Go to store to get milk
Milk in front expires 10 days before new milk
Still has 7 days left before expiry date
New milk expires in 17 days.
I will drink a gallon in 7 days
May as well buy the milk
Nothing wrong with it
Will help the store rotate product
Be an upstanding citizen
Trust the store that milk is fine
Milk sour as fuck
Every single fucking time
This has happened 3-5 times in the past year
Altruism is a serious psychological disorder
Just causes you to be exploited
Pro White-Altruism policies No different than "pro-van-giving-candy-to-children policies" because "clearly only good natured and kind people would be so generous as to give candy to children
I'm brutally raped by society every day of the week "out of the goodness of my heart"
Every fucking progressive social-liberal egalitarian fuck needs to be force fed sour milk every day of the week
This is what they're getting, because by altruist logic, it's milk, still in date, it must be perfectly fine
In the real world, this is milk which was skipped over for a reason
This was milk that was left out for 12 hours because nobody gives a fuck
Then the socialists just put the fucking milk back, "it's still good, look at the date"
Socialists cry "The milk is just as good as the other milk"
100% bullshit, fuckers need to drink this sour milk they try to sell us
Fuckers say "Buy the sour milk it's just as good"
Every fucking figment of common sense in the world says
"That milk is not as good as the other milk"
Altruist delusion says "That milk is still in date; it must be perfectly fine."
That milk was passed over for a reason
The expiry date of that milk is 10 days ahead of the new milk for a reason
Every jug of milk has a story to tell
There's a reason why it was passed over and avoided
It's not because the fucking milk is a diamond in the rough
It's not because that milk is "just as good as the other milk"
With "a little help" that milk isn't going to be "just as good"
That milk is worthless disgusting trash
garbage sold to you by con-men
people exploiting those sick with altruism
turning the easy tricks
but the altruist can't understand that con-men exist
the altruist gives people the benefit of the doubt
the altruist tries to help out, thinking they will be fine
They are doing nothing but volunteering to be hurt
They are volunteering to be the victim of those who seek to exploit
They volunteer to suffer so that the wicked can be pleased
I spent 3 dollars, again, the third or 5th time this year
Out of the goodness of my heart, thinking "eh, the milk is probably fine"
It wasn't fine. It never was fine, the 3-5 times before either.
mind can't learn this, because it is sick with altruism.
It thinks people have good intentions and work hard for society.
People don't.
People are selfish creatures, and the altruist is easy prey.
My baseline reaction is to trust the person every time.
This means every person seeking to exploit trust for personal gain always wins.
They always exploit my trust and I always suffer so they can benefit
I always lose so they can win.
They don't deserve to win, but I surely deserve to lose.
I deserve to lose like the NPCs in video games.
I am biologically designed to lose, genetically an altruist.
I am nothing but a host-body for parasite con-men.
I do nothing but slave so that the con-men can eat the fruits of my labor.
That's what an altruist is.
You work and die to empower those willing to exploit your sickness.
This milk, maybe 9-15 dollars on awful milk I spent, down the drain.
How much have you lost due to this sickness?
How much has your country poured down the drain in blind trust?
How much does your country fail to learn from their mistakes?
Time and time again, buying sour milk, voluntarily
Being the victim out of the kindness of your hearts
gaining nothing, never at any point gaining anything
buying sour milk solely to empower the people selling the sour milk
the people sending you their garbage, which you believe is "valuable product"
every swindling bastard coming up to you with a sad story to tell
This shit sits in your country
I accept my loss, understand my disease, and I pour the milk down the drain
Your country says "Smell and taste the milk, it's just as good."
Lying to themselves endlessly, their delusions shattered by empirical evidence
The facts are hurtful so this means they are wrong
Since facts like this are wrong, then buy the sour milk
Buy the oldest gallon of milk in the cooler every time
The milk with the sad story, the overlooked milk
Remind yourself that it's "just as good as the other milk"
pour that down your throat every day
truly appreciate and value the diversity of that milk
this is what your insane altruistic socialist policies do
they spend all the money on the sour milk
"It's just as good, there's nothing wrong with it."
"This milk is the victim so we have to pay for it."
Go, do it, pay for that milk. Drink that milk.
If you support the social altruism but you always buy the newest milk
You're a hypocrite, no different than fascists like Hitler when he killed the Jews
you're selecting milk for "quality" and condemning the "inferior" milk to death
This is what you do when you leave that old milk and choose the new milk
You're worse than Hitler because at least Hitler wasn't a two-faced fascist fuck
Hitler openly admitted to wanting only the "good milk" and openly condemned the "bad milk"
You fuckers only buy new milk,
but you turn around and try to force the bad milk down the throat of the country
The worst type of people, unwilling to practice what you preach
Instead only willing to force it upon others
just so you can pretend you're a good person
Just so you can pretend you're not a fascist that only buys new milk
Just so you can pretend you don't condemn, ghettoize and discriminate against old milk
You know you're a hatful bigot, but by sending your dollar a day to Africa
You entitle yourself to spit on every person who doesn't do this
You place yourself on a pedestal of the illusion of your own virtue
You condemn everybody for ignoring the "old milk" humans of the world
You scream and cry about the "old milk" people
You attack people who don't drink the "old milk" people
Yet every time you go to the store, you buy only new milk
You reach behind the old milk, just to get the new milk
You're no different than Hitler in your discrimination
The only difference is that you lie to people’s faces
As if Hitler spent his whole life saying he loved Jews and Gypsies
As if Hitler spent his life throwing coins at these people
Then condemned other people for not helping them
All while he secretly committed genocide against the people
That's who you are
That's who you godforsaken false-socialists are
You hide in the crowds of the people sick with altruism
you trick them into your con of buying the old milk people
You get them to bite the bullet for you
These people suffer from the old milk
All while you reap the benefit
You stand on the corpses of these people
As the pedestal of your virtue
as evidence of how kind and nice you are
Shouting, condemning the world, attacking people
All because they don't buy the old milk
You stand on these victims of the old milk
Ether dead, brutally beaten, or too sick to condemn you
Condemning people who don’t buy the old milk
All so you can pretend you’re better than people
All so you can stroke your fragile ego
Which is nothing but a fantasy of moral supremacy