brutal cycle that traps me in this routine of endless criticism, so it is unlikely that I will be able to stop my compulsive feeding of this cyclical routine so long as the population remains so shamelessly stupid, and unfortunately that will never change.

See, somebody says something, usually somebody of paid opinion whose views are synonymous with fact amongst their countless cultists, they say something that is inherently false despite any agreeability it might have to those who are shamelessly hedonists of agreeability. This false statement provokes me. I want things to be correct, right, valid, reasonable, and sensible. This is not the case with the statement or assertion I noticed, and this provokes me into creating an argument, a valid one, a correct one. Then, by speaking this argument, I feel extremely valid and correct, some form of delusion of the value of common sense, common sense telling me that common sense would be readily accepted by people, clearly a very fallacious notion, but regardless, since it seems like common sense to me, I presume that people will understand. This is a great feeling, a feeling as if I am enlightening and helping people, that I am giving people the answers that they have been searching for and clearing up mountains of confusion that exist within their minds.

Then, of course, after speaking my point, I am always rebuked by the idiots among us, seldom if ever in person and often only through my own inference of the existence of that rebuke were I to say anything within a medium palpable to such individuals, and by that I am both frustrated and puzzled when I think that possibly somebody may fail to accept my common sense, so this once again provokes me to argue once more, and this cycle continues, as even in the absence of direct provocation, I am reminded of facts and arguments that provoke me, often by wandering thought; I touch upon a thought that reminds me of something I am critical of, and then once again I start arguing, and even during the course of my arguments I stumble upon more things that provoke me into argument.

It truly is a vicious consumptive cycle that takes root within me, but I get enough pleasure from that moment of speaking, of being right, of the sweet angelic symphony of correctness and validity resounding through the air when I speak, that I am always tempted, and of course the human predisposition to delusion also has a good amount of influence in further convincing me that somehow for some unknown reason, people will actually listen to common sense this time, and of course this is never true, but even if I didn’t have that delusion the simple pleasure of being right, and resounding correctness through this atmospheric vector of sound would be enough to convince me to continue this cycle indefinitely.

 It’s almost like I’ve got to fight of thousands of little bugs crawling on me, every time somebody says something stupid or believes something stupid; I can’t be silent or else it feels like I am somehow content with that state, of being crawled on by bugs of stupidity, and as futile as it is to try and brush them off and crush them knowing that they will always come back, I get a sense of relief, like brushing a bug off my skin every time I condemn somebody or something with my rhetoric. It is futile of course, and I’m sure those bugs will thoroughly consume my corpse when I’m gone, my body of work if there is one, the entire cannon devoured by these bugs of stupidity, and as sad as that is, as truly disgusting and shameless as that is, and despite how completely inevitable that is, I cannot help but fight these little bugs of stupidity, it is just instinct, as I’m sure most everyone feels the same way about real bugs crawling on them, and I just personally get a similar feeling from idiocy, even if it is more of a disgust and annoyance just from having such stupidity graze my train of thought, it is very similar, even if it is solely within the thoughtful mind rather than an instinctive tactile reflex.

It is true, though, that all of us, even myself of course, fall victim to our own human nature, at least when left to our own devices. That aspect of human nature is one of the key failings of the West, of America, of the ideal of freedom and individualism. Only when something such as the environment puts enough pressure on the human’s life will the every be so wary of their human instinct and human nature to condemn it and instead seek to act in a way that is more so beneficial to themselves than simply following human nature. As much as the environment and dearth of technology was sufficient pressure for most all people during the first few hundred years of the existence of our country, this pressure has rapidly been deteriorating and is nearly inexistent today, and this lack of environmental pressure has cause an unprecedented surge in the rates at which humans fall victim to their human nature, to vice, to temptation, and to hedonism.

Clearly we cannot reapply the pressure of the environment, but that does not mean we can do nothing. The civilized areas of Europe during the same period are great examples of this, as of course the potentiation and complicity in decadence led to an increase in vice, but at the same time, and for hundreds of years prior, human life had been rather stable, with much less pressure form the environment in an established agrarian and urban society than in the wilds of America. This is true, yet clearly Europe, at least the parts still painted with some degree of rustic simplicity, did not descend into degeneracy as this same profound rate that has happened in America with the dawn of industrialization and new technology; this is because Europe and every other civilized place in the world was able to apply immense social pressure in the form of religion and other social norms that were able to replace the pressure the environment once exerted on a human life that allowed him to act in his best interest as opposed to falling victim to his own human nature.

Social pressure is more than enough to ensure that people act in accordance with their own best interests as well as of society, but in an increasingly faithless world, especially in a country so preoccupied with occult levels of individualism, this social pressure has waned profusely in the last 100 years, and this has created an ideal situation for decadence, degeneracy, and shamelessness to flourish. People don’t have the social pressure exerting the same threats upon their life that existed within a religious society, and clearly as the state is unwilling to reapply this pressure from a federal vantage, there is no longer this pressure for people to behave themselves and act in a way that is the most beneficial to themselves and society.

An individualistic society worships the individual, and this occult mentality only exacerbates the power of human nature and temptation; in such a society the individual is far more likely to tolerate and listen to his own maladaptive, self-serving, hedonistic, and self-destructive human nature because this ideal of individualism has been so ingrained in his mind that even the condemnation from society, his peers, his family, and the general public is seldom of any concern to this man; he is entirely preoccupied with himself and thus is far more comfortable in disregarding society in order to pursue his own desires than one would be in a more traditionally functional society. To further exacerbate this problem, everyone in society is so indoctrinated to worship individualism that they always defend the individual before the collective; they find these people being individuals, different from society, to be inspirational, despite the fact that these differences they worship are unprecedented differences for a reason.

These allegedly inspiring behaviors are not different or groundbreaking in anyway at all, they are resurgences of human nature, of actions and mentalities that had been thoroughly removed from traditional societies because such mentalities were deleterious; they were harmful to the health of the individual or society if not both. These individualistic movements are nothing more than people forsaking the wisdom of society, the wisdom that had been established over the course of thousands of years, and acting against the norm, against what has been codified as the norm; these individuals are dissolving that which allows society to function by abandoning the social norm, and this is because functional societies always codified norms that were the most legitimate and beneficial to society. These people do these abnormal things and think they’re cool or adventurous, because few other people do those things, but these asshats and their occult proponents aren’t doing anything in the slightest, they are doing things that society had long ago abandoned for a good reason; if these aberrations were actually good things like these degenerates think, these cultural shifts would have been accepted thousands of years ago as good things because they would actually bring good things to the society, the societies would see the benefits of these things and fully embrace them.  These sorts of trends, the dissolution of taboo, of social and cultural norms, are the dissolution of the fabric that once held society together, the fabric that allowed society to exist for long enough to establish these things; these norms were defined because they brought success to society, and all possible aberrations from the norm proved to be damaging to society.

The reason women were always confined to the house was not due to profound misogyny or bigotry, it was for a completely functional reason; women needed to bear children and ensure that the children survived, because otherwise the society would collapse due to a dearth of children. This is still true today, and Western societies that embraced feminism are in the process of collapsing, as signified by population aging, and this is an explicit example of the human race abandoning wisdom that is thousands of years old in order to chase some fantasy that clearly was not a reality for a very defined and factual reason. What sort of asshat thinks that men didn’t want women to work? That is the pinnacle of idiocy.

Of course men wanted women to work; they wanted women to do as much work as humanly possible, and they certainly made sure that their women and girls were doing all of this work that they possibly could, but the men all understood that reproduction was profoundly more so valuable to society than a woman’ work; the men understood this to the point that they would take on a far greater workload just to ensure that the women could adequately rear the children. Things worked this way for a reason; there is no human that wants to do more work than need be, to work way harder than one must, or to do extra work while another person shirks work, so clearly the men were not in any way trying to keep women from working, the men were only trying to ensure that the population survived, and this knowledge, this wisdom rooted in instinct, had been ingrained for thousands of years in society because it was a fact, it was completely necessary that the men go out and fight wars, do hard work, and do all of these extremely painful and laborious tasks just to ensure that the women had enough time to ensure that the fragile children were taken care of well enough that society would survive.

 The fact that people fail to understand this, especially feminists who claim to be women of all things, is truly disgusting, that these idiots will spit in the face of thousand year old wisdom that prevented the destruction of society just because doing what it takes to ensure that society remains functional somehow doesn’t fit into their own delusional fantasies of what they want to do with their life. Society needs to be placed before any individual, and to allow these people to spread this destructive delusion, to do something no nobler than tricking children into drinking antifreeze, is absolutely insane if not criminal.  For thousands of years, men understood this, women understood this, and even children understood this, but somehow, in this day and age, we spurn the wisdom that has kept society alive, one of the literal linchpins of our godforsaken society, we literally pull this out and allow our economy and society to collapse just because some dysfunctional and mentally ill women were so egotistical and delusional that they somehow felt that their own smug self-satisfaction, the coddling their psychological gender dysmorphia, and their desire to chase this insane delusion of achieving the American dream were clearly so god damn pressing that we should crash the little motorcar of society into a fucking wall, just so they can get high on the fumes of the burning car that make them think their petty little dreams have amounted to something besides crippling society to a point that could easily be beyond repair by now.

 Feminism is just one of many examples of this shameless mass psychogenic illness that causes people in these individualistic societies of decadence to abandon the wisdom that kept the human race alive, to function collectively in such a way that they ensure the downfall of society, and this is all caused by this unprecedented lack of environmental, social, religious, and governmental pressure on the lives of the people that allows them to lose the form and shape that they need to maintain in order for this machine that is society to continue functioning; the parts are warping, and the machine is beginning to wear itself down and is in the process of breaking entirely.

  These sorts of paradigm shifts away from historical norms are some of the most anti-social and self-destructive acts that a human can possibly undertake, simply because they spread themselves throughout society so rapidly, like an extremely contagious illness that is able to infect countless cells while the host remains asymptomatic, only to induce profoundly destructive and lethal symptoms once the infection has fully taken root. The fact that countless people in the future will likely die due to the ensuing collapse of Western nations means that these sorts of cultural shifts can easily be equated to murder; these people who lay the ground work for the inevitable demise of society by vehemently and indignantly demanding that society abandon the social norms that are the sole reason humanity is able to survive, are truly much worse than murderers, because same people actually understand the fact that violence hurts and kills people and condemn physical violence, yet fail to even acknowledge this violence against the whole of society and in fact argue that these assaults are beneficial to society, no different than a serial killer arguing that his victims all enjoyed being tortured and murdered and not only that, but lived healthier and more productive lives on account of their being tortured and murdered; these aberrations are beyond the murder of an individual as they are assaults on the principles that function as the bones of society, an assault on billions of people simultaneously, yet they go completely unnoticed only because this immense behemoth that is society has yet to hit the ground; it is currently in the process of falling to the ground, it’s bones are broken, it is falling, and soon enough it will hit the ground, and that pain will reverberate through the masses like something never seen before throughout history. It’s a damn shame, but clearly the degenerates need their just desserts for abandoning the sacred wisdom that was likely the only thing that allowed the human race to survive at all, let alone for this prolific period of time since the dawn of civilization.” Says Kitty

“That’s such a good point; I don’t want to sound mean or anything, but feminism does seem kind of like a mental illness; I don’t know how anyone could want to work instead of stay home and raise children, that sounds completely insane; school is awful, and I can only imagine work is ten times worse considering you have tons of responsibilities and it’s probably just menial boring things like handling papers, picking up phones, or other pointless things. That basically sounds like hell knowing you’re forced to do that instead of have kids and spend time with them all day. I know some girls are super smart, and sure, maybe it’s fine if they want to go do incredible things in science or business or whatever, but for the rest of us who are just average and get put in pointless menial jobs just because some of them thought they would enjoy work more is awful.

God created women to have children; he made us be the ones that a biologically capable of having children, and breastfeeding children, so to argue that we should be doing something other than what God designed us to do is insane. I mean I can understand maybe during a war, if women are really needed to do work just because all of the men and boys are gone, but if it’s not a war there’s no reason why many women should be working at all. All female animals were designed with this very specific purpose in mind, and there’s no reason to think otherwise. If God gives you a car and tells you that you should be driving that car, that is what you are supposed to be doing; God gave us these female bodies because we are supposed to bear children, it’s not some kind of mystery or some kind of option, it is what God explicitly designed us to do, he gives us the instructions in our mind about how to love and care about people, about how to take care of people, and how to love boys, it’s so far beyond common sense that it is instinct, even the tiniest bugs understand that this is what females are supposed to do and they likely can’t think very much at all.

 It is complete insanity to argue against all of that, to argue against God and nature like that, and I don’t know how women became so prideful and angry with men and with God that they rebelled against him. Well, the rebelled against God, they rebelled against nature, they said they didn’t want to be women, they said they wanted to be men and go to work, and just look what happened, now we are in hell, just like Lucifer when he rebelled, we are stuck in this hell of being forced to going to work, of living in a world that makes it far harder to have lots of children than it should be, and it is all because some women chose to rebel a long time ago. It’s awful, it’s beyond awful, it’s terrible, really, and it just makes me sad that we’re all suffering because of the actions of a few women; not just us, but society and everyone like Stacy says, but I guess that’s what happens when you don’t listen to God. Just like in the garden of Eden, just like when Lucifer rebelled, now the feminists had to rebel against God and we ended up in hell. I’m sorry, I’m just upset. I’m not trying to be negative or anything.” Says Ophelia, saddened and embittered

“Clearly that’s true in the case of most women, but god it doesn’t seem that god designed me with childbearing in mind, certainly not in the same respects as he did with you two. That would be a hungry baby, and beyond that my maternal instinct isn’t particularly strong like yours. Considering the fact that men fill me with disgust and shame, it seems my brain was wired with non-traditional ends in mind, but honestly I don’t really mind that sort of fate. I suppose I would be something more along the lines of a nun, as ironic as that sounds considering my demeanor, but there was always this sort of non-sexual social leader role that is filled with a small number of people that was present in many of the civilized societies around the world: priests, nuns, monks, and other people like that. Refraining from that sort of behavior in order to try and fully devote oneself to another calling than the traditional human role.  I would argue it’s just as vital a role, as clearly without ensuring civility amongst the people, the society will not survive regardless of how many children you have.

 Even if I am not entirely averse to that sort of behavior as most of the calling would argue in favor of, I am still not distracted by it, and that is the key element of practices such as celibacy, to abstain from those behaviors in order not to be distracted and possibly consumed by them. I doubt it is biologically healthy to do so, as clearly it is against natural law, but just as somebody might throw away their television when they are constantly distracted by it in a manner that prevents them from accomplishing what they need to, this same philosophy can be embraced in regards to everything, including sexuality. I just view that sort of business in a very different way than most people, not as a temptation, not as some sort of pleasure to seek, but as a necessary course of action society must undertake.

This is not to say I’m completely devoid of any sensations such as that, but my odd sort of dissociation between mind and body fills me with this degree of distaste if not disgust with any sort of physical sensation, as it feels foreign and odd, disconcerting in a way, and as much as I surely can experience pleasure similar to any other human, the distance between my mind and body makes it somewhat unnerving, and for that reason I don’t find myself tempted by the thought; it’s a peculiar, quaint, and thrilling as sport, but there is a clear distinction between my body and mind whereas with many people the instinctive cravings of the body are entirely synonymous with their sense of self and their cognitive vantage. Clearly I am not opposed to it in the slightest, as I am quite a vocal advocate of both improving and maximizing reproduction, and if one were to look at the action independent from the convolution by society, science will argue that it is easily something that is beneficial to a person’s physical and mental health if it could possibly be accomplished without putting people in situations where they are far more prone to physical and psychological trauma.

That being said, as much as it might seem hypocritical that I claim feminism to be a mental illness while exhibiting many of the same degrees of sexual dissociation such as minimized or disfigured natural femininity, but this is not the case, as I’m sure both of you are well aware that I may have some subtle degree of mental illness, but I don’t have this same disdain for nature and reality that define feminism. Sure I have some odd splash of peculiarity, yet despite this fact clearly I am not some zealot attempting to turn my endogenous mental illness into a mass psychogenic illness by indoctrinating people; so while clearly mental illness exists, there is a manner in which somebody who is mentally ill can live their lives without causing a detriment to themselves or society, and in my case, clearly people who are prone to a certain lifestyle can even use their mental illness to their advantage, and in such cases mental illness no longer becomes an illness but is simply an irregularity or abnormality as opposed to an illness which actually causes harm to the person’s life.

I will admit that I am likely somewhat mentally abnormal, but as this has seldom caused problems within my life; I would not consider this a mental illness, despite any similarities to the disposition of feminists, because the clear difference is the degree to which our mental states are deleterious to ourselves, society and thus ourselves, or even society and thus our progeny. This, as truly no human is an individual in such a sense as they would like to believe, or as the idealists instruct people to believe; a human is irremovably connected to their bloodline since the first of their evolutionary progenitors gave life to them, and this procession of life, including their own progeny, is equally themselves as much as their own meaty unit of people. This is because the existence of this human depends entirely on the success of those who came before them, and the success of this collective depends entirely on the success of the contemporary generations of progeny and thus progenitors.

A person existing in a state that is harmful to this procession of life is wielding maladaptation, as harming the procession of life which one is a part of is clearly and measurably devolution. Regardless of however advantageous their actions might be to their own meaty unit, if these benefits translate into reduced success as the bloodline progresses, these traits themselves are maladaptive, and this would include feminism because despite however much the individual women’s lives may have improved per the opinions of some delusional neuters, they have harmed the future generations of their species by reducing the birth rate, thus crippling the economy which in this case is the unnatural parallel to the life-sustaining native biome of an animal, and thus making it harder for the now fewer number of children in subsequent generations to succeed, and this gets more and more pronounced as feminism continues to exacerbate these effects.

As much as I may have a dearth of femininity, I would argue this is not devolutionary as I address this fact entirely with my extensive specialization of women, most importantly with the establishment of a breeding caste devoted to reliably populating society, in a similar manner to the way ants and bees have a queen, as there are no grounds to argue that female worker bees are devolutionary because they fail to reproduce, they have evolved past simple reproduction with the establishment of a queen, thus allowing their society to become far more efficient and productive in the process without harming the birthrates in any way. This sort of model is clearly not as feasible in humans, as no woman can have hundreds of children, but it can be emulated in many respects, and considering that this is the only way to sustain the population while adapting to my environment of increasing asexuality, sexual dysfunction, and declining reproduction amongst both men and women, I would even argue that my mentality is truly an evolutionary one, as being a proponent of such a system is measurably beneficial to society, especially when the reproduction is controlled and enhanced in accordance with the science of animal husbandry, considering the fact that now, thanks to science, people can be selectively reproduced without actually having to bear children or even interact because the queens can function as surrogates to replace those who must be replaced even when these children are not queens themselves or some natural offspring of the queens.” Says Kitty

“I’m not even going to ask how you mutated in such a way as to have the reproductive instinct of a bee of all things, which are insects, need I remind you, meaning they are genetically quite different from mammals, let alone humans. I can’t argue with the fact that their methods of reproduction are far more efficient than humans, but despite that fact I don’t know if trying to transition the human race onto a similar model would be very functional at all considering how contrary it would be to instinct. As much as the feminists might be happy they get to work, never have children, and are otherwise treated as a non-childbearing laborer in the eyes of society, the thing is plenty of women still want to have children, and I’m sure it would be quite upsetting for women who want children to be unable to bear them due to caste.

That would be the main concern, as I’m sure it wouldn’t be particularly hard to breed many cultivars of queens, considering that reinforcing natural traits like the maternal instinct and selecting for natural birthing capacity would be far easier than somehow minimizing that instinct in everyone who doesn’t happen to be of that caste. As much as that would be a logical presumption, our contemporary society rife with technology has managed to instill a standard level of social and sexual dysfunction within people to the point that minimizing that reproductive instinct may be far easier than one might think, as even without any selective breeding, the influx of technology has already managed to cripple the birthrates across the developed world, and even the rates of any form of sexual intercourse in some places such as Japan due to their extreme focus on work, let alone any influence that technology has on those rates, especially places with the degree of technology that Japan is known to wield handedly and preoccupy themselves with.” Says Raven

“It’s so weird that bees kind of did the same thing that feminist wanted to do; they wanted to let the women do work, but in order to do this naturally and survive they had to evolve in such a way that allowed the women to work without hurting the colony. If the feminists wanted to work so bad, they really should have looked to God for answers, because God clearly explains that in order for it to be ok for women to work, there needs to be something like a queen to make sure there are enough children, because clearly bees and ants are perfect creatures created by God even if they do allow women to work and not all women have children, so it’s not even that feminists were all that wrong in the eyes of God, it’s just that they went about feminism in an unnatural way that is different than what God designed and teaches us with nature, and now everything is totally messed up because of that.

The sad part is that feminists and those sorts of people will all be up in arms over the fact that anyone even mentions God, or what God teaches us, even if it is clearly right, and they will just be furious that women are compared to bees or ants, even though bees and ants are no less women than humans, they’re less human, but not less so women in any way. God is clearly giving us the answers, we already know these answers and understand them, but it’s just people’s pride and arrogance that causes them to spurn God’s wisdom, to think that they know better than God, to think that what they want is right regardless of the fact that God tells them that it is wrong. God is giving them the perfect answer, giving them exactly what they want, but only so long as they do what God asks of them, to remain godly and act in accordance with his will, and even thought that means creating a system in which some women are like queen bees and others are like worker bees, it doesn’t mean that God is disrespecting women in any way, he just teaches us that it is perfectly ok to allow women to work instead of have children, but in order for that to be ok we have to change our ways and our society, we just have to embrace what God teaches us about those sorts of societies and we will be perfectly fine.

It’s terrible that so many people are opposed to God when God just wants to teach them how to get what they want, to teach them how it is possible for people like feminists to live the lives they want without acting against the will of God and forsaking his love and wisdom. It’s just sad that people won’t listen to you; they will just call you hateful, or mean, or Christian, or oppressive or something and throw you under the bus like everyone they disagree with; they won’t care in the slightest that they are disagreeing with God, with nature, and even just common sense by doing so, they are agreeing with their pride and arrogance, and that is the sad part that a vice like that is so powerful that it will probably lead to terrible problems within our society in the future. I’m sure people will continue to condemn what is right just because they don’t like it, but that is completely beside the point; being right or correct is not a matter of what people want, you can’t convolute the two and pretend that they are somehow related to one another because that’s clearly not the case, but everybody seems to have forgotten that even though it was so well known for thousands of years.” Says Ophelia

“I don’t know if it’s sad that the human race is subject to justice and smitten for their sins and irreverence to god; I’m perfectly happy with that. I think it’s sad that the degree of logical comprehension amongst people is so low, especially in regards to the things they antagonize. Sure, I can easily be labeled as hateful or bigoted, but I am not a bigot in the slightest as a bigot has an irrational disdain for someone or something, when I only exhibit rational disdain. I am disdainful of everyone and everything equally and proportionally to the extent to which mathematics justifies said disdain; it is simple Newtonian distain: an equal and opposite reaction to the negative force of degeneracy that is completely rational to the degree to which the degeneracy is measurably problematic. I hate everyone equally in that it is proportional, rational, and valid, and never once do I shine some sort of irrational bias or preference towards anyone for any reason; if I prefer or defend somebody it is solely due to the fact that the numbers and statistics defend those individuals; my disdain is not my own in the slightest, it belongs entirely to mathematics, so for one to argue that I am a bigot is to argue that mathematics is bigoted. It is not bigoted to argue that the 100th percentile shameful person should be more ashamed of themselves than the 90th percentile shameful person, clearly they should both be very ashamed of each other, but they should also be ashamed of themselves and shamed by society in a manner that is proportional to their shamefulness.

It is extremely bigoted and discriminatory to fail to use mathematical levels of disdain. It is irrational to judge somebody at the 50th percentile of shamefulness with the same degree of shaming that the person at the 80th percentile of shamefulness receives; that is discriminatory to the 50th percentile person and this is irrational, unfair, and unjust treatment of that person, as even if the shaming exists solely in the form of wholehearted tolerance and support, the fact that the 50th percentile person is not rationally and proportionally supported far more than the person at 80th percentile shamefulness means that the 50th percentile man is being treated unfairly, he is being given an unfair wage for the hard work he does every day to ensure that he maintains this median level of shamefulness when somebody who does far less work towards refraining from shameful behavior gets paid the exact same reward for their efforts. As much as people might call this wholehearted tolerance, it truly is mathematically and measurably bigoted and discriminatory. This is what is sad, that the zealots who rally against bigotry and discrimination are the people who are responsible for what is likely the highest degree of bigotry and discrimination in society, yet they are not antagonized because their bigotry and discrimination is masked by the veil of kindness in such a way that people fail to analyze and understand the fact that their actions truly are bigoted, discriminatory, belittling, demeaning, and easily hateful in reality.” Says Kitty

“As much as it is irrational, in the sense that they do fail to treat people fairly, I could easily defend them if their kindness and tolerance were simply a constant across the board, unvarying regardless of what it is that others might condemn, but clearly this is not the case and the tolerance brigade clearly draws a line in the sand somewhere, as much as they do move it backwards from time to time, they likely won’t ever make enough progress to the point where it is this occult kindness and tolerance towards everything, considering that as of now they only tolerate shamelessness and indirectly harmful or masochistic vices while their perspective on directly harmful and sadistic vices has not diverged from the traditional perspective; even in the eyes of progressives the stance that ‘murder is wrong’ still holds true for the most part, save for their support of soft drug peddling and their aggressive celebration of the gay community with irrationally high rates of often deadly venereal diseases associated with it, especially considering they target the children and confuse them with their propaganda which probably exacerbates the levels of people partaking in buggery, especially transgenderism, beyond that of a natural level.

 I’m sure most of the people, especially the youth, would not consider themselves to be transgender if they didn’t have those people celebrated in such a way. By making transgenderism this fad within popular culture, it will only manage to further confuse children and youth who could easily be frustrated with a general sense of discontent within their life, and this discontent could have them place faith in this unattainable fantasy of being the opposite gender because they believe it will solve their problems somehow, the grass is always greener, you know. I can understand that transgenderism is a natural thing, even thought I would deem it a mental illness in the same manner as any other natural delusion, by promoting it to such an extent, it becomes part of this mass delusion, the mass psychogenic illness you are so fond of condemning. I’m sure some catamites and the pathics see it as some means to somehow become more accepted and tolerated, to feel more comfortable with that which makes them different; they feel that if they were somehow a woman, that they would no longer be ostracized for being a catamite or a pathic, and this fantasy is what appeals to them despite the fact that they truly would never become a woman, and most of the time the men would never even appear to be anything other than a grotesque creature that is clearly still a man despite any chemical and physical mutilation and malformation their treatment has caused them to express.

 Sure, some of them may be diehard fetishists who simply want to take their transvestitism to a new level, and that tends to be tolerable within our society, hardly any more different than unusual tattoos or pricings that people use to express their feelings, which are usually a similar form of discontent with their body or their place in society, but the main problem I have with the zealotry regarding that fetish is that it induces this profound degree of delusion within people, especially young boys and men who believe that they somehow will become a woman, that it causes men to think they really are a woman, and they will be treated like a woman if they pursue this end, and this is almost never the case because the man never looks or sounds like a woman, due to things like bone structure, their voice, their facial features, and other inherently masculine traits that never appear in women and do not disappear despite any degree of physical or chemical mutilation of their body. If it were simply defended as an accentuation of a fetish, not as something that actually makes these people into women, I would be far more able to defend it, but as it stands there is little protection for these people who are peddled this profound delusion that almost always betrays them and falls well below their expectations, and this is easily why suicide is so high amongst these people.

 I put emphasis on the men tempted by such delusion because the women who do so tend to fare much better; they can easily put on muscle and grow facial hair because of the fact that naturally men are basically created by adding extra hormones and parts to the base model of a woman, but when a man is born as a man and develops as a man, there is no way he can ever revert to being a woman because his bone structure, face, and voice were so well defined by these additional hormones found in men that manage to warp men to such a noticeable degree that physically differentiates them from women, and clearly he has no way to warp things such as his bones in any degree similar to the extent that women can grow facial hair and muscles, which are far more prominent and distracting than the higher voice, especially considering that softer facial features in men can be hidden by facial hair and increased muscles can hide the feminine bone structure to a large extent, and on top of that feminine looking men are usually thought of as attractive by the public, even if this femininity is to an unnatural degree, where masculine looking women are never found to be attractive, especially when it is expressed to such a noticeable and unnatural degree as it is in transgender people.

That was a bit off topic, but returning to the point, the aggressive tolerance does actually hurt people as it stands, crippling them by teaching them that abusing street drugs and coddling transgender fantasies and delusions to the point of acting upon them are somehow acceptable if not beneficial to oneself, when both of these statements are usually not true, at least for most people. I’m sure more people have killed themselves due to an unnatural degree of transgenderism and an unnatural penchant for drug abuse than the more so directly sadistic things they often antagonize. Clearly drug abuse is going to outweigh gun violence in terms of deaths, even in deaths of children, so conditioning people to think that abusing street drugs is an ok thing to do only furthers their temptation and willingness to start abusing soft drugs which themselves often have negative consequences within a person’s life, one of which is the temptation to try hard drugs and easily become addicted to them. The problem is believing that tolerance is always a good thing, when clearly conditioning people to be far more prone to using street drugs and buggery than they otherwise would be only serves to put them in far more danger than if they were taught to avoid such things, considering that social pressure will prevent many of the people from even considering those things, let alone being tempted by them to the point of trying them, but when those things are celebrated by the public, of course the rates of those dangerous behaviors are going to skyrocket because for the most part people do what society says is ok, and they tend to avoid what society condemns.

Unfortunately I don’t see any reason to think this dangerous degree of tolerance will fade any time soon, and I see even less of a reason to think that your standard of purely impersonal, rational and relative degrees of condemnation and disdain being applied in regards to the extent to which a person is worthy of that treatment will ever become popular. Any argument that shameful and dangerous behavior should be condemned is always negated if not condemned itself given that somebody can convince themselves of the argument ‘that person is not hurting anybody so they’re not doing anything wrong’, which is asinine considering the deaths and suicides resulting from drug abuse, buggery, and transgenderism. Unless that which is condemned takes the form of direct violence, the people are likely going to be far more tolerant of it, with the occasional exception being the immoral greed of the wealthy, but even that is often brought up for a brief moment and then quickly forgotten about.” Says Raven

“You’re preaching to the choir, but there’s a good reason we go to church, so I’m not complaining. It’s a damn shame we can sit here, make well-reasoned, logical, factual points, and if we were to make these arguments in public we would be condemned as if we are Hitler just because we have somewhat conservative views. Your views are even rather liberal, somewhat progressive, and simply want to prevent people from being harmed by the culture of society, and despite the fact that your views are possibly even more legitimately progressive than those of alleged progressives, just because yours don’t line up exactly with their occult mob mentality, you will instantly be demonized as a fascist or a bigot just because you fail to agree with the propaganda that they voraciously consume. They fetishize any sort of allegedly suffering minority to this irrational degree that actually hurts the minorities themselves by inducing this nigh god-complex of a persecutory delusion, allowing these people to shift the blame for their own problems onto people who disagree with them, problems that are often caused by themselves, as the Negro community fetishizes antisocial behavior, criminality and violence within their popular culture, and the homosexual community fetishizes mental illness that exacerbates suicidality as well as celebrates buggery along with the venereal disease it spreads to an extent comparable to bio-terrorism.

 Having AIDS does not make you a martyr just because you’re a homosexual, you willingly sought out profane amounts of reckless buggery and became terminally ill because of this; celebrating this epidemic is like celebrating heroin overdose, it’s completely insane, but because the homosexuals are historically subject to bigotry, they can literally do no wrong within society, and even teaching children the fact that there are many dangers associated with embracing gay culture is seen as intolerable and unforgivable fascism in the eyes of the liberal public. The same thing applies to the Negro culture in that the public constantly celebrates the indoctrinating music and the resulting cult of criminality despite the fact that these are profoundly negative influences on the youth who then become complacent with and eventually complicit within these profound problems within society.

 The cult that fetishizes minorities always claims that judicial discrimination is to blame for the irrational rates of incarceration amongst Negros when the Negros themselves educate their youth with popular music arguing that the only way for the common Negro to become successful is to embrace the gang culture of the criminal underworld. The Negro criminal is a folk hero amongst these people, and somehow this irrational rate of criminality is never justified because the fact that when such a culture exists people are more likely to commit crimes, and I will admit that actual discrimination is likely to blame for a substantial amount of this judicial inconsistency, but considering the fact that the Negro could simply refrain from committing crimes and thus going to prison, there are no grounds to argue that the Negro is somehow completely inculpable for the fate of his own people; seldom if ever has a Negro been put in prison simply for being a Negro, charged with no crime save for being a Negro.

 Clearly some innocent people are convicted, and that is a shame, and surely this happens disproportionately to Negro people, but this is rare enough to the point that any rational human being cannot allege that racial discrimination within the courts is the primary reason or even a substantial reason for the profoundly irrational degree of incarceration of Negros. You may get pulled over for having a taillight out, but so long as you aren’t peddling or abusing drugs, or wanted for some previously committed crime, you are not going to be arrested and sent to prison. The vast majority of the time you must be a criminal in order to be subject to criminal punishment, and if the Negro was so vehement about ending this discrimination against Negros, the solution is to refrain from giving the admittedly racist white people grounds to put the Negro in prison, be damn sure you don’t commit any god damn crimes, and you will for damn sure not be sent to prison simply for being a Negro.

 It’s not hard to refrain from committing crimes, just because the Negro is irrationally prosecuted for doing so does not mean it is somehow unjust; those people who argue this are arguing in favor of tolerating crime, not tolerating the Negro people; they want to tolerate and coddle the increased and irrational criminality of the Negro degenerates, they don’t want to help or support the Negro people, they simply want to coddle the cultural problems within that population by shifting the blame elsewhere solely out of the fact that statistics and facts appear to be racist and therefore must be wrong, when in reality the culture is just as much if not more so to blame for the plight of the Negro as is the racism of society.

 Society will not change, the Negro himself is perfectly capable of personally changing his behavior, but simply because he fails to do so, he fails to better his own situation, the progressives want to shift the blame for the shortcomings of the Negro criminals onto society by arguing that we should tolerate crime to this insane and irrational degree simply because the statistics appear to be racist. Just because somebody can fetishize a minority and subscribe to their persecutory delusion does not mean that every ounce of that persecutory delusion is somehow grounded in reality; those who defend it are not correct, they are simply indoctrinated by the same delusions of oppression and discrimination that I would argue play a predominant role in actually limiting the success of the Negro population. The Negro population believes they are oppressed, and they act in a manner, and lash out in a manner, as if they were oppressed, when in reality much of this perceived oppression is delusional, mass psychogenic illness spread by mob mentality that peddles these delusions and excuses to justify their own shortcomings or criminality.

 When a community believes they are oppressed, and acts in a manner that is similar if not identical to the way they would if they were truly oppressed, it doesn’t matter that said oppression doesn’t exist in reality because the delusion alone is powerful enough to convince the people they are oppressed, and act in the same manner they would if they were oppressed, and this causes the measurement of their lives to produce statistics that portray this measurable trend of oppression despite the fact that there was nowhere near that degree of oppression in reality; they simply believed there was, and this convinced them to act as if there was, and this caused their lives to result in such a way that fallaciously depicts the existence of oppression. We’re taught not to judge a book by its cover, but the minority fetishists are equally as guilty of baselessly condemning the statistics based on appearances to an extent that is easily more so pronounced than the extent to which the legal system baselessly presumes criminality amongst impoverished male Negros.” Says Kitty

“As much as you have a completely fair, rational, impartial and logical point, it’s hard to blame society, especially white society, for acting the way they do. When both parties are equally responsible for the problem, it looks much better to defend the traditionally oppressed than it does to defend the traditional oppressors, especially if you happen to be white. Even if the Negro happens to be more so responsible for his own plight than white society, to allege something like that will always appear to be racist, as if you are demeaning or belittling the Negro people. The clear example being, in a scenario such as today, where the statement ‘Negros are for whatever reason more so criminal and antisocial than White and Asian people’ is at the same time a fact and at the same time the stereotypical baseless rhetoric of thoroughly condemned racists, so even if you simply want to state the fact, you cannot do so without simultaneously appearing to be racist, as I’m sure even if a Negro were to make that statement, he would be called some kind of urban contemporary equivalent to a race traitor, an Uncle Tom or a House Negro by his fellow Negro people who subscribe to the common rhetoric of the progressives.

This is unless of course the Negro was boasting about the irrational criminality of Negros with an emphasis on himself and his friends, and in this case he would likely be given a greater degree of respect than the common Negro, and be seen as a more influential and substantial member of the Negro community, at least by the youth and those of such a mind as to idolize criminality. It is a very curious statement that, depending on context, can be an expression of factuality, of racism, of pride, of envy, of shame, and possibly many other sentiments depending on the inflection and status of the speaker. Race relations are so complicated that even making a simple objective statement is now something that could easily have profoundly different meanings depending on the context in which it is spoken.” Says Raven

“I know neither of you are racist, but we should probably change the subject in case somebody gets on that is impartial to that kind of talk. This looks kind of like a grim neighborhood, and I would hate for people to over hear you and become upset. I’m sure the fact that everyone thinks they are oppressed is enough to convince them that you are wrong, even if you are technically right about all of whatever it is.” Says Blaze, distracted, looking out the window

“This part of town is mostly Asian with a good mix of ex-Soviets; they wouldn’t mind the rhetoric at all if they weren’t racist or drunk to the point of chiming in with their own rhetoric. The coloreds tend to live south of here and more so inland, so as much as this is a terribly criminal and impoverished area, it doesn’t happen to be a ghetto that is particularly friendly to the colored people, even the Hispanics are few and far between and they are often on much better terms with both Soviets and Asians. It is grim, I’ll give you that, but it’s a peaceable grim, as classy as an impoverished crime rife area can be for the most part; unlike the Negro, the Asians and Soviets both find a kind of noble glory in criminality due to the prominent, influential, powerful, and professional role it historically played in their own historically homogenized communities as opposed to the more savage and desperate backlash of the Negro due to his history of existing as the disenfranchised denigrite within white society. As long as we mind our business people won’t bother us; businessfolk are respected here, regardless of the fact that crime is the predominant business here. When business is good, people aren’t complaining, regardless of what it is, and especially not when they could easily end up on the wrong side of that business and the wrong side of the ground, or ocean for that matter, if they happen to raise any qualms about it.” Says Kitty

“In that case I will definitely make a point of it to mind my own business.” Says Blaze

“Good. Just let me do all the talking; there shouldn’t be much of it anyways.” Says Kitty

“You’re certainly capable of talking; I’m just hoping you’re good at talking, because clearly there is a substantial difference between the two, especially in a place like this.” Says Raven, grimly

“Most people are of such conviction that talking is seldom if ever going to accomplish anything significant. Considering that we’re here to quickly take care of business, I’m certainly not going to elect to pursue a plan that requires us to talk at length and carry on with some show in order to accomplish what we need to. Those sorts of situations are much too fragile for me to ever think of pursuing them; one wrong word, one slip of the tongue and the plan falls apart, and in plenty of situations that could easily mean that our lives come to an end. Talking is a pastime of idle entertainment; it is not a means to accomplish anything hasn’t already been accomplished, which means that more often than not attempting to talk for whatever reason will accomplish nothing, because the most it could possibly amount to is cementing a point that is already set in stone. Talking only reaffirms the speaker, and the listener if the two happen to be in accordance, otherwise it simply sows discord and strife. Of course there is a difference between talking and telling somebody something, or commanding somebody, but those are different vectors entirely, as conversation is a back and forth that accomplishes nothing.

 If a con man is trying to swindle somebody, they’re not actually convincing the person to buy into the con, the person was already convinced, the person was already duped before the con man even said anything; the con man is just reaffirming that fact and making use of it, and the same thing applies to damn near every sort of conversation or debate that one could possibly had: the results are already decided beforehand, so one is either reaffirming those results or wasting one’s time if they are actually attempting to change somebody’s mind. Even if somebody is on the fence, it’s not that you’ve actually accomplished something by convincing them to side with you; they are still as fickle as they were before hand, and another babbling idiot could just as easily convince them to come to the other side of the fence at the drop of a hat.

 Perhaps I’m just ranting in spite of myself, embittered by the futility of my own talking, but on the other hand it is painfully obvious that nobody will agree with anything they don’t want to be true, even if it is a rare instance where a person simply needs to be reminded of facts, often times facts will fall under that umbrella of preferentiality, so clearly convincing people of your point is not accomplishing something as much as it is reminding somebody of something that is already true, that they already want that thing, that they already agree with you, because changing people’s mind is not something that can truly happen, as few people are capable of being educated to the point of changing a disposition, let alone open enough to something like that for it to be possible.

It’s a damn shame too, and perhaps this is just narcissism speaking, but I feel like I’m accomplishing far more good in the world simply by debating on this train, by polishing my philosophy and my policy, than I do on these ventures; that such a course of action is clearly the most reasonable and most efficacious means to accomplish the highest degree of good in the world, but sadly that presumption is false logic because it relies on the relevance of true logic within the minds of the people, as often there is none whatsoever. It truly is frustrating to live in such a dysfunctional world, of people gifted with the capacity for something so powerful as intelligence and common sense yet so bold as to vehemently spurn those things in favor of idiocy, delusion, and fantasy. I am correct, I am right, I am legitimate, but despite all of these things the world constantly reminds me that such definitive aspects of an argument are entirely irrelevant, the only things that functionally legitimize an argument are agreeability, desirability, and the degree of cognitive manipulation you can exert upon the minds of the common man with false logic.

None of those traits favor my own paradoxical, seemingly otherworldly definition of legitimacy, yet my conviction is too strong for my approach to falter in the slightest. It’s a shame, but just because a dog barks all night doesn’t mean it has accomplished a damn thing, and clearly Mr. Dog understands this as well as anyone else, as despite my endless rhetoric that I have articulated endlessly over the past few days, rhetoric that could easily save the planet and the human race if anyone were to listen, these rings still have yet to glow one lumen brighter, and in fact have grown noticeably darker in that time period. It is frustrating to know that my wisdom will be disregarded entirely, that it will accomplish nothing in regards to actually helping anyone in the world simply because nobody will listen, but that clearly is the case as is testified to by the rings themselves.

 It is saddening to think that tonight we will accomplish more good in the world than my wisdom likely will ever accomplish, but considering the fact that nobody will give me the time of day let alone take my wisdom to heart, I must concede the point that Mr. Dog is right, that taking a drop of water out of the ocean is always going to make far more progress towards the goal than accomplishing nothing at all, even that tiny drop, in the independent context of the drop compared to nothing, is proportionally infinitely greater than the nothing accomplished by my rhetoric, multiply my rhetoric times an infinity, and it will still result in no water being taken out of that ocean; it will still amount to nothing when compared to the simple action of physically taking that drop of water out of the ocean of vice and putting it somewhere else, hell, in our case, because any other means truly do not accomplish the task, as all water finds its way back to the ocean eventually.

 This is our stop coming up; let’s do what we must while we still can. If you have any squeams about it, just remember we only do this because we must, because we should, and because we can; we’re not expected to do anything that does not meet those criteria. You’ve seen blood before, get used to it, not my blood, but someone else’s blood, and death, and understand that this is what is going to happen, it is us or them, and people like this are the scum of the earth, and don’t forget that for a second. Even true hellkites would spit upon these people, condemned in the eyes of both the lord and Satan himself; truly we can do no wrong by ending their lives save for in the eyes of the humanistic idolaters who worship their own flesh and shameless folly. I say this because unlike last time, you will have to see this, there will be lighting in this place and I can do nothing about that; thankfully I’m sure both of you will be able to truly put faith in me, after being forced to bear witness to what it is I do in light that is plain as day. These sorts of nights define our lives from here on out; we all need to be comfortable with that if we are going to survive… and we will survive… because I’m going to make damn sure of that.” Says Kitty, rallying the girls with reluctant heroics

“I just hope you never put too much faith in the two of us; I would have negative faith in us for countless good reasons, just presuming that we will mess up your master plan somehow in order to err on the side of caution. If I am ever in your position, where I have to make sure that we survive, I don’t think I have the slightest chance of actually ensuring our survival in any sense of the word.” Says Raven

“Just stay strong, and have faith, you will figure things out soon enough, and perhaps one day you can have as much faith in your magic as I do in mine. Of course having a gun could always do wonders to sure up any remaining anxiety, but that’s your call to make; I’m not going to buy you a gun if you’re so averse to the idea of gun violence, gun piety for that matter, that you wouldn’t even use it in times of trouble.” Says Kitty

“At least you’re smart enough to realize that giving me a gun would likely accomplish next to nothing, considering I’ve not the first bit of knowledge about guns, let alone any experience in shooting one.” Says Raven

“I have faith, I think we will be fine; we’ve seen you hurt people before, at the restaurant, and we’ve seen plenty of blood, more than enough to be somewhat used to it at this point. As long as it’s not your blood, I’m sure we will be able to tolerate this sort of thing. I know we’re doing the right thing, and I always tell myself that soldiers had to do this same thing when they went off to fight the Axis of Evil or other bad people in the world, so we can’t have anything less expected of us, especially when our own country is so threatened by the evil within it. They let women be soldiers now, and as much as that doesn’t make any sense to me, that’s just the crazy world we live in, and I guess I’ll have to get used to it. Definitely don’t give me a gun either, I trust you with a gun, but I don’t think I could use one myself; I think I would just close my eyes and look the other way if I had to shoot at somebody, and I know that’s the exact opposite of what you’re supposed to do.” Says Blaze




  “Duly noted, let’s go; the city’s calling, tempting us to have a good time; so let’s have ourselves a good time, a zealously moralistically righteous time.” Says Kitty, as the train slowly comes to a stop at an elevated platform in the half-lit streets of the quays, shining with the neon vice in the areas where the darkness of depravity has not consumed the light entirely; the smell of work, death, and dirty money fills the streets, the night life keen on dying, merrily of course, but few but the natives loiter in the streets due to the sickening atmosphere and ambiance of fisheries and middle-poverty that is far too easily escaped by entering any of the countless warrens of vice that themselves loiter conspicuously upon the streets they happen to inhabit.  Thankfully for such businesses, there is nobody in miles whose tastes find such subtly illicit businesses suspicious in the slightest, and even if they were, they wouldn’t for long, as vice surely removes them of their suspicion, be it by their own temptation or the temptations of others, either way, suspicion never lasts long in the quay. The girls step onto the platform and down the diamond plate steps, the train now completely deserted, as none from the outside can fathom a reason to step foot into a place such as this, and its denizens have every possible craving satisfied by the local sacchariferous orifices of vice.    

“No junkie without a den to die in, it seems. Even if it is shameless, a palatable opium den actually manages to keep the junkies off the streets, and considering that they’re going to be shooting up either way, there’s no real reason why the rest of the city shouldn’t just turn a blind eye like they do in the more noble and humane parts such as this one. The city brings the blight of half-dead junkies lying in the street upon itself; they could resolve that issue entirely just by legitimizing opium dens. Hell, it would even make clean-up ten times easier, but instead we are forced to watch the poor bastards die when we walk around the city.” Says Kitty

“It is a tragedy. Clearly despite the grim appearances of a place like this, there complete lack of visible homeless is striking compared to anywhere else in the city. It’s borderline sadistic delusion for the progressives to forbid any solution that is not a perfect solution, comparable to the argument that unless someone has a legitimate cure for malaria, no treatment should be afforded to those afflicted, that the progressives will never give a malarial man quinine even when there is no other medicine available; they demand the malaria be cured by contemporary antimalarials, and as much as that is a better solution, in many cases such as the problem of heroin addicts, there is no equivalent to the new antimalarials, so the people are denying these addicts their quinine, their opium den, just because the people demand a solution that is in no way disagreeable despite the fact that a complete lack of a solution is even more so disagreeable than condoning the existence of opium dens.” Says Raven

“Maybe we should just try to keep quiet; I’m sure we look even more suspicious than we usually do in a place like this. I’m sure this isn’t the kind of place where teenage girls like to play pretend in costumes, even if that is common in other parts of the city.” Says Blaze

“We’re working, if anyone asks; first of all don’t say anything, but that’s what we’re doing. Nobody will ask questions.” Says Kitty

“We’re working? How are we working?” asks Blaze

“Don’t think about it too much, or better yet at all; Stacy is right, but you are also right in that we just need to keep quiet. Let Stacy do all the talking; if you absolutely must speak just apologize and tell people that we are very busy tonight.” Says Raven

“Ok. I guess. You make me think that it’s something I don’t even want to know what it means, but I know what working means.” Says Blaze

“You don’t want to know what it means. If you have a good reason to be in a good place, you usually have a bad reason to be in a bad place; working means something else in this kind of place, but it’s a bad reason, and this is a bad place, so that means that it’s a good reason, or at least the right reason so that nobody will ask any questions. Just like if we had a good reason, like to do good deeds, that would be a very bad reason to be here and people would be very suspicious. People here don’t like good deeds, they do bad deeds, bad deeds are known as working in a place like this, so that’s what we’re doing.” Says Kitty

“That’s so weird, but I guess it kind of makes sense. I’m sure being a professional criminal is still work in a sense, that you have to go out and do things, and I guess you do kind of look like a criminal with the gun and knife and everything. We just look silly though, I don’t know if people will think we’re up to bad deeds looking so cute and nice, dressed up like witches.” Says Blaze

“Trust me, they will definitely think you’re working, Asian people love costumes like that, so it’s way less suspicious than you think considering the density of Asian people here.” Says Kitty

“I still don’t understand what our job is exactly.” Says Blaze

“We’re entertainers, ok? That’s all you need to know. Clearly that’s not what we are, but that’s what we look like, so that’s what our story is.” Says Kitty

“Is being an entertainer really a bad job? I thought entertainer is like one of the better jobs out there.” Says Blaze

“If you are entertaining bad people, it is a bad job. You are part of that criminal group, so that’s why it works; don’t think about it too much. Just pretend like you belong here and that should be enough. No more questions. Just look busy and don’t stop walking, even if somebody talks to you. Let me do the talking.” Says Kitty

“Ok.” Says Blaze

“Thank you.” Says Raven, relieved, as the girls walk deliberately down the sidewalk underneath the scattered streetlight and copious shadows, headed west towards the quay proper, walking in silence, a drunken man exits a bar ahead of them, stumbling confidently, blinded by the streetlight above him, holding onto it; the girls attempt to walk by and ignore him as the enter the glow of the street light.

Somebody still looks out for me! I get thrown out of the bar and into these beautiful girls! Where have you been for my whole life? I have what you want, come home with me, I will treat you right!” Says the man

“We’ve got a lot on our plate tonight, maybe next time.” Says Kitty, brushing the man off as they walk past

“I’ll give you more, my whole paycheck, I make good money, whatever you want I can get it, I know everybody, I treat women right, it’s the grace of god for me and you right now, I will save you from a bad time! Best I’ve seen in 30 years, since I left the old country, best in the quay, why do you do this to me, I appreciate women, you know I am a good man! Not like the filth around here!” Says the man, following them drunkenly

“It’s business, strictly business, you are a good man, but work is work, and you know we’re not in charge of scheduling clients. We don’t have a choice in the matter.” Says Kitty

“Fucking capitalism, I will give you a better life, not this working life, a real life, for a real woman, come with me! You don’t need that money; I have money, come with me!” Says the Man

“I won’t have a life if I fuck around with these people, so maybe think about that for a moment. There are plenty of people in the world you can’t stand up and walk away from it.” Says Kitty

“Fucking hell, why am I some fucking peasant and not in the fucking mafia like everyone else? I fought so hard to come here, for the opportunity, and it is the same fucking opportunity, I’m still a fucking peasant, after 30 fucking years! It’s bullshit! It’s all fucking bullshit! Just kill me you mafia whore piece of shit, I don’t want to be alive, slave to everyone who has their hand on the whip, working me to death while you laugh and fuck and get high thanks to the sweat on my back! I fucking love you, you look just like my dear babushka, I need you, I need somebody to love, I will love you forever, you remind me of the only person who loved me! Then the bitch dies, comes back to life 20 years later just to say she never really gave a damn about me, just like everybody else! You fucking ruined my life you whore, my last pleasant memory, gone! You ghost! You Demon! You came here to haunt me! I wasn’t good enough for you, I ran away, I’m sorry, I’m really fucking sorry, forgive me, fucking hell! The country betrayed me, I betrayed them, I had to run away or I would die! It’s not my fault you whore! Haunt somebody else! Haunt Ivan, that bastard is a piece of shit, he is a fucking criminal, he robbed your fucking grave and you come back to haunt me of all people!” shouts the man slurredly, stumbling behind them exhausted, chasing a fight and chasing death as much as he is chasing the girls, visibly attaining none of the three

“Fuck off! I’m not your fucking babushka! Go home!” shouts Kitty

 “Kill yourself you lying bitch! You Ghost! The fucking witches summoned you from the dead to torture me, and you’re happy to do it you heartless bitch! I will shit on your grave if I get the chance!” shouts the man

“Good! Go fuck yourself!” shouts Kitty, as the man grows more distant

“I will find a real woman who will take my money! Not some damn ghost! She will have that life you will dream of! You will regret this for the rest of your life! You dumb bitch! Burn in hell, all of you!” shouts the man as he falls down and starts to sob and moan loudly in despair, the girls quietly continue walking away briskly, the few witnesses completely indifferent yet amused by the spectacle



“Ok...” says Blaze softly

“He was drunk; let that be a lesson to you. Avoid drunks at all costs.” Says Kitty

“I definitely will. You dad drinks, but he’s nothing like that. I don’t know what was wrong with that guy.” Says Blaze

“My dad is just a drinker, he’s not a drunk; that man, drunk in the streets and shouting at women, that’s what a drunk does.” Says Kitty

“Point taken.” Says Blaze

“You handled that remarkably well.” Says Raven

“That’s what I was saying, pretend like you belong and people will presume that you do, so long as you look and act the part.” Says Kitty

“That tends to be the entire concept behind spy work, so I’m glad you can actually pull that sort of thing off. I’m sure it will be more than necessary if we keep doing things like this.” Says Raven

“My endless ego is not an entirely bad thing after all, is it? Clearly I’m going to seem like I belong when there’s not a doubt in my mind about that fact. I can convince myself of anything, so long as it’s of value to myself, and that’s quite a handy skill from time to time.” Says Kitty

“I just hope you only use that when absolutely necessary; your ability to convince yourself of something fallacious is far from beneficial when you’re making plans that could easily put our lives in danger.” Says Raven

“Relax, it’s only when doing so is beneficial to myself, and clearly having any of us die is at the bottom of the list in terms of personal beneficiality.” Says Kitty

“I’ll try to put blind faith in that statement like I should, considering that I don’t really have a say in the matter.” Says Raven

“After tonight, you will have no more blind faith, only affirmed and unwavering faith in me, the both of you.” Says Kitty

“I already do, so you don’t need to worry about that. The way you handled that ordeal just now only cements my faith in the fact that you know what you’re doing.” Says Blaze

“Excellent.” Says Kitty, as the girls return to silence, walking in the now darker streets of nameless warehouses, the streetlights more scattered, the streets empty of all but the occasional laborer on his journey home


“This is the place, say nothing; act like you belong. Stay behind me and follow my lead.” Says Kitty, as they approach the open gate to a smaller warehouse, dim lights hanging from the roof glow through the industrial windows

“Got it.” Says Blaze

“This is an alarming lack of instructions and degree of vagueness for something that could easily be a life threatening undertaking.” Says Raven

“Just let me do the talking, just let me do the work, it will only take a minute. There aren’t instructions because your instructions are basically to not do anything except for act normal.” Says Kitty

“Fine. My heart is racing, but I am so let down by this degree of planning that I’m not even nervous, I’ve just accepted the fact that I’m already dead.” Says Raven

“I’ve done all the planning, don’t worry. Get serious, it’s business time.” Says Kitty as the girls round the corner, a well-built man in his twenties stands at the door to the warehouse, dressed casually, leaning against the wall staring into the distance


“Evening.” Says Kitty, in a serious deadpan

“Damn, those are some costumes; party doesn’t start for a minute though.” Says the man

“I know; I was hoping to get here during business hours.” Says Kitty

“You look kind of professional, is this for you, or are you mafia or something?” asks the man

“Let’s not ask too many questions.” Says Kitty

“Just don’t buy him out, I know Rico’s got his hands on some real quality, but I didn’t think the mafia would be interested in molly.” Says the man

“Just here to sample, word travels fast you know, Ssee what all the buzz is about, let my people know if it’s the real deal; I’m not here to crash the party.” Says Kitty

“Nice, god damn, Rico is moving up in this world; I’m glad they sent a girl like you who has the taste for this kind of fun. I’m sure he won’t mind the business.” Says the man

“Let’s hope it’s as good as they say.” Says Kitty

“It is, trust me. If the top cats can’t sew buttons on their neighbors’ mouths in this part of town, you know this shit is to die for.” Says the man, opening the door for the girls, “Go on in.” he says, the girls enter the warehouse, in the middle near the back wall, a man sits at a table with a computer, large speakers, two to each side of him; 6 old shipping containers arranged neatly, 4 vertical across the middle, two to each side, leaving a large open area in the middle, with two horizontal containers parallel to the far wall, behind Rico; the room decorated with abandoned objects and litter, the sizable warehouse failed to age well into the future, a glimpse into the boom times of decades ago, the lights warm and yellow overhead, the man closes the door behind him an resumes his guard; Rico looks up from the table, a large bag of tiny home-pressed pills besides him, three women and two men, all six of them young, chatter casually to one side of him, paying no mind to the girls making their way across the room, far more interested in each other than anything that might be going on; Jenna sighs, unsurprised, unamused, expressionless as the girls approach the table, Ophelia smiles innocently, warmly timid, Stacy smiles, cocksure, leisurely.


 “You’re early; nice costumes though.” Says Rico, sly, cool

“The early bird gets the worm, what can I say? This is strictly business, didn’t want to miss what all the buzz was about. Big business if it’s as good as the word on the street.” Says Kitty

“Don’t worry, baby. Rico has plenty to go around. Just business though? We could take care of business and enjoy ourselves after hours, you know. I always love to have some company.” Says Rico

“Just business. I’m here to work, not to party. We don’t get paid to party, not like this anyways.” Says Kitty

“Mafia girls, I see. I’m glad they sent you though, girls with taste for the finer pleasures in life; this is the finest molly this side of town, you won’t be let down.” Says Rico

“I need to see you take one first, just so I can trust you.” Says Kitty

“Woah baby, I don’t get high on my own supply. It’s the same shit you caught wind of, don’t worry baby, I’m legit. My friends all take it, see? Ask them. They’re already feeling it, that’s proof enough, isn’t it? I know you’re serious, but I’m serious too. Tell her they can trust me; it’s good shit, isn’t it?” Says Rico

“Oh yeah, trust Rico; it’s good. Best shit ever. Amazing.” Says one of the men

“I feel so good. It’s so real.” Says one of the girls

“Look into her eyes, we’re not bullshitting you; I would be suspicious of myself if I were you, but trust me on this one, you won’t be let down.” Says Rico

“Now I know why you don’t want to take it.” Says Kitty

“It’s just business baby, come on, what the fuck. I would if I could, but it’s just the rule, the commandment.” Says Rico

“It’s because your molly is cut with China white, not only that, but scopolamine. You don’t want to end up like them.” Says Kitty

“The mafia got chemists on me already? It’s just a drug, baby, what’s a party without the treats? It’s just culture, globalism, a little China white, a little Latin freedom, people like it better that way. It’s new and improved, that’s why is so damn popular. I’m not going to game you if you know what’s in it, but be serious here, people like it, so why can’t we do business, clearly you’re here for a reason.” Says Rico

“I just needed you to be straight with me. No fucking around.” Says Kitty

“I’m straight, straight as fuck. I’m serious. It’s good shit. You know what’s up, I know what’s up. Is everything cool now? Let’s get down to business. Clearly the mafia is interested if they sent you, so let’s not let your boss or pimp or whoever down, ok?” asks Rico

“Those pills can kill people very easily, our people, good people, you know that right?” asks Kitty

“Woah, nobody is dying, I mean, look at my friends, kicking good, Jesus, what the fuck? You want them to kill people? I’m sure,  yeah, that’s good too, if that’s why you want this shit. I figured you would have soviet poison or something, but I can see why this shit would be easier to slip down somebody’s throat. Jesus. That is why you want them?” asks Rico

“The boss wants that shit off the street, Rico; this is your only warning. That’s why I’m here.” Says Kitty, Pulling the gun out, pointing it at Rico

“Woah. Fuck. Nobody is going to die. Fuck. Did this shit kill one of your guys? Fucking hell, fuck me. Shit.” Says Rico

“Last Chance.” Says Kitty, pulling the slide on the gun back, pointing it at Rico’s head

“Fuck! Damn it! You shitheads! This is what I pay you for, to fucking shoot at people who fuck with me. Shoot this bitch, right the fuck now, shitheads!” shouts Rico, ashamed of nothing but the mistakes he made in the past minute; the two men, startled, turn and reach for the guns in their belt, Kitty shoots them both in the head without hesitation before they could even draw their weapons, the two guns fall to the floor .

“You think you can take on my faithful army? You don’t know what you got yourself into... You don’t know who you’re fucking with! Kill this bitch!” shouts Rico, maddened, grinning boldly, accepting his imminent death, a proud martyr for his own glory, the girls frightened

“Looks like I’m going to find out!” shouts Kitty, executing Rico

Two men run in from an office door at the back wall, running towards the gunshots, guns already drawn, one shuffling, ducked, with his head down, running towards the cover of one of the shipping containers, the other walking boldly out of the door with his handgun pointed at Kitty who stands a good 100 feet away. Kitty quickly dispatches a bullet from her handgun and lodges it into the medulla of the pompous man. Stacy fires a second bullet in the same sequence, striking the brain of the man in stride before he reaches the container, both are instantly dead.

“Fuck!” shouts a voice from behind that same container as his arm sticks out from behind it with a hand gun, Leaning out for a moment to try and peek, Kitty fires into his novice kneecap, exposed by the maneuver, he falls forward, Stacy fires a second bullet directly into the brain of the now dead young man.

 “We are just trying to help! Please listen to us!” cries Blaze, eyes closed, waving her wand, frightened, Raven still doing what she was told to do, nothing, looking on in silence, frozen in both fear and disbelief

“Get down! Run to the speaker!” shouts Kitty, the two girls quickly oblige, taking what little cover they can find

“You killed Rico, you bitch!” shouts one of the women, as she runs towards Stacy’s back which had been turned to fire upon the interlopers, a second one following behind her, Kitty spins, delivering a leg kick to the more ambitious one, grabbing her hair as she stumbles in front of her, shooting the second woman in the head in one motion, Kitty spins with the weight of the stumbling body of the girl, jerking the stumbling woman’s head in front of her heart, as a slug from a shotgun is fired from what as previously Kitty’s left, a man had exited from one of the shipping containers, mindlessly having ran into an open space, standing a short distance from Kitty with his shotgun drawn, Stacy fires a bullet directly into his medulla less than a second after he had taken his own shot, Kitty releases the scalp of the now headless woman whose cranial viscera she has been thoroughly painted with.

“This bitch killed Rico!” shouts a man, running from the far side of the room, from behind a shipping container, spraying the entire clip of his blowback operated machine pistol in stride, emptying the entire magazine in under two seconds, hitting nothing, he stands still for a moment, a second enough to stare Stacy in the eyes from 250 feet away before having the bullet arrive inside the center of his skull, which was in all irony completely full of objectively somewhat healthy brain matter.

A young man kicks open the door to one of the containers, revealing a card table where he had been playing dominoes with the machine pistol man,  “Te mato, Blondie!” he shouts, staring Stacy in the eyes as he withdraws his revolver, fanning the hammer with fervent, professional passion, squatting slightly with a scowl in his eyes, still 200 feet away from his target, missing all of his shots; Kitty stares him in the eyes, blind fires to her right, slightly behind her striking the third, slowly encroaching woman behind her, severing the medulla from the spinal cord; Kitty swiftly mimics the man’s dueling pose, squatting slightly, arm at a right angle, beside her hip, firing the gun once more, doing this man the same honor as had been done to the woman, before the woman’s body could hit the floor.

Three men run in from the bathroom on the opposite side of the same wall as the office, mustering the confidence together, they take cover behind a container.

“Take the fucking shot, Tommy!” shouts one of them

“Fuck!” shouts a man from the catwalk against the far wall, trying to aim an antique bolt action sniper rifle, resting it on the banister, his inhales and holds his breath for a moment, Kitty casually turns around and fires her handgun at the hesitant man on the balcony, striking him in the heart, his arms flail upwards, tossing the rifle over the banister in saddened disgust with himself, Kitty fires a her gun once more towards the man, as barrel of the rifle rotates downward while it begins its descent through the air, the bullet it strikes the trigger of the rifle, causing it to loose its single round, striking a 25 gallon plastic fuel cart that the bathroom boys had huddled around, a dense cloud of atomized gasoline thoroughly moistens the men, with a massive hole now vomiting the sweet machine sugar in the throes of its own inhuman yet innocent death.

“Fuck! Tommy! Fuck! God damn it!” shouts one of the men, kicking the plastic cart over in rage, “I’ll take care of this!” he shouts, stupefied by the fumes, he runs out from behind the container in his one noble heroics, takes aim at Kitty and fires his handgun, the gunpowder igniting the gasoline fumes emitted from his drenched body, he is instantly consumed by flames, dropping the gun, screaming, as the flames rapidly travel across the floor causing the two cowards to share his fate, the one standing closest to the cart had so much vaporous gasoline forced down his throat by the ruptured container that his entire respiratory tract erupts with a dense explosion of fire, fortunately his mind was rendered nearly unconscious by the gasoline itself beforehand, the third man runs away, back towards the bathroom, burning alive, he collapses, wheezing out of now vestigial pointless instinct, his animal mind completely unaware of what should be done in such a case, unknowing of what action provides the highest likelihood of survival when oneself is engulfed by burning highly combustible hydrocarbons, easily because there is no such action that exists. He crawls on the floor, suffocating as the gasoline consumes the oxygen in his lungs before the fire itself is willing to take his life by any other means.


“What is happening!?” screams Blaze

“It’s over! It’s done! Let’s go!” shouts Kitty

“Jesus Christ! What the fuck is wrong with you!” shouts Raven

“I told you! It’s team building! This was team building! Trust! You know you can trust me!” shouts Kitty

“Trust you? There are people on fire right now. You caught people on fire! You are covered in blood and brain matter! Are you fucking insane!? You are fucking insane! You fucking lunatic!” shouts Raven

“I am fine! You are Fine! We are all fine! Fuck! That was the point of all of this! Fine and fucking dandy! Peachy fucking keen! You understand, yes!? No ‘good job’?! Fuck!” shouts Kitty

“Good Job! Great fucking job! What the fuck happens now?! Did you think about that part!? You’re covered in blood for Christ’s sake and you’re just going to parade yourself through town like that!?” shouts Raven

“Stop shouting! Please! We need to fix this!” shouts Blaze

“Give me a minute to clean myself, and then we go home. Ok?” says Kitty, calmly, walking over to the girls

“I am at a loss for words right now. Go, clean yourself, let me see this master plan come to fruition. This was too much for me to process, now and maybe ever. I don’t understand what is wrong with you, but I don’t want to. It smells really fucking bad in here right now, and I would like to leave as soon as possible.” Says Raven, calmness returning

“Wonderful.” Says Kitty, the door to the warehouse opens



“The fucking mafia! You did this!? You did all of this!? You killed Rico!? You killed fucking everybody?! Good fucking god! Why is shit on fire over there?!” shouts the bouncer


Kitty points the gun at the man “Just leave, and I will let you live! Yes?!” shouts Kitty

“Holy shit! What the fuck! This is fucking bonkers! Fucking mafia came after Rico?!” shouts a man in disbelief, a group of 5 that had arrived early to the party, following the bouncer inside

“Yeah, fuck, run, run far the fuck away, this bitch is crazy. Don’t fuck with the mafia, whatever Rico did, he fucked up.” Says the bouncer seriously to his acquaintance

“Who the fuck do you think you are, you dumb bitch, you can’t kill Rico! Everyone loves Rico! Somebody’s going to fuck you up soon enough! I’d do it myself if I could!” shouts one of the men, already somewhat intoxicated by Rico’s potent peddlings

“You are unarmed! Walk away! Fuck, run away! I will end your fucking life!” shouts Kitty

“Fuck, do what she says man! Do you not understand what just happened!?” shouts the bounder

“Please, open your hearts to love! We don’t want to hurt you!” shouts Blaze, tearful, waving her scepter, consumed by fear and desperation, a tangible shockwave of faint pink light is released from the jewel atop her scepter as she swings it, filling the warehouse from wall to wall in front of the girls, turning up the dust on the ground as it rapidly travels across the room at nearly half the speed of sound, directly towards the boys

“That bitch killed Rico! Kill that bitch! She can’t take all of us!” shouts another member of the posse, who start to run at Kitty from across the warehouse

“Get on the fucking ground!” shouts Kitty, to no avail

“Kill that bitch! Fuck the Mafia!” shouts another of the young men, hardly older than the girls, overcome by profound anger

“For Rico!” shouts one of the boys

“I can’t live without Rico! Rico was our king!” shouts another

“Fuck!” shouts the bouncer, staying back, gripping his head tightly, bending over, convulsing violently back and forth as if her were head-banging

“I am the third revelation!” shouts Stacy, angrily, she starts to shoot at the men, one shot, one man falls

“She can’t kill all of us!” shouts one of the boys in a blind rage, picking up speed in their run, now nearly three quarters of the way to the girls, he is promptly shot in the head

“I am the third revelation!” shouts Stacy again, enraged

“I love you Rico!” shouts another boy, still running, he is shot dead

“I love drugs and Rico!” shouts the one of the final two, Stacy, pointing the gun at him, hesitates a brief moment, sighs, pulls the trigger, the gun clicks

“I told you I would kill you!” shouts Kitty, as the quicker of the two boys arrives in striking distance, a wild right hook cocked, Kitty ducks slightly left, shifting her weight delivers a crippling one inch punch to his kidney, uppercutting the man in the eye socket with the barrel of the gun, he collapses; the second man directly behind him, grabbing her arm, the bouncer finally running towards Kitty

“Gotcha bitch!” shouts the drug crazed boy, astounded with himself; Kitty jumps as she knees him in the testicles, squarely lands an artful weak-handed blow into his nose, breaking it as he falls to his knees, still holding onto her arm for dear life, she withdraws her knife as she steps around the man, bracing it against his jawbone as she completely severs his jugulars and carotids, he releases her arm, she turns around; the bouncer had picked up the empty machine pistol as he charged at her, and he now throws it at her from point blank ranger, forcing her to dodge the projectile, giving the man the opportunity to spear her, the large man easily taking the small girl to the ground, her loosely fitting glasses fly off of her head as it slams against the concrete, the bouncer pinning, her holding her knife wielding arm by the wrist on the ground.

“This is for Rico!” shouts the man, crying, as he punches Kitty in the face with poor form, stricken by noble weakness, unable to hit such a small girl, a child, in the face with any but the most modest rage

“And Lyle!” shouts the man, sobbing in furious sadness “Why did you do this?!” he shouts, “Tell me! I will kill you!” he continues, Stacy drops the gun

“Fucking shoot him!” shouts Stacy, as the girls stare on in horror, Stacy’s punches to his kidney making no impact through the man’s copious fat and muscle, he looks up at the girls as Raven clasps her hands together and makes the shape of a gun, pointing it at the man, a point of light appears at the tip of her finger, emitting rays of light, complete rainbows, dozens of them that slowly swirl around her finger, rapidly increasing in speed

“What the fuck?” asks the man, no longer hitting Stacy, completely dumbfounded, before the spinning beams all instantly converge into ball at the tip of her finger for a moment before they release a blindingly bright rainbow beam of light that strikes the man directly in his heart

“Am I dead?” mutters the speechless man as grabs his heart, with both hands, feeling desperately for a wound

“I treadeth the winepress of the fierceness of the wrath of God the Almighty!” shouts Stacy, furious, as she stabs him in his left kidney, thoroughly

“I am the lord’s chosen!” Stacy, as she stabs him once again, directly in the femoral below,

“I told you I would kill you!” Switching the knife into her right hand, stabbing him once again in the remaining femoral

“May god have mercy on your soul!” Finally thrusting the knife in his right kidney

“Fuck.” Says the man, softly, thoroughly pained, still entirely consumed by disbelief, bleeding profusely, he rolls off of Stacy and curls into a ball as best he can to die; Stacy stands up slowly, grabs her gun and holsters her it in her panties against the small of her back, the first man starts to crawl towards her

“I’m going to finish you bitch! For Rico! I’m so high right now! For Rico! I love you Rico!” the man shouts angrily, struggling to do so, pausing between lines due to such pain in his kidney, Stacy calmly walks over to him, grabs his shaggy hair, straddles his back, and easily pulls his nigh limp neck taught against the weight of his collapsing body, “Fuck Rico!” shouts Stacy, as she irately slits the man’s throat to thrice the necessary depth for lethality


The girls look at Kitty mouth agape with shock, horror, and disbelief

“I’m finished!” shouts Stacy, breathing heavily, smiling, with maddened levitous gaiety, quite proud of herself, staring at the girls warmly

“What just happened?” asks Blaze, bewildered and astonished

“I don’t know, but I’m glad it did.” Says Stacy

“I don’t know either, I guess it was fight or flight… and I couldn’t leave you like that. I don’t think it even did anything.” Says Raven, softly, fumbling for an excuse, subtly ashamed and afraid of her magic more than anything that had happened

“It looked so beautiful. I’ve never seen rainbows like that.” Says Blaze, also profoundly amazed by such a spectacle

“It definitely did something, it saved my life. That’s going down as your kill. Amazing.” Says Stacy, catching her breath

“I think that guy died when you stabbed him twice.” Says Raven, attempting to dismiss her palpable guilt and remorse from her own involvement such a slaying

“You got the first shot, I just finished him off. It’s your kill, half a kill. Let’s go. Let’s not sweat the semantics, not here anyways.” Says Stacy

“Are you ok? He was hitting you pretty hard.” Says Blaze

“A little ice and I’ll be fine.” Says Stacy, as she walks over to Rico, picking her glasses up off the floor and putting them back on in stride, she reaches the man’s corpse, places her knife on the ground, reaches inside of his pants and grabs a large wad of folded money, bound by a rubber band, full of 100 dollar bills, she pulls the front of her dress up and inserts it into the crotch of her panties, she bends down and picks up her bloodied knife, grabs the bag of pills off of the table and throws it into the fire

“You are still covered in blood, you are nearly dead, we are probably getting brain damage from these gasoline fumes, and your first thought is to rob a dead drug dealer?” asks Raven, painfully baffled

“Order of operations; logistics.” Says Kitty, as she starts to head to the door, the girls follow

“What about the blood? It looks really bad, you know. To be covered in blood.” Says Raven

“I’m not a dolt. See?” says Kitty, bending down to one of first of the unarmed t-shirt clad party going schoolboys who was the second to be executed humanely, she holds her knife, cutting his T-shirt in a T, down the back, and across the arms, pulling it out from under him, and she begins to quickly wipe the still wet blood off of her face and hair, then her skin, thoroughly enough, wiping her blade clean before sheathing it

“Good as new.” Says Kitty, almost respectably clean, her skin no more dirty than a usual homeless person, her dress still soaked with blood

“You’re insane.” Says Raven, exasperated, as the girls exit the warehouse into the darkness






“Good god, my head hurts.” Says Kitty

“Maybe you want to avoid inhaling dangerous levels of fumes while being punched in the face next time.” Says Raven, dry as ever

“That was not a part of my plan, oddly enough.” Says Kitty

“What happened to omniscience?” asks Raven
“There is no reason why any sensible person would think that 6 men would charge at me; not after witnessing three of them die instantly in stride. That level of insanity is beyond that which even those pills could induce in a person, and you saw firsthand what that looked like. Thankfully the drugs strip them of fine motor skills, even if it does make them some sort of hypnotized zealots.” Says Kitty

“None of this makes sense. I couldn’t understand even if I wanted to; those fumes definitely did not help in the slightest.” Says Raven

“Sure they did, take the edge off, relax a bit. We’re fine, look, fine and dandy, just like I said.” Says Kitty

“First of all, your plan went wrong to the point where you would probably die if I wasn’t able to somehow muster this unknown magical lightshow to distract that guy. So it’s less so ‘just like you said’, considering the fact that you just admitted that this plan went wildly wrong, and it is more so, ‘by the grace of god in heaven’.” Says Raven

“Yes ‘by the grace of god we are fine and dandy’, so that’s a pleasant thought, isn’t it?” asks Kitty, as the girls swift strides carry them away from the smoking building

“It was the will of God that we survive, and we did, we did what God asked us to do. God knows that we might make mistakes, but he forgives us, and he doesn’t want to punish us; he wants to help us, especially when we are trying our best.” Says Blaze

“My head is spinning. Yes, we are good. God is good, very good, praise be to god. Let us just try to breathe a minute, a nice leisurely stroll, yes?” asks Kitty

“Yes.” Says Raven

“That sounds nice, my head is kind of spinning too; I don’t know what to think of all of that. It was scary, but I can definitely trust you now.” Says Blaze*

“Yes.” Says Kitty

“You know, how you said lift 80 pounds once, and 40 pounds once, in a week? Why the fuck did you not think to lift 60 pounds twice? Why did we lift 80 pounds right there? You say you can lift 100 pounds? Good god, I’m glad you had half a grain of common sense to avoid that. We would be dead for sure. I’m going to pray, thank god every day for that profound amount of deliverance, that tiny drop of humility that saved our lives right there.” Says Raven

“Right-o. Yes, good. Deliverance.” Says Kitty

“I think you might have a concussion.” Says Raven

“Just, do that healing magic, please. Yes? Rub my head, very nice, please? It doesn’t feel all too well, ok, of course, I’m still walking of course, that’s a good sign.” asks Kitty

“Jesus.” Says Raven, pulling Kitty’s head into her breast “Please be ok.” Says Raven, now more worried than at any point during the night

“Oh good god, that is nice, so strong, so good. I don’t deserve that much, holy shit, that’s like heroin. Just one hand and no bosom, moderation, don’t make me an addict.” Says Kitty

“Ok. Wow, sorry.” Says Raven, removing Kitty’s head from her breast, and placing just one hand on the crown of her short friend as she walks beside her

 “I fucked up. I’m sorry.” Says Kitty

“It’s ok. Everything is fucked up; we can’t expect you not to be fucked up, and fuck up, and do fucked up things, when everybody in the world is fucked up, fucks up, and does fucked up things, at least at some point in their life.” Says Raven

“You kind of did everything almost perfect, at least until the end. I don’t know why you ran out of bullets.” Says Blaze

“I shouldn’t have needed to shoot them; that was the whole 99.9 percent probable circumstance, people tend run away after seeing that a building is on fire after a little girl had killed 14 people, especially after they see 3 of their own people drop dead before their eyes. I’m going to be honest; I’m rather confident it was that love blast you managed to shoot at them; that clearly did a number on their minds somehow. Everything was going according to plan, they were quite wary of me, but that blast, it just snapped their minds somehow, snapped them completely, like brittle twigs in a tornado.” Says Kitty

“I don’t understand how love could make them do that. I just wanted them to love with all of their hearts, to care, and be compassionate, to understand why we did those things.” Says Blaze

“That was probably the reason, those people were drug fiends; they don’t love like normal people. They love drugs. That’s why they went crazy. You made them love, to a supernatural degree, that is true, but they love drugs, only drugs and the man that give them the drugs. You could see how maddened by the drugs they became at that point.” Says Raven

“Drugs are that terrible? That is like the worst thing in the world, to make it so you can’t love people, only drugs. I feel so bad for those people, for everyone who does drugs. Why would anyone ever do drugs?” asks Blaze

“Yes, drugs destroy the persons mind, to a profound and unthinkable degree; people don’t understand this because the drugs make them feel good, the drugs blind them to the death of their own minds; their minds quickly become nothing but the drugs, the craving for drugs, and the high from the drugs. The bouncer, he was different though; he didn’t do drugs, he just loved his friends, and I killed them, I killed all of them, and that is why he still tried to kill me. He didn’t want to, he wanted to run, he even tried to resist your magic, but seeing me kill people so coldly just set him off, he wanted vengeance.” Says Kitty

“That’s sad, but his friends were bad people, yet his still loved them somehow, despite the bad things they did.” Says Blaze

“That’s the power of friendship, you know, even if your friends do bad things, you like them enough to ignore the bad things, he got paid money, both him and his friend remained sober, making money, it seemed forgivable, fortuitous, people think drugs aren’t that bad, especially in a place like this, especially supposedly soft drugs, party drugs. He was like a dog, he wouldn’t bite the hand that feeds him, especially not when that was his childhood friend; he was loyal and protective. The bouncer was a decent person, I could tell that, easily, but such a fate is simply what comes to those who deal in death. That is why I gave him a noble death, the classic mercy line, nobody else got that one, I thought it was a nice touch.” Says Kitty

“What was with that first line? I presume it was from the bible, but I don’t know why you would know that particular line.” says Raven

“I make a point of it to remember the important lessons that the bible teaches you. I don’t know all of them, but whenever I came across an important one I always made a note of it.” Says Kitty

“How is that line important? I’ve never heard it in my life?” asks Raven

“That’s what you are supposed to say when you stab somebody. All about the wrath of god and swords and whatnot; I figured it was one of the more applicable verses, especially living in a city like this.” Says Kitty

“I’m sure you misinterpreted that line somehow, if you even cited it correctly.” Says Raven

“Just a pronoun; I, he, she, we, it’s all subjective, depending on the context of the situation. I’m pretty sure the bible line is talking about Jesus, saying he, not I, but considering that all of the faithful are all part of Jesus, that we are all members of Christ’s body. I felt it was a fair substitution.” Says Kitty

“Fair enough, I’m not going to critique your lines. I could care less what you say so long as we get out of dodge.” Says Raven, as the girls find themselves once again in the commercial sector



“Where you girls going? The party is back the other way! Follow us! Nice costumes though!” shouts one of two girls, bubbly, playful walking towards them, slightly intoxicated

“No party for us, we’re just working. Usual business.” Says Stacy, offhand, nonchalantly, exhausted

“Why do you smell like blood? Is that gasoline?” asks the girl

“Don’t kinkshame my clients. At the end of the day we’re all just trying to get off.” Says Kitty

“Jesus Christ, that is fucked up. I don’t even want to know what you did.” Says the girl

“No you don’t. Enjoy your party.” Says Kitty

“Thanks, I guess. Stay safe out there.” Says the girl

“I do my best.” Says Kitty, as the two groups walk in opposite directions


“I don’t know why I’m not surprised you manage to blend in with the locals so well.” Says Raven

“It’s the omniscience; I’m sure I would otherwise be a bit brusquer with people. That would work of course, but this saves face, establishes rapport.” Says Kitty

“Yes, that’s what we need, rapport; especially in a place like this.” Says Raven

“It’s keeping doors open, rather than shutting them. This is not a bad place to take care of business. We look the part, more or less.” Says Kitty

“I don’t ever want to see this place again, but something tells me I might not be in luck.” Says Raven

“We’ve got plenty of options, but even the big city is only so big at the end of the day.” Says Kitty




“I see you! You dirty girl! You ghost! You’ve come to keep your word, I see! You make your clients come quick, but not me! I will make sweet love to you all night!” shouts the drunken man from before, far away, holding a broken bottle in hand

“I’m booked, my friend, truly sorry!” Shouts Kitty, as the man stumbles towards them, Stacy slows their pace

“Booked! Fuck the books! I’ll fuck you in the street you whore! Like a dog, while you walk! All night! For a mad dog, 7 miles is hardly a detour! I am here for business! I will free your soul, my sweet babushka, kill these witches who summoned you, give you the life in America you could only dream of back home!” shouts the man

“We’re good witches!” shouts Blaze

“Your magic does not trick me, you demon! I am a man of God!” shouts the man, two dozen feet away, stumbling heavily, legs strong but uneasy, taking short, deliberate, aggressive stumbles towards the girl

“I’d rather not have to kill you.” Says Kitty, sternly

“You couldn’t hurt a fly, you sweet woman! You are a whore! I know this! Everyone knows this! But you are a loving whore! I will fight these witches and save you!” he shouts lunging at the girls from a misjudged distance, swinging his bottle blindly drunk, nearly falling with the fervor behind the swing

“Your magic is strong, to protect you like that! To dance like shadows!” shouts the man, breathing heavily, trying to focus on the girls, staring at them, the girls back away slowly, a small ephemeral muddy green owl  swoops in from behind the girls, and claws at the man’s eyeballs, which burst, weeping all of their fluid down the man’s face

“My eyes! You witch! Witch! Witches!” the man screams, dropping his bottle, dropping to his knees, holding the deflated remains of his eyeballs in their sockets, he begins crawling, pawing at the ground looking for them as if he had simply dropped them


“Time to go” Says Kitty, softly, starting to walk away

“My eyes! What magic is this!” shouts the man

“God has spared your life! Be grateful you are not dead!” shouts Kitty, the girls walking swiftly away

The man still screaming in pain, no longer capable of words, of understanding anything, if remembering anything


“What was that? Did you do that?” asks Blaze, looking at Raven

“No.” says Raven

“I presume that was Eva, somehow, by the will of god. It looked something like that little bug she summoned the other day. I did tell her to pray for us.” Says Kitty

“That was profoundly graphic and entirely unnecessary. Why would she ever cast magic to do something like that?” asks Raven

“She likely understands her magic even less than either of you do your own; she’s just a girl after all. She said she just sends those little magical animal spirits out of her hands and figures they do good things. Clearly her presumption is correct.” Says Kitty

“How was that a good thing? We could have just run away, why did that need to happen? Asks Raven

“I was about to kill that man.” Says Kitty

“Why?” asks Raven

“Self-defense.” Says Kitty

“Why not just walk around him?” asks Raven

“I’d have to do it sooner or later, if we keep coming back here. He won’t remember me, or us, considering how drunk he is, but that sort of behavior was just his instinct. A stitch in time saves nine, so they say. It was a good thing, see? He’s not dead; she saved a man’s life, that’s a good deed in my book.” Says Kitty

“Wow.” Says Raven

“That is so crazy, I figured she could use magic like that, but that was just so biblical, you know, like how Jesus tells men to cut their eyes out if they lust after women; I never understood that, but I guess it really is what God expects of people.” Says Blaze

“Perhaps, in dangerous situations like that, as the vice was clearly consuming that man. I don’t know if he will be better off, likely a beggar somewhere else in the city, but at least he won’t be so consumed by his vices. Perhaps he can find god, when the devil can’t so easily tempt his hungry eyes.” Says Kitty

“I hope so, that would make it perfectly ok. Even if he is blind, if he finds God and repents for his vices, he may suffer in this world for the rest of his life, but his soul will be saved.” Says Blaze

“One can only hope.” Says Kitty

“Let’s just get home; I’m sure your sister is worried sick.” Says Raven

“Assuredly, but I did have that second grain of sensibility to give her a time that was far later than I expect to be home, just to set her at ease, to buy her some respite, in whatever way I could.” Says Kitty

“Thoughtful, but I don’t want to spend any more time in the streets than necessary, considering the fact that you smell like blood and gasoline right now, and far more like blood than gasoline, need I remind you

“The metro’s empty, at least the way we’re headed, on Saturdays people tend to flock to and from the city, not between residential suburbs of varying degrees of poverty.” Says Kitty

“Good. For our sake they better be; I just want this night to be over.” Says Raven

“Go back to rubbing my head; that did feel nice. We’ll be fine anyways, don’t worry. We’re right back in line with the original, foolproof plan, so you’ve got nothing to fear.” Says Kitty

“I won’t do anything to mess it up, I promise. I need to practice my magic somehow; I know it was kind of my fault for messing up the plan. I’m so ashamed that I’m so bad at magic that it can ruin even a foolproof plan.” Says Blaze

“Don’t worry about it. It’s a learning experience. I’ll definitely take your volatility into consideration next time far more than I did tonight. It’s hard to predict exactly how a girl like you will feel at any given time, I knew you would wave that little wand, but certainly not to the extent that you managed to evoke some profound degree of magic from that thing. That was unprecedented to say the least. Definitely get some practice, try to practice on my sister when we get home. I’m sure that will smooth things over real nice.” Says Kitty

“No. Don’t give Stacy that pleasure, don’t mess with Stella’s mind either; that’s the last thing we need, I don’t want her to become even more fragile than she already is. Even if she does love Stacy, we have no idea to what extent Ophelia’s magic might warp her mind or make her go crazy, and that is literally the last thing we need right now. Let Stacy handle Stella, the best she can; Stella already loves her, so you don’t need to do any magic to make her feel that way.” Says Blaze

“I’m Kitty, remember.” Says Kitty

“Shit, I’m sorry; I don’t think anyone heard me though. What about Stella, does she get a nickname?” asks Raven

“No, Stella is fine, it’s not like she is with us and there are plenty of people named Stella in this city. Don’t worry, nobody heard you, nobody would give a damn even if they did, not in this part of the city. It’s best to stay sharp about that, those slips ups can be dangerous in plenty of other situations.” Says Kitty

“Truly sorry, I will do better, Kitty. It’s just the topic of Stella kind of reverted my mind to the usual names.” Says Raven

“That’s perfectly fair.” Says Kitty

“Yeah, I definitely don’t want to try my magic out on your sister, especially after what happened tonight. I was doing so good up until then, everyone liked my magic; those people at the park even said my magic was amazing. I guess got too confident too soon.” Says Blaze

“It’s worked every time before; I can’t blame you for being confident. Confident is way better than unconfident, you just have to remember that love is a far broader topic than you think; people can love all sorts of things. I think it would be hilarious if you used it on some of the sporting sort as they rally around the television. You would truly a merrymaker, if you ever felt like.” Says Kitty

“I would love to, I’d love to do this all the time, but I know we are supposed to do important things, and as much as spreading love is important, because it is doing good, but we are also supposed to fight evil, and I’m sure I can’t be all play and no work, so it’s best to keep it this way, just trying to do the most significant things we can. I know it can be risky if people start to become familiar with us and think our magic is real. Even that one guy really didn’t like magic or witches, and all he had was superstition against us at that point. Thankfully most people don’t believe in magic, so they think we’re just playing pretend in costumes, but if they knew our magic was real, I’m afraid far more people would treat us like that drunk guy.” Says Blaze

“I’m glad you’ve got your wits about you. The biggest threat to our own lives is ourselves, our existence; the more we exist, the more we are in danger, so it’s best to keep that to a minimum.” Says Kitty

“These streets are deserted; it’s so weird on a Saturday night to see nobody walking around.” Says Raven

“People all have their own hovels, dens, and bars to die in, and even the workers show up promptly when drinking hours start. There’s no pleasure on the streets, no point in loitering, as even the streetwalkers tend to be put up in somewhat legitimate establishments. If you live here and you’re trying to enjoy yourself, it certainly isn’t going to happen on the streets.” Says Kitty

“That’s convenient, I suppose. This is our metro terminal, right?” Says Raven

“Eastward it is.” Says Kitty, leading the girls up the steel staircase to the covered terminal, the flickering lights shine ominously upon the salacious solicitations and invitations to the entertainment establishments of the peasantry, a man in a fishery jumpsuit sits on a bench, staring into space across the tracks, the girls sit on one of the other benches to the side, looking west, gazing down the street upon the ocean of urbane decrepity that rises to a modest but unimpressive height, sporting occasional neon signs, some in indecipherable Asian characters, some in English, half of which are in stereotypically Asian font, the man looks at the girls, looks away, looks at them again

“Jesus Christ.” He mutters, in disbelief

“Welcome to Bay City.” Says Kitty, grinning, casually ejecting blood-tinged sputum onto the floor of the terminal

“Are you ok?” he asks, reluctantly obliging his sense of moral duty

“Just dandy, yourself?” asks Stacy, politely, indifferent

“I’m fine. Are you on drugs? Look at your dress. I can escort you to a hospital.” He says, alarmed

“It’s just juice. Don’t worry.” Says Kitty

“Juice? Are you fucking with me? That’s not juice. Are you that fucked up right now?” asks the man

“People juice.” Says Kitty, deadpan, staring at the man

“Jesus Christ. What happened?” Says the man, looking away

“It’s a long story. Not particularly interesting. Work related.” Says Kitty

“You are a prostitute, did somebody come in and kill a girl in your cathouse or something?” asks the man

“I told you it was boring.” Says Kitty

“Christ, this is a fucked up place. You don’t seem particularly bothered by that fact.” Says the man

“It’s part of the job. What about you? I’m sure people die at your work.” Says Kitty

“I work at a fishery, maybe somebody loses a finger, but nobody dies.” Says the man

“Lucky man.” Says Kitty

“You commute here? You don’t just live in the cathouse?” asks the man

“Business call.” Says Kitty

“Dressed like that?” asks the man

“I don’t tend to work in my clothes. Christ, you’re a prude, aren’t you?” Says Kitty, dryly

“You’re a little kid, compared to me, and you’re just fine with all of this? This life you live.” asks the man

“It’s just the way I was brought up. Fuck off. Anyways, I’m not railing you about that guy who lost his finger am I? Let alone coming into your place of work to give you shit about it.” Says Kitty, sternly

“Sorry, I’m just not used to this shit; I don’t see this kind of shit every day, not like you, for years, I wasn’t born here, I just commute here for work. I’m sorry about all this shit, your life, everything. It’s fucked up; I didn’t know it could be that fucked up.” Says the man

“Don’t be. Nobody else gives a fuck, no reason for you to either.” Says Kitty

“Jesus.” Mutters the man, saddened, reluctantly hopeless, looking at the ground, the train arrives, the man looks at the girls, gets up and boards the train silently, the train having stopped in the usual manner, the two cars were split in two between the platform with one of the two open doors per car accessible to the platform, the girls get on the second car, averse to any further conversation







“That was unfortunate.” Says Raven, as the girls sit down in the deserted railcar

“The meek are the least of our concerns. Well, perhaps second least, after the merrily depraved of course.” Says Kitty

“I almost feel comforted, seeing how almost everyone in the city falls into one of those two groups.” Says Raven

“Good. It is quite comforting, reassuring to say the least, at least now, when we’re out and about doing the lord’s work.” Says Kitty

“There is still the matter of the vehemently and viciously depraved, however, and that is quite a sizable minority in this city.” Says Raven

“I take precautions to avoid the dangerous ones.” Says Kitty
“Clearly.” Says Raven

“What is a prostitute, anyways? He seemed to think you were one.” Says Blaze

“An entertainer, a depraved entertainer, like I was saying, quite popular with the common people, thankfully I look the part and people don’t ask questions beyond that. If somebody sees a dog they won’t think it’s a magical talking dog, they will just think it’s a regular dog, plain as day, and think nothing of it. That’s the beauty of it all.” Says Kitty

“In that allegory you failed to distinguish yourself from the prostitutes, you basically just said you were a magical prostitute.” Says Raven

“Well, there are lots of dogs, drug dogs, bomb dogs, pet dogs, service dogs, emotional support animal, guard dogs, et cetera. I would be a guard dog rather than an emotional support dog.” Says Kitty

“Maybe if you were more sensitive people would really buy into the illusion that you’re just there for emotional support. That sounds like a pretty nice thing to do anyways.” Says Blaze

“It’s more complicated than that, and supporting the emotions of bad people is not a particularly wholesome thing to do, so as much as it sounds nice, it is immoral, as I was saying. I’ll take no part in that, beyond the point of looking the part to avoid people asking too many questions.” Says Kitty

“I don’t understand why people don’t question us.” Says Raven

“The same reason; some people like to put costumes on their dogs for some reason, it all comes down to personal taste. I’ve got cat ears, don’t I? If a girl is walking the streets in anything beyond casual or formal wear, she’s looking for attention, that sort of attention more often than not.” Says Kitty

“I would be ashamed, but I couldn’t care less about my personal appearance right now. This isn’t me, just some stranger, thankfully, so I don’t have to face any sort of blowback for what I might appear to be or might happen to do, at least until this whole thing falls apart, and at that point, there’s definitely no point in trying to maintain my image.” Says Raven

“It won’t. I’m keen on that. Just let me take a nap for a bit, rest up, truly exhausted, as I’m sure you can figure.” Says Kitty

“I don’t think you should be napping if you have a concussion.” Says Raven

“I’ll be fine, just weave some magic into my brain, you beautiful, majestic woman.” Says Kitty, leaning onto Raven’s shoulder

“I can’t tempt you into talking? You tend to be rather interested in that. If you fall asleep, we all might fall asleep. That’d be awful, considering what Stella would start to think if we missed our stop and started to run far behind schedule.” Says Raven

“Regrettable, truly regrettable, being forced to stay awake, it always is.” Says Kitty

“No particular insight into politics or anything? We’ve got a bit of a train ride.” Says Raven

“I’m likely not in an ideal state for such banter, but my noble humility has somehow spurred this subtle yet undeniable passion to rant, deep inside of me, and I will try to entertain you. Unfortunately that which is rattling around in my head is not particularly fulfilling and pleasant as my usual rhetoric is, quite the opposite actually.” Says Kitty, speaking without lifting her head from Raven’s shoulders, eyes kept closed

“If your usual banter is defined as pleasant, it makes me wonder what could possibly have captivated your mind right now.” Says Raven

“Truly a tragedy, insurmountable futility, resulting from all means to the ends I seek. The people, they are just like me, zealots, aggressively self-righteous, self-assured, even to the point of violence. All of my good intentions, all for naught, as reality is increasingly condemned as bigoted and hateful, thrown out of the window, as people descend further and further into their delusions, mass produced delusions of the masses. Reality is disagreeable, facts are disagreeable; science, truth, reason, logic, all of this, when true to form and accurate, is disagreeable; this is the only cardinal vice in the eyes of the idealists: the ultimate vice, disagreeability.

It is psychological bloodletting, to pursue agreeability before reason and correctness, to bleed oneself expecting to become healthier, despite the fact that one never does become healthier in the process. The idealists bleed themselves, become sicker, and demand that they be bled even more as now they are even sicker and therefore, logically in their minds, surely require more substantial bloodletting than they received before. They will never see the folly of their logic, they will bleed themselves to death, for their faith in bloodletting is far more powerful than anything else, even watching countless people suffer and die on account of their bloodletting, their idealism, their pursuit of dangerous, debilitating, sickening, and crippling agreeability.

They believe that agreeability is the root of success, of happiness, of anything and everything, when this is clearly not the case, but this will never be acknowledged, as this is far less agreeable of a sentiment than simply arguing that agreeability resolves any and all problems within society, that if a problem exists, the problem exists because it is disagreeable, and therefore by making the problem more agreeable they have eliminated the problem. This does nothing but create even more problems, worse problems, the worst type of problems: agreeable problems. The problems that can exist, indefinitely, perpetuating the pain and suffering they induce because of the analgesia of agreeability; this logic, the logic of seeing a man being stabbed every hour, and arguing to simply put the man under anesthetic, so he does not feel pain when he is stabbed; this is the idealist solution; the stabbing is not a problem if it doesn’t hurt in the present, so the man continues to be stabbed but due to the analgesics, he smiles and sticks his thumb up, ‘no pain’ he tells them, and everyone smiles, pats themselves on the back, and believes the problem to be solved despite the man still being stabbed, still suffering organ damage, and still dying from blood loss.

This sort of agreeable problem is far worse than the original problem, because originally the man being stabbed could at least acknowledge that the problem existed, that he could feel the pain and demanded that it be addressed, but now he cannot feel pain and makes no effort to address the problem of being stabbed because he cannot feel it, he does not notice it, and this easily convinces him that his being stabbed is not a problem. That is idealism: death; reckless, zealous death with unwavering commitment to such a fate, because it doesn’t feel like pain, it feels like heroin coursing through the veins of a junkie, it feels like heaven to those people who are so happy to incapacitate, cripple, and eventually kill themselves with the sickening destructive pleasure of agreeability.

A junkie can seldom if ever get clean by his own volition, even when he is ostracized and demonized by society, brutally down and out, but he still cannot get clean and will likely die of his affliction. The same holds true for idealists, but idealism is a different demon entirely; it is worshiped and revered by society, the junkies view themselves as saints, as the pinnacle of humanity, society constantly cheers them on as they stick that needle in their arm and demand ever higher doses of the poison, with the violent indignation of a drug crazed lunatic at even the thought of being denied their fix; the idealists are a society of junkies, where those who aren’t shooting up every day are ostracized, exiled, condemned, denigrated, and hated.

The idealists demand that you show palpable symptoms of their crippling addiction just to be tolerated, to be given even the slightest bit of respect, to be treated with any sort of decency, and that is the nature of such an affliction when it has consumed all of society; the minds of most all people in the West, even on Earth, they are sick, and society demands that they further the collapsing of their veins and dependence on the drug until it kills them; and when it reaches that point the LD50, LD100, even refusing to commit suicide with a final overdose of idealism will have you promptly executed for your irreverence to the occult god of humanism. The human race has managed to squander the most copious and opulent gifts god could offer, all in the name of their own pride, hedonism, and shamelessness. That’s what’s on my mind right now, usual banter, I suppose, a bit more grim than usual though, no optimism, no hope for a better world, just exhaustion, reluctance to even try, disgust, shame, loathing. How about you? What’s on your mind?” Says Kitty

“The same, I suppose, now that you bring up the topic. O-, err, Blaze? Thinking of anything that might brighten the mood?” ask Raven

“Not really, I’m just tired, not really thinking of anything. I can’t listen all that well, it’s too late for that sort of involvement. Everything from tonight is just swirling in my head and I don’t know what to think of it; I think I should be sad because people died, but they were bad people, and for some reason I’m happy Stacy killed so many people, not like a sick evil way, but just knowing that the good guy, or girl, won in the end. I know it’s very bad to kill people, but I don’t feel that way, I think it was right what Stacy did, for some reason.” Says Blaze

“It’s good you feel that way; you can’t sympathize with murderers, they will only kill you in the end. If they were innocent people, you should feel bad, but if a bad person, a criminal, somebody who murders innocent people is killed, that is justice. God commands the faithful to kill people, because it is either the good people or the bad people who will survive, the second the good people stop killing the bad people is when the bad people win; when the bad people kill the good people and they get away with it, soon enough the world is nothing but bad people. It doesn’t even have to be murder, outright, but bad influences, bad temptations, all of that hurts people, it kills them in the sense that it kills the good person inside of them; the bad people will always try to turn the good people into bad people, and only kill the good people when they can’t make them bad. If somebody sympathizes with bad people, immoral people, people that hurt society, they are themselves bad people.

 Jesus tells us to turn the other cheek, but that is only to the authority, when those who have authority over us are bad; but if we turn the other cheek to the criminals, the bottom of society, we do nothing but cause that wound to fester, to grow, to endlessly hurt innocent people, and that is why god commands us to kill bad people. Far more people, good people, innocent people would die if I hadn’t done what I did tonight, by killing those few people, I saved the lives of hundreds, thousands of people who would have become addicted to that man’s drugs and tortured themselves for years, decades of misery, before their own addiction, their own failures culminate to the point where the folly of those people takes their lives.

 Of course I only did so much; that man was one of the worst, he sold very evil drugs that turned people into his mind slaves, but it was only cutting back the weeds, and unfortunately, when society tolerates that sort of person, a new person will always be tempted to take his place, and that new person will once again be putting the lives of thousands of people in jeopardy. It is unfortunate, but that is how life works; this is the land of opportunity, and that includes evil opportunities; people want to make money, and when they are desperate or greedy enough, they don’t care how many innocent people get hurt or die in the process.” Says Kitty

“That’s so terrible, but I can see how it’s true. I’m glad you understand these things, because they don’t really teach us about that part of the bible in school, even though clearly it is very important; it could easily be the most important considering that we’re taught to love people, but if we extend that love to immoral people, we are doing much more harm than good; we cannot forgive these people if they don’t repent and atone for their sins, because they will always tempt more people into sin, and when that is the case, our forgiveness has not spread the word of God, or given people faith, or spread goodness, it has only served to spread the evil and vice that is destroying society; it is just telling those immoral people that they will be forgiven for their sins, so they feel free to keep doing them, when in reality God only forgives the people who repent and atone for their sins like they should, otherwise we would just live in a lawless society where every trial ends with the statement ‘Jesus forgives you’ And nobody ever goes to jail in the hopes that they repent and eventually become capable of atoning for their sins.” Says Blaze

“That is a very important lesson to understand, and I’m glad you do. Real life isn’t ideal; god knows this, he reminds us of these things, but people would rather forsake the wisdom of god because it is more so agreeable than respecting it. People don’t like to be ashamed of themselves, and it is far easier for them to simply convince themselves that they shouldn’t be ashamed of shameful things than it is for most people to actually refrain from them. It is a terrible corruption of the faith that most people have, and clearly this level of throwing the disagreeable parts of the bible out the window is ultimately throwing out the most important parts of the bible that allowed society to exist and survive in the first place. It’s a shame, but it is justice; it is simply what god ensures will happen when people forsake his wisdom, his love, and his kindness.” Says Kitty

“As sad as these thoughts might be, they are actually quite warm and comforting compared to what I was thinking, just the thought of the love and kindness of god, even when it has been forsaken, is somewhat pleasant, just to know that it exists and people can benefit from it if they actually chose to do so; as the only thing that had been going through my mind was the fact that people chose to forsake that wisdom and the fruits it yields such as kindness, compassion, and love. God had been so far removed from my thoughts regarding society due to the fact he has been forsaken, I wasn’t even paying attention to how nice it was that the light of god was actually able to create very decent and respectable societies throughout history, and that plenty of people actually got to experience firsthand the power of the faith when it is actually heeded correctly.

I don’t know how I’m so pleasantly sentimental about something I didn’t experience, but I am; it’s a nice thought that despite the disagreeable nature of some aspects of preserving the faith, those elements were a very small faction of the things that happened in those societies, as the vast majority of the time those people in traditional societies were simply living good lives, being good people, and reaping the benefits of their actions. Historians only like to highlight the gruesome or disagreeable things in history, but I suppose endless stories about how the peasantry was happy and lived pleasant lives despite the difficulty of doing so would become quite trite, even if the thought of such an idyllic life is very pleasant.” Says Raven

“I’m sleepy enough to enjoy those sorts of thoughts, as much as they are little more than a fantasy at this point. I try not to be consumed by fantasy, but as I’m half asleep, it’s much like a dream, a pleasant one, and I’m not fighting it in the slightest. A nice, good, simple life, at least for the common people; so tasteful and respectable compared to today, at least when you divide out the standard of living; the caliber of character amongst the people was far more respectable, they at least had a notion of respecting decency, that decency exists, even if they didn’t happen to exude such decency and civility themselves.” Says Kitty

“Don’t fall asleep. It’s just a train ride; you can sleep when you get home.” Says Raven

“You’ve got to rile me up or something, these idyllic fantasies of a quiet, godly, and humble life are far too pleasant to keep me from sleeping.” Says Kitty

“It’s funny you find that type of life to be a pleasant thought, considering the fact that you’re so consumed by living this aggressive, secular, and proud life, at least within your rhetoric.” Says Raven

“I do that out of necessity, because I have to. I must do those things because it is impossible to live a respectable life otherwise; one is complicit in far too much egregious and unforgivable treachery if one attempts to do that today. Sure, it is comparable, quite decent, but the guilt I would feel, knowing that my sloth is part of the problem, part of the reason why the world is so rapidly descending into degeneracy, being reminded of that every time I gaze upon the world, upon society, would fill me with guilt; it would be hard for me to live that life, knowing that I am being so shamelessly slothful. I’d love a simple life, but I cannot lead such a life in good conscience today, so I have devoted my life to attempting, likely in vain, to ensure that in the future, good people, decent people, can live simple, godly, humble, and wholesome lives. The way it should be, able to exist without constantly being tortured by the devil’s pitchfork at every turn within society, to exist within a godly, decent, moral, and civil society rather than attempt to be godly within a shamelessly godless, indecent, immoral, and uncivil one. Let whatever was on your mind loose, let it go; I’m sure if it’s all too saddening or infuriating, I’ll get a little pep in my step, to keep the sand out of my eyes on this train ride, at the very least.” Says Kitty

“It’s even more grim than your outlook, perhaps, more realistic, as today’s realism is rather sardonic despite making no attempts to be humorous or exaggeratory at all, at least for anyone attempting to save the human race from their untimely death due to their psychological and often physical dependence on idealism. Beyond that it centers explicitly on you, not the world as usual, but explicitly your role, your life, the person, not Love Cat, but the regular old you, and it is quite embittered. You sure you’re in the mood for something like that?” asks Raven

“I’d love to. Nothing fires me up more than doubts of my own abilities; I am quite fond of criticism of myself. Tell a man every way in which he will fail, and he will be all the more likely to find a way to succeed. Save me the trouble of my own folly, my own misery, and my own shortcomings; give it to me, remind me how I might fail, so I make a point of it not to.” Says Kitty

“I’m not sure there is a way for you not to fail; it is really just 100%, you are going to fail, miserably, and not only that, not simple failure, but catastrophic failure; if we’re at a 0 right now, and you gaining popular support would be going in the positive direction; this is not that, this is you, despite your efforts, being guaranteed to take society in a negative direction, a profoundly negative one, despite your correctness, despite your good intentions, your legitimacy, your logic, despite all of that, because I’m sure you know how irrelevant all of that is.” Says Raven
“So you’re telling me I’m going to succeed? I’d be just as pleased by profound progress in the negative direction, you know. If society is going to fail, I’d rather have them fail miserably, catastrophically, than to die slowly as they are currently so fond of. That’s honestly the best alternative to success, considering that the only other option is to basically fail to exist in any measurable or significant way.” Says Kitty

“I don’t think it’s better than amounting to nothing, not in the slightest, but I guess I’m nowhere near as vengeant as you are, so I can understand why you might feel that way considering that you are scorned by society, so perhaps you might actually enjoy the details of my little despair attack, but I found it to be quite troubling. Bear with me, I’ll try to make sense of my fears and put them into words.

The ironic and ultimately depressing part of all of your endless ranting and rhetoric is not that you are right and other people are wrong; it is that regardless of who is right or who is wrong, the people will simply vehemently disagree with you out of principle, out of what they believe, and what they believe to be true. They will become irate; they will vocally demonize and criticize anything and everything you say, simply on principle once they realize what you are a proponent of. They will thoroughly criticize every one of your points with the same style of endless, stalwart, hateful, and shameless rhetoric that you use, but use this tireless rhetoric to defend their side of the argument, which in all honesty may be far more agreeable, but is also far more incorrect when viewed under a truly objective lens.

 This is depressing because as much as you want to inspire great, meaningful, productive, and efficient changes in society, the only thing you could ever possibly accomplish is to viciously and violently ingrain people's current ignorance, idiocy, incredulity, delusion, shamelessness, predispositions, and preconfigured sentiments regarding any topic you might happen to bring up, and these points made by the common people will literally always be contrary to yours simply because you define your own philosophy largely by arguing in favor of whatever is contrary to popular opinion. The common public will take up arms, and feel this same level of zealous enthusiasm defending their own ignorance, their own shortcomings, and their own failures that define their own philosophy with complete disregard for the blatantly measurable existence of these possibly catastrophically destructive facets of their philosophy and policy.

 You will never manage to spark meaningful debate, you will only manage to cause people to reiterate the same preformed opinions that they had before you even said anything, opinions that vehemently disagree with your own, and the saddest part is when they do this, despite being equally if not more so incorrect, the vast majority of people will agree with them. The people will vehemently and viciously agree with the common sentiment; they will be inspired to violently and endlessly recapitulate and reaffirm their ideology, to violently presume their own correctness, and violently demand that their opinions be respected as if they were somehow measurably indistinguishable from the most basic unquestionable facts.

This is the sad part; you will not enlighten anyone, you will simply turn countless people into the same maniacal zealots of their own philosophy that you happen to be for yours; your style of endless unapologetic ranting, your predefined stalwart presumption of the divine level of justice and retribution defining your own logic and philosophy, all of these definitive traits and driving forces that compel you to rant will quickly be emulated by those who disagree with you. These people will be reduced not to simple members of the mob mentality, but the champions of the ignorance that defines it; those who violently force people to amalgamate into this mob, those who forcefully remind people they cannot question the mob, and ultimately the champions of any debate because the mob establishes the laws of social order that ensure that their most vocal proponents cannot be disagreed with in any way without causing the individual who disagrees with the mob to be ostracized, demonized, belittled, hated, and ultimately exiled if not killed outright.

 The mob is already somewhat like you, collectively having an ego that is comparable to your own individual ego, so conceited and arrogant that they believe it is impossible to legitimately question them because they are so self-righteously assured of their correctness. The constant accord between the mob gives them the same presumed level of righteousness and correctness that you believe yourself to have when you are affirmed by logic, mathematics, or common sense. It doesn't matter that their righteousness is only assured by their shared faith in agreeability, because so long as that feeling of righteousness is given to the mob, they will constantly chase that feeling, to force people to give them that feeling, force people to agree with them, just so they can get that feeling they want, just as you always chase the feeling of believing that science and mathematics agree with your own points.

 Your points will never be treated as anything beyond insane hate speech of some inhuman monster, they will never be considered as anything more than the furthest cry from the truth imaginable, despite whatever easily measurable legitimacy they have, and this is because the standard of correctness, as you said before, is agreeability rather than objective empirical correctness. As the mob knows they fully meet the standards of competitive agreeability, this will give the mob the same level of unwavering confidence in their own points that you have in yours. Despite this endless self-assuredness they wield, the tiny, empty threat of your critical rhetoric will cause them to feel such fear, to feel so threatened, that they will violently hunt down, slander, demonize, and condemn any who might even consider the slightest grain of your rhetoric to be reasonable, or even simply correct, regardless of whether or not that person actually finds it to be disagreeable, and this is because in the case that your arguments are correct, this is in fact disagreeable, and this means that any factuality of your arguments is not only negated, but twice negated to the point where your arguments become the antithesis of fact.

 You will accomplish nothing but throwing copious amounts of fuel on the fire of self-righteous indignation that is currently consuming the minds of the people and thus the democratic institutions around the world, and by arguing all of these points, you will accomplish nothing but reassuring the people of their own baselessly presumed legitimacy and the baselessly presumed legitimacy of their assertion that your arguments are functionally the antithesis of legitimacy, reason, logic, and correctness. The pride and zealotry of the people in regards to their own opinions will grow far beyond even your level of pride and zealotry, and this will serve to be an incredibly destructive force; as it is not hard to imagine a scenario where instead of just one little girl ranting with the fiery passion of a thousand suns about god knows what, there are hundreds of millions of people, each ranting with that fury, each ranting about the same topic in complete harmony, with the same level of violent zealotry and unwavering self-righteousness.

 The fact is that your arguments are so inhuman and inhumane that even the thought of these arguments, the fantasy of some possibility that any of them might somehow come to fruition will be enough to so thoroughly threaten and scare the public that they will bark endlessly, forever, viciously, like a schizophrenic dog trying to scare off some demon in the dead of a silent night. Beyond that, if you manage to put these arguments into text, in a book, the people will need to only see that this book still exists, and that fact alone will strike endless fear, anger, aggression, hatred, and most importantly self-righteous zealotry deep into their hearts, and at that point they will bark with newfound passion, an even more reckless degree of insanity any time anyone even thinks about considering your arguments.

The worst part is that this will quickly devolve to the point where the people will have this reaction to literally anything that disagrees with their mob in the slightest, not just your rhetoric, which is defined by philosophy on the complete opposite end of the spectrum, but even an indigo opinion when compared to their violet philosophy; even the smallest degree of non-conformity will be barked at and even attacked viciously just because the mob will feel equally threatened by those who disagree with them in any way, that somehow even an indigo opinion is so different, such palpable evidence that the world will rapidly descend into your pure red ideology, that even people with indigo opinions will be demonized and denigrated to the same point that your philosophy clearly and endlessly will be if anyone gives it the time of day.

 The scary part is, I somehow convinced myself that it is possible that people will give your opinions plenty of the time of day, not to actually consider them or respect them, but just to be used as a very potent strawman to allow these people of violet opinions to readily knock it down, to declare themselves the champions of opinions, to use this defeated strawman as evidence of their unquestionable legitimacy, as they have so handedly defeated the evil red dragon with their violet swords of agreeability. After reaffirming their perceived justifiability of their zealotry by defeating that strawman, they will ultimately massacre anything and everything that happens to be disagreeable for whatever reason, which unfortunately also involves reality, or at least any realistic and correct perception of reality.

 Your philosophy will never save the world, but it can easily change the world; it will easily destroy the world, just because people will become so hateful towards anything besides the antithetical violet opinions, the furthest possible opinion from your own, presuming that distance from wrongness is the same measurement as proximity to correctness, and therefore being assured of their legitimacy. You somehow want to wage a war, as one person, with the least viable armaments possible, those of truth and correctness, when your opponents have countless soldiers and the most powerful weapons of agreeability. You will accomplish nothing other than making anyone who disagrees with you simultaneously a war hero and a victim in need of endless sympathy and compassion; you give these people the easiest strawman to defeat, you defend your points with inadmissible evidence, providing absolutely no true justification in the form of agreeability, and this battle will handedly be one by any who argue in favor of legitimacy, as your philosophy is defined by little more than being the team in a sporting event that forfeits at the start of the game, not even attempting to compete in the slightest. You are trying to buy a house with toy coins, or more so vice versa, trying to buy a toy house with real money despite the fact that the toy people who sell toy houses will only accept toy money and your real money is completely laughable and worthless nonsense to the toy people. That is life. That is all I can foresee you accomplishing.

 As correct as you are, your arguments are hard to listen to simply because of how inhuman they are; they are correct to the point where it is inspiring, but human instinct, human intuition, and sadly inherent human hedonism make even myself reluctant to actually support them, because as much as I know how much they would help society and the world, they are simply that disagreeable; that in my own shortsighted, self-centered hedonism and aversion to pain, I think that I’d much rather not do those things; I know they’re right, but I still don’t want to. Think of it like laziness, which I know you are familiar with; you know you should do something, but you really don’t want to, it is like the opposite of tempting, and when something is perceived in that way, nobody will have any interest in doing those things, just as you have virtually no interest in doing things when you’re feeling lazy. That is my point, that maybe, despite your good intentions, it could easily be a bad idea to go about trying to educate people; all I can think about is how much it will likely backfire and only serve to make things worse, especially when you yourself admit that it is futile due to the countless shortcomings inherent in the human mind. I think maybe something will come about from all of your efforts to educate people, but then in all of my sardonic bitterness, I can only convince myself that you will accomplish nothing but making things far worse than they already are.” Says Raven

“Good.” Says Kitty, proudly, more than half asleep on Raven’s shoulder

“Good?” asks Raven

“Yes.” Says Kitty

“I’d lose the fight, but I’d cripple them, it’s worth it. I’d rather fight and die for what’s right than die knowing I didn’t.” says Kitty

“You’re not particularly concerned about how the things that infuriate you about society could easily become ten times worse if people actually become aware of your philosophy.” Says Raven

“There is pleasure in spite. Sure I would be annoyed, but the people would suffer for their shamelessness, and spiteful justice is still justice, is it not?” asks Kitty

“I guess; I don’t know, I just thought you might be wary of making the problems you are attempting to solve much worse in the process of trying to solve them.” Says Raven

“If the problems get worse, the people will demand solutions more aggressively, and that cycle repeats until they are desperate and angry enough to listen to me, for whatever reason. Or not, probably not, they probably just die, but at the end of the day that is still justice being served.” Says Kitty

“That’s fair enough. Justice it is. Justice for everyone.” Says Raven

“I probably would have waited for the morning to tell her something like that. I’m sure she’s tired right now, and I know I can’t listen when I’m tired.” Says Blaze

“I’m listening. Rub my head.” Says Kitty

“I don’t know if you’re still concussed or you just want to feel good.” Says Raven

“Who knows, but I like it.” Says Kitty

“I thought you told me you didn’t want to become an addict.” Says Raven

“Now I’m craving though.” Says Kitty

“You’re definitely not getting any, maybe just a tiny bit for safety’s sake.” Says Raven

“I’ll go get another concussion.” Says Kitty

“Please don’t.” says Raven

“Just try to do it better, make me sick or something when you do it so I don’t like it. That sounds rather helpful, so I’m sure it’s right up your alley.” Says Kitty

“That’s pretty clever, I’ll see if I can do that.” Says Raven, rubbing Stacy’s head with cautious ambivalence

“Nope. Not that. I don’t want that, I’d rather have a concussion than that degree of nausea and pressure in my head.” Says Kitty, taking her head off of Raven’s shoulder

“Too much I take it.” Says Raven

“I don’t know. It was confusing, maybe no sickness, just lots of restraint.” Says Kitty

“You did get beaten pretty good; your eye isn’t looking great.” Says Raven

“Do what you can, still works so far as I can tell.” Says Kitty, leaning her head back against the window

“That’s good news.” Says Raven, the train approaching a terminal, a man standing in the functional lighting




“Stacy, wake up, a cop, right there. Jesus.” Says Raven

“Relax. I’m awake. Just be quiet; I am well aware of this.” Says Kitty, eyes still closed leaning back, the train coming to a stop, the two girls tense, breathing tightly, the doors open


“Hey, that hooker dead?” asks the cop

“No, I’m not dead.” Says Kitty, tired

“Come here… Damn you got fucked up. You look pretty dead.” Says the cop, still standing in the doorway, hand holding the bumper as Kitty walks over to him,

“You going to die?” asks the cop

“No.” says Kitty, calmly, the cop grimaces, takes out his night stick and hits Kitty’s thigh with a polite, corporal amount of force; Kitty stands strong

“Really?” asks Kitty, the cop hits the back of her knee with modest force, the knee buckles slightly but Stacy remains standing

“Just seeing how dead you are.” Says the cop; he pulls out his radio. “Hooker on Waxing Eastbound 47 is 10-2. 10-22.” He says

“10-4.” Says the radio, indifferently

“Some asshat called this in. Sorry ‘bout that, you do look like shit though.” Says the cop

“Just a little scuffle, nothing serious.” Says Kitty

“That’s a shitload of blood for a little scuffle, hell of a shiner, too.” Says the cop

“It’s not my blood.” Says Kitty

“Fuck happened?” asks the cop

“Somebody put their hands on me; I put a knife in em.” Says Kitty

“Damn, that fucker bled all over you. Figure he was still trying to fuck after getting stabbed, crazy bastard. Where was your pimp anyways?” asks the cop

“Freelance.” Says Kitty

“Bullshit. You’d be dead for poaching.” Says the cop

“I’m not a hooker.” Says Kitty

“You look like a hooker.” Says the cop

“Costume party. I’m just protection.” Says Kitty

“You’re shitting me. Don’t bullshit me. You couldn’t protect shit in this city.” Says the cop

“My clients are unharmed, I’m not dead, I figure I did good. I’m legit.” Says Kitty, taking her card out of her bra

“Damn, for real? This some kind of kink? Little girl protection now?” asks the cop

“No, usual business. Look at the card.” Says Kitty, the officer looks at the card perplexedly for a moment

“I can’t read like that… Bay City… Officer. Bullshit, you’re not a cop. Why are you fucking with me?” says the cop, struggling to read the card

“Personal Protection Officer. It means body guard.” Says Kitty

“Find a different line of work, let me tell you that. You’d be better off hooking.” Says the cop

“I’d prefer to keep my self-respect.” Says Kitty

“I’d prefer to keep my life if I were you.” Says the cop

“I’m alive, aren’t I?” asks Kitty

“You fought off one guy and you’re full of yourself. Next time, two guys, you’re dead, or worse. Save yourself, find a nice pimp, I know a guy who will take care of you.” Says the cop

“Odd advice coming from a cop.” Says Kitty

 “Please don’t block the metro doors.” Says a calm recording over the intercom

“Fuck. I’m just saying, I don’t want you to get yourself killed. I don’t even know how you got this job, or why, but it’s not for a girl like you. I doubt it’s even real, just some kinky pimp fucking with you, likes to see girls fight.” Says the cop

“It’s real. I know the manager personally. Look at that card, it’s legit.” Says Kitty

“Please don’t block the metro doors.” Says the calm recording again, the train begins to ding rapidly

“It does look  legit, like a real business; I’ll give you that, so you take care of yourself, officer, what was your name?” asks the Cop

“Kitty.” Says Kitty

“You got a hooker ass name for an officer.” Says the cop

“Get out of door!” shouts a man over the radio “Get out of door!” he shouts again, before starting to shout in an Asian language

“Fuck, I should go. Here’s your card… officer Kitty. You’ve got a kinky pimp, but don’t die on me; I don’t like cleaning up dead hookers, not young ones anyways. If they’re old I can do it, but if they’re young, it’s sad on me. Have a good night.” Says the cop, chuckling, handing her back her card

“You too.” Says Kitty, as the cop leaves and the door closes, Kitty goes to sit down

“Fuck!” shouts the man over the intercom, as the train starts to roll again, the conductor forced to use a bit more juice, going a bit faster than the usual crawl on the train, prudent, keen on being timely despite the absence of passengers, always convincing himself that somebody might get on the train, and that means he certainly can’t be late, luckily for him, the standard speed of the train was so slow, it was easy for him to return to pace, his visual cues memorized, knowing the exact time he should be driving by them, the next terminal is empty, and he cuts his wait time by a minute, to leave on time, the man stressed, thrilled by the speed, and now finally relieved, overcome with a feeling of success, of escaping the fires of hell, back on his schedule, feeling like a champion, the people’s champion


“Why the awkward silence?” asks Kitty

“That was really scary.” Says Blaze

“I am dumbfounded, to be honest.” Says Raven

“What did you expect?” asks Kitty

“I don’t know. That was something else. Isn’t prostitution illegal? Fighting? What just happened?” Asks Raven

“That was a beat cop. We’re not on his beat so he doesn’t really care. He just got sent to take a dead hooker off of a train and put her on the side of the road for the coroner’s trucks to pick up. If we were on his beat he might have done something, asked a few more questions, because he gets his commission from the pimps on his beat cops tend to look out for their hookers, like all cops for the most part, at least in the run down places where hooking is commonplace. Unless you’re out of place, the cops don’t care; if you’re fighting, they will start beating you, that’s it really. They enforce what needs to be enforced, and that is always subject to interpretation.” Says Kitty

“I have never talked to a cop, or witnessed one, but I lost a lot of faith in this city right there.” Says Raven

“There are legitimate cops, don’t get me wrong, lots of precincts have legitimate officers, at least some, to handle serious shit, where legitimate people complain about legitimate things, but in regards to the riff raff, it’s a lost cause that’s well beyond hope, so the cops mainly just try to keep the peace, maintain some degree of order. If the cops tried to stop crime by the books, the cops would be quite dead, and that’s not a situation many of them want to find themselves in, even the legitimate ones.” Says Kitty

“That is frightening, to say the least.” Says Raven

“Not really, you just have to understand criminals. Criminals want to make money, so they want there to be order amongst the chaos; the cops understand that and it’s mutually beneficial between the common people, the cops, and the criminals to have this agreement of peace between them, and the cops largely take out people who conflict with that peace. The criminals want to profit from the crime,  not fall victim to it, and that’s part of this strange bedfellows agreement, everyone gets what they want, money, safety, order, and all they have to do is turn a blind eye to some crime now and again, and again, and again. It’s not a bad situation really. It’s basically that or complete lawlessness, so it’s a much better situation than one might think.” Says Kitty

“You handled that so well; I thought something really bad was going to happen.” Says Blaze

“As long as we’re don’t end up on the wrong side of the law, the de facto law, we will be fine. The front of being a hooker is just a way to appear to be complicit in all of it, to appear to be an ally, to the cops and the criminals, and that’s all it takes really. With the support the two-thirds majority, nobody will question you, considering that the cops will usually side with upstanding criminals in most cases of anything; they’ve got bills to pay, and more so vices to satiate, just like anyone else.” Says Kitty

“That man couldn’t even read, and he was a police officer?” asks Raven, still stupefied

“He doesn’t need to read, he just needs to know the difference between right and wrong, that’s all it takes. If he was handing out traffic tickets, or something, then he would need to read, but he’s a perfect beat cop because he knows the de facto law like the back of his hand, that’s why he got that job. The major players in criminal enterprises have as much of a say in who becomes their beat cop as anyone else, usually more, so that guy was handpicked because he was right for the job.” Says Kitty

“So he’s basically just a professional thug? Is that what you are saying?” asks Raven

“He is the gray area between civilian and crime, the peacekeeper. He’s not a thug, he’s a diplomat really. It’s a noble job, a necessary one, really, certainly in this city.” Says Kitty

“Wow. I guess I understand; that’s disheartening, but somehow comforting, to think that there is some degree of civility and decency among criminals.” Says Raven

“I’m talking about big time professionals, petty criminals no, but petty criminals are ones who get targeted by the beat cops, they disrupt the order and the balance, they upset the status quo.” Says Kitty

“I’ll just try to forget about how shamelessly corrupt this city is, but wow, I am truly dumbfounded by what just happened.” Says Raven

“It gives you a bit more confidence in me, I hope.” Says Kitty

“I don’t know, sure, but I’m just so stupefied right now.” Says Raven

“I think it’s a good thing; they could have put Stacy in jail, but because she was their ally they didn’t really care. So since Stacy is good at playing that part, we’re a lot safer because of that.” Says Blaze

“Kitty.” Says Kitty

“I’m sorry. Kitty, Kitty, Kitty, you’re right. I’m sorry, Kitty.” Says Blaze

“Don’t worry, no harm, no foul.” Says Kitty

“I just want to get to your house and be out of these costumes. I’ve had enough of this for one night.” Says Raven

“Soon enough.” Says Kitty, yawning, exhausted silence follows




“What is a waxing 47 anyways? I’ve been trying to make sense of it, but what he said in the radio just seemed like nonsense to me.” Says Blaze

“This train, it’s the line 47, on 47 mile, 47th street, and we’re headed east, Eastbound 47, waxing and waning has to do with where the train is, there are 4 trains on the circuit, two will always be headed west and two will always be headed east; before 5thth avenue the eastbound trains are waxing, but once you get past 5th avenue, the trains are called waning, and vice versa for westbound; if you’re past 10th, avenue you get on 47-2, and the same system happens again for the next 10 miles, not that there is all that much out that way, still trains though. If you’re on a street or avenue headed downtown, there are more than 4 trains, they get named after the time they arrive on Main.” Says Kitty

“That makes sense; it’s kind of amazing that cop knew exactly what train it was, I’d never even heard of those names.” Says Blaze

“It’s really not, this is the only train on his beat; it’s either waxing eastbound 47, or waning westbound 47. I doubt he even understands that trains wax on the water and wane on the plane, rise in the north and set in the south. The same for the 6th avenue train on his beat, they’re always setting towards 50th mile, Main Street, and rising if it’s coming back from downtown, and on top of that the electric display tells him the specific time of that train.” Says Kitty

“This town never makes sense; why wouldn’t it be rise in the east and set in the west? I’ve never learned about the names either, it’s always just been called ‘taking the metro’.” asks Raven

“We’re not talking about the sun here, we’re talking about trains. Clearly most people understand North as up, so that’s how it got the name rising.” Says Kitty

“North is clearly not the same thing as up, but when most people can’t tell their right from their left half the time; I’m not going to perplex them with the intricacies of cardinal and ordinal directions.” Says Raven

“I don’t understand why main street is 50th street, you think it would be the 1st street or something.” says Blaze

“Well, when they were making the counties, a long time ago the state just said 50 miles to either side of main street in Bay city, 50 miles east was going to be named Bay County. So main street got the name 50 mile, it’s not particularly interesting. The old parcel system, by acreage, always established main roads at the mile markers without selling people land that crosses those mile lines, and that’s how the rest of the mile roads and numbered avenues were established. I hear on the east coast, the roads look as if somebody just threw a basket of limp spaghetti on a map and decided that’s where the roads would be. I’m quite fond of our system, quite sensible, really.” Says Kitty

“Especially the part about how north is up.” Says Raven



“I need sleep.” Says Kitty, the hum and rumble of the train easing her eyes

“We all do. I hope you’re thinking about what you’re going to tell your sister; otherwise we might not be sleeping any time soon.” Says Raven

“I’ll put some thought into it.” Says Kitty

“You’re omniscient, and you haven’t even thought of what you might be able to say that could possibly prevent your sister from having a mental breakdown?” asks Raven

“It’s omniscience, not omnipotence; I can’t do something unless I’m physically capable of doing it, it’s not like I can just think my way to the point where I can fly or shoot laser beams from my eyes.” Says Kitty

“When you’re chalking these plans up, you don’t take into consideration how you might be able to preserve some fragment of your sister’s sanity? Really?” asks Raven

“Of course I do, I put some thought into that. I’ll say what I can, but it’s important not to delude her, you know, to allow her to believe that things aren’t what they are, that reality is somehow different, that we don’t do the things we say we do. Sure, she will be upset, but that’s important, that needs to happen; her brain, her sanity, her emotions, they’re like muscles you know. You have to tear your muscle fibers a little bit for them to grow back bigger and stronger, that’s how lifting weights and exercising works. She might get a little work out, but she won’t be incapacitated in any way, maybe a little sore, a little tired, but that’s all a good sign, it means she will grow and become stronger.” Says Kitty

“Your plan is to risk inducing some profound degree of psychological damage by traumatizing your sister in the hopes that she will become more tolerant of your coming home being shot in the arm, or covered in blood, as you are today? That is insane. These things can do severe psychological harm to a person, post-traumatic stress disorder, and by giving her a reason to believe that you will come in frighteningly terrible shape after a night like this is only going to make her worries far worse than they already are. Do you not understand these things?” asks Raven

“I do, but the point is that I’m coming home; I’m appeasing her fear by coming home, as her fear is largely that one of us, probably me, won’t come home, so by coming home alive, we give her even more of a basis to feel some degree of optimism when we go out at night. Beyond that, I’m not even hurt, well, I’m not bleeding, or shot anywhere, so that’s pretty damn good. I know my eye is probably a bit under the weather, but that’s far less unsettling than having a bullet a few inches away from my heart. Sure, a little exercise, like I said, but it’s healthy exercise; she will see I’m largely unscathed and have more confidence in me. I didn’t plan on getting this black eye, but it works out, easily for the better, as now she can convince herself that I can handle myself even in a fist fight, which is just one less thing to worry about.” Says Kitty

“At least Kitty is trying to look on the bright side of life, even though Stella will get upset, hopefully it does make her stronger, and able to be less fearful when we go out; I’m sure it’s a terrible feeling knowing we’re out and about doing things like this, but if she is optimistic that we will all come back alive and be ok at the end of the night, even just a little bit, I’m sure it will help her out to no end. There is nothing more painful than feeling hopeless, powerless, and I’m sure that’s how Stella feels right now, so even if Stacy got beat up a little bit, hopefully she does end up with even more faith in Sta-Kitty. The important thing is that we should be home safely soon enough, and even if nothing else, that relieves Stella’s fears at least for a few days.” Says Blaz

“If I were Stella, hearing that Kitty’s plan went so wrong that she had to kill more people than she had bullets would cause me to lose whatever confidence in Kitty’s shoddy omniscience I was able to muster. That just seems like an insane thing, how many bullets did you have? You couldn’t just have, say, 10 extra, for 10 just in case situations, no, of course not, that would be a ridiculous level of caution.” Says Raven

“I did, I had 3 extra, ok? I did that. I thought, 3 extra was more than enough, but clearly I was mistaken. I would phrase it differently, and I would say that despite unforeseeable and extremely improbable circumstances where I was forced to kill more people than I had bullets, I was still able to do so handedly, with minimal harm to myself, and no harm done to my friends. That sounds way better.” Says Kitty

“How many bullets did you have? How many people did you kill?” asks Raven

“I had 17 bullets and I killed a few more people than that.” Says Kitty

“You don’t even know how many people you killed?” asks Raven

“I count the bullets, not the people. I killed enough people that’s as far as I was concerned in counting. Look at the ring: sparkling; pristine white.” Says Kitty, waving her ringed hand

“I guess it doesn’t matter, enough is the right amount. I don’t even want to think about how you killed so many people; we got the dog his pound of flesh, and that’s all it is to me now, not people, not anything else, just a pound of flesh.” Says Raven

“Poetic. I just think of it like business. Almost like a money counter, making that clicking noise, showing me that number, ‘enough’, even tonight, reading ‘plenty’, more than enough. It’s a comforting feeling, like being well off. I’ve never been rich, or had anything really, but having paid more than I had to makes me feel nice, like I’m well off or something. It’s the difference between just scraping by, paycheck to paycheck, so they say, and knowing that I don’t have any trouble paying my bills.” Says Kitty

“How do you forget the fact that you were almost beaten to death by a grown man tonight?” asks Raven

“Well I wasn’t beaten to death, so that always helps. I’m not going to be thinking about missing the train once I’m already on it, am I?” asks Kitty

“You probably should when you made it onto that train by the skin of your teeth.” Says Raven

“Well, I’m on the train, and I will be more prudent in regards to being comfortably timely next time. Even more cautious than this, which is second degree caution, mind you, from here on out it will be third degree caution, an astounding, almost unthinkable level of caution. Of course I can’t say things will always be perfect, as clearly we are only afforded so many opportunities, and some of them may involve a tiny degree of risk, but now I will be far more wary of even that tiny degree of risk than I already have been.” Says Kitty

“Is there any higher level of caution that might avoid these sort of situations entirely? I feel like maybe 5th degree caution would be a respectful and responsible degree to hold yourself to, considering that your previous increases in caution were clearly insufficient.” Says Raven

“I would hope not; there is a fine line between caution and delusion, baseless anxiety, and paranoia. I don’t have interest in attempting to emulate those illnesses in my mind in the name of needless caution.” Says Kitty

“If that caution might save our lives one day, I would much rather you hold yourself to that standard.” Says Raven

“At such a standard we would die for inaction; the dog expects us to do what we are capable of doing, nothing more, but again nothing less, and if I am too cautious, there is seldom if ever anything that meets this degree of 100% safety, 99% easily, 99.9% more often than not, but never 100%. Let’s just try to be reasonable rather than presume these extremely improbable things will occur, one in a million chances.” Says Kitty

“Even at 99.9%, that’s within 500 weeks, at twice a week we have a good chance of dying by then.” Says Raven

“We might die at some point within the next 10 years; well, the chance is still very small each time, and I’m sure that within that timespan I’ll have figured out an even more foolproof manner to go about taking care of business. Don’t worry, there’s no reason to worry. Tonight is over. We get off the train, we walk home, handle Stella, go to sleep. We’re alive now, and know that I’m more than intent on being alive. If it is any comfort to you; the probability of failure is well below even 0.1% most of the time, tonight it was perhaps 0.1%, but despite the failure of the plan, we are hardly any worse for wear, mind you. Don’t think I can’t improvise; omniscience is far better in the moment than it is in the future; the future is volatile, where at any given moment there are only so many possible things a human can do, and their brain is already in the process of firing the staging neurons to prepare their body for whatever thought or action that they are going to do. Ease up, ok? We’re done with this for the night basically; let’s just drop it, no reason to dwell upon the past any more than we have to. All’s well that ends well, isn’t it?” asks Stacy

“I just hope this whole ordeal ends well, if it ever does end, and for some odd reason I’m not particularly optimistic about that.” Says Raven

“I am, we live and we learn, and even if this was a learning experience for Kitty, she is still alive, and she will get even better at what she is already incredibly good at. Try to be positive ok? It was very impressive, incredible really, what Kitty was able to do, and I hardly even saw any of it. I just want to get back to my normal life, but making sure we take care of business like this is the only way we will ever be able to do that for any amount of time. Sure it’s risky, but everything is risky, that’s just life; we have to take risks sometimes, and thankfully for us, Kitty at least knows the chances that something bad will happen and does her best to avoid them.

We should just be grateful for that, because I’m sure if it were just us two, being silly in costumes, somebody would have killed us by now; you saw how much that guy didn’t like witches, and it only takes one person like that with a gun, especially when we’re out doing magic in broad daylight and people know we’re real witches. When you think about it, as risky as it is, this is probably the least risky course of action possible, and that’s the only reason Kitty elects to take it; everything else may seem safer, in the short term, but in the long term I’m sure it would get us killed much faster than these quick little outings we do sometimes. Don’t think about it too much; it is what it is, don’t think about what it isn’t, especially if that doesn’t matter, because if you can’t change it for the better, at the end of the day that sort of thinking doesn’t get you anywhere. I just try to accept things for what they are, and be grateful for that, be grateful that everything worked out, that we’re alive, and that nobody got hurt, at least not too bad I hope. That’s what’s important.” Says Blaze

“Nah, not too bad, I’m chit-chatting, feeling like my usual self, so I’m sure it looks much worse than it actually is.” Says Kitty

“The thing is that you could be hurt, you could be dead, that’s the issue here; you can’t downplay these things just because they miraculously turned out ok. That’s not a beneficial skill to have in the slightest; these experiences need to be formative moments where you realize your own flaws, your own weaknesses, not these opportunities where you get to refrain from doing so just because you got incredibly lucky. God basically gave you a second chance at life tonight, and you have to understand that; the fact that you are alive is not this testament to your own greatness and capacity, that your presumed flawlessness has once again asserted itself and made itself apparent in reality; your smug look is the most insane thing, that you’re somehow conceited and haughty about almost being beaten to death, and that’s completely insane. You ignore the fact that you were nearly beaten to death entirely, you interpret the almost as a simple instance of the word ‘not’, so you manage to convince yourself that in a fist fight with a grown man you weren’t beaten to death, rather than understanding that it is a miracle that you are even alive right now.

This is not about optimism or pessimism, it is about realism, and your nonchalant attitude about almost losing your life simply because you didn’t is insane; it should rattle you to the bone, but you shrug it off as if it were another flawless victory. Understand that this is one of the many reasons why pride is a deadly sin; you can get yourself killed by believing you should be proud of something you should be incredibly concerned by. There is this odd whimsy you have in regards to risking your life, like you don’t even understand the fact that you can die, you just think of it as some daring spectacle where you entertain yourself by walking along the brink of death, just to astonish the crowds when you return alive to drink up their cheers and applause. Do you even understand the concept of death? That you could die, and nearly died tonight?  Do you understand that tonight could have been the permanent end to your life and the countless reverberations that would have had within the lives of your friends and family? Do you understand that your death is both possible and incredibly bad? I don’t think you do, and that is extremely troubling, it is frighteningly worrying, to be honest.” Says Raven, as the train comes to a stop at their destination

“I do. I understand this completely, both objectively, with objective empathy, and even with my own uncommon sincere empathy. I need you to understand that. I’m not as reckless as you might think, it may seem that way, but such is not the case. I am a puppet, a puppet of the odds, of probability, of the future, of reason, and logic. Do you think I am capable of what my body does? No, clearly I’m not in the slightest, I have two minds, my own, and the mind of the dog, and I heed the dog, he knows, he knows more than is even imaginable; his mind feels like my own, indistinguishable from my mind, this omniscience, but I can always understand the clear difference of where these thoughts come from; I don’t act the way I do in those situations because I’m me; I’m like a child, I am a child, and the dog is like a parent, hell, a god, in my mind, guiding me through the dance I do; I don’t question him, I can’t see him, or even tell it’s a dog, it just seems to be me, indistinguishable, save for the feeling of the thought; there is me, the meaty warm and savory pride, the human, and the dog, hardly a dog, cold, mechanical, vicious, calculating, and inhuman.

It’s like an instinct, an extremely vivid one, and that is what I rely on in those types of situations; there is a method to my madness, and know that in situations like that, dangerous, threatening situations, it is not me, but omniscience that is making the calls, and despite my seemingly endless pride, I am only so bold as to season the omniscience, to season it in ways that are irrelevant, that don’t change our fates, I know better than to be so reckless. We’re alive, and we’re basically fine, and so long as that is true, I hope you can understand that there is no reason not to have faith in me. Even in volatile situations like that, the dog, the god, whatever it is, can find a way to survive, not only to survive, but to succeed, and that is the point I’m trying to make.” Says Kitty, as the girls get off the train on the street level terminal

“That is beyond me, I can’t understand that; you claim to know with 100% certainty that you would get out of that situation just fine, but I don’t understand that, at all; you clearly were in no position to do that if I hadn’t miraculously shot some rainbow out of my finger that apparently did next to nothing so far as I could tell. I didn’t even know I could do that, and to think you were relying on me being so scared, desperate, and stupid, to think that my ravaged mind should be so insane as to try and do something so silly and nonsensical as shooting magic out of my fingers, despite having no grounds to believe I could even do that, doesn’t make sense. You can just tell that I’ve lost my mind to the point where I would do something like that so you figured you can count on that? What if I didn’t? What then? What if it didn’t do anything?” asks Raven, as the girls walk down the street




“Ok, simple question; there were hundreds of things I could have said, yet I said exactly what I said for a reason, a good reason, because I knew that was the best choice, the best one I had available, that my omniscient mind is telling me with perfect clarity that this is what I should do, so I do it. I could do countless different things, said different things, and things would have been different; I could have just cried ‘help’ and then Blaze would have more than likely ran over and started hitting that man with her baton, and that would have been enough, but I didn’t, I said ‘shoot him, I said ‘fucking shoot him’ for a reason, a good reason, you might not like it, but know that I did that for a reason.” Says Kitty

“I probably would have done that, I was scared but I was desperate enough. I don’t know why I didn’t in the first place; I was just so shocked and stunned by what was happening. I really should have though, you are right, I can’t just stand there while some guy is hitting you.” Says Blaze

“It’s because of what I said, there were many things I could have said that would have caused you to do that, but I didn’t say those things. I could have shot that guy first, before anyone else, but I saved him for last, do you think it was because he was the weakest, the smallest, the worst fighter?” asks Kitty

“You are always taking about probability, more than likely, so clearly it’s a chance, a coin flip that any of these things happen, but in the case that somehow we don’t, or he hits us and hurts us and we can’t do anything, what then? Are you still getting out alive? It’s all of these opportunities for things to go wrong that get to me; thinking what if things didn’t turn out this way? What happens when things don’t go according to plan? Why get beaten up? Why not avoid that? I don’t understand, tell me your reasons as to why you did this? You knew for a fact that I would shoot this rainbow gun? What if I didn’t, that once again your omniscience failed you due to some split second nonsense that throws things out of whack? Are you dead? I don’t understand.” Asks Raven

“If by some irrational small chance that neither of you did anything, first of all I would know this beforehand and have taken a different course of action, and I would have punched him in the balls first thing, clawed his eyes out as he bends over, he grabs his eye, then I stab him to death, ok? That’s what I do.” Says Kitty

“Why not do that at first? Why elect to get punched in the face? Why risk your life or your brain function in the hopes that I might magically fend this man off? I presume that was your plan, but I don’t understand how that would be any better than just fighting to the best of your ability. Clearly you came out from that situation in worse shape than if you hadn’t been punched in the face.” asks Raven

“That’s not true. I, all of us, are much better because of what happened; I wasn’t acting in some shortsighted method of self-preservation, I was doing what was the best, not for tonight, but for us, forever, and this was it; in the heat of the moment, my mind made it clear as day that this course of action would be the best, not for me, but for all of us, and sure, I might get punched in the face, but that was completely worth it; you learned something about yourself, about your magic, and that is what I need; I either take care of business myself, or I do my best to make sure that you two can help in every possible way.

It was vivid in my mind that if I took some hits, said a certain something, you would try to help, use your magic, you know. My mind was just telling me that was the best course of action, for us, for the future. For you to grow, as a witch, a vigilante, a saint, goddess, an unfortunate set of circumstances, or whatever you want to call yourself. You needed that experience, to have confidence, to believe in yourself, and I saw countless times beyond this where you use your magic, in amazing ways, in the future, all because of tonight, where you gained that bit of confidence in yourself, that you can somehow believe in yourself. I didn't want to take that from you, that hurt me, more than being hit, knowing that you would stay reluctant, fearful, ashamed of your magic, and I didn't want that.

 You have the potential to do great things, and I want you to do that. I can't do everything, and even if I could, I shouldn't, it would be an insult to yourself, to what you are capable of, to both of you. I don't do these things for me; I do it for us, without you two, I'd have no interest, I'd spit in the face of the dog and laugh as he eats me; the human race doesn't deserve this, what we do, our good deeds, not in the slightest, but you two, you two deserve to live, to be happy, and to experience that which life is willing to offer two amazing girls such as yourself. I'm just some bum, some psycho. I'm nothing, trash, riff-raff, but you two are amazing, basically perfect, and that's something beautiful, to be so great, kind, nice, friendly, caring, compassionate, and respectable in a world that punishes you for having any of those traits.

You two are basically martyrs for humanity, for decency, civility, and sensibility, and I can't have you die without leaving a legacy that the world will remember, probably the last testament of human decency, and this legacy is irrelevant from our little magical girl hijinks, this is just you two, as people, regular, normal people. Even if the human race doesn't deserve that, even in the small ways you might influence people's lives, it's still beautiful, the swan song of god, and I may not be the most sentimental, but even I can understand how significant and meaningful that is, and even if I may be disgusted by your humility, in an objective sense, in my own misanthropy, the humility of Jesus to reach into the depths of hell, to be willing to not only tolerate, but forgive those who are so inundated with vice and depravity, people that I cannot tolerate, cannot forgive, and cannot respect; I understand that this is bigger than me, far bigger than me, and the will of god is far more meaningful and amazing than my own remorseless, mechanical, and shameless fury.” Says Kitty

“How are you so thoughtful… despite everything… despite all of this… despite yourself? You are thinking about us, about the future, about our future, about my future, when I can’t see myself living for another week? Me, who thinks of nothing but my own death, to the point where I’ve simply accepted it, I’ve gone through the grieving process to the end. It means so much to me that you think about my future, you care about me when I cannot even bring myself to do the same. I just take it day by day, moment to moment, to the point where I cannot conceive of the faintest idea of a future for myself, not the slightest thought. I don’t even try, I just accept the fact that I’m dead, I sigh, and go on with my life, whatever is left of it, our of routine, force of habit, and shame, trying to pretend none of this part of my life exists, trying to save those around me from the pain of my inevitable death for however long I possibly can.

You have faith in me, in us, to the point where you see our future, our survival, our success as a given, and I cannot do that in the slightest, for whatever reason. I know it is possible that by some miracle I may be wrong, but I can’t convince myself of that, not with the pain that comes with being forced to contemplate and accept the likelihood of my death all over again, reopen the wounds I try my damnedest to close. I am so grateful, so moved, that you do that, that you think about our future, and my future, because I don’t; I can’t, but knowing that you do gives me this childish hope, this blind, blissfully ignorant hope, that you, in all of your wisdom, your capability, will take care of me, protect me, and make sure everything in my life is ok. Like I’m a small child and you’re my mom or dad or something; I don’t know, I feel powerless, and your power amazes me, beyond words, beyond comprehension, and I am so grateful for that. That one statement, you thinking about my future, put me in this childlike state, feeling safe for some reason, as if protected by my parents when something frightening is happening; I am powerless, but I know, I believe without a doubt in my mind that you will take care of me, for whatever reason. You just convinced me of that entirely; I was desperate for something, for anything to save me, and you gave it to me. I have faith in you, for some odd insane reason, so please know that my life, my future, is entirely in your hands at this point; so please, for the love of god, think of me, take care of me, and I will forever owe you my life in whatever form it takes.

I love you, Stacy, still, despite all of this, I still love you; it’s no longer this amiable feeling, this bittersweet sentimentality, now you are everything to me, at this point you are my life, my one, easily foolish, hope that my life will turn out ok, is you; that you will make sure of that, somehow, because I know I can’t, not right now, maybe not ever, but I believe you can, somehow, and that makes me happy, as happy as I’ve been since the moment we met that dog, please know that, Stacy. I love you; for everything you do for me, for us, despite anything and everything that might cause me to feel differently, I love you. You are all the hope I have left in this world; I needed something to save me, to believe in, and right now and easily forever, that is you, Stacy. I’m babbling, but I mean it, I need you to take care of me, to look out for me, because I can’t, and I know with all of my heart that you can, and that is all I ask of you, try to make sure things turn out ok… that one day, everything will be ok. Please?” says Raven, stammering, crying, scared

“I will, don’t worry. Everything will be ok. I love you too, Jenna; don’t think I for a moment I’d ever forget about you, your future, your happiness, your peace of mind. You mean the world to me, and I owe you my life, what is left of it anyways, after last weekend, after tonight. You are the one who repairs this meaty little car, and without that, she easily would have been totaled by now, all sorts of blood clots and infections and that’s just in the first week of business. You are a lifesaver, a godsend; I truly appreciate what you do for me, for us. Try to believe in yourself, you are far more capable than you understand, and if you can understand that, you would have no reason to feel that way, never again. I want that, I want you to feel good about yourself, not just because I’m there for you, but because you’re there for yourself, and just knowing that can make you feel safe, protected, and capable of anything really. You’re an amazing girl, so try to give yourself at least some of the credit your deserve, because that would make your life much less frightening and far more enjoyable, just believe in yourself, you won’t be let down.” Says Kitty

“I want to, but it just doesn’t make sense to me, like a foreign language of despair; I desperately want to, but I can never do it, the future seems too insurmountable for me, my meagre ration of confidence and modest capabilities, to be able to overpower the crushing weight of mountains of trials and tribulations that surely await us. The specter of death looms over me to the point where I’ve become its friend, just neighborly banter saying we’ll get together soon; I don’t even fear dying, it hurts to think about everyone else involved, but that thought of escaping this, this life, this torture, just seems like a pleasant thought. I don’t want to die, my friends and family mean too much to me, but when death seems to be the only way to escape this, I think of that salvation, that emancipation from this bondage, the end of this pain, it doesn’t seem bad to me, like finally being able to breath once again, as ironic as that sounds, I just want to breath, and dying seems like the only way I will ever be able to do that.” Says Raven

“I know this part of our lives is hard, it’s hard on all of us, but I believe in you; I know you will never give up, even in the worst of times, and when that’s true, there’s no reason to go through life without believing in yourself; there’s no point in thinking about the bad things. You will always do whatever you can, whatever it takes, and you know this as much as I do, so don’t think about what might go wrong, just convince yourself, just believe, that things will go right, because you haven’t lost a fight as long as your still fighting, and since we’re still fighting, we have to believe that we will win, because if we don’t, we will stop fighting, we will just lose because we wrote ourselves off, we threw away our chance because we presumed we wouldn’t win even thought it was certainly possible that we would have.

People are full of regrets because they didn’t take some risk because of fear of failure, when everyone who has ever succeeded has always taken the risk of failure, and they did that because they believed they would win. We don’t even have anything to lose at this point, our chips are already in the pot, so to speak, so we have no reason to fold when we could just play the game to the end in the hopes that we might win. So long as success possible, even if it seems unimaginable, we need to believe in that, because we have nothing to gain by quitting, we only lose, we die, but if we win were are given our lives, even just for a little while, and no matter how small chance of staying alive is, it is worth the risk every time; we don’t have a choice to gamble, our only choice is whether or not we play the game and preserve the possibility that we might win, and that chance, that chance at life, is far too valuable for us to give up on, no matter the odds against us.

 You two mean way too much to me for me to ever give up on this, on us. I don’t know if I will ever be good at magic, but I hope I will, I dream about the day when I can actually be helpful, and do my part to make sure everything turns out ok. I really want things to turn out ok, and I will do my best, and all I can do is hope that is good enough. That hope is enough to keep me going, because I believe, I believe in all of us, I know we can do it; God gave us the power to do what he asks of us, and it is our responsibility to do it, he wouldn’t have called upon us if he didn’t believe, if he didn’t know, that we were capable of doing everything he asks of us. Even if you doubt yourself, just believe in God, just know that God believes in you, and he believes in you for a reason, not because he thinks, or hopes that you are capable, but because he knows, for a fact, that you are capable, more than capable of doing these good deeds, and that’s why he called upon you, upon us, because this was God’s plan, and all we have to do is stick to the plan, and everything will turn out ok, it will turn out perfect, for all of us, for everyone.” Says Blaze

“That helps, to be honest, I don’t know how I’m so willing to believe in basically anything that isn’t myself, but I guess that’s what the role of a higher power is, to give a person something to depend on when they can’t depend upon themselves. I find comfort in knowing that my fate is not in my own hands, for the most part at least, be it in god’s hands, or Stacy’s hands, just knowing that I have something else I can depend on, believe in, beyond myself, something more powerful, takes so much of the weight off of my heart, my mind, it lets me feel this sense of relief, like my world isn’t crushing me, because somebody else is willing to hold it up for me. I need that, I desperately need that right now, so thanks, thanks for everything.” Says Raven

“We kind of forgot to use our nicknames.” Says Blaze

“Whoops. Sorry. I kind of lost my mind a little bit back there.” says Raven

“Don’t worry about it, it’s the dead of night, and beyond that the people are all half dead, drunk or drowning in electrostatic crackling from the television or the radio, or asleep. They couldn’t care less about what some kids were babbling about on the street, at least so long as we’re not shouting and keeping them awake, then that’s a different story all together.” Says Kitty

 “This is somehow the most nerve-wracking part for me, walking back to your house. This is the only part where everything could go catastrophically wrong in a way where we don’t die, and that could easily be a fate worse than death. My heart is racing, I just noticed that we’re so close to your house, I feel like I might faint from fear right now.” Says Raven

“My dad is sound asleep and blackout drunk on top of that, there’s literally nothing that could go wrong.” Says Kitty

“I know that is true, sadly, so I don’t know why I am so afraid, just that weird crazy fear that he is somehow both awake and sober enough to remember if he happens to see us, to see you, covered in blood as we walk into the house.” Says Raven

“How many times have you seen my dad awake? Not woken up, but actually awake? Because I can tell you the number of times you’ve seen him sober is zero, except maybe a long time ago when we were little kids. I don’t remember, but even then I’m still not giving him the benefit of the doubt. As long as you don’t make an effort to wake him up, things will be peachy, and I trust you won’t. Even if you did he still wouldn’t remember a damn thing, certainly not at this time of night.” Says Kitty

“Still, we should be quiet, just in case your clairvoyance fails us for whatever unknown reason.” Says Raven

“It doesn’t take clairvoyance to know that my dad is passed out on the couch; that just takes common sense. I was thinking about going off on some random tangent, a little spark of imagination fluttering in my head, but for once, I’m too exhausted to chase it, as delightful as it might have been.” Says Kitty

“Knowing your tangents, you would likely still be ranting as we walk through the door, and that’s the last thing we need.” Says Raven

“I know, I didn’t want to start something I couldn’t finish, and I’m quite certain a certain somebody will ruin the mood for any leisurely banter, so clearly we wouldn’t be at leisure to finish the philosophical ponderance in levitous nonchalance.” Says Kitty

“You’re not the slightest bit nervous about all of this? Coming home like this? To Stella?” asks Blaze

“It’s less nervous in the sense of you don’t know what’s happening, but the nervous like you know you did something wrong and you’re walking to the office to be lectured about it.” Says Kitty

“I think that would be called guilt.” Says Raven

“That’s probably it; I feel guilty, just a little bit though, not too much, a little rub of the neck and we should be fine.” Says Kitty

“Something tells me that the classic rubbing of one’s own neck is not actually a functional way to relieve the rebuke of those who are upset with your guilt.” Says Raven

“It’s like an apology, without actually having to apologize. I mean, I don’t know if I could sincerely apologize, but I can definitely rub the back of my neck sincerely. Sincerity is important, you know.” Says Kitty

“You’re not sorry about what you did tonight?” asks Raven

“My hand was forced, I can’t be sorry for things I’m not in control of.” Says Kitty

“Even if you’re not sorry, that kind of makes sense, but you can still try to offer her condolences, if that’s the right word, that you feel bad about everything, even if you’re not really sorry.” Says Blaze

“If I say that, it will sound like somebody died.” Says Kitty

“Lots of people did die, Stacy.” Says Raven

“Not the type of people anyone would offer people condolences about. For condolences somebody’s death has to be sad or regrettable, not entirely deserved; somebody has to care about the person. Those types of deaths I bestowed are the kind you offer pity for. I can pity those people; I can’t mourn them in the slightest.” Says Kitty


“Shit, Stacy, somebody is coming, what do we do?” asks Raven, a shadowy figure walks quickly towards them on the sidewalk from a distance

“I wonder who that could be. Sitting on the stoop of my house, walking briskly towards two witches and a prostitute in the dead of the night without hesitation, it truly is a mystery.” Says Kitty, as the shadowy figure draws nearer; with that conversation falls silent, each of the three girls feeling the same feeling, the guilt of a dog, of knowing, truly knowing that they had done something wrong, not understanding the situation with any depth, or perspective, only knowing by conditioning that their behavior would be me with rebuke; the witches look at the ground, away, guilty, ashamed. Kitty sighs as they walk into the cascade of dull yellow streetlight, looking at the ground


“Jesus Christ, Stacy! Your eye! Your dress! You’re covered in blood! What happened?!” says Stella, whispering irately as she approaches Kitty

“Inside, please, not here.” Says Kitty, walking past Stella towards her house

“What do you have to say for yourself? Did somebody finally teach you your lesson?” says Stella, keeping pace with Kitty, the two girls walk behind them

“Yeah.” Says Kitty, rubbing the back of her neck

“I’m glad you finally learned that you are going to die if you keep doing this shit! This is fucking insane! You’re insane, Stacy, you need to understand that! You can’t keep doing things like this!” Says Stella, still whispering with maternal fury

“It’s not that.” Says Kitty
“What other lesson could you have possibly learned?!” Says Stella bewildered, even more upset

“I’m going to need a bigger gun!” Says Stacy, grinning ambitiously




“God damn it, Stacy.” Cries Stella in disbelief

“Inside. Go get changed, girls. Quiet, please, don’t wake the neighbors. I’m sure you would hate to do something like that, at this time of night.” Says Kitty, dismissively

The witches silently enter the alley, transform back into their usual clothes, silently walk up the stoop, enter the screen door, Dale sleeping merrily on the couch, the television mumbling aggressive gunshots, the guests breathing heavy silent breaths of guilt as the walk up the stairs, the sisters follow them in tense silence, the guests walk into the girl’s room, and sit on the bed, both struck by the same sense of disbelief, at a loss for words, concerned more for Kitty than anything else at this point, the sisters enter the room, gazing on at the awkwardness of a painful silence, Kitty takes her headband and glasses off, putting them back in the drawer, she opens the bottom drawer, withdraws the money from her knickers, throws it in the drawer, removes her gun, places it in the drawer, removes her knife places it in the drawer, and closes the drawer, Stella stares on in silent disbelief, the guests exchange awkward ashamed glances between themselves, Stella, Stacy, before returning their eyes to the floor


Stacy walks out of the room and into the bathroom; Stella follows her, Stacy takes off her dress and undergarments, throwing them into the tub, pulling the stopper and running the water enough to submerge them

“I don’t know what to say.” Says Stella

“Saying nothing is fine. There were some kinks, but all’s well that ends well.” Says Stacy, dry, empty, taking the washcloth from the bathtub, getting it wet with cold water in the sink, and beginning to scrub the dried blood from her body

“Good god, that’s a lot of blood.” Says Stella, shocked, disgusted by the vibrantly red water in the bathtub

“It will wash out.” Says Stacy

“You have never washed clothes, have you?” asks Stella

“It will stain, but that’s fine, it’s underwear, not a church dress. The dress itself was already red anyways.” Says Stacy, continuing to diligently scrub dried blood from her body with the washcloth, looking at the mirror, scrubbing at her hair to remove any drops of blood spatter

“How are you so nonchalant about this? This scene is profoundly jarring, but you are entirely unfazed by it? ” asks Stella

“You seem to be rather nonchalant a well, mind you.” Says Stacy, an expressionless empty observation

“I am in shock right now. My mind is empty, I can’t think, it’s just shock, after seeing this, you… like this. Like I’m somehow in complete denial of what I see with my very eyes, this just doesn’t seem real.” Says Stella

“I’m not that beautiful.” Jokes Stacy

“What the fuck even happened? What happened to a perfect shot? How do you end up with a black eye?” asks Stella

“It’s not a bullet hole, so I’m grateful for that.” Says Stacy

“That doesn’t even make any sense, you had a gun, how did you get into a fist fight?” asks Stella

“You don’t want to know, so don’t ask. I’ve told you too much already, thankfully you don’t listen too well under duress. It’s over, don’t worry about it. Let’s go to sleep.” Says Stacy, drying herself off

“What about your clothes?” asks Stella

“I’ll let them soak. They’ll be fine.” Says Stacy

“You know I’m going to have nightmares about this.” Says Stella

“If I come home alive, that’s a good day, that’s a very good day. If you have nightmares about good days, I don’t know what I can do to help.” Says Stacy

“Why do the good days seem like awful, terrible, incredibly frightening days?” asks Stella

“Well, only until the point where I come home, but I’m home now, so let that ease your mind, all of your fears away. Everything is ok now. Don’t worry.” Says Stacy, hugging Stella

“God damn it, Stacy, don’t do this to me. I love you too much for you to keep doing stupid things like this; these things kill me inside, you know that.” Says Stella, crying

“I know, but if I don’t do them, something will kill me on the outside, so this truly is the lesser of two evils. I’m tired, let’s go to sleep.” Says Stacy

“You don’t know how upset, how afraid, how hurt I am, by all of this, by what you do. I don’t even know those things myself, because I can’t comprehend it right now, I can’t comprehend anything. I need you to know that, I need you to know how hard this is on me.” Says Stella

“You’ve got to have faith in your horse; you know I’ll win, every time, just believe in me. I won’t let you down. I’m here now, just try to appreciate that.” Says Stacy, kissing Stella on the neck

“Try not to give me reasons to think otherwise, ok? That black eye certainly doesn’t help, but I can try to write it off. Having you here right now is more than I could ever dream of, and it’s more than enough, for now, thank you for coming home. I love you, Stacy.” Says Stella, kissing Stacy, in playful, loving, delusional levity

“I love you too. Let’s get some sleep, ok?” Says Stacy, hugging Stella warmly

“I hope you lose sleep over the fact that seeing you like this will probably cause me to have another mental breakdown; try to avoid causing that sort of thing to happen in the future, for my sake, for all of our sake. Clearly you could have put more thought into this plan of yours, so maybe less sleep and a bit more planning next time. You’re a bull in the china shop of my mind, Stacy, please be wary of that.” Says Stella

“I am, don’t worry. I’m tired, no more talking, please. Let’s lay down or I might collapse in here.” Says Stacy, yawning, patting Stella’s ass amiably,

“Of course, I’m sure you’re exhausted; just don’t forget what I said.” Says Stella, letting go of Stacy

“I’m no more interested in my death than you are, so hopefully that sets your mind at ease.” Says Stacy

“For some odd reason that never appears to be the case.” Says Stella

“I’m not dead am I?” asks Stacy

“By the skin of your teeth, it seems.” Says Stella

“My teeth have very thick skin.” Says Stacy, as the girls enter the bedroom, the guests still sitting on the bed, concerned, frightened

“All clean.” Says Stacy, lightheartedly, getting a pair of panties from her drawer and slipping on a nightgown

“I’m ready for bed. I’m sure you two can take care of yourselves.” Says Stacy, crawling into bed

“Yeah… is everything ok?” asks Ophelia, softly

“It’s ok. Don’t worry. It’s good enough, and that’s all I can ask for, you all got home alive, and that is the important thing.” Says Stella, dressing into her own nightgown, sitting on the foot of Stacy’s bed

“I’m glad you’re not too upset.” Says Ophelia

“I’m getting used to this, sort of, somehow; my expectations get lower every day, and tonight you three have exceeded them, to be honest. Thank you for that.” Says Stella

“Mine too, mine too. I’m going to brush my teeth.” Says Jenna

“Me too, you want to come, Stella?” asks Ophelia

“I’ve brushed mine before you came home, hoping it would help me sleep the fear away. Needless to say it didn’t work.” Says Stella

“Get some rest; I’m sure you need it after a night like tonight.” Says Ophelia

“Thanks, I can only imagine how hard it must be on you two.” Says Stella

“Our consolation is that we know if we’re dead or not, you unfortunately are not so lucky. After a certain amount of psychological trauma your mind breaks down to the point where you can just accept these things, you can cope, and I guess experiencing the wrath of Stacy first hand, we kind of got to that point quicker than you have.” Says Jenna

“I’m getting there. Trust me, I’m getting there.” Says Stella

“I just think of the fact that we’re doing good things, and even if things get scary, I know that we’re doing the right thing, and that helps me get over the fear, as much as I can anyways; I’m sure I’ll always be scared of gunshots, but even now I like to think that’s just the sound of Stacy doing the lord’s work.” Says Ophelia

“Amen to that.” Says Stacy, Stella chuckles

“Did you brush your teeth, Stacy?” asks Ophelia

“They’ll be there in the morning; I’m not getting out of bed.” Says Stacy

“I know you’re tired, I do that sometimes too, but it is important to be prudent about those sorts of things.” Says Ophelia

“I’ll confess tomorrow, for my imprudence.” Says Stacy

“That would be the first thing on my list if I were you.” Says Jenna, dryly

“I’m joking, there’s not a list. I can’t recall sinning of late, so I’ve no need to confess. Last time I checked, doing the lord’s work doesn’t qualify as a sin, but correct me if I’m wrong.” Says Stacy

“Go to sleep. I’m not going to harangue you about your interpretation of the faith.” Says Jenna

“Right-o. That is certainly on my list, right there at the top. Good night, girls, excellent work tonight, the both of you. I’ll be sleeping with a smile on my face tonight.” Says Stacy

“Good night, Stacy. You were amazing; scary, but super amazing.” Says Ophelia

“Good night, see you in the morning.” Says Jenna


“Can I sleep with you, Stacy?” asks Stella, softly,

“Climb aboard the Dreamweaver, and we’ll embark on an adventure to exotic locales full of mystery and delight.” Says Stacy

“Thanks.” Says Stella, climbing into bed with Stacy, cuddling her gratefully

“Hit the light when you come back, girls. Stella’s bed is up for grabs.” Says Stacy,

“Ok. Good night.” Says Ophelia, as the girls exit to brush their teeth, switching off the celling light on their way out, leaving the bedside lamp on, Stella kisses Stacy softly on the lips, and quickly falls asleep in her arms, the beating of Stella’s heart keeping Stacy awake, half-dreaming, reflecting upon the future


“Are you ok?” asks Ophelia, softly, as the girls enter the bathroom

“Yeah… you?” asks Jenna

“Yeah… I’m ok.” Says Ophelia, the girls brush their teeth and turn out the bathroom lights, fetch linens from the hall, return, undress, turn out the lights, and sleep in their usual bedding; Stella’s bed empty, the soft yellow streetlight fills the silence of the room, the open window drinks in the atmosphere, serene, cool, pleasant, tasteful, good. Breathing, heartbeats, forgotten before they’re gone, life itself forgotten in dreams, Stacy in love with Stella’s heartbeat, listening to it, happy, with herself, with everything, she thinks about the future.

Stacy is haunted by the prophesies of her own death, of Stella’s death, countless instances of tragedy race through her mind, following each prophecy in the blink of an eye to the end, always the same end, the death of one, of all of them; every time her intuition fails her, she tries again, to find a future, a real future, for her friends, her family, for herself, for Stella. She finds one, one future, one course of action, the one she has been searching for; everyone is alive, is happy, bringing a tear to her eyes, to know that such a fate is even possible. She imbibes this dream, quenching an unthinkable thirst for such salvation, her pangs of guilt, shame, remorse, all relieved by this one thought, this one possible future, she treasures it.






Stella in her mid-50s, sits naked in a sunken spa, a hot tub really, in a nondescript private room in a bathhouse, healthy, smiling, looks at Stacy, who walks into the room, withered with a collection of scars, modestly built but visibly so, without the flattering soft skin and full breasts of her feminine sister, she joins Stella in the hot tub

“I’m thinking about hanging up the mask for good.” Says Stacy

“Won’t you get eaten by the dog?” asks Stella, confused, startled

 “I’m no good for eating anymore; I’ve known that for a long time.” Says Stacy, distantly

“Why did you keep on wearing it, doing the things you do, if you know you didn’t have to?” asks Stella

“I wanted to.” Says Stacy

“You don’t anymore?” asks Stella

“Not really.” Says Stacy

“What do you want to do?” asks Stella

“Enjoy the rest of my life with the woman I love.” Says Stacy, smiling sincerely

“I want that too.” Says Stella, touched, taken aback


Two women in their mid-twenties walk into the room, appearing exactly as the girls did at that age


“Sunshine, Star, it’s a pleasure, you’re not working late tonight?” asks Stacy

 “It’s exhausting reminding people that I’m not simply the product of the despot’s nepotism; I’ve got to unwind.” Says Sunshine

 “That means making lots of people unhappy which I then have to somehow try to make happy again” says Star

 “I break them, you fix them; it’s the only way to induce the appropriate amount of fear without causing them to want to kill you” says Sunshine

“It is better to be feared than loved if you cannot be both.” Says Stacy

“Star is probably the only one capable of doing that.” Says Sunshine

“I love you too much; I know you too well to be scared of you, your anger, your volatility, it’s all a ruse and you know it.” Says Star

“I’m grateful for that; you don’t know what a relief it is to be able to drop that damn act.” Says Sunshine

“It’s cute how you two ended up just like us; I never would have thought that would happen.” Says Stella

“Sometimes there’s only one person in the world who is crazy enough to love you, I’m grateful I’ve found her.” Says Sunshine, kissing Star, kittenish


“I figured you would be the one working late, you’re pretty devoted to your despotism.” Says Sunshine

“I’m not the despot, you are; you’re the one with the office, the title.” Says Stacy

“So leading a revolution fueled by guerilla warfare, instating a military dictatorship, giving yourself absolute authority, and commanding your pawns to rule with an iron fist doesn’t qualify as despotism?” asks Sunshine

“I didn’t say that.” Says Stacy

“But you’re not a despot?” Asks Sunshine
“I am God.” Says Stacy, boldly, serious, pontifical yet levitous

“Of course.” Says Sunshine, rolling her eyes slightly and chuckling softly, “So what does that make me?”

“God incarnate.” Says Stacy, grinning boldly

“And Star?” asks Sunshine, playfully challenging

“Stella incarnate?” says Stacy, her pitch raised in playful confusion, truly unsure of what the correct answer might be

“I’m ok with that.” Says Star, cutely, comfortable with humility

“Somebody has to keep your sister from floating up to heaven.” Says Stella

“I hope I can do as good a job as you have.” Says Star

“You will, an even better one; if I managed to do it you shouldn’t doubt yourself for a second.” Says Stella, Star smiles, a bit embarrassed, reluctant to give herself credit


Jenna, looking no older than 35, enters the room,

“Seeing your girls always reminds me of our glory days; they look just like you two did at that age. It’s almost haunting, really, like a ghost from the past.” Says Jenna, joining the girls in the hot tub

“That’s because they are us.” Says Stacy

“Sort of, but I always thought they would look and act a bit different somehow; genetics don’t define everything a person does, you know.” Says Jenna

 “Apples don’t fall far from the tree, so they say.” Says Stacy

 “You knew that and still didn’t have any second thoughts about cloning yourselves?” asks Jenna

“Stella wanted to be a mother, and I wanted to do my part so this is what we came up with.” Says Stacy

 “I don’t see it as cloning; it’s more like we just had natural children since I carried them to term naturally. And since our genetics are the same, they would have turned out like this if we could do it normally, just like us. We have the same genetics after all.” Says Stella

 “I think mine might have gotten a little mutated after being born, but that’s just a hunch.” Says Stacy

“Your kids are doing well, I hope. You don’t talk about them much.” Says Stella

“They’re great, they are kind of boring I suppose; nothing but school and studying for the most part; they take after their mom. Julia still wants to be a relationship councilor for some reason; that sort of bothers me. I shouldn’t hold my kids to my own expectations, but she is capable of so much more than that, I think it’s sad that she doesn’t want to make the most of the amazing mind she has.” Says Jenna

“I guess some girls just end up like Ophelia no matter what you do; it’s not all that surprising considering that Ophelia is her godmother after all.” Says Stella

“I suppose, I’m glad she is far more aware of reality than Ophelia was at her age; the others look up to Isabelle for the most part, I run a business but they know Isabelle runs most all the businesses; I’m glad they’re dreaming big at least, I kind of wish they would look up to somebody who didn’t rely so heavily upon external forces to eschew them to success; even if that was only half of the reason Isabelle is so successful, it’s still a significant factor at the end of the day.” Says Jenna

“Who’s going to follow you into the bathhouse business?” asks Stacy

“I don’t think any of them have the magic touch quite like I do, unfortunately.” Says Jenna

“Of course not, it’s better that way, to be honest. I’d hate for your kids to have to go through what we did when we were young. I’ve always been curious as to how you can bless these waters without your cute little costume on; I’ve not seen you in that for ages but these waters still feel like heaven on my body.” Says Stacy

“I came to the conclusion that I could transform and just take the costume off without losing my magic.” Says Jenna

 “You’re a clever girl.” Says Stacy

“Thanks.” Says Jenna, smirking, unimpressed with herself

 “And nobody wants to be a woman’s rights lawyer?” asks Stella

“Thankfully no, it’s pretty sad that even after all these years the party won’t budge on that issue; Grace tries so hard to protect women and the party always strikes her down; I’m sure she would be dead with a mouth like hers if she didn’t have such connections with the powers that be.” Says Jenna

“She wouldn’t be dead; every despot needs a strawman, and wittingly or not, she certainly devotes her life to that role through her own volition. Honestly, why would women get rights when nobody has rights? You can always earn your privilege through loyalty and hard work; it’s ironic she’s not satisfied with that, she always used to complain how women suffered because they lacked privilege and weren’t rewarded for their hard work, but now that issue has been resolved and she’s got to find something new to complain about.” Says Stacy

“The aggressive repopulation effort isn’t popular with that many people, Stacy, especially not women for some odd reason. It’s not hard for people to find something to complain about.” Says Sunshine

“Well, people have to come from somewhere, and seeing how they only come from one place, that narrows down the search, doesn’t it? Women should love having children, so having at least two shouldn’t be a problem; you don’t even have to raise them, you can endow them to the party if you want, you even get paid for life if you have them; woman’s privilege is at an all-time high, what is there to complain about?” asks Stacy

“You don’t think that’s hypocritical coming from you? You didn’t have any children; it takes its toll on a woman.” Says Jenna

“Well Stella had my children, so I’m golden in that regard.” Says Stacy

 “If you were ever pregnant you would know it’s a big deal and a huge challenge, Jenna knows how hard it can be on a woman; it’s worth it, completely worth it to an unimaginable degree, but it definitely takes its toll on a woman, especially a new mother.” Says Stella

“It’s part of life, so we have to accept we are either a part of life or a part of death, take your pick.” Says Stacy

 “There’s no point in arguing with you, but I can see your point, not that I have a choice in the matter, not that anyone does, for better or for worse. I have faith in you, but a little more sympathy could always go a long way, even today.” Says Jenna

“I don’t know how you’re still tempted after all of these years to try and win an argument with me, even considering the thought of doing so, laughable.” Jokes Stacy

“Tantalus still reaches for the grapes, does he not?” asks Jenna

“Why torture yourself with the life of Tantalus? We can’t have these things for a reason; there is no reason to reach for them. Even you, despite your wisdom, still get tempted, after all of these years, by your humanity, by that which had brought this world to its knees, to the brink of death. The human mind worries me more than anything else in the world, you know, and yours is the least of my concern.” says Stacy

“I’m just saying, sometimes it would be nice to eat a grape rather than a persimmon.” Says Jenna

“Persimmons are the fruit of wisdom and grapes are the temptation and folly of the depraved. There is a reason we eat the persimmons.” Says Stacy

“Clearly. You ever hear anything from Eva? I miss her, you know.” Says Jenna

“Not much more than you, a few letters here and there. After the revolution she ran off into the wilderness, somewhere in the world, just roaming around, doing the lords work, and you know that much. She had one hell of a knack for magic, that’s the lord's truth; I presume she still uses it. In the letters she sends me, she always says she is fighting for environmental justice, mostly in the developing world. I’m sure you remember that her tastes in justice are not much different than my own, far more animal, wild, savage, almost reckless, but no less ruthless. That girl was a godsend, truly a miracle. Other than that, the type of thing you would expect, living among like-minded people, the natural sort, loners, wanderers, that sort of folk. This sort of life, civilization, is not quite her cup of tea, you know?” says Stacy

“At least she’s doing what she always wanted, that’s touching. She always seemed to have a screw loose, I hope she’s not fallen off the wagon completely; I figure living in the wilderness might do that, especially when you rely on augury to understand what is happening in the world. I could never get in touch with her over the phone, so I figured she just didn’t want to talk to me.” Says Jenna

“I don’t even think she has a phone, not for a long time anyways; the last thing she wants is for somebody to know her location. All I know is she stops by some temple in the East once or twice a year, she sent me a letter once with a return address from there, so that’s where I send my letters; perhaps it’s best I don’t know what she’s actually doing. She’s just different, not crazy at all, just out there, way out there. Of course she’ll seem out of place in a city, in civilization, considering that her best friends are birds, but she’s found her place in the world, she’s quite happy now.” Says Stacy

“It’s good to hear that. All of this recollecting, us here together, your girls, got me a little tender, thinking about everything that’s happened. It’s been one hell of a journey, I’ll tell you that much, and to be fair, things easily could have turned out worse, much worse than this, and I’m grateful that they didn’t; even if we all have our share of regrettable decisions, we’re not dead, and that’s more than I ever could have hoped for. I’m just hoping things, our lives, don’t fall apart; I don’t have any reason to think they will, but you know me, I’ve always been one for irrational fears.” Says Jenna

“I can’t remember any regrettable decisions; we did what we were forced to do, there’s no reason to regret that, but it has been quite the journey, I’ll give you that.” Says Stacy


“I have news, for once, great news that might console those fears, Jenna, oddly enough. Stacy is thinking she’s going to retire after all these years, can you believe it?” says Stella, excited, yet still in disbelief herself

“No, what? No I can’t believe that. Not for a second. Nonsense. Really? What?” Says Jenna, in dumbfounded baffled confusion in the face of an unthinkable proposition

“It’s true. I’m getting old, you know.” Says Stacy

 “You’re going to abandon the American Patrol just like that?” asks Star

“I’ll be barking orders at them until I die; I love the patrol, but they’re competent enough to survive without me.” Says Stacy

“You think I’ll survive without having you instill the fear of god into our people?” asks Sunshine

“You’re a fool if you think anyone who isn’t loyal to me is still alive; it’s not like I’m dead either, there will still be plenty of fear of God to go around, the Army of God will still be crusading even if God isn’t on the battlefield, hell, even long after I’m dead.” Says Stacy

“That’s a nice thought; let’s just hope it’s more than a pleasant little thought when all is said and done.” Says Sunshine

“It is. It most certainly is. You can trust me on that one. Besides, hardly the most important thing we need to talk about.” Says Stacy


“Really? Compared to the retirement of, and I quote, ‘god’?  What else could possibly be more important than that? Asks Sunshine

“Grandkids.” Says Stacy, smiling

“Jesus Stacy, the girls are four years old, you don’t need to start grooming the heir to your throne; just let her have fun with her sister and be a kid for a while. Little Stacy might not even want to have anything to do with this nonsense, you should really try to respect that rather than force your will upon her.” Says Sunshine

“It’s nothing like that, I know you will teach her well and I have nothing to worry about. I was just thinking it would be nice if we had a bigger family, you know, since Stella and I have plenty of time to take care of the girls now. Your sister and I talk about this sometimes, and I thought now would be a good time, that the news might ease some of the concerns you might have about that sort of thing.” Says Stacy, Stella looking at her daughters, smiling, warmly timid, hopeful

“You really want 4 of yourself running around?” asks Jenna

“That’s not the point at all, I just love my grandkids. You’ll know that feeling in a few months if I’m not mistaken. It’s the best feeling in the world, and I’m thinking this would be an amazing thing for everybody involved to be honest.” Says Stacy

“4 of yourself is the only thing I’m imagining right now; I know we’re all different, but that thought is what scares me. She’s cute because she’s little, but you remember how I was as a teenager, and I don’t know if adding even more volatility to that situation is all too reasonable.” Says Sunshine

“We’ll there would also be four Stellas, so you’ve got nothing to worry about.” Jokes Stacy

“I don’t know if that’s really going to be enough.” Says Sunshine

“Please?” asks Star, begging playfully

“Please?” asks Stella, overcome with endless love for her family

“What do you say?” asks Stacy, warmly, Sunshine looking at each of them

“Fine.” Says Sunshine, reluctantly happy

“Yay.” Says Star, sharing quite the smooch with her wife, Jenna too accustomed to this to be noticeably perturbed

“I’m glad you are still good at convincing people to agree with you.” Says Stella, wrapping her arms around Stacy’s neck, dreamily falling into her arms, kissing her lovingly

“When my only goal is to make the world a better place, sometimes it’s not that hard to get people to agree with you.” Says Stacy, warmly, lovingly, tenderly, sincerely, Stacy